HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-05-02; City Council; 18550; Citizens' Committee Study Flower/Strawberry FieldsCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL o o Oz3 Oo AB# 18,550 MTG. 5/2/06 DEPT. CD TITLE: APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS OF CITIZENS' COMMITTEE TO STUDY THE FLOWER FIELDS AND THE STRAWBERRY FIELDS AREA 4®SDEPT. HD. ^n CITY ATTY. M\ CITYMGR iSf> RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the City Council ADOPT City Council Resolution No. 2006-112 , appointing citizens to serve as members of the Citizens' Committee to Study the Flower Field and the Strawberry Fields Area. ITEM EXPLANATION: At the meeting held on April 18, 2006, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2006-103, creating an Ad Hoc 25-member Citizens' Committee to study the area east of 1-5 along Cannon Road including and surrounding the existing Flower Fields and Strawberry Fields. The Committee was created to study the area, analyze alternative initiatives and ballot measures, and make recommendations to the Council. Resolution No. 2006-103 also set forth the duties and responsibilities of the Committee, established the meeting schedule, and set forth the method by which members will be appointed. In addition, it established the deadline of July 18, 2006, by which the Committee must submit its recommendations to the City Council. Resolution No. 2006-103 did not, however, include the appointment of members to serve on the Committee. The attached Resolution appoints the members to the Committee. The Council may also appoint six additional ex-officio non-voting members to represent the property owners within the study area, the farming interests, and representatives from both of the proposed ballot initiatives. FISCAL IMPACT: See Agenda Bill #18,535, dated April 18, 2006, on file in the Office of the City Clerk. EXHIBITS: 1 . City Council Resolution No. 2006-112 appointing 25 members to serve on the Ad Hoc Citizens' Committee. 01 "I01 CO 60 •H4-1c•H O CXCX CM O O CM co •H • 4-> CO 3 iHH -H 0 tfl CO 4-> 01 0) T3 !-i 01 OI i t| | cx O CO 13 Olnj 4-1 •H C 'H 'H 2. Resolution No. 2006-103, establishing the Ad Hoc Citizens Committee. 13 Ol O 01O CO 3. Proposed membership Chart. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2006-112 2 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, Appointing Members to the Committee to Study the Flower Fields and the Strawberry Fields Area Between Cannon A Road and Palomar Airport Road. 5 WHEREAS, the City Council, at its meeting of April 18, 2006, adopted Resolution No. 6 2006-103, establishing a 25 member Ad Hoc Citizens' Committee to Study the Flower Fields and ' Strawberry Fields Area between Cannon Road and Palomar Airport Road; and c WHEREAS, Resolution No. 2006-103 set forth the duties and responsibilities of members 9 and established the meeting schedule for the Committee; and 10 WHEREAS, Resolution No. 2006-103 also set forth the deadline of July 18, 2006, by which the Committee shall conclude its business and forward the results of its deliberations to the City 13 Council; and 14 WHEREAS, Resolution No. 2006-103 established the method by which members will be 15 appointed to serve on the Committee. 16 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 17 California, as follows: 18 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 19 2Q 2. That this resolution amends Resolution 2006-103 only to the extent that the 25 member 21 committee shall be expanded to 31 Members of the Ad Hoc Advisory Committee 22 ("Committee) and shall be a combination of citizens-at-large, representatives of various City 23 boards and commissions, and one non-voting representative from each of the following 24 groups: SDG&E, Carltas Company, the farming/flower industry, Concerned Citizens of 25 Carlsbad, Citizens for Usable Places, and one Planning Commissioner. 26 _7 3. That the following Members are hereby appointed by the Mayor with the advice and 2g recommendations of the City Council to serve on the Committee: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Mark Winkler Peder Norby Vern Farrow Heidi Willes Bob Garcin Daniel Swiger Pete Aadland Debbie Hollabaugh Eric Munoz Gary Manning Robert Morgan Ad Hoc Advisory Group: Chris Calkins (Calrtas) Claudia Carrillo (SDG&E) Marvin Sippel (Farm rep) Courtney Heineman (Planning Commission) Nancy Calverly (C.C.U.P.P.) Except as specifically amended, all other terms and conditions of Resolution No. 2006-103 remain in full force and effect. Marvin Cap Len Martyns Katie Butler Keith Lewinger Bill Dominguez Jill Agosti Seth Schulberg Gary Hill Jennifer Benner Mark Johnson Gina McBride Farrah Douglas Pat Kurth Kip McBane -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 2nd day of May , 2006 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Hall, Kulchin, Packard, Sigafoose NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk (Seal) , Mayor .\, iOa^SSpb^s -3- Exhibit 2 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2006-103 2 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, Creating A Committee to Study the Flower Fields and the Strawberry Fields Area Between Cannon Road and 4 Palomar Airport Road. 5 WHEREAS, an initiative entitled "Save the Strawberry and Flower Growing Fields Act of 6 2006" has been titled and summarized and is currently being circulated to obtain the requisite oiguc WHEREAS, the proponents of a second initiative entitled "Parkland and Public Access signatures for placement on the ballot according to the California Elections Code; and 8 9 Planning Initiative of 2006" has been submitted to the City Clerk and has been given a title and 10 summary by the City Attorney for circulation; and .,. WHEREAS, both initiatives propose amending the Carlsbad General Plan; and 13 WHEREAS, the two initiatives are in conflict in its proposed amendments; and 14 WHEREAS, the City Council has requested a voluntary time out from both proponents which has not been agreed to at this time; and WHEREAS, the City Council has expressed interest in the creation of a 25-member Citizens 17 Committee to Study the Flower Fields and the Strawberry Fields Area of the City, including 18 citizens-at-large and representatives of various City Boards and Commissions to analyze and 19 consider all view points on current land use policies and regulations regarding the best use of the 21 undeveloped land along Cannon Road east of Interstate 5 before amending the General Plan for 22 this area; and 23 WHEREAS, neither initiative addresses the future zoning or the Local Coastal Plan for this area; and 25 WHEREAS, this Citizens' Committee will analyze and present to the City Council a report 26 and recommendation that the City Council must weigh in determining what General Plan, Local 27 Coastal Plan and zoning designations will best promote the welfare of the citizens of Carlsbad, and28 WHEREAS, the City Council directed the commencement of reports on the fiscal, economic, legal and other information set forth in Election Code section 9212. 3 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 4 California, as follows: 5 1. That the above recitations are true and correct.6 2. That there is hereby created a Citizens' Committee to Study the Flower Fields and the Strawberry Fields Area of the City whose charge shall be to analyze and present to the City Council a report and recommendation on each of the proposed initiatives as well as a proposed City Council measure to help determine what General Plan and Zoning designations will best promote the welfare of the citizens of Carlsbad. The Committee shall review all pertinent 12 information regarding this area of the city including all existing land use documents (General 13 Plan, Zoning, Local Coastal Plan, etc.), historical information and recent visioning efforts;14 i r review the proposed ballot measures relating to the area; receive public input on the area and 16 on the ballot measures including presentations from the ballot measure proponents; and 17 prepare an independent, objective comparison of the measures. 18 3. That the Ad Hoc Advisory Committee ("Committee) shall be appointed by the Mayor 19 with the advice and recommendations of the City Council and that the 25 members shall be a 20 combination of citizens-at-large and representatives of various City boards and commissions. 21 4. That the Committee shall meet approximately once a week for six weeks on either 23 Tuesday or Thursday mornings from 9 to 12 AM, or at such other times as determined by the 24 Committee. Additional meetings may be held if deemed necessary by the Committee, however, in no case shall the Committee forward the results of its deliberations to the City 26 27 28 -2- 1 Council later than July 18,2006. At that time, the committee shall cease to exist. Committee 2 members shall serve without compensation. 3 5. That staff from the City of Carlsbad shall provide information on current land use 4 policies and regulations. The Committee shall be given all reasonable tools, resources, 5 background information and staff support necessary for it to accomplish its objectives. A6 7 budget not to exceed $ 100,000 is hereby appropriated from the Council contingency fund to 8 support the work of this Committee including an outside independent facilitator for the 9 meetings, fiscal impact analyses for all of the measures, and necessary environmental * ° documents. A budget not to exceed $ 100,000 is hereby appropriated to the City Attorney's budget for the Election Code section 9212 reports. 12 6. That the Committee shall select a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson and shall establish 13 its operational ground rules for participation and voting. 15 7. That the Committee shall conduct its business in open and public meetings, which shall 16 be subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act (Gov. Code Section 54950 et seq.) 8. That the principal charge of the Committee is to analyze and present to the City Council 18 the merits of each initiative and/or measure. 19 9. That no member of the Committee shall participate in discussion or cast a vote on 20 recommendations where he or she is likely to have a conflict of interest. Members should 22 consult with the City Attorney if they have reason to believe a conflict will arise, 23 /// 24 /// 25 /// 26 /// 27 28 -3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 18th day of April 2006 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Hall, Kulchin, Packard, Sigafoose NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: (SEAL) -4- Exhibit 3 FLOWER FIELDS AND STRAWBERRY FIELDS AREA COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Mayor Lewis: Mayor Pro Tern Hall: Council Member Kulchin: Council Member Packard: Marvin Cap Len Martyns Katie Butler Keith Lewinger Bill Dominguez Jill Agosti Seth Schulberg Gary Hill Jennifer Benner Mark Johnson Gina McBride Farrah Douglas PatKurth Kip McBane Mark Winkler Peder Norby Vern Farrow Heidi Willes Bob Garcin Daniel Swiger Council Member Sigafoose:Pete Aadland Debbie Hollabaugh Eric Munoz Gary Manning Robert Morgan Ad Hoc Advisory Group:Chris Calkins (Carltas) Claudia Carrillo (SDG&E) Marvin Sippel (Farm rep) Courtney Herneman (Planning Commission) Nancy Calverly (C.C.U.P.P.)