HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-08-15; City Council; 18691; RESPONSE TO GRAND JURY EVACUATION PREPARATIONSCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 1 ESPONSE TO THE 2005-06 GRAND IURY iMk Op&t fli GO COUNTY RPORT DEPT. HEAD GiTY&fTY. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2006-237 approving the City of Carlsbad's response to the 2005- 06 Grand Jury's Lack of San Diego County Evacuation Preparations report and authorize the Mayor to sign and transmit the response to the presiding judge. ITEM EXPLANATION: The San Diego County Grand Jury reviews and evaluates procedures, methods and systems utilized by government to determine whether they can be made more efficient and effective. It may examine any aspect of county government and city government, including special legislative districts and joint powers agencies, to ensure that the best interests of San Diego County citizens are being served. The San Diego County Grand Jury may inquire also into written complaints brought to it by the public. On May 31, 2006, the San Diego County Grand Jury released its report entitled Lack of San Diego County Evacuation Preparations related to its evaluation on the level of preparedness in San Diego County relating to emergency evacuation. Contained within this report are two findings and two recommendations that relate to the City of Carlsbad. As required by law, the City responds to these findings and recommendations. The Grand Jury's findings and recommendations addressed to Carlsbad dealt predominately with the potential threat of the coastline from a tsunami-type event and the need for an early warning system and evacuation signage. Attached to the Resolution, as Exhibit A, is a letter to the presiding judge, the Honorable Janis Sammartino, outlining the City's responses to the Grand Jury's report. Based on internal as well as external evaluation, the City believes that the risk associated with a tsunami is relatively low when considering Carlsbad specifically. However, the Grand Jury identified tsunami mitigation efforts that are regional in nature, and the City is supportive of evaluating those measures in such a context. FISCAL IMPACT: None at this time ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: None EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution 2006-237 _, approving the response to the 2005-06 Grand Jury's Lack of San Diego County Evacuation Preparations report (with Exhibit A attachment thereto). 2. 2005-06 Grand Jury Report Lack of San Diego County Evacuation Preparations (May 31, 2006) DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Joe Garuba, City Manager's Office (760) 434-2820 jgaru@ci.carlsbad. ca. us FOR CITY GLERK3 COUNCIL ACTION:CONTINUED AMEN REtU OTHER a, JE UN KNOWN Daa 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2006-237 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE 3 RESPONSE TO THE 2005-06 GRAND JURY'S LACK OF SAN 4 DIEGO COUNTY EVACUATION PREPARATIONS REPORT 5 WHEREAS, on or about May 31, 2006, the 2005-06 San Diego County 6 Grand Jury issued its report entitled Lack of San Diego County Evacuation Preparations 7 consisting of three findings and five recommendations with only two findings and two 8 recommendations directed to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Carlsbad for a response; and 10 WHEREAS, the Grand Jury found that the City of Carlsbad along with 11 other cities and the County should do more and to commit additional resources and 12 monies to a tsunami early warning system; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad considers Emergency Preparedness and 15 life safety a core service that the municipal organization provides to the citizens and 16 residents of Carlsbad; and 17 WHEREAS, in an effort to further identify and prepare Carlsbad against 18 the myriad of natural and man-made disasters that could impact the City, the City 19 conducted an analysis in 2000; and 20 WHEREAS, the purpose of that report was to provide the City with a 21 prioritized matrix of possible hazards and their potential impacts, and to identify ways in 22 which those impacts could be mitigated to minimize the possible loss of life and property 23 in the City; and 25 WHEREAS, the City Council responds to the Presiding Judge of the 26 Superior Court, County of San Diego regarding the Grand Jury's findings and 27 recommendations in Exhibit A, attached hereto; and 28 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council approves of the response to the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court, County of San Diego. 3. That the Mayor is authorized to sign and transmit the response to the presiding judge on or before August 29, 2006. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held on the 15th day of August , 2006 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Hall, Kulchin, Packard, Sigafoose NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor »»««"«*/, V -^ \ LORRAINE WOOD, City Clerk City of Carlsbad Office of the Mayor August 15, 2006 The Honorable Janis Sammartino Presiding Judge Superior Court of the State of California County of San Diego 220 West Broadway P. O. Box 122724 San Diego, California 92112-2724 Hon. Janis Sammartino: The City Council of the City of Carlsbad has carefully reviewed and considered the San Diego County Grand Jury 2005-06 Lack of San Diego County Evacuation Preparations report ("Report") (May 31, 2006) and respectfully submits its response as required by Penal Code section 933(c) and as further specifically addressed in Penal Code section 933.05. The Report makes three "ffndings" and five "recommendations" with only two findings and two recommendations directed to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Carlsbad for a response. The Mayor and Council (collectively, referred to as "Carlsbad") respond to these two findings and recommendations. This response has been prepared in three sections. First, specific responses to Grand jury Findings as described in California Penal Code § 933(a). Second, specific response to Grand Jury Recommendation as described in California Penal Code § 933(b). And third, a summary of Carlsbad's position on these issues. Findings: Finding: Tsunamis pose a significant threat to life and property. • Carlsbad agrees with this finding. • Carlsbad disagrees that a tsunami poses a significant threat to life and property within the City of Carlsbad due to Carlsbad's coastline and elevation. 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive • Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 • (760) 434-2830 • FAX (760) 720-9461 Honorable Janis Sammartino Presiding Judge August 15, 2006 Page 2 Finding: Inundation maps showing possible San Diego County shoreline which might be submerged by tsunami waters is not adequate. • Carlsbad agrees with this finding. • The County of San Diego's Office of Emergency Preparedness should coordinate the updating of the region's inundation maps to be included in the revision of the Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. Recommendations: 06-67: Install emergency signage along the San Diego coastal corridor, directing citizens and visitors to safety in case of a tsunami emergency. • This recommendation requires further analysis as it applies to the City of Carlsbad. As the Grand Jury may be aware, the two main coastal transportation corridors through Carlsbad (Carlsbad Blvd and I-5) are at elevation and are generally not subject to impacts from changes in the tidal level, including storm surges. The City would like the opportunity to further review the inundation maps, as well as consult with the City's Transportation Engineer to evaluate this recommendation. One consideration is that the City's susceptibility from the threat of a local tsunami is relatively low (due in part to the Rose Canyon being a slip- strike fault), and the warning system would need to be able to respond in a fairly compressed time frame in order to be effective. Furthermore, impacts from distant earthquakes over the past 170 years (including six great tsunamis) within the Pacific Ocean Basin have caused wave heights no greater than normal tides along Carlsbad's coastline. Ultimately, it makes sense for this issue to be addressed on a region wide basis to ensure the effectiveness and consistency of any early warning system. Further, a tsunami early warning system must be integrated and unique to other early warning systems so that citizens are not confused as to the type of warning being sounded. 06-68: Find funding sources for the installation of warning sirens for an imminent devastating tsunami. • This recommendation requires further analysis as it applies to the City of Carlsbad. Based upon a variety of factors, including the City's Hazard Analysis as well as consultations with various technical experts, the City believes that the potential threat and impact of a tsunami on the City is relatively low. However, the City understands the larger context in which a tsunami early warning system could be valuable and believes that the Honorable Janis Sammartino Presiding Judge August 15,2006 PageS evaluation and implementation of such an early system should be coordinated at the regional level, perhaps through the County's Office of Emergency Services. The City of Carlsbad would enthusiastically support such a review. Summary: The City of Carlsbad considers Emergency Preparedness and life safety a core service that the municipal organization provides to the citizens and residents of Carlsbad. In an effort to further identify and prepare Carlsbad against the myriad of natural and man-made disasters that could impact the City, the City conducted a Hazard Analysis in 2000. The purpose of that report, which was assembled by the City's Emergency Management Team (CEMAT) in conjunction with external technical experts, was to provide the City with a prioritized matrix of possible hazards and their potential impacts, and to identify ways in which those impacts could be mitigated to minimize the possible loss of life and property in the City. The findings of the Hazard Analysis have been included as part of the San Diego County's Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (dated March 2004). Carlsbad's staff will gladly appear before the Grand Jury in person to answer any questions or provide further information on this issue. It is our understanding that staff has not been given that opportunity to date. If you or the Grand Jury would like additional information regarding the above, please contact Mr. Raymond Patchett, City Manager, at 760.434.2821. We appreciate the opportunity to submit our comments in response to the Grand Jury's Findings and Recommendations and clarify our position on these important issues. c: Grand Jury City Council City Manager City Attorney Police Chief 7 \ LACK OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY EVACUATION PREPARATIONS SUMMARY The 2005/06 San Diego County Grand Jury investigated two instances in which citizens could receive advance warning to evacuate: a tsunami and an impending nuclear disaster at the naval bases. We are not suggesting that a Tsunami or nuclear disaster is imminent, but caution is advised. A tsunami is a series of giant waves, often a solid, fast moving, towering wall of water, commonly caused by submarine earthquakes or landslides. Tsunamis can strike the closest coastlines with terrific force, only minutes after the triggering event. They often travel across the oceans thousands of miles away and many hours after the source event occurred with sufficient energy to cause damage and loss of life. What would the people of San Diego do in the event of a devastating nuclear accident on the North Island Naval Base or at the Ballast Point Submarine Base? The U.S. Navy- has an arsenal of nuclear weapons and reactors in their vessels in San Diego, that are reportedly well safeguarded from terrorist activity; but what about a disaster occurring without adequate warning? These questions concerned the members of the 2005/2006 San Diego County Grand Jury. This report covers the investigation done to assess the possibility of a tsunami caused disaster affecting San Diego's coastline. It will also document the state of preparedness that the governmental agencies of the Cities and in the County of San Diego, charged with the safety of its citizens and visitors, have accomplished. The Grand Jury found that the emergency operations personnel are not adequately prepared. People are in danger from these disasters, due, in part, to a lack of understanding and complacency on the part of the public regarding the forces that might precipitate them, and they are not being educated as to how they should proceed if a tsunami or other disaster did occur. Recommendations have been made hereinafter in anticipation that they will aid in achieving greater public readiness in case of such disasters. PURPOSE • To access the efficiency and effectiveness of the collection and dissemination of tsunami disaster information by San Diego Governmental offices. • To encourage knowledge of the possible threat to all citizens of the natural forces that take place in our earthquake prone area. SAN DIEGO COUNTY GRAND JURY 2005-2006 (filed May 31,2006) ^ o PROCEDURES Site Visits • Emergency Operations Center, City of San Diego • Emergency Operations Center, County of San Diego Documents Reviewed • San Diego County Sheriff Emergency Operations Manual, Section 9 (See Appendix) • National Weather Service Tsunami Safety Advice • State of California Seismic Safety Commission - The Tsunami Threat to California, December 2005 • The Los Angeles Times, January 12, 2006 edition • La Jolla Village News, March 23, 2006 edition Television Documentary Reviewed • America's Tsunami, Are We Next? Discovery Channel December 7, 2005 Websites • http: //tsunami. go v/ • http://www.stornireadv.noaa.gov/tsunamireadv/ • http ://www. sdcounty. ca. go v/oes/resources/CP EP .html • http://sww.sdsheriff.com/oemanual/Section9/html • http://www.seismic.ca.gov/Appendix A Tsunami Report.html Interviews • Manager from the City of Coronado • Manager from the City of San Diego • San Diego County Department of Emergency Services • Public Safety Group of the Office of the Finance Director of the County of San Diego • City of San Diego Office of Homeland Security • San Diego County Sheriffs Department DISCUSSION The entire western coast of the United States is currently at great risk from the Pacific Ocean, quietly lapping our shores. A fault line affecting the continental tectonic plates that gird the earth is located just fifty miles off the coast. The main zone, known as the Cascadia subduction zone, lies along the coast of Oregon and Washington and California SAN DIEGO COUNTY GRAND JURY 2005-2006 (filed May 31,2006) trending roughly southwest for about 680 miles. Fault lines emanate from this zone southward past California, USA, and Baja California, Mexico. One of the locations along this fault line is our own La Jolla Trench, which could play a role in a possible tsunami event. A tsunami could also be generated by other offshore faults, from a rapid uplift of the sea floor such as occurred in Sumatra, or from underwater landslides generated by an earthquake. Geologists, Oceanographers, and Seismologists have warned the people of Washington, Oregon and California that a destructive earthquake triggering a tsunami is going to occur along the Cascadia zone - and it will probably happen sooner rather than later.' The State of California Tsunami Safety Commission, states in its December, 2005 report titled The Tsunami Threat to California: Findings and Recommendations on Tsunami Hazards and Risks: "Tsunamis, generated either locally, or from events elsewhere in the Pacific Basin, pose a significant threat to life and property in California."2 This study enumerates the potential population that could be drastically impacted by a tsunami when it notes, "California has the largest population exposed to tsunami risk." 3 "The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has estimated that more than one million people in California live within coastal areas that are vulnerable to the terrific force of earthquake driven water, flooding and battering the coastal areas, destroying property and taking human lives. That number does not include the millions of visitors to California's beaches on any given summer day."4 Interviews conducted by the Grand Jury revealed that Inundation Maps, prepared by the San Diego County Emergency Operations Center, in collaboration with the San Diego Sheriffs Department, gave depth of the flood waters for every 500 meters inland. This distance was considered to be inadequate for areas such as Imperial Beach, Coronado, and other coastal cities as movement to higher ground was impossible or limited. Inundation levels for 50 meter intervals were considered desirable by the emergency personnel interviewed. The City's Director of the Office of Homeland Security, was also interviewed. He noted that the plans for response and evacuation of the tsunami affected areas were to be made by the community Police Departments in cooperation with the San Diego County Sheriffs Department. Recent decisions made by the National Office of Homeland Security have curtailed funding to the City and County of San Diego, which necessitated a change in the directorship of the local office. Information received from the Sheriffs lieutenant, attached to the Emergency Planning Detail at the County Emergency Operations Center, stated that the San Diego Police Department and the Sheriffs Department are working 1 Tsunami, Discovery Channel, December 7, 2005 2 The Tsunami Threat to California, Findings and Recommendations on Tsunami Hazards and Risks, State of California Seismic Safety Commission, December, 2005, p.4. 3 Ibid, p.4 4 Ibid, p.5 SAN DIEGO COUNTY GRAND JURY 2005-2006 (filed May 31, 2006) closely together to ensure that warning and evacuation systems are efficiently implemented in the event of a tsunami. The Grand Jury inquired into the plans for warning and evacuating the public and found there to be two areas that were deficient. The first area that needs improvement is that of the warning itself. To its credit, the City of Coronado has installed sirens that would warn its citizens that imminent evacuation is needed to save lives. These are acoustically tested yearly and silently tested monthly. This system is not in operation in other communities in San Diego County. The sirens appear to be a more effective way to warn citizens of impending disaster than the public address systems used in helicopters and police cars circulating throughout the city. These methods take time, and time is of the essence. The City of San Diego is not part of the 800 megahertz emergency communications system of the San Diego County's Law Enforcement Communications Network. This system activates the sirens of Coronado, and the Grand Jury received testimony from officers of the San Diego Sheriffs Department, that it would be more efficient to have the San Diego City's Police Department on the same system as the rest of the county for emergency communications. There is no single entity charged with emergency operations in all of the cities and unincorporated areas of San Diego County. The Sheriffs Department is the coordinating body for the 17 cities that are responsible for the emergency operations in their own jurisdictions and all should be operating on the same radio frequency. The second area needed is signage. Signs on all main thoroughfares are essential to direct citizens and visitors to avenues of escape and to shelters from a tsunami. None of San Diego's communities currently have appropriate "escape route" signage. If lives are to be saved, this public posting is urgently needed. The County of San Diego's Emergency Operations Center, after an in-depth study of the effects of a massive earthquake and subsequent tsunami, has noted that a two mile wide inland corridor along the County's coast is the area that would be covered by an evacuation order. The San Diego Sheriffs Department outlines their specific response to a tsunami in its Emergency Operations Manual, Section 9. This outline has been included in Appendix A. All of the communities of San Diego County sited on the coast are especially vulnerable. Special evacuation procedures, emergency routing signage, and shelter facilities are needed for them. The Los Angeles Times newspaper, noted in the January 12, 2006 edition, that "Nearly four dozen sirens have arrived in Humboldt County as part of a warning system for earthquake generated waves along the north coast." The article goes on to say that "the sirens will be placed in tsunami-prone areas and will be tied into the area's communications system."5 This system of sirens is essential to improve the safety of the San Diego County citizens in case of emergencies. ' The Los Angeles Times Newspaper, January 12, 2006. SAN DIEGO COUNTY GRAND JURY 2005-2006 (filed May 31, 2006) . v ' The City Manager of Coronado stated that there is an agreement in effect with the Commander of the North Island Naval Base to inform the Mayor of Coronado immediately if there is a possibility of a "nuclear incident" occurring on the Naval bases of San Diego near the City of Coronado. This information is to be communicated to governmental heads and emergency personnel in all other communities of San Diego County. The normal reporting of such an accident would be first to the Department of Defense, from there to the White House, back to the Governor in Sacramento and then to the City and County of San Diego. Such a lengthy string of reporting could be time-consuming and deadly; see the problem of Katrina/New Orleans disaster. All city and county emergency groups interviewed noted that evacuation would be ill- advised in most scenarios of nuclear disaster in the San Diego area due to climatic and wind conditions in the area. Therefore, "shelter-in-place" activities are advised. Such activities include remaining in the present location and protecting oneself as much as possible from the outside environment. Public education for this contingency is critical. The American Red Cross and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) have established worthwhile programs to cover this eventuality. The Grand Jury also found that the Escondido Unified School District has an excellent Oceanography section in their science program directed at middle and senior high school level students. Using suggested charts and diagrams, students are able to understand the inception and forces of tsunami driven waves. This curriculum could serve as a model for San Diego schools. Scripps Institute of Oceanography could also be utilized in the composition of such a curriculum. The Grand Jury urges San Diego's ocean front communities to follow the State of California's Seismic Safety Commission (CSSC) recommendations: "that local earthquake preparedness material should include tsunami safety." 6 They also suggested "incorporation of tsunamis in safety training for workplaces in inundation zones, especially ports."7 The CSSC also suggested "including multi-language education about tsunami hazards and how to respond to large coastal earthquakes, sudden water level changes and official tsunami warnings in all San Diego area schools."8 The San Diego County web site offers the following for the guidance of its citizens telling them what to do, not how to do it, in the event of a life-threatening disaster. WHAT SHOULD YOU DO? • Remain calm. • Be aware of your surroundings. 6 The Tsunami Threat to California, Findings and Recommendations on Tsunami Hazards and Risks, State of California Seismic Safety Commission, December, 2005, p. 13 7 Ibid. p. 13 8 Ibid. p. 13 SAN DIEGO COUNTY GRAND JURY 2005-2006 (filed May 31,2006) Have a family preparedness plan. Stay informed. If an evacuation is ordered, follow the instructions of local officials regarding evacuation routes and the location of shelters. If shelter in place is recommended, local officials will provide instructions on necessary actions Do not leave your sheltered location or return to the evacuation area until it is deemed safe to do so by local officials.9 FA CTS AND FINDINGS Fact: The scientific community has warned that a destructive earthquake triggering a tsunami is going to occur along most of the western coast of the United States "sooner rather than later." Finding: Tsunamis pose a significant threat to life and property. Fact: New mapping is crucial for emergency evacuation planning. Finding: Inundation maps showing possible San Diego County shoreline which might be submerged by tsunami waters is not adequate. Fact: With the exception of Coronado, San Diego's coastal regions do not have sirens to warn citizens of tsunami, nuclear, or other impending disasters. Fact: None of San Diego's communities currently have signage to direct citizens, and visitors, to avenues of escape and to shelters. Fact: The San Diego Police Department does not use the county wide 800 megahertz emergency communication system of San Diego County's Law Enforcement Communication Network. Finding: The San Diego Police Department needs to be on the same system as the rest of the county for emergency communications. 9 Terrorism: A Guide to Domestic Preparedness, prepared by, the Unified San Diego County Emergency Services Organization in cooperation with the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency & Office of Emergency Services. SAN DIEGO COUNTY GRAND JURY 2005-2006 (filed May 31,2006) RECOMMENDA TIONS The Grand Jury recommends that the Mayor and the San Diego City Council: 06-65: require that the City of San Diego address the addition of the San Diego County's 800 Megahertz Communications network into their emergency communications systems. The Grand Jury recommends that the San Diego County Sheriffs Office: 06-66: require that the inundation maps be revised to include inundation levels in 50 meter intervals. The Grand Jury recommends that the San Diego Sheriff, the Mayors and City Councils of the cities of: Chula Vista, Del Mar, National City, Coronado, San Diego, Solana Beach, Encinitas, Carlsbad and Oceanside: 06-67: install emergency signage along the San Diego coastal corridor, directing citizens and visitors to safety in case of a tsunami emergency. 06-68: find funding sources for the installation of warning sirens for an imminent devastating tsunami. The Grand Jury recommends that the Boards of Education of San Diego County and the San Diego City Unified School District: 06-69: develop a course of study available to all San Diego City and County middle and high schools which includes the investigation of geological forces and effects of underwater earthquakes that might trigger a tsunami. REQUIREMENTS AND INSTRUCTIONS The California Penal Code §933(c) requires any public agency which the Grand Jury has reviewed, and about which it has issued a final report, to comment to the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court on the findings and recommendations pertaining to matters under the control of the agency. Such comment shall be made no later than 90 days after the Grand Jury publishes its report (filed with the Clerk of the Court); except that in the case of a report containing findings and recommendations pertaining to a department or agency headed by an elected County official (e.g. District Attorney, Sheriff, etc.), such comment shall be made within 60 days to the Presiding Judge with an information copy sent to the Board of Supervisors. Furthermore, California Penal Code §933.05(a), (b), (c), details, as follows, the manner in which such comment(s) are to be made: SAN DIEGO COUNTY GRAND JURY 2005-2006 (filed May 31, 2006) (a) As to each grand jury finding, the responding person or entity shall indicate one of the following: (1) The respondent agrees with the finding (2) The respondent disagrees wholly or partially with the finding, in which case the response shall specify the portion of the finding that is disputed and shall include an explanation of the reasons therefor. (b) As to each grand jury recommendation, the responding person or entity shall report one of the following actions: (1) The recommendation has been implemented, with a summary regarding the implemented action. (2) The recommendation has not yet been implemented, but will be implemented in the future, with a time frame for implementation. (3) The recommendation requires further analysis, with an explanation and the scope and parameters of an analysis or study, and a time frame for the matter to be prepared for discussion by the officer or head of the agency or department being investigated or reviewed, including the governing body of the public agency when applicable. This time frame shall not exceed six months from the date of publication of the grand jury report. (4) The recommendation will not be implemented because it is not warranted or is not reasonable, with an explanation therefor. (c) If a finding or recommendation of the grand jury addresses budgetary or personnel matters of a county agency or department headed by an elected officer, both the agency or department head and the Board of Supervisors shall respond if requested by the grand jury, but the response of the Board of Supervisors shall address only those budgetary or personnel matters over which it has some decision making authority. The response of the elected agency or department head shall address all aspects of the findings or recommendations affecting his or her agency or department. Comments to the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court in compliance with the Penal Code §933.05 are required from the: ADDRESSEE WHO MUST RESPOND RECOMMENDATIONS DATE Mayor, City of San Diego 06-65, 06-67, 06-68 8/29/06 City Council, City of San Diego 06-65, 06-67, 06-68 8/29/06 Sheriff, County of San Diego 06-66, 06-67, 06-68 7/31/06 S SAN DIEGO COUNTY GRAND JURY 2005-2006 (filed May 31, 2006) ADDRESSEE WHO MUST RESPOND Mayor, City of Chula Vista City Council, City of Chula Vista Mayor, City of Del Mar City Council, City of Del Mar Mayor, City of National City City Council, City of National City Mayor, City of Coronado City Council, City of Coronado Mayor, City of Solana Beach City Council, City of Solana Beach Mayor, City of Encinitas City Council, City of Encinitas Mayor, City of Carlsbad City Council, City of Carlsbad Mayor, City of Oceanside City Council, City of Oceanside Board of Education, County of San Diego Board of Education, San Diego City Schools RECOMMENDATIONS 06-67, 06-68 06-67, 06-68 06-67, 06-68 06-67, 06-68 06-67, 06-68 06-67, 06-68 06-67, 06-68 06-67, 06-68 06-67, 06-68 06-67, 06-68 06-67, 06-68 06-67, 06-68 06-67, 06-68 06-67, 06-68 06-67, 06-68 06-67, 06-68 06-69 06-69 DATE 8/29/06 8/29/06 8/29/06 8/29/06 8/29/06 8/29/06 8/29/06 8/29/06 8/29/06 8/29/06 8/29/06 8/29/06 8/29/06 8/29/06 8/29/06 8/29/06 8/29/06 8/29/06 i SAN DIEGO COUNTY GRAND JURY 2005-2006 (filed May 31,2006) APPENDIXA Excerpts from: THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY SHERIFF'S EMERGENCY OPERATIONS MANUAL SECTION 9 Specific Incident Response Plans 9.9 TSUNAMI 9.9.1 PURPOSE To establish general guidelines that ensure an appropriate response in the event of a Tsunami watch, warning, or an actual tsunami. 9.9.2 POLICY During a tsunami watch, warning, or actual tsunami, the San Diego County Office of Emergency Services is responsible for local government notifications. The Sheriffs Department serves as lead agency in notifying law enforcement and fire dispatch agencies. The Sheriffs Department is responsible for evacuations in the unincorporated areas of the county and in contract cities. If requested, the Sheriffs Department will coordinate law enforcement mutual aid to assist other jurisdictions with evacuations. The Sheriff will maintain public order in the Sheriffs area of responsibility. Sheriffs Department personnel should use every effort to ensure citizen safety and well being while remaining aware of both the dangers posed by tsunamis and the limitations of both training and equipment. 9.9.3 PROCEDURE A. Tsunami watches and warnings require the immediate attention of Communications Center (CC) Personnel and Field Supervisors. Tsunami watches and warnings for California are generated by the West Coast & Alaska Tsunami Warning Center (WCATWC). The WCATWC distributes the watches and warnings via the National Warning System) NAWAS) to the California State Warning Center (CSWC). 1. Tsunami "Warning" - indicates that a tsunami may be imminent and coastal locations in the warned areas should take immediate actions to safeguard life and property. Generally, areas within a 2 - 3 hour tsunami travel time will be placed in a warning status. 2. Tsunami "Watch" - is an alert issued to areas beyond the estimated three hour tsunami travel time but within an estimated six hour tsunami travel time. B. Notification - Normally, the Communications Center will be notified, via the beige NAWAS "hotline" phone located on the "Bridge", by the California State Warning Center (CSWC). Additionally, a message will be sent to the CC via CLETS (California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System). Tsunami Watch/Warning information can also be found on the internet at: http://wcatwc.arh.noaa.gov. 1. The tsunami watch or warning will include an estimated arrival time for the La Jolla area. The La Jolla area is the pre-established San Diego location on which SAN DIEGO COUNTY GRAND JURY 2005-2006 (filed May 31, 2006) 10 the estimate will be based and does not mean that La Jolla is in any greater danger than other areas in the county. 2. The tsunami warning or watch will be updated at least hourly. The National Weather Service will activate the Emergency Alert System for all tsunami warnings. 9.9.4 COMMUNICATIONS CENTER RESPONSIBILITIES A. Although tsunami notification generally will be received via the NAWAS phone or a CLETS message as described above, tsunami warnings or watches may emanate from other sources such as County OES. The person receiving the tsunami watch or warning shall immediately notify the Communications Center Dispatch Supervisors and the Watch Commander. The Watch Commander and the Dispatch Supervisor should confirm the tsunami information if it comes from other than an official source. The information can be verified on the internet at: http://wcatwc.arh.nooa.gov. B. WATCH COMMANDERS RESPONSIBILITIES 1. The Watch Commander shall insure that the Tsunami Manuals from the Imperial Beach and Encinitas Stations are present in the Watch Commander's Office. a. The Emergency Planning Detail Lieutenant or Sergeant (The Emergency Planning Detail will activate the Department Operations Center for all tsunami warnings) b. County Office of Emergency Services Duty Officer. c. Captains of the Encinitas and Imperial Beach Stations. d. The Duty Commander e. Public Affairs f. Other notifications per the Communications Center Tsunami Check List. C. DISPATCH SUPERVISORS RESPONSIBILITIES The Communications Center Dispatch Supervisor shall: 1. Immediately notify all San Diego County Dispatch Centers via LAW and FIRE CC, or by other appropriate channels as determined by the CC Supervisors. The Supervisor shall conduct a roll call to confirm receipt of the message. Dispatch centers not monitoring the radio, or not having a shared frequency shall be notified via the telephone. All Dispatch Centers will then make the necessary notifications within their areas of responsibility. 2. Centers to be notified: Border Patrol Carlsbad PD Dispatch CDF Dispatch Chula Vista Fire Chula Vista PD CHP 11 SAN DIEGO COUNTY GRAND JURY 2005-2006 (filed May 31,2006) 1 Jf Coast Guard Coronado PD El Cajon PD Escondido Heartland Fire Dispatch La Mesa PD Rancho Fire National City PD Oceanside PD San Diego Fire San Diego PD San Diego Harbor PD State Parks 3. County OES will make duplicate radio calls via "County Call". These calls will likely be made after the Sheriffs Dispatch Supervisor has made the original calls. These duplicate calls serve as confirmation that the jurisdictions have received notification of the incident. These calls also meet the requirements for redundant notifications. 4. Insure field units are notified via the appropriate radio talk groups and the field supervisors acknowledge the notification. 5. If a "warning" has been issued the following steps should be taken: a. Designate a dispatcher to develop and send a Community Emergency Notifications System message to the impacted coastal communities within the Sheriffs areas of responsibility. b. Notify all call takers of the pertinent information. In general, areas less than one hundred feet in elevation and within two miles of the coast should be advised to evacuate. Callers requiring general information should be referred to 2-1-1. c. Notify the Search & Rescue Coordinator d. Notify the Reserve Coordinator e. Request ASTREA conduct reconnaissance of the coastal areas and issue warnings. f. If only one helicopter is in-service, contact the ASTREA Lieutenant or Sergeant and request additional air resources. D. DISPATCHER RESPONSIBILITIES 1. The Dispatchers responsible for Imperial Beach Dispatch and Encinitas Dispatch will: a. Notify the patrol sergeant in IB and Encinitas b. Log all road closures, areas evacuated, Evacuation Centers and other pertinent information into CAD. 12 SAN DIEGO COUNTY GRAND JURY 2005-2006 (filed May 31,2006) 9.9.5 PATROL STATION RESPONSIBILITIES A. INUNDATION & EVACUATION PLANS 1. The Imperial Beach and Encinitas Station shall develop tsunami inundation and evacuation plans. A copy of these plans shall be sent to the CC and to the Emergency Planning Detail. The plans shall be updated by the respective stations on an annual basis. The updates shall be sent to the CC and the Emergency Planning Detail. 2. Tsunami evacuation plans should include the number of personnel needed to rapidly and effectively evacuate the inundation area. 3. Tsunami evacuation plans should include a traffic flow and control plan. 4. I.E. and Encinitas Station shall conduct briefing training on the Tsunami plans once a quarter. The training shall be documented. B. TSUNAMI WARNING; 1. Upon notification of a tsunami warning, the patrol supervisor shall immediately activate the tsunami evacuation plans. Time is of the essence. 2. A Command Post and Staging Area should be established out of the inundation. a. Request Emergency Response Assistance team (E.R.A.T.) to assist with Command Post responsibilities and Staging Area management. 3. Request the Sheriffs Mobile Force / Platoon to assist in evacuations and crowd control. Request that deputies respond in the natural disaster configuration of two per vehicle. 4. Activate off-duty personnel, reserve deputies, senior volunteers and citizen volunteers as needed, maintain rosters and report available resources to the Communications Center or the Department Operations Center when activated. 5. Provide public evacuations and warnings in affected areas. 6. In order to limit radio traffic to essentials, do not broadcast "refusals" i.e. persons who refuse to evacuate. Refusals should be noted in CAD or in the Deputy's Notebook. 7. Instruct deputies to place a short piece of yellow barrier tape in a conspicuous location to indicate that a particular residence has been given the evacuation advisement. SAN DIEGO COUNTY GRAND JURY 2005-2006 (filed May 31, 2006) 13 8. Determine the areas to be evacuated, the safe routes of evacuation, the Temporary Evacuation Points and the Evacuation Centers. Coordinate Evacuation Centers with the Red Cross. 9. Request the Communications Center activate the Community Emergency Notification System, which will place emergency phone calls to the impacted residences advising them of the situation. 10. Notify Public Affairs and request media liaison. Remember the Media cannot be denied access to the inundation / evacuation area. 405.9(d). PC 11. Establish Communications with the impacted contract cities. 12. Advise the Communications Center, or the Department Operations Center, of any requests for evacuation of institutionalized or disabled persons if unable to handle with available resources. 13. Conduct ongoing beat survey to discover further damage and hazards. If the Tsunami strikes the coast, dispatch patrol units or ASTREA to survey for casualties, damage and collapsed structures requiring a "heavy rescue" effort. 14. Record any significant damage in a damage survey report log maintained at the Law Enforcement Command Post. 15. Provide/coordinate security and crowd control at vital installation, key industrial facilities, storage areas and evacuation areas. 16. Provide the CC with an updated - Situation Report - at least every thirty minutes. This may be done verbally. 17. Maintain records and write After-Action Report. C. TSUNAMI WATCH 1. Upon notification of a tsunami watch, the patrol supervisor shall: a. Review the Station Tsunami Inundation & Evacuation Plans. b. Take steps to prepare and initiate the Stations Tsunami Inundation & Evacuation Plan if the watch is upgraded to a warning. c. Monitor any changes in the tsunami status. 9.9.6 TSUNAMI SAFETY a) A Tsunami will likely consist of a series of waves that can be spaced from a few minutes, to over an hour, apart. SAN DIEGO COUNTY GRAND JURY 2005-2006 (filed May 31,2006) 14 b) A tsunami is not a single wave, but a series of waves. The first wave may not be the largest or the deadliest. c) Additional waves may carry greater debris and thus pose a greater hazard. d) Wave size may vary considerably along the San Diego County Coastline. A small wave in one area does not mean that the rest of the coast will not experience a big wave. e) The following are key indicators of an imminent tsunami. Seek higher ground or move inland immediately. 1) Noticeable rise or fall of coastal water 2) Loud roar like a train or aircraft 3) Sudden sea level withdrawal 4) Earthquake in coastal area that produces violent shaking. 15 SAN DIEGO COUNTY GRAND JURY 2005-2006 (filed May 31, 2006)