HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-12-16; City Council; 17428; Type of Control for Alga Rd/Estrella De Mar Rd17,428 4B# MTG. 12/16/03 IEPT. ENG CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL TITLE: DETERMINE TYPE OF CONTROL FOR THE ALGA ROAD/ESTRELLA DE MAR ROAD INTERSECTION CITY ATTY. ew CITY MGR.a RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2003-347 authorizing the closure of the median opening at the Alga Road/Estrella de Mar Road intersection and directing Morrow Development, Inc. to construct a raised median across the intersection opening to effectuate the closure. ITEM EXPLANATION: In August and September of 2001, the Villages of La Costa master plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and master tentative map was considered by the Planning Commission. The Villages of La Costa consists of three distinct areas called the Greens, the Ridge, and the Oaks. Staff recommended to the Planning Commission that a raised median be constructed at the existing median opening in the Alga Road/Estrella de Mar Road intersection. At the meeting, there was public testimony favoring the installation of a fully-actuated traffic signal. The Planning Commission conditioned the La Costa Greens project to install a traffic signal at the Alga Road/Estrella de Mar Road intersection. The future traffic signal was to be bonded for design and construction by the developer and the bond would remain in effect until 2010. However, the traffic signal installation would not occur unless directed by the City Engineer. On October 23, 2001, the City Council certified the Final Program EIR, approved the Master Plan, a Master Tentative Map and related applications for the Villages of La Costa project. There was additional public testimony and the City Council placed a condition on the Greens project that the traffic signal be installed. In compliance with the development process, one component of the Greens project came before the City Council on June 18, 2003. This was the Site Development Plan (SDP) for the affordable housing site. Public testimony at that City Council meeting regarding the SDP again raised the issue of closing the Alga Road/Estrella de Mar Road intersection. The City Council resolution that ultimately approved the SDP for the affordable housing site stated, in part, "...that staff be directed to review the issue of the traffic light and median." Staff was asked by the City Attorney to schedule this matter before the Traffic Safety Commission and that the Commission recommendation be forwarded to the City Council for consideration. At the November 3, 2003 meeting, the Traffic Safety Commission agenda included the issue concerning which type of control to install at the Alga Road/Estrella de Mar Road intersection. By a 2-1 vote, the Commission recommended the construction of a raised median that would close the existing median opening at the intersection. Estrella de Mar Road intersects Alga Road and creates a T-intersection. Alga Road is designated as a major arterial on the Circulation Element of the General Plan. This location will become a four-leg intersection when Estrella de Mar Road is extended northerly from Alga Road into the Greens project. Alga Road has two traffic lanes and a bicycle lane in each direction approaching the uncontrolled intersection with Estrella de Mar Road. At the Estrella de Mar Road intersection, a left-turn lane is provided to facilitate a westbound left-turn or U-turn. In the eastbound direction on Alga Road, the U-turn can be performed from the eastbound left-turn lane at the Estrella de Mar Road intersection to return to El Camino Real. This intersection is located 1,048 feet easterly of El Camino Real. The intersection spacing for a major arterial to meet Engineering Department standards is 1,200 feet. Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. l7 428 Estrella de Mar Road is a two-lane local road serving residential land uses and it is 36 feet wide curb-to-curb. It follows a curvilinear alignment from Arena1 Road on the south to its intersection with Alga Road. There are no sidewalks on Estrella de Mar Road. Several streets and condominium driveways intersection Estrella de Mar Road. A 24-hour intersection approach traffic count that was conducted on August 26, 2003 at the Alga Road/Estrella de Mar Road intersection recorded westbound and eastbound Alga Road traffic volumes of 1 1,215 vehicles and 12,201 vehicles, respectively. The northbound Estrella de Mar Road volume was found to be 495 vehicles. Northbound vehicles on Estrella de Mar Road can only execute a right-turn or left-turn to Alga Road. In the two-year period from November 1, 2001 through October 31, 2003, there have been two reported collisions at the Alga Road/Estrella de Mar Road intersection. One collision involved an unlicensed driver in the eastbound left-turn lane attempting to turn right across both eastbound lanes of Alga Road to Estrella de Mar Road and being struck by an eastbound Alga Road vehicle. The other collision involved a vehicle turning left from Estrella de Mar Road to westbound Alga Road and colliding with a westbound Alga Road vehicle. At the November 3, 2003 Traffic Safety Commission meeting, there were residents that spoke for a median closure and those that spoke in favor of a traffic signal being installed at Alga Road/Estrella de Mar Road. Residents in favor of the median closure were concerned with through traffic using Estrella de Mar Road as a short-cut route. The residents also raised concerns about speeding vehicles on Estrella de Mar Road and the difficulties this presented to pedestrians and those living on the road. The residents in support of having a traffic signal installed expressed concern about the out-of-direction travel that would result if the median were closed and U-turns eliminated. Currently, residents living on Alga Road east of Estrella de Mar Road and some residents on Almaden Lane use the Estrella de Mar intersection to perform a U-turn from westbound Alga Road to eastbound Alga Road to access their homes. Another concern was expressed about the lack of sidewalks on the south side of Alga Road and that the bus stop on the north side of Alga Road near Estrella de Mar Road would be inaccessible if the median opening were closed. The Traffic Safety Commission recommended by a 2-1 vote that a raised median should be constructed across the Alga Road/Estrella de Mar Road intersection. Reasons cited by the two Commissioners in favor of the median closure would be to provide some reduction in cut-through traffic volumes on Estrella de Mar Road and that safety would be improved at the intersection. A median closure with a turn lane that allows only a westbound Alga Road U-turn for vehicles to return eastbound was not considered by the Traffic Safety Commission. FISCAL IMPACT: Design and installation costs for a raised median at the intersection opening are the responsibility of the developer of the Villages of La Costa project and the total cost will be dependent upon the final configuration and details of intersection control that is constructed. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map. 2. Resolution No 20'33-347 authorizing the closure of the median opening at the Alga Road/Estrella de Mar Road intersection and directing Morrow Development, Inc. to construct a raised median across the intersection opening to effectuate the closure. Minutes of the November 3, 2003 Traffic Safety Commission meeting. 3. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Robert T. Johnson, Jr., (760) 602-2752, biohn Bci.carlsbad.ca.us LOCATION MAP PROJECT NAME I EXHIBIT ALGA ROAD/ ESTRELLA DE MAR INTERSECTION I 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. 2003-347 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CLOSURE OF THE MODIFIED MEDIAN OPENING AT THE ALGA ROAD/ESTRELLA DE MAR ROAD INTERSECTION AND DIRECTING MORROW DEVELOPMENT, INC. TO CONSTRUCT A RAISED MODIFIED MEDIAN ACROSS THE INTERSECTION OPENING TO EFFECTUATE THE CLOSURE WHEREAS, Morrow Development, Inc. is the developer of the Villages of La Costa project; and WHEREAS, on October 23, 2001 the City Council approved the Master Plan for the Villages of La Costa project by adopting Resolution No. 2001-318 and introducing Ordinance No. NS-605 and subsequently adopting Ordinance No. NS-605 on November 6,2001; and WHEREAS, at their October 23, 2001 meeting the City Council approved a requirement that a traffic signal be installed at the Alga Road/Estrella de Mar Road intersection by the developer of the Villages of La Costa project; and WHEREAS, at their June 18, 2002 meeting the City Council reviewed the La Costa Greens affordable housing site SDP 01-17, and directed staff to review the intersection of Alga Road/Estrella de Mar Road with respect to the installation of a traffic signal or closure of the modified median opening by construction of a raised modified median; and WHEREAS, on November 3, 2003 the Carlsbad Traffic Safety Commission reviewed the matter of installing a traffic signal or raised modified median at the Alga Road/Estrella de Mar Road intersection; and WHEREAS, after public comment and input on the issue, the Traffic Safety Commission recommended that a raised modified median be constructed across the modified median opening at the intersection of Alga Road/Estrella de Mar Road; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Commission and comments and input from the public for alternative design concepts for the Alga Road/Estrella de Mar Road intersection; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that a raised modified median shall be constructed by the developer across the modified median opening at the Alga Road/Estrella de Mar Road intersection to require a right turn-idright turn-out from the side streets at this intersection. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That Morrow Development, Inc. is directed to prepare improvement plans for the modified median closure for approval by the City of Carlsbad staff, and Morrow Development, Inc. shall then construct a raised modified median across the opening of the Alga Road/Estrella de Mar Road intersection to create a right turn- idright turn-out intersection. 3. That construction of the modified median improvements at the Alga Road/Estrella de Mar Road intersection shall be completed within 12 months of the approval date of this resolution. 4. That the City Engineer shall send a letter to Morrow Development, Inc. specifying the requirements that must be fulfilled by Morrow Development, Inc. for the design and construction of the raised modified median and shall conform the appropriate improvement agreements to memorialize this requirement. 5. The City Manager is further directed to investigate and develop ways and means to manage traffic along Estrella de Mar Road and to direct the Police Chief 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 to enhance traffic enforcement along Alga Road as necessary with an eye toward requiring and encouraging motorists to observe the posted speed limit. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held on the 16th day of December , 2003 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Hall and Packard NOES: Council Member F ABSENT: None I m k Future Extension naammmmmm ! November 3,2003 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 3 drivers stopping on the road to pick up workers where it is clearly posted “No St ITEM 5 - PREVIOUS BUSINESS: that the Commission Road from Paseo del to establish a 50 mph Mr. Johnson reported sted on the aforementioned segment of Cannon Road. NEW BUSINESS: ITEM 6A: Alga RoadlEstrella de Mar Road intersection - Request for modification to the intersection control. Evaluate the intersection for consideration of constructing a traffic slgnal or to construct a raised median across the existing median opening. Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation Division, stated that the agenda item 6A centers around what type of intersection control should be established for the Alga RoadlEstrella de Mar Road intersection. Mr. Johnson mentioned that the developer has bonded for a traffic signal as well as a median closure, thus the issue of which intersection control measure should be installed is before the Traffic Safety Commission today for a recommendation. The recommendation of the Traffic Safety Commission will be forwarded to the City Council in approximately one month and the City Council will make the final decision on the matter. Mr. Johnson introduced Bob Wojcik, Deputy City Engineer, Development Services Division, Engineering Department, to continue the staff report. Setting forth background information regarding the Alga RoadEstrella de Mar Road intersection, Bob Wojcik stated in August and September of 2001 the Planning Commission and City Council acted on approving the Master Plan and Environmental Impact Report for the Villages of La Costa. Part of the City Council’s final action included a requirement of the developer to install a traffic signal at the intersection of Estrella de Mar Road and Alga Road. Continuing, Mr. Wojcik noted that in June 2003 the City Council approved a Site Development Plan for the affordable housing site located to the north of this intersection within the Wllages of La Costa. At that Public Hearing, the City Council discussed the possibility of installing a median instead of the traffic signal. The City Council’s resolution of approval on the housing site stated, in part “...that staff be directed to review the issue of the traffic light and median.” Staff has reviewed the issue and maintains its original recommendation for a median. The City Attorney asked that staff bring this issue to the Traffic Safety Commission and for the Commission’s recommendation to be forwarded to the City Council. b November 3,2003 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 4 In summary, Mr. Wojcik stated that during the time this meeting was noticed, he received several telephone calls from residents expressing their preference. Six telephone calls were received from residents in support of having the median installed on Alga Road at Estrella de Mar Road. The residents were: Don Sufa. Charles Nolton, Frank Alisial , Mr. Jonus, Ms. Berkowski, and Mr. Wolfe. In addition, eight telephone calls were received from residents expressing their support for having a traffic signal installed. The residents in favor of the traffic signal were: Judy Pacheco, Jacque Boss, Eric Waite, Martha Meade, Len Ganser, Ms. Wish, Mrs. Paskal and April Truedou. Mr. Wojcik stated that one telephone call was received from Rod Everett who requested that speed bumps be installed on Estrella de Mar Road. Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation Division, remarked that an item such as this has residents on both sides of the issue, those that prefer a traffic signal and those that prefer the median be closed. Both are right, in the sense that the intentions of the residents are good. This is an item that does not have a right or wrong answer. Noting that there are issues associated with both options, Mr. Johnson stated Alga Road is a four-lane major arterial on the Circulation Element of the General Plan. Referring to an overhead slide, he noted there is a sidewalk on the north side and no sidewalk on the south side. Arterial spacing for a major arterial, according to Engineering Design Standards, is 1,200 feet. Estrella de Mar Road, as indicated on the overhead slide, is located 1,048 feet to the east of El Camino Real. This is an uncontrolled intersection; meaning the major road, Alga Road, does not have a STOP sign, YIELD sign or a traffic signal. Mr. Johnson noted the side street forms a T-intersection. Estrella de Mar Road is controlled with a STOP sign, but the major street, Alga Road, is uncontrolled. Estrella de Mar Road is a low volume, two-lane curvilinear roadway with parking allowed on both sides. It is 36 feet wide curb-tocurb, and there are no sidewalks on either side. Currently, there is a U-turn capability for eastbound vehicles on Alga Road to turn and proceed back to El Camino Real from Estrella de Mar Road. Westbound vehicles at the Estrella de Mar Road intersection can U-turn and proceed east. The left-turn lanes at the intersection on Alga Road Estrella de Mar Road facilitate the U-turns. Staff conducted a 24-hour traffic count on August 26, 2003 and determined the 24hour intersection approach volume for eastbound Alga Road at Estrella de Mar Road was 12,201. For westbound Alga Road approaching the intersection the daily traffic volume was 11,215 for the same 24-hour period. Over the same period on the same day, the northbound daily approach volume on Estrella de Mar Road was 495 vehicles. Mr. Johnson stated that the fourth leg of the road is under construction and is shown as "Future Road" with dashes on the location map in the staff report and on the overhead slide. Mr. Johnson mentioned that the intersection spacing of 1,200 feet for a major arterial is not met by the Estrella de Mar Road intersection location. Estrella de Mar Road is approximately 1,048 feet east of El Camino Real. Staff recommended that a median be considered at the intersection due to Estrella de Mar Road's very low daily traffic approach volume. He noted that future year 2020 volumes also indicate that the volumes will remain low on Estrella de Mar Road approaching the intersection. The nature of Estrella de Mar Road has patterns and land uses that are internal to the residential units located on Estrella de Mar Road; it is not a through street that would SeNe any other purpose to attract a great deal of traffic. In the future as volumes continue to increase on Alga Road, traffic operational problems could materialize at the Estrella de Mar Road intersection. Mr. Johnson reported through September 2003, there has been one reported collision at the Alga RWEstrelIa de Mar Road intersection. In 2002, there was one reported collision at the intersection as well. The collision in 2002 was the result of an improper turn and it is not the type of collision that would be corrected with the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection. 7 November 3, 2003 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 5 Continuing, Mr. Johnson stated that staff conducted a traffic signal warrant analysis for the Alga RoadlEstrella de Mar Road intersection. An analysis of the 11 Caltrans traffic signal warrants found only Warrant Number 5, Progressive Movement, to be satisfied. Thus, this intersection could be considered a warranted intersection for consideration of a traffic signal. Mr. Johnson advised the Commission meeting one warrant is not an indication that a traffic signal should be installed, but it does indicate the roadway can be considered for the installation of a traffic signal, thereby making it a candidate intersection. Mr. Johnson discussed Warrant Number 5 in detail. He mentioned to the Commission that Warrant Number 5 indicates a traffic signal should not be considered at an intersection if the intersection spacing is less than 300 meters (984 feet). Mr. Johnson reported that residents voiced their preferences to staff via telephone calls, petitions and letters. He noted citizens favoring the traffic signal indicated U-turns would be able to be conducted at the requested traffic signal at the Estrella de MarIAlga Road intersection. Referring to the overhead slide, Mr. Johnson mentioned residents in homes along the south side of Alga Road currently take advantage of the U-turn at the existing intersection and residents on Almaden Lane also take advantage of the U-turn to return to their homes. Mr. Johnson stated there are some pedestrians that cross Alga Road, and a bus stop exists on the north side of Alga Road. This could be additional reason to install a traffic signal. He mentioned that one or two of the residents who called to voice their preference for a traffic signal indicated they believed a traffic signal would slow down the traffic on Alga Road. Mr. Johnson remarked that staff does not agree with that opinion. Referring to the overhead slide and stating the median has been promoted as a way to reduce cut-through traffic due to left-turns coming from Alga Road. Mr. Johnson noted that staff forwarded letters received regarding this agenda item to the Commission. Mr. Johnson summarized by informing the Commissioners that the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee, a staff committee, discussed the issue of installing a traffic signal or closing the median opening at the subject intersection. He noted the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee is comprised of a representative from each of the following departments: the Carlsbad Fire Department, Carlsbad Police Department, Risk Management Department, Streets Department and Engineering Department. He reiterated it was the unanimous recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee that a median be constructed across the intersection opening at Estrella de Mar Road and Alga Road. Chairperson Schall asked for clarification regarding the 1,200-foot intersection standard for the City of Carlsbad. Mr. Johnson replied on a major arterial the 1,200-foot spacing is adhered to in order to meet engineering standards for intersection spacing. He noted this particular intersection does not meet that spacing standard. Commissioner Dorsey requested clarification regarding the timeline for the new housing development, La Costa Greens, in the area. Mr. Wojcik replied the tract maps are being processed by staff for the subdivision and it is his understanding the developer intends to continue fowrd and the affordable housing site is currently under construction. The site development plans have to be processed and it will probably be at least two years before the property is occupied. Commissioner Dorsey voiced concern over any action taken today; questioning if it would meet the requirements of the development currently being built or would this issue have to be revisited again after the development is occupied. 0 November 3,2003 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 6 Mr. Wojcik responded by saying this issue is before the Commission today because of concerns raised at the public hearing, which occurred for the development on the north side of the road. Chairperson Schall asked if there were plans to install a sidewalk on the south side of Alga Road. Mr. Johnson replied currently there are no plans in the Capital Improvement Program to install a sidewalk on the south side of Alga Road. PUBLIC TESTIMONY: Chairperson Schall opened public testimony. David Kleinman, 7019 Alicante Road, Carlsbad, CA, requested clarification regarding a fourth leg at the intersection opposite Estrella de Mar Road. Chairperson Schall asked staff to respond. Mr. Johnson replied it is currently under construction and is shown on the location map, as Future Road, and it will be a four-leg intersection when the road is completed. He advised Mr. Kleinman the map mentioned on the sidewall was not intended for this meeting and should not be referred to as far as this agenda item is concerned. It is an exhibit for the Planning Commission meeting to be held in lwu days. Mr. Kleinman asked if a traffic signal were installed, would there be room for a turn lane or U-turn on Estrella de Mar Road. Mr. Johnson replied that Estrella de Mar Road is 36 feet curb-to-curb and is not wide enough to have a U- turn lane. Jim Bond, 2041 Caracol Court, Cartsbad, CA, expressed his desire for the traffic volumes to be reduced on Estrella de Mar Road. He noted the median would reduce the morning traffic driving west on Alga Road, but it will not prevent the evening traffic from turning right on Arena1 Road and cutting through to Estrella de Mar Road in order to miss the bad intersection at El Camino Real and Alga Road. If the traffic signal is not installed, the traffic, as a result of the homes in the future development and the existing residents, will be forced to turn right, thereby impacting the intersection. He expressed his support for the installation of a traffic signal and for speed bumps on Estrella de Mar Road in order to slow down the traffic. Timothy Murray, 7050 Estrella de Mar Road, Carlsbad, CA, noted his home office faces the road. Referring to a meeting last spring, he stated the Planning Commission staff reported the traffic impact from the new development on Alga Road east of El Camino Real would be minimal. At that time it was their opinion Estrella de Mar Road would not receive any traffic impact due to the fact that it was a street with a 25 mph speed limit. Mr. Murray stated Estrella de Mar Road is severely impacted with traffic and drivers do not adhere to the 25 mph posted speed limit. He mentioned he has witnessed accidents in front of his home, has been overtaken and passed by speeding motorists while driving 25 mph and he has nearly been run-over while jogging on numerous occasions. Mr. Murray remarked speeding motorists use Estrella de Mar Road as a thoroughfare from Alga Road to the La Costa Resort. Noting typically the City of Carlsbad does not install speed bumps on city streets, Mr. Murray voiced his support for installation of the median. Philip Hack, 2065 Caleta Court, Carlsbad, CA, noted motorists use Estrella de Mar Road as a short cut to avoid the traffic signal at El Camino Real and Alga Road. Mentioning Estreiia de Mar Road is a 25 mph 4 November 3,2003 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 7 residential street, with no sidewalks, with children, dogs and joggers, he noted motorists who do not live in the area travel at speeds exceeding 50 mph. Mr. Hack commented it is nalve to believe that once all the new development Is occupied, motorists would not continue to use Estrella de Mar Road as an access street. He believed a traffic signal would not solve the problem and voiced his support for the median. Jennifer Kobczak, 7255 Estrella de Mar Road, Carlsbad, CA, mentioned vehicles travel at high speeds far above the posted 25mph on Estrella de Mar Road and expressed concerned for her children’s safety and the safety of other children, pedestrians and animals living in the area. Although the street does not have sidewalks, many of the residents in the area walk and jog along Estrella de Mar Road Ms. Kobczak mentioned two instances where her family was nearly run-over by a speeding motorist. In addition, she noted instances where speeding motorists were unable to maneuver around a curve and ended up in her neighbors’ front yard, hitting their dog. She voiced her support for the installation of a closed median. Barry Wish, 2121 Alga Road, Carlsbad, CA, stated a petition requesting a traffic signal, and signed by 64 residents in the area and 150 business owners or employees that use the area, was presented to staff. He commented that the traffic signal would provide a safe environment for the entire community, e.g. motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists, joggers, emergency vehicles, delivery or repair personnel, utility companies, and realtors. Mr. Wish remarked the traffic signal would allow a safer access to the business shopping centers for the residents in the area. Refemng to a traffk accident report for the area east of El Camino Real, not at the intersection, to Alicante Road for a threeyear period, he noted there were a total of 15 accidents where reports were taken. He believed the closure of the intersection would result in increased vehicles speeds along Alga Road, severely impact emergency response times and that forcing residents to use Arena1 Road would negatively impact the shopping centers in the area. Quoting a section of the Traffk Safety Commission staff report dated October 6, item 6A, third paragraph, he read “...Environmental Analysis transportation section for the Villages of la Costa for the year 2010, it was stated that the City shall monitor the subject intersection to determine whether projected volumes for Alga Road materialize or if vehicles on Estrella de Mar Road incur difflculties. And as determined by the City Engineer at that time, the applicant for the project shall close the median break”. Mr. Wish offered the following recommendations to slow down traffic: the channelization from Estrella de Mar Road to Alga Road or the installation of speed humps, or the placing of STOP signs along Estrella de Mar Road or maintain the current opening and offset the intersection. John T. Ludemon, 2043 Alga Road, Carlsbad, CA, lives on the southbound side of Alga Road. He stated motorists drive pass his home traveling at 50-70 mph. He fears for the safety of his family. He mentioned in order to increase the sight distance from his driveway, it was necessary for him to cutltrim his neighbors shrubby. He stated motorists have actually lost control of their fast moving vehicles and ended up on the median directly in front of his home. For the safety of the residents, he suggested either a sidewalk be installed on the entire south side of Alga Road or a STOP signal should be installed at the intersection of Alga Road and Estrella de Mar Road. Mr. Ludemon advised the Commission that motorists on Alga Road at El Camino Real attempting to make a U-turn are faced with onaming traffic without a YIELD sign traveling approximately 45 rnph. The median prevents eastbound motorists from making a U-turn, forcing them to go into the Von’s shopping center and make a U-turn to get back to Alga Road. He recommended a sign be posted forbidding a U-turn. He concurred motorists travel at extremely high speeds on Estrella de Mar Road. He noted there is no safe and convenient place for pedestrians, including children, to walk across the street on Alga Road. In addition to recommending speed bumps be installed on Estrella de Mar Road, Mr. Ludemon expressed his support for the installation of a traffic signal light at the intersections of Alga Road and Estrella de Mar Road and the installation of crosswalks. November 3,2003 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 8 Concluding, Mr. Ludemon stated if a traffic signal is not installed at Estrella de Mar Road and Alga Road, traffic volumes would increase coming eastbound on Alga Road, which would impact the residents egress and ingress from their property and reiterated his support for the installation of a traffic signal Jerry Pitzer, 2632 Abedul Place and 2129 Alga Road, Carlsbad, CA, suggested the issue on Estrella de Mar Road be addressed by having police presence in the area, citing the motorists who are not adhenng to the posted 25 mph speed limit zone. Noting that residents needed a viable access to their homes, Mr. Pitzer commented that the Commission should give consideration to the residents who live on Alga Road from Estrella de Mar Road to Almaden Lane. Concluding, Mr. Pitzer stated the City of Carlsbad should consider the installation of speed bumps, as San Diego, La Jolla, Del Mar have done, because speed bumps and STOP signs at intersections do much to slow down traffic. He voiced his support for the installation of a traffic signal coupled with the facility for a U- turn and speed bumps and reiterated the need for the Carlsbad Police Department to monitor the traffic on Estrella de Mar Road and Alga Road and write citations for motorists who travel faster than the posted 25 mph speed limit. Fred Arbuckle, President of Morrow Development Inc., 1903 Wright Place, Suite 180, Carlsbad, CA, stated his company is developing Villages of La Costa, which is the property north of Alga Road. He reported the total number of homes being built in the Greens at build out would be less than 1,032, which was approved as part of the Master Plan. He mentioned several hundred of the homes would be closer to Poinsettia Lane than to Alga Road. There are only two points of access to Alga Road from the future development, one from Estrella de Mar Road and the other at Alicante Road. Mr. Arbuckle stated he has called the Border Patrol on numerous occasions to relieve the area of the illegal immigrants on the property that are seeking work. He mentioned that the police have successfully removed the immigrants’ makeshift housing in the habitat canyon area. In conclusion, he noted as part of the Master Plan approval process, two years ago, the developer was required to install a traffic signal at Estrella de Mar Road. Last year, as the developer who went through the process to secure approval for the affordable homes at the intersection of Estrella de Mar Road and Alga Road, there was a group of residents who preferred having a closed median rather than a traffic signal. In an effort to continue the dialogue with the homeowners, as well as with the City of Carlsbad, he has bonded, as required, for the traffic signal and also prepared the plans for the closed median and will install whichever traffic control device is determined to be viable for the intersection in question. He mentioned it is anticipated that homes north of Alga Road will be occupied as earfy as this time next year and the as developers they are prepared to implement the improvements to Estrella de Mar Road and Alga Road at this time. Chairperson Schall requested clarification on the width of Estrella de Mar Road on the north side of the street. Mr. Arbuckle replied he did not have the dimensions of Estrella de Mar Road, but estimated that it was approximately 40 feet curb-tocurb. Martha Mary Meade, 2129 Alga Road and 2632 Abedul Place, Carlsbad, CA, submitted to the Traffic Safety Commission petitions with 217 signatures and letters containing nine signatures, in favor of the installation of a traffk signal at the intersection of Estrella de Mar Road and Alga Road. She mentioned she has been a resident of Carlsbad since 1969 and in 1969 Alga Road was a two-lane road similar to the Estrella de Mar Road. She commented she, along with other long-standing residents, have accepted changes and progress in the area whenever it was for the good of all in the area. She expressed concern for residents attempting to egress and ingress their property via their driveways and mentioned the inconvenience of not being able to make a left or right turn out of one’s driveway, as one November 3,2003 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 9 must proceed up Alga Road to Alicante Road to make a U-turn. Due to the vehicles traveling at excessive speeds, she believed the residents have forfeited their safety. Although she understands the reasoning behind the installation of a closed median she is opposed to the installation of a closed median Ms. Meade noted until recently she owned a home on Estrella de Mar Road and understood the problems related to heavy traffic and vehicles traveling at speeds which far exceed the 25 mph posted speed limit, e.g. vehicles have been clocked traveling as fast as 80 mph on Alga Road proceeding onto Estrella de Mar Road. She discussed in detail the various things that could be done to improve the conditions on Estrella de Mar Road. Noting the residents on Alga Road were not happy with the changes that have taken place, she voiced her total support for the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Estrella de Mar Road and Alga Road. In conclusion, Ms. Meade stated the accident ratio, for the entire area, is much higher than the actual police records, because drivers having fender-benders do not always report the accidents to the police. She asked that the Traffic Safety Commission be considerate to the residents on Alga Road and install the traffic signal at the intersection of Estrella de Mar Road and Alga Road. Kay McConnell, 7621 Estrella de Mar Road, Carlsbad, CA, mentioning that her 96 year old mother was nearly hit by a speeding vehicle and her dog died as a result of being struck by a speeding vehicle, concurred with the previous public testimony and voiced her support for the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Estrella de Mar Road and Alga Road. Noting the road segment in question is very dangerous, she acknowledged she has personally witnessed vehicles traveling at speeds of 50-60 mph. Ms. McConnell stated due to the emissions and noise, she did not want speed bumps installed on Estrella de Mar Road and declared that Estrella de Mar Road should not be converted into a major road, but remain a 25 mph residential street. Concluding, Ms. McConnell suggested reducing the speed limit on Alga Road or the installation of a traffic signal or STOP sign at the intersection of Estrella de Mar Road and Alga Road might help relieve the traffic problems on this segment of roadway. She noted her support for the installation of a median. William Ims, 2023 Caleta Court, Carlsbad, CA, recognized coming up with a solution and not create another problem was a big issue. He stated there is no question that Alga Road is broken; but to break Estrella de Mar Road in an attempt to eliminate some of the traffic problems on Alga Road was clearly not the correct solution. He noted Estrella de Mar Road is an '9 cuwe road and does not lend itself to safety for the pedestrians walking along the road. Mr. Ims suggested the speeding vehicles be monitored or the installation of a southern sidewalk might relieve the traffic problems and safety issues related to the roadway. Manny Wolf, 2035 Caleta Court, Carlsbad, CA, stated he has been a resident and Owner of the property since 1969 and is sympathetic to the problems of the other property Owners in the La Costa area. Concurring with the previous public testimony, he commented Estrella de Mar Road was built originally as an adjunct to the La Costa Resort. Estrella de Mar Road is only 36 feet wide, with parking on both sides of the street, it was never intended as a thoroughfare. In order to exit Estrella de Mar Road one must make a right turn to enter an intersection with a traffic signal or go through the La Costa Resort. He voiced his opposition for the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Estrella de Mar Road and Alga Road, thus affirming his support for the installation of a closed median. Allard Roen, 2050 Caleta Court, Carlsbad, CA, stated she has resided at this address since 1967. She mentioned her vehicle was hit from behind by a vehicle traveling in excess of the 25 mph speed limit on Estrella de Mar Road as she was attempting to enter Alga Road. She noted vehicles travel at speeds far exceeding the posted speed limit and motorists use Estrella de Mar Road to circumvent the STOP light at Alga Road and El Camino Real. Expressing her support for a closed median, ME. Roen voiced her opposition for the installation of a traffic signal. November 3,2003 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 10 Robert Donnell, 7062 Estrella de Mar Road, Carlsbad, CA, stated it is possible to make a U-turn from Alga Road. He advised the Commission the curves on Estrella de Mar Road are winding as well as blind curves. which does not allow one to see oncoming traffic while driving or walking, thereby rendering the street unsafe for motorists as well as for pedestrians. He stated it was his understanding that an agreement existed with the Planning Commission to install a closed median, thus the residents in the area dropped their objections to the new housing development. He expressed his full support for the installation of the closed median. Doris J. Yates, 7057 Estrella de Mar Road, Carlsbad, CA, mentioned she has owned this property since 1971. Referring to the letter submitted to Mr. Wojcik on October 1, 2003 with names of 20 residents, Ms. Yates stated the current left-turn inlleft-turn out is extremely hazardous for drivers traveling on Alga Road to Estrella de Mar Road and Estrella de Mar Road to Alga Road. Ms. Yates restated their request and support for the existing median opening to be closed as per the original recommendation to the Planning Commission and submitted a copy of the aforementioned letter to the Traffic Safety Commission. Irene Donnell, 7062 Estrella de Mar Road, Carlsbad, CA, stated she works out of her home. Due to the speeding traffic and blind curves on Estrella de Mar Road, extreme care has to be taken when exiting her driveway. Motorists do not adhere to the 25 mph posted speed limit, rendering Estrella de Mar Road an extremely dangerous roadway. She mentioned the high volumes of vehicles traveling on Estrella de Mar Road cause the homes to depreciate in value. Anything done to improve the conditions on Alga Road will improve the property values of the homes along Alga Road, thus anything done to increase the traffic on Estrella de Mar Road, making it a thoroughfare, will decrease the property values on Estrella de Mar Road. In closing, Mrs. Donnell commented if a traffic signal were to be installed, she would also like to see the median closed. Barbara Hurlock, 7087 Estrella de Mar Road, Carlsbad, CA, stated she clearly did not see any logic in attempting to solve the problems on Alga Road by creating a safety problem on Estrella de Mar Road. She did not believe the installation of a traffic signal would cause motorists to slow down, thereby the problem would not be solved. It is her understanding Estrella de Mar Road would not extend across Alga Road, thus resulting in a cul-de-sac. MIS. Hurlock expressed opposition to the installation of a traffic signal and voiced support for a closed median and thereby the residents north of Alga Road would go onto El Camino Real. David Yoder, 7038 Estrella de Mar, La Costa, CA, commented El Camino Real is a commercial street and this is where the heavy traffic belong and Alga Road is a thoroughfare for residential and commercial traffic going,east and west. He noted Estrella de Mar Road is a residential road, measuring 36 feet wide. It does curve and it does have blind curves. He mentioned that it was anticipated an additional 190 vehicles per day would be traveling on Estrella de Mar Road from the proposed new development. In closing, he stated that he would like to see Estrella de Mar Road remain a residential street with the needed safety features to protect the pedestrians. He expressed his support for the closing of the median. Peter Ragsdale, 2044 Playa Road, Carlsbad, CA, noted his professional background was in traffic systems and questioned why the traffic survey was conducted on August 26, 2003, tvm days before the start of the school year. He stated since the traffic study was conducted before the school year began, the traffic study missed the point that the school is west of El Camino Real and Aviara Parkway, thus vehicles must come north on Estrella de Mar Road to make a left-hand turn. Discussing the option of a protected median for part of the roadway, he stated only allowing a median which permits a left-turn from northbound Estrella de Mar Road coming out to westbound Aviara Parkway meets the requirements of allowing the access from Estrella de Mar Road heading wesf and prevents the motorist from coming down south into Estrella de Mar Road. He concurred Estrella de Mar Road should not be changed to a thoroughfare and offered the suggestion of double cycling the requested traffic signal in order to control the traffic and discourage motorists from using this particular segment of roadway as a thoroughfare. Mr. Ragsdale mentioned he would like to have a license plate survey conducted, to ascertain how many vehicles -re driven by residents living in the area, as opposed to others wha work in the area or use the November 3, 2003 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 11 roadway as a cut-through. He stated that to improve the safety factor, he would like to see a one-way access median installed or prohibit left-hand turns if a traffic signal were installed. Marc Palbo, 7240 Estrella de Mar Road, Carlsbad, CA, proposed a compromise between a traffic signal and a closed median, a restricted STOP light, e.g. vehicles traveling northbound on Estrella de Mar Road would be required to either make a right-hand or left-hand turn only and not allowed to cross over to the northside of Estrella de Mar Road, thereby preventing the vehicles from continuing on up to Poinsettia. On the westbound Alga Road, the left-turn pocket would be eliminated and no left turns would be permitted on to Estrella de Mar Road, e-g. green light to go through the intersection and a red light to STOP. Referring to the overhead slide, the southbound roadvmy labeled as Future Road would be required to make either a right turn or a left turn and no through traffic would be permitted on Estrella de Mar Road. This would also prevent eastbound Alga Road traffic from making a left turn onto the Future Road. In the absence of a plan such as this, Mr. Palbo supports a closed median being installed. Daryl Lirman, 7240 Estrella de Mar Road, Carlsbad, CA, stated he is opposed to the amount of development north of Alga Road. The development appears to be unrestrained. Noting the improvements being carried out at La Costa Resort has resulted in the main entrance to the resort being redirected. As a result of this redirection, all of the traffic going to the resort has to use Arena1 Road or Estrella de Mar Road. In addition, when the 1,032 homes in the new development are occupied, the traffic volumes will increase. He voiced an opinion that the City of Carlsbad has a hostile attitude towards its residents who report traffic problems on Estrella de Mar Road to the Traffic and Police Departments. He noted the residents in the area have requested speed bumps, sidewalks and additional speed limit traffic signs but to no avail. Due to vehicles traveling at excessive speeds and the nature of the lay out of Estrella de Mar Road, Mr. Lirman expressed his support for a closed median or a restricted traffic light or a traffic circle to resolve the existing traffic problems. Sonja Knight, 7035 Estrella de Mar Road, Carlsbad, CA, president of the board of the homeowners association Villas Co 5 and Co 6 on Estrella de Mar Road, noted that the residents in her homeowners association are in favor of the installation of a closed median. Chairperson Schall noted each Traffic Safety Commissioner received a copy of letters from Paul and Jeanette Tanner, E. L. Wolf, Lois Lee and Ms. Yates as well as copies of signed petitions. Asking to speak again, Jim Bond, 2041 Caracol Court, Carlsbad, CA, commented even if a median is constructed motorists are going to go to San Macros and proceed from El Camino Real through Estrella de Mar Road and make a right-turn on Alga Road, thereby not eliminating the problem. Ray Gillilamb, 7014 Estrella de Mar Road, Carlsbad, CA, expressed his support for the installation of a closed median at the intersection. Chairperson Schall closed public testimony and called for Commission discussion. DISCUSSION: Vice-Chairperson Cress asked if staff considered making a left-turn only from Estrella de Mar Road onto Alga Road. Mr. Johnson replied if there mre a raised median and left-tum only, it would allow that movement and prohibit other movements. Without the benefit of a tMtc signal, staff would have concerns relative to the safety issue of this turn. In the interest of improving traffic safety and continuing to have a safe situation at the intersection, the median would restrict the movements that would be in anflict with through traffic. A '4 November 3,2003 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 12 traffic signal assigns the right-of-way; traffic signals do not prevent accidents or collisions. He noted that the highest number of collisions occur at intersections with traffic signals. Staff determined that a full median closure would be more appropriate for this intersection. Chairperson Schall requested clarification regarding U-turns at Alga Road and El Camino Real. Mr. Johnson replied there is no plan to prevent westbound U-turns at Alga Road and El Camino Real. Commissioner Dorsey commented that the perfect solution appears to be the installation of a traffic signal and close off Estrella de Mar Road. He suggested a police presence was definitely needed in the area. Vice-Chairperson Cress stated that if the median is closed at Alga Road, residents in La Costa Green will go up and across Dove Lane to access El Camino Real andigo east on Alga Road or go up to Poinsettia Lane to go north on El Camino Real. He mentioned that closing the median would solve the problems for Estrella de Mar Road’s morning traffic, but he did not know if this would solve the problem for the evening traffic. He expressed support for the installation of a closed median. Chairperson Schall noted that the problem of traffic going from Estrella de Mar Road into the new development has not been discussed and feared the issue would have to be readdressed once the new development is occupied. Noting Estrella de Mar Road is not a thoroughfare and Alga Road is a very busy thoroughfare, he believed the installation of a traffic signal could potentially cause traffic accidents and voiced his support for the installation of a dosed median. He suggested that the Police should monitor the area more frequently. Vice-Chairperson Cress concurred with Chairperson Schall. Noting his Support for the installation of a traffic signal, Commissioner Dorsey voiced his opposition to the installation of a closed median. Chairperson Schall closed discussion and called for a motion. MOTION: ACTION: Motion by Vice-Chairperson Cress, and duly seconded by Chairperson Schall, to accept the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to close the existing median opening at the Alga Road/Estrella de Mar Road intersection. This will result in right-turns Wright-turns out for vehicles traveling on Estrella de Mar Road and also for vehicles using the soon-to-be constructed fourth (northerly) leg of the subject intersection. VOTE: 2-1 -0 AYES: Schall, Cress NOES: DO=Y ABSTAIN: None I Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation Division, announced that the City Council would discuss and review the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Commission and determine the type of intersection control to be implemented for the Alga Road/Estrella de Mar Road intersection. P~tbefndbrmadanOf- AlHkcML~ ClTYcoUNcIL / From: Bob Johnson To: Ray Patchett Subject: +5P Date: 12/16/03 1 1 :07AM yhte 14 'b cityIbfanam.\ Alga Road/Estrella de Mar Road intersection Ray, there is no NCTD bus stop sign on Alga Road in the vicinity of Estrella de Mar Road. I spoke with Kurt Luhrsen of NCTD and he confirmed they do not have any bus boardings on Alga Road. However, they do have a stop at the ECWALGA intersection. There are 41 residential units fronting on Estrella de Mar Road and another 42 units on the side streets that intersect Estrella de Mar Road. There are 168 condominium units on the west side of Estrella de Mar Road that also take access to/from Estrella de Mar Road. AGENDAITEM#-. d \ c: Issue: Estrella De Mar/Alga Road Intersection Traffic Control Name/ Address Median ’.kacd &“fell4 s;le && r x -G;4?-& dw, x jii Ix Mayor City Counci City Manag% 1‘ City Attorney Clty Clerk .- Dear Carlsbad Citv Council. (YOUR NAME HERE) (YOUR ADDRESS HERE) 1 the intersection of Estrella De Mar and Alga Road. I do - not want the median closed! YES NO MEDIAN CLOSURE! Please add my name to your mailing list for notification of the City Council Meeting addressing this issue. Dear Carlsbad City Council, (YOUR NAME HERE) (YOUR ADDRESS URL5BPl b a Cp, 9 want a traffic signal installed at J the intersection of Estrella De Mar and Alga Road. I do not want the median closed! NO MEDIAN YES CLOSURE! Please add my name to your mailing list for notification of the City Council Meeting addressing this issue. Thank You, (YOUR ADDRESS ,, want a traffic signal installed at HERE) the intersection of Estrella De Mar and Alga Road. I do not want the median closed! YES NO MEDIAN CLOSURE! Please add my name to your mailing list for notification of the City Council Meeting addressing this issue. Thank You, * c Dear Carlsbad City Council, I $n4 Sd DZK of HB ,&e] (YOUR NAME HERE) (YOUR ADDRESS c4/\ ls6d want a traffic signal installed at HERE) - the intersection of Estrella De Mar and Alga Rea< I do - not want ) the median closed! YES z NO MEDIAN CLOSURE! Please add my name to your mailing list for notification of the City Council Meeting addressing this issue. 1 Thank You, Dear Carlsbad City Council, I dw czwd Sade Of 31 45 A(qs (YOUR NAME HERE) (YOUR ADDRESS buI~bai CA q'DW want a traffic signal installed at HERE) the intersection of Ftrella De Mar and Alga Road. I do not want the median closed! NO MEDIAN YES CLOSURE! Please add my name to your mailing list for notification of the City Council Meeting addressing this issue. Thank You, Date Dear Carlsbad City Covxil, IT-; Cw1-J of \41543 e5TGlIAk I-ZCXK, w (YOUR NAME HERE) (YOUR ADDRESS hmT TI;GW w ~4 want a traffic signal installed at HERE) the intersection of Estrella De Mar and Alga Road. I do not want the median closed! YES NO MEDIAN CLOSURE! Please add my name to your mailing list for notification of the City Council Meeting addressing this issue. Thank You, Dear Carlsbad City Council, want a traffic signal installed at the intersection of Estrella De Mar and Alga Road. I do - not want the median closed! YES NO MEDIAN CLOSURE! Please add my name to your mailing list for notification of the City Council Meeting addressing this issue. Thank You, * L Dear Carlsbad City Council, (YO~NAMEHERE) (YOUR ADDRESS G&//sbdd want a traffic signal installed at the intersection of Estrella De Mar and Alga Road. I do - not want the median closed! YES NO MEDIAN CLOSURE! Please add my name to your mailing list for notification of the City Council Meeting addressing this issue. Thank You, n Dear Carlsbad City Council, I (YOUR WE HERE) (YOUR ADDRESS /l& 9 am? want a traffic signal installed at HERE) the intersection of Estrella De Mar and Alga Road. I do not want the median closed! YES NO MEDIAN CLOSURE! Please add my name to your mailing list for notification of the City Council Meeting addressing this issue. Thank You, i4wmL I Id-8-03 lyoutsignatlmhere) Date Dear Carlsbad City Council, I G;n sa kd of (YOUR NAME HERE) (YOURADDRESS' want a traffic signal installed at HERE) the intersection of Estrella De Mar and Alga Road. I do not want the median closed! - YES NO MEDIAN CLOStJRE! Please add my name to your mailing list for notification of the City Council Meeting addressing this issue. / / (Your signatu= here) Date -- (YOUR NAME HERE) want a traffic signal installed at HERE) the intersection of Estrella De Mar and Alga Road. I do - not want the median closed! YES NO MEDIAN CLOSURE! Please add my name to your mailing list for notification of the City Council Meeting addressing this issue. Thank You, Dear Carlsbad City Council, (YOUREAME HERE) (YOUR ADDRESS want a traffic signal installed at HEW the intersection of Estrella De Mar and Alga Road. I do - not want the median closed! YES NO MEDIAN CLOSURE! Please add my name to your mailing list for notification of the City Council Meeting addressing this issue. Thank You, ~ . ..__ .- ,I ' b .* Elr. Herbert 1. Krahe dr. 7103 AImaden Ln. * C~~ISL~~CA 920094247 + e& ****+* Dear Carlsbad City Council, I #f yPJ3 L/ (YOUR NAME HERE) (YOUR ADDRESS i' . 4 /- ~ I ut r/want a traffic signal installed at - 1- HERE) the intersection of Estrella De Mar and Alga Road. I do not want the median closed! YES NO MEDIAN CLOSURE! Please add my name to your mailing list for notification of the City Council Meeting addressing this issue. Thank You, , (YOUR NAME HERE) (YOUR ADDRESS want a traffic signal installed at I HERE) J the intersection of Estrella De Mar and Alga Road. I do - not want the median closed! YES NO MEDIAN CLOSURE! Please add mv 4 name to your mailing list for notification of the City Council Meeting addressing this issue. Thank You, (Your signa%& here) Date Dear Carlsbad City Council, I/t/G-nt. g &/t of /52J /sC~c, , ' (YOUR NAME HERE) (YOURADDRESS I - want a traffic signal installed at HERE) the intersection of Fctrella De Mar and Alga Road. I do - not want the median closed! NO MEDIAN YES L. CLOSURE! Please add my name to your mailing list for notification of the City Council Meeting addressing this issue. Thank You, (Your sipturn h) Date (YOUR NAME HERE) (I?OURADDRESS b%,& 9rnq want a traffic signal installed at HERE) the intersection of Estrella De Mar and Alga Road. I do - not want the median closed! YES NO MEDIAN CLOSURE! Please add my name to your mailing list for notification of the City Council Meeting addressing this issue. Thank You, (Your signature here) Date Dear Carlsbad City Council, I P/\GuLUa/Vh4Jc. of \ql<n ?% LG, &k &+ (YOUR NAME HERE) (YOUR ADDRESS want a traffic signal installed at HERE) the intersection of Estrella De Mar and Alga Road. I do - not want the median closed! YES NO MEDIAN CLOSURE! Please add my name to your mailing list for notification of the City Council Meeting addressing this issue. ThankYou, , Dear Carlsbad City Council, - (YOUR NAME HERE) n (YOUR ADDRESS AViLAsE?A .ii+ 9-@3 want a traffic signal installed at I HERE) the intersection of Estrella De Mar and Alga Road. I do - not want the median closed! NO MEDIAN YES CLOSURE! Please add my name to your mailing list for notification of the City Council Meeting addressing this issue. Thank You,,, Dear Carlsbad Citv Council. (YOUR N~E HERE) (YOUR ADDRESS (/a Olm want a traffic signal installed at HERE) the intersection of Estrella De Mar and Alga Road. I do - not want the median closed! YES NO MEDIAN CLOSURE! Please add my name to your mailing list for notification of the City Council Meeting addressing this issue. (YOUR NAME HERE) (YOUR ADDRESS want a traffic signal installed at HERE) the intersection of Estrella De Mar and Alga Road. I do - not want the median closed! YES NO MEDIAN CLOSURE! Please add my name to your mailing list for notification of the City Council Meeting addressing this issue. Thank You, Dear Carlsbad City Council, QCASLL ,cG,. qaooq the intersection of Estrella De Mar and Alga Road. I do - not want want a traffic signal installed at HERE) the median closed! YES NO MEDIAN CLOSURE! Please add my name to your mailing list for notification of the City Council Meeting addressing this issue. Thank You, n i / n-\Q -a3 (YOUR NAME HERE) (YOUR ADDRESS AR68P9 want a traffic signal installed at HERE) the intersection of Estrella De Mar and Alga Road. I do not want the median closed! YES NO MEDIAN CLOSURE! Please add my name to your mailing list for notification of the City Council Meeting addressing this issue. Thank You, A (Yoursiptun? here) Dah? ..-. I I want a traffic signal installed at HERE) the intersection of Estrella De Mar and Alga Road. I do - not want the median closed! YE NO MEDIAN CLOSURE! ! Please add my name to your mailing list for notification of the City Council Meeting addressing this issue. t Thank You, Dear Carlsbad City Council, I D.C'Ss&&& Ut f- .)a of iq.35-$=- am E ftw Cz- -. (YOUR NM HERE) (YOUR ADDRESS flk=s 4- want a traffic signal installed at HERE) the intersection of Estrella De Mar and Alga Road. I do not want the median closed! - YES NO MEDIAN CLOSURE! Please add my name to your mailing list for notification of the City Council Meeting addressing this issue. Thank You, (Your signam here) Date 1 f 192qJUAKo JTd (YOUR ADDRESS VL Q want a traffic signal installed at HERE) the intersection of Estrella De Mar and Alga Road. I do - not want the median closed! YES NO MEDIAN CLOSURE! Please add my name to your mailing list for notification of the City Council Meeting addressing this issue. Thank You, Dea Carlsbad City Council, &dd ru;,d O/ge(-l (YOUR NAME HERE) (YOUR ADDRESS QfiW3m-h , Q! want a traffic signal installed at I HERE) the intersection of Estrella De Mar and Alga Road. I do - not want the median closed! YES NO MEDIAN CLOSURE! Please add my name to your mailing list €or notification of the City Council Meeting addressing this issue. Dear Carlsbad City Council ALL RECEIVED I, GRETCHEN BRAEBILL, of 1909 C Alga Road, Carlsbad, Ca 92009 Want Median Closure at the intersection of Estrella De Mar and Alga Road. Please close the median! Thank you, c. 12/09/2003 -.. Mayor City Council City Manager CiW Atforney Clerk - - C: Donald & Pamela Webb 70 17 Almaden Lane La Costa, CA 92009 (760) 431-3714 ALL RECEIVED AGENDA ITEM # -- a& e Mayor city Corrnct~ Cityl*15 T December 8,2003 Carlsbad City Council Ci9 Attci. ',q 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. cb' Clerk Carlsbad, CA 92008 \ __2_____ Dear City Council Members; We recently have been getting flyers at our door step regarding the proposed traflic signal at the intersection of Alga and Estrella de Mar. We are OPPOSED to a signal. We can see that corner fi-om almost every room in our house. We bought our home for the peaceful view of the golf course and putting a traffic signal with changing colors 24 hours a day at that corner would ruin our view and cause our property value to decline. What is wrong with the way it is now? Why change something that isn't broken? Why close it or add a signal? Please consider our request and VOTE NO ON THE TRAFFIC SIGNAL! ! ! ! ! ! Sincerely, Pamela Webb ALL RECEIVED December 6, 2003 City of Carlsbad City Council Carlsbad, California AGENDA ITEM # a& Mayor C: City Council City Manager City Attorney City Clerk Re: Traffic Signal at Estrella De Mar and Alga Road To Mayor Claude “Bud” Lewis, For three years now, 204 (and a lot more I’m sure) of our fiiends, neighbors and business associates who have signed a petition for a signal, have been under the impression we would be getting a much needed Traffic Signal installed at this location. When, why or how this changed I don’t know. However, to close the median would turn an unsafe situation into a possible deadly one. The only alternative for the residents living on Alga Rd to access their homes from the east is to make a U-turn at the intersection of Alga Road and El Camino Real. This intersection is already busy with commuter traffic trying to access a road leading to the freeway. By closing the median you will be adding residential U-turns and new home residents to an already overcrowded intersection and create a dangerous situation for motorists and pedestrians. Over the last three years, according to Carlsbad Police Department, (see enclosed report) there have been fifteen reported accidents between El Camino Real and Alicante Road. Not to mention the unreported collisions and damage to property that has taken place by speeding cars. I strongly believe the installation of the promised traffic signal will create a safer environment, slow traffic and be beneficial to the majority of the people living and commuting in the area. Respectfblly, Anne Marie Wish 2121 AlgaRoad Carlsbad, Calif., 92009 (760) 93 1-8127 Carlsbad Police Department CUSTOM CRIME REPORT YEAR 200 1 2002 Prepared for. Barry Wish (760-931-8127) Prepared by: Date prepared October 31,2003 Area: Time period. Lynn Diamond, Carlsbad Police Department (760-931-2 170) Alga Road, South of El Camino Real to Alicante January 1,2001 - September 30,2003 NUMBER OF COLLISIONS 5 5 SUMMARY OF TRAFFIC COLLISIONS 2003 ytd 5 AGENDA i aa December 9,2003 Barry Wish 2121 AlgaRoad Carlsbad, California 92009 City Council City Manager City Attorney City Clerk To Mayor Claude “Bud” Lewis, -LL RECEIVED We are residents of Carlsbad, living on Alga Road. Alga Road is Unique between Estrella De Mar and Alicante Road as it is the only area along the entire length of the road (Palomar Road to Melrose Avenue) with residential homes that directly access the roadway. Approximately 9 years ago, this area was a two lane (one lane in each direction) residential road. A road widening project was completed with a center median and two lanes in both directions. This center median prevented us access to westbound Alga Road from our homes. When we exit, we are forced to go eastbound to Alicante Road to make a u-turn . Some of us have to travel approximately 1/8 of a mile out of our way just to go westbound. When returning home from east of Alicante Road on Alga Road to our residences, we forced to pass our homes until we reach Estrella De Mar. We then have to make a u-turn back to our residences. Putting a median that would close off Estrella De Mar, would mean we have to travel further to El Camino Real to make the u-turn back to our homes. Since that is a busier intersection with a yield right turn it makes a u-turn there more hazardous. It also poses a shorter radius to negotiate a u-turn, sometimes making it a three point turn depending on the vehicle. We attended the Planning Commission meeting and the Council meeting regarding the apartment development at the corner of Alga Road and the extension of Dove Lane. During those meetings the development was approved with the stipulation of a traffic signal (bonded by the builder) at the intersection. Apparently in June 2003, the Planning Commission changed the project plans by recommending closure of a major intersection without notification to surrounding businesses or residents. We attended the Traffic Safety Commission meeting on November 03,2003, regarding the closing of the median or traffic signal. We presented the commission with a petition with 204 names of persons who either live in the area or businesses in the local area who favored the installation of a traffic signal. The concerns voiced for the closure of the intersection dealt with a traffic enforcement issue on Estrella De Mar and does not warrant closure of this intersection. Only three of the five commissioners were present. Without consideration of the signed petition favoring a tr&k signal or examining every aspect of the concerns and safety of the residents and motorists, the closure was approved by a 2-1 vote. Mr. Bob Johnson of the Engineering Department was apparently the staff member who recommended the closure prior to any notification and or testimony of residents affected by this closure. One of his reasons was the distance of the Estrella De Mar wasn’t a sufficient distance for a signal (less than 1200 feet) nor any legal justification for closing the intersection. Drawing your attention to Alga Road west of El Camino Real at Manzanita Street. There is a signal less than 1200 feet from the intersection of El Camino Real.. Further, between Manzanita Street and Mimosa Drive is another signal less 1200 feet. Both intersections are less distance than El Camino Real and Estrella De Mar. There are numerous other intersections within the city limits with less than 1200 feet between signals. Just west of El Camino Real on Aviary Parkway (extension of Alga Road) every intersection, whether a T intersection or 4 way intersection, has a traffic signal with the exception of two T intersections (one just east of Poinsettia Lane and one west of Poinsettia Lane).There is even a traffic signal at a T intersection where the road isn’t even open (Kingfisher Lane). I would also like to point out a portion of the median was removed on Poinsettia Lane west of Aviara Parkway to accommodate a new housing development near that intersection to allow access both east and west onto Poinsettia Lane. My questions for you are: How many 4 way intersections have been closed in the city? Why is Mr. Johnson recommending closure of a 4 way intersection for the new development and current residents? If it doesn’t warrant a signal then why close a intersection by putting in a median? We implore you to examine this intersection and see for yourself with approximately 24,000 vehicles in a 24 hour period that traverse this roadway, it cries out for a traEc signal not closure. In conclusion we are asking you to vote for a traflic signal which will benefit the residevts, motorist, pedestrians and the businesses in the two shopping centers. If you chose not to put in a traffic signal then leave the intersection open. Sincerely, 2 12 1 Alga Road Carlsbad, California 92009 (760) 931-8127 ANITA GUTKIN 331 OLIVE AVE. #301 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 PHONE: 760.720.2244 CELL: 602.524.5900 December 16,2003 C: hi <ipr city Council City Manager City Attorney city Clerk Memo to: Carlsbad City Council Re: Garfield Point As a homeowner in the Beach Community of Carlsbad, I am writing this to express my opposition to the proposed Garfield Point development for the following reasons: 1. The current zoning density does not provide appropriate conditions for emergency vehicles and poses a possibly dangerous and hazardous situation for residents. Consequently, zoning densities should be lower. 2. The proposed plan for Garfield Point is not suitable for the existing neighborhood character inasmuch as it is too massive in appearance with its solid roofline at 30 feet. 3. The proposed square footage of each of these two units is beyond what would be expected for a multi-unit project on this small parcel, constituting an intrusion for the surrounding neighbors. Thank you for considering these issues prior to your vote. Sincerely yours, Anita Gutkin AGENDA ITEM # a C: Mayor City Council ManafiU RECEIVED City Attorney City Clerk To: City Council of Carlsbad From: Flaiiigan 7243 Estrella De Mar Road Carlsbad, California Agenda of Traffic Signal vs- Raised Median - Estrella De Mar Road and Alga Boulevard Re: December 16,2003 I have had ownership of property on Estrella De Mar Road (EDMR) since 1979. This residential road was originally designed as a small, neighborhood passage for the homes adjacent to the country club. It was used for golf carts, club carts, local automobiles, pedestrians, and “spa walkers”. This small neighborhood has had to adjust to the many changes brought about by the tremendous development of the adjacent areas, just as many other neighborhoods have had to do. This neighborhood needs to have an increase in the protection of its fast changing quality of Me. This letter is to intersection. recommendat io we are in favor of the Traffic Commission De Mar Road and Alga Boulevard As the Council knows - trafic signals dictate traffic flow. The installation of a traffic signal will encourage an increase in bypass traffic onto Estrella De Mar to avoid the Algal Camino Real intersection. This by pass is already a reality on a small scale, at present, when traffic is heavy and/or backed up at the El Camino Real intersection. For the residents of the EDMR neighborhood that want to turn west onto Alga, it is approximately a 0.3 odometer reading to go east on Alga to the Alicante signal and do a U-turn. For those residents of Alga Boulevard who want to do a U-turn at EDMR and the residents of EDMR that want to turn left onto EL)MR, it is approximately a 0.1 odometer reading to go to El Camino Real to do the U-turn. The following are some of the reasons why the traffic signal is not in the best interest and safety of the Estrella De Mar Road neighborhood: 1. EDMR is a narrow, winding, country-like road with many blind curves, It is very difficult to exit/eiiter driveways when there is substantial traffic and parking. Unlike Alga, EDMR does not have marked parking and bike lanes that actually give the exidenter driver a cushion to increase the safety in mobility. 2. The present 25mph speed on EDMR is rarely obeyed by the drive through traffic. 3. There have been many close calls encountered by the resident pedestrians. There are no sidewalks on EDMR and no TOO^ or plans for sidewalks. The following are some ofthe reasons why the traffic signal is not in the best interest and safety of Carlsbad traffic: 1 - The right turn lane of‘fEl Camino Real onto Alga is a non-stop, yield turn lane. The traffic whips around this comer, and the close proximity of a red signal at the Estrella De Mar Road could trigger fkqucnt rear end collisions. mnt 7604384624 12/14/03 03:56pm P. 003 2. ‘El Camino Real and EDMR parallel close together at Alga. This means very close signals that could be regulated to an extenl, but, because of fiequent paramedic and fire call trips at the intersection ( an assisted living facility is located at this comer ) the synchronization of the signals and sequence delays could be a chronic problem I have also sent a copy of a letter sent to the Council several months ago listing other problems with a signal installation with this fax - To summarize, for the protection and safety of the Carlsbad citizens ofthe Estrella De Mar Road neighborhood, we are in favor of the median closure at Estrella De Mar Road and Alga Boulevard. Thank You for your consideration. i-ii'ir 7604384624 12/14/03 03:56pm P. 084 ..7 e.,-, cGz.: c $6' .,/ h2-4Pl.r-d~ 7 B&&, .+2q>,<y B To: City of Carlsbad City Council Claude Lewis, Ann Kulchin, Ramona Finnila, Matt Hall, Julianne Nygaard City Treasurer Jim Stanton City Clerk Lorraine Wood City Manager City Attorney Public Safety Officer Traffic Engineer Robert Johnson Re: Opposition to the Installation Of Traffic Signal at the Intersection of Alga Road and Estrella De Mar Road (ESDMR) REQUEST: Extension of the Median through thc present intersection of Estrella De Mar Road and Alga ITEM I The neighborhood of Estrella De Mar Road (ESDm) bounded by Arena1 Road and Alga is a closed - no growth - area of Carlsbad consisting of a sinall group of dwellings. ITEM II The ESDMR is a low speed, winding, country-like road with many blind dwelling driveways entering into it. ITEM IIT The residents ofESDMR have had traffic speed, parking, and congestion prohiems &om consumers and employees at the La Costa Resort and Spa, even at non-Tournament times. The installation of a stoplight is an invitation to these same citizens to use this street as a thoroughfae. The development of the Villages of La Costa will add to this by- ITEM 1V Some residents of ESDMR have had major damage done to their property by curb jumpers, hotel employees, and consumerdtourniiment attendees at the hotel. ImM V ESDMR is not engineered lo be conducive to thoroughfare traffic. ITEM VI There are many residents who walk on their street, ESDMR. There are no sidewalks; no room for sidewalks; and no request for sidewalks. ITEM VI1 There is no need for a trafic signahtoplight at ESDMR and Alga. There is a U-turn availability at Alicante and at El Camino Real. Thcre could also be a U-turn cut out in the median at the creek overpass area of Alga so as not to offend the residents Of Alga. ITEM VlII The installation of the stoplight will cause the corner Alga and ESDMR residents to have headlights beaming into their home constantly. pass traffic. 12/14/03 e)3:56pm P. 005 ITEM IX The instatlation of the stoplight will increase traftic noise, exhaust, dirt, and rear end collisions fiom the speeding cars turning off El Camino Real that are in the process of accelerating to start up Alga. These cars will meet an abrupt and unexpected signal to stop. ITEM X The Villages ofLa Costa will add greatly to the traffic on the main and prime arterials, which will force the impatient drivers to seek alternative routes, e-g., Estrella De Mar Road. The traffic signal will enhance the accessibility of ESDMR for nonresident trafic. ITEM XI If drivers use ESDMR as a by-pass, this will increase trafic at &end, EstrelIa De Mar Road, and El Camino Real. This traflic will be blocking the Firehouse driveways and triggering more red lights for the El Canaim Real traffic. ITEM XIT Installation of the traac sigual at Estrella De Mar Road and Alga will further contribute to the decline of the Quality of Life for the residents of Estrella De Mar Road and Alga. Please take the time to review this letter md consider the content before installing the traffic light at the corner of Estrella Jk Mar Road and Alga. Thank You, Flanigan 7243 Estrella De Mar Road Carlsbad, California 92009 December 9,2003 We the signers of this petition, hereby petition the Carlsbad City Council to adopt the recommendation of the Traffic Committee to close the median on Alga Road at the intersection of Estrella De Mar. We do not want a traffic signal and agree with City Engineers that it will not reduce accidents and is too close to the traffic light at El Camino Real, per standards. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 AGENDA ITEM # a DICK & HANNEKE LOGGER 7246 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD. RANCHO LA COSTA CA. 92009 U.S.A. Mayor City Council City Manager City Attorney City Clerk C: PHONE: (760) 603-0804 FAX: (760) 603-0848 E-MAIL: Dihalorraer@Adebhia. net Carlsbad, December 13,2003 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad CA. 92009 Dear City Council Members, We are living on one of the blind curves on Estrella De Mar RD. Already in the present situation it is very difficult and dangerous to exit our drive way into the street. Cars are driving in our street way in access of the 25 Miles per hour speed limit. With the installation of traffic lights on the above mentioned intersection our street will become a second El Camino Real through road with unlimited traffic dangers to the people of the adjacent houses . Our street has no side walks, so we are forced to walk on the street. Cars using our street just as a cut off street are very ignorant with their speed limit as they want to cruise our street in the fastest way possible. Again I ask the City Council members to please, please, please follow the recommendation of the planning commission. Please do NOT create another hazardous traffic situation by installing traffic lights at the Alga/ Estrella de Mar Intersection. Please use your good judgment and CLOSE the median on Alga. While thanking you for your consideration, I remain, Dick Logger William 0. Yates Doris J. Yates 7057 Estrella de Mar Rd. Carlsbad, CA 92009 December 15,2003 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Members of the Council, Many of us have participated in the Carlsbad City Council Meetings only to be dis- appointed by NOT being heard or NOT being listened to. We have felt left out and ignored. The intersection of Alga Rdmstrella de Mar Rd. has been tom up, filled in, torn up, filled in so many times we have lost count. We have been inconvenienced countless times. Many residents on Estrella de Mar Rd. have advocated for a raised median to hinder the numerous vehicles that use our residential street as a shortcut to El Camino Real via Arenal. I am a 75 year old who likes to use Estrella de Mar Rd for my morning walk recom- mended by my cardiologist. Many times I’ve felt like wearing a “sandwich board” with “25 M.P.H.” emblazoned on it when I have been passed by motorists pressing the pedal to the metal, trying to save a few seconds. Estrella de Mar Rd. is clearly marked by 2 “25” M.P.H. signs designating it a residential street that now dead ends at Arenal. It twists and winds with blind curves and changing elevations. It used to be a quiet country road when we purchased property in 1971. We would like to have it that way again. The folks on Alga east of Estrella de Mar Rd. have to turn right from their driveway or street to the light at Alicante, make a “U” turn to go West on Alga. There are 2 left turn lanes at El Camino Real less than a block West of Estrella de Mar Rd. Having a raised median at the intersection of Alga/Estrella de Mar Rd would be a distinct safety factor limiting the numbers of vehicle$ on a 36’wide street with no sidewalks, parking on both sides of the street, three blind curves with changing elevation, walkers, joggers and several families with young children. As we look at the hills to the North being graded for thousands of houses, the number of vehicles can be multiplied by 2 or 3 and see the proliferation of traffic that will be added to our inadequate infrastmcture. Make Estrella de Mar Rd. a ‘“P‘street for the safety of the populafion south of Alga Rd.9. Thank You. ‘t Doris J. Yates ; ‘*XI: i I$ L#j ),I! .ri,l If IC ai f To our Carlsbad City Council Members: 12/11/2003 We pnrticipated in the City of Carlsbad meeting with the Traffic Planning Committee last month. The committee voted 2 to 3 in favor of a median closure to reduce traffic on Estrella De Mar associated with the new housing projects across Alga and to avoid the dangers associated with a traffic signal so close to El Camino Real. The traffic engineers found that the intersection met only 1 of the 11 criteria for a light and that the opening of Estrella De Mar on the north side of Alga would bring an estimated 150 or so additional cars down our street per day. It was pointed out WEstrella De Mar has EO sidewalks, three: b_lin_d curves and already has had several i&s of injury to local residents and pets. We would like to go on recawb.as in favor of the median closuqe. We request you visit our street and park at the curb and observe the morning "speedrrly" of cars driving at unsafe speeds around the blind curves. We live just aRer the first blindcurve coming southbound from Alga. Both my wife and I have had several near misses pulling out of our driveway. In the morning,when we back out and go the speed limit,it is a common occurrence to have shortcutting drivers riding so close to our bumpers,that we can make out their angry expressions. I have had cars pass me even though they were approaching a curve. I- Let me restate simply the reasons this street is not suitable for this level of traffic: No sidewalks Parking on both sides Width of street, approx 30 feet, was built for a residential street, not a thoroughfare Three blind curves There have already been injuries to residents walking Estrella De Mar from use as a shortcut The engineers pointed out,that stop lights are where the majority of accidents happen. Putting a third stoplight within a 3 block stretch of Alga is unsafe. In addition, cars coming off El Camino Real to Alga east bound could be a potential accident hazard when carsvacked up at a stop light at Estrella. The back ups will happen in the evening as the volume of cars going home is very large. The addition of a stop light at that intersection will hrther encourage short cuts bath in the morning and in the evening once Alga bound motorists realize,that they can avoid the new light by coming north on Estrella. The new traffic count of an additional 150 cars does not even consider& the impact on the north bound evening traffic. Whatever problems a new stoplight appears to solve, should be weighed against the problems and safety issues it creates. / A Sincerely, Ro rt &\Irene Donne11 7062 Estrella De Mar Road, Carlsbad, CA 92009 p" Carlsbad, CA 92009 PLACE STAMP HERE Carlsbad City Council 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92007 Esteemed Members of the Carlsbad City Council: We urge to accept the recommendation of the Traffic Com- mittee which had a majority vote in favor of closing the me- dian on Alga Road. They believed that Estrella De Mar is a residential road which would be unduly compromised by the traffic flows from the low income housing project and the new construction planned east of Alga and Estrella De Mar. It was stated in the record that the proposed light is too close to El Camino Real per standard practice. We encourage each member of the City Council to visit our neighborhood in the morning, see the traffic on our road and imagine the impact of 2,000 + new homes on what is a twisting road with elevation changes and blind curves. A vote in favor of this issue. V Carlsbad, CA 92009 I i 1 STAMP I HERE I i-J Carlsbad City Council 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92007 Esteemed Members of the Carlsbad City Council: We urge to accept the recommendation of the Traffic Com- mittee which had a majority vote in favor of closing the me- dian on A!ga Road. They believed that Estrella De Mar is a residential road which would be unduly compromised by the traffic flows from the low income housing project and the new construction planned east of Alga and Estrella De Mar. It was stated in the record that the proposed light is too close to El Camino Real per standard practice. We encourage each member of the City Council to visit our neighborhood in the morning, see the traffic on our road and imagine the impact of 2,000 + new homes on what is a twisting road with elevation changes and blind curves. A vote in favor of the median closure, follows the recommendation of the traf- fic committee and ensures the safest, most logical solution to this issue. December 9,2003 We the signers of this petition, hereby petition the Carlsbad City Council to adopt the recommendation of the Traffic Committee to close the median on Alga Road at the intersection of Estrella De Mar. We do not want a traffic signal and agree with City Engineers that it will not reduce accidents and is too close to the traffic light at El Camino Real, per standards. Name: Signature: Address: Phone: December 9,2003 We the signers of this petition, hereby petition the Carlsbad City Council to adopt the recommendation of the Traffic Committee to close the median on Alga Road at the intersection of Estrella De Mar. We do not want a traffic signal and agree with City Engineers that it will not reduce accidents and is too close to the traffic light at El Camino Real, per standards. 18 19 December 9,2003 We the signers of this petition, hereby petition the Carlsbad City Council to adopt the recommendation of the Traffic Committee to close the median on Alga Road at the intersection of Estrella De Mar. We do not want a traffic signal and agree with City Engineers that it will not reduce accidents and is too close to the traffic light at El Camino Real, per standards. December 9,2003 We the signers of this petition, hereby petition the Carlsbad City Council to adopt the recommendation of the Traffic Committee to close the median on Alga Road at the intersection of Estrella De Mar. We do not want a traffic signal and agree with City Engineers that it will not reduce accidents and is too close to the traffic light at El Camino Real, per standards. Name: Signature: Address: Phone: /- -. 9 & 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 December 9,2003 We the signers of this petition, hereby petition the Carlsbad City Council to adopt the recommendation of the Traffic Committee to close the median on Alga Road at the intersection of Estrella De Mar. We do not want a traffic signal and agree with City Engineers that it will not reduce accidents and is too close to the traffic light at El Camino Real, per standards. Name: Signature: ~ Address: Phone: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 December 9,2003 We the signers of this petition, hereby petition the Carlsbad City Council to adopt the recommendation of the Traffic Committee to close the median on Alga Road at the intersection of Estrella De Mar. We do not want a traffic signal and agree with City Engineers that it will not reduce accidents and is too close to the traffic light at El Camino Real, per standards. Name: Signature: Address: 1 >L,c. J(jdj+ 7083 6JhCIA L - fir #13. Phone: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 U 19 20 December 9,2003 We the signers of this petition, hereby petition the Carlsbad City Council to adopt the recommendation of the Traffic Committee to close the median on Alga Road at the intersection of Estrella De Mar. We do not want a traffic signal and agree with City Engineers that it will not reduce accidents and is too close to the traffic light at El Camino Real, per standards. Name: Signature: Address: Phone: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 , ,. .-_. .._._. L,..--.....' . FROM : ROSTAN __ ... -....- ...__,., I . PHONE NO. : 760 438 820;! Dec. 15 2003 09:44PM P1 Dec;embcr 9,2003 We the signers of this petition, hereby petition the Carlsbd City Council to adopt the mommendation of the Traffic Committee to close the median oh Alga Road at the intersection of Estrella De Mar. We do not want a traffic Signal and age With City Engineas that it will not reduce accidents and is tao close to the traffic light at El Camino Real, per standards. 4 5 10 I Esteemed Membm ofthe Cwlxbad City Couocil: We urge to accept tbc rtcommcndation of the Traftic Com- mittee which had a majority w@ in favor of closing the me- I 'dim & Alga Road. They believed that Btrella De Mar is a residential road which would be unduly con!pmmiSed by the Mic flows from the low inoame housing pmjecl and the new construction planned east of Alga and Estrella De Mu. It was stated in the word that the pmpased light is 100 close to El Camino Real per standud pfadce. We encowage cach member of the City.Counci1 to visit our neighborhood in the morning, sec Ihz tratrrc on <wn road ad impact of 2,000 -I.. ncw homes on what is a twisting road with elevation changes and blind cum=. A vote in fnvor of tht mdian closure, fol~ows the recommendation of the tiaf- fic committee and ensures &e safea mmt logical solutioa to the A =- .- *I ', 20 , .. ,. December 9,2003 We the signers of this petition, hereby petition the Carlsbad City Council to adopt the recommendation of the Traffic Committee to close the median on Alga Road at the intersection of Estrella De Mar. We do not want a traffic signal and agree with City Engineers that it will not reduce accidents and is too close to the traffic light at El Camino Real, per standards. Name: Signature: Address: Phone: 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Dec 16 03 10:57a alesia 7609290046 December 9,2003 We the signers of this petition, hereby petition the Carlsbad City Council to adopt the recommendatioii of the Traffic Committee to close the median on Alga Road at the intersection of Estrella De Mar. We do not want a hafllic signal and agree with City Engineers that it will not reduce accidents and is too close to the traffic light at El Camino Real, per standards. N me: Signature: Address: Phone: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 .___ 14 15 16 _c 17 18 19 20 FROM : ROSTAN PHONE No. : 760 438 0282 Dec. 15 2003 09:42Ptl P1 .. .-- ,- U.(.Wl_. .I- .. ,* , ~ December 9,2003 ,\ We the signers of this petition, hereby petition the Carlsbad City Council to adopt the rocommendation of the Traffic Committee to close the median on Alga Road at the intersection of Estrella De Mar. We do not want a traffic signal and agree with Clty Engineers that it will not reduce accidents and is too close to the trafiic light at E1 Camino Real, per standards. 3 4 5 6 Esteemed Membcrs of rht Carl.. City Council: We urge to.-' the recommcn&tion of tbb Traffic Com- mittee whioh had a majority vote in favor of closing die me- dian gn Alga Road. 'fbey klivd that Estadla I& Mu is a rwidential road whicb would be unduIy comprbed by the traffic flows fiom thc low income hou..ing project axrd the new consmction planned eaet of Algn and Estrella De Mar. It was stated in thc record that the prop~td light is 100 clow to El Camino Red por srondud prac(ice. We encourage each member of the City Council 10 visit our neighborhood in the monring, scc the traffic on our rnad and hghe the impact of 2,oOO 4, new hom~ on ht is a twisting road with elevation chnnges and blind curves. A votc in favor of the median closwq follows the rccommcrdatioa of the traf- tic committee and ensures the safat, met logical solution to this ksuc. - ., ,# ' J -.&&,&-~..< *"..._. ' ' pf2-L- LA - .' ' 20 DEC-16-03 TUE 02:02 PH LA JOLLA BANK FAX NO, 858 756 1492 Pt 02 .... ......-_...-.... .-... - 6 ..... .".. .. -._. .... .... ...-_.. ..... --...,,- ........ _.I, .... .,...-... ... -I---. I--- 8 .... ._. ..... ...- - .... ... .__.,." .-__,. ..- .... .--..,,..- "-~,.. {I ......... ........ ..-, ...-- . ._ ..- --..-.#-I.-..- 1 I ...__. ..__.,,.-._. ..-. ,..- ,,..-. .- /.,.._- 17 .. ......-... ..-.... 1): ....................... '9 .-._.* ...........-. ..., 2% .- . ..-.. ,--... ....... .-- . ..- ........ .- .. ,.- .... ..--. ..... -.,.. ,.- ..... -,--...- ...... - .. ...... e*. bW,*.,., *>.,.-. ....... .,,11,.. December 9,2003 We the signers of this petition, hereby petition the Carlsbad City Council to adopt the recommendation of the Traffic Committee to close the median on Alga Road at the intersection of Estrella De Mar. We do not want a traffic signal and agree with City Engineers that it will not reduce accidents and is too close to the traffic light at El Camino Real, per standards. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 Phone: 19 20 December 9,2003 We the signers of this petition, hereby petition the Carlsbad City Council to adopt the recommendation of the Traffic Committee to close the median on Alga Road at the intersection of Estrella De Mar, We do not want a traffic signal and agree with City Engineers that it will not reduce accidents and is too close to the traffic light at El Camino Real, per standards. Name: Signature: Address: Phone: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 FROM : Robert Elliot PHONE NO. : 760 931 9006 Dec. 16 2003 85:03pM PI Ducemher 9,2003 Wc the signers of this petition, hereby petition the Carlsbad City Council to adopt the recommendation of the Traffic Committee to closc the median on Alga Road at the intersection of Estrella De Mar. We do not want a traffic signal and agree with City Engineers that it will not reduce accidents and is too close to the traflic light at El Chino Real, per standards. Name: Signatwc: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 15 16 17 18 ...- _I -.-- Address: Phone: 19 20 December 9,2003 We the signers of this petition, hereby petition the Carlsbad City Council to adopt the recommendation of the Traffic Committee to close the median on Alga Road at the intersection of Estrella De Mar. We do not want a traffic signal and agree with City Engineers that it will not reduce accidents and is too close to the traffic light at El Camino Real, per standards. Name: Signature: Address: Phone: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 c2”- December 9,2003 We the signers of this petition, hereby petition the Carlsbad City Council to adopt the recommendation of the Traffic Committee to close the median on Alga Road at the intersection of Estrella De Mar. We do not want a traffic signal and agree with City Engineers that it will not reduce accidents and is too close to the traffic light at El Camino Real, per standards. Name: Signature: Address: Phone: 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17- 18 19 ,,/ CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY . STREET Alga Road LIMITS: El Camino Real to Melrose tlrive I A. Prevaillna Smed Data: Date of Speed Survey Location of Speed Survey 85th Percentile 10 MPH Pace Percent in Pace Posted Speed Limit B. &xident Hlst (a/OlrsS to 7BEl) I Speed-Related Accidents Total Accidents Acc./Milliin Veh. Miles Average Daily Traffic Traffic Controls PedestriadBicycle Traffic Bicycle Lanes On-Street Parking Other I D. RoadwavFacton: 1 Street Classification Design Speed Length of Segment Roadway Width Number of Lanes Vertical Alignment Horizontal Alignment Sidewalks , Driveways Street Lighting 10/17/01 1 0/17/0 1 500’ el0 Estrella de Mar Road 54 MPH 51 MPH 46 to 56 MPH At Corte Casitas 42 to 52,43 to 53 MPH 80% 82% 50 MPH 50 MPH 3 11 0.36 10/17/01 At Santa Isabel Street 52 MPH 44 to 54 MPH 70% 50 MPH East of Estrella de Mar Road (5/30/01); 11,900 - East of El Fuerte Street (5/30/01) at El Camino Real, Alicante Road, Corintia Street, El Fuerte Street & Melrose Drive Light Bicycle Lane on Each Side Parking Only Allowed on South Side between Estrella de Mar Road and Alrnaden Lane Bike Route Der Circulation Element of the General Plan Major Arterial 50 MPH 2.4 Mi. 82 Feet (Curbto-Curb) 2 Lanes Each Direction Roadway Grades Vaw from 1.5% to 9.9% Curvilinear Portions of Sidewalk Missing on Both Sides Driveways in Some Locations Limited Street Lighting CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY 4 STREET: El Camino Real LIMITS: Alga Road to South City Limits FACYURS A. Prevalllna SDeed Data: Direction: NorthboundSouthbound Direction: NorthboundSouthbound I ' Date of Speed Survey Location of Speed Survey 85th Percentile 10 MPH Pace Percent in Pace Posted Speed Limit 6. Accldent H1stowL I (10/01l98 to 9130100) Average Daily Traffic Traffic Controls Pedesbian/Bicycle Traffic Bicycle Lanes On-Street Parking Other D. Roam Factors; Street Classification Roadway Width Number of Lanes Vertical Alignment Horizontal Alignment Sidewalks Driveways Street Lighting Length Design o speed Segment I w- 11130100 0.3 Mi. do Alga Road 57 MPH 47 to 57 MPH 1 1130100 0.2 Mi. do Levante Street 57 MPH 47 to 57 MPH 79% 74% 55 MPH 55 MPH 19 43 0.77 34.700 - South of Alga Road (9120100); 30,900 - Sooth of Calle Barcelona (9/20/00) Traffic Signals at Alga Road, Arenal Road, Costa Del Mar, La Costa Avenue, Plaza De La Costa, Levante Street and Calle Barcelona Light Bicycle Lane on Each Side Patking Prohibited on Each Side Bus Route & Truck Route Prime Arterial 60 MPH 2.33 Mi. 79 to 107 Feet Varies Between 2 to 3 Lanes in Each Direction Grades Vary Between 0.51% and 5.64% Curvilinear No Sidewalk Exists for a 0.51 Mile Easte Arenal Road; 0.17 Mile Easterly Portion 2 o La Costa Avenue Two Driveways Serve Shopping Center; Seven Driveways Access Undeveloped Land No Street Lights on West Side Between La Costa Avenue and Arenal Road; on East Side Between La Costa Avenue and Costa Del Mar Road and Between Arenal Road and Alga Road Portion do Alga Road: 0.5 Mile Westerly Portion do E. Adiacent Land Usep: Commercial shopping center, vacant-undeveloped land, lagoon, residential (single and multi-familg and resorUcountry club with golf course. F. RemarkslCondiffons Not Readilv Armarent: Pedestrians walk in the roadway in areas where sidewalk has not been constructed. onditions of Section 627 of the California Traffic Manual with respect to design and sight distance, and roadway and traffic NOTE: Appropriate speed survey(s) islare attached hereto and made a part hereof. Dec 15 03 12:28p alesia 7609290046 AGENDA ITEM # C: Mayor City Council City Manager City Attoraw Cify Clerk DEC. 15, 2003 Dear City Council Member: For myself, my wife, and neighbors on Estrella de Mar Road, I am begging you for MY GRANDCHILDREN'S SAFETY TO LOOK INTO YOUR HEARTS and not. turn Estrella de Mar into a heavily used short cut by putting a traffic signal at the corner of Alga and Estrella de Mar Road. Please allow us to continue to live on a peaceful and tranquil street. 4 7264 Estrella de Mar Road Carlsbad, Ca. 92009 P.S. : PLEASE: take the advice of your own Safety Commission and extend the median! Ciry Council City Manager City Attorney MEMO DATE: 12/15/2003 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM KIRA LINBERG RE: ESTRELLA DE MAR City Clerk Rlchard Riehl called to voice his opinion over the proposed median closing. He lives at 7185 Estrella De Mar. He wants the median to be closed and he does not want a traffic light put in. He said that there are already dangerous blind curves in that area and it is an issue of public safety. DATE 12/ 15/2003 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM KIM LINBERG RE: ESTRELLA DE MAR City Manager City Attorney City Clerk _____I Doris Yates called to voice her opinion over the proposed median closing. She lives at 7057 Estrella De Mar. She is against the idea of a traffic light and she is for the median closure. She said there would be a safety hazard if a light went in, especially for the people in the affordable housing across the street from her, who would start to just drive straight through and cause numerous problems. C: Mayor MEMO DATE: 12/15/2003 City Manager City Attorney TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL City Clerk FROM KIM LINBERG RE: ESTRELLA DE MAR Martin Perlou called to voice his opinion over the proposed median closing. He lives at 7115 Estrella De Mar. He is in favor of the original opinion that the median should be closed, and he does not want a traffic light put in. He said that if a light were to be placed there it would cause it to be much more difficult to get around in that area. MEMO e. CCty Council DATE: 12/ 15/2003 City Manager TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL City Attorney City Clerk FROM: KIRA LINBERG RE: ESTRELLA DE MAR Mr. Millunet called to voice his opinion over the proposed median closure. He lives at 7184 Estrella De Mar. He does not want a traffic light and he does want the median to be closed. He said that he didn’t know how or why the people living at the end of Alga were included in the consideration. He said, “It would be beneficial for them and detrimental to us. With the new houses going in on Alga, a thousand more cars a day could be corning through.’’ KL AGERDA ITEM # ad. tl Mayor City Council MEMO DATE: 12/15/2003 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM KIRA LINBERG RE: ESTRELLA DE MAR City Manager City Attorney City Clerk A person called to voice his opinion about the proposed median closure. He did not state his name or address, but said he was a citizen of Carlsbad. He strongly opposes a traffic light and wants to see the median closed. He said it is extremely dangerous in that area, and that he was almost hit two dfferent times trying to come out of his driveway. Mr. Terry McCabe 7025 Almaden Lane Carlsbad, CA 92009 December 12,2003 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 AGrn@A$TEM # &A €5 myor City Council City Manager City Attorney City Clerk Re: Traffic Light at Alga and Estrella de Mar Dear Carlsbad City Council Members, I am writing in support of the City of Carlsbad having a traffic signal installed at the intersection of Alga Road and Estrella de Mar (Dove Lane). I am not in favor of the City of Carlsbad closing the opening in the median at Alga where Estrella De Mar intersects with Alga Road. Introduction The Carlsbad City Council members needs understand that the issue of constructing a traffic signal or to construct a raised median across the existing median opening is not just related to the intersection of Alga and Estrella de Mar. The issue has Macro Traffic Safe* Implications on Alga from the El Camino Real to Alicante. Specifically, the issue has significant traffic safety implications on El Camino Real, Alga, Estrella de Mar, Dove Lane (a northern leg of Estrella de Mar under construction), Almaden Lane, Alicante and a new northern leg of Alicante (under construction). It also has safety implications for those who live on Alga between the two defined boundaries as well. The Council members also need to keep in mind, that the traffic signal has already been approved, bonded for design and construction, with installation to occur only when directed by the City Engineer. And, the bond remains in effect until 2010. Thus, if the 1 opening in the median is closed, it will eliminate the developer’s responsibility for the installation of the Traffic Signal. Should it be decided in the future to install a traffic signal, then both the re-opening of the median and installation of the traffic signal will be at the expense of the City and its tax payers. Increased and Unsafe Traffic on Estrella de Mar Is Not A Well Reasoned Argument In response to those who would argue that by closing the open median on Alga it will “keep Estrella de Mar from becoming a Raceway/Frontage Road for El Camino Real” as suggested by the attached neighborhood flyer (see attachment l), it simply is not a well reasoned argument. The neiphborhoods real concern is traffic from the La Costa Greens 1.15 Affordable Apartments proiect. When completed, it is feared the Affordable Apartment residents will have direct access from Dove Lane to Estrella de Mar and therefore traffic will increase in that community. However, Estrella de Mar simply is not an attractive route as a thorowhfare for anyone wanting to travel from or to Alga and El Camino Real. This statement is supported by the October 6, 2003 Traffic Safety Commission Staff Meeting Report (herein after ‘the TSCM report’) and by exhibit 2 (see attachment 2) of that report. There simply isn’t any evidence to support an argument that an open median on Alga would have any substantial increase traffic on Estrella de Mar. To the contrary, Table 2, Table 3 and Exhibit 2 of the TSCM Report provides support of how the residents of Estrella de Mar area actually rely on and benefit from the open median on Alga. One other point, the proposed closure of the open median will eliminate those members, guests and employees who want to access the La Costa Resort via turning from west bound Alga onto Estrella de Mar. The closure of the open median would also eliminate the option of leaving the La Costa Resort via Estrella de Mar to west bound Alga. 2 Possible Solutions To Control Traffic On Estrella de Mar If potential increase of traffic and safety on Estrella de Mar continues to be an argument used in an attempt to support closing the open median on Alga, then there are a couple of simple solutions. Estrella de Mar extends approximately 3,530 feet from where it intersects with Alga to Arenal with a speed limit of 25 miles per hour. Yet Estrella de Mar has no stop signs, traffic signals or other speed controls between the two intersections identified. Therefore, one way to help control speed would be to install one or more two way stop signs on Estrella de Mar between its intersection with Alga and Arenal. Another method might be to construct speed bumps at strategic locations along Estrella de Mar. Such speed bumps are already installed on Estrella de Mar just before entering the La Costa Resort area and they are very effective in controlling traffic speed. Finally, if speed actually becomes a problem on Estrella de Mar, then it is a traffic enforcement issue and not a reason to close the open median on Alga. Traffic Safety Commission Recommendation Failed To Consider Relevant Factors In An Effort To Supported City Counsels Change of Direction Mandate I have read the TSCM report regarding Item No. 6A. Requested action by City Counsel was for the Traffic Safety Commission to “Evaluate the intersection for consideration of constructing a traffic simal or to construct a raised median across the existing median opening.” The TSCM report recommendation was “that the existing median opening at the Alga RoadEstrella de Mar Road intersection be closed”. The TSCM report recommendation is inconsistent the facts, tables and exhibits as present by the report and what is actually happening with traffic as the result of all of the development in the immediate area. Instead the report went into great detail about background history, provided some meaningful data and focused on Estrella de Mar. The TSCM report never presented a case why the open median should be closed. The 3 paragraph just before the TSCM reports “RECOMMENDATION” seems to suggest this was just old business and that paragraph reads as follows: “Stafloriginally recommended to the Planning Commission that the median be closed at the time the La Costa Greens project was constructed. As directed by the City Council at their June 18, 2003 meeting, staffhas re-examined the issue of installing a tra8c signal or closing the median opening at the subject intersection. It is recommended that the median opening on Alga Road be closed’. The TSCM report did not take attempt to take into consideration the impact the elimination of the traffic signal would have on Alga from El Camino Real to Alicante. The report did not take into consideration the increased traffic which will be created by the La Costa Greens 180 affordable apartments units which will be accessed by Dove Lane’s intersection with Alga when the project is completed. And, so there is no misunderstanding, Dove Lane is basically a northern leg of the intersection made up of AlgaEstrella de Mar. The report did not take into consideration the traffic congestion anc, safety issues which will be created at the intersection of Algal Camino Real without the traffic signal. The report did not take into consideration how traffic that will be created on Alga from the 386 additional La Costa Green development 1 .OS-1.12 residential units, which will be built just 1,866 feet up the road at the AlgdAlicante intersection, will effect the area without the traffic signal. Nor, did the report consider how the residents along Alga and/or those who use Almaden Lane would be effected by the additional traffic created by the La Costa Green development 1 :08-1 : 12 without the traffic signal. I suggested the TSCM report failed to take apparent and/or reasonable factors into consideration because the members believed that: The City Council gave a mandate to the Traffic Safety Commission to evaluate a previously approved traffic signal over an announced new direction by the City Council that it was considering closing an open median instead (Wink! Wink!). A with such a mandate would you expect the Traffic Safety Commission to provide anything other than a recommendation supporting the new direction and agenda? Get Real. 4 Clearly, the Traffic Signal at the intersection of AlgaEstrella De Mar (Dove Lane) is needed for interruption for continuous traffic to help control traffic and prevent unsafe conditions at the intersections of El Camino Real/Alga, Algastrella de Mar (Dove Lane), AlgdAlmaden Lane and AlgdAlicante as well as along Alga. Traffic Signal is Needed to Assign Right-Of Way To Various Traffic Movements As La Costa Greens 1.15 Affordable Housing will add 180 Units To The Area The Villages of La Cost Green development 1.15 Affordable Housing will add 180 units in the area just north of AlgaEstrella de Mar. Access from Alga to this development will be the extension of Dove Lane when construction is completed. So there is no misunderstanding, Dove Lane is principally a new northern leg of Estrella de Mar. Therefore the Traffic Signal or open median closure is actually looking at a four way intersection made up of Alga, Estrella de Mar and Dove Lane. Assume each unit has 2 vehicles, this development will then add 360 vehicles to the area. With the traffic signal installed a large percentage of the vehicles will egress and ingress from the development as shown on the TSMC report exhibit 2 (attachment 2 to this letter). The TSMC report exhibit 2, clearly shows that almost twice a many peak hour volume of vehicles will rely having a traffic signal and open median as those who use Estrella de Mar. The intersection of Alga and El Camino Real is approximately 1,048 west of the Alga/ Estrella de Mar (Dove Lane) intersection. The traffic signal is needed to assign right-of-way to insure safety for all traveling in the area. This letter is already long enough, so I am only going to provide a few safety issues. Without the traffic signal and open median a portion of the 360 vehicles will use the Dove Lane to Alga exit. Many of those will attempt to time or compete with traffic to cross over to access into the two west bound left turn lanes in order to either make a U-Turn back east on Alga, or left onto El Camino Real. This maneuver will be done during peak hours and with added west bound Alga traffic from the Villages of La Costa Green 386 residential units which their access to Alga is only about 1,866 feet east of Dove Lane. 5 Directing your attention once one again to the TSMC report exhibit 2, it shows how the route during peak hour volume would access the La Costa Greens Affordable Housing development via west bound Alga and turning at the site of the previously approved traffic signal at the intersection of Algastrella de Mar (Dove Lane). Given the traffic conditions, the traffic signal would be needed for safe assignment of right-of- way so those vehicles could access Dove Lane from westbound Alga. Likewise, exhibit 2 shows how vehicles could turn from Dove Lane onto Alga when leaving the Affordable Housing development. Without the Traffic Signal to assign right-a-way to those entering west bound Alga from Dove Lane as well as to interrupt the continuous flow of every increasing volume of traffic approaching the intersection of Alga and El Camino Real the City of Carlsbad is creating a condition of “accidents just waiting to happen”. Traffic Signal at AlgaEstrella de Mar (Dove Lane) Is Needed For The Interruption of Continuous Traffic Flow Up and Down Stream On Alga The Villages of La Costa Green Developments 1 .OS - 1.14 will add 386 residential units to the area just north of the AlgdAlicante. Access to these developments will be via a new northern extension of Alicante added to the existing intersection of AlgdAlicante. Assume each residential unit has 2 vehicles, this development will then add 772 vehicles in use daily to the area. A large percentage of vehicles will use the AlgdAlacante intersection to ingress and egress the development community. As a result Traffic on Alga (east & west bound) will increase dramatically. Depending on the time of day, the increased traffic will create congestion and traffic back ups at the intersections of AlgaEl Camino Real (AM) and AlgdAlicante (PM). It is also important to note that both of these intersections allow “3-point turns” which have increased safety risks as traffic flow increase. Trucks and other medium to large vehicles rarely can make a complete uninterrupted U-Turn from east bond to west bond Alga at the AlgdAlicante intersection. 6 Without the interruption of continuous traffic flow which would be created by the previously approved traffic signal, the residents on Alga or those who use Almaden Lane will find it very difficult and unsafe to enter east bound Alga and/or attempt to make a U- turn at the intersection of AlgdAlicante. During peak hours, when residents are traveling home east bound on Alga to La Costa Greens developments 1.08 - 1.14 their vehicles will without question create congestion and a back up in the left lane just before the AlgdAlicante intersection. Traffic back up in the east bound left lane of Alga, will result in increased high speed traffic @e. 50 mph) in the right east bound lane of Alga. As a result, it will be unsafe and virtually impossible for some of the residents on Alga and all of those who use Almaden Lane to gain access onto Alga. Further, congestion and traffic back up during peak hours will make it almost impossible for those accessing Alga from Almaden Lane from being able to make a U-turn at AlgdAlicante. According to the Oct 6,2003 TSCM report, Alga is a major artery, four lane divided road and has a “prima facie speed limit of 50 miles per hour”. By simply using the east bound traffic figures for Alga from table 3 of the TSCM report and applying the data 1,866 feet east to the AlgdAlicante intersection, those same figures provide an excellent snap shot of what the current traffic pattern is like at approaching the AlgdAlicante intersection. Now, add a reasonable number of vehicles on Alga to those figures for vehicles accessing La Costa Greens via the intersection of AlgdAlicante. The problem in the near future should be reasonable clear. Peak Hour Traffic Volumes At The Intersection of Alga/ Estrella de Mar (Dove Lane) Have Already Exceeded The Year 2020 Peak Hour Volume Projections The TSCM report included a Table 3, which provided a 24 hour study showing the hourly ‘Alga RoadEstrella De Mar Road Intersection Approach Volumes” for August 26,2003. The TSCM report also included an Exhibit 2, which is a traffic study showing the year “2020 with Project Peak Hour Volumes” for the same intersection, except Dove Lane would be open. The August 26,2003 study shows that the current 7 peak hour projected volumes already substantially exceed the year 2020 peak hour projected volumes. Yet, this fact was not noted or considered in the TSCM report. This should be a wake up call for the City Council and clearly indicates that the traffic on Alga between El Camino and Alicante has already exceeded 2020 peak hour projections. The peak hour traffic is only going to become a substantial problem as the Villages of La Costa Greens (566 Units) and Ridge projects are completed. Conclusion This has been a long letter, but I felt there was a lot that needed to be said and brought to the attention of the City Council about the issue. The City Council made the right decision when it approved the installation of the traffic signal at the AlgaEstrella de Mar (Dove Lane) intersection. There should be no U-turn on that decision. The installation of the traffic signal is needed for the safety of all that live or travel in the area. Sincerely, +$%?!& Terry Cabe 2 -Attachments 8 . COUNCIL MEETING TUES DEC 16 6:OO PM 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE McCnbe 12/1s/2003 Lrr Attachment 1 607(1287) I, 3. 5 (15) Q) e 9\ 984(829) 6 1 NOT TO SCALE LEGEND: XX(W) AM(FM) SOURCE: THE VILLAGES OF LA COSTA TRAFFIC STUDY REV. 8/17/00 BY LINSCOTT, LAW& GREENSPAN EXHIBI1 2020 WITH PROJECT PROJECT NAME McCabe 1uim003 LE Attachment 2 .. . . ... . . . . . , . . .. .._.-_ -- k xn Oct. 29,2003 We, the signers of this petition, do petition to the City of Carlsbad, that we are all in favor of installing a traflic Signal at the intersection of Alga Road and Estrella De Mar. We do not want Estrella De Mar closed, and we want a traffic signal installed at this intersection. Name: Signature: Address: Phone: Oct. 29,2003 We, the signers of this petition, do petition to the City of Carlsbad, that we are all in favor of installing a trafic Signal at the intersection of Alga Road and Estrella De Mar. We do not want Estrella De Mar closed, and we want a traffic signal installed at this intersection. Oct. 29,2003 We, the signers of this petition, do petition to the City of Carlsbad, that we are all in favor of installing a traffic Signal at the intersection of Alga Road and Estrella De Mar. We do not want Estrella De Mar closed, and we want a traffic signal installed at this intersection. NaIl.43: Signawe: A. \ Address: Phone: 1. .&!&!& 2. t ‘ It Oct. 29,2003 We, the signers of this petition, do petition to the City of Carlsbad, that we are all in favor of installing a traffic Signal at the intersection of Alga Road and Estrella De Mar. We do not want Estrella De Mar closed, and we want a traffic signal installed at this in&rsection. Oct. 29,2003 We, the signers of this petition, do petition to the City of Carlsbad, that we are all in favor of installing a traffic Signal at the intersection of Alga Road and Estrella De Mar. We do not want Estrella De Mar closed, and we want a traffic signal installed at this intersection. Name: Address: Phone: 7 I. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Oct. 29,2003 We, the signers of this petition, do petition to the City of Carlsbad, that we are all in favor of installing a traffic Signal at the intersection of Alga Road and Estrella De Mar. We do not want Estrella De Mar closed, and we want a traffic signal installed at this intersection. Name: Signature: Address: Phone: t4t3 17,wr * 1 34f6-U 3 AGENDA ITEM # &A Mayor City Council City Manager City Attorney City Clerk December 13,2003 City of Carlsbad City Council Carlsbad, California 1 -uLuti u -L P i'L! ,L # 22- C: Mayor City Council City Manager City Attorney City Clerk Re: Traffic Signal at Estrella De Mar and Alga Road To Whom It May Concern, It has recently been brought to my attention that there are plans to close the median at Estrella De Mar and Alga Road. I was under the impression that once the new development was complete, that a traffic control signal would be placed at Estrella De Mar and Alga Road. This city of ours is growing, and with growth comes an increase in population and traffic. Population growth, is one way a city can increase its local economy, but with all growth, arises new concerns for safety. It is essential that the city provide safe streets for vehicular and pedestrian traffic. By closing the median at Estrella De Mar, several immediate concerns come to my attention. First of all, whether it be a citizen who needs to make a U-turn there, or an emergency vehicle, the distance to travel from Alicante to El Camino is too far. I know that if I, or someone I know needed emergency services, I would want the fastest response possible. By closing the median, it would delay response times for emergency personnel. Secondly, vehicles on Alga are traveling too fast. On several occasions, I have seen where a vehicle was traveling to fast, and lost control and hit a driveway lamp or mailbox. For vehicles traveling down hill, or westbound on Alga, their speeds could be easily over 60 MPH. A trafic control device would help reduce the speed of vehicles on Alga Road; However, a closed median would only encourage unsafe speeds. Which brings me to my final point, and perhaps most important one. Like I have said before, the distance is too far between marked intersection. With all this new construction, comes new homes and communities. With new communities comes growth of the population. With population comes people of all ages from toddlers to senior citizens. Now my point, by neglecting to place a traffic control device at Estralla De Mar, you are not allowing pedestrians a safe place to cross. You know as well as I do, we as humans are always looking for the easiest way to do things, and our children are no different. What happens when all these children who start living in these new developments, start going to school. Some will have to walk home, some will ride there bikes. Regardless, all of the sudden, we have hundreds of innocent children needing a place to cross Alga Road. And it is safe to say, that they will not walk all the way up or down Alga to cross legally in a marked crosswalk. No they will jaywalk across four lanes of road way with vehicles traveling 50 plus miles an hour. Not to , mention that there is only one side of Alga Road that has a sidewalk. So a child who is on the south side of the street, where there is no sidewalk, they will have to run across traffic, just to get to a sidewalk on the north side of the street. Otherwise their other alternative is to walk on the street without a side walk, with speeding traffic. We need to protect our pedestrians and children. I strongly feel that placing the promised traffic signal will create a der environment for everyone. Slowing traffic will benefit the majority of the people living in the community. I thank you for your time and consideration. 2383 Terraza Guitara Carlsbad, Ca. 92009 (760)-525-5 182