HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-02-13; City Council; 18898; Report: Agruicultural Conversion Mitigation FundsCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL <c* AB# 18,898 MTG. 2/13A)7 DEPT. PLN Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Ad Hoc Citizen's Advisory Committee Second Report to Council DEPT. HEAD W/fOflf CITY ATTY. g* CITY MGR. "3£> RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the City Council ADOPT Resolution No. 2007-029 APPROVING the allocation of funds from the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Fund to the organizations/individuals in the amounts identified in Exhibit "A" ("Funding Recommendations"), attached, subject to the stipulations in Exhibit "A" and subject to the final signing by both the grant recipient and the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Committee Chair of a letter of agreement itemizing the agreed-upon project milestones and the associated timing of the release of funds. ITEM EXPLANATION: This Second Report to Council by the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Committee (the Committee) contains the Committee's first set of funding recommendations. The Committee is recommending approval of the allocation of a total of $3,300,500 in funds from the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Fund for nine project proposals. If Council approves the proposed funding requests as recommended by the Committee, staff and the proposal applicants will then finalize a schedule of project milestones and funding release points for the proposals and a Funding Agreement Letter will be signed by the applicant and the Committee Chair. The City Council created the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee on August 2, 2005 (City Council Resolution No. 2005-242). The principal charge of the Committee is to make recommendations to the City Council for proposed expenditures from the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Fund in keeping with the mandates established by Municipal Code Section 21.202.060. The Committee's First Report to Council (City Council Resolution No. 2006- 132) was approved by Council on May 16, 2006. That report contained a detailed proposal of how the Committee would operate to carryout its mandate, including how the Committee would solicit expenditure/grant proposals; how it would operate to make recommendations to the Council, including project evaluation criteria and voting procedures; and how it would draw down on the Fund balances in the first and subsequent years. Pursuant to the approved First Report, the Committee solicited grant proposals through ads placed in local newspapers and through a press release and supporting information on the City's web page. The ads and web page information appeared in late July. The proposal submittal period ended on September 29, 2006. Staff received a total of sixteen grant proposals requesting a total of $8.3 million. (The grant fund contained a total of $6.6 million on October 31, 2006.) After reviewing the various proposals individually, the Committee met on November 18, 2006 to consider the proposals received. At that meeting representatives for each of the 16 proposals were present and addressed questjons from the Committee members about their proposals. (Three of the voting Committee members were not able to attend the meeting. However, two of those members provided staff with direction regarding their questions and comments on each of the proposals prior to FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONL Y. COUNCIL ACTION:APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED D WITHDRAWN D AMENDED # CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC P CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN D RETURNED TO STAFF D OTHER - SEE MINUTES tl Page 2 - Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Ad Hoc Citizen's Advisory Committee Second Report to Council the meeting. The third absent member was unable to participate in the project review process at this time.) The Committee members then had an in-depth discussion of each of the proposals and evaluated each one as a group. The Committee reached consensus on all of its recommendations for each of the proposals. Two of the proposals were determined to be not eligible for funding. A third could not be recommended for funding because it was a program rather than a project. Seven proposals are being recommended for funding at the requested amount. Two proposals are being recommended for funding at an amount less than requested due to the inclusion of some costs the Committee could not support. The remaining four proposals were placed on hold pending additional review by the Committee and possible modification by the applicants. The Committee determined to consider those four projects again, possibly in a modified form, in the next few weeks. At that time, the Committee will finalize a determination for each. If the Committee decides to recommend full or partial funding for any of the four, staff will bring forward another agenda bill recommending such funding. FISCAL IMPACT: The funds available in the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fund total $6,773,704. The amount of funds being recommended for allocation total $3,300,500. The Committee was given $5,000 from the Fund in August 2005 to cover operating expenses. The Committee has spent $2,438.09 to date, leaving a balance of $2,561.91 for future operating expenses. The Committee was then given an additional $10,000 from the Fund in May 2006 to be used for project solicitation. Project solicitation costs thus far have been $3,091.17, leaving a balance of $6,908.83 for future project solicitation efforts. Therefore, the funds available are more than adequate to cover the amount of funding being recommended for allocation. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Some of the projects being proposed for grant funding involve studies or interior improvements which may be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Others involve activities which may require other CEQA documents. The projects being proposed are still conceptual at this time. As each project is better defined the appropriate level of CEQA review will be conducted. EXHIBITS: 1. City Council Resolution No. 2007-029 2. Exhibit "A" - "Funding Recommendations" 3. Exhibit "B" - "Grant Funds Available and Funds Requested" 4. Exhibit "C" - "Funding Recommendations and Pending Proposals By Eligibility Category" DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Elaine Blackburn 760-602-4621 eblac@ci.carlsbad.ca.us 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2007-029 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 3 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ALLOCATION OF GRANT FUNDS FROM THE AGRICULTURAL CONVERSION 4 MITIGATION FEE FUND BASED UPON THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE AGRICULTURAL CONVERSION 5 MITIGATION FEE COMMITTEE 6 WHEREAS, on August 2, 2005, the Carlsbad City Council created the 7 Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Ad Hoc Citizens' Advisory Committee (i.e., the 8 Committee); and " WHEREAS, the principal charge of the Committee is to make recommendations to the City Council for proposed expenditures from the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Fund in keeping with the mandates established by Municipal Code Section 21.202.060; and 12 WHEREAS, on May 16, 2006, the Carlsbad City Council approved the 13 Committee's First Report to City Council, containing a detailed proposal of how the Committee 14 would operate to carry out its mandate including how the Committee would evaluate grant 15 proposals; and 16 WHEREAS, the Committee solicited grant proposals and evaluated all proposals received for eligibility and merit in a manner consistent with the approved First Report to Citylo 19 Council; and 20 WHEREAS, based upon the Committee's review, the Committee hereby 21 recommends that the City Council approve the allocation of funds from the Agricultural 22 Conversion Mitigation Fee Fund to the recipients in the amounts shown on the attached "Exhibit 23 A - Funding Recommendations" subject to the stipulations in Exhibit A and subject to the final 24 signing by both the grant recipient and the Mayor of a letter of agreement approved as to form 25 by the City Attorney itemizing the agreed-upon project milestones and the timing of the release 26 of funds. 27 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City 28 of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. \J 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2. That the City Council hereby approves the allocation of grant funds from the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Fund to the recipients in the amounts shown on the attached "Exhibit A - Funding Recommendations" subject to the stipulations in Exhibit A and subject to the final signing by both the grant recipient and the Mayor of a letter of agreement approved as to form by the City Attorney itemizing the agreed-upon project milestones and the agreed-upon timing of the release of funds. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 13th day of February, 2007, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Hall, Packard. NOES: None. ABSENT: Council Member Sigafoose. ABSTAIN: None. CLAUDE -2- ^^ ^^H yO QU ZSo^ ^0 3^j i — ^efitaOpSSGO11 Q 2 H gw P» S^APPLIC,Z PROPOSAL DESCRIPTIO^J PROPOSANAME^^O £"J a^ 4 2*o §2 1 8""*Buena VistAudubon SInterior improvements toNature Center classroomJL)Audubon NatuCenterQ o 8 PH O §? 1 a Buena VistLagoonFoundationEngineering design andenvironmental studies for aboardwalk%> ** c w Ofi o1) feJQ Q •=y U „ 8 OH O u -o•o a3 cQ* «,rt2 "5.aoo "ft 3CM=3 .SC £ S300P^ o CL8T-H o"OsCO r-« ^>y COa 'C38- PQ cU PJ Greenhouse, shade structure,and related infrastructure fororchid production8 c^s !S u" 03 o PHo 1co" co'CO CB RanchEnterprisesBarn for off-season equipmenstorage and seasonal displaysand presentationsoa 1 pa 8 OH 0 g1 1•S -S x: ^^5 C dj V60-g.S T3.s .S s g"e 1, 1 !i2'Su &1cs (S CB RanchEnterprisesPermanent semi-permeableroad surface for Flower Fieldscirculationw>Cj Permeable PavProjectpa St OH 0 i'o" o"CO CB RanchEnterprisesPermanent drainage system toreduce erosion and soil losso Drainage Projepa ooo OH 0 gg oCin in •g &G 'CC3 CX oa 1u w 5-year program of soilamendment to improve soilstructure and long-termproductivity of Flower Fieldsc Soil AmendmeProjectoa § 8 OH 0 g8 i—H 8 £ •oJg^2 a City of CarBeachPreservatioCommitteeo Nourishment of two stretchesbeaches in north and southcentral CarlsbadCarlsbad BeadNourishmentU ol-H 8 OH 0 •§ > 6 ^"o o '"° g*> «3 ^ "•S G CH '3oo i^ ^ o"iltlS 8^5^§vo"OO 1 •35 Agua HediiLagoonFoundationInterior and exteriorimprovements to existingDiscovery Centerflj Discovery CenImprovementsQ •n 8 OH 0 §1 C> ! «» C/)_J SH ELIGIBLE PROPOSALSEXHIBIT 2 EXHIBITSLU |_LU CC"-0Z Q.O LUF= =< QO ZH Oi o2 uj Z COoC/D DC LU zoo I occ (D ccoo UJ u a UJ ma o UJ cca. CD QUJ ^UJ3 OUJccI u. Q^ ?*s= "Q£ b5 ^o tt mn ^2o cc ^ Qr°< uj p cc vt UJ U Su,UJ sa| CL 3*U Q.cc oa. < § CO T- T~ 8o in CO O The Seashellcoo §lO § in O Audubon Nature Ctr0 CDO in^.CM m CM Q "Fo> E § aE 1a> Z LL CD CO 8 o8CM o8 SJ 8o CO T™ Q 08 O "m BV Lagoon Boardw<coo 8m CO § CO CO Cymbidium Projectm CDo o8 COCOCM 8o COCOCM CO "50)'cT CL 1CO CD<n S i 0 S o8 feCM 8o CM CO Permeable PavingCOo § oCOCM 8o o COCM CO Drainage Project0 coo 8 CDm o8 O)in CD Soil Amendmento 8 o8 8in "" 8o§ O c E w Carlsbad Beach Noo COo o8ooCM 8o o o k_ CL 8 ,- CDO O5 COino ^«* OJoom o < mCL ra o 8 3 S CM COO O 0CO O 15 in O <n 1 1 I CO 8 oinO) 8o> c§ Q •t-t la IE ai 1 O *coo o8COs 8o COs 0 CO Q> 5ya. E c 1o(0b m CDo 8 o 8 CM O8 o 8 CM CO O)c<n O Q)La Posada FarmwoCD $ 1CDaT- O}5 gjo CO oo gCO CO 00m 8h. CO i 00 •v _l K- -~!:- d>_0>Q.E I w I <D £w oO3 sM- x: •a £3 OT(T OJ0) 3 §I I9 § to 0) a> 9 V D. OL O O _ _o oU. 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Ooc0. o o m CO C7) 8 C\J CO o Date February 13, 2007 TO: CITY MANAGER VIA: Community Development Director FROM: Senior Planner Elaine Blackburn All Receive-Agenda Item # 7 For the Information of the;OTYCQUNCH; AsstCMJLCA^C OUNCE; Xjcajccoj^ "55L> SUBJECT: AGRICULTURAL CONVERSION MITIGATION FEE AD HOC CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE - SECOND REPORT TO COUNCIL - ERRATA SHEET The Planning Department is proposing that changes be made to the Agenda Bill and Council Resolution for the Committee's Second Report to City Council. Recommended Changes to Agenda Bill 1. Under "Recommended Action" the fourth line should be changed to say "Mayor" rather than "Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Committee Chair". 2. Under "Recommended Action" the fifth line should be changed by adding the words "approved as to form by the City Attorney" after the word "agreement". Recommended Change to Council Resolution 1. On page 1, the fifth recital (line 24) should be changed to say "Mayor" rather than "Committee Chair". 2. On page 1, the fifth recital (line 24) should be changed by adding the words "approved as to form by the City Attorney" after the word "agreement". 3. On page 2, the second line should be changed to say "Mayor" rather than "Committee Chair". 4. On page 2, the third line should be changed by adding the words "approved as to form by the City Attorney" after the word "agreement". City Attorney Planning Director Lorraine Wood Sheila Cobian Karen Kundtz FB 1 3 2007 CITY OF CARLSBADCITY CLERK'S OFFICE Agricultural Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Conversion Mitigation Fee Ad Hoc Citizens Fee Ad Hoc Citizens CommitteeCommitteeSecond Report to City CouncilSecond Report to City Council COMMITTEE MEMBERS & COMMITTEE MEMBERS & STAFFSTAFFJulie Nygaard, ChairJulie Nygaard, ChairEric Larson, ViceEric Larson, Vice--Chair Chair Ken AlfreyKen AlfreyJulie Baker (Planning Commissioner)Julie Baker (Planning Commissioner)Richard ErhardtRichard ErhardtIrv RostonIrv RostonHope WrisleyHope WrisleyNonNon--Voting Members/Staff:Voting Members/Staff:Deborah Ruddock, California Coastal ConservancyDeborah Ruddock, California Coastal ConservancyChris De Cerbo, Principal PlannerChris De Cerbo, Principal PlannerElaine Blackburn, Senior PlannerElaine Blackburn, Senior PlannerFacilitator: Jim Facilitator: Jim BoylanBoylan SECOND REPORT TO COUNCILSECOND REPORT TO COUNCILPURPOSE:PURPOSE:To Recommend to Council the allocation of funds To Recommend to Council the allocation of funds for qualified project proposals from the for qualified project proposals from the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee fund.Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee fund. TIMELINETIMELINE„„August 2005 August 2005 ––Council appointed committee Council appointed committee membersmembers„„May 2006 May 2006 ––CommitteeCommittee’’s First Report to s First Report to CouncilCouncil„„Council approved proposed operating procedures, project Council approved proposed operating procedures, project solicitation strategy, and evaluation criteriasolicitation strategy, and evaluation criteria„„July July ––September 2006 September 2006 ––Solicitation of project Solicitation of project proposalsproposals„„Newspaper adsNewspaper ads„„CityCity’’s websites website TIMELINE, contTIMELINE, cont’’dd„„September 29, 2006 September 29, 2006 ––Proposal submittal period Proposal submittal period closedclosed„„November 18, 2006 November 18, 2006 ––Committee meeting to Committee meeting to consider project proposalsconsider project proposals ELIGIBILITY CATEGORIESELIGIBILITY CATEGORIESA.A.Restoration of the coastal and lagoon environment, Restoration of the coastal and lagoon environment, including but not limited to, acquisition, management including but not limited to, acquisition, management and/or restoration involving wildlife habitat or open and/or restoration involving wildlife habitat or open space preservationspace preservationB.B.Purchase and improvement of agricultural lands for Purchase and improvement of agricultural lands for continued agricultural production, or for the provision continued agricultural production, or for the provision of research activities or ancillary uses necessary for the of research activities or ancillary uses necessary for the continued production of agriculture and/or continued production of agriculture and/or aquaculture in the Cityaquaculture in the City’’s Coastal Zone, including but s Coastal Zone, including but not limited to, farm worker housingnot limited to, farm worker housing ELIGIBILITY CATEGORIES, ELIGIBILITY CATEGORIES, contcont’’ddC.C.Restoration of beaches for public use, including but Restoration of beaches for public use, including but not limited to: local and regional sand replenishment not limited to: local and regional sand replenishment programs, vertical and lateral beach access programs, vertical and lateral beach access improvements, trails, and other beachimprovements, trails, and other beach--related related improvements that enhance accessibility, and/or improvements that enhance accessibility, and/or public use of beachespublic use of beachesD.D.Improvements to existing or proposed lagoon nature Improvements to existing or proposed lagoon nature centerscenters PROPOSALS BY CATEGORYPROPOSALS BY CATEGORYTotal Proposals Received = 16 for $8,369,335 totalTotal Proposals Received = 16 for $8,369,335 total„„Category A: 1 proposal totaling $780,589Category A: 1 proposal totaling $780,589„„Awaiting Committee reviewAwaiting Committee review„„Category B: 6 proposals totaling $3,309,500Category B: 6 proposals totaling $3,309,500„„5 recommended for funding; 1 awaiting Committee review5 recommended for funding; 1 awaiting Committee review„„Category C*: 4 proposals totaling $3,022,750Category C*: 4 proposals totaling $3,022,750„„1 not eligible; 1 recommended for funding; 1 awaiting review1 not eligible; 1 recommended for funding; 1 awaiting review„„Category D*: 6 proposals totaling $1,256,496Category D*: 6 proposals totaling $1,256,496„„2 recommended for funding; 1 awaiting Committee review2 recommended for funding; 1 awaiting Committee review STATUS OF PROPOSALSSTATUS OF PROPOSALS„„Proposals received = 16Proposals received = 16„„7 Proposals recommended for funding at requested 7 Proposals recommended for funding at requested amountamount„„2 Recommended for funding at less than requested 2 Recommended for funding at less than requested amountamount„„4 Proposals on hold for consideration4 Proposals on hold for consideration„„1 No funding recommended (program)1 No funding recommended (program)„„2 Not eligible for funding2 Not eligible for funding FUNDING FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONSRECOMMENDATIONS„„Audubon Nature Center Audubon Nature Center --$15,000$15,000„„Buena Vista Lagoon Boardwalk Buena Vista Lagoon Boardwalk --$164,000$164,000„„Cymbidium Project Cymbidium Project --$316,500$316,500„„MultiMulti--Use Barn Use Barn --$233,000$233,000„„Permeable Paving Project Permeable Paving Project --$297,000$297,000„„Drainage Project Drainage Project --$230,000$230,000„„Soil Amendment Project Soil Amendment Project --$159,000$159,000„„Carlsbad Beach Nourishment Carlsbad Beach Nourishment --$1,500,000$1,500,000„„A.H. Lagoon Discovery Center Improvements A.H. Lagoon Discovery Center Improvements --$386,000$386,000 FUND STATUSFUND STATUS„„Total Funds Requested (all 16 proposals): Total Funds Requested (all 16 proposals): $8,369,335$8,369,335„„Grant Funds Available: $6,773,704 (January Grant Funds Available: $6,773,704 (January 2007)2007)„„Total Funds Currently Recommended for Total Funds Currently Recommended for Allocation: $3,300,500Allocation: $3,300,500 COMMITTEE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONRECOMMENDATION„„That Council:That Council:„„Approve the allocation of funds from the Approve the allocation of funds from the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fund as Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fund as recommended by the Committee subject to the recommended by the Committee subject to the signing of the necessary funding agreement letterssigning of the necessary funding agreement letters