HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-05-08; City Council; 18996; Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (DBE)CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB# 18,996 MTG. 5/08/07 DEPT. ENG APPROVE AND ADOPT THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (DBE) PROGRAM O^fSS DEPT. HEAD ~^T^T CITY ATTY. j$C^ CITYMGR. ~5^X^ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No.2007-112 .approving the City of Carlsbad Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program as contained within City Council Policy Statement No. 67 and authorizing the City Manager to execute the DBE Program Race-Neutral Implementation Agreement for the City of Carlsbad, California. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City of Carlsbad is required to adopt a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program in order to continue receiving federal funds for design and/or construction of applicable projects. The purpose of the DBE Program is to ensure a good faith effort is made to recruit and retain DBE firms for work on federally-funded (in whole or part) City projects. The DBE Program sets a "goal" for inclusion of the DBE firms on federally-funded City projects based on a ratio of available DBE firms to non-disadvantaged firms. The City's DBE program sets the inclusionary goal at 15%. The goal is recalculated each year based on factors used in the present calculation combined with updated DBE participation data as warranted. The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Civil Rights Program has made technical changes to the Caltrans Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program Plan. These technical changes consist of modification to the Race-Neutral Measures section of the Caltrans DBE Program Plan to read identically to 49 CFR Part 26.51 (b), (1) - (9). For the purpose of maintaining consistency with the Caltrans DBE Program Plan, Carlsbad is required to adopt and execute an amended Race-Neutral Implementation Agreement. The Race-Neutral Implementation Agreement formalizes the responsibilities of both Caltrans and the City to ensure compliance with all elements of Title 49 Part 26 of the CFR entitled "Participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in Department of Transportation Financial Assistance Programs." Adoption of the Race-Neutral Implementation Agreement is necessary to ensure the City complies with the DBE requirements so federal funds can be used to design and construct transportation projects. The Race-Neutral Implementation Agreement is attached to City Council Policy Statement No. 67. The Race-Neutral Implementation Agreement will stay in effect until such time as the federal government requires revisions in order to comply with applicable federal law as they relate to DBE program requirements. As part of the City Council's action, staff is recommending the Council authorize the City Manager to execute the Race-Neutral Implementation Agreement for the City of Carlsbad, California. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The revised DBE Program is not a "project" as defined by CEQA and, therefore, does not require environmental review. Each federally-funded project will complete all environmental reviews per federal, state, and local requirements. FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONL Y. COUNCIL ACTION:APPROVED M DENIED D CONTINUED D WITHDRAWN D AMENDED D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN D RETURNED TO STAFF D OTHER - SEE MINUTES D Page 2 FISCAL IMPACT: If a Caltrans approved program is not in place, the City could lose currently approved and future appropriations of federal funds for City projects. The cost for the seven projects projected to use federal funds in FY 06-07 is estimated at $9,275,000. Minimal staff time is required to implement the revised DBE Program and is estimated to remain the same as past programs. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 2007-112 approving the City of Carlsbad Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program as contained within City Council Policy Statement No. 67 and authorizing the City Manager to execute the DBE Program Race-Neutral Implementation Agreement for the City of Carlsbad, California. 2. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program Race-Neutral Implementation Agreement for the City of Carlsbad, California, dated May 2007. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Steve Jantz, (760) 602-2738, siant@ci.carlsbad.ca.us 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2007-112 2 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD 3 DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (DBE) PROGRAM AS CONTAINED WITHIN CITY COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT NO. 67 4 AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE DBE PROGRAM RACE-NEUTRAL IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT 5 FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA. 6 WHEREAS, the Federal Department of Transportation, under the Code of Federal 7 Regulations, Title 49; Part 23, requires each local government entity receiving Federal Transportation funds to implement a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program8 ("DBE Program"); and 9 WHEREAS, the DBE Program must be included in any local government contracts which are wholly or partially funded with Federal Transportation funds; and 11 WHEREAS, Caltrans has now been entrusted with local agency oversight responsibility 12 for DBE implementation for all federal transportation funded programs, wholly or in part; and WHEREAS, the Caltrans Civil Rights Program has made technical changes to the I W Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program Plan consisting of modifying the Race-Neutral 14 Measures section of the plan to read identically to 49CFR Part 26.51 (b), (1) - (9); and 15 WHEREAS, Caltrans is requiring the City of Carlsbad to execute the DBE Program 16 Race-Neutral Implementation Agreement for the City of Carlsbad, California, to ensure compliance 17 with all elements of Title 49, Part 26 of the CFR entitled "Participation by Disadvantaged Business . „ Enterprises in Department of Transportation Financial Assistance Programs"; and WHEREAS, adoption of the DBE Program Race-Neutral Implementation Agreement for 19 the City of Carlsbad, California, will enable the City to receive federal funding for existing and 20 future Capital Projects. 21 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 22 California, as follows: PC 1 • That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby approve the DBE Program Race-Neutral Implementation Agreement for the City of Carlsbad, California, 25 attached to AB # 18,996 and incorporated in City Council Policy Statement No. 67. 26 3. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, authorizes the 27 City Manager to execute the DBE Program Race-Neutral Implementation Agreement for the City of Carlsbad, California. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 8th day of May, 2007, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Hall, Packard and Nygaard NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: LORRA4NE M. WOOD, City Clerk (SEAL) Local Assistance Procedures Manual EXHIBIT 9-A Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Race-Neutral Implementation Agreement for Local Agencies EXHIBIT 9-A DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (DBE) PROGRAM RACE-NEUTRAL IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA May 2007 Page 1-8 LPP 06-06 May 8, 2007 Local Assistance Procedures Manual EXHIBIT 9-A Disadvantage!) Business Enterprise Race-Neutral Implementation Agreement for Local Agencies DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE RACE-NEUTRAL IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT For the City of Carlsbad, hereinafter referred to as "RECIPIENT." I Definition of Terms The terms used in this agreement have the meanings defined in 49 CFR § 26.5. II OBJECTIVE/POLICY STATEMENT (§26/1. 26/23) The RECIPIENT intends to receive federal financial assistance from the U. S. Department of Transportation (DOT) through the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), and as a condition of receiving this assistance, the RECIPIENT will sign the California Department of Transportation's Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Implementation Agreement (hereinafter referred to as Agreement). The RECIPIENT agrees to implement the State of California, Department of Transportation Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program Plan (hereinafter referred to as the DBE Program Plan) as it pertains to local agencies. The DBE Program Plan is based on U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), 49 CFR, Part 26 requirements. It is the policy of the RECIPIENT to ensure that DBEs, as defined in Part 26, have an equal opportunity to receive and participate in DOT-assisted contracts. It is also their policy: • To ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of DOT-assisted contracts. • To create a level playing field on which DBE's can compete fairly for DOT-assisted contracts. • To ensure their annual overall DBE participation percentage is narrowly tailored, in accordance with applicable law. • To ensure only firms that fully meet 49 CFR, Part 26 eligibility standards are permitted to participate as DBEs. • To help remove barriers to the participation of DBEs in DOT-assisted contracts. • To assist the development of firms that can compete successfully in the market place outside the DBE Program. III Nondiscrimination (§26.7) RECIPIENT will never exclude any person from participation in, deny any person the benefits of, or otherwise discriminate against anyone in connection with the award and performance of any contract covered by 49 CFR, Part 26 on the basis of race, color, sex, or national origin. In administering the local agency components of the DBE Program Plan, the RECIPIENT will not, directly, or through contractual or other arrangements, use criteria or methods of administration that have the effect of defeating or substantially impairing accomplishment of the objectives of the DBE Program Plan with respect to individuals of a particular race, color, sex, or national origin. Page 2-8 LPP 06-06 May 8, 2007 Local Assistance Procedures Manual EXHIBIT 9-A Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Race-Neutral Implementation Agreement for Local Agencies IV Annual DBE Submittal Form (§26.21) The RECIPIENT will provide to the Caltrans' District Local Assistance Engineer (DLAE) a completed DBE Annual Submittal Form (Exhibit 9-B) by June 1 of each year for the following Federal Fiscal Year (FFY). This form includes an Annual Anticipated DBE Participation Level (AADPL), methodology for establishing the AADPL, the name, phone number, and electronic mailing address of the designated DBELO, and the choice of Prompt Pay Provision to be used by the RECIPIENT for the following FFY. V Race-Neutral Means of Meeting the Annual DBE Goal (§26.51) RECIPIENT will assist Caltrans to achieve its Overall Statewide DBE Goal by using race-neutral means of facilitating DBE participation. Race-neutral DBE Participation includes any time a DBE wins a prime contract through customary competitive procurement procedures, is awarded a subcontract on a prime contract that does not carry a DBE goal, or even if there is a DBE goal, wins a subcontract from a prime contractor that did not consider its DBE status in making the award (e.g., a prime contractor that uses a strict low bid system to award subcontracts). Race-neutral means include, but are not limited to the following: 1. Arranging solicitations, times for the presentation of bids, quantities, specifications, and delivery schedules in ways that facilitate DBE, and other small businesses, participation (e.g., unbundling large contracts to make them more accessible to small businesses, requiring or encouraging prime contractors to subcontract portions of work that they might otherwise perform with their own forces); 2. Providing assistance in overcoming limitations such as inability to obtain bonding or financing (e.g., by such means as simplifying the bonding process, reducing bonding requirements, eliminating the impact of surety costs from bids, and providing services to help DBEs and other small businesses obtain bonding and financing); 3. Providing technical assistance and other services; 4. Carrying out information and communication programs on contracting procedures and specific contract opportunities (e.g., ensuring the inclusion of DBEs and other small businesses on recipient mailing lists of bidders; ensuring the dissemination to bidders on prime contracts of lists of potential subcontractors provision of information in languages other than English, where appropriate); 5. Implementing a supportive services program to develop and improve immediate and long- term business management, record keeping, and financial and accounting capability for DBEs and other small businesses; 6. Providing services to help DBEs and other small businesses improve long-term development, increase opportunities to participate in a variety of kinds of work, handle increasingly significant projects, and achieve eventual self-sufficiency; 7. Establishing a program to assist new, start-up firms, particularly in fields in which DBE participation has been historically low; 8. Ensuring distribution of the DBE directory, through print and electronic means, to the widest feasible universe of potential prime contractor; and Page 3-8 LPP 06-06 May 8, 2007 '1 Local Assistance Procedures Manual EXHIBIT 9-A Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Race-Neutral Implementation Agreement for Local Agencies 9. Assisting DBEs and other small businesses to develop their capability to utilize emerging technology and conduct business through electronic media. VI QUOTAS (§26.43 RECIPIENT will not use quotas or set-asides in any way in the administration of the local agency component of the DBE Program Plan. VII DBE Liaison Officer (DBELO) (§26.25) RECIPIENT has designated a DBE Liaison Officer. The DBELO is responsible for implementing the DBE Program Plan, as it pertains to the RECIPIENT, and ensures the RECIPIENT is fully and properly advised concerning DBE Program Plan matters. The DBELO has direct, independent access to the City Manager for the City of Carlsbad concerning DBE matters. The Planning and Programs Division of the Public Works, Engineering Department, which consists of a Deputy City Engineer, a Senior Engineer, an Associate Engineer and three Engineering Technicians, will support the DBELO. It is the Planning and Programs Division's primary function to implement important programs such as the DBE Program. In addition to the Planning and Programs staff, the support of the Public Works, Engineering Department administrative staff is also available as needed. The name, address, telephone number, electronic mail address, and an organization chart displaying the DBELO's position in the organization are found in Attachment A to this Agreement. This information will be updated annually and included on the DBE Annual Submittal Form. The DBELO is responsible for developing, implementing, and monitoring the RECIPIENT'S requirements of the DBE Program Plan in coordination with other appropriate officials. Duties and responsibilities include the following: 1. Gathers and reports statistical data and other information as required. 2. Reviews third party contracts and purchase requisitions for compliance with this program. 3. Works with all departments to determine projected Annual Anticipated DBE Participation Level. 4. Ensures bid notices and requests for proposals are made available to DBEs in a timely manner. 5. Analyzes DBE participation and identifies ways to encourage participation through race- neutral means. 6. Participates in pre-bid meetings. 7. Advises the CEO/governing body on DBE matters and DBE race-neutral issues. 8. Provides DBEs with information and recommends sources to assist in preparing bids, obtaining bonding and insurance. 9. Plans and participates in DBE training seminars. 10. Provides outreach to DBEs and community organizations to fully advise them of contracting opportunities. Page 4-8 LPP 06-06 May 8, 2007 '•I Local Assistance Procedures Manual EXHIBIT 9-A Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Race-Neutral Implementation Agreement for Local Agencies VIII Federal Financial Assistance Agreement Assurance (§26.13) RECIPIENT will sign the following assurance, applicable to and to be included in all DOT- assisted contracts and their administration, as part of the program supplement agreement for each project. The recipient shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the award and performance of any DOT-assisted contract, or in the administration of its DBE Program, or the requirements of 49 CFR Part 26. The recipient shall take all necessary and reasonable steps under 49 CFR, Part 26 to ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of DOT-assisted contracts. The recipient's DBE Program, as required by 49 CFR, Part 26 and as approved by DOT, is incorporated by reference in this agreement. Implementation of this program is a legal obligation and failure to carry out its terms shall be treated as a violation of this agreement. Upon notification to the recipient of its failure to carry out its approved program, the Department may impose sanctions as provided for under Part 26 and may, in appropriate cases, refer the matter for enforcement under 18 U.S.C. 1001 and/or the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986 (31 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.). [Note - this language is to be used verbatim, as it is stated in §26.13(a).] IX DBE Financial Institutions (§26.27) It is the policy of the RECIPIENT to investigate the full extent of services offered by financial institutions owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals in the community to make reasonable efforts to use these institutions, and to encourage prime contractors on DOT-assisted contracts to make use of these institutions. Information on the availability of such institutions can be obtained from the DBELO. The Caltrans' Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program may offer assistance to the DBELO. X Directory (§26.31) RECIPIENT will refer interested persons to the Unified Certification Program DBE directory available from the Caltrans Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program's website at www.dot.ca.gov/hq/bep. XI Required Contract Clauses (§§26.13, 26.29) RECIPIENT ensures the following clauses or equivalent will be included in each DOT-assisted prime contract: A. CONTRACT ASSURANCE The contractor or subcontractor shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the performance of this contract. The contractor shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR, Part 26 in the award and administration of DOT-assisted contracts. Failure by the contractor to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this contract, which may result in the termination of this contract or such other remedy, as recipient deems appropriate. [Note - This language is to be used verbatim, as stated in §26.13 (b). See Caltrans Sample Boiler Plate Contract Documents on the Internet at www.dot.ca.gov/hq/LocalPrograms under "Publications."] Page 5-8 LPP 06-06 May 8, 2007 a Local Assistance Procedures Manual EXHIBIT 9-A Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Race-Neutral Implementation Agreement for Local Agencies B. PROMPT PAYMENT Prompt Progress Payment to Subcontractors A prime contractor or subcontractor shall pay to any subcontractor not later than 10-days of receipt of each progress payment, in accordance with the provision in Section 7108.5 of the California Business and Professions Code concerning prompt payment to subcontractors. The 10-days is applicable unless a longer period is agreed to in writing. Any delay or postponement of payment over 30-days may take place only for good cause and with the agency's prior written approval. Any violation of Section 7108.5 shall subject the violating contractor or subcontractor to the penalties, sanctions, and other remedies of that Section. This requirement shall not be construed to limit or impair any contractual, administrative, or judicial remedies, otherwise available to the contractor or subcontractor in the event of a dispute involving late payment or nonpayment by the contractor, deficient subcontractor performance, and/or noncompliance by a subcontractor. This clause applies to both DBE and non-DBE subcontractors. Prompt Payment of Withheld Funds to Subcontractors The local agency shall include either (1), (2), or (3) of the following provisions [local agency equivalent will need Caltrans approval] in their federal-aid contracts to ensure prompt and full payment of retainage [withheld funds] to subcontractors in compliance with 49 CFR 26.29. 1. No retainage will be held by the agency from progress payments due to the prime contractor. Prime contractors and subcontractors are prohibited from holding retainage from subcontractors. Any delay or postponement of payment may take place only for good cause and with the agency's prior written approval. Any violation of these provisions shall subject the violating contractor or subcontractor to the penalties, sanctions, and other remedies specified in Section 7108.5 of the California Business and Professions Code. This requirement shall not be construed to limit or impair any contractual, administrative, or judicial remedies, otherwise available to the contractor or subcontractor in the event of a dispute involving late payment or nonpayment by the contractor, deficient subcontractor performance, and/or noncompliance by a subcontractor. This clause applies to both DBE and non-DBE subcontractors. 2. No retainage will be held by the agency from progress payments due the prime contractor. Any retainage kept by the prime contractor or by a subcontractor must be paid in full to the earning subcontractor in 30-days after the subcontractor's work is satisfactorily completed. Any delay or postponement of payment may take place only for good cause and with the agency's prior written approval. Any violation of these provisions shall subject the violating contractor or subcontractor to the penalties, sanctions, and remedies specified in Section 7108.5 of the California Business and Professions Code. This requirement shall not be construed to limit or impair any contractual, administrative, or judicial remedies, otherwise available to the contractor or subcontractor in the event of a dispute involving late payment or nonpayment by the contractor, deficient subcontractor performance, and/or noncompliance by a subcontractor. This clause applies to both DBE and non-DBE subcontractors. Page 6-8 LPP 06-06 May 8, 2007 Local Assistance Procedures Manual EXHIBIT 9-A Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Race-Neutral Implementation Agreement for Local Agencies 3. The agency shall hold retainage from the prime contractor and shall make prompt and regular incremental acceptances of portions, as determined by the agency of the contract work and pay retainage to the prime contractor based on these acceptances. The prime contractor or subcontractor shall return all monies withheld in retention from all subcontractors within 30-days after receiving payment for work satisfactorily completed and accepted including incremental acceptances of portions of the contract work by the agency. Any delay or postponement of payment may take place only for good cause and with the agency's prior written approval. Any violation of these provisions shall subject the violating prime contractor to the penalties, sanctions, and other remedies specified in Section 7108.5 of the California Business Professions Code. This requirement shall not be construed to limit or impair any contractual, administrative, or judicial remedies, otherwise available to the contractor or subcontractor in the event of: a dispute involving late payment or nonpayment by the contractor; deficient subcontractor performance; and/or noncompliance by a subcontractor. This clause applies to both DBE and non-DBE subcontractors. XII Local Assistance Procedures Manual The RECIPIENT will advertise, award and administer DOT-assisted contracts in accordance with the most current published Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM). XIII Bidders List (§26.11) The RECIPIENT will create and maintain a bidders list, consisting of information about all DBE and non-DBE firms that bid or quote on its DOT-assisted contracts. The bidders list will include the name, address, DBE/non-DBE status, age, and annual gross receipts of the firms. XIV Reporting to the DLAE RECIPIENT will promptly submit a copy of the Local Agency Bidder-DBE Information (Exhibit 15-G "Local Agency bidder-DBE (Construction Contracts)-Information" or Exhibit 10-O "Local Agency Proposer/Bidder-DBE (Consultant Contract)-! nformation" of the LAPM) to the DLAE at the time of execution of consultant or construction contract award. RECIPIENT will promptly submit a copy of the Final Utilization of DBE participation to the DLAE using Exhibit 17-F "Final Report" - Utilization of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE), First-Tier Subcontractors" of the LAPM immediately upon completion of the contract for each consultant or construction contract. XV Certification (§26.83(a)) RECIPIENT ensures that only DBE firms currently certified by the California Unified Certification Program will participate as DBEs on DOT-assisted contracts. Page 7-8 LPP 06-06 May 8,2007 D6E ORGANIZATIONAL CHART ATTACHMENT A CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER RAYPATCHETT (760) 434-2821 rpatc@ci. carlsbad. ca. us PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR GLENN PRUIM (760) 602-2730 gprui@ci. carlsbad. ca. us CITY ENGINEER BOB JOHNSON(Acting) (760) 602-2752 bjohn@ci. carlsbad. ca. us DEPUTY CITY ENGINEER DAVID HAUSER (760) 602-2739 dhaus@ci. carlsbad. ca. us SENIOR CIVIL ENGINEER MARSHALL PLANTZ (760) 602-2766 mplan @ci. carlsbad. ca. us ASSOCIATE ENGINEER STEVEN JANTZ (760) 602-2738 sjan t@ci. carlsbad. ca. us STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) ss. I, Sherry Freisinger, Deputy Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy with the original RESOLUTION NO. 2007-112: APPROVING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (QBE) PROGRAM AS CONTAINED WITHIN CITY COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT NO. 67 AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGEMENT TO EXECUTE THE DBE PROGRAM RACE-NEUTRAL IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT with the original now on file in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad; that the same contains a full, true and correct transcript therefrom and of the whole thereof. Witness my hand and the seal of said City of Carlsbad, this 9th day of May, 2007. SHERR 'DEP (SEAL) REISINGE LERK