HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-06-27; City Council; 18626; Beach Preservation CommitteeCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 11 AB# MTG. DEPT. 18,626 6/27/06 ENG TITLE: CARLSBAD BEACH PRESERVATION COMMITTEE BEACH ATTENDANCE AND ECONOMIC STUDY DEPT.^rf/^7 CITY ATTY. ^C *^^ CITY MGR-H^T RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept and file report from Carlsbad Beach Preservation Committee. ITEM EXPLANATION: On March 10, 2005, the City Council approved a professional services agreement with Dr. Philip King to conduct a survey, analyze the spending habits of the visitors, and relate that information to economic benefits to the City of Carlsbad. The objective of the study is to provide information to the City Council of the financial benefits derived from summer visitors to the Carlsbad beaches. The study includes: • The demographics of beach visitors including residence, income, and ethnicity. • The total amount of spending by beach visitors both inside and outside the City. • Total attendance broken down by different types of visitors: local visitors, day trippers, in-state visitors staying overnight, out-of-state and foreign visitors. • Average beach spending per visitor, broken down by different types of visitors: local visitors, day trippers, and overnight visitors. A survey of beach visitors was conducted randomly throughout the summer of 2005. A questionnaire was used to determine the primary residence of Carlsbad Beach visitors, the amount spent on beach visits broken down by type of expenditure, whether the expenditures took place within Carlsbad or elsewhere, and total attendance broken down by different types of visitors. The survey also asked how important the beach was in their decision to come to Carlsbad, and at what point visitors would stop going if the beach was eroded. The following are highlights from the study: • The typical visitor spent $66 per person per day, 2/3 ($44) of which is spent in Carlsbad. Overnight visitors spent far more than day-trippers. Lodging was the largest spending category at $26 per person per day (averaged over all visitors). • Beach tourism generates $94,000 in sales tax revenues and $1.4 million in Transient Occupancy Tax. • For the State as a whole, beach tourism generates just under $2 million in sales tax revenues and parking fees. • 40% of visitors stay overnight; 58% of people staying overnight responded that the beach was "very important" for their trip/vacation. • 83% of beach visitors were not City residents, although half lived within 20 miles. 26% came from outside California. Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. • Among amenities, beach cleanliness was rated most important (82% said it was very important), while 43% said wide beaches were very important, and 55% said parking was very important. • If Carlsbad's beaches eroded 50% (were half as wide), beach attendance would drop by 28%. The Carlsbad Beach Preservation Committee (BPC) is interested in gaining an understanding of the economic impact provided the City by visitors to our local coastline. The BPC will use this data as it reviews future beach enhancement projects for our local coastline. Staff recommends the City Council accept and file this report. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project is categorically exempt from CEQA pursuant to section 15306 which exempts information gathering activities. FISCAL IMPACT: None. EXHIBITS: 1. The Economic and Fiscal Impact of Carlsbad Beaches: A Survey and Estimate of Attendance dated December 12, 2005. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Steve Jantz, (760) 602-2738, sjant@ci.carlsbad.ca.us The Economic and Fiscal Impact of Carlsbad's Beaches: A Survey and Estimate of Attendance Philip G. King, Ph.D. Chair, Economics Department, San Francisco State University December 12,2005 I would like to thank Steve Jantz, members of the Beach Preservation Committee, and Richard Dennison and Denny Stoufer from California State Parks for help with this project. 3 Executive Summary This study was commissioned by the City of Carlsbad to analyze beach tourism. It presents the results of a comprehensive survey of beach visitors in high season, an estimate of beach attendance and total spending related to beach tourism in the City and the region. • 83% of beach visitors were not City residents, though half lived within 20 miles. 26% came from outside California. • Among amenities, beach cleanliness was rated most important (82% said it was very important), while 43% said wide beaches were very important and 55% said parking was very important. • Respondents ranked Lifeguard services, Carlsbad Village, and other amenities lower. • If Carlsbad's beaches eroded 50% (were half as wide), beach attendance would drop by 28%. • 40% of visitors stay overnight; 58% of people staying overnight responded that the beach was "very important" for their trip/vacation. • The typical visitor spent $66 per person per day, 2/3 ($44) of which is spent in Carlsbad. Overnight visitors spent far more than day-trippers. Lodging was the largest spending category at $26 per person per day (averaged over all visitors). • Beach tourism generates $94,000 in sales tax revenues and $1.4 million in Transient Occupancy Tax. • For the State as a whole, beach tourism generates just under $2 million in sales tax revenues and parking fees. • This study also developed a methodology to count people at the beach—just under 600,000 people attend Carlsbad's beaches in high season. • Since most of the beach is operated by State Parks, the cost to the City of Carlsbad is minimal, while the beach generates millions in revenue and income for Carlsbad's citizens. Maintaining beach width and cleanliness should be a clear goal for the City, since respondents indicated that narrowing of the beach would lead to lower attendance and that cleanliness was critical. • This study provides an estimate of attendance and suggestions for future work. The most cost effective way to collect data would be to work with State Parks, which already collects attendance data for approximately 90% of visitors. • The estimates provided in this report are extremely conservative. This reports attendance estimate is significantly lower than the official estimates provided by State Parks. Also, the report only considers the economic impact from people who are actually on the beach. The existence of the beach also increases property values (and hence property taxes), employment, and other economic activity. I. Introduction This study was commissioned by the City of Carlsbad, specifically the Beach Preservation Committee, to analyze beach tourism at beaches within the City's limits. The study will present the results of a comprehensive survey of beach visitors in high season. It also presents an estimate of beach attendance at these beaches in high season. The results of the survey and of the attendance estimate will also be used to estimate total spending related to beach tourism in the City and the region. Although the beach represents a continuous strip of sand, except for a narrowing between Cannon Road and Palomar Airport Road, it is, in fact, divided into several beaches with different jurisdictions. The northern part of the beach, from the Oceanside border to the Army-Navy Academy is bordered by a largely residential area, though some condos here are rented in the summer. This part of the beach is less populated though one can still find several dozen people on the beach in high season, as well as walkers in the morning. As one moves south from the Army-Navy school to the northernmost lifeguard tower, near Carlsbad village, the beach population becomes increasingly denser. The southern part of this reach is, along with Ponto, the most densely populated part of the beach. Here, a number of commercially rented condos have been built along with a hotel. Public access is also available along with reasonable parking. Starting with the northernmost lifeguard tower (#28) near Carlsbad Village Drive, the beach is run by the California State Parks system and lifeguard towers, run by the State, are posted periodically down to the lagoon ("warm water"). Beach goers cluster around access points and parking. From just south of the lagoon to tower #11 the beach population is sparse and many areas are eroded and have only private access. From tower #11 down, the population again increases. Many people here are campers camping at South Carlsbad State park. The population clusters near lifeguard towers, especially #9, #8, and #6, which also correspond to access points. From tower #4 south, the visitor population shifts again to locals, who park nearby. The population between tower #2 and tower #1 is very dense at "Ponto" beach, most likely due to easy parking and a wide beach. The beach continues into Encinitas with no clear dividing line except for a small sign. II. Beach Survey In order to obtain information on the types of visitors coming to Carlsbad's beaches, their behavior, and their preferences, I created a survey instrument and presented a preliminary four page instrument, consisting largely of closed-end questions, to Steven Jantz, Associate Engineer for Carlsbad. I next met with the Beach Preservation Committee and a number of City officials as well as officials from California State Parks. I made a number of modifications to the scope and purpose of the survey based on the feedback from the visit to Carlsbad. The resulting survey instrument was tested in mid- June on 40 beach visitors. Subsequently, a small number of changes were made and the final instrument was used for the survey. Surveys were conducted in June, July and August, including the July 4th weekend. Every effort was made to create as representative a sample as possible and respondents were given no information which might bias the results. Beach visitors were chosen at random1 and asked to fill out the survey on-site, which yields much higher participation rates than other survey methodologies. The survey was conducted on weekdays, weekends, cloudy days and sunny days, in proportion to the number of people on the beach on those days. The response rate was high—approximately 85% of people asked to participate agreed to do so. This result is encouraging since non-participation can lead to survey bias if non-respondents are different from respondents. Complete results of the survey are presented in Appendix 1 at the end of the report. On each survey the day, time and location were noted beforehand. To determine location, the beaches were divided into the following reaches: • Reach la: From the most northern part of Carlsbad beach (St. Malo) to the south end of the Army Navy Academy (http ://www. armv-navyacademv.com/). • Reach Ib: From the south end of the Army Navy academy to the first lifeguard tower (#28). • Reach 2: From the first lifeguard tower (#28) to the north end of the Encina Power Station. • Reach 3: From the north end of the Encina power station to the north end of Carlsbad State beach. • Reach 4: (S. Carlsbad State Beach) From the north end of S. Carlsbad State beach to the north of Ponto beach (lifeguard tower #4). • Reach 5a: ("PontoBeach"): Lifeguard Tower #4 to #2. • Reach 5b: ("PontoBeach"): From lifeguard tower #2 to the sign for the Carlsbad Encinitas border which is about 20-30 yards south of lifeguard tower #1 • Reach 5c: ("PontoBeach"): From the sign for the Carlsbad/Encintas border halfway to the first set of staircases. The survey was conducted from Reach la to 5b. Since 5c is in Encintas, surveys were not taken, but attendance numbers were estimated. Reach 3 is the longest in terms of distance, but has far fewer people than other reaches since access is quite limited in most places. Reach la is also sparsely populated. Reaches Ib and 5b are densely populated on busy days. Reach 1 does not have lifeguards and is not part of State Parks. The survey was administered to 562 people, more than sufficient for reasonable estimates. The surveyor zig-zagged and chose every n* person to answer the instrument. (JP III. Results of the Survey This section presents the results of each survey question. Briefly, here are the main results of the survey: • 83% of beach visitors were not City residents, though half lived within 20 miles. 26% came from outside California. • 82% came to the beach by car; 17% walked. Half the people who drove had no difficulty parking and only 9% reported having significant difficulty parking. • The average stay was just over 3 hours, though there was quite a bit of variation. • Visitors to Carlsbad's beaches also visit other local beaches, and rate Carlsbad, on average, slightly better than other beaches. • Among amenities, beach cleanliness was rated most important (82% said it was very important), while 43% said wide beaches were very important and 55% said parking was very important. Lifeguard services, Carlsbad Village, and other amenities scored lower. • If Carlsbad's beaches eroded 50% (were half as wide), attendance would drop by 28%. • 40% of visitors were staying overnight; reaches 1 and 4 were most likely to have overnight visitors. • 58% of people staying overnight responded that the beach was "very important" for their trip/vacation. • The typical visitor spent $66 per person per day, 2/3 ($44) of which is spent in Carlsbad. Overnight visitors spent far more than day-trippers. Lodging was the largest spending category at $26 per person per day (averaged over all visitors). IV. Attendance Estimate Attendance was estimated by counting everyone on the beach and in the water for a particular reach at a particular time. Counts were made on several days in June, July and August. Using the survey results, it was possible to develop a methodology for estimating total attendance in a day. On many beaches in California, attendance is conducted utilizing car counts or lifeguard counts conducted midday, typically about noon. In fact, Carlsbad State beach uses precisely this methodology. The survey asked not only how long people stayed, but when they arrived. Thus it was possible to create a profile of beach attendance throughout the day. As one would expect, the length of stay was also related to time of arrival, with people arriving earlier tending to stay somewhat longer, on average. Table 1 below estimates arrivals and departures as a percentage of peak attendance (100%). Although the peak varies somewhat by day and weather (specifically if cold winds come in the afternoon), the typical peak is between two and three o'clock. Keep in mind this peak is consistent with a peak arrival time around noon, which I observed. "Peak" here refers not to total attendance for the day, but the maximum attendance at any one time, which is much easier to observe. Table 1: Peak Attendance on a typical day by time of day Time Before 9 am 9-10 am 10-11 am 11 -noon noon-1pm 1-2pm 2-3pm 3-4 pm 4-5 pm 5-6pm % of Peak 10% 20% 33% 60% 80% 95% 100% 95% 90% 70% % of peak who arrived earlier 0 7.5% 16.5% 27.5% 47.7% 63.7% 70.7% 71.9% 66.7% 81.0% Est Arrivals as % of peak 10% 12.5% 16.5% 32.5% 32.3% 31.3% 29.3% 23.1% 23.3% 13.3% Using the survey data and a model of arrivals and departures, it is also possible to estimate how the beach count at any particular time relates to the total number of people on the beach on a given day. Essentially, one multiplies the beach count at a particular time (e.g., noon-1) by the respective factor in Table 2 (e.g., 2.8). The most reliable counts should be taken between 11 and 4pm, preferably between 1pm and 3pm. For example, if one counts 100 people on reach Ib between noon and 1pm, one should multiply this number by 2.8 to estimate the total number of people on the beach—in this case 280. Table 2: Ratio of Total Daily Attendance/Beach Count at a particular Time Time Before 9 am 22.4 9-10 am 11.2 10-11am 6.8 11-noon 3.7 noon-1pm 2.8 1-2pm 2.4 2-3pm 2.2 3-4 pm 2.4 4-5 pm 2.5 5-6pm 3.2 Using the methodology described above and the specific beach counts, I estimated an average attendance on a typical day. While beach attendance did vary depending upon the day and (most importantly) the weather, my counts included a representative sample of weekdays, weekends and sunny and cloudy days in the summer. Table 3 below presents the estimate of total daily attendance. Reaches 1 b (near Carlsbad village) and 5b (Ponto) are the most densely populated, however Reach 4 (S. Carlsbad State Beach) has the most people, though spread out over a much larger area. On a typical summer day, 5430 people visit Carlsbad's beaches. Table 3: Estimated Average Daily Attendance by Reach in High Season Reach 1a 1b 2 3 4 5a 5b 5c Total 1a-5b Est. Avg. Daily Attendance 250 1000 750 330 2000 100 1000 250 5430 % Total 5% 18% 14% 6% 37% 2% 18% 5% 100% The high season in summer extends from late May to mid-September, particularly in San Diego County. A reasonable estimate is 110 days. Multiplying the estimate of daily attendance by 110 days yields an estimate for high season attendance of 597,300. V. Economic Impact Using the spending data and attendance estimate, one can calculate the economic impact of Carlsbad's beaches for the City and the surrounding region. Table 4 presents the estimate for total spending by category. Average spending is per person per day as reported in the survey. Total spending was estimated by multiplying average spending per day by the number of visitor days. Total spending is just under $40 million. Table 4: Spending by Category Category Gas and Auto Food from Stores Beer, Wine, liquor Sit-down Restaurants Parking Sundries Lodging Total $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Avg. Spending 7.79 11.79 4.04 11.49 1.03 3.00 26.94 66.08 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total Spending 4,652,967 7,042,167 2,413,092 6,862,977 615,219 1,791,900 16,091,262 39,469,584 Table 5 presents spending just for the City of Carlsbad, by category~$26.5 million. Table 5: Spending in Carlsbad by Category Category Gas and Auto Food from Stores Beer, Wine, liquor Sit-down Restaurants Parking Sundries Lodging Total $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Avg. Spending in Carlsbad 3.26 8.03 2.40 7.13 0.67 1.41 21.51 44.41 Total $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Spending in Carlsbad 1,947,198 4,796,319 1,433,520 4,258,749 400,191 842,193 12,847,923 26,526,093 (O VI. Fiscal Impact The beaches are largely maintained by the California State Parks. Reach 1 (not controlled by State Parks) has no lifeguard services and expenditures on public safety are minimal. On the other hand, the spending discussed above does generate substantial revenues—in particular sales tax revenues and Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) revenues. Using the spending categories above, one can calculate sales taxes to the City of Carlsbad, which represents 1% of all taxable items.2 Lodging is not subject to sales tax, but is subject to a Transient Occupancy Tax. For the City of Carlsbad, beach tourism generates $94,000 in sales tax revenues and $1.4 million in TOTs.3 The data does not allow estimates of increases in property taxes generated by the beach, but it is abundantly clear that the existence of a healthy beach increases property values and hence taxes. In the last fiscal year, the City of Carlsbad generated $28 million in property tax revenues. For the State of California, beach tourism generates just under $2 million in sales tax revenues and parking fees. Table 5: Estimated Taxes Directly Generated by Carlsbad's beaches Local Sales Tax $ 94,409.24 Transient Occupancy Tax $ 1,284,792 Total Carlsbad Taxes $ 1,379,202 State/Regional Sales Tax $ 1,382,102.92 State Parking $ 615,219.00 Total Direct State Taxes $ 1,997,321.92 VII. Estimating Future Attendance This study has devoted a considerable amount of effort to estimating beach attendance at the City's beaches. Given limited resources, there is no perfect way to estimate attendance, but rather a series of compromises based on available data and budget. This section will discuss options for future estimates of beach attendance. 2 Most food, parking at State Parks and lodging are not subject to sales tax in California. 3 The sales tax rate for applicable items in Carlsbad is 7.75%; 1% goes to the City. See http://www.boe.ca.gov/news/sp111500att.htm. TOTs are 10% of lodging. Estimated TOTs for the 2005- 2006 fiscal year are 10.3 million, see City of Carlsbad, 2005-6 Operating Budget Overview. \\ A. Using Electronic Counters The City of Encinitas uses laser counters to estimate the number of people arriving and leaving at various access points. I am currently working with the City of Encinitas to calibrate these counts more accurately and the results of this study this summer will be available shortly. Encinitas is unique in that it has a relatively small number of access points which are sufficiently narrow to use a laser counter. The main exception here is Moonlight beach, which has a counter at the main stairway. I found that most people going to Moonlight beach do not go down the stairs and through the counter. However, there is a fairly stable relationship between those who go through the counter and those that do not. The counters at the northernmost access points (near Ponto beach) tend to significantly over count visitors, possibly because surfboards trip the laser beam in addition to the visitors or possibly due to stair joggers who do not actually go to the beach. There is also one major access point in Encinitas (just south of Carlsbad) which is private—these visitors are not counted by laser counters at present. The City of Carlsbad's beaches are quite different from Encinitas' in terms of access. While much of Reach 1 and the northern part of Reach 2 also have limited access points suitable for counters, the rest of Carlsbad's beaches are generally less suitable. Further, about half of the people observed entering Reach 1 arrived on the beach through private access points (mostly hotels and condos). Overall, Dr King estimates that only 10-15% of Carlsbad's beach visitors could be measured through counters. While this would provide very interesting data, it would probably not be a good use of the City's resources. However this data would be quite useful for studying attendance patterns, especially if the City used counters that could tell whether visitors were arriving or leaving. B. State Parks Counts State Parks does a good job of counting cars that are parked in beach parking lots, both official and unofficial. Their counts include some street parking, though not much north of Carlsbad Village drive. Lifeguards conduct a count around noon each day and use a methodology to calculate attendance. Visitors who camp are estimated by multiplying camp site attendance by 5.8 in high season. All the data is entered into official forms created by State Parks. However, the methodology for estimating attendance has not been updated for 25-30 years, according to Richard Dennison, who supervises the counting in Carlsbad for State Parks. The methodology assumes that 1.4 people are in each car, which is lower than what this study's survey data (and other previous studies at beaches in California) indicate. The car count is multiplied by 14 (except at one site) to account for turnover and perhaps cars not counted. The data generated from this study indicates that 14 is to much too high a factor. According to this study's data, the turnover based on a noon count is around three. Even doubling this number and increasing the number of people per car to a more reasonable 2.5 or 3 yields a much lower estimate than that obtained by State Parks as detailed below. Indeed, the estimate of beach attendance is about half of State Parks. This is by no means meant to be a criticism of the people at State parks who work in the north San Diego county region. They have been extremely helpful to me 10 throughout this study.4 Instead, this study indicates that the basic methodology, developed 30 years ago need to be revisited and recalibrated. State Parks also counts camping groups and multiplies by a factor of 5.8 per day in high season. This study did not examine this aspect of their methodology. Indeed, I believe the city should work more closely with State Parks to estimate attendance for all the City's beaches. Roughly 75% of attendance already falls under their jurisdiction. C. Periodic Beach Counts The City could also conduct its own beach counts of people on the beach, as I did. One would not need to count every day, but every attempt should be made to obtain a representative sample. Counts should be made between 1pm and 3pm, which are peak times. Counts at other times are possible, but will be less accurate. The total attendance at a given reach/area can be computed by using Table 2 above. VIII. Recommendations This study recommends that the City work with State Parks to accurately estimate attendance. I believe that the car count methodology is reasonably accurate, but needs to be calibrated (downward). Since 80% of the people going to the beach arrive by car, a car count, as conducted by State Parks, would catch most people. One can easily factor in pedestrian visitors by multiplying by the appropriate factor (the survey indicates 1.25. One must also account for people who park in areas not counted. (State Parks does include parking on side streets as well as parking next to the beach.) It is also likely that Reach 1 is undercounted, though State Parks does include some of the parking in this area. The survey indicates that the average group size is 3.1 people, though it did not specifically ask if all people in one household arrived in the same car. It is likely that some large groups arrived in two or more cars. On the other hand, since the survey focused on households, and multiple households may arrive in one car or van (e.g., family members who do not live in the same house), 3.1 is probably a reasonable number. However the use of a factor of 14 to multiply the car count by is too high. The survey also indicates that between noon and one, a turnover factor of 2.8 should be utilized. However, this factor does not account for the fact that only 80% arrive by car—one needs to multiply by 1.25. One also needs to estimate the number of cars not counted by car counts, which was beyond the scope of this study. If, for example, only 80% of cars are counted one would multiply by 1.25. Table 6 compares this study's methodology to the one used by State Parks. For each car, the methodology multiplies by a factor for people per car, people who do not come by car, and cars not counted. The survey from this study provides reliable data on the first two factors, but not the last. Hypothetically, assume that 80% of cars are counted, which 4 In particular, Richard Dennison of State Parks was very helpful. 11 13 seems reasonable since the State Parks car counts are fairly comprehensive and include side streets. One should also remember that some cars containing people not going to the beach will be counted, so the adjustment factor could be less than one (or close to one). This methodology also may yield different results are busy days (when most people are on the beach) than on non-busy days (when they may park near the beach but go elsewhere). Table 6: Two Methods using Car Counts to Estimate Attendance Factor State Parks Our Tentative Suggestion #Cars 1000 1000 # People per Car 1.4 2.9 People not going by Car 1.25 Cars Not Counted 1.25 Turnover Factor 14 2.8 Total Count Factor incl passengers 19.6 12.7 This study suggests that these factors be calibrated further in conjunction with State Parks. While there is always a temptation to come up with a large number, an accurate number, which is credible and backed by a sound methodology, carries more weight. IX. Conclusion and Limitations of the Study This study provides an overview of the composition and preferences of beach visitors to the City of Carlsbad and an estimate of total attendance. It also provides an estimate of the economic and fiscal impact for the City and State. The executive summary at the beginning provides a good overview of this study's findings. The City of Carlsbad clearly benefits substantially from beach tourism. In particular, a substantial portion of Transient Occupancy Tax revenue is generated by beach tourism and the wider beach should add to property values. Visitors clearly indicated that clean wide beaches were a prime concern. The City may wish to consider cleaning reach one and perhaps cooperating with State Parks to make sure Ponto is clean. I walked the entire beach many times and did not find it dirty, though the small amount of money it would cost to hire someone to clean reach 1 would likely be worth it. The City has clearly benefited from beach nourishment from SANDAG and it is worthwhile to maintain the beach, since the survey indicated halving the beach width would cause a 29% drop in attendance. The estimates provided in this report are extremely conservative. This reports attendance estimate is significantly lower than the official estimates provided by State Parks. The previous section explains in some detail the reasons for this discrepancy. The report only considers the economic impact from people who are actually on the beach. However it is 12 clear from the survey that many people who stay in Carlsbad go because of the beach, but do not go to the beach every day. It is standard practice to only count spending on days when people are actually on the beach, though this methodology in some sense underestimates the true impact of the beach. The existence of the beach also increases property values (and hence property taxes), employment, and other economic activity. 13 References California Coastal Commission. 1997. California Coastal Access Guide. Berkeley: University of California Press. California Board of Equalization, State Sales Tax data, at http://www.boe.ca.gov/news/spl 11500att.htm. City of Carlsbad, 2005-6 Operating Budget Overview King, Philip G. and Potepan, Michael. 1995. The Economic Value of California's Beaches. San Francisco State University: Public Research Institute. King, Philip G. 1999. The Fiscal Impact of Beaches in California: San Francisco State University: Public Research Institute. King, Philip G. 2001. Overcrowding and the Demand for Public Beaches in California, Prepared for the Department of Boating and Waterways, April 2001. King, Philip G. 2002a. Economic Analysis of Beach Spending and the Recreational Benefits of Beaches in the City ofCarpinteria. Prepared for the City of Carpinteria. King, Philip G. 2002b. Economic Analysis of Beach Spending and the Recreational Benefits of Beaches in the City of San Clemente. Prepared for the City of San Clemente. King, Philip G. and Potepan, Michael. 1995. The Economic Value of California's Beaches. San Francisco State University: Public Research Institute. State of California, California Beach Restoration Study, January 2002, available at http://dbw.ca.Rov/beachreport.htm. 14 Appendix 1: Complete Results of Survey Question 1: How far away from this beach do you live (your primary residence)? Location Frequency In Carlsbad 27.40% Outside Carlsbad, but within 20 miles 22.90% Within 60 miles 10.00% More than 60 miles but in California 13.20% In the US, but not in California 25.10% Outside the US 1.40'% Question 2: Including yourself, how many people from your household are here today? Average response = 3.3 people Median response = 3 people Number of People 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10-12 13 or more Non response Frequency 18.7% 19.4% 18.7% 25.6% 12.1% 3.9% 1.2% 0.4% 0.0% Question 2a: Of these people, how many are under 16? Average response = 1.3 people Median response = 1 person Number of People 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10-12 13 or more Non response Frequency 34.9% 23.7% 25.4% 9.3% 3.9% 1.2% 0.4% 0.0% 0.2% 1.1% 15 n Question 3: How many days this year will you go to a beach in Carlsbad? Average response = 25.5 days Median response = 9 days Number of Days 1-3 4-7 8-10 11-14 15-21 21-28 28-50 50-100 more than 1 00 Non response Frequency 18.9% 20.6% 11.4% 9.4% 7.3% 6.0% 9.4% 8.9% 7.8% 0.2% Question 4: How did you get to Carlsbad Beach today? Mode of Transportation Frequency By car 81.9% By foot 16.8% By bicycle 0.4% By train 0.2% other 0.7% Non response 0.0% Question 4a: If you came by car, how difficult was it to park? Difficulty in Parking Frequency Parking was easy 49.5% Parking was somewhat difficult 26.5% Parking was very difficult 8.7% Non response 15.3% Question 5: What time did you arrive at the beach today? Arrival Time Frequency Before 9 am 5.5% 9-10 am 9.0% 10-1 lam 21.2% 11-noon 21.0% noon-lpm 18.0% l-2pm 11.1% 2-4pm 9.2% After 4pm 4.4% Non response 0.5% 16 Question 6: On a typical day, how many hours do you spend at the beach? Number of Hours Less than 1 hour 2-3 hours 3-5 hours 5-8 hours more than 8 hours Total Frequency 17% 36% 38% 8% 1% 100% Question 7: What was your reason for coming to this beach (check one or two)? Reason Frequency To swim 13.8% So my children could play/swim 30.4% To surf 8.6% To hike 0.5% To hang-out on the beach 45.2% (other) 1.4% Non response 0.0% Other responses: birthday party, bodysurf, bodyboard, camping, kayak, volleyball, read, run, visit family, and lay in the sun. Question 8: How many days this year will you go to other beaches in California (outside Carlsbad)? Average response =11 days Median response = 5.5 days Number of Days 0 1-3 4-7 8-10 11-14 15-21 21-28 28-50 50-100 More than 100 Non response Frequency 18.7% 26.5% 20.8% 10.5% 4.6% 4.8% 3.6% 3.2% 2.5% 2.5% 2.3% 17 Question 8a: What beach do you go to most often, other than this beach? [See table below question 9 for response.] Question 9: Please compare the alternative beach you listed above to Carlsbad's beach. We would like you to compare your overall satisfaction including services available at the beach. Please DO NOT consider the time it takes to get to the beach in your rating. Worse than Carlsbad Same Better than Carlsbad I—I ••••••••*• I—I •••*••••• I—I ••••••••• I—I ••••••••• I—1 •••••••••• L—! ••••••••• l_l *••••*••• I I ••••••••• I I 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 125% 150% 175% 200% Average rating = 94 Median rating =100 Most Popular Responses Oceanside Del Mar Moonlight La Jolla Mission Newport Huntington Torrey Pines Pacific Beach Average Rating 82.0 98.8 107.4 100 88.9 98.6 75 88.3 109.1 Question 10: Which of the following services and amenities were most important to you in your choice to come to Carlsbad. Question lOa: Carlsbad Village Importance Frequency Very Important 18.9% Somewhat Important 26.3% Not important 44.8% Non response 9.8% Question lOb: Lifeguard Services Importance Very Important Somewhat Important Not important Non response Frequency 34.5% 25.3% 32.2% 7.8% 18 Question lOc: Wide Beaches Importance Frequency Very Important Somewhat Important Not important Non response 43.1% 38.4% 11.4% 7.1% Question lOd: Availability of Hotels/Condos Question lOe: Importance Very Important Somewhat Important Not important Non response Cleanliness of Beaches Frequency 16.9% 10.9% 59.8% 12.5% Importance Very Important Somewhat Important Not important Non response Frequency 81.9% 11.2% 2.1% 4.8% Question lOf: Parking Importance Very Important Somewhat Important Not important Non response Frequency 55.5% 30.4% 8.9% 5.2% Other responses: bathrooms, food, shower, surf Question 11: Examining the beach where you are right now, suppose this beach was HALF as wide as it is now. How would that affect your number of visits to this beach? Effect Frequency I would go about the same amount I would go somewhat (10%) less often I would go quite a bit (25%) less often I would go half as much I would still go, but less than half as much. I would not go at all other Non response 41.5% 9.8% 13.2% 14.2% 11.4% 8.5% 0.4% 1.1% Other responses: depends on what the city does and how they destroy the beach, I like it the way it is. 19 Question 12: Examining the beach where you are right now, suppose this beach was TWICE as wide as it is now. How would that effect your number of visits to this beach? Effect Frequency I would go about the same amount 71.7% I would go somewhat (10%) more often 11.6% I would go quite a bit (25%) more often. 7.1% I would go much often (50% or more) 7.5% other 0.9% Non response 1.2% Other responses: would not like it, too long a walk from car, it would mess up the surf, would like it less, like it the way it is. Question 13: Please check the most appropriate box (all reaches): Type of trip Frequency I'm here on a day trip from my permanent home 54.4% I'm on a trip/vacation to the area 40.7% Non response 4.8% Question 13: Please check the most appropriate box (reach 1): Type of trip Frequency I'm here on a day trip from my permanent home 43.5% I'm on a trip/vacation to the area 50.0% Non response 6.5% Question 13: Please check the most appropriate box (reach 2): Type of trip Frequency I'm here on a day trip from my permanent home 55.3% I'm on a trip/vacation to the area 40.2% Non response 4.5% Question 13: Please check the most appropriate box (reach 3): Type of trip Frequency I'm here on a day trip from my permanent home 56.0% I'm on a trip/vacation to the area 40.0% Non response 4.0% Question 13: Please check the most appropriate box (reach 4): Type of trip I'm here on a day trip from my permanent home I'm on a trip/vacation to the area Non response Frequency 60.5% 50.0% 2.6% 20 Question 13: Please check the most appropriate box (reach 5): Type of trip I'm here on a day trip from my permanent home I'm on a trip/vacation to the area Non response Frequency 68.2% 27.0% 4.7% Question 14: Could you estimate how much your spending, per person per day on your current trip on the following items and the percentage of this spending that occurs in Carlsbad? If you spent nothing, please put a zero in the box. Spending Category Gas & Auto (including rental) Food from Stores and Take Out Beer, Wine, and Liquor Sit-down Restaurants Parking Sundries (Sun tan lotion, books, etc) Lodging Average Spending $7.79 $11.79 $4.04 $11.49 $1.03 $3.00 $26.94 Percent Spent in Carlsbad 41.8% 68.1% 59.4% 62.1% 65.0% 47.0% 79.8% Average Spent in Carlsbad $3.26 $8.03 $2.40 $7.13 $0.67 $1.41 $21.51 If you are staying overnight in the area - away from your primary residence - please answer questions 15 to 17. Otherwise skip to question 18. (Results for questions 15 to 17 are from respondents only). Question 15: How many days do you plan to be away from home on your current trip? Average response = 7.2 days Median response = 6 days Number of Days 2 days (overnight) 3-4 days 5-7 days 8-10 days 11-14 days 14-21 days More than 2 1 days Frequency 13.0% 17.2% 41.8% 11.7% 7.9% 2.5% 5.9% 21 Question 16: How many days will you go to the beach on your current trip? Average response = 5.5 days Median response = 3.5 days Number of Days One day or less 2 days (overnight) 3-4 days 5-7 days 8-10 days 11-14 days 14-21 days More than 2 1 days Frequency 12.0% 15.4% 27.4% 29.5% 5.4% 3.7% 2.9% 3.7% Question 17: Where are you staying? (all reaches) Staying Frequency Camping Hotel House or Condo With Friends/Family Other 12.1% 26.8% 34.6% 26.1% 0.4% Question 17: Where are you staying? (reach 1) Staying Camping Hotel House or Condo With Friends/Family Other Frequency 2.0% 31.4% 43.1% 22.5% 1.0% Question 17: Where are you staying? (reach 2) Staying Frequency Camping Hotel House or Condo With Friends/Family Other 3.1% 32.8% 34.4% 29.7% 0.0% 22 Question 17: Where are you staying? (reach 3) Staying Frequency Camping Hotel House or Condo With Friends/Family Other 0.0% 15.4% 53.8% 30.8% 0.0% Question 17: Where are you staying? (reach 4) Staying Camping Hotel House or Condo With Friends/Family Other Frequency 61.7% 10.6% 12.8% 14.9% 0.0% Question 17: Where are you staying? (reach 5) Staying Frequency Camping Hotel House or Condo With Friends/Family Other 2.1% 29.2% 31.3% 37.5% 0.0% Question 18: How important is visiting the beach for your trip/vacation? Importance Very Important Somewhat Important Not important Non response Frequency 58.0% 16.7% 2.7% 22.6% 23 Question 19: How old are you? Age Group Frequency 16-19 5.7% 20-24 9.1% 25-34 17.8% 35-44 31.9% 45-54 23.1% 55-64 7.5% 65 or older 3.9% Non response 1.1% Question 20: What is your ethnicity? (Note: you may check more than one box here) Ethnicity Frequency White (Caucasian) 82.4% Hispanic 9.1% Asian 2.4% Black (African American) 1.2% Other 3.6% Non response 1.4% Question 21: What is your highest level of Education? Education Level Frequency Did not finish high school 0.7% High school 8.0% Some college 30.1% College degree 37.2% Post graduate degree 22.6% Non response 1.4% Question 22: How many people are in your current household (people you live with and share financial resources)? Number of People 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10 or more Non response Frequency 10.7% 24.6% 16.2% 29.4% 15.3% 1.4% 0.7% 1.8% 24 Question 23: What would you estimate is the current yearly income of your entire household (before taxes)? Income Range Frequency Less than $9,999 1.1% $10,000-14,999 1.2% $15-24,999 2.0% $25-34,999 5.3% $35,000-49,999 8.9% $50,000-74,999 17.4% $75,000-99,999 14.2% $100,000-149,999 19.9% $ 150,000 or more 21.9% Non response 8.0% 25 1 Carlsbad Beach Carlsbad Beach Preservation CommitteePreservation Committee June 27, 2006June 27, 2006 The Economic and Fiscal The Economic and Fiscal Impact of CarlsbadImpact of Carlsbad’’s s BeachesBeaches Beach Economic StudyBeach Economic Study ¾¾Evaluating the economic impact of beach Evaluating the economic impact of beach visitors was the Beach Preservation visitors was the Beach Preservation CommitteeCommittee’’s #1 Goal for 2005s #1 Goal for 2005 ¾¾City Council authorized contract with Dr. City Council authorized contract with Dr. Phil King Phil King ¾¾Beach survey conducted betweenBeach survey conducted between May and September 2005May and September 2005 Beach Economic StudyBeach Economic Study ObjectiveObjective ¾¾Determine the economic significance Determine the economic significance of beaches to the City of Carlsbadof beaches to the City of Carlsbad ¾¾Estimate beach attendance in high Estimate beach attendance in high seasonseason ¾¾Estimate spending related to beach Estimate spending related to beach tourismtourism ¾¾Survey beach visitorsSurvey beach visitors Beach Economic Study Beach Economic Study LimitsLimits ¾¾Only the sand area within Only the sand area within City boundariesCity boundaries ¾¾150 feet wide and 6.5 miles 150 feet wide and 6.5 miles longlong ¾¾Did not include visitors on Did not include visitors on seawall, coast walkway, seawall, coast walkway, hotels, or South Carlsbad hotels, or South Carlsbad State Beach CampgroundState Beach Campground Beach Economic StudyBeach Economic Study ¾¾Survey of beach usersSurvey of beach users ¾¾Spending habits Spending habits ¾¾Where theyWhere they’’re fromre from ¾¾Length and location of stayLength and location of stay ¾¾Reason for visitReason for visit ¾¾Mode of transportationMode of transportation ¾¾Opinions regarding beach amenities Opinions regarding beach amenities (cleanliness, parking, etc.)(cleanliness, parking, etc.) Beach Economic Study Beach Economic Study Economic ResultsEconomic Results ¾¾Estimated 600,000 people visited Estimated 600,000 people visited the beachthe beach ¾¾$26,500,000 total spending in $26,500,000 total spending in CarlsbadCarlsbad ¾¾Typical visitor spends $44 per Typical visitor spends $44 per day in Carlsbadday in Carlsbad ¾¾Largest spending category was Largest spending category was lodging at $22 per personlodging at $22 per person ¾¾Overnight visitors spent far Overnight visitors spent far more than daymore than day--tripperstrippers Spending in Carlsbad by Category Gas and Auto $1,900,000 Store-bought Food $4,800,000 Beer and Wine $1,400,000 Restaurants $4,300,000 Sundries $800,000 Lodging $12,800,000 2 ¾¾Estimated tax revenue Estimated tax revenue to Carlsbad:to Carlsbad: ¾¾$94,409 Local Sales $94,409 Local Sales TaxTax ¾¾$1,284,792 Transient $1,284,792 Transient Occupancy TaxOccupancy Tax Beach Economic Study Beach Economic Study Economic ResultsEconomic Results Beach Economic StudyBeach Economic Study Survey ResultsSurvey Results ¾¾83% were not city residents83% were not city residents ¾¾50% live within 20 miles50% live within 20 miles ¾¾26% came from outside California26% came from outside California ¾¾40% stayed overnight40% stayed overnight ¾¾58% of overnight visitors indicated 58% of overnight visitors indicated the beach was very important for their the beach was very important for their triptrip Beach Economic StudyBeach Economic Study Survey ResultsSurvey Results ¾¾82% said beach cleanliness was 82% said beach cleanliness was very importantvery important ¾¾56% said parking was very 56% said parking was very importantimportant ¾¾43% said wide beaches were 43% said wide beaches were very importantvery important ¾¾If Carlsbad beaches eroded 50%, If Carlsbad beaches eroded 50%, beach attendance would drop by beach attendance would drop by 28% causing a decrease of $7 28% causing a decrease of $7 million in spending million in spending ¾¾35% ranked lifeguard services as 35% ranked lifeguard services as very importantvery important Importance of Beach Amenities Parking Lifeguard Services Lodging Availability Carlsbad Village WideBeaches Beach Cleanliness Beach Economic StudyBeach Economic Study ConclusionsConclusions ¾¾Beaches are an important economic engine Beaches are an important economic engine for the City of Carlsbadfor the City of Carlsbad ¾¾Maintaining beach width and cleanliness Maintaining beach width and cleanliness should be a priority in beach managementshould be a priority in beach management ¾¾Attendance data collection should be Attendance data collection should be continuedcontinued Beach Preservation CommitteeBeach Preservation Committee RecommendationRecommendation ¾¾Develop a local beach nourishment project to Develop a local beach nourishment project to ensure adequate sand levelsensure adequate sand levels ¾¾Lobby State and Federal representatives to provide Lobby State and Federal representatives to provide adequate funding to improve safety and cleanliness adequate funding to improve safety and cleanliness of the local beachof the local beach ¾¾Consider enhancements/betterments for the beach Consider enhancements/betterments for the beach as a City Council Goalas a City Council Goal The Beach Preservation The Beach Preservation Committee thanks the City Committee thanks the City Council for your supportCouncil for your support The seashore is a rare and The seashore is a rare and important part of the quality of life important part of the quality of life in San Diego Countyin San Diego County Frank Frank AleshireAleshire