HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-06-27; City Council; 18627; Library Board of Trustees AppointmentCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 12 Jk p%-£i v '" ' '"ii fctTB" J ^ jH fVtr^Dfr ' iVPS* MTO. «®r«» DEPT IHil" r •DMT ••«• V * ^" LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES A D D<*M MTR It C MTArrUIN 1 R/ltlM 1 DEPT. HEAD /^ CITYATTY. ^77" CITY WGR. j ys— RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2006-182 Trustees. , appointing one member to the Library Board of ITEM EXPLANATION: The term of Rob Swette expires in June, 2006. Mr. Swette was originally appointed in March, 2002, to fill an unexpired term. He was reappointed in July, 2002 and has served four years and three months. Other members of the Library Board of Trustees are: Marie Bradley, William Kamenjarin, Bill Lignante, and Jerry Tarman. NOTE: Members of the Library Board of Trustees are subject to the provisions of the Political Reform Act, and must file a Statement of Economic Interests. EXHIBITS: 1. Letter from Rob Swette, dated May 22, 2006, requesting reappointment. 2. Resolution No. 2006-182 appointing one member to the Library Board of Trustees. 3. Copies of applications received in calendar year 2006. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Karen Kundtz, (760) 434-2808, kkund@ci.carlsbad.ca.us USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN -' •;': .-.•.-:.:• :-. • ~ AMENDED D Daa CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC a, CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN d RETURNED TO STAFF D OTHER - SEi MINUTES P Rob Swette May 22, 2006 Mayor Claude A. "Bud" Lewis City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis: First of all, thank you for the allowing me the opportunity to serve on the Carlsbad City Library Board of Trustees. As you may recall, I was appointed to this Board to finish the term for Trustee Charlene Barren when she resigned in 2001, and then reappointed in June of 2002. My current term expires in June 2006. I have greatly enjoyed serving on this Board and would like to be appointed for another term. My interest and support of our Library and its service to this community increases daily as has my involvement on the state level. I am currently serving on the Board of CALTAC, (California Association of Library Trustees and Commissioners) as their Literacy Chair. I would appreciate your consideration in reappointing me to serve another term. Sincerely, ROB SWETTE 6810VIandaCourt« Carlsbad CA 92009 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2006-182 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES WHEREAS, the term of Rob Swette expires in June, 2006; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following person is hereby appointed to serve as a member of the Library10 Board of Trustees for a term which expires in June, 2010: 11 12 Rob Swette 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 J- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 27th day of June, 2006, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Hall, Kulchin, Packard, Sigafoose NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: LORRAINE M. WOOD, Ci APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT BOAM)fS> AND/OR COMMISSIONS) n FEB i (Please print or type) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION^) IN WHICH INTERESTED: ADDRESS: 73<3*4 CITY: Q4EL!>RAI>ZIP CODE; HOME PHONE: PRESENT OCCUPATION; BUSINESS NAME; BUSINESS ADDRESS:. WORK PHON1: tf. S. Citizenship (required fo* all appointments) Resident of Carlsbad (required for all appointments) Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for all appointments) Citizens Academy Graduate I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a committee designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the state's or city's Conflict of Interest codes. SIGNATURE:DATE: /~ Upon completion ofymtr application* pimse moil or deliver the application to the following address; City Clerk's Office City Hall 1S6& Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA SWOS r EDUCATION:/tL *Y * * * EXP1RJ1HCB: •V*>> .?*X' f ••?**:»v **..*•• 4Mt»&£9_\ ;.l.*--yrr~* * .HTft sf it W^fc4* \ ---•' ^-JIMUI |;j!j.iiiim *. COBIMUN1TY ACHVlTIESt ADDITIONAL IKFOEMATION OR COMMlNTSs ^ L MARWNS, Wt.0. 7304 lonfono Twnrocs Carlsbad, Caiifomia 92009 Telephone: 1760)431.1928 gbUCATlON ,, 8v*ir»«*s Menagomowl laSalfe MJd,, School MQfiog«merrt C*rtHiccrt*, InduHnol fWatiom UCLA C«tifkot«, Management Oavfrfaprnant Ajn<Mie<jn instituia of Training B.S., 6<j»inftii EducoHon/Psythology UCLA PROFiSSJOHM BCPIWENCE Collwflo A»«x:»ot« D«a n CoH*»«t Deon of ixtond«»d Day/Commtmlty Outreach Education U.S. Naval Goli«9<S; Adiwnct 8u»in«»s/Mo»»oa<i««Mii Professor, EXFEtfENCE ond CEO; AAonogocrxirtt centuHlnfl firm Dffw*sr, Ekrvwlopmenf and A4rnifli*trtrfion: Major colJ*go Corporate Oirsclof , Human Re»ourc«s: Major CMMTO^OC* firm COMMUNITY Acnvmes Mayor Emerites, Ci1y of Gtwidoro Councilp«r»on, City of GlwHJora MonnJog CommU*ion»r. City of Glandoro ToomoiT*«nl of R&fM AstodoMon School CHstrkf l^rsonm< Comtiri«MEMi f»acufi¥» Board, Foothill Board of (Kracton, Topper ftetftei Board of Dirorlon, Foothifl Prwb^erian Hosp*lo! Ow«fp*r*en, CMy of C«rf«bo<J SWte- City C«mmi*«k»n Voiuntc«i , fresh Start Sungkoi GrfH Vottin1ft«r, tGdkStoH fe* Kids Elder HONORS pr«fid«Rf * Community So»vjc« AwonJ, County of I ot Anj)«i!*w Publk Serviea Award, County of L«H Anodes Civk Uadwsbip Award, California Stale , Col(fomio 7 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT BOARD(S) AND/OK COMMISSIONS^ I 2006 s (Please print or type) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION(S) EN WHICH INTERESTED: IN. NAME: ADDRESS: CITY; / M f , ZIP CODE: HOME PHONE:j *1 PR1S1NT OCCUPATION; BUSINESS NAME:. BUSINESS ADDRESS*. WORK PHONE: U. S, Citizenship (required for all appointments) _Js£fTt«s _ No Resident of Carlsbad (required for all appointments) jU^lEes , _ Nia Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for all appointments) ... JL<^1fes ::: Ho Citizens Academy Graduate ......... y.^: X am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Commission(s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a committee designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the state's or city's Conflict of Interest codes. SIGNATUREij ff'\t """-yflj n.if <f\ jir D.DATE: 1Upon completion of your application., please mail or deliver the application to the following address; City Clerk's Office City Hall imo Carlsbad Wlage Drive Carlsbad, CA 92068 Resume erf HOPE YVONNE (HUTCHINSON) WRISLEY BORN: May ?, 1934, Riverside County, California EDUCATION: Attended schools in Los Angeles (Third Street Elementary, Immaculate Heart Middle School) graduating from Washington High School in 1952. Attended Los Angeles City and Palomar Colleges FAMILY: Married Ralph Wrisley in Los Angeles on August 1,1953. Has five children (Mark, a police lieutenant; Tim, publisher of Carlsbad Magazine; Wendy, the staff writer for Carlsbad Magazine; Terry, an Intensive Behavior Specialist dealing mainly with autistic children and Erin, stay-at-home mom) and 1i grandchildren ranging in age from 23 to 3 and one great-grandson, Ralph passed away with complications from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease) in December 2001. BUSINESS: After coming to Carlsbad in 1964 operated (with Ralph) Garden Cove Nursery; worked at the San Diego County/UC Farm Advisor's office and at the San Diego County Safety Office; later helped run Wrisley Landscape and Camino Real Landscape Maintenance. Became a travel agent in 1983 and opened A World of Travel in 1986; sold this business and retired in 1999 COMMUNITY SERVICE: Active in PTA including terms of president at Valley Jr. High and Carlsbad High Schools; Girt Scout leader; involved for many years (including one year as president of the local chapter) in tie Grass Widows of the California Landscape Contractors Association; on board of Friends of the Library; early member of Carlsbad Education Foundation; member of Carlsbad Unified School District Board of Trustees serving one year as president; Carlsbad Village Business Association serving one year as co-chair, Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad board member, active in many political campaigns including People for Parks and working as treasurer for Eric Larson, Margaret Stanton, Buddy Lewis, Matt Haf Norine Sigafoose and C.A.R.E.S; Blade- Citizen's Person of the Year {along with Ralph) in 1992; long-time member and board member of Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce (president in 1995); on Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau Board including serving as chairman; 17-year member of the Rotary Club of Carlsbad serving as president in 1996-97 and newsletter writer for many years; volunteers at Rotary Oktoberfest and Spring and Fall Fairs booths; helps serve breakfast monthly at Bro. Benno's; involved with Rotary's 1000 Smiles Foundation; volunteer at Carlsbad Visitor's Center; decent at The Flower Fields; active wtth the ALS Association and participates in the Walk to D1eet ALS and On a Roll for a Cure at the San Diego (now Carlsbad) Marathon; currently a member of the City of Carlsbad Agriculture Conversion Mitigation Fee Ad Hoc Citizens' Advisory Committee; member of the Board and secretary of the Laguna Del Mar Home Owners' Association, PERSONAL: Enjoys reading, particularly biographies and history; traveling (has been to 36 states and approximately 36 foreign countries); doing the Sunday crossword puzzles; promoting Carlsbad far and wide; USC football and being an enthusiastic spectator at grandchildren's myriad activities (choir, dance, baseball, basketball, soccer). PHILOSOPHY: Actually there am two—Believe in What You Do; Do What You Believe In (Rotary International theme In 1993-94) and We Make a Living by What We Get We Make a Life toy What We Give (courtesy of Winston Churchill). APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT BOARD(S) AND / OR COMMISSION(S) (Please print or type) NAME (S) OF BOARD (S) ANB/GR COMMISSION (S) IN, WHIC* (DEI MAR 2 3 MB INT1 NAME: ADDRESS; CITYt HOME PHONE; PRESENT OCCUPATION; BUSINESS NAME; BUSINESS ADDRESS: WORK PHONE; ZIP COPE; - $ 4 / > Cf U. S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) Resident of Carlsbad (required for all appointments) Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for all appointments) Citizens Academy Graduate Y« *f Yes .No .No .Mo No I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board{s) or Commission!*) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a committee designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or City's Conflict of Interest Codes, SIGNATURE:DATE: Upon completion of your application, please matt or deliver the a, City Clerk's Office City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Education: BS Electrical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, 1951 MS Electrical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, 1960 MS in Applied Mathematics, University of Santa Clara, Santa Clara, Califomia, 1971 Engineer in Electrical Engineering Degree, University of Santa Clara, Santa Clara, CalifOfrnia, 1980 (equivalent to a PH. d) Experience GTE Government Systems/General Dynamics, 31 years 1962- 1993, Senior Technologist/Program Manager, Communication Systems Organization Boeing, Seattle, Washington, 5 years, 1957-1962, Research Engineer, Applied Physics Staff US Army Signal Corps, White Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico, 2 years, Technical Specialist, 1955-1957 GE Atomic Products Operation, Hanford, Washington (RichlarwdD. 4 years, electrical engineering construction engineer, 1951-1955 (aJU of the above work experience involved classified work) Community Activities Treasurer and Secretary of San Pacifico Home Owners Association, Carlsbad, CA 3 years Volunteer and Docent, Museum of Making Music, Carlsbad, CA, 5 years, over 1800 hours of volunteer service Additional Information or Comments Many years of my work experience involved technical research involving advanced Information processing technology and graphic user Interface methods. I frequently had to use Ebrary resources, Internet searches and computers. I became very familiar with library management due to my frequent use of the library resources as well as working with library directors and personnel. If appointed to the Board, I think I can definitely help, advise and coritribute to that portion of the library administration dealing with technical acquisitions (books, magazines, video tapes, DVDs). In addition, I have a varied interest in many other topics including piano, ballroom dancing, skiing, tennis, golf, acoustic technology, musical history, psychology, self development, accelerated learning and volunteering. I am already familiar with the Cole and Dove libraries- and have donated many books. My professional career involved extensive overseas travel: Berlin, Augsburg, and Munich Germany; several locations in England and Scotland; Australia. My US travel took me on a regular basis to Washington DC, Boston, Baltimore, RockviDb Maryland, Denver, San Antonio Texas, Los Angeks and San Diego. Travel over the years has exposed rne to many cultures and different literary tastes. I am a Senior Life Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and subscribe to many of their journals. I'm also a member of the Mathematical Association of America, I'm currently a member of Sigma Xi (a scientific research organization). I'm actively involved in musical history as a docent at the museum and give tours each Saturday at 2;QQ. I am a graduate of the Carlsbad Academy, 20O5 I would consider it a privilege to serve on the Carlsbad library Board of Trustees, I am prepared to make a financial disclosure and attend meetings prior to any appointment. APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT BOAHIXS) AND / OK COMMISSION(S) (Please print or type) NAME (S) OF BOARD (S) AND/OR COMMISSION (S) IN, WH1CB guamG ccajMiSiiQii ASP LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES NAMEt »• ADDRESS:1731 COURT CITY;CAELSMD ZIP CODE: 92008 HOME PHONE:,(760) 729-7003 ATPRESENT OCCUPATION; BUSINESS NAMEt LM Off ICE Of STBPHEK M. L'BEDHm BUSINESS APPRESS; 2710 LOKSR ATO. WEST. SUITE IQO. CMLSBAD GA 92010 WORK PHOI>IE: (760) 931-Q434 U. S. Citizenship (required for all appointments) Resident of Carlsbad (required for all appointments) Registered voter in Carlsbad (required for all appointments) Citizens Academy Graduate XX Yes U ...Yes .Yes Yes No No ._ No XX No I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Comraission(s) on which J wish to serve, I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a committee designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I ntn witting to file financial disclosure statements as required by the State's or City's Conflict of Interest Codes. SIGNATURE:PATEi 27. 2006 Upon completion of your application, please mail or deliver the application to the faUouting City Clerk's Office City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 /j EDUCATION: I received a Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Labor Relations from Cornell University, Ithaca, New York in 1966.1 received a Juris Doctor degree from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law, San Francisco, California in 1969.1 was admitted to the California Bar in January 1970,1 am authorized to practice in all State and Federal Courts in California. I am also admitted to and authorized to practice before the United States Supreme Cowl, EXPERIENCE: I have been in private taw practice in Oceanside and Carlsbad since 1972 after serving as a member of the Navy JAG in New York City, Presently my practice is focused on business and real estate traasaetioial matters, and estate planning. I previously served on the Carlsbad Planning Commissioa, and was its Chair, as well as on the Library Board of Trustees. CQMMIOTTY ACTIVITIES: I am a long time member of Carlsbad Evening Rotary, and served two terms on the Board of Directors, I am a Paul Harris Fellow. I am a 30 plus yeaf member of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, having served on the Board for two plus terms, as was President of the Chamber in 1996.1 was the Chair of its CBEC Committee for the last two years and I am now the Chair of the Downtown Enhancement Committee. I have been involved with countless community activities and organizations including helping to establish the Carlsbad Arts Associates, the Batiqiutos Festival of the Arts, ArtSplash, Carlsbad Library Foundation, and the Carlsbad Boys and Girls Club Foundation among others. I also served on the Dove Library design committee, and numerous City task forces, including the City's Connecting Community, Place and Spirit conference. My kte wife, Ann, who was also a Planning Commissioner and Library Trustee and I have been active in Friends of the Library, Arts Associates, Carlsbad Historical Society, Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation and AFS, among other local orpnizations during our thirty plus years in Carlsbad. ABBITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS: I would again appreciate the opportunity to serve the City of Carlsbad, especially as it eaters build-out and the unique requirements that this creates. Due to my long time involvement with the City, I offer a unique perspective to the challenges we will be facing in the next five to ten years fa Carlsbad, and I would like to be part of that solution. Carlsbad City Clerk's Office 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad CA 92008