HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-06-28; City Council; 18187 v4 1-10; Exhibits to Staff Report Regulating Adult Businesses and PerformersB ' mjj 4 o o = -2O o -j= (2 i I?o •"£ 13 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DECLARATION OF CRAIG BROWER I, CRAIG BROWER, declare as follows: 1. I am over the age of eighteen (18) years and not a party to the instant action. I am an active Sergeant for the Fullerton Police Department Narcotic/Vice Detail. I have been employed by Fullerton for the past 17 years. I am currently assigned as a Detective and perform undercover operations such as narcotics, vice, intelligence, massage parlors, alcoholic beverage control and adult entertainment clubs. 2. On March 24, 1999, I assisted the La Habra Police Department regarding an ongoing investigation of the Pelican, an adult business, located at 1001 East Imperial Highway, City of La Habra, California. Members of the Fullerton Police Department met with Detective Braasch of the City of La Habra Police Department for a briefing regarding the conditional use permit regulations for adult businesses operating in the City of La Habra and the January 11, 1999 preliminary injunction issued by Judge H. Warren Siegel. Detective Braasch showed us a photograph and provided us with a description of the owners of the Pelican, Bill Badi Gammoh ("Gammoh") and Bassam Diab Moussa ("Moussa"). 3. After the briefing, Investigator Magliano and I went to the Pelican. I parked my undercover vehicle in the east portion of the parking lot. When I exited my car, I saw Moussa standing in the parking lot talking to a female. We approached the door and were met by the security guard. He explained to us that there was a Ten Dollar ($10.00) cover charge and a two-drink minimum. After agreeing to those terms, we were escorted into the lobby where we paid the cover charge and were frisked before being allowed to enter the Pelican. 4. As I entered the Pelican, I saw Gammoh sitting behind a desk in the office (southwest corner of the premises) with the vertical blinds open. From this location in the office, he could see the stage and the main floor area. 22 DECLARATION OF C. BROWER ADULT 0862 p. «j O « .2 Cos;/) « a u O ;». oofa * eo < i? 01 2J 10 11 12 13 14 15 J3 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 5. Investigator Magliano and I sat in chairs along the north side of the stage. On the stage hi front of the chairs, just outside a rail that surrounded the stage, were small white signs with red letters saying "tipping area". However, throughout the night the patrons were throwing money onto the stage. The DJ continually made announcements telling the patrons to tip the girls by placing the tips on the rail. They were never told to place the tips in the tipping area and were at no tune approached by staff and told to stop throwing money. 6. The stage floor had a red line taped to it forming a rectangular box. The taped box appeared to be six (6) feet away from the edge of the stage. If the dancers stayed inside this box they would remain the prescribed six (6) feet away from the patrons. There was a pole at the west and east ends of the stage. These poles went from the floor to the ceiling. 7. During the night there were eight dancers who took the stage and danced. They were: Sunny, Honey, Amanda, Natalie, Danielle, Cleo, Adrian and Catarina. Each of these dancers used basically the same routine. During the first song, all of the dancers but Cleo, would take the stage clothed. They would dance hi a suggestive manner rubbing their hands over their covered breast, buttocks, and vagina. 8. During the first song, all of the dancers would come up to the rail that is approximately one foot from where the patrons sit. While at the rail these dancers would kneel down, lie on their back, or turn around and put their feet on the rail. While at the rail, they would rub their hands over their breast, buttocks and vagina. Many of them would put their fingers under their panties, rub their vagina, pull their finger out and flick their finger at you or suck on then* finger. During the first song, Cleo on three different occasions took the stage wearing small tight dresses. These dresses covered her breast, but did not cover her buttocks or vagina. During the first song Cleo would go to the poles located at the 23 DECLARATION OF C. BROWER a 33 g Sll1/3 03 « 4)t_r "? *°"5 4) «>2,3 10 11 12 13 14 15 8 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 east and west ends of the stage, grab hold of the bar with one hand, place her back to the audience, bend over and place her finger into her vagina. 9. After the first song, the dancers would disrobe. While dancing naked to the second song the dancers would continually cross over the red line. During then- dances they would touch their private parts, get on their hands and knees or on their back, pull on their nipples, rub their vagina, and spank their buttocks. 10. After the two songs were over some of the dancers would put their clothes back on while standing inside the red rectangle. However, Cleo, Cat, Adrian and Danielle, during their performance threw their clothes into the northwest corner of the stage (requiring them to walk outside the rectangle within one foot of the patrons while naked) to get redressed. 11. During the course of the night I received what the DJ referred to as, "private dances", or what is also known as a "lap dance" from Honey, Sunny, Amanda and Natalie. These dances cost Ten Dollars ($10.00) each and were performed while the patron sat on a long couch along the south wall of the premises away from the main stage. 12. My first lap dance was from Honey. Honey walked me over to the couch along the south wall. She told me to sit on the couch, place my hands by my side and spread my legs. During this dance Honey wore a black spandex top and a black G-string bathing suit bottom. Honey started the dance standing between my legs, leaning forward and placing her covered breast against my 23 1 mouth. Throughout the dance Honey was continually rubbing her leg and buttocks 24 fl against my crotch and her breasts against my face. I handed her the ten dollars for 25 26 27 28 the lap dance. Ill III III 24 DECLARATION OF C. BROWER J " oJ w o. o\ 3 1.2 O o :rCO pa « U g-SO > OS 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 13. My second private dance, which also occurred in the area along the south wall, was from Sunny. Sunny wore a peach tube top, white G-string and white fish net stockings. During the dance Sunny would turn her back to me, bend over and with her buttocks and vagina within six inches of my face, she would spank her buttocks. At one point, while Sunny was standing in front of me she grabbed the sides of her G-string, pulled it away from her body exposing her vagina and her tattoo of a flame. I handed her the ten dollars for the lap dance. 14. My third private dance, which also occurred in the south wall area away from the main stage, was from Amanda. During this dance Amanda wore a florescent orange top and G-string. Amanda's dance consisted of her grinding her thigh against my crotch then turning around and grinding her buttocks and vagina against my crotch. I handed her the ten dollars for the lap dance. 15. My fourth and final dance, which also occurred at the south wall area, was from Natalie. Natalie wore a black and gold corset top and black G-string. During this dance Natalie continually put her hand behind my head and then pulled my head to her breasts. Natalie would then rub my face on and between her breasts. Natalie would turn her back to me, sit on my lap and grind her buttocks and vagina against my crotch. At one point, Natalie stood on the couch, straddled my face, pulled down her G-string and exposed her vagina. I handed her the ten dollars for the lap dance. 16. Throughout the night Gammon and Moussa would walk through the premises, in clear view of the dancers on stage and the private dance area. At no tune did they or any of their security staff intercede and correct the improper behavior of the dancers. During my private dance from Amanda (while she was grinding her buttocks and vagina against my crotch) Gammon walked by, looked at me, smiled, nodded and winked. 25 DECLARATION OF C. BROWER O ,v) ~" CO . CT\«J~ ~o3 S.a< £ S__! O t*5 = <2O o -.= K) 4J 88 28t^ tfl JX*"« •— o»O j> oo fa o < 2^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct and is of my own personal knowledge, that if called to testify I could and would competently testify to the same, and that this declaration was executed this ~z,& day of ^4^/4 , 1999, at Fullerton, California. r^^21j, {^ N— — . ^X^RAlO BRUWHR lahabra\brower.pld\70169.005b 26 DECLARATION OF C. BROWER *"3 's d*J 3 OJ <*> o^ . o\ •- 3 1 .2giiO o sCO « «-^ « u X " —x ~ uO > oor-r-. !>• e 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DECLARATION OF MIKE CHOCEK I, MIKE CHOCEK, declare as follows: 1. I am over the age of eighteen (18) years and not a party to the instant action. I am an active Police Officer for the Fullerton Police Department Narcotic/Vice Detail. I have been employed as a Police Officer by Fullerton for the past 5 years. I am currently assigned as a Detective and perform undercover operations such as narcotics, vice, intelligence, massage parlors, alcoholic beverage control and adult entertainment clubs. 2. On March 24, 1999, I assisted the La Habra Police Department regarding an ongoing investigation of the Pelican Theater ("Pelican"), an adult business, located at 1001 East Imperial Highway, City of La Habra, California. Members of the Fullerton Police Department met with Detective Braasch of the City of La Habra Police Department for a briefing regarding the conditional use permit regulations for adult businesses operating in the City of La Habra and Detective Braasch showed us a photograph and provided us with a description of the owners of the Pelican, Bill Badi Gammoh ("Gammon") and Bassam Diab Moussa ("Moussa"). 3. On March 24, 199, at approximately 2230 hours, Detective Mancini and I arrived at the Pelican. We approached the front door of the business and were met by security. Security informed Detective Mancini and I that there was a Ten Dollar ($10.00) coverage charge and a two-drink minimum. After agreeing to these terms, we were escorted into the lobby where we paid the cover charge. Both Detective Mancini and I were then patted down and were told that we could not bring cellular phones or pagers into the business. 4. As we entered the business, I could see that there was a long bench-type couch along the south wall. There was also a couch along the east wall of the building, and a stage in the center, surrounded by several chairs. On the stage there were two poles, one on the east side and one on the west side. There 31 DECLARATION OF M. CHOCEK ** "2O a .23 5 £33 3 £O o £co en « ., u '-' 08 •= « X J2-3o > S> 10 11 12 13 14 was also a red rectangular taped box on the floor of the stage, which appeared to be approximately six (6) feet from the edge of the stage. In the southwest corner of the business was an office, which was surrounded by glass. There were vertical blinds hanging; however, they were opened so that I could clearly see inside. Detective Mancini and I sat on chairs along the south edge of the stage. 5. As I sat down, I looked to the office, which was hi the southwest corner of the business, and I saw Gammoh seated at a desk which faced the interior of the business and had the stage in clear sight. As we were seated at the stage, I watched eight dancers perform. The female dancers which I observed went by the stage names of Amanda, Danielle, Natalie, Honey, Cleo, Adrianne, Sunny and Katarina. 6. As the dancers were performing on stage, I watched all of them dance around and come within one to two feet of the patrons who were seated around the stage. Several of the nude dancers also grabbed their breasts, pinched 15 their nipples and rubbed their vaginas. As Katarina was performing one of her 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 dances, she went to her knees and was bent over approximately three feet hi front of me. She reached between her legs with her right hand and inserted her middle finger into her vagina. She then removed her middle finger and flicked it toward me. These incidents all occurred with Gammoh seated in his office in the southwest comer of the business. 7. After each stage dance I threw money up on the stage as a tip. Sometimes the money would land inside the red rectangle. I also placed tips on the railing of the stage. At no time was I informed by the owners, the security or the DJ to stop throwing the tips or to stop placing them on the railing. 32 DECLARATION OF M. CHOCEK SImaliJ w o 5 5.2•'< S E5 = •£O o r:03 ffl n •»!--gl^O > eo 8. After completing one of her dances, Amanda walked over to me and solicited a lap dance. I asked her how much it would cost, and she told me it was Ten Dollars ($10.00) per song. Amanda escorted me over to the couch along the south wall away from the main stage and had me sit down. During the lap dance, Amanda rubbed her breasts against my chest, grinded her thigh into my crotch and grinded her buttocks and crotch into my crotch simulating sexual intercourse. As Amanda was performing this lap dance, I saw Moussa walk by with an unidentified white female. After the lap dance, I handed Amanda Ten 9 Dollars ($10.00). 10 9. I also received a lap dance away from the main stage from 11 Adrianne. As Adrianne performed her lap dance, she rubbed her breasts against 12 my chest and her buttocks against my crotch. I handed her the Ten Dollars 13 ($10.00) for the lap dance. 14 10. I also received a lap dance from Natalie. On several occasions 15 during the dance, Natalie rubbed her breasts against my face and chest. At one 16 point during the dance, Natalie removed the straps holding her corset up, allowing 17 it to fall down, exposing her nipples. She continued to dance in front of me and 18 placed the cleavage of her breasts against my face. Natalie also grinded her 19 buttocks against my crotch, simulating intercourse. Natalie also stood in front of 20 me, facing away from me and bent over, reaching back between her legs with her 21 right hand and began rubbing her vagina. After Natalie completed her 22 performance, she kissed me on my left cheek and I handed her Ten Dollars ($10.00 23 11. Throughout the night the two owners, at least three security 24 guards and the DJ, saw the improper behavior of the dancers. At no time did any 25 of these people attempt to intercede or discourage this behavior. 26 12. At approximately 0100 hours on March 25, 1999, Detective 27 Mancini and I left the Pelican. 28 33 DECLARATION OF M. CHOCEK CL, iJ ^I-H •4 Ot» 08 ^Ofa 0 <s S°" en £ 4 38<o o- 0\T3 S3 .2 £ S<U I— "3 i2•3 M— CQ "« « U "P "^•s » .t2 4> > 00•* c 0< *° in | j 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct and is of my own personal knowledge, that if called to testify I could and would competently testify to the same, and that this declaration was executed this 3o day of ^^-H, 1999, at Fullerton, California. A -(\ OO OkMVOL^ UX^ueJ^ MIKE CHOCEK lahabra\chocek.pld\70169.005b 34 DECLARATION OF M. CHOCEK ft, «J JagJ 03 o. 0\-T "o'3 s.«gllO o ;=ffl03 «O :> oofa "* j= 1-2-3 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DECLARATION OF KEVIN ORTEGA I, KEVIN ORTEGA, declare as follows: 1. I am over the age of eighteen (18) years and not a party to the instant action. I am an active Peace Officer/Investigator for the State of California Department of Alcohol Beverage Control. I have been employed as an Officer by the State for the past five (5) years and three (3) months. I am currently assigned to the Special Investigations Unit, which performs undercover operations involving vice related violations, narcotics, intelligence, Business and Professions Code violations and all other statute violations. Over the past five (5) years, I have personally worked several undercover operations in numerous bars, nightclubs and adult entertainment clubs throughout southern California. I have investigated adult entertainment clubs where female performers danced both on stage and the floor area. In most of the adult entertainment clubs I have investigated the female dancers were fully clothed, partially clothed, or topless. During these operations, I have gained knowledge and experience in how the adult entertainment industry operates and conducts business, including female employee dancers, waitresses, DJ's and customers. 2. At the request of the City of La Habra Police Department I was assigned to assist the Police Department in an undercover capacity to insure that the Pelican Theater ("Pelican") located at 1001 East Imperial Highway hi the City of La Habra was in compliance with the Preliminary Injunction issued by Judge H. Warren Siegel on January 11, 1999. On March 5, 1999, at approximately 2100 hours, Detectives Kanger and Braasch of the Police Department briefed me on the Preliminary Injunction and the subsequent violations which had occurred at the Pelican. The Preliminary Injunction specifically prohibits the performer(s) at the Pelican from conducting lap dances or engaging hi direct physical contact with any patron. It also prohibits any performer from being within six (6) feet of any patron at any time during the performance. The Order also requires the placement of DECLARATION OF K. ORTEGA eu £ £ = -2O o •_=CO PQ « • ojXva _•£ - .-= UO > DO 10 11 \1 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 video monitoring devices, the use of a receptacle for tipping performers, and the presence of security guards on the premises. 3. On March 5, 1999, at approximately 2100 hours, Detective Kanger and I arrived at the Pelican. Detective Kanger entered the Pelican at approximately 2205 hours and exited the Pelican after approximately five (5) minutes. I later learned from Detective Kanger that he was recognized as a police officer and was asked to leave the Pelican by the owner Bill Gammoh. 4. I arrived at the front door of the Pelican at approximately 2215 hours. Prior to entering the Pelican, I was approached by one of four security guards that were on duty. He informed me that there was a Ten Dollar ($10.00) entry fee (cover charge) and he searched me for weapons. I paid the Ten Dollar ($10.00) cover charge and entered the business. 5. Upon entering the business though the south front door, I walked through a dark black curtain and into the entertainment portion of the business. I observed four or five additional security guards in various areas of the interior. There was moderate lighting within the structure. I could discern faces of the people inside the Pelican and their actions. 6. I then sat down at a table west of the stage. I was immediately approached by a waitress who took my beverage order. From my table, I observed that the stage was elevated approximately three (3) feet from the floor/ground level. I also observed two (2) large dance type poles running vertically from the stage floor to the ceiling. The poles were located near the east and west sides of the stage and within a red taped line which formed a rectangle -in the center of the stage. The lines of the rectangle appeared to be approximately six (6) feet from a counter that surrounded the perimeter of stage at which patrons were seated. There was a horizontal brass railing that ran the entire length of the counter top. 7. After I received my beverage I approached the stage and sat at the counter area. I noticed that there were white boxes with black lettering "tip , 7 DECLARATION OF K. ORTEGA -J" "O>! ~v ro O O ;=OT CQ « X " -X ~ uO > oo 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 area" painted on the counter top in several places. I also observed that there were approximately twenty (20) male customers sitting inside the establishment at various places within this large room. Approximately five (5) of these customers were sitting at the stage. There was disco-type lighting located directly above the center of the dance floor area. Throughout my investigation, music was continually played by a disc jockey. 8. After approximately ten (10) minutes, I was approached by a female dancer who introduced herself to me as Christy. Christy told me that she would give me a lap dance for Ten Dollars ($10.00). Christy left shortly thereafter and attended to other patrons. violations: 9. During the course of the evening, I observed the following a. A white female dancer with blonde hair danced on the stage completely nude within approximately four (4) feet from customers. She accepted tips from customers off the stage floor without any type of tipping receptacles. I observed this same dancer, wearing only a white g-string bikini and black thigh- high boots, perform a lap dance off the main stage for a patron, during which she pressed her buttocks into the patron's lap. During the lap dance she also bent backwards and laid her head on the left shoulder of the patron while she rubbed both her partially covered breasts with her hands. b. Another white female dancer with brunette hah" also danced on the stage completely nude within five (5) feet of the patrons. She also accepted tips from customers off the stage floor without any type of tipping receptacles. c. A hispanic female dancer with brown hair danced on the stage completely nude within five (5) feet of the patrons. She also accepted tips from customers off the stage floor without any type of tipping receptacles. d. A dancer who had introduced herself to me as Christy danced on the stage completely nude within approximately four (4) feet of me. During the 8 DECLARATION OF K. ORTEGA SI .. 3 « .2 O o =W3 03 « 68 8°.^* 5 «1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 dance, she licked her right middle and index fingers. Then she rubbed her exposed vagina within the folds of the lips with the same fingers several times. She then placed the fingers in her mouth and sucked on them for approximately three (3) seconds. Later on in the dance, Christy laid on her back with her right leg lifted above her head and slapped her exposed vagina three (3) times with the fingers of her right hand. Christy accepted tips from customers off the stage floor without the use of any type of tipping receptacle. e. Christy, wearing an orange g-string bikini, later performed a lap dance for me on the padded benches along the south wall, during which she rubbed the front of her covered crotch over my covered penis several times. During the dance she also rubbed her covered breasts on the front of my pants, directly over my covered penis. At one point in her dance, she turned with her back to me, sat on my lap, and rubbed her covered vagina on my covered penis for approximately 15 seconds in a grinding motion. She then rubbed her covered vagina on my inner right thigh, also in a grinding motion. With her partially covered breasts pushed together by her hands she rubbed them on my nose for a few seconds. Towards the end of the dance, she kissed my left cheek and moaned into my ear. After the dance I handed her a twenty (20) dollar bill to pay for the dance. She accepted the money, handed me back Ten Dollars ($10.00), and kissed me again on my cheek. f. A dancer introduced as Chardonay danced on the stage completely nude within five (5) feet of me. Chardonay accepted tips while on stage without the use of any tipping receptacle. g. A dancer introduced as Scarlet performed a lap dance for me on the padded benches along the south wall. During the dance, Scarlet, who was wearing a see-through lacy black g-string teddy nibbed her inner thighs on my outer thighs. When the dance was concluded, I handed Scarlet Ten Dollars ($10.00) which she accepted without the use of a tip receptacle, and placed the DECLARATION OF K. ORTEGA ° 0 """* to fa « 4dai . - <Jv•J "SO a .2 Fox & SOHA10960 Wilshire BoulevLos Angeles, Californ1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 money in the cleavage of her breasts just at the top of the teddy she was wearing, h. A black female dancer wearing a black g-string, whose name I do not know, accepted tips from customers on the stage without the use of tipping receptacles. i. Another white female dancer with brunette hair, wearing a light blue g-string bikini, whose name I do not know, also accepted tips from customers who had placed money onto the stage floor without the use of any tipping receptacles. I also observed this same dancer perform a lap dance for an unknown patron off the main stage. During the lap dance I observed her sit on the patron's lap and grind her covered crotch onto the covered crotch of the patron. j. I observed a second hispanic woman wearing a black g-string bikini perform a lap dance in the area along the south wall. She made direct physical contact with the patron when performing lap dances. She sat on the patron's lap and grinded her crotch into his lap. k. At no time was there an announcement or was I instructed by any employee or dancer that I could not touch the dancer or that the dancers could not touch me. 1. During my visit to this establishment, I did not observe any signs or informative bulletins stating rules or expected behavior regarding the female employees' actions. I did not see any other signs, flyers, bulletins or banners stating rules for customers' behavior. I did not see the Preliminary Injunction posted anywhere on the premises. I did not hear any employees state specific rules of conduct to any customer or female employee in this establishment. 10 DECLARATION OF K. ORTEGA O (S, fa % S J l|: SOHAGI,•e Boulevard,California SX ^ -"O > entt, !>• c* o< 2.3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct and is of my own personal knowledge, that if called to testify I could and would competently testify to the same, and that this declaration was executed this 3^ day of March, 1999, at Cerritos, California. - Q) ~Xf5LA^> ( /^6£^/ KEVIN^RTEGA lahabra\ortega.pld f 70169.0055 11 DECLARATION OF K. ORTEGA CRIME REPORT _ INCIDENT REPORT K D COURTESY REPORT U Q UNFOUNDED/CANCEL Cl DOMESTIC VIOLENCE DETECTIVE: JlME INFORMATION LA HABRA POLICE DEPARTMENT 150 N. EUCLID STREET LA HABRA, CALIFORNIA 90631 (562)905-9750 FAX: (562)905-9779 POLICE REPORT CASE NUMBER C M - 0 I H 17. REFER OTHER REPORTS CODESECnON CODE SECTION P a.C*S~T rT OT i CS K} CRIME SPECIFIC LOCATION OF CRIME 1 A<*M C". 1 MPtSLVLi iXL r BUSINESS NAME uuV, L OCCURRED ON/OR BETWEEN Si ii si, *. I/*1 Hn £*<*f - ape-rt* CLASSIFICATION CLASSIFICATION TYPEOFPRE ADU1IOAY TH MISES TIME IfetO AND LOSSfDAMAGE LOSSAMMAGE DATE REPORTED UCRCOOE UCRCOOE TIME REPORTED \ <oO O DATE DAY 05Ci2.>H TU TIME VICTIM INFORMATION NAME (Lot. fint.MkMI«) <rrATF AF £Al iP-OtfKJJ^ RESIDENCE ADDRESS BUSINESS ADDRESS OCCUPATION an CITY DOB ZIP ZIP AGE SEX DWHT QHISP O BLK a OTHER: RES PHONE < )BUS PHONE ( ) ADDITIONAL PARTY INFORMATION CODES: V-VICTIM W- WITNESS RP - REPORTING PARTY O-OFFICER CODE ' O NAME(LMt,Fint.MMdl«) -mvi ftR. K\kLE RESIDENCE ADDRESS ' BUSINESS ADDRESS Vtf C : • H C H H A a ( «5ci KJ , F ur t « Q 5T J-DOOE" O NAME (Lwt. fir*. MkMto) P,(_, KCk'SUVLKJ tt, RESIDENCE ADDRESS BUSINESS ADDRESS % CiMipHiMi is& w.t:.oa{D3r CODE 1 o 1 NAME (Lint. Firat. MkMto) /.^-ZtftU A-AIATEL RESIDENCE ADDRESS BUSINESS ADDRESS ^^ M^L5V« AIL 15-0 M. CU^UD^T. OCCUPATION t>ETBCTi l/C CITY OTY uft HRB^A OCCUPATION OPTE.«:T( us. OTY cmr L.T>» H^fea^ OCCUPATION De'TEcrive CITY QTY L>*, M^BftB. DOB ZIP ZIP qo<b? * DOB ZIP ZIP ^Ofe"^^ OOB ZIP ZIP ^Ofc3 1 AGE SEX DWHT QHISPa BLK O OTHER: RES PHONE ( >BUS PHONE (rfc>2,<?G£*"767 AGE SEX QWHT QHISPa BLK O OTHER: RES PHONE < )BUS PHONE C5fo-i)96^-cl7^7 AGE SEX DWHT QHISP D BLK a OTHER RES PHONE ( ) BUS PHONE <*fe2) ^^^fi-7 VICTIM VEHICLE INFORMATION VEHCtE LICENSE* ^/A STATE COLOWOOLOR YEAR MAKE MODEL OTHER 'CHARACTERISTICS BODY OQ LINK 2Q «3R 4Q PAJ 6O VAN SO RV 10C3 STYLE ID 2DR 3O CONVSQ TRK7O SAW SO MIC OTHER FACTORS Q01 Jfl !««£ IS A WITNESS TOnC CRIME rfi A ausrecrvws/WRESTED • 1 A«USf€CTWIAS NAMED ^rt« A SUSPECT CAN K LOCATED &fs A SUSPECT CAN BE OESCWMD jP« A SUSPECT CAN BE tOEKTWieO Q7 A SUSPECT WEMCLE CAN BE IO-D 1THEHE IS IDENTIFIABLE STHX6N PROP O* THERE BASK3MFICANTM.O. O 10 SKSMFICANTPHrSICAt. EVIDENCE PRESENT D 11 THERE IS A MMOMMWRYtSEXCnME Q 12 THEREBAOCOOPOSSlBIUTYOf ASOUmON a 11 FURTHER •WESnOATION NEEDED a 14 THE CRME IS OMM RELATED O IS THE CWME IS HATE RELATED D 1« ELDER ABUSE DO NONE Dl FMOERPRINTS O2 TOOLS D3 TOOLMARKMQ D4 GLASS OS PAWT O« BUUET CASINO O7 BULLET O( RAPE KIT aiOBLCOO Oil URME a 12 HAIR O 13 FIREARMS a H PHOTOGRAPHS Tftfe TNG OFFICER L ID DATE APP ITDn ADMIN QNFP' OA O OTHER: PATROL D INVEST PAGE 1 OF LHPD FOOT 2021002 C La Habra Police Department CASE NUMBER r> W - 6 1 S -\ 1L, PAGE 2 OF PKBMMK* 7 QM BUSMGSS D 1 BANK / SAV LOAN FINANCE CREDIT UNION P2 BAR D 3.CLEANERS / LAUNDRY C INSTRUCTION SITE Q 5 THEATER P 6. F AST FOODS D 7. GAS STATION D 8 HOTEL /MOTEL P9 DEPT /DISCOUNT STORE Q 10. GUN / SPORT GOODS D 11 JEWELRY STORE D 12 LIQUOR STORE Q 13. PHOTO STAND D 14. CONVENIENCE STORE D 15. RESTAURANT n 18. SUPERMARKET P17 TV/RADIO D 18 AUTO PARTS SALES P 19 BICYCLE SALES P 20 CAR / MOTORCYCLE SALES P 21 . CLOTHING STORE P 22. HARDWARE P 23 MEDICAL P 24 OFHCE BUILDING P 25. SHOE STORE P 26. WAREHOUSE Bl27. OTHER <T1UP CLU&' "\ i Jemse P 28 APARTMENT ^ 029 CONDOMINIUM *•* / 30. DUPLEX /FOUR PLEX H P 31 . GARAGE ATTACHED P 32 GARAGE DETACHED P 33. HOUSE P 34 MOBILE HOME P 35 OTHER PUBLIC P 36. CHURCH P 37 HOSPITAL //% P 38. PARK/ PLAYGROUND P 39. PARKING LOT P 40. PUBLIC BUILDING P 41. SCHOOL P 42. SHOPPING MAUL P 43. STREET / HIGHWAY / ALLEY P 44. OTHER VEHICLE P 45 CAMPER *"*/«. P46. MOTOR HOME rf r~ ^f PASSENGER CAR ) PICK-UP C_J 49. TRAILER ' P 50. TRUCK P 51. VAN Cl 52. OTHER POMTOFCNTKY I QM PO. UNKNOWN 00. N/A Qt: FRONT P2. REAR P3 SDE P 4. DOOR P 5 WINDOW P 6 SLIDING GLASS DOOR P 7 BASEMENT Pa. ROOF P 9 FLOOR P 10 WALL P 11. DUCT /VENT P 12 GARAGE P 13. ADJACENT BUILDING P 14. GROUND LEVEL P 15 UPPER LEVEL P 16. OTHER METHOD OF ENTRY ^ QM PO. UNKNOWN (^0 N/A P 1 NO FORCE USED P 2 ATTEMPT ONLY P 3 BODILY FORCE D 4 DOLT CUT I PLIERS P 5. CHANNEL LOCKS / PIPE WRENCH / VICE GRIPS Q 6. SAW 1 DRILL / BURN P 7. SCREWDRIVER D 8 TIRE IRON Q 9. UNKNOWN PRY BAR P 10. COAT HANGER WIRE P 11 KEY SLIP SHIM P 12 PUNCH D 13 REMOVE LOUVERS Q 14 WINDOW SMASH QlS BRICK /ROCK B16. HID IN BUILDING 17 OTHER VEHICLE ENTRY 10 QC« D.O UNKNOWN Mg N/A Bl DOOR / LOCK FORCED LJ 2 TRUNK FORCED CJ3. WINOOWBROKEN \~\ 4 WINDOW FORCED 35. WINDOW OPEN U6. UNLOCKED D 7 OTHER MtOPEftTY ATTACKED 11 O*T PO UNKNOWN PM N/A "Pi CASH NOTES P 2. CLOTHES 1 FUR P 3. CONSUMABLE GOODS P 4 FIREARMS P 5. HOUSEHOLD GOODS P 6 JEWELRY METALS P 7 LIVESTOCK P 8. OFFICE EQUIPMENT P9 TV /RADIO/ CAMERA P 10. MISCELLANEOUS P 11 OTHER SEXCRMESONLY 12 QOt P 1. SUSPECT CLIMAXED P 2. UNKNOWN / CLIMAXED P 3 VICTIM BOUND 1 TIED P 4 VICTIM INJURED P 5 COVERED VICTIM FACE P 6 PHOTOGRAPHED VICTIM P 7 VICTIM ORALLY COPULATED SUSPECT P 8 SUSPECT ORALLY COPULATED VICTIM P 9 RAPE BY INSTRUMENT (FOREIGN OBJECTS) P 10. SODOMY P11 SUGGESTED VICTIM COMMIT' LEWD PERVERTED ACT P 12 INSERTED FINGER INTO VAGINA P 13 FORCED VICTIM TO FONDLE SUSPECT P 14 SUSPECT FONDLED VICTIM P 15 MASTURBATED SELF P 16. OTHER BUROLARYONLY tt OM IS MEMBER OF NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH? i PYES 2 PNO IS MEMBER OF OPERATION IDENTIFICATION? 3PYES 4 PNO INTERESTED IN NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH?s PYES e P NO HAD HOME BUSINESS INSPECTION? 7. P YES 8 P NO WHEN? TRADEMARKS MKPECT (8) ACTION* 14 QIC P 1 ALARM DISABLED P 2 ARSON P 3 ATE / DRANK ON PREMISES P 4 BLINDFOLDED VICTIM BOUND /GAGGED P 5 CAT BURGLAR P 6. DEFECATED 1 URINATED P 7 DEMANDED MONEY P 8 DISROBED VICTIM FULLY P 9 DISROBED VICTIM PARTIALLY P 10 FIRED WEAPON P 1 1 FORCED VICTIM TO MOVE P 12 FORCED VIC INTO VEHICLE P 13 HAD BEEN DRINKING P 14 INDICATION MULTI SUSPS Pl5 INFLICTED INJURIES P 16. KNEWLOCATION OF HIDDEN CASH P 17 MADE THREATS P 18 PLACED PROPERTY IN SACK /POCKET P 19 PREPARED EXIT P 20 RANSACKED P 21 RIPPED / CUT CLOTHING P 22 SELECTIVE IN LOOT P 23. SHUT OFF POWER P 24 SMOKED ON PREMISES P 25 SEARCHED VICTIM P 26 STRUCK VICTIM P 27 SUSPECT ARMED P 28 THREATENED RETALIATION P 29 TOOK ONLY CONSUMABLES P 30 TOOK VICTIM'S VEHICLE P 31. TORTURED P 32. UNDER INFLUENCE DRUGS P 33 USED DEMAND NOTE P 34 USED LOCKOUT P 35. USED DRIVER P% USED MATCH /CANDLE P 37. USED VICTIM NAME P 38. USED VICTIM'S SUITCASE / PILLOWCASE P 39. USED VICTIM'S TOOLS P 40 VEHICLE NEEDED TO REMOVE PROPERTY P 41 CUT / DISCONNECTED PHONE P 42 CASED LOCATION BEFORE CRIME P 43. OTHER SUSPECT PRETENDED TO BE 1* Q11 BLO N/A P! CONDUCTING SURVEY P 2 CUSTOMER / CLIENT P 3 DELIVERY PERSON P 4 DISABLED MOTORIST PS DRUNK P 6. EMPLOYEE / EMPLOYER P 7. FRIEND/ RELATIVE P 8 ILL / INJURED P 9 NEED PHONE P 10 POLICE /LAW P 11. RENTER P 12 REPAIRMAN P 13. SALE OF ILLICIT GOODS P 14. SALESPERSON P 15. SEEK ASSISTANCE P 16. SEEK DIRECTIONS P 17 SEEKING SOMEONE P 18 SOLICIT FUNDS P 19 OTHER P 0 UNKNOWN j|J]0. N/A Pi AUDIBLE ALARM P 2. SLENT ALARM P 3 PRIVATE SECURITY PATROL P4 DOG P 5 STANDARD LOCKS P 6. AUXILIARY LOCKS (Deadbote. Windows Etc.) P 7. WINDOW BARS / GRILLS P 8. OUTSIDE LIGHTING ON P 9 INSIDE LIGHTING ON P 10. GARAGE DOOR LOCKED P 11. OBSCURED INTERIOR VIEW (Commercial / Business) P 12 SECURITY SIGNING N.W.. Alarm etc.) P 13. OTHER VICTMMtOnLE PHYSICAL CONDITION 17 Q« P 0. NO IMPAIRMENT U 1 UNDER INFL ALCOHOL / DRUGS 32. SCK/ INJURED U 3. SENIOR CITIZEN 84 BLIND |0 y 5. HANDICAPPED /.fH 3 6. DEAF ]7 MUTE 3 8. MENTAL /EMOTION IMPAIRED ] 9. OTHER . RELATIONSMP TO SUSPECT 1* OM P 0. UNKNOWN P 1 HUSBAND P 10. ACQUAINTANCE P 2 WIFE P 11 FRIEND P 3 MOTHER P / P 12 BOYFRIEND H4 FATHER / f*S Q 13 GIRLFRIEND 5 DAUGHTER LJ 14. NBGHBOR P 6 SON P 15. BUSINESS ASSOCIATE P 7. BROTHER P 16 STRANGER PUSSIER D " OTHER n«OTHPPl=^MIIY MARITAL STATUS 1* «« PO. UNKNOWN //id Pi. ANNULLED " P 2. COMMON LAW B3 SINGLE 4. MARRIED P 5. DIVORCED P6 WIDOW (ER) P 7. SEPARATED D 8 OTHER La Habra Police Department Victim / Witness Victim: S"TP\TE,flF e RL. i F O R.KJ I A Case Number: rt M~^ i u O Crime: &H~? (fa) F£D<TT \TU " Code VM = liijj& Last Name VO T*- \<L 1 DOB S Residence Address Business Address *Vfc> C.MrP-Hft't- Residence Phone Business Phone •i@6Jfe Last Name DOB S Residence Address Business Address Residence Phone Business Phone Victim RP= Reporting Party ,mx K r i 0 K) Page Of WT = Witness PG = Parent / Guardian First Name Middle PtLT . ex 1 Race Wht \*>c> M, rbtuo ff Area Code Area Code ^ (o~2_ Apt Hisp Blk Other Suite City City Zip Zip ^Ofe^l Number Extension Number "HO1?- ^"7 (o""7 Extension ., -, *-,-: - ._*.•% ., - : First Name Middle ex Race Wht Area Code Area Code Apt Hisp Blk Other Suite City City Zip Zip Number Extension Number Extension Cade Last Name DOB S Residence Address Business Address Residence Phone Business Phone Gage Last Name DOB S Residence Address Business Address Residence Phone Business Phone •||il(£ Last Name First Name Middle ex Race Wht Area Code Area Code Apt Hisp Blk Other Suite City City Zip Zip Number Extension Number Extension -. „•=? t^ ^ML , -.tr -~ J- «*'"'- , <f '- " -ii r irst Name Middle ex Race Wht Area Code Area Code Apt Hisp Blk Odier Suite City City Zip Zip Number Extension Number Extension ; * ^S'* ~L - -»l * *""' -" ~ First Name Middle DOB Sex Race \_\ Wht U Hisp |_J Blk U Other Residence Address Business Address Residence Phone Business Phone Area Code Area Code Apt Suite City City Zip Zip Number Extension Number Extension Report By: C. M CP U .ft 1 C H/D K H V \ Date 63 /feO^/l Approved By: LHPD 203 5/99 2761 Victim/Witness Form LA HABRA POLICE DEPARTMENT Page of CA0301200 SUSPECT REPORT CASENO. o4_-Mi^ c R M E V E H I C L E S U S P E C T CODE SECTION p CRIME 6?M~? b ' C< PR-CSTiTUT (C jJ UCRCOOE: :LASSIFICATION RELATED DR-S PoB<_t<: Of^PEKiSE LOCATION (Be Specific) ^OCo^S ( D* lc><^| e, (^pjr^,^^ MuOY LA HfSB&R &. LICENSE PLATE STATE VEHICLE YEAR VEHICLE MAKE VEHICLE MODEL BODY STYLE [ J 0 UNK |]24-DR 1 1 1 2-DR | ] 3 CONV COLOR / COLOR OTHER CHARACTERISTICS (TC Damage. Unique Marts Of Paint etc.] fE TIME SUPPLEMENTAL Z-21-04 «b t O CH |]6VAN |1>RV |]100THER ([STRUCK ||7 S/W DISPOSITION OF VEHICLE REGISTERED OWNER AND ADDRESS SUSP* NAME (Last First Middle) SEX RACE ( | 0 UNK 1 2 HISP || 1 RANCOUR, VANESSA S. "MI*F vtf *1WHT 1138LK " « M) ( ) 6 JAP ( 1 8 OTHER 5 CH ()7FIL (|9PISL A.KA D.O.8. AGE HEIGHT WEIGHT BUILD 1 | 1 THIN ft 3 HEAVY 11 TYl-FR.7' 11 m §1 1-1, S'S IMS I|OUNK H2MED [J4MUSCULAR HAIR 1 1 0 UNK | 1 2 BLK | J 4 RED [ | t BRN JM 3 BLN (15 GRAY U6S/P || 8 OTHER E\ II 7 WHT (ES ( 0 UNK [ 2 BLK ] 4 GRN 6 GRA | 1 BRN IX) 3 BLU j 5 HZL | 7 OTH V COL NUMBER ER RESIDENCE ADDRESS (Including City, Stale and ZIP Code| HOME PHONE SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER U W £ BUSINESS ADDRESS (Including City. Stae and 3P Code) SCHOOL NAME and CITY if Juvente Cj0fc3\ BUSINESS TELEPHONE OCCUPATION »00\ E . 1 M PF Rl ftl_ HUJY <-P» HPiBS^A CA STfc. \ -Pf ELK. aOTHING ARRESTED ARREST NUMBER LHPD BOOKING NUMBER | I 1 YES ( 1 2 NO STATUS ( | 1 DRIVER ( | 3 PEDESTRIAN GANG AFFILIATION | ] 1 KNOWN GANG NAME / MONIKER | 1 2 PASSENGER | 1 2 SUSPECTED HOW KNOWN: AMOUNT OF HAIR 4 now M1™ ipi> U 3 Rf A « BA ||501 4KNOWN 1 Q21 CK UN CEDING 0.0 HER TYPEOFHAIK 5 I 1 0 UNKNOWN 1 Q22 1 | 1 STRAIGHT | | 2 CURLY /j.3 WAVY |4 FINE ( ) 5 COARSE | ) 6 WIRY |] 7WK3 1 1 8 OTHER HAIR CONDITION 6 K° UNKNOWN |Q23 [] 1 CLEAN []2 DIRTY 13 GREASY { ] 4 MATTED [I 50DOR [16 OTHER R OR L HANDED 7 L^ 0 UNKNOWN 1 Q24 j\ 1 RIGHT (I2LEFT HAIRSTYLE 8 | 1 0 UNKNOWN J Q2« XI 1 LONG ( 1 2 SHORT ( | 3 COLLAR 1 1 4 MILITARY l| 5 CREW CUT I ] 6 RIGHT PART | 1 7 LEFT PART U 8 CENTER PART | 1 9 STRAIGHT BACK 1 1 10 PONY TAIL || 11 AFRO -NATURAL (I 12 PROCESSED (1 13 TEASED [ | 14 OTHER FACIAL HAIR 9 ffi.0 UNKNOWN 1 Q26 | | 0 N/A [ | 1 CLEAN SHAVEN 1 1 2 MUSTACHE [ 1 3 FULL BEARD [ 1 4 GOATEE [ | 5 FUMANCHU [ 1 6 LOWER LIP [) 7 SIDEBURNS [ 1 8 FUZZ [ | 9 UNSHAVEN [] 10 OTHER COMPLEXION 10 [ | 0 UNKNOWN Q2y >^1 CLEAR [ ] 2 ACNE | | 3 POCKED | I 4 FRECKLED | ] 5 WEATHERED | | 6 ALBINO | I 7 OTHER GLASSES 11 | 1 0 UNKNOWN I Q2g ^f 0 NONE | | 1 YES (No description) || 2 REGULAR GLASSES (1 3 SUNGLASSES ( 1 4 WIRE FRAME | 1 5 PLASTIC FRAME Color ( 1 6 OTHER OtCE 12 | 1 0 UNKNOWN 1 Q2g M'O N/A ; 1 1 LISP ( ] 2 SLURRED 1 3 STUTTER [ 1 4 ACCENT Describe ( 1 5 OTHER TATTOOS/SCARS 13 DISTINGUISHING MARKS 14 ££P UNKNOWN | | Onone I Qon 1 1 t FACE I 1 2 TEETH | 3 NECK | | 4 R/ARM | 1 5 L 1 ARM { | E RfHAND (1 7 L/HAND (| 8 R/LEG U 9 L/LEG U 10 R SHOULDER | 1U SHOULDER (1 12FRONTTORSO 11 13 BACK TORSO I) 14 OTHER UNIQUE CLOTHING 15 WEAPON IN 16 itJOUNK I Q31 MO UNKNOWN I Q32 | I 0 NONE b(0 N/A | i 1 CAP HAT 1)1 BAG/BRIEFCASE : | 1 2 NEWSPAPER [ 1 2 GLOVES | 1 3 POCKET : (1 4 SHOULDER HOLSTER |] 3 SKI MASK [| WAISTBAND : 116 [] 4 STOCKING MASK | | 5 OTHER : REPORTING OFFICER /ID* DATE APPROVED BY C'M,cPuAfl Prill <33>i£0<-/ COPES I 1 CHIEF [ 1 NFP ( | PATROL | | DET TO: (JDMV (JCAU (1 ABC (2) | ] DA [] TRAFFIC ROUTED BY MOTHER WEAPON (S) 17 ( 1 UNKNOWN ^NONE 1 Q-JJ ( | 1 CLUB 2HANDGUN ( 1 3 OTHER UNK GUN ( 1 4 RIFLE 5 SHOTGUN ( 1 6 TOY GUN [ 1 7 SIMULATED (1 8 POCKET KNIFE ( | 10 OTHER CUTTING OR STABBING INST | | 11 HANDS/FEET (1 12 BODILY FORCE (] 13 STRANGULATION 14 TIRE IRON ( | 15OTHER WEAPON FEATURES 16 1 | UNKNOWN 4$ NONE 1 Qg^ I | 1 ALTERED STOCK (I 2 SAWED OFF 3 AUTOMATIC | I 4 BOLT ACTION (1 5PUMP ( 1 6 REVOLVER [| 7 BLUE STEEL I) 8 CHROME /NICKEL [ 1 9 DOUBLE BARREL U 10 SINGLE BARREL ( 1 11 OTHER DATE ENTER58*VLA<%,/*—' V i \£ LA HABRA POLICE DEPARTMENT Page of CA0301200 SUSPECT REPORT CASE™ c I SUSP* s -Z g A.KA P c ™* T NAME (Last Finn Middle) SEX RACE T£M.F>i_e. MAE^A CATtfcfcflS I|MUCF O.O.B. AC *' \ \ P F P. ^Y " 042S-£M 1) 0 UNK ( ) 2 BLK [ 1 4 RED )i\ BRN [ 1 3 BLN [ j 5 GRAY [ I 6 SIP ( | 8 OTHER EY ( j 7 WHT ES |)0 UNK 1 1 2 Jd 1 BRN | ) 3 RESIDENCE ADDRESS (Including City, Slate and ZIP Code) BUSttCSS ADDRESS (Including City, State and ZIP Code) SCHOOL NAME and CITY if Juventa (0<M F. irAPF£-lAL i-UAVf, UR Hf=i.Rfl UCRCODE 4HH \^_ 1 1 0 UNK J4 2 HISP ( ) ' 1 1 1 WHT [ 1 3 BLK I] 1 IND | ] 6 JAP ||B OTHER CHI 117FIL U9P.ISL £ HEIGHT WEIGHT BUILD [ | 1 THIN 1*3 HEAVY 3<^ T'H I"?s5~ MO UNK I12MED IHMUSCULAR BLK | ) 4 CRN I ] 6 GRA BLU [ ] 5 HZL [ 1 7 OTH V COL NUMBER =R HOME PHONE SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER ^ M SC BUSINESS TELEPHONE OCCUPATION 0- rt\ S~R.iPP££ CLOTHING (ARRESTED ARREST NUMBER LHPD BOOKING NUMBER' ( | 1 YES 1 ] 2 NO STATUS AMOUNT OF HAIR (JO UNKNOWN l6 1 THICK || 2 THIN | ] 3 RECEDING (| 4 BALD (] 5 OTHER ( ] 0 UNKNOWN ftl STRAIGHT 1 1 2 CURLY | ) 3 WAVY ( 1 4 FINE [ | 5 COARSE | ] 6 WIRY 1 1 7 WIG ( 1 8 OTHER HAIR CONDITION MO UNKNOWN ( ) 1 CLEAN 1 1 2 DIRTY [ | 3 GREASY (| 4 MATTED (150DOR () 6 OTHER | ] 1 DRIVER ( ] 3 PEDESTRIAN GANG AFFILIATION ( 1 1 KNOWN GANG NAME /MONIKER 1 1 2 PASSENGER 1 1 2 SUSPECTED HOWKNOWtt 4 |Q21 | 022 6 |Q23 R OR L HANDED JS^TJ UNKNOWN [| 1 RIGHT (I 2 LEFT 7 |Q24 HAIRSTYLE 6 ( | 0 UNKNOWN 1 Q25 ^1 LONG I ) 2 SHORT 1 1 3 COLLAR | 1 4 MILITARY (| 5 CREW CUT | | 6 RIGHT PART | | 7 LEFT PART (1 8 CENTER PART | ) 9 STRAIGHT BACK [I 10 PONY TAIL | ] 11 AFRO -NATURAL || 12 PROCESSED | | 13 TEASED { | 14 OTHER FACIAL HAIR 9 | | 0 UNKNOWN 1 Q26 J(ON/A | I 1 CLEAN SHAVEN | 1 2 MUSTACHE | | 3 FULL BEARD ( 1 4 GOATEE ( ) 5 FUMANCHU | ) 6 LOWER LIP () 7 SIDEBURNS || 8 FUZZ | ] 9 UNSHAVEN ( 1 10 OTHER COMPLEXION 10 [ | 0 UNKNOWN I Q27 p(j CLEAR ( ] 2 ACNE | I 3 POCKED I ] 4 FRECKLED | I 5 WEATHERED 1)6 ALBINO ( | 7 OTHER GLASSES 11 1 1 0 UNKNOWN I Q28 JQ 0 NONE | ] 1 YES(Node5Cripfon| | | 2 REGULAR GLASSES | 1 3 SUNGLASSES |1 4 WIREFRAME [ ] 5 PLASTIC FRAME Color | | 6 OTHER VOICE 12 | ) 0 UNKNOWN 1— — 3f«=m, 1 ( 1 1 LISP 1 1 2 SLURRED ( 1 3 STUTTER [)( 4 ACCENT D,^ Q?C.O/-*M-C/ [ ] 5 OTHER TATTOOS/ SCARS 13 (DISTINGUISHING MARKS 14 Kl,0 UNKNOWN I ) 1 FACE [ I 2 TEETH [ 1 3 NECK H 4 R/ARM [| 5 11 ARM |J6 R/HAND (] 7 L/HAND (] 8 R/LEG | | 9 L/LEG 11 10 R SHOULDER | 1 11 L SHOULDER [1 12 FRONT TORSO | ] 13 BACK TORSO ( 1 14 OTHER UNIQUE CLOTHING 1, jrfOUNK |Q31 ^0 NONE [ | 1 CAP HAT | 1 2 GLOVES | ] 3 SKI MASK 11 4 STOCKING MASK ( | 5 OTHER [lOrwne IQ-JQ > WEAPON IN 16 | | 0 UNKNOWN 1 Q22 " ,Kl.ON/A 1 ] 1 BAG /BRIEFCASE 1 1 2 NEWSPAPER 1 1 3 POCKET (1 4 SHOULDER HOLSTER (I WAISTBAND 11 6 WEAPON (S) 1? fo£ UNKNOWN 1 1 NONE 1 QJJ 1 1 1 CLUB 1 1 2 HANDGUN II 3 OTHER UNK GUN 1 1 4 RIFLE 1 1 i SHOTGUN 1 1 6 TOY GUN |l 7 SIMULATED (1 8 POCKET KNIFE [| 10 OTHER CUTTING OR STABBING INST (| 11 HANDS/FEET [] 12 BODILY FORCE ( 1 13 STRANGULATION [] 14 TIRE IRON ( 1 IS OTHER WEAPON FEATURES It | 1 UNKNOWN ^ NONE 1 Qg^ 1 1 1 ALTERED STOCK ^~"~ [ 1 2 SAWED OFF ( 1 3 AUTOMATIC H 4 BOLT ACTION H 5 PUMP 1 1 6 REVOLVER (1 7BLUESTEa I] 8 CHROME /NICKEL () 9 DOUBLE BARRa 11 10 SINGLE BARRa M 11 OTHER REPORTING OFFICER / 10 # C« /KC A 1C 2764 Suspect Report 150 N. Euclid, La Habra, CA 90631 (562) 905-9750 * Fax (562) 905-9779 rage Item No. I Item No. z Type EVIPCNCE Quantity Artie 1 R Cokx(s) "/A Premises / Area / Room Taken From T Pi &• OCi Type Color (s) M Quantity Artie \ At /A Premises / Area / Room Taken From ie General Des AUD te Brand 3 ORIGINAL REPORT Case No 3 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT O *4"" Model Serial Number cription O TAPE- ~TFiB6Q fE& 2_H "2(50' m If"? Value L4 Where Is Property Now? Additional Notes {8 In Property D Returned To Victim O Unknown OOmer b^O K) F" Brand N/- ^ Model Serial Number Value General Descnption AUDI6 TAPEL T>^aQO M ft JZ CH ^ 2.OO H Where Is Property Now? Additional Notes* gin Property D Returned To Victim Unknown . Q Other r-A O K) fc. Item No. 1*., ...llOfil NO. Item No. Item No. Type Color (s) Quantity Article Brand Model Serial l> General Descnption Premises / Area / Room Taken From (Where Is Property Now? Additional Notes D mProperty D Relumed To Victim |D Unknown Dother Type Color (s) Quantity Article Brand General Descnption Premises / Area / Room Taken From Type Color (s) Quantity Article Model Serial 1 Where Is Property Now? Additional Notes Sin Property D Returned To Victim Unknown O Other Brand General Description Premises / Area / Room Taken From Type Color (s) Quantity Article Model Serial Where Is Property Now? Additional Notes Sin Property Q Returned To Victim Unknown D Other Brand General Description Premises / Area / Room Taken From Model Serial Where Is Property Now? Additional Notes Sin Property D Returned To Victim Unknown D Other Item No. Type Color (s) Quantity Article Brand General Description Premises / Area / Room Taken From Model Serial ( Where Is Property Now? Additional Notes Hln Property D Returned To Victim Unknown l~] Other PROPERTY TYPES: S» STOLEN, R = RECOVERED, SR- STOLEN AND RECOVERED, SK- SAFE KEEPtNG, Reporting Officer / ID # ^» J^A C.f* Ml Copies d CHIEF Q NFP To DDMV Q CAU Date pii L, n I M A? "/fo'A D PATROL D DET DTRAFFIC D ABC (2) D DA DOTHER Approved By Routed By lumber Value 'lumber Value lumber Value Number Value vlumber Value F« FOUND, E- EVIDENCE Date I EnterecMWX U REV 5/99 La Habra Police Department - CA 0301200 Narrative Report Crime: 647 (b) C.P.C. Prostitution Case Number: 04-1412 Victim: State of California Date: 03-16-04 Page No. 1 Of 7 By: C. McPhail A171 Approved:Date: Total Property Dollar Loss Or Damage: Unique Identifiers / M.O. / Statements: NARRATIVE Section 647b of the California Penal Code Every person who commits any of the following acts is guilty of disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor: (b) Who solicits or who agrees to engage in or who engages in any act of prostitution. A person agrees to engage in an act of prostitution when, with specific intent to so engage, he or she manifests an acceptance of an offer or solicitation to so engage, regardless of whether the offer or solicitation was made by a person who also possessed the specific intent to engage in prostitution. No agreement to engage in an act of prostitution shall constitute a violation of this subdivision unless some act, in addition to the agreement, is done within this state in furtherance of the commission of an act of prostitution by the person agreeing to engage in that act. As used in this subdivision, "prostitution" includes any lewd act between persons for money or other consideration. Investigation Summary: Detective Bancroft and I received information that a stripper named "Tyler" was performing acts of prostitution at the Taboo Gentlemen's Club located at 1001 E. Imperial Hwy. In the City of La Habra, County of Orange. After establishing "Tyler's" true identity we sent an undercover officer into the club on 02-19-04 to observe activities within the club. This incident was monitored for officer safety purposes. The incident was not recorded for evidentiary purposes. The officer was repeatedly approached by a stripper named "Tiffany" who told him that her "pussy was very wet." She said that she was "horny" as she rubbed her hands on his genital area. She offered to perform a lap dance that was "guaranteed" to make him "very, very happy." He declined. Reporting Officer: C. McPhail Date: 03-16-04 Approved By: La Habra Police Department - CA 0301200 °4 °1412 Narrative Report 2 of? The officer was approached by a stripper who identified herself as "Tyler" who offered to perform lap dances for him. He accepted the offer. "Tyler" told the officer that she could perform a "much better, personal dance" inside a "private room." The officer didn't accept the offer and left. Detective Bancroft and I decided that the conduct of "Tyler" and "Tiffany" merited further investigation. We established "Tiffany's" true identity before sending sent two undercover officers into the club on February 24, 2004 at 1610 hrs. One of the officers wore a transmitter. His conversation was monitored, recorded and subsequently transcribed and documented in his written report. Count 1 647b C.P.C February 24, 2004 at approx. 1610 hrs. Two undercover officers entered the Taboo Gentlemen's Club on February 24, 2004 at approx. 1610 hrs. One of the officers was carrying a transmitter. His conversation was monitored, recorded and subsequently transcribed. Both documented the incident by submitting written reports. "Tyler" approached one of the undercover officers. She offered to perform a $60.00 dance. Before agreeing, the officer asked what he would receive for his money. He asked if she would "jerk him off." She said that she couldn't do that because cameras had been installed in the business but agreed to play with his genitals by sliding her hand up the leg of his shorts. He agreed to the act and asked her if she could make him "cum." She said she would try. She placed her hand up the leg of his shorts and grabbed his penis and began to stroke it. The officer told "Tyler" that she was chaffing him and declined further service. He engaged "Tyler" in a lengthy conversation during which she repeatedly admitted to performing acts of prostitution including sexual intercourse and "jacking" men off for money in the club. Count 2 647b C.P.C. , March 2, 2004 approx. 1640 hrs. Two undercover officers entered the Taboo Gentlemen's Club on March 2, 2004 at approx. 1640 hrs. One of the officers was carrying a transmitter. His conversation was monitored, recorded and subsequently transcribed. Both documented the incident in written reports. "Tyler" approached one of the officers an offered to perform a lap dance. At the conclusion of the dance she asked the officer if he knew about the V.I.P. room. He said that he didn't and she told him "If you don't want to waste any more Repoiting Officer: C. McPhail Date: 03-16-04 Approved By: 04-01412 La Habra Police Department - CA 0301200 3 of 7 Narrative Report money the V.I.P. room is the way to go. She explained that she would perform 6 dances for $125.00. The officer paid the barmaid $125.00. She gave the stripper $40.00 and put the rest in the cash register. "Tyler" led him to a booth that was enclosed by a partition. She told him "You have a choice. You can watch me and jack off or I can try and get you off." The officer asked "Tyler" if it would cost extra for her to get him off or if that was part of the original $125.00. "Tyler" replied that it was the same price. He asked her to "jack me off." She said she would try. He asked her about cleaning up after she made him "cum." She replied "Just wipe it on the floor. I do it all the time." The officer complained that "Tyler" was causing him pain and declined to act. Count 3 647b C.P.C. March 2, 2004 at approx. 1640 hrs. "Tiffany" approached an undercover officer and offered to perform a private dance. She told him that the price was "three for $40.00 right here" She added that he could have "three for $60.00" in a more private area. She recommended the "three for $60.00." The officer agreed to pay $60.00 for three dances. "Tiffany" led the officer to another area in the club. She performed a lap dance for the officer. After the officer loosened his shorts "Tiffany" became progressively sexually suggestive. She told the officer that she was "horny." The officer asked if the progressively sexually suggestive behavior was part of the price. She said " Depends on what it is. As of now it's O.K." Her behavior continued and the officer asked " Part of the price?" "Tiffany" replied "Until now." The officer said, "What's that ?" She replied "Yeah. If you want or like twenty more " The officer asked, "Jack me off?" "Tiffany" replied "Yeah." The officer said "Twenty more bucks." "Tiffany" said "Really? O.K. That's good." "Tiffany reached through the leg of the officer's shorts and tried to masturbate his penis. The officer declined further participation in the act by pretending to experience pain from a hernia injury. "Tiffany" responded by asking the officer "Really? You're not an undercover cop or something?" The officer said he wasn't and told her he was going to the bathroom. "Tiffany" said " You're not going to call someone? You're not going to get me in trouble?" The officer assured her that he wasn't going to call anyone or get her in trouble. "Tiffany" asked "What happened to our business?" indicating that she expected to get paid for her services. The officer paid her and she assured him that he would receive good service during his next visit. See Detective Blackburn's, Det. Kirkpatrick's and Sgt. Lozeau's reports for complete details. Reporting Officer: C. McPhail Date: 03-16-04 Approved By: La Habra Police Department - CA 0301200 °4 °1412 Narrative Report 4 of 7 Narrative Report Corporal C. McPhail A171 La Habra Police Department I am a police officer and have worked for the La Habra Police Department for the past 23 years. I am currently assigned to the Special Investigations Unit. My responsibilities include the detection of vice and the enforcement of applicable laws. I've successfully completed the Los Angeles County Sheriffs, North Orange County and Golden Police Academies. I've completed the California Department of Justice, Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement Undercover Investigator's course. Each course included a block of instruction regarding vice activities. Pursuant to my duties as a police officer, I've bought, sold and transported controlled substances, sold stolen property and solicited acts of prostitution that have resulted in physical arrests, convictions and the seizure of contraband. I've debriefed and controlled informants who have admitted to engaging in criminal activities including prostitution. I've discussed prostitution techniques with an experienced prostitute. Based upon my experience and training I know that vice crimes include the sale, use, transportation of controlled substances, gambling and prostitution. The victims of these crimes are manifold. Based upon my training and experience, I know that a gentlemen's club is a venue of adult entertainment where strippers pole dance on a stage and offer private dances to individual customers. Physical contact varies from a simple up close dance with no touching, to physical contact with the stripper to, in some clubs, sexual acts. A lap dance is an erotic dance that's performed while the stripper straddles a customer's lap.1 The length of a song measures the duration of a lap, couch or table dance. Lap dances are sold by the song. Specials are frequently offered in the form of "three for two" or "six for four." Dances in more secluded or private areas are generally more expensive due to the intimacy involved. The focal point of the club is a stage with one or more vertical poles mounted in it. Strippers take successive turns dancing on the stage. Customers seated at the margin are expected to tip strippers during the course of her performance. At the end of their pole performance, strippers rotate from the stage to the floor where they circulate among the customers. ' The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000. Reporting Officer: C. McPhail Date: 03-16-04 Approved By: 04-01412 La Habra Police Department - CA 0301200 5 of 7 Narrative Report Based upon my training and experience, I know that lap, table or couch dances may be performed anywhere in the club. Some clubs offer private or semi private areas intended to convey intimacy or privacy to the customer. These areas may be located in other rooms or behind booths or partitions. Sometimes the private or semi-private area may simply be a darkened corner of the main customer area. These are frequently referred to as "V.I.P." rooms. Based upon my training and experience, I know that most establishments have rules governing the extent of physical contact between the stripper and performer. Some strippers chose to make minimal contact with a client to heighten the experience. Aficionados disparagingly frequently refer to this as an "air dance". Some strippers will offer bodily contact and others will engage in prostitution by performing sex acts for fees and tips. Lap dances generally cost between $15.00 and $20.00 a song in the Orange County area. Based upon my training and experience, I know that some clients prefer a greater degree of physical contact or sex acts during the course of a lap, couch or table dance. The slang term for a greater degree of physical contact or sex acts during the dance is "mileage." A "high mileage" dance is one that involves a lot of physical contact or sex acts. This is also referred to as "full service" or "extras". Based upon my training and experience, I know that strippers who offer "full service", "extras" or "high mileage" prefer to perform these acts in private or semi private areas of the club. They are aware that they can be arrested for offering to perform a sex act for money. They avoid using words to describe the act that they are willing to do and the discussion of money. They tend to speak in general terms and inflate the prices of their "dance" to cover the sex act. Based upon my training and experience, I know that customers who want "full service", "extras" or "high mileage" will often wear loose fitting shorts or cut off sweat pants, no underwear and a condom. The shorts afford easy access to the penis through the legs. The lack of underwear allows the stripper to freely masturbate the shaft of the customer's penis during the course of the lap dance and the condom prevents seminal fluid from staining the shorts at the moment of ejaculation. This mode of dress further functions as a discrete, non-verbal form of communication to the stripper regarding his expectations. Strippers prefer this mode of dress because it is easier for them to camouflage a "hand job" during the course of a lap dance. This mode of attire is often referred to as "dress for success." Based upon my training and experience I know that strippers who perform masturbation, oral sex and sexual intercourse with clients for a fee or tip realize that they are engaging in prostitution. They engage in counter-surveillance and many believe that undercover police officers must identify themselves if asked to do so. Reporting Officer: C. McPhail Date: 03-16-04 Approved By: La Habra Police Department - CA 0301200J .-. -x 04-01412Narrative Report 6 of 7 Based upon my training and experience I know that anyone who, coupled with an act in furtherance of the crime, expresses an offer or acceptance to engage in an act of prostitution is guilty of violating Section 647b of the California Penal Code. The California Penal Code defines prostitution as any lewd act between persons for money or other consideration. Based upon my training and experience, I know that a lewd act involves sexual conduct that is considered to be indecent, offensive or licentious in that it disregards legal restraints with respect to sexual relations2. Based upon my training and experience, I know that the phrase "jerk off' means to masturbate.3 Based upon my training and experience, I know that the works "fucked" and "blow job" in the context of "gave him a blow job and fucked him" refers to acts of fellatio and sexual intercourse.4 Based upon my training and experience, I know that the word "cum" refers to semen ejaculated during orgasm. 5 Based upon my training and experience, I know that the phrase "jacking him off' means to perform masturbation on a man. 6 Based upon my training and experience, I know that the word "spooge" as used in the term "nasty spooge" means seminal fluid.7 Based upon my training and experience, I know that the word phrase "giving head" is a vulgar term for oral sex.8 Based upon my training and experience, I know that the term "masturbate" means the manual excitation of the sexual organs, most often to the point of orgasm. It can refer to excitation either by oneself or by another. Based upon my training and experience I know that strippers will often use stage or alias names as part of their performance. 2 Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law 1996. 3 Webster's Dictionary 4 The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 5 The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 6 The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 7 The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 8 The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. Reporting Officer: C. McPhail Date: 03-16-04 Approved By: 04-01412 La Habra Police Department - CA 0301200 Narrative Report 7of7 Based upon my training and experience, I know that overt or covert video cameras are often found in gentlemen's clubs. The cameras may be used for security, electronic supervision and it's not unusual for the management feed live streaming video images to promotional web sites. I monitored and recorded transmissions from radios carried by undercover investigators on February 24, 2004 and March 2, 2004. The tapes were stored in the special investigation unit safe and were used during the preparation of this report. At the conclusion of the investigation both tapes were submitted to the La Habra Police Department property detail. I am aware that members of the Anaheim Police Department also monitored and recorded transmissions on February 24, 2004 and March 2, 2004. • See Detective Taylor's supplemental report. • See Detective Blackburn's supplemental report. • See Detective Kirkpatrick's supplemental report. • See Detective Sergeant Lozeau's supplemental report. • See the attached transcript of the covert broadcast of the February 24, 2004 undercover operation. • See the attached transcript of the covert broadcast of the March 2, 2004 undercover operation. Reporting Officer: C. McPhail Date: 03-16-04 Approved By: La Habra Police Department - CA 0301200 Narrative Report Crime: CPC 647 (b) Prostitution Victim: State of California Report By: C. McPhail A171 Case Number: Date: 02/24/04 04-1412 Page No. Approved By: O f Date Total Property Dollar Loss Or Damage: Unique Identifiers / M.O. / Statements: NARRATIVE Detectives from the La Habra Police Department conducted an ongoing investigation after several complains had been received regarding acts of prostitution at the Taboo Gentlemen's Club at 1001 E. Imperial Hwy. During the investigation a complaint was received regarding a dancer going by the stage name of Tyler. The complaint stated that Tyler was committing acts of prostitution inside the club. Through the investigation Tyler was identified through a prior police report as Rancour, Vanessa Suzanne, DOB: 1/14/81. A photograph was obtained from the DMV of Rancour. On 02/19/04 Det. Taylor from the Orange Police Department's Vice Unit conducted an undercover at the Taboo Gentlemen's Club. Det. Taylor was shown the DMV photo of Rancour and advised of the possible acts of prostitution inside the club. Rancour, Vanessa Suzanne (AKA: Tyler) DOB: 11/14/81, F/W, 5- 5,145, blond, blue, CDL: COPY La Habra Police Department - CA 0301200 Narrative Report Crime: CPC 647 (b) Prostitution Victim: State of California Report By: C. McPhail Al 7 1 Case Number: 04-1412 Date: 02/24/04 Page O No. f Approved By: Date Det. Taylor was provided with $ 304.00 as operating funds while inside the club. While inside the club Det. Taylor talked to Rancour who he recognized by the photograph we had shown him. Det. Taylor talked to another dancer who used the stage name of Tiffany. For details of Det. Taylor's investigation refer to his supplemental report. During the undercover operation detectives monitored a transmitter carried by Det. Taylor while inside the club. Detectives maintained a surveillance of the club during this time. During that surveillance Det. Taylor advised that Tiffany was leaving the club. Tiffany was scene leaving the club and entering a white 1995 Toyota CA # 3MAN618. The vehicle turned right out of the south driveway of the club and immediately pulled to the left and into the left turn lane of Imperial Highway leading into the Target Store at that 1000 E. Imperial Hwy. At this signal there is a clearly posted traffic control sign that prohibits "U" turns. When the signal turned green the vehicle made a "U" turn and drove E/B on Imperial Highway. I advised Cpl. Quirarte of the "U" turn and asked him to conduct a traffic stop on the vehicle and identify the driver and sole occupant in the vehicle. Cpl. Quirarte conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle for a defective taillight, a violation of CVC 24252(a). Cpl. Quirarte identified the driver as Maria Carreras Temple. Cpl. Quirarte cited Temple for the violation of CVC 24252(a) and released her. See attached citation LH350247. La Habra Police Department - CA 0301200 Narrative Report Crime: CPC 647 (b) Prostitution Victim: State of California Report By: C. McPhail A171 Da Approv* By: Case Number: ite: Jd 02/24/04 04-1412 Page No. 0 f Date COPY ! Temple, Maria Carreras, AKA: Tiffany, DOB: 04/25/64, F/H, 5-4, 135, Brown, Brown, CDL:: On 02/24/04 detectives conducted a second undercover operation at 1001 E. Imperial Hwy, Taboo Gentlemen's Club. During this operation Det. Blackburn and Det. Sgt. Lozeau were provided with $400.00 in operating funds each for their use while inside the club. Det. Blackburn and Det. Sgt. Lozeau were shown photographs of Rancour and Temple and told that they were employed as dancers at the club. Det. Blackburn advised once he had left the club that he had obtained a violation of CPC 647(b) Prostitution solicited by Rancour. For details of Det. Blackburn's and Det. Sgt. Lozeau's investigations refer to their supplemental reports. On 03/02/04 detectives conducted a third undercover operation at 1001 E. Imperial Hwy, Taboo Gentlemen's Club. During this operation Det. Kirkpatrick and Det. Sgt. Lozeau were provided with $400.00 in operating funds each for their use while inside the club. Upon entering the club Det. Sgt. Lozeau was approached by Tiffany and solicited for a dance. After the dance Det. Sgt. Lozeau advised that Tiffany had solicited him for prostitution. Refer to his supplemental report for details. Detectives met with Det. Kirkpatrick and Det. Sgt. Lozeau after they left the club. During that time Det. Kirkpatrick explained that Tyler had solicited him for prostitution during La Habra Police Department - CA 0301200 Narrative Report Crime: CPC 647 (b) Prostitution Victim: State of California Report By: C. McPhail Al 7 1 Case Number: 04-1412 Date: 02/24/04 Page O No. f Approved By: Date a private dance inside the club. Refer to his supplemental report for details. La Habra Police Department CA 0301200 Supplemental Report Page 1 Of 5 Crime: Victim: Report By: CPC 647(b) Prostitution State of CA Orange P.O. Det. Mike Taylor #1046 Case Number: 04-1412 Approve dBy: Date:2-20-04 Date On 2-19-04 at approximately 1630 his, I was involved in an undercover operation at 1001 E. Imperial Hwy (Taboo Gentleman's Club), assisting the LHPD Vice Unit. LHPD had received several complaints regarding illegal prostitution activities occurring at the business. For this operation I was provided with $304.00 in cash from the department US Secret Service Fund. This money was provided for use in the establishment for tipping and additional costs. I approached the south entrance to the building and was greeting by a male employee. The subject told me the cost to enter the business was $5.00, and upon entering, I would be required to purchase one drink at a cost of $6.00. I paid the subject the $5.00 cover charge. I entered the business through the main door located on the south side of the business facing Imperial Hwy. I walked to the south side of the stage and sat in a chair at the railing. I saw that I was the only customer in the business at that time. While I was seated at the stage a waitress came up behind me and asked what I would like to drink. I ordered a soda and she left. In the business I saw 4-5 female dancers and a male who was working as the DJ. The waitress returned and I paid and tipped her for the drink. As the waitress was walking away, a female subject walked up to me, kneeled down beside me, and told me her name was Tiffany. Tiffany repeatedly solicited me to have a private dance with her. Tiffany placed her hands on my genital area and rubbed it several times. Tiffany asked me, "Do you want to know the condition of my pussy?" I said "sure." She told me, "My pussy is very wet." I told her I wanted to watch the girls on stage for a while before having any private dances. Tiffany then walked away to the office area behind the bar. La Habra Police Department CA 0301200 Supplemental Report Page 2 Of 5 I Temple, Maria Carreras, AKA: Tiffany, DOB: 04/25/64, F/H, 5-4, 135, Brown, Brown, CDL: The DJ announced that the next dancer was Sky. A female Asian subject walked up on stage. The female was approximately 25 years old about 5'9" and 105 Ibs. Sky had short blond/brown hair above her shoulders. I watched Sky dance on the stage during which time she exposed her genital areas (Breasts', vagina and anus), and simulated masturbation while dancing. I tipped Sky by leaving money of the stage in front of me. Based upon my training and experience, I know that a patron is expected to "tip" each dancer who dances on stage. These tips are normally placed either on the floor of the stage or on the rail in front of the patron. Based upon my training and experience, I know that if a patron places the tip in front of him the dancer will spend an amount of time commensurate to the amount of the tip. I also know that if a patron fails to tip a dancer the bouncer or management will tell the patron to leave. Sky picked up the money and left the stage. Johnson, Oriana Hui (AKA: Sky/Johnson), DOB: 10/23/1980 BEST COP* La Habra Police Department CA 0301200 Supplemental Report Page 3 Of 5 Tiffany again approached me while I was seated at the stage. She again solicited me to have a private dance with her. Tiffany told me that she was very "Homy." She again placed her hands on my genital area and began rubbing. Tiffany told me, "All of my dances a guaranteed." I asked her what she meant by guarantee. She said that she would guarantee I would be very, very happy, and again she grabbed genital area through my pants and began rubbing. I again told her that I did not want a private dance just yet, and wanted to see some more girls dance on stage. Tiffany told me she would be leaving in 15 minutes. Tiffany walked back toward the bar area. A short time later I saw Tiffany leaving the club. I advised detectives outside the club that Tiffany had jest left the business. The DJ announced that the next dancer was Tyler. A female white subject walked up on stage. The female was approximately 25 years old about 5'9" and 150 Ibs. She had long curly brown hair below her shoulders. I watched Tyler dance on the stage during which time she exposed her genital areas (Breasts', vagina and anus), and simulated masturbation while dancing. I tipped Tyler by leaving money of the stage in front of me. Tyler collected the money then left the stage. COPY Rancour, Vanessa Suzanne (AKA: Tyler) DOB: 11/14/81, F/W, 5- 5,145, blond, blue, CDL: Moments later, Tyler walked up to me and asked me if I wanted a private dance. She told me the several prices for certain numbers of dances including the VIP room. I told her that I would start with one dance. Tyler escorted me to the private dance area directly south of the stage. The waitress approached us and asked me if I would by Tyler a drink. I said sure. Tyler had me sit on one of the benches in the dance area. She grabbed my knees with her hands and La Habra Police Department CA 0301200 Supplemental Report Page 4 Of 5 spread my legs apart. She then sat down straddling my lap while facing me. As the song started Tyler began gyrating her hips and genital area against my genital area. Based upon my training and experience as a Vice Detective, I know that female dancers believe that it is the "normal" actions of a patron to touch or fondle a dancer. I further understand that if a patron will not touch or will pull away from a female who exposes herself or who asks, directs, or invites them to touch her she believes that the patron is an undercover police officers conducting a sting operations. I asked Tyler if touching was allowed. She said yes. I placed my hands on her hips/buttocks. She continued dancing and began pressing her breasts into my face. I placed my hands at the sides of both of her breasts. Tyler then pulled down her top and completely exposed both her breasts while pressing my face into her chest between them. Tyler reached between her legs and fondled/rubbed my genital area through my pants. Tyler continued to dance rubbing her genital area against me. I had two additional dances from Tyler, after which she told me I owned her $60. I paid Tyler $60 plus tip in pre-recorded funds and returned to my seat near the stage. I paid the waitress for the drink that I had bought Tyler, and ordered another drink for myself. The DJ again announced the next dancer was Sky. I watched Sky dance on the stage during which time she exposed her genital areas (Breasts', vagina and anus) while dancing, and simulated masturbation. I tipped Sky by leaving money of the stage in front of me. At the end of the song Sky approached me and asked if I wanted her to dance for me. I told her that I really wanted another dance from Tyler. Sky collected her tips and left the stage. The DJ announced that the next dancer was Tyler and a white female walked up on stage. I watched Tyler dance on the stage during which time she exposed her genital areas (Breasts', vagina and anus) while dancing, and simulated masturbation. I tipped Tyler by leaving money of the stage in front of me. Tyler picked up the money she asked me if I wanted a private dance. I said yes. Tyler exited the stage then walked up to me and escorted me back to the same dance La Habra Police Department CA 0301200 Supplemental Report Page 1 of 4 Crime: 647(b) P.C. Victim: Report By: Solicitation of Prostitution Case Number: 04-1412 State of California - La Habra P.O. Inv. R. Blackburn #509 Anaheim P.O. Approved By: Date: 2-24-04 Date: Suspect: Rancour, Vanessa Suzanne (aka: Tyler); DOB: 11/14/81; Female/White; 5-5/145; Blonde/Blue; CDL: Details: On February 24, 2004, Sergeant M. Lozeau #S116, Investigator R. La Rochelle #427 and I were working for the Anaheim Police Department/Vice Detail in an undercover capacity. We were assisting the La Habra Police Department with an ongoing investigation at Taboo Gentlemen's Club in the city of La Habra, county of Orange. We spoke to the case agent, Detective Mcphail of the La Habra Police Department. Detective Mcphail advised us of their ongoing Prostitution Investigation at the full-nude dance club, aforementioned. He provided a DMV photograph of several females who worked at the club. Sergeant Lozeau and I were directed to enter the establishment in an undercover capacity to check for prostitution violations. Detective Mcphail provided me with a one-way radio transmitter for evidentiary purposes. Assisting investigators and detectives monitored the transmitter. Investigator R. La Rochelle was assigned to record any conversations, which might transpire. At approximately 1610 hours, Sergeant M. Lozeau and I entered the Taboo Gentlemen's Club, located at 1001 Imperial Highway in the city of La Habra. We spoke to the doorman who was collecting money at the front entrance. He was described as a MWA, approximately 20-25 years old, 140 Ibs., 5'-9", with blonde hair and he wore black pants and a white shirt. The subject advised Sergeant Lozeau and I that the cover charge for entry was $5. We each paid the doorman and asked him whom he would recommend getting a dance from. The doorman told us that he has heard that "Tyler" gives great dances. I asked him what "Tyler" looks like and he described her as a heavy set white girl. We entered the main portion of the club and saw approximately four patrons inside. Several female dancers where walking around the location. We took a seat at the center stage and waited for one of the dancers to perform their nude dance. We watched several of the female dancers perform their nude acts on stage. Based upon my training and experience, I know that a patron is expected to "tip" each dancer who dances on stage. These tips are normally placed on the floor of the stage or on the rail in front of the patron. It is my experience that the more money a patron tips the dancer, the longer the dancer will spend with him. We gave each of the dancers tips while they danced. Several of the females asked us if we wanted dances (referring to personal lap dances) after they were done on stage. La Habra Police Department CA 0301200 Supplemental Report Page 2 of 4 Several minutes passed when I saw a heavyset female White, walking around in the club. The DJ announced the heavy set female as "Tyler". I recognized this female as one of the females who Detective Mcphail had a photograph of. She was later identified as suspect Vanessa Rancour (S/Rancour) per her DMV photograph. Sergeant Lozeau was approached by another dancer, who asked him if he wanted a dance? He agreed to get a personal lap dance and walked to the south side of the club. I remained at the stage and watched as S/Rancour performed her nude dance on stage and I gave her approximately $10 in tips. She performed her entire dance in front of me. S/Rancour danced on the stage and exposed her pierced vagina, breast, and anus. She rubbed her exposed vagina and flicked her finger in my direction on one occasion. She completed her dance and asked me if I wanted a dance? I told her that I had heard that she was the right person to get a dance from. S/Rancour collected the money that I provided and took a seat next to me. S/Rancour asked me what kind of dance I wanted and I told her that I wanted a nasty dance. S/Rancour asked me what I meant and I told her of my conversation with the doorman at the front of the club. I told her that he advised that I should get a dance from her. I spoke with S/Rancour about getting a personal lap dance and she explained that her prices were $20 for one song, $60 for three, or six for $125. She told me that the private dance was the best. She explained that there would be, "a hell of a lot more touching," during the $125 dance. I explained that I was not a rich man and agreed to get three dances for $60. I asked S/Rancour what I would get for my $60? She explained that it was just plain and simple; that they had just installed cameras two weeks ago. S/Rancour told me that she could touch me a lot and the fact that I had shorts on meant I was "all good." I asked S/Rancour if I was going to get skin-on-skin contact (Street term for masturbation)? Apparently, S/Rancour did not understand what I was asking and she told me that she would let me touch her. She told me that I needed to be more discreet than usual due to the cameras. I asked S/Rancour if she could "jerk me off1 (Street term for masturbation by another person)? S/Rancour told me that she couldn't do that anymore, but she told me she could "play" with me. I asked her if she meant that she could play with me on top of my clothes and she responded by saying, "Yeah - No, I can go through; I said you have shorts on!" Based on my training and experience, it is common for females who are committing acts of prostitution inside strip clubs to reach up the pant leg of a person's shorts in order to masturbate that person. I agreed to get the $60 dance, in which S/Rancour would "play" with me. It is based on my training experience that females committing acts of prostitution will sometimes avoid certain key words such as, "jerking off, masturbating, or hand job", which are all street terms for masturbation. It is my belief that S/Rancour was avoiding these words and instead agreed to "play" with me in exchange for the $60. S/Rancour walked me back to the southwest portion of the establishment and sat me down on a couch. The couch was secluded from the rest of the club. S/Rancour and I spoke for several minutes until a new song started to play. While speaking with S/Rancour, I asked her if she was going to be able to make me "cum"? (Street slang for ejaculation.) S/Rancour told me that she would try. S/Rancour began her personal lap dance and positioned my body so that my lower extremities were partially hanging off the edge of the couch. S/Rancour began to dance for me, at which time she kneeled down and placed her right hand up the left pant leg of my shorts. She reached all the way up my shorts and grabbed hold of my penis, which was covered by my La Habra Police Department CA 0301200 Supplemental Report Page 3 of 4 underwear. She began moving her hand up and down, in an attempt to stimulate me for several seconds. She told me that my pants were too tight and that it was difficult with her hand under my shorts. S/Rancour removed her hand and began rubbing my groin over the top of my shorts. She moved her hand up and down over my penis, again simulating masturbation. She told me that she was trying. I told S/Rancour that she was going to end up chaffing me in the manner she was rubbing me over my clothing. S/Rancour asked me what I meant and I told her that she was hurting me. S/Rancour asked me if I wanted her to do it the other way (Referring to putting her hand up my shorts). I told her that I didn't know what she could do and that I didn't want her to get into any trouble. S/Rancour told me that my shorts were too tight. I asked her if she could give me a "blow job?" (Street term for oral copulation)? S/Rancour responded by telling me that there were cameras everywhere. She told me that before there were cameras, she could have "jacked me off like that" - easy, and that another female who worked with her was just fired. S/Rancour told me that she would just go ahead and give me a really, really good dance as opposed to playing with me, and asked me how that would be? S/Rancour began to give me a traditional style lap dance, where she rubbed her genitals on my groin simulating a sex act. She placed her bare breasts in my face several times during the dance. S/Rancour continued these acts for several minutes and then told me that I needed to bring/wear looser shorts the next time. She told me that sweats would also work. S/Rancour told me that she would have hurt me more if she performed the act "the other way" (referring to masturbating my penis underneath my shorts). She told me that her hand didn't fit up my shorts and she couldn't even move it. S/ Rancour said, "At least I tried!" S/Rancour attempted to masturbate my penis on top of my shorts again. I told her that it hurt and stopped her. I told S/Rancour that I would bring some looser shorts next time. S/Rancour completed her dance after three songs. I handed her $70, which was issued to me from the La Habra Police Department. Upon the completion of my dance I walked back to the middle of the club and took a seat at the center stage. Several minutes passed when S/Rancour took a seat directly next to me. She was upset because there were not vary many people in the club. I asked her why there were so many cameras at the location and she told me the following: S/Rancour said that she has regular customers at the club. She said that her customers like to try different girls. She told me that one of her customers had sexual intercourse and received a blowjob from one of the dancers at the club. S/Rancour said that she does "things" for this particular customer too; however, she said that having sex in the club was inappropriate. S/Rancour got upset with the female dancer who took her customer and she told the manager to watch what was going on. She said that the manager terminated the female's employment due to the act and she realizes that she made the mistake of having the manager's monitor the cameras. S/Rancour was appalled at the fact that the female dancer had sex and gave the male client a blow job for $700. She confirmed that this took place in the VIP Room at the dance club. S/Rancour told me that she only gets $300. I asked her what she had to do for the $300? She told me that she would receive $300 for "jacking him off (Street term for masturbation). Sergeant Lozeau responded back to our location and took a seat to the left side of me. S/Rancour and Sergeant Lozeau had a brief conversation. S/Rancour told Sgt. Lozeau that I needed to wear looser shorts next time. I asked S/Rancour if she ever "dated" (street term for prostitution date) La Habra Police Department CA 0301200 Supplemental Report Page 4 of 4 outside of the club? She told me that she has had "dates" but they were with customers that she has known for a long time. She said that the customers that she dates are around 50 or 60 years old, and one of the male subjects even wears a diaper. I asked S/Rancour how far she has gone (referring to sexual acts) inside of the dance club? She told me that she had sex before. I confirmed that she was inside the club when she had sex and she told me that she was. She said that she charged $800 for the act. She said only had sex inside the club once and that her motto was that, "You jack somebody off and then wash your hands when you're done. That's it - it's fine." She said she is not going to catch a disease from jacking somebody off. I asked S/Rancour if she took a napkin back to the lap dance area for the mess (semen)? She told me that she would just wipe "it" (referring to semen) on the couch or on the floor. I was appalled and told her that I just sat on semen? She told me that she wiped it on the sides of the couch as opposed to wiping it on the cushions. We spoke for several more minutes and then Sergeant Lozeau and I left the premises. S/Rancour invited us to come back and told us that she worked Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Investigator R. Blackburn #509 Anaheim Police Department/Vice Detail RB/gf 1 Date: February 24, 2004 Time: DR: 04-1412 2 Location: Taboo Gentlemen's Club The following is a transcript of Inv. R Blackburn's conversation with suspect Vanessa Vancour 4 on 2-24-04 at the Taboo Gentlemen's Club. 5 SIDE A 6 SI VANCOUR: You want a dance 7 BLACKBURN: I hear you give a good one. 8 (No dialogue for 5 seconds) 9 S/ VANCOUR: Wadda ya want? 10 BLACKBURN: What do you mean what do I want? 11 S/ VANCOUR: What kind of dance do you want. 12 BLACKBURN: I want a fuckin nasty ass dance is what I want. 13 S/ VANCOUR: [UNINTELLIGIBLE] like what. 14 BLACKBURN: Uh, I don't know - I talked to the doorman and he said if I want a dance, I 15 gotta go through you. 16 S/VANCOUR: Really? •-> BLACKBURN: Oh yeah! is S/VANCOUR: He said "Tyler"? 19 BLACKBURN: Oh! Yes he did. Straight up, straight up. 20 S/VANCOUR: What, he asked you? 21 BLACKBURN: Wadda ya think I'm in here for? Shit, I don't come in her just to watch girls 22 dance. Ya know what I'm sayin? 23 S/VANCOUR: OK, uhm, $20, three for $60, or six for $125. The private is the best, the 24 private your going to get away with a hell of a lot more touching [UNINTELLIGIBLE] serious. 25 BLACKBURN: I'm not a rich man now - you know what I'm sayin? 26 S/ VANCOUR: OK. So you want a $20 dance? 27 BLACKBURN: No, I don't want a $20 dance. 28 S/ VANCOUR: Three for $60? 29 BLACKBURN: I don't know, what can I get for $60? 30 S/ VANCOUR: Ah, well period plain and simple, they just installed cameras like two weeks 31 ago, so - they're fuckin everywhere. -. BLACKBURN: Really? 33 S/ VANCOUR: But I mean I can touch you a lot, you have shorts on, you're all good. Page 1 of 9 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 -> 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 BLACKBURN: SI VANCOUR: BLACKBURN: SI VANCOUR: usual. BLACKBURN: SI VANCOUR: BLACKBURN: SI VANCOUR: BLACKBURN: SI VANCOUR: BLACKBURN: SI VANCOUR: BLACKBURN: Well, yeah; am I going to get skin to skin though, or a? hu? Skin to skin contact. Well 'm going to let you touch yeah but you have to be more discreet that I know. Yeah, but can I get like - at least jerked off or something? Can you? Yeah. Can you jerk me off? I can't do that anymore. I can play with you. Like just on top of my clothes or what? Yeah - no, I can go through, I said you have shorts on. Oh, Okay. Duh! Alright, let's do the sixty dollar one. WAITRESS: Anything to drink? BLACKBURN: Hah, I'm alright right now, thanks. WAITRESS: OK. SIDEB S/ VANCOUR: Why did he get a dance from Violet? Ivory is way better. Ah, talked to the door dude who told me, uh, told me to talk to Violet.BLACKBURN: Hum... S/ VANCOUR: BLACKBURN: S/ VANCOUR: BLACKBURN: S/ VANCOUR: BLACKBURN: S/ VANCOUR: BLACKBURN: SI VANCOUR: BLACKBURN: S/ VANCOUR: BLACKBURN: No, but is that your friend got a dance from Violet. Oh, yeah. I don't know, he liked her. Ivory is better. Oh yeah? We'll wait for the next song. Okay, cool. What do you guys do? Construction. Yeah? Yeah. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] the rain's kinda fuckin everything up, ya know? Yeah, fuckin rain, you know. Yeah, jackin us up. Page 2 of 9 1 S/ VANCOUR: 2 BLACKBURN: ' SI VANCOUR: 4 BLACKBURN: 5 SI VANCOUR: 6 BLACKBURN: 7 BLACKBURN: 8 SI VANCOUR: 9 BLACKBURN: 10 SI VANCOUR: 11 BLACKBURN: 12 SI VANCOUR: 13 BLACKBURN: 14 SI VANCOUR: 15 BLACKBURN: 16 S/ VANCOUR: f BLACKBURN: 18 SI VANCOUR: 19 BLACKBURN: 20 S/ VANCOUR: 21 SI VANCOUR: 22 (No dialogue for 20 23 S/ VANCOUR: 24 BLACKBURN: 25 S/ VANCOUR: 26 BLACKBURN: 27 S/ VANCOUR: 28 BLACKBURN: 29 BLACKBURN: 30 saying. 31 SI VANCOUR: ,. BLACKBURN: 33 SI VANCOUR: It's cool for you guys though, right. What's that? Well, you don't have to work in that rain. Yeah, but you don't make money if you don't work. I know it. You know what I'm sayin? Hey, are you gonna be able to make me cum or what. I can try. [UNINTELIGIBLE] [UNINTELLIGIBLE] Tell your friend to get a dance from Ivory. Is that the other girl with the blonde hair? Yeah? She's good too? Yeah. More or less than you? Less, less, but she'll give a better dance than Violet, a way fuckin better. She still dancing right there? Huh? She don't dance very good? Violet? Yeah! No! She's always looking at her fuckin self in the mirror. That's not a good fuckin dance. seconds) Dam, your shorts are fuckin tight too. Laughter It's harder that way. Yeah. I'm tryin. I know, I know you are. I'm gonna end up getting chafed that way though, you know what I'm Huh? I'm going to end up getting chafed that way. Wadda ya mean? Page 3 of 9 1 BLACKBURN: You're gonna end up hurting me over my shorts. 2 SI VANCOUR: You want me to do it the other way? BLACKBURN: I don't know what you can do? I mean, I don't want you to get in trouble. 4 S/ VANCOUR: No, I'm just saying, it's tighter this way, how in the fuck am I supposed to be 5 doing it easier that way? 6 BLACKBURN: I don't know, can you do a blowjob or something? 7 S/ VANCOUR: Can I? 8 BLACKBURN: Yeah. 9 S/ VANCOUR: Oh yeah, the cameras are everywhere, but I can put my lips there. You 10 don't understand, before the cameras were here, I could've jacked you off like that, easy. Now, 11 the, a bitch just got fired. 12 BLACKBURN: Oh, really? 13 S/ VANCOUR: Yeah, it's serious. 14 S/ VANCOUR: I'll just try and give you a really, really good dance, how is that. 15 BLACKBURN: [UNINTELLIGIBLE], you know what I'm saying 16 S/VANCOUR: You don't know? n S/ VANCOUR: Is that your last song? is BLACKBURN: I think we've got one more. I think that was [UNINTELLIGIBLE] 19 S/ VANCOUR: Okay. 20 S/ VANCOUR: You need looser shorts, and you would be all good. 21 BLACKBURN: Yeah? But, I felt like a [UNINTELLIGIBLE] looser shorts. 22 S/VANCOUR: Yeah, [UNINTELLIGIBLE] Ha-ha-ha. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] It would have 23 hurt you way fuckin worse if I had done it that way - way worse. 24 BLACKBURN: Oh yeah? 25 S/ VANCOUR: Yeah! My hands are like this. I - I couldn't even move 'em. I would have 26 fuckin killed you. 27 S/ VANCOUR: [UNINTELLIGIBLE] 28 S/ VANCOUR: Hey, but at least I tried. 29 BLACKBURN: Yes you did, yes you did. 30 S/ VANCOUR: Does that feel better though? 31 BLACKBURN: It kinda hurts that way. ._ S/VANCOUR: Fuck you! No it doesn't. 33 BLACKBURN: I'm telling you Page 4 of 9 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1-7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 S/ VANCOUR: BLACKBURN: S/VANCOUR: BLACKBURN: S/VANCOUR: BLACKBURN: S/ VANCOUR: BLACKBURN: S/ VANCOUR: S/ VANCOUR: BLACKBURN: S/ VANCOUR: BLACKBURN: S/ VANCOUR: BLACKBURN: S/ VANCOUR: BLACKBURN: [UNINTELLIGIBLE] S/ VANCOUR: This fuckin sucks BLACKBURN: S/ VANCOUR: BLACKBURN: S/ VANCOUR: BLACKBURN: S/ VANCOUR: Okay, well want me to do it like this? No that's fine, I'll just bring some looser shorts next time. Yeah, [UNINTELLIGIBLE] What? Or some sweats [UNINTELLIGIBLE] What days do you work? Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday...He got a dance with Ivory. Did he? Yeah. Good fuckin deal. Way better than Violet. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] Oh, the / that other girl? I think not. Yeah Thank you. Thank you Come back and visit. Yes, I will. Ha hah, there's no one here, huh? What? Hey, what's up? How come there's no one here? I don't know. So why - why did they put all the camera's here and shit? Fuckin, OK, I have regular customers here, right? My customers like - who like to try different girls; this fuckin bitch gave him a blowjob and fucked him and I got pissed off because it was my customer! You know, like I do things for him too but... He fuckin went to somebody else, so the point is I got pissed off and they just installed the cameras, so I told the manager. I was like, hey, you know what Bill, go and fuckin see what she's doing cause I knew what the fuck she was doing. He's like, Oh, my God - that is fuckin it! You know? So now they just go back there and watch what their doin. I fucked up. BLACKBURN: Yeah, you did. S/ VANCOUR: It was just, I was fuckin pissed. Page 5 of 9 1 BLACKBURN: All for greed man. 2 SI VANCOUR: Yeah, she got seven hundred bucks though, that's what really pissed me off. 4 BLACKBURN: She fucked the guy though? 5 SI VANCOUR: Yeah and gave him a blowjob. 6 BLACKBURN: Back there? 7 S/ VANCOUR: In the VIP room, yeah, I only get three from him though. 8 BLACKBURN: You only get three? 9 S/VANCOUR: Yeah, for jacking him off. So I was like, what the fuck? What a dumb 10 fuckin cunt, you know? Seven hundred, that's fuckin [UNINTELLIGIBLE], I was just pissed. 11 BLACKBURN: Yeah? 12 SI VANCOUR: And everybody in here - like everybody's my friend, so they're like, Oh my 13 God! SI VANCOUR's going to fuckin kill her. 14 BLACKBURN: Yeah, but would it be worth the seven hundred? is SI VANCOUR: [UNINTELLIGIBLE] 16 LOZEAU: What's up, Foo? '7 BLACKBURN: What up, this is Tyler. is LOZEAU: How you doing? 19 SI VANCOUR: Fine. I said you're an idiot for getting a dance from Violet. 20 LOZEAU: What? 21 SI VANCOUR: I said you're an idiot for getting a dance from Violet. 22 LOZEAU: Why? They all come up to me and they go ... same line you gave me. Hey, take 23 me for a dance or I'm gonna have to dance on stage. 24 S/ VANCOUR: Yeah, but her yeah, her dancing isn't good. 25 LOZEAU: It's not good? 26 SI VANCOUR: No. Violet is not good. I think Ivory's is better than Violet's. 27 LOZEAU: Yeah, Ivory's was good. 28 S/ VANCOUR: I told you. I know what the fuck I'm talking about. 29 LOZEAU: Yeah, Ivory was better. Yeah. 30 SI VANCOUR: Ha-ha. 31 LOZEAU: Oh, yeah. Ha-ha. BLACKBURN: (to Lozeau) She said there's cameras everywhere. 33 LOZEAU: Oh really? Page 6 of 9 1 BLACKBURN: Yeah! 2 LOZEAU: Yeah, I was hitting up Ivory and she said, yeah there's cameras. S/ VANCOUR: I told him he needs to wear looser shorts. 4 LOZEAU: Ha-ha-ha. That's good to know. 5 BLACKBURN: (to S/ VANCOUR) You ever do dates outside the club or... 6 S/ VANCOUR: Huh? 7 BLACKBURN: You ever do dates outside the club, or just inside? 8 S/ VANCOUR: I have, but it's with customers like I've known for a long time. Like, I have a 9 kid so I'm - I'm not tryin to fuckin be killed or anything, you know. I don't want care - I don't 10 fuckin know somebody - that's it. 11 BLACKBURN: Yeah. 12 S/VANCOUR: But my customers are fuckin ... they're like 50-60 years old and it's crazy, 13 like one guy's in a diaper. 14 BLACKBURN: Oh! is S/ VANCOUR: I so, I'm like, you're all fuckin hot and let them try something,. Ha-ha-ha. 16 BLACKBURN: [UNINTELLIGIBLE] v7 S/ VANCOUR: But, yeah. Fuckin fuckin sucks today, sorry. 18 BLACKBURN: That's all right. 19 S/ VANCOUR: There's food though! Oh! No they took it away. 20 BLACKBURN: Yeah, that shit's just probably been there for a long time anyway. 21 S/ VANCOUR: No, they change it. 22 BLACKBURN: Oh, do they? 23 LOZEAU: Who else is good besides Ivory? 24 S/ VANCOUR: What? 25 LOZEAU: Who else is good besides Ivory? 26 S/ VANCOUR: I give the best dance. 27 LOZEAU: Oh, you do? 28 S/ VANCOUR: Yeah, ask this fella. 29 LOZEAU: Yeah? 30 BLACKBURN: Yeah! (laughter) 31 LOZEAU: Au-ite (All right!) BLACKBURN: If I would have had looser shorts, it would have been even better. 33 BLACKBURN: Straight out. Straight out. Page 7 of 9 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 ^ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 o^. 33 S/ VANCOUR: gonna be BLACKBURN: done in here? S/ VANCOUR: BLACKBURN: S/ VANCOUR: BLACKBURN: S/ VANCOUR: BLACKBURN: S/ VANCOUR: Watch. Just try and dance with somebody else - I'll laugh at you, you're Yeah, fuck it, I'm not gonna waste my money. What's the most you've BLACKBURN: SI VANCOUR: S/ VANCOUR: BLACKBURN: S/ VANCOUR: Huh? What's the most you have done in here? I've had sex before. You've had sex in here? Yeah, one time. Ooohh! Whereat? One fuckin time. It was a long time ago and I got eight hundred fuckin for it. $800 bucks? Cash money? I needed it though, that's why. Shut up! It was one fuckin time. I didn't say nothin', hey you know. Other than that though, I - my little motto thing is, you fuckin jack somebody off, you wash your hands after you're done, that's it, period. Whatever. You're not fuckin givin head, your not fuckin stickin anything inside you - you're not gonna catch a disease jacking somebody off. BLACKBURN: You take a napkin and shit back there? I fuckin wipe it on the couch? Awww! Or on the floor. I fuckin sat on the fuckin nasty spooge No-no, No-no bitch! Not on the fuckin cushion. Well, what then? On like the side on the ... Oh, OK. ... or on the floor. Aww, that's straight nasty. Yeah, I fuckin wipe it on the cushion that I have to go back on. No. (to Lozeau) Do you want to roll? S/ VANCOUR: BLACKBURN: S/ VANCOUR: BLACKBURN: S/ VANCOUR: BLACKBURN: S/ VANCOUR: BLACKBURN: S/ VANCOUR: BLACKBURN: S/ VANCOUR: BLACKBURN: Page 8 of 9 1 LOZEAU: Yeah. 2 BLACKBURN: I'll bring some better clothes next time. LOZEAU: laughter 4 SI VANCOUR: You don't want a dance? 5 LOZEAU: I'm a little tapped out. 6 SI VANCOUR: OK 7 LOZEAU: We're - we're gonna come back though. 8 BLACKBURN: We'll both do one next time. 9 SI VANCOUR: OK. Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. 10 BLACKBURN: OK, sounds good. 11 S/ VANCOUR: Bye, nice meeting you guys. 12 LOZEAU: Nice meetin you. 13 BLACKBURN: Nice meetin you. 14 BLACKBURN: Thanks for the info bro. is BLACKBURN: We're out and it's 1657 hours. 16 is END OF TAPE 19 Transcribed by: Gail Freed / VNCI Page 9 of 9 La Habra Police Department CA 0301200 Supplemental Report Page 1 of 3 Crime: 647(b) P.C. Victim: Report By: Solicitation of Prostitution Case Number: 04-1412 State of California - La Habra P.O. Inv.J. Kirkpatrick#514 Anaheim P.O. Approved By: Date:2-24-04 Date: Suspect: RANCOUR, Vanessa Suzanne (aka: Tyler); DOB: 11/14/81; Female/White; 5-5/145; Blonde/Blue; CDL: Details: On Tuesday, March 3rd, 2004, Sergeant M. Lozeau #S116, Investigators R. La Rochelle #427, K. Costa #462 and I were working for the Anaheim Police Department Vice Detail. We were working in a plain clothes, undercover capacity, assisting the La Habra Police Department with an ongoing investigation at Taboo Gentlemen's Club in the city of La Habra. We spoke to the case agent, Detective McPhail of the La Habra Police Department. Detective McPhail advised us of their ongoing Prostitution Investigation at Taboo. He provided DMV photographs of several females who worked at the club. Detective McPhail provided cash funds for Sergeant Lozeau and I to use during the investigation. At approximately 1640 hours, Sergeant Lozeau and I entered the Taboo Gentlemen's Club, located at 1001 Imperial Highway in the city of La Habra. We spoke to the doorman who was collecting money at the front entrance. The subject advised Sergeant Lozeau and I that the cover charge for entry was $5, plus a one-drink minimum. Sergeant Lozeau paid the cover charge for both of us and we entered the club. We walked into the club and observed that there were no other patrons present. Sergeant Lozeau and I sat down next to the stage and were approached by a waitress. We each ordered drinks as a couple of dancers walked out of the backstage area. A dancer approached and agreed to give Sergeant Lozeau a lap dance. Shortly after Sergeant Lozeau departed for the lap dance, a female adult I immediately recognized from a DMV photo as S-RANCOUR approached me. RANCOUR, Vanessa Suzanne (AKA: Tyler) DOB: 11/14/81, F/W, 5-5,145, blond, blue, CDL: COPY La Habra Police Department CA 0301200 Supplemental Report Page 2 of 3 RANCOUR introduced herself as "Tyler" and asked me if I wanted a lap dance. I agreed to get a lap dance and followed RANCOUR to the south side of the club. RANCOUR directed me to sit down in an area that is semi-private, located on the south side of the club. RANCOUR straddled my legs and pulled her top up, leaving both breasts exposed for the entirety of the dance. RANCOUR proceeded to grind her pelvic area against my groin, rub her exposed breasts against my chest and upper arms, and rub her face and forehead against my groin throughout the song. At the conclusion of the song, RANCOUR asked me if I wanted to continue for another song. I said I wanted her to continue. RANCOUR said, "You know about the VIP room right?" I told RANCOUR that I did not know about the VIP room. RANCOUR said, "If you don't want to waste any more money, the VIP is the way to go." I asked RANCOUR what the difference was. RANCOUR explained that the VIP room cost $125 for six songs, but it was much more private and there was a lot more touching. I paid RANCOUR $20 and agreed to go to the VIP room. RANCOUR directed me to the bar area to pay for the dance. I paid the waitress behind the bar $125. The waitress handed $40 directly to RANCOUR and placed the balance in the cash register. RANCOUR directed me to a booth on the west side of the club. The booth had a large cushioned seat and was enclosed on three sides. The front of the booth had a curtain, which RANCOUR closed behind us. RANCOUR laughed as she placed her cash box on the floor. I asked her why she was laughing. RANCOUR said, "I hope you didn't think that was my blunt." (Blunt is a slang term for a marijuana cigarette) Not knowing what she was talking about, I laughed and said, "It's cool, I don't care." RANCOUR pointed to her cash box and explained to me that all of the other girls smoke "weed" (marijuana) in the back of the club. RANCOUR said she asked one of the girls to "roll her a blunt for the lady who watches her kid." RANCOUR went on to say, "She likes to smoke weed, but I'm not into it," From the conversation, I concluded that RANCOUR thought I had seen the marijuana cigarette inside her cash box when she placed the $40 dollars inside it. At the start of the next song, RANCOUR pulled her top up exposing both breasts. During the first three songs of the six-song dance, RANCOUR grinded her pelvic area and La Habra Police Department CA 0301200 Supplemental Report Page 3 of 3 buttocks against my groin in a similar fashion as the first lap dance. While RANCOUR was straddling me, she pulled her bikini bottom away from her genital area. RANCOUR proceeded to pull on and fondle a piece of jewelry, which was pierced through her genital area. At the conclusion of the third song, RANCOUR sat down on her knees on the floor and explained to me that we were halfway through the dance. RANCOUR told me that it was unfortunate that I was wearing pants because, "It's harder to get you off when you are wearing pants." ("get you off' is slang for making someone ejaculate) RANCOUR told me to make sure to wear shorts next time, to give her "better access." RANCOUR told me, "You have a choice. You can watch me and jack off (slang for masturbate), or I can try to get you off." I asked RANCOUR if it would cost extra for her to "get me off, or was it included in the original $125? RANCOUR replied, "It's the same price, but I'm not sure I can do it through your jeans." I asked RANCOUR if she could "jack me off." RANCOUR told me she could try, but they had recently installed video cameras and she did not want to get caught. I told RANCOUR that I wanted her to try to "jack me off." RANCOUR faced away from me and began to vigorously rub her buttocks on my groin area. I asked RANCOUR how I was supposed to clean up when she made me cum (slang for ejaculate). RANCOUR said, "Just wipe it on the floor, I do it all the time." RANCOUR rubbed her buttocks against my groin for several seconds before I told her that she was using too much pressure and it was causing me pain. RANCOUR turned around and placed her head in my lap, using her hair to cover my groin. RANCOUR then grasped my penis with her hand, over my jeans, and started to vigorously rub it back and forth. I immediately grabbed her hand and took it away from my groin, telling her that I was now too sore to continue. RANCOUR apologized and told me to make sure to wear shorts next time I came in. RANCOUR completed the lap dance by rubbing her breasts on my chest and forehead while dancing to the music. At the conclusion of the lap dance, I returned to the side of the main stage. Sergeant Lozeau and I remained inside the club approximately thirty minutes longer. La Habra Police Department CA 0301200 Supplemental Report Page 1 of 3 Crime: Victim: Report By: Solicitation of Prostitution -- 647(b) PC Case #: 04-1 41 2 State of California - La Habra P.O. Sgt. M. Lozeau#S116 Anaheim P. D. A/ice Detail Approved Sgt. M. By: Lozeau#116 Date: 3-10-04 Date: 3-11-04 SUSPECT: Maria Carreras Temple (TIFFANY) F,H,brown hair, brown eyes, 5'04", 135 C.D.L. D.O.B. 04-25-64 Residence:. DETAILS: On March 2, 2004, Anaheim Police Department Vice Investigator Jon Kirkpatrick #514 and I assisted the La Habra Police Department with an ongoing investigation at Taboo Gentlemen's Club in the city of La Habra, County of Orange. Anaheim Police Department Vice Investigators Kacey Costa #462, Ryan Blackburn #509 and Richard La Rochelle #427 were also assisting us. We were working in an undercover capacity, driving unmarked police vehicles. We first spoke to the Case Agent, Detective McPhail, of the La Habra Police Department. Detective McPhail advised us of their ongoing prostitution investigation of the aforementioned full-nude dance club. He provided us with several DMV photographs of several female dancers who work at the club. Investigator Kirkpatrick and I were directed to enter the establishment in an undercover capacity to check for prostitution violations. Detective McPhail provided me with a one-way radio transmitter for evidentiary purposes. Assisting investigators and detectives monitored the transmission. Investigator La Rochelle was assigned to record any conversations, which might transpire. We entered the Taboo Gentlemen's Club, located at 1001 Imperial Highway in the city of La Habra at approximately 1638 hours. We spoke to the doorman who was collecting money at the front entrance. He was described as a male, white, approximately 20-25 years old, 140 Ibs., 5'-9", with blonde hair and he wore black pants and a white shirt. The subject told us that the cover charge was $5. I paid for both our cover charges. We entered the main portion of the club and saw that there were no patrons inside of the club. We could also see there were no female dancers. I could only see a female waitress. We took a seat at center stage and the waitress approached us. We each ordered a non-alcoholic beverage, and the waitress told us there were several girls working today and that they were in the back employee area of the club. La Habra Police Department CA 0301200 Supplemental Report Page 2 of 3 A female dancer then approached investigator Kirkpatrick, identifying herself as "Tiffany." I recognized Tiffany from one of the DMV photographs that Detective McPhail had shown me at the La Habra Police Department, prior to entering this establishment. Investigator Kirkpatrick was making small talk with Tiffany. I told Tiffany that I would like to get a lap dance with her. Tiffany agreed and she escorted me to the couches along the south wall of the business. Tiffany advised me I could get three songs for $40 or I could go next door, adjacent to the benches, which she said was more private and I could get three lap dances from her for $60. I asked her what she recommended and she said, "Three for $60." I agreed to get three lap dances from her for $60. I asked Tiffany if I was going to be 'happy'(street slang for having sex and climaxing)? She told me that I was. Tiffany asked me to sit on one of the bench seats, which I did. She told me she was going to wait for the next song, prior to beginning her lap dances for me. Tiffany and I began making small talk with each other. A new song began playing and Tiffany advised me she was going to begin her lap dances for me. I told her I was going to get my shorts loose for her, indicating to her that she could reach up my shorts with her hands to masturbate me. Tiffany grabbed my hands and placed them on her breasts and told me not to be shy. I began fondling her breasts on the outside of her bikini top. Tiffany was wearing a light-colored bikini top and a light-colored bikini bottom. Tiffany pulled her bikini bottom aside, exposing her vaginal area to me. She told me she was very 'horny.' At that moment, she placed the skin of her vagina against the skin of my left knee (skin-to-skin) and began grinding her vagina against my knee in circular motion. I moved my knee away from Tiffany's vagina and I placed my hand on top of my knee. Tiffany then placed her vagina against my right finger and asked me if she could sit on my finger, as she was rubbing her vagina (skin-to-skin) against my finger. I asked Tiffany is she was going to talk me into it and as I said this to her, I made a hand motion with my right hand in regards to masturbation. Tiffany stopped rubbing her vagina on my finger and she kneeled down in front of me, between my legs. She reached up my shorts with her hands and began fondling my penis, on the outside of my underwear inside my shorts. I asked Tiffany if the masturbation she was going to give me was part of the lap dance price of $60? Tiffany advised me it would cost me $20 more for her to masturbate me. I agreed to that monetary amount and she then pulled my underwear aside and touched my penis with her right hand, skin-to-skin, and began to masturbate me. I moved away from Tiffany and I faked to her that I had a hernia and some pain in my stomach, due to hurting myself on the construction site today. Tiffany asked me if I was a police officer and I told her I was not. Tiffany and I continued to make small talk. I gave Tiffany $60 of city of La Habra funds. I asked Tiffany if she would take care of me some other time (street slang for prostitution) and she shook her head up and down in an affirmative manner. Tiffany asked me if I liked her and I told her that I did. After paying Tiffany the $60, I sat back down next to Investigator Kirkpatrick at the center stage area. Later on, a female dancer contacted Investigator Kirkpatrick by the name of "Tyler." I recognized Tyler from a DMV photograph that Detective McPhail had shown me at the La Habra Police Department. Investigator Kirkpatrick received some lap dances from Tyler. For further details, see Investigator Kirkpatrick's Supplemental Report. During that time I tipped some other female dancers that were dancing on stage, with some $1 dollar bills. I was La Habra Police Department CA 0301200 Supplemental Report Page 3 of 3 approached by some other female dancers for lap dances, which I declined due to me still faking my hernia injury. I was later approached by a female dancer by the name of "Ivory;" a female white, long blonde hair, approximately 5' 9", 150 Ibs. Ivory was wearing a bikini-type outfit. The bikini outfit was light in color. I told Ivory I had a hernia and I was not feeling good. Ivory asked me for a lap dance and I declined. During this time, we had also made some small talk. During my conversation with Ivory, she asked me if I had a dance with Tiffany earlier and I told her that I had. She had asked me if Tiffany had "gotten me off?" (Street slang for orgasm.) I told her that did not occur because of my hernia. Ivory then left and danced on the stage and I began tipping her some $1 dollar bills. While she was dancing on stage I told her I was now in the mood for a lap dance from her. After Ivory finished dancing on stage, she walked back over to me. I told Ivory I wanted three lap dances for $60. Ivory escorted me over to one of the bench seats against the north wall of the business. She began rubbing her body against my body. She would rub her breasts, her vagina and buttocks against my crotch area over my clothing. I asked Ivory if she could reach underneath my shorts and make me 'happy?' (Street slang for masturbation.) Ivory then began to tell me she couldn't because there were cameras everywhere inside of the business. Ivory told me she would like to masturbate me if there weren't any cameras inside the business. I received three lap dances from Ivory and I paid her the $60. During that time I also bought Ivory a non-alcoholic beverage. After the lap dances with Ivory, I sat back down next to Investigator Kirkpatrick at center stage. Investigator Kirkpatrick and I later left the business. Sergeant Mike Lozeau #S116 Anaheim Police Department/VNCI ML/gf 1 Date: March 2,2004 Time: 1638 hours 2 Location: Taboo Gentlemen's Club; Harbor Blvd./Imperial Hwy. This is Sergeant Mike Lozeau #8116 with the Anaheim Police Department Vice Unit and 4 Investigator J. Kirkpatrick #514, also with the Anaheim Police Department Vice Unit, will be 5 assisting Vice Investigators with the La Habra Police Department in regard to Taboo 6 Gentlemen's Club, located at Harbor Blvd. and Imperial Hwy., in reference to a prostitution 7 investigation. 8 START: SIDE A 9 LOZEAU: All set? 10 OTHER INVESTIGATOR: All set. 11 LOZEAU: OK. Radio off-we're going in. 12 (No dialogue for 45 seconds - en route to establishment.) 13 KIRKPATRICK: So, you're working on my pad in Orange? 14 LOZEAU: Yeap, I'm doin your patio cover. is KIRKPATRICK: And it got rained out? 16 LOZEAU: Yeap, and we're here to party. '- KIRKPATRICK: Handicapped! 18 LOZEAU: Is it? 19 KIRKPATRICK: Yeap. 20 LOZEAU: Where? I didn't see that thing. 21 (No dialogue for 35 seconds - parking vehicle, walking towards establishment) 22 (At front entrance of establishment) 23 LOZEAU: (to KIRKPATRICK) Here - for both of us. 24 KIRKPATRICK: Thanks, bro. (to LOZEAU) 25 LOZEAU: Thanks, bro (to doorman / ticket seller) 26 DOORMAN: All right. 27 LOZEAU: Man, this rain's gotta stop, right? (laughing) 28 WOMAN: Guys! (greeting?) 29 LOZEAU: So, we're in. 30 KIRKPATRICK: Yes, we are. 31 LOZEAU: Where is everybody? (calling out to server) (laughing) LOZEAU: How're you doing? (to server) 33 WOMAN: They will be out Page 1 of 15 1 LOZEAU: All right -- good. 2 WOMAN: They are chit-chatting. LOZEAU: (laughing) Is that all we get? So, are we it? 4 WOMAN: Yeah, well for right now; it depends. It's been like [UNINTELLIGIBLE] what kind 5 of people needed [UNINTELLIGIBLE] ... it's been like raining for say, I don't know ... 6 LOZEAU: Yeah. 7 WOMAN: ... and they get warm and they change a couple of dancers [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. 8 LOZEAU: How many girls you got today? 9 WOMAN: Uh, about five. Five. 10 LOZEAU: Cool! 11 WOMAN: More than one are gettin up on stage. You got a pair of [UNINTELLIGIBLE] 12 LOZEAU: We'll get lots attention then? 13 WOMAN: Ah, yeah, (laughing) What can I get you guys? 14 KIRKPATRICK: Um, waddya got to drink? is WOMAN: Ah, all the sodas. Um, Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Dr. Pepper, orange soda, 16 cranberry juice, orange juice, Old Gold, Cappuccinos, uhm ... '--• LOZEAU: Diet Coke. 18 KIRKPATRICK: I'll have Sprite. 19 LOZEAU: Hey, what are you doing? (to dancer) 20 TIFFANY: Oh, how are you? 21 ? KIRKPATRICK: Good. 22 TIFFANY: You came back. 23 KIRKPATRICK: Came back? 24 TIFFANY: One time were you here before? 25 KIRKPATRICK: It's been a long time. 26 TIFFANY: Long time? 27 KIRKPATRICK: Yeah! 28 TIFFANY: What's your name? 29 KIRKPATRICK: What's your name? 30 TIFFANY: Tiffany. 31 KIRKPATRICK: Tiffany? I'm Jon. Sorry, if I don't [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. _ LOZEAU: Hello, Tiffany. 33 TIFFANY: (to KIRKPATRICK) Nan, don't worry about it. Page 2 of 15 1 LOZEAU: I'll take a dance. 2 TIFFANY: (directed to KIRKPATRICK) Oh, wow, warm [UNINTELLIGIBLE] I'll cut the fee for you. Don't worry. So, well if you did it long time, it's time to go for it. 4 LOZEAU: Exactly. Yeah. 5 KIRKPATRICK: That's what it's all about. 6 TIFFANY: Oh yeah. 7 LOZEAU: How are you doing I'm mike? 8 TIFFANY: Hi, nice to meet you. 9 LOZEAU: I'll take a dance, with you. (laughter) 10 KIRKPATRICK: Go for it! 11 LOZEAU: It's rainin, man and I'm cold, (laughing) 12 LOZEAU: All right, Tiffany, let's go. 13 (No dialogue/pause for 5 seconds.) 14 LOZEAU: How're you doing? (directed toward another) 15 OTHER: UNINTELLIGIBLE 16 LOZEAU: Good, good. '- TIFFANY: Ah, we have... is LOZEAU: Oh, yeah! 19 TIFFANY: (laughing) We have the three for $40 and then we have [UNINTELLIGIBLE - DJ 20 drowns out all dialogue.] 21 LOZEAU: OK. What have we got now? 22 TIFFANY: Ah, three for $40 if we UNINTELLIGIBLE here? 23 LOZEAU: OK. 24 TIFFANY: Three for $40. Next door is, ah, a little more private and $60 for three. It's 25 [UNINTELLIGIBLE] or three for $60. 26 TIFFANY: OK. What do you recommend? 27 TIFFANY: Three for $60. 28 LOZEAU: Uh-uh? 29 TIFFANY: Yeah. 30 LOZEAU: Gotcha ... all right. 31 TIFFANY: laughing LOZEAU: Let's go for three (songs) for sixty. 33 (No dialogue for 10 seconds.) Page 3 of 15 33 Sooo, am I gonna to be happy? Yes. All right. I think so. Why don't you sit... Right here? Want to wait for the next song? Sure. What's your name, you said? Mike. Mike. How you doing. Very good. Ah, when was your last time come, long time come What's that? Long time come? Here? Yeah. Naw, I was here last week. Here. Yeah, I was here last week. Yeah, but I thought I saw you or him here? Ah, it wasn't with him last week, I was here with another buddy. Was it day or night? It was during the day. Well, late afternoon, like, around 5 or something like that. So it's pretty private here? What? Pretty private right here? Yeah. All right, let me get my shorts loose. (No dialogue for 45 seconds during lap dance) Yeah (No dialogue for 8 seconds during lap dance) TIFFANY: Don't be shy. LOZEAU: Oh no, not me. 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1? 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 LOZEAU: TIFFANY: LOZEAU: TIFFANY: LOZEAU: TIFFANY: LOZEAU: TIFFANY: LOZEAU: TIFFANY: LOZEAU: TIFFANY: LOZEAU: TIFFANY: LOZEAU: TIFFANY: LOZEAU: TIFFANY: LOZEAU: TIFFANY: LOZEAU: TIFFANY: LOZEAU: LOZEAU: TIFFANY: LOZEAU: TIFFANY: LOZEAU: (No dialogi LOZEAU: (No dialogi Page 4 of 15 1 (No dialogue for 15 seconds during lap dance) 2 TIFFANY: Very horny. LOZEAU: You're very horny, huh? (laughing) 4 TIFFANY: I am. I'm staring at your UNINTELLIGIBLE here and I'm like UNINTELLIGIBLE. 5 LOZEAU: (laughter) Wow. Whew! Oh yeah! 6 TIFFANY: Let me sit on your finger baby. 7 LOZEAU/TIFFANY: (both laughing.) 8 LOZEAU: You gonna talk me into it, or what? 9 TIFFANY: UNINTELLIGIBLE. 10 LOZEAU: Is it, ah, part of the price, or what? 11 TIFFANY: Ah, (unintelligible), I think now it's OK. 12 LOZEAU: Is this part of the price? 13 TIFFANY: Uh, until now. 14 LOZEAU: What's that? 15 TIFFANY: Yeah, if you want or like $20 more 16 LOZEAU: Jack me off? r TIFFANY: Yeah. is LOZEAU: $20 more bucks? 19 TIFFANY: Yeah 20 LOZEAU: All right - you got it. 21 TIFFANY: Really? OK! That's good. 22 (No dialogue for 8 seconds) 23 TIFFANY: (laughing) What happened? 24 LOZEAU: Oh, hold on here. Oh - ah. Sorry, I was on a construction sight and I pulled 25 something, sorry! (laughing) Aw!, lemme me - lemme go to the bathroom, I'm hurtin. I pulled 26 something on a construction, lifting something heavy and I think I got a hernia or something. 27 Yeah, I'm not kidding. Where's the bathroom at? 28 TIFFANY: Really? 29 LOZEAU: Yeah. 30 TIFFANY: You're not an undercover cop or something? 31 LOZEAU: No, I'm not, Absolutely not. 3V TIFFANY: Your not gonna call someone? 33 LOZEAU: Nope, not gonna call anybody. Page 5 of 15 33 UNINTELLIGIBLE the freakin cops. Oh-oh. UNINTELLIGIBLE I swear to God. What happened to our (UNINTELLIGIBLE)? What? What happened to our (UNINTELLIGIBLE) I'll give you your $60 bucks. You're gonna keep dancing for me, right? Ah, I couldn't make you come in UNINTELLIGIBLE. All right. How bout I give you $40? UNINTELLIGIBLE. You gonna take care of me some other time? (shakes her head up and down in an affirmative manner) Alright. UNINTELLIGIBLE. No, no, it's between you and me. Just you and me. You not gonna me in trouble? I'm not gonna get you in trouble. UNINTELLIGIBLE. I'm not a cop. UNINTELLIGIBLE. Yeah, it hurts really bad. UNINTELLIGIBLE. Yeah, I thought it was over earlier today or... Or maybe you don't like me? No! I like you. Are you kidding me? I like you a lot. Is it something that I'm doing that you don't like? No! No, not at all. It just hurts. Every time I kind of sit up, it hurts real bad. So? Yeah, I know. But If I come back though; you'll take care of me next time? I want to (UNINTELLIGIBLE), (laughing) You got it. Thank you. TIFFANY: You UNINTELLIGIBLE. LOZEAU: Ya, it's worse. I sat down OK and ... 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ,~ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 TIFFANY: LOZEAU: TIFFANY: LOZEAU: TIFFANY: LOZEAU: TIFFANY: LOZEAU: TIFFANY: LOZEAU: TIFFANY: LOZEAU: TIFFANY: LOZEAU: TIFFANY: LOZEAU: TIFFANY: LOZEAU: TIFFANY: LOZEAU: TIFFANY: LOZEAU: TIFFANY: LOZEAU: TIFFANY: LOZEAU: TIFFANY: LOZEAU: Yeah, 1 kno TIFFANY: LOZEAU: Page 6 of 15 1 TIFFANY: I know, I you very well. 2 LOZEAU: I'll go chill out over there. I'm all right. (No dialogue for 2 minutes.) 4 LOZEAU: Hey, I'm hurtin bad Dude. I think I UNINTELLIGIBLE at the construction site. I 5 got a hernia or some shit. 6 KIRKPATRICK: UNINTELLIGIBLE 7 LOZEAU: What? 8 KIRKPATRICK: UNINTELLIGIBLE 9 LOZEAU: Yeah, I sat down over here and it's hurtin. 10 (No dialogue for 2 minutes) 11 LOZEAU: Yeah, I'm hurtin Dude. Well, I'll try and stick it out, you know. 12 KIRKPATRICK: UNINTELLIGIBLE 13 LOZEAU: Go ahead. Just cause I'm wounded, it doesn't mean you have to leave. 14 LOZEAU: You feel bad? (laughing) 15 (No dialogue for 1 minute) 16 TYLER: Hey, you came. Didn't you come in here last week or something? LOZEAU: Yeah, me and my buddy Ryan. is TYLER: I remember you. 19 LOZEAU: Yeah, so do I. 20 TYLER: What the fuck, I know this guy. 21 LOZEAU: (laughing) You didn't recognize me? 22 TYLER: I did. UNINTELLIGIBLE - he's not the same guy you came with. 23 LOZEAU: You gonna take care of my buddy, or what? 24 KIRKPATRICK: That explains why he's bringin me here, I guess. 25 LOZEAU: (laughing) 26 TYLER: No, remember? You bought me for two lap dances. 27 LOZEAU: Yeah, yeah. 28 TYLER: I told him to wear shorts. 29 LOZEAU: Yes you did, that's why I'm wearin em. 30 KIRKPATRICK: Thanks for tellin me. 31 LOZEAU: Ahh! ^ (No dialogue for 30 seconds) Page 7 of 15 How you doin? You know I got a UNINTELLIGIBLE. I think I got a freakin hernia or something? I was over there gettin a good dance ... Huh-huh ... and I had to quite on her - I shit you not. I was crampin up and stuff. But, ah, let me see how this feels in a little bit UNINTELLIGIBLE and then we'll go from there, all right? e for 45 seconds) Whats your name? UNINTELLIGIBLE What's your name? UNINTELLIGIBLE Hi, how are you doin? UNINTELLIGIBLE e for 2 minutes) Very nice, very nice. Not yet (laughing). Nah, I'm hurtin right now. For what? UNINTELLIGIBLE UNINTELLIGIBLE Yeah. 3 for 10 seconds.) Hey, how you doin Ivory? What's up? UNINTELLIGIBLE Good. UNINTELLIGIBLE Sorry. Thanks. UNINTELLIGIBLE How are ya? Alright, whats up? I'm in fuckin pain. UNINTELLIGIBLE I'm hurtin. Why? 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 )' 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 >_- 33 LOZEAU: or someth TYLER: LOZEAU: let me see (No dialog LOZEAU: WOMAN: LOZEAU: WOMAN: LOZEAU: WOMAN: (No dialog LOZEAU: LOZEAU: WOMAN: LOZEAU: WOMAN: LOZEAU: (No dialogi LOZEAU: IVORY: LOZEAU: IVORY: LOZEAU: IVORY: LOZEAU: IVORY: LOZEAU: IVORY: LOZEAU: IVORY: Page 8 of 15 I 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 " 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 j>z 33 LOZEAU: forward, 1 IVORY: LOZEAU: IVORY: LOZEAU: IVORY: LOZEAU: IVORY: LOZEAU: IVORY: LOZEAU: IVORY: LOZEAU: IVORY: LOZEAU: IVORY: LOZEAU: IVORY: LOZEAU: IVORY: LOZEAU: IVORY: LOZEAU: IVORY: LOZEAU: IVORY: LOZEAU: IVORY: LOZEAU: IVORY: LOZEAU: IVORY: I lifted something heavy on the construction site and I'm in pain. Every time I go can feel it like knottin up. Oh yeah I gotta lay back. I'm all messed up. How've you been? UNINTELLIGIBLE There's nobody in here, huh? UNINTELLIGIBLE Slow, huh? UNINTELLIGIBLE Yeah. UNINTELLIGIBLE Are you dancing to or what? UNINTELLIGIBLE (laughing) UNINTELLIGIBLE A little bit. UNINTELLIGIBLE Aw, I don't know? I'm hurtin. UNINTELLIGIBLE Am I gonna feel real good, or what? UNINTELLIGIBLE Nah UNINTELLIGIBLE UNINTELLIGIBLE UNINTELLIGIBLE Absolutely, I need it. That's way on you buddy. You gonna help me out with that though? UNINTELLIGIBLE I got loose shorts? Oh, yeah? Yeah. (laughing) Is that cool? (no response) Page 9 of 15 1 LOZEAU: I don't scream. 2 IVORY: Oh, no (laughter) IVORY: She didn't get you off? 4 LOZEAU: No (laughing) 5 IVORY: No? 6 LOZEAU: Nah, I got - I'm kinda bailed on her to tell you the truth. She started to take of me 7 and I was leanin forward UNINTELLIGIBLE, I think I gotta stay leaning back a bit, you know 8 what I mean? 9 (No dialogue for 2 minutes) 10 WAITRESS: Another Coke? 11 LOZEAU: Nah, I'm OK. 12 WAITRESS: OK. 13 LOZEAU: Thank you. 14 (No dialogue for 45 seconds) is WOMAN: Are you ready yet? 16 LOZEAU: Not yet. (laughter) - WOMAN: All right, thank you. is LOZEAU: You're welcome. 19 (No dialogue for 2 minutes) 20 LOZEAU: Well? 21 KIRKPATRICK: What are you doing? 22 LOZEAU: Are you happy? Yeah? 23 TYLER: He didn't wear 24 LOZEAU: Wish I was happy, (laughing) 25 TYLER: (to KIRKPATRICK) You didn't wear shorts. 26 LOZEAU: Yeah, you gotta wear shorts, Dude. 27 KIRKPATRICK: Aw, thanks for... 28 LOZEAU: I found that out last week. 29 KIRKPATRICK: Thanks for tellin me. 30 TYLER: laughing 31 LOZEAU: (to KIRKPATRICK) I can't spoon feed ya all the time. ,. TYLER: UNINTELLIGIBLE 33 LOZEAU: (to TYLER) All right. Page 10 of 15 1 LOZEAU: (to KIRKPATICK) I got Tiffany. 2 KIRKPATRICK: What's that? LOZEAU: I got Tiffany. 4 KIRKPATRICK: Yeah, that's good. 5 LOZEAU: Aw Dude, this is killin me. 6 KIRKPATRICK: Yeah? 7 KIRKPATRICK: You're gonna have some UNINTELLIGIBLE. 8 LOZEAU: Yeah. Hurtin bad. Every time I go forward; you know it hurts a little bit? So 9 LOZEAU: I'm gonna have Ivory dance next. 10 KIRKPATRICK: Who? 11 LOZEAU: I'm gonna have Ivory dance next. 12 KIRKPATRICK: Yeah? 13 LOZEAU: She said she would ah, give me a nut. 14 WOMAN: (speaking to KIRKPATRICK) UNINTELLIGIBLE 15 KIRKPATRICK: UNINTELLIGIBLE. 16 WOMAN: UNINTELLIGIBLE - KIRKPATRICK: UNINTELLIGIBLE is (No dialogue for 45 seconds) 19 KIRKPATRICK: (to LOZEAU) Be right back (goes to restroom). 20 LOZEAU: All right. 21 (No dialogue for 90 seconds) 22 LOZEAU: How ya doin? (Ivory dancing on stage) 23 (No dialogue for 1 minute, 45 seconds) 24 LOZEAU: (to IVORY) We're dancing after. 25 IVORY: What? 26 LOZEAU: We're dancing after. 27 (No dialogue for 55 seconds) 28 LOZEAU: You gonna come see me after? 29 IVORY: UNINTELLIGIBLE 30 (No dialogue for 80 seconds) 31 LOZEAU: (to KIRKPATRICK) At least they got some good tunes. >z KIRKPATRICK: Oh, yeah! 33 LOZEAU: So, I'll get this dance and knock it out real quick, and get the violation. Page 11 of 15 1 KIRKPATRICK: There you go. 2 LOZEAU: (laughing) All right. You got my jacket? LOZEAU: How much is it again? $60 for three? 4 IVORY: UNINTELLIGIBLE 5 LOZEAU: Huh? 6 IVORY: UNINTELLIGIBLE 7 LOZEAU: Cant here you. 8 IVORY: UNINTELLIGIBLE 9 LOZEAU: Alright 10 IVORY: UNINTELLIGIBLE 11 LOZEAU: It's more private there right? 12 IVORY: UNINTELLIGIBLE 13 LOZEAU: (LAUGHING) 14 (No dialogue for 15 seconds) is SERVER: You want to get Ivory something to drink? 16 LOZEAU: Yeah. - SERVER: Ivory UNINTELLIGIBLE is IVORY: UNINTELLIGIBLE 19 LOZEAU: Your hot 20 IVORY: Yeah 21 LOZEAU: Oh yeah. 22 (Ivory begins dance) 23 LOZEAU: You smell good to 24 IVORY: Huh? 25 LOZEAU: You smell good. 26 LOZEAU: Can you, ah, reach underneath there and, ah, make me happy, or what? 27 IVORY: UNINTELLIGIBLE 28 LOZEAU: Is there anywhere we can sit, where they can't see? 29 IVORY: The cameras are everywhere. It's like UNINTELLIGIBLE 30 LOZEAU: Wow! 31 IVORY: UNINTELLIGIBLE. I wouldn't mind if there wasn't any cameras. ,, LOZEAU: (laughter) Alright. 33 IVORY: UNINTELLIGIBLE Page 12 of 15 1 LOZEAU: Whats that? (laughter) 2 IVORY: UNINTELLIGIBLE LOZEAU: UNINTELLIGIBLE some where else? 4 IVORY: UNINTELLIGIBLE 5 LOZEAU: Alright. 6 IVORY: UNINTELLIGIBLE 7 LOZEAU: OK. 8 (No dialogue for 35 seconds) 9 LOZEAU: Is that three? 10 IVORY: UNINTELLIGIBLE 11 LOZEAU: Thought it was two. 12 IVORY: You tell me? 13 LOZEAU: Huh? 14 IVORY: You tell me? 15 "DJ: That was very sexy Tyler takin care of you guys. Why don't you guys get dances 16 with Tyler? It's three for two in the back. Have a little bit of fun." • LOZEAU: UNINTELLIGIBLE 18 IVORY: UNINTELLIGIBLE 19 LOZEAU: Two? 20 IVORY: I think it was two. 21 LOZEAU: Two? Alright. 22 IVORY: OK. Oh, but are you done with me? 23 LOZEAU: Nooo! Three for $60, right? 24 IVORY: UNINTELLIGIBLE 25 LOZEAU: No I aint done. 26 LOZEAU: You crack me up 27 IVORY: You seem like in a hurry, UNINTELLIGIBLE 28 LOZEAU: Na, UNINTELLIGIBLE 29 (No dialogue for 46 seconds) 30 LOZEAU: You got nice boobs. 31 IVORY: Huh? iz LOZEAU: You got nice boobs. 33 IVORY: UNINTELLIGIBLE Page 13 of 15 1 LOZEAU: You firmin them up. (laughing) 2 (No dialogue for 10 seconds.) IVORY: UNINTELLIGIBLE 4 LOZEAU: I'm all right now. (laughing) 5 (No dialogue for 23 seconds.) 6 LOZEAU: I want to get to know you better 7 IVORY: UNINTELLIGIBLE 8 LOZEAU: Oh, yeah! 9 IVORY: UNINTELLIGIBLE 10 LOZEAU: You're doing it for me 11 IVORY: Huh? 12 LOZEAU: You do it for me 13 IVORY: That's three for you now. 14 LOZEAU: (laughing) Thank you. 15 LOZEAU: I guess I'm going to have to know you better huh? 16 IVORY: UNINTELLIGIBLE r LOZEAU: Alright. is WAITRESS: $8.50 (paying the bar tab?) 19 (No dialogue for 43 seconds.) 20 KIRKPATRICK: (to LOZEAU) You all right there, big man? 21 LOZEAU: Yeah. Ah! Thank you. 22 (No dialogue for 24 seconds.) 23 LOZEAU: Damn! (laughing) 24 KIRKPATRICK: (laughing) 25 LOZEAU: Hit it after this? 26 KIRKPATRICK: Yeah. 27 (No dialogue for 90 seconds) 28 LOZEAU: Yeap, We're goin. Remember - shorts. 29 TYLER: UNINTELLIGIBLE 30 KIRKPATRICK: Yeah. 31 TYLER: You're leaving? :_ LOZEAU: Yeah, we gotta go. 33 WOMAN: OK Page 14 of 15 1 LOZEAU: I've got a girlfriend UNINTELLIGIBLE, (laughter) 2 TYLER: Oh KIRKPATR1CK: Take care. 4 TYLER: UNINTELLIGIBLE 5 LOZEAU: UNINTELLIGIBLE 6 KIRKPATRICK: Yeah, no kiddin. (laughing) Payin twice. 7 LOZEAU: Good seein ya. 8 WOMAN: Take care. 9 LOZEAU: Still fuckin rainin? 10 KIRKPATRICK: That girl was to quick. 11 LOZEAU: You mean Tiffany 12 KIRKPATRICK: UNINTELLIGIBLE 13 LOZEAU: Eerrgh! Hah, I had to backtrack, ooh ooh wait, (laughing) H KIRKPATRICK: It's way too quick. is LOZEAU: (laughing) 16 KIRKPATRICK: Yeah. *-- LOZEAU: All right, we're, ah, driving away from the location ... and I'll be, ah, turning off the is wire here. 19 20 END OF TAPE Page 15 of 15 LA HABRA POLICE DEPARTMENT Page I of ^ CA0301200 SUSPECT REPORT CASENO. oq_o |Lf ^ -CODE ^ 6 CQO usp Ec T SUSP* NAME (Last first Middle) SEX RACE ( | 0 UNK | ] 2 HISP (] 1 RRK.COUR- V^«Ki£^SM I|M*F *1WHT I13BLK " 4 IND | | 6 JAP | | 8 OTHER i CHI | ] 7 FIL | ] 9 P. ISL A.KA D.O.B. AGE HEIGHT , WEIGHT BUILD | | 1 TUN JLX3 HEAVY TYLELR 11-IH-frl -z--z- S S' IMS' HOUNK U2MED TI«"USCIUR HAIR | 1 0 UNK [ | 2 BLK | | 4 RED U1BRN K3BLN | ] S GRAY 116S/P U 8 OTHER EY M 7 WHT ES |]0 UNK I ] 2 BLK ( | 4 GRN | ] 6 GRA | 1 1 BRN M 3 BLU | 1 S HZL ( [ 7 OTH Y COL NUMBER ER RESIDENCE ADDRESS (Indudng City. State and ZIP Code) HOME PHONE SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER ' ( BUSINESS ADDRESS (Including City, State and ZIP Code) SCHOOL NAME and CITY if Juvenile BUSINESS TELEPHONE OCCUPATION-71*4 | C><^ 1 EL. 1 f^A Pe~J?_V PjA HLOY L-F=f MIF**Ot£s CfVi t+«-T7 - efZ^^ STR.t*>^£f? CLOTHING JARRESTED ARREST NUMBER LHPO BOOKING NUMBER uiwt-rr -r-ft F> Rufic tL vjevKj-r-'s 1 writes M2NO &c,<tf i^fc-yV^ STATUS 1 1 1 DRIVER I J 3 PEDESTRIAN GANG AFFILIATION | | 1 KNOWN GANG NAME! MONIKER || 2 PASSENGER I ] 2 SUSPECTED HOW KNOWN: AMOUNT OF HAIR 4 ||OU X'T I12T) II3R [|4B/ (ISO KKNOWN I Q21 HICK •UN ECEDING UD FHER TYPEOFHAIR & 1 1 0 UNKNOWN 1 Q22 || 1 STRAIGHT 1 1 2 CURLY ' ^WAVY ,,.-, FINE 1 ] 5 COARSE 1 1 6 WIRY [ 1 7 WIG H801 •HER HAIR CONDITION 6 | ] 0 UNKNOWN 1 Q23 y-1 CLEAN |] 2 DIRTY | ] 3 GREASY ( 1 4 MATTED U 5 ODOR |1 6 OTHER R OR L HANDED 7 £f 0 UNKNOWN 1 Q24 11 1 RIGHT (1 2 LEFT HAIRSTYLE 8 | | 0 UNKNOWN 1 Q25 (X 1 LONG U 2 SHORT []3 COLLAR [ 1 4 MILITARY [ 1 5 CREW CUT | ) 6 RIGHT PART (1 7 LEFT PART 1 18 CENTER PART (19 STRAIGHT BACK |1 10 PONY TAIL [ I 11 AFRO -NATURAL [] 12 PROCESSED (I 13 TEASED [ ] 14 OTHER FACIAL HAIR 9 []0 UNKNOWN |Q25 tf 0 N/A [ I 1 CLEAN SHAVEN I ] 2 MUSTACHE | 1 3 FULL BEARD 1 ] 4 GOATEE [ ] S FUMANCHU ( ] 6 LOWER LIP |] 7 SIDEBURNS (1 8 FUZZ | | 9 UNSHAVEN (] 10 OTHER COMPLEXION 10 | ] 0 UNKNOWN Q27 M 1 CLEAR | 1 2 ACNE 1 1 3 POCKED ( 1 4 FRECKLED 1 1 5 WEATHERED | ] 6 ALBINO | 1 7 OTHER GLASSES 11 | I 0 UNKNOWN 1 Q28 «0 NONE 1| 1 YES (No description) |) 2 REGULAR GLASSES 1 | 3 SUN GLASSES 11 4 WIREFRAME U 5 PLASTIC FRAME Color ... | | 6 OTHER VOICE 12 ( 1 0 UNKNOWN 1 .MON/A ' 1 | 1 USP I 1 2 SLURRED [] 3 STUTTER [ ] 4 ACCENT Describe | 1 5 OTHER TATTOOS /SCARS 13 | DISTINGUISHING MARKS 14 HO UNKNOWN (JOnone I Q30 111 FACE | | 2 TEETH (I 3 NECK |] 4 R/ARM [| 5 11 ARM (| 6 R/HAND U 7 LfHAND ||8 R/LEG M9L/LEG U 10 R SHOULDER | | 11 L SHOULDER [| 12FRONTTORSO (1 13 BACK TORSO | ] 14 OTHER UNIQUE CLOTHING IS WEAPON IN 16 ( 1 0 UNK 1 Q31 | ) 0 UNKNOWN 1 Q32 M 0 NONE « 0 K/A ( 1 1 CAP HAT | | 1 BAG/BRIEFCASE : ||2 NEWSPAPER 1 1 2 GLOVES | | 3 POCKET : |)4 SHOULDER HOLSTER ! ] 3 SKI MASK | | WAISTBAND [| 6 | | 4 STOCKING MASK 1 5 OTHER : WEAPON (S) 17 (1 UNKNOWN tyNONE 1 Q33 1 1 1 CLUB II 2HANDGUN 113 OTHER UNK GUN 114 RIFLE 1 1 5 SHOTGUN f 1 6 TOY GUN [ 1 7 SIMULATED 11 8 POCKET KNIFE 1110 OTHER CUTTING OR STABBING INST || 11HANDS/FEET |) 12 BODILY FORCE [] 13 STRANGULATION U 14 TIRE IRON f 1 150THER WEAPON FEATURES 18 | 1 UNKNOWN M NONE 1 Q^ 1 1 1 ALTERED STOCK [| 2 SAWEDOFF | | 3 AUTOMATIC || 4 BOLT ACTION (1 5 PUMP 1 1 6 REVOLVER 1 1 7 BLUE STEa I | 8 CHROME /NICKEL ()9DOUBLEBARRa U 10 SINGLE BARRa 1 1 11 OTHER RPlViCOUR.AP.SS.FDR u \PvRJ2j=V FCi o c-v\ c>U ) FORK» \ A PFKAA-L -s \g. R ST£.l_OiO I WJ E^T") AC I REPORTING OFFICER/ID* C_* Nv C 2764 Suspect Report ENTERED BY "2- STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA VS. Vanessa Rancour WARRANT OF ARREST NAME OF Defendant RESIDENCE ADDRESS BUSINESS ADDRESS DLN: STATE: BIRTH DATE 11/14/81 VIOLATION(S) PC 647(b) PC 647(b) CASE NO: 04NM03856 Tracking Number: 2094452 AKA COUNTY OF ORANGE North JUSTICE CENTER OR NO: 04-1412 Person Number: 2350740 OFFENSE LEVEL: Misdemeanor AGENCY: LAHA VIOLATION DT: 02/24/04 CONVICTION DT: FILEDT: 03/18/04 WARRANT DT: 03/18/04 INDEX TYPE SSN FBI Cll VEH LIC NO 4GEH405 INDEX NUMBER A12490307 STATE CA SEX Female HAIR Blond EYES Blue HT WT RACE 5ft. 5 in. 145 White VEH YEAR 1999 MAKE Toyota MODEL STYLE COLOR Gray The people of the State of California, to any peace officer of the State: A verified Complaint was made before me on this date that the offense set forth above was committed, and accusing the defendant, named and described above. You are ordered to arrest the defendant forthwith and bring Vanessa Rancour before me, or in the case of my absence or inability to act, before the nearest or most accessible magistrate in this county. Warrant of Arrest JUDGE: .- Mandatory Appearance Q Bail/No Release per 853.6 PC Defendant to be transported to North Justice Center for court appearance 1275.1 PC Order You are commanded forthwith to arrest the Defendant and bring him before a judge of the above entitled court, or if arrested in another county, before a magistrate of that county if so requested by the Defendant If the offense charged is a misdemeanor, this warrant may be served between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. unless endorsed for night service or any time if served in a public place. The Defendant is to be admitted to the above bail amount including penalty assessment if applicable. I declare under penalty of perjury that the following is true and correct to the best opnyTnfe and belief. Executed in Orange County on ,tr1 / \ Magistrafe^r Clerk john (£ | | For good cause shown, | direct this warrant may be served at any hour of the day or night. Signature of Magistrate for night service LA HABRA POLICE DEPARTMENT Page of CA0301200 SUSPECT REPORT CASENO UCRCODE.o<4 -6 1 u r? i G? i 6 6 Cs o I SUSP* S AKA p fc HAIR C T NAME (Last Rest MWdte) SEX RACE ( j 0 UNK H 2 HISP || r i M fjjjF [ | 1 WHT [ 1 3 BLK { ) 4 IND ( | 6 JAP ( | 8 OTHER 5CH H7FIL H9P.1SL D.O.B. AGE HEIGHT WEIGHT BUILD | ] 1 TUN [ 1 3 HEAVY -j- j- j_ £. v I10UNK (12MED | ] 4 MUSCULAR [ 1 0 UNK | 1 2 BLK I 1 4 RED I I 1 BRN | 1 3 BLN ||5 GRAY ||6S/P H 8 OTHER EV H 7 WHT ES 0 UNK [ 2 BLK 1 ) 4 CRN [ 6 GRA | 1 BRN [ 3 BLU 1 5 HZL j 7 OTH Y CDLNUMBER ER RESIDENCE ADDRESS (Induing City. State and ZIP Code) HOME PHONE 7 ( (. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER BUSINESS ADDRESS (Including City. State and ZIP Code) SCHOOL NAME and CITY if Juvenile BUSINESS TELEPHONE OCCUPATION CLOTHING ARRESTED ARREST NUMBER LHPD BOOKING NUMBER •^,-rw ™* *,i.o* F«^S *1YES "2NO tOK M6T78 STATUS AMOUNT OF HAH) I 1 0 UNKNOWN |)J 1 THICK [] 2 THIN ( 1 3 RECEDING [| 4 BALD [] S OTHER TYPE OF HAIR | ] 0 UNKNOWN J41 STRAIGHT | | 2 CURLY ' 1 3 WAVY /4 FINE ( | 5 COARSE [ 1 6 WIRY | | 7 WIG HAIR CONDITION | | 0 UNKNOWN JH 1 CLEAN 1 1 2 DIRTY [ ] 3 GREASY | | 4 MATTED |) 5 ODOR (| 6 OTHER | 1 1 DRIVER | | 3 PEDESTRIAN GANG AFFILIATION ( ] 1 KNOWN GANG NAME /MONIKER || 2 PASSENGER j ] 2 SUSPECTED HOWKNOWN; 4 I Q21 i [Q22 6 |Q23 R OR L HANDED | 1 0 UNKNOWN (1 1 RIGHT D2LEFT TEfcA PL f> UT.ST tun b & fVS £• 7 |Q24 HAIRSTYLE 8 1 1 0 UNKNOWN I Q25 |0 t LONG | ] 2 SHORT (13COLLAR [ 1 4 MILITARY U 5 CREWCUT |] 6 RIGHT PART [) 7 LEFT PART U 8 CENTER PART (1 9 STRAIGHT BACK [] 10PONYTAIL |] 11 AFRO -NATURAL |) 12 PROCESSED [] 13 TEASED [| 14OTHFR [ ] 0 UNKNOWN 1 Q26 WON/A | 1 1 CLEANSHAVEN | | 2 MUSTACHE |1 3 FULL BEARD | | 4 GOATEE | 1 5 FUMANCHU 16 LOWER LIP 1 7 SIDEBURNS ] 8 FUZZ ] 9 UNSHAVEN 1 100THFR COMPLEXION 10 1 1 0 UNKNOWN 1 Q2y (1(1 CLEAR || 2 ACNE ( ] 3 POCKED | ] 4 FRECKLED | 1 5 WEATHERED | | 6 ALBINO ( 1 7 OTHER GLASSES 11 | | 0 UNKNOWN Q28 J(]ONONE || 1 YES (No description) I) 2 REGULAR GLASSES || 3 SUNGLASSES | )4 WIREFRAME | I 5 PLASTIC FRAME Color ( | 6 OTHER VOICE 12 [ 1 0 UNKNOWN 1 | 1 t LISP ! 1 2 SLURRED ] 3 STUTTER ]4 ACCENT Describe | ) 5 OTHER TATTOOS /SCARS 13 DISTINGUISHING MARKS 14 | I 0 UNKNOWN M ""one 1 QQQ I 1 1 FACE U 2TEETH I ] 3 NECK [| 4 R/ARM [| 5 L/ ARM |] 6 R/HAND II 7L/HAND [ ] 8 R/LEG [) 9L/LEG || 10 R SHOULDER |] 11 L SHOULDER H 12 FRONT TORSO |1 13 BACK TORSO (I 14 OTHER UNIQUE CLOTHING 15 WEAPON IN 16 | ] 0 UNK 1 (-W1 ( I " UNKNOWN I r\V)1 V4U 1 1 WO£ MO NONE fcfON/A [ 1 1 CAP HAT [ I 1 BAG/BRIEFCASE : | | 2 NEWSPAPER [ 1 2 GLOVES I ] 3 POCKET : 11 4 SHOULDER HOLSTER [J3SKIMASK U WAISTBAND 1 1 6 || 4 STOCKING MASK | 5 OTHER : WEAPON(S) 17 H UNKNOWN |f NONE 1 (333 II 1 CLUB 11 2 HANDGUN 11 3 OTHER UNK GUN II 4 RIFLE 1 1 5 SHOTGUN 116 TOY GUN 1 1 7 SIMULATED 11 8 POCKET KNIFE [] 10 OTHER CUTTING OR STABBING INST || 11 HANDS/FEET H 12 BODILY FORCE (1 13 STRANGULATION I 14TIREIRON 1 1SOTHER WEAPON FEATURES 18 [ | UNKNOWN jfl NONE 1 Qg^ | 1 1 ALTERED STOCK I 2SAWEDOFF | ) 3 AUTOMATIC 1 1 4 BOLT ACTION U5PUMP (] 6 REVOLVER |] 7 BLUE STEEL [ 1 8 CHROME /NICKa ( ] 9 DOUBLE BARREL || 10 SINGLE BARRa 1 1 11 OTHER -EL Ui Fv-S t> lFTfl-1 O P Pv /^ Ki D A^S2_3= <=TTELr5 GU^F tr> rf=^ Jv) -PSK^DIW<V lAi/VR-^AKJT T=OR wi at «v-n ^ir ^P-c-neK) rSF -TUP C/H_\ FKi 0-Ki i A P4= KJ fti C A OP TH E LL}**R^ f*k^ T~ >lAKi£O fe^f ^(_>1D6>£ 6^ A ST t (_Jj (M O<H f^ft^tj-t 1$^ 'FrsOU . REPORTING OFFCEF — 1 . ' } ./ID# _ IENTEREDB/ 1 ^ 2764 Suspect Report 8, STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA X Maria Carreras Temple WARRANT OF ARREST COUNTY OF ORANGE North JUSTICE CENTER NAME OF Defendant RESIDENCE ADDRESS BUSINESS ADDRESS DLN: B6126621 STATE: CA BIRTH DATE 04/25/64 MOLATION(S) PC 647(b) CASE NO: 04NM03856 DR NO: 04-1412 Tracking Number: 2094451 Person Number: 6097438 AKA Maria Carreras Henriod OFFENSE LEVEL: Misdemeanor AGENCY: LAHA VIOLATION DT: 02/24/04 CONVICTION DT: FILE DT: 03/18/04 WARRANT DT: 03/18/04 INDEX TYPE SSN FBI Cll VEH UC NO 3MAN618 INDEX NUMBER A1 1145306 STATE CA SEX HAIR EYES VEH YEAR 1995 Female Brown Brown MAKE Toyota HT WT RACE 5 ft. 4 in. 135 Hispanic MODEL STYLE 4 Door COLOR White 1275.1 PC Order The people of the State of California, to any peace officer of the State: A verified Complaint was made before me on this date that the offense set forth above was committed, and accusing the • defendant, named and described above. You are ordered to arrest the defendant forthwith and bring Maria Carreras Temple before me, or in the case of my absence or lability to act, before the nearest or most accessible magistrate in this county. Warrant of Arrest JUDGE: JcTH*) L-- b^T^T-V^ Mandatory Appearance P Bail/No Release per 853.6 PC Defendant to be transported to North Justice Center for court appearance You are commanded forthwith to arrest the Defendant and bring him before a judge of the above entitled court, or if arrested in another county, before a magistrate of that county if so requested by the Defendant. If the offense charged is a misdemeanor, this warrant may be served between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. unless endorsed for night service or any time if served in a public place. The Defendant is to be admitted to the above bail amount including penalty assessment if applicable. I declare under penalty of perjury that the following is true and correct to the best of nj and belief. Executed in Orange County on at Magisfrate-oyClerk John 0. Gastsfum For good cause shown, I direct this warrant may be served at any hour of the day or night. Signature of Magistrate for night service *S ~ OP La Habra Police Department CA 0301200 Supplemental Report Page 1 Of 2 Crime: Victim: Report By: 647b C.P.C. Prostitution State of California C. McPnailA171 Case Number: 04-01 41 2 _ • Approved^ \ , /^ f\ fl By: I VS »\A Date:03-25-04 Date Maria C. Temple was in custody at the La Habra City Jail on 03-25-04 at 1420 hrs. I intended to advise her of the Miranda warning. Before I could begin she told me that she wanted to talk with a lawyer. I saw Vanessa Rancour leaving the Taboo Gentlemen's Club on 03-25-04 at approx. 1820 hrs. in her Toyota sedan bearing California license 4GEH405. I was aware that a warrant for her arrest had been signed by Judge Gastelum on March 18, 2004 (04NMO3856) ordering her arrest for violating Section 647b of the California Penal Code. I requested a marked unit for the car stop. The closest unit was responding from the police building. Rancour's vehicle was travelling E/B on Imperial Hwy. from Harbor Blvd. and into the City of Brea. Due to these circumstances I decided to activate the lights and siren on my unmarked unit and initiated a car stop. The driver of the vehicle was Vanessa Rancour. I identified myself as a police officer by displaying my badge. I told her that I was a plain-clothes detective and asked for her license and ignition keys. I told her that I believed that a warrant for her arrest existed. I added that that since my appearance was unconventional that we would wait until uniformed officers arrived before discussing the matter further. After the officers arrived I explained that a warrant had been issued for her arrest for violating Section 647b of the California Penal Code. I instructed my dispatcher to pull the abstract. Rancour was placed under arrest and transported to the La Habra City Jail in a marked police car by a uniformed officer. I gave Rancour a Miranda advisal on 03-25-04 at 1919 hrs. She waived her rights and agreed to discuss this case with me. The interview was memorialized on video and audio tape. The following is the substance of our discussion: Rancour said in substance that she was a dancer and had worked at the Taboo Gentlemen's Club for four years. She added that she danced on the stage and performed lap dances. She explained that she performed stage dances while topless. Dancers were free to perform stage dances while wearing clothes, topless or completely nude. Customers tip stage dancers by placing money on the stage. Rancour explained that a lap dance is done when a dancer sits on a customer's lap. She explained that the dancer is in full contact with the customer during a lap dance and that it is sexual in nature. She laughed at when I asked if customers appreciated the expressive nature of fc - o ^ °( La Habra Police Department CA 0301200 ^ <_, _ o { M Supplemental Report Page 2 Of 2 the lap dance and repeated that customers came in for physical contact and the expectation of sexual release. She told me that based upon her four years as a dancer at the Taboo Gentlemen's Club, the only reason that customers came into the business was because of sex. She added that customers enter with the expectation of physical contact and sexual release. They cater to this expectation in order to sell more dances. Rancour told me that dancers will lie and do things to lead a customer to believe that they will receive sexual favors so they will keep buying "one more dance." She admitted to touching the inner thighs of customers towards this end and may have accidentally touched genitals in the process. She denied having ever masturbated a customer or selling hand jobs. She admitted that some customers got themselves off during lap dances but denied servicing them. I asked her if she ever told any customers that her motto was something to the effect of that you could give a hand job and wash yourself without the risk of catching anything. You're not giving head or sticking anything inside of you. I asked if she ever told a customer that she had sex in the Taboo Gentleman's Club for money. I also asked if she ever told a customer that he could wipe ejaculate on the sides of the couches and on the floor because she did it all the time. She told me that she's said these things as part of the lies designed to generate an expectation of sexual contact in her customers to sell more lap dances. Rancour was aware that another dancer had sex with a customer in the Taboo Gentlemen's Club and was subsequently fired. Rancour was unaware if other dancers were performing sexual favors for customers because that kind of thing is not discussed. I explained that two of her customers had been undercover police officers. They had solicited hand jobs from her and she agreed to perform the act. I added that her conversation was taped, transcribed and the officers were going to testify to the facts. She indicated that the conversation was part of the lie designed to sell more dances and denied agreeing to perform any acts of prostitution. I asked her what other types of dancing was offered at the Taboo Gentlemen's Club. She said that "Billy" told the night staff to offer customers ballroom dancing a few months ago. He wanted his club to offer something that was unavailable at his competition. She said that it lasted for one night and that the staff considered the concept to be ridiculous. I asked if she knew what an "air dance" was. She indicated that it was a dance that didn't involve physical contact. She told me that customers wouldn't pay for air dances because there was no physical contact or expectation of sexual release involved. O - OF La Habra Police Department Declaration / Advisement / Waiver Case Number: *••(AOJ f*t o< *;c 20) re £gOQ 1re re X 2i cg re co o E E §1 — o2 E0) T3 il < 0) '> £ re CO Report By: 1 , hereby arrest on the charge (s) indicated and request a peace officer to take him or her into custody. If requested I will assist further with the investigation being conducted and will appear in court for hearings and trial if the arrestee pleads "NOT GUILTY". Signed: Date: 1 . You have the right to remain silent. Do you understand? *tC A K 2. Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law. Do you understand? " V-£j5 3. You have the right to an attorney during questioning. Do you understand? Y £ 5 4. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you before questioning, if you wish. Do you understand? YH s> - Do youj/vant to talk ab/fo^what happened? [x] Yes Q No Sianed: V Date: n '5~2:rorfme: 1 "1 / 7 kit We would like for you to take a look at someone and tell us whether or not you recognize him or her. Witness Statement: Date: Time: Signature: Location: 1 freely and voluntarily consent to the search of: D Person Q Effects D Vehicle Q Premises Description: by officers of the La Habra Police Department. 1 understand that 1 have a constutional right to refuse to consent and no promises, threats or coercion have been made to cause me to give my consent. Signed: Date: La Habra Police Department Declaration / Advisement / Waiver Case Number: *->(0 t O^ '*-*c 2 <U (0N "o•5 o>o a 1 5 A. 2i o••s *;re co o «= E 112 o 2 E<o-o u. < <5 '> sz <5 (O Report By: 1 . hereby arrest on the charge (s) indicated and request a peace officer to take him or her into custody. If requested I will assist further with the investigation being conducted and will appear in court for hearings and trial if the arrestee pleads "NOT GUILTY". Signed: Date: 1 . You have the right to remain silent. Do you understand? 2. Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law. Do you understand? 3. You have the right to an attorney during questioning. Do you understand? 4. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you before questioning, if you wish. Do you understand? Do you want to talk about what happened? D Yes 0 No Signed: V Date: Time:*-^ >. We would like for you to take a look at someone and tell us whether or not you recognize him or her. Witness Statement: FS vjU'Y F R. p=i P^/PLCTT / Date: Time: Signature: Location: I freely and voluntarily consent to the search of: n Person Q Effects Q Vehicle Q Premises Description: by officers of the La Habra Police Department. I understand that I have a constutional right to refuse to consent and no promises, threats or coercion have been made to cause me to give my consent. Signed: Date: C.KCPMAlL m7l Approved Bv: C* V4~"- Rev-5/99 PE.SSEJO LA HABRA POLICE DEPARTMENT PROPERTY REPORT of • ***W 1 W« eWM WB^> j BM« (562) 905-9750 * Item No. Item No. Type Color (s) to Fax (562) 905-9779 Quantity Article CfV€> /A £TT£S Brand kiy General Descnption "TuiO AUCMO L TWO Premises / Area / Room Taken From U-.H. r. P . v) P>H_ Type Color (s) Quantity Article LJ ORIGINAL REPORT Case No. S SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT O M— 6 1M IT__ Model Serial Number Value \J 1 OE_O CASETTEJCs T R.R MC_o u 2. & TE^vCLC iJJTEaff Where Is Property Now? Additional Notes S In Property D Returned To Victim SPIWOUE-S <5Ki K-**MCOu2- xMDE-6 G Unknown Qother ^^6. FtCSZEKi. TTfyP£_ >S INTACT, Brand General Description Premises / Area / Room Taken From Model Serial Number Value Where Is Property Now? Additional Notes Bin Property C] Returned To Victim Unknown fjother Item No. Type Quantity Article Brand Model Serial Number Value Color (s) uenerai uescnpoon Premises / Area / Room Taken From I Where Is Property Now? {Additional Notes C] hi Property O Returned To Victim ID Unknown Qoiher | Item No. Item No. Item No. Type Quantity Article Color (s) Brand Model General Descnption Premises / Area / Room Taken From Type Quantity Article Color (s) Where Is Property Now? a In Property D Returned To Victim Unknown LJ Other Brand Model General Descnption Premises / Area / Room Taken From Type Quantity Article Color (s) Where Is Property Now? Bin Property Q Returned To Victim Unknown D Other Brand Model General Descnption Premises / Area / Room Taken From Where Is Property Now? D In Property D Returned To Victim 1J Unknown LJ Other Serial Number Value Additional Notes Serial Number Value Additional Notes Serial Number Value Additional Notes Item No. Type Color (s) Quantity Article Brand Model Serial Number Value General Description Premises / Area / Room Taken From Where Is Property Now? Additional Notes Bin Property D Returned To Victim Unknown Q Other PROPERTY TYPES: 3 • STOLEN , R - RECOVERED , SR « STOLEN AND RECOVERED . SKf S*FE KEEPING . F « FOUND , E « EVIDENCE /^porting Officer/ ID # C * M- CPK A- Copies D CHIEF O Nf:p To QDMV O CAU Date Approited^yr y \l ^ *\-n 0!>ZSCS \1V^> {^. ] Date O PATROL D DET DTRAFFIC Routed By \-/ Entered By DABC(2) QDA D OTHER REV 5/99 A 0 CRIME REPORT S D INCIDENT REPORT K D COURTESY REPORT U D UNFOUNDED/CANCEL D DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ETECTWE: LA HABRA POLICE DEPARTMENT 150 N. EUCLID STREET LA HABRA, CALIFORNIA 90631 (562)905-9750 FAX: (562)905-9779 POLICE REPORT CASE NUMBER REFER OTHER REPORTS OH-6IM I"Z_ CRIME INFORMATION CODE SECTION <bH~7 b P. C. CODE SECTION CRIME SO\_\ C \ TTP> Tl 0 M Of P V2.QST ITUTWM CRIME SPECIFIC LOCATION OF CRIME 100* p . IMPFl2-\PrL H LOT . BUSINESS NAME TARftA 6>£fJ7i FMELtO^ GLJJ B , L_ft Uf=VS OCCURRED ON/OR BETWEEN lift DATE 03-2304 CLASSIFICATION PUBLIC OFFENiST CLASSIFICATION TYPEOFPRE DAY MISES •Atki'.'N ClJUR TIME ISIS AND LOSSfDAMAGE LOSS/DAMAGE DATE REPORTED DATE 03-22,0^ UCRCODE i&oooo UCRCODE TIME REPORTED DAY TUJLS TIME IS4B VICTIM INFORMATION NAME (Last, fir*. Middle) STWTEL OF C py \ FOC Ki i <n RESIDENCE ADDRESS BUSINESS ADDRESS OCCUPATION CITY CITY DOB ZIP ZIP AGE SEX D WHT D HISP D BLK D OTHER: RES PHONE ( ) BUS PHONE ( ) ADDITIONAL PARTY INFORMATION CODES: V- VICTIM W- WITNESS RP - REPORTING PARTY O - OFFICER CODE NAME (Last, first Middle) C AACPHA/I CLI FF RESIDENCE ADDRESS ISINESS ADDRESS CODE NAME (Last. First. Middle) O RAYLO^ JELFF RESIDENCE ADDRESS BUSINESS ADDRESS CODE NAME (Last, first. Middle) RESIDENCE ADDRESS BUSINESS ADDRESS OCCUPATION CITY CITY OCCUPATION POL.lCE.MPiM CITY CITY LP> MASK-A OCCUPATION CITY CITY DOB ZIP ZIP "10653 i DOB ZIP ZIP DOB ZIP ZIP AGE SEX RES PHONE BUS PHONE AGE SEX RES PHONE BUS PHONE AGE SEX RES PHONE Q WHT DHISP D BLK D OTHER: os> -^1^0 O WHT D HISP Q BLK a OTHER: 3S <?75-6a WHT a HISP D BLK a OTHER: BUS PHONE VICTIM VEHICLE INFORMATION VEHICLE LICENSE* 1 STATE YEAR MAKE MODEL COLOR/COLOR OTHER CHARACTERISTICS FACTORS 001 BUUY UO UNK 2Q 4OK 4Q PAJ BO VAN STYLE1D2OR 3D CONV5O TRK7D SAW OTHER 8O RV 10Qaonuc DISPOSITION OF VEHICLE EVIDENCE 002 01 THERE IS A WITNESS TO THE CRIME O» THERE IS A SIGNIFICANT M.O. Q 1 A SUSPECT WAS ARRESTED O 10 SIGNIFICANT PHYSICAL EVIDENCE PRESENT OS A SUSPECT WAS NAMED D 11 THERE ISA MAJOR M1URY/SEX CRIME jB4 A SUSPECT CAN BE LOCATED O 12 THERE IS A GOOD POSSIBILITY OF A SOLUTION D 5 ASUSPECT CAN BE DESCRIBED O 13 FURTHER INVESTIGATION NEEDED — 1 A SUSPECT CAN BE IDENTIFIED O 14 THE CRIME IS GANG RELATED ( | . .' A SUSPECT VEHCLE CAN BE ID'O O 15 THE CRIME IS HATE RELATED \ / l\ a • THERE IS IDENTIFIABLE STOLEN PROP D 1« ELDER ABUSE .-^ \/ \ \ REPORTING OFFICER ID OMCPHftll ^P' DATE DO NONE O« RAPEKIT a 1 FINSERPRINTS Q t SEMEN D 2 TOOLS O 10 BLOOD a 3 TOOL MARKING Q 11 URINE Q 4 GLASS Q 12 HAIR D 5 PAINT O 13 FIREARMS at BULLETCASINO D 14 PHOTOGRAPHS A \ BULLET n n OTHER:rrnn °<-A) • ni ^V — *\S XI r C_)^>>(cft COPIES Q ADMIN D NFP P PATROL D INVEST D TRAFFIC Q CRIME ANALYSIS Q DMV U ABC 3 D ROUTED BY ENTERED BY PAfSP 1 <~1P TO DA a OTHER: rMV3t 1 Uh LHPD Foem 202 10A» LA HABRA POLICE DEPARTMENT CA0301200 SUSPECT REPORT Page of CASE NO.DM -UCRCOOE: i CODE SECTION CRIME C.P.C. 1 CLASSIFICATION RELATED OR's LOCATION (Be Specific) lOO I E L R H DATE TIME SUPPLEMENTAL LICENSE PLATE VEHICLE YEAR VEHICLE MAKE VEHICLE MODEL BODYSTYLE | ) 0 UNK |]24-DR [|6VAN j|8RV IJ100THER II12-DR H3CONV I |5 TRUCK |)7S/W COLOR/COLOR OTHER CHARACTERISTICS (T/C Damage. Unique Maria or Paint etc.)DISPOSITION OF VEHICLE REGISTERED OWNER AND ADDRESS SUSP» I NAME (Last. First Middle)SEX RACE (]OUNK ^KfZHSP | I 1 WHT 1 } 3 BLK (|4IND | | 5 CHI [ ] 6 JAP | | 8 OTHER 1 I 7 FIL | ] 9 P ISl D.O.B.AGE MO HEIGHT S'H" BUILD 11 1 THIN X) 3 HEAVY 11 0 UNK 11 2 MED [ ] 4 MUSCULAR HAIR 1 | 0 UNK IJ 1 BRN I ) 2 BLK U3BLN |) 4 RED H 5 GRAY (J6S/P (1 7 WHT [ | 8 OTHER lEYES I ) 0 UNK j j 1 BRN [ I 2 BLK j j 3 BLU ( I 4 GRN [ ] 5 HZL [ 1 6 GRAY [ 1 7 OTHER COL NUMBER RESIDENCE ADDRESS (Including City. State and ZIP Code) i_ HOMEPHONE SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER JUSINESS ADDRESS (Including City. Stale and ZIP Code) SCHOOL NAME and CITY if Juvenile \GC\\ F. IN BUSINESS TELEPHONE OCCUPATION CLOTHING Rl iCl Ki ARRESTED ARREST NUMBER ( | I YES ^ 2 NO LHPO BOOKING NUMBER STATUS [ ] I DRIVER [ ] 3 PEDESTRIAN | | 2 PASSENGER GANG AFFILIATION | 1 1 KNOWN Ij 2 SUSPECTED GANG NAME/MONIKER HOW KNOWN: AMOUNT OF HAIR 4 HAIRSTYLE COMPLEXION TATTOOS/SCARS 13 (DISTINGUISHING MARKS 14 WEAPON (S) { | 0 UNKNOWN (X' THICK || 2 THIN | | 3 RECEDING . 1 4 BALD [ ] 5 OTHER TYPE OF HAIR [ ] 0 UNKNOWN [ 1 I STRAIGHT | | 2 CURLY J^3 WAVY | | 4 FINE [15 COARSE [ | 6 WIRY (|7 WIG () 8 OTHER ( 1 0 UNKNOWN tf 1 LONG ( 1 2 SHORT [ | 3 COLLAR | | 4 MILITARY (] 5 CREW CUT I ] 6 RIGHT PART I | 7 LEFT PART ( ] 8 CENTER PART ( | 9 STRAIGHT BACK I | 10 PONY TAIL H II AFRO-NATURAL |] 12 PROCESSED ( ] 13 TEASED | | MOTHER { | 0 UNKNOWN ^ 1 CLEAR || 2 ACNE || 3 POCKED | | 4 FRECKLED ( | 5 WEATHERED ( 1 6 ALBINO | ] 7 OTHER GLASSES FACIAL HAIR HAIR CONDITION [)0 UNKNOWN ^11 CLEAN | ] 2 DIRTY | ]3 GREASY ( 1 4 MATTED (IS ODOR 11 6 OTHER R OR L HANDED ] 0 UNKNOWN , ] 1 RIGHT [ 1 2 LEFT 0 UNKNOWN II ON/A | ] 1 CLEAN SHAVEN 2 MUSTACHE | 1 3 FULL BEARD | ] 4 GOATEE | ] 5 FUMANCHU I ] 6 LOWER UP |) 7 SIDE BURNS [] 8 FUZZ | ] 9 UNSHAVEN ;] 100THER | | 0 UNKNOWN J/ 0 NONE [1 1 YES (No description) 11 2 REGULAR GLASSES II 3 SUNGLASSES I j 4 WIRE FRAME | | 5 PLASTIC FRAME Color \( 0 UNKNOWN 11 1 FACE I | 2 TEETH I | 3 NECK II4 R/ARM ||5 L/ARM I) 6 R/HAND || 7 L/HAND 1] 8R/LEG H 9 L/LEG II 10 R SHOULDER ( | 11 L SHOULDER |] 12 FRONT TORSO || 13 BACK TORSO |] 14 OTHER || Onone Q30 | J UNKNOWN | ] 1 CLUB || 2 HANDGUN. | 1 3 OTHER UNK GUN . I | 4 RIFLE I ] 5 SHOTGUN . (|6 TOY GUN _ | 7 SIMULATED . (1 8 POCKET KNIFE . | ] 10 OTHER CUTTING OR STABBING INST I) 11 HANDS/FEET (] 12 BODILY FORCE || 13 STRANGULATION || 14 TIRE IRON | 1 15OTHER UNIQUE CLOTHING | ) 6 OTHER . VOICE | | 0 UNK MO NONE | ] 1 CAP HAT I ) 0 UNKNOWN []ON/A [ 1 1 LISP [] 2 SLURRED ( 1 3 STUTTER M 4 ACCENT 5 Describe 11 2 GLOVES [ ] 3 SKI MASK | | 4 STOCKING MASK ] 5 OTHER [ 1 5 OTHER _ WEAPON IN WEAPON FEATURES [ | 0 UNKNOWN I ) 1 BAG/BRIEFCASE ( | 2 NEWSPAPER I ] 3 POCKET I 1 4 SHOULDER HOLSTER | ] WAISTBAND | j UNKNOWN tf NONE I ] 1 ALTERED STOCK ( ] 2 SAWED OFF | 1 3 AUTOMATIC [| 4 BOLT ACTION [] 5 PUMP [ | 6 REVOLVER (I 7 BLUESTEa ( | 8 CHROME/NICKEL |] 9 DOUBLE BARRa II 10 SINGLE BARRa 11 11 OTHER REPORTING OFFICER /ID* C. MCPH DATE COPIES TO: |] CHIEF I1DMV I1NFP |]CAU I ] PATROL | | DET |]A8C(2) 11 DA H TRAFFIC I j OTHER _ ROUTED BY ENTERED BY LA HABRA POLICE DEPARTMENT 150 N. Euclid, La Habra, CA 90631 (562) 905-9750 * Fax (562) 905-9779 PROPERTY REPORT Page of P ORIGINAL REPORT Case No ^-y-i-y |n SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT OH ~ O^^-l Item No. 1 Item No. Type Quantity Article Color (s) General Des _ ftuU> 0 AT TH Premises / Area / Room Taken From tool £. mP€JZ-,p,L HUtt. L.H. Type Quantity Article Brand 1 Model Senal Number Value_ cription CASEJT — T£ OF ^^7 b *-! ViO£i?.COv ! £J^ <5p£RA i (Orv) E TAKOO 0fHTL.p-*-^£»sj'S CwO£, MFMZXH Z*, , ZOOM Where Is Property Now? Additional Notes El In Property D Returned To Victim Q Unknown l~~lOltier 1 HAC.I A f£\tT~'F KJt^"^ TiCf^Pt f Brand Model Serial Number Value Color (s) General Description Premises / Area / Room Taken From Where Is Property Now? Additional Notes Bin Property O Returned To Victim Unknown Clother Item No. Type Quantity Article Color (s) Brand Model General Description Premises / Area 1 Room Taken From Where Is Property Now? Hln Property Q RMunwd To Victim Unknown Q Other Serial Number Value Additional Notes Item No. Item No. Item No. Type Quantity Article Color (s) Brand Model General Description Premises / Area / Room Taken From Type Quantity Article Color (s) Where Is Property Now? Bin Property Q Returned To Victim Unknown Lj Other Brand Model General Description Premises / Area / Room Taken From Type Quantity Article Color (s) Where Is Property Now? Bin Property O Returned To Victim Unknown LJ Other Brand Model General Description Premises / Area / Room Taken From Where Is Property Now? Sin Property Q Returned To Victim Unknown Lj Other Serial Number Value Additional Notes Serial Number Value Additional Notes Serial Number Value Additional Notes Item No. Type Quantity Article Brand Model Cotor (s) General Description Premises / Area / Room Taken From Where Is Property Now? Additions f~] In Property Q Returned To Victim ("1 Unknown f~| Other Serial Number Value 1 Notes PROPERTY TYPES: S • STOLEN , R = RECOVERED , SR - STOLEN AM) RECOVERED*, SK - SAFE KSPWG , F « FOUND , E« EVIDENCE Reporting Officer / ID # C, . fACPKFH^ ft (~7 I Date 03-30-0^ Copies D CHIEF [J NFP D PATROL DDET DTRAFFIC To DDMV G CAU DABC(2) D DA Q OTHER TSW«XXRouted By Date Entered By REVS/99 La Habra Police Department CA 0301200 Supplemental Report Pagel Of 15 Crime: 647(b) Prostitution Victim: State of California Report By: C. McPhail A171 Case 04-02329 Number: n f\ Approval ed By: <O^/n Date: Date 033*0^ Case Summary: I entered a gentlemen's club. The suspect approached me and offered to perform a lap dance. I accepted. I purchased two lap dances before telling the suspect that I would give her $20.00 if she helped get me off. She agreed and reached under the left leg of my shorts and vigorously stroked and kneaded the shaft of my penis. This incident was monitored and taped. The tape has been transcribed and there is one undercover witness and one witness who monitored the covert transmitter. Narritave: I have been a police officer for approx. 23 years. I have been trained to perform undercover work and successfully completed the California Department of Justice, Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement's Controlled Substance Investigator's course. I have been specifically trained how to conduct myself while working undercover including interaction with criminals. Pursuant to my duties as a peace officer, I have sold stolen property, sold and transported controlled substances and solicited acts of prostitution in an undercover capacity. My undercover activities have led to the arrest and conviction of criminals and the seizure of contraband. Based upon my training and experience I know that much of undercover work is acting. It's necessary for the officer to assume the role of criminal and do what a criminal would C. McPhail A171 Date:Approved :Date: La Habra Police Department CA 0301200 Supplemental Report Page 2 Of 15 do, given the circumstances at hand. This is critical since the officer will be interacting with real criminals who've become accustomed to, and will expect specific behaviors from peers, associates and confederates. As an undercover officer I will exhibit whatever behaviors would be expected of me given my role and circumstances with the following exceptions: • The use of controlled substances. • The transfer, use or display of a firearm while representing myself as a criminal. • Participation in a crime against another person or property. • Participation in coitus, fellatio or cunnilingus. • Any behavior that creates a safety risk. While working undercover my goal is to get close enough to a criminal to present an opportunity for them to commit a crime in my presence. I understand that "no" means no, and will break contact the moment the potential suspect clearly declines interest in the opportunity I've presented. I've debriefed and controlled informants who have admitted to engaging in criminal activities including prostitution and discussed prostitution techniques with experienced prostitutes. I find it necessary to behave as a patron of prostitutes or a "John" while working undercover during prostitution investigations. I realize the prostitutes expect customers to be sexually aggressive and expect "Johns" to rub, touch and fondle their bodies, including intimate areas. Prostitutes deal with "Johns" on a daily basis and know that C. McPhailA171 Date: Approved :VJ ' > ^ Date: ^-^ ' ° V La Habra Police Department CA 0301200 Supplemental Report Page 3 Of 15 their customers enthusiastically engage in this behavior. Any hesitation or reluctance to do so will arouse and heighten their suspicions. I will follow a prostitutes lead and engage in activities including touching, rubbing or fondling that is appropriate given the circumstances while working in an undercover capacity during a prostitution investigation. I will continue my role until she agrees to perform a sexual act for money and performs and act in furtherance of the crime of prostitution or declines the opportunity to commit the crime. At that point I decline the act or simply leave. This technique has been authorized by department's administration. I was tasked with entering the Taboo Gentlemen's Club to detect violations of Section 647 b of the California Penal Code: 647. Every person who commits any of the following acts is guilty of disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor: (b) Who solicits or who agrees to engage in or who engages in any act of prostitution. A person agrees to engage in an act of prostitution when, with specific intent to so engage, he or she manifests an acceptance of an offer or solicitation to so engage, regardless of whether the offer or solicitation was made by a person who also possessed the specific intent to engage in prostitution. No agreement to engage in an act of prostitution shall constitute a violation of this subdivision unless some act, in addition to the agreement, is done within this state in furtherance of the commission of an act of prostitution by the person agreeing to engage in that act. As used in this subdivision, "prostitution" includes any lewd act between persons for money or other consideration. I am aware that prostitution occurs in venues offering lap dances. A lap dance is an erotic dance performed while the stripper straddles a customer's lap. It is not uncommon for lap dances to be a main feature at a gentlemen's club. Lap dances are C. McPhailA171 Date: Approved :V!lA/'^xA Date::Q U/ La Habra Police Department CA 0301200 Supplemental Report Page 4 Of 15 sold by the song. Specials are frequently offered in the form of "three for two" or "six for four." Lap dances in more secluded or private areas are generally more expensive due to the intimacy involved. Physical contact varies from a simple up close dance with touching, to physical contact with the stripper to, in some clubs, sexual acts. Based upon my training and experience, I know that lap, table or couch dances may be performed anywhere in the club. Some clubs offer private or semi private areas intended to convey intimacy or privacy to the customer. These areas may be located in other rooms or behind booths or partitions. Sometimes the private or semi-private area may simply be a darkened corner of the main customer area. These are frequently referred to as "V.I.P." rooms. Based upon my training and experience, I know that many establishments have rules governing the extent of physical contact between the stripper and performer. Some strippers chose to make minimal contact with a client to heighten the experience. Aficionados disparagingly frequently refer to this as an "air dance". Some strippers will offer bodily contact and others will engage in prostitution by performing sex acts for fees and tips. Lap dances generally cost between $15.00 and $20.00 a song in the Orange County area. Based upon my training and experience, I know that some clients prefer a greater degree of physical contact or sex acts during the course of a lap, couch or table dance. The slang term for a greater degree of physical contact or sex acts during the dance is "mileage." A "high mileage" dance is one that involves a lot of physical contact or sex acts. This is also referred to as "full service" or "extras". Based upon my experience and training I know that "high mileage", "full service" or "extras" are terms for heavy petting, sexual foreplay and sex acts, most commonly masturbation. It is not uncommon for "dancers" who give "extras", "high mileage" or "full service" to sell "hand jobs" during the course of a lap dance. C. McPhail A171 Date: Approved : \^ ^! X K Date: 633^6 La Habra Police Department CA 0301200 Supplemental Report Page 5 Of 15 Based upon my training and experience, I know that strippers who offer "full service", "extras" or "high mileage" prefer to perform these acts in private or semi private areas of the club. They are aware that they can be arrested for offering to perform a sex act for money. They avoid using words to describe the act that they are willing to do and the discussion of money. They tend to speak in general terms and inflate the prices of their "dance" to cover the sex act. Based upon my training and experience, I know that customers who want "full service", "extras" or "high mileage" will often wear loose fitting shorts or cut off sweat pants, no underwear and a condom. The shorts afford easy access to the penis through the legs. The lack of underwear allows the stripper to freely masturbate the shaft of the customer's penis during the course of the lap dance and the condom prevents seminal fluid from staining the shorts at the moment of ejaculation. This mode of dress further functions as a discrete, non-verbal form of communication to the stripper regarding his expectations. Strippers prefer this mode of dress because it is easier for them to camouflage a "hand job" during the course of a lap dance. This mode of attire is often referred to as "dress for success." I am aware that some indicators that "high mileage" may be available in a gentlemen's club are: • Private booths or rooms. Private booths or rooms suggest that the better odds of getting "higher mileage" or "extras". The privacy allows sexual behavior that would otherwise be unacceptable in other areas of the club. The privacy conceals the fact that a dancer is providing "higher mileage" or "extras" from her peers. Booths or private rooms may be monitored by video cameras or management. • Dark clubs C. McPhail A171 Date: Approved : H /V A A Date: O? 3 La Habra Police Department CA 0301200 Supplemental Report Page 6 Of 15 Darkness provides a degree of cover and the illusion of privacy in many clubs. It can be an indicator that "high mileage" or "extras" are available at a particular venue. Relaxed or no enforcement of a patron dress code. Ill fitting, loose casual clothing, shorts and cut off sweat pants allow easy access to a customer's genitals. The possibility of "High mileage" or "extras" exists when the staff relaxes, eliminates or fails to enforce a customer dress code loose fitting clothing into a club. No separation rules or policy. "High mileage" or "Extras" are more likely to be had at clubs with no policy or enforcement of policies regarding physical contact between customers and staff. Wandering hands. Patrons and dancers openly touching and rubbing their hands over each other's bodies is a strong indicator that "high mileage" or "extras" may be available. Based upon my training and experience I know that strippers who perform masturbation, oral sex and sexual intercourse with clients for a fee or tip realize that they are engaging in prostitution. They engage in counter-surveillance and many believe that undercover police officers have a legal duty to identify themselves if asked C. McPhailA171 Date: Approved: Date:: ij La Habra Police Department CA 0301200 Supplemental Report Page 7 Of 15 to do so. Prostitutes frequently ask clients if they are law enforcement officers or work for the police as a matter of routine under the mistaken belief that any deception on the part of the officer or informant creates an entrapment defense. Prostitutes are aware that they can be arrested for agreeing to engage in sex act for money. The conversation and agreement are sometimes referred to as a "street contract." Prostitutes know that participation in a street contract is risky and they will avoid such conversations. It is not uncommon for the price and payment for a sex act to be disguised as the cost of a massage, private dance or escort service. It is not unusual for negotiations to involve facial expressions and gestures to avoid comments being recorded or monitored. While working undercover in a massage parlor a prostitute, believing me to be naive, explained that I should never discuss money. She instructed me to simply express my needs and she would accommodate them. She expected me to leave an appropriate amount of money on the nightstand at the end of the session. She cautioned not to cheat girls because they wouldn't give good service in the future. After a decade of watching "Cops" on television, prostitutes commonly believe that the only persons who will discuss "sex for money" are undercover cops or inexperienced mongers or "Johns." They have also become wary of customers who engage in too much conversation or ask questions because legitimate mongers or "Johns" aren't interested in conversation. Prostitutes and "mongers" or "Johns" communicate verbally and non-verbally. It's not unusual for one or the other or both to engage in pre-mature intimacy by exchanging sexual innuendo, touching or hugging shortly after meeting. It is not unusual for either to discuss resumes regarding clubs, parlors or escort services that they've worked at or patronized in the past. Discussing past patronage or employment at establishments commonly known for prostitution are indicators of intent. C. McPhailA171 Date: Approved: HY^^A Date:O33/6V La Habra Police Department CA 0301200 Supplemental Report Page 8 Of 15 Prostitutes will engage in brief small talk i.e. asking about the "monger" or "John's" occupation or legitimate interests. She isn't interested in the substance of the conversation. She's assessing her potential customer and deciding if he is trustworthy. Continued and progressively intimate contact is an indicator that things are going well and she trusts him, albeit within reason. She will be mindful of his reactions when she probes intimate areas. While caressing a potential "monger" or "John" she will attempt to locate transmitters, badges, guns or tape recorders. She will be mindful of muscular tension, stress or unnatural inhibitions given the circumstances. The "mongers" or "Johns" will reciprocate to see how far he can go and assess the potential "mileage" available. When both parties are comfortable with each other it becomes the "monger" or "John's" job to express what he wants and is willing to pay. It is not unusual for the prostitute to accept the offer verbally, by gesture or to simply perform the act believing that she will be compensated later. Based upon my training and experience I know that anyone who, coupled with an act in furtherance of the crime, expresses an offer or acceptance to engage in an act of prostitution is guilty of violating Section 647b of the California Penal Code. The California Penal Code defines prostitution as any lewd act between persons for money or other consideration. Based upon my training and experience, I know that a lewd act involves sexual conduct that is considered to be indecent, offensive or licentious in that it disregards legal restraints with respect to sexual relations. Based upon my training and experience, I know that the question and term "Can you help get me off?" when asked of a person fondling your penis is a request for that person to masturbate the penis to the point of climax and ejaculation. This activity is commonly referred to as a "hand job" and the act as "jerking" someone "off." C. McPhailA171 Date: Approved :0_V/ JcV Date: O^>3 I O ^/ La Habra Police Department CA 0301200 Supplemental Report Page 9 Of 15 My immediate supervisor, Sgt. Baylos, monitored my interaction with the suspect during the course of this investigation. The techniques employed have been approved by my department's administration and were performed under the immediate oversight of a supervisor. I entered the Taboo Gentlemen's Club on March 23rd, 2004. I entered through the south business door and stopped in a small room. I noticed a small doorway to my right. The door was open and I could hear a male speaking on a telephone inside the room. I waited for a minute or so. He came out and tendered my cover charge. I paid the cover charge and asked who gave the best dances. He told me that "Tyler" did. I asked what she looked like and he described her as a heavy-set white girl. I entered the main customer area. It was very dark. The stage was lit but there were no performers dancing. I noticed that background music was playing but saw no D.J. I noticed that two people were sitting at a table in the N/W portion of the customer area. I formed the opinion that I was the only customer in the business. I sat on a stool that was next to the S/ E corner of the stage. I have been in the Taboo Gentlemen's Club before. I noticed that the main customer area seemed to be much smaller than I remembered it. Many modifications and improvements had been made. After sitting for approx. 2 minutes a female Hispanic approx. 5'4" tall, weighing 130 Ibs with shoulder length auburn hair and wearing a bikini approached me from the N or E portion of the room. I greeted her and asked how she was. She replied "Horny." I asked "Are you?" She replied "Yeah." I followed her to a couch on the S. side of the main customer area. Although we had never met, I recognized "Tiffany" as Maria Carreras Temple, born April 25th, 1964 and currently residing at 650 N. Tamarack Ave. unit 3903, in the city of Brea, California. C. McPhail A171 Date: Approved (\_lfi X_£) Date:O3 5 ( 6 Y La Habra Police Department CA 0301200 Supplemental Report Page 10 Of 15 I followed her to the S. wall of the main customer area. She directed me to sit on a couch that appeared to be mounted against the S. wall of the main customer area. I asked if she had any other places, indicating that I was interested in more privacy. I followed her to the S/E portion of the main customer area. I noticed that there was a doorway in what I thought was the S.W. corner. I walked through the doorway and found myself in a room. I noticed that the room was approx. 9 feet wide and estimated it to be approx. 25 feet long. There were couches lining the S. wall of this room. The structure that I had believed to be the S. wall of the customer area was actually a partition. It was at least 8' tall. The base was approx. 3' tall and appeared to be made of a solid material. The balance of the partition was made of a smoked transparent material. Although I couldn't see into the room from the main customer area, I had no difficulty seeing the main customer area from the room. Maria asked me if I wanted a dance. I said I did and she replied "Very good." She told me to come with her as she walked towards a table near the couch. She asked if this was the first time I had been to the Taboo Gentelmen's Club. I lied and said that I'd never been there before but always meant to go. I told her that the last time I was in a similar place was at a club called "T.J's" (a similar business in Stanton.) I asked her to tell me how much the lap dance would cost. She told me $20.00. I noticed that a second female subject further described as Hispanic, approx. 24 years old, 5'6" tall, weighing 110 Ibs. with brown hair followed us into the room. She asked what I wanted to drink. I told her to I wanted a diet Coke and greed and asked her to order. I ordered a diet Coke for Maria and myself. Maria asked what kind of work I did. I lied and told her I was a gunnite contractor. After a very brief explaination I told her gunnite was boring and asked what kind of dance she did. Maria directed me to the couch and told me she did lap dancing. Maria turned away from me. I heard a song starting on the sound system. Tiffany stood directly in front of me. She sat on my lap while facing me, straddling my torso with both legs. She C. McPhail A171 Date: Approved :VlW!X3( Date: C 5 3 C 6 "/ La Habra Police Department CA 0301200 Supplemental Report Page 11 Of 15 pressed her body against my torso, pushed the cleft of breasts against my face, and nuzzled her cheeks against the sides of my head. Her hands caressed and rubbed my chest, torso, arms, and the crotch of my shorts, upper legs and inner thighs. I asked Maria if I could touch her. She grasped my right wrist with her left hand, my left wrist with her right and drew my hands around her torso. She guided my hands to her buttocks and firmly placed them on each of her buttocks and ground my palms against her skin. She pushed her right hand up the left leg of my shorts. She noticed that I wasn't wearing underwear and began rubbing my upper inner thigh. I felt her fingertips caress my testicles and shaft of my flaccid penis. I commented " Oh. You're nasty." I inserted my hands under her bikini bottom, firmly grasping each buttock at the cleft and flexing my grip. I rubbed the flat of my palms on her buttocks, exterior upper thighs, torso, arms and shoulders. She stood up, sat her buttocks in my lap and ground her buttocks into my crotch. She turned to face me. She stood on the couch, facing and straddling me. Her right foot was near my left thigh. Her left foot was near my right thigh. Maria's crotch was in front of my face. Using her right hand she pulled the crotch of her bikini to the right. I could see her vagina. The skin around it was shaven and a small tuft of pubic hair had been groomed in a keystone shape approx. 2" X 2"directly above her vagina. She spread the lips of her vagina open using the fore and middle fingers of her left hand. She pressed her vagina towards my face. I redirected her efforts by reaching between her legs and massaging her buttocks. She dismounted the couch and sat straddling my left knee. She used her left hand to pull the crotch of her bikini bottom to the left, exposing her vagina again. She began to rock back and forth on my knee. I could feel the lips and moisture of her vagina on my upper leg and knee. The song stopped and Maria asked if I'd like another one. I replied that I did and asked if she wanted payment for what she'd just done. She indicated that we'd take care of it when we were done. I told Maria that I was too excited and breathed heavily. I explained that I had asthma. C. McPhail A171 Date: Approved : V v W'/( U Date: 63 3 I G La Habra Police Department CA 0301200 Supplemental Report Page 12 Of 15 Maria sat on my lap with her legs straddling my torso as the music began. She pressed her body and breasts against the front of my torso. She rubbed my chest and torso with the palms of her hand. She put her right hand up the left leg of my shorts and began caressing my testicles and the shaft of my flaccid penis with her fingertips and palm. She withdrew her hand. I was kneading her right buttock with my left hand. She grasped my left ring, fore and middle fingers with her right hand and guided them between her legs. I was entirely too obvious to me that she intended to guide them into her vagina. I moved my hand past her vagina and to her lower buttock. She pulled my left hand back to her vagina. I redirected her efforts by caressing her upper inner thigh, sliding my hand under her bikini bottom and kneading her left buttock. I asked if she would take her top off. She told me that she couldn't do that as she grasped my right wrist with her left hand, my left wrist with her right hand and guided my fingertips to the bottom of her bikini top and under the garment. I kneaded both breasts with my hands. She placed her right hand up the left leg of my shorts and resumed caressing my testicles, penis and inner thigh with her fingertips. The music stopped. Maria asked if I wanted one more. I started to answer but before I could she leaned forward and rubbed the crotch of my shorts with the fingertips of her left hand and said that she would take that as a yes. I noticed that Maria didn't do much talking. She anticipated or responded to my requests by guiding my hands to the portions of her body that she thought I was interested or had expressed an interest in. She knelt on the floor in front of me and slid her right hand up the left leg of my shorts. She resumed caressing my testicles, inner thigh and shaft of my penis. She stroked the shaft of my penis flaccid penis for approx. 10 seconds with her closed palm. I bent over and asked if she could help get me off. She couldn't hear what I said and asked me to repeat myself. I asked "Can you help me get off off? Is it just going to be extra? I already owe you sixty." She smiled, raised her eyebrows, nodded said "Yeah." Maria C. McPhail A171 Date: Approved :(\\VU Date: La Habra Police Department CA 0301200 Supplemental Report Page 13 Of 15 began to vigorously stroke the shaft of my flaccid penis by lightly gripping the shaft with her palm and fingers. Applying pressure to the shaft of my penis with her thumb and fingers, she pushed her thumb forward while pulling her fingers backward. Then she reversed the process. She continued the stoking my penis with her palm and kneading the shaft of my penis with her thumbs and fingers for approx. 4 seconds before asking I was an undercover cop or worked for the cops. I wasn't surprised by this comment. I heard Maria ask Sgt. Mike Lozeau of the Anaheim Police Department if he was an "undercover cop or something" while giving him a hand job at the Taboo Gentlemen's Club on March 2, 2004 (memorialized in an audo tape and supporting transcript for La Habra Police Department 647b P.C. case 04-02329.) It seems to be a cursory question that Maria asks when selling hand jobs. I think the question was intended to create an entrapment defense should something go wrong. I don't think that Maria actually thought I was a cop because she was kneading and stroking my penis with her fingers and palm when she asked it. She appeared complacent. Satisfied that Maria had agreed to engage in a sexual act for money and had committed an overt act in furtherance of prostitution, I sat upright and said that I had never considered that cops would come in that place. She withdrew her hand and looked concerned. I asked her if any cops were in the business and began to look around and if trying to spot a policeman hiding in the club . She said "No. You've got like paranoia." As she tried to calm me I pretended to be extremely fearful of police contact or discovery. I told her that I couldn't have contact with the police in this place and explained that I had a wife and kids. She tried to reassure me that everything was all right and said that I was being "paranoid." I told her that I should never have come into a place like this and began to shake, wheeze and cough. As she tried to reassure me 1 took an empty Primatene Mist inhaler out of my pocket, assembled it and pretended to take 10 rapid doses. I told her that coming there had been a big mistake and that I had to go. I paid her sixty dollars C. McPhail A171 Date: Approved -j^ Date: La Habra Police Department CA 0301200 Supplemental Report Page 14 Of 15 for the lap dances, $20.00 for trying to "get me off' and turned to leave. The waitress reminded me that I owed money for the drinks. I paid her and left without further incident. During the course of this incident I didn't see Maria execute amalgamations, clusters, combinations, partner alignment, balance step, jump or establish a line or reverse line of dance. She didn't demonstrate the five positions of footwork, perform kick - ball - change routines, fans, fan kicks or hook combinations common to expressive or exhibition dance. Maria wasn't concerned with syncopated rhythms or patterns and the closest she came to performing a dance maneuver was partner alignment - the symmetric alignment of a couple - when she sat on my lap. Beyond that, Maria's "lap dances" involved nothing more than sexual petting, foreplay and masturbation in the form of a hand job at roughly $20.00 every 120 to 180 seconds plus tips. When asked if she would "get me off' for $20.00 she didn't refuse, ask any questions or hesitate. She grasped my penis and began stroking it vigorously. I exited the Taboo Gentlemen's Club, made a brief comment to a fire extinuisher repairman before retuning to my unmarked unit. I let Detective Sergeant Baylos know that I was out. It was apparent to me that Maria had completely accepted my asthma attack performance and didn't suspect that I was a policeman. During my interaction Maria had rubbed her vagina on my left leg and left hand. I felt moisture during both contacts and realized that her bodily fluids had touched my skin. This was totally unexpected. I was thouroughly disgusted and wanted to wash it off as soon as possible. I told Det. Sgt. Baylos that I had been "slimed (transfer of bodily fluid), indicating that I would return to the police station immediately for cleanup. I noticed a man sitting in a vehicle next to my unit and informed Det. Sgt. Baylos that I intended to perform counter surveillance techniques to insure that I wouldn't be followed back to the police station. C. McPhailA171 Date: Approved :V La Habra Police Department CA 0301200 Supplemental Report Page 15 Of 15 I believe that Maria Carreras Temple conduct was disorderly within the meaning of Section 647b of the California Penal Code in that she she manifested an acceptance of an offer to engage in an act of prostitution and comitted and act in furtherance of the act or prostitution by agreeing to "help get me off' for $20.00 and giving me a hand job. C. McPhail A171 Date: Approved :lj YV/N—Ot Date: 6^ ^ ( OS' OH - OR LA HABRA POLICE DEPARTMENT Temple, Maria ("Tiffany") Detective McPhail SUSPECT: INTERVIEW OF: INTERVIEW BY: DR. NO.: TIME: DATE: TAPE: TRANSCRIBED BY: Tisha L. Kotick FILE NO.: TEMPLEl loll CRON & ASSOCIATES TRANSCRIPTION 2061 YAQI TUSTIN RANCH, CALIFORNIA 92782 (714) 407-6710 - OF INTERVIEW OF: Maria Temple 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 (Beginning of tape.) (Begins mid-sentence.) BY DETECTIVE McPHAIL: — 18 Imperial Highway in the city of La Habra, County of Orange. I'm going to be entering the Taboo Theater. The purpose of my investigation is to detect acts of prostitution that are occurring within the establishment. DETECTIVE McPHAIL: Is there a cover? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Yeah, it's five bucks to get inside. DETECTIVE McPHAIL: Okay. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Buy a drink inside, which is 6.50. DETECTIVE McPHAIL: What kind of drinks you guys got? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: It's fully (inaudible). DETECTIVE McPHAIL: Oh. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Order when you're ready. DETECTIVE McPHAIL: Thank you, my friend. (Inaudible). UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Tyler. DETECTIVE McPHAIL: Tyler. What's she look like? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Pretty girl, thick. DETECTIVE McPHAIL: Thick? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Big. DETECTIVE McPHAIL: Okay. H - *- > "b- ^ INTERVIEW OF: Maria Temple I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: (Inaudible). DETECTIVE McPHAIL: (Inaudible); right? Not like huge; right? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: No. No. I mean she's good. She's good (inaudible). DETECTIVE McPHAIL: All right. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I'd rather have a big girl that looks (inaudible). DETECTIVE McPHAIL: That's true. Thank you. Hi, how are you? "TIFFANY": Pretty good. (Inaudible). DETECTIVE McPHAIL: Pardon? "TIFFANY": (Inaudible). DETECTIVE McPHAIL: What's your name? "TIFFANY": Tiffany. DETECTIVE McPHAIL: Tiffany. My name's Cliff. How are you? "TIFFANY": (Inaudible). DETECTIVE McPHAIL: Are you? "TIFFANY": Yeah. DETECTIVE McPHAIL: Are you (inaudible)? "TIFFANY": Yeah. (Inaudible). DETECTIVE McPHAIL: What's the back out? "TIFFANY": Pardon? DETECTIVE McPHAIL: Right here? INTERVIEW OF: Maria Temple 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 "TIFFANY": If you want to or — DETECTIVE McPHAIL: Do you have any other places? (Inaudible) I'll follow you. "TIFFANY": Want a dance? Yeah? DETECTIVE McPHAIL: Yeah. "TIFFANY": Okay. Very good. DETECTIVE McPHAIL: Right there? "TIFFANY": Yeah. DETECTIVE McPHAIL: Okay. "TIFFANY": Come with me. Is this your first time here? DETECTIVE McPHAIL: First time I've been here. "TIFFANY": Oh. DETECTIVE McPHAIL: Last time I was at one of these places it was DJs. I didn't like it. "TIFFANY": And, urn — DETECTIVE McPHAIL: (Inaudible). How much is this gonna cost? "TIFFANY": (Inaudible). DETECTIVE McPHAIL: How much? "TIFFANY": 20. DETECTIVE McPHAIL: 20? "TIFFANY": (Inaudible). UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What can I get you to drink? DETECTIVE McPHAIL: What.do you got? s - INTERVIEW OF: Maria Temple 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Coke, Diet Coke, Dr. Pepper. DETECTIVE McPHAIL: I'll order a Diet Coke. I do gunite work. "TIFFANY": Huh? DETECTIVE McPHAIL: Gunite work. It's like the floor. (Inaudible) whole (inaudible) steel on it. They call it rebar. "TIFFANY": Uh-huh. DETECTIVE McPHAIL: Then we shoot it with gunite. "TIFFANY": Oh. DETECTIVE McPHAIL: (Inaudible). That's my company. I work hard for it. I started (inaudible) when I was in high school. It's boring. You don't want to hear about it. (Inaudible) it's a living. (Inaudible). Well what kind of dance do you do? "TIFFANY": Right here? There's lap (inaudible). DETECTIVE McPHAIL: Okay. Oh, you smell good. You mind if I touch you? Oh, you're nasty. I know (inaudible). (Inaudible). Are you kidding? I pass this place all the time. "TIFFANY": (Inaudible). DETECTIVE McPHAIL: (Inaudible). "TIFFANY": Oh. How long you (inaudible)? DETECTIVE McPHAIL: About ten years ago. "TIFFANY": Oh. (p- INTERVIEW OF: Maria Temple 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 DETECTIVE McPHAIL: Urn. (Inaudible). Oh, my goodness. Look at you. (Inaudible). How long have you been doing this? How long have you been here (inaudible)? My beard doesn't bother you, does it? Are you sure? Look at you. "TIFFANY": Would you like another one? DETECTIVE McPHAIL: Yes, I would. Yeah, I do want another one. 20? (Inaudible). (Inaudible). Do you want me to pay you right here? "TIFFANY": (Inaudible). DETECTIVE McPHAIL: (Inaudible). Oh, my God. (Inaudible). God. My God. Oh, my God. Let me rest for just a minute. I've got asthma. You're getting me too excited. "TIFFANY": (Inaudible). DETECTIVE McPHAIL: Huh? "TIFFANY": Is it? DETECTIVE McPHAIL: No, not yet. "TIFFANY": (Inaudible) yet. DETECTIVE McPHAIL: Do we need to take that off? (Inaudible). "TIFFANY": (Inaudible). DETECTIVE McPHAIL: (Inaudible). "TIFFANY": One more? DETECTIVE McPHAIL: Can you help me get off? INTERVIEW OF: Maria Temple I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 "TIFFANY": Huh? DETECTIVE McPHAIL: Can you help me get off? Is it just gonna be extra? I already owe you 60. "TIFFANY": Yeah. DETECTIVE McPHAIL: I've give you another 20 if (inaudible). "TIFFANY": You're (inaudible) undercover (inaudible)? DETECTIVE McPHAIL: No, are there cops here? "TIFFANY": No. No. If you were — DETECTIVE McPHAIL: I don't want any problem. "TIFFANY": No. DETECTIVE McPHAIL: I'm married. I don't want any problems. "TIFFANY": Hey. DETECTIVE McPHAIL; I — I got kids. I got — "TIFFANY": No. You've got like paranoia. DETECTIVE McPHAIL: I don't want any problems. "TIFFANY": (Inaudible) problem, let me know. (Inaudible). DETECTIVE McPHAIL: Are you sure? "TIFFANY": (Inaudible). DETECTIVE McPHAIL: (Inaudible). I cannot have my wife find out about this. (Inaudible). I (inaudible). I can't have my wife — I can't have anything happen if my — my —my family's gonna find out about. No problem. I — 7 INTERVIEW OF: Maria Temple 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I just can't have that happen. (Inaudible). Thank you for the dances. (Inaudible). "TIFFANY": (Inaudible). DETECTIVE McPHAIL: I'm sorry. Thank you for the dances. And that's the 20 for trying to help me get off. I'm gonna leave now. I shouldn't have done this. Sorry. (Inaudible). "TIFFANY": No. DETECTIVE McPHAIL: I don't -- I didn't (inaudible). Thank you. Bye-bye. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What did you drink? DETECTIVE McPHAIL: Oh, no, I'm fine. Oh, I'm sorry. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yeah. Your — DETECTIVE McPHAIL: I'm sorry. How much is that? UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's $13. DETECTIVE McPHAIL: Okay. (Inaudible). You know what, I want you to just take that and give the rest to Tiffany. She was very good to me. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Okay. DETECTIVE McPHAIL: I just can't be (inaudible). Sorry. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh, (inaudible). UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: (Inaudible). DETECTIVE McPHAIL: Thanks. Fire extinguishers. That's a lot of them, huh. (Inaudible). Cf INTERVIEW OF: Maria Temple 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BY DETECTIVE McPHAIL: I hope you guys got that on wire because that was like an Academy Award performance, man. Oh, Jesus. I've been slimed. I got a guy sitting in a car next to my van and I'm just gonna take off and I'm gonna do a little counter before I go anywhere. There's a — I don't know if you guys got on it the wire, but she did ask me if was a cop, but I think it was in the vain of she does that to everybody. Okay. We're out of here and I'm westbound on Imperial Highway. I'm driving with one hand. My God. (End of incident.) «^U~CSME*EEeRj> . S 'D INCIDENT REPORT K O COURTESY REPORT U D UNFOUNDED/CANCEL D DOMESTIC VIOLENCE i -HK™ n| CRIME INFORMATION CODE SECTION CRIME &*J7 fr> A^ • £&+ CODE SECTION en"* SPECIFIC LOCATION OF CRIME ^??/ £-" .f/tift&iW. /#* BUSINESS NAME /•JfjjjtSJiflA^ T^^t^f/l^^1^ VICTIM INFORMAtlON NAMEO.MtFml.MMUM.) <^7ft7iT S9f~ &9C-i*fr<!)<&Vib LA HABRA POLICE DEPARTMEN , CASE NUMBER i SON. EUCLID STREET . ; U HABRA. CAUFORNIA 80631 i _ (862)805-9780 FAX; (862)905-9779 t9<-/-*J57f/ r™»^™\PO LICE REPORT TER °™ER REPORTS ;3 {hu^UCT- PW&C^ O/fcl>^- j^T- 1 ~~ i ' ~~~ ~ TYPE OF PREMISES ' ' DA'lE REPOHTED ,y f>iA9ts<- PM&W £*r 5~^5*>y OCCURRED DATC 0*f TIMS AND DATS Q B^SSN ^J^^ $*T /#" !• ? RESIDENCE ADDRESS "BUSINESS ADDRESS /<7J X/'- ^TJC£-lD $S . _ -^ nrnrknTlMrt DAOT* *~ CITY 4 /^A64 9*43/ 'inlWAlA PARTY INFORMATION CODES: V - VICTIM W - WITNESS RP - Kt^K , INU r-«K» i CODE J NAME<LMtB«.MW<ll«) ^r 1 /^fc.4^. 1fa777&<s .5**V^ RESCENCt AUORESS «Bs/5S^ 'CODE — FRAME <L»«. fim. MW««) ^RESIDENCE ADDRESS " BUSINESS ADORE6S 4$\ J&P CODE j NAME (L.«.^ »»*»•) ^^IT* I /w^-RESQENCE ADDRESS 1^ BUSINESS ADDRESS vicfiM VEHICLE INFORMA 1 ION"VEHICLE ucbNSE* I s'*n= YEAJ COLORCOLOR OTHI FACTO^-QM -, __ T> i -If icnt iaAJMH*gJOJI*-c*l"E ^uTXMrecT CAM K oetcniwsr;^ 0 • A JUWTCT CAH'BC«»«"*k> - A*U*P*CTveMKXEC*NBE ICTD >«IEiaiOeMTIfW>»B»TOL(NPROP _-oST1NOX«FFICER OCCUPATION •5/*fdc~>^7~ CITY ^^^^^ CITY OCCUPATION CITY CITY QTY CITY //-'•3*~ ZIP-P«— ZIP ( )BUS PHONE (-5C^ ucucooe Il0/c?| UCRCODE /JW D BLK O OTHER- ^PJ^^^JB O - OFF CER AGE 1 SO /cP |/» BUSPHW6 ( > Q BLK ' | CTOTH^t y^tf'^ •^E. Q BLK O OTHER: ( ) i( ) i a BLK D OTHER: j< } l( ) I J MAKE MODEL 3T CHARACTERISTICa STYLE 1Q2DR 3Dl»«SD-mK7D8W» OQM(C OTHER j I EVIDENCh OOit ! Qt 1HEREI8ASI4NinCANT>LO D 10 SXMMcANTFWBCAt CVrt*NCE PREB0" D11 THERE 10 A UUOMMIURYnEXCMMI! Q 11 T>««€lSAOOOO>C*tietlJIYOf ASOLimOH D 13 FURTHER INVEJTKWnON HEEOCO a 14 1HCCMME«<MNaiieiATCO Q U THE CKME It HtTE KElATtD aT~PMaeRpwNTs \ o» acne* O i TOOLS : a 10 BLOOO O> nxXUMHOHC : a 11 URHE t] 4 <KA5S { D 12 HAIR Q 9 PAINT j d 1} FIREARMS d« BULIETCASINO j Q 14 PHOTOWWMJ Q 7 BULLET ! D 14 O1XER: Ho 1 DATE ^APonoweo^ j ^^j 1 <--,_--*/ ^^^ .-.^C _ «seu>-i ^ „ ^s r •$%££ QM-P g PATROL U INV&T U frWHC D CRII^E ANALYSIS D DMV U ABC12) U HOUIcu BY ENTBW3J qr p * ra j DA D OTHER: 1 DS^\ AGE1 OF p. LHTO Fora OTJ 10WJ QOJ TS SALES C3 19. BICYCLE: SALES CD 20 CAR /^IOTORCYCLE SALES D 21 CLOTHING STORE CD 22 HARDWARE CJ23 MEDICAL CD 24 OFFICE BUILDING CD 25 SHOE STORE O 20. WAREHOUSE CD 27 OTHER m>WT OF ENTRY 8 DO UNKNOWN DON/A D I fWONT t D 2 REAR D 3 SIDE O 4. DOOR DS.' P6 SLIDING OCSASS DOOR D' BASEMENT P«. ROOF P 9. FLOOR P 1O WALL .DUCT/VENT1 OARAGE D 13 ADJACENT BUILDING 14 OROUND LEVEL D 15. UPPER LEVEL 16 OTHER «HCE j0 APARTMENT 29 CONDOMINIUM 30 DUPLEX/FOUR PLEX a 31 D 32. GAR Q33 HOUSE Q34 MOBILE HI Q3S OTHER CD 36 CHURCH C)37 HOSPITAL Q38. PARK/PLAYGROUND ^_£D39 PARMNG LOT) D 40 PUBLIC BUILDING CD41 SCHOOL CD 42 SHOPPING MALL O « STREET / HIGHWAY i ALLEY D 4* OTHER O. UNKNOWN UO.N/A P 1 NO FORCE D 2 ATTEMPT/t O 3 BODILY »OftCE n 4 DOLT CUT I PLIERS CDS CHANNELVOCKS/PIPE WRENCH ^ylce GRIPS Q 8 SAW/ ORILL\BURN CDs TIRE IRON n B UNKNOWN PRY E CD 10. COAT HANGER V CD 11 KEY SUP SHIM j D 12 PUNCH D 13 REMOVE LOUVERS d 14 WINDOW SMASH QlS BRICK/ROCK 9 16 HID IN BUILDING 1 7 OTHER VEHICLE ENTRY <<, B O 6. UNLOCKED D 7. OTHER (JO UNKNOWN D 1- CASH NOTES D 2. CLOTHES I FUl D 3. CONSUMABLE D 4. FIREARMS O s. HOUSEHOLD CDS JEWELRY METi D 7 LIVESTOCK Q9. TV/RADIO/ CAMERA O '0 MISCELLANEOUS Ql1. OTHER | 1. SUSPECT CLIMAXED I] 2 UNKNOWN / C P 3 VICTW BOUNCf I TIED Q8 SUSPECT Oe RAPE BY D 10 SODOMY P11 SUGGESTED VLF .LY COPULATED SUSPECT .V COPULATED VICTIM (FOREIGN OBJECTS) COMMIT PERVERTED ACT 12 INSERTED FINGER INTO VAOIIMA D 13- FORCED VICTIM TO FONDLE SUSPECT d 14. SUSPECT FONOLH3 VICTIM Q 15 MASTURBATED SELF PI 16. DTM^R BUKOLAKY OHLV TVUMMMDCV 14 lot* )S MEMBER OF NEIGHBORHOOD WATChf Q YES / 2 HAD HOME BUSINESS frlSPECTION? ' OYES 8 I P 1 ALARM DISABLED I O2 ARSON i P 3 ATE/ORANKON PREMISES P 4. BLINDFOLDED VICTIM ! BOUND I GAGGED Q S. CAT BURGLAR ! P 8. DEFECATED ' URWATEO ! Q 7 DEMANDED MONEY \ P 8 DISROBED VICTIM FUU.YJ P S DISROBED VICTIM PARTIALLY P tO FIRED WEAPON ! P 11. FORCED VICTIM TO MOVE P 12. FORCED VIC INTO P 13 HAD BEEN DRINKING P 14. INDICATION MULTI SUSf^S P 15 INFLICTED INJURIES | 16. KNEW LOCATION OF iHIDDEN CASH 17. MADE THREATS I PLACK) PROPERTY IN |SACK/POCKET18. PREPARED EXIT ! Q20 RANSACKED | RIPPED / CUT CLOTHING! 3 22 SELECTIVE IN LOOT • 3 23 SHUT OFF POWER | I] 24 SMOKED ON PROMISES j IJ2S SEARCHED VICTIM [ D 2» STRUCK VICTIM i I 327 SUSPECT ARMED I THREATENED RETAUATtjN 3 33 TOOK ONLY CONSUMABLES 3 30. TOOK VICTIM'S vBUCLe'j TORTURED ! 332 UNDER INFLUENCE ORUpS 33. USED DEMAND NOTE I 13 34 USED LOCKOUT : P 35 USED DRIVER ' P 36 USED MATCH / CANDLE I P 37. USED VICTIM NAME ! P ». USED VICTIM'S PILLOWCASE []3» USED VICTIM'S TOOLS i Q4O VEHICLE NEEDED TO j REMOVE PROPERTY CD 41 CUT / OlSCONNECTeO | PHONE I TDK « 011 Po N/A Pi CONDUCTING SURVEY P 3 CUSTOM9* / OUENT D S OELIvmv PStSON /EMPLOYS? / RELATIVE P9 NEED f PlO. POUCE/ Pl1 O 12. REPAIRMAN P13. SALE OP lUJcrr aooos P 14. SALES PERSON P IS. SEB4A3SISTANCE P 10 SEEK DIRECTIONS P 17 SEB<lNa SOMEONE O 18. SOLICIT FUNDS P 18 OTHER 1* 018 Oo P» OUTSIDE /GHTING ON ING ON P 10 OARjIOE DOOR LOCKED 11. OBSCURED INTERIOR 112 SECURITY 9QNINQ N.W.. AM(m etc) P 13. OTHER VtCTMPIKWlLB 1«»«Anrr*i. BTATUO VEHICLE D*S CAMPER Q 46 MOTOR HOME"^^, PASSENGER CAR O 1 UNDER INFL ALCOHOL / OHUGS D2 SICK /INJURED a SENIOR CITIZEN 84 &LINOSHANDICAPPED PB DEAF CD 7 MUTE 8 MSNTAL / EMOTION IMPAIRED D S OTHER Pi HUSBAND P 2. WIFE P3 MOTHER' H4 FATHER S DAUGHTER Pe SON D7 BROTHER P« SISTER P 9 OTHER FAMILY CD 10. ACQUAINTANCE LD 11 FRIEND | O 12 BOYFRIEND ' 0 13 GIRLFRIEND | 14 NEIGHBOR I D 15 8USINESS ASSOCIATE ; B 16 STRANQER j 17 OTHER Ql ANNULLED Q 2- COMMON LAW CDS SINQLE n« MARRIGO O 5. DIVORCeD CD B WIDOW (ER) Q7 SEPARATH3 O8 REDACTED LA HABRA POLICE DEPARTMENT CA0301200 SUSPECT REPORT Page 3 of LOCATION |8>apedtc| DW08I1]ON OF VEMCULbTHSI ChUMCTERRTICS (TK DiUWM. UniqiK Mm o> PML etc.) H6G«tERS) OWNER /WD ADOBES6 ||6S/P |]l OTHER I I ' BLO I I 5 HZL | I 7 OTHERt*M ItUM G*NGN«ME/MOMKB)|) 1 KNOWN I) 2S08PECTED ID ITATTOOS/KMU IIOUNKNOWN I IMC* (] 6 R'HANO | ] 7 I (HAND I ^ 6WLLATH) t • POCKET Utff. 1 1 1(1 OTHEH CUTTING OR STABBING WST (1 Z REOUUW GLASSES 3 SUNGLASSES MRE FRAME 1] M USlrtNGULATON ||1 ULTHHS) STOCK \\lSKMSOVff U 1 AUTOMATIC (I 1 I ] J NEVWAPEfi [] 3POCKCT ( ] 4 SHOULDSi HOLSTER|| 4 GOATS DSFUIMNCHU ll< CHROME /tflcxa 11 « OOUBJE BARREL | | TRAFFIC | | OTHER La Habra Police Department - CA 0301200 Narrative Report Crime: 647 (a) and 148.9 P.C. Case Ni Victim: State of California Date: 5- Report By: J.Qulrarte 248 ApprovwTSy: ~~"^-r-? umber: 04-3514 15-04 Page No. ^CT£. ! i ! Of V ? oL: 7n-,jrcH Unique Identifiers / M.O. / Statements: N/A NARRATIVE Iii On the above date. I was dispatched to the rear of 901 E. Imperial Hwy (Howard's TV), reference an occupied vehicle that seemed suspicious. The reporting! party advised dispatch that there was possible someone lying down in the back sjeat of the vehicle. The vehicle was described at a black Jetta, with its engine running. When f arrived, I located a black Volkswagen Jetta, Lic.#^HHIR in the rear alley. As I walked up to the vehicle, I could hear its engine running. As I got closer, I could see that there was a female lying on the back seat, with her legs spread open. Her right foot was on the driver's seat, while her left foot was on the left, reajr passenger door. I could see that the female was wearing a pink halter-top,; and wasi not wearing anything from the waist down. I also saw a male, later identifie'd as WT- Wasan, squatting down behind the driver's seat. WT-Wasan was conducting oral copulation on the female. At this time I knocked on the window and startled them. When I did this, WT-Wasan raised his head to look at me. As he did thik, I could see that the female had her vagina exposed. WT-Wasan quickly sat up, while thei female began putting on her underpants, then her pants. When they exited the vehicle, I could see a purple colored, Trojan condom, wrapper on the rear floorboard.i I could also see a used condom, in the rear, center console. I asked themjboth to step out of the vehicle and to provide me identification. WT-Wasan produced his California driver's license, while the female could not. A records check revealed noi wants on WT-Wasan. j I asked the female for her name, and she gave me the name of Stephanie Perez with a DOB of 10-27-82. When I conducted a records check on this name, jit came back no record on file. I confronted her and told her that she was lying to me about REDACTED La Habra Police Department - CA 0301200 Narrative Report Crime: 647 (a) and 148.9^c7 "~~ rn Report By: J.Quirarte 248 Case Number: Date. 5-15-04 Approved By: 04-3514 j Page No.! Of <^r j? Date: same DOB. S-Russo told me that she lied because she thought she had ai warrant for her arrest. j When I asked her where she lived, she said Anaheim. When I asked her wherei she worked, she told me in a club. When I asked her which club she worked at she said the Taboo, and pointed towards 1001 E. Imperial Hwy. S-Russo told me that she has worked as a dancer for the Taboo for the last three years. She told me; that she dances at the La Habra Club and the Anaheim Club. I asked her if she wquld tell me how much money she made, and said yes. She told me that she makes anj average of 300 to 1000 dollars a night. She is an independent contractor that works for the owners of the Taboo. She is required to pay the owner 10% of her eaming$, up to eight drinks per patron and a 65-dollar rental fee. • I asked her where she had met WT-Wasan. She told me that she had niet him at aI college party in the City of Fullerton, and has been dating him for the last month. She told me that today, he called her on her cellular phone. S-Russo told me thfet she was already at work when she received the phone call. They agreed to meet out in the alley, where I contacted them. S-Russo told me that they had sex and that! is why the condom was used. After they had sex, WT-Wasan engaged her in oral copulation, until the police arrived. S-Russo told me that they were parked there for j approximately one half of an hour. S-Russo told me that she has only done this two times with WT-Wasan; the other time was yesterday, at the same location. At this time I interviewed WT-Wasan. I asked him when and where he had met S-i Russo. He told me that he met her three months ago, inside of the Taboo dlub. He was a patron there, and S-Russo danced for him. I asked him how many times he had been inside the club to see her since he met her. He told me that he has been in there approximately twenty times. I asked him how much she charged for aj dance and he told me twenty dollars. WT-Wasan told me that for the twenty dollars, S-Russo La Habra Police Department - CA 0301200 Narrative Report Crime: 647 (a) and 148.9 P.C. Victim: State of California Report By: J.Quirarte 248 Case Number: Date: 5-15-04 04-3514 j Page No. Approved By:1 ^ Date:i would dance in front of him and grind his crotch with her buttocks or legs. ) asked him if she did this for him during his twenty visits and he said yes. I then asked him if any money had ever been exchanged between S-Russo and him for the sexual (conduct and he said no. | WT-Wasan told me that today, he called her on her cellular phone. S-RJusso told him that she was already inside the club, and to let her know when he arrivejd. When he arrived he called her and she met him at his vehicle. WT-Wasan told me that they ! had sex. He used the condom that was inside of his vehicle. After they finished having sex, she asked him to oral copulate her. This is when the police arrived. WT- Wasan told me that they parked there for approximately one half an hour, j At this time, I placed S-Russo under arrest for 148.9 P.C. and transported her to LHPD. At LHPD, I added the charge of 647 (a) P.C. WT-Wasan was released at the scene. At LHPD, I read S-Russo her Miranda warning to which she stated she understood and invoked. S-Russo was subsequently released with a citation t DETAILS: | WT-Wasan was not charged with 647 (a) P.C. because I could not remetjnber the penal code section that related to what I witnessed. If the detective bureau wishes to prosecute WT-Wasan they will have to pursue this by route of complaint. i La Habra Police Department Declaration / Advisement / Waiver Case Number: ^x / i si OQ *5 1i JUto c£ 1 c"w i 1 ^5 ^u!< c u. "> 5 Sd> 03 1 . hereby arrest on the charge (s) indicated and request a peace officer to take him or her Into custody. If requested 1 will assist further with the investigation being conducted) and will appear in court for hearings and Wai If the arrestee pleads "NOT QUILTY". Sinned: Date: 1 . You have the right to remain silent. Do you understand? ^63, 2. Anything you say may be used against you In a court of law. Do you understand? j£^ \ 3. You have the right to an attorney Muring questioning. ; Do you understand? %s 4. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you beforequestioning, If you wish. Do you understand? J^3 ; Do you want to talk aboutwhat happened? Q Yes — S"Nb We would like for you to take a look at someone and tell us whether or not you recognize him or her. Witness Statement: i i Date: Time: Signature: Location: I freely and voluntarily consent to the search of: n Person Q Effects D Vehicle Q Premises i Description: by officers of the La Habra Police Department. I understand that I have a constutlonal right to refuse to consent and no promises, threats orlcoercion have been made to cause me to give my consent. j Signed: Date: ! /- /9 „ , i Report By;, — V - ( ^7,-ie^TJr ^PW Aporoved Bv: ! 1 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH JUSTICE CENTER DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF ARREST WARRANT MADE UNDER 2015.5 CCP I declare under information and belief: 1) I am currently employed as a Police Officer for the City of La Habra Police Department and have been so employed throughout this investigation. 2) Pursuant to my employment, I have been assigned to investigate allegations that Stephanie Marie Russo violated 647 (a) and 148.9 P.C. . 3) Pursuant to this assignment, I have contacted witnesses, obtained their statements, and received reports and statements from persons known to me as law enforcement officers. All of these statements and reports are included in the court packet and are incorporated herein by reference. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true-^ndcorrect. Dated: 5-15-04 Declarant: Signed in La Habra, California. Officer's Name and ID # J.Quirarte 248 La Habra Police Department Case # 04-3514 Suspect's Address: Vehicle Description: 2002 Volkswagen Jetta Lic.# ^jjjjjf Black in color Suspect's Description: Sex: Female Race: Hispanic Ht: 5-2 Wt: 120 Eyes: Brown Hair Blonde Suspect's Date of Birth: 10-27-82 Suspect's Driver's License: State: None Number: None Scars, marks, tattoos, features: R-Ankle "Jesse" Front Torso "Strawberry" Lower Back "Tribal Heart" Other Information: None REDACTED fi.o.p.e. (heCp oppose pornography e£ exploitation) Board of Mractoo* ChairmanRichard R. OHphantFarmer Mayor.Indian Wens Vlce-ChairmanOr. BudCnuneOrthodontlat Saeratary 0. 0. DeLongExecutive Secretary RoMBAmhymEx. Director, Bavany MilsChamber of Commerce Carolina H. Ftrwtone Herbert HawwntRet. Herbert HmwWns R.E. Mary HecxmannPrasMante AdvworyCommiwton on tha Alt* ShetteyLucctMtl MarkMMMwaEx. Direoor,WWels Mortuary Judy VOMIWDirector.Vlvs AdviaofV Board AaaemWyman Jim Batdn Senator Davtd Keitey Fmr.Congreaernen William Dafwemayar Fmr. SenatorRobert Praaley Roger Dueir CEO, Puerr Financial Corp. Edmond Haogar.Honorary Chairmen,Haggar Apparel Co. RidiBrdLane AaniatanlChM,CH? David T. MoorePwtor,Southwest Comm. Church Sr. Rlveralda DA. Rav. Glora SharonCentor. Tempi* Iwlati JohnShialdtEx. CMraclor. BarbaraSinatra Children a Center Joieph Stein,Past Pra*idwit CA State Scnool Board Frederick SupprtChairman. Board of TrusttM.DaMd Hospital (Ptrdal LM) Sexually Oriented Business Ordinance Testimony by Karen L. Holgate Executive Director For the last ten years, k.o.p.e, has worked closely with cities, law enforcement and city attorneys in drafting and passing strong regulatory language for sexually ori- ented businesses. Any ordinance passed by a city must be both constitutionally strong and also respect the rights of all citizens and business owners. The "model ordinance" drafted by the League of California Cities is an excellent example of good regulatory policy. Numerous studies have been conducted over the past 15-20 years which link adult sexually oriented businesses (SOBs) with a lowered quality of life for residents in any community in which the SOBs operate. Because both state and federal courts recognize the very real presence of "adverse secondary effects" associated with adult businesses, they have given cities the right to draft ordinances which closely regulate "how and where" these businesses operate. The intent of these land use or- dinances is not to prohibit adult sexually oriented businesses from locating or operat- ing within a community, but merely to effectively regulate them in order to protect the quality of life within the community. In addition effective ordinances are "content neutral". They make no determination about the content or behavior of such businesses. In fact, the ordinances assume that behavior and material will be legal: if it is not, state and federal laws will be en- forced by law enforcement. The purpose of the ordinance is to mitigate the known "adverse secondary effects." Based on the above mentioned studies, some of these adverse secondary effects in- clude: • Increased crime in "serious" offenses such as: rape, homicide, robbery, assault, burglary, theft and auto theft. Prostitution is also higher around adult businesses. In a May 9,1995 TV interview, a prostitute actually said that she waits outside adult bookstores, "Where men go to get excited and then come out looking for a hooker." She went on to say that it made her job easier because the men were al- ready sexually stimulated. O.fuGn <Destn, Cfl. 92261-0428 619-360-9949 Page 2 • Decreased property values: Greatest impact on residential values but businesses also suffer loss. • Urban blight in neighborhoods as families move aware. Old neighborhoods often achieving neglected, run-down look. • Loss of business revenue: Often due to business attrition as non-adult businesses move to "get away" from the adverse effects. • Health hazards are of increasing concerns to local entities. Because sexual behavior often occurs within the building or on the property of the business or surrounding business, the fear of HTV being present is greatly heightened. (In one city,, the 5 year old son of a neigh- boring adult business owner came in one Saturday morning carrying a used condom that he had picked up by the front door. Not all crime is reported. A former owner of five SOBs says that she never reported disturbances or crimes that occured inside any of her businesses because she didn't want them on the police record. She said she hired large bouncers and kept a baseball bat behind the counter. However, after two murders oc- cured in her live entertainment theatre within a nine month period of time, she finally decided to leave the industry. This former owner said that all owners of SOBs know the harm they bring to communities but don't care; the profit margin is just too great Effective ordinances— The lack of effective zoning ordinances leave a city exposed to the proliferation of these types of businesses. In fact, past experience shows that when one adult business opens up, others soon follow and the adverse secondary effects increase. Well written ordinances, which allow the presence of adult businesses but strictly regulate "how" and "where" they operate, give a city the maximum amount of protection and the least amount of risk. The most effective ordinances include but are not limited to the following re- strictions: • Provide strict licensing requirements • Require the removal of doors on viewing booths • Prohit opening between booths, such as "glory holes" • Regulate hours of operation • Prohibit nude dancing • Prohbit tipping entertainers • Prohibit lap, couch, chair and table dancing Page 3 Nudity— "Nude juice bars" are one of the fastest growing adult businesses in America today. In fact, adult live entertainment establishments can convert to "nude juice bars" if they lose their liquor licenses due to excessive prostitution convictions. Since the ABC does not allow nudity, "juice bars" sell no alcohol and are therefore may legally allow 18 year olds. According to testimony by two former adult entertainers, the behavior in nude establishments is far worse than in those businesses in which nudity is not allowed. For instance, in response to questions asked by h.o.p.e,, these two former entertainers responded as follows: Q. When dancing nude was there a noticeable difference in behavior by the audience? Julia: "Yes. There -were usually several dancers performing at once on stages well above the customers seating levels, many at bar top level. When totally nude this made quite a difference because nothing could be unexposed.,.1 saw every thing from oral and manual stimulation to full sexual intercourse...I did see a difference in conduct in the fully nude vs. topless only clubs as to the degrees of promiscuity allowed. " Katherine: "They were louder, touched more during tipping and that went so far as when the girl would raise up on the bars and straddle her legs across them, or the men, they would rub the money on her genitals and lick her. That kind of stuff didn 't happen if there was a G-string because they didn't want to taste clothes. " Q. Was there touching? Julia: "Definitely... the biggest reason men go..." Katherine: (see former answer) Q. Were there solicitations for sexual favors? Julia: "Always. Every night, without exception! It's a known part of the job!" Katherine: "Yes, but it didn'/ necessarily have to do with being nude. Solicitations happen whether the club is nude or not." Q. How were tips received? Julia: "...between the breasts, by hand or mouth of the patron, in the buttocks, passed during simulated sex acts between the girls on stage, etc. " ic A Katherine.' "...received, and or, taken any way the two people wanted. " Q. Were drugs ever passed during tipping? Julia: "YES! J personally received marijuana, cocaine methamphetamines, LSD. ecstasy and a variety of prescription drugs as tips. Sometimes it was in dollar bills, or cigarette packs or cellophane, or simply passed by hand. These clubs were a hotbed of illegal drug activity." Because couch, chair, lap, or table dancing allows intimate and/or illegal touching and also af- fords the opportunity for solicitations for prostitution, it is strongly recommended that cities prohibt these types of activities. Viewing booths— Adult bookstores have viewing booths in which patrons rent movies (or videos) and watch them onsite. It is not unusual for more than one person at a time to enter these booths for the purpose of engaging in illegal sexual activity. Removing doors from viewing booths—and creating an unobstructed view into the booths, prohibitng any holes or other openings between the walls of these booths, and prohibiting more than one person at a time in the individual booths are all key in reducing the opportunity for illegal sexual contact, and spread of disease, between persons. Conclusion— The time to draft effective land use ordinances is before an adult business comes to town. It is then up to the business owner to decide whether he wants to locate in a city and conduct his business within the constraints of that city's rules and regulations. For cities that already have SOBs, the courts have consistently upheld amortization clauses which give cities the right to require that all existing businesses, after a reasonable period of time, comply with the new regulations. Please remember - 1. Land use ordinances are "content neutral." Their intent and effect is to address the adverse secondary effects created by adult businesses. 2. They do not regulate materials or activities protected by the First Amendment 3. Any ordinance or law is only as good as its enforcement. We urge you to encourage and support your local police department, or sheriffs department, in enforcing the provisions of this ordinance and the laws of this state. • Thank you. HARMFUL EFFECTS OF PORNOGRAPHY LOS ANGELES CASE STUDY The following presentation will be made to the City of Indian Wells on April 1, 1994, by Detective Robert Navarro of the Los Angeles Police Department. Detective Navarro has been with the Police Department for 24 years and has been assigned to the Pornography Section of Administrative Vice Division for 10 years. He has been involved in countless state and federal obscenity investigations. He currently is an obscenity instructor at the Los Angeles Police Academy and an advisor to the Los Angeles County Commission on Obscenity and Pornography. HARMFUL EFFECTS OF PORNOGRAPHY LOS ANGELES CASE STUDY Southern California has the dubious honor of being the pornography capital of the world. Over one billion dollars is generated annually by the pornography industry in Los Angeles and at least 80 percent of the sexually explicit videotapes .and adult novelties which are distributed nationwide ar^ produced and distributed within the County of Los Angeles. Since the early 1960's, the Los Angeles Police Department has had a specialized unit responsible for obscenity enforcement. The Pornography Section of Administrative Vice Division has nine officers who have developed the expertise and investigative techniques which are instrumental in successful obscenity prosecutions. Since 1973, this unit has successfully concluded hundreds of state and federal obscenity cases directed toward multi-million dollar companies and their owners. It has also been instrumental in combating the illegal activities in adult bookstores and documenting the evolution of pornography activity in Los Angeles. Because of this unit and the proliferation oft pornography in Los Angeles an excellent case study can be made of V the harmful effects of pornography on a community. In the early 1970'-s adult bookstores began finding their way in many predominantly residential areas. However, the Hollywood area and the downtown Central area witnessed the largest increase. By -1- 1977, 26 adult bookstores and 21 adult movie theaters flourished in the Hollywood area alone. Downtown Los Angeles had 23 bookstore/arcades/adult movie theaters within a three block area. With pornographic blight in Central Los Angeles and Hollywood, legitimate businesses fled the area causing clusters of sex- oriented businesses to flourish. Property values dramatically decreased the landlords found"it difficult to rent to legitimate enterprises when vacancies occurred in adjacent properties. The presence of the sex-oriented businesses unnecessarily exposes women and children to the deviant element of society. Women cannot walk down the street without being solicited for acts of prostitution. Children are exposed to streetwalking prostitutes and businesses specializing in material designed to sexually arouse the customer The variety of adult material is visible and accessible through the open doors of the adult bookstores. Passersby are also subject to continual exposure of sexually explicit material through theateri • i and motel advertising. Narcotic transactions are prevalent in these deteriorating t neighborhoods and go hand-in-hand with the rampant criminal activity in these areas. LAPD statistics show an increase in Part I and II crimes in those areas where adult entertainment businesses predominate as compared to other areas of the City. Between 1969 and 1975, sex-oriented adult entertainment establishments increased from 11 to 88 locations. During this period, arrests for Part I — 2 — crimes (i.e., homicide, rape, aggravated assault, robbery, burglary, larceny and vehicle theft) increased 16.2 percent in the Hollywood Area while decreasing 5.3 percent in the rest of Los Angeles. Part li arrests (i.e., other assaults, forgery and counterfeiting, embezzlement and fraud, stolen property, prostitution, narcotics, liquor laws, gambling and other miscellaneous misdemeanors) increased 45.4 percent in Hollywood and 3.4 percent City-wide. The use of hard-core pornography has been linked to several major crimes in the Los Angeles area including serial murders, extortions, rapes, arson and child molestation. Vivid examples involving serial murders are the "Trash Bag Murderer", who mutilated 11 young males and placed them in trash bags along the freeway, and the "Hillside Strangler", who killed 13 young women in the hillsides of Hollywood. A third case involves serial murderer Ted Bundy who confessed just before his execution that his involvement with hardcore pornography was the single most cause of his anti-social behavior. j In addition: v * A recent serial murder in a remote area of Northern California involved two men who are suspected of murdering 20 .people in a sex torture fantasy. This case involved the suspects viewing sadomasochistic videotapes, torturing their victims and photographing the murders. -3- They then buried their victims behind the murder location. * Pornography is a major contributing factor in the sexual abuse of our children. Hundreds of children ages four years to 13 years have been victims of pedophiles and have been interviewed by investigators of the Los Angeles Police Department. In more than 60 percent of the cases, pornography was utilized by the pedophile to break down the inhibitions of the child. Subsequently, many of the abused children are photographed for pedophile-to- pedophile distribution. * The pornography industry is dominated by East Coast Organized Crime. This industry, concentrated in the Los Angeles area, contributes directly to an increasing influence of organized crime in California. The pornography trade is inherently attractive because of the • high profits and few legal risks. i . i Public apathy continues to be a major obstacle to obscenity enforcement. Citizens are generally uninformed on the issues of obscenity and pornography, and often unconcerned until they arei directly affected. The average person thinks of pornography in terms of Playboy or Hustler magazine. The pornographic ma-terials which are the target of law enforcement agencies are those materials which contain explicit sexual activities from beginning to end, and whose sole purpose is to : -4- sexually arouse. These materials contain the most deviate types of sexual activity including rape, sadomasochism, bondage, excretion bestiality and sexual abuse of children. Pornography is not a victimless crime. Every child who is shown pornography by a pedophile, every woman who is sexually propositioned while walking down the -street, every businessman who moves his business because of nearby adult locations is a victim of pornography. The pornography issue is a complex one consisting of public apathy, conflicting laws and First Amendment rights. This sensitive issue requires greater citizen awareness as to the extent and effects of pornography. Due to the passage of very rigid land- use ordinances, the vigorous enforcement of obscenity laws and the utilization of civil abatement proceedings, the number of adult businesses had decreased considerably in the City of Los Angeles. In .1977 there were 94 adult bookstores/arcades/theaters. Today there(are only 36. Crime continues to flourish in and around the 30 remaining adult bookstores in Los Angeles and 20 of them are currently subject to civil abatement proceedings. While the number of adult bookstores is decreasing in the City of Los Angeles other t cities in the surrounding areas are experiencing an increase. V Cities where no land use ordinances exist have experienced the largest increase. -5- CONCLUSIONS: The adult bookstores and other adult orientated businesses will saturate an area if left unchecked. The harmful effects on the neighborhoods where these establishments exist is both real and significant. Reversing the trend, once the businesses are in place is difficult, costly and, at times, impossible. Material viewed and sold in these establishments may violate state obscenity law but are, in fact, often not prosecuted due to the difficulty and expense of investigating and prosecuting the offenses. Cities may prevent many of the problems these businesses bring by instituting land-use ordinances that control their placement and by taking a pro-active stand on the enforcement of California obscenity and harmful matter laws. -6- My Personal Experience With Sexually Oriented Business - Gene McCbnnell My name is Gene McConnelL As Regional Director of the National Coalition Against Pornography in California I have studied hundreds of pages of documentation proving the harmful effects of unregulated pornography and adult business on communities. The primary reason for submitting my testimony, however, is that as a former sex addict, I have experienced that harm firsthand. My addiction began at an early age, when most sexual addictions begin. The largest single group of consumers of pornography is the 12 to 17 year-old male. The material draws them in, and distorts their attitudes about healthy sexual behavior. For some of them, like myself, the pull of this material becomes almost inescapable. Once men become engrossed with or addicted to these kinds of sexual stimulations, adult businesses step in to fill their needs. For men like me, these businesses act as magnets, almost irresistible. They draw an addict into a progressive cycle. My use of soft-core pornography was soon not enough to satisfy me. I was drawn to adult bookstores, live nude establishments, massage parlors, and the prostitutes who are always available around these kinds of businesses. Since most of you have probably never visited these kinds of businesses, let me explain a bit about how they tend to operate - details you probably won't read on the business license application. First let me mention the adult bookstores. When I started going to the bookstores, I would always find a group of men loitering near the arcade booths. Nearly always, some of them would proposition me for sex. Although I refused these invitations, it was clear that many men were using the arcade booths as a preferred location for anonymous sex, going behind the doors of these booths together. The owners or clerks were not only aware of this behavior, but openly promoted it. Each booth had a box of tissues and a trash can. When these accessories were missing, the walls and the floor of the booths would invariably be covered with semen. The booths were poorly lit and had doors on them to contribute to the secrecy of the sexual encounters. On the way out of the adult book store, prostitutes often approached me. I accepted their offers on numerous occasions. The next progression of my addiction was to live nude establishments. Here a real person is doing and performing what I had viewed in the magazines and videos. The usual routine involved three dances, each on revealing more of the body. By the third dance, there was nothing left to the imagination, they were at work in the art of seduction. They acted like they wanted you, hoping you would leave themva large tip. Then the girl would leave the stage, and wait on the customers. Many times I offered more money for a special "one on one" table dance...leading to sex for the right price. Often the prostitutes walked the streets outside or just around the corner from the facility. Finally, I began to frequent the massage parlors. Without exception, these places were simply fronts for prostitution. Many times I went in to find several girls paraded in front of me. I was to pick one or more. (Each additional girl was more money) They would always be skimpily dressed. They would have me go to a locker room, undress, and put my clothes in a locker. I was given a towel and led to a private room. Once in the room, the girl I elected would ask if I would like to see an adult movie. I would say yes, then she would turn on hard-core pornography while she gave a massage. -2- Somewhere in the middle of the massage she would ask if I wanted something more. When I asked what she meant, she would describe several sexual acts, each with a different price. I reiterate that in all the years that I went to these places, I never found one that was not a front for prostitution. My sexual addiction reached its height when I finally decided to act out all those images I had been taking in over the years - material seen or purchased at adult businesses. I was arrested for attempted rape. The attack was my responsibility, but there is no doubt that pornography was the fuel, the drug I used to prepare for my crime. I do not think the crime would ever have occurred without it. Ask a serial rapist or other sexual criminal what could be done to stop them from committing more crimes and many of them will tell you is to take away their pornography. The connection between pornography, adult businesses and the rape and molestation rate in a community is dear, not only from talking to criminals, but also statistically. One excellent example of this is Oklahoma City. Over a five year period, beginning in 1984, over 150 "sex-oriented" businesses (including peep shows, adult bookstores, and theaters) were closed in Oklahoma City. During that period, the rape rate declined 26 percenL During the same time period, the rape rate for the rest of Oklahoma, where adult businesses were not brought under control, increased 20.8 percent. As a former addict, there is no question in my mind that pornography has a profound impact on a person viewing the material. It is subtle and has a latency period, not always an immediate impact, on the individual. Much like a cigarette, where constant use leads to cancer, constant exposure to pornography will eventually lead to what the material portrays, that is, the devaluation of meaningful relationships and sexual violence towards women and children. LORRAINE DAY. M.D. P.O. BOX 952 RANCHO MIRAGE. CA 92270-0952 TEL (619) 325-5468 • FAX (619) 325-5627 November 13. 1991 To the City Council Adult bookstores and pornographic video stores contain areas for viewing videos while engaging in sex - either by oneself or wit1^ a partner. Body fluids, in particular semen, can contain many infectious organisms including gonorrhea, syphilis and the AIDS virus. Semen, containing this deadly virus, can contaminate surfaces including door handles or door knobs from the hands of those engaging in sex. The AIDS virus is NOT a fragile virus. It stays alive and infectious in body fluids outside the body at room temperature for 7 days, as published by the Pasteur Institute in France (Lancet, Sept. 28, 1985, pg 721). The AIDS virus can be transmitted when skin and mucous membranes come in contact with the body fluids containing the virus even though there are no known cuts or abrasions present in the skin.(Lancet Nov. 7, 1987, pg. 1094.) On the other hand, in reality no skin is completely intact at any time since all skin contains hair follicles and oil and sweat glands which allow access to the deeper areas of the skin. A child who contracted AIDS from a blood transfusion, transmitted AIDS to his brother by a bite, witnessed by the mother, that did not break the skin (Lancet, Sept. 20, 1986, pg 694.) The Centers for Disease Control has reported on 3 nurses who contracted AIDS when blood came in contact with their skin, in some cases the blood was on the skin for only a few minutes. (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report May 22, 1987 36: 285-89) The HIV virus is very resistant to killing (inactivation) when the virus is dried in body fluids. For example, one can pour 709» ethyl alcohol on the dried virus for 20 minutes and the virus will not be killed (inactivated) . (Abstract from the Montreal AIDS Confer- ence, presented by Peter Hanson, St. Stephens Hospital, London. Abstract A.601) Clearly, these body fluids are a hazard to others as they are capable of transmitting the universally fatal disease of AIDS. All the references for the above information are attached. Lorraine Day, M.D. o Acquired I<MMnot5«ficieney Sytulronc (AIDS) Definitive and Praaumpcivc AIDS Oaea SuTvt-.illanc.-e Report 07/31/2001 -Jiaeasc Wo KS Alone NO Total 2. JW Otfttrfl ( *> Under '» S 12 11-19 20-7N iu-i9 «O-43 over «* unknown 1» 31 38 1B6« so*? 27«9 1081 0 ! 0) ( 0) ( 0) t 17) { ft > ( XS) ( 10! i 0) 18876 (100)C .L4 ». exposure Category Adult/Adolescent • Case-- i V Deaths ( %] 3.0) - 2*27 ; at) J992 t *7) 2917 ( 73) S«!» ( 5) 388 ( 71) JOHO < ja; 246 ( a> 10821 (100) 61V8 ( 57) 1. r<v;es ( 18 < 37 ( 0 ( 0 ( Pl5<U ») 33) «7) o: 0) atric • deaths 12 19 , o 0 ( %) ( 67 i ( 51) i •) ( •) Ttjtal 39! 4029 ( 3V) 549 I G) A8« ( VI) 3040 ( 28) 246' < 8} 55 MOO)11 : S«>13376 (lOO; S2O9 { 57) White, Hoc Hispanic Bl.i<:k. Hot Hispanic Hispanic Asian/ I'Jtcific Is- An. Iiullan/Al-sxa native Unknown cases C 1) 7131 (66) 1216 < 12) 2138 ( 20} 201 ( 2) 61 I 1) o ( o; 10821 (100) tedlatric • Cases •: %) U \ 24) 12 '. 22) 29 t'SJ) 1 ( 2} o •: o) o ; 01 •i-, (100) Ailult/Adolescent ( *) Men wUo have ««« with «"> injeccinq drug use Men -ho have se* with wen and inject Heiaopr.il Wco*crul»tion d-i^oider Heterosexual contact ncceipt of bl<rad. co»po««r.r«. or tissue RiaK nnt reported/other. H200 ( II) «S4 ( 6) 9«7 ( 10! Sfi < 1) as ( aa ( 23 ( i) i) 0) Total 10093 (100) . Mother wi(.h/at rialc for KIV infnctlon Hnneipt of blood, trcTrnponent..'.. or tinisy R19K n»w. teporteU/Ochcr 1 ( 11) 21 ( 78) 3 { 11) 01 0) 27 (100) 0 292 0 3 356 ft* 13 ( 0} ( 40) t 0) ( 0) ( 4S> ( 9) C » 723 (13 Pediattic Transmi aaion t ») 0 i O) 34 ; as; 4 ( i«> o t o) Total C.nr.ea '. %) 7140 1298 202 61 0 1087G ,1 66) 12) 20! 2) 1) 0) Total ( *> 8300 ( 76) 94C ( !*) 987 < ?) 59 { 1) 441 ( «) 152 ( 1) 3* ( O) 10321 '. Total *) 3 4»82) 7 ( 13) 0 ( 0) ss ;ioo; Tot*) C COPY o c c X<am,mo«l«f icieacy Syaaroae (AIDS) Definitive and Presumptive AIUS Cases SKIveillance deport 07/31/2001 cases at AinS and Caae:»*.ti.ality Races by Holt-Year at Case-Fatal icy Hrflf-YC.lI ot Diagnosis Before 1988 .198S J»n -June , July-Dec t989 Jan -June July-Dec 1990 Jan -.June July-Dec 1991 Jan -June july -Dec 1992 Jan -June July-Dec 1991 Jan J"«e July -Dec 19"»4 Jan -.tune July Dec 1995> Jan -JVW.K July f>«c 1996 J-'rt -June July-nee 1997 Jan -June July -Dec 1998 Jan June July DISC 1999 J-i'i -June July I***: 2000 J*»n -June .fuly-Dcc 2001 J»n -June July-Jvl U Number ot CaacB 877 264 t*£31*> 306 3B4 41*5 177 40V 4,83 53« &!>8 645 502 513 49V S03 449 434 333 32C 249 23!. 26) 228* 206 221 199 144 e Number of De9t*ns 860 254 296 274 348 3«9 \A\f9 J 347 42 1 423 426 ~ «09 285 2)3 226 1*S 123 4Q3i* f \ol ttfD f 46 n ^J J •\jn 18 23 * 14 15 9 0 Ratr: 98% 9« 94% 90% 91% 89% 91% 65% 87% 79* 76* 61% 57% 42% 45% 39* 27% 2)* 18% 17* IB* 14* 12% - 17% 11* 6% 8* Ct 0* Oil •fnuals 10B76 6209 o COPY From: Tabatha Aboumrad {mailto:TAboumHE@co.san-diego.ca.us] Sent: Friday, September 07, 2001 11:09 AM To: chahn@fox-sohagi.com Subject: Data Request Hello Ms. Ahn, I wanted to write some of the limitations of our data so that you have an accurate understanding of the numbers I am giving you. 1. HIV is the causitive agent of AIDS. While it is mandatory to report AIDS, HIV is not a reportable disease. We only collect information reflecting the area of residence of those infected with AIDS. Since a person can live with HIV for 10 or more years before acquiring an AIDS diagnosis, the number of AIDS in a given area may not accurately reflect the number of HIV+ individuals in that community. We see a large number of our cases comming from the Central Region of San Diego - we cannot know wether or not they moved there from other areas of the county to be closer to treatment centers. 2. People move. The information about place of residence only reflects where the individual lived at the time of an AIDS diagnosis. If the person moved prior to or immediately after receiving an AIDS diagnosis, we do not have information reflecting that change. 3. Only information about individuals diagnosed with AIDS in San Diego County is collected. If a person was diagnosed with AIDS in another state or county, that information is not collected. 4. If a person dies while HIV-infected but before they met the criteria for AIDS, information on that person will not be collected thus not reflected in our data. 5. Due to confidentiality issues, we cannot disclose information on persons diagnosed with AIDS if the total number of individuals is less than 5 for a given area (or less than 3 if it's county-wide). I will OK - limitations aside here are the numbers 1990-<5 1991-11 1992-8 1993-13 1994-<5 1995-<5 1996-9 1997-<5 1998-6 1999-<5 2000 - <5 I hope you enjoy your last day at work and that there are wonderful things awaiting you.. Tabatha Aboumrad Epidemiologist San Diego County 8 *I San Diego County HIV/AIDS Status Prepared by the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency Steven A. Escoboza Interim Director George R. Flores, M.D., M.P.H. Public Health Officer June, 2000 HHSA:EPI 7/13/00 San Diego CftuntyJiiy/AIDS Status: San Diego County HIV/AIDS Status Table of Contents Introduction 1 HIV/AIDS: Local Epidemic Milestones 2 San Diego County: Third in State for AIDS Cases 3 AIDS and People of Color: Disproportionate Increase 4 AIDS and Injection Drug Use: A Continuing Scourge 5 IDUs at Risk for Hepatitis C: May Exceed Rates for HIV 6 San Diego County's Central Region: Hardest Hit by AIDS 7 AIDS Hospitalizations: Government Programs Pay 8 Medications for HIV Treatment: Extremely Expensive 9 Deaths Due to AIDS Decline 10 Years of Life Lost from AIDS: Disproportionate Among Ethnic Groups 11 TB and HIV Infection: Under-recognized but Prevalent 12 Intersecting Epidemics: STDs and HIV Transmission 13 HIV Infection in San Diego County: Estimates Versus Accurate Data 14 HIV Antibody Testing: Gateway for Prevention and Early Treatment 15 Being Tested for HIV: An Important First Step to Healthier Life 16 Large Numbers of First-time HIV Test Seekers Reside in Central Region 17 Rates of HIV Decline Among Military Applicants 18 County of San Diego: HIV Infection Estimates 19 Local HIV/AIDS Annual Expenditures: Impact Is Enormous 20 Summary of HIV/AIDS Services & Funding in San Diego County 21-22 Local Services for People with HIV/AIDS 23-24 Summary 25 County of San Diego • Health & Human Services Agency • Community Epidemiology P.O. Box 85222, P51IC • San Diego, CA 92186-5222 Page 1 San Diego County HIV/AIDS Status Introduction In San Diego County, HIV/AIDS continues to be a major preventable source of illness, disability and death, despite new advances in antiretroviral therapies, increased availability of primary care, and standardized approaches to treating HIV disease. Although improved drug regimens are helping many (but not all) children and adults with HIV disease live longer and healthier lives, there is still no cure and no vaccine. Through December 1999, more than 10,000 AIDS cases have been reported to the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA). Nearly 6 of every 10 people who have been diagnosed with AIDS have died. The primary epidemic involves men who have sex with men (MSM). While overall numbers of new AIDS cases are declining, primarily among white males who have sex with males, the proportions of those affected are increasing among intravenous drug users, their sex partners and offspring, women, Blacks and Hispanics. The emergence of other communicable diseases in the HIV-infected population raises greater concern. Many HIV-positive injection drug users are now being diagnosed with Hepatitis C. Tuberculosis infection along with HIV continues to be a local problem, requiring prolonged and complicated drug regimens. And a recent West Coast outbreak of syphilis among MSM, especially those who have contacts in bath houses, seems to be spreading to San Diego County. This outbreak suggests that unsafe sex continues, even among those who are "informed" about the risk. In California, only an AIDS diagnosis is reportable. Current data, collected primarily at the end-stage of the HIV disease spectrum when AIDS is finally diagnosed, provides a limited picture of the impact of HIV/ AIDS in the community. Efforts to make HIV reportable promise to shed new light on the epidemic. This report summarizes current knowledge about the epidemiology of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in San Diego County. Further, it highlights the challenges we face in tracking new infections and describing the epidemic as it continues to impact the community. Recent advances in HIV treatment have slowed the progression of HIV disease for infected persons on treatment and contributed to the decline in AIDS incidence. —Guidelines for National Human Immunodeficiency Virus Case Surveillance, Including Monitoring for HIV Infection and AIDS. Matiditv and Mortality Weekly Report. December 1Q. 1999. 48(RR 13) Table 1 ___^_ San Diego County HIV/AIDS Status Page 2 HIV/AIDS: Local Epidemic Milestones 1981, November 1985, June 1985, August 1987, October 1987, October 1988, August 1999, August First resident in San Diego County diagnosed with AIDS. Alternative Testing Site (ATS) began offering anonymous HIV testing. lOO"1 local resident reported with AIDS to the Department of Health Services. Confidential HIV Testing began in San Diego County in the Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic. Office of AIDS Coordination established in San Diego County. 1,000"" local resident reported with AIDS to the Department of Health Services. 10,000th local resident reported with AIDS to the Health and Human Services Agency. Comparison of cases Year of Diagnosis versus Living with AIDS 8V 82 83 84 85 86 81 8* 89 90 9* 92 93 9* 96 96 91 9» 99 — Cases by Year of Diagnosis — Living w/AIDS The picture of AIDS has been changing over the course of the epidemic. The two opportunistic infections, Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and Kaposi's sarcoma defined AIDS in 1981. Revisions in the case definition for AIDS occurred in 1985, 1987. In 1993, the definition had expanded to 28 indicator diseases and two laboratory markers (low T- cell counts). The peak in the number of AIDS cases diagnosed in 1993 was the result of the change in the CDC Case Definition for AIDS that year, which stated that an individual with no symptoms of an opportunistic infection but with a low T-helper cell count (less than 200 mL/mm3) now could be diagnosed with AIDS. People could be diagnosed with AIDS earlier in their HIV infection than with any of the previous three AIDS case definitions. In November, 1981 two men, both homosexual, were diagnosed and treated forAIDS opportunistic infections at two different hospitals in San Diego. San Diego County HIV/AIDS Status Page 3 San Diego County: Third in State for AIDS Cases San Diego County has reported 10,244 AIDS residents diagnosed with AIDS through December, 1999 (cumulative incidence: 359 per 100,000 total population), the third- most of any county in the state. San Diego County has the highest cumulative incidence among Hispanics (278 per 100,000) in Southern California; Los Angeles County follows with 258 per 100,000. In Southern California, only Los Angeles County has a higher total number of AIDS cases per 100,000 population among Blacks (866 per 100,000) than San Diego County (696 per 100,000). Number of AIDS cases among selected California counties* Number of AIDS cases Cumulative incidence • AIDS Cases (*Excluding Los Angeles and San Francisco) S*1 Cumulative Incidence Incidence rates are a common way to measure and compare disease frequency in a community. They are used to compare the occurrence of disease in different populations because they adjust for differences in population size. Incidence is the number of new cases of a specific disease during a given time period. While San Diego County ranks third in actual number of cases in California, it ranks sixth in total cases per 100,000 population. Four of these counties are located in Northern California (San Francisco, Marin, Alameda, and Sonoma); two are in Southern California (Los Angeles and San Diego Counties). San Francisco has the greatest cumulative incidence in California (3,027 per 100,000). Since 1981 10,000 people in San Diego County have had to face the challenge of living with AIDS. o c San Diego County HIV/AIDS Status Page 4 AIDS and People of Color: Disproportionate Increase Since 1981, 3,368 people of color have been diagnosed with AIDS. Racial and ethnic communities have been disproportionately affected by the HIV epidemic. The incidence of AIDS is nearly three times higher among Blacks and nearly two times higher among Hispanics than among Whites. • People of color comprised the majority of AIDS cases diagnosed in 1997. • Rates per 100,000 were greatest for both Black males and females. • For females aged 13 to 24 years, 6 of every 10 were women of color. • In the early years of the epidemic, Hispanics with AIDS represented less than 1 in every 10 cases; in recent years, approximately 1 in every 4 reported AIDS cases are Hispanics. • The increasing incidence of AIDS among 20 to 29-year-old Hispanics suggests a shift in the epidemic to a younger age at diagnosis. AIDS case incidence by race/ethnicity Incidence per 100,000 Rates of new cases alone cannot provide insight as to why different populations have more cases than are expected, given their representation in the population. The reason for this disparity remains unclear and needs additional study. Of 10,000 San Diego County AIDS cases, Blacks account for 1,161 (12%). Hispanics account for 1,851 (19%). Women of color account for 660(7%). Disparities in the rate of infection among certain racial and ethnic groups . . . remain a challenge. —Healthy People 2010 - Conference Edition, Chapter 13, HIV Co-Lead Agencies: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; and Health Resources and Services Administration, November 30, 1999 San Diego County ;ffl¥/AlpS:Stoas;j:Page 5 AIDS and Injection Drug Use: A Continuing Scourge Cases attributable to directly injecting drugs and secondary spread to sexual partners and offspring account for a larger proportion of AIDS cases each year. By 1999, nearly 1 in 4 AIDS cases reported a direct history of injection drug use or an indirect exposure through sexual contact with an IDU. Local access to drug rehabilitation continues to be a problem for many. With 10,000 to 15,000 needle users in San Diego County—most of whom share at some time or another—the problems associated with HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C among needle users, their partners and offspring, will continue to plague the community. • Proportion of AIDS cases reporting injection drug use (IDU) increased from 2% in 1984 to 13% in 1999, • Through December, 1999, 843 AIDS cases among people with a history of injection drug use were diagnosed, accounting for 8% of AIDS cases. • Although women represent a small proportion of adult AIDS cases (7%), they represent approximately 33% of IDU AIDS cases. • More than half of IDU AIDS cases are people of color, compared to only one-third among all AIDS cases. • Female IDU cases are most likely to be White. Male IDU cases are most likely to be people of color. Percent of cases 301 25 The proportion of AIDS cases related to IDU is increasing gradually 93 94 95 96 97 98 • IDU B MSM+IDU • Sex w/ IDU 99 Estimates of the total IDU population in San Diego County could be as high as 25,000 to 28,000. needle sharing was reported by 80.6% of IDU respondents to a 1998 study In San Diego County. Six out of 10 women versus 2 out of 10 men attribute their HIV infection directly to IDU or being a sexual partner of an IDU. Recently reported female IDU AIDS cases show an increase among White women. IDUs are at the greatest risk for AIDS. Sixty percent of children with AIDS in San Diego County were born to HIV-infected mothers who were either an IDU or the sexual partner of an IDU. Given the prevalence of high risk behaviors among IDUs in San Diego County ... it is important not to be complacent... every effort should be made to reduce risky behavior and slow the spread of HIV infection while the pool of infection is still small, and avert the alarming rates .. .seen elsewhere in the nation among IDUs. —Risk Behavior Study: Injection Drue Users in San Diego County Lori Buchsbaum. Kathv Stafford. Al Velasco. Spring. 1999 San Diego County HIV/AIDS Status Page 6 1DU Risk for Hepatitis C: May Exceed Risk for Acquiring HIV Injection drug use is an important factor in the continuation of the blood-borne epidemics: HIV, HBC and HCV. In the United States the two most common exposures for transmission of HCV are injection drug use and blood transfusion. According to the CDC, an estimated 230,000 new Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infections occurred each year during the 1980s. Since then, the annual number of new infections has declined by greater than 80% to an estimated 36,000 in 1996. Alter and Moyer conclude that the decline of cases of acute hepatitis C among injection drug users may be the result of a combination of factors, including safer injection practices resulting from widespread community-based efforts to prevent HIV infection. • As many as 90% of IDUs are infected with HCV within 5 years of their initial injection drug use; 60% are infected within 6 months (varies geographically). • As many as 72% of IDUs are infected with hepatitis B virus infection (HBV) (varies geographically). • Nationally, costs due to HCV disease are estimated to exceed $600 million annually. • Of the 4.1 million individuals who are positive for Hepatitis C nationally, 3.5 million are chronically infected; 8,000 to 10,000 deaths occur per year. • Hepatitis C is the cause of 40% of chronic liver disease; it is the most common reason for liver transplants in the United States. Hepatitis C test results among IDU and non-lDU STD clinic clients IDU (N=165)Non-IDU (N=2420) Positive 44 (2%) Negative 90 (55%) Negative 2,376 (98%) Hepatitis C testing offered through San Dieqo County STD Clinicsduring Aug. - Sept. 1998, and Sept. 1999 - Teh. 2000 Effective prevention helps IDUs and benefits society as a whole. Reduced transmission among IDUs means reduced transmission among their sex partners, their children, and among the general population. CDC recommends that all syringes used for injections be sterile. A comprehensive approach to HIV, HBV and HCV prevention must incorporate a wide range of strategies. Hepatitis C Virus infection is acquired more rapidly after initiation of injecting than other viral infections, i.e., hepatitis B virus and HIV, and rates of HCV infection among young injecting-drug users are four times higher than rates of HIV infection. Recommendations for Prevention and Control of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Infection and HCV-Related Chronic Disease. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. October 16. 1998 47(RRI9i 1 have since learned how high a likelihood it is for someone participating in injection drug use to become infected with HCV, and when I was messing around with injection drug use or heavily into it I hadn 't ever really thought about that possibility. I thought I was being careful to not be infected with HIV and I thought I was minimizing my risk, when in fact that wasn If the only thing I should have been worrying about, you know. I ended up living with Hepatitis C which does affect my life.' Patient perspective (young female): www.cdc.gov/ncidod/ disease s/hepatitis/c/edu/patient /patient2.htm c San Diego County HIV/AIDS Status Page 7 San Diego County's Central Region: Hardest Hit by AIDS The highest rates for AIDS cases diagnosed since 1993 occur in communities located in the County's Central Region. The South Region is a distant second. The rate of AIDS cases from 1993 through 1999 in the Central Region was four to ten times greater than in other regions. Communities that consistently report high numbers of AIDS cases and rates in the Central Region include Hillcrest, Downtown, North Park, Normal Heights, Mission Hills, and Mission Valley. From 1993 through 1999, 8 out of 10 Black females with AIDS from injection drug use lived in the Central Region at the time of diagnosis. Reported AIDS cases by residence at time of diagnosis within County Regions 1993-99 Rate per 100,000 pop •'m 99.35WM 78.45BB 68.11 Geographic analysis illustrates the distribution and prevalence rates of reported AIDS cases at the time of diagnosis. Areas mapped by regions or zip code allow a visual display of where cases are consistently contributing to higher rates. Variations in disease distribution require further investigation into the demographic, socioeconomic and health characteristics of a population. Historically, the residents of the Central Region have been the most disproportionately impacted by AIDS. Trend analyses reveal the major modes of transmission among reported AIDS continue to be highest in the Central Region. The greatest proportion of female IDUs reside primarily in the Central Region, followed by North Coastal and North Central. Male IDUs reside primarily in the Central Region, followed by South and North Central Regions. Of 10,000 San Diego County AIDS cases, 5,931 (59%) lived in the Central Region at time of diagnosis. COPY San Diego County HIV/AIDS Status Page 8 C o AIDS Hospitalizations: Government Programs Pay In San Diego County, the total hospital charges to treat patients with a primary diagnosis of AIDS/HIV exceeded $13.5 million in 1997, with an average charge of $25,561 per case. The average length of stay was 9.3 days. Nearly 70% of the costs were covered by government-sponsored programs (Medicare and Medi-Cal). AIDS hospital charges in 1997 by expected source of payment Millions of dollars ($) 8 Other •Medicare County Indigent Programs The majority of people hospitalized for AIDS during 1997 were White (6 out of 10) followed by Hispanic (2 out of 10). Males were twelve times more likely to be hospitalized than females. However, Black males were only four times more likely to be hospitalized than Black females. Among those hospitalized with a primary diagnosis of AIDS/HIV, 320 were repeat hospitalizations during this period. The most common associated medical conditions among hospitalized AIDS/HIV cases were: pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP), tuberculosis, cytomegaloviral disease, and cryptococcosis. Ofall San Diego County AIDS-related hospital costs in 1997, 70% were covered by Medicare and Medi-Cal. The lifetime cost associated with HIV care has grown to $155,000. COPY San Diego County HIV/AIDS Status Page 9 O Medications for HIV Treatment: Extremely Expensive Because of the unusually high cost and limited access to new drugs developed specifically to treat HIV disease, the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) was established in California in October, 1987. San Diego County has the third largest ADAP population in California, behind Los Angeles and San Francisco. • San Diego County enrolled 1,838 people in ADAP during 1999; 40% of enrollees were between the ages of 31 and 40 years. • The total cost to provide Pharmaceuticals to San Diego County residents through ADAP was $9,565,988 in 1999; the average cost per patient was $5,204. • 80% of 1999 ADAP enrollees in San Diego County had an annual income of less than $16,480. ADAP clients in San Diego County by gender and race/ethnicity, 1999 Females Males • White H Native American • Black P Hispanic • Asian Pacific Islander B Unknown ADAP provides medications for low- to moderate-income uninsured and underinsured people with HIV infection. The centralization of the ADAP program in 1997, through a pharmacy benefits management service provider, improved access to medications for people living with HIV. Currently, more than 2,600 eligible pharmacies statewide distribute medications through the ADAP program. Women of color (64%) were overrepresented when compared to men of color (42%) among San Diego County ADAP enrollees in 1999. Twenty-two percent of females on ADAP identified themselves as Black, compared to 9% of males. Slightly more females identified as Hispanic (37%) compared to males (31%). ADAP provided nearly 10 million dollars in medications for lav-infected County residents in 1999. 80% of these people had an annual income less than $16,500. Revised HIV treatment guidelines recommend antiretroviral therapy for many HIV-infected persons in whom AIDS-defining conditions have not yet developed. In addition, antiretroviral treatment of pregnant women and their newborns has reduced perinatal HIV transmission and resulted in dramatic declines in the incidence of perinatally acquired AIDS. —Guidelines for National Human Immunodeficiency Virus Case Surveillance, Including Monitoring for HIV Infection and AIDS. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, December 10, 1999, 48(RR13) COPY San Diego CountyrflW/AIDS Status Page 10 Deaths Due to AIDS Decline In the United States, AIDS deaths fell 42% in 1997; in 1998 deaths decreased by only 20% In San Diego County, deaths fell 50% in 1997 (from 400 deaths in 1996 to 200 deaths in 1997); in 1998, deaths decreased by 25% (from 200 deaths in 1997 to 151 deaths in 1998). During the decade of the 90s in San Diego County, the greatest number of AIDS deaths (83), which occurred during one month, occurred during November, 1993. In July of 1999 only four deaths occurred, the month with the least number of AIDS deaths . Number of cases 1400 - 1200 1000 800 - 600 400 - 200 - Status of AIDS cases by year of diagnosis o 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Year of Diagnosis • Deaths B Living w/AIDS Between 1992 and 1997, the number of people reported living with AIDS increased in all groups as a result of the 1993 expanded AIDS case definition and, more recently, improved survival rates due to HAART treatment. (Health People 2010 - Conference Edition). According to the CDC, improvement in medical care and the leveling of opportunistic illness incidence are additional factors. Early identification of HIV-positive status, quality medical care and new drug therapies not only delay the progression from HIV infection to AIDS, but also delay the progression from AIDS to death. The CDC states that from 1992-1995, HIV infection increased to become the 8* leading overall cause of death in the U.S.; in 1998 HIVinfection felltothe Pleading cause of death. All persons should have equal access to appropriate care and treatment services for maintaining a healthy life. Healthy People 2010-Conference Edition, Chapter 13. HIV. Co-Lead Agencies: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Health Resources and Services Administration, November 30, 1999 San Diego County fflV/MDS Status Page 11 Years of Life Lost from AIDS: Disproportionate Among Ethnic Groups Years of potential life lost is an estimate of the loss to society as a result of youthful or early death. It assumes a productive life of 75 years, and the years of productive life lost are those due to death prior to age 75, • In 1998, a typical AIDS death in a Hispanic person contributed 37.2 years of life lost, compared to 34 years of life lost per AIDS death in Blacks and 30.7 years in Whites. • Over time, the proportion of years of life lost among Whites and males has been decreasing, while years of life lost among people of color and females has been increasing. Average years of potential life lost per AIDS death by race/ethnicity Average years lost per death 1995 1996 1997 1998 I White • Hispanic • Black More than 40,900 years of potential life were lost due to AIDS during the four-year period between 1995 and 1998. Because the number of AIDS deaths has decreased during this period, the number of years of potential life lost due to AIDS has also been decreasing. In 1998, over half of the years lost were among Whites (58%), nearly one-quarter were among Hispanics and 12% were among Blacks. In 1998, most of the years of potential life_ lost were among males (89%). In San Diego County... Hispanic people with AIDS lose 37 years of life. Black people with AIDS lose 34 years of life. White people with AIDS lose 31 years of life. COPY About 70% of all deaths from HIV infection have occurred among persons 25 to 44 years old. —Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for HIV, STD and TB Prevention, Divisions of HIV/AIDS Prevention. Mortality L285 Slide Series (through 1998) San Diego County HIV/AIDS Status Page 12 TB and HIV Infection: Under-recognized but Prevalent O Tuberculosis (TB) infection concurrent with HIV contributed to the increase in tuberculosis cases in the United States during the late 1980s and early 1990s. People infected with both TB and HIV are at a very high risk of advancing to active tuberculosis disease. • In 1999, approximately 8% of people in San Diego County with tuberculosis also have AIDS. • Since 1994, Hispanics have borne the greatest share of TB-HIV coinfection. 56% of those with HIV infection and tuberculosis are Hispanic. • In 1999, the estimated rate of active TB among persons infected with HIV in the City of San Diego was 215 per 100,000, compared to an overall rate in the county of 10.4 per 100,000. • In 1999, 68% of the 25 co-diagnosed cases were Hispanic; 16% were Black; 8% were White; 4% were Asian. Proportion of cases by race/ethnicity HIV co-infected tuberculosis cases Year of TB diagnosis \m. Indian EJ Asian/Pi "Black •While • Hispanic Tuberculosis among people co-infected with HIV has occurred most frequently in those groups with historically high rates of TB, such as recent immigrants, the homeless and injection drug users. The proportion of cases with HIV infection and TB has remained relatively stable since 1990. People with Latent Tuberculosis Infection (LTBI) have a 10% chance of developing active tuberculosis disease sometime during their life. Individuals co-infected with HIV have a 10% annual risk of developing active TB disease. Injection drug users with LTBI are at an increased risk of developing active TB disease. Treatment of LTBI significantly reduces the risk of developing active TB disease. All individuals newly diagnosed with HIV should be tested for latent TB infection and, if infected, should be urged to take treatment to prevent progression to active TB. HIV infection is one of the strongest known risk factors for the progression of TB from infection to disease. However, of the diseases associated with HIV infection, TB is one of the few that is transmissible, treatable, and preventable. —TB/HIV The Connection: What Health Care Workers Should Know. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, September 1993 Of 10,000 AIDS cases, 393 (4%) also have TB. 172 (2%) of Hispanics have both TB and HIV infection. 45% of those with HIV infection and TB are Hispanic. COPY San Diego 9>«»$ H!WMI)S,Stalus Page 13 Intersecting Epidemics: STDs and HIV Transmission Numerous studies have shown that sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as syphilis, herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, and bacterial vaginosis facilitate the transmission of HIV. • During 1999, 7,591 cases of chlamydia, 1,560 cases of gonorrhea, and 25 cases of syphilis were reported in San Diego County. • In 1999, there were an estimated 459,000 cases of herpes, 140,000 cases of bacterial vaginosis, and 51,000 cases of trichomoniases. (Reporting of these illnesses is not mandatory.) • A syphilis outbreak (158 early cases) was declared in Los Angeles County in the first quarter of 2000. Over half of the MSM (males having sex with males) cases reported that they were HIV-positive. • From January to May, 2000, San Diego County reported 7 infectious syphilis cases. Six were MSM, of which 4 reported they were HIV-positive. Number of cases 9,000- 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 Chlamydia cases San Diego County, 1991-1999 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) HIV/STD Prevention Advisory Board recommends that STD prevention and treatment be integrated into HIV prevention and care services. Chlamydia is the most prevalent bacterial STD in San Diego. Because chlamydia generally (>75%) does not cause recognizable symptoms, screening high-risk populations is necessary. All sexually active adolescents throughout San Diego are at high risk and should be screened at least annually. Men who have sex with men (MSM) are at increased risk for gonorrhea and syphilis. Since MSM have a relatively increased probability of being HIV-infected or being exposed to HIV, efforts to detect and treat these STD infections should be a top priority for HIV transmission prevention in this high-risk group. The CDC recommends screening and treating STDs as a biomedical additional approach to HIV prevention. We should be advocating maintenance of good "genital tract health " to help reduce HIV transmission and also take steps to integrate STD services into HIV prevention programs. —Robert A. Gunn, M.D., M.P.H., STD Control Officer, Office of Public Health, County of San Diego Health & Human Services Agency STDs increase the transmission probability for HIV infection. In one study, providing effective STD treatment resulted in a 38% lower fUV incidence. San Dfego County :11IV/AIDS Status Page 14 HIV Infection in San Diego County: Estimates Versus Accurate Data HIV infection is not a reportable condition in California. AIDS is. But recent advances in medicine have, on average, prolonged the time to ten years or more between HIV infection and diagnosis/reporting of AIDS. Consequently, tracking recent events in the HIV/AIDS epidemic by only using AIDS statistics is too limiting and imprecise. • Estimates indicate that less than one-third of people living with HIV in San Diego County are diagnosed with AIDS. • Between 9,762 and 13,510 of San Diego County residents are estimated to be living with HIV infection or AIDS. • San Diego County has a high estimated HIV prevalence; only Los Angeles County and San Francisco County have a greater estimated HIV prevalence. • Nearly three-quarters of the estimated HIV-positive people in California are found in five counties: Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Alameda and Orange. Estimates of HIV prevalence by status 12% with AIDS 01* 70% HIV infection without an AIDS diagnosis 'Opportunistic Infection diagnosis HIV prevalence is the proportion of individuals in a population who are living with HIV or AIDS. An estimate of HIV prevalence in a community is an important part of the planning process. Estimates provide helpful information in describing the extent of the HIV epidemic and likely future needs. Recent estimates developed in San Diego County were based upon HIV prevalence estimates developed by the California State Office of AIDS. These estimates suggest continuing changes in the pattern of HIV/AIDS in San Diego County. White people account for slightly over half of people living with HIV (not AIDS); Hispanics represent slightly less than one-third and Blacks approach 20%. It is estimated that injection drug use is the exposure category for 13% of those living with HIV compared to less than 10% of those living with AIDS. Women show a slight increase in the estimates of HIV prevalence. Estimating the number of persons living with HIV is essential in developing HIV prevention strategies and predicting future HIV-related medical, social and public health resource needs. —Farzaneh Tabnak, Arthur Johnson. HIV Prevalence Estimates for California. 1996. California HIV/AIDS Update Studies have estimated prevalence of HIVinfection in California at 145,900 in 1990, and at 130,000 to 175,000 in 1994. San Diegp County HJ¥/&iDS Status Page 15 HIV Antibody Testing: Gateway for Prevention and Early Treatment Anonymous tests were a frequently used form of HIV antibody testing in County- funded sites from 1994 through 1998. Enhanced outreach efforts in recent years may have contributed to the increase service utilization among people with high-risk behaviors. Individuals with HIV-positive tests are referred to programs for education and early treatment of HIV-related disease. ATS/CTS* clients reporting high-risk behavior for HIV infection Percent 54-i 7/97-12/97 1/98-6/98 7/98-12/98 Date of HIV test (6-month period) 'County Anonymous and Confidential Test Sites 1/99-6/99 Among those accessing testing services in County sites, men tested more frequently than women and Blacks demonstrated the highest seropositivity as compared to other races/ ethnicities. Among men having sex with men, approximately 1 in 10 report seeking an HIV test for the first time; 9 of every 10 are repeat testers. About 1 in 5 women IDU report seeking an initial HIV test; 4 of 5 are repeat testers. HIV infection without an AIDS-defining condition is not reportable in California. Over 15,000 HIV antibody tests are performed each year at County Anonymous and Confidential Test Sites (ATS/CTS). Risk behaviors and testing history for clients using ATS/CTS are self-reported, representing units of service. They cannot be interpreted as representing the general population of San Diego County. Men who have sex with men and also inject drugs test positive for HIV most frequently. The primary purpose of HIV testing is to provide one-on- one counseling about ways to reduce risk for HIV infection. Estimates are that approximately 250,000persons in the United States were unaware they were infected with HIV in 1998. HIV testing provides a critical avenue to reach persons at risk with prevention counseling and sendees as well as to link infected individuals with needed care and treatment services. —Healthy People 20JO -Conference Edition, Chapter 13. HIV Co-Lead Agencies: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Health Resources and Services Administration, November 30, 1999 San Diego County HIV/AIDS Status Page 16 Being Tested for HIV: An Important First Step to a Healthier Life The total number of individuals seeking HIV testing for the first time decreased from 6184 in 1995 to 5016 in 1998; in 1999 5250 individuals tested for the first time. The number of people testing positive among first time testers ranged from 74 in 1997 to 38 in 1999. In 1998, 40% of individuals were diagnosed with AIDS within two months of learning of their HIV-positive status. This is up from 26% in 1993. Persons testing positive for HIV in San Diego County among first-time test takers Number of people 80 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 1995 9.9/1000 5994 57 .095% 9.5/1000 5796 74 1.3% 13/1000 5016 53 1.1% 11/1000 5250 38 .07% 7/1000 According to Dr. Bernard Branson, CDC, as many as one-third (approximately 300,000) of all HIV-positive people in the United States do not know they are infected with the virus. Many who are tested learn they are HIV-positive late in the course of the disease, frequently after the virus has done extensive damage to the immune system. Early testing provides the opportunity to benefit from early medical intervention. New treatments offer the newly identified HIV-positive person a longer, healthier life. For pregnant women who are HIV-infected, these therapies can reduce the probability of transmitting HIV to the unborn baby. (Healthy People 2010- Conference Edition) Before people living with HIV/AIDS can begin to maximize the benefits of new treatments and exercise risk reduction, they must be aware of their sero-status. Rapid Testing: The Promise of New Testing Techniques. AIDS Action Council Estimates of the number of people infected with HIV in the United States ranges from 650,000 to 900,000. COPY San Diego County HIV/AIDS Status Page 17 Large Numbers of First-time HIV Test Seekers Reside in Central Region Between 1995 and 1999, 28,240 people sought HIV testing for the first time at County anonymous testing sites (first-time testers). The majority of people who seek HIV testing in County facilities reside in the Central Region (37%) and the North Central Region (23%). Among first-time testers with HIV-positive results, 64% reside in the Central Region, followed by 11% in the South Region. Among first-time testers with HIV-positive test results, most are male (84%) between 31 and 55 years of age (61%), followed by males 19 to 30 years of age (37%). Most people who test HIV-positive at County HIV testing sites are White (36%), followed by Hispanics (29%) and Blacks (28%). Reported HIV-positive people by Zip code of residence 1995-99* No. of positive testscm 1-20[;-;?: 21-50 Ili 5I -10°Hi 101 - 150I None 30 60 Miles •Includes multiple testers Although people who choose to take an HIV antibody test are considered a self-selected population, this group can provide some information regarding the direction of the HIV epidemic. Because not all people within San Diego County choose to be tested for HIV, however, the application of this information is limited. Among first-time testers with HIV-positive test results, more than two-thirds reported living in the Central Region, followed by 1 in 10 who lived in the South and North Central Regions. In all regions, the majority of first-time testers are 18 to 30 years of age. More males than females use testing services. The HIV/AIDS subepidemics not only vary by region and community, but also may vary by population, risk behavior, and geography. —Healthy People 2010 - Conference Edition, Chapter 13. HIV Co-Lead Agencies: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Health Resources and Services Administration, November 30, 1999 Between 1995 & 1999... of people who sought HIV tests at County sites for the first time, 10,415 resided in the Central Region. Of 283 people who tested positive county-wide, 182 resided in the Central Region. COPY San Diego County MV/AIDS Status:Page 18 Rates of HIV Decline Among Military Applicants Nationally, newly identified HIV-positive active duty sailors decreased from a high of 127 in 1986 to 58 in 1998. Nationally, newly identified HIV-positive active duty marines decreased from a high of 155 in 1986 to 13 in 1998. In California, the proportion of military applicants identified as HIV-positive steadily increased as age increased from 1986 to 1996, from 0.03% among people 17 to 19 years of age, to 0.33% among those 30 years and older. In San Diego County, the overall proportion among military applicants testing HIV- positive from 1985 to 1996 was 0.13% for males and 0.01% for females. Percent Positive Prevalence of HIV among San Diego County civilian male applicants for U.S. Military Service, 1985- 1996 White (n=23) Black (n= 16) Hispanic (n=5) Other (n=5) Racial/Ethnic Group (number positive) Source: California HIV/AIDS Update, July, 1997, Vol. 10, No. 3 Military applicants are considered a unique population. Screening can describe the HIV status of the population entering the armed services, but should not be assumed as similar to the population at large. From 1985 to 1996, over 432,000 men and women applied for military service in California. HIV prevalence in California military applicants declined between 1985 and 1996, according to California HIV/AIDS Update, July, 1997. Among military applicants in California, Blacks had the highest percent of HIV-positive applicants, 4.5 times higher than for Whites. Overall, 0.10% of California military applicants were identified as HIV-positive at the time of screening. In San Diego, Black males were reported with the highest proportion HIV-positive applicants, over four times that of White male applicants. Among females, only Whites were identified through screening as HIV-positive. black military applicants are nearly five times more likely than White applicants to be positive for HIV. o San Diego County HIV/AIDS Status Page 19 O County of San Diego: HIV Infection Estimates Tracking the HIV/AIDS epidemic using only AIDS case data indicates where the epidemic was ten years ago, not where the epidemic is currently developing. CDC recommends that all states require HIV reporting. California, and hence, the County of San Diego, has no such requirements. • Forty states require HIV reporting, either through a unique identifier or a name-based system; seven states require HIV reporting with no identifying information. • Three states, including California, have no HIV reporting system in place or pending. Percent Comparison of selected variables in states with HIV and AIDS reporting Women Blacks Heterosexuals Youth • HIV BAIDS Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, HIV Reporting Teleconference, May 13, 1998 States with HIV reporting have documented that the combined prevalence of those living with a diagnosis of HIV infection and AIDS provides a more realistic and useful estimate of resources needed for patient care and services than AIDS prevalence alone. For example, in states with HIV reporting, 14% of youths (age 13 to 24) were HIV-infected versus 3% of this age group represented among AIDS cases. When considering implementation of HIV reporting, evaluation of the surveillance system must be considered as an integral element. Program evaluations should measure the potential impact of HIV surveillance on test-seeking patterns and behaviors. Anonymous testing facilities must be continued to provide privacy as an option for testing. While AIDS surveillance data provides important information about the modes of HIV transmission, year of diagnosis and demographic characteristics of individuals diagnosed with AIDS, the data have inherent limitations. AIDS data reflect HIV infection contracted some years before diagnosis of severe HIV disease. —Lalekan Mikanda Araba-Owoyele, James Singleton, Juan Ruiz, Jensen Kuan. Variations in AIDS Cases among Adolescents and Young Adults in California (1980 - 1992). California HIV/AIDS Update, Volume 6, No. 2, Second Quarter, 1993 In states with universal HIV reporting, 3% of young people have AIDS; whereas 14% have HIV infection, COPY San DiegpCounty HIV/AIDS Status Page 20 Local HIV/AIDS Annual Expenditures: Impact is Enormous $37 million identified through categorical HIV/AIDS public and private funding sources is targeted for people living with HIV/AIDS without other sources of payment for needed services.* Nearly 89% ($33 million) of these funds are allocated for care and treatment Approximately 11% ($4 million) of these funds is available for education, prevention and counseling & testing services It is estimated that as many as 600 new cases of HIV disease are transmitted each year in San Diego county, based upon national estimates of 40,000 new cases of HIV infection per year. Source of Payment for HIV-Related Medical Services Medi-Cal $52.5 million CARE Act, State and local care/treatment Veteran's Administration/other military CDC, State, and local education/prevention $32.9 million $31.7 million $19.5 million 11.0 million $4.4 million 0 10 20 30 40 50 Millions of dollars 60 In San Diego County, 65% of all diagnosed AIDS cases were residents of the Central Area at the time of diagnosis. Public resources and services are distributed to provide services in all regions of the County, while focusing the majority of resources on the most heavily impacted Central Region. In recent years, the South Bay Region has experienced the most rapid increase in the proportion of new AIDS cases. Planners, therefore, must balance the needs to enhance and expand HIV/AIDS services to all regions, while maintaining a strong continuum of care in the Central region where the majority of consumers continue to reside **Does not include major funding sources such as Medi-Cal, Medicare, Veterans Administration, private insurers and other resources that pay the majority of HIV/AIDS care in the County. Resources dedicated to HIV/AIDS research also not included. The economic impact of HIV/AIDS in San Diego County is enormous. Current estimates for all medical-related expenses come in at approximately $152 million. San Diego Counfy HIV/Alp$,Status Page 21 Summary of HIV/AIDS Services & Funding in San Diego County Categorical HIV/AIDS Public and Private Funding Sources Care and Treatment Services Type of Service Medical Care Medical Care (Specialty) Medical Care Medical Care Prescription Medications Provider Training HIV Early Intervention Case Management Case Management Case Management Case Management Benefits Counseling Food & Nutrition Food & Nutrition Food & Nutrition Dental Care Housing Housing Housing Housing Housing Mental Health Mental Health Mental Health Substance Abuse Svcs. Substance Abuse Svcs. Transportation Transportation Transportation Treatment Education Home Health Care Other Support Services i * • Other Support Services Other Support Services — ' •-' " * J y-Other Support Services Surveillance Funding Source CARE Act - Title I CARE Act - Title I CARE Act - Title III CARE Act - Title IV CARE Act - Title II/ State CARE Act - AETC State CARE Act - Title I CARE Act Title II/State Medi-Cal Waiver State - Corrections CARE Act - Title I CARE Act - Title I/ II Private funds CDBG funds CARE Act - Title I HOPWA CARE Act - Title I HUD - Shelter + Care CDBG Private funds CARE Act - Title I CDBG State SAMHSA CARE Act - Title I CARE Act - Title I CDBG Private funds CARE Act - Title I CARE Act - Title I CARE Act - Title I County CDBG Private funds State TOTAL Approx. Funding1 $1.080,C $500, $1,250, $625, $11,750, $164, $275, $1,330, $670,000 $880,^ $132,' $125, $1,378,' $1,058,000 $175, $250,i $2,168,000 $580,000 $110, $33,000 $347,000 $730,000 $100,000 $161,000 $790,000 $255,000 $420,000 $30,000 $20,000 $140,000 $90,000 $2,286,000 $1,774,000 $177,000 $961,000 $475,000 HIV/AIDS Service Region2 C N SB SE E $33,280,000 Shaded areas indicate service available in Region See page 19 for details regarding regions. San Diego County fllV/AIDS Status Page 22 Categorical HIV/AIDS Public and Private Funding Sources Education, Prevention, and Testing Type of Service Funding Source Approx. Funding1 HIV/AIDS Service Region2 C Outreach - Testing State $320,000 Counseling & Testing State $752,000 Prevention - MSM State $680,000 Prevention - IDU State $474,000 Prevention - MSM CDC $200,000 Prevention - IDU Minority Health $150,000 Prevention - IDU Private funds $150,000 Prevention - IDU County $100,000 Prevention - Youth State $203,000 Prevention - Youth Private funds $100,000 Prevention - Women State $185,000 Prevention - Other State $630,000 Prevention - Schools CDC $347,000 Other - TBD Private funds $110,000 TOTAL $4,401,000 Shaded areas indicate service available in Region 1 Amounts are estimates or approximations of HIV/AIDS-specific funding currently available. Additional funding, especially from small private foundations, fundraisers, and other sources contribute additional HIV funding. Additionally, Medi-Cal, CHAMPUS, and private health insurers provide extensive amounts of medical care and related services to people living with HIV/AIDS, that are not reflected in this summary. Also, funding that supports the continuum of HIV services that is not specific or exclusive to HIV/AIDS is not included. 2 The five HIV/AIDS service regions were established prior to the designation of six HHSA regions. While the regions are similar, several strategic differences have been maintained due to the unique characteristics of the impact of the HIV epidemic. 3 "Other Support Services" include a broad array of services designed to help people living with HIV improve health status, increase access to services, and improve quality of life. These services include Emergency Financial Assistance, Legal Services, Complementary Therapies, Respite and Child Care, Peer Counseling, Information & Referral, Drop-In Services, Laundry, Representative Payee, Outreach, Interpreting Services, Technical Assistance, Volunteer Coordination, Planning and Administrative Support, and support for Operational Costs of HIV/AIDS service providers. 4 Significant gaps in community capacity for supportive services have direct impact on the ability of many people living with HIV/AIDS to maintain healthy and stable living environments, resulting in increased challenges to maintain or improve health status. Particularly pronounced are shortages of affordable housing and an inadequate supply of residential substance abuse treatment beds. Twenty- five percent of people living with HIV/AIDS in San Diego have experienced homelessness within the last twelve months, and almost half have a history of substance abuse. San Diego (%^ HIV/AIDS Status Page 23 Local Services for People with HIV/AIDS HIV Prevention Project Sites This map identifies the main office for each project. Services are provided throughout the surrounding communities. Primary Risk Category * All risk groups -i HXJ DXJ, Women MSM MSM.IDU MSM,1DU,STO MSM, IDU, Youth MSM, Youth Women Youth HIV Counseling and Testing Sites Several mobile testing clinics also provide services throughout the County. Test Sites • Community County Page 24 Local Services for People with HIV/AIDS Ryan White CARE Act Clinics and Case Management Services Some case management programs routinely provide home visits in addition to providing services from the identified sites. CARE Act Clinics and Services • Case IVfenagement ft Primaiy Care • Primaiy Care, Ca San Diego CottriftfHJV/AIDS Statis Page 25 Advances in treatment have diminished the ability of AIDS surveillance data to represent trends in the incidence of HIV infection or the impact on the health-care system. —Guidelines (or National Human Immunodeficienl Virus Case Sur\vitlance, Including Monitoring for HIV Infection and AIDS. MoibWty and Morality Weekly Report, December 10. 1999, 48(RRI3| Table i Summary The toll taken by HIV/AIDS on San Diego County is enormous. Nearly 41,000 years of potentially productive lives have been lost to AIDS just over the period 1995-1998. The economic impact of AIDS is equally profound, because of loss of earnings, and because of AIDS-associated medical costs. Still, if there is any "good" news, it is in the dramatic drop in the number of persons dying with AIDS, largely because of widespread use of new drugs, attention to health and social support, and a caring community. The number of individuals newly reported with AIDS is on the decline in San Diego and throughout the United States. The decrease can be attributed to drug treatment and medical and social services that slow the progression of HIV infection to an AIDS-defming condition, along with widespread changes in risk behavior which began over a decade ago. With the availability of antiviral drugs and medications to stave off progression of the illness, HIV-infected persons may remain socially active over a longer period of time. Consequently, new challenges arise in identifying and preventing the spread of HIV infection. The face of the epidemic is changing locally and statewide. Recently reported cases of AIDS show increases in the proportion of people of color, women and injection drug users. Information for planning service delivery and prevention programs is based on the occurrence pattern of reported AIDS diagnoses. Enumeration of AIDS case reports is not precise enough to guide resource/service provision, nor to target prevention efforts at behaviors and groups in which they are emerging. It takes information about new HIV infections to achieve this. HIV infection must be made reportable to public health authorities in California, as it is in most other states. In the future, additional epidemiologic profiles, including behavioral and sero-incidence studies, will complement population-based HIV/AIDS surveillance activities to bring the picture of the local HIV/ AIDS epidemic into focus. The disproportionate impact of HIV on people of color and the emerging epidemic of Hepatitis C among HIV-infected intravenous drug users need to be characterized and tracked, in order to yield more precise targeting of services and prevention programs. Better information about the interventions and messages that work best for substance users, including injection drug users, is a crucial measure to curb the spread of HIV in this population, as well as their partners and offspring. Data, information, and communication are the fundamental underpinnings of improved services and more effective efforts at addressing the AIDS/HIV epidemic locally. STD Fact Sheet Sexually Transmitted Diseases by Age, Gender and Race/Ethnicity San Diego County, 2000 Syphilis (primary & secondary) (Ntotai = 27; Overall Rate*, 0.9) Age <10 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 >45 Cases 0 0 2 5 3 5 8 4 Rate* 0 0 1.0 2.2 1.4 2.2 1.7 0.4 Gender Female Male Cases 6 21 Rate* 0.4 1.4 Race/Ethnicity White Hispanic African Am. Asian/Pi Am. Indian/AK. Native Cases 15 8 3 1 0 Rate* 0.9 1.1 1.7 0.4 0.0 Gonorrhea T (Ntotai = 1797; Overall Rate*, 61.7} Age <10 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 >45 Cases1 3 11 362 500 312 253 262 94 Rate* 0.6 5.4 187.5 223.5 145.3 111.7 55.5 10.2 Gender Female Male Cases* 714 1083 Rate* 49.8 73.2 Race/Ethnicity White Hispanic African Am. Asian/Pi Am. Indian/AK. Native Cases1 616 351 753 73 4 Rate* 35.4 48.6 433.9 29.1 19.5 Chlamydia (Ntotai = 8637; Overall Rate*, 296.6} Age <10 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 >45 Casesf 17 139 2702 3159 1366 675 460 119 Rate* 3.7 67.9 1399.6 1411.9 636.1 298.0 97.5 12.9 Gender Female Male Cases* 6522 2115 Rate* 455.2 143.0 Race/Ethnicity White Hispanic African Am. Asian/Pi Am. Indian/AK. Native Cases1 2533 3479 1898 692 35 Rate* 145.7 481.6 1093.6 275.6 170.8 * Rate per 100,000 population t Annual estimated cases and rates (per 100,000 population) by age, gender and race/ethnicity are obtained by applying the proportion in the known cases to the total case count. March 20, 2001 \\HHSA17\VOL1\HOME\AMAROUHE\STO1\FactShtOO.doc STD Fact Sheet Sexually Transmitted Diseases by Year of Report San Diego County, 1992-2000 Syphilis, Infectious (primary & secondary) Year 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Cases 112 106 98 52 35 23 24 25 27 Rate* 4.3 4.0 3.6 1.9 1.3 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 ';,-"•'' , ~\ Gonorrhea Year 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Cases 3258 3579 2656 2176 1815 1509 1595 1561 1797 Rate* 125.2 135.2 98.8 80.0 66.7 55.4 57.1 54.7 61.7 Congenital Syphilis Year 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Cases 40 36 22 12 8 13 11 14 3 Rate11 78.9 74.0 47.0 26.4 17.6 30.1 25.4 32.4 6.8 Chlamydia Year 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Cases 7487 7720 6413 5250 5642 6398 7044 7591 8637 Rate* 285.8 291.7 238.6 193.0 207.4 234.8 252.0 266.0 296.6 * Rate per 100,000 population U Rate per 100,000 live births March 20, 2001 \\HHSA17\VOL1\HOME\AMAROUHE\STD1\FactShtOO.doc 10 SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES ANNUAL SUMMARY SAN DIEGO COUNTY 1993-1994 Sexually Transmitted Disease Control Program Division of Community Disease Control Community Health Services Department of Health Services December 1995 Table of Contents Acknowledgements List of Figures List of Tables Population By Subregional Area, 1993 Population By Age Group, Race/Ethnicity, and Sex, 1993 Births by Mother's by Race/Ethnicity by Subregional Area, 1993 Sexually Transmitted Disease Core Transmission Area Executive Summary Introduction Data Sources Data Limitations Syphilis Congenital Syphilis Gonnorrhea Chlamydia Other Reportable STDs This report was prepared by Stacy L. Harper, Surveillance Coordinator, with assistance from the following: Robert A. Gunn, M.D., NLP.H. STD Control Officer STD Control Program Terry Brazell, M.D. Clinic Director STD Clinic Patti Gonzales Field Service Section Program Manager STD Control Program Shirley Garske Administrative Secretary II Division of Community Disease Control Data Entry Clerks STD Control Program The STD Control Program also acknowledges the physicians, other clinicians, nurses, infection control practitioners, and laboratory personnel who reported cases and collaborated with case management and field investigation. Michelle Ginsberg, MD Chief, Division of Community Disease Control 11 Figures Figure SI. Figure S2. Figure S3. Figure S4. Figure S5. Figure S6. Figure S7. Figure S8. Figure S9. Figure S10. Figure Sll. Figure S12. Figure S13. Figure S14, Figure SI5. Figure SI6. Figure S17. Figure S18. Figure S19. Syphilis Primary and secondary syphilis cases by year, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Primary and secondary syphilis rates by year, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Primary and secondary syphilis rates by gender, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Primary and secondary syphilis rates by race/ethnicity, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Primary and secondary syphilis rates by age and gender, San Diego County, CA, 1993 Primary and secondary syphilis rates by age and gender, San Diego County, CA, 1994 Early latent syphilis rates by year, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Early latent syphilis rates by gender, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Early latent syphilis rates by race/ethnicity, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Early latent syphilis rates by age and gender, San Diego County, CA, 1993 Early latent syphilis rates by age and gender, San Diego County, CA, 1994 Early syphilis rates by year, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Early syphilis rates by gender, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Early syphilis rates by race/ethnicity, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Early syphilis rates by age and gender, San Diego County, CA, 1993 Early syphilis rates by age and gender, San Diego County, CA, 1994 Total syphilis rates by year, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Total syphilis rates by gender, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Total syphilis rates by race/ethnicity, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 ill Congenital Syphilis Figure CS1. Congenital syphilis cases by year, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Figure CS2. Congenital syphilis rates by year, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Figure CS3. Congenital syphilis rates by race/ethnicity, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Figure CS4. Congenital syphilis rates by age of mother, San Diego County, CA, 1993 Figure CS5. Congenital syphilis rates by age of mother, San Diego County, CA, 1994 Figure Gl. Figure G2. Figure G3. Figure G4. Figure G5. Figure G6. Gonorrhea Gonorrhea cases by year, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Gonorrhea rates by year, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Gonorrhea rates by gender, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Gonorrhea rates by race/ethnicity, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Gonorrhea rates by age and gender, San Diego County, CA, 1993 Gonorrhea rates by age and gender, San Diego County, CA, 1994 Chlamydia Figure Cl. Chlamydia cases by year, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Figure C2. Chlamydia rates by year, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Figure C3. Chlamydia rates by gender, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Figure C4. Chlamydia rates by race/ethnicity, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Figure C5. Chlamydia rates by age and gender, San Diego County, CA, 1993 Figure C6. Chlamydia rates by age and gender, San Diego County, CA, 1994 IV Tables Syphilis Table 1. Primary and secondary syphilis cases and rates by gender, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Table 2. Primary and secondary syphilis cases and rates by race/ethnicity, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Table 3 . Primary and secondary syphilis cases and rates by age group, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Table 4. Primary and secondary syphilis cases by age group, race/ethnicity, and gender San Diego County, CA, 1993 Table 5. Primary and secondary syphilis cases by age group, race/ethnicity, and gender 1994 Table 6. Early latent syphilis cases and rates by gender, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Table 7. Early latent syphilis cases and rates by race/ethnicity, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Table 8. Early latent syphilis cases and rates by age group, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Table 9. Early latent syphilis cases by age group, race/ethnicity, and gender, San Diego County, CA, 1993 Table 10. Early latent syphilis cases by age group, race/ethnicity, and gender, San Diego County, CA, 1994 Table 11. Early syphilis cases and rates by gender, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Table 12. Early syphilis cases and rates by race/ethnicity, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Table 13. Early syphilis cases and rates by age group, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Table 14. Early syphilis cases by age group, race/ethnicity, and gender, San Diego County, CA, 1993 Table 15. Early syphilis cases by age group, race/ethnicity, and gender, San Diego County, CA, 1994 Table 16. Total syphilis cases and rates by gender, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Table 17. Total syphilis cases and rates by race/ethnicity, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Table 18. Total syphilis cases and rates by age group, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Table 19. Syphilis cases and rates by stage, San Diego County, 1992-1994 Table 20. Congenital Syphilis Congenital syphilis cases and rates, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 v Table 21. Congenital syphilis cases and rates by race/ethnicity, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Table 22. Congenital syphilis cases and rates by age of mother, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Gonorrhea Table 23. Gonorrhea cases and rates by gender, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Table 24. Gonorrhea cases and rates by race/ethnicity, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Table 25. Gonorrhea cases and rates by age group, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Table 26. Gonorrhea cases by age group, race/ethnicity, and gender, San Diego County, CA, 1993 Table 27. Gonorrhea cases by age group, race/ethnicity, and gender, San Diego County, CA, 1994 Chlamydia Table 28. Chlamydia cases and rates by gender, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Table 29. Chlamydia cases and rates by race/ethnicity, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Table 30. Chlamydia cases and rates by age group, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Table 31. Chlamydia cases and rates by age group, race/ethnicity, and gender, San Diego County, CA, 1993 Table 32. Chlamydia cases and rates by age group, race/ethnicity, and gender, San Diego County, CA, 1994 Other STDs Table 33. Other Sexually Transmitted Diseases cases and rates, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 VI Births by Mother's Age by Race/Ethnicity by Subregional Area, San Diego County: 1993 Race/ Ethnicity White Hispanic African-Am. Am/AK Native Asian/P.I. Other Unknown Total NUMBER <15 12 68 10 1 5 0 1 97 15-19 1,310 2,843 587 49 317 2 11 5,119 20-24 4,596 6,216 1,206 105 901 4 10 13,038 25-29 5,844 5,307 949 95 1,306 2 10 13,520 30-34 5,907 3,233 606 61 1,236 2 17 11,062 35-39 2,785 1,259 230 21 566 2 6 4,869 40+ 526 242 31 3 122 0 1 925 Total 20,980 19,168 3,619 335 4,453 12 63 48,630 Population by Race/Ethnicity by Subregional Area in San Diego County: 1993 OVERALL CENTRAL NORTH CITY SOUTH SUB- URBAN EAST SUB-URBAN NORTH COUNTY WEST NORTH COUNTY EAST EAST COUNTY r- SAN DIEGO COUNTY CENTRAL SAN DtGO PENNINSULA CORONADO NATIONAL CfTY SOUTHEAST SAM DIEGO MOCTTY TOTAL HWWrWM COASTAL UNfVERSITY OtL MAFUMIRAM6SA NORTH SAN DCGO POWAY MWAMAR ELLOTT-NAVAJO TOTAL SWEETWATER CNULA VISTA SOUTH BAr TOTAL JAMUL SPRING VALLEY LEMON GROVE LA MESA ELCAJON SANTEE LAKESIDE HARBISON CREST ALPINE RAMONA TOTAL SAN DIEGU1TO CARLSBAD ' ocEANSioe PENDLETON TOTAL SCONDKX) AN MARCOS VISTA ALLEY CENTER A LIMA ALL8ROOK TOTAL AJ.OMAR-JLBJAN LAGUNA-PWE VALLEY MOUNTAIN EMPIRE ANZA-BORREQO TOTAL Oreral J.646.601 162,113 52. 942 13.346 56.423 152.644 153.396 610.864 142.218 77.682 43,029 1 10.330 75,209 65.958 3.9<W ,,m 615*53 52380 104.413 nun 277.970 10.535 78.060 29.406 57:967 115.789 53.21? 52.756 14.37! 11.910 30.194 454201 IUMS 81.42, 33.697 ».«. 30411 ,,=7, 56.963 i U*3 7.652 033 0.769 337.437 791 280 929 364 w UVNte 1.730.561 86233 51.657 18.991 14.577 31,172 76.425 261 .950 103.167 67.974 38251 73.831 58.194 56.818 2.841 75.732 477.40a 28.801 50.917 37.554 1 16.575 8.802 MM 1UM 4UBH 94292 45,146 46.130 12.754 10.539 25237 366.779 66.605 66.039 83.200 20.611 236.626 S.570 1.130 iMto 3.796 .800 30.017 40.832 776 415 227 .591 Ml Hispanrc 541 20J S329S S.70C 1.927 26.303 48,337 34 ,CWO 169.777 17.M* 6826 3.205 9.022 5.646 un 344 6.780 53.813 14.883 41.919 61.129 118.660 1299 11 JM turn 5.S71 MJM 5.70fl ,m 120J HI ^.126 56,426 11.648 11.«M I1JU 4.979 58.937 28.858 3.320 20.996 .169 262 .407 7.967 57 603 .197 34 .075 Blac* 158.826 15.940 3,7. 1.553 4355 40.433 23.390 66.566 5.358 733 « 3.163 1.613 ,72 555 3.588 16.702 1.S44 4.813 6231 12666 94 4.738 3.107 1.629 3.033 528 375 73 » 175 13,828 391 UH >0.3?3 «.3S> 18.692 IJH ,« 2. 995 58 3 51 .648 i 15 3* 94 ^«Wn 15.946 444 MO 112 37* 609 906 3203 m 2-u ,46 368 200 245 45 «. 2.53' 166 546 532 J249 93 409 213 234 M 306 730 156 218 246 3.452 HI 276 732 « 1.B10 723 ; m 371 466 920 191 2.920 373 107 303 23 n Mwtfn 196.171 S.322 1.680 747 8.782 31 .688 18274 65.995 14928 1.848 5.512 23,609 9.491 3.895 206 5.517 84304 un 5.989 15.407 28.204 240 4.125 1.647 1.657 2.653 1.479 673 ,7, 139 3M 13.1B2 2.313 U4! 7,52V 1.559 13.962 ..4,7 1.429 2.951 156 36 674 9.701 36 38 59 •i », (Mm 4.092 379 69 16 131 405 362 1,350 200 sa „ 537 63 50 4 97 700 55 229 324 614 7 128 85 52 145 4. 29 7 .4 24 533 72 63 250 „ 433 129 68 133 8 2 29 369 8 2 • 3 22 COPY POPULATION OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY BY AGE GROUP, RACE/ETHNICITY AND SEX: 1993 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-54 55-64 65+ WHITE (NON-HISPANIC) f 55.419 49,336 42,539 45,771 66,541 77,730 79,298 72.328 63,594 84,074 73,763 143,010 M 58,335 52,468 44,481 54,970 90,967 91,466 88,726 77.374 67.041 84.383 68,297 103,277 TOTAL 113,755 101,804 87,020 100,741 157,508 169,196 168,024 149,702 130,635 168.457 142.060 246,267 HISPANIC F 29.626 26,059 22,917 24,067 28,605 28,142 24.130 18.870 14.058 18,396 13,380 13,603 M 30,968 26,991 23,833 28,064 38,207 34,394 26,694 19,507 13.695 16.311 10,981 9,707 TOTAL 60,594 53,050 46,750 52,130 66,812 62.536 50.824 38,376 27,753 34,707 24,361 23,309 BLACK (NON-HISPANIC) F 7.867 6,424 5.435 5,363 7,701 8,499 7,417 5.541 4,070 5.550 3.609 4,166 M 8,140 6,769 5.628 7,444 13,706 11,415 9,175 6.557 4,215 5,562 3,262 2.753 TOTAL 16.007 13,193 11,063 12,806 21.407 19.914 16,593 12.098 8,285 11,112 6,871 6,920 AMERICAN INDIAN (NON-HISPANIC) F 549 580 522 569 692 732 775 683 555 748 479 535 M 658 632 582 771 1,139 929 772 731 568 684 464 326 TOTAL 1,307 1,211 1,105 1,340 1.831 1.661 1,548 1,414 1.123 1.432 943 860 ASIAN/PI (NON-HISPANIC) F 7,212 7,822 7,201 7,780 8,632 9.416 10,556 9.901 8.152 10.138 8,107 6,771 M 7,654 8,175 7,763 8,594 9.839 9,115 8,562 8.359 6,222 7,823 5,434 5,130 TOTAL 14,866 15,997 14.965 16.373 18,470 18,532 19,118 18,260 14,374 17,961 13,541 11,901 OTHER (NON-HISPANIC) F 216 190 169 189 231 224 188 143 105 130 87 77 M 228 199 176 212 298 257 200 145 101 115 70 55 TOTAL 445 389 346 402 529 481 389 288 206 246 157 131 TOTAL F 110,990 90,411 78.784 83,738 112.402 124,743 122.366 107,465 90,534 119,037 99,425 168,161 M 105,983 95,234 82,464 100,054 154,156 147,576 134,130 112,673 91,842 114.878 88,508 121.248 TOTAL 206,973 185,646 161,247 183,793 266.558 272.319 256,495 220,138 182,376 233,915 187,933 289.409 SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISKASE CORE TRANSMISSION AREA* Point Lena Chuk Vuta 9 contiguous zip code *r*« (91*50, S2101, S2102 921D4, 32105, S2113-9211<5» popuLa' »ppr<ix. 4-»5,900; 39* Xhite, 26% Hispanic, j.B% African-American, IS* OCher. »Ar«» detenrancd fron, 1990-1991 nd Be™n<lary syphilis c»»«. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1994 Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are the primary contributors to reported communicable disease morbidity in the County of San Diego. In 1994, 11,264 cases of notifiable STDs were reported to the Department of Health Services. Syphilis In 1994, 98 cases of primary and secondary syphilis (3.7 per 100,000 population) were reported in San Diego County, an 8% reduction from the 106 cases reported in 1993. This rate was substantially below that for the United States (12.7 per 100,000 population) and the Year 2000 Objective (10 per 100,000 population). The San Diego County rate was also below the new proposed objective of 4.0 per 100,000 population. In 1994, 64% (63/98) of primary and secondary syphilis cases occurred in an area comprising nine contiguous zip codes referred to as the "core" transmission area. The incidence in this area, (13.3 per 100,000 population) exceeded the Year 2000 Objective (10 per 100,000 population) and was more than eight times greater than the rate for the remaining areas of the county. Fifty-one percent (50/98) of primary and secondary syphilis cases occurred among African Americans in 1994. The incidence among African-Americans (31.5 per 100,000 population) was below the Year 2000 Objective (65 per 100,000 population. The new proposed objective of 30 per 100,000 has not been attained. Continued control efforts make the achievement of this new objective likely in the near future. Persons with infectious syphilis frequently used drugs. In 1994, 48.3% (42/98) reported using illegal drugs. Like illegal drugs, prostitution related activities were also frequently reported. In 1994, 22% (13/61) of the heterosexual male primary and secondary cases reported sex with a prostitute. Congenital Syphilis Twenty-two cases of congenital syphilis were reported in 1994. Congenital syphilis incidence decreased for the fifth consecutive year to 45.2 per 100,000 live births. This was below the Year 2000 Objective of 50 per 100,000 live births, but did not meet the new proposed objective of 40 per 100,000 live births. In 1994, for 41% (9/22) of the cases, the mothers did not receive any prenatal care. Fifty-nine percent (13/22)of congenital syphilis cases were born to women residing in the "core" area. Gonorrhea The incidence of gonorrhea continued to decline in San Diego County. The rate in San Diego County (100.3 per 100,000 population) was similar to that for California (89.1 per 100,000 population) but lower than the rate for the United States (168.4 per 100,000 population) The new proposed objective of 100 per 100,000 population will likely be met in the near future. In 1994 the gonorrhea rate among adolescents aged 15-19 (328.1 per 100,000 population) was substantially lower than the Year 2000 Objective for adolescents in this age group (750 per 100,000 population). Of those cases in which race was known, 63% were in African Americans. The gonorrhea rate among African-Americans (573.6 per 100,000 population) continued to decline and was substantially lower than the Year 2000 Objective (1300 cases per 100,000 population) and below the new proposed objective (650 cases per 100,000 population). Of cases indicating a zip code, 33% were in the "core" area. The incidence in the "core" area (173.7 per 100,000) met the Year 2000 Objective (225 per 100,000 population) but was much higher than the new proposed objective of 100 per 100,000 population. Chlamydia The incidence of chlamydia in 1994 was 242.3 per 100,000 population. This rate was similar to that for California (226.0 per 100,000 population) but higher than that for the United States (188.4 per 100,000 population). Adolescents and adults under age 25 accounted for 63% (4013/6413) of cases. The highest incidence was in the 15-19 year age group (925.0 per 100,000 population). Of reported cases in 1994, 80% were among women. However, many more males probably have chlamydia than are reported because "men rarely undergo specific testing for chlamydia, but are more likely to be treated for non-gonococcal urethritis (NGU). Consequently, the number of persons with chlamydia is likely much higher than reported. Other STDs Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) and NGU are syndromes that rely on physician reporting and are thought to be vastly under reported. Chancroid (5 cases), Lymphogranuloma venereum (3 cases), and granuloma inguinale (0 cases) are rare causes of genital ulcer disease in the County of San Diego. Introduction Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) cause considerable morbidity among San Diego County residents. In 1993, 13,479 cases of notifiable STDs were reported to the Department of Health Services, and in 1994, 11,264 cases were reported. Disease 1993 1994 Syphilis 539 491 Gonorrhea 3579 2656 Chlamydia 7720 6413 Nongonococcal 1425 1330 urethritis Pelvic Inflammatory 211 344 Disease Chancroid 3 5 Lymphogranuloma 2 3 Venereum Granuloma Inguinale 0 0 The impact of STDs on the health status of the community is not limited to the morbidity associated with these infections. Several studies have shown that both ulcerative (e.g., syphilis, chancroid, herpes) and nonulcerative (e.g., gonorrhea, chlamydia) STDs increase the risk of transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Chlamydial and gonococcal infections can cause symptomatic and subclinical pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) which is the leading cause of ectopic pregnancy and tubal infertility among women in the United States. Syphilis can be transmitted from mother to fetus during gestation, resulting in congenital syphilis. Similarly, gonorrhea and chlamydia can be transmitted from mother to infant during delivery, resulting in conjunctivitis and pneumonia. Genital herpes, genital warts (caused by human papilloma virus [HPV]), and trichomoniasis are not reportable conditions and no local surveillance data exist for these infections. Consequently, data on these conditions are not presented in this report. Trichomoniasis is a common cause of sexually transmitted vaginitis in women and an occasional cause of nongonococcal urethritis in men. Genital herpes and genital warts are chronic viral sexually transmitted infections. Genital herpes can be transmitted to infants late in gestation or during vaginal birth, resulting in severe morbidity (e.g., mental retardation) and mortality among infected newborns. Human papilloma virus has been linked with cervical dysplasia and invasive cervical cancer in women. Although human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is predominantly transmitted through sexual activity, HIV is not a reportable condition. Surveillance data on HIV and Acquired Immune Deficiency (AIDS) may be obtained from the Office of AIDS and Community Epidemiology, Mail Stop P511C, Department of Health Service, County of San Diego , P.O. Box 85222, San Diego, CA 92186-5222. Data Sources Case Detection Reports of STDs are received from physicians, community, adolescent, family planning and school health clinics, military facilities, correctional facilities, and laboratories. Analysis of Gonorrhea and Chlamydia Cases Using Samples Due to staff shortages that limited the STD Control Program's ability to perform data entry during 1992 and 1993, systematic samples were used to estimate the distribution of demographic variables among reported cases for those years. The data presented in this report for chlamydia and gonorrhea for 1992 and 1993 reflect the sample distributions applied to all reported cases. Race/ethnicity Classification. Individuals of Hispanic ethnicity were classified as "Hispanic" regardless of race. Geographic Location Cases were assigned to the core transmission area by zip code of residence. The core area was determined from 1990-1991 infectious syphilis case distribution. Data Limitations Under reporting of cases The proportion of diagnosed cases of reportable STDs for which notification does not occur varies for each STD. Syphilis reporting is most reliable because the STD Control Program maintains laboratory-based surveillance for all reactive syphilis tests. Nongonococcal urethritis and pelvic inflammatory disease are syndromes that rely on physician reporting and are thought to be vastly under reported and data should be interpreted very cautiously. Incomplete information Some case reports lack complete information (e.g., race/ethnicity, age, gender, etc.). In tabular data unknown columns are provided and rates are calculated using only those cases with variable-specific data known. Reporting bias Because the completeness of reporting cases identified in public clinics is probably better than that occurring in other sectors of the health care system, the greater number of STD cases reported in minority populations, which often utilized public clinics, may be attributable, in part, to differences in utilization of public versus private sources of care. Report date STD surveillance data are maintained and analyzed by date of report. Thus, some cases reported in one year may have actually had onset in the previous year. Place of acquisition of infection In some cases STDs reported for a resident of San Diego County may have been acquired in other areas of the state or country. Population Pages vii and viii are the population tables used in the calculations of rates for this report. The latest population tables available are those for 1993, so the 1994 rates utilized the 1993 population tables. Syphilis Etiologic Agent: Treponema pallidum Number of Cases: 1993 1994 A. Primary and Secondary Syphilis 106 98 Special Target Groups: African-Americans: 45 50 Adolescents (Aged 15-19 yrs.): 12 13 Young Adults (Aged 20-24 yrs.): 27 16 B. Early Syphilis (primary, secondary, and latent <1 year): 204 200 C. Total Syphilis: 539 491 Annual Incidence (per 100,000 population): A. Primary and Secondary Syphilis: 4.0 3.7 African Americans: 28.8 31.5 Adolescents (Aged 15-19 yrs.): 6.5 7.1 Young Adults (Aged 20-24 yrs.): 10.1 6.0 B. Early Syphilis: ' 7.7 7.6 C. Total Syphilis: 20.4 18.6 INFECTIOUS SYPHILIS (Tables 1-5, Figures S1-S6) Time Trends Infectious syphilis (primary and secondary) continued to decline in San Diego County, as it did in most areas of the United States. Since 1992, the rate in San Diego County met and the Year 2000 Objective of 10.0 cases per 100,000 population. The new proposed objective (4.0 per 100,000) was also met in 1993 and 1994. An area of nine contiguous zip codes in Central and Southeast San Diego was designated as the "core" transmission area based on 1990-1991 infectious syphilis data. (See p. ix.) The "core" area has a population of approximately 475,000 with 39% Whites, 29% Hispanics, 18% African-Americans, and 15% other. In 1993, the "core" area continued to have the most reported cases. In 1993, 63.2% (67/106) of primary and secondary cases occurred in this area. In 1994, 64% (63/98) of primary and secondary cases were in this area. Gender In 1993, males accounted for 52% (65/106) and females for 48% (41/106) of cases. In 1994, males accounted for 56% (67/98) and females 44% (31/98) of cases. The higher rate for males may be partially attributed to men having sex with men. In 1993, 15.4% (10/65) of males with infectious syphilis reported having sex with males, with a similar percent in 1994 (23.9%, 16/67). Age In 1993, the primary and secondary syphilis rate was highest in the 20-24 year age group (10.1 per 100,000 population), followed by the 30-34 year age group (7.0). The rate in the 15- 19 year old age group increased more than 500%, from 1.1 in 1992 to 6.5 in 1993 and from 1993 to 1994, the rate increased another 9% to 7.1. However, the number of cases in this age group was small. In 1994, the primary and secondary syphilis rate was highest in the 30-34 year age group (7.4 per 100,000 population), followed by the 24-29 year age group (7.3 per 100,000 population). From 1993 to 1994 the greatest increase was in the 25-29 year age group, from 4.8 to 7.3. Race/Ethnicity African Americans continued to be disproportionately affected by syphilis. In 1993, rates in African Americans were 3.6 times greater than Hispanics, and 31.4 times greater than Whites. In 1994, rates in African Americans were 7.2 times greater than Hispanics, and 26.3 times greater than whites. In 1992, the rate in African-Americans declined by almost 60% from 1991, and from 1993 to 1994, the rate in African Americans remained stable. The greatest rise in reported primary and secondary syphilis was among Hispanics; from 1992 to 1993 the rate nearly doubled (4.7 to 7.9 per 100,000 population) while in 1994, the rate fell to 4.4 per 100,000 population. Risk Factors Persons with infectious syphilis frequently used drugs. In 1993, 32.4% (34/106) reported using illegal drugs; of those, the primary drugs reported were: crack cocaine 32.4%, marijuana 20.6%, heroin 17.6%, crystal methamphetamine 14.7%, and cocaine 11.8%(other than crack). In 1994, 48.3% (42/98) of infectious cases reported illegal drug use. Of those that reported drug use, the primary drugs reported were: crack cocaine 42.9%, marijuana 23.8%, crystal methamphetamine 21.4%, and cocaine 7.1% (other than crack). Like illegal drugs, prostitution related activities were also frequently reported. In 1993, 36.5% (23/63) of heterosexual male primary and secondary cases reported sex with a prostitute, and 29.3% (12/41) of female cases reported prostitution. In 1994, 22.0% (13/61) of the heterosexual male primary and secondary cases reported sex with a prostitute, and 29.6% (8/31) of female cases reported prostitution. EARLY LATENT SYPHILIS (Tables 6-11, Figures S7-S11) Early latent syphilis is defined as syphilis under one year duration, with no signs or symptoms present at the time of diagnosis. In 1993, 98 (3.7 per 100,000 population) cases of early latent syphilis were reported; and in 1994, 102 (3.9) were reported. In 1993, 51% (50/98) of cases were among males, and 49% (48/98) were among females. In 1994, 49% (50/102) of early latent cases were among males, and 51% (52/102) were among females. In 1993, the highest rate (10.9 per 100,000 population) of early latent syphilis was in the 20-24 year age group, followed by the 25-29 year age group (7.7), and the 30-34 year age group (7.0). In 1994, the highest rate of early latent syphilis was in the 20-24 year age group (7.5 per 100,000 population), followed by the 35-44 year age group (7.2), and the 30-34 year age group (7.0). In 1993, the highest rate was among African Americans (24.6 per 100,000 population), followed by Hispanics (5.7), Whites (1.5) and Asians (0.5). In 1994, the highest rate was among African Americans (32.7 per 100,000 population), followed by Native Americans (6.3), Hispanics (5.4), Whites (1.0), and Asians (1.0). 10 TOTAL EARLY SYPHILIS (Tables 12-15, Figures S12-S16) Total early syphilis includes primary, secondary and early latent syphilis. In 1993, 204 (7.7 per 100,000 population) early syphilis cases were reported, and in 1994, 200 (7.6 per 100,000 population) early syphilis cases were reported. In 1993, 56% (115/204) of early syphilis cases were reported in males, and 44% (89/204) were among females. In 1994, 59% (117/200) of early syphilis cases were reported in males, and 42% (83/200) were among females. In 1993, the highest rate (21.0 per 100,000 population) was in the 20-24 year age group followed by the 30-34 year age group (14.0), and the 25-29 year age group (12.5). In 1994, the highest rate was in the 30-34 year age group (14.4 per 100,000 population) followed by the 25-29 year age group (13.6) and the 20-24 year age group (13.5). In 1993, the highest rate was in African Americans (52.9 per 100,000 population), followed by Hispanics (13.7), Whites (2.4), and Asians (1.5). In 1994, the highest rate was in African Americans (64.2 per 100,000 population), followed by Hispanics (9.8), Native Americans (6.3), Whites (2.3), and Asians (2.0). TOTAL SYPHILIS (Tables 16-19, figures S17-S18) Total syphilis includes primary, secondary, early latent, late latent (asymptomatic syphilis infections over one year duration), syphilis of unknown duration, and late symptomatic syphilis. From 1992 to 1993, total syphilis cases decreased from 701 (26.9 per 100,000 population) to 539 (20.4 per 100,000 population) and again in 1994 to 491 (18.6 per 100,000 population). CONGENITAL SYPHILIS (Tables 20-22, Figures CS1-CS6) 1993 1994 Number of Cases : 36 22 Annual Incidence (per 100,000 live births): 74.0 45.2 The revised surveillance definition of congenital syphilis 11 (CS), which was implemented in California in 1990, includes all women with a reactive serologic test for syphilis (STS) without documentation of adequate treatment received thirty days prior to delivery. Since 1990, CS has declined in San Diego County; however, it was not until 1994 (45.2 per 100,000 live births) that San Diego met the Year 2000 objective of 50 cases per 100,000 live births. (The proposed new objective is 40 cases per 100,000 live births.) Of the thirty-six congenital syphilis cases in 1993, two were stillbirths, and four mothers gave birth prematurely. In 1994, of the twenty-two congenital syphilis cases there were no stillbirths, however, three mothers gave birth prematurely. In 1993 and 1994, the rate of congenital syphilis was highest among infants whose mothers were less than thirty years of age. In 1993, mothers in this age group accounted for 70% (28/36) of cases. In 1994, this age group accounted for 60% (13/22). In 1993, Hispanic mothers accounted for 56% (20/36) of the cases and African-American mothers 25% (9/36). However, the CS rate in African-American women (248.7 per 100,000 live births) was 2.4 times that of Hispanic women (104.3 per 100,000 live births). In 1994, Hispanic mothers accounted for 45% (10/22) of the cases, and African-American mothers 36% (8/22). The CS rate in African-American women (221.1 per 100,000 live births) was 4.2 times that of Hispanic mothers (52.2 per 100,000 live births). In 1993, 44% (16/36) of the mothers received no prenatal care, and in 1994, 41% (9/22) received no prenatal care. 12 Gonorrhea (Tables 23-27, Figures G1-G6) Etiologic Agent: Neisseria gonorrhea Number of Cases 1993 1994 Total 3579 2656 Special Target Groups: African-Americans 1123 911 Adolescents (Aged 15-19 yrs.) 862 603 Young Adults (Aged 20-24 yrs.) 859 835 Annual Incidence (per 100.000 population) Total 135.3 100.3 Special target groups: African-Americans 707.1 573.6 Adolescents (Aged 15-19 yrs.) 469.0 328.1 Young Adults (Aged 20-24 yrs.) 322.2 313.3 Time Trends Gonorrhea continued to decline in San Diego County, as it did in most areas of the United States. Since 1989, the rate in San Diego County has met the Year 2000 Objective of 225 cases per 100,000 population. (However, the proposed new objective is 100 per 100,000 population.) In San Diego County, the number of cases changed from the preceding year as follows: 1991, -6.6%; 1992, -6.6%; 1993, +10%; 1994, -27%. Overall, from 1990 to 1994 the incidence has decreased 37%. Place Gonorrhea transmission appears concentrated in the core transmission area although not as concentrated as syphilis. Unfortunately, only 22% (788/3579) of GC cases reported in 1993 indicated an address or zip code. In 1994, 68% (1798/2656) of reports indicated a zip code and of those 33% (825/1798) were 13 reported as residing in the core area. The estimated gonorrhea rate in the core area is 2.5 times that of the remainder of the county. Gender In 1993, among cases in which gender was reported, males accounted for 61% (2183/3568) , and females 39% (1385/3568) . In 1994, among the cases in which gender was reported, males accounted for 61% (1537/2536), and females 39% (999/2536). The higher number of cases reported in males suggests that gender specific symptoms lead males to seek treatment (and thus diagnosis), whereas females may have asymptomatic undiagnosed infection. Age In 1993, the rate was highest in the 15-19 year age group (496.0 per 100,000 population) followed by the 20-24 year age group (322.3). In 1994, similarly, the rate was highest in 15-19 year age group (328.1) followed by the 20-24 year age group (313.3). Race/Ethnicity In 1993, race/ethnicity was reported for 59% of cases. Of those, the highest rate of infection was among African-Americans (707.1 per 100,000 population) followed by Native Americans (75.3), Hispanics (73.7), and Whites (31.1). In 1994, race/ethnicity was reported for 60% of cases. Of those, the highest rate of infection was among African-Americans (573.6), followed by Hispanics (45.5), Whites (23.4), and Native Americans (18.8) . The 1993 and 1994 rates are minimum estimates since cases with unknown race/ethnicity are not included in the calculation of race/ethnicity specific rates. The distribution of race/ethnicity within the unknown group is probably somewhat similar to that of cases with a reported race/ethnicity, however, since the distribution in this group is not known, relative comparisons of race/ethnicity specific rates between groups should be done cautiously. Importantly, the minimum rate in African-Americans > 3 times greater in 1993 and > 2 times greater in 1994 than the Year 2000 Objective which is greater than any other race/ethnicity group. 14 (Tables 28-32, Figures C1-C6) Etiologic agent: Chlamydia trachomatis Number of Cases 1993 1994 Total 7720 6413 Special Target Groups: African-Americans 409 562 Adolescents (Aged 15-19 yrs.) 2249 1700 Young Adults (Aged 20-24 yrs.) 2661 2313 Annual Incidence (per 100.000 population) Total 291.7 242.3 Special target groups: African-Americans 257.5 353.8 Adolescents (Aged 15-19 yrs.) 1223.7 925.0 Young Adults (Aged 20-24 yrs.) 998.3 867.7 Time Trends Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) became a reportable condition in California in 1989. From 1989 to 1991, cases reported have steadily increased. In 1992, the number of cases decreased 8%. In 1993, the number of cases increased 3%, and in 1994, cases decreased 17%. Place Data on place of residence of CT cases are incomplete but limited data suggest many cases occur throughout the county. Gender In 1993, and in 1994, the majority of cases reported were females (84% and 80%, respectively), however, many more males probably have Chlamydia than are reported, because many males with the chlamydia-associated syndrome nongonococcal urethritis (NGU) are often treated without specific testing for chlamydia. 15 Age In 1993, the highest rate was in the 15-19 year age group (1223.7 per 100,000 population), followed by the 20-24 year age group (998.5). Together, these two age groups accounted for 64% of reported cases. In 1994, the highest rate was again in the 15-19 year age group (925.0), followed by the 20-24 year age group (867.7). Together, these two age groups accounted for 63% of reported cases. Race/Ethnicity Unfortunately, only 22% (1161/7720) of CT cases reported in 1993 indicated race/ethnicity (most reports come from laboratories which often do not have race/ethnicity data). In 1994, 29% (1847/6413) of reports indicated race/ethnicity. Therefore, race/ethnicity rates were not calculated. 16 Other Reportable Sexually Transmitted Diseases Disease 1993 1994 Nongonococcal urethritis 1425 1330 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 211 344 Chancroid 3 5 Lymphogranuloma venereum 2 3 Nongonococcal Urethritis (NGU) and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) became reportable in 1989. NGU is a clinical syndrome associated with chlamydia infection in about 50% of cases. The Year 2000 Objective for NGU (an indirect indicator of incident chlamydia infection) is to have no more than 170 cases per 100,000 males. The rate of NGU in San Diego County in 1993 was 105.7 per 100,000 males. In 1994, the rate was 98.6. PID is a clinical syndrome associated with gonorrhea and chlamydia infection. In 1993 the rate of PID in San Diego County was 16.3 per 100,000 females. In 1994, the rate was 26.5. NGU and PID are syndromes that rely on physician reporting and are thought to be vastly under reported and data should be interpreted very cautiously. Chancroid, lymphogranuloma venereum and granuloma inguinale are rare in San Diego County. This is true in most of the United States, except in New York City and the Southeastern United States. 17 Table 1. Primary and Secondary Syphilis Cases and Rates* by Gender, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Gender Males Females Unknown Total 1990 Cases 213 110 0 323 Rate 16.7 9.0 - 12.9 1991 Cases 177 107 0 284 Rate 13.6 8.6 - 11.2 1992 Cases 70 42 0 112 Rate 5.4 3.2 - 4.3 1993 Cases 65 41 0 106 Rate 4.8 3.2 - 4.0 1994 Cases 67 31 0 98 Rate 5.0 2.4 - 3.7 Table 2. Primary and Secondary Syphilis Cases and Rates* by Race/Ethnicity, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Race/ Ethnicity White Hispanic African-Am. Asian/P.I. Am./AK Nat. Other/Unk. Total 1990 Cases 69 73 174 6 0 1 323 Rate 4.2 14.3 116.1 3.2 - - 12.9 1991 Cases 72 64 142 5 0 1 284 Rate 4.3 12.3 92.9 2.6 - - 11.2 1992 Cases 30 25 51 6 0 0 112 Rate 1.8 4.7 32.7 3.1 - - 4.3 1993 Cases 16 43 45 2 0 0 106 Rate 0.9 7.9 28.3 1.0 - - 4.0 1994 Cases 21 24 50 2 0 1 98 Rate 1.2 4.4 31.5 1.0 - - 3.7 Table 3. Primary and Secondary Syphilis Cases and Rates* by Age Group, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Age Group Under 10 10-14 15-19 10-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 45 and Over Unknown Total 1990 Cases 0 1 31 32 78 74 60 60 19 0 323 Rate - 6.5 17.9 9.8 31.0 28.8 24.8 15.8 2.8 - 12.9 1991 Cases 0 0 20 20 63 63 58 54 26 0 284 Rate - - 11.3 6.4 24.6 24.0 23.5 13.9 3.8 - 11.2 1992 Cases 1 0 2 2 25 23 13 32 16 0 112 Rate 0.3 - 1.1 0.6 9.5 8.6 5.2 8.1 2.3 - 4.3 1993 Cases 0 1 12 13 27 13 18 26 9 0 106 Rate - 0.6 6.5 3.8 10.1 4.8 7.0 6.5 1.3 - 4.0 1994 Cases 0 1 13 14 16 20 19 21 8 0 98 Rate - 0.6 7.1 4.1 6.0 7.3 7.4 5.2 1.1 - 3.7 *Rate Per 100,000 population Table 4. Primary and Secondary Syphilis Cases by Age Group, Race/Ethnicity, and Gender, San Diego County, CA, 1993 Age Group <10 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-54 55-64 ^65 and over I Unknown Age | Total Race/Ethnicity and Gender Asian/P.I F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 African American F 0 0 3 8 1 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 19 M 0 0 3 9 2 5 5 2 0 0 0 0 26 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hispanic F 0 1 2 2 5 1 2 2 2 0 0 0 17 M 0 0 4 7 2 2 4 3 2 1 1 0 26 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Am. or AK Native F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 White F 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 5 M 0 0 0 1 1 4 2 1 2 0 0 0 11 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unknown Race/Ethni- city F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 5. Primary and Secondary Syphilis Cases by Age Group, Race/Ethnicity, and Gender, San Diego County, CA, 1994 Age Group <10 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-54 55-64 65 and over Unknown IAge Total Race/Ethnicity and Gender Asian/P.I F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 U 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 African American F 0 0 4 3 5 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 20 M 0 0 2 3 10 6 3 4 2 0 0 0 30 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hispanic F 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 6 M 0 0 2 5 3 2 3 2 0 1 0 0 18 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Am. or AK Native F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 White F 0 0 2 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 M 0 0 0 2 2 3 1 3 5 0 0 0 16 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unknown Race/Ethni- city F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 6. Early Latent Syphilis Cases and Rates* by Gender, San Diego County, CA, 1991-1994 Gender Males Females Unknown Total 1990 Cases 125 115 0 240 Rate 9.8 9.4 - 9.6 1991 Cases 77 68 0 145 Rate 5.9 5.4 - 5.7 1992 Cases 74 81 0 155 Rate 5.6 6.3 - 6.0 1993 Cases 50 48 0 98 Rate 3.7 3.6 - 3.7 1994 Cases 50 52 0 102 Rate 3.9 3.9 - 3.9 Table 7. Early Latent Syphilis Cases and Rates* by Race/Ethnicity San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Race/ Ethnicity White Hispanic African-Am. Asian/P.I. Am./AK Nat. Unknown Total 1990 Cases 49 61 122 4 3 1 240 Rate 3.0 11.9 81.4 2.2 19.9 - 9.6 1991 Cases 32 46 63 2 1 1 145 Rate 1.9 8.8 41.2 1.1 6.5 - 5.7 1992 Cases 24 56 70 5 0 0 155 Rate 1.4 10.5 44.8 2.6 - - 6.0 1993 Cases 26 31 39 1 0 1 98 Rate 1.5 5.7 24.6 0.5 - - 3.7 1994 Cases 18 29 52 2 1 0 102 Rate 1.0 5.4 32.7 1.0 6.3 - 3.9 Table 8. Early Latent Syphilis Cases and Rates* by Age Group, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Age Group Under 10 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 45 and Over Unknown Total 1990 Cases 0 2 27 61 66 23 42 18 1 240 Rate - 1.3 15.6 24.2 25.7 9.5 11.1 2.7 - 9.6 1991 Cases 0 0 17 34 39 21 24 10 1 145 Rate - - 9.6 13.3 14.9 8.5 6.2 1.5 - 5.7 1992 Cases 0 1 15 42 43 27 20 7 0 155 Rate - 0.6 8.3 16.0 16.1 10.7 5.1 1.0 - 6.0 1993 Cases 0 0 8 29 21 18 19 3 2 98 Rate - - 4.4 10.9 7.7 7.0 4.7 0.4 - 3.7 1994 Cases 0 1 7 20 17 18 29 10 0 102 Rate - 0.6 3.8 7.5 6.2 7.0 7.2 1.4 - 3.9 *Rate per 100,000 population Table 9. Early Latent Syphilis Cases by Age Group, Race/Ethnicity, and Gender, San Diego County, CA, 1993 Age Group <10 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-54 55-64 65 and over Unknown Age Total Race/Ethnicity and Gender Asian/P.I F 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 African American F 0 0 3 4 4 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 17 M 0 0 0 6 3 3 7 2 0 0 0 0 21 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hispanic F 0 0 4 2 1 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 12 M 0 0 1 7 8 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 19 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Am. or AK Native F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 White F 0 0 0 8 2 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 16 M 0 0 0 0 2 4 2 0 1 0 1 0 10 u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unknown Race/Ethni- city F 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 10. Early Latent Syphilis Cases by Age Group, Race/Ethnicity, and Gender, San Diego County, CA, 1994 Age Group <10 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-54 55-64 65 and over Unkno wn Age Total Race/Ethnicity and Gender Asian/P. I F 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 African American F 0 0 3 3 0 6 4 4 2 0 0 0 22 M 0 0 1 5 2 4 6 6 0 0 1 0 25 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hispanic F 0 1 3 4 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 13 M 0 0 1 4 3 2 4 0 2 0 0 0 16 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Am. or AK Native F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 White F 0 0 0 2 2 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 9 M 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 3 1 0 0 9 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unknown Race/Ethni- city F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 11. Early Syphilis Cases and Rates* by Gender, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Gender Males Females Unknown Total 1990 Cases 338 225 0 563 Rate 26.6 18.4 - 22.5 1991 Cases 254 175 0 429 Rate 19.6 14.0 - 16.8 1992 Cases 144 123 0 267 Rate 10.9 9.6 - 10.3 1993 Cases 115 89 0 204 Rate 8.5 6.9 - 7.7 1994 Cases 117 83 0 200 Rate 8.7 6.4 - 7.6 Table 12. Early Syphilis Cases and Rates* by Race/Ethnicity, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Race/ Ethnicity White Hispanic African-Am. Asian/P.I . Ara./AK Nat. Other/Unk . Total 1990 Cases 118 134 296 10 3 2 563 Rate 7.2 26.2 197.5 5.4 19.9 - 22.5 1991 Cases 104 110 206 7 1 2 429 Rate 6.6 21.1 134.1 3.7 6.5 - 16.8 1992 Cases 54 81 121 11 0 0 267 Rate 3.2 15.2 77.5 5.7 - - 10.3 1993 Cases 42 74 84 3 0 1 204 Rate 2.4 13.7 52.9 1.5 - - 7.7 1994 Cases 39 53 102 4 1 1 200 Rate 2.3 9.8 64.2 2.0 6.3 - 7.6 Table 13. Early Syphilis Cases and Rates* by Age Group, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Age Under 10 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 45 and over Unknown Total 1990 Cases 0 3 58 139 140 83 102 37 32 563 Rate - 2.0 33.4 55.3 54 .5 34.3 26.9 5.5 - 22.6 1991 Cases 0 0 37 97 102 79 78 36 0 429 Rate - - 20.9 37.8 38.9 32.0 20.1 5.3 - 16.8 1992 Cases 1 1 17 67 66 40 52 23 0 267 Rate 0.3 0.6 9.4 25.6 24.7 15.9 13.1 3.3 - 10.3 1993 Cases 0 1 20 56 34 36 45 12 0 204 Rate - 0.6 10.9 21.0 12.5 14.0 11.2 1.7 - 7.7 1994 Cases 0 2 20 36 37 37 50 18 0 200 Rate - 1.2 10.9 13.5 13.6 14.4 12.4 2.5 - 7.6 *Rate per 100,000 population Table 14. Early Syphilis Cases by Age Group, Race/Ethnicity, and Gender, San Diego County, CA, 1993 Age Group <10 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-54 55-64 65 and over Unknown Age Total Race/Ethnicity and Gender Asian/P.I F 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 M 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 African American F 0 0 6 12 6 7 3 3 0 0 0 0 37 M 0 0 3 15 5 8 12 4 0 0 0 0 47 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hispanic F 0 1 6 4 6 5 3 2 2 0 0 0 29 M 0 0 5 14 10 3 5 3 3 1 1 0 45 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Am. or AK Native F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 White F 0 0 0 8 2 5 4 1 1 0 0 0 21 M 0 0 0 1 3 8 4 1 3 0 1 0 21 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unknown Race/Ethni- city F 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 15. Early Syphilis Cases by Age Group, Race/Ethnicity, and Gender, San Diego County, CA, 1994 Age Group <10 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-54 55-64 65 and over Unknown Age 1Total Race/Ethnicity and Gender Asian/P.I. F 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 M 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 African American F 0 0 7 6 11 12 6 4 2 0 0 0 48 M 0 0 2 8 12 10 9 10 2 0 1 0 54 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hispanic F 0 0 2 5 4 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 19 M 0 0 3 9 6 4 7 2 2 1 0 0 34 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Am. or AK Native F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 White F 0 0 2 4 2 4 1 0 1 0 0 0 14 M 0 0 0 3 3 4 3 3 8 1 0 0 25 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unknown Race/Ethn i-city F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 16. Total Syphilis Cases and Rates* by Gender San Diego County, CA 1990 -1994 Gender Males Females Unknown Total 1990 Cases 352 231 0 583 Rate 27.7 18.9 - 23.3 1991 Cases 254 175 0 429 Rate 19.6 14.0 - 16.8 1992 Cases 371 330 0 701 Rate 28.0 25.9 - 26.9 1993 Cases 281 258 0 539 Rate 20.8 19.9 - 20.4 1994 Cases 256 235 0 491 Rate 19.0 18.1 - 18.6 Table 17. Total Syphilis Cases and Rates* by Race/Ethnicity, San Diego County, CA 1990-1994 Race/ Ethnicity White Hispanic African-Am. Asian/P.I. Am./AK Nat. Other/Unk . Total 1990 Cases 119 151 298 10 3 2 583 Rate 7.2 26.7 185.8 5.0 15.0 - 23.3 1991 Cases 104 110 205 7 1 2 429 Rate 6.6 22.4 134.1 3.9 6.5 - 16.8 1992 Cases 107 310 231 27 1 25 701 Rate 6.3 58.3 147.9 14.0 6.4 - 26.9 1993 Cases 91 234 171 28 2 13 539 Rate 5.3 43.2 109.5 14.3 12.5 - 20.4 1994 Cases 76 186 178 14 1 36 491 Rate 4.4 34.4 112.1 7.1 6.3 - 18.6 Table 18. Total Syphilis Cases and Rates* by Age Group, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Age Group Under 10 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 45 and Over Unknown Total 1990 Cases 0 3 61 144 143 87 104 40 1 583 Rate - 2.0 35.2 57.2 55.6 35.9 27.4 6.0 - 23.3 1991 Cases 0 0 37 97 102 79 78 36 0 429 Rate - - 20.9 37.8 38.9 32.0 20.1 5.3 - 16.8 1992 Cases 1 1 42 152 180 121 146 56 2 701 Rate 0.3 0.6 23.2 58.0 67.2 48.0 36.9 8.0 - 26.9 1993 Cases 0 2 33 116 106 113 112 55 2 539 Rate - 1.2 18.0 43.5 38.9 44.1 27.8 7.7 - 20.4 1994 Cases 0 2 31 85 107 113 108 44 1 491 Rate - 1.2 16.9 31.9 39.3 44.1 26.8 6.2 - 18.6 Table 19. Syphilis Cases and Rates* by Stage, San Diego County, CA, 1992-1994 Stage of Syphilis Primary Secondary Early Latent Late Latent Total 1992 Cases 47 65 155 434 701 Rate 1.8 2.5 6.0 16.7 26.9 1993 Cases 51 55 98 335 539 Rate 1.9 2.1 3.7 12.7 20.4 1994 Cases 37 61 102 291 491 Rate 1.4 2.3 3.9 11.0 18.6 *Rate per 100,000 population Table 20. Congenital Syphilis Cases and Rates**, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 1990 Cases 48 Rate 97.7 1991 Cases 46 Rate 90.0 1992 Cases 40 Rate 78.9 1993 Cases 36 Rate 74.0 1994 Cases 22 Rate 45.2 Table 21. Congenital Syphilis Cases and Rates** by Race/Ethnicity, San Diego County CA 1990-1994 Race/ Ethnicity White Hispanic African-Am. Asian/P.I. Am./AK Nat. Other/Unk. Total 1990 Cases 2 31 14 1 0 0 48 Rate 8.0 176.1 385.8 24.2 - - 97.7 1991 Cases 2 31 10 2 1 0 46 Rate 8.8 166.9 282.9 46.9 - - 90.0 1992 Cases 3 25 12 0 0 0 40 Rate 13.3 126.5 328.6 - - - 78.9 1993 Cases 3 20 9 2 0 2 36 Rate 14.3 104.3 248.7 44.9 - - 74.0 1994 Cases 1 10 8 3 0 0 22 Rate 4.8 52.2 221.1 67.4 - - 45.2 *Rate per 100,000 population **Rate per 100,000 live births Table 22. Congenital Syphilis Cases and Rates* by Age of Mother, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Age Group < 20 20-24 25-29 30-34 35 and over Unknown Total 1990 Cases 7 12 20 7 2 0 48 Rate 162.2 91.4 130.6 61.5 36.5 - 97.7 1991 Cases 4 13 19 6 4 0 46 Rate 92.7 99.0 124.1 52.7 72.9 - 90.0 1992 Cases 4 18 8 9 1 0 40 Rate 72.9 131.5 54.8 80.2 17.8 - 78.9 1993 Cases 4 12 12 4 4 0 36 Rate 76.7 92.0 88.8 36.2 69.0 - 74.0 1994 Cases 3 6 4 6 3 0 22 Rate 57.5 46.0 29.6 54.2 51.8 - 45.2 *Rate per 100,000 population **Rate per 100,000 Live Births Table 23. Gonorrhea Cases and Rates* by Gender, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Gender Males Females Unknown Total 1990 Cases 2657 1450 0 4107 Rate 208.7 118.4 - 164.4 1991 Cases 2291 1546 - 3837 Rate 176.5 123.8 - 150.5 1992 Cases 1940 1307 11 3258 Rate 146.3 102.4 - 125.2 1993 Cases 2183 1385 11 3579 Rate 161.9 106.7 - 135.2 1994 Cases 1537 999 120 2656 Rate 114.0 77.0 - 100.3 Table 24. Gonorrhea Cases and Rates* by Race/Ethnicity, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Race/ Ethnicity White Hispanic African-Am. Asian/P.I. Am./AK Nat. Other /Unk. Total 1990 Cases 759 521 1419 8 62 1338 4107 Rate 46.5 102.0 946.6 4.3 412.0 - 164.4 1991 Cases 610 510 1127 8 55 1527 3837 Rate 36.6 97.9 737.5 4.2 358.4 - 150.7 1992 Cases 506 474 1044 43 11 1180 3258 Rate 30.2 83.9 656.2 21.7 68.2 - 125.4 1993 Cases 539 399 1123 28 12 1478 3579 Rate 31.1 73.7 707.1 14.3 75.3 - 135.2 1994 Cases 405 246 911 35 3 1056 2656 Rate 23.4 45.5 573.6 17.8 18.8 - 100.3 Table 25. Gonorrhea Cases and Rates* by Age Group, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Age Group Under 10 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 45 and Over Unknown Total • 1990 Cases 4 23 740 1323 966 557 350 111 33 4107 Rate 1.1 15.1 426.6 525.9 375.9 230.1 92.1 16.5 - 164.4 1991 Cases 18 26 846 1208 792 447 346 154 0 3837 Rate 4.8 16.8 487.4 471.0 302.3 181.1 89.3 22.5 - 150.7 1992 Cases 0 21 664 801 622 411 358 137 243 3258 Rate - 12.9 360.2 320.5 248.0 169.1 88.4 18.8 - 125.2 1993 Cases 4 138 862 859 584 411 415 93 213 3579 Rate 1.0 85.6 469.0 322.3 214.5 160.2 103.1 13.1 - 135.2 1994 Cases 3 30 603 835 436 245 275 75 154 2656 Rate 0.8 18.6 328.1 313.3 160.1 95.5 68.3 10.5 100.3 *Rate per 100,000 population Table 26. Gonorrhea Cases by Age Group, Race/Ethnicity, and Gender, San Diego County, CA, 1993 Age Group <10 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-54 55-64 65 and over Unknown Age Total Race/Ethnicity and Gender Asian/P.I. F 0 0 4 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 12 M 0 4 0 0 8 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 African American F 0 11 81 92 60 28 18 0 0 0 0 0 290 M 0 39 160 207 138 117 107 46 4 7 0 8 833 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hispanic F 0 7 36 25 29 22 7 0 7 0 0 4 137 M 0 18 64 68 50 25 22 0 8 0 0 7 262 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Am. or AK Native F 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 M 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 8 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 White F 0 4 46 61 25 61 22 0 0 4 0 0 223 M 0 29 64 64 53 25 22 25 15 4 4 11 316 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unknown Race /Ethni- city F 0 4 224 217 100 36 29 15 7 4 4 79 719 M 4 22 179 125 121 89 57 33 11 14 0 93 748 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 11 Table 27. Gonorrhea Cases by Age Group, Race/Ethnicity, and Gender, San Diego County, CA, 1994 Age Group <10 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-54 55-64 65 and over Unknown Age Total Race/Ethnicity and Gender Asian/P.I. F 0 1 4 3 5 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 15 M 0 0 0 7 2 3 1 3 0 0 0 0 16 U 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 African American F 1 12 82 6?' 30 17 8 3 2 0 0 0 222 M 0 0 121 265 116 66 46 18 17 7 1 4 661 U 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Hispanic F 0 3 28 27 16 6 2 2 0 0 1 0 85 M 0 0 25 54 38 16 13 3 5 1 0 0 155 U 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Am. or AK Native F 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 M 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 White F 0 1 32 42 25 20 3 2 3 0 1 1 130 M 0 0 19 82 45 41 30 26 6 0 1 1 251 U 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Unknown Race/Ethni- city F 2 10 183 136 68 32 26 10 5 0 2 17 491 M 0 1 75 122 81 44 48 29 15 7 1 30 453 U 0 0 1 4 0 2 2 1 0 1 0 108 119 Table 28. Chlamydia Cases and Rates* by Gender, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Gender Males Females Unknown Total 1990 Cases 682 3665 0 4347 Rate 53.6 299.2 - 174.0 1991 Cases 1194 6356 0 7550 Rate 92.0 508.9 - 296.5 1992 Cases 1093 6383 11 7487 Rate 81.9 496.5 - 285.8 1993 Cases 1154 6488 78 7720 Rate 85.6 499.8 - 291.7 1994 Cases 1206 5093 114 6413 Rate 89.4 392.4 - 242.3 Table 29. Chlamydia Cases and Rates* by Race/Ethnicity, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Race/ Ethni- city White Hispanic African- Am. Asian/ P.I. Am./ AK Nat. Other/ Unk. Total 1990 Case s 467 225 159 2 48 3446 4347 Rate 28.6 44.1 106.1 1.1 318.9 - 174.0 1991 Cases 474 321 205 1 61 6488 7550 Rate 28.5 61.6 134.1 0.5 397.5 _ 296.5 1992 Cases 541 627 184 108 11 6016 7487 Rate 32.3 111.0 115.7 56.0 68.2 - 285.8 1993 Cases 678 466 409 108 0 6059 7720 Rate 39.2 86.1 257.5 55.1 - - 291.7 1994 Cases 664 577 562 130 9 4471 6413 Rate 38.4 106.6 353.8 66.3 56.4 - 242.3 Table 30. Chlamydia Cases and Rates* by Age Group, San Diego County, CA 1990-1994 Age Group Under 10 10-14 15-19** 20-24** 25-29 30-34 35-44 45 and Over Unknown Total 1990 Cases 8 60 1175 1543 835 379 320 83 4 4347 Rate 2.2 39.4 642. 8 613.6 324.9 156.7 84.2 12.4 - 174.0 1991 Cases 31 116 2150 2708 1221 596 550 178 0 7550 Rate 8.2 74.8 1215.7 1055.8 466.0 241.5 142.0 26.0 - 296.5 1992 Case s 11 119 2261 2608 1125 660 335 65 304 7487 Rate 52.6 72.9 1226.6 1043.3 448.5 271.5 82.7 8.9 - 285.8 1993 Cases 20 107 2249 2661 1075 631 492 138 347 7720 Rate 5.1 66.4 1223.7 998.3 394.8 246.0 122.2 19.4 - 291.7 1994 Case s 30 93 1700 2313 954 569 458 114 182 6413 Rate 7.7 57.7 925.0 867.7 350.3 221.8 113.8 16.02 - 242.3 * Rate per 100,000 population "Estimated in 1990-1991 using the 1992-1994 proportion applied to 10-19 year age group total Table 31. Chlamydia Cases by Age Group, Race/Ethnicity, and Gender, San Diego County, CA, 1993 Age Group <10 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-54 55-64 65 and over Unknown Age Total Race/Ethnicity and Gender Asian/P.I. F 0 3 33 33 10 3 10 3 0 0 0 0 95 M 0 0 10 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 African American F 0 0 106 104 40 3 10 3 3 0 0 0 269 M 0 0 20 77 27 10 0 0 3 0 0 3 140 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hispanic F 3 10 130 114 19 13 20 7 7 0 10 333 M 0 0 14 70 33 13 0 0 3 0 0 0 133 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Am. or AK Native P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 White F 0 7 124 185 71 46 10 0 10 0 0 0 453 M 0 0 37 104 30 34 7 7 3 3 0 0 225 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unknown Race /Ethni- city F 10 84 1655 1768 739 439 231 101 67 6 0 238 5338 M 7 3 117 197 103 70 60 26 23 7 0 30 643 U 0 0 3 6 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 66 78 Table 32. Chlamydia Cases by Age Group, Race/Ethnicity, and Gender, San Diego County, CA, 1993 Age Group <10 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-54 55-64 65 and over Unknown Age Total Race/Ethnicity and Gender Asian/P.I. F 0 1 22 37 16 15 10 3 0 0 0 1 105 M 0 0 2 8 4 5 1 1 1 0 0 0 22 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 African American F 1 7 128 114 33 19 4 4 3 0 0 2 315 M 2 0 34 94 29 24 9 5 3 0 0 1 201 U 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Hispanic F 4 9 120 153 73 29 15 7 3 1 0 2 416 M 2 0 18 60 29 11 5 3 3 0 0 1 132 U 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Am. or AK Native F 0 0 0 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 M 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 White F 1 2 101 186 63 35 19 8 5 0 2 2 424 M 1 0 12 113 33 19 15 9 7 2 2 3 216 U 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Unknown Race/Ethni- city F 13 69 1118 1275 547 321 179 78 51 6 6 105 3768 M 4 1 94 211 103 68 44 24 14 4 3 16 586 U 1 0 15 17 8 12 4 6 0 0 0 47 110 Table 33. Other Sexually Transmitted Disease Cases and Rates*, San Diego County, CA, 1990-1994 Disease Chancroid Granuloma Inguinale Lymphogranu loma venereum Non-gonococcal urethritis** Pelvic Inf lam-matory Disease*** 1990 Case s 9 0 3 84 134 Rate 0.4 - 0.1 6.6 10.9 1991 Cases 10 0 2 153 146 Rate 0.4 _ 0.1 11.8 11.7 1992 Cases 3 0 1 392 184 Rate 0.1 - 0.01 29.6 14.4 1993 Cases 3 0 2 1425 211 Rate 0.1 - 0.1 105.7 16.3 1994 Cases 5 0 3 1330 344 Rate 0.2 _ 0.1 98.6 26.5 *Rate per 100,000 population **Rate per 100,000 male population ***Rate per 100,000 female population Figure S1. Primary and Secondary Syphilis Cases by year, San Diego County, 1990-1994 1994 Figure S2. Primary and Secondary Syphilis Rates by year, San Diego County, 1990-1994 Rate per 100,000 population Year 2000 objective 1990 1994 Figure S3. Primary and Secondary Syphilis Rates by gender, San Diego County, 1990-1994 20 Rate per 100,000 population 15 10 0 1990 Year 2000 objective 1991 1992 Year 1993 1994 Figure S4. Primary and Secondary Syphilis Rates by rac/ethnicity, San Diego County, 1990-1994 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Rate per 100,000 population —Year 2000 objective —African Americans —White — Hispanic -^Asian/Pacific Islander — Native American 1990 1994 Figure S5. Primary and Secondary Syphilis, Rates by age and gender, San Diego County, 1993 Age group 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 44 and over total • MALES QFEMALES 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Rate per 100,000 population 8 10 Figure S6. Primary and Secondary Syphilis, Rates by age and gender, San Diego County, 1994 Age group 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 44 and over Total • Males CUFemales 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Rate per 100,000 population 6 8 10 12 10 8 6 Figure S7. Early Latent Syphilis Rates by year, San Diego County, 1990-1994 Rate per 100,000 population 0 1990 1991 1992 Year 1993 1994 Figure S8. Early Latent Syphilis Rates by gender, San Diego County, 1990-1994 12 10 8 6 Rate per 100,000 population 0 1990 1991 1992 Year 1993 1994 Figure S9. Early Latent Syphilis Rates by race/ethnicity, San Diego County, 1990-1994 100 80 60 40 20 0 Rate per 100,000 population 1990 —African American -White — Hispanic -^Asian/P.I. — Nat. Americans 1994 Figure S10. Early Latent Syphilis Rates by age and gender, San Diego County, 1993 Age group 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 44 and over Total • Males CUFemales 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Rate per 100,000 population Figure S11. Early Latent Syphilis Rates by age and gender, San Diego County, 1994 Age group 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 44 and over Total • Males nFemales 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Rate per 100,000 population Figure S12. Total Early Syphilis Rates by year, San Diego County, 1990-1994 25 20 15 10 Rate per 100,000 population 0 1990 1991 1992 Year 1993 1994 30 25 20 15 10 Figure S13. Total Early Syphilis Rates by gender, San Diego County, 1990-1994 Rate per 100,000 population 0 1990 1991 1992 Year 1993 1994 250 200 150 100 50 0 Figure S14. Total Early Syphilis Rates by race/ethnicity, San Diego County, 1990-1994 Rate per 100,000 population 1990 •African American White — Hispanic ^Asian/P.I. — Nat. Am./AK 1994 Figure S15. Total Early Syphilis Rates by age and gender, San Diego County, 1993 Age group 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 44 and over Total • Males OFemales 25 20 15 10 5 0 Rate per 100,000 population 10 15 20 25 Figure S16. Total Early Syphilis Rates by age and gender, San Diego County, 1994 Age group 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 44 and over Total •Males CUFemales 25 20 15 10 5 0 Rate per 100,000 population 10 15 20 25 Figure S17. Total Syphilis Rates by year, San Diego County, 1990-1994 30 25 20 15 10 Rate per 100,000 population 0 1990 1991 1992 Year 1993 1994 Figure S18. Total Syphilis Rates by gender, San Diego County, 1990-1994 30 25 20 15 10 Rate per 100,000 population Females 0 1990 1991 1992 Year 1993 1994 Figure S19. Total Syphilis Rates by race/ethnicity, San Diego County, 1990-1994 200 Rate per 100,000 population 150 100 50 0 1990 1991 1992 Year 1993 —African American -White —Hispanic -*-Asian/P.I. — Nat.Am./AK 1994 Figure CS1. Congenital Syphilis Cases by year, San Diego County, 1990-1994 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Cases 36 1990 1991 1992 Year 1993 1994 100 80 60 40 20 Figure CS2. Congenital Syphilis Rates by year, San Diego County, 1990-1994 Rate per 100,000 population Year 2000 objective 0 1990 1991 1992 Year 1993 1994 Figure CSS. Congenital Syphilis Rates by race/ethnicity, San Diego County, 1990-1994 400 Rate per 100,000 population 300 200 100 African American Hispanic Year 2000 objective Asian/P. 0 1990 1991 1992 Year 1993 1994 Figure CS4. Congenital Syphilis Rates by age of Mother, San Diego County, 1993 100 80 60 40 20 0 Rate per 100,000 Live Births 92.0 88.8 Under 20 20-24 25-29 30-34 Age of Mother 35 and Over Figure CSS. Congenital Syphilis Rates by age of Mother, San Diego County, 1994 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Rate per 100,000 Live Births Under 20 54.2 20-24 25-29 30-34 Age of Mother 51.8 35 and Over Figure G1. Gonorrhea Cases by year, Safn Diego County, 1990-1994 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Cases 3579 1990 1991 1992 Year 1993 1994 Figure G2. Gonorrhea Rates by year, San Diego County, 1990-1994 250 200 150 100 50 Rate per 100,000 population Year 2000 objective 0 1990 1991 1992 Year 1993 1994 Figure G3. Gonorrhea Rates by gender, San Diego County, 1990-1994 250 200 150 100 50 Rate per 100,000 population Year 2000 objective Males 0 1990 1991 1992 Year 1993 1994 Figure G4. Gonorrhea Rates by race/ethnicity, San Diego County, 1990-1994 1000 800 600 400 200 Rate per 100,000 population Native Americans Hispanics 0 1990 1991 1992 Year African Americans Year 2000 objective 1993 1994 Figure G5. Gonorrhea Rates by age and gender, San Diego County, 1993 Age group 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 44 and over Total • Males LUFemales 500 400 300 200 100 0 100 200 300 400 500 Rate per 100,000 population Figure G6. Gonorrhea Rates by age and gender, San Diego County, 1994 Age group 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 45 and over Total •Males OFemales 500 400 300 200 100 0 100 200 300 400 500 Rate per 100,000 population Figure C1. Chlamydia Cases by year, San Diego County, 1990-1994 Cases 7720 1994 Figure C2. Chlamydia Rates by year, San Diego County, 1990-1994 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 Rate per 100,000 population 0 1990 1991 1992 Year 1993 1994 Figure C3. Chlamydia Rates by gender, San Diego County, 1990-1994 600 500 400 300 200 Rate per 100,000 population 100 Females Males 0 1990 1991 1992 Year 1993 1994 •*' *, Figure C4. Chlamydia Rates by race/ethnicity, San Diego County, 1990-1994 500 400 300 200 100 Rate per 100,000 population ative Americans rican Americans 0 1990 1991 1992 Year 1993 1994 Figure C5. Chlamydia Rates by age and gender, San Diego County, 1993 Age group 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 44 and over Total • Males CUFemales 3000 2000 1000 0 Rate per 100,000 population 1000 2000 3000 Figure C6. Chlamydia Rates by age and gender, San Diego County, 1994 Age group 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 44 and over Total • Males CUFemales 3000 2000 1000 0 Rate per 100,000 population 1000 2000 3000