HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-07-27; City Council; 17733; Request that Mira Monte Dr Remain ClosedCITIZEN REQUEST THAT MlRA MONTE DRIVE REMAIN MTG. 7/27/04 PERMANENTLY CLOSED 3EPT. ENG. RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the barricades located on Mira Monte Drive be removed concurrently with the removal of barricades on College Boulevard, or alternatively, remove the Mira Monte Drive barricades no later than September 10, 2004. ITEM EXPLANATION: On June 8, 2004, Mr. Doug Foote addressed the City Council and asked that Mira Monte Drive remain permanently closed at the Carlsbad/Oceanside city limit. Mr. Foote asked if the road could not be permanently closed, as an alternative, that the Mira Monte Drive barricades remain in place for a set time after the barricades on College Boulevard are removed. Mira Monte Drive was established as a public street with the approval of CT 83-19, Calavera Hills Village T. The improvement plans for the design of the road were approved in June 1992. Mira Monte Drive in Carlsbad is about 150 feet long and it is not designated as a Circulation Element roadway. It connects the terminus of Mira Monte Drive located in Oceanside with Foothill Drive in Carlsbad. Mira Monte Drive was constructed in Oceanside as a future extension into Carlsbad. A temporary guardrail was installed at its terminus until the road was constructed in Carlsbad and there was no provision made for a provisional turnaround in Oceanside at the dead-end street until the road was extended. Removal of the barricades on Mira Monte Drive will facilitate an additional roadway access between Carlsbad and Oceanside. The City of Carlsbad position on circulation patterns has consistently been to provide as many road connections as are feasible to distribute traffic. Multiple access points provide alternative routes and accessibility for citizens and emergency vehicles. They provide continuity for bicycles and pedestrians as well as connectivity for vehicles. Barricades were placed on Mira Monte Drive in 2000 at the time the College Boulevard barricades were installed. However, the intent has been that Mira Monte Drive would eventually be accessible between Carlsbad and Oceanside to vehicles. The location of the elementary and middle school in Calavera Hills will result in school traffic using the local road system. Mira Monte Drive is not expected to serve as a significant short-cut route from Lake Boulevard to College Boulevard as this circuitous route involves a driver proceeding through residential neighborhoods and a school zone. Staff recommends that the barricades on Mira Monte Drive be removed at the time the College Boulevard barricades are removed. This date is scheduled for August 9, 2004. The City Council may determine that the Mira Monte Drive barricades should remain for a short period until traffic patterns stabilize on both College Boulevard and Lake Boulevard. If so, staff recommends that the barricades be removed on September 10, 2004. This date is about two weeks after the opening of the school year that begins August 31,2004. Agenda Bill No . 171733 Page No. 2 The California Vehicle Code governs the closing of streets. Section 21 101 (a)(l) of the Vehicle Code provides for local authorities to adopt rules and regulations by ordinance or resolution to close any highway (street) to vehicular traffic when, in the opinion of the legislative body having jurisdiction, the highway is no longer needed for vehicular traffic. The proper findings would have to be made to support a total road closure on Mira Monte Drive to vehicular traffic. FISCAL IMPACT: Removal of the Mira Monte Drive barricades have a nominal cost. Permanent closure of Mira Monte Drive would require a gate system to serve emergency vehicles that would include an emergency vehicle pre-emption feature. The entire gate system is estimated to cost about $20,000. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map. 2. July 2, 2004 letter from Doug and Tracy Foote. 3. Minutes from the June 8, 2004 City Council meeting. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Robert T. Johnson, Jr., (760) 602-2752, biohn Bci.carlsbad.ca.us LO CAT1 0 N BARRIACADES ON MlRA MONTE DRIVE PROJECT NAME MAP EXHIBIT 1 LEGEND: 0 LOCATION OF BARRICADES Nor TO SCALE I IW BY: SCOTT EVANS, CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPT. 7/12/04 C: \JRARAmC\JWNSON\Mlt?A MONTE BARRICAOES.DW RECENED 7f 21 04 City Manager of Carlsbad Attn: Raymond Patchett 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 JUL 05 2004 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Re: City council meeting agenda item. From: Doug and Tracy Foote (Calavera Hills Residents) Dear Mr. Patchett, I would like to request that the removal of the traffic barriers on Miramonte Avenue be included on the July list of agenda items for discussion and action during the city council meetings. The scheduled removal of the barriers for this summer is approaching fast and the residents of Calavera Hills need to know what action the city council will take on this issue. In particular we would like to see the city council make the Miramonte Ave. stub street permanently closed to vehicular traffic. If the city council will not allow this to happen then we would like to ask the city council to temporarily leave the barriers in place for a period of time to allow traffic patterns to stabilize after the opening of College Blvd. The period of time that would provide the most public safety benefit to the Calavera Hills Elementary School children would be to leave the barriers in place until Cannon Blvd opens to regular traffic which would relieve a portion of the commuter traffic pressure off of College Blvd and especially Lake Blvd. Thank you for adding this to the city council meeting agenda item list. Doug and Tracy Foote Days 9493685387 Nights 7607303889 4 June 8,2004 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL Page 9 ITEM TAKEN OF ORDER: At the request of Mayor Lewis, and with the concurrence of the City Council, Item No. 9 was taken out of order and heard at this time. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORT: 9. AB #17,662 - REQUEST TO MAKE A PRESENTATION. Doug Foote, 3999 Foothill Avenue, Carlsbad addressed Council and presented a Power Point presentation (copy on file in the City Clerk’s Office). He stated that the removal of the traffic barriers on Mira Monte would pose an unacceptable risk to the children in the area and also to those who attend Calavera Hills Elementary School and who use the parks in the area. Council Member Packard returned to the dais at 7:41 p.m. Mr. Foote requested that the barriers be left in place for a given period of time after the barriers at College and Lake are removed to allow the traffic patterns to be established. He expressed concern that College and Lake will be so heavily traveled that motorists will use Mira Monte or Tamarack as an alternate route to Knollwood. He stated that the environmental impact reports on this area did not include the intersections of Mira Monte and Foothill Avenue, or Mira Monte and Lake Boulevard. Mr. Foote stated that the residents in Calavera Hills and the Homeowners Association, have, by petition, requested that the Council review this issue and retain the barriers at Mira Monte. He stated that the Oceanside residents on Mira Monte also do not want the barriers to be removed. In response to inquiry from Council Member Finnila, Mr. Foote stated that forty percent of the students that attend Calavera Hills Elementary School reside in Oceanside. Mayor Lewis inquired in Mr. Foote was aware of the plans to open Mira Monte when he purchased his home. Mr. Foote responded that he was aware of that fact. Gary Schultze 3514 Knollwood Drive, Carlsbad addressed Council regarding the community in the northeast corner of Calavera Hills. He stated that removing the barriers would present a danger to the children that live and play in the area. He expressed support for keeping the barriers in place permanently. Kate Wilkie, 3978 Foothill Avenue, expressed concern with the speed of the traffic on the street and people cutting through to Oceanside or Vista. She expressed support for the possible permanent closure of the Mira Monte and Foothill Avenue intersection, and for the the opening of College Boulevard. 5- June 8,2004 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL Page 10 Mayor Lewis asked those in the audience who live on Foothill to raise their hands. He then explained that the Council would not take action at this meeting, but that they should consider this request prior to the opening of College Boulevard. Council Member Kulchin inquired if Council could take action on the request at this meeting. City Attorney Ball responded that the matter would need to placed on a future agenda for action. Mayor Lewis inquired when the barricades will be removed from College Boulevard. City Manager Patchett responded that the opening of College is scheduled for August 9, 2004. Council received the report and concurred that the matter be returned to Council for consideration prior to the opening of College Boulevard, which is scheduled for August 9, 2004. ~ONVENE JOINT CITY COUNCIL, MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, AND HOUSINW' Am REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING: the Joint Special Meeting of the City Redevelopment Commission ADJOURNMENT T T MEETING OF THE CITY CO ND MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT BOARD* DIRECTORS: ater District Board of adjourned the Special Meeting of the Municipal Water Distric nd reconvened the City Council meeting at 853 p.m., with all me ~UI CF) UT ui:aua neiT;n nenaricuson IbU- /Ju-YsYY p.2 Far the Infbrmath of the Mr. Raymond R Patchett - City Manager City of Carisbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Keith Hendrickson 3745 Cavern Place Carlsbad CA 92008 July 23, 2004 Subject: Acceptance of the College Boulevard portion of project No CT 83-32 Calavera Hills Village "Q", The Mira Monte portion of project No. CT-83-19 Calavera Hills Village "T", and the College Boulevard and Cannon Road portion of the project CT 00-02, Calavera Hills Phase II. and notice of completion for the College Boulevard and Cannon Road portion of project No. CT 00-02, Calavera Hills Phase II Dear Mr. Patchett, I would like my letter read into the record in supporl of the acceptance and opening of College Boulevard, Mira Monte, and the College Boulevard/Cannon Road portion of project No. CT 00-02, Calavera Hills phase II. On Tuesday July 20, 2004 at approximately 3:OO PM, My 6 year old son Ethan was home with a fever, it spiked causing him to have a febrile seizure and go into respiratory failure. My wife called 91 1 and while I preformed mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on Ethan she was informed that an engine was dispatched from the Carlsbad Safety Center Station 5 and because Carlsbad ambulance crews were not available. a mutual aid ambulance was dispatched from Oceanside. The engine crew with paramedics and advanced life support arrived in 10 to 12 minutes and the Oceanside paramedics arrived within 20 minutes. The Paramedics from Oceanside were forced to take a less direct route, El Camino Real south, Carlsbad Village Drive east, and then Collega Boulevard north to gain acces into Calavera Hills and eventually my home to provide emergency medical care and transport Ethan to Tri-City Hospital. They would have arrived at my home well before the engine company and would have been on route to the hospital all the sooner if College / Mira Monte been opened. While I commend the Carlsbad and Oceanside Firefighters and Paramedics for being able to perform within the limits and restrictions caused in part by the roads being closed. I don't agree with the rational that keeping the K rails in place at Mira Monte is going to 'make it safer for children". I believe the effort to keep the K rails in place is intended to protect property values and to discourage undesirable vehicular traffic in the community. I'm very happy to report that Ethan has fully recovered; I hate to think what the outcome could have been. I believe it is imperative that College, Mira Monte and CollegeCannon are accepted and opened without delay. ' SLY.- . Hendrickson AGENDAITEM# 13 C: Mayor City Council City Manager City Attorney City Clerk Mr. Bud Lewis Carlsbad Mayor Carlsbad City Council 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Gregory & Alison Jackson 3638 Terrace Place Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Lewis, I appreciate the City Council revisiting the schedule for removal of the barriers on Miramonte Avenue in Calavera Hills. I attended my first City Council meeting on June 8 to support postponing this barrier removal and I was encouraged by the Council‘s interest in revisiting this subject. Unfortunately, not knowing the process at the meeting, I did not get to voice my concerns. Hence I am writing to you directly. The bottom line for me is that it is a safety issue and I believe that postponing the removal of the barriers would create minimal inconvenience. At the meeting, each speaker was asked if they knew, when they bought their house, that the North County Circulation Plan called for these barriers to be removed. The answer to this should be “yes” from all the residents. The easy response to this would be “well you knew and you still bought the house so live with it”. However, I really don’t think this is the most appropriate response. Setting aside the fact that most residents probably didn’t really understand the true safety implications until they moved in, I think the key question is timing. Please consider postponing the removal of these barriers until Cannon connects through to OceansideNista. Please do this for the safety and well being of the residents, especially the children, of Calavera Hills - members of the Carlsbad community. I understand that Carlsbad needs to be “a good neighbor’’ by complying with the Circulation Plan. Does this need to be done immediately? In fact, by doing this before certain key roadways are completed in the North County Circulation Plan, you will turn a residential street into a throughfare. If the Miramonte barriers are removed, commuters from Oceanside and Vista (particularly Shadow Ridge) will cut through from Lake to Miramonte to Foothill to Tamarack to College - because they may save a minute or two - rather than taking Lake to College. And you know they will, if they think they can save time. By removing these barriers at this time, you are exposing residential neighborhoods - not designed for through traffic - to commuters in a hurry. They will be going directly past the Elementary and Middle School entrance - greatly increasing the potential for an accident involving these young children. The downside of postponement is minimal, the upside is huge. While I am actually a proponent for not removing these barriers (or the ones on College for that fact) until corrections are made to the 78W/SS interchange, I understand this is unrealistic. Therefore, I strongly urge the City Council to consider just postponing the removal of the Miramonte barriers until Cannon is extended all the way through to Oceansidepista. At least by then traffic patterns will be established in the Lake/College area and Cannon (which is designed for commuter traffic) may take the pressure off Miramonte. I think Carlsbad is being a very "good neighbor" anyway. We are opening College as planned - even though nothing has been done to relieve the traffic at the 78/College interchange. And the fact is that most of the traffic on College will be Commuter traffic - not local Calavera Hills traffic. My wife and I moved, with our two boys, to Carlsbad and the Calavera Hills area 4 years ago. We love Carlsbad. So much so that for the last 3 Y2 years I have been willing to commute daily, by train, two hours each way to Los Angeles. And I will continue to do this while the safe, family oriented environment in our neighborhood is maintained. Eventhough I live on the opposite side of the Elementary School to Miramonte and Foothill, I feel if these barriers are removed before Cannon goes through, my children and the 700 other children who will be attending the elementary and middle schools for several years to come, are going to be put at a much higher risk than necessary. Again, I strcmgly urge you to consider postponing the removal of these barriers. By doing this, Carlsbad is still being a "good neighbor" by complying with the long term circulation plan -just a little later that's all- and you would be greatly reducing the risk to our children in the neighborhoods and at the elementary and middle schools. I trust that in good conscience you will do the right thing by the people who voted for you. Thank you for your time considering this. Regards, AGENDA ITEM # ( 3 c: Mayor city Council City Manager Cfty Attorney City Clerk From: <donpatson Qsbcglobal.net> To: <Council Qsmtp.ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: Subject: Mon, Jul26, 2004 7:29 AM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear City Council, I am a parent of two children at Calavera Hills Elementary school. For the safety of all the students at the school, and others in the neighborhood, I' m hoping the City Council members will delay removing the barriers on Miramonte Avenue until Cannon goes through to Vista. Many parents feel that if the barriers are removed before this happens, the increased traffic flow through the surrounding streets will put our children at greater risk. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Don Patterson Don Patterson 2768 Dundee Court Carlsbad, CA 92008 USA donpatson Qsbcglobal.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 5.23; Mac-PowerPC) 67.1 19.239.1 11 From: <kriskollendaQ msn.com> To: <Council @smtp.ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: Fri, Jul9,2004 2:29 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US AGENDAITEMR 1.3 U Mayor City Coundl City Manager City Attomq City Clerk A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: SUBJECT: COLLEG UM I RAMONTE BARR1 ERS I am voicing my concern on the opening of the two streets of College and Miramonte. By opening and allowing traffic to flow through the Galavera Hills area before the opening of College/Cannon/ El Camino Real, this would create intensity in traffic and an UNSAFE environment for our surrounding neighborhoods and children. Sincerely, Kris Kollenda Kris Kollenda 3627 Terrace Place Carlsbad, CA 92008 kriskollendaQmsn.com Mozilld4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) 206.1 71.21 9.66 From: <djchestnut Qadelphia.net> To: <Council @smtp.ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: Subject : Thu, Jul 8, 2004 8:19 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US AGENDA ITEM # 1.5 C: Mayor City Manager City Attorney City Clerk city Council A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. **************************************e******* FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: As a resident of Carlsbad, I strongly urge the City Council to delay the removal of the barriers on Miramonte Avenue. I believe that the barriers should remain in place until Cannon road is extended through to Vista. I firmly beleive that if the barriers are removed many commuter cars will cut through Miramonte, onto Foothill, onto Tamarack N. and past Calavera Hills Elementary and Middle School. This will put the children that attend Calavera Elementary and Middle School at a higher risk due to the increased traffic. For the safety of our children at Calavera Hills, I strongly urge the Council on July 27 to delay the removal of the barriers at Miramonte until Cannon is extended to Vista. Darin Chestnut 3931 Rill Court Carlsbad, CA 92008 USA djchestnut Qadelphia.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; Q312461) 7/30/2004In support of Concerned Parents at Calavera Schools 1Save a Life,Keep Mira Monte ClosedResidents of Calavera Hills Petitioner -Calavera Hills Home Owners Assn 7/30/2004In support of Concerned Parents at Calavera Schools 2Objective –Keep Mira Monte Traffic Barriers in Place for Public Safety„College Blvd will be a major commuter thoroughfare, opening on Aug 9th„Calavera Hills Elementary starts session end of August„Calavera Hills Middle school opens for the first time 7/30/2004In support of Concerned Parents at Calavera Schools 3Objective –Keep Mira Monte Traffic Barriers in Place for Public Safety„Calavera Hills student population will significantly increase„New Middle school students will be unfamiliar to area„Parents of new students will be unfamiliar with the area„All students will be fresh off summer vacation 7/30/2004In support of Concerned Parents at Calavera Schools 4Objective –Keep Mira Monte Traffic Barriers in Place for Public SafetyƒCommuters on College Blvd will be using this major arterial road for the first timeƒCollege Blvd at 78 and Lake intersections will fail (SANDAG)ƒLake Blvd at Mira Monte will most likely fail 7/30/2004In support of Concerned Parents at Calavera Schools 5Potential Traffic Danger 7/30/2004In support of Concerned Parents at Calavera Schools 6Tamarack Crosswalk„Tamarack Ave will fill with commuter traffic if Mira Monte opens.„All Oceanside children that walk to school (40% of student body) will have to cross Tamarack„Many other students will have to cross Tamarack„Many students walk to school unsupervised 7/30/2004In support of Concerned Parents at Calavera Schools 7Mira Monte impacts continuous pedestrian activity, school and weekend uses on Tamarack Avenue„Kids use at all times not just morning and evening rush hours„Kids use numerous pocket parks along Tamarack Ave 7/30/2004In support of Concerned Parents at Calavera Schools 8Reasons To Keep Mira Monte Barriers In PlaceƒMix of New Students, new Parents and Commuters on a unproven road system is a recipe for an accidentƒPotential for a pedestrian accident at the school is seriously compounded if Mira Monte is opened to commuter traffic„Traffic impact to areas around the school and Mira Monte were notassessed in EIR 98-02„City of Carlsbad doesn’t truly know what will happen when the barriers come down 7/30/2004In support of Concerned Parents at Calavera Schools 9Reasons To Keep Mira Monte Barriers In Place„The benefits of road closure apply equally to residents and children in Oceanside and Carlsbad„With College Blvd open there will be no driver inconvenience to destinations north of Carlsbad or south of Oceanside„There is virtually no reduction in public access with Mira Monte closed to traffic 7/30/2004In support of Concerned Parents at Calavera Schools 10Request For Action„At a minimum, Mira Monte barricades should remain in place temporarily„This will allow traffic patterns on College to be established„This will keep commuters away from Calavera Hills School pedestrian crossings„Mira Monte should remain closed until Cannon Rd is complete„This is the only factor that can mitigate expected commuter traffic volumes 7/30/2004In support of Concerned Parents at Calavera Schools 11Request for Action „The Mira Monte barriers are the best preventative measure and the best long-term solution to permanently maximize school children safety „Resolution 8760 closed a Carlsbad street permanently …”due to unsafe conditions”„The residents of Calavera Hills ask The City of Carlsbad to do the right thing. Protect our children! Barricades onMira Monte Drive BackgroundXInitiated by Doug FooteXJune 8, 2004 Mr. Foote addressed the CouncilXRequest is for Mira Monte Drive barricades to remain LEGENDLOCATION OFBARRICADES HistoryXCT83-19, Calavera Hills Village T–established Mira Monte DriveXRoad design approved in 1992XMira Monte Drive–150-foot stub street–connects to Oceanside from Foothill Ave. Barricade InstallationXTemporary barriers installed in 2000–Mira Monte Drive–College BoulevardXComplaints received about their installationXIntention to remove when College/Cannon completedXAugust 9, 2004 College/Cannon connection open to traffic Staff RecommendationXRemove Mira Monte Drive barricades when College Boulevard barricades removed on August 9, 2004 Deferred RemovalXRemove Mira Monte Drive barricades on September 10, 2004XTwo weeks after school opens on August 31, 2004 OPTIONSMira Monte DriveXRemove barricades on August 9, 2004XDefer removal until September 10, 2004 or laterXPermanently close Mira Monte Drive to vehicular traffic –allow pedestrians LEGENDLOCATION OFBARRICADES