HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-01-20; City Council; 17478; Local Taxpayers & Public Safety Protection Acti! 4
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AB# 17,478
MTG. 1/20/04
Receive presentation from the League of California Cities (League) on the proposed Local
Taxpayers and Public Safety Protection Act, which is scheduled for the November 2004
state ballot.
The City Council provides an opportunity for citizens and organizations to have an item
placed on a City Council Agenda by submitting a letter to the City Manager. The League
has requested that opportunity to present to Council the League’s proposed Local
Taxpayers and Public Safety Protection Act, which is scheduled for the November 2004
I. The Local Taxpayers and Public Safety Protection Act
SECTION ONE. Short Title.
These amendments to the California Constitution shall be known and may be
SECTION TWO. Findings and Purposes
(a) The People of the State of California find that restoring local control over local
tax dollars is vital to insure that local tax dollars are used to provide critical local services
including police, fire, emergency and trauma care, public health, libraries, criminal
justice, and road and street maintenance. Reliable hnding for these services is essential
for the security, well-being and quality of life of all Californians.
(b) For many years, the Legislature has taken away local tax dollars used by local
governments so that the State could control those local tax dollars. In fact, the Legislature
has been taking away billions of local tax dollars each year, forcing local governments to
either raise local fees or taxes to maintain services, or cut back on critically needed local
(c) The Legislature’s diversion of local tax dollars from local governments harms
local governments’ ability to provide such specific services as police, fue, emergency and
trauma care, public health, libraries, criminal justice, and road and street maintenance.
(d) In recognition of the harm caused by diversion of local tax dollars and the
importance placed on voter control of major decisions concerning government finance,
and consistent with existing provisions of the California Constitution that give the people
the right to vote on fiscal changes, the People of the State of California want the right to
vote upon actions by the State government that take local tax dollars from local
(e) The Local Taxpayers and Public Safety Protection Act is designed to insure
that the People of the State of California shall have the right to approve or reject the
actions of state government to take away local revenues that fund vitally needed local
(f) The Local Taxpayers and Public Safety Protection Act strengthens the
requirement that if the State mandates local governments to implement new or expanded
programs, then the State shall reimburse local governments for the cost of those
(g) The Local Taxpayers and Public Safety Protection Act does not amend or
modify the School Funding Initiative, Proposition 98 (Article XVI, section 8 of the
California Constitution).
(h) Therefore, the People declare that the purposes of this Act are to:
(1) require voter approval before the Legislature removes local tax dollars
from the control of Local Government, as described in this measure;
(2) insure that local tax dollars are dedicated to local governments to fbnd
local public services;
(3) insure that the Legislature reimburses local governments when the
State mandates local governments to assume more financial responsibility
for new or existing programs; and
(4) prohibit the Legislature from defemng or delaying annual
reimbursement to local governments for state- mandated programs.
SECTION THREE. Article XIIIE is hereby added to the California Constitution to
read as follows:
ARTICLE XIIIE Local Taxpayers and Public Safety Protection Act
Section 1. State-wide Voter Approval Required
(a) Approval by a majority vote of the electorate, as provided for in this section,
shall be required before any act of the Legislature takes effect that removes the following
funding sources, or portions thereof, from the control of any Local Government as
follows :
(1) Reduces, or suspends or delays the receipt of, any Local Government’s
proportionate share of the Local Property Tax when the Legislature
exercises its power to apportion the Local Property Tax; or requires
any Local Government to remit Local Property Taxes to the State, a
state-created fund, or, without the consent of the affected Local
Governments, to another Local Government;
(2) Reduces, or delays or suspends the receipt of, the Local Government
Base Year Fund to any Local Government, withoct appropriating
finds to offset the reduction, delay or suspension in an equal amount;
(3) Restricts the authority to impose, or changes the method of
distributing, the Local Sales Tax;
(4) Reduces, or suspends or delays the receipt of, the 2003 Local
Government Payment Deferral; or
(5) Fails to reinstate the suspended BradleyBurns Uniform Sales Tax
Rate in accordance with Section 97.68 of the Revenue and Taxation
Code added by Chapter 162 of 2003 Statutes; or reduces any Local
Government’s allocation of the Property Tax required by Section
97.68 while the Sales Tax Rate is suspended.
(b) A vote of the electorate, as provided in this section, shall also be required if
an act of the Legislature that establishes classifications or exemptions from the Local
Property Tax or the Local Sales Tax does not include a continuous appropriation to
reimburse Local Governments for the actual loss of revenue from those classifications or
exempt ions.
(c) Prior to its submission to the electorate, an act subject to voter approval under
this section must be approved by the same vote of the Legislature as is required to enact a
budget bill and shall not take effect until approved by a majority of those voting on the
measure at the next statewide election in accordance with subdivision (d).
(d) When an election is required by this section, the Secretary of State shall
present the following question to the electorate: “Shall that action taken by the
Legislature in [Chapter- of the Statutes of -1, which affects local revenues, be
Section 2. Definitions
(a) “Local Government” means any city, county, city and county, or special
(b) “Local Government Base Year Fund” means the amount of revenue
appropriated in the 2002-2003 fiscal year in accordance with Chapters 1 through 5,
commencing with section 10701 of Part 5 of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation
Code, adjusted annually based upon the change in assessed valuation of vehicles that are
subject to those provisions of law. In the event that the fees imposed by those provisions
of law are repealed, then the Fund shall be adjusted annually on July 1 by an amount
equal to the percentage change in per capita personal income and the change in
population, as determined pursuant to Article XIIIB.
(c) “2003 Local Government Payment Deferral” means the amount of revenues
required to be transferred to Local Government from the General Fund specified in
subparagraph D of paragraph 3 of subdivision (a) of section 10754 of the Revenue and
Taxation Code in effect on August 1 1,2003.
(d) “Local Property Tax” means any Local Government’s January 1,2003
proportionate share of ad valorem taxes on real property and tangible personal property
apportioned pursuant to the Legislature’s exercise of its power to apportion property
taxes as specified in Article XIIIA, section 1. “Local Property Tax” also means any
Local Government’s allocation of the ad valorem tax on real property and tangible
personal property pursuant to Article XVI, section 16.
(e) “Local Sales Tax” means any sales and use tax imposed by any city, county,
or city and county pursuant to the BradleyBurns Uniform Sales and Use Tax (Chapter 1
of Part 1.5 of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code) in accordance with the law
in effect on January 1, 2003.
(f) “Special District” means an agency of the State, formed pursuant to general
law or special act, for the local performance of governmental or proprietary functions
with limited geographic boundaries, including redevelopment agencies, but not including
school districts, community college districts, or county offices of education.
(g) “State” means the State of California.
Section 3. Interim Measures
(a) The operation and effect of any statute, or portion thereof, enacted between
November 1, 2003 and the effective date of this Act, that would have required voter
approval pursuant to Section 1 if enacted on or after the effective date of this Act (the
“Interim Statute”), shall be suspended on that date and shall have no fUrther force and
effect until the date the Interim Statute is approved by the voters at the fmt statewide
election following the effective date of this Act in the manner specified in Section 1. If
the Interim Statute is not approved by the voters, it shall have no Mer force and effect.
(b) If the Interim Statute is approved by the voters, it shall nonetheless have no
fbrther force and effect during the period of suspension; provided, however, that the
statute shall have force and effect during the period of suspension if the Interim Statute or
separate act of the Legislature appropriates funds to affected local governments in an
amount which is not less than the revenues affected by the Interim Statute.
SECTION FOUR. Article XIIIB Section Six (6) is hereby amended as follows:
SEC. 6. (a) Whenever the Legislature or any state agency mandates a new program or
higher level of service on any local government, the State shall annually provide a
subvention of finds to reimburse such local government for the costs of such program or
increased level of service, except that the Legislature may, but need not, provide such
subvention of finds for the following mandates:
(a) (1) Legislative mandates requested by the local agency affected; 0 (2) Legislation defining a new crime or changing an existing definition of a
crime; or 0 (3) Legislative mandates enacted prior to January 1, 1975, or executive orders
or regulations initially implementing legislation enacted prior to January 1, 1975.
(3) The annual subvention of funds required by this section shall be transmitted to the
local government within 180 days of the effective date of the statute or regulation or
order by a State officer or agency that mandates a new program or higher level of
service, or within I80 days of a final adjudication that a subvention of funds is required
pursuant to this section. For purposes of this section, the Legislature or any State
agency or oficer mandates a new program or higher level of service when it creates a
new program, requires services not previously required to be provided, increases the
frequency or duration of required services, increases the number ofpersons eligible for
services, or transfers to local government complete or partial financial responsibility for
a program for which the State previously had complete or partial financial responsibility.
(e) If during the fiscal year in which a claim for reimbursement is filed for a subvention
of funds, the Legislature does not appropriate a subvention offinds that provides fill
reimbursement as required by subdivision (a), or does not appropriate a subvention of
funds that provides full reimbursement as part of the state budget act in the fiscal year
immediately following the filing of that claim for reimbursement, then a local government
may elect one of the following options:
(I) Continue to perform the mandate. The local government shall receive
reimbursement for its costs to perform the mandate through a subsequent appropriation
and subvention offinds; or
(2) Suspendperformance of the mandate during all or a portion of thefiscal year
in which the election permitted by this subdivision is made. The local government
may continue to suspendperformance of the mandate during all or a portion of
subsequentJisca1 years until the fiscal year in which the Legislature appropriates
the subvention offinds to provide fill reimbursement as required by subdivision
(a). A local government shall receive reimbursement for its costs for that portion
of the fiscal year during which it performed the mandate through a subsequent
appropriation and subvention of funds.
The terms of this subdivision do not apply, and a local government may not make the
election provided for in this subdivision, for a mandate in efect on January I, 2004 that
either requires safe working conditions for local government employees or establishes
procedural rights arising from and directly relating to local government employment.
(d) For purposes of this section, “mandate ” means a statute, or action or order of any
state agency, which has been determined by the Legislature, any court, or the
Commission on State Mandates or its designated successor, to require reimbursement
pursuant to this section.
SECTION FIVE. Construction
(a) This measure shall be liberally construed to effectuate its purposes, including
providing adequate funds to Local Government to fund local services such as police, fire,
emergency and trauma care, public health, libraries, criminal justice, and road and street
(b) This measure shall not be construed either to alter the apportionment of the ad
valorem tax on real property pursuant to Section 1 of Article XIIIA by any statute in
effect prior to January 1,2003 or to prevent the Legislature from altering that
apportionment in compliance with the terms of this measure.
(c) Except as provided in Section 3 of Article XIIIE added by Section Three of this Act,
the provisions of Section 1 of Article XIIIE added by Section Three of this Act apply to
all statutes adopted on or after the effective date of this Act.
SECTION SIX If any part of this measure or its application to any person or
circumstance is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity shall not
affect other provisions or applications that reasonably can be given effect without the
invalid provision or application.