HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-12-20; City Council; 18395; Flower Fields Grant Allocations\B# 18,395 ATG. 12/20/05 IEPT. PLN CITY ATTY. TITLE: FLOWER FIELDS GRANT ALLOCATIONS AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS CITY MGR Project Name Fu m igation Alternatives for Methyl Bromide Seed Selection Project tECOMMENDED ACTION: Project Description 0 0 0 0 0 Continues successful on-going project. 0 0 Methyl Bromide fumigation has been the most effective field treatment for ranunculas at the Flower Fields. However, California and the US have established a timeline to ban the use of Methyl Bromide due to ozone layer concerns. The need to develop a reasonably effective alternative is critical to the long-term survival of the crop. Isolated experiments have been undertaken in the past at the Flower Fields. The requested grant is for a focused and broad series of experiments conducted during 2004-2005, which included 8 variations of treatment over a 4-acre area. The requested grant is for seed selection research conducted in a 2.5-acre area, which focused on color and multiple petal expression. Specific goals of the project are continued development of the piocotee colors. Expect new varieties will be ready for market in the next 2 to 3 years. Heavy losses in 2004-2005 from diseased bulb viability have substantially increased the importance of this project. -hat the City Council ADOPT Resolution No. , APPROVING two grant requests rom the Carltas Company, and City administrative charges for a total of $67,870 to provide aid to the lower growing operations of the Flower Fields at Carlsbad Ranch, and AUTHORIZING the ippropriation of Flower Field grant funds. 2005-383 TEM EXPLANATION: In June 30, 1997, the City entered into an agreement with the California Coastal Conservancy to idminister grants supporting floriculture research for the preservation of the “Flower Fields” located )n the Carlsbad Ranch. On August 29, 1997, the City received a $935,000 grant from the zonservancy and deposited it into an interest accruing special revenue account. -he agreement with the Conservancy stipulates which research projects may be funded. These wlude: “species vitality, multiple cropping opportunities, soil variables and conditions, climate, seed romulgation, and marketing analysis”. The agreement also stipulates that the amount of funds lisbursed be limited to the amount of accrued interest to date not previously expended or mcumbered. At this time, the amount of accrued interest in the account is approximately $1 14,022. -he City approved previous Flower Field grant requests on January 4, 2000, May 8, 2001 , December 6, 2003, and September 28, 2004. This current request is for $61,700, plus 10% ($6,170) for idministration costs totaling $67,870. The requested grants are for two research projects conducted luring the 2004-2005 growing season. The projects and the corresponding grant requests are )Mined in the table below. 10% of the grant request for City’s administration of the Flower Field fund and related grant requests. Administration Fee TOTAL REQUEST: Grant Amount $32,450 $29,250 $6,170 The grant requests have been reviewed and found consistent with the objectives of the Coastal Conservancy/City of Carlsbad agreement regarding the Flower Field funds. Project budgets were reviewed and found to be reasonable for equipment, supplies, services performed, etc. The City maintains financial accounts relating to the projects and receives written reports outlining how projects met intended objectives. ENVIRONMENTAL: The requested grants are for projects that are exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), which exempts projects that consist of the “operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency’s determination”. FISCAL IMPACT: These projects are requesting $61,700 from the Flower Fields fund. Given the interest accrual of the Flower Fields fund at this time (approximately $114,022), there are sufficient funds to cover the combined grant requests ($61,700) as well as City of Carlsbad administrative costs (10% of grant, or $6,170) for a total of $67,870. EXHIBITS: 1. City Council Resolution No. 2005383 2. Flower Field Grant Request Letter, dated November 1 , 2005 3. Flower Field Grant Report Letter, dated November 8, 2005. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Jennifer Jesser, (760) 602-4637, jjess@ci.carlsbad.ca.us 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 E%L,\b‘,t \ RESOLUTION NO. 2005-383 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING TWO GRANT REQUESTS FROM THE CARLTAS COMPANY FOR RESEARCH PRODUCTIVITY OF THE FLOWER FIELDS AT CARLSBAD RANCH. CASE NAME: FLOWER FIELDS GRANT ALLOCATIONS PROJECTS INTENDED TO ENSURE THE LONG-TERM WHEREAS, Carltas Company as property owner and on behalf of the “Flower Fields” grower has filed a request for two grants for research conducted during the 2004-2005 growing season; and WHEREAS, the first grant request is for $32,450 for research conducted on effective alternatives to methyl bromide fumigation; and WHEREAS, the second grant request is for $29,250 for research conducted on seed selection for improvements to existing varieties and the development of two new varieties; and WHEREAS, staff has reviewed and recommends that each grant is consistent with the purpose stipulated in the agreement between the City and the California Coastal Conservancy and with reasonable and customary costs associated with the scope of work covered in each grant request; and WHEREAS, the Planning director has determined that the projects covered by the grant requests are categorically exempt from environmental review pursuant to 515301 (existing facilities); and WHEREAS, there are sufficient funds in the special revenue account to fund both of the grants and the City’s administrative costs; and WHEREAS, City Council authorizes the Finance Director to appropriate $67,870 to pay for the grants ($61,700) and the City’s administrative costs ($6,170). NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following: 1. That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Flower Fields Grants No. 1 and 2 of 2005 are approved. 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Condition: 1. Prior to the submittal of any future grant requests, the property owner/applicant shall submit a report to the Carlsbad Planning Department detailing how each project met the intended objectives. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 20th day of December , 2005, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Hall, Packard, Sigafoose NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Ku& ATTEST: (SEAL) 4 EXHIBIT 2 November 1, 2005 8, City of Carlsbad Community Development Attn: Jennifer Coon 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: 2004-2005 Flower Field Grant Request Dear Jennifer: The purpose of this letter is to request support of $61,700 for two projects for the 2004-2005 growing season just completed. All projects were initiated in July 2004 and results of the projects are being evaluated with the bulb harvest now in progress. 1. Fumigation Alternatives. A continuing project is the testing and comparative work for the Methyl Bromide alternatives as a soil fumigant. This work continues with the California Cut Flower Commission and the University of California. We began the project in 2001-02 and will continue it for a five year period. The repetition and experience over an extended period is important because significant differences in the impact on the soil and the plants show up over time more clearly than in a single year test. 2. Seed Selection. Continuing support is also requested for the seed selection area. The heavy losses in 2003-2005 from diseased bulb viability has substantially increased the importance of this project. While total costs slightly exceeded $61,700, the projects were undertaken with an objective of less than $63,000 in support from the fund. Accordingly, the enclosed request is for an aggregate of $61,700. Costs were generally consistent with prior years. The storm drainage to the crop in 2004-2005 reduced other experiments and will require increased work in production issue which we will request for 2005-2006. A ; rist p e . Calkins CB pres&? ch Enterprises 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 100 CARLSRAD. 92008 TELEPHONE 760 930-91 23 FAX 760 43 1-9020 'MrWW.tlTCfiomierfields.fc.om Fumigation Alternatives for Methyl Bromide Project Project Cost $33,458 Grant Request Amount: $32,450 Proiect Description: Methyl Bromide fumigation has been the most effective pre-emergent field treatment for ranunculus, reducing soil disease and pest problems without affecting tuber development. Since the production of bulbs requires growth and drying in the ground and thus prolonged exposure to soil borne pathogens, an effective soil fumigant is very important. California and the US have announced a timetable to ban the use of methyl bromide because of ozone layer concerns. Consequently identification of a reasonably effective alternative is critical to long term survival of the crop. Isolated experiments have been undertaken in the past. However this year a focused and broad series of experiments have been undertaken for which support is requested. Eight variations of treatment with drip applied materials under plastic tarps have been used in a 4 acre area of blocks 7: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. A water only control area Intine (Telone and Chloropicrin) Chloropricin only Midas (iodomethane) and chloropricin Vapam only Vapam + #2 Vapam + #3 Vapam + ##4 Based on the most effective demonstrated treatments and delivery system, it is anticipated that alternatives will be further focused next year. Project Benefit: Identification of a reasonably effective substitute for methyl bromide is critical to long term survival of the crop in production. This project will focus on the alternatives believed most likely to meet these objectives. 6 Proiect Budaet: In electing these experiments within the commercially grown crop, costs of production were increased for the variety of treatments, maintenance of the area and a loss of approximately 1/3 of the bulb production in these areas. The control areas and certain of the treatment areas are expected to produce bulbs with significant disease issues. Additional weeding costs were anticipated and have been incurred and are included in the labor costs. Consequently the project budget reflects the following: Pesticides Wages & Salaries Payroll Taxes Workers Compensation Employee Benefits Supplies Gas & Oil Equipment Leasing Licenses & Taxes Repair & Maintenance-General Telephone Misc. General Utilities Water Outside Services Management Fee $4,637 14,441 1,481 928 118 I ,306 735 792 130 558 178 936 19 2,221 1,299 3,564 - Rent 116 Total $33,459 Seed Selection Project Project Cost: $29,278 Grant Request Amount: $29,250 Proiect Description: This is a request for continuation of the seed selection project. This year’s selection in a 2.5 acre area was continued focus on color and multiple petal expression. Specific goals are continued development of the piocotee colors. 7 Proiect Budget: Pesticides Wages & Salaries Payroll Taxes Workers Compensation Employee Benefits Supplies Gas & Oil Equipment Leasing Licenses & Taxes Repair & Maintenance-General Telephone Misc. General Utilities Water Outside Services Management Fee $4,057 12,636 1,296 812 103 1,143 643 693 114 488 156 81 9 16 1,944 1,137 3,119 Rent 102 Total $29,278 8 EXHIBIT 3 November 8,2005 Community Development City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carisbad, CA 92008 Attn: Jennifer Jesser RE: 2004-2005 Flower Field Grant Report Dear Jennifer: The purpose of this letter is to report on the current two projects for which funding has been requested for the 2004-2005 growing season. 1. Seed Selection. In addition to the continuing program directed at improvements of the existing lines we are now into the 2nd year of selections for the development of two new varieties, WhitePink Picottee & Gold/Red Picotee. Progress looks good and we expect that the new introductions will be ready for market in the next two to three years. We are also into year two of the selection process for the "dwarf" varieties and should be at a point to have marketable bulbs for next season. Continuing work with standard varieties was of increased importance because of large bulb inventory losses. 2. Fumigation Alternatives. The methyl bromide trials this year were severely damaged by the extensive rains we had this season. Several of the treatments were washed out and as a result the bulb yield data generated is suspect. The final statistical analysis will be done soon and we should have a better understanding of the extent of the damage at that point, We do however have bulbs from each of the 150 treatmentlreps that were planted out and plan on doing bimonthly germination trials over the course of the season. In addition, all bulbs will be screened for pathogen populations. The support from the Flower Fields fund continues to be an important part of the effort to maintain the economic viability of this unique program. 5600 hVrNIDA ENCINAS SUITE 100 CAKLSRAD, Cr! 92008 TELEPHONE 760 930-9123 FAX 760 43 1-9020 9'~~'Mi.ti:~fIDwerfields.com The support from the Flower Fields fund continues to be an important part of the effort to maintain the economic viability of this unique program. Thank you for continuing to support the fields. Very truly yours, cc: M.A. Mellano CarlsbadFlower FieldsGrant Allocations andAppropriation of Funds Background„Flower Fields consist of approx. 53 acres within Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan (CRSP). Creation of Grant Fund„1993 -Approval of CRSP included a requirement to preserve the Flower Fields.„1997 –CA Coastal Conservancy granted to the City the agricultural mitigation fees paid by CRSP ($935,000) to support the preservation of the Flower Fields. Flower Field Grant Funds„City/Coastal Conservancy Agreement:„City manage the $935,000 in a special revenue account„Amount of funds to be granted limited to amount of interest accrued „Funds may be granted for research projects that aid in the preservation of the Flower Fields. Flower Field Grants„City approved 4 prior grant requests (1stgrant approved –Jan. 2000)„Current grant request: $67,870(includes 10% city admin. costs)„Current interest accrued in account: $114,000 Flower FieldResearch Projects„Grant is requested to fund 2 research projects„Fumigation alternatives for Methyl Bromide„Seed selection research to develop new varieties (focus on new colors and multiple petal expression)„Projects are consistent with objectives/criteria of Agreement with Coastal Conservancy„Staff recommends Council approve grant request