HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-03-09; City Council; 17534; Poinsettia & Stagecoach Park EnhancementsAB# 17,534 MTG. 3/9/04 DEPT. PWlGS CITY OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL TITLE: - ACCEPTANCE OF PROJECT TO FURNISH AND INSTALL A SYNTHETIC TURF ATHLETIC FIELD AND ACCESS STAIRS AT POINSETTIA PARK SOCCER FACILITY AND ACCESS STAIRS AT STAGECOACH PARK TENNIS FACILITY. PKS 02-04 CITY MGR RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2004-078 accepting the work in accordance with Contract No. PKS 02-04, Project No. 3864 (Poinsettia Turf Field and Stairs) and Project No. 3838 (Stagecoach Tennis Access) as complete, and direct the City Clerk to have the Notice of Completion recorded and to release the bonds thirty-five (35) days after recordation. ITEM EXPLANATION: July 23, 2002, the City Council awarded a contract to Empire and Associates / Sprinturf for $723,970. Contract PKS 02-04 is for the installation of a synthetic turf soccer field at Poinsettia Park and installation of concrete stairways at Poinsettia Park and Stagecoach Park. In recent years it had become increasingly difficult to effectively maintain the three and a half acre natural grass athletic field at Poinsettia Park. The field had suffered chronic, premature deterioration due to heavy year round use from organized sports, adult and youth. Because of the high usage, grass could not grow and provide a safe playing surface for the players. In addition, staff felt it was in the City’s best interest to consolidate two other park C.I.P. projects into this program. These projects incorporated the installation of access stairs to the synthetic turf field at Poinsettia Park and access stairs to the tennis facility at Stagecoach Park. The stair components were generated by citizen requests and the need to provide safe, easy access to these park facilities. The field continues to receive favorable comments from the community and user groups This project addressed the Council Goal as described below. “Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of top-quality services to our community.” Work began on February 3, 2003 and the original completion date was scheduled for July 2, 2003. The work took longer than expected due to weather delays, unanticipated utility relocations, failure on the part of Empire and Associates / Sprinturf to prosecute the work in a timely manner, and failure on the part of Empire and Associates to provide the required administrative documentation including the project as-built drawings and an acceptable warranty document. This project is now complete and the contractor’s work is acceptable to the Deputy Public Works Director/General Services and to the Public Works Supervisor - Contracts and Agreements. FISCAL IMPACT: Installation of the synthetic turf field allows the City to utilize the field on a year round basis by eliminating the need to close the field to perform yearly maintenance on natural turf. The City spent close to $20,000 annually for renovations of the natural grass field, which included seeding, aerification, fertilization and irrigation improvements. Annual maintenance of the field cost approximately $1 14,000, which included labor, material, irrigation and equipment. Annual maintenance costs for the synthetic field are estimated to be $5,000. This is the estimated labor cost to clean and groom the artificial turf. The estimated annual cost savings is $1 29,000. I PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BILL NO. 17,534 The total cost for this project is $767,300.60, which was funded by the Infrastructure Replacement Fund (Poinsettia Turf Field and Stairs) and the General Capital Construction Fund (Stagecoach Tennis Access). Change Orders for the project totaled $43,330.60. The largest Change Order item was for the unanticipated relocation of portions of the park and sports lighting electrical systems at $21,500.72. EXHIBITS: 1. Adopt Resolution No. 2004-078 accepting the work in accordance with Contract No. PKS 02-04, as complete, and direct the City Clerk to have the Notice of Completion recorded and to release the bonds thirty-five (35) days after recordation. 2. Notice of Completion. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Dale Schuck, (760) 434-2949, dschu@ci.carlsbad.ca.us or Doug Duncanson, (760) 434-2862, ddunc@ci.carlsbad.ca.us d 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EXHIBIT 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2004-078 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE WORK AS COMPLETE AND DIRECTING THE RECORDATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR FURNISHING AND INSTALLING A SYNTHETIC TURF ATHLETIC FIELD AND ACCESS STAIRS AT POINSETTIA PARK SOCCER FACILITY AND ACCESS STAIRS AT STAGECOACH PARK TENNIS FACILITY. PKS 02-04 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has previously appropriated Infrastructure Maintenance and Replacement funds for furnishing and installing a synthetic turf athletic field and access stairs at Poinsettia Park Soccer Facility and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has previously appropriated General Capital Construction funds for furnishing and installing access stairs at Stagecoach Park Tennis Facility, hereinafter referred to as the “Project;” and WHEREAS, the City Council has previously awarded a contract for the Project; and WHEREAS, the Project work has been satisfactory completed; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion has been prepared for the Project; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds it necessary, desirable, and in the public interest to accept the completed work for furnishing and installing a synthetic turf athletic field and access stairs at Poinsettia Park Soccer Facility and access stairs at Stagecoach Park Tennis Facility. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as Follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 19 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ill 2. That the completed work is hereby accepted and the City Clerk is directed to record he Notice of Completion and to release the bonds thirty-five days after recordation for said Voject. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City If Carlsbad held on the 9th day of March , 2004 by the following vote, to vitt: NOES: None ABSENT: None AYES: Council Members Le 4TTEST IN M. WO * -%%% )D, City Clerk (SEAL) Resolution No. 2004-078 page 2 OUC # 2004-0256546 RECORDED REQUESTED BY 6- CITY OF CARLSBAD AND WHEN RECORDED PLEASE City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 ~ Notice is hereby given that: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. MfiR 235 2004 8~42 AM aTICIK mDs SAN DIE@ COUNTY ElXDER'S OFFICE GREGORV J. SHITHs COUHTY RECORDER FEES: 0.00 Space above this line for Recorder's use. PARCEL NO: N/A NOTICE OF COMPLETtON The undersigned is owner of the interest or estate stated below in the property hereinafter described. The full name of the undersigned is City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation. The full address of the undersigned is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California 92008. The nature of the title of the undersigned is: In fee. A work or improvement on the property hereinafter described was completed on January 22,2004. The name of the contractor for such work or improvement is Empire and Associates / Sprinturf. The property on which said work or improvement was completed is in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and is described as follows: Poinsettia Park Soccer Facility and Stagecoach Park Tennis Facility Upgrades, Agreement Number 3864/3838, Drawing Number 397-7. The street address of said property is 6600 Hidden Valley Road. VERIFICATION OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned, say: City Council of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, said City on March 9 , 20x, accepted the above described work as completed and ordered that a Notice of Completion be filed. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on March 10 , 20&, at Carlsbad, California. Karen R. Kundtz, Assisixnr: City Clerk