HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-03-21; City Council; 18490; Interstate 5 Highway Widening ProjectmCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL ^ IW AB# MTG. DEPT. 18,490 3/21/06 ENG TITLE: PROCESSING ISSUES REGARDING KEY COMPONENTS OF THE INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 5 WIDENING PROJECT DEPT. HD. X^^ CITY ATTY. G2-' CITY MGR. L^^ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive report and provide direction. ITEM EXPLANATION: Caltrans has initiated preliminary engineering and environmental studies (EIR/EIS) for the Interstate Highway 5 widening project, referred to as the I-5 North Coast Improvement Program. The primary component of the project is the development of "managed lanes" along the entire 28-mile corridor from San Diego to Oceanside. The managed lanes are proposed to operate as a separate, independent facility within the existing freeway alignment to serve high occupancy vehicles or, under a value pricing scenario, solo drivers. To accommodate the addition of future managed lanes and to provide increased freeway capacity, widening of Interstate Highway 5 will be necessary. Construction is projected by Caltrans to begin in 2009. Interstate Highway 5 is a heavily congested transportation corridor with periods of lengthy congestion occurring on both weekdays and weekends. Currently, the average daily traffic (ADT) volume is 260,000 just north of the I-5/I-805 merge. The projected volume in 2030 at this location is 425,000 vehicles. More than 10,000 daily truck trips are made in this corridor. The goal of the I-5 North Coast Improvement Program is to maximize mobility for all modal choices including pedestrians, bicycles, buses, carpools, vanpools, single-occupant vehicles and trucks. A key objective to accomplish this goal will be the construction of the previously mentioned HOV/Managed Lanes and maintaining their free-flow conditions. In addition to constructing the HOV/Managed Lanes, a number of other important project features will be incorporated into the freeway expansion. One such feature will include direct access ramps (DAR) connecting local arterials directly to the HOV/Managed Lanes. In Carlsbad, the DAR being studied by Caltrans, upon previous direction from the City Council, would be located north of Cannon Road and east of the freeway. Final approval by the City Council must be given to Caltrans before the DAR would be included in construction plans. Once drivers are traveling on I-5, they will have multiple access points to and from the general-purpose lanes to enter the HOV/Managed Lanes. Another project feature is the construction of additional auxiliary lanes in heavy weave areas on Interstate Highway 5 to maximize traffic flow on the freeway. An example on an existing auxiliary lane on the freeway in Carlsbad is the northbound lane between Palomar Airport Road and Cannon Road interchanges. Widening of the freeway to add additional mainline lanes will require replacement of many existing bridges, construction of retaining walls and, to meet federal requirements, the construction of noise walls in select locations. Corridor-wide replacement planting and other aesthetic treatments will be incorporated into the project. Caltrans staff will present an overview of key project features and issues to the City Council as summarized below. Upon receiving direction from the City Council, Caltrans will schedule an outreach meeting(s) in Carlsbad to solicit community input regarding the freeway widening project and ancillary issues. Page 2 ISSUE NUMBER 1 - INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 5 WIDENING Numerous design-related and environmental features are associated with the future widening of Interstate Highway 5 in Carlsbad and the entire 28-mile corridor. The number of additional lanes to construct and the potential impacts to the lagoons and private property are two project issues. Caltrans has developed two concepts for the MOV/Managed Lanes, in addition to determining the number of general purpose lanes and the locations of auxiliary lanes. These project concepts will determine the ultimate width of the freeway through Carlsbad and the need for additional right-of-way to facilitate freeway widening. Noise impacts and soundwall locations (if any) will be addressed for Carlsbad. Although being processed as a separate project, improvements to the I-5/SR 78 interchange would impact the on/off ramps at the Los Flores Drive/l-5 interchange. Caltrans is pursuing a Project Study Report for the I-5/SR 78 interchange at this time and those interchange modifications may possibly be incorporated in the I-5 freeway widening project. Necessary City Council Action Upon receiving the status report, the direction requested from the City Council will be the format for Caltrans to conduct a community open house meeting(s) in Carlsbad to explain the freeway widening project. This could be one large citywide meeting, or a series of several smaller meetings held in various quadrants. ISSUE NUMBER 2 - NOISE STUDY The Draft Noise Abatement Decision Report for the entire Interstate Highway 5 corridor is being reviewed by Caltrans for compliance with federal noise requirements and the determination of need to provide soundwalls. Upon completion of their internal review, Caltrans will share the noise study results and proposed soundwall locations with each City Council and community in the corridor. Caltrans is projecting that these meetings could begin this summer, at the earliest. Necessary City Council Action The City Council has the option to receive a presentation from Caltrans that summarizes the noise study results before a community open house meeting is held by Caltrans. Conversely, the City Council may request that Caltrans present the noise study results to Carlsbad residents in a community meeting, gather input, and then present the noise study findings and community feedback to Council at a regular City Council meeting or workshop. Staff will ask Council to provide direction on the preferred approach. ISSUE NUMBER 3 - INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 5 CORRIDOR ENHANCEMENTS In addition to required mitigation being included with the freeway widening project, Caltrans will incorporate unique, cpmmunity specific enhancements into the project that will be funded by the project budget. An estimated $50 million has been set aside for community enhancements in the corridor. Each city along the corridor will receive a share of the enhancement funding based upon the proportional length of freeway through the respective city that is located in the 28-mile corridor. The City Council for each city will select the enhancements that Caltrans will construct in their city. Based upon input provided by various Carlsbad staff, Caltrans has identified about ten enhancement projects that can be considered in Carlsbad. Depending upon the ultimately selected enhancement opportunities, projects could include freeway gateway features, trail connections, park and ride improvements, habitat restoration, and pedestrian improvements, among others. The cost to construct the enhancements will not exceed the proportional budgeted amount allocated to each city by Caltrans. Necessary City Council Action The Caltrans presentation to the City Council will explain the variety of community enhancement projects that can be selected. The Council has the option to ask Caltrans to schedule community open house meeting(s) in Carlsbad to receive input from residents. After the meeting(s) is held, Caltrans would report the results back to the City Council for Council to make the final determination of enhancements that will be incorporated in the freeway widening portion through Carlsbad. PageS ISSUE NUMBER 4 - DIRECT ACCESS RAMP (PAR) Caltrans is completing computer modeling, preliminary geometric design, and preliminary alignment analysis for the Carlsbad DAR being proposed north of Cannon Road. Last year, in a Council workshop, the City Council discussed several potential DAR locations in Carlsbad that were under consideration by Caltrans. The Council asked Caltrans to focus only on the feasibility of the Cannon Road location for a direct access ramp. Necessary City Council Action Upon completion of their preliminary analysis, Caltrans will summarize volume projections and the merits of the Cannon Road DAR and present the findings to the City Council. The Council could receive the DAR report from Caltrans at a stand alone meeting or in combination with one or more of the above described issue topics. Caltrans is requesting an expeditious determination of concurrence or rejection of the direct access ramp feature. In summary, the City Council will receive a status report from Caltrans on various aspects of the freeway widening project and the potential community enhancement projects available for inclusion in the Carlsbad portion of the project. In the future, Caltrans would return to present findings and recommendations to Council with respect to the direct access ramp (DAR) and freeway noise impacts in Carlsbad. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: None with this report to the City Council. FISCAL IMPACT: Future construction funding for the freeway widening project will be obtained by Caltrans from various sources, including TransNet funding. EXHIBITS: None. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Robert T. Johnson, Jr., (760) 602-2752, bjohn@ci.carlsbad.ca.us "Love, Ruth B." <RLove@semprautilities.com> <bjohn@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> 03/20/2006 1:46:33 PM March 21, 2006 Council Agenda, Item 10-1-5 Widening ALL RECEIVE For Information of City Council CA is* CM 1Date From: To: Date: Subject: Dear Bob, Will you please share with the Council at the March 21, 2006 meeting that SDG&E objects to siting the Direct Access Ramp (DAR) across the Encina East property north of Cannon Road. We have been consistent in our objections to this plan since we learned of it in late 2004. As you recall we repeated our objections at the December 2005 meeting at City offices that was attended by yourself, Mr. Jacobo of Caltrans, Lennar and SDG&E. The DAR plan eliminates any possibility of development to the existing 45-acre tourist-retail parcel. We also believe it would be quite unsightly and under any circumstances not present a pleasing visual gateway at the center of town. Regards, Ruth Love Principal Real Estate Advisor San Diego Gas & Electric Company 8335 Century Park Court, CP 11D San Diego, CA 92123-1569 Telephone: 858-637-3738 Fax: 858-637-3766 rlove@semprautilities.com CC:"Carrillo, Claudia" <CCarrillo@semprautilities.com> RIECDIHDWIH MAR 2 1 2006 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE — \ zJ -f S 1° * , CC 10 From: <Joshua.Teigiser@lennar.com> T0. <bjohn@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 03/21/2006 3:31:33 PM Subject: March 21st City Council meeting re: Agenda Item 10 Bob, Will you advise the Carlsbad City Council at the March 21st meetingi that Lennar is concerned that Caltrans is only analyzing the feas.bihty of the ELct Access Ramp (DAR) being located at the Cannon Road location. We are concerned that this location may not be the optimum location in regards to improving the City's traffic circulation. Based on our meeting a few months ago with the City, Caltrans, SDG&E and Estrada Planrang, preliminary engineering has shown that other locations could possibly work for the DAR, and should not be eliminated from further Caltrans studies. Feel free to give me a call if you have any questions. Thank you, Josh Teigiser Forward Planning Manager Lennar Corporation San Diego Land Division 760.918.7700(0) 760.908.4192 (c) For the Information of the:CTTYCOUNCO, CC:<Michael.Kennedy@Lennar.com> IMAR 2 1 2006 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE G. , Carlsbad City Council Meeting Carlsbad City Council Meeting March 21, 2006March 21, 2006 OUTLINE•Project Status•Community Concerns•Direct Access Ramp•Schedule•Project Opportunities/Enhancements2 San DiegoDel MarSolana BeachEncinitasCarlsbadOceansideCorridor LimitsBegin ProjectBegin ProjectEnd ProjectEnd ProjectHarbor Dr. Interstate 5 North Coast Alternatives Community Concerns 2002200320042005200620072008FHWA REVIEWPROJECT ENHANCEMENTSNOISE & RIGHT OF WAY COMMUNITY MEETINGSRESPOND TO PUBLIC COMMENTSSELECT PREFERRED ALTERNATIVEFHWA REVIEWAPPROVAL ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTENG & TECH STUDIESWRITE DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTCIRCULATION OF DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTPUBLIC REVIEW The actual footprint of the widening and future sound wall locations and heights will be discussed at a later meeting and are NOT the topic for tonight. Typical Cross Section of 10 + 4 Alternative5 Lanes Southbound5 Lanes Northbound2 HOVLanes Southbound2 HOVLanes NorthboundMedian Major GoalsCommunity:•Retain existing community character.•Respect Community Plans for the adjacent area.•Provide amenities (trails, overlooks, etc) for the community if mitigation is required. Improvements to be consistent with local agency General Plans,Community Plans, Parks Master Plans, Lagoon Foundation Plans, etc.•Respect historical resources.•Minimize impacts to adjacent businesses and residents.•Utilize the Community during the project development process.•Provide a design that fits the community.•Integrate Community values into the project.•Fulfill Community needs if possibleEnvironmental:•Minimize encroachment into adjacent sensitive habitat areas.•Respect existing visual resources.•Minimize negative visual impacts.•Minimize noise impacts to adjacent residential areas•Minimize drainage/storm water impacts. Major GoalsCirculation:•Encourage the use of mass transit and other alternative modes oftransportation. •Minimize conflicts between vehicles and pedestrians.•Provide connections between the east and west sides of the freeway.•Improve pedestrian circulation.Physical / Aesthetic•Minimize existing right-of-way width expansion•Maximize the visual experience for the freeway users.•Minimize construction costs.•Integrate public art into the project where possible.•Provide an aesthetically pleasing freeway.•Minimize grading.•Create a freeway that Carlsbad will be proud of. A Synergy Project isa community development project that:a) implements community goalsb) implements freeway project goals““Synergy ProjectsSynergy Projects”” Interstate 15 / 40thStreetInterstate 15 / 40thStreetLandscapingParks, Widened Bridges, trail's, etc.•Community Context ArchitectureUrban Design Features What process did we use? We Walked and Photographed the Site We Analyzed Existing and Future Land Uses Such as the Carlsbad Village Area We Analyzed Existing and Future Trails and Roads We Studied Zoning and Land Ownerships We Looked at What Other Places Have Done II--5 Opportunities Analysis5 Opportunities AnalysisSite AnalysisProposed ProjectAssess Existing Conditions,Environmental ConstraintsLocal Planning ResearchIdentify Local Values/Goals,Planned ProjectsOpportunity Identification MethodOpportunitiesfor SynergyDocument ProjectFeatures/GoalsWe Combined the Analysis to Develop Ideas Types of OpportunitiesCirculation Improvements•Landscaped Pedestrian/Bicycle Corridors•Pedestrian/Bicycle Connections to Transit•Enhanced East/West Connectivity across freeway•Recreational Educational Trails at Lagoons•Implement Regional and Local Bike Routes and Pedestrian TrailsLand Use Improvements•Community Parks•Educational Centers at Lagoons•Wetland Restoration•Linear Open Space Buffers/Mini Parks•View Corridors•Improved Scenic Vista Point What are some of the possible “synergy”projects for Carlsbad? Project #1Community Gateway Carlsbad I-5 Synergy Project #1Gateway Feature at La Costa Ave URBAN GATEWAY FEATURE EXAMPLES AND CASE STUDIES Project #2Batiquitos Nature Center-Park & Ride Carlsbad I-5 Synergy Project #2Batiquitos Lagoon Nature Center-Park and Ride Project #3aLagoon Trail at the east side of I-5 EXISTING SITE PHOTOS Carlsbad I-5 Synergy Project #3aLagoon Trail Connection east of freeway Project #3bLagoon Trail at the west side of I-5 EXISTING SITE PHOTOS Carlsbad I-5 Synergy Project #3bLagoon Trail Connection west of freeway EXAMPLES OF TRAILS AND OVERLOOKS Project #4aAgua Hedionda Lagoon Trail at the east side of I-5 Carlsbad I-5 Synergy Projects #4ATrail Connections at Agua Hedionda Lagoon on East Side of I-5 Project #4bAgua Hedionda Lagoon Trail at the west side of I-5 Carlsbad I-5 Synergy Projects #4BTrail Connections at Agua Hedionda Lagoon on West Side of I-5 Project #5Streetscape Enhancement at Chestnut Ave Between Holiday Park and Chase and Brierly Fields Carlsbad I-5 Synergy Project #5Streetscape Enhancements on Chestnut Ave Between Holiday Park and Chase and Brierly Fields Soundwall and Retaining Wall Issues BEFOREVisual Simulations South-East of Carlsbad Village Dr. AFTER Project #6Streetscape Enhancement along Pio Pico at Holiday Park Alternatives 1-5 Carlsbad I-5 Synergy Project #6Streetscape Enhancement Along Pio Pico at Holiday Park Visual Simulations at Holiday ParkBEFORE AFTER BEFORE AFTER Carlsbad I-5 Synergy Projects #6:ALTERNATIVE 1 Carlsbad I-5 Synergy Projects #6:ALTERNATIVE 2 Carlsbad I-5 Synergy Projects #6:ALTERNATIVE 3 Carlsbad I-5 Synergy Projects #6:ALTERNATIVE 4 Carlsbad I-5 Synergy Projects #6:ALTERNATIVE 5 Project #7:Gateway statement at Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad I-5 Synergy Project #7Gateway and/or entry statement at Carlsbad Village Dr. EXAMPLES OF CITY, TOWN, COMMUNITYGATEWAYS EXAMPLES OF CITY, TOWN, COMMUNITY GATEWAYS Project #8:Bridge Enhancements on Las Flores Drive Carlsbad I-5 Synergy Project #8Las Flores Bridge Enhancements EXAMPLES OF BRIDGE ENHANCEMENTS Questions?Questions? 2005 Purpose of ProjectTo maintain or improve the existing and future traffic operations in the I-5 north coastal corridor in order to facilitate the safe and efficient regional movement of people and goods for the planning design year of 2030.28 Miles of I-5 from the 5/805 merge toOceanside will be widened to:-10 lanes and 4 HOV lanesOr -8 lanes and 4 HOV lanes More specifically, the project will:•Maintain or improve future traffic levels of service in 2030 over the existing levels of service.•Provide free flow conditions in the HOV/Managed Lanes.•Maintain or improve travel times within the corridor.•Provide a facility that is compatible with future bus rapid transit and other modal options.•Provide consistency with the regional transportation plan, Mobility 2030 - The Transportation Plan for the San Diego Region, SANDAG, April 2003 (SANDAG 2030 RTP) where feasible and in compliance with federal and state regulations.•Maintain the facility as an effective link in the National Strategic Highway Network.•Protect and/or enhance the human and natural environment along the I-5 corridor. Why Conduct these Public Meetings?There will be an additional 50 Million Dollars available for the entire 28 mile stretch to enhance the project over and above the standard and required improvements with Synergy projects. We want your input on some of the ideas we have for these projects.Tonight we want to discuss possible Synergy projects. What are Synergy Projects? A Synergy Project isa community development project that:a) implements community goalsb) implements freeway project goals““Synergy ProjectsSynergy Projects”” An Example of SynergyPark de la Cruz and 39th Street ParkI-15 Through San Diego Mid-CityCommunity GoalProject GoalsSynergyIncrease ratio of parkland to populationDispose of excess material on site, Mitigate project impactsCreate two parks by filling canyons with excess material from freeway constructionas a community impact mitigation measure Characteristics of Synergy Projects•Primarily pertain to land use and non-motorized circulation improvements•Provide a foundation for future community re-development•Located both inside and outside Caltrans right of way•Funded by a variety of sources The I-5 widening project could “enhance” the corridor much the same way the I-15/40th street project enhanced the Mid-City community of San Diego. We want to identify specific opportunities for enhancement and apply successful principles learned from the 40th street project to this project. Community Synergy Projects(Parks, Widened Bridges, trail's, etc.)Community Synergy Projects(Parks, Widened Bridges, trail's, etc.)Interstate 15 / 40th Street ExampleInterstate 15 / 40th Street Example Community Synergy Projects•Urban Design FeaturesCommunity Synergy Projects•Urban Design Features Community Synergy Projects•Community Context ArchitectureCommunity Synergy Projects•Community Context Architecture •Community Synergy Projects•Landscaping•Community Synergy Projects•Landscaping