HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-05-08; City Council; 18991; Acceptance of Federal Grants FundsCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 10 ^l^7 AB# 18,991 MTG. 05/08/07 DEPT. FIR ACCEPTANCE OF EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS FEDERAL GRANT fffAmC* CT^Q f*ADI &DAr\ Df\DTIf^Hi f\CFUNDS FOR CARLSBAD PORTION OF FIRE MOBILE DATA COMPUTER PROGRAM DEPT. HEAD '^ CITY ATTY. <^^ CITY MGR. "~3^O RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council adopt Resolution No. 2007-109 accepting Federal Emergency Preparedness grant funds for the Fire Mobile Data Computer Program. Acceptance of these Federal grant funds authorizes Carlsbad's participation in a regional integrated fire dispatching Program. ITEM EXPLANATION: The mobile data computers will provide a wireless PC-based mobile fleet application that seamlessly extends Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) Systems to in-vehicle computers, providing secure mission-critical information in the field. Field personnel have the ability to make on-scene decisions that enhance personnel safety and improve operational efficiency through secure, real-time access to CAD and other public/proprietary databases. The County of San Diego Unified Disaster Council (UDC) voted to utilize regional Federal Homeland Security and Urban Area Security Grant monies to fund both the San Diego County Public Safety Mapping Project (Regional Mapping Program) and the Mobile Data Computer (MDC) Program for North San Diego County fire agencies (North Zone Agencies). The State of California, with Federal oversight, has approved the use of these Federal funds for the concept and design of these two Programs. Vista Fire elected to serve as the lead agency in coordinating the grant and administering the Regional Mapping and MDC Programs. The Regional Mapping Program and the Fire North Zone MDC Program were designed for implementation in the following three phases: Phase 1: Create County-wide Public Safety GIS Map; Phase 2: Purchase and install MDCs with Automatic Vehicle Locator (AVL) technology in all North Zone Fire command, front-roll and reserve apparatus; and Phase 3: Purchase and install software to create CAD-to-CAD links between all fire regional dispatch centers. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Kevin Crawford 760-931-2141 kcraw@ci.carlsbad.ca.us FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED ^D D D D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN RETURNED TO STAFF OTHER - SEE MINUTES D D D D Page 2 The City of Carlsbad's participation in the Regional Mapping Program and the Mobile Data Computer Program was approved by the City Council on April 11, 2006. This included Phase 1, the Regional Mapping Program, and a portion of Phase II, the purchase and installation of MDCs in North Zone Fire Command vehicles. The remainder of Phase II, the purchase and installation of MDCs in all North Zone Fire Agency front roll and reserve apparatus, was unfunded at that time and was awaiting future Federal grant funds, potentially in FY 2007/08. Attached as Exhibit 2 is a copy of Agenda Bill No. AB 18,518 which was approved by the City Council on April 11, 2006. The North County Dispatch Joint Powers Authority (NCDJPA) has partnered with member fire agencies, including the City of Carlsbad, to research and assist in the implementation of the MDC and AVL technologies within individual agency jurisdictions utilizing economies of scale and regional approaches wherever possible. This has resulted in certain MDC-related contacts being managed entirely by the JPA, on behalf of the member agencies, minimizing the number of direct vendor contracts required to be maintained by individual jurisdictions in support of the MDC program. The NCDJPA Board of Directors, comprised of elected officials from each member agency, have reviewed and approved the MDC Program, its related costs and implementation in dispatching North Zone fire apparatus. All participating North Zone fire agencies are moving through this grant acceptance process and installation of all MDC Program-related equipment within their jurisdictions for a planned NCDJPA implementation of MDC/AVL fire agency dispatching in Summer 2007. FISCAL IMPACT: As the lead agency for the MDC Program, the City of Vista has received and will disburse the Federal grant funds for MDC Program-related costs. The City of Carlsbad will receive no grant funds directly, but will receive Mobile Dispatch Computers (MDC), mounting hardware, software purchases, licensing costs and installation in 18 Carlsbad Fire apparatus as detailed in the MDC Program Cost Summary, attached as Exhibit 3. MDC Program Federal grant funds allocated to the City of Carlsbad for purchases associated with grant-eligible start-up costs are valued at $203,137. The remaining grant-ineligible start-up costs are valued at $27,980 and will be paid in FY 06-07 utilizing Fire Department budgetary savings as a result of efficiency efforts. No City matching funds are required for the grant funds. The MDC Program maintenance and support costs have been regionalized whenever possible to achieve economies of scale, resulting in reduced pricing, establishment a single point of contact for contractual services and eliminating duplication of efforts by involved fire agencies and their respective jurisdictions. Examples of economies of scale include: 1. Identify one NCDJPA IT support person dedicated to supporting the MDC Program. 2. Establishing a NCDJPA Mobile Data Computer Replacement Fund into which individual jurisdictions pay to ensure on-going technology replacement and volume discounted pricing. Page 3 In FY 07-08, the Fire Department will incur the first year of annual on-going costs in the amount of $98,520 associated with the maintenance of the MDC Program, which includes the following 4 components: 1. Wireless and Connectivity Fees; 2. Software Maintenance/Support and Computer Warranty Costs; 3. NCDJPA Technical Support Services; and 4. Computer Replacement Fund (4 year Replacement Cycle). The ongoing costs will be considered as part of the FY07-08 budget process. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: None. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 2007-109 2. AB 18,518 dated 04/11/06 3. City of Carlsbad Fire MDC Program Cost Summary 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2007-109 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING EMERGENCY 3 PREPAREDNESS FEDERAL GRANT FUNDS FOR 4 CALRSBAD PORTION OF FIRE MOBILE DATA COMPUTER PROGRAM 5 6 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Fire Department is eligible to receive Federal 7 Homeland Security and Urban Area Security Initiative Grant monies for Carlsbad's 8 portion of the Mobile Data Computer (MDC) Program for North San Diego fire agencies. 9 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of 10 Carlsbad, California, as follows: 11 1. That the above recitations are true and correct.12 2. The Federal grant funds require no matching funds. 14 3. That the Fire Chief, or his designee, is hereby authorized to execute all 15 documents related to the Carlsbad Fire Department's participation in the Fire MDC Program including, but not limited to equipment, software, installation, 17 statements. service and maintenance contracts, documentation, reports and final 18 " 19 II 20 II21 22 " 23 /' 24 // 25 // 26 // 27 // 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 8th day of May, 2007, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Hall, Packard and Nygaard NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk (SEAL) EXHIBIT 2 City of Carlsbad Agenda Bill No. 18,518 Dated 04/11/06 Disaster Preparedness Federal Grant Funds for Carlsbad Portion of Fire Regional Mapping Project CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB# 18.518 MTG. 04/11/06 DEPT. FIR TITLE: DISASTER PREPAREDNESS FEDERAL GRANT FUNDS FOR CARLSBAD PORTION OF FERE REGIONAL MAPPING PROJECT Oo: O §u O I RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council adopt Resolution No.2006-091 accepting Federal grant funds through the FY 2005 Urban Area Security Initiative Grant Program (UASI) for the Regional Mapping Project. ITEM EXPLANATION: The United States Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs (OJP) and the Office of Domestic Preparedness (OOP) provide federal grant funds which are administered to states through the State Domestic Preparedness Grant Program for regional programs, specialized equipment and training to enhance the capability of state and local agencies to respond to incidents of terrorism involving the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). The City of San Diego Office of Homeland Security is the designated "Metropolitan Urban Area" for the San Diego Operational Area, and as such, is the entity that applies for, receives and locally administers federal Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) grant funds. The Unified Disaster Council (UDC) is the governing body, which determines the funding for regional programs and the local distribution formula for UASI grant funds. Recently the UDC determined that a portion of the FY 2005 UASI Grant funds would be allocated to specific regional-wide projects. One of those projects is the San Diego County Public Safety Mapping Project (Mapping Project), which, in part, involves North County fire and law enforcement agencies, including the Carlsbad Fire and Police Departments. The goal of the Mapping Project is to create one County-wide Public Safety GIS map, which can be accessed by all fire and law enforcement personnel from any location within the County. This requires integrating all individual agency maps into one uniform, GIS map. An integrated County-wide GIS map will improve response capability and interoperability among responding agencies for both routine and disaster-related events. The UDC allocation of FY 2005 UASI regional grant funds for this project demonstrates that the UDC members have determined that this Mapping Project is a critical and worthy County-wide disaster preparedness project. On behalf of all North County public safety agencies, the City of Vista has agreed to serve as the agency of record in contracting with the chosen consultant, Lynx Technologies, to perform the integration of individual agency maps into one County-wide GIS map. City of Vista Fire Captain Joe Napier is the designated North County Mapping Project Manager. The Mapping Project is scheduled in three (3) phases. Phase One involves gathering and integrating all electronic maps from involved agencies. A consultant will then create and overlay a County-wide Public Safety map grid, which essentially re-grids current individual agency maps to conform to a County-wide system, and then distribute a hard copy of each agency's new maps. The County-wide map will be updated continuously and a hardcopy of each agency's portion of the map will be reprinted annually in hard copy. PAGE 2 OF AGENDA BILL NO. Phase Two of the Mapping Project will purchase upgraded software for dispatch centers in order to utilize Automatic Vehicle Locator (AVL) technology to enable the Dispatch Centers to provide closest unit response. Also, Mobile Computer Terminals (MCTs) will be purchased and installed in 280 North County Fire units. Phase Three of the Mapping Project will purchase and install CAD to CAD software to allow for interoperability between regional Dispatch Centers. The FY 2005 UASI Grant funds complete all of Phase One of the Regional Mapping Project and a portion of Phase Two of the Project. The portion of Phase Two that can be completed with currently allocated Grant funds will be the purchase and installation of MCTs in the command vehicles of all North County Fire Agencies, which represent three (3) command vehicles for the Carlsbad Fire Department. The completion of Phase Two and all of Phase Three of the Regional Mapping Project are dependent upon future UASI or other grant funding. FISCAL IMPACT: FY 2005 UASI Grant funds have been allocated collectively to fund each involved agency's participation the in Mapping Project. In order to participate in Phase One and the above- identified portion of Phase Two of the Mapping Project, the City of Carlsbad is required to accept that portion of the FY 2005 UASI Grant funds, which will be allocated to fund the City's portion of the cost of the consultant contract to create the County-wide electronic map, provide the City with one annual hard copy of the County-wide map and purchase and install three (3) MCTs in Carlsbad Fire Department command vehicles. No matching funds are required for the Urban Area Security Initiative Grant. As the lead City for this project, the City of Vista will disburse and receive reimbursement for funds expended associated with this project. The City of Carlsbad will receive no funds directly, but will provide data of inclusion in the County-wide GIS map, will have access to that map and will annual receive a hardcopy of the Carlsbad portion of that County-wide map. Further, the three (3) Fire Department command vehicles will receive MCTs to access the map information. As a participating agency, the City of Carlsbad will be asked to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), which memorializes this participation and commits the City to provide the necessary electronic mapping information, which is required to complete this regional project. The Fire Department does not anticipate the need to expend any additional City funds for Phase One or the above-described portion of Phase Two. It is anticipated that any annual maintenance costs associated with the MCTs that will be installed in Fire Department command vehicles will be handled by a separate maintenance contract managed by North County Dispatch Joint Powers Authority (NCDJPA). EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 2006-091 2. Memorandum of Understanding DEPARTMENT CONTACTS: Kevin Crawford, (760) 931-2141, kcraw@ci.carlsbad.ca.us 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO.2006-091 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING FEDERAL GRANT FUNDS FOR CARLSBAD PORTION OF FIRE REGIONAL MAPPING PROJECT WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Fire Department is eligible to receive domestic preparedness Federal grant funds through the FY 2005 Urban Area Security Initiative Grant Program (UASI) for Carlsbad's portion of the Grant funds allocated to the Regional Mapping Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. The Federal grant funds for UASI require no matching funds. 3. That the Fire Chief, or his designee, is hereby authorized to execute a Memorandum of Understanding, accept receipt of equipment, and/or provide documents related to the FY 05 UASI Grant funds allocated for Carlsbad's portion of the Regional Mapping Project, as well as any required reports and/or final statements. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 11th day of Apr-i 1 2006, by the following vote: AYES£ouncil members Lewis, Kulchin, Hall, Packard and Sigafoose NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ("MOU") dated is made by and among the public agencies (hereafter, "North Zone Member Agencies" and, individually, "Member") that are signatory to the MOU. RECITALS A. The North Zone Member Agencies include, the Camp Pendleton Fire Department, City of Carlsbad Fire Department, City of Del Mar Fire Department, Deluz Volunteer Fire (CDF), Deer Springs Fire Protection District, Elfin Forest / Harmony Grove Fire Protection District, City of Escondido Fire Department / Rincon Del Diablo Municipal Water District, North County Fire Protection District, City of Oceanside Fire Department, Rancho Santa Fe Fire Protection District, City of San Marcos / San Marcos Fire Protection District, City of Solana Beach Fire Department, City of Vista Fire Department / Vista Fire Protection District, San Onofre Fire Department. B. Each Member provides services to the public within its respective territory, including fire prevention, fire suppression and other emergency responses. Each Member's territory is part of the Zone 1 Emergency Response Area for San Diego County, located generally in the San Diego North County area. C. By entering into this MOU, the North Zone Member Agencies desire and intend to cooperate with one another for the purposes of submitting a grant application to the San Diego Regional Homeland Technology Partnership Project to seek funds for developing and operating an Emergency Response Mapping and Geographic Information System (GIS) Database program (hereafter, the "Database") for their individual and mutual benefit, assistance and use in responding to emergencies within their respective territories. AGREEMENT In consideration of the mutual promises and obligations set forth below, and other valuable consideration, the sufficiency and receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the North Zone Member Agencies agree as follows. 1. Purpose of Agreement The purpose of this MOU is to seek grant funding from the San Diego Homeland Security Technology Partnership Project, or any other grant program, to provide for the mutual benefit and cooperation of the North Zone Member Agencies for the development and use of the Database for their individual and mutual benefit. Any grant funding received under this MOU will be used to complete five tasks hi order of priority: Task 1 funding will be used to pay a consultant to build a regional GIS system for all of the North Zone Member Agencies. Task 2 funding will be use to apply the regional GIS system to all of the dispatch centers, purchasing and installing mobile computer terminals in the North Zone Member Agencies response vehicles. City of Vista i No.4: 01 Nov 2005 Office of Chy Attorney \0 Task 3 funding will be used for acquiring and developing hardware and software programs for computer added dispatch ("CAD") connectivity between dispatch centers. Task 4 funding will be used for annual maintenance of the regional GIS system. Task 5 funding will be used to maintain mobile computer terminals, CAD hardware and other hardware acquired with Task 2 and 3 funding. Task 1 is not dependent on Task 2 funding and will provide a benefit to the North Zone Member Agencies even if no funding is forthcoming for Task 2. In the event no grant funding or new funding source is identified for tasks 3,4 or 5, the North Zone Member Agencies will first determine the viability of continuing with these projects with an analysis of costs. If it is determined that new local funding cannot be obtained for these projects, member agencies may withdraw pursuant to paragraph 4 below, without penalty. 2. Effective Date This MOU shall become effective upon the date approved and executed by any two or more North Zone Member Agencies. 3. Term: Involuntary Termination From the date it becomes effective, the MOU shall remain in continuous effect until terminated. This MOU shall automatically terminate if at any time there are fewer than two (2) North Zone Member Agencies. 4. Withdrawal: Voluntary Termination: Involuntary Termination A. Any member may withdraw as a party to this MOU without any penalty on any June 30 thereafter, within one hundred eighty (180) days prior notice to the North Zone Member Agencies. Such with drawing party shall perform obligations under this Agreement until the noticed June 30 date of withdraw. B. The North Zone Member Agencies may elect to terminate the MOU upon such terms and conditions as they mutually agree. C. If any North Zone Member Agency defaults on payment of any assessment established by die Agencies, or otherwise breaches this Agreement, such member Agency shall be subject to termination as a party to this Agreement by two-thirds majority vote of the Agencies. The terminated North Zone Member Agency remains liable for the defaulted payment from any previously agreed upon expenses and shall be liable for any defaulted payments. D. Upon withdrawal, the North Zone Member Agency is entitled to a copy of the most current data, but will not be entitled to any updates after the effective date of withdrawal. 5. Lead Agency A. Designation and Authority to Act The City of Vista is the lead agency and administrator ("Lead Agency") for all purposes of the MOU. The Lead Agency is authorized to act on behalf of the North Zone Member Agencies as may be necessary and proper City of Vista 9 No.4: 01 Nov 2005 Office of City Attorney for the purposes of this MOU. The Treasurer and other officers of the Lead Agency are authorized to act in their respective capacities on behalf of the North Zone Member Agencies. B. Compensation Unless expressly provided otherwise in writing by the North Zone Member Agencies, the Lead Agency shall receive no compensation or other consideration for its services. C. Strict Accounting The Lead Agency shall be strictly accountable for all funds received from the San Diego Regional Homeland Security Technology or any other grant funding source for the benefit of the North Zone Member Agencies for the development and use of the Database. . 6. Property Acquisition All North Zone Member Agencies shall have and retain an undivided ownership interest in all property acquired under Task 1, including personal property or intellectual property. Ownership of property acquired under Task 2, shall be in the name of the Member in possession of the mobile computer terminal or other hardware and installed software. Upon termination of this MOU, all property acquired under Task 1 shall be divided and distributed among the remaining North Zone Member Agencies, either in kind or hi cash equivalent, or as may be otherwise agreed upon by the remaining North Zone Member Agencies. 7. Amendment. Modification This MOU may be amended or modified, but only by a written instrument duly approved and executed by an authorized representative of each of the North Zone Member Agencies. 8. Counterpart Signatures This MOU may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original, but all of which together shall constitute one instrument. [SIGNATURE PAGES FOLLOW THIS PAGE] City of Vista 3 No.4: 01 Nov 2005 Office of City Attorney CO ra = « c 5^ I U OT T- CO COT- CO CN CD O)O5 If) CO O <B > %d 8 §"lll§'§!«" « « •£ JJCO CO CD C C > o 8CN*0 O OO O .Q. Z OT I Q. n OT ^•DC3 I 1) i (§ T- O>CM CO .HJ CN w u. u. 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