HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-08-16; City Council; 18256; Housing Commission Appointment17 46# 18,256 - flTG. ai1 6/05 - TITLE: HOUSING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT IEPT. CLK I RECOMMENDED ACTION: CITY MOR= Adopt Resolution No. 2005-250 appointing one member to the Housing Commission. ITEM EXPLANATION: On August 9, 2005, Council continued Resolution No. 2005-250. The term of Renee Huston expires in July 2005. Ms. Huston was originally appointed in March 2000 to fill an unexpired term and was reappointed in August 2001. She has served five years. Ms. Huston served in the “Members at Large” category. Other members of the Housing Commission are: Doris Ritchie, Edward Scarpelli, Margaret Schraml, and Bobbie Smith. NOTE: Members of the Design Review Board are subject to the provisions of the Political Reform Act, and must file Statements of Economic Interests. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 2005-250 appointing one member to the Housing Commission. 2. Letter from Renee Huston requesting reappointment. 3. Applications received in calendar year 2005. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Isabelle Paulsen, (760) 434-2809, ipaul@ci.carlsbad.ca.us 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 re50 RESOLUTION NO. 2005250 ,UTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE HOUSING COMMISSION WHEREAS, the term of Renee Huston expires in July 2005; WHEREAS, there is a need to appoint one additional member to the Housing Sommission under the category of “Members at Large”; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Sarlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following person is hereby appointed to serve as a member of the dousing Commission, in the “Members at Large” category, for a term which expires in July, 2009: SONDRA ROMAN PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City 2ouncil held on the 16th day of AUGUST , 2005, by the following Jote, to wit: 4YES: Council Members Lewis, Hall, Kulchin , Sigaf oose ATTEST LORRAINE M. W (SEAL) 0 a From: To : Subject: Renee Huston (Isabelle Paulsen) Marilyn Strong Re: Housing Commission Reappointment Marilyn Mayor Lewis, I am currently serving on the City of Carlsbad Housing Commission, for which I take much pride and pleasure. I'm told that my appointment is about to expire and that if I wish to be reappointed I need to get in touch with you. Serving on this important body has been a wonderful learning experience as well as serving our city in a useful way. I'm hopeful that I will have the opportunity to continue another term as a Commissioner. Respectfully, Renee Huston540 Anchor WayCarlsbad 92008 (Please print or type) NAME: Ma 4-tIkw.J P Gee&. ADDRESS: a3oS” sc?cCqk hflmp-hfl CITY: Q&Y- Is LfxA ZIPCODE: ,qaW8’ EMAIL ADDRXESS: rnat-t-t-e2 m a++ruc=m fqu-1. e. Cryt.1 HOME: PHONE: PRESENT OCCUP BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS ADDR WORK PHONE: fy Resident of Carlabad (required for all appointments) .&.Yes No Registered voter in Carlsbad [required for all appointments) yes N~ 1 ,, h 03-?6+# U. S. Citizenship (required for all appafntrrmnte) )(,,Yea ,No I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board@) or Commissionts) an which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a committee designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member, as required by the state’s or SIGNATURE: DATE: ?!!/a lication io the following addnss: Carlslwcr! City Clerk’s office I2Do Cmlshad Vdiuge an’uc Carlabad, CA 9&lQ8 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT BOARD@) AND/OR COMM€SSTON( S) Education: I) B.A. Political Science, 1982, New England College, J,D. Law, 1936, Thomas Jefferson School of Law. Passed Califcrrnia Bar Exam, 1986. 1 Expedmce: See Professional Resume and Mastindale-Hubbe11 information attached hereto. Please note, while with Neil, Dymoft, Perkins, Brown & Frank, 1: handled several matters for the City of Carlsbad under the supemision of Vince Biondo relating to general liability, corlstruction defect and excessive force matters. C o m munity Activities: b bights of Columbus 8 Membership in Friendly Sons of St. Patrick Certified Scout Leader - Trooplpack Leader, Pilck 753, Carlsbad - 4 years Youth Basketball Coach - 3 yeus Director for Tamarack Point Homemvners Association - 10 years Director for North County Bar Association Referral Setvice - 5 years 8 * 8 Additional Comments: Thirteen years resident of City of Carlsbad. MeUried to Daqd and fkther of three children. I feel that my training and experience lends itselfto public service and ifappointed, would serve in a manner which promotes thecontinued quality oflife enjoyed by Carlsbad residents, References: * Steven La Rue, Esq. * Michael Wishkaemper, Esq. 8 Leo Pacheco * Jim Comstock 5- ..................................................................... Lawyer Locator Search hwyor LocaroS 3 By Lawyer @f LoclltiwrrEuee of Pradk. By IndurtrylPI.octiw Groups 3y Firm €& cotgonto Irw DapJrbnnth & US Owuarnment Bv US LM Facub kin tho Logal Network Request a Listing hut Ly6yor Loester Le@ Articles Dispute Resolution ............... ____^.............".....I" '"_ .... ., ..^.. ..................................... ......................................................... ....... .._-.. ............................. -.-.-..- ....--.-...--......-...- Protesrkmal Rwuress Customer Sa~l# _.~_ _ ......... .,..-. ...... ..,-. ...... x.. ..... ..-. *.".--~---..- -.. New Search Matthew P. Ro~co Member Law Office of MatthewP Rocco 1808 Anton Avenue, Surte 2440 Carisbad Caidornia 92M8 (Sari alego Go i Telephone ?60-693-9844 FaesirniLe. ~~-6m-a3a Email Send an Ernail Rated BV Piacthe Areas: Crw1 Irbg&on. Personal Injury: Produds Ltablltty, Elustnese LFb~&on: Governmental Liabrlty, Admiralty and Marlbrne Law Nursing Home Frehltty Admi-: 1986. California and V S &strict Court Southern Omtrict of Gariomia Law School: Thomas Jefferscn School of taw, J 5 , 1986 College: New England CdIqp. B A 1982 Member: San Oi- County Bar Assoclmon (Member, Lawyer Refenat Panel). Elar i%wc#atron of Northern San Diego County [Member, Levtyer Referral Panel and Co- Chairpeman fat Personal Injury Section, ?999-2000), American lnns of Court {Barrister 1 & 11, OIevar Wendell tio!mes Chapter, IW-MOl) Biography- hlelb Theta Ph!, John Paul Stevens Senate (Vice Dean, 1984-1988) Regpen! Arnkncan Junsprudence Award for Uniform Comrnercrai Carje 198.6 Secretary. Western Sfate Student Bady k0c1a00n 1985*1986 Member Southern Caftfornia Defeme ABorneys Assoaatron, 1986-1990 Community Outreach Voluntevr San Diego Supenor Court, 1W9-2000 Superior Cou~ Ju 2000- Arb&ator, San 51ego Supenor Court, 1W- Pro Tern. Small Claims. Bern: Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, August 30,1960 http: lluww marti ndale. corn k ptl\rlarti ndal eEm.vyer-Locatot/Searc h Lawyer Lncatorisearch 1 /9!? 005 lwbTTHgw Pa ROCCO, ESP. 2777 Jefferroa Street, Suite 200 ARBITRA1cQR: JURY TRIALS : San Diega Superior Court - North County San Iliego Superior Court+ - Medical Malpractice, Slip and Fall, Breach of Contract, Fraud, Legal Malpractice, ARBITRATIONS: San Diegu Superior Court - Personal Injury matters for Automobile E3r5onal Injury ~ I --- Plaintriff and for Dofendanc. April 1994 to Present LAW OFFICE OF MASTBEOQ P. Roc%O, Carlsbad, Califamla. Private Practice - Speciallzing an Personal Injury, Professional Negligence, and Business Litigation Matters. June 1890 tso &xi1 1994 X&NAGINC PAR-= LUTZ & EOCCO, EIXinitaS, California. Private Practice - Four Atturney Civil Litigation firm specializing in Personal fnjury, Legal Malpractice, Lender Liability, and Business Fraud cases. January 1987 to June 1980 ASSOCIX€EI NEE&, DYMITT, PKRILTNS, BROWN 0 FZUkHX, San Diego, Califoraia. Civil Lirigation, Insurance Defense firm. Litigation responsibilities included all aspects of case management, including trial for personal injury, public entity liability and construction defect cases. December 1986 Admitted to the California State Bar and Federal Bar of the Southern District of CaliEornia. Westem, State University College of Law, San Diego, California - Suria DOC~OY, May 1986. New England College, Wenniker. New Rampshire - Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Nay 1982 Dawning college of Law, Cambridge University, England - Internatiena? LawandBritishltqlgaf History, Yuly-Augwt1985. San Diego North County B~x Aesociation State Bar QC Califarnia 7 U. S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) e--’- Yes No Resident of CarJsbad (required for all appointments) &.--f Yss No Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for all appointments) Yes NO I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commissian(s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a committee designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the state’s or city’s Conflict of Interest codes. SIGNATURE: Fa U --x DATE: M~TXAA% 3. Lo- G Upon compdetton of your ~~p~~~u~~~n~ please mail or deiiver the czpplimtirrn to the following address: Carisbad City Clerk’s Office 1200 CarlsM Village &ive Carlsbod, CA 93008 (Please print or type) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S] IN WHICH INTERESTED: ADDRESS: 2.31r TWAsA l?,\w CITY: csi-nLs39Ach, ZIPCODE 420m EMAIL ADDRESS: HOME PHONE: PRESENT OCCUPATION: BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: WORK PNONE:I 7bb w- 9, f 55 U. S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) J Yes No Resident of Carlsbad (required for all appointments) JYes - NO Registered voter in Carlsbad [required for all appointments) J Yes No I am familiar with the responsibilitfes assigned to the Boardfs) or Commission($ on which I wish to serve. I am willing tu be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a committee designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to f3ie financial disclosure statements as required by the state's or city's Conflict of Interest codes. SIGNATURE: DATE: Upm completion ofyour app Y- icatim. piease mail or deliver the application to the folhwiug addrtw: Carlsbad City Clerk's Office 1200 Carisbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 EDUCATION: EXPERIENCE: COMMWNITY ACTIVITIES: /Pj &A& &-.i%UJ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS: APPLICATION FOR APPORVTMENT TO THE PLAMG ~~~~~~1~~ Sopldra J. Roman Page 1 EDUCATION I graduated fhm St&wd University with Uaivenity Distinction and Departmentat Honors (B.A., lnternational AflFBirs, 1982) and earned my law wee from the University of Virginia in 1987 I am currently enrotted in the UCSD Extension Prof3saortal Certificate program in Urban Planning and Development. The p &mag finitnclng, hd-use, t, and mvironmmtd plming and Sbn Diego” (UCSD Exteasion Course Catalog). I expect to c~lplete the prqgmm by Spring 2006 , features a curriculum that focuses w such timely issues as demogfaphic t onsin I recently wrote a term paper entitled ‘Wousing Production in the: City of Carlsbad: A Study of Supply and r)emand”lqy attschwi). EXPERIENCE: I have almost twenty years of experkace as a practicing attorney rep& established and early-stage public and prkate Companies. My areas of mcrtjse include dd and international connniercial trans&ons, liceslsing and protection of intelicctual propew, litigation. employmt, antitrust, securities and gencyral corporate. 1 served a Gm2ral Counsel ttrr Askx America, Inc. (based in Carlsbad) and have held senior-tevef in-house legid positions at If S WEST, hc.. Time Warner Teiwom and JMI. Corporation. 1 began my caceer with a large J3st Coast-based law firm. During the past yair t haw been rc-€musing my careef on read estate and land use. Last May 1 obtained a Californja Real Estate Broker Liceme and began takmg real estate classes, Wdhg hdustr); rnedngs% and netwarkrng professionals in thc field. I recently completed a consulttng assipmetit for a division of QUALCOMM involtkg (i) negotiation and preparation of leases for installation of nirclws cotiununicrttions equipment, (ii) analysis of Id zoning and pcnnitting rquirenants, and (iii) review of title search reports. APPLICATION FOR APPORVTMENT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION sondra J, Roman Page 2 I participated in the Winter 2005 session of the Carlsbad Citizens Ademy. I am also an active member of the San Diego County Bar AssociaGon and ifrsquently attend Real Property Section programs and meetings. In addition, I belong to the Cd&mia State Bar Rd Property Section and will be attending the Section's Annual Retreat on April 29-May I, 2005. ADDITIONALNORMA TI 0 NORCUMhlIENTS: Appointing mc to the Phhg Commission would cnhancc the gender diversity of that body, and would also increase geographic diversity as ZK, cuffent mber resides in the SoutIpeast quadrant. Housing Production in the City of Carfsbad: A Study of Supply and Demand Sondm 3. Roman March 22,2005 Prepared for: California 2020: Trends in California Demwraphics and Real Estate UCSD Extensim, Winter 2005 I. INTROfrlJCTIQ& The US. CmWS B€~mau estimates that the populetion of the City of Cerfsb-ad increaw by about 25% between 1990 and 2000, growing from 62,848 to 78,247 people. me City's population is expeded to increase to 128,700 by 2030.' If these estimates hold tme, the City wti more than double in size in 40 yeass. Housing units numbered 27,119 in 1990 and am target& to increase by only 87% in tbat same time pedod? Household size in the mion has bean trending downwad, weatin(l a need for an even greater number of homing units.' This ~>apiiw examines housing produalon In Caflsbad and considem whether ff wifl be sumdent to house the future population, panticularly for those earning less than the median income. It also considers whether the type of housing cumntly being built is likely to satisfy the needs and desftes of CarZsbad's future resirf-ents. tl. As of April 1,2000, the medien ege of Cadsbed residents was 39 years, somewhat nedlan age of 34 years and the national Wlan age of 35 years. higher than the statew Afmm 1996 of the City's population w8s school age (5 to 19 years OM), anb almosll8% of the City's population was 60 OT ovw (see Tatde 1, befow). Tabk 7: Age Distribution Nunbcr 78,247 5,028 5.m 5,125 4.240 3.402 10.468 14,460 12551 3,906 2,827 5,555 4,295 1,132 389 m.#? psrcrmt lQPA 64 87 65 54 43 13.4 18 5 16 0 50 36 71 55 14 (XI 76 I 2 Carisbad is predominantly white (86.6%). Hispanics are the second most populous group (1 1.7%) with small numbers of Asians, Blacks and people of other rams (see Table 2, below). Given current growth rates and projections, the statewide Hispanic population is expected to double by 2025 to over 21 million, end will svefltually surpass the non-Hispanic White population as the dominant ethnic group in Table 2; Ethnicity Subject I Number Whne HifiQanic A5m BlaCrr 36.8 9,170 11.7 3,315 4.2 1 .ootj 1.3 I 1 i Sowee: US. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Me: +he four numbers aW to mom than tha totat population and the four percentages add to more than 100 percent because individuals my report more then OM race. As of April 1 2000, Carisbad had just under 10,000 foreign-born immigrants, representing 12.7% of the City's population, English was the only language spoken a! home in 83% of households, compared with 9.4% for Spanish, 4.4% for other Indo-European languages, and 2.6% for Asian languages5 The average household sire in Cartsbad is 2.48 people. Families of all types comprise 66.3% of total households, but less than half of thostr households have children under 18 years (see Table 3, below). Households with individuals under 18 rneke up about only about one-third of the total households, consistent with the nationwide decline in the traditional "2-parenV2.2 kid" household that was common in the 1951)'s and 1960's. Maniage is still, however, very much in Total busehdds Femily househoMs (femlies) Wlth outn chlbdren under 18 years MarriPd-couple family Wlvl own children under 1 B yews Female householder, no husband present With own chiklren under 18 yews Non-faroily twus?holds m3 30.7 543 24.0 8.6 5.0 337 24.8 i Xi I 3 vogue in Carlsbad. Well aver half of all residents 15 years and over are married and live together (see Table 4, below). Table 4: Marital Status sub$& I Numkcr I bcent I I I p0pUL.M 16 years and over Never married Married, not separated Separated Dlrorccsd WidonW loo& 23.5 57.7 1.4 12,3 3.0 L .I sowce: U.S. Cmsus BUM, cmsus 2000 According to the 2000 Census, a little over twcbthirzts of Carl 's residents 16 years or older were employed, with the vast majority in the civilian labor force; less than one percent of the City's resldents serve in the Armed Forces. Almost half (449.2%) of the employed civilian population work in Management, Professional and related occupations. The three biggesl industries in terms of employment are Educational, HeaRh and Social Services ('17.8%), P~f~essionallScientificlManagernent (1 5%) and Manufacturing (1 1 .S%]. Most wockers are private salaried employees (73.7%). Government workers and self-employed workers each represent about 73% of the City's workers, Aimast 80% of the City's residents drive alone to work: a scant two percent utilize public transportation. Carisbad exhibits a high level of educational attainment. Of residents 25 yean and over, 93% were high school graduates and almost 46% had bachelor's OF higher degrees (see Tabk 5, below). These figures compare favorably with the national averages of 89% for high school completion and 29% calfege graduates.5 Table 6: Educetiad Attainment Popufation 26 years and OW ~ess than 9th grade 9th to i2m grade, no drpioma HQh schodl @de some colkga, no dcgrrwt Assocralc degm Bachelor's degrae Graduate or profeaoionat degree source: U.S. census Buteau, Cems -- 104.9 2.8 4.1 14.2 25.3 79 293 16.4 4 17 Commensurate with Cadshcfs high level of educational attainment are relatively high incame levels. The median househdd income in Carlsbad in 1999 was $85,145 and 28.4% of households reported income of over $lW.OOO per year. Median femily income was even higher at $77,151, up from $51,829 in 2990 (see Table 6, beiow]. Tabk 6: Income in 1999 Numtm 31,410 $287 1084 2.w 2,733 4 175 6053 4 828 5 486 1,706 2,038 21,067 591 470 'I ,m 1.34 2 510 4.057 3.503 4.232 1.333 f ,709 77.151 m 4.1 3.4 7.9 8.9 13 3 19 3 14.7 18.5 5.4 6.5 (XI 100.0 19 2.2 5.8 75 11s 19 3 16.6 20.3 6.3 8.1 111. USE AND GROWTH MANAGEMENT From its original 7.5 square miles and 7,000 people, Carlsbad grew to its current 42.2 square miles (24,788 acres) and estimated 95,000 people.7 Carlsbad's incorporated area is not expected to grow appreciably in the future, meaning that future growth wrill mur only from within. While about 55% of the land within San Dislgo County is owned by the government,' only 25% of Carlsbad's land is government-msd or otherwise devoted to public sedor uses (e.9. utilities, 5 . roads and railroads, parks and open space).g Fifty-seven percent of the total land area (14,194 acres) is designated and/or zoned for residentlal use. Since 1986, Carlsbad has been a 'growth management" city in which the major public facilities are planned, financed and their capacities sized to serve a targeted ultimate population and number of residential units. The population target at "buildout" is 128,700 and the Growth Menagement Limit is 54,600 housing units. Based upon that target number of residential units, the City is developed to about 74% of its c%paGity as of January 2005.'* Another 11% of the capacity (6,200 units} has been planned and/or is in construction. The City expects that the remaining 15% of residential capacity (8.086 units} will consist of in-fill development." IV. As of January f ,2005, there were 40,320 total housing units in the City of Carlsbad.'2 The ratio of owners to renten is 67M2,13 did\ is consistent with the national average of 709b home ownership yet conskfefabh( hlgher than the hWOrfG muntywide average of 50% home ~wnership.'~ Developers built 1,480 units in FY 2002,725 units in FY 2003 and 591 in N 2t104.'5 The decline in housing produdion is expected to reverse as several large master- planned communities develop (e$, Villages of La Costa, Cslavera Hills, Bressi Ranch, Kelly Ranch). The City pennittecl1.475 units En 2004,15% mwe units that the 1,263 permitted in 2003.'' All told, the City has approved 6,590 units for construction since ~O~JO.'~ Anyone who thinks (and tries to co-nvince others) that Caddad has "outlawe# multi- family attached housing is just plain wrong. In 2004, about 57% of all residential construction 6 conslstsd of multifamily attached housing (802 of 1,051 units).‘8 The breakdown is similar when looking at construction since 2000: f 9% of all permitted units ere apartments, 22% am condominiums, and 59% are single-family detached and other {@.a- second dwelling units, duplexes).” Of the tdal number of units built over the past five years, 65% were singlefamily detached.” Unlike other cities in the region, Carlad’s zoning ctassifn;ations permit a wide range of housing types with varying density levels @.g. townhomes). The City has strived mightily to provide affordable housing pulxuant to its lndusianery Housing Ordinance that was adopted in 1993 and amended in 2000. Rentaf housing has been the mast common product type developed to satisfy the requirements of the Ordinance.” Low- income housing (both epertments and semd dwelling units) buitt dudng FY2004 accounted for 8% (50 units} of production. The apartments, featurfng one to three bedrooms, had rents from $3M to $1,320, Based on rents charged, 53 market rate apartments. or roughly 9% of total production, wm afirr8able to moderate-income families (q., $76,100 for B family of four). These one to thm besworn unb had rents from %i,400 to $2,000.22 Since 1993,1367 affordable housing units hare been eonstmcted; 427 units are under construdion or pending construction, sncl over 350 are in the application processing of planning stages (see Affordable Housing in Carisbad, updated February 2,2005, provided by the City to participants In the Casisbad Citizen’s Academy on March fO, 2005, attached as Appendix €3). While these numbers am relatlvely small in percentage terms, the City - like all &her cities fn the region - faces enormaus challenges in producing housing affordable to very low, law and moderate-inoome families. City oMdats attribute the pnxludion of primarily upscale homing to the following factors: % demand for higher-end hwsing remains strong 7 3. tax incerrtives far producing affordable housing are few 3 land Gosts am high, and i pmrtt masgins on irffordsble housing are low bemw of high per-square-foot produdion Gasts (despite lower, relatively Sable or declining interest rates)n When the City considered including 8 modems-income requirement a part of its indusionary housing ordinance in the early 1990'5, the requirement was set aside when the private Mor sssured the City tnst it woufd produce moderateincome housing wfthout indusionary requirements. Based upon this assurance. the City made a conscious decision to focus its wm r~~~utces end effcwts on tower-incame housing. Unfortunatety, the building industry's production of modemte--lncome housing has avetagsd only about 5% of annual housing output since 1994." Tb community's ability to produce afforrlaMe housing is expedsd to be a significant chailenge for years to come. 6. Many of the new hmes being bul8 in Cartsbad are 2,500 square fegt or more, with large numbers of single-family detached hOm8$ in the 4-5 bedroom, 3000 square foot and up "luxury home' category.25 No doubt the buladir'rg industry has 8 weatth of data to show strong demand for thk tpe of housing, and wouM also argue that no &her type makes momic sells8 given current market wnditii. It is debatable, haweuer, whether many of the homes being produced in Casfsbad - on the rapidly shrinlcing inventory of raw fand - am likely to meet the needs and desires of its future poauletion. Although only atwt 12% of the Cis current populatiun is Hispanic, the percentage likely will gm significantly in the Mun! 8s the statewide Hispanic population is expeded to double in the next 20 contact" in more cmwdtbd conditions, and reside in ne~hborhoods charaderkecl by lwlevels of It has been obsewed that HlsQanics (and Asians) are "close Hispanics, as a poplatian, demonstrate a tendency to cluster together, Jive 8 education. Research conducted at Stanford University on the three Southland rUrSAS38 found that Spanish speaken: P consume .&I. to 1.03 less rooms than non-Spanish speakers, even though housebkl sizes were at least 1.5 times larger across all three sampies. L live in neighborhoods with 7%-15% more Spenish speakers * ate 10518% le?w likely to reside in single-family detached housing * are 4%-28% mom likeiy to reside in the centrat city 3 am &14% less likely to be hmewvners P d.ammme 8 law relative distaste for Rving nt3i~hbomoods with high lev& of human cawal- as measured by the petcentage of cslllege gnrduates, and 3 are significantly less willing to pay for an increase in space - as measured by the number of rooms. 29 Based on thesf3 findings, it ms masonaMe to condude that Ca 's Hispanic population wilt continue to gravitate tcrwards mom urban neighborhoods (Le. the Village) as o suburban areas. v CONC LUSlON to the The City Of Cadsbad is approaching "build-out." At times the City% growth management goals seem to clash with state-Mandated housing goals. Decisions made over the nexf 20-25 years will have a lasting impad on the mmmuni?y. Demographic trends pint to significant growth in the Hispanic population during tbat time period. The City needs to continue to wok hard to ensure that the supply of housiflg meets projected demand both quantitatively and qualrtatively 6-u~ so li#k nw lend fs avsilable in the downtown ernes, City planners, private builders and Gornmunrty leaders must strive to ensure that in-till development in the Village Redevielopment Ares provides 813 appropriate mix of homkng far people of all income levels and ehhnicity. Alo smaller '%ourtyard' horn or garden epartments dusted around a central open space. enabaing traditional townhouses and condominium own xes, one can envision 9 .,..,, . " .... -.. . .,..,.. ~ ~ .~ . __I . extended families to live in close proximity to one another and share some mrnon area, but not rwcexserily all live under ths same roof. Meanwhile, the proliferation of new 4-5 bedroom singls-farni#y detached homes continues in Carisbad's suburbs even as Mrth mt%s and household sizes ddine, the median age rise, end aging baby boomers begin #tiring. Will then! be enough white, college-educated, English- speaking femilies with 2.2 chiMren in the future to fill the spaciow homes that are being hilt today in Cart&&? Only time wtll1611. io 23 (Please print or type) U. S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) K Yes No Resident of Carlsbad (required for all appointments) A Yes No Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for all appointments) k Yes No I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) on which T wish to serve. 1 am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a committee designated by the City Council or at the request Qf an individual Council Member. I am willing tomn ancial disclooure statements as required by the state’s or city’s Conflic SIGNATURE: - Upon completion of your application, plewe mail or deliuer the application to the faibwi& dress: Cardsbad City Clerk’s Office 1200 Csrlsbad Village &ive Curlsbad, CA 92008 111 Ill . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . - -. - - . . - 2tl EDUCATION: t[ C0MMUNf"Y ACTMTIES; .. S'ruld $EC'A ' ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS: - TREMNIS L. WRIGHT May 11,2555 City Clerk’s Mxice City of CwIsbsd 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: Application for Appolntmeat - Board@) and/or Commission@) To the People at the City Clerk’s Office: I participated in the Carlsbad Citizens’ Academy this past Spnng and found it to be a great learning experience, Based on my mvolvcmcnt in the Academy and my interest In preserving the well-bemg of Carlsbad, I am interested in serving on one of the followmg commissimards (listed in order of pre$Lwnee}: * Housing Cammission Parks & Recreation Commission * Library Board of Tmsltes 1 have enclosed my .’Application for Appointment’’ for consideration. numbcr below if you need anything further. Please contact me at the Enclosure ____- -- -- 7760 Madrilena Way Carlsbad, California 92009 e 750.635.7919