HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-03-15; City Council; 18027; Open Space Conservation Easement City Golf CourseA 13 TITLE: IRREVOCABLE OFFER TO DEDICATE AN OPEN MTG 03/15/05 SPACE CONSERVATION EASEMENT FOR THE CARSLBAD CITY GOLF COURSE PROJECT DEPT. Recreation AB# 18,027 - ATT RECOMMENDED ACTION : It is recommended the City Council ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. approving an Irrevocable Offer to Dedicate an Open Space Conservation Easement and Declaration of Restrictions for the Carlsbad City Golf Course Project. 2005-075 On August 8, 2003, the California Coastal Commission unanimously approved a “Notice of Intent to Issue a Coastal Development Permit” (hereafter “CDP”) required for the City’s development of the Carlsbad City Golf Course Project. Among the numerous “General and Special Conditions” contained within the CDP is Special Condition 10 requiring the City, as property owner, execute an Irrevocable Offer to Dedicate Open Space Conservation Easement and Declaration of Restrictions over all “non-golf course development areas” within the overall site. The purpose of this offer of dedication is two-fold; first, to provide both the California Department of Fish and Game and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, as recipients of the dedication, the opportunity to accept these areas, if they so chose, as open space and habitat preservation, and second, to preclude any further development on the site beyond what has been approved by the Commission through its regulatory authority via the CDP. The City Attorney’s Office requested that the Coastal Commission staff add language to the “Offer to Dedicate” to clarify that the “Offer to Dedicate” is contingent upon the City proceeding with the development of a municipal golf course since the legally required nexus for the open space dedication is the development of the golf course approved by the Agencies. In the event the City does not develop the golf course for whatever reason, the “Offer to Dedicate’’ should be rescinded. This assurance has been provided by Coastal Commission legal counsel in the letter attached as Exhibit 6. Attached as Exhibit 2 is an Irrevocable Offer to Dedicate Open Space Conservation Easement and Declaration of Restrictions over approximately 50% of the total 396-acre site. Roughly half of the site has been approved by the Commission for golf course development by the City, including all uses and facilities therein, and the remaining half will become open space and habitat conservation areas. Also attached as Exhibit 3 is a two-page index map displaying the areas to be dedicated. Exhibit 4 is the large group of legal descriptions and plats which, taken as a whole, comprise the open space to be offered for dedication. Because of their volume, these documents are on file in the Recreation Administration office and are available for viewing if needed. This action is the final step in satisfying the numerous requirements and modifications to the City’s Golf Course Project under the terms and conditions of the CDP approved by the California Coastal Commission in August, 2003. All other conditions, requirements, modifications, new data and reports, etc., have been provided to the Commission, reviewed, and accepted. Following the City Council’s adoption of the attached Resolution (Exhibit I), the document ABlyl 11\,027 Page 2 package comprising Exhibits 2, 3, and 4 will be recorded by the City Clerk at the earliest opportunity with copies of the recording verification forwarded to the Commission. Commission staff have indicated their intention to issue to the City the final CDP immediately upon receipt of evidence of recordation of the open space dedication document package. With respect to the City “activating” the CDP following issuance by the Commission, negotiations between City staff and Commission staff have resulted in an agreement as to the required steps necessary to constitute “commencement” of work under the CDP sufficient to activate the permit. Attached as Exhibit 5 is a letter dated February 7, 2005 from Commission staff to the City articulating these work activities including: - Installation of site security fencing; - A complete field survey and staking defining the “limits of disturbance” for future grading of the site; - Installation of orange environmental fencing protecting existing onsite resources; - Installation of erosion control measures; - Completion of a comprehensive site cleanup; and - Clearing of portions of non-native grassland areas within the Coastal Zone boundary of the site sufficiently separated from existing onsite resources. All of the above described work activities are currently underway on the golf course site through the City’s previous award of a Phase 1 project in November, 2004. It is estimated all of these work activities will be completed by the City’s contractor by late April, weather permitting. At that time the City will formally notify Commission staff of the completion of the Phase 1 work which shall constitute an “activation” of the City’s CDP. All other entitlements, permits, and approvals from the various Federal, State, regional, and local public agencies have been issued and are currently held by the City. The project is, therefore, “fully entitled” and may go forward to development in accordance with the terms, conditions, restrictions, and obligations articulated in the numerous permits and approvals. Staff recommends the City Council approve the required irrevocable offer of dedication and direct the City Clerk to record the documents. UPDATED PROJECT SCHEDULE: space dedication, the following is an updated project development schedule: With the City Council’s approval of the required open March, 2005: City Council approves open space dedication and documents are recorded. Formal CDP issued by CCC to City. AB# 18,027 Page 3 Final interviews completed and a recommended Golf Course Operator is identified by the City’s Selection Committee. Contract negotiations begin. April, 2005: Phase 1 project completed. City notifies CCC of “commencement” of work which “activates” the CDP. Final design revisions completed. City Council reviews final project and authorizes advertisement of construction bids. Construction bids received, opened, and evaluated. City Council reviews final financing plan, construction bids, and awards construction contracts. Several other construction support, archeological, and environmental monitoring contracts are also awarded. City Council reviews Selection Committee’s recommendation and approves management and operations contract with private firm. June, 2005: July, 2005: September, 2005: Phase 2 construction of all project components begins on-site and continues into mid-2007. Construction completed and City Golf Course open for public play. Summer, 2007: I ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: On June 7, 2000, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 4772 certifying the Environmental Impact Report for the Carlsbad City Golf Course Project finding the project in compliance with the environmental regulations and policies of the City of Carlsbad. I FISCAL IMPACT: There is no direct cost to the City, other than minor recording and title report fees, associated with the dedication of the open space conservation easement required by the CDP. The City will retain fee title to the areas covered by the open space conservation easement. With respect to maintenance of this property, the open space constitutes a “hard-line” area within the City’s recently approved Habitat Management Plan. Two conditions exist; first, the near-term maintenance of the open space during the construction of the golf course project, and second, the post-construction long-term maintenance of the open space property. Regarding near-term maintenance of the open space, permit conditions require a thorough cleaning of the site of miscellaneous debris and dumped trash as well as an aggressive program to remove non-native, invasive plants and materials throughout the site. These activities are work items that will be accomplished by the City’s contractors during construction. Following completion of construction, maintenance of the open space will become the responsibility of a third-party conservation entity under a City-wide plan currently being developed 3 AB# 18,027 Page 4 by the City. An annual per-acre fee or some other maintenance fee approach will be a product of the City-wide open space maintenance program. It is yet to be determined whether the golf course site open space maintenance costs will become a budgetary responsibility of the ongoing golf course enterprise or whether they will be placed into a larger pool of all City-owned open space requiring ongoing maintenance under the new program and funded in a different manner. The City Council will be reviewing this new City-wide open space maintenance program in the future. In December, 2003, the City Council established a target budget of $30 million for this project comprised of a $15 million tax exempt municipal bond sale and a $15 million advance from the General Fund. Bond debt service is to be repaid first from course revenues to be followed by repayment to the General Fund over an extended period of time. The overall cost of the project will become known with the opening of construction bids in June, 2005 following the development schedule discussed above. EXHIBITS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Resolution No. 2005-075 approving the dedication of an open space conservation easement. Irrevocable Offer to Dedicate ODen Space Conservation Easement and Declaration of Restrictions with the following Exhibits: A, B, B-I, C not provided, D, and E. Two-page index map of open space areas. Exhibit C provided 3/15/05. Legal descriptions and plats of open space conservation easement areas on file in the ofice of Recreation Administration for review. This is Exhibit C to the IOD under No. 2 above. Letter dated February 7, 2005 from the California Coastal Commission. Letter dated March 8, 2005 from California Coastal Commission legal counsel. Letter dated Septenber 25, 2003 from California Coastal Commission Program Analyst . DEPARTMENT CONTACT: John Cahill, Recreation Department, 760-602-2726, jcahi@ci.carlsbad.ca.us 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2005-075 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE,’ CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN IRREVOCABLE OFFER TO DEDICATE AN OPEN SPACE CONSERVATION EASEMENT FOR THE CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE PROJECT WHEREAS, on December 9,2003, the Carlsbad City Council authorized proceeding with the development of the Carlsbad City Gulf Course Project, hereafter the “Project;” and WHERJX3, the Project has been designed in two phases to hilitate development and vest the Pr0ject7s many permits and dements; and WHEREAS, Phase 1 ofthe Project has previously been approved by the City Council and is currently underway; and WHEREAS, the California Coastal Commission did approve in August, 2003 a “Notice of Intent to Issue a Coastal Development Permit“ for the Project requiring the dedication of an open space conservation easement over portions of the project as well as design modifications to the Project; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, hereby hds it necessary, desirable, and in the public interest to approve the required open space dedication and related actions the Project requires at this time; and WHEREAS, the California Coastal Commission by letter dated September 25,2003 and attached to this Resolution as Exhibit “A”, confirms that the industrial pads on the golf course site may be developed and occupied by either public or private entities and may also be leased or sold to private entities, and the Council relied on that letter in adopting this resolution; and WHEREAS, the California Coastal Commission acting through its staffcounsel, by letter dated March 8,2005, attached as Exhibit “B, stated that should the golf course development not go forward, either in whole or in part, i.e., if no development activity under the authority of the above-referenced CDP is undertaken, such a circumstance would ultimately cause the CDP to expire. In such a case, the City would be able to request that the IODs be rescinded. commission staffwill cooperate with the City in effectuating that rescission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Calso~ as fbllows: 5- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That an Irrevocable Of& to Dedicate an Open S~ace Conservation Easement and Declaration of Restrictions is hereby approved and the Mayor is authorized to execute the documents. Following the Mayor’s execution of said documents, the City Clerk is directed to record with the San Diego County Recorder said documents and all necessary supporting legal descriflons, plats, and related documents at the earliest reasonable opportunity. Following this recordation, the City Clerk shall, at the earliest reasonable opportunity, transmit and / or deliver, or cause to be delivered, evidence of this recordation to the (1) Offices of the California Coastal Commission, San Diego Area oftice, attention Mr. Lee McEachem, 7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103, San Diego, California 92 108, (2) Offices of the California Coastal Commission, Legal Division, attention Ms. Pat Sexton, 45 Freemont Street, Suite 2000, San Francisco, California 94105, and (3) the City’s Recreation Department. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held onthe 15th dayof MARCH , 2005 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Hall, NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST EXHIBIT A ._ 1 - 4tE QF CALIFORdIA - 1 HE RESOURCES AGENCY GRAY DAVIS, Governor 9LIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION 4 DIEGO AREA METROPOLITAN DRIVE, SUITE 103 CA 921084402 70 September 25,2003 Don Rideout, Principal Planner City of Carlsbad Planning Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008-73 14 RE: Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course CDP# A-6-CII-00-087 Dear Mr. Rideout: This is in response to your correspondence of September 25,2003, in which you request clarification of Special Condition #9 in the above-referenced coastal development permit, as approved by the Commission on August 8,2003. This condition provides that “(t)he golf course, clubhouse, parking areas, driving range, conference center and pads for future industriaVgolf related uses shall be operated as facilities open to the general public.” The intent of the wording is to ensure that the approved public golf course development will not be converted to private (e.g., “members-only”) recreational use and/or developed with anything other than the approved uses, unless a permit amendment is approved. The industrial pads on the golf course site may be developed and occupied by either public or private entities, and may also be leased or sold to private entities. It is not required that the industrial pads be used solely for public purposes. However, the City should ensure that any development, use, sale or lease for these sites is compatible in nature with the approved priinzy hction of the golf course property as a public recreational use, and that public access to the golf course facilities will not be restricted or otherwise compromised. I hope this information is helpfil to you. If you have any questions, or need additional information, please call me at (619) 767-2388. Sincerely, Ken Akers Weaver, AICP Coastal Program Analyst 15:25 Frw818 767 298'- 618 767 2384 EXHIBIT B J March 8,2005 John CahUl, Municipal Projects Manager City of Carlsbad 2200 Cabbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 __ .-- - Re: Coastal Development Ptimit #A-6-ClI-00-087 - Carlsbad QoIfComc Dear Mr. cahiu: This letter is in response w yaw request to clarifjl the status of any recorded havaeablc Offi M Dedicate CommationEsunents (IODs) over conscrvatiOn areas associated with fhe Carlsbad Golf Come Dwolopmcnt &odd the golf coust project mt pmcecd. AB yau know, Special Condition #lo of thc &If Come CDP requires that, prior to the issuancv of the coastal development p&t, the City must record a documcut, irrevocably offbring to dedicate an bpea space and COnsaVation moment over all m-site preservation arm and mitigation Bites used to aadnss impacts to habitat resulting fiom development of the golfcome. Thus, before the p&t ie issued, the City mwt record the IODs as required by the pdt COIlditibn, Should the goWcoursc development not go forward, either in whale or in part, i.e., if no development activity under the authority of the above-referenced CDP lis undertaken, such a ~mtrmce would ultimately cause the CDP to expire. h suoh a case the City would be able to request that the 1ODs be rescinded. CwUnistion staffwill cooperate with the City in effectuating that rcscissiun. . Please let me how if you have any further questiom, Sincerely, -WBOWERS Sraff Counsol 8 a J 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22. 23 24 25 26 27 28 2ECORDING REQUESTED BY: "XN RECORDED MAIL TO: Zalifornia Coastal Commission $9 S. California Street, Suite 200 Jentura, CA 93001-2801 I THE ORIGINAL OF THIS DOCUMENT WAS RECORDED ON MAR 16,2005 DOCUMENT NUMBER 2005-021 6282 GREGORY J SMITH. COUNTY RECORDER SAN DIEGO COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE TIME 3:10 PM Qttn: Legal Division IRREVOCABLE OFFER TO DEDICATE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT AND DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS THIS IRREVOCABLE OFFER TO DEDICATE OPEN SPACE EASEMENT AND JONSERVATION EASEMENT AND DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS (hereinafter eeferred to as the "Offer") is made this /&/*day of if Carlsbad, California, a municipal corporation, (hereinafter referred to as the "Grantor"). 4&2 c& ,2005, by the City I. WHEREAS, Grantor is the legal owner of a fee interest of certain real property ocated in the County of San Diego, State of California, legally described as set forth in attached 2XHIE3IT A hereby incorporated by reference (hereinafter referred to as the "Property1'); and II. WHEREAS, all of the Property is located within the coastal zone as defined in $ 30103 of the California Public Resources Code (hereinafter referred to as the "California Coastal 4ct of 1976"); and 111. WHEREAS, the California Coastal Act of 1976, (hereinafter referred to as the 'Act") creates the California Coastal Commission (hereinafter refmed to as the "Commission") md requires that any coastal development permit approved by the Commission must be I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 :omistent with the policies of the Act set forth in Chapter 3 of Division 20 of the Public tesources Code; and IV. WHEREAS, pursuant to the Act, Grantor applied to the Commission for a permit o undertake development as defined in the Act on the Property; and V. WHEREAS, on August 8,2003, the Commission acting on behalf of the State of Zalifornia and pursuant to the Act, granted coastal development permit number A-6-CII-00-087 hereinafter referred to as the “Permit”) in accordance with the provisions of the Staff tecommendation and Findings and Addendum thereto, attached hereto as EXHIBIT B; and qotice of Intent to Issue Permit dated August 28,2003, attached hereto as EXHIBIT B-1, both ierein incorporated by reference, subject to the following condition (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Condition”) : 10. Open Space and Conservation Easement. A. No development, as defined in Section 30106 of the Coastal Act, shall occur in those areas indicated as Preservation Areas in Exhibit 7 (City Golf Course, Revised Figure 8 of the Carlsbad HMP, CAR LCPA 1 -03B), except for temporary impacts associated with construction of the two approved golf cart path crossings, consistent with Special Condition #3, and onsite habitat restoratiodrevegetation activities as part of an approved coastal sage scrub mitigation plan, consistent with Special Condition #2. B. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall execute and record a document in a form and content acceptable to the Executive Director, irrevocably offering to dedicate to the California Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services, or their successor agencies, an open space and conservation easement over all onsite habitat preservation areas, and all mitigation areas (onsite and/or offsite) that will be utilized to address onsite impacts to habitat. The recorded document shall include legal descriptions of both the applicant’s entire parcel and the easement area(s). The recorded document shall also reflect that development in the easement area@) is restricted as set forth in this permit condition. C. The offer to dedicate shall be recorded free of prior liens and encumbrances which the Executive Director determines may affect the interest being conveyed. The offer shall run with the land in favor of the People of the State of California, binding all successors and assignees, and shall be irrevocable for a period of 21 years, such period running from the date of recording. 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 .25 26 27 28 VI. WHEREAS, the Commission has placed the Condition on the Permit 1) to preserve the open space and resource values present on the property and so as to prevent the adverse direct and cumulative effects on coastal resources which could occur if the Property were not restricted in accordance therewith and 2) because in the absence of the protections provided by the Condition the finding required by Public Resources Code 0 30604(a) that the proposed development is in conformity with the provisions of Chapter 3 of the Act could not be made; and VII. WHEREAS, Grantor has elected to comply with the Condition and execute this Offer so as to enable Grantor to undertake the development authorized by the Permit. NOW AND THEREFORE, in consideration of the granting of the Permit to the Grantor by the Commission, the Grantor hereby irrevocably offers to dedicate to the People of the State of California, an easement in gross and in perpetuity over a portion of the Property to be dedicated as follows: 1. DESCRIPTION. The easement offered hereby affects those portions of the Property consisting of all onsite habitat preservation areas, and all mitigation areas (onsite and/or offsite) that will be utilized to address onsite impacts to habitat, more specifically shown and described in EXHIBIT C( attactei Rereto an incorporated herein by reference (hereinafter referred to as the “Protected Land’,). ti & E h’ it C- 2. PURPOSE. The easement is for the purpose of preserving the light, air, view and scenic qualities over and upon the Protected Land. 3. DURATION. ACCEPTANCE AND TRANSFERABILITY. This irrevocable offer of dedication shall be binding upon the owner and the heirs, assigns, or successors in interest to the Property described above for a period of 21 years, such period running from the 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1% 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 date of recordation.. This Offer may be accepted by California Department of Fish and Game and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Services, or their successor agencies (hereinafter referred to as the “Grantee”). Such acceptance shall be effectuated by recordation by the Grantee of an acceptance of this Offer in the form attached hereto as EXHIBIT E. Upon such recordation of acceptance, this Offer and terms, conditions, and restrictions shall have the effect of a grant of open space and scenic easement in gross and perpetuity for light, air, view, preservation of scenic qualities over the Protected Land that shall run with the land and be binding on the heirs, assigns, and successors of the Grantor. Acceptance of the Offer is subject to a covenant which runs with the land, providing that the Grantee may not abandon the easement until such time as Grantee effectively transfers said easement to an entity that the Commission, through an amendment to the Permit, designates as an eligible Grantee hereof. 4. USE OF PROPERTY. Upon recordation of this Offer and thereafter in perpetuity the use of the Protected Land shall be limited to natural open space for habitat protection, private recreation, and resource conservation uses. No development as defined in Public Resources Code 6 30106, attached hereto as EXHIBIT D and incorporated herein by reference, including but not limited to removal of trees and other major or native vegetation, grading, paving, installation of structures such as signs, buildings, etc., shall occur or be allowed on the Protected Land with the exception of the following subject to applicable governmental regulatory requirements; (a) the removal of hazardous substances or conditions or diseased plants or trees; (b) the removal of any vegetation which constitutes or contributes to a fire hazard to residential use of neighboring properties, and which vegetation lies within 100 feet of existing or permitted residential development; (c) the installation or repair of underground utility lines and septic system; 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (d) temporary impacts associated with construction of the two approved golf cart lath crossings, as shown on final plans reviewed and approved by the Executive Director iursuant to special condition 3 of the Permit, on file and available for inspection at the Zommission’s San Diego office, located at 7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103, San Diego, CA J2108-4402; and (e) onsite habitat restorationhevegetation activities as part of the final detailed :oastal sage scrub and riparian mitigation plans reviewed and approved by the Executive Director pursuant to special condition numbers 2 and 3 of the Permit, on file and available for nspection at the Commission’s San Diego office. 5. RIGHT OF ENTRY. The Commission, any Grantee accepting this offer, or their eespective agents may enter onto the Property at times reasonably acceptable to the Grantor to iscertain whether the use restriction set forth above are being observed. 6. BENEFIT AND BURDEN. This Offer shall run with and burden the Property md all obligation, terms, conditions, and restrictions, hereby imposed shall be deemed to be :ovenants and restrictions running with the land and shall be binding upon and inure to the 3enefit of the successors and assigns of both the Grantor and Grantee, whether voluntary or nvoluntary. 7. REMEDIES. Any act, conveyance, contract, or authorization by the Grantor whether written or oral which uses or would cause to be used or would permit use of the xotected land contrary to the terms of this offer will be deemed a violation and a breach hereof. The Grantor, any Grantee accepting this Offer and any offeree of this Offer may pursue any and g11 available legal and/or equitable remedies to enforce the terms and conditions of the Offer and Zasement and their respective interest in the property. In the event of a breach, any forbearance 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3n the part of any such party to enforce the terms and provisions hereof shall not be deemed a waiver of enforcement rights regarding any subsequent breach. 8. TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS. Grantor agrees to pay or cause to be paid all real property taxes and assessments levied or assessed against the Property. It is intended that this irrevocable offer and the use restrictions contained herein shall constitute enforceable restrictions within the meaning of a) Article XIII, 5 8 of the California Constitution; and b) 5 402.1 of the California Revenue and Taxation Code or successor statute. Furthermore, the Offer, easement and restrictions shall be deemed to constitute a servitude upon and burden to the Property within the meaning of 5 3712(d) of the California Revenue and Taxation Code, or successor statute, which survives a sale of tax-deeded property. 9. MAINTENANCE. The Grantee shall not be obligated to maintain, improve, or otherwise expend any funds in connection with the property or any interest or easement created by this Offer. All costs and expenses for such maintenance, improvement, use or possession, except for costs incurred by Grantee for monitoring compliance with the terms of this easement, shall be borne by the Grantor. 10. LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION. This conveyance is made and accepted upon the express condition that the Grantee, its agencies, departments, officers, agents, and employees are to be free from all liability and claim for damages by reason of any injury to any person or persons, including Grantor, or property of any kind whatsoever and to whomsoever belonging, including Grantor, from any cause or causes whatsoever, except to the extent (and only to the extent) that any such injury is attributable in whole or in part to the negligence of the Grantee, while in, upon, or in any way connected with the Property, Grantor hereby covenanting and agreeing to indemnify and hold harmless the Grantee, its agencies, departments, officers, agents and employees from all liability, loss, costs, and obligations on account of or arising out 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 of such injuries or losses. The Grantee shall have no right of control over, nor duties and responsibilities with respect to the Property which would subject the Grantee to any liability occurring on the land by virtue of the fact that the right of the Grantee to enter the land is strictly limited to presenting uses inconsistent with the interest granted and does not include the right to enter the land for the purposes of correcting any dangerous condition as defined by California Government Code 0 830. 11111 Illll 11111 fllll 11111 fllll 11111 fllll 11111 11111 11111 11 I I1 11111 ‘llll ‘llll ‘llll '1111 ‘1111 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 1. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of these restrictions is held to be invalid or for any reason becomes unenforceable, no other provision shall be thereby affected or impaired. Executed on this rg4 day of M&.ed~ ,2005, at Carlsbad, California. Claude A. Lewis PRINT NAME OF ABOVE ITS: Mayor STATE OF &/j)fopn ;a COUNTY OF &2A imo \ On 4a& rcj -. a005 , before me, ;\aT,maA? c&3, r9 0 ,a Notary Public personally appeared laud e A. Led ; 5 , personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person is/asdsubscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me tha@m executed the same ir&$hw%w authorized capacity(& and that b- * ignatureHon the whose name P tsl instrument the personMor the entity upon behalf of which the acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 This is to certify that the Irrevocable Offer to Dedicate Open Space and Conservation Easement set forth above is hereby acknowledged by the undersigned officer on behalf of the California Coastal Commission pursuant to authority conferred by the California Coastal Commission when it granted Coastal Development Permit No. A-6-CII-00-087 on August 8, 2003, and the California Coastal Commission consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION -BOWERS, Staff Counsel STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO a Notary Public, personally appeared Jdh sod =J , personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the permits n (s) whose Name(s) is/are subscribed to within the instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signatures(s) on the instrument the person(s, or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. 9 5x t.t rB I 7- A Order Number: DIV-1492118 (22) Page Number: 19 LEGAL DESCRIFTION Real property in the City of Carisbad, County of San Diego, State of California, described as follows: PARCEL A: LOTS 50 THROUGH 76 INCLUSIVE OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 UNIT NO. 3, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNp/ OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY. .. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF CARRIER AVENUE, SWIFT PLACE, PALOMAR OAKS WAY, COLLEGE BOULEVARD AND OTIS COURT AS DEDICATED ON MAP NO. 11289 OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 UNIT NO. 3 FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNlY, WHICH UPON CLOSING WOULD REVERT BY OPERATION OF LAW TO SAID LOTS. PARCEL 8: THAT CERTAIN LOT DESIGNATED AS "REMAINDER PARCEL" ON THE MAP OF CARLSBAD TRACT CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 11289, AS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. NO. 81-46 UNIT NO. 3, IN ME Crry OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF EXCEPTING THEREFROM 50 PERCENT OF ALL OIL, MINERALS, GAS AND OTHER HYDROCARBON SUBSTANCES BELOW A DEPTH OF 500 FEET UNDER THE REAL PROPERTY ABOVE DESCRIBED, WITHOUT THE RIGHT OF SURFACE ENTRY, AS RESERVED BY CARLSBAD PROPERTIES, A PARTNERSHIP, IN DEED RECORDED JULY 5,1978 AS FILE NO. 78-279136 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. .. PARCEL C: LOTS 1 THROUGH 26 OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, IN THE Crpl OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF COLLEGE BOULEVARD, ROCKEFELLER ROAD, CARNEGIE COURT, GRTY PLACE, HAMMER COURT, PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND HIDDEN VALLEY ROAD AS DEDICATED ON MAP NO. 12903 OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, WHICH UPON CLOSING WOULD REVERT BY OPERATION OF LAW TO SAID LOTS. PARCEL D: A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 823 ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: First American Title Page 1 of 2 Order Number: DIV-1492118 (22) , Page Number: 20 BEGINNING AT POINT 9 OF SAID LOT F; THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 29'11" WEST, ALONG THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT F, 167.78 FEET TO A POINT ON THE ARC OF A NONTANGENT 58.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE WESTERLY A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 55 DEGREES 03'22" EAST; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 70 DEGREES 51'37" A DISTANCE OF 71.73 FEET TO SAID WESERLY BOUNDARY; THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 29'11" WEST, 2092.42 FEETTO POINT 8 OF SAID LOT F; THENCE NORTH 6 DEGREES 47'51" EAST, 1219.60 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT E, DISTANT SOUTH 87 DEGREES 23'24" EAST, 2025.08 FEET FROM POINT 6 OF SAID LOT F; THENCE SOUTH 87 DEGREES 23'24" EAST, 2417.19 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED TO HOWARD G. KIRGIS, ET UX., RECORDED SEPTEMBER 24,1957 IN BOOK 6761, PAGE 197 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; KIRGIS PROPERTY; THENCE SOUTH 87 DEGREES 23'24" EAST, 1378.84 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID KIRGIS PROPERTY; THENCE SOUTH 10 DEGREES 58'35" EAST, 1394.10 FEET TO POINT 14 OF SAID LOT F; BEING THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED TO S. L. KELLY, RECORDED FEBRUARY 3, 1961, AS FILE NO. 202293 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID KELLY'S LAND SOUTH 51 DEGREES 01'58" EAST, 1042.27 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 38 DEGREES 58'02" WEST, 288.57 FEET; THENCE NORTH 51 DEGREES 01'58" WEST, 152.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 38 DEGREES 58'02" WEST, 152.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 51 DEGREES 01'58" WEST, 1089.27 FEET TO A POINT ON THE LOT LINE BETWEEN POINT 13 AND POINT 14 OF SAID LOT F; THENCE SOUTH 63 DEGREES 14'04" WEST ALONG SAID LOT LINE 564.30 FEET TO SAID POINT 13; THENCE SOUTH 40 DEGREES 42'08" WEST, 1584.44 FEET TO POINT 12 OF SAID LOT F; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 46'41" WEST, 646.96 FEET TO POINT 11 OF SAID LOT F; THENCE 70 DEGREES 54'27" WEST, 546.55 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THENCE SOUTH 2 DEGREES 36'36" WEST, 740.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID .. NORTH 59 DEGREES 47'4gi1 WEST, 1175.97 FEET TO POINT io OF sNe LOT F; THENCE SOUTH EXCEPTING THEREFROM ALL THOSE PORTIONS DESCRIBED IN DOCUMENTS RECORDED 0646857 ALL OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THOSE PORTIONS DESCRIBED IN PARCELS A AND C IN GRANT DEED RECORDED FEBRUARY 15, 2002 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 0135145 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. SEPTEMBER 10,2001 AS IN!3RUMENT NO. 01-0646854,Ol-0646855,Ol-0646856 AND 01- PARCEL E: THE SOUTHEAVERLY 152.00 FEff OF THE SOUTHWESTERLY 152.00 FEET OF THAT CERTAIN PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO PARTITlON MAP THEREOF NO. 823, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, NOVEMBER 16,1896, BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT POINT 7 OF SAID LOT G WHICH POINT IS ALSO SHOWN AS POINT 14 OF LOT F ON SAID PARTmON MAP NO. 823; THENCE FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING, SOUTH 51 DEGREES 15'45" EAST, ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT G 1042.27 FEET; THENCE AT RIGHT ANGLES SOUM 37 DEGREES 44'15" WEST 440.57 FEET; THENCE AT RIGHT ANGLES NORTH 52 DEGREES 15'45" WEST, 1240.75 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT G THENCE NORTH 62 DEGREES 00' EAST ALONG A PORTION OF THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT G, 483.29 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED. R?st American Ttfe Page 2 of 2 ,I GRAY DAVIS, Governor ,- r: ‘3F CALIiORh 4 -THE RESOURCES AGENCY L#-- CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION SAN DIEGO AREA ~Xtt(hW- - 6 7575 METROPOLITAN DRIVE, SUITE 103 SAN OIEGO. CA 92108-4402 3) 767-2370 Filed: 6/27/00 Fri 13a 49th Day: waived Staff Report: 7/18/03 Hearing Date: 816-8103 Staff: KA-SD STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION ON APPEAL Application No.: A-6-CII-00-087 Applicant: City of Carlsbad Agent: Michael Holzmiller Description: Development of an 18 hole championship golf course, clubhouse, parking lot, maintenance facilities, driving range, conference center and pads for future industriaVgolf related uses on 397 acre site. Site: North of Palomar Airport Road and east and west of College Boulevard, Mello 11, Carlsbad, San Diego County. APN 155-104-04 Substantive File Documents: Certified City of Carlsbad Local Coastal Program; City of Carlsbad File No. CDP 97-25; Appeal File A-6-CII-087; Staff Report on Recommendation on Appeal Substantial Issue dated 5/7/03; City of Carlsbad LCP Amendment No. 1-03B (Habitat Management Plan) File. STAFF NOTES: At its June 12,2003 hearing, the Commission found Substantial Issue exists with respect to the grounds on which the appeal was filed. This report represents the de novo recommendation. Summary of Staffs Preliminary Recommendation: The staff recommends that the Commission, after public hearing, approve the permit with conditions. The proposed development will be constructed on an undeveloped 397-acre site located north of Palomar Airport Road, south of Faraday Avenue, east of Hidden Valley Road, and extending on either side of College Boulevard. The project site is located both inside and outside the coastal zone. No significant impacts to public access or public views are anticipated. The primary issues raised by the proposed development relate to habitat protection and water quality. No permanent impacts to wetlands will occur and as conditioned, there will be no net loss of native habitat, appropriate mitigation measures will be applied for all upland and temporary riparian impacts, and native habitat in preservation areas will be permanently protected with buffer areas and A-6-CII-00-087 Page 2 conservation easements. To address water quality, special conditions have been applied to require that Best Management Practices be incorporated to control stormwater leaving the developed site, to require installation of permanent runoff and erosion control devices, and to require that detailed plans for erosion control, water quality monitoring, fertilizer and pesticide use and turf management be submitted by the applicant. ~ I. PRELIMINARY STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends the Commission adopt the following resolution: MOTION: I move that the Commission approve Coastal Development Permit No. A-6-CII-00-087pursuant to the staff recommen dation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION OF APPROVAL: Staff recommends a YES vote. Passage of this motion will result in approval of the permit as conditioned and adoption of the following resolution and findings. The motion passes only by affirmative vote of a majority of the Commissioners present. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE PERMIT: The Commission hereby approves a coastal development permit for the proposed development and adopts the findings set forth below on grounds that the development as conditioned will be in conformity with the certified Local Coastal Program. Approval of the permit complies with the California Environmental Quality Act because either 1) feasible mitigation measures andor alternatives have been incorporated to substantially lessen any significant adverse effects of the development on the environment, or 2) there are no further feasible mitigation measures or alternatives that would substantially lessen any significant adverse impacts. 11. Standard Conditions. See attached page. 111. Special Conditions. The permit is subject to the following conditions: 1. Final DeveloDment Plans. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit to the Executive Director for review and written approval, detailed final plans for the proposed development that include site, building, grading and drainage plans. Said plans shall be in substantial conformance with the plan entitled “City of Carlsbad Golf Course Revisions” submitted A-6-CII-00-087 Page 3 with LCPA 1 -03B (Habitat Management Plan) on February 7,2003 and shall comply with the following: , a. There shall be no impacts to southern maritime chaparral habitat within the Coastal Zone portion of the project. Impacts to coastal sage scrub shall be consistent with the approved development plan and shall be mitigated as addressed in Condition #2 below. Any temporary impacts to wetland and/or riparian areas for the purpose of constructing golf cart path crossings shall be restored as addressed in Condition #3 below. b. The conservation and development areas for the golf course property shall be consistent with the golf course hardline map (Figure 8 Revised) in the City of Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan (HMP). Areas shown for conservation shall not be impacted or disturbed except for revegetation, restoration and other similar activities related to mitigation. Areas shown for impact may be fully developed with appropriate mitigation. The permittee shall undertake the development in accordance with the approved plans. Any proposed changes to the approved plans shall be reported to the Executive Director. No changes to the plans shall occur without a Coastal Commission approved amendment to this coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is legally required. 2. Mitigation for Upland Habitat Impacts. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit to the Executive Director for review and written approval, a final detailed coastal sage scrub mitigation plan. Said plan shall be developed in consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and Game, and shall include the following: a. Preparation of a detailed site plan delineating all areas and types of impact to upland habitat species (both permanent and temporary) and the exact acreage of each impact. In addition, a detailed site plan of the mitigation sites shall also be included. b. Impacts to coastal sage scrub shall be mitigated at not less than a ratio of 2: 1. c. Mitigation methods shall be consistent with those approved in Section 7-9 of the second addendum to the Carlsbad HMP and Policy 7-1.10 of the Mello I1 Land Use Plan of the Carlsbad LCP, as provided in Exhibit 10. d. A minimum buffer of 20 feet shall be provided between development as defined in Section 30106 of the Coastal Act, and native upland habitat, except as otherwise provided in Section 7-1 1 of the second addendum to the Carlsbad HMP and Policy 3-1.12 of the Mello I1 Land Use Plan of the Carlsbad LCP, as provided in Exhibit IO. A-6-CII-00-087 Page 4 e. f. g - h. 1. j. Location where the seeds will be collected and identification of plant species to be used for the restoration area; Application rate (e.g. pounds per acre of seeding effort); Methods of weed eradication. No weed whips shall be permitted after installation of the seed mixes; Designation of a qualified botanist to supervise the restoration effort; Criteria for defined goals, objectives and performance standards. These shall include the following: three years after the initial planting, the restored areas should support at least 10 native species appropriate to the vegetation type and have evidence of natural recruitment of at least one-half of these species. Weeds should be controlled as specified in fi) above and never constitute more than 10 percent of the total cover. Cover by native vegetation should increase over time and ultimately approach 60 percent; At completion of the mitigatiodrestoration effort, the restoration specialist shall prepare a letter report indicating that the installation is finished and that the three-year monitoring period has begun. Monitoring reports shall be submitted to the City annually for three years. If at the end of three years, any of the restored areas fail to meet the year-three standards as contained in the final mitigation plan, the monitoring and maintenance period will be extended one full year for that area. This process shall continue until all year-three standards are met. The permittee shall undertake development in accordance with the approved mitigatiodrestoration plan. Any proposed changes to the approved plans shall be reported to the Executive Director. No changes to the plans shall occur without a Coastal Commission approved amendment to this coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is legally required. 3. Restoration for Construction Impacts. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, if any temporary wetland and/or riparian impacts are proposed, the applicant shall submit a detailed revegetation plan indicating the type, size, extent and location of all plant materials, any proposed irrigation system and any other landscape features necessary to revegetate any proposed temporary wetland and/or riparian impacts. The restoration program shall be developed in consultation with the U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife and the California Department of Fish and Game, and at a minimum shall include: Before/After Survey. The condition of the wetland and/or riparian revegetation and substrate under the two approved golf cart crossing locations shall be documented prior to construction, and the extent of proposed temporary impacts shall be identified. The extent of impacts to the vegetation and substrate shall be assessed 1 A-6-CII-00-087 Page 5 and documented after completion of the repairs. Temporary wetland and/or riparian impacts shall be revegetated at a ratio of 1 : 1. There shall be no wetland impacts except for those temporary impacts associated with construction of the two approved golf cart crossings. No permanent wetland or riparian impacts shall be allowed. a. The following goals, objectives and performance standards for the restoration sites: 1. Full restoration of all wetland andor riparian impacts that are identified as temporary. Restoration of temporarily impacted areas shall include, at a minimum, restoration of before-impact elevations, restoration of before-impact hydrology, removal of all non-native plant species, and replanting with locally collected native wetland andor riparian plant species. 2. After construction and restoration, a permanent minimum buffer of 100 feet shall be provided between development and wetlands, and a minimum buffer of 50 feet shall be provided between development and riparian area, except as shown on the “City of Carlsbad Golf Course Revisions” plan dated February 7,2003. For the two approved golf cart path crossings and the golf course playing areas adjacent to the riparian area as shown on the plan, an average minimum post- construction buffer of 50 feet shall be provided between new development and wetlands, and an average minimum post- construction buffer of 25 feet shall be provided between new development and riparian areas, consistent with Policy 3- 1.12 of the Mello I1 Land Use Plan and Section 7-1 1 of the Carlsbad HMP, as provided in Exhibit 10, unless otherwise approved by the Executive Director in a manner consistent with the final, approved development plans and mitigationhestoration plans. The buffer between development and riparidwetland habitat for these referenced areas shall not be less than 10 feet in width at any one point. 3. As shown on the plan entitled “City of Carlsbad Golf Course Revisions” submitted with LCPA 1-03B (Carlsbad HMP) on February 7,2003, and consistent with the golf course hardline map (Figure 8 Revised) in the Carlsbad HMP, golf cart path crossing #1 shall utilize the existing farm road, and crossing #2 shall utilize a bridge span structure. No permanent riparian impacts shall occur for either crossing. 4. Success criteria and final performance monitoring shall provide at least a 90% coverage of areas disturbed by construction activities within 1 year of completion of construction activities. A-6-CII-00-087 Page 6 5. The final design and construction methods that will be used to ensure the restoration sites achieve the defined goals, objectives and performance standards. 6. Submittal, within 30 days of completion of initial restoration work, of post-restoration plans demonstrating that the restoration sites have been established in accordance with the approved design and construction methods. Construction impacts to sensitive habitat areas (e.g., coastal sage and other native upland habitat, wetlands, and riparian areas) shall be avoided by identiQing and staking all sensitive habitats outside the project footprint, and educating the construction crews about the importance of these habitats and need for protection. The permittee shall undertake development in accordance with the approved restoration plan. Any proposed changes to the approved plans shall be reported to the Executive Director. No changes to the plans shall occur without a Coastal Commission approved amendment to this coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is legally required. 4. Final LandscaDe Plans. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit to the Executive Director for review and written approval, a detailed final landscape plan for the proposed development. Said plan shall show the type, size, extent and location of all proposed vegetation and any necessary irrigation, and shall provide the following information and/or commit to the following requirements: a. b. C. d. e. The installation of plant materials on the site shall consist only of drought-tolerant native or non-invasive plant materials. Required habitat buffers, as provided in Special Condition #2, shall be identified. The applicant shall provide a list of proposed plants to be used in the buffer areas, and shall indicate the type and location of any proposed barriers, signage or other methods that will be utilized to separate golf course activities from protected native habitat, wetlands and/or riparian area. A planting schedule that indicates the planting plan will be implemented within 60 days of completion of construction. A written commitment by the applicant that all required plantings will be maintained in good growing condition, and whenever necessary, will be replaced with new plant materials to ensure continued compliance. A written commitment by the applicant that five years from the date of opening of the golf course, the applicant will submit for the review and written approval of the Executive Director, a landscape monitoring report, prepared by a licensed A-6-CII-00-087 Page 7 f. Landscape Architect or qualified Resource Specialist, that certifies the on-site landscaping is in conformance with the landscape plan approved pursuant to this Special Condition. The monitoring report shall include photographic documentation of plant species and plant coverage. If the landscape monitoring report indicates the landscaping is not in conformance with or has failed to meet the performance standards specified in the landscaping plan approved pursuant to this permit, the applicant, or successors in interest, shall submit a revised or supplemental landscape plan for the review and approval of the Executive Director. The revised landscaping plan must be prepared by a licensed Landscape Architect or a qualified Resource Specialist and shall specify measures to remediate those portions of the original plan that have failed or are not in conformance with the original approved plan. The permittee shall undertake development in accordance with the approved landscaping plans. Any proposed changes to the approved landscaping plans shall be reported to the Executive Director. No changes to the plans shall occur without a Coastal Commission approved amendment to this coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is legally required. 5. Erosion Control Plans. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit to the Executive Director for review and written approval, an erosion and sediment control plan for the proposed development, prepared by a qualified resource specialist. The plan shall be in substantial conformance with the following requirements: a. The plan shall delineate the areas to be disturbed by grading or construction activities and shall include any temporary access roads, staging areas and stockpile areas. The natural areas on the site shall be clearly delineated on the project site with fencing or survey flags. No grading or staging of equipment or supplies shall occur in the protected areas. b. The plan shall specify that if grading occurs during the rainy season (October 1 - March 3 l), the applicant undertake the following protective measures to assure offsite sedimentation is minimized to the maximum extent feasible: install or construct temporary sediment basins (including debris basins, desilting basins or silt traps), temporary drains and swales, sand bag barriers and/or silt fencing; stabilize any stockpiled fill with geofabric covers or other appropriate cover; install geotextiles'or mats on all cut or fill slopes; and close and stabilize open trenches as soon as possible. These erosion and sediment control measures shall be required on the project site prior to or concurrent with the initial grading operations and maintained throughout the development process. All sediment should be retained on-site unless removed to an approved dumping location either outside the coastal zone or to a site within the coastal zone permitted to receive fill. A-6-CII-00-087 Page 8 c. The plan shall also include temporary erosion control measures should grading or site preparation cease for a period of more than 30 days, including but not limited to: stabilization of all stockpiled fill, access roads, disturbed soils and cut and fill slopes with geotextiles and/or mats, sand bag barriers, and/or silt fencing; and installation of temporary drains and swales and sediment basins. These temporary erosion control measures shall be monitored and maintained until grading or construction operations resume. The permittee shall undertake development in accordance with the approved erosion control plans. Any proposed changes to the approved plans shall be reported to the Executive Director. No changes to the plans shall occur without a Coastal Commission approved amendment to this coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is legally required. 6. Drainage and Polluted Runoff Control Plan. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit for the review and approval of the Executive Director, final drainage and runoff control plans including supporting calculations. The plan shall be prepared by a licensed engineer and shall incorporate structural and non-structural Best Management Practices (BMPs) designed to reduce the pollutant load of runoff to the maximum extent feasible, and reduce or eliminate any potential increases in the volume or velocity of runoff leaving the site. In addition to the specifications above, the plan shall be in substantial conformance with the following requirements: a. b. C. d. e. Selected BMPs (or suites of BMPs) shall be designed to treat, infiltrate or filter stormwater from each runoff event, up to and including the 85'h percentile, 24- hour runoff event for volume-based BMPs, and/or the 85th percentile, 1-hour runoff event, with an appropriate safety factor, for flow-based BMPs. BMPs shall be selected to address the pollutants of concern for this development, including sediments, nutrients, pesticides, fertilizers, metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, trash and debris, and organic matter. Runoff shall be conveyed off site in a non-erosive manner. Energy dissipating measures shall be installed at the terminus of all outflow drains. Drainage from all roofs, parking areas, driveway area, and other impervious surfaces on the building pad shall be directed through vegetative or other media filter devices effective at removing and/or treating contaminants such as petroleum hydrocarbons, heavy metals, and other particulates. Opportunities for directing runoff into pervious areas located on-site for infiltration and/or percolation of rainfall through grassy swales or vegetative filter strips, shall be maximized. A-6-CII-00-087 Page 9 f. €5 h. 1. j. k. The plan shall include provisions for maintaining the drainage system, including structural BMPs, in a functional condition throughout the life of the approved development. The plan shall include an identification of the party or entity(ies1 responsible for maintaining the various drainape systems over its lifetime and shall include written acceptance by the responsible entity(ies). Such maintenance shall include the following: (1) BMPs shall be inspected, cleaned and repaired when necessary prior to and during each rainy season, including conducting an annual inspection no later than September 30* each year and (2) should any of the project’s surface or subsurface drainagehiltration structures or other BMPs fail or result in increased erosion, the applicantllandowner or - successor-in-interest shall be responsible for any necessary repairs to the drainagehltration system or BMPs and restoration of the eroded area. Should repairs or restoration become necessary, prior to the commencement of such repair or restoration work, the applicant shall submit a repair and restoration pl& to the Executive Director to determine if an amendment to this coastal development permit or a new coastal development permit is legally required to authorize such work. Parking lots susceptible to stormwater should be swept with a vacuum regenerative sweeper on a regular basis. The golf course shall be equipped with flow reducers or shutoff valves triggered by a pressure drop so that broken pipes do not increase flow to the storm drains; The applicant shall provide, for the review and approval of the Executive Director, plans for a self-contained cart washing facility that is equipped with a pre-treatment facility, and, if significant discharge is proposed, is connected to the sanitary sewer; All storm drain inlet structures must be equipped with trash racks, which shall be maintained by the applicant andor authorized agent. Storm drains shall be stenciled with water quality warnings indicating that the drain flows to the lagoon. The permittee shall undertake development in accordance with the approved drainage and runoff control plans. Any proposed changes to the approved drainage and runoff control plans shall be reported to the Executive Director. No changes to the approved plans shall occur without an amendment to this coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is legally required. 7. Water Quality Monitoring Plan. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit for the review and approval of the Executive Director, a water quality monitoring plan to address the quality of runoff prior to leaving the site or entering the onsite riparian area. The plan shall describe the methodology for monitoring, including specific threshold levels and sampling protocols, A-6-CII-00-087 Page 10 location of monitoring sites, schedule for monitoring, and reporting of results. The monitoring plan shall also include a contingency plan describing the actions to be taken if water quality impacts are discovered. In addition to specifications above, the plan shall be in substantial conformance with the following requirements: a. The plan shall require monitoring of the following pollutants: nitrates, nitrites, phosphates, dissolved oxygen, pH, total suspended solids (TSS), acute and chronic toxicity, and shall indicate the proposed sampling frequencies. Total suspended solids (TSS) shall be sampled for at the same frequency as the nutrients. b. The plan shall specify maximum threshold levels for each water quality parameter. c. The plan shall specify sampling protocols to be used for each water quality parameter. Measurements must be precise enough to evaluate compliance with applicable water quality threshold levels. d. Sampling for baseline data shall be conducted a minimum of three (3) times and during different level storms to acquire a representative sample of water quality conditions at the site. e. Results of monitoring shall be submitted to the Executive Director annually. f. If any water quality threshold levels referred to above in b) are exceeded, the applicant (or successor interest) shall notify the Executive Director of the exceedances and potential impacts and within 48 hours of receipt of the monitoring data. At the same time the applicant shall consult with the Executive Director regarding the need for additional sampling to evaluate the exceedance or corrective action to minimize water quality impacts. The applicant shall report to the Executive Director on the possible causes of the exceedance and proposed corrective actions within 30 days of the initial receipt of the data. g. If any water quality impacts persist after three years of detection, not withstanding any corrective actions taken by the applicant, all use of the chemicals that exceed water quality threshold levels shall cease. 8. Turf and Pest Management Plan. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit to the Executive Director for review and approval, a detailed turf and pest management plan for the golf course portion of the development. The plan shall comply with the following requirements: a. Turf management practices shall minimize fertilizer use, water use and chemical pest control to the maximum extent feasible, to avoid impacts to native upland habitat, wetlands, riparian areas, and water quality. A-6-CII-00-087 Page 11 b. The plan shall favor non-chemical strategies over chemical strategies for managing onsite pests. Chemical strategies shall only be employed after all other strategies have been used and proven ineffective. This shall be demonstrated by providing written notice to the Executive Director of the non-chemical strategies that will be used, the reasons for their ineffectiveness, and the chemical strategies that are being considered. The permittee shall undertake development in accordance with the approved turf and pest management plan plans. Any proposed changes to the approved plans shall be reported to the Executive Director. No changes to the approved plans shall occur without an amendment to this coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is legally required. 9. Public Golf Course Facilitv. The golf course, clubhouse, parking areas, driving. range, conference center and pads for future industrial/golf related uses shall be operated as facilities open to the general public. Any proposed change in the level of public access and/or public use shall require an amendment to this permit. Signage shall be provided indicating that the onsite facilities as provided above are open to the public. 10. Open Space and Conservation Easement. A. No development, as defined in Section 30106 of the Coastal Act, shall occur in those areas indicated as Preservation Areas in Exhibit 7 (City Golf Course, Revised Figure 8 of the Carlsbad HMP, CAR LCPA 1-03B), except for temporary impacts associated with construction of the two approved golf cart path crossings, consistent with Special Condition #3, and onsite habitat restorationhevegetation activities as part of an approved coastal sage scrub mitigation plan, consistent with Special Condition #2. B. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall execute and record a document in a form and content acceptable to the Executive Director, irrevocably offering to dedicate to a the California Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services, or their successor agencies, an open space and conservation easement over all onsite habitat preservation areas, and all mitigation areas (onsite andor offsite) that will be utilized to address onsite impacts to habitat. The recorded document shall include legal descriptions of both the applicant’s entire parcel and the easement area(s). The recorded document shall also reflect that development in the easement area(s) is restricted as set forth in this permit condition. C. The offer to dedicate shall be recorded free of prior liens and encumbrances which the Executive Director determines may affect the interest being conveyed. The offer shall run with the land in favor of the People of the State of California, binding all successors and assignees, and shall be A-6-CII-00-087 Page 12 irrevocable for a period of 21 years, such period running from the date of recording. 1 1. Protection of the Coastal California Gnatcatcher. To prevent breedinghesting season impacts to the coastal California gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californica), the permittee shall not undertake any clearing or grading activities in occupied gnatcatcher habitat between March 1 and August 15, unless approved in writing by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and Game. 12. A. B. C. Open Space Restriction. No development, as defined in Section 30106 of the Coastal Act, shall occur in habitat buffer areas as required in Special Conditions #2 and 4, and as identified in the final landscape plans, and as described and depicted in an . Exhibit attached to the Notice of Intent to Issue Permit (NOI) that the Executive Director issues for this permit, except for 1. approved landscaping activities and plantings andor restoration and revegetation of native habitat according to the final coastal sage scrub mitigation plan; and PRIOR TO ISSUANCE BY THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE NO1 FOR THIS PERMIT, the applicant shall submit for the review and approval of the Executive Director, and upon such approval, for attachment as an Exhibit to the N01, a formal legal description and graphic depiction of the portion of the subject property affected by this condition, as generally described above and shown on Exhibit 7 attached to this staff report. PRIOR TO ANY CONVEYANCE OF THE PROPERTY THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall execute and record a deed restriction, in a form and content acceptable to the Executive Director: (1) indicating that, pursuant to this permit, the California Coastal Commission has authorized development on the subject property, subject to terms and conditions that restrict the use and enjoyment of that property (hereinafter referred to as the “Standard and Special Conditions); and (2) imposing all Standard and Special Conditions of this permit as covenants, conditions and restrictions on the use and enjoyment of the Property. The restriction shall include a legal description of the applicant’s entire parcel or parcels. It shall also indicate that, in the event of an extinguishment or termination of the deed restriction for any reason, the Standard and Special Conditions of this permit shall continue to restrict the use and enjoyment of the subject property so long as either this permit or the development it authorizes - or any part, modification or amendment thereof - remains in existence on or with respect to the subject property. A-6-CII-00-087 Page 13 IV. Findings and Declarations. The Commission finds and declares as follows: 1. Detailed Proiect DescriDtion. A. Site Characteristics: The proposed development is a championship municipal golf course and associated development on a 397 acre site consisting of 18 golf holes (354 acres), a 22,000 square foot clubhouse, a 222 stall, 2.5 acre parking lot, 1 1.5 acre driving range with bunker lighting, creation of three pads totaling 22.2 acres for future development of planned industriaygolf related commercial development, a 9,040 sq.ft. maintenance building, restroom facilities and a 2 1,000 sq.ft. conference center and related uses. The site is vacant with the exception of College Boulevard, a major northhouth roadway which generally runs through the middle of the site, utility powerlines that bisect the site and an existing police shooting range, located in the northeast portion of the site, which is proposed to be relocated as part of the proposed development. The single point of public access to the golf course parking lot and clubhouse is at the northern terminus of Hidden Valley Road. . The site is located north of Palomar Airport Road, south of Faraday Avenue, east of Hidden Valley Road and extends on either side of College Boulevard. The project site is located both in and out of the coastal zone, with approximately two-thirds of the site located within the coastal zone. The project is immediately east of Carlsbad Ranch/Legoland and west of the Carlsbad Research Center and Palomar Airport. Portions of the site are within Phase I11 of the Carlsbad Airport Center, College Business Park, and the southern section of Veteran’s Memorial Park. To the north is the Veteran’s Memorial Park which will ultimately be developed as an outdoor recreation facility. To the west is Legoland Carlsbad which is also primarily an outdoor recreation facility. The project site is traversed by three electric transmission lines (which are carried on poles and towers) and a 20-inch gas pipeline. The utility lines cross the middle of the site from the southeast to the northwest sections. The gas pipeline traverses the northern portion of the site generally paralleling and then crossing a riparian area. The project encompasses approximately 397 acres and has a varied topography which consists primarily of 25 acres of riparian habitat (following a creek which cuts easdwest through the northern portion of the site) and rolling hills to moderately steep slopes. Portions of the site have been disturbed through previously approved grading, active agriculture, easement and line maintenance, and illegal encampments. Those areas which have not been disturbed have varying degrees native and non-native vegetation. Along with the riparian habitat, the golf course site contains approximately 80.2 acres of coastal sage scrub, 6.7 acres of southern maritime chaparral, 199 acres of non-native grassland, and 2.0 acres of native grassland. Within the upland habitat areas, 7 pairs of coastal California gnatcatchers were previously identified, as well as possibly one burrowing owl A-6-CII-00-087 Page 14 and an undetermined number of orange-throated whiptails. Approximately 150 acres of native vegetation are located on both steep and non-steep slopes. The first of three proposed industrial pads is five acres in size and is located at the comer of Palomar Airport Road and Hidden Valley Road. The two other industrial pads are proposed at the eastern edge of the site on either side of College Boulevard. The 8.4-acre pad proposed on the north side of College Boulevard will be located partially in the coastal zone. The 5.9-acre proposed pad on the south side of the road is not located in the coastal zone. Both pads will be accessed from College Boulevard. In CDP #6-86- 102 (City of Carlsbad), the Commission approved the construction of College Blvd., a major northkouth roadway which generally runs through the middle of the site. Some of the residual cut grading associated with construction of the road was placed on the property adjacent to the road right-of-way pursuant to CDP #6-86-269. . As noted above, the proposed development is located both inside and outside the Coastal Zone. The subject of this review relates only to those portions of the development located in the Coastal Zone. B. Previous Proiect Design: As originally approved by the City of Carlsbad on June 7,2000, impacts were proposed to approximately 0.15 acres of wetland area associated with the three golf cart paths that were planned to cross the riparian corridor and streambed to provide access to holes 13 and 15 on the north side of the stream. Additional impacts to wetland resources totalling approximately 2.85 acres would have resulted throughout the site from the proposed locations of various components of the development (golf holes, driving range, club house, industrial pads and drainage facilities), with approximately 2.5 total acres of wetlandriparian impacts inside the coastal zone. The on-site wetlands consist of riparian woodland along the creek bed and numerous drainage courses at higher elevations. To address proposed impacts to wetlands, approximately 5.3 acres of riparian habitat was proposed to be enhanced offsite at the Carltas site south of Palomar Airport Road in Encinas Creek, which is within the coastal zone. In addition, approximately 5 acres of on-site creation of riparian habitat was proposed adjacent to an existing wetland mitigation site located on the project site along the north bank of the creek within the coastal zone (mitigation for wetland impacts associated with the construction of Cannon Road to the west). In total, the project as originally approved by the City included impacts to 3 acres of wetlandriparian area (2.5 acres in the coastal zone), 4 acres of impact to southern maritime chaparral (.4 acres in the coastal zone), 49.2 acres of coastal sage scrub (21.3 in the coastal zone) and up to 8.5 acres of steep slopes with coastal sage scrub (“dual- criteria slopes”) in the coastal zone that are occupied by the California gnatcatcher. No mitigation was proposed for upland habitat impacts. The original golf course project layout is attached as Exhibit 4. A-6-CII-00-087 Page 15 Based on continuing inconsistencies with the wetland and riparian resource protection policies, buffer requirements and policies protecting steep slopes and environmentally sensitive habitat areas (ESHA), the Commission found that the project was inconsistent with the City of Carlsbad’s certified LCP and therefore raised a substantial issue with regards to the grounds raised by the appellants. Pursuant to Policy 3-7 of the certified Mello I1 LUP (updated in 2003; relevant requirements are now in Policy 3- 1.7), wetland and riparian resources were required to be protected and preserved, and no direct impacts could be allowed except for expansion of existing circulation element roads and those direct impacts associated with the installation of utilities (water, sewer, electrical). The impacts that were proposed to be associated with the golf course development are not a permitted use within a wetland. Instead, the City found that on balance, because the proposed impacts had been accepted by the resource agencies as being consistent with the City’s draft HMP, they could be . accepted if appropriately mitigated. However, at that time, the HMP was not part of the certified LCP and could not serve as the standard of review for the proposed impacts. Therefore, the project could not be found consistent with Policy 3-7 of the Mello I1 LUP. Additionally, Policy 3-8 of the certified Mello I1 LUP (updated in 2003; relevant requirements are now in Policy 3-1.12), new development must be set back by a minimum of 50 feet from riparian resources and 100 feet from wetland resources, unless the applicant demonstrates that a buffer of lesser width will protect the identified resource, based on site-specific information. Although the original project design included an extensive wetland and riparian mitigation component that was developed in consultation with the resource agencies, no findings were made by the City regarding the sufficiency of the proposed golf course design to provide adequate buffers from sensitive resources and active and passive recreational uses. Therefore, the project could not be found consistent with Policy 3-8 of the Mello I1 LUP. Policy 4-3 of the certified Mello I1 LUP and the Coastal Resource Overlay Protection Zone (Section 21.203 of the certified Carlsbad Municipal Code) requires that for those slopes mapped as possessing endangered planthima1 species andor coastal sage scrub and chaparral plant communities, “(s)lopes of 25% grade and over shall be preserved in their natural state, unless the application of this policy would preclude any reasonable use of the property, in which case an encroachment not to exceed 10% of the steep slope area over 25% grade may be permitted. Uses of slopes over 25% may be made to provide access to flatter areas if there is no less environmentally damaging alternative available.” Up to 10% of “dual criteria” slopes may be disturbed in addition to steep slopes that are required to access flatter areas. The golf course site contains approximately 25 acres of dual criteria slopes; the original golf course design would have resulted in impacts to 8.5 acres of dual-criteria slope impact (35%). The City found that since there would be no net loss of dual criteria slopes through a mitigation program of onsite and offsite (outside the Coastal Zone) preservation and restoration of dual criteria slopes, the proposed impacts could be found consistent with the certified LCP. However, at that time the LCP had no provisions whereby a greater than 10% impact to dual criteria slopes could be accepted andor mitigated by preservation or revegetation. Therefore, the project could A-6-CII-00-087 Page 16 not be found consistent with Policy 4-3 of the Mello I1 LUP and the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone. Based upon the above-described inconsistencies with the certified City of Carlsbad LCP, an appeal of the City’s CDP for the golf course project was filed by Commissioner Sara Wan and Commissioner Pedro Nava on June 27,2000. On June 12,2003, the Commission found that the development, as approved by the city of Carlsbad, raised a substantial issue with regards to the grounds raised by the appellants. C. Current Project Design: A revised project design was submitted by the City as part of an LCP amendment on February 7,2003 (Exhibit 5). The purpose of the LCP amendment was to incorporate the final Carlsbad HMP and second addendum into the LCP, and include revisions and . additions to the LCP that paralleled the HMP for consistency between the two documents. The LCP revisions, and the golf course project redesign, were made by the City in response to input from Commission staff and the resource agencies. The revised golf course design eliminates impacts to southern maritime chaparral and wetlands in the coastal zone. Total impacts to coastal sage scrub have been reduced from 49.2 acres to 42.5 acres (from 21.3 acres to 14.2 acres in the coastal zone). Mitigation will be provided for all coastal sage scrub impacts at a 2: 1 ratio, with at least 1 : 1 new creation, to ensure no net loss of habitat. This mitigation will be accommodated onsite to restore and improve wildlife corridor connections. The revised design reduces overall impacts both inside and outside the coastal zone, as shown in Exhibit 6. Within the coastal zone, impacts to coastal sage scrub have been reduced from 21.3 acres to 14.2 acres, and impacts to wetlands and southern maritime chaparral have been eliminated. Dual-criteria slope impacts in the coastal zone have been reduced from 8.5 acres (16.6%) to 3.7 acres (7.2%), and non-native grassland impacts have been reduced from 94.1 acres to 73.3 acres. Outside the coastal zone, impacts to southern maritime chaparral, non-native grassland and wetlands have also been reduced. Although small increases in proposed impacts to dual-criteria slopes and coastal sage scrub are proposed outside the coastal zone area of the project, the proposed onsite 2: 1 mitigation for coastal sage scrub will apply to impacts both inside and outside of the coastal zone portions of the project. Mitigation for impacts to southern maritime chaparral and riparian area outside of the coastal zone will be also mitigated onsite, at a ratio of 3: 1. Therefore, there will be no net loss of habitat on the site, either inside or outside of the coastal zone. To achieve these reduced habitat impacts, the redesign of the proposed development included the following changes: The commercial/industrial pad located at the northeast comer of Hidden Valley Road and Palomar Airport Road (approximately 5 acres) was deleted to avoid wetland impacts . A-6-CII-00-087 Page 17 0 0 0 The golf practice range was narrowed slightly and reoriented to avoid wetland impacts. Hole 1 was relocated to avoid wetland impacts. The most northwesterly cart path in the original development proposal, located between Holes 12 and 13, was deleted to eliminate one of the riparian crossings and avoid wetlandriparian impacts. The original Hole 12 was deleted to provide greater protection for an identified gnatcatcher territory in coastal sage scrub habitat. It was replaced by a new Hole 12 in non-native grassland located between Holes 13 and 15 of the original plan. Holes 12, 13 and 14 were renumbered to reflect these revisions. The industrial parcel located on the north side of College Boulevard (approximately 6.7 acres) was reconfigured to reduced coastal sage scrub impacts, enlarge the proposed wildlife corridor on the east side of the site, and provide greater protection for an identified gnatcatcher territory. The alignment of the cart path between Holes 15 and 16 was modified to reduce wetland impacts (outside the coastal zone). 0 0 1. Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Area (ESHA) Policy 3-1.2 of the Mello I1 LUP and Section 7-1 of the second addendum to the Carlsbad HMP state: Pursuant to Section 30240 of the California Coastal Act, environmentally sensitive habitat areas, as defined in Section 30107.5 of the Coastal Act, shall be protected against any significant disruption of habitat values, and only uses dependent on those resources shall be allowed within those areas. Policy 3-1.9 of the Mello I1 LUP and Section 7-8 of the second addendum to the Carlsbad HMP state, 'in part: There shall be no net loss of Coastal Sage Scrub, Maritime Succulent Scrub, Southern Maritime Chaparral, Southern Mixed Chaparral, Native Grassland and Oak Woodland within the Coastal Zone of Carlsbad . . . Policy 3-1.12 of the Mello 11 LUP and Section 7-1 1 of the second addendum to the Carlsbad HMP state, in part: Buffers shall be provided between all preserved habitat and development. Minimum buffer widths shall be provided as follows: a. 100 ft. for wetlands b. 50 ft. for riparian areas c. 20 ft. for all other native habitats (coastal sage scrub, southern maritime chaparral, maritime succulent scrub, southern mixed chaparral, native grassland, oak woodland) A-6-CII-00-087 Page 18 Any proposed reductions in buffer widths for a specific site shall require sufficient information to determine that a buffer of lesser width will protect the identified resources. Such information shall include, but is not limited to, the size and type of the development andor proposed mitigation (such as planting of vegetation or the construction of fencing) that will also achieve the purposes of the buffer.. . Policy 3-7 of the Mello I1 LUP and Section 7.13 of the second addendum to the Carlsbad HMP state, in part: a. The impact and conservation areas for the municipal golf course are shown as a Hardline design in the HMP (Figure 8 Revised), and which shall serve as the standard of review for determining areas in which development may occur in future. Areas shown for conservation shall not be impacted or disturbed except for revegetation, restoration, and other similar activities related to mitigation. Areas shown for impact may be fully developed with appropriate mitigation. . b. Any impacts to Coastal Sage Scrub shall be mitigated by on-site creation at a ratio of 2:l in compliance with the no net loss standard stated in Policy 3-1.2 (7-1). Onsite revegetation or restoration may be done on agricultural, disturbed or non- native grassland areas. For impacts to the Coastal California gnatcatcher, additional mitigation shall be provided by acquisition and preservation at a 1 : 1 ratio of land supporting gnatcatchers. Impacts to dual criteria slopes shall not exceed 10%. g. In the riparian area of Macario Canyon Creek, two crossings shall be allowed, as shown in the HMP Hardline exhibit. Crossing #1 shall utilize the existing farm road. Crossing #2 shall utilize a bridge span structure. No riparian impacts shall occur for either crossing. h. The design of riparian buffers shall be as shown in the HMP. Buffers shall be landscaped with appropriate native, non-invasive plants to provide a natural transition between recreational areas and riparian habitat, as well as to discourage human intrusion into the riparian area. Appropriate signing and fencing will also be utilized. Asdefined in Section 30107.5 of the Coastal Act, ESHA is defined as “any area in which plant or animal life or their habitats are either rare or especially valuable because of their special nature or role in an ecosystem and which could be easily disturbed or degraded by human activities and developments.” In 1993, the coastal California gnatcatcher was listed as threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) ), 16 U.S.C. 5 153 1 et seq. The coastal California gnatcatcher is found primarily in coastal sage scrub habitat in southern California. The Carlsbad HMP, which includes the golf course site hardline, is a segment of the state’s larger NCCP program that is being developed in response to the listing of the California gnatcatcher. A-6-CII-00-087 Page 19 The Carlsbad HMP and the Multiple Habitat Conservation Program (MHCP) are intended to meet criteria for the California Department of Fish and Game’s (CDFG) Natural Communities Conservation Planning process (NCCP), which was initiated in southern California in 1991 and of the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA). The objectives of the southern California NCCP program include identification and protection of habitat in sufficient amounts and distributions to enable long-term conservation of the coastal sage community and the California gnatcatcher, as well as other sensitive habitat types. Generally, the purpose of the HCP and NCCP processes is to preserve natural habitat by identifying and implementing an interlinked natural communities preserve system. Through these processes, the resource agencies are pursuing a long-range approach to habitat management and preserve creation that expands upon more traditional mitigation approach to habitat impacts. Although HCPs have been prepared for areas as small as a single lot, the MHCP and its subarea plans are intended to function at the citywide or regional level, instead of focusing on impacts to individual properties: Implementation of this large-scale approach to habitat conservation will allow some development involving incidental take of listed species and/or environmentally sensitive habitat in those areas where it is most appropriate, in order to preserve the largest and most valuable areas of contiguous habitat and their associated populations of listed species. In 1992, the City signed an NCCP agreement with the California Resources Agency to develop the Habitat Management Plan (HMP) as part of the City’s General Plan. The 1992 agreement enrolled the City in the NCCP program as an “Ongoing Multi-Species Plan” as defined in the NCCP process guidelines. The agreement was supplemented in 1993 to clarify that the HMP is a subarea plan of the San Diego County MHCP. The MHCP study area involves approximately 186 square miles in northwestern San Diego County. This area includes the coastal cities of Carlsbad, Encinitas, Solana Beach and Oceanside, as well as the inland cities of Vista and San Marcos and several independent special districts. The participating local governments and other entities will implement their portions of the MHCP through individual subarea plans such as the Carlsbad HMP. Once approved, the MHCP and its subarea plans will replace interim restrictions placed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS) and the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) on impacts to coastal sage scrub and gnatcatchers within that geographical area, and will allow the incidental take of the gnatcatcher and other covered species as specified in the plan. Although the HMP is a subarea plan of the MHCP, it will receive its own federal take permit and is not subject to finalization of the MHCP in order to be approved. The City developed the HMP to meet the requirements of a habitat conservation plan pursuant to section lO(a)(2)(A) of the Endangered Species Act [ 16 USC fj 1539(a)(2)(A)]. The draft Carlsbad HMP was initially approved by the Carlsbad City Council on September 2 1,1999. An addendum was then prepared based on comments provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG), and the revised document, dated December 1999, was submitted to the wildlife agencies for approval of an incidental take permit (ITP) under section 9(a)( 1)(B) [ 16 USC $ 1538(a)( l)(B)] of the Endangered Species Act. Issuance of the permit would A-6-CII-00-087 Page 20 have predated approval of the final HMP itself, and was requested in order to begin development of a City golf course which had been included as a “hardline” property in the HMP with pre-agreed limitations on development area and mitigation requirements, as agreed between the City and the wildlife agencies. These “hardline” properties were designated in the HMP with specific development/ conservation footprints approved by the wildlife agencies. If development is proposed on these sites in a manner that is substantially in conformance with the hardline, the development will be authorized consistent with all other regulatory standards and procedures. The purpose of this process is to ensure that certain areas of onsite habitat will be set aside for permanent preservation, and that the property owners have committed to abide by the established development limitation upon approval of the HMP. Because construction of the golf course would inevitably result in impacts to environmentally sensitive habitat, such as coastal sage scrub occupied by gnatcatchers, . the 1999 draft HMP allowed mitigation for these impacts through a combination of onsite preservation of habitat that was to remain undeveloped, onsite restoration and creation of riparian area that would be impacted by the golf cart paths, and offsite acquisition of coastal sage scrub habitat for preservation. However, the Coastal Act does not allow onsite preservation to count as mitigation in the Coastal Zone, and the second HMP addendum (February 2003) was revised to exclude onsite preservation from acceptable mitigation methods for habitat impacts. On June 7,2000, the Carlsbad Planning Commission certified an environmental impact report (EIR) for the proposed Carlsbad city golf course, and approved a coastal development permit for the golf course development. The Coastal Commission appealed the City’s CDP based on concerns regarding the project’s inconsistency with the habitat protection policies in the certified LCP. The City submitted a revised golf course plan to the Commission on February 7,2003, as part of LCPA No. 1-03B (Habitat Management Plan). The LCP amendment was approved with modifications on June 12,2003, and the City accepted the modifications on June 17,2003. The certification of the LCP amendment is scheduled for the Commission meeting of August 8,2003. The revised design is consistent with the Mello I1 Land Use Plan of the LCP and the Carlsbad HMP. As previously described, within the coastal zone the revised golf course will impact 14.2 acres of coastal sage scrub (3.7 acres on steep slopes) and 73.3 acres of non-native grassland. The areas of coastal sage scrub have been determined to be ESHA because they provide nesting and foraging habitat for documented California gnatcatchers, and because of the important linkage provided between native habitat on this property and other sections of the wildlife corridor that join Core Area 4 and Linkage Area F in the HMP planning area. However, if mitigated as proposed, the replaced coastal sage scrub will be located in areas that provide larger contiguous contributions to the onsite conservation area, and will ensure that the wildlife corridor and gnatcatcher population will have sufficient areas of high-quality habitat for species survival. In addition to providing a minimum ratio of 1 : 1 new creation to mitigate for habitat impacts, an additional 1 : 1 mitigation requirement is also required (restoration, revegetation, etc.) to A-6-CII-00-087 Page 21 ensure that the lower habitat values of a less mature vegetation community and/or any difficulties in establishing the new habitat will be compensated. Although nine gnatcatcher use areas will be impacted by the proposed development, the revised design will result in a substantial reduction in impacts to the overall coastal sage scrub community that supports the gnatcatcher population. The proposed take of seven gnatcatchers on the golf course site, as allowed by the Incidental Take Permit issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, will be partially mitigated by the offsite acquisition and preservation of 5 1.6 acres containing 5 pairs of gnatcatchers within the MHCP core area in unincorporated San Diego County. Mitigation will be provided for all coastal sage scrub impacts at a 2: 1 ratio, with at least 1 : 1 new creation, to ensure no net loss of habitat. This mitigation will be accommodated onsite to restore and improve wildlife corridor connections. Temporary impacts to the onsite riparian area for construction of golf cart path crossings will be mitigated at a 1 : 1 ratio. For the proposed impacts to coastal sage scrub (14.1 acres total; 3.7 in the coastal zone), 28.2 total acres of mitigation will be required. Mitigation in the form of new creation and/or substantial restoration will be required for 14.1 acres of this total amount; the remaining 14.1 acres of mitigation may include new creation, restoration or revegetation, or a combination of these methods. As identified on the “City of Carlsbad Golf Course Revisions” plan (February 2003), and in Exhibit 9, mitigation opportunities for onsite creation exist in the areas identified as non-native grassland, agricultural land, and existing landscaping. Mitigation opportunities for onsite restoration and revegetation exist in the areas identified as disturbed coastal sage scrub, coastal sage scrubhative grassland mix, and disturbed areas. Sufficient area is available onsite within all these identified existing vegetation types to accommodate the required 2: 1 mitigation for the 14.1 acres of total impact to coastal sage scrub. The proposed mitigation measures are consistent with the Mello I1 LUP and the Carlsbad HMP. Based upon the requirements for upland habitat mitigation in Policy 3- 1.10 of the Mello I1 LUP and Section 7-9 of the Carlsbad HMP (Exhibit lo), Special Condition #2 and Special Condition #3 will ensure that no net loss of either upland or wetland/riparian habitat will result, and there will be no permanent riparian or wetland impacts from construction. Although temporary wetlandriparian impacts resulting from the golf cart path crossings over the onsite creek will be unavoidable, the applicant shall be required to submit a detailed revegetation plan and restoration program, with a mitigation ratio of 1 : 1. No permanent impacts to riparian or wetland areas shall be allowed. Consistent with Policy 3-1.12 of the Mello I1 LUP and Section 7-1 1 of the second addendum to the Carlsbad HMP, buffers are required between all preserved habitat areas and development. The purpose of buffers is to provide a clear delineation between habitat and development area and protect habitat from encroachment and adjacent activities. The minimum baseline buffer widths for wetlands and riparian areas have been established respectively at 100 feet and 50 feet. However, the Mello I1 LUP and the HMP allow buffer width reductions if the applicant can demonstrate that a reduced buffer can still protect the identified resources. The application must provide information regarding the size and type of the development and/or proposed mitigation A-6-CII-00-087 Page 22 (such as planting of vegetation or the construction of fencing) that will fulfill the purpose of the buffer. The concurrence of the wildlife agencies is also required. The golf course design includes reduced permanent buffers between the golf cart path crossings, the golf course playing areas, and the ripariadwetlands areas of the creek, to keep the golf course development as compact as possible, and reduce additional encroachment into native upland vegetation. For these identified areas, there will be a minimum average post- construction buffer of 25 feet between new development and riparian areas, and 50 feet between new development and wetlands. At no point shall the buffer width be less than 10 feet. The reduced buffers will be required to provide adequate protection for onsite riparian and wetland resources, as supported by protective water quality requirements included in Special Conditions #5 (Erosion Control Plans), #6 (Drainage and Polluted Runoff Control Plan), #7 (Water Quality Monitoring Plan) and #8 (Turf and Pest Management Plan) that have been established to protect water quality, prevent discharge of untreated onsite runoff into the creek and minimize overall pollutant loads. The . wildlife agencies have concurred with the reduced buffers for these areas. For all other areas of the golf course site, the baseline minimum buffer of 100 feet shall be provided between development and wetlands, and a minimum buffer of 50 feet shall be provided between development and riparian areas. The permittee shall be required to comply with an approved monitoring plan and submit post-restoration plans, to demonstrate that the restoration sites have been established in accordance with the approved design and construction methods. Implementation of this condition will ensure that there is no net loss or permanent impact to wetland andor riparian areas, that revegetation and restoration activities are carried out according to the approved plans, and that adequate buffers are provided for all onsite riparian and wetland areas. The revised golf course design will impact 3.7 acres of dual criteria slopes in the coastal zone, or 7.2% of the total amount of dual-criteria slopes. Dual-criteria slopes are protected in Policy 4-3(b)( 1) of the Mello I1 LUP, which states that slopes of 25% grade and over that are covered by coastal sage scrub andor chaparral plant communities, and/or which possess endangered planthimal species, shall be preserved in their natural state, with a potential exception for encroachment not to exceed 10%. This percentage of steep slope encroachment may be modified only for development consistent with the approved HMP and the City’s Incidental Take Permit. The revised golf course design has shifted development areas to avoid dual-criteria slopes to the greatest extent feasible. The revision will impact 4.8 fewer acres than the original design, which would have allowed encroachment into 16.6% of the dual criteria slopes in the coastal zone, and the revised percentage of 7.2% encroachment into steep slopes is consistent with the Mello I1 LUP and the Carlsbad HMP. The golf course development will not impact any existing designated view corridors or views of the coast, and will be appropriately landscaped and oriented to ensure that there will be no significant visual impacts. Since the project has been revised, only conceptual plans have been submitted. As such, Special Condition #1 requires the applicant to submit detailed final development plans, including site, building, grading and drainage plans, to ensure that development is A-6-CII-00-087 Page 23 consistent with the “City of Carlsbad Golf Course Revisions” plan that was approved as part of LCPA 1-03B, and with the Carlsbad HMP. The plans shall detail that no impacts to southern maritime chaparral habitat are allowed within the Coastal Zone, and that the proposed golf course and associated development shall be located only within the development areas detailed in the hardline map of the HMP. As provided in Special Condition #2, impacts to coastal sage scrub must be consistent with the approved final development plans, and must be mitigated at not less than a 2: 1 ratio. Sections 7-8 and 7-9 of the second addendum to the Carlsbad HMP, and Policies 7-1.9 and 7- 1.10 of the Mello I1 Land Use Plan (LUP) of the LCP, provide that there shall be no net loss of coastal sage scrub. Mitigation for impacts shall include a creation component of at least 1 : 1 in order to meet the no net loss standard. Substantial restoration of highly degraded areas (where effective functions of the habitat type have been lost) may be substituted for creation, if the wildlife agencies agree. Onsite preservation of habitat is not eligible for mitigation credit. A minimum buffer of 20 feet shall be provided between development and native upland habitat, unless reduced buffers are found to be acceptable consistent with Section 7-1 1 of the second addendum to the Carlsbad HMP and Policy 3-1.12 of the Mello I1 LUP. Implementation of this condition will ensure that there is no actual loss of habitat acreage and that all impacts will be fully mitigated. This condition also requires that goals, objectives and performance standards be developed. Monitoring of the upland mitigation sites is also required with reports developed annually on the success of the mitigation efforts to meet the goals, objectives and standards. Special Condition #3 addresses temporary impacts to riparidwetland area adjacent to the onsite creek, which may result from the two proposed crossings for golf cart paths. If temporary impacts to these areas are unavoidable, the applicant shall be required to submit a detailed revegetation plan and restoration program, with a mitigation ratio of 1 : 1. No permanent impacts to riparian or wetland areas shall be allowed. Consistent with Policy 3-1.12 of the Mello I1 LUP and Section 7-1 1 of the second addendum to the Carlsbad HMP, buffers are required between all preserved habitat areas and development. The minimum baseline buffer widths for wetlands and riparian areas have been established respectively at 100 feet and 50 feet. However, the Mello I1 LUP and the HMP allow buffer width reductions if the applicant can demonstrate that a reduced buffer can still protect the identified resources. The golf course design includes reduced permanent buffers between the golf cart path crossings, the golf course playing areas, and the riparidwetlands areas of the creek, to keep the golf course development as compact as possible, and reduce additional encroachment into native upland vegetation. For these identified areas, there will be a minimum average post-construction buffer of 25 feet between new development and riparian areas, and 50 feet between new development and wetlands. At no point shall the buffer width be less than 10 feet. The reduced buffers will be required to provide adequate protection for onsite riparian and wetland resources, as supported by protective water quality requirements included in Special Conditions #5 (Erosion Control Plans), #6 (Drainage and Polluted Runoff Control Plan), #7 (Water Quality Monitoring Plan) A-6-CII-00-087 Page 24 and #8 (Turf and Pest Management Plan) that have been established to protect water quality, prevent discharge of untreated onsite runoff into the creek and minimize overall pollutant loads. The wildlife agencies have concurred with the reduced buffers for these areas. The permittee shall be required to comply with an approved monitoring plan and submit post-restoration plans, to demonstrate that the restoration sites have been established in accordance with the approved design and Construction methods. Implementation of this condition will ensure that there is no net loss or permanent impact to wetland and/or riparian areas, that revegetation and restoration activities are carried out according to the approved plans, and that adequate buffers are provided for all onsite riparian and wetland Consistent with Policy 3-1.12 of the Mello I1 LUP and Section 7-1 1 of the second addendum to the Carlsbad HMP, reduced permanent buffers between the golf cart path crossings and the ripariadwetlands areas of the creek shall be allowed, with a minimum post-construction buffer of 25 feet between new development and riparian areas, and 50 feet between new development and wetlands. For all other areas of the golf course site, permanent minimum buffers of 100 feet shall be provided between development and wetlands, and a minimum buffer of 50 feet shall be provided between development and riparian areas. The permittee shall be required to comply with an approved monitoring plan and submit post-restoration plans, to demonstrate that the restoration sites have been established in accordance with the approved design and construction methods. Implementation of this condition will ensure that there is no net loss or permanent impact to wetland andlor riparian areas, that revegetation and restoration activities are carried out according to the approved plans, and that the required buffers are provided for all onsite riparian and wetland areas. Special Condition #4 requires that a detailed final landscape plan shall be submitted for the proposed development, and shall include information on the type, size, extent and location of all proposed vegetation and any necessary irrigation. Only drought-tolerant or non-invasive plants may be installed on the site, including habitat buffer areas. The necessary onsite habitat buffers, as required in Special Condition #2, shall be identified, and the applicant shall indicate the type and location of any proposed barriers, signage or other methods that will be utilized to separate golf course activities from protected native habitat, wetlands and/or riparian area. These requirements are intended to prevent the spread of non-native, invasive plants into onsite habitat areas and other offsite coastal resources, promote water conservation, and identify measures that will be taken to separate habitat areas from development. Special Condition #10 provides that, consistent with Policy 7- 1.lO.i of the Mello I1 LUP and Section 7-9.h. of the second addendum to the Carlsbad HMP, all onsite habitat preservation areas and all mitigation areas (onsite and offsite) that will be utilized to address onsite impacts to habitat, shall be secured with conservation easements in favor of the California Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Special Condition #11 prohibits clearing and grading activities during the gnatcatcher A-6-CII-00-087 Page 25 breedinghesting season (March 1 -August 15), to provide additional protection for the onsite gnatcatchers and avoid take of their young. Special Condition #12 provides that the required wetland, riparian and upland buffer areas be protected as open space. The applicant is required to record a deed restriction imposing the conditions of this permit as convenants, conditions and restrictions on use of the property prior to any conveyance. Additionally, this condition identifies acceptable activities and uses within habitat buffer areas, which will not become part of the golf course preserve area, but which will be required as transitional areas between development and established habitat, and which must be appropriately vegetated and maintained to ensure their continuing protective value. The San Diego Multiple Habitat Conservation Program (MHCP), of which the Carlsbad HMP is a part, is under the jurisdiction of the wildlife agencies, which are also parties to the Implementing Agreement for the HMP. Although it is anticipated that eventually the management of the preserve areas identified in the HMP will be delegated to a single conservation entity, the final HMP preserve management plan has not yet been prepared. The proposed conservation easements will ensure that any proposed changes to the preserve area boundaries or activities within the preserve will be continue to be within the oversight of the wildlife agencies. In total, 254.6 acres of the 397-acre site will be conserved, including approximately 37 acres of coastal sage scrub, 5 acres of southern maritime chaparral, and 23 acres of riparidwetland area. (Exhibit 5 shows the golf course development areas; Exhibit 9 shows approximate locations of onsite resources.) The open areas that will become part of the golf course preserve will be part of a major wildlife preserve corridor that runs north-south across Macario Canyon and the Veterans Memorial Park site, and connects the Core 4 and Linkage F habitat planning areas in the Carlsbad HMP. Based upon the above revisions to the golf course site design, the proposed development, as conditioned, is consistent with the Mello I1 LUP policies for protection of environmentally sensitive habitat. 2. Public AccessPublic Recreation. The proposed golf course development is a municipal recreational facility, which will be open to the public and will increase recreational opportunities in the coastal zone. To ensure public access and public awareness, Condition #9 requires that all of the visitor- serving golf course facilities, including the golf course and driving range, clubhouse, and conference center, will be operated as commercial visitor-serving facilities open to the general public, and that any proposed change in the level of public use will require an amendment to the permit. The applicant is also required to provide signage for the golf course facilities indicating that they are open to the public. The golf course site is inland from the coast, and the proposed development will not affect public access to the coast or impact existing coastal recreational opportunities or uses. The applicant has provided information indicating that the existing and proposed roadway system is adequate to handle the vehicle trips that will be generated by the proposed development, and sufficient onsite parking will be available to the public. As A-6-€31-00-087 Page 26 conditioned, the proposed project will provide adequate public access and public recreational opportunities. 3. Visual Resources and Natural Landforms. Policy 8-1 of the Mello I1 LUP states: The Scenic Preservation Overlay Zone should be applied where necessary throughout the Carlsbad coastal zone to assure the maintenance of existing views and panoramas. Sites considered for development should undergo individual review to determine if the proposed development will obstruct views or otherwise damage the visual beauty of the area. The Planning Commission should enforce appropriate height limitations and see-through construction, as well as minimize any alterations to topography. The City’s most recent LCP amendment (June 2003) revised the previous Mello I1 land use policy regarding preserving of steep slopes with native habitat, or “dual criteria” slopes. Previously, these steep slopes possessing endangered plandanimal species and /or coastal sage scrub and chaparral plant communities, were required to be preserved in their natural state, with limited encroachment allowed to no more than 10% of these areas. As revised, the Mello 11 LUP habitat protection policies continue to protect these steep slopes, but with the provision that the percentage of steep slope encroachment may be modified only for development consistent with the approved HMP and the resource habitat protection policies of the Mello I1 LUP, and which is approved as part of the City’s Incidental Take Permit pursuant to the adopted HMP. The proposed golf course site development meets all of these requirements. As revised, 3.7 acres of dual criteria slopes in the coastal zone, or 7.2%, will be impacted. This revision will impact 4.8 fewer acres than the original design, which would have allowed encroachment into 16.6% of the dual criteria slopes in the coastal zone. In most cases, the onsite natural landforms of the canyons, wetlands and riparian areas in the coastal zone contain environmentally sensitive habitat, and as conditioned will be protected to the maximum extent feasible while allowing development of the golf course and associated uses. The golf course clubhouse has been proposed as a split-level two-story structure. Based on draft plans and elevations provided by the City, the clubhouse will be seen as a single- story structure from the main entrance, and as seen from the south, it will be two stories. The project proposes habitable building height up to 35 feet and architectural elements up to 45 feet, which is consistent with the requirements of the Mello I1 LUP. Setbacks and parking have been provided over the minimum requirement. Two industrial pads are proposed at the eastern edge of the site on either side of College Boulevard. The 8.4-acre pad proposed on the north side of College Boulevard will be located partially in the coastal zone. The 5.9-acre proposed pad on the south side of the road is not located in the coastal zone. Both pads will be accessed from College Boulevard and are designated for golf-course related uses, consistent with the development requirements of the Mello I1 LUP. A-6-CII-00-087 Page 27 As conditioned, the golf course site design does not impact any existing designated view corridors or views of the coast, and provides the maximum feasible protection for onsite natural landforms. Special Condition #4 addresses landscaping that may be used to screen maintenance facilities and other structures from offsite areas. Therefore, the project will not result in significant impacts to visual quality, view corridors, or natural landforms, consistent with LCP provisions. 4. Runoff/Water Quality. Policy 4.3(b) of the Mello I1 LUP provides, in part, that: No development shall be permitted except pursuant to submittal of a runoff control plan prepared by a licensed engineer qualified in hydrology and hydraulics; such approved plans shall assure that there would be no increase in peak runoff rate from the developed site over the greatest discharge expected from the existing developed site as a result of a 10-year frequency storm. Runoff control shall be accomplished by a variety of measures, including, but not limited to, onsite catchment basins, detention basins, siltation traps, and energy dissipators, and shall not be concentrated in one area . . . Development approvals shall include detailed maintenance arrangements for providing the ongoing repair and maintenance for all approved drainage or erosion- control facilities . . . All permanent runoff-control and erosion-control devices shall be developed and installed prior to or concurrent with any onsite grading activities. The project conditions include several requirements for plans that address water quality protection and runoff control during construction and operation of the golf course site facilities, including Special Conditions #4 (Final Landscape Plans), #5 (Erosion Control Plans), #6 (Drainage and Polluted Runoff Control Plan), #7 (Water Quality Monitoring Plan) and #8 (Turf and Pest Management Plan). Generally, golf course operations are reliant on fertilizers and pesticides, and have substantial watering requirements. As a result, runoff associated with the golf course could result in pollution in the form of nutrients and organic phosphates which could affect Agua Hedionda lagoon and its tributaries. Additionally, the use of non-native, invasive plant species in landscaping could adversely affect the environmentally sensitive habitat of the lagoon and other coastal waters if seeds from these plants species were introduced via runoff or bird feces. The necessary grading and removal of vegetation will increase potential for erosion and sedimentation in storm water runoff. Additionally, the proposed development will include parking lots, a clubhouse and conference center, commercial/industrial uses, maintenance facilities, and other impervious structures, all of which will potentially increase the amount of runoff and pollutant load entering nearby waterways. The proposed increases in impervious surface will decrease the infiltrative function and capacity of existing permeable land onsite, A-6-CII-00-087 Page 28 which will promote a corresponding increase in the volume and velocity of storm water runoff that can be expected to leave the site. Further, pollutants commonly found in runoff associated with golf courses include sediments, nutrients, pesticides, fertilizers, metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, trash and debris, and organic matter. The discharge of these pollutants to coastal waters can cause cumulative impacts such as: eutrophication and anoxic conditions resulting in fish kills and diseases and the alteration of aquatic habitat, including adverse changes to species composition and size; excess nutrients causing algae blooms and sedimentation increasing turbidity which both reduce the penetration of sunlight needed by aquatic vegetation which provide food and cover for aquatic species; disruptions to the reproductive cycle of aquatic species; and acute and chronic toxicity in marine organisms leading to adverse changes in reproduction and feeding behavior. These impacts reduce the biological productivity and the quality of coastal waters, streams, wetlands, estuaries, and lakes and reduce optimum populations of marine organisms and have adverse impacts on human health. . Due to the sensitivity of the nearby riparian area and the downstream drainages to Agua Hedionda lagoon, and the potential water quality impacts as described above, it is essential for the applicant to establish best management practices and take precautionary measures to ensure that water quality is protected. In order to find the proposed developed consistent with the water and marine resource policies of the certified LCP, the Commission finds it necessary to require the incorporation of BMPs designed to control the volume, velocity and pollutant load of storm water leaving the developed site. These BMPs must address erosion control, pollutant load, runoff pre-treatment, water quality monitoring, and storm water facilities maintenance. With the inclusion of water quality monitoring as a permit condition, any impacts to water quality that may occur despite precautions can be identified, and the source of the impacts evaluated and treated with appropriate measures. For the above-described reasons, the applicant will be required to submit and receive approval for plans addressing storm water runoff, erosion control, and water quality monitoring. Additionally, since a golf course development is likely to be dependent to some degree on the use of fertilizers and/or pesticides to maintain turf health, additional conditions for a turf and pest management plan have also been included to reduce chemical runoff impact from the golf course itself to the maximum extent feasible. Special Condition #4 requires vegetation selected for landscaping to be native drought- tolerant species or adapted non-invasive material. The use of drought-tolerant vegetation greatly reduces the need for intensive irrigation, which in turn reduces the potential for excessive irrigation to result in nuisance runoff fiom the site. Additionally, any irrigation system utilized is required to be efficient technologically, which will serve to prevent excess irrigation and resulting nuisance runoff from occurring. Furthermore, native or adapted plants are well suited to regional conditions, and therefore do not have to be sustained with heavy fertilizer or pesticide applications. Minimizing the need for topical agents such as fertilizer and pesticides should reduce or eliminate their A-6-CII-00-087 Page 29 application, thereby minimizing pollutants susceptible to stormwater and nuisance runoff from the site. Special Condition #5 addresses erosion and sedimentation control requirements for both construction activities during the site development period. The applicant shall submit an erosion and sediment control plan that delineates the areas to be disturbed by development activities, identifies natural areas and areas to be protected, and establishes protective measures to minimize offsite sedimentation and prevent onsite erosion, particularly during the rainy season (October 1-March 3 1). These requirements are intended to prevent offsite downstream impacts to water quality due to large amounts of sediment leaving the site. Special Condition #8 provides specific requirements for fertilizer and pesticide management. Special Condition #7 provides for water quality monitoring to ensure that the runoff control measures as contained in the other relevant special conditions are adequately protecting coastal water resources. The project will be consistent with Best Management Practices (BMPs) as provided in Special Condition #6, and all local, state, and federal regulations regarding water quality and waste discharge. The City obtained a 401 water quality certification from the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board in 1999, which will require amending for consistency with the current golf course design. The Commission's water quality staff has reviewed the proposed project and determined that, as conditioned, the proposed project is consistent with the water quality protection policies of the Coastal Act. 5. Local Coastal Planning. Section 30604(a) also requires that a coastal development permit shall be issued only if the Commission finds that the permitted development will not prejudice the ability of the local government to prepare a Local Coastal Program (LCP) in conformity with the provisions of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act. In this case, such a finding can be made. As noted above, the project site is located north of Palomar Airport Road, south of Faraday Avenue, east of Hidden Valley Road, and extends on either side of College Boulevard, and is within the jurisdictional area of the Mello I1 Land Use Plan segment of the Carlsbad LCP. The Commission has certified the Mello I1 Land Use Plan and Implementation Program for this LCP segment. The Carlsbad HMP is also a part of the certified LCP. As discussed above, the proposed development, as conditioned, can be found consistent with the Mello I1 LUP, the Carlsbad HMP, and all applicable Chapter 3 policies of the Coastal Act. Therefore, the project will not have any impacts on coastal resources and will not prejudice the ability of the City of Carlsbad to administer its certified Local Coastal Program for the area. 6. Consistency with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Section 13096 of the Commission's Code of Regulations requires Commission approval of Coastal Development Permits to be supported by a finding showing the permit, as conditioned, to be consistent with any applicable requirements of the California A-6-CII-00-087 Page 30 Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Section 21080.5(d)(2)(A) of CEQA prohibits a proposed development from being approved if there are feasible alternatives or feasible mitigation measures available which would substantially lessen any significant adverse effect which the activity may have on the environment. The proposed project has been conditioned in order to be found consistent with the applicable provisions of the certified LCP as well as with the public access and recreation policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act. Mitigation measures, including conditions addressing habitat impacts and mitigation, landscaping, and storm water management to minimize adverse environmental impacts. As conditioned, there are no feasible alternatives or feasible mitigation measures available which would substantially lessen any significant adverse impact which the activity may have on the environment. Therefore, the Commission finds that the proposed project is the least environmentally- damaging feasible alternative and is consistent with the requirements. of the Coastal Act to conform to CEQA. STANDARD CONDITIONS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Notice of Receipt and Acknowledgment. The permit is not valid and development shall not commence until a copy of the permit, signed by the permittee or authorized agent, acknowledging receipt of the permit and acceptance of the terms and conditions, is returned to the Commission office. Expiration. If development has not commenced, the permit will expire two years fi-om the date on which the Commission voted on the application. Development shall be pursued in a diligent manner and completed in a reasonable period of time. Application for extension of the permit must be made prior to the expiration date. Interpretation. Any questions of intent or interpretation of any condition will be resolved by the Executive Director or the Commission. Assiment. The permit may be assigned to any qualified person, provided assignee files with the Commission an affidavit accepting all terms and conditions of the permit. Terms and Conditions Run with the Land. These terms and conditions shall be perpetual, and it is the intention of the Commission and the permittee to bind all fbture owners and possessors of the subject property to the terms and conditions. 1 2 1 2 4 5 6 7 E s 1C 11 1: 1: 1L 1: 11 1 1 1 2 RESOLUTION NO, 2003-040 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DIRECTING STAFF TO MAKE NECESSARY REVISIONS TO THE MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE DESIGN AND SUBMIT THE REVISIONS TO THE COASTAL COMMISSION IN ORDER TO RESOLVE THE PENDING APPEAL BY THE COASTAL COMMISSION. CASE NAME: CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE CASE NO.: COP 97-25 WHEREAS, on June 23, 2000, the California Coastal Commission appealed the Coastal Development Permit for the City's Municipal Golf Course Project; and WHEREAS, City and Coastal Commission staff have discussed revisions to the Golf Course plans to address the issues raised by the Coastal Commission appeal; and WHEREAS, Coastal Commission staff has indicated that if certain revisions to the layout of the Golf Course are made to eliminate any impacts to wetlands and reduce impacts to other habitat types that the appeal can be resolved; and day Of FESRUARY WHEREAS, the City Council did on 4th I 2003, review and consider the revisions to the Golf Course Plans; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission on January 22, 2003, adopted an Addendum to the previously certified Environmental Impact Report for the Golf Course (EIR 97- OI), attached to Planning Commission Resolution 5363 and incorporated herein by reference, to address the revisions. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council directs staff to submit the necessary revisions to the Municipal Golf Course plans to the California Coastal Commission in order to resolve the Commission's pending appeal of the Coastal Development Permit (CDP 97-25) for the Golf Course. . ... . ... .... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1s 2( 21 2: 2: 21 2: 3 ,7' - 9 - PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City Carlsbad on the 4th day of FEBRU,P-R'i 2003, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Flnnila, Kulchin, Hall, Packard NOES: None ATTEST: 1 2 -I 5 4 G 7 E C 11 1: 1: 1 1 1 A RESOLUTIOX OF THE PLAhiING COMMlSSlON OF THE CITY OF C.AR.LSBAD, CI4LIFOTchiIA, APPROVmG A COASTAT., DEVELOPMEXT PEWlIT TO DEVELOP ‘43 18 HOLE CI-IAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE WITH CLUBHOL‘SE AND PRACTICE FACILITIES ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED K’ORTH OF PALOW AIRPORT ROAD AND EAST A?lD WEST OF COLLEGE BOULEVARD I5 LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONES 5 AND 8. *- CASE NAME: GA.RLSBm h.1CTNICIpAL GOLF COLRSE .--.- CASE NO; CDP 97-25 WHEREAS, The City of Carisbad, “Developer acd Owncr”, has filed a verified application regarding propmy described as -4pprolrimately 397 acres north of Pdomar Airport Road and west of Palomar Airport including Assessor’s Parcel Numbers [5,7,11,12,13] 213-041-[ 12-3q; 212-081-[2-21]; 212-OSZ-[l-lO] j 2 12-20 1- (“the Property”); and WHEREAS, said verified applicahn constitutes a request for a Coaclal Developmeat Pcrmit as shown on Exhibits UAn - “H” dated June 7, 2000, on tilo in tho Planning Depaziment, CABLS8A.D MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE, CDP 97-25 i~s providcd by Chapkr 21.201.040 of tie Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS. the Planning Cornmission did, 011 the 1st day of Aprjl1998 and thc 7th day of June 2000, hl I a duly noticed public hewing AS prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, elements of the projcct approved au April 1, 1998 have been changed and or deleted and tho fnal project design is sham on cxbibits dated June 7! WEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimon) 2nd argum~~ts, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered dl factors relating to the Coasrd Development Pmit, EXHIBITNO. 2 APPLICATION NO. A-6-Cl I-00-08‘ City of Carlsbad Resolution No. . I I 1 /-.. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by thc Planning Commission cf the Ciry of Czrlsbad a fw!lows: -4) €3) That the forceoing tecirarions are true and corrcct. That based on the evidence prescnted at the public healin$, the Commission on the following findings and subject to the following conditions: APPROVE3 CARLSBAD MWICIPAL GOLF COURSE, CDI' 97-25 based Findinvs: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. .II ts That the proposed development is in conformame with the Certified Local Coastal Program and all applicable policies in that the proposcd project is in compliance with all of the development standards of the underlying zouc and consistcnt with the intent of the individual policies of the applicable Local Coastal Program overlay zones. That the project is in conformity With the public access and public recrcition policies of Chapter 3 of the Coasts1 Act iu that the project is fully accessiblo to the public; dots not interfere with the public's right of access to the sea; public trail parking is provided; the site fs not suited for water-oriehted recreational activities; the site is not Oceanfront land and, the project offers recreation for the locat community as well as visitors within the coastai mnc. That grading from October I to February 14 is the preferred season in that grading operations during the summer months will conflict with the brroding season of thc California gnatcatcher. That consistent with the intent of a ncs-net-losa of dual critrria slopes, 13.1 acrcs of ''dual-criteria" slopes within the projcct site but outsidc of the Coastal Zoue are being presened, 423 acrcs of dopes less than 25% but with habitat are brine presemd, and a re-vegthtion plan will be implcmented as part of an overall mitigation program which wEll include the restoration of 1.04 wrcs OC habitat on slopes in the Coastal Zone which are greater than 25%. That significant enhancement of the riparian vegetation in tho creek bed, off-site mitigation and avoidance of the .22 acres of frcsh water marsh is consistent with tbc Local Coastal Program goal to provide the best wildlifc habitat cbaraetcristics. That a restriction on grading during the wjnter rainy season (October 1 - April 1) in addition to a restriction during the gnatcatcher breeding season (February 15 - August 31) maks the project infeasibie in that no reasonable annual time period rcrnains in which a project of this scope coukd be completed. That implementation of the project mitigation measures will result in 3 net gain o! coastal slopes with signiflcnnt habitat through the preservation and restoration 01 L I I( 1 1: 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 un-developable and othem5 c de . ,elopable sjopes which is consistent with the inlent of the ~oi-ista~ Refource Protection owrlay zone poticy to protect slopes. 8. That the projcct is designed to include erosion control (Chapter 21.203.040(B)(S) consistent with the intent of the Coastal Resource Protection overlay zone policy. Conditions: 1. 2, 3. 4. $ d. 6. 7. 8. 9, Staff is authorized 3nd dircctcd to make, or require Developer to m&c, all corrections and modifications to the documeEt(s) necessary to makc than internally consislcnt and in conformity with final action on thc project. Development shalJ occur substantially as shown in the approval Exhibits. Any proposed development dirkrent from this approval, shall require an amendment to this approvd. 411 of the Exhibits dated April 1,1998 shall be superseded by projcct cxhibits dated June 7,3000. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4255 shall be superseded by this Planning Commission Resolution No. 4774 The applicant shdl apply far and be issued building permits for this project within two (2) years of approval or this coastal develapmmt pcrmit will expire unless extended per Section 21.201.210 of thc Zoning Ordinance. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall apply for and obtain 3 grading permit issued by the City Engineer. All offsite, downstream improvements shaH be constructed prior to the issuance of 3 grading permit. Improvements shall be inspected and certified zs adequate and it compliance with the requirements of the Carisbad iMnster Drainage Plan and thc additiod requirements of the PM zone. The improvements shall bc maintainer during toustraction of the onsite improvementr, The facilities shall be inspected prior to onsite construction or grading and indicati if such facilities uaure continued maiutenmce. No onsite developrncnt msy taki place prior b acceptance of the drainage improvcmcnts. Construction activities shall be planned so that grading will occur is units that cw be easily completed without disturbance to gnatcatchers during their broodin\ season (March 15 - September 30). All areas disturbed by grading shall be plnntti within 60 days of the initial disturbance and with temporary or permanent (in th case of finished slopes) erosion control methods. Exposure of earth changes and natural vegetatb removal shall be kept 3t minimum. PC RES0 NO. 4774 -3- 1 1 2 3 4 e , i 1 1: 1 1 1 1 1 10. 11. 12. P. 08 Soil erosion control practices shd1 be used against "onsite" soil erosion. These includc keeping soil covercd with temporary or permanent vegetation or with mulch matcrials, special grading procedures, diversion structures to divert surlm runoff from exposed soils, and grade stabilization structures to control surface watcr. "Sediment coutT01" practices shall be applied BS a pcrirneter protcction to prevcnt offsite drainage. Preventing sediment from leaving the sitc shdI be atcomplished hy such methods as diversion ditches: sediment tmps, vegetative filters, mid scdiincw basins, The project shalI be re-designed LO avoid 311 impacts to fresh water marsh. TPSSED. APPROVED -AND ADOPTED at a regular mcctjng of the Planning Commission of thc City of Carlsbaci, CaIifomia, held on the 7th Jay of June,-2000, by tlie following YO tc, to wir: AYES : Chairperson Cornpas, Commissioners Baker, Heinernan, L'Heureux, Nielsen, Segafl, and Trip CARLSB~ PLA~NNING OMM MISSION ATTEST: Planning Dimor PC ESO JO. 477. 4- . EXHIBITNO. 4 APPLICATION NO A-6-C I I-00-01, Carlsbad City Golf Course Previous Design I y;i,f,-rpti --~-2l CCPP s51cn ~~ EXHIBIT NO. 5 APPLICATION NO. A-6-Cll-00-087 I Carlsbad City Golf I Course I Revised Design i I ~- - -- * L -- CARLSBAD MUN!CIPAL GOLF COURSE HABITAT IMPACT COMPARISON TABLE . -- Dual Criteria Slopes [Acres %] 8.5 (16.6) I 3.7 (7.2) 1 8.9 I I I 1 Coastal Sage Scrub [Acres] 1 Nonnative Grassland [Acres] I 94.1 73.3 25.9 24.8 0.5 0.2 Wetlands [Acres] 2.5 io ' 13 l4 I4 1 I Gnatcatchers Present [Number] Gnatcatchers Impacted [Number] 2 21.3 14.2 27.9 28.3 I I I I I I I I 1 Southern Maritime Chaparral [Acres] 1 0.4 0 3.6 1.6 *Substantial reduction in impacts to two gnatcatcher use areas has been incorporated; however, the analysts has conservatively retained the same number of gnatcatchers impacted. I A-6-C11-00-087 - Course Habitat lmcacts L alifornia Coastal Commission CarlscaaGsifCouner.aclrarlmo~c! CornDarison Tzl Tigvre 8 - Revised 1 City Golf Course A-6-C 11-00-087 " -=+-El- Revised Figure 8 City Golf Course 3 3 EXHIBITNO. 9 APPLICATION NO. A-6-CII-00-087 Existing Resources on Carlsbad Golf Course Site c . Exhibit 10 Mello I1 Land Use PladCarlsbad HMP Policy j-l.lO/Section 7-9 Upland Habi at Mitigation Requirem-nts Where impacts to the habitats stated in 3-1.9/7-1 are allowed, mitigation shall be provided as follows: a. The no net loss standard shall be satisfied as stated in 3-1.9/7-8. Typically this will consist of creation of the habitat type being impacted (or substantial restoration where allowed) at a ratio of at least 1 : 1 as provided in the HMP. b. Onsite preservation is not eligible for mitigation credit in the coastal zone except as provided in subsection g. below. c. Impacts to Coastal Sage Scrub shall be mitigated at an overall ratio of 2: 1, with the creation component satisfying half of the total obligation. The remainder of the mitigation obligation shall be satisfied pursuant to the provisions of the HMP. d. Impacts to Southern Maritime Chaparral or Maritime Succulent Scrub shall be mitigated at an overall ratio of 3: 1 , with the creation component satisfying one-third of the total obligation. The remainder of the mitigation component shall be satisfied pursuant to the provisions of the HMP. e. Impacts to Southern Mixed Chaparral, Native Grassland and Oak Woodland shall be mitigated respectively at ratios of 1 : 1 , 2: 1 and 3 : 1 , with the creation component satisfying the obligation of one-third of the total obligation. The remainder of the mitigation obligation shall be satisfied pursuant to the provisions of the HMP. f. Mitigation for impacts within the coastal zone should be provided within the coastal zone if possible, particuarly the 1 : 1 creation component, in order to have no net loss of habitat within the coastal zone. Mitigation measures on land outside the Coastal Zone may be acceptable if such mitigation would clearly result in higher levels of habitat protection and value and/or would provide significantly greater mitigation ratios and the mitigation area is part of the HMP. Land area inside and outside the coastal zone which serves as mitigation for habitat impacts in the coastal zone shall be permanently retired from development potential and secured as part of the HMP preserve management plan as a condition of development approval. APPLICATION NO A-6-C 11-00-0 Carlsbad HMP Buffer and Mitigation (5 3’ h. i. j. Oniste or off-site open space preserve areas may be utilized to satisfy required mitigation for habitat impacts associated with development if the preserve areas are disturbed and suitable for the 1 : 1 mitigation component requiring creation or substantial restoration of new habitat. Substantial restoration is reSKOratiOn that has the effect of qualitatively changing habitat type and may meet the creation requirement if it restores a habitat type that was historically present, but has suffered habitat conversion or such extreme degradation that most of the present dominant species are not part of the original vegetation. Substantial restoration constrasts with enhancement activities whch include weeding or planting within vegetation that retains its historical character, and restoration of disturbed areas to increase the value of existing habitat which may meet other mitigation requirements pursuant to the HMP. Habitat mitigation requirements other than the creation or substantial restoration component may be partially or wholly fulfilled by acquisition OT existing like habitat andor retirement of development credits on existing like habitat with permanent preservation as part of the HMP preserve management plan. All mitigation areas, onsite and offsite, shall be secured with a conservation easement in favor of the wildlife agencies. In addition, a preserve management plan shall be prepared for the mitigation areas, to the satisfaction of the City, the wildlife agencies and the Coastal Commission. The preserve management plan shall ensure adequate funding to protect the preserve as open space and to maintain the biological values of the mitigation areas in perpetuity. Management provisions and funding shall be in place prior to any impacts to habitat. At a minimu, monitoring reports shall be required as a condition of development approval after the first and third year of habitat mitigation efforts. The preserve management plan shall be incorporated into the Implemenation Plan of the LCP through an LCP amendment within one year of Commission certification of the HMP as part of the certified LCP. If any conflict should arise between the Policies of the LCP and the provisions of the HMP, the LCP shall take precedence. Policy 3--1.lYSection 7-1 1 Buffers and Fuel Modification Zones Buffers shall be provided between all preserved habitat areas and development. Minimum buffer widths shall be provided as follows: a. 100 ft. for wetlands b. C. 50 ft. for riparian areas 20 ft. for all other native habitats (coastal sage scrub, southern maritime chaparral, maritime succulent scrub, southern mixed chaparral, native grassland. oak woodland) Any proposed reductions in buffer widths for a specific site shall require sufficient information to determine that a buffer of lesser width will protect the identified resources. Such information shall include, but is not limited to, the size and type of the development and/or proposed mitigation (such as planting ofvcgc.ii"rion or the construction of fencing) that will also achieve the prposes of the buffer. The California Depiiitxezt of Fish and Game, the US. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Coastal Commission staff shall be consulted in such buffer determinations. No development, grading or alterations, including clearing of vegetation, shall occur in the buffer area, except for: a. Modification Zone 3 to a maximum of 20 ft. for upland and non-riparian habitat. No fuel modification shall take place within 50 ft. of riparian areas, wetlands or oak woodland. b. For buffer areas 50 ft. or greater in width, recreation trails and public pathways within the first 15 feet of the buffer closest to the development, provided that constuction of the trail or pathway and its proposed use is consistent with the preservation goals for the adjacent habitat, and that appropriate measures are taken for physical separation from sensitive areas. Buffer areas that do not contain native habitat shall be landscaped using native plants. Signage and physical barriers such as walls or fences shall be required to minimize edge effects of development. STATE OF CtUFORNIA --THE RESOURCES AGENCY GRAY DAVIS, Governor ~- CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION SAN DIEGO AREA 75 METROPOLITAN DRIVE, SUITE 103 $1 DIEGO, CA 92108-4402 (t19) 767-2370 Fri 13a Addendum August 5,2003 To: Commissioners and Interested Persons From: California Coastal Commission San Diego Staff Subject: Addendum to CITY OF CARLSBAD COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION NO. A-6-CII-00-087, for the Commission Meeting of August 6-8,2003 Staff recommends the following changes be made to the above-referenced staff report: 1. On page 4, revise Special Condition 2.i. as follows: &. Goals, objectives and success criteria. The plan shall include quantitative success criteria that clearly relate to the goals and objectives of the habitat restoration program. These quantitative success criteria shall be based on sampling reference sites or on pertinent published reports. The success criteria shall include minimum requirements for species diversity and cover of shrubs, subshrubs, and herbaceous species. At a minimum, five years after the initial planting, the restored areas Mshall support at least 10 native species appropriate to characterize the vegetation type and have evidence of recruitment of at least one-half of these species. Weeds sktxikl shall be controlled as specified in ($0 above and never constitute more than 10 percent of the total cover. €we .. .. 2. On page 4, revise Special Condition 2.j. as follows: a. At the completion of the mitigationhestoration effort, the restoration specialist shall prepare a letter report indicating that the installation is finished and that the -&-year monitoring period has begun. Monitoring reports shall be submitted to the City and the Executive Director annually forb five years. If at the end of &me five years, any of the restored areas fail to meet the yea4wee s-km&&s success criteria as contained in the final mitigation plan, the monitoring and maintenance period will be extended one full year for that area. 4 Final monitoring for success shall occur after at least a three-year period during which there has been no 9 .. 5 Addendum to A-6-CII-00-087 Page 2 remediation or maintenance, other than weeding. If the success criteria are not met after 6 years, an amendment to the permit shall be required. 3. On page 6, amend Special Condition 4.a as follows: The installation of plant materials on the site, except for polf course turf within the plaving and practice areas, shall consist only of drought-tolerant native or non- invasive plant materials. Within buffers adiacent to native habitat, only native plant materials shall be installed. To the extent feasible, native grasses shall be utilized in "rough" areas. 4. On page 12, amend Special Condition 11 as follows: 11. Protection of the Coastal California Gnatcatcher. To prevent breedinghesting season impacts to the coastal California gnatcatcher (Polioptila califomica californica), the permittee shall not undertake any clearing or grading activities on the golf course site ' between March 1 and August 15, unless approved in writing by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and Game. Herbicide, pesticide and/or fertilizer applications shall occur outside of a 100-foot exclusion zone to avoid drift towards nesting areas. A worker education program shall be implemented to ensure that all golf course construction and maintenance workers know the location of all gnatcatcher nests and are aware of the above-described protection measures. During the non-breeding season (August 16 through February 28), if construction activities will produce noise levels =eater than 60 db, gnatcatcher-occupied habitats within the habitat preserve areas shall be shielded from the sight and sound of such activities taking place within 50 feet of the occupied habitat, using the followinP technique. During construction, the gnatcatcher habitat will be shielded from sight and sound by 8-foot high, solid 1-inch thick barriers. A biological monitor must be onsite daily to ensure that the construction activities are having no negative impact on gnatcatchers. The permittee shall staff a qualified monitoring biologist on-site during all CSS clearing and any other proiect-related work adiacent to CSS to be avoided. The biologist must be knowledgeable of gnatcatcher biology and ecology. The permittee shall ensure that prior to and during the clearing of coastal sage scrub and/or any other suitable matcatcher habitats outside the matcatcher breeding season, the biologist shall locate any individual gnatcatchers on-site and direct clearing to begin in an area away from birds. In addition, the biologist shall walk ahead of clearing equipment to flush birds towards areas of habitat that will be avoided andor which are located within the permanent preserve areas. 5. On Page 12, add Special Condition ## 13 as follows: 13. Anv future revisions to the golf course layout and/or design which may be necessary to address golf course operations or any other reason shall require an /o amendment to this permit. Anv such revisions to the golf course shall occur within .. I Addendum to A-6-CII-00-087 Page 3 the approved developable area in the least environmentally damaging manner that is most protective of the sensitive resources within the habitat preserve. No impacts to resources within the preserve shall be permitted. 6. On Page 18, amend the first complete paragraph as follows: As provided in Policy 7- 1.lO.i of the Mello I1 LUP and Section 7-9.h. of the Carlsbad HMP, all onsite habitat preservation areas and all mitigation areas (onsite and offsite) that will be utilized to address onsite impacts to habitat, shall be secured with conservation easements in favor of the California Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Additionally, Special Condition #13 requires that any future revisions to the golf course layout and/or design shall require an amendment to the coastal development permit, and that such revisions shall occur within the approved developable area in the least environmentally damaging manner that is most protective of the sensitive resources within the habitat preserve. Such revisions shall not impact resources within the onsite habitat preservation areas and/or mitigation areas. 7. On Page 20, insert the following language after the first incomplete paragraph: On June 12,2003, the Commission approved with modifications an amendment to the City’s certified LCP (CAR LCPA 1 -03B) which incorporated the HMP into the LCP. and revised the Mello I, Mello I1 and Ama Hedionda land use plans for consistency. The Commission found that the HMP would allow impacts to individual areas of ESHA for uses that are not dependent on the ESHA. which is inconsistent with Sections 30240 of the Coastal Act. However, allowing these impacts strengthens the City’s ability to concentrate proposed development contiguous with existing urban development. and away from the most sensitive habitat areas, as required by Section 30250. As a result, meater resource benefits would be obtained from preserving large contiguous areas of the most environmentally sensitive vepetation and wildlife areas rather than preserving all fragmented pieces of habitat in place. For these reasons, in resolving the identified Coastal Act conflicts, the Commission found that the concentration of development adi acent to existing urban development and infrastructure, and away from sensitive natural resources would be, on balance. more protective of the land resources than to require that isolated areas of habitat be retained in an area adi acent to residential development. Therefore, the Commission found that approval of the HMP, with modifications, would on balance be the most protective option for the relevant coastal resources. The City has accepted the Commission’s Director’s determination that the City has accepted the suggested modifications, the LCP amendment will become effective at the Commission’s August 2003 meeting. 1 8. On Page 22, insert the following language after the third complete sentence of the first incomplete paragraph: ., * Addendum to A-6-CII-00-087 Page 4 Holes 12-16 of the current golf course design are located adjacent to the onsite riparian corridor. The estimated buffers for these holes range from 10 feet to 80 feet in width as follows: Hole 12: 25’-43’ Hole 13: 50’-80’ Hole 14: 10’-15’ Hole 15: 10’-65’ Hole 16: 10’-47’ These buffers shall be clearly delineated on the final development plan and final revegetation plan that will be submitted in compliance with Special Conditions #1 [Final Development Plans) and #3 (Restoration for Construction Impacts). Within the coastal zone, the golf - course design eliminates all permanent impacts to wetlands and riparian areas, and minimizes impacts to native upland habitat and steep slopes. In order to achieve these impact reductions, and develop a full-size golf course that meets PGA championship-level design and play standards, reduced buffers along certain areas of the onsite creek corridor have been allowed to avoid increased upland habitat impacts. No permanent post-construction impacts to the riparian area will be allowed. Special Condition #3 requires that a detailed plan be prepared to show the location and nature of temporary riparian impacts, if any are necessary for construction of the golf cart path crossings. and that an approved plan for construction of the two golf cart path crossings shall be provided consistent with Special Conditions #1 and #3. The permit conditions for runoff control, erosion prevention, water quality monitoring:, riparian area impact mitigation, pesticide and fertilizer application, and allowable plantings and activities in buffer areas, provide very comprehensive and stringent requirements to ensure that the same level of protection is provided for the creek with the proposed buffer reductions as with the full-width 50-foot buffer that would otherwise be required. Additionally, permanent riparian impacts have been avoided through the elimination of the most northwesterly cart path in the original development proposal. which was located between Holes 12 and 13 and would have crossed the riparian corridor. The central cart path will modify and utilize an existing farm road and bridge design to avoid permanent impacts for this crossing. The aliment of the eastern cart path between Holes 15 and 16 was also modified to avoid wetland impacts. The City revised the bridge desinn to include a lengthened bridge suan so that the new pilings are located outside the riparian corridor. Special Condition 4.b. requires that the applicant provide a list of proposed plants to be used in the buffer areas, and shall indicate the type and location of any proposed barriers, signage or other methods that will be utilized to separate golf course activities from protected habitat, wetlands and/or riparian area. These separation methods are intended to inform the public and golf course workers of the presence and location of protected habitat, and reduce the likelihood that ., ’ ’ Addendum to A-6-CII-00-087 Page 5 adverse impacts will result from golf course activities accidentally extending into the habitat, such as lost balls, trash, and trampling of vegetation. 9. On Page 23, insert the following paragraph after the end of the first complete paragraph: As the baseline success criterion for mitigation, five years after the initial planting, the restored areas shall support at least 10 native species appropriate to characterize the vegetation twe and have evidence of recruitment of at least one- half of these species. Commission biological staff has determined that a five-year restoration period is appropriate for this vegetation community. As an additional protection, final monitoring for success should occur after at least a three-year period which has not required remediation or maintenance, other than weeding. At the end of five years, if any of the restored areas fail to meet the success criteria, the monitoring and maintenance period shall be extended for one year. If after six years the success criteria are not met, an amendment to the permit shall be required. 10. On Page 24, amend the third complete paragraph as follows: Special Condition #4 requires that a detailed final landscape plan shall be submitted for the proposed development, and shall include information on the type, size, extent and location of all proposed vegetation and any necessary irrigation. Only drought-tolerant or non-invasive plants may be installed on the site+Awki+g -. Within buffers adi acent to native habitat, only native plant materials compatible with the adjacent habitat shall be installed, to ensure maximum protection for the integrity of the onsite preserve areas. The requirements for drought-tolerant, native plants do not apply to those areas of the site that will be used for golf course play or practice, since those areas are generally required to contain irrigated turf (grass). However, native masses are encouraged when feasible. 11. On Page 24, amend the final incomplete sentence as follows: Special Condition #11 piahA&s requires seasonal prohibition of clearing and grading activities on the golf course site during the gnatcatcher breedinghesting season (March 1 -August 15)’ to provide additional protection for the onsite gnatcatchers and avoid take of their young. This seasonal prohibition is intended to ensure that even in those development areas where take of gnatcatchers is proposed, breeding pairs and nestlings will not be impacted. For additional protection, application of herbicide, pesticide and/or fertilizer is also prohibited within the seasonal 1 00-foot exclusion zone. During the non-breeding season, gnatcatcher-occupied habitat located within the identified preserve areas shall be permanently protected from construction activities that will produce noise at greater than 60 db, by requiring sight and sound bamers at least 50 feet from the occupied habitat to prevent possible disruption of the Pnatcatchers’ foraging and territory occupation due to construction disturbances. The permittee must also /3 ' * Addendum to A-6-CII-00-087 Page 6 provide a qualified biologist to monitor construction activities and assist construction workers to avoid impacts to gnatcatchers and/or occupied habitat. 12. Replace Exhibits 8 and 9 with the following revised Exhibits 8 and 9. E:\Reports\AppealsVOOO~-6-CII-O0-087 .stfprt.addendum.doc I mCalitomilok1 Commission Metropolitan Drive, Suite 7U3 -‘-J-’ - - !%I nipnn .CA 921 08-4421 - ‘17 - .. THE-SOLE PURPOSE OF’THJS NOTICE IS TO INFORM THE APPLICANT OF THE STEPS NECESSARY TO OBTAIN A VALID AND EFFECTIVE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT (“CDP”). A Coastal Development Permit for the development described below has been approved but is not yet effective. Development on the site cannot commence until the CDP is effective: In order for the CDP to be effective, Commission-staff must issue the. CDP to he applicant, and the applicant must sign and return the CDP. Commission staff cannot issue the CDP until the applicant has fulfilled each of the “prior to issuance” Special Conditions. A list of all of the Special Conditions for this permit is attached. issibn’s approval of the CDP is valid for two years from the date of approval. To prevent expiration of the-CDP, you‘must fulfill the “prior to issuance” Special Conditions, ,obtain and sign the CDP, and commence development within two years of the approval date specified below. You may apply for an extension of the permit pursuant to the Commission’s regulations at Cal. Code Regs. title 14, section 131 69. On August 8,2003; the California Coastal Commission approved Coastal Development Permit- No. A-6-Cll-00-087, requested by City of Carlsbad, Aftn: Michael Holzrniller subject to the attached conditions, for development consisting of: Development of an 18 hole championship golf course, clubhouse, parking lot, maintenance facilities, driving range, conference center and pads for future industrial/golf related uses on 397 acre site.. More specifically described in the application file in the Commission offices. Cornmission staff will not issue the CDp until the “prior to issuance” special conditions have been satisfied. The development is with‘in the coastal zone in North of Palornar Airport Road and sasf and west of College- boulevard, Mello II, Carlsbad, (San Diego County) 155- 1 04-04. NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE PERMIT (Upon satisfaction of special conditibns) Date: August 28,2003 Permit Application No.: A-6-Cll-00-087 . Page 2 of 17 if YOU have any questions regarding how to fulfill the “prior to issuance” Special Conditions for CDP No. A-6-CII-00-087, please contact the Coastal Program Analyst identified below. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The undersigned permittee acknowledges receipt of this Notice and fully understands its contents, includi Please sign and return one copy J this form to the Commission office at the above address. STANDARD CONDITIONS 1. Notice of Receipt and Acknowledcrment. The permit is not valid and development shall not commence until a copy of the permit, signed by the permittee or authorized agent, acknowledging receipt of the permit and acceptance of the terms and conditions, is returned to the Commission office. 2. Expiration. If development has not commenced, the permit will expire hn/o years from the date on which the Commission voted on the application, Development shall be pursued in a diligent manner and completed in a reasonable period of time, Application for extension of the permit must be made prior to the expiration date. Intermetation. Any questions of intent or interpretation of any condition will be resolved by the Executive Director or the Commission, 3. NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE PERMIT (Upon satisfaction of special conditions) Date: August 28, 2003 Permit Application No.: A-6-CII-00-087 Page 3 of 17 4, Assicrnrnent. The permit may be assign4 to any qualified person, provided assignee files with the Commission an affidavit accepting all terms and conditions of the permit. 5. Terms and Conditions Run with the Land. These terms and conditions shall be perpetuaf, and it is the intention of the Commission and the permittee to bind all future owners and possessors of the subject property to the terms and conditions. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: . The permit is subject to the following conditions: 1, Final Develmment Plans. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit to the Executive Directcr for review and written approval, detailed final plans for the proposed development that include site, building, grading and drainage plans. Said plans shall be in substantial conformance with the plan entitled "City of Carlsbad Golf Course Revisions" submitted with LCPA 1-03B (Habitat Management Plan) on February 7, 2003 and shGll cor~ly with the following: a. There shall be no impacts to southern maritime chaparral habitat within the Coastal Zone portion of the project. Impacts to coastal'sage scrub shall be consistent with the approved development plan and shall be mitigated as addressed in Condition #2 below. Any temporary impacts to wetland and/or riparian areas for the purpose of constructing golf cart path crossings shall be restored as addressed in Condition #3 below. b. The conservation and development areas for the golf course property shall be consistent with the golf course hardline map (Figure 8 Revised) in the City of Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan (HMP). Areas shown for conservation shall not be impacted or disturbed except for revegetation, restoration and other similar activities related to mitigation, Areas shown for impact may be fully developed with appropriate mitigation. The permittee shall undertake the development in accordance with the approved plans. Any proposed changes to the approved plans shall be reported , NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE PERMIT (Upon satisfaction of special conditions) , Date: August 28,2003 Permit Application No.: A-6-CII-00-087 Page4of 17 to the Executive Director. No changes to the plans shall occur without a Coastal Commission approved amendment to this coastal development permit unless we . Executive Director determines that no amendment is legally required, 2. Mitigation for URhd Habitat ImDacts. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit to the Execuiive Director for review and written approval, a final detailed coastal sage scrub mitigation plan. Said plan shalt be developed in consultation with the 11,s. Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and Game, and shall include the following: - a. Preparation of a detailed site plan delineating all areas and types of impact to upland habitat species (both permanent and temporary) and the exact acreage of each impact. In addition, a detailed site plan of the mitigation sites shall also be included. b. Impacts to coastal sage scrub shall be mitigated at not less than a ratio of 2:l I C, Mitigation methods shalf be consistent with those approved in Section 7-9 of the second addendum to the Carlsbad HMP and Policy 7-1.1 0.of the Mello II Land Use Plan of the Carlsbad LCP, as provided in Exhibit IO. d. A minimum buffer of 20 feet shall be provided between development as defined in Section 30106 of the Coastal Act, and native upland habitat, except as otherwise provided in Section 7-1 1 of the second addendum the Carlsbad HMP and Policy 3-1.12 of the Mello II Land Use Plan of the Carlsbad LCP, as provided in Exhibit 10. e. Location where the seeds will be collected and identification of plant species to be used for the restoration area;. f. Application rate (ems. pounds per acre of seeding effort); g. Methods of weed eradication. No weed whips shall be permitted after installation of the seed mixes; h. Designation of a qualified botanist to supervise the restoration effort; NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE PERMIT (Upon satisfaction of special conditions) Date: August 28,2003 Permit Application No.: A-6-Cll-00-087 Page 5 of 77 Goals, objectives and success criteria. The plan shall include quantitative success criteria that clearly relate to the goals and objectives of the habitat restoration program. These quantitative success criteria shall be based on sampling reference sites or on pertinent published reports. The success critieria shall include minimum requirements for species diversity and cover of shrubs, SUbShrUbS, and herbaceous species. At minimum, five years after the initial planting, the restored areas shall support at feast 7 0 native species appropriate to characterize the vegetation type and have evidence of recruitment of at least one-half of these species. Weeds shall be controlled as specified in (9) above and never constitute more than 7 0 percent of the total cover. At completion of the mitigation/restoration effort, the restoration specialist shall prepare a letter report indicating that the installation is finished and that the five-year monitoring perlod has begun. Monitoring reports shall be submitted to the City and the Executive Director annually for five years. If at the end of five years, any Of the restored areas fail to meet the success criteria as contained in the final mitigatlon plan, the monitoring and maintenance period will be extended one full year for that area. Final monitoring for success shall occur after at least a three-year period during which there has been no remediation or maintenance, other than weeding. If the success critieria are not met after 6 years, an amendment to the permit shall be required. The permittee shall undertake development in accordance with the approved mitigation/restoration plan. Any proposed changes to the approved plans shall be reported to the Executive Director. No changes to the plans shall occur without a Coastal Commission approved amendment to this coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is legally required. 3. Restoration for Construction Impacts. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, if any temporary wetland and/or riparian impacts are proposed, the applicant shall submit a detailed revegetation plan indicating the type, size, extent and location of all plant materials, any proposed irrigation system and any other landscape features necessary to revegetate any proposed temporary wetland and/or riparian impacts. The restoration program shall be developed in consultation with the US. Department of Fish and Wildlife and the California Department of Fish and Game, and at a minimum shall include: 'I NOTfCE OF INTENT TO ISSUE PERMIT (Upon satisfaction of special conditions) Date: August 28,2003 Permit Application No. : A-6-CII-00-087 Page6of 17 Before/After Survev. The condition Of the wetland and/or riparian revegetation and substrate under the two approved golf cart crossing locations shall be documented prior to construction, and the extent of proposed temporary impacts shall be identified. The extent of impacts to the vegetation and substrate.shall be assessed and documented after completion of the repairs. Temporary wetland and/or riparian impacts shall be revegetated at a ratio of 1 :l. There shall be no wetland impacts except for those temporary impacts associated with construction of the two approved golf cart crossings. No permanent wetland or riparian impacts shall be allowed. a. The following goals, objectives and performance standards for the rest0 ra tion sites : 1, Full restoration of all wetland- and/or riparian impacts that are identified as temporary. Restoratlon of temporarily impacted areas shall include, at a minimum, restoration of before-impact elevations, restoration of before-impact hydrology, removul of all non-native plant species, and replanting with locally collected native wetland and/or riparian plant species. After construction and restoration, a permanent minimum buffer of 100 feet shall be provided between development and wetlands, and a minimum buffer of 50 feet shall be provided between development and riparian area, except as shown on the Tity of Carlsbad Golf Course Revisions" plan dated February 78 2003. For the two approved golf cart path crossings and the golf course playing areas adjacent to the riparian area as shown on the plan, an average minimum post-construction buffer of 50 feet shall be provided between new development and wetlands, and an average minimum post-construction buffer of 25 feet shall be provided between new development and riparian areas, consistent with Policy 3-1 J2 of the Mello II Land Use Plan and Section 7-1 1 of the Carlsbad HMP, as provided in Exhibit 10, unless otherwise approved by the Executive Director in a manner consistent with the final, approved development plans and mitigation/restoration plans. The buffer between development and riparian/wetland habitat for these referenced areas shall not be less than 10 feet in width at any one point, 2. '. ' .. NOTfCE OF INTENT TO ISSUE PERMIT (Upon satisfaction of special conditions) Date: August 28,2003 Permit Application No.: A-6-CII-00-087 Page 7 of 17 3. As shown on the plan entitled "City of Carlsbud Golf Course Revisions" submitted with LCPA 1-038 (Carlsbad HMP) on February 7, 2003, and consistent with the golf course hardline map (Figure 8 Revised) in the Carlsbad HMP, golf cart path crossing ## 1 shall utilize the existing farm road, and crossing #2 shall utilize a bridge span structure. No permanent riparian impacts shall occur for either crossing. Success criteria and final performance monitoring shall provide at least a 90% coverage of areas disturbed by construction activities within 1 year of completion of construction activities. 4. 5. The final design and construction methods that wilt be used to ensure the restoration sites achieve the defined goals, objectives and performance standards. Submittal, within 30 days of completion of initial restoration work, of post-restoration plans demonstrating that the restoration sites have been established in accordance with the approved design and construction methods. 6. Construction impacts to sensitive habitat areas (ens., coastal sage and other native upland habitat, wetlands, and riparian areas) shall be avoided by identifying and staking all sensitive habitats outside the project footprint, and educating the construction crews about the importance of these habitats and need for protection. The permittee shall undertake development in accordance with the approved restoration plan. Any proposed changes to the approved plans shall be reported to the Executive Director. No changes to the plans shall occur without a Coastal Commission approved amendment to this coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is legally required. 4. Final Landscape Plans. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit to the Executive Director for review and written approval, a detailed final landscape plan for the proposed development, Said plan shall show the type, size, extent and location of all proposed vegetation and any necessary irrigation, and shall provide the following information and/or commit to the following requirements: NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE PERMIT (Upon satisfaction of special conditions) Date: August 28,2003 Permit Application No.: A-dCll-00-087 Page 8 of 17 a. The installation of plant materials on the site, except for golf course turf within the playing and practice ureas, shall consist only of drought-tolerant native or non-invasive plant materials. Within buffers adjacent to native habitat, only native plant materials shall be installed. To the extent feasible, native grasses shall be utlilired in "rough" areas, b. Required habitat buffers, as provided in Special Condition #2, shall be identified. The applicant shall provide a list of proposed plants to be used in the buffer areas, and shall indicate the type and location of any proposed .. barriers, signage or other methods that will be utilized to separate galf course activities from protected native habitat, wetlands and/or riparian area. e. A planting schedule that indicates the planting plan will be implemented within 60 days of completion of construction. d. A written commitment by the applicant that all required plantings will be maintained in good growing condition, and whenever necessary, will be replaced with new plant materials to- ensure continued compliance. e. A written commitment by the applicant that five years from the date of . opening of the golf course, the applicant will submit for ihe review and written approval of the Executive Director, a landscape monitoring report, prepared by a licensed Landscape Architect or qualified Resource Specialist, that certifies the on-site landscaping is in conformance with the landscape plan approved pursuant to this Special Condition. The monitoring report shall include photographic documentation of plant species and plant coverage. f. If the landscape monitoring report indicates the landscaping is not in conformance with or has failed to meet the performance standards specified in the landscaping plan approved pursuant to this permit, the applicant, or successors in interest, shall submit a revised or supplemental landscape plan for the review and approval of the Executive Director, The revised landscaping plan must be prepared by a licensed Landscape Architect or a qualified Resource Specialist and shall specify measures to remediate those portions of the original plan that have failed or are not in conformance with the original approved plan, NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE PERMIT (Upon satisfaction of special conditions) Date: August 28, 2003 Permit Application No.: A-6-Cll-00-087 Page 9 of 17 The permittee shall undertake development in accordance with the approved landscaping plans. Any proposed changes to the approved landscaping plans shall be reported to the Executive Director. No changes to the plans shall occur without a Coastal Commission approved amendment to this coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is legally required. 5. Erosion Control Plans. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit to the Executive Director for review and written approval, an erosion and sediment control plan for the proposed development, prepared by a qualified resource specialist. The plan shall be in substantial conformance with the following requirements: a. b. C. The plan shall delineate the areas to be disturbed by grading or construction activities and shall include any temporary access roads, stuging areas and stockpile areas. The natural areas on the site shall be clearly delineated on the project site with fencing or survey flags. Nc grading or staging of equipment or supplies shall occur in the protected areas. The plan shall specify that if grading occurs during the rainy season (October 1 -March 31), the applicant undertake the following protective measures to assure offsite sedimentation is minimized to the maximum extent feasible: install or construct temporary sediment busins (including debris basins, desilting basins or silt traps). temporary drains and swales, sand bag barriers and/or silt fencing: stabilize any stockpiled fill with geofabric covers or other appropriate cover; install geotextiles or mats on all cut or fill slopes; and close and stabilize open trenches as soon as possible. These erosion and sediment control measures shall be required on the project site prior to or concurrent with the initial grading operations and maintained throughout the development process. All sediment should be retained on-site unless removed to an approved dumping location either outside the coastal zone or to a site within the coastal zone permitted to receive fill, The plan shall also include temporary erosion control measures should grading or site preparation cease for a period of more than 30 days, including but not limited to: stabilization of all stockpiled fill, access roads, disturbed soils and cut and fill slopes with geotextiles and/or mats, sand bag . I' NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE PERMIT (Upon satisfaction of special conditions) Date: August 28,2003 Pe rm i t A p p 1 ica tio n No, : A-6-CI 1-00-087 Page 1Ooi 77 barriers, and/or silt fencing: and installation of temporary drains and swales and sediment basins. These temporary erosion control measures shall be monitored and maintained until grading or construction operations Tu,, *cxne. The permittee shall undertake development in accordance with the approved erosion control plans. Any proposed changes to the approved plans shall be reported to the Executive Director. NO changes to the plans shall occur wittiout a Coastal Commission approved amendment to this coastal development pei!Tit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is legally requked. * 6. Drainaae and Polluted Runoff Control Plan. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit for the review cj7c.j approval of the Executive Director, final drainage and runoff control plans including supporting calculations. The plan shall be prepared by a licensed engineer and shall incorporate. structural and non-structural Best Management practices (BMPs) designed to reduce the pollutant load of runoff to the maximum extent feasible, and reduce or eliminate any potential increases in the volurne or velocity of runoff leaving the site. In addition to the specifications above, the plan shall be in substantial conformance with the following requirements: a. Selected BMPs (or suites of BMPs) shall be designed to treat, infiltrate or filter stormwater from each runoff event, up to and includlng the 85th percentiie, 24-hour runoff event for volume-based BMPs, and/or the 85th percentile, 1 - hour runoff event, with an appropriate safety factor, for flow-based BMPs, b. BMPs shall be selected to address the pollutants of concern for this development, including sediments, nutrients, pesticides, fertilizers, metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, trash and debris, and organic matter. C. Runoff shall be conveyed off site in a non-erosive manner; Energy dissipating measures shall be installed at the terminus of all outflow druins. d. Drainage from all roofs, parking areas, driveway area, and other impervious surfaces on the building pad,shall be directed through vegetative or other media filter devices effective at removing and/or treating contaminants such as petroleum hydrocarbons, heavy metals, and other particulates. e. Opportunities for directing runoff into pervious areas located on-site for infiltration and/or percolation of rainfall through grassy swales or vegetative filter strips, shall be maximized. B NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE PERMIT (Upon satisfaction of special conditions) Date: August 28,2003 Permit Application No. : A-6-CI 1-00-087 Page 11 of 17 f. The plan shall include prOViSiObS for maintaining the drainage system, including structural BMPs. in a functional condition throughout the life of the approved development. The plan shall include an identification of the party or entitv(ies) responsible for maintaininrr the various drainaqe systems over its lifetime and shall include wrilten acceDtance by the resDorsible entiw(ies). Such maintenwce shall include the following: (1) BMPs shall be inspected, cleaned and repaired when necessary prior to and during each rainy season, including conducting an annual inspection no later than September 30th each year and (2) should any of the project’s surface or subsurface drainage/filtration structures or other BMPs fail or result in increased erosion, the applicant/landowner or successor-in-interest shall be responsible for any necessary repairs to the drainage/filtration system or BMPs and restoration of the eroded area. Should repairs or restoration become necessary, prior to the commencement of such repair or restoration work, the applicant shall submit a repair and restoration plan to the Executive Director todetermine if an amendment to this coastal development permit or anew coastal development permit is legally required to authorize such work. g. Parking lots susceptible to stormwater should be swept with a vacuum h. The golf course shall be eqyipped with flow reducers or shutoff valves regenerative sweeper on a regular basis. triggered by a pressure drop so that broken pipes do not increase flow to the storm drains; i. The applicant shall provide, for the review and approval of the Executive Director, plans for a self-contained cart washing facility that is equipped with a pre-treatment facility, and, if significant discharge is proposed, is connected to the sanitary sewer; j, All storm drain inlet structures must be equipped with trash racks, which shall be maintained by the applicant and/or authorized agent. k. Storm drains shall be stenciled with water quality warnings indicating that the drain flows to the lagoon. The permittee shall undertake development in accordance with the approved drainage and runoff control plans, Any proposed changes to the approved NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE PERMIT (Upon satisfaction of special conditions) Date: August 28, 2003 Permit Application No.: A-6-Cll-00-087 Page 72of 17 drainage and runoff control plans shall be reported to the Executive Director. No changes to the approved plans shall occur without an amendment to this coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is legally required. DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit for the review and approvui of the Executive Director, a Water quality monitoring plan to address the quality of runoff prior to leaving the site or entering the onsite riparian area. The plan shall describe the methodology for monitoring, including specific threshold levek and sampling protocols, location of monitoring sites, schedule for monitoring, and reporting of results. The monitoring plan shall also include a contingency plan describing the actions to be taken if water quality impacts are discovered. In addition to specifications above, the plan shall be in substantial conformance with the following requirements: 7. Water Qualitv Monitoriia Plan. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL a. b. C. d, e, f. The plan shall require monitoring Of the following pollutants: nitrates, nitrites, phosphates, dissolved oxygen, pH, total suspended solids (TSS),' acute und chronic toxicity, and shall indicate the proposed sampling frequencles, Total suspended solids (TSS) shall be sampled for at the same frequency as the nutrients. The plan shall specify maximum threshold levels for each water quality parameter. The plan shall specify samplhg protocols to be used for each water quality parameter, Measurements must be precise enough to evaluate compliance with applicable water quality threshold levels. Sampling for baseline data shall be conducted a minimum of three (3) times and during different level storms to acquire a representative sample of water quality conditions at the site, Results of monitoring shall be submitted to the Executive Director annually. If any water quality threshold levels referred to above in b) are exceeded, the applicant (or successor interest) shall notify the Executive Director of the exceedances and potential impacts and within 48 hours of receipt of the monitoring data. At the same time the applicant shall consult with the Executive Director regarding the need for additional sampling to evaluate .. g. 8. NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE PERMIT (Upon satisfaction of special conditions) Date: August 28,2003 Permit Application No.: A-6-Cll-00-087 Page 13 of 17 the exceedance or corrective action to minimize water quality impacts. The applicant shall report to the Executive Director on the possible causes of the exceedance and proposed corrective actions within 30 days of the initial receipt of the data. If any water quality impacts persist after three years of detection, not withstanding any corrective actions taken by the applicant, all use of the chemicals that exceed water quality threshold levels shall cease. Turf and Pest Manaaement Plan. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit to the Executive Director fer review and approval, a detailed turf and pest management plan for the golf course portion of the development. The plan shall comply with the following requirements: a. Turf management practices shall utilize state-of-the-art envtronmental methods to minimize fertilizer use, water use and chemical pest control to the maximum extent feasible, to avoid impacts to native upland habitat, wetlands, riparian areas, and water quality. \ b. The plan shall favor non-chemical strategies over chemical strategies for managing onsite pests. Chemical strategies shall only be employed after all other strategies have been used and proven ineffective. This shall be demonstrated by providing written notice to the Executive Director of ihe non-chemical strategies that will be used, the reasons for their ineffectiveness, and the chemical strategies that are being considered. The permittee shall undertake development in accordance with the approved turf and pest management plan plans. Any proposed changes to the approved plans shall be reported to the Executive Director. No changes to the approved plans shall occur without an amendment to this coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is legally required. 9. Public Golf Course Facililv. The golf course, clubhouse, parking areas, driving range, conference center and pads for future industrial/golf related uses shall be operated as facilities open to the general public. Any proposed change in the level of public access and/or public use shall require an amendment to this permit. Signage shall be provided indicating that the onsite facilities as provided above are open to the public, .a . '. 10. NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE PERMIT (Upon satisfaction of special conditions) - Date: August 28,2003 Permit Application No.: A-6-Cil-00-087 Page 14 of 17 Open Smce and Conservation Easement. A. No development, as defined in Section 30106 of the Coastal Aci, shall B. C. occur in those areas indicated as Preservation Areas in Exhibit 7 (City Golf Course, Revised Figure 8 of the Carlsbad HMP, CAR LCPA 1-03B), except for temporary impacts associated with construction of the two approved golf cart path crosslngs, consistent with Special Condition # 3, and onsite habitat restoration/revegetation activities as pari of an approved coastal sage scm b mitigation plan, consistent with wecia1 Condition ## 2. 9 PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall execute and record a document in a form and content accepfable to the Executive Director, irrevocably offering to dedicate to a the California Department of Fish and Game and the US. Fish and Wildlife Services, or their successor agencies, an open space and conservation easement over all onsite habitat preservation areas, and all mitigation areas (onsite and/or offsite) that will be utilized to address onsite impacts to habitat. The recordeili document shall include legal descriptions of both the applicant's entire parcel and the easement area(s). The recorded document shall also reflect that development in the easement area(s) is restricted as set forth in this permit condition. The offer to dedicate shall be recorded free of prior liens and encumbrances which the Executive Director determines may affect the interest being conveyed. The offer shall run with the land In favor of the People of the State of California, binding ail successors and assignees, and shall be Irrevocable for a period of 21 years, such period running from the date of recording. .* 1 1, Protection of the Coastal California Gnatcatcher. To prevent breeding/nesting season impacts to the coastal California gnatcatcher (Polloptila californica californica). the permittee shall not undertake any clearing or grading activities on the golf course site between March 1 and August 15, unless approved in writing by the US. Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and Game. Herbicide, pesticide and/or fertilizer applications shall occur outside of a 100-foot exclusion zone to avoid drift towards nesting areas. A worker education program shall be implemented to ensure that all golf course . I) NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE PERMIT (Upon satisfaction of special conditions) Date: August 28,2003 Permit Application No.: A-6-Cll-00-087 Page15of 17 construction and maintenance workers know the location of all gnatcatchar nests and are aware of the above-described protection measures. During the non-breeding season (August 16 through February 28), if cdnstruction activities will produce noise levels greater than 60 db, gnatcatcher-occupl& habitats within the habitat preserve areas shall be shielded from the sight arl~:i sound of such activities taking place within 50 feet of the occupied habitat, ijsing the following technique. During construction, the gnatcatcher habitat will b:$ shielded from sight and sound %y.&foot high, solfd 1-inch'thick barriers. A biological monitor must be onsitedaily to ensure that the construction activities are having no negative impact on gnatcatchers. :d- The permittee shalt staff a qualified monitoring biologist on-site during all CS.? clearing and any other project-related work adjacent to CSS to be avoided, The biologist must be acknowledgeable of gnatcatcher biology and ecology. Si13 permittee shall ensure that prior to and during the clearing of coastal sage .s~..:KJ& and/or any other suitable gnatcatcher habitats outside the gnatcatcher brc,. :ding season, the biologist shall locate any individual gnatcatchers on-site and dire*:i;:t clearing to begin in an area away from birds. In addition, the biologist shali \.rialk ahead of clearing equipment to flush birds towards areas of habitat that wili )e avoided and/or which are located within the permanent preserve areas. 12. ODen SDace Restriction. A. No development, as defined in Section 30106 of the Coastal Act, st-~~ll occur In habitat buffer areas as required in Special Conditions #2 md 4, and as identified in the final landscape plans, and as described and depicted in an Exhibit attached to the Notice of Intent to Issue Permit (NOI) that the Executive Director issues for this permit, except for 1 , approved landscaping activities and plantings and/or restoration and revegetation of native habitat according to the final coastal sage scrub mitigation plan; and 6. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE BY THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE NO1 FOR THIS PERMIT, the applicant shall submit for the review and approval of the Executive Director, and upon such approval, for attachment as an Exhibit to the NOI, a formal legal description and graphic depiction of the portion of the subject properly affected by this condition, as generally described above and shown on Exhibit 7 attached to this staff report. NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE PERMIT (Upon satisfaction of special conditions) Date: August 28,2003 Permit Application No. : A-6-CI 1-00-087 Page 16of 17 .. c. PRIOR TO ANY CONVEYANCE OF THE PROPERTY THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall execute and record a deed restriction, in a form, and content acceptable to the Executive Director: (1) indicating that, pursuant to this permit, the California Coastal CGmmission 'has authorized development on the subject property, subject to terms and conditions that restrict the*-wse and enjoyment of that property (hereinafter referred to as the "Stanmrd and Special Conditions); and (2) imposing all Standard and Special Conditions of this permit as covenants, conditions and restrictions on the use and. enjoyment of the Property. The restricfibn shall include a legal description of the applicant's entire parcel or parcels. It shall also indicate that, in the event of an extinguishment or termination of the deed restriction for any reason, ithe Standard and Special Conditions of this permit shall continue to restrict the use and enjoyment of the subject property so long as either this permit or the development it authorizes - or any part, modification or amendment thereof - r*mains in existence on or with respect to the subject 13. Any future revisions to the golf course layout and/or design which may be necessary to address golf course operations or any other reason shall requirs an amendment to this permit. Any such revisions to the golf course shall occur within the approved developable crea in the least environmentally damaging mafiner that is most protective of the sensitive resources within the habitat preserve. No impacts to resources within the preserve shall be permitted. property* $:. - I. 14. Technical Advisorv Panel. An independent technical advisory panel of environ'mental and agency representatives shall be provided the opportunity to review and comment on the management plans and ongoing monitoring reports. This will allow for meaningful input by all parties interested in the water quality in the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, and will assist the Coastal Commission staff and the City in effectively assuring the environmental quality of the golf course. All review and comments will be requested to be submitted within 45 days of receipt of draft plans. The Executive Director of the California Coastal Commission shall have final authority over the determination of condition compliance, unless it is determined that the item should be referred to the Commission. NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE PERMIT (Upon satisfaction of special conditions) Date: August 28, 2003 Perm it Application No. : A-6-CII-00-087 Page 17 of 17 NOTE: IF THE SPECIAL CONDiTlONS REQUIRE THAT DOCUMENT(S) BE RECORDED WITH THE COUNTY RECORDER, YOU WILL RECEIVE THE LEGAL. FORMS TO COMPLETE (WtTH INSTRUCTIONS). IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIQNS, PLEASE CALL KERl AKERS AT (61 9) 767-2370 THE DISTRICT OFFICE. A-6-C I 1-001087 R p t NO I EXHIBIT "C" MAR 0 4 2005 CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT SAN DIEGO COAST DISTRICT os - 01 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 8146 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.2Oo01'46'W., A DISTANCE OF 229.78 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.28"23'01'WN., A DISTANCE OF 136.14 FEET; THENCE S.76"43'24"E., A DISTANCE OF 57.02 FEET; THENCE S.86"50127"E., A DISTANCE OF 30.1 1 FEET; THENCE N.84"44'09"E., A DISTANCE OF 14.00 FEET; THENCE S.l3"32'53'W., A DISTANCE OF 53.36 FEET; THENCE S.23"57'45'WW., A DISTANCE OF 22.16 FEET; THENCE S.3I023'25"W., A DISTANCE OF 17.28 FEET; THENCE S.I2"25'33'W., A DISTANCE OF 19.89 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 0.12 ACRES. PAGE 1of 64 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT os - 02 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.66"40'25'W., A DISTANCE OF 252.75 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT, OF WHICH THE RADIUS POINT LIES S.O2"58'04'W., A RADIAL DISTANCE OF 1,550.00 FEET; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE ARC, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 12"27'47", A DISTANCE OF 337.16 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVE OF A NON TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT, OF WHICH THE RADIUS POINT LIES S.O5"19'36"E., A RADIAL DISTANCE OF 2,313.00 FEET; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE ARC, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 14"57'46", A DISTANCE OF 604.04 FEET; THENCE S.69"42'39'W., A DISTANCE OF 64.53 FEET; THENCE N.2Oo17'22'W., A DISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET; THENCE S.69"42'39'W., A DISTANCE OF 94.00 FEET; THENCE S.20°17'22"E., A DISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET; THENCE S.69"42'39'W., A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 25.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 95"04'41"; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC A DISTANCE OF 41.49 FEET; THENCE N.I5"12'39'W., A DISTANCE OF 436.26 FEET; THENCE S.28"02'08"E., A DISTANCE OF 41.84 FEET; THENCE S.47"00134"E., A DISTANCE OF 40.33 FEET; THENCE S.5Oo49'03"E., A DISTANCE OF 47.09 FEET; THENCE S.26"06'50"E., A DISTANCE OF 56.80 FEET; THENCE S.69"26'38"E., A DISTANCE OF 29.90 FEET; THENCE N.63"39'36"E., A DISTANCE OF 28.45 FEET; THENCE N.37"14'29"E., A DISTANCE OF 34.70 FEET; THENCE N.O9"15'07"E., A DISTANCE OF 27.99 FEET; THENCE N.07"06'02'WN., A DISTANCE OF 36.40 FEET; THENCE N.I7"13'17"E., A DISTANCE OF 35.46 FEET; THENCE N.I9"13'59E., A DISTANCE OF 65.27 FEET; THENCE N.45"08'27"E., A DISTANCE OF 35.97 FEET; THENCE N.47"40'32"E., A DISTANCE OF 28.40 FEET; THENCE N.83"37'06"E., A DISTANCE OF 19.12 FEET; THENCE S.40°47'09"E., A DISTANCE OF 16.84 FEET; THENCE S.67"57'50"E., A DISTANCE OF 33.98 FEET; THENCE EAST, A DISTANCE OF 51 .OO FEET; THENCE N.69"26'38E., A DISTANCE OF 36.31 FEET; THENCE N.75"57'50"E., A DISTANCE OF 35.05 FEET; THENCE N.82"52'30"E., A DISTANCE OF 34.26 FEET; THENCE S.44"48'44"E., A DISTANCE OF 26.96 FEET; THENCE S.I4"22'04"E., A DISTANCE OF 26.19 FEET; THENCE SOUTH, A DISTANCE OF 25.50 FEET; THENCE S.18"26'O6'WN., A DISTANCE OF 26.88 2 FEET; THENCE S.24"11'22'W., A DISTANCE OF 25.63 FEET; THENCE S.I6"00'33"E., A DISTANCE OF 30.82 FEET; THENCE S.3I036'27"E., A DISTANCE OF 32.44 FEET; THENCE S.12"31'44'WN., A DISTANCE OF 39.18 FEET; THENCE S.O5"11'4O'W., A DISTANCE OF 27.61 FEET; THENCE S.23"57'45"E., A DISTANCE OF 20.93 FEET; THENCE S.52"04'32"E., A DISTANCE OF 38.03 FEET; THENCE S.62"01'14"E., A DISTANCE OF 40.76 FEET; THENCE S.60°02'47"E., A DISTANCE OF 34.05 FEET; THENCE S.70°06'53"E., A DISTANCE OF 24.99 FEET; THENCE S.85"52'48"E., A DISTANCE OF 29.58 FEET; THENCE S.82"52'30"E., A DISTANCE OF 51.40 FEET; THENCE N.8I028'09"E., A DISTANCE OF 42.98 FEET; THENCE N.70°42'36"E., A DISTANCE OF 45.03 FEET; THENCE N.7Oo29'51"E., A DISTANCE OF 38.19 FEET; THENCE N.52"1821"E., A DISTANCE OF 34.75 FEET; THENCE N.5Oo11'40"E., A DISTANCE OF 33.19 FEET; THENCE N.6I024'55"E., A DISTANCE OF 22.21 FEET; THENCE N.47"51'45"E., A DISTANCE OF 28.32 FEET; THENCE N.5I040'00"E., A DISTANCE OF 27.41 FEET; THENCE N.68"52'3I1'E., A DISTANCE OF 29.48 FEET; THENCE N.75"57'50"E., A DISTANCE OF 26.28 FEET; THENCE N.46"52'48E., A DISTANCE OF 40.42 FEET; THENCE N.40°47'09"E., A DISTANCE OF 42.10 FEET; THENCE N.48"02'47"E., A DISTANCE OF 31.60 FEET; THENCE N.I2"19'29"E., A DISTANCE OF 30.45 FEET; THENCE N.I6"12'25"E., A DISTANCE OF 40.50 FEET; THENCE S.28"23'01"E., A DISTANCE OF 301.91 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 5.49 ACRES. 3 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 03 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.I8"35'47'W., A DISTANCE OF 487.37 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.75"00'55'W., A DISTANCE OF 17.37 FEET; THENCE N.71"27'11'WW., A DISTANCE OF 17.92 FEET; THENCE N.68"38'07'W., A DISTANCE OF 13.65 FEET; THENCE N.5Oo42'17'W., A DISTANCE OF 11.02 FEET; THENCE N.36"46'41'WN., A DISTANCE OF 48.84 FEET; THENCE N.25"04'58W., A DISTANCE OF 18.55 FEET; THENCE N.6I009'32"W., A DISTANCE OF 10.21 FEET; THENCE N.28"23'01'W., A DISTANCE OF 266.21 FEET; THENCE S.89"07'41"E., A DISTANCE OF 37.12 FEET; THENCE S.4Oo57'14"E., A DISTANCE OF 136.55 FEET; THENCE S.43"50'27"E., A DISTANCE OF 83.01 FEET; THENCE S.49"44'35"E., A DISTANCE OF 60.93 FEET; THENCE S.60°48'45"E., A DISTANCE OF 36.65 FEET; THENCE S.69"51'49"E., A DISTANCE OF 47.93 FEET; THENCE S.74"50'4S1E., A DISTANCE OF 37.30 FEET; THENCE EAST, A DISTANCE OF 22.00 FEET; THENCE S.53"17'00''W., A DISTANCE OF 37.43 FEET; THENCE S.62"39'00"W., A DISTANCE OF 32.65 FEET; THENCE S.83"O1'54'WN., A DISTANCE OF 22.67 FEET; THENCE N.89"31'25"W., A DISTANCE OF 26.53 FEET; THENCE S.43"45'08'W., A DISTANCE OF 23.88 FEET; THENCE S.46"03'34'W., A DISTANCE OF 18.70 FEET TO THE TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEG1 N N I NG. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 0.70 ACRES. 4 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRl PTlON FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 04 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.15"42'31'WN., A DISTANCE OF 961.86 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S.35"46'52'W., A DISTANCE OF 17.10 FEET; THENCE S.54"27'44"W., A DISTANCE OF 17.20 FEET; THENCE S.75"57'50'W., A DISTANCE OF 16.49 FEET; THENCE WEST, A DISTANCE OF 12.00 FEET; THENCE N.25"32'50'W., A DISTANCE OF 22.03 FEET; THENCE N.37"52'30"W., A DISTANCE OF 22.80 FEET; THENCE N.26"42'32'W., A DISTANCE OF 22.25 FEET; THENCE N.l4"08'32'WN., A DISTANCE OF 16.37 FEET; THENCE NORTH, A DISTANCE OF 13.88 FEET; THENCE N.33"41'24"E., A DISTANCE OF 14.42 FEET; THENCE N.61°38'28"E., A DISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET; THENCE N.44"23'34"E., A DISTANCE OF 25.02 FEET; THENCE EAST, A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET; THENCE S.29"13'28E., A DISTANCE OF 20.48 FEET; THENCE S.O8"10'41"E., A DISTANCE OF 84.36 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 0.19 ACRES. 5 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 05 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 8146 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.39"09'26W., A DISTANCE OF 837.84 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.66"23'59'W., A DISTANCE OF 52.78 FEET; THENCE N.63"07'34'WW., A DISTANCE OF 20.74 FEET; THENCE N.35"18'05'W., A DISTANCE OF 49.32 FEET; THENCE N.I4"55'53'W., A DISTANCE OF 13.58 FEET; THENCE N.I4"55'53"E., A DISTANCE OF 25.23 FEET; THENCE NORTH, A DISTANCE OF 47.75 FEET; THENCE N.44"42'11'W., A DISTANCE OF 17.06 FEET; THENCE N.5Oo18'26''W., A DISTANCE OF 16.24 FEET; THENCE N.53"47'26W., A DISTANCE OF 17.35 FEET; THENCE S.84"59'58"W., A DISTANCE OF 10.04 FEET; THENCE S.77"15'17"W., A DISTANCE OF 21.53 FEET; THENCE S.!57"59'41"W., A DISTANCE OF 17.69 FEET; THENCE N.85"14'11'W., A DISTANCE OF 12.04 FEET; THENCE N.60°49'26W., A DISTANCE OF 17.18 FEET; THENCE N.67"42'23'W., A DISTANCE OF 27.02 FEET; THENCE N.83"18'26'WN., A DISTANCE OF 24.67 FEET; THENCE S.57"12'33'W., A DISTANCE OF 15.46 FEET; THENCE S.6O0O2'29"W., A DISTANCE OF 20.78 FEET; THENCE N.01°32'53"E., A DISTANCE OF 74.03 FEET; THENCE N.4Oo54'52'W., A DISTANCE OF 19.85 FEET; THENCE N.18"19'31"E., A DISTANCE OF 20.67 FEET; THENCE N.22"12'50"E., A DISTANCE OF 51.58 FEET; THENCE N.0I056'59'W., A DISTANCE OF 88.18 FEET; THENCE N.O3"36'39'W., A DISTANCE OF 93.11 FEET; THENCE S.28"23'0I1'E., A DISTANCE OF 585.29 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 0.81 ACRES. 6 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 06 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.58"15'43'W., A DISTANCE OF 1,286.85 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S.57"28'57'W., A DISTANCE OF 23.72 FEET; THENCE S.74"48'36'W., A DISTANCE OF 48.18 FEET; THENCE S.O9"31'24'WN., A DISTANCE OF 96.71 FEET; THENCE S.0Oo40'05"E., A DISTANCE OF 85.76 FEET; THENCE S.54"06'47'W., A DISTANCE OF 52.46 FEET; THENCE S.46"31'15'W., A DISTANCE OF 59.95 FEET; THENCE S.31"50'43'71\1., A DISTANCE OF 23.69 FEET; THENCE S.38"13'O1'WN., A DISTANCE OF 20.21 FEET; THENCE N.82"25'3I8'W., A DISTANCE OF 23.71 FEET; THENCE N.62"30126"W., A DISTANCE OF 27.62 FEET; THENCE N.48"25'26'W., A DISTANCE OF 20.72 FEET; THENCE N.O3"22'59'W., A DISTANCE OF 25.42 FEET; THENCE N.07"57'18'71\1., A DISTANCE OF 28.90 FEET; THENCE N.47"05'12"W., A DISTANCE OF 21.85 FEET; THENCE N.4I041'53"W., A DISTANCE OF 36.83 FEET; THENCE N.49"16'04'W., A DISTANCE OF 17.82 FEET; THENCE N.I9"13'28"W., A DISTANCE OF 25.81 FEET; THENCE N.2I036'53"W., A DISTANCE OF 28.50 FEET; THENCE N.31"O7'21'Ww., A DISTANCE OF 30.96 FEET; THENCE N.43"56'21'WN., A DISTANCE OF 38.19 FEET; THENCE N.19"30'57'WW., A DISTANCE OF 31.43 FEET; THENCE N.l 1"05'37"E., A DISTANCE OF 25.99 FEET; THENCE N.26"25'2I1'E., A DISTANCE OF 22.47 FEET; THENCE N.36"25'39"E., A DISTANCE OF 42.10 FEET; THENCE N.3I043'25"E., A DISTANCE OF 32.33 FEET; THENCE N.I3"53'05"E., A DISTANCE OF 22.92 FEET; THENCE N.5I002'00"E., A DISTANCE OF 21.86 FEET; THENCE S.79"35'02"E., A DISTANCE OF 17.28 FEET; THENCE S.23"37'46"E., A DISTANCE OF 17.46 FEET; THENCE S.05"33'1 II'E., A DISTANCE OF 36.17 FEET; THENCE S.2I029'23"E., A DISTANCE OF 34.12 FEET; THENCE S.29"35'55"E., A DISTANCE OF 24.30 FEET; THENCE S.37"10'06"E., A DISTANCE OF 24.00 FEET; THENCE S.5I004'21"E., A DISTANCE OF 16.71 FEET; THENCE S.42"00'57"E., A DISTANCE OF 18.68 FEET; THENCE EAST, A DISTANCE OF 11.50 FEET; THENCE N.82"26'05"E., A DISTANCE OF 16.14 FEET; THENCE N.49"03'48E., A DISTANCE OF 32.43 FEET; THENCE N.3Oo38'25"E., A DISTANCE OF 87.32 FEET; THENCE N.15"I 1'09"E., A DISTANCE OF 36.27 FEET; THENCE N.11"11'03"E., A DISTANCE OF 33.51 FEET; THENCE N.I4"38'24"E., A DISTANCE OF 31.65 FEET; THENCE N.I8"26'06"E., A DISTANCE OF 26.88 FEET; THENCE N.O8"33'39"E., A DISTANCE OF 23.51 FEET; THENCE 7 N.23"48'2lP'E., A DISTANCE OF 18.58 FEET; THENCE N.O8"57'29"E., A DISTANCE OF 25.69 FEET; THENCE N.0Oo43'52"E., A DISTANCE OF 78.38 FEET; THENCE N.l5"16'04"E., A DISTANCE OF 49.37 FEET; THENCE N.30°00'29"E., A DISTANCE OF 26.99 FEET; THENCE N.40°39'16"E., A DISTANCE OF 29.16 FEET; THENCE N.39"25'34"E., A DISTANCE OF 70.07 FEET; THENCE N.56"45'11"E., A DISTANCE OF 26.90 FEET; THENCE N.48"48'5lo'E., A DISTANCE OF 30.56 FEET; THENCE N.26"17'41"E., A DISTANCE OF 23.70 FEET; THENCE N.l3"57'36"E., A DISTANCE OF 22.80 FEET; THENCE N.O4"08'27"E., A DISTANCE OF 27.70 FEET; THENCE N.1Oo42'05'W., A DISTANCE OF 32.31 FEET; THENCE NORTH, A DISTANCE OF 13.75 FEET; THENCE N.O2"34'24"E., A DISTANCE OF 22.27 FEET; THENCE N.1Oo41'06"E., A DISTANCE OF 26.97 FEET; THENCE N.01°07'44"E., A DISTANCE OF 50.76 FEET; THENCE N.8Oo38'16"E., A DISTANCE OF 14.25 FEET; THENCE N.l8"38'31"E., A DISTANCE OF 23.28 FEET; THENCE N.1Oo39'37"E., A DISTANCE OF 21.62 FEET; THENCE N.30°42'46"E., A DISTANCE OF 14.68 FEET; THENCE N.4lo48'02"E., A DISTANCE OF 15.90 FEET; THENCE S.28"23'0lV'E., A DISTANCE OF 312.1 1 FEET; THENCE S.0lo57'12"E., A DISTANCE OF 191.63 FEET; THENCE N.6l039'57'W., A DISTANCE OF 57.94 FEET; THENCE N.5Oo11'40'W., A DISTANCE OF 33.19 FEET; THENCE N.59"44'37'W., A DISTANCE OF 20.84 FEET; THENCE S.53"07'48'W., A DISTANCE OF 17.50 FEET; THENCE S.35"13'03"W., A DISTANCE OF 41.62 FEET; THENCE S.25"16'24"W., A DISTANCE OF 42.16 FEET; THENCE S.19"49'34'WN., A DISTANCE OF 109.09 FEET; THENCE S.2lo19'37'W., A DISTANCE OF 72.86 FEET; THENCE S.27"02'10"W., A DISTANCE OF 74.80 FEET; THENCE S.28"18'44'W., A DISTANCE OF 42.17 FEET; THENCE S.34"49'28'W., A DISTANCE OF 24.52 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 4.82 ACRES. 8 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 07 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.55"46'58'W., A DISTANCE OF 1,728.62 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S.2I024'47'W., A DISTANCE OF 34.24 FEET; THENCE S.I7"34'34"W., A DISTANCE OF 71.20 FEET; THENCE S.O3"28'06"E., A DISTANCE OF 74.39 FEET; THENCE S.1Io53'19'W., A DISTANCE OF 41.26 FEET; THENCE S.23"57'45"W., A DISTANCE OF 41.86 FEET; THENCE S.I8"53'10"W., A DISTANCE OF 20.08 FEET; THENCE S.2I013'16''W., A DISTANCE OF 41.07 FEET; THENCE S.26"34'13'W., A DISTANCE OF 17.49 FEET; THENCE S.O7"41'52'W., A DISTANCE OF 13.08 FEET; THENCE S.O9"18'20"W., A DISTANCE OF 31.27 FEET; THENCE S.0I009'34"E., A DISTANCE OF 101.79 FEET; THENCE N.I5"12'39'W., A DISTANCE OF 197.88 FEET; THENCE CONTINUE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID LINE, A DISTANCE OF 120.20 FEET; THENCE CONTINUE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID LINE, A DISTANCE OF 39.22 FEET; THENCE N.I4"22'33'W., A DISTANCE OF 37.60 FEET; THENCE N.I2"09'04"W., A DISTANCE OF 23.31 FEET; THENCE N.O9"38'25'W., A DISTANCE OF 43.12 FEET; THENCE N.06"33'56'WN., A DISTANCE OF 38.23 FEET; THENCE N.O4"05'39'W., A DISTANCE OF 27.15 FEET; THENCE N.0I058'22"W., A DISTANCE OF 28.98 FEET; THENCE N.00°31'20"E., A DISTANCE OF 37.04 FEET; THENCE N.0I053'50"E., A DISTANCE OF 158.96 FEET; THENCE N.88"06'1O'W., A DISTANCE OF 12.72 FEET; THENCE N.0I052'53"E., A DISTANCE OF 23.13 FEET; THENCE N.3Oo17'26"E., A DISTANCE OF 68.89 FEET; THENCE N.2Oo45'33"E., A DISTANCE OF 11.42 FEET; THENCE N.I9"13'14"E., A DISTANCE OF 12.35 FEET; THENCE N.I3"54'17"E., A DISTANCE OF 12.78 FEET; THENCE N.79"46'501'E., A DISTANCE OF 11.22 FEET; THENCE N.68"21'43"E., A DISTANCE OF 15.52 FEET; THENCE N.37"50'31"E., A DISTANCE OF 18.16 FEET; THENCE N.I5"52'53"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.52 FEET; THENCE N.1Oo47'40"E., A DISTANCE OF 21.05 FEET; THENCE N.O9"01'48'W., A DISTANCE OF 10.55 FEET; THENCE N.19"58'06'WN., A DISTANCE OF 11.06 FEET; THENCE N.I2"20'35'W., A DISTANCE OF 12.50 FEET; THENCE N.O8"06'13"W., A DISTANCE OF 21.12 FEET; THENCE N.1I022'11'W., A DISTANCE OF 10.14 FEET; THENCE N.O3"16'16'W., A DISTANCE OF 21.42 FEET; THENCE N.O9"17'03"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.03 FEET; THENCE N.I5"36'57"E., A DISTANCE OF 26.94 FEET; THENCE N.I2"52'40"E., A DISTANCE OF 13.44 FEET; THENCE N.32"00'32"E., A DISTANCE 9 OF 10.14 FEET; THENCE N.35"44'57"E., A DISTANCE OF 14.03 FEET; THENCE N.28"51121"E., A DISTANCE OF 26.35 FEET; THENCE N.6lo13'45''E., A DISTANCE OF 14.41 FEET; THENCE N.78"25'19E., A DISTANCE OF 13.02 FEET; THENCE S.72"41'56E., A DISTANCE OF 13.21 FEET; THENCE S.32"33'52"E., A DISTANCE OF 21.56 FEET; THENCE S.7lo44'14"E., A DISTANCE OF 13.16 FEET; THENCE N.35"22'37"E., A DISTANCE OF 25.91 FEET; THENCE N.74"49'20"E., A DISTANCE OF 24.35 FEET; THENCE S.33"14'58"E., A DISTANCE OF 81.16 FEET; THENCE S.26"06'50"E., A DISTANCE OF 28.40 FEET; THENCE S.52"39'46"E., A DISTANCE OF 24.53 FEET; THENCE S.22"07'4I1'E., A DISTANCE OF 56.43 FEET; THENCE S.l9"26'24"W., A DISTANCE OF 32.32 FEET; THENCE S.3lo27'25'W., A DISTANCE OF 24.91 FEET; THENCE S.36"01'39'W., A DISTANCE OF 28.90 FEET; THENCE S.34"46'40'W., A DISTANCE OF 43.83 FEET; THENCE S.28"30'05'W., A DISTANCE OF 31.43 FEET; THENCE S.l7"00'29'W., A DISTANCE OF 22.22 FEET; THENCE S.1Oo14'05'W., A DISTANCE OF 36.58 FEET; THENCE S.O3"35'25'W., A DISTANCE OF 31.94 FEET; THENCE S.O7"34'32"E., A DISTANCE OF 49.31 FEET; THENCE S.O2"34'24"E., A DISTANCE OF 44.54 FEET; THENCE S.O9"27'44"E., A DISTANCE OF 51.70 FEET; THENCE S.O4"08'27'W., A DISTANCE OF 27.70 FEET; THENCE S.I8"31'10W., A DISTANCE OF 26.76 FEET; THENCE S.l4"49'35"W., A DISTANCE OF 17.59 FEET; THENCE SOUTH, A DISTANCE OF 21.25 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 3.98 ACRES. 10 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 08 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.27"15'01'W., A DISTANCE OF 1,688.08 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.28"23'01'WW., A DISTANCE OF 66.75 FEET; THENCE S.75"17'30"E., A DISTANCE OF 17.84 FEET; THENCE S.49"38'08"E., A DISTANCE OF 19.69 FEET; THENCE S.O8"58'21"E., A DISTANCE OF 19.24 FEET; THENCE S.O8"54'54'WN., A DISTANCE OF 22.72 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 0.02 ACRES. 11 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT os - 09 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.0Oo51'13"E., A DISTANCE OF 1,566.60 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE WEST, A DISTANCE OF 11.26 FEET; THENCE S.70"59'1 l'W., A DISTANCE OF 58.70 FEET; THENCE N.84"59'31"W., A DISTANCE OF 48.69 FEET; THENCE S.8Oo53'19'W., A DISTANCE OF 53.68 FEET; THENCE S.88"29'50'WW., A DISTANCE OF 81.03 FEET; THENCE N.5I036'28'W., A DISTANCE OF 37.64 FEET; THENCE N.48"31156"W., A DISTANCE OF 28.69 FEET; THENCE N.26"17'41'W., A DISTANCE OF 23.70 FEET; THENCE N.47"40'32'W., A DISTANCE OF 28.40 FEET; THENCE N.5Oo51'37'W., A DISTANCE OF 30.30 FEET; THENCE N.75"57'50'W., A DISTANCE OF 35.05 FEET; THENCE N.80°28'36'W., A DISTANCE OF 38.53 FEET; THENCE N.76"56'54'W., A DISTANCE OF 28.23 FEET; THENCE N.79"44'56'WW., A DISTANCE OF 23.88 FEET; THENCE N.65"06'34'W., A DISTANCE OF 44.45 FEET; THENCE N.76"57'20'W., A DISTANCE OF 33.97 FEET; THENCE N.65'48'29"W.. A DISTANCE OF 25.27 FEET; THENCE N.80°55'22'W., A DISTANCE OF 46.49 FEET; THENCE N.61"07'54'Ww., A DISTANCE OF 21.72 FEET; THENCE N.4Oo42'12'W., A DISTANCE OF 34.40 FEET; THENCE N.26"50'56'WN., A DISTANCE OF 32.61 FEET; THENCE N.l4"18'41'W., A DISTANCE OF 20.26 FEET; THENCE N.0Oo15'34"E., A DISTANCE OF 37.26 FEET; THENCE N.09"47'04'WN., A DISTANCE OF 34.34 FEET; THENCE N.l7"40'04'W., A DISTANCE OF 15.79 FEET; THENCE N.36"05'31'WW., A DISTANCE OF 14.65 FEET; THENCE N.57"07'25'W., A DISTANCE OF 13.44 FEET; THENCE N.76"31'39'W., A DISTANCE OF 80.69 FEET; THENCE N.27"44'32"E., A DISTANCE OF 27.75 FEET; THENCE N.O8"36'05"E., A DISTANCE OF 30.09 FEET; THENCE N.33"10'06"E., A DISTANCE OF 22.85 FEET; THENCE N.59"34'411'E., A DISTANCE OF 24.93 FEET; THENCE N.37"14'29"E., A DISTANCE OF 34.70 FEET; THENCE N.7Oo42'36"E., A DISTANCE OF 45.03 FEET; THENCE N.75"57'50"E., A DISTANCE OF 70.09 FEET; THENCE S.8I003'17''E., A DISTANCE OF 41 .OO FEET; THENCE S.51°56'34"E., A DISTANCE OF 48.26 FEET; THENCE S.66"37'33"E., A DISTANCE OF 32.14 FEET; THENCE S.72"34'22"E., A DISTANCE OF 11.12 FEET; THENCE S.47"28'18E., A DISTANCE OF 663.76 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. 12 CONTAINING AN AREA OF 4.04 ACRES. 13 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT os - 10 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 8146 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.I2"57'42"E., A DISTANCE OF 1,290.87 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.46"03'43'W., A DISTANCE OF 10.10 FEET; THENCE N.54"06'59'W., A DISTANCE OF 26.62 FEET; THENCE N.51"I 1'04'W., A DISTANCE OF 16.38 FEET; THENCE N.I6"35'48'W., A DISTANCE OF 10.10 FEET; THENCE N.54"18'22"E., A DISTANCE OF 15.35 FEET; THENCE N.6Oo18'56"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.14 FEET; THENCE N.69"14'45"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.10 FEET; THENCE N.75"40'27"E., A DISTANCE OF 14.78 FEET; THENCE S.47"28'18E., A DISTANCE OF 123.12 FEET; THENCE S.44"51'50'W., A DISTANCE OF 70.48 FEET; THENCE N.28"36'27"W., A DISTANCE OF 5.06 FEET; THENCE N.37"20'37"W., A DISTANCE OF 17.71 FEET; THENCE N.28"36'46'WN., A DISTANCE OF 24.43 FEET; THENCE N.29"33'48'W., A DISTANCE OF 33.85 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEG1 N N I NG. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 0.17 ACRES. 14 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT os - 11 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 8146 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.5Oo19'13"E., A DISTANCE OF 1,181.05 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.8Oo57'38"W., A DISTANCE OF 30.77 FEET; THENCE N.73"10'16'W., A DISTANCE OF 42.31 FEET; THENCE N.79"39'1O'W., A DISTANCE OF 45.24 FEET; THENCE S.83"33'08'W., A DISTANCE OF 36.73 FEET; THENCE S.7I033'54"W., A DISTANCE OF 96.45 FEET; THENCE S.88"28'21'WW., A DISTANCE OF 75.03 FEET; THENCE S.75"57'50'W., A DISTANCE OF 41.75 FEET; THENCE S.69"32'26'WW., A DISTANCE OF 34.69 FEET; THENCE S.82"17'52'W., A DISTANCE OF 30.78 FEET; THENCE N.63"33'45'W., A DISTANCE OF 33.27 FEET; THENCE N.77"02'1O'W., A DISTANCE OF 34.63 FEET; THENCE N.84"58'32'W., A DISTANCE OF 37.96 FEET; THENCE S.86"26'35W., A DISTANCE OF 59.56 FEET; THENCE S.68"I 8'51'W., A DISTANCE OF 10.64 FEET; THENCE S.62"33'29'W., A DISTANCE OF 16.63 FEET; THENCE S.55"24'29'71\1., A DISTANCE OF 14.00 FEET; THENCE S.62"07'30"W., A DISTANCE OF 15.18 FEET; THENCE S.54"34'00'W., A DISTANCE OF 12.67 FEET; THENCE S.43"21'41'WW., A DISTANCE OF 13.17 FEET; THENCE S.5Oo31'38'W., A DISTANCE OF 16.68 FEET; THENCE S.32"14'O4'WN., A DISTANCE OF 18.08 FEET; THENCE S.38"41'O7'WN., A DISTANCE OF 10.91 FEET; THENCE S.54"04'56'W., A DISTANCE OF 10.06 FEET; THENCE S.26"12'43'W., A DISTANCE OF 16.14 FEET; THENCE S.18"40'14"W., A DISTANCE OF 18.00 FEET; THENCE S.I4"02'21'W., A DISTANCE OF 37.75 FEET; THENCE S.12"13'21'WN., A DISTANCE OF 10.96 FEET; THENCE S.O5"30'25"W., A DISTANCE OF 14.44 FEET; THENCE S.O9"03'59"W., A DISTANCE OF 22.27 FEET; THENCE S.2Oo13'40'W., A DISTANCE OF 26.21 FEET; THENCE S.52"21'48'W., A DISTANCE OF 15.29 FEET; THENCE N.8Oo08'32'W., A DISTANCE OF 12.79 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVE OF A NON TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT, OF WHICH THE RADIUS POINT LIES S.78"14'01"E., A RADIAL DISTANCE OF 1,299.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 31"53'32", A DISTANCE OF 723.06 FEET; THENCE S.47"28'18"E., A DISTANCE OF 570.24 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 3.42 ACRES. 15 EXHIBIT "Cy' LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT os - 12 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 8146 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.29"10'19"E., A DISTANCE OF 1,346.57 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.47"28'18'W., A DISTANCE OF 88.70 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVE OF A NON TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT, OF WHICH THE RADIUS POINT LIES S.40°08'48E., A RADIAL DISTANCE OF 1,299.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 05"58'22", A DISTANCE OF 135.41 FEET; THENCE S.46"48'47"E., A DISTANCE OF 72.59 FEET; THENCE S.49"07'31'W., A DISTANCE OF 43.80 FEET; THENCE S.54"35'12"W., A DISTANCE OF 10.06 FEET; THENCE S.45"56'53"W., A DISTANCE OF 17.63 FEET; THENCE S.44"01'57'W., A DISTANCE OF 31.28 FEET; THENCE S.40°49'17'W., A DISTANCE OF 20.1 I FEET; THENCE CONTINUE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID LINE, A DISTANCE OF 10.01 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 0.24 ACRES. 16 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 13 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.I9"59'53"E., A DISTANCE OF 1,418.40 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.47"28'18'W., A DISTANCE OF 61.52 FEET; THENCE N.35"48'12"E., A DISTANCE OF 19.38 FEET; THENCE N.36"12'18"E., A DISTANCE OF 47.40 FEET; THENCE N.48"44'59"E., A DISTANCE OF 41.90 FEET; THENCE N.45"12'40"E., A DISTANCE OF 27.64 FEET; THENCE S.46"51'45"E., A DISTANCE OF 88.78 FEET; THENCE S.56"42'14'W., A DISTANCE OF 59.70 FEET; THENCE S.5O039'5O"W., A DISTANCE OF 77.58 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 0.24 ACRES. 17 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 14 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.I5"40'40"E., A DISTANCE OF 1,468.47 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.47"28'18'W., A DISTANCE OF 909.33 FEET; THENCE S.82"35'14"E., A DISTANCE OF 28.62 FEET; THENCE S.56"24'48"E., A DISTANCE OF 38.41 FEET; THENCE S.85"32'59"E., A DISTANCE OF 53.16 FEET; THENCE S.8Oo32'16"E., A DISTANCE OF 25.85 FEET; THENCE S.54"12'01"E., A DISTANCE OF 101.72 FEET; THENCE S.68"52'31"E., A DISTANCE OF 41.27 FEET; THENCE EAST, A DISTANCE OF 53.00 FEET; THENCE N.82"52'30"E., A DISTANCE OF 13.70 FEET; THENCE S.46"51'45"E., A DISTANCE OF 423.01 FEET; THENCE S.57"13'21"WN., A DISTANCE OF 31.25 FEET; THENCE S.49"37'31'WN., A DISTANCE OF 13.22 FEET; THENCE S.O3"23'28'W., A DISTANCE OF 9.95 FEET; THENCE S.77"15'09"E., A DISTANCE OF 11.61 FEET; THENCE N.85"52'24"E., A DISTANCE OF 11.02 FEET; THENCE N.82"28'30"E., A DISTANCE OF 24.99 FEET; THENCE N.8Oo08'16"E., A DISTANCE OF 22.29 FEET; THENCE S.46"51'45"E., A DISTANCE OF 138.73 FEET; THENCE S.27"46'1O'Ww., A DISTANCE OF 71.08 FEET; THENCE S.55"42'08'W., A DISTANCE OF 49.02 FEET; THENCE S.8Oo53'19"W., A DISTANCE OF 25.08 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 2.40 ACRES. 18 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 15 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 8146 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.O9"04'35"W., A DISTANCE OF 2,109.46 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.47"28'18'W., A DISTANCE OF 151.55 FEET; THENCE N.35"25'01"E., A DISTANCE OF 25.09 FEET; THENCE N.I5"56'43"E., A DISTANCE OF 20.02 FEET; THENCE N.O2"40'43"E., A DISTANCE OF 21.40 FEET; THENCE N.l5"27'4O'W., A DISTANCE OF 24.38 FEET; THENCE N.1Oo50'25'W., A DISTANCE OF 23.93 FEET; THENCE N.10°47'03"E., A DISTANCE OF 24.05 FEET; THENCE S.7I024'00"E., A DISTANCE OF 13.72 FEET; THENCE S.35"52'56E., A DISTANCE OF 14.50 FEET; THENCE S.50°06'50"E., A DISTANCE OF 68.42 FEET; THENCE S.39"33'08"E., A DISTANCE OF 65.17 FEET; THENCE S.22"00'41"E., A DISTANCE OF 25.35 FEET; THENCE S.O4"40'50"E., A DISTANCE OF 42.89 FEET; THENCE S.O3"04'49'W., A DISTANCE OF 27.92 FEET; THENCE S.3O0O5'03"W., A DISTANCE OF 20.95 FEET; THENCE S.45"16'36'W., A DISTANCE OF 13.50 FEET; THENCE S.77"39'44'WW., A DISTANCE OF 10.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 0.42 ACRES. 19 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRl PTlON FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 16 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.I4"30'12"W., A DISTANCE OF 2,150.31FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.69"19'15"W., A DISTANCE OF 24.49 FEET; THENCE N.83"51'32"'W., A DISTANCE OF 39.73 FEET; THENCE S.84"O4'55'WN., A DISTANCE OF 41.22 FEET; THENCE S.69"50'15"W., A DISTANCE OF 34.09 FEET; THENCE N.87"27'19"W., A DISTANCE OF 22.52 FEET; THENCE N.37"55'35'W., A DISTANCE OF 36.61 FEET; THENCE N.25"46'53'W., A DISTANCE OF 36.79 FEET; THENCE NORTH, A DISTANCE OF 27.88 FEET; THENCE N.O2"16'05"E., A DISTANCE OF 63.17 FEET; THENCE N.21°03'13"E., A DISTANCE OF 21.35 FEET; THENCE S.47"28'18"E., A DISTANCE OF 252.72 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 0.36 ACRES. 20 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 17 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.27"30'07'W., A DISTANCE OF 2,121.28 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.28"23'01'WN., A DISTANCE OF 154.72 FEET; THENCE N.35"22'25'W., A DISTANCE OF 96.18 FEET; THENCE N.5Oo46'55"E., A DISTANCE OF 112.31 FEET; THENCE S.58"55'01"E., A DISTANCE OF 14.28 FEET; THENCE S.l9"26'03"W., A DISTANCE OF 55.22 FEET; THENCE S.22"5O'01'WN., A DISTANCE OF 43.81 FEET; THENCE S.25"12'O4'WN., A DISTANCE OF 34.91 FEET; THENCE S.35"22'25"E., A DISTANCE OF 18.87 FEET; THENCE S.28"23'01"E., A DISTANCE OF 13.60 FEET; THENCE N.8Oo11'53"E., A DISTANCE OF 46.65 FEET; THENCE N.49"03'48E., A DISTANCE OF 64.86 FEET; THENCE SOUTH, A DISTANCE OF 19.13 FEET; THENCE S.3Oo27'56'W., A DISTANCE OF 29.58 FEET; THENCE S.54"41'20"E., A DISTANCE OF 18.38 FEET; THENCE N.49"38'08E., A DISTANCE OF 36.09 FEET; THENCE N.81°56'12"E., A DISTANCE OF 15.15 FEET; THENCE S.O6"42'35'W., A DISTANCE OF 13.59 FEET; THENCE S.Ol057'54"W., A DISTANCE OF 12.01 FEET; THENCE S.66"45'26W., A DISTANCE OF 21.22 FEET; THENCE SOUTH, A DISTANCE OF 23.38 FEET; THENCE S.1Oo39'37"W., A DISTANCE OF 21.62 FEET; THENCE S.24"41'00'W., A DISTANCE OF 30.01 FEET; THENCE S.4lo45'10"W., A DISTANCE OF 26.30 FEET; THENCE S.40"50'1 O'W., A DISTANCE OF 29.21 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEG1 N N I NG. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 0.39 ACRES. 21 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 18 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 8146 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.28"08'27'W., A DISTANCE OF 2,457.07 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.35"22'25'W., A DISTANCE OF 49.37 FEET; THENCE N.77"34'16"E., A DISTANCE OF 41.48 FEET; THENCE N.7I027'07"E., A DISTANCE OF 20.04 FEET; THENCE N.54"07'04"E., A DISTANCE OF 21.58 FEET; THENCE S.45"46'24"E., A DISTANCE OF 26.66 FEET; THENCE S.45"12'41'WN., A DISTANCE OF 6.47 FEET; THENCE S.59"19'52'W., A DISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET; THENCE S.66"16'01"W., A DISTANCE OF 15.84 FEET; THENCE S.46"04'59'W., A DISTANCE OF 37.39 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 0.06 ACRES. 22 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT os - 19 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.28"30'301W., A DISTANCE OF 2,587.95 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.35"22'25'W., A DISTANCE OF 425.74 FEET; THENCE N.0I036'52"E., A DISTANCE OF 23.77 FEET; THENCE S.24"05'31"E., A DISTANCE OF 28.35 FEET; THENCE S.36"0I839E., A DISTANCE OF 57.81 FEET; THENCE EAST, A DISTANCE OF 25.50 FEET; THENCE S.26"17'41"E., A DISTANCE OF 23.70 FEET; THENCE S.26"25'45"E., A DISTANCE OF 23.59 FEET; THENCE S.78"33'32"E., A DISTANCE OF 21.43 FEET; THENCE N.58"55'25"E., A DISTANCE OF 32.69 FEET; THENCE N.63"26'06"E., A DISTANCE OF 19.01 FEET; THENCE S.73"12'25"E., A DISTANCE OF 73.12 FEET; THENCE S.I8"13'57"E., A DISTANCE OF 33.56 FEET; THENCE SOUTH, A DISTANCE OF 31.88 FEET; THENCE S.30°27'56"E., A DISTANCE OF 29.58 FEET; THENCE S.42"50'20"E., A DISTANCE OF 37.50 FEET; THENCE S.5I056'34"E., A DISTANCE OF 24.13 FEET; THENCE S.23"48'21"E., A DISTANCE OF 37.16 FEET; THENCE S.O5"58'59"E., A DISTANCE OF 57.56 FEET; THENCE S.58"16'35'Ww., A DISTANCE OF 32.33 FEET; THENCE S.70°42'36"W., A DISTANCE OF 48.50 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 0.79 ACRES. 23 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT os - 20 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.32"57'14'W., A DISTANCE OF 2,826.88 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S.35"30'25'W., A DISTANCE OF 51.13 FEET; THENCE S.52"03'35'W., A DISTANCE OF 48.18 FEET; THENCE S.38"39'35'W., A DISTANCE OF 40.82 FEET; THENCE S.40°23'14'W., A DISTANCE OF 36.27 FEET; THENCE S.55"59'47"W., A DISTANCE OF 26.47 FEET; THENCE N.45"37'02'WN., A DISTANCE OF 24.63 FEET; THENCE N.48"36'27'W., A DISTANCE OF 25.91 FEET; THENCE N.44"24'48'W., A DISTANCE OF 35.77 FEET; THENCE N.39"58'35"W., A DISTANCE OF 42.52 FEET; THENCE N.34"27'14'W., A DISTANCE OF 43.09 FEET; THENCE N.28"35'26'WW., A DISTANCE OF 44.93 FEET; THENCE N.2I044'14'W., A DISTANCE OF 60.99 FEET; THENCE N.I3"39'37"W., A DISTANCE OF 67.20 FEET; THENCE N.O9"07'21'W., A DISTANCE OF 197.41 FEET; THENCE N.O8"52'00"W., A DISTANCE OF 12.81 FEET; THENCE N.I4"54'17"W., A DISTANCE OF 12.84 FEET; THENCE N.I7"28'08'W., A DISTANCE OF 13.39 FEET; THENCE N.22"55'40'W., A DISTANCE OF 6.33 FEET; THENCE N.2lo01'46'W., A DISTANCE OF 104.72 FEET; THENCE N.I6"28'18W., A DISTANCE OF 20.50 FEET; THENCE N.O8"14'55'W., A DISTANCE OF 21.66 FEET; THENCE N.O2"51'16"W., A DISTANCE OF 9.45 FEET; THENCE N.0Oo01'27"W., A DISTANCE OF 36.07 FEET; THENCE S.35"22'25"E., A DISTANCE OF 695.1 3 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 2.27 ACRES. 24 EXHIBIT "Cy' LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT os - 21 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.37"34'33'W., A DISTANCE OF 3,048.32 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S.78"22'42'WN., A DISTANCE OF 14.58 FEET; THENCE S.84"02'36'W., A DISTANCE OF 64.17 FEET; THENCE N.7I027'07''W., A DISTANCE OF 15.21 FEET; THENCE 3.79"22'49''W., A DISTANCE OF 33.93 FEET; THENCE N.89"56'05"W., A DISTANCE OF 21 .I 1 FEET; THENCE N.0Oo03'55"E., A DISTANCE OF 625.50 FEET; THENCE S.35"22'25"E., A DISTANCE OF 55.29 FEET; THENCE S.0Oo01'27"E., A DISTANCE OF 82.59 FEET; THENCE S.0Oo23'31"E., A DISTANCE OF 14.56 FEET; THENCE S.O8"18'33"E., A DISTANCE OF 19.12 FEET; THENCE S.I3"58'48"E., A DISTANCE OF 17.48 FEET; THENCE S.2Oo40'54"E., A DISTANCE OF 12.76 FEET; THENCE S.2Oo30'10"E., A DISTANCE OF 101.97 FEET; THENCE S.I6"46'39"E., A DISTANCE OF 41.04 FEET; THENCE S.O8"37'19E., A DISTANCE OF 178.56 FEET; THENCE S.1Oo47'28"E., A DISTANCE OF 59.01 FEET; THENCE S.I7"22'17"E., A DISTANCE OF 57.81 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 1.13 ACRES. 25 EXHIBIT "Cy' LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT os - 22 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.24"57'36"W., A DISTANCE OF 2,791.39 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S.86"46'50'WW., A DISTANCE OF 20.03 FEET; THENCE N.73"27'55'W., A DISTANCE OF 33.38 FEET; THENCE N.73"10'43'W., A DISTANCE OF 44.92 FEET; THENCE N.67"33'26W., A DISTANCE OF 37.33 FEET; THENCE N.52"00'05"W., A DISTANCE OF 40.61 FEET; THENCE N.52"28'51'WW., A DISTANCE OF 17.65 FEET; THENCE N.78"l9'52'Ww., A DISTANCE OF 23.49 FEET; THENCE N.22"50'01"E., A DISTANCE OF 12.88 FEET; THENCE N.l9"05'37"E., A DISTANCE OF 13.76 FEET; THENCE N.l8"02'03'W., A DISTANCE OF 11.31 FEET; THENCE N.52"48'15'W., A DISTANCE OF 17.58 FEET; THENCE N.27"04'47'W., A DISTANCE OF 18.67 FEET; THENCE NORTH, A DISTANCE OF 28.63 FEET; THENCE N.28"18'03"E., A DISTANCE OF 14.76 FEET; THENCE NORTH, A DISTANCE OF 19.00 FEET; THENCE N.45"00'00'W., A DISTANCE OF 13.44 FEET; THENCE N.O3"12'07'W., A DISTANCE OF 35.81 FEET; THENCE EAST, A DISTANCE OF 32.00 FEET; THENCE N.75"57'50"E., A DISTANCE OF 29.38 FEET; THENCE N.4lo38'01"E., A DISTANCE OF 23.17 FEET; THENCE S.47"28'18E., A DISTANCE OF 274.64 FEET; THENCE S.56"22'34'W., A DISTANCE OF 9.35 FEET; THENCE S.36"46'47'WW., A DISTANCE OF 47.60 FEET; THENCE S.34"40'22'W., A DISTANCE OF 20.21 FEET; THENCE S.24"51'O6'WN., A DISTANCE OF 26.17 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 0.98 ACRES. 26 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 23 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 8146 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.29"51'52'WN., A DISTANCE OF 3,222.13 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.35"22'25'W., A DISTANCE OF 580.10 FEET; THENCE N.00°01'27'W., A DISTANCE OF 100.32 FEET; THENCE S.47"28'18E., A DISTANCE OF 815.69 FEET; THENCE S.60°59'54'W., A DISTANCE OF 29.97 FEET; THENCE N.7lo37'56'W., A DISTANCE OF 33.72 FEET; THENCE N.66"44'35'WW., A DISTANCE OF 48.44 FEET; THENCE N.68"52'31'W., A DISTANCE OF 29.48 FEET; THENCE S.82"52'30'W., A DISTANCE OF 34.26 FEET; THENCE S.69"26'38'W., A DISTANCE OF 36.31 FEET; THENCE N.73"29'03'W., A DISTANCE OF 22.43 FEET; THENCE S.82"52'30'W., A DISTANCE OF 17.13 FEET; THENCE S.44"08'42'W., A DISTANCE OF 23.69 FEET; THENCE S.33"4I124"W., A DISTANCE OF 21.69 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 2.10 ACRES. 27 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 24 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 8146 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.30°46'23"W., A DISTANCE OF 3,856.81 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.35"22'25''WW., A DISTANCE OF 54.41 FEET; THENCE N.0Oo03'55"E., A DISTANCE OF 68.51 FEET; THENCE S.47"28'18"E., A DISTANCE OF 42.73 FEET; THENCE S.OO024'57'7N., A DISTANCE OF 13.97 FEET; THENCE S.00°01'27"E., A DISTANCE OF 70.02 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 0.06 ACRES. 28 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 25 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.28"41'39'W., A DISTANCE OF 4,070.13 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.47"28'18'W., A DISTANCE OF 68.24 FEET; THENCE N.0Oo03'55"E., A DISTANCE OF 233.90 FEET; THENCE S.46"51'45"E., A DISTANCE OF 166.31 FEET; THENCE S.37"26'32"W., A DISTANCE OF 18.66 FEET; THENCE S.3O039'O7"W., A DISTANCE OF 31.78 FEET; THENCE S.27"15'26'W., A DISTANCE OF 30.16 FEET; THENCE S.2l048'34'W., A DISTANCE OF 35.93 FEET; THENCE S.I6"33'42'W., A DISTANCE OF 43.52 FEET; THENCE S.1O044'1O"W., A DISTANCE OF 22.67 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 0.43 ACRES. 29 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 26 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.23"03'58'W., A DISTANCE OF 3,170.78 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.47"28'18'W., A DISTANCE OF 927.27 FEET; THENCE N.I3"29'33"E., A DISTANCE OF 62.15 FEET; THENCE N.2I059'34"E., A DISTANCE OF 66.38 FEET; THENCE N.3Oo06'00"E., A DISTANCE OF 55.22 FEET; THENCE S.46"5I145"E., A DISTANCE OF 1,048.13 FEET; THENCE S.O9"29'07"E., A DISTANCE OF 62.60 FEET; THENCE N.34"31'10"W., A DISTANCE OF 33.53 FEET; THENCE N.38"17'25'W., A DISTANCE OF 24.21 FEET; THENCE WEST, A DISTANCE OF 23.00 FEET; THENCE S.5Oo44'26'W., A DISTANCE OF 16.79 FEET; THENCE SOUTH, A DISTANCE OF 21.13 FEET; THENCE S.39"06'19"E., A DISTANCE OF 30.12 FEET; THENCE S.I3"14'26"E., A DISTANCE OF 19.65 FEET; THENCE S.45"33'23'W., A DISTANCE OF 18.21 FEET; THENCE S.82"52'3O'W., A DISTANCE OF 17.13 FEET; THENCE N.5I000'32'W., A DISTANCE OF 27.02 FEET; THENCE N.63"26'06'W., A DISTANCE OF 35.86 FEET; THENCE S.73"29'03"W., A DISTANCE OF 30.55 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 3.85 ACRES. 30 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 27 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.l9"50'08'W., A DISTANCE OF 2,824.47 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.47"28'18'W., A DISTANCE OF 360.59 FEET; THENCE N.88"54'50"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.18 FEET; THENCE S.67"31'14"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.87 FEET; THENCE S.54"31'48E., A DISTANCE OF 24.56 FEET; THENCE S.57"59'41"E., A DISTANCE OF 22.41 FEET; THENCE S.78"19'52"E., A DISTANCE OF 23.49 FEET; THENCE N.64"25'32"E., A DISTANCE OF 19.40 FEET; THENCE N.28"09'22"E., A DISTANCE OF 20.13 FEET; THENCE N.l9"50'41"E., A DISTANCE OF 17.67 FEET; THENCE N.8Oo02'04"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.86 FEET; THENCE S.72"57'44"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.25 FEET; THENCE N.6Oo04'07"E., A DISTANCE OF 19.04 FEET; THENCE N.O8"50'31"E., A DISTANCE OF 22.77 FEET; THENCE N.14"51'09'W., A DISTANCE OF 23.41 FEET; THENCE N.1Oo17'38'W., A DISTANCE OF 20.84 FEET; THENCE S.46"51'45"E., A DISTANCE OF 229.58 FEET; THENCE S.43"09'52'W., A DISTANCE OF 14.89 FEET; THENCE S.58"39'35'WN., A DISTANCE OF 15.95 FEET; THENCE S.34"06'52'WN., A DISTANCE OF 18.72 FEET; THENCE S.45"00'00'W., A DISTANCE OF 18.38 FEET; THENCE S.59"59'24'W., A DISTANCE OF 16.74 FEET; THENCE S.24"51'O6'WN., A DISTANCE OF 13.09 FEET; THENCE SOUTH, A DISTANCE OF 19.00 FEET; THENCE S.l3"25'19"E., A DISTANCE OF 84.08 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEG1 N NI N G. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 0.78 ACRES. 31 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS -28 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.24"03'08"W., A DISTANCE OF 4,331.50 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.46"5I845"W., A DISTANCE OF 326.82 FEET; THENCE N.0Oo04'23"E., A DISTANCE OF 83.42 FEET; THENCE N.O7"19'38"E., A DISTANCE OF 953.89 FEET; THENCE N.45"15'508'E., A DISTANCE OF 108.13 FEET; THENCE S.22"08'39"E., A DISTANCE OF 38.63 FEET; THENCE S.I4"49'29"E., A DISTANCE OF 92.34 FEET; THENCE S.O4"08'36E., A DISTANCE OF 56.15 FEET; THENCE S.O2"06'09'W., A DISTANCE OF 675.98 FEET; THENCE S.O2"43'18"E., A DISTANCE OF 473.05 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 4.73 ACRES. 32 . EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 29 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.07'24'51'WN., A DISTANCE OF 3,242.71 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.73'4O123'W., A DISTANCE OF 138.33 FEET; THENCE S.8lo19'09'W., A DISTANCE OF 43.93 FEET; THENCE N.67'47'34'WN., A DISTANCE OF 795.55 FEET; THENCE N.46'51'45'W., A DISTANCE OF 547.67 FEET; THENCE N.O2"43'18''W., A DISTANCE OF 505.67 FEET; THENCE N.O2'06'09"E., A DISTANCE OF 700.69 FEET; THENCE N.O7'21'27"W., A DISTANCE OF 59.18 FEET; THENCE N.16'49'04'WN., A DISTANCE OF 100.91 FEET; THENCE N.24'44'23'W., A DISTANCE OF 31.64 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVE OF A NON TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT, OF WHICH THE RADIUS POINT LIES N.47'44'25'W., A RADIAL DISTANCE OF 1,451.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 05'56'47", A DISTANCE OF 150.59 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 25.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 87'22'13"; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE ARC, A DISTANCE OF 38.12 FEET; THENCE S.56'18'59"E., A DISTANCE OF 79.13 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 758.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 26'28'24"; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC A DISTANCE OF 350.23 FEET; THENCE S.29'50'35"E., A DISTANCE OF 46.19 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 590.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 12'24'09"; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC A DISTANCE OF 127.71 FEET; THENCE S.I7'26'26"E., A DISTANCE OF 256.06 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 836.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 34'35'58; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC A DISTANCE OF 504.84 FEET; THENCE S23"06'23"E., A DISTANCE OF 38.91 FEET; THENCE S.26'21'43"E., A DISTANCE OF 15.76 FEET; THENCE S.7I052'21'W., A DISTANCE OF 22.10 FEET; THENCE S.84'14'23'W., A DISTANCE OF 57.29 FEET; THENCE N.7Oo23'30'W., A DISTANCE OF 42.46 FEET; THENCE N.74"41'14'WN., A DISTANCE OF 32.66 FEET; THENCE WEST, A DISTANCE OF 14.00 FEET; THENCE N.5Oo01'45'W., A DISTANCE OF 9.66 FEET; THENCE N.6I014'48'W., A DISTANCE OF 10.61 FEET; THENCE N.89'59'3!3"W., A DISTANCE OF 14.39 FEET; THENCE S.66'16'21'WN., A DISTANCE OF 31.67 FEET; THENCE S.5Oo12'03'W., 33 A DISTANCE OF 12.80 FEET; THENCE S.3Oo33'27'W., A DISTANCE OF 19.12 FEET; THENCE S.O3"59'14'W., A DISTANCE OF 18.13 FEET; THENCE S.10°58'14"E., A DISTANCE OF 27.10 FEET; THENCE S.23"21'33"E., A DISTANCE OF 34.57 FEET; THENCE S.I5"19'09E., A DISTANCE OF 16.17 FEET; THENCE S.4O038'53'W., A DISTANCE OF 21.09 FEET; THENCE S.6Oo14'09"E., A DISTANCE OF 46.08 FEET; THENCE S.70°33'08E., A DISTANCE OF 51.43 FEET; THENCE S.4I046'17"E., A DISTANCE OF 34.53 FEET; THENCE S.11°59'43"E., A DISTANCE OF 55.33 FEET; THENCE S.O5"14'15"E., A DISTANCE OF 60.25 FEET; THENCE S.I6"02'24"E., A DISTANCE OF 41.62 FEET; THENCE S.5I053'25"E., A DISTANCE OF 50.84 FEET; THENCE S.54"01'46"E., A DISTANCE OF 101.94 FEET; THENCE S.33"52'58E., A DISTANCE OF 41.26 FEET; THENCE S.57"09'31"E., A DISTANCE OF 105.34 FEET; THENCE S.8lo49'11"E., A DISTANCE OF 40.41 FEET; THENCE S.29"24'53"E., A DISTANCE OF 75.34 FEET; THENCE S.56"12'46"E., A DISTANCE OF 20.45 FEET; THENCE S.68"22'09"E., A DISTANCE OF 15.60 FEET; THENCE S.29"53'56"E., A DISTANCE OF 23.07 FEET; THENCE S.44"49'55"E., A DISTANCE OF 60.28 FEET; THENCE S.53"15'47"E., A DISTANCE OF 43.05 FEET; THENCE S.57"35'16"E., A DISTANCE OF 37.31 FEET; THENCE S.63"I 0'51"E., A DISTANCE OF 25.21 FEET; THENCE S.39"38'53"E., A DISTANCE OF 40.75 FEET; THENCE S.48"06'22"E., A DISTANCE OF 34.26 FEET; THENCE S.69"43'03"E., A DISTANCE OF 24.52 FEET; THENCE S.1Oo52'34"E., A DISTANCE OF 29.15 FEET; THENCE S.I6"36'25"E., A DISTANCE OF 29.74 FEET; THENCE S.2I058'28"E., A DISTANCE OF 30.73 FEET; THENCE S.58"13'09E., A DISTANCE OF 27.06 FEET; THENCE S.O3"45'06"E., A DISTANCE OF 45.85 FEET; THENCE S.3Oo16'57'W., A DISTANCE OF 39.66 FEET; THENCE S.19"55'32'WN., A DISTANCE OF 42.55 FEET; THENCE S.11°59'43'W., A DISTANCE OF 45.83 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 29.59 ACRES. 34 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 30 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.I4"21'24'W., A DISTANCE OF 3,124.83 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.46"51'45'W., A DISTANCE OF 673.75 FEET; THENCE S.67"5If24"E., A DISTANCE OF 423.30 FEET; THENCE S.42"11'25"E., A DISTANCE OF 91.13 FEET; THENCE S.24"04'18E., A DISTANCE OF 18.23 FEET; THENCE S.1O020'08''E., A DISTANCE OF 12.46 FEET; THENCE S.O2"40'31'W., A DISTANCE OF 47.81 FEET; THENCE S.O2"10'29'W., A DISTANCE OF 25.81 FEET; THENCE S.O5"26'13"E., A DISTANCE OF 15.45 FEET; THENCE S.l5"15'12"E., A DISTANCE OF 15.82 FEET; THENCE S.47"39'30t'E., A DISTANCE OF 26.09 FEET; THENCE S.29"20'24"E., A DISTANCE OF 13.06 FEET; THENCE S.l9"08'53"E., A DISTANCE OF 38.11 FEET; THENCE SOUTH, A DISTANCE OF 27.63 FEET; THENCE S.56"18'36'71\1., A DISTANCE OF 14.31 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 1.32 ACRES. 35 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRl PTlON FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 31 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 8146 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.l3"52'14''W., A DISTANCE OF 3,255.02 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.I4"02'38''W., A DISTANCE OF 13.32 FEET; THENCE N.O2"42'18"E., A DISTANCE OF 48.16 FEET; THENCE N.00°44'48''W., A DISTANCE OF 13.87 FEET; THENCE N.O8"51'37''W., A DISTANCE OF 13.44 FEET; THENCE N.2Oo29'51"W., A DISTANCE OF 17.71 FEET; THENCE N.32"07'53'W., A DISTANCE OF 14.10 FEET; THENCE N.42"11'25''W., A DISTANCE OF 43.13 FEET; THENCE S.67"5I124"E., A DISTANCE OF 169.92 FEET; THENCE S.22"O8'36''WN., A DISTANCE OF 15.24 FEET; THENCE S.56"19'09W., A DISTANCE OF 127.1 1 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 0.20 ACRES. 36 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 32 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 8146 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.O8"11'20"E., A DISTANCE OF 2,633.28 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.47"52'15"W., A DISTANCE OF 60.00 FEET; THENCE N.65"31'03'W., A DISTANCE OF 30.77 FEET; THENCE N.48"48'51'W., A DISTANCE OF 45.18 FEET; THENCE N.73"55'35'W., A DISTANCE OF 30.70 FEET; THENCE N.70°54'23"W., A DISTANCE OF 116.93 FEET; THENCE N.67"22'48'W., A DISTANCE OF 27.63 FEET; THENCE N.54"29'34'WW., A DISTANCE OF 54.67 FEET; THENCE N.55"10'59"W., A DISTANCE OF 33.50 FEET; THENCE N.49"38'08'WW., A DISTANCE OF 55.78 FEET; THENCE N.44"48'44'WN., A DISTANCE OF 26.96 FEET; THENCE N.62"54'38'W., A DISTANCE OF 97.72 FEET; THENCE N.68"25'43"W., A DISTANCE OF 23.12 FEET; THENCE N.86"08'26'WW., A DISTANCE OF 31.57 FEET; THENCE S.45"00'00'W., A DISTANCE OF 24.04 FEET; THENCE S.63"26'O6'WN., A DISTANCE OF 19.01 FEET; THENCE WEST, A DISTANCE OF 23.50 FEET; THENCE N.49"38'08"W., A DISTANCE OF 36.09 FEET; THENCE N.56"49'17'W., A DISTANCE OF 15.53 FEET; THENCE N.83"00'38'WW., A DISTANCE OF 104.78 FEET; THENCE S.34"18'28'W., A DISTANCE OF 25.73 FEET; THENCE S.45"09'1 OW., A DISTANCE OF 33.15 FEET; THENCE S.73"55'35'W., A DISTANCE OF 30.70 FEET; THENCE N.85"02'34"W., A DISTANCE OF 98.37 FEET; THENCE N.64"43'20'W., A DISTANCE OF 34.84 FEET; THENCE N.45"09'1O'W., A DISTANCE OF 33.15 FEET; THENCE N.32"41'19'WW., A DISTANCE OF 27.77 FEET; THENCE N.7lo21'38'W., A DISTANCE OF 33.24 FEET; THENCE N.63"26'06"W., A DISTANCE OF 19.01 FEET; THENCE N.39"02'19'WW., A DISTANCE OF 66.92 FEET; THENCE N.53"33'52'WW., A DISTANCE OF 12.21 FEET; THENCE N.40°58'01'W., A DISTANCE OF 30.66 FEET; THENCE N.O3"47'49"W., A DISTANCE OF 13.77 FEET; THENCE N.2Oo34'27'W., A DISTANCE OF 13.92 FEET; THENCE N.28"48'20'WW., A DISTANCE OF 9.73 FEET; THENCE N.32"21'05'W., A DISTANCE OF 13.25 FEET; THENCE N.32"59'5I1'W., A DISTANCE OF 10.74 FEET; THENCE N.23"57'45'W., A DISTANCE OF 45.65 FEET; THENCE N.56"19'09"E., A DISTANCE OF 124.15 FEET; THENCE N.8I019'09E., A DISTANCE OF 58.82 FEET; THENCE S.67"51'24"E., A DISTANCE OF 811.56 FEET; THENCE S.I6"41'57"E., A DISTANCE OF 8.27 FEET; THENCE S.69"22'30"E., A DISTANCE OF 97.23 FEET; THENCE S.78"35'36E., A DISTANCE OF 20.73 37 FEET; THENCE S.67"51r24"E., A DISTANCE OF 12.47 FEET; THENCE S.47"51145"E., A DISTANCE OF 37.93 FEET; THENCE S.76"52'42"E., A DISTANCE OF 37.99 FEET; THENCE S.83"23'04"E., A DISTANCE OF 26.20 FEET; THENCE S.67"51124"E., A DISTANCE OF 103.40 FEET; THENCE S.l8"12'45'W., A DISTANCE OF 187.09 FEET; THENCE S.8lo12'53'W., A DISTANCE OF 21 57 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 5.27 ACRES. 38 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 33 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 8146 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.O2"34'15"E., A DISTANCE OF 2,953.99 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.67'47'34'WN., A DISTANCE OF 386.63 FEET; THENCE N.29"53'56"E., A DISTANCE OF 28.39 FEET; THENCE N.83'27'108'E., A DISTANCE OF 9.67 FEET; THENCE S.7I000'21"E., A DISTANCE OF 18.77 FEET; THENCE S.76"49'55"E., A DISTANCE OF 116.11 FEET; THENCE S.8Oo39'26"E., A DISTANCE OF 20.97 FEET; THENCE EAST, A DISTANCE OF 24.70 FEET; THENCE N.7I034'35"E., A DISTANCE OF 8.60 FEET; THENCE N.33'30'13"E., A DISTANCE OF 9.21 FEET; THENCE N.O2'26'18"E., A DISTANCE OF 5.56 FEET; THENCE N.I9'56'28'W., A DISTANCE OF 30.27 FEET; THENCE N.0I034'14'W., A DISTANCE OF 31.26 FEET; THENCE N.I3'01'56"E., A DISTANCE OF 41.75 FEET; THENCE N.O9'00'27"E., A DISTANCE OF 24.79 FEET; THENCE N.O7'02'34'W., A DISTANCE OF 19.78 FEET; THENCE N.16'42'35'WN., A DISTANCE OF 32.90 FEET; THENCE N.I2'47'37'W., A DISTANCE OF 23.05 FEET; THENCE N.06'13'13'WW., A DISTANCE OF 44.55 FEET; THENCE N.I1'19'08'W., A DISTANCE OF 27.60 FEET; THENCE N.22'54'39'WN., A DISTANCE OF 91.83 FEET; THENCE N.47'52'47"E., A DISTANCE OF 75.65 FEET; THENCE S.42"07'13"E., A DISTANCE OF 27.17 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 1,036.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 77'49'36"; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE ARC A DISTANCE OF 1,407.23 FEET; THENCE N.60"03'11"E., A DISTANCE OF 206.36 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 1,236.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 38'22'47; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC A DISTANCE OF 827.94 FEET; THENCE S.10°25'40"E., A DISTANCE OF 584.92 FEET; THENCE S.79'34'2O'Ww., A DISTANCE OF 7.37 FEET; THENCE N.83'18'26'WN., A DISTANCE OF 24.67 FEET; THENCE N.75'19'25'W., A DISTANCE OF 21.71 FEET; THENCE N.56'40'15"W., A DISTANCE OF 27.53 FEET; THENCE N.67"27'25"W., A DISTANCE OF 28.69 FEET; THENCE S.78"43'48'W., A DISTANCE OF 35.18 FEET; THENCE S.7I052'13'W., A DISTANCE OF 23.67 FEET; THENCE S.32'31'11'WW., A DISTANCE OF 22.47 FEET; THENCE S.48"47'40'W., A DISTANCE OF 9.07 FEET; THENCE S.74'1 1'54'W., A DISTANCE OF 16.43 FEET; THENCE S.72'3O'24'Ww., A DISTANCE OF 17.73 FEET; THENCE S.I5'51'57''W., A DISTANCE OF 16.02 FEET; THENCE S.8I016'22"W., A DISTANCE OF 39 28.83 FEET; THENCE S.74"15'40'W., A DISTANCE OF 28.57 FEET; THENCE S.64"0O'05'WN., A DISTANCE OF 67.87 FEET; THENCE S.64"09'39'W., A DISTANCE OF 51.03 FEET; THENCE N.4lo27'14"W., A DISTANCE OF 42.01 FEET; THENCE S.8O0O3'07'W., A DISTANCE OF 52.37 FEET; THENCE S.77"42'22'WW., A DISTANCE OF 37.98 FEET; THENCE S.78"12'O6'Ww., A DISTANCE OF 14.61 FEET; THENCE S.68"09'11"W., A DISTANCE OF 12.41 FEET; THENCE S.65"03'05'W., A DISTANCE OF 14.59 FEET; THENCE S.62"09'37"W., A DISTANCE OF 13.04 FEET; THENCE S.55"34'09'W., A DISTANCE OF 14.08 FEET; THENCE S.46"58'34'WN., A DISTANCE OF 14.15 FEET; THENCE S.43"05'13'W., A DISTANCE OF 12.45 FEET; THENCE S.41°53'21"W., A DISTANCE OF 15.73 FEET; THENCE S.50°19'36'W., A DISTANCE OF 15.17 FEET; THENCE S.6Oo36'21"W., A DISTANCE OF 13.81 FEET; THENCE S.67"22'00'W., A DISTANCE OF 13.02 FEET; THENCE S.72"36'39'WN., A DISTANCE OF 14.30 FEET; THENCE S.77"2O'33'Ww., A DISTANCE OF 12.61 FEET; THENCE S.79"54'54'WN., A DISTANCE OF 13.94 FEET; THENCE S.78"16'09'W., A DISTANCE OF 14.73 FEET; THENCE S.73"35'06'W., A DISTANCE OF 14.57 FEET; THENCE S.66"48'48'W., A DISTANCE OF 16.63 FEET; THENCE S.59"02'35'W., A DISTANCE OF 13.53 FEET; THENCE S.54"47'38'W., A DISTANCE OF 11.76 FEET; THENCE S.53"28'28"W., A DISTANCE OF 36.25 FEET; THENCE S.74"21'28'W., A DISTANCE OF 11.66 FEET; THENCE S.88"39'21"W., A DISTANCE OF 30.39 FEET; THENCE S.89"42'23'W., A DISTANCE OF 14.31 FEET; THENCE S.7lo45'08'W., A DISTANCE OF 20.71 FEET; THENCE S.67"15'38'W., A DISTANCE OF 36.87 FEET; THENCE S.76"48'02"W., A DISTANCE OF 49.82 FEET; THENCE S.8Oo32'16'W., A DISTANCE OF 34.98 FEET; THENCE S.8Oo24'04"W., A DISTANCE OF 34.48 FEET; THENCE S.76"48'02'W., A DISTANCE OF 49.82 FEET; THENCE S.75"57'50'W., A DISTANCE OF 46.90 FEET; THENCE S.78"13'54'WN., A DISTANCE OF 70.48 FEET; THENCE S.7I033'54"W., A DISTANCE OF 26.88 FEET; THENCE S.6Oo16'51'W., A DISTANCE OF 69.09 FEET; THENCE S.6lo36'25"W., A DISTANCE OF 42.06 FEET; THENCE S.65"57'34'WN., A DISTANCE OF 27.92 FEET; THENCE S.35"56'32"W., A DISTANCE OF 24.70 FEET; THENCE S.65"39'32'W., A DISTANCE OF 34.57 FEET; THENCE S.85"33'25'W., A DISTANCE OF 37.1 I FEET; THENCE S.7I018'46'W., A DISTANCE OF 26.92 FEET; THENCE S.84"29'19'W., A DISTANCE OF 28.63 FEET; THENCE WEST, A DISTANCE OF 43.00 FEET; THENCE N.40°52'34'W., A DISTANCE OF 56.54 FEET; THENCE N.82"52'301'W., A DISTANCE OF 23.18 FEET; THENCE N.38"29'46'W., A DISTANCE OF 54.62 FEET; THENCE WEST, A DISTANCE OF 23.00 FEET; THENCE N.54"00'48'W., A DISTANCE OF 38.93 FEET; THENCE N.64"53'35"W., A DISTANCE OF 101.05 FEET; THENCE WEST, A DISTANCE OF 25.50 FEET; THENCE S.84"47'06'W., A DISTANCE OF 31.63 FEET; THENCE S.76"52'42'W., A DISTANCE OF 37.99 FEET; THENCE N.8lo49'11'W., A DISTANCE OF 14.37 FEET; THENCE S.46"40'13"W., A DISTANCE OF 14.30 FEET; THENCE S.23"51'36'WN., A DISTANCE OF 13.86 FEET; THENCE S.84"54'33'W., A DISTANCE OF 12.31 FEET; THENCE S.5l027'03'W., A DISTANCE OF 13.23 FEET; THENCE S.30°58'09'W., A DISTANCE OF 10.32 FEET; THENCE S.43"41'31"W., A DISTANCE OF 10.92 FEET; THENCE S.O6"19'55"E., A DISTANCE OF 24.25 FEET; THENCE S.35"09'39''E., A DISTANCE OF 25.23 FEET; THENCE S.65"28'14'W., A DISTANCE OF 34.63 FEET; THENCE N.68"01'32'W., A DISTANCE OF 30.73 FEET; THENCE S.65"43'32'W., A DISTANCE OF 27.97 FEET; THENCE S.32"30'56'WW., A DISTANCE OF 37.21 FEET; THENCE S.2lo20'03'W., A DISTANCE OF 39.86 FEET; THENCE S.I5"03'23''E., A DISTANCE OF 18.94 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 9.02 ACRES. 40 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRl PTlON FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 34 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.I8"04'58"E., A DISTANCE OF 2,914.84 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S.88"43'23'W., A DISTANCE OF 281.29 FEET; THENCE NS3"19'48"E., A DISTANCE OF 22.52 FEET; THENCE N.69"26'38E., A DISTANCE OF 24.56 FEET; THENCE N.5O054'22"E., A DISTANCE OF 18.04 FEET; THENCE N.33"52'58"E., A DISTANCE OF 20.63 FEET; THENCE N.83"2It07"E., A DISTANCE OF 74.50 FEET; THENCE S.58"59'57"E., A DISTANCE OF 33.25 FEET; THENCE S.80"41'50t'E., A DISTANCE OF 30.28 FEET; THENCE S.77"00'32"E., A DISTANCE OF 84.99 FEET; THENCE S.O2"35'38'W., A DISTANCE OF 11.82 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 0.22 ACRES. 41 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRl PTlON FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 35 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.l6"34'34"E., A DISTANCE OF 1,877.38 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.46"51'45'W., A DISTANCE OF 1,417.52 FEET; THENCE N.86"24'58E., A DISTANCE OF 19.41 FEET; THENCE EAST, A DISTANCE OF 16.00 FEET; THENCE S.51°54'19E., A DISTANCE OF 51.46 FEET; THENCE S.66"21'09"E., A DISTANCE OF 90.06 FEET; THENCE S.77"07'45"E., A DISTANCE OF 47.70 FEET; THENCE S.83"29'28"E., A DISTANCE OF 74.98 FEET; THENCE S.72"43'32"E., A DISTANCE OF 64.41 FEET; THENCE S.69"48'29E., A DISTANCE OF 128.92 FEET; THENCE S.78"51'37"E., A DISTANCE OF 131.99 FEET; THENCE S.78"24'03"E., A DISTANCE OF 179.67 FEET; THENCE S.82"31'37"E., A DISTANCE OF 81.69 FEET; THENCE N.63"25'02"E., A DISTANCE OF 63.20 FEET; THENCE N.l8"12'45"E., A DISTANCE OF 143.52 FEET; THENCE N.39"55'57"E., A DISTANCE OF 66.37 FEET; THENCE N.86"09'02"E., A DISTANCE OF 19.57 FEET; THENCE S.67"51124"E., A DISTANCE OF 80.00 FEET; THENCE N.88"09'57"E., A DISTANCE OF 394.63 FEET; THENCE N.80°51'05"E., A DISTANCE OF 159.70 FEET; THENCE N.63"14'04"E., A DISTANCE OF 435.71 FEET; THENCE S.86"09'28E., A DISTANCE OF 14.48 FEET; THENCE N.8lo24'02"E., A DISTANCE OF 35.21 FEET; THENCE S.71°30'28E., A DISTANCE OF 38.79 FEET; THENCE N.8Oo43'32''E., A DISTANCE OF 14.87 FEET; THENCE N.44"07'06"E., A DISTANCE OF 15.37 FEET; THENCE N.l2"35'30"E., A DISTANCE OF 27.01 FEET; THENCE N.O6"42'46'W., A DISTANCE OF 22.18 FEET; THENCE N.1lo23'13"E., A DISTANCE OF 23.16 FEET; THENCE N.l9"48'43"E., A DISTANCE OF 33.10 FEET; THENCE N.O3"34'1O'W., A DISTANCE OF 22.61 FEET; THENCE N.0Oo36'26'W., A DISTANCE OF 28.01 FEET; THENCE N.0Oo54'51"E., A DISTANCE OF 58.21 FEET; THENCE N.09"30'39'WW., A DISTANCE OF 35.36 FEET; THENCE N.l4"28'48'W., A DISTANCE OF 16.62 FEET; THENCE N.l7"34'28"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.26 FEET; THENCE N.2lo09'54"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.84 FEET; THENCE N.22"01'07"E., A DISTANCE OF 11.05 FEET; THENCE N.l4"38'15"E., A DISTANCE OF 25.21 FEET; THENCE N.Ol"54'26''E.. A DISTANCE OF 18.37 FEET; THENCE N.42"46'08E., A DISTANCE OF 16.77 FEET; THENCE N.48"31'22"E., A DISTANCE OF 8.27 FEET; THENCE S.4lo27'14"E., A DISTANCE OF 26.54 FEET; THENCE S.35"30'33'W., A DISTANCE OF 8.58 FEET; THENCE S.27"13'29'W., A 42 DISTANCE OF 11.01 FEET; THENCE S.I6"40'32'W., A DISTANCE OF 10.38 FEET; THENCE S.O6"40'57"W., A DISTANCE OF 10.99 FEET; THENCE S.O6"37'12"W., A DISTANCE OF 16.82 FEET; THENCE S.O6"23'05'W., A DISTANCE OF 19.80 FEET; THENCE S.O3"16'57'W., A DISTANCE OF 20.18 FEET; THENCE S.01"05'05'W., A DISTANCE OF 17.31 FEET; THENCE S.0O055'42"E., A DISTANCE OF 23.44 FEET; THENCE S.O3"00'22"E., A DISTANCE OF 15.07 FEET; THENCE S.OO029'14'W., A DISTANCE OF 24.18 FEET; THENCE S.00°00'27"E., A DISTANCE OF 16.92 FEET; THENCE S.O4"00'05"E., A DISTANCE OF 12.93 FEET; THENCE S.O4"30'33"E., A DISTANCE OF 17.23 FEET; THENCE S.O4"28'07"W., A DISTANCE OF 23.22 FEET; THENCE S.O4"48'27'W., A DISTANCE OF 17.84 FEET; THENCE S.00°53'29E., A DISTANCE OF 12.09 FEET; THENCE S.33"49'25"E., A DISTANCE OF 16.83 FEET; THENCE S.73"01'05''E., A DISTANCE OF 20.51 FEET; THENCE S.78"04'07"E., A DISTANCE OF 17.25 FEET; THENCE S.88"30'05"E., A DISTANCE OF 16.16 FEET; THENCE N.82"44'12"E., A DISTANCE OF 25.71 FEET; THENCE N.86"3l1I2"E., A DISTANCE OF 18.53 FEET; THENCE EAST, A DISTANCE OF 16.50 FEET; THENCE N.8Oo32'16"E., A DISTANCE OF 13.69 FEET; THENCE N.61"11'21"E., A DISTANCE OF 11.41 FEET; THENCE N.83"34'52"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.06 FEET; THENCE S.84"38'39"E., A DISTANCE OF 12.05 FEET; THENCE N.73"12'37"E., A DISTANCE OF 15.15 FEET; THENCE N.62"51'0I1'E., A DISTANCE OF 21.91 FEET; THENCE N.45"29'54"E., A DISTANCE OF 20.33 FEET; THENCE N.46"54'20"E., A DISTANCE OF 45.19 FEET; THENCE N.67"45'04"E., A DISTANCE OF 11.88 FEET; THENCE N.23"06'23"E., A DISTANCE OF 20.39 FEET; THENCE N.42"14'5I1'E., A DISTANCE OF 11.89 FEET; THENCE S.69"26'44"E., A DISTANCE OF 14.70 FEET; THENCE N.85"31'01"E., A DISTANCE OF 16.96 FEET; THENCE N.26"10'15"E., A DISTANCE OF 14.22 FEET; THENCE N.4I048'57'W., A DISTANCE OF 19.80 FEET; THENCE N.48"18'22'W., A DISTANCE OF 23.45 FEET; THENCE N.48"45'32"W., A DISTANCE OF 14.63 FEET; THENCE N.37"31'25"W., A DISTANCE OF 28.11 FEET; THENCE N.1Oo29'38"W., A DISTANCE OF 10.03 FEET; THENCE N.79"02'55"E., A DISTANCE OF 17.30 FEET; THENCE S.6I041'25"E., A DISTANCE OF 20.59 FEET; THENCE S.5Oo35'02"E., A DISTANCE OF 38.55 FEET; THENCE S.44"05'45''E., A DISTANCE OF 57.05 FEET; THENCE S.38"09'48E., A DISTANCE OF 31.59 FEET; THENCE S.53"15'56"E., A DISTANCE OF 17.47 FEET; THENCE S.38"09'49E., A DISTANCE OF 17.55 FEET; THENCE S.28"13'5!T1E., A DISTANCE OF 26.77 FEET; THENCE N.73"44'23"E., A DISTANCE OF 14.17 FEET; THENCE SOUTH, A DISTANCE OF 32.00 FEET; THENCE N.78"51'26"E., A DISTANCE OF 16.82 FEET; THENCE N.64"32'12"E., A DISTANCE OF 23.26 FEET; THENCE S.84"43'02"E., A DISTANCE OF 36.66 FEET; THENCE N.85"08'49"E., A DISTANCE OF 26.60 FEET; THENCE N.77"42'58"E., A DISTANCE OF 15.86 FEET; THENCE S.O2"04'23'W., A DISTANCE OF 27.64 FEET; THENCE S.20°40'28E., A DISTANCE OF 21.24 FEET; THENCE S.57"08'39"E., A DISTANCE OF 14.29 FEET; THENCE EAST, A DISTANCE OF 19.00 FEET; THENCE S.78"OO'I I"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.22 FEET; THENCE S.36"24'43"E., A DISTANCE OF 21.90 FEET; THENCE S.27"43'27"E., A DISTANCE OF 38.69 FEET; THENCE S.43"24'17"E., A DISTANCE OF 34.93 FEET; THENCE S.59"06'00"E., A DISTANCE OF 38.46 FEET; THENCE S.I4"49'2o"W., A DISTANCE OF 71.49 FEET; THENCE S.6I035'26'W., A DISTANCE OF 21.84 FEET; THENCE S.59"44'37"W., A DISTANCE OF 29.52 FEET; THENCE S.85"56'54"W., A DISTANCE OF 30.08 FEET; THENCE WEST, A DISTANCE OF 40.00 FEET; THENCE S.83"46'51"W., A DISTANCE OF 19.62 FEET; THENCE S.3lo42'05'W., A DISTANCE OF 19.98 FEET; THENCE S.3Oo36'49W., A DISTANCE OF 24.55 FEET; THENCE S.4Oo47'09"W., A DISTANCE OF 16.84 FEET; THENCE N.80°21'07'W., A DISTANCE OF 12.68 FEET; THENCE N.44"39'40'WW., A DISTANCE OF 14.94 FEET; THENCE N.60°27'40'W., A DISTANCE OF 17.24 FEET; THENCE WEST, A DISTANCE OF 17.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH, A DISTANCE OF 21.13 FEET; THENCE N.I8"46'17"E., A DISTANCE OF 20.20 FEET; THENCE N.5l0O0'32'W., A DISTANCE OF 13.51 FEET; THENCE N.82"52'30'WN., A DISTANCE OF 17.13 FEET; THENCE S.4I025'25'W., A DISTANCE OF 22.67 FEET; THENCE S.85"24'25'W., A DISTANCE OF 43 c 10.68 FEET; THENCE N.47"30'57'W., A DISTANCE OF 10.89 FEET; THENCE N.6Oo40'56'W., A DISTANCE OF 13.21 FEET; THENCE N.55"42'44'W., A DISTANCE OF 19.63 FEET; THENCE N.54"59'39"W., A DISTANCE OF 19.16 FEET; THENCE N.65"13'44'W., A DISTANCE OF 11.55 FEET; THENCE N.84"17'32"W., A DISTANCE OF 10.24 FEET; THENCE S.6O022'O0'W., A DISTANCE OF 15.84 FEET; THENCE S.3O"l 1'03"W., A DISTANCE OF 19.72 FEET; THENCE S.O8"49'48'W., A DISTANCE OF 17.80 FEET; THENCE S.15"44'16'WW., A DISTANCE OF 14.74 FEET; THENCE S.53"29'36'11\1., A DISTANCE OF 12.60 FEET; THENCE S.86"25'01'W., A DISTANCE OF 16.44 FEET; THENCE N.72"38'06'W., A DISTANCE OF 16.91 FEET; THENCE N.59"27'50'W., A DISTANCE OF 20.01 FEET; THENCE N.53"26'54'WN., A DISTANCE OF 16.88 FEET; THENCE S.75"47'59''W., A DISTANCE OF 36.33 FEET; THENCE S.75"09'57'W., A DISTANCE OF 21.18 FEET; THENCE S.74"36'25'WN., A DISTANCE OF 46.83 FEET; THENCE S.74"03'43'W., A DISTANCE OF 45.03 FEET; THENCE S.74"00'14'W., A DISTANCE OF 20.94 FEET; THENCE S.72"50'53"W., A DISTANCE OF 22.44 FEET; THENCE S.69"18'29'W., A DISTANCE OF 15.44 FEET; THENCE S.73"09'02'W., A DISTANCE OF 15.90 FEET; THENCE S.74"20'48'W., A DISTANCE OF 40.82 FEET; THENCE S.7lo20'47'W., A DISTANCE OF 38.30 FEET; THENCE S.74"00'58'W., A DISTANCE OF 57.61 FEET; THENCE S.78"52'33'W., A DISTANCE OF 19.30 FEET; THENCE S.73"58'57'W., A DISTANCE OF 21.88 FEET; THENCE S.7lo14'38'W., A DISTANCE OF 33.20 FEET; THENCE S.75"24'55'W., A DISTANCE OF 13.17 FEET; THENCE S.8Oo21'48'W., A DISTANCE OF 18.77 FEET; THENCE S.87"29'52"W., A DISTANCE OF 22.07 FEET; THENCE S.76'56'24'W.. A DISTANCE OF 45.99 FEET; THENCE N.84"32'40'W., A DISTANCE OF 18.77 FEET; THENCE S.78"48'27'W., A DISTANCE OF 23.47 FEET; THENCE N.78"28'48'W., A DISTANCE OF 14.54 FEET; THENCE N.86"10'31''WN., A DISTANCE OF 10.40 FEET; THENCE S.8lo43'42'W., A DISTANCE OF 16.59 FEET; THENCE S.86"26'03"W., A DISTANCE OF 21.33 FEET; THENCE S.8lo08'45"W., A DISTANCE OF 19.39 FEET; THENCE S.86"02'41"W., A DISTANCE OF 15.74 FEET; THENCE N.89"30'20'W., A DISTANCE OF 16.46 FEET; THENCE N.7lo08'47'W., A DISTANCE OF 17.68 FEET; THENCE N.8lo51'44"W., A DISTANCE OF 17.91 FEET; THENCE S.89"49'2lo'W., A DISTANCE OF 11.47 FEET; THENCE S.76"01'03"W., A DISTANCE OF 33.72 FEET; THENCE S.64"38'24'W., A DISTANCE OF 29.77 FEET; THENCE S.59"52'12"W., A DISTANCE OF 57.87 FEET; THENCE S.56"06'47'W., A DISTANCE OF 46.38 FEET; THENCE S.51°29'49'W., A DISTANCE OF 34.00 FEET; THENCE S.49"21'49'W., A DISTANCE OF 13.26 FEET; THENCE S.84"1O'54'WN., A DISTANCE OF 12.59 FEET; THENCE S.86"18'40'W., A DISTANCE OF 17.50 FEET; THENCE S.71°03'19'W., A DISTANCE OF 14.43 FEET; THENCE S.57"28'22'W., A DISTANCE OF 19.07 FEET; THENCE S.75"42'55"W., A DISTANCE OF 16.95 FEET; THENCE S.79"52'18'W., A DISTANCE OF 42.35 FEET; THENCE S.7Oo20'30'W., A DISTANCE OF 38.14 FEET; THENCE S.56"55'14'W., A DISTANCE OF 32.08 FEET; THENCE S.36"22'16'W., A DISTANCE OF 34.72 FEET; THENCE S.6Oo01'33'W., A DISTANCE OF 15.78 FEET; THENCE S.89"02'20'W., A DISTANCE OF 28.15 FEET; THENCE S.63"09'46'W., A DISTANCE OF 22.79 FEET; THENCE S.O9"00'06"E., A DISTANCE OF 12.78 FEET; THENCE S.38"06'27"E., A DISTANCE OF 24.31 FEET; THENCE S.52"29'56''E., A DISTANCE OF 45.38 FEET; THENCE S.58"56'13"E., A DISTANCE OF 74.13 FEET; THENCE S.24"47'3S0E., A DISTANCE OF 56.04 FEET; THENCE S.Ol008'55'W., A DISTANCE OF 77.98 FEET; THENCE S.1lo22'20'W., A DISTANCE OF 25.49 FEET; THENCE S.12"19'38'11\1., A DISTANCE OF 21.06 FEET; THENCE S.1l043'18'W., A DISTANCE OF 8.56 FEET; THENCE S.24'36'47'W.. A DISTANCE OF 8.91 FEET; THENCE S.O6"49'58'W., A DISTANCE OF 8.57 FEET; THENCE S.O4"22'5O'W., A DISTANCE OF 20.24 FEET; THENCE S.23"27'32'W., A DISTANCE OF 47.47 FEET; THENCE S.2O052'O5'W., A DISTANCE OF 17.20 FEET; THENCE S.17"29'00'71\1., A DISTANCE OF 20.87 FEET; THENCE S.0Oo36'45"E., A DISTANCE OF 20.70 FEET; THENCE S.23"52'1O"E., A DISTANCE OF 20.89 FEET; THENCE S.64"43'35"E., A DISTANCE OF 11.94 FEET; THENCE S.89"44'16"E., A DISTANCE OF 21.33 FEET; THENCE 44 N.75"37'57"E., A DISTANCE OF 15.73 FEET; THENCE N.66"51'21"E., A DISTANCE OF 42.73 FEET; THENCE N.73"06'52''E., A DISTANCE OF 42.61 FEET; THENCE S.83"42'30"E., A DISTANCE OF 11.98 FEET; THENCE S.54"32'48"E., A DISTANCE OF 1 1.50 FEET; THENCE S.O2"09'36'WN., A DISTANCE OF 10.48 FEET; THENCE S.53"23'12"W., A DISTANCE OF 11.41 FEET; THENCE S.64"08'18"W., A DISTANCE OF 14.64 FEET; THENCE N.84"25'05'W., A DISTANCE OF 13.97 FEET; THENCE N.76"57'40"W., A DISTANCE OF 12.30 FEET; THENCE S.75"37'43'W., A DISTANCE OF 15.72 FEET; THENCE S.64"47'42'W., A DISTANCE OF 26.47 FEET; THENCE S.46"32'42'W., A DISTANCE OF 22.28 FEET; THENCE S.28"36'08'W., A DISTANCE OF 16.18 FEET; THENCE S.O3"30'59"E., A DISTANCE OF 18.94 FEET; THENCE S.24"51'55"E., A DISTANCE OF 19.82 FEET; THENCE S.54"44'401'E., A DISTANCE OF 33.34 FEET; THENCE S.6I019'07"E., A DISTANCE OF 48.44 FEET; THENCE S.72"08'48"E., A DISTANCE OF 28.65 FEET; THENCE N.88"57'56"E., A DISTANCE OF 16.25 FEET; THENCE N.56"44'05"E., A DISTANCE OF 22.29 FEET; THENCE N.33"14'29"E., A DISTANCE OF 43.09 FEET; THENCE N.42"03'49"E., A DISTANCE OF 21.04 FEET; THENCE N.83"37'06"E., A DISTANCE OF 16.74 FEET; THENCE S.45"33'23"E., A DISTANCE OF 14.36 FEET; THENCE S.O4"34'07'W., A DISTANCE OF 20.50 FEET; THENCE S.2Oo43'35'W., A DISTANCE OF 13.71 FEET; THENCE S.37"O1'36'Ww., A DISTANCE OF 17.87 FEET; THENCE S.38'56'45'W.. A DISTANCE OF 12.34 FEET; THENCE S.84"25'42"W., A DISTANCE OF 37.49 FEET; THENCE S.88"35'19'W., A DISTANCE OF 14.31 FEET; THENCE S.7Oo19'47'W., A DISTANCE OF 20.76 FEET; THENCE S.37"01'30"W., A DISTANCE OF 14.72 FEET; THENCE S.O7"03'07"E., A DISTANCE OF 27.97 FEET; THENCE N.67"I 7'21"W., A DISTANCE OF 23.73 FEET; THENCE N.84"31'30'WN., A DISTANCE OF 20.53 FEET; THENCE S.79"55'37'W., A DISTANCE OF 20.81 FEET; THENCE N.87"32'48"W., A DISTANCE OF 17.24 FEET; THENCE N.38"38'09W., A DISTANCE OF 22.23 FEET; THENCE N.49"34'301'W., A DISTANCE OF 21.34 FEET; THENCE N.38"22'02'WW., A DISTANCE OF 22.90 FEET; THENCE N.59"57'46"W., A DISTANCE OF 14.40 FEET; THENCE S.89"3O'56'Ww., A DISTANCE OF 16.92 FEET; THENCE N.59"48'58'WN., A DISTANCE OF 12.27 FEET; THENCE N.O4"46'54'W., A DISTANCE OF 12.64 FEET; THENCE N.1Oo09'13"E., A DISTANCE OF 20.54 FEET; THENCE N.18"12'15'W., A DISTANCE OF 15.41 FEET; THENCE N.58"08'47'W., A DISTANCE OF 15.76 FEET; THENCE N.87"22'21'WN., A DISTANCE OF 12.23 FEET; THENCE S.6I044'54'W., A DISTANCE OF 19.41 FEET; THENCE S.54"08'48W., A DISTANCE OF 19.04 FEET; THENCE S.55"45'38'WW., A DISTANCE OF 17.83 FEET; THENCE S.69"29'46'W., A DISTANCE OF 20.67 FEET; THENCE S.49"25'59'W., A DISTANCE OF 40.83 FEET; THENCE S.58"28'03'W., A DISTANCE OF 20.36 FEET; THENCE S.84"03'3O'W., A DISTANCE OF 21.98 FEET; THENCE N.70°21'22'W., A DISTANCE OF 28.44 FEET; THENCE N.78"27'04'WN., A DISTANCE OF 32.46 FEET; THENCE S.72"14'37"W., A DISTANCE OF 29.72 FEET; THENCE S.3I040'17'W., A DISTANCE OF 30.61 FEET; THENCE S.O3"58'03'W., A DISTANCE OF 35.03 FEET; THENCE S.O4"33'18'W., A DISTANCE OF 14.54 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 23.17 ACRES. 45 c EXHIBIT "Cy' LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 36 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 8146 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.4Oo11'35"E., A DISTANCE OF 2,176.59 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.l3"11'22"W., A DISTANCE OF 15.83 FEET; THENCE N.69'18'57'W., A DISTANCE OF 26.1 9 FEET; THENCE N.6lo38'42'W., A DISTANCE OF 35.79 FEET; THENCE N.53"07'48'W., A DISTANCE OF 42.50 FEET; THENCE N.54"41'20"W., A DISTANCE OF 36.76 FEET; THENCE N.2lo36'53"W., A DISTANCE OF 57.01 FEET; THENCE N.57'59'41'WN., A DISTANCE OF 40.09 FEET; THENCE N.53'07'48'W., A DISTANCE OF 42.50 FEET; THENCE N.4lo25'25"W., A DISTANCE OF 22.67 FEET; THENCE N.3Oo15'23'W., A DISTANCE OF 41.68 FEET; THENCE N.48"20'45"W., A DISTANCE OF 28.78 FEET; THENCE N.66"58'28'WW., A DISTANCE OF 43.46 FEET; THENCE N.36"41'23"W., A DISTANCE OF 31.80 FEET; THENCE N.1Oo29'45"W., A DISTANCE OF 60.39 FEET; THENCE N.44"32'12'W., A DISTANCE OF 32.79 FEET; THENCE N.69"13'12'W., A DISTANCE OF 29.95 FEET; THENCE N.77"48'21"W., A DISTANCE OF 30.18 FEET; THENCE N.39"06'19'W., A DISTANCE OF 30.12 FEET; THENCE N.6Oo27'40'W., A DISTANCE OF 17.24 FEET; THENCE N.45"08'27"E., A DISTANCE OF 35.97 FEET; THENCE N.47"46'57"E., A DISTANCE OF 13.85 FEET; THENCE N.66'16'03"E., A DISTANCE OF 64.34 FEET; THENCE S.78"08'49E., A DISTANCE OF 16.19 FEET; THENCE S.6Oo07'28"E., A DISTANCE OF 14.20 FEET; THENCE S.84'33'29"E., A DISTANCE OF 23.63 FEET; THENCE N.72"59'17"E., A DISTANCE OF 21.64 FEET; THENCE N.55"56'30"E., A DISTANCE OF 19.12 FEET; THENCE N.31°50'12"E., A DISTANCE OF 14.66 FEET; THENCE N.O4"30'23"E., A DISTANCE OF 14.57 FEET; THENCE N.20°20'59"W., A DISTANCE OF 13.34 FEET; THENCE N.I4"23'49"W., A DISTANCE OF 10.50 FEET; THENCE N.l4'59'15"W., A DISTANCE OF 32.87 FEET; THENCE N.34"00'00"E., A DISTANCE OF 31.37 FEET; THENCE N.89"11152"E., A DISTANCE OF 16.33 FEET; THENCE S.65"31'03"E., A DISTANCE OF 18.84 FEET; THENCE S.42"44'51"E., A DISTANCE OF 11.56 FEET; THENCE S.57"25'34"E., A DISTANCE OF 37.96 FEET; THENCE S.69"16'21"E., A DISTANCE OF 32.37 FEET; THENCE S.46"54'05"E., A DISTANCE OF 38.95 FEET; THENCE S.42'26'1 l"E., A DISTANCE OF 27.98 FEET; THENCE S.62'22'09"E.. A DISTANCE OF 54.46 FEET; THENCE S.74"05'25"E., A DISTANCE OF 22.14 FEET; THENCE N.89"1I149E., A DISTANCE OF 18.82 FEET; THENCE N.76"59'47"E., A DISTANCE OF 19.57 46 FEET; THENCE N.64"46'56"E., A DISTANCE OF 15.92 FEET; THENCE N.55"17'45"E., A DISTANCE OF 29.81 FEET; THENCE N.53"57'02"E., A DISTANCE OF 18.52 FEET; THENCE N.26"22'07"E., A DISTANCE OF 13.53 FEET; THENCE N.I3"18'49"E., A DISTANCE OF 16.95 FEET; THENCE N.29"53'06"E., A DISTANCE OF 14.14 FEET; THENCE N.O8"12'08"E., A DISTANCE OF 12.69 FEET; THENCE N.O9"08'44"E., A DISTANCE OF 21.13 FEET; THENCE N.7I021'35"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.23 FEET; THENCE N.47"06'49"E., A DISTANCE OF 12.71 FEET; THENCE N.06"52'27'WN., A DISTANCE OF 14.08 FEET; THENCE N.27"43'54'WN., A DISTANCE OF 21.01 FEET; THENCE N.32"25'48'WW., A DISTANCE OF 21.47 FEET; THENCE N.38"35'41'W., A DISTANCE OF 19.92 FEET; THENCE N.38"36'14"W., A DISTANCE OF 29.73 FEET; THENCE N.57"39'33"E., A DISTANCE OF 20.08 FEET; THENCE N.55"17'13"E., A DISTANCE OF 24.47 FEET; THENCE N.73"46'33"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.71 FEET; THENCE N.80°47'58"E., A DISTANCE OF 31.43 FEET; THENCE N.87"05'52"E., A DISTANCE OF 43.65 FEET; THENCE S.78"00'11"E., A DISTANCE OF 13.87 FEET; THENCE S.86"08'26"E., A DISTANCE OF 31.57 FEET; THENCE EAST, A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET; THENCE S.87"57'17"E., A DISTANCE OF 59.54 FEET; THENCE EAST, A DISTANCE OF 27.50 FEET; THENCE S.8I012'53"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.76 FEET; THENCE S.I4"04'18"E., A DISTANCE OF 17.29 FEET; THENCE S.OO044'52'W., A DISTANCE OF 30.13 FEET; THENCE S.36"48'1 1"E., A DISTANCE OF 18.52 FEET; THENCE S.66"57'12"E., A DISTANCE OF 18.56 FEET; THENCE S.62"39'12"E., A DISTANCE OF 20.61 FEET; THENCE S.45"38'52"E., A DISTANCE OF 54.96 FEET; THENCE S.80°51'22"E., A DISTANCE OF 18.76 FEET; THENCE S.72"19'13"E., A DISTANCE OF 33.33 FEET; THENCE S.57"40'01"E., A DISTANCE OF 27.81 FEET; THENCE S.O7"10'50"E., A DISTANCE OF 32.00 FEET; THENCE S.O6"42'35'W., A DISTANCE OF 34.23 FEET; THENCE S.22"32'58"W., A DISTANCE OF 39.12 FEET; THENCE S.O7"34'01"E., A DISTANCE OF 34.17 FEET; THENCE S.25"12'04'W., A DISTANCE OF 30.53 FEET; THENCE S.O4"08'27'WN., A DISTANCE OF 27.70 FEET; THENCE S.33"4I024"E., A DISTANCE OF 30.65 FEET; THENCE S.47"12'25"E., A DISTANCE OF 43.61 FEET; THENCE S.55"27'23"E., A DISTANCE OF 41.88 FEET; THENCE S.22"40136"E., A DISTANCE OF 27.96 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVE OF A NON TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT, OF WHICH THE RADIUS POINT LIES S.22"40'36"E., A RADIAL DISTANCE OF 1,051.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 10"48'27", A DISTANCE OF 198.25 FEET; THENCE S.56"31'05'W., A DISTANCE OF 100.07 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVE OF A NON TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT, OF WHICH THE RADIUS POINT LIES N.33"29'08'W., A RADIAL DISTANCE OF 949.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 20"17'46", A DISTANCE OF 336.17 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 9.46 ACRES. 47 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 37 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.45"39'33"E., A DISTANCE OF 3,358.63 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.5Oo51'37"W., A DISTANCE OF 60.60 FEET; THENCE N.54"58'06'WW., A DISTANCE OF 59.23 FEET; THENCE N.56"45'43'W., A DISTANCE OF 162.60 FEET; THENCE N.4I048'02"W., A DISTANCE OF 28.51 FEET; THENCE N.6Oo06'04'W., A DISTANCE OF 80.75 FEET; THENCE N.4I025'25"W., A DISTANCE OF 45.34 FEET; THENCE N.O7"09'10'W., A DISTANCE OF 32.13 FEET; THENCE N.I7"13'17"E., A DISTANCE OF 35.46 FEET; THENCE N.26"33'54"E., A DISTANCE OF 38.01 FEET; THENCE N.54"41'201'E., A DISTANCE OF 18.38 FEET; THENCE N.66"22'14"E., A DISTANCE OF 37.1 1 FEET; THENCE S.79"31'5I9'E., A DISTANCE OF 23.39 FEET; THENCE S.23"20'03"E., A DISTANCE OF 27.77 FEET; THENCE S.37"14'29E., A DISTANCE OF 34.70 FEET; THENCE S.5lo26'58E., A DISTANCE OF 40.92 FEET; THENCE S.67"46'30"E., A DISTANCE OF 50.23 FEET; THENCE N.33"28'53"E., A DISTANCE OF 38.07 FEET; THENCE N.25"40'45'E., A DISTANCE OF 54.23 FEET; THENCE N.I8"13'57"E., A DISTANCE OF 33.56 FEET; THENCE N.3Oo35'19"E., A DISTANCE OF 29.48 FEET; THENCE N.37"29'28"E., A DISTANCE OF 61 57 FEET; THENCE N.27"18'22"E., A DISTANCE OF 129.74 FEET; THENCE S.5Oo29'01"E., A DISTANCE OF 691.51 FEET; THENCE S.5Oo25'20"E., A DISTANCE OF 149.92 FEET; THENCE S.39"34'40'W., A DISTANCE OF 15.71 FEET; THENCE N.79"44'38'W., A DISTANCE OF 91.97 FEET; THENCE N.77"46'50'W., A DISTANCE OF 80.32 FEET; THENCE N.84"49'59'W., A DISTANCE OF 70.79 FEET; THENCE N.8Oo22'28'W., A DISTANCE OF 100.92 FEET; THENCE N.85"21'26"W., A DISTANCE OF 78.76 FEET; THENCE S.7I014'38'W., A DISTANCE OF 98.74 FEET; THENCE S.54"10'56''WN., A DISTANCE OF 65.36 FEET; THENCE S.74"10'51''WN., A DISTANCE OF 101.34 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 5.98 ACRES. 48 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 38 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.34"30'13"E., A DISTANCE OF 1,698.49 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.46"51'45'W., A DISTANCE OF 56.65 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVE OF A NON TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT, OF WHICH THE RADIUS POINT LIES S.23"00'30"E., A RADIAL DISTANCE OF 1,299.00 FEET; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE ARC, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 13"01'22'', A DISTANCE OF 295.25 FEET; THENCE N.80°00'51"E., A DISTANCE OF 169.71 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVE OF A NON TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT, OF WHICH THE RADIUS POINT LIES N.09"59'1 I'W., A RADIAL DISTANCE OF 1,051.11 FEET; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE ARC, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 23"29'51", A DISTANCE OF 431.07 FEET; THENCE N.56"30'56E., A DISTANCE OF 100.07 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 948.99 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 21"47'37"; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC A DISTANCE OF 360.97 FEET; THENCE N.78"18'33"E., A DISTANCE OF 180.61 FEET; THENCE S.1I041'27"E., A DISTANCE OF 68.23 FEET; THENCE S.24"09'13"E., A DISTANCE OF 23.19 FEET; THENCE S.74"59'O2'WN., A DISTANCE OF 66.28 FEET; THENCE S.78"32'04'W., A DISTANCE OF 40.65 FEET; THENCE S.63'38'1 I'W., A DISTANCE OF 31.81 FEET; THENCE S.5Oo57'15'W., A DISTANCE OF 28.97 FEET; THENCE S.59"52'15'W., A DISTANCE OF 16.19 FEET; THENCE S.75"14'29'WW., A DISTANCE OF 48.09 FEET; THENCE S.89"47'45"W., A DISTANCE OF 55.15 FEET; THENCE S.7O0O6'06'W., A DISTANCE OF 47.17 FEET; THENCE S.76"57'45'W., A DISTANCE OF 62.61 FEET; THENCE S.52"36'08'W., A DISTANCE OF 43.43 FEET; THENCE S.84"42'14"W., A DISTANCE OF 44.69 FEET; THENCE S.75"05'00"W., A DISTANCE OF 31 56 FEET; THENCE S.55"52'39'W., A DISTANCE OF 57.37 FEET; THENCE N.7I040'53'W., A DISTANCE OF 12.12 FEET; THENCE S.57"39'09''W., A DISTANCE OF 26.63 FEET; THENCE S.54"45'23'W., A DISTANCE OF 24.98 FEET; THENCE S.46"36'O8'Ww., A DISTANCE OF 26.53 FEET; THENCE S.43"O4'55'WN., A DISTANCE OF 57.31 FEET; THENCE S.59"08'35'W., A DISTANCE OF 67.13 FEET; THENCE S.67"16'56'W., A DISTANCE OF 58.17 FEET; THENCE N.7I017'48'W., A DISTANCE OF 41.50 FEET; THENCE S.86"32'39'W., A DISTANCE OF 27.46 FEET; THENCE S.69"00'29'W., A DISTANCE OF 49 36.58 FEET; THENCE S.77"37'40'W., A DISTANCE OF 43.90 FEET; THENCE S.65"34'22"., A DISTANCE OF 88.96 FEET; THENCE S.75"24'50'W., A DISTANCE OF 59.33 FEET; THENCE S.88"57'28'W., A DISTANCE OF 60.53 FEET; THENCE N.79"26'01'W., A DISTANCE OF 23.61 FEET; THENCE S.75"15'56'W., A DISTANCE OF 20.37 FEET; THENCE S.88"59'15"W., A DISTANCE OF 83.45 FEET; THENCE S.83"08'12"W., A DISTANCE OF 52.92 FEET; THENCE S.73"58'57'WN., A DISTANCE OF 57.43 FEET; THENCE S.65"58'27'W., A DISTANCE OF 59.45 FEET; THENCE S.60"38'01'~., A DISTANCE OF 18.86 FEET; THENCE S.6Oo19'36'W., A DISTANCE OF 18.83 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 2.72 ACRES. 50 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 39 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.42"23'34"E., A DISTANCE OF 1,679.38 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.46"51'45"W., A DISTANCE OF 39.99 FEET; THENCE S.85"35'54"E., A DISTANCE OF 15.74 FEET; THENCE N.6I029'23"E., A DISTANCE OF 11.11 FEET; THENCE N.22"07'15"E., A DISTANCE OF 18.15 FEET; THENCE N.4Oo41'20"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.04 FEET; THENCE N.79"48'301'E., A DISTANCE OF 12.92 FEET; THENCE N.8I048'54"E., A DISTANCE OF 17.48 FEET; THENCE N.76"04'13"E., A DISTANCE OF 19.37 FEET; THENCE S.8Oo09'59E., A DISTANCE OF 14.83 FEET; THENCE S.53"17'35"E., A DISTANCE OF 14.99 FEET; THENCE S.55"54'12'W., A DISTANCE OF 15.80 FEET; THENCE S.32"58'32'WW., A DISTANCE OF 15.89 FEET; THENCE S.O6"17'15"W., A DISTANCE OF 16.52 FEET; THENCE S.I7"20'48"E., A DISTANCE OF 16.74 FEET; THENCE S.4Oo07'56"E., A DISTANCE OF 22.39 FEET; THENCE S.62"05'16"E., A DISTANCE OF 15.67 FEET; THENCE S.79"35'16"E., A DISTANCE OF 26.12 FEET; THENCE S.85"27'59"E., A DISTANCE OF 27.87 FEET; THENCE N.84"39'07"E., A DISTANCE OF 51.70 FEET; THENCE N.87"50'56"E., A DISTANCE OF 41.43 FEET; THENCE S.75"03'44"E., A DISTANCE OF 120.86 FEET; THENCE N.78"16'35"E., A DISTANCE OF 63.44 FEET; THENCE S.79"59'36"E., A DISTANCE OF 155.81 FEET; THENCE S.54"25'45"E., A DISTANCE OF 116.56 FEET; THENCE S.74"26'24"E., A DISTANCE OF 47.27 FEET; THENCE N.77'1 I'OVE., A DISTANCE OF 71 50 FEET; THENCE N.42"27'44"E., A DISTANCE OF 50.60 FEET; THENCE N.O5"41'12"E., A DISTANCE OF 34.72 FEET; THENCE N.4I012'56"W., A DISTANCE OF 28.73 FEET; THENCE N.56"00'22'W., A DISTANCE OF 27.63 FEET; THENCE N.1Oo17'12'W., A DISTANCE OF 101.79 FEET; THENCE N.O5"14'14"E., A DISTANCE OF 50.64 FEET; THENCE N.08"33'36'WW., A DISTANCE OF 48.09 FEET; THENCE N.O6"33'00"E., A DISTANCE OF 73.79 FEET; THENCE N.O7"44'28'W., A DISTANCE OF 74.57 FEET; THENCE N.3I057'25"E., A DISTANCE OF 92.79 FEET; THENCE N.4Oo02'33"E., A DISTANCE OF 83.1 1 FEET; THENCE N.69"42'13"E., A DISTANCE OF 89.84 FEET; THENCE N.79'03'04"E.. A DISTANCE OF 85.56 FEET; THENCE N.64"01'14"E., A DISTANCE OF 20.44 FEET; THENCE N.86"44'45"E., A DISTANCE OF 73.66 FEET; THENCE S.35"08'18"E., A DISTANCE OF 33.31 FEET; THENCE S.28"47'2O'W., A DISTANCE OF 41.38 FEET; THENCE S.I5"0O'22'W., A DISTANCE OF 11.87 FEET; THENCE 51 S.38"47'42"E., A DISTANCE OF 11.24 FEET; THENCE N.81'38'1 l"E., A DISTANCE OF 23.29 FEET; THENCE N.77"42'1OV'E., A DISTANCE OF 35.80 FEET; THENCE S.84"49'0S1E., A DISTANCE OF 15.19 FEET; THENCE S.34"10'50"E., A DISTANCE OF 23.88 FEET; THENCE S.O4"56'21'W., A DISTANCE OF 18.55 FEET; THENCE S.34"59'59"W., A DISTANCE OF 37.26 FEET; THENCE S.I6"18'09'W., A DISTANCE OF 36.93 FEET; THENCE S.1Oo47'45"E., A DISTANCE OF 41.34 FEET; THENCE S.3Oo42'53"E., A DISTANCE OF 57.51 FEET; THENCE S.2I050'24''E., A DISTANCE OF 22.93 FEET; THENCE S.OO025'27'W., A DISTANCE OF 31.66 FEET; THENCE S.O5"18'54'W., A DISTANCE OF 32.75 FEET; THENCE S.24"25'20"E., A DISTANCE OF 16.45 FEET; THENCE S.63"04'05''E., A DISTANCE OF 16.62 FEET; THENCE N.7I034'19"E., A DISTANCE OF 22.06 FEET; THENCE N.43"51'38"E., A DISTANCE OF 26.43 FEET; THENCE N.6I020'43"E., A DISTANCE OF 22.32 FEET; THENCE N.65"52'51"E., A DISTANCE OF 16.37 FEET; THENCE S.5I033'54"E., A DISTANCE OF 14.45 FEET; THENCE S.37"21'36"E., A DISTANCE OF 30.89 FEET; THENCE S.27"18'23"E., A DISTANCE OF 58.10 FEET; THENCE S.36"31'31"E., A DISTANCE OF 17.72 FEET; THENCE S.69"27'30"E., A DISTANCE OF 21.41 FEET; THENCE N.83"01'06"E., A DISTANCE OF 24.58 FEET; THENCE N.7I049'29E., A DISTANCE OF 51.72 FEET; THENCE N.8I046'33"E., A DISTANCE OF 47.27 FEET; THENCE N.75"22'32"E., A DISTANCE OF 71.72 FEET; THENCE S.79"30117"E., A DISTANCE OF 30.76 FEET; THENCE S.57"04'11"E., A DISTANCE OF 66.13 FEET; THENCE S.64"20157"E., A DISTANCE OF 29.91 FEET; THENCE N.79"25'48"E., A DISTANCE OF 47.54 FEET; THENCE N.46"55'41"E., A DISTANCE OF 60.56 FEET; THENCE N.62"58'31"E., A DISTANCE OF 53.30 FEET; THENCE N.75"14'02''E., A DISTANCE OF 67.83 FEET; THENCE N.83"31'54"E., A DISTANCE OF 32.77 FEET; THENCE S.67"19'59"E., A DISTANCE OF 31.31 FEET; THENCE S.34"12'23"E., A DISTANCE OF 43.82 FEET; THENCE S.1Oo21'50"E., A DISTANCE OF 19.38 FEET; THENCE S.O2"57'47'W., A DISTANCE OF 39.57 FEET; THENCE S.32"00'34'WN., A DISTANCE OF 55.66 FEET; THENCE S.5Oo12'34'W., A DISTANCE OF 25.80 FEET; THENCE S.88"56'34'WN., A DISTANCE OF 42.77 FEET; THENCE S.54"36'O7'WN., A DISTANCE OF 45.28 FEET; THENCE S.57"33'56"W., A DISTANCE OF 40.51 FEET; THENCE N.78"46'56'WN., A DISTANCE OF 33.81 FEET; THENCE N.46"38'29'WW., A DISTANCE OF 50.14 FEET; THENCE N.75"14'07'W., A DISTANCE OF 38.44 FEET; THENCE N.67"37'52"W., A DISTANCE OF 39.50 FEET; THENCE N.88"58'43'WW., A DISTANCE OF 75.75 FEET; THENCE N.74"42'57'W., A DISTANCE OF 54.02 FEET; THENCE S.86"24'58'WW., A DISTANCE OF 19.04 FEET; THENCE N.72"02'30"W., A DISTANCE OF 21 .OO FEET; THENCE S.66"25'1 OW., A DISTANCE OF 21.20 FEET; THENCE S.35"06'43'W., A DISTANCE OF 28.66 FEET; THENCE S.17"3O'51'WN., A DISTANCE OF 30.82 FEET; THENCE N.84"08'12'W., A DISTANCE OF 27.48 FEET; THENCE S.71"O1'16'Ww., A DISTANCE OF 18.93 FEET; THENCE S.42"18'42'W., A DISTANCE OF 20.47 FEET; THENCE S.23"08'06'W., A DISTANCE OF 30.29 FEET; THENCE S.53"22'05'W., A DISTANCE OF 28.05 FEET; THENCE N.64"55'30'W., A DISTANCE OF 11.69 FEET; THENCE S.53"01'14'W., A DISTANCE OF 16.52 FEET; THENCE S.34"5O'39'Ww., A DISTANCE OF 11.35 FEET; THENCE S.O2"29'21"E., A DISTANCE OF 13.10 FEET; THENCE S.23"1O'54'Ww., A DISTANCE OF 12.35 FEET; THENCE S.5Oo26'04'W., A DISTANCE OF 78.05 FEET; THENCE S.O6"17'04"E., A DISTANCE OF 15.02 FEET; THENCE S.0Oo44'03'W., A DISTANCE OF 20.38 FEET; THENCE S.O9"31'27'WN., A DISTANCE OF 10.15 FEET; THENCE S.I8"45'50"E., A DISTANCE OF 25.39 FEET; THENCE S.36"08'06"E., A DISTANCE OF 34.29 FEET; THENCE S.4Oo51'01"E., A DISTANCE OF 24.88 FEET; THENCE S.58"12'49E., A DISTANCE OF 75.51 FEET; THENCE S.33"33'24"E., A DISTANCE OF 22.05 FEET; THENCE S.7lo04'26"W., A DISTANCE OF 36.80 FEET; THENCE S.87"30'32'W., A DISTANCE OF 53.70 FEET; THENCE N.62"40'33'W., A DISTANCE OF 47.68 FEET; THENCE N.34"5I927"W., A DISTANCE OF 39.85 FEET; THENCE N.8l0O3'01'W., A DISTANCE OF 42.15 FEET; THENCE N.87"38'09'W., A DISTANCE OF 69.03 FEET; THENCE S.8lo02'13'W., A DISTANCE OF 75.55 FEET; THENCE S.64"57'58'W., A DISTANCE OF 44.72 FEET; THENCE S.43"39'41'W., A 52 DISTANCE OF 56.48 FEET; THENCE S.48"29'24'WN., A DISTANCE OF 99.49 FEET; THENCE S.36"4O'34'WN., A DISTANCE OF 56.75 FEET; THENCE S.28"09'3O"W., A DISTANCE OF 56.53 FEET; THENCE N.57"55'35'W., A DISTANCE OF 1,010.05 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 15.30 ACRES. 53 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESC RI PTlO N FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 40 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.66"15'47"E., A DISTANCE OF 3,514.01 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.08"16'41'WN., A DISTANCE OF 14.81 FEET; THENCE N.O4"47'33"E., A DISTANCE OF 22.16 FEET; THENCE N.0Oo04'59"E., A DISTANCE OF 20.76 FEET; THENCE N.O5"53'03"E., A DISTANCE OF 16.77 FEET; THENCE N.O9"57'39"E., A DISTANCE OF 16.83 FEET; THENCE N.2I023'53"E., A DISTANCE OF 13.86 FEET; THENCE N.35"21'45"E., A DISTANCE OF 16.98 FEET; THENCE N.49"22'59"E., A DISTANCE OF 18.37 FEET; THENCE N.75"37'29E., A DISTANCE OF 18.43 FEET; THENCE S.86"28'16"E., A DISTANCE OF 19.32 FEET; THENCE S.8Oo16'14"E., A DISTANCE OF 13.56 FEET; THENCE S.65"09'44"E., A DISTANCE OF 15.84 FEET; THENCE S.37"55'29"E., A DISTANCE OF 29.76 FEET; THENCE S.O9"03'01"E., A DISTANCE OF 32.06 FEET; THENCE S.O2"36'12'W., A DISTANCE OF 19.09 FEET; THENCE S.1Oo29'39W., A DISTANCE OF 16.02 FEET; THENCE S.36"52'54"W., A DISTANCE OF 16.33 FEET; THENCE S.77"10'03'W., A DISTANCE OF 24.13 FEET; THENCE S.67"13'45'W., A DISTANCE OF 24.54 FEET; THENCE S.7I016'47"W., A DISTANCE OF 26.46 FEET; THENCE S.84"53'47"W., A DISTANCE OF 22.16 FEET; THENCE N.73"04'25'WN., A DISTANCE OF 15.19 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 0.31 ACRES. 54 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 41 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.65"33'18"E., A DISTANCE OF 3,731.12 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.O4"30'54"E., A DISTANCE OF 34.27 FEET; THENCE N.29"22'001'E., A DISTANCE OF 40.53 FEET; THENCE N.55"48'04"E., A DISTANCE OF 43.86 FEET; THENCE N.5I008'36''E., A DISTANCE OF 53.60 FEET; THENCE N.55"35'00"E., A DISTANCE OF 58.42 FEET; THENCE N.69"43'53"E., A DISTANCE OF 28.35 FEET; THENCE N.26"53'49"E., A DISTANCE OF 26.26 FEET; THENCE N.01°18'09"E., A DISTANCE OF 26.52 FEET; THENCE N.l3"16'36"W., A DISTANCE OF 27.23 FEET; THENCE N.25"47'42"W., A DISTANCE OF 61 SI FEET; THENCE N.O8"12'00"E., A DISTANCE OF 16.26 FEET; THENCE N.72"59'23"E., A DISTANCE OF 17.29 FEET; THENCE S.85"22'44"E., A DISTANCE OF 29.36 FEET; THENCE S.79"32'02"E., A DISTANCE OF 25.36 FEET; THENCE S.7Oo07'57"E., A DISTANCE OF 20.82 FEET; THENCE S.52"13'23"E., A DISTANCE OF 27.06 FEET; THENCE S.32"30'14"E., A DISTANCE OF 29.23 FEET; THENCE S.I8"54'02"E., A DISTANCE OF 29.03 FEET; THENCE S.26"11'48''E., A DISTANCE OF 26.85 FEET; THENCE S.32"39'30"E., A DISTANCE OF 23.79 FEET; THENCE S.1lo42'31"E., A DISTANCE OF 26.33 FEET; THENCE S.67"36'36'W., A DISTANCE OF 30.55 FEET; THENCE S.55"53'16"W., A DISTANCE OF 33.03 FEET; THENCE S.57"13'34'WN., A DISTANCE OF 65.10 FEET; THENCE S.6lo39'46'W., A DISTANCE OF 60.80 FEET; THENCE S.58"48'49'W., A DISTANCE OF 51.91 FEET; THENCE S.49"01'23'W., A DISTANCE OF 44.76 FEET; THENCE S.56"53'04'W., A DISTANCE OF 39.71 FEET; THENCE S.69"09'25'W., A DISTANCE OF 31.84 FEET; THENCE N.56"22'00"W., A DISTANCE OF 22.73 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 0.88 ACRES. 55 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 42 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.68"00'46"E., A DISTANCE OF 3,684.66 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.0I059'22"E., A DISTANCE OF 19.46 FEET; THENCE N.4lo29'22"E., A DISTANCE OF 19.35 FEET; THENCE N.55"26'22"E., A DISTANCE OF 85.51 FEET; THENCE N.5I053'37"E., A DISTANCE OF 46.19 FEET; THENCE N.39"18'011'E., A DISTANCE OF 17.85 FEET; THENCE N.47"39'53"E., A DISTANCE OF 34.05 FEET; THENCE N.6Oo27'52"E., A DISTANCE OF 47.36 FEET; THENCE N.59"25'1 I"E., A DISTANCE OF 60.93 FEET; THENCE N.53"17'22"E., A DISTANCE OF 43.80 FEET; THENCE N.65"45'56"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.95 FEET; THENCE S.76"32'26"E., A DISTANCE OF 15.57 FEET; THENCE N.76"45'57"E., A DISTANCE OF 9.18 FEET; THENCE N.5lo57'40"E., A DISTANCE OF 20.83 FEET; THENCE S.65"31'18E., A DISTANCE OF 8.45 FEET; THENCE S.59"44'15"E., A DISTANCE OF 13.77 FEET; THENCE N.85"24'57"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.28 FEET; THENCE N.49"18'1O"E., A DISTANCE OF 19.53 FEET; THENCE N.36"07'17''E., A DISTANCE OF 19.88 FEET; THENCE N.2I020'59''E., A DISTANCE OF 18.71 FEET; THENCE N.0lo15'38"E., A DISTANCE OF 14.41 FEET; THENCE N.34"12'27"W., A DISTANCE OF 14.88 FEET; THENCE N.53"08'58W., A DISTANCE OF 16.56 FEET; THENCE N.66"48'30'WW., A DISTANCE OF 15.85 FEET; THENCE N.75"30'12"W., A DISTANCE OF 25.95 FEET; THENCE N.66"49'50'W., A DISTANCE OF 17.15 FEET; THENCE N.O9"21'22'W., A DISTANCE OF 22.50 FEET; THENCE N.23"41'54'WN., A DISTANCE OF 17.84 FEET; THENCE N.33"38'19'W., A DISTANCE OF 13.92 FEET; THENCE N.29"40136"W., A DISTANCE OF 22.42 FEET; THENCE N.l9"11'03'W., A DISTANCE OF 35.60 FEET; THENCE N.29"46'06'W., A DISTANCE OF 26.50 FEET; THENCE N.26"44'07"E., A DISTANCE OF 15.03 FEET; THENCE S.63"16'00"E., A DISTANCE OF 100.80 FEET; THENCE S.50°29'03"E., A DISTANCE OF 422.97 FEET; THENCE S.79"35'05"E., A DISTANCE OF 100.88 FEET; THENCE S.79"41'34"W., A DISTANCE OF 803.16 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 2.67 ACRES. 56 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 43 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.7I000'17"E., A DISTANCE OF 2,123.94 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.29"19'33"E., A DISTANCE OF 69.45 FEET; THENCE N.37"54'02"E., A DISTANCE OF 60.03 FEET; THENCE N.46"22'57"E., A DISTANCE OF 57.79 FEET; THENCE N.64"52'07"E., A DISTANCE OF 28.46 FEET; THENCE N.7I023'20"E., A DISTANCE OF 40.17 FEET; THENCE N.64"49'02"E., A DISTANCE OF 34.80 FEET; THENCE N.77"31'52"E., A DISTANCE OF 56.89 FEET; THENCE N.87"12'24"E., A DISTANCE OF 44.58 FEET; THENCE N.8Oo49'43"E., A DISTANCE OF 36.47 FEET; THENCE S.67"59'32"E., A DISTANCE OF 24.82 FEET; THENCE S.48"28'33"E., A DISTANCE OF 34.96 FEET; THENCE S.74"50'32"E., A DISTANCE OF 36.08 FEET; THENCE S.84"59'43"E., A DISTANCE OF 42.51 FEET; THENCE N.84"25'42"E., A DISTANCE OF 44.54 FEET; THENCE S.43"49'27'W., A DISTANCE OF 54.21 FEET; THENCE S.52"37'27'W., A DISTANCE OF 67.95 FEET; THENCE S.1Oo38'38"E., A DISTANCE OF 50.67 FEET; THENCE S.79"21'22"'W., A DISTANCE OF 74.30 FEET; THENCE S.20°45'47''W., A DISTANCE OF 214.27 FEET; THENCE N.57"55'35'W., A DISTANCE OF 334.78 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 2.31 ACRES. 57 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT os-44 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 8146 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.68"40158E., A DISTANCE OF 1,759.19 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S.57"56'19E., A DISTANCE OF 330.61 FEET; THENCE S.Olo09'O7'W., A DISTANCE OF 17.00 FEET; THENCE S.1Oo23'51'W., A DISTANCE OF 13.44 FEET; THENCE S.l5"05'06'W., A DISTANCE OF 14.79 FEET; THENCE S.I7"41'55"W., A DISTANCE OF 43.32 FEET; THENCE S.I6"49'27"W., A DISTANCE OF 40.01 FEET; THENCE S.77"57'08'W., A DISTANCE OF 10.31 FEET; THENCE S.67"O7'34'Ww., A DISTANCE OF 19.36 FEET; THENCE S.57"07'18'W., A DISTANCE OF 17.10 FEET; THENCE S.46"13'04'W., A DISTANCE OF 13.72 FEET; THENCE S.38"32'07'W., A DISTANCE OF 16.42 FEET; THENCE S.39"07'57'W., A DISTANCE OF 23.91 FEET; THENCE S,46"19'12"W., A DISTANCE OF 25.82 FEET; THENCE S.46"I 1'00'W., A DISTANCE OF 18.71 FEET; THENCE S.44"46'41qW., A DISTANCE OF 21.45 FEET; THENCE S.48"30'20'W., A DISTANCE OF 20.68 FEET; THENCE S.54"15'31'WN., A DISTANCE OF 18.58 FEET; THENCE S.50°16'49"W., A DISTANCE OF 15.36 FEET; THENCE N.47"28'18'W., A DISTANCE OF 17.27 FEET; THENCE N.49"11'31"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.30 FEET; THENCE N.3lo23'55"E., A DISTANCE OF 16.97 FEET; THENCE N.25"20'51"E., A DISTANCE OF 9.51 FEET; THENCE N.l7"58'48"E., A DISTANCE OF 18.47 FEET; THENCE N.1Oo32'07"E., A DISTANCE OF 20.76 FEET; THENCE N.0O011'25"E., A DISTANCE OF 14.27 FEET; THENCE N.O9"20'40'W., A DISTANCE OF 10.20 FEET; THENCE N.04"42'49'WW., A DISTANCE OF 14.37 FEET; THENCE N.01°06'28"E., A DISTANCE OF 15.72 FEET; THENCE N.0l058'37"E., A DISTANCE OF 34.02 FEET; THENCE N.10°46'34"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.02 FEET; THENCE N.O8"26'31"E., A DISTANCE OF 13.69 FEET; THENCE N.0lo42'35"W., A DISTANCE OF 26.31 FEET; THENCE N.13"41'15'WW., A DISTANCE OF 9.93 FEET; THENCE N.23"07'04"W., A DISTANCE OF 16.74 FEET; THENCE N.26"40'33'W., A DISTANCE OF 13.21 FEET; THENCE N.24"11'30"W., A DISTANCE OF 10.77 FEET; THENCE N.l7"03'20'W., A DISTANCE OF 21.20 FEET; THENCE N.O9"18'20'W., A DISTANCE OF 16.21 FEET; THENCE N.l3"41'27'W., A DISTANCE OF 12.03 FEET; THENCE N.O9"20'37"W., A DISTANCE OF 19.82 FEET; THENCE N.2lo44'31'W., A DISTANCE OF 10.1 I FEET; THENCE N.27"03'58"W., A DISTANCE OF 12.22 FEET; THENCE N.27"21'27'W.l A DISTANCE OF 11.21 FEET; THENCE N.33"44'41'WN., A DISTANCE OF 58 1 1.59 FEET; THENCE N.34"32'38'W., A DISTANCE OF 18.98 FEET; THENCE N.52"04'58'W., A DISTANCE OF 10.09 FEET; THENCE N.55"30'05''WN., A DISTANCE OF 13.43 FEET; THENCE N.42"58'29"W., A DISTANCE OF 10.12 FEET; THENCE N.23"05'42'W., A DISTANCE OF 12.30 FEET; THENCE N.I2"08'54'W., A DISTANCE OF 20.53 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 1.07 ACRES. 59 EXHIBIT "Cy' LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 45 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 8146 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.84"41818"E., A DISTANCE OF 1,770.64 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.2l007'5I'W., A DISTANCE OF 10.14 FEET; THENCE N.24"15'47"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.30 FEET; THENCE N.32"26'02"E., A DISTANCE OF 17.16 FEET; THENCE N.35"35'27"E., A DISTANCE OF 12.42 FEET; THENCE N.39"31'41"E., A DISTANCE OF 15.00 FEET; THENCE N.45"10'34"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.23 FEET; THENCE N.49"04'08"E., A DISTANCE OF 17.63 FEET; THENCE N.48"08'49E., A DISTANCE OF 15.81 FEET; THENCE N.4lo47'47"E., A DISTANCE OF 11.72 FEET; THENCE N.4Oo52'13"E., A DISTANCE OF 12.63 FEET; THENCE N.34"08'23"E., A DISTANCE OF 19.84 FEET; THENCE N.32"14'02"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.49 FEET; THENCE N.32"09'28"E., A DISTANCE OF 14.10 FEET; THENCE N.28"02'15"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.02 FEET; THENCE N.65"17'26"E., A DISTANCE OF 16.99 FEET; THENCE S.76"27'38"E., A DISTANCE OF 22.01 FEET; THENCE N.I4"08'58"E., A DISTANCE OF 15.95 FEET; THENCE N.l6"24'25"E., A DISTANCE OF 27.37 FEET; THENCE N.I7"19'03"E., A DISTANCE OF 16.03 FEET; THENCE N.l8"00'32"E., A DISTANCE OF 28.24 FEET; THENCE N.I7"07'12"E., A DISTANCE OF 15.68 FEET; THENCE N.l5"37'34"E., A DISTANCE OF 27.25 FEET; THENCE N.0O014'05'W., A DISTANCE OF 10.69 FEET; THENCE S.57"55'35"E., A DISTANCE OF 277.85 FEET; THENCE S.4lo06'54'W., A DISTANCE OF 38.33 FEET; THENCE S.57"21'59'W., A DISTANCE OF 33.84 FEET; THENCE S.78"20'46'W., A DISTANCE OF 20.42 FEET; THENCE N.6I026'03'W., A DISTANCE OF 25.62 FEET; THENCE S.8Oo15'08'W., A DISTANCE OF 16.71 FEET; THENCE S.4Oo04'41''W., A DISTANCE OF 96.01 FEET; THENCE S.40°21'22'W., A DISTANCE OF 181.29 FEET; THENCE N.47"28'18'W., A DISTANCE OF 137.67 FEET; THENCE N.I8"38'39'W., A DISTANCE OF 10.70 FEET; THENCE N.33"23'02'W., A DISTANCE OF 10.66 FEET; THENCE N.77"00'07'W., A DISTANCE OF 10.91 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 1.59 ACRES. 60 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 46 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 8146 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE S.89"5I143"E., A DISTANCE OF 1,202.11 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.78"20'54"E., A DISTANCE OF 11.47 FEET; THENCE N.88"33'0Ig'E., A DISTANCE OF 10.37 FEET; THENCE N.88"53'56"E., A DISTANCE OF 14.04 FEET; THENCE N.85"16'26E., A DISTANCE OF 18.06 FEET; THENCE N.83"44'54"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.05 FEET; THENCE N.79"53'45"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.88 FEET; THENCE S.79"04'29E., A DISTANCE OF 18.80 FEET; THENCE S.74"33'03"E., A DISTANCE OF 11.36 FEET; THENCE S.7I057'52"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.14 FEET; THENCE S.66"29'14"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.62 FEET; THENCE S.7l016'12''E., A DISTANCE OF 11.04 FEET; THENCE S.85"35'26"E., A DISTANCE OF 14.88 FEET; THENCE N.87"45'30"E., A DISTANCE OF 15.16 FEET; THENCE N.82"55'1O"E., A DISTANCE OF 15.46 FEET; THENCE N.79"24'33"E., A DISTANCE OF 15.43 FEET; THENCE N.76"55'14"E., A DISTANCE OF 15.01 FEET; THENCE N.74"54'57"E., A DISTANCE OF 27.40 FEET; THENCE N.64"10'06"E., A DISTANCE OF 12.72 FEET; THENCE N.63"46'45"E., A DISTANCE OF 15.85 FEET; THENCE N.65"33'00"E., A DISTANCE OF 11.31 FEET; THENCE N.8lo40'50E., A DISTANCE OF 10.07 FEET; THENCE N.78"48'52"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.00 FEET; THENCE N.79"09'44"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.34 FEET; THENCE N.89"45'4I8'E., A DISTANCE OF 12.70 FEET; THENCE S.70°49'38"E., A DISTANCE OF 11.75 FEET; THENCE S.67"19'26"E., A DISTANCE OF 14.04 FEET; THENCE S.64"18'37"E., A DISTANCE OF 14.95 FEET; THENCE S.75"12'15"E., A DISTANCE OF 11.92 FEET; THENCE S.8I048'36E., A DISTANCE OF 23.1 1 FEET; THENCE N.86"42'41"E., A DISTANCE OF 12.06 FEET; THENCE N.7Oo40'45"E., A DISTANCE OF 12.05 FEET; THENCE N.49"06'34"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.12 FEET; THENCE N.27"25'14"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.08 FEET; THENCE N.65"49'03"E., A DISTANCE OF 19.53 FEET; THENCE N.74"30106"E., A DISTANCE OF 12.07 FEET; THENCE N.55"29'52"E., A DISTANCE OF 28.76 FEET; THENCE S.47"28'18E., A DISTANCE OF 628.30 FEET; THENCE N.74"30'34'W., A DISTANCE OF 30.57 FEET; THENCE N.75"49'37'W., A DISTANCE OF 26.92 FEET; THENCE N.77"18'45'W., A DISTANCE OF 37.90 FEET; THENCE N.78"20'40'WW., A DISTANCE OF 58.71 FEET; THENCE N.72"26'44'W., A DISTANCE OF 38.27 FEET; THENCE N.73"23'13"W., A DISTANCE OF 29.53 FEET; THENCE N.74'37'1 I'W., A DISTANCE OF 59.25 FEET; THENCE N.76"15'34'WN., 61 A DISTANCE OF 58.81 FEET; THENCE N.77'42'46''WW., A DISTANCE OF 45.86 FEET; THENCE N.78'20'59'W., A DISTANCE OF 632.23 FEET; THENCE NORTH, A DISTANCE OF 30.13 FEET; THENCE N.I4'18'47"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.91 FEET; THENCE N.4I045'45"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.08 FEET; THENCE N.10°56'41"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.03 FEET; THENCE N.08'34'1 I"E., A DISTANCE OF 14.87 FEET; THENCE N.27'33'58"E., A DISTANCE OF 16.48 FEET; THENCE N.63"22'09"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.32 FEET; THENCE N.5I025'52"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.91 FEET; THENCE N.37'19'32"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.24 FEET; THENCE N.24'28'59"E., A DISTANCE OF 12.69 FEET; THENCE N.I3'27'55"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.23 FEET; THENCE N.O7"18'31"E., A DISTANCE OF 11.08 FEET; THENCE N.O7'25'36"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.44 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 4.15 ACRES. 62 EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 47 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 8146 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.2Oo44'45"W., A DISTANCE OF 1,668.22 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N.54"49'17"W., A DISTANCE OF 44.04 FEET; THENCE N.4Oo47'09''W., A DISTANCE OF 42.10 FEET; THENCE N.7I033'54''W., A DISTANCE OF 26.88 FEET; THENCE N,57"15'53'W., A DISTANCE OF 70.73 FEET; THENCE N.57"29'56"W., A DISTANCE OF 55.14 FEET; THENCE N.68"16'33"W., A DISTANCE OF 34.45 FEET; THENCE N.47"40'32''WW., A DISTANCE OF 66.28 FEET; THENCE N.35"45'32''WW., A DISTANCE OF 94.12 FEET; THENCE N.7Oo06'53"W., A DISTANCE OF 24.99 FEET; THENCE N.83"16'Ol''W., A DISTANCE OF 10.20 FEET; THENCE N.28"23'0l''WN., A DISTANCE OF 50.52 FEET; THENCE N,4Oo50'10"E., A DISTANCE OF 29.21 FEET; THENCE N.4I045'10"E., A DISTANCE OF 26.30 FEET; THENCE N.24"41'00"E., A DISTANCE OF 30.01 FEET; THENCE S.10°39'37"E., A DISTANCE OF 21.62 FEET; THENCE S.64"01'51"E., A DISTANCE OF 96.77 FEET; THENCE N.82"26'05"E., A DISTANCE OF 32.28 FEET; THENCE N.60°48'09"E., A DISTANCE OF 38.95 FEET; THENCE N.27"44'32"E., A DISTANCE OF 13.07 FEET; THENCE S.76"3I139E., A DISTANCE OF 80.69 FEET; THENCE S.57"07'25"E., A DISTANCE OF 13.44 FEET; THENCE S.36"05'31"E., A DISTANCE OF 14.65 FEET; THENCE S.I7"40'04"E., A DISTANCE OF 15.79 FEET; THENCE S.O9"47'04"E., A DISTANCE OF 34.34 FEET; THENCE S.OO015'34''W., A DISTANCE OF 37.26 FEET; THENCE S.I4"18'41"E., A DISTANCE OF 20.26 FEET; THENCE S.26"50'56E., A DISTANCE OF 32.61 FEET; THENCE S.4Oo42'12"E., A DISTANCE OF 34.40 FEET; THENCE S.6I007'54"E., A DISTANCE OF 21.72 FEET; THENCE S.80°55'22"E., A DISTANCE OF 46.49 FEET; THENCE S.65"48'29E., A DISTANCE OF 25.27 FEET; THENCE S.76"57'20"E., A DISTANCE OF 33.97 FEET; THENCE S.65"06'34"E., A DISTANCE OF 44.45 FEET; THENCE WEST, A DISTANCE OF 15.00 FEET; THENCE S.42"39'46''W., A DISTANCE OF 34.68 FEET; THENCE S.46"38'12"W., A DISTANCE OF 43.33 FEET; THENCE S.34"12'2o''W., A DISTANCE OF 23.13 FEET; THENCE S.23"57'45"W., A DISTANCE OF 20.93 FEET; THENCE S.7I039'42''W., A DISTANCE OF 46.88 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 1.80 ACRES. 63 . EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT OS - 48 BEING A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 81-46 - UNIT NO. 3, ACCORDING TO MAP DIEGO COUNTY, JULY 16, 1985; A PORTION OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-17, THEREOF NO. 11289, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 12903, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 13,1991; A PORTION OF LOT F AND A PORTION OF LOT G OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, ALL BEING IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP N0.12903, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION BEING OCCUPIED BY A STANDARD STREET WELL MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED RCE 18860; THENCE N.42"58'09"W., A DISTANCE OF 2,227.71 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S.28"30'05"E., A DISTANCE OF 31.43 FEET; THENCE S.32"33'52"E., A DISTANCE OF 13.74 FEET; THENCE N.72"41'56'WN., A DISTANCE OF 13.21 FEET; THENCE S.78"25'19'W., A DISTANCE OF 13.02 FEET; THENCE S.6I013'45'W., A DISTANCE OF 14.41 FEET; THENCE S.28"51'21"W., A DISTANCE OF 26.35 FEET; THENCE S.35"44'57'W., A DISTANCE OF 14.03 FEET; THENCE S.32"00'32'W., A DISTANCE OF 10.14 FEET; THENCE S.l2"52'4o'W., A DISTANCE OF 13.44 FEET; THENCE S.I5"36'57'W., A DISTANCE OF 26.94 FEET; THENCE S.09"17'O3'WN., A DISTANCE OF 10.03 FEET; THENCE S.O3"16'16"E., A DISTANCE OF 21.42 FEET; THENCE S.11"22'11"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.14 FEET; THENCE S.O8"06'13"E., A DISTANCE OF 21 .I2 FEET; THENCE S.I2"20'35"E., A DISTANCE OF 12.50 FEET; THENCE S.I9"58'06"E., A DISTANCE OF 11.06 FEET; THENCE S.O9"01'48"E., A DISTANCE OF 10.55 FEET; THENCE S.1Oo47'40'W., A DISTANCE OF 21.05 FEET; THENCE S.I5"52'53''W., A DISTANCE OF 10.52 FEET; THENCE S.37"5O'31''WN., A DISTANCE OF 18.16 FEET; THENCE S.68"21'43"W., A DISTANCE OF 15.52 FEET; THENCE S.79"46'50'W., A DISTANCE OF 11.22 FEET; THENCE S.I3"54'17"W., A DISTANCE OF 12.78 FEET; THENCE S.19"13'14'W., A DISTANCE OF 12.35 FEET; THENCE S.2Oo45'33"W., A DISTANCE OF 11.42 FEET; THENCE S.3Oo17'26'W., A DISTANCE OF 68.89 FEET; THENCE N.0I052'53"E., A DISTANCE OF 203.28 FEET; THENCE N.I4"29'48"E., A DISTANCE OF 114.40 FEET; THENCE N.46"38'12"E., A DISTANCE OF 49.52 FEET; THENCE NS4"41'20''E., A DISTANCE OF 36.76 FEET; THENCE EAST, A DISTANCE OF 27.50 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 0.49 ACRES. 64 SEESffEET4 EXHIBIT "C4" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT P&D CONSUL TANTS, INC. 8954 RIO SAN DIEGO DIUM; SUlE 610 SAN DIEW. CAUmI.4 92108 TEE: (619) 291-1175 FAX 291-1476 SEE SHEETS 59 & 60 CITY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWER 1200 CARLSBAD WLLAGE DRIE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 FOR INDEX MAP REFER TO SHEETS 41 THROUGH 58 FOR DATA TABULATlON SHEET2 OF 60 I"= 100' w --- --- --- SE€SH€ff 5 EXHIBIT "C4" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT P&D CONSUL TANTS, INC. E954 RIO SAN DIEGO DR/K WITE 610 5" DIEGO, C"IA 92ldB EL€: (619) 291-1475 FAX: 291-1476 SEE SHEETS 59 & 60 C1 TY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWER 1200 CARLSBAD WLLAGE DRlvE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 FOR lNDEX MAP REFER TO SHEETS 47 THROUGH 58 FOR DATA TABULATION SffEET3 OF@ I "= 100' I I SEE SffkET7 EXHIBIT "GI" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT P&D CONSUL TANTS, INC. 8954 RIO SAN DIEGO DRIK. WILE 610 SAN DIEM WFMNIA 92K@ LEE (619) 297-7475 FAX 297-7476 SEE SHEETS 59 & 60 CITY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWNER 1200 CARLSBAD ULLAGE DRIM: CARLSBAD, CA 92008 FOR INDEX MAP SEESH~IO EXHIBIT "C4" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT P&D CONSUL TANTS, INC. 8954 R10 SAN DEGO WE SUITE 610 SAN DEW, CAUFtWNIA 921m mE: (6191 291-1475 FAX 291-1476 SEE SHEETS 59 & 60 CITY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWNER 7200 CARLSBAD MUAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD. CA 92008 FOR INDEX MAP EXHIBIT "C-1" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT P&D CUNSUL TANTS, /NC 8954 RIO SAN DEW DRIM. WIE 610 SAN DIEGO, CAUFMNIA 927GW mE: (619) 291-1475 FAX. 291-I476 SEE SHEETS 59 & 60 CIN OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWER 1200 CARLSBAD VlLLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 FOR INDEX MAP REFER TO SHEETS 41 THROUGH 58 FOR DATA TABULATION SffEff6 OF 6V I”= 100’ SEES HE^ 12 EXHIBIT “C-1” CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT P&D CONSUL TANTS, INC. 8954 RIO SAN DIEGU D/UK SUITE 610 SMN DIEGO, CAUFtMMA 92108 mE: (619) 291-1475 FAX 291-1476 SEE SHEETS 59 & 60 CITY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWER 1200 CARLSBAD WAGE DRIM: CARLSBAD, CA 92008 FOR INDEX MAP REFER TO SHEETS 41 THROUGH 58 FOR DATA TABULATION SHEfl8 OF 60 1 "= 100' u- - - --- --- - Mi3 0 E cr, &/ cr, \ % & g cr, S€.€Sff€€714 / EXHIBIT "C-1" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT F&D CONSUL TANTS, INC 8954 RIO SAN DIEGO DRIK. WIIE 610 SAN DIEGO, W.IA 92108 TU€: (619) 291-1475 FAX: 291-1476 SEE SHEETS 59 8c 60 CITY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWER 1200 CARLSBAD WAGE DRlVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 FOR INDEX MAP REFER TO SHEETS 41 THROUGH 58 FOR DATA TABULATION SHED9 OF 60 1 "= 100' SE€ShET f5 EXHIBIT "C4" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT P&D CONSUL TANTS, INC. 8954 RIO SAN DEGO OHM. SUITE 610 SAN DlEGX2 CAUFCWAUA 9BdB (619) 291-1475 FAX. 291-1476 SEE SHEETS 59 & 60 ClW Of CARLSEAD, PROPERTY OWER 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSEAD, CA 92008 FOR INDEX MAP 1 b z 8 b h s' 1 5 ? ? 0 j Lo I j $ P P 4 0 10 2 - 0 P B m 4 , REFER TO SHEETS 41 THROUGH 58 FOR DATA TABULATION ~/EH ro OFM 1 "= 100' SEESHE~I EXHIBIT "C-I" .f a 1: 2 ii a B j -$ 4. CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT SEE SHEETS 59 & 60 P&D CONSUL TANTS, INC. 8954 R10 SAN DEW DR/K WITE 610 MN DIEG'O, WMA 92168 EL€: (619) 291-1475 FAX: 291-1476 CITY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWER 1200 CARLSBAD WLLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 FOR INDEX MAP SE€Sff€ff 18 EXHIBIT "C-1" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT P&D CONSUL TANTS, INC. 8954 RIO SAN DIEGO DR/K SUITE 610 SAN DEW CYUFIXMA 92?M (619) 297-1475 FAX: 291-1476 SEE SHEETS 59 & 60 FOR INDEX MAP CITY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWER 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARlSBAD. CA 92008 SEESHEET r9 EXHIBIT "C4" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT P&D CONSUL TANTS, INC. 8954 RIO SAN EGO DRfK WIT€ 610 Scw DIEM CAURRNIA 921M &!LE: (619) 291-1475 FAX 291-1476 SEE SHEETS 59 & 60 FOR INDEX MAP CITY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWNER 1200 CARLSBAD WLLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 REFER TO SHEETS 41 THROUGH 58 FOR DATA TABULATION SHEET w OF@ S€€Sff€ff 7 I"= 100' SEESHEET0 EXHIBIT "GI" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT P&D CONSUL TANTS, INC. 8954 RJO SAN DIEGO DWM. SUIX 610 SIN DIEGO, GWFCWNIA 927M Tn%. (6191 297-7475 FM 297-1176 SEE SHEETS 59 & 60 CITY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWNER 1200 CARLSBAD VLLAGE DRIM: CARLSBAD. CA 92008 FOR INDEX MAP REFER TO SHEETS 41 THROUGH 58 FOR DATA TABULATION Sff€ff 74 OF60 S€.€Sff!€TB I"= 100' U m 36 S€€SffEff21 EXHIBIT "C4" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT P&D CONSUL TANTb, INC. 8954 RIO SAM DEGO DRIK; SUITE 610 SAM DIE@ 4UmNIA 92106 (619) 291-1475 FM 291-1476 SEE SHEETS 59 & 60 CITY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWfR 1200 CARLSBAD VlLLAGE DRIVE CARLSEAD, CA 92008 FOR INDEX MAP SEESffEff22 EXHIBIT "C4" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT f&D CONSUL TANTS, INC. 8954 RIO SAM DEW MIK; SUE 610 SAM DIEM CAUFCWIA 921a (619) 291-1475 FM 291-1476 SEE SHEETS 59 & 60 CITY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWER 7200 CARLSBAD WLLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 FOR INDEX MAP REFER TO SHEETS 41 THROUGH 58 FOR DATA TABULATION SffEm f6 0160 I"= 100' SEESff€ffB EXHIBIT "C-I" CITY OF CAREBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT F&D CONSUL TANTS, INC. 8954 RIO SAM Dlzoo DRYK SUIE 610 SAM DIEGC2 CAUFCXWI! 92108 lUE (619) 297-1175 FAX. 291-1476 SEE SHEETS 59 & 60 ClN OF CARLSEAD, PROPERN OWNER 1200 CARLSEAD WLLAGE DRIK CARlSEAD. CA 92008 FOR INDEX MAP -.- , SEESffEff26 EXHIBIT "GI" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT P&D CONSUL TANTS, INC. 8954 RIO SAN DIEGO ORIK SUIE 610 SAN DEGQ GAUFCRNIA 92709 ZZE: (619) 297-1175 FM 291-1476 SEE SHEETS 59 & 60 CITY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWNER 1200 CARLSBAD VLLAGE DRIM: CARLSBAD. CA 92008 FOR INDEX MAP . SEESHEET27 EXHIBIT "C-I" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT ?&D CONSUL TANTS, /NC. 8954 RIO SAN DIEGO DIUK WIE 610 SAN DIEGO, WRWNIA 92108 EL€.. (619) 291-1475 FAX 291-1476 SEE SHEETS 59 & 60 CITY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERN OWfR 1200 CARLSBAD ULLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 FOR INDEX MAP '\ SEESH€ff2% EXHIBIT "C=lg' CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT P&D CONSUL rAms, IN. 8954 RIO SAN DEGO DR/K SUE 610 .MN DIEGO, WFcWNIA 92108 m: (619) zgr-1475 F-: 291-1476 SEE SHEETS 59 & 60 CITY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWER 1200 CARLSBAD WAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 FOR INDEX MAP SEES"T2Y EXHIBIT "C4" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT P&D CONSUL TANTS, INC. 89s RIO SAN DEW omM; SUITE 610 W DEW, CAURRNIA 92KW ?EK: (619) 291-1475 FAX 291-1476 SEE SHEETS 59 & 60 CITY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWNER 1200 CARLSBAD WAGE DRIM: CARLSBAD, CA 92008 FOR INDEX MAP S€€SHEETN EXHIBIT "C-1" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT P&D CONSUL TANTS, /Ne. 8954 RJO SAN DIEGO DR/K. WIE 610 W DIEGO, CAUFtXNfA 92108 mE: (6191 291-1475 FAX 291-1476 SEE SHEETS 59 & 60 FOR INDEX MAP CITY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWNER 1200 CARLSBAD WLlAGE DRIM: CARLSBAD. CA 92008 SEES HE^^ EXHIBIT "C-1" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT P&D CONSUL TANTS, INC 8954 RIO SAN DKGO NK; SUIE 610 .9N D1EGZ.I CAUFLWNfA 92?M mE: (619) 291-1475 FAX 291-1476 SEE SHEETS 59 & 60 GIN OF CARLSBAD, PROPERN OWNER 1200 CARLSBAD MLLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 FOR INDEX MAP 3 c S€€SH€FT32 EXHIBIT “C-1” CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT P&D CONSUL TANTS, INC. 8954 RIO SAN DIEGO SIN OEM CAURWNIA 92XM SUITE 610 El€: (619) 197-1475 FAX 291-1476 SEE SHEETS 59 8c 60 FOR INDEX MAP ZITY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWNER 1200 CARLSBAD MLLAGE DRIM: ZARLSBAD, CA 92008 REFER TO SHEETS 41 THROUGH 58 FOR DATA TABULATION SHEET24 OF@ k I"= 100' /, i EXHIBIT "C4" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT P&D CONSUL TANTS, hC. 8954 RIO W DEGO DRM WIE 610 SAN DEGi2 dUmNIA 92168 XE: (619) 291-1475 FAX 291-1476 SEE SHEETS 59 & 60 CITY Of CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWNER 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 FOR INDEX MAP REFER TO SHEETS 41 THROUGH 58 FOR DATA TABULATION SHEE7250F60 I"= 100' \ w U \?\ \\\ \- \ \ EXHIBIT %-I" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT ?&D CONSUL TANTS, INC. 8954 RIO SAM DIEGO DR/M. WIE 610 SAM DIEGO, WfMMIA 92/08 ELE: (6191 291-1475 fAX: 291-1476 SEE SHEETS 59 & 60 ClW OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWER 1200 CARLSBAD WAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD. CA 92008 FOR INDEX MAP REFER TO SHE€ TS 4 sEEsHEEa EXHIBIT "C-1" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT P&D CONSUL TANTS, INC. 8954 RtO SAN Dt€M ME WtE 610 SAN DE@ CAUFWNIA 927M EL€: (619) 297-1475 FAX. 291-1476 SEE SHEETS 59 & 60 FOR INDEX MAP YTY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERN OWER 1200 CARLSBAD WLLAGE DRIVE ZARLSBAD, CA 92008 REFER TO SHEETS 41 THROUGH 58 FOR DATA TABULATION SH€ff270FtW SEESff€€T 18 I”= 100’ OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT P&D CONSUL TANTS, INC. 8954 RIO SAN DEW LWK SUITE 610 W MGO, WCRMIA 927a EL&: (619) 297-1475 fM 291-1476 SEE SHEETS 59 & 60 CITY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWNER 1200 CARLSBAD ULLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 FOR INDEX MAP REFER TO SHEETS 41 THROUGH 58 FOR DATA TABULATION SHER28 OF 60 SEESHER r.9 1 "= 100' \ '\ '\ 1609 ,1606 S€.€SH€Er35 EXHIBIT "C4" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT P&D CONSUL TANTS, INC. 89% RIO SAN DEGO omwz SUITE 610 SN DIEGO, GAUFWIA 927M 7EL.E: (619) 297-1475 FM 291-1476 SEE SHEETS 59 & 60 C1 TY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWER 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIM: CARLSBAD, CA 92008 FOR INDEX MAP SEEShEET3i9 EXHIBIT "C-1" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT P&D CONSUL TANTq INC: EX: (619) 291-1475 FXX 291-1476 8954 RIO SAM DIEGO ORIE WITE 610 SIN DIEGO, WMIA 92168 SEE SHEETS 59 8c 60 GIN OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWER 1200 CARLSBAD WUAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 FOR INDEX MAP CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT P&D CONSUL TANTS, INC 8954 Ut0 SAN DIEGO DIU= SUITE 610 SAN DEW, CAUFWW1.4 92168 TELE: (619) 291-1475 FAX 291-1476 SEE SHEETS 59 8c 60 CITY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWNER 1200 CARLSBAD WLLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 FOR INDEX MAP SE€SH€ff 3 EXHIBIT "C-I" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT S€€SHEE&W EXHIBIT "C4" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT P&D CONSUL TANirS, INC 8954 RIO SAN DIEGO #?lK SUITE 610 SAN DIEM WFMMIA 92168 mL. (619) 291-1475 FM 291-1476 SEE SHEETS 59 & 60 CITY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWER 1200 CARLSBAD WLLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 FOR INDEX MAP REFER TO SHEETS 41 FOR DA TA TABULA TlON SHEET3 OFM EXHIBIT "C-I" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT OF CARlSBAD, PROPERTY OWNER CARLSBAD VllLAGE DRIVE SBAD. CA 92008 P&D CONSUL TANTS, INC 8954 RIO SAN DIEGO OWE WIE 610 SAN DlEa WmIA 92?M 7EL.E: (619) 291-1475 FAX 291-1176 SEE SHEETS 59 & 60 FOR INDEX MAP EXHIBIT "C4" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT P&D CONSULTANTS, INC 8954 RIO SAM DIEGO Diu= SUITE 610 SAN DE6U CUIFCWIIA 921M ZZE: (619) 291-1475 FAA? 291-1476 SEE SHEETS 59 & 60 ClN OF CARLSBAD, PROPERN OWER 1200 CARLSBAD ULLAGE DRlE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 FOR lNDEX MAP , REFER TO SHEETS 47 THROUGH 58 FOR DATA TABULATION SHEff36 OFM SEESHEET29 I"= 100' RE3 EXHIBIT "C-I" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT P&D CONSUL TANTq INC m. (619) 291-1475 FAX m-rm 8954 RIO SAN DEW MI6 SUITE 610 .SN DEW, G4UFCWNI.4 92?08 SEE SHEETS 59 & 60 CIN OF CARLSBAD, PROPERN OWNER 1200 CARLSBAD WAGE DRIK CARLSBAD, CA 92008 FOR INDEX MAP REFER TO SHEETS 41 THROUGH 58 FOR DATA TABULATION SHEET37OF6D sEisHEET3o I"= LOO' \, \, EXHIBIT "C4" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT P&D CONSUL TANTS, INC 8954 RIO SAN DIEGO DEW WIE 610 W DIEGO, WRWNIA 92708 EX: (619) 291-1475 FAX 291-1476 SEE SHEETS 59 & 60 CITY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWER 1200 CARLSBAD WAGE DRIVE CARlSBAD, CA 92008 FOR INDEX MAP EXHIBIT "C4" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT P&D CONSUL TANTq INC TIZE: (619) 291-1475 FAX m-i4m 8954 RIO SAN DiEGO DWK SUIE 610 SIN DiEGO, UUWfA 92108 SEE SHEETS 59 & 60 CITY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERN OWER 1200 CARLSBAD MLlAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 FOR INDEX MAP REFER TO SHEETS 41 THROUGH 58 FOR DATA TABULATION SHEET390FM S€€SH€ET32 I”= 100’ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \, \, \\, w CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT EXHIBIT “C-I” F&D CONSUL TANTS, INC. 8954 RIO SAN DEW OHM. SUIE 610 SAN DEW CAffFCWNIA 92fm (6f9) 291-1475 Fm 291-1476 SEE SHEETS 59 & 60 CITY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWfR 1200 CARLSBAD WAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 FOR INDEX MAP 11 12 22.16 N23’57’45”E 53.36 N 13’32’53”E 151 152 153 L54 34.23 N 06 ‘42 ‘35 ”E 32.00 N 0 77 0’50” W 27.81 N57’40’01 ”W 33.33 N72’19’13’’W 13 14 15 14.00 N 84 ‘44 ’0 9 ”E 30. 11 N 86 ‘5 0 ‘2 7” W 57.02 N 76’43’24”W 155 156 18.76 N80’51’22”W 54.96 N 45 ‘38’52 ” W 17 18 19 19.89 N 12’25’33”E 1 7.28 N31*23’25 ”E 803.7 6 N 79’41 ’34”E 157 L58 159 20.61 N 62 39 12”W 18.56 1 8.52 N66 ‘5 7’1 2 ” W N 36 ‘48’1 1 ” W 110 11 1 1 9.46 N01’59’22”E , 1 9.35 N 41 *29’22 ”E 11 7 L18 119 60.93 N59’25’11 ”E 43.80 N53’1 7’22”E 10.95 N 65 ‘45 ’56 ”E L6 7 L68 169 13.87 N78‘00’11 ”W 43.65 N8 7’05 ’52 ”E 31.43 N 80 ‘4 7’58 ”E I 170 10. 71 I N73’46’33”E I I 174 I 19.92 I N3RJ5‘47”W 1 I 175 I 21.47 I N.?7*7.5’48”W I 170 10. 71 N 73’46’33’’E 171 L 72 173 174 175 24.4 7 N55 ‘1 7’1 3”E 20.08 N57’39’33’’E 29.73 N38’36’14’’W 19.92 N 38 ‘35 ’4 1 ” W 21.47 N .?7 ‘7.5 ’48 ” W 171 L 72 173 24.4 7 N55 ‘1 7’1 3”E 20.08 N57’39’33’’E 29.73 N38’36’14’’W L77 178 179 1 4.08 N06’52’27”W 12.71 N47’06’49”E 1 0.23 N 71 ‘21 ’35”E ~ 131 132 L33 16.56 15.85 25.95 N 53 ‘08 ’58 I’ W N 6 6 ‘48’30” W N 75 ‘30 ’1 2” W 181 L82 183 12.69 N 08’1 2’08”E 14.14 N 2 9’53’06”E 16.95 N 13’1 8’49”E 134 135 17.15 22.50 N 6 6 ‘49 ’5 0” W N 09’2 1 ’22” W 184 L85 13.53 N26 *22’07”E 1 8.52 N 53’5 7 ‘02”E 136 137 138 1 7.84 N 23’4 1 ’54” W 13.92 N 33 ‘38 ’1 9 ’I W 22.42 N29’40’36”W L86 L8 7 188 29.81 N55’17’45”E 15.92 N 64’46 ’56 ”E 19.57 N76’59’47”E 189 L90 18.82 N897 1 ’49”E 22.14 N 74’05’25’’W 140 141 L42 26.50 N29’46’06”W 15.03 N26 ‘44’07”E 100.80 N63’16’00”W ~ 191 192 193 54.46 N62*22’09”W 27.98 N4226’1 1”W 38.95 N 46 ‘54 ’05 I’ W 143 L44 422.9 7 N5029’03”W 100.88 N 79’35’05”W L94 195 32.3 7 37.96 N 6 9 ‘1 6 ‘2 1 ” W N 5 7’25 ’34 ” W ~~ DATA TABULATION SHEET f /NE SEGMEM DISTMCE BARING I 16 I 136.14 I N28’23‘01”W I 17.29 N14’04’18”W 10.76 N81’12’53”W 27.50 N 90 ‘00 ’00 ” W 59.54 N87’57’17”W 30.00 N .9 0 *00 ’00 ’I W 85.5 1 N55’26’22’’E 46.19 N 5 1 *53’3 7”E 17.85 N39’18’01 ”E 34.05 N 4 77.9 ’5.? ’IF I 116 I 47.36 I N60’27’52’’E I 121 9.18 N 76’45’5 7”E 122 20.83 N51’57’40”E N 76’45’5 7”E 20.83 N51’57’40”E N65’31’18”W 13.77 N 59 ‘44 ’1 5 ’I W 10.28 NR.5’74’5 7°F I I 8.45 I N65’31’18”W I L23 I 124 I 13.77 I ~59’44’15”~ I I 125 I 10.28 I NR.5’74’57”F I 43.61 N 4 7‘1 2’2”’W 30.65 N 33 *4 1 ‘24” W 27.70 N04’08’27’’E 30.53 N25’12’04”E 11.56 18.84 31.37 N 42 ‘44 ’5 1 ” W N 65 ‘3 1 ’03” W N .?4 ‘0 0 ‘0 0 “F 16.33 ~89.1 1 ‘52~ CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT P&D CONSUL TANTS, INC 8951 mo SAN DIEGO DRIE WE NO EIE (619) zgr-7475 FAX: 29r-r476 SAN DIEGG, CAUFOIPNIA 92108 CITY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWNER 1200 CARLSBAD WAGE DRIM: CARLSBAD, CA 92008 1151 L152 L153 52.3 7 N80'03'07''E 37.98 N 7 7'42'22''E 14.61 N 78'1 2'06''E L102 1103 1104 ~ 13.34 N2020'59"W 14.57 N 04 '30'23''E 14.66 N31'50'12''E L154 12.41 N68.09'11 "E L155 14.59 N65'03'05''E . r 1 756 13.04 N 62 '09 '3 7"E 1106 L107 1108 21.64 N 72'59'1 7"E 23.63 N84'33'29''W , 14.20 N 6 0'0 7'28'' W 1115 L116 L117 30.18 N 77.48'21 " W 29.95 N69'13'12"W 32.79 N 44 '32 '1 2 " W 1165 1166 L167 12.61 N 77'2O'33''Ep 13.94 N 79'54'54''E 14.73 N78'16'09''E . 1169 11 70 11 71 11 72 16.63 N66'48'48"Ep--~ 13.53 N 59 '02 '35 "E 11.76 N54'47'38''E 36.25 N53'28'28"E 1125 1 126 L127 40.09 N57'59'41 "W 57.01 N 2 1 '36 '53" W 36.76 N 54 '4 1 '20 " W L1 78 L179 1180 L181 1182 L183 49.82 N76'48'02"E 34.98 N 80 '32 '1 6 "E 34.48 N80'24'04''E 49.82 N 76 '48 '02 "E 46.90 N 75'5 7'50 "E 70.48 N 78'1 3 '54"E 1 129 1130 1137 35.79 26.19 N 6 1 '38 '42 " W N 6 9 7 8'5 7" W 15.83 ~1371'22"~ 1132 1133 100.07 N56'31'05''E 27.96 N 22'40'36 " W L134 1135 1136 41.88 N 55 *2 7'23'' W 24.6 7 N 83 7 8 '26 " W 21.71 N7579'25"W 1184 L185 L186 26.88 N 71 '33'54"E 69.09 N 60 '1 6'5 1 "E 42.06 N 6 1 '36 '25 "E 1138 L139 1140 28.69 N 6 7'2 7'25 " W 35.18 N 78 '43'48''E 23.6 7 N71'52'13"E 1188 L189 1190 24.70 N35.56'32 "E 34.5 7 N 65 '39 '32 "E 37.11 N85 '33'25''E 1141 L142 22.4 7 N32'31 '1 1 "E 9.07 N48'47'40"E L191 L192 26.92 N71 '18'46''E 28.63 N84'29'19"E 1143 L144 16.43 N 74'1 1 '54"E 1 7.73 N 72'30'24"E 1 148 L149 67.87 N64.00'05 "E 51.03 N 64 '09 '39 "E I 1150 42.01 I N41*27'14"W I L1 98 38.93 N54'00'48'' W 1199 101.05 N 64 '53'35 " W 1200 25.50 N 90'00'00 " W SHEET42 OF 6U DATA TABULATION SHEET 64.34 N66'16'03"E 13.85 N 4 7'46'5 7"E 35.9 7 N45 *08'27"€ 1113 17.24 N 6 0 2 7'40 " W 30.12 N.?g *06 '7 9 " W I L124 I 42.50 I L137 I 27.53 I N56'40'15"W I 43.00 N 9 0'00 '0 0 " W 56.54 N 40'52'34" W 23.18 N 82 '52'30" W 54.62 N 38 '29 '46 " W I 1145 I 16.02 I N75'57'57"E I I 1146 I 28.83 I NF11'76'77"F I EXHIBIT "GI" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT ?&D CONSUL TANTS INC. 8951 mo SAN MGO DIVE WE 610 SAN DIECO. WFMA 91108 EZE (619) 297-1475 FAX: 291-1476 WY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERN OWNER 1200 CARLSBAD WLLAGE DRlM ?ARLSBAD, CA 92008 1251 L252 L253 47.68 N 62'40'33" W 53.70 N87'30'32''E 36.80 N 71 '04'26''E L202 1203 37.99 N 76 '52 '42 "E 14.37 N81'49'11"W 1207 L208 L209 13.23 N 5 1 '2 7'03''E 1 0.32 N 30 '58'09 "E 1 0.92 N43'41'31''E L260 1261 L262 20.38 N 00'44 '03"E 15.02 NO67 7'04"W 78.05 . N50 '26 '04 "E L268 L269 28.05 N 53'22 '05 "E 30.29 N23.08'06 "E 1 226 L22 7 L228 9.21 N33.30'13 "E 5.56 N 02 '26 '1 8 "E 30.2 7 N19'56'28''W L229 L230 31.26 NO1 '34'1 4"W 41.75 N 13'01 '56 "E 1237 1232 1233 24.79 N 09 '00 '2 7"E 19.78 NO 7'02 '34'' W 32.90 N 16 '42'35 " W 1235 L236 1237 44.55 NO67 3'13''W 27.60 N 1 1 '1 9 '08" W 91.83 N22 54'39 '* W L285 1286 1287 45.28 N 5 4'36'0 7"E 42.77 N 88 '56 '34 "E 25.80 N 50 '1 2 '34 "E L244 L245 1246 99.49 N 48 '29 '24 "E 56.48 N43.39'41 "E 44.72 N 6 4'5 7'58''E L294 L295 1296 67.83 N 75 '1 4 '02 "E 53.30 N 62 '58 '3 1 "E 60.56 N 46 '55'41 "E 1248 1249 1250 69.03 N87'38'09"W L298 29.91 N 6 4 '20'5 7" W 42.15 N81'03'01 "W 1299 66.13 N57'04'11''W 39.85 N34'5 1 '2 7" W L300 30.76 N 79.30'1 7"W DATA TABULATION SHEET L204 I 14.30 I N 46 '40 '1 3 "E 1205 13.86 I N 7.3 *5 1 '.36 "F 75.51 N58 '1 2'49 " W 24.88 N40'51'01 "W L25 7 34.29 N36 '08 '06" W 25.39 N 1 R '4.5 'fin " W 24.25 NO6 '1 9'55 " W 25.23 N35'09'39'' W 34.63 N65.28'14"E L213 30.73 N 68 '0 1 '32" W 27.97 N6.5*4.3'.37"F 37.21 N32'30'56"E 39.86 N21 *20'03''E 18.94 N 1 5'03'23''W N 6 7'4 7'34 " W 28.39 N29.53'56 "E 386.63 N83'27'1O''E 18.77 N71'00'21 "W 116.11 N 76'49 '55 " W L223 20.9 7 N 80.39 '26 " W L224 24.70 N.W'00'11n''W 39.50 N 6 7'3 7'5"' W 38.44 N 75 7 4'0 7"W 50.14 N 46 '38'29 " W 33.81 N 78'46'56"W 27. 17 N42 '0 7'1 3" W 206.36 N60.03'11 "E 584.92 N 10'25'40''W N 79 34'3 0°F I 1293 32.77 EXHIBIT 9z-1" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT TlTY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWNER I200 CARLSBAD ULLAGE DRIVE TARLSBAD, CA 92008 P&D CONSUL TANTG I.C. 8954 RIO SAN DIE0 DR/M. WE 610 SAN DIEGO, &WFaprWA 92108 ?UE: (619) 291-1475 Fa 291-1476 DATA TABULATION SHEET L351 L352 L353 L354 UN€ 63.44 N 78’1 6’35”E 120.86 N75’03’44”W 41.43 N8 7’50’56 “E 51.70 N84 ‘39’0 7”E 1303 L304 L305 ~ 51.72 N 71’49’29’’E 24.58 N 83’0 1 ‘06”E 21.41 N 69 2 7’30 ” W 1306 L307 L308 L309 L31 0 L31 1 1 7.72 N36.31’31 ”W 58.10 N27’18’23’’W 30.89 N3 7’2 1 ’36”W 14.45 N 5 1 ‘33’54 ” W 16.37 N65.52’51 ”E 22.32 N6120’43”E L360 1361 L362 16.52 N 06 ‘1 7’1 5 ”E 15.89 N32’58’32”E 15.80 N55’54’12’’E 131 2 L313 L314 L318 I 22.93 I N21’50’24’’W L319 57.51 I N .?f7’4 7 ’.5.? ” W 26.43 N 43’5 1 ’38”E 22.06 N71’34’19”E 16.62 N63’04’05’’W I L320 41.34 L316 L317 32.75 N 05’1 8’54’’E 31.66 N 00 *25’2 7”E L378 L379 28.46 N64’52’07”E 40.1 7 N 71 ‘23’20”E L329 L330 11.87 N 15 ‘00’22 ”E 41.38 N28’4 7’20”E L335 1336 L337 27.87 N 85 ‘2 7’59 ” W 26.12 N 79 ‘35 ‘1 6”W 15.67 N62 ‘05 ’1 6 ” W 22.39 N4Cl*C17’.5fi1’W 89.84 N 69 ‘42 ’1 3 ”E 83. 11 N40’02’33’’E , 92.79 N31’57’25’’E 1385 L386 1387 34.96 N48 28’33” W 36.08 N74’50’32”W 42.51 N84’59’43”W . L392 L393 74.30 N 79-21 ’22”E 214.27 N20 ‘45 ’4 7”E L344 L345 L346 1 :l; I 34.80 1 N64’49’02”E- -1 56.89 N 77’31’52”E 44.58 N87’12’24”E L383 36.4 7 N 80 ‘49 ‘43 ”E 28.73 N 4 1 ‘1 2’56 ” W 34.72 N05’41’12”E 50.60 N 42 *2 7’44 “E L394 L395 L396 334.78 N 5 7’55 ’35 ” W 19.32 N86*28’76’’W 18.43 N 75’3 7’29 “E 44.54 N 84 ‘25 ’42 ”E 54.21 N43’49’27’’E 67.95 N52 ‘3 7’2 7”E 50.67 N 1 0 38 ‘33 ” W L348 L349 L350 47.27 N7426’24”W L398 16.98 N35’21’45”E 116.56 N 54 25’45 ” W L399 13.86 N21’23’53”E 155.81 N79’59’36’’W L400 16.83 N09’5 7’39 “E CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT P&D CONSUL TANTS, INC 8954 RIO SAN DEW MtM. WE 610 SAN DIEM, WFCXNIA 92108 ELF (619) 101-1475 FAX 291-1476 YTY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWNER ‘200 CARLSBAD WlLAGE #RIM: ~ARLSBAD, CA 92008 DATA TABULATION SHEET 1401 16.77 NO5 '53'03"E L402 20.76 N 00'04'59''E L403 22.1 6 N 04 '4 7'33"E 1404 14.81 NO87 6'41"W L405 15.19 N 73'04'25" W 22.1 6 N84'53'4 7"E 26.46 N 71'1 6'4 7"E 24.54 N 6 7'1 3'45''E 24.13 N 77'1 0'03''E I L410 I 16.33 I N36'52'54"E I I L419 23.79 I N32.39'30"W I L454 57.31 N 43'04'55 "E 1455 26.53 N 46 '36'08 "E L456 24.98 N54'45'23"E ~ L457 26.63 N57'39'09''E L458 12.72 N71'40'53"W L459 57.37 N55.52'39 "E L460 31.56 N 75 '05 '00"E 1461 44.69 N84'42'14''E 1462 43.43 N52'36'08"E L463 62.6 1 N 76 '5 7'45''E ~ 47.17 I N70'06'06"E I I L464 55.15 N 89 '4 7'45 "E 48.09 N 75'14'29"E 16.19 N 59 '52 '1 5 "E 28.9 7 N50'5 7'1 5"E 31.81 I N63'38'11"E I I 1469 N26'1 1 '48"W N78'32'04"E N 18'54'02"W N 74'59'02"E 29.23 N32'30'14"W L4 72 23.19 N24 '09 '1 3" W L423 27.06 N57 '1 3 '7.3 " W L4 73 68.23 N 1 7 '41 '7 7" W I 1424 20.82 I N70'07'57"W I L425 25.36 N 79'32'02"W 1426 29.36 N85 '22'44" W L427 1 7.29 N 72'59'23 "E L428 16.26 N08'12'00''E L429 61.51 N25'47'42"W I L434 58.42 I N55'35'OO"E I L435 53.60 N 5 1 '08 '36 "E 1436 43.86 N 55'48'04"E L437 40.53 N 2 9 '22 '0 0 "E 1438 34.2 7 N 04 '30'54 "E I 1474 I 180.61 I N78'18'33"E I L4 75 100.07 N56'30'56"E L476 169.71 N80'00'57"E L477 56.65 N46'51'45"W L478 18.83 N 6 0'1 9'36''E L479 18.86 N60'38'01''E 1480 59.45 N 65 '58'2 7"E 1481 5 7.43 N 73 '58'5 7"E 1482 52.92 N83'08'12''E L483 83.45 N 88 '59'1 5"E I L484 20.37 I N75'15'56"E I L485 23.6 1 N79'26'01 "W L486 60.53 N88'5 7'28"E L487 59.33 N 75'24'50"E I L488 91.97 I N79'44'38"W I N56'22'00"W N 6 9 '0 9 '25 "E N 39 '34 '40 "E N5025'20"W 39.71 N56 '53'04"E 691.51 N50.29'01 "W L442 44.76 N4.9'01 '7.?"F L 492 129.74 N 2 7'7 8 '22 "E I L443 51.91 I N58'48'49"E I L444 60.80 N6 1 '39'46 "E L445 65.10 N5773'34"E L446 33.03 N55.53'1 6 "E I L447 88.96 I N65'34'22''E I I L493 61.57 L494 29.48 N 30'35 '1 9 "E L495 33.56 N 18 '1 3'5 7"E L496 54.23 N25.40'45 "E I L498 50.23 I N67'46'30"W I L448 43.90 N 77'37'40"E L449 36.58 N 6 9 '00 '29 "E L499 40.92 N 5 1 '26 '58"W L450 27.46 N 86 '32 '39 "E L500 34.70 N377 4'29"W EXHIBIT "cll" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT CITY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWNER 1200 CARLSBAD VllLAGE #RIM: CARLSBAD. CA 92008 P&D CONSUL TANTS INC. 0954 RIO SAN OEGU DR/E WR? 610 SAN WEGO, CMUFMMA 92108 mi2 (619) 291-1475 FAX 291-1476 DATA TABULATION SHEET I 1501 I 27.77 I N23’20’03”W I 1551 20.33 N45’29’54”E L552 45.19 N 46 ‘54 ’20”E L553 11.88 N 6 7’45 ’04 ”E 1555 1556 1557 11.89 N42’14’51 ”E 14.70 N69 ‘26 ‘44”W 16.96 N85.31’01 ”E 1558 L559 I 151 1 I 162.60 I N56’45’43”W I 1 4.22 N26’10’15’’E , 1 9.80 N4 1 ‘48’5 7” W I 1564 I 17.30 I N79’02’55”E 1 1525 L526 L527 1528 20.59 16.82 N 06 ‘3 7’1 2 ”E 19.80 N06’23’05”E 20.18 N03’16’57”E 17.31 N O 7 OO.5 ’0.5 “F 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 23.44 N 00’55 ’42 ” W 15.07 N03’00’22”W 24.18 N 00 *29 ’ 1 4 ”E 16.92 N00’00’27”W 12.93 N04’00’05”W 1 7.23 N 04 ‘30 ’33 ” W N 35 ‘30 ‘33”E 11.01 N2 7’1 3’29 ”E 1523 1 0.38 N 1 6 ‘40 ’32 ”E 10.99 NO6 ‘40’5 7°F 1535 1536 1537 23.22 N 04’28’0 7”E 17.84 N04’48’27”E 12.09 N00’53’29”W 1544 1545 L546 16.50 N 9 0 ‘00’00’’W 13.69 N80’32 ’1 6 ”E 11.41 N61’11’21”E 1594 1595 1596 I 1543 18.53 19.98 N31 ‘42’05”E 24.55 N30*36’49”E 16.84 N40’47’0.9”F L549 15.15 N 73’12’37’’E 1550 21.91 N 62’5 1 ’0 1 ”E 1598 14.94 N 44’39 ’40”W 1599 1 7.24 N60’27’40”W 1600 1 7.00 N 9 0 ‘00’00 ” W I 1588 71.49 21.84 29.52 30.08 N 6 1 ‘35 ’26 ”E N 59 *44 ‘3 7”E N 85 ‘56 ’54 ”E 1592 40.00 N 9 0’00 ’00 ” W I 1593 19.62 I 1597 I 12.68 I NR0’71’07’’W I CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT :IN OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWNER ‘200 CARLSBAD MLLAGE DRIVE >ARLSBAD. CA 92008 SffEff47OF68 DATA TABULATION SHEET LINE SEGMENT DISTMCE BMIIG I 1601 I 21.13 I ~00~00'00''~ I LINE SEGM!, DIS;rANCE BARING 11.47 N89.49'21 "E 33.72 N 76 '0 1 '03 "E 29.77 N64'38'24"E 57.87 N 59 '52 '1 2 "E 46.38 N 56 '06 '4 7"E 1602 20.20 N18'46'17''E 1603 13.51 N 5 1 '00 '32 " W 1604 17.13 N 82 '52 '30 " W 22.6 7 10.68 N85.24'25 "E 1 0.89 N 4 7'30'5 7"W 13.21 N60'40'56''W 19.63 N55'47'44"W 34.00 N51*29'49"E 13.26 N 49'21 '49 "E 12.59 N84'10'54''E 1 7.50 N86'18'4O''E I 1660 14.43 I N71'03'19''E I 19.16 N54'59'39''W 11.55 N 65 '1 3'44 " W 10.24 N8477'32''W 1613 15.84 N 6 0 *22 '00 "E 19.72 N.?0'1 1 '0.?"f 19.07 N 5 7'28 '22 "E 1 6.95 N 75'42 '55 "E 42.35 N 79'52'18"E 38.1 4 N 70*20'3O''E I 1615 17.80 I N08'49'48''E I I 1665 32.08 1616 14.74 N 15'44'1 6 "E 161 7 12.60 N53.29 '36 "E 1618 16.44 N86.25'01 "E 1666 34.72 N36 '22'1 6 "E 1667 15.78 N 6 0'0 1 '33 "E 1668 28.15 N89'02'20''E 1619 16.91 N 72 '38'06 " W 1620 20.01 N 5 9 '2 7'50"W I 1670 12.78 I N09'00'06"W I 1621 16.88 N53'26'54"W 1622 36.33 N 75 '4 7'5 9 "E 1623 21.18 N 75'09'5 7"E 24.31 N 38'06 '2 7"W 45.38 N52'29'56"W 74.13 N58'56'13''W 56.04 N 74'4 7'.?5 " W I 1624 46.83 I N74'36'25''E I I :@: 1 45.03 1 N 74'03'43"E 1 1 1 717.1 1 N 0 1 '08 '55 "E I 20.94 N 74'00'14"E 25.49 NI 1*22'20~ 1627 22.44 N 72'50'53''E 1677 21.06 N 12'1 9'38 "E 1628 1 5.44 N 6 9 '1 8'7 9 "F 1678 N 1 1 '4.3'1 R"E I 1629 15.90 I 1679 8.91 I N24'36'47"E I 1680 8.57 N 06 '49 '58 "E 1681 20.24 N 04'22 '5 0 "E 1682 47.47 N23.2 7'32''E 1630 40.82 N 74'20'48''E 1631 38.30 N 71 '20'4 7"E 1632 57.61 N 74'00'58''E I 1633 19.30 1683 1 7.20 N 20 '52 '05 "E 1684 20.87 N 17Y9'00"E N 00'36 '45 " W 1685 20.70 1686 20.89 N23'52'10"W 1687 11.94 N 64 '43'35 " W I 1638 I 22.07 I N87'29'52"E ] 21.33 N89'44'16''W 15.73 N 75 '3 7'5 7"E 42.73 N 66 '5 1 '2 1 "E 42.6 1 N 73'06 '52"E 1692 11.98 N83'42'30"W 1639 45.99 N 76 '56 '24 "E 1640 18.77 N 84 '32 '40 " W 1641 23.4 7 N78'48'27"E I 1642 14.54 I N7828'48"W 1 1693 11.50 N 54 '32 '48 " W 1694 1 0.48 N02'09'36"E 7695 11.41 N53'23'12"E 1696 14.64 N 64'08'1 8 "E 1697 13.97 N84 '25'05 " W I 1647 15.74 I 1698 12.30 I N76'57'40''W I 1648 16.46 N 89 '30 '20 " W 1649 17.68 N 71 '08'47"W 1699 15.72 N 75 '3 7'43 "E 1650 17.91 N81 '51'44"W 1700 26.47 N 6 4'4 7'42 "E CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT CIN OF CARLSBAD, PROPERN OWNER 1200 CARLSBAD WLLAGf DRIK CARLSBAD. CA 92008 P&D CONSUL TANTS, INC 8954 RIO SAN DIEGO ME WfTE 610 SAN DEW, CAUFMNJA 92108 7FL.E (619) 291-1475 FAX 291-1476 DATA TABULATION SHEET LINE LINE SEGMEM DISTMCE BMING SEGMEM DISDWCE BM/NG I N46'32'42"E I L751 141 7.52 N 46 '5 1 '45'' W N86 Y4'58"E N90'00'00"W I L701 I 22.28 L 752 19.41 L 753 16.00 76.18 N28 '36 '08"E 18.94 N 03'30'59 W 19.82 N24 '5 1 '55 " W 33.34 N54'44'40"W I L706 48.44 28.65 N72'08'48"W 16.25 N88'5 7'56"E 22.29 N56 '44'05 "E 43.09 N.3.3*14'79 "F L711 21.04 I N42'03'49"E I I L729 I 22.90 14.40 N 59 '5 7'46 " W 16.92 N 89 '30'56 "E 12.27 N 5 9 '48 '58 " W 1 2.64 N04'46 '.54"W I L754 51.46 I N51'54'19"W I L 755 90.06 N66 '21 '09"W L 756 47.70 N 77'07'45"W L 757 74.98 NR.3'7.9'78 " W 1 L758 64.41 I L778 23.16 L 779 33. IO N 19'48'43"E L 780 22.6 1 N 03 '34 '1 0" W L781 28.01 N 00 *36 '26 " W L 782 58.21 N00.54'51 "E L 783 35.36 N 09'30'39" W I L734 I 20.54 15.41 N 1 8'1 2'1 5 " W 15.76 N 58 '08 '4 7" W 12.23 N 8 7 '22'2 1 " W 19.41 N61'44'54"E I L739 19.04 I L792 I 26.54 I N41.27'14"W I 24.56 18.04 20.63 74.50 N 6 9 '26 '38 "E N 50 '54 '22 "E N 33 '52 '58 "E L797 33.25 N 58 '59 '5 7" W I L798 30.28 I N80'41'50"W I L 749 35.03 N03'58'03"E L 799 84.99 N 77'00'32"W L 750 14.54 N 04 '33'1 8"E L800 17.82 N 02'35'38 "E EXHIBIT "GI" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT CITY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWNER 1200 CARLSBAD WAGE DRlM CARLSBAD, CA 92008 L801 L802 L803 281.29 N88’43’23”E L851 33.15 N45’09’1O’’E 22.52 N537 9’48”E L852 30.70 N 73 ‘55 ’35”E 98.37 N85’02’34” W L853 15.68 N17’07’12’’E LBO4 L805 34.84 N64’43’20”W 33.15 N 45 ‘09 ’1 0” W L854 L855 28.24 N18’00’32’’E 16.03 N 1 77 9’03”E 1806 L807 L808 27.77 N32.41 ’19”W 33.24 N71*21’38”W N 63 ‘26 ‘06 ” W 19.01 L856 L85 7 L858 27.37 N 16 ‘24’25”E 15.95 N 1 4 ‘08’58 ”E 22.01 N 76 *2 7’38” W L81 0 L811 L812 12.21 N 53 ‘33’52 ” W 30.66 N40‘58’01 “W 13.77 N 03’4 7’49 ” W L860 L861 L862 10.02 N28’02’15”E 14.10 N32’09’28”E 10.49 N327 4’02”E L813 L814 13.92 N20.34’2 7” W N 28 ‘48’20 ” W 9.73 L863 1864 19.84 12.63 N40’52’13”E . N 34 ‘08 ’23 ”E L815 L816 L817 L818 L819 L821 L822 1820 13.25 N32.2 1 ’05 ” W 10.74 N32.59’51 ”W 45.65 N23’57’45”W 124.15 N5679’09”E 58.82 N8179’09’’E N 16 ‘4 1 ’5 7”W N 6 9-73 ‘30” W 811.56 N 6 7.5 1 ’24” w 8.27 9 7.23 L865 L866 L867 11.72 N 41 ‘4 7’4 7”E 15.81 N 48 ‘08’49 “E 17.63 N49’04’08”E L8 70 L871 L8 72 12.42 N35’35’27’’E 17.16 N32’26’02”E , 10.30 N 24 7 5 ’4 7”E SHEET49 OF 60 DATA TABULATION SHEET I L859 1 16.99 I N6577’26”E I I L868 I 10.23 I N45*70‘.34’’F I I 1823 20.73 I N78’35’36”W I L8 73 10.14 N21’07’51”W L874 10.91 N 77’00’07”W 10.66 N 33 ‘23 ’02 ” W IO. 70 N 1 8 ‘38 ’39 ” W 137.67 N 4 7’28 ’1 8 I’ W 181.29 N 40’21 ’22 ”E I 1828 I 103.40 I 1879 96.07 I N40’04’41”E I L829 187.09 N 1 87 2’45 ”E L830 21.57 N 8 1 7 2 ’53 ”E L831 60.00 N4 7’52’1 5 ” W L880 16.71 N80.1 5 ’08”E L881 25.62 N61’26’03”W L882 20.42 N78*20’46”E L832 30.77 N65’31’03’’W L833 45.18 N 48’48’5 1 ” W L883 33.84 N 5 7’2 1 ’59 ”E L884 38.33 N41 ‘06’54’’E L885 277.85 N 5 7’55 ’35 ’I W L886 10.69 N 007 4’05 ” W L88 7 2 7.25 N 1 5’37’34”E I L838 33.50 I N5570’59”W I I L888 12.30 I N23’05’42”W I 1889 10.12 N 42’58 ’29 ” W 1890 13.43 N 55 ‘30 ’05 ” W 1891 IO. 09 N 52 -04 ’58 ” W L839 55.78 N 49’38’08” W 1840 26.96 N 44 ‘48 ’44 ” W L841 97.72 N62’54’38’’W I L892 I 18.98 I N34’32’38”W I 23.12 N 68 ‘25’43”W 31.57 N 86 ‘08 ’26 ” W 24.04 N 45 ‘00’00 ”E 19.01 N63’26’06”E 11.59 N33.44’41 ”W 11.21 N2 7’2 1 ’2 7” W 12.22 N27’03’58”W 10.11 N21.44’31 “W L846 23.50 N 90*00’00”w L847 36.09 N 49 ‘38 ’08 ” W I L897 I 19.82 1 N09’70’37”W I I 1898 12.03 L848 15.53 N56.49’1 7”W L849 104.78 N 83’00 ’38 ” W 1899 16.21 N 097 8’20 ” W L850 25.73 N 34 7 8 ’28 ”E L900 21.20 N 1 7’03’20”W CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT CITY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWNER 1200 CARLSBAD WLLAGE DRlM CARLSBAD. CA 92008 P&D CONSUL TANTS, INC. 8954 RIO SAN MGO WE .WE 610 WN DIECO. CAUFmNIA ’ 92108 Elk (619) 291-1475 FAX 291-1476 DATA TABULATION SHEET LINE SEGMEM DISTMCE BHRING 1901 10.77 N24’1 1’3O’’W L902 13.21 N26’40’33” W 1903 16.74 N 23’0 7’04 ” W L IN!€ SEGMEW DISTANCE BMNG 1951 628.30 N47’28’18”W L952 28.76 N55.29’52 “E L953 12.07 N 74.30’06 ”E L904 9.93 N13’41’15’’W L905 26.31 N 01 ‘42’35 ” W L954 1 9.53 N65’49’03”E L955 10.08 N27’25’14”E L906 13.69 N08.26’31 “E 1956 10.12 N 49’06 ’34 “E L907 1 0.02 N 10‘46’34“E , L95 7 12.05 N70’40’45”E I L908 34.02 I N01’58’37”E I I L958 12.06 I N86’42’41”E I 1909 15.72 NO1 ‘06’28”E 1910 14.37 N 04 ‘42 ’49 ” W 191 1 10.20 N0920’40’’W 1959 23.11 N81’48’36”W 1960 11.92 N75’12’15”W 1961 14.95 N64 ‘1 8’3 7” W 1912 14.27 N 00 ‘1 1 ’25 “E 1913 20.76 N 10’32’07“E L962 1 4.04 N 6 7’1 9’26 ” W 1963 11.75 N70’49’38’’W 1964 12.70 N89.45’41 “E 1914 18.47 N 1 7’58’48”E 1915 9.51 N25*20’51 “E . 1916 16.97 N31 -23’55 “E 191 7 10.30 N49’11’31’’E 1918 17.27 N47.28’18”W L919 15.36 N50’16’49’’E L920 18.58 N54 ‘1 5’31 ”E 1921 20.68 1965 10.34 N79’09’44”E L966 1 0.00 N 78’48’52’’E 1967 10.07 N 8 1 ‘40 ‘50 “E 11.31 N 65’33’OO’’E 15.85 N63’46’45’’E 12.72 N64’10’06’’E 27.40 N 7454’57°F I L972 15.01 1922 21.45 N 44 ‘46 ’4 1 ”E L923 18.71 N46’1 1’00’’E 1924 25.82 N46’19’12’’E L925 23.91 N39’07’57”E . 1926 1 6.42 N 38 *32 ’0 7”E 1927 13.72 N 46 ‘1 3’04’’E 15.43 N 79’24’33”E 15.46 N82.55’1 O”E 15.16 N8 7’45’30’’E 14.88 N85’35’26”W L977 7 1.04 N 71 ‘1 6’1 2 “W I L978 1 0.62 I N66.29’14”W I L928 N 5 7’0 7 ’ 1 8 ”E 1929 19.36 N6 7’07’34’’E 1930 1 0.31 N 7 7’5 7’08 “E 1 7.10 L9 79 10.14 N 71 ‘5 7’52 “W 1980 11.36 N 74’33’03”W L981 18.80 N 79’04’29’’W 1982 7 0.88 N 79’53’45”E L931 40.01 N 16’49’2 7”E 1932 43.32 N 1 7’41 ’55 ”E IO. 05 N83’44’54”E 18.06 N 85’1 6’26 “E 14.04 N 88 ‘53 ’56 “E 10.37 N 8833’0 1 “E L933 14.79 N 15’05’06’’E 1934 13.44 N10’23’51 ”E 1935 17.00 N 01 ‘09’0 7”E L936 330.6 1 N 5 7’56 ’1 9 ” W 1937 20.53 N 12’08’54” W I L987 11.47 1988 1 0.44 NO7’25’36”E L989 11.08 N 0 7’1 8’31 ”E 1990 1 0.23 N 13’2 7’55’’E 1938 10.08 N41’45’45’’E 1939 10.91 N 1 4’1 8’4 7”E I L940 I 30.13 I NOO*OO’OO”E ] I 1991 12.69 L941 632.23 N7820’59”W L942 45.86 N77.42’46”W 1943 58.81 N 76’15’34”W I 1944 I 59.25 I N7437’17”W I 1945 29.53 N 73’23’13”W . 1946 38.2 7 N 72’26’44”W L996 14.87 N08.34’1 I”€ L997 1 0.03 N 1 0’56 ’4 1 “E L947 58.71 N 7820’4O’’W 1948 37.90 N 77‘1 8’45”W 1949 26.92 N 75 ‘49’3 7” W L998 20.1 1 N40’49’17’’E 1999 31.28 N 44’01 ’5 7”E I 1950 30.5 7 I N74’30’34”W I L1000 17.63 N 45 ‘56 ’53”E EXHIBIT “GI ” CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT CITY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERN OWNER 1200 CARLSBAD WLLAGE DRIE CARLSBAD. CA 92008 P&D CONSUL TANTG INC. SAN mm, CAUFCWNIA 92108 8954 RIO SN DEGO DR/& SUITE 610 (619) 297-1475 FAX 291-7476 DATA TABULATION SHEET 11001 L1 002 11 003 LINE SEGMEM DISTMCE EMING 10.06 N54 '35 '1 2 "E 43.80 N49'07'31 "E 72.59 N 46'48'47" W LINE SEGM€tVT DISTMC€ EHRING L1051 11 052 L 1 053 18.00 N 18'40'1 4 "E 37.75 N 14 '02'2 1 "E 10.96 N 12 '1 3'2 1 "E 11 004 11 005 1 I006 I L1007 I 47.40 I N3672'18''E I 88.70 N47*28'18''W 10.01 N40'49'17"E 41.90 N 48'44 '59 "E 11 054 L I055 L1056 14.44 NO5 '30'25 "E 22.2 7 NO9 '03'59 "E 26.21 N20'1 3'40 "E 11 008 L 1 009 1 9.38 N 35'48'1 2"E 61.52 N47*28'18"W 11058 11 059 12.79 N 80 '08 '32 " W 5 70.24 N47.28'18''W 11 021 33.85 N29'33'48"W L 1022 24.43 N28 '36 '46 " W 11 023 17.71 N 3 7'20 '3 7" W 11 024 N28'36'27''W 11010 1701 1 I 11034 34.69 77.58 N 50 '39 '5 0"E 59.70 N56'42'14"E I L1039 59.56 17060 17061 11 040 IO. 64 N 68 7 8'5 1 "E 11041 16.63 N 62 '33'29 "E 11 042 14.00 N 55 '24 '29 "E 30.77 N 80'5 7'38" W 49.02 N55 '42'08 "E I 11043 15.18 I N62'07'30"E I 11012 L1013 L1014 I L1048 10.91 88.78 N46 '5 1 '45"W 27.64 N 45 '1 2 '40 "E 10.10 N 69 '1 4'45 "E L1049 IO. 06 N 54 '04 '56 "E 11050 16.14 N26'12'43"E L1015 L1016 10.14 N 60'1 8'56 "E 15.35 N54'18'22"E L1017 L1018 11019 10.10 N 16'35 '48" W 16.38 N51'1 1 '04"W 26.62 N 54'06 '5 9 " W 11067 11068 11 069 11.61 N 77'1 5'09''W 9.95 N 03 '2 3'28 "E 13.22 N49.37'31 "E 11 066 11.02 11 076 25.85 I N80.32'16''W I 11077 53.16 N85'32'59'' W 11078 38.41 N5624'48"W 11 079 28.62 N82'35'14''W 11 080 I 909.33 I N47'28'18"W I 11 085 42.89 N04'40'50''W L1086 25.35 N 22 '00'4 1 " W 11087 65.1 7 N39.33 '08" W 11 088 68.42 N50'06'50''W L 1089 14.50 N 35 '52'56 " W 11090 13.72 I N71'24'00''W I ~~ L1091 24.05 N 10'47'03"E L1092 23.93 N 10*50'25"W 1 1093 24.38 N 1 5 '2 7'40 " W 11 094 21.40 N02'40'43''E 11 095 20.02 N 15'56'43''E TO96 25.09 N35.25'01 "E 11097 151.55 N47'28'18''W L1098 10.00 N 77'39'44"E 11099 63.1 7 N 02'1 6 '05"E LllOO 27.88 NOO'OO'OO "E EXHI BIT "GI " CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT CIN OF CARLSBAD, PROPERN OWNER 1200 CARLSBAD WAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 I 11101 36.79 I N25’46’53”W I 11 151 37.64 N51’36’28”W . 11152 81.03 N88Y9’50”E . L1153 53.68 N80’53’19’’E 11154 48.69 N84.59’31 ”W L1155 58.70 N 70’59’1 1 “E 11 156 11157 11158 11.26 N90’00’00”W 663.76 N47‘28’18”W 11.12 N 72*34’22”W L1116 L1117 11118 23.38 N 00 *00 ’00 ”E 21.22 N66’45’26”E 12.01 NO1 ‘57’54’’E 11130 11731 11132 13.44 N 5 7’0 7’25 ” W 14.65 N36.05’31 ”W 15.79 N 1 7’40’04”W L1180 L1181 L1182 41.48 N 77’34’1 6 ”E 20.04 N 71 *27’07’’E 21.58 N 54 ‘0 7’04 ”E L1188 11189 17.71 N20 29 ’5 1 ” W 14.10 N32’07’53”W L1139 L1140 11141 46.49 N80.55 ‘22 ” W 25.2 7 N 65 ‘48’29 ” W 33.9 7 N 76 ‘5 7’20” W . 11190 L1191 11192 43.13 N42.11 ’25”W N 6 7’5 1 ’24” W 15.24 N22 ‘08 ’36 “E 169.92 LI I42 L1143 44.45 N 6 5.06 ’34” W 23.88 N 79’44’56”W L1144 11145 11146 28.23 N 76’56’54”W 38.53 N 80 ‘28 ’36 ” W 35.05 N 75’5 7’50” W L1149 11 150 23.70 N26’17’41 ”W 11199 27.63 NOO’0O’OO’’E 28.69 N 48.3 1 ’56 ” W 11200 14.31 N 56’1 8’36 ”E DATA TABULATION SHEET 32.14 I N66’37’33”W I I 11115 21.62 I 11133 I 34.34 I N09’47’04”W I N 00’1 5’34 “E N 14’1 8’41 ” W N 1 4 ‘02 ‘38” W N 02’42’1 8 ”E 11136 N26 ‘50’56”W N00.44 ’48”W L1137 34.40 N40 ‘42’1 2 ” W L1 187 N 08.5 1 ’3 7”W I 11147 I 30.30 I N50’!57’.?7”W I I 11148 I 28.40 I N47’40’32”W 1 EXHIBIT “CII” ClTY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT ClTY Of CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWNER 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRlM CARLSBAD. CA 92008 P&D CONSUL TANTS, INC. a954 mo SAM DEGO mi^; SWE 610 SAM DIEGO, MFMMA 92108 lUE (619) 291-N75 FM 191-1476 DATA TABULATION SHEET f INE UNE S€GMEM DISTMCE BE“G SEGMENT DISTANCE BGIRING 11201 6 73.75 N46’5 1’45 ” W 11251 34.26 N 48’06’22” W 11202 423.30 N67’51’24”W 1 1252 24.52 N 69 ‘43’03’’ W 17253 29.15 N10’52’34”W 11203 91.13 N42’17’25“W 11 204 1 8.23 N24 ‘04’1 8 ” W L 1254 29.74 N16’36’25”W . 11255 30.73 N21’58’28”W ~ 11205 12.46 N10’20’08”W 11 206 47.81 N 02’40’3 1 ”E 1 1207 59.18 NO 7.2 1’2 7” W 1 1256 27.06 N 58 ‘1 3’09 W 17257 45.85 N 03’45’06 ” W 11258 39.66 N30’16’57’’E , 1 7208 700.91 N 16 ‘49’04’’ W 11209 31.64 N24’44’23”W I 11259 42.55 I N19’55’32’‘E I 11210 79.13 N56 ‘1 8 ’59 ” W 1121 1 46.19 N29 ‘5 0 ’35 ” W 11212 256.06 N1726’26’’W I L1213 38.91 I N23’06’23’’W I I 11264 I 547.67 I N46’51’45’’W I I 11218 32.66 I 11269 19.04 I N60’04’07’’E I 11219 14.00 N 90’00 ’00 ” W 11220 9.66 N 5 0’0 1 ’45 ” W 11221 10.61 N67 ‘7 4’48’’W 11270 10.25 N72’57’44”W 11271 10.86 N 80 ‘02 ’04”E 11272 17.67 N19.50’41 ”E 11222 14.39 N 89 ‘5 9 ’3 9 ” W 1 1223 31.67 N66.16’21 “E 11273 20.13 N28 ‘09 ’22 ”E 11274 19.40 N 64 *25 ’32 ”E 11224 12.80 N 5 0’1 2 ‘03”E 1 1225 19.12 N30.33’2 7”E 1 7226 18.13 N03’59’14”E L7275 23.49 N78’19’52’’W 11276 22.41 N 5 7’59 ‘4 1 ” W 11277 24.56 N 54 ‘3 1 ’48” W 11227 27.10 N10’58’14’’W 11228 34.57 N23*21’33’’W 11278 10.87 N67’31’14’’W 11279 1 0.18 N 88’54’50 “E 1 I229 16.17 N 1 5 ‘1 9’09 ” W 1 1230 21.09 N 40 ‘38’53 “E 11231 46.08 N60’14’09”W 1 1280 360.59 N 4 7’28 ’1 8 ” W 1 1281 84.08 N 13.25’1 9” W 1 1282 19.00 N 00 ‘00’00 “E I 11232 51.43 I N70’33’08”W I I 11283 13.09 I N24’51’06”E I 11 233 34.53 N41’46’17”W 11 234 55.33 N11’59’43’’W 1 1235 60.25 N 05’1 4’1 5 ” W 11 284 16.74 N 59 ‘59’24 “E 1 1285 1 8.38 N45’00’00’’E 1 7286 18.72 N34’06’52”E 11 236 41.62 N 1 6 ‘02 ’24 ” W L1237 50.84 N51’53’25”W 11287 15.95 N 58 ‘39 ‘35 “E 11 288 14.89 N 43’09 ‘52 “E 11238 101.94 N54’0 1 ’46 ” W 1 1239 41.26 N 33 ‘52 ’5 8 ” W 1 1240 1 05.34 N57.09’31 ”W 11241 40.41 N81.49’7 1 ”W 1 1242 75.34 N29’24’53”W I 11293 18.21 1 1243 20.45 N 56 ‘I 2’46 ” W 11244 15.60 N 68 ‘22 ’09 ” W 1 1245 23.0 7 N29’53’56”W L I294 19.65 N 137 4’26” W 1 1295 30.12 N39’06’19”W , 1 1296 21.13 N 00 ‘00 ’00 ”E I 11246 6 0.28 11297 16.79 N 50 ‘44’26 “E 1 1298 23.00 N90’00’00’’W 25.2 1 1 1299 ? I 40.75 I N 39 ‘38 ’53” W 1 1300 CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT C1N OF CARLSBAD, PROPERN OWNER 1200 CARLSBAD WlLAGE DRIKE CARLSBAD. CA 92008 11 308 11 309 11310 DATA TABULATION SHEET 35.86 N63’26 ’06 ”W 5 7.56 N 05 ‘58 ’59 ” W 37.16 N23 ‘48 ’2 1 ” W 17311 11 306 927.27 N 4 7’7R’I R W 24.13 N51’56’34”W 11312 37.50 N42’50’20”W ~ 11318 11319 11320 11321 11 322 11 323 11 324 11 325 11317 19.01 32.69 N58’55‘25’’E 21.43 N 78’33’32”W 23.59 N26 ‘25 ‘45 ” W 23.70 N26’17’41 ”W 25.50 N90’00’00”W 57.81 N 36 ‘0 1 ’39 ” W 28.35 N24’05’31 ” W 23.77 . N07‘36’52’’E 11 332 11333 11 334 1 1326 I 425.74 I N35’22’25”W I 47.60 N 36 ‘46 ’4 7”E 20.2 1 N34’40’22”E 26.1 7 N 24 ‘5 1 ’06 ”E 11331 I 9.35 I N56.22’34”E I 1 1336 L1337 11338 33.38 N 73’27’55’’W 44.92 N 737 0’43”W 37.33 N6 7’33’26 ”W 11 386 1 1387 1 1388 13.97 N00‘24’57”E 42.73 N47’28’18’’W 68.51 N 00 ‘03 ‘55”E 11339 11 340 40.6 1 17.65 N 52 ‘00 ’05 ” W N 52 ‘28‘5 1 ” W 11 344 I 11.31 I N78’02’03’’W I 1 1389 1 1390 11349 I 19.00 54.41 N 35 22 ’25 ” W 36.2 7 N40’23’14”E L INE SEGMEWT DISTMC! BiW?IlG 11341 11 342 11 343 23.49 N 787 9’52”W 12.88 N 22‘50’0 1 ”E 13.76 N 19’05’37”E I 11365 I 23.69 I 11370 I 473.05 I N02’43’18”W I I 11375 I 108.13 I N45’15’50’’E I 11 376 35.93 1 1 1 N21’48’34”E 11377 30.76 N2 7’1 5 ’26 ”E 1 7378 31.78 N30’39 ’0 7”E 11379 18.66 N37’26’32”E I 11380 I 166.31 I N46’51’45’’W I CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT P&D CONSUL TANTS, INC. SAN mmo, CUIFMNIA 92108 8954 RIO SAN DEW DR/M. .WE 610 (619) 291-1475 FAAX 291-1476 CITY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWER 1200 CARLSBAD WAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 I 11401 12.81 I N08’52’00”W I 11451 71.20 17 452 34.24 N 1 7’34’34 ”E N21’24’47”E 11402 11 403 12.84 N14’54’17“W 13.39 N1728’08”W 11 404 L1405 11 406 6.33 N22.55’40 ” W 104.72 N21’01’46”W N 1 6 ‘28 ‘1 8 ” W 20.50 11 454 11 455 L I456 17.59 N 14’49’35”E 26.76 N18’31’10”E 27.70 N04’08’27”E 11407 11408 21.66 N 08 ‘1 4’55 W 9.45 N02’51’16”W 11 457 11 458 51.70 N0927’44”W 44.54 N 02 ‘34 ’24 ” W 11 409 11470 36.07 N 00 ‘0 1 ’2 7” W 695.1 3 N3522’25”W 11459 11 460 11461 49.31 31.94 N03’35’25”E , 36.58 N 0 7.34 ’32 ” W N 1 0’1 4 ‘05”E 11411 11412 51.13 N 35 ‘30’25 ”E 48.18 N52’03’35”E 11413 11414 11415 40.82 625.50 N 38 ‘39 ‘35 ”E 21.11 N8956’05”W N 00 ‘03 ’55 ”E 11 463 11464 11 465 31.43 N28’30’05 ”E 43.83 N34’46’40”E 28.90 N36.07 ’39”E 11466 11467 24.97 N31*27’25”E 32.32 N 19’26’24“E 11 468 11 469 11470 56.43 N22 ‘0 7’4 1 ” W 24.53 N 52.39’46’’ W 28.40 N26’06’50” W L1471 11472 81.16 N33.1 4’58”W 24.35 N 74’49’2O’’E 11473 11474 11475 25.91 N35’22’37”E 13.16 N 71 ‘44 ’1 4” W 21.56 N 32 ‘33’52 ’* W 11476 11477 13.21 N 72‘4 1 ’56” W 13.02 N 78’25’7 9”E 11478 11479 11 480 11481 14.41 N61’13’45”E 26.35 N28’51’21 ”E 14.03 N35 ‘44 ’5 7”E 10.14 N 32 ‘00 ’32 “E 11 483 11 484 1 I485 26.94 N 15’36’57’’E 10.03 NO97 7’03’’E 21.42 N03’16’16”W L1447 11 442 11 443 64.17 N 84’02 ’36 ”E 15.21 N7127’07”W 33.93 N 79 ‘22 ’4 9 ”E 11 492 11 493 L1494 10.52 N 15’52’53’’E 18.16 N 3 7‘5 0 ’3 1 “E 15.52 N68’21’43’’E ~ 11 445 N 26 ‘34 ’ 1 3 “E L I446 41.07 N2173’16”E 11447 20.08 N18‘53’10”E 1 7.49 1 1449 11450 41.26 N11 ‘53’1 9”E 74.39 N0328’06”W I 11500 23.13 I N01’52’53”E I DATA TABULATION SHEET LINE UNE I 11491 21.05 I 11448 I 41.86 I N23’57’45”E 1 EXHIBIT “GI” CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT P&D CONSUL rmrs INC 8954 RIO SAN DIEGO GWM. SU/E 610 S2N DIEGO. CAUFCXNIA 92108 ELF (619) 29?-1475 FM 291-1476 CITY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERN OWNER 1200 CARLSBAD MLLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 11551 L 1552 L 1553 26.90 N56.45’11 ”E 70.0 7 N 39 ‘25 ’34 ”E 29.16 N40’39’16’’E L 1 502 L 1 503 L 1504 158.96 NO1 ‘53’50’’E 37.04 N 00 ‘3 1 ’20 “E 28.98 N 0 1 ‘58’22 ” W L1554 L1555 26.99 N30’00’29’’E 49.37 N 1 5’1 6 ’04”E L 1 505 11 506 27.15 N 04’05 ’39 W 38.23 N06’33’56”W L1507 L1508 L 1 509 43.12 N 09 ‘38’25 ” W 23.31 N 12 ‘09 ’04 ” W 37.60 N 1 4’22 ’33”W L1511 L1512 120.20 N 15 ‘1 2’39”W 197.88 N 15 ‘1 2’39 ” W L1561 L 1 562 L 1563 31.65 N 14’38 ’24”E 33.51 N 1 1 ‘1 1 ’03”f 36.2 7 N15’11’09”E 1 7569 L1570 16.71 N51’04’21 ”W N 3 7’1 0’06 ” W 24.00 11521 L1522 L1523 96.71 N 09 ‘31 ’24 ”E 48.18 N 74’48’36”f 23.72 N5 7’28 ‘5 7”E 11571 11572 L1573 24.30 N 29 ‘35 ’55 ” W 34.12 N 2 7 ‘2 9 ’23’’ W 36.1 7 N05’33’11”W DATA TABULATION SHEET LINE L /NE SEGMEM DISTANCE BMING SEGMENT DISTANCE BHRNG I 11501 I 12.72 I N88’06’10”W I 26.88 I N18’26’06”E I 23.71 I N82’25’31’’W I 1 L1525 1 42.17 I 1 1 L1575 g.2: 1 1 N28 -1 8 ’44 ”E N 79’35’02”W 11 526 74.80 N27‘02’10”E 11576 N 5 1 ‘02 ’00 ”E L1527 72.86 N2179’37”E L1577 22.92 N13’53’05”E L I528 1 09.09 N I 9 ‘49 ‘34”E L1578 32.33 N 3 1 ‘43’25 ”E 11529 42.16 N25.7 6 ’24”E L1530 41.62 N 357 3’03 “E 11579 42.10 N 36 ‘25 ’39 ”E L1580 22.4 7 N 26 ‘25 ’2 1 “E L1531 17.50 N 53 ‘0 7’48 ”E L1532 20.84 N 5 9 ‘44’3 7” W L1533 33.19 N50.I 1’4O”W L1581 25.99 N 1 1 ‘05’37”E L1582 31.43 N19’30’57”W . L1583 38.19 N 43 ‘56 ’2 1 ” W I L1534 I 57.94 I N61’39’57”W I I L1584 30.96 I N31’07‘21”W I L 1535 191.63 N 0 1 ‘5 7’1 2 W 11536 312.11 N28’23’01 “W L1537 15.90 N 4 1 ‘48 ‘02 “E L1585 28.50 N21’36’53’’W 11586 25.81 N I9 ‘1 3’28”W L1587 1 7.82 N 49 ‘1 6 ’04” W 1 4.68 I N30’42’46“E I L1588 36.83 N41’41’53’’W 1 1589 21.85 N 4 7’05 ’1 2 ” W I L1543 26.97 11544 22.2 7 N 02 ‘34’24”f L1545 13.75 N 00’00 ’00”E L 1546 32.31 N10’42’05”W L1547 27.70 N 04’08’2 7”E L 1548 22.80 N 13’5 7’36 “E L 1598 66.75 N 28’23’0 1 ” W 11549 23.70 N26 ‘1 7’41 “E L1599 13.88 N 00 ‘00 ’00 ”E L 1550 30.56 N48.48’51 ”E L1600 16.37 N14’08’32”W EXHIBIT “GI” CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT CITY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERN OWNER 1200 CARLSBAD WAGE DRIK CARLSBAD, CA 92008 P&D CONSUL TANTS, INC. 8954 Ut0 SAN DIEGO OIPIM. SUlE 610 SANDEGO, WWNIA 92108 7ELE (619) 291-1475 FAX 291-1476 1 1651 36.65 N60-48'45" W L1652 60.93 N49'44'35 "W L1653 83.01 N 43'50'2 7'' W L1654 136.55 N40'57'14''W ~ L1602 L1603 L1604 22.80 N 3 7'52'30'' W 22.03 N25'32'50" W 12.00 N90'00'00''W L7659 L1660 48.84 N 36 '46 '4 1 " W 11.02 N50'42'17"W L1610 L1611 20.00 N 90'00'00 " W 25.02 N44Y3'34"E L1661 L1662 L1663 L1664 L1665 11666 L1667 L1668 20.00' N69 '42'39 "E 436.26 N 1 5 '1 2'39 " W 41.84 N28'02'08''W 40.33 N 4 7'00'34'' W 47.09 N 50 '49 '03 '' W 56.80 N26'06'50''W , 29.90 N 6 9 26 '38 " W 28.45 N63.3.9'36 "F L1612 L1613 L1614 25.00 N61'38'28"E 1 4.42 N 33'4 1 '24 "E 17.69 N 5 7'59 '4 1 "E L1619 L1620 17.06 N44.42'1 1 "W 47.75 N 00 '00 '00 "E 11669 L1670 34.70 27.99 N 3 7'1 4'29 "E N 09'1 5 '0 7"E L1621 L1622 L1623 25.23 N 1 4 '55 '53"E 13.58 N 14'55'53''W 49.32 N 35 '1 8'05 " W L1671 L1672 L1673 36.40 35.46 65.2 7 N 0 7'06'02 *' W N 1 7'1 3'1 7"E N 1 9'1 3'59''E L 1625 1 1626 L1627 52.78 N 66 '23'59 " W 585.29 N28'23'01 "W 93.1 1 N03'36'39''W L1675 11676 L1677 28.40 N47'40'32"E 19.12 N83'37'06"E 1 6.84 N 40'4 7'09 " W L 1628 L 1 629 L1630 88.18 N 0 1 '56 '59 " W 51.58 N22'1 2'5 0 "E 20.6 7 N18'19'31"E L1678 11679 L1680 33.98 51.00 36.31 N 6 7'5 7'50'' W N 90 '00'00 " W N 69 '26 '38 "E L1631 L1632 L1633 19.85 N40'54'52''W 74.03 NO1 '32'53"E 20.78 N 60 '02'29 "E L1681 L1682 L1683 35.05 N75'57'50"E 34.26 N82 '52'30 "E 26.96 N44'48'44"W L 1 635 11636 24.6 7 2 7.02 N 83 '1 8 '26 " W N 6 7'42'23 " W 1 1685 L1686 L1687 25.50 NOO*OO'OO''E 26.88 N18'26'06"E 25.63 N24'1 1 '22"E L1637 L 1638 1 7.18 N 6 0 '49 '26 " W 12.04 N8574'11''W L1688 L1689 L1690 L1691 L1692 L1693 30.82 N 16 '00'33"W 32.44 N31'36'27''W 39.18 N12'31 '44"E 27.61 NO57 7 '40"E 20.93 N23'5 7'45''W 38.03 N.5 7 '04 '.77 " W L1644 L1645 11 646 26.53 N 89 '3 1 '25 " W 22.6 7 N83'01'54 "E 32.65 N 62 '39 '00 "E L1695 11 696 L1697 34.05 N 60 '02 '4 7" W 24.99 N70'06'53"W 29.58 N85'52'48"W , L1648 11 649 L1650 22.00 3 7.30 N74'50'45"W 1 1699 42.98 N81'28'09''E ~ 4 7.93 N 69 '5 1 '49 " W L1700 45.03 N 70'42'36''E N 9 0'00 '00 " W DATA TABULATION SHEET I L1624 I 20.74 I N63'07'34''W 1 I L1643 23.88 EXHIBIT "GI" CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT CITY OF CARLSBAD, PROPERTY OWNER 1200 CARLSBAD MLLAGE DRIM: CARLSBAD. CA 92008 DATA TABULATION SHEET L1 702 L1 703 1 I704 LINE SEGMEM DISTMCE €WRING I L1701 I 38.19 I N70’29’51’’E I 34.75 N52 7 8’21 ‘*E 33.19 N507 1 ‘40”E 22.2 1 N61*24’55”E C2 C3 I L1705 I 28.32 I N47’51’45”E 1 198.25 1051.00 1407.23 1036.00 L1710 L1 71 1 42.10 N 40’4 7’09 ”E 31.60 N 48’02 ’4 7”E I L1715 I 25.00 I N2077’22”W I L1 772 LI 713 L1714 30.45 N 12’1 9 ’29 ’*E 40.50 N 16 ‘1 2’25”E 301.91 N28 ‘23’01 ” W L1810 L1811 31.43 N28.30’05 ” W 27.50 ~90’00’00 “E L1812 11813 L1814 I L1852 I 26.88 I N71’33’54”W I 36.76 N 54 ‘4 1 ‘20 ”E 49.52 N46’38’12”E 114.40 N 1 4 ‘29 ’48 “E L1847 L 1848 23.13 N 34‘1 2 ’20”E 20.93 N23’57’45’’E I L1865 I 96.77 I N64’01’51”W I L1849 L1850 L1851 1 46.88 N 71 *39’42*’E 44.04 N54’49’17”W 42.10 N 40’4 7’09 ” W L 1853 L 1854 L 1855 1 C8I 735.411 1299.00 70.73 N5 7’1 5 ’53”W 55.14 N 5 7’29 ’56 ” W 34.45 N 68 ‘1 6 ’33 ” W C9l 723.061 1299.00 L1856 L1857 1 C131 127.711 590.00 66.28 N 4 7’40’32” W 94.12 N 35’45’32” W EXHIBIT “GI” CITY OF CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE SITE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLAT CIN OF CARLSBAD, PROPERN OWNER 1200 CARLSBAD WLLAGE DRlM CARLSBAD, CA 92008 )DVGR\l?.V66-c~~odudt\ACADVn~\OS Lots ond L~odr~lO-D&04\P1ot\766~OS~~ots~~~t~l~~xl4.dwq - Urn, 7 Mor 2005 - 23:07 EXHIBIT D Public Resources Code 3 30106 "Development" means, on land, in or under water, the placement or erection of any solid material or structure; discharge or disposal of any dredged material or of any gaseous, liquid, solid, or thermal waste; grading, removing, dredging, mining, or extraction of any materials; change in the density or intensity of use of land, including, but not limited to, subdivision pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act (commencing with Section 66410 of the Government Code), and any other division of land, including lot splits, except where the land division is brought about in connection with the purchase of such land by a public agency for public recreational use; change in the intensity of use of water, or of access thereto; construction, reconstruction, demolition, or alteration of the size of any structure, including any facility of any private, public, or municipal utility; and the removal or harvesting of major vegetation other than for agricultural purposes, kelp harvesting, and timber operations which are in accordance with a timber harvesting plan submitted pursuant to the provisions of the Z'berg-Nejedly Forest Practice Act of 1973 (commencing with Section 45 11). As used in this section, "structure" includes, but is not limited to, any building, road, pipe, flume, conduit, siphon, aqueduct, telephone line, and electrical power transmission and distribution line. PAGE 1 OF 2 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION 45 FREMONT STREET, 20TH FLOOR SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105 EXHIBIT E PERMIT NO: ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE This is to certify that Offer to Dedicate executed by hereby accepts the Y on ,20 , and recorded on Y 20-, as Recorder of county. Instrument No. in the Official Records of the Office of the DATED: By: For: STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF On before me, , a Notary Public personally appeared , personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) idare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature PAGE 2 OF 2 ACKNOWLEDGMENT BY THE CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION OF ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER TO DEDICATE This is to certify that association acceptable to the Executive Director of the California Coastal Commission to be Grantee under the Offer to Dedicate executed by is a public agency/private on , and recorded on , in the office of the County Recorder of Dated: County as Instrument No. California Coastal Commission STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF On , before me, , a Notary Public personally appeared (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) dare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. , personally known to me WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature c 2 W v) W 2 0 I a F ua E 2 0 0 2 W 0 v) 2 W e 0 n a 3 c-*- STATE OF CALIFORNIA -THE RESOURCES AGENCY CALI FO RN I A COASTAL C 0 M M I SS I ON SAN DIEGO AREA 7575 METROPOLITAN DRIVE, SUITE 103 SAP4 DIEGO. CA 92108-4421 )) 767-2370 February 7,2005 John Cahill Municipal Projects Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Cqlsbad, Ca 92008-1989 Re: Coastal Development Permit #A-6-CII-00-087 - Carlsbad Golf Course Dear Mr. Cahill: This is in response to your February 3,2005 letter, requesting a Written response regarding the “vesting” of the above-cited permit that was approved by the Coastal Commission last year for development of a municipal golf course in the City of Carlsbad. To begin with, before development may commence, the City first needs to comply with all special conditions of the permit required to be satisfied prior to issuance of the permit. Once the Executive Director has made the determination that all the conditions have been complied with, the coastal development permit will be issued to the City. Upon issuance of the permit, work on the project can then commence consistent with the permit. As you know, Standard Condition #2 of the permit states that “[ilf the development has not commenced, the permit will expire two years from the date on which the Commission voted on the app!ication.” As the Commission approved the project on August 8,2003, the permit will expire on August 8,2005 unless development has commenced prior to that date or the City applies for a permit extension. Based on our discussion this last Monday and the information provided in your September 28,2004 letter, the City proposes to “commence” the development by implementing a limited scope of work consisting of installation of chain-link security fencing around the entire site, stake and fence “limits of disturbance” areas to protect onsite habitat, install silt and environmental resource protective fencing and other erosion control measures, undertake a comprehensive site clean-up and clearance of portions of non-native grassland areas in areas where sufficiently separated fkom protected habitat resources. Commission staff has reviewed the information provided and determined that implementation of the proposed work described above, subsequent to issuance of the coastal development permit by the Executive Director, would constitute “commencement” of development such that the permit would vest and thus not be subject 93 John Cahill February 7,2005 Page 2 to expiration. I hope this addresses your concerns and if you have any questions, please call me at the number listed above. eMcEachern District Regulatory Supervisor cc: Deborah Lee Sherilyn Sarb (G:\San DiegoLEELettersKarlsbad GolPCourse Itr 9.29.04.doc) City of Ckrlsbad/Clerk 15:25 Frm-619 767 2384 09:2n-37 a m n3-ln--n- - 7 I7 EXHIBIT 6 618 767 2384 John CahLu, Municipal Projects Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 ____ -_ ~ Re: Coastal Devdwat Pdt #A4-GIX-00-087 - CdSbad Golf COW "'his letter is in respmc w yaw reqaesr to clarify the status of any rewrdcd Irrwaeablc Offers to Dedicate ComematimEasments (IODE) om conscrvatiOn areas associated 6th the Carlsbad Golf Come De~olopment &odd the golf Eoursc project not proceed &i yau know, Special Canditicm #IO of the Golf Course CDP requirus that, prior to the i~s~~mce of the coastal development pdt, the City must record a document, ~vocably off'g to dedicate an open space and conswation casement over all m-site preservation areas and mitigation sites used to address impacts to habitat resulting €torn development of the golfcome. Thus, before he permit is hued, the City must record tha IODs as required by tha pdt Cbnditicrn. Should ths golf course dcvelopment not go forward, either in whole or in part, i.e., if no development activity under the authority of the above-refaenced CDP is undertaken, such a ~mtrmce would ultimately cause the CDP to expire. In suoh a case the City would be able to request that the IODs be rescinded. Commission staffwill cooperate with the City in effectuating that rescission. - Please let me how if you have any further questions, Sincerely, CHNBOWERS Staff Counsd John Cahill, Municipal Projects Manager City of Cmlsbad 1200 Carkbad Village Drive Cdsbad, CA 92008-1989 Re: Coastal Development Permit #A-6-C&00-087 - Carlsbad Golf Course DearMr. cahill: This letter is in response M your quest to clanfj the status of any recorded Irrevocable Offi to Dedicate Conservation Easements (I0I)s) over conservation areas associated with the Carlsbad Golf Course Development should the golf course project not proceed. As you know, Special Condition #lo of the Golf Come CDP requites that, prior to the issuance of the coastal dwdopsnent permit, the City must record a document, ineVocably offehg to dedicate an open space and conservation easement over all on-site preservation areas and mitigation sites used to address impacts to habitat resulting from develbpment of the golf course. Thus, before the permit iS issued, the City must record the IODs as required by the permit conditiq. Should the golf come development not go forward, &her in whole or in part, i.e., if no development activity under the authority ofthe above-referenced CDP is undertaken, such a oirmmce would ultimately cause the CDP to expire. In such a case the City would be able to request that the IODs be rescinded. Commission staff will cooperate with the City in ef€kctuatjng that rescission. I Please let me how if you have any further questions. bE OF CALIFORNIA - THE RESOURCES AGENCY GRAY DAVIS, Governor qLIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION 4 DIEGO AREA METROPOLITAN DRIVE, SUITE 103 CA 921084402 70 September 25,2003 Don Rideout, Principal Planner City of Carlsbad Planning Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008-73 14 RE: Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course CDP# A-6-CII-00-087 Dear Mr. Rideout: This is in response to your correspondence of September 25,2003, in which you request clarification of Special Condition #9 in the above-referenced coastal development permit, as approved by the Commission on August 8,2003. This condition provides that “(t)he golf course, clubhouse, parking areas, driving range, conference center and pads for fbture industriaVgolf related uses shall be operated as facilities open to the general public.” The intent of the wording is to ensure that the approved public golf course development will not be converted to private (e.g., “members-only”) recreational use and/or developed with anythmg other than the approved uses, unless a permit amendment is approved. The industrial pads on the golf course site may be developed and occupied by either public or private entities, and may also be leased or sold to private entities. It is not required that the industrial pads be used solely for public purposes. However, the City should ensure that any development, use, sale or lease for these sites is compatible in nature with the approved priinq hnction of the golf course property as a public recreational use, and that public access to the golf course facilities will not be restricted or otherwise compromised. I hope this information is helphl to you. If you have any questions, or need additional information, please call me at (619) 767-2388. Sincerely, Ked Akers Weaver, AICP Coastal Program Analyst From: Karen Kundtz To: kenbrown@firstam.com; Imceachern@coastaI.ca.gov; psexton@coastal.ca.gov Subject: Conformed Copy of Offer of Dedication Attached, per instructions from John Cahill, is a pdf of the Offer of Dedication and Conservation Easement for the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course. The original document was recorded in the Recorder’s Office this afternoon. John’s office has been provided conformed copies of the document to send to each of you. Karen Kundtz, CMC Assistant City Clerk City of Carlsbad 760-434-291 7 cc: John Cahill; Lorraine Wood COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Gregory J. Smith Assessor I Recorder I County Clerk RECORDEWCOUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE 1600 PACIFIC HIGHWAY, RM. 260 PO BOX 121750 * SAN DIEGO, CA 92112-1750 Tel. (619) 238-8158 * Fax (619) 557-4155 www.sdarcc.com BATCH #: 12997872005031 6 DOCUMENT #S: RECORDING DATE: CHUMVISTA 590 Third Avenue Chula Vista, CA 91910-2646 (619) 498-2200 EL CAJON 200 South Magnolia Ave. El Cajon, CA 92020-3316 (619) 401-5700 2005-021 6282 MAR 16,2005 3:lO PM Branch Offices Available To Serve You KEARNY MESA 9225 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. San Diego, CA 92123-1211 (858) 505-6262 SAN MARCOS 334 Via Vera Cruz, Suite 150 San Marcos, CA 92078-2638 (760) 940-6868 From: John Cahill To: Karen Kundtz; Lorraine Wood Date: 03/10/2005 4:03:41 PM Subject: Email Addresses Next week after the CC approves the Golf Course Open Space dedication, please forward a complete copy of the conformed, recorded document with all exhibits (with the recording office stamp or seal) to the following: psexton@coastal.ca.qov Pat Sexton at CCC San Francisco Office; Imceachern@coastal.ca.qov Lee McEachern at CCC San Diego Office; kenbrown@firstam.com Ken Brown at First American Title Company, San Diego; and myself at Recreation. Paper copies of the complete document package to follow to these parties via overnight, express mail. Thanks huge. CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSIONCOASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMITAUGUST, 2003APPROVED: CARLSBAD CITY GOLF COURSE PROJECT•18 hole championship length golf course;•Clubhouse;•Parking lot;•Maintenance facility;•Driving range;•2 pads for future industrial / golf related uses. SPECIAL CONDITION 10:“PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall execute and record a document in a form and content acceptable to the Executive Director, irrevocably offering to dedicate to the California Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, or their successor agencies, an open space and conservation easement over all onsite habitat preservation areas, and all mitigation areas (onsite and /or offsite) that will be utilized to address onsite impacts to habitat. ” SITE PLAN UPDATED PROJECT SCHEDULEMarch, 2005City Council approves open space easement dedication and documents are recorded.Formal CDP issued by CCC to City.April, 2005Phase 1 project completed.Golf Course Operator recommended to City Council. Contract negotiations begin.City Council reviews final design plans, updated estimates, financing plan, and authorizes advertisement of construction bids.June, 2005Construction bids received, opened, and evaluated. UPDATED PROJECT SCHEDULE (cont.)July, 2005City Council reviews final financing plan, construction bids, and awards construction contracts. Several other construction support, archeological, cultural resources, and environmental monitoring contracts are also awarded.City Council approves operations and management contract with private firm.September, 2005Golf Course construction begins.Summer, 2007Golf Course construction complete and City Golf Course open for public play.