HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-06-28; City Council; 18188 Exhibit A; Ponto Beachfront Village Vision PlanJUN-28-2885 11:16F1 FR0M:PLRNNING SYSTEMS 768 931 5744 Sincerely Seth Schulberg, President T0:7289461 EGEOVE To. c;4> c\+ =%. CCL 4&Ljit:. ci CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE P: 2'2 k Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation Preserve. Protect and Enhance June 28,2005 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Cartsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 AGENDA ITEM # // U Mayor City copndl cl9- City Manage@ CttpAttomq Subject: Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan Dear Mayor and Council Members: The Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation (BLF) has been striving to presewe, protect and enhance the Batiquitos environs since 1984. We wish we could preserve the Ponto area in its current semideveloped state. We also recognize the development rights .granted by the City zoning ordinance and Master Plan. Given that development will occur in this area, we believe that the City's effort to develop a vision plan that provides a unifying theme for future development, while protecting the environment to the extent possible, is appropriate. We think the City demonstrated excellent forward thinking in developing the Vision Plan. We firmly believe there are environmental factors that must be considered in developing the Ponto Beachfront Village Area. The site's proximrty to endangered species nesting grounds requires setbacks and buffers, while the area's proximity to Batiquitos Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean require aggressive use of Best Management Practices for urban runoff and storm water management. The public's right of access to this area must be safeguarded by expansion and connection to the existing trail network, provision for adequate public parking and prohibition of gated communities. We understand that the Vision Plan provides a preliminary environmental assessment and defers site specific concerns until development plans are proposed. We encourage the city to continue its usual aggressive enforcement of county, state and federal statutes that protect our environment. We look forward to working with the City in crafting sensitive solutions for Ponto Beachfront Village that will benefit both our City and the environment. POB 130491 Carlsbad. California 92013-0491 760 895.3501 AGENDAITEM# 4 11 I Mayor City Cound City Manager City Attorney City Clerk Questions about the Ponto Vision Plan Joanne VanMeter 5 16 Stern Way I Carlsbad, CA 92009 1. Will any of the parking that will be developed be paid parking? 2. Will beach goers be allowed to use the parking in all of the parking garages for free? 3. Where is the approximately 104 parking spaces mentioned that will be west of 10 1 ? Theses are not show in the vision plan. Are these spaces the current spaces provided? 4. This weekend, RVs stayed overnight without being ticketed on 10 1, despite my neighbors calling the police to have them enforce our laws. The police did not respond. The neighbors called the police to ask why they didn’t respond and were told that the police were too busy. How can we enforce laws in future high density growth without the current laws in the current less dense situation being enforced? 5. How many restaurants with views are proposed? The vision plan looks like it doesn’t maximize the views for the public by providing the maximum amount of restaurants. There should be many competing restaurants to keep quality standards higher and provide the public with more choices. What if you don’t like something about the only offered restaurant? Ideally, we will have choices, with views. 6. What is the fire code for current dry brush that exists on the proposed development plan. Some of it looks to be head high. I’m concerned about a person driving by and flicking out a cigarette on this area. Could we please get this scrub mowed in the meantime? 7. Stern Way will have increased parking due to the added features of this development, the open gate to the trail and the bridge that is proposed to cross over the train tracks. Would it be possible for the city to install a gate for this community so the effect of residence, who pay for our own streets and are not allowed to park on their own streets per HOA rules, will be minimized? 8. A street light needs to replace the 4 way stop at Avenida Encinas and Marlin to improve the traffic. Could this be added to the Mitigated Negative Declaration? 9. The interpretive wetlands are poorly placed in relation to actual wetlands that need protecting. Could this interpretive wetland park be placed at the south end the development, next to the lagoon, where an actual wetland exists? It would be better to fill that low lying land with an alternate use and protect the lagoon’s endangered habitats with a wetland park than to have stagnant water in the middle of a Mix use center. It will also attract mosquitos. 1 ’ CITYOFCARLSBAD ’ CITY CLERKS OFFICE I 10. How can a vision plan be created when it is unknown how far a setback will be required due to the proximity of the least tern, gnat catcher, and snowy plower? These endangered species were not mentioned in the Mitigated Negative Declaration. If it is found that development is too close to these protected species, the Vision Plan was created prematurely and certainly voted on prematurely. A full EIR should be done to settle the popular opinion by the public that this plan needs to be viewed as a whole to understand how it affects all aspects of the environment. Ponto Beachfront Village Draft Vision Plan Dated May 2005 Chapter 1, page 1 The live/work area only of benefit to a few people. There could be better use of this space that benefits more people. Chapter 1, page 2 “Increase and improve the affordable housing supply” This will lower existing residential neighborhood’s property values and is an inappropriate use of rare and valuable coastal property. There is adequate inland land supply for affordable housing and therefore using rare coastal for this purpose is not necessary or prudent. Chapter 1, page 7 There is mention of Ponto’s southern edge being a jurisdictional wetland. All structures on the southern edge are depicted much to close to that southern edge. Parking should be underground each of the resort buildings and the restarant is in an ok location but needs to be set much further away from the southern edge. Chapter 1, page 10 Wildlife The mitigation plan does not call for the recommendation on this page. “It is recommended that focused protocol surveys for these species be conducted to determine whether they are present within the study.” Snowy plower and Least tern should be added to the study. Chapter 1, page 11 Coastal Bluff Erosion It is stated that the erosion of the northerly edge of Batiquitos Lagoon could erode at 1” per year. Given that, setbacks need to be adjusted for long term erosion. Chapter 1, page 15 Walkways “The existing access points shall be improved as part of a State Parks and Recreation Master Plan for Carlsbad State Beaches.” This Vision Plan will impact walkways to the beach and therefore should be part of this Vision Plan, paid for by the developers of the Vision Plan. Chapter 2, The Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan There is no public grass park in the area, suitable for children to play in, neighbors to meet for a picnic or families to play a game of football in walking distance to this Vision Plan or for the existing neighbors. The southern edge of the Ponto Vision plan would provide the public with a park and a buffer between development and wildlife. Chapter 2, page 3 Mixed Use Center The “heart” of the Ponto Beachfront Village provides a useful mix of shops and restaurants. However, the townhouses or live/work units seem misplaced in an area that is potentially high traffic. This space would be better served by more shops that could be useful to many, rather than a live/work unit that can only be useful to a few. Chapter 2, page 4 Bus Pavillian Needed Currently there are people waiting for the bus at the corner of Avenida Encinas and Carlsbad Blvd. In the diagram of this intersection, there is no provisions to upgrade this area with a shaded Bus bench. This should be done. Chapter 2, page 5 Wetland Interpretive Area Having a wetland area in the middle of a shopping area defeats the purpose of shopping and ignores the fact that true wetlands on the southern edge of this development are being encroached upon. Better would be to provide a wetland interpretive area at the southern end of the Beach Resort, where buffer is needed between wildlife and development. Chapter 2, page 6 Beachfront Resort The parking garage, restaurant and pool are too close to the Lagoon’s edge and do not provide noise and disturbance level needed for wildlife to flourish. Parking could be accomplished under each resort building and the swimming pool could be moved. The restaurant building should be reduced in half to provide more park like space for the public and for wildlife. Chapter 2, page 13 LiveNork Neighborhoods It is not desirable to force any current owners to sell their property for eminent domain purposes for any use except for public good. Taking private property via eminent domain for the purpose of selling to another private party should not be allowed. Private property rights should be protected if they do not want to sell their land or “blighted” residence. Even if all parties are in agreement of this sell, a live/work neighborhood is not in the general interest of many people and only benefits a few. Using this space for restaurants or shops would serve the public better. Chapter 2 page 20, Avenida Encinas The stop signs at Avenida Encinas and Meridian Way need to be replaced with a light so that traffic can flow freely through Avenida Encinas and only stop if there is a pedestrian or vehicle that will trigger the light to change. Chapter 2, page 27, Bicycles Bicycle racks are needed at the beach, north of the lagoon, south of Avenida Encinas and west of Carlsbad Blvd. Chapter 2, page 28, Sidewalk System Figure should show that raised sidewalks are needed north and southbound extending to La Costa Boulevard. Chapter 2, page 29 On-Street Parking It is not clear if there is currently “1 04 spaces along Carlsbad Boulevard” or additional parking will be added to achieve 104 spaces. Chapter 4, page 8 Developer Actions Surrounding Neighborhood Impact Review needs to be added to the list of Developer Actions. Chapter 4, page 8 Need to specify “raised sidewalks” versus just “sidewalks” on the north and south bound lanes. Environmental Impact Assessment Form - Part 11, dated March 1,2005 Case No. GPA 05-04, LCPA 05-01 1) All appropriate agencies need to be listed on page 1, number 8. page 1: 8. Other Public Agencies Whose Approval is Required: Should be: 0 California Coastal Commission Army Corps of Engineers California Deparmtment of Fish and Game CoastGuard And the agency that approves that the Environmental Impact Review is completed and states that all issues have been mitigated. 0 The agency that approves that the Long Beach Settlement is not being 2) An Environmental Impact Report should be required before completing the Vision Plan. page 4: Wrong box selected. Box that should have been selected: “I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on a the environment and and Environmental Impact Report is required. Justification: 1) No mention of endangered species, least tern or snowy plower, is mentioned in any report. The endangered least tern nesting grounds are adjacent to this development. A study needs to be done to determine what impact this development will have on the least tern. 2) Lagoon erosion at the rate of 1” per year will cause setbacks to change. 3) Noise generated near the lagoon could impact 183+ migratory birds that include endangered species nesting grounds. 4) Impact of additional storm drainage into Batiquitos Lagoon. Ref. Ponto Vision Plan, Ch 4 page 13, “All development will ultimately drain into the existing 84- inch storm drain system. 5) According to the Vision Plan, “Impacts to any western burrowing owl and coastal California gnatcatcher bird species would be significant, if present and could pose a constraint to development of the disturbed lands and disturbed coastal sage scrub, respectively. It is recommended that focused protocol surveys for these species be conducted to determine whether they are present within the study area.” The EIR should include this study. Concerns and Recommendations: Due to the nature of protected species along the lagoon and the lagoon’s erosion rate, it is recommended that the setback be greater than what is currently shown for species protection and bluff erosion purposes. It is recommended to have the parking structure for the Beach Resort be built under the Resort versus so near the edge of the Lagoon. Also, a full Environmental Impact Review needs to be conducted 3) Gate and Public Restrooms Needed. Page 13 and page 30 “Recreation Facilities Needed” XIV a) Increased use of existing neighborhood and regional parks. Gate Needed Due to the removal of public street parking currently used for beach use, the additional attractions offered for this area by the Ponto Visoin Plan, and the addition of a bridge over the train which will connect the Batiquitos Lagoon trail to the Beach Resort, there is a high potential for increased parking in the San Sebastian neighborhood. San Sebastian residence are not permitted to park on their own street, however the public is allowed to park on these streets. Public parking on these streets is not currently an issue due to adequate street parking for beach goers east of Carlsbad Blvd and use of the private land where the Beach Resort will eventually be built. The residential parking issue creates a disconnect between what the residential area is allowed to do (not park in front of their homes) and what the public can do with the residence’s streets (park in front of residence homes). To mitigate this issue, a gate for the residence of San Sebastian at the entrance on Windrose and Magellan is requested so that the streets of San Sebastion can be used only for the residence. Public Restrooms Needed: The beach north of the lagoon has no public restrooms. Permanent public restrooms are needed to prevent public urination near bushes (as is the case today). Also, beach users will cross the street to use hotel and restaurant restrooms unless they are provided for them on the beach. 4) Crossing Light Needed Page 14, XV “Transportation/Traffic” Crossing Light at Avenida Encinas and Meridian Way Increased traffic on Avenida Encinas will require the stop sign on Avenida Encinas and Meridian Way needs to be replaced with a crossing light. This will allow traffic to flow when there is no activity crossing Avenida Encinas. 5) “Effect on Species” section incomplete. Pg 20 IV a) Effect on species No mention is made about the development’s effect on the 183+ avian species known to migrate through Batiquitos Lagoon (ref batiquitoslagoon.org). Of particular concern, there is no mention of the endangered least tern or snowy plow. This is a blatant oversight. Ref: http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/birds/wsplover/results.htm According to http://www.dfg.ca.gov/hcpb/info/brn researchhm ~dfi-~ts/94 07.~df, on The California Least Tern Breeding Survey states, “Habitat loss due to human development and climatic events (e.g., storms and flooding), other types of human related disturbance, predation, and adverse environmental conditions, particularly El Niiio, continue to dampen recovery of the species.” A study on how noise and proximity to human disturbance effects the least tern nesting needs to be conducted to define if the standard setbacks are adequate given the proximity to this endangered species. 6) Setbacks inadequate on the lagoon side. Pg 21 Setbacks “Consistent with setback and buffer requirements of the City of Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan, all future development shall be sited at a proper distance from designated open spaces.. .” The problem with setbacks in this case is that the lagoon is eroding at a rate of 1” per year minimum, according to the Vision Plan. Setbacks were probably not established with moving buffers in mind. Therefore, an environmental impact report is needed to see if the legal minimum setback is still adequate given that the setback will erode over time. 7) Effects of additional runoff in storm drainage unknown Pg 25 Water Quality It is stated in the Vision Plan that storm drain discharge will be dumped into the lagoon utilizing the existing 84” storm drain. It is unknown what the additional impact to marine and avian life will be with this added oil, pesticide, and trash dumped into the lagoon. Since the water to be drained comes from the entire Ponto Vision Plan, it is imperative a water quality impact report be prepared before the vision plan is approved. All pollutants of concern should be defined and mandated for removal prior to development contracts submitted. 8) Add Avenida Encinas and Meridian Way to failing intersection list Pg 36 Potentially Significant Impact Unless Mitigated: Need to add Avenida Encinas and Meridian Way to the failing intersection list. 9) No Noise, Lights or Odor Impact Done for Current Neighborhoods Bordering the Ponto Vision Plan The Vision Plan calls for multi-level parking structures, hotel and resort swimming pools and parking lots that will generate noise and light late into the night. There has been no study done to quantify this impact to existing residences. If the findings are that noise will increase in the area, the Vision Plan should address what will be done to buffer the noise. The Vision plan allows for “Restaurants with dancing or entertainment”. This will increase noise levels to surrounding neighborhoods if permitted noise levels are not defined. Also, winds predominantly blow onshore. It is not shown where trash receptacles will be placed, where restaurant exhaust will be, vehicle exhaust and other odor producing sources were be. There is no mention of these or other odor sources. There should be provisions that there will be no increase of odors in existing neighborhoods. Pg 38 a) Impact to Environment Since there was no adequate environmental study done, and for the Justifications listed in #2 above, there is no way to adequately answer the question of if this plan impacts the environment. The answer to question XVII a) should be, “Not enough information” or “Not enough data”. Thank you for your consideration of existing neighborhoods. Joanne VanMeter 516 Stem Way Carlsbad, CA 92009 WORDEN WILLIAMS APC AGENDAITEM# c: Mayor Representing Public Agencies, Private Entities, and Individuals city Cod 4 CityMUuger CffJTAtt0-Y *- June 27,2005 City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan Case Number: GPA 05-04LCPA 05-01 Appellant: Dear Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council: This office represents the Ponto Action Committee (“PAC”), a group of local citizens who are concerned with the proposed Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan (hereafter “Vision Plan”). PAC includes residents of the Hanover Beach Colony to the north of the Vision Plan site, residents of the San Pacific0 community to the east, and other concerned residents of the community. The principal concern with the Vision Plan is the failure to prepare an environmental impact report (“EIR” ) as required by the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA’). An EIR is a comprehensive document that considers all potentially adverse impacts of a project and then identifies mitigation measures and alternatives that could avoid or reduce the severity of impacts. It is a “big picture” document that allows decision makers to consider the entirety of large projects, such as the Vision Plan, and consider ways that the project can be mitigated or modified to lessen adverse impacts. For example, could commercial uses be moved further away from residential areas to avoid impacts? Could traffic circulation within the development area be changed to avoid conflicts with existing communities? Could specific standards be put into place to lessen visual AREAS OF PRACTICE PUBLIC AGENCY LAND USE AND ENVIRONMENTAL REAL ESTATE 1 PERSONAL INIURY ~ ESTATE PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION 1 CIVIL LITIGATION ATTORNEYS TRACY R RICHMOND D. WAYNE BRECHTEL TERRY J KILPATRICK TERRY M CIBBS MALINDA R. DICKENSON MICHAEL B FURMAW, LL M Of Counsel D. DWIGHT WORDEN Of Counsel W. SCOTT WILLIAMS Of Counsel OFFICE 462 STEVENS AVENUE SUITE 102 SOLAVA BEACH CALIFORNIA 92075 (858) i55-6604 TELEPHONE (8 5 8 I 75 5 -5 19 8 FhCSl jUl LE www.wordenwilliams.com City Council, City of Carlsbad June 27,2005 Page 2 impacts to communities to the east? Could the property be developed as a park?’ Although the Vision Plan identifies two alternatives that were considered at a workshop some time ago, there is no comparison of the environmental merits of the various alternatives. If the City approves the Vision Plan as proposed without doing an EIR, the ability to consider the “big picture” will be lost because the basic plan, which identifies the specific uses and roadways, will have been approved. Environmental review in the future, to the extent there is any, will be limited to the details of individual projects. The ability to make meaningful changes to the overall Vision Plan will have been lost. The City can and must do better. PAC requests that the City Council deny the Vision Plan and associated General Plan and Local Coastal Program approvals on the grounds that the environmental review for the Vision Plan is inadequate and direct that staff prepare an EIR that fully and adequately addresses the potential impacts of the Vision Plan, so that consideration of meaningful mitigation measures and alternatives can occur before it is too late.’ Set forth below is a more detailed overview of the reasons for this request. A. The Citv Maw Not Use A Mitigated Negative Declaration Because There Is A Fair Argument That The Vision Plan Maw Have A Sianificant Effect On The Environment. Whenever there is substantial evidence that a proposed project may have a significant effect on the environment, the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA’) requires the lead agency to prepare an Environmental Impact Report (“EIR) prior to considering approval of The City’s LCP cites the need for “low cost” visitor accommodations or recreation in the unplanned area of the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan. For example, the LCP suggests planning a public park for the unplanned area west of the railroad tracks. The LCP encourages parks to be at least 5 acres, but there is nothing to say that the park could not be larger than 5 acres in this area. The reference to a public park is omitted from the Vision Plan’s description of the LCP in Chapter 1, page 15. The unplanned area has been designated in the Vision Plan for mixed use development. Although the mixed use includes a wetland interpretive area, this is a small part of the entire unplanned area. The City should explore alternatives that include more public park uses. ‘In addition, I hereby incorporate by reference and renew the objections made in my April 22, 2005 letter commenting on the inadequacies of the Mitigated Negative Declaration. K\Clients\Lipbow\Letters\CityCouncil.Wl .EIR Required.M.wpd City Council, City of Carlsbad June 27,2005 Page 3 the project. (Pub. Resources Code 8 21080(d) and 21151; 14 Cal.Code Regs. 9 15064(a)(l), (f)(l).) In what has become known as the “fair argument” standard, a lead agency must prepare an EIR if substantial evidence supports a fair argument of a potential adverse environmental effect, even if the public agency is presented with contrary evidence. (Friends of “B” Street u. City ofHayward (1980) 106 Cal.App.3d 988, 1002.) In other words, agency evidence that an impact will not be significant cannot overcome other evidence supporting a fair argument of significance. It is one of the few instances in which any agency does not get the benefit of the doubt. Further, a disagreement among experts regarding the significance of an impact triggers the need to prepare an EIR. (14 Cal.Code Regs. 9 15064(g)) The fair argument standard furthers CEQA’s goal of protecting the environment by creating a strong presumption in favor of preparing an EIR. (See Pub. Resources Code 88 21000-21002.) In this case, City staff proposes use of a Mitigated Negative Declaration. A Mitigated Negative Declaration is an abbreviated form of environmental review under CEQA that is only permitted when there is no fair argument of a significant impact and it can be demonstrated with certainty that a project will not create any significant adverse effects on the environment. (Pub. Resources Code 8 21080(c)( l).) Such is not the case here. A situation similar to this matter arose in City ofRedlands u. County ofSan Bemardino (2002) 96 Cal.App.4th 398. There, the County of San Bernardino adopted an amendment to its General Plan concerning the County’s sphere of influence. As in the Ponto Road matter, the County of San Bernardino argued that an EIR was unnecessary since the amendment was merely clarifying the County’s authority relating to planning (Id. at 406) and that future projects would undergo further environmental review when a project was actually proposed. (Id. at 409.) The Court disagreed. The Court noted that the general plan amendment contemplated future development and that the County failed to reasonably anticipate the effects of such development. (Id. at 409.) The Court found that the County’s reasoning was nonsensical because while conceding the amendment was designed to facilitate greater development, it denied there was any possibility of a significant adverse effect on the environment. (Id. at 409.) The same is true in this case. The City of Carlsbad is proposing to amend its General Plan and Local Coastal Program to facilitate specific and intensive development immediately adjacent to a busy highway and a residential neighborhood. The Vision Plan is the first step in a land use process that will result in future development of the Ponto site. Thus, under CEQA, the City must “use its best efforts to find out and disclose all that it reasonably can.” (14 Cal. Code Regs. 8 15144.) Likewise, the City must consider all phases of the project. It may not limit environmental review by claiming additional studies will occur later. (City of Antioch u. City K\ClientsLipbow‘\Letters\CityCoundl.O01 .EIR Required.02 .wpd City Council, City of Carlsbad June 27,2005 Page 4 Council (1986) 187 Cal.App.3d 1325 [piecemeal review of development resulting in use of negative declaration was improper even though future developments would be examined in EIRs] .) The City’s duty under CEQA to do all it reasonably can was recently discussed in County Sanitation District No. 2 of Los Angeles County u. County of Kern (2005) 127 Cal.App.4th 1544. As the Court explained, “under CEQA, the lead agency bears a burden to investigate potential environmental impacts. ‘If the local agency has failed to study an area of possible environmental impact, a fair argument may be based on the limited facts in the record. Deficiencies in the record may actually enlarge the scope of fair argument by lending a logical plausibility to a wider range of inferences.”’ (Id. at 1597, citing Sundstrom u. County of Mendocino (1988) 202 Cal.App.3d 296,311 .) Here, the City is avoiding its duty to investigate potential impacts and the evidence submitted by my clients and other members of the public leaves no doubt that such adverse impacts are possible. The Mitigated Negative Declaration is lacking detailed analysis of potential adverse effects of the Vision Plan. Rather than analyze these issues now, the Mitigated Negative Declaration claims that additional studies can be undertaken later when site specific proposals are presented. Indeed, the proposed findings acknowledge a variety of potential adverse effects on biology, cultural resources, and noise, but then defers analysis of these effects to a later time. The Biological Section, for example, acknowledges there are endangered and rare plant and animal species that occur on site and that development could potentially affect these species. The mitigation, however, is simply to do a more comprehensive study and develop appropriate mitigation at a later time. This is absolutely not allowed under CEQA. (Sundstrom u. County of Mendocino (1988) 202 Cal.App.3d 296 [deferral of analysis and mitigation would skirt the requirement for public review and agency scrutiny of environmental impacts]; Gentry u. City of Murrieta (1995) 36 Cal.App.4th 1359, 1396 [condition requiring compliance with a mitigation measure that might be recommended in the future was improper] .) Accordingly, the City must require an EIR to be prepared before going any further on the Vision Plan. The bottom line is that the City must prepare an EIR for the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan. The Vision Plan sets forth a plan of how development is anticipated to proceed, including the location and types of development, and the City must do all that it can to anticipate the potential effects of such a development. The City must match the level of detail in the environmental review to the level of detail in the Vision Plan. Enough is known about the scope of the Vision Plan that such impacts can be evaluated. Indeed, my clients, at their own expense, have identified several of these potentially significant effects in the areas of traffic K:\Clients\Lipbow\Letters\CityCouncil.OOl .EIR Required.02.wpd City Council, City of Carlsbad June 27,2005 Page 5 and noise levels. Thus, there is substantial evidence supporting a fair argument that the Vision Plan may have a significant effect, and an EIR is therefore required. (Pub. Resources Code 0 21080(d).) 1. SiRnificant Traffic Effects Attached to this letter as Exhibit “A” is a letter from Susan Rosner of Kimley-Horn Associates that details numerous adverse traffic effects of the Vision Plan that were not adequately analyzed or mitigated in the Mitigated Negative Declaration. As an initial matter, the traffic counts used in the Mitigated Negative Declaration appear to have underestimated the volume and effects of summer beach traffic in the area. For example, some of the traffic counts were taken in April when there is little or no beach traffic, and others taken in July on a weekday when traffic would be less than a weekend. However, during the summer and fall, residents report that Ponto Road and surrounding streets can become filled with cars since there are few other areas where beach goers can park in this area. This situation will likely become worse once the project is developed because it will attract even more beach goers who will be drawn by the increased parking created by the Vision Plan. This, in turn, will cause increased congestion and increased conflicts between pedestrians and cars along Carlsbad Boulevard. The City must therefore return to the drawing board and revise the traffic counts based on realistic estimates of summer beach traffic. Another problem with the traffic analysis is that it failed to consider the additional traffic that would be generated on the Garden Hotel site if that site is developed as a visitor-serving commercial development, as permitted under the Vision Plan and related amendments. As Ms. Rosner explains, if this occurs, 84,000 square-feet of commercial space could be developed and generate 10,080 average daily trips with 403 trips during the morning peak hour and 1,008 trips during the afternoon peak hour. This is far in excess of the 1,500 total trips, 90 morning peak trips, and 120 afternoon peak trips considered in the Mitigated Negative Declaration. Indeed, Ms. Rosner points out that coupled with traffic from the nearby Hanover Beach Colony, the level of service at certain intersections could drop to an LOSF. This is a significant effect that must be analyzed and mitigated in an EIR. Another concern is that the Mitigated Negative Declaration failed to analyze several important issues involving pedestrian-safety along Ponto Road, which is currently used by area residents to access South Carlsbad State Beach. For example, we know that the City is proposing to locate a parking garage across the street from the Hotel. This in turn will lead to K:\Clients\Lipbow\Letters\CityCouncil.OOl .EIR Required.02.wpd City Council, City of Carlsbad June 27,2005 Page 6 pedestrians crossing Ponto Road to get to the hotel and/or beach. There is no specific provision for crossing lights or speed limit restrictions and it is likely that pedestrian/vehicle conflicts will occur due to the speed of the cars and the curvature of the road in this area. Specifically, drivers will not be able to stop in time and pedestrians could be seriously injured or killed as a result. Another flaw in the Mitigated Negative Declaration is its conclusion that potential effects to “unplanned” areas will be insignificant based on the assumption that potential uses under current planning could be worse. This is an inappropriate method for analyzing the potential adverse effects of a project. The proper starting point for an analysis is “the physical environmental condition in the vicinity of the project” as it currently exists. (14 Cal.Code Regs. 8 15125(a); Cadiz Land Co. u. Rail Cycle (2000) 83 Cal.App.4th 74, 99 [the environmental setting should be quantified in order to assess the magnitude of change] .) Thus, because the unplanned area does not currently generate any traffic, the City must assume that any additional traffic that could occur in this area will worsen traffic conditions. It cannot compare the Vision Plan with the theoretical traffic that might exist if the property were built out under the policies of the current general plan. Finally, it is noted that the MND identified an impact to the intersection of La Costa Avenue and the Coast Highway. However, no mitigation for this impact is proposed on the assumption that the City of Encinitas will be making street improvements that would mitigate for this impact pursuant to the City of Encinitas’ Highway 101 Corridor Specific Plan. There is no assurance that the City of Encinitas’ mitigation will take place, or if it does, if it will be on line by the time that the impacts from the Vision Plan occur, leaving this traffic impact unmitigated. 2. Significant Noise Effects Attached to this letter as Exhibit “B” is a letter from RickTavares of Investigative Science and Engineering, Inc. that details numerous potentially adverse noise effects that were not adequately analyzed or mitigated in the Mitigated Negative Declaration. As explained by Mr. Tavares, the Mitigated Negative Declaration is completely lacking the detail and analysis necessary to make the conclusion that the Vision Plan will not result in any significant adverse impacts. Indeed, had the City looked at the amount of noise that would be generated by expected traffic along adjacent roadways, it would have been evident that noise increases as high as 6.8 dBA CNEL would exist, and that the City’s significance threshold K:\ClientsVipbowUatters\CityCouncil.OOl .EIR Required.02.wpd City Council, City of Carlsbad June 27,2005 Page 7 of a 3 dBA increase would be e~ceeded.~ More importantly, Mr. Tavares points out that compliance with the Noise Element will not adequately mitigate such adverse effects. Mr. Tavares also points out that the Vision Plan does not address the fact that a noise contour of 60 dBA CNEL will intrude at least 500 feet into the project, which is a significant effect and is not mitigated nor required to be mitigated in the Mitigated Negative Declaration. Finally, Mr. Tavares identifies a number of significant adverse noise impacts that can be expected to occur in connection with the development and operation of a hotel including HVAC, pumps, blowers, truck deliveries, amplified music, and traffic. The City cannot put these issues off to another day. Instead, the City must address these issues now and identify feasible mitigation measures so that the viability of the project design can be evaluated and mitigation measures and alternative design issues can be explored while they are still feasible. 3. Significant Biological Effects The Biological Resources section of the Mitigated Negative Declaration identifies several significant environmental effects of the Vision Plan which have not been adequately mitigated. For example, the biology section states that four sensitive plant species have been found on site and that impacts to sensitive plant species are significant. Further, the biology section concedes two sensitive bird species, including the endangered American peregrine falcon, were observed on site. Additional evidence will be submitted to you that the threatened California gnatcatcher is also found on site. Future development will clearly adversely affect these rare and endangered species by destroying their habitat and killing individual species. However, the Mitigated Negative Declaration claims that all adverse impacts will be mitigated by conducting a “comprehensive site-specific biological resource analysis” and developing a mitigation strategy to avoid impacts. This is woefully inadequate under CEQA. Although the City may have the best of intentions, the fact is that this approach neither identifies the seriousness of the adverse impacts or commits the City or the applicant to any particular mitigation requirement. There are no performance standards or other objective measures by which one could The City has always identified an increase of 3 dBA CNEL as the threshold for analyzing significant noise effects as outlined in the City’s Noise Guidelines Manual’s project processing procedures (page 24). For example, this significance threshold was recently used in the environmental review for the Villages of La Costa project and the La Costa Robertson Ranch. K:\Clients\LipbowVeters\CityCouncil.OOl .EIR Required.02.wpd City Council, City of Carlsbad June 27,2005 Page 8 determine if the City was able to avoid adverse biological impacts. Instead, there is only an acknowledgment that a development could create significant adverse impacts, and then an unenforceable promise to mitigate the impacts with some unknown method sometime in the future. B. The Citv Is AttemDtinn To lmproperlv Defer Analvsis Of Potential Adverse Effects In many parts of the Vision Plan, it is said that additional environmental review and mitigation will be undertaken when a specific proposal is put forward. This is an inappropriate deferral of the City’s obligation to analyze such potential effects now as required by CEQA. I understand the City’s theory that a future study could be more precise to the extent that more will be known about the exact type of development being considered. However, this approach is not permitted under CEQA because the reality is that once a project has gone this far, it tends to make it difficult or impossible to implement feasible alternatives and mitigation measures. Instead, public agencies are required to explore these issues early on in the planning process while changes in design are still feasible. The City already knows a great deal about the development that will occur if the Vision Plan is approved. The proposed Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan provides for a very intense development, including up to: 147 Condos, 260 Hotel Units, 800 Timeshare Units, 176 Apartments, 22,000 square feet of office space, 41,000 square feet of specialty retail space and 3 restaurants. The Vision Plan identifies these uses, and their approximate location in enough detail to analyze the potential impacts at this time. The City has required an EIR for this scale of development in the past. For example, the City just issued a notice of preparation for the La Costa Town Square Project, which entails 81.8 acres and proposed the following: Mixed use 302,000 square feet shopping center, 53,000 square foot cinema, 30,193 square foot tenant warehouse, 63 square feet detached residential units, 120 multi family residential units and 45 affordable housing multi family units. This very issue is addressed in section 15004 of the CEQA Guidelines, which states: “Choosing the precise time for CEQA compliance involves a balancing of competing factors. EIRs and negative declarations should be prepared as early as feasible in the planning process to enable environmental considerations to influence project program and design and yet late enough to provide meaningful information for environmental assessment.” ( 14 Cal. Code Regs. 0 15004(b) .) And the “Discussion” section following section 15004 goes further and explains K:\ClientsVipbow\Leters\CityCouncil.OOl .EIR Required.02.wpd City Council, City of Carlsbad June 27,2005 Page 9 that early preparation of the appropriate environmental document enables agencies to make revisions in the project before the agency becomes so committed to a particular approach that changes can only be made with difficulty. Thus, while there is some logic to waiting to undertake environmental review at a later time, on balance, it is an undesirable and impermissible approach because it jeopardizes the ability of public agencies to fulfill CEQAs goal of implementing feasible alternatives and mitigation measures. This case is virtually identical to other situations in which courts have not hesitated to declare the use of a negative declaration inappropriate when approving planning type documents. For example, in City of Redlands u. County of San Bernardino (2002) 96 Cal.App.4th 398, the Court set aside a negative declaration and required the use of an EIR for a general plan amendment. Likewise in City of Liuermore u. Local Area Formation Commission (1986) 184 Cal.App.3d 531 the Court set aside a negative declaration used for changes in a sphere of influence guidelines for urban development. The common thread between the above cases and the current Ponto Road Vision Plan is that at a certain point the planning process becomes concrete enough for the lead agency to study the range of potentially adverse effects, even if some forecasting and assumptions need to be made. In this case, while there is bound to be some uncertainty in analyzing the potential effects of the Vision Plan, the process is far enough along for the City to make some reasonable assumptions about the adverse effects of the proposed project. On the other hand, if the City approves the Vision Plan and waits to undertake environmental review until a specific development proposal is put forward, both the City and private landowners and developers will have invested a considerable amount of time and money into a relatively specific plan that will be hard to modify, should it be necessary or desirable to do so. C. Future Environmental Review Is Illusorv Because The Nenative Declaration Is Presumed To Cover Evervthinn Currentlv Beinn Considered Bv The Citv. City Staff has suggested that any adverse effects that may result from the Vision Plan can be studied at a later time. However, additional environmental review of subsequent projects is required unless one of the following standards is met: (a) substantial changes are proposed in the project that will require major revisions to the Mitigated Negative Declaration; (b) substantial changes occur with respect to the circumstances under which the project is being undertaken that will require major revisions to the Mitigated Negative Declaration; or (c) new information of substantial importance to the project, which was not known at the time the prior K\Clients~pbow\Letters\CiiyCouncil.OOl .EIR Required.02.wpd City Council, City of Carlsbad June 27,2005 Page 10 environmental document was certified as complete, becomes available. (Pub. Resources Code 0 21166; 14 Cal.Code Regs. 0 15162.) The basic premise of these criteria is that no further environmental review will be required if the Mitigated Negative Declaration already discussed the potential impact at issue. The adequacy of the discussion will not be relevant because Mitigated Negative Declaration will be presumed adequate and further environmental review will only be required if the strict standards of Public Resources Code 21166 are met. Finally, the strict “fair argument” standard will not apply to future decisions regarding environmental review, making legal challenges to decisions not to prepare EIRs extremely difficult. In other words, with the City’s current approach, it is quite possible the potentially adverse effects of the Vision Plan will never be adequately studied in an EIR. Indeed, private landowners and developers would be within their rights to insist that no subsequent environmental review can be required unless at least one of the conditions of Public Resources Code section 21166 is met. D. The Vision Plan Is An Inadequate SDecific Plan Staff has asserted that the Vision Plan does not permit any specific development but is meant only to provide general guidance for development. However, references to the Vision Plan have been incorporated into both the General Plan and the Local Coastal Program, which do establish development entitlements. It is therefore disingenuous to portray the Vision Plan as a non-binding, advisory planning document. To the contrary, the purpose of the Vision Plan is to provide specific implementation measures of the General Plan for this area. In other words, the function of the Vision Plan is really to serve as a Specific Plan. However, the Vision Plan does not contain all of the content required of a Specific Plan. (Gov. Code 0 65451 .) The Vision Plan is therefore an inadequate Specific Plan. In order to be adequate to serve as a Specific Plan, the Vision Plan must contain text and diagrams that specify all of the following elements: (1) The distribution, location, and extent of the uses of land, including open space. (2) The proposed distribution, location, and extent and intensity of major transportation and infrastructure components needed to support the land uses proposed in the plan. (3) Standards and criteria by which development and conservation measures will be implemented. K:\Clients\Lipbow\Letters\CityCouncil.OOl .EIR Required.02.wpd City Council, City of Carlsbad June 27,2005 Page 11 (4) A program of implementation measures including regulations, public works projects, and financing. The Vision Plan does not contain all of the above required elements and therefore is an inadequate Specific Plan. For example, the Vision Plan does not contain adequate standards, criteria and regulations to guide development, nor does it contain a financing plan. Before going any further with the Vision Plan, the City must identify the above-elements and prepare a legally adequate Specific Plan. Alternatively, the City should abandon the proposed Vision Plan and wait until an actual development proposal is put forward, which can then be evaluated on its merits. Further evidence that the Vision Plan is designed to serve as a Specific Plan can be found in the proceedings of the City Housing and Redevelopment Commission. In February 2002, that Commission approved a Work Plan for development on a Land Use Strategy for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area by adopting Resolution 351. (Attached as Exhibit “C.”) The Work Plan explained the status of the South Carlsbad Area and outlined a phased approach to developing a Land Use Strategy. According to the Work Plan, a Specific Plan is required “for any development within the Ponto Area”. It appears, therefore, that the Ponto Vision Plan is supposed to be the Specific Plan envisioned by the Commission. However, for the reasons discussed above, the Specific Plan is incomplete and legally inadequate. E. Conclusion Based on the foregoing, PAC respectfully requests that the Council not approve the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan, its associated General Plan and Local Coastal Program Amendments, or the associated Mitigated Negative Declaration. The City has not undertaken adequate environmental review, and there is a fair argument that the project, as proposed, has the potential to substantially and adversely affect the environment. Further, to the extent that the Vision Plan is supposed to serve as a Specific Plan for this area, it is legally inadequate and must be revised. K:\Clients\Lipbow\Letters\CityCouncil.KJl .EIR Required.02.wpd City Council, City of Carlsbad June 27,2005 Page 12 I appreciate your consideration of these comments and am available to answer any questions you may have. Sincerely, WORDEN WILLIAMS, APC D. Wayne Brechtel dwb@wordenwilliams.com DWB:re Attachments cc: Client Gary Barberio, Planning Department Deborah Fountain, Housing and Redevelopment Director K:\Clients\Lipbow\Letters\CityCouncil.OOl .EIR Required.02.wpd EXHIBIT A June 24,2005 Mr. D. Wayne Brechtel Worden Williams APC 462 Stevens Avenue, Suite 102 Solana Beach, California 92075 RE: Comments on the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan, Transportation/Traffic Section of the Mitigated Negative Declaration, and Traffic Constraints Study Dear Mr. Brechtel: Pursuant to your request, &ley-Horn and Associates, Inc. has reviewed the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan, the Transportation/Traffic section of the Mitigated Negative Declaration, and Traffic Constraints Study. I am a certified planner with 16 years of experience in transportation planning. I have been with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., a nation- wide engineering and planning fum, since 1992. My role at Kimley-Horn involves project management, preparation of a variety of transportation planning studies including traffic and parking studies, traffic study review, etc. My review of the subject documents revealed a number of instances in which potentially significant traffic impacts were not adequately disclosed, analyzed or mitigated. I explain in more detail below. The analysis does not meet the requirements for traffic analysis outlined in the Congestion Management Program (CMP) Update (January 2003) for the San Diego Region. 1. The CMP states that all large projects, defined as having a daily trip generation of 2,400 or more trips or 200 or more peak hour trips is required to prepare a CMP analysis. The Ponto Vision Plan is projected to generate 12,407 trips on a daily basis with 72 1 morning peak hour trips and 1,102 afternoon peak hour trips. Following are a number of aspects that demonstrate that the analysis for the Ponto Vision Plan does not meet the CMP requirements. w Suite 140 2100 W. Orangewood Avenue Orange, California 92868 m TEL 714 939 1030 FAX 714 938 9488 Mr. D. Wayne Brechtel, Page 2, June 24, 2005 rn Kimley-Horn 0 and Associates, Inc. a) Freeway mainline locations where the project adds 50 or more peak hour trips in either direction were not analyzed. A Near-term Cumulative analysis was not conducted. Arterial and signalized intersection analysis using the methodologes in the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) were not conducted The effect of the project on ramp metering was not analyzed. The traffic constraints analysis for the Ponto Vision Plan was conducted for typical weekday traffic conditions with traffic counts made in July 2003 and April 2004. Summer weekend peak analysis should be analyzed as well. 2. While typical weekday traffic analysis is necessary for all development projects, because the proposed Vision Plan is in an area of high seasonal beach usage, an analysis of summer weekend peak hours should be looked at also. Increased pedestrian activity that would take place due to the proximity to South Carlsbad State Beach along with the increased traffic from the Vision Plan and increased summer beach traffic could have significant traffic, safety, parking, and circulation impacts that have not been identified. Access to the Garden Hotel and the associated hotel parking structure to and from the south needs to be considered as an alternative to access on Ponto Road because there may be potentially significant traffic and safety impacts associated with the proposed access on Ponto Road. 3. The entrance to the proposed Garden Hotel, which appears to align with Whitewater Street at Ponto Road, has the potential to cause significant traffic and safety impacts. For example, increased traffic at this location could have significant impacts on intersection capacity and delay and physical conflicts between vehicles and pedestrians. A clearer representation of the specific access provisions that will be in place for the hotel is important issue in terms of identifylng potential significant impacts to the Hanover Beach Community neighborhood that have not been analyzed and for which there are no mitigations. Potential impacts are discussed in more detail in Comment 7. Mr. D. Wayne Brechtel, Page 3, June 24,2005 rn Kimley-Horn 0 and Associates, Inc. 4. The location of the Garden Hotel parking structure access, which appears to be located on the opposite side of Ponto Road from the hotel, coupled with the pedestrian activity that would take place across Ponto Road between the structure and the hotel has the potential for significant traffic and safety impacts. Potential impacts could include the possibility of injury or fatalities of pedestrians being hit by vehicles due to pedestrians crossing the road to the hotel in a location where vehicles are accessing the parkmg structure. The only way to eliminate this significant impact is to prepare a sight-distance analysis. 5. Because of the curvature of Ponto Road in the vicinity of Whitewater Street, the traffic study should address line- of-sight issues in conjunction with the proposed access to the Garden Hotel and to the associated parking structure to determine if there would be significant safety impacts associated with vehicular turning movements into and out of the hotel access/Whitewater Street and Ponto Road/ parking structure access and along Ponto Road. The location of the parlung structure access in relation to the curve on Ponto Road to the north of the parking structure access could contribute to sight distance problems and to the possibility of injury or fatalities to pedestrians crossing Ponto Road to the hotel depending on the specific speed of the street in the future. Sight distance needs to be addressed using City of Carlsbad standards for sight distance to identify any potential safety issues to motorists and pedestrians. These potentially signlficant impacts have not been analyzed and identified. If significant impacts are found, alternative access provisions should be analyzed. Changes in land use for several of the character areas, as discussed in the vision plan could have potential significant traffic impacts that have not been analyzed and identified and for which mitigation measures have not been developed. 6. A change in land use in the Garden Hotel area could have potential significant traffic impacts that have not been identified and analyzed and for which mitigation measures have not been developed. Based on the discussion in the vision plan in Chapter 2, pages 16-17, if it is determined that the Garden Hotel is not suitable for the site, then the vision plan suggests that neighborhood or visitor-serving commercial uses could be located on the site. The commercial land use should Mr. D. Wayne Brechtel, Page 4, June 24,2005 rn Kimley-Horn 0 rn and Associates, Inc. be analyzed as an alternative to determine if there would be adverse traffic impacts. The Garden Hotel site is approximately 8 acres. This would translate to about 84,000 square feet of commercial uses that could be developed on the site. Based on the SANDAG traffic generation rates, this amount of commercial would generate about 10,080 trips on a daily basis, with 403 trips during the morning peak hour and 1,008 trips during the afternoon peak hour. This level of tripmaking is far in excess of the trips analyzed for the Garden Hotel which is estimated to generate 1,500 trips on a daily basis, with 90 trips during the morning peak hour and 120 trips during the afternoon peak hour, based on the SANDAG rates. Potential commercial uses could have a far greater impact on the adjacent roadway system. Results from a preliminary analysis are discussed in Comment 7. 7. The project has the potential to cause signlficant traffic impacts at the intersections of Ponto Road/Windvane Lane and Ponto Road/Whitewater Street that have not been identified and analyzed and for which mitigation measures have not been developed. These intersections provide access to an existing residential neighborhood. It appears that the intersection of Ponto Road/ Whitewater Street will align with the proposed main entrance to the Garden Hotel. I have estimated morning and afternoon peak hour traffic volumes based on an estimated number of homes in the Hanover Beach Colony (approximately 70 homes), applied trip rates from the San Diego Association of Governments Traffic Generators publication for single-family dwelling units, and made an estimate of existing through traffic along Ponto Road based on the data in the traffic study for the Ponto Vision Plan. The two unsignalized intersections were analyzed using the Highway Capacity Software. The results of the analysis (worksheets attached) indicate that the critical movements at the two intersections currently operate at Level of Service (LOS) A. Using data in the traffic study for the Ponto Vision Plan, I analyzed the two intersections assuming the Garden Hotel use and through traffic from the other proposed uses in the Plan. The LOS with the hotel would be B or better during both peak hours. I then applied the trip generation for retail land uses as discussed in Comment 6 above and re-analyzed the two intersections. The analysis indicates that there could be LOS F delays at the intersection of Ponto/Whitewater, assuming that the retail access would align with existing Mr. D. Wayne Brechtel, Page 5, June 24,2005 rn Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Whitewater. The addition of traffic to this area may result in other unacceptable delays and/or capacity problems that have not been identified. To address these potentially significant impacts, these intersections should be added to the traffic constraints analysis so that traffic impacts of the proposed project on these intersections and others can be evaluated for existing and Year 2030 traffic conditions with alternative land uses. Analysis using incorrect lane geometry may result in incorrect conclusions about the level of service at the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard/Avenida Encinas. 8. The existing intersection geometry for the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard/Avenida Encinas (#26) appears to be incorrect. Based on a review of recent aerial photos, the intersection appears to actually be made up of two adjacent intersections. The northbound and southbound approaches of Carlsbad Boulevard are separated by a vacant unimproved area. Review of the westbound left-turning traffic volumes at the western intersection suggests that because of the short stackmg distance between the two intersections, there is a possibility for queues of vehicles to back up across the eastern intersection, potentially blocking traffic at the eastern intersection. This condition could have the effect of causing intersection delays, congestion and accidents. Intersection analysis should be conducted for each intersection separately so that appropriate conclusions can be made about the operation of the intersections. 9. The potential for significant impacts to pedestrian circulation has not been considered in the documents. Pedestrians are common in beach areas, particularly during the summer months. Area residents currently use Ponto Road as pedestrian access to and from South Carlsbad State Beach. It follows that with increased traffic from the proposed Vision Plan coupled with existing pedestrian traffic and future pedestrian traffic that would be generated by the future uses in the Vision Plan. there would be potential significant impacts in terms of physical conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles that have not been identified and analyzed and for which mitigation measures have not been de\.eloped. Increased vehicles and pedestrians could lead to increased conflicts that could result in injuries and/or fatalities to pedestrians. Mr. D. Wayne Brechtel, Page 6, June 24,2005 m Kimley-Horn 0 m and Associates, Inc. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further needs on this matter. KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC - F91WJ&&U@! Susan Rosner, AICP Transportation Planner K: \94446000 Ponto\06-24-05 VISION PLAN.doc Knnley-Horn o,n and Associates, Inc. Susan E. Rosner, AlCP Susan Rosner is a transportation analyst with sixteen years of professional experience in the fields of transportation planning and traffic engineering. She has contributed to numerous environmental impact reports, traffic impact, parking, modeling/forecasting, and traffic signal coordination studies. Her experience in transportation planning and traffic engineering include field investigations, site plan review, trip generation and distribution, capacity and level of service analysis, signal synchronization analysis, traffic impact analysis, transportation modeling and forecasting, report preparation and project management. Education - Bachelor of Arts in Geography (emphasis in Geo-Techniques), and Minor in Business, California State University, Fullerton, 1985 - Two semesters of Computer- Aided Design classes, Fullerton College, 1985-1986 Professional Organizations Previous Experience - Transportation Analyst, Basmaciyan-Darnell, Inc., Imine, CA 1989- 1992 - Cartographer, Robert J. Lung and Associates, Tustin, CA 1987- 1989 - Cartographer, NFOTEC Development. Inc., Costa Mesa, CA 1985-1987 - American Planning Association (APA) - American [nstitute of Certified Planners (AICP) Kknley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Susan E. Rosner Transportation Planning Principal Area@) of Practice Traffic Impact Studies for Traffic Impact Studies . Parking Studies 9 Traffic Modeling and Forecasting Traffic Signal Coordination Studies Environmental Impact Reports Traffic lmpacf Studies for Environmenfal Impact Reports Long Range Development Plan for UCSD, La Jolla, CA 621 E. Colorado Residential, Pasadena, CA Quarry Creek Shopping Center, Oceanside, CA Old Grove Marketplace, Oceanside, CA UCSD East Campus Developments La Jolla, CA Ontario Center Redevelopment, Ontario, CA Sheraton Hotelhfixed Use Development, San Gabriel, CA TnQuest ResidentialDndustrlal Development, Oceanside, CA Quivira Basin Redevelopment, San Diego, CA Harbor Boulevard Smart Street, Orange County, CA Christopherhill Residential Development, San Diego County, CA Winchester Hills Specific Plan. Temecula, CA Rancho de Oro Village 12. Oceanside, CA Homestead Village, El Segundo, CA hey Ridge Estates, Oceanside. CA ranyon Vlctq nceancide f Pacitic Coast Plaza, Oceanside. CA Camp PendletonINAS Miramar, OceansideiSan Ihego. ('A - Christ College, hne, CA - Rancho San Vicente, Ramona, CA - Coyote Hills East, Fullerton, CA - North County Fair Rail Extension of the Oceanside to Escondido Commuter Rail, Escondido, CA - Eli LillyiIVAC Campus Point Planned Industrial Development, San Diego, CA - Relocation of Los Angeles Air Force Base, Los Angeles, CA Traffic Impact Studies Cancer Center on the East Campus of UCSD, La Jolla, CA Science Research Park on the East Campus of UCSD, La Jolla, CA Jeffries Ranch Residential, Oceanside, CA Hanson Aggregates Plant, Oceanside, CA El Camino North Shopping Center, Oceanside, CA Costco Wholesale Warehouse and Gas Station, Fullerton, CA Rancho del Or0 Retail Center, Oceanside, CA Del Oro Marketplace, Oceanside, CA 1800 Space Parlung Lot on the East Campus of UCSD, La Jolla, CA Charter School on the East Carnpub Closure of Salk Institute Road Entrance at UCSD, La Jolla. C.4 Holtze Hotel and Office Development, Newport Beach. ('A West C ounty Commerce Center. Huntington Beach. CA La Jolla, CA UCSD Ilillcrest Medical Center, of UCSD, La Jolla, CA T Ilk L"Jh' di TdII2J PlilLS, San Lht'go, CA Kirnley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Susan E. Rosner Transportation Planning Traffic lmpact Studies (continued) Henderson Warehouse, Henderson, NV Scottsdale Auto Mall, Scottsdale, AZ Village Church, Rancho Santa Fe, CA La Caiiada Day Care Center, La Caiiada, CA Creekside Terrace, Agoura Hills, CA Ocean Ranch Shopping Center, Laguna Niguel, CA Ruby’s Jaguar Diner, Newport Beach, CA Tract 4968, Fallbrook, CA Relocation of the Pastoral Center of the Catholic Diocese of San Diego, San Diego, CA Parking Studies West Anaheim Medical Center, Anaheim, CA Amaryllis Court Adult Care, Anaheim, CA Centro Vida Church, Anaheim, CA Costco Wholesale Warehouse and Gas Station, Fullerton, CA Costco Wholesale Store and Gas Station. Corona, CA Arctic Cold Storage Facility, Anaheim. CA Lakeshore Towers, Irvine, CA Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, CA Cinemapol idlmperial Promenade. Anaheim. CA UCSD - Hillcrest Medical Center, San Diego. CA Vcrh:j I !!:& t’1,7,r1 Yorh IAinc!a c‘4 -Mission Center, Oceanside, CA - University High School, Irvine, CA Traffic Modeling and Forecasting - Traffic Model Update, City of Oceanside, CA - Traffic Model Update, City of Flagstaff, AZ - Holder Street Bridge Analysis, Cypress, CA - SANDAG Model for Rancho Santa Fe Community, Rancho Santa Fe, CA Traffic Signal Coordination Studies - Fair Oaks Avenue Corridor, - Oceanside Boulevard at RDO - Clairemont Mesa South Pasadena, CA Gateway, Oceanside, CA Boulevard/SR-l63, Clairemont Mesa, CA - Avenue S PSR, Palmdale, CA - North Torrey Pines Road, San Diego, CA I TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY ~~ Project Description EastMlest Street Ponto Road NorthlSouth Street: Whifewater Lane Intersection Orientation. East-West Study Period (hrs) 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0 95 095 1 0.!5 Proportion of heavy Ponfo Whitewater AM fX.hcu Volume (vehlh) 3 20 0 0 Hourly Flow Rate (vehlh) 3 21 0 0 IoI vehicles, P,, O ! -- ! -- IGeneral Information /site information Median type RT Channelized? Lanes Configuration Upstream Signal Minor Street Movement Analyst ser AgencylCo . kh a Date Performed 6/19/2005 Analysis Time Period AM Peak Hour Undivided 0 1 0 TR 0 Southbound 0 d LT I 0 1 0 0 0 Northbound I 7 8 9 10 11 12 intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year Volume (vehlh) Hourly Flow Rate (veh/h) Peak-hour factor, PHF Ponto at Whitewater City of Carlsbad April 2004 0 0 0 10 0 10 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0 0 0 10 Percent grade (YO) Flared approach RT Channelized? Lanes Configuration Storage 0 0 N N 0 0 0 -2OlII 0 2 d LR 0 I 0 0 0 0 Approach I EB WB North bound Movement 1 4 7(8 9 Southbound 10 I 11 1 12 1- IAwroach LOS Lane Configuration Volume, v (vph) Capacity,~,, (vph) vlc ratio Queue length (95%) Control Delay (siveh) LOS i __ i __ i 1 I LT I I I I LR I 1 1 1563 1 I I 1 953 I 3 -..-.-J111201- Oo0 l2lII 0 01 1 IIL 1 73 lIlIl~89 A l2IIdlA--- 0.02 0 06 i A Amroach delav isiveh) __ _. 89 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY General Information Analyst ser Agency/Co. kha Date Performed 6/19/2005 Analysis Time Period PM Peak Hour Site Information Intersection Ponto at Whitewater Jurisdiction City of Carlsbad Analysis Year Apnl2004 East/West Street Ponto Road Intersection Orientation. East- West North/South Street. Whitewater Lane Study Period (hrs) 0.25 I I 0 Flared approach I2 I Storaqe I I 0 Major Street Movement IRT Channelized? I I I 0 I I I 0 I Eastbound Westbound 1 2 3 4 5 ILanes I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I L T R I1 40 0 I Volume (veh/h) Peak-hour factor, PHF 0 95 0.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate (veh/h) I1 42 0 L 0 095 0 Proportion of heavy lo vehicles. P,,, 1 0: 1 I -- -- Volume, v (vph) i?I!/I-2114-/ Capacity, c,(vph) 1 1560 1 I 929 I I Median type RT Channelized? Lanes Undivided 0 0 0 I 0 I Upstream Signal Minor Street I 0 0 I1 Northbound Southbound Movement 8 9 T R Volume (veh/h) 0 0 0 Hourly Flow Rate (veh/h) 0 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0 95 10 11 L T 7 0 7 0 0.95 Movement 1 4 17 18 19 I IO/ 11 1121 vic ratio Queue length (95%) Control Delay (slveh) LOS 0 01 ILd I 002 j I oE'&llA- 73 1 /&dl 89 12 AIIlIlLA~ TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Major Street Movement Analyst ser AgencylCo. kha Date Performed 6/19/2005 Analysis Time Period AM Peak Hour Eastbound Westbound 1 2 3 4 5 6 Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year I L T R Ponto at Whitewater City of Carlsbad April 2004 L T R Project Description EastWest Street: Ponto Road INorth/South Street: Whitewater Lane Ponto Whitewater AM EX plus VP with Hote/.hcu Volume (vehlh) Peak-hour factor, PHF I n t e rs ect i on Orient at i on : Ea st- We st [Study Period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments 3 106 27 27 107 3 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate (veh/h) I 3 Ill 28 28 112 3 Median type RT Channelized? Lanes Configuration Upstream Signal Minor Street Movement Undivided I 0 0 I 0 0 0 I2 L TR I L7-R I .I I 0 I2 0 0 Northbound Southbound 12 Percent arade (YO) I Volume (vehlh) Peak-hour factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate (veh/h) 0 18 0 18 IO 0 10 0 95 0 95 0 95 0 95 0 95 0 95 18 0 18 10 IO Flared approach I/ Proportion of heavy lo vehicles, P,, 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 0 0 0 Movement I 1 I 4 I 7 18 19 I10 I11 112 Configuration Id LR LR Lane Configuration Volume, v (vph) Capacity, c, (vph) II LR 3 28 1dAl 2o L TR LTR I LR 1462 1433 715 71 I Cop) right C 2003 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved Version 4.Id Queue length (95%) 0.01 0 06 1 0.16 I 0.09 [ Control Delay (slveh) LOS 7.5 7.6 I 10.3 10.2 1 A A I5 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY EastlWest Street: Ponto Road Intersection Orientation: East-West Analyst Agency/Co. kha Date Performed 6/19/2005 Analysis Time Period PM Peak Hour North/Sou th Street: White wafer Lane Study Period (hrs): 0.25 Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year Major Street Movement Ponfo at Whitewater City of Carlsbad April 2004 Eastbound 1 2 4 3 R L 5 6 T R Volume (vehlh) I 17 I 178 Peak-hour factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate (veh/h) 0.95 0.95 17 187 Proportion of heavy 0.95 37 0.95 0.95 0.95 37 149 I1 Median type RT Channelized? Lanes Configuration Upstream Signal -- Io/-- I -- Undivided Io 0 I 0 :Io I 0 II 0 0 I 0 L TR I LTR I Minor Street Movement Northbound Southbound 7 8 9 10 11 12 L 24 I Volume (veh/h) Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate (veh/h) Flared approach I I N I I I N I R 7 T R LA 0 24 7 0 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0 2lOl RT Channelized? I I I I Storage Lanes ~~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 Configuration I2 LR 112 LR Approach EB WB Northbound Southbound Volume, v (vph) Capacity, c, (vph) v/c ratio I1 37 l>llA 1408 1334 I 590 I 59 I 0.01 I 0.03 1 I I 0.08 I 0.02 I Control Delay (s/veh) I 7.6 7.8 I 11.2 Approach delay (slveh) I -- -_ 11.7 11.2 HCSZOO!~‘” Copyright !C 2003 Uni\ei-sity of Florida, 411 Rights Reserved Version 4. Id I TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY I I Project Description Eastmest Street: Ponfo Road NorthISouth Street: Whfewater Lane Intersection Orientation: Easf-West Study Period (hrs). 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R 3 I06 121 121 I07 3 Volume (vehlh) Peak-hour factor, PHF 0 95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0 95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate (vehfh) 127 127 I12 3 Proportion of heavy Median type Undwided Lanes 0 1 0 Ponto Whifewater AM EX plus VP with retail hcu I -- -- vehicles, P,, 0 RT Channelized? I10 0 1 0 I 0 Analyst AgencyfCo. Date Performed Analvsis Time Period Configuration Minor Street Upstream Signal kha 6/19/2005 AM Peak Hour LTR I I LTR I I 2 0 1- 0 I2 Northbound South bound Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year Movement 8 Volume (veh/h) 81 0 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 Ponto af Whitewafer City of Carlsbad April 2004 10 11 12 L T R 80 IO 0 IO 0 95 0.95 0.95 0.95 I TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY I ~ Analyst I Intersection Ponto at Whitewater Volume (veh/h) Peak-hour factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate (vehih) Agency/Co. kha Date Performed 6/19/2005 Analysis Time Period PM Peak Hour L T R L T R I1 178 252 252 142 I1 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 I1 187 265 265 I49 I1 Jurisdiction Analysis Year vehicles, P,, Median type City of Carlsbad April 2004 -- Undivided I Project Description East/West Street: Ponto Road lNorth/South Street: Whitewater Lane I n t e rsec t i o n Orient at ion : Ponto Whitewafer PM EX plus VP with retailhcu East- We st ktudv Period (hrsl: 0 35 Lanes C o nf ig u rat I on , -, - -- - .. - __ Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Maior Street I Eastbound I Weqtbni inrl 0 1 0 0 I 0 1 LTR I LTR I I1 IProDortion of heavv I I I I I I I Minor Street N ort ti bou n d Southbound L ' T R L T R Peak-hour factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate (veh/h) -_- ~~ I 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 265 0 265 7 0 7 Percent grade (%) 0 0 I Storage I- 0 IIla/i RT Channelized? Lanes Configuration 0 Ilal 0 I 0 0 0 I I L IR I LR Volume, v (vph) Capacity, c, (vph) v/c ratio I l4 II I1 265 265 I I 265 I 1408 1101 157 I I 695 I I 146 I I 1 0.38 I I 0.10 I I 0.01 1 0.24 1.69 1 I IIIII Icontrot Deay (slveh) i 7.6 9.3 1 386.1 I I 13.3 1 I 32.3 I I A A AdAIAL Version 4.1d Copyrighi 'C! 2003 llnlversity of Florida, All Rights Reserved TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY General Information IS i te Information Eastbound 2 3 Analyst Age n cy/Co. Date Performed Analysis Time Period Westbound 4 5 6 ser kha 6/19/2005 AM Peak Hour Volume (vehlh) Peak-hour factor, PHF Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year ~~ L T R L T R 4 13 0 0 38 3 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Ponto at Windvane City of Carkbad April 2004 Hourly Flow Rate (veh/h) Proportion of heavy vehicles, P,,J Median type RT Channelized? Lanes Configuration Upstream Signal Minor Street Movement Project Description EasWest Street: Ponto Road INorth/South Street: Windvane Lane Ponto Windvane AM €X.hcu 4 13 0 0 40 3 0 0 I -- I -- >I I I Undivided 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 LT d TR I 0 0 I2 Northbound Southbound /:IT 8 R 9 Volume (veh/h) 0 0 0 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate (veh/h) 0 Proportion of heavy vehicles, P,, Percent arade f%) I 0 10 L T a' 70 0 10 0.95 0.95 0.95 IO 0 0 I Storage IFlared approach I I N I I I N I I 0 1- 0 Lanes Configuration 0 0 0 0 0 0 LR I IMovement I 1 I 4 l718l91101111121 Laneconfiguration I LT I 1 I 1 I I LR 1 1 I Volume. v hhl I 4 I 1 I I I I 20 I I Iv/c ratio I 0.00 I IQueue length (95%) I 0.01 I I I I I I 1-1 8.9 ~I I /A I Control Delay (sheh) I 73 I A I (Aporoach delay (siveh) I ._ __ I I I 89 A IApproach LOS __ I TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Major Street Movement Volume (veh/h) Peak-hour factor, PHF LGe nera I Information ISite Information Eastbound Westbound 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R 12 45 0 0 21 11 0 95 0 95 0 95 0 95 Analyst ser AgencyICo. kha Date Performed 6/19/2005 Analvsis Time Period PM Peak Hour Hourly Flow Rate (veh/h) 12 47 vehicles, P,,/ lol-- I Proportion of heavy Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year 0 0 , of 1 o7 -- Io I I Ponto at Windvane City of Carkbad April 2004 Median type RT Channelized? Lanes Configuration Minor Street Movement Upstream Signal I Project Description EasWVest Street: Ponto Road lNorth/South Street: Windvane Lane Ponto Windvane PM €X.hcu Undivided 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 I I 0 I 0 LT TR 0 Southbound North bound 8 9 10 11 12 Intersection Orientation, East- West /Study Period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments T R 1: Volume (veh/h) 0 0 0 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0 95 0 95 0 95 Hourly Flow Rate (veh/h) 0 0 0 L T R 6 0 6 0 95 0 95 0.95 6 0 6 IPercent grade (%) I 0 I 0 Flared approach IN Lanes I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 IO Approach EB WB Movement 1 4 Northbound Southbound 7 a 9 10 11 12 Laneconfiguration Volume, v (vph) Capacity, c, (vph) vlc ratio Queue length (95%) Control Delay (siveh) LOS LT 1 I 1 I 1 J LR 1566 1 12 JILL 5L-l 0.01 1221 Ool O0* ,I'l-A Oo4 73 IIIII 891 AlIIdIA 12&--930 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY I EastlWest Street: Ponto Road Intersection Orientation: East-West Analyst AgencylCo. kha Date Performed 6/79/2005 Analysis Time Period AM Peak Hour North/South Street: Windvane Lane Study Period (hrs). 0.25 Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year Major Street Ponto at Windvane City of Carlsbad April 2004 Eastbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 T 6 R Volume (veh/h) Peak-hour factor, PHF 132 I 3 I - 4 126 0 0 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 I38 0.95 3 Approach I EB I WB I Northbound Hourly Flow Rate (vehlh) 1 4 132 0 0 Median type RT Channelized? Lanes Configuration Upstream Signal Minor Street Movement Undiwded :Io ’I 0 LT II TR I 0 I 0 I2 0 I 0 0 I 0 Northbound Southbound 7 8 11 L 0 I Volume (veh/h) Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate (veh/h) 0 Proportion of heavy vehicles, P,, 0 T ;[:“I T k’j 0 0 IO 0 10 0 95 0 95 0.95 0.95 0 95 0 0 IO 0 0 0 :lb”l I Southbound 10 I 11 I 12 I Percent grade (YO) Flared approach RT Channelized? Storage -A- I 767 I I 0 I> N 0 201 0 202 L I I I 0.03 I I 0 Lanes 0 0 0 0 Configuration I 0.08 I I 0 I 9.8 I I Queue length (95%) Control Delay (s/veh) -A- 0.01 Ill 7.5 I 1 I I A r Approach delay (sheh) I __ HCS2 OOP Copyright C 2003 L:niversity of Florida. All Rights Reseiwd -- Version 4.ld - TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY East/West Street Ponto Road I n t e rs e c t i o n Or i en t a t i o n : East- We sf Analyst Ag ency/Co. kha Date Performed 6/19/2005 Analysis Time Period PM Peak Hour NorthlSouth Street: Windvane Lane Study Period (hrs): 0.25 Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year Major Street Movem en t Ponfo at Windvane City of Carlsbad April 2004 Eastbound Westbound 1 2 3 4 5 6 I Project Description Ponto Windvane PM EX plus VP with Hote/.hcu L T R 12 219 0 I Volume (veh/h) Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0 95 Proportion of heavy vehicles, P,, Hourly Flow Rate (vehih) 230 0 -- L T R 0 I62 I1 0 95 0 95 0.95 ILanes I 0 I 1 I 0 I 0 I I I 0 Median type Undivided Configuration ~ Upstream Signal Minor Street Movement LT I 22-2 TR I 0 122 0 Northbound Southbound 7 8 9 10 11 12 Volume (veh/h) 0 0 0 6 0 6 Hourly Flow Rate (veh/h) I 0 0 0 6 0 6 Flared approach I2 Copyrighl C 2003 Unwersiry of Florida. All Rights Resen ed Version 4.1 d N RT Channelized? Lanes Configuration 0 Io 0 0 0 0 22 IIII LR 0 0 Approach I EB 1 WB Northbound Southbound Lane Configuration Volume, v (vph) Capacity, c, (vph) v/c ratio Queue length (95%) Control Delay (dveh) LT I I I I I I LR I Allld A22222A 0011IlII Oo2 0 03 7 6 I I I I I I 10.5 I 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst AgencyICo. kha Date Performed 6/19/2005 Analysis Time Period AM Peak Hour Intersection Ponto at Windvane Jurisdiction City of Carlsbad Analysis Year April 2004 EastlWest Street: Ponto Road Intersection Orientation: East-West North/South Street: Windvane Lane Study Period (hrs): 0.25 Major Street Eastbound Westbound Flared approach IN N 0 Storage Io loI -02 Movement 1 Volume (veh/h Lanes 0 0 0 0 0 0 Configuration 2 3 4 5 6 T R L T R 220 0 0 195 3 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.95 Proportion of heavy vehicles, P,, Hourly Flow Rate (veh/h) 4 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 23 1 3 __ L T R L T R 0 0 0 IO 0 10 I Volume (veh/h) Peak-hourfactor. PHF I 0.95 I 0.95 I 0.95 I 0.95 1 0.95 I 0.95 Median type RT Channelized? Lanes Configuration Upstream Signal Minor Street Undivided 0 0 7 0 21 0 1 0 LT 1’1 TR 0 I1 0 Northbound Southbound Movement I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 11 I 12 Hourly Flow Rate (veh/h) 0 Proportion of heavy vehicles, P,, 10 10 Approach Movement Lane Configuration Volume, v (vph) Capacity, c, (vph) vtc ratio Queuelength(95Yo) Control Delay (slveh) LOS Approach delay (s/veh) EB WB Northbound Southbound 4 7 I 8 19 I10 I11 I12 I LR 2 41II120 A’22-A 0 00 ldlld A l2~11lA LT I I I 1 I I I 001 I I I I 009 I I I 7 7 I 1 I I IO 7 I -- I _- 10 7 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Major Street Movement Analyst AgencyfCo. kha Date Performed 61'1 9/2005 Analvsis Time Period PM Peak Hour Eastbound Westbound 1 2 3 4 5 6 Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year L T R 12 435 0 I Volume (vehlh) Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0 95 Hourly Flow Rate (vehlh) 12 457 0 Ponfo at Windvane City of Carlsbad April 2004 L T R 0 390 11 0.95 0 95 0.95 0 410 I1 I Project Description Eastmest Street: Ponfo Road 1 Nort h/S ou t h Street: Windvane Lane Ponto Windvane PM EX plus VP with refail.hcu Configuration ~ Upstream Signal Minor Street Move m en t LT I 2222 TR I 0 122 0 Northbound Southbound 7 8 9 10 11 12 Proportion of heavy vehicles, P,, Volume (veh/h) Peak-hour factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate (vehlh) 14-- I -- lol-- I -- 0 0 0 6 0 6 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0 0 0 6 0 6 Median tvDe I Undivided Percent grade ("/O) RT Channelized? I I I 0 I I I 0 0 0 Lanes I 0 1 I I 0 I 0 I 1 I 0 ~ ~~ Storage RT Channelized? 0 IOlIlol I 0 II Approach Movement Proportion of heavy !O vehicles, P,, 0 EB 1 WB Northbound Southbound Configuration 12-22 LR v/c ratio 0.07 Volume, v (vph) I 12 Capacity, c, (vph) I 1130 ~~ ~~~ Control Delav (s/veh) I 8.2 LOS I A Service I 12 I I 400 I 14.3 Q Y __ I' I ! __ Copyright 2003 llniversity of' Florida, All Rights Rcserxd Version 4 1 d EXHIBIT B Corporate Office 16486 Bemardo Center Drive, #278 San Diego, CA 92128 fhone/fax (858) 451-3505 /(858) 487-0096 www rse us Scientific, Environmental, and Forensic Consultants June 24,2005 Mr. D. Wayne Brechtel Worden Williams APC 462 Stevens Avenue Solana Beach, CA 92075 RE: SUMMARY OF REVIEW OF ACOUSTICAL FINDINGS PONTO BEACHFRONT VILLAGE VISION PLAN AND MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION - CARLSBAD, CA Dear Mr. Brechtel: At your request, Investigative Science and Engineering (ISE) have reviewed the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan and Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for consistency with the California Environmental Quality Act. Our findings are opinions are provided in this summary letter. Qualifications of Reviewer ISE, and this author in particular, has been preparing technical documents for both the City and developers within the City for well over a decade. We have been instrumental in providing the technical guidance on projects to ensure their compliance under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as well as making Carlsbad a better place to live. I am attaching a copy of my CV to this letter. Review of Vision Pian ISE has reviewed the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan prepared by RBF Consulting and found it to be a very informative and well-prepared document as it pertains to the concept of the overall development. It does not, however, provide any necessary technical information regarding the projects compliance with CEQA standards (a necessary requirement for completion of the MND checklist) nor does it provide a definitive assessment or conclusion as to the projects compliance with the City's Noise Guidelines Manual, General Plan Noise Element, or the Carlsbad Noise Ordinance of the Municipal Code. ISE understands that the intent of RBF was not to provide this information in the Vision Plan,. nor is the Vision Plan intended to document these types of findings. Consequently, the Vision Plan cannot be relied upon solely to provide guidance for the preparation of the MND and subsequent compliance with City codes and policies. Mr. D. Wayne Brechtel Summary of Review of Acoustical Findings Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan and MND - Carlsbad, CA June 24,2005 Page 2 of 3 Review of Mitigated Negative Declaration A review of the MND section provided to ISE by Worden Williams identifies both individual as well a cumulatively significant temporary and permanent noise impact potential to both the project site and surrounding communities. The MND defers mitigation (and the impact for that matter) to a series of site-specific studies to be performed at a later date. The MND assumes that the findings of these site-specific technical studies would reduce impacts to below a level of significance and that no residuai noise impacts would exist. Overall Comments and Observations There is an inherent problem that arises in applying a broad-brush type of conclusion as is seen in the Ponto MND. It is not sufficient to merely state that there is an impact and then defer mitigation to a series of site-specific assessments at a later date. This creates problems later on in that a proposed mitigation plan might not be possible, might not comply with City standards, or the determination of the impacts as a whole might be markedly different that than envisioned by the MND author. It is perfectly fine to defer to a site-specific assessment once the proper environmental work (technical studies) has been completed for the entire project and the overall constraints of the project are known. ISE acknowledges that rarely final grades and quantities are known at the time of a project EIR or MND. Thus, it becomes imperative to address these impacts in a global project fashion, something that does not appear to have been done in this case. Simple compliance with the Noise Element alone will not mitigate all potentially significant noise impacts (such as cumulative roadway segment impacts or structural noise standards such as CCR Title 24, etc.). For example, the traffic impact assessment (TIA) performed for this project (also prepared by RBF Consulting dated 9/3/04) identifies an aggregate trip generation due to the project of 12,407 ADT (Table 6 of the TIA). This is a significantly large volume of cars with the potential to generate both cumulative as well as localized impacts to both on- and off-site uses’. In fact, a cursory inspection of the TIA for the existing and existing plus project scenarios (Tables 4 and 8 of the TIA) identifies direct significant acoustical impacts along Ponto Drive with an {with-project} overall noise increase as high as 6.8 dBA CNEL’, which is above the accepted level of noise detectability for an average human being. Levels along Poinsettia Lane and La Costa Avenue would have direct increases approaching 2-dBA CNEL and indirect {cumulative} levels in excess of the 3-dBA CNEL I These impacts would also affect other issue areas such as air quality (CO hotspots and aggregate emission exceedances above SDAPCDlCity levels), land use (congestion, quality of life), public utilities, etc. This cursory analysis assumes a normalized 45-MPH traffic speed for segment consistency and a 95/3/2 traffic mix of automobiles, medium trucks, and heavy trucks. Actual impacts could be even greater based upon actual segment mixes. 4 Mr. D. Wayne Brechtel Summary of Review of Acoustical Findings Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan and MND - Carlsbad, CA June 24,2005 Page 3 of 3 significance threshold used by the City in the past3. These cumulative impacts have the potential to produce adverse noise conditions along roadway segments not directly adjacent to the project site and not mitigable by the MND's statement of strict compliance with the General Plan Noise Element4. Additionally, the MND does not identify a plan to address these impacts, nor does the Vision Plan/MND account for the acoustical expectations of a 60 dBA CNEL traffic noise exposure contour in excess of 500-feet into the project site and surrounding community, a very serious design consideration when laying-out onsite development. Further, development of the proposed hotel facility adjacent to existing residential uses can produce adverse acoustical impacts associated with operation of the facility. ISE has observed past hotel uses producing operational noise associated with fixed mechanical equipment (such as HVAC, pumps, and blowers), truck deliveries (both incoming materials and outgoing trash haulage), special events with amplified music, and general traffic that has produced impacts to surrounding uses. Although ISE acknowledges that some of these issues can be resolved through site-specific assessments to develop proper engineering controls, it is also vitally imperative to identify these impacts a-priori so that the viability of the proposed design can be assessed. It is far easier to identify and resolve potential issues at a screening level than to propose a plan and encounter difficulties later trying to resolve them. Recommendations ISE would recommend that the project applicant prepare a complete CEQA technical analysis and subsequently prepare an environmental impact report to identify all possible. impacts associated with the Vision Plan and develop a programmatic mitigation plan consistent with City plans and policies which addresses not only onsite impacts, but impact potential to the surrounding community and give the community the opportunity to comment on the proposed mitigation. Should you have any questions regarding the above conclusions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (858) 451-3505. Sincerely, Rick Tavares, Ph.D. Project Principal Investigative Science and Engineering, Inc. Based upon past projects such as the Villages of La Costa, Robertson Ranch, Cannon Road Widening, etc. where In fact, there are no effective mechanisms in place within the City's General Plan Noise Element to correct these offsite project-wide assessments were performed. impacts. It is highly doubtful that offsite impacts would or could be mitigated by the project applicant after the fact. Corporate Office 16486 Bemardo Center Drive, #278 San Diego, CA 92128 PhoneFax: (858) 451-3505/(858) 487-0096 www.ise. us RICK TAVARES, Ph.D. President / Principal rtavares@ jseinc. ws @ SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS Dr. Tavares has over 16 years of experience in the analysis and solution of engineering problems dealing with acoustic and transientlforced vibratory response of structural, mechanical, and aerospace systems. In the field of acoustics, Dr. Tavares has been involved in various projects involving potential environmental impacts due to aircraft, highway, and construction noise on humans as well as wildlife. Dr. Tavares is an expert in the field of seismic wave propagation and dynamic structural response due to natural and manmade events. He has worked extensively in the field of composite structural analysis having applied various technical aspects of the discipline to Civil and Aerospace applications. Dr. Tavares's technical capabilities include the use of various types of instrumentation including integrating sound level meters, octave band analyzers, Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analyzers, accelerometers, and modal impact equipment. His experience with prediction models include the following programs: Caltrans Sound 32 and CALINE, SCREEN, ISCST3, ISC-PRIME, AERMOD, EMFAC, CALPUFF, Urban Airshed Model (UAM), Stamina Traffic Noise Abatement Model (FHWA RD-77/108), FAA Integrated Noise Model (INM), DOD NOISEMAP, ROUTEMAP, and OMEGA models, and SMS Star Modal. In addition, Dr. Tavares has worked extensively with various finite element analysis packages including MSC NASTRAN, CosmodM, and MSC PAU2, and has written several problem-specific computer programs in use at the academic and consulting level dealing with problems in acoustics, structural and ground vibration, composite structural analysis, and boundary element analysis. cTc> EDUCATION Ph.D. Civil Engineering, University of California, lrvine - December 2001 Concentration: Wave propagation due to conventional and non-conventional blasting Dissertation Title: Determination of Blast-lnduced Dynamic Soil Response Usinq Axisvmmetric Boundary Elements M.S. Structural Engineering, University of California, San Diego Concentration: Aerospace composite structural engineering / Dynamic Structural Analysis Rick Tavares, Ph.D. rtavares@ise. us Page 2 of 2 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, San Diego State University Concentration: Experimental dynamic analysis, control system development, robotics Thesis Title: A Computational Scheme for the Determination of Rectanqular Plate Deflections, Stresses, and Natural frequencies Subject to Combined Moisture and Thermal Effects B.S. Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, San Diego State University Concentration: Composite structural analysis, aerospace flight systems, aircraft and missile control @ PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION I AFFILIATIONS / CLEARANCES Department of Defense Secret Clearance Part-time Professor of Aerospace Engineering, San Diego State University Registered Environmental Assessor (REA), State of California (06775) Registered Engineer-in-Training (EIT), State of California (098024) OSHA Hazardous Waste / Emergency Response Certification, 29 CFR 191 0.120 Confined Space Entry Training Certification, 29 CFR 1910.146 OSHNMSHA Mine Safety / Hazard Recognition Certification, PL 91-173, PL 95-164 Life Member, Tau Beta Pi, National Engineering Honor Society Member, Institute of Noise Control Engineering Member, International Society of Explosives Engineers Member, Association of Environmental Professionals Life Member, National Forensic League, Degree of Excellence Associate Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers @ ENGINEERING COURSES TAUGHT E 280 - Advanced Engineering Mathematics (5 Semesters) EM 202 - Statics and Dynamics (3 Semesters) EM 530 - Composite Structural Analysis (2 Semesters) EM 621 - Theory of Elasticity (2 Semesters) EM 340 - Fluid Mechanics (1 Semester) AE 530 - Rocket and Space Propulsion (1 Semester) AE 303 - Experimental Aerodynamics (2 Semesters) CE 496 - Special Topics in Experimental Structural Analysis (1 Semester) CE 301 - Introduction to Solid Mechanics (2 Semesters) CE 302 - Solid Mechanics Lab (4 Semesters) @ PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE / TECHNICAL REPORTS AUTHORED Transporfation-Related Acoustics and Structural Dvnamics Projects . . . La Costa Boulevard Widening Mitigation Monitoring - City of Carlsbad. SR 56 Northern Alignment Acoustical Survey - Rancho Glens Homeowners Association. Division Street Realignment Engineering Survey - City of National City. Scripps Poway Parkway Extension Project - City of Poway. Rev. 1002 Rick Tavares, Ph.D. rtavares@ise . us Page 3 of 3 rn rn rn rn B SR-54/94 Roadway Improvement Environmental Assessment (EA)/Environmental Impact Report (EIR) - Home Capital Development Group/California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) District 11. SR-78/Sycamore Avenue Interchange Project - City of Vista/Caltrans District 1 1. Windsor EIR Highway Acoustical Analysis - City of Windsor. Genesee Avenue Widening Acoustical Technical Analysis - City of San Diego. Hurstbourne Parkway Extension - Kentucky Department of Transportation. Napa Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Acoustical Highway Acoustical Analysis - City of Napa, Napa, CA. Acoustical Engineering Assessment of Proposed San Diego Off-highway Vehicle (OHV) Trail - KTU+A, San Diego, CA. Mid Market Redevelopment Plan - City of San Francisco, Mid City Redevelopment Agency. Santa Rosa General Plan Amendment - City of Santa Rosa, Department of Community Development. Oceanside to Escondido Rail Line Vibration Technical Report - NCTD. Oceanside to Escondido Rail Line Acoustical Technical Report - North County Transit District (NCTD). SR-78ISycamore Avenue Interchange Project - City of Vista/Caltrans District 11. SR 56 Corridor Acoustical Analysis - Rancho Glens Estates Homeowners Association, Rancho Santa Fe, CA Leucadia Blvd. Acoustical Assessment - City of Encinitas - Engineering Dept., Encinitas, CA Bent Avenue Acoustical Study - South Coast Development, Carlsbad, CA Quail Gardens Drive Acoustical Assessment - Curtis Scott Englehorn & Associates, Cardiff, CA Prospect Avenue Widening Acoustical Solutions - Mooney & Associates, San Diego, CA Olivenhain Road Segment Widening Acoustical Assessment - Curtis Scott Englehorn & Associates, Cardiff, CA Vista General Plan Update Acoustical Contour Generation - City of Vista, Vista, CA Brine Diversion System Pipeline South Acoustical Mitigation - Brown and Caldwell, San Diego, CA Pier View Underpass Site Assessment - City of Oceanside, Public Works Department, Oceanside, CA Infrastrucfure-Related Acoustics and Structural Dynamics Projects rn Calabasas Landfill - County Sanitation District of Los Angeles County. Chiquita Canyon Landfill Expansion - Laidlaw Waste Systems, Inc. Gregory Canyon Landfill Construction - Gregory Canyon Ltd., San Diego, CA. La Mesa Materials Recover Facility (MRF) EIR - City of La Mesa. Fenton Greenwaste Recycling Facility - H.G. Fenton Company, San Diego, CA. Infrastructure-Related Projects MTDB-IAD Gas Transfer Facility Acoustical Analysis - San Diego Gas and Electric Co., San Diego, CA. Encinitas Passing Track Ground Motion Analysis - North County Transit District (NCTD). Casitas Poquitas Acoustical Assessment - North County Transit District (NCTD). Acoustical Impact Analysis, Emergency Water Storage Project - San Diego County Water Authority. Rev. 7002 Rick Tavares, Ph.D. da va res@ise . us Page 4 of 4 m m Oceanside to Escondido Rail Line Acoustical Technical Report - North County Transit District (NCTD). Oceanside to Escondido Rail Line Vibration Technical Report - NCTD. North Metro Interceptor Sewer Project Acoustical Analysis - City of San Diego. Acoustical Survey of the Point Loma Wastewater Treatment Plant - San Diego Metropolitan Wastewater District, San Diego, CA. Sewer Groups 72/80 Acoustical Technical Report - City of San Diego. High Pressure Gas Pipeline Acoustical Technical Report - San Diego Gas and Electric Co., San Diego, CA. Mission Valley Light Rail Transit (LRT) Extension Acoustical Analysis - Metropolitan Transit Development Board, San Diego, CA. Acoustical Impact Analysis, Lake Nacimiento Water Project EIR - County of San Luis 0 bis po. Downtown Vista Redevelopment Project - City of Vista Planning Division, Vista, CA Optimist Ball Field Acoustical Study -, Vista, CA Zenon Acoustical Wall Field Survey - Olivenhain Municipal Water District, Encinitas, CA SD Ballpark EIR Review (Clarion Hotel) - Worden, Williams, Richmond, Brechtel, & Gibbs, Solana Beach, CA Clarion Hotel Acoustical Retrofit Testing - Worden, Williams, Richmond, Brechtel, & Gibbs, Solana Beach, CA Block 371 Acoustical Assessment - City of Brawley, Brawley, CA OMWD Acoustical & AQ Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting - Olivenhain Municipal Water District, Encinitas, CA Orchard Run WWTP Acoustical Assessment - Mooney & Associates, San Diego, CA OMWD Treatment Plant Acoustical Study - Boyle Engineering Corp., San Diego, CA School-Related Acoustical /Air Qualitv Proiects Ryan Park School Acoustical Assessment - Mooney & Associates, San Diego, CA Lincoln high School Acoustical Assessment - Mooney & Associates, San Diego, CA Mt. Miguel High School Acoustical Technical Report - Caltrans District 11. Steele Canyon High School Acoustical Technical Report - Caltrans District 11, San Diego, CA. North & Maryland Elementary School Acoustical Site Assessment - City of Vista, Vista, CA Guajome Park Academy Expansion Acoustical Assessment - City of Vista, Vista, CA Oceanside High School EIR Air Quality Assessment - Mooney & Associates, San Diego, CA Mead Elementary School Air Quality Assessment - Mooney & Associates, San Diego, CA Ryan Park School Air Quality Assessment - Mooney & Associates, San Diego, CA Lincoln High School Air Quality Assessment - Mooney & Associates, San Diego, CA Vista Focus Academy Air Quality Site Assessment - Culbertson, Adams & Associates, Aliso Viejo, CA North & Maryland Elementary School Air Quality Site Assessment - City of Vista, Vista, CA Scripps Ranch Middle School Air Quality Site Assessment - Mooney & Associates, San Diego, CA Montessori Preschool Acoustical Compliance Survey - County of San Diego. Rev. 1002 Rick Tavares, Ph.D. rtavares@ise. us Page 5 of 5 . . . . Scripps Ranch Middle School Acoustical Site Assessment - Mooney & Associates, San Diego, CA Oceanside School EIR Acoustical Assessment - Mooney & Associates, San Diego, CA Mead Elementary School Acoustical Assessment - Mooney & Associates, San Diego, CA Lion's Leadership Academy Acoustical Assessment - KMA Architecture & Engineering, San Diego, CA Bioloqical-Related Acoustical Assessments / Technical Studies ESPN X Games Boating Activity - Acoustical Evaluation Study. Acoustical Impact Report on Passerine Habitat Due to Aircraft Operation - USMCAS Camp Pendleton. Rancho Del Oro Acoustical Analysis for Biological Impacts - Gatlin Construction Company. Miramar Pipeline Construction Acoustical Assessment - Santa Fe Pacific Pipeline Partners. Cannon Road Initial Acoustical Study - City of Carlsbad, Carlsbad, CA Cannon Road Mitigation Monitoring - Ogden Environmental & Energy, San Diego, CA Via Ambiente Road Bridge Project - Olivenhain Municipal Water District, Encinitas, CA Riveria Del Sol Mitigation Monitoring - Reynolds Communities, El Cajon, CA Scotsman Mitigation Monitoring Program - Hamann Construction, El Cajon, CA Air Qualitv / Air Toxics Technical Studies . . . . . m . . . . . . . Villages of La Costa Air Quality Assessment - T&B Planning Consultants, Inc., Santa Ana, CA Home Depot El Cajon FEIR Air Quality Assessment - David Evans & Associates, San Diego, CA Breeze Hill Air Quality Assessment - Buiellrish Ventures, Solana Beach, CA Lake Jennings Business Park Air Quality /Air Toxics Assessment - South Coast Development, Carlsbad, CA OMWD Air Quality Monitoring - Olivenhain Municipal Water District, Encinitas, CA Alvarado / Lake Murray Tank Construction Air Quality Assessment - Mooney & Associates, San Diego, CA Vista Hacienda Gateway Air Quality Assessment - City of Vista, Vista, CA Luckey Ranch BP Facility Air Quality / Biological Air Toxics Assessment - Mooney & Associates, San Diego, CA Oceanside 140 Property Air Quality Site Assessment - Concordia Homes, Carlsbad, CA National City Retail Development Air Quality Assessment - Mooney & Associates, San Diego, CA North Coast Church Air Quality Site Assessment - City of Vista, Vista, CA Buena Vista Park TM Air Quality Study - Mooney & Associates, San Diego, CA San Manuel Indians Parking Lot Air Quality Assessment - Mooney & Associates, San Diego, CA Vista General Plan Transportation Air Quality Analysis - City of Vista, Vista, CA Plaza De Oro Shopping Center Air Quality Assessment - Capital Income Properties, Inc., Newport Beach, CA El Centro Town Center Air Quality Assessment - Mooney & Associates, San Diego, CA Rev. 1002 Rick Tavares, Ph.D. rtavares@ise.us Page 6 of 6 Morongo Indian Casino Air Quality Assessment - Mooney & Associates, San Diego, CA Robertson Ranch Air Quality Assessment - T&B Planning Consultants, Inc., Santa Ana, CA Earthlite Dust Collector Study - Earthlite, Inc., Vista, CA San Diego Wild Animal Park DPEIR Air Quality Study - Mooney & Associates, San Diego, CA Vista Hacienda Gateway Air Quality Assessment - City of Vista, Vista, CA Alpine Blvd Hot Spot Analysis - P & D Consultants, Inc., San Diego, CA Bent Avenue Commercial Air Quality Assessment - South Coast Development, Carisbad, CA Barham Drive Hotspot Analysis - City of San Marcos, San Marcos, CA San Marcos Blvd. Hotspot Analysis - City of San Marcos, San Marcos, CA Rancho Santa Fe Road Hotspot Analysis - City of San Marcos, San Marcos, CA Diamond Environmental Air Quality Assessment - ADJ Enterprises, San Marcos, CA Guajome Park Academy Expansion Air Quality Assessment - City of Vista; Vista, CA Robertson Ranch Air Quality Assessment - T&B Planning Consultants, Inc., Santa Ana, CA El Centro Town Center Hotspot Assessment - Mooney & Associates, San Diego, CA Federal Government 1 Militarv Projects Ft. Dix Installation Compatibility Use Zone (ICUZ) Plan - Ft. Dix Weapons Test Center, Ft. Dix New Jersey. Imperial Beach Border Patrol Station Environmental Assessment - U.S. Department of Justice, Immigration, and Naturalization Service. Homeporting Dredging, P-549/700 - U.S. Navy. Brown Field Border Patrol Station Environmental Assessment - US. Department of Justice, Immigration, and Naturalization Service. Naval Air Station (NAS) Miramar Housing Realignment EIR - U.S. Navy. Helicopter Outlying Landing Field (HOLF) Acoustical Analysis - U.S. Marine Corps Air Station (USMCAS) Camp Pendleton. East Lake Boulevard Realignment Project - Birmingham Air National Guard, Alabama. Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Compliance Verification of the Joint Primary Aircraft Training System (JPATS) - U.S. Air Force/U.S. Navy. MCAS/Marine Corps Air Base (MCAB) Camp Pendleton Realignment EIS - U.S. Navy. Beach Replenishment Acoustical Survey - Homeporting EIS, U.S. Navy. Naval Training Center (NTC) EIS Acoustical Survey - U.S. Navy. El Tor0 Reuse EIR Acoustical - Ogden Environmental and Energy Services, San Francisco, CA NTC Acoustical Consultation - P & D Consultants, Inc., San Diego, CA El Tor0 Reuse Verification - City of Laguna Niguel, Laguna Niguel, CA Cabrillo Military Housing Acoustical Assessment - Ogden Environmental and Energy, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA Camp Elliott Demolition Acoustical / Blasting Assessment - Ogden Environmental and Energy Services, San Francisco, CA San Clemente Island EIS Acoustical Assessment - Ogden Environmental and Energy, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA Rev. 1002 Rick Tavares, Ph.D. rtavares@ise .us Page 7 of 7 Drillins, Blastinu, and Tunnelinu Proiects 8 8 8 8 8 8 Mine Inspection Procedure Manual Update - State of Arizona Mine Inspector, Phoenix, AZ Olivenhain Water Storage Project Blasting Technical Report - Boyle Engineering Corporation. Olivenhain Water Storage Project Blasting Technical Report - Boyle Engineering Corporation. San Elijo Hills Rock Crushing Technical Report - San Elijo Hills Inc. Geothermal Drilling Rig Acoustical Attenuation Analysis - Magma Power Company. North Metro Interceptor Sewer Project Tunneling Vibration Analysis - City of San Diego. Gregory Canyon Construction Blasting Vibration Analysis - Gregory Canyon Ltd., San Diego, CA. Gregory Canyon Construction Blasting Vibration Analysis Addendum - David Evans and Associates, San Diego, CA. Tunneling and Blasting Vibration Analysis - Emergency Water Storage Project - San Diego County Water Authority. Tunneling Vibration Analysis, Lake Nacimiento Water Project EIR - County of San Luis Obispo. Airport Permittinu / Compliance Sutvevs and Enuineerinq 8 8 8 Potrero Airfield Expanded Initial Study and Major Use Permit - County of San Diego. San Clemente Island Naval Auxiliary Landing Field (NALF) Study - United States Navy. BCS FAR 150 Aircraft Study - Greystone Homes, Inc., Carlsbad, CA Commercial / lndustrial Compliance Survevs and Encrineerinq 8 OPPl Application for Certification (AFC) Acoustical Study - Ogden Environmental & Energy, San Diego, CA Arya Automotive Facility Acoustical Survey - Vista, CA. Home Depot El Cajon Acoustical Survey - Home Depot Inc. Wal-Mart Acoustical Acoustical Survey - Hall and Foreman Inc. OSCO Treatment Plant Acoustical Technical Analysis - Laidlaw Systems Inc., Pascagoula, MS. Wal-Mart Acoustical Wall Verification Study - Wal-Mart Inc. Breeze Hill Air Quality Technical Report - City of Vista. Magma Geothermal Power Plant AFC Acoustical Analysis - Magma Operating Company. Downtown Vista Redevelopment Project Acoustical Analysis - City of Vista Acoustical and Lighting Survey - Smith’s Food and Drug Centers, Vista, CA Acoustical Site Evaluation Study - VID Corporate Headquarters - Vista Irrigation District. Land Development Proiects 8 8 Maravu Encinitas Acoustical Site Study - Standard Pacific Homes, San Diego, CA Jefferson at Mission Valley Interior Acoustical Assessment - Helix Environmental, La Mesa, CA Rev. 1002 Rick Tavares, Ph.D. rtavares@ise. us Page 8 of 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Downtown Vista Redevelopment Project Acoustical Analysis - City of Vista. Acoustical Site Evaluation Study - VID Corporate Headquarters - Vista Irrigation District. Advanced Structures Site Assessment - Koll Development Group. Standard Pacific Poinsettia Property Acoustical Assessment - Standard Pacific Homes. Gateway View Acoustical Assessment - Three Carnations Development Company. Costa Verde South Development Interior Acoustical Assessment - Garden Communities. Laurel Tree Apartments Interior Acoustical Assessment - MAAC Project of San Diego. Costa Verde North Development Interior Acoustical Assessment - Garden Communities. Jefferson at Mission Valley II Interior Acoustical Assessment - Helix Environmental. San Elijo Ranch Development Acoustical Technical Report - San Elijo Ranch Inc. DeJong Property Acoustical Assessment - Jack Henthorn & Associates. Sidonia East Development Exterior / Interior Acoustical Assessment - Cornerstone Communities. East Campus Site Lease Acoustical Analysis - University of California, San Diego. La Mariposa Apartments Acoustical Analysis - Manzanita Partners. Hung/Fritz Property Development Acoustical Assessment - Standard Pacific Homes. Summit at Carlsbad Acoustical Analysis - The Marina Group. Bernard0 Vista Del Lago Acoustical Update - Western Communities Group. BCS Property Acoustical Assessment - Jack Henthorn & Associates. Eucalyptus View Housing Development Acoustical Analysis - Community Housing of North County. Villages of La Costa Acoustical Technical Report - T&B Planning Consultants. Carmel Del Mar Development Acoustical Assessment - Cooper Engineering Associates. Quail Hollow East Development Acoustical Assessment - Cornerstone Communities. North Mesa Quail Hollow East Development Acoustical Assessment - Cornerstone Communities. Ocean Bluffs Acoustical Verification Study - Catellus Residential Group. Eastlake South Greens Parcel R-27 Acoustical Technical Report - Eastlake Development Company, Chula Vista, CA. Mariano Residential Development Acoustical Technical Report - Jack Henthorn and Associates, Carlsbad, CA. Exterior Acoustical Acoustical Analysis for Fieldstone Summit - The Fieldstone Company. Exterior Acoustical Acoustical Analysis for Pardee Hilltop 2 - Pardee Construction Company. Santa Fe Valley EIS Acoustical Analysis - County of San Diego, San Diego, CA. San Elijo Ranch EIS Acoustical Analysis - City of San Marcos, San Marcos, CA. Eastlake South Greens Parcel R-23 Acoustical Technical Report - Eastlake Development Company, Chula Vista, CA. Fieldstone Summit Interior Acoustical Analysis - The Fieldstone Company, San Diego, CA. Torrey View Homes Acoustical Technical Report - Shea Communities, Inc., San Diego, CA. Villages of La Costa Acoustical Assessment - T&B Planning Consultants, Inc., Santa Ana, CA North Mesa Quail Hollow East Acoustical Site Assessment - Cornerstone Communities, San Diego, CA Rev. 1002 Rick Tavares, Ph.D. rtavares@ise. us Page 9 of 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 rn 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Breeze Hill Plaza Acoustical Study - Buie/lrish Ventures, Solana Beach, CA Roesch Property TM Acoustical Site Assessment - Standard Pacific Homes, San Diego, CA Homeland Property TM Acoustical Site Assessment - Standard Pacific Homes, San Diego, CA Mayberry Affordable Housing Acoustical Assessment- Southwest Affordable Housing, Solana Beach, CA McClenny Property Development Acoustical Study- The McClenny Corporation, Rancho Santa Fe, CA SR 56 Rancho San Diego Lakes Acoustical Assessment - Greg Industrial, San Diego, CA Allan Business Bldg. INA - Snow Construction, El Cajon, CA Lake Jennings Market Place Acoustical Assessment- South Coast Development, Carlsbad, CA * Capri INA Acoustical Plan Check - Cornerstone Communities, San Diego, CA VIP Acoustical Siting Study - Vista industrial Products, Inc., Vista, CA Paydar La Jolla TM Development Acoustical Assessment - Paydar Properties, La Jolla, CA North Mesa Upper Parcel Acoustical Study - Cornerstone Communities, San Diego, CA Sidonia East Customs Acoustical Study + INA - Cornerstone Communities, San Diego, CA Encinitas Ranch Apartments Acoustical Study - Del Mar Heritage LLC, San Diego, CA Sycamore Vista Business Park II Acoustical Study - Dartmouth Development, San Diego, CA McDuffee TM Acoustical Study - Vista, CA Lambesis TM Acoustical Study - Del Mar, CA Oceanside Parcels 2, 3, and 'A' Development Acoustical Study - Spectrum Communities, Irvine, CA SD City Residential INA - GREAT PLANS in 3D, San Diego, CA Brett Regency Acoustical Study - La Costa Engineering, Carlsbad, CA Hunter's Run Apartment Acoustical Study - Hunter's Run Apartments, El Cajon, CA La Piazza Restaurant Interior Acoustical Assessment - Douglas Martin Associates, San Diego, CA ChaselAvocado Car Wash Acoustical Assessment - GTB Company, El Cajon, CA Greystone Communities Acoustical Analysis - Ogden Environmental & Energy, San Diego, CA Rancho Pacifica Assisted Living Facility Acoustical Study - Curtis Scott Englehorn & Associates, Cardiff, CA Ventura Sports EIR Park Acoustical Study - Ogden Environmental and Energy, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA TM 4725 RPL Acoustical Study - Standard Pacific Homes, San Diego, CA Kalicki Property TM 4906 Acoustical Assessment -, San Marcos, CA Otay Mesa Truck Stop Acoustical Siting Assessment - Bennett Realty Group, San Ramon, CA Mission Beach INA - Frosch General Contracting, La Jolla, CA Sun River INA - Reynolds Communities, El Cajon, CA Lodge at Bonita INA - Irwin Architectural Group, Huntington Beach, CA Barczewski/Kasai Property Acoustical Study - D. R. Horton, Encinitas, CA Wightman Place INA - Cuatro Development Inc., San Diego, CA Rev. 7002 Rick Tavares, Ph.D. rtavares@ise. us Page 10 of 10 Soto Residence Acoustical Study - Curtis Scott Englehorn & Associates, Cardiff, CA Darwin Village Acoustical Study - The Lightfoot Planning Group, Oceanside, CA Melrose Ice II Facility Acoustical Assessment - Hamann Construction, El Cajon, CA Sidonia East INA Retrofit Acoustical Assessment- Shea Homes, San Diego, CA Penasquitos Gardens Affordable Housing Acoustical Study - Fairfield Realty LLC, San Diego, CA Mission Trails Business Park Acoustical Study - Hamann Construction, El Cajon, CA Mario Interior Acoustical Assessment - Standard Pacific Homes, San Diego, CA Yuri Hofmann INA - Bonsall, CA Mottino Center Acoustical Site Analysis- Lightfoot Planning Group, Oceanside, CA Mesa Grande Acoustical Survey - Solana Mesa Partners, Solana Beach, CA Galena OPC INA - Reno NV -James Leary Architecture & Planning, San Diego, CA Main & Mace Drive-thru Acoustical Impact Assessment - Gary Engineering, Inc., San Diego, CA City Heights Service Plaza Acoustical Study - Murphy’s Market, San Diego, CA Hoag Cadiz Street INA -, San Diego, CA Quail Gardens Drive Acoustical Assessment - Cornerstone Communities, San Diego, CA Del Monte Condos INA - Stone-Ray Development, San Diego, CA Carter Collision Center Acoustical Survey - Carter Collision Service Inc., Santee, CA North Coast INA - VSS LLC, San Diego, CA Vista Las Flores Acoustical Study - Wakeland Housing and Development, San Diego, CA Breeze Hill Rock Crushing Acoustical Assessment - Breeze Hill, LLC, San Diego, CA Mission Valley Branch Library INA -Wheeler, Wimer, Blackman & Associates, San Diego, CA Old Grove Apartments Acoustical Study - Community Housing of North County, Escondido, CA KasaUMondeck Acoustical Assessment - D.R. Horton, Encinitas, CA Hollandia Dairy Acoustical Study - David R. Shibley and Associates, Escondido, CA Lake Murray Tank Construction Acoustical Assessment - Mooney & Associates, San Diego, CA TPM 14178 Acoustical Assessment - Poway, CA Pinjuv Development INA - Du Charme Architecture, La Jolla, CA Fountains at Carlsbad Acoustical Assessment - Pacific Gulf Properties, Newport Beach, CA Park Crest INA - Park Crest LLC, San Diego, CA Aero Drive Commercial Center INA - Aero Drive Two, LLC., Rancho Santa Fe, CA Scripps Pomerado Acoustical Assessment - Cat Sun Development Company, Del Mar, CA Douglas Drive Apartments Acoustical Study - BREG, Vista, CA Tanner Residence INA - Shoreline General Contractors Inc., San Diego, CA TPM 20502 Acoustical Assessment -, El Cajon, CA Sunrise Assisted Living Acoustical Assessment - Hale Engineering, San Diego, CA Koll Lot 7 Acoustical Assessment - Architects Hanna Gabriel Wells, San Diego, CA Boekel TPM 18282 Acoustical Assessment - GPG Construction, El Cajon, CA Herold TPM 20522 Acoustical Study - Leming and Associates, Inc., Ramona, CA San Miguel Ranch TM Acoustical Assessment - Trimark Pacific Homes, L.P., Escondido, CA Rev. 7 002 Rick Tavares, Ph.D. rta vares@ise. us Page 11 of 11 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 rn 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Willow Glen Ranch Exterior Acoustical Assessment - G.D.G Incorporated, El Cajon, CA Home Dept Vista Acoustical - City of Vista, Vista, CA Estrada Duplex INA - Robert Thompson Architect, Chula Vista, CA TM 5172 Acoustical Assessment - Leming and Associates, Inc., Ramona, CA Escondido Tract 817 Acoustical Study - The Kennedy Group, La Costa, CA Champions Center INA - All Star Equities LLC, San Diego, CA Vanguard Acoustical Assessment - Van Vechten Construction, San Diego, CA Emerald Point Acoustical Assessment + INA - Reynolds Communities, El Cajon, CA Carlsbad Promenade Acoustical Assessment - Koll Development Group, La Jolla, CA Vista Las Flores INA - Wakeland Housing and Development, San Diego, CA Pima Development Site Compliance Survey - Koll Development Group, La Jolla, CA Standish Precision Tools Acoustical Assessment - CDS Architects + Engineers, Palm Springs, CA Garden View Business Center Acoustical Compliance Study- West Air Mechanical, Carlsbad, CA Bermuda View Development Acoustical Study - WS Management, El Cajon, CA Southern Hills Subdivision Acoustical Assessment - McCullough-Ames Development, Inc., San Diego, CA lwannah Park Acoustical Assessment - Curtis Scott Englehorn & Associates, Cardiff, CA 7-1 1 Store #6049 Acoustical Assessment - City of Vista, Vista, CA Willow Glen Ranch Exterior Acoustical Assessment - G.D.G Incorporated, El Cajon, CA La Vida Real INA - Senior Resource Group, LLC, San Diego, CA Jif-Pak Acoustical Site Assessment - Jif-Pak, Carlsbad, CA National City Retail Development Acoustical Study - Mooney & Associates, San Diego, CA Maravu TM + INA - Standard Pacific Homes, Carlsbad, CA Skyline Terrace Estates Acoustical Assessment - Carter Reese & Associates, San Diego, CA Summit at Carlsbad Acoustical Assessment - All Phase Enterprises, LLC, San Marcos, CA Escondido Tract 829 Acoustical Assessment - Szytel Engineering & Surveying, Inc., Escondido, CA North Coast Church Acoustical Assessment - City of Vista, Vista, CA Old Grove Apartments INA - Community Housing of North County, Escondido, CA Vista Hacienda Gateway INA - Standard Pacific Homes, Carlsbad, CA Sapper TPM Acoustical Study - Curtis Scott Englehorn & Associates, Cardiff, CA Oceanside Equestrian Acoustical Study - Fuscoe Engineering, San Diego, CA California Oaks Acoustical Assessment - The Colony at California Oaks, Temecula, CA Handler Otay Mesa INA - Helix Environmental, La Mesa, CA River Ranch North INA - Fieldstone Communities Inc., San Diego, CA River Ranch South INA - Fieldstone Communities Inc., San Diego, CA Shoreline Resort Acoustical Survey - Curtis Scott Englehorn & Associates, Cardiff, CA Gamboni Ranch Acoustical Assessment - Lucas & Mercier Development, Vista, CA Coronado Terrace STC Assessment - The Related Companies of California, Irvine, CA Lowe's Vista Acoustical Assessment - City of Vista, Vista, CA Sunrise Assisted Living Pacific Beach Acoustical Study - Sunrise Development Inc., San Diego, CA Escondido Tract 81 7 Acoustical Study - The Kennedy Group, La Costa, CA Rev. 1002 ,. Rick Tavares, Ph.D. rtavares@ise. us Page 12 of 12 8 8 B 8 8 a 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 B Bruno's Chevron #9-0156 Acoustical Assessment - City of Vista, Vista, CA Kaiser Permanente Acoustical Assessment - Mooney & Associates, San Diego, CA Sawyer's Mill Tract 25892 Acoustical Assessment, Temecula, CA - Rilington Communities, San Marcos, CA Harmony Grove Industrial Site Assessment - CMS Development, San Diego, CA NTC Liberty Station Exterior + INA - McMillan Land Development, National City, CA Legacy Sabre Springs INA - Architects Hanna Gabriel Wells, San Diego, CA The Bluffs Acoustical Assmt + INA - Forum Capital Management, LLC, Pomona, CA Car Wash Acoustical Site Assessment - Del Cerro Chevron, San Diego, CA Hibiscus Avenue Development Acoustical Assessment - American Horizons Ltd., San Diego, CA Stephens Property Acoustical Site Assessment - City of Vista, Vista, CA TPM 20620 Acoustical Assessment - Bonsall, CA Fountains at Seacliff Acoustical Assessment - Pacific Gulf Properties, Newport Beach, CA Riveria Del Sol Acoustical + INA - Reynolds Communities, El Cajon, CA California Oaks Shopping Center Acoustical Study- Silver Creek Properties, Laguna Hills, CA Benson Self-storage Facility Acoustical Assessment - Alpine Meat Company, Alpine, CA Oak Country Estates Acoustical Assessment - Mooney & Associates, San Diego, CA Harmony Grove Residential Development Site Assessment - CMS Development, San Diego, CA Maryland Drive TPM Acoustical Study - Lighthouse Ventures, LLC, Oceanside, CA SER Addendum Studies C-I - San Elijo Hills, Inc., Carlsbad, CA SER Addendum Studies G-I - San Elijo Hills, Inc., Carlsbad, CA Sunrise Bonita INA - Sunrise Development Inc., San Diego, CA La Costa Multi-Family Housing Acoustical Assessment - Community Housing of North County, Escondido, CA Otay Mesa Southern Subdivision Acoustical Assessment - Mooney & Associates, San Diego, CA Plaza De Oro Shopping Center Acoustical Assessment - Capital Income Properties, Inc., Newport Beach, CA Villas at Mission Point Acoustical + INA - The Lightfoot Planning Group, Oceanside, CA North Melrose Auto Complex Acoustical Study - City of Vista, Vista, CA Sevilla INA - Cornerstone Communities, San Diego, CA Leung TM Acoustical Assessment - San Diego, CA El Centro Town Center Acoustical Assessment - Mooney & Associates, San Diego, CA Manning Tamarack Property Acoustical Study - Manning Homes, Newport Beach, CA Larissa TM Acoustical Assessment - San Diego, CA Sav-on Drug Acoustical Assessment - City of Vista, Vista, CA New Covenant Tabernacle Acoustical Assessment - New Covenant Tabernacle, National City, CA National University INA - Jack Henthorn & Associates, Carlsbad, CA Tran Sweetwater Road Duplexes INA - J.P. Construction Company, El Cajon, CA Douglas Drive Condo Acoustical Assessment - Western Pacific Housing, Carlsbad, CA Magellan Gateway Hotel Acoustical Assessment - Curtis Scott Englehorn & Associates, Cardiff, CA Turning Point Acoustical Assessment - Hamann Construction, El Cajon, CA Rev. 7 002 Rick Tavares, Ph.D. rtavares@ise. us Page 13 of 13 a m B a Del Mar Office Centre Acoustical Review - City of Del Mar Planning Department, Del Mar, CA Murrieta Corporate Center Acoustical Assessment - Rancon Real Estate, Ternecula, CA MUP PO1 -024 Acoustical Site Assessment - Chalice Unitarian Universalist Congregation, San Diego, CA 2822 5th Avenue STC Assessment - San Diego Housing Commission, San Diego, CA Vista Focus Academy Acoustical Assessment - Culbertson, Adams & Associates, Aliso Viejo, CA TM 5238 Acoustical Study -, San Marcos, CA VOLC TM 3.10 & 3.1 1 Acoustical Assessment - Morrow Development Inc., San Diego, CA VOLC TM 3.1 2 & 3.1 3 Acoustical Assessment - Morrow Development Inc., San Diego, CA VOLC TM 3.14'Acoustical Assessment - Morrow Development lnc., San Diego, CA VOLC TM 3.1 5 Acoustical Assessment - Morrow Development Inc., San Diego, CA Sonoma INA Assessment - Cornerstone Communities, San Diego, CA Meridian at Eastlake INA - Cornerstone Communities, San Diego, CA Morgan's Corner INA - Standard Pacific Homes, Carlsbad, CA TM 5274 Acoustical Site Assessment - REC Consultants, Inc., La Mesa, CA Villas at Mission Point INA - Ord & Rodgers Construction Inc., Carlsbad, CA Northrop-Gruman TRA Relocation - Smith Consulting Architects, San Diego, CA Diamond Environmental Acoustical Assessment - ADJ Enterprises, San Marcos, CA Home Depot El Cajon FElR Acoustical Technical Report - David Evans & Associates, San Diego, CA Home Depot Oceanside - Greenberg Farrow Architecture, Tustin, CA Escondido Home Depot Acoustical Study - Greenberg Farrow Architecture, Tustin, CA TPM 20514 Acoustical Assessment - Leming and Associates, Inc., Ramona, CA Silvergate Retirement Residence San Marcos - Silvergate Fallbrook Retirement Residences, Fallbrook, CA O'Brien Condominiums Acoustical Assessment - O'Brien Communities, Anaheim, CA Mills at Cortez Hill INA - Skandia Real Estate Group, Solana Beach, CA Oceanside 140 Property Acoustical Assessment - Concordia Homes, Carlsbad, CA Church Extension INA - South Bay Baptist Church, Chula Vista, CA Grizzle TPM Acoustical Assessment -, Holtville, CA Encinitas Mobil Station Acoustical Assessment - Imperial Stations Inc., Garden Grove, CA RUSD Ballfield Acoustical Assessment - Mooney & Associates, San Diego, CA Robertson Ranch Acoustical Assmt - T&B Planning Consultants, Inc., Santa Ana, CA OSHA / Cal-OSHA Comdiance Surveys = Acoustical Survey: Area Monitoring and Personal Dosimetry - Dennis Co. Precision Tool Facility, San Diego, CA. Acoustical Survey: Area Monitoring and Personal Dosimetry - Second Imperial Geothermal Company, Heber, CA. Acoustical Survey: Area Monitoring and Personal Dosimetry - Heber Geothermal Company, Heber, CA. Rev. 1002 Rick Tavares, Ph.D. rta vares@ise. us Page 14 of 14 NlOSH Liahtins Comlsonent Survevs 8 8 8 Commercial Lighting Survey - Smith’s Food and Drug Centers, Vista, CA. Smith Field Lighting and Acoustical Technical Report - San Diego State University (SDSU), San Diego, CA. Clarion Hotel LighVGlare Study - Worden, Williams, Richmond, Brechtel, & Gibbs, Solana Beach, CA Specialized Enaineerina Survevs 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 m 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 a 8 8 8 a a 8 Acoustical Evaluation of Siemens DMU - North County Transit District. Gault Field Acoustical Survey - Schmidt Design Group/Canyon Lake Properties, Riverside, CA. Interior Acoustical Analysis and Building Retrofit - MWWD, San Diego, CA. Boulders Condominiums at Rancho Bernardo Acoustical Assessment - Burnham- Prowswood Inc., San Diego, CA. Interior Acoustical Verification Assessment - Sharkey’s Bar and Grill, Encinitas, CA. Nuisance Acoustical Assessment - Beachcomber Bar and Grill, San Diego, CA. Luckey Ranch FIA Review - Mooney & Associates, San Diego, CA BCS Aircraft Study - Greystone Homes, Inc., Carlsbad, CA Interior Design Specialists Code Compliance - Rose, Munns & Chin, Coronado, CA Vista 7/11 Offsite Assessment - Vista More Plaza LLC, Solana Beach, CA Oceanside 140 Airflow Analysis - Concordia Homes, Carlsbad, CA AUI Due Dilligence Report - Acoustical - Western Pacific Housing, Carlsbad, CA Lowes Oceanside HVAC Compliance Letter - The Lightfoot Planning Group, Oceanside, CA Hoag Heliport Site Assessment - Mooney & Associates, San Diego, CA Buss Residential Pipeline Assessment - Olivenhain Municipal Water District, Encinitas, CA Pema Onesource Site Compliance Survey - Koll Development Company, La Jolla, CA Home Depot Las Vegas Generator Acoustical Assessment - The Home Depot, Orange, CA Residential Electrical Survey - Pardee Construction Company, San Diego, CA ORCO Block Acoustical Monitoring - City of Oceanside, Building Dept., Oceanside, CA Relocation Site Assessment - San Diego Drums and Percussion, Vista, CA Starbucks Acoustical Impact Assessment - Spherion Legal Group, San Diego, CA C&H Machine Compressor Acoustical Assessment - Ken D. Smith Architects, El Cajon, CA Rancho Bernardo Pump Station Acoustical Assessment - Mooney & Associates, San Diego, CA Nautical Bean Code Compliance Survey - City of Oceanside - Community Services Dept., Oceanside, CA Air Compressor Study - Jackson Drive Group, El Cajon, CA Exterior Acoustical Assessment - Code Compliance - San Diego Yacht & Breakfast Company, San Diego, CA RCC Mitigation Monitoring Plan - San Diego County Water Authority, San Diego, CA La Jolla Financial Bldg INA - La Jolla Financial, Inc., La Jolla, CA Trane Quiet Comfort Award - The Trane Company, San Diego, CA De La Plaza Compliance Study - M&H Property Management, LLC., San Diego, CA Rev. 1002 Rick Tavares, Ph.D. rtavares@ise. us Page 15 of 15 Vista Business Park Acoustical Review - City of Vista, Vista, CA Price Residence Electrical Study - Pardee Construction Company, San Diego, CA Encinitas Ford Storage Facility Acoustical - Encinitas Ford, Encinitas, CA Berkov Residence Electrical Study - Pardee Construction Company, San Diego, CA GP 2020 Phase I - Ogden Environmental 81 Energy, San Diego, CA Vista Business Park Acoustical Study - City of Vista, Vista, CA Luckey Ranch BP Facility Acoustical- Mooney & Associates, San Diego, CA Stewart Residence Pipeline Study - Olivenhain Municipal Water District, Encinitas, CA La Posada Forensic Assessment - Trimark Pacific Homes, L.P., Escondido, CA SDecialized Seismic / Vibration Sutvevs rn HVAC Vibration Mitigation - Pardee Construction Company, San Diego CA. Determination of Impact Zone from SD 100D Vibratory Roller - Bonadiman Civil-Design Corp., Riverside, CA. Toyota Dynamometer Dynamic Testing - AVL North America, Inc., Plymouth, MI Parc West Metropolitan Vibration - RGC Courthomes, Inc., Newport Beach, CA HVAC Acoustical & Vibration Mitigation - Pardee Construction Company, San Diego, CA Gregory Canyon Rock Crushing Assessment - The Chase Group, Solana Beach, CA La Jolla Village Towers Vibration Assessment - Classic Residences By Hyatt, Chicago, IL Walker Residence Vibration Assessment - GEOPACIFICA Geotechnical Consultants, Oceanside, CA ExDerimental/ Laboratow Analvsis rn rn m Determination of Seismic Transmissibility of 500KV Transformer-Bushing Pairs- Pacific Gas and Electric / University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA IC1 Paints Seismic Walkdown Survey - Ogden Environmental & Energy, San Diego, CA Experimental Determination of Print Head Spectral Response - Axiohm Components. Experimental Determination of Sound Characteristics of Reciprocating Gasoline Engine Determination of Modal Characteristics of Damped and Undamped Composite Missile Interceptor Structures - Sparta Inc., San Diego, CA. Determination of Dynamic Failure Characteristics of US. Coast Guard “Star-Rotor” Assembly - US. Coast Guard, San Diego, CA. Experimental Determination of Damage in a Lightly Damped Elastic Space Truss - UCSD. Development of a Computational Scheme for Rectangular Plate Stresses and Natural Frequencies - SDSU. Verification of Shear-Mode Vibratory Properties of Three-story Structure - UCSD. Optimal Design of Mechanical Damping System - SDSU. - SDSU. Environmental Assessment Studies Alvarado Water Filtration Plant Expansion and Rehabilitation Project Acoustical Study - City of San Diego Water Utilities Department. Rev. 1002 Rick Tavares, Ph.D. rta vares@ise. us Page 16 of 16 B Emergency Water Storage Project Acoustical and Vibration Technical Report - San Diego County Water Authority. Naval Air Station North Island Aircraft Carrier Homeporting EIS Acoustical Technical Report - U.S. Navy, SWDIV. Santa Fe Valley Specific Plan EIR Acoustical Technical Report - County of San Diego. Oceanside to Escondido Light Rail EIS Acoustical and Vibration Technical Report - North County Transit District. Gregory Canyon Landfill and Recycling Center EIR Acoustical Technical Report - County of San Diego. Gregory Canyon Landfill and Recycling Center EIR Vibration Technical Report - County of San Diego. Magma Geothermal Project, Acoustical Analysis of Drilling Operations - Imperial County. Jefferson Street Realignment EIR Acoustical Assessment - City of Vista. Scripps Poway Parkway EIR Acoustical Technical Report - City of Poway Potrero Air Pori Expanded Initial Study and Major Use Permit - County of San Diego Sycamore Avenue Initial Study/Negative Declaration Acoustical Technical Report- City of Vista La Mesa Materials Recover Facility EIR Acoustical Technical Report - City of La Mesa/Laidlaw Environmental Services Facility Modification SEIR - Kern County. Chiquita Canyon Solid Waste Landfill EIR Acoustical Technical Report - County of Los Angeles Brown Field Border Patrol Station Environmental Assessment (EA) Acoustical Technical Report - U.S. Dept. of Justice, Immigration and Naturalization Service. @ PUBLICATIONS Tavares, R., Determination of Blast-lnduced Dynamic Soil Response Using Axisymmetric Boundary Elements - Ph.D. Thesis, 133 pp., 0 2001 University of California, Irvine. Tavares, R., Pardoen, G.C., Villaverde, R., lmproved Method for Determining Surface Wave Blast Response, Journal of Explosives Engineering - International Society of Explosives Engineers (ISEE), Submitted, 11/01, Tavares, R., Pardoen, G.C., Villaverde, R., Modeling of Rayleigh Wave Vibration in Nastic Solids due to Construction Blasting, - Journal of the Institute of Noise Control Engineering (INCE), Submitted, 11/01, Tavares, R., Pardoen, G.C., Villaverde, R., lmproved Modeling of Electrical Substation Equipment for Seismic Loads, International Conference on Structural Engineering Mechanics and Computation - SEMC 2001, Capetown, SA April 2001, Tavares, R. and Mock, P. Noise Effecfs on Least Bell's Vireo: Studies of Military Helicopter Activity, Auto Traffic, and Light Rails, Conference on Noise Effects on Passerine Birds, U.S. Navy, US. Marine Corps, Hubbs-Sea World Research Institute, Jan. 1997. . Tavares, R. Calculation of Sound Pressure Levels Due to Isentropic Free Expansion in a Pipeline, ASME Energy Week '97 Conference Submission 0 1997 ASMElEnergy Week. Rev. I002 Rick Tavares, Ph.D. rtavares@ise. us Page 17 of 17 Tavares, R. Vibratory Influence Zone Calculation Using Modified Modal Impact Methods, Proceedings of the Institute of Noise Control Engineering INCE 95-43.2.3, 0 1996 INCE. Tavares, R., et at. Using Experimental Modal Data to Detect Damage in a Space Truss, 25th AlAA SDM Conference AIAA-93-1486-CP, co-author, 0 1993 AIM. Tavares, R. A Computational Scheme for the Determination of Rectangular Plate Stresses, Deflections, and Natural Frequencies Subjecf to Combined Moisture and Thermal Effects, MSME Thesis, 186 pp., 0 1992 San Diego State Press. Tavares, R., Dharmarajan, S. Composite Structural Analvsis 3rd Ed., Graduate level engineering text, 280 pp., co-author, 0 I991 Dharmarajan Engineering Services/lSE. Rev. 1002 EXHIBIT C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ia 19 2c 21 2; 22 24 2: 2t 2: 21 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 351 A RESOLUTION OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING THE WORK PLAN FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A LAND USE STRATEGY FOR THE SOUTH CARLSBAD COASTAL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA AND AUTHORIZATION TO STAFF TO PROCEED WITH APPROPRIATE ACTIONS TO OBTAIN CONSULTANT SERVICES FOR THE PROPOSED PROJECT. WHEREAS, on July 18,2000, the City Council and Housing and Redevelopment Commission ook the necessary actions to adopt a redevelopment plan for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment kea, and WHEREAS, as one of the City Council goals for fiscal year 2000-2001, a work plan was ieveloped and approved by the Housing and Redevelopment Commission on May 15,2001 to prepare a Land Use Strategy and Master Plan for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area; and WHEREAS, the State Board of Equalization took action in November, 2001 which created some financial uncertainty for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area as a result of rule changes related to the assessment of mrchnt power plants; and WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency has reconsidered the original work plan approved by the Housing and Redevelopment Commission and prepared a revised work pIan in response to the financial uncertainty created by the State Board of Equalization as related to redevelopment impIementation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Housing and Redevelopment Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. The revised Work Plan prepared for development of a Land Use Strategy for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area attached hereto, is hereby accepted and approved, and the Executive Director of the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency or designee is authorized to proceed with implementation of the subject Work Plan. P F\WORD\REDPROJ.DIR\SCCRA Workplanll AB Reso.* 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 e 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2. Staff is authorized to proceed with appropriate actions to obtain consultant services for mplementation of the approved Work Plan for development of a Land Use Strategy for the South hlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a renular meeting of the Housing and tedevelopment Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the 1 9 t h day of -02, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commission Members Lewis, Kulchin, Finnila, Nygaard NOES: None A ABSENT: Commissioner Hall ABSTAIN: None YJTEST: F:\WORDWEDPROJ.DIR\SCCRA Wwkplanll AB Reso.doc 2 5 SGCTH CArnSEttD COASTAL rnEE'r'ELO??Vrn?IT ?ROJECT ARXA WORK PLAN FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A LAND USE STRATEGY I. Introduction On July 18, 2000, the City Council and the Housing and Redevelopment Commission took the action necessary to adopt a redevelopment plan for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area. Adoption of this plan established the boundaries for this redevelopment project area, and effectively created a second redevelopment project area for the City of Carlsbad. The following work plan has been developed in an effort to outline the steps to be taken by the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency to develop a Land Use Strategy for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area. 11. Status of Current Adivities/Efforts/StdiedNegotiations Because there are currently a variety of activities already occurring as related to redevelopment of the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area, this section will provide a status report on existing, on-going effortslstudieslnegotiations for information purposes as related to 1) redevelopment of the Encina Power Plant, 2) realignment of Carlsbad Boulevard, 3) revitalization of the Ponto Area, and 4) various other projects including negotiations with San Diego Gas and Electric for development of their commercially-zoned property. Enciw Power Plant A staff team has been discussing redevelopment of the Encina Power Plant site for a year or more with the current owners, Cabrillo Power (DynegyMRG). To date, an agreement has not been reached with Cabrillo Power. However, the City has indicated its position and has a goal to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding for any improvements or redevelopment of the site. The City and Redevelopment Agency's objective is to work towards the complete demolition of the existing Power Plant at its current location on the existing site and provide for construction of a new, physically smaller Plant towards the rear of the existing site. The City and Agency's top preference is to have the new Power Plant constructed within the area between the railroad tracks and Interstate 5, which is east of the existing Plant site. With demolition of the existing Power Plant and construction of a new Plant to the rear of the existing site, excess development property will be created which is located in a prime coastal location. It is staff's opinion that this excess property could be used for both private and public land uses. Following is a list of ideas generated by staff for potential use of the excess property: Public Parking. 0 Public Recreational (Passive or Active) Facilities 0 Private Development with a Public Benefit, such as Marine Research with Aquarium Private Development with a Commercial Benefit, such as a restaurant or hotel. A combination of some or all of the above uses may be most appropriate for the excess property created by redevelopment of the Power Plant. A staff team has been meeting with San Diego Gas and Electric to discuss fume plans for the 48-acre parcel east of Interstate 5 which is zoned for commercial development, and includes property identified by the City as desirable for public use purposes. This staff team has been more specifically discussing a lot line adjustment and other activities which would potentially result in the slight reconfiguration of the 43-acre lot, and allow San Diego Gas and Electric to separate property ownership from Cabrillo Power for the parcels (east of Interstate 5) which are to remain under SDGE ownership on a long term basis, These discussions are separate from the negotiations noted above as related to Cabrillo Power and redevelopment of the Encina Power Plant site. Carlsbud Boulevard Realignment Project The Planning Department was the leader on a project to study the potential land uses for excess property created as a result of the potential realignment of Carlsbad Boulevard. Although a decision has not yet been made by the City Council to completely realign Carlsbad Boulevard, a decision was made approximately two (2) years ago to study the excess or surplus land uses that are possible options for consideration if the entire Boulevard is realigned at a later date, The Planning Department was tasked with completing this Land Use Study. The consultant hired to complete the subject Carlsbad Boulevard Land Use Study was instructed to study various options for land uses which include public facilities and recreational opportunities as well as commercial development opportunities. This study has been completed. Staff is currently reviewing the findings and will make a recommendation at a later date as to how best to process the results of the study and how best to incorporate the recommendations into the Land Use Strategy for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area. It is important to note that a condition of approval for the Poinsettia Properties project recently resulted in the installation of public improvements which resulted in a partid realignment of Carlsbad Boulevard at and around the intersection at Poinsettia Avenue. The enhancement of the intersection resulted in the creation of some excess property adjacent to the Carlsbad State Campground. The excess property has been a subject of staff negotiations with the State of California Parks Department regarding a trade of property at the campground site for other property that could be created if the City realigned the entire Carlsbad Boulevard. Redevelotment/Revitalization/Clean- Up of Ponto Area Currently, there are no ongoing discussions or projects which have been initiated by the City or Redevelopment Agency within the Ponto Area. However, there has been interest indicated by various property owners in the Ponto Area who would like to pursue development on their properties. An example is a recently processed Preliminary Review Application for a hotelhesort on the property owned by Mr. Dale Schreiber. Staff has indicated to Mr. Schreiber that he has the right to proceed with processing of a land use development application if he so desired. However, he would be required to comply with all existing land use regulations, including zoning and development standards. In addition, the proposed project could not effect other properties in an adverse manner as a result of road alignments, etc. Staff has suggested that Mr. Schreiber delay his project application until a Land Use Strategy is completed for all or a portion of the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area in order to better coordinate with the long term gods and objectives for the Ponto Arm; and to enswe that carefu! consideration is given to the best circuiation system for the area for development and revitalization purposes. 'I t Other property owners within the Ponto Area have also discussed potential new development at varying levels with City/Agency Staff. However, no formal land use development applications are currently pending City/Agency approval or other action. It is important to note that for any development within the Ponto Area, a Specific Plan is required. This Specific Plan could be developed for individual properties, or for the whole area (which is proposed within this Work PlLUl). Pending Private Developments Currently, within the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area, there are several projects which have been approved for private development or are pending completion of the application review process. These projects include the Cannon Court project which proposes restaurant, hotel and retail on the property located north of Cannon Road and adjacent to Interstate 5. A Residence Inn Hotel was approved for the site located south of Cannon Road and adjacent to Interstate 5 and has been fully constructed as of this date. Currently, there are two properties located outside, but adjacent to, the boundaries of the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area upon which have private developments proposed which will have a significant impact on the area from a land use standpoint. The subject properties are located south of the Ponto Area and west of the railroad tracks (off of Avenida Encinas), and are cunently part of the Poinsettia Shores Specific Plan area. Staff has indicated to the potential developers for these properties that they will need to be included within the Land Use Strategy for the redevelopment area, and requested that development applications not be pursued on these properties until such time as the land use planning effort is complete. Although these properties are not located within the redevelopment area boundaries, they can be included within the land use planning effort due to the significant impact they will have on surrounding land uses, future redevelopment of the area and development of this key coastal area, which is also a southern entryway into the City of Carlsbad. The developers have agreed to work with Staff to prepare the subject Specific Plan for the most southern portion of the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area, and to include their properties within that Specific Plan. Coastal Rail Trail For many years, Public Works Staff has been working as the lead agency to develop the Coastal Rail Trail. Within Carlsbad, this Coastal Rail Trail wili be an important consideration for incorporation into any new Land Use Strategy for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment area. III. Development of a Land Use Stratem for the South Cartsbad Coastal Redevelo~rnent - Area The following plan outlines the steps to be taken to develop a Land Use Strategy for the newly adopted South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area. Essentially, the Land Use Strategy development process will occur in three phases in the form of three (3) Specific Plans for the three (3) Planning Areas noted on the attached map and described further within this work plan. Phase 1: Develop and Process a Specific Plan for Planning Area 3 which includes the redevelopment area south of Poinsettia Avenue to the city limits to the south and incorporates two properties outside the redevelopment areas boundaries, but within dose proximity to ttre South Garlsbad Camtaf RebevLsloprnePrt mix Due to an immediate need for a comprehensive Land Use Strategy for properties located within Planning Area 3 of the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area and adjacent to it, the Redevelopment Agency will initially pursue development of a Specific Plan for the area south of Poinsettia Avenue, west of the railroad tracks, east of the ocean, and north of the southern City limits (Planning Area 3). Product(s): A Specific Plan to include, but not limited to, a Vision for the area, a land use plan, circulation and roadway alignment, open space and resource preservation, public facilities, and design theme elements. Phase 2: Develop and Process a Specific Plan for Planning Area 1, which includes the Power Want and related properties as well as other properties to the north and south, and east of 1-5. Following completion of the Specific Plan for Planning Area 3, the Redevelopment Agency will pursue development of a Specific Plan for the northern most portion of the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area which includes the Power Plant and related properties as well as property east of 1-5 (Planning Area 1). Product(s): A Specific Plan to include, but not limited to, a Vision for the area, a land use plan, circulation and roadway alignment, open space and resource presewation, public facilities, design theme elements. Phase 3: Develop and Prwess a Specific Plan ?or Planning AP- 2, which includes properties within the boundaries of the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area between Cannon Road and Poinsettia Avenue, west of railroad tracks. Following completion of the Specific Plans for Planning Areas 3 & 1, the Redevelopment Agency will pursue development of a Specific Plan for the middle portion of the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area which includes all properties within the redevelopment area boundaries from Cannon Road to Painsettia Avenue, along the Carlsbad Boulevard (Planning Area 2). Product(s): A Specific Plan to include, but not limited to, a Vision for the area, a land use plan, circulation and roadway alignment, open space and resource preservation, public facilities, design theme elements. Public EnpaPement Process During development of the above noted Specific Plans, public meetings and workshops will be held with stakeholders, including property owners and residents in the area, and with Agencies with jurisdiction within the noted planning areas. At this time, no formal Advisory Committee is being proposed. Staff believes that open meetings with all appropriate stakeholders will ensure maximum participation by all persons interested in the land use strategy for each of the planning areas. Because each of the three planning areas are so unique, the individual Specific PIans will allow for more focused attention on each area as an effort is made to develop a vision and land use strategy for each area. , It is anticipated that it will take approximately 6 to 9 months to develop and process each of the three Specific Plans. The process is to be initiated in fiscal year 2001-2002 and to continue in phases as noted above. In future years, the three Specific Plans may be combined into one comprehensive Master Plan and Redevelopment Implementation Program. However, at this time, the three Specific Plans are needed for land use planning purposes and will be utilized by the Redevelopment Agency to allow development in the area to continue in a manner consistent with a desired theme and land use strategy. V. Summary The Redevelopment Agency proposes within this work plan to develop and process three (3) separate Specific Plans for the three (3) planning areas identified on the attached map. Upon approval of this Work Plan by the Housing and Redevelopment Commission, staff will initiate the appropriate activities to begin the process as set forth above. Copies of this Work Plan will be distributed to the various stakehoIders for information purposes, ! t I South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project NORTH 1-1 Project Area A i I Projectkea _I--- .---. . A N FROM : 757-5820C iiim Works PHONE NO. : 7607575820 Jun. 28 2005 83:32PM PI June 28,2005 To: Ciulsbad City Council Carlsbad City Manager Re: Ponto Beachfiont Wage Vision Plan GPA 05-04LCPA 05-0 1/D 1 05-0 1 My name is Carolyn Krammer and 1 am the Chairperson of the Cibm fbr the P&em&on of Parks and Beaches. Our citizens group is based in Oceanside but believe the proposed Vision Plan will have serious ramifications on your Caastal neighbors including Oceanside. We respectfully request that you deny a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; that you deny an amendment to the text of the Land Use Element of the General Plan and deny an amendment to the text of the Mello I1 and West Batiquitos LagoonlSammis Properties Segments of the Local Coastal Frogam; deny the Ponto Beachfkont Village Vision Plan as proposed. We request that the City of Carlsbad be required to do an Environmental Impact Report before going fotward or proceeding any further with plans for redevelopment at Po&. You can save the time and energy of your City, your staff and any future developers that may have an interest in proposed changes to the Pow area h order for any development or developer to propose a project, there should be guidelines for development that would be consist- with findings in an EIR We feel it is the responsibility of the City of Carlsbad to show leadership and do the right thing for its citizens and future development of this site. I am sure you can find a way for the City to be reimbursed far its EIR expenses. Don't go the way of your Oceanside neighbor and end up in an appeal all the way to the coastal Commission. Do the right thing, do an EJR and work with your citizens and community to come up with an enviromental friendly plan. Thank you Carolyn Krammer, Chairperson, CPPB 904 LRonard Avenue, Oceanside, CA. 92054 COAST LAW GROUP LLr Delivered via personal delivery June 27,2005 City of Carlsbad C/O Gary Barberio 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 169 Saxony Road Suite 201 Encinitas, CA 92024 Tel 760-942-8505 Fax 760-942-8515 www.coastlawmouo.com AGENDAITEM# / / C: Mayor City Council City Manager City Attorney City Clerk RE: Agenda Item #11 Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan, DI 05-01 LCPA 05-01 GPA 05-04 Honorable Mayor and City Council, his family to Ponto Beach to surf and enjoy the beach. Mr. Adams feels very strongly that an EIR must be conducted to analyze the impacts of the Vision Plan and lessen or avoid the significant impacts of the project. He would further like the City of Carlsbad (CITY) to explore potential options for setting aside the entire tract as public open space. These comments are submitted on his behalf. Coast Law Group LLP represents John H. Adams, a citizen of Carlsbad, who regularly brings 1. The Vision Plan “Bootstraps” an Entire SDecific Plan into the General Plan and Local Coastal Plan Without Proper Environmental Review. The CITY is attempting to “bootstrap” an entire specific plan into the General Plan and Local Coastal Program. The proposed General Plan Amendment (GPA) and Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA), both specifically state: Future Proposals for new development within this area of special planning consideration shall be guided by the Vision Plan and all future development permits (site development plan, coastal development permit, etc.) shall be reviewed by the city for conformance with the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan. In other words, according to both the GPA and LCPA, all new development must comply with the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan (“Vision Plan”). The vision plan locks in development in a certain manner. For example, the Vision Plan locks in an “upscale” luxury Beachfront Resort south of Avenida Encinas. (See Vision Plan, Ch. 2, P. 6). Without an EIR, it is currently unknown whether such a large scale resort is the best use of the land, especially considering the location adjacent to the Batiquitos Lagoon. Code. However, if one was attempting to put the “vision plan” into a planning box, it fits most closely with a “specific plan” See Govt. Code 6 65450 et. seq.. Further, a “vision plan” does not have any legal definition under the California Government Coast Law Group LLP Agenda Item #11, Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan June 27,2005 Page 2 of 9 The Vision Plan establishes: 1. The distribution, location and extent of the uses of land, including open space; 2. distribution and location of major components of transportation, water drainage and other public infrastructure, and; 3. standards and criteria by which development will proceed. See, Govt. Code 8 65451. In fact, the only reason that the Vision Plan is not legally a “specific plan” is that it does not include a “program of implementation measures including regulations, programs, public works projects, and financing measures necessary to cany out paragraphs (l), (2), and (3).” Govt. Code 6 6545 1. In other words, the most important part of the “specific plan,” how to pay for the necessary improvements, is absent from the Vision Plan. Regardless, if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is a duck. In this case, this is a specific plan that does not fully comply with the requirements for a specific plan under the Government Code. Approving the Vision Plan would constitute an abuse of discretion and would be subject to a writ of mandamus. Code of Civ. Proc. 0 1094.5. 2. An EIR is Rewired Whenever it can be Fairly Armed that a Pro-iect has a Potentially Simificant Impact on the Environment. Our client strongly objects to approving the Vision Plan without a full Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The EIR is the “heart of CEQA.” Laurel Heights Zmprovement Ass‘n v. Regents of University of California, 47 Cal. 3d 376,392 (1988). An EIR must be prepared whenever it can be fairly argued that a project may have a significant impact on the environment. No Oil, Znc. v. Los Angeles, 13 Cal. 3d 68,75 (1974). “If there was substantial evidence that the proposed project might have a significant environmental impact, evidence to the contrary is not sufficient to support a decision to dispense with preparation of an EIR and adopt a negative declaration.” Friends of ”B“ Street v. City of Hayward, 106 Cal. App. 3d 988, 1002 (1980). potential for a significant impact, the lead agency must prepare an EIR. CEQA Guidelines 8 15064(g); Quail Botanical Gardens Found. v. City of Encinitas, 29 Cal. App. 4th 1597, 1606-07 (1994). However, expert opinion is not required to provide substantial evidence of a potentially significant impact. See e.g., Citizens Assn. for Sensible Development of Bishop Area v. County of Znyo, 172 Cal. App. 3d 151, 173 (1985) (explaining that substantial evidence may consist of an adjacent property testifying about traffic conditions). Furthermore, the lack of environmental analysis in a mitigated negative declaration (MND) strengthens and expands the scope of the “fair argumenf’standard. Sundstrom v. County ofMendocino, 202 Cal. App. 3d 296,311 (1988). It is up to the lead agency to do the proper studies, not the public. Id. If there is a disagreement by experts over the significance of an environmental impact or the 3. The Citv must PreDare an Environmental ImDact Report as Early as Possible to Analvze the ImDac4s of the Vision Plan. A lead agency cannot defer analysis of potential impacts until later. As discussed by the California Supreme Court, “Obviously it is desirable that the precise information concerning environmental consequences which an EIR affords be furnished and considered at the earliest possible stage .... Thus, EIR’s should be prepared as early in the planning process as possible to enable environmental considerations to influence project, program or design.” Bozung v. Local Agency Formation Corn., 13 Cal.. 3d 263,282 (1975). While there are no requirements to analyze purely speculative projects, “[An EIR] should be prepared as early as feasible in the planning process to Coast Law Group LLP Agenda Item #11, Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan June 27,2005 Page 3 of 9 enable environmental considerations to influence project program and design and yet late enough to provide meaningful information for environmental assessment.” Laurel Heights Zmprovernent Ass‘n v. Regents of University of California, 47 Cal. 3d 376,395 (1988). In this case, the Vision Plan is very detailed. It contemplates the location of hotels, the location of mixed use centers and the location of parking structures, streets and drainage. Now is the time that the CITY should be preparing an EIR on the Vision Plan, because the Vision Plan is at an early enough stage in planning to permit changes to avoid or mitigate significant impact. Once the Vision Plan is in place, regardless of subsequently identified environmental impacts, the CITY will be under tremendous pressure to either downplay the impacts or accept a proposed project regardless of the impacts. This phenomenon was specifically noted by the California Supreme Court, which stated “the later the environmental review process begins, the more bureaucratic and financial momentum there is behind a proposed project, thus providing a strong incentive to ignore environmental concerns that could be dealt with more easily at an early stage of the project.” Laurel Heights, supra, at 395. As stated repeatedly throughout the Mitigated Negative Declaration, the analysis of potential impacts and mitigation will be required for subsequent projects. (See, MND, at 21 & 22 (biological resources), 23 (cultural resources), 25 & 26 (hydrology and water quality) and 28 (Noise)). In each of these cases, it is clear that there are potentially significant impacts. For example, in the cultural resources section, the MND identifies that a cultural resource site exists and there may be a subsurface component to such site. However, the mitigation simply requires that a future survey is conducted. (MND at 23; See also Planning Commission Resolution No. 5884, at 2-3). Finally, the actual mitigation measures for potential impacts will be imposed later in the process. This sort of future mitigation was expressly rejected by the Court of Appeals. It was expressly noted that mitigation measures must be incorporated into a project before a project is approved. Sundstrom v. County of Mendocino, 202 Cal. App. 3d 296,306 (1988). Relying on future studies to impose mitigation measures is directly counter to CEQA. Id. at 307. Thus, now is the time that the CITY must prepare an EIR analyzing the impacts of the Vision Plan and ensure that all impacts, direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts are mitigated or avoided to the maximum extent possible. Pub. Res. Code $8 21002, 21081. 4. The City must Analyze the Entire Proiect. Which Includes all the DeveloDment Proiects Anticipated to Comply with the Vision Plan. A “project” is defined in the CEQA guidelines as “the whole of an action, which has a potential for resulting in either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment.” CEQA Guidelines $ 15378. The CITY must consider all phases of project planning, implementation and operation. See CEQA Guidelines 8 15063(b). Analysis must include the significant impacts of reasonably foreseeable projects. CEQA Guidelines $ 15130. The CITY must analyze the impacts for six subsequent projects it envisions under the Vision Plan: The Garden Hotel; the Village Hotel; the Beachfront Resort, the Mixed-Use Center, the Live-Work Neighborhood and the Townhouse Neighborhood. (See Vision Plan, Chapter 2, p. 1). In this case, the analysis of the impacts of the various projects are deferred until later. minimize cumulative impacts from a project: In the Bozung Case, the Supreme Court warned that deferring analysis has a tendency to One final overwhelming consideration which militates against deferring the preparation and consideration of an EIR until the proposed development reaches the city level is the mandate Coast Law Group LLP Agenda Item #11, Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan June 27,2005 Page 4 of 9 of CEQA that environmental considerations do not become submerged by chopping a large project into many little ones -- each with a minimal potential impact on the environment -- which cumulatively may have disastrous consequences. Bozung v. Local Agency Formation Corn., 13 Cal. 3d 263,283-284 (1975); See also, Citizens Assn. for Sensible Development of Bishop Area v. County of Inyo, 172 Cal. App. 3d 151,166 (1985) (abuse of discretion to segment approvals for shopping center). of the project. For example, the urban run-off, which includes significant contaminants from the street such as oil, pesticides, fertilizers and animal waste will be transported to the Batiquitos Lagoon in an 84 inch pipe. Such pipe also transports storm water from other developments. Considering that the project is just north of Batiquitos Lagoon, a protected water body, the CITY must do a cumulative impacts analysis to determine what impacts the project will have on the lagoon. Clearly, there are potential cumulative impacts to plant life, wildlife, and water quality. The CITY cannot minimize the impacts by dividing the analysis up into small projects that may have a minimal impact, but cumulatively have a disastrous effect on Batiquitos Lagoon. The CITY must prepare an EIR to ensure that all impacts are either avoided or mitigated to a level of insignificance. By deferring analysis, the CITY is avoiding even analyzing the potential cumulative impacts 5. The City Failed to Analyze or Mitigate the Significant Impact on the Public Facilities at the Beach. The limited beach facilities at Ponto Beach and South Carlsbad Beach provide a perfect example as to why the cumulative impacts of the entire project need to be analyzed before approving the Vision Plan. Currently, the South Carlsbad State Beach has limited restroom facilities for its campers. At Ponto Beach, there is one shower, and no permanent restrooms. According to the traffic study prepared by the CITY, the Vision Plan will create 710 hotel rooms, 147 condos, 21 1 apartments, plus numerous restaurants and shops, creating 12,407 additional daily trips on the roads. (RBF Traffic Study, at 20). If even 25% of those trips include visits to the beach, then that is an additional 3,100 trips to the beach. Obviously, the addition of 3,100 visits to the beach will generate a significant increase in the amount of trash and litter, lifeguard services, ranger services, and impacts to the public facilities, such as restrooms. Even if only 1,000 extra people a day visit the beach, it is still a significant increase in the burden on necessary services. The cumulative impacts of the Vision Plan need to be analyzed to ensure that the current facilities at Carlsbad State Beach are not overwhelmed. Facilities must be built at Ponto Beach to accommodate the increased use. An EIR is necessary to determine what kind of facilities need to be constructed to handle the increase in volume of beach users, to determine the number of rangers and lifeguards which need to be hired, and determine how to fund the increase in operating expenses. California’s budgetary crisis prevents the State from simply building such facilities itself. Mitigation for the increased use of the beach must be imposed on all projects within the Vision Plan. The MND in this case, does not discuss the impacts on the recreational facilities at all. It claims that there would be no impact on existing facilities. Failure to actually analyze this impact raises more than a fair argument that there may be a potential impact. As noted by the Court of Appeals: CEQA places the burden of environmental investigation on government rather than the public. If the local agency has failed to study an area of possible environmental impact, a fair Coast Law Group LLP Agenda Item #11, Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan June 27,2005 Page 5 of 9 argument may be based on the limited facts in the record. Deficiencies in the record may actually enlarge the scope of fair argument by lending a logical plausibility to a wider range of inferences. Sundstrom v. County of Mendocino, 202 Cal. App. 3d 296,311 (1988); See also, County Sanitation Dist. No. 2 v. County of Kern, 127 Cal. App. 4th 1544, 1597 (2005)(finding a fair argument that there may be an environmental impact, because the Respondent did not analyze a potential impact). prepare an EIR before approving the project so that these impacts are fully analyzed and mitigated. The CITY failed to consider the impacts to the beach due to the Vision Plan. The CITY must 6. There is a Fair Armment that Traffic ImDacts of the Vision Plan are Significant. The CITY comes to the conclusion that, because the Vision Plan doesn’t significantly increase traffic over what could be built under the existing General Plan, it is not a significant impact. However, the proper threshold for significance is whether the Vision Plan will cause a significant impact over the current environmental conditions. Guidelines 8 15064(d); See also, Guidelines 0 15 125(a)(the baseline for significant impacts is the environmental conditions at the time the notice of preparation of an EIR is filed). Thus, the question is not whether the impact will be worse under the General Plan or the Vision Plan, but whether it is a significant impact as compared to the existing conditions. Currently, there is a significant amount of traffic along Carlsbad Boulevard during the Summer, especially on weekends. At times the area becomes grid-locked with the amount of cars that are already on the road. The traffic study, however, was based on data from April, 2004, which would not have much traffic, and a number of weekdays during the Summer of 2003. Such study does not accurately reflect the amount of traffic produced by a major tourist area as contemplated in the Vision Plan. To properly analyze the amount of traffic impact, the CITY must prepare a traffic study to determine the weekend use of the project. After all, hotels, resorts and restaurants will have the greatest occupancy during the Summer and on weekends. Furthermore, it is completely ludicrous to determine that the level of service (LOS) at La Costa and Pacific Coast Highway would be reduced to an unacceptable level, but the LOS at the intersection of Avenida Encinas and Carlsbad Boulevard would maintain a good level of service. In addition, while the Vision Plan discusses improvements at the Avenida Encinas intersection, the mitigated negative declaration does not require such mitigation measures. U-Turn from north to south on Carlsbad Avenue, are absolutely necessary. North-bound surfers and beachgoers currently make a right turn on Avenida Encinas, and then make a three point U-turn on Ponto Drive to access Ponto Beach. This system is currently unacceptable. However, if the luxury hotel is built south of Avenida Encinas, even this option will not be possible. Surfers and other beachgoers will have to travel all the way to Poinsettia to make a U-turn and park at the beach. That will require an extra 1.5 miles just to park at the beach. Traffic will be significantly impacted due to the lack of viable access to the beach from the south, unless mitigation is required at Avenida Encinas. The MND must be rejected until conditions are attached ensuring that traffic will not be adversely affected. The improvements to the intersection at Avenida Encinas, which include a left turn lane for 7. The Vision Plan May Disturb Wildlife Repardless of Setbacks and Other MitiPation Measures Outlined in the Carlsbad Habitat Manavement Plan. Coast Law Group LLP Agenda Item #I 1, Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan June 27,2005 Page 6 of 9 According to Figure 28 of the Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan (HMP), the Vision Plan is in an area that is set aside for development. It is unclear what conservation standards, if any, apply to the area to be occupied by the Vision Plan. According to HMP, the primary “mitigation” for development outside of “standards areas” or other special areas identified by the HMP, is participation in a “Habitat In Lieu Mitigation” program where the developer pays a fee for the destruction of habitat. (See HMP, E-7). However, it is not entirely clear that any mitigation whatsoever is required because the Ponto Vision Plan area is identified for use as development. It might not ever have any mitigation standards imposed for loss of habitat. It is also clear that the CITY has not been enforcing its buffer requirements specified in the HMP. According to the HMP, the Buffer width from wetlands must be 1OOft. (See, Second Addendum to the HMP, at p. 6). The buffer is to be measured from the edge of the wetland OR where the wetland bank has a steep slope, 100 ft. from the top of the steep slope. Currently, there is still mowing and brush clearing occurring within the 1OOft. of the top of the slope in the parcel south of Avenida Encinas. Furthermore, according to HMP, the developer can propose a reduction in the amount of buffer. (Id.) There is no guarantee that the buffer will be effective in protecting endangered and threatened species. the HMP), the standards will not prevent the loss of habitat (or the continuing loss of habitat) that is necessary to avoid or mitigate the impacts to wildlife. See, Communitiesfor a Better Environment v. California Resources Agency, 103 Cal. App. 4th 98, 115 (2002). Furthermore, it will be relying on a developers’ surveyor to determine the extent of the impact on biological resources. This is exactly the situation that was disapproved of in Sundstrom, where future mitigation would be reliant on the developer’s future studies. Sundstrom, 202 Cal. App. 3d at 306. Batiquitos Lagoon has least tern nesting area just a short distance from the southern end of the proposed project, where a luxury hotel is planned. According to the Carlsbad “2005 Visitors Guide” Batiquitos Lagoon contains over 185 species of birds. (Carlsbad, 2005 Visitors Guide, at 9). As noted in the MND, both the American peregrine falcon and the California homed lark have been spotted at the project site. (MND at 21). Even the Vision Plan admits that “Impacts to any western burrowing owl and coastal California gnatcatcher bird species would be significant, if present, and could pose a constraint to development of the disturbed lands and disturbed coastal sage scrub.” (Vision Plan at 10). The Vice-Chair of the San Diego Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation, a trained biologist, observed and photographed a pair of California coastal gnatcatchers on the southern parcel where the luxury hotel is planned. Thus, by the standards outlined in the Vision Plan itself, an EIR must be prepared. The nesting and foraging habitat must be identified at this point to determine whether the 400 room luxury resort development envisioned by the Vision Plan is compatible with Batiquitos Lagoon located to the south of the project, and the species located within the project. The development may reduce the number and restrict the range of endangered or threatened species. CEQA Guidelines 8 15065(a). Failure to produce an EIR constitutes an abuse of discretion. Even though the CITY can point to the standards in the HMP (in this case the addendum to A number of endangered or threatened species live and breed near the proposed project. 8. Water Ouality in Batiquitos Lagoon and Ponto Beach May Be Significantly ImDacted from Urban Runoff from the Proiect. According to the MND, the Vision Plan “will increase the amount of impervious surface.” (MND at 26). It must be noted that the Vision Plan will not only increase the amount of impervious surface, it will entirely change the current drainage at the site. Currently, the area is over 90% open Coast Law Group LLP Agenda Item #11, Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan June 27,2005 Page 7 of 9 space. There is likely relatively little urban storm water run-off because the open space soil filters the water. In other words, there is almost no concrete and other hard surfaces that increases run-off into Batiquitos Lagoon. This will entirely change when the Vision Plan is implemented. The area will go from 90% pervious surface, to 90% impervious surface. runoff be channeled into a natural bio-swale, that will eventually become the Wetlands Interpretation Area. (MND at 26). In other words, the CITY proposes to create a wetlands that it will channel all the polluted runoff into. After the polluted runoff goes into the Wetlands Interpretation Area, it will then drain into an 84 inch pipe that ejects water directly into the Batiquitos Lagoon. This 84 inch pipe includes runoff from other developments as well. According to the Vision Plan, the existing configuration of the 84 inch pipe includes storm water from development east of the railroad tracks, and development from north of the project. (Vision Plan, Ch. 4, page 12). The storm water from the Vision Plan will be combined with the storm water from other developments and transported via the 84 inch pipe directly to Batiquitos Lagoon. Thus, the CITY must determine whether there is a cumulative impact from the run-off from these projects as well, that will impact Batiquitos Lagoon and Ponto Beach. CEQA Guidelines 9 15065. future development to address any potential flooding or hydrology impacts from development. (MND at 25) The MND contends that “potential future water quality impacts will also need to be analyzed when individual development plans are submitted.” Id. Thus, the public has not even been informed what the existing baseline conditions are, much less what the potential impacts to the water quality are. However, the evidence demonstrates that urban storm water run-off has direct impacts to water quality at Batiquitos Lagoon and Ponto Beach. According to a report by Heal the Bay, an environmental group that tracks water quality at California Beaches, the water quality at the mouth of Batiquitos Lagoon was rated “F’ during wet weather in the winter of 2004-2005. (Report attached as Exhibit 1, available online at htt~://~~~.healthebav.or~rc/~radehisto~.as~?beach=288~. According to the report, during the 12 weeks of wet weather testing, water quality was unacceptable for body water contact every time. However, during dry weather, the water quality consistently measured at an A+ or B level. What this means is that the current water quality is directly impacted by urban runoff. Without actually studying the impacts of paving over fifty acres of land, the CITY cannot come to the conclusion that the project will have no environmental impact. Furthermore, the CITY does not even know, without a study, if the proposed Wetland Interpretation Area is large enough to treat the run-off to an acceptable level. It is not up to the public to do the proper studies to ensure that there will or will not be a significant impact. Sundstrurn v. County of Menducino, 202 Cal. App. 3d 296, 31 1 (1988). The CITY must do the proper studies before it proceeds. the MND for water quality, and no mitigation for water quality in the Planning Commission’s Resolution. Not even the Wetland Interpretation Area is required to be constructed by the MND. All the resolution demands is that “impacts to the onsite drainage within the future development area should be mitigated for onsite through preparation and implementation of a wetland enhancement program.” (Planning Commission Resolution No. 5884, Findings l(d)(ii)(D)). However, that is mitigation for biological impacts, not water-quality impacts from the development. There is no mitigation for water quality impacts due to the proposed development. Clearly, there is a fair argument that the project may have a significant environmental impact if “potential future water quality impacts” need to be analyzed in the future. An EIR definitely needs The mitigation that the CITY suggests (but not demands) in the MND is that the polluted The CITY comes to the conclusion that “A hydrology report will need to be prepared prior to Furthermore, there is no mitigation that is actually required. There is no mitigation section in Coast Law Group LLP Agenda Item #I 1, Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan June 27,2005 Page 8 of 9 to be produced at this time to determine and mitigate the impacts on water quality due to storm water and other runoff from the development. 9. The FindinPs Are Insufficient under the Law. Findings are absolutely necessary prior to approval of the project. The findings proposed by the Planning Commission’ do not comply with the law. Public Resources Code section 21081 states, that prior to approval of a project, the lead agency must make the following findings: (1) Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment. (2) Those changes or alterations are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of another public agency and have been, or can and should be, adopted by that other agency. (3) Specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations, including considerations for the provision of employment opportunities for highly trained workers, make infeasible the mitigation measures or alternatives identified in the environmental impact report. Cal Pub Resources Code 0 2108 1 These findings are required even though the CITY is attempting to proceed on solely a mitigated negative declaration. The findings must address each significant impact. Citizens for Quality Growth v. City ofMt. Shasta, 198 Cal. App. 3d 433,441 (1988). Furthermore, such findings must show the analytical route that the agency traveled to make such findings and find that the mitigation will in fact reduce the impacts to a level of insignificance. Village Laguna of Laguna Beach, Znc. v. Board of Supervisors, 134 Cal. App. 3d 1022, 1035 (1982). For example, one of the significant impacts that was identified by the traffic study was the impact to the intersection of La Costa and Pacific Coast Highway. However, there is no finding that addresses such impact. Furthermore, as stated above, applying mitigation determined by future studies by the developers of specific projects is not sufficient for the purposes of CEQA. Almost the exact same scenario was rejected by the court in Citizens for Quality Growth. The Court commented that “Council members apparently believed adoption of the proposed mitigation measures was required only when a specific development plan was submitted.” Citizens for QuaEity Growth, 198 Cal. App. 3d at 442. Although the City in the Citizensfur Quality Growth case eventually dropped its argument that deferred mitigation was appropriate, it was clear that the City disapproved of such approach . court the analytical route for determining that such mitigation measures will reduce the level of impacts to insignificance. Further, the Findings completely ignore a number of impacts that are specifically identified in the Traffic Study, the Biological Survey, and the Vision’Plan itself. The CITY cannot move forward on the findings approved by the Planning Commission. Regardless, in this case, the findings are entirely insufficient to provide the public and the ’ Planning Commission Resolution No. 5884 was incorporated into the proposed City Council Resolutions 2005-21 1 and 2005-212. There were no additional findings made. Coast Law Group LLP Agenda Item #11, Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan June 27,2005 Page 9 of 9 Finally, the Vision Plan contemplates a taking of private property for the benefit of a private developer. Such use of eminent domain is not compatible with the redevelopment law of California. Hlth & Saf. Code 0 33000 et. seq.. Special findings need to be prepared when a project will result in the taking of private property for public use. Code of Civ. Proc. 0 1245.220. The CITY must make findings to take private property that include: (1) The public interest and necessity require the proposed project. (2) The proposed project is planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury. (3) The property described in the resolution is necessary for the proposed project. (4) That either the offer required by Section 7267.2 of the Government Code has been made to the owner or owners of record, or the offer has not been made because the owner cannot be located with reasonable diligence. Code of Civ. Proc. 0 1245.230. pennits the CITY to exercise the power of eminent domain. In fact, one could argue that because the CITY made it clear that it intends to take private property within the Vision Plan, the Vision Plan has created an inverse condemnation situation. The private property owners are essentially prevented from selling their property at its fair market value because of the Vision Plan. In conclusion, the Findings are entirely inadequate to approve the Vision Plan, approve the Mitigated Negative Declaration, and approving the projects under such resolutions would constitute an abuse of discretion. There is nothing in the proposed findings that address this impact upon private property, nor 10. Conclusion. The CITY is attempting to avoid the requirements of CEQA by deferring studies of the environmental impacts of the projects until such projects are proposed. The Vision Plan, however, is sufficiently detailed to study the impacts of the projects now. The CITY has not properly identified all the significant impacts of the Vision Plan, and certainly fails to properly mitigate the significant impacts. An EIR is necessary at this point to ensure that all the significant impacts are identified, and mitigation measures or alternatives are considered that would lessen or avoid the impacts. Furthermore, the CITY has failed to produce the proper findings as required by law. Approving the project under the current conditions would be an abuse of discretion that would be open to legal challenge. The CITY should prepare an EIR. Rory R. wicks, Esq. Attorney for John H. Adams. Exhibit 1 Heal the Bay I Beach Report Card I Beach Details for Carlsbad, Batiquitos Lagoon outlet Page 1 of 6 In This Section BRC Home The Report Cards Weekly Summer Annual Beach Info Closures From Spills Warning Signs * Beach Details BRC Background Info Grading System About the BRC The Beach Report Card is made possible by a grant from Beach Details - View 4w Where's the 0 You may have no beaches have mu information on thc Grade History Carlsbad, Batiquitos Lagoon outlet Date 611 812005 6/10/2005 6/3/2005 5/29/2005 5/21/2005 511 312005 5/6/2005 511 12005 4/24/2005 411 712005 41 012005 4/3/2005 3/23/2005 311 2/2005 3/4/2005 2/27/2005 2/20/2005 2/13/2005 2/3/2005 1 /30/2005 1 /22/2OO5 111 6/2005 1 /9/2005 111 12005 12/1 812004 12/10/2004 Dry A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ B 6 6 A ns ns ns ns Wet ns ns ns A A A 6 A ns ns ns ns F F F F ns ns F F F F ns ns ns ns Notes Grade based on 30 day period ending 611 412005. Grade based on 30 day period ending 6R'/2005. Grade based on 30 day period ending 5/24/2005. Grade based on 30 day period ending 5/20/2005. Grade based on 30 day period ending 5/12/2005. Grade based on 30 day period ending 5/4/2005. Grade is for 4 week period ending 411 3/05. pages (e.g. photo and related links). have not yet entei data for this partic Please see the 66 Select Location pi locations that has information compl By providing beac Bay hopes to maC Report Card an el public health tool. http://www.healthebay.org/brc/gradehistory.asp?beach=288 6/27/2005 Heal the Bay I Beach Report Card 1 Beach Details for Carlsbad, Batiquitos Lagoon outlet Page 2 of 6 12/4/2004 11/28/2004 1 1 I1 a2004 11/5/2004 10/31/2004 1 0/24/2004 10/9/2004 1011 12004 9/24/2004 911 912004 911 012004 9/5/2004 8/29/2004 8/22/2004 811 412004 8/7/2004 7/30/2004 7/25/2004 711 712004 711 1 I2004 7/4/2004 6/26/2004 6/18/2004 6/6/2004 513012004 5/22/2004 511 512004 5/9/2004 5/2/2004 411 1 I2004 411 I2004 3/26/2004 3/19/2004 3/6/2004 2/28/2004 2/23/2004 2/15/2004 2/8/2004 1130l2004 1 /23/2004 1 11 6/2004 1 I1 012004 1/2/2004 12/26/2003 12/18/2003 12/1 212003 12/7/2003 ns ns A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ ns ns F F F F ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns A+ A+ A+ ns ns ns ns ns A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ ns ns ns ns ns ns ns A+ http://www . healthebay .org/brc/gradehi story.asp?beach=28 8 6/27/2005 Heal the Bay Beach Report Card 1 112612003 11/2012003 1 111 512003 1 1 ia12003 10131 I2003 10125l2003 1011 712003 1011 112003 1 01312003 9/26/2003 9121 I2003 911 312003 91612003 812912003 a12 112003 ai1 412003 8/8/2003 8/1 I2003 712712003 711 912003 711 112003 71312003 612712003 612 1 12003 61512003 611 12003 5/27/2003 511 612003 51212003 412412003 411 a12003 411 012003 4/6/2003 313012003 312012003 311 612003 3/7/2003 311 12003 2/24/2003 111 812003 1 I1 I2003 i2/a12002 1 11712002 11/1/2002 1011 3/2002 1016l2002 9/29/2002 Beach Details for Carlsbad, Batiquitos Lagoon outlet Page 3 of 6 A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns http://w ww .heal thebay .org/brc/gradehistory . asp?beach=288 6/27/2005 Heal the Bay I Beach Report Card I Beach Details for Carlsbad, Batiquitos Lagoon outlet Page 4 of 6 9/22/2002 911 512002 911 12002 8/24/2002 811 a2002 ai1 112002 a1412002 7/21 12002 711 412002 7/4/2002 6/30/2002 6/23/2002 6/2/2002 5/25/2002 511 a2002 511 112002 4/27/2002 411 a2002 4/5/2002 3/31/2002 311 512002 3/9/2002 3/1/2002 2/14/2002 2/7/2002 2/1 12002 1 /24/2002 111 912002 12/30/2001 12/1 312001 1 1/29/2001 1 1 /25/2001 11/4/2001 10/28/2001 1 012 112001 1011 412001 10/7/2001 9/30/2001 9/23/200 1 911 612001 9/9/2001 9/1/2001 8/26/2001 8/19/2001 8/1 a2001 ai51200 1 7/27/200 1 A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns h ttp://w ww. healthebay.org/brc/gradehistory.asp?beach=288 6/27/2005 7/22/2001 711 412001 7/8/2001 6/30/2001 6/1 0/2001 6/3/2001 5/27/2001 5/20/2001 511 1/2001 5/4/2001 4/27/2001 4/21 12001 313 1 12001 3/23/200 1 311 1/2001 3/4/2001 2/22/2001 2/17/2001 2/8/2001 2/2/2001 1/25/2001 111 9/2001 111 412001 1 /4/2001 12/28/2000 12/24/2000 12/3/2000 1 1 /22/2000 1 1/8/2000 1 1/4/2000 10/28/2000 1 0121 I2000 1011 312000 10/6/2000 9/30/2000 9/9/2000 9/1/2000 8/26/2000 811 712000 8/3/2000 7/26/2000 711 412000 7/7/2000 6/28/2000 6/22/2000 A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ ns ns . ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns A+ A+ A+ A+ ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns F F F F ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns . Heal the Bay I Beach Report Card I Beach Details for Carlsbad, Batiquitos Lagoon outlet Page 5 of 6 I h ttp://w w w . heal t hebay .org/brc/gradehi s tory. asp?beach=28 8 Was Closed (l/lO-l/12)due to 29,000 gallon sewage spill. Was Closed (111 0-111 2)due to 29,000 gallon sewage spill. Was Closed (l/lO-l/12)due to 29,000 gallon sewage spill. 6/27/2005 . Heal the Bay I Beach Report Card I Beach Details for Carlsbad, Batiquitos Lagoon outlet Page 6 of 6 611 512000 A+ ns 6/9/2000 A+ IIS End of list This page last updated on Monday, June 13,2005 Issues I Get Involved I Conditions I Learn More I Aquarium Home 1 About Us I Contact-Find Us I Join or Donate I Calendar 1 Store I Media Center I Site Info I Site Map This website sponsored by the S. Mark Taper Foundation Copyright 0 2005 Heal the Bay. All rights reserved. CoDvriaht Notice I Privacv Policy Heal the Bay is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. All aifts are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. http://www .healthebay.org/brc/gradehistory.asp?beach=288 6/27/2005 San Diego Chapter P.O. Box I5 I I Solana Beach, California 92075 AGENDAITEM # Mayor Suedm Phonc (858) 792-9940 Fax (858) 755-5627 Foundation. c: Delivered via First Class Mail June 24.2005 City of Carlsbad C/O Gary Barberio I635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad. CA 92008-73 14 city coundl City Manager City Attorney City Clerk Re: Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan (GPA 05-04/ LCPA 05-01 - Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan) Honorable Mayor and City Council, The Surfrider Foundation is a grass-roots, environmental non-profit organization dedicated the preservation of the world’s oceans, waves and beaches through conservation, activism, research and education. I am the Vice-Chair of San Diego Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation. I have a B.S. in Environmental Science from the Northern Arizona University and have worked for the last five years as biologist in San Diego County performing habitat assessment, vegetation mapping, biological surveys, construction monitoring, and habitat restoration (see resume, Attachment 1 ). On June 17th, 2005 at approximately 430 p.m., I walked the site of Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan (Vision Plan). I observed a pair California gnatcatcher (Polioptila califortiica califorriica) on-site at the southern end of the proposed development, south of Avenida Encinas. The California gnatcatcher is a federally listed threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. Photos of the observed gnatcatcher observed on-site are included as Attachment 2. A map of approximate observed habitat utilized by the gnatcatcher pair is included as Attachment 3. It is possible the pair was nesting in the area, though protocol surveys are necessary to determine for certain. It is my professional opinion that impacts to the pair of California gnatcatcher though development of the Vision Plan are not adequately addressed with the current proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project. In its current form. the Vision Plan will adversely impact California gnatcatcher habitat. An environmental impact report with the appropriate U.S. Fish 8r Wildlife Service protocol California gnatcatcher surveys is necessary to determine the full habitat utilization hy the pair and to determine if additional gnatcatcher may occupy the site. Protocol surveys will also ensure that development is properly sited to reduce the destruction of gnatcatcher habitat and such habitat is mitigated to maximum extent feasible. In addition, I suggest that the City of Carlsbad ensure all mowing. grubbing, grading or any other activities that disturb gnatcatcher habitat be prevented at the site until an appropriate protocol study is conducted identifying the habitat to be protected. Sincerely, Brian Woodward Biologist Vice Chair San Diego Chapter Surfrider Foundation 70 I c\chx-. cc . CITY OF CAFLSBAD CITY CLERKS OFFICE The Surfrider Foiitidatioti is a tion-profit grassroots orgaiiizatioti dedicated to the protectioti arid preset-vatioti of our worldS ocearis. uwes atid beaches. Founded iti 1984 by a hatidful of visionary surfers, the Surfr-idor Fouridcitian tiow maititairis over 35,000 ttiembers arid 60 chapters across the Utiited States arid Puerto Rim, with iritet-ti~ti~ii~l ~lffiates in Airstralin. Eitrope, Japati arid Brazil. For ari ovet-vie\c- of the Sari Diego Chapter‘s curretit progr(itris nrid e\wifs, log oti to our- \c.eh.site ut ,e.~c.,c,..sir,-fi-itlc.t..\d.ot.S or setid etii~iil to ilifi) O.v/ctjt.it/er,stl.or61. Attachment 1 BRIAN WOODWARD Biologist 5 127 Voltaire Street San Diego, California 92 107 c 619.991.0555 Education Bachelor of Science, Environmental Science, Environmental Management Pursuing Master’s in City Planning, San Diego State University Emphasis, Northern Arizona University, 1999 Permits1 Certificates1 Trainings USFWS Permit for Quino Checkerspot Butterfly, Riverside Fairy Shrimp, Conservancy Fairy Shrimp, Longhorn Fairy Shrimp, Vernal Pool Fairy Shrimp, San Diego Fairy Shrimp, Vernal Pool Tadpole Shrimp, San Diego Mesa Mint, Otay Mesa Mint, California Orcutt Grass, San Diego Button- celery, Otay Tarplant, San Diego Thornmint, Munz’s Onion, Del Mar Manzanita, Thread-Leaved Brodiaea, No-named Navarretia, San Diego Ambrosia, and Willowy Monardella; under supervision for Coastal California Gnatcatcher surveys and nest monitoring, Least Bell’s Vireo nest monitoring, Stephens’ Kangaroo Rat, San Bemardino Kangaroo Rat, and Pacific Pocket Mouse CALTRANS Horizontal Directional Drilling Inspector, 2001 USFWS-approved monitor for Arroyo Toad, 2002 Certification for Flat-Tailed Horned Lizard Surveys, Bureau of Land Desert Tortoise Trained Monitor/Handler, 2000 USFWS-Approved Monitor for Desert Tortoise, 2004 Certified 40-hour Hazardous Waste Operator (HAZWOPR), 1998 HM 126F DOT Certification, 1998 CDFG Scientific Collecting Permit MI06265 for Insects, Rodents/Small Mammals, California Stream Bioassessment Procedure/Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) Management 2001 Reptiles /Amphibians Training by the Regional Water Quality Control Board, 2003 Experience 5 years biological; 7 years cumulative environmental consulting RECON Conducts habitat assessments; vegetation mapping; focused surveys for endangered, threatened, and sensitive species; and monitoring in a variety of habitats in southern California. Prepares biological technical reports to document findings. Uses global positioning system (GPS) to map vegetation and sensitive species habitats. Monitors construction activities. Is on-site daily supervising construction crew compliance with environmental protection measures. Includes checking all machinery for leaks or spills; providing worker environmental awareness training; sweying for local listed species; coordinating all machine set-ups and movements with foreman; handling animals on-site; supervising frac-out clean-ups for horizontal directional drilling operations; and supervising leak and spill cleanup. Also supervises the installation of SWPPP protection on construction sites. 2002 - 2005 Woodward, 2 HDR 2000-2002, Biological Monitor San Diego & Santa Barbara County. Supervised construction crew’s compliance with agreements between construction company and permitting agencies in the field on a daily basis. Monitored construction crew’s installation of fiber optic cable in the mountains of San Diego County. Familiarity with resident flora and fauna species, both native and non-native. Responsible for all Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) implementation on site. Identified hazardous material spills, supervised cleanup, and inspected and reported any equipment leaks or spills. Submitted daily reports for review by CPUC, clients, and other government organizations. Project Resources, Inc. 2000, Project Analyst Wrote Phase I environmental site assessments for Fannie Mae. 3E Company 1998-2000, Regulatory Specialist - Wrote Hazardous Material Business Plans for Home Depot, Walgreen’s, Lowe’s, and other large corporate clients. 1998, Program Administrator 1998, Customer Service Technician Burrowing Owl Survey, Burrow Construction, and Flat-tailed Homed Lizard Monitoring for Cisa Energy, Inc. 230-kV Transmission Tower and Line Construction from Imperial Valley to the U.S./Mexico Border, CA Flat-tailed Homed Lizard Monitoring for Sempra Energy 230-kV Transmission Line Bundling from Imperial Valley to the U.S./Mexico Border, CA Relationships Between Reptile Communities and Military Ground Disturbance, National Training Center Fort Irwin (NTC Fort Irwin), CA Vernal Pool Monitoring for California Terraces, San Diego, CA Vernal Pool Surveys and Monitoring for Miramar Mounds Natural Landmark, Arroyo Toad Monitoring for Construction on the Helicopter Outlying Landing Arroyo Toad Monitoring for Wildcat Canyon Road Widening, San Diego, CA Vernal Pool Monitoring for Wire Mountain Restoration, MCB Camp Pendleton, Biological Surveys and Compliance Monitoring for Otay Mesa Generating Plant, Least Bell’s Vireo and Coastal California Gnatcatcher Focused Surveys and Revegetation Maintenance and Monitoring at Rancho Pacifica (formerly Del Mar Pre-Impact Surveys, Cactus Patch Restoration, and Habitat Management for El Wetland Restoration Maintenance and Monitoring for Pacific Highlands Ranch, Reptile Pitfall Trap Surveys for California Terraces, San Diego, CA Phase I1 Sensitive Species Monitoring for Calavera Hills Residential Selected Projects Marine Corps Air Station Miramar (MCAS Miramar), San Diego, CA Field, Marine Corps Base (MCB) Camp Pendleton, CA San Diego, CA San Diego, CA Monitoring for Mission Gorge Facility, San Diego, CA Highlands Estates), San Diego, CA Sobrante Landfill Expansion, Corona, CA San Diego, CA Woodward, 3 Development, San Diego, CA Santa Barbara County, CA San Diego County, CA Carmel Development, Del Mar, CA Sensitive Species Monitoring for Level (3) Fiber-optic Installation, Multiple Areas, Sensitive Species Monitoring for Level (3) Fiber-optic Installation, Multiple Areas, Vegetation Impact Minimization and Monitoring and Geologic Soil Testing, Point Vernal Pool Mapping & Surveys, Camp Pendleton, California Weed Mapping & Vegetation Surveys, Camp Pendleton, California Revegetation Implementation & Monitoring, Encinitas Country Day School, Coastal Sage and Southern Willow Scrub Revegetation Implementation & San Dieguito Lagoon Restoration Implementation & Monitoring, Del Mar, Santo Road Slope Restoration, San Diego, California Costa Azul Liquid Natural Gas Distribution station, Baja Norte, Mexico Encinitas, California Monitoring, Suncrest Development, Oceanside, California California Attachment 2 Attachment 3 WSA INC PAGE 62 June 28,2005 Cify of Cadsbad City Councll of Carlsbad 1200 Catisbad villsge Qnve Fax: 760.720.2037 Cad8bad, 0 e* eo* .e.. Wamn W. Scott + Architeciure **.I.. AGENDAITEM# \ Mayor City Council City Manager City Attorney City Clerk Ann: Cityclerk Re: -5 Ponto Beachfroni village Mator Plan As 8n archikt practicing in the Notth County Am and living in the Community of Leucadi8 for owr ?8 years, I am in support of fhe pmposeCr Ponto Beachfbnt Village Mater Plen. 1 feel tbjs masterplan will pmvide the community with added improw?ments Mal can be shered with local residents and those in the surrounding arws. The dewlopmnt of hotels and condominiums will allow the public use of the beach amas the) shoW be made aWlsble to all. The generated hes and futuret finances woukl plovide the moneys fo improve end maintain needed infmstmdums and prvb&*ons to envrionmenta/ smwtivl~ ams. PIease consider the appmval of the pmposed master plan Wamn W. SCWA Wanen W. Sccn't + AIchitectum WSA, Inc. CITY OF CARLSBAD 4406 Manchesler Avenue rn Sub 161 0 EnclnttW CalHOmta - 92024 760.943.6JdO FAX fb6.843.0119 PontoAction.Com 7444 Capstan Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 June 28,2005 City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan Dear Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council: PontoAction.Com represents a group of concerned citizens from Carlsbad and other communities who feel that the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan will adversely impact South Calsbad State Beach (Ponto Beach), Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve and the Least Tern Nesting area within. We believe that the current Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) is not sufficient to address the environmental concerns of these State assets and are demanding that the City of Carlsbad perform a full Environmental Impact Report (EIR) prior to approving any plans for development in the Ponto Beach area. In short, we do not recognize the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan to be environmentally feasible unless it is validated by an EIR. Between May 3 1 , 2005 and June 2Sth 2005 PontoAction.Com collected electronic signatures from 3300 California State Residents who are formally asking the City of Carlsbad to perform an EIR in order to validate the environmental feasibility of the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan. Registered voters that reside in Carlsbad make up 1200 of the 3300 total signatures. Registered state voters account for There are many concerns that we have regarding the impact that the'Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan will have on Ponto Beach and Batiquitos Lagoon. They include: 0 Toxic storm water runoff into Batiquitos Lagoon and onto Ponto Beach More beach closures due to bad water quality Light and noise disturbing the least tern nesting grounds Additional trash on Ponto Beach Need for more maintenance of Ponto Beach Additional lifeguard staffing needs at Ponto Beach Unreasonable traffic on Highway 10 1 and Avenida Encinas Our goal is to ensure that any development done in the Ponto Beach area serves the community and visitors to the beach in the best possible way. This includes keeping environmental concerns in check so that the wildlife that resides in the lagoon is protected and the water quality at the beach remains healthful for all. We are asking the City of Carlsbad to Perform an EIR to validate the environmental feasibility of the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan prior to approving any development plans. Sincerely, Blake Wood PontoAction.Com blake@,pontoaction.com www.pontoaction.com I I CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY CLERKS OFFICE 0 STATE CAPITOL P,O. BOX 942849 SACRAMENTO, CA 94249-0074 (916) 319-2074 FAX (916) 319-2174 DISTRICT OFFICE 1800 THIBODO ROAD SUITE 300 VISTA, CA 92081 (760) 599-1 641 FAX (760) 599-1650 MARK WYLAND ASSEMBLYMEMBER, SEVENTY-FOURTH DISTRICT COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS EDUCATION ELECTIONS AND REDISTRICTING UTILITIES AND COMMERCE VICE CHAIR: MEMBER: June 17,2005 Blake Wood 7444 Capstan Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Dear Mr. Wood, I have read your letter concerning the proposed redevelopment along the South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon. I understand your concerns and the importance of careful planning. This issue is important to me. I have talked to Sherry Hodges in my office and she has contacted the Natural Resources Committee Consultant in Sacramento. We then contacted various state agencies that the consultant recommended - The Department of Fish and Game, the Coastal Commission, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Habitat Conservation Planning Branch. Sherry spoke with the Director of the State Department of Parks and Recreation who informed us that they have already expressed their concerns with the City of Carlsbad, when they met with them nearly two years ago. The Parks and Recreation Department is concerned with the close proximity of the proposed building plans to the beach and lagoon, the increased amount of trash and maintenance, and the increase in traffic. They did not sign off on the project. We also spoke to the District Director of the Coastal Commission. He reviewed the plan a year ago and expressed concerns regarding biology, land use, and traffic circulation. We were informed that the city must comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and with Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act. The Coastal Commission is now in contact with Debbie Fountain of the City of Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Department. Sherry is also in contact with the California Department of Fish and Game, Regional Director, regarding the California Least Tern Nesting area and the Batiquitos Lagoon. In addition, we have notified the Environmental Protection Agency and the Habitat Conservation Planner. These agencies will follow this proposed development to protect our community and follow public resource codes and legislation. Represerrting the ooininiinities of: Carlsbad, Del Mar, Encinitas, Escondido, San Marcos, Solana Beach, Vista and portions of Oceanside Printed on Recycled Paper STATE CAPITOL I P!O. BOX 942849 SACRAMENTO, CA 94249-0074 (916) 319-2074 FAX (916) 319-2174 0 DISTRICT OFFICE 18OOTHlBODO ROAD SUITE 300 VISTA, CA 92081 (760) 599-1641 FAX (760) 599-1650 MARK WYLAND ASSEMBLYMEMBER, SEVENTY-FOURTH DISTRICT COMMIITEE ASSIGNMENTS EDUCATION ELECTIONS AND REDISTRICTING UTILITIES AND COMMERCE VICE CHAIR: MEMBER: For the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan development to go forward the preceding concerns of CEQA must be addressed and disclosure of environmental impacts will be required. The Coastal Commission will need to approve the plan in conformance with Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act. Traffic flow, lighting, and the impact on state resources need to be addressed for public and state agency review. Furthermore, we spoke with Debbie Fountain of the Housing and Redevelopment Department for the City of Carlsbad. She has informed us that she is working with public and state agencies addressing their concerns. Most of the property is zoned for commercial purposes and is privately owned. The plan is also part of a land use strategy. There are plans to add public parking, restrooms and trails. In addition, they will continue to work with the State Beach and Parks Department for an appropriate way to get to and from the state beach and park. Carlsbad must notify the public for a six week review and return to the Coastal Commission for approval. A public meeting for review of the project is set for June 28. Debbie Fountain stated “there will need to be improvement,” in order to complete the project. I am committed to preserving and protecting the environment for all Californians. States and communities should be allowed, even encouraged, to take a greater role in environment regulations and oversight. It is likely the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan development will change before it comes to its final plan. I hope this information is helpful in assisting you with your efforts for future planning of the Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Reserve. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to serve you. Please do not hesitate to call me at 760-599- 1641 should you have any questions or concerns. Thank you. Mark Wylav Assemblyman MBW:sm .. Representing the corniminities of: Carlsbad, Del Mar, Encinitas, Escondido, Sun Marcos, Solana Beach, Vista and portions of Oceanside Printed on Recycled Paper Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan Petition Acciacca Acosta Acrey Acuna Adarns Adarns Adarns Adarns Adarns Adcock adickes adler Afolayan Afncano Agnos Aguilar Agullera Ahrweiler Airnone Ailchison Albert Albert Alwrta Alderman Alexander algert algorn Allan allan allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen allert Alliger Allison Allred Alrneras Alnashef alper Alspaugh altenbaugh Altenhoff ALTlERl Alton Alvarez Amador Amato Ambrogio Arnbrosini arnmon Andersen Andersen Anderson Anderson anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson anderson Andlauer Andrews Andrews Andrews Angel Ansaldo apatoff apatoff arballo Arechiga Arney arnold Arthur Artman Arzaga Asarnen ASBURY Ash Doherty Asher Ashworth Astl Auble Ault Avilez Avilez Avilez Avina BABBITT Babwck LNC N8m Fint Name abbott, Sandra abbon brandon Abrarns Christopher Abrarnson-Beck Beth ' abbott - tirn Wayne Allora Nicole Clark Grayson John Thomas Chns Greg Chns albert nanci Bukkie Brad Charm Annabelle Marw Kenneth Theresa Vidona Susan Madeline Bnan Wendy Susan chad Gianna Steve damon Ron Ruth Maaren David Shelly annette Janet George Casey Tamara robert John mark Michelle JOSEPH William August Alex Chnstine paul Stephen skip Colin John Monica Dylan jenna swtt Nena Luke Mike M Todd Ceulia Ross mark Laura Sasha Jeff Dana Chns Clinton nmle niwle Andrew Dana Cheyenne Beatnce Mlke LUIS Elizabeth MICHELLE scon ROY Jeff Roberta Chet Jason Werner John bnan Leah Grace Aamn Carlos BEN Dominique MI Addms I I 1 S D S H B E C S w G L S C R M i b L b r A J I A P rn H C A L M A D R A C I P K W I I I M I E L J F R D E M M 6583 windflower dr 6563 windflower dr 8583 windflower dr 3721 GArfield Street 405 Liverpool Dnve 3185 Carr Dnve 11818 DarlingtonAve#207 14540 DICKENS ST 1107 2736 Teresita Street 661 S Cedms Ave 914 Carninito Madngal #E 4643 Los Feliz Blvd #406 34372 Via San Juan #A 1658 Rubenstein Dr 10168 Grandview Dnve 6530 corte rnontecito 502 knots lane 3811 Crownpoint Court 215 North Rios 2251-203 Altisrna Way 2409 Torrejon Place 261 1 Jefferson Si Apt E 7443 Solano St 2315 Terraza Ribera 1494 Hymenus Ave 4336 Highland Dnve 1377 Cassins Street 6812 Shearwaters Dr PO Box 2237 11675 Frames port Place 779 Neptune Ave 294 so grand ave 11082 Madngal St 11 082 rnadngal st 24714 avignon dr 1754 Kennington Road 976 Shore Crest Rd 1372 Neptune Ave 2670 Lindsay Ln 1901 Avenida Joaquin PO box80 7385 Alicante Rd 1678 Avery Rd 5066 Niagara Ave 135 Oceanview Ct 301 E Verdugo Ave #309 244 calle de rnadera 3313 Camino Coronado 2395 Juan street 7443 Capstan Dr 4178 DECOR0 ST#24 €610 Vireo Ct 1375 N Vulcan Ave 202 Inez Way 2379 Terraza Guitara 727 calle regal 2052 Lee Court 510 N Acacia 455 N Hope Ave 7827 Reposado 41 1 Via Malaga 1865 Hart St 1756 edgefield lane 1166 Hemes Ave 391 Ocean View Ave 170 North Greenfield Circle 3320 Camino Comnado 2936 Escala Circle 2905 Via Carno CW cadsbad carlsbad carlsbad Carlsbad Cardrff by the Sea Oceanside Brentwood SHERMAN OAKS San Diego Solana Beach Carlsbad Los Angeles Capistrano Beach Cardiff La Mesa carlsbad carlsbad carlsbad Solana Beach Carlsbad Carlsbad Cambad Carlsbad Cartsbad Leucadia Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlksbad Auburndale San Diego Enanitas Pasadena San Diego san diego valenua Enunitas Carlsbad Encinitas Soquel Encinitas cardiff Carlsbad San Marws San Diego vista Burbank encinitas Carlsbad san diego Carlsbad SAN DlEGO Carlsbad Leucadia Oceanside Carlsbad Enunitas Carlsbad Solana beach Santa Barbara Carlsbad Encinitas Medford encinitas Enunitas Encinitas coYingtm Carlsbad San Diego Carlsbad 51 16 Narragansett Ave Apt 398 4225 Vista Panorama Wav 11289 San Diego 11625 gatito ct 3560 Ponbac Dnve 1206 Manposa Road 7074 leeward st 7074 leeward st 14740 Costa Mesa dr 4500 The Woods Dr #2622 194 jasper st #b 194 jasper st #b 4020 isle dnve 2229 Via Blanca 14221 N 51 Ave MI18 509 la mesa ave 1055 N Vulcan Avenue 8938 Babquitos Dr 185 Saxony Road #2303 265 Fraxinella St 1656 LONE OAK RD 171 1 Bwe Road 208 North Point Rd 400 North Pactfic #lo7 7085 Aviafa Dr 444 Canyon Dr 561 N Windsor Ave 336 Avendia Chapala 325 South Nevada Street #A 325 South Nevada Street #A Carlos 3701 SKY HAVE LANE 6382 Topmast Dr Oceanside san diego Carlsbad carlsbad carlsbad cartsbad La Mirada San Jose laucadia leucadia carlsbad Oceanside Glendale leucadia Encinitas Carlsbad Encinitas Encinitas VISTA Cads b a d Ocean City Oceanside Carlsbad Oceanside Bnghtwaters San Marws Oceanside Oceanside La Jolla OCEANSIDE Carlsbad staie CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA FL CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA OR CA CA GA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA A2 CA CA CA CA CA CA CA NJ CA CA CA NY CA CA CA CA CA CA ca zip Phorn 92009 7804192129 92009 7605975009 92009 7609180182 92008 92007 7609446649 92056 90049 3104994755 91403 92104 619-269-3547 92075 92008 760 214-7588 90027 3236616991 92624 92007 (760)943-1102 91941 92009 7809310409 9201 1 92008 92075 949 2463914 92009 92009 760-436-6126 92008 92009 760-632-6838 92009 92024 92008 92009 780-603-9201 92009 760-931-1412 33823 8636774340 92 126 92024 760-942-5481 91105 92129 92129 91355 415-336-7282 92024 92009 760-804-6208 92024 95073 92024 92007 760-436-0695 92078 92107 619-255-8801 92084 760-223-6976 91502 (818) 521-1658 92024 92009 92103 619.277.9367 92009 760-804-1511 92122 619-944-0765 92009 92024 760-230-1995 92057 92009 760-431-2868 92024 9438490 92008 760-729-2374 93110 92009 92024 97501 541 951 3606 92024 92024 760 8362664 92024 30016 92009 92108 92008 92107 92057 92127 858 3850510 92010 760-434-5723 92009 92009 95136 92024 92024 92008 92054 (760) 754-2229 85306 6028960148 92024 92024 92009 92024 760.908.3420 92024 92084 92008 (760)434-7971 8226 6093894594 92054 92009 760-431-9516 92054 7604332617 11718 6316475977 92069 760480-4690 92054 92054 92037 856 922 4256 92056 92009 92009 760-43a7870 92075 858220-2745 9201 1 7e0-26aow6 90638 714-~8-0858 Emprl sanbadaadelphia net abboskigadelphia net sabbogadelphia net crabrarns@grnail com watergirls2gwx net wamacca@yahoo com alloramstaghotmail corn nicoleda@bu edu clark-awna@hotrnail wrn grayskull79@yahoo corn johnharnsonadarnsghotmail wm thornasadarnsgsbcglobal net cadams-globalgyahoo corn rscadarns@yahoo corn chnsaduxk2lghotrnail wrn aladickes@yahoo wm nanuadler@ashbrook net bukkie afolayangnsol wrn bafncanogyahoo corn prnandcharmgadelphia net JcaSibUgaguilar@att net marwaguileraghotmail wm knssnkengadelphia net airnonehorne@sbcglobal net taitchisgucsd edu victonaa4gjuno wrn BHFSMOM@aol corn rnadeline@purdyhomes corn bnanraldeman@hotrnaiI corn Wendy alexandergjackinthebox corn salgert@csupomona edu chad@vicali corn gallanl@san rr corn sallanlgsan rrwrn darnonallengrnsn wrn ran-allenghotmail wrn rpiercefwdZ?@hotmail wrn maarengaaol corn dav-allen@hotmail corn mfallengucdavis edu napa7D@hotmail wrn Alljandm@aol wrn gtallison75ghotmail wrn casey-allred@yahoo corn talmerasgyahoo com surfcali3@hotrnail wrn ralper65-ghotrnail wrn alspaughgscmv wrn altenbra@cox net rnichelleagadelphia net surfegoe64gyahoo corn balton@adelphia net augie@rnoondoggiedesins wrn barbalexlgwx net chnstinearnatogsbcglobal net paulezloan@cox net sarnbro55gyahoo wm skiparnrnonghotmail corn colinghotmail wrn paW@adelphia net lovinlivinl@juno corn againstallodds07@yahoo wrn jennagnorthcoastcalvary org design247@wx net nena47gsbcglobal net supersonic30016gYahw wrn rnrmtandersongyahoo wrn Amgrlchun@rnsn wm toddgswitchfootcreative wm Cecilia andersonggrnail wrn mssta2@cox net cowpieanderson@hotmail win pooh1 958gadelphia net sasha-andrews@sbcglobal net Jeffel@Adelphia net JeffelgAdelphia net kingofchrorne03@yahoo corn c-ansaldoghotrnail wm justfog@hotmail wm Justfo~ghotmail wrn )arballo24@rnsn wrn FreedumbBum@hotrnail wm arneydana@hotmail wm ahhhhl234@hotrnail corn wheresmejurnpa@grnail wm rnikeagnarntra wm louie arzagaawx net bethasal@aol corn rnichellea@nofear wrn jurnpngymgaol wrn caain@corncast net lason@vivix659 wrn Werner astl@pseg wm rjauble@yahw wrn MsticApathyQyahoo wm leahtraingyahoo wm rnrsavilez@yahoo wrn rnrsavilezgyahoo wrn ernail2carbs@yahw corn BENBgTRYJADVERTlSlNG COM dbabcock@adelphia net St.kVohr CarkbPdVohr 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 I 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 Page 1 Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan Petition Babiarz Baer , Baetge-Jolly Baghen Baghoyan Bagully Bahr Bailey Bailey bailey Bailey Baird Baker Baker Baker Balaoro Baldwin Baldwin baht Ball Bandy banks Banuelos Banwell Baran Baran Bardin Barger Barharn Barker Barlow Barnas Barnett AleC James Ceulia Tom sarkis Stephanie Chris Samuel linda zane Robert Thomas Kathy Mana Lisa Marvin Roger Sarah justin Joshua Lesli michael Natahniel Frojon Robert Mary Enn Chloe Traue Jennifer Rosanne James Ronald barnett-kirnberly lornn Bamne Barone Barre Barreca barret Barrett Barry Bane Bartleson Bartolornei Bamck Basham bashore Bass bass Bassett Batchelor Batliner BATTlSTl Battisluz Bauer bauer Baurngarten Bautista Baxley Baynard BEAGAN Bearmar Bearmar Beatty Beany Beatty Beaumarchais Beavers Beck Beck beck Beck Becker Beckwth Bedroslan Beener Beeson Beeson Beetharn Bekkar Belding Beliveau bell Bell Bell Beller Bender Benedetto Benjamin Bennett Bennett Bennett Benson Benson berardi Berbench Berbench Berberich Berg Bemat Bema1 berry Salvatore Steve Bjorn Robert jamb Timothy Barbara David GUY Chris Chris Scott heather Scott katrina Hannah Brannon Elizabeth Brian Diana april Julie Isaias Bllrce Tommy CATHERlNE Michelle Douglas Winston Darrel Irene Don Mike Jaime Lucinda Devon Jay ALESSANDRA Robert Jason Diane Thomas Samantha Joshua Vanessa BNce Wendy Linda rnichael Lars Gregory Lye1 Erica Nathan Steven Matt Jenny Christopher Linda Randall marc Samantha Gloria-Jean Laura David Michelle chuck ROY P R L H T a R E J E J b E E R D L J D A R r D W s M C m M R C D W E F B m W L K K L s W M N M E T k 1544 Burgindy Rd 6800 Watercourse Dr 382 Sunset Drive 8744 Villa La Jolla Dr. #41 6965 El Carnino Real H05-469 916 Bridgeport Court 302 Countrywood 1821 Tusbn St. 3943 Anzona St Apt. #5 529hermesave 934 Alyssum Road 2740 Argonauta S1 11 86 Mariposa P.O. Box 7284 927 Rosemary Ave 5628 Lamas St. 400 Andrew Ave. 400 Andrew Ave. 4180 park dr. 646 Stevens Ave. #A 4974 112 Cape May Ave. 1829 gatepost rd. 4793 longbranch 4812 Del MonteAve#4 1716 Kennington 1716 Kennington 4686 Long Branch Avenue 66-140 Walikanahele Rd. 2081 Meadowlark Ranch Circle 3055 Enterprise Ct 7303 Starboard Si. 8038 E Kings Ave. 375 Acacia,ave iB2 7080 rnontanes In. 7348 Portage Way 1227 highbluff ave 8680-A Via Mallorca 12885 Caminito de las Olas 3025 columbia st. 867 Beryl Street 1802 Hummock Lane 1361 GrandAve.. X12 5274 wohiford st 5038 Park Rim Dnve 1507 Galveston Street 960 Sapphire St 7238 ponto drv 914 Birchview Dr 914 birchview drive 5205 Quayle lane 3953 Centre St #8 10848AdermanAvenue#146 443 2ND sT 13310 Via Magdalena #4 11 167 Adnatic Place 1162 sunset dr 1329 Kowalski Ave B 555 Second St. 921 Lilac Court 1029 3rd st 6455 LA JOLLA BVLD 250 Julian St 250 Julian Street 121 Stanley Way 7142 SANTA ROSA 7142 SANTA ROSA 701 7 Nutmeg Way 993 Vulcan 744 Dewitt Ave 1642 Buttercup Road 744 Dewin ave 2663 Marquita Place 2719 Avenida de Anita #84 1500 Shadomidge Drive #4 4374 Stanford Street 8072 Paseo Arrayan 1572-A Caudor St. 1572-A Caudor St. 7128TanagerDrive 135 7th St. 4879 1R Long Branch Ave. 4125 Skyline Road 1864 east point ave 1405 Topaz Way 9983 Courtyard Dr 4444 Cape May Ave 3321 Vista RDcosa 2143 Oxford Ave. 4881 Glenhaven Dr. 453 S. Sierra Ave. XI61 218 El Dorado Ave 370 #6 Chinquapin 427 Hilmen PI. 3554 Arnes 3481 Garfield ST #B 346 Foch Blvd 346 Foch Blvd. 346 Foch Blvd. 1335SavannahLane 8768 Lonicera St 6768 Lonicera St 4728 narraganselt ave End nit as CA Carlsbad CA Encinitas (Leucadia) CA La Jolla Carlsbad San Marcos Encinitas San Diego San Diego encinitas Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Rancho Santa Fe Carlsbad San Diego Enunitas Enunitas carlsbad Solama Beach San Diego enunitas San Diego San Diego Leucadia Enunitas San Diego Halerua San Mams vlsla Carlsbad Scottsdale Carlsbad carlsbad Carlsbad san rnarcos La Jolla Del Mar san diego San Diego Encinilas San Diego oceanside San Diego San Diego san diego carlsbad Encinitas enunitas Sebastopol San Dieog San bego ENClNlTAS San Diego San Diego vista Santa Barbara Lakeport San Marcos Encinitas LA JOLLA Ramona Ramona Centerville CARLSBAD CARLSBAD Carlsbad Enunitas Encinitas Encinitas Encinitas Carlsbad Carlsbad vista Carlsbad Carlsbad Encinltas Encinitas Carlsbad Del Mar San Diego Carlsbad carlsbad Carlsbad San Diego San Diego Escondido Cardiff Oceanside Solana Beach Danville Carlsbad Solana Beach Carlsbad carlsbad Mineola Mineola Mineola Carisbad Carlsbad Carlsbad san diego CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA HI CA CA CA A2 CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA MA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA Ca CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA NY NY NY CA CA CA CA ca 92024 760-518-7847 92009 92024 7607532316 92037 760-931-9550 92009 92078 92024 92106 92104 92024 760-944-5185 92009 780-929-8500 92009 92009 92067 92009 760-431-5993 92122 92024 760-753-6973 92024 760-753-6973 92008 92075 858-793-3531 92107 92024 7608409414 92107 92107 92024 760-943-7584 92024 92107 96712 808-351-7551 92078 92081 7605996500 92009 760 6003-9366 92008 760-434-6256 92009 92009 760 476.9400 92078 92037 92103 6199859157 92109 619-807-5948 92024 92109 92056 7609400246 921 17 92110 92109 92024 92024 760-753-0181 95472 CA 92103 92126 513-571-1014 92024 85254 480-36ai728 92014 85aw-9133 92009 760-43a8271 92129 85aw-5801 92126 858547-9073 92081 93101 9.5453 92078 92024 619-203-4630 92307 8587404178 92065 92065 2632 508-771-0592 92009 760-602-0734 92009 780-602-0734 92009 92024 92024 92024 760-942-8042 92024 92009 CA 92081 760-727-5280 92008 760-720-7374 92009 92024 92024 92009 92014 CA 92107 92008 7804347004 92008 92009 3103863159 92107 92029 92007 760-213-9973 92056 92075 8583491410 94526 92008 92075 92008 760-720-9052 92008 9493943937 11501 11501 11501 92009 7804310331 92009 92009 92107 619-758-1570 92010 760-20a5583 92131 858373-8969 ababia@ucla edu bigwavejimgadelphia net cecijollgpacbell net tonisgnofear corn big-sbgyahoo corn bagullyghotmail corn bahrlygyahoo corn robtbaileyjrghotmail corn sarnrny2000@mindspnng corn Iindaatkudosghotmail corn Zanemanabaileyghotrnail corn tornbairdgadelphia net bbbboyzgaol corn casabaker@yahoo corn polarbakerggmail corn marvin balaorc@grnail corn rogerandsarahgcox net rogerandsarahacox net lbalintganaheirn net ioshuaball@sbcglobal net star17537grnsn corn milobanksghotrnail corn misoel@yahoo corn chaiyngcox net rbarangucsd edu rnbaranaucsd edu eebardinghotmail corn moonlightchloeghotmail corn cheekyrnamagcox net jenbarker9geaglecreek com rlbarlowgadelphia net jb7302gaol com rddbgyahoo corn lornngadelphia naet sal barone@sbcglobal net bizrone@hotmail corn bjorn-barreghotmail corn rbarrecagucsd edu jake barret@reef corn barren-tdghotmail corn barbarabarry3lgyahoo corn vbarrse@hotmal corn yoguyndebgcoxnet surfcjbayahoo corn chnsbGQ7ghotrnail corn basharn78ghotrnail corn hodi64gyahoo corn Scott bassgpnmedia corn katnna bassgablongman c~n hbassell@earthlink net bbatchelorgcabnllocu corn ebat-OO@yahw m RATgRATSURFBOARDS COM bnanbgsdscedu dbauerasan rr corn apnll152gcox net baumclodgyahoo corn green7oldiesgyahoo corn bcbphdgyahoo corn tornmyclirnb@aol corn CATgCATBEAGAN COM bearmaak-online corn douggdg-energy corn Winlieanygaol corn debpigsbcglobal net debpigsbcglobal net paddleremail-ebaygyahw corn mikebeaversghotmail corn letl212ghotmail corn Igbeckgucsd edu devongsector9 corn shoot802gaol corn HOTABEE@msn corn topjimmy1 gadelphia net drdianebgaol corn tbeenerhome@aol corn Hitch8Oghotrnail corn hitch80ghotmail corn vbeethamgadelphia net bbekkargedelphia net wkbeldingghotmail corn llbeliveaugyahw corn mycholbelgyahoo corn bell-larsgyahoo corn HebegMlgyahoo corn Ibellergsciti corn dancnrnoose@aol corn nbened36gyahw corn steveb@arnistar corn flobee5757@yahoo corn ]ennybennell@rnac corn cbennenaisisph corn IindabensonOlgaol corn bensonr@aol corn rnarc@bigdrearnsnow corn waterbaby527@iwon corn waterbaby527giwon corn waterbaby527giwon corn laurabergaadelphia net bernatfarnily@hotrnail corn bernatfarnilyghotrnail corn berryckaaubum edu 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 Page 2 Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan Petition Berson Bertsch-Kelly Beserner beserner Best Best-Barbic bestlw bewley Beyer Bickley Biegalski bierd Bierman Billauer Bingharn birch Bird Birney Bischof Bishop bishop Black Black Blakeslee Bloch block Bloom Bloornquist Boden Boelke Boethel Boff Bonner Bonner Bonnen Borakove Borakove Boren BOrg BORSACK Borsack Bostrorn Bottom Boulware Bourassa Bowen Bower Bowers Bowers Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman boyce Boyer boykin BraCCl brackblll Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley Brady Brady brady Brandt Brannon Braun Braunstein Bravender Bravender Bravo Bravo Breaux Brecher Breedlove BrelSch Breitrnaier Brenker Brennan Brennan Brennan bresser Brewer Bndges Bnght Bnngas Bnswe Broccoli Broccoli Brody Brolaski Brookes Brookes brooks bmshears Bmsk Brown Brown Brown Brown Michelle Jennlfer Wesley lustin LUCY Caroline Suzanne don Donna Stacy Anna rnelanie Julie Bradly austin Justin Joseph Sharon Doug Sean Melissa Elisabeth Robert Kenneth rochelle Jordan Tom Laurel Timothy Wwdmw Bill Ashleigh Brent Richard Andrew Mary Cathy Denise Annette William Lana Enca shannan Mark Ben Delaney Rhianna Kevin Wendy Molly Susan Kenneth Shelley Jon Sean Mana nchard Derek Joe Chnstopher Laune 8 Steve Phyllis Dennis kevin Grey Marlene Lynn Molla Karen Joanna Aaron AliCia Kellie Sheny Jennifer Richard Gw Margaret enn David Colleen patncia James Tnva Jeremy Chnstopher corey Charles Linden Bambi Josh George David kelsey bobby melissa Stephanie Jeff Kapualani Denise Jason Josh K S J a M G rn I L A e G K M D T S R D B L P I L B A B C B R L B K L R CI J A q L T H H k K S R i f B R R 3211 SirenaVista Wy#114 6709 Anblope Street 1324 Del Mar Mesa Road 2534 7th s1 #2 363 Andrew Avenue 3562 Front Street 1774 club heghts lane 2865 loker ave east 1082 Seahorse Court 4042 First Ave 159 23rd St 7922 vista palma 23371 Via Ronda 8469 Paseo Del Ocas0 274 Hygeia Court 744 so cedros 15641 Crownndge PI 15683 Highland Cwrt 2724 Naples Court 510 Stratford Ct #307A 19 bene lane 25 Ellis st 402 Oceanview Ave 927 6th Ave #21 14897 Summerbreeze Way 141 grandviewst 1771 Red Barn Road 6435 merlin dr 735 Cornish Dr 1064 10 Emerald St 51 13 1R Long Branch Ave 413s Ditmar 7586 Dehesa Ct 7586 Dehesa Ct 8621 Onalaska Ave 209 S El Portal St 209 S El Portal St 7933 Calle Madnd 4851 Muir Ave 7066 Pnrnentel lane 7066 Pnrnentel Lane 6961 Ballena Way#13 1150 Hermes Ave 2179 Via RoMes 2866 Mission Blvd 662 Westlake St 1012 Hermes Ave 8795 #D Gilrnan Dnve 323 Beirut Ave 1730s El Carnino Real #HZ01 405 Nautilus Street 7046 Pnrnentel Lane 7046 Pnrnentel Lane 1713 tanenharn road 259 A Hillcrest Dnve 401 pescado place 7653 Pnrnavera Wy 8726 villa la jolla dr 620 Poinsettia Park North 3199 Valley St 1429 River Crest Rd 312 Orpheus Avenue 3615 Haverhill St 3615 Haverhill St 556 3rd street 894 Gallery Dnve 71 10 Santa Cruz 434 La Veta Ave 281 1R Hillcrest Dr 1265 Neptune Ave 3952 Jefferson St 700 Regal Rd Unit 3A 700 Regal Road Unit A3 3115Evening WayApt F 1005 N Vulcan Ave. #2 2635 Madison St #3 4735 Mt AShrnun Dnve 6785 E Woodbndge Rd 3369 Rocking Horse Circle 1314 Chuparosa Way 7926 Vista Palma 7926 Vista Palma 838 1R eolus ave 695 Crete Ct 825 Stratford Knoll 1689 Bacon St #5 2203 sanehjo ave # 262 8005 Hagans Circle 1654 Avery Rd 3568 Beach AVE PO Box 1606 371 Drake Bay 699 N vulcan Ave #7 2220 Montgomery ave 129 Mangano Circle 3825 nviera dr #6 4576 Saratoga Ave 424 1 Colony Terrace 1450 Moreno St 1525 Bonnie Bluff Court 404 Andrew Avenue 602 Barbara Ave Carlsbad Carlsbad San Diego Santa Monica Leucadla SAII Diego vista carlsbad Cads b a d San Diego Avalon carlsbad Mission Viejo LA Jolla Encinitas solana beach Sherman Oaks Solana Beach Carlsbad Del Mar cornrnack R wood Enunitas San Diego SD encinttas Encinitas carlsbad Enunitas San Diego San Diego oceanside Carlsbad Carlsbad San Diego Enunitas Encinitas Carlsbad San Diego CARLSBAD CARLSBAD Carlsbad Leucadia Oceans& San Diego Encinitas Leucadia La Jolla Pacific Palisades Enunitas La Jolla Carlsbad Carlsbad encinitas Leucadia en u n i ta s Carlsbad la jolla Encinitas Carlsbad San Marcos Enunitas Carlsbad Carlsbad encinitas Oceanside Carlsbad Leucadia Leucadia Leucadia Carlsbad Enunitas Enunitas La Jolla Enunitas Carlsbad San Diego Acarnpo Enunitas Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad leucadia Luecadia Encinttas San Diego cardiff San Diego San Marws cARLSBAD Carlsbad Oceanside Enunitas cardiff Enunitas san diego san diego Encinitas Oceanside Ca Encinitas Leucadia Solana Beach CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA NJ CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA NY rno CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA 92009 92009 92130 90405 3103141430 92024 92103 92061 7605969636 92009 7607174665 92009 92108 8202 92009 92691 92037 92024 619-708-9414 92075 93401 92075 92008 760-729-31 63 92014 11725 65473 92024 92101 760-477-7551 92126 92024 271-4811 92024 9201 1 92024 760-942-0623 92109 619-920-3622 92107 61 9-523-4003 92054 92009 92009 92123 619.545.2181 92024 92009 92107 92009 760 906-3445 92009 760 519-0045 92009 92024 92054 7605635454 92109 92024 92024 760-635-9065 90272 92024 92037 92009 760-604-5801 92009 760-804-5601 92024 760/929-1180 92024 7604790695 92024 92009 92037 92024 92008 92078 760-672-3698 92024 760-943-1417 92008 760-434-3365 92008 760-434-3385 92024 92057 7066136212 9201 1 92024 92024 760-4362502 92024 760.944.4144 92008 434-3261 92024 92024 92037 92024 315-254-5468 92008 760-444-4860 921 11 95220 209-712-9198 92024 92006 92009 92009 92024 92024 760-230-2485 92024 92107 619-223-3330 92007 760-579-2443 92126 92076 760-331-5255 92018 7609170340 92018 92057 92024 760-944-4561 92007 92024 92109 6195201466 92024 (760)634-3206 92054 760-310-9178 92024 92024 760-942-8862 92075 92024 76m32-86ia 92037 85am-9x10 92107 619-83az719 mishdogger@yahoo corn sdllfer@sbcglobal net dennis-guhrnan@aol corn jbeserner@hotrnail corn bigIucy2000@yahoo corn cbest542@earthlink net suzt7anne@yahoo corn donbaeufora net donnabeyer@adelphia net Stacy bickley@cox net jadedpopsicle@yahoo corn savy44@adelphia net iulieM)t7@yahoo corn 1 bi llauer@ hotmail corn bradly-bingharn@hotrnail corn cannong@aol corn RMnder397agrnail corn gravityjoe@cox net jscbischof@adelphia net freshdawgaadelphia net cyrax414@msn corn loser123451 1 eli@vestalindustnes corn robertlblakeslee@yahoo corn kblochasan rr corn mchelleblck@yahoo corn jgbloornlO@hotrnail corn bloornquist@iwon corn laurel bodenaan net tirnboelkeQyahoo corn wwdrowboethel@sbcglobal net bllboff@hotrnail corn ashleighbonnerayahoo corn brentbonnerayahoo corn Richard Bonnewnavy mil nckyasnnov@yahoo wm rnaryborakove@rnail com cbgeraniurn@sbcglobal net deernalt@sbcglobal net adkorlan@yahoo corn bill@ipushfttness com lanabostrom@sbcglobaI net ebottorff@wx net shannan33@hotmail corn snoboard269@yahoo corn benjbowen@hotrnail corn bnezyboweQwx net rhiannabowers@yahoo corn kb-bowers@yahoo corn wlbman77@hotmail corn surfingseraph@yahoo corn bowman7046@adelphia net bowman7046@adelphia net slboyce@cts corn jonboyer@rnac mrn sboykin25@yahoocorn lojuta@adelphia net shovelclay@yahw corn aarderek@netscape net 1bradleyO07@hotmail corn cb@westsider corn Ibradley@inventivernail corn phyllisbrady@rnsn corn phyllisbrady@rnsn com kevin@nixonnow corn gcbrandt90@yahoo corn mbrannon@pacbell net boxofpoernsQcare2 corn rnollab@yahoo corn bravdesign@sbcglobal net pbravlaadelphia corn ibravo88ayahoo corn aliciarnkerr@hotrnail corn kellieg@san rr corn sherrybrecher@yahoo corn unwinding-u@yahoo corn breisch@aabol corn gregbreitrnaier@rnsn corn rnbrenker@sernprautilities corn pebrennanaadelphia net dee10713@sbcglobal net wlleenbrennanl @earthlink net luk8iaawx net ]arnesbrew@earthlink net houseofondges@sbcglobal net jbnggsanu edu bluebnsance@yahw corn surfin009@sbcglobal net CHDEEZ@HOTMAIL COM lBROCCOL@UCSC EDU dragonfliebbawx net brodyt @cox net brolaskiamx net dsbrookes@hotmail corn kelseybagen-probe com bbrooks@tryrnaninc corn missy92109ayahoo corn stephbmskt@msn wm leffaprana corn kapualani bmwn@sdwunly ca gov edeniseb03acox net laybrogadelphia net 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 t 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Page 3 Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan Petition Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brownell Browning brown l ow brozovich BNUf BRUCK Bruer Bruinsma Brumley Bruns Bryan Bryant bucci Bucugrossi Buchanan Buckley BUl Bujewski BUlllS Burg Burgan Burgess Burke Burke Burke Burke Burken Burl Burnett Burns Burns Bums bush Bussen Buswell BUSwell buswen Butcher butcher bfleld bynum Byrnes Byrnes Cabrera Caesar Cain calcara calLno Camarda Campbell Campbell Campbell campbell Campos Cansler Cantrell Capistran Brunski cappa Linda Cindy Matthew Ollene natalie Mark Joseph christina Kevin Gregory curbs william Enn Robert KELLY Dave Julie Matthew Stephen Nicholas BNce Cynthia giawmo Debbie Alison Olivia Renee Jeannette Sara Enk Matt Enka Bnan Peter Victor curbs Walker Jamie Jawb Andrew Robed Michelle Justin Peter kate rosemary Caroline lames Konie Devin Sergio Kerryanne Chns charmaine chns Leon Quan Diane Ross Vicki Steve Royce Angela Enc mark David amy Mary Cappellino Jeffrey CARATACHEA MARIE Caraviotis Carbone Cardiff CARIC Cariston Carlton Carman Carmine Carney caron caron carr carr Carranza Carrasw Carrillo carrillo carrol Carroll Carroll Carroll carmll carroll carroll Carter CaNSillO caruso Casagrande casagrande casey cashman cas0 Jerry Nick Todd Melisa Jonathan Kevan Steve Ryan Shelley Shelley Joan Charles Altredo James Alex peter Jeff Stephanie Stephanie Gail Robert hY swn Chnstine daniel Nancy Julia alan SCOtI Carolyn David Bany A A N A P M I R L C P J M J L B B W M J e P S m E a m R I 0 C I M G i Y I C H H M M J L N I L P j n M 1966 Spnngdale Lane Encinitas 7012 Nutmeg Way Carlsbad 1839 Lotus Ct Carlsbad 5196 Pendleton Street San Diego 649 hillhaven dr San Marws 3312 Donna Dr Carlsbad 41695 Big sage ct Temecula 654 Brae mar Court Enunitas 654 Brae Mar wult Eminitas 1357 Greenlake Dnve 325 Canyon Side Way Oceanside 2742 caminito verdugo del mar 577 wrnish encinitas 2068 BUlNSh Ln Cardiff 7104 DAFFODIL PLACE CARLSBAD PO Box 232076 Enunitas 1809 Barry Ave Los Angeles 13671 Via Lactea San Diego 573-6 Hygeia Ave Leucadia 6507 Camino del Parque Carlsbad 7196 Pintial Dnve Carlsbad 562 Knsten Court Enunitas 3450 paseo ancho carlsbad 4561 Carnpobello Street San Diego 462 La Mesa Avenue Enunltas 5130 Bayard St San Diego 9921 Carmel Mountain Road #216 San Diem Cardfl by the Sea 602 Windcrest Dnve 2563 Navarra Dr , Unit E 4316 Fanuel Street 159 Redwood Ave Apt C 4774 Santa Monica Ave 961 N Vulcan Ave 1632 Tennis match way 177 Monarch bay 3543 Rock Ridge Road 9332 Babauta Rd 3615 Shasta St 3217 Calle Vallarta 945 Agate Street 585 N Garfleld Ave #3 3461 Calle Cancuna 628 tenth st 3641 Strata Dnve 1720 Loretta St 1403 Corwal Way 1403 cod way 11305 Bnarmont Road Apt 203 9114 Caminito Estrada 1830 Parliament Road 732waladr 2506 Navarra Dr 5536 coyote wurl 2009 Shadow Grove Way 912 Rosemary Ave 664 sandcastle dnve 48 broad street 673 Buttercup Rd 9725 Mesa Spnngs Way #I76 2781 Berkeley AV 1732 Haydn Dnve #B 1543 eolus ave 13306 Carninito Ciera 34822 Calle Fortuna 3038 Levante St 6970 Sandcastle Dr 1027Cleveiand St 1009 Tait St Apt 2 1662 MADRONE GLEN 2910 Shady Creek Dnve 5126 Chelterham Terrace 4660 1R Idaho Street 3055 CORTE TRABUCO 3474 Seabreeze Walk Barry 660 viva ct 3200 Carlsbad Blvd 251 Gloxina St 451 9 North Ave #5 Po box 1502 P>O>BOX 1502 Marron Adobe H 1742 Onole Ct 6872 peach tree rd 7005 Boulevard Dr 4254 Corte De Sausalito 563 Sea Lane 106 Via Morella 461 1 Flying Cloud Way 6926 Peach Tree Rd 620 Cox Rd 1254 Manposa Rd 1254 Manposa Rd 3223 Calle Vallarta 3234 fortuna ranch road 1773 Tara Way 4444bermudaave 2565 Jefferson St 7354 Escallonia Ct 7354 escallorua ct 6976 sandcastle dr 26562 wnejo view dnve 2383 Altisma Way Unit D Carlsbad Carlsbad San Diego carlsbad San Diego Encinitas Encinitas Dana Point Carlsbad $an Diego San Diego carlsbad San Diego Pasadena Carlsbad huntington beach Carlsbad Oceanside Carlsbad carisbad Richmond Carlsbad En ani t a s oceanside Carlsbad carlsbad San Diego Encinitas Carlsbad cardiff red bank Carlsbad San Diego Carlsbad Cardiff leucadia San Diego Capistrano Beach Carlsbad Carlsbad oceanside Oceanside ESCONDIDO Pearland San Diego San Diego CARLSBAD Oceanside El Cajon solana bch Carlsbad Enunitas cadsbad I Carlsbad Carlsbad carlsbad La Mesa San Diego La Jolla Encinitas Carlsbad Carlsbad San Marcos Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad encinitas San Marws san diego Carlsbad Carlsbad carlsbad carlsbad agoura hills Carlsbad CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA va CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA Tx CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA ca i ca 92024 92009 760 931-9831 92009 92109 92076 (760) 390-2673 92008 92591 6055090628 92024 92024 CA 92007 7607536250 92054 92014 92024 92007 9201 1 92023 (760) 634-3237 90025 92129 92024 9201 1 92009 92024 760-942-5729 92009 92130 92024 92109 619-204-6233 92129 9201 1 760-889-6057 92009 760-942-2261 92109 92008 760-445-4621 92107 92024 858-663-9677 92024 7606328691 92629 92006 92 109 92129 7606031557 92009 760-889-0373 92109 91101 92009 92646 92006 92054 760-271-5351 9201 1 760-804-9733 92009 7608049733 23235 (604) 594-0617 92009 760-436-3001 92024 CA 92054 760-721-0362 92009 619-405-0816 92006 92116 92024 92009 760-480-9464 92007 7735 906 601 2483 92009 772-201-9474 92126 92008 760.720-7850 92007 92024 760-632-0750 92129 658 945.8383 92624 92009 92009 1.858 775.9819 92054 92054 760-21 3-7869 92027 77581 92130 921 16 (760) 942-6505 92009 760-753-1 120 92056 92020 CA 92075 92006 92024 92018 760-729-1618 92016 7607291816 92009 760-930-0552 92009 91941 92130 92037 92024 7604197756 92008 92009 92069 (760) 471-9456 92009 7604369232 92009 7604369232 92009 92024 6567564649 92078 921 07 92006 92009 760-445-5543 92009 92009 91301 92009 7602716202 Iindapoet@hotrnail wm RcaaMgaol wm manbgewestadvantage wm obrowngsan rr com beachiebabe627gyahoo corn mbrowngkingsleynet wm mongojoeOl@aol wm kccn@adelphia net kevindbrown@adelphia net greg brownell@wasat corn curtis-browning@hotmail wm wbrownlogucsd edu brozovich Zgosu edu nurple7gaol com JKABRUCK@YAHOO COM tfrc@earthlink net juliebn90025@yahoo corn mattgthebrumleys wm stephengyahoo wm nickoli@nethere wm b~ce bryanaelan corn clbteachgadelphia net giawmobucci@hotmail wm gso@san rr com oceansage@wxnet am buckley00@ hotmail mm olivia-bui@yahoo wm bujewski@adelphia net jettygadelphia net saraburgZ@gmail corn enk-burganayahoo corn mkburgessggmail wm eburke@rnolecularmed wm aandiegoburkegsbcglobal net petert@plsalvage wm victor burke@gmail wm curhburken@yahoo corn wburl@san rr wm burnett221 jabu707@yahoo wm aburns@ptlorna edu robbrevonb@hoimail wm amyebush@hotmail wm michellegmyrealestatew wm justingbuswell com peter@buswell corn kate@buswell wm mebvagirlghotmail wm rabian03@yahoo wm c-byfield@hotmail wm chip@surfnde kcress75@hotrnail wm dbymes@deckers wm sergiocabrera@cox net kenyannec@hotmail wm ucainayahw wm carnivorousmoss@yahoo wm chnscalfano@aol wm leoncamardagyahw wm qyoder@hotrnail wm diane-campbell@bd wm roSscampbe1100@hotmail win vickigvavoomdesign corn reefrash73gyahoo wm royce cansler@wx net Iccookiequeen@adelphia net ecapistran@qualigeninc wm mark@staywvered wm oceansidel WB@yahoo mrn ACDCOZYgJUNO COM jcaraviobs@houStonzoo org nick-carboneglyahw wm tcardiff@mastlawgroup wm micanc@pbsl wm jcarlstongfranchise wm b)cariton@earthlnk net kevan carman@inotherapy wm scarmine@tenaxts wm sdsurferguy@hotmail wm adobega@sbcglobal net adobegal@sbcglobal net arrcagsbcglobal net lonecc.@aol wm alfredo-carranzaa hotrna il cam James carrasw@navy mil wompi210@hotmad wm saibrookelingsbcglobal net pMll@adeIphia net slcarmlll@sbcglobal net thirdplanetdesigngwx net gncarroll@sixglobal net gncarmll@sbcglobal net davenamyc@adelphia net brooke carroll@sbcglobal net ccarter76@yahoo mm danielcarusillo@hotmail wm nancar123456@yahoo wm Julia casagrande@vananinc wm bongobaystudiosgadelphia net spaceycasey@sbcglobaI net carolyn@centrelink wrn sdsurl72@aol com 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 4 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan Petition Cason Cassava Cassel ' Castano castellaw Castillo Castro 111 Caudle Caverly Caylor cerra Cervera Chacon Chamblee Chamness Chandler Chang Chapa Chapa Chapman Chapman Chapwesk Chase Chebegia Cheek CHEN Chew Chesley Chesley chesnut Chi Chiarella Chiarella Chilwal Chipp chipps Chiu Chlarson Chodur Chodur Christensen Chnstensen Christian chnstian Christian Christian Church Ciallella CIMOCK Cirulnick Clark Clark clave Claypool Cleary Cleary Cleveland Clexton clifton Clifton Coates Coffman Cohen Chns Tamara Dan Neremiah austtn Ltbrado Carlos Sherne LOUIS Btll Sabnna Aka Sunceray Nick Emily Aurora Cliff Mark James Ben Rochell Bilandra swn Diane chns John Chnstina Elizabeth candice David Chns Jazmin Gwyneth David laureen Dave Frank Mary Nancy Brandon Paige Julia Scott Sara steve David Gian-Marw COLL Paul Jeff lmran wrtis Chris Ed Susan clay Ltza Crawford Tobias Chns greg Mary David Cohen-Waeber Julien Colagtovanni wle Collette Collette Collette Collette Sr. Colley Collier Collier collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Colonna Colonna Condon Cone Connell Connell Connell Connell Connell CONNOLLY CONNOLLY Connor Connors Con0 conroy wnstant Contreras wok Cook Cook Cook Cooksley cool Alyua michael Rick Jane Nick Rick Autumn Linda Rachelle terah Terah 8Bnan Bnan Melanie Dan Ryan Stefanie Stefanie Me9 Hugh David Leo Patnck Ken Allison STEPHANIE PAULL Noah Kevin Deborah gretchen ben Mnauel bryan Emma Mala Antoinette L Andrea Atwood A B R S E J G V I W J D K D L C m M L W j C J M L a S B J b B W F A B A M k B 1419 Mountain Meadow Dr 5439 Foxtail Loop 620 cypress hills dnve 1275 Theodore Dr 21891 bacalar 91 7 Palm ave 1254 Cambna Way 7365 Seafarer Place 1463 Neptune Ave 225 N Rios Avenue 2547 meade ave 228 N Mernmac 6745 Lonicera Street 3881 El Camino Real 1055 Laguna Dr 2201 Montgomery circle 2125 Pintoresco court 2750 Wheatstone St #I4 3587 Roosevelt Street #I03 3906 Shendan Place 2113 Nutmeg Ave 2613 Bevelly Dr 1922 Vineyard Ave 1536 Lower Lake Ct 3610 fairlomas road 1209 gold flower road 2310 La Paz Street 775 Cornish Dnve 2016 Via Esmarca #1 1639 valencia ave 2148 Fenton Pkwy #312 1226 Manposa Road 1226 Manposa Rd 4891 Del Monte Ave 17185 Matinal Road 1624#5N coast hwy 101 972 Concord Ct 191 -6 927 Hymenus Avenue 1215 Hygeia Ave 523 Alameda Padre Sena 5451TnnetteAvenue 3436 Gafield SI 1772 Blackbird Circle 1038 Lands End Ct 1647 wlina vista 521 Verbena Ct 733 Del Riego Ave 13 BEACON ST 964 Archer St 1732 Cereus Ct 6049 Paseo Caneta 1362 ranch road 2994 Carnllo Way 502 San Andres Dr PO Box 5692 2604-b El Camino Real 11142 7029 Fern Place 2026 catalina blvd 2026 Catalina Blvd 4577 Park Blvd 3727 Volk Ave 648 Valley Ave 16742 Libra Circle #2 4021 Lamont Street #2 3214 azahar place 7315 Seafarer PI 7315 Seafarer PI 7315 Seafarer PI 7315 Seafarer PI 6807 Embarcadero LN #228 920 Piovana Court 267 Hillcrest Dnve 1730 Wtlstone Ave 1730 Wilstone 1730 Wilstone Ave 210 A St #I1 51 19 Los Robles Dnve 3977 Santa Nella Place 944 Melaleuca Ave 944 Melaleuca Ave 21 1 Grand Ave #3C6 M 274 Hygeta Ct C 16036 Big Spnngs Way J 6618 Zinnia Ct do 135 W Glaucus St Apt M 1617 Vicklan Street 7122 LEEWARD ST 7122 LEEWARD ST POBOX 3392 M 1642 S Dttmar St 1521 Tzena Way r 1100 gardenview rd 2556 Azure Coast Dr 2710 Wilson St 1630 Parliament Road 4955 Niagara Ave #7 6972 Quiet Cove Dnve 2031 Counlrywwd Way 1529 Harbor Dnve Oceanside Carlsbad encinitas San Dtego mission viejo Wasw Enunitas Carlsbad Enunitas Solana Beach san diego Anaheim Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Placentia La Costa San Diego Carlsbad Carlsbad San Diego Flower Mound vista Cardiff Nabonal City carlsbad Oceanside Enunitas Oceanside carlsbad San Dtego Carlsbad Carlsbad San Dtego San Diego enunitas Vista Costa Mesa Enunitas Enunitas Santa Barbara Garden Grove Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad fallbrook Enunltas Enunltas WEBSTER San Diego Carlsbad Carlsbad encinitas Carlsbad Solana Beach Oceanside Carlsbad Carlsbad san diego San Diego San Dtego Long Beach Solana Beach Hunbngton Beach SAn Dtego carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Leucadia Leucadia Leucadia Leucadia Encinnas Carlsbad San Diego Carlsbad Cads b a d Lono Beach 163 LeuLdia Enunitas San Diego Carlsbad B Vicksburg Vicksburg CARLSBAD CARLSBAD Sunnver Oceanside Enunitas enunitas La Jolla Carlsbad Encinitas San Diego Carlsbad Enunitas vista CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA Ca CA TX CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA MA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA MS CA CA OR CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA ca 1721 Wilstone Ave Leucadia CA 92056 760-622-8620 92006 92024 760-633-1157 92114 92691 93280 6052344260 92024 92009 92024 92075 921 16 92807 92009 436-4144 92008 92008 760-8450574 92870 92009 (760)944-0793 92111 92008 760-729-1422 92008 760-434-5841 921 03 75022 92081 92007 91950 619 267-5039 92009 92054 760-966-1721 92024 92054 92008 92108 9201 1 760-931-8676 9201 1 760-931-7759 92107 92127 92024 7-32-9760 92081 92627 949.2752385 92024 92024 760-635-4254 93103 8052451784 92845 92008 760-729-5860 92009 92009 92028 92024 760-942-3866 92024 760-436-5703 1571 5069430711 921w 858-486-4336 92009 858-336-5575 92009 92108 92009 92075 92052 92008 760-672-5969 92009 92107 92107 92116 6199615864 90808 310-996-0239 92646 92109 92009 7606349710 92009 92009 92009 92009 92009 4769551 9201 1 92024 7606328918 92024-1 124 92024-1 12 760-633-1600 92024 760-633-1600 92024 92008 92130 92009 92009 90803 92024 760 632-9263 92024 7602301617 92127 658 722-1957 92075 85a344-9519 92009 858-3~5560 92024-141 2 39180 92009 92009 97707 92054 760-722-2935 92024 760-479-9869 92024 92037 92008 760-720-0141 92024 92107 92009 92024 760 753-741 1 92081 92024 ccason@blakesales.net tamara-bogetti@yahoo com dcassel@casseI6nandaI.com ncastano96@juno corn auniecas@yahoo.com Ijcastil@calpoly.edu carloscas75@yahoo.wm sherrte.caudle@shell com louiscaverly@cox net billcaylw@hotmail.wm gcerra22@excite.wm scervera@sbcglobal net pchawn@ieee.org schamblee@gmail.com nchamnes@calpoly.edu iHRTbdybrding@yahoo.com Changrora@sbcgIobal.net sdsurle@mmode.com markdchapa@yahoo.com JChapman@ptaxresoUrces.com Bejammin99@gmail. wm xoxostolensta@hotmaiI.com bilandra@wstbook.com scottlooks@hotmail.wm crazyladydi57@aoI.com cchen@semprautiIities.com jcwoodcraft@wx.net mchesleyO1 @yahoo.com tybofighler@cox.net ckchesnut@yahm.com davidi.713Qgmail wm cchiarella@adelphia.net jauysf97@adelphia.net gwynethchilwat@yahoo.wm tr1 dave@yahoo.wm lauriemortgage@yahoo.com dave-chiu@hotrnail.com frank.chlarson@wnexant.com mchodur@cox.net chcdurdowe@wx net chnstensensurfs@yahoo.wm paigechristensen@hotmail.com juIiachnstian@yahoo.com newpbs@sbcglobal.net sarajchristian@yahoo.com RATsc@hotmail.com david@ffgdev.com gmbaseball7@yahoo.com HAPPY42287@HOTMAIL..COM Paul-Cirulnick@hotrnail.com jeff.clark@adelphta.net tmranclark@hotmail wm cacl OlOlO@yahoo.wm chrisandsusie@sbcglobal net edc@tagsandiego.com nospam103@yahoo.wm stcleveland@adelphia.net clextond@battelle org clifton16gwx.net liza2026@cox.net crawfordwates@hotmail.com twffman@snlc.net cwhen@ucsd.edu jwaebe@hotrnail.com alyciacola@hotrnail.com mike.wle@onebox.com wllette-dudeI@msn.com imhereubZ@yahw com nick-dude@mSn.com imfreeubZ@adelphia. net pussyratgrl@excite.com Imwllier49@holmail wm mandrwllier@hotmail.wm terah brian@earprotnpter.com briancollins@cox.net melmileyl B@yahoo.com danmllins-wrk@sbcglobal.net darkside-I 04@hotmail.wm sawlonnl @yahoo.com sawlonnl @yahoo com ShaShaStarOl @hotmail.com Paradachsl@cox net dmcirish@yahoo com leocannell57@san rr.wm pnnell@ripcurl.wm kwnnell26@hotmail wm thealIi@hotmail.com stephnwnn@adelphia.net paull wnnolly@nextel.wm blueseahorse7@yahoo.com kmconnors@coasthighyphoto.wm deblc@earthlink.net wyote5122WO@yahoo.wm greenroomturtle@hotmail corn Iemanco@yahoo.com bryantownsendcook@hotmail.com sdemma@gmail corn maiawok@hotmail.com blltdancer@sbcglobal ne1 ammksley@adelphia.net dan@cool-solutions wm 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 t 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 Page 5 Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan Petition Coomes Coon, Cooney Cooper Cooper Corwran Corwran Corella Corgiat cornell cornell Correll cony Cortelyou Cory Costan Cothran Cothran' Coulter Coveney Coveney Covington Covington Covington Cowan Cowell Cowie Cowie Cowie Cowley Cozens Craig Crake Cramer crawford crawford Crawley Crawley Creal cwg creighton Cremaschi Creswell Crewse Crickmore Criqui Cristaldi Cristofaro mmer Cromwell Crosbie Crosland Cross Croteau aouch CROUCH Crowder Crowley cruickshank Cruse CNtcMield Cser Cutwell Cupat cupin Curdy curry curry Curtis Curtis Curt0 Cutler CUtllff D'Andrea D'oparto Daigle Daly Daly Daly Dan Danieli danielsen Dant Darling DashwOod dastoli wx Joanne M Timothy R Alice Kevin Jaime L John C Michelle Olga A Pamela R diane k diane k Gina Mike Pamela L James m John Nathaniel Bnan mark E Sean Sean Denise A Darryl Denise valene and Dennis Jon Sarah Laura Wayne Rick william Tom Melanie AnneMane Katie lames bob Myles Alana Sharon James krysta Carlos Mark Laura Janna Shane Cheryl lames Diane Jackie George Jon Scott swtt Joseph DAN Ktmberly William kevin Malvern Phillip patncia Grace wg William Linda swn Lonny Paul Elizabeth Charles Chns Mark Tanessa Anne Knsta Jessica Deanna Chns Bnan Bill Florence Ron mark Gregory wry Davenport Barbel Hank Davidge Thomas davies david Davis Leah Davis Wesley Davis Sonja Davis Susanne Davis swtt Davis swtt Davis Amy dawso john Day Sam Day Michael De La Cruz Belinda De La Fuente Jennifer D L C B J A f S L F d A M P P M m A H W E G S S B P E J A M M A L L f a r B B E M R a S J 395 Sunset Dnve Enunitas CA 3022 Rancho Del Canon Carlsbad CA 7042 Snapdragon Dnve Carlsbad CA 3850 Elijah Ct #921 San Diego CA 1750 S El Camino Real unit K202 Encinitas CA 1235 Hygeia Ave 1235 Hygeia Avenue 7602 Calle Madero 3637 Strata Dnve 1741 eucalyptus ave 1741 eucalyptus ave 725 Stratford Dnve 3280 Reynard Way #6 4950 Northaven Ave 3518 Sitio Baya 6620 Curlew Terrace 910 Nardo road 2525 Via Esparto 9074 pimpemel dr 1749 Hygeia Avenue 1749 Hygeia Avenue 827 Palaro Dnve 827 Palaro Dr 827 Palaro Dr 7366 escallonia ct 10915 Corte Melillones 4620 Pannonia Road 4620 Pannonia Road 4620 Pannonia Road P 0 Box 2334 3931 aenes way 2101 Twain Ave 1013 Hygeia Ave 440 Jennileah Lane 834 Agate Street 1233 calle fantasia 33101 buccaneer ct 6741 Cantil Street 6741 Cantil Street 8402 Torreyanna Circle 9172 Regents Rd Apt G 1033 N Vulcan Ave Av del parque 4403 3080 Linwln st #IO 2730 lnvemess Dr 344 Liverpool Dr 13773 Condesa Dnve 3369 Rocking Horse Circle PO BOX684 6561 camino del parque 7683 Mar Ave 1631 Avery Road PO Box 2531 609 Prospect Ave #31 262 Santa Louisa 7009 aster place 5237 SHELLY PLACE 33572 Valle Road 4978 Niagara Ave 2340 carol view dr #305 307 W Avenida Gaviota 1659 Neptune Ave 2073 Bawn St 1805 starling ct 4620 Park Dnve 1064 eucalyptus ave 7251 San LUIS St 2890 Luciernaga St 11855A Spruce Run Dnve 232 N Rios Ave 2255 Seaquest Trail 2470 Newport Ave 1727 CorteVentana 2415 Byron Place 7772 Rouo Street 3789 Cameo Dnve 2825 Crystal Ridge Road 6439 Merlin Dr PO BOX 119 6528 Corte Monteuto 1 150 Lorna Vista Way 3529 Hummock Dnve 1269 blue sky dr 4616 Flonda St #15 I 159 Arden Dr 1397n vulcan ave #8 PO Box 420357 6170 Decanture Ct 4743 iroquois ave 1 bnggs st 5070 NIAGARA AVE 2213-A Clark St 4313 Via Tercero 7004 vista Olas 7004 Vista Olas 3022 Avenida Chnstina 2720 chestnut ave 2104 Bawn St #I2 PO BOX 928144 3892 Ansta Way 1808 Wilstone Ave 171 1 Bruce Road Leucadia Leucadia Carlsbad Carlsbad encinitas encinitas Encinitas San Diego San Diego Carlsbad Carlsbad Enunitas Carlsbad san diego Leucadia Leucadia Encinitas Leucadia Leucadia carlsbad San Diego Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Rancho Santa Fe Virginia Beach Carlsbad Enunitas San Marws San Diego san marws san Juan capistrano Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad La Jolla Enunitas Santiago chile Carlsbad Carlsbad Cardiff Del Mar Encinitas Huntington Beach cadsbad La Jolla San Marws Carisbad South Pasadena lrv1ne carlsbad CARLSBAD San Juan Capistrano san diego cardiff San Clemente Leucadia San Diego carlsbad Carlsbad vista Carlsbad Carlsbad San Diego Solana Beach Escondido Cardiff by the Sea Oceanside Carlsbad Carlsbad Oceanside Enicinitas Carlsbad del mar Carlsbad vista Carlsbad cardiff San Diego carlsbad Encinitas encinitas San Diego San Diego san diego taunton Ocean Beach Columbia Oceanside Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad carlsbad San Diego San Diego Oceanside Enunitas CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA va CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA RM CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA ma CA sc CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA 92024 760-942-2796 92009 92011 760-431-0356 92130 92024 92024 760-943-1280 92024 760-943-1280 92009 760 889-1365 92008 (750)730-1906 92024 943-1845 92024 943-1845 92024 760-944-0661 92103 92110 92009 92009 992024 92W6 92129 858484-7799 92024 92024 92024 760-632-5467 92024 92024 92009 780 476-3658 91230 619-990-5771 92008 92008 92008 23451 92008 92024 7605339710 92069 760-510-2728 92109 92069 92009 619.885.1968 92009 760.212.8214 9201 1 92037 (858) 699-5149 92024 4403 58-2-2436386 92008 760-720-1601 92008 760-729-7757 92007 (760) 753-2651 92014 92648 92009 7807205337 92037 92018 7605054443 91030 92606 92009 92008 7604761814 92675 92107 92007 7604871335 92672 949361 1870 92024 92107 619-225-0335 9201 1 760-502-9683 92008 92084 92009 760-4769618 92009 760-476-9498 92131 92075 92029 760-434-9501 92007 92056 760-717-4468 92008 92009 92058 92024 780.942.5092 92009 92014 92009 92084 92008 92007 760-613-1576 92116 92008 760-494-7971 92024 92024 7144149940 92142 921 17 619-307-1 147 92067 858-334-9334 92675 949-38a2208 92024 85a756-7991 92078 760-79a4147 921 20-2 142 2780 5088224431 92107 6197580650 29201 92056 92009 92009 92009 92008 92107 92192 92054 619 540-6960 92024 7607530236 ]womes690@aol wm twon@neurocnne wm ALCooney28@msn com kevin@kcdesign us ]airnerson76@grnail wm lohnwrwran@cox net ladycorwran@wx net oacorelfgpacbell net newyrbabyO@aol com dianewrnell@hotmail wm dianewrnell@hotmail wm ginacorrell@wx net wrrym@hotrnail com caseyzunitom@san rr wm sorneguy91688@yahoo wm ]costan@sbcglobal net gnatman@gmail wm bcothran2@earthlink net mwulter@san rr wm scoveney@niainc corn scoveney@niainc wm Denise Covington@cox net darrylwvington@cox net denise wvington@wx net vjcdcc@adelphia net jdwwell@san rr corn scdancer-Z8@hotrnail wm scgirl-ZlZ@hotmaiI wm type47fan@pelicanbbs wm rickQnewwavetnp wm wlliamrwx@yahoo corn ptwzens@hotmail wm cmelaniel@hotmail com am@integnty corn kcramer@ucsd edu jettyrewrdsQaol bobpc@stormcycle wm mylescrawley@hotmail com skyegoddess247@sbcglobal net xreal@mhr stloe org IcreggQucsd edu kaeighton@ymca org cremaschi@yahoo wm dogzgod@hotmail com lauracrewse@sbcgobal net cnckmores@cox net scnqui@hotrnail wm Icnstal@sdccd net ccnstofaro@socal rr cam reeftattoo@netzero wm docaornwell@san rr corn la-cmsbie@yahoo wm dirtrag@sprynet corn jgcross@yahoo wm swn-croteau@hotrnail wm surfskatesnowl@yahoo wm DCROUCH@LUSARDI COM kmba28@yahoo wm gregcrowley80@hotmaiI corn ksc23ksc@hotmail wm gregaadreps net mautchfield@wx net headhisurf@cox ne1 patti@brasilia-rsm wm gcupatZ@yahoo com gregcupin@cox net wcurdy@aol com currylinda@hotmail wm scottmcurryQyahaowm Lonny-Curtis@hotmail corn pcurtis@hswn org elizabeth-92067@yahoo wm ccutler@hrnssoflware wm CCutllff@adelphia net mdandrea@sbcglobal net presleyaron@wx net wordwiz88@yahoO wm dandkdaly@adelphia net ]essicada@yahoo wm deannadaly@adelphia net cdan203l@hotmail wm Bnan Danieli@genzyme wm garydan@pacbell net surfZscuba@yahoo corn flowdl@wx net ron-dashwood@hotrnail wm maarkoawx net hankscpu@luno wm tcdavidge@cox net getnshacked@aol com Isunshine62@yahoo wm Iifescience@fastmail fm sonla davis@nelsonmullins wm sdavis84@cox net suemart7l@hotmail com sdavis7004@hotmail wm a Jdavis@yahoo wm johndawso@yahw corn braavnuwurld@hotmail wm michael@heatwavemedia corn sockerfan@cox net jen@delafuente lv 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 I 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 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lames Cheryl Nicholas Deborah Sally Jack paul Dawn colleen Jordan Alex William John Derek ter Paul John Sandra DeSIree Sharon Toby Ryan Bnan David Kellie Huibert Enc Janet Enc Michael Nlck Karen Tnstan Robert Mike Albert piper Pam Gregg Kevin mark Thomas JAYNE edith michael Jencho Kathleen Mike andrea Lauren Rose Naomi Jim Genevieve victona Michael Daniel dave Alexandra Bob Lauren Richard Cheryl Glenn Jodi Leslie Sharon Chns Ryan Louise Troy Jeffrey Danielle Lyle Jonathan danell John bryan Mary Drew David Laura Dave Daniel Barb James Nathaniel Jan Jan Deborah Jon John Am Samir Wendy Russell Sara Michael Gregory Lance Steven Louise r H L F U M E D L J m L C A S L a C A n M M A J M 8 R E L W L W R P J D D D M D J 810 Butterfield Lane 244 delphinium st 2110 Whisper Wind Lane 2110WhisperWind LAne 4617 Bermuda Avenue 765 Normandy Rd 7033 Ivy Streel 4055 Park Dnve 2024 reed ave #7 6970 SandcasUe Dr 1041 Beacon Bay Rd 1041 beacon bay 9650 Graceland Way 6009 Paseo Hermosa 3155 Falcon Dnve 410 S Callfornia Street 1806 Palisades Dr 355 Gravilla St 3350 Del Rio Ct 2796 Carlsbad Blvd 21 49 pleasant grove road 2051 Shadow Grove Way 805 Leonard Ave 11 Manwell Rd 12642 Ragweed Street 1630 Landquist Dnve 413s Ditmar 1761 Bruce Road 2871 Rancho Cortes 8235 harton place 2255 Seaquest Trail 7120 Clairemont Mesa Blvd 460 3rd Street 5715 Grove Forest Couli 729 Passiflora 2907 Levante Street 1738 Yourell Ave Pam 1230 Hoover St 1354 Hermes Ave 61 14 Paseo Monona 4337 Hortensia Street 11 8 JUPITER STREET #2 1060 passiflora ave 1950 coast blvd 7314 Black Swan PI 7948 Calle Posada 893 ginger ave 1880Avenida La Posta 914 C Caminito Madngal 2123 Pintoresco Courl 2123 Pintoresw Ct 2123 Pintoresco Ct 1418 Turquoise Dnve 534 Sweet Pea PI 7374 Escallonia Court 16831 orchard bend road 2271 Edinburg Ave 3306 Piragua St 747 Jamaica Ct 5074 Bnghton Ave 6437 La Gana Ct 6437 La Gama Ct 6519 Hanover Avenue 1054 Hygeia Ave 7435 Neptune Dr 3296 Avenida Anacapa 12685 Lone Cypress Place 961 Melaleuca Ave Apt G 461 1 nanagansett ave 7032 columbine dnve 2376 Altisma Way 8097 Artesian Rd 6968 Waters End Dnve 959 Passiflora ave 336 andrew ave 2307 ~ickory Creek Place 1813 Via Cuarto 2395 Juan St PO box7301 1561 Loraine 6580 Red Knot Street 8843 Donaker Street 2560 San elijo Ave 22 Brezner Lane 365 Pomelo Dr #G21 365 Pomelo Dr # G-21 2802 Sombrosa Street 2802 Sombrosa Street PO BOX 699 155 W Jason Street #2 565 Dew Point Ave 565 Dew Point Ave 3727 Billrnan St 34 Corlear Street 34 Corlear Street 1680 N Coast Hwy 101 No 20 4104 La Portalada Dr 3105 Del Rey Ave 723 San Rafael Place 2046 BNceala Ct Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan Petition San Marcos enunitas Encinitas Encinltas San Diego Encinitas Carlsbad Carlsbad san diego Carlsbad Carlsbad carlsbad San Diego Carlsbad Carlsbad Burbank Carlsbad La Jolla Carlsbad Carlsbad enunitas Encinitas Oceanside Chelmsford San Diego Encinitas oceanside Carlsbad Carlsbad san diego Escondido San Diego Encinitas Midlothian Encinitas Carlsbad Carlsbad N Hollywood Carlsbad Leucadia Carlsbad San Diego ENClNlTAS enunitas del mar Carlsbad Cardiff Carlsbad carlsbad Encinitas Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Caarlsbad Carlsbad Encinitas Carlsbad Cardiff by the Sea Carlsbad San Diego SD Carlsbad Carlsbad Richmond Enunitas Carlsbad Carlsbad San Diego Carlsbad san diego Carlsbad Carlsbad San Diego Carlsbad 432 encinitas Leucadia encinitas Richmond Oceanside San Diego San Diego Encinitas Carlsbad San Diego Cardff by the Sea Centerville Vista Vista Carlsbad Carlsbad Vista Encinitas Carlsbad Carlsbad San Diego Albany Albany Encinitas Carlsbad Carlsbad San Diego way CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA MA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA VA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA VA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA VA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA MA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA NY CA CA CA CA ca NY 92069 92024 7606341069 92024 760 4369358 92024 760 436 9358 92107 619-225-6112 92024 92011 760-4761940 92008 92109 92009 92009 9201 1 9219 92009 92006 760-801-9910 91505 3231549-4302 92008 760-729-3318 92037 858-456-7830 92009 92008 (760) 434-1122 92024 7606320211 92024 92054 92129 92024 92054 92008 92009 92029 92111 92024 760 944-7767 23112 92024 92009 760644-3492 92OM) 7604380525 91601 CA 92008 (760) 729-2600 92024 92009 92103 92024 760 613 1248 92024 92014 92009 7604380072 92007 760-944-0665 92009 92009 92024 92009 92009 92009 92009 92024 92009 92061 92009 760-685-5306 92109 92009 92009 760-929-2760 23226 804-938-4426 92024 7609949905 92009 92009 (760) 436-3253 92130 92009 1824 97a244-2407 92123 85a353-1302 92009 760-43a2002 92007 85a504-0862 92107 858-342-7711 gzia7 freedomfromdeskjob@hotmail corn jamesmjae@hotmail.com cdean@scnpps.edu nick-dean@isisph.com ddean@qualcomm.com sallyhdean@cox.net debbas@capstoneadvisors corn dontreadonrne@?hotmail.com paul.decaen@pflzer.com konasurf2004-aloha@yahoo.com albertdecker@adelphia.net casfin@adelphia.net jdeck002@ucr.edu adee29@hotrnatl.com wad88@yahoo.com johnd@mandalay.com derek@bikernag.com pauldeke@aol.com johnd@tfb corn rawskin@sbcglobal.net desiree-deIattre@yahoo.com sdelpheQaol com seemsfake@yahoo.com RynoRlB@aoI.com brian@demeulle.com djderniter@yahoo.com kelliedemma@yahoo.com huibert@flamingoholland.com edeneroff@adelphia.net piperelfuego@hotmail.com shopplng@ricochet.com eric@guitartrader.com mdepascale@pascalsteel.com nickd90@comcast.net kdesjardins@juno com tTistandeSpTe~sbcglobal.net bobd@calsense.com spazmk@earthlink. net gregg@barkjaw.com psIOnic@yahoo.com mark-dum@mac.com tdevlin@att.net JAYNE@SPADADESIGNS.COM eandkdewart@cox.net michaeldeweese04@hotmaiLwrn arrniesofjericho@yahoo.com kathydickey@adelphia.net snake48@sbcglobal.net ceeyasuAn@hotmail corn ledillon@hotmail.com joyroselOl4@yahoo cam ndimas@pacbell net ndimas@pacbell.net ndimas@pacbell.net toriphotos@sbcglobal.net mdpjunk@cox.net dandisepioQadelphia. net davedixon@hotmail.com adjasran@aOl.com bdobson@Rberlink.com Idcckwei@ucsd.edu nch dodd@gmail.com Cheryl-dodds@hotmall.com glenndodds@grnail.com jodidod@hotmail.com leslie@sundiego corn sdoherty@hologic corn chrisdolnik54@AOL COM rdonahoe@ucsd.edu louise.donahue@sbcglobal.net .- . tcdoneygyahoo-corn 92009 7606038133~3W ieff@!760media corn 92009 760-602-9696 92127 9201 1 858-5859454 92024 7809446122 92024 436 9617 23294 804-439-3797 92056 760 941 3274 92 103 92167 92024 7606342791 92009 760-916-0773 92129 92007 619 788-6927 2632 92081 92081 92009 92009 92085 92024 92009 92009 92115 12209 12209 92024 92008 760 504 4512 92009 7606340432 92109 92024 760-518-3479 dan>ono@adelphia net lyledon@sbcglobal net jon@carlsbadass corn ddwyema@yahoo co cmssouth@aol com bryan@smartlending corn mary@nchasen corn sk8rbupd corn DavidD08540@yahoo corn lauradowning@yahoo corn davedowning@cox net dwdowning@adelphia net bad79@san rr corn mesaconcrete@san n corn kechele728746@hdmail corn jandrover@aol corn jandrover@aol com debdrumm@adelphia net ddrumm@earthlink net enk@StandardFilms corn artidua@yahoo com sdube@yahoo com sdubeayahoo corn rduchene@hotmail corn dymer6@hotmail corn mtchaelduignan@hotmail corn gdulmage@cox net Idumais@npcurl com sduncanson@sbcglobal net louise dunleaareef com 1 1 1 0 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Page 7 Ponto Beachfront Vision Pian Petition Dunn Dunn Dunn , Dunnagan Dunworth Dupont durant Durrance Durso Dwelley Dynan Dzurec Eady Easley Eastham eastwood Eckenroad eckert eckert Eckert Eckmann eclert Edland Edwards Edwards Edwards eggleston elder Eldredge Elenbaas Ellinwood Ellis Ellis Ellison Ellison-Lloyd elovitz Elvins Emerick Emerick Empie Emre Engelman engelsman engelsman englehom Enigenburg Enigenburg Enselberg Erhardt enc Eriksson Erlich Erselius ENin Eskew esquer Estep evans Everett Everett Everett Everett Evora Ewalt Ewen Failla Falcone Fallet falletta fallin Falling Falorio Falono Farah farinacci Farinacci Farinacci Fans Fans Farrar Farrelly Fanis Faust Fazio Feemster Feinstein Feldman Feldmeth Fellows Fels Fernrite Fenton Ferguson Ferguson Ferlazzo Femandez Ferrante Ferrante FERRARI Ferris Dupey Dye Rebecca Kirsten Jane Tanya Jeremy Karen Chns autumn Kaley Adnenne Mitchell Connie Robert Matt Ryan Todd Brad kimberly Colleen diana pamela Gina Kimberly john Steven D Amanda Rachel Alexis katnna michael GUY Gregory Charles Jeff Heidi DusOn Susan Jonathan T Todd Laura Patnck Robert Nil Courtney chns kate lauren Jennifer Bruce Hillary Nancy kapan Enn Jason Keith Luke Michael Lorenza Shawn chns David Chns David Craig Darryl Stephanie Molly Kann Frank celine chnsty William Cyndy LOU Victor wry Gary Bryn Mary Diane Tracy Lachelle Laura Jesse Alan Natalie Heather Harley Shoshana Damon Sue Kelli Jason Michael Liam Bruce Joan LUIS Mike Heather PAUL Laurel A 16641 Madrone Circle 1432 Ranch Road 1764 Orchard Wwd Road D 2945 Highland Dnve D 10690 Glendover Lane L 6909 Waters End Dnve 904 Missoun Street m 16439 temple ave A 22 Slumber Meadow Trl 3322 Fosca St 2771 Wilson st T 6579 Daylily Dr K 2626 Nassau Street E 2326 Newcastle Avenue 3334 Eureka PI A 150 Avenitda Rosa 2206 Margaret Dr s 702 toulon T 1600 Guevara Road j 684lbnarwooddnve D 11041 TondinoRd h 6841 bnawwd dnve 1864 outngger lane 345 Walnut Ave apt G 2125 Coolngreen Way 6754 Joeve Court Sonora Encinitas Encinitas Carlsbad San Diego Carlsbad San Diego port charlotte Palm Coast Carlsbad carlsbad Carlsbad Sarasota Cardrff Carlsbad San Clemente Newport Beach sandiego Carlsbad carlsbad carlsbad Carlsbad San Diego carlsbad En u n i t a s San Dieao E 902 Apt. E S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd San Marcos d k M C T D P L S E C A a 1 A L N m M D J N E T H M A A A h T E E S A 307 Bmaks Ave 3604sbeachdnve 2646 levante st 225 Fraxibella St 829 Emory St 1417 HaNard StreetXZ 1681 Hill Top On 1005 N Vulcan Ave #2 2929 Fire Mountain Dr #43 1809 High Ridge Ave 7108 daffodil place 14030 Crest Way 2820 Grape St 1623 James Dnve 819 LIDO CT tl 271 1 Llama Court 2169 Dickinson Dnve 6979 waters end dr 6979 waters end dnve 3337 vivienda circle 336 Pine Ave 5163 Don Mala Dr , 11 816 Darlington Ave #207 7939 Paseo Aliso 735 Cornish dnve 7555 Herschel Avenue #4 3871 Camino Lindo 25307 Ave Ronada 346 9th Street 170 Diana St 13453 Caminito Cannel 120 Phoebe St # 3 171 west avenida san antonio 13121 Silver Saddle Lane 147 Fresnillo Ct 13121 Silver Saddle Lane 4951 Long Branch Ave 11676 Sardis place 1354 Hermes Ave 3056 Via Allicante 1032 19thSt #6 3582 Syndey Place 1005 Foxglove View 3920 lngraham street 228 B Avenue 3429 49th ave SW 7103 Leeward Street 7103 Leeward Street 6749 Tea Tree St 12584 cavallo st 2900 Wintergreen Dnve 2900 Wintergreen Dnve 3105 Madera Court 404 Enunitas Blvd #416 1705 Hornblend St #A 900 Caminito Madngal 6758 Bushy Hill Dr 2040 Chestnut Avenue 168 Walnut Ave 1009s Nevada 619 S Vulcan#210 11 19 Oliver Ave 1645 Oakdale St 819 Santa Regina 4990 Crestview Dr 518 Dew Point Ave 172 East MAin Street 7065 Leeward St 104 Mangano Cir 7939 Calle Madnd 369 In Third Street 7367 Seafarer Place 7367 Seafarer Place 611 SKYSAILAVE 3217 Crest Dnve Raleigh tampa carlsbad enunitas lmpenal Beach Santa Monica Encinttas Enunitas Oceanside Carlsbad carlsbad Del Mar San Diego Carlsbad SAN DlEGO La Costa Carlsbad carlsbad carlsbad carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Brentwwd Carlsbad enunitas La Jolla San Diego Valencia Del Mar Encinitas Del Mar Enunitas san demente Poway Solana Beach Poway San Diego San Diego Enunitas La Jolla Santa Monica San Diego Carlsbad Jan diego coronado Seattle Carlsbad Carlsbad CARLSBAD san diego Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Encinitas San Diego Carlsbad Santee Carlsbad Carlsbad Oceanside Encinttas San Diego Pasadena Solana Beach Carlsbad Carlsbad El Cajon Carlsbad Encinitas Carlsbad Enanitas Carlsbad Carlsbad CARLSBAD Manhattan Beach CA CA CA CA CA CA CA n FL CA CA CA FL CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA NC CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA WA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA n 95370 209.586 7356 92024 92024 92008 92126 92009 92109 33948 32 164 92009 760.6353547 92006 760-434-6074 92009 760-603-1203 34231 92007 92006 92672 92663 9495153665 92646 714-366-5133 92006 92008 7607291 146 92009 760-603-0997 92008 760-730-1443 92131 92009 760-603-0997 92024 92119 92078 760598-5226 27607 33629822 813-839-0304 92009 7606320664 92024 91932 90404 3102649955 92024 92024 92054 92006 760-729-8367 92009 7602015635 92014 92102 92W8 92109 658-349-9450 92009 92008 92009 801-24501 21 92009 92009 92008 7607200637 92008 760431 8712 90049 646-47567529 92009 760-942-6566 92024 92037 650814-3227 92122 619 398 6535 91355 92014 92024 92014 858-350 9692 92024 92672 9496366727 92064 92075 CA 92064 92107 92131 92024 92037 90403 310/82&3252 92116 760-519-6536 92009 760-603-1903 92109 92118 6194371645 96116 92009 92009 92009 92130 92006 760-730-3804 92008 760-730-3804 92009 92024 921 09 92009 92071 92006 (760) 720-1385 92006 92054 92024 7606346788 92109 91106 92075 92006 92009 92020 92009 92024 92009 760-944-7581 92024 853-699-9804 9201 1 760 931 5679 92009 7609315869 92009 90266 rundunn@goldrush com kirstendunn@yahoo corn janesdunn@adelphia.net tanya@hazardhutchison.com Jeremy-dunworth@hotmail.com kklicky@hotmail.com cdupont@ucsd.edu beachgirlinthesun@hotmail.com Surfmonkey7@aol com adurso@csusm.edu Mdwelley@Hotmail com cdye@adelphia.net rdynan@verizon.net mdzurec@hotmail.com subroza@gmail.com easley.t@gmail.com beastham@ripcurl corn kymwvodZ@aol corn colleen eckenroad@usmc.mil becachfmntdi@yahoo corn meemal912@aol.com skuIls683@aol.com kimio427@yahoo.com bhsurfr@aol.com sedland@ucsd.edu aledwards@westemu.edu reedwarl Z@yahw.com aedwardslZ@nc.rr corn kandy-07@hotrnail.com surfsailca@aol.com geldredgel J@hotmaiI.com gelll O@sbcglobal.net charlesellinwwd@aol com ellil717@hotmail.com heidib335@hotmail.com dustinellison@yahoo.com susanlloyd@adelphia.net lovitz@aol corn telvins@ucsd.edu laura.spam@cox.net pe395@yahoo.com robertempie@hotmail.com nilemre@ucla.edu COURTNEYNMNCONNELL@MSN.COM Chris kengelsman@dcshoes com femme1 14@yahoo.com )eni@pacbell net menigenburg@sbcglobaI.net enselberghillary@hotmail.com nancy-erhardt@yahOo.com eric@kapankent.com enn-enksson@hotmail com jcealoha@yahoo corn kerseliu@ptloma.edu luke-eNin@hotmail.com emaneml @juno.com lorenzaae@yahoo.com shawnestep3@hotmail.com evans@fea.net temp01 @interon.com cjeverl 9@yahoo.com tempOi@interon.com craigalaneverett@yahw.com srsurfdub@hotmail.com flygirlg@yahoo.com molls98@hotmail.com murphy22290403@yahoo.com elripster@aol.com mfallet@adelphia.net ceIinehawaii@msn.com christ~llin@sb~lobal.net wfalling@hotmail.com Icfalorio@juno.com Icfalorio@juno.com vfarahIOO@msn.com gary@networkapplications. net gary-bmw@pacbell.net gary-bmw@pacbell.netq brynjess@hotrnail.com tfaris@yahoo.com littlemspink@hotmail.com mrsfarreIly@yahoo.com jtfars@cox net ahf-zen@nehero. net nataliefazio@cobshomes corn lafeemagmail com harleyleinstein@yahoo corn shoshanafeldman@hotmail corn damon.feldmeth@cbre com sfellows@csusm edu kellifels@adelphia net jfemrite@luce.com mikemuzi k@ya hoo. com liam@twsnet.com btf-misc@cox.net ]oanweiner@sb€global net turtleman76@hotmail com mike.ferrante@adelphia net heather.ferrante@viasat.com PFERRARH 234@YAHOO.COM ljfems@gmail com 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 I 1 1 Page 8 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 FETZER Fidel Field Fife Filteau Findell Findell Finkbiner Fischer fish Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisk FitzGibbon FIX Flaherly Flanagan flanigan Fleischer flerning Flery Fletcher Fletcher flood Flood Floyd flynn Fogel Fogliani Foley folkerth Folk Fong fontenot Fwte Foote Foote Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford fordharn FOREST Forrest Forrestar Fostakowsky Foster Foster fox Fox Fox Fox Fox Fox Fox Frame Franus Frank Franklin Fraser Fraser Fraser frazier Fredenksen Fredin Frednckson Freeman French Fnedrnan Fnednchs Fnesen Fnth Fnth Fntsvold Fntzinger Froh Frost Frost Fruitwala Fu Fuller Fultz funakoshi Furler furst Gaitonde Gale Gale Gallegos Galleisky gallenberger Galligani Gallion Galloui Gallup ganeles Ganguli Ganpule Garcia gamey LARA Alex Fielding Pam Frankye Tffany Chns Judi Andrew matt Janet Valene Kerry-Shannon Scott Linda GARY Jack Michael Jennifer Enn lukr Sooze Matthew Robert george Timothy Grady pierce Jeremiah Fogel Holly Owen lean William Courtney jorden Enn Susan Stevie Cathleen Kitty aka Kathryn Pais David Matt stephen CM William Marsalee Mike Alexis Mark Robert Ashley Timothy Ellen Eric Linda Jeffrey Jack Thomas Caryn John Dons Todd Paul Fredin Bnan Amy Justin Man Ted Arden Ceul Donald Erik Allie Jessica Jennifer Bnan Sarah Samuel andy Debra keith Alison Christian drew Supnya LEONARD Andrew David Christian robert Daniel Jennifer Francesca Ted lean Alex Sachin Adolfo marl mary T L L i R C k J j D F R rn M R a W M A D H R H D S R J N L I R A D S 9 G A E e A V 33 HILLGATE PLACE 1314SavannahLane 3735 Cavern Place 2020 Fife Ridge Court 6432 Merlin Dr 325 Windy Lane 325 Windy Lane 140 Range Street 3535Lebon Dnve#4120 1060 arcadia rd 7523 Brava Street 1062 Beacon Bay Dr 2158 Corte Cidro 393 Date Avenue 1259 Calle Ultimo 1597 CAUDOR ST 1655 little gopher cyn 2406 Albsrna Way 810 dewtt ave 732 Venice Court 11 105 urnarron dr 5202 Soledad Mt Rd 601 1 Paseo Aimso 10M Bangor St 760 solana urcle east 2340 Hosp Way #220 536 Crest Dr 1338 Hermes Ave 7619 Aldea Place 828 Skysail Ave 149 Pheobe St 538 nrnini rd 3364 Seawest Dr 2630 Pinneos Way #20 830 bluewater rd 4023 Calle Juno 2417 La Plancha Lane 213 Surfnder Way 2374-8 Cannga Way 2382 Pnrnrose Ave 3025 Del Rey Avenue 1618 Kerry Lane 45185 Callesito Ordenes 1901 playa nviera dr 3672 SEAFLOWER LN 309 Dunan ST 351 7 Landsford Way 1994 Diamond St 2022 B Oceanview Road 2022 B Oceanview Road 3425 woodland way 1615 Eolus Ave 1907 Chono Street 918 Alyssum Rd 1602 Tucker Lane 2740 Waterbury Way 4592 Scenano Dnve 949 If2 Agate Street 1315 Knoll Dnve 829 Hermes Avenue 2637 Luuemaga Street 4047 Thomas St 4047 Thomas St 1902 Mackinnon Avenue 1736 cereus court 2630 Pinneos Way #2 1749 Forest Ave 1283 Stanislaus Dr 2323 Nicklaus Dr 133 Countryhaven road 5775 Morehouse Dr Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan Petition ALE0 VIEJO Carlsbad Carlsbad Roswell Carlsbad Vista Vista Leucadia San Diego encinttas Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Oceanside LEUCADIA vista Carlsbad en u n i t a s Sen Diego Reno San Diego Carlsbad San Diego solana beach Carlsbad Enunitas Enunitas Caflsbad Carlsbad Enunitas del mar Carlsbad Carlsbad carlsbad San Clernente Carlsbad Oceanside Carlsbad Vista Carlsbad Santa Rosa Ternecula cardiff by the sea OCEANSIDE vista Carlsbad San Diego Oceanside Oceanside carlsbad Leucadia San Luis Obispo Carlsbad Encinitas Carlsbad Huntington Beach San Diego Oceanside Enunitas Carlsbad Oceanside Oceanside Cardff by the Sea carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Chula Vista 1731 Enanitas Oceanside Enucnitas San Diego 1555 Delight Way 4990 Del Monte Ave Apt 19 55 Fair Dnve 1395 335 Walnut Ave 1318 S Paclflc St Apt D 99 Adarns St 3577 Granite Court 3577 Granite Court 82 Modesto 1553 Martingale Ct 2031 escenico terrace PO Box 1608 2223 running spnng place 7428 altiva place 15944 valeno st 1 Grand Ave , bldg 113 Cal Poly 6721 Whitesail St 6494 Torreyanna Cirde 240 May Court 2241 E Arnonta Ave 2500 La Golondnna St 1680 north coast highway 101 #37 268 Calle La Montana 120 Phoebe#lO 2140 Vuelta Ct 4799 Gateshead Road 904 rosemary ave 2751 Tiburon Ave 8645 Via Mallorca Unit B 6201 Jurnilla Avenue Escondido San Diego Costa Mesa Carlsbad Oceanside Fairhaven Carlsbad Carlsbad Imine Carlsbad carlsbad carlsbad encinitas carisbad van nuys San Kuis Obispo Carlsbad Carlsbad Cardiff La Habra Carlsbad Encinitas Moraga Leucadia Carlsbad Carlsbad carlsbad Carlsbad La Jolla Woodland Hills CA CA CA GA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA NV CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA MA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA 92656 92009 92008 858-722-5473 30075 92009 92083 760-643-9318 92083 760-643-9318 92024 CA 92122 92024 92009 753-1532 92009 92009 760-672-5122 92008 619.733 6789 92056 92024 760-753-1625 92084 7606305872 92009 92024 92109 89506 92109 92009 92107 92075 858-259-1332 92024 92024 760-415-1443 92009 7604364255 92009 760-476-9049 92024 92014 92008 92009 92009 92673 949-240-9283 92009 92054 92009 92083 760-727-4555 92009 944-0529 92592 92007 92056 92083 92010 760-730-9514 92109 92056 92056 92008 92024 93401 (760) 419-5030 92009 760-672-8301 92024 9201 0 92649 92054 92024 858.583.1297 92009 92056 92056 92007 92009 760-445-7725 92009 760-4365220 92008 91913 619-482-4755 92024 780-942-7068 92056 760-929-2319 92024 92121 (619) 206-5052 92026 92107 92626 92008 92054 92008 92008 92602 949-2667523 92009 92009 760 634 0534 92008 92024 92009 91406 93410 92009 92009 (760) 431-8752 92007 90631 (562) 279-6871 92009 (760)929-8106 92023 94556 310-422-7186 92024 92009 92008 92009 92008 92037 91367 92008 8sazos-0492 95403 (707) 3189774 9~109 8sa-48ao89o 2719 (508) 994-0004 lsb12222@yahoo corn roCKYnrolll3@aol corn ftfeld@adelphia net parnfife@rnsn corn gfilteauaadelphia net tiffanylrayer@hotrnail corn chnsfindellghotrnail corn judijae@rnsn corn aRshe86@hotrnail corn rnatthewfishQcox net JanetfIsheQcoldwellbanker corn wisherl50@adelphia net kshanoarnsn corn fisks@rnsn corn Iindafitz@cox net diingg@aol corn fastoys@webtv net MFLnNZgMSN COM honeybell8@aol corn ennfleischernyahoo corn stoked4waves@grnail corn sfleryasan rr corn sharkbait32arnsn corn entropy6S@hotrnail corn kfloodl999@yahoo corn floodsurf@hotrnail corn gofloyd4@hotrnail corn pierce@surfdog corn jerernyggg666@grnail corn hfog@grnail corn owen-l08@yahoo corn jeanfolkerth@adelphia net bfoltz@sbcglobal net fongcbaexute corn jnotO3@yahoo corn fourfootes@rnsn corn Foooters@aol corn stevief@certiRedlolder corn cfordgnsasearch corn kitford@cax net IurnaranQaol corn drford04@yahoo corn rnadracben@yahoo corn sfordharn33@hotrnail corn C4rest@cox net bill4rest@hotmail corn Forrestarl@hotrnail corn rnfostakowsky@yahoo corn alexisfoste@cox net rnarkfosteracox net sharpfox Qaol corn bobandjanetfox@cox net anfox@calpoly edu brnfoxx@hotrnail corn efox@ternplesolel net callrneishrnael-I l@yahw corn LFOX@patlawyers corn jeffasurfndersd org surfroders@cox net trfrankacox net cfranklin@wellacorp corn lfraser@cox net jfraser@cox net tnfraser@pacbell net rnfrazieQdslexlrerne corn Paul-Fredenksen@hotrnail corn bobby-stocks@yahoo corn bfbassnsurfl@cox net Amyfreernanl@cox net osidemder@hotrnail corn rnfrto@adelphia net tedf@qualcornrn corn arden66Qcox net cecil fnthQsbcglobal net Dnfnthavanguard edu greenroornsd@hotrnail corn alice fntzinger@cox net J-Fmh@hotmail corn lenandbn@sbcglobal net lenandbn@sbcglobal net sarah9874@yahoo corn ernailsamfuQyahoo corn captianpjZOOO@yahoo wrn lraven@cox net funsufinhb@yahoo corn alicatys@hotrnail corn cfdesigns@yahoo corn dgaff79ayahoo corn p53iscool@yahoo corn Lennie-Gale@na dole corn drewgale8@hotmail corn onejollyc=at@yahoo corn chnsbangalleisky@yahoo corn bobbygkfi@hotrnail corn dannygalliganiQyahoo corn lenga47@hotrnail corn fgallouiQadelphia net tegallupQyahoo corn icganeles@adelphia net ganguli9082aaol corn sganpule@yahoo corn avgarcia@grnail corn 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Page 9 Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan Petition Gama garcia Gama Gama Gama garua Gardenhire Gardiner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner garett garmo Garner Garnson Gaskin Gates gatil gatti Gaudioso gavin gay Gayner Geary Geary Gelbert Gelvezon Genet Gengo George George Geraghty gerber Gerschler gestnng Gestnng Giacobaui Giancola Giancola Gibbs Gibson Gielow Gifford Giger Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert gill gillet Gillett glllottl Gilrnore Giracello Giuliano Gjata Glernbotski glover Godbout Goddard Godfrey Godinez Gold goldstein Goldstein Gollong Golrnan Gornez Gornez gonsoulin Gonzalez Gonzalez Gonzalez Gonzalez Gonzalez Good Goodballet Goodfellow Gwdfellow Gwdkin Goodnch Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gould Graack Graack grace gracey Grady Graf Graham graham Graham Graves Gray Greaney Green Gary GOOdNrn Joy Mane arnanda James Adnana Andrew knsta Gabnel Mike Stacy Enc Jayrne Stuart mike wanna Garrett Janice Cynthia Genn Joshua anthony Nathan rnartha sarah Patnck Jeff Shae Brett Paul Knstine Julie Amber David Mike Anton nchard Josh Lindsay Michael Mike Lara Jusbn Karl Brooks Greg Patnck Gary Lisa chns alex Tyler kevin Alyson Tam Kelowna John Airnee danny Kevin Patnck Cathy Albert Bnan jonah Linda Patnua David Carolyn Patnua al Martha Jamie Philip Rodoifo Carol Richard Ian Val Gwen Mary Ann Jennlfer ron Lorraine Geoffrey Jimmy Robert Kathryn Heather David nck a Tia Oliver Megan cathenne Todd Clarke Jeff Dale Stephanie amy 108 Bany E e rn L L W S V D E H I S M g e C B A C T A A R A C d t M L C S P E F M S A A V E V C A B A G A rn W t M e A 6464 Daucus Ct 1019 baybeny lane 403 Westbourne St 3486 Sitio Borde 2526 La Golondnna St 2526 la golondnna 1201 Steel Ln. Box 128 362 Orange Ave IC 6957 Mimosa Dnve PO Box 910656 702 NW 62nd St 4136 Datcho Dr 163 pearl 151 elderave 2041 Shendan Rd 6570 Windflower Dr 1247 Hermes Ave 1461 Rancho Encinitas Dr 1762 Sunny Crest Lane 29315 abelia rd 6902 carntaion dr 173 Avocado Street 7184 pintail dnve 573 hygefa apt a 7965 mseland dnve 2350 Montgomery Ave 2350 Montgomery Ave 510 Harland Ave 405 Bay Meadws Way 29960 Pechanga Dr POBox217 1691 Peppertree Place 4545 Larnbeth Ct 1191 Manposa Road 1165 aloha dnve 914-A North Coast Highway 101 6729 hyaunth urcle 6866 Watercourse Dnve 6655 Carninito Pnrnavera 3959 Hamilton St #24 3959 Hamilton St 2704 Jacaranda Ave 3443 Calle Canwna 2716 Elva Dnve 1420 Neptune Ave 961 N VulcanAve 2325 Pi0 Pico Dr 2325 Pi0 Pic0 Dr 2325 Pi0 Pico Dr 1513 sapphire 4212 conrad ave 1658 Foss Road 6608 urubu street 2606 EL Aguila Lane 1615 Aston Ave Ste 101 467 La Mesa Ave 943 Hermes Avenue 5917 Bounty Street pa box 1200 12602 Cannel Country Road 119 4629 Altadena Ave 7407 Carlina Stl 17040 Daphne Ave 629 Diamond St 263 La Veta 293 Hillcrest Dr 1595 Eolus Ave 404 Andrew Avenue 7021 Leeward St P 0 Box 235300 pobox91306 7309 Lantana Terrace 264 Barbara Avenue 1356 HermesAve 5325 Los Robles Dr 5325 Los Robles Dr 613 Bluewater Rd 219 Chapalita Dr 1849 Avenida Mimosa 1849 Avenida Mimosa 2126 Montgomery Avenue 13625 Mira Montana Dr 6631 Carnation Or 7419 Neptune Dnve 7419 Neptune Dnve 2519 Oxford Ave 720 Orange Grove Ave #15 PO BOX 1055 1600 Shendan Rd 960-D Melaleuca Ave 960-D Melaleuca Ave 640 w solana urcle 21 24 coolngreen way 5235 Madison rd 999 N Paufic st 1594 Bee Canyon Rd 9666 carninito del feliz 312 Laurent St 3052 Rue D Orleans bl15 201 S Lewis Street Apt210 3619 Kmgston 4213 Sierra Morena Avenue San Diego collegeville La Jolla Carlsbad Carlsbad carlsbad Laytonville Comnado Carlsbad San Diego Lawton San Diego laguna niguel irnpenal beach Leucadia Carlsbad Encinltas Encinitas Bonita canyon country carlsbad Encinitas carlsbad encinitas la jolla Cardiff Cardiff Melbourne Beach Solana Beach Temecula Cardiff Fallbrook Carl s b a d Carlsbad encinitas Encinitas carlsbad Carlsbad La Jolla San Diego San Diego Carlsbad Carlsbad Kokorno Leucadia Leucadia Cartsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad carlsbad san diego Alpine carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Enunitas Enunitas San Diego haliewa San Diego San Diego Carlsbad Torrance San Diego Encinitas Leucadia Enunitas Leucadia Carlsbad Encinltas san diego Carlsbad Solana Beach Encinitas Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Encinitas Encinitas Encinitas Encinitas Del Mar Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Cardff GI end a I e Cardff Leucadia Carlsbad Carlsbad soalan encinitas Delray Beach Oceanside Arroyo Grande san diego Santa Cruz San Diego Orange Carlsbed Carlsbad CA PA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA OK CA Ca CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA FL CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA IN CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA hi CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA FI CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA 92129 19426 464 686 1555 92037 92009 92009 92009 95454 707-984-6862 92116 92009 7604365065 73505 580-536-7015 92117 8582706933 92677 91932 92024 92009 92024 760-753-1699 92024 658.504.8443 91902 91351 92009 92024 760-669-3840 92009 438-1918 92024 92037 658-459-6842 92007 92007 32951 92075 92592 92007 92026 760-522-5254 92006 92009 92024 760-230-2030 92024 760-633-4060 92009 760-9087792 92009 760 497-791 5 92037 92104 92104 92009 92009 46902 7654555901 92024 92024 760-943-0945 92006 92W6 92006 92009 6041320 92117 91901 92009 92009 760 431-0760 92008 760-431-1211 92024 92024 92120 96712 606 375-3276 92130 92115 619.224.7610 92009 90504 310-515-8625 92109 92024 92024 760-809-0766 92024 92024 760-942-6862 92009 760-603-7915 92169 6197230094 92009 92075 619-861-3674 92024 92006 (760) 213-2624 92009 760-438-1 544 92024 7606328205 92024 92024 760-942-0563 92007 76063412 92014 856=259-1966 9201 1 92009 760-4387952 92009 760-4387952 92007 760-632-1 337 91205 6167958635 92007 92024 92011 7609299520 9201 1 7609299520 92075 92024 33484 561-797-1037 92054 93420 92121 95060 921 10 92866 92010 92006 760-730-1914 92191 85a229-1375 92023-5300 92008 (760) 43a5035 joygarcia60gyahoo corn bluwave96gaol corn jarnesggsandyflojos corn garcial57@yahoo corn andw-garciagyahoo corn akrngasbcglobal net blue-guardian7@?yahoo corn rngsurfl 1 gaol corn S-Gardnergrnsn corn egardneraqualcornrn corn jsggsunnet net sqgphotogearthlink net nalubufgearthlink net wgarmo@sbcglobal net calisurfer92002@yahoo corn garnsonjangadelphia net ungarygyahoo corn ggaskin@ucsd edu jhgate@sbcglobal net sweetangel6@@socal rr corn tgam@yahoo corn nategaudiosogcox net vtnegart@aol corn segsrnudgeghotrnail corn pataunx corn geary608gcox net geary606@cox net brettgcroornconstruction corn poppychulo@grnail corn kgenetgadelphia net yogablugcox net artisticbNin@yahoo corn dgeorgehrghotrnail corn rngeraghtygadelphia net gerbegoeQcox net srfnlawgaol corn rlgestnnggadelhia net gride26@yahoo corn Iindssggyahoo corn Michael Giancola@sdcounty ca gov rngiancol@ucsd edu lollyashfield@adelphia net tgrnsocalggrnail corn karlgielw@aol corn brooks3sdgyahoo corn ggigergcox net patnck0615@sbcglobal net finewoodworkgsbcglobal net finewoodworkgsbcglobal net cgillgscea corn gilletgsbcglobal net tylergillettghotrnail com icecuberulesghotrnail corn alysongaadelphia net tarag314ghotrnail corn kelownagiuliano@yahw corn gataaaol corn buffybabe088O@yahoocorn kegodbout@@hotrnail corn pgoddardgnethere corn arnanjengadelphia net shaka brahasbcglobal net brngoldl2@hotrnail corn jonah-goldsteinghotmail corn Igoldsteingcox net paai@gollong corn dgolrnanlgcox net cagornez@shellopus corn Itwahine@sbcglobal net algonsoulingcox net Martharnadrnartha@aol corn Iarniegsurfndersd org pgonzgcox net Rdelssolanabeach@sbcglobal net Rdelssolanabeach@sbcglobal net iraagrocketrnail corn goodballe@yahoo corn ia3ngstanford edu vgocdfellowsk@hotrnaiI corn gwencgQexcite corn rnaresgoodgsbcglobal net jennggnofear corn rlgordie@adelphia Net rlgordie@adelphia net geoffrey4peace@yahoocorn radiosityengineghotrnail corn rpg-cbadghotrnail corn kathsewsasbcglobal net hrngraackayahoo corn dgraackayahoo corn nchard graceaubs corn agracey Tprnane73gaol corn olivermgrafgyahoo corn wahinehangl Oghotrnafl corn clgraharn@ucsd edu work2surfarnyway corn cgravesgclarkedesign net hangl0jeffasocal rr corn dgreaneygadelphia net stephagreen@hotrnail corn 1 0 1 1 I 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 Page 10 Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan Petition Greenfield Greenville Greer Gregory gregory Gregory Gregory Greig GRENSTED Gnffiths Gnffiths Gngoras Gnrnaud gnswold grotey Grover Guadinez gualotunia Gude Guerre guest Guevara Guild Guild gunn Gunner Guralnick Gunn Guzrnarn Gmlltarn Gmlltarn Gysel Haas Haase Hackworth Hadfield Haeger Hagernan hagen hagen Hagen-Holt Hagen-Holt Haggar HAHNLEIN Halboth HALEEIAN Haifacre Hall Hall hall Hall Hall hall Hall Hallinan Rebecca Anton Geraldine Bryce rnargaret rnargaret Roberl Michael EVlN Aaron Jennifer Kevin Jon Charles zack Tony Natalie donan Natalie Jake rnatthew Tiffany Carolyn J Whitney Sean Bryan Aka Hugh David Jarnas Stephanie Dan Susan Amy Howard Thomas Mark Chnsiopher fredenck robin Paul Jamie Mary SABRINA Siacey shaunt Jaime David Jeff Nicholas Jacqueline James chrisbne Pam Gregory Hally-Rosendahl Kai Halopoff HALTER Halter Halverson Harnann Harnann Harnblin Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Harnlin Harnrnack harnrnond Hamrnond Harnpton Harnsiter Hancock Hancock Hancock 3 Handler Handley Handy haney Hanke Hankins Hanlon hanna Hannon Hansch Hansen Hansen Hansley Hanson Hanson Hanson Hanson Hapgood Hararnis Harcank Harding Hardwick hare Hargraves Harker Harmeling Harmeltng Linda Brock Stephanie Debbie Margaret Peter Nathan Natalie hY Nancy Jack Robin jardine Heather Cory Kevin Jim Rick James Judd Mark Daphne mike Erendan AIec Greg paul Knstin Thornas James Julie Laune Pilialoha Marlene Brad Gordon Janie Alison Todd Brooke Tyler chris Wallace Heidi Henry courtney L 945 3rd St Apt B j 2380 Fire Mountain Dr R 7722 Lucia Court I I L 1926 Altura Dnve J 1570 Martingale Ci W 5220 Wendela St A 5220 Wendela St 2010 Shadow Grove Way 9250 Towne Center Dr #8 9250 Towne Center Dr #8 91 9 MELALEUCA AVE #D L 2802 Carlsbad Blvd 2312 Broadway 3952 Jefferson St 3143 lincoln st #E 7591 Calorna Circle 843 Dawson Ave #3 0 1013 hygeia ave 2361 Vancouver Ave 2347 Mermn Dr 5130 La Jolla Elvd A 1263 Tylee Street M 819ArdenDr r 899 woodley place C 3315 James Dnve 632 Sunnch Lane 2222 Ulloa Slreet 2046 Red Coach Lane 1012 Regal Ridge Rd 4726 Enghton 12283 CarmelVisia Rd #218 K 1448 Calle Goya 2705 Tonto Way W 4573 Sanla Monica Ave 4320 Point View Ci 28461 Shnke 704 summersong lane 704 summersong lane 1744A Broadway 1744A Broadway K 6912 Quiet cove Dnve R 3636 MERRIMAC AVE 1239 Carniniio Septtrno h 14256 WYETH AVENUE R 8M)O Via Mallorca 2 Fuchsia PI M 7226 Columbine Dnve g 642 n trmontst 2018 MacKinnon Ave M 7955 Carnino Alvaro a 6404rubyway A 7101 Whitewaterst M 4601 Neblina Dnve 1871 5 Paseo Cortez 1871 5 Paseo Cortez 10288 Eayhead Beach Ave C 35816N WthLane 3458 Carnino Alegre M 14169 Half Moon Bay Dr 1354 Hermes Ave 2017 Sandusky Rd 2837 Ivy St L 3035 Quince St L 7108 Columbine Dnve E 2651 Harcwrt Dnve 4446 Montalvo St 2535 man cove dr A 1542 Fireside Lane 1347 Hygeta Ave R 274 Hygeia CT 123 Jasper St 28 5202 Alarnosa Park Dr 330 W I St #7 120 N Paufic Street A 1520 Lower Lake Ci n 809 kmgsirm ci W 32938 Galleano Ave 819 Arden Dnve A 127 Range St B R 6607 Daylily Dr 3873 Ingraharn. D-106 2008 Countmod Ct 13332 carninito carmel dr api202 14648 Via Eergarno PO Box 965 1138 Newcasile court 515 Bnarwood Dr 1769 Village Run North 817 S Vulcan 612 Navigator Court 1477 Neptune Ave IC67 Cem Verde Dnve 1465 Eolus 1333 Hermes Ave 32369 Cercle Beauregard 4835 Saratoga Ave t7 6267 Via Trato 5520 highway It 7948 Calle Madnd 1277 Orchard Glen Circle 7976 Arnargosa Dr 7976 arnargosa dr Enunitas Oceanside Carlsbad Enunitas San Dtego San Dtego Corona del Mar Carlsbad CARLSBAD Oceanside Oceanside Carlsbad San Diego carlsbad carlsbad Carlsbad San Diego encinttas San Diego Carlsbad San Dtego Vista Enunitas Enunitas encinitas Carlsbad Enunitas San Franusco Leucadia Enunitas Enunitas San Diego San Diego Oceanside San Diego San Diego La Mesa Laguna Ntguel enunitas enunitas Oceanside Oceanside Carlsbad SAN DIEGO Cardiff IRVINE La Jolla Aliso Viejo Carlsbad oceanside Cardiff Carlsbad carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad lrvine lrvine Surnrnerlin Phoenix Carlsbad Del Mar Leucadia Oak Harbor San Diego San Diego La Costa San Diego San Diego Cardiff Vlsta Encinitas Encinitas Leucadia Oceanside Carlsbad Enunitas San Marcos Cardff san diego San Dtego Winchester Enunitas del mar San Diego Rancho Santa Fe oceanside Ukiah Enunitas Encinitas Carlsbad Enunitas Solana Beach Encinitas Encinitas Ternewla San Diego Carlsbad pelharn Carlsbad Enunitas Carlsbad carlsbad CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA Ca CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA Az CA CA CA WA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA AL CA CA CA CA 92024 92054 760-433-3689 92009 92024 92 121 858-735-72 19 92121 858-526-4958 92625 92009 92009 92056 760-414-9008 92056 760-414-9008 92008 92 102 92008 92008 92009 921 15 92024 92104 619-283-2911 92008 92083 760-525-1743 92024 760-753-4941 92024 92024 92008 92024 941 16 California 92024 760.436.3059 92024 760-809-2761 92024 92107 760.390.9764 921 30 858-337-2251 92056 92117 85E270-4475 92107 91941 "194706234 92677 92024 92024 92054 92054 92009 92117 85E483-9419 92007 92606 92037 92656 92009 760-929-9556 92054 92007 92009 92009 760-613-9821 92009 92006 7607206151 92603 92603 89135 85086 823i374-4184 92009 7609431965 92014 8587559765 92024 98277 92104 92104 760-931-8081 92009 92123 92107 619-224-0787 920007 92084 92024 92024 760522-0476 92024 92057 760 630-0310 92009 92024 92069 92007 92109 92109 (760) €03-9105 925% -3868 92024 760-753-7833 92014 92127 92067 856-735-8440 92056 760-802-5114 95482 707-367-5308 92024 92024 819-985-6831 92009 92024 92075 92024 (760) 944-5242 92024 760-436-9742 92591 92107 92009 35124 92009 92024 92009 92009 CA rebecca-greenReld@hoirnail corn rngreenvilledesigns@wx net ziadeannie@earlhlink net bryce gregoryagrnail corn rnargaret gregory@pfizer corn rnargaret gregory@pfizer corn rgregory@ileads corn athun@sbcglobal net EVINGRENSTEDQMAC COM Aarong63@cox net aarong63@cox net danungboo222@yahw corn jgreerno@hotrnail corn charlesgrtswold@rnac corn zackfarms2@hotrnatl corn tgrover@sbcglobal net natlyg@holmatl corn dgualotunia@yahoo corn natcarngude@aol corn jakesk8erlOl@yahoo corn rnatthewguest@holmail corn 1guevaraQnctirnes corn igoisnow@yahoo corn whitguild@hotrnail corn Sean gunn@cox net wnner@sdcoe k12 ca us aguralnick@yahw corn hughgunn@hotrnail corn superguz2001@yahoo corn jarnasg@grnail corn sgwllliam@adelphia net dangyselgyahoo corn haaSNnl@aOl corn arnyhaase@hotrnail corn hhh@san rr corn torn@hadfield corn rnarkhaeger@holmail corn chnsrhagernan@yahw corn fredtsrn@yahoo corn fredisrn@yahoo corn hagenholt@hotrnail corn jhagenholl@hotrnail corn kabecarlsbad@adelphia net S23R59EgAOL COM shalboth@hotmail corn SHAUNT-HALEBIANgyAHOO COM orcawhale24@yahoo corn dapegaearthlink net jhallggenopbx corn nikosurfl@cox net jahall@ucsd edu rnhall@adagency corn chnstine29l@yahoo corn patli hall@adelphia net grnhallie@hotrnail corn krpitled@cox net lehalopo@cox net broxwotx@cox net tearnhalter@cox net debhalverson@adelphia net peggyharnann@yahw corn harnannfish2@nelzero corn twoharnbltns@corncast nwt taliharnilton@hotmail corn amy harninon@wesionsolubons corn dnnharnrny@rnsn corn ]bharnlinesq@sbcglobaI net robin-harnrnack@yahoo corn ernailjardine@yahoo corn haha92084@yahoo corn coryharnpio@yahoo corn kevinhameister@rnsn corn j hancock rnamrnac corn nckhancock@cox net jirnihancock@yahw corn juddhandler@yahoo corn nccrnarkegaol corn daphne-ann-handyayahoo corn rnichael haney@sumardware corn brendangliberlyleadsource corn Ahankins@carnpus hpu edu gregory-hanlon@hotrnail corn panyboy917@yahoo corn knsttnhannon@yahoo corn thansch@pacbell net Jhansen@lusardi corn rkhansen@sbcglobal net Launejill@aol corn hansonpi@saic corn rnarlenehl@adelphta net gohanson@ucsd edu janiehap@aOl corn alisonsurf@cox net harcank@adelphia net brookeh@resrned m tyler-hardwick@yahoo corn showupblowup00 drearnrnachtne@cox net hlharker@yahoo corn hharmeling@shWetlaw corn charmelingQyahoo corn ]bhlOO@cox net 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 t t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 Page 11 Harmon Harmpn . Harmon Harmon Harrill hams harnson Harnson Hart hart Hart Hart Hart-Pack harth Hartley Harvey Harvey harvey Hassebrock Hasselbach Hassett Hastings Hasty Hatch Hatch hatcher Hauptrnan Havens 111 Hawk Hawke Hawkins Hawley Haworth Hawtrey Hayden Hayden HAYES Hayn Haynes Hays Healey Hearn Heaston Heatherly heatherly Heatherly heaton Heaton Heberer Heck Hedden Hedgewck Hedgewck Heffner Heflin heit Heller hellrnan Hellrnan hellrnan Hendershot Henderson Henderson Hendnck Hendncks Hen d n ck s Henken Henry Herbert Henc Herrnes Hermes Hermes Hermosillo Hernandez Hernandez hem an de z Hernandez Herr Hanks henera Hernck Hernck Hetnck Heuchan Heydorff Heyen Heyen Heynacher Hibbard Hickrnan hicks Hidalgo HIGDON Higgins Hight Hilbern Hilbern Hill Hill Hill Hillrnan Hindges Chns Douglas Robert Linda Jonathan Stephanie Scott bY Heather kelly Jennifer Robert Kristina rnichael Dallas Margaret Lynnette sasha Lindsay Grant Matthew Nancy Sarah Joshua Deborah katy Jeff Fred Joe Kevin Daren Nathan John Jill Enn Daniel Pegi Tawnya Stuart Brad Chns Brandon Ellice Mike Julie Rebecca casey Selina Manna Deborah Mark JArnes Anne Knstine Douglas justin Missy kirnberly Joel chns Beth Chanel Cachet Chadevan Diane Leif Man Shane Chnstopher Vanessa Ashley William Elaine Aaron Daniel Jessica rnargaret Jessica Joanna rachel Jeanne Kate Jordan heidi Tim Jonathan Andrea Chns Tlflnnie Brendan nathan Eugene ALLEN Matthew Peter Mary Mary Laura Bobbi Justin Knstina Robert B D D J P e E B Y G P M E D A rn Z B D A C E S D A L C K W W M A 2663 State Street #D 701 8 Lavender Way 701 8 Lavender Way 7018 Lavender Way 481 Bay Meadows Way 115092 fury In 3229 Juniper st 1341 Greenlake Drive 1340 42nd Avenue 3505 Driftwood place 3228 Madison Avenue 921 Marguerite Lane 2021 Village Wood Rd 1033 st albans drive 1726 Aldersgate 7213 San Lucas Street 1655 Eolus Avenue 12244 arucauna way 2215 California Street 295 Chestnut Ave. #1 4972 tyler st 3783 Redwwd Avenue 914 Marguerite Lane 946 B Laguna Dr. 946 B Laguna Dr. 3910 sierra rnorena av 1325 Urania Ave 6828 Sheamaters Dnve 3870 Woodvale Dr. 2323 Summerhill Dr 924 Ashton Court 1316 craigrnont st 1833 Linbmok Dr. 307 16th St., #3 275 Hillcrest Drive #lo5 275 Hillcrest Dr. 202 HOOVER ST 23160 Napa Drive 23819 Highlander Rd 3211 70 Panamount Dr. NW 2124 Pintoresw Ct. 1502 San Jose Street 14906 SW Rosario 1240 Carninito Septirno via de la valle #c 1240 Carninito Septirno 58-348a Karn. ~wy. P.0 Box 173 2119 Wedgewood Dr. 915 Poppy Lane 1775 Valley Place 2464 Jefferson St 2464 Jefferson St 2030 Mar Azul Way 753 Plurnosa Ave 432 Sylvia st 6744 Tea Tree Street Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan Petition Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Solana Beach el calon san diego Cardiff San Franusw Oceanside Carlsbad Carlsbad Encinitas encinrtas Leudadia Carlsbad Encinitas san diego Oceanside Carlsbad oceanside Los Angeles Carlsbad Carlsbad C a rl s b a d carlsbad Enunitas Carlsbad Carlsbad Enunitas Vista el cajon san diego Hunbngton Beach Enunitas Enunitas OCEANSIDE Valencia West Hills Calgary Carlsbad Oceanside Tigard Cardiff solana beach Cardiff Haleiwa Laie Oceanside Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Vista encinitas Carlsbad 3863 Garfield St. Carlsbad M 1320 N Sierra Bonita Ave Apt 210 West Hollywood 1695 crest drive 12535 El Carnino Real J 2355 Cornstock Street 228 Fowles St 1347 Summit Ave 7204 Mimosa Dr 7204 Mimosa Dr 4923 Lorna 1278 Lac Flores Dr G 3304 Calle San Blas 1636 Avery Rd E 1051 W El Norte Parkway G 32201 Corte Sabnnas 32201 Corte Sabnnas P 25255 Jesrnond Dane Rd 1237 N Vulcan Ave A POBOX5242 128 crouch st L 2375 Louise Ct M 229 Rosebay Dnve 3415 boundary st S 2590 Davis Ave 2590 Davis Ave 201 B North Vulcan Ave e 1457 North Vulcan Ave #6 E 1265 Neptune Ave 3507 Calle Hidalgo S 3507 Calle Hidalgo 4712 Dalea Place R 6888 Fnars Road #225 P 7126 Leeward St 6499 alexandn circle 8W Leucadia Blvd W 5755LODlST 2922 Zircon PI 1471 N VulcanAve ApW3 L 4135 Utah St #8 L 4135 Utah St #8 M C 8775 Fisk Avenue V 3241 Celinda Dr 4020 Gresham St 2325 Paseo de Laura #210 3286 Avenida de Sueno enunrtas San Diego San Diego Oceanside Card#f Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad San Marws Escondido Ternecula Ternecula Escondido Enunitas Oceanside owanside El Cajon Enunitas san diego Carlsbad Carlsbad Encinitas Encinitas Leucadia Carlsbad Carlsbad Oceanside San Diego Carlsbad carlsbad Encintas SAN DIEGO Carlsbad Leucadia San Diego San Diego Oceanside Carlsbad San Diego Carlsbad San Diego CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA OR CA CA CA HI HI CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA ca 92008 (760) 720-1514 92009 92009 92009 92075 858-254-5244 92019 92104 619-255-6262 92007 760-634-3622 94122 92056 760-5057021 92006 92011 760 931 9621 92024 92024 92024 760 942 8060 92009 92024 760-942-7233 92 129 92054 92008 801-921-3096 92057 7608017372 90066 310-572-4656 92009 760-602-0130 92008 92008 92008 760-505-2353 92024 92009 760-931-7929 92008 760-519-6228 92024 92081 760-597-1124 92019 921 11 92024 7604351336 92024 760 635 1336 92054 760 518 3086 91354 91307 92009 92054 97224 92007 760-632-3676 92075 92007 96762 (760)494-1106 92056 7608055982 92009 760 431 2661 92008 (760) 720-7805 92008 760-4734360 92008 92009 92081 599-9942 92024 6134348 92009 76C-804-1913 92008 90046 92024 92130 92111 858-715-0260 92054 92007 7604736008 92009 92009 92008 92008 92009 92078 92026 92592 92592 92026 92024 92056 92054 92020 92024 7606329396 921 04 92008 760-729-6782 92008 92024 92024 92024 7609446299 92009 92009 760-471-9356 92057 760-439-4341 92108 92009 760-603-0788 92009 760-214-7557 92024 92117 6192247671 92009 CA 92024 92104 619-584-0517 92104 92056 92009 92122 92008 (760) 72C-0934 92109 92648 714 658-5455 T3AOR7 1(403)277-4999 96712 80a285-1547 c harmon@!sbcgbbal net beachyharmonsasbcglobal net beachyharmons@sbcglobal net beachyharmonsasbcglobal net jphamllayahw com irnyurnrny420@hotrnail corn xpoulhyanetscape net arnyharnsonaadelphia net pawsoutsfacorncast net ryansangell.l@hotmail corn ~enniqua77@sbcglobal net Harls2244aAOL pack202l@aol corn elisabet-harthayahoo corn dallashartleylO@hotrnail corn rnparnhayahoo corn lynnetteharvey@cox net sasharvey2001@hotrnail corn Iindsayhassebrock@hotrnail wrn aquagranmgrnail corn rnhassettacox net nancy@hastingspmductions corn shastyabioeng ucsd edu ]hatched@nehem net bigrnarnadebl 993ayahoo wrn Iilrnarysunshyne@aol corn chefieWcatenng@yahoo corn fredhacallawaygolf corn joehahambikes corn kevin@kevinhawke corn hawkinsdar~en77@yahoo corn nhawleyaarner-tech corn jbhaworthahotrnail corn jhawlreyasurfside net dehaydenacoxnet dehaydenawx net pegyver3ahotrnail corn tawnl43@hotrnail corn Stuart haynesarecycler corn bradawrnhproductions corn chns@forceonenetworks wrn osdancsurfer@hotrnail wrn erheastonastoel corn fa b-mike-d@ya hoo corn jujux3@yahoo corn sun-rai@hotmail corn hangtenahotrnail corn selinaaegofree corn MCHebereQcox net heck-debbie@hotrnail wrn heddencaaaol wrn jhedgecockadlspas win a_ej5000@yahoo corn jkheffneraaol corn dougheflin@adelphia net justinheitacox net IoudlaffQsbcglobal net sunrayssaturdays@yahoo corn ]oelhellrnan@yahoo corn chns hellrnanQrcn corn ehendshtasan rr corn rneachanellfe corn cachethendersonahotrnail corn chadevan@sbcglobal net Hendnckswadelphia net Masurfaceoptics corn drurnsurl@yahoo wrn jiveassrnofo@spinfinder corn CGherbaaol corn vanessah@callawaygolf wrn ashleyelizabethhermes@yahw corn ashleyelizabethhermes@yahoo com ehermesaadelphia net dancingboo222@yahoo corn dntdarleneanetscape net surfngrll8ayahoo corn rneg 1281@wx net Dynarnojessayahoo wrn herrfotoacox net girlinanooseayahoo corn pologrlhernck@yahoo corn lordanhetnckahotrnail corn heidi@art!llerysales corn tirnheydorf@sbcglobaI net heyen99xayahoo corn andrea_h_60614@yahoo corn cheynacheranethere corn tlflnnie05@hotrnail corn brendan hickrnanancr corn pughicksayahoo corn Hida7777@Hotmail corn aldosufiasan rr corn rn_r_higgins2l~hotrnaiI corn peteraprana corn rnhil4848@postoff1ca un edu rnhi14848@?postofke un edu ankh92024arnsn corn bobbi hill@sbcglobal net Holywack@san rr corn khillrnan@fpcoceanside org roberthindgesayahooo corn lbks2590@sbcglobal net 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 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James James jamison Janc Janc Janc Janc Janiak Janik Anne darlynn Jasmine chns Me1 Sherry1 Nicole Virginia Jeffrey Marc Edward Brody Summer Knsten Shawn Tom Steven Janine DonandJeane frednck David Sharon timothy Joon lune Margaret Nancy David Randal William Debra Gena James Rose Grayson Bnan Michael Wendy Kelly Brenda Clint Janet Rebecca MARK Josephine Brenda Dennis Dain Knstine Jason Lindsay Enc Chnstopher Jamie Megan Roberta Evan Timothy Daniel Keith Tim Gavin Renee Kent Lauren Brett Alexander Yuki Daniel Rebecca Tim Roger Mark Jeff Helen Alicia Kazutaka Laura Zenon Jason HARRIS Richard Gretchen Jeffrey nathan Danielle Gary Donald Richard a Mary charles AI Joel Lisa Jessica Michael Judith Terry Larry KAREN Ray Barry R m F R R L h H P e H S D J s H W J H R M M e K R E H P L A B C G A C M C B C J P K L A E T j P T R D 161 1 Rubenstein Dr 6609 conntia street 7127 babilonia st 321 1 Sello Lane #lo2 3207 carvallo court 1545 Buckingham Dr 7903 Code Penca 547 Cornish Dr 486Rd 2AB 1224 Highbluff Ave Marc 6506 Onda Place 1602 Corsica Place 3120 Madison St 745 Nardo Road 11 36 Stratford dr 308 Hillcrest Dr 201 1 Cima Ct 331 1 James Dr 7820 Gaviota Cr 3543 Rock Ridge Rd 6943 Mimosa Dnve 3548 MlRA PACIFIC DR 4642 30th SI 7106 Santa Cruz 7106 Santa Cruz 9721 lamar st 911 112 Emerald St 471 E Glaucus st 7418 Pelican ST 1786 E POINTE AVE 946 Woodgrove Cf 2812 El Rash Lane 390 Oak Ave Apt B 7512 Brava Street 2310 Byron Place 4673 Felton St 7307 San Luis 11018W OceanAirDr Apt266 7350 Spinnaker Street 621 Brookside Ct 621 Bmokside Court 1659 Trenton Way 201 W Mac Arthur Blvd #D8 14401 Starsia SI 24514A Windsor Dnve 19950 Ehin Forest Ln 921 LAW ST 4659 112 cape may avenue 2266 Cameo Rd 11614 SpnngsideRd 362 Holmwwd Lane 2345-2 Cannga Way 605 Palaro Dnve 21 15 Meadowlark Rnch Circle 3962 James Dnve 165 Walnut Ave Apt C 36055 maddaleana 3798 Highland Dr 4134 Lymer Dnve 7351 spinnaker Street 7351 Spinnaker Street 10728242 Sabre Hill Dr 7746 Madnlena Way 269 Arch St 814 Saxony Road 340 Isthmus Way #50 7926 Calle San Felipe POB 4426 4169 Monroe Avenue 305 Campus Mew Dr 140 hemlock #C 6825 Pear Tree Dnve PO Box 2049 909 Caminito Estrada Unit C 1223 Crest rd 522 Turfwood Lane 1550 del mar road 930Via Mil Cumbres #18 1565 Starlight Dr 1621 Avocado Road 1786 N Coast Hwy 101 #7 9632 Hamilton Ave 5532 Dalhart Hill NW 208 E Glaucus St 2407 Sacada Circle 7026 Columbine Dr 6430 EL Penco Lane 1499SandbarDnve 1512W UpasSt 1727 Glasgow Ave 1926 Skyknoll Way 1756 La Playa Dr 5249 Los Robles Dr 1019 oldham way 6587 Red Knot rd 7362 Portage Way 7362 Portage Way 6567 Red Knot St 11233 TIERRASANTA BLVD 64 4113 lngraham Street Patrick W 7363 Portage Way Carlsbad Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan Petition Cardrff carlsbad carlsbad Carlsbad carlsbad La Jolla C a rl s b a d Encinitas Cody San Marcos Spnng Lake Carlsbad Costa Mesa Carlsbad Enunitas Enunitas Enunitas Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad OCEANSIDE san diego Carlsbad Carlsbad spnng valley San Diego leucadia Carlsbad CARLSBAD Cardiff Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad San Diego Carlsbad San Diego Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad San Marws Santa Ana Westminster Valenua Elfin Forest San Diego san diego Carlsbad San Diego Solana Beach Carlsbad Encinitas San Marcos Carlsbad Carlsbad wnchester Carlsbad San Diego Carlsbad Carlsbad San Diego Carlsbad Laguna Beach Encinitas Oceanside Carlsbad Carlsbad San Diego San Marws Carlsbad Carlsbad San Diego Carlsbad Del Mar Solana Beach oceanside Solana Beach Cardiff Oceanside Enunitas Huntlngton Beacg Calgary Enunitas Carlsbad SAN DIEGO Carlsbad Carlsbad San Marws San Diego Cardrff by the Sea Encinitas Lafayette Carlsbad leucadia carisbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad San Diego CA CA CA CA CA CA WY CA MI CA CA CA CA CA Ca CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA ca CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA AB CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA ca ca 92007 92009 760-476-0004 92009 7604384849 92009 92009 92037 92009 7609423677 92024 62414 92076 49456 6168421840 92009 760-734-5603 92626 92008 CA 92024 92024 760-436-1 160 92024 760 479-0134 92009 (760) 6352962 92006 760-521-1186 92009 760.732.3379 92006 92011 760-431-3737 92056 92116 6192694669 92009 7606030706 92009 7606030706 91977 619-684-8477 92109 92024 92009 760-604-1626 92006 92007 92008 760/720-1883 92008 760-436-4425 92009 92006 760-431-0023 92116 619 723-7626 92009 92130 658-755-3497 92009 760470-0100 92009 92009 92076 92707 92663 714-373-5687 91355 92029 92109 92107 92008 92128 92075 7604646448 92009 92024 92076 760-510-1644 92006 92006 92596 92008 921 16 92009 760-476-1449 92009 760-476-1449 92128 92009 92651 92024 92054 92009 92016 92116 92076 92009 92009 91912 92009 92014 92075 7606225460 92057 92075 760-929-3412 92007 92054 760-966-1198 92024 92646 92024 92009 92124 92009 92009 760 931-7693 92076 92103 CA 92007 92024 760-634-6065 94549 92008 92024 7604363343 92009 800-969-5543 92009 92009 92009 760-604-9161 92109 92009 1-760-476-0247 T3AlS9 Gratitudel@cox.net darlynns@aol.com boodness@aol.com jasminerh@hotmail.com chnshinshaw@holmail.com melhinton@sbcglobal net shhertica@hotmail.com nickihm@hotmail.com blankerina@yahoo.com pffahodson@hotmail.wm hoeksemaphoto@yahoo.com Edward.HOffman@djortho corn bhofmann@acquirex.com summer@wavelines corn kristenonaquest@hotmail.com lastnde25@hotmail.com tenyholladay@cox net thollenb@gnf.org shollera@bowdoin.edu holmes@holmeslandscape.com j9holmes@yahoo.com Hlexadaaol wm 24kholmgren@prodigy.net enviesurf@yahoo.com sdholtl363@sbcglobal.net sdholtl363@sbcglobal.net timhomuth@hotmail wm wrky-981 OS@yahoo.com juneymike@sbcglobal.net maggiehood@adelphia. net GNHOOD@ADELPHIA.NET dhopkins@morfacts.com rhopwocd@yahoo.com billhoran@adelphia.net dhoren@sbcglobal.net gshomung@yahoo.com jhorosky@msn.com mse5446@nethere.com ghough@earthlink.net brian.houghton@sbcglobal.net yaahouli@yahoo.com rejuvenage@yahoo.com sdhouse@cox.net bren-houser2003@yahoo corn namhsah42o@earthlink.net jhowell@thevine net sandynsurf-beach@yahoo.com markhuckins lahudakaamsn com bhu007@adelphia.net dhuffasan rrwm dhughen@altheatech.com RAYJAY3@sbcglobal.net kshughes@cox net jasonh@blackball.us outdoorluvr@hotmail corn erichulin@yahoo.com tumtum 105@ hotmail. wm gidge60@hotmail.wm meganhumpa@hotmail corn ixrtiehumphrey@yahoo.com bertiehumphrey@yahoo com mtns4th@yahoo.com danielcarterhunt@yahoo.com jahpablo77@yahoo.com thurIey814@yahoo.com barry.hurt@ieee.org gavin-hurt@yahoo wm reneenew@email.com kent.huth@sdcounty.c.gov lalaOZ@san.rr wm Brett-iIes@hotmail.com ailic@adelphia.net yukimay@yahoo com dannysocali@yahoo.wm beckstar22@hotrnail.com intfenZl@hotmail wm h2osurfer52@aol.wm Mark-lrwin@upperdeck.com plasticfantastic31 @hotmail.com kayirwin@wx.net aliciaisen@hotrnail.com ishidera@yahoo.co jp Iliskiw@ucalgary ca zenissel@yahoo com jasonil@pacbell net sjablow@hotrnail.com Seniorecho@sbcglobal net the~acksons4@sbcglobal.net jtjackson9@gmail.com njjacobsen@ yahoo.com daniellej-07asandeigo.edu garyjahns@lycos.com don.james1 @comcast.net Guayule@adelphia net chuckjamison@hotmail.wm alj@oakley.com joeljanc@hotmail wm leejanc@adelphia.net jessicaaultrafitnutrition.com seventwo60@yahoo.wm p.janik@sbcglobal net 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 Page 13 Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan Petition Janis Jansen Janss Jeffs Jelden Jenkins Jenkins jensen Jensen Jersey Jessee Jessee Jessee Jiles Jirsa Jobbins Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson JOHNSON Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnston Johnston Johnstone Jolly jones jones Jones jones Jones Jones JONES JONES JONES JONES jones Jones Jones jones Jones Jonsson Jonsson Jordan Jordan Joseph Josias Jouras IOYce Judge JUDGE Julien Juneau Kabobel kaenel Kagan Kahahawai Kahapaa Kakehashi Kalinkewiw Kanes Kapan Kapan Kaplan Karp Karp UARTZ Karydes Katsoff Kat2 KaUSZ Kavounas MY kaye Keating kebow Keck Keefe Keenan keener Keeping keeping kees KEHLER Kelaher KalP Jason Joe Julie Andrew Alan Frank Karen Steven Shanon Rosalinde Jennifer Phyllis William Everett Dave Luke Polly Kim Katharane Hugh Jeff Randall Kelly Megan Ann Walter Dada Wendy V R L D Gordon LOUISA Jenesa Lisa Michael Kelly Ian James Quentin Kathleen Douglas david Crystal Jones Gracie Candia Ryan JULIA MARTIN MICHAEL STEPHENIE gracie Marcia ANdy apnl Gen Enn Lars Bonnie Denise David Kyle emily Evelyne HUGH Mike William Grant sarah Mark Chnstian Peter Brenda Jayce Randy Jason Tamara Chns Vicki David Elle SHEILA Andrew Dacia Bnan Maoi Deborah Veronica jodi Brandon Sheila Robert Bob Zachary Sammy Joanna bill Brett Michael ryan Terry Jeff P 3524 Mt Anane Dr San Diego 19995 Elfin Forest Rd Eswndido A 321 Shadow Oaks lrvine 390 N Sepulveda Blvd. # 2050 2052 White Birch Dnve Vista M POBox2485 Carlsbad R 6965 El Camino Real Suite 105-177 Carlsbad El Segundo W L C 0 D G M M R t C w A S L s G R J M a m F J T P V H H W L s W C C G T S P M J M H A G V L J M a D r E d D R 363 andrew ave 2252 soledad rancho rd 7101 San Bartolo Jennifer 7230 Mimosa Dnve 7230 Mimosa Dnve 1754 laslo dr 241 Melrose Ave 5408 Old Ranch Road 1847 Lotus Court 1647 Lotus court 600 Sunset St 1410 Kings Cross Dnve 12639 El Carnino Real M106 2617 Larkin Place 4614 Neblina Dnve 973 Hermes Ave 1570 Mantirne Dnve 1434 wop street 2021 Wwdmoss Court 2741 glasgow dnve 2834 Cazadem 2834 Cazadem 2934 Cazadem 2634 Cazadem PO Box112 830 PALARO DRIVE 4334 oming View Court 842 Skysail Avenue 841 Mistletoe Lane 1057 Lighthouse Road do 1-4-3-Hart-Avenue 131 Diana St Apt 10 1671 Brady Circle 382 Sunset Drtive 6736 Lonicera Street 4 field 3678 Olive Hill Rd 3610 voyager urcla 4933 Saratoga Ave #203 655 Cole Ranch Rd 1028 SEAHORSE CT 1028 SEAHORSE CT 1028 SEAHORSE CT 1026 SEAHORSE CT 3610 voyager circle 370 Andrew Ave 51 I 6 Narragansett Ave #86 31841 Via Coyote 3566 Wishbone Way 16321 Pacfic Coast Hwy #143 16321 Pack Coast Hwy #143 2157 Pleasant Grove Road 2157 Pleasant Grove Road 7053 Surfbird Circle 349 S Cochran Ave 3 Kann Court 907 21st st 6594 Petunia Place 6594 PETUNtA PLACE 517 1R Stratford Court 33046 Calle Aviador 1541 Thermal Ave 1228 chambord ct 3013 Corte Baldre 771 Camellia Place P 0 Box 3055 1520 Hawk View Dr 2359 Herrnance rd 36523 Cheval Dr 3810 Adair Way 7345 Seafarer PI 7345 Seafarer Place 4535 Picadilly Ct 21 19 Cottage Way 2119 Cottage Way 8367 LAKELAND DR 2491 Caminito Ocean Cove 1531 Glenwood Dnve 2152 Bawn St 321 1 Fosca St 1016 Foxglove View 156 Phoebe Street 2109 wolngreeny way 2549 Hillndge Lane 5061 shore dr 5151 Bnghton Avenue 7571 Calorna Circle 1159 Wales Place 1662 Hilton head Ct #lo5315 Acacia Avenue 315 acacia ave PO box 90651 4923 1R SARATOGA AVE 720 Teaberry St encinitas sd Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Eswndido Enunitas Oceanside Carlsbad Carlsbad Ridgecrest Cardiff San Diego San Diego carlsbad Enunitas Carlsbad enunitas Enunitas carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Pala LEUCADIA La Mesa Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Santa-Monica Encinitas Carlsbad Encinitas Carlsbad irvine Fallbrook san diego San Diego Enunltas CARLSEAD CARLSEAD CARLSEAD CARLSBAD wsan diego Leucadia Ocean Beach Cot0 de Caza Olivenhain Pacfic Palisades Pacific Palisades Encinitas Enunitas Carlsbad LOS Angelas Soquel san diego Cadsbad CARLSEAD Del Mar CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA San Juan Capistrano CA San Diego oceanside Carlsbad Carlsbad Pnnceville Encinitas Galway Winchester Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Vista Vista GRANITE BAY Cardiff San Diego San Diego Carlsbad Carlsbad Enunitas enunitas Spnng Valley carlsbad San Diego Carlsbad Cardiff El cajon Carlsbad carlsbad sd SAN DIEGO Encinitas CA CA CA CA Hi CA NY CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA 921 11 858-344-7476 92029 92616 949-679-9110 90245 92081 9201 8 760602-8220 92009 949.275.3941 92024 7609428731 92109 92009 7609299576 92009 CA 92009 CA 92009 CA 92025 760-533-5133 92024 7604581108 92009-512 7M) 436-9372 92009-512 760 436-9372 93555 92007 760 942-5021 92130 92123 92W8 92024 760-942-9470 92011 92024 92024 92006 760-720-1 136 92009 760-436-3999 92057 (760) 75a8822 92009 760-436-3999 92009 92009 92059 760.703.8171 92024 91941 619-301-4129 92009 760.431.9135 9201 1 92009 7601604-0043 9 760 230 1690 [go4051 (619) 418-8363 92008 92024 92009 760602.9823 92620 92028 92130 92107 619-602-2776 92024 760 944 9227 92009 92009 92009 92009 92130 92024 760 632.8621 92107 92679 92024 90272 3104594761 90272 3104594761 92024 92024 9201 1 90036 3233504568 95062 92102 9201 1 92014 619.301.0755 92675 92154 92054 92009 760-943-9195 92008 96722 92024 12074 92596 92008 7608452611 92009 92009 760-918-1610 92010 92081 949 533 3438 92081 760.908.4701 95746 92007 92103 92107 619.523.8807 92009 760.436.4916 92009 (760)916-9925 90064 92024 7604360712 91977 92006 760438-1645 92107 92009 92007 92019 92008 92008 92169 92107 92024 92011-2516 jasonjanis@mail utexas adu joejansen04@yahoo wm juliejanss@aol wm megasurfstar@hotmail wm alan jeldenasyntnclty com tniah@yahoo corn kjenkins@thunderzone wm jense2005@yahw corn shanon@sellsandiego corn leejersey@exute wrn jesselOO@chapman edu jeSSeefam@SbcglObal net oldmansurf@sbcglobal net ejiles@cox net djirsa@hswn org jobbins@sbcglobal net polly@asice wrn kljohnsonacompuserve wm ksjohnsZ@pepperdine edu hjkjincbsQcox net jeffjohnsonlOl@hotrnail wm randallj49@hotmail wrn klindzy@hotmail wm rneganqohnson@wx net kidjohnson@adelphia net sellwithswtt@sbcglobal net darla johnson@djortho wrn johnsonfarn05@hotmail wm lajohnson@netscape wm lajohnson@netscape wm lajohnson@netscape wm lajohnson@netscape wrn gordonjohnsonamail@yahoo wrn louisaj2OOO@wx net jenesaZI@juno wrn hwverphoto@adelphia net mjcarlsbad@netzero net kellyatthebeach@msn wm awvipkpfk@yahoo com quirkyq@yahoo corn kathyjohnstone@adelphia net dougoll@pacbell net rynrnjones@hotmail wm crystaljones@fuhsd net graciesnojonz@sbcglobal net havesurfwilltravel@yahoo wm rtjoneser949@hotmail wm jjOZ@adelphia net jjOZ@adelphia net jjOZ@adelphia net jjOZ@adelphia net graciesnojonz@yahoo wrn catmaj@cox net AWJSlnatra@aoI wrn apnljgpjsalvage wrn gljst@aol wm ennjonsarnac corn ennjons@mac com tchn3rs@aol wrn bluagrassl0Qaol corn djoseph@Qobs corn djjauy_99@yahoowm wmv danejouras@sbcglobal net bunkyawx net Handej64aaol wm HANDEJ64aAOL COM mike@rnichaeljulien wm todd juneauapnrnedia wrn gkabobel@wx net sarah rarnsey@cox net kaganaadelphia net DontBuildThatShit@Bastards wrn surfnder3@hotrnail wm shapeofaheart@aol wrn jaycehaswotles@hotmaii wrn KalpmO@hotmail wm jkanes@sbcglobal net tkapanaadelphia net chnskakapankent wrn vickikaplanghotmail com dkarplO26@yahoo wrn ekarp@fujikuragolf corn LOWGLIDEaSUREWEST NET akarydesawx net daciaf@yahoo com bdabdkatz net krausz@adelphia net dk92009@yahoowrn vemnicak08@hotrnail corn jkayeabarracudanet corn eifunko99x@hotmail com dukesheaaol wm fkob@earthlink net bkeefewx@yahoo wrn zacharykeenan@hotmail wm sammylovesdarcy@hotmail wm joannaesirn@hotrnail wm jkeeping@bellyup corn killbees@hotmail corn brett@sdsmfitnass wrn rnrkelaher@yahoo corn djpwj@sbcglobal net 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 I 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 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Jordan KNdwig Donna KNdwig Pete Kmeger Daniel Kmeger Ryne Gareth Bnan Fiona Brendan Anna Jennifer Debbie FRIEDA Bnan Patnck John Karen Edward Sean Gwen Enka Adam Adam Joe Deborah david Aimee Michelle Andrew Evelyn Enc Evan Nicholas Nate scott Knsttn Enk Aaron Kathenne Sandy Canterbury Mary Michael Charles Jeff Joe tony Nancy Jeffrey LOUIS JULIE Steffany John Elissa knsten Genevieve bruce Gabnele Jennifer Enc Shenn Dernian Brad Torn Came Shane evan Dernck Enc Enk Randall James Peter Brent Kathenne Laura Amber Olivier Michael hazen Peggy Craig ANN L Y B M K T J E L R G M W W a E M P P A C R M N n A rn G L V L D J M C A W G A E R D L r A h 2523 San Marcos Ave 390 Chestnut Ave Apt 16 2790 Las Palrnas Cove 1100 Liberty Ave 3350 Ridgecrest Dnve 3165 esplanade 1301 McClelland Street 13356 PANTERA RD 2376 Alttsrna Way 3232 Calle Vallarta 3232 Calle vallarta 241% A LaCosta Avenue 893 Lees Ave 2406 La Tinada Ct 15559 Villa Cardiff Dnve 1872 Avenida Josefa 2376 Altisrna Way.Unit B 1720 Loretta St 1720 Loretta St 6550 Ponto Dr #43 7108 Whitewater ST 3663 harbor view way 7781 Falda Place 7668 el carnino real suite 104-458 19512 sierra raton PO Box1165 7665 Via rnontebello #4 11 Roquedo 245 Neptune Avenue 439 SE 68th Street 439 SE 68th Street 439 SE 66th Street 439 SE 66th Street Aaron 4447 Muir Ave 941 Sacramento Ave 1035 Turnstone Rd 6415 Calrnena PI 4214 Sierra Morena Ave 1366 Herrnes Ave 7512 Viejo Casblla Way #13 766 South Nardo Ave Apt C2 993 n vulcan ave 3245 Welrner PI 2894 Woodndge Cinle 1013 6th Ave 3rd Flwr 1965 MISTY CIRCLE PO BOX 7674 1245 Thomas Avenue 1660 N Coast Hwy 101 #38 144 redwood ave 4496 Orchard Ave 2669 Sutter Street 4740 Bryce Circle 910 Glen Arbor Dnve 910 Glen Arbor Dnve 1165 Arden Dr 658 Cypress Hills Dnve 658 Cypress Hills Dr 423 South Sierra Ave #I80 7703 Garboso Place 227 South Freeman St 541 3 Sycamore Dr 676 d st PO BOX232119 5071 Manor Ridge Lane 7195 Willet Cir 2422 Byron PI 464 Old Via Rancho Dnve 235 Calla 7601 Eads Ave #5 1480 Broadway Unit 2322 508 North Cedros Ave 1027 Agate Street #1 1255 Greenlake Dr 1255 Greenlake Dnve 546 3rd 5016 plainview rd 207 Sanford St 1504 Cordelia St 2048 Wandenng Road 10513 Trernont Lane 7331 Grebe Dnve 66143 Monches Dnve 855 rnansa lane 855 rnansa lane 6550 Ponto Dnve #61 51 38 Chestnut fork Rd 11 14 Dowitcher Ct 904 Leonard Avenue 212 w cota 1492 Serene Rd 321 1 Fosca Street 360 palisades dnve 6821 El Fuerte St 3509 india st 3455 Lebon Dr # 1533 1306 Hyrnettus Ave 1650 Diamond St 1680 N Coast Hwy 101 #39 769 Vine Ave 346 East Jackson Ave San Diego Carlsbad Del Mar Pittsburgh Carlsbad rndr San Marcos SAN DIEGO Carl s b a d Carl s b a d Carl s b a d Carl s b a d Long Beach Carlsbad Cardiff Enunitas Carlsbad Oceanside Oceanside Carlsbad Carlsbad oceanside Carlsbad Carlsbad imine Cardiff by the Sea San Diego RSM Enunitas Portland Portland Portland Portland San Diego San Diego Spnng Valley Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Enunitas Carlsbad Solana Beach encinitas San Diego Carlsbad New York ENClNlTAS Tahoe City San Diego Encinitas carlsbad San Diego Carlsbad Carlsbad Enunitas Enonitas Enunitas Encinitas Encinitas San Diego Carlsbad Oceanside Roeland Park enc LEUCADIA San Diego Carlsbad Carlsbad Escondido lrnpenal Beach La Jolla San Diego Solana Beach San Diego Cardfl Cardiff Enunitas san diego Leucadia Chula Vista Encinitas BelMower Carlsbad Fernandina Beach enunitas encinitas Carlsbad Gloucester Carlsbad Oceans id e Santa barbara Oceanside Carlsbad santa barbara Carlsbad san diego San Diego Leucadia San Diego Encinitas Oshkosh CA CA CA PA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA OR OR OR OR CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA NY CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA KS CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA FL CA CA CA VA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA WI ca Orange CA 92104 92008 92014 8587945265 15222 92008 760-729-1 697 90292 310-306-2366 92069 760-233-0236 92130 92009 6588661331 92009 760-942-8034 92009 92009 90815 92009 7609449286 92007 92024 760-470-9993 92009 92054 92054 92009 92009 7604381556 92056 760-630-6203 92009 92009 92603 92007 92129 858243-2155 92688 92024 858472-2720 97215 503 252-0603 97215 503 252-0603 97215 503 252-0603 97215 503 252-0603 92037 CA 92107 91977 92009 9201 1 92008 856-449-1025 92024 92009 92075 92024 7609438942 92122 92088 10018 2122680609 92024 96145 7608075990 92109 858-458-1900 92024 92006 92107 (619) 223-8673 92008 92006 760 720-2096 92024 760-943-7315 92024 92024 760 230 1782 92024 7604871482 92024 7604871482 92075 92009 760-869-2036 92054 66205 92024 92023 92130 858-794-8977 92009 92008 760-505-7423 92029 91932 92037 92101 92074 8583364140 92109 92007 92007 760.632.8026 92024 92110 92024 91913 92024 (760) 632-5288 90706 92009 32034 92024 760-942-6215 92024 92009 23061 (804)-695-9110 92009 92054 (760) 439-0663 93101 92057 92009 93109 92009 760.994.6094 92103 619-787-6045' 92122 92024 92109 92024 760-845-1302 54901 920-2033952 92667 714-478-3508 kellyengacox net bkelly88ayahoo corn fkellygsan rr corn bkelly@drnclaw corn alohakelsol@yahoo corn nornad1800@aol corn dkernperanpcurl corn fnedakennedyayahoo corn bkennedyaanonyrnizer corn pkenneyaswinerton corn topkpkgaol corn ]kenney@pnntdeparlrnent corn tinker21 xoxoahotrnail corn psaeclaaol corn seandools@yahoo corn straykat3450ayahoo corn ernk617@hotrnail corn c$uiserl979@hotrnail corn c$uiserl979@hotrnatl corn Joe-keoughanarnsn corn debberae03ayahoo corn dak58@sbcglobal net rnellicirna@yahoo corn ggbaffoonaaol corn andrewkhounayahw corn ekibbealycos corn epkl97layahoo corn gyroevatcewarp us nickacapstoneinvestments corn littlebluebike@nseup net scott b killopsgtntel corn kkillops@hotrnail corn enkillopgunion org za aaronanewswell corn katkirn@yahoo corn spaulkl@wx net kimcanterbury@hotmaiI corn rnarehugaaol corn kingrnix2Wl@yahoo corn chkingaucsd edu ]effkingappr@yahoo corn kinplpagrnail corn tktnsel5@hotrnail corn nktppasan rr corn ~effktrby004@hotrnail corn Ikirc@venzon net 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kreitztylerahotmail corn desertedkitten@yahoo corn rnatt@sundiego corn pkrohnaucsd edu Jordkrone@hotrnail corn donnacalvao@yahoo corn petekrudwtg@hotrnatl corn uwodankrueger@yahoo corn thecallfornian56@yahoo corn fOjOSb@hOtrnail corn 1 1 1 0 t 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 t 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 t 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 Page 15 Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan Petition Kruidenier Kube Kuch Kuiken kummelehne Kunoth Kunz Kutzman Kuzniar Kyle La Corte Lacy Lacy Ladd Laird Lake Lake Lalor Lamb Lamb Lancelot Landers Landis Landman Laney Lang Lang lange lange lange Lanigan Lanningham lantz Lantz Lantz Lantz Lanzetta Lap LaPointe LaPP LaPP Lamer Larson larson lattlmer Laubert Laughlin Laughlin Launais Laune Laux Lazarus Lank lauaro Le Le Roux Leach Leavitt LeClair Ledford Ledford Ledford Ledford Ledford Lee Lee Lee Lee lee Lee Lee LeFevre LeFors Lehrer Lehrmann Leibee Leibee Leigh LEISTMAN Len ah an Leon Leonard leone Leone Leone Leone lemer lesar Lesar Leslie LeVan Levenson Levine LevitzDavid Levy Lewis LWS LemS liang Lichtenberger lieberman lievsay LIZ Maureen Roger Mama mark Laura Bnttany Blair Renee Sean Nora Piper Piper Daniel Tami Sean Sean Michael Bryan Lisa Nathan Heather Sophie Marcus David Kendell bnon david Scott Bnan Jerms nowell William Diane Richard Tia Edwin Robert Georgiana James Ross leslie nancy Eons Chnstina Gregory Jonathan Enc Angle Elizabeth Shoshana frank Thao Jean Kyndra Cadi Susan diane Merl Merl Peter Geoffrey Edward Henry Jason Don Janice Gail Dwayne Nora Lila Brooke Patnck Jon-Paul Monique Laune DAWN Josh Ann Bnan rosemary Angela Michael Susan michael lydia Deanna Enc Carl Tracey Steven Elissa Leon Darby Edward Patnua john Elizabeth Susan brent Mary swtt F C a E R R J J M R J R a L D L a a S B C B N E J S S C f W C L W s C J L M S A S m 3005 Cadenua Street 6426 Merlin Dnve 747 Jamaica Court 3265 McKinley st 1930 s nevada street 33862 Diana Dnve #C 5008 Long Branch Ave 208 North Cedros 1731 Geranium St 7777 Caminito Monarca#106 2507 La Golondnna St 263 Delphinium St 263 Delphinium St 1927 Coast Blvd 1620 Saint James Ct. 6909 Waters End 6909 Waters End 122 Windvane Ln 5317 Denny Ave #204 13964 Poway Valley Rd 997 Manor Way 3621 Arlington Street 4365 Alabama St #I 75 forest ave 11062ndStreet#351 10658AdermanAvenue#153 1155CaminodelMar#521 6550 ponto dnve #67 1234 oltver ave 1736 s dernentine street 1263 Summit Place 158 Flonta 144 redwood ave 144 Redwood Ave 144 Redwood Ave 2844 Wilson St 902-E Caminito Madngal 1756 Medinah Road 4360 El Capitan Court P 0 Box 130032 974 Merganser Lane 2784 Galiua Way 2875 Blackbush Lane 4171 tiberon dr 132 n el camino real #222 129 Andrew Ave 3210 Harding Street 3210 Harding Street 3691 Mt Ashmun Ct 491 Island Street apt 62 Pasea De Laura 3516 Woodland way 6637 Via Mallorca 739 arden dr 7073 Leeward Street 2591 1 Toluca 3940 Highland Dnve 722 Ocean Crest Rd 6709 Whitesail Street Diane 605 West Oak Avenue 605 West Oak Avenue 1100EvertonPI#252 556 Third Street 236 25th Street 1720 Butler Ave Apt 5 PO Box 9405 1397 Hymettus Ave 1397 hymenus ave 7777 Caminito Monarca #lo9 1605 Wllowhaven Road 679 S Nardo Ave C-1 700 Regal Rd #lA 12446 Ruette Alliante 1306 Statice Ct 271 CountryHaven Rd 2625 Pinneos Way11128 151 1 Summit Ave 422 S VINE ST 2694 Woodndge Circle 2236 El Camino del Node 829 carninito del mar 2493 Carninito Ocean Cove Michael 1002 Turnstone Rd 3636 highland dr 3979 Syme Dnve 3979 Syme Dnve 4360 Yosemite St 4621 Lamont St 6B 1000 Chinquapin Ave 3444 Camino Alegre 1650 Sagewood Way 940 Melaleuca Ave Apt N 2182 Caminito Del Barw 163 Coop Ct 2326 Carninito Andada 2515 chicago st #28 6740 Tea Tree Street 2035 red coach lane 303 west D street P 0 BOX 814 Carlsbad CA Carlsbad CA San Diego CA Carlsbad CA oceanside CA Dana Point CA San Diego CA Solana Beach CA 92009 CA Carlsbad Carlsbad Encinitas Encinitas Del Mar Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad North Hollywood Poway San Diego San Diego San Diego swanzey Encinitas San Diego Del Mar carlsbad san diego oceansdie Cardtff by the Sea Enunitas carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad San Marws Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad El Cajon oceanside enunitas Leucadia Carlsbad Carlsbad San Diego Morro Bay Oceanside Carlsbad La Jolla encindas Carlsbad Laguna HIIIS Carlsbad Cardtff Carlsbad Visalia Visalia Visalia Riverside Enanitas Del Mar Los Angeles Rancho Santa Fe Leucadia enunitas Carlsbad Encinitas Solana Beach Encinitas San Diego Carlsbad Enunitas Carlsbad Cardtff ESCONDIDO Carlsbad Ciivenhain Solana Beach carlsbad Cardiff Cardiff Carlsbad carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad San Diego Carlsbad Carlsbad San Marws Carlsbad Del Mar Leucadia San Diego san diego Carlsbad enunitas encinitas CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA NH CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA ca 92009 760-944-7417 92009 760.929.8524 92109 92006 92054 92629 92107 92075 92009 6154219 92009 7604366863 92009 92024 7606359714 92024 7606359714 92014 92008 92009 92009 92009 91601 92064 92106 921 17 858.922.7677 92104 3446 92024 760-613-4979 92126 92014 760-633-3315 92009 92109 92054 760-445-5944 92007 92024 7602138680 92008 92008 7607295649 92008 7607295849 92008 730-8966 92009 7601310-5732 92069 92008 760-43402798 92013 92011 92009 92019 92056 92024 92024 92008 760.434.4387 92008 760.434.4387 93442 92009 92008 92037 92024 92009 92653 949-448-0391 92008 92007 92009 760-931-1679 93291 5597373777 93291 CA 93291 CA 92507 92024 760-207-9675 90025 92067 92024 92024 92009 760-943-9247 92024 760.390.6848 90275 92024 92130 92009 92024 921 i I 858-3002640 92014 858-603-4108 92009 92007 760-632-1 157 92025 92008 92024 760942-0194 92075 7606720567 92009 92007 92007 92009 760-431-6330 92008 92008 760-822-2457 92008 760-434-1 386 92008 92109 92008 92009 92078 92009 (760)804-0348 92014 858-755-2419 92024 92107 92110 92009 92024 (760)943-7537 92024 619-261-7715 Liznandygadelphia net maureenkube@adelphia ne1 rogerkuch@yahw corn misaness@hotmail corn makummelehne@cox net laurakunoth@gmail corn sdsurfgirl@juno corn blairkutz@yahoo corn blinkchick141 82Qhotmail corn srk9@yahoo wm dmoraawebtv net piperlacy@mindspnng corn piperlacy@mindspnng wm danielladd@hotmail wm Tami82165Qaol com slakeo@yahoo com slakeo@yahw corn rnlalor@sbcglobal net soccer-kicker@hotmail wm cutestlisa@aol corn ginaruZu@yahoo corn blazingheartlight@yahw wm f@f wm fearrust@cox net spam-sairnin@yahw wm virtualcio@hotrnail wm bnon@sundiego com langedg@cdm wm biglange@cox net bnan laniganaperegnne wm ]erms@nktml corn nlantz@hotmail wrn billglcagroup wm diane@lcagroup wm lantzfam@adelphia net TiaQSpaCucina wm edwinas41 corn lapointebreak@sbcglobal net lapplinx@adelphia net lappub@adelphia net rslarnerQgmail wm slarsoninsd@cox net Ilarson66@yahoo wm wrlydirnples@cox net blaubert@wx net chnssylaughlin@yahoo wm pinkgirlie8@yahoo wm Jonathan launais@surfhardware wm encpia@hotmail wm Iilchunkymonkey4u@yahoo corn lizlazarusl@yahoo corn slazik@hotmail wm flauaroQrnsn wm tdlucsdgadelphia net yebosurfQcox net kyndraleachQyahoo wrn misscane@hotmail wm sleclair@dinimetncs com diane07@mac wm m-ledford@pacbell net m-ledford@pacbell net peterledford@mac wm gledford08@hotmail wm eddieindo@hotrnail wm hennnahotmail wrn ilcines@hotmail wrn drsurfl Qwx net leecadia@yahw corn gaillee@sdcoe k12 ca us dwayn&6@hotmail com nlefevre@favnlle wm Iilalefors@cox net bmokelehrerQhotmail wm plehrmann@hotmail wm EncisensiZB@aoI wm NeekagirllIS@yahoo corn Ileigh@sdwe k12 ca us DAWNL@NOFEAR COM joshthepoolguy@hotmail win awllovestennisQaol cam bnanlanofear corn rose3rrc@aol wm angie@leonedesigns wm michael@leonedesigns wm sleone@treetop com mikestylern@netscape net lydial32002@yahoo wm Ilesar@ucsd edu encjleslie@adelphia net clevan@ucsd edu tllevenson@hotmail wm sml@accelrys com the-davids@wx net Ilevy@miracosta edu delmaqon@msn wm edlewis@elmspub com lawpal@cox net wandenngtaois@hotmail wm drlizmike@aol corn jelinda@adnc wm blievsay@gmail com bodhil40@aol corn 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 Page 16 Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan Petition Lillfors Lin hn lindal Lindberg Lindekens lindernann Lindsey Lindsey Lindsley Lininger lipscornb Lisenby Lisle-Crawley List Lin Lwesay Livesay LIVINGSTON Livingston Livingston Lloyd Locke Loedel loflen Logan LOGAN Lohr lornbardi Lombard0 Long Looney lopez LOUcaS Love Lovell lOwe Lwe Lowe Lowenstein Lucero Lucero Luuer Luaus LUUUS ludera Lumg Lund Lunt Lusher LUtZ Luza Lyall Lydick Lyle Lynch Lynch LYON MacBelh MACFARLANE MACFARLANE Mach an is rnachanis Machen rnachulsky MACK Mackay rnackillop MacKlnnon rnaunanus MacWhorter Madison Madison Magaro rnahi Mahlurn rnahlurn Major Makarow Makielski Malarkey Malek Malley Malone rnancuso Mancrarek Manfrs Manfre Mann Manor Manos Manos Mansfield Mansfield Mansuene rnarceron Marcinko rnarcks March Marcone marcone Marion John Stan James Sacha kathleen Tina Eric John robert jeff John Danica Galen Denise Chad Bret JUDITH Daniel Devon Ellie Karen Delores bret Brooke TY Olaf Louise Anhony Scott Stacy an Nancy Lucinda Randall karen Brad Chase Ginger Matthew Julie Proctor Evalyn Sean Susan Knstoffer Ginger Tod Amy Phil Zach Chris Lon Sybil Betsy ASLAN Jason MARK JOHN Kathryn rnichael John darren KIMBERLY Carol alan Ashley JW Jim Marc Ann Heather alia Daniel Christine Cara Sunshine Heather Michael Chris Sean Allen Jerry Nathan Jeannette Albert Joshua Jocelyn Nancy Jennifer Amy George Lyndsey Sean Mane jiovan Joseph Steven shelly Beniarnin Tey John Teny E C 0 D I P L M B A C A I A A a H A A a D S R W C B B M J C A R D F J b E r A K R f r J A j L L A A K C H E d 2764 Carlsbad BI 2101 6969 Catamaran Dr 6969 Catamaran Dr 336 E Clernrnens Ln 6616 colina Puesta 1447 Hygeia Ave 518 southbndge 414 Ulelah Ave 414 Ulelah Avenue 1036 Dawn Dnve 1614 S Nevada 6226 branting street 2620 Colibn Ln 6741 Cantil Street 7263 Birchcreek Rd 740 Genter Street 152 Ftfth Street 10317 Leafwwd Place 1442 SUN VALLEY ROAD 6952 Sandcastle 7516 Cluinta St 432 S Barnngton Ave #4 6563 Windflower Dr 245 Hillcrest Dr 1128 cloverleaf dr 7958 Arnargosa dr 7958 AMARGOSA DR 25921 ave cabnllo 61 Lexington Ave 2457 Carninito Ocean Cove 8843 CONUS Place 6146 Crtracado Circle 3946 sherbourne dr 2832 Cedamwd Way 861 Chalcedony St 4946 W Point Lorna Blvd 7984 Paseo Aliso 7082 Leeward Street 3927 Atascadero Dr 10366 Rancho Cannel Dr 1224 Highbluff Ave 836 Gage Dnve 511 Third Street 920 Anatra Ct 920AnalraCt 2049 n sheffield av 21 11 Coolngreen Way 840 Sidonia Street 5998 Alcala Park Unit 1 I 10 708 Lotus Blossom St 34015 Sirnpson Rd 146 Avocado St 1137 6th St 3769 Oceanfront Walk 1980 Seabreeze Ct 2946 Avenida Valera 2074 Unda Lane 3560 voyager Court 3710 garfield st apt A 6953 Batiquitos Dr 6953 batquitos dr 5402 Rocking horse In 3508 woodland way 2535 DUNDEE WAY 170 Diana S1 #I7 11205-5 carmel creek road 1302 Skyros Way 5198 LOS Robles Dnve 4930 Colusa Dnve 1326SavannahLane 1326SavannahLane 7555 Herschel Ave 2174 redwood crest 12646 Cannel Country Rd #I50 1083 Crest Dr 936 Analra Court 3052 N Main St 7101 TANAGER DRIVE 1878 HAYMARKET RD 1276 Acapulco Ave 1734 Kennington RD 1445 Carninito Seplnno 1528 Hicks Street 237 24h street 4232 Fiesta Way #2 25491 Bootstrap Place 25491 Bwtstrap Place 4280 Rockport Bay Way 791 I Sitlo Catana 721 I wistena Way 721 1 Wistena way 5471 Via Alcazar lrabuco canyon 776 la rnirada 914 Carninito Madngal #G 1834 carolyn dnve 2225 Manchester Ave Apt 4 4338 stanford st 4338 stanford st 71 7 Calle de Silva Amy Carisbad CA Carlsbad CA Carlsbad CA Fallbrook CA San Clernenle CA Leucadia CA encinitas CA Palm Harbor FL Palm Harbor FL Ocean side CA Oceanside CA Carlsbad CA Cattsbad CA San Diego CA La Jolla CA Enunitas CA San Diego CA SOLANA BEACH CA Carlsbad CA Carlsbad CA Los Angeles CA Carlsbad CA Leucadia CA el wpn CA Carlsbad CA CARLSBAD CA San Juan Capistrano CA san diego ca New York Cardtff San Diego Carlsbad oceanside Carlsbad San Diego San Diego carlsbad Carlsbad San Diego San Diego San Manos San Diego EnunItas CarlSbad Carlsbad chicago Encinilas Enunitas San Diego Enunitas Hernet Enunitas Santa Monica San Diego Enunitas Carlsbad Carlsbad CARLSBAD Oceanside LEUCADIA carlsbad Carlsbad carlsbad Oceanside carlsbad VISTA Enunitas san diego Ermnitas Carlsbad Oceanside Carlsbad Carlsbad La Jolla vista San Diego Enunitas Carlrbad Morn0 Bay Sirni Valley Encinitas Cardiff Oceanside del mar Oceanside Laguna Hills Laguna HIIIS Oceanside Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad San Diego trabuw canyon leucadia Carisbad chula vista Cardiff carlsbad calrsbad Redlands 0 Cardtff NY CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA il CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA ca 92008 9201 1 760-602-9726 92009 92028 92673 92024 92024 34683 34683 727-636-3215 92056 (760) 945-7873 92054 760-439-2120 92122 61 9-261-5173 92009 438-4829 92009 7602073519 92119 92037 6583362083 92024 76C-634-0506 92131 92075 92009 760-809-7607 92009 (760) 505-2025 90049 CA 92009 92024 92019 92009 760-634-6816 92009 760-535-1936 92675 949 370.8088 10010 92007 4072526372 92126 92009 92056 760 583-5142 92008 921 09 92107 92009 7606326672 92009 92107 92128 6583955996 92076 92106 6197953644 92024 92009 760-431-1789 92009 760-431-1789 60614 92024 92024 92110 92024 92545 92024 90403 310.498 4856 92109 92024 92009 929-1350 92008 92009 760-431-5400 92054 92024 92008 92009 92009 760 807-9368 92057 92008 M)9-462-4234 92008 92024 760-944-0900 92130 92024 7609447260 92008 (760)431-8923 92009 76a6059168 92009 92037 858-337-0656 92081 92056-5400 92 130 92024 7606348199 92009 93442 92007 93065 92024 92007 760-419-8895 92054 92014 858 692.2303 92057 (760)721-3017 92653 949-631-1571 92653 949-631-1571 92054 92009 92009 92009 92009 CA 921 11 658-560-7904 92679 92024 92009 760 268-0799 91913 92007 92009 (760) 729-8831 92009 (760)729-8831 92374 John-Liltfors@Excite corn irontey@yahoo corn surfgoy@yahoo corn robeqon@adelphia net jlindbergl@cox net Sacha Iindekens@ln corn Iindpat@cox net tinke~3@aol corn ElindseyZB@msn corn phnfindSky@JUflO Con globill90@sbcglobal net jeffleq@aol corn johnlisenbyl 3@hotrnail corn ashes2io@sbcglobal net whitewashmike@wx net deniselitt@hotrnail corn chad-livesay@hotmail corn blivesay@hotrnail corn JUDlTHDBAYgAOL COM dan-livingston@yahoo corn boyslieOlO@yahoo corn elliejlloyd@yahoo corn graciesunset@yahoo corn kaindeeawx net Mlongboard85@yahoo corn brwke logan@rnac corn TY LOGANaREEF COM olohr@cox net weezienyc@hotrnail corn AnthonyUP@hotrnail corn scootnalong@yahoo slooney@breb corn drakebll@cox net cornrnunic8gearthlink net lucinda-love@hotrnail corn rlovel@yahoo corn kalwe@pacbell net tenydlowe@yahoo corn netloopr@nethere corn bluebillabong@grnail corn rnorningstargrl@hotrnaiI corn polysonic@holmail corn jndworld99@yahoo corn pwluuus@adelphia net luuuse@adelphia net jurnpinjehosophat@grnail corn slumgadslextrerne wrn held1 lundacox net ginger-O6@sandiego edu lushrnan90@hotrnail corn arnybrl@aol corn phil-luza@yahoo corn socalzach@npcurl corn chnslydick@hotrnail corn rnaillonQcox net CSMGLYNCH@ADELPHIA NET blynch57@adelphia net BLUMERLE@HOTMAIL COM jrnacbeth@grnail corn UH60LCHIEF2000@YAH00 COM jrnacfarlane@holmail corn olives56@aol corn rnjrnachanis@aol wm jrnlsurfsbcglobal net drnachulsky@yahoo corn kimack07@hotrnail corn carol@nixonnow corn alarnasan rr corn ashrnac@tfb corn ]odybryan@aol corn ~imrnacwhorter@cox net rnarunadison@adelphia net Ayrnadison@adelphia net rnagaroh@yahoo corn a2lrnhi@hotmail corn danlrnalrn@yahoo corn cmahlurn@hotrnail corn Kam-rnajOr@yahW corn sunshine@surRifeforwornen corn larnalarkey@yahoo corn CHRIS-R_MALEK@YAHCO COM seanrnalley@hobnail corn allenrnalonel3@wx net jrngwestendvideo lv nrnanczarekZyahoo corn netlyrnanfre@hotrnail corn neRyrnanfre@hotrnail corn ]rnann79@yahw corn duckerj@sbcglobal net LadyBe59@aol corn Jenny5916@aol corn arnansfield@adelphia net georgernansfield@rnsn corn lyndseyO7-93@rnsn com seanrnarcerorn@hotrnail corn hanahauQyahoowrn jio-7@hurnorshack corn ioe@liveinpeace net tosteve@att net toshelly@an net angnbenavenzon net 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 Page 17 Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan Petition Markey Marlelt Marlin Marr Marre Marnner Marsalek Marsh Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marske Marsteller Martel Martin Martin martin Martin Martin martin Martin Martin Martinet martinet Martinez Martinez martinez Martocua Marlocua Martos Marts Martyns Marver Mason mason Mastemon Mastrogany MATHEY Matin Matson Matson Matson mattera Matthews MATTlOLl Mattison Mattson Maughan Maun Mauro Maxwell-Miller may May maya mayes mayhan maze Mazur MCALLISTER mcbnde McBnde McBnde McCabe McCabe McCann McCarter Molly Justin Blair Russell Kathleen Ashley Katie William Robert Richard Beverly Jesse Daniel Paul Susan Jenntfer Heidi wlliam Judith Rebecca Cameron Colin Aaron Rosa n n e michele Mansela Amelia magnum Chip Chip Kim Michael Alana dana Janey beth Kymberli Janet KEVIN Marla John John Elyse peter J DAVID Anita Micah Lsa Patnck Andrew Aylea kevin Nancy Jackie stephen john andrew Josh PATRICK peter Mike Gavin Knsten Jeanne Michelle Tort McCarthy Robert McCarthy-Payne Cathenne McCaw Garrett Mcclelland Chnsbna McClintock Cody McClintock Cody McColgan Colleen McColl Ian McCormack Travis McCormack Aaron McCormack Carey McCoy Dan McCreary Dann McCue Chnstlne McCuerg Gary McDaniel Susan McDermon Charles McDermoH Jessica McDonald Holly McDonald Ursula MCDONALD BRANDON McElroy David McFadd Edward mcfadden bnan McFarland Kellie McFarland Marie McFarland Duncan McGarry Ailbe mcgee David McGinnis Mark McGlathely Monte MCGOLDRICK DEIRDRE McGovern Michael McGowan Margaret McGrane Teresa C T A W K E M S k A A J C A B L a L E E a M A W I i m s P M J A A D K E D E S C A A A A M 6844 Haltfax St Justin Blair 434 La Vela Ave 6981 Catamaran Dr 513 Richmond Street 2453 Oxford Ave 1624 N Coast Hwy 101 35 Bnggs Ave 922 Rosemary Ave 922 Rosemary Avenue 130 Andrew Ave 1456 Clearview Way 6891 Tradewnds Dnve 6589 Corle La Paz 3833 Jewel1 St Apt 13 2534 Burgener Blvd 1702 glasgow 924 Begonia Court 3145 Via de Caballo 628 Sandside wurt 118 Via Solaro 1216 Highbluff Ave 41 11 Park Dnve 3931 may ct 232 Delphinium St 851 Valley Crest 4512 SALISBURY DR 5059 Ciardi Court 5059 Ciardi Court 1807 Blue Bonnet PI 13212 Magnolia S1 Apt 89 150 Coop Ct 2312 Kimberly Ct 2825 Avenida Valera 431 1 sea bnght dnve 229 Hillcrest Or 1612 Orchard Wood Rd 3710 GARFIELD APT A 345 Juniper Avenue Apt #10 1347 Hygeia Ave 1347 Hygeia Ave 6708 Abanto St 7889 sitio mirto 3203 Calle Vallarla 2146 ENClNlTAS BLVD 20 Harwurt Street 430 Sylvia 3009 Ocean Street #A 335 Regency Cir #205 808 Capn Road 120 Phoebe 1970 swallow In 2041 Shendan mad 6150 Munena ave 603 seagaze dr #331 24372 woodwalk rd 24824 spnngbrook way 350 Chestnut Ave #5 PATRICK 1680 Leora Ln 25901 Pasofino 6W1 Pasm Hermosa 251 W Canada Unit D 6489 Franciscan Rd 36 San Simmn I 64 Andrew Ave 12896 Futura Street 368 Andrew Ave 11637 Thistle HIII PI 2325 Snead Dr 4071 Tynebourne Circle 4071 Tynebourne Cirde 510 S Burnside Ave 637 Neptune Ave PO Box 1064 3556 Ames Place 3556 Ames Pi 3535 Caminito Carmel Landing 3011 Quail Road 4672 Adair St 7593 Navigator Cinle 2056 Shendan Road 1255 Hermes Ave 1255 Hermes Ave 1841 Sunset Clffs Blvd #6 143 S Cedros Ave#V105 4883 MOTIF ST 1640 S1 James Ct 879 Hymettus Ave 2238 manchester ave #2 7597 Charmant dr #910 615 Marvista Dnve 445 Deer Path 824 summerhill ct 6499 Faitwater Place 5133 Cass SI 1380 Garnet Avenue E507 609 STATE STREET 1710 Burgundy Rd 3730 Sierra Morena Avenue 4560 Cape Cod Circle San Diego Encinitas Carlsbad Leucadia Carlsbad El Segundo Cardiff by the Sea Leucadia Enunitas Carlsbad Carlsbad Encinitas San Marcos Carlsbad Carlsbad San Diego San Diego Cardiff Carlsbad Enunitas Carlsbad Encinitas San Marws Carlsbad carlsbad Encinitas Vista CARLSBAD Carlsbad Carlsbad Endnitas Garden Grove Leucadia Carlsbad Carlsbad carlsbad Encinitas Encinitas CARLSBAD Carlsbad Leucadia Leucadia Carlsbad carlsbad Carlsbad ENClNlTAS San Rafael Encinitas Carlsbad Salinas Encinitas Leucadia carlsbad Leucadia van nuys oceanside lake forest menifee Carlsbad carlsbad Encinitas Laguna Niguel Carlsbad San Clemente Carlsbad Laguna Niguel Leucadia San Diego Leucadia San Diego oceanside San Diego San Diego Los Angeles Encinitas Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad San Diego Eswndido San Diego Carlsbad. Encinitas Encinitas encinitas San Diego Solana Beach OCEANSIDE carlsbad Encinitas cardiff by lhe sea san diego Solana Beach Enunitas Encinitas carlsbad San Diego San Diego BLACKWOOD Encinitas Carlsbad Carlsbad CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA NJ CA CA ca 92120 92024 7604733543 92009 760-599-2999 92024 92009 760436.2295 90245 92007 92024 760-230-1404 92024 92ow 92009 760 930-0908 92024 92078 92009 760-889-4372 92009 760-431-0594 92109 858-775-6514 92110 92007 7607530683 92009 7609316602 92024 92009 CA 92024 92078 780-471-4814 92008 760-729-8466 92008 92024 760-505-7973 92084 92008 7606136264 92008 92008 92024 92844 92024 92008 7607209856 92009 760 929.9585 92W8 92024 92024 92008 760 815-3452 92008 92024 ( 92024 (760) 603-2651 92009 92009 760-436-9559 92009 92024 94901 415-453-9971 92024 CA 92008 760-434-8161 93906 831-449-0255 92024 760 753-1266 92024 760-518-0028 92009 92024 91401 92054 760-433-1 748 92630 949-350-6501 92584 92008 92008 760-729-4031 92024 na 92677 92672 92009 92877 92024 760-944-1234 92130 92024 (780) 4360180 92130 92056 92130 92130 90036 92024 760-420-0195 92018 92W8 92W8 619-987-6808 92130 92026 92107 92009 7609318307 92024 92024 8584498033 92024 (760) 943-8795 92107 92024 760-840-0590 92056 7604819274 92008 92024 6192182046 92007 92122 92075 858-755-1806 92024 760-753-9338 92024 858-602-6385 92009 92109 92109 8012 609-221 -1 358 92024 92008 (760)729-6450 92008 92009 780-43a1399 Mollymarkey@gmail wm justin@akasurf wm bmarlin@dcshoes corn boxofpoems@careZ corn KathyM2195@aol wm blackspike@sockrnonkeys net kaateemar@yahoo com wwmamh@msn wm rmarshall88@msn com rmarshall@gem wm rbiemarshall@msn corn marshall Jesse@hotmail wm danmarske@hotmail wm zebraspot@earthlink net californiaq@yahoo wm missmartinj@yahoo wm hkmar@hotmail wm rokymar@cox net healthymiss@yahw com rebecca martmQhds wm cameronmichelleQgmaiI wm ca martin@alt net ajmartinl asbcglobal wm RMarti3456@aol wm michmartl@sbcglobal net sela0lQyahoo wm amartinez@npcurl wm magnumvenQaol wm chipkatieQadelphia net chipkatieQadelphia net kimQkimmartos wm dance-and-destroy@yahoo wm Martynsl@wx net otrvinylQaol wm janey@lilUebaby wm bethmason@adelphia net kymlZ@yahoo wm janlm@aol wm K-MATHEY@HOTMAIL COM mjmatingadelphia net JmatsonQisisph wm JmatsonQisisph wm matsons@adelphia net mattera@mail sdsu edu jenntfer@sdsc edu DJMATTIOLI@HOTMAIL COM anita-mQwmcast net miCah@nixonnow wm Imaughan@pacbell net dj20pjOOQyahoo corn akamauroQwx net babiegmlZl@yahw wm kevin@prana wm nmaylQwx net sugardandy88@aol wm notoempire@wx net mikemayhanQholmai1 cam andrew ruzarnZ@holtnail com paddydigital@yahoo wm petartedayahoo wm mrncbnde@cisw wm ohana95@adelphia net knstenkalani@gmail wm jmm6489Qyahoo com shelly887@holmail wm tortmccarter@wx net r~muarthy3@hotmail wm cinwdolores@sbcglobal net garrettmccaw@prusb wm sodtrodder@hotmail wm wdyQmaybelogic wm wdyQmaybelogic wm Camella5849Qaol wm ian-imiQwx net tmc07Qwx net amccormack@docsuence wm cmcwrmack-work@yahoo wm dan mcwy@westonsolutions wm creatorpaQflyinghouse wm iloveindy22@aol win gmccuerg@sbcglobal net Imcdaniell@wx net jemcdm@att net jemcdm@alt net h2opolcgoalie@hotmaiI wm ursula@adamsdesignass~ates net BRANDONM@AUMl COM dmac32l@adelphia net emcfaddaflash net bnanrncfadden@holmail wm keanmmmsn com mloQmill net duncan4mcs@wx net ailbemcgarfyQyahoo daveloan@adelphia net mmcginnis@dudek com montemcg@yahoo wm DEIG123@AOL COM mtmnetQwx net BryanMcGowanC@netscape net tenmcg@hotmail wm 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 18 Ponto Beachfront Vision Pian Petition McGraw William mcgregor theresa Mcguffie ' Gerald McGulre Elena McKee Kevin mckeen McKnight Kenneth McLaren Duncan McLarty Chene McLaughltn Bnan McLean Martlee McLee Donna McLee Russ McLeod Paul McLoughlin Cathy McMahon C McMahon Scott McMahon Sean McNamara-Meek, Jennlfer step h a n t e McNatty McNetll McNew McQueen McQuerter McRoberts mcsweeney mcsweeny mcturk MEADOR Meador Jr Mealy Meaney Medeck medina Medina Meeker Meektn Megan MEISTER Mejia melbye melbye Melendez Melendez Mello Melroy mendelson Mendiguchia Mendiola meredythe Merlo Memll Merrbacher Merzbacher Mestemacher Mettee meyer meyer Meyer Meyer Meyers Meyers Meyers Michaelis middleton Mtgdol Mikita Mikolaj@ Milch Mildbrandt Millard Miller Mtller Miller MILLER Miller Miller Mtller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller milliken Mills Mills Minan Mindlin Mlraglia miralle rntramon Mimlla misiorowski miskho missio Mitamura Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Miztanhy Mock Moeller Jonathan Vtdya Garland D%nise Shane Shelley Jill enn alec KAREN James mark Michael Tffany Reno Jack Molly Moore ERIN Giovanni cathy Richard Robert David Dana JOey evan Daniel Martin Jordan Beth Angle Jeffrey James Joelle Sarah bnana summer Cathenne Cat h e n n e Ryan Linda Gladys Keith Tal michael Alan Jenette Robert Wrsten Meghan gina Km Tara SARA Chnstopher James Sand Jason Cns Danielle Marsha Marsha mike David LIZ John Suzanne Loren lauren Craig Ron robed betsy Jenn Travis Brady Michael Glona john bNn0 Robin John F a M r L J A H M L E A 1 m A w R R M m B R V k R m M L M I A A C R R M A A B C K M M G M H e a P W A L D 7390 Escallonia Ct 2407 la macarena avenue 5130 Bayard St 2509 Via Sorbete 122 4th Street 11 06 2nd st #805 1733 Kent Place 1740 S El Camtno Real 7337 Seafarer PI 885 Production Place 639 Santa Rosita 7720 Palacto Dnve 7720 Palacio Dnve 17081 Newquist Lane 120 Via Cantebna D45 1015 Tulip Way 658 Poinsettia Park Court 531 1 SW corbett Ave 220 El Camino Real #21 2607 Jefferson Street Unit I 1408 Hygeia Ave 4001 Ashford St 1513 Turquoise Dr 2121 Bngantine Ct 1141 Reed Avenue 1 1986 tivoli park row 1245 hymettus ave 7104 WHITEWATER STREET 71 04 Whitewater St 1376 Calle Chnstopher Michael 7 Noble Street 39370 calie san clemente 5966 cirrus st 220 El Camirm Real #21 1412 Sassafras Street 2875 Lincoln Avenue 1521 NEPTUNE AVE 6 Country Walk Dnve 3572 corte rosado 3572 Corte Rosado 3560 Hastings Dr 1597 Martingale Court 2453 Oxford Ave 1016 Third St 1101 #a caUin st 2136 Dunhaven Street 8980 villa la jolla dnve 11 09 arcadia rd 22 Corte Javier 1031 1 Leafwood Place 16127 Podeno Court 9155 Ivy Lane 7762 Rocio St 2068 Montgomery Ave Apt D 1 I10 arcadia rd 11 10 arcadia rd 2180 Fire Mountain Dnve 2180 Fire Mountain Dnve 1148 9th st apt 14 1466 Oepheus Ave 7003 San Bartolo 860 Summersong Court 4509 If2 32nd street 257 Delptnium St 1188 Monterey Place 10922 Belgian Street 2316 Masters Road 3503 Camintto Sierra #IO1 18010 Praine Ave 2355 Marber Ave 951 Daisy Avenue 505 Tewa St 5429 LAKE MURRAY BLVD 112 163 Jupiter Street 31 14 Via Puerta 1841 Wilstone Avenue 1939-8 Alga Road 1459 Beech Tree Road 6404 Calmena Place 1851 St Luua 1851 St Lucta 131 europa st 6724 Lonicera Street 1256 Orchard Glen Circle 125 Diana St 4405 ManchesterAve Ste 206 Loren 1206 highbluff ave 149 cadmus st #I 2186 S Coast Hwy 440 naiad st 385 West I Street 1775 Diamond st #I-318 2761 Kempton Dr 324 Cadillac Circle 1634 Ruthlw Rd 7533 Navigator Circle 908 Gnvetta Court 2308 Starflsh Rd #IO1 7358 Gabbiano Lane 1317 bulrush Court Carlsbad cadsbad San Diego Carlsbad Del Mar encinitas vtsta Encinitas Carlsbad Newport Beach Solana Beach Carlsbad Cadsbad Huntington Beach Encinitas Carlsbad Encinitas Portland Oceanside Cadsbad Leucadia San Diego Carlsbad Encinitas San Diego carlsbad san diego leucadia CARLSBAD Carlsbad Encinitas Plano Blue Point murrieta San Diego Oceanside San Diego San Diego ENClNlTAS Aliso Viejo cadsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Cardiff Encinitas sirni valley San Diego la jolla encinitas San Clemente San Diego Ramona Spring VAlley Carlsbad Cardiff encinitas encinitas Oceanside Oceanside Santa Monica Encinitas Cadsbad Encinitas san diego Encinitas Encinitas San Diego Carlsbad Carlsbad Torrance Long Beach Carlsbad Del Mar LA MESA Leucadia Carlsbad Encinitas Carl s b a d San Marcos Carl s b a d Vista Vista encinitas Carlsbad Encinitas Encinitas Eninitas Encinitas san elijo hills encinitas Oceanside encinitas encinitas san diego Los Alamitos Oceanside Cardiff Carlsbad Carlsbad Virginia Beach Carl s b a d CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA OR CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA TX NY CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA Va CA 92009 92009 7606334848 92109 858-336-3897 92007 7607218258 92014 92024 (760)8157208 92084 92024 92009 92663 949-5150707 92009 760-943-6381 92009 760-943-6381 92649 92024 92009 92024 97239 503-516-4406 92081 760-458-9362 92008 92024 760.436.8178 92117 92009 92024 92109 858-273-7750 92011 760-603-1813 92128 92024 760 632-8966 92009 760-807-4346 9201 1 760/438-3757 92024 7604363806 75025 11715 92562 951 440-0464 92110 92081 7605869100 92103 92104 92024 7609449804 92656 92009 76G9423628 92009 760 929-2203 92008 92009 760-438-5160 92007 760 310 3425 92024 760-420-5634 93065 92110 619-276-9343 92037 92024 92673 92131 92065 91977 6194632133 92009 760-943-8135 92007 92024 92024 92054 92054 90403 CA 92024 760-942-91 37 92009 760-438-1168 92024 760-633-3024 92116 6197089560 92024 7604366941 92024 92126 619-838-3803 92008 (760) 522-8795 92009 760 4364788 90504 90815 92009 760-431-1633 92014 91942 619-713-0008 92024 92009 92024 760-522-7892 92009 92078mi 760 798-2329 9201 1 92081 92081 92024 92009 92024 7608224320 92075 858259-9126 92024 92024 (760) 4360158 92024 92078 92024 92054 92024 92024 760-672-2577 92109 8582726563 90720 92054 760-525-9909 92007 760-604-3122 92011 760431-0932 92009 760-916-0282 23451 92009 frillZ@copper.net tamcgregor@cs.com jmcg05@hotmail corn emcguire7@hotmail corn kevinmrnckee@hoimail corn jab-gurl@yahoo.com ken@allabouisurf.com deepole467@yahoo.com Cmclarty@adelphia.net brianjohnmacQyahoo.com marileemclean@adelphia. net donnamclee@yahoo corn rmclee@yahoo com mcpaul53@venzon.net cathym@adnc.com khmcmahon@aol corn ksmcmahon@cox.net mcmahon@hotmaR corn jennmcna@hotmail.com jnutty22@yahw.com vidyali@cox.net garlandmcnew@navsport. net mcqueentdks@netzero.net spmcquerter@gmail.com Sam-mcmberts@hotmatI wm Kettelklan@aol.com hbe@San.rr.com amct@sbcglobal.net KAREN76O@PACBELL.NET jmeador7@pacbell.net mealy52@yahoo.com Dumbsquided@gmail com Snowangel595@aol corn nitroboards2l@yahoo.com renornedina@yahoo.com jennmcna@hotmail corn mkmeekin@hotmail.w daughter5@hotmail.com LITTLEMEISTER@HOTMAIL.COM giovannimejia@cox.net melbye007@hotmail.com Brent.melbye@camcommerce.com mnelend@yahoo corn drmelendez@goldwastchim.com mello4@peoplepc.com deepcave200O@yahoo.com deancut-73@msn.com bajaSurf@ix.netcom.com dirtymartinil31 3@yahoo.com sixthscents6@hotmail corn bithie3@yahoo.com asilval8@juno corn merzbacher@cox. net jperzer@yahw.com joelleme@gmail.com sarahrnettee@hotmaiI.com bnemeyer@yahoo.com summerlynnl 8@yahoo.com wakeupfrankie@yahoo wm wakeupfrankie@yahoO.com meyersryan@hotmail.com lindamey@pacbell net lindamey@pacbell.net keith@michaelis.cts.com tmiddy@sbcglobal net elmigdol@mtndspring corn a-mikita@yahoo.com jen.kira@gmail.com bmilch@lusardi.com kasm43@adelphia.net meghanmillard@aol.com sugarkanej@yahoo.com milkbl@eamlink.net tara@ridesnowboards.com DAVEANDSARA@COX.NET rniller259@yahw.com bradmiller835@msn.com sand@pbsj.com JeysunZB@yahoo.com drjmiller@cox.net dkmillerl @adelphia.net marsha0378@hotmail.com marshaO378@hotmail.com mike@sundiego.com ~urfaddiction65@hotmail.~m wskk@aol.com jminan7@hotmail.com suzie@suzannemindlin.net elmiraglia@adelphia net mirallegirl@hotmail.com cmmsurf@hotmail.com rmirolla2@cox.net misiorowski@gmail.com neverneeve@yahoo.com bruno-2-k@yahoo.com jmitamur@ucla.edu travis@nixonnw.com ytbrady@cox.net roblm45@aol corn mizshl @adelphia.net poobaaofstuff@Yahoa.com justgordi@adelphia net 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 Page 19 motse Mokalis Molnar ' Monagan Monahan MONTALVAN Montez Montgomery Montgomery montgomery Montgomery Montoun Montrucchio Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Mom Moore Moran moreau rnweland rnorey Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morganson Morganson Mon rnonarly Moms Moms Moms mornson Mornson Mort MORTLAND Moser rnoser Moser Moses Masher Mouvet Moye Moyer Moysa Mozdzen Mozurnder mueller Mueller Mueller shane Knsttna Chuck Roberl Tiana MARIO Rebecca Garen Greg mark Heidi Brett Tyson Brooke Michael Brady Gaea Karen David ffirsten Margaret D Matthew doug jesstca anthony Charlie Pamela Jack Beau Jacquelynn Mike Rose adnanne Knsty Richard swtt Matthew Laune EVELYN Auna rnegan Theresa Samuel Chnstina Phil Matthew Patnck Gmff Joe Lauren Jason Knsttn Connv Jim MULHOLLAND DAMiAN Mullen rnulltgan Murnmau Munro Muoto Muoto Mufin Murphtne Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy murphy MURPHY Murray Murray Murray Murrell Mumn muscat Muschell Muth myers Myers Myers Myers Myman Myiels Myiels Nagy Nakamura nalt Nash Nash Naswrlhy Nation Naus Neal Neelernan Netheisel Neiley Neilson Neilson Nelsen Nelson Nelson Robert bnan Barb Elizabeth Dolores David Darcy Bnan Anne Michael Laura Jennifer Nancy George Jennrier Micah Jared Jtllian Jeff paul Kirsten Nathan Robert Marshall Nicole Marc Daniel James gordon David David Frank Tnna Colleen Alex Deborah LOUIS Steve Corbin Lorna Chad Jennifer Chnshan Mary MARC Joshua e L J R C D A C S T W C C m e I A E A L K g J A D e A D M F J L M P M J P L R J W L N m M L W L K E C P L P M C E Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan Petition 1727 kinglet rd sab marcos CA 6937 Mimosa Drive Carlsbad CA 6366 Branchwood Place Rancho Cucarnornea CA 1160 LAKE RIDGE DRIVE 1337 N. Broadway #26 Eswndido 2903 BOUNDARY STREET SAN DIEGO 3367 Calle Cancuna Carlsbad 6653 Spectrum Center Blvd 6653 Spectrum Center Blvd SAN MARCOS San Diego San Dieao 10801 molony rd 348 Shore View Lane 10023 Three Oaks Way 106 Via Morella 24530 Pappas Rd 6455 La Jolla Blvd #342 215AndrewAve 1466 Turquoise Dr 1466 Turquoise Dr 1466 Turquoise Drive 3287 Camino Coronado 2319 Pi0 Piw Dr 91 1 Orchid Way 4085 Harrison Street 112 6923 sandpiper place 1760 greentree rd 6299 Jockey St 2440 Gary Circle 2440 Gary Circle 1170 Etfin Forest Rd W 7570 Gibraltar Street #3 7576 Gibraltar St. #3 3127 Hataca Road 677 san rnario 1031 B Neptune 1461 N. Vulcan Ave. 835 Mosaic Circle 61 1 Venice wurt 1754 Kennington 3325 Avenida De Loyola 3441 SEACREST DR 744 N. Mar Vista Ave. 5268 Gary Street 4345 La Portalada Drive 219 4th Street 223 S. Clernentine St. Apt. C 6815 Ernbarcadero In #222 2835 Via Conquistador 3944 Syme Dr 1405 W Balboa Blvd #2 31675 Circle Dnve 679 S. Nardo Ave. 7345-8 alicante Rd 4861 Santa CNZ Avenue 1064 1R Emerald Street 2105 RUTHERFORD RD 823 Caminito Del Sol 2779 Wilson st 2467 Torrejon Place 1328 Shorebird Lane 6750 Solandra Dr. 6750 Solandra Drive 710 Carnino Del Mar 6466 Shirehall Dr 4976 Randlett 310 Cole Ranch Rd 735 SANTA PAULA 1057 Hemes Ave 1287 Cynthia Ln 1287 cynthia lane 2459 Torrejon Place 2459 Torrejon Place 12529 Oak Knoll Rd. #I8 5036 Voltaire St. 11 lillian lane 1061 Passtflora Avenue 6503 pansawla rd pobox130992 1635 Playa Riviera Drive 650 Third St. 3813 Skyline Rd 6363 Paseo Cero 867 Marigold Ct 867 Marigold Ct 2007 Oxford Ave. 2235 Jants Way 1804 garnet ave #204 7237 Alrnaden Lane 1904 Glasgow 928 Capri Road 743 4th Street 395 Walnut Ave Apt E PO BOX 99144 1255 Manposa Road 6532 Corte Montecito 31645 Wildwood Rd culver uty Enunitas Santee Enctnitas Ramona San Diego Enunitas Carlsbad Carlsbad Catlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad carlsbad encinitas Middle Grove Carlsbad Carlsbad San Marcos Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad solana beach Encinitas Enuntas Oceanside san diego cardiff Oceanside CARLSBAD Pasadena san diego Carlsbad Encinitas Oceanside Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Newport Beach Laguna Beach Solana Beach Carlsbad San Diego SAn Diego CARLSBAD Carlsbad carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Del Mar San Diego La Mesa En u n i t a s SOLANA BEACH Leucadia Carlsbad carlsbad Laguna Beach Carlsbad Carslbad Poway San Diego san rafael Leucadia ft pierce carlsbad Cardm by the Sea Enunitas Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Cardiff Carlsbad san diego Carlsbad Cardm Encinitas Encinitas Carlsbad San Diego Carlsbad Carlsbad 2139 Cardm-By-The-Sea Steve San Diego 3209 Parkchester Square Blvd 206 Orlando 1243 Manposa Road Carlsbad 670 Fen Way Laguna Beach 4519 Castelar Street San Diego 4476 Gila Ave San Diego CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA NY CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA R CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA FL CA CA CA CA 92078 92009 760-431-5006 91730 92076 92026 92104 6195164044 92009 92123 92123 858-694-0750 901 20 92071 92007 760-944-1961 92024 760419-0977 92065 760-789-9542 92037 92024 9201 1 9201 1 9201 1 (760)602-0977 92009 92006 92009 7602716193 92006 760-473-7713 92009 7606033026 92024 6583612106 12850 92006 92006 92078 92009 760-942-8569 92009 92009 760-942-8151 92075 8569674744 92024 92024 92057 92109 92007 92056 760-622-1348 92006 91104 92115 6195823455 92008 760-729-5496 92024 92054 7602017063 92009 760-5351064 92009 415-613-2948 92006 (605) 550-6941 92661 92651 92075 92009 6565253955 92107 92109 92008 7605606718 92011 7606030756 92008 (760)525 - 4099 92009 760-634-0643 92009 92009 7605195809 92009 92014 921 11 91941 6197416674 92024 760-635-0536 92075 92024 760-635-0665 92006 7607291642 92006 92651 92009 760 717-9848 92009 760 717-9848 92064 92107 94901 92024 34951 9201 3 92007 760-230-1972 92024 310591-9776 92008 92009 760-845-4561 92009 760-804-9343 92009 760-804-9343 92007 76061 50968 92006 92109 92009 (760)930-0761 92007 760-7152706 92024 92024 92006 7802075986 92169 92009 760 931-0995 92009 760-931-9914 92107 CA 32635 92009 92651 92107 92117 92024 760-26a4393 smoiseQucsc edu krnokalis@adelphia net cmoln350@aol corn bobsurf@hotmail corn pheasantrunner@juno com CREATlVECONCEPTSSERVICES@YAHC beckyfern@aol corn jeffreyhenson@rnydotcornaddress wrn gregrnottor@hotrnail corn g33v3r@]uno m Heidi-rnontgornery@wunbde corn brnontouri@wx net iysonxyz@hotmatl corn saibrookelin@sbcglobal net mrncustompainttng@wx net bradyrnoore@san rr corn gaeamoore@grnail corn rnwrefarn5@sbcglobal net moorefarn5@sbcglobal net rkclimbergrl@yahoo wrn allstones@hotmail corn djSOOne~@mindSpnng win stratovanus-mattghotmail corn dougm42gaol wm lemoreland@att net tony@axisstudiosfm com SkiPhreaklW@grnail wrn parnorgan2@adelphia net parnorgan2@adelphia net beau-rnorgan@hotrnail wrn jmorgans@nu edu mikejac@adelphia net sfrosel@adelphia net jim@ideapond wrn asrntthfloral knstymorns7@yahoo wm krnori?OOC@wx net sgrnomson@aol corn mattinsdjunk rnortlaune@aol wrn EMORTLAND@DCSHOES COM auna rnoser@gmail wm megrnoser@wx net theresasvillage@yahoo wrn brunclejoe@yahoo wrn chnssy-mosh@rnsn corn mouvet661 5@adelphta net rnattmoye%@yahoo corn xphatpat@aol wrn geoff@billabong-usa wrn jrnozdzen@mozdzen wrn Irnanellef@hotrnail wrn findjasonmueller@hotrnail corn knstinmueller-@hotrnail wm crazywnny@gmx de drnulholland@npcurl wm rnullen3@!earthlink net tmulli@sbcglobal net AUNTPEACHQADELPHIA NET barb munro@thecarreraagency wm eeeeehzabeth@yahoo corn dollyrnuoio@hotmail corn rnurfindave@yahw wrn roboltl@aol wrn murfdaddyayahoo wm anrnurphyl2ghotmail wrn MARCCSUSMOAOL COM murphyarl@sbcglobal net murphino@sbcglobal net murphino @sixglobal net ]ennlferm@pjsalvage com solononan@yahw wm rnurraygwjr@yahoo wm oceangirll3@sbcglobaI net micahdread@hotmail wrn pacwavender@wrncast net 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Nelson Nelson nelson nelson nelson nemish NESTRO Nett Nett Nett Newell Ng Ng Nguyen Nichols Nichols Nichols Nickel Nicodemus nierenberg Nigm Niles II Nino nixon nixon Nixon Noe Noel noel Noonan Nordean Norling norman Normand Norrbom Noms Noms Noms Noms Noms NOrlhNp Norton Novak Novkov Novosedliak Nowlin Nunez Nussbaumer Nussbaumer Nyberg Nybo Noel NY- Nygaard Nylander Nystmm OErien OErien OErien OCallahan OGara OHagan Oberg Oberlin Jr OErien OCallahan Owhialini OConnor OConnor Odd0 Odd0 Odd0 Odquist ofsledah1 Ogburn Ogrodnik ohara Ohmer ohnstad Ohrbom Olivas Oliveri Olsen Olsen olsson Ordas oren omelas OroSS Orliz Orliz Osbarn Oschin OShea Osicki osorio osuch Oswald Oswald Oswald ota 0 Joshua Heather patrick marcus barbara mike NICHOLAS Paul Enan Paul Karla Gary Gary Jacqueline David Richard Alvin ffimberley matthew Stacy LOUIS Jackie Suzanne Zachary Willard Kalyn Tibbals Rebecca mike Jim Natalie Enc Jeffrey Stephanie Davd Chnsbne Nicole OlY Tennyson Paul Bryce John Mike Dave Garrett Patnck Paga Mynah Chris Diane Jayna aubrey John Melani Ennn Luke Knstm Enk David Mike Katham Craig Knstina Enan Susan Frank Frank Karl enk Beau William ashley Allison anders Knsty Sandy Jana Shirley Jeff Elizabelh maw Ryan glen Aaron Autumn Rachel Enc Harold ChflS Kim Rodenck Suzanne alex Adam John Aida Keith John John Ruth Mike Mary J I k J V M A L E M m b M T L k M C M P J E J R M E T K P L A L d a r M S V S E D a C P a L L 1265 rubenstein cardm 1585 Bonnie Bluff Ct Encinitas 200 turner ave enunitas 7327 calle de fuentes carlsbad 6550 ponto dnve #131 lanikia lane carlsbad 8490 torreyanna urcle carfsbad 6550 PONTO DRIVE #I34 CARLSEAD 921 Fuchsia Lane 9559 vista Tercera 921 Fuchsia Lane 120 Canyon Creek Way 7931 Paseo Aliso 7931 Paseo Aliso 1166 Manposa Road 625 Gravenstein Hwy N #6 351 1 sixth Avenue 7439 Capstan Dnve 6792 Charford Dnve 1716 south durango avenue 131 Diana St #IO 714 Eucalyptus St 2274 Carol View Dr # D202 4131 paseo siembra 4131 paseo siembra 7320 San Earlolo 1121 Saxony Rd 1566 Lower Lake Ct 2901 Hams Dnve 715 snapdragon st 1549 vulcan #75 2637 Cacatua st 1017 Guildford Ct 1514 caudorstreet 645 Sweet Pea Place 1225 Paunc Beach Dnve 3395 Lookout Place 2129 Glasgw Avenue 2640 Madison #5 232 Delphinium St 2901 ocean Street #3N 12268 Sunnse Ct 263 La Costa Ave 1233 Caminito Septimo 3302 E Malapai Dr 608 Saltgrass Avenue 250 W Central Ave 2020 Karen Lane 2222 Eurgener Elvd 2222 Eurgener Elvd 9393 Trade Place 6442 Neddy Ave 2561 1 Bellemore Dr 5020 nightha* Way 101 o Foxglove View 1513 Grand Ave 152 wtham rd 4336 Honzon Dr 4336 Honzon Dr 7661 Sitio Fresno 1659 Haymarket Road 3200 Jams Dnve 1444 Caminito Septimo 691 Moana Dr 6536 Calle Valpenzo 1764 Whitehall Rd 2625 colibn Lane 4466 Tivoli Street 5218 Shelley PI 5216 Shelley PI 7201 Linden Terrace 7201 Linden Terrace 6455 Kingbird Lane 12469 dormouse rd 7635 nueva castilla way 6536 Ocean View St 11545 windcrest lane apt 200 653 camiiw de orchidia 602 N Cleveland St #3 1743 creekside In 1054 Wotan Dnve 7715 Corle Promenade 1242 Manposa Road 405 S Myers Street (14 405 S Myers Street (14 2720 Gregory Street 7325 Seafarer Place 7642 sitio coco 680-6 Nard0 Rd 2366 nw maser dnve 5634 Laurena Street 1627 Wilton Rd 160 N Edgemon Ave 3364 Corle Tiburon 1326 Condor Ct 603 Seagaze Dr (1424 PO 60x6113 4838 Mi Saint Helens Dr 1668 Splitrail Dnve 1666 Splitrail Dnve 5900 Nagel Street 11 0 Ave San Fernando 1621 Avocado Rd Carlsbad San Diego Carlsbad Oceanside Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Oceanside Sebastopol San Diego Carlsbad Huntington Beach 10s angeles Enunitas Oceanside Cardm bonsall bonsall Carlsbad Leucadia Cardigg Vista enunitas enanitas Carlsbad Enunitas enunitas Encinitas San Dew San Marcos Cardiff Carlsbad Enunitas Carlsbad Poway Encinitas Cardiff Phoenix Carlsbad Erea Carlsbad San Diego San Oiego San Diego West Hills Ramona Oceanside Carlsbad San Diego enanitas Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Enunitas Carlsbad Cardiff San Diego Carlsbad Enunltas Carlsbad San Diego Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad San Diego carlsbad Carlsbad san diego enunitas Oceansde vista Enunitas Carlsbad Carlsbad Oceanside Oceanside San Diego Carlsbad carlsbad Encinitas WNaIIis San Diego Carlsbad Winter Spnngs Carlsbad Enunitas Oceanside Alhambra San Diego Enunitas Enunitas La Mesa San Clemente ca CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA Az CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA or CA CA FL CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA ca 92007 92024 92024 92009 760-942-2342 92029 7602504444 9201 1 92009 760-930-0422 92129 6564840153 92009 760-930-0422 92057 92009 7602502916 92009 7602502916 92009 92054 CA 95472 707-629-6689 92103 92009 92646 90035 92024 92054 760-579-3626 92007 760-487-1 103 92003 92003 92009 7609292616 92024 92007 565.410.4790 92084 92024 92024 7609430127 92OW (760)609-0847 92024 760=944-2816 92024 760-635-9019 92024 92109 6503807605 92076 92007 92006 760-720-1 146 92024 92006 92064 92024 92007 760-632-8949 85026 92009 92621 7147842032 92006 92110 658417-6015 92110 92 126 91 307 92056 92009 92109 92024 92008 92006 92009 92024 CA 92006 92007 760-402-6604 92106 92009 CA 92024 760-632-6442 92009 760-715-2376 92107 92006 92006 92006 92006 CA 92009 760-277-7707 92129 92009 760 632-1535 90250 9492260400 92128 252-5759216 92024 92054 7602241592 92061 760-402-2042 92024 92009 760-436-3133 920W 6562593923 92053 92054 92104 (619) 261-1626 92009 92009 7609431046 97330 541-753-0797 92110 92024 (760)942-3375 32706 92009 92024 91 602 921 17 858 279-3800 92024 92024 91942 92672 92009 760-438-3012 92065 760-7t18-6535 92024 619-888-5133 92054 760-458-1071 contento-perdido@hotmail.com nelhea@hotmail.com waterman59@hotmail.com nelson-marcus@sbcglobal.net blnelson@adelphia.net mnemish@adelphia.net njnest@yahoo com paulnett@mac com orthonet@yahoo coin paulnen@mac. corn kmnewell@cox net sandiegong@adelphia. net sandiegong@adelphia.net jacqi-nguyen@hotmail com dnickamac corn rnichols@coastwalk.org adamnichols007@hotmail.com alnickel@adelphia.net niwsurfln@yahoo corn maltydn@yahoo corn h2oak@yahoo.com lounbr@pacbell.net surfelnino@yahoo.com zbnixon9@hotmail.com zbnixon9@hotmail.com willardnixon@yahoo corn k-noe@uop.edu noelit@sbcglobal.net beckynoel@wx. net mikesnappynoel@holmail.com highnwny@sbcglobal nlnsaveMjc@yahoo.com ericnorling@cox.net jeffnonan2000@cox net surfltl 6@yahoo.com Norrbomt@bellsouth.net pmhb@cox net )ohn@jnoms.uc nnonis@escsowtransfers.com espl996@yahoo.com tennyno@yahoo.com paul.nO~tNp@dlapiPer. corn bgn2@georgetown.edu johnpnovak@yahoo.com Boarder-foNrn@yahoo.com dnovosedliak @ adelphia.net gpnawlin@hotmail.com acnuneZl@aol.com patricknussbaurner@mac.com pnussbaumer@yahoo.com keitt-nyberg@yahoo.com Myriahnybo@gmail.com cnyce@holmail.com dandd2@peoplepc.com john-nylander@holmail.com jaynany@hotmail.com lemonhats@aol.com jrspobrien@sbcglobal net jrspobrien@sbcglobal net melaniomsbcglobal.net ecocl l4@yahoo.com luke-ogara@hotmaiI.com cardiWstar1 O@hotmail.com eoberg@ucsc.edu kobedinl@holmail.com mikeadelic74@hotmail.com kati@abac. corn ocheel3@yahoo.com obkristina@yahoo.com womesternative@yahoo.com soddo@earlhlink. net soddoQearthlink net oddoarlscaping@yahoo.com kodquist@prometheuslabs.com OfsteWl @csusm.edu beauW@go.com wogmdnik@gmail.com ashleyohara@cox.net allisono@nofear.com anders.ohnstad@wellsfargo.com kristy@northcoastcalvary .org sandy@blueprintjobs corn jo@rneisenbaChcapital.com olsenOl6@owl csusm.edu olsen0l6@owl.uusm.edu lolsson@mail.sdsu edu maryoren@aol.com ryan@ornelas.org glen.oross@hp.com aarono@usa.com mkoz2004@yahoo.com hurricanehunterl2001@yahoo.com mschin@aol.com mollyo@wirestone corn eosicki@hotmaiI.com Harold@surfree.com Chris.Osuch@westonsolutions. com oswaldk@aol.com rdoswald@aol.com sueoswald@cox.net alex@sgmag.com Nth@OrdaS.Wm 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 ? 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 21 Ott Ottenson Overland overman Owen Owens Owens oziel Paane Pabst Pachew Pack Padilla Paffrath pagano Paglian Pagnotta Palenscar Palenscar Palguta Palguta PALMER PALMER Palmer Palmer Palmer Papciak Papera Papera Papini Papini parent panzeau Park Parker Parker Parker Parker Parks Parton Pasinli Pasquini pastor Pastor Pastor Pasulka Patncio Patterson Patterson Paulsen Payne Payne Paynter peacher Pearlman Pearson Pearson Pease Peay peck peck Pederson pediuni Pedicini Pedraza Peelle Peet Pelber Pelber Peluso Pence Penn Penn Penton Pentz Pepe Peragine Perdikomatis Perez-Monje Perkins Perkins Perreira perret Pev Perszyk Petcavich Peters Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Pettx Petrakes Petrone Pezman Ffaff Ffaff Ffaff Ffaff Ffa hl pham on Tim Greta M Lacy A swn a William T Chns Helen Douglas Jason Hilary Come Susan M Stephen D Jeff M Peter T tommy m Lisa Chns A Tom, Bonnie 8 Kai Kai Patnua Matthew mark mark Nicholas GiI Clay Brendan Kathryn Came Bnan Gina chns karen Jennifer Dawda Donald Jenntfer Reta Craig Aleus Deniz Sarah kyle Suzanne Carey Kathleen Lorenzo Mark Joel Markus Richard June Charlie Jonathan Ruthann John David Gordon Thomas david jana Mercedes lisa Michael Omar E Chns Zazie Nadine Phil Paul Robert John Mary David Robert Daniel Ian Adnana Manna Kasie Ben Chris Charles Danielle Sasha Mark Roger Bnan Dorothy JON Andrew Susan Leslie Steve Ryan Rebecca Tyler Shane Bngitte moise S E W A S d m S C N S C A A E t H F W M A P C G A J J E L z V C R P C M L D A F Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan Petition 1422 caminito Septimo Cardrff 1422 Caminito Septimo Cardiff 2251 Faraday Ave Carlsbad 767 Hymettus Ave Enunitas 370 Ocean Vew Ct Enunitas 2081 Shendan Rd Encinilas 6502 camino Del Prque Cartsbad 1055 Woodlake Dr Cardiff 1589 Tamarack Ave Carlsbad 1231 Manposa Rd Carlsbad 369 Paseo de Playa Apt 202 2643 Galiua Way Carlsbad 2021 Village Wood Rd Enunitas 645 Del Mar Downs A Solana Beach 9549 La Jolla Shores Dr La Jolla 43 chimneyndge dr wnvent station 457 Coast Blvd La Jolla 2122 Sand Crest Way 3794 Highland Carisbad 3794 Highland Carlsbad 6706 Whilesail Street Carlsbad 6706 Whilesail Street Carlsbad 10938 CLOVERHURST WAY SAN DIEGO 10936 CLOVERHURST WAY SAN DIEGO 529 Manhattan Beach Blvd A$4 B Manhattan Beach Ventura San Marws 4670 Pescadetu Ave # 2 6919 Sandcastle Dr 6986 shoreline 2240 Enunitas Blvd # D 41 1 3614 Ruette de Ville 664 seaward ave 664 seaward ave 1915 moreno St 2603 highland dnve 7032 Columbine Dnve 39841 Ivan Dr 39841 Ivan Dr 7538A Gibraltar Street 7767 Corte Promenade 4545 Benhurst Avenue 2424 Franusw Ave 220 1R S The Strand 1588 berkshire 1310 N Evergreen 1588 Berkshire Ct 2186 Crownhill Road 15146 Magnolia Blvd #3 345 Fulvia Street 61 5 S Cedros Ave Markus 366 Andrew Ave 922 Galloway 8469 Paseo del Ocaso 3640 pi0 pic0 dr #c 1305 Bulrush Ct 24 hillandle 723 Matagual Dr 238 Lolita Street 5764 beaumont ave 749 crest dr 749 crest dr 813SunnchLane 2661 Segovia Way 2681 Sagovia Way 675 Oak Ave 7301 B AItcante Rd 343 Palmbark st 614 11th street 614 1 tth street 7480 Ahcante Rd 2046 Sea Village Circle 1939 Rossini Dr 7271 Spoonbill Lane 1740 Hygeia Avenue 635 Baker SI03 1774 Club Heights Lane 2822 Luuemaga si 1343 Grand ave 922 S Parton Unit B Pachew de Melo 2586 4050 adams st 7785 Anillo Way 2858 avenida cereza 4025 Louisiana St 149 W Glaucus Apt A 6832 Town View Ln 7374 Sherwood Dnve 150 Acacia Avenue 1510 Casa Real Ln 1430 Vanessa Circle 1031 Seahorse Ct 3050 Rue D Orleans #465 6742 Solandra Dnve 2703 mackinnon Ranch Rd 191 Ave LaPata 6883 Shearwaters Dnve 6883 Sheanvaten Dnve M183 Sheamaters Dnve 5017 N Pnnceton Street 519 arden dnve 1500 Shadowndge Dr #223 605 N Rlos Ave San Diego Cartsbad carlsbad Encinitas San Diego Carlsbad Carlsbad oceanside carisbad Carlsbad Anza Anza vista Carlsbad Carlsbad San Diego ~ewport Beach Oceanside san marws Bumank San Marcos San Diego Sherman Oaks Enunitas Solana Beach Oceanside Leucadia Pacific Palisades La Jolla carlsbad Carlsbad red bank vista Encinitas la Jolla enunitas enunitas Leucadia carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carfsbad Vista Hermosa Beach hermosa beach Carlsbad Cardrff Cardff Carlsbad Enunitas Costa Mesa vista Carlsbad Paufica Santa ana Buenos Aires carisbad Carlsbad carlsbad San Diego Enunitas Sna Diego Huntington Beach Carlsbad San Marws Enunitas Carlsbad San Diego Carlsbad Cardiff by the Sea San Clemente Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Portland Solana Beach enunitas CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA NJ CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA NJ CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CF CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA Or CA CA 92007 760-632-2216 92007 7606322216 92006 92024 92024 92024 92009 92007 760-436-5693 92008 760-729-2698 92009 93001 92009 92024 92037 858629-7851 7960 92037 92078 92008 CA 92008 760-525-6126 92009 7604087986 92130 656 720-1076 92130 658 720-1076 90266 310-545-5025 92107 619-5186058 92009 (760)438-6669 92009 9304034 92024 760-942-3363 92130 9201 1 760-436-7417 92054 92W8 92009 92539 951-551-1237 92539 92081 92009 92009 92122 6587052721 92660 92054 760-757-9669 92069 91505 6168464695 92069 6584361167 92109 (619) 525-3827 91403 92024 92075 92054 760-613-6060 92024 90272 92037 92006 92009 70-804-7374 701 92081 92024 760 944-7767 92037 619-917-1343 92024 92024 92024 760436-7012 92009 (760) 634-5077 92009 92008 (760) 720-0496 92009 92063 90254 90254 92009 92007 92007 92009 92024 92626 714-467-6048 92081 760 598 9636 92009 760-431-5759 94044 415-713-4046 92701 92075 85aw5-1oto CA 92009 92011 760-436-7417 townyca wm gretaott@yahoo wm IacyoQyahoo wm SwttOrepl@wx net overlmanQwx net chns@chnsowen wm ihmowens@aol wm dougincardrff@sbcglobal net joziel@adelphia net hilary paaneaadelphia net cpabst676gyahoo win srnpmail@adelphia net pack202l@aol wm jef-m-padilla@yahoo wm ptpaffrathQyahoo wm rwurfer44Qoptonline net Ipaglian@san rr wm cpagnotta@yahoo corn tomQtroutpals com kpalenscar@hotmail cam pkpalgutagyahoo corn matthewpalguta@hotmail wm MPALMER222QAOL COM MPALMER222@AOL COM dropinlate@hotmail corn gpalmer@polkaudio corn claypalmer@adelphia net papuak@hotmail wm readwell@sbcglobal net camepapera@hotmail wm Gpappys@adelphia net Gpappysgadelphia net chnsn)@yahoo wm kpanzeau@sbcglobal net jendonnelley@yahw wm parkerphoto@aol corn anzapumps@aol wm jenparkerZ8@hotmail wm suninsd2000@yahoo wom solelyouth@yahoo wm apartonlasan rr wm dnzl82@yahoo wm gollywobble@yahoo wm mcgusto66ghotmail corn spastorZ@earthlink net carpod30@yahoo wm kapQprowpio wm Lpatncio79@yahoo corn mdpinsd@email wm joelgtwsnet wm markuspaulsen@mac wm unccdolores@sbcglobaI net junepaygaol wm charlie7673@hotmail wm jonathanpeacher@adelphia net rhpearlman@aol corn Japtainmycackofl@hotmail wm archdp03@sbcglobal net gordon@pascalsteel wm joshpeay@hotmatl wm dapgmmker wm the-pecks@sbcglobal net mercedespedersonQwx net askmeificarel668@gmaiI wm mp49@earthlink net omarp7l@hotmaiI wm evaswim@holmail wm chnspanofear wm sweetcndyz4t4Qyahoo wm mnxagncy@yahoo wm ppeluso3@yahoo com ppenceQhotmail wm rpenn222@hotmail wm dqgpenn@adelphia net thepentonsgwx net davidpentz@gmail com therobpepeyahw wm danperagine@aol wm perdiko@wmcast net aDerezmonie~sbmlobaI net 2425 005411-4605-9870 perkinstatiyahoo wk ar 92054 alwayslove777@hotmaiI wm 92009 carverb@hotmail wm 92009 chns perret@windnver wm 92104 usc2000@gmail wm 92024 dperszykOl@yahw wm 92120 squashapolo@hotmail wm 92646 714 375-9755 mpetershb@socal rr wm 92008 760-434-5635 k38roger@yahoo com 92069 redbuffalosurferQyahoo com 92024 760-753-4093 DPeterson@qualigeninc corn 92009 jonplO3lQhotmail wm 92110 ATPnoB@netscape net 92009 760-461-8165 susanpetrakes@adelphia net 92007 760-753-9300 lespetronegaol wm 92673 949 361 0331 steve@surfersjoumal corn 92009 760-931-6256 ryanpfaff@adelphia net 92009 760931-6258 rebeccap7lghotmail corn 92009 760-931 6258 mooseattacktyler@yahoo wm 97203 971-455-4585 spfaffgup edu 92075 '58 7553982 GinalO@adelphia net 92024 7606331984 mosiegwx net 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 I 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 I 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 Page 22 Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan Petition phelps Phillips Picken Pickrell ptckren PlWU Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierro Pike Pike PILKINGTON Pillsbuiy Pinwck Pine Pinkard pirawi PlVO Plassrneyer Pieso polonitza Polster Poole poosty Porter Poser Posey Possell Potash POtts Poukkula Pounds Pounds Powell Power Powers Pravato Pregerson Prentice Preston Price Pnce Pnebe Pnrnes Pnnce Pnnce Pntchard Pntchett Prosser Pmuse Pmvenzano Pmvenzano PNssack prvanov Pszo tka Purdy Pyle Pynes Quart Quick quinlivan Quinn auinn quinn Quisenberiy Raceles Raddrffe Rafael Rafter Ragland Ralph Rarney Rarney rarnier Rarnirez Rarnsey rarnuno Randall Randall Raney Ratcliff Ralhbun Rau Rausa rawluk Ray rayburn Rayray Rayray Read Reardon rector Redela Redfern Redhair Redhair Reding phllllps pltt POBLANO PUNIS daniel Patncia stephen Bnan Melissa rnichael Robert Diana Robert L Micheal Darren Bill CHAD Jillian Amanda Heather Deanna antonio Bnan Lon Heather Dana RENEE lard Lew Peter taryn Ted Kurt David Wiley Andrew Kevin Joel Chns Mananne laune Ellen Chns Heather Sarah Jeff mark came Jonathan Kathleen Robert Mlchelle Chnstopher Tyler Sheena Andrew Prouse Sarah Gina Joe Cathy Dalrna Margaret JOe Dan Susan Knstine India Paul Kevin Jim elise Ken TMl David William Patnck Rebecca Robert Mike DNe Sheree Rechelda Manlyn ben Elizabeih Joseph peg Jeff Gary Gary Jeff Bettina mike Ttrn david Gabnel Patnck Karen Michael robert MEchael Chns Cynthia Richard KV g J P E V L W S R I E J K M A J R C D A A hO L M C J J S C S L K A L e M C A A L D E R d t S L P r W A 13714 pine needles dr PO box 60 8469 Paseo del Ocas0 934 St Albans Dnve 4626 sevilla way 6640 Tanglewood Rd 4055-4 Harrison St 6576 Red Knot St 1650 Pentas Ct 145 Chinquapin Ave 421 Delage Dr 19 Old Milford Road 3481 PECAN ST 1652 Eolus Ave 165 Norfolk Dr 4705 Manna Ave 1624 NCoast Hwy 101 #I8 5218 rnilton rd 1225 Pacific Beach Dnve #l-L 3450 Paseo Ancho 7305D Alicante Rd 6061 Paseo Salinero 3650 HIBISCUS CIRCLE 221 n siem 302 Sanford Street 30843 Bardrnore Dnve Taryn 906 Orchid Way 6736 blue point dnve 1381 N Vulcan B 7059 Vallean Ave 7384 FayAve 25 SE 143 Joel 7066 Montanes lane 7066 Montanes lane 7401 Magellan Street 1757 Gaswny Rd 7063 Rockrose TeK 521 Wind Sock Way 3734 saddle dnve 6749 Lonicera Street 2361 Newport Ave 416 suoth granados ave 1537 Independence Way 1437 Tzena Way 612 Mansa Lane 1006 Cottage Way 1006 Cottage Way 1663 Linbrook Dnve 1616 Hope ST 656 Vine St #21 PO Box 231846 2636 Ocean Front Walk 6306 Carntnito Juanico 303 West D Street 6575 mndflower dnve 2309 Levante st 3795 Monroe St 1141 Reed ave 136 Coop Ct 2746 lnverness Dnve 3273 Violet Ridge 455 Cole Ranch Rd 643 solana glen ct 1706 Eolus Avenue 2717 York Road 2166 Avd Toronja 6754 Wahl Street 32603 aden circle 11595 Carninito La Bar#12 1955 Seabreeze Court 7623 Exchange PI 6415 Merlin Dnve 3665 Light Horse Loop 11 30 Rangeview Rd 11 30 Rangeview Road 7040 whitewater street 4459 Fanuel St, Apt 11 1262 Plum Tree Rd 1609 debann mad 2361 Oxford Ave 1442 Dolphin Ct 160 Walnut Ave Apt A 2340 Terraza Ribera 4615 N Park Ave Apt 511 1600 burgundy rd 6234 Rorno Street 716 rnunevar rd 2419 34th St 5262 wohlford street 7260 Tail Street 407 Sandahvwd Dr 1674 Calliandra Road 1969 Emerald Street pobox230761 1834 East 4391 Moraga Avenue 7237 San Bentto 7237 San Benito 1046 Gardena Rd 6423TobnaTerrace#104 del mar Carlsbad cardiff La Jolla Leucadia carlsbad San Diego Carlsbad Carlsbad carlsbad Carlsbad Enunitas Mont Vernon IRVINE Leucadia Cardiff by the Sea Cads b a d Enunitas carlsbad San Diego Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad CARLSBAD solana beach Leucadia Ternecula Cadsbad Carlsbad Cadsbad Enunitas Van Nuys La Jolla Portland San Diego Carlsbad Carlsbad Cadsbad Encinitas Carlsbad Carl s b a d carlsbad Carlsbad cardiff solana beach Vista Enunitas Enunitas Enunitas Enunilas San Diego San Marws Oceanside Encinitas San Diego San Diego Encinitas carlsbad carlsbad Carlsbad San Diego Leucadia Dnve Encinitas Enunitas solana beach Emfas Carlsbad Carlsbad Santee ternecula San Diego Enunitas La Jolla Cadsbad Virginia Beach vista Vista carlsbad San Diegoq Carlsbad cardiff Cardiff by the Sea San Marws Carlsbad Carlsbad Chevy Chase Encinitas San Diego cardlff San Diego oceanside San Diego Aptos Carlsbad San Diego encinitas Enunitas San Diego Cadsbad Carlsbad Encinitas CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA OR CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA VA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA MD CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA ca 92014 (658) 945 5450 92009 760-918-1675 92007 92121 8589223081 92024 760-632-0549 92008 92111 92006 92009 760 6891264 9201 1 92006 (760) 560-2942 92024 760-632-1561 3057 6036725176 92606 92024 92007 92006 92024 92006 7606049727 92109 656-273-0137 92009 92009 438-2291 92009 92008 (760) 518-4453 92075 619-417-9006 92024 92592 92007 CA 92009 92009 7604316465 92024 760-615-5369 91406 6187851151 92037 97233 503-262-52 92117 CA 92009 760-930-4091 92009 760-930-4091 92011 760 431 2814 92024 760-5356214 9201 1 760-431-2021 92009 92010 92009 760-931-9950 92007 92075 92084 92024 92024 92024 92024 921 11 858-874-1982 92078 92054 760-717-2464 92109 92111 92024 7608758070 92009 92009 7604355941 92006 760-729-0437 92109 6194592369 92024 92006 760-729-81 14 92024 92024 92075 92024 760-436-4404 92008 7604701216 92009 760 753-1881 92071 6195725257 92592 92 126 92023 (760)612-2000 92037 92009 23453 92084 7604584876 92009 7606039046 92109 9201 1 92007 92007 92076 92008 760-720-1667 92009 20615 92024 17607536775 92115 92007 760-753-2217 92 104 92056 92111 510-366-9248 95003 92009 760 431 6993 92109 92023 760-942-9201 92024 921 17 92009 (760) 602-0566 92009 (760) 602-0566 92024 61 9-339-3996 92023 658-755-6306 92084 760-941-3681 loperphelpsgyahoo corn artsavesltvesgadelphia net sphilltps66ghobnail corn bpickettgkintera corn Melissa Pickrell@djortho corn unboundvoi@yahw corn cahsurfel923gyahoo corn dianapterce@adelphta ne1 wltnpiercegaol corn none danungbw222gyahoo corn darren-pikearnsn corn infogmlliarnpikedestgn corn CHADPILKINGTONgMAIL COM thedoughboygsbcglobal net pcvarnandagyahoo wrn heatherpinegaol wrn Deanna Pinkardanoaa gov tpiramgadelphia net bnan-pittghotrnail wrn Ipivogguidant corn hjplassgsbcglobal net dplesogsbcglobal net quotes@anythingirnpnnted wrn jpolonttzagadelphia net drurnsinsidegyahoo corn peter@rnountpalornar win chekachekeleagyahoo wrn cbadsurfr@aol wrn kurtgtheposerfarnily wrn dposeygdiefaster wm wileygpossenwnst wrn a-potashgyahoo wrn pottskevgyahoo wrn JoelPouk@pacbell net gondrue@aol wm golferdruegaol wrn rnopowell@adelphia net Ilpower@sbcglobal net ernp233gaol wrn cpravatogadelphia net hpregersonghotrnail wm ssprenticegyahoo wrn jpresto5lgyahoo wm mark pnc-reef wrn Pncefarnily4@wx net jon2274gaol wrn pnrnes5gsbcglobal net Rober@Pnnce-usa wrn echobelli@hotrnail wm pntchardswtt@hotmaiI win tylerpntchett@hotrnail corn xsheenax@grnail wm houseofprouseghotrnail wrn salprol3ghotrnail com ginapml gyahw corn cathyprvanovgyahoo wrn dalrnapgnofear wrn rnargiegPurdyhornes wrn joe@beachandutyrealty wrn koalanighotmail wrn pynesgadelphia net kquartgaol wrn iquickgcalpoly edu paul e quinlivan@biola edu krnichaelquinngyahoo wrn elisequinn@adelphia net kkquizgyahoo wrn tawnirnaR6grnsn wrn Mudhed69gyahoo wrn brafaelgrnsn wm patnckrafterlghotmail wrn beckyragland@pacbell net jspdaddy@aol wrn ramey33gaol wrn SRAMEYg BlakeSales net rarniergadelphia net RecheldaLRarnirez@yahoo wrn rrnramsey@adelphia net benrarnunoghotrnail wm home-tundrahgyahoo wrn joey randallgwx net jeffraneygearthlink net ratcliffgrgadelphia net grath03gyahoo wm Surf4jc200Z@holrnail wrn brausagwx net rawlukrngyahoo corn Brn raygngc wrn brnone72gyahoo wrn BattalionOlOgaol wrn patnckrayrayghotrnail wrn kare readaeds wrn reardonrntke@hobnail corn mectorgterrasonics corn rnikegredela wrn redfern@sandiegoaudubon org credhatr@pacbell net credhair@pacbell net kyredingghotrnail wrn jpNS@hOf~ail Corn jhqiv@yahoo wrn 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 t 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 t 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 Page 23 Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan Petition Redman Redmon Reed Regan Reid Reid reineman Reingruber retman Reher Revchuk Revier Rex Reyes Reynaga Jr Reynolds Rhead Rhead nch Richard Richardson nchardson Richardson Richdale nchter Rickens Ricklefs Reusch Katie Jimmy Rob Will Ronald Jim dan Holly Wendy Dennis Olga Richard Albert Ronald Daniel Barbara Edward joseph Colin Elaine andrew Jesseca Emily Jesse David Craig gem Cary Ricks Julie- Ridder-St. Marie Jeannette Rider ndpath Riggle Riis Riker Riley Riley Rillera nsser Rissi Riston nvers Rlx REO Roath Roberson Roberts roberts roberts roberts Roberlson Robinson Robinson Robinson robinson Robinson Robison Robles Robles Robona Robson Roche Roche Rock Rodelander Rodewald Rodgers Rodgers Rodriguez Roff Roff Rogers Rogers Rogers Rojas Roland Rolfes Roman Rornaneli Romero roney roo Root Root Rosa Rosales Rosales Rose Rose Rosenberg Rosenkranz Rosenthal Ross Ross Ross Ross Ross ross Rossman Roth Roubitchek Rouleau James Nichola Beth Julia Gina Chnstine Daniel Suzanne Missi Jenn deb Barbara Jonathan Michelle Evans Samantha kelly Ursula James scon Gabnel Mark jack Sarah Dana John Alex Lee Anne Chns Jim Lisa Angela Leslie Chns Bnan Marland Jessica Crystal Brad Thomas Jarmd Carey Richard Alison Mary Chnstina LUIS Lon shea Jennifer Penelope Richard Janice Man Ruben Barbara Frednc Phillip Diane Sara Richard A I I y s o n David David Wendy Seth Chns Bradford LOUIS bertrand wry J S r R a S H A D b H G d S r S W A J C I M L M L D I M T E R T B K C M C C J A A F A m M A L C L E S M L L J W T a 2644 San Marws Ave 2536 Unicornio Street 3203 Calle Vallarta 134 Daphne Street 22 Los Tranws Dr 1311 Sunset Cliffs Blvd 414 sea ndge dr 680-8 Nardo Rd 225 south granados ave 3645 Nautical Dnve 2112 Bulrush Lane 643 Dawson Ave #3 512 Stem Way 6450 Tomyanna Circle 7657 Whitewater Dr 6431 Alexandn Circle 864 Salem Street 3512 Woodland Way 3946 Long PI 8040 La Jolla Shores Dr #D 4605 Castelar St 716 San Dieguito Dr 572ahermesave 1231 Caminito Septimo 924 Begonia Court 3332 harding st apt D 762 S Sierra 6655 Daylily Dnve 760 Clark Ave 907 Alyssum Rd 3534 Ridgewood Way 1201 gold flower rd 1242 Plum Tree 2219 Corle Cicuta 1742 Ceeus Court 3391 Tournament Dr 566 Halalai Street I337 Maple Leaf Dr 2310Altisma way #230 2335 Cannga Way #20 2000 S Melrose Dnve 6411 Merlin 921 San Dieguito Dr 2605 McGaw Avenue 30903 del rey rd 1640 Scott Place 961 N VulcanAve #8 6617 caminito sueno 6617 caminito sueno 6617 camcnito sueno 116 west glaucus street 3831 Mount Aladin Avenue 2637 Valewood Ave 7074 Pnmentel Lane 513 sunset dnve 4705 Manna Dr #6 145WElNortePkwyX215 7021 Leeward St 234W IOthAve 7069 SurfDird Circle 1515 Summit Ave 7456 Capstan Dr 7456 Capstan Dr 4134 Lyrner Dr 5500 Campanile Dnve 760 Teabeny Street 1428SapphireDnve 1390 Buena Vista Way 777 Manhattan Beach Blvd 1525 Avd La Posta 4 lakeview dnve west 4010 Layang Layang unit E 756 York Ct 344 La Veta Ave 521 Luneta 1551 Tres Hermanas Way 2042 Mar Azul Way 2424 La Plancha Lane 6726 Amherst ST 6705 Barberry Place 922 edwna way 247 centennial parkway north 450 Summerview Circle 450 Summerview Circle 7611 Calle Lornas 6695 NardoAve 2466 Chaucer Place 1833 Palisades Dr 366 River Ranch Way 501 Halsing Court 4751 Wailapa Road 11 772 Camel Creek Road #I08 2252 Via Apnlia #6 1706 Pacific Beach Dnve P 0 Box 690 P 0 Box 890 3696 Alamo Dnve 231 Avenida Pelayo #A 1734 Schooner Way 1507 Rubenstein Avenue 3347 Avenida Nieve 6937 Beagle SI San Diego San Diego Carlsbad Carlsbad Leucadia lrvine San Diego la jolla Encinitas solana beach Carlsbad Cardiff San Diego Carlsbad Carlsbad Huntington Beach Carlsbad Vista Carlsbad Carlsbad La Jolla San Diego Encinitas encinitas Cardiff Carlsbad carisbad Solana Beach Carlsbad Encinitas Carlsbad Carlsbad carlsbad Carl s b a d Carlsbad Carlsbad Oceanside Kihei Carlsbad carlsbad La Costa Carlsbad Carlsbad Enunitas lrvine Temecula Enunitas Enunitas carlsbad carlsbad carlsbad enunitas San Diego Carlsbad Carlsbad oceanside Carlsbad Escondido Carlsbad Escondido Carlsbad Cardiff Carlsbad Carlsbad San Diego San Diego Enunitas Carlsbad Carlsbad Manhattan Beach Encinitas montague Carlsbad San Diego Enunitas San Luis Obispo Enunitas Carlsbad Carlsbad San Diego Carlsbad cardiff ha milt on Encinltas Encinitas Carlsbad Solana Beach Thousand Oaks Carlsbad Oceanside Carl s b a d Wlauea San Diego Del Mar San Diego Rancho Santa Fe Rancho Santa Fe Vacaville San Clemente Carlsbad Cardiff Carlsbad CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA HI CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA ca ca ca ca CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA NJ CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA on CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA HI CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA 92104 CA 92009 760-436-2302 92009 92024 92617 92107 619-2254031 92037 92024 92075 92008 92007 921 15 9201 1 92009 92646 714-669-4363 92009 92084 92006 6053350 92006 8053350 92037 92107 6198713708 92024 92024 7606352567 92007 92009 7609298338 92006 760-667-5762 92075 619-733-9735 92009 92009 92008 760-717-3447 92009 9201 1 760602-0343 92009 92009 92056 760-603-2393 96753 92009 92009 92061 92009 9311460 92024 92612 92591 92024 760-943-7764 92009 92009 92009 92024 760-757-3147 92111 92006 7606724532 92009 760 604-0729 92054 7602317964 92008 7607201146 92026 92009 925325-9744 92025 92011 CA 92007 92009 92009 92116 92120 92024 92009 92006 (760) 277-2383 90266 92024 7627 92006 760-729-4716 92109 92024 93405 92024 92009 760-476-3596 92009 CA 92009 92007 (510) 912-1654 92024 92024 92009 92075 6167958507 91362 616-620-7484 92006 760-730-3296 92057 760-231-9029 92011 760-822-7231 96754 608-651-5197 92130 92014 92109 92067 658-756-1161 92067 658-756-1161 95667 92672 760-717-6762 93008 92007 760-436-2632 92009-933 760-436-4956 92111 92024 858336-8995 92009 760-43a9318 92024 85a254-1330 92115 858-531-5555 196~7 ktredrnanacox net wakegunraaol corn robreed55@hotrnail corn wregan5l@hotmail corn ronreid54ayahoo corn jimnnob@cox net dreinernanayahoo corn holly reingruberagrnail corn gemaoppersports net rnwretzer@pacbell net marden2aadelphia net orevchukakpmg mm ronck512@sbcglobal net alrex43@adelphia net pnphrlayahw com dreb007aadelphia net caryarnddonline corn brheadapacbell net brheadapacbell net brandonchgyahoo wm lobstertree@hotmail com SunstarShilohs@aol com drew1 7@wx net jesseca-rahotmail wm enchdale@gmail corn ~nchten35@yahoo corn davensiv@sbcglobal net crncklefs@hotmail corn julie-ncks@hotrnail wm strnanesj@adelphia net jiminder@sbcglobal net gsndpath@sbcglobal net nicholanggle@adelphia net tirnnisQaol corn CRikerlaaol corn gnleyQisisph corn RileyMauiNaluaaol dnlleraasandiego edu rnzlclttygadelphia net rnissiranofear corn justjenn22ayahoo corn debnversaaol corn nxgraphix@cox net angiapjsalvage corn jrsloth247@aol wrn pmichellr@adelphia net elr3l@hotmail wm goIfingirl24@?yahoo corn insh-dancer-kelly@yahoo corn ursula900@yahoo wm lokbox@sbcglobal net scottQsirreall com gabnelrobinsonahotmail corn freediveaearthlink net jacko95@cox net srobin33@yahoo com danalynn-robison@?yahoo corn roblesjraadelphia net ratboarderl 3@hotmail corn larnsll2@sbcglobal net y-robson@yahw wm ]irnroche@adelphia net lisarochegadelphia net msrock2Qyahoo wm IrOdelandW@prOJectS sdsu edu barlikova@gmail corn hvssouthapacbell net danungbw222@yahoo wrn pineapplefusion@hotrnail corn cmd@adelphia net Anarchykd4ahotmail wm tqwr@earthlink net jrogers@polexis com careypgers@hotmail wm art4frog@hotrnaiI corn alison@jdssc corn maryrolfesaprodigy net ckrornanQadelphia net surftotal@hotmail corn lon@matnxdsl wm encpunk@yahoo wm jenroo56@hotmail wm pensplaceajuno wm pensplace@juno corn janice rosaancrnc corn man rosalesanoaa gov rubenwreyayahoo corn brose363aadelphia net bnngit04@mx net psrosenberg@adelphia net crazykranzayahoo corn kickbox-chica @hotmail wrn nchardlrossahotmail wm allyrnross@hotrnail wm david j rossasrnilhbarney corn david j ross@srnithbamey wrn lucky713ca@aol corn utopiatool@cox net crossman@robodesign wm broth@cox net LTRinENCQAOL Com brouIeau-O3@sandiego edu 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 Page 24 Roulette Routly rowells ' rowky Rubenstein Rubie Rubin RUff Nle Rupert Russell Nsseil Nssell Nssell Russell Russell Russo Russo Rutherford ROY NSSO Ryan Ryan Ryan, M.D. Ryba Ryba Rynski sablan Sablan Sablan Sacchetti Sadoski sage saggese Sagunsky Saisho Saiz sakelliou salas Sales Salornon Salva Salzrnann Samaniego Sarnann SAMPSON sampson Sanchez sandberg sandera sandera Sanderson sanntom santos Sam0 saunders savage Savage-Cairns Savoie Savran saw SWdY Scales Scarda Schaefer SCHALL Schectel Scher Scherler scheyer schissler Schliff schluntz Schluntz Schrnauss Schrnerler Schmid Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmitt Schnack Schnack Schneir Schoaff SchOll Schorle Schorle Schorle Schrader Schreder Schuh Schulte Schulh schultz SCHULZ SchUlZ schulz SChUPP Shah schwaner Julie Enn Jason philip Roberta Laune Kathy Melanie chns Bnan Tonya clayton heather knsbe Jennifer Russell Leanne Pasquale nathan Sean Timothy Barbara Sean Mike Dominique Steven ernelyne Brenton Ricky Craig Jennifer Carleton Gian Gary Theresa Denise dino stevie Evangelina Leah Spencer Philip Elaina June JAMES Kevin Ralph alexa linda linda Julie Anna Walter Laura lUlS David Allison Rhell Enn smn Gwg Baml Mary Nick Jack Juliana JILL Anna rnelinda Kurt neal mate Rob [esse Jeremy Jody Jurgen Scott Chnstina LLizane Lawrence JOe Judith Dalton lleese Michael CalhV And;ea ffiana Ekkehard Ann Man Tracy Joan Brandee drew JURGEN kim bob Salomi Roman monica SCHWEINBERGI DALE I P A S J a I h rn a L C R a C B C T D E C K S E C A M m A G i J M a M L A J J R G D M M L e i a a 3746 Garden Lane PO box 4274 2415 Stevens urcle 91 1 arden dr 4767 IL? 32nd Street 620 w Mountain Avenue 2394 Maravilla Way 7034 Columbine Dr 7258 San Luis 959 diamond street 51 39 Delaney Court 1562 Division St 3264 bayside lane 357 chestnut ave 113 2231 edinburg ave 209 Sanford St 1620 Traveld Way 6922 mimosa dnve 1331 Evergreen Dr 616 devon cl 962 Dumitz Dnve 704 Seabnght lane 47 10 Garrield St 4886 Coronado Avenue 1593 Jonathon St 1593 Jonathon S1 6677 Camabon Dnve 4862 sevilla way 4862 Sevilla Way 4662 Sevilla Way 13422 Utopia Road 4464 New Jersey St 1368 Peachwood Dr 2316 via Platillo 2153 Corte Moral 6743 Blue Point Dnve 544 Big Sky Dnve 9660 chesapeake dnve 4705 manna dr 11 44 aloha Dnve 5949 W Country Ave 3932 6th Avenue 356 Dublin Dr 850 3rd St 6707 Camino Del Prado 3497 PASEO FLAMENCO 6155 cargill Ave 1133 1034 Orpheus Ave 1234 happy Street 4051 vista calaveras 4051 vista calaveras P 0 Box232626 4009 fanuel st PO box 131434 1751 Eucalyptus Ave 503 rudder avenue 2007 Santa Fe Ave 6006 Paseo Esmerado 1104 Knoll Park Lane 6061 Paseo Arrayan 440 puebta st 125 Hillcrest Dr 260 Coneflower St 583 Via Armado 1445 Hyrnettus Ave 140 EAST GLAUCUS STREET 639 Hillhaven 7244 carpa court 1141 Cem Largo dr 404 endnitas blvd 367 Nautilus 456 E Glaucus St 993 north vulcan #4 925 Woodlake Dnve 742 Munevar Road 12237 Camel Vista Rd 2009 Mackinnon Ave 595 Park Lane 2116 Meadowlark Ranch Circle 7316 San Luis St 2230 J Street #7 354 East Glaucus St 354 E Glaucus St 7693 Sitio Mirto 14375 Gerona Court 2716 Socorro Lane 362 Acaua apt k 382 Acaua apt k 434 Village Run East 924 Anatra Court 926 Rosemary Ave 2433 Impala Dr 6621 Alderwocd Dnve 603 Bluewater Road 1973 freda lane 7037 LEEWARD ST 7432 salano st 7432 solano st 7777-111 Carninilo Monarca 641 Isthmus Ct 3773 via cabnllo 1310 La Mirada Ave Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan Petition San Diego Banff carlsbad enunitas San Diego Fort Collins Ocsanside Carlsbad Carlsbad san diego Carlsbad Galways san diego carlsbad cardiff Leucadia Enunitas carlsbad Cardiff san diego San Diego Solana Beach Carlsbad San Diego vista vista Carlsbad carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad PWY San Diego Enunitas Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Oceanside san diego carlsbad enunitas Visalia San Diego Cardiff Enunitas Carlsbad SAN CLEMENTE San Diego Enunitas carddf oceanside oceanside Leucadia San diego carlsbad Enunitas carlsbad Del Mar Carlsbad Fallbrook Carlsbad encinitas Encinitas Encinitas Chula Vista Leucadia LEUCADlA San Marws Carlsbad Solana Beach enunitas La Jolla Encinitas enunitas Cardiff Cardiff San Diego Carddf Enunltas San Marws Carlsbad Sacramento Leucadia Enunitas Carlsbad San Dtego Carlsbad Cads b a d Carlsbad Enunitas Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad carddf by the sea CARLSBAD carlsbad carlsbad Carlsbad San Diego oceanside Eswndido CA AB CA CA CA co CA CA CA CA CA NY CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA 92106 403 609 0976 92006 760-434-5534 92024 92116 619-584-0703 60521 92056 92011 (760) 931-0516 92109 656-270-1711 92006 7609291297 12074 92109 92006 92007 7606355617 92024 760-635-9335 92024 760-753-9449 92009 92007 921 09 921 96 92075 CA 92008 92107 92063 7607165673 92063 92009 760-310-4016 92006 92006 92006 92064 921 16 92024 92009 7604769604 92009 760/942-9737 92009 7609169332 92054 7606057562 92123 6565143600 92006 310261 7769 92024 93277 92103 92007 7609429261 92024 92009 760.603.7920 92672 949-4961455 92122 656-964-0751 92024 92007 1234567 92056 760-941-3604 92056 760-941-3604 92023 760-632-0335 92109 6195406242 9201 3 760-602-9204 92024 760-634-3033 92009 760-804-1968 92014 6567554624 92009 (760) 944-6654 92-26 760-966-6359 92009 92024 760.402.6272 92024 619-370-5194 92024 760-420-0449 91910 619-656-1655 92024 92024 92068 92009 760-943-6167 92075 92037 92024 92024 7606344673 92007 92007 92130 92007 92024 92076 92009 760-579-8645 95616 (760)445-5210 92024 760-753-6168 92024 92009 760-632-6997 92129 (856) 942-5817 92009 92009 (760)505-1755 92009 (760)522-9047 92024 (760)753-6860 92009 760-918-9863 92009 92006 92009 92009 92007 9201 1 760.436 7696 92009 944-7923 92009 944-7923 92009 92109 92056 760-753-9220 92025501 760-471-6742 TIL 1 E6 92011 760 gie-gioi 92024-6709 Roulette@sandiego edu er-shiatsu@yahoo corn jrowells@adelphia net therowleyrnan@yahoo corn mbertapauline@yahoo com barryNbenQyahoo corn Irnn99@yahoo corn krobbins@ternplesolel net MJRuMQcs corn carul-san rr wm Nperts@adelphia net hypster66@yahoo com IifeguardsdQyahoo wm knsbeinsd@hotrnail corn Jendasiar@hotrnail corn ncbleann@pacbell net Nssofarnly@aol corn russo546@holrnail corn nathanarusso@hotmail corn xsurfxburnx@yahoo corn timmytar@hotrnail corn barbararyansrnailQyahoo corn doc-ryan@hotrnail corn REEBSLURES@COX NET rndrybaayahoo corn ryn-steve@yahoo corn sablan5Qhoirnail corn rebelbsQhotrnail corn SurferRicky@hotrnail corn craigsac@hotrnail wm surfnsoccerl Qyahw com crs@activb corn csaggese@pacbell net gerysagun@adelphia net tksorders@yahoo com denisessaiz@rnsn corn dino sakelliou@reef wrn stevie@steviesalas corn esales25@aol corn beachchic31 3@aOl corn seasunsurf@grnarl com Phil-salzrnannasd vrlx corn zenshiatsu77@hotrnail corn parnann@adelphia net SAMPSONUSAQCOX NET Ksarnpson@gmail wm lumpalumpal 23@yahoo corn blondepnncess24@sbcglobal net Iindasandera@yahoo corn Iindasandera@yahoo corn RockylZ@wx net annasantoro@hotrnail corn brosant@aol com Idsarno@cox net luis saunders@adelphia net surfsavages@rnsn corn ASavageGD@aol corn rhell@surfdsi corn esavran@sbcglobal net rf@sawbladedesign corn gsawdyl@yahoo corn nickscales@cox net jacksd@hotmail corn julie2rowQhotrnail corn JLSCHALLaAOL COM annadl963@hotrnail wm rnscherl@adelphia net vecsafe@yahoo corn swops4fun@hotrnail wm rnatay-nicole@yahoo corn mb@smartlending wm captaincarro155@hotmail win jererny SchluntzQpnrnedia wrn jody@twsnet corn jschrnerler@deepskysofare corn Iivit4u@hotmail mn kandchornback@cox net IlizaneQcs corn lschrn3317@aol corn ~schrnitl71 l@hotrnail wrn judyschnack@wx net schnackacox net ischneir@adelphia net schoaff@sbcglobal net a~nachala22Qyahw corn none no email ekke schorle@sbcglobal net arnschrader@rnac corn schredderZl@yahw wrn tracy-schuhQwestonsolutlons com Joan SchullegEnglekirk wm brandees@wirestone corn pnrnordialsoup@rnsn corn JURGENQK5 COM kschulz@eusd k12 ca us bomarnigopnnt wrn satorn@inorbrt corn mrnan@schwabbmthers wm rns4surf@cox net Dale@TheCornputer corn hmNSSell@~dCh corn 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 I 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 Page 25 Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan Petition scorn scon Scully scurlock Seal seale Sears-Wiley SEBASTRN Seckendorf Seckendofi seddig See Seed SeRel Segovia Segovta Seibert seid Seip IV Sekch SELIK Sennis Servals Seva Severson Seymour Seymour Shaeffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaken Shakter Shapiro Shanf Shaker Shaw Shaw Shay Shems Shepard sheptak Shenf Shigenaga shipman Shobe shoffler Shores SHORTER Shnner SHULL shur Shur Shur Shvodian Stddons Silber Silbert Silverman Silverman Silverman Simeone Simmons Simmons Simmons Simms SIMON Simondes Simons Simons Simpkins SIMPSON Simpson Sincfair Sinclair Sirota Strota sisco Siva Skaff Skaff Skee sknvseth Slade Slater Slattery Sledd Slevinske Smiddy Smiley Smith Smith SMITH Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith SlPP Teml Kevin Audra carol Donna tiffany Elizabeth RACHEL Paul T robell Jack Elizabeth JeSSica Nenssa Ethan James rob St e f a n 1 e Nicholas Cynthia Gina Jana Linda Stuart Michael Kirk Paul Kaveh Matthew David A21 Luuetla Bonnie Wendy Allison Enn John michelle Joanne Tyler benjamin Enn Sarah Bevin JOSHUA Rebecca MATTHEW emily Jennifer Allen Bnan Lee Rolf M Bradley Elizabeth Alfred Dennis Joe Joe Terry ALVERNON Devin Robbi Andy Ken JULIE Julie Leigh Gregory Maureen Susan Karen Amara ROY Rosalie Nicole kasey Llnda Evan Bnan Daniel Karen Margaret Patti Jessie Jeanie KENNETH Robert Brendan Mtk8 Step h a n i e Shane Randel Thomas Amee Dominic Harry JOEL Mary Timothy Gary D M a M a J L M L G G C H R B A I F k m J T L E W J A A W A K M D K C b D T R L D A M E J G J M J J 2699 Medford Ct Carlsbad 1475 GREEN OAK ROAD Vista 1469 Sapphire Dr Cartsbad 5370 Carlsbad Blvd Carlsbad 3870 Woodvale Dnve Carlsbad 810 dewin ave encinitas PO BOX366 Cardm 1843 EUCLID ST SANTA MONICA 3947 Lago dt Grata Cmle 3903 Stonendge Rd Carlsbad 7757-107 caminlto monarca carlsbad 400 N Myers St Oceanside 3449 Calle Del Sur Carlsbad 76 Breakers Lane Aliso Vielo 2271 Manchester Ave 2271 Manchester Ave Cardiff 3883 Jewel1 St A4 3875 rogers rd spnng valley 160 Hemlock Ave #3 Carlsbad PO Box 151 1 San Dego Cardiff by the Sea San Dtego Solana Beach 9148 NORTH COAST HIGHWAY 1 ENClNlTAS 2304 Altisma Way unit 106 1681 Countryside Drive 14 Via Cordoba 1631 Buttercup Rd. 4620 Pannonia Road 236 Gloxina st 6550 Ambrosia Lane 411 South Main Street #406 655 Tourmaline St Apt. ZD 4368 Temecula Street 0102 7121 Rockrose terrace 4932 ~1. Mdan 814 south sierra 7348 Escallonta court 1165 Sidonia St 3795 Georgia Street 203 3941 Centre Street 2727 De Anza Rd 128 A Europa Street 1093 Normandy Hill Lane Tyler 2126 Warmlands Ave 333 North Orange Ave. 4003 kansas st. 2200 N French Rd 7510 SENECA PL 353 Tamarack Avenue 1620 ARROW WOOD LN 765 del rio 765 Del Rio 765 Del Rto Ave 956 Law Street 1571 Sunsetcliffs Blvd #4 822 Redondo Ct 13395 Portofino Dr 2216 Caminito Del Barn 2216 Caminito Del Barn 1165 Tamarack 737 1R Neptune Ave Apt C 1734 Gascony Road 1545 Lorraine Drive 1545 Lorraine Drive 33575 Valle Rd 1500 SHAOOWRIDGE DR Y187 2473 TOKejOn PL. 1311 Rubenstein Ave 1200 Manhattan Beach El. Apt. 0 3631 Village Circle, YD 746 CERAMIC LANE 7393 Seafarer Place 1321 3rd St. #1 2550 Chalcedony Street 1624 North Coast Highway, #56 4363 New Jersey Street 169 Saxony Rd, Ste 201 6917 Watefs End Drive 4232 Fiesta Way #2 527 Meridian Way 527 Meridian Way 139 Avocado St. 1337 n broadway apt 26 1632 Splitrail Dr 923 Parkwood Ave 4202 Park Dr 691 Beacon Ct 724 Gloxina Street 1816 Avocado Rd. 7972 Los Pinos Circle 3785 Highland Drive 3785 Highland Drive 651 SOUTH ORCHARD DRIVE 729 Vale View Dr. 1164 Turquoise Street 21 112 Shaw Lane 4319 1R Rialto Street 4314 Mayflower Way 3591 Roosevelt St. npt. 200 2301 Paso De Laura 1223 Highbluff Ave 1909 South Ditmar Street 3250 Ashford St #K Carlsbad vlsta Santa Marganta Enunitas Carlsbad Enunitas Carlsbad Los Angeles San Diego San Diego Carlsbad San Diego solana beach San Diego Carlsbad Enunitas San Diego San Diego San Dtego Encinitas Encinitas Columbus vista Fallbmok san diego Getzville LA MESA Carlsbad VISTA encinttas Encinitas Leucadia San Diego San Deigo San Diego Del Mar Del Mar Del Mar Carlsbad Enunitas Enunitas Leu ca d i a Leucadia CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA OH CA CA CA NY CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA San Juan Capistrano CA VfSTA CA Carlsbad CA Cardiff Manhattan Beach Carlsbad FALLBROOK Carlsbad Sacramento San Diego Leucadia San Diego Enunitas Carlsbad Oceanside Carlsbad Carlsbad Enunitas escondido Encinltas Vista Carlsbad vista Encinias Oceanside Carlsbad Cartsbad Carlsbad BURBANK Vista San Diego Huntington Beach San Diego San Dtego Carlsbad Oceanside San Marcos Oceanside CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA 92008 9208 1 92009 92008 7607273466 92008 92024 7602301321 92007 90404 92130 92008 92009 760-436-8460 92504 92009 92656 (949)831-6984 92007 92007 91977 92W6 3104888906 92075 92024 7604791515 92009 760-8150906 92081 92688 92024 760-944-7452 92008 92024 92008 7606037976 90013 92109 92107 92009 931-0612 92111 92075 92111 92009 92024 92103 92103 92109 916-730-1 907 92024 760-409-4082 92024 760633-1760 92084 92026 760-731-7837 92104 14066 91941 92008 92084 760-7584182 92024 760-436-2767 92024 (760)224-8991 92024 760-436-3072 92109 92109 CA 92014 92014 92014 92008 92024 ..*..... f... 92024 92024 92024 92675 92081 7605005337 92009 92007 90266 92W8 92028 95816 92 109 92024 (619) 820-6745 921 16 92024 760 942-8505 92009 760-929-9287 92057 92009 (760) 4760960 92024 92026 760-740-0183 92024 92081 760-809-1730 92008 92083 92024 760-942-9716 92054 760 231 6191 92009 760-942-91 99 92W6 92008 91506 92081 760 497-0192 92 109 92646 92107 92008 92056 92078 7606450711 92054 7607574636 92109 85a2206948 43201 760-89~4155 92107 85a678-4731 92009 760-43~~~5 92009 (760)91a0426 921 17 658483-7243 scortino@adelphia net kevtr+sconl@cox net 1984-business@usa.net scurlocks@cox.net seald@pacbell net bff@arsnl corn onedewuman@hotmail.com RACHEL-SEBASTIAN@YAHoo.COM seck66@yahoo.com tseckend@yahoo com bSeddig@nethere.com jnp@ruralneiwork.net wudultd@yahoo corn Ulysses44@aol com nerissapower@hotmail.com snakestersegovia@hotmail.com JSeibertl@san rr corn rseid3@galaway.com Skipatthebeach@yahoo.com stefanie@surfridersd.org JuryFowsGroups@aoI.com lieberinis@sbcglobal net pdlnut-stufF@yahoo.com ginas@pjsalvage.com jseverson@ucsd.edu Icseymour@hotmail corn Stuartseymour@cox.net sdbike62@adelphia.net spanisheight@hotmail.com paulshaff@aol.com chachyshakeri@msn.com smokes1 @sbcglobal.net rsrrhmnky@yahoo.com azi shl@gmail.com szarvar@hotrnail.com Bonnie@clearpointagency.com dwshaws@pacbell.net allishay@gmail.com shernsl 3@wx.net shepjohnl12@hotmail.com surfrn@cox.net jsherif@cox.net shigenaga i@osu.edu raketraket9@yahoo.com erinshobe@sbcglobal.net srnshomer@yahoo. corn bevin-shores@hotmail.com JOSH@ONEINDUSTRIES COM r-shriner@yahoo corn MSHULL@RIPCURL.COM meemsl 3@hotmail. corn burlap-sack@hotmail corn ashurl @cox net maryrnarysl 2@yahoo.com siddons@h.com leesilber@earthlink.net row-silbert@hotrnail.com msi1vermQsan.n com rnsilverm@san.rr com tsilverman@adelphia.net alsimeonedeisgn@cox. net sandmanSb@cox.net jsimmons@sandiegotNst.com jsimrnons@sandiegotrust.com tenysQppalvage.com NOMISLA@YAHOOCOM bantermenhant@msn.com sophiamiramar@aol com andrew-simons@ yahoo am kenkins@adelphia.net julie@conceptiontechnologies.com Juliesweetwokles@hotmail corn sindaifieigh@hotmail.wm gdsinclair@hotmail.com msipp@matl.sdsu.edu edu@sdmariime.org gsirota@wastlawgroup.com karens@voices4children.com amara@UCLAlumni net rsMnc@hotmail. corn cbsskaff@yahoo.com nicskee@yahoo.com kcbs75@earthlink.net Ihs$s717@yahoo.com evan.slater@primedia.com bslattery@sbcglobal. net dansledd@yahoo com icedtealady@earthlink net msmiddy@jps.ne psmiley5@sbcglobal net jessiemariel 6@sbcglobal.net jeania378S@sbcglobal.net klmsmith@mac.com surflurtles@sbcglobal net bsmith@gnf.org msmith5836@aol.com stephanies@dsdinc.com s hane@blondstone. corn waod78@hotmall corn dancingbo0222@yahoo.com aimjsmith@netscape.net domsmith@cox.net 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 Page 26 Smith Smith Smith ’ Smith 111 Srnits Snavely Snider Snider Snider Snyder Snyder Snyder Sogorka Solanet Solanet SOLE SOLE Solornine Solornine Solono Sonck Sood Sorensen Sorensen Sorensen Sorensen Sovay Spacher Spada spalenka Spangler Spencer spencer Spengler Spengler Spivey Spradling Springer spnnger St Clair-Patton st pierre Si Mane Si Martin staalberg Stacey Stwg stahrner StallWP Stanley Stanley Stapleton Stark Starkman Stastwk stattin Staulters Staulters Steele Steele Steelrnan Stefan steffen Lance Jennlfer Kathanne Raymond Andrew Molly Margaret Donald John bryan Wendy Terrin Dan Jan Jan KELLY AMANDA Grace Chnstian Ruth Tracy Sabinas Donna Scott Sara Ashby Tim Bany Frank james Cathenne Steve kipchoge Chns ChnS Brett Stephanie Judith greg Joan lean paul Steven Diane tyler Torn Ryan mark jerre Karen W Dean Joey Rick mike Enc Jered william Heather Mark Michael Jessica brette Trudie sieffen peter Stehly-Dulrnage Kathleen Steiaenvald stein Steinlauf Sielzl stelzl Stelzl Stenger Stepanyan stephan Stephens Stephens stephenson Stephenson Stepien Stem stem Stetson Stetson Steuer STEVE stevens Stevenson Stier Stierli stlgllc Stiltwell Stirneling stinnen Stinson Stipe Stipe Stockharn Stocking Stocking stockwell Stoecklein Stojewa Stone Jill john Susan Chns hank Danielle Kathy Edik jennifer rnonty caroline Shelby Parker Todd William Mary Chnstopher Robert Diana KATZ charley Jill Flonne Danny bnan Lisa Lynne deborah John Mike Holly Bnnany Haley Dorothy Eden Hannah Dennis Mark C C H K L B B W M L B E C J M S s J M J J I S C D J J a b A H P g L e m f D L A e e C M a L M D V 4812 Courageous Ln 190 El Valle Opulent0 6831 Carninito Sueno 6831 Carninito Sueno 46 Hinterland Way 137s MyersSt 7133 Lantana Terrace 7133 Lantana Terrace 7133 Lantana Terrace 1411 denise circle 1149 carnbria way 1149 Carnbna Way 1213 Village View Rd 5544 balboa arms dnve 5544 balboa arms dnve 325 CANYON SIDE WAY 2796 CARLSBAD BLVD Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan Petition Carlsbad vista Carlsbad Carlsbad Ladera Ranch Oceanside Carlsbad Carlsbad Catisbad oceanside emnitas Enunitas Encinitas san diego san diego CARLSBAD APT 264 OCEANSIDE 576 Raymond Street 2469 E Geddes PI 21 32 Vuelta Ci 6969 Sandcastle Dnve 3554 Carninito El Rincon #53 P 0 Box 232549 2178 Twain Avenue 6979 Waters End Dr 1053-E Golden Road 7551 Delfina 4914 Park Ct 359 Cannon Green Apt G 2358 chalcedony st 9270 Towne Centre Dr unit 35 712 E Shading Lane 29085 hwy 49 2423 Eurgener Blvd 2423 Burgener Blvd 7435 Neptune Dr 961 Boxwood Court 10633 port0 ct 4669 woodstock street 510 La Mesa Ave 123 jasper st 907 Alyssum Rd 1575 Clifftop Avenue 2030 prospect ave 31 17 Via de Caballo 6415 tobna terrace#204 1530 granville ave 651 wrnish dnve 6878 Watercourse Dnve 6878 Watercourse Dr 920 Rosemary Avenue 2289 SE Longhorn Ave 430 Naiad Street 135 panorama hills bay NW 1732 Aldersgale 5749 Crooked St 1905D Alga 131 1 Savannah lane 3974 Carninilo Arnpam 3945 Las Flores Canyon 19612 gault st 136 whiteflower 1680 N Coast tiwy 101 No 20 2237 Corle Ananas 267 Barbara Ave 36% strata Dnve 3861 San Ramon Dr#216 4487 bnsbane way 6 3861 San Ramon Dr#216 776 Saxony Road 7819 ranchito ave 9576 Pipilo Street 1021bnghtwwddnve 1021 bnghtwwddnve 5 altirnira 6244 Citracado Cir 18372 Sycamore Creek Road P 0 Box 1167 712 Lymd Dnve 25343 Silver Aspen Way #424 510 Barharn Dnve Apt 126 6774 Camino del Prado 2210 Monigomery#8 135 acacia ave #C 826 Windcrest Dr 3471 Seacrest Dr 4619 Torrey Circle R202 1022 cirna 3510 Stockton Place 681 Sonorna Street 375 1R rosecrans st 3151 Dickens St 6638 Elegant Tern Place 6638 Elegant Tern Place 1419 Piraeus Street 1428 Hyrnettus Ave 1428 Hyrnettus Ave 6888 Fnars Rd #225 6743 Oleander Way 7223 San Miguel Dr 3775 Beethoven St #212 5749 Crooked St El Cajon Centennial Carsbad Cartsbad San Diego Leucadia Carsbad Carlsbad Encinitas San Diego Carlsbad Goleta san diego San Diego Draper north san Juan San Diego San Diego Carlsbad Carlsbad San Diego carlsbad Enunitas leucadia Carlsbad San Marcos hermosa beach Encinitas carlsbad la encindas Carl s b a d Carlsbad Carlsbad PortSt Lucie Enunitas Calgaq Enunitas Broadalbin Broadalbin Carlsbad Catisbad San Diego Malibu reseda irvine Encinitas Carlsbad Solana Beach Carlsbad Oceanside oceanside Oceanside Enunitas Van Nuys San Diego san rnarws san marcos irabuw canyon Carlsbad Escondido Cardfl Enurutas Valencia San Marws Carlsbad Cardiff carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad San Diego san rnarws Carlsbad San Marws san diego San Diego Carlsbad Carlsbad Encinitas Encinitas Enanitas Carlsbad Carlsbad Los Angeles san Diego CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA co CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA UT CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA FL Ca AB CA NY NY CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA ca ca ca ca 92008 92083 7607270929 92009 760-744-0333 92009 7607440333 92694 92054 760-433-5898 9201 1 760-4359401 9201 1 760-4359401 92011 (760) 438-9401 92054 92024 92024 92024 92117 92117 92054 92008 (760) 434-1 122 92020 80122 303-522-4430 92009 789 436-5058 92009 92130 92023 92008 76090014M) 92009 92024 92127 92008 720-7570 93117 92109 92121 84020 801-864-2577 95960 5302921401 92110 92110 6192751418 92009 92009 7609300048 92124 92008 92024 760-487-1747 92024 92009 92078 90254 310-4051259 92024 92009 7609318699 90025 3107806275 92024 92009 760-931-8012 92009 760/845-9453 92009 34952 92024 13k4x4 (403)461-8128 92024 12025 (518) 882-1597 12025 882-1597 92009 9201 1 92122 858-232-3854 90265 91335 92603 760-8150781 92024 92009 92075 92008 92057 92054 92057 92024 91405 92129 8554@4-8063 92078 92078 92679 92009 92025 (858) 674-2275 92007 92024 91381 92078 92009 760 931-1450 92007 7604436714 92008 7607294828 9201 1 92008 92130 92078 92008 760-720-1224 92078 92106 619-223-2437 92106 92009 92009 92024 7605330850 92024 92024 92108 (619)2957251 92009 92009 90066 freelancevisualsgadelphia net yesithurt@netzero corn rcskcsgaol corn rcskcsgaol corn andrewgarsnl wrn davesgirll38@hotmail corn JES92009gADelphia net JES92009gAdelphia net JBS92009@Adelphia net bqansnydeR003@yahoo wrn Wendy snydergreef wrn tsnydergdcshoes wrn dsogorkagadelphia net phranken9ghoimail wm phrankengghotrnail corn kmsolieghoirnail wm danungboo333@yahw wrn pickapepper22gyahoo wrn csolorningyahoo corn cookie-solonoghotrnail corn tsonckgadelphia net sabinasood909gyahoo wm donnaaguaghotrnail wrn ssorenseng24hourlit corn sarapotpie@yahoo corn shbeee@yahoo corn tsovay@hotrnail corn bspaced@earthlink net frank spada@opl ucsb edu jspalenka@aol corn tearnkt@pacbell net steves@staatsbikes wrn kipchoge@xtracyde wrn cspengle@san rr corn cspenglernsan rr corn baspivey@adelphia net sspra07@aol wm judyandblue2gyahoo wrn spnngerl4gadelphia net jsipaUon@hotrnail corn tytymwr@cox net sirnanesj@adelphia net strnamin@cox net tylerstaalberg@yahoo wrn tjstaceygadelphia net ryanstagggyahoo wrn spamrneonceghotrnail wrn jastallwp@wnsbio org stanfam@adelphia net stanfarngadelphia net stapleton@rnindspnng corn joeystarkgbellsoulh net nckgstarkphoto wrn mstastwk@hotrnail corn rlstatbnggcas net jereddon@aol wrn TransWorldS03@hotrnaiI wm aquaryaaaol wm rnwssasQaol wrn srnsteelrnan96gyahoo wrn jessicastefangvenzon net irate-paetayahoo wrn sieffensm74gyahoo corn kdulmage@cox net jillhsQadelphia net nocoversteingan net suzela@adelphia net chnsQstshapes wrn hankgsishapes wrn danistelzlgwx net kstengergsbyllobal net itaintegralsghotmail wrn kjmtr5@sbcglobal net bugabcofairlaxgaol wrn bugaboofairfax@aol wrn puppydawgffi8@wx net gazingus@juno wm todd@sdrp org atinfobilly@yahw wm rpsmbs@aol wm chnss@pdwrp wm stetsonbgwx net isfsurftearnsgaol corn badkat224ugyahoo wrn cabocharleygyahoo com oneljilgrnsn corn brhead2pacbell net dannysberlighobnail wrn bnanQsbgtec wrn sunsisagyahw corn lrnslirnegaol wrn debdin33g~uno corn lohsti@sbcglobal net mike-sbpe-22Qyahoo wm hollystipegyahoo wrn 1rorne4sukigaol wrn wmetgirlW2@yahoo wrn des54gsbcglobal net edenstoWellgyahoo wrn n7tmut@aol corn dtenisball@aol wrn fortunaieblessings@yahoo corn 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 I 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 t 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 I 1 1 0 Page 27 Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan Petition stoops stom stotler Stotsenberg Stover Strahl straley Strandquist Strange Straw Strernel Strernel Stribling Stuart Stubbs Stuernpfig stuernpfig StUltS Sturnpo Sukenik Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan SUMMERIL Sveine Svihus Swairn Swim Swam Swain Swan Swan Swan swan jr Swanson Swanson Swanson Swart Swartz Swartz sug9 Enc chet luke Jed Jennifer Dana chns David Amy Kevin Patnck Suzanne Daniel Steven Jennifer Dave Jason rnarcia Ten Jason Mark Timothy Steve Chns tirn roseane Susan SANDRA Sandra Jeffery Sarah Daniel David Wren Karen John Susan john Ron Karen Enc Timothy Steve Steve Swatek Davidson Karla Sweanngen Barbara Swed Amanda Swed Kevin swick robyn swln carol SWlt Vera swartwood chns Swge Vickey Sybrandy Risa Syrnanski Sally Syrnons Kent Szafran Ben Szot Stacey Szyrnanski Bnan t'Kint Arnould Tainter Carolyn Takacs Tncia Takernon Valene Talbot David Talbotl Will Talbotl Jackie Talley Shiloh Talley-Sagunsky Leslie Tankell Tan0 Tapia Tarnowski Tassara tate Taubrnan tavares Taxer Taylor Taylor Taylor Tee1 Telfer Tella Tellechea Ternot Thayer Theios Theiss Thernl Thernl Thomas Thomas Thornas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Dana Lorenzo Nancy Susan Mauricio Brigitte Richard rob David Dan Karen Jonathan Julie Dennis Brock Elena Candice Jane Julia Alicia Larry Maria Christina Alan Devon Mike Mike Jennifer Derek Ryland Laurel Mike NY Law H L R C A J M k M M M J C A W T M t M M L k S R S T N W P D A A L rn rn B L A J M b L R L K D W C M 2935 Gaviota Place 5075 Millay Ct 404 la veta ave 126 JasperSt #404A 4590 Salem Place 6725 Whitesail St 4566honzondnve 845 Flonda St 552 Lynn Shores Dnve 7140 Carninito Pepino 6169 Pasea Tienda 928 Rosemary Ave 1400 Washington Street #I1 9943 Via Debbie 9162 Regents Rd Apt C 758 Dewitl Ave 1321 verbena ct 5199 10s robles dnve 1232 River Glen Rw#50 1802 S Nevada St 1828 Ltnwood 16 1363 Hornblend St 6550 ponto dr 23 2426 Skylark Dnve 674 via de la valle 269 coneflower st 1315 Basswood Ave 263 MANGANO CIRCLE 406AndrewAvenue 8121 carnino del sol 1661 Shendan Road 1861 Shendan Road 781 7 Gaviota Circle 6476 Pyrus Place 2907 Corte Celeste 2907 Corte Celeste 2907 Corte Celeste 2907 corte celeste 2112 grand ave 7996 Paseo ABSO 7705 Garboso Place 138 windvane lane 27152 Soledad 27152 Soledad 2835 Avenida Valera 3030 Glenbrook St 1311 Laurel treeln #159 1311 Laureltreeln 159 6608bnanvooddnve 884 del nego ave 539 Samuel Court 356 bach st 1345 Cassins St 7460 Capstan Dnve 4062 Narragansett Ave 1612 Mantime Dr 533 Evergreen Dr #4 7013 Cattail Place 952 Sandcastle Dr 661 1 Daylily Dnve 965 Pine Ave Apt F 301 Sunset Dnve 6655 Towhee Lane 2506 Via Rojo 1680 North Coast Hwy 101 8246 Calle Morelos 2100 Montgomery Ave Apt J 2153 Corte Moral 10032 Branford Rd 1509 Goodwin Dr 3145 Blenkarne Dnve 7813 Gabacho St 23804 Anza Ave #B 1152 glen ellen pl 2716 Socorro In 7402 altiva place 630 compass ct 2181 Teasdale DR 34a~ S Cedros Ave 4095 Harnson ST #3 2063 Fmude Street 3514 Corte Mora 2246 Wales Dr 4730 Biona Dr 559 3rd street 263 Oleander Dr 6818 Zinnia Court 2039 S Ditrnar St 1009 Sparrow Court 1009 Sparrow Court 1624 Ridgeway Street 6583 Daylily Dr 1300 W 7th Ave #I 12 724 Teabeny St 6575 Paseo Frontera Apt E 6575 Paseo Frontera Apt E 3354 Elrnwood Way 3354 Elrnwood Way 3354 Elrnwaod Way 7311-E Alicante Rd 905 Robley PI 510 S Burnstde Ave Carlsbad Carlsbad enunitas Encinitas Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad lrnpenal Beach Virginia Beach La Jolla Carlsbad Carlsbad San Francisco Santee La Jolla Enunitas carlsbad carlsbad San Diego Oceanside San Diego San Diego carlsbad Oceanside Solana Beach enunitas Carlsbad ENClNlTAS Leucadia la jolla Enunitas Enunitas Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad carlsbad san diego Carlsbad Carlsbad carlsbad Mission Viejo Mission Viejo Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carisbad I e u ca d i a Encinitas cardiff Cartsbad Cartsbad San Diego Cartsbad Cardff by the Sea Carlsbad Cardff Carlsbad Carlsbad Enanitas Carlsbad Carlsbad Leaucadia San Bego Cardiff Carlsbad San Diego Vista Cartsbad Carlsbad Torrance san rnarcos Carlsbad carlsbad carlsbad Virginia Beach Solana Beach Cart s b a d San Diego Cartsbad Cardff San Diego encinitas Oceanside Carlsbad Oceanside San Marcos San Maws Oceanside Carlsbad Anchorage Encinitas Carlsbad. CA Carlsbad. CA San Marcos San Marcos San Marcos Carlsbad Cardiff Los Angeles CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA Va CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA Ca CA CA VA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA AK CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA ca ca 92009 92008 760-7259774 92024 92024 92006 92009 92008 760-390-3904 91932 619-423-2473 23452 92037 92009 760476.1888 92009 (760)438-1302 941 09 92071 92037 92024 92009 92111 92054 760-645-5874 92110 619-994-6254 92109 92009 419-9209 92054 760-721-2646 92075 858-792-9432 92024 92008 760-720-0265 92024 760-944-9650 92024 92037 92024 92024 (760) 942-9925 92009 (760) 635-2932 92009 760-8061365 92009 760.942.3465 92009 92009 4158673986 92009 92109 92009 92009 92009 7604761967 92691 92691 92009 760-533-9414 92008 760-729-0973 92009 7606030540 92009 7606030540 92009 92024 92024 760-942-5650 92007 8584143042 92009 92107 92009 92007 954-695-8756 92009 92007 92009 92008 760-434-3602 92024 92009 7604383207 92008 92024 760944-3721 92 126 92007 8531699-7570 92009 760/942-9737 92129 6193169355 92084 92008 760-729-7363 92009 90505 310-739-1897 92078 92009 7609317644 92009 619/88965&4 92009 23454 92075 92008 92107 619-255-3443 92009 (760) 744-6338 92007 7609448804 92116 760-807-5457 92024 92057 (760) 728-1246 92009 760-390-9869 92054 92078 92076 92054 7607535594 92009 760-431-9891 99501 9072580625 92024 92009 92009 92078 760-295-4767 92078 760-295-4767 92078 760-295-4787 92009 760 613-6842 92007 8562127673 90036 92008 760-43e-0~3 92009 760 918-9894 charnpionpackaging@sbCglobal net chet storrsgusrnc mil lukestotler@grnail corn jedstots@hotrnail corn calipinacoladagyahoo corn dana-tracy@sbcglobal net chnsstraley@yahoo corn generalsurfgnetscape net ArnylsLost89@aol corn kevin strawgsdsu edu pastrernelgadelphia net sstrernelgcsusrn edu dstnblingggrnail corn thkrthnwtr@yahoo corn fernijenl@hotrnail corn dsturnp@rnac corn surfdrnrghotrnatl corn scstultsgaol corn ten-txghotrnail corn sud blg 176@ hotrnail corn rn sukenik@cox net tirnothysul@yahoo win gopongo@aoI.com mlguy7@cox net brnsullivan@wex corn rhrnartins@hotrnail corn theladysullivan@aol corn alohasandyQcox net enievs@cox net jacsvihusgsbcglobal net sblouie@hotrnail corn dannyswairn@yahoo corn davidswairnjr@hotrnail corn wswain@stanpac corn karen-swan@yahoo corn j~etsS@yahoo corn sueswan@yahw corn jts92009Qyahoo corn rnusicalocean@grnail corn swannie@adelphia net edogswan@adelphia net tirnswart@rnac corn swartzs@bu edu swartzs@bu edu kswakaaol corn babsin@adelphia net Akkswed@hotrnail corn kswed@yahoo corn robynswickghotrnail corn carolvcswfl@earthlink nei vera6aaol corn csworhvood@cox net vickey-syage@yahoo corn rsybrandygpamcgyre corn sallysyrn@cox net ksyrnons-50gyahoo corn BENSZAFRAN34@HOTMAlL COM stacey-szot@adelphia net szysurf@hotrnail corn arnouldaprana corn CarolynTainter@wrnconnect corn tnciagoceansctence corn irornekatgadelphia net sfrdavayahw corn will talbott@grnail corn basspotato@yahoo corn shiloh-talleyghotrnail corn LTalley@adelphia net DrDanaDC@yahoo corn ltanogcox net ntapiaaearthlink net susanZk83@yahw corn rntassaraQsocal rr corn bmtateghotrnail corn tattalatayahoo corn mbbyt69O@hotrnail corn dtaxerayahoo corn dantrnan9@hotrnail corn activist@karentaylor org lance@carlsbadsurfschool corn julieteel@hotmail corn denntst@sector9 corn BwkCTellagjuno corn elenaltkessurfgyahoo corn candicetp@hotrnail corn janegreenjeans@wmcannect corn jtheiosgwestfield corn aliciatheiss@yahoo corn Ithernl@hotrnail corn Ithernl@hotmail corn etibellgcox net cthornas217@aol corn akingthornasghotrnail corn dthornas@taic net phylbknygadelphia net phylbknygadelphia net jenandderek@cox net pnandderekacox net jenandderekacox net laurel@nethere corn rnike-thornas-5@hotmail corn Alikona717@yahoo corn I 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 I 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 I 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Page 28 Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan Petition Thomerson Thompson Thompson' Thompson Thompson THOMPSON Thomsen Thomsen Thomsen Thomsen Thornton Thornton Thunder bpler Tipton Tirona Tisdale todd tcdd Toller TomaSzewSki Toolson Toolson Tornillo torp Torr torretto Torykian Tosdal Tota tow1 tracy Tran TrwP Travis trayer trayer Treadwell Treibel Treto Tnrnble Tnnchera Tnnh Tnst Tmsian Troyer T~jillo Tsoulos Tucker Tumasone Tuminello Turnbull turner Turner Turner-Allen Turpin IUS0 Tworoger Udmn Underwood upham urange Uroda Urquhart Vaccaro vahalla Valdivia Valdivieso vale Valentine vallentyne van der Schaaf Van Loan Van Meter Vanderpool Vandersloot VanDevender Vangilder Tibbals TNpe Janet Dana Elena Kimberly Bnan ERIC Gregory Shelley Brett Karin Audrey Romey Julie Noel karen willow Barret Lisa tess Mlck Michael Janette Jessica Paul Sara Neil Sarah Dana TY Attila stwe diane KoW Michelle lorree Whitney Paul Nathan Meredith James Anthony Rita Kevi n Chnstopher Antonio Laurence Jennifer Teidi Anthony Kimberly Holly Sean James Deborah Roger steve Patnck Lisa Laune chelsea aron Susan Fiona Nicholas mary Leia Bntten mark Enn heather Robin Melissa Jill Chnsbne Jan Dena tirn mary Mike terry vanleeuwen jermy VanMeter Joanne Vanoni James Varga steve Vasquez Sebastian VAUGHN CATHERINE Vaughn Andrea Vaughn brad Velasw Thanya Veltman James Venuti Monica Verdu Paula Vestal Chns Viau Jessica viernes kirn vigo Mary-Jane vigo Anthony Villalobos Nancy Villarroel Sergio VillaViCenCiO Dennis Virabalin Justin VOlZ Jeff P N S S L S T e L M P J M A M a B R a M W L A B J C E C J a B L r J D C L M E G R G R D 25612 Mendoza Dnve 3566 Wnton Avenue #203 PO Box 232073 1537 Thomas Ave 1660 N Coast Highway #34 6653 ALDERWOOD DR 7155 Linden Terrace 7155 Linden Terrace 350 Concord #I 26 SE 86 Ave 2192 Palomar /wort Road 306 Tamarack 1605 Westminster Dr 1566 Lower Lake Ct 4165 Pilon PI 217 Rodney Ave 404 Enunitas Blvd 2438 Catalina Circle #662 11 4 wrte tierra bella 1213 belleflower road 1351 PaMc Beach Dnve #4 16WShendanRd 2690 Crystal Ridge Road 2690 Crystal Ridge Road 501 Beach Street 355 third street 6930 Wildrose Terrace 14661 Dasn Way 2501 Rosemary Court 2764 Granville Avenue 1660 N Coast HW 101 #6 11 15 alta vista ave 7991 paseo ahso 12665 Salmon River Rd 7464 Capstan Dr 2612 Cazadero Dr p 0 box 1251 p 0 box 1251 1270 Skyros Way 23412 Pacific Park Dnve#ZEK 1615s Myers 1550 Hornblend St #4 935 Hygeia Avenue 1500 Shadowndge Dr #223 Rita 2120 The Strand 2715 Roosevelt St Apt C 145 Edgeburt Dr 1259 Blue Sky Dnve 553 B Hygeia Ave 451 Mountain Mew Rd 24013 Bnardale Way 2842 Cazadero Dr 7360 Seafarer Place 324 winsome pl 1549 Somerset Ave 1754 Kennington Road 11527 Mesa Madera Ct 3340avedeportugal 335 Via Linda del Sur 447 Ocean View Avenue 300 Countrywood Lane 2166 avenida toronja 4901 avila ave 1750 Cottonwood Dr 165 E D St 5020 River Ave 1353 burgundy rd 3670 Collier Ave 409 Santa Helena 651 Chalcedony st 926 N Allyn Ave 4085 hamson street #2 4224 La Tiera Dnve 2606 El Rastm Lane 155 W Jason Sttl6 3269 Corte Vera CNZ 2221 East 16th Street 25516 Oak St Tim 4901 avila ave 516 Stern Way 7991 Paseo Aliso 134 Windvane Lane 2625 Colibn Lane 946 WOODGROVE DR 7017 Wa Padilla 7017 Via Padilla 21600 Oxnard Street Suite 1180 1506 Uno Verde Ct 5143 Via Malaguena 7465 Mermaid Lane 402 Ocenaview Ave 4677 Collwood Blvd Unit A 1259 cambna way 609 Navigator Court 609 Navigator Court 2427 Uniwrnio St 4036 Craven Road #36 2333 State Street Suite 200 871 Buttercup Valenua LOS hgetes Leucadia San Diego Encinitas CARLSBAD Carlsbad Carlsbad El Segundo Portland Carlsbad Carlsbad Cardiff Cardiff san diego Encinitas Carlsbad Oceanside san demente carlsbad San Diego Leucadia Olivenhain Encinitas Encinitas encinitas Carlsbad Poway Enunitas Los Angeles Enunitas eswndido carlsbad San Diego Carlsbad Carlsbad vista vista Encinitas Aliso Viejo oceanside Sand Diego Enunitas Wsta Carlsbad Manhattan Beach Carlsbad Encinitas Cardiff Encinitas Crest Newhall Carlsbad Carlsbad encinitas Cardf'f Enunitas San Diego sd Enunitas Enunitas Encinitas carlsbad carlsbad Vista Encinitas Newport Beach enunitas San Diego Solana Beach san diego Ontano Carlsbad Oceanside Carlsbad Encinitas Carlsbad Newport Beach Lomlta Laguna niguel carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad CARDIFF Carlsbad Carlsbad Wwdland Hills Solana Beach Oceanside Carlsbad Encinitas San Diego encinitas Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Oceanside Carlsbad Carlsbad 5299 Clernens Ct. Carlsbad CA CA CA CA Ca CA CA CA CA OR CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA 91355 90034 92024 760-633-4282 921 09 658-274-3922 92024 619-517-5674 92009 92009 760-603-0143 92009 760-603-0143 90245 97216 503-251-7647 92006 92008 92007 760-436-6951 92007 656.410 4793 92130 92024 92W6 92056 92677 949-369-8633 92009 92109 856-272-9749 92024 92024 (760) 943-9594 92024 92024 92024 760-943-6951 9201 1 (760) 431-5775 92064 658-748-1446 92024 90064 92024 760-436-6846 92027 92009 92129 658-774-2790 92009 92009 (760) 930-9758 92065 760-724-6780 92085 760-724-6780 92024 619.206 0985 92656 949-322-0043 92054 (760) 967-2046 92109 92024 92081 92009 CA 90266 92006 760-729-3697 92024 92007 92024 92021 619-441-9994 91321 92009 92011 760-602-7921 92024 92007 760-467-1 994 92024 92131 92106 92024 656 232-5454 92024 92024 92007 760- 6357655 92006 92081 92024 92663 949-413-6095 92024 92116 92075 (658) 350-7466 92109 856-270-4022 91764 92006 760-672-2416 92056 760-630-8929 92009 92024 760-624-6990 92009 92663 949-548-6326 907 17 92677 92006 92009 760-436-1260 92009 92009 160-438-6274 92009 92007 92009 92009 91367 92075 92057 92009 (760) 268-0010 92024 760-419-8607 92115 92024 9201 1 9201 1 92009 92057 760231-5378 92008 760-730-7770 92009 92008 jtcpa@sbcglobal net Surfdana-2000@yahoocOm elenathompson@wx net berlythornpson@earthlink net bthompson43@cox net surflolive2003@yahoo com thomsen99@earthlink net thomsen99@earthlink net breRlhomsen@hotmail wm karinthomsen@yahoo cam apthorntongadelphia net mmey@earthproducts wm thunderfamily@wx net noellt@sbcglobal net btiplerasan rr corn willowdihom@hotrnail wrn btirona@gmail corn faeneluvl?@yahoo wm tesstodd@hotmail wm micktoller@yahoo wrn mywllQsbcglobal net twlson@adelhpia net pssicatoolson@yahoo wm ptornillo@cox net sara@westpachawaii wm neiltorr@lyws corn torretto@hotmail wm torykian@sbcglobal net ttosdal@lyws wm ahlatota@wx net StnosurfQaol wm dkt57@sbcglobal net fusionZ-@hotmail wm IrappkoryQyahoo wm IravisfamQintegnty wm ttrayer@aol wm ttrayer@aol corn Whitney Treadwell@ps net treibep@svusd k12 ca us natebikeQvenzon net megaomega74@holmail corn jtnn@yahoo com anthony tnnh@westonsolubons wm rmt43@pacbell net trosian@hotmail com mr-chns73@hotmail wm antonio ~NJ~~~O@WX net Lars TNpe@sduhsd net itmlocator@aol wm itumasone@yahoo wm kimberlyIuminell@erac wrn hollyturnbull@adelphia net oldhirarn@adelphia net ~imrnyblue3@lhotrnail wm dtalitho@wx net mgerturpin@yahoo wm shakaawx net patl904@hotmail wm 4udwinsl@wx net lundemood@eusd k12 ca us chelsbabe67@yahoo wm amnQhotmail corn surfegirl@msn m teem ail@wx net nicholai60@hotmail wm mvahalla@yahoo wm Ilvaldivia@yahoo wm bntten904Qaol wrn mpvJr@holmail wm ennvalentine@holmail wm heathervl@hotmail wrn robinvanderschaaf@sbcglobal net melissavl@adelphia net jillvanmeter@ yahoo com cvpool@adelphia net JonVJ@aol wm bambeana25@earlhlink net ttrn@nghhwsedesign wm dutchdiggler@hotmail wm jcv9212l@yahoo wm jvan46@msn wm steve varga@sbbtral corn cachitovasquez@hotmail wm cathyaprana wrn techadmirer@yahoo wm brad-vaughn@hotmail wm thanya420@blackplanet win Iveltmanl@adelphia net moniesmile@yanoo wm pverdu@adelphia net Chns@ZJgroup com fulltwistingforward@yahoo com ksv@cox net beachhag@sbcglobal net surfguitarl 983@sbcglobal net ngvillalobas savUO@hotmail corn villavicenciolawrgQao1 wm jman_92009@yahw corn jvolzl4@yahoo wm dmtJQsbcglobal net Jtsoulos@hohail Corn 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 I 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 t 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Page 29 van Bluecher von Merkatz vos vosseller Waddington Wagner WAGNER Wagner Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Wallace Wallace Wallace Walsh walsh Walsh Walter Walton Wankier Wansor WARD Ward Wardell ware ware Warner wartell Washbum Wastal Waikins Watson Watson Watt watters watts watts watts Weaver Weaver Webb Webb Weber Weber Weber weber Webster Webster Webster Weekes Weekes Weeks Weglarz Weglarz Wehba Wehba Weiland weinbaum Weir Weiss Enc ChnStian Theresa John Krystal Walter Mattie ROBERT Pamela John Kevin Roberta Susan Jeff Cathenne curtis Mania Beth ashley Sheila michelle Randall Lance Jeremy Lauren Michael Terrence kim Carl James julie Elizabeth Jacqueline Calista nathaniel summer Andrew lindsay william Dan Susan Melissa Kelley LOU Stuart Michael Mark David Jennifer Rosemary Jeremiah Dwight Dana Brad Michael Lezya Daniel Audrey Steve Benjamin david Kathenne Tracy Weissenberger Joyce Weissenberger Andy Welburn Phoebe welch angela Wellander Rebecca Wellman Chnstopher Wells Steve Wells Sandi wells kim Welnick Leo Welnick Welnick Joe Welnick annie Wendell Alex Werbelow Jason Werbelow Anita Werner Enan Wessman-Lavellc Trevor West Johnny west lama West 111 Ray Westburg Reid Westfall Katie Westwood damon wev wev wharton heather WHEELER ROBERT Whelan Beth Whitaker Karla White Ryder white Jessica white cathy white shaun white roger white kan white Jesse White MatyAnn whitehead sandy Whitehead Nadine Wells Jay M M M b R W M H R C R P C R n C f K L M S N T e D A S R A N J a C L D S J a E W M S B E M K A i E 129 basil st 7752 Anillo Way 1139 Neptune Ave 2555 evergreen si 4433 Point Degada 1811 Peach pl 925 Rosemary Avenue 925 ROSEMARY AVE 7504 Solano St 807 Sandbar Way 3620 Milford Place 7777 Caminito Monarca. #I06 6996 Sweetwater St 2305 Ivy Rd 7879 Sitio Abeto 11915MightyRedwoodDr 4429 Mission Ave C112 1831 Milbank Rd 1870 via primem 7005 La Jolla Blvd. #1 219 countryhaven 1680 Lighthouse Rd. 3107 Serrano Drive 1173 Felspar Street 4006 CALLE ISABELLA 16161 Pitman Lane 630 Barbara 1038 santa queta 1038 Santa Queta 788 Via Bahia 1076 opal st #3 3123 Collier Avenue 4918 Park Court 12290 Corte Sabio #3302 739 bmckton street 237 Mangano Circle 5226 Via Del Or0 4793 long branch ave 816 Stanford ave 460 Anchor Way 3337 Vivienda Circle 320 Delage Drive 864 Seabright Lane 2929 KEATS STREET 1060 Solana Drive 3982 Jewel1 Street R303 2270 Avenida Magniflca Apt. S 448 36th Place 2828 webster st #I 0 2929 Via lpanema 630 Highland Si. 6494 Willow Place 145 Neptune Ave. 145 Neptune Ave. 3459 Caminito Sierra #S303 2251 AItisma Way #202 2251 Atisma Way #202 1020 Cottage Way 7064 Surfbird Circle 1678 Ridge Rd 12991 Long Boat Way 4021 Lamont Street Apt. 2 630 Barbara 7208 Azalea Place 7208 Azalea Place 1520 Van Buren Ave 4170 park blvd #5 P.O. Box 684 17478 Caminito Canasto 2731 Galicia Way 2731 Galicia Way 455 Vallejo Street, #210 637 beachcomber drive 3650 Monroe st. 3650 Monroe St 3650 monme St. 11 11 Lincoln Blvd #8 7917 Calle Madrid 7917 Calle Madrid 6352 Citracado Cir. 301 1 Suncrest Dr. 1738 Sorrel CT 4316 sea bright place 2131 Vuelta Court 1439 Oribia Rd 1847 Chalcedony St 1602 Malden Street 123~~ 261-c hillcrest dr 9485 FERMI AVE 3243 Via Alicante PO Box 624 PO BOX 2658 4979 torrey cinle cathy carny cathy 2372 Terraza Ribera 7313 seafarer pl 1101 S. Clementine St. Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan Petition enunitas Carlsbad Leucadia san diego Oceanside Concord Carlsbad CARLSBAD Cartsbad Carlsbad C a rl s b a d Carlsbad Carlsbad Oceanside Carlsbad Houston Oceanside Encinitas oceanside La Jolla enunitas San Marws Carlsbad San Diego SAN CLEMENTE Huntington Beach Solana Beach solana beach Solana Beach San Marcos san diego San Diego Cartsbad San Diego el cajon Enunitas Oceanside san diego chula vista Carlsbad Carlsbad Enunitas Solana Beach San Diego Del Mar San Diego Carlsbad Manhattan Beach san francisw Carlsbad Pasadena Carlsbad Encinitas Enunitas Carlsbad Cartsbad Cartsbad Enunitas Carlsbad Vista Del Mar San Diego Solana Beach Carlsbad Carlsbad San Diego San Diego Huntington Beach San Diego Carlsbad Carlsbad San Franusw seal beach Cartsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Santa Monica Carlsbad Cartsbad Cartsbad San Diego Carlsbad carlsbad Carlsbad Del Mar San Diego San Diego we encinitas SAN DIEGO La Jolla Cardiff Oceanside san diego carlsbad carlsbad carlsbad carlsbad carlsbad Carlsbad carlsbad Oceanside CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA Tx CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA ca 92024 92009 92024 7605979100 92106 619-743-2039 92052 760-458-6965 94518 9258279515 92009 760-431-1065 92009 800-871-7345 92009 9201 1 92008 760-720-1871 92009 760-634-6663 92009 760-455-8243 92054 CA 92009 77059 92056 92024 65E724-2500 92056 92037 858-344-7182 92024 760-943-8431 92076 760-752-1455 92009 92 109 92647 92075 92075 92075 92069 760-747-3990 92109 921 16 619-297-6474 92008 92128 92020 858663 3686 92024 92056 921 07 91913 92008 760-729-9059 92009 92024 92075 92106 92014 92109 92008 90266 94123 92009 7606334822 91104 626.345.0997 92009 8584053185 92024 760-487-1 173 92024 92002 760-390-1000 92009 92009 92024 92009 7609180788 92081 92014 92109 92075 92009 92009 92103 760-272-9899 92103 6192999167 92648 92127 858-248-7400 92009 92009 94133 41 5-412-5021 90740 562 280-3500 92008 7607296064 92008 7605798906 92008 760 579 8915 90403 92009 92009 760-942-9316 92009 921 16 858-514-3600 92009 760-822-6340 92008 760-803-9042 92009 619-993-0450 92014 92109 92109 93008 911 92024 61 9 549-2244 92123 92037 92007 92051 (619) 708-3104 92130 92009 CA 92009 CA 92009 CA 92009 CA 92009 CA 92009 760.602-0886 92009 92054 92672 (949pga3441 eric@digisweat.com cvonmeriatz@sbcglobal. net tmane@jminternational.com chargvoss@netscape ccvuncannon@yahoo.com sitsurf@hotmail.com Tobeafamousstar@aol.com robertwagner@uamc corn wagsx4@sbcglobal.net johwlk@aol.com kwalker@optimal.net Bobbiraew@aol coin Iikesuzissite@yahoo.com pu@pgsdesign com cportillow@adelphia.net caawl23@yahoo corn imavalkyrie@yahoo.com beth@clearpointagenq.com ashwalsh@sbcglobal.net walsh.sheilamane@gmail.com mwalter@iconsystems.net walton@kgalpad cam hvankie@adelphia.net sacalsurfer7@yahw.com Lauren.n.ward@colorado.edu surfding@hotmail.com WARDELLI@aol.com soxl50@adelphia net mareQliai org jwarner@coleman.edu jdw@san.rr corn ewash777@aol.com jqwastal@wx.net beachbunny228@yahoO.com natewat@hotmail.com puresun$hine43@yahoo.com awatt333@gmail.com lwattersl Z3@sbcglobal.net bweze@ hobnail. corn danowatts@yahw.com susiewatts2004@yahoo.com Ilenadadelgozo@gmail corn kweava@yahoo corn cuzl @cox.net studim@hotmail corn mswebe69-otheronlinestuff@yahoo.com weberOl9@csusm.edu davidjweber@gmail.com webejenaz@hotmail corn Roseybusy@aol corn jeremiahtwebster@yahw corn dwight.webSter@kontron.com dana-weekes@hotmail.com brad-weekes@hotmail.com mikedweeks@hotrnail.com Idweglan@sbcglobal net Idweglan@sbcglobal. net audreywe@hotmail.com swehba@mac.com bweiland@ptloma.edu dweinbaum@gierlich-mitchell com kwei@grahamwebb.com WARDELLl@aol.m ajhveiss@adelphia. net ajhveiss@adelphia net phoebe@guidedmarketing.com angela welch@mac.com bwell@socal.rr.com thewellmans@San.rr.com swells77@adelphia.net swalls77@adelphia.net jwells@artwel-electric.com kimwells@adelphia. net avosteve@aol.com Avosteve@aOl.com welnick4@aol.com alexQhomebizworker.com werbjraaol. corn ajwerbelow@aol.com bri6672@msn corn trevor.wssman@reef.com johnnysnow@wmcast.net surfmomie@aol.com benwest@adelphia.net rwstation-l@yahoo.com katiewestfall@hotmaiI.com novacaine@san.rr.com 1212@fagget5 heathewharton@hotrnail.com RMWHEELS@YAHOO.COM nd-farmgirll23@yahoo.com karlawhitaker@yahoo.com bulletryder@hotmail.com jessicawhite27@yahw.com swhitexl O@aol.com swhitexl O@aol.com swhitexlO@aol.wm swhitexl O@aol.com swhitexl O@aal.com marewhite@sbcglobal net Sandyandrickl @yahoo.com notoriousnadia@gmail corn 1 1 1 i 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 Page 30 Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan Petition Whnesides Bnan Whittaker Cns .wtchmann' ~eff Wichmann Zacha Kathenne Wicks Wicks Wukstrand Wiehl wiggins Wilber Wilder Wiley Wilken wlkerson Williams williams Williams williams Williams williams Williamson Willin Willoughby Wilmot Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson WILSON Wilson Wilson Wilson Wimmers Winchell Winchell Windau Winfrey Wingate Wingler mnkler Winterbourne Winterbourne Winters Wissinger Wisstnger Witherall Withendge Witkowskt Witmer wttt Woelfel Wolfe Wolffe woifson Wollter vmod Wood Wood Woodard woodward Woolhether works Wosachlo wrege Wnght Wnght Wnght wnght Wnght wnght Wnght Wnght Wnght Wnght Wnghtson wu Yang Yap0 Yardley Yates Yates Yoder Yoshitomi Yoshitomi Young Young Young young Young Young Young young Young-Schult yurkovic Zabel ZaMan Zabmcki Zabrocki Za k Row Anne Theresa Mark elisa Jeff Jean Mason Scott max Mark gerald Greg lynne ShM adelheid Lance Stephanie Jane Alexis Rick Ross Mark Stacie steve JAMES Jeremy Bnan maureen Steve Katie Theresa Scott JEn Susan Jenny shelly Gail Thomas Steven Bnan Leynette Alison Jushn Darbi Andrew Bonnie Julie Jacqueline Gwen Dana ben Ginger Alex Bob Ron ludi Chns swot Mike Janet Sarah greg Leslie ron Ryan Bndget andy Susan Teny Steven Angle Jake Andrea Ryan Inez Cynthia Ron Lee Dan Anthony Jason Jean Mary Milene van Candace Jim Rob Charles Patnck Sylvia Sharon BNW Mary Blake David Za k Richard R R m B t C M h L B I A I D G P T C B C A G D e A R e L P W L H A Z d F L N a B J G L 866 S Sierra Ave 5780 Fleet Street 4239 Cleveland Ave #5 177 Mangano Circle 956 Tarento Dnve 2705 Via Cardel 7421 Pelican Street 3022 Avenida Chrtsbna 3535 Cameo Dr #116 5881 Vale Way P 0 BOX 83 P 0 Box 366 1632 Avery Road 1736 Swallowtail Road 946 Jasmine Ct 2717 daffodil pl 7028 Whitewater St 906 Hillfleld Ct 23331 Orchard Ave 7217 daffodil pl 4923 Loma Way 1852 Pentas Ct 3452 Corte Sonnsa 225 El Poltal 1130 Niki Lynn PL 37 Pheasant Lane 871 45th Ave 356 Trailview Rd 1562 Manbme Dnve 902-E caminito madngal 2613 EL RASTRO LANE 849 Luna Vista Dr 1085 Chinquapin Ave 3007 pueblo street 4466 Granger St 16942 Lynn St Unit E 6550 Ponto Dr#43 535 Lands End Way 4009 geomia st 3107 Serrano Drt 5036 Litchfield Road 3325 avenida obertura 480 Naiad Street 480 Naiad 7751 Pendon Court Solana Beach Carlsbad San Diego Enunitas San Dtego Carlsbad Carisbad Carlsbad oceanside San Diego Oceanside Cardiff San Marws Enunitas Carlsbad carlsbad Carlsbad Oceanside Carson carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Enunitas Carlsbad Aliso Viejo San Franusw Enunitas Carlsbad carlsbad CARLSBAD Escondido Carlsbad carlsbad San Diego Huntington Beach Carlsbad Oceanside san dtego Carlsbad San Diego carlsbad Enunitas Leucadla Carlsbad 6755 Mira Mesa Blvd Suite 123-41 San Diego 7663 NorthNp Place San Diego 2912 La Costa Ave Carlsbad 6807 Embarcadero Lane, Apt 127 Carlsbad 6105 Paseo Granito Carlsbad 141 Rodney Ave Encinitas 601 1 Paseo Airoso Carlsbad 2190 Twain Ave Carlsbad 315 So mast Hwy 101 #LIZ35 Encinitas 2642 Galtcia Way Carlsbad 13035 Via Gnmaldi Del Mar 500 N Grape St # 121 Escondido 1280 Santa Fe Dr encinltas 7444 Capstan Dnve Carlsbad 7915 Via Callendo Carlsbad Po box 234145 encinitas 1109 Agate St San Diego 4810 Lawn Ave Cypress 2078 edinburg ave cardiff 1031 3 San Diego Mission Rd #A1 1 San Dtego 16% boulder creek rd 6544 Conntta St 6544 Conntia Street 1402 Eolus Ave 183 countryhaven rd 183 countryhaven rd 1136 stratford 3669 Harvard Dnve 1261 Veronica Ct 1261 Veronica Ct 921 Morning Sun Dnve 23061 Poplar 10838AdermanAve#141 1486 Bottle Tree Lane 4783 Jutland Dr 4918 Park Court 6756 Tea Tree Street 2447 29th 7304 Borla PI 3020 Cielo Place 3020 Cielo Place 1807 Amalfl Dnve 7268 Rt 20 8959 st Rte 53 1359 knoll dr 1227 Whlte Sands Dnve 1331 Savannah Lane 41320 salt nver ct 218 Marsala dr 540 Orpheus Ave 5620paseodelnorteX119c 522 Turfwood Lane 23001 Covello Street 3605 Eamscliff Place #35 3605 Earnscliff PI #35 1730 Rogue Isle Ct 1730 Rogue Isle Ct oceanside Carlsbad Carlsbad Leucadia Encinitas Encinitas encinitas Oceanside Carlsbad Carlsbad Encinitas Mission Viejo San Diego Enunitas San Dtego Carisbad Carlsbad Santa Monica Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Enunitas Madison Naples oceanside San Marws Carlsbad temecula Newport Beach Leucadia carlsbad Solana Beach West Hills San Diego San Diego Carlsbad Carlsbad CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA NY NY CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA ca 92075 92008 92103 92024 92106 619223.1332 92008 7298705 92009 92009 760-744-2390 92056 92115 92049 92007 92078 920024 92009 760-931-8082 9201 1 92009 92054 760-722-4254 90745 92009 92008 92009 92009 92024 760-457-5157 92008 760-434-3942 92656 949-581-0292 94121 92024 760.6342538 92009 92009 760)473-0011 92009 92025 92008 92009 92107 92649 92009 760.310.0059 92054 92103 92009 7604361152 92116 92009 92024 760436-0678 92024 (760) 436-0678 92009 92126 8583378020 92009 9201 1 92009 92024 92009 760-815-5383 92008 760-804-9216 92024 619-987-6631 92009 (760)9446911 92014 92025 92024 92009 (760) 431-5718 92009 760-753-1592 92023 92109 90630 92007 760-753-34554 92 108 92056 92009 92009 (760)603-1231 92024 760-436-8703 92024 760419 8618 92024 760-634-3405 92024 7604361180 92056 760-722-4207 92009 92009 92692 92126 92024 92117 92008 9201 1 760-929=9504 90405 310.403.7923 92009 92009 92009 92024 13402 14512 607-566-3617 92054 760-439-6857 92078 7802951502 92009 760-431-1443 92591 92660 92024 92008 92075 91307 California 92111 921 11 92008 92006 760729-6990 92121 85a549-9705 92024-1958 M!tesidesEl@hotmaiI wm criswhtttaker@hotmail corn jemeeywl7@hotmail cam thewt@sbcglobal net rorylaw@cox net seabreezeZ705@adelphia.net terrwick@hotmail.com wiehl@syndromdist corn elisawigginsl @yahoo.com pNilber@regentsbank.com jeanellenwtIder@hotmail.com captainamerica69@hotmail.com scotttwilks@hotmail.com snowshreddeR8@yahw.com williamsmk@adelphia.net gwtlliamsQoceprinting.com gregwill@attglobal net hillfleldhouse@webtv.net swil1iams32990@yahoo.com heidw49@ hotmail. wm lancewilltamson@juno.com boxholders@adelphia.net janewilloughby4@9cs.com awilmot@cox.net bwlson@foundation sdsu.edu RWSURF@aol.com r3w2000@earthlink.net wiIson4gadelphia.net stacie71 G@adelphia.net stve@spawcina.com JAMES.WILSON@ADELPHIA.NET hammaa@yahoo.com bgwilson8@hotmail.com timothywilson9881 @sbcglobal.net obcpa@juno.com ktngregQearthlink.net ellewinchell@msn.com swindau@hoImail.com jenni-winfrey@hotmall.com wingate28@adelphia.net jrwingler@cox net jswinkleE@sbcgIboal.net rosieluvl Ol@sbcglobal.net tom.winterboume@usmc.mil swinters@illumina.com brian@wissfinancial.com leynette@gmail.com mwitherall@aol.com awttheridge@yahoo.com justinwitkowski@hotmail.com darbiatakedasd corn andrewitt@hotmaiI.com bwoelfelI3@hotmatl.com jaewoife@hotmail.com grejal@adelphia.net tghvolf@aol.com btgoutdoorguy@aol.com nineteenO4Qyahoo.com blake@bwood.net gingspeech@aol.com konawoodard@hotmail.com fincut@san.n.com lightsparkQSbcglobal.net jmw92007@yahoo.com chriswinsd@natzero.com swrege@pacbell.net m.wright@ngc.com janetjammaearthlink. net sdw@cox.net gregwrightconstNction@hotmail.com lesliem@sdcoe.kl2.ca.us rdswright@hotmaiI.com ruright@dyn-sd.com briwright@adelphia.net awright@qualcomm.com scwright@sdcoe.kl2.ca.us terry.wrightson@quest.com stwl8@ hotmail. corn Angie.yang@sbcglobal. net dave@erngmupinc.com jyardley@adelphia.net dfhdkfdfh corn ryatesla@yahoo.com Otte&@poSt.haNard edu cyoshitomi@yahoo.com bmw2002tii@go corn lee@allpetsanimal.com macmatic@gmail.com emily8855822@aol.com jyoung7575@hotmaiI.com JJJBYOUNG@AOL.COM myoungfamily@adelphia.net redriderbero@yahoo.com ryoung@ripcurl.com rschult@ucsd.edu pete@sundiego.com rdzabel@hOtmail.com xflipstylw@socal.n corn patrickrabrocki@yahoo.com surfchiva@yahw com zakhome@sbcglobal.net rzcheckit@sbcglobal net 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 Page 31 Zarnora Zanardi Zapfe zargar Zelhof Zillrner Zimrner Zirnrner Zinn Zinn Zinter Znerold ZOEHRER ZonFrilli Ian Torn Chad karnNn Andrew Doug Roberl Andrea Jason Adam Sarah ERIC Andrea Larry 8564 topanga canyon blvd 6424 Ruby Way 5873 One Barnard Dr 340 walnut ave apt "A 1315 Phlox Ct 1017 Diamond Street R 1527 Linda Sue Lane E 6006 Rancho Mission Rd #292 R 541 Wind Sock Way 541 Wind SoCk Way 1535 Granite Hills Dr ApW5 6267 Via Trato 1358 W GlaucusSt A 954 HAWTHORNE CT Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan Petition canoga park CA 91304 818 730 8615 Carlsbad CA 92009 Oceanside CA 90476 carlsbad CA 92008 Carlsbad CA 92009 San Diego CA 92109 Enclnilas CA 92024 San Diego CA 92108 Carlsbad CA 92009 760-579-0214 Carlsbad CA 92009 El Cajon CA 92019 619-566-0997 Carlsbad CA 92009 SANMARCOS CA 92069 619-7256542 Encinitas CA 92024 RRZarnora@socal rrcom tzanardi@isisph corn chadzapfe@hotrnail corn zarkarn78@yahoo corn azelhofaflyeye ucsd edu dzillrner@san IT corn roberl-r-zimrner@yahm corn azearlhasbcglobal net adarn-zinn@hotrnail corn larfytheshredder@gmail corn sarahaszpr corn ZOEHRER-ERIC@BAH COM zonfnlli@hotrnatl corn jzinsd@yahoo corn 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Page 32 AGENDA ITEM # C: Mayor City Council City Manager City Attorney City Clerk City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council: June 28,2005 CIJ’Y OF CARLSBAD cq<e5 TO.‘ I live in Carlsbad at 7155 Linden Terrace. We moved here for coastal open space and clean beaches for surfing and waking. Thank you for the public hearing tonight on the Ponto Beachfiont Vision Plan (Vision Plan). This hearing is an opportunity for you to hear fiom the public. I realize the City of Carlsbad has put time and money into preparing the Vision Plan and probably thought it was ready to certify it and move on. But, as the two editorials in today’s North County Times say, we need to step back and prepare a better Vision Plan and conduct an Environmental Impact Report. In short, we need to do this right. cL+> ~~ty- R55S- c c cc 3% - The Ponto area is not just land to be redeveloped. Page 16 of the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) calls these coastal bluffs vacant land. The report to the planning Commission states the parcel contains several vacant or underutilized properties. As I testified at the Planning Commission hearing on Ponto, I don’t consider open coastal bluffs as vacant land. Calling them vacant or underutilized makes it sound like they currently serve no purpose. This open space serves the important function of helping to protect the Batiquitos Lagoon wetland preserve and in turn the ocean at Ponto Beach and down the coast. The importance of wetlands cannot be over emphasized. They serve as nesting sites and nurseries to many kinds of birds, fish and crustaceans. The south coast wetlands are an integral part of the Pacific Flyway, one of the largest bird migrations on earth. Wetlands also serve as a filter for storm water, releasing clean water to the ocean. Even though the wetlands themselves are protected, uplands development generates erosion and pollution that heavily impacts the ecosystem. The degradation puts pressure on and endangers wildlife. The MND for the Vision Plan glosses over potentially significant impacts to Batiquitos Lagoon and Ponto Beach. Development of the magnitude spelled out in the Plan would worsen an already unacceptable situation by creating a high volume of run off that would hurt the lagoon and the beach. Ponto Beach already suffers from water pollution. In May this year it was closed twice for several days each time due apparently to a sewer malfunction. The Plan would also create a potentially Significant impact to the aesthetics of recreationists at the campground and beach, to adjacent homeowners, and to the diverse traveling public on the Pacific Coast Highway. Many of the bicyclists, joggers, and drivers who traverse the PCH consider it a scenic highway experience. There is virtually no mitigation in the Vision Plan and MND that addresses the impacts of multi-story parking garages, large hotels, and dense commercial development in this area. The amount of development proposed in the Vision Plan would dramatically increase the visitation to the Ponto Beach, South Carlsbad State Beach. The beach already suffers fiom a lack of funding and services for maintenance, life guards, trash removal, and resource management. The large increase in visitation could overwhelm and impact the beach, the visitor experience, and public safety. This is not adequately analyzed or mitigated in the Vision Plan or MND. The Vision Plan sets the vision and the tone, and currently locks in a dense array of hotels, parking garages, restaurants, businesses, and condos. But, it defers most of the environmental review until later. The courts state that it is inadequate to use future studies as mitigation, or to say projects will be consistent with approved plans. These kinds of mitigations do not reduce or remedy identified impacts. There is no methodology stated to evaluate these mitigation measures. How are the results of the mitigations going to be measured and monitored? What criteria are going to be used for evaluation? How are the criteria going to be compared in importance with one another? It does not appear that the City of Carlsbad in the Vision Plan and MND have met the requirement of the California Environmental Quality Act to provide the fullest or even adequate protection to the environment. Other communities are valuing their coasts and are protecting and restoring them. Coastal restoration is occurring in Bolsa Chica north of Huntington Beach and around Long Beach’s Terminal Island. Solana Beach is putting in a coastal park near Fletcher Cove. The Vision Plan in its current form tries to fit in too much development. I hear fiom the City that the California Coastal Commission desires tourist serving facilities in the Ponto area. From my research I believe the Coastal Commission wants balanced tourist services, ranging fiom a resort hotel to public parks. A park, interpretive area in the area south of Avenida Encinas would enhance the area and create a buffer for the lagoon. A park near the entry to the Hanover Colony would provide tourist services and avoid the public safety problems that the Vision Plan’s proposal to locate a hotel there would cause. In summary, I am asking the City to do three things. First, listen to the public, in the hearing, in the letters, in the petitions, and in all the ways they are trying to talk to you. Second, treat the Ponto Beach area as the unique California coastal treasure that it is. You could say these open coastal bluffs and beaches are Carlsbad’s trademark. And third, redo the Ponto Beachfi-ont Vision Plan. Put in more of a balance of open public areas along with private commercial businesses in the area that is already developed. Prepare an Environmental Impact Report to properly analyze impacts to this sensitive area and to provide strong conditions to guide any fbture development. The Vision Plan and MND in their current form leave too many unresolved issues. They do not serve the best interests of the community. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, 9- Greg Thomsen From: <abjanssen@nethere.com> To: <mstro@ci.carlsbad.ca. us> Date: 06/26/2005 5:02:16 PM Subject: Proposed Ponto development Dear Mayor and Carlsbad council members, As our precious open space continues to disappear, we are very concerned about the proposed development of the Ponto area. I do not think that greatly increasing density with a hotel, shops, etc. can possibly give half the enjoyment that the beautiful vistas from the area now give. Please do NOT develop Ponto as proposed. Work a little harder and entertain other ideas about how best to enhance an already beautiful place. Development can-not always be about the money! Thank you, Annabell Janssen Leucadia, CA AGENDAITEM# ct Mayor City Council City Manager City Attorney City Clerk n PACIFIC MEDICAL BUILDINGS June 16,2005 City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: Ponto Beachfront Village Dear Sir, I am a co-owner of 7100 Whitewater Street, a single family home located in the Hanover Beach Colony adjacent to the proposed site. I attended the public hearing conducted by the Planning Commission and have studied the Vision Plan. I have been an architect for over 40 years during which time, I have been involved in many projects such as this. I believe that In general, this plan will enhance the South entrance to Carlsbad along the Coast Highway. The mix of uses should add a vitality to this end of the City that is currently lacking and the proposed uses will replace dilapidated, existing buildings. However, there is some poor planning used in this concept and the environmental impacts have not been addressed and are not mitigated. The current plan proposes a large hotel with convention facilities to be located on the North end of the project adjacent to single family homes. The service end of the hotel is facing these homes and the entry street is shared by these homes. This has the potential of creating a number of significant impacts including traffic, noise, odors and views. The Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) does not quantify these impacts but merely concludes that the traffic would be less than what is allowed under the General Plan. The MND does not identify any studies regarding the loss of views from existing properties. There are no noise studies that identify ways to mitigate noise impacts to existing properties. Given the mix of uses in the Vision Plan, there are better uses that can be located in this part of the project. A much better plan would be to locate the town homes or multi-family homes adjacent to the existing single family homes. The hotel would be better located in the interior of the site where it has less impact on existing uses. There should be a hierarchy of land use intensity from lower on the project perimeters to higher in the center. 12348 High Bluff Drive, San Diego, California 92130 Telephone 858-794- 1900 Fax 858-794- 19 10 website: pacificmedicalbuildings.com I believe that this project has multiple owners and perhaps the owner of the parcel(s) on the North, Wave Crest Development, is pushing for a hotel whereas the owners of the middle of the site are advocating other uses. This ownership should not be a reason for bad planning. It is clear that the impacts on the existing homes in the Hanover Beach Colony have not been recognized. I request that the Council reject this project in its current form and send it back to the planners for more study. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Vl4&& Robert A. Rosenthal, AIA President - CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE June 22,2005 City of Carlsbad City Council of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Attn: City Clerk: Re: Ponto Beachfiont Village Master Plan I am a professional engineer and land development consultant with 40 years experience in the San Diego North County area. I am in support of the proposed Master Plan. The Plan as proposed is a good one and recommend that the Council consider the Approval of the Plan. Beachfiont Village for several property owners who want to develop their projects. The proposed Master Plan will provide guidance for the development of Ponto The Plan as proposed will serve as guidance for the City Staff members when reviewing The applications for permits to develop their properties. The hotels, timeshare condos ,and shops will serve visitors and the community who Enjoy the ocean front along the coastal highway. The Village Plan as proposed will improve the existing properties and enhance it's Image and upgrade the Ponto area for the neighboring properties. Sincerely, Richard Dome, PE Engineer Consultant pu-4 Y-- ' ClTYOFCARLS8AD ' 1 .~ CITY CLERK'S OFFlCE From: <stephnconn@adelphia. net> To: ~Planning@[]> Date: 05/31/2005 7:16:21 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, Planning. ............................................ FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member/Senator/Assembly Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on our community of Hanover Beach Colony. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Paull and Stephanie Connolly Paull and Stephanie Connolly 7122 Leeward St. Carlsbad, Ca 92009 USA stephnconn@adelphia.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; Q312461; SVI; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) AUDREY POWERS THORNTON ATTORNEY AT LAW 2192 Palomar Airport Rd, 2d Floor C&bd CA 92008 TEL (760) 944-7271 E-MAIL: apthomton@adelphia.net FAX (‘760) 944-7271 ALL RECEIVED June 8,2005 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: P- Dear Council Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfkont Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a fbll Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you. Sincerely, A n EMILY M. RICHDALE, ESQ. 924 BEGONIA COURT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Telephone: (760) 929-8338 June 21,2005 City of Carlsbad Attn: City Clerk 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: OPPOSITION TO PONTO BEACHFRONT VILLAGE VISION PLAN Dear City of Carlsbad and Council Members: I am writing to voice my concern and opposition to the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan ("Ponto Vision Plan"). I have lived in Carlsbad since 1991, and am extremely concerned about the proposed development of the Pont.6. area. As a Carlsbad resident for almost 15 years, I have seen first-h'md how development prejects can negatively affect the city's residents. I fail to see how the Ponto Vision Plan will have a positive and beneficial impact on the residents of South Carlsbad, such as myself. The project will result in increased traffic, congestion, noise, and crowds in the Ponto beach area. There is absolutely no benefit to the residents of South Carlsbad, and in fact, the residents will be made to bear the .. .. bLir&n 0: the negative eficcts af the pxjjsct ,;j hxit t;c;a't-;l?g 2;-iptbJng ;r; i-ckim. I enjoy surfing and relaxing on the beach just north of the open water inlet that connects the Pacific Ocean to Batiquitos Lagoon. The Ponto Vision Plan will bring hundreds, if not thousands, of additional people to the Ponto beaches everyday. This crowding will be particularly horrible during the summer months. Taxpayer dollars will need to be spent to provide restrooms, garbage and parking facilities to accommodate the increased crowds at Ponto beach. These facilities are currently lacking and will not be able ti> handle the additional crowds without significant improvements. Page I Carlsbad residents should not be forced to provide funding for a development plan that will have a significantly negative impact on their enjoyment of the Ponto beach area. The focus of the City of Carlshad and any potentiai development of the Ponto area should be its effects on the current residents of South Carlsbad, and not on the interests of developers and tourists. In addition, the Ponto Vision Plan currently lacks the necessary environmental assessments required to protect the sensitive wetland habitat and wildlife of the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I am opposed to the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program as inadequate measures to prevent a significant environmental impact on the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. The City of Carlsbad must perform a full Environmental Impact rep or^ prier to ~pp-ci-~hg Cevolopiisi~t hi the l'orit~ Visiai T:an. I urge the City of Carlsbad to place the interests of its own residents ahead of those of developers and tourists. Carlsbad residents have already experienced significant increases in traffic, congestion, noise and overcrowding over the past fifteen years due to development. Enough is enough. I am in favor of the City of Carlsbad allowing the Ponto beach area to remain undeveloyed open space. I look forward to attending the public hearing on June 28; 2005 to speak about the negative impact I believe the Ponto Vision Plan will have on both myself and the other residents of South Carlsbad. Yours Very Truly, I. Emily M. Richdale, Esq. Page 2 From: ctimsullivan @ wwex.com> To: <ManagerQ[]> Date: Subject : A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Manager. Tue, Jun 14,2005 10:25 AM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: I'm writing to express my deep regret with the city of Carlsbad for even considering developing in the Ponto Region. The only thing we have left in this world that is still sacred is our environment. And you people are unfortunately considering altering the course of history for our kids and our grandchildren by developing one of the last remaining beautiful beaches. Do you think we really need more hotels and more shopping malls? What do you intend to put in the malls? Linen and things, Starbucks, Payless, Bed Bath and Beyond ... come on, drive over to Palomar Airport Rd. Do we need that more than we need a beautiful beach with a beautiful reserve? And a hotel, how more traffic can we take in North County? Keep in mind once you develop, you can never go back to the way it was. I share your aspirations for wealth and material things, but certainly not at the expense of the environment. Nature is what keeps us peaceful and inspired. Home Depot does not. It is disturbing that so many elected officials come into power and quickly side with the developers. I just wonder if you are going to be proud of the decision you made when you are old and retired. Fighting money and greed of developers takes much more strength than give in and sign off of on the development. Developers wanted to put two 500 room hotels in downtown Laguna Beach in the late ~O'S, but luckily a group led by an artist that owned a coffee shop fought the city. And now 30 years later, look how unique Laguna Beach looks compared to the development of Newport Beach. I just ask that you do a little sole searching before you cast your vote. If you are from San Diego County, do you really want to turn this place into LA or OC? Whose interest are you taking into consideration, the general publics or the super wealthy few that do not need more money? Please do not give into the greed! Tim tim sullivan Carlsbad, ca timsullivan Qwwex.com Mozilld4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SVl; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) From: cahf-zen Q netzero.net> To: cManager@[]> Date: Subject: Sun, Jun 26,2005 8:20 AM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Manager. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. ............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. My family has just moved to this area and chose it because it hasn't succumbed to overdevelopment and we enjoy the quality of life here. Regards, Alan Faust Alan Faust 2040 Chestnut Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 San Diego ahf-zen Q netzero.net Mozilld4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) From: <bujewski Q adelphia.net> To: <CouncilQ[]~ Date: Subject: Mon, Jun 27,2005 2:13 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Save Ponto Beach from development! Will you leave us nothing that is still quaint? This is supposed to be the Village by the Sea, yet the running joke in Carlsbad is -- "if you stand still long enough, they'll build something on top of you." The city calls this area of South Carlsbad "blighted." I disagree. It is the last "unmolested" stretch of coast in the city. I don't live 30 miles from downtown San Diego because I want more city life. When my husband and I bought our house we could see rolling hills on one side and the ocean on the other. Now the hills are gone and development has taken away my ocean view. The city planners seem to have "stars in their eyes" about turning Carlsbad into another Pacific Beach. We didn't ask for that and we don't want it. We don't want more hotels and apartments. We don't want more traffic and commercial properties. Leave us this one little piece of quiet coastline. Please. Renee Bujewski Renee Bujewski 802 Windcrest Drive Carslbad, CA 9201 1 bujewski Qadelphia.net Mozilld5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; ~1.4) Gecko/20030624 NetscapeD.1 (ax) 24.52.1 50.1 14 From: <beckyfern @aol.com> To: <Council@[]> Date: Subject: Mon, Jun 27,2005 1:20 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed anc posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member/Senator/Assembly Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Rebecca Montez Rebecca Montez 3367 Calle Cancuna Carlsbad, ca 92009 beckyfern Qaol.com Mozilld4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) 63.1 96.93.62 From: cmarewhite Qsbcglobal.net> To: <Council 01205.1 42.1 09.1 3]> Date: Mon, Jun 27,2005 1:09 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, MaryAnn White 2372 Terraza Ribera Carlsbad, CA 92009 USA marewhiteQsbcglobal.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; yplus 4.1 .OOb) 69.1 08.47.1 95 From: clantzfam Q adelphia.net> To: <CouncilQ[]> Date: Mon, Jun 27,2005 12:39 PM Subject : CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Please perform an Environmental Impact study at Ponto and So CBAd before you develop our last stretch of relatively natural coastline.Thank you. Rick Lantz 2844 Wilson st Carlsbad, CA 92008 lantzfam Q adelphia.net Mozilld5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:l.7.6) Gecko/20050225 Firefodl.O.1 69.1 67.1 59.1 62 From: <dannysocali Q yahoo.com> To: <CouncilQ[]> Date: Mon, Jun 27,2005 12:04 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed anG posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member/Senator/Assembly Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I would like the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Daniel lnskeep Ill Daniel lnskeep 909 Caminito Estrada, unit C Carlsbad, CA 92009 USA dannysocali @ yahoo.com Mozilld4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) 30 From: <Hlexad@aol.com> To: ~Council@[]> Date: Mon, Jun 27,2005 11 54 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Please require and EIR for the proposed Ponto Development plan. This is too important to short cut the process by a mitigated n.d. Donald Holmes 6943 Mimosa Dr Carlsbad, Ca Hlexad@aol.com Mozilld4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; AOL 9.0; Windows NT 5.1; (2312461) 207.200.1 16.1 96 From: <djoseph 8 rtjobs.com> To: <CouncilQ[]> Date: Mon, Jun 27,2005 11 :52 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear City Council - I am writing to plead with you to please reconsider your plans for Ponto Beach area. The beauty of Carlsbad is the maintained open areas, lagoons, and the nostalgic beachfront that we residence love and would like to remain intact. What about "Environmental Studies"???Where are they. Clearly this is NOT IN OUR BEST INTEREST!! We have plenty of tourist and toursit dollars coming to our city monthly with things as they are. Why do you continue to want to make this another LA County Beach area??? STOP This madness please. D. Joseph Carlsbad, CA 92009 djoseph Q rtjobs.com Mozilld4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; sbcydsl 3.12; YComp 69.1 66.1 21 . 1 62 From: <debpi@sbcglobal.net> To: <Council Q []> Date: Mon, Jun 27,2005 10:14 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed anc posted the "Contac City Council. ;" form to department, .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad I wish that you would have an enviromental impact study performed before proceeding with the Ponto Beach project. The traffic on coast hwy in the mornings has become impossible and there is so little open area left the project is unaccptable. If you want to clean up blight why not clean up the roadside adjacent to South State Beach where the weeds have taken over, Darrel Beatty 7142 Santa Rosa Carlsbaad,, ca 92009 deb pi Q sbcg lobal. ne t Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1 ; (DB29963A-4A43-5C03-FBE9-8B5088D59CFE); .NET CLR 1.1.4322; yplus 4.1 .OOb) 67.1 24.1 96.95 From: <wudultd @ yahoo.com> To: <CouncilQ[]> Date: Mon, Jun 27,2005 1O:OO AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member/Senator/Assembly Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Elizabeth Seed 3449 Calle Del Sur Carlsbad, CA 92009 wudultd @ yahoo.com Mozilla/4.O (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; yie6-SBCDSL; sbcydsl 3.1 2; YComp 67.1 13.105.226 From: ck38roger Q yahoo.com> To : cCouncil@[]> Date: Mon, Jun 27,2005 9:12 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "C City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member/Senator/Assembly Member, ntact Us" form to d partm I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Roger Peterson Roger Peterson 150 Acacia Avenue Carlsbad , CA 92008 k38roger Q yahoo.com Mozilld4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) From: <adursoQ csusm .edu> To: cCouncilQ[]> Date: Subject: Mon, Jun 27,2005 856 AM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Adrienne Durso Concerned Carlsbad Citizen Adrienne Durso 3322 Fosca St. Carlsbad, CA 92009 USA adurso Q csusm.edu Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKitl312.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/312 From: <S-Gardner Q msn.com> To: <Council @[]> Date: Sun, Jun 26,2005 10:20 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Stacy Gardner Stacy Gardner 6957 Mimosa Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 S-GardnerQmsn.com Mozilld4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1 ; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) 63.1 96.84.1 61 From: <rmt43 @ pacbell.net> To: <Council@[]> Date: Subject: Sun, Jun 26,2005 9:16 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: STOP PONTO DEVELOPMENT! THIS HAS BEEN THE BEACH FOR MY CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN FOR 20 YEARS. Rita Trist 2206 Plaza de las Flores Carlsbad, CA 92009 United States rmt43 @ pacbell.net Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/l25.5.6 (KHTML, like Gecko) SafarVl25.12 64.1 65.1 7.1 15 From: <alohakelsol Q yahoo.com> To: <CouncilQ[]> Date: Sun, Jun 26,2005 7:11 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Members, Why is it that what's great about Carlsbad has to be tampered with? When I moved to Carlsbad, we had more beach parking and it was easier to pull out of the beach parking stalls. Now we just have the lots and parallel parking. We also have a sea wall that completely blocks the ocean view from people driving by unless they are in high profile vehicles. Shouldn't we be able to SEE what we so enjoy about Carlbad. The stretch between La Costa Ave. and Poinsettia is one of the last stretches on natural California coastal terrain between here and Ventura. I always choose to drive there when possible because this is how California is meant to be enjoyed- in its natural state. Can't you imagine what it must have been like just even fifty years ago? I wish I'd lived here then. As it is, I've been lucky to live here since 1978. Let's maintain some distance and a buffer zone between new developments and the coast. If you build it they will undoubtedly come. If you build it a little smaller and a little further back, they will still come and spend their tourist dollar here. (Have you been to Panama City Beach, Florida? It's high rise condo, stores that sell fast food and beach towels, etc. People are littering. There are just too many, too close to the water.) We can have both worlds. But let's not get greedy with the proximity to the ocean. Everyone can benefit from a little walk to the beach. It's good for the heart, the legs, and the soul to slow down to appreciate what we have right here. Let's not pave paradise and put up the proverbial parking lot. Thank you. Anna Kelso Anna Kelso 33550 Ridgecrest Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 alohakelsol Q yahoo.com Mozilld4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1 ; SVl; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) From: <allstories Q hotmail.com> To: <Council Q[]> Date: Subject : Sun, Jun 26,2005 3:17 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and PO City Council. ted the "Cont ct u " form to departm nt, .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member/Senator/Assembly Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Margaret Moore Margaret Moore 3287 Camino Coronado Carlsbad, CA 92009 allstories Q hotmail.com Mozilld4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1 ; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) From: <patti@ brasilia-rsm.com> To: <Council @[]> Date: Sun, Jun 26,2005 12:45 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. ............................................... Below, please find the information that was submitted: Please preserve Ponto Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve!!!!!!! Patricia culwell 1605 starling ct carlsbad, CA 92009 United States patti@ brasilia-rsrn.com Mozilld5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKiff312.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/312 68.1 24.21 4.233 From: <shherticaQ hotmail.com> To: <Council Q []> Date: Sun, Jun 26,2005 1054 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Bud Lewis, Matt Hall, Ann Kulchin, Mark Packard, and Norine Sigafoose I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Sherryl HixsonHertica Sherryl HixsonHertica 7903 Corte Penca Carlsbad, CA 92009 shherticaa hotmail.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SVl; Mathplayer 2.0; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) From: To: Date: Subject: A visitor to th City Council. <FoootersQaol.com> <Council Q []> Sun, Jun 26,2005 9:29 AM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted th "Contact Us" form to department, .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Susan Foote Susan Foote 2417 La Plancha Lane Carlsbad, CA 92009 US FoootersQ aol.com Mozilld4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; AOL 9.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) 207.200.1 16.196 From: <sal. baroneQsbcglobal.net> To: <Council Q []> Date: Sun, Jun 26,2005 9:20 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: I am opposed to the Ponto area development plan. I believe it is to dense and will forever tranform the area into a commercial hodgepodge that will change the identity and quality of life in this area. I would like to request a complete Environmental Impact Report. Thank you! Salvatore Barone 7346 Portage Way Carlsbad, CA 92009 sal. barone Q sbcglobal.net Mozilld4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows 98; YPC 3.0.1) 69.230.1 9.1 64 From: ecurrylindaQ hotmail.com> To: <Council@[]> Date: Sat, Jun 25, 2005 9:06 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member/Senator/Assembly Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Linda Curry 2890 Luciernaga St Carlsbad, CA 92009 currylinda Q hotmail.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) 0 From: <swells77 Q adelphia.net> To: cCouncilQ[]> Date: Subject : Sat, Jun 25, 2005 8:08 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council, As Carlsbad residents living in the La Costa Heights area we are outraged about the plan destruction & disruption of Ponto area beach that I understand is currently being contemplated. You are continually destroying what Carlsbad residents love about the area in your apparent quest to pave everything. Please leave Ponto as is or revise your grandeous intentions. Sincerely, Mr. & Mrs. Wells Carlsbad, CA. Steve & Sandi Wells 2731 Galicia Way Carlsbad, CA 92009-8142 USA swells77 Qadelphia.net Mozilld4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5. 69.1 67.1 59.231 : Q31246 ; iebar; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) From: ellevy@ miracosta.edu> To: <Council Q []> Date: Subject: Sat, Jun 25, 2005 556 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Please stop the development at Ponto Beach until all the environmental, traffic, and sound mitigation studies have been studied carefully. We do not need more development of our already scarce natural resources. Leon Levy 940 Melaleuca Ave. Apt. N Carlsbad, CA. 92009 IlevyQ miracosta.edu Mozillal4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0) 93 From: chooverphotoQadelphia.net> To: cCouncil@[]~ Date: Subject: Sat, Jun 25,2005 1:27 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Please do not develop Ponto. We need more open land. In the past 10 years, Carlsbad has developed all open land increasing traffic and congestion. I'm waiting for the crime rate to increase. I remember horse back riding and mountain bike riding in the Eucalyptus fields (NOW AVIARA). I remember no grocery stores (NOW RALPHS AND VONS) and no stop signs (NOW STOP LIGHTS). I remember NO LEGOLAND. I remember going places without sitting in traffic for hours ... Have you noticed the constant Saturday morning backup on Southbound 1-5? I can't get to the neighboring cities (Leucadia, Encinitas, Solana Beach, and Del Mar) in less than 45 minutes. We do not need 750 hotel rooms. What about the preservation of the least tern breeding ground? Why must we develop every inch of open land? There is beauty in the natural open space. Wildlife should be considered. Is there a Environmental Impact Study being conducted? How can I get the results? When will the city slow down develop! ment? Lisa Johnson 842 Skysail Avenue Carlsbad, CA 9201 1 USA hooverphoto Q adelphia.net Mozilla/4.O (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1 ; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) From: To: <CouncilQ[]~ Date: Subject: A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. <jcasibugag uilar Q att. net> Sat, Jun 25,2005 12:38 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Carlsbad Vision Plan has not done an EIR, which at the very least should be required in lieu of getting out of it with Mitigation Negative Dec. It is clear that the motivation to develop the land is financial based, but the natural beauty of undeveloped land is priceless. The plants and animals that are able to thrive because that area is not overdeveloped, allows us to enjoy the ocean and beach, which attracts many tourists and land owners to Carlsbad. The Council should take a step back and do the right thing when it comes to the Ponto Vision Plan. Development can occur in a positive manner. Performing an Environmental Impact Review, per the California Environmental Quality Act is a moral obligation, that in turn profits the City of Carlsbad. Once we destroy the natural beauty that makes our city so special, we can NEVER rebuild that. Carlsbad, CA 92009 USA jcasibugaguilarQatt.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90; AT&T ELC5.5; AT&T CSM6.0; H010818; YComp; AT&T ELC5.5 IE5.0.01) From: <lapointebreakQsbcglobal.net> To: <Council@[]> Date: Subject: Sat, Jun 25,2005 12:34 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: If you make a decision on developing the Ponto area without the proper impact studies on behalf of the citizens of Carlsbad I will personally do everything I can to get new City Council members elected. Also, do you take our precious beauty and resources so lightly? Shame on you if you do. Robert LaPointe 4360 El Capitan Ct. Carlsbad, CA 92008 lapointebreakQsbcglobal.net Mozilld4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) 63,199.242.1 15 From: <RAYJAY3 Qsbcglobal.net> To: <CouncilQ[]> Date: Sat, Jun 25,2005 12:03 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Carlsbad is my home, and I love this city. Please don't further urbanize it by allowing development on the Ponto area. This is the last tract of land near the ocean that can give meaning to a village by the sea. Once it has been developed, we will have lost a wildlife refuge, a place of natural beauty, and the very charisma that makes Carlsbad so special. Please keep the Ponto area intact. Thanks, Ray Hughes. Ray Hughes 2345-2 Caringa Way Carlsbad, CA 92009 RAYJAY3 Q sbcg lobal. net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; YPC 3.0.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; yplus 4.1 .OOb) 68.1 24.88.142 From: To: <Council Q []> Date: Subject: <ashes2io @ sbcg lobal .net> Sat,' Jun 25, 2005 1 1 :33 AM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: It is ludicrous that the development of property located in the immediate vicinity of Ponto Beach should proceed with no controls over the project outcome, nor with any sort of environmental impact studies to guide your decisions! The City Council and each and every one of its members individually holds the power, and with such power the inherent responsibility, to make intelligent decisions that create positive results for not only developers, but also for the native species who cannot speak for themselves but call these lands their home. To ignore this responsibility is to mismanage the power you have been entrusted with, and I hope that you will reconsider your approval of the development measures of the Ponto Beach area and demand thorough independent enviromental impact studies so that you can make informed decisions about what will impact future generations of Californian humans and wildlife. Sincerely, Danica Lisle-Crawley Danica Lisle-Crawley 6741 Cantil St Carlsbad, CA 92009 USA ashes2io @ sbcglobal.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 5.5; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90; YPC 3.0.3; yplus 4.1 .OOb) 68.1 24.221.81 From: To: Date: Subject: cbgwilson8 Q hotmail.com> <Council@[]> Sat, Jun 25, 2005 9:13 AM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to 1, ,e City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posteL the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member/Senator/Assembly Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Brian Wilson Brian Wilson 1085 Chinquapin Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 bgwilson8Q hotmail.com MozilW4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows 98) 69.1 66.125.40 From: ccyoshitomi @ yahoo.com> To: <Council Q []> Date: Fri, Jun 24,2005 4:45 PM Subject : CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posteG .,#e "Contact L, City Council. form to department, .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear City Council, As a Carlsbad resident I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Cynthia Yosh itomi Cynthia Yoshitomi , 92009 cyoshitomi Q yahoo.com Mozilld4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SVl) 69.1 60.137.150 From: calrex43@adelphia.net> To: <Council@[]> Date: Subject : Fri, Jun 24, 2005 501 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. , .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear City Council Member, As a concerned citizen of Carlsbad, I request that a performing an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) be performed on the new Ponto Beach Project, before proceeding forward, This study is necessary to determine the affect to the beach, Lagoon and the surrounding area. If this study has already been compkted, please send me an e-mail with the results. Thank you, AI Rex AI Rex 6450 Torreyanna Circle Carlsbad, alrex43@adelphia.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1 ; FunWebProducts; SV1) From: <mbrown @ kingsleynet.com> To: <CouncilQ[]> Date: Subject: Fri, Jun 24,2005 6:03 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed anG gosted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Mark Brown Mark Brown 3312 Donna Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 mbrown @ kingsleynet.com Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-0; en-US; 1~1.7.8) Gecko/20050511 Firefodl.O.4 From: <cmccormack-work @ yahoo.com> To: <CouncilQ[]> Date: Subject: . Fri, Jun 24,2005 355 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear City Council, My brother just brought to my attention the new plans to build in the Ponto Beach area. It has been very sad to see the new devistation done to Carlsbad's wildlife in the last few years. The beautiful thing about Carlsbad was the untouched nature that was preserved. Now, our town is becoming just another San Diego tourist trap. Please preserve at least one little peice of my home. Sincerely, Carey McCormack Carey McCormack 3556 Ames PI Carlsbad, Ca 92008 USA cmccormack-work@ yahoo.com Mozilld4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) 134.1 39.21.1 35 From: <luis.saunders @ adelphia.net> To: <CouncilQ[]> Date: Subject: Fri, Jun 24, 2005 2:47 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. ............................................... Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council, We are writing because we have serious concerns related to the Ponto Development Plan. As residents of the area we feel more care should be taken to preserve the beaches, lagoon and overall quality of life for the residents in this Carlsbad neighborhood. We are not naive enough to believe that "progress" will be prevented nor necessarily feel the idea of checked and consciously guided development is a bad one. That being said we do believe the Plan needs to be preceded by an EIR in order to ascertain the true impact to the surrounding area. We live in the beautiful San Pacific0 Community and understood when we purchased our property that there are no guarantees when it comes to views and adjoining development within the City of Carlsbad. We also would have never imagined the "non-guaranteed" views many in the area have as well as the impression for others as they arrive in this magnificent part of Carlsbad would some day be obstructed by a behemoth of a development with accompanying overwhelming traffic, noise, three story parking structures and overall density. This is especially alarming when one considers the beauty of this spot, its proximity to a preserved habitat with its accompanying flora and fauna as well as the fact it serves as the coastal southern entry to Carlsbad. As such, the look, density, building guidelines and percentage of "green space" left intact as part of the entire project should be strongly considered. In closing, we found it ironic when we opened last week's copy of The Coast News to find an advertisement from the City of Carlsbad Environmental Programs group claiming Carlsbad is a great place to live thanks to people that "take care of the neighborhood." We agree. Strangely enough it is a beautiful shot looking west across the northern bluffs of Batiquitos Lagoon toward the ocean, the very same area that would be affected if this overly dense development goes through as is. We ask that you consider your own ad copy while making decisions related to the Ponto Development Plan, it would be a true shame with possible monumental environmental repercussions and some might even say a little hypocritical to place this type of publicity while proceeding in anything but a conscious fashion. Sincerely, Luis and Sherri Saunders luis & sherri saunders 503 rudder avenue carlsbad, ca 92009 luis.saundersQadelphia.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1 ; SV1; FunWebProducts) 12 From: <cameronmichelleQgmail.com> To: <CouncilQ[]> Date: Subject: Fri, Jun 24,2005 12:48 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Hello Carlsbad City, Please take into consideration, Ponto Beach itself, one of the only beaches from Cardiff to Carlsbad that has sand! The development around our beaches and state beaches is crucial to the environment. Please don't destroy this place for the sake of money and prosperity, a housing development would be more suiting than hotels and retail in this particular area of Carlsbad. Go down there and take a look for yourself, talk to people who frequent that beach before you make any decision. I have been coming to Ponto for over 15 years, finally moved nearby, and now it may be in jeopardy. Thank you, Cameron Martin Cameron martin 628 sandside court carlsbad, CA 92009 United States cameronmichelle Qgmail.com Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKiV412 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/412 53 From: <awitheridgeQ yahoo.com> To: <CouncilQ[]> Date: Fri, Jun 24,2005 10:15 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. ............................................... Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Alison Witheridge Alison Witheridge Carlsbad, CA 9201 1 awitheridge Q yahoo.com Mozillaf4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; FunWebProducts) 12.1 05.235.202 From: cpchacon @ ieee.org> To: <Council@[]> Date: Subject: Fri, Jun 24,2005 9:45 AM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Members, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Alisa Chacon Alisa Chacon 6745 Lonicera St Carlsbad, pchacon @ ieee.org Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1 ; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) 67.1 19.245.1 30 From: To: <CouncilQ[]~ Date: Subject: <chrissylaug h I i n @yahoo .com > Fri, Jun 24,2005 9:lO AM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Chrissy Laughlin Chrissy Laughlin 3210 Harding Street Carlsbad, chrissylaughlin Q yahoo.com Mozilld5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; ~1.7.7) Gecko/20050414 Firefodl.O.3 65.1 07.49.24 From: To: <CouncilQ[]> Date: Subject: <cheryl-dodds Q hotmai I .com > Fri, Jun 24,2005 9:00 AM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: PLEASE do not allow the Ponto area to be developed!! It is one of the last un-touched coastline areas in our community and it is a treasure to be enjoyed in its natural state. Cheryl Dodds 6437 La Garza Ct. Carlsbad, CA 92009-431 8 Cheryl-dodds Q hotmail.com Mozilld4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SVl ; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Hotbar 4.6.1) 21 32 From: <floodsurf@ hotmail.com> To: <Council@[]> Date: Subject: Thu, Jun 23,2005 11 :42 AM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Timothy J. Flood 2340 Hosp Way #220 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Timothy Flood 2340 Hosp Way #220 Carlsbad, CA 92008 floodsurf@ hotmail.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0) From: cvickey-syageQ yahoo.com> To: <Council@[]> Date: Thu, Jun 23,2005 11 :08 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member/Senator/Assembly Member, I live in South Carlsbad. I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Vickey Syage vickey-syage @ yahoo.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1 ; (2312461) I From: <sstremelQcsusm.edu> To: <CouncilQ[]> Date: Thu, Jun 23,2005 1052 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Members, Please keep Ponto Beach the beautiful, pristine place that it is! The idea of this open space being destroyed by developers is sickening. Carlsbad is over developed as it is, with few natural spaces to enjoy. Our family visits this beach several times per week all year long. I beg you to do the responsible thing by banning the idea of this project. Please represent the citizens of Carlsbad as you are the elected officials we have entrusted to help keep Carlsbad a desirable place to live. Thank you, Suzanne Stremel Suzanne Stremel 928 Rosemary Ave Carlsbad, CA 92009 sstremel @csusm.edu Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) 81 From: cjimiriderQsbcglobal.net> To: <Council@[]> Date: Thu, Jun 23,2005 1051 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member, As a Carlsbad City resident, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I would like to urge the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Sincerely, James Wesley Rider, Jr. James Rider 3534 Ridgewood Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 jimirider Q sbcglobal.net Mozilld4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; yplus 4.1 .OOb) 68 From: <stephagreen Q hotmail.com> To: <Council@[]> Date: Thu, Jun 23,2005 10:25 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member: I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Stephanie Green Stephanie Green 421 3 Sierra Morena Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 USA stephagreen Q hotmail.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows 98; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) 69.1 60.1 32.1 2 1 From: <HendricksSQadelphia.net> To: <Council@[]> Date: Thu, Jun 23,2005 10:12 AM Subject : CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Diane Hendricks Diane Hendricks 7204 Mimosa DR Carlsbad, CA 92009 Hendricks9 Q adelphia.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; DigExt; SVl; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) 35 From: <jrowells Qadelphia.net> To: <Council@[]> Date: Subject: Thu, Jun 23,2005 7:37 AM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member/Senator/Assembly Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Jason Rowells Michelle Rowells Addalie Rowells jason rowells 241 5 stevens circle carlsbad, ca 92008 usa jrowells@ adelphia.net Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; ~1.7.8) Gecko/20050511 Firefodl.O.4 24.52.1 54.31 From: <psmiley5Qsbcglobal.net> To: ~CouncilQ[]> Date: Wed, Jun 22,2005 6:lO PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Mernber/Senator/Assembly Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Patti Smiley Patti Smiley 7972 Los Pinos Circle Carlsbad, CA 92009 San Diego psmiley5Qsbcglobal.net Mozilld4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SVl) 68.1 05.247.1 39 From: <m hall Q adagency.com> To: <Council@[]> Date: Wed, Jun 22,2005 2:22 PM Subject : CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. ............................................... Below, please find the information that was submitted: I'm writing to protest the proposed development of the area around Ponto Beach. As a 45-year-old father of two, I fear there will soon be no open space left for my children to enjoy. After seeing the rampant development all over Carlsbad I see the city losing it's specialness. The short stretch of relatively unspoiled coast extending north from La Costa Avenue to Palomar Airport Road is one of the last remaining scenic beachfront areas south of Camp Pendleton. I think it's tragic that a couple dilapidated buildings in the area seems to be reason enough for the city council to raze the whole area and turn it into a strip-mall-by-the sea. Please consider carefully what to do--if anything--with this last priceless length of coastline. James Hall 7955 Camino Alvaro Carlsbad, CA 92009 USA mhall Qadagency.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 5.23; Mac-PowerPC) 70.1 83.29.1 62 From: cmichmartl @sbcglobal.net> To: <Council @ []> Date: Wed, Jun 22,2005 152 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: I just learned that the city is in the process of approving a HUGE developemnt near Ponto Beach without an EIR. Please have an EIR prior to approving any development. Those of us that live in Carlsbad moved herebecause of the quaint feel of our town and the beautiful coast line. Please don't let developers come in and ruin this even further for all of us. Don't forget that you live here too!! michele martinet , 92008 michmartl @sbcglobal.net MozillaE.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; ~1.7.7) Gecko/20050414 Firefodl.O.3 67.1 16.208.78 From: csurfskatesnowl Q yahoo.com> To: <Council@[]> Date: Wed, Jun 22,2005 1058 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the “Contact Us” form to department, City Council. ******e*************************************** FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: hello im a local surfer from carlsbad and ponto is my local break .... i surf there from up to three times a day if possible but with croweds its makes it a lil harder ... summer crowds are enough..no more. thanx scott crouch carlsbad, CA 92009 surfskatesnowl Q yahoo.com Mozillal4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1 ; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) From: <stephagreen Q hotmail.com> To: <ManagerQ[]> Date: Subject : Thu, Jun 23,2005 10:18 AM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Manager. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear City Manager, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Stephanie Green Stephanie Green 421 3 Sierra Morena Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 USA stephagreen Q hotmail.com Mozilld4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows 98; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) 69.1 60.1 32.1 21 From: <retaparker Q yahoo.com> To: <CouncilQ[]> Date: Wed, Jun 22,2005 8:12 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: I was just informed about the plans for developing the 135 arces of open space near Ponto Beach and Bartiquitos Lagoon. This is very upseting news. One of the reasons I live in Carlsbad and commute over an hour to work in Orange County is the fact that Carlsbad has done a wonderful job preserving our natural resources which makes it a beautiful place to live. Turn this area into hotels, garages, and shops and Carlsbad becomes like any other congested California city-with nothing unique other than Legoland. Reta Parker 7538A Gibraltar Street Carlsbad, CA 92009 USA retaparker Q yahoo.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) 167.1 07.1 91.21 7 From: <briwright Q adelphia.net> To: <CouncilQ[]> Date: Wed, Jun 22,2005 757 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed 8 City Council. d posted the "Contact Us" form t department, .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: I am writing to urge you to reconsider the proposed redevelopment plan for Ponto Beach. As a lifelong resident of Carlsbad, I have slowly seen the erosion of open space, the huge increase in traffic congestion, and the building of cooke-cutter developments. As proposed, the current plan for Ponto Beach will only add to these problems. While I agree that some improvement to that area is necessary, such a massive plan is out of context with the peaceful beach area. My family and I frequent Ponto beach on a regular basis, and it is already crowded and parking is a huge problem. This project will only add to these problems. Furthermore, to term the area "blighted" and to proceed with such a huge project without first doing an environmental impact report seems completely ludicrous. I strongly urge you to scale down the Ponto beach plan, to preserve some of the area adjacent to the lagoon as open space, and to do an environmental impact report. The citizens of Carlsbad and our chil! dren deserve that much. Thank you for your consideration, Bridget Wright Bridget Wright 1261 Veronica Ct. Carlsbad, CA 92009 USA briwright Qadelphia.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1 ; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) 40 From: <krangus Qddrsinc.com> To: <CouncilQ[]> Date: Subject: Tue, Jun 21,2005 9:16 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: I am a Carlsbad resident and opposed to the development of a hotel and restaurants in the Ponto Beach area. I suggest a Beach Park or Dog Park instead. Our beaches do not need more high rise buildings or more traffic to impact the area. Kathryn Rangus 101 3 Tulip Way Carlsbad, krangusQddrsinc.com Mozilld5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1 ; en-US; ~1.7.2) Gecko/20040804 NetscapeD.2 (ax) 27 From: cpmicheller Badelphia.net> To: <Council @ []> Date: Tue, Jun 21,2005 8:08 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Carlsbad City Council, My family and I are extremely concerned about the effect the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on the State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon. We want the City of Carlsbad to perform an Impact Report prior to approving development. Not to do this would be environmentally irresponsible! Thank you for your attention to this e-mail and those of other concerned citizens. Sincerely, Michelle Roberson and Floyd E. Roberson P. Michelle Roberson pmicheller @ adelphia.net Mozilld5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1 ; en-US; ~1.7.6) Gecko/20050317 Firefodl.O.2 24.52.1 53.224 , From: <cfgalindoQadelphia.net> To: <CouncilQ[]> Date: Subject: Tue, Jun 21,2005 7:15 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: The developement of the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan MUST have an Environmental Impact Report. This is outrageous that the city council would even consider this project without this study. As a taxpayer, longtime resident, and recent President and current boardmemer of the Las Playas Homeowners, I strongly urge the council to approve this EIR. Chris Galindo Chris Galindo 6896 Batiquitos Carlsbad, CA 92009 cfgalindo @ adelphia.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SVl; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) 66.1 25.1 9.130 From: <diane-campbell Q bd.com> To: <CouncilQ[]> Date: Tue, Jun 21,2005 518 PM Subject : CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: The Ponto Beach area is such a treasure to our City, coastline, to the future of our environment, a legacy to future generations! PLease perform an analysis of the environment ! IT is crucial. Think about your legacy to the future generations, leave the land to the children ,develop it as open land and parks, not hotels and shops! Diane Campbell Carlsbad, 92008 diane-campbell Q bd.com Mozilld4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; T312461; .NET CLR 1.0.3705) 63.1 03.66.62 From: <julia.casagrande Q varianinc.com> To: ~CouncilQ[]~ Date: Subject: Tue, Jun 21,2005 4:07 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed am posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member/Senator/Assembly Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Repor? prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Julia Casagrande I julia.casagrande Qvarianinc.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) 4.241.1 2.1 32 From: <matthewpalgutaQ hotmail.corn> To: <CouncilQ[]> Date: Subject: Tue, Jun 21,2005 3:40 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD 1 CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. **e******************************************* FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Matthew Matthew Palguta 6706 Whitesail St Carlsbad, CA matthewpalgutaQ hotmail.com Mozillal4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; (R1 1.5); .NET CLR 1.1.4322) From: <ham Qtwsnet.com> To : <Council@[]> Date: Subject: Tue, Jun 21,2005 259 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: I am a Carlsbad Resident and I would like to meet with a City Council Member to discuss the new Ponto Vision Plan and their upcoming vote on the Mitigated Negative Declaration. Thank you, Liam Ferguson Liam Ferguson 7065 Leeward St. Carlsbad, CA 92009 USA liam @twsnet.com Mozilld4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) From: <cvpool Q adelphia.net> To: <Council@ []> Date: Subject: Tue, Jun 21,2005 2:26 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member/Senator/Assembly Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Christine Vanderpool Christine Vanderpool 3289 Corte Vera Cruz Carlsbad, CA 92009 cvpool Q adelphia. net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Media Center PC 2.8) From: <mwssas@aol.com> To: <Council@[]> Date: Tue, Jun 21,2005 1 :44 PM Subject : CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Please do not approve the planned Ponto redevelopment without a full EIR. We spent too much time and money cleaning up Bataquitos Lagoon over the past ten years! We need to understand the impact this development will have on the lagoon and other senstive areas around Ponto. thanks Mark Steele 131 1 Savannah Lane Carlsbad, CA 9201 1 mwssas @aol.com Mozilld4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) From: <mfallet @adelphia.net> To: <Council@[]~ Date: Subject: Tue, Jun 21,2005 1:39 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the “Contact Us” form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member/Senator/Assembly Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Mary Fallet Mary Fallet Carlsbad, CA 92009 mfallet @adelphia.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) 83 From: cpynes @adelphia.net> To: <Council@[]> Date: Tue, Jun 21,2005 12:33 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Re: Ponto Beach Please do an environmental study before approving the development of hotels, parking garages, and restaurants near Ponto Beach. I know the revenue from tourism is grand, but do we really want to become as crowded as La Jolla and San Diego? Please consider this vote very carefully-and all the ramifications, not just the financial gains. Thank you, Susan Pynes Susan Pynes 2746 lnverness Drive Carlsbad, CA 92010 USA pynes Q adelphia.net Mozilld4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows 98; (2312461 ; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) 69.1 67.1 58.14 From: <theladysullivan @aol.com> To: <CouncilQ[]~ Date: Tue, Jun 21,2005 12:30 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Haven't you sold us out enough? There won't be one parcel of land that hasn't been graded left in this city. Can't you leave one thing the way God intended? We live here to GET AWAY from LA and Orange County - now you are turning us into them. Have any of you ever gone to the beach in the summer? Do you drive out of your 5 mile radius into the traffic you have created? Not to mention you haven't increased the resources; Le.; water, sewer, etc. to accornodate the exponential growth. LEAVE PONTO ALONE. It's the one last piece of California history we have left. Oh, and great job with the water desalination - 20 years later. Thanks for giving credit where credit is due. Susan Sullivan Carlsbad, CA 92008 theladysullivan Qaol.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; AOL 9.0; Windows 98) 207.200.1 16.196 From: <lappub@adelphia.net> To: <Council@[]~ Date: Tue, Jun 21,2005 1 1 :25 AM Subject : CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the “Contact Us” form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member/Senator/Assembly Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Jim Lapp I lappubQadelphia.net Mozilld4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) 69.1 66.1 25.35 From: <acnunezl Qaol.com> To : <CouncilQ[]> Date: Mon, Jun 20,2005 4:Ol PM Subject : CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "C City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member/Senator/Assembly Member, nta t Us" f rm to department, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Aida Nunez 2020 Karren Lane Carlsbad, CA 92008 USA acnunezl @aol.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) From: cdanidonoQ adelphia.net> To : cCouncil@[]> Date: Subject : Mon, Jun 20,2005 4:07 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Developing Ponto Beach without an EIR is not responsible government. I frequent that area on a nearly daily basis and find this anticipated action to be almost incomprehensible. Danielle Donovan 2376 altisma Way #K Carlsbad, CA 92009 San Diego danidono@adelphia.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SVl) I Council Internet Mailbox - CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US Page 1 1 From: <bensonrtQaol.com> To: <CouncilQ[]> Date: Subject: Mon, Jun 20,2005 4:34 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us'' form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: PONTO, When is enough ENOUGH? Can't we have a sleepy little part of town? South 101 was great as it was a snapshot of the 50's .... beach views and NO TRAFFIC LIGHTS. How many traffic light has the Planning Commission installed so far ? and killed the simple old OFF-RAMPS at PONTO. Sorry, I know you'all will allow the bulldozers free-range, BUT HOW CAN ANYTHING DEVELOPERS DO IMPROVE THAT PREFECTION along our beach? Thanks for listing .... now start your bulldozers. Randall Benson Randall Benson Carlsbad, Ca 9201 0 bensonrtQaol.com Mozilld4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; SONGS Internet Explorer; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) 192.21 2.253.1 7 From: <Marah1 00 @ msn.corn> To: <Council@[]> Date: Subject: Mon, Jun 20,2005 455 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Victor Farah I vfarahl OO@msn.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; YPC 3.0.3; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; MSN 9.O;MSN 9.1; MSNbDELL; MSNmen-us; MSNclA; MPLUS) 68.1 24.21 5.1 65 From: csanbad @adelphia.net> To: cCouncilQ[]> Date: Subject : Mon, Jun 20,2005 7:OO PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US I Council Internet Mailbox - CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US Page 1 1 partment, A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "C City Council. ntact Us" form to d .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member/Senator/Assembly Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, sandra abbott 6583 windflower dr carlsbad, ca 92009 usa sanbad@adelphia.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SVl; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) I Council Internet Mailbox - CITY OF CARLSBAD 1 CONTACT US Page 1 From: <abboski @adelphia.net> To: ~Council@[]> Date: Subject : Mon, Jun 20,2005 7:Ol PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member/Senator/Assembly Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, tim abbott 6583 windflower dr carlsbad, ca 92009 usa abboski @ adelphia.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) From: csabbo C# adelphia.net> To: cCouncilQ[]> Date: Subject: Mon, Jun 20,2005 7:02 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member/Senator/Assembly Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, brandon abbott 6583 windflower dr carlsbad, ca 92009 usa sabbo Q adelphia.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) From: <margie Q purdyhomes.com> To: <CouncilQ[]> Date: Subject : Mon, Jun 20,2005 8:58 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member/Senator/Assembly Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Margaret L.Purdy Margie Purdy 3795 Monroe St Carlsbad, Ca 92008 margie Q purdyhomes.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Maxthon) I Council Internet Mailbox - CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US Page 1 From: cLCSeymour Q hotmail.com> To: <CouncilQ[]> Date: Mon, Jun 20,2005 10:40 PM Subject : CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the “Contact Us” form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. ............................................... Below, please find the information that was submitted: Please save Ponto Beach from being over developed. What has set Carlsbad apart from Oceanside has been the careful planning and even purchase of land (Hosp Grove) so that we are not over developed. Do the EIR! Do what is best for the residents. We live here all the time,unlike the tourists who would be the only ones benefitting from this project. This resort will do nothing for me or my family. Our jobs,schools, roads and infrastructure will not benefit from hotel rooms. As it is, you can barely see the beach because of the the sea wall, adding a high rise hotel to one of the last places you can see the ocean is a shame and unfair to all the residents of Carlsbad. Please rethink this development. The Constitution does not guarantee, nor does any law, that people have the right to make a profit from their land. Nor does it guarantee a right to develop that land. This is a speculative land deal, there are no guarantees. The rights of the property owners do not trump the rights of the citizens! Linda Seymour , 92008 LCSeymour Q hotmail.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1 ; YPC 3.2.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; yplus 4.1 .OOb) 67.1 16.208.154 I Council Internet Mailbox - CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US Page1 1 From: <unboundvoice@ yahoo.com> To: <CouncilQ[]~ Date: Mon, Jun 20,2005 11 :23 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Please stop the construction of the Ponto beach front hotel. Are we trying to ruin all of CA. North county is beautiful because of its lack of such things. Why turn Carlsbad into a Newport Beach? If we don't start now the entire coast line of southern CA with be hotels and parking structures. There will be no room left for a father and son to enjoy a day at their local beach, free from mobs of tourists, trafffic, and the headaches of overpopulation. Please don't take away our last gem. Ponto jetty and the city of Carlsbad are loved for there carefree family atmosphere. Another hotel will only hinder the city. And all those who grew up in Carlsbad will look at their city in sadness, remembering what once was. mike pickren , 92008 unboundvoice Q yahoo.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SVl; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) 00 1 Council Internet Mailbox - CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US Paae 1 I From: <phyllisbrady Q rnsn.com To: <Council Q[]> Date: Subject: Tue, Jun 21,2005 5:34 AM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: I understand that a hotel project is being discussed for Ponto Beach. PLEASE do NOT approve a development at PONTO BEACH without conducting an Environmental Impact Report of the area FIRST. Any discussion of putting a hotel on the beach without an EIR is putting the cart before the horse, and you need to be mindful of the repurcussions of such a project to the area and people of Carlsbad you represent. Thank you! Phyllis Brady 361 5 Haverhill St. Carlsbad, CA 92008 USA phyllisbrady@ rnsn.com Mozilld4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SVl) 20 From: <maggiehoodQadelphia.net> To: <Council@[]> Date: Subject: Tue, Jun 21,2005 7:13 AM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: I am concerned about the Ponto Beach Hotel Development and it's impact on the Beach, Wildlife and Batiquitos Lagoon where I live. I am requesting an Environmental Impact Study prior to proceeding with this project I maggiehood Q adelphia.net Mozilld4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SVl; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) 1 Council Internet Mailbox - CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US Page 1 I From: dobreed55 @ hotmail.com> To: ~Council@[]> Date: Tue, Jun 21,2005 7:41 AM Subject : CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member/Senator/Assembly Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Rob Reed Rob Reed 3203 Calle Vallarta Carlsbad, CA 92009 USA robreed55 @ hotmail.com Mozilld4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; Genzyme / 1 .Oa; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) 1 I Council Internet Mailbox - CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US Page 1 1 From: ejennifer @ sdsc.edu> To: ~Council@[]> Date: Subject : Tue, Jun 21,2005 7:43 AM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Save Ponto! and NO to "La Costa Town Square" there's a large population ready to replace the city coucil if it doesn't stop over building Carlsbad. Jenn if er Matt hews , 92009 jennifer@sdsc.edu Mozillah.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKiV412 (KHTML, like Gecko) SafarV412 132.239.1 53.83 From: To: Date: Subject : <maggiehood Q adelphia.net> <ManagerQ[]> Tue, Jun 21,2005 7:ll AM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to th- City of Carlsbad Web site has completed City Manager. nd posted the "Cor .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: act Us" form to departm I am concerned about the Ponto Beach Hotel Development and it's impact on the Beach, Wildlife and Batiquitos Lagoon where I live. I am requesting an Environmental Impact Study prior to proceeding with this project. J maggiehood Q adelphia.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SVl; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) 69.1 67.1 56.47 From: cjessicawhite27 Q yahoo.com> To: cCouncil@[]> Date: Mon, Jun 20,2005 11 :25 AM Subject : CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Jessica White jessica white jessicawhite27 Q yahoo.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0) 1 2.1 49.1 66.45 , 1 Council Internet Mailbox - CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US Page 1 From: ebenjbowen Q hotmail.com> To: eCouncilQ[]> Date: Mon, Jun 20,2005 1:30 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: ar Council Member/Senator/Assembly Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Ben Bowen Ben Bowen benjbowen 63 hotmail.com Mozilld4.O (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; Hotbar 1 June 14,2005 Attn: Carlsbad City Council CC: State Senator Bill Morrow Assembly Member Mark Wyland Council Chambers Carlsbad Clty Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Constituents, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. I believe it is essential that we allocate some oceanfront land to remain in its natural state providing not only land for the ecosystem but also land to serve legacy for future generations to enjoy. The State of California has very little natural coastal land left; an unfortunate result of corporate greed and political oversight. I urge you to take to path less traveled and provide a legacy for our children and future generations. Thankyou, Gavin P. McBride Carlsbad Resident and Registered Voter I Council Internet Mailbox - CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US Paae 1 I From: eellewinchellQ msn.com> To : <Council@[]~ Date: Subject: Sat, Jun 18,2005 12:56 AM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member/Senator/Assem bly Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Theresa Winchell Theresa Winchell 6550 Ponto Dr #43 Carlsbad, CA 92009 ellewinchell Qmsn.com Mozillal4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SVl; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; MSN 9.O;MSN 9.1; MSNbMSNI; MSNmen-us; MSNclA; MPLUS) I Council Internet Mailbox - CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US Page 1 I From: <melissavl@adelphia.net> To : <CouncilQ[]> Date: Sat, Jun 18, 2005 8:39 PM Subject : CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member/Senator/Assembly Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, , melissavlQadelphia.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90) 9 1 Council Internet Mailbox - CITY OF CARLSBAD 1 CONTACT US Page1 I From: <nakj760-n11 Qsbcglobal.net> To: <Council Q []> Date: Subject: Sat, Jun 18,2005 7:33 AM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: I am a resident of Carlsbad for 20 years and have many friends here. We all believe the city Council has trended in the wrong direction after many years of great service. Controlled growth has always been the motto of Carlsbad. Perform the Environmental Report on the Ponto project.!!!!! Don't try to hide this necessary step from the citizens of Carlsbad! , 92008 nakj760-nll Qsbcglobal.net Mozillal4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; YPC 3.0.3; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) 76 From: <cbsskaff @ yahoo.com> To: ~CouncilQ[]> Date: Mon, Jun 20,2005 10:59 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: To whom it may concern, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development of this plan. Thank you, Rosalie Skaff Rosalie Skaff 527 Meridian Way Carlsbad, CA 92009 San Diego cbss kaff Q yahoo.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SVl; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) 51 I Manaqer Internet Email - CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US Paqe 1 I From: <smokes1 Qsbcglobaheb To: <ManagerQ[]> Date: Tue, Jun 14,2005 548 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Manager. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: The Ponto Beach development sounds like a bloated and unecessary project for Carlsbad. As a new resident last year, I attended the Citizens Academy and heard officials talk about being responsive to the citizenry and how proud they were of the 1986 plan to put limts on growth. What happened to those plans? Why no environemntal impact study? Matthew Shakter 7121 Rockrose Terr , smokes1 Qsbcglobal.net Mozillal4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; yplus 4.1 .OOb) 68.1 24.89.1 53 From: <collette-dude1 Q msn.com> To: <Council@[]~ Date: Subject: Fri, Jun 17,2005 11:ll AM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: I am a 15 year old surfer that lives in the neighborhoods surrounding ponto. As a residenVsurfer I think the development of the open space by ponto would be a bad idea because with the new development ponto would be overcrowded and traffic would be horrible. Also when it rains all runoff goes out through the jetties and causes the surrounding water to be to polluted to surf. With this vision plan runoff would become even worse and the surrounding water may become to polluted.Thank you for your time. Concerned ResidenVSurfer Rick Collette 731 5 Seafarer PI. Carlsbad, California 92009 USA collette-dude1 Q rnsn.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SVl; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) 68 From: 4egallup Q yahoo.com> To: <CouncilQ[]> Date: Subject: Thu, Jun 16,2005 3:09 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A Visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council. One the things that makes Carlsbad special is it's beaches. The proposed evelopment of the Ponto Area is overbloan and unnecessary. Carlsbda shoudl concentrate on the redevlopment of The Village area instead of spoiling the last remaining beachfront open space in the city. The Forum and all the other housing slated for Carlsbad is enough!!! I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Ted Gallup Carlsbad, CA 92008 tegallup@ yahoo.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) 162.1 19.232.105 From: <gary-bmw@ pacbell.net> To: <Council Q []> Date: Wed, Jun 15,2005 10:36 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member/Senator/Assembly Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Gary M. Farinacci Gary Farinacci 2900 Wintergreen Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 San Diego gary-bmwQ pacbell.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) From: <Neekagirll 1 SQaol.com> To: <Council@[]> Date: Subject : Tue, Jun 14,2005 4:25 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member/Senator/Assembly Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. This "Vision" is not right for the city and it's residents! Thank you, Monique C Leibee Monique L. Carlsbad, CA 92009 Neekagirll 19Qaol.com Mozilla/4.O (compatible; MSIE 6.0; AOL 8.0; Windows NT 5.1) 207.200.1 16.1 96 From: <amanjen Q adelphia.net> To: <CouncilQ[]> Date: Subject: Tue, Jun 14,2005 1 :47 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member/Senator/Assembly Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, The Godfreys The Godfrey's 7407 Carlina St. Carlsbad, ca 92009 amanjen Qadelphia.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SVl; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) 69.1 60.1 32.22 From: <marlenehl Qadelphia.net> To: <CouncilQ[]~ Date: Tue, Jun 14,2005 12:48 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member/Senator/Assembly Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Marlene Hanson Marlene Hanson 61 2 Navigator Ct. Carlsbad, CA 92009 marlenehl Qadelphia.net Mozilld4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705) From: <dpleso Q sbcglobal.net> To: <CouncilQ[]> Date: Subject: Mon, Jun 13,2005 8:38 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. ............................................... FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member/Senator/Assembly Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Dana Pleso A concerned Carlsbad Home Owner Dana Pleso Paseo Salinero Carlsbad, Ca 92009 dpleso Q sbcglobal.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1 ; SVl) 67.1 16.21 8.236 From: cCGherbQaol.com> To: cCouncil@[]> Date: Subject: Mon, Jun 13,2005 559 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: I am concerned about the "Ponto Beachfront Development Plan" and its impact on the environment and our beautiful beach. Fine sandy beaches are rare and Ponto is one of the finest beaches in Carlsbad and attracts many tourists. This development plan is being implemented with no environmental impact report, no concern for the impact on the traffic, and no concern for the impact on our beach community. Please stop this ill fated plan and save our precious resources that are responsible for more revenue than that of a few hotels and restaraunts. Christopher Herbert 3304'Calle San Blas Carlsbad, CA 92009 CGherb@aol.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SVl) 6 From: <plehrmann Q hotmail.com> To: <CouncilQ[]> Date: Sun, Jun 12,2005 3:58 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Member/Senator/Assembly Member, I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, Patrick Lehrmann Patrick Lehrmann 1306 Statice Ct Carlsbad, CA 92009 plehrmann 62 hotmail.com Mozilld4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) 66.1 46.1 90.1 0 From: <slcarrolll @sbcglobal.net> To: ~CouncilQ[]> Date: Sun, Jun 12,2005 1:41 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: You are our City Council and are voted to protect our city's best interest. You have obviously not done what we voted for you to do. Regarding the Ponto Beach planned development, I, as a 20 year resident of Carlsbad totally object. I recall when we voted for a no-growth measure. Well, I understand progress, and I know it is necessary to develope and improve a city for it to remain healthy. But lands directly adjacent to the pristine Pacific Ocean NEED: An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT CONTROL OVER THE ACTUAL OUTCOME REASONABLE TRAFFIC STUDIES PROTECTION OF THE BATlQUlTOS LAGOON ECOLOGICAL RESERVE. I AM A VERY CONCERNED CARLSBAD RESIDENT! Stephanie Carroll 6926 Peach Tree Rd. Carlsbad, CA 92009 Stephanie Carroll 6926 Peach Tree Rd. Carlsbad, CA 92009-3934 slcarrolll Qsbcglobal.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; sbcydsl 3.12; YPC 3.0.1; FunWebProducts) 67.127.1 58.221 From: <johndQtfb.com> To: ~CouncilQ[]> Date: Subject: A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. Fri, Jun 10, 2005 7:26 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US .............................................. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. .............................................. Below, please find the information that was submitted: I am a homeowner just off of La Costa Ave, with a very small view of Ponto beach. Ponto is where I go with my family. Ruining my view, and my accessibility with a hotels and parking garages will definitely , negatively impact my experience as a Carlsbad resident. Thousands of my neighbors will remember this at the next election. This project is not good for Carlsbad. I am concerned about the impact that the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan will have on South Carlsbad State Beach and the Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. I want the City of Carlsbad to perform a full Environmental Impact Report prior to approving development for this plan. Thank you, John DeLand La Costa John DeLand 3350 Del Rio Ct. Carlsbad, CA 92009 johndQtfb.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSlE 6.0; Windows 98) 72.1 4.1 41.1 83