HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-09-19; City Council; 18731; North County Parkway Plan Projects(w&i^jjj^ ^1 jgfcj*Afiff f4T$i ', MTG. 9/19/06 DEPT. ENG CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL '.•'...•, SUPPORT FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE MHRTM COUNTY PARKWAY PI AN PROJECTS HZQ^V-T vrv ^ DEPT. HEAD /%^ CITY ATTY. ^ CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. projects. ITEM EXPLANATION: 2006-277 to support the completion of the North County Parkway Plan Since 2001, staff and the designated City Council member or County Supervisor in North County, have been working with SANDAG on the North County Parkway Plan. The participating agencies include Carlsbad, Del Mar, Encinitas, Escondido, Oceanside, San Marcos, Solana Beach, Vista, County of San Diego, the North County Transit District, and Caltrans. The purpose for developing a project list of roads to be built or improved is to help the respective agency to direct local funding decisions based on local revenues, including revenues that will be available from the Local Streets and Roads Program of the TransNet Ordinance extension. The list will also serve as the basis for future discussions among agencies when setting regional project priorities for future federal annual appropriation project submittals. On March 24, 2006, the North County Parkway Plan representatives (elected officials) met to review and approve the project list, project evaluation, and screening criteria. The list includes a total of 44 projects totaling $1.26 billion. The criteria provides extra credit to neighboring agencies that agree to work together to complete multi-agency projects. Each evaluated project will total 100 points. However, the project evaluation criteria will also provide five bonus points to projects having two partnering agencies and ten bonus points for projects with three or more agencies agreeing to work on a specific project. SANDAG has requested that each agency willing to partner with another agency provide a resolution supporting the future partnering in order to receive bonus credit. The list of North County Parkway Plan projects include five widening/extension projects in Carlsbad, as follows: ARTERIAL 1 . Cannon Road 2. College Boulevard 3. El Camino Real 4. El Camino Real 5. Poinsettia Lane Reach "E" FROM College Boulevard El Camino Real Olivenhain Road (in Encinitas) Palomar Airport Road Cassia Road .-.-,- ' . TO .;'.'-•- -.' ' Mystra Drive (in Oceanside) Cannon Road Palomar Airport Road SR-78 (Caltrans and Oceanside) Skimmer Court • ESTIMATED ' "Q08T: "', 1*000$) $35,636,000 $11,918,000 $8,060,000 $12,912,000 $14,059,000 Completion of North County Parkway Plan projects in Carlsbad would require the cooperation and coordination with the cities of Oceanside and Encinitas, in addition to Caltrans. Also, projects in Vista and San Marcos will require coordination with Carlsbad during construction. FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED Q D Do CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN D RETURNED TO STAFF D OTHER - SEE MINUTES Q Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Pursuant to CEQA guidelines section 15378, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA and, therefore, does not require environmental review. FISCAL IMPACT: None until processing for projects is initiated. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map. 2. North County Parkway Plan projects. 3. Project Screening and Evaluation Criteria Descriptions. 4. Evaluation Criteria and Weight Factors. 5. Resolution No. 2006-277 to support the completion of the North County Parkway Plan projects. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Robert T. Johnson, Jr., (760) 602-2752, bjohn@ci.carlsbad.ca.us LOCATION MAP 18 CITY OF CARLSBAD CIRCULATION PLAN RAILROAD FREEWAY PRIME ARTERIAL MAJOR ARTERIAL SECONDARY ARTERIAL COLLECTOR STREET NOT TO SCALE LEGEND:..J N.C.P.P. PROJECT LIMITS ARTERIAL PROJECT NUMBER IN AGENDA BILL PROJECT NAME WORTH COUNTY PARKWAY PLAN (N.C.P.P.) PROJECTS EXHIBIT 1 DRAWN BY: SCOTT EVANS, CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPT. 8/30/06 C:\TRAmC\JOHNSON\NCPP PROJECTS.DWG Table 1 North County Parkway Plan Projects ft Arterial Widening/Extension 1 Bear/East Valley Pkwy. 2 Bear/East Valley Pkwy. 3 Buena Creek Rd. 4 Buena Creek Rd./Las Posas Rd. 5 Buena Creek Rd./Las Posas Rd. 6 Barham Dr. 7 Cannon Rd. 8 Cannon Rd. 9 Citracado Pkwy. 10 Citracado Pkwy. 11 College Blvd. 12 College Blvd. 13 Deer Springs/Twin Oaks 14 El Camino Real 15 El Camino Real 16 El Camino Real/Manchester Ave. 17 El Norte Pkwy. 18 Encinitas Blvd. 19 Melrose Drive 20 Melrose Drive 21 Melrose Drive 22 Mission Ave. 23 Poinsettia Lane 24 Rancho Santa Fe Ave 25 San Marcos Blvd 26 South Santa Fe Ave. 27 South Santa Fe Ave. 28 Sycamore Ave. 29 Twin Oaks/Deer Springs 30 Via De La Valle 31 Vista Way 32 Vista Way 33 Vista Way From 1-15 SR78 South Santa Fe Ave. Avenida Abega San Marcos/County Limit Twin Oaks Dr. College Blvd Melrose Drive SR78 W. Valley Parkway Thunder Dr. El Camino Real 1-15 Olivenhain Road Palomar Airport Rd Santa Fe Ave. AshSt Calle Magdelena Spur Ave. Vista/County Limit SR78 1-15 Cassia Road Melrose Drive Viewpoint Dr Montgomery Dr. Smilax Rd. S. Melrose Dr. San Marcos Blvd. Jimmy Durante Blvd SR76 Santa Fe Ave. Thunder Dr. To SR78 North City Limits Twin Oaks Valley Rd. San Marcos/County Limit Buena Creek Rd. Opper St. Mystra Dr SR78 W. Valley Parkway 1-15 SR78 Cannon Rd Twin Oaks Valley Rd Palomar Airport Rd SR-78 Manchester Ave. East Valley Pwky Via Cantebria Oceanside Blvd. SR78 Vista/Carlsbad Limit AshSt Skimmer Court South Santa Fe Ave Twin Oaks Valley Rd. Smilax Rd Bosstick Blvd. SR78 Mulberry Dr Coast Hwy Vista City Limits Vista/County Limit N. Melrose Dr. Jurisdiction(s) Escondido Escondido County San Marcos County San Marcos Carlsbad Vista/County Escondido Escondido Oceanside Carsbad County Carlsbad Carlsbad Encinitas Escondido Encinitas Oceanside Vista Vista Escondido Carlsbad San Marcos San Marcos County San Marcos Vista San Marcos Del Mar County Vista Vista Subtotal Arterial/Extension Interchange Modifications 34 College Blvd. 35 El Camino Real 36 El Camino Real 37 Encinitas Blvd. 38 Lomas Sante Fe Ave. 39 Manchester Ave. 40 Mar Vista Rd. 41 NordahlRd. 42 Sycamore Ave. 43 Villa De La Valle 44 Woodland Prkwy. SR 78-lnterchange SR 76 - Interchange SR-78 Interchange I-5 Interchange I-5 Interchange I-5 Interchange SR 78 Interchange SR 78 Interchange SR 78 Interchange I-5 Interchange SR 78-lnterchange Oceanside Oceanside Oceanside Encinitas Solana Beach Encinitas Vista San Marcos Vista Del Mar San Marcos Subtotal Interchange Modifications TOTAL Estimated Total Cost (2005 $$) $34,317,000 $35,847,000 $40,512,889 $3,788,000 $32,586,505 $11,707,000 $35,636,049 $19,857,786 $19,011,000 $13,628,000 $110,160,000 $11,917,612 $21,579,511 $8,059,600 $12,911,600 $5,410,700 $4,063,000 $8,082,125 $7,872,800 $11,997,502 $21,000,138 $25,329,000 $14,058,900 $20,976,000 $19,904,000 $76,600,000 $8,032,000 $16,153,284 $14,127,000 $5,083,726 $15,513,267 $17,434,557 $17,479,070 $720,636,621 $97,080,000 $45,000,000 $116,176,000 $33,800,000 $34,600,000 $64,600,000 $3,485,990 $30,432,000 $1,174,602 $80,000,000 $33,657,600 $540,006,192 $1,260,642,813 NORTH COUNTY PARKWAY PLAN PROJECT SCREENING AND EVALUATION CRITERIA DESCRIPTIONS Project Screening Criteria Projects will be screened against the two key factors, the two screening criteria are as follows: a. Only capacity increasing projects will be considered eligible. b. Projects must be on the Regional Arterial System (RAS) network. Project Evaluation Criteria 1.Congestion Relief Each project requested for evaluation will be evaluated for its congestion relief value by using the six criteria defined below. Each arterial will be given a "3" for meets or supports the criteria (full credit), a "2" for partially meets or supports the criteria (partial credit), or a "1" for does not meet or support the criteria. Exhibits developed by the Cities/County Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) and 5ANDAG staff depicting employment density, population density, employment/population density with activity centers, Regional Transit Vision, and average daily traffic volumes will be used to evaluate the arterial. The six criteria and methodology for applying the criteria are as follows: a. Existing Traffic: Generally accommodate high traffic volumes. Arterials with over 20,000 average daily trips (ADT) in 2005 will receive partial credit. Arterials with over 40,000 ADT will receive full credit. On-ramp volumes are used for local freeway interchange projects. b. Critical Link: Provide congestion relief in high volume corridors. Arterials parallel to other congested arterials will receive partial credit. Arterials parallel to congested freeways will receive full credit. c. Population: Located in areas with high concentrations of existing and future populations. Arterials located in areas with a population density of 1,500 persons per quarter square mile in 2030 will receive partial credit. Arterials located in areas with a population density greater that 3,000 persons per quarter square mile in 2030 will receive full credit. d. Employment: Linking areas with high concentrations of existing or future employment. Arterials serving areas with employment densities of 1,500 employees per quarter square mile in 2030 will receive partial credit. Arterials serving areas with employment densities of greater than 3,000 employees per quarter square mile in 2030 will receive full credit. e. Activity Centers: Activity centers are defined as hospitals, retail centers over 75,000 square feet, major entertainment centers, major hotels, colleges and universities, civic centers, and fairground locations. Arterials linking at least one activity center per two miles will receive partial credit. Arterials linking at least one activity center per one mile will receive full credit. f. Intel-modal: Provide access to intermodal facilities. Arterials serving a major freight, port, rail, military or airport facility will receive partial credit. Arterials serving multiple freight, port, rail, military or airport facilities will receive full credit. 2. Cost Effectiveness Cost effectiveness measures the cost of the project divided by the 2030 average daily traffic (ADT) that will travel on the arterial. The on-ramp ADTs are used for local freeway interchange projects. The 2030 Cities/County forecast is used as the common base for the analysis. The ADTs are obtained for each project assuming all projects are in place. This provides a long-term, system-wide measure of cost effectiveness. Higher ranking projects have a lower cost per ADT. 3. Project Readiness Project readiness measures the deliverability of the project. Deliverability is defined as 1) the percentage of the total project funding that has been secured and in terms of four major milestones including 2) feasibility study, 3) federal environmental document, 4) right of way acquired, 5) design plans. Higher ranking projects have a higher measure of deliverability. 4. Environmental Compatibility This item measures the potential for unplanned environmental impacts resulting from the project. Projects whose impacts are not shown in habitat plan mapping do not receive credit. 5. Transit Vision Supportiveness This item measures the potential for supporting the region's transit vision. Projects on a designated regional or corridor service route in the 2030 Regional Transportation Plan - Mobility Network receive credit. 6. Bonus Points Bonus points will be awarded to projects that involve the coordination and cooperation of multi-agencies for completing a project. Neighboring agencies will need to show proof and agreement of working together through adopted resolution. Partial credit will be provided to projects involving the participation of at least two agencies, and full credit to projects with three or more agencies. North County Parkway Plan Evaluation Criteria and Weight Factors EVALUATION CRITERIA 1. Congestion Relief 2. Cost Effectiveness 3. Project Readiness 4. Environmental Compatibility 5. Transit Vision Supportiveness 6. Bonus Points MEASURES WE'GHT FACTOR Existing Traffic, Critical Linkages, Population and Employment Density, Activity Center Proximity, Intermodalism Project Cost and Future Travel (2030) Percent of Funding Secured 10% Project Status • Feasibility Study Complete 2.5% • Federal Environmental Clearance 2.5% • Right of Way Acquired 2.5% • Design Plans Complete 2.5% Subtotal: Habitat plan compatibility Supports Regional Transit Vision Total: Multi-Agency Projects Maximum Credit • Two Agencies 5% • Three or More Agencies 10% 30% 30% 20% 10% 10% 100% 10% Possible Total:110% 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2006-277 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 3 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, TO SUPPORT THE COMPLETION OF THE NORTH COUNTY PARKWAY PLAN PROJECTS. 4 WHEREAS, on March 24, 2006, the North County Parkway Plan representatives 5 reviewed and approved the North County Parkway Plan projects (Plan) and Project Screening and 6 Evaluation Criteria; and 7 WHEREAS, the Plan was initiated in 2001 to identify roadway and interchange 8 improvements in coordination with the cities of Carlsbad, Del Mar, Encinitas, Escondido, 9 Oceanside, San Marcos, Solana Beach, Vista (Cities), and the County of San Diego (County); and 10 SANDAG, Caltrans, and the North County Transit District (NCTD); and WHEREAS, the Cities, the County, Caltrans, SANDAG, and NCTD have reached consensus that the Plan improvements represent key roadway and interchange improvements that 1 O would improve mobility and reduce congestion throughout the North County Parkway Plan area;14 15 and WHEREAS, it is the intention of Carlsbad to support the completion of North County16 Parkway Plan projects in the Caltrans right-of-way and in the adjacent cities of Encinitas and Oceanside, where mutually connected roads are situated so as to facilitate the regional18 transportation system; andi y „_ WHEREAS, the extension of Cannon Road from College Boulevard to Mystra Drive in P, Oceanside requires a mutual effort on the part of Carlsbad and Oceanside; and 22 WHEREAS, the extension of College Boulevard from El Camino Real to Cannon Road 23 will complete the missing segment of College Boulevard; and 24 WHEREAS, the spot widening of El Camino Real between Olivenhain Road and SR-78 25 will require a mutual effort with Encinitas, Oceanside, and Caltrans; and 26 WHEREAS, the construction of the missing segment of Poinsettia Lane between Cassia 27 Road and Skimmer Court will provide for the connectivity of Poinsettia Lane from Carlsbad 28 Boulevard to Melrose Drive as a major arterial roadway; and 1 WHEREAS, public transit components associated with the arterial roadways will require 2 coordination with the North County Transit District. 3 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 4 California, as follows: 5 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 6 2. That a cooperative effort with Encinitas, Oceanside, and Caltrans will be 7 undertaken to complete the projects in the North County Parkway Plan. 8 3. That Carlsbad supports the completion of the 44 North County Parkway Plan 9 projects and will cooperate and assist with the completion of the projects to the greatest extent 10 feasible, including coordination with North County Transit District. 11 4. That Carlsbad will pursue all potential funding sources for completing the 12 North County Parkway Plan projects in Carlsbad and support the efforts of other agencies to 1 3 obtain funding for projects within their jurisdiction. 14 15 16 „ 17 // 18 19 20 „ 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 19th day of September, 2006, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Hall, Kulchin, Packard, Sigafoose NOES: None ABSENT: None TORRAfoiE M. WOOD, City Clerk,,,,^ (SEAL)