HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-09-14; City Council; 17785; Construct Core Improvements Cannon Rd/College Blvdn 4B# 17,785 CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL TITLE: APPROVAL OF REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT AND ESTABLISHMENT OF A LOCAL BENEFIT DISTRICT TO DEPT.sr zTx f n/ REIMBURSE COSTS TO CONSTRUCT CORE IMPROVEMENTS ON CANNON ROAD AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD MTG. 9/14/04 3EPT. ENG CITY ATTY. CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2004-293 approving a reimbursement agreement with Calavera Hills II, LLC for reimbursement of costs to design and construct core improvements to Cannon Road Reach 3 and College Boulevard Reach B and C and, establishing a Local Benefit District over the Robertson Ranch West property for the purpose of levying a fee to fund the reimbursement cost. ITEM EXPLANATION: As a condition of development for the Calavera Hill Phase II master plan and tentative map, the developer/subdivider, Calavera Hills 11, LLC, is required to construct core improvements for two major arterial roadways. The two arterial roads, presently under construction, include Cannon Road from El Camino Real to College Boulevard (Cannon Road Reach 3) and College Boulevard from Cannon Road to Carlsbad Village Drive (College Boulevard Reach B and C). The core improvements consist of full width grading to major arterial standards, two 18 foot paved travel lanes separated by a raised unimproved median, pavement transition to full City standard major arterial improvements at the intersections with El Camino Real and College Boulevard, storm drainage facilities, water and recycled water facilities, utility relocations, erosion control landscaping, pavement striping and marking, access roads to existing adjacent land uses and other roadway appurtenances as shown on City of Carlsbad Drawing Numbers 390-9 and 390-9A (Core Improve men ts). The Core Improvements were included in the recently approved Assessment District 2003-01 - College Boulevard and Cannon Road East (AD 2003-01). The Final Engineer’s Report for AD 2003- 01 identified the properties that derived special benefit from the construction of Cannon Road and College Boulevard East as being the Calavera Hills II Master Plan property, the Robertson Ranch East property (currently owned by Calavera Hills II, LLC) and the Robertson Ranch West property (currently owned by the Robertson Family Trust). The boundary of AD 2003-01 includes the Calavera Hills Phase II Master Plan property and the Robertson Ranch East property but does not include the Robertson Ranch West property. The Final Engineer’s Report for AD 2003-01 established a reasonable methodology for spreading the cost of the Core Improvements to all benefiting properties both within and outside the boundary of AD 2003-01. For purposes of determining benefit and spreading cost to the Robertson Ranch West property, only a fraction of the developable portion of the property fronting on Cannon Road Reach 3 was considered to benefit from the construction of the Core Improvements. Pursuant to City Code Section 20.16, the City must enter into a reimbursement agreement with a subdivider when the subdivider is required to install improvements for the benefit of the subdivision, which contains supplemental size, capacity or number for the benefit of property not within the subdivision. City Code further stat9, that City Council shall determine the method of payment of the costs required by the reimbursement agreement which may include but is not limited to the establishment and maintenance of local benefit districts for the levy and collection of such charges or cost from the property benefited. As evidenced by the findings of the Final Engineer’s Report for AD 03-01, the Core Improvements to be constructed by Calavera Hills II, LLC contain supplemental size and capacity that exceed the needs of the Calavera Hills Phase II subdivision and which benefit the Robertson Ranch West property. The reimbursement agreement attached as Exhibit 3 establishes a prorated share of the total design and construction cost of the Core Improvements for the Robertson Ranch West property. The share of the costs attributed to the Robertson Ranch West property is based upon the methodology established within the Final Engineer’s Report for AD 2003-01. The total reimbursement costs are estimated to be $522,713. The actual reimbursement amount will be determined using the spread methodology described in the Final Engineer’s Report for AD 2003-01 as applied to the actual purchase price of the improvements once construction is complete. Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. 17,785 The resolution attached as Exhibit 2 includes provision for the establishment and maintenance of a local benefit district. The boundary of the benefit district includes one parcel described as the Robertson Ranch West property. A legal description of the benefiting parcel is attached as Exhibit “B” to the reimbursement agreement. In accordance with City Code, notification of this public hearing was sent to the owner of the benefiting parcel and to the subdivider, Calavera Hills II, LLC, a minimum of ten days prior to the date of this hearing. By approving the formation of the local benefit area district and accompanying reimbursement agreement, Council is agreeing to use its best efforts to obtain payment of the reimbursement amount from the ownerldeveloper of the benefiting property. Council is also agreeing to condition its approvals for development of the Robertson Ranch West property to require payment of the reimbursement amount plus a 2% City administrative charge at the earlier of the following: 1) approval of a final map; 2) issuance of a grading permit (excluding grading done for agricultural purposes); or, 3) commencement of construction upon the benefiting property (excluding construction of structures designed to support agricultural operations). Also included, as part of this approval is an annual inflationary adjustment of the reimbursement fee. The annual adjustment will be made at the first of each calendar year using the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index for the Los Angeles area. Per the provisions of the proposed reimbursement agreement, the City’s obligation to collect reimbursement from the benefiting property shall terminate upon the earlier of the following dates: 1) the date of collection of the fee and its remittance to the subdivider; 2) on January 31, 2015; or, 3) ten years following the date of City acceptance of the Core Improvements. FISCAL IMPACT: Approval of the formation of the local benefit district and accompanying reimbursement agreement will not financially impact the City. Provisions within the reimbursement agreement state that the City will use its best efforts to collect the reimbursement fee from the benefiting property and that in the event the City does not collect the fee, the City is not obligated to pay the reimbursable amount to the subdivider from any other City funding source. The City’s cost to administer the local benefit district will be compensated through a 2% surcharge on the reimbursement fee charged to the owner/developer of the benefiting property. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map 2. Resolution No. 2004-293 approving a reimbursement agreement with Calavera Hills II, LLC for reimbursement of costs to design and construct core improvements to Cannon Road Reach 3 and College Boulevard Reach B and C and, establishing a Local Benefit District over the Robertson Ranch West property for the purpose of levying a fee to fund the reimbursement cost. 2. Copy of Reimbursement Agreement with Calavera Hills II, LLC DEPARTMENT CONTACT: David Hauser, (760) 602-2739, dhaus@ci.calrsbad.ca.us 2 CANNON ROAD REACH 3 AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD REACHES BAND C LOCAL BENEFITAREA NOT TO SCALE // TI BOUNDARY OF PROPOSED LOCAL BENEFITAREA CANNON ROAD/COLLEGE BOULEVARD CORE IMPROVEMENTS hxq ROBERTSON RANCH WEST PROPERTY ROBERTSON RANCH EAST PROPERTY CALAVERA HILLS I1 LLC PROPERTY 43 lu I 8 E! C c! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2004-293 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT WITH CALAVERA HILLS II, LLC FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF COSTS TO DESIGN AND CONSTRUCT CORE IMPROVEMENTS TO CANNON ROAD REACH 3 AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD REACH B AND C AND, ESTABLISHING A LOCAL BENEFIT DISTRICT OVER THE ROBERTSON RANCH WEST PROPERTY FOR THE PURPOSE OF LEVYING A FEE TO FUND THE REIMBURSEMENT COST. WHEREAS, the developer/subdivider, Calavera Hills II, LLC (Subdivider), of the Calavera Hills Phase II Master Plan and Tentative Map (“Subdivision”) has been conditioned to construct certain core improvements to Cannon Road Reach 3 and College Boulevard Reach B and C (“Core Improvements”); and, WHEREAS, the Core Improvements contain supplemental size and capacity for the benefit of property not within the Subdivision (“Supplemental Core Improvements”); and, WHEREAS, Section 20.16 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (“CMC) essentially provides that the City must enter into a reimbursement agreement with a subdivider to reimburse the subdivider for that portion of the costs of required subdivision improvements in excess of the needs created by the subdivision; and, WHEREAS, a reimbursement agreement between the City of Carlsbad (“City”) and Subdivider entitled “Agreement for Reimbursement of Costs to Design and Construct Cannon Road Reach 3 and College Boulevard Reach B and C (“Reimbursement Agreement“) has been prepared in accordance with Section 20.16 of CMC; and, WHEREAS, the Core Improvements are included within the list of improvements funded by Assessment District No. 2003-01 - College Boulevard and Cannon Road East (“AD 2003-01”); and, WHEREAS, the Final Engineer’s Report for AD 20003-01 dated July 31, 2003 (a copy of which is on file at the City Engineer’s office and is incorporated herein by this reference) established the methodology for spreading the costs of the Core Improvements to the benefiting properties including those properties not included within the boundary of AD 2003-01 ; and, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WHEREAS, the property known as the Robertson Ranch West property, owned by the tobertson Family Trust dated April 19, 1985, Virginia K. Robertson, Trustee Under Declaration of -rust dated October 8, 1976 and Elsie M. Kelley Irrevocable Trust dated June 19, 1989, is not vithin the boundary of AD 2003-01, but was identified as a property benefiting from the :onstruction of the Core Improvements in the Final Engineer’s Report for AD 2003-01 ; and, WHEREAS, the share of the costs attributed to the Robertson Ranch West property, )ased upon the methodology established within the Final Engineer‘s Report for AD 2003-01 , is stimated to be $522,713; and, WHEREAS, the actual reimbursement amount will be determined using the spread nethodology described in the Final Engineer’s Report for AD 2003-01 as applied to the actual iurchase price of the Core Improvements once construction is complete. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 2alifornia as follows: 1. 2. 3. That the above recitations are true and correct. That the Mayor is authorized to execute the Reimbursement Agreement. That a local benefit area be established over the Robertson Ranch West property for the purpose of levying and collecting a fee to pay for the cost to construct the Supplemental Core Improvements (Cannon Road Reach 3 and College Boulevard Reach B and C Core Improvements Local Benefit Area Fee). That the owner/developer of the Robertson Ranch West property be required to pay the Cannon Road Reach 3 and College Boulevard Reach B and C Core Improvements Local Benefit Area Fee plus a 2% City administrative charge at the earlier of the following: 1) approval of a final map; 2) issuance of a grading permit (excluding grading done for agricultural purposes); or, 3) commencement of construction upon the benefiting property (excluding construction of structures designed to support agricultural operations). 4. 5. That the Cannon Road Reach 3 and College Boulevard Reach B and C Core Improvements Local Benefit Area Fee, currently estimated to be $522,713, be 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 determined using the spread methodology described in the Final Engineer's Report for AD 2003-01 as applied to the actual purchase price of the improvements once construction is complete. That the Cannon Road Reach 3 and College Boulevard Reach B and C Core Improvements Local Benefit Area Fee be adjusted annually using the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index for the Los Angeles area, commencing on January 1 of the year following City acceptance of the Core Improvements in 6. accordance with the provisions as stated in the Reimbursement Agreement. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council ield on the 14th day of September ,2004 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council MembersAwis, Finilla, Kulchin, Hall and Packard. 4TTEST -0RRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk (SEAL) AGREEMENT FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF COSTS TO DESIGN AND CONSTRUCT CANNON ROAD REACH 3 AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD REACH B AND C This Reimbursement A reem nt of Construction Costs (“Agreement”) is entered into as of this /7* day of SeL$fmkd , 2004 by and between Calavera HillsII, a California limited liability company’ (“Subdivider”), and the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation of the State of California (“City”), with reference to the following: RECITALS A. Subdivider owns and is subdividing and developing certain real property located in City and more particularly described in Exhibit “A attached hereto (the “Calavera Hills/Robertson Ranch East Property”). B. Subdivider petitioned the City Council of City and the City has formed a special assessment district (“Assessment District”) encompassing the Calavera Hills/Robertson Ranch East Property pursuant to the terms and provisions of the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913, designated as ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) pursuant to City Council Resolution No. 2003-245 adopted on September 16, 2003. C. The Assessment District establishes a mechanism to finance the acquisition of public improvements and to spread the costs of the public improvements among properties, which will specifically benefit from the improvements based upon the special benefit received by each such property. The primary improvements proposed to be financed through the Assessment District include the extension of College Boulevard and Cannon Road, both important links in the City’s traffic circulation system and designed as major arterials on the Circulation Element of the City’s General Plan, including appurtenant sewer and water utility improvements and drainage facilities (“Assessment District Improvements”), as further described in the Final Engineer’s Report for the Assessment District dated July 31, 2003 prepared by Galen N. Peterson, Consulting Engineer (“Engineer’s Report”), incorporated herein by this reference. The Engineer’s Report is on file, and available for inspection at the Office of the City Engineer. D. Construction of the Assessment District Improvements will satisfy certain conditions of the subdivision and development of the Calavera Hills/Robertson Ranch East Property by providing access and backbone utilities so the projects can support their planned uses. Without the Assessment District Improvements, the parcels within the Assessment District could not be subdivided and developed to their planned or intended uses. E. A portion of the Assessment District Improvements to be constructed by Subdivider are described in detail in the Engineer’s Report, and are broadly described herein as the College Blvd., Reach C, Core Improvements; College Blvd., Reach B Core Improvements; the Cannon Road, Reach 3, Core Improvements, the Sewer Improvements, the Water Improvements, the Dry Utility Core Improvements and the Dry Utility Frontage Improvements (the “Benefiting Improvements”). The Benefiting Improvements contain supplemental size, capacity and/or number of street improvements for the special benefit of certain real property located in the City outside the Assessment District boundaries (“the Benefiting Parcel”). The Benefiting Parcel is described in Exhibit “B” attached to this Agreement, and incorporated herein by this reference, and is currently owned by Robertson Family Trust dated April 19, 1985, Virginia K. Robertson, Trustee Under Declaration of Trust dated October 8, 1976 and Elsie M. Final Version 6/2/04 Kelley Irrevocable Trust dated June 19, 1989. Without the Benefiting Improvements, the Benefiting Parcel could not be developed to its planned or intended uses. F. Subdivider agrees to build, and City agrees to reimburse Subdivider for a portion of the Benefiting Parcel owner’s/developer’s fair share of the actual cost of the Benefiting Improvements. G. Subdivider and City acknowledge that Government Code Section 66485 allows the City to require a subdivider to construct improvements benefiting property outside the subdivision; and Government Code Section 66486 requires the City to enter into a reimbursement agreement for such improvements. Subdivider and City intend that this Agreement satisfy the requirements of Government Code Section 66486. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms and agreements hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows: I. this Agreement by this reference. Recitals. The recitals above are true and correct and are incorporated in 2. Construction of the Assessment District Improvements. The construction specifications, and the determination of the actual costs of the Benefiting Improvements shall be governed by the terms and conditions of the Acquisition/Financing Agreement between the Subdivider and City entered into on December 11, 2002 (“Acquisition/Financing Agreement”) together with any approved amendments, incorporated herein by this reference, and the Engineer’s Report. 3. Reimbursement. The City shall condition its approvals for development of the Benefiting Parcel to require that at the earlier of (i) approval of a final map, (ii) issuance of a grading permit, excluding grading done for agricultural purposes, or (iii) commencement of construction upon the Benefiting Parcel, excluding construction of structures designed to support agricultural operations, City shall collect a fee from the owner(s) or developer(s) of the Benefiting Parcel in an amount equal to the Benefiting Parcel’s fair share of the actual costs of the Benefiting Improvements, subject to annual adjustment pursuant to Section 4 below (“Reimbursement Amount”) plus a 2% City administrative charge. The Benefiting Parcel owner’s/developer’s fair share amount of the Benefiting Improvements, as estimated in the Engineer’s Report, was $522,713 as of July 31, 2003. The actual Reimbursement Amount for the Benefiting Improvements, to be paid by the Benefiting Parcel owners/developers to the City, shall be equal to the “Purchase Price” as determined in accordance with the Acquisition/Financing Agreement and the share of such “Purchase Price” allocable to the Benefiting Parcel as determined in accordance with the assessment spread methodology set forth in the Engineer’s Report. The City shall remit the Reimbursement Amount to Subdivider no later than 60 days following collection of the Reimbursement Amount from the Benefiting Parcel owners/developers and the City shall retain the 2% City administrative charge. 4. Annual Adiustment. The Reimbursement Amount as determined pursuant to this Agreement shall be used for any reimbursement made by the Benefiting Parcel owners/developers to the City during the calendar year in which the Benefiting Improvements are accepted by the City. Commencing on January 1 of the year following City acceptance of the Benefiting Improvements and every January 1 thereafter, the Reimbursement Amount shall be increased based on any increases in the Construction Cost Index (“CCI”) for the Los Angeles Final Version 6/2/04 2 area, (1913=100) published by the Engineering News Record (ENR) using the monthly index published immediately prior to each subsequent calendar year as a comparison index. In no event shall the Reimbursement Amount as annually adjusted be less than that calculated for the preceding year. The City and Subdivider agree and acknowledge that this method of indexing the Reimbursement Amount is fair and equitable to the Subdivider and to the owners/developers of the Benefiting Parcel, as it most nearly reflects the actual costs of construction as may exist from time to time. In the event the CCI is discontinued, then the City and Subdivider shall reasonably agree on a substitute index or method of indexing for delayed future reimbursement payment. 5. Payment Oblination. The City shall use its best efforts to obtain payment of the Reimbursement Amount from the owner/developer of the Benefiting Parcel, pursuant to the terms of this agreement and to the maximum extent permitted by law. Payment to the Subdivider of the Reimbursement Amount, less the administrative fee, shall be made solely from funds paid to the City for this purpose by the owner/developer of the Benefiting Parcel. Failure of the City to collect the Reimbursable Amount from the owner/developer of the Benefiting Parcel, for any reason, does not obligate the City to reimburse the Subdivider from any other City fund source or account. 6. Assignment of Contract. The Subdivider shall not assign this Agreement or any part thereof or any monies due hereunder without the prior written consent of the City. 7. Notices. Unless otherwise specifically provided herein, all notices, demands or other communications given hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly delivered upon personal delivery, or by Federal Express (or similar reputable express delivery service) or by facsimile transmission with back-up copy mailed the same day, or as of the second business day after mailing by United States Certified Mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed as shown below. Notices required to be given to Subdivider shall be addressed as follows: Notices to the Subdivider shall be delivered to the following: Calavera Hills II c/o McMillin Companies 2727 Hoover Avenue National City, CA 91950 Attention: Brian Milich Telephone No.: (61 9) 336-31 38 Facsimile No.: (619) 336-3596 Notices to City shall be delivered to the following: City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attention: City Engineer Telephone No.: (760) 602-2730 Facsimile No.: (760) 602-8562 Each party shall notify the other immediately of any changes of address that would require any notice delivered hereunder to be directed to another address. Final Version 6/2/04 3 0. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered shall be deemed to be an original and all of which counterparts taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument. 9. Governinn Law and Venue. This Agreement shall be interpreted and enforced under the laws of the State of California, and venue shall reside in San Diego County, California. IO. Complete Anreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter contained herein, and supersedes all negotiations, discussions, and prior drafts with respect to this subject matter. 11. Amendment. This Agreement may be amended by a written instrument executed by City and Subdivider and no such amendment shall be valid unless executed by both the Subdivider and the City. 12. Term. This Agreement shall be effective as of the date first above written, and shall terminate on the earlier of (i) the date the City remits the full Reimbursement Amount to Subdivider as provided in this Agreement or (ii) January 31, 2015; or, the date that is ten (1 0) years following the date of City acceptance of the Benefiting Improvements if such date is later than January 31, 2015. 13. No Third Pam Beneficiaries. This Agreement shall not be deemed to confer any rights upon any individual or entity which is not a party hereto, and the parties hereto expressly disclaim any such third-party benefit. Final Version 6/2/04 4 14. Severabilitv. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provisions of this Agreement, as determined by a court of competent jurisdiction, shall in no way affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the date first above written. “SUBDIVIDER” CALAVERA HILLS 11, a California limited liability company By: McMillin Companies, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company Its: By: Print Name: By: Pint Name: BdA M y‘p ‘drra+ke Wood, City Clerk (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: Allif! @4 RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney Final Version 6/2/04 5 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California Date personally appeared Igl personally known to me 0 proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) idare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. K ignature Notary Public Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons re/ying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacityties) Claimed by Signer 0 Corporate Officer - Title(s): 0 Partner - 0 Limited General 0 Attorney-in-Fact Guardian or Conservator Signer Is Representing: 0 1999 National Notary Associalon * 9350 De Solo Ane , P 0. Box 2402 - Chalsworlh. CA 91313-2402 www nalionalnolary.org Prod. No. 5907 Reorder Call Toll-Free 1-600-876-6827 EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF CALAVERA HILLS/ROBERTSON RANCH PROPERTY Final Version 6/2/04 A- 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN IS SITUATED IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL 1: THAT PORTION OF LOT E OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 823, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, NOVEMBER 16,1896, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF RECORD OF SURVEY 16661, BEING ALSO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF CT 76-12 PER MAP 9935 FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY ON JULY 14, 2000 AND DECEMBER 16, 1980 RESPECTIVELY; THENCE, SOUTH 1’42’35” WEST 1619.75 FEET, SOUTH 63’42’38” EAST 313.13 FEET, SOUTH 73’19’52” EAST 230.87 FEET, SOUTH 4’56’41” EAST 517.19 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTH AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 1451.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID CURVE BEARS SOUTH 28’58’39” EAST; THENCE, NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 519.94 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 20’31’52’’; THENCE, TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 81’33’13” EAST 648.89 FEET TO A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTH AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 1349.00 FEET; THENCE, EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 666.28 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 28’17’56”; THENCE, TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 53’15’17” EAST 461.71 FEET TO A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTH AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 990.00 FEET; THENCE, NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 32.06 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 1’51’19’’; THENCE, TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 51’23’58” EAST 60.28 FEET TO A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTH AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 1010.00 FEET; THENCE, NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 32.70 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 1’51’19’’; THENCE, TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 53’15’17” EAST 336.29 FEET TO A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE WEST AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 25.00 FEET; THENCE, NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 39.80 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGEL OF 91’12’49”; THENCE, TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 37’57’32” WEST 300.00 FEET TO A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE EAST AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 210.00 FEET; THENCE, NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 20.92 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 5’42’26”; THENCE, TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 32’15’06’’ WEST 80.62 FEET TO A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE WEST AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 190.00 FEET; THENCE, NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 18.93 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 5O42’26”; THENCE, TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 37’57’32” WEST 310.22 FEET TO A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 1349.00 FEET; THENCE, NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 288.52 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 12’15’16’’; THENCE, TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 50’12’48” WEST 100.00 FEET TO A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 1451.00 FEET; THENCE, NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 480.31 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 18’57’58” TO A POINT IN THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID RECORD OF SURVEY 16661, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID CURVE BEARS SOUTH 58’45’10” WEST; THENCE, NORTH 89’25’37” WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID RECORD OF SURVEY 16661 1950.97 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID LAND BEING DESCRIBED AS PARCEL 1 ON CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE PAGE 1 RECORDED NOVEMBER 28,2001 AS FILE NO. 2001-0865064 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. PARCEL 2: THAT PORTION OF LOTS D AND E OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 823, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, NOVEMBER 16,1896, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF RECORD OF SURVEY 16661, BEING ALSO COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY ON JULY 14, 2000 AND DECEMBER 16, 1980 RESPECTIVELY; THENCE, ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID RECORD OF SURVEY SOUTH 89’25’37’’ EAST 1950.97 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE, CONTINUING ALONG THE SOUTHERLY AND EASTERLY LINE OF SAID RECORD OF SURVEY SOUTH 89’25’37” EAST 129.11 FEET, NORTH 13’44’27” EAST 781.66 FEET, NORTH 21’34’15” EAST 189.90 FEET, NORTH 14’47’00’’ EAST 160.15 FEET, NORTH 11’34’22” EAST 65.17 FEET, NORTH 7’12’14” EAST 135.30 FEET, NORTH 14’45’08” EAST 57.12 FEET, NORTH 20’50’34” EAST 126.05 FEET, NORTH 9’43’14” EAST 112.86 FEET, NORTH 1’15’18” EAST 150.28 FEET, SOUTH 89’37’14” EAST 355.61 FEET TO A POINT ON RECORD OF SURVEY 14818 FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER ON MARCH 16,1995; THENCE, LEAVING SAID RECORD OF SURVEY 16661 AND CONTINUING SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF RECORD OF SURVEY 14818, SOUTH 1’15’25” EAST 304.47 FEET (SOUTH 1’11’30” EAST 305.18’ R), SOUTH 18’25’38” EAST, 694.08 FEET (SOUTH 18’19’26” EAST 694.27’ R), THENCE, LEAVING SAID RECORD OF SURVEY 14818 AND CONTINUING SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THAT 363.14 ACRES PARCEL AS SHOWN ON RECORD OF SURVEY 6616 FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY ON NOVEMBER 4, 1965; THENCE, SOUTH 1’05’41” WEST 1271.23 FEET (SOUTH lol2’O2” WEST 1271.40’ R), SOUTH 4’13’22” WEST 963.76 FEET (SOUTH 4’20’50” WEST 963.88’ R), SOUTH 51’39’15”WEST 1165.94 FEET 1165.94 FEET (SOUTH 51’47’48” WEST 1165.49’ R), SOUTH 48’19’13’’ WEST 404.31 FEET (SOUTH 48’19’29” WEST 404.15’ R), SOUTH 65’09’20” WEST 386.97 FEET (SOUTH 65’14’32” WEST 387.06’ R), NORTH 77’55’34” WEST 635.12 FEET (NORTH 77’48’20’’ WEST 635.06’ R), SOUTH 65’35’13” WEST 494.30 FEET (SOUTH 65’42’27” WEST 494.30’ R), SOUTH 39’37’39” WEST 339.77 FEET (SOUTH 39’44’53” WEST 339.77’ R), SOUTH 30’38’52” WEST 266.73 FEET (SOUTH 30’46’06” WEST 331.55’ TO THE CENTERLINE OF RS 682 R) TO A POINT IN A LINE THAT IS PARALLEL TO AND 63.00 FEET NORTHERLY OF THE CENTERLINE OF OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER OF SAN WEST 13.53 FEET; THENCE, SOUTH 23’17’50” WEST 18.00 FEET ALONG THE RADIAL LINE OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTH AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 6,855.31 FEET, SAID POINT BEING ALSO ON THE NORTH LINE OF THAT 90 FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LAND SHOWN CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 2’10’51” 260.94 FEET; THENCE, LEAVING SAID NORTH LINE, NORTH 32’44’07’’ EAST 16.78 FEET, SOUTH 82’48’22” EAST 72.17 FEET, NORTH 23’31’32” EAST 109.80 FEET, NORTH 25’38’31” EAST 100.08 FEET, NORTH 29’07’38” EAST 77.37 FEET, NORTH 31’48’12” EAST 60.19 FEET, NORTH 42’27’17’’ EAST 23.56 FEET, NORTH 37’46’23’’ EAST 139.56 FEET, NORTH 24’02’16” EAST 40.09 FEET, NORTH 46’32’58’’ EAST 281.65 FEET, NORTH 53’49’59” EAST 241.03 FEET, NORTH 67’15’16” EAST 15.60 FEET, SOUTH 4’56’41” EAST 44.65 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTH AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 1451.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID CURVE BEARS SOUTH 28’58’39” EAST; THENCE, NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 519.94 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 20’31’52’’; THENCE, TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 81’33’13” EAST 648.89 FEET TO A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTH AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 1349.00 FEET; THENCE, EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 666.28 FEET THROUGH PAGE 2 THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF CT 76-12 PER MAP 9935 FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ROAD SURVEY NO. 1800-1 (KNOWN AS EL CAMINO REAL) ACCORDING TO DIEGO COUNTY; THENCE, WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE, NORTH 66042’1077 ON ROAD SURVEY NO. 1800-1; THENCE, WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, AND -. A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 28’17’56”; THENCE, TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 53’15’17” EAST 461.71 FEET TO A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTH AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 990.00 FEET; THENCE, NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 32.06 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 1’51’19”; THENCE, TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 51’23’58” EAST 60.28 FEET TO A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTH AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 1010.00 FEET; THENCE, NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 32.70 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 1’51’19”; THENCE, TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 53’ 15’ 17” EAST 336.29 FEET TO A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE WEST AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 25.00 FEET; THENCE, NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 39.80 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 91’12’49’’; THENCE, TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 37’57’32’’ WEST 300.00 FEET TO A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE EAST AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 210.00 FEET; THENCE, NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 20.92 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 5’42’26”; THENCE, TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 32”15’06” WEST 80.62 FEET TO A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE WEST AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 190.00 FEET; THENCE, NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 18.93 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 5’42’26”; THENCE, TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 37’57’32” WEST 310.22 FEET TO A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 1349.00 FEET; THENCE, NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 288.52 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 12’15’16”; THENCE, TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 50’12’48” WEST 100.00 FEET TO A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 145 1.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 480.31 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 18’57’58” TO A POINT IN THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID RECORD OF SURVEY 16661, SAID POINT BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID CURVE AT THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING BEARS SOUTH 58’45’10” WEST. SAID LAND BEING DESCRIBED AS PARCEL 3 ON CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED NOVEMBER 28,2001 AS FILE NO. 2001-0865066 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. FEBRUARY 05,2002 11 :02 AM MC PAGE 3 EXHIBIT B DESCRIPTION OF PARCELS OUTSIDE THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT [Attach description of portion of Robertson Ranch West Property that takes access from Cannon Road.] Final Version 6/2/04 B-1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN IS SITUATED IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ALL THAT PORTION OF LOTS “E” AND “I” OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO PARTITION MAP THEREOF NO. 823, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID SAN DIEGO COUNTY, NOVEMBER 16,1896, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF RECORD OF SURVEY 16661, BEING ALSO COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY ON JULY 14, 2000 AND DECEMBER 16, 1980 RESPECTIVELY; THENCE, SOUTH 1’42’35” WEST 1619.75 FEET, SOUTH 63’42’38” EAST 313.13, SOUTH 73’19’52” EAST 230.87 FEET, SOUTH 4’56’41’’ EAST 472.54 FEET, SOUTH 67’15’16” WEST 15.60 FEET, SOUTH 53’49’59” WEST 241.03, SOUTH 46’32’58’’ WEST 281.65 FEET, SOUTH 24’02’16’’ WEST 40.09 FEET, SOUTH 37’46’23” WEST 139.56 FEET, SOUTH 42’27’17’’ WEST 23.56 FEET, SOUTH 31’48’12” WEST 60.19 FEET, SOUTH 29’07’38” WEST 77.37 FEET, SOUTH 25’38’31” WEST 100.08 FEET, SOUTH 23’31’32’’ WEST 109.80 FEET, NORTH 82’48’22” WEST 72.17 FEET, SOUTH 32’44’07” WEST 16.78 FEET TO A POINT IN THE NORTH WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID 90 FOOT STRIP; BEING A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 6855.31 FEET A DISTANCE OF 476.75 FEET; THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 3’59’05” THENCE, TANGENT TO SAID CURVE, NORTH 60’32’15” WEST 449.43 FEET (NORTH 60’25’46” WEST 449.30’ R) TO THE BEGJNNING OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE SOUTH AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 2045.09 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 31’40’36”, THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 1,130.65 FEET; THENCE, TANGENT TO SAID CURVE, NORTH 87’47’10” EAST 761.88 FEET TO A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE NORTH AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 1555.07 FEET; THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 43’01’37”, THENCE, WESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 1 167.80 FEET; THENCE, TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 49’1 1 ’ 14” WEST 5 11.3 1 FEET TO A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTH AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 2045.09 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 5’23’02”, THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 192.17 FEET TO A POINT, SAID POINT BEING THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY ON FEBRUARY 4, 1982; THENCE, NORTHERLY AND EASTERLY ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID RECORD OF SURVEY NO. 8927; NORTH 35’25’44’’ EAST 55.00 FEET (NORTH 35’27’02” EAST 55.00’ RADIUS) NORTH 44’53’07” WEST 132.79 FEET (NORTH 44’51’49’’ WEST 132.79’ RADIUS) NORTH 31’52’21” EAST 69.52 FEET (NORTH 31’53’39” EAST 69.52’ RADIUS) NORTH 36’53’17’’ EAST 92.46 FEET (NORTH 36’54’35” EAST 92.46’ RADIUS) NORTH 42’37’04 EAST 92.46 FEET (NORTH 42’38’22” EAST 92.46’ RADIUS) NORTH 48’26’33” EAST 92.75 FEET (NORTH 48’22’09” EAST 92.46’ RADIUS) NORTH 63’26’12’’ EAST 92.35 FEET (NORTH 63’22’33” EAST 92.93’ RADIUS) NORTH 47’38’5 1” EAST 94.49 FEET (NORTH 47’34’26” EAST 94.11 ’ RADIUS) NORTH 78’03’31’’ EAST 93.72 FEET (NORTH 77’48’51” EAST 94.10’ RADIUS) NORTH 77’30’47” EAST 91.01 FEET (NORTH 77’35’14” EAST 91.01’ RADIUS) NORTH 76’56’34’’ EAST 89.97 FEET (NORTH 77’01’01’’ EAST 89.97’ RADIUS) NORTH 64’32’02’’ EAST 96.25 FEET (NORTH PAGE 1 THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF CT 76-12 PER MAP 9935 FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE LINE OF THAT 90 FOOT STRIP OF LAND SHOWN ON ROAD SURVEY NO. 1800-1; THENCE SAID ROAD SURVEY 1800-1 AND THE EAST LINE OF RECORD OF SURVEY 8927 FILED IN 64’36’30” EAST 96.25’ RADIUS) NORTH 84’58’35” EAST 96.38 FEET (NORTH 85’03’02” EAST 96.03’ RADIUS) NORTH 89’31’55” EAST 100.00 FEET (NORTH 89’01’00’’ EAST 100.00’ RADIUS) NORTH 88’50’52” EAST 100.13 FEET (NORTH 89’00’56” EAST 100.13’ RADIUS) NORTH 85’52’25’’ EAST 106.46 (NORTH 86’02’29” EAST 106.46’ RADIUS) SOUTH 86’48’16” EAST 110.56 (NORTH 86’38’12” WEST 110.56’ RADIUS) NORTH 61’21’44” EAST 110.57 (NORTH 61’31’48” EAST 110.56’ RADIUS) NORTH 66’10’33” EAST 106.20 (NORTH 66’09’36” EAST 106.32’ RADIUS) NORTH 60’33’09” EAST 105.87 (NORTH 60’25’04’’ EAST 105.83’ RADIUS) NORTH 54’35’52” EAST 104.85 FEET (NORTH 54’44’11” EAST 104.55’ RADIUS) NORTH 55’32’10” EAST 99.66 FEET (NORTH 55’24’00” EAST 100.00’ RADIUS) NORTH 58’20’10” EAST 100.12 (58’15’45” EAST 100.12’ RADIUS) NORTH 58’14’41” EAST 100.18 (NORTH 58’15’45” EAST 100.13’ RADIUS) NORTH 55’22’41” EAST 99.96 FEET (NORTH 55’24’00’’ EAST 100.00’ RADIUS) NORTH 52’29’55” EAST 100.20 FEET (NORTH 52’32’15” EAST 100.13’ RADIUS) NORTH 51’34’19” EAST 103.75 (NORTH 51’19’35’’ EAST 103.56’ RADIUS) NORTH 48’25’31” EAST 104.73 (NORTH 48’41’45” EAST 104.95’ RADIUS) NORTH 42’59’01” EAST 104.95 FEET (NORTH 42’57’58” EAST 104.96’ RADIUS) NORTH 41’35’15” EAST 101.54 (NORTH 41’31’05” EAST 101.58’ RADIUS) NORTH 41’19’05” EAST 100.09 FEET (NORTH 41’18’45” EAST 100.13’ RADIUS) NORTH 38’24’41’’ EAST 99.98 (NORTH 38’27’00” EAST 100.00’ RADIUS) NORTH 37’43’45’’ EAST 106.34 (NORTH 37’30’57” EAST 106.26’ RADIUS) TO THE WESTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF CT 76-12 PER MAP 9935; THENCE, SOUTH 89’25’10” EAST RADIUS) 2088.48 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PROPERTY BEING DESCRIBED AS PARCEL 2 IN A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE SAID SAN DIEGO COUNTY. RECORDED ON NOVEMBER 28, 2001 AS FILE NO. 2001-0865065 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF FEBRUARY 25,2002 2:Ol PM RL PAGE 2 PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2010 & 2011 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of San Diego I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid: I am over the age of eighteen years and not a party to or interested in the above- entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of North County Times Formerly known as the Blade-Citizen and The Times-Advocate and which newspapers have been adjudicated newspapers of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of San Diego, State of California, for the City of Oceanside and the City of Escondido, Court Decree number 171349, for the County of San Diego, that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpariel), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: September 03'd ,2004 I certifl (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at SAN MARCOS California This 03rd Day of September, 2004 NORTH COUNTY TIMES Legal Advertising This space is for the County Clerk's Filing Stamp Proof of Publication of Portions of Lots D and of Rancho Agua Hedionda ir the City of Carisbad hunty of Sen Die o State o ing'to map mereot NO. 125 filed ir ecorder of San Diedo Coun R ty, November 16,18 . CASE FILE:AD2003-01 CASE NAME NON ROAD EAST UEGE BOULEVARD AND CAN- I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO p.m. on Tuesday, September 14, 2004, to consider a request for approval of a reimbursement agreement and establishment of a local benefit district to reimburse costs to construct core improvements on Cannon Road and College Boulevard. The proposed local benefit district encompasses one parcel of land bordered by Tamarack Avenue on the north, El Camino Real on the west and Cannon Road on the south, owned by the Robertson ETNK Trust, and is more particularly described as follows: Portions of Lots D and E of Rancho Agua Hedionda, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to map thereof No. 823, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, November 16, 1896. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing. Copies of the agenda bill will be available on and after September IO, 2004. If you have any questions, please call David Hauser in the Engineering Department at (760) 602- 2739. If you challenge the reimbursement agreement and/or establishment of the benefit district in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad, Attn: City Clerk, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008, at or prior to the public hearing. CASE FILE: AD 2003-01 CASE NAME: COLLEGE BOULEVARD AND CANNON ROAD EAST PUBLISH: September 3, 2004 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL P NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING YOUR PROPERTY August 19,2004 Robertson ETNK Trust 5056 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92008 The subdivider of Calavera Hills Phase I! wa8 required to install improvements consistiny G: fke extensiw of Croilege Boulevard and Cannon Road incitiding certain sewer, water and dry utility improvements. These improvements contain supplements! size and/or capacity for the benefit of your propert\/. Pursuant to Section 66486 of the Government Code and Section 20.1 6.041 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC), when such size or capacity is solely for the benefit of property not within the subdivision, the City shall enter into an agreement with the subdivider to reimburse the subdivider for that portion of the costs of such improvements equal to the difference between the amount it would have cost the subdivider to install such improvements to serve the subdivision only and the actual cost of such improvements. Pursuant to Section 20.16.041(a) of the CMC, the City intends to establish and maintain a local benefit district to generate the funds necessary to reimburse the subdivider for the cost of the supplemental improvements. The boundary of such local benefit district includes your property (Assesspr's Parcel Number 208-01 0-36). Establishment of a local benefit area over your property will obligate the payment of a fee or charge to reimburse the subdivider for the cost of the supplemental improvements. Such fee or charge will be required upon development of your property, excluding any development solely for the purpose of maintaining or carrying out agricultural operations. Pursuant to Section 20.16.042 of the CMC, no fee or charge or local benefit district shall be established unless and until a public hearing is held thereon by the City Council and the City Council finds that the charge and the area of local benefit is reasonably related to the cost of such supplemental improvements and the actual ultimate beneficiaries thereof. 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 (760) 602-2720 FAX (760) 602-8562 @ Notice of Public Hearing Page 2 You are hereby notified, pursuant to Section 66457.3 of the Government Code and Section 20.76.042(b) of the CMC that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing on the matter of the establishment and maintenance of a local benefit area over your property to establish a fee or charge to reimburse the subdivider of Calavera Hill Phase II for the cost to install supplemental improvements for the benefit of your property. The public hearing will be held on September 74,2004 at 6:OO PM at the Carlsbad City Hall Council Chambers. As the listed owner of the property located within the boundary of the proposed local benefit area, you are invited to attend the public hearing and be heard on this matter. If you have any questions or comments on this matter, please feel free to give me a call to discuss at (760) 602-2739. Respectfully, Deputy City Engineer C Deputy Public Works Director, Engineering Services Seabourne Development, Ken Cablay, P.O. Box 4659, Carlsbad, CA, 92008 Approval of Reimbursement Agreement and Establishment of a Local Benefit District to Reimburse the Cost to Construct Cannon Road and College BoulevardDeputy City EngineerDavid Hauser Tonight’s Presentation„„Staff PresentationStaff Presentation„„Council QuestionsCouncil Questions„„Open Public HearingOpen Public Hearing„„Council DiscussionCouncil Discussion„„Council ActionCouncil Action‹‹Approval of Reimbursement AgreementApproval of Reimbursement Agreement‹‹Establishment of Local Benefit AreaEstablishment of Local Benefit Area Brief Item Explanation¾¾Request by a developer, Calavera Hills II, LLCRequest by a developer, Calavera Hills II, LLC¾¾To obtain reimbursement for construction of the To obtain reimbursement for construction of the Cannon Road/College Boulevard ExtensionCannon Road/College Boulevard Extension¾¾…..…..NotNotfrom City or Assessment District fundsfrom City or Assessment District funds¾¾From an adjoining property owner, the Robertson From an adjoining property owner, the Robertson Family TrustFamily Trust Authority„„Section 20.16 of the Carlsbad Municipal CodeSection 20.16 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code‹‹When City requires improvementsWhen City requires improvementsSupplemental size, capacity or numberSupplemental size, capacity or number‹‹City must enter in reimbursement agreement City must enter in reimbursement agreement with developer to pay cost of with developer to pay cost of oversizingoversizing‹‹City may form a local benefit area district and City may form a local benefit area district and levy a charge against the benefiting property levy a charge against the benefiting property owner(s) to raise funds for reimbursementowner(s) to raise funds for reimbursement History of Council Actions„„2002 2002 --Approved Calavera Hills Phase II projectApproved Calavera Hills Phase II project‹‹Required construction of College Required construction of College and Cannon Roadand Cannon Road„„2003 2003 --Approved formation of AD 2003Approved formation of AD 2003--0101‹‹Finance construction of College/CannonFinance construction of College/Cannon College Blvd –Reaches B,CCannon Road –Reach 3 Engineer’s Report for AD 2003-01(College Blvd and Cannon Road Extension Project)Findings:„„Improvements contain supplemental size and Improvements contain supplemental size and capacity for benefit of properties outside of the capacity for benefit of properties outside of the Calavera Hill Phase II projectCalavera Hill Phase II project‹‹Robertson Ranch East propertyRobertson Ranch East property‹‹Robertson Ranch West propertyRobertson Ranch West property Proposed Land Use and Traffic AccessFor Robertson Ranch Properties (East and West)EastWest Cannon Road/College Boulevard ExtensionEl Camino RealTamarack AvenueCarlsbad Village DriveC o lleg e B o u levardCannon Road Engineer’s ReportAllocation of Costs$20,424,770$20,424,770TotalTotal$522,713$522,713Robertson Ranch WestRobertson Ranch West$8,529,183$8,529,183Robertson Ranch EastRobertson Ranch East$11,372,874$11,372,874Calavera Calavera Hills Phase IIHills Phase II Terms of Reimbursement„„Cost plus 2% City administrative feeCost plus 2% City administrative fee„„Payment at first of:Payment at first of:‹‹Approval of final mapApproval of final map‹‹Grading permit excluding agricultural gradingGrading permit excluding agricultural grading‹‹Building permit excluding agricultural facilitiesBuilding permit excluding agricultural facilities„„Annual adjustment based upon ENR Cost IndexAnnual adjustment based upon ENR Cost Index„„Expires 1/31/15 or 10 years after acceptance of Expires 1/31/15 or 10 years after acceptance of improvementsimprovements Conclusion of Presentation„„Respond to Council QuestionsRespond to Council Questions„„Open Public HearingOpen Public Hearing„„Council DiscussionCouncil Discussion„„Council ActionCouncil Action