HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-05-01; City Council; 18962; Melrose Dr pedestrian bridge reportCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB# 18,962 MTG. 4/17/07 DEPT. ENG RECEIVE REPORT ON MELROSE DRIVE PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE LOCATED NEAR POINSETTIA LANE DEPT. HEAD l/} $^$ CITYATTY. l(^^ CITY MGR.^__J^ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive report on Melrose Drive Pedestrian Bridge located near Poinsettia Lane and provide direction to staff. ITEM EXPLANATION: The intersection of Melrose Drive and Poinsettia Lane is located along the path of pedestrian travel to Carrillo Elementary School to and from the Rancho Carrillo subdivision. Pedestrians using the intersection must cross six traffic lanes, two left-turn lanes, and two bicycle lanes with refuge provided about half way by means of an existing 4-foot wide median island. In response to the Council's request, staff has developed a concept for constructing a pedestrian bridge across Melrose Drive near Poinsettia Lane. The primary reason to construct a pedestrian bridge would be to provide a grade separated pedestrian crossing at this intersection to avoid vehicle/pedestrian conflicts. A secondary potential benefit from such a bridge would be a linked connection of open space trails in Rancho Carrillo with trails adjacent to the Carrillo Elementary School, which ultimately connect to trails within Leo Carrillo Park. Exhibit 1 shows three alternative crossing locations for the proposed bridge. Based on a review of each location, staff selected Alternative 1 as best meeting the primary and secondary reasons for construction as described above. Following is a summary of staff's findings regarding Alternative Site 1: • The bridge would have a span length across Melrose Drive of 120-feet and would be 10-feet in width with an 8-foot clearance between handrails. Vertical clearance will be 17-feet from bottom of bridge to top of finish pavement below. • A center support in the raised median is warranted to reduce the span length of the bridge and lower its cost. • Concrete and steel construction was investigated. However, concrete is recommended for compatibility with the Spanish theme of the adjacent architecture and to significantly reduce the amount of ongoing maintenance required for a steel structure in Carlsbad's coastal climate. • Only minor grading and drainage improvements are noted. • Probable relocation of an existing street light is noted. • Low voltage lighting will be required along steps and ramp areas of the bridge. FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED D D D D D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC ti /'/* 1 CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN D RETURNED TO STAFF D OTHER - SEE MINUTES D Council received the report. Page 2 • Warning lights for traffic will be needed for abutments. • Other than the existing irrigation systems, utility relocations are not required. • Traffic control is required during construction. • Construction of portions of the pedestrian bridge will impact open space in Rancho Carrillo and will likely involve issuance of a Conditional Use Permit. A Master Plan Amendment would require approval by Planning Commission and City Council. • Easements will need to be acquired from the Homeowners Association for a portion of the bridge located within open space. • Potential habitat impacts may result. • CEQA review levels are assumed to require a Mitigated Negative Declaration. Ramps accessible to the disabled person are included in the design because the pedestrian bridge is an extension of the City's sidewalk system. The ramp conforms to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Title 24 California Code of Regulations. The ADA Handbook Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities describes applicability for construction on "sites" which are defined as parcels or tracts of land bound by property lines; however, the applicability within public right-of-way itself does not appear to be addressed. Staff also investigated an elevator in lieu of the ramps, however, because of the long-term maintenance and liability over a 30 to 50 year life span, this option is not recommended. A simulation of the proposed bridge over Melrose Drive is shown on Exhibit 2 looking north toward Poinsettia Lane. A preliminary project cost estimate for the proposed bridge was developed based on a concrete bridge with ramps and is shown below. PRELIMINARY PROJECT COST ESTIMATE ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DESCRIPTION Landscaping and Lighting Streets and Access Roads Grading and Drainage Relocation of Existing Irrigation Services and Meters Temporary Traffic Control Bridge Structure Estimated Construction Cost Construction Contingency Administration, Design, Right-of-Way, Environmental, and Inspection ESTIMATED PROJECT COST COST $60,000 $20,000 $20,000 $15,000 $100,000 $2,095,000 $2,310,000 $462,000 $810,000 $3,582,000 This report addresses a potential grade separated structure on Melrose Drive to serve students that attend Carrillo Elementary School. However, on a daily basis, elementary school students walking to other schools also cross arterial roadways in Carlsbad. The locations of the other arterial road crossings are indicated on Exhibit 3. If directed by the City Council, staff could prepare a planning study report with recommendations for other potential pedestrian bridge locations in Carlsbad to separate elementary school student pedestrians from vehicular traffic. Pages ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: This bridge report is a planning study with no environmental review required and is exempt under CEQA regulations. FISCAL IMPACT: Design and construction of a pedestrian bridge over Melrose Drive at Poinsettia Lane is estimated to cost $3.6 million. No funds are budgeted for this project and funding options are limited. Possible funding sources include a combination of General Fund, Gas Tax, or the formation of a Financing District. However, the General Fund is limited by Proposition H caps and Gas Tax is 100% obligated to existing street programs. Any of these options may result in the prioritization of current capital improvement projects. EXHIBITS: 1. Alternative crossing locations, 2 pages. 2. Bridge simulation. 3. Arterial Roads Crossed by Student Pedestrians. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: William Plummer, (760) 602-2768, bplum@ci.carlsbad.ca.us LOCATION MAP ALTERNATIVE 1 ALTERNATIVES CARRILLO ELEMENTARY SCHOOLALTERNATIVE 2 NOT TO SCALE PROJECT NAME p0!NSETTIA LN. AND MELROSE DR. PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE FEASIBILITY EXHIBIT DRAWN BY: SCOTT EVANS, CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPT. 3/29/07 C: \CAPITAL\PLUMUER\MELROSE PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE.DWG £ !&u I a II8 t I co X <u o a i o IO) q Hl.}:ION~NI>tOOl 3~OI}:l8 NVI}:Il.S303d 3J\}:IO3S0}:l13W -Z 1.181HX3 8 10 0 UJ .0 COO Higiddle oolmentary Schoolgh ScScValley MiMagnolia EleCO h-5 x UJ oc (/) UJ Q UJo. I-zLU Q OQ Q UJ 0) (0 O QC O OQC QC UJ QC 0 0 0CO20 8 COO ED -• -f»t 0 CO'COc 'o0. 0 I"3c |6 0 CO 0 saoZ 0 COO LTJ CO COQ. 2 CO to O) CO o Calavera Hills Elementary SchooCalavera Hills Middle SchoolIi CO oO 0 1*o o£«C^COS3 0 |1 §2 UJ 21 = £ in 2 2 50 ^g 13 O oZ "2| o CO 0foO 8 CO CO 0 'c? 0 Aviara Oaks Elementary SchoolAviara Oaks Middle Schooloz 'of 0 0 CO 'tos.a CO•D 80CO 0 I CO CO I 80CO 1CO CO o CODC 0 ALL RECEI Drs. George J. and Mary T. Saijj$$kpY - 1 2007 United States Army (retired) (760)438-3626 CITY OF CARLSBAD 2856 Cacatua Street Carlsbai. CA 9QBBftCLERK'S OFFICE gsarnecky@roadrunner.com msarnecky@roadrunner.com 24 April 2007 AGENDA ITEM* *"7_ c: Mayor Bud Lewis, Mayor City Conncfl City of Carlsbad City Manager 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive nn^9 Carlsbad, CA 92008 „ Cily Cierk Dear Mayor Lewis, ~ Inasmuch as we soon will be traveling hi Norway for three weeks, we will be unable to attend and speak at the City Council meeting mat will deal with the Melrose Pedestrian Bridge issue. However, we want to let you know that, as residents of the El Fuerte corridor, we strongly support the bridge's construction. Clearly, the citizens of Rancho Carillo consider the wellbeing of their children as a high priority and the bridge obviously will enhance their safety and welfare. We'd also like to take this opportunity to remind you of the ongoing situation on our section of El Fuerte Street, from Alga Road to Poinsettia Lane, which detracts considerably from all citizens' safety and quality of life. In fact, little has changed over the almost two years we have been calling our unique dilemma to the attention of the City of Carlsbad. Vehicles continue to speed. It is rare and atypical to see police patrol cars in the neighborhood. Sight distances when turning from cross streets into El Fuerte remain unsafe. Walkers, runners, and cyclists still navigate the lanes of traffic. Even skateboarders plunk themselves on then" abdomens and perilously rocket down the hill. The steep incline has not yet leveled out nor have the dangerous curves disappeared. There continue to be no sidewalks, no posted speed limits, no stop signs, no traffic lights, and no cross walks. The city persists in issuing haul permits for construction trucks, directing them to use El Fuerte Street On that venue, trucks with valid permits are joined by other heavy-duty trucks without permits that either careen down or struggle up the hill. And they recognize no time constraints. It is not unusual to see and hear construction trucks as early as 6:30 hi the morning. Having monitored the list of haul permits on a weekly basis, it is clear to us that the city has not issued any haul permits for Melrose in the recent past. Instead, all heavy-duty trucks are routed on El Fuerte Street. To our way of thinking, this seriously begs questions of special treatment and equity. In summary, the situation on El Fuerte Street is unjust, dangerous, chaotic, virtually a free- for-all, and in short, a mess. The citizens of Rancho Carillo have the potential to enjoy the benefits of a pedestrian bridge with a $3.6 million price tag. The residents of La Costa Avenue have been accorded the privilege of having a $100,000 traffic study conducted by an outside consultant. In comparable circumstances, what can the taxpayers of El Fuerte Street claim? Sadly, the only outcome of two years of concerted civic action is a few posted signs warning of upcoming intersections and newly painted traffic lanes on the pavement. What do we propose? At minimum, we believe a lower speed limit of 35 mph should be posted. Additionally, it would make sense to install all-way stop signs on at least one, if not all, of the intersections on our portion of El Fuerte Street, i.e., Unicornio, Cacatua, Chorlito, and Rancho Pancho Streets. Finally, we request that a sense of fair play prevail when assigning haul permits to heavy construction vehicles in the Rancho Carillo/La Costa neighborhoods. We thank you for any assistance you can provide us in these matters! (1 • (T George J. Sarnecky Mary T. Sarnecky Cc: Ann Kulchin, Mayor Pro Tem Matt Hall, Council Member Mark Packard, Council Member Julie Nygaard, Council Member Bob Johnson, City Engineer Barbara Henry, North County Times ROBERT W. LATTIN 2848 Cacatua Street Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760)918-0180 RECEIVED Bud Lewis, Mayor City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: Melrose Pedestrian Bridge Dear Mayor Lewis, April 21, 2007 AGENDA ITEM # /. c: Mayor City Council City Manager City Attorney City Clerk I attended the council meeting on April 17, 2007 in hopes of speaking in favor of the proposed pedestrian bridge over Melrose. It is my understanding that, at the request of the Melrose group, the item was postponed for two weeks. I will be out of town on May 1, 2007, and therefore, will not be able to attend the council meeting. I am writing this letter to explain my thoughts to you. I want to thank you and your staff for moving ahead on this study. On August 15, 2006, you asked your staff to give you a written comprehensive report with possible solutions concerning the truck problems on both El Fuerte and Melrose. It was suggested at that time by you, Mayor Lewis, that this bridge be constructed to protect the children and parents at Rancho Carrillo Elementary School and provide safe access to the nature trails to and from Leo Carrillo Ranch Historical Park. I was told by one of the representatives of the Melrose group that they are preparing a presentation against the pedestrian bridge. They are concerned that if the pedestrian bridge is built, Melrose will revert back to a "truck route" as it was originally intended. As you aware, the Melrose group has been using the safety of the school children as the main reason for changing Melrose to a "no truck route" and to stop the issuance of haul route permits on Melrose. Now it appears that the safety of the school children is less important than if Melrose is a "truck route". Thank you for moving ahead with this project. I hope and pray that you will find the funds to complete this bridge. Sincerely, Robert W. Lattin Enclosures: Cc: Ann Kulchin, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, Council Member Mark Packard, Council Member Julie Nygard, Council Member I5)ECDIEDWE MAY - 1 2007 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE ril z) PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use,Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route./ Name:(siqnature/printed)Address Phone 2. 3t Ml*¥31- 6. 13. PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:(signature/print£a)Address Phone 1.7V*** /ItJKtf D. JetoMS. £236 /6s™ Co /^ tff PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name: (signature/printed) i. OAAM^A)// Address Phone 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 18 \n ffifr PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name: (signature/printed)Address Phone 8 9. -n .AH Mt, PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:(siqnatu re/printed)Address Phone 1. MfWAto 1 "LO - tfjjf} c/b tfflMfa / *4r *^ • P PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:(siqnature/printed)Address /Phone 1. 2. 3. 4.na 9. oJj^l^r^ «^Trl^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^S^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ a.4. PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:(signature/printed)Address Phone 1. 7. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive) for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho "Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name: (signature/print Address Phone 7bQ- 930 ~0-7/3 PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name: (signature/printed)Address Phone 1. t 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 9Z9-/S?? PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Phone U V>CN A vrvb ? 13. 18. PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:(printed)Address Phone ftaucfo 3393 -05 ^^ PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name: (printed)Address Phone 2. 3- 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 16. 7 1 3 3>) 7 17. J0 18. fr PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:(sianature/printecn Address Phone fate* k\YKv PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:(sjgnature/printed)Address Phone 7. PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name: (signature/printed)Address Phone a. UHgk' fff i Ahftv/hftn7^ PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:(signature/printed)Address Phone f 13. kpj 6((k wJtC If) I In fo • * - 17. 18. v (A/" **^v <» PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:(siqnature/printed) Address Phone 9 ft ,7 111 -—. 1 i Ji 1 V \ . ' 10. 11. 12. 13. \na^>r \\oA\rxr\l U^SVpA ^OLsec^ P^cuAo. CoorVsbaA CJV a "7f<ifj9'3/y7M 1 6. ^f 707^ LA 17. /gfly is. PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:(siqnature/printed)Address Phone 7. Q/iA/vudk/i 13. Mi* HA 18. ffifrU!_-- -p PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:(signature/printed)Address Phone 1. &„..*.& 12. PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:{siqnaiupdfori Phone 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. . 18. PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:(siani9ture/printed)Address Phone 1 (#'&>'(• 3.€082.-438 -1260 12. 13..g, 14. H /^T QA. 15. 16. 17.Careto- 18. PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:(signature/printed) Address Phone 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 17. 18. PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:(siqnature/printe^)^^^^~Address Phone 3. 14. 15. 18. PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:(signature/printed) 17. 18. PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Phone 8 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 1L. 18. PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:(siqnature/printed)Address Phone <V>r/*>r\Q ^?_(Tfl(XW Tteco frpn O(fi£j£Al 17. 18. PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between*Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name: (signature/printed)Address Phone 1. 15. 16. 17. 18. ^0001 PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:(sianature/printed) i^adUC2^fe P. ^L*™%>- C\fi>$3tf fazeo J S#/1j£*?J-tSF>J?j> 16. 17. PQSco G>rt>AO 76>0 - 7/fr ~ TSVg 18. PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. f—., Nafflecfsifanature/printecH Address Phone 6' 5. 10. 11. 12. 16, 18. PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:fsianature/printed)Address Phone & **) o Tteco frono 17. 18. PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between*Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrilto's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:(siqnature/Drinted)Address Phone 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. ^-i?&*&, PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:(siqnature/printed)Address Phone r^^j^^oCjiL^ 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members. We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:(siqnature/printed)Address Phone PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:(siqnature/printed)Address Phone 9.c t-to PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:(signatu re/printed)Address Phone PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:(siqnature/pcinted)Address Phone 3. 5. 8. 9. 11.Jgfo MM fjo 16. PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. mature/printed)Address Phone 11. 12.S n/u <\ ^ViA^V PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:(signature/printecn _ Address _ Phone _ 3. 5. 6^ L 8: 12, 13, 14k 15, 16 PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:(signature/printed)Address Phone 760-^-6674 9. 10. PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Nam€i:(sianature/printecn Address Phone 14 18 HI Q. 0J3 E0 'oC oo o T3 CO CO1 s,CO 0 0-o - m -^ " W „,ro E in *" «- 2 ^S > °2 i_ 0 J= o ^ § 811 § o I f I i |f Sc|b£ £ o ^ ?§ £ £ \0 - . (0 c CD ^<55| 8 O 0) c c0 co-dE -o ro0 co •£ ED °£ o co^•CO •P O H-« 2-° |!l0 ~~ ® 0Sf, *i*02^: *-" coCD O Q_ ~ o "co0 C OT> CO -Cw C£ o o -o &o c 31 0 ro .2 5 ^'E 5>>^ CO= "^ O •S - °815g-10- -S 3>, o 00 ^ 0 —CD CO co !2_l CO• 0 •I'-c'o Q >2 0CO to ~ a-52 ^ co gj g 0| 0 0"O > •E 2^ CO.0 Q. •^ >> tn< .t± 0 .i= zi ^5 2 0o > £ Ec o2 co CO CL 3 8°-n -c CDm o 55*= co p .c w oCO c = o 5 0 58$ •C _0 0 O to T3 2 ^ COa?CO tCOO o CO o JOc0•g'w K^.Z <*>E O o) 0 S5 ^§2;51 *" c c coQ IN. co co £ 0 CD (/) 0 cS ^ <u c t2 =5 g- ro -2 ^ o w co co. X Q-'js r=0 0 9> 0 co^ o S J2 i= ? fe W. o -"«Q-.->t *- o I 2 *f p > *- c T3 CO CO 0 CO 0 .» g = i2~ '(Ot: 0co S:O co o £ |.c CO CD T3 Q §8"o _2 *!•— 0£ co 0 g5 co 1 2^2 0S2Qi ^^c 0£ -^ CD n ^ - •£ -^ CD O 0co (B Oc3 « (Oc.CO to0 O "Oo 0 o 0 CO CO 0 -o OH ^0 O PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route fjc through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive fff heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and W|middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number orpedestrrans utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well ae the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:(signature/printed>-Address Phone LLJ Q- co -^ 0 0 *te 0 .CTj 0 *= SZ ° CO O) TO P S *" i- O D_o £ £ i_ 0 i o•g 1- § CO J2 0 C •=•" ^ c E^ 0co 0 .>> c rs >, 0 o JS Pc «^n— £_ ^ ^ <_• O O0 §- 0 '« g b '=••t. *•*• ^~ v ^^ rr^<r E o i=. c ScSbS'Sf 0 « § 0 ° «£.ga o g.co-5 s !•*•§! 5 i^.i^l^s0 x ^ co 0 *-•gi JQ Q -iS c 2- co o -o E £ ~~ v -2.>, D *" £ o ^ ffl o>E ^^"2~oo „, I^KlHIcoco,_£cQi:ot: . O o CO m ^COQi't- O)OD_ Qj O l£|IS8«l^_rS"OfO-cpco •3.2</>£Eofccow c 0 c "53 _j co :<2 £ S 8 ! if >, S> O w ^^ "*^ •— °£i S ^i^Qtio-^^rotraQj C/) ^ O) ->^ < CO CO '$ £ = ^ O 2 2 |^||83i i^^s«:ll§SSS.B«;il0^31 al^&= t_(— 't c t-^*-•c o ^ 1- ~ g to oco 2- ° . co 2 ro c O -jy >, co O - = O ~l<:ti0h9>0T3o{=0^^>$0 <2E^ 38QI§Sco^T-,^0;."^!^!^!^Q-cCt'c00OcoT30>w:o23:2cgj^^^co-ororo|>^Ea)^ini*oSs82l ^§^£bo^o|HEE"Kl«oQr^coro-CroC i< l§f|||^| 0 cociTjg-roS^:^-Q Qi"0<u^— 'c/>o.£ I t^S^rowroO 0 O XD-*-1 C£ •* ^ JSW^Sll-OQ 1o 2^I^o°0 >^ ^l5"8«l-t« S &1-S.2SME M 0 §5 CO 0>^ E o03 00p,i20'-g£r//) -n1— *— ™_cO^ •5 Co^1*-^""^s- ^StlOM-Ca)^ .3 0clo0°-2|^ fe S-go^E^a,"3 5. _.£2*icgO0co0sT* ajO^cjeTJ^^•^ ^-^iS^o^oo-E >T3CCJDJQQ.S2 (Dco £ ^COCO2 T3 3_ ^^^s1 * .... ,^^, ECD 3 •4—'CDc w i J Vrx. V, ^&v ^^ ^^, ^ ^ ^/sc .^ ^_ s?£^c^v Vk' ^va N^ VA ^*sVx Vv. ^•^f 1^ VY xi I 1 ^.oi CO ^m'CD ^06 05 o ^ OJ oo 5 in CD PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:(siqnature/printed) _ Address _ Phone _ *J 7 i -y ^7 O 6. ( t?f,~~ tjj:n*r*~ rikf TIVIA \HLnar -UiVA' 7. s. 9. 11. 12. PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Nameifeianature/Drinted)Address Phone a &* HTOckr 5 \SS Vik 12. 11 11 i \ 14. 17. 18. LUa. 0 0 'o oo O TJ CO CO w ^ 0 0 ^5 0 — T3 O > =^.1-2 O Q. m 05 c: „, ^.C ^_, o O'w to h '3 ro £-5 ro o^ Q) •£ O Q jfi "Q ^ililf E s> g~ w-j 0 C of ~/i\ co Q- "o J= O 0 D) OT" 0 CO i- "O ° 01 CO ^ — "o ,_ X Q. —' w o .c S — iv > i. :- •0 CO « 0 g» ® - S g S 05^ E o 0O0O ^ c\CO u. Os \ ( o? u•• 3 -V in CO VJ) r- 1 V VK. O -3r- •Ci VT Vb 'S- Q Q SI u ^ CO IT)CD PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name: (signature/printed)Address Phone 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (] t-r.l^ &?5 7 MZ n vc 76 0 - 11.753-03Q£> PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name: (signature/printed)Address Phone 1. 18. PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name: (signature/printed)Address Phone 1. 2. 6303 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. k Cl 7*16600 CJTAR&M0 PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name: (signature/printed)AddressPhone " 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. Cv4rtAQMO 18.^/ PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name: (signature/printed)AddressPhone 2. 3. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. ^60 603*7^5 PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:(signature/printed)Address Phone 1. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name: (signature/printed) _ Address _ Phone _ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:(signatu Phone 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:(sgnature/printecn 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Mi We, students, betweei Route for Drivfr fc>r sight restri the bottom Randle Bra POTION Lewis an|[Qjty Council4flerri|e/j|J - 'V I v vrsigned residents of Rancho CaHnllo land pareTtts owCarrillo Elementary S nglyobje^t t&the City 3|f»CarN|^ad's decision to re^evaluateVhether Meli%^e jftar^lrpdrt Road aw&fterfcho Sanfcs^Fe Road shoukl be "made an Approved bugh truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.VW.R. in the Crty of CaWsbad. Using trudling is fundan^ntaU/ unsafe because of it^^ed limit, steep slopes, and rves. Thisfs especial^ true considering the elementary school crossing near grade at PoinslW^Lane Iknd the middle school croieings at Os^rillo Way and ido. In addition a great nun^ber-^f pedestrians utilize fi^e City's trail system tha\ rS Historical Park 3hd the rewBents often cross Carrillo's Club House as welH'as the Kinder Drive, tourists visit Leo the community pool arid Ranlnw.f^jjility. Lrfrge heavy trucks just carWrt stflpTquiekly enough to^e allowed to use >rive in this residential ar$a. Please do no?tapprove'Mttlrose Driv4 as a Thgck route.^^ ^ ^^v ^ j|honeName: (signature/printed)Address 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. \ PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Dr\m for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight-restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name: (signature/printed) _ Address _ „ PhoneU~* 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name: (signature/printed)Address Phone 1. 2. 3. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. PETITION Mayor Lewis and City Council Members: We, the undersigned residents of Rancho Carrillo and parents of Carrillo Elementary School's students, strongly object to the City of Carlsbad's decision to re-evaluate whether Melrose Drive between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road should be made an Approved Truck Route for through truck traffic exceeding 7 Ton G.V.W.R. in the City of Carlsbad. Using Melrose Drive for heavy trucking is fundamentally unsafe because of its speed limit, steep slopes, and sight restricted curves. This is especially true considering the elementary school crossing near the bottom of the grade at Poinsettia Lane and the middle school crossings at Carrillo Way and Rancho Bravado. In addition a great number of pedestrians utilize the City's trail system that crosses Melrose Drive, tourists visit Leo Carrillo Historical Park and the residents often cross Melrose to use the community pool and Rancho Carrillo's Club House as well as the Kinder Care facility. Large heavy trucks just cannot stop quickly enough to be allowed to use Melrose Drive in this residential area. Please do not approve Melrose Drive as a truck route. Name:(sinature/printed) _ Address _ Phone _ 4, 5, £ L *L a m, 11 14. 1L m MELROSE DRIVE PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE OVERCROSSING 3-Drive Lanes2-Left Turn LanesBike Lane3-Drive LanesBike LaneMELROSE DRIVE LOOKING SOUTH AT POINSETTIA LANE Purpose of Bridge„Possible solution to the pedestrian safety concerns near Carrillo Elementary School Bridge Locations Investigated„400-feet south of Poinsettia Lane (Alternative 1)„At the intersection of Poinsettia Lane (Alternative 2)„400-feet north of Poinsettia Lane (Alternative 3) P A S EO DES C A M ELRO SE DRRANCHO COMPANERORANCHO RIO CHICOPASEO JAQUITAPASEO PALEROVIA CONQUISTADORRANCHO DIAMON T EPASEO MONONAP A S E O A LAMEDA PASEO COLINACARRILLO WYP O PASEO VALIPASEO ELEGANCIAPASEO PRIVADOOLUNADAPOINSETTIA LNPASEO CALLADONCHO DEL CANONRANCHO CO S T E R ORANCHO BRAVADOPASEO TAPAJOSAlternative No. 3Alternative No. 2Carillo Elementary SchoolProject Site(Alternative No. 1) Recommend Alternative 1 Site „It accommodates a comparatively direct path for pedestrian access to school & trails„Relatively minimal impact to existing site improvementsAlternative 2 – Requires single span bridge, modifications to signal lights for sight distance, impacts to control boxes & landscape entry monuments,height of bridge near homes a concernAlternative 3 – Requires pedestrians to cross Poinsettia Lane twice, no linkup to trails & school (alternative 3 eliminated) OINSETTIA LNUARTILLOPASEO PALERPM E L R O S E D R ABUTMENT &STAIRWAYRAMPABUTMENT & STAIRWAYBridge10’ Wide17’ High120’ SpanTrailSchool Property Bridge Impacts„Minor grading and drainage improvements„Probable relocation of street light„Low voltage lighting along steps and ramp„Possible warning lights at abutments„Open space & potential habitat impacts Material of Construction„Abutments – Concrete tower with rock veneer„Ramps – Cast-in place concrete box section 3’-6” deep„Bridge – Cast-in place Concrete Box Girder…Offers more aesthetic opportunities (match theme of area)…More economical than steel or precast concrete sections Potential Pedestrian Bridge MELROSE DRVE PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE LOOKING NORTH MELROSE DRVE PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE LOOKING NORTH Project Cost„Construction Cost - $2,310,000„Contingency - $462,000„Admin/Design/RW/Env/Insp - $810,000PROJECT COST = $3,582,000 Project Schedule„Planning & Permits: 12 months„Final Engineering: 7 months„Bidding/Award: 4 months„Construction: 7 months„Total Time 30 to 36 months from appropriation of funding and Notice to Proceed