HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-06-28; City Council; 18188 Exhibit C; Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan Ponto beachfront village Draft Vision plan May 2005 Prepared for City of Carlsbad Prepared by RBF Consulting / Urban Design Studio City of Carlsbad Ponto Beachfront village Vision Plan Table of Contents Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction Section 1.1 Intent and Background.....................................1 Section 1.2 Context...............................................................4 Section 1.3 Planning Process..............................................17 Chapter 2 The Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Section 2.1 Vision Defined...................................................1 Section 2.2 Land Use...........................................................12 Section 2.3 Circulation System..........................................19 Section 2.4 Parking...............................................................29 Section 2.5 Streetscape Design.........................................31 Section 2.6 Community Amenities...................................42 Chapter 3 Design Guidelines Section 3.1 Introduction.......................................................1 Section 3.2 Mixed Use/Commercial...................................2 Section 3.3 Live-Work..........................................................5 Section 3.4 Resort/Hotel......................................................6 Section 3.5 Townhouse Neighborhood............................8 Section 3.6 Pedestrian Plazas and Courtyards ..............10 Section 3.7 Landscaping......................................................11 Section 3.8 Parking...............................................................12 Section 3.9 Commercial Signs...........................................15 Chapter 4 Implementation Section 4.1 Introduction........................................................1 Section 4.2 Existing Regulatory Status ...............................1 Section 4.3 Plan-Wide Implementation ............................4 Section 4.4 Project Implementation....................................5 Section 4.5 Infrastructure......................................................8 APPendix I Appendix I-A Goals for South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area........................................1 Appendix I-B Alternative Alignments for Carlsbad Boulevard............................................................3 Appendix I-C Land Use Alternatives Presented at the August 2003 Property Owners Workshop...........................................................6 APPendix II (separate document) City of Carlsbad Ponto Beachfront village Vision Plan Table of Contents List of Figures Chapter 1 Introduction Figure 1.1 Ponto Study Area and Smaller Area of Future Development.........................................................2 Figure 1.2 South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area.........................................................................2 Figure 1.3 Surrounding Land Uses.......................................3 Figure 1.4 Jurisdictional Waters in Area of Future Development.........................................................6 Figure 1.5 Vegetation Communities....................................9 Figure 1.6 Soils and Geologic Units...................................12 Figure 1.7 Ponto Topography.............................................13 Figure 1.8 Existing Major Utility Lines...............................14 Chapter 2 The Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Figure 2.1 Ponto Beachfront Village Character Areas....2 Figure 2.2 Ponto Beachfront Village Land Use Themes.................................................................18 Figure 2.3 Interim Access to Frontage Road...................20 Figure 2.4 Livable Streets and Traffic Calming Elements...............................................................21 Figure 2.5 Ponto Beachfront Village Circulation System...................................................................22 Figure 2.6 Typical Carlsbad Boulevard Cross-Section..23 Figure 2.7 Carlsbad Boulevard Realignment Detail ......23 Figure 2.8 Typical Ponto Drive Cross-Section...............24 Figure 2.9 Alternative Ponto Drive/Beach Way Design with Roundabout ...............................................24 Figure 2.10 Pedestrian Underpass Concept......................26 Figure 2.11 Pedestrian and Bicycle Circulation System..28 Figure 2.12 Gateway Design Concepts..............................31 Figure 2.13 Gateways.............................................................32 Figure 2.14 Wayfinding Signage Concepts.........................36 Figure 2.15 Private Property/Drive Lighting Concepts...38 Figure 2.16 Street Furniture Concepts...............................39 Figure 2.17 Street Furniture Concepts...............................40 Chapter 4 Implementation Figure 4.1 Existing General Plan Land Use.........................2 Figure 4.2 Existing City Zoning.............................................3 Figure 4.3 Interim Access to Frontage Road.....................9 Figure 4.4 Fuel Line and Force Main Alignment.............11 Figure 4.5 Storm Drain Realignment ................................12 Figure 4.6 Backbone Sewer System – Alternative 1: Single Gravity System........................................15 Figure 4.7 Backbone Sewer System – Alternative 2: Two Independent Systems........................................16 City of Carlsbad Ponto Beachfront village Vision Plan Table of Contents APPendix I Figure I-B.1: Carlsbad Boulevard Realignment Alternatives ..................................................................................5 Figure I-C.1: Land Use Concepts 1A and 1B.........................7 Figure I-C.2: Land Use Concepts 2 and 3...............................8 Chapter 1 Chapter 1 introduction City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 1 - Page 1 Chapter 1: Introduction Section 1.1: Intent & Background The Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan is intended to provide guidance for development of the Ponto area, as directed by City of Carlsbad’s General Plan and the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area Project. The Plan sets forth a Vision of what Ponto could be; presents goals and objectives that support the Vision; and provides an implementation strategy and design guidelines for the projects that will implement the Vision. The Vision Plan is intended for use by prospective developers and their consultants, City of Carlsbad staff, and those performing design review on individual projects. The conceptual site plan contains a level of detail necessary to visually depict the desired land uses, circulation, and major design components; however, it is recognized that actual development site plans will change, which is acceptable if the overall Vision is still achieved. Project Goals The City recognizes the importance of the Ponto area relative to the City of Carlsbad. Its prime coastal location at the City’s south edge, across from a State Park beach campground and near new single-family neighborhoods, offers the opportunity for the Ponto area to become an integral and vibrant part of Carlsbad, providing amenities for both tourists and City residents. The City’s goals for the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan are: y Establish the Southern Coastal Gateway to the City. y Accommodate a balanced and cohesive mix of local and tourist serving commercial, medium- and high-density residential, mixed use, live/work, and open space land use opportunities that are economically viable and support the implementation of these goals. y Provide site design guidelines that require street scenes and site plans to respect pedestrian scale and express a cohesive and high-quality architectural theme. y Establish a pattern of pedestrian and bicycle accessibility that links the planning areas internally as well as with adjacent existing and planned pedestrian and bicycle facilities. y Provide expanded beach access. y Establish a mixed use district that encourages local and tourist-oriented retail, commercial, recreational and residential uses. y Require landscape architecture that celebrates the historic past and horticultural heritage of the City. y Assure that public facilities and services meet the requirements of the Growth Management Plan. y Conform with the General Plan, Amended Zone 9 and 22 Local Facilities Management Plans (LFMP), applicable City ordinances, regulations and policies. Study Area The Ponto study area is an approximately 130-acre relatively narrow strip of land, approximately 1/8 mile wide and 1-1/2 miles long, located between Carlsbad Boulevard and tracks for the San Diego Northern Railroad. Portions of the Plan area extend north to Poinsettia Lane and south to La Costa Avenue. For purposes of this Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan, however, the area considered viable for future development is much smaller. It consists of approximately 50 acres, with its northern limit at Ponto Drive and its southern limit at the Batiquitos Lagoon (Figure 1.1). City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 1 - Page 2 General Plan The City of Carlsbad General Plan (as amended) identifies Ponto as an area with special planning considerations and directs its development to conform to the Ponto Vision and Land Use Strategy Plan (the Plan.) Submittal of a Site Development Plan is required, which will include review for conformance with the intent of this Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan and its Design Guidelines. The Plan’s Design Guidelines supplement and are subject to existing regulatory controls, including the zoning standards adopted by City of Carlsbad. Redevelopment Area Plan As seen in Figure 1.2, a portion of the Ponto study area is within the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area (SCCRA), which was established in July 2000. The SCCRA Redevelopment Plan gives the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission the legal authority to use various powers to achieve the Redevelopment Plan’s goals. A complete list of the original twelve goals for the Redevelopment Plan is found in Appendix I-A of this document; however, the overall intent can be summarized as follows: y Strengthen and stimulate the economic base y Enhance commercial and recreation functions y Increase amenities to benefit the public y Increase and improve the affordable housing supply y Assure quality design in the area’s development Development of the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan is the first step toward achieving the Redevelopment Area’s overall intent. Figure 1.1 Ponto study area & smaller area of future DEVELOPMENT Figure 1.2 South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 1 - Page 3 Plan Organization This Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan is organized into the following chapters: Chapter 1: Introduction This Chapter provides an overview of the Plan, including intent and purpose, Plan goals and objectives, background information on study area conditions, the planning process and public outreach activities, and how this Plan fits within the City of Carlsbad’s regulatory environment. Chapter 2: Ponto Vision This Chapter defines the Vision for the Ponto area and presents the subarea land use themes, circulation patterns for vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles, parking, streetscape and gateways, and Plan amenities. Chapter 3: Design Guidelines Design guidelines are provided for the subarea types: resort/hotel; mixed use/commercial; townhouse neighborhood and live/work areas. The guidelines address site planning factors, parking and circulation, architecture, landscaping, signage and public spaces / amenities. Chapter 4: Implementation Program This Chapter details the permit and entitlement process to develop properties within the Plan area and describes the general phasing to implement various components of the Plan. Appendix I This section of this Vision Plan includes items referenced in the document: Goals for South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area, Carlsbad Boulevard realignment alternatives (comparison and graphics), and land use alternative graphics presented at the August 2003 property owners workshop. Appendix II Technical Studies Appendix to Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan, under separate cover, contains technical studies prepared for this Vision Plan, including reports on biological resources, wetland delineation, cultural resources, geological constraints and traffic constraints. City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 1 - Page 4 Section 1.2: Context Historically, the Ponto frontage road area consisted of single-family homes. Today, some of the homes have on-site businesses, such as a metal fabrication shop, firewood storage lot, and antiques business. On the land slightly east of these homes are a dog boarding kennel and self-storage buildings (Figure 1.3). Prior to construction of Avenida Encinas and the new portion of Ponto Drive, there was a system of on ramps, off ramps, an underpass and a frontage road that served the Ponto neighborhood. Avenida Encinas was built to support the Poinsettia Shores residential areas east of Ponto. In 2000, the Hanover Beach Colony residential neighborhood was built immediately north of Ponto. Northeast of Ponto is Lakeshore Gardens, a mobile home park. Shopping and services for the residential neighborhoods are located along Avenida Encinas east of the residential areas. South of Ponto is Batiquitos Lagoon. Directly west of Ponto on the oceanfont bluffs adjacent to Carlsbad Boulevard are the campsites of California’s South Carlsbad State Beach, with the beach and ocean below. Existing conditions Although the area of future development for Ponto is approximately 50 acres, the technical studies undertaken for the Vision Plan looked at the larger 130-acre area (Figure 1.1). City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 1 - Page 5 Figure 1.3 Surrounding Land Uses City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 1 - Page 6 Archaeological A cultural resource survey, including research of previous work, was conducted in June 2003 to identify cultural resource sites, features, or isolated finds on the Ponto land area. A light scatter of shell, several flakes, and two stone tools were observed during a survey of the Ponto study area. Using previous research, one site was located on the north side of Batiquitos Lagoon, west of the railroad tracks on a point of land that overlooks a habitat and revegetation area and the slough; however, the site does not indicate great age. Because there may be a subsurface component, it is recommended that any proposed project on this site complete some additional testing to establish its condition, content, and research potential. For additional detail, refer to Appendix II-A, “Cultural Resource Constraints Study of the Ponto Area Plan” (June 2003) prepared by RECON, which is found in the separate document, Technical Studies Appendix to Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan. Wetland Delineation and Biological Wetland Delineation A wetland delineation and study was conducted in the survey area to identify the location of all “jurisdictional waters,” where the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) have some regulatory authority. Any impacts to jurisdictional waters are considered significant and should be avoided. In addition, regulatory agencies often require that a buffer be maintained between jurisdictional wetlands and waters and any development. The buffer width can vary, but is typically 100 feet. One non-wetland water of USACE and CFDG jurisdiction occurs in the Ponto area where future development is planned (Figure 1.4). A 572-foot long drainage averaging three feet wide originates east of Carlsbad Boulevard at Ponto Drive. USACE and CDFG have jurisdiction over approximately 0.04 acres of the drainage. CDFG has jurisdiction over an additional 0.05 acres of riparian vegetation (two willow trees) and the area between the banks of the drainage. The drainage runs south through an empty lot to a concrete ditch, Figure 1.4 Jurisdictional Waters in Area of Future Development City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 1 - Page 7 which connects to a drain that then connects to the Pacific Ocean. The drainage is ephemeral, most likely exhibiting surface flow in times of high precipitation. Surface flows likely originate as runoff from Ponto Drive and surrounding lots. The USACE policy is for “no net loss”, however, this Vision Plan intends that any impacts to this drainage should be addressed by on-site mitigation consisting of an enhanced wetland area. On Ponto’s southern edge, outside of the area planned for future development, is a jurisdictional wetland. Located just east of Carlsbad Boulevard, this created wetland is a 0.62-acre freshwater marsh that acts as a detention basin to collect surface runoff from surrounding areas before draining into Batiquitos Lagoon. Water exits the wetland through a drain on its east side and flows into the lagoon. Although there are additional jurisdictional waters located within the larger Ponto survey area, none of those waters are within the sites considered for Ponto’s future development. For additional detail, refer to Appendix II-B, “Wetland Delineation Report for the Ponto Land Use Strategy and Vision Project” (December 2003) prepared by RECON, which is found in the separate document, Technical Studies Appendix to Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan. Vegetation The area envisioned for future development in this Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan does not contain sensitive vegetation communities, except an area between the Carlsbad Boulevard traffic lanes and the narrow drainage channel discussed in Wetland Delineation section above. The area of sensitive habitat that would be considered significant and need mitigation if impacted by re-alignment of Carlsbad Boulevard and pedestrian circulation paths includes a narrow strip of “Disturbed Coastal Sage Scrub” located in the median of Carlsbad Boulevard. In the Coastal Zone, the mitigation ratio for Coastal sage scrub is 2:1. Three-foot wide drainage area Batiquitos Lagoon located south of future development area City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 1 - Page 8 As seen on Figure 1.5, the area intended for future development is primarily designated “Developed” or “Disturbed.” The City of Carlsbad regulates impacts to disturbed lands and requires mitigation for impacts to these areas. There are two sensitive habitat areas outside the area intended for future development, but close by – “Maritime Succulent Scrub” and a fresh water marsh on the north edge of the Batiquitos Lagoon. Development in the area will need to avoid any impacts to these areas. Four sensitive plant species were observed on site, some of which may be found on the Disturbed Lands vegetation community designated for future development (see Table 1). Impacts to California Native Plant Society (CNPS) List 1B and 2 plant species would be considered significant. These species should be avoided where possible. Impacts would likely need to be mitigated through transplantation of any impacted species or inclusion of the species in the plant palette of proposed restoration. Impacts to CNPS List 3 and 4 species would likely be considered adverse but less than significant and would not pose any constraints to development. It is recommended that focused survey should be conducted to accurately map the population of the Nuttall’s lotus and California boxthorn. For additional detail, refer to Appendix II-C, “Existing Conditions Report for the Ponto Land Use Strategy and Vision Project” (December 2003) prepared by RECON, which is found in the separate document, Technical Studies Appendix to Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan. Table 1 On-site Sensitive Plant Species List per California Native Plant Society (CNPS) Species CNPS List Significance Juncus acutus ssp. Leopoldii (Southwestern spiny rush) Found on Disturbed lands habitat 4 A watch list of species of limited distribution, which need to be monitored for change in status of population. Lotus nuttallianus (Nuttall’s lotus) Found on Beach habitat 1B Species rare, threatened or endangered in California or elsewhere. These species are eligible for state listing. Lycium californicum (California box thorn) Found on Maritime succulent scrub habitat 2 Species rare, threatened or endangered in California but which are more common elsewhere. These species are eligible for state listing. Suaeda taxifolia (Woolly sea-blite) Found on Disturbed southern coastal bluff scrub habitat 4 See above City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 1 - Page 9 Figure 1.5 Vegetation communities City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 1 - Page 10 Wildlife Except for the open water inlet connecting Batiquitos Lagoon to the Pacific Ocean, most of the Ponto study does not function as a wildlife movement corridor. Development of the study area would not significantly reduce the habitat of either the observed American peregrine falcon or the California horned lark and these species do not pose any potential constraints. Impacts to any western burrowing owl and coastal California gnatcatcher bird species would be significant, if present, and could pose a constraint to development of the disturbed lands and disturbed coastal sage scrub, respectively. It is recommended that focused protocol surveys for these species be conducted to determine whether they are present within the study area. For additional detail, refer to Appendix II-C, “Existing Conditions Report for the Ponto Land Use Strategy and Vision Project” (December 2003) prepared by RECON, which is found in the separate document, Technical Studies Appendix to Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan. Geotechnical A geotechnical study was undertaken with the following objectives: y Identify any significant constraints to the planned development of the study area. y Provide a bluff retreat analysis along the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard and in the vicinity of the Batiquitos Lagoon Bridge. y Recommend criteria for any remedial grading Soil and Geologic Units The Ponto area sits on coastal terraces created during the Pleistocene age, which ended approximately 11,000 years ago. The principal soil and geologic units in the area are briefly described below and are shown on Figure 1.6. Land-Derived Artificial Fill Soils (Qaf1): The engineered fills used for the railroad and principal roadways in the area consist of this sand and gravel mix. Hydraulic Beach Fill (Qaf2): Most of these fill soils, consisting of fine sands, were dredged from Batiquitos Lagoon to create Least Tern nesting habitat. Alluvium (Qal) / Sand Beach (Qb1) / Shingle Beach (Qb2): These are naturally deposited lagoon sediments, beach sands and gravel and cobbles that cover the area beaches. Quaternary Terrace Deposits (Qt): The light tan to reddish brown sandy soils that cover nearly all the west-sloping land in the study area. Santiago Formation (Ts): The exposed underlying bedrock visible in the lower portions of coastal bluffs in South Carlsbad State Beach and along the north shoreline of Batiquitos Lagoon. This formation is relatively resistant to wave erosion. Ponto area soil City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 1 - Page 11 Coastal Bluff Erosion The geotechnical study found that coastal erosion of the beach within the State Park boundaries might reach a half-foot per year, and even less if sand replenishment projects continue. The approximately 1,000 feet of Carlsbad Boulevard roadway embankment that extends south of the State Beach is not protected by the State Park’s bluff top area; however, it is estimated that the beach may only erode at the rate of one to two inches per year in this area, and even less if beach replenishment occurs. The eastern edge of the Carlsbad Boulevard roadway embankment and the northerly edge of the Batiquitos Lagoon shoreline is made of the erosion-resistant Santiago formation that at most, should only erode at less than one inch per year. For additional detail, refer to Appendix II-D, “Geotechnical Constraints and Opportunities Ponto Area Land Use Plan” (June 2003) prepared by RECON, which is found in the separate document, Technical Studies Appendix to Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan. Topographical Topography in the Ponto area is generally very gently sloping, although there are some areas with greater elevation change. Figure 1.7 shows elevation contours at 10-foot intervals, areas of relatively low elevation and areas with views. The area south of Avenida Encinas is a bluff area that has excellent views out to Batiquitos Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean. Where Ponto Drive intersects Avenida Encinas is a high point; Ponto Drive slopes down into the area of lowest elevations, where the former offramps and underpass for Old Highway 101 were located. These areas of low elevation are problematic for hookups to future sewer infrastructure and also limit visibility of commercial businesses from Carlsbad Boulevard. If the grades were raised slightly higher, it would facilitate sewer hook ups and improve business visibility. High elevation points for lots along the frontage road occur just south of Ponto Drive’s intersection with Carlsbad Boulevard. Utilities Several existing major utility lines running through the Ponto area create limitations for future development unless re-located. The utilities follow the alignment of the Old U.S. 101 off ramp pattern that previously existed in the Ponto area. As seen on Figure 1.8, these utilities include a 12-inch high pressure gas fuel line operated by Southern California Gas; three sewer force mains that transport Leucadia Water District flows to the Encinas treatment facility; and an 84-inch storm drain that collects flows from residential areas north of Ponto for conveyance to Batiquitos Lagoon. Further discussion of utility relocations is found in Chapter 4, Implementation. Areas of low elevation east of Carlsbad Boulevard City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 1 - Page 12 Figure 1.7 Ponto topography Figure 1.6 Soils and geologic units City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 1 - Page 13 Figure 1.7 Ponto topography City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 1 - Page 14 Figure 1.8 Existing Major Utility Lines City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 1 - Page 15 Carlsbad Boulevard Re-alignment Study As preparation for this Vision Plan, a re-alignment study was done to determine the potential benefits of moving Carlsbad Boulevard lanes to either the west or to the east of their current location. It was determined that moving the southbound lanes further east was most beneficial to the overall goals and objectives of the Vision Plan. The eastward alignment provides land on the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard on which to locate community amenities (pedestrian underpass, beach parking spaces, multi-use trail, and median beautification). In addition, there are potential opportunities for the State Parks campground to expand onto land vacated by the re-alignment. Carlsbad Boulevard’s re-alignment of southbound lanes to the east also creates continuity with the recent re-alignment done as part of Hanover Beach Colony to the north. The preferred alignment and the resulting community amenities are discussed further and shown in Chapter 2. Graphic depictions and discussion of alternative alignments for Carlsbad Boulevard are found in Appendix I-B of this document. LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM (LCP) Review of the existing Local Coast Program (LCP) was done to determine its compatibility with the goals and intent of the Ponto Vision Plan. The Ponto area intended for future development lies within the Mello II Area of the LCP. The following briefly summarizes key points in the LCP that are addressed by this Ponto Vision Plan: y Maximize public access to and along the coast and maximize public recreational opportunities in the coastal zone consistent with the rights of private property owners. y Visitor-serving uses (hotel/motel and restaurant) should be established. y Mixed use development (residential and recreational-commercial) shall be permitted by right on properties fronting on Carlsbad Blvd across from South Carlsbad State Beach. y There is evidence of poorly-maintained and ill-defined walkways along much of the day use portion of South Carlsbad State Beach. These existing access points shall be improved as part of a State Parks and Recreation Master Plan for Carlsbad State Beaches. y In the “Unplanned Area” of Ponto, which roughly corresponds to the vacant land area north of Avenida Encinas, specific planning efforts are required. The intent is not to limit uses to entirely non-residential. Future uses could include commercial, residential, office and others. Consider the need for lower cost visitor or recreation facilities on west side of the railroad tracks. y In the area south of Avenida Encinas, hotel and timeshare units are allowed, with other uses primarily directed toward tourists visiting hotel, conference center and local scenic and recreation areas. y On the southern bluff edge overlooking Batiquitos Lagoon, bluff top accessways or equivalent, overlook areas and a bike/pedestrian path should be provided. Land has been conveyed to the State Lands Commission as part of the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Plan (BLEP), and any activities must be consistent with BLEP. City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 1 - Page 16 STATE PARKS MASTER PLAN The 1984 San Diego Coastal State Park System General Plan, which addresses the South Carlsbad State Beach, was reviewed to determine where the Vision Plan could support the State Park General Plan. The following points from the State Park General Plan are compatible with the goals and design components of the Ponto Vision Plan: y “The purpose of San Diego coast state beaches is to make available to the people, for their benefit and enjoyment forever, the scenic and recreational resources inherent to the coastal beaches and adjacent uplands of San Diego County. y Regarding allowable use intensity, the higher elevation Terrace lands, are capable of high-intensity public use and development with appropriate setbacks…Innovative approaches, such as portable buildings and controlled pedestrian accessways, will be used to provide recreation opportunities.” y Accepted assumptions for working toward solutions of the Park’s identified problems include: y à Future extension of Poinsettia Lane to Carlsbad Boulevard (work has been completed.) à Area around SCSB will become increasingly urban. à Carlsbad Boulevard acts as a present and future buffer against urbanized land uses. City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 1 - Page 17 Section 1.3: Planning Process The Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan was created by City staff and consultants, using input such as existing planning documents, planning principles, technical studies and two workshops with property owners. Information from the technical studies is presented in the previous section. property owners workshops Two workshops were held for Ponto property owners to update them on the plan’s progress, gather input on specific issues, and hear feedback on land use alternatives. Within the City’s overall goals for the Ponto area are Plan objectives directed to the property owners: Objectives: y Provide options for land use; y Increase flexibility for property owners to respond to market conditions; y Increase opportunities and individual decision-making for small lot property owners; y Continue to consider environmental factors and conditions; and y Create a neighborhood and amenities that contribute to the surrounding area and City as a whole. August 13, 2003 Workshop. Twenty-four Ponto area property owners and their representatives attended the August 13, 2003 workshop. A PowerPoint slide show outlined the Ponto area’s existing conditions and presented three Land Use Alternatives, which are briefly summarized below (see Appendix I-C for illustrations of the alternatives). Following presentation of the three Land Use Alternatives, workshop participants responded to an interactive Post-It exercise. Based on what they had heard so far, participants noted the three things they liked most and disliked most about the three land use alternatives. These responses are summarized on the following page. Alternative 1A and 1B – Ponto Village Both alternatives for the Ponto Village concept proposed a local oriented relaxed, beach-like neighborhood through the addition of housing, small-scale commercial, lodging, and other amenities. Alternative 1B included re-alignment of Carlsbad Boulevard lanes to the east to create a multi-use linear park and additional parking, while Alternative 1A did not propose any re-alignment changes. Alternative 2 Ponto Beach District The Ponto Beach District concept proposed a moderately-scaled community destination of one- and two-story buildings, with a strong activity center created by townhouses, a concentrated mixed use area (retail and restaurants with residential above), lodging, and a community amenity such as an arts center or beach interpretive center. Also included was the multi-use linear park and additional parking described in Alternative 1B. Alternative 3 Ponto Waterfront District The Ponto Waterfront District concept proposed a similar land use pattern to Alternative 2, but with a larger mixed use area and a smaller townhouse area. Unlike the other alternatives, Ponto Road would be re-aligned, with a roundabout added as a design feature and for traffic calming reasons. Following the interactive Post-It exercise, participants organized into two groups -- one group included the larger parcel owners, while the other group was comprised of the smaller parcels owners. Led by facilitators, the two groups separately discussed the three land use alternatives and provided feedback, which was recorded on large note pads. Following the small group discussions, each group’s major discussion points were reported back to the larger group and participants were informed of the next steps in the project process. City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 1 - Page 18 LIKES Land Use Š Landmark building on bluff Š Mixed-use area Š Mixed resort & timeshare use for bluff site Š Residential use for middle area of property Š Hotel site – Bed & Breakfast Š Hotels Š Commercial Village Š Mixed-use residential above shops Density Š What is the density of housing? Š More residential density Zoning Š Is this zoned residential? Š Zoning designator – what is the zone “RT?” Š Is this zoned for townhomes? Roadway Realignment Š Scheme with street realignment Š Realignment of Ponto Road with round-about incorporated Š Ponto Road improvements Flexibility for Landowners Š We want to be able to develop our own property Š Alternative One is the only one that works with the Hovnanian development plan DISLIKES Hotel & Residential Uses Š Alternatives 2 & 3 Š Large hotel without complementing shops Š Timeshares Š High density residential Š Hotels with restaurants Š Large hotels not consistent with village atmosphere Š Metro Ocean Group plans to build a suite hotel or bed and breakfast on their site (one-acre/ocean view) Height & Density Š Height limit is too low for the landmark hotel Š Low-rise commercial less than 3-story Š Commercial and retail are not viable Š Small village/one-story commercial – This is an isolated and small area. No customers. Roadway Realignment Š Moving Carlsbad Boulevard east of the existing eastern limits Š Land-locked properties should have direct access to new Ponto Road Biological Resources Š Impacts to Least Tern at lagoon Noise Š Family hotel next to railroad tracks – consider noise impacts Responses from question asked at August 13, 2003 workshop: “What 3 things do you like most and dislike most about the Land Use Alternatives that you’ve heard so far?” City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 1 - Page 19 December 15, 2003 Meeting. Attended by 19 Ponto area property owners and their representatives, the meeting’s purpose was to present a revised Land Use Plan that responded to the property owners’ comments from the previous meeting and also included City staff recommendations. Two alternatives were presented, with the main difference being some changes in the internal circulation pattern and land use configuration. The group resoundingly preferred the land use alternative that used existing lot lines and ownership to form the land use configuration and circulation for Ponto Drive. AGENCY MEETINGS Following the first Property Owner workshop, City staff and consultants held separate meetings with local staff of the California Coastal Commission and in the office of State Parks Division. The purpose was both to inform the agencies of the planning efforts to date and to get their input on the proposed land uses, public amenities and design components. Their comments are summarized below: Meeting with Local Coastal Commission Staff y Liked range of lodging types and diversity of tourist-related facilities. y Enthusiastic about community amenity opportunities, pathway linking eastern residential areas to beach, and the below-grade pedestrian passage to the west side of Carlsbad Blvd. y Indicated that any impacts to jurisdictional waters must be carefully scrutinized. y Interested in increasing the amount and availability of public parking for beachgoers. Meeting with State Parks Staff y Acknowledged increased beach access and more users are desirable, but only if coupled with funding assistance to address need for more restrooms, user access ramps to the beach, and lifeguard services. y Interpretation signage is desired, plus signage regarding dogs, riptide dangers, etc, which could be located along the Vision Plan’s proposed linear park. y Opportunities exist for new development to contribute features and maintenance fees for amenities that benefit their clientele, e.g., stairways for beach access. y Interested in how the surplus land created by re-alignment of Carlsbad Boulevard can work to the Park’s benefit. y Acknowledged that the existing San Elijo campground further south is successfully interactive with its surrounding commercial environment. Community Workshop A community-wide workshop to present the Draft Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan was held August 26, 2004 at the City's Faraday Building. Approximately 45 community members attended, including property owners, their representatives, and residents from the surrounding neighborhoods. The Draft Vision Plan was described to attendees through use of a PowerPoint presentation, while over-sized exhibits of the Plan's land use character areas and the Vision poster were placed on easels around the room. Attendees received a packet of summary materials and two copies of the entire Draft Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan document were available for review. Chapter 2 Chapter 2 the ponto beachfront village vision City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 1 chapter 2: the Ponto beachfront Village Vision Section 2.1: Vision Defined Vision Statement The Ponto Beachfront Village is an active pedestrian- and bicycle-oriented, mixed use area with a strong sense of place and a unique California coastal architectural character. The concentration of specialty retail, restaurants, plazas, and a community-based nature and art center make it both a community and local destination for families. An informal mix of townhouses, live-work units, and mixed use residential enhance the vitality and add life to the Village. Pedestrians and cyclists alike find it easy to get around with the beachfront and bluff top trails, the pedestrian underpass connection to the beach, and the many dedicated pathways throughout the Village, while environmental enthusiasts find the interpretive wetland park a must-see. Beach-goers and campers appreciate the convenient and fun services in the Ponto Beachfront Village, as well as the new parking spaces provided along the beautifully landscaped Carlsbad Boulevard. The Ponto Beachfront Village is a truly special place in the City of Carlsbad that is enjoyed by both visitors and residents. Key Principles Š Strong sense of place Š Balance of tourist-serving and neighborhood uses Š Pedestrian-and bicycle friendly Š Unique architectural character Š Abundant landscaping Š Gateways Š Community trail system Š Enhanced beach access Š Convenient parking opportunities Character areas Six distinct character areas contribute to the overall vision for the Ponto Beach Village: y Mixed Use Center y Beachfront Resort y Townhouse Neighborhood y Village Hotel y Live-Work Neighborhood y Garden Hotel The visions for each of the above character areas are described on the following pages. The illustrated concepts of the vision are intended to establish an ideal scenario; individual Ponto Beachfront Village projects may be implemented differently. Although the Ponto Vision Plan area is divided into specific character areas with designated land uses, the Vision Plan is also intended to allow some flexibility to respond to changing conditions. Therefore, this Plan will allow for a designated land use in one character area to extend into a portion of an adjacent character area, provided that the overall intent of the Ponto Vision Plan is not compromised. Any such extension would require approval of the Director of Housing and Redevelopment and the Director of Planning. City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 2 Exhibit 2.1 Ponto Beachfront Village Character Areas City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 3 Mixed Use Center The Mixed Use Center serves as the “heart” of the Ponto Beachfront Village. In this lively center, are a variety of small specialty shops, services, restaurants, offices, housing, and a central community amenity. The mix of uses – both horizontal and vertical – creates an active and vibrant area. A four level parking garage (one level underground, three above) provides ample parking for the Beachfront Village shops and attractions. Small shops line the portion of the garage facing the plaza, heightening the level of outdoor activity. Because the garage is in a slightly depressed part of the project area, the visual impact is minimal and does not impede surrounding neighborhood views. Rooftop parking is screened through the use of landscaping and architectural features. Underpass trail provides connection to west side of Carlsbad Boulevard. Additional mixed use opportunities are located along Ponto Drive and Beach Way. It is envisioned that a combination of office and artist uses will be developed with residential to the rear or on upper stories. A row of California coastal-style townhouses or live-work units is located along Ponto Drive, creating a concentration of housing in the Mixed Use Center. The town homes add life to the area, as well as provide a visual connection to the neighborhood across the street. As part of the mixed use development, the Village Plaza provides a location for community gatherings, relaxation, or outdoor dining. With its slightly elevated center, the plaza also offers vistas of the Batiquitos Lagoon. The plaza presents an opportunity for outdoor vendors, performers, and special events. The enhanced wetland becomes a Wetland Interpretive Park with a boardwalk trail and offers a place for respite, as well as public education opportunities that can be tied to the Community Art and Nature Center. The boardwalk links to the pedestrian and bicycle underpass to the beachside trail. A number of restaurants that appeal to both residents and visitors are envisioned in the Mixed Use Center. The lower-level restaurants take advantage of large outdoor patios that overlook the enhanced wetland, while the second story restaurants do the same with balconies. A medium-sized community facility – ideally a Nature and Art Center – provides organized activities and classes, houses interpretive exhibits, and serves as a location for community-based events. A second or third story balcony provides views to the wetland. Several one to three-story mixed use developments provide shops and services, while also providing unique housing opportunities on upper levels. City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 4 Mixed Use Center – Village Plaza City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 5 Mixed Use Center – Wetland Interpretive Area City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 6 Beachfront Resort An attractive, upscale resort anchors the south end of the Ponto Beachfront Village and creates an attractive landmark for the southern gateway to Carlsbad. The resort, a combination of hotel lodging and timeshare, with a full-service restaurant, meeting facilities and publicly accessible retail, is well integrated into the Village and includes a wide public trail on the perimeter of the grounds. Hotel guests also have convenient access to shops and restaurants in the Mixed Use Center. A community trail open to the public offers pedestrian amenities and a variety of seating areas to take advantage of the views to lagoon and ocean. The upscale resort provides some guest and employee parking in a small rear lot, while the majority of parking is located underground. Small plazas and landscaped courtyards provide interesting connections between the two to three-story buildings. The resort includes a beautifully landscaped entry and drive. A slightly elevated pool and patio enhance guest privacyand has expansive views to Batiquitos Lagoon. Minor grade separation and landscaping are used to create a soft delineation between public and private areas along the trail. Direct access to the trail is provided along the rear of the resort. Perimeter trail links to regional trail system and provides a crossing over the railroad tracks. Buildings are oriented on the site to take advantage of views. A restaurant offers views to the Batiquitos Lagoon. City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 7 Townhouse Neighborhood A compact, high-density residential neighborhood (19 dwelling units per acre) lies along the eastern edge of the Beachfront Village. The neighborhood offers residents proximity to the ocean, numerous recreation opportunities, and walkable access to a variety of services and amenities. A small neighborhood park provides park benches, a basketball court, and a tot lot for the young children. Vehicles move slowly along a private drive/alley that functions as a shared pathway for cars, pedestrians and bicyclists, in the neighborhood. Townhouses are designed with an architectural style and detailing characteristic of the California coastal style. Front porches and carriage houses above the garages are important architectural features. Parking for the units is provided inside tandem space garages accessed from the private drive/alley driveways. Garages are not visible from Ponto Drive. Trees and shrubs provide a buffer between the neighborhood and the railroad right-of-way. Consistent use of trees and landscape treatments create continuity and add to the neighborhood’s unique charm. Visitor parking lots are provided near the railroad edge. Walkways connect front porches and entrances to the tree-lined sidewalks along Ponto Drive. City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 8 Village Hotel The charming two to three-story Village Hotel is nestled in the eastern portion of the property and provides a combination of lodging and amenities for guests to the Ponto Beachfront Village. This site could also be developed as a courtyard apartment complex. Rooftop plaza provides a guest amenity and views to the ocean. Clubhouse, pool, and other amenities take advantage of secluded corner of the property. The arcade and hotel entry landscaping provide a distinctive architectural entry statement to drivers heading north on Ponto Drive. Parking for guests and employees is provided along the hotel’s perimeter. Architectural details and landscaping create an attractive and interesting pedestrian experience. Second and third stories are stepped back. City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 9 Live-Work Neighborhood Building on the mix of uses originally located in the area, including residential and commercial services, the Live-Work Neighborhood provides living space, as well as office and workspace for on-site artists, lawyers, architects, and a variety of other craftspersons and professionals. The Live-Work designation allows for the adaptive reuse of existing buildings and/or the continuation of compatible uses. This site could also be developed with more traditional horizontal and vertical mixed use developments. Buildings on the west are oriented to maximize Carlsbad Boulevard exposure and take advantage of ocean views. Direct connection to dedicated pedestrian and bicycle pathway. Surface parking surrounded by shops for the live-work and the market is supplemented by a small parking structure built into the hillside. Shops line the first level of the garage. A central plaza provides space for displays of artwork, activities, special events, etc. Informal siting of the one to three-story buildings around attractive pedestrian plazas and paseos increases the opportunity to “wander and discover”. A neighborhood commercial development, such as a small corner produce market, takes advantage of the corner location and provides goods and services for surrounding residents and visitors. Architectural features and details are important aesthetic Note: This concept requires the consolidation of lots and/or cooperation and partnerships among property owners. City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 10 Live-Work Neighborhood City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 11 Garden Hotel Taking advantage of views toward the ocean and beautiful landscaping and plazas, the three-story Garden Hotel provides both hotel lodging and a small conference facility. ` Two-story parking garage provides ample parking for guests and employees. Main entrance and hotel facades oriented toward the street create an architectural edge and attractive view from neighboring residential streets. Second and third stories are stepped back. Landscaped corner creates serves as a gateway feature. An Augusta-style putting course provides a unique community amenity in an otherwise difficult to develop slope. A tiered pool and patio area offer views to the ocean. Building is oriented to allow access to potential ocean views. Public trail continues along the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard. A restaurant is included as part of the Garden Hotel development. City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 12 Section 2.2 Land Use Overall, the Plan’s land use mix combines tourist-serving, commercial and residential uses to promote a high degree of interaction with mutual benefits. Tourist-serving hotel and time-share units are coordinated with compatible accessory uses to provide the convenient services that tourists need and appreciate, such as restaurants, gift shopping, and various services. Local residents also need and patronize many of the same shops and services that tourists use, such as restaurants, boutiques and specialty food shops. The Ponto Beachfront Village’s mix of land uses promotes an economically viable tourist-oriented area that is also a great place to live and where residents can shop and obtain services. This section describes the specific land uses that are envisioned, encouraged and allowed by right or by conditional use permit in each subarea of the Ponto Beachfront Village Land Use Themes (Figure 2.2). Chapter 4, Implementation Program, goes further into specific regulatory actions needed to implement the Plan’s land use and zoning designations. Mixed use center The Mixed Use Center is intended to be the core of the Ponto Beachfront Village and will contain both commercial and multi-family residential uses. To maximize economic viability for businesses in the Mixed Use Center, both visitor-serving and neighborhood-serving uses and services are intended. The area is central to residents of the Townhome Neighborhood, Live/Work and Mixed Use developments, visitors staying at the three hotels and the surrounding off-site residential neighborhoods. The current General Plan land use designation for this area is UA Unplanned Area. Permitted uses for the Mixed Use Center are listed below. Ground floor uses are required to be retail or service type uses that generate pedestrian traffic, while office or multi-family residential uses may locate on upper floors. The only non-retail or non-service use that may occupy the ground floor in the Mixed Use Center is the community amenity feature, such as an arts/nature/activities center. Permitted Uses Only the following specific uses shall be permitted uses for the ground floor development in the Mixed Use Center: y Bakeries, limited to baking goods for on-site sales only y Barber and beauty shops y Book and stationary stores (excluding adult entertainment) y Child day care centers (subject to the provisions of Chapter 21.83 of the City’s Zoning Code) y Clothing or wearing apparel shops y Community amenity feature, such as a nature/arts/activity center y Confectionary stores y Convenience retail y Delicatessen stores y Dry cleaning, laundry, pick up service only y Dry goods or notions stores y Florist shops y Jewelry stores y Novelty and/or souvenir shops y Residential (if it does not disrupt retail continuity) y Restaurants (excluding drive-through restaurants), tea rooms, coffee houses or cafes (excluding dancing or entertainment) y Shoe stores or repair shops y Specialty grocery or fruit stores y Sporting goods shops or surf shops City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 13 y Travel agencies y Video store (excluding adult entertainment) y Similar retail or service establishments catering directly to the consumer, that generate a high level of pedestrian traffic, and are not over-sized such that they subvert the goal to create a lively pedestrian-oriented mixed use area with a wide variety of visitor-serving and resident-serving uses. The following uses are permitted uses on upper floors in the Mixed Use Center: y Any uses permitted on the ground floor by this Vision Plan. y Accountants y Attorneys y Dance studios y Doctors, dentists, optometrists, chiropractors and others practicing the healing arts for human beings. y Dressmaking, tailors or millinery shops y Engineers, architects and planners y Fortunetellers, as defined in City’s Zoning Code Section 5.5010(c) y Offices for arts organizations y Realtors Incidental outdoor dining areas are permitted by administrative permit, pursuant to the requirements of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, Section 21.26.013. Every use permitted shall be subject to Carlsbad Municipal Code, Section 21.26.020, which includes the requirement that products made incidental to a permitted use shall be sold only at retail on the premises, and not more than five persons may be employed in the manufacturing, processing and treatment of products permitted herein. Conditional Uses Subject to the Carlsbad Municipal Code, Section 21.26.015, the following uses are conditionally permitted in the Mixed Use Center: y Restaurants with dancing or entertainment (excluding adult entertainment) y Package liquor stores (off-sale) Live-Work Neighborhood The Live-Work Neighborhood is intended to give flexibility to land owners that want to remain living on their properties while expanding uses to include business opportunities. A live-work unit is a home that functions both as a place to live and a place to work. These types of residences typically do not generate much walk-in business off the street and have very few, if any, employees. In most cities, live-work units were originally intended to serve as housing and work space primarily for artists. The live-work designation is particularly beneficial for the small lot properties along Carlsbad Boulevard. These properties currently are vacant lots, have older occupied housing stock, or are a combination of residential and light industrial-type uses, such as firewood storage, metal working, and dog boarding kennel. The live-work designation provides for the development of certain low-intensity business and professional offices in conjunction with residential use. City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 14 Permitted Uses in Live-Work Units In the Ponto Beachfront Village, the following uses are permitted on the ground floor of the Live-Work Neighborhood’s live-work units: y Accountants and attorneys y Artists, artisans and crafts persons work space or studio, with display space y Bed and breakfast (with conditional use permit) y Engineers, architects and planners y Insurance agents y Large or small family day care (with administrative permit) y Public parking area y Real estate agents y Residential y Second dwelling unit on lots already developed with a detached single-family home (with administrative permit) y Second dwelling unit over a detached garage (with administrative permit) y Other similar uses which the Planning Director or Housing and Redevelopment Director may determine fall within the intent and purpose of this zone and meet the intent of the Ponto Beachfront Vision Plan. It is required that the residential occupant of a live-work building be the same person who occupies the “work space.” Individual lot ownership may be maintained for live-work units or lots may be consolidated for new development of live-work or mixed use buildings; however, new development for either live-work or mixed use development must have the business portion, e.g., artist studio, retail or office on the ground floor, with residential on any upper floors or behind the business. Over time, the Live-Work Neighborhood may transition to more traditional type of mixed use buildings, i.e., retail use on the ground floor with residential or office above. Also, properties that are currently vacant or underutilized may choose to develop as Mixed Use without first taking advantage of the Live-Work alternative. It is anticipated that mixed use will occur on larger lots or in areas where smaller lots are consolidated for a new development. Permitted Uses in Mixed Use Buildings Only the following specific uses shall be permitted uses for the ground floor of development in the Live-Work Neighborhood’s mixed use buildings: y Bakeries, limited to baking goods for on-site sales only y Barber and beauty shops y Book and stationary stores (excluding adult entertainment) y Child day care centers (subject to the provisions of Chapter 21.83 of the City’s Zoning Code) y Clothing or wearing apparel shops y Confectionary stores y Delicatessen stores y Dry cleaning, laundry, pickup service only y Dry goods or notions stores y Florist shops y Jewelry stores y Novelty and/or souvenir shops y Realtors y Restaurants (excluding drive-through restaurants), tea rooms, coffee houses, or cafes (excluding dancing or entertainment) y Shoe stores or repair shops y Specialty grocery or fruit stores y Sporting goods stores or surf shops y Travel agencies y Video store (excluding adult entertainment) y Similar retail or service establishments catering directly to the consumer, that generate a high level of pedestrian traffic, and City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 15 are not over-sized such that they subvert the goal to create a lively pedestrian-oriented mixed use area with a wide variety of visitor-serving and resident-serving uses. The following uses are permitted uses on upper floors of the Live-Work Neighborhood: y Any uses permitted on the ground floor in the Live-Work Neighborhood by this Plan. y Dance studios y Doctors, dentists, optometrists, chiropractors and others practicing the healing arts for human beings. y Dressmaking, tailors or millinery shops y Fortunetellers, as defined in City’s Zoning Code Section 5.5010(c) y Offices for arts organizations y Incidental outdoor dining areas are permitted by administrative permit, pursuant to the requirements of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, Section 21.26.013. Every use permitted in the Live-Work Neighborhood shall be subject to Carlsbad Municipal Code, Section 21.26.020, which includes the requirement that products made incidental to a permitted use shall be sold only at retail on the premises, and not more than five persons may be employed in the manufacturing, processing and treatment of products permitted herein. Uses Permitted by Conditional Use Permit Subject to the Carlsbad Municipal Code, Section 21.26.015, the following uses are permitted by conditional use permit in the Live-Work Neighborhood: y On-premises sale of liquor within a bona fide public eating place y Package liquor stores (off sale) Hotel Three sites are designated for hotel use at the Ponto Beachfront Village, but it is intended that two of the sites have flexible land use designations that would potentially allow other uses. Beachfront Resort The Resort Hotel, located south of Avenida Encinas and overlooking Batiquitos Lagoon, is intended to be a top-quality, upscale visitor destination resort with meeting facilities, restaurants and a small amount of visitor-serving retail for guest convenience and accessible to the general public. Permitted uses The following permitted uses are intended for the Beachfront Resort: y Hotel y Meeting facilities associated with hotel y Time share units y Restaurants y Commercial parking facility that is accessory to the hotel use and developed as an integral part of the hotel use within the same structure or parcel of land, and may offer parking for surrounding uses, including beach-goers. y Accessory uses developed as an integral part of the hotel to serve hotel guests, accessible to the public, but not to exceed a total of 1,000 square feet, such as: à Apparel and accessories à Beauty and barber shops à Drycleaning, laundry pickup service only à Florist à Novelty and/or souvenir store à Travel agency City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 16 y Private recreation and meeting facilities provided in conjunction with the hotel, such as à Swimming pool à Health club à Tennis courts à Golf putting green à Meeting rooms à Ball room Village Hotel The Village Hotel, located north of Beach Way, is intended to be a visitor facility with both hotel rooms and timeshare units. The hotel will not have extensive food and beverage facilities. Visitors may easily walk to the visitor-oriented businesses in the Mixed Use Center to shop or to eat in the restaurants. Permitted uses The following specific uses are permitted for the Village Hotel. y Hotel y Timeshare units y Commercial parking facility that is accessory to the hotel use and developed as an integral part of the hotel use within the same structure or parcel of land, and may offer parking for surrounding uses, including beach-goers. y Private recreation facilities provided in conjunction with the hotel, such as à Swimming pool à Health club à Tennis courts à Golf putting green If after time, it is determined through analysis of market forces that a hotel would not be suitable for this site, then it is intended that multi-family apartments could be located here. Garden Hotel The Garden Hotel, located at the corner of Ponto Drive and Carlsbad Boulevard, is intended to be a moderate-priced, full-service visitor hotel with a conference center, meeting facilities and a restaurant. Permitted uses The following specific uses are permitted for the Garden Hotel: y Hotel y Meeting facilities y Restaurant y Commercial parking facility that is accessory to the hotel use and may offer parking for surrounding uses, including beach-goers. y Private recreation and meeting facilities provided in conjunction with the hotel, such as à Swimming pool à Health club à Tennis courts à Golf putting green à Meeting rooms If after time, it is determined through analysis of market forces that a hotel would not be suitable for this site, then it is intended that City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 17 neighborhood or visitor-serving commercial uses could be located here. Townhouse neighborhood The Townhouse Neighborhood is intended for multi-family homes in condominium ownership with a minimum density of 15 dwelling units per acre and a maximum density of 23 dwelling units per acre, with a Growth Management control point of 19 dwelling units per acre. Permitted uses The Townhouse Neighborhood has the following permitted uses: y Multiple dwellings y Accessory buildings, but not to include guest houses or accessory living quarters City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 18 Figure 2.2 ponto beachfront village Land Use Themes City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 19 Section 2.3 circulation system This Section describes the proposed Ponto Beachfront Village circulation system, including vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle systems and connections. 2.3.1 Vehicular circulation Ponto Beachfront Village is served by a number of existing and planned roadways, including: Carlsbad Boulevard, Avenida Encinas, Ponto Drive, and internal public and private drives. All roadways will be designed as livable streets with traffic calming devices such as raised crosswalks, corner bulb-outs, medians, and street trees as integral elements (Figure 2.4 and 2.5). Carlsbad Boulevard Carlsbad Boulevard is a well-traveled roadway, carrying a high degree of local and regional traffic. In the Vision for Ponto Beachfront Village, the Carlsbad Boulevard alignment between existing Ponto Road and Avenida Encinas is shifted slightly to the east, increasing the property size of parcels which front Carlsbad Boulevard on the east side and providing space on the west side for both on-street parking and an enhanced multi-purpose trail.1 An enhanced Carlsbad Boulevard accommodates two traffic lanes in each direction, dedicated left turn lanes, Class II bike lanes on both sides, and a landscaped center median. (Figure 2.6) A new access point into the Beachfront Village is located approximately midway between Ponto Drive and Avenida Encinas. It will be a signalized intersection with a dedicated left-turn lane from Carlsbad 1 Two alternative alignments were also explored for Carlsbad Boulevard during the planning process that further increase the property size of parcels facing the street, but would require the elimination of existing Cypress trees. All three alignments are illustrated and compared in Appendix I-B. Boulevard southbound lanes. Approximately 68 new parking spaces (60-degree angle) for beachgoers are located along the southbound lanes of Carlsbad Boulevard between Ponto Road and Avenida Encinas. To increase safety for all users and especially young children, most of the parking is separated from travel lanes by a landscaped island. These parking areas provide convenient parking for beachgoers entering the State Beach’s main entrance at Poinsettia Lane or any future pedestrian entrances to the park. Carlsbad Boulevard south of Avenida Encinas has an additional approximately 36 parallel parking spaces along the road, with just a short walk south to reach the southern portion of the State Beach (Figure 2.7). Ponto Drive Ponto Drive is the spine of the Beachfront Village circulation system. It is envisioned that the existing roadway is improved and extended north through the project area as a two-lane roadway with a planted median, bike lane, parkways, and ample sidewalks. The addition of Beach Way connects the east and west segments of Ponto Drive and the right angles that are created serve as a natural traffic calming measure. The improved Ponto Drive is accessed from Carlsbad Boulevard, Avenida Encinas, and the new roadway, Beach Way (Figure 2.8). A different roadway design for Ponto Drive was also proposed during the process that would require the realignment of the roadway as a continuous street with a roundabout at Beach Way. However, since this alignment would have required several property boundary Ponto Drive is improved with a planted median and dedicated bike lane. City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 20 adjustments among property owners, along with significant right-of-way acquisition and construction (Figure 2.9), it was not supported by the property owners and not pursued further. Avenida Encinas Avenida Encinas provides access to the Ponto Beachfront Village via Ponto Drive as well as direct access into the Beachfront Resort. It also serves as a segment of the Coastal Rail Trail alignment that runs from Oceanside to San Diego. As part of Carlsbad Boulevard’s re-alignment, a new left turn lane will be added to the north bound lanes at Avenida Encinas, which will allow beachgoers more convenient access to the southern portion of Carlsbad State Beach. Private and Public Drive Aisles Internal circulation is enhanced through a number of small private and public drives in and around proposed developments, including hotels, mixed use, live-work, and the residential neighborhood. These drive aisles and private drives are intended to accommodate a mix of users, including automobiles, cyclists, and pedestrians. They are envisioned as narrow, traffic calmed, and attractively landscaped. Existing Frontage Road The existing frontage road currently used by property owners will be vacated over time as development and ownership changes occur. When the new access point to Ponto Road from Carlsbad Boulevard is constructed, the frontage road’s existing connection to Ponto Road will end. Interim access for property owners will be need to be assured via a temporary road through one of the frontage road parcels (Figure 2.3). Private drive aisles are inviting and attractive. Figure 2.3 interim access to frontage road Interim access Frontage road City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 21 Figure 2.4 Livable streets and Traffic calming Elements City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 22 Figure 2.5 Ponto Beachfront Village Circulation System City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 23 Figure 2.6 Typical Carlsbad boulevard cross-section Figure 2.7 Carlsbad boulevard Realignment detail City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 24 Figure 2.9 Alternative Ponto Drive/Beach way Design with roundaboutFigure 2.8 Typical Ponto Drive Cross-Section City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 25 2.3.2 Pedestrian & Bicycle Circulation The entire Ponto Beachfront Village is designed to create a pleasant walking environment and to support bicycling. Traffic calming measures including raised crosswalks, pedestrian refuge islands, street trees, mid-block crossings, and corner bulb-outs contribute to the livable streets design in the Village (Figure 2.4 and 2.11). Internal Sidewalks and Paseos An extensive sidewalk system and a myriad of pedestrian plazas and paseos make it easy to get around on foot in the Ponto Beachfront Village. Five-foot wide non-contiguous sidewalks with landscaped parkways along Ponto Drive and a variety of interesting and inviting pedestrian connections between buildings are hallmarks of the project. Multi-Use Path East of Carlsbad Boulevard A meandering multi-use path within a 40-foot landscaped setback is envisioned that runs along the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard and connects with the existing path and enhanced buffer to the north. Connections into the Beachfront Village projects are provided at various points along the path that provides an important recreational and pedestrian circulation resource. Seating opportunities are also provided along the path. Multi-Use Path West of Carlsbad Boulevard Along the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard, a multi-use path that runs roughly parallel to Carlsbad Boulevard is envisioned. The path varies from approximately eight feet to twelve feet where it is adjacent to the linear park (described in more detail in Section 2.5). Beachfront Resort Community Trail A public trail around the perimeter of the Beachfront Resort ensures that the large development does not preclude community views to the lagoon and ocean. Instead, the resort becomes a community amenity and is an integral part of the Ponto Beachfront Village. A multi-use trail approximately ten to twelve feet wide is envisioned, with landscaped edges, interpretive signage, and occasional seating areas along the path. The trail will eventually wrap around Avenida Encinas via a parallel route with the railroad. A community trail surrounding the resort hotel provides community access to ocean and lagoon views and provides a recreation resource. Multi-use paths play an important circulation role and provide for community recreation. Sidewalks and pedestrian paths provide a pleasant walking experience throughout the entire Ponto Beachfront Village. The path links to this already built portion to the north. City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 26 Connection to Regional Trail System A link to the regional trail system by means of a pedestrian / bicycle bridge over the railroad tracks is proposed. The bridge would be located at the southeast corner of the Beachfront Resort Hotel grounds, atop the bluff overlooking Batiquitos Lagoon. The bridge would connect the Beachfront Resort’s community trail to the regional trail in the Poinsettia Shores residential community, with access to the trail running behind homes along Stern Way and also the north-south trail along the railroad right-of-way. The regional Coastal Rail Trail runs along the railroad tracks north of Ponto Beachfront Village, but then turns east at the Poinsettia Coaster station and continues south along Avenida Encinas until it reaches Carlsbad Boulevard. The Ponto Beachfront Village’s trails system provides additional routes and linkages for Coastal Rail Trail users. Boardwalk Trail A boardwalk trail provides a link between the mixed use developments on either side of the wetland and offers nature interpretation and education opportunities for its users (described in more detail in Section 2.5). The boardwalk trail also serves as the connection to and from the pedestrian path under Carlsbad Boulevard. Access to the boardwalk is provided from the surrounding pedestrian plazas and the Ponto Drive sidewalks, as well as directly from the Carlsbad Boulevard underpass. Pedestrian Underpass to State Beach Entrance The area topography presents a great opportunity for a dedicated pedestrian underpass connecting the boardwalk trail and the path on the beach side of Carlsbad Boulevard. The underpass path, which incorporates a handicapped access ramp, will safely move visitors from Ponto Beachfront Village to the beach area without crossing Carlsbad Boulevard traffic. Lighting and public art are anticipated components of the design (Figure 2.10). A wetland trail similar to the one above provides an important connection. Existing conditions and topography make an underpass connection possible. Figure 2.10 Pedestrian Underpass ConceptWetland plants create an interesting landscape. City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 27 Bicycles It is envisioned that bicycle circulation will occur primarily along dedicated bike lanes on Carlsbad Boulevard and Ponto Drive, as well as on the internal drives and alley within the Beachfront Village. However, recreational cyclists may also use the multi-use paths along either side of Carlsbad Boulevard, as well as the Beachfront Resort Trail. To further encourage bicycles in the Village, ample bicycle parking will be provided in commercial area parking lots and adjacent to pedestrian paths. Bicycle parking is a priority. City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 28 s Figure 2.11 Pedestrian & bicycle circulation system City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 29 Section 2.4 parking Because the Ponto Beachfront Village encourages a “park once and walk” philosophy, convenient and available parking is an important component of the Vision. To meet City parking standards, public and private parking is envisioned as a combination of shared surface, structured, and on street parking on Carlsbad Boulevard. Public Parking On-Street Parking Approximately 104 spaces along Carlsbad Boulevard provide parking for beach goers, as well as serve to supplement overall parking in the Beachfront Village. Surface Parking The surface parking areas around mixed use, commercial, and live-work projects function in a manner similar to on street parking in traditional downtown environments. In most cases, the parking spaces front sidewalks and storefronts and are available to all visitors to the Ponto Beachfront Village. Reserved parking for a limited number of residents and businesses may also be provided in the surface lots. Wherever possible, however, these spaces are made available to the public during non-business hours. Parking Structures A four-level public parking garage (three above-ground and one below ground) along Avenida Encinas is envisioned in the Mixed Use Center that will support surrounding shops, services, restaurants, and the Nature and Art Center. It will park approximately 216 cars, and, because the structure is located slightly below grade, it will appear more like a three-story structure from the adjacent areas. Small shops and services will line the first story of the structure’s west and north sides to maintain pedestrian activity and vitality. A second, smaller parking structure is proposed in the Live-Work Neighborhood to provide approximately 102 parking spaces for residents and surrounding uses. The design of the structure takes advantage of the sloping topography and serves to unite the live-work units and the market on the corner of Beach Way and Carlsbad Boulevard. Liner shops along the structure’s north and south edges enhance the vitality of the area. Bicycle Parking To encourage bicycles in the Village, ample bicycle parking will be provided in commercial area parking lots and adjacent to pedestrian paths. Parking fronts entrances of mixed use and live-work projects. Bicycle parking is a priority. Ground level retail shops are part of parking structure designs. City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 30 Private Parking Lodging Hotel and resort uses necessitate spaces for both guests and employees. An envisioned parking structure for the Garden Hotel provides parking for guests and employees, while underground parking and a small surface lot support guests and employees at the Beachfront Resort. The Village Hotel provides parking for its guests and employees through surface parking encircling the buildings, as well as the potential of underground parking. Residential If mixed use and live-work units are to be successful in the Village, parking for residents and guests must be provided. Parking for residents of the Ponto Beachfront Village townhouses is provided through private tandem garages, while guest parking is provided through surface parking in the neighborhood. Residents of the mixed use and live-work projects park in dedicated parking spaces in surface lots, reserved spaces in the public parking garages, or have spaces integrated into innovatively-designed structures. Design The design of parking areas and structures is a key component of the parking program. Good design includes such elements as: y Functional circulation patterns y Direct links to sidewalks and pedestrian trails y Effective and distinctive signage y Attractive landscaping y Architectural details y Adequate screening y Parking behind buildings y Focus on streetscape (For more details, see Chapter 3.8). Landscaping and proximity to sidewalks are important features. Visitor parking Tandem garages accessed from alley Underground hotel parking should be explored. City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 31 Section 2.5 streetscape DESIGN A distinctive Ponto Beachfront Village streetscape design helps to establish and reinforce the California coastal character and unify the varied uses within the project area. Gateways Gateways help to create an identity for the Ponto Beachfront Village and signal definitive entries into the area. Because the desire is to maintain an informal, coastal character, dramatic monuments, signs, and archways are to be avoided. Instead, the use of natural landscaping and modest entry signage are preferred (Figure 2.12 and Figure 2.13). City Gateway The beautiful Batiquitos Lagoon provides a natural gateway not only into the Ponto Beachfront Village, but also the City of Carlsbad. This gateway is enhanced with a City entry monument using a low rock wall and natural, informal landscaping. Ponto Beachfront Village Gateways A number of smaller-scale gateways are also envisioned for the Ponto Beachfront Village at major project entrances and nodes. The gateways are highlighted with rock-based identification signs, informal landscaping, and special crosswalk paving at the intersections. A second design concept also includes directional signage to Ponto Beachfront Village amenities. PROJECT Gateway concepts Figure 2.12 Gateway Design Concepts city Gateway CONCEPT City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 32 Figure 2.13 Gateway locations City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 33 Landscaping Landscaping, including street trees, add important visual elements to the street environment and are used to enhance the overall image and pedestrian comfort in the Ponto Beachfront Village. Gateway Trees Landscaping in and around the gateways and entry features is an important part of their design. Recommended trees for gateways include specimen groupings of: y Mexican Fan Palm (Washingtonia robusta) y Mediterranean Fan Palms (Chamaerops humilis) y Coast Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia) Carlsbad Boulevard Trees Along Carlsbad Boulevard, the median and parkway landscaping help define the edge and improve aesthetics. Recommended street trees for Carlsbad Boulevard include: Š Median Trees (up to 18’ foot parkway) y Monterey Cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa – evergreen tree) y California Sycamore (Platanus racemosa – native, deciduous tree) y Mexican Fan Palm (Washingtonia robusta) y Pink Melaleuca (Melaleuca nesophila – small evergreen tree) Š Parkway Trees (up to 6’ foot parkway – can also be used in parking areas) y Australian Willow (Geijera parviflora – small evergreen tree) y New Zealand Christmas Tree (Metrosideros excelsus – evergreen tree or large shrub) y Mexican Fan Palm (Washingtonia robusta) Ponto Drive/Beach Way Trees Within the Ponto Beachfront Village, landscaped medians and parkways with trees are used to unify the mix of uses and the eclectic architecture, while also creating opportunities for shade and buffers. Where parkways are not a part of the streetscape, tree grates can be used to protect the trees and add visual interest to the sidewalk environment and/or parking areas. Š Median Trees (up to 10’ foot parkway) y Mimosa (Albizia julibrissin – semi-deciduous wide canopy tree) y Jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosifolia– semi-deciduous wide canopy tree) y Mediterranean Fan Palm (Chamaerops humilis) y Pink Melaleuca (Melaleuca nesophila) y Oak (Quercus species) y Pepper Tree (Schinus molle) y Strawberry Tree (Arbutus unedo) y Sweet Gum (Liquidambar styraciflua) y Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) y Flame Tree (Brochychiton acerifolius) Trees and landscaping enhance overall image and experience. City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 34 Š Parkway Trees (up to 4’ foot parkway – can also be used in a parking areas) y New Zealand Christmas Tree (Metrosideros excelsus) y Firewheel Tree (Stenocarpus sinuatus – dense, small evergreen) y Chitalpa (Chitalpa tashkentensis – small deciduous tree) y King Palm (Archontophoenix cunninghamiana) y Guadalupe Palm (Brahea edulis – smaller palm) y Gold Medallion Tee (Cassia leptophylla – yellow flowers) City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 35 Plants, Shrubs and Flowers Appropriate shrubs, and groundcovers are those that are native to the Southern California coastline and/or that reinforce the desired natural, informal character of the Ponto Beachfront Village and that tie to the Carlsbad flower fields. Appropriate plants for parkways, medians, and gateways may include combinations of the following: Š Grasslike Plants y Feather Reed Grass (Calamagrostis acutifolia ‘stricta’) y Fescue (festuca) y Fountain Grass (Pennisetum) y New Zealand Flax (phormium) y Bromeliaceae (Puya berteroniana) Š Succulents y Aeonium spp. y Agave spp. y Aloe spp. Š Other Native or Native-Looking Shrubs y California Lilac (Ceanothus ) y Manzanita (Arctostaphylos spp.) y Cape Weed (Arctotheca calendula) y Wormwood/Sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) y Coyote Bush (Baccharis pilularis ‘pigeon point’) y Rockrose (Cistus spp.) y Bush Poppy (Dendromecon spp.) y Dymondia (Dymondia margaretae) y Pride of Madeira (Echium fastuosum) y California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica) y Toyon/Christmas Berry/California Holly (Heteromeles arbutifolia) y Morning Glory (Ipomoea spp.) y Juniper (Juniperus spp.) y Lupine (lupinus) y Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) y California Fuschia/Hummingbird Flower (Zauschneria spp) City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 36 Wayfinding Program When people find it easy to navigate in a place they are more apt to spend time there. Appropriately designed and located directional signage (wayfinding) will help drivers and pedestrians find their way in the Ponto Beachfront Village, while also reinforcing its image and identity. Most wayfinding signage is intended to be located on commercial property and maintained by the private sector. The Ponto Beachfront Village wayfinding program may include: y Directory kiosks showing a map of the Village and surrounding amenities will be located in highly visible settings in or near large public parking areas and/or public plazas. y Pedestrian-scaled signs directing foot and bicycle traffic to local resources, businesses, and amenities. y Vehicular-scaled signs directing drivers, as well as pedestrian and bicyclists to parking areas, businesses, and amenities. y Uniquely-designed street name signs Street furniture As one of the most prominent design features in the streetscape, the colors, materials, durability, and design of street furniture are very important (streetlights, trash receptacles, benches, bike racks, drinking fountains, planter pots, etc.) To help define and direct pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular circulation, and to add visual interest, crosswalks, and pedestrian ways throughout the Beachfront Village are enhanced with decorative paving and other details (i.e., public art). The street furniture envisioned for the Ponto Beachfront Village will be consistent with the desired eclectic, California coastal character, while also providing opportunities to incorporate public art. The specifics of the street furniture concepts identified in Figures 2.15, 2.16, and 2.17 are: MANUFACTURER/CATALOG SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE PROPERTY/DRIVE LIGHTING (Figure 2.15) (A) Nautical Styles ALR 156 On single pole, & arm with pole By AAL, Architectural Area Lighting Telephone: (714) 994-2700 (B) Nautical Style Bollard NB2LD 6AB 30 By AAL, Architectural Area Lighting Telephone: (714) 994-2700 (C) Traditional Style Concrete Bollards TSQ-DC, TSQ-OL, TSQ-VR Square styles TRD-OL, TRD-VR, TRD-DC Round styles By AAL, Architectural Area Lighting Telephone: (714) 994-2700 (D) Mariner Style Luminaire on Custom “Oar” Pole By Sterner Lighting Systems Telephone: (320) 485-2141 (E) Town Commons Style Streetlight on Fluted Pole, ALN 440W By AAL, Architectural Area Lighting Telephone: (714) 994-2700 Figure 2.14 Wayfinding signage concepts City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 37 MANUFACTURER/CATALOG SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET FURNITURE CONCEPTS (Figure 2.16) (A) Heritage Mission Bench HR305 (M), 6; with Plastisol Coating By Wabash Valley Mfg. Inc. www.wabashvalley.com (B) Classic Series Metal Bench CS-38, 6; Powder Coated Steel finish By Victor Stanley Telephone: (800) 368-2573 (C) Traditional Teakwood Garden Bench The Dunkirk, 6, By Victor Stanley Telephone: (800) 368-2573 (D) Mission Style Planter HR-100, 24” square with Plastisol Coating By Wabash Valley Mfg. Inc. (E) Metal Ribbon Style Trash Receptacle Model S-42 By Victor Stanley Telephone: (800) 368-2573 (F) Sandblasted Concrete Style Trash Receptacle Santa Fe Series with custom sandblast design By QuickCrete Telephone: (909) 737-6240 (G) Pennsylvania Avenue Recycler 104a By Canterbury International Telephone: (800) 935-7111 canterburyintl.com MANUFACTURER/CATALOG SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET FURNITURE CONCEPTS (Figure 2.17) (A) Round Cast Metal Tree Grate Palm Tree Series By Canterbury International Telephone: (800) 935-7111 (B) Square Cast Metal Tree Grate Chinook Series By Urban Accessories Telephone: (425) 487-0488 (C) Metro Style Drinking Fountains with Dual Arms By Canterbury International Telephone: (800) 935-7111 (D) Custom Fish Bike Back By Derovations Telephone: (800) 337-6729 (E) Loop Style Bike Racks 83-00 S-1 Embedded Powder coated Steel Loop By DuMor Site Furnishings Telephone: (800) 598-4018 (F) Cyclops Bike Racks Curvy Cyclops Custom Shapes By Timberform/Columbia Cascade Telephone: (503) 223-1157 (G-H) Concrete Interlocking Pavers Keylock in Herringbone pattern or Holland in Basket Weave pattern By angelus Block, Inc. Telephone: (909) 328-9115 City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 38 Figure 2.15 Private Property/ Drive LIGHTING CONCEPTS A ABC DE City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 39 Exhibit 2.16 Street furniture concepts AB C DE F G City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 40 Exhibit 2.17 street furniture concepts AB CDEHG F City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 41 Public art Public art can enhance the image of the Beachfront Village and the experience of those who visit or live there. Fountains, banners, sculptures, and unique design features located throughout the pedestrian environment highlight the area’s culture and its natural and historical environment. Art can be integrated into the underpass trail, as well as into street furniture, sidewalks, plazas, signs, etc. The integration and inclusion of public art in the Ponto Beachfront Village can be accommodated through a number of different ways, including the following: y Incorporate public art into public streetscape program y Provide incentives for private developers, such as density bonuses, expedited permits, etc. for the inclusion of public art y A “Percent for Art” or similar program can be instituted that requires developers to contribute money to a public art fund for the Beachfront Village. y Local service clubs, businesses, families, etc. can sponsor pieces of public art, including designer benches, statues, murals, etc. Public art is an important element of the vision. City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 42 Section 2.6 community amenities The Ponto Beachfront Village is envisioned as a place that is attractive not only to visitors, but also to residents of Carlsbad. To this end, the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision includes a number of amenities that appeal to the existing community, as well as to visitors and future residents. Trails and Pathways As described in Section 2.3, pedestrian and bicycle circulation in and around the Ponto Beachfront Village is important. The numerous trails, dedicated pathways, and connections identified provide attractive community attributes, including the: y Paths east and west of Carlsbad Boulevard y Beachfront Resort multi-purpose trail y Connection to regional trail system y Wetland interpretive trail y Pedestrian underpass to beach y Connection to Coastal Rail Trail Wetland Interpretive park The low-lying open space area in the center of the project area exhibits wetland characteristics. This area is envisioned as an enhanced natural wetland with an interpretive trail. The elevated boardwalk-style trail offers numerous interpretive opportunities, such as identification signage for native plant species, educational placards and signs, and bird/animal watching. Clearly posted rules of usage along the trail are important to protect the wetland. In addition to the benefits already described, the trail provides a pedestrian connection across the protected area and provides an attractive view for outdoor diners on the adjacent patios. The wetland boardwalk also serves as the direct link to the Carlsbad Boulevard underpass trail. Community Facility – Nature/Arts Center Building upon the wetland interpretive park and the potential live-work artist population, an approximately 8,000 square foot Nature and Art Center is envisioned in the Mixed Use Center. The Center includes interpretive and interactive exhibits designed to educate visitors on the abundant natural resources surrounding the area, including the Pacific Ocean, the Batiquitos Lagoon, and the recently restored wetland. The dual-focus Center also provides space for artwork exhibits and community art classes. The Center is available to the community members for small functions, including weddings, reunions, and similar events. The two-story center is well-integrated into its surroundings and takes advantage of views toward the wetland. A multi-purpose Nature and Art Center provides a distinct amenity. Educational and interpretive signs along the boardwalk trail foster environmental stewardship. City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 2 - Page 43 Linear Park A small linear park is envisioned adjacent to the west side of the Carlsbad Boulevard multi-use path. This park, made possible through the realignment of Carlsbad Boulevard, provides opportunities for a wide pathway, as well as a variety of community amenities, such as benches, trash receptacles, and picnic tables. The western edge of the park offers views to the ocean. Putting course A small publicly accessible putting course is envisioned on the grounds of the Garden Hotel. The course includes par 3 and 4 holes, giving one the feel of being at a premier golf course, and the beautiful, undulating greens are likened to that of the Augusta golf course. Plazas, Courtyards, and Pedestrian Spaces Throughout the Ponto Beachfront Village, public spaces and community gathering places help foster a sense of community, support family activity, heighten local pride, and enhance economic development when located near businesses. A variety of small pedestrian plazas, courtyards, and spaces are located throughout the Beachfront Village. Each one is designed to encourage visitors and residents to linger, relax, and enjoy the area. Two larger plazas are envisioned – Village Plaza in the Mixed Use Center and Artist Square in the Live-Work Neighborhood. These plazas are intended for special events and activities, and may include such amenities as benches, public art, fountains, etc. To further enliven these spaces, outdoor vending, performing artists, and artwork displays are encouraged. y Artist displays and outdoor vending, such as flower carts, are encouraged in plazas. Pedestrian plazas and courtyards provide spaces for the community to enjoy. A linear park along the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard offers recreation and view opportunities. The public putting green mirrors the landscaping of a premier course. The community facility takes advantage of outdoor spaces. Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Design Guidelines City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 3 - Page 1 Chapter 3: design guidelines Section 3.1 introduction Purpose These Design Guidelines are intended to promote a level of development quality for the Ponto Beachfront Village that will promote a clear identity and sense of place. It is not the intent of the guidelines to eliminate design freedom, discourage innovative design, or to impose an overriding style, color palette, or artificial theme. The design guidelines encourage an informal, California coastal style of architecture and ambience. There is no one definition of this “style” or character – instead, it is an eclectic mix of architectural styles and characters, including beach cottage, Craftsman, Mediterranean, and village influences, as well as informal, native landscaping. Organization The Design Guidelines are organized into a number of different sections, each one providing guidelines for a specific land use or feature. y Commercial/Mixed Use y Live-Work y Resort/Hotel y Townhouse Neighborhood y Pedestrian Plazas and Courtyards y Landscaping y Parking y Commercial Signs Administration The design guidelines in this manual will be applied as part of the City’s review of proposed projects through the design review process or through the review of a discretionary land use permits. The design elements of each project (including site design, architecture, landscaping, signs, and parking design) will be reviewed on a comprehensive basis by the applicable review authority. During the design review process, the review authority may interpret these design guidelines with some flexibility in their application to specific projects, as not all design criteria may be workable or appropriate for each project. In some circumstances, one guideline may be relaxed to facilitate compliance with another guideline determined by the review authority to be more important in that particular case. The overall objective is to ensure that the intent and spirit of the design guidelines are followed. City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 3 - Page 2 Section 3.2 Mixed Use/Commercial Mixed use projects are developments that combine both commercial and residential uses on the same parcel. There are two basic types of mixed use projects. The first type is vertical mixed use, which is typified by the residential use placed over the commercial use in the same building. Commercial uses are always located on the ground level in vertical mixed use. The second type, referred to as horizontal mixed use, combines residential and commercial/office uses on the same parcel, but in separate buildings. In horizontal mixed use, commercial uses are always to be located on the primary street frontage. The primary design issue related to mixed use projects is the need to successfully balance the requirements of residential uses, such as the need for privacy and security, with the needs of commercial uses for access, visibility, parking, loading, and possibly extended hours of operation. Architectural Design Š A mix of architectural styles is encouraged to promote the desired California coastal character. Š Vary building heights and rooflines to add diversity and visual interest. Š Include a variety of architectural details to create a strong sense of place, including balconies, quality materials, awnings, and tower elements. Design elements that detract from architectural quality include: typical franchise architecture, appearance of thin walls, highly reflective tiles, plastic or sheet metal siding. Š Buildings of one to three stories are encouraged. Third stories should be stepped back to reduce visual impacts. Vertical Mixed Use Horizontal Mixed Use Street City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 3 - Page 3 Š The architectural style and scale of structures and architectural features should be complementary to each other. Š The scale of building elements, especially at the ground level, should be kept intimate and close to human scale, using relatively small parts and accents. First floor retail and office should be designed to provide storefront windows, doors, recessed entries, canopies, landscaping, and other pedestrian-oriented details. Š Upper story residential lofts should include architectural details such as balconies, window flower boxes, and large expanses of windows. Š All building elevations should be architecturally designed and detailed. Elevations not facing primary streets or public right-of-ways should not be ignored, nor should they receive only minimal treatment. Blank, unarticulated walls are discouraged. Š All rooftop equipment should be well screened from view if visible from the ground or if visible from upper stories of adjacent buildings. This screening should be consistent with architectural materials and colors for related building. Š Franchise architecture with corporate signature designs is not allowed in the Ponto Beachfront Village. City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 3 - Page 4 Building Orientation and site design Š Primary building entrances should be oriented toward public sidewalks to encourage a high level of pedestrian activity. Š When residential and commercial uses are provided in the same structure, separate pedestrian entrances should be provided for each use. Š Vary setbacks to provide informality and diversity. Setbacks should be used for landscaping, plazas, and outdoor dining. Š Buildings should be encircled by a continuous sidewalk or pedestrian space to promote pedestrian access and circulation. Š Encourage off-street courtyards, plazas, and paseos accessible from pedestrian walkways. Š Surface parking should be concentrated in areas away from the street and should be well landscaped with attractive drive aisles that function as internal streets. Parking areas should be interconnected wherever possible. Š Natural amenities unique to the site such as ocean views, etc. should be preserved and incorporated into development projects. Š Use landscaping to screen parking areas and trash enclosures, create visual interest, and enhance the desired character of the area. Š Refuse storage, service, and loading areas should be located out of view or screened from view and so that their use does not interfere with parking and circulation. Refuse storage areas that are visible from upper stories of adjacent structures should include an opaque or semi-opaque cover to mitigate views. All screening devices (landscaping, low walls, structures) should be compatible with surrounding architecture, materials, and colors. City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 3 - Page 5 Section 3.3 Live-Work Live-work projects are similar to mixed use in that residential, office, and commercial uses are intermixed. However, in live-work developments, the person(s) residing in the dwelling unit owns the commercial or office enterprise of the project. In most ways, the live-work developments should exhibit design characteristics similar to the mixed use/commercial projects. As such, the majority of the design guidelines provided in Section 2.2 will also apply to live-work projects. Live-work developments may tend to be slightly more residential in the nature of their design. While visible storefronts are still encouraged, live-work projects generally center on small professional offices and art studios rather than traditional retail and restaurants. Identifying features of the live-work areas include: Š Pedestrian scale Š Visible storefronts Š Mix of unique and eclectic architectural styles Š Dedicated resident parking in rear parking lots or garages Š Delineation of living and working areas, but connections exist to foster use of both spaces by the same person City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 3 - Page 6 Section 3.4 ResortS/HotelS Architecture Š Design of resorts and hotels should draw upon eclectic, beach cottage styles for inspiration and architectural features, materials, and color. Craftsman, Bungalow, and Mediterranean influences are appropriate. Š All sides of a building should be architecturally detailed. Blank, unarticulated walls shall be avoided. Š The scale of the two-to-three story buildings should relate to the surrounding development patterns. Where appropriate, upper floors should be set back to lessen the appearance of mass and bulk. Rooflines should include articulation and detail. Š For structures over two stories, access to guestrooms should be provided from the hallway interiors. Avoid room entrances directly adjacent to parking lots or exterior walkways. Š Exterior walkway, stairway, balcony railings, and other similar architectural details should be consistent with basic building design. Š Air conditioning units should not be visible from public streets. Š A porte-cochere and/or covered drop-off zone for vehicles and pedestrians, independent of drive aisles, should accommodate guest loading and drop-off and serve as the primary entry to the hotel. City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 3 - Page 7 Building Orientation and site design Š The primary visual presence along the major street frontage should be the building and driveway approach, not the parking lot. Š Recreational facilities, such as swimming pools, should be designed to offer privacy to facility users and to minimize noise impacts on adjacent uses. Š Pedestrian pathways, plazas, and courtyards should be major features of hotel and beachfront design. Š Resorts and hotels should provide publicly accessible amenities (such as trails, putting course, restaurants, and retail). For the beachfront resort, a public trail that encircles the property should be integrated into the development. Š Public and private areas may be separated through the use of low walls and/or landscaping. Gates and fences should not be used. Š Public parking for on-site retail and restaurants should be provided. A small amount of public parking should also be provided for the beach and trails. Š Building orientation should preserve views to the ocean or other scenic areas. These framed views are to be enjoyed by the public, as well as resort guests. Š Delivery and loading areas should be located toward the rear of the property and screened to minimize impact on incompatible uses. City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 3 - Page 8 Section 3.5 Townhouse neighborhood The intent of this section is to allow flexibility in the design of a Townhouse neighborhood while at the same time providing an intimate, traditional neighborhood character by encouraging architectural variety, promoting pedestrian activity, and providing meaningful open space. The following guidelines are intended to apply to both attached and detached product types. Architecture Š The design of residences should be varied within the neighborhood to create diversity and interest. A significant difference in the massing, composition, and architectural style, as well as finish materials and colors of adjacent units should be accomplished. Š One design should not be repeated more frequently than every fourth residence or group of residences and individual dwelling units should be easily distinguishable from one another. Š All elevations should be designed with the same care and attention to detail, and preferably using the same materials, as the front elevation. Materials should turn corners and avoid exposed edges which otherwise cause an artificial appearance. Š Setbacks at the second story should be considered. The use of balconies on second stories is also encouraged. Š Front porches are strongly encouraged. The integration of varied textures, openings, recesses, and design accents on building walls is also encouraged to soften the architecture. Š To avoid a flat appearance with no depth or shadow, overhangs should be at least 12 to 16 inches. Shared views and access to neighborhood open space Front porches and architectural details are important. City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 3 - Page 9 Building Orientation and site design Š Variation of development patterns within the neighborhood is necessary to achieve visual diversity and avoid a monotonous appearance. One or more of the following techniques should be incorporated into the project’s design to help achieve diversity. y Varied front yard setbacks – Placement of residences close to and back from the street creates different patterns of open space. y Varied side yard setbacks – Varying the distance between adjoining residences, or between residences and fences results in different types of yards and private patio areas. y Varied lot widths – Making some lots wider, and some narrower, than the average lot provides different amounts of open area between structures. It also allows placement of different sizes and shapes of residences that give a neighborhood more character and individuality. Š Main entrances should be oriented toward Ponto Drive and/or a shared open space. Walkways should be provided that connect directly to street/sidewalk system. Š Garages should be accessed from an alley or private drive, not from Ponto Drive. Š Walled and gated communities contradict the desired charm and friendly character. Perimeter gates and walls are strongly discouraged with the exception of sound walls along the railroad right of way. Š Ample landscaping and the use of planted parkways should be used along Ponto Drive. Landscaping in the form of trees, hedges, groundcover, and low picket fences in front and side yards is also encouraged. Š Designs should include shared open space and recreational areas. Garages are accessible from the alley/private drive. City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 3 - Page 10 Section 3.6 Pedestrian Plazas and Courtyards To the degree possible, all new development, including residential, should include plazas, courtyards, mid-block paths, and pedestrian connections throughout the Village. Š Commercial/mixed use developments should incorporate courtyards, plazas, outdoor eating areas, fountains, passages, and other amenities into their design. Š New developments are encouraged to integrate design features that provide pedestrians with points of conversation, rest, information, and visual interest. Š The relationship between buildings, as well as between buildings and sidewalks, are important in creating a pleasant pedestrian environment. Buildings should be linked together by landscaped sidewalks, plazas, courtyards, pocket parks, and passages. Š Courtyards should be located to be visible from the street or linked to the street by a clear circulation element such as an open passage or covered arcade. Š Courtyards, plazas, and paseos should be inviting and well lit and accessed from multiple locations. Edges should contain retail shops, restaurants, offices, public art or other pedestrian-related activities. Blank walls and dead spaces without pedestrian interest are discouraged. Š The use of pedestrian amenities (benches, shelters, drinking fountains, lighting, trash receptacles, bicycle racks, and public art) is strongly encouraged. Shade trees, water features, and public art should also be incorporated into courtyard and passage design. City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 3 - Page 11 Section 3.7 landscaping Š Landscaping is an important design element in the plan for any new project in the Ponto Beachfront Village. Š Landscaping should enhance the quality of development by framing and softening the appearance of buildings, enhancing the overall image, screening undesirable views and providing shade and wind protection. Š Landscaped parking areas are encouraged to avoid direct views of parked vehicles from the public right-of-ways, minimize noise, light, exhaust fumes and other negative effects on pedestrians. Š Where parking lots abut buildings, landscaping around the base of buildings is encouraged to soften the edge between the building and parking lot. Š Planters and pots placed in building recesses and adjacent to blank walls are encouraged. Planters and pots provide visual interest and color accents and enrich sidewalks, courtyards, and plazas. Planter and pot materials should complement the building architecture. Š Landscaping should be spaced so that it does not interfere with the lighting of the project area or restrict access to utilities (such as electrical boxes) or emergency apparatus (such as fire hydrants or fire alarm boxes). Landscaping should be in scale with adjacent buildings and be of appropriate size at maturity. Š Trees and plants native to the Southern California coast or those which flourish in the region should be selected whenever possible. Plant materials should also be selected for their low maintenance qualities. Plants should be grouped in combinations to support desired design themes and should be grouped based on common environmental conditions, such as soil type, water, sun, temperature limitation, etc. Š City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 3 - Page 12 Section 3.8 parking Parking Lots Š Locate parking lots to the rear of buildings where possible. Where parking stalls front storefronts and entrances, they should function as traffic-calmed drive aisles/interior streets. Š If a parking lot is adjacent to a public street, it should be landscaped to screen the visual impact of parked vehicles from the public right-of-way. Screening should consist of hedges or planting at the setback line. Š Landscaping should also be used to separate parking from buildings, to reduce the visual impact of paved surfaces, and provide shade. Š The number of access driveways to the site should be minimized and located as far as possible from street intersections. Parking lot access points should not interfere with the function of adjacent roadways and should minimize potential conflicts with pedestrians. Š Clearly defined pedestrian walkways or paths should be provided from parking areas to primary building entrances. Design walkways and parking lots so that pedestrians will not have to cross parking aisles and landscape islands to reach building entries. Š Raised walkways, decorative paving, landscaping, and/or bollards should be used to separate pedestrians from vehicular circulation to the maximum extent possible. Š Conflict between vehicles and pedestrians should be avoided at access drives by providing a sidewalk on at least one side of the driveway. Appropriate parking layout City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 3 - Page 13 Š The use of common or shared driveways between adjacent uses is strongly encouraged. Shared parking and access agreements are encouraged. Parking areas should be internally linked. Š Site access locations should be coordinated with existing or planned median openings and driveways on the opposite side of the roadway. Š Site access should promote safety by providing an adequate stacking distance for vehicles between the back of the sidewalk and the first parking stall or circulation aisle. Š Ensure visibility for vehicles entering and exiting the site by providing unobstructed sight lines at corners and mid-blocks. Š On-site drop-off areas should be adjacent and parallel to streets and/or drive aisles to allow vehicles to get out of the main flow of traffic and stop. These include bus stops, loading, and pedestrian pick-up/drop-off areas. Š Bike parking should be incorporated into parking lots. Shared parking is encouraged. Site access points should be minimized and located as far as possible from street intersections. City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 3 - Page 14 Parking Structure Design Š Activities such as shops, offices, or other commercial space should be incorporated along the ground level of the parking structure, where appropriate. Š Exterior elevations shall incorporate design components and materials utilized and compatible with the primary building(s). Š Exterior elevations should be designed to minimize untreated facades. Long expanses of shear walls are not permitted. Š A trellis and exterior landscaping may be incorporated into the building design where blank walls occur on the structure. Š Exterior walls of parking structures should be finished with the same material to match the architectural character of the principal buildings. Š Exterior elevations should include window patterns and other architectural elements, such as towers. Š Cars parked on the upper level of parking structures should be screened through the use of architectural features, structures, and/or landscaping. Š All appurtenances (i.e., transformers, ventilation shafts, etc.) shall be located outside any required setback and shall be screened from public view. Š Pedestrian circulation should be clearly delineated and separated from automobile circulation. The use of landscaping, walkways and decorative hardscape is encouraged to emphasize pedestrian areas. City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 3 - Page 15 Section 3.9 commercial Signs Signs are important not only because they communicate something about goods and services being offered at a particular establishment, but because they also communicate something about the quality of the businesses and the image of the community in general. Attractive, creative, and pedestrian-oriented signs will help create a more pleasing visual environment in the Ponto Beachfront Village. Preferred Sign Types Roof signs, pole signs, and internally illuminated box signs shall not be permitted. The following pedestrian-oriented sign types are recommended for new projects in Ponto Beachfront Village: Projecting Signs Š The use of small, pedestrian-oriented signs is strongly encouraged. Š Projecting signs should be used for ground floor uses only. On a multi-storied building, the sign should be suspended between the bottom of the second story windowsills and the top of the doors or windows of the first story. Š The scale of projecting signs should not detract from the architectural character of the building. Figurative Signs Š Creative signs, which advertise the occupant business through the use of graphic or crafted symbols, such as shoes, keys, glasses, or books, are encouraged. Figurative signs may be incorporated into any of the preferred sign types. Hanging Signs Š Where overhangs or covered walkways exist, pedestrian-oriented hanging signs are encouraged. Š Hanging signs should be simple in design and not used to compete with any existing signage at the site. Projecting banner sign Projecting sign Projecting signs should be oriented to the pedestrian Avoid projecting signs not oriented to pedestrian Hanging signs Figurative sign City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 3 - Page 16 Window Signs Š The text or copy of a window sign should be limited to the business name, and brief messages identifying product or service (e.g. “attorney”), or pertinent information (e.g. “reservations required”). Š Window signs should be primarily individual letters or logos placed on the interior surface of the window and intended to be viewed from outside. White and gold-leaf paint are recommended colors. Wall Signs Š A wall sign should be located where the architectural features or details of the building suggest a location, size, or shape for the sign. The best location for a wall sign is generally a band or blank area between the first and second floors of a building. Š Wall signs should not project from the surface upon which they are attached more than that required for construction purposes and in no case more than 6 inches. Canopy/Awning Signs Š Signs on awnings should generally be limited to ground floor and second floor uses only. Š The text of the sign should be located only on the valance portion of the awning/canopy. Letter color should be compatible with the awning and the building color scheme. Š The shape, design, and color of the awnings should be carefully designed to coordinate with, and not dominate, the architectural style of the building. Where multiple awnings are used on the building, the design and color of the sign awnings should be consistent with all other awnings. Monument Signs Š Monument signs should be placed so that sight lines at entry driveways and circulation aisles are not blocked. Š They should be designed to create visual interest and compliment their surroundings. Wall sign Window sign Monument signs Canopy/awning sign City of Carlsbad Ponto beachfront Village Vision Plan Chapter 3 - Page 17 General Sign DesiGN Guidelines Š Signs should be designed to relate to the architectural features of the building on which they are located and create visual continuity with other storefronts on the same or adjacent buildings. Š Sign materials should complement the materials on the façade and should contribute to the legibility of the sign. Š Sign Programs are required for all buildings with more than one business. This will establish visual continuity among storefronts and create a unified appearance for the center. Š Signs should be placed at or near the public entrance to a building or main parking area to indicate the most direct access to the business. Š Signs should be placed consistent with the proportions of the building’s façade. Š Signs should not be located so that they cover or interrupt the architectural details or ornamentation of a building’s façade. Signs should not project above the edge of the rooflines and should not obstruct windows and/or doorways. Š The location and extent of signs and advertising should not obstruct scenic views. Š Encourage unique signs, but avoid typefaces that are too faddish or bizarre. The image conveyed may quickly become that of a dated and unfashionable business. Š Indirect lighting that is integrated into the building’s architecture is encouraged. Internally illuminated signs are strongly discouraged. Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Implementation City of Carlsbad Ponto Beachfront village Vision Plan Chapter 4 - Page 1 Chapter 4: IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM Section 4.1: introduction All projects in the Ponto Beachfront Village area must be consistent with this Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan and its land use strategy. A successful implementation of the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan will require action on both a plan-wide basis and on individual parcels planned for specific projects. Some implementation actions need to be initiated and processed by the City of Carlsbad. Other implementation steps will result from permit applications prepared and processed by individual project developers. This section describes the necessary actions and differentiates who is the responsible party. Section 4.2: Existing regulatory status General Plan As seen on Figure 4.1, the following General Plan designations are found in the Ponto Beachfront Village area: y UA – Unplanned Area y TR/C – Travel/Recreation Commercial y RMH – Residential Medium High (8 – 15 dwelling units/acre) y RMH/TR – A dual designation indicating that with further planning, one or both uses may be appropriate y OS – Open Space and Community Parks City Zoning At present there are three City zoning designations for the various parcels in the Ponto Beachfront Village area, as seen on Figure 4.2: y PC – Planned Community y CT-Q – Commercial Tourist zone with Qualified Development Overlay y RD-M-Q – Residential Density – Multiple zone with Qualified Development Overlay y CT-Q/RD-M-Q – A dual designation indicating that with further planning, one or both uses may be appropriate South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area (SCCRA) A portion of Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan is within the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area (SCCRA) and subject to the Redevelopment Permit process, which is administered by the City of Carlsbad’s Housing and Redevelopment Department. (See Figure 1.2 for a generalized map of the redevelopment area boundary.) Local Coastal Program The Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan area falls within the Coastal Zone. City of Carlsbad’s Local Coastal Program (1996) is comprised of five segments, which provide policies and development guidelines for compliance with the State Coastal Act. The Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan area includes acreage located within the Mello II Segment Land Use Plan. Local Coastal Program Segments are required to maintain consistency with the City of Carlsbad’s General Plan. A Coastal Development Permit must be obtained prior to development. City of Carlsbad Ponto Beachfront village Vision Plan Chapter 4 - Page 2 Figure 4.1 EXISTING GENERAL plan land use City of Carlsbad Ponto Beachfront village Vision Plan Chapter 4 - Page 3 Figure 4.2 existing city zoning City of Carlsbad Ponto Beachfront village Vision Plan Chapter 4 - Page 4 Existing Specific Plans / Master Plans Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan (SP 210) The Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan directs development of a 92-acre transit-oriented residential community located primarily north of the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan; however, a 1.5-acre portion of Ponto is included, referred to as Planning Area 1 in the Specific Plan. It is located in the northwest corner of the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan, adjacent to Carlsbad Boulevard and Ponto Road. Per the Specific Plan, the land use for the 1.5-acre area is intended for commercial uses that serve the traveling public and beach visitors. Poinsettia Shores Master Plan (MP 175(c)) The Poinsettia Shores Master Plan area (PSMP), amended May 12, 1994, includes approximately 162.8 acres, of which approximately 23.5 acres are located within the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan. The Poinsettia Shores Master Plan Area is broken down into 17 Planning Areas, three of which are located within the Ponto project area boundaries -- Areas F, G, and H. These areas feature travel service/commercial use, open space, and a non-residential reserve. Local Facilities Management Plans (LFMP) Local Facilities Management Plans address development’s demand on public services and facilities. The Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan is located within the LFMPs for Zones 9 and 22. Section 4.3: Plan-wide implementation The following actions on a plan-wide basis need to be completed for the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan to be implemented. These actions are city-initiated or require significant city participation. ™ City Council approves Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan’s land use, design guidelines and implementation strategy. ™ General Plan Amendment (GPA) is prepared by City and approved by City Council and California Coastal Commission, which à Designates Ponto as an area of “Special Planning Consideration” that shall be developed under the guidance of the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan ™ Local Coastal Program is amended to include GPA pertaining to the Vision Plan’s goals, objectives and land use plan, with direct reference to the Plan’s Design Guidelines. A single amendment will be processed to cover the Plan area. ™ Discussions continue with State Parks to work out additional entry points through the South Carlsbad State Beach campground to provide more convenient beach access for residents and visitors and to explore the potential for State Parks’ expanded use of vacated City right-of-way along Carlsbad Boulevard. City of Carlsbad Ponto Beachfront village Vision Plan Chapter 4 - Page 5 Section 4.4 Project implementation To implement individual projects, developers must: ™ Obtain needed permits from City of Carlsbad for specific project implementation. ™ Areas of private development that are under jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game will need to obtain permits from those agencies for identified jurisdictional impacts, including: à 401 Water Quality Certification à 404 Clean Water Act Permit à 1602 Streambed Alteration Agreement (combines the previous 1601 and 1603) ™ Land in the City-owned right-of-way that is under jurisdiction of the above resource agencies, becomes vacated, and is used for private development will need to obtain the appropriate permits listed above in conjunction with future private development. ™ Process projects through environmental review. The following pages list the Vision Plan’s major character areas, the parcels included in each area, and a summary list of anticipated actions required to permit the land uses. The summary list is not intended to be inclusive of all actions that will be needed to proceed with development. Developers are advised to meet with appropriate City departments in advance of initiating project design to determine which type of permits will be needed for a specific project. Garden hotel Property APNs: 214-590-04; 214-160-19; 214-160-24 Regulatory Information Existing GP Land Use: TR/C Travel / Recreation Commercial / Commercial (APN 214-590-04) RMH/T-R Residential Medium High/Travel / Recreation Commercial (214-160-19; 214-160-24) Existing Zoning: CT Commercial Tourist Other Applicable Regulatory Documents: Poinsettia Shores Specific Plan (214-590-04) South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area Plan (214-160-19, -24) Local Coastal Program Developer Actions to Implement ponto beachfront village vision plan ™ Redevelopment Permit ™ Coastal Development Permit ™ Environmental Review ™ Improvements Agreement with City City of Carlsbad Ponto Beachfront village Vision Plan Chapter 4 - Page 6 village hotel Property APNs: 214-170-11; 214-160-25 Regulatory Information Existing GP Land Use: RMH Residential Medium High (214-170-11) RMH/T-R Residential Medium High/Travel Recreation Commercial (214-160-25) Existing Zoning: RDM-Q Residential Density-Multiple – Qualified Development Overlay (214-170-11) CT-Q/RDM-Q Commercial Tourist – Qualified Development Overlay/ Residential Density-Multiple – Qualified Development Overlay (214-160-25) Other Applicable Regulatory Documents: South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area Plan Local Coastal Program Developer Actions to Implement ponto beachfront village vision plan ™ Redevelopment Permit ™ Coastal Development Permit ™ Environmental Review ™ Improvements Agreement with City live-work neighborhood Property APNs: 214-160-04, -05, -06, -10, -11, -13, -20, -21, -25, -27, -29, -34, -35, -36, Regulatory Information Existing GP Land Use: RMH/T-R Residential Medium High/Travel Recreation Commercial Existing Zoning: CT-Q/RDM-Q Commercial Tourist – Qualified Development Overlay/ Residential Density-Multiple – Qualified Development Overlay Other Applicable Regulatory Documents: South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area Plan (214-160-19, -24) Local Coastal Program Developer Actions to Implement ponto beachfront village vision plan Note: Permits required may vary, depending on size of development, i.e., whether it is a small lot owner adding a commercial use to the existing residential use or whether it is a project entailing lot consolidations and larger-scale new construction. ™ Redevelopment Permit ™ Coastal Development Permit ™ Environmental Review ™ Improvements Agreement with City City of Carlsbad Ponto Beachfront village Vision Plan Chapter 4 - Page 7 townhouse neighborhood Property APNs: 216-140-17 Regulatory Information Existing GP Land Use: UA Unplanned Area Existing Zoning: PC Planned Community Other Applicable Regulatory Documents: Poinsettia Shores Master Plan Local Coastal Program Developer Actions to Implement ponto beachfront village vision plan ™ Amendment to Poinsettia Shores Master Plan ™ Coastal Development Permit ™ Improvements Agreement with City ™ Environmental Review mixed use center Property APNs: 216-010-01, -02, -03, -04, -05; 216-140-18 (portion); vacated Carlsbad Boulevard (portion) Regulatory Information Existing GP Land Use: RMH Residential Medium High (216-010-01, -02, -03, -04, -05) UA Unplanned Area (216-140-18, portion) Existing Zoning: RDM-Q Residential Density-Multiple – Qualified Development Overlay (216-010-01, -02, -03, -04, -05) PC Planned Community (216-140-18, portion) Other Applicable Regulatory Documents: Poinsettia Shores Master Plan (214-140-18) South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area Plan (216-010-01, -02, -03, -04, -05) Local Coastal Program Developer Actions to Implement ponto beachfront village vision plan ™ Redevelopment Permit ™ Coastal Development Permit ™ Rezone ™ Environmental Review ™ Improvements Agreement with City ™ Resource agency permits City of Carlsbad Ponto Beachfront village Vision Plan Chapter 4 - Page 8 beachfront resort Property APNs: 216-140-18 Regulatory Information Existing GP Land Use: T-R/C Travel Recreation Commercial / Community Commercial Existing Zoning: PC Planned Community Other Applicable Regulatory Documents: Poinsettia Shores Master Plan Local Coastal Program Developer Actions to Implement ponto beachfront village vision plan ™ Coastal Development Permit ™ Improvements Agreement with City ™ Environmental Review Section 4.5 Infrastructure The Vision Plan identifies key infrastructure improvements that are required to achieve the Plan’s development goals. This section discusses these key improvements. Carlsbad boulevard realignment Improvements to Carlsbad Boulevard will be installed in conjunction with individual project development or initiated by City action. North bound lanes: y Bike lane, landscaped parkway, and sidewalk are installed y Existing lane alignment is retained y New left turn lane installed immediately south of Avenida Encinas to allow for U-turn movements from northbound Carlsbad Boulevard y New right turn lane onto Avenida Encinas from northbound Carlsbad Boulevard y No disturbance to mature cypress trees in median y No disturbance to bluff adjacent to Resort Hotel y No parallel parking provided, due to concern for pedestrian safety if “jay walking” across Carlsbad Boulevard to the beach Southbound lanes: y Bike lane, landscaped parkway, and sidewalk are installed y Linear park with multi-use pathway is installed y Diagonal parking bays (with protective median) provided where allowed by re-alignment of lanes. y Parallel parking spaces provided where roadway narrows y Any improvements south of Avenida Encinas avoid disturbance to existing mature cypress trees in median City of Carlsbad Ponto Beachfront village Vision Plan Chapter 4 - Page 9 Internal road circulation The northward extension of Ponto Drive, called Ponto Drive North in this Vision Plan, will be constructed when the Village Hotel or the Garden Hotel is built. Beach Way is a new primary entry off Carlsbad Boulevard into the Ponto site, and will be constructed in conjunction with the Village Hotel or the Townhouse Neighborhood. Upon construction of Beach Way, access to the frontage road will end because of elevation differences. Affected lots in the Live-Work neighborhood will have access from a temporary drive aisle between the new Ponto Drive North and the frontage road. The frontage road will be fully vacated at some point. Figure 4.3 shows one option for the interim condition. Utility Relocation Several major utility lines running through the Ponto area, which create limitations for future development, are proposed for relocation. The utilities follow the alignment of the Old U.S. 101 off-ramp pattern that previously existed in the Ponto area. The utilities include a 12-inch high-pressure gas fuel line, three sewer force mains, and an 84-inch storm drain. It is very important that relocation of utility lines be done in a comprehensive manner that considers the long-term development of all properties and does not simply benefit one or two property owners in the short-term. All utility lines no longer in use as a result of relocations shall be removed and not abandoned in place. Sewer Force Main As seen on Figure 4.4, the Leucadia Water District’s three sewer force mains that currently run at an angle through Ponto and along its internal streets will be relocated to run parallel to the northbound lanes of Carlsbad Boulevard. This facilitates development of the Mixed Use Center and its public amenities, such as the Wetland Interpretive Area, the pedestrian underpass to the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard and the community art/nature center. Gas Fuel Line A 12-inch high-pressure gas fuel line is owned by Kinder-Morgan and maintained by them and SDG&E. As seen on Figure 4.4, the Ponto Vision Plan proposes two potential relocation routes, both that would move the gas line into street rights-of-way. There are a number of other potential relocation routes, such as along the western edge of the railroad right-of-way or along Carlsbad Boulevard that could be considered. The preferred alternative should be satisfactory to all parties – the City, property Interimaccess Frontage roadFigure 4.3 interim access to frontage road City of Carlsbad Ponto Beachfront village Vision Plan Chapter 4 - Page 10 owners/developers and Kinder-Morgan – and help to achieve and implement the Vision Plan’s land use plan. Storm Drain An 84-inch storm drain that collects flows from residential areas north of Ponto for conveyance to Batiquitos Lagoon currently runs at an angle through Ponto, impacting development of the Mixed Use Center. As seen on Figure 4.5, it is proposed that this storm drain be relocated onto internal streets and then run parallel to the northbound lanes of Carlsbad Boulevard. Dry Utilities Existing overhead facilities -- electric, telephone and cable -- that run along Carlsbad Boulevard, the frontage road and across the various parcels in Ponto’s development area will be moved underground by each developer as projects are built. These facilities have already been moved underground on the southern section of Ponto Drive, although their location may need to be re-evaluated dependent upon engineering design of individual projects along this portion of Ponto Drive. City of Carlsbad Ponto Beachfront village Vision Plan Chapter 4 - Page 11 Figure 4.4 Fuel Line and Force Main Realignment City of Carlsbad Ponto Beachfront village Vision Plan Chapter 4 - Page 12 Figure 4.5 Storm Drain Realignment City of Carlsbad Ponto Beachfront village Vision Plan Chapter 4 - Page 13 Project Backbone Utility Infrastructure Sewer There are two alternatives for sewering Ponto’s area of future development, which are detailed below. The major difference is whether the entire Ponto area has one gravity system or whether it is split up into two independent systems. Details are provided below: Alternative 1 - Single Gravity System Shown on Figure 4.6, Alternative 1 proposes to direct the entire Ponto Beach Village sewage flow to the southeast corner of the Resort Hotel area. A connection will have to be jacked under the ATSF railroad tracks and tie into an existing 10” stub provided by the Knots Lane Lift Station (City of Carlsbad Drwg. # 357-5B). Under Alternative 1, it is thought that all existing structures can be sewered without any onsite lift devices. Assumptions: 1. Authorization from ATSF will be required as well as depth of pipe coverage must be in compliance with ATSF requirements. 2. Sewer mains south of Avenida Encinas will have depth ranging from 19 to 24 feet. 3. Sewer mains north of Avenida Encinas will have depth ranging from 7 to 18 feet. 4. A minimum of 0.5% slope was used to determine invert elevations. Alternative 2 - Two Independent Systems As seen on Figure 4.7, Alternative 2 proposes to construct a new lift station to service the area north of Avenida Encinas. To provide adequate cover for the sewer line, a portion of the low-lying area south of the frontage road (at contour interval 40) will need to be raised approximately 8 to 10 feet. Sewerage will be directed to the new lift station and lifted to a gravity line, which will need to be jacked under the ATSF tracks, and connect into an existing 15” gravity main draining northerly towards Poinsettia Avenue. The area south of Avenida Encinas (Resort Hotel) will drain towards the southeast corner of its site and connect to the Knots Lane Lift Station by jacking under the ATSF railroad tracks as described in Alternative 1. Assumptions: 1. Authorization from ATSF will be required as well as depth of pipe coverage must be in compliance with ATSF requirements. 2. A minimum of 0.5% slope was used to determine invert elevations. If adequate pipe coverage is not available to jack under the railroad tracks, then the sewerage could be piped north in a force main along the west side of the railroad right-of-way to a location with adequate pipe coverage, such as just south of Poinsettia Avenue. From that point, sewerage would be jacked under the railroad tracks and directed to the existing 27-inch gravity line draining northerly to the Encinas Pollution Control Facility. Alternative 2 provides more flexibility than Alternative 1, because the system can be constructed in phases and it also avoids deepened sewer lines. Storm Drain All development will ultimately drain into the existing 84-inch storm drain system. Ponto area drainage will include water quality management practices prior to discharge into the storm drain system. See Figure 4.3 in this Chapter for existing storm drain location and proposed re-alignment routes. City of Carlsbad Ponto Beachfront village Vision Plan Chapter 4 - Page 14 Figure 4.6 Backbone Sewer System – Alternative 1: Single Gravity System City of Carlsbad Ponto Beachfront village Vision Plan Chapter 4 - Page 15 Figure 4.7 Backbone Sewer System – Alternative 2: Two independent Systems City of Carlsbad Ponto Beachfront village Vision Plan Chapter 4 - Page 16 A primary component of the water quality management system is development of a natural water quality bio-swale that is constructed in conjunction with the Wetland Interpretation Area, located near the Carlsbad Boulevard overpass. Dry Utilities Electric Distribution System: SDG&E will provide electric service to the Ponto study area. A contractor hired by developers would provide all trenching, backfill, conduit and substructures necessary for each subarea. This may also include extra facilities deemed necessary by SDG&E for system reliability. SDG&E will install the necessary cable, connectors, and pad-mounted equipment as required. Natural Gas Distribution System: SDG&E maintains a natural gas system on Carlsbad Boulevard, Ponto Road and Avenida Encinas that has adequate capacity to serve the Ponto Vision Plan’s intended land uses. Facilities will be installed by each developer’s contractors and will require monetary advances to SDG&E for the cost of their facilities. Telephone and Cable Television Service: SBC and Adelphia Communications are the telephone, cable and data companies for the Ponto area. SBC will extend their system and provide a single point of connection to each subarea. For multi-family sites, each additional connection point past the first building would be billed to the Developer of that project. Adelphia Communications will extend their system and provide the necessary conduits at no cost to the residential areas. Commercial areas will incur costs based on distance from the point of connection to the building being served. Street Lights: Standard cobra head street light fixtures will be installed on all public roads to and within the Ponto area. This will be billed on a LS2A plan and is consistent with the typical fixture owned and maintained by City of Carlsbad. Streetlights will be spaced using a standard separation of 150 feet on opposite sides of the roads or closer, depending on the roadway’s horizontal alignment, i.e., curves. Roadway lighting within the private streets and drive aisles will be metered off house panels of various buildings or be billed under a separate contract with SDG&E. Decorative lighting designs will require City of Carlsbad approval. City of Carlsbad Ponto Beachfront village Vision Plan APPENDIX I – Page 1 APPENDIX I-A: Goals for south Carlsbad coastal redevelopment area City of Carlsbad Ponto Beachfront village Vision Plan APPENDIX I – Page 2 1. Eliminate blight and environmental deficiencies in the Project Area; 2. Assemble land into parcels suitable for modern, integrated development with improved pedestrian and vehicular circulation in the Project Area; 3. Replan, redesign, and develop properties which are stagnant or improperly utilized; 4. Increase, improve, and preserve the City’s supply of housing affordable to very low, low and moderate income households; 5. Develop new beach and coastal recreational opportunities; 6. Facilitate the redevelopment of the Encina Power Generating Facility to a physically smaller, more efficient power generating plant; 7. Provide a funding source for the potential realignment of Carlsbad Boulevard which will yield excess property that could facilitate expansion of the Carlsbad State Beach campgrounds and other recreational facilities, and/or development of cultural facilities or other public facilities; 8. Retain as many existing businesses as possible by means of redevelopment and rehabilitation services; 9. Enhance commercial and recreational functions in the Project Area; 10. Strengthen the economic base of the Project Area and the City by the installation of needed on- and off-site improvements to stimulate new commercial/residential expansion, employment and economic growth; 11. Increase parking and open space amenities; and 12. Implement performance criteria to assure quality site design and environmental standards to provide unity and integrity to the entire Project Area development. (Source: South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area (SCCRA) Redevelopment Plan – July 2000) City of Carlsbad Ponto Beachfront village Vision Plan APPENDIX I – Page 3 Appendix I-B: Alternative Alignments for Carlsbad Boulevard City of Carlsbad Ponto Beachfront village Vision Plan APPENDIX I – Page 4 COMPARISON OF CARLSBAD BOULEVARD RE-ALIGNMENT ALTERNATIVES FACTOR ALTERNATIVE 1 ALTERNATIVE 2 ALTERNATIVE 3 Additional Vacated Acreage Available for Other Uses Creates 0.8 acres on west side of Carlsbad Boulevard, available for use as a public linear park. Creates 2.0 acres on west side of Carlsbad Boulevard north of Avenida Encinas and 1.8 acres on west side of Carlsbad Boulevard south of Avenida Encinas, available for use as a public linear park or potential expanded use for the South Carlsbad State Beach Campground. Creates 0.8 acres on west side of Carlsbad Boulevard, available to be used as a public linear park. Creates 1.2 acres on east side of Carlsbad Boulevard, north of Avenida Encinas and 2.2 acres on east side of Carlsbad Boulevard, south of Avenida Encinas, available for additional development or community amenities. Effect on Vegetative Communities Approximately 3.0 acres of Disturbed Coastal Sage Scrub to be affected in median between Ponto Drive and Avenida Encinas. Retains cypress trees in median south of Avenida Encinas. Approximately 3.7 acres of Disturbed Coastal Sage Scrub to be affected in median between Ponto Drive and Avenida Encinas. Potential disturbance to approximately 0.6 acres of Southern Coastal Salt Marsh in median immediately north of the Los Batiquitos Lagoon bridges. Removal of cypress trees in median south of Avenida Encinas. Approximately 3.7 acres of Disturbed Coastal Sage Scrub to be affected in median between Ponto Drive and Avenida Encinas. Potential disturbance to approximately 0.6 acres of Southern Coastal Salt Marsh in median immediately north of the Los Batiquitos Lagoon bridges. Removal of cypress trees in median south of Avenida Encinas. Parking Provides 61 parking spaces (60 degree diagonal) and 48 parallel parking spaces. Provides 61 parking spaces (60 degree diagonal) and 48 parallel parking spaces. Provides 61 parking spaces (60 degree diagonal) and 48 parallel parking spaces. Traffic Signal Operations More complex signal operation at Avenida Encinas due to width of median (longer time to make turning movements) but similar to existing condition. Less complex signal operation at Avenida Encinas, due to standardized intersection (i.e., no wide median) Less complex signal operation at Avenida Encinas, due to standardized intersection (i.e., no wide median) Vehicular Bridges Retains existing northbound bridge; requires new southbound bridge to implement the grade-separated pedestrian underpass to the west. Retains existing northbound bridge; requires new southbound bridge to accommodate lanes re-location and to implement the grade-separated pedestrian underpass to the west. Requires two new bridges – one northbound and one southbound. City of Carlsbad Ponto Beachfront village Vision Plan APPENDIX – Page 5 Figure I-b.1 Carlsbad Boulevard Realignment alternatives City of Carlsbad Ponto Beachfront village Vision Plan APPENDIX I – page 6 Appendix I-C: Land Use Alternatives PRESENTED AT THE AUGUST 2003 PROPERTY OWNERS WORKSHOP City of Carlsbad Ponto Beachfront village Vision Plan APPENDIX I – page 7 Figure I-C.1: Land Use Concepts 1A and 1B City of Carlsbad Ponto Beachfront village Vision Plan APPENDIX I – page 8 Figure I-C.2: Land Use Concepts 2 and 3