HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-03-22; City Council; 18035; Carrillo Ranch Historic Barn Restoration Project/ 6 AB# 18,935 MTG. 3/22/2005 DEPT. REC ClN OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL TITLE: - AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY FOR GRANT FUNDING FOR THE LEO CARRILLO RANCH HISTORIC PARK BARN STABILlZATlON/RESTORATlON PROJECT DEPT.HD.&) -A\ CITY As RECOMMENDED ACTION: If Council concurs, adopt Resolution No. 2005-083 accepting Save America's Treasures earmarked grant funding in the amount of $197,535, and authorize the allocation of matching funds in an equal amount to be applied to the stabilization/restoration of the 1930s historic barn located at Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park. ITEM EXPLANATION: In 2002, representatives from City Council, accompanied by City staff, traveled to Washington D.C. to seek Federal assistance in terms of funding opportunities for several projects in Carlsbad. One area in particular where funding was being sought was for Carrillo Ranch. With the assistance of Packard Government Affairs, a source of grant funding for historic preservation was identified; a grant of $197,535 has been earmarked for Carlsbad for historic preservation work from Save America's Treasures, a program administered by the National Park Service (Exhibit 2). Initially, the city sought $600,000 in grant funding with a non-matching requirement. However, due to an unprecedented number of projects seeking assistance, and the desire of the House and Senate to fund as many projects as possible, Carlsbad did not receive the requested amount. When the HouseKenate Conference Committee released its final report on the FY 2004 Interior Appropriations Act, the City of Carlsbad was only allocated $197,535 and there was a matching funds component required of an equal amount (Exhibit 3). Therefore, if Carlsbad is to apply for the earmarked $197,535 in funding for preservation work at Carrillo Ranch, the city will have to appropriate an equal amount, which would then total $395,075 for the restoration work. Funding requests must be submitted no later than March 31 , 2005. It is anticipated that the Barn Stabilization/Restoration Project will involve the retention of a majority of the historic structure in situ following the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. Project priorities wH1 be: Architectural design, plans, and specifications; 0 Structural stabilization incorporating as much of the original fabric as possibl- replacing elements only where absolutely necessary; Repair existing foundation; 0 Add matching concrete and stone foundation under stwchsre mere missing; "/I ' AB# 18,035 Page 2 J Save Americas Treasures Grant Funding $1 97,535 Required City Matching Funds $197,535 Total Funding Available $395,070 Preliminary Construction Estimate for Stabilization (Heritage Architecture) $394,298 0 Repairheplace exterior wall planks; 0 Install a new wood shingle roof to replace the temporary asphalt rolled roofing; 0 Replace plank flooring in loft; 0 Restore existing exterior staircase to loft; 0 Construct a new interior "structural system within the structure" which will provide additional support and an anchor system for the original historic building In its current condition the barn is in imminent danger of collapse if stabilization efforts are not implemented prior to the timeframe identified in the current CIP. The grant funds and matching funds will provide for structural stabilization and preservation efforts to ensure that the Barn will remain and eventually become an integral component of the historic park and its overall operation. Prospective plans for the public use of the Barn as outlined in the Leo Carrillo Ranch Park Master Plan will ultimately transform the function of the Barn into a theaterhisitor center. In addition to preservation/stabilization work, grant funding will also lay the foundation upon which future development of the barn theater/visitor center can occur. FISCAL IMPACT: The total grant amount awarded for the project is $197,535. There is a 1:l matching requirement in order to receive the grant funds. Staff is requesting City Council to authorize the Finance Director to appropriate the grant amount of $1 97,535 and transfer the matching requirement of $1 97,535 from Council's contingency. Summary of Project Funding Item I Amount EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 2005-083 authorizing application for grant funding in support of the Historic Barn Stabilization/Restoration Project 2. Memorandum from Packard Government Affairs; Fiscal Year 2004 Carrillo Ranch Funding 3. Memorandum from Megan Brown, National Park Service, Save America's Treasures DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Mick Calarco, (760) 476-1 042, mcalaG2ci.carlsbad.ca.w 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I RESOLUTION NO. 2005-083 A RESOLUTION OF THE Cl’R COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDING IN SUPPORT OF THE HISTORIC BARN STABILIZATION/RESTORATI[ON PROJECT. WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to authorize the application for Save Ameica’s Treasures earmarked grant funding totaling $197,535 in support of the Historic Barn StabilizatiodRestoration Project, and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to appropriate the 1:l matching requirement of $197,535 &om the Council’s contingency; and WHEREAS, on March 21, 2005, the Parks and Recreation Commission approved Save America’s Treasures earmarked funding totaling $197,535 and recommended approval of the grant application by the Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council does hereby authorize the application for Save America’s Treasures earmarked grant bdmg totaling $197,535 in support of the Historic Barn Stabilizationkstoration Project. 3. That the City Council hereby authorizes the Finance Director to appropriate the grant funding of $197,535 and transfer the matching fund amount of $197,535 fiom Council’s contingency account, into the Leo Canillo Ranch Organization Key. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 22nd dayof MARCH ,2005 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, H311, Kulchin, Packard, Sigafooce NWS: None /> ATTEST: LORRAINEM. WClt PACKARD GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS 220 WEST GRANO AVENUE ESCONOIDO. CALIFORNIA 92025 PHONE: 760i737-2600 FAX: ?60/737-2606 - ;oftho: Memorandum TO: Ray Patchett, Joe Garuba, Ken Price FROM: Don Polese DATE: October 31,2003 \<- RE: Fiscal Year 2004 Camllo Ranch funding Yesterdav. a HouseKenate Conference Committee released its flnal conference reoort on the Fiscal Year-2004 Interior Appropriations Act. This is the vehicle in which the City of Catisbadhas requested a funding earmark under the "Save America's Treasures" program. An unprecedented number of projects, 97 in total, are being funded tnis year. This is fitly percent higher than the 64 funded in 2002. As a result of this very large number and the desire for the House and Senate to fund projects requested by individual members, we were not able to receive the full $600,000 in our original request. A total of $200,000 has been allocated for Carrillo Ranch by the Conference Committee. and it is this amount that is expected to be signed into law by President Bush within a week or two. While we are disappointed that the $600.000 request could not be funded, the $200,000 level is still above the average level of the grants, and only four of the 97 earmarks were $400,000 or more. Not one of the earmarks is above $500.000. In their attempt to accommodate as many of the requests as possible, the conferees allowed for an additlonal$3 million over the anticipated $15 million for all of the earmarks. Congressman Cunningham fought for the funding through the conferencing process. and we are confident that he would request additional funding next appropriation cycle should it be needed. We are also pleased that the Interior bill appropriates an additional $15 million for the competitive grants process, where we would definitely be well-positioned because of the contacts the City has made through the visits to Washington, D.C. led by Council members Kulchin and Finnila. Following is the actual language from the Conference Report - House Report 108-330: HISTORIC PRESERVATION FUND The conference agreement provides $74,500,000 for the historic preservation fund instead of $71,000,000 as proposed by the House and $75,750,000 as proposed by the Senate. Changes to the House level include an additional $1,000,000 for grants-in-aid to States and Territories, a reduction of $1,000,000 for Historically Black Colleges and Universities, an additional $3,000,000 for Save America's Treasures, and an additional $500,000 for grants-in-aid to the National Trust for Historic Preservation. EXHIBIT 2 Of the $33,000,000 provided for Save America's Treasures, $15,000,000 is for competitive grants. The balance of the funds are to be distributed as follows: IAugusta - Theatre, KY 1 150,000. Avery Point Lighthouse, CT - Barber Scotia College, NC 1100,000 Belfry House, MS _- - .. 1150,000 Belmont Mansion, Philadelphia, PA (200,000 1300,000 Bemis Auditorium, Bemis, TN Benjamin Mays birthplace, Greenwood, SC jProject/State [Amount Adlai Stevenson House, IL . _. pgiiGi0 Admiral Theater, Bremerton, WA 1200,000 1- I IAdventure Gloucester, MA I 250,000 ~- - __ - - IArtrain USA-Museum, Ann- &bm; MI IAstoria Column. Astoria. OR 1 345.0001 IBethany College, Bethany, WV -- . - - - - 1 220,000 [Buckland Preservation, VA I-EG [Bogalusa City Hall, LA j- IBorman Arts Center, Martinsburg, W lCamp Washington Carver Cliff Top, - WV - - __ - .. -- I 150,0001 ICarillo Ranch, CA 1 200,0001 ICheraw & Darlington Railroad Depot Society Hill, SC khester Academy, Chester, OH jO00 IConservation of paintings in Old State .- Capitol, . Frankfort, KY ICouncil House Grounds, NY ~ - krotona Park Bath House, New York, NY ~0001 IDavidge Hall, Baltimore, MD 1 350,0001 /Edgar Allan Poe Cottage, New York, NY hl Paso Plaza Theater, El Paso, TX \Emily Dickinson Homestead, Amherst, MA 1 200,000 /Emporium Building, San - Francisco, CA 1200,000 /Estudillo Mansion. CA l--zEG _- 1F.W. Woolworth Building, Greensboro, NC iFalling Waters, PA -- - -- -2- 5 From: Megan Brown To: Mick Calarco Date: 4/16/2004 10:08:08 AM Subject: SAT Grant for Leo Carrillo Ranch Dear Mick: As part of the Federal Save America’s Treasures initiative to preserve significant historic properties and collections, I am pleased to inform you that your organization has been awarded a matching grant award of $197,535 for preservation work at the Leo Carrillo Ranch. Your project was chosen by the Congress and identified in the fiscal year 2004 Appropriations Act. Congratulations! (Please note that Congress imposed an across-the-board decrease in all Federal spending in 2004, which reduced your grant from $200,000 to $1 97,535). In order to receive these funds, your office must complete and submit a Project Information workplan summarizing what will be accomplished with this grant and matching share, as well as a budget outlining the proposed expenditure of these funds and required nonfederal matching share. The required nonfederal matching share of $1 97,535 must come from nonfederal sources, and must be expended during the grant period for work on this project. Activities to be supported must be those which are directly related to and necessary for the repair and preservation of the historic property or collection identified in the Appropriation Act. Allowable costs include staff salaries, travel, consultants, construction materials, and equipment, among others. I am pleased that your organization has been selected to receive funding from the Save America’s Treasures grant program. After you return the attached Project Information Form, we will send a Grant Agreement to you. If you have any questions, please feel free to email or call me. Thanks. Megan J. Brown Historic Preservation Grants National Park Service 1849 C Street, NW (Stop 2255) Washington DC 20240-0001 megan-brown@nps.gov 202-354-2062 phone 202-371 -1 794 fax EXHIBIT 3 4 FY 2004 Save America's Treasures PROJECT INFORMATION FORM The National Park Service needs the following information to prepare the Grant Agreement conveying the Federal Save America's 'Treasures grant to the project sponsor. The purpose of this grant is to complete the project identlfied in the Fiscal Year 2004 Department of the Interior appropriation. Please complete this form and return by mail to Save America's Treasures, Heritage Preservation Services, National Park Sewice, 1201 Eye Street, NW, 6" Floor (ORG.2253, Washington, DC 20005-5905. This form should NOT be submitted throueh the US Postal Service. All US Postal Service mail to Federal agencies in Washmgton, D.C. is being irradiated against anthrax, which can damage or destroy materials and lead to a delay in delivery. You must submit the form via an alternate carrier (FedEx, UPS, DHL or other.) 1. PROJECT INFORMATION Historic Property or Collection Name Historic Property Address or Location of Collection City Carlsbad County San Diego Congmsional District 50th State CA Zip 92009 GrantAmount $ 197,535 Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park 6200 Flying LC Lane 2. PROJECT SPONSOR & PROJECT CONTACT Sponsor Organization I Entity Project Contact Name / Titk Address Phone 760-476-1042 Fax 760-476-9260 E-mail mcala(iici.car1sbad.ca.w City of Carlsbad, Recreation Department Mick Calarco, Recreation Area Manager 6200 Flying LC Lane, Carlsbad, CA 92009 Does the Project Sponsor own this property? If not, please identify the property mer and explain the authority under which the Project Sponsor will teccive this grant and undertake preservation work on the property. The project sponsor, City of Carlsbad, is the owner of Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park, and will undertake the preservation work on the property. 3. DOCUMENTATION Please provide a minimum of four (4), Yx7” or larger high quality black and white or color photographs (preferably not digital) containing wveral views of the hstoric resource that is the subject of this grant. (Not applicable for construction of a new museum facility.) 4. PROJECTSUMMARY In the space below, summarize the project that will be supported by this grant and the required matching share. Discuss the sigmficance of the resource, its current condition, any threats to the resource, and the proposed preservation andor conservation work. If the grant-funded project is one component of a larger underhking, briefly explain the overall project and describe in detail the key project work elements to be supported by this grant and the required non-Federal matching share. If the project is construction of a new museum facility, &scuss the systems and features being included to ensure appropriate care and conservation of the collections. LEO CARRILU) RANCH HISTORIC PARK BARN STABIUZATION/RESTORATION PROJEtX STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: Leo Carrillo Ranch (Rancho de 10s Kiotes) is a Spanish-style Rancho constructed between 1937 and 1940. Skillfully combining Spanish- colonial, Mexican, Pueblo, and California Rancho archtectural mnUeenes, seventeen original historic resources remain intact today as part of the 27-acre Ranch complex and public park. A designated local, and State Historic Landmark (#1020,1996), Cdo Ranch was officially listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1992-26 1. In August 2003, after completion of the second phase of a three-phase restoration and infirastructure improvement project, the City of Carlsbad opened the historic rancho and park to the public. With an emphasis on education and passive recreation, Carrillo Ranch provides both guided and self-guided walking tours of the historic buildings and grounds, as well as innovative field trip opportunities for more than 1 ,OOO local area school children on an annual basis. HAY BARN Located withm the historic ranch compound, the Barn is a 30‘ x 40‘ wood frame structure previously used in Ranch operations for the storage of grain and hay. The barn was constructed on a partial concrete and stone foundation, and the earthen floor of the structure is sloped to compliment the contour of the hill. An exterior staircase (presently missing) permitted access to the loft from the northeast side of the building. A rooftop cupola provided a supply of kesh air to the loft. In 1992, interim measures were taken to stabilize the concrete and stone foundation, and new interior support posts and foundation blocks were installed to provide additional support and seismic stabilization. While attempts have been made to temporarily repair and stabilize the Barn, immediate efforts are currently needed to preserve the structure from further decay and eventual loss through building collapse. Site drainage patterns, a leaky roof, wood rot, and a complete absence of foundations in some areas threaten the overall structural integrity of the structure. The Barn StabilizationRestoration Project will involve retaining a majority of the historic structure in si& following the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. Project priorities will be: (1) architectural design, plans, and specifications, (2) structural stabilization incorporating as much of the original fabric as possible-replacing elements only where absolutely necessary, (3) repair existing foundation, (4) add matching concrete and stone foundation under structure where missing, (5) repaidreplace exterior wall planks, (5) install a new wood shmgle roof to replace the temporary asphalt rolled roofing, (7) replace plank flooring in loft, (8) restore existing exterior staircase to loft, and (9) umstruct a new interior “shuctural system within the structure” which will provide additional support and an anchor system for the on@ hlstoric building. The grant funds and matching funds wdl provide for structure stabilization and preservation efforts to ensure that the Barn will remain and eventually become an integral component of the historic park and its overall operation. Prospective plans for the public use of the Barn as outlined in the Leo Carrillo Ranch Park Master Plan will ultimately transform the function of the Barn into a theaterhisitor center. However, the City’s Capital Improvement funding for the transformation is not scheduled to be available until 201 4. In addition to preservatidstabiliation work, grant funding will also lay the foundation upon which future development can occur. 5. MATCEUNGSHARE 'This grant requires a dollar-for-dollar non-Federal match, which can be cash, donated services, or use of equipment. Federal appropriations or other Federal grants (except CDBG grants fi-om the Department of Housing and Urban Development) may not be used for match. All non-Federal matchmg share must be contributed and used during the grant period to execute the project. The grant period is generally 2 to 3 years and begm with the date stipulated in the NPS-approved grant agreement. List the sou~ces and amounts of the match. Is the matchmg share secured and available? If not, explain. Namenitle of Position NIA Matching Source - City of Carlsbad Wage or Salary Federal Grant Match /Cost Share Total Funds (if any) s $ $ $ Match Amount - $197,535 Subtotal Matching funds are not yet secured and available. An initial presentation Concerning the Barn StabilizatiodRestoration Project will be inade to the Parks and Recreation Commission at their regularly scheduled meeting on March 2 1,2005. Pending Cammission review and 1-eCommended approval, a final presentation to secure the necessary matchmg finds will be made to the Carlsbad City Council on March :22,2005. The staffrecommendation to both the Park and Recreation Commission and the City Council is to approve the grant application and appropriate the required matching funds. $ $ $ 6. PROJECT BUDGET Rate %of NIA COMPLETE THE BUDGET FOR THE GRANT-F"DED PROJECT AND THE NON-FEDERAL SHARE ONLY. Using this budget format, outline the project budget on a separate sheet. Each cost item must clearly show how the total charge for that item was determined. All mior costs should be listed in budget categories similar to those listed below. and all cost items should be cmlained in the narrative of the application. If you have any questions about cost categories or about how to formulate budget items, please contact Joe Wallis at (202) 354-2054. 1. Penronnel. Provide the names and titles of key project pasonnel. Please note that grad fitnds may not be used to pay Federal employee salaries, nor may FeQeral salaries be used as matcb/corst share. Salw or Wage Base Federal Grant Match I Cost Total Funds Share (if any) $ $ $ $ Subtotal I 2. Fringe Benefits. If more than one rate is used. Iist eachrate ami the wage or salaty base. $ $ $ Name and Type of Consultaut #of Daily Rate of Federal Grant MatchKOst Share Days Compensation Funds (if Testing and Inspection (4X of projected costs) WA 1% Flat Rate $7E7Qo1.40 $7,901.40 subtotal 315@rn $ Total $15,802.80 $ 4. Travel and Per Diem. Indicate the number of persons traveling, the total days they will be in travel status, and the total subsistence and transport~oncosts. Frodo NIA #of #of Subsistence Transportation Federal MatcWCost Total Peaple Travel Costs(L&pg Costs(Airfare GrantFunds Share Days andPerDiem) andMileage) (if say> Item Cost NIA $ Subtotal Federal Grant MatcWCost Share Total Funds (if $ $ $ $ $ $ 7. CoastlvetionlConservPtioo Materials. Ifthis is a ‘‘lump sum” amount supplied by an ar&tect or contractor. please explain briefly what work items are included in the lump sum. r 6. Equipment. List all equipment items in excess of%tifKK). Items worth less than $5,000 or that have a usefid Me of less than two years must be listed in the Supplies and Materids category (Categq 5. above). Item cost Federal Grant MatcWCost Share Total NIA $ $ $ $ Subtotal $ s $ Funds (if any> Item Project Contingency $3997 (10% of prom costs) Barn StabiIizatiodRestoration (see Project Summary, Proposed Scope of Work) $19,75330 $19,753.50 $19,753.50 4 $339,760.20 Federal Grant Funds $169,880.10 MatcMCost Share $169,880.10 Total $339,760.20 8. Other (specify). 1 Item Funds Total BUDGET SUMMARY Enter category totals here 4. Travel and Per Diem 5. Supplies and Materials 6. Equipment 7. ConstruetionlConservation Materiala 8. Other TOTAL PROJECT COSTS. Category $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $169,880.10 $169,880.10 $339,760.20 $19,75350 $19,7539 $3997 $197,535 $197,535 $395,070 I FederalGrantFunds I MatchKOstshare I Total 1. Personnel $ 2. Fringe Benefits $ 3. Consultant Fees I $7,901.40 I $7Qo1.40 I $15,802.80 7. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES An authorized representative of the project sponsor must sign and date this form. If the project sponsor does not own the property, an authorized representative of the propem owner must also sign and date this form. Signatures must be original and in ink. PROJEm SPONSOR Signature Date Name Mick Calarco Title Recreation Area Manager Organization City of Carlsbad. Recreation Department Address 6200 Flying LC Lane. Carlsbad, CA 92009 Phone 760-476- 1042 Fax 760-476-9260 E-mail mcala@,ci.carlsbad.ca.us PROPERTY OWNER-TO BE COMPLETED UPON cl"Y COUNCIL APPROVAL Signature Date Name Title Organization City of Carlsbad Addrrss 1200 Carlsbad Vdlage Drive. Carlsbad. CA 92008 Phone 760-434-2826 Fax 760-720-6917 E-mail mcalacu"ci.carlsbad.ca.us