HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-12-09; City Council; 17396; Grant for Adult Learning Program General FundAB# 17,396 MTG. 12/9/03 DEPT. LIB CITY OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL TITLE: ACCEPTANCE OF THE GRANT OF $28,851 FROM APPROPRIATING THE FUNDS AND ALLOCATING THE THE ADULT LEARNING PROGRAM’S GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT. KCALIFORNIA LIBRARY LITERACY SERVICE, ACCRUED INTEREST FROM THE 2002-2003 GRANT TO DEPT. HD. CITY ATTY. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2003-316 accepting a grant in the amount of $28,851 from the California Library Literacy Service, appropriating the funds to the Library grant account (1834007) and allocating the accrued interest from the 2002-2003 grant to the Adult Learning Program’s general fund account (00140557550). ITEM EXPLANATION: 0 From 1984 until 1989 the Carlsbad City Library adult literacy program was funded with grant money from the state. 0 In 1989, when those funds were no longer available, the City’s General Fund picked up the support of the program. 0 In 1990, when the California Library Literacy Service was created, the library became eligible for additional matching grant funds. 0 We have applied for and received the matching grant funds each year for the past twelve years. 0 The award reflects a new CLLS funding formula developed as a result of changes in the way literacy services are funded during the recent state budget process. This award represents an 8% increase on what we received last year. FISCAL IMPACT: The Carlsbad City Library meets the eligibility requirements for receiving State funds. These funds are awarded by the State to extend or enhance existing literacy services. Grant funds will be used for the purchase of instructional materials, expansion of the library literacy collection, support of the 20fh anniversary celebration of the learning program, tutor and staff training, curriculum development and general tutor and learner support. EXHIBITS: I. Resolution No. 2 00 3-316 accepting a grant from the California State Library Literacy Service, appropriating the funds and allocating the interest from the 2002-2003 fund account to the Adult Learning Programs general fund account. 2. Letter from the State Librarian dated October 17, 2003 announcing the grant in the amount of $28,851 .OO Department Contact: Cliff Lange, Library Director. 602-201 0, clana@ci.carlsbad.ca.us , 1 s A I f 1 I E 1c 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EXHIBIT 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2 003- 3 16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING A GRANT FROM THE CALIFORNIA LIBRARY LITERACY SERVICE, APPROPRIATING THE FUNDS AND ALLOCATING THE ADULT LEARNING PROGRAM’S GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT. ACCRUED INTEREST FROM THE 2002-2003 GRANT TO THE WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Library Adult Learning Program provides training to meet the literacy needs of adults; and WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Library Adult Learning Program supports the goals of the City Council and the objectives of the Library; and WHEREAS, the California State Library is providing additional support for the Library Adult Learning Program with grant funds in the amount of $28,851 .OO; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That state funds in the amount of $28,851.00 are hereby appropriated to the Library 2003-2004 Literacy Grant Account. 3. That accrued interest from the 2002-2003 account is hereby appropriated to account # 001 -4055-7550. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, at a regular meeting held on the 9th day of December , 2003, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Finnila, Kulchin, Hall and Packard (SEAL) ATJEST: EXHIBIT #2 October 17,2003 Clifford Lange, Library Director Carlsbad City Library 1775 Dove Lane Carlsbad, CA 92009-4048 CALI FO RN IA STATE LIBRARY FOUNDED 1850 Dear Mr. Lange: I am pleased to inform you that your annual California Library Literacy Services allocation for the 2003/04 fiscal year will be $28,85 1. This amount is to be used to support the following approved CLLS program components: e Adult Literacy Service This award reflects a new CLLS funding formula developed as a result of changes both in the way literacy services are funded, and on a change in the legislation authorizing our literacy services that was enacted during the recent state budget process. Your award amount represents an 8% increase on what you received from us last year for your Adult and Family Literacy services. This letter is intended to provide: 1) . Information about how the funding formula was applied for this year 2) A description of the new funding formula and the philosophy behind it 3) Some information regarding the definition of adult learner 4) Specific comments to your library literacy program, and 5) Instructions for claiming your award. In this first year implementation of the new funding formula, some additional commitments were made and are reflected in the final award amounts: (1) That no local library would receive less than 75% of what it received during 2002/03 for its Adult (2) That no local library would receive more than a 66% increase above what it received during and Family Literacy services; 2002/03 for its Adult and Family Literacy services (this applied primarily to very small programs previously receiving less than $10,000 in state literacy funds); program. (As most of those are in Years 4 or 5, they would have received a 25% reduction in the old formula). (3) That we would maintain our scheduled amounts for those libraries still in years 2 - 5 of the In essence, the funding formula has moved from being one dimensional-a state match on locally generated dollars for adult literacy-to a three-part funding formula that more accurately reflects our CLLS mission and values and provides more equity for communities where local funding resources are very limited. The three parts of the new funding formula that have been used to calculate your award are: Library - Courts Building PO. Box 942837 3 Sacramento, CA 94237-0001 0 A baseline amount for each of your approved CLLS program components that reflects our understanding of the importance of each library having enough funds to provide a baseline level of local literacy staffing. 0 Aper capita amount per adult learner served in 02/03 that reflects the fact that Adult Literacy Services are the heart of our service, and are the basis for all other literacy services. A match on local funds raised and expended for adult literacy services-reflecting a commitment to a continuing StateLocal partnership, and to providing an incentive for increased local support for adult literacy. In the second year implementation of the fbnding formula, we recognize that additional adjustments may occur, primarily because the amount of local expenditures and numbers of adult learners used this year were reported by you based on 2002/03 guidelines and not on the newly defined definition of an adult learner and on the fine-tuned local match guidelines. My staff and I will pay careful attention to these changes and their effects on local programs, and we will make adjustments as needed to allow a smooth transition into full implementation of the funding formula. I know you applaud, as I do, the additional flexibility and streamlining that comes with this funding formula implementation. Let me remind you of those additional positive changes: 0 A single annual application and budget projection have been developed for all your CLLS program components. You will no longer be applying for literacy services by individual program components. 0 A single reporting format has been developed as well. You will complete one report online, at mid-year and year end. 0 You are at liberty to use CLLS dollars across any of your approved CLLS program components- Adult Literacy, Family Literacy, ELL1 and LLABS-as needed based on local needs and resources, as long as your program plans continue to ensure achievement of the minimum standards for each of your funded components. Since the funding formula is now based, in part, on a count of English-speaking adult learners who have received instruction through your literacy services, you will need to pay greater attention to a distinction between literacy students and ESL students. As the CLLS minimum standards suggest, a literacy student "seeks literacy services for himherself in English and is able to do the intake interview in English." As a minimum standard, this is quite limited for the sort of complexity that is required for deciding whether an individual fits into one category or another, so it will be up to you to come up with a rubric to further distinguish whether a new learner is a literacy candidate or an ESL candidate. Questions like, "How long have you been in the U.S.?" and "How much schooling did you have in your native country?" can help make that determination. For instance, if you have someone who has been in the U.S. for 15 years and only went up to the 5th grade in their native country, you probably have a literacy candidate. If have someone who has been in the U.S. for less than a year and is university educated in their native country, you have an ESL candidate. We are trusting you to make that final distinction, however you decide to do it. We will initiate the payment process upon receipt of your signed Claim Form (attached). You should receive a check for the above amount within six weeks of submitting your claim form. All of these funds must be expended or encumbered by June 30,2004. 4 You will be asked to report electronically twice this fiscal year-once in January, and again after the close of the fiscal year. My staff will provide more details on this process. The following specific issues or observations are being made about your application: Should you have additional questions regarding the new funding and/or reporting process, please contact Carla Lehn at (916) 653-7743/clehn@library.ca.gov or Cindy Tackett at (916) 653- 7 1 72/ctac kett @lib rary.ca.gov. Best wishes in implementing your important library literacy services. Yours sincerely, \&%* Dr. Kevin Starr State Librarian of California cc: Literacy Coordinator Enclosures Claim Form Budget Forms (if required) Budget Change Request