HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-06-14; City Council; 18162; Authorization to Expand Separation Incentive Plan9B # 18:162 TITLE: HTG. 6/14/05 AUTHORIZATION TO EXPAND SEPARATION INCENTIVE PLAN (SIP) AGREEMENTS TO DEPT. HR ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEES n a w 5 % 0. z 0 F 0 a =! 0 z 3 0 0 DEPT. AD.* CITY ATTY RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2005-185 authorizing the expansion of a Separation Incentive Plan (SIP) through the Public Agency Retirement System (PARS), which would provide the City with the flexibility to offer both voluntary retirement incentive plans and customized severance packages as options for non-management employees. ITEM EXPLANATION: In March 2002 the City of Carlsbad established a Separation Incentive Plan (SIP) agreement through the Public Agency Retirement System (PARS). This plan was intended for use in situations where strategic staffing decisions had to be made, such as if a proposed reorganization of a City department required the elimination of a current job classification or the assigned duties of a particular position had changed so dramatically that the employee no longer possesses the necessary skills to perform the job. In such instances, it was deemed beneficial to the City to have the flexibility to offer supplemental retirement options to employees who had made positive, historic contributions to the organization. The SIP allowed for a positive means of ending the employment relationship, resulting in a "win-win" for both parties. The PARS SIP was established to provide early retirement options to management employees under certain parameters with the usage of this system at the complete discretion of the City. Staff recommends that the PARS SIP program be expanded and made available to eligible non-management employees. B acknround PARS is the third largest multiple employer retirement system in California offering retirement programs and benefits to 199 member agencies. One of the program options available through PARS is the Separation Incentive Plan, or SIP. The SIP allows member agencies to offer packages to qualified employees. This package is designed to incentivize an employee to separate employment from the organization through an established plan and trust. The plan and the trust established to hold the assets of the plan are qualified under Section 401(a), are tax-exempt under Section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, and meet the requirements of a pension trust under California Government Code Sections 5321 5-53224. The PARS SIP trust is administered by Phase II Systems. Phase 11 Systems has served as a consultant on more than 300 public agency plans. Phase II Systems provides all administrative services relative to the program, plus retirement counseling for participants and guidance in meeting all federal and state reporting requirements. I PAGE 2 OF AB # 18,162 The PARS SIP offers the City flexibility in terms of being responsive to both the needs of its various departments and the needs of individual employees. The program allows the City to offer packages to individual employees or any class or group of employees that the City feels would benefit from such a program. Eligibility for the program is determined by the City and may vary in individual circumstances. The PARS SIP is not a guaranteed privilege for any employee and is available only at the discretion of the City. Participation in the PARS SIP is subject to the following recommended parameters: 0 that the employee be eligible to participate in the PARS SIP as indicated in the PARS Trust Agreement with the City of Carlsbad. 0 that due to the strategic objectives and operational needs of the City, the employee’s position will be eliminated or restructured to the degree that the employee does not possess the necessary skills for the position, 0 that the employee has worked for the City a minimum of ten (10) years and is eligible for retirement under the CalPERS retirement plan, 0 that the full cost of the SIP be covered by the participating department’s approved personnel budget, 0 that the action results in cost savings andor increased efficiencies for the department, that the City Attorney, the Finance Director, and the Human Resources Director have analyzed the respective legal, financial, and staffing implications and each recommends the action, and that the City Manager (and when applicable, the City Attorney), after considering the recommendations, approves the action. The City Manager or hidher designee is the Plan Administrator of the PARS SIP. The City Manager acting in the capacity as the Plan Administrator is hereby authorized to execute individual PARS SIP agreements up to a limit of one hundred thousand dollars, consistent with hidher power of appointment and removal of employees pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 2.12.035 (c). The Plan Administrator will review department requests and determine whether to approve participation in the SIP based on the above parameters. The decision of the Plan Administrator will be final, and participation in the SIP would be initiated upon that decision. PAGE 3 OF AB # 18,162 The PARS Separation Incentive Plan provides a significant amount of flexibility and discretion to the Plan Administrator. The City Council will be advised annually of the program’s status. The Carlsbad City Employees’ Association, the Carlsbad Firefighters’ Association and the Carlsbad Police Officers’ Association have been advised of the proposed change. FISCAL IMPACT: PARS charges an administrative fee of 5.5% of all contributions made by the City on behalf of participants. In addition, the PARS trustee (Union Bank of California) has a trustee fee of 0.12% of contributions. PARS SIP agreements will be funded by the employee’s department personnel budget and may be paid out as a lump sum or in installments over a five year period as agreed. Cost savings and or productivity enhancements and administrative costs of 5.5% and 0.12% of contributions will be included in the cost analysis of each package. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 2005-1 85 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2005-185 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AMENDING THE SEPARATION INCENTIVE PLAN THROUGH THE PUBLIC AGENCY RETIREMENT SYSTEM. WHEREAS, to fulfill its mission of providing top quality services, the City of Carlsbad continually strives through its strategic goals to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its operations; and WHEREAS, these efforts occasionally require the City to eliminate positions or to restructure positions such that the incumbents no longer possess the necessary skills for the positions; and WHEREAS, the City is eligible to be a member of the Public Agency Retirement Systems (PARS); and WHEREAS, PARS offers its member agencies a variety of products and services, including retirements incentive programs, such as a Separation Incentive Plan (SIP); and WHEREAS, PARS SIPS are qualifying governmental plans under relevant sections of the Internal Revenue Code ($9 401(a) and 501 (a)) and the California Government Code ($6 53215 et seq.); and WHEREAS, the establishment of a SIP through PARS will provide the City with the flexibility, in appropriate cases, of offering incentives in lieu of discharging employees whose positions are being eliminated or significantly restructured due to the implementation of the City’s strategic goals and objectives; and WHEREAS, PARS SIPS are administered by Phase II Systems, the PARS Trust Administrator, and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 1c 11 12 12 14 15 1E 17 1E 1s 2c 21 22 22 24 25 26 27 28 WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City to amend the PARS SIP agreement to include non-management employees. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the participation by an employee in the SIP be subject to the following parameters: a. The employee is eligible to participate in the PARS SIP agreement as stated in the PARS SIP Trust Plan document; b. Due to the strategic objectives and operational needs of the City, the employee’s position is being eliminated or restructured such that the employee no longer possesses the necessary skills for the position; c. The employee has worked for the City a minimum of ten (10) years and is eligible for retirement under the CalPERS retirement plan; d. The full cost of the employee’s participation in the SIP is covered by the approved budget of the department in which the employee works; e. The employee’s participation in the SIP will result in cost savings and/or increased efficiencies for the department; f. The City Attorney, the Finance Director, and the Human Resources Director have analyzed the respective legal, financial, and staffing implications and each recommends the action; and Ill Ill /I/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 g. The City Manager (or when applicable, the City Attorney), after the considering the recommendations, approves the action. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council, held on this l4th day of JUNE ,2005, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Hall, Packard , Sigaf oose NOES: bne AEW”: Council Members Lewis. Kulchin L ATTEST: Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hill I LORRAINE M. W~OD, City clek