HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-03-22; City Council; 18037; Housing & Community Development Needs CDBG/HomeCITY OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL AB# 18,037 MTG. 3/22/05 DEPT. H/RED 10 TITLE: DEPT.HD. SOLICITATION OF COMMENTS ON CARLSBAD HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NEEDS AND PROPOSALS SUBMITTED FOR FUNDING UNDER THE CDBGlHOME PROGRAM. I I /- - RECOMMENDED ACTION: Hold a public hearing to accept comments on the housing and community development needs of lower income households within the City of Carlsbad for the 2005-2010 Consolidated Plan and 2005-06 Annual Funding Plan. In addition, the City Council may accept comments on the various proposals that have been submitted for funding under the City of Carlsbad’s 2005-2006 Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnership Programs. ITEM EXPLANATION: BACKGROUND Under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, the City of Carlsbad continues to be eligible to receive funding under the federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Entitlement Program to finance programs that serve the needs of lower income persons. As a participant in the San Diego Urban County HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) Consortium, the City will also receive federal funds to provide affordable housing opportunities for lower income households. In identifying the needs of lower income persons, federal regulations require that the City Council hold at least one public hearing to obtain the views of citizens on the grantee’s (Carlsbad) housing and community development needs. An initial public hearing to invite comments on the City’s CBDG/HOME Program Consolidated Funding Plan Strategy was held on November 9, 2004. The second public hearing will provide another opportunity to obtain comments on the City’s housing and community development needs of lower income residents and the specific proposals submitted for funding through the Carlsbad 2005-2006 CDBG/HOME Program. The City Council will consider approval of the proposals and funding levels at a future meeting. FUNDING The City of Carlsbad is entitled to receive an anticipated new CDBG allocation of $569,566 during fiscal year 2005-2006. The CDBG Program has $1 1,551 available for reallocation that was previously allocated to the canceled or completed projects. The City has also collected $56,432 from lease payments made by the developer of the Villa Loma affordable housing project, which serves as “program income” to the CDBG Program. Income received from the lease payments will be allocated to projects funded in the 2005-2006 program year. The total amount of CDBG funds currently available for allocation to eligible projects that meet the needs of lower income persons is $637,549. The total amount of HOME funding available for allocation to eligible projects is anticipated to be approximately $288,356. PROPOSALS The City received 23 proposals for use of CDBG/HOME funds from various organizations in response to a Request for Proposals distributed in November of 2004. The proposals were reviewed and evaluated by the Council-appointed CDBGIHOME Advisory Committee and staff prior to interviewing representatives from the organizations on January 26th and February 9th. The Committee then met again on February 23rd and developed the funding recommendations outlined in Exhibit 1. I Page 2 of Agenda Bill # 18,037 EXPENDITURE CATEGORY The chart below summarizes the funding available and the maximum amount that can be allocated in each expenditure category: AMOUNT OF AMOUNT OF REQUESTED AVAl LABLE FUNDING ($) FUNDING ($) Public Services Public Facility Improvements & Other Projects Affordable Housina 254,401 85,434 252,115 21 9,101 372.500 219.101 Administration and Fair Housing Subtotal Affordable Housing] 372,500 I 288,356 Subtotal I 372.500 288.356 113,913 1 13,913 844,805 637,549 TOTAL I 1,217,305 RECOMMENDATION: 925,905 It is staffs recommendation that the City Council accept public comments on the needs of low income persons and the proposals submitted for funding under the City’s 2005-2006 CDBG/HOME Program to meet those needs. FISCAL IMPACT: A total of $925,905 is available for allocation to the City’s 2005-2006 CDBG/HOME Program. The City Council made a previous decision to use the maximum twenty percent (20%) of the new CDBG allocation, or $1 13,913, for administration of the City’s CDBG program. The Program has no impact on the General Fund. EXHIBITS: 1. 2. Copies of CDBG/HOME Project proposals. (On file in the Housing and Redevelopment Summary of CDBG and HOME funding allocation recommendations. Department) DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Frank Boensch, (760) 434-2818, fboen@ci.carlsbad.ca.us a EXHIBIT 1 APP. NO. 2005-2006 CITY OF CARLSBAD CDBGlHOME PROGRAM LIST OF PROJECT PROPOSALS AND RECOMMENDED FUNDING AMOUNTS AGENCYlPROJ ECT PROJECT Public Services AMOUNT AMOUNT 10.000 5.000 I Homeless-Prevention 3 I Interfaith Community Services/ 1 2 Brother Benno Foundation / Brother Benno Center Community Resource Center / I Health Screening and Immunizations I Brother Benno Foundation/House of 7 General Public Services 15,000 5,000 General Public Services General Public Services Genera I Public Services Genera I Public Services 13 25,000 5,000 17,530 0 15,000 5,000 13,107 8,478 14 15 4 5 6 16 Safety Net Services Lifeline Community Services / General Services North County Community Services / Food Bank North County Health Services / Youth Shelter Public Services Boys and Girls Club / Teen Scene Program From the Inside Out / Convicts Reaching out to People Program Join Hands Save a Life / Gang Prevention Program Lifeline Communitv Services/ 10,000 7,000 8 9 10 11 I After School Program I Meals on Wheels / 18 Dorothy, Barbara and Rosemary Casa de Amparo / Shelter for Abused Children Catholic Charities / La Posada de Guadalupe Homeless Shelter Fraternity House / Residential Care for Persons with AIDS Women’s Resource Center / Housing Public Services Housing Public Services Housing Public Services Housing Public Services I Dia Del Nino I Boys and Girls Club/ 20 5,000 5,000 30,000 9,478 6,234 0 12.000 7.000 TERl 1nc.l 12 23 Alternatives to Abuse Shelter YMCA OZ / Library Learning Center City of Carlsbadl Housing Reserve Fund Housing Public Services TYPE OF I REQUESTED I RECOMMENDED I 5,000 0 Housing Public Services Specialized (Youths) Public Services Specialized (Youths) Public Services Specialized (Youths) Public Services 15,000 8,000 10,000 6,478 25,000 0 14,626 8,000 17 After School Program MAAC / Specialized (Youths) Public Services 15,000 0 Specialized (Youths) Public Services Specialized (Adults) Public Services 6,000 6,000 10,000 0 19 Meal Delivery Service Tri-City Hospital Foundation/ Specialized (Youth) Public Facilities I 2251000 I 1913986 Public Facilities I 15,000 15,000 Public Facilities 12,115 12,115 Affordable Housing Housing 745,000 219,101 CDBG 288,356 HOME City of Carlsbad Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program and HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) Program 2005-201 0 Consolidated Plan and Annual Plan for 2005-2006 Notice of Public Hearing The citizens of Carlsbad and other interested parties are hereby notified that Carlsbad's City Council will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, March 22, 2005 at 6:OO pm in the Council Chambers located at 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, to accept public comments on the needs of lower income persons in Carlsbad for development of the City's CDBGIHOME Program's 2005-201 0 Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan for the 2005-2006 Program Year. Public comments will also be received on proposals submitted for funding through the City's 2005-2006 CDBGIHOME Program. The City has approximately $637,549 available for allocation to eligible CDBG projects and $288,356 to eligible HOME projects. The City of Carlsbad is committed to using CDBGIHOME funds to finance projectsIservices that provide direct benefit to lower income residents. To develop a CDBGIHOME program that meets the needs of the low and moderate-income population, the City of Carlsbad requests assistance from members of the community. Citizen participation is critical to the success of the Carlsbad CDBGIHOME program. Therefore, the City invites all community members to consider the needs of lower income persons within Carlsbad, to attend the public meetings, and to provide comments on the housing and community development needs of lower-income persons as part of the development of a 2005-2010 Consolidated Plan for the program. Public comments are also requested on the various proposals that have been submitted for funding under Carlsbad's 2005-2006 CDBGIHOME Program. Those proposals selected for funding will be identified within the Consolidated Plan as the activities the City will pursue in the upcoming year to meet the needs of lower income Carlsbad residents. The City has received a total of 23 proposals for CDBGIHOME funding. Copies of all proposals are on file in the Housing and Redevelopment Department. Persons who have questions or comments regarding the City of Carlsbad's CDBGIHOME Program or who would like more specific information on the proposals submitted for 2005-2006 CDBGIHOME funding consideration and those being recommended for funding, please contact Frank Boensch at (760) 434-281 8. Persons in need of translators or other special services should contact the City Manager's Office at (760) 434-2821. CDBG/HOME PROGRAM2005-2006Program Year CDBG/HOME ProgramzCommunity Development Block Grant„To help serve the needs of lower income persons„To assist in development of viable communitieszHome Investment Partnership „To provide affordable housing opportunities for lower income persons CDBG/HOME Public HearingzReceive comments on the needs of lower income residents.zOpportunity to comment on proposals for 2005-06 program year. CDBG/HOME FUNDS Activities Requested Funding Total Funds Available CDBG Public Services 254,401 85,434 Public Facilities/Other Projects 252,115 219,101 Affordable Housing372,500 219,101 Administration113,913 113,913 Subtotal 992,929 637,549 HOME Affordable Housing 372,500 288,356 Subtotal 372,500 288,356 TOTAL 1,365,429 925,905 CDBG Funding Advisory CommitteePlanning Commissioner Marty Montgomery Housing Commissioner Bobbie Smith Senior Commissioner David Ricker Northwest Quadrant James Sweeney Northeast Quadrant Erik Ohlin Southwest Quadrant Dale Ordas Southeast Quadrant Andy Lee AFFORDABLE HOUSINGzCarlsbad Family Housing Partners proposal for 56 affordable rental units.zRecommended allocation of $985,333 in CDBG and HOME Funds.zLoan Agreement subject to completion of environmental review and release of funds by the federal government. Requested ActionszAccept public comments on the needs of lower income residents and CDBG/HOME Program proposals.zExpress Council’s intent to approve final funding allocations at a future meeting. CDBG/HOME PROGRAM2005-2006Program Year