HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-09-12; City Council; 18722; New classification: Junior PlannerCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 17 AB# 16,722 MTG. 09/12/06 DEPT. PLN/HR ESTABLISH NEW CLASSIFICATION OF JUNIOR PLANNER; AND NEW CLASSIFICATION MATRIX FOR PLANNING SERIES DEPT. HEAD CITY ATTY. CITY MGR. 2006-269 to establish the new classification of Junior RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the City Council ADOPT Resolution No. Planner; to establish a classification matrix for the planner series; and to amend the General Employees' Salary Schedule. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Planning Department has requested to establish an entry level planner classification, Junior Planner, to provide a career ladder for this classification series and to provide flexibility in hiring at a lower level. Human Resources and the Planning staff have developed the attached Planner series matrix of the four levels (Attachment A) including the new Junior Planner level for Council's consideration and approval. BACKGROUND Currently, there are three classified planner levels: Assistant, Associate and Senior Planners. The Assistant Planner requires a degree and one year of experience and the Associate Planner requires a degree and three years of experience as minimum qualifications. Over the past five years, Human Resources has frequently recruited for these positions and found a shrinking pool of qualified applicants for consideration. As a result, the Planning Department would like the flexibility to hire at a lower professional level and establish the classification of Junior Planner which requires a minimum of a degree in Planning or related field and no prior experience. It is their intent to be able to train entry candidates and promote them to the Assistant and Associate levels over time. Because in many cases, duties appear similar at all levels, a matrix has been designed to delineate the progression of responsibilities, competencies and qualifications necessary to progress through the four levels. It is the intent to allow any planner to enter at a lower level and progress up to the journey level Associate Planner. The Senior Planner positions are only available when one of the four budgeted positions is vacant. In the past, these positions have traditionally been filled by promoting from within the department. Staff is recommending for City Council's consideration to approve the attached matrix to replace the current job descriptions of Assistant, Associate and Senior Planners and to add the new classification of Junior Planner at salary grade 50 of the General Employees salary schedule. Currently there are two Associate Planner vacancies which could be filled at any one of the three levels depending on the applicant pool. Below is the comparison of the salary ranges of the current and proposed new level. Planner Classifications Senior Planner (current) Associate Planner (current) Assistant Planner (current) Junior Planner (proposed) Biweekly Salary Ranges $2,480.35 - $3,014.85 $2,179.36 - $2,649.06 $1,695.99 -$2,304.56 $1,649.44 - $2,004.90 FOR arr CLERKS use ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED o/ O D;D P CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN RETURNED TO STAFF OTHER -SEE MINUTES 0aa D Page 2 - ESTABLISH NEW CLASSIFICATION OF JUNIOR PLANNER; AND NEW CLASSIFICATION MATRIX FOR PLANNING SERIES The City has met and conferred with the City of Carlsbad Employees' Association (CCEA) related to the impacts on their represented members and received no objections. The City Council will be considering the Citygate recommendations at a separate time. This action is not tied to their report. Staff is recommending that this action move forward irrespective of the Council's actions on the Citygate Report. FISCAL IMPACT: There will be an estimated range of $9,200 - $19,600 in salary and benefit savings as a result of downgrading an Associate Planner vacancy and hiring a Junior or Assistant Planner at a lower salary. EXHIBITS: 1. Citv Council Resolution No. 2006-269 Attachment A: Planner series matrix Attachment B: General Employees' Salary Schedule DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Marcela Escobar-Eck/Harriet Gerza (760) 602-46017(760) 602- 2437 mesco@ci.carlsbad.ca.us/ hgerz@ci.carlsbad.ca.us 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2006-269 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING THE NEW CLASSIFICATION OF JUNIOR PLANNER; ESTABLISHING A 4 PLANNER SERIES MATRIX AND AMENDING THE GENERAL EMPLOYEES' SALARY SCHEDULE. 5 WHEREAS, it is recommended that a new classification of Junior Planner is established 6 to create an entry level in the professional planner series in the Planning Department, and 7 „ WHEREAS, it is desirable to establish a matrix description to delineate the progression of responsibilities, competencies and qualifications necessary to progress through each of the four levels of professional planners. 11 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of 12 Carlsbad, California, as follows: 13 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 14 2. That the City Council adopts the classification of Junior Planner, as described in Attachment A, attached hereto and made a part thereof. 16 3 That the City Council authorizes the amendment of the General Employees' 17 Salary Schedule to include the Junior Planner in range 50, as shown in Attachment B, attached 18 hereto and made a part thereof. 19 4 That the City Council authorizes the establishment of a matrix and summary20 to describe each level of the professional planner series, in Attachment A, to replace the current job specifications for Junior Planner, Assistant Planner, Associate Planner and Senior Planner.23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 12th day of September, 2006, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Hall, Kulchin, Packard, Sigafoose NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: (SEAL) NE M. WOOD, City 'Cl ATTACHMENT A City of Carlsbad Planner Series Summary and Typical Roles and Responsibilities of Planners in the City of Carlsbad The Planner classification is structured into four levels ranging from Junior, Assistant, Associate and Senior Planners. While similar planning duties may be performed at more than one level, they are distinguished from one another according to the level of competency, scope and complexity of assignments, independent discretion and judgment required. Junior (Entry level); Incumbents work on projects with limited scope or under direct supervision. This is a learning level where incumbents are exposed to many of the duties but are given limited independent discretion in matters related to work procedures and methods. Assistant (Intermediate level); Incumbents work on routine to moderate difficulty assignments. Work is supervised while in progress and fits an established structure or pattern. Exceptions or changes in procedures are explained in detail as they arise. Associate (Journey level); Incumbents work on moderate to complex assignments requiring independent exercise of judgment and discretion and initiative in performing responsibilities. Positions at this level receive only occasional instruction or assistance as new or unusual situations arise and are fully aware of the operating procedures and policies of the work unit, Senior (Advanced/Lead level): Incumbents work on the most complex, difficult or sensitive assignments requiring a broad and in depth use of knowledge, skills and abilities. Positions at this level may supervise the work of other staff on project assignments and lead teams or represent the city on matters outside the agency. Typically, a Planner must possess and demonstrate at least 80% of the Knowledge, Skills and Abilities at a given level to be assigned to that level. The following are examples of the types of job duties that may be found in the Planner roles: Manage general, community and urban plans; manage land use and land development projects; review and write environmental documents; prepare and coordinate processing of local, state and federal permits; review and analyze technical drawings, specifications and reports; perform site inspections and field research; research, review and prepare ordinances and policies; review projects and advise citizens and developers during application process to ensure compliance with City regulations; prepare planning reports, use GIS products/maps; perform quality control, coordinate various departments and agencies, monitor mitigation requirements for environmentally sensitive projects and perform proper documentation and reporting and perform related tasks. Responds to inquiries/requests; assists customers with planning issues, and intakes permits, conducts sites visits for proposed development sites; organize and participate in conducting and organizing public workshops and hearings. Serves on cross-functional teams. Presents staff reports to Planning Commission and City Council. Performs informational and advisory reporting; researches and creates draft resolutions, ordinances, and General Plan amendments for review; prepares legal notices and notices of decision; conducts surveys and studies to address significant development issues; reviews and processes private and public development projects and updating land management files. Attend public hearings for assigned projects; prepare Planning Commission and City Council staff reports, conduct final inspections on projects, process of private and public development projects and review grading improvement plans. Performs other related duties as assigned. 7/27/2006 I 2 *Q i_ c a a. o 'E 2I^|Sr JourneyfllMlQ <5 | Complexity0^* .co CO!E 1Q Q ~o (D 15 CO 0 _a_oi c ~ >> ni * k_ Q O .**~ fli^ <=~ co 0 CL ^O JZ f "0 co £ (0 10 f 'o 1 ca « "c.2 i 8-3" £ CO -C CO^ 0.j ^| II ^D- C CO" "™ COIf0 C3 8 M J 0 4^ "o it a ^^(thorough uncCOrn •ocedun0 1co CO.2 I "o 0 O)c ,--2-& £ 0T3 Si o•^ -CCO *^ £ Sg «.2 E 3 ^2 Provides soldifficult prob% a E "coo "o03 Q. CO imaginative,"D ^_ 0 *° |ll •a £ a CO 0 CO •5 s:l Q) -ii Sj « S^III &= 2 Typical assictechnical skicommunity c§CO.CO ' _> CO 0CO £oE I§Q. 0> o V)I£> •oo 'B D Occ (A 0> •o ffi (A I5b (0 0) O) n •aca I o00 to 03 1 •8 'SCS 00Oex eso> UJ u le5 >•I j I- JD_. .o^ §1^ | .2 1 4— (D LJ— S •&• -Qa. c _p Experiencedthird of fourthe Plannero "iils&&§co g co T5 O "OS °.i 8.S |85 £ CO 8^1*- of S '=-1 ~ed,Reqstantech8 o "oa. 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(0 •— XStT-riEcQ-_esProvidproblems ocomplexity.1 incndca 0 co"ca CD Itca c«'i. o^E ca 2|-o 50 CO±; «- I c co .2 £ « 3 -2 8"i:DC co S«° 3.Sa j co o — J» It SiCO *=f°O O5 81 * 8 |ries,erstaedu1 3^-i8I•§ 8 f"2 <o (0 0C Q-110 20 ?!2 E Q- "o cc 1_0ja °--% 0 Q] P2 82-os §o 0 ••B Q. 8 8 1!s =D- ^ CD D)coQ. **»l Oc CO CL O'E |Sr Journey level (Se| Discretion and Impact1 "c. coCD CDEQ **-; 73 en •^^ f"i CD (K Independently exerciswithin generally defineCOc "S-i ^J<o o~o tn -~ t~policies, selecting metechniques for obtain!(incorrect decisions orCD 10co CD^ <5*:| recommendations, orCO CD>cot- 15 o •a 3 O CO"c.g (fl .N°c CO C D) CD o-S CD '5 1serious effect upon thresults and customer/1 relationships.73 CO CDfls C Oo "co .2D>£ o CD CDCO 1 ^ CO o to o> kv OT CO ?ato "co .0 O)CD iQ.E co'CD'o1 o _>< £ i (A Q) O){Journey level (Associate) Ic Assistan^•^ s(0 73 i 1 iC jo Q 0'E | UJ 10) ^o | Discretion and Impact: |•4-J1 T3 ™ §! * •4-J •QC(D .§ 1U ^Q | Exercises judgment within standard, |CD _O O .£ CD O)•§ 8CO'2f\\w i2 >*% _2o .E 1 1 ¥CO'cj x; LU {defined procedures and practices to |2 0•~= 2Q. "i CO CO£373 OQLQ. 1 173 0 COCD.0 Q CO Q. 1 CO CO 1 "8_c CD ^^determine appropriate action. 1co'•5co 1Q. 2Q. w CD CD IS73 CO'•5to 0)to appropriiCD CO 0)73 {incorrect decisions or |co H— • *§ 1 E CO CD 1 >\ "coo'o. J2 LU Con«+•-"CD S 4_< E co CD 1 1 f LU recommendations or failure to get 1results may cause delays in schedules)Co'•§N (02>o CD c:o 'toN CO E>o CD_C^— •and result in the allocation of moreresources.May attend regional committees for{information and assist in |{communicating agency input on |{regional issues. ICO M—O CJ Q}D)8. 0) JO Q.SeSr Journey le§ I 2 I 1 £ .2 ° :ME 1 £O C§•-§ a)O«=OCCQ.T,,/1^::jtS(5 . oI— :so re « "co CD - _«'§ a> |! S C CD ffl I!1^8-1 Hill 15 §15 ^-Sf> - I CD CD 2 Hi!co'fljO HU?i*-MS E g-g Iti=_ II.2l ra (A O) ca I 21E SIo i o o I 8 £CO !S c•> o — 4—t *~ 4^O c Q. -p Jill 3 CL^gj § E-H 8 c- o <°> * 'a-«.g c- O c " CD CD O 0 - .5= £! i |iirn *r re•a uj o Q.C »- CDre _«j ® "g "re 2 re ^C OT J3 C 9J o (5 —o P. ••= r;"«•rr tr n< *— ure <u. 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E o3 O O C •£ Q- 8 = « 18 J3? a) c .> as a)-CPCi_C1— .fc 3 o o J23 COQ. — - 205 0 ._ i4— .—» § ^ E '55 ~:T3<1)<m-a D)0)0)3 CO ^^ vv •o q>co CDnrt ^ICQ = co co'« 8"^-^ 2Sf »is^is'« h * c -o .^ "co 2 <i> to ^ CO M—O (O CD Attachment B Resolution No. SALARY SCHEDULE - GENERAL EMPLOYEES Effective August 15, 2006 CLASSIFICATION ACCOUNT CLERK I ACCOUNT CLERK II ACCOUNTANT ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY APPLICATIONS SPECIALIST I APPLICATIONS SPECIALIST II APPLICATIONS SPECIALIST III AQUATICS SPECIALIST ASSISTANT ENGINEER ASSISTANT PLANNER ASSISTANT TO THE TREASURER ASSOCIATE ENGINEER ASSOCIATE PLANNER BUILDING INSPECTOR I BUILDING INSPECTOR II BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKER I BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKER II BUILDING TECHNICIAN II BUSINESS SYSTEMS SPECIALIST BUSINESS SYSTEMS TECHNICIAN BUYER CIRCULATION SUPERVISOR CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER I CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER II COMMUNITY OUTREACH SUPERVISOR CRIME PREVENTION SPECIALIST RANGE 17 25 68 54 40 42 75 94 109 49 82 64 73 98 78 55 70 29 41 50 84 70 58 37 43 55 58 44 CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL TECHNICIAN 5 6 CUSTODIAN 6 CUSTODIAN II 16 DEPUTY CITY CLERK/TECHNICIAN 39 ELECTRICIAN 41 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I 45 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 57 ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST I 52 ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST II 69 EQUIPMENT SERVICE WORKER 18 EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN I 34 EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN II 51 CIS TECHNICIAN 60 GRAPHIC ARTIST 45 HOUSING ASSISTANT 20 HOUSING SPECIALIST I 46 HOUSING SPECIALIST II 61 HUMAN RESOURCES TECHNICIAN 52 JUNIOR PLANNER 50 JUVENILE JUSTICE PROGRAM COORDINATORS8 LEAD EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN 61 LEGAL ASSISTANT 56 LEGAL SECRETARY 49 LIBRARIAN I 45 LIBRARIAN II 58 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I 26 LIBRARY ASSISTANT II 37 LIBRARY CLERK I 3 LIBRARY CLERK II 6 MAINTENANCE AIDE 10 MAINTENANCE WORKER I 14 CLASSIFICATION MAIL CLERK/MESSENGER METER SERVICES WORKER I METER SERVICES WORKER II METER SERVICES WORKER III OFFICE SPECIALIST I OFFICE SPECIALIST II 1 20 33 46 5 11 OPERATIONS/MAINTENANCE STOREKEEPER 43 PARK MAINTENANCE SPECIALIST 41 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER II 28 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER III 46 PARK PLANNER 85 PLANNING TECHNICIAN I 35 PLANNING TECHNICIAN II 50 POLICE TRAINING COORDINATOR 49 POLICE RECORDS SPECIALIST I 17 POLICE RECORDS SPECIALIST II 22 PRODUCTION TECHNICIAN 39 PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR I 55 PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR II 70 RECORDS MANAGEMENT SUPERVISOR 56 RECREATION ASSISTANT 10 RECREATION SPECIALIST 29 RECREATION SUPERVISOR 54 SANITATION SYSTEMS OPERATOR I 24 SANITATION SYSTEMS OPERATOR II 46 SANITATION SYSTEMS OPERATOR III 56 SECRETARY 34 SENIOR BUILDING INSPECTOR 85 SENIOR BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKER 51 SENIOR CIRCULATION SUPERVISOR 50 SENIOR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 85 SENIOR ELECTRICIAN 51 SENIOR ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST 84 SENIOR LIBRARIAN 73 SENIOR OFFICE SPECIALIST 22 SENIOR PLANNER 91 SITE MANAGER 4 STOREKEEPER 18 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER II 28 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER III 46 SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR I 51 SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR II 87 SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR III 113 TECHNICIAN I 35 TREE TRIMMER I 20 TREE TRIMMER II 32 TREE TRIMMER LEADWORKER 46 UTILITY MAINTENANCE WORKER III 45 UTILITY WORKER I 24 UTILITY WORKER II 40 UTILITY WORKER III 50 VALVE MAINTENANCE WORKER 45 WATER CONSERVATION SPECIALIST 40 WATER SYSTEMS OPERATOR I 34 WATER SYSTEMS OPERATOR II 54 WATER SYSTEMS OPERATOR III 64 Click here to view Biweekly Salary Schedule 7/27/2006 Attachment B RANGE THE CITY OF CARLSBAD GENERAL EMPLOYEE BIWEEKLY SALARY SCHEDULE Effective August 15, 2006 STEP A STEPB STEPC STEPD STEPE RANGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 $1,012.95 $1 ,023.07 $1,033.31 $1,043.63 $1 ,054.09 $1 ,064.61 $1 ,075.27 $1,086.02 $1,096.89 $1,107.86 $1,118.92 $1,130.11 $1,141.43 $1,152.85 $1,164.36 $1,175.99 $1,187.78 $1,199.65 $1,211.63 $1,223.77 $1 ,235.99 $1 ,248.34 $1,260.83 $1,273.44 $1,286.17 $1 ,299.04 $1,312.03 $1,325.16 $1,338.39 $1,351.77 $1 ,365.30 $1 ,378.96 $1 ,392.73 $1,406.68 $1,420.74 $1,434.93 $1,449.30 $1 ,463.77 $1 ,478.41 $1,493.22 $1,063.60 $1,074.23 $1 ,084.97 $1 ,095.83 $1,106.79 $1,117.85 $1,129.04 $1,140.32 $1,151.72 $1,163.25 $1,174.86 $1,186.62 $1,198.49 $1,210.47 $1 ,222.57 $1 ,234.80 $1,247.14 $1,259.62 $1 ,272.21 $1 ,284.94 $1,297.78 $1,310.77 $1,323.89 $1,337.11 $1 ,350.48 $1,364.00 $1 ,377.64 $1,391.42 $1 ,405.33 $1,419.37 $1 ,433.57 $1,447.90 $1,462.37 $1 ,477.02 $1 ,491 .78 $1 ,506.70 $1 ,521 .76 $1,536.98 $1 ,552.33 $1 ,567.88 $1,116.78 $1,127.94 $1,139.22 $1,150.62 $1,162.12 $1,173.73 $1,185.47 $1,197.33 $1 ,209.30 $1,221.40 $1,233.62 $1,245.95 $1 ,258.42 $1,270.99 $1 ,283.71 $1,296.54 $1,309.50 $1 ,322.60 $1 ,335.82 $1,349.18 $1,362.69 $1,376.29 $1 ,390.07 $1 ,403.97 $1,417.99 $1,432.19 $1,446.52 $1 ,460.96 $1 ,475.60 $1,490.34 $1,505.25 $1,520.29 $1 ,535.49 $1 ,550.84 $1,566.38 $1 ,582.01 $1,597.85 $1,613.81 $1 ,629.97 $1 ,646.27 $1,172.61 $1,184.36 $1,196.18 $1,208.17 $1 ,220.24 $1 ,232.42 $1,244.75 $1,257.20 $1 ,269.76 $1,282.47 $1 ,295.30 $1,308.24 $1,321.34 $1,334.54 $1,347.89 $1,361.37 $1 ,374.98 $1 ,388.73 $1 ,402.61 $1,416.66 $1 ,430.80 $1,445.11 $1,459.58 $1,474.15 $1 ,488.90 $1 ,503.80 $1,518.82 $1 ,534.03 $1,549.35 $1,564.86 $1 ,580.50 $1 ,596.31 $1,612.27 $1 ,628.41 $1,644.68 $1,661.12 $1 ,677.74 $1 ,694.53 $1,711.46 $1 ,728.56 $1 ,231 .24 $1,243.57 $1 ,256.00 $1,268.56 $1,281.25 $1,294.08 $1,307.00 $1,320.08 $1 ,333.27 $1,346.58 $1,360.05 $1,373.66 $1,387.40 $1 ,401 .26 $1,415.29 $1,429.44 $1 ,443.74 $1,458.17 $1 ,472.76 $1,487.48 $1,502.36 $1,517.38 $1,532.56 $1,547.87 $1,563.35 $1 ,578.99 $1 ,594.77 $1,610.74 $1,626.82 $1,643.10 $1,659.54 $1,676.12 $1 ,692.90 $1 ,709.83 $1,726.92 $1,744.18 $1,761.62 $1 ,779.25 $1 ,797.03 $1,815.01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Attachment B RANGE THE CITY OF CARLSBAD GENERAL EMPLOYEE BIWEEKLY SALARY SCHEDULE Effective August 15, 2006 STEP A STEPS STEPC STEPD STEPE RANGE 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 $1,508.16 $1,523.22 $1 ,538.46 $1,553.85 $1,569.38 $1 ,585.08 $1 ,600.93 $1,616.93 $1,633.11 $1,649.44 $1,665.92 $1 ,682.58 $1,699.41 $1,716.41 $1,733.56 $1,750.90 $1 ,768.43 $1 ,786.09 $1 ,803.97 $1 ,821 .99 $1,840.22 $1,858.62 $1 ,877.20 $1 ,895.99 $1,914.95 $1,934.07 $1 ,953.43 $1,972.95 $1 ,992.70 $2,012.62 $2,032.74 $2,053.07 $2,073.60 $2,094.33 $2,115.29 $2,136.42 $2,157.80 $2,179.36 $2,201.18 $2,223.19 $1 ,583.53 $1 ,599.40 $1,615.37 $1,631.53 $1,647.83 $1 ,664.33 $1 ,680.97 $1,697.79 $1,714.77 $1 ,731 .91 $1,749.23 $1,766.71 $1,784.37 $1 ,802.24 $1,820.23 $1 ,838.46 $1 ,856.83 $1,875.41 $1,894.16 $1,913.10 $1 ,932.22 $1 ,951 .55 $1 ,971 .05 $1,990.78 $2,010.69 $2,030.79 $2,051.10 $2,071 .61 $2,092.32 $2,113.25 $2,134.37 $2,155.72 $2,177.28 $2,199.04 $2,221.05 $2,243.25 $2,265.70 $2,288.35 $2,311.25 $2,334.35 $1,662.74 $1,679.35 $1,696.14 $1,713.10 $1,730.24 $1,747.56 $1 ,765.02 $1,782.67 $1 ,800.50 $1,818.50 $1,836.69 $1 ,855.05 $1 ,873.62 $1 ,892.33 $1,911.27 $1,930.36 $1 ,949.68 $1,969.16 $1 ,988.87 $2,008.75 $2,028.84 $2,049.16 $2,069.63 $2,090.32 $2,111.22 $2,132.34 $2,153.65 $2,175.19 $2,196.94 $2,218.92 $2,241.10 $2,263.52 $2,286.16 $2,309.01 $2,332.11 $2,355.41 $2,378.98 $2,402.78 $2,426.77 $2,451.08 $1 ,745.86 $1,763.32 $1,780.97 $1 ,798.77 $1,816.76 $1,834.91 $1,853.27 $1,871.80 $1,890.52 $1 ,909.42 $1,928.52 $1,947.80 $1,967.27 $1 ,986.96 $2,006.82 $2,026.90 $2,047.17 $2,067.63 $2,088.32 $2,109.21 $2,130.29 $2,151.60 $2,173.10 $2,194.84 $2,216.78 $2,238.95 $2,261.33 $2,283.93 $2,306.80 $2,329.88 $2,353.17 $2,376.70 $2,400.43 $2,424.47 $2,448.70 $2,473.18 $2,497.94 $2,522.91 $2,548.14 $2,573.63 $1,833.15 $1,851.47 $1 ,870.00 $1 ,888.69 $1 ,907.59 $1 ,926.67 $1,945.93 $1 ,965.40 $1 ,985.03 $2,004.90 $2,024.93 $2,045.19 $2,065.65 $2,086.30 $2,107.16 $2,128.24 $2,149.52 $2,171.03 $2,192.72 $2,214.65 $2,236.80 $2,259.17 $2,281.76 $2,304.56 $2,327.61 $2,350.90 $2,374.40 $2,398.14 $2,422.14 $2,446.35 $2,470.82 $2,495.53 $2,520.48 $2,545.69 $2,571.13 $2,596.86 $2,622.83 $2,649.06 $2,675.54 $2,702.30 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Attachment B RANGE THE CITY OF CARLSBAD GENERAL EMPLOYEE BIWEEKLY SALARY SCHEDULE Effective August 15, 2006 STEP A STEPS STEPC STEPD STEPE RANGE 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 $2,245.41 $2,267.87 $2,290.56 $2,313.45 $2,336.58 $2,359.96 $2,383.55 $2,407.39 $2,431 .46 $2,455.78 $2,480.35 $2,505.13 $2,530.20 $2,555.49 $2,581 .03 $2,606.84 $2,632.93 $2,659.27 $2,685.85 $2,712.70 $2,739.83 $2,767.24 $2,794.90 $2,822.87 $2,851 .08 $2,879.61 $2,908.40 $2,937.47 $2,966.84 $2,996.52 $3,026.47 $3,056.73 $3,087.30 $2,357.70 $2,381 .27 $2,405.07 $2,429.13 $2,453.42 $2,477.95 $2,502.73 $2,527.76 $2,553.02 $2,578.56 $2,604.36 $2,630.38 $2,656.70 $2,683.27 $2,710.10 $2,737.22 $2,764.57 $2,792.22 $2,820.15 $2,848.36 $2,876.82 $2,905.60 $2,934.64 $2,963.99 $2,993.65 $3,023.58 $3,053.80 $3,084.36 $3,115.19 $3,146.34 $3,177.80 $3,209.59 $3,241.67 $2,475.59 $2,500.31 $2,525.35 $2,550.60 $2,576.09 $2,601.86 $2,627.89 $2,654.14 $2,680.69 $2,707.48 $2,734.57 $2,761.92 $2,789.55 $2,817.44 $2,845.61 $2,874.07 $2,902.80 $2,931 .82 $2,961.15 $2,990.75 $3,020.68 $3,050.89 $3,081.38 $3,112.19 $3,143.32 $3,174.75 $3,206.52 $3,238.58 $3,270.95 $3,303.66 $3,336.70 $3,370.06 $3,403.76 $2,599.36 $2,625.35 $2,651 .61 $2,678.11 $2,704.90 $2,731 .94 $2,759.28 $2,786.85 $2,814.71 $2,842.88 $2,871.30 $2,900.03 $2,929.02 $2,958.29 $2,987.88 $3,017.76 $3,047.94 $3,078.42 $3,109.21 $3,140.30 $3,171.70 $3,203.41 $3,235.45 $3,267.81 $3,300.47 $3,333.49 $3,366.84 $3,400.48 $3,434.50 $3,468.84 $3,503.53 $3,538.56 $3,573.96 $2,729.33 $2,756.61 $2,784.17 $2,812.02 $2,840.15 $2,868.52 $2,897.22 $2,926.21 . $2,955.47 $2,985.01 $3,014.85 $3,045.01 $3,075.47 $3,106.22 $3,137.29 $3,168.65 $3,200.33 $3,232.34 $3,264.67 $3,297.30 $3,330.29 $3,363.59 $3,397.21 $3,431.21 $3,465.50 $3,500.16 $3,535.18 $3,570.51 $3,606.23 $3,642.27 $3,678.70 $3,715.48 $3,752.64 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113