HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-05-22; City Council; 19013; NextG Networks of California AgreementCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB# MTG. DEPT. 19,013 5/22/07 CA First Amendment to Telecommunications Network License and Encroachment Agreement between the City of Carlsbad and NextG Networks of California, Inc. DEPT. HEAD CITY ATTY. @¥ CITYMGR. , -- RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve Resolution No. 2007-123 authorizing the City Manager to execute the First Amendment to the License and Encroachment Agreement between the City of Carlsbad and NextG Networks of California, Inc. ("Agreement") approved on June 6, 2006, allowing NextG to deploy additional Nodes, for a total not to exceed 100 Nodes, on City infrastructure or in the public right-of-way. ITEM EXPLANATION: NextG Networks of California, Inc. ("NextG") builds, owns and leases fiber optic distributed antenna systems to wireless telecommunications providers to improve the provider's network coverage and capacity. NextG's networks are protocol and frequency agnostic which allows for the ability to carry cellular, PCS, WiFi, or any combination of wireless frequencies and standards. NextG's networks can serve a variety of wireless telecommunications service providers thereby promoting collocation and providing aesthetically pleasing designs for their installations on existing infrastructure when possible. On June 6, 2006, the City entered into a License and Encroachment Agreement with NextG to allow use of public infrastructure (street lights and traffic signals) in the public right-of-way to install their wireless equipment (Nodes) at approximately 52 locations within the City. NextG has complied with the terms of the Agreement to date and is now requesting that the Agreement be amended to allow for additional Nodes (not to exceed a total of 100 Nodes under the Agreement and this First Amendment) to be installed within the City. The Agreement allowed NextG to install, and it did install, Nodes on traffic signals within the City. The Traffic Engineer/City Engineer is concerned that installing Nodes on traffic signal may compromise the structural integrity and design loads of the poles. Additionally, the cohabitation of NextG's wires next to the City's wires within the signal traffic pole maybe a cause for potential malfunction or failure if NextG negligently installs or maintains the Node. In such circumstances however, NextG agrees to indemnify the City for all damages associated with its deployment on City infrastructure. NextG has attempted to modify its network to avoid using traffic signals in the City. However, in those areas where a traffic signal would have been used for a Node location, NextG will now install its own galvanized pole in the public right-of-way adjacent to a City traffic signal. The pole will be approximately 27 feet tall with an additional 24" "whip" antenna mounted on top for a DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Paul Edmonson 760-434-2891 pedmo@ci.carlsbad.ca.us FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED D D D D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN RETURNED TO STAFF OTHER -SEE MINUTES D D D D Page 2 combined height of 29 feet. The pole will have a support box mounted approximately 8 feet above the ground. There will not be anything else attached to the pole (e.g. a light). NextG is requesting that the total number of Nodes allowed under the Agreement be expanded to a maximum of 100. FISCAL IMPACT: The Telecommunications License and Encroachment Agreement executed previously with NextG allowed them to install up to 52 individual Nodes at specific locations identified throughout the City. This First Amendment to the Agreement expands the total number of Nodes to a maximum of 100, but maintains the original financial arrangements as outlined in the June 6, 2006 Agreement. Under those terms, the City will receive a one-time administrative fee of $300 per additional Node, or up to $14,400 for an additional 48 Nodes. In addition, the City will receive compensation for use of its infrastructure at a rate of $500 per Node per year for the additional Nodes requested. However, the City will not receive infrastructure compensation for any pole that NextG installs within the public right-of-way adjacent to a City traffic signal. Increases to compensation for use of infrastructure will be adjusted annually based on the increase to the CPI-AII Urban Consumers for San Diego MSA, but will not be less than 3% per year. Additionally, a gross sales revenue payment will be made to the City. This payment will be based on NextG's gross sales revenue generated from its facilities, including those Nodes that are not attached to City infrastructure, located in Carlsbad. This payment will provide the City with a minimum payment of $500 per Node mounted on City infrastructure, per year, or up to 5% of the annual sales revenue generated in Carlsbad, whichever is greater. The minimum payment for gross sales revenue for the additional 48 Nodes, assuming all 48 Nodes are attached to City infrastructure is $24,000 each year. Based on installation of 100 Nodes: One Time Fee (1-52 Nodes): $15,600 One Time Fee (53-100 Nodes): $14.400 Total One Time Fees: $30,000 Infrastructure Compensation (1-52 Nodes): $26,000 annually Infrastructure Compensation (53-100 Nodes): $24,000 annually Minimum Gross Revenue (1-52 Nodes): $26,000 annually Minimum Gross Revenue (53-100 Nodes): $24.000 annually Minimum Annual Revenue (100 Nodes): $100,000 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The Planning Director has determined that the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act, pursuant to Section 15061 (b)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines. Section 15061(b)(3) exempts projects or activities where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity may have a significant effect on the environment. Furthermore, the California Public Utilities Commission has determined that NextG's activities (i.e. placement of wireless facilities upon City infrastructure) are projects which are categorically exempt from CEQA. PageS EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 2007-123 of the City of Carlsbad, California authorizing the City Manager to execute documents associated with the First Amendment to the Telecommunications Network License and Encroachment Agreement with NextG Networks of California Inc. 2. First Amendment to Telecommunications Network License and Encroachment Agreement - NextG Networks of California, Inc. with attachments. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2007-123 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE FIRST 3 AMENDMENT TO THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS 4 NETWORK LICENSE AND ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND 5 NEXTG NETWORKS OF CALIFORNIA, INC. AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL 6 RELATED DOCUMENTS. 7 WHEREAS, The City of Carlsbad is responsible for management of its8 infrastructure within the public right-of-way and performs a wide range of vital tasks necessary to preserve the physical integrity of public streets and ways, to control the 11 orderly flow of vehicles, to promote the safe movement of pedestrians, and to manage a 12 number of gas, water, sewer, electric, cable television, telephone and telecommunications facilities that are located in, under and over the streets and public 14 right-of ways; and 15 WHEREAS, NextG Networks of California Inc. (NextG) builds, owns, and leases 16 fiber optic distributed antenna systems to improve wireless coverage and capacity for 17 telecommunications carriers; and18 WHEREAS, on June 6, 2006, NextG entered into a Telecommunications Network 2Q License and Encroachment Agreement with the City for installation of up to 52 network 21 Nodes; and 22 WHEREAS, for the purposes of expanding their network, NextG has requested 23 an Amendment to that Agreement in order to locate, place, attach, install, operate, control and maintain a total of up to 100 Nodes in the public right-of-way, and on 25 facilities owned by the City, as well as facilities owned by third parties therein. 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council does hereby approve the First Amendment to the Telecommunications Network License and Encroachment Agreement between the City of Carlsbad and NextG Networks of California, Inc. 3. That the City Manager is authorized to execute this First Amendment to the Telecommunications Network License and Encroachment Agreement, and all related documents. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 22nd day of May 2007, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Hall, Nygaard NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Packard LORRAINE (SEAL) FIRST AMENDMENT TO TELECOMMUNICATION NETWORK LICENSE AND ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT WITH NEXTG NETWORKS OF CALIFORNIA, INC. This agreement is made and entered into as of the date signed by the City ("Effective Date"), and shall be identified as the First Amendment to Telecommunications Network License and Encroachment Agreement ("First Amendment"), entered into by and between the City of Carlsbad, a California municipal corporation (the "City") and NextG Networks of California, Inc, a Delaware corporation ("NextG," collectively, the "Parties"). RECITALS A. WHEREAS, the Parties entered into an Agreement (on file with the Clerk of the City of Carlsbad) dated June 6th 2006, whereby NextG acquired a license to occupy portions of the public rights-of-way upon City owned infrastructure for providing telecommunication services for its customers; B. WHEREAS, the Agreement provides in Section 4 that the deployment of any new Nodes beyond the original 52 Nodes will be processed as an amendment to the Agreement. C. WHEREAS, NextG and the City hereby agree to amend the Agreement as more particularly described herein. In the event of any conflict between the Agreement and the First Amendment, the terms of this First Amendment shall control. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the Recitals stated above, and incorporated herein by this reference and the mutual obligations of the Parties expressed herein, the City and NextG agree as follows: 1. SCOPE OF AMENDMENT. That all the terms and conditions of the original Agreement between the City and NextG are of full force and effect except as expressly and specifically amended herein. 2. AS-BUILT DESCRIPTION OF PREVIOUS DEPLOYMENT. That Exhibit B-l, attached hereto, represents the as-built exhibit of the first phase of NextG's deployment in the City. The Node quantity and location supercedes and replaces any previous references made in Section 4 of the Agreement to Node quantities, and Exhibit B-l hereby supercedes and replaces the Agreement's Exhibit B. 3. DESCRIPTION OF NEW DEPLOYMENT. That Exhibit B-2, attached hereto, represents the new deployment planned by NextG in the City. The Parties acknowledge that Exhibit B-2 is for illustrative purposes only. The City Engineer, Planning and other Department review has not taken place at the time this Amendment was entered into. Thus, City reserves all rights to require NextG to amend and relocate some or all of its proposed First Amendment to Telecommunication Network License and Encroachment Agreement City of Carlsbad - NextG Networks of California, Inc. Page 1 of 3 Node locations and in particular, the proposed Nodes which use Municipal Facilities. City Council's approval of this Amendment is not an approval for any specific Node location in City. 4. FIELD MODIFICATIONS ALLOWED. The City Engineer (or his or her designee) will review the installation at the locations described in Exhibit B-2 as they are constructed by NextG ("City's Designee"), so long as NextG maintains sufficient monies in its "charge" account with City for the City's Designee to debit against for his/her time reviewing NextG' s installations. In the alternative, City inspection crews will inspect NextG's installations on a call-out basis. NextG will call for inspections by City inspectors pursuant to City's standard practices for installation inspections. The Parties understand that adjustments may need to be made from time-to-time in the field related to the location and quantity of the Nodes described in Exhibit B-2. Although the location of the Nodes will be substantially as described in B-2, the City's Engineer or his/her designee and NextG may make reasonable adjustments to the deployment plan (in both location and quantity) in order to accomplish the Parties' objectives. Notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, the City's Engineer will have the final decision in the placement of any Node on any Municipal Facilities. 5. COMPENSATION AND PERFORMANCE BOND. NextG agrees to compensate the City for the additional Nodes described in Exhibit B-2 as specified in Section 6 of the Agreement. Since the total deployment is below the threshold of 100 Nodes, Section 20 of the Agreement does not require any additional Performance Bond to be posted. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns do hereby agree to the full performance of the covenants herein contained and have caused this Agreement to be executed by setting hereunto their signatures on the day and year respectively written herein below. CITY: THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DATE: layor or-£ity Manager LICENSEE: NEXTG NETWORKS OF CALIFORNIA, INC. DATE: f, ICX^I By: Raymond K. (Mby, CFO First Amendment to Telecommunication Network License and Encroachment Agreement City of Carlsbad - NextG Networks of California, Inc. Page 2 of 3 Exhibits: Exhibit B-1: Location of Existing Nodes deployed in City Exhibit B-2: Location of Nodes to be deployed as part of this First Amendment APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R.BALL, City Attorney T)eputy City Attorney First Amendment to Telecommunication Network License and Encroachment Agreement City of Carlsbad - NextG Networks of California, Inc. 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CN 00Ln CM |v- 1 r-o CO CO Q CQCO Ct ^O 0 13CD.QO5CD0 Obelisco Ct.CO CM T —^s- |V.^j- T^-CM ^ 1 CTlOO 00 00 " Q CQ CO Ct ^0 1 CD0 TDCDocnCD0 Marmol Ct.CD CDCM CN0 CN ^ 1 r2 O5o CO CO Q CQ CO1 ^O Is- O COo03COO L§ COa> o inCN COo CM Is- 1 Is- oT — COCO CQCO Ct ^o CN CO O CO.aO)CD0 ^Ct CD1 1 Rancho Santa FoCMIs- CDCN CNCN !"- 1 Is-O5 O CO CO i Q DQ CO ct ^0 5 COf)enCDO P Camino Junipeio enCO O5Is- CMCN N- 1 en0O5o CO CO Q CQCO1 Ct ^O CNQ •aCDo03COO ^Ct CD1 1 Rancho Santa FLnooLnIs- ,_ CDCO CN r- 1 CMCMCOO CO CO Q CQCOJ Q: rf* 0 COQ ~D "OCD CO-Q .aO3 O)CO CD0 0 CDen Z CO CO CD — ' "cCO CD II O CN Is- CN CN OCN CO CD LT3CD LnLn ^~CN CM r-- r-- 1 ' CO 050 0OO OO O O CO CO CO CO Q Q DQ CQCO CO[ 1 C£ C£ ^ ^0 O Q J£j •aCOo0)CDO Vista ChaparralCD CN CM CN CNOOLn CM ^ 1 CNr--o CO CO Q CQCOJ Ct ^o CD Q -o1 -oCO CD-O i .0cn 1 cnCO COO j O T3 CD ^ CD <"_= 1 1 Avenida PimeniRancho Santa FCM : O^r CDO5 00CM Is- O3 : ^t"CD 1 O5 •<* ! COCN ' CM Is-, Is- i i t- ! oo•^t ! \nIs- Is-o o co : co CO CO Q Q DQ : CQ CO j CO1 | Ct ' Ct ^ *"C0, O 1 0 1 CD.0cnCD0 El Camino RealoLnr-.Is- OOLn CDCN f~~ 1 COoCO0 CO CO Q DQCO| K. ^0 CM O Q CMCD05 CD Q. NextG Networks CITY OF CARLSBAD TELECOMMUNICATIONS NETWORK LICENSE AGREEMENT EXHIBIT B-2 SUPPLEMENTAL DETAIL 10-MAY-2007 {;}- ~ ~ Remote Site Locations Ptopolld Anllnnl Number01 AzImuth Propo8ld Ptopoud PCSUUble Rid Clnt.. RtqUldf. lor Uililuda Rlmotl 8111 R_1t I.ooItIon(l)8PCI Carrtarlper BIRPPIt (AGL)AnII I Anltnn8 AzImuthlor (dtotmll)NAO LonQltuda Iltm.orSlt8lD Pole Number Sector ClIII1ar(dSm)(mll8"It 8IIt 81 Anl8nn882 83 I(d8dmli)NAD83 StreetAddrel8lcrouItrHt Ju8dlctlon 1 -0 -3 34 U 1 N/A NlA 33.188510 -117.337380 Sui SloP on CIlbld VIII8a8Or-SOydllromHlahllnd St.Northakll Call8bld 2 -I -3 34 U.1 NlA NlA 33.11I3 -117.32022 NEComer 01EICamino Rill &Chlltnul Ave.Calbad 3 -0 -3 34 U 1 NlA NlA 33.152170 -117.328820 AtStoP SIan 81HlI1Ilda.JUlt PIli HiGhlandOr.&Hllilldl Or.IDltt OMlbld 4 -0 -3 34 U 1 N/A N/A 33.157750 -117.3OMI10 OnTlmlrack .1ee mlI..t 01PonUIClOuIhlidaof8trHt CIMblld -D h NewPollio bllOC8lId SO'north ofTrafflcLiIIhton NSoomer ofEICImino 11111&II 3 34 1 NIA NlA 33.148880 -117.287750 ClnnonRd.CaMblld 8 -0 -3 34 U 1 N/A NlA 33.134410 -117.302480 OnFlradlYRd..38mIIIlIE 01Cannon Call8bld 9 i 3 34 'U 1 NlA NlA 33.124010 -117.302420 11t.SlrelUlahtWIltofTtlfflcLIGhton8WComerofPllomlrAlrDOrtRd.&CoIlIIIIBlvd.OMlbad- 10 0-1 -3 34 U 1 NlA NlA 33.120030 -117.287240 OnPllomerAIIIIOtIRd,.18mlill EofPllomIrOlkt WIYNorthIIdl OM8b8d 11 -0 -3 34 U 1 NlA NlA 33.130820 -117.287850 OnEICiminoRII'JUltNorthofPllomlrAD!Rd.C8I18bId 13 -0 -3 34 U 1 N/A NlA 33.11744 -117.23309 11t.8trHUIaht lOutIIofT"lIIo Uah!on 8W oomar 01Mllroll &CIIII1II0 OM8b8d 14 "-3 34 U 1 NlA NlA 33.11227 -117.228540 NewPoll 10belocllld 5011.northof TralllaUohton NS oomtr 01Mllrou &Alai CaMbld 111 mff -3 34 U 1 N/A NlA 33.10809 -117.239011 New Pollio bI Ioc8Itd 50ft.lOuIh01TralllcLlohton 8W comer ofAIoI &EIFuent.CIlbld 18 -3 34 U 1 N/A NlA 33.108480 -117.248440 NWComerofAlai&ClZldaroOr.OMlbld. 17 'N17M-D -3 34 U 1 NlA NlA 33.11833 -117.248S0 New Pol.10bI 100000d8OIt.Northof T"lIIc lIahton N8 oomar ofPoIn8l\ll &81Fu.nte Ca8b8d 18 N18M-D -3 34 U 1 N/A N/A 33,114000 -117.281700 11tSlrelUklht welt 01TtltIIa Ilohton 8W Comer of Polna.1tI &Alleant.CI8b8d 19 If -3 34 U 1 NlA NlA 33.105100 -117.2eeeoo 11t81r11111ahtwelt 01TralllclIahton 8W Comer 01Avll"Pkwv&81tek RIllCt.Ca8b8d 20 -D -3 34 U 1 N/A NlA 33.113440 -117.288880 100vd8WIll01BI8ckRillRd.onlouIhIIdI ofPolnllltl ClMblld 21 -D -3 34 U 1 NlA N/A 33.107200 -117.301310 On PoIn8lWI 100 Yd8E.ofSnaDdl'lGonOr.CIlbld rN22M-0 NewPollio bI 100IItd5011.welt01Tralllclightonthl NWComer01UiCaltl &Vlljl 22 -3 34 U 1 N/A N/A 33.088520 -117.252850 C"UIII WIV ClMbid 23 IN2SM-C -3"34 U 1 N/A NlA 33.088880 -117.244500 NewPollio beIoCIIIdSOft.I'"01TralllclIohton SEComerofUiColtl &Romertl8t.CIlbld NewPoll to be IoCIIId8OIt.WlIt01TtltIIa lightonNW Comer 01L.COltl &C.ndlnei. 24 I -3 ,34'U 1 N/A NlA 33.088510 -117.239420 8t.Cwblld 28 -3 34 U 1 NlA NlA 33.094000 -117.224830 OnII.nchoS.nll F.Rd..4mISouth01SanEllloRd.ClMblld 29 -0 -3 34 8.5 1 NlA NlA 33.071280 -117.22487 7812 CortI PIRCI Calbld 35 "u -;,M V.O Nil Nil .ucr...u -".ilOUV <.InLlI.i0818 .iIm III'orlIIXony I;lntDia bJ ,-r"::,,<T~\,-;1"-.--. \- '"( '- '''J )~ ( -~~<: ,~'''" ), ,-" r-,-; (lBue08 Pushpin. II EXISTINGSTREETLIGHTS.NEWPOLES Ie'c- /. .CQ ...7'D '.'Aa~-" ) v '~",-~{~. 1~~\t!!!i' ""I\\.v -~':;;;/.' ,:1 \ien j ,.,7.,.,./ NUM~t[.-.;' . ' .. ~'') .. ' , " , ,: . L ; ..# { ... ~!"i'ij.,MC~.' . '" .."".'Sf '.'."".......\",""' ;'. . '.'. v-" .... 1 . ~8th-, . , .. :- .. ",." . :d.~ ... ._;P -,,''''''rq",. ;,..//' I~'<y,,,V .~Y . <Ir.tl.<.~a}~.j'II)".-\,+'Z: . '<'..r. ,.. <'<. I ~.~~c.-r'\.,0mi 1 Copyright0 19884005 MlcrolOftCorp.end/or itasuppllerl.Allt1Qhtareserved.hllp:lfwww.mlcrolOlt.comtltreetll CI>2004 NIlVTEQ.AllNgI1tlrel'Md.Thladlte indudellnformrion Itk.n withpermlllion fromCenadlen.uthoriliel \111Her M~lty the Queen In Algi'll of Clt\IIdI,CI>CopyNght 2004 by TeleAlIa North Ameriee,11Ie.Allrightl re..rved. .f ch~d Fort~'&:=12 3 Q) 0v Customer: Project: Node: Item Number: Latitude: Longitude: Street Address: City,State: NextG Networks Node Survey SheetHe-H "kS Pole ID: Antenna Height:~ ._~.-.'.~,-", I!J If no secondary,how far to secondary? I!JIf no telco,how far to pole with telco? B I!J I!J I!J If yes,photo #s?I"":c'!'''!'~-::''C:''~I Pole Location Description: .....--- Equipment on Pole: Comments: .~, ~~ ((P ---''--. Power on Pole:[Secondary Telco on Pole:[NO Pole Type:[Concre'"5treedight Pole Access:[Onroad Photo of Pole:'IYes Pole marked:[Yes,surveyortape 0,~ NextG Hetwo"'" Customer: Project: Node: Item Number: Latitude: Longitude: Street Address: City,State: NextG Networks Node Surve Sheet 2 Pole ID: Antenna Height: [!]If no secondary,how far to secondary? B If no telco,how far to pole with tel co? B [!] [!] [!] If yes,photo #5?~~.::!1!',,:,;.,Ji'2J! Pole Location Description: Equipment on Pole: Comments: "" ~I f1 ~-- Power on Pole:lSecondary Telco on Pole:fNo Pole Type:IConere'"Streedight Pole Access:road Photo of Pole: Pole marked:lYes,surveyortape 0'J Customer: Project: Node: Item Number. Latitude: Longitude: Street Address: City,State: NextG Networks Node Surve SheetNextGNetworks Pole ID: Antenna Height: '" B 8 8 If no secondary,how far to secondary? B If no telco,how far to pole with telco? 8 8 If yes,photo #s?I!~-:::.:::..::;';:~.~ Equipment on Pole: Comments: ."f "",\ \J [~ Power on Pole:lSecond.ry Telco on Pole:rNo Pole Type:IConcreteSlTeedight Pole Access:","d Photo of Pole:L:<= Pole marked:IYes,surveyor"'pe 0 ,:::> Customer: Project: Node: Item Number: Latitude: Longitude: Street Address: City,State: NextG Networks Node Survey SheetNext<>Netw- 4 Pole 1D: Antenna Height: 8 If no secondary,how far to secondary? B If no telco,how far to pole with telco? M 8 8 8 If yes,photo #s?I'!""p;~,;,;",;..,,,~ Pole Location Description: Equipment on Pole: Comments: I I ,,,,,,"" tCf ------ Power on Pole:[Secondary Telco on Pole:[No Pole Type:IConcreteStreedight Pole Access:road Photo of Pole: Pole marked:lYes,surveyortape 0'=' Pole ID: Antenna Height: NextG Networks Node Surve SheetNextGNetworks Customer: Project: Node: Item Number: Latitude: Longitude: Street Address: City,State: NI:,;comei:iijFiEI,CijiPiijli;Reali&'qini'ion'"Ro: ~If no secondary,how far to secondary? .!J If no telco,how far to polewith telco? 8 8 ~ --!J ~ If yes,photo #s?~~~ Pole Location Description: Equipment on Pole: Comments: .. 'i,f ;':. Yt..."l .,...j.1;,.!i..",:, ,,.,'"~.i.f~'\ l~~.~ .~, . f.'.\;g, . i"~ ... ",I ..1''''"'.~~",:,iT",....4..u' .. ~ -,,'~c ~ ~ft a pi '"---- QC ----. -... Power on Pole:INone Telco on Pole: Pole Type:IMetalPole Pole Access:road Photo of Pole:INo Pole marked:INo (J,=, Customer: Project:Node: ItemNumber. Latitude: Longitude: Street Address: City,State: NextG Networks Node Survey SheetN0xt6- Pole ID: Antenna Height: ~If no secondary,how far to secondary? ~If no telco,how far to pole with telco? ~ ~ ~If yes,photo #5?~~',"!liJ'~ ~ Pole location Description: Equipment on Pole: Comments: I ~~III . --.P --~ J[ Power on Pole:Seronda<y Telco on Pole:No Pole Type:Cc>ncRte StreedJght Pole Access:Onroad Photo of Pole:Yes Pole marked:Yes,su"""'"lape (Jv NextG Networks NextG Networks Node Surve Sheet PoleID: Antenna Height: Customer: Project:Node: Item Number: Latitude: Longitude: Street Address: City,State: 8 If no secondary,how far to secondary? B If no telco,how far to pole with tel co? B 8 L!.J 8 If yes,photo #s?~;,;,i~~,3 Pole Location Description: Equipment on Pole: Comments: ,r, f. ' /. ,;;' ~1 ~ it u :Jf'.';,;,'r:';";:.J!! ~~.""'."',,,....... ~II! II 1\1 !II 1 ~ --'1\'«'" ~'"'-""~"";''''--"-... f~;~~~;~~I=I IV =,==-'. j1'<n. d-'r U"..-."'nn. Power on Pole:lSecondary Telco on Pole:[No Pole Type:IConcreteStreedight Pole Access:road Photo of Pole: Pole marked:l Yes,surveyor tape 0,~ NenG Networks Pole ID: Antenna Height: NextG Networks Node Survey Sheet Customer: Project: Node: Item Number: Latitude: Longitude: Street Address: City,State: ~If no secondary,howfar to secondary? ~If no telco,how far to pole with telco? 8 8 ~ ~ If yes,photo #s?1i2ii~'1i?;.i\~'11 Pole Location Description:"""""" Equipment on Pole: Comments: ~ ,t 'f I;I! ~Q1 '"<t,~ .. M !!!~ '"'rI IIi\1 ~.. ;J, ~ ~ j i!ii .... ./"';.-... rAJ Power on Pole:ISe:ondary Telco on Pole: Pole Type:IConcreteStreedight Pole Access:iOnroad Photo of Pole:IYes Pole marked:IYes,surveyor lope (J,~ NextG Networi<s Customer: Project: Node: Item Number: Latitude: Longitude: Street Address: City,State: Pole ID: Antenna Height: NextG Networks Node Surve Sheet 8 If no secondary,how far to secondary? B If no telco,how far to pole with telco? 8 8 8 8 c;;,i'~~;""c"",:"::sI1Ifyes,photo #s? Pole location Description: Equipment on Pole: Comments: I'II " fl -II I f<!1 ,,-. ,,--"..-,,-I ~l1li ~. .. ;;> /" -?,. Power on Pole:lSecoodary Telco on Pole:rNo Pole Type:IConcreteStreetlight Pole Access:road Photo of Pole: Pole marked:IYes,surveyor jape 0,~ NextG Networl<s NextG Networks Node Surve Sheet Pole ID: Antenna Height: Customer: Project: Node: Item Number: Latitude: Longitude: Street Address: City,State: B 8 If no secondary,how far to secondary? 8 If no telco,how far to pole with telco? 8 8 G If yes,photo #s?r;-;:::-:-:;:;;;",...J Pole Location Description: Equipment on Pole: Comments: III" , r -J Power on Pole:lSeamdary Telco on Pole:ryes Pole Type:IConaete Streeight Pole Access:road Photo of Pole: Pole marked:lYes,surveyor tape (J'=' Ne..,G Netwo.'"NextG Networks Node Surve Sheet Customer: Project:Node: Item Number: Latitude: Longitude: Street Address: City,State: 14 Pole ID: Antenna Height: :rijJlt'iLOfti'afflfW a, .'. EJ 8 If no secondary,how far to secondary? 8 If no telco.how far to pole with telco? 8 8 8 If yes,photo #s?f,,.c.,'",.~,:",I Pole Location Description: Equipment on Pole: Comments: """"'"- r East / -_.--.----------"-'--.-~.-------.---- Power on Pole:lNone Telco on Pole:[Yes Pole Type:IMetal Pole Pole Access:road Photo of Pole: Pole marked:[No 0v NextG"etwo- Customer: Project: Node: Item Number: Latitude: Longitude: Street Address: City,State: NextG Networks Node Surve Sheet PoleID: Antenna Height: G If no secondary,how far to secondary? G If no telco,how far to pole with telco? G G G G If yes,photo #s? Pole Location Description: Equipment on Pole: Comments: /"'"I Power on Pole:tSecondary Telco on Pole:[Yes Pole Type:IMeta'Pole Pole Access:road Photo of Pole: Pole marked:lNo (tJ'=' NextG Netw""'"NextG Networks Node Surve Sheet B If no secondary,how far to secondary? G If no telco,how far to pole with telco? 8 Customer: Project: Node: Item Number: Latitude: longitude: Street Address: City,State: Pole ID: Antenna Height: B ~If yes,photo #s? B Pole location Description: Equipment on Pole: Comments: Power on Pole:lSecondary Telco on Pole:rNo Pole Type:IConcrete Streetlight Pole Access:road Photo of Pole:iyesL- Pole marked:IYes,sur/eyortape 0 '==' NextG Netwe,ks Pole ID: Antenna Height: NextG Networks Node Surve Sheet Customer: Project:Node: Item Number: Latitude: longitude: Street Address: CityI State: 8 If no secondary,how far to secondary? B If no telco,how far to pole with telco? B 8 8 8 If yes,photo #s? Pole location Description: Equipment on Pole: Comments: r East /"tr1 Power on Pole:lNone Telco on Pole:[NO Pole Type:IMetal Pole Pole Access:road Photo of Pole: Pole marked:lNo 0 '==' HextG Network$Sheet Customer: Project: Node: Item Number: Latitude: Longitude: Street Address: City,State: Pole ID: Antenna Height: 8 If no secondary,howfar to secondary? B If no telco,how far to pole with telco? B 8 8 8 If yes,photo #s?~ Pole Location Description: Equipment on Pole: Comments: II ,~'I l:~ . mlJ)'Ii II !~w ~ r (\, ------------------------------------------------------- Power on Pole:ISe=dary Telco on Pole: Pole Type:IConcreteSIJeeight Pole Access:I road Photo of Pole: Pole marked:lNo ~:Jv Power on Pole: NextG Networks Node Survey SheetNex'"Network. Customer: Project: Node: Item Number: Latitude: Longitude: Street Address: Cityl State: Pole ID: Antenna Height: Telco on Pole:[NO G If no secondary,how far to secondary? G If no telco,how far to pole with telco? 8 ISecondary Pole Tvpe:!Concrete Streedight G EJ G If yes,photo #s? Pole location Description: Equipment on Pole: Comments: f(",,'- ....... \ Pole Access:_road Photo of Pole: Pole marked:INo 0v NextG Networks Customer: Project: Node: Item Number: Latitude: Longitude: Street Address: City,State: NextG Networks Node Surve Sheet Pole ID: Antenna Height: Pole Type:IConcrereSlreedight B G Power on Pole:ISecondi>ry r;-- ~If no secondary,how far to secondary? B If no telco,how far to pole with telco?Telco on Pole: G 8 If yes,photo #s?I -'-H:-../I Pole Location Description: Equipment on Pole: Comments: ~ 't9!= /J Pole Access:road Photo of Pole: Pole marked:l Yes,SUJ'le1Of"tape I I'I n 5'1 .!!' II 0 '=' NextG Netwo"'" Customer: Project: Node: Item Number: Latitude: Longitude: Street Address: City,State: NextG Networks Node Surve Sheet """ Pole 1D: Antenna Height: EJ B If no secondary,how far to secondary? B If no telco,how far to pole with telco? B B B If yes,photo #s?tTh'\;':n:Gillii~~ Pole location Description: Equipment on Pole: Comments: III " III m ~~~!II iii .... ;-" ) ./ Power on Pole:lSecondary Telco on Pole:[Yes Pole Type:IConcrereStreetlight Pole Access:road Photo of Pole: Pole marked:lYes,surveyor 1>Ipe 0'=' NextG Netwo.k$NextG Networks Node Surve SheetCustomer: Project:Node: Item Number: Latitude: Longitude: Street Address: CityI State: Pole 1D: Antenna Height: ~If no secondary,how far to secondary? ~If no telco,how far to pole with telco? B G ~If yes,photo #s? ~ Pole Location Description: Equipment on Pole: Comments: ~q Power on Pole:IINone Telco on Pole:r- l!!': Pole Type:Ir4etalPole IPoleAccess:road Photo of Pole:INo Pole marked:INo av N""'"Network.NextG Networks Node Surve Sheet ~If no secondary,how far to secondary? ~If no telco,how far to pole with teloo? EJ Customer: Project: Node: Pole ID: Antenna Height: 8 ~If yes,photo #s?F2:T.:~7c~f3] ~ Pole Location Description: Equipment on Pole: Comments: 111 H Traffic Light is original candidate. New pole to be located 50'east. Appx Location 'ffi ~ ~ 111ft '".,-"" '-"'" Power on Pole:INone Telco on Pole: Pole Type:IMelalPole Pole Access:road Photo of Pole:jNo Pole marked:INo 0'=' HextG NetworkS NextG Networks Node Surve Sheet Customer: Project: Node: Item Number: Latitude: Longitude: Street Address: City,State: '~'T,vPoleID: Antenna Height: [!]If no secondary,how far to secondary? 8 If no telco,how far to pole with telco? 8 [!] [!] 8 If yes,photo #s?r:=:::J Pole Location Description: Equipment on Pole: Comments: II ,...'- J Power on Pole:lNone Telco on Pole:[Yes Pole Type:IMetalPole Pole Access:road Photo of Pole: Pole marked:[No 0 '-=' NextG Networi<s NextG Networks Node Surve Sheet Customer: Project: Node: Item Number: Latitude: Longitude: Street Address: City,State: Pole ID: Antenna Height: Pole Location Description: Equipment on Pole: Comme.nts: ],.~", I!Ji !Ii !~~-.~" U ft " ..,."",; ~If no secondary,how far to secondary? :!J If no telco,how far to pole with telco? 8 8 ~ ~ 1::,':::IIfyes,photo #s? ~~~1III '"tB 1 I l1li IIa I. ~. L " t , /~ Power on Pole:ISecondary Telco on Pole: Pole Type:!Concre'"Streedight IPoleAccess:IOnroad Photo of Pole:IYes Pole marked:IYes,SUrP-jOr tape ItJ ,0 NexW Networks NextG Networks Node Surve Sheet Customer: Project:Node: Item Number: Latitude: Longitude: Street Address: City,State: 29 EJ If no secondary,how far to secondary? EJ If no telco,how far to pole with telco? B EJ Pole ID: Antenna Height: EJ EJ If yes,photo #s?-. Pole location Description: Equipment on Pole: Comments: m /?;) Power on Pole:' [Secondary Telco on Pole:[No Pole Type:ICaners'"Streetlight Pole Access:road Photo of Pole:!YesL- Pole marked:iNo 0 ,0 NextG Networks Node Surve SheetNextGNetw.... Customer: Project: Node: !tern Number: Latitude: Long itude: Street Address: City,State: Pole ID: Antenna Height: B If no secondary,how far to secondary? B If no telcor how far to pole with telco? B B B B If yes,photo #s? Pole Location Description: Equipment on Pole: Comments: 39 Power on Pole:ISecondo')'. Telco on Pole: Pole Type:IConcrete Streetlight Pole Access:road Photo of Pole:l:0= Pole marked:IYes,surveyortape Page 1 of 1 Lisa Hildabrand - Re: Next G From: Paul Edmonson To: Cynthia Haas; Lisa Hildabrand Date: 05/22/2007 8:54 AM Subject: Re: Next G All Receive • Agejga Item #_ For Information of THE CITY COUNCIL CM «^" CA *- CC * CM Asst. Lisa, The original license agreement encourages co-location on existing City infrastructure Node locations. So in that context, yes, NextG could (and we would encourage because we would gain additional fees/5% $ for the co-location) "sell" the rights to co-locate another carriers antenna on an existing pole (although, as I understand it the two carriers would actually share the same 24" antenna; the co-location requires the second carrier's electronics to be added to the box mounted on the pole). If NextG wanted to sell space on the pole to add a non telecom related item (e.g. a sign advertising something) on the City's infrastructure, the answer would be "no." NextG would not have the authority because that non-telecom sell would exceed NextG's permissions. As for the first amendment that narrows the use of City infrastructure to street lights, the above continues to apply. However, if NextG installed its own pole in the PROW for its Node, and North County Transit (NTC) wanted to place a bus stop sign on that same pole and was willing to pay NextG a fee to have that sign mounted on said pole, we probably could prevent that from happening. Not because of our agreement with NextG but because such an use (via a NextG and NCT agreement) would exceed the authority granted to NextG in its CPCN from the CPUC. NextG's rights from the CPUC is related to telecom and not advertising bus stop locations. From a practical standpoint, who would complain? The same analysis would apply to other type of "sales" of pole space. Bottom line, NextG can "sell" space so long as it is for telecom use. Paul >» Cynthia Haas 05/22/2007 7:59 AM >» I think its just for the nodes....but since Paul is the most familiar with the agreement and spearheaded the negotiations, I think he should opine on this one. Cynthia >» Lisa Hildabrand 05/21/2007 6:17 PM >» Hi- A question came up in briefings about whether Next G can sell the rights to put other things on the poles they install once they are there? For example, can they put other antenna on them? Lisa \MAY 2 2 2007 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE file://C:\Documents and Settings\LHild\Local Settings\Temp\GW}00001.HTM 05/22/2007 From: Subject: Lisa Hildabrand Fwd: Re: Next G All Receive -Agenda Item # For Information of THE CITY COUNCIL CM «-^ CA From CM _ Asst. >» Paul Edmonson 05/16/2007 9:30 PM >» Lisa, NextG's poles (in lieu of traffic signals) are not part of the total 100 (both Agmt and 1st Amendment combined). NextG is a full facility base teleco and have the ability to install poles in the ROW, subject to the City's regulation of time, place and manner (47 USC 332(c)(7)). Said differently, we can not limit NextG's number, all we can do is make it attractive for them to use our infrastructure (even if only limited to streetlight poles) per the license agreement. That said, I believe NextG will be placing 6 independent^ poles in the City's ROW for this build out. To reduce the potential for visual blight, Council always retains the ability to override the City/Traffic Engineer's opinon. Paul Paul G. Edmonson Deputy City Attorney Office of City Attorney 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-1949 tel: 760.434.2891 fax: 760.434.8367 Email: pedmo@ci.carlsbad.ca.us CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipients(s) and may contain information protected by the attorney-client privilege, the attorney work product doctrine or other applicable privileges or confidentiality laws or regulations. If you are not an intended recipient, you may not review, use, copy, disclose or distribute this message or any of the information contained in this message to anyone. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of this message and any attachments. Unintended transmission shall not constitute waiver of the attorney-client or any other privilege. MAY 2 2 2007 CITY OF CARLSBAD C\T( CLERK'S OFFICE CLC_