HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-03-07; City Council; 18468; City of Carlsbad 2006 Traffic Signal EvalutionCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB# MTG. DEPT. 18,468 3/07/06 ENG TITLE: CITY OF CARLSBAD 2006 TRAFFIC SIGNAL EVALUATION POLICY T^T-3-^ ^-^ DEPT. HD. /4r CITYATTY. /£ CITY MGR.^V RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2006-052 approving the City of Carlsbad 2006 Traffic Signal Evaluation Policy. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Transportation Division of the Engineering Department has completed the 2006 Traffic Signal Evaluation Policy, which also includes the 2006 Traffic Signal Qualification List. Prior to 1988, the City of Carlsbad did not have a list that prioritized warranted traffic signal locations for future installations. By adopting the initial Traffic Signal Evaluation Policy with Resolution Number 88-252 on July 19, 1988, the City Council established the Traffic Signal Evaluation Policy and authorized staff to periodically update the warranted traffic signal list and present the information to the Traffic Safety Commission and City Council. Staff continues to update the traffic signal qualification list on a bi-annual basis. By a 5-0 vote, the Traffic Safety Commission recommended at their January 9, 2006 meeting that the 2006 Traffic Signal Evaluation Policy, including the 2006 Traffic Signal Qualification List, be adopted by the City Council. This is the ninth update since 1988, although the policy for evaluating traffic signals has not been revised from the originally approved 1988 policy. At the meeting on January 9, 2006, two minor revisions to the Traffic Signal Evaluation Policy were recommended by the Traffic Safety Commission. Both revisions have been incorporated into the attached Policy. One revision changed the listing of Qualification Factors designated on the 2006 Traffic Signal Qualification List from numbers (1-7, inclusive) to alphabetical letters (A-G, inclusive). The other revision, found in the Appendix on page A-6, modified the description under Qualification Factor 7 - Special Conditions, Number 4 - to eliminate the references to "high speed" and "very high approach" speeds due to their subjective description. A total of 15 intersections met one or more Caltrans Traffic Signal Warrants and those intersections are shown in a prioritized ranking on the 2006 Traffic Signal Qualification List. Six new intersections have been added to the qualification list and the remaining nine intersections were on the 2004 Traffic Signal Qualification List. Two of the traffic signals on the qualification list are the primary responsibility of private development to fund and construct. Two other traffic signals on the list are Capital Improvement Program (CIP) signals that will have partial reimbursement by private development. The remaining traffic signals will be funded in future years in the annual Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Approval of the Traffic Signal Evaluation Policy and Traffic Signal Qualification List does not obligate the City Council to authorize installation of a traffic signal or to install traffic signals in the order as listed on the Traffic Signal Qualification List. Future traffic signals to be installed by the City of Carlsbad are placed in the annual Capital Improvement Program (CIP) in the year they are projected to be needed. Other intersections that will be signalized throughout Carlsbad in the future may be the responsibility of private development and those traffic signals will be installed as a condition of approval of developing private property when traffic signal warrants are met and the traffic signal is authorized for installation. Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Traffic Signal Evaluation Policy is a planning study with no environmental review required and is exempt under CEQA regulations. FISCAL IMPACT: None of the traffic signals that are on the 2006 Traffic Signal Qualification List will be recommended for inclusion in the 2006/2007 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The traffic signals that are the responsibility of the City of Carlsbad to fund and construct are proposed to be included in the CIP in 2009 or later. Design and construction costs for a four-leg traffic signal is estimated at $210,000. Once installed, yearly operation and maintenance costs for each traffic signal is about $5,000. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 2006-052 approving the City of Carlsbad 2006 Traffic Signal Evaluation Policy. 2. 2006 Traffic Signal Qualification List. 3. 2006 Traffic Signal Evaluation Policy including the 2006 Traffic Signal Qualification List. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Robert T. Johnson, Jr., (760) 602-2752, bjohn@ci.carlsbad.ca.us 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2006-052 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE 2006 CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC SIGNAL EVALUATION POLICY. 4 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad recognizes that there is a need to install traffic signals at 5 select intersections to promote the safe and efficient movement of people and goods; and 6 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad recognizes the need to have an objective evaluation 7 policy to determine when and where traffic signals will be installed in the future; and 8 WHEREAS, traffic signal warrants as contained in the Federal Highway Administration's 9 (FHWA) Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) 2003 Edition as amended by the 10 MUTCD 2003 California Supplement are used in the evaluation of intersections; and 11 WHEREAS, maintaining an up-to-date qualification list of warranted traffic signals will 12 assist staff when reviewing future Capital Improvement Programs (CIP) or developer projects to 13 determine the need and schedule of the traffic signal installation; and 14 WHEREAS, the 2006 Traffic Signal Evaluation Policy contains the 2006 Traffic Signal 15 Qualification List; and 16 WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission recommended adoption of the 2006 17 Traffic Signal Evaluation Policy, including the 2006 Traffic Signal Qualification List, at their 18 January 9, 2006 meeting. 19 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 20 California, as follows: 21 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 22 2. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad hereby adopts the traffic signal warrant 23 evaluation procedures and the updated Traffic Signal Qualification List of prioritized intersections24 as contained in the 2006 Traffic Signal Evaluation Policy. 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3. The Engineering Department of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized to periodically update the Traffic Signal Qualification List as contained in the Traffic Signal Evaluation Policy and present such updated list to the Traffic Safety Commission and the City Council for review and approval. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 7th day of March , 2006 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, NOES: None ABSENT: 1, Kulchin, Packard, Sigafoose CLAUDE A. LEWI ATTEST: . WOOD, City Clerk (SEAL) g LL < O < Zoto o (Ooo CM OZ0 O zo o u. cr zg 5o| o t o a 0 LL. LLI 0 0 m < 5 • StL^* 2E <oi Z3°%i CN UJ S a ^ COCj _j ^~^— z ^=> o < Sco^LOCATIONCAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTFUNDING SOURCE/FISCAL YEARzO 1- U.< LU U CO O 00 CN O in o o CD m T— ^~o>5 CO CN Faraday Avenue/Rutherford RoadCIP/2009-2010,_ CM * O in 0 o ^ CD COCOo CD CO CM Aviara Parkway/Camino de las OndasDeveloper Funded/CIP/2005-2006CM O> " O o 0 o m ^ CMO CO CO Tamarack Avenue/Valley StreetCIP/2009-2010CO 0) CM O m 0 o CD CD 00 OOCO CD CM Monroe Street/Hosp WayCIP/2010-2014CO CD CD O *" 0 o o CD ^>CM m CD CO CN Alga Road/Cazadero DriveCIP/2010-2014in m •* o m 0 o o CD CO min CD CO CM"Rancho Santa Fe Road/Avenida La CimaDeveloper FundedCD ^ * O in 0 o o in fs» ^~ COm T—La Costa Avenue/Nueva Castilla WayCIP/2010-2014^ ,_ CD O in 0 o o 0 CD CD El Fuerte Street/Rancho PanchoCIP/2010-201400 ,- m o CO 0 o o CO 0000a CD CO CM T—Faraday Avenue/Camino Hills DriveCIP/2010-2014CO ,- CN O 0 o 0 CO CD mO5 CO CD Calle Barcelona/Paseo AvellanoCIP/2010-201400 o * o * 0 o CM O O00 CO CM CD Armada Drive/Grand Pacific ResortsDeveloper Funded•<- 0) CO o * o 0 0 CN 00a>OiCD CD Carlsbad Boulevard/Cherry AvenueCIP/2010-2014CN OO * O CM 0 o CM 0 O)in CO CM CD CO Tamarack Avenue/Pontiac DriveCIP/2004-2005CO 00 CO o m o o o o f^o> CD Poinsettia Lane/Brigantine DriveDeveloper Funded/CIP/201 0-2014•* CM "- O "- 0 o o 0 CMCO CD CO La Costa Avenue/Camino de los CochesCIP/2010-2014in CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC SIGNAL EVALUATION POLICY PREPARED BY: TRANSPORTATION DIVISION JANUARY 2006 CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSPORTATION DIVISION TRAFFIC SIGNAL EVALUATION POLICY REPORT JANUARY 2006 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NO. INTRODUCTION 1 BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE 1 POLICY 2 GENERAL 2 DATA 3-4 2006 TRAFFIC SIGNAL QUALIFICATION LIST 5 TRAFFIC SIGNALS CURRENTLY BEING DESIGNED/CONSTRUCTED 6 INTERSECTIONS INVESTIGATED (Did not meet Traffic Signal Warrants) 6 APPENDIX A. TRAFFIC SIGNAL QUALIFICATION RATING SYSTEM B. MUTCD 2003 EDITION AS AMENDED BY THE MUTCD 2003 CALIFORNIA SUPPLEMENT TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS CITY OF CARLSBAD Transportation Division TRAFFIC SIGNAL EVALUATION POLICY REPORT INTRODUCTION The City of Carlsbad, located in North San Diego County, has grown from a small, agricultural based residential community in its early history to a city of approximately 95,000 residents. Various industrial, commercial, recreational, residential and agricultural land uses are found in Carlsbad. Associated with population increases has been an increase in vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic. With increased volumes on Carlsbad's roadway system, there continues to be a need for a more detailed method of evaluating and determining locations of future traffic signals. Currently, Carlsbad has 160 signalized intersections. Ownership and maintenance responsibility is as follows: • 143 signals owned and maintained by the City of Carlsbad • 14 signals owned and maintained by Caltrans. • 3 signals owned and maintained by other agency. The purpose of this report is to identify and evaluate future traffic signals at various intersections throughout the City of Carlsbad. The Policy provides the mechanism to continually re-evaluate and update potential traffic signal locations on a regular basis. The Traffic Signal Qualification List is not steadfast. Financial constraints, private development schedules, capital improvement projects, or other valid considerations may dictate that a lower qualifying signal be installed at a given location. The qualification list does, however, serve as a guide for future traffic signal installations and only those intersections that meet traffic signal warrants are listed. BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE As traffic volumes increase, the hierarchy of traffic control dictates that consideration be given to right-of-way assignment at intersections. Depending upon the traffic characteristics and geometries at a given intersection, staff will evaluate and select from a variety of traffic control methods or devices the appropriate means of facilitating the safe and efficient movement of vehicles and pedestrians. Different types of intersection traffic control devices or strategies include: basic rules of the road governing right-of-way at intersections, yield sign installations, two-way STOP sign installations, three-way and four-way STOP sign installations, channelization, center median control, and traffic signals. This report focuses on establishing a Citywide listing of one of the most efficient methods for assigning intersection right-of-way control, the traffic signal. The purpose of a traffic signal qualification list is to compare and impartially rank the intersections under consideration. A Traffic Signal Qualification List was originally established for the City of Carlsbad in 1988 by City Council Resolution Number 88-252 and was subsequently updated in 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, and 2004. This report is an update of the 2004 qualification list. All intersections included on the list have met the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) 2003 Edition as amended by the MUTCD 2003 California supplement criteria (traffic signal warrants) as adopted by the California Department of Transportation for the installation of a traffic signal. POLICY As with most traffic engineering departments, it has been the policy of the City of Carlsbad Transportation Division to only recommend installation of traffic signals that meet the minimum criteria adopted by the California Department of Transportation. All data collection and eligibility evaluation to determine if criteria is met for an intersection to qualify for a traffic signal is under the direction of the City Traffic Engineer. GENERAL Traffic signals are electrically powered traffic control devices that direct the movement of vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians at an intersection. Traffic signals establish- the positive assignment of the right-of-way to help facilitate the orderly movement of traffic and pedestrians with minimum delay and maximum safety. Many cities use a priority list system for ranking future traffic signal projects. To qualify for this list, the signal analysis takes into account the relative delays on approaching streets, the collision history at the intersection, gaps in the major and minor street streams of traffic, pedestrian volumes, and various other factors. An evaluation is then conducted to determine if a signal will minimize or correct an identified problem. Establishing a Traffic Signal Qualification List helps answer two basic questions: 1. Do traffic conditions at the intersection meet the basic criteria that affect the benefits and costs of signal control; and 2. If so, how does this location compare with other locations throughout the City of Carlsbad that meet the same basic criteria? This evaluation provides a rational method to compare one intersection with another, the end result being a ranking that lists the greatest need for signalization between all potential signal locations. The attached Traffic Signal Qualification List indicates each location under consideration and is arranged in descending order based upon the total qualification points accumulated at each location. A listing of future traffic signals does not mean that signals will exclusively be installed in the order of ranking. Existing conditions, right-of-way needs, need for left turn or right turn lanes, budget constraints, or other factors may indicate a location that is more suitable and appropriate for signalization than one higher on the list. The list establishes locations for which preliminary engineering should take place and then be re-evaluated before proceeding to final design. Traffic signals are not installed unless written authorization from the City Engineer directs their installation or if the location has been approved by the City Council in the annual Capital Improvement Program (CIP). DATA Over the past several years, traffic signal technology has experienced a technical evolution. Traffic signals have evolved from pre-timed signals in which control mechanisms operate on a predetermined time schedule allotting a fixed amount of time of each interval in the cycle to traffic actuated microprocessor units that can operate two to eight signal phases, highway ramp metering control, master controls for interconnected signal systems, traffic volume monitoring stations, and video detection of vehicles. Traffic signals are an expensive control device to install and under certain conditions more problems may be created than are solved. These problems can range from increased accident frequency, delays, increased air or noise pollution, and higher energy use, to causing circuitous travel along less desirable routes to avoid the signalized intersection. A properly designed signalized intersection, however, can resolve many problems and provide advantages ranging from reducing certain types of accident frequency, delay, and air pollutants, to creating an orderly traffic movement. In a coordinated signal system, traffic signals help maintain an efficient, progressive movement of vehicles along an arterial roadway. Rankings of the various intersections in Carlsbad for potential traffic signal installation was accomplished by using a Traffic Signal Qualification Rating System. Points were assigned to seven qualification factors which are based on the MUTCD 2003 Edition as amended by the MUTCD 2003 California supplement criteria. Traffic Signal Qualification Rating System factors include the following: Factor A - Minimum Vehicular Volume This factor considers the fact that at certain traffic volume levels the delay can be reduced and orderly flow through an intersection enhanced by signal controls. Factor B - Interruption of Continuous Traffic The interruption factor applies when the traffic volume on the major street is so high that few gaps occur to permit the minor street traffic to cross or enter the intersection. As a result, the minor street traffic may suffer long delays or experience hazards at the intersection. Factor C - Minimum Pedestrian Volume The minimum pedestrian volume factor reflects the length and frequency of gaps available for pedestrians to cross the major street as compared to the number of pedestrians that cross the street. Factor D - School Area Traffic Signals This factor recognizes the special problems that may occur at intersections near schools or on school walking routes. It is similar to the minimum pedestrian volume factor in that gaps in traffic are considered. Factor E - Progressive Movement or Signal Systems Existing or proposed signal systems are considered by this factor. Often traffic flow efficiency can be enhanced if signals are installed at proper spacing along an arterial or signal network. Such signals may assist in holding traffic in compact platoons that will arrive at adjacent signalized locations in accordance with a timing plan. Factor F - Accident History This factor reflects the fact that certain types of accidents could be reduced by traffic signal control. However, experience has shown that few changes in accident frequency can be expected at a location that historically has less than five accidents per year, or an accident rate of less than about 1.0 accident per million vehicles. Factor G - Special Conditions This factor recognizes the special problems that may occur due to the location of certain traffic generators, certain geometric or roadway features, sight distance obstructions, and various other criteria. The above rating system is used to evaluate various potential signal locations; these locations are then ranked based on the following relative weight system: FACTOR A B C D E F G DESCRIPTION Minimum Vehicular Volume Interruption Pedestrian Volume School Area Signal System Accident History Special Conditions TOTAL POSSIBLE MAXIMUM QUALIFICATION POINTS 15 10 10 10 5 15 18 83 POINTS RELATIVE WEIGHT 18% 12% 12% 12% 6% 18% 22% 100% <o o e> CO o (Ooo CN O '): i. z < LU O O _1 H U) OSt oi- j 5. 13a o u. LU Q O m < S _i^a < ^ <o 1 1 ' °> ^ CM LUS Q d OT {J Zi ^™i— Z £ug < LU <LOCATIONCAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJFUNDING SOURCE/FISCAL YE•z.OH o: < LLu mEZS 3O 00 CN 0 in o 0 CD in o> ^- "* CO CN Faraday Avenue/Rutherford RoadCIP/2009-2010T- CN ^ 0 in 0 o K CO COCO 0 CO CO CN Aviara Parkway/Camino de las OndasDeveloper Funded/CIP/2005-2006CN O5 K^ 0 0 0 O m ^ CN0 CO CO Tamarack Avenue/Valley StreetCIP/2009-2010CO OJ CN O m o o CD CO 00 00CO CO CN Monroe Street/Hosp WayCIP/2010-2014CO CD CD O ^ O o o CD CNr^in CD co eg Alga Road/Cazadero DriveCIP/2010-2014in in ^. o in o o o CD CO min CD CO CN" CO Rancho Santa Fe Road/Avenida La CDeveloper FundedCO ^ ^ o in 0 0 0 in £ COin T—La Costa Avenue/Nueva Castilla WayCIP/2010-2014^ ,- CO o m o o 0 0 CO /2 CD El Fuerte Street/Rancho PanchoCIP/2010-201400 ,- m o CO o o 0 CO 0000rfCO CO CO CN Faraday Avenue/Camino Hills DriveCIP/2010-201400 T- CM O O o o CO CO in T— CO CO Calle Barcelona/Paseo AvellanoCIP/2010-201400 o ^. o ^. o o CN O 000COCN CD Armada Drive/Grand Pacific ResortsDeveloper FundedT— OJ CO o ^ o o o CN 00O50)CO CD Carlsbad Boulevard/Cherry AvenueCIP/2010-2014CN 00 ^ O CN O O CN 0 0)inCOCN CD CO Tamarack Avenue/Pontiac DriveCIP/2004-2005co 00 CO o in o o o o 01 'r~ CD Poinsettia Lane/Brigantine DriveDeveloper Funded/CIP/2010-2014? CN ^_ O ,_ o 0 o o CN CO -T~ CD CO coCD La Costa Avenue/Camino de los CochCIP/2010-2014m CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) TRAFFIC SIGNALS CURRENTLY BEING DESIGNED/CONSTRUCTED 1. Paseo del Norte/Car Country Drive 2. La Costa Avenue/Levante Street 3. Tamarack Avenue/Pontiac Drive 4. Poinsettia Lane/Black Rail Road 5. Faraday Avenue/Priestly Avenue INTERSECTIONS INVESTIGATED (Did not meet MUTCD Signal Warrants) 1. Aviara Parkway/Nightshade Road 2. Aviara Parkway/Townee Lane 3. Carlsbad Boulevard/Christiansen Way 4. Carlsbad Village Drive/Victoria Avenue 5. Chestnut Avenue/Harding Street 6. Chestnut Avenue/Valley Street 7. Grand Avenue/Madison Street 8. Hosp Way/Wintergreen Drive/Grove Avenue 9. La Costa Avenue/Esfera Street 10. Las Flores Drive/Pio Pico Drive 11. Rancho Santa Fe Road/Avenida Aragon 12. Tamarack Avenue/Park Drive APPENDIX TRAFFIC SIGNAL QUALIFICATION RATING SYSTEM Factor 1 • Total Vehicular Volume Points are assigned based upon the graph below which considers major and minor street volumes and capacity. The entering volumes are based upon 4-hour counts (usually from 2:00 to 6:00 P.M. on a weekday). A maximum of 15 points may be assigned to this factor. NOTES 1. ALL VOLUMES ARE FOR 4 HOURS (USUALLY 2-6 P.M.) Z MAXIMUM POINTS - 15 ptn 750 OVER 700 600 500 300 200 100 TERSECTION OF: Z Lane Sts. 1600 Z81-4LaneSt 2200 4 Lane Sts. 2600 One-Way Sts. 3200 3800+ 4400+ 4800+ 5400+ TOTAL VOLUME ENTERING INTERSECTION A-l Factor 2 - Interruption of Continuous Traffic Vehicles on through streets, if uncontrolled, tend to travel through minor street intersections at speeds that make it difficult and hazardous for vehicles and pedestrians from the side street to cross or enter the principal traffic stream. The total of the minor street vehicles plus pedestrians crossing or entering the major street must exceed 300 in four hours to receive any points. A maximum of 10 points may be assigned to this factor. 4-HOUR MAJOR STREET VOLUMES 0-1649 1650-1949 1950-2249 2250-2549 2550-2849 2850-3149 3150-3449 3450-3749 3750-4049 4050-4349 4350-Over POINTS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 APPROXIMATE ADT 4,700 5,600 6,400 7,300 8,200 9,000 10,000 10,700 1 1 ,600 12,400 12,500 And Up A-2 Factor 3 • Pedestrian Volume A traffic signal may be needed where many pedestrians cross a major street. A maximum of 10 points may be assigned to this factor. NOTES 1. ALL VOLUMES ARE FOR 4-HOURS (USUALLY 2-6 P.M.) Z MAXIMUM POINTS = 10 3. NO POINTS IF LESS THAN 100 PEDESTRIANS DURING THE 4 HOUR PERIOD. 4. NO POINTS IF LESS THAN 1200 MAJOR STREET VEHICLES DURING THE 4 HOUR PERIOD. 3600 & OVER 3200 2800 2400 2000 1600 1200 I— 100 200 WO 600 800 1000 1200 1*00 PEDESTRIANS CROSSING MAJOR STREET 1500 & OVER A-3 Factor 4 • School Area Traffic Signals Points are assigned base~l upon the number of school age pedestrians crossing the major street as compared to the major street traffic. This factor will apply only to locations within one mile of a school and where the nearest controlled intersection or potential crossing point is more than 600 feet away. A maximum of 10 points may be assigned for this factor. 1500 1800 1100 uoo 750 1000 500 600 19U 250 200 0 POINTS 10 100 60 150 100 200 140 250 180 350 (Urban) 220 (Rural) PEDESTRIANS CROSSING THE MAJOR STREET (Per 2-Hour Period) NOTE: No points will be assigned if nearest controlled crossing is less than 600 feet away. A-4 Factor 5 - Progressive Movement or Signal Systems This factor depends upon engineering studies and must include the present and future traffic demands of the area. A signal may be justified when it forms a part of an interconnected or coordinated system. A maximum of 5 points may be assigned to this factor. Factor 6 - Accident History Only those accidents susceptible to correction by traffic signals are considered and then only if less restrictive measures such as warning signs, proper lighting, painted markings, etc. have failed. A maximum of 15 points may be assigned to this factor. ACCIDENTS POINTS 0-2 0 3 1 4 3 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 &Over 15 NOTE: Use the average of the last two years, provided the intersection has been in operation for two years. Factor 7 - Special Conditions This factor considers extenuating circumstances that are not covered in the previous six factors. These may include: the proximity of schools, churches, public buildings, and other traffic and pedestrian generators; an abrupt change from a rural to an urban area; the need for police control during portions of the day; a steep hill; a horizontal curve; restricted sight distance. This factor requires engineering judgment based on physical inspection of the site. A maximum of 18 points may be assigned to this factor. A summary of the factors considered to be special conditions and the points that were assigned follows: 1. Four-way STOP Control (5 points): Typically, right-angle accident frequency drops sharply after installation of a Four-Way STOP. However, total delay, as well as rear- end collision frequency, increase to a level higher than that which would be reflected by the results of Factors #1 and #2. A-5 2. Proximity of a school (1 to 5 points): Depending on the type of school and its distance from the intersection in question, points are assigned to reflect the potential benefit to school-age pedestrians and bicycle traffic. 3. Horizontal and Vertical Curvature and Visibility (1 to 5 points): The alignment of a major street can affect the visibility available to side-street motorists, and the relative safety of their crossing or merging maneuvers. There may also be other restrictions to visibility, such as utility poles and appurtenances and trees and shrubs on private property. 4. Speed on a Through Street (1 to 3 points): In addition to worsening the problems caused by visibility restrictions, speeds above critical can worsen the severity of the accidents which occur. A-6 2003 Edition • Page4C-l CHAPTER 4C. TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL NEEDS STUDIES Section 4C.01 Studies and Factors for Justifying Traffic Control Signals Standard: An engineering study of traffic conditions, pedestrian characteristics, and physical characteristics of the location shall be performed to determine whether installation of a traffic control signal is justified at a particular location. The investigation of the need for a traffic control signal shall include an analysis of the applicable factors contained in the following traffic signal warrants and other factors related to existing operation and safety at the study location: Warrant 1, Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume. Warrant 2, Four-Hour Vehicular Volume. Warrant 3, Peak Hour. Warrant 4, Pedestrian Volume. Warrant 5, School Crossing. Warrant 6, Coordinated Signal System. Warrant 7, Crash Experience. Warrant 8, Roadway Network. The satisfaction of a traffic signal warrant or warrants shall not in itself require the installation of a traffic control signal. Support: Sections 8D.07 and 10D.05 contain information regarding the use of traffic control signals instead of gates and/or flashing light signals at highway-railroad grade crossings and highway-light rail transit grade crossings, respectively. Guidance: A traffic control signal should not be installed unless one or more of the factors described in this Chapter are met. A traffic control signal should not be installed unless an engineering study indicates that installing a traffic control signal will improve the overall safety and/or operation of the intersection. A traffic control signal should not be installed if it will seriously disrupt progressive traffic flow. The study should consider the effects of the right-turn vehicles from the minor-street approaches. Engineering judgment should be used to determine what, if any, portion of the right-turn traffic is subtracted from the minor-street traffic count when evaluating the count against the above signal warrants. Engineering judgment should also be used in applying various traffic signal warrants to cases where approaches consist of one lane plus one left-turn or right-turn lane. The site-specific traffic characteristics dictate whether an approach should be considered as one lane or two lanes. For example, for an approach with one lane for through and right-turning traffic plus a left-turn lane, engineering judgment could indicate that it should be considered a one-lane approach if the traffic using the left-turn lane is minor. In such a case, the total traffic volume approaching the intersection should be applied against the signal warrants as a one-lane approach. The approach should be considered two lanes if approximately half of the traffic on the approach turns left and the left-turn lane is of sufficient length to accommodate all left-turn vehicles. Similar engineering judgment and rationale should be applied to a street approach with one lane plus a right- turn lane. In this case, the degree of conflict of minor-street right-turn traffic with traffic on the major street should be considered. Thus, right-turn traffic should not be included in the minor-street volume if the movement enters the major street with minimal conflict. The approach should be evaluated as a one-lane approach with only the traffic volume in the through/left-turn lane considered. At a location that is under development or construction and where it is not possible to obtain a traffic count that would represent future traffic conditions, hourly volumes should be estimated as part of an engineering study for comparison with traffic signal warrants. Except for locations where the engineering study uses the satisfaction of Warrant 8 to justify a signal, a traffic control signal installed under projected conditions should have an engineering study done within 1 year of putting the signal into stop-and-go operation to determine if the signal is justified. If not justified, the signal should be taken out of stop-and-go operation or removed. For signal warrant analysis, a location with a wide median, even if the median width is greater than 9 m (30 ft), should be considered as one intersection. Sect. 4C.01 Page 4C-2 2003 Edition Option: At an intersection with a high volume of left-turn traffic from the major street, the signal warrant analysis may be performed in a manner that considers the higher of the major-street left-turn volumes as the "minor- street" volume and the corresponding single direction of opposing traffic on the major street as the "major-street" volume. For signal warrant analysis, bicyclists may be counted as either vehicles or pedestrians. Support: When performing a signal warrant analysis, bicyclists riding in the street with other vehicular traffic are usually counted as vehicles and bicyclists who are clearly using pedestrian facilities are usually counted as pedestrians. Option: Engineering study data may include the following: A. The number of vehicles entering the intersection in each hour from each approach during 12 hours of an average day. It is desirable that the hours selected contain the greatest percentage of the 24-hour traffic volume. B. Vehicular volumes for each traffic movement from each approach, classified by vehicle type (heavy trucks, passenger cars and light tracks, public-transit vehicles, and, in some locations, bicycles), during each 15-minute period of the 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon during which total traffic entering the intersection is greatest. C. Pedestrian volume counts on each crosswalk during the same periods as the vehicular counts in Item B above and during hours of highest pedestrian volume. Where young, elderly, and/or persons with physical or visual disabilities need special consideration, the pedestrians and their crossing times may be classified by general observation. D. Information about nearby facilities and activity centers that serve the young, elderly, and/or persons with disabilities, including requests from persons with disabilities for accessible crossing improvements at the location under study. These persons might not be adequately reflected in the pedestrian volume count if the absence of a signal restrains their mobility. E. The posted or statutory speed limit or the 85th-percentile speed on the uncontrolled approaches to the location. F. A condition diagram showing details of the physical layout, including such features as intersection geometries, channelization, grades, sight-distance restrictions, transit stops and routes, parking conditions, pavement markings, roadway lighting, driveways, nearby railroad crossings, distance to nearest traffic control signals, utility poles and fixtures, and adjacent land use. G. A collision diagram showing crash experience by type, location, direction of movement, severity, weather, time of day, date, and day of week for at least 1 year. The following data, which are desirable for a more precise understanding of the operation of the intersection, may be obtained during the periods specified in Item B of the preceding paragraph: A. Vehicle-hours of stopped time delay determined separately for each approach. B. The number and distribution of acceptable gaps in vehicular traffic on the major street for entrance from the minor street. C. The posted or statutory speed limit or the 85th-percentile speed on controlled approaches at a point near to the intersection but unaffected by the control. D. Pedestrian delay time for at least two 30-minute peak pedestrian delay periods of an average weekday or like periods of a Saturday or Sunday. E. Queue length on stop-controlled approaches. Section 4C.02 Warrant 1. Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume Support: The Minimum Vehicular Volume, Condition A, is intended for application at locations where a large volume of intersecting traffic is the principal reason to consider installing a traffic control signal. The Interruption of Continuous Traffic, Condition B, is intended for application at locations where Condition A is not satisfied and where the traffic volume on a major street is so heavy that traffic on a minor intersecting street suffers excessive delay or conflict in entering or crossing the major street. It is intended that Warrant 1 be treated as a single warrant. If Condition A is satisfied, then the criteria for Warrant 1 is satisfied and Condition B and the combination of Conditions A and B are not needed. Similarly, if Condition B is satisfied, then the criteria for Warrant 1 is satisfied and the combination of Conditions A and B is not needed. Sect. 4C.01 to4C.02 2003 Edition Page 4C-3 Table 4C-1. Warrant 1, Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume Condition A — Minimum Vehicular Volume Number of moving traffic on Major Street 1 2 or more... 2 or more... 1 lanes for each approach Minor Street 1 1 2 or more... 2 or more.... Vehicles per hour on major street (total of both approaches) 100%" 80%" 70%c 56%" 500 400 350 280 600 480 420 336 600 480 420 336 500 400 350 280 Vehicles per hour on higher-volume minor-street approach (one direction only) 100%a 80%b 70%c 56%d 150 120 105 84 150 120 105 84 200 160 140 112 200 160 140 112 Condition B — Interruption of Continuous Traffic Number of moving traffic on Major Street 1 2 or more... 2 or more... 1 lanes for each approach Minor Street 1 1 2 or more... 2 or more.... Vehicles per hour on major street (total of both approaches) 100%a 80%" 70%c 56%" 750 600 525 420 900 720 630 504 900 720 630 504 750 600 525 420 Vehicles per hour on higher-volume minor-street approach (one direction only) 100%" 80%b 70%c 56%d 75 60 53 42 75 60 53 42 100 80 70 56 100 80 70 56 * Basic minimum hourly volume.b Used for combination of Conditions A and B after adequate trial of other remedial measures. 0 May be used when the major-street speed exceeds 70 km/h or exceeds 40 mph or in an isolated community with a population of less than 10,000. d May be used for combination of Conditions A and B after adequate trial of other remedial measures when the major- street speed exceeds 70 km/h or exceeds 40 mph or in an isolated community with a population of less than 10,000. Standard: The need for a traffic control signal shall be considered if an engineering study finds that one of the following conditions exist for each of any 8 hours of an average day: A. The vehicles per hour given in both of the 100 percent columns of Condition A in Table 4C-1 exist on the major-street and the higher-volume minor-street approaches, respectively, to the intersection; or B. The vehicles per hour given in both of the 100 percent columns of Condition B in Table 4C-1 exist on the major-street and the higher-volume minor-street approaches, respectively, to the intersection. In applying each condition the major-street and minor-street volumes shall be for the same 8 hours. On the minor street, the higher volume shall not be required to be on the same approach during each of these 8 hours. Option: If the posted or statutory speed limit or the 85th-percentile speed on the major street exceeds 70 km/h or exceeds 40 mph, or if the intersection lies within the built-up area of an isolated community having a population of less than 10,000, the traffic volumes in the 70 percent columns in Table 4C-1 may be used in place of the 100 percent columns. Sect. 4C.02 Page 4C-4 2003 Edition Guidance: The combination of Conditions A and B is intended for application at locations where Condition A is not satisfied and Condition B is not satisfied and should be applied only after an adequate trial of other alternatives that could cause less delay and inconvenience to traffic has failed to solve the traffic problems. Standard: The need for a traffic control signal shall be considered if an engineering study finds that both of the following conditions exist for each of any 8 hours of an average day: A. The vehicles per hour given in both of the 80 percent columns of Condition A in Table 4C-1 exist on the major-street and the higher-volume minor-street approaches, respectively, to the intersection; and B. The vehicles per hour given in both of the 80 percent columns of Condition B in Table 4C-1 exist on the major-street and the higher-volume minor-street approaches, respectively, to the intersection. These major-street and minor-street volumes shall be for the same 8 hours for each condition; however, the 8 hours satisfied in Condition A shall not be required to be the same 8 hours satisfied in Condition B. On the minor street, the higher volume shall not be required to be on the same approach during each of the 8 hours. Option: If the posted or statutory speed limit or the 85th-percentile speed on the major street exceeds 70 km/h or exceeds 40 mph, or if the intersection lies within the built-up area of an isolated community having a population of less than 10,000, the traffic volumes in the 56 percent columns in Table 4C-1 may be used in place of the 80 percent columns. Section 4C.03 Warrant 2. Four-Hour Vehicular Volume Support: The Four-Hour Vehicular Volume signal warrant conditions are intended to be applied where the volume of intersecting traffic is the principal reason to consider installing a traffic control signal. Standard: The need for a traffic control signal shall be considered if an engineering study finds that, for each of any 4 hours of an average day, the plotted points representing the vehicles per hour on the major street (total of both approaches) and the corresponding vehicles per hour on the higher-volume minor-street approach (one direction only) all fall above the applicable curve in Figure 4C-1 for the existing combination of approach lanes. On the minor street, the higher volume shall not be required to be on the same approach during each of these 4 hours. Option: If the posted or statutory speed limit or the 85th-percentile speed on the major street exceeds 70 km/h or exceeds 40 mph or if the intersection lies within the built-up area of an isolated community having a population of less than 10,000, Figure 4C-2 may be used in place of Figure 4C-1. Section 4C.04 Warrant 3. Peak Hour Support: The Peak Hour signal warrant is intended for use at a location where traffic conditions are such that for a minimum of 1 hour of an average day, the minor-street traffic suffers undue delay when entering or crossing the major street. Standard: This signal warrant shall be applied only in unusual cases, such as office complexes, manufacturing plants, industrial complexes, or high-occupancy vehicle facilities that attract or discharge large numbers of vehicles over a short time. The need for a traffic control signal shall be considered if an engineering study finds that the criteria in either of the following two categories are met: A. If all three of the following conditions exist for the same 1 hour (any four consecutive 15-minute periods) of an average day: 1. The total stopped time delay experienced by the traffic on one minor-street approach (one direction only) controlled by a STOP sign equals or exceeds: 4 vehicle-hours for a one-lane approach; or 5 vehicle-hours for a two-lane approach, and Sect. 4C.02 to 4C.04 2003 Edition Page 4C-5. Figure 4C-1. Warrant 2, Four-Hour Vehicular Volume a. I W UJ ocUJJC 500 400 300 200 100 2 OR MORE LANES & 2 OR MORE LANES 2 OR MORE LANES & 1 LANE 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 MAJOR STREET—TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES- VEHICLES PER HOUR (VPH) *Note: 115 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor-street approach with two or more lanes and 80 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor-street approach with one lane. Figure 4C-2. Warrant 2, Four-Hour Vehicular Volume (70% Factor) (COMMUNITY LESS THAN 10,000 POPULATION OR ABOVE 70 km/h OR ABOVE 40 mph ON MAJOR STREET) IQ. 400 300 200 100 roiio -2 OR MORE LANES & 2 OR MORE LANES -2 OR MORE LANES & 1 LANE ^1 LANE & 1 LANE *80 *60 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 MAJOR STREET—TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES- VEHICLES PER HOUR (VPH) *Note: 80 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor-street approach with two or more lanes and 60 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor-street approach with one lane. Sect. 4C.04 Page 4C-6 2003 Edition 2. The volume on the same minor-street approach (one direction only) equals or exceeds 100 vehicles per hour for one moving lane of traffic or 150 vehicles per hour for two moving lanes, and 3. The total entering volume serviced during the hour equals or exceeds 650 vehicles per hour for intersections with three approaches or 800 vehicles per hour for intersections with four or more approaches. B. The plotted point representing the vehicles per hour on the major street (total of both approaches) and the corresponding vehicles per hour on the higher-volume minor-street approach (one direction only) for 1 hour (any four consecutive 15-minute periods) of an average day falls above the applicable curve in Figure 4C-3 for the existing combination of approach lanes. Option: If the posted or statutory speed limit or the 85th-percentile speed on the major street exceeds 70 km/h or exceeds 40 mph, or if the intersection lies within the built-up area of an isolated community having a population of less than 10,000, Figure 4C-4 may be used in place of Figure 4C-3 to satisfy the criteria in the second category of the Standard. Section 4C.05 Warrant 4. Pedestrian Volume Support: The Pedestrian Volume signal warrant is intended for application where the traffic volume on a major street is so heavy that pedestrians experience excessive delay in crossing the major street. Standard: The need for a traffic control signal at an intersection or midblock crossing shall be considered if an engineering study finds that both of the following criteria are met: A. The pedestrian volume crossing the major street at an intersection or midblock location during an average day is 100 or more for each of any 4 hours or 190 or more during any 1 hour; and B. There are fewer than 60 gaps per hour in the traffic stream of adequate length to allow pedestrians to cross during the same period when the pedestrian volume criterion is satisfied. Where there is a divided street having a median of sufficient width for pedestrians to wait, the requirement applies separately to each direction of vehicular traffic. The Pedestrian Volume signal warrant shall not be applied at locations where the distance to the nearest traffic control signal along the major street is less than 90 m (300 ft), unless the proposed traffic control signal will not restrict the progressive movement of traffic. If this warrant is met and a traffic control signal is justified by an engineering study, the traffic control signal shall be equipped with pedestrian signal heads conforming to requirements set forth in Chapter 4E. Guidance: If this warrant is met and a traffic control signal is justified by an engineering study, then: A. If at an intersection, the traffic control signal should be traffic-actuated and should include pedestrian detectors. B. If at a nonintersection crossing, the traffic control signal should be pedestrian-actuated, parking and other sight obstructions should be prohibited for at least 30 m (100 ft) in advance of and at least 6.1 m (20 ft) beyond the crosswalk, and the installation should include suitable standard signs and pavement markings. C. Furthermore, if installed within a signal system, the traffic control signal should be coordinated. Option: The criterion for the pedestrian volume crossing the major roadway may be reduced as much as 50 percent if the average crossing speed of pedestrians is less than 1.2 m/sec (4 ft/sec). A traffic control signal may not be needed at the study location if adjacent coordinated traffic control signals consistently provide gaps of adequate length for pedestrians to cross the street, even if the rate of gap occurrence is less than one per minute. Section 4C.06 Warrant 5. School Crossing Support: The School Crossing signal warrant is intended for application where the fact that school children cross the major street is the principal reason to consider installing a traffic control signal. Sect. 4C.04 to 4C.06 2003 Edition Page 4C-7 Figure 4C-3. Warrant 3, Peak Hour 600 MORE LANES & 2 OR MORE LANES 2 OR MORE LANES & 1 LANE 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 MAJOR STREET—TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES- VEHICLES PER HOUR (VPH) *Note: 150 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor-street approach with two or more lanes and 100 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor-street approach with one lane. Figure 4C-4. Warrant 3, Peak Hour (70% Factor) (COMMUNITY LESS THAN 10,000 POPULATION OR ABOVE 70 km/h OR ABOVE 40 mph ON MAJOR STREET) CL 111 tr £< oc ^-oi 400 300 200 £ 10° gi 2 OR MORE LANES & 2 OR MORE LANES - . 2 OR MORE LANES & 1 LANE *100 *75 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 MAJOR STREET—TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES- VEHICLES PER HOUR (VPH) *Note: 100 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor-street approach with two or more lanes and 75 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor-street approach with one lane. Sect. 4C.06 Page 4C-8 2003 Edition Standard: The need for a traffic control signal shall be considered when an engineering study of the frequency and adequacy of gaps in the vehicular traffic stream as related to the number and size of groups of school children at an established school crossing across the major street shows that the number of adequate gaps in the traffic stream during the period when the children are using the crossing is less than the number of minutes in the same period (see Section 7A.03) and there are a minimum of 20 students during the highest crossing hour. Before a decision is made to install a traffic control signal, consideration shall be given to the implementation of other remedial measures, such as warning signs and flashers, school speed zones, school crossing guards, or a grade-separated crossing. The School Crossing signal warrant shall not be applied at locations where the distance to the nearest traffic control signal along the major street is less than 90 m (300 ft), unless the proposed traffic control signal will not restrict the progressive movement of traffic. Guidance: If this warrant is met and a traffic control signal is justified by an engineering study, then: A. If at an intersection, the traffic control signal should be traffic-actuated and should include pedestrian detectors. B. If at a nonintersection crossing, the traffic control signal should be pedestrian-actuated, parking and other sight obstructions should be prohibited for at least 30 m (100 ft) in advance of and at least 6.1 m (20 ft) beyond the crosswalk, and the installation should include suitable standard signs and pavement markings. C. Furthermore, if installed within a signal system, the traffic control signal should be coordinated. Section 4C.07 Warrant 6. Coordinated Signal System Support: Progressive movement in a coordinated signal system sometimes necessitates installing traffic control signals at intersections where they would not otherwise be needed in order to maintain proper platooning of vehicles. Standard: The need for a traffic control signal shall be considered if an engineering study finds that one of the following criteria is met: A. On a one-way street or a street that has traffic predominantly in one direction, the adjacent traffic control signals are so far apart that they do not provide the necessary degree of vehicular platooning. B. On a two-way street, adjacent traffic control signals do not provide the necessary degree of platooning and the proposed and adjacent traffic control signals will collectively provide a progressive operation. Guidance: The Coordinated Signal System signal warrant should not be applied where the resultant spacing of traffic control signals would be less than 300 m (1,000 ft). Section 4C.08 Warrant 7. Crash Experience Support: The Crash Experience signal warrant conditions are intended for application where the severity and frequency of crashes are the principal reasons to consider installing a traffic control signal. Standard: The need for a traffic control signal shall be considered if an engineering study finds that all of the following criteria are met: A. Adequate trial of alternatives with satisfactory observance and enforcement has failed to reduce the crash frequency; and B. Five or more reported crashes, of types susceptible to correction by a traffic control signal, have occurred within a 12-month period, each crash involving personal injury or property damage apparently exceeding the applicable requirements for a reportable crash; and C. For each of any 8 hours of an average day, the vehicles per hour (vph) given in both of the 80 percent columns of Condition A in Table 4C-1 (see Section 4C.02), or the vph in both of the 80 percent columns of Condition B in Table 4C-1 exists on the major-street and the higher-volume minor-street approach, respectively, to the intersection, or the volume of pedestrian traffic is not Sect. 4C.06 to 4C.08 2003 Edition Page 4C-9 less than 80 percent of the requirements specified in the Pedestrian Volume warrant, These major- street and minor-street volumes shall be for the same 8 hours. On the minor street, the higher volume shall not be required to be on the same approach during each of the 8 hours. Option: If the posted or statutory speed limit or the 85th-percentile speed on the major street exceeds 70 km/h or exceeds 40 mph, or if the intersection lies within the built-up area of an isolated community having a population of less than 10,000, the traffic volumes in the 56 percent columns in Table 4C-1 may be used in place of the 80 percent columns. Section 4C.09 Warrant 8. Roadway Network Support: Installing a traffic control signal at some intersections might be justified to encourage concentration and organization of traffic flow on a roadway network. Standard: The need for a traffic control signal shall be considered if an engineering study finds that the common intersection of two or more major routes meets one or both of the following criteria: A. The intersection has a total existing, or immediately projected, entering volume of at least 1,000 vehicles per hour during the peak hour of a typical weekday and has 5-year projected traffic volumes, based on an engineering study, that meet one or more of Warrants 1, 2, and 3 during an average weekday; or B. The intersection has a total existing or immediately projected entering volume of at least 1,000 vehicles per hour for each of any 5 hours of a nonnormal business day (Saturday or Sunday). A major route as used in this signal warrant shall have one or more of the following characteristics: A. It is part of the street or highway system that serves as the principal roadway network for through traffic flow; or B. It includes rural or suburban highways outside, entering, or traversing a City; or C. It appears as a major route on an official plan, such as a major street plan in an urban area traffic and transportation study. Sect. 4C.08 to 4C.09 MUTCD 2003 California Supplement ~ Page 4C-1 CHAPTER 4C. TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL NEEDS STUDIES Section 4C.01 Studies and Factors for Justifying Traffic Control Signals The following is added to this section: Standard: Delay, congestion, approach conditions, driver confusion, future land use or other evidence of the need for right of way assignment beyond that which could be provided by stop sign shall be demonstrated. Support: Figure 4C-101 and Table 4C-101 are examples of warrant sheets. Guidance: Table 4C-101 should be used only for new intersections or other locations where it is not reasonable to count actual traffic volumes. Section 4C.02 Warrant 1, Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume In the first Option, the text "70 km/h or exceeds 40 mph " is deleted and replaced by "64 km/h or exceeds 40 mph ". Delete the last Option that begins "If the posted or... " The 56% column in Table 4C-1 shall not apply in California. Table 4C-1 Warrant 1, Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume Delete the 56% column and related note(d). Section 4C.03 Warrant 2, Four-Hour Vehicular Volume In the Option the text "70 km/h or exceeds 40 mph " is deleted and replaced by "64 km/h or exceeds 40 mph ". Section 4C.04 Warrant 3, Peak Hour In the Option the text "70 km/h or exceeds 40 mph " is deleted and replaced by "64 km/h or exceeds 40 mph". Section 4C.06 Warrant 5, School Crossing The following is added to this section: Option: Flashing beacons at school crosswalks may be installed on State highways in accordance with CVC Sections 21372 and 21373. The following alternative criterion may be used for determining if a school crossing traffic signal is justified under this warrant: 1. When other warrants in this Chapter are met AND 2. No other controlled crossing is located within 180 m (600 ft) AND: 3. Urban Areas - 500 vehicles and 100 school pedestrians for each of any two hours (not necessarily consecutive) daily while students are crossing to or from school; or 500 vehicles for each of any two hours daily while students are crossing to or from school and a total of 500 school pedestrians during the entire day. OR 4. Rural Areas - 350 vehicles and 70 school pedestrians for each of any two hours (not necessarily consecutive) daily while students are crossing to or from school; or 350 vehicles for each of any two hours (not necessarily consecutive) daily while students are crossing to or from school and minimum total of 350 school pedestrians during the entire day. May 20, 2004 MUTCD 2003 California Supplement Page 4C-2 Guidance: When the critical (85th percentile) approach speed exceeds 55 km/h (35 mph) or the sight distance to the intersection is less than the required stopping sight distance, rural criteria should be applied. Section 4C.101 Function of School Crossing Traffic Signals Support: A traffic signal assigns intersection right-of-way and promotes the orderly movement of pedestrians and vehicles. However, improper signal controls sometimes lead to intentional violations, unnecessary delays and traffic diversion to less desirable routes. Section 4C.102 Criterion for School Crossing Traffic Signals Standard: 1. The signal shall be designed for full-time operation. 2. Pedestrian signal faces of the International Symbol type shall be installed at all marked crosswalks at signalized intersections along the "Suggested Route to School." 3. If an intersection is signalized under this guideline for school pedestrians, the entire intersection shall be signalized. 4. School area traffic signals shall be traffic actuated type with push buttons or other detectors for pedestrians. Option: Non-intersection school pedestrian crosswalk locations may be signalized when justified. Section 4C.103 Bicycle Signal Warrant Guidance: A bicycle signal should be considered for use only when the volume and collision or volume and geometric warrants have been met: 1. Volume, When W = B x V and W >.50,000 and B >_50. Where: W is the volume warrant. B is the number of bicycles at the peak hour entering the intersection. V is the number of vehicles at the peak hour entering the intersection. B and V shall use the same peak hour. 2. Collision, When 2 or more bicycle/vehicle collisions of types susceptible to correction by a bicycle signal have occurred over a 12-month period and the responsible public works official determines that a bicycle signal will reduce the number of collisions. 3. Geometric, (a) Where a separate bicycle/ multi use path intersects a roadway, (b) At other locations to facilitate a bicycle movement that is not permitted for a motor vehicle. Figure 4C-2 Warrant 2 - Four Hour Vehicular Volume (70% Factor) Under the Figure title, the text "70 km/h OR ABOVE 40 mph " is replaced by "64 km/h OR ABOVE 40 mph." ' Figure 4C-4 Warrant 3 - Peak hour (70% Factor) Under the Figure title, the text "70 km/h OR ABOVE 40 mph " is deleted and replaced by "64 km/h OR ABOVE 40 mph." May 20, 2004 MUTCD 2003 California Supplement Page4C-3 Figure 4C-101. Traffic Signal Warrants Worksheet (Sheet 1 of 4) DJST CO RTE KPM IWajnrfif , , Minor St- Critical speed of major street traffic > 64 kt In built up area of isolated community of < rw«- r>4Ti= n/h (40 mph) ,,. D 1l ^ ' or >• RURAL (R) 10, 000 population D ) D URBAN (U) (*n>/h WARRANT 1 - Eight Hour Vehicular Volume Condition A - Minimum Vehicle Volume 100% SATISFIED YES D NO D APPROACH LANES Both Approaches Major Street Highest ApproachesMinor Street MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (80% SHOWN IN BRACKETS U SCO(400) 1SO (120) R 1 350(280) 10S (34) U R 2 or More 600(480) 200 .(183) 420(336) 140 (112) / BU7o SAIISMtlJ YtS U N //////Hour Condition B - Interruption of Continuous Traffic 100% SATISFIED YES D NO D APPROACH LANES Both ApproachesMajor Street Hghest ApproachesMinor Street MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (80% SHOWN IN BRACKETS U R 1 rso $00) 75 (60) S2S (420) S3 (42) U R 2 of More 900 (720) 100(80) 630 (SO*) 70 (56) ou/o OMI i-aricu ico |_| M ///////Hour Combination of Conditions A & B SATISFIED YES Q NO REQUIREMENT TWO WARRANTS SATISFIED 80% WARRANT 1. MINIMUM VEHICULAR VOLUME 2. INTERRUPTION OF CONTINUOUS TRAFFIC ^FULFILLED Yes O No D May 20,2004 MUTCD 2003 California Supplement Page 4C-4 Figure 4C-101. Traffic Signal Warrants Worksheet (Sheet 2 of 4) WARRANT 2 • Four Hour Vehicular Volume Record hourly vehicular volumes for four hours. SATISFIED* YES D NO Q 2or / / /APPROACH LANES One More / / / Both Approaches - Major Street Highest Approaches - Minor Street Hour *Ali plotted points fall above the curves in MUTCD Figure 4C-1 or 4C-2.Yes D No Q WARRANT 3 - Peak Hour PART A or PART B SATISFIED YES D NO D PART A (Ali parts 1,2, and 3 below must be satisfied) SATISFIED YES D NO D 1. The tote! delay experienced for traffic on one minor street approach controlled by a STOP sign equals or exceedds four vehicle-hours for a one-lane approach and five vehicle-hours for a two-lane approach; AND Yes Q No D 2. The volume on the same minor street approach equals or exceeds 100 vph for one moving lane of traffic or 150 vph for two moving lanes; AND Yes D No D 3. The total entering volume serviced during the hour equals or exceeds 800 vph for intersections with four or more approaches or 650 vph for intersections with _ __three approaoches. Yes D No U PARTB SATISFIED YES D NO D 2 or / APPROACH LANES One More / Both Approaches - Major Street Highest Approaches - Minor Street / /Hour The plotted points for vehicles per hour on major streets (both approaches) and the corresponding per hour higher volume vehicle minor street approach(one direction only) for one hour (any consecutive 15 minute period)fall above the applicable curves in MUTCD Figure 4C-3 or 4C-4. May 20,2004 MUTCD 2003 California Supplement Page 4C-5 Figure 4C-101, Traffic Signal Warrants Worksheet (Sheet 3 of 4) DIST Major St:. Minor St:, CO RTE KPM CALC.DATE. DATE. Critical Approach Speed .OCritical speed of major street > 64 knVh (40 mph) , M . ,»,,„», ,-,or /• RURAL. (Rj !n built up area of isolated community of < 10,000 population , D J D URBAN {U) km/h WARRANT 4 - Pedestrian Volume (All Parts Must Be Satisfied) 100% SATISFIED YES Q Hours > Pedestrian Volume Adequate Crossing Gaps Any hour > 190 Yes O No D OR 4 hours > 100 Yes D No D AND<60gap/hr Yes O No D AND., The distance to the nearest traffic signal along the major street is greater than 90m (300 ft) ANQ, The new traffic signal wilt not seriously disrupt progressivetraffic flow in the major street, Yes D No D Yes D No O WARRANT 5 - School Crossing (Ail Parts Must Be Satisfied) Part A Gap/Minutes and # of Children SATISFIED YES D NO D Each of Two Hours > Gaps vsMinutes Minutes ChildrenUsirsg Crossing Number of Adequate Caps School Age PedestriansCrossing Street / Gaps < Minutes SATISFIED YES O NO D Children > 20/hr SATISFIED YES D NO D PartB Distance to Nearest Controlled Crossing Is Nearest Controlled Crossing More Than 180 m (600ft) away?SATISFIED YES Q NO May 20, 2004 MUTCD 2003 California Supplement Page 4C-6 Figure 4C-1Q1. Traffic Signal Warrants Worksheet (Sheet 4 of 4) WARRANT 6 - Coordinated Signal System (All Farts Must Be Satisfied) SATISFIED YES NO Q MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS > 300 m(1 OOOt) DISTANCE TO NEAREST SIGNAL N m, S m, E m, W m On one way isolated streets or streets with one way traffic significance and adjacent signals are so far apart that necessary platooning and speed control would be lost. On 2-way streets where adjacent signals do not provide necessary platooning and speed control proposed signals could constitute a progressive signal system. FULFILLED YesO NoQ D 0 WARRANT 7 - Crash Warrant (All Parts Must Be Satisfied) SATISFIED YES NO D REQUIREMENTS One Warrant Satisfied 80% WARRANT Warrant 1 - Minimum Vehicular Volume OR Warrant 2 - Interruption of Continuous Traffic S Signal Will Not Seriously Disrupt Progressive Traffic Ffow Adequate Trial of Less Restrictive Remedies Has Failed to Reduce Accident Frequency Ace. Within a 1 2 Month Period Susceptible for Corr. & Involving Injury or 2 $500 Damage MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 5 or More NUMBER OF ACCIDENTS FULFILLED YesQ NoQ D D D D D D WARRANT 8 • Roadway Network (All Parts Must Be Satisfied) SATISFIED YES D NO D MINIMUM VOLUME REQUIREMENTS 1000 Veh/Hr ENTERING VOLUMES - ALLAPPROACHES Durina TvBical Weekday Peak Hour Veh/Hr OR During Each of Any 5 Hrs. of a Sat. and/or Sun Veh/Hr CHARACTERISTICS OF MAJOR ROUTES Hwy. System Serving as Principal Network for Through Traffic Rural orSuburban Highway Outside Of, Entering, or Traversing a City Appears as Major Route on an Official Plan MAJOR ST. V MINOR ST. Any Major Route Characteristics Met, Both Streets FULFILLED YesO NoQ D D The satisfaction of a warrant is not necessarily justification for a signal. Delay, congestion, confusion or other evidence of the need for right-of-way assignment must be shown. May 20,2004 MUTCD 2003 California Supplement Page 4C-7 figure 4C-102. Traffic Count Worksheet Insert North Point Number of Lanes Pedestrians Total*jakPMPeak Total*—— Peak X Not to Scale AM Peak PM Peak Total* -L_I AM Peak PM Peak Total* f? \ T 'Entire Count Period AM Peak PM Peak T— r**s Pedestrians Total-Peak Number of Lanes DIRECTIONAL TRAFFIC COUNT Oist __ Co __ Rle, __ KPM __ „ 6iy~ ~ flour to How AM PM Hbur Hour Volume Volume May 20,2004 MUTCD 2003 California Supplement Page 4C-8 Table 4C-101. Traffic Signal Warrants Worksheet (Average Traffic Estimate Form) (Based on Estimated Average Daify Traffic - See Note) URBAN. RURAL 1 A - Minimum Vehicular Traffic Satisfied Not Satisfied Number of lanes for moving traffic on each approach Major Street Minor Street 1 1 2 or More 1.... 2 or More 2 or More 1 ..... 2 or More.... 18 - interruption of Continues Traffic Satisfied Not Satisfied Number of lanes for moving traffic on each approach Major Street Minor Street1 t 2 or More 1 ... . 2 or More . 2 or More.....1 2 or More, 1A&B - Combinations Satisfied Not Satisfied No one warrant satisfied, but following warrants fulfilled 80% or more 1 2 Minimum Requirements EADT Vehicles Per Day on Major Street (Total of Both Approaches) Urban Rural 8,000 5,600 9,600 6,720 9,500 6,720 8,000 5,600 Vehicles Per Day on Major Street (Total of Sotrt Approaches) Urban Rural 12,000 8,400 14,400 10,080 14,400 10,080 12,000 8,400 2 Warrants Vehicles Per Day on Higher-Volume Minor Street Approach(One Direction Only) Urban Rural 2,400 1,680 2,400 1.680 3,200 2,240 3,200 2,240 Vehicles Per Day on Higher-Volume Minor Street Approach (One Direction Only) Urban Rural 1,200 850 1,200 850 1,600 1,120 1,600 1,120 2 Warrants Note: To be used only for NEW INTERSECTIONS or other locations where it is not reasonable to count actual traffic volumes. May 20, 2004 MUTCD 2003 California Supplement Figure 4C-101. Traffic Signal Warrants Worksheet (Sheet 1 of 4) Major St: Minor St: f*ror In CALC CHK itical speed of major street traffic >40mph — - — — ~- — built up area of isolated community of < 10,000 pop DATE DATE Critical Approach Speed Critical Approach Speed r-]\ Or J RURAL(R) D URBAN (U) mph mph WARRANT 1 - Eight Hour Vehicular Volume (At Least One Part Must Be Satisfied) Condition A - Minimum Vehicular Volume SATISFIED YES Q NO 100% SATISFIED 80% SATISFIED YES D NO YES D NO APPROACH LANES Both Approaches Major Street Highest Approach Minor Street MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (80% SHOWN IN BRACKETS) U 1 500 (400) 150 (120) R 350 (280) 105 (84) U R 2 or more 600 (480) 200 (160) 420 (336) 140 (112) Hour Condition B - Interruption of Continuous Traffic 100% SATISFIED 80% SATISFIED YES D NO D YES D NOQ APPROACH LANES Both Approaches Major Street Highest Approach Minor Street MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (80% SHOWN IN BRACKETS) U R 1 750 (600) 75 (60) 525 (420) 53 (42) U R 2 or more 900 (720) 100 (80) 630 (504) 70 (56) Hour Combination of Conditions A & B SATISFIED YES DNOD REQUIREMENT Two Warrants Satisfied 80% WARRANT 1. Minimum Vehicular Volume 2. Interruption of Continuous Traffic D D FULFILLED YES D NO D MUTCD 2003 California Supplement Figure 4C-101. Traffic Signal Warrants Worksheet (Sheet 2 of 4) WARRANT 2 - Four Hour Vehicular Volume Record hourly vehicular volumes for four hours. SATISFIED*YES D NOD APPROACH LANES ONE ,^°JLMvJKt Both Approaches - Major Street Highest Approach - Minor Street D n n n Hour ' AH plotted points fall above the curves in MUTCD Figure 4C-1 or 4C-2. WARRANT 3 - Peak Hour PART A or PART B SATISFIED YES Q NOD PART A (All parts 1, 2, and 3 below must be satisfied) 1. The total delay experienced for traffic on one minor street approach controlled by a STOP sign equals or exceeds four vehicle-hours for a one-lane approach and five vehicle-hours for a two-lane approach; AND Total delay = XXX veh-hr 2. The volume on the same minor street approach equals or exceeds 100 vph for one moving lane of traffic or 150 vph for two moving lanes; AND Minor street volume = XXX vph 3. The total entering volume serviced during the hour equals or exceeds 800 vph for intersections with four or more approaches or 650 vph for intersections with three approaches. Total volume = XXX vph YES D NO D N/A YESD NOQ YESQ NOD PARTS SATISFIED* YES D NO o OPAPPROACH LANES ONE f^"IWJKt Both Approaches - Major Street Highest Approach - Minor Street D n n n Hour * The plotted points for vehicles per hour on major streets (both approaches) and the corresponding per hour higher volume vehicle minor street approach (one direction only) for one hour (any 4 consecutive 15 minute periods) fall above the applicable curves in MUTCD Figure 4C-3 or 4C-4. MUTCD 2003 California Supplement Figure 4C-101. Traffic Signal Warrants Worksheet (Sheet 3 of 4) WARRANT 4 - Pedestrian Volume (All Parts Must Be Satisfied) SATISFIED YES Q NO D REQUIREMENT Pedestrian volume crossing the major street is 100 or more for each of any four hours or is 190 or more during any one hour AND There are less than 60 gaps per hour in the major street traffic stream of adequate length for pedestrians to cross; AND The nearest traffic signal along the major street is greater than 300 feet; AND The new traffic signal will not seriously disrupt progressive traffic flow on the major street. FULFILLED YESD NO D YESQ NO D YESD YESQ N/AQ N/AQ NOQ NOD WARRANT 5 - School Crossing (All Parts Must Be Satisfied)SATISFIED YES Q NO Q N/AQ PART A - OTHER WARRANTS Are other Warrants met?YESD NOD PART B - VEHICLE AND PEDESTRIAN VOLUMES Vehicle Volume School Age Pedestrians Crossing Street MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Each of 2 hours Each of 2 hours or per day U 500 100 500 R 350 70 350 YESD NOQ Part C - Distance to Nearest Controlled Crossing Is Nearest Controlled Crossing More than 600 ft away?YES D NO MUTCD 2003 California Supplement Figure 4C-101. Traffic Signal Warrants Worksheet (Sheet 4 of 4) WARRANT 6 - Coordinated Signal System (All Parts Must Be Satisfied) SATISFIED YES n NO n MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS > 300m (1000 ft) DISTANCE TO NEAREST SIGNAL N:S:E:W: On one way Isolated streets or streets with one way traffic significance and adjacent signals are so far apart that necessary platooning & speed control would be lost. On 2-way streets where adjacent signals do not provide necessary platooning and speed control proposed signals could constitute a progressive signal system. FULFILLED YES D NO D YES D NO D WARRANT 7 - Crash Warrant (All Parts Must Be Satisfied) SATISFIED YES D NO D REQUIREMENTS One Warrant Satisfied 80% WARRANT Warrant 1 - Minimum Vehicular Volume, OJR Warrant 2 - Interruption Of Continuous Traffic n n Signal Will Not Seriously Disrupt Progressive Traffic Flow Adequate Trial Of Less Restrictive Remedies Has Failed To Reduce Accident Frequency Ace. Within A 12 Month Period Susceptible Of Corr. & Involving Injury Or > $500 Damage MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 5 or More NUMBER OF ACCIDENTS FULFILLED YES D NO D YES D NO D YESQ NOD N/AQ YES D NO D WARRANT 8 - Roadway Network (All Parts Must Be Satisfied) SATISFIED YES n NO n MINIMUM VOLUME REQUIREMENT 1000Veh/Hr ENTERING VOLUMES - ALL APPROACHES During Typical Weekday Peak Hour xxxx Veh/Hr, OR During Each Of Any 5 Hrs. Of A Sat And/Or Sun xxxx Veh/Hr CHARACTERISTICS OF MAJOR ROUTES Highway System Serving As Principle Network For Through Traffic Rural Or Suburban Highway Outside Of, Entering, Or Traversing A City Appears As Major Route On An Official Plan MAJOR D n MINOR Any Major Route Characteristics Met, Both Streets FULFILLED YES D NO D YES D NO D The satisfaction of a warrant is not necessarily justification for a signal. Delay, congestion, confusion or other evidence of the need for right-of- way assignment must be shown. Figure 4C-1. Warrant 2, Four-Hour Vehicular Volume 500 2 OR MORE LANES (MAJOR) & 2 OR MORE LANES 2 OR MORE LANES (MAJOR) & 1 LANE (MINOR) OR 1 LANE (MAJOR) & 2 OR MORE LANES (MINOR) 1 LANE (MAJOR) & 1 LANE (MINOR) 115 "80 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 MAJOR STREET - TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES (VPH) *Note: 115 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor-street approach with two or more lanes and 80 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor-street approach with one lane. Figure 4C-2. Warrant 2, Four-Hour Vehicular Volume (70% Factor) (COMMUNITY LESS THAN 10,000 POPULATION OR ABOVE 40 MPH ON MAJOR STREET) 400 2 OR MORE LANES (MAJOR) & 2 OR MORE LANES (MINOR) (. 2 OR MORE LANES (MAJOR) & 1 LANE (MINOR) OR 1 LANE (MAJOR) & 2 OR MORE LANES (MINOR) 1 LANE (MAJOR) & 1 LANE (MINOR)*80 *60 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 MAJOR STREET - TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES (VPH) 1000 *Note: 80 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor-street approach with two or more lanes and 60 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor-street approach with one lane. Figure 4C-3. Warrant 3, Peak Hour 600 2 OR MORE LANES (MAJOR) & 2 OR MORE LANES (MINOR) 2 OR MORE LANES (MAJOR) & 1 LANE (MINOR) OR 1 LANE (MAJOR) & 2 OR MORE LANES (MINOR) 1 LANE (MAJOR) A 1 LANE (MINOR) 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 MAJOR STREET - TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES (VPH) *IMote: 150 VPH applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor street approach with two or more lanes and 100 VPH applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor street approaching with one lane. Figure 4C-4. Warrant 3, Peak Hour (70% Factor) (COMMUNITY LESS THAN 10,000 POPULATION OR ABOVE 40 MPH ON MAJOR STREET) 500 2 OR MORE LANES (MAJOR) & 2 OR MORE LANES (MINOR) 2 OR MORE LANES (MAJOR) & 1 LANE (MINOR) OR 1 LANE (MAJOR) & 2 OR MORE LANES (MINOR) 1 LANE (MAJOR) & 1 LANE (MINO 0 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 MAJOR STREET - TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES (VPH) 1300 *Note: 100 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor-street approach with two or more lanes and 75 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor-street approach with one lane.