HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-12-09; City Council; 17398; Recreational Surfacing Grant for Synthetic Turf17,398 4B# MTG. 12/09/03 DEPT. PW TITLE: APPROVAL OF WASTE TIRE TRACK AND OTHER RECREATIONAL SURFACING GRANT FOR SYNTHETIC TURF FIELD AT AVIARA PARK I DEPT. H’d. CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2003-318 approving the City of Carlsbad’s application to the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) Waste Tire Track and Other Recreational Surfacing Grant and authorizing the Public Works Director, or designee, to sign all related grant documents, i.e., correspondence and reports. ITEM EXPLANATION: The California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) receives an annual appropriation from the California Tire Recycling Management Fund to administer the Tire Recycling Act (Assembly Bill 1843, Brown, Statutes of 1989, Chapter 974) and related legislation. As part of the Act, CIWMB offers a competitive Waste Tire Track and Other Recreational Surfacing Grant Program to encourage the reduction of landfill disposal and stockpiling of California waste tires. Revenue for the Tire Grants is generated from a $l.OO-per-tire fee on each new tire sold in California. Eight hundred thousand dollars ($800,000) will be available to fund the fiscal year 2003-2004 Waste Tire Track and Other Recreational Surfacing Grant Program. Award of the fiscal year 2003-2004 Waste Tire Track and Other Recreational Surfacing Grant is contingent upon and subject to the availability of funds. If there are more grant applications that meet the criteria than funding available, CIWMB will award grants based on a geographic distribution of funds. CIWMB will allocate grant funds by passing score (rank order), then funding will be split, as follows: sixty-one percent (61 %) to projects submitted from southern California and thirty-nine percent (39%) to projects submitted from northern California. Grant funding shall not exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($1 00,000) for any jurisdiction. With City Council’s approval, if Carlsbad is awarded a Tire Grant, the funding will help offset costs of the construction and installation of a lighted synthetic turf soccer filed field at Aviara Park. This field will use 40,000+ recycled tires or fill material for the base of the field. The synthetic turf field will be part of a larger community park, which is slated for construction beginning spring 2004. The City chose to construct a synthetic turf field as opposed to planting natural grass or installing astro-turf because of the environmental benefits and maintenance and operations savings, as well as an increased availability to residents and local organizations. Tire Grant applications are reviewed by the CIWMB with awards scheduled for April 2004. The awarded grant funds must be expended by April 1,2006. Staff recommends that the City Council delegate signature authority for all CIWMB Tire Grant related documents to the Public Works Director, or his designee. This delegation of signature authority will make the grant application and administration process less burdensome for staff. FISCAL IMPACT: If the City’s Tire Grant application is awarded by CIWMB, the City could receive a maximum grant of $100,000 with the City required to provide 100% match by the City. The cost of the synthetic soccer field is estimated at $600,000. There are sufficient Public Facilities Fee funds available and appropriated to fund the soccer field and meet the City’s match requirement. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 2003-318 approving the City of Carlsbad’s application to the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) Waste Tire Track and Other Recreational Surfacing Grant and authorizing the Public Works Director, or designee, to sign all related grant documents, i.e., correspondence and reports. Waste Tire Track and Other Recreational Surfacing Grant Application. 2. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Ann McClain, (760) 602-2776, amccl@ci.carlsad.ca.us I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2003-318 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD’S APPLICATION TO THE CALIFORNIA INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD (CIWMB) WASTE TIRE TRACK AND OTHER RECREATIONAL SURFACING GRANT AND AUTHORIZING THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR, OR DESIGNEE, TO SIGN ALL RELATED GRANT DOCUMENTS. WHEREAS, grant funding has been established by the California Tire Recycling Management Fund to administer the Tire Recycling Act (Assembly Bill 1843, Brown, Statutes of 1989, Chapter 974) and related legislation to encourage the reduction of landfill disposal and stockpiling of California waste tires; and WHEREAS, the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIW MB) receives an annual appropriation from the California Tire Recycling Management Fund to administer the Tire Recycling Act, which offers competitive Waste Tire Track and Other Recreational Surfacing Grant Program to encourage the reduction of landfill disposal and stockpiling of California waste tires funded from the generation of a $1 .OO-per-tire fee on each new tire sold in California; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is desirous of applying for these funds; and the funding will help offset costs of the construction and installation of a lighted synthetic turf soccer filed field at Aviara Park. This field will use 40,000+ recycled tires or fill material for the base of the field; and WHEREAS, the CIWMB program requires that the grant application be approved by the City Council and a signature authority be appointed by City Council resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. The submittal of the Waste Tire Grant application is approved. Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3. The Public Works Director, or his designee, are appointed as the signature authorities for all Waste Tire Track and Other Recreational Surfacing Grant documents. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 9th day of December , 2003 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Hall and Packard ABSENT: None ATTEST (SEAL) 'age 2 of 2 of Resolution No. 2003-318. . I August 2 '. CALI'FORIVIA ENVIRONMENTAL PRO INTEGRA TED WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD WASTE TIRE TRACK AND OTHER RECREATIONAL SURFACING GRANT PROGRAM FY 2003/2004 APPLICATION Available to the Following Public Entities in California that Operate Public Recreational Facilities Open to the Public During Normal Recreational Hours: Cities, Counties, City and County, Park Districts, Special Districts, Public School Districts, State Owned Recreational Facilities, Colleges, Universities, and Qualifying California Indian Tribes. Applications must exhibit a postmark or a commercial carrier tracking number dated by Monday, November 3,2003 Hand-delivered, faxed, E-mailed or late applications will not be accepted. Maximum Points: I00 Applicants Must Score 70% (70 of 100 Points) To Be Considered For Funding Waste Tire Grant Hotline Number (916) 341-6441 This page has been intentionally left blank. California Integrated Waste Management Board Waste lire Track and Other Recreational Surfacing Grant Program Page 2 FY 2003-2004 , :ity: Carlsbad County: San Diego Zip Code: 92008 Zompany Name: N/A Phone: N/A County City and County Park District School District Qualifying California Indian Tribe (at least an amount equal to the amount of grant State Agency The construction and installation of a synthetic turf (lighted) soccer field using 40,000+ recycled tires or fill material for base of the field. The synthetic turf field will be part of a larger community park, which will be constructed beginning spring of 2004. The park is being constructed based upon the need of more parks and facilities within the City of Carlsbad based upon the City's growth management plan, annual resident survey and user requests. The City of Carlsbad chose to construct a synthetic turf field as opposed to natural grass or astro-turf for the environmental benefits and maintenance and operations benefits and Authorized Signature: Date: 10/31/03 Type or print name and title: Environmental Justice - Applicant certifies that, if awarded a grant, it shall, in the performance of the grant ?i@ ag ement, conduct its programs, policies, and activities that substantially affect human health or the environment in a manner that ensures the fair treatment of people Of all races, cultures, and incOme levels, including minority populations and low-income populations of the State. (Please check box and initial.) (Title must be designated in the Resolution) I1 California Integrated Waste Management Board Page 3 Waste Tire Track and Other Recreational Surfacing Grant Program FY 2003-2004 r- c Public entities that receive grant fundingfiom CTKMB for this grantprogram must comply with the following principles of Environmental Justice. Environmental Justice is defined in Government Code Section fair treatment ofpeople of all races, cultures, and incomes with development, adoption, implementation, and enforcement of e regulations, and policies. Senate Bill I I5 (Solis, Statutes of 1999, Chapter 690) broadly requires all California Environmental Protection Agency boards, departments, and of@ces to conduct their "programs, policies, and activities that substantially affec health or the environment in a manner that ensures the fair treatment ofpeople of all races, cultures, and income levels, including minority populations and low- income populations of the state." ,, California Integrated Waste Management Board WasteTire Track and Other Recreational Surfacing Grant Program , Page 4 FY 2003-2004 rant Abplicaflt: City of Carlsbad Agency Name City of Carlsbad Grant Name and Cycle: Atriara Park, City of Carlsbad Date Submitted 10/31/03 Date Updated Grant # 'LEASE mC nclude copies of the BOX FOR EACH PERMITLICENS I (a) This list is not intended to be all-inclusive. Grant applicant inay attach additional information for other critical permits~Iicenses/~Iin~s not listed above. NOTES: The City will competitively bid a contractor to perform the installation phase of the synthetic turf field. The City will ensure the contractor follows all City, County, State and Federal mandates as part of the competitive bid review and evaluation. California Integrated Waste Management Board Waste Tire Track and Other Recreational Surfacing Grant Program Page 5 N 2003-2004 7 3rant Applicant: City of Carlsbad will comply with all Executed at the Carlsbad, CA on 10/3 1/03 City of Carlsbaa Lloyd Hubbs, Public Works Director Grant Applicant / Authorized Signatory Name and Title (print) California Integrated Waste Management Board Waste Tire Track and Other Recreational Surfacing Grant Program Page 6 FY 2003-2004 b Business Permjts, Licenses, And Filings, and a Resolution, or if applicable, a Joint Power Authority (JPA) agreement, and/or Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). TO assist YOU, a sample application that includes some ofour best responses has been posted on the CIWMB website at: www.ciwmb.ca.qov~ires/GrantsrrrackSurface. The grant application clearly and convinci project should be funded (e.g., benefits, end products, etc.) . (10 pts.) Describe your project, why the project is needed, and how it will benefd the community and meet the community’s needs. Describe the project funding needs. ‘Address the identified gap in service availability. This means what is the length of time the refurbished Or new recreational SUrfaCing project will be out of service should the project obtain funding. In addition, what is the current unmet need and how will grant meet the need of the community? The requested funding for a synthetic turf field is part Of a larger community park complex in the City of Carisbad. There are strong needs for additional parks in the City. The City established a growth management program to help maintain a high quality of living for residents. The growth management plan requires 3 acres of park for every 1,000 residents. Currently, the City is significantly deficient in W?aSurement ;af the growth plan, A statistically valid annual survey of residents show additionakou fiekt spdtts and facilities are important to residents. The proposed park will consist of basketballcourts; baseball fields, group picnic area, tot lot and lighted soccer fields (synthetic turf field). The proposed synthetic field and surrdunding park will service approximately 22,000 residents in the immediate surrounding area as well as the other City residents and locat Organizations. It is the request of the City for assistance in funding for the soccer fields, which will be synthetic turf. The request is only for the installation phase of the synthetic turf field. The City will be responsible for the design, construction, advertisement and maintenance of the other components of the community park. The addition of the synthetic turf field demonstrates many benefits for both residents as well as the City. There are too many people and organizations desiring to use the City’s park system, which currently has a limited number active parks andlor facilities. The synthetic turf will increase the availability to residents; local sports organizations, schools and City sponsored programs. It offers uninterrupted use of the facility from 8a to lop, 365 days per year in all weather conditions thereby experiencing minimal to no downtime. This allows the City to increase the programs availability offered to residents, increase practice and game availability to local sports organizations and schools throughout the year. The synthetic turf offers an environmentally friendly alternative to natural grass or astro-turf. The synthetic turf does not require water either potable or reclaimed, herbicides, pesticides or fertilizers for maintenance or sustainability. The decreased usage of the aforementioned items increases water conservation and decreases potential run off into the storm water drains as well as provides a use for recycled tires. Furthermore, it requires minimal maintenance by staff thereby increasing the availability of the field. In addition, the synthetic turf offers a 12-15 year life span with easy replacement areas. strates why the re acing ining the recreational surfacing The addition of the synthetic turf soccer field Will significantly enhance the availability of recreation programs and services to City residents and local sports organizations. This type of field also offers an environmentally friendly alternative that has far reaching environmental effects on the community. California Integrated Waste Management Board Waste Tire Track and Other Recreational Surfacing Grant Program Page 7 2003-2004 4 e need will be accepted. Photos do not replace the description. The City seeks to establish a new facility rather than correcting a recreational surfacing problem. The problem faced by the City is a deficiency in the number of recreational fie City would like to use an environmentally friendly alternative to natural g growth- ma-nagement-plan to facilitate aW!i!!?C!the_ growth wiUli!ntheC- acres of park per every 1,000 residents. The City is currently unde facility wilC increase the availability of recreational field services to osingan * - environmentally responsible option. The park will service approximately 22,060 residents living in close proximity. bility to residents. The ro-turf. The City uses a -M.ctates thatthere be 3 uurce td tesiden&. This (5 pts.) Describe the health and safety threats or environmental concerns for users of existing recreational facilities (i.e., the community recreating in unsafelundesirabie areas, contamination from animals, debris on surfacing, hard fall surfaces, or other health and safety hazards due to surfacing design, etc.). This is a new facility. Not only is the synthetic turf an environmentally responsible alternative, it also appears to be easier on joints and injuries than traditional grass. As previously mentioned, the environmental benefits include nwtonger requiring the use of pesticides, herbicides and fertilizer to maintain the field, which ultimately causes downtime. Residents will no longer be exposed to those chemicals with a synthetic turf field and the potential for run off into the storm drains are eliminated, California Integrated Waste Management Board Waste Tire Track and Other Recreational Surfacing Grant Program IO Page a FY 2003-2004 GOALSIOBJECTIVES (Criterion #2 - -IO points) Goals and objectives must describe what you wish to accomplish by completing this grant project. (7 pts.) Describe specific goals and objectives for the project. The goals should reflect what you wish through the project. The related objectives should be Specific, measurable, relevant to the project, an Please see the definitions for goals and objectives in Appendix D. Sample format: Goal 1 - Increase sports programs availability Objective1 - Reduce th Objective 2 - Accommodate a wide range of activities including contact sports such as fbotbalt, rugby and ntime of the field thereby inc iStions and schools. ing the availabil lacrosse Goal 2 - Build an environmentally responsible and minimum maintenance facility 0bje-e I - Decrease the field expenses for water, fertilizer, plant material and maintenance Objectbe 2 -Eliminate the ‘wtential run off into the storm drains of fertilizer, pesticldes and herbicides Objective 3 - Provide a durable field, which will remain smooth and uniform with minimum maintenance Goal 3 - Provide an all weather and safe play surface field Objective I - Minimize injuries by providing a flat, even, consistent surface, which is neither to hard nor too soft and provides proper traction Objective 2 1 Provide a consistent, high quality playing field Objective 3 -Provide a high degree of safety for all participants (3 pts.) How was the identified need as described in Criterion #1 determined for this project? For example: community workshops, planning sessions, user input. surveys, etc. The City used several informational sources to establish the need for this project. The growth plan for the city dictates that there be 3 acres of park per 1,000 residents. Currently, the City is deficient in meeting this requirement. The establishment of this park and specifically the synthetic turf field will help close the gap in this area. Furthermore, the City visited other facilities and fields to help determine the type of location best served for this area of the City. The residents and users of the facility played a significant role on input. The city conducted planning sessions and community workshops to discuss the project. The output was the design recommendation. California Integrated Waste Management Board Waste Tire Track and Other Recreational Surfacing Grant Program Page 9 I1 FY 2003-2004 GE (Criterion #3 - 5 points) Describe a specific list of all grant eligible procedures or tasks to be used to complete your project. = Identify the staffing from your agency required'to complete €he proposed project For examp staff titles, architect, engineer, park planner, etc. If your agency plans to use a contract fo co project, include specific contractor details in your narrative of the work plan. The proposed project for this grant is the synthetic turf field which, is part of a larger community complex. The development of the community complex has involved the C turf field will be installed by an independent installation portion of this project. The project will be competitiv equipment, transportation and services to install complete new Vertical draining recycled rubber in-filled synthetic turf surfacing system for the designated filed area manager, recreation department staff, and p tect not 1. rn List any cooperating individuals and/or organizations and describe their involvement. For example, the ~otary Club, neighborhood volunteers, parents, a private business that will provide volunteer services, etc. (For the purposes of this criteflon, the applicant agency is not considered a coopemting individuat or organization.) This is a City generated and funded project, however input from numerous groups has been taken into consideration. Groups such as Community Planning, local athletic associations, Lightning Soccer, Carisbad Wave Soccer, Carlsbad High School Soccer, La Costa Canyon Soccer and the Parks & Recreation Department, which sponsors adult sports all provided input and suggestions concerning the community facility as well as the synthetic turf field. Describe a mecific funding plan for future maintenance and operational costs. The City is financially responsible for the entire park, which includes the synthetic turf field. The funding source will be from the City's general fund. The City will also be responsible for the carsts associated with maintenance and operations of the facilities. Work Plan continued on next page California Integrated Waste Management Board Waste Tire Track arid Other Recreational Surfacing Grant Program Page 10 FY 2003-2004 I- 3 c3 W I- 2 3 I drv) 00 OQ NN N t I3 aids to evaluate the project :complished successfully. pts.) How wili you determine if the goals, objectives, and tasks for this project have been accomplished (post-constdon spection, use by the community, user surveys, etc.)? he City will measure each of the goals through quantitative and qualitative analysis. The City will measure the laintenance management reports to determine effectiveness in owntime. The registration fums completed to us0 the facilities rganizatians using the fields as well as the variety of sports havi e used to assess the safety of the field when compared to other ispections of the field will monitor the quality of the field and du le use and satisfaction of the field. 'he city will use customer surveys, maintenance management reports, routine inspectionsllogs, registration fans, nd accident reports to measure the goals and objectives of this project. (2 pts.) How will you measure the project's impact on the kommunity and the project users? )rice again the use of €he facility will show the impact this field is having on the community and project users. The 2ity demonstrates the need of this facility through thegrowth management plan as well as input from residents. :valuation on the entire park system and the distribution and increase of use will exhibit the impact on the :ommuniQ. The addition of this facility will also free Up the usage of existing parks, which will inchafe the availability for residents and local organizations to US8 the facility. The customer surveys kill provide direct 'eedback from residents and local organizations that use the field with levels of satisfaction and performance. The eve1 of unavailability to practice complaints will be taken into account as well. Many local organizations tomplain about the lack of ability to use the fields for practice due to downtime and games being played. Maintenance and Dperational analysis will indicate maintenance effectiveness of the synthetic turf field. (1 pt.) Describe any evaluation reports that will illustrate the success of the project. The annual resident survey, annual recreation report On Operations and programs (includes accident repo~s, participation reports, customer service surveys, types Of sport programs offered and the various organizations who use the facilities), the maintenance management report and the routine inspection reports will illustrate the Success of this project. provide both qualitative and quantitative measures of effectiveness. of these reports, as well as, the tools used to determine if the goals and objectives were accomplished will List staff responsible for the project evaluation and evaluation reports: Name: Ken Price, Recreation Director Phone Number: 760-434-2826 Name: Doug Duncanson, Deputy Public Works Director Phone Number: 760-434-2862 California Integrated Waste Management Board Waste Tire Track and Other Recreational Surfacing Grant Program Page 12 FY 2003-2004 int Applicant: City of Carlsb Task # Item - Description (detailed) Grant $ Match b Total $ $ fir. X Hours; Activity personnel Equipment NIA NIA Cost (dollar figure) associated with activities necessary to complete the project. Provide a detailed itemization of funds requested and demonstrate that the project is cost-effective. Attach quotations, estimates, or other documentation to support Costs. See page 11 of the Application Information and Instructions for more details. The Grantee shall certify under penalty of perjury the minimum, if not exact, percentage of recycled content, both secondary waste and post-consumer waste for the products, materials, goods, and supplies used in the performance of this Grant Agreement, as defined in Public Contract Code (PCC) 59 12161,12162,12181,12182, and 12200, as applicable. Thiscertification shall be provi ClWMB Grant Manager on a Recycled-Content Certification Form if grant is awarded. Signage consultantlcontractor lnstalla tion Phase I I I I i I 1 $ Ihr. X Hwrs; Activity Budget Form continued on next Daqe. California Integrated Waste Management Board Waste Tire Track and Other Recreational Surfacing Grant Program Page 13 FY 2003-2004 *ant Applicant: City of Carlsbad n: Aviara Park, City of Carlsbad other Total Grant Funds Since the cost per tire in Criterion #70 will go up with the total cost of the project, applicants are encouraged to include only the minimum match requirement in the budget (e.g., $100,000 in grant monies would require a minimum of $700,000 in match monies - unless financial hardship is claimed then the minimum match required is $50.000). This form may be reproduced and enlarged as necessary. The tasks and corresponding dollar figures in the Budget Itemization Form and the Work Plan Form must match. Attach quotes and/or estimates to verifj’ reasonable costs. Round all amounts to the nearest whole dollar. Check your calculations!!! California Integrated Waste Management Board Waste Tire Track and Other Recreational Surfacing Grant Program Page 14 FY 2003-2004 rmpleteness (2 pts.) Ap licant must submit: A completed and signed oriainal and three (3) copies of the applica applications as appropriate. # An original and ~ upper left-hand An application sign ,ef An approved re Agreement or a Memorandum of Understanding (U applicable). A certification they have obtained. or will obtain, ALL required permits, licenses, and filing (Complete and sign the / General Checklist of Business Permits. Licenses, and Filings). t be double-sided and printed on recycle per, and fastened in the J the person whose title is designated in the r a resolution timeline (see sample resdution) ztters of Support (I Pt.)- le city of Catlsbad is 100% financially responsible for the community park and ficilities within the Park. There are no outside lencies partnering with the City to complete this facility, therefore no letters were included. Application packet includes at least three (3) letters Of support for the project. For the purposes of this requirement, provide letters of support andlor commitment for your grant from rocat governments (employeeslofficials), board members, Board of Supervisors. etc., from entities other than Fur agency. . All letters of support must be submitted with your application packet. Do not send letters to ClWMB separately. ixperience (2 Pt.) Address the ability of the applicant to coordinate grant activities. Describe the project manager's experience coordinating similar grants in the space below. Attach: Resumes Endorsements . References The city of Carlsbad has significant experience in administration, monitoring and implementation of various grants The grants range from block grants to competitive grants for from State and Federal Agencies. recreation, public works, police, library, fire and community development services. 'revious ClWMB Grant Awards :HECK ONE BOX Susing the table on the following page, list ClWMB grants received in the past three fiscal years (2000/2001, 2001/2002, and/or 2002/2003). OR 0 This agency has received no other grants from ClWMB in the last three fiscal years (2000/2001,2001/2002, and 2002/2003. California Integrated Waste Management Board Waste Tire Track and Other Recreational Surfacing Grant Program Page 15 FY 2003-2004 m 0 0 N (Y 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 N m - Ni r! F .. F C! 2 : - m 0 In LL 0 LL .- L - is -0 Q) tn I) Y 0 0 z - is -0 0) tn 3 t E e 6 a Definition of recycled-content purchasing policy or directive: Either 1) a policy which specifies purchasing recycled-content products instead of non-recycled products whenever price, quality, and availability are comparable; or 2) a directive or memoranda implementing recycled-content purchasing practices. Examples include: a re-refined oil purchasing policy or a general ‘recycled-content“ procurement Prva. .. (4 PtS.1 Does your organization have a recyctecf-content purchasing policy or di No 0 Date policy or directive was adopted: 9/3/91 (The policy or directive may be adopted during the application process.) (2 PtS.1 Briefly describe your recycled-content purchasing policy or directive@ not a It is the intent of the City Council that the City of Carlsbad takes a leadership waste products but atsa in the purchase of recycling products for the use in the delivery of City services. It is the purpose of this policy to provide direction to the City Manager and Purchasing Officer in the procurement (5 PtS.1 Check the boxes that correspond with the types of recycled or re-used PrOdUCts you have purchased or used. !8 Office paper supplies Ef Toner cartridges Leisure/play equipment a Finishes: paint, wall coverings 0’ Constructionhuilding materials 0” Re-treaded tires 0” CornposVmulch Rubberized Asphalt Concrete WJanitoriaI paper products .H Containerdstorage systems B Others, please list a’ Re-refined oil Furnishings: benches, tables, chairsp Shipping boxes fl Floor coverings 0“ Re-used concrete, asphalt, brick E uipmentlvehi les ing re-r fined oil: mowers, trucks, vans etc.) &Mvt PALL- i- tvm! ~LK! S(dm J and use of recycled products. (2 PtS.1 Evaluate your Recycled-Content Purchasing Policy or Directive ’ 1. What areas need improvement? The challenge with the policy to stay abreast of the various recycled products available for purchasing for City Services. (2 PtS.) 2. What aspects have been successfully implemented? The Purchasing Department purchases recycled products for office supplies and other areas when available, they actively seek out recycled products. The City purchases recycled oil, tot lot equipment made from recycled plastic, recycled tree trimmings as mulch, recycled plastic bags for trash and play ground surfacing. /f the applicant receives a grant award, as part of the final report they will be required to provide information on the amount of recycled-content products purchased such as paper, re-refined oil, paint, compost, etc. that are used in the performance of the contract (required as part of Public Contract Code Sections 70308.5 and 70354). California Integrated Waste Management Board Waste Tire Track and Other Recreational Surfacing Grant Program Page 17 \9 PI 2003-2004 Grant Applicant: City of Carlsbad Name of Project and Location: Aviara Park, City of Carlsbad PROGdAM CRCTE RECYCLING AND SUSTAINABLE PRACTICES PROGRAMS (Criterion #8 - 5 Points) Provide evidence that a recycling and a sustainable practices program has been developed and implemented by the public entity to recover materials from the waste stream. Provide evidence that the program mitigates or avoids adverse environmental effects. Explain how the applicant handles easily recycled internal waste such as paper, bottles, and cans. Describe how the applicant integrates Waste management and recycling practices into its special events and/or recreational programs at the project lOC&bn. HOW does the applicant's recycling program lessen or avoid unfavorable environmental effects. (3 PW The city of Carlsbad has collection containers throughout the City buildings for plastic bottles and cans. In addition, each employee has a bin at their desk for paper as well' as larger CQlleCtion bins in the COPY areas. The City recently instituted a park recycling program, where City pafks have containers for glass, aluminum and plastic containers. The City of Carlsbad maintains an active recycling program to prevent unfavorable environmental effects. The City has coordinated the environmental programs to strengthen efforts to educate City employees as well as residents on the effects of water conservation, storm water pollution prevention and trash and recycling. (2 PW Evidence of performing sustainable practices (Sustainable practices are procedures that result in resource conservation andlor efficiency). Check the boxes that correspond to the sustainable practices your agency partt cG~Cycl i n g 3 parated Pest Manageme - CEnergy EfTiciencv 3 Sustainable Construction Green Operationshdaintenance Renewable EnerQv I -- Other, describe: PROGRAM CRITERIA PRIOR WASTE TIRE PLAYGROUND COVER OR TRACK SURFACING GRANT (Criterion # 9 - 5 points) CHECK ONE BOX (0 pts.1 This track and recreational facility has been awarded a Playground Cover andlor Track and Other Recreational Surfacing grant funded from the California Tire Recycling Management Fund offered by CIWMB during either of the last two grant cycles (fiscal years 2001M002 and/or 200212003). Check this box if your agency has been awarded a grant. OR This track and recreational facility has received no Playground Cover and/or Track and Other (5 PtS.) Fd Recreational Surfacing funding from the California Tire Recycling Management Fund offered by California Integrated Waste Management Board Waste lire Track and Other Recreational Surfacing Grant Program . Page 18 FY 2003-2004 PROGRAM CfUTERtA ESTIMATED COST PER CALIFORNIA WASTE TIRE DIVERTED FROM THE WASTE STREAM The applicant will receive points based on fhe relates to the cost per tire. The cost per tire is calcul (as'listed on the application sheet) by the total Information and Instructions 7 for a description o is only able to indicate the number of pounds of rubber used in fhe proj&, C (1 2) pounds of rubber can be recovered from each waste tire. iverted from the waste stream as it NOTE: If the applicant does not provide an accurate calculation, zero (0) points will be awarded for this criterion. 5. 200.000 I 40.000 = $5.00 Total eligible cost (divided by) number of tires total cost per tire I Example of cost per tire calculation using the sample budget prrndqed in &e Appendices. . t I $38.31 - $200,000 I 5.22t - Total eligible cost (divided by) number of tires total cost per tire i 1 PROGRAM CRITERIA ECONOMIC NEED (Griterion #I1 - 5 points) The points below are allocated based on the applicant's ability to demonstrate economic need in the area in which the project is physically located, based on median household income data from the U.S. Census. Please check only one box and provide the project Zip Code Tabulation Area (ZCTA) and the ZCTA median household income in the space provided below. To find the median household income of the project, refer to step-by-step process on page 9 of the 'Application Information and Instructions." Applications that qualify . for five (5) points also qualify for "Extreme Financial Hardship" and need only provide a match of fift~ percent (50%) of the total grant amount requested. California's Median Household Income is $47,493. Sixty-four percent (64%) of the State Median Household Income is $30,396. However, for the purposes of this criterion, we will use at or below $30,399 to receive five (5) points. Other calculation adjustments have been made to assist the applicant. . 0 Points - The project is located within a ZCTA for which the median household income is at or Over $75.00, ( at or over $35,624). 0 2 Points - The project is located within a ZCTA for which the median household income is between . 0 3 Points - The project is located within a ZCTA'for which the median household income is between 5 Points - The project is located within a ZCTA for which the median household income is at or and including 70.00% - 74.99% (between and including $33,245 - $35,623). and including 64.01% - 69.99% (between and including $30,400 - $33,244). below 64.00% (below $30,399). Project ZCTA number: ZCTA Median Household Income: $ California Integrated Waste Management Board Waste Tire Track and Other Recreational Surfacing Grant Program Page 19 FY 2003-2004 - Grant Applicant: City of Carlsbad Name Locatiori: ra Park, Please submit an approved resolution with your application or the following Acknowledgement form. 0 Approved resolution enclosed in the application. ming body will consider this resolution on: Bfi mbcf 2,2003 e acknowledge that the approved resolution must be received by CIWMB no later than Dec. 31,2003 SAMPLE RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the people of the State of California have enacted Assembly Bill 1843 (Brown, Statutes of 1989, Chapter 974) that provides grants to public entities involved in activities that result in red& landfill disposal of used whole tires and reduced illegal disposal or stockpiling of used whole tires; and WHEREAS, the California Integrated Waste Management hard has been delegated the responsibility for the administration of the program for the State, setting up necessary procedures governing program applications: and WHEREAS, said procedures established by the California Integrated Waste Management Board requime the applicant certify by resolution approval of the application before submission of said application to the State; and WHEREAS. if awarded a grant. the applicant will enter into an agreement with the State of California fw development of the project; *NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the authorizes the submittal of an application to the Califomia Integrated Waste Management Board for the 2003/2004 Waste Tire Track and Other Recreational Surfacing Grant Program. The (Title Of Official. or his/her authorized desianee) of the (Name of Entitv/Aaencv/Governmentl is hereby authorized and empowered to execute in the name of the (Name of Entitv./Auencv/Government) all necessary documents, including M not limited to, applications, agreements. amendments, and payment requests necessary to secure grant funds and to implement and carry out the purposes specified in the grant application. The foregoing resolution was passed by the . Effective: day of 9- mf/e of Govemina Bodv) (Tiue of Govemina Bodv) this *-- ATTEST: Signed: Date: (Name and Title of Official Authorized to Sin) * The wording in this Sample Resolution iS appropriate for a jurisdiction applying individually. See belaw for alternative wording for regional program resolutions. Lead Applicant for a Joint Agreement: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the fName of Enfitv/Aaencv/Govemmenfl authorizes the submittal of a regional application on behalf of , , to the Caliomia Integrated Waste Management bard for the 200312004 Waste Tire Track and Other Recreational Surfacing Grant Program. The (Title of OfficidJ. or his/her &&nee. €nfitv/Aaencv/Govemment~ all necessary documents, including but not limited to, applications, agreements, amendments, and payment requests necessary to secure grant funds and to implement and carry out tlhe purposes specified in the grant application. - , and is hereby authorized and empowered to execute in the name of [Name of Cooperative Project Participants: NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the (Name of €ntilv/Auencv/Govemment) authorizes the (Name of Lead €~filv/~uencv/Govemment) to submit tto the California Integrated Waste Management Board a regional application for the 2003/2004 Waste Tire Track and mer Recreational Surfacing Grant Program on its behalf. The designee of {Name of Lead Enfitv/Aaencv/Govemmenf) is hereby authorized and empowered to execute all necessary documents, including but not limited to, applications, agreements, amendments, and payment requests necessary to secure grant funds and to implement and carry out tfhe purposes specified in the grant application. California Integrated Waste Management Board Waste Tire Track and Other Recreational Surfacing Grant Program 22 Page 20 FY 2003-2004