HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-05-17; City Council; 18125; La Costa de Marbella Homeowner's Assoc SettlementCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB# 18,125 MTG. 5/17/05 - TITLE: REPORTING OUT THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE SETTLEMENT AS REQUIRED BY THE BROWN ACT IN LA COSTA DE MARBELLA HOMEOWNER’S ASSOCIATION DEPT. HD. CITY Am. RECOMMENDED ACTION: There is no action the Council needs to take. ITEM EXPLANATION: At its special meeting of April 26, 2005, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2005-129 acknowledging the emergency landslide conditions on the hillside at the Marbella condominium complex and its existing and potential impacts on La Costa Avenue. It invoked the provisions of Government Code section 865 et seq. and authorized measures to abate the peril caused by this landslide subject to an agreement between the La Costa de Marbella Homeowner’s Association and the City satisfactory to the City Attorney. That Agreement has been reached and is attached to this Agenda Bill for reporting out purposes, as required by the Brown Act. FISCAL IMPACT: The City Council appropriated $900,000 from the Council Contingency Fund to fund the necessary investigation, analysis and construction of the proposed repairs and protective measures. EXHIBITS: 1. Mediation Agreement 2. Agreement Regarding Abatement of Earth Movement (Government Code Sections 865 et. seq.) DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Ronald R. Ball, (760) 434-2891 May. 03 2005 03:19PM P3 APR-20-2005 THO 04:67 PM GRWT, PWESSIONAL FRX NO, 160 738 8733 P. 06/10 a EXHIBIT 1 FAX NU. :7604363442 May. 03 2005 03: 19PM P4 FAX NO. 760 738 a733 P, 07/10 3 FRX NO. :7604363442 May. 03 2005 83:20PM P5 FAX NO, 760 738 0733 P, 08/10 4 FRX NO. :7604363442 May. 03 2005 03:2WM P6 FAX No, 780 738 8733 P, 08/10 MAY-09-2005 MON 10:50 AM GRAND - PROFESSIONAL FAX NO, 760 - 738 8733 P, 07/10 FRilPI : 6 FOX No. :7684363442 FROM:’ : FAX NO, 780 738 8733 P, 03/10 1 EXHIBIT2 7 FROM, : FAX NU. 37604363442 lay. 02 2005 01:35PM f'4 -&Z-,, P. 04110 fipd-2B90fi TM Mi56 Pfl GRAND PROFESSIONAL FAX NO, 760 738 8733 Neither thh agrccmmt nor ddcnce of the work peffonnd tu abaw [hc cwtii niovcmrtit $hall be admisdbfc in any court for the purpose of proving linbilily for causing the corth mwmeht, MOA agrees that the City of CarleW shall lifave n credit againel ruly settlement or judgment rendered ag~nst the City of Cnrlsbnd in favor ol thc WOA in cilher thc pending lawsuit bc~wmn UIU part.ics #lld/~JI' any lawmit relating ta crutb movoment for ita Costa (PAS defincd in thc rchtcd Mcdiation Agrccmcnt bctwcelz the City and the HOA) to abnto emh rnoverncnt putsumk to thilo agreement. @"LirChcr, if the IIDA iiles ruit qainst thc Cify to m;mcr damage8 far lhc cn& ruovomaril which iu thc aubjqct of the City's abrrtument tallcging the City causc:d ttic cwth movcxncnS mad i.hc lawsuit results in I judgmmr in l'avor of thc City, then tho City shall hvc Jadffmcnt agninst tbc HOA fir thc reaeonable Casta of it& nbatcrnent. In suu?~ event, thc mount of rho Coets 01 thc City% olakmcn t ahnU Ix arldcd by Uic court to the Judpcnt in favor of the Ciq aa an alomcnt of rccovcrablc 1itIption COSW, upon ~~tiafactory proof that tho ~osb wore nclunlly incurred by rhc City m ab2tcment purauant to We agreement. In thc evenr chal thc HOA 5les sulk it &all have the rlght to conduct diacovcry on wy mid aU ubbtcncnt costs fouuncd by the City &or to the cnty of judgmrmt md thc Cily agrw e~ich disaowlry is ncceaaary and proper. Allowing such clismvury elm11 not bc conaidcrod an admtsshn regarding the admissibility of mch dizicovery or mddencc at trial, The HQA shdl have the right to fllc a motion in I'AX cwts if it contends that my of thc Costa weru nor rtwsonablc q wtuolly irrcurrcd hy the Cily i0 abatemcm. The pwtias egret that ttia court may illw dls~om And/or live Urtimony with recrpecc Le such 1 motfm to tax mstd if tlac court clccm that: auch discavory and/or live tatsthony would ardist the court in rcnrlarlng ib dcdsion QYI sir& moLion to tax cosla, This ~grcement shall bc ndmissiblc as edclcnce for the lfmitcd purpose of proving the City's entftlemorre tn such credit or jwlgrncnt. This pctragraph applies only if thhc City clccts not to ff le n croawomplolnt sEainst tho HOA in any lawsuit fdcd by thc HQA ngainst Ihr: City, RE City rescwa lhc right to fik and pursue a camplaht againat HOA for its Casts to dmba canh movoment on the private property rnainteincd by ttre HOA but only to the cxtcnt of any ineumnct cmragc ~v&blc la thc HOA for auch amounts, This rcwmmtion iu ua way limits thc City's righter arid remedics with ruspcct lo any other dmagcs tbat tho Cftp may incur as a mutt of earth mowmcnt at LR Costa BC Mnrbdla. Nothing in tht agreement ehall be mnstrucd as a rcleaac of any dahs that HOR lrne or may have agdnst City for damages, injuAee or loaedl, dhctly or indirectly causcd by mrth movement of any nature, type or cause that prccipitalcd thc abmmenr,efTorts b bc 'mdo purvunat to thiQ qrccment, 2 3 c I