HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-01-09; City Council; 18866; 2006-2007 midyear goal updateCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 14 AB# MTG. DEPT. 18,866 1/8/07 CM 2006 - 2007 MIDYEAR GOAL UPDATE DEPT. HEAD [j^ CITY ATTY. (& - CITY MGR. ^p RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept the staff presentation on the 2006-2007 mid-year goal update. ITEM EXPLANATION: In summer 2006, the City Council approved the City Goals for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2006-2007. These goals were developed through numerous workshops with both the Council and staff in which the city's strategic priorities were set. The Council's strategic priorities help provide staff with direction and focus for allocating organizational resources. Staff will provide a mid-year update to Council that will highlight significant projects and activities that the City is working on. FISCAL IMPACT: None ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: None EXHIBITS: DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Joe Garuba, 760-434-2820 jgaru@ci.carlsbad.ca.us FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED D D n D D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN D RETURNED TO STAFF D OTHER - SEE MINUTES D Council received the presentation. City of Carlsbad2006 - 2007Strategic Goal Overview Overview of 2006 – 2007 Goals•Financial Health•Top Quality Service•Learning, Culture & Arts•Citizen Connection & Partnership•Environmental Management•Communication•Balanced Community Development•Parks, Open Space & Trails115 Goals Total Community &Community &OrganizationOrganizationMissionMissionVision Vision --ValuesValuesManagement Goals set for new Fiscal YearJanJulyMarOctPerformance MeasurementData GatheringPerformance Output and Outcome ReportingCity Council GoalSettingAnnual GoalsReportto CouncilBudget Public MeetingsFiscal ReportingBudget PreparationBudget AdoptionThe Process Tonight’s presentation…•Poinsettia Reach E•Communications•Westfield Vision•Cannon Road Reach 4•Coastal Rail Trail•Pavement Overlay•Tennis Courts at Poinsettia•Lake Calavera Trails Master Plan•Carrillo Ranch Barn Improvements•Housing Element•Tot Lot Improvements•Melrose Drive•Cannon Gateway•Downtown Enforcement•Storm Drain Master Plan•Traffic Impact Fee Update•Energy Management•Olivenhain and RSF Improvements•10 Year Financial Forecast•Library RFID•Poinsettia Reach E•Synthetic Turf at Stagecoach Park•Senior Center Expansion •Ag Mitigation and Open Space Committees•Faraday & El Camino Real Intersection Improvements Lisa HildabrandFinancial HealthLearning, Culture, and ArtsParks, Trails, and Open SpaceCommunicationsTop Quality Services Financial HealthPursue and implement proactive strategies that support sustainable economic health and manage fiscal resources effectively. Budgeting for OutcomesDevelop a plan that incorporates: –Community involvement–Clear priorities–Efficient operations–Allocation of resources consistent with priorities –Integrates goals, budget, and performance measuresNext steps… implementation Parks, Trails, and Open SpaceAcquire, develop and maintain a broad range of open space and recreation facilities that actively address citizen needs which are fiscally responsible and are consistent with the General Plan and Growth Management Standards. Alga Norte Community Park•32 acres•Off-leash Dog Park•Ballfields•Open green space in center of park•Basketball courts•Skatepark•Aquatics Complex•City-wide trail connections•32 acres•Off-leash Dog Park•Ballfields•Open green space in center of park•Basketball courts•Skatepark•Aquatics Complex•City-wide trail connections Alga Norte Community Park• 2 Goals– Design/Construction•100% design complete•To Council this quarter with plans/specs/budgets–Operations•70% cost recovery•Plan under development–Fees–Staffing plan–Marketing plan–Sponsorships/naming rightsNext steps… project out to bid and construction The Crossings at CarlsbadGolf Course The Crossings at Carlsbad The Crossings at Carlsbad80% Complete •Golf Course: 95% complete•Anticipated opening: July ‘07The Crossings at CarlsbadNext steps… Grand opening and operations Learning, Culture, and ArtsPromote and support continuous learning, cultural opportunities and the arts within the community and the city organization. Carlsbad CityLibrary Learning Center•Estimated occupancy and opening of Library Learning Center is Spring 2008Next steps… construction completion and grand opening CommunicationsEnsure that community members, Council, and staff are well informed, continuing to be a more responsive government while providing a high level of citizen confidence in it government. City Brand•Present a cohesive city image to our residents and customers.•Focused effort on the branding of City services.Next steps… citywide implementation Top Quality ServicesBe a city that provides exceptional services on a daily basis. Joint First Responders Training FacilityNext steps… complete design and construct Online Utility Billing Processing•Provide the City’s 26,000 utility customers online access to their accounts•Increased customer service•Expedite bill payment•Pay online by credit card or electronic check•Receive bills electronically•Review billing and payment history•Automate service orders Glenn PruimTop Quality ServicesEnvironmental ManagementWater Rancho Carlsbad Flood ControlNext steps… construction•Completed 60% of engineering plans for comprehensive channel dredge and improvement project. Downtown Village Area Streetscape Maintenance Program•Created an annual work program and maintenance standards•Contracted for bi-annual steam cleaning of all sidewalks•Refined Maintenance Assessment Program (MAP)Next steps… ongoing work effort Fire Station #6• December 2006, Council approval of design plans and specifications.• Spring 2007 project will go out to bid.Next steps… construction Environmental ManagementBe an environmentally sensitive community by focusing on conservation, storm water, sewage collection and treatment, solid waste, and cost effective and efficient use of energy including alternative energy sources. Energy Management• In process of re-engineering Safety Center HVAC system• Retrofit lighting and obtain rebates at the Dove Library and Calavera Community Center• Photo Voltaic ProjectNext steps… ongoing work effort Buena Interceptor Sewer•Study completed to address projected capacity concerns and ownershipNextsteps… complete design North Batiquitos Interceptor Sewer•Condition assessment complete•Identified 40 manholes to rehabilitateNext steps… construction Stormwater•Staff reviewed first draft permit, submitted comments, and attended Regional Board hearing•Staff reviewed second draft permit and has submitted comments WaterEnsure, in the most cost-effective manner, water quality and reliability to the maximum extent practical, that delivers high quality potable and reclaimed water, incorporating drought-resistant community principles. DesalinationNext steps… pending Coastal Commission decision Debbie FountainBalanced Community Development Balanced Community DevelopmentBe a city that connects community, place and spirit, through balanced and economically sustainable land uses. Ponto Vision Plan•Contract with RBF Consulting to prepare EIR approved by City Council in March, 2006.•Draft EIR anticipated in late February/early March, 2007.•Return to Council with Vision Plan and EIR anticipated by late July, 2007.Next steps…final processing of EIR Village Development Standards•Completed Financial Studies•Consulted with developers, property owners, and business community•Researched other coastal cities in Southern California•Next Step: Public Workshop – January 25thNext steps… implementation December 2005,Open SpaceManagement PlanapprovedMarch 2006,HMP ImplementingOrdinances ApprovedMarch 2006, Open Space ZoneRevised and3rdImplementationWorkshop heldAugust 2006,Preserve Steward hiredPreserve steward &Staff preparing HMPAnnual ReportNegotiationswith Center for LandsManagementPreserve ManagementPlan & Cost EstimatesDue January2007Steward preparesGuidelines for reportsAnd HMP processingHMP website Under designHabitat Management PlanHabitat Management PlanNext steps… ongoing work effort Open SpaceNext steps… ongoing work effort•July, 2006 –Caulerpa Taxifolia declared eradicated from Agua Hedionda Lagoon.•December, 2006 –Open Space & Trails Committee approved prioritized list of possible open space and trails property Retail Market AnalysisVillage Redevelopment Area•Clue Group (Kennedy Smith)•Working on Business Development Plan & Marketing/Promotions Strategy•Anticipated completion – end of January, 2007Next steps… implementation Village Retail Analysis•Retailing in Carlsbad is healthy & robust•Estimated $92 million in retail buying power entering the market by 2010.•Village contains approximately 465 businesses. Dominates in hair care, dining and used merchandise. Restaurants are top sales leader in the Village, and strongest market niche. Village Retail Analysis•Taxable retail sales in Village have grown from $62.6 million in 2000 to $153.1 million in 2005 –an increase of 145% (compared to 77% for City)•Market opportunities for Village include furniture/home furnishings, basic goods and services for residents and entertainment. Retail Study - Next Steps•Business Development Plan –January, 2007•Marketing and Promotions Strategy – January, 2007•Implementation Workshops –March/April, 2007 Wrap up and Questions