HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-04-13; City Council; 17589; Lanikai Lane Modile Home Park traffic evaluation2 0 F 0 a i 2 3 0 0 TITLE: TRAFFIC EVALUATION IN THE VICINITY OF THE LANlKAl LANE MOBILE HOME PARK AND DIRECTING PROJECTS TO BE PROCESSED IN THE 2004-2005 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AND DIRECTING INSTALLATION OF AN EMERGENCY ACCESS GATE iB# 17,589 ITG. 4/13/04 IEPT. ENG &E CITY ATTY. CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2~~34-122 directing staff to process for inclusion in the 2004-2005 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) the construction of a left-turn lane on northbound Carlsbad Boulevard at Breakwater Road and the extension of the southbound Carlsbad Boulevard right-turn-only lane from Poinsettia Lane northerly to Breakwater Road and directing the installation of an emergency gate with Knox Box lock on North Ponto Drive. ITEM EXPLANATION: Several meetings were held by the City Council in 2003 to discuss the requirement for installation of an emergency gate with Knox Box lock on the northerly end of Ponto Drive where it intersects Surfside Lane. This gate is a condition of the La Costa Downs Specific Plan. The City Council took no action on the gate issue and directed staff to conduct a traffic study to evaluate summer traffic impacts in the vicinity of the Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park and return with options and cost estimates. Resident concerns cited, and requests made, at the July 15, 2003 City Council meeting are summarized as follows. 1. Depending upon their perspective, citizens asked that either a gate be installed or not be installed on the north end of Ponto Drive. 2. High volumes of U-turns occur on Breakwater Road from northbound Carlsbad Boulevard right-turning vehicles. 3. There is no left-turn lane on northbound Carlsbad Boulevard at Breakwater Road to facilitate U-turns to return south. 4. Southbound Carlsbad Boulevard vehicles queue in the bicycle lane when waiting to turn westerly into the South Carlsbad State Beach campground entrance located at Poinsettia Lane. 5. A traffic signal is requested where Lanikai Lane intersects Carlsbad Boulevard. The input from residents of both the Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park and the La Costa Downs subdivision is generally focused upon three issues. Issue 1 - Installation of the emergency access gate with Knox Box lock on north Ponto Drive. Issue 2 - Circulation impacts on Carlsbad Boulevard caused by vehicles attempting to enter the Issue 3 - Request for a traffic signal where Lanikai Lane intersects Carlsbad Boulevard. South Carlsbad State Beach campground. Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. 17,589 Issue 1 - Emerclencv Access Gate An emergency access gate with Knox Lock box is required to be installed on north Ponto Drive at its intersection with Surfside Lane as a condition of the La Costa Downs Specific Plan. The gate is to be installed after permanent access to Carlsbad Boulevard is provided to residents of Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park. This access has been provided with the construction of the Breakwater Road intersection that is controlled by a traffic signal. Staff recommends that the emergency access gate be installed. The cost for installation of the emergency access gate with Knox Lock box and appropriate warning signs on Ponto Drive is estimated to cost $2,300. The La Costa Downs developer has indicated that they will pay to the City of Carlsbad the costs of having the emergency access gate with Knox Box lock installed. Issue 2 - Carlsbad Boulevard Circulation Impacts As directed by the City Council, staff conducted traffic studies in the summer months of July, August, and September 2003. Staff also met with representatives of the State Parks and Recreation Department regarding the configuration of the campground entrance at Poinsettia Lane. Many of the citizen concerns are a result of the limited ability for South Carlsbad State Beach visitors to enter the campground. Access to the campground can only be made by proceeding south on Carlsbad Boulevard and turning right (westerly) into the campground. As a result, long vehicle queues on southbound Carlsbad Boulevard extend into the bicycle lane as drivers wait for the campground to open, such as on Sunday afternoons at 2:OO p.m. Vehicle queues were observed extending from Poinsettia Lane to Breakwater Road, a distance of about 1,700 feet. From westbound Poinsettia Lane, there is no direct access across Carlsbad Boulevard into the campground. Drivers must turn right and proceed northerly until they find a turn-around location to proceed southbound to the campground entrance. The first opportunity for drivers to perform this turnaround maneuver is at the Breakwater Road intersection. Breakwater Road is a signalized, T-intersection that serves the gated, residential community of Poinsettia Cove. It also serves the mobile home park by virtue of the one-way southbound portion of Ponto Drive intersecting Breakwater Road on the north side. Mobile home park residents can enter Breakwater Road to turn left or right on Carlsbad Boulevard. There is a short distance available on Breakwater Road between Carlsbad Boulevard and Ponto Drive for vehicles to store while the driver waits for a green indication. A vehicle turn-around area is provided immediately west of the Poinsettia Cove gate that has been installed on Breakwater Road at the location where southbound Ponto Drive intersects Breakwater Road. Visitors to the campground, and others traveling north on Carlsbad Boulevard, use the Breakwater Road turn-around to reverse direction to proceed southbound on Carlsbad Boulevard. The number of vehicles turning left from Breakwater Road to southbound Carlsbad Boulevard were observed to range between 18 and 53 vehicles in each of a series of one-hour intersection turning movement counts obtained at various times of the day. About one-half of these vehicles, on average, first made a right-turn from northbound Carlsbad Boulevard. Although a concern to residents of the mobile home park, Carlsbad Boulevard right-turning vehicles performing the U-turn on Breakwater Road were not observed to present conflicts with vehicles entering Breakwater Road from southbound Ponto Drive. The number of vehicles from Ponto Drive is low and all drivers yielded and exercised the right-of-way rules of the road. No traffic collisions have been reported as a result of these maneuvers at this intersection. The green time provided at the traffic signal is sufficiently long to allow vehicles from Ponto Drive to enter Breakwater Road at the back of a vehicle queue that may exist on Breakwater Road and turn on the green indication. 2 Page 3 of Agenda Bill No. 17,589 The vehicles turning right from northbound Carlsbad Boulevard to Breakwater Road to perform a U-turn includes passenger cars, large recreational vehicles, and vehicles towing a trailer. The intersection configuration, while facilitating the U-turns, is less than ideal because of the absence of a left-turn lane on Carlsbad Boulevard that could facilitate U-turns. Staff recommends that a northbound left-turn lane on Carlsbad Boulevard be constructed at the Breakwater Road intersection. This left-turn lane would only serve Carlsbad Boulevard northbound to southbound U-turning vehicles. The cost estimate to construct the U-turn lane, appropriate extra width on the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard to accommodate vehicles turning wide, modifications to the traffic signal, and design of the improvements is $1 55,000. Unless the campground operations and Poinsettia Lane entrance is significantly altered by the State of California as discussed later in the agenda bill, vehicles waiting to enter the campground will continue to queue into the southbound bicycle lane. The queued vehicles force bicyclists into the Number 2 southbound traffic lane to share the lane with high-speed vehicles. Staff recommends extending the right-turn-only lane used by southbound vehicles to enter the campground that currently exists at Poinsettia Lane northerly to Breakwater Road. With the summer traffic volumes that enter the campground, the entire length is required. If entering volumes were to decrease, a right-turn-only lane extending the entire length from Poinsettia Lane to Breakwater Road would not be necessary. It is not certain that the State Parks and Recreation will initiate actions that would reduce the length of the vehicle queue waiting to enter the campground. Design and construction of the extension of the right-turn-only lane is estimated to cost $1 20,000. Issue 3 - Traffic sianal request where Lanikai Lane intersects Carlsbad Boulevard When traveling southbound on Carlsbad Boulevard, some residents of Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park have expressed concern about using the traffic signal at Breakwater Road to perform a southbound to northbound U-turn to position themselves to turn right on Lanikai Lane. The right-turn to Lanikai Lane is facilitated by a right-turn only lane on northbound Carlsbad Boulevard. That lane separates through traffic from the vehicles turning right into the mobile home park. Another issue with some mobile home residents is their reluctance to exit Lanikai Lane where it intersects with Carlsbad Boulevard to turn right (northerly) to proceed on Carlsbad Boulevard. Some residents also stated that they are reluctant to proceed south on Ponto Drive to use the Breakwater Road traffic signal. Residents have asked that a traffic signal be constructed where Lanikai Lane intersects Carlsbad Boulevard at the main entrance to the park. If installed, this traffic signal would provide a left-turn into the mobile home park for southbound Carlsbad Boulevard drivers and it would also allow left-turns to be made from Lanikai Lane to proceed southbound on Carlsbad Boulevard. It would be a full access T-intersection operating with a traffic signal. The cost to construct the traffic signal, modify the split road and elevation differences on Carlsbad Boulevard, address drainage issues, and design the improvements is estimated at $720,000. Another request by residents of the mobile home park is to have a northbound acceleration lane constructed on Carlsbad Boulevard beginning at Lanikai Lane. This lane would allow vehicles leaving the mobile home park to accelerate and then merge with the traffic in the Number 2 northbound lane on Carlsbad Boulevard. The cost for design and construction of the acceleration lane is estimated to be $52,000. 3 Page 4 of Agenda Bill No. 17,589 The relative number of vehicles exiting and entering the mobile home park on a daily basis was determined by traffic counts. Generally, on an average day, it was found that there is a range of about 500-600 vehicles exiting the park at the existing three locations and a range of about 475-570 vehicles entering the park at the two entry locations. Constructing a left-turn lane on northbound Carlsbad Boulevard at Island Way was suggested by some residents as a way to facilitate U-turns to be made by northbound mobile home park vehicles to return southbound on Carlsbad Boulevard. The estimated cost for this project is $80,000, however, it is not recommended for construction by staff. South Carlsbad State Beach Camwround The previously discussed campground entry configuration at Poinsettia Lane results in out of direction travel, U-turns, queuing in the bicycle lane, and other general concerns of residents. Staff met with representatives of the State of California Parks and Recreation Department to explore ways to address these issues. The following actions have been indicated to staff that will be initiated by the State officials responsible for oversight of the campground operations. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The State of California web sites and commercial search engines that provide directions to the campground will be updated to direct drivers to use Palomar Airport Road, instead of Poinsettia Lane, to access the campground from the north by proceeding southbound on Carlsbad Boulevard. Telephone directions on the State voicemail system will also be changed to provide directions as indicated in Number 1 above. Signs will be updated and installed on surface streets in Carlsbad to direct drivers to Palomar Airport Road and then south on Carlsbad Boulevard. The State Parks and Recreation Department will work with Caltrans to install freeway signs to direct drivers to use the Palomar Airport Road exit. The campground 2:OO p.m. entry and registration time will be divided into two separate arrival times made when the campsite is reserved. This will reduce the volume of vehicles arriving at any one time to register and pay for the campsite. The queuing of vehicles should be reduced in the bicycle lane as a result of this action. The State Parks and Recreation Department is unwilling to alter the campground entry configuration to permit vehicles direct westbound access from Poinsettia Lane into the campground. Recommendation In summary, staff recommends the following: 1. Install an emergency access gate with Knox Lock box and appropriate signs on north Ponto Drive. 2. Construct a northbound Carlsbad Boulevard left-turn lane at Breakwater Road to facilitate U-turns to be processed in the 2004-2005 Capital Improvement Program. 3. 4. Extend the right-turn-only lane on southbound Carlsbad Boulevard from Poinsettia Lane to Breakwater Road to be processed in the 2004-2005 Capital Improvement Program. Deny the request for a traffic signal or other features on Carlsbad Boulevard at the Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park. 4 Page 5 of Agenda Bill No. 17,589 FISCAL IMPACT: Estimated costs for the recommended actions are: 0 0 0 Emergency Access Gate - $2,300 Northbound left-turn lane at Breakwater Road - $1 55,000 Southbound right-turn only lane - $1 20,000 The developer of the La Costa Downs subdivision is responsible for the costs to install the emergency access gate and has committed to paying for the gate. No funds have been appropriated for the design and construction of the recommended improvements on Carlsbad Boulevard. Staff is recommending that the proposed improvements on Carlsbad Boulevard be added to the 2004-2005 CIP which will be considered by the City Council in May 2004. Since the projects are within the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment area, staff recommends funding them with tax increment. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Construction of the emergency gate is a Class 1 categorical exemption (minor alteration of existing structure or facilities) and is, therefore, exempt from the environmental review process under provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Section 15301 (f). A Notice of Exemption will be issued by the Planning Director upon City Council authorization to install the emergency access gate. Improvements proposed for Carlsbad Boulevard will require environmental review per CEQA and this action will be completed as part of the 2004-2005 Capital Improvement Program process. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map. 2. Letter from Bill Wisener dated February 26, 2004. 3. Resolution No. 2004-122 directing staff to process for inclusion in the 2004-2005 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) the construction of a left-turn lane on northbound Carlsbad Boulevard at Breakwater Road and the extension of the southbound Carlsbad Boulevard right-turn-only lane from Poinsettia Lane northerly to Breakwater Road and directing the installation of an emergency gate with Knox Box lock on North Ponto Drive. DEPARTMENT CONTACT Robert T. Johnson, Jr., (760) 602-2752, biohn Qci.carlsbad.ca.us LOCATION MAP 'TIA I ExyB'T NAME ClRCULATlON SYSTEM IN VlClNlTY OF LANAKAl LANE MOBILE HOME PARK 3 February 26,2004 Mr. Robert Johnson Deputy City Engineer Traffic Division City of Carlsbad 163 5 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: Knox Box Gate on Surfside Lane Cul-de-sac La Costa Downs Specific Plan 201 Dear Mr. Johnson, The La Costa Downs Specific Plan provides “for the developer conditioned to provide permanent access to Carlsbad Blvd.” to pay for the installation of a Knox Box gate at the end of the southerly cul-de-sac of Surfside Lane. The residents and lot owners on Surfside Lane recognize the benefit of the installation of the subject Knox Box gate for La Costa Downs. In our conversation with David Ricks, the cost estimate for the installation was about $2300 a year ago. The undersigned participants are prepared to pay for the actual installation cost of the Knox Box gate upon request from the City of Carlsbad. The cost of the gate will be contributed by all of those residents and lot owners on Surfside Lane willing to participate for their fair share. We appreciate the time and effort of City staff with regards to this issue. Sincerely, Bill Wisener La Costa Downs Adhoc Committee 6497 Surfside Lane Carlsbad, CA 92009 760-804-91 79 cc: Bob Wojcik 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2004-1 22 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DIRECTING STAFF TO PROCESS FOR INCLUSION IN THE 2004-2005 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) THE CONSTRUCTION OF A LEFT-TURN LANE ON NORTHBOUND CARLSBAD BOULEVARD AT BREAKWATER ROAD AND DIRECTING THE INSTALLATION OF AN EMERGENCY GATE WITH KNOX BOX LOCK ON NORTH PONTO DRIVE. iEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, has ctterminec it necessary, desirable, and in the public interest to construct a northbound left-turn lane on Carlsbad Boulevard at Breakwater Road to facilitate U-turns; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, has determined it necessary, desirable, and in the public interest to construct an emergency access gate with Knox Lock box and appropriate signs on the northerly end of Ponto Drive in accordance with the conditions of the La Costa Downs Specific Plan (SP 201), approved by City Council adoption of Ordinance No. NS-153 on June 25,1991; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires that the design and construction of said improvement on Carlsbad Boulevard be considered in the processing of the 2004-2005 Capital Improvement Program (CIP); and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby directs the Deputy Public Works Director, Engineering Services, to initiate the installation of the emergency access gate with Knox Box lock on north Ponto Drive. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: I. 2. That the City Council hereby directs staff to process the recommended improvement on Carlsbad Boulevard in the 2004-2005 Capital Improvement Program for consideration in May 2004. That the above recitations are true and correct. 3. That the Deputy Public Works Director, Engineering Services, is directed to initiate installation of the emergency access gate with Knox Box lock and initiate design of the aforementioned improvements on Carlsbad Boulevard. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 13th day of April , 2004 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Finnila, Kulchin, Hall, and Packard n ATTEST: (SEAL) AGENDA ITEM # /A CI Mayor April 12,2004 Dear Mayor Lewis City of Carlsbad Attached you will find a copy of the letter we received from Mr. Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engmeer, in regards to the next City Hall Meeting of Tuesday April 13,2004. First off, we would like to thank the City of Carlsbad & the Engineering Department for listening to our situation, and working hard to solve our ingress and egress dilemma at Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park. As you can tell, the engineering department is proposing 2 great traffic relief items for Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park residents & Poinsettia Cove residents. These 2 proposals will solve approximately 30% of the egress problems (going South only) for these 2 developments. However, the engineering department has not yet proposed any egress relief going North from Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park. In regards to the engineering proposal of “A” knox box installation at the “North end of Ponto Drive” is still unacceDtable for all of the Lanikai Lane residents. Closing off Ponto Drive @ the North end will greatly impede our safety: 1) upon safely entering Carlsbad Blvd. (Northbound), 2) for a quick response from the emergency crews, and 3) it will cause trflic problems with hvers entering Ponto Drive from Carlsbad Blvd. and getting trapped at the end without ample room to turn around. Which is why 2 knox boxes would be necessary (one at each end of this section of road). Both concern 1 & 2 with related dangers are outlined more clearly below. Concern # 1 : as residents, guests, emergency crews, etc.. . leave (north bound) from Lanikai Lane on to Carlsbad Blvd. they are faced with 3 immediate dangers. The first danger is that the North bound lanes immediately South of this exit are much lower and have a bend in this section of Carlsbad Blvd. The danger is with this elevation site line. It makes it impossible to see which lane the oncoming traffic is in. The second danger is the speed limit in front of 6550 Ponto Drive is 50 MPH and its dangerous for drivers (especially our elderly dnvers) to enter on to Carlsbad Blvd safely. The third danger is, at this exit, another visual problem exists because of the vegetation, it substantially blocks all dnvers view from oncoming traffic, which includes bicyclists & ioggers frequently usinn the designated bike lane. In order for any driver to safely exit unto Carlsbad Blvd., north bound, they must be in the bike lane. Concern #2: because Lanikai Lane & 6550 Ponto Drive have no signage on Carlsbad Blvd. (going South or North) and no street lights for the evening hours, the emergency crews still drive past us (going North) they turn right at €31- ’ t Swfside LaneRonto Dr; and them+ again on Ponto Drive. If the City of Carlsbad allows the City Engineering Department to install the “two” knox boxes (that will be needed - not one), then the emergency crews response time will be greatly delayed. This is a huge concern, since just in the last month the emergency crews have had 2 emergency calls in Lanikai Lane (one at night & one during the day). Both times the emergency crews drove past the entrance to Lanikai Lane and used Surfside Lane to come in to Lanikai Lane. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 We simply want a signal light as outlined by the City of Carlsbad’s Engineering Department before the additional changes were made at the Poinsettia Cove development. The Breakwater signal is still not an efficient exit for Lanikai Lane or Poinsettia Cove, since less than 2 cars still make this road in effective. Yes, redirecting the state campground trafEc will be greatly appreciated, but this still does not provide us with “safe egress” fiom Lanikai Lane. Final note worth mentioning: during any rainy period, using the Breakwater signal, via Ponto Drive is impossible unless you are in a SW or 4x4 vehicle. This section of road floods and remains flooded for days (several times it was as much as 5 days). Our concern as citizens, is safe ingress & egress for all who come in to & leave Lanikai Lane. Again we are asking that Ponto Drive North is not closed off until our safety has been satisfied by the City Engineers to all of it’s citizens. Your help and assistance is greatly needed and appreciated. SincerelypL ~ Jack & Teresa Horak 6550 Ponto Dr., #lo8 Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760)213-0594 b City of Carlsbad April 5, 2004 Jack and Teresa Horak 6550 Ponto Drive, #lo8 Garlsbad, CA 92009 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD/tANIKAI LANE MOBILE HOME PARK TRAFFIC ISSUES At their April 13, 2004 meeting, the City Council will discuss the referenced subject. Staff will present recommendations for: 0 a left-turn lane to be. constructed on northbound Carlsbad Boulevard at Breakwater Road to serve northbound to southbound U-turning vehicles. 0 extending the southbound right-turn-only lane on Carlsbad Boulevard frGm Poinsertta iarit! northerly to Breakwater Road. 0 construction of an emergency access gate with Knox Lock box on north Ponto Drive The meeting begins at 6:OO p.m., and will be held in the City Council Chambers located at 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive. This item will be later on the agenda. If YOU and/or any interested resident would like to address the City Council on this matter, please fill out a "Request to Speak" form that is available at the meeting. This form should be given to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of this item. ROBERT T. JOHNSON, JR., P.E. Depdty City Engineer, Transportation RTJ:jd ~ .- - ~.~-____ 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314'- (760) 602-2720 FAX (760) 602-8562 @