HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-02-13; City Council; 18899; Revision of City Investment Policy8 CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB# 18.899 MTG. 02/13/07 DEPT. TRS REVISION OF CITY INVESTMENT POLICY DEPT. HEAD WfM CITY ATTY. / &> CITYMGR. ^S> RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2007-030 approving the City's investment policy. ITEM EXPLANATION The effective management of the City's investment portfolio plays an important role in maintaining Carlsbad's fiscal health. The portfolio is made up of funds received from many sources having a variety of restrictions, designations, or special uses. Among other responsibilities, the City Treasurer must ensure that these funds will be available when needed, and to manage this resource in a prudent way to provide an acceptable rate of return on investment. The Treasurer is guided in this process by the City's investment policy, which, among other things, establishes (1) investment strategy and objectives, (2) investment authority and responsibility, (3) acceptable levels of risk, (4) risk management and disclosure, (5) reporting requirements, and (6) levels of investment reviews. Section 53646(a) of the California Government Code recommends that the City Treasurer annually present an investment policy to the City Council for its review and approval. The Treasurer may propose changes to the policy more frequently, if desired. These reviews give the Treasurer an opportunity to recommend revisions to the investment policy, or to improve the plan to take advantage of market changes. The Treasurer has assembled an investment review committee made up of the Deputy City Treasurer, Finance Director, City Attorney or designee, a Carlsbad citizen, and himself to review the status of investments and potential changes to the policy prior to recommending these changes to the City Council. The Investment Review Committee has completed the annual review of the investment policy. The City's investments are performing as desired and as designed by the City's investment policy. The City Treasurer recommends a number of changes at this time. Many of these changes are due to recent modifications of the California codes. Some changes are substantive, some procedural. Other changes recommended reflect the City's conservative investment philosophy by making this policy more restrictive than the California code. Nine of the most significant changes are listed below. All changes are shown in Exhibit 3. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Nancy Sullivan (760)602-2473 nsull@ci.carlsbad.ca.us FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION:APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED D WITHDRAWN D AMENDED D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN D RETURNED TO STAFF D OTHER - SEE MINUTES D 4.3 Return on Investment ".. .attempt to obtain an acceptable return" was replaced by "attempt to realize a yield on investments consistent with California statutes and the City's Investment Policy." In the last paragraph of section 4.3, "shall" was replaced by "should" and "managed to produce optimum revenues" was replaced by "managed to realize a yield on investments." These changes were added to ensure the investment strategy within the policy complies with state statutes. 8.4 New Securities "New types of securities authorized by California law, but which are not currently allowed by this investment policy, must first be approved by the City Council" was added to ensure council's control of authorized investments. 9.0 The title, "Collateralization" was changed to "Collateralization, Perfection, Security and Contracts." The first paragraph was added in its entirety. The second paragraph was expanded to add "secure active, or inactive deposits with eligible securities having a fair". These changes were added to enhance the security of the portfolio. 14.0 Selection of financial institutions and brokers/dealers. In the second sentence, "shall" maintain a list was replaced with "may" maintain a list; broker/dealers "who are approved to provide the City with investment services" was added. In the third sentence, "This list should be updated annually by the City Treasurer to ensure compliance with this investment policy" was added. In the fourth sentence, .. .read, understood "and that their investment offers will comply with this policy" was added. This section was modified to allow the Treasurer to approve broker/dealers. 15.0 The title was changed from Purchase, Payment, and Delivery to Purchase, Sale, Payment and Delivery. The entire second sentence was added. "It is recommended that the City Treasurer obtain two (2) or more bids from broker/dealers before purchasing an investment, and three (3) or more quotes when selling and investment." This change was added to enhance competitive biding. 17.0 Performance standard for pooled investments. The second paragraph was added in its entirety. "The performance benchmarks used to compare the City's portfolio performance may change from year to year. The make-up of benchmark assets chosen by the City should be similar in composition to the assets held in the City's portfolio." This was added to ensure that the City's investment performance standards are appropriate. 18.2 The entire last sentence was added. "A copy of the second (2nd) and fourth (4th) quarterly investment report will be sent to the California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission within sixty (60) days following the end of such quarter." This addition allows the Commission to review and respond to the City's policies and portfolio changes. 22.0 Review. The second to last sentence in the original policy, "Additionally, an outside financial advisor may be included as an advisor without a vote" was replaced with "Additionally, the City Treasurer may appoint other city residents as advisors to the Committee." This change allows for input from appointed City residents. 23.0 In the first sentence, "allows' replaced "requires" and "no less frequently than once each year" was replaced by "recommends that one be presented each year." In the second sentence, "no less than annually" was added; and in the last sentence, Adoption "of the investment policy and any changes must be" replaced Adoption "shall" be made... This change makes it the City's policy to have council review the City's Investment Policy annually. GLOSSARY: Revisions were also made to the following glossary terms: Amortized Cost, Bankers Acceptances, and Collateralization. The definition of Interest Rate Risk was added and Market Risk was deleted. FISCAL IMPACT: The recommended changes will have no effect on the yield of the investment portfolio. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 2007-030 adopting the City investment policy. 2. Revised City Investment Policy. 3. Revised City Investment Policy with additions and deletions noted. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2007-030 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE CITY'S INVESTMENT POLICY DATED FEBRUARY 6, 2007 WHEREAS, the City adopted an investment policy on January 2, 1985 as required by Section 53646 of the California Government Code; and WHEREAS, Section 53646(a) of the California Government Code suggests that the City Treasurer to render annually to the City Council a statement of investment policy; and WHEREAS, the City Council may from time to time revise this policy as may be necessary to provide proper guidance to City staff and the City Treasurer; and WHEREAS, The City Treasurer has reviewed the existing investment policy and has recommended modifications this year; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. The attached investment policy, dated February 6, 2007, (Exhibit 2) is hereby adopted and supersedes the policy dated October 18, 2005. 2. That the Council finds that the investment policy dated February 6, 2007, (Exhibit 2) continues to be in conformance with Sections 53601 and 53635 of the California Government Code. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 13th day of February 2007, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Hall, J"ackard NOES: None ABSENT: Council fat&tf: Sl&fef oj JDE A. LEWIS,Mayor LORRAINE M. EXHIBIT 2 STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY CITY OF CARLSBAD H. V. (Mac) McSherry, City Treasurer Submitted February 6, 2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 1 2. Policy 1 3. Scope 1 4. Objectives 2 5. Duties & Responsabilites 2 6. Prudence 2 7. Ethics and Conflicts of Interest 3 8. Authorized Investments 3 9. Collaterization 5 10. Unauthorized Investment/Investment Activity 5 11. Investment Strategy 5 12. Diversification 6 13. Maximum Maturities 6 14. Selection of Financial Institutions and Brokers 7 15. Purchase, Sale, Payment and Delivery 7 16. Safekeeping and Custody 8 17. Performance Standard for Pooled Investments 8 18. Reporting 8 19. Short Term Borrowing 9 20. Exceptions 9 21. Internal Control 10 22. Review 10 23. Investment Policy Adoption 10 Glossary 11 CITY OF CARLSBAD STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY Submitted to City Council February 6, 2007 1.0 Introduction. The purpose of this document is to identify various policies and procedures that enhance opportunities for a prudent and systematic investment policy and to organize and formalize investment-related activities. Related activities which comprise good cash management include accurate cash projections, the expeditious collection of revenue, the control of disbursements, cost-effective banking relations, and arranging for a short-term borrowing program which coordinates working capital requirements and investment opportunities. 2.0 Policy. It is the policy of the City of Carlsbad to invest public funds not required for immediate day-to-day operations in safe, liquid and medium term investments. These investments shall yield an acceptable return while conforming to all California statutes and the City's Investment Policy. 3.0 Scope. It is intended that this policy cover the investment activities of all contingency reserves and inactive cash under the direct authority of the City. 3.1 Pooled Investments. Investments for the City and its component units will be made on a pooled basis including, but not limited to, the City of Carlsbad, the Housing Authority of the City of Carlsbad, the Parking Authority of the City of Carlsbad, the City of Carlsbad Public Improvement Corporation, the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency, and the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. The City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report identifies the fund types involved as follows: • General Fund • Special Revenue Funds • Debt Service Funds • Capital Project Funds • Enterprise Funds • Internal Service Funds • Redevelopment Funds • Trust Funds • Miscellaneous Special Funds • Any new funds created by the City Council, unless specifically exempted. 3.2 Investments held separately. Investments of bond proceeds will be held separately when required by the bond indentures or when necessary to meet arbitrage regulations. If allowed by the bond indentures, or if the arbitrage regulations do not apply, investments of bond proceeds will be held as part of the 7 pooled investments. 4.0 Objectives. Section 53600.5 of the California Government Code outlines the primary objectives of a trustee investing public money. The primary objectives, in order of priority, of the City's investment activities shall be: 4.1 Safety. Safety of principal is the foremost objective of the investment program. Investments of the City shall be undertaken in a manner that seeks to ensure preservation of capital in the overall portfolio. 4.2 Liquidity. The City's investment portfolio will remain sufficiently liquid to enable the City to meet all operating requirements which might be reasonably anticipated. 4.3 Return on investment. Investment return becomes a consideration only after the basic requirements of safety and liquidity have been met. The City Treasurer shall attempt to realize a yield on investments consistent with California statutes and the City's Investment Policy. The City Treasurer should strive to maintain the level of investment of all contingency reserves and inactive funds as close to 100% as possible. While the objectives of safety and liquidity must first be met, it is recognized that portfolio assets represent a potential source of significant revenues. It is to the benefit of the City that these assets be managed to realize a yield on investments consistent with California statutes and the City's Investment Policy. 5.0 Duties and Responsibilities. By the annual adoption of this policy, the management of inactive cash and the investment of funds identified in paragraph 3.1 is the responsibility of the City Treasurer as directed by the City Council. Under the authority granted by the City Council, no person may engage in an investment transaction covered by the terms of this policy unless directed by the City Treasurer. In the execution of this delegated authority, the City Treasurer may establish accounts with qualified financial institutions and brokers/dealers for the purpose of effecting investment transactions in accordance with this policy. The criteria used to select qualified financial institutions and brokers/dealers are identified in paragraph 14 of this policy. The City Treasurer may designate in writing a Deputy City Treasurer, who in the absence of the City Treasurer, will assume the City Treasurer's duties and responsibilities. The City Treasurer shall retain full responsibility for all transactions undertaken under the terms of this policy. In the endeavor to have all inactive cash invested all the time, the City Finance Director will assist the City Treasurer in the gathering of information to create cash flow estimates. 6.0 Prudence. Section 53600.3 of the California Government Code identifies as trustees those persons authorized to make investment decisions on behalf of a local agency. As a trustee, the standard of prudence to be used shall be the "prudent investor" standard and shall be applied in the context of managing the overall portfolio. Investments shall be made with judgment and care, under circumstances then prevailing, which persons of prudence, discretion, and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for speculation, but for investment, considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the probable income to be derived. Investment officers acting in accordance with written procedures and the investment policy and exercising due diligence shall be relieved of personal responsibility for an individual security's credit risk changes or market price changes, provided deviations from expectations are reported in a timely manner and appropriate action is taken to control adverse developments. 7.0 Ethics and conflicts of interest. All participants in the City's investment process shall seek to act responsibly as custodians of the public trust. Officers and employees involved in the investment process shall refrain from personal business activity that could conflict with proper execution of the investment program, or which could impair their ability to make impartial investment recommendations and decisions. Investment officials and employees shall make all disclosures appropriate under the Fair Political Practices Act and may seek the advice of the City Attorney and the Fair Political Practices Commission whenever there is a question of personal financial or investment positions that could represent potential conflicts of interest. 8.0 Authorized investments. Except for Time Certificates of Deposit, investments will be made only in readily marketable securities actively traded in the secondary market. 8.1 Pooled investments. The City Treasurer may invest City funds in the following instruments as specified in the California Government Code, Section 53601, and as further limited in this policy. 8.1.1 Obligations of the U.S. Government, its agencies and instrumentalities. 8.1.2 Bankers Acceptances which are eligible for purchase by the Federal Reserve System. Bankers' Acceptances may neither exceed 180 days maturity nor twenty-five percent (25%) of the portfolio. Furthermore, no more than thirty percent (30%) of the portfolio may be invested in any one commercial bank. 8.1.3 Time Certificates of Deposit shall not exceed five (5) years to maturity. Investments in Time Certificates of Deposit and Checking Accounts shall be fully insured up to $100,000 per account by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation, as appropriate. 8.1.4 Negotiable Certificates of Deposit issued by nationally or state- chartered banks may neither exceed five (5) years to maturity nor exceed thirty percent (30%) of the portfolio. 8.1.5 Prime Commercial Paper of the highest numerical rating of Moody's Investment Services, Inc. or Standard & Poors Corporation. Eligible paper is limited to issuing General Corporations that are organized and operating within the United States and having total assets in excess of $500 million. If the issuer has other existing debt, it must have an "AA" or higher credit rating from either Moody's Investment Services, Inc. or Standard and Poors Corporation. Prime Commercial Paper may neither exceed 270 days maturity nor 25% of the portfolio, nor may it represent more than 10% of the outstanding paper of an issuing corporation. 8.1.6 Repurchase Agreements with a maximum maturity of one year. Repurchase Agreements will only be placed with primary dealers of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, who have long-term debt rated in the "AAA" or "AA" categories of Moody's Investment Services, Inc. or Standard and Poors Corporation. Repurchase Agreements may not exceed 5% of the portfolio. The market value of securities that underlay a Repurchase Agreement shall be valued at 102% or greater of the funds borrowed against those securities. 8.1.7 Corporate Notes with maximum remaining maturities of five (5) years or less, and issued by corporations organized and operating within the United States may not exceed 30% of the investment portfolio. The Corporate Notes must be rated in the "AAA" or "AA" categories by Moody's Investment Services, Inc. and Standard and Poors Corporation. 8.1.8 Money market funds whose portfolio consists of one or more of the foregoing lawful investments. 8.1.9 Sweep account for the investment of overnight funds when the funds are swept into investments allowed by this policy. 8.1.10 Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) of the State of California. Investments will be made in accordance with the laws and regulations governing those Funds. 8.2 Investments held separately. Investments of bond funds will be made in conformance with the trust indenture for each issue. Such investments will be held separately when required. 8.3 Housing Loans. Housing loans approved by the City Council to private developers and homeowners, as part of the City housing program shall comply with California statutes, but need not meet the investment objectives and the risk management requirements of this Investment Policy. The City Council will manage these loans directly. As assets of the City, individual loans will be reported by the City Treasurer and any changes would be explained. Collections and conformance with the requirements of each individual housing loan will be reported as an addendum to the City Treasurer's Investment Report each quarter. 8.4 New Securities. New types of securities authorized by California law, but which are not currently allowed by this investment policy, must first be approved by the City Council. 9.0 Collateralization, Perfection, Security and Contracts. When required by California statute or this Investment Policy, any investment capable of being collateralized, shall be collateralized by the required amounts imposed by law. To give greater security to the City's investments, when an investment is collateralized, an attempt to perfect the collateralization should be made. Section 53652 of the California Government Code requires that the depository secure active or inactive deposits with eligible securities having a fair market value of at least 10% in excess of the total amount of all deposits, and 50% in excess of the deposit when secured with mortgage pools. Section 53649 of the California Government Code specifies that the City Treasurer is responsible for entering into deposit contracts with each depository. 10.0 Unauthorized investments/investment activities. Section 53601.6 of the California Government Code disallows the following investments acquired after January 1, 1996: inverse floaters, range notes, or interest-only strips that are derived from a pool of mortgages. In addition, and more generally, investments are further restricted as follows: 10.1 No investment will be made that has either (1) an embedded option or characteristic which could result in a loss of principal if the investment is held to maturity, or (2) an embedded option or characteristic which could seriously limit accrual rates or which could result in zero accrual periods. 10.2 No investment will be made that could cause the portfolio to be leveraged. 10.3 Purchases of investments on margin will not be made. 11.0 Investment strategy. 11.1 Pooled Investments. A buy and hold strategy will generally be followed; that is, investments once made will usually be held until maturity. A buy and hold strategy will result in unrealized gains or losses as market interest rates fall or rise from the coupon rate of the investment. Unrealized gains or losses, however, will diminish as the maturity dates of the investments are approached or as market interest rates move closer to the coupon rate of the investment. A buy and hold strategy requires that the portfolio be kept sufficiently liquid to preclude the undesired sale of investments prior to maturity. Occasionally, the City Treasurer may find it advantageous to sell an investment prior to maturity, but this should only be on an exception basis and only when it is clearly in the best interest of the City to do so. 11.2 Investments held separately. Investments held separately for bond proceeds will follow the trust indenture for each issue. 12.0 Diversification. The portfolio will be diversified to avoid incurring unreasonable and avoidable risks regarding specific security types or individual financial institutions. In addition to the limitations on specific security types indicated in paragraph 8.0 of this Investment Policy, and with the exception of U.S. Treasury/Federal agency securities and authorized pools, no more than 5% of the City's portfolio will be placed with any single issuer. 13.0 Maximum maturities and maximum modified duration. 13.1 Pooled Investments. A policy of laddered maturities will be followed for pooled investments. The following maturity requirements will apply as of the month end of each reporting period. 13.1.1 Investments maturing within one year must be no less than two-thirds (2/3) of the approved operating budget of the current year. This requirement should be met within 3 months following adoption of the current operating budget. Remaining investments of the portfolio will not have a maturity greater than five (5) years from the date of investment except as provided in paragraph 13.1.3 of this Investment Policy. 13.1.2 The average portfolio investment maturity shall be 3 years or less. A dollar-weighted average will be used in computing the average maturity of the portfolio. 13.1.3 An investment which exceeds five (5) years in length may be made upon the following conditions. Before an investment, which is allowed by California statute, is made in securities that mature more than five (5) years from the date of purchase, the City Treasurer and the Administrative Services Director will review the City's long term cash needs. Both must concur before such an investment is made. Investments beyond five (5) years will not be greater than 10% of the portfolio, and will be counted in the percentage of the portfolio that may mature beyond 1 year. No investments will be made that mature beyond 10 years from the date of investment. 13.1.4 Callable investments will be recorded at their maturity dates. 13.2 Maximum modified duration. The investment restrictions identified in paragraphs 8.0 and 10.0, and the maturity requirements identified in paragraph 13.1, imply that the value of City investments should not change more than 2.2% for every 1% change in market interest rates. To ensure that this is the case, a maximum modified duration is established at 2.2. This states that the unrealized gains and losses of the portfolio are not expected to exceed 2.2% for every 1% change in market interest rates. A modified duration in excess of 2.2 would indicate that the portfolio is exposed to more market risk than is desired by this policy. If the modified duration of 2.2 is exceeded, an explanation will be made in the first monthly report following the occurrence. 13.3 Investments Held Separately. Maturities for investments held separately will conform to the trust indenture for each issue. 14.0 Selection of financial institutions and brokers/dealers. Investments shall be purchased only through well-established, financially sound institutions. The City Treasurer may maintain a list of financial institutions and broker/dealers who are approved to provide the City with investment services. This list should be updated annually by the City Treasurer to ensure compliance with this investment policy. All financial institutions and broker/dealers who desire to become qualified bidders for investment transactions will be given a copy of the City's Investment Policy, and a return cover letter which they must sign indicating that the investment policy has been read, understood and that their investment offers will comply with this policy. Qualified financial institutions and broker/dealers must supply the City Treasurer with the following: 14.1 Financial Institutions. • Current audited financial statements. • Depository contracts, as appropriate. • A copy of the latest FDIC call report or the latest FHLBB report, as appropriate. • Proof that commercial banks, savings banks, or savings and loan associations are state or federally chartered. 14.2 Broker/Dealers. • Current audited financial statements. • Proof that brokerage firms are members in good standing of a national securities exchange. Commercial banks, savings banks, and savings and loan associations must maintain a minimum net worth to asset ratio of 3% (total regulatory net worth divided by total assets), and must have had positive net earnings for the last reporting period. 15.0 Purchase, Sale, Payment, and Delivery. A competitive bid process, when deemed practical by the City Treasurer, will be used to place all investment transactions. It is recommended that the City Treasurer obtain two (2) or more bids from broker/dealers before purchasing an investment, and three (3) or more quotes when selling an investment. When two or more investment opportunities offer essentially the same maturity, liquidity, yield, and quality, the City Treasurer may give considerations to financial institutions based in the City of Carlsbad, the State of California and within the United States. Payment for securities will be done on a Delivery Versus Payment (DVP) basis via the City's custodian. Delivery of securities will be made to the City in accordance with the third party custodial agreement. 16.0 Safekeeping and custody. All security transactions, including collateral for repurchase agreements, entered into by the City shall be conducted on a delivery-vs.- payment basis. All securities owned by the City will be held by a third-party custodian designated by the City Treasurer and evidenced by a monthly statement from the custodian. All securities will be held in the nominee name of the custodian. Collateral for time deposits in savings and loans will be held by the Federal Home Loan Bank or an approved Agent of Depository. Collateral for time deposits in banks will be held in the City's name in the bank's Trust Department or in the Federal Reserve Bank. 17.0 Performance standard for pooled investments. Laddered maturities and a buy and hold strategy for pooled investments will cause the investment portfolio to attain a market-average rate of return throughout budgetary and economic cycles, commensurate with the investment risk constraints and the City's cash flow needs. Since the amount maturing within one year must be at least equal to two thirds (2/3) of the currently approved operating budget, the rate of return will be more closely related to, but lag behind, changes in short-term market rates. The rate of return of the investment portfolio will be based on the maturity value of the investments. A dollar- weighted average of yields to maturity will be used in calculating the rate of return of the entire portfolio. The performance benchmarks used to compare the City's portfolio performance may change from year to year. The make-up of benchmark assets chosen by the City should be similar in composition to the assets held in the City's portfolio. 18.0 Reporting. Sections 53607 and 53646 of the California Government Code allows the City Council, at its discretion, to require reports meeting the standards set forth in these sections, as well as any additional information desired. Therefore, it is the policy of the City that the investments and transactions described in these sections, and as outlined in 18.1 below be given to the City Council, City Manager, and internal auditor (or the Finance Director in the absence of an internal auditor). 18.1 Pooled investments. The investment report will be submitted monthly by the City Treasurer within 30 days following the end of the month covered by the report. The monthly report shall include the following elements: • Itemized listing of portfolio investments by type, date of maturity, yield to maturity, and issuer. • Par value, dollar amount invested, amortized cost, and current market value as of the date of the report will be given for the total of all securities, investments, and moneys held by the City and its component units. The source of the market values will be cited. • Credit ratings of corporate notes • Accrued income • Weighted average yield of the portfolio • Weighted average days to maturity of the portfolio from the date of the report • Weighted average modified duration of the portfolio • Dollar amount and percentage of portfolio maturing within one year • Dollar amount and percentage of portfolio maturing between one (1) and five (5) years • Percent that each type of investment represents in the portfolio • Investment transactions for the reporting period • Fund source of investments when available • Statement that the investment portfolio has the ability to meet the City's cash flow demands for the next six (6) months • Statement of compliance of the portfolio with the City's Investment Policy. When applicable, any material exceptions will be noted. An annual report for pooled investments will also be made to the City Council following the close of the fiscal year. Among other items, the annual report will include an analysis of the composition of the portfolio with regard to fund source; a review of trends regarding the size of the fund, portfolio yields, and cash income; and a statement regarding anticipated fund activity in the next fiscal year. 18.2 Investments held separately. A report of investments held separately, including deferred compensation balances, will be made quarterly. Within 30 days following the end of the quarter the report will be submitted as an exhibit in the City Treasurer's monthly report. The quarterly report shall contain the information required by Section 53646 when available. A copy of the second (2nd) and fourth (4th) quarterly investment report will be sent to the California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission within sixty (60) days following the end of such quarter. 19.0 Short-term borrowing. The City is permitted by law to borrow money to meet current short-term cash flow needs. These needs may arise either because projected cash disbursements exceed projected cash receipts, or because the City's cash accounts may be temporarily overdrawn due to the efforts to invest 100% of inactive funds at all times. To provide for these contingencies the City Treasurer is authorized to take the following actions: 19.1 Short-term loan. When there is a shortfall between projected cash revenues and projected cash disbursements, the City Treasurer will secure a loan in the amount that would equal the cash deficit plus projected cash disbursements for one month. Any such loan will be repaid within one year. 19.2 Line of credit. The City Treasurer may maintain a line of credit with the City's bank in an amount to cover sums temporarily overdrawn because of efforts to invest all inactive funds at all times. 20.0 Exceptions. Occasionally, exceptions to some of the requirements specified in this Investment Policy may occur for pooled investments because of events subsequent to the purchase of investment instruments, e.g., the rating of a corporate note held in the portfolio is downgraded below an "AA" rating, or total assets in the portfolio decline causing the percentage invested in corporate notes to rise above 30%, or an unforeseen expenditure causes investments maturing within one year to fall below two- thirds (2/3) of the approved operating budget of the current fiscal year. Section 53601.7(d) of the California Government Code requires that exceptions be reviewed for possible corrective action. Exceptions may be temporary or more lasting; they may be self-correcting or require specific action. If specific action is required, the City Treasurer will determine the course of action that will correct exceptions to move the portfolio into compliance with State and City requirements. Decisions to correct exceptions will not expose the assets of the portfolio to undue risk, and will not impair the meeting of financial obligations as they fall due. Any subsequent investments will not extend existing exceptions. Exceptions, and the decisions to correct the exceptions, will be reviewed with the Investment Review Committee referred to in paragraph 22.0 below. 21.0 Internal control. This policy and the strategy for and conduct of the investment of City funds will be reviewed by an Investment Review Committee as set forth below and by the City's auditors in the conduct of their annual audit of the City. 22.0 Review. An Investment Review Committee is hereby established to conduct reviews of the City's investment portfolio, the strategy being utilized for the investment of City funds, and the City's investment policy. This Committee will be composed of the City Treasurer (acting as the Chair), the City Attorney or designee, the Assistant City Manager, the Administrative Services Director or designee, and the Deputy City Treasurer (when not one of the foregoing). Additionally, the City Treasurer may appoint other city residents as advisors to the Committee. The Committee will convene periodically as necessary or desirable but, no less frequently than once each quarter. 23.0 Investment policy adoption. Section 53646(a)(2) of the California Government Code allows the City Treasurer to render to the City Council and the Investment Review Committee a statement of investment policy, and recommends that one be presented each year. Therefore, the City's investment policy and any modifications thereto shall be considered no less than annually at a public meeting. Adoption of the investment policy and any changes must be made by resolution of the City Council. 10 GLOSSARY Amortized Cost: cost of investments adjusted for premiums and discounts. Amortized cost is used to maintain comparability with market value. Arbitrage Regulation: law to control the use of profit making by purchasing securities on one market for immediate resale on another in order to profit from a price difference. Bankers Acceptances: a short-term credit investment created by a business and guaranteed by a bank as to payment. Acceptances are traded at discounts to face value in the secondary market. These instruments have been a popular investment for money market funds. The credit worthiness of Bankers Acceptances are enhanced because they are secured by the issuing bank, the goods themselves, and the importer. They are commonly used in international transactions. Bond Indenture: written agreement specifying the terms and conditions for issuing bonds, stating the form of the bond being offered for sale, interest to be paid, the maturity date, call provisions and protective covenants, if any, collateral pledged, the repayment schedule, and other terms. It describes the legal obligations of a bond issuer and the powers of the bond trustee, who has the responsibility for ensuring that interest payments are made to registered bondholders. Book value: a term synonymous with amortized cost. Buy and Hold Strategy: investments in which management has the positive intent and ability to hold each issue until maturity. Col lateral ization: a method to "secure" a debt in part or in full to help ensure payment or performance of an obligation. Commercial Paper: short-term IOU, or unsecured money market obligation, issued by prime rated commercial firms and financial companies, with maturities from 2 days up to 270 days. A promissory note of the issuer used to finance current obligations, and is a negotiable instrument. Delivery versus Payment: securities industry term indicating payment is due when the buyer has securities in hand or a book entry receipt. Embedded Option: a statement within the bond structure that would alter the interest rate earned by the bond. Interest-Only Strips: mortgage-backed instrument where investor receives only the interest, no principal, from a pool of mortgages. Issues are highly interest rate sensitive. Cash flows vary between interest periods. As well, the maturity date may occur earlier than that stated if all loans within the pool are pre-paid. High prepayments on underlying mortgages can return less to the holder that the dollar amount invested. 17 Interest Rate Risk: the risk that investments will lose market value because of increases in market interest rates. A rise in market interest rates will cause the market value of investments made earlier at lower interest rates to lose value. The reverse will cause a gain in market value. See also "Unrealized Gains (Losses). Inverse Floater: a bond or note that does not earn a fixed rate of interest. Rather, the interest rate that is earned is tied to a specific interest-rate index identified in the bond/note structure. The interest rate earned by the bond/note will move in the opposite direction of the index, e.g., if market interest rates as measured by the selected index rises, the interest rate earned by the bond/note will decline. An inverse floater increases the market rate risk and modified duration of the investment. Laddered Portfolio: bond investment portfolio with securities in each maturity range (e.g. monthly) over a specified period of time (e.g. five years). Leverage: investing with borrowed money with the expectation that the interest earned on the investment will exceed the interest paid on the borrowed money. Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF): a voluntary investment program offering participating agencies the opportunity to participate in a major portfolio which daily invests hundreds of millions of dollars, using the investment expertise of the State Treasurer's Office Investment staff at no additional cost to the taxpayer. Investment in LAIF, considered a short-term investment, is readily available for cash withdrawal on a daily basis. Modified Duration: a measure of the sensitivity that the value of a fixed-income security has to changes in market rates of interest. Modified duration is the best single measure of a portfolio's or security's exposure to market risk. Modified duration identifies the potential gain/loss in value before the gain/loss actually occurs. It is a prospective measurement, e.g., a modified duration of 1.5 indicates that when and if a 1 % change in market interest rates occurs, a 1.5% change in the value of a security will result. Investments with modified durations of one to three are considered to be relatively conservative. Negotiable Certificates of Deposit: large denomination ($100,000 or more) interest bearing time deposits, paying the holder a fixed amount of interest at maturity. Issues can be sold to a new owner before maturity. Nominee Name: registered owner of a stock or bond if different from the beneficial owner, who acts as holder of record for securities and other assets. Typically, this arrangement is done to facilitate the transfer of securities when it is inconvenient to obtain the signature of the real owner, or the actual owner may not wish to be identified. Nominee ownership simplifies the registration and transfer of securities. Pooled Investment: grouping of resources for the common advantage of the participants. 12 Range Note: investment whose coupon payment varies (e.g. either 7% or 3%) and is dependent on whether the current benchmark (e.g. 30 year Treasury) falls within a pre- determined range (e.g. between 6.75% and 7.25%). Repurchase Agreement: contract to purchase and subsequently sell securities at a specified date and price Sweep Account: short-term income fund into which all uninvested cash balances from the non-interest bearing checking account are automatically transferred on a daily basis. Third-Party Custodian: corporate agent, usually a commercial bank, who, acting as trustee, holds securities under a written agreement for a corporate client and buys and sells securities when instructed. Custody services include securities safekeeping, and collection of dividends and interest. The bank acts only as a transfer agent and makes no buy-sell recommendations. Time Certificates of Deposit: deposit account paying interest for a fixed term, with the understanding that funds cannot be withdrawn before maturity without giving advance notice. Unrealized Gains (Losses): increases (decreases) in the value of investments representing the difference between the amortized cost of the investments and their current market value. Increases (decreases) in value are caused primarily by changes in market interest rates subsequent to purchasing the investments. Increases (decreases) in value indicate two things: 1. The portfolio has a potential gain (loss) in principal if the securities are sold, and 2. The portfolio is over performing (under performing) the current market for similar investments. An increase in value indicates the portfolio is earning relatively more interest than current market conditions, and a decrease in value indicates that the portfolio is earning relatively less interest than current market conditions. Zero Accrual Periods: a period of time in which an investment accumulates no interest. 13 II EXHIBIT 3 STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY CITY OF CARLSBAD H. V. (Mac) McSherry, City Treasurer SubmittedApproved February 6. 2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 1 2. Policy 1 3. Scope 1 4. Objectives 2 5. Duties & Responsabilities 2 6. Prudence .....2 7. Ethics and Conflicts of Interest 3 8. Authorized Investments 3 9. Collateralization 5 10. Unauthorized Investment/Investment Activity 5 11. Investment Strategy 5 12. Diversification 6§ 13. Maximum Maturities 6 14. Selection of Financial Institutions and Brokers 76 15. Purchase, Sale, Payment and Delivery 7 16. Safekeeping and Custody 87 17. Performance Standard for Pooled Investments 87 18. Reporting 8 19. Short Term Borrowing 9S 20. Exceptions 9 21. Internal Control 10 22. Review 108 23. Investment Policy Adoption 108 Glossary 11 CITY OF CARLSBAD STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY Submitted toApproved by City Council February 6, 2007 1.0 Introduction. The purpose of this document is to identify various policies and procedures that enhance opportunities for a prudent and systematic investment policy and to organize and formalize investment-related activities. Related activitiesr which comprise good cash management7 include accurate cash projections, the expeditious collection of revenue, the control of disbursements, cost-effective banking relations, and arranging for a short-term borrowing programT which coordinates working capital requirements and investment opportunities. 2.0 Policy. It is the policy of the City of Carlsbad to invest public funds not required for immediate day-to-day operations in safe, afl4-liquid and medium term investments^ These investments shall yield having an acceptable return while conforming to all Californiastate statutes and the City's Investment Policy^ governing the investment of public funds. 3.0 Scope. It is intended that this policy cover the investment activities of all contingency reserves and inactive cash under the direct authority of the City. 3.1 Pooled Investments. Investments for the City and its component units will be made on a pooled basisT including, but not limited to, the City of Carlsbad, the Housing Authority of the City of Carlsbad, the Parking Authority of the City of Carlsbad, the City of Carlsbad Public Improvement Corporation, the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency, and the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. The City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report identifies the fund types involved as follows: • General Fund • Special Revenue Funds • Debt Service Funds • Capital Project Funds • Enterprise Funds • Internal Service Funds • Redevelopment Funds • Trust Funds • Miscellaneous Special Funds • Any new funds created by the City Council, unless specifically exempted. 3.2 Investments held separately. Investments of bond proceeds will be held separately when required by the bond indentures or when necessary to meet arbitrage regulations. If allowed by the bond indentures, or if the arbitrage regulations do not apply, investments of bond proceeds will be held as part of the pooled investments. 4.0 Objectives. Section 53600.5 of the California Government Code outlines the primary objectives of a trustee investing public money. The primary objectives, in order of priority, of the City's investment activities shall be: 4.1 Safety. Safety of principal is the foremost objective of the investment program. Investments of the City shall be undertaken in a manner that seeks to ensure preservation of capital in the overall portfolio. 4.2 Liquidity. The City's investment portfolio will remain sufficiently liquid to enable the City to meet all operating requirementsT which might be reasonably anticipated. 4.3 Return on investment. Investment return becomes a consideration only after the basic requirements of safety and liquidity have been met. The City Treasurer shall attempt to realize a yield on investments consistent with California statutes and the City's Investment Policy.obtain an acceptable return provided that tho roquiromonts of safety and liquidity aro first mot. The City Treasurer should steti—strive to maintain the level of investment of all contingency reserves and inactive funds as close to 100% as possible. While the objectives of safety and liquidity must first be met, it is recognized that portfolio assets represent a potential source of significant revenues. It is to the benefit of the City that these assets be managed to realize a yield on investmentsproduce optimum revenues. consistent with Californiastate statutes and the City's Investment Policv.teGat ordinances. 5.0 Duties and Responsibilities. By the annual adoption of this policy, the management of inactive cash and the investment of funds identified in paragraph 3.1 is the responsibility of the City Treasurer as directed by the City Council. Under the authority granted by the City Council, no person may engage in an investment transaction covered by the terms of this policy unless directed by the City Treasurer. In the execution of this delegated authority, the City Treasurer may establish accounts with qualified financial institutions and brokers/dealers for the purpose of effecting investment transactions in accordance with this policy. The criteria used to select qualified financial institutions and brokers/dealers are identified in paragraph 14 of this policy. The City Treasurer may designate in writing a Deputy City Treasurer, who in the absence of the City Treasurer, will assume the City Treasurer's duties and responsibilities. The City Treasurer shall retain full responsibility for all transactions undertaken under the terms of this policy. In the endeavor to have all inactive cash invested all the time, the City Finance Director will assist the City Treasurer in the gathering of information to create cash flow estimates. 6.0 Prudence. Section 53600.3 of the California Government Code identifies as trustees those persons authorized to make investment decisions on behalf of a local agency. As a trustee, the standard of prudence to be used shall be the "prudent investor" standard, and shall be applied in the context of managing the overall portfolio. Investments shall be made with judgment and care^-under circumstances then prevailingi—_which persons of prudence, discretion, and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for speculation, but for investment, considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the probable income to be derived. Investment officers acting in accordance with written procedures and the investment policy and exercising due diligence shall be relieved of personal responsibility for an individual security's credit risk changes or market price changes, provided deviations from expectations are reported in a timely manner and appropriate action is taken to control adverse developments. 7.0 Ethics and conflicts of interest. All participants in the City's investment process shall seek to act responsibly as custodians of the public trust. Officers and employees involved in the investment process shall refrain from personal business activity that could conflict with proper execution of the investment program, or which could impair their ability to make impartial investment recommendations and decisions. Investment officials and employees shall make all disclosures appropriate under the Fair Political Practices Act and may seek the advice of the City Attorney and the Fair Political Practices Commission whenever there is a question of personal financial or investment positions that could represent potential conflicts of interest. 8.0 Authorized investments. Except for Time Certificates of Deposit, investments will be made only in readily marketable securities actively traded in the secondary market. 8.1 Pooled investments. The City Treasurer may invest City funds in the following instruments as specified in the California Government Code, Section 53601, and as further limited in this policy. 8.1.1 Obligations of the U.S. Government, its agencies and instrumentalities. 8.1.2 Bankers Acceptances which tha^-aare eligible for purchase by the Federal Reserve System. Bankers' Acceptances Purchases may neitherf^ot exceed 180 days maturity nor twenty-five percent (25%) of the portfolio. Furthermore, no more than thirty percent (30%) of the portfolio may be invested in any one commercial bank. 8.1.3 Time Certificates of Deposit shall.—Deposits should not exceed five (5)ofle- years to maturity. Investments in Time Certificates of Deposit and Checking Accounts shall be fully insured up to $100.000 per account by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation, as appropriate.Deposits will be collateralizod as spocifiod in paragraph 9.0 of this Invostmont 8.1.4 Negotiable Certificates of Deposit issued by nationally or state- chartered banks may neither exceed five (5) years to maturity nor exceed thirty percent- — Purchases may not exceed (30%) of the portfolio. 8.1.5 Prime Commercial Paper of prime — quality — 01 the highest numericalletter and number rating ofas provided for by a nationally rocognizod statistical-rating organization such as Moody's Investment Services, Inc. or Standard & Poors Corporation. Further, Eeligible paper is limited to issuing General Ceorporations that are organized and operating within the United States and having total assets in excess of $500 million. If the issuer has other existing debt, it must have an "AA" or higher credit rating from either Moody's Investment Services, Inc. or Standard and Poors Corporation. Prime Commercial PaperPurchases may neithernot exceed 270 days maturity nor 25% of the portfolio, noraftd- may jtoot represent more than 10% of the outstanding paper of an issuing corporation. 8.1.6 Repurchase Agreements with a maximum maturity of one vearwook. Repurchase Agreements will only be placed with primary dealers of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and who have long-term debt rated in the "AAA" or "AA" categories of Moody's Investment Services, Inc. or Standard and Poors Corporation. Repurchase Agreements may not exceed 5% of the portfolio. The market value of securities that underlay a Repurchase Agreement shall be valued at 102% or greater of the funds borrowed against those securities. Invostmonts will bo collatoralizod as spocifiod in paragraph 9.0 of this Investment Policy and may not oxcood 5% of tho portfolio. 8.1.7 Medium-term — Corporate Notes withof- a maximum remaining maturities of five (5) years or less, and until maturity issued by corporations organized and operating within the United States may not exceed 30% of the investment portfolio. The Corporate Notes must be and rated in the "AAA" or "AA" categories byef Moody's Investment Services, Inc. and Standard and Poors Corporation. Purchases may not exceed 30% of the portfolio. 8.1.8 Money market funds (whose portfolio consists of one or more of the foregoing lawfulJegal investments). 8.1.9 Sweep account for the investment of overnight funds when the funds are swept into investments allowed by this policy. 8.1.10 Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) of the State of California. Investments will be made in accordance with the laws and regulations governing those Funds. Invostmonts will bo mado only in roadily markotablo securities actively traded in the secondary market. 8.2 Investments held separately. Investments of bond funds will be made in conformance with the trust indenture for each issue. Such investments will be held separately when required. 8.3 Housing Loans. Housing loans approved by the City Council to private developers and homeowners, as part of the City housing program shall comply with California statutes, but need not meet the investment objectives and the risk management requirements of this Investment Policy. The City Council will manage these loans directly. As assets of the City, individual loans will be reported by the City Treasurer and any changes would be explained. Collections and conformance with the requirements of each individual housing loan will be reported as an addendum to the City Treasurer's Investment Report each quarter. 8.4 New Securities. New types of securities authorized by California law, but which are not currently allowed by this investment policy, must first be approved by the City Council. 9.0 CollateralizationT, Perfection, Security and Contracts. When required by California statute or this Investment Policy, any investment capable of being collateralized, shall be collateralized by the required amounts imposed by law. To give greater security to the City's investments, when an investment is collateralized, an attempt to perfect the collateralization should be made.Investments in time certificates of deposit shall bo fully insured up to $100,000 by tho Fodoral Deposit Insurance Corporation or the Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation, as appropriate. Invostmonts in timo cortificatos of deposit in oxcoss of $100,000 shall bo proporly collatoralizod. -Section 53652 of the California Government Code requires that the depository secureplodgo- active or inactive deposits with eligible securities having a fairsecurities with a market value of at least 10% in excess of the total amount of all deposits, Gttv^s deposit as collateral in government securities, and 50% in excess of the deposit when secured withas collateral m mortgage pools. Section 53649 of the California Government Code specifies that the City Treasurer is responsible for entering into deposit contracts with each depository. Investments in repurchase agreements must also be collateralized.—In order to anticipate markot changes and provide a level of security for all funds, the collatoralization lovol will bo 102% of market value of principal and accruod intorost. 10.0 Unauthorized investments/investment activities. Section 53601.6 of the California Government Code disallows the following investments acquired after January 1, 1996: inverse floaters, range notes, or interest-only strips that are derived from a pool of mortgages. In addition, and more generally, investments are further restricted as follows: 10.1 No investment will be made that has either (1) an embedded option or characteristic which could result in a loss of principal if the investment is held to maturity, or (2) an embedded option or characteristic which could seriously limit accrual rates or which could result in zero accrual periods. 10.2 No investment will be made that could cause the portfolio to be leveraged. 10.3 Purchases of investments on margin will not be made. 11.0 Investment strategy. 11.1 Pooled Investments. A buy and hold strategy will generally be followed; that is, investments once made will usually be held until maturity. A buy and hold strategy will result in unrealized gains or losses as market interest rates fall or rise from the coupon rate of the investment. Unrealized gains or losses, however, will diminish as the maturity dates of the investments are approached or as market interest rates move closer to the coupon rate of the investment. A buy and hold strategy requires that the portfolio be kept sufficiently liquid to preclude the undesired sale of investments prior to maturity. Occasionally, the City Treasurer may find it advantageous to sell an investment prior to maturity, but this should only be on an exception basis and only when it is clearly in the best interest of the City to do so. 11.2 Investments held separately. Investments held separately for bond proceeds will follow the trust indenture for each issue. 12.0 Diversification. The portfolio will be diversified to avoid incurring unreasonable and avoidable risks regarding specific security types or individual financial institutions. In addition to the limitations on specific security types indicated in paragraph 8.0 of this Investment Policy, and with the exception of U.S. Treasury/Federal agency securities and authorized pools, no more than 5% of the City's portfolio will be placed with any single issuer. 13.0 Maximum maturities and maximum modified duration. 13.1 Pooled Investments. A policy of laddered maturities will be followed for pooled investments. The following maturity requirements will apply as of the month end of each reporting period. 13.1.1 Investments maturing within one year must be no less than two-thirds (2/3) of the approved operating budget of the current year. This requirement should be witi-be-met within 3 months following adoption of the current operating budget. Remaining investments of the portfolio will not have a maturity greater than five (5) years from the current date of investment except as provided in paragraph 13.1.3 of this Investment Policy. 13.1.2 The average portfolio investment maturity shall be 3 years or less. A dollar-weighted average will be used in computing the average maturity of the portfolio. 13.1.3 Before aAn investment which exceeds five (5) years in length may be made upon the following conditions. Before an investment, which is allowed by California statute, is made in securities that mature more than five (5) years from the current date of purchase, the City Treasurer and the Administrative Services Director will review the City's long term cash needs. Both must concur before such an investment is made. Investments beyond five (5) years will not be greater than 10% of the portfolio, and will be counted in the percentage of the portfolio that may mature beyond 1 year. No investments will be made that mature beyond 10 years from the date of investment.current date. 13.1.4 Callable investments will be recorded at their maturity dates. 13.2 Maximum modified duration. The investment restrictions identified in paragraphs 8.0 and 10.0, and the maturity requirements identified in paragraph 13.1, imply that the value of City investments should not change more than 2.2% for every 1 % change in market interest rates. To ensure that this is the case, a maximum modified duration is established at 2.2. This states that the unrealized gains and losses of the portfolio are not expected to exceed 2.2% for every 1% change in market interest rates. A modified duration in excess of 2.2 would indicate that the portfolio is exposed to more market risk than is desired by this policy. If the modified duration of 2.2 is exceeded, an explanation will be made in the first monthly report following the occurrence. 13.3 Investments Held Separately. Maturities for investments held separately will conform to the trust indenture for each issue. 14.0 Selection of financial institutions and brokers/dealers. Investments shall be purchased only through well-established, financially sound institutions. The City Treasurer mayshaH maintain a list of financial institutions and broker/dealers who are approved to provide the City with fof-investment services. This list should be updated annually by the City Treasurer to ensure compliance with this investment policy. All financial institutions and broker/dealers who desire to become qualified bidders for investment transactions will be given a copy of the City's Investment Policy, and a return cover letter which they must tee-signed indicating that the investment policy has been read., a-R4-understood and that their investment offers will comply with this policy. Qualified financial institutions and broker/dealers must supply the City Treasurer with the following: 14.1 Financial Institutions. • Current audited financial statements. • Depository contracts, as appropriate. • A copy of the latest FDIC call report or the latest FHLBB report, as appropriate. • Proof that commercial banks, savings banks, or savings and loan associations are state or federally chartered. 14.2 Broker/Dealers. • Current audited financial statements. • Proof that brokerage firms are members in good standing of a national securities exchange. Commercial banks, savings banks, and savings and loan associations must maintain a minimum net worth to asset ratio of 3% (total regulatory net worth divided by total assets), and must have had positive net earnings for the last reporting period. 15.0 Purchase, Sale, Payment, and Delivery. A competitive bid process, when deemed practical by the City Treasurer, will be used to place all investment transactions. It is recommended that the City Treasurer obtain two (2) or more bids from broker/dealers before purchasing an investment, and three (3) or more quotes when selling an investment. When two or more investment opportunities offer essentially the same maturity, liquidity, yield, and quality, the City Treasurer may give considerations priority will be givon first to the financial institutions based in the City of Carlsbad, and second to other financial inGtitutions in the State of California and within the United States. Purchases on margin will not bo mado.—Payment for securities will be done on a Delivery Versus Payment (DVP) basis via the City's custodian. Delivery of securities will be made to the City in accordance with the third party custodial agreement. 16.0 Safekeeping and custody. All security transactions, including collateral for repurchase agreements, entered into by the City shall be conducted on a delivery-vs.- payment basis. All securities owned by the City will be held by a third-party custodian designated by the City Treasurer and evidenced by a monthly statement from the custodian. All securities will be held in the nominee name of the custodian. Collateral for time deposits in savings and loans will be held by the Federal Home Loan Bank or an approved Agent of Depository. Collateral for time deposits in banks will be held in the City's name in the bank's Trust Department or in the Federal Reserve Bank. 17.0 Performance standard for pooled investments. Laddered maturities and a buy and hold strategy for pooled investments will cause the investment portfolio to attain a market-average rate of return throughout budgetary and economic cycles, commensurate with the investment risk constraints and the City's cash flow needs. Since the amount maturing within one year must be at least equal to two thirds (2/3) of the currently approved operating budget, the rate of return will be more closely related to, but lag behind, changes in short-term market rates. The rate of return of the investment portfolio will be based on the maturity value of the investments. A dollar- weighted average of yields to maturity will be used in calculating the rate of return of the entire portfolio. The performance benchmarks used to compare the City's portfolio performance may change from year to year. The make-up of benchmark assets chosen bv the City should be similar in composition to the assets held in the City's portfolio. 18.0 Reporting. Sections 53607 and 53646 of the California Government Code allows the City Council, at its discretion, to require reports meeting the standards set forth in these sections, as well as any additional information desired. Therefore, it is the policy of the City that the of-investments and transactions described in these sections, and as outlined in 18.1 below be given to the City Council, City Manager, and internal auditor (or the Finance Director in the absence of an internal auditor). 18.1 Pooled investments. The investment report wiltebaW be submitted monthly by the City Treasurer within 30 days following the end of the month covered by the report. The monthly report shall include the following elements: • Itemized listing of portfolio investments by type, date of maturity, yield to maturity, and issuer. • Par value, dollar amount invested, amortized cost, and current market value as of the date of the report will be given for the total of all securities, investments, and moneys held by the City and its component units. The source of the market values will be cited. • Credit ratings of corporate notes • Accrued income • Weighted average yield of the portfolio • Weighted average days to maturity of the portfolio from the date of the report • Weighted average modified duration of the portfolio • Dollar amount and percentage of portfolio maturing within one year • Dollar amount and percentage of portfolio maturing between one (1) -and fiyjj (5) years | • Percent that each type of investment represents in the portfolio • Investment transactions for the reporting period • Fund source of investments when available • Statement that the investment portfolio has the ability to meet the City's cash flow demands for the next six (6) months • Statement of compliance of the portfolio with the City's Investment Policy. When applicable, any material exceptions will be noted. An annual report for pooled investments will also be made to the City Council following the close of the fiscal year. Among other items, the annual report will include an analysis of the composition of the portfolio with regard to fund source; a review of trends regarding the size of the fund, portfolio yields, and cash income; and a statement regarding anticipated fund activity in the next fiscal year. 18.2 Investments held separately. A report of investments held separately, including deferred compensation balances, willsfraH be made quarterly. W-within 30 days following the end of the quarter the report will beaftd submitted as an 30 exhibit in the City Treasurer's monthly report. The quarterly report shall contain the information required by Section 53646 when available. A copy of the second (2nd) and fourth (4 ) quarterly investment report will be sent to the California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission within sixty (60) days following the end of such quarter. 19.0 Short-term borrowing. The City is permitted by law to borrow money to meet current short-term cash flow needs. These needs may arise either because projected cash disbursements exceed projected cash receipts, or because the City's cash accounts may be temporarily overdrawn due to the efforts to invest 100% of inactive funds at all times. To provide for these contingencies the City Treasurer is authorized to take the following actions: 19.1 Short-term loan. When there is a shortfall between projected cash revenues and projected cash disbursements, the City Treasurer will secure a loan in the amount that would equal the cash deficit plus projected cash disbursements for one month. Any such loan will be repaid within one year. 19.2 Line of credit. The City Treasurer may maintain a line of credit with the City's bank in an amount to cover sums temporarily overdrawn because of efforts to invest all inactive funds at all times. 20.0 Exceptions. Occasionally, exceptions to some of the requirements specified in this Investment Policy may occur for pooled investments because of events subsequent to the purchase of investment instruments, e.g., the rating of a corporate note held in the portfolio is downgraded below an "AA" rating, or total assets in the portfolio decline causing the percentage invested in corporate notes to rise above 30%, or an unforeseen expenditure causes investments maturing within one year to fall below two- thirds (2/3) of the approved operating budget of the current fiscal year. Section 53601.7(d) of the California Government Code requires that exceptions be reviewed for possible corrective action. Exceptions may be temporary or more lasting; they may be self-correcting or require specific action. If specific action is required, the City Treasurer will determine the course of action that will correct exceptions to move the portfolio into compliance with State and City requirements. Decisions to correct exceptions will not expose the assets of the portfolio to undue risk, and will not impair the meeting of financial obligations as they fall due. Any subsequent investments will not extend existing exceptions. Exceptions, and the decisions to correct the exceptions, will be reviewed with the Investment Review Committee referred to in paragraph 22.0 below. 21.0 Internal control. This policy and the strategy for and conduct of the investment of City funds will be reviewed by an Investment Review Committee as set forth below and by the City's auditors in the conduct of their annual audit of the City. 22.0 Review. An Investment Review Committee is hereby established to conduct reviews of the City's investment portfolio, the strategy being utilized for the investment of City funds, and the City's investment policy. This Committee will be composed of the 10 31 City Treasurer (acting as the Chair), the City Attorney or designee, the Assistant City Manager, the Administrative Services Director or designee. and the Deputy City Treasurer (when not one of the foregoing). Additionally, the City Treasurer may appoint other city residents asan outside financial advisors to the Committee, may be included as an advisor without a vote. The Committee will convene periodically as necessary or desirable but, no less frequently than once each quarter. 23.0 Investment policy adoption. Section 53646(a)(2] of the California Government Code allowsrequires the City Treasurer to render to the City Council and the Investment Review Committee a statement of investment policy, and recommends that one be presented each year. Therefore, no less frequently than once each year, ffhe City's investment policy and any modifications thereto shall be considered no less than annually at a public meeting. Adoption of the investment policy and any changes must be made by resolution of the City Council. 11 GLOSSARY Amortized Cost: cost of investments adjusted for amortized premiums and discounts. Amortized cost is used to maintain comparability with market value. Arbitrage Regulation: law to control the use of profit making by purchasing securities on one market for immediate resale on another in order to profit from a price difference. Bankers Acceptances: a short-term credit investment created by a business and guaranteed by a bank as to payment. Acceptances are traded at discounts to face value in the secondary market. These instruments have been a popular investment for money market funds. The credit worthiness of Bankers Acceptances are enhanced because they are secured by the issuing bank, the goods themselves, and the importer. They are commonly used in international transactions, investment vohiclQ created to facilitato international commorcial trado transactions. Tho bank accepts responsibility to repay a loan to the holder of the investment vehicle created in a commercial transaction. Tho credit worthiness of Bankers Accoptancos aro enhanced bocauso they are secured by the issuing bank, the goods themselves, and the importer. Bankers Acceptances are sold on a discounted basis. Bond Indenture: written agreement specifying the terms and conditions for issuing bonds, stating the form of the bond being offered for sale, interest to be paid, the maturity date, call provisions and protective covenants, if any, collateral pledged, the repayment schedule, and other terms. It describes the legal obligations of a bond issuer and the powers of the bond trustee, who has the responsibility for ensuring that interest payments are made to registered bondholders. BookvalueBook value: a term synonymous with amortized cost. Buy and Hold Strategy: investments in which management has the positive intent and ability to hold each issue until maturity. Collateralization: a method to "secure" a debt in part or in full by pledge of collateral, asset pledged as socurity to help ensure payment or performance of an obligation. Commercial Paper: short-term IOU, or unsecured money market obligation, issued by prime rated commercial firms and financial companies, with maturities from 2 days up to 270 days. A promissory note of the issuer used to finance current obligations, and is a negotiable instrument. Delivery versus Payment: securities industry term indicating payment is due when the buyer has securities in hand or a book entry receipt. Embedded Option: a statement within the bond structure that would alter the interest rate earned by the bond. Interest-Only Strips: mortgage-backed instrument where investor receives only the interest, no principal, from a pool of mortgages. Issues are highly interest rate sensitive. Cash flows vary between interest periods. As well, the maturity date may occur earlier than that stated if all loans within the pool are pre-paid. High prepayments on underlying mortgages can return less to the holder that the dollar amount invested. Interest Rate Risk: the risk that investments will lose market value because of increases in market interest rates. A rise in market interest rates will cause the market value of investments made earlier at lower interest rates to lose value. The reverse will cause a gain in market value. See also "Unrealized Gains (Losses). Inverse Floater: a bond or note that does not earn a fixed rate of interest. Rather, the interest rate that is earned is tied to a specific interest-rate index identified in the bond/note structure. The interest rate earned by the bond/note will move in the opposite direction of the index, e.g., if market interest rates as measured by the selected index rises, the interest rate earned by the bond/note will decline. An inverse floater increases the market rate risk and modified duration of the investment. Laddered Portfolio: bond investment portfolio with securities in each maturity range (e.g. monthly) over a specified period of time (e.g. five years). Leverage: investing with borrowed money with the expectation that the interest earned on the investment will exceed the interest paid on the borrowed money. Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF): a voluntary investment program offering participating agencies the opportunity to participate in a major portfolio which daily invests hundreds of millions of dollars, using the investment expertise of the State Treasurer's Office Investment staff at no additional cost to the taxpayer. Investment in LAIF, considered a short-term investment, is readily available for cash withdrawal on a daily basis. Market Risk: the risk that market interest rates will rise causing a loss of valuo in investments held. All investments made by the City involve a degree of market risk. See also "Unrealized Gains (Losses). Modified Duration: a measure of the sensitivity that the value of a fixed-income security has to changes in market rates of interest. Modified duration is the best single measure of a portfolio's or security's exposure to market risk. Modified duration identifies the potential gain/loss in value before the gain/loss actually occurs. It is a prospective measurement, e.g., a modified duration of 1.5 indicates that when and if a 1% change in market interest rates occurs, a 1.5% change in the value of a security will result. Investments with modified durations of one to three are considered to be relatively conservative. Negotiable Certificates of Deposit: large denomination ($100,000 or more) interest bearing time deposits, paying the holder a fixed amount of interest at maturity. Issues can be sold to a new owner before maturity. 13 Nominee Name: registered owner of a stock or bond if different from the beneficial owner, who acts as holder of record for securities and other assets. Typically, this arrangement is done to facilitate the transfer of securities when it is inconvenient to obtain the signature of the real owner, or the actual owner may-not wish to be identified. Nominee ownership simplifies the registration and transfer of securities. Pooled Investment: grouping of resources for the common advantage of the participants. Range Note: investment whose coupon payment varies (e.g. either 7% or 3%) and is dependent on whether the current benchmark (e.g. 30 year Treasury) falls within a pre- determined range (e.g. between 6.75% and 7.25%). Repurchase Agreement: contract to purchase and subsequently sell securities at a specified date and price Sweep Account: short-term income fund into which all uninvested cash balances from the non-interest bearing checking account are automatically transferred on a daily basis. Third-Party Custodian: corporate agent, usually a commercial bank, who, acting as trustee, holds securities under a written agreement for a corporate client and buys and sells securities when instructed. Custody services include securities safekeeping, and collection of dividends and interest. The bank acts only as a transfer agent and makes no buy-sell recommendations. Time Certificates of Deposit: deposit account paying interest for a fixed term, with the understanding that funds cannot be withdrawn before maturity without giving advance notice. Unrealized Gains (Losses): increases (decreases) in the value of investments representing the difference between the amortized cost of the investments and their current market value. Increases (decreases) in value are caused primarily by changes in market interest rates subsequent to purchasing the investments. Increases (decreases) in value indicate two things: 1. The portfolio has a potential gain (loss) in principal if the securities are sold, and 2. The portfolio is over performing (under performing) the current market for similar investments. An increase in value indicates the portfolio is earning relatively more interest than current market conditions, and a decrease in value indicates that the portfolio is earning relatively less interest than current market conditions. Zero Accrual Periods: a period of time in which an investment accumulates no interest. 14