HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-05-08; City Council; 18995; Endow Carlsbad - A Community Foundationr«&CAJI (@p)\^!P/ AB# MTG. DEPT. CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 18,995 5/8/07 FIN ENDOW CARLSBAD - A COMMUNITY FOUNDATION DEPT. HEAD CITY ATTY. CITY MGR. " 16 t\o ^>rf ^\ - > RECOMMENDED ACTION: Consider the following options for funding Endow Carlsbad - A Community Foundation. If City Council chooses to make a contribution to Endow Carlsbad, adopt Resolution 2007-111. ITEM EXPLANATION: Endow Carlsbad is a new non-profit organization associated with the San Diego Foundation. The mission of the organization is to "improve the quality of life within our neighborhoods by promoting philanthropy." Knox Williams, representing Endow Carlsbad, presented the mission and goals of the organization to City Council and requested direction on how best to partner with the City. Mayor Lewis requested staff to return to City Council at a later date with recommendations regarding City involvement. Endow Carlsbad is currently seeking members and hopes to recruit the initial 100 members (Founding Members) by June 30, 2007. Council has received similar requests from non-profit organizations and on several occasions Council has provided funding if the organization could provide a 4 to 1 match of the City contribution through fundraising from other organizations or individuals. In fiscal year 2005-06 City Council approved a donation to the Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad if the Club could match the City contribution with a 4 to 1 match of non-City donations. Endow Carlsbad hopes to be able to start granting funds to worthy local organizations in late 2007/early 2008. Half of the contributions collected will go to endowment building and half will go to community grants. Every year Endow Carlsbad members will review the grant applications and each member will vote on which agencies should receive funding. The goal of Endow Carlsbad is to create "High impact and results-based grant making." The City of Carlsbad has had a similar program since 1998. Council Policy #51, Community Activity Funding (attached as Exhibit 1), established a seven-member Citizen Committee to review Community Activity Grant applications and make recommendations to Council based on the level of enrichment, experience, background and scope of the submitted projects. The policy specifies that a review panel be made up of one representative from each quadrant of the City, one Senior Commission member, one Library Board member, and one Parks and Recreation Commission member. One million dollars was set aside for this program and the interest (approximately $30,000 to $40,000 per year) is used to fund the annual program. To date the program has distributed approximately $340,000 back to the community through grants to over 30 local organizations (attached as Exhibit 2). DEPARTMENT CONTACT: David Barnum 760-602-2422 dbarn@ci.carlsbad.ca.us FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED D D D Dn CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN a RETURNED TO STAFF D OTHER - SEE MINUTES D Council returned the item to staff. Page 2 COUNCIL OPTIONS Staff is seeking guidance from City Council and has provided some options for Council's consideration: Option 1 - Make a one-time contribution to Endow Carlsbad using Council Contingency and require 4 to 1 match prior to allocating funds. Council could also request Endow Carlsbad to provide a status on how the funds were distributed in the City of Carlsbad and the impact to the Citizens of Carlsbad. Option 2 -- Make a one-time contribution to Endow Carlsbad using Council Contingency without any requirements for matching funds. Option 3 ~ Request that Endow Carlsbad apply for Community Activity Grant Funds during next year's process. Option 4 - Decline to provide any funding to Endow Carlsbad at this time. FISCAL IMPACT: Option 1 and 2 would require one time funding to Endow Carlsbad. If City Council chooses Option 1 or 2, City Council can adopt the attached resolution and specify the amount of the contribution and any matching requirements. Option 3 and 4 would have no fiscal impact to the City of Carlsbad. EXHIBITS: 1. Council Policy #51 2. Community Activity Grants Past Recipients 3. Resolution No. 2007-111 providing staff with guidance regarding Endow Carlsbad. Exhibit 1 Page 1 of 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: Community Activity Funding Specific Subject: Process for Funding Community Activities Policy No._ Date Issued 51 1/20/04 Effective Date 1/20/04 Cancellation Date n/a Supersedes No. 10/14/03 Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File BACKGROUND; The City Council has, in the past, chosen to fund community activities with General Fund monies. This has included the allocation of funds to agencies that provide various enrichment programs to Carlsbad residents and visitors. During the 2003-04 budget process, the City Council directed a council subcommittee to evaluate the current process and recommend changes to facilitate that process. The following policy outlines those changes. PURPOSE: POLICY: To establish the process for distributing funds for community activities. 1. It is the policy of the City of Carlsbad to allocate funds for community activities. 2. Organizations funded under this policy may receive grants for no more than 3 years. 3. Community Activity Grants a. These grants provide funding for enrichment programs for the community. b. The amount of funds to be allocated will be determined annually during the budget process. c. Once the budget is adopted interested groups will be notified of the application process. d. The application process will consist of the following: i. City application for funds ii. Public hearing before a citizen review panel iii. Recommendations submitted to City Council. Exhibit 1 Page 2 of 2 e. The City Council will establish a review panel comprised of citizens and city staff to evaluate the applications, and make recommendations to the City Council. The review panel will be comprised of the following: One representative from each quadrant of the City, one member of the Senior Commission, the Library Board, and the Parks & Recreation Commission. f. The review panel will consider the provision of matching funds from other sources in evaluation of the applications. 4. Special Event Grants a. These grants provide city funding for Special Events in the city of citywide interest. b. These grants can be requested any time of the year. c. The requests will be funded from Council's contingency account. d. The application process will consist of the following: i. Special event application ii. Special Event Grant supplemental application iii. Approval of special event by special events committee iv. Allocation of funding by the City Council 5. Winning Teams Grants a. These grants provide funding to youth teams to offset the cost of travel expenses to national championship competitions. b. These grants can be requested any time of the year. c. The requests will be funded from Council's contingency account. d. Eligibility requirements are: i. The participants are all 18 years of age or under, ii. The group or team is an organized non-profit corporation or agency, iii. The request for funding must be made prior to the date of the event, iv. At least 90% of the participants in the team or group are residents of Carlsbad. e. The application process will consist of the following: i. Written request to Council ii. Allocation of funding by the City Council 6. This policy may be amended as necessary. Exhibit 2 COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS PAST RECIPIENTS FISCAL YEAR 1999-2000 Palomar Shuttle Barrio Carlsbad Fiesta - 2000 Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation - Carlsbad Invasive Species and Habitat Education Carlsbad Volunteer Trail Program - Compact tractor Children's Museum - Summer 2000 Traveling Exhibit Total: $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,000 5,000 4,450 15,000 10,000 39,450 FISCAL YEAR 2000-2001 League of Women Voters - Buena Vista Lagoon Bird Observation Area Improvements Barrio Carlsbad Fiesta - 2001 Magnolia Elementary Deaf Studies Curriculum American Legion Post - High School Adopt-a-Class Program Museum of Making Music - Magical Music Show Children's Museum - Summer 2001 Traveling Exhibit Palomar Shuttle Total: $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,000 10,000 10,000 3,000 13,000 11,000 5,000 57,000 FISCAL YEAR 2001-2002 Optimist Club - 2002 Food for Special Olympics Barrio Carlsbad Fiesta - 2002 Buena Vista Lagoon - Nature Center Signs American Legion Post - High School Adopt-a-Class Taste of Carlsbad Student Art Show The Environmental Trust - Educational Center Project Children's Museum - Summer 2002 Traveling Exhibit The Flower Fields - ArtSplash Total: $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,500 10,000 4,800 1,500 6,200 10,000 10,000 15,000 59,000 FISCAL YEAR 2002-2003 Tri-City Hospital Foundation - North County Child Study Center Buena Vista Audubon Society - Earth Day Celebration Museum of Making Music - Music Ventures Program American Legion Post - Boys and Girls State Program Taste of Carlsbad Student Art Show Carlsbad Volunteer Trail Program - Compact tractor accessories Hospice of the North Coast - Community Bereavement Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation - Watershed Education Programs Total: Carlsbad Village Business Association - $ was transferred to Grant fund from Gen fund $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 7,500 4,000 3,350 2,380 4,000 3,000 7,500 24,500 56,230 $25,000 FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 Heart to Heart - AED program Museum of Making Music - Summer Sounds Program Children's Discovery Museum - Museum Expansion Program Hospice of the North Coast - Community Bereavement Total: $ $ $ $ $ 7,500 5,950 22,300 1 1 ,850 51,600 Exhibit 2 FISCAL YEAR 2004-2005 California Surf Museum -Sunday Surf Music Concert Series Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation - Education and Exhibits Program Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce - Village Design Competition North County Vietnam Veterans Memorial Project North Coastal Prevention Coalition - 4/20 Celebration Hospice of the North Coast - Community Bereavement Total: S $ $ $ $ $ $ 6,260 16,000 6,500 6,500 4,000 10,270 49,530 FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 California Surf Museum -Sunday Surf Music Concert Series Optimist Club - Food for Special Olympics and Whale Watching for Carlsbad 6m graders Classic Youth Theatre North Coastal Prevention Coalition - 4/20 Celebration Carlsbad Historical Society - Traveling Trunk History Show for Carlsbad 3rd graders Total: $ $ $ $ $ $ 6,480 5,000 10,000 4,000 2,500 27,980 FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 California Surf Museum -Sunday Surf Music Concert Series Optimist Club - Food for Special Olympics and Whale Watching for Carlsbad 6th graders Classic Youth Theatre North Coastal Prevention Coalition - 4/20 Celebration Assistance League of Ranch San Dieguito Total: $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,000 6,000 10,000 4,000 5,000 30,000 u? Exhibit 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2007-111 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, REQUESTING CITY COUNCIL TO CONSIDER OPTIONS FOR ENDOW CARLSBAD WHEREAS, a new communityaj2»«f3TEndow CarlsbadVhas requested direction *~*^*^ \from City Council on how best to\partner with the City of (Jarlsbad to encourage philanthropy in Carlsbad; and WHEREAS, staff has prepared optiorfcJor City Council ^consider; and NOW, THEREFOFltlT IS AGREED by Ih^d between/e City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as 1. The City Council of Ca^bad agrees to c/ntribute $ to Endow S \ r Carlsbad and/r^«ftnres~*5«idow CarlsbadXo match the contribution with a to match of non-City onCarlsbad funds. 9 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the day of 2007, by the following vote to wit: 3 4 AYES: NOES: 6 ABSENT: 7" 9 10 CLAUDE A LEWIS, Mayor 11 ATTEST: 12" 13 14 LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk 15 (SEAL) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 5/10/20071A Request fromA Request fromEndow CarlsbadEndow CarlsbadMay 8, 2007May 8, 2007 5/10/20072Endow CarlsbadEndow Carlsbad„„A New NonA New Non--Profit Organization Based in Profit Organization Based in Carlsbad, Directed by Residents and with the Carlsbad, Directed by Residents and with the Mission of Mission of ““promoting and increasing promoting and increasing responsible and effective philanthropyresponsible and effective philanthropy””„„Seeking initial 100 members (Founding Seeking initial 100 members (Founding Members)Members)„„Annually Endow Carlsbad Members will Review Annually Endow Carlsbad Members will Review and Grant Funds to Worthy Local Agencies or and Grant Funds to Worthy Local Agencies or CausesCauses 5/10/20073Endow CarlsbadEndow CarlsbadEndow CarlsbadEndow Carlsbad’’s Request to Council:s Request to Council:““Provide direction on how best to work in Provide direction on how best to work in partnership with The City of Carlsbad to partnership with The City of Carlsbad to advance this historic initiative.advance this historic initiative.”” 5/10/20074Endow CarlsbadEndow Carlsbad„„Possible Councils Options:Possible Councils Options:1.1.A oneA one--time contribution to Endow Carlsbad from time contribution to Endow Carlsbad from Council Contingency and require a 4 to 1 matchCouncil Contingency and require a 4 to 1 match2.2.A oneA one--time contribution to Endow Carlsbad from time contribution to Endow Carlsbad from Council Contingency without any matching Council Contingency without any matching requirementsrequirements3.3.Request Endow Carlsbad apply for Community Request Endow Carlsbad apply for Community Activity Grant Funds in the 2007Activity Grant Funds in the 2007--08 grant process08 grant process4.4.Decline to provide any funding to Endow Carlsbad Decline to provide any funding to Endow Carlsbad at this timeat this time 5/10/20075Council ActionsCouncil Actions„„Staff is Requesting Guidance Staff is Requesting Guidance from City Councilfrom City Council