HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-04-05; City Council; 18061; Request to make a Presentation from SDG&ECITY OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL I MTG. 4/5/05 DEPT. CM AB# 18,061 TITLE: I REQUEST TO MAKE A PRESENTATION FROM SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY DEPT. HD. CITY ATTY CITY MGRX RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive presentation from the San Diego Gas and Electric (SDGE) Company regarding the development of a new transmission line to San Diego County. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City Council provides an opportunity for citizens and organizations to have an item placed on a City Council Agenda by submitting a letter to the City Manager. Attached is a letter (Exhibit 1) from Don Parent, Public Affairs Manager for SDGE, requesting the opportunity to make a presentation to the City Council regarding the proposed development of a new 500kV transmission line into San Diego County. FISCAL IMPACT: Unknown at this time EXH IBlTS : 1. SDGE, dated March lgth, 2005. Letter to Ray Patchett, City Manager, from Don Parent, Public Affairs Manager, San Diego Gas 6 Electric 8330 Century Park Court San Diego. CA 92123 A &Sernpra Energyklity March 18,2005 Mr. Ray Patchett City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Patchett: As part of its 20-year resource plan filed with the California Public Utility Commission in 2003, SDG&E is in the process of identifying a route for an additional electric transmission line to ensure reliable service to our customers in the years ahead. One of the most important elements for the success of this project is communication with the communities both served and impacted by such a project. To that end, we have pledged to periodically bring updates to our customers, communities and civic and community leaders regarding the progress of this effort. I would appreciate the opportunity for J.C. Thomas, a member of our project team to address the Carlsbad City Council on April 5,2005 with a 1 0-minute presentation that will explain to the council and the viewing community, our plans to make this project a reality and thus, ensure electric reliability for the region's future. Please call me at (858) 650-6149 if you have any questions regarding this request. In the meantime, I will continue to work with Joe Garuba of your office to arrange details of the presentation. Sincerely, Donald A. Parent Public Affairs Manager cc: J. Garuba J. C. Thomas enclosures Planning For Our Region’s Needs San Diego County Population Long-Term Resource Plan SDG&E’s Long-Term Resource Plan is a roadmap to ensure reliable and affordable power in the region over the next 20-years. The plan, developed with input from the region, is a balanced mix of four proven = 4.00 I -. Z 3.M - 3.00 a ways to ensure safe and reliable electric supply. 2.50 2.00 1. Reduced Demand - through conservation and energy efficiency 2. Expanded Use of Renewable Energy - solar, wind, geothermal 1.50 and biomass energy sources to meet need 3. Building New Transmission - for improved reliability, 0.50 flexibility and import capability 0.00 1.00 1980 1990 2OC4 2010 2020 (projected) 4. Adding New Generation - to ensure reliability in San Diego Transmission upgrades and expansions are critical to ensuring a robust and reliable electric system. - California Energy Commission Report zcuq Making Progress SDG&E is implementing the first phase of its Long-Term Resource Plan to meet the immediate needs of the region. New conservation programs are in place, renewable sources of energy supply such as solar, wind and biomass are being added and three new power plants are being built in San Diego. But, the region’s existing power plants are getting older and the transmission delivery system is congested, which drives up the cost of power. What’s Next .... A New Transmission Line To meet the region’s reliability needs and provide access to renewable power sources, the existing transmission system that serves the greater San Diego region will need significant improvement. In fact, a study approved in November 2004 by the California Energy Commission says, “transmission upgrades and expansions are critical to ensuring a robust and reliable electric system.” SDG&E has begun a comprehensive six-month study to evaluate transmission options. Once completed, the study will help SDG&E develop a strategy for upgrading the region’s transmission system. Your input is important For more information, please contact us: Laura McDonald Project Manager (858) 654-6432 J. C. Thomas www.sdge.com/newline/ Public Affairs Manager dmwatsonQsemprautilities.com (858) 654-6402 3