HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-10-18; City Council; 18315; Proposition C Open Space and Trails Ad Hocn w > 0 CT a U 6 .. z 0 F 0 a J 0 Z 3 0 0 - AB# 18,315 MTG. 10/18/05 TITLE: PROPOSITION C OPEN SPACE AND TRAILS AD HOC CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE DEPT. PLN I 1 CITY MGR RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the City Council ADOPT City Council Resolution No. 2005-312 , CREATING THE Proposition C Open Space and Trails Ad Hoc Citizen’s Advisory Committee and APPOINTING citizens to membership of said committee. ITEM EXPLANATION: On several previous occasions, the City Council had discussed the creation of an Open Space Citizens Committee. The context for these discussions related primarily to the passage of Proposition C (copy attached), which listed open space acquisition and trail linkages as one of the projects that the citizens authorized the City to fund. The creation of the committee was put on hold until the City’s Habitat Management Plan (HMP) was approved by state and federal wildlife agencies. Now that the HMP is approved and the City is in the process of fully implementing the Plan, the City Council may want to create and make appointments to the Committee. Staff has reviewed the potential role, work product, and duration of the Committee and has derived some recommendations. It is recommended that the Committee’s role be the establishment of a priority system to select future open space properties for acquisition and potential trail linkage projects. The work product would then be a list of potential acquisition parcels and trail projects, along with justifications for their acquisition/construction, for consideration and selection by the City Council. The duration of the Committee would be a function of the frequency of meetings and would range from a minimum of six months to a maximum of one year. It is recommended that the Committee be disbanded after its presentation of potential acquisition properties and trail projects to the City Council. One outstanding issue needing direction from the City Council is the amount of funds available for open space property acquisition and trail linkages. The total allocation of funds for the four projects listed in Proposition C is $35 million. The project, as defined in the Proposition, lists both open space acquisition and trail linkages however the proportion of $35 million total allocation set aside for the open space/trail project has yet to be determined. Likewise, the proportion of fund allocation between the open space and trail components of the project is not established. With regard to fund allocation, Staff is recommending two options. One option would involve the City Council establishing the amount of Proposition C funding available for the open space/trails project up front and allowing the Committee to prioritize the potential open space property acquisition and trail linkage projects based upon that funding limit. Another option would involve the Committee deriving a list of potential open space property acquisitions and trail linkage projects based purely on the derived prioritization criteria, without consideration of cost. The City Council would then decide on the proportion of Proposition C funding for the open spaCeltrail project at a later date, perhaps based in part on the property acquisition opportunities. ENVIRONMENTAL: The creation of the committee and appointment of members does not constitute a “project” under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and no environmental review is required. Depending on the current zoning and General Plan land use designations of the potential acquisition properties, or the location and extent of the potential trail projects, some level of environmental review may be PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BILL NO. 18 Y 315 necessary concurrent with any necessary Zone Changes, General Plan Amendments or other required permits that implement the land acquisition or trail construction. FISCAL IMPACT: As stated in the Proposition, the funds proposed for allocation for Proposition C projects comes from the City’s General Fund. The amount allocated and the remaining amounts are shown below. The amount of funding available for the open space/trails project has not been established. ProD C Droiects : (in $1,000~) Initial Appropriated Remaining Allocation To Date Allocation City training center (1 ,050) Cannon Rd. - Trailslopen Space - Pool (1 1,239) Total 35,000 (1 2,289) 22,711 In addition to the acquisition costs, there will be costs for the ongoing maintenance of any open space or trails acquired and for the administrative expenses for the ad hoc committee. Staff recommends that the allocation for administrative costs not exceed $5,000 and that the maintenance costs be addressed when the properties are identified. EXHIBITS: 1. City Council Resolution No. 2005-312 , creating the ad hoc committee and appointing 2. its members. Copy of Proposition C ballot measure. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Michael Grim, (760) 602-4623, mgrim@ci.carlsbad.ca.us 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2005-312 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, CREATING THE PROPOSITION C OPEN SPACE AND TRAILS AD HOC CITIZENS COMMITTEE AND APPOINTING MEMBERS TO SAID COMMITTEE WHEREAS, the registered voters of the City of Carlsbad, California did, on November 5, 2002, approve Proposition C authorizing the spending of city funds from various sources including the General Fund in an amount over $1 million to construct a swimming pool complex, trails and open space, safety training facility, and Cannon Road east of College Boulevard; and WHEREAS, one of the projects listed in Proposition C consisted of trail linkages and open space acquisition; and WHEREAS, the City Council has expressed interest in the creation of an Citizens Open Space Committee to make recommendations to the Council on potential linkage projects and open space property acquisitions. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That there is hereby created a Proposition C Open Space and Trail Ad Hoc Advisory Committee whose charge shall be to establish priorities for open space property acquisition and trail linkage projects and make recommendations to the Council on potential candidate acquisitions and projects for future expenditures, as specified in Proposition C via the following powers, duties, and responsibilities: a. The Ad Hoc Advisory Committee shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and recommendations of the City Council and the members shall be five residents of the City of Carlsbad, one member at large, and one member from the City Planning Commission, as follows: I. Dr. Joel Altshul 2. Saundra Cima 3. Leonard Martyns 4. Fred Sandquist 5. Dennis Villavicencio 6. Carl Miller (at large) 7. Marty Montgomery (Planning Commissioner) b. The Ad Hoc Committee shall exist for a maximum of one year, or until all fund allocation recommendations are made, whichever occurs first, from 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 the date of this resolution and, at the end of this time period, shall cease to exist unless on or before that expiration date the City Council acts by further resolution to renew its term in either the same or an amended state. The terms of the Committee members shall be for one year. Committee members shall serve without compensation; Staff from the City of Carlsbad shall be ex-officio, non-voting, members of the Committee and shall provide support and advice as is appropriate. The Committee shall be given all reasonable tools, resources, background information, and staff support necessary for it to accomplish its objectives. A budget not to exceed $5,000 is hereby appropriated from the General Fund to support the work of the Ad Hoc Committee; The Ad Hoc Committee shall select a Chairperson and establish its own meeting schedule (in keeping with section “PI), as necessary and appropriate, to accomplish the work assigned to it by the City Council; The Ad Hoc Committee shall conduct its business in open and public meetings which shall be subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act (“Act”, Gov Code Sections 54950, et seq.) and shall only meet in closed session upon advice of the City Attorney in accordance with the Act; f. The principal charge of the Ad Hoc Committee is to make recommendations to the City Council for proposed expenditures of Proposition C allocated funds; g. No member of the Ad Hoc Committee shall participate in discussions on or cast a vote on expenditure recommendations where he or she is likely to have a conflict of interest. Members should consult with the City Attorney if they have reason to believe a conflict will arise. C. d. e. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 18th day of OC 2005, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis,Hall, Kulchin, Packard and Sigafoose NOES: None ATTEST: (SEAL) -2- EXHIBIT2 8 8 23 C 0 .- b i! u) z t - Q Y) .- E 5 1 OCTO 18. 2005 2:04PM PHONE: [858) 450-1221 Ext.107 FAX; E8581 552-1445 BUI LDI NC IN0 U STRY EMAIL: scott@biasd.org ASSOCIATION OF SAN DlECO COUNTY TOTAL # OF PAGES (INC&UbIW COVER): 2 DATE: October 18, 2005 FROM: Scott Holloy, Public Policy Advocate .TO: COMPANY: FAX #: MESSAGE: Moyor Lewis, Honorable Claude Lewis Honorable Matt Hall Honorable Mark Packard Honorable Ann Kulchin Honorable Norine Sigafoose City of Carlsbad 760-720-9461 ClTYOFCARLS6AD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE I Please find the attached letter in support of the cit)'s efforts to move forward with the implementation of the Habita? Management Plan. Sincerely. Scott I OCI. 18. 2005 2:04PM 9201 Spectrum Center Blvd., Suite 110 San Diego, CA 921 23-1407 P 858.450.1 221 F 858.552.1445 I www. biasandiego.org PRESIDENT Scot Sandrtrorn Trimark PaClflC Homes VICE PRESIDENT Horace Hogan 11 Br&m Cornmunltles TRUSURLR /SECRETARY Scott Brusseau Newport National Corp. IMMEDIATE PAST PlEflDENT Mike Levesque Lennar CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Paul A. Tryon AFFILIATES California Building Industry Association National Assoclarion of Home Builders Natlonal Association of Industrial and Office Properties October 18,2005 Honorable Claude Lewis Mayor City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: Advisory Committee Item 7: Proposition “C‘ Open Space and Trails Ad Hoc Citizens’ Dear Mayor Lewis and Members of the City Council: The Building Industry Association of San Diego County represents 1,460 member companies comprising a workforce of 165,000 San Diegans. We support the city’s efforts move forward with implementation of the Habitat Management Plan (HMP). We request that the formation of the Ad Hoc Citizens’ Advisory Committee include landowners and members of the business community to ensue a balanced perspective on the issues of prioritizing open space acquisition and trails. It is also important that the role of the advisory committee be confined to these two HMP issues and that the committee avoids making recommendations on specific development projects before the city. We request that this be clearly defined in the committee’s charter. Thank you for this opportunity to provide input on the formation of the Citizens’ Advisory Committee. We look forward to the successful implementation of the HMP. Very huly yours, PublicP Scott c* w ‘c dvocate cc: Michael Babowal, Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce BIA North County Board of Directors