HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-07-06; City Council; 17700; Street Lighting & Landscaping District 1 hearing4B# 17,700 Street Lighting Street Tree IIITG. 7/06/04 3EPT. FIN *$26.00 *$26.00 -0- $36.10 $36.10 -0- ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL d' DEPT.HD. CITY ATTY. 4 TITLE: @- STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 1 PUBLIC HEARING RECOMMENDED ACTION: That a public hearing be held to consider a staff report, receive public comment, and approve Resolution No. , confirming the diagram and assessment and providing for the levy of the annual assessment for Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1. 2004-225 ITEM EXPLANATION: At their meetin approved w e Engineer's Report, and set tonight's public hearing (July 6, 004). Tonight, staff will present a report outlining the maintenance and associated costs to be performed during the upcoming fiscal year, and- the City's contribution of a "General Benefit" for the Street Lighting Improvement Zone, as detailed in the reviously approved Engineer's Report. The in compliance with Proposition 218. Any share of the benefits received rom an improvement that does not rovide a special benefit to the assessed properties is considered to be a general benefit provided t: y the improvements. The cost of such general benefit is not to be assessed to the properties in the Assessment District, but instead is contributed by the City from the General Fund. The resolution settin tonight's public hearing was published in the North County Times at least ten At the close of the public hearing, Council is requested to adopt the attached resolution confirming the dia ram and assessment and providing for the levy of the annual assessments for Fiscal Year 2004-0!. of June 15, 2004, the City Council a proved three resolutions that initiated z Y proceedin s an 8 ordered the preparation of an Engineer's k eport for a S ecial Assessment District, "General Benefit" first became a requirement with t t! e District's processin in fiscal year 1997-1998 days prior to this pub B IC hearing. FISCAL YEAR 2004-05 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PROCESSING: As shown in the following table, a sin le-family residential parcel that benefits from the Street Zone will have an assessment of $70.44 for Fiscal Year 2004-05, the same as for the previous eight fiscal years. Lighting Improvement Zone, Street Tree Y mprovement Zone, and Median Landscaping Improvement ASSESSMENT SUMMARY FOR THE AVERAGE SING LE-FAMI LY PARCEL I Median LandscaDina I $ 8.34 I $ 8.34 I -0- I Assessment rate represents a single-family residence within a code with the largest number of single-family residential parcels. I Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. 17,700 FISCAL IMPACT: Funding Sources: Assessment Collection General Benefit (General Fund) Contributions from Other Funds & Interest Loan from the General Fund Amount from Fund Reserves Total Funding Sources Total Budget $703,160 131,549 59,000 0 65,024 $958.733 958.733 $458,927 0 134,000 0 123.088 $iZEJm $404,190 0 24,497 309,085 (62.969) $674.803 $674.803 $1,566,277 131,549 21 7,497 246,116 188.112 $2.349.551 %2.349.551 The Fiscal Year 2004-05 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1 total budget for the three zones listed above is projected to be $2,349,551. The actual total to be collected from assessments from these three districts is $1,566,277. A further breakdown of the three zones follows. The City’s General fund will contribute $28,000 to the Street Lighting Improvement Fund to cover the operations and maintenance costs for the City street lights adjacent to City properties, since City- owned parcels are non-assessable on the County tax rolls. Interest earned on cash reserves will contribute an additional $31,000 to the fund. These contributions total $59,000, as shown in the table above. In addition, the City’s General fund will contribute $106,000 to the Street Tree Improvement Fund for staff time and equipment spent on maintaining City parks and Hosp Grove and other miscellaneous projects, which, by policy, are not considered part of the public right-of-way program. Interest earned on cash reserves will contribute an additional $28,000 to the fund. These contributions total $134,000, as shown in the table above. The City’s General fund will also contribute $1 31,549 to the Street Lighting Improvement Fund as “General Benefit” assessments, as further described in the Preliminary Engineer’s Report. Consistent with Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2, the City has determined that there is no general benefit in the Street Tree Improvement Fund and the Median Landscaping Improvement Fund. The City’s Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 will contribute $24,497 to the Median Improvement Fund, to cover the cost of providing median services to this District. As shown in the above chart, the total budget for each zone exceeds the total assessment collection. However, assessment tax rates cannot be increased without following the ballot provisions of previously referenced Proposition 218, which requires a notice and ballot being sent to each assessed property owner followed by a hearing. Two of the three improvement zones (Street Lighting and Street Trees) have maintained a sufficient surplus in their fund balances to cover the shortfalls for the past eight fiscal years, including the projected 2004-05 fiscal year. Total revenues in the Median Landscaping Improvement fund will not be sufficient to cover the anticipated costs for the upcoming fiscal year, and there is no longer a fund balance available to cover this deficit. A loan from the General fund to the Median Landscaping Improvement Fund is budgeted for in the 2004-05 Operating Budget in the amount of $309,085 to cover both the 2004-05 projected deficit, as well as the deficit from the 2003-04 fiscal year. EXHIBITS: 1. 0 rd er of Procedure. 2. Approved Engineer’s Report. 3. Resolution No. 2004-225 , confirming the diagram and assessment and providing for the levy of the annual assessment for Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Kevin Branca; (760) 602-2430; kbran Oci .ca rls bad .ca . us Exhibit 1 ORDER OF PROCEDURE CITY OF CARLSBAD MAYOR: CITY CLERK: MAYOR: STAFF: MAYOR: STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 1 DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: JULY 6,2004 "This is the time and place fixed for the public hearing relating to the levy of certain assessments to cover the cost of maintenance for certain street improvements existing within the boundaries of Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1. " (Address the City Clerk) "Has proper notice been given in the manner and form as required by law, and is a Certificate of Compliance on file and open for public inspection?" Verifies and gives date of legal notice. "And now staff will present a report based on the approved Engineer's Report. " Provide description of boundaries of district. Explain extent of maintenance work. Present and summarize report pursuant to the provisions of the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972. Explain method and formula of assessment spread. Report on protests received and announce that copies have been delivered to each member of the legislative body. END OF STAFF REPORT - OPEN FOR PUBLIC DISCUSSION "This public hearing is now open for public discussion. Will any person who is opposed to the assessment district step forward and present his or her opposition to the following: + Boundaries of the district. + Extent of works of maintenance or method of assessment spread. " "Next, Will any person wishing to speak in favor the district come forward. " STAFF: Give final report on protests received. Presentation of proposed changes, if any. CITY COUNCIL: Discussion MAYOR: "This public hearing is now closed. " 4 Exhibit 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. I FINAL ANNUAL ENGINEER'S REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2004-2005 Prepared by: June 21,2004 Date Harris 8, Associates RCE 41965 Exp. 3/31/06 City of Carlsbad June 21,2004 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1 Preliminary Annual Engineer's Report - FY 2004-05 Page 1 INTRODUCTION This report constitutes the Engineer's Report for City of Carlsbad Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1 ("Assessment District") and was prepared at the Direction of the Carlsbad City Council pursuant to the requirements of the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, commencing with Section 22500 ("Act"). The report applies to Fiscal Year 2004-2005 commencing July 1 , 2004 and ending on June 30, 2005 ("Fiscal Year"). The report has been prepared in three parts corresponding to the three special improvement zones within the Assessment District; Street Lighting, Street Trees and Median Landscaping. Pursuant to the requirements of the Act, each part contains the following four components: 1. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS. The plans and specifications describe the general nature, location and extent of the improvements to be maintained. 2. A DIAGRAM FOR THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT. The diagram shows the exterior boundaries of the Assessment District, the boundaries of the specified improvement zone within the Assessment District, and the lines and dimensions of each lot or parcel within the District. Each lot or parcel is identified by a distinctive number or letter. The lines and dimensions of each lot conform to those shown on the San Diego County Assessor's maps. For purposes of clarity, only a generalized diagram is included within the report. The detailed assessment diagram is on file at the City Engineering Department. 3. AN ESTIMATE OF THE COSTS OF THE IMPROVEMENTS. The estimate of costs of the improvements contains estimates for the following: a. The total cost of maintaining and servicing the improvements for the specified improvement zone including all incidental expenses for the Fiscal Year. b. The amount of any surplus or deficit in the improvement fund to be carried over from the preceding fiscal year. c. The amount of any contributions to be'made from sources other than assessments levied pursuant to the Assessment District. d. The amount, if any, of the annual installment for the fiscal year where the City Council has ordered an assessment for the estimated cost of any improvements to be levied and collected in annual installments. e. The net amount to be assessed upon assessable lands within the Assessment District, being the total improvement costs referred to in sub-section a, increased or decreased, as the case may be, by any of the amounts referred to in sub-sections b, c or d. 4. AN ASSESSMENT OF THE ESTIMATED COSTS OF THE IMPROVEMENTS. The assessment shall refer to the new fiscal year and shall do all of the following: a. State the net amount to be assessed upon the assessable lands within the Assessment District. b. Describe each assessable lot or parcel of land within the Assessment District. Due to the large number of parcels within the Assessment District, the City uses the assessor's parcel number from San Diego County records assessment rolls for a description of the lots. A copy of the assessment roll including such description is kept on file at the City Engineering Department. City of Carlsbad June 21,2004 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1 Preliminary Annual Engineer’s Report - FY 2004-05 Page 2 c. Assess the net amount upon all assessable lots or parcels of land within the Assessment District by apportioning that amount among the several lots or parcels in proportion to the estimated benefits to be received by each lot or parcel from the improvements. PART I - STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENT ZONE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: The improvement work consists of maintenance and servicing of the 6,432 street lights within the boundaries of the Assessment District including all supporting poles, mast arms, pull boxes, wiring, conduits and other appurtenances. The total number of street lights maintained and serviced includes 890 streetlights that were repaired and 38 new streetlights added to the street light inventory during Fiscal Year 2003-2004. The general location of the street light improvements are as shown on the City’s full-scale map titled “Street Lighting Improvement Zone Diagram and Lighting Facilities Location Map for Fiscal Year 2004-2005 on file at the Engineering Department. A reduced copy of the map is included as Figure 1 in this report. DIAGRAM OF THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT: The diagram of the Assessment District is as shown on the City’s full scale map titled “Street Lighting Improvement Zone Diagram and Lighting Facilities Location Map for Fiscal Year 2004-2005” on file at the Engineering Department. A reduced copy of the map is included as Figure 1 in this report. The lines and dimensions of each lot or parcel within the Street Lighting Improvement Zone and the distinctive assessor’s parcel number is shown on the San Diego County Assessor‘s map which is also on file at the Engineering Department. ESTIMATE OF THE COST OF THE IMPROVEMENTS: The estimated total cost of maintaining and servicing the City’s inventory of public street lighting improvements is $958,733. The estimated total cost includes the furnishing of all services and materials for the ordinary and usual operation, maintenance and servicing of installed streetlights and the provision of electric current. For budgetary purposes, the costs are segregated into three categories of Personnel, Maintenance and Operations, and Capital Improvements. These three categories include the following services and expenditures: City staff assigned to Street Lighting services, City administration (updating expenditures and segregation of the assessments), engineering and legal expenses, coordination between citizens and City staff for the maintenance of City street lights, providing expertise to City inspectors during inspection of lighting systems, coordinating underground service alert mark-outs for various City departments, performing mark-outs for street light systems, maintaining as-built records of City street light system for future maintenance, updating of the street lighting mapping and inventory database, performing routine night surveillance, checking proposed improvement plans for conformance with City standards regarding street lights, coordinating with Planning, Engineering and Engineer’s of Work to ensure that departmental needs are met, the provision of electrical current and the cost for purchase of capital equipment and new street light facilities. The following table shows the breakdown of the estimated total costs into the three budgetary categories. City of Carlsbad June 21,2004 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1 Preliminary Annual Engineer’s Report - FY 2004-05 Page 3 TOTAL ESTIMATED FY 2004-05 STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE & SERVICE COSTS Personnel $1 56,002 Maintenance & Operations $802,731 apital Improvements $0 al Cost Estimate $958.733 The net assessable amount to be levied upon the assessable lands within the Assessment District is $703,160. This amount is derived by subtracting the amounts of the current improvement fund surplus and contributions from other funding sources from the total cost estimate. The following table shows how the net assessable amount is derived: FY 2004-05 NET ASSESSABLE AMOUNT - STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE ITotal Cost Estimate $958,733 I I Less: I Contribution for Services Public Parcels $28,000 General Benefit Contribution $1 31,549 I Interest Earned $31.000 I Fund Balance from Previous Fiscal Year $1,024,521 Plus: Estimated Fund Reserve at end of Fiscal Year $959,497 Net Assessable Amount $703.1 60 The contribution for services to public parcels has been calculated at $28,000. This contribution is made since public parcels are non-assessable on the County tax rolls. The City’s General fund will contribute $28,000. Any share of the benefits received from an improvement that does not provide a special benefit to the assessed properties is considered to be a general benefit provided by the improvements. The cost of such general benefit is not to be assessed to the properties in the Assessment District, but instead is contributed by the City from the General fund. For street lighting the City has determined that general benefit is derived exclusively along the City’s arterial roads. The amount of general benefit is established by multiplying the number of arterial street lights by the difference between the average annual cost to maintain a light on an arterial street and a local street. The table below shows the calculation of the cost estimate for general benefit for Street Lights. 7 City of Carlsbad June 21,2004 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1 Preliminary Annual Engineer’s Report - FY 2004-05 Page 4 Lamp Size (Watts) Number Monthly Monthly Annual Avg Annual Lights Rate Amount Amount Cost per Light 70 I00 150 Su btotal-I Annual Amount Difference between Subtotal-I & Subtotal-2 $75.30 General Benefit = $1 31,549.1 0 Total Est. Cost less public parcel contribution $930,733 General Benefit Percentage 14.13% Annual Amount Difference times No. of High Wattage Lights 1,436 $4.70 $6,746.33 $80,955.94 3,156 $6.30 $19,871.44 $238,457.26 93 $8.62 $801.51 $9,618.13 4,685 $329,031.33 $70.23 AN ASSESSMENT OF THE ESTIMATED COSTS OF THE IMPROVEMENTS: The lighting and the orderly circulation of traffic directly benefit the developments within the District. The improvements and annexation into the Street Lighting Zone are required for the approval of, and as a consequence of, new development, and thus benefit the respective developments. The lighting is of benefit to abutting parcels as it provides increased property protection, personal safety, visibility, traffic safety, and enhances those areas fronting upon the illuminated street. 200 1,096 250 644 400 7 Su btotal-2 1,747 All of the parcels within the Assessment District are located within the City of Carlsbad and are approved developments or are in the final stages of obtaining approval for a proposed development. As a condition of approval, the developer is required by the City to provide certain standard street lighting for the entire area within the development and pay the energy costs for the initial 18-month period. The units in a development are assessed the following fiscal year after the street lights are energized. $10.95 $12,002.52 $144,030.18 $14.03 $9,034.80 $108,417.66 $21.24 $148.71 $1,784.46 $254,232.30 $145.53 Two Zones of benefit have been created within the citywide Street Lighting Zone as follows: Zone 1 - City owned and maintained street lights Zone 2 - Undeveloped property - non-benefiting, not assessed Zone 1 consists of the following eight sub-codes. An example of these codes is included in Appendix A of this Engineer’s Report. CODE A1 * Street lights at intersections only (residential) 8 City of Carlsbad June 21,2004 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1 Preliminary Annual Engineer's Report - FY 2004-05 Page 5 CODE B1* Street lights at intersections and mid-block (residential) CODE Cl* Street light spacing at current City engineering standards (residential) CODE D1* City owned street lights on surrounding streets, private lighting within development (single-family residential, only adjacent City lights will be calculated for code assessment cost) Street light spacing at current City standard, condos and apartment buildings, ten units and above CODE E2** CODE F2** CODE G2** CODE Hl*** * Street light spacing at current City standard, commercial and industrial parcels Special lighting and spacing standard, downtown redevelopment area Street light spacing at current City standard, time shares only The unit rate of assessment for these codes was based on equal shares of cost of maintenance and operation of the total lights within each code at the time of formation. ** The unit rate of assessment for these codes at the time of formation was based on the share of cost of maintenance and operation of total lights as determined by front footage percentage of each parcel in relation to total footage within each code. *** The unit rate of assessment for this code at the time of formation was based on a flat rate per unit. The method of assessment for codes within Zone 1 is based on units as shown in the following table. In the case of codes AI, B1, C1, and DI, a residential dwelling is equal to one benefit unit. In Code E2 condominium dwelling units or apartment buildings with ten units and above are assigned units based on the front footage of these developments. In Code F2 commercial and industrial parcels are assigned units based on the front footage of these developments. Code G2 includes the downtown redevelopment area and units in this code are also based on front footage. Code H1 only includes time share units, which are all assigned the same cost per unit. METHOD OF ASSESSMENT FOR STREET LIGHTING ~ ~~ Street Lighting Code Benefit Unit AI, B1, C1, D1 Residential dwelling unit = one benefit unit Commercial, residential and redevelopment area = one front foot of street frontage = one benefit unit E2 F2 G2 HI Time shares = $0.20 per weekly unit The Street Lighting Zone assessments will not increase in Fiscal Year 2004-05, and will remain at the same unit rates as assessed in the last eight fiscal years. All new assessor's parcels, that by petition of the property owner(s) have been added to the Street Lighting Zone, will be calculated at the same unit rates as used in the last eight fiscal years. City of Carlsbad June 21,2004 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1 Preliminary Annual Engineer’s Report - FY 2004-05 Page 6 The rate per assessment unit for Fiscal Year 2004-05 in each of the eight codes is shown in the following table. STREET LIGHTING ASSESSMENT UNIT RATES Street Lighting Code Rate per Unit A- 1 $14.84 / Unit B- 1 $23.94 / Unit c-I $26.00 / Unit D-I $6.90 / Unit H-I $0.20 / Unit E-2 $0.372765 / Foot F-2 $0.580858 / Foot G-2 $2.690464 / Foot For the specific assessment on each parcel, reference is made to the Assessment Roll on file at the Engineering Department, which is incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full. PART 2 - STREET TREE IMPROVEMENT ZONE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: The improvement work consists of maintenance to all of the approximately 14,581 trees in the public right-of-way, parks, and trees at all City facilities. The maintenance consists of pruning, planting, removal and root pruning. The City annually responds to over 660 street tree order/requests, removes over 13 trees and plants over 14 trees. The general location of the street tree improvements are as shown on the City’s full- scale map titled “Street Tree Improvement Zone Diagram Location Map for Fiscal Year 2004- 2005” on file at the Engineering Department. A reduced copy of the map is included as Figure 2 in this report. DIAGRAM OF THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT: The diagram of the Assessment District is as shown on the City’s full-scale map titled “Street Tree Improvement Zone Diagram Location Map for Fiscal Year 2004-2005” on file at the Engineering Department. A reduced copy of the map is included as Figure 2 in this report. The lines and dimensions of each lot or parcel within the Street Tree Improvement Zone and the distinctive assessor’s parcel number is shown on the San Diego County Assessor’s map which is also on file at the Engineering Department. ESTIMATE OF THE COST OF THE IMPROVEMENTS: The estimated total cost of maintaining and servicing the City’s inventory of public street tree improvements is $716,015. The estimated total cost includes the furnishing of all services and materials for the ordinary and usual maintenance and servicing of street trees. For budgetary purposes, the costs are segregated into three categories of Personnel, Maintenance and Operations, and Capital Improvements. These three categories include the following services and expenditures: City staff assigned to Street Tree services, City administration, updating expenditures and segregation of the assessments) engineering and legal expenses, coordination between citizens and City staff for the maintenance of City street trees, providing expertise to City inspectors during inspection of the trees, maintaining as-built records of City street tree system for future maintenance, updating of the street tree mapping and inventory database, checking proposed improvement plans for conformance with City standards regarding street trees, coordinating with Planning, Engineering and Engineer’s of Work to ensure that departmental needs are met, the provision of supplies such as pesticides, City of Carlsbad June 21,2004 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1 Preliminary Annual Engineer’s Report - FY 2004-05 Page 7 fertilizer and water for irrigation and the cost for purchase of capital equipment and new street trees. The following table shows the breakdown of the estimated total costs into the three budgetary categories. TOTAL ESTIMATED FY 2004-05 STREET TREE MAINTENANCE & SERVICE COSTS I Personnel $417.887 I I Maintenance & Operations $298,128 I Capita I Improvements $0 Total Cost Estimate $71 6,015 The net assessable amount to be levied upon the assessable lands within the Assessment District is $458,927. This amount is derived by subtracting the amounts of the current improvement fund surplus and contributions from other funding sources from the total cost estimate. The following table shows how the net assessable amount is derived: FY 2004-05 NET ASSESSABLE AMOUNT - STREET TREE MAINTENANCE Total Cost Estimate $716,015 Less: Contribution for Services Public Parcels $1 06,000 General Benefit Contribution $0 The City has determined the contribution for services to public parcels amounting to $106,000. This contribution from the General fund is made since public parcels, including City parks and Hosp Grove, are non-assessable on the County tax rolls. Any share of the benefits received from an improvement that does not provide a special benefit to the assessed properties is considered to be a general benefit provided by the improvements. The cost of such general benefit is not to be assessed to the properties in the Assessment District, but instead is contributed by the City from the General fund. For street trees, the City has determined that there is no general benefit. AN ASSESSMENT OF THE ESTIMATED COSTS OF THE IMPROVEMENTS: The City’s existing street tree inventory is currently established at approximately 14,581 trees. Street trees that are in the street right-of-way are generally located between the curb and sidewalk and/or property line in the areas of the City as shown in Figure 2. Each property within the Street Tree Improvement Zone receives approximately the same degree of benefit to their property. Therefore, staff established a benefit formula in which each zoned parcel is given an equivalent dwelling unit (EDU) based on the average size of a single-family residential lot in the City of Carlsbad (7,500 square feet or 0.17 acres). Thus, each single-family parcel is given an EDU of 1.0, while most other parcels, as shown on the following table, are given assessments City of Carlsbad June 21,2004 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1 Preliminary Annual Engineer’s Report - FY 2004-05 Page 8 based on acreage to establish an EDU value based on the following formula: Acreage of parcel divided by 0.17 acres = EDUs. This formula was approved by City Council at the June 6, 1989 regular meeting. STREET TREE BENEFIT UNITS AND LAND USE CODES Formula: If acres < .20, then Benefit Units (BU) = 1 .O, otherwise BU = 5.9 x Acres (Le. AcredO.17) City of Carlsbad June 21,2004 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1 Preliminary Annual Engineer’s Report - FY 2004-05 Page 9 The Street Tree Improvement Zone assessments will not increase in Fiscal Year 2004-05, and will remain at the same unit rate of $36.10 per EDU as assessed in the last eight fiscal years. All new assessor’s parcels, that by petition of the property owner(s) have been added to the Street Tree Improvement Zone, will be calculated at the same unit rate as used in the last eight fiscal years. This unit assessment is applied to 13,929 parcels in the Street Tree Improvement Zone. The total number of EDUs for these parcels amounts to approximately 12,711.52 EDUs. The revenue generated by these parcels amounts to $458,926.76. For the specific assessment on each parcel, reference is made to the Assessment Roll at the Engineering Department, which is incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full. PART 3 - MEDIAN LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENT ZONE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: The Street Median program provides weekly landscape maintenance and litter control to all City medians and to Redevelopment Landscape improvement areas. It includes maintenance on a weekly basis of approximately 40 acres of landscaped medians and 8 acres of planter boxes, downtown fountain, landscape pockets and parking lots. Maintenance includes trash pick-up, weed control, pruning, planting, pesticide/fertilizer application, removals, replanting, irrigation repair/adjustment, and parking lot sweeping. A contractual median maintenance program provides for contracting, administering and overseeing median maintenance for approximately 40 acres of City medians. The general location of the median landscaping improvements are as shown on the City’s full scale map titled “Street Median Improvement Zone Diagram and Median Facilities Location Map for Fiscal Year 2004-2005 on file at the Engineering Department. A reduced copy of the map is included as Figure 3 in this report. DIAGRAM OF THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT: The diagram of the Assessment District is as shown on the City’s full scale map titled “Street Median Improvement Zone Diagram and Median Facilities Location Map for Fiscal Year 2004-2005” on file at the Engineering Department. A reduced copy of the map is included as Figure 3 in this report. The lines and dimensions of each lot or parcel within Median Landscaping Improvement Zone and the distinctive assessor’s parcel number is shown on the San Diego County Assessor’s map which is also on file at the Engineering Department. ESTIMATE OF THE COST OF THE IMPROVEMENTS: The estimated total cost of maintaining and servicing the City’s inventory of public street tree improvements is $674,803. The estimated total cost includes the furnishing of all services and materials for the ordinary and usual maintenance and servicing of the median landscaping. For budgetary purposes, the costs are segregated into three categories of Personnel, Maintenance and Operations, and Capital Improvements. These three categories include the following services and expenditures: City staff assigned to Median Landscaping services, City administration (updating expenditures and segregation of the assessments), engineering and legal expenses, coordination between citizens and City staff for the maintenance of City medians, providing expertise to City inspectors during inspection of the medians, maintaining as- built records of City street median system for future maintenance, updating of the median mapping and inventory database, checking proposed improvement plans for conformance with City standards regarding medians, coordinating with Planning, Engineering and Engineer’s of Work to ensure that departmental needs are met, the provision of supplies I3 City of Carlsbad June 21,2004 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1 Preliminary Annual Engineer’s Report - FY 2004-05 Page 10 such as pesticides, fertilizer and water for irrigation and the cost for purchase of capital equipment and new improvements for the medians. The following table shows the breakdown of the estimated total costs into the three budgetary categories. TOTAL ESTIMATED FY 2004-05 MEDIAN LANDSCAPING MAINTENANCE & SERVICE COSTS Personnel $1 48,774 Maintenance & Operations $373,929 I CaDital lmmovements $152.100 I ITotal Cost Estimate $674,803 I The net assessable amount to be levied upon the assessable lands within the Assessment District is $404,190. This amount is derived by subtracting the amounts of the current improvement fund surplus and contributions from other funding sources from the total cost estimate. The following table shows how the net assessable amount is derived: FY 2004-05 NET ASSESSABLE AMOUNT - MEDIAN MAINTENANCE ITotal Cost Estimate $674,803 I I Lezeneral Benefit Contribution $0 I I LLD #2 Contribution $24.497 I Fund Balance from Previous Fiscal Year ($62,969) General Fund Loan $309,085 Plus: Estimated Fund Reserve at end of Fiscal Year $0 Net Assessable Amount $404.1 90 Any share of the benefits received from an improvement that does not provide a special benefit to the assessed properties is considered to be a general benefit provided by the improvements. The cost of such general benefit is not to be assessed to the properties in the Assessment District, but instead is contributed by the City from the General fund. For median landscaping, the City has determined that there is no general benefit. AN ASSESSMENT OF THE ESTIMATED COSTS OF THE IMPROVEMENTS: This service generally benefits all parcels and residents within the City boundaries. Thus, all parcels in the City boundary share in the cost of median maintenance using the same EDU formula as in effect for the Street Tree Improvement Zone. City staff established the benefit formula in which each zoned parcel is given an equivalent dwelling unit (EDU) based on the average size of a single-family residential lot in the City of Carlsbad (7,500 square feet or 0.17 acres). Thus, each single-family parcel is given an EDU of 1.0, while most other parcels, as shown on the following table, are given assessments based on acreage to establish an EDU value based on the following formula: Acreage of parcel divided by 0.17 acres = EDUs. This formula was approved by City Council at the June 6, 1989 regular meeting. City of Carlsbad June 21,2004 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1 Preliminary Annual Engineer's Report - FY 2004-05 Page 11 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE BENEFIT UNITS AND LAND USE CODES Misc. residential Formula: lf acres < 20, then Benefit Units (BU) = 1 .O, otherwise BU = 5.9 x Acres (Le. AcreslO.17) The Median Landscaping Improvement Zone assessments will not increase in Fiscal Year 2004-05, and will remain at the same unit rate of $8.34 per EDU as assessed in the last eight fiscal years. All new assessor's parcels that have been added within the City boundaries are City of Carlsbad June 21,2004 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1 Preliminary Annual Engineer’s Report - FY 2004-05 Page 12 automatically added to the Median Landscaping Improvement Zone and will be calculated at the same unit rate as used in the last eight fiscal years. This unit assessment is applied to 50,056 parcels in the Median Landscaping Improvement Zone. The total number of EDUs for these parcels amounts to approximately 48,443.87 EDUs. The revenue generated by these parcels amounts to $404,190.20. For the specific assessment on each parcel, reference is made to the Assessment Roll on file at the Engineering Department, which is incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full. The following parcels were incorporated into Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2 and are therefore being exempted from this Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1. These parcels were previously assessed for median benefit. APN 1671011900 1680410800 1682804900 16831 001 00 1683100200 1683100300 1683100400 208 1 800 100 2081800200 2081800300 2081800400 2081800500 2081800600 2081800700 2081800800 2081800900 2081801000 2081801100 2081801200 2081801300 2081801400 2081801500 2081801600 2081801700 2081801800 2081801900 2081802000 2081802100 2081802200 2081802300 2081802400 2081802500 2081802600 2081802700 2081802800 2081802900 APN 2081 803000 2081803100 2081803200 2081803300 2081803400 2081803500 2081810100 2081810200 2081 81 0300 2081810400 2081810500 2081810600 2081810700 2081810800 208 1 8 1 0900 2081811000 2081 81 1 100 2081811200 2081811300 2081811400 208181 1500 2081811600 2081811700 2081811800 2081811900 2081812000 2081812100 2081812200 2081812300 2081812400 2081812500 2081812600 2081812700 2081812800 2081812900 2081813000 APN 2081813100 2081813200 2081 81 3300 2081813400 2081813500 2081813600 2081813700 2081 81 3800 2081813900 2081814000 2081814100 2081820100 2081820200 2081820300 2081820400 2081820500 2081820600 2081820700 2081820800 2081820900 2081821000 2081 821 100 2081821200 2081821 300 2081821400 2081821500 2081821600 2081821700 2081821800 208 182 1 900 2081822000 2081822100 2081822200 2081822300 2081822400 2081 822500 APN 2081 822600 2081822700 2081822800 2081822900 2081823000 2081823100 2081 823200 2081823300 2081823400 2081823500 2081823600 2081823700 2081823800 2081823900 2081824000 2081830100 2081830200 2081830300 2081830400 2081 830500 2081830600 2081830700 2081830800 2081830900 2081831000 2081831100 2081831200 2081831300 2081831400 2081831500 2081 831 600 2081831700 2081831800 208 1 83 1 900 2081 832000 2081832100 APN 2081 832200 2081832300 2081 832400 2081832500 2081832600 2081832700 2081832800 2081832900 2081 833000 208 1833 1 00 2081833200 2081840400 2081 840500 2081840600 2081850500 2081860300 2081860500 2081860600 2141404400 2141705800 2141 705900 2141707400 2141707500 2141707900 21 41 708000 2 14 1 708400 2141708500 2236100100 2236100200 2236100300 2236100400 2236100500 2236100600 2236100700 2236100800 2236100900 APN 2236101000 22361 01 100 2236101200 2236101300 2236101400 22361 01 500 2236101600 22361 01 700 2236101800 2236101900 2236102000 2236102100 22361 02200 2236102300 2236102400 2236102500 22361 02600 2236102700 2236102800 2236102900 2236103000 2236103100 2236103200 2236103300 2236103400 2236103500 2236103600 2236103700 2236103800 2236103900 2236104000 2236104100 2236104200 2236104300 22361 04400 2236104500 City of Carlsbad June 21,2004 Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1 Preliminary Annual Engineer’s Report - FY 2004-05 Page 13 APN 22361 04600 22361 04700 2236104800 22361 101 00 2236110200 2236110300 2236110400 2236110500 2236110600 2236110700 2236110800 2236110900 22361 1 1000 2236111100 2236111200 2236111300 2236111400 22361 1 1500 2236111600 22361 1 1700 2236111800 2236111900 2236112000 2236112100 2236112200 2236112300 2236112400 2236112500 2236112600 2236112700 22361 201 00 2236120200 2236120300 2236120400 2236120500 2236120600 2236120700 2236120800 2236120900 2236121000 2236121100 2236121200 2236121300 2236121400 22361 21 500 APN 2236 121 600 2236 1 2 1 700 2236 1 2 1 800 2236121900 2236122000 2236122100 2236122200 2236122300 2236122400 2236122500 2236122600 22361 22700 22361 22800 22361 22900 22361 23000 22361 301 00 22361 30200 2236130300 2236130400 2236130500 2236130600 2236130700 2236130800 2236130900 2236131000 2236131100 2236131200 22361 31 300 2236131400 22361 31 500 22361 31 600 22361 401 00 22361 40200 2236140300 2236140400 2236140500 2236140600 2236140700 2236140800 2236140900 2236141000 2236141100 2236141200 2236141300 22361 41400 APN 2236141 500 2236141600 2236141700 2236141800 2236141900 2236142000 2236142100 2236142200 2236142300 2236142400 2236142500 2236142600 22361 42700 22361 42800 2236142900 2236143000 2236 1431 00 2236143200 2236143300 2236143400 2236143500 2236143600 2236143700 2236143800 2236143900 22361 44000 22361 501 00 22361 50200 2236 1 601 00 2236160200 2236160300 2236160400 2236160900 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Exhibit 3 RESOLUTION NO. 2004-225 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, CONFIRMING THE DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT AND PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY OF THE ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FOR STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 1 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, has initiated proceedings for the levy of the annual special assessment district pursuant to the terms of the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 (Division 15, Part 2 of the State Streets and Highways Code, commencing with Section 22500); the special assessment district is known and designated as Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 1 (hereinafter referred to as the "Assessment District"); and WHEREAS, the Assessment District is an existing assessment district in which assessments are not proposed to be increased, and is therefore exempt from the procedures and requirements pursuant to California Constitution Article XlllD § 5 (a); and WHEREAS, at this time, a public hearing has been held relating to the levy of the annual assessments, and the City Council is now satisfied with the assessment and diagram and all other matters as contained in the Engineer's Report (the "Report") as now submitted for final consideration and approval. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: RECITALS SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all true and correct. PROTESTS SECTION 2. That all protests and objections of every kind and nature be, and the same hereby are, overruled and denied. CON F I RMATlO N SECTION 3. That the final assessment and diagram for the proceedings, as contained in the Engineer's Report, are hereby approved and confirmed. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Exhibit 3 SECTION 4. That the public interest and convenience requires and the City Council does hereby order the maintenance work to be made and performed as set forth in the Report, and as previously declared and set forth in the Resolution of Intention. SECTION 5. That the assessments contained in the Report for the next fiscal year are hereby confirmed and levied upon the respective lots or parcels of land in the Assessment District in the amounts as set forth in the final Report. It is hereby further determined that all assessments have been apportioned properly in accordance with the benefits that each parcel receives from the proposed maintenance works of improvement. FILING AND RECORDING SECTION 6. That the above-referenced diagram and assessment shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk, with a certified copy to be filed in the office of the Engineering Department. Said diagram and assessment, and the certified copy thereof, shall be open for public inspection. SECTION 7. That the City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to file a certified copy of the diagram and assessment with the County Auditor. Said filing is to be made no later than the third Monday in August, or as required by the County. ENTRY UPON THE ASSESSMENT ROLL SECTION 8. That after the filing of the diagram and assessment, the County Auditor shall enter on the County Assessment Roll, opposite each lot or parcel of land, the amount assessed thereupon. COLLECTION AND PAYMENT SECTION 9. The assessments shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as County taxes are collected, and all laws providing for the collection and enforcement of County taxes shall apply to the collection and enforcement of the assessments. FISCAL YEAR SECTION IO. That the assessments as above authorized and levied for these proceedings will provide revenue and relate to the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2004 and ending June 30,2005. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Exhibit 3 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 6th day of July , 2004 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Finnil;, Kulchin, Hall and Packard ATTEST L'CJRCAINE M. Wood, city Clerk (SEAL) PROOF OF PUBLIC TION (2010 & 2011 C.C.P.) 171349, for the County of San Diego, that notice of which the annexed is a printed copy ( in type not smaller than nonpariel), has bi published in each regular and entire issue of s newspaper and not in any supplement thereof STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of San Diego AS the im ovements to be maintaine%hall consist of all ori inalr designated and authorized .improvements as we71 as certain new and additional im rovements. SECTION 1. That the above recitals are all true and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AZFOLLOWS. RECI~ALS I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid: I am over the age of eighteen years and not a party to or interested in the above- entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of North County Times1 I certify (or declare) under penalty the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at SAN MARCOS California of This space is f the County Clerk's Filing Stamp Proof of Publication of correct. SECTION 2. That the ublic interest and convenience requires and it is the inhtion of the City Council to levy and coll&l assessments to pay the annual costs and ex- penses for the maintenance andlor servicing of the improvements for the Assessment Distnct, the improve- ments generally descnbed as foliows: The maintenance of certain street lighting improvements street trees and median landscaping Improvements, ai set forth and described in the Report. The,pro osed new improvements to be maintained and service8caused oenerallv bv new develODment are de- Day of June, 2004 This s, . Legal Advertising A. tnai me nepcri a. ~I~III~I oc &,, ie islative body Is 01 iile'wth tne city LIE f: ;GzpUgn'i pLc ins ection Petererice is niaae .J Lte nctport for uil and &tailed descnptlon of the improvements to I maintained the boundaries of the Assessment Distr and any zones therein and the pr sed assessmer upon assessable lots and Darceis %and wlthin the A @ssment District. B. All Street Lighting Im rovement Zone Street Tn Improvement Zone and ddian Landscaping lmprov ment Zone assessments are to remain the same as tt previous year and all new assessments a&d tothe t: roll will be calculated at the same unit rates as the me\ ous ear. PUdC HEARING SECTION 5. Notice is hereby given that a public hearir IS scheduled in the regular meeting place of the C, Council, being the Council Chambers, Ci Hall, on tf ??wing date and time: Tuesday, July 6,?2004. at 6:( Kiyhat time this legislative body will hear rotests or d jections in reference to the annual levy oyassessmen and to any other matters contained in this resolutio Any persons who wish to object to the proceedin s or tF annual lev should file a written protest withyhe Ci Clerk prioryo the time set for the public hearing. If the1 is a majority rotest against the levy of an annual a sessment tharis increased from the previous year. tt proposed increase in the assessments shall I abandoned. A majority protest exists if u on the coi clusion of the hearing, written protesfs,fied and n wthdrawn represent properly owners ownin more tha ~oo/o,~f-the assessable area of land within ?he Distric Owners,of properly within the Assessment District ma mail written rotests to the foilowin address: CIT 1 ~g~g&ppBg. ;I~>ARLSBAD vi1 PASSED APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regul; meetin df the Carlsbad City Council held on the 151 da of %ne 2004 by the following vote to wit: ZYES: Cduncil Members Lewis, Finhla, Kulchin, Ha and Packard. NOES: None ABSENT: None , CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST LORRAiNE M. WOOD Ci Clerk NCT1655852 June 24. 2204 ANNUAL ENGINEER’S REPORTFISCAL YEAR 2004-05 IMPROVEMENTS TO BE MAINTAINEDQSTREET LIGHTINGQSTREET TREESQMEDIAN LANDSCAPING STREET LIGHTINGIMPROVEMENT ZONE METHOD AND FORMULA FOR ASSESSMENTMETHOD AND FORMULA FOR ASSESSMENTSPREAD FOR STREET LIGHTINGSPREAD FOR STREET LIGHTINGCODEA1Intersections only (residential)CODEB1Intersections and mid-block (residential)CODEC1Current City engineering standards (residential)CODED1City owned street lights on surrounding streets, privatelighting within developmentCODE E2City standard, condos & apartment buildings, 10 unitsand higherCODEF2City standard, commercial and industrial parcelsCODE G2Special lighting & spacing standard, redevelopment areaCODE H1City standard, time shares onlyZone I consists of the following sub-codes and their benefitspread formula :CITYCITY--WIDE STREET LIGHTING DISTRICTWIDE STREET LIGHTING DISTRICTZone II consists of non-assessed areas. STREET LIGHTINGASSESSMENT SPREADStreetStreetLightingLightingCodeCodeAssessmentAssessmentA-1 $ 14.84 / Unit B-1 23.94 / Unit C-1 26.00 / Unit D-1 6.90 / Unit H-1 0.20 / Unit E-2 0.372765 / Foot F-2 0.580858 / Foot G-2 2.690464 / Foot STREET LIGHTINGCOST OF MAINTENANCE SERVICECOST OF MAINTENANCE SERVICE SOURCES OF FUNDINGSOURCES OF FUNDING$ 958,733TOTAL802,731Maintenance & Operations$ 156,002Personnel31,000Interest Earned65,024Fund Balance$ 958,733TOTAL28,000Contribution for Services to Public Parcels131,549General Benefit (General Fund)$ 703,160Assessment Collection COST ESTIMATE FOR GENERAL BENEFITAnnualAnnualAmountAmountAvgAvg. . AnnualAnnualCost per LightCost per LightLow wattage lights for collector streets $ 329,031.33 $ 70.23 High wattage lights for arterial streets $ 254,232.30 $ 145.53 Difference between low wattage & high wattage lights $ 75.30General Benefit = Annual Difference X 1,747 high wattage lights $ 131,549Budget for Street Lights (less public parcel contribution) $ 930,733 Percent of General Benefit Contribution 14.13% STREET TREE IMPROVEMENT ZONE STREET TREE ASSESSMENT SPREADTotal Benefit UnitsTotal Benefit Units12,711.5212,711.52Cost Per UnitCost Per Unit$36.10$36.10Total AssessmentTotal Assessment$458,927$458,927 STREET TREECOST OF MAINTENANCE SERVICECOST OF MAINTENANCE SERVICE SOURCE OF FUNDINGSOURCE OF FUNDING$716,015TOTAL298,128Maintenance & Operations$417,887Personnel106,000Contribution for Services to Public Parcels123,088Fund Balance$716,015TOTAL28,000Interest Earned$458,927Assessment Collection MEDIAN LANDSCAPINGMEDIAN LANDSCAPINGIMPROVEMENT ZONEIMPROVEMENT ZONE MEDIAN LANDSCAPING ASSESSMENT SPREADTotal Benefit UnitsTotal Benefit Units48,443.8748,443.87Cost Per UnitCost Per Unit$8.34$8.34Total AssessmentTotal Assessment$404,190$404,190 MEDIAN LANDSCAPINGCOST OF MAINTENANCE SERVICECOST OF MAINTENANCE SERVICE SOURCE OF FUNDINGSOURCE OF FUNDING373,929Maintenance & Operations$674,803TOTAL152,100Capital Improvements$ 148,774Personnel(62,969)Fund Balance309,085Loan from the General Fund$674,803TOTAL. 24,497Contribution from LLD #2$404,190Assessment Collection ASSESSMENT SUMMARY FOR THE AVERAGE SINGLE FAMILY PARCEL BENEFIT ZONE Average Assessment For Last 8 Fiscal Years through FY 2003-04 Average Assessment FY 2004-05 Change in Average Assessments Street Lighting *$ 26.00 * $ 26.00 -0- Street Tree $ 36.10 $ 36.10 -0- Median Landscaping $ 8.34 $ 8.34 -0- TOTAL $ 70.44 $ 70.44 -0- *Assessment rate represents a single-family residence within a code with largest number of single-family resident parcels. For additional information regarding theStreet Lighting and Landscaping Districtplease callplease callHarris and AssociatesHarris and Associates(800) 827(800) 827--4901 Ext. 3374901 Ext. 337 Questions? July 22,2004 County of San Diego Auditor and Controller Property Tax Services 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 077 San Diego, CA 92 10 1 CERTIFICATION OF FIXED CHARGE SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING DISTRICTNO. 1 This letter certifies that according to the records of the City of Carlsbad, that all assessments and special taxes are in compliance with Article XIIC & D of the Constitution of the State of California, that the total number of parcels subject to Fixed Charge Special Assessments and the dollar amount by Fund for 2004/05 are as listed below: FUND NO. COUNT AMOUNT 6010-01 49,164 $7 14,053.08 60 10-09 50,125 $42 1,995.84 6010-1 1 13,93 1 $466,672.30 Please contact Joan Cox at 949-655-3900 x337 with any questions. Certified by: Assistant City Clerk cc: Lisa Hildabrand, Finance Director Carrie Loya, Senior Engineer Public Works Administrative Coordinator-Special Districts Pacitic Ocean Legend Zona 1: City Owned and Maintained Lights A1 . ClN LIGHTS AT INTERSECTIONS ONLY (Rssldentsl) Bl - ClN LIGHTS AT INTERSECTIONS AND MIDBLOCK (Residential) C1- CIN LIGHTS. SPACING AT CURRENT EffilNEERlffi STANDARDS (Residential) Dl -GIN WS ON MUOR STREETS PRIVATE LKjHTlffi OH PRIVATE STREETS (IhldmW E2 - ClN LIGHTS CONWWWARTMENTS OVER 10 UNITS (REQUIRES FRONT FOOTAGE) F2 ~ ClN LIGHTS COMMERCIALANWSTRIAL (REQUIRES FRONT FOOTAGE) GZ - CITY LIGHTS REDEVELOPMENT AREA (REQUIRES FRONT FOOTAGE) W.qmn*a -9nwl b-br-3.M) m - ~~~~~~s~~~~~~M~~~~~~M~Ex Fulum Armsxott~~ Openspw zona2 0 Water eo^, Map created by the City of Carlsbad GIs. porlions of this DERIVED PRODUCT mtain geographic Inhation copyrighted by SanGIS. All Rights Reserved. Pnnted 20 May 2003 Cdy of Carlsbad GIS Pacific Ocean Legend Street Tree Benefit i-) Water Body Uap mafad by /he City of Carisbad GIs. Wma d /his DERIVED PRODUCT wntain oeooraphic information copyrighted 3y SanGIS. All Rights Reserved. Pacific Ocean