HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-11-15; City Council; 18350; Agree to Civil Liability Municipal Golf CourseCITY OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL ~~ ~ ~ TITLE: AUTHORIZE WAIVER OF RIGHT TO PUBLIC HEARING AND AGREE TO ADMINISTRATIVE CIVIL LIABILITY FOR THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE PROJECT, PROJECT NO. 39721-1 6A DEPT. HD. CITY ATTY. CITY MGR. AB# 18,350 Construction $ 17,564,149 Buildings $ 11,194,105 Construction misc. $ 5,855,000 Total Estimated Cost $ 43,219,390 MTG. 1 1-1 5-05 DEPT. ENG RECOMMENDED ACTION: It is recommended the City Council Adopt Resolution No. authorizing the waiver of right to a public hearing regarding Compliant for Administrative Civil Liability issued by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board for the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course project, Project No. 39721 -1. 2005-342 ITEM EXPLANATION: On October 20, 2005 the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) issued Complaint No. R9-2005-0264 for Administrative Civil Liability against the City of Carlsbad for violation of Water Code 913376 and State Board Order No. 99-08-DWQ, Municipal Golf Course WDlD No. 9 37C337203, the “Complaint”, attached as Exhibit 2. The Complaint alleges the City failed to adequately implement its Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and failed to file a Notice of Intent (NOI) prior to the commencement of construction activities. In light of the fact that a Notice of Intent was not filed in a timely manner and the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan was not adequately implemented by the grading contractor to the RWQCB’s satisfaction, staff is recommending the City waive its right to a public hearing and pay an amount of $23,900 as offered in the Complaint to resolve the Complaint. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: On June 7, 2000, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 4772 certifying the Environmental Impact Report for the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project finding the project in compliance with the environmental regulations and policies of the City of Carlsbad. FISCAL IMPACT: The Carlsbad Public Financing Authority (CPFA) Board has appropriated funds totaling $43,219,390 for the construction phase of the golf course for grading, construction, buildings, and construction support contracts. It is recommended that the Complaint amount of $23,900 be paid from the construction contingency of $1,755,513 previously appropriated and included in the miscellaneous line item in the following table; therefore, no additional appropriations are required. The grading contractor has agreed to reimburse the City for one-half of the amount specified in the Complaint. Current Budget Activity Grading $ 8,606,136 I Page 2 EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 2005-342 authorizing the Waiver Of Rights To Public Hearing And Agree To Administrative Civil Liability for the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project, Project NO. 39721-1. 2. Complaint No. R9-2005-0264 for Administrative Civil Liability against the City of Carlsbad for violation of Water Code 313376 and State Board Order No. 99-08-DWQ, Municipal Golf Course WDlD No. 9 37C337203. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: SKIP HAMMANN, (760) 602-2780 X7320, shamm@ci.carlsbad.ca.us 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2UX-342 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE WAIVER OF RIGHTS TO PUBLIC HEARING AND AGREE TO ADMINISTRATIVE CIVIL LIABILITY FOR THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE PROJECT, PROJECT NO. 39721-1. WHEREAS, in December, 2003, the City Council did approve proceeding with the development of the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project ("Project"); and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the Complaint No. R9-2005-0264 for Administrative Civil Liabilities for the Golf Course construction issued by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board on October 20, 2005; and WHEREAS, the City Council accepts the assessment of civil liabilities in the amount of $23,900 for the Golf Course Construction; and WHEREAS, funding is provided by the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project fund. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council does hereby grant the Mayor the authority to approve Waiver of Right to a Public Hearing regarding Complaint No. R9-2005-0264 for the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project, Project Nos. 39721-1, copy of which is attached as Exhibit 2 to Agenda Bill No. 18.350 3. That the City Council does hereby grant the Mayor authority to pay the assessment of civil liability in the of $23,900 without requiring further City Council action. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 15 th day of November ,2005 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Hall, Kulchin, Packard, Sigafoose ATTEST (SEAL) 3 California Regional Water Quality Control Bo San Diego Region Over 50 Years Serving San Diego, Orange, and Riverside Counties Redpient of the 2004 Environmental Award for Outstanding Achievanent born USEPA 9174 Sky Park Court, Suite 100, San Diego, California 92123-4340 Alan C. Lloyd, PhD. Agency Secretary (858) 467-2952 Pa (858) 571-6972 saadiego October 20,2005 CERTIFIED MAIL Mr. Raymond R. Patch City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 7003 1680 OOOO 7393 5899 In reply refer to: CAU: 10-3037 Dear Mr. Patchett: COMPLAINT NO. R9-2005-0264 FOR ADMINISTRATIVE CIVIL LIABILITY AGAINST CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR VIOLATION OF WATER CODE 6 1337 WID NO. 9 37C337203 STATE BOARD ORDER NO. 99-08-DWQ9 MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE, Enclosed find Administrative Civil Liability Complaint No. R9-2005-0264 against the Carlsbad (City) for the Municipal Golf Course construction site located at 5800 Hidden Road, WDID No. 9 37C337203. The Complaint in the amount of $23,900 is for violati Water Code section 13376 and California State Water Resources Control Board (State 1 Order No. 99-08-DWQ, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Gc Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity (General Per Be aware that the City of Carlsbad may waive its right to a hearing before the Californii Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region (Regional Board). Waiver o hearing constitutes admission of the validity of the allegation of violations in the Comp acceptance of the assessment of civil liability in the amount of $23,900 as set forth in tf Complaint. Please note that any waiver will not be effective until reasonable opportuni pubIic participation has been provided for pursuant to federal "DES regulations (40 C Federal Regulations [CFR] Parts 122,123, and 124). In order for the Regional Board tc the waiver of the City's right to a public hearing, the City must submit the following by Friday November 18,2005: 1. The enclosed waiver form signed by an authorized agent of the City of Carlsbad 2. A check for the full amount of civil liability of $23,900 made out to the Califorr Water Resources Control Board. Waivers submitted after November 18,2005 will not be accepted. California Environmental Protection Anencv a Recycled Paper ird Arnold Scbwanenegger Governor !03:melbf ity of Valley as of oard) teral lit). the lint and i for de of accept 5 P.M., and a State Raymond R Patchett, City Manager -2- City of Carlsbad ACL Complaint No. R9-2005-0264 Octobei If the City does not elect to waive it right to a public hearing, a hearing is tentatively scl be held at the Regional Board meeting on December 14,2005 at the Regional Board. A with procedures for the hearing will be mailed to the City not less than ten days before t hearing date. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 9 A.M. If the City of Carlsbad intends to present any written exculpatory evidence, or written e1 mitigation at the hearing in response to Complaint No. R9-2005-0264, it must be receiv P.M. Tuesday November 29,2005 in order to be considered by the Regional Board at tf hearing. Please submit twenty (20) copies of any response, inchding evidentiary exhibi Copies of material submitted will be forwarded to the Regional Board Members prior tc public hearing. The Regional Board has established a public comment period to solicit input on the Cor This includes publishing a notice in the local newspaper. The public comment period fc Complaint begins October 26,2005 and will end on November 25,2005. If the City do waive its right to a public hearing by November 18,2005, the written comment period \ extended to November 29,2005. Oral comments can be made during the tentatively scl December 14,2005 public hearing. Please contact Frank Melbourn of my staff at (858) 467-2973 or fmelbourn @waterboar( if you have any questions concerning this matter. The heading portion of this letter incl Regional Board code number noted after “In reply refer to:” In order to assist us in the processing of your correspondence please include this code number in the heading or su portion of all correspondence andmorts to the Regional Board pertaining to this matte / JOHN H. ROBERTUS Executive Officer JHR:mpm:mja:ftm Attachments: 1. ACL Complaint No. R9-2005-0264 2. Waiver of Hearing Form 3. Regional Board Inspection Report, October 14,2005 4. Regional Board Inspection Report, October 18,2005 Copy with Enclosures to: 1. Ellen Blake, US EPA Region IX 2. John Cahill, City of Carlsbad 3. Conrad “Skip” Hammond, City of Carlsbad S:\Compliance Arrurancc\Enforccment Ordas\ACL\city of Carlsba Wonshctionmlf Courscu(9-2005-0264 ACL Complaint ’I7 California Environmental Protection Agency @ Recycled Paper 20,2005 :duled to I agenda, e idence in dby5 : public the S. ,plaint. r the s not ill be :duled s.ca.gov des a ject line mmittal.doc CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD SAN DIEGO REGION IN THE MATTER OF: 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1 FOR MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE ) ADMINISTRATIVE CIVIL LIAE NONCOMPLIANCE WITH WATER CODE ) 0 13376, AND STATE BOARD ORDER COMPLAINT NO. R9-2005-0 October 20,2005 NO. 99-08-DWQ ) CITY OF CARLSBAD IS HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE THAT: 1. The City of Carlsbad (City) is alleged to have violated provisions of law for which I California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region (Regional Boi impose civil liability under section 13385 of the Water Code. 2. On September 8,2005, the City of Carlsbad commenced construction activity for a golf course disturbing 200 acres of the 400-acre site located at 5800 Hidden Valley Carlsbad, California. On October 14,2005, the Regional Board inspected the site a informed by the City’s contractor that a Notice of Intent (NO9 had not been filed fc and that Best Management Practices (BMPs) specified in the Storm Water Pollutior Prevention Plan (SWPPP) had not been implemented on site. On October 17,2005 of Carlsbad filed a NO1 for the site with the State Water Resources Control Board a received WDID No. 9 37C337203. The Regional Board conducted a follow-up ins] the site on October 18,2005 and noted that the site still lacked the necessary BMPs by the SWPPP to protect the site from discharging pollutants to an unnamed tributa Aqua Hedionda Creek. ALLEGATIONS 3. Failure to Implement Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan The City failed to implement its SWPPP by failing to implement adequate BMPs at in violation of California State Water Resources Control Board (State Board) Order OS-DWQ section C.2 on at least 20 days: October 1,2005 to present (the days of vi are ongoing). 4. Failure to File Notice of Intent The City failed to file a NO1 for coverage under State Board Order No. 99-08-DWC General Permit No. CASOOOOO2, Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges of Wafer Runoff Associated with Construction Activity prior to the commencement of construction activity at the site on September 8,2005 as required by Water Code sel 13376, and Order No. 99-OS-DWQ section C.1. The State Board received a NO1 fo on October 17,2005,39 days late. The Municipal Golf Course site will continue to Complaint No. R9-2005-0264 City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course WDID No. 9 37C337203 2 Octobe regulated under State Board Order No. 99-OS-DWQ until it's expected completion i 2007. 5. Pursuant to Water Code section 13385, the maximum liability for failure to implem SWPPP is $10,000 per day of violation. Since the failure to implement the SWPPP continues, the maximum liability presently is $200,000. 6. Pursuant to Water Code section 13385, the maximum liability for failure to file a N $10,000 per day of violation. The City failed to file a NO1 for 39 days; therefore th maximum liability is $390,000. PROPOSED CIVIL LIABILITY 7. Based on consideration of the factors listed in section 13385 of the Water Code, cih should be imposed on the City by the Regional Board'in the amount of $20,000 for violations described in paragraph No. 3; and $3,900 for the violations described in 1 No. 4 resulting in a total liability for all violations of $23,900. Dated this 20' day of October 2005 %HN H. ROBEXTUS 'b Executive Officer S:\Compliance AssuranccEnforcemcnt Ordcrs\ACL\city of CarlsbadKoastructim\Golf Couac\R9-2005-0264 ACL Complaint 2 ,2005 immer the S ability graph D-2O.doc -7 I California Regional Water Quality Control Bo( 1 San Diego Region Over 50 Years Serving Son Diego, Orange, and Riverside Counties Redplent of the 2004 EnvlroMlentnl Award for Outstanding Achievement from USEPA 9174 Sky Park Court, Suite 100, Sari Diego. California 92123-4340 htqxJ1 www.wstnboards.ca.gov/sandiego Alan C. Lloyd, Ph.D. Secretary for Environmental Protection (858) 467-2952 FSX (858) 571-6972 WAIVER OF RIGHT TO A PUBLIC HEARING Mr. Raymond R. Patchett City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Complaint No. R9-2005-026 For Administrative Civil Liabilit $23,900 WID No. 9 37S337203 Municipal Golf Course Construction Site By signing below, I agree to waive the City of Carlsbad's right to a public hearing befor California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region with regards to thi violations alleged in the above referenced Complaint and to remit payment for the civil imposed. I understand that I am authorized to give up the City of Carlsbad's right to be and to argue against the allegations made by the Executive Officer in the Complaint, an( the imposition of, or the amount of, civil liability proposed. I have enclosed a check or order made payable to the State Water Resources Control Board for the civil liability in Signature Title Date Print your name Send this signed form to: John H. Robertus, Executive Officer C/O Compliance Assurance Unit California Regional Water Quality Control Board - San Diego Region 9174 Sky Park Court, Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92123 California Environmental Protection Arency e@ Recycled Paper hold Schwanenegger Governor e ility d, lainst ley 'ed. 6 i FACILITY REPRESENTATiVE(S) PRESENT DURING INSPECTION: Eric Becker ISDRWQCB) Chris Means ISDRWQCB). Prvzvbvsews ki [Heinbuch Qolf I LG) CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD - SAN DIEGO REG& WATERSHED MANAGEMENT PROGRAM i Jot FACILITY INSPECTION REPORT I ! INSPECTION DATE: 1 W14105 Time: 1030 WDID/File No. 937C337203 FACILITY Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course 1 i I The City of Carlsbad Mr. John Cahill (760) 602-2726 NAME OF OWNER, AGENCY OR PARTY RESPONSIBLE FOR DISCHARGE OWNER CONTACT NAME AND PHONE # Heinbuch Gdf LLC Mr. John Ptyzybysewski (714) 815-1799 I FACIUN OR DEVELOPER NAME (ll dllferenl from owner) FACILITY OR DEVELOPER CONTACT NAME AND 5800 Hldden Valley Road Carlrbad, CA 92009 I FACILITY STREET ADDRESS FACILITY CITY AND STATE 1 I APPLICABLE WATER QUALITY LICENSING REQUIREMENTS MS4 URBAN RUNOFF REQUIREMENTS NPDES NOS. CAS0108756, CAS0108740 or CAS0106766 X GENERAL PERMIT ORDER NO. gso&DWO, NPDES NO. CAS000002 -CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT ORDER NO. SQ-O&DWQ NPDES NO. CASOOOOO3 - CALTRANS c] GENERAL OR INDIVIDUAL WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS 0 GENERAL OR INDIVIDUAL WAIVER OF WME DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS SECTION 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION 0 CWC SECTION 13264 INSPECTION TYPE (Check One) 'A" type compliance--Comprehensive inspection in which samples are taken. (EPA Type S) "8" type compliance-A routine nonsampiing inspection. (EPA Type C) Noncompliance fdlow-up--lnspection made to verify correction of a prevlousiy identified violation. Enforcement follow-up-Inspection made to verify that conditions of an enforcement action are being met. Complalnt-Inspection made in response to a complaint. Prerequirement--lnspection made to gather info. relathre to preparing, modifying, or rescinding requirements. No Exposure Certlficatlon (NEC) - verification that there is no exposure of industrial activities to storm water. EC Notice of termination request for industrial facilities or construction sites - verification that the facility or constru io site is not subject to permit requirements (Type, NOT 1 or NOT C - circle one). Compliance Assistance Inspection - Outreach inspection due to discharger's request for compliance assistance. INSPECTiON FINDINGS r7 i J- Were violations noted during this inspection? (Xes/~o/~ending Sample Results) J- 1. COMPLIANCE HISTORY: 0 1st inspection on 10/14/2005 Were samples taken? (N=no) if YES then, G= grab or C= Composite and attach a copy of the sample resultslchainpf custody form CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD-SAN DIEGO REGION Page 2 of 2 FACILITY: Carlsbad Municipal Golf WDlDlFile R: 337203 INSPECTION DATE: ionm5 II. 0 e 0 e 0 0 0 0 e Ill. 0 0 e 0 FINDINGS: After an article on the Golf Course appeared in the September 30,2005 Union Tribune, the Executive Officer of the Regional Board requested that Northern Watershed Unit staff conduct an inspection of the subject site. Prior to the inspection, I searched the State’s Construction Stormwater database, and was unable to determine If the project had obtained coverage under the Statewide General Construction Stormwater Permit (Order No. The inspection took place on a Friday prior to a forecasted rain event for the weekend. Staff met with John P. onsite and he was unable to provide proof of coverage under the State permit. A fax received later in the day from the Cities consultant (Dudek & Associates) confirmed that coverage under the permit had not been obtained, and stated that the City would hand deliver a check and NO1 appliuation to Sacramento on Monday Oct. 17. Construction had commenced on the Golf Course on September 8,2005. Approximately 200 acres of the 400 acre site have been disturbed by grading activities. Staff drove around the entire perimeter of the project and observed that only sediment perimeter corltrols (silt fence) were in place. A stormwater management plan on the wall of the trailer showed a series of sediment basins, but Jdhn P. stated that none of the basins had yet to be constructed. A SWPPP had been prepared for the project, but seemed to be fairly generic and not detailed enough for a construction site of this size (400 acres). The site did not seem ready for the upcoming rain event due to a lack of adequate erosion and sbdiment control BMPs being in place. 99-08-DW Q). RECOMMENDATIONS AND ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: The City should immediately obtain coverage under Order No. 99-08-DWQ. A detailed SW PPP should be prepared and implemented immediately which complies with the construction permit requirements. Additional inspections are warranted to assure that the site comes into compliance with the permlt. This case will be forwarded to the Enforcement Unit for possible further enforcement action. e Fax from Dudek & Associatesdated 10/14/2005 is attached. IV. SIGNATURE SECTION Inspection Report received by : FACILITY REPRESENTATIVE TITLE DATE 10/14/2005 STAFF INSPECTOR SIGNATURE INSPECTION DATE received by : FACILITY REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE TITLE DATE 10/14/2005 STAFF INSPECTOR SIGNATURE INSPECTION DATE VI. (For internal use ply) r\ Reviewed by Supervisor: V Date /o-/ 9 -5 cc: Inter-office Referral: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) s: north watershed unltlformslinspection form.doc (m. 1 l/ZUOO) 18/14/2085 14: 37 7607444570 City of Carlsbad Field Office Rancho Sente Fe Road Project 1645 S. Rancho Santa Fe Road, #202 San Marcos, CA 92078 (760) 744-457 FAX (760) 744-4570 TO: CA Regional Water Quality Control Board-SD Region 9179 Sky Park Court, Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92123-4340 FAX: 858-571 -6972 CITYOFCARLSBAL PAGE 01/82 WE ARE SENDING YOU Attached 0 Under separate cov 0 Shop Drawlngs 0 Prints 0 Plans 0 Sampl 0 Copy of letter Change Order Dated ..! -* .,*p- \.I , 7 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: , i -3' 'T" 0 For approval 0 c] For your use 0 0 As requested D For review and comment 0 For your action 0 REMARKS Hello Chris, For checking 0 copies for approval Approved as submitted 0 Returned for corrections Approved as noted 0 .+ c b _1 ~.. Please see the attached ernall I sent to you that came back u Thank you, Deb OCT-14-2005 15: 38 7607444570 > )I P. 01 PA$t-, y'L/u2 - -0- CITYOFCARLSBAP 18/14/2085 14: 37 7607444570 UI . . _*I -.--- ------ Deb Maher From: Deb Maher Sent: To: 'meant@ rb9.swrcb.ca.goV Cc: Subject: City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project Friday, October 14,2005 250 PM George Litzinger; 'Skip Hammann'; 'John Cahill'; John Przybysze Don Moore This is an email from George Litzinger, Dudek ti Associates, Inc. Chris, I'm the Construction Manager lor the Golf Course Project, working with Sklp Prrybyszewski at the site this morning and consequently I wasn't Ihere. There was a question regarding a waste discharge permit and NO1 for the Pr Construction Specification is 937531 801 7. However, after further investigati lor the Aviara Park Project. The city is in the process of filling out the "Notice plan to hand deliver the check to Sacramento on Monday so we can get our meantime, we will continue to install and implement our BMPs for this week Please contact me on my Cell phone 619-980-7048 if you have any question Thank you, George Litzinger rently, you met John ~f' my),, paying the fees, and F I? 3Wn as possible. In the Deb Maher Dudek 81 Assoclstes, Inc. CM Division Field Office: 760-744-4578 Nextel: 760-802-4 71 7 1011 4/2005 OCT-14-2005 15:38 7607444570 r. 97:: 12 P.02 CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD - SAN DlEGO REGION WATERSHED MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FACILITY INSPECTION REPORT INSPECTION DATE: 10/18/05 Time: 1330 WDID/File No. 937C337203 FACILITY: Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course FACILITY REPRESENTATIVE(S) PRESENT DURING INSPECTION: Eric Becker (SDRWQCB) Frank Melbourn (SDRWWB). John Prvzvbvsews ki (Heinbuch Golf LLC) Conrad Harnrnond IC itv of Carlsbadl The City of Carlsbad Mr. John Cahiil (760) 602-2726 Heinbuch (3oif LLC NAME OF OWNER, AGENCY OR PARTY RESPONSIBLE FOR DISCHARGE OWNER CONTACT NAME AND PHONE t Mr. John Ptyzybys ewski (714) 815-1799 Carlsbad, CA 92009 FACIUTY OR DEVELOPER NAME (H dlLM Worn owner) FACILITY OR DEVELOPER CONTACT NAME AND PHONE C 5800 Hidden Valley Road FACILITY STRER ADDRESS FACILITY CITY AND STATE APPLICABLE WATER QUALITY LICENSING REQUIREMENTS 0 MS4 URBAN RUNOFF REQUIREMENTS NPDES NOS. CAS0108756, CAS0106740 or CA!30108706 X GENERAL PERMIT ORDER NO. 99Q&DW9, NPDES NO. CASOoooO2 - CONSTRUCTION 0 GENERAL PERMIT ORDER NO. Ssos-DWQ, NPDES NO. CAS000003 - CALTRANS '0 GENERAL OR INDIVIDUAL WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIREMEMS 0 GENERAL OR INDIVIDUAL WAIVER OF WASTE DISCHARGE REPUIREMENTS 0 SECTION 401 WATER QUAUN CERTIFICATION 0 CWC SECTION 13264 INSPECTION TYPE (Check One) "A*type compliance-Cornprehenshre inspection in which samples are taken. (EPA Type S) "6" type compliance--A routine nonsampling inspection. (EPA Type C) Noncomplience follow-up-inspection made to krify correction of a previously identified violation. Enforcement follow-upinspection made to verify that conditions of an enforcement action are being met. Complaint--Inspection made in response to a complaint. Pie-requirement-Inspection made to gather info. relative to preparing, modifying, or rescinding requirements. No Exposure Certification (NEC) - verification that there is no exposure of industrial acthritles to storm water. Notice of termination request for industrial facilities or construction sites - veriticatkn that the facility or construction site is not subject to permit requirements (Type, NOT I or NOT C - clmle one). Compliance Assistance Inspection - Outreach inspection due to discharger's request for compliance assistance. INSPECTION FINDINGS J- J- Were violations noted during this inspection? Hes&Jmending Sample Results) Were samples taken? (N=no) if YES then, G= grab or C= Composite and attach a copy of the sample resulWchain of custody form 1. COMPLIANCE HISTORY: 1st inspection on 10/14/2005 \3 FACILITY: Carlsbad Municipal Golf CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD-SAN DIEGO REGION Page 2 of 2 WDlDlFlle t: 337203 INSPECTION DATE: 1 On8105 II. e e e e e 0 e FINDINGS: Approximately 200 acres of the site have been mass graded. (Photo 1) Observed uncovered areas throughout the project without adequate BMPs and evidence of sediment discharges onto College Avenue (Photo 2). Site lacks any erosion control BMPs including uncovered, exterior slopes throughout the project (Photos 2-4). City or Carlsbad and construction management personnel indicated that sediment basinshaps had been installed at the.site. However during the inspection, the location and drainage areas of these sediment basinsAraps was not clearly evident. Plastic spillways had been installed at some locations (Photo 5). The site appeared to be relying on silt fence as the main sediment control BMP. The silt fence was installed incorrectly on most of the site perimeter and not trenched into the ground, making it susceptible to undermining (Photo 6). City of Carlsbad personnel indicated that their grading contractor has had difficulty implementing the erosion and sediment control BMPs. The City has recently requested its environmental consultant Dudek & Associates to assist the grading contractor in proper BMP implementation. Site lacks effective combination of erosion and sediment control BMPs. Ill. RECOMMENDATIONS AND ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: The site needs to implement sediment and erosion control BMPs on the site to prevent the additional discharges of sediment. Silt fence installation needs to be corrected. Use of sediment basins should meet the sizing requirements of the General Construction Permit and drainage areas to the basins should be clearly defined. The SWPPP needs to be amended to address the deficiencies noted and additional BMP requirements. IV. SIGNATURE SECTION Inspection Reporl received by : FACILITY REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE TITLE DATE 1 0/18/2005 INSPECTION DATE Eric Becker STAFF INSPECTOR SIGNATURE VI. (For internal use only) Reviewed by Supervisor- I*& Date /a e 2-b- 05 cc: Inter-office Referral: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) a: north watershed uniVformdinspection form.doc (vrs. 11/22/00) Construction Storm Water Inspection- 10/18/05 Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course, WID# 937C337203 Carlsbad, San Diego County Photo 1 Photo 2 Example of Inadequate BMPs & Evidence of Sediment Dischag (Facing East on College) ;es Under Silt Fence Construction Storm Water Inspection- 1011 8/05 Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course, WID# 937C337203 Photo 3 Example No Emsion Control on Exterior Slopes (Facing Northeast on College Ave) Photo 4 Uncovered Slopes On Palomar Airport Road (Facing East) Construction Storm Water Inspection- 10/18/05 Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course, WDLD# 937C337203 Carlsbad, San Diego County t Photo 5 Plastic Suillwav For Sediment Trau (Facing Southeast) Photo 6 Example of Incorrect Silt Fence Installation (Not Trenched In) 7