HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-05-22; City Council; 19014; 2007/08 to buildout capital improvementCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB# 19,014 MTG. 05/22/07 DEPT. FIN PRELIMINARY 2007-2008 • y\ 01 in r%x^| ITI O BUILDOUT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DEPT. HEAD Jgc . CITY ATTY. Cgi^ CITY MGR. ^ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept report. Set public hearing for June 26, 2007. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Preliminary Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a planning document as well as a budget document. It incorporates the current status of all of the City's capital funds with the capital construction budgets and development projections for the upcoming years, and then projects future revenues and expenditures for all known projects until the buildout of the City. The CIP is a financial planning document, not a commitment for spending. All construction costs are estimates and are reviewed and further refined each year. The information shown in subsequent years is to provide the most comprehensive snapshot of all the known future facilities the City of Carlsbad plans to construct. Overview - Fiscal Year 2007-08 This year the CIP process refinements continued and additional improvements were implemented to improve project cost estimates and reflect the latest information available on the estimated timing of project appropriations. Staff began the CIP process by evaluating the construction schedules for City facilities in conjunction with the workload of the staff needed to complete the projects. Whenever possible project timing was reviewed and projects were moved into the appropriate year. In the FY 2007-08 CIP, there are approximately 115 planned projects to buildout. All projects were prioritized using the criteria shown in the table. An evaluation of the availability of capital construction funds as well as operating funds was then factored into the process. Health and Safety Legal Mandates Operating Cost Impacts Growth Management Standards Other Standards Completion of Basic Infrastructure Linkage Public Opinion/Surveys Funding & Timing Opportunity DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Lisa Irvine 760-602-2430 lirvin@ci.carlsbad.ca.us FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED n n D n CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN D RETURNED TO STAFF D OTHER -SEE MINUTES #SET Pufeu a \\&\HNA enr JuLrwf Zl*Acr Page 2 Building Cost Index We are continuing to see the cost of construction materials remain at historically high levels. Over the past year building costs have risen by 3.6%. This has continued to push up the cost of all of the City's construction projects. With the exception of one funding source, there are sufficient revenues projected to build the projects listed in the CIP. The recent cost escalations as well as increased costs for some projects have increased the projected shortfall at buildout in the Public Facilities Fees (PFF) Fund from the $17.0 million projected last year to potentially over $28 million this year. The primary reason for the increase in the projected deficit is due to the additional costs for Alga Norte Park ($6.4 million). While this is not an immediate problem, it is an indication that the City may not have the money to build all of the projects listed under the PFF program. There are three recommendations in the FY 2007-08 CIP to help lower the PFF deficit balance to approximately $12.7 million. The first recommendation is in FY 2006-07 to purchase a scheduled land acquisition that was previously budgeted in PFF, with Park-ln-Lieu - Northeast (PIL-NE) funds. The land acquisition is for a future park site and it is located in the new Robertson Ranch development. The land acquisition cost for the park is approximately $4.6 million. An advance from the PFF for $4.6 million would be made in FY 2006-07 and the loan would be paid back to the PFF once cash is available in the PIL-NE Fund. The second recommendation is to move approximately $4.8 million of traffic signal and median projects that were previously budgeted in PFF to the Gas Tax Fund. The third recommendation is to move $6.0 million of the Alga Norte Pool project to the General Capital Construction Fund. If these recommendations are not implemented, then the PFF deficit would be approximately $28 million at buildout. Additional options are available to further balance the PFF, however given that the PFF is not anticipated to be in deficit until FY 2012, we recommend waiting to solve the deficit until we get closer to that fiscal year. City staff will continue to monitor the projected deficit in PFF and bring forward additional solutions at the appropriate time. Major Projects for Fiscal Year 2007-08 Some of the major projects scheduled to receive new or additional funding in the FY 2007-08 CIP are summarized below. More information on all the projects can be found in the accompanying CIP report. • Alga Norte Park and Aquatic Center - This park site consists of 30 acres in the Southeast Quadrant with planned amenities including ball fields, soccer fields, picnic areas, tot lots, a skate park, a dog park, restrooms, parking facilities and an aquatic center. The aquatic center will include a 50-meter competition pool, a 12-lane instructional pool and a therapy pool, as well as a water play area complete with a lazy river and 2 water slides. The total cost of the park is estimated to be $22.1 million. The total cost of the aquatic center is estimated to be $28.3 million. At this time, construction is scheduled to start in the winter of 2007. Construction will take approximately 2 years. Page 3 • Leo Carrillo Event Area Expansion - The popularity of Carrillo Ranch for parties and weddings has continued to increase every year. In FY 2007-08, the design of a new patio area at Leo Carrillo Ranch is being proposed. The flagstone patio, seat wall, lighting, landscape and additional service access will provide more level floor space for events and potentially increase additional future rental revenue. The initial cost estimates for this project are approximately $267,000. • Cathodic Protection Program - Cathodic Protection is a technique used to control the corrosion of metal pipelines. Corrosion is a major cause of water pipeline failure. Addressing the corrosion will extend the pipeline service life, reduce pipeline failures and reduce future maintenance and replacement costs. The proposed cost of this project is $1.2 million and the project is scheduled to begin in FY 2007-08. • El Camino Real Widening - Tamarack to Chestnut - An outside lane will be added to widen the street to full prime arterial road standards. The project will include curb, gutter, sidewalk, pavement and streetlights. The total cost of the project will be $3.3 million and the project will start in FY 2007-08. • Pavement Management - A street can last a lifetime if it is properly maintained. Part of that maintenance program is the sealing and overlay of the existing street surface. Carlsbad's local streets are maintained on a regular cycle to ensure a good riding surface and to extend the life of the street. In addition, any problem areas are addressed as they are identified. The FY 2007-08 CIP has $3.4 million budgeted for this program. • Concrete Repair - This is a companion program to the pavement management program. It will insure that curbs, gutters and sidewalks are also properly maintained. By allocating the funding both pavement and concrete replacements can be accomplished at the same time. This will help maximize efficiencies and reduce inconvenience to the citizens. The FY 2007- 08 CIP has $250,000 budgeted for this program. Future Facilities The CIP for FY 2007-2008 to Buildout outlines approximately 115 future projects at a cost of approximately $404.8 million as shown below. CIP Projects - All Future Projects Type of Project Streets/Circulation Civic Projects Parks Sewer Water Drainage Other (loans) Total Future Quantity 25% 23% 19% 13% 9% 5% 6% 100% Total Cost 101,910,398 90,685,042 76,597,369 53,607,834 38,473,615 21,401,293 22,163,365 $404,838,916 Page 4 Specific timing and cost estimates for all planned capital projects are identified in the accompanying report and schedules. There are several projects identified in the CIP for which there is no identifiable funding source. The City will investigate obtaining possible outside funding such as federal and state grants, loans, or other financing sources. Once funding is identified for these projects the project costs will have to be reviewed and updated to reflect actual cost estimates. The unfunded projects have not received annual inflationary increases. These projects are: • El Camino Real Widening from Cassia Road to Camino Vida Roble • Palomar Airport Road Widening and Bridge Reconstruction • Poinsettia Lane - REACH E ($11M funded through BTD #2) • Cannon Road - REACH 4B - College/Cannon to City Limits • Cannon Lake Park (6.7 Acres) • Hosp Grove/Buena Vista Lagoon Improvements • Pine Ave. Park - Madison Property • Pine Ave. Park - Restrooms/Storage This year two projects were added to the unfunded list. The two projects at Pine Park are currently being reviewed by staff and staff plans to bring Council funding options on these projects as part of the FY 2007-08 Operating Budget adoption. The proposed Capital Improvement Program for FY 2007-08 is an exhibit to this report. Staff is requesting that Council set the public hearing for the adoption of the CIP as well as for the City's Operating Budget for the meeting of June 26, 2007. During this public hearing, comments from interested citizens and others are welcomed. There will also be a public meeting on June 20, 2007, where staff will present the FY 2007-08 CIP and Operating Budget, answer any questions and gather comments from citizens to provide feedback to Carlsbad's City Council. This meeting will be held at 5:00 P.M. at the Faraday Building, Room 173B. FISCAL IMPACT: This is the Preliminary Capital Improvement Program and any changes made by staff or Council will be reflected in the Final Capital Improvement Program documents at the Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program Adoption on June 26, 2007. The total new appropriations on July 1, 2007 are currently estimated to be $30,985,515 from the CIP funds shown on the attached schedules. Existing expenditures and appropriations shown in the attached schedules are through April 30, 2007. In addition, revenue projections are provided to show the cash flows and balances for each of the funds. Staff will continue to review the capital needed for the City and may return with additional changes prior to the adoption of the CIP on June 26, 2007. EXHIBITS: 1. 2007-2008 Preliminary Capital Improvement Program. 2007-2008 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM OVERVIEW The City of Carlsbad Preliminary Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a planning document that outlines the expenditure plan for future capital projects and the corresponding revenues to pay for those expenditures. The CIP is a financial planning document, not a commitment for spending. All construction costs are estimates and are reviewed and further refined each year. Spending authorization is given only at the time the City Council formally adopts the proposed budget, and, at that time, funds are only appropriated for the following fiscal years. The information shown in subsequent years is to provide the most comprehensive snapshot of all the known future facilities the City of Carlsbad plans to construct. The Fiscal Year 2007-08 Preliminary Capital Improvement Program outlines approximately $31.0 million in new appropriations to provide additional funding for the continuation of existing projects as well as funding for new projects. Projected revenues during the same fiscal year are estimated at $45.6 million. Revenues are collected as building permits are issued, and as the need for facilities arises, the money is used to fund the new facilities. As the City continues to grow and develop, there is a corresponding increase in the demand for development-related services and new facilities. To ensure that the necessary infrastructure and facilities are built on a schedule that meets or exceeds this demand, the citizens of Carlsbad adopted a Growth Management Plan in 1986. The Growth Management Plan states that unless a standard level of facilities is available to meet new demands resulting from the City's growth, development cannot proceed. This Plan is the foundation for making decisions about the timing and prioritization of the capital projects under consideration. A discussion of the City's Growth Management Plan is located at the end of this report. The remainder of the report explains the process and the results of the City's plans for its capital facilities. A large increase in the cost of construction materials has occurred over the past 3 years pushing up the cost of all of the City's projects. This cost escalation has contributed to the projected shortfall in the Public Facilities Fees (PFF) Fund from the $17.0 million projected at buildout last year to potentially $28 million at buildout this year. The deficit can also be partially attributed to the $6.4 million cost increase for the Alga Norte Park. It is also important to note that as the City approaches buildout there are fewer available development projects that can be charged PFF. While this is not an immediate problem, it is an indication that the City may not have the money to build all of the projects listed under the PFF program or will need to pursue other funding options. There are three recommendations in the FY 2007-08 CIP to help lower the PFF deficit balance to approximately $12.7 million. The first recommendation is in FY 2006-07 to purchase a scheduled land acquisition that was previously budgeted in PFF, with Park-ln-Lieu - Northeast (PIL-NE) funds. The land acquisition is for a future park site and it is located in the new Robertson Ranch development. The land acquisition cost for the park is approximately $4.6 million. An advance from the PFF Fund for $4.6 million would be made in FY 2006-07 and the loan would be paid back to the PFF Fund once cash is available in the PIL-NE Fund. The second recommendation is to move approximately $4.8 million of traffic signal and median projects that were previously budgeted in PFF to the Gas Tax Fund. The third recommendation is to move $6.0 million of the Alga Norte Pool project to the General Capital Construction Fund. If these recommendations are not implemented, then the PFF deficit would be approximately $28 million at buildout. 1-1 s" 2007-2008 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Additional options are available to further balance the PFF, however given that the PFF is not anticipated to be in deficit until FY 2012, we recommend we do not implement any additional options until we get closer to FY 2012. City staff will continue to monitor the projected deficit in PFF and bring forward additional solutions at the appropriate time. Proposition C was approved by the voters in November 2002. It allowed the City of Carlsbad to expend over $1 million of general funds to help finance the following projects: • City/Safety Training Center • A portion of Cannon Road - East of College (reach 4) • Trails and Open Space • A swimming pool complex As a result of the ballot initiative the City set aside $35 million for Proposition C projects. Currently of the $35 million, $16.2 million is allocated to Alga Norte Park and approximately $1 million is allocated for the design of the City/Safety Training Center. The remaining balance of $17.8 million is available to help fund Proposition C projects. It is still anticipated that the City will meet all of its growth management standards. This reflects the Council's continued commitment to construct the facilities as needed to serve the current and anticipated development occurring throughout the City. PROJECT EVALUATION What is the definition of a CIP project? Projects that are shown in the CIP are generally defined as any construction (or reconstruction/replacement) of major infrastructure such as streets, libraries, parks, fire stations and administrative facilities, water, sewer and drainage facilities, and other facilities that are located on or in the ground. In most cases, the total construction cost of each of these assets is recorded and tracked as part of the City's inventory of capital infrastructure assets and other City-owned property. The CIP and the Operating Budget are integral parts of the total City financing plan. This year the CIP review process was analyzed and process improvements were implemented. Staff began by evaluating the construction schedules for City facilities in conjunction with the workload of the staff needed to complete the projects. Whenever possible project timing was reviewed and projects were moved into the appropriate year. In the FY 2007-08 CIP, there are approximately 115 projects planned through buildout. All projects were analyzed using the criteria shown in the table. An evaluation of the availability of capital construction funds as well as operating funds was then factored into the evaluation process. Project Ranking Criteria 1. Is the project required to ensure the health and safety of the citizens, as the result of a legal mandate, or to maintain compliance with the City's Growth Management Plan? Are operating funds available to operate the facility? 2. Is the project needed soon for growth management compliance? 3. Is the project needed now for other City standards (example: ball field standards)? 4. Does the project complete or provide part of the basic infrastructure (example: a linking road segment)? 5. Are there other reasons to construct the project (example: timing or funding opportunity, public demand)? I-2 2007-2008 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Building Cost Index 10.0% 8.0% - 6.0% - 4.0% - 2.0% - 0.0% Due to the recent volatility in construction costs, all capital project costs were updated to reflect the latest increases in materials costs. This was done through either a detailed review of the cost components, or, in cases where the project is only in its conceptual stages, by increasing the total cost by the Engineering News Record (ENR) index. As seen in the chart, the past several years have seen large building cost increases; 9.7% in 2004, 4.6% in 2005 and 3.6% in 2006. The ENR is forecasting that annual inflation for building costs could remain in the 3% to 4% range in 2007. CAPITAL PROJECTS The following two sections provide information about the major capital projects. The first section focuses on projects planned in the next five years, and the second section contains an overview of the entire expenditure plan through the buildout of the City. All construction costs are estimates and only projects scheduled for FY 2007-08 are appropriated. The information shown in the future years reflect the most comprehensive snapshot of the known future facilities and their associated cost at this point in time. THE NEXT FIVE YEARS... PARK PROJECTS The City has planned a number of park projects over the next 5 years which will enhance the recreational opportunities for Carlsbad's residents and allow the City to meet the standards for park acreage as set forth in the growth management plan. Some of the more significant projects are listed below. • Alga Norte Park and Aquatic Center - This park site consists of 30 acres in the Southeast Quadrant with planned amenities that include ball fields, soccer fields, picnic areas, tot lots, a skate park, a dog park, restrooms, parking facilities, and an aquatic center. The aquatic center will include a 50-meter competition pool, a 12-lane instructional pool and a therapy pool as well as a water play area with slides. A swimming pool complex was one of the projects approved by the voters through Proposition C in 2002. The total cost of the park is estimated to be $22.1 million. The total cost of the aquatic center is estimated to be $28.3 million. At this time, construction is scheduled to start in the winter of 2007. Construction will take approximately 2 years. • Pine Park Community Center - The plan to construct a 20,000 square foot community facility and gymnasium at Pine Avenue Park has not changed. The facility will include basketball, volleyball, gymnastics, multi-purpose rooms, meeting rooms, a teen center and office space. Design of this $9.4 million facility is still expected to begin in FY 2009-10 and construction is still scheduled to begin in FY 2010-11. • Poinsettia Tennis Courts - Plans are currently underway to build seven tennis courts with lighting at the Poinsettia Park. The facility will also receive additional parking and construction is scheduled to begin in FY 2008-09. The estimated cost of the Tennis Courts and Parking is $2.1 million. • Poinsettia Park Community Center - Phase II of this 42-acre park includes amenities such as a community facility, gymnasium, enclosed soccer field, tot lot, picnic areas, tennis complex, clubhouse, stadium court and additional parking. The cost has been escalated to reflect inflation I-3 2007-2008 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM and the revised cost is now expected to be approximately $12.5 million. The timing of the design has not changed and is still scheduled to begin in FY 2010-11 and the construction start is still FY 2010-11. CIVIC FACILITIES Civic facilities include a variety of facilities from which the City can offer its services to the public. Many of these are still in the preliminary design stage and will be further defined over the next several years. • Civic Center - The Civic Center will consolidate City administrative operations and facilities into a more centralized location. It also may include a variety of other services and recreational opportunities for citizens and visitors. Council, citizens and members of the business community have been participating in a visioning process to determine the anticipated needs for the citizens and for the City. Once the process is complete, a site will be chosen and design and construction can begin. • Public Works Center - The project is for the construction of the Public Works Center and associated improvements. It includes offices, shops, a yard, warehouse and parking to accommodate the Public Works Department. The cost has been escalated to reflect inflation and the revised cost is now approximately $27.3 million without any land acquisition costs. • Safety Training Center - It is necessary to relocate the Police Department's shooting range which was located on the new golf course property, The Crossings at Carlsbad. In addition, there is a need for specialized training facilities for other public safety purposes. This project was authorized under Proposition C, which was approved in 2002. Preliminary design work is currently underway. In addition to a shooting range, the facility may include a fire training tower, residential training prop, fire administration building with classroom and storage facilities. There is currently $950,000 budgeted for design only. Once the design is complete the construction budget will be developed and funding sources will need to be identified. • Library Learning Center - This project is to provide a permanent location for the Adult Learning and the Centre de Information programs. The existing building adjacent to Holiday Park is currently being remodeled and a second story will be added. • Fire Station No. 6 Relocation - Fire Station No. 6 is currently located in a temporary facility in the southeast quadrant of Carlsbad. The relocation of this station to a new 6,200 square foot permanent facility along the east side of Rancho Santa Fe Road is progressing and a contract has been awarded for construction. Total cost is approximately $5.8 million. This fire station is required to help ensure a five-minute response time within the southeast part of the City as development in that area occurs. • Fire Station No. 3 Relocation - Fire Station No. 3 is currently located at the corner of Chestnut and Catalina. As the City grows eastward, relocation of this station is needed to help ensure the five-minute response time. The new station is budgeted as a 6,200 square foot facility and the current proposed site is next to Calavera Hills Community Park. The suitability of this location is currently under review. Total cost is projected at $6.8 million and includes $1 million for land acquisition. I-4 2007-2008 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM STREET PROJECTS Traffic congestion continues to be one of the top concerns among citizens. To help improve the flow of traffic throughout Carlsbad and to keep the City's streets in top condition, there are a number of street projects expected to be completed in the next five years. Some of the larger street projects include: • Faraday Avenue and Melrose Drive Extensions east of El Camino Real - This project encompasses the extension of Melrose Drive from Palomar Airport Road to the Carlsbad/Vista city limits and the extension of Faraday Avenue from Orion Way to Melrose Drive in Vista. The project would include the reconstruction of a portion of existing Melrose Drive in the City of Vista and the construction of a bridge over the Agua Hedionda Creek along Faraday Avenue. This project is being built by the developers in the area and reimbursed from the proceeds of a bond issue. Community Facilities District #3 is the mechanism for the issuance and repayment of the debt. • Pavement Management - A street can last a lifetime if it is properly maintained. Applying seals and overlays when roadways are beginning to show signs of distress can minimize the more expensive repair/reactive maintenance activities. The proactive approach consists of the scheduled application of a seal or overlay once every seven years. By using the proactive approach the City can efficiently maintain over 330 miles of public roadways at an annual cost of approximately $3.4 million. • El Camino Real Widening - Tamarack to Chestnut - An outside lane will be added to widen the street to full prime arterial road standards. The project will include curb, gutter, sidewalk, pavement and streetlights. The total cost of the project will be $3.3 Million and the project will start in FY 2007-08. • Concrete Repair - This is a companion program to the pavement management program. It will insure that curbs, gutters and sidewalks are also properly maintained. By allocating the funding both pavement and concrete replacements can be accomplished at the same time. This will help maximize efficiencies and reduce inconvenience to the citizens. There is i; $250,000 budget in FY 2007-08 for this program. WATER/ SEWER PROJECTS The City's water and sewer projects are a vital component to the continued health and welfare of its citizens. Most new lines are built and paid for by developers. As the City ages, the number of these projects will grow as it becomes necessary to repair and replace the lines that are being built today. • Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor - Reaches 1, 2, 3, 11, 13 to 15, and the Agua Hedionda lift station are scheduled in the next five years. These projects are required to handle buildout flows and replace deteriorated pipelines. The projects are predominantly funded by the City of Vista, depending on the project, the City of Vista's share of the costs are between 60% - 90% of the total project cost. The total estimated costs for all of the projects are approximately $29.7 million. • Water Lines - Several major water lines are scheduled for construction within the next five years: Carlsbad Boulevard - South of Avenida Encinas College Boulevard - Various sections Faraday Avenue extension Melrose Drive from Palomar Airport Road to Faraday I-5 2007-2008 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CAPITAL PROJECTS THROUGH BUILDOUT The CIP for FY 2007-08 to Buildout outlines approximately 115 future projects at a cost of approximately $404.8 million as shown below. CIP Projects - All Future Projects Type of Project Streets/Circulation Civic Projects Parks Sewer Water Drainage Other (loans) Total Future Quantity 25% 23% 19% 13% 9% 5% 6% 100% Total Cost 101,910,398 90,685,042 76,597,369 53,607,834 38,473,615 21 ,401 ,293 22,163,365 $404,838,916 One of the largest expenditure categories is for park and recreational facility construction and acquisition projects, which total approximately $76.6 million. Park projects planned within all quadrants of the City are listed below in addition to when the design and/or construction is expected to begin. More detail follows on specific projects not discussed earlier in this report. PARK PROJECTS BY QUADRANT Northwest Quadrant Pine Avenue Park Community Building: 2010-11 Southwest Quadrant Poinsettia Park Community Building: 2011-12 Aviara Community Building: 2017-22 Northeast Quadrant Park Site Development: 2017-22 Southeast Quadrant Alga Norte Park: 2009-10 Alga Norte Aquatic Center: 2009-10 Leo Carrillo Park Phase III: 2017-22 Citywide Park and Recreational Projects Municipal Golf Course: 2007-08 Veteran's Memorial Park: 2012-17 Business Park Recreational Facility: 2017-22 • Aviara Community Facility - Located in the southwest quadrant of the city, this project includes the construction of an 18,000 square foot community facility that would include meeting and activity rooms, as well as park offices. • Leo Carrillo Park Phase III - This park was once part of the original 2,538 acre working rancho, home to actor Leo Carrillo, his wife Edith, and their daughter Antoinette. It is located in the southeast quadrant, approximately one mile south of Palomar Airport Road. Initial restoration was completed and the park opened to the public in 2003. Future work includes renovation of the barn into a small theatre, restoration of the cantina, equipment shed, blacksmith shop, carriage house and water tank. A botanical garden, picnic areas, and trails will also be added to enhance the visitor's experience at the ranch. I-6 )0 2007-2008 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM • Leo Carrillo Event Area Expansion - The popularity of Carrillo Ranch for parties and weddings has continued to increase every year. In FY 2007-08, the design of a new patio area at Leo Carrillo Ranch is being proposed. The flagstone patio, seat wall, lighting, landscape and additional service access will provide more level floor space for events and potentially increase additional future rental revenue. • Veterans Memorial Park - This project is located south and east of Agua Hedionda Lagoon adjacent to the City Golf Course, The Crossings at Carlsbad. The Master Plan includes the following improvements: community leisure needs, open space interpretive area, parking and maintenance facility. Other suggested uses for this park include an amphitheater complex, sports complex, conference center and numerous other active/passive recreation amenities. Construction of Civic facilities such as libraries, administrative facilities, police and fire facilities are currently estimated at $90.7 million of the total planned capital expenditures to buildout. Approximately 25% of future expenditures are planned for street and traffic signal construction projects. Included in this category is construction of major roadways that will add east to west and north to south connections as well as provide additional routes to the neighboring cities of Oceanside, Vista, and San Marcos. Sections of these roads are already under construction by developers. Additional roadway projects include replacement of the Carlsbad Boulevard Encinas Creek Bridge, several road-widening projects, $3.8 million for concrete repair work and over $85.3 million for future pavement overlay. Additional traffic signals are expected to cost approximately $8.8 million. Sewer and drainage projects are expected to cost over $75 million, which includes over $25 million in sewer replacement projects. Funding is also provided for the repayment of bonds for the expansion of the Encina Wastewater Facility, and the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility projects. Future water projects include construction of new waterlines, both potable and recycled, concurrent with new development. Some of the major areas in which these installations or upgrades are planned include segments of College Boulevard and El Fuerte, and along El Camino Real. Replacement of existing potable and recycled waterlines is also included in this category, and additional reservoirs are planned to increase storage for ultimate demands. Specific timing and cost estimates for all capital projects are identified in the Detail Schedule of Capital Projects (FY 2007-08 to Buildout) following this narrative. UNFUNDED PROJECTS There are several projects identified in the CIP for which there is no identifiable funding source. The City will investigate obtaining possible outside funding such as Federal and State grants, loans, or other financing sources. Once funding is identified for these projects the project costs will have to be reviewed and updated to reflect actual cost estimates. The unfunded projects do not receive annual inflationary increases. These projects are: • El Camino Real Widening from Cassia Road to Camino Vida Roble • Palomar Airport Road Widening and Bridge Reconstruction • Poinsettia Lane - REACH E ($11M funded through BTD #2) • Cannon Road - REACH 4B - College/Cannon to City Limits • Cannon Lake Park (6.7 Acres) • Hosp Grove/Buena Vista Lagoon Improvements • Pine Ave. Park - Madison Property • Pine Ave. Park - Restrooms/Storage I-7 II 2007-2008 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM This year two projects at Pine Avenue Park that were added to the unfunded list. The two projects at Pine Park are currently being reviewed by staff and staff plans to bring Council funding options on these projects as part of the FY 2007-08 operating budget adoption. FUTURE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT There are a variety of revenues that are used to fund the capital projects. In order to estimate future revenues from development, several assumptions about the rate and type of future development need to be made. These assumptions can change from year-to- year and correlate with the economic climate. Every year, City staff evaluates all existing and future private development projects and compares this information to the buildout capacity of the City using adopted general plans. Information about existing development activity combined with estimates of how remaining net developable land might develop are then summarized to prepare future projections about when and where residential and non-residential development will occur. Finance Department staff prepare cash flow schedules using current fund balances combined with future estimated fees paid by those developments, then compares the available funds to the expenditure plan to ensure that funding will be sufficient for construction of the capital projects as planned in the CIP. In addition to evaluating whether or not capital funds are sufficient, significant operating cost impacts and availability of staff resources are also used to evaluate the timing of projects. Where funding discrepancies occur, alternative financing methods and project timing are again evaluated and recommendations are made to resolve the discrepancies. Residential development is expected to taper off in the future. The number of annual building permits issued is projected to decline compared to the previous five-year period. The development schedules of the remaining vacant parcels is driving the timing of the future units, rather than economic or market conditions. There are approximately 4,800 units remaining before the City is predominantly built out. Residential development for FY 2007-08 is projected at 251 units with an average about 423 units per year over the next five years. This is compared to an average of over 1,002 units per year for the previous five-year period. The decline is due to the dwindling supply of developable land, rather than a lack of demand. Residential Units Trend 2000 to 2012 Permits Issued 500 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 In contrast to the residential trends, the amount of non-residential development is projected to decline slightly over the next five years. The average annual square feet of non-residential development for the past 5 years was about 793,000. For FY 2007-08, the estimate is for 471,000 square feet, and the average annual development for the next 5-year period is I-8 2007-2008 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM approximately 735,000 square feet per year. Projects include several neighborhood commercial/retail developments located in or near the areas where most of the residential development has occurred or where new development is planned over the next several years. In the southeast quadrant, commercial projects include retail and restaurants, a theater, and a daycare and church. Sunny Creek Plaza is a planned commercial development located east of El Camino Real at College Boulevard next to the Sunny Creek residential neighborhood, and the Bressi Ranch area will also have a commercial development. Other commercial developments are planned at Calavera Hills and at Poinsettia Shores. Industrial development consists of various new office and industrial projects, as well as expansion of existing projects at Kelly Corporate Center, Gemological Institute of America and Legoland. Development estimates provide the data and basis for estimating future fee revenues, which are calculated by multiplying each applicable development fee by the estimated number of dwelling units and/or square feet of construction expected during each year. The following table shows the number of residential units and non-residential square feet of development used in calculating estimated revenues for FY 2007-08 and subsequent years to buildout. Projected Development Residential and Non-Residential Construction Year 2006-2007 current 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 Years 6-10 Years 1 1 -buildout Total Future Residential Units 177 251 579 669 313 305 1,474 1,067 4,835 Non-Residential Square Feet 675,557 471 ,596 1,147,590 824,067 651,135 579,261 4,286,389 2,700,658 1 1 ,336,253 REVENUES Revenues for Capital Projects from now until buildout are estimated to be approximately $593.6 million and are segregated into five major categories: (1) fees generated by development in Carlsbad, (2) special district fees and taxes (Community Facilities Districts and Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit Districts), (3) Water and Sewer replacement reserves, (4) Infrastructure Replacement Funds (other than sewer and water), and (5) other sources including grants, bond issues, and contributions from other agencies. Funding Sources FY 2007-08 to Buildout Total Revenue = $593.6 million In Millions 2007-2008 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Approximately 21 % of all capital revenue is received as a result of development, and is dependent upon assumptions made about the City's annual growth in dwelling units and commercial/ industrial square feet. Development revenues include Public Facilities Fees (PFF), Traffic Impact Fees (TIF), Park-ln-Lieu Fees (PIL), Planned Local Drainage (PLD) Fees, Water Connection Fees (MFF), and Sewer Connection charges. Revenue from special districts, such as Community Facilities Districts (CFD) and Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit Districts (BTD) comprise 9% of the total. Water and Sewer replacement revenues generated by user fees equal approximately 22% of total revenues, and are used to pay for replacement of existing water and sewer facilities. Infrastructure replacement revenues, equal to 26%, are transfers from the City's General Fund which are being set aside to pay for replacement of major capital facilities other than sewer and water facilities. The remaining 22% consists of revenues from other agencies and include federal and state grants, the county sales tax program (TransNet), redevelopment agency revenue, golf course funding, and contributions from cities and other agencies. CALCULATION OF FUTURE FEES The revenue projections of the Capital Improvement Program reflect the growth assumptions identified in the previous section. The following information delineates how those assumptions were applied to estimate future development revenues. The mix of multi-family and single-family residential units is assumed to be 35% and 65% respectively and reflects the anticipated mix of residential development for each Local Facilities Management Zone. The building permit valuation used for computing Public Facilities Fees is $166,900 per multi-family dwelling unit, and $285,600 per single-family dwelling unit. A building permit valuation of $38 per square foot of construction is used to calculate non-residential Public Facilities Fees. In order to calculate estimated revenues for Traffic Impact Fees (TIF), the number of average daily trips was computed for each type of development use. A multi-family residential dwelling unit is assigned eight trips per day and a single-family unit is assigned ten trips per day. Each residential trip is valued at the FY 2007-08 TIF of $107. The trips-per-day value for commercial and industrial buildings are averaged at 30 trips per 1,000 square feet of development, although the actual volume of trips generated by commercial/industrial building can vary widely depending on the ultimate land use. The value assigned to each commercial/industrial trip is $41. CFD #1 is a citywide district established to finance various civic facilities required under the City's Growth Management Plan. CFD #3 was established for the Faraday Avenue and Melrose Drive Extensions east of El Camino Real. This project encompasses the extension of Melrose Drive from Palomar Airport Road to the Carlsbad/Vista city limits and the extension of Faraday Avenue from Orion Way to Melrose Drive in Vista. Park-in-Lieu Fees are collected for the purchase and development of parkland within each quadrant of the City, and the fees are based on the acquisition cost of parkland. Projects in the CIP funded with Park- in-Lieu Fees include future park site acquisition, development and restoration. There are two existing Bridge and Thoroughfare Fee Districts (BTD), which were formed by property owners to finance specific road construction projects located within each of the district boundaries. Poinsettia Lane - Aviara Parkway (BTD No. 2) was formed to finance the construction of Poinsettia Lane between Aviara Parkway and El Camino Real and Aviara Parkway between Palomar Airport Road and Poinsettia Lane. BTD No. 3 (Cannon Road West) was formed to fund portions of Cannon Road from Interstate 5 to El Camino Real. Although construction of this project is complete, revenues collected from future development within the district will be used to repay an advance that provided interim funding to complete the project. 1-10 2007-2008 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SUMMARY The proposed FY 2007-08 to Buildout CIP is being driven by the City's commitment to ensure that facilities are available to service the developing areas as well as the current residents. Carlsbad's philosophy has been to build quality capital facilities, which meet, and at times exceed, Growth Management standards. Phasing projects over a period of years to match funding availability for construction and operations is often used to meet the needs of growth management. The FY 2007-08 to Buildout Capital Improvement Program reflects the commitment of Carlsbad's Council and staff to continue providing its residents with a better quality of life. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN The Growth Management Plan was developed and voted into law by the citizens of Carlsbad in 1986. The plan was established to manage development within the City by linking residential, commercial, and industrial development directly to standards for availability of public services and facilities. The Growth Management Plan has established precise standards for eleven public facilities. Standards must be met at all times as growth occurs. Facilities for which standards have been established are as follows: - City Administrative - Library - Wastewater Treatment - Parks - Circulation - Drainage - Fire - Open Space - Schools - Sewer Collection - Water Distribution The plan requires that appropriate public facilities be available, in conformance with the adopted performance standards, as development occurs. Unless all of the eleven public facility standards have been met, no new development can occur. The Growth Management Plan impacts both the Operating Budget and the Capital Improvement Program. The detailed level of planning required by Growth Management has allowed Carlsbad's Capital Improvement Program to anticipate the funding needed for capital improvements through buildout of the City. The timing of construction of facilities is governed by the rate of development and the eleven performance standards. New public facilities often require additional staffing and other resources, which affects the Operating Budget. Facilities such as community centers, parks, and fire stations have been constructed and opened to the public under this program. The Capital Improvement Program has been designed to specifically address areas where new or expanded facilities will be needed to maintain compliance with the adopted performance standards. With the adoption of the FY 2007-08 CIP, compliance with the Growth Management Plan is continued. 1-11 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUND SUMMARY BTD NO. 2 AVIARA PARKWAY - POINSETTIA LANE BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1) REVENUES DEVELOPER FEES TOTAL REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS BTD#2 REPAYMENT TO GAS TAX FUND BTD#2/POINSETTTA LANE - REACH E (PARTIAL FUNDING) BTD#Z/POINSETTIA LANE - REACHES A,B, C f & G & AVIARA PKWY TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE PRIOR YEARS N/A N/A 350,000 350,000 N/A YEAR1 2007-2008 9,362,286 131,310 131,310 9,493,596 YEAR 2 2008-2009 9,493,596 1,478,942 1,478,942 10,972,538 YEAR 3 2009-2010 10,972,538 131,310 131,310 1,600,000 1,600,000 9,503,848 YEAR 4 2010-2011 9,503,848 131,310 131,310 9,635,158 YEAR 5 BUILDOUT 2011-2012 2012++ 9,635,158 9,781,058 145,900 7,306,400 145,900 7,306,400 2,643,344 9,100,000 1,320,729 13,064,073 9,781,058 4,023,385 BTD NO. 3 CANNON ROAD WEST BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1) REVENUES DEVELOPER FEES TOTAL REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS BTD#3 CANNON ROAD - FROST TO FARADAY (REIMB.) BTD#3 CANNON ROAD WEST TO GAS TAX FUND TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE PRIOR YEARS N/A N/A 5,194,747 5,194,747 N/A YEAR1 2007-2008 1,357,030 54,797 54,797 600,000 600,000 811,827 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 811,827 853,407 853,407 41,580 41,580 - 853,407 853,407 853,407 YEARS 2011-2012 853,407 8,250 8,250 - 861,657 BUILDOUT 2012++ 861,657 3,719,155 3,719,155 400,000 1,000,000 1,400,000 3,180,812 (1) Equal to projected fund balance less any continuing appropriations.C-30 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUND SUMMARY COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1) REVENUES DEVELOPER SPECIAL TAXES TOTAL REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS CIVIC CENTER PUBLIC WORKS CENTER LIBRARY EXPANSION (COLE) LIBRARY EXPANSION (LEARNING CENTER - ADVANCE) CFDtfl ADMINISTRATION VETERAN'S MEMORIAL PARK 1-5 AND LA COSTA AVENUE AUXILLARY LANES TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE (CFD 1) PRIOR YEARS N/A N/A - 2,708,266 - 4,491,837 124,032 - - 7,324,135 N/A YEAR1 2007-2008 49,803,275 3,389,821 3,389,821 110,000 110,000 53,083,096 YEAR 2 2008-2009 53,083,096 3,676,894 3,676,894 110,000 110,000 56,649,990 YEAR 3 2009-2010 56,649,990 2,595,074 2,595,074 13,886,053 110,000 13,996,053 45,249,011 YEAR 4 2010-2011 45,249,011 1,811,074 1,811,074 110,000 110,000 46,950,085 YEARS 2011-2012 46,950,085 2,783,869 2,783,869 26,063,010 110,000 26,173,010 23,560,944 BUILDOUT 2012++ 23,560,944 11,775,919 11,775,919 4,580,016 330,000 22,453,930 2,000,000 29,363,946 5,972,917 RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD PROJECT BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1) REVENUES DEVELOPER SPECIAL TAXES/OTHER AGENCIES TOTAL REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD AND OLIVENHAIN IMPROVEMENTS RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH - PHASE I RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH - PHASE II (BRIDGE) RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD SOUTH TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE PRIOR YEARS N/A N/A 3,800,000 26,406,243 18,641,000 1,985,399 50,832,642 N/A YEAR1 2007-2008 6,855,101 7,978,743 7,978,743 14,833,844 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 2008-2009 2009-2010 14,833,844 20,344,444 5,510,600 5,510,600 20,344,444 20,344,444 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 BUILDOLTT 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012++ 20,344,444 20,344,444 20,344,444 20,344,444 20,344,444 20,344,444 (1) Equal to projected fund balance less any continuing appropriations.C-31 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUND SUMMARY GAS TAX FUND BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1) REVENUES GAS TAXES TOTAL REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS CARLSBAD BOULEVARD MEDIAN-TAMARACK AVE TO PINE AVE EL CAMINO REAL MEDIANS GABIANO LANE STORM DRAIN MODIFICATION MISCELLANEOUS ROAD SUBDRAINS PALOMAR AIRPORT RD & MELROSE BLVD RIGHT TURN PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM TRAP SIG - ALGA ROAD AND CAZADERO TRAP SIG - CAMINO DE LOS COCHES AND LA COSTA AVENUE TRAP SIG - CAMINO VIDA ROBLE AND YARROW DRIVE TRAP SIG - CANNON ROAD AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD TRAP SIG - COLLEGE BOULEVARD AND CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR - RHMB TRAP SIG - MELROSE DRIVE AND LA COSTA AVENUE TRAP SIG - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD AND CALLE JUNIPERO TRAP SIG - FARADAY AVENUE AND PRIESTLY DRIVE TRAP SIG - LA COSTA AVENUE AND ESFERA STREET VIDEO DETECTION CONVERSION GAS TAX LOAN BTD#2 GAS TAX LOAN TO BTD#3 CANNON ROAD WEST TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE PRIOR YEARS N/A N/A 35,000 485,000 65,000 9,464,086 303,050 517,000 2,643,344 1,000,000 14,512,480 N/A YEAR1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEARS BUILDOUT 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012++ 547,365 2,398,993 4,098,179 5,696,652 7,586,188 9/445,621 1,918,628 1,976,187 2,035,472 2,196,537 2,159,433 29,141,484 1,918,628 1,976,187 2,035,472 2,196,537 2,159,433 29,141/484 2,041,080 1,452,058 210,000 190,000 190,000 210,000 210,000 190,000 210,000 190,000 67,000 277,000 247,000 307,000 300,000 135,000 67,000 277,000 437,000 307,000 300,000 5,038,138 2,398,993 4,098,179 5,696,652 7,586,188 9/445,621 33,548,967 GOLF COURSE FUND BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1) REVENUES BOND PROCEEDS ADVANCES TOTAL REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE PRIOR YEARS N/A N/A 55,441,655 55,441,655 N/A YEAR1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEARS BUILDOUT 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012++ 757,866 757,866 757,866 757,866 757,866 757,866 757,866 757,866 757,866 757,866 757,866 757,866 (1) Equal to projected fund balance less any continuing appropriations.C-32 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUND SUMMARY GENERAL CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION (GCC) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1) REVENUES LOAN REPAYMENTS & OTHER TOTAL REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS CITY ADMIN TRAINING FACILITY (PRE-DESIGN) - Prop C POLICE CAD IMPLEMENTATION FIRE STATION #5 STORAGE BUILDING/RESTROOMS PUBLIC SAFETY TRAINING FACILITY - Prop C LIBRARY EXPANSION (LEARNING CENTER - ADVANCE) PROPOSITION C PROJECTS PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN PUBLIC WORKS INVENTORY AND FAC MAINT PROGRAM REPAIR RECOATING GUARDRAIL PAR BRIDGE AT CARLSBAD BLVD SENIOR CENTER COURTYARD LANDSCAPING STAGECOACH PARK PICNIC SHELTER STAGECOACH PARK SYNTHETIC TURF SENIOR CTR EXPANSION - 2ND FLOOR LAKE CALAVERA TRAILS MASTER PLAN/CONSTRUCTION ALGA NORTE PARK - PHASE II (POOL) ALGA NORTE PARK - PHASE II (POOL) PROP C FUNDS LEO CARRILLO PARK - EROSION CONTROL LEO CARRILLO - HISTORIC BARN (50% GRANT) CALLE GAVANZO DRAINAGE HIGHLAND DRIVE - BETWEEN PINE & BASSWOOD RIDGCREST DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ROMERIA DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NW QUADRANT STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM TRAF SIG - AVIARA PARKWAY-POINSETTIA LANE TO EL CAMINO REAL TRAF SIG - AVIARA PKWY AND CAMINO DE LAS ONDAS- REIMB TRAF SIG - CALLE BARCELONA AND PASEO AVELLANO TRAF SIG - CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE AND GLASGOW DR TRAF SIG - EL FUERTE ST AND RANCHO PANCHO TRAF SIG - FARADAY AVE. AND CAMINO HILLS DRIVE TRAF SIG - FARADAY AVENUE AND RUTHERFORD ROAD TRAF SIG - LA COSTA AVENUE AND LEVANTE TRAF SIG - LA COSTA AVENUE/NUEVA CASTILLA TRAF SIG - MONROE STREET AND HOSP WAY TRAF SIG - POINSETTIA LANE AND BLACKRA1L ROAD TRAF SIG - POINSETTIA LANE AND BRIGANTINE ROAD TRAF SIG - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD AND QUESTHAVEN ROAD TRAF SIG - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD AND AVENIDA LA QMA TRAF SIG - TAMARACK AVE. AND PONT1AC DRIVE TRAF SIG - TAMARACK AVE. AND VALLEY STREET CARLSBAD BLVD BRIDGE CONCRETE BARRIER POWER PLANT CARLSBAD BLVD BRIDGE CONCRETE BARRIER RAILROAD CVD AND AVENIDA DE ANITA CARLSBAD BOULEVARD PEDESTRIAN ACCESS STUDY PARK DRIVE, MARINA TO COVE CONCRETE REPAIR WORK SAN MARCOS ROAD PROJECT TAMARACK AND ADAMS UNDERGROUND DIST. 17 - HARDING, ROOSEVELT MARABELLA WALL BEAUTIFICATION GCC LOAN TO PFF - ALGA NORTE POOL GCC LOAN TO PFF - POINSETTIA TENNIS COURTS GCC LOAN TO PFF - FIRE STATION #3 LAND ACQUISITION GCC LOAN TO PIL-NW FOR MADISON ST PROPERTY PURCHASES GCC LOAN TO PIL-NW FOR PINE SCHOOL ACQUISITION GCC LOAN TO PLDA - HEDIONDA AND CALAVERA CREEK TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES PRIOR YEARS N/A N/A 2,312,228 316,600 950,000 600,000 150,000 404,992 130,000 30,000 100,000 1,718,000 529,162 598,750 6,000,000 11,239,000 267,000 500,000 62,500 196,101 117,500 274,000 160,000 105,000 210,000 210,000 210,000 124,767 210,000 280,000 20,000 105,000 250,000 2,734,147 509,800 2,500,000 3,600,000 1,000,000 320,000 860,000 420,021 40,324,568 N/A YEAR1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEARS BUILDOUT 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012++ 26,475,900 20,663,355 19,776,355 20,165,925 20,157,274 19,973,044 750,000 750,000 1,170,021 750,000 750,000 20,780,000 750,000 750,000 1,170,021 750,000 750,000 20,780,000 100,000 17,734,205 4,976,795 305,250 407,000 384,825 408,650 684,230 1,105,400 100,000 210,000 190,000 190,000 190,000 190,000 210,000 190,000 190,000 190,000 140,000 880,000 257,000 105,000 145,627 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 2,250,000 48,500 80,000 6,562,545 1,637,000 780,452 758,650 934,230 22,439,605 20,663,355 19,776,355 20,165,925 20,157,274 19,973,044 18,313,439 (1) Equal to projected hind balance less any continuing appropriations.C-33 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUND SUMMARY GRANTS - FEDERAL BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1) REVENUES CARLSBAD BOULEVARD ENCINAS CREEK BRIDGE REPLACEMENT TOTAL REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS CARLSBAD BOULEVARD ENdNAS CREEK BRIDGE REPLACEMENT COASTAL RAIL TRAIL (CMAQ) TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE PRIOR YEARS N/A N/A 297,682 4,413,784 4,711/466 N/A YEAR1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 1,558,149 1,863,578 1,863,578 305,429 1,558,149 305,429 1,558,149 1,558,149 YEAR 5 BUILDOUT 2011-2012 2012++ - - - . GRANTS - STATE PRIOR YEARS BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1) N/A REVENUES GRANT REVENUE TOTAL REVENUES N/A CAPITAL PROJECTS TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE N/A YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 1,647 1,647 1,014,326 1,012,679 YEAR 4 YEARS BUILDOUT 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012++ 1,014,326 1,014,326 1,014,326 1,012,679 .... 1,647 1,014,326 1,014,326 1,014,326 1,014,326 1,014,326 (1) Equal to projected fund balance less any continuing appropriations.C-34 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUND SUMMARY INFRASTRUCTURE MAINTENANCE & REPLACEMENT (IM&R) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1) REVENUES GENERAL FUND TRANSFER TOTAL REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS BEACH ACCESS STAIRS REPLACEMENT CARLSBAD BLVD STORM DRAIN REPLACEMENT CMP RB>LACEMENT PROGRAM COLE LIBRARY HVAC REPLACEMENT CONCRETE REPLACEMENT CYNTHIA LANE STORM DRAIN HOLIDAY PARK - RESTROOM IMPROVEMENTS KELLY DRIVE CHANNEL REPAIR LA COSTA AVE STORM DRAIN REPLACEMENT LACUNA RIVIERA PARK RESTROOM REPLACEMENT TRAP SIG - CARLSBAD BLVD & TAMARACK SIGNAL REPAIRS TRAP SIG - ECR AND TAMARACK SIGNAL REPAIRS TRAP SIG - EL CAMINO REAL AND CHESTNUT SIGNAL REPAIRS VARIOUS FACILITY CONCRETE REPAIRS TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE PRIOR YEARS N/A N/A 517,500 80,000 1,319,790 1,243,350 100,000 530,808 200,000 492,150 260,000 230,000 141,000 206,000 5,320,598 N/A YEAR1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEARS 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 26,516,531 33,210,781 40,278,781 48,543,781 57,123,781 7,801,000 8,320,000 8,670,000 9,040,000 9,492,000 7,801,000 8,320,000 8,670,000 9,040,000 9,492,000 138,000 575,000 620,000 365,000 460,000 210,000 153,750 240,000 632,000 40,000 1,106,750 1,252,000 405,000 460,000 210,000 33,210,781 40,278,781 48,543,781 57,123,781 66,405,781 BUILDOUT 2012++ 66,405,781 109,528,000 109,528,000 - 175,933,781 OTHER BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1) REVENUES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES TOTAL REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS LIBRARY EXPANSION (LEARNING CENTER) COASTAL RAIL TRAIL OPPORTUNISTIC SAND TRAP SIG - AVIARA PARKWAY-POINSETTLA LANE TO EL CAMINO REAL COLLEGE BLVD REACH A AND CANNON REACH 4A COLLEGE/CANNON ASSESSMENT DISTRICT EL FUERTE EXTENSION FARADAY AVENUE AND MELROSE DRIVE EXTENSIONS MELROSE DRIVE EXTENSION MELROSE DRIVE - SOUTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD PALOMAH AIRPORT ROAD AND MELROSE BOULEVARD RIGHT TURN PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WIDENING AT MELROSE DRIVE POINSETTIA LANE EAST OF EL CAMINO REAL FINANCING PROGRAM FARADAY/MELROSE TO GCC TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE PRIOR YEARS N/A N/A 1,048,163 184,176 57,240 602,649 1,713,002 10,314,481 4,095,146 16,248,065 5,003,376 228,938 230,980 2,826,268 28,932,793 - 71,485,277 N/A YEAR1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEARS BUILDOUT 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012++ 2,158,989 2,158,989 2,158,989 2,158,989 1,898,989 1,898,989 - 260,000 260,000 2,158,989 2,158,989 2,158,989 1,898,989 1,898,989 1,898,989 PARK FEE ZONES 5,13,16 PRIOR YEARS BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1) N/A REVENUES DEVELOPER FEES TOTAL REVENUES N/A CAPITAL PROJECTS BUSINESS PARK RECREATIONAL FACILITY TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE N/A YEAR1 2007-2008 1,505,352 44,346 44,346 - 1,549,698 YEAR 2 2008-2009 1,549,698 154,434 154/434 - 1,704,132 YEAR 3 2009-2010 1,704,132 118,737 118,737 - 1,822,869 YEAR 4 2010-2011 1,822,869 84,579 84,579 - 1,907,447 YEARS 2011-2012 1,907,447 84,579 84,579 - 1,992,026 BUILDOUT 2012++ 1,992,026 1,023,728 1,023,728 3,015,753 3,015,753 . (1) Etni.l to projected fund balance leu any continuing •ppropruAlaiu.C-35 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUND SUMMARY PARK-IN-LIEU NE BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1) REVENUES DEVELOPER FEES TOTAL REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS HIDDEN CANYON PARK (22.3 ACRES) PARK SITE DEVELOPMENT (15 ACRES) PARK SITE ACQUISITION (15 ACRES) NE QUADRANT PARK PIL-NE REPAYMENT OF LOAN FROM PFF FOR PARK ACQUISITION TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE PRIOR YEARS N/A N/A 1,886,766 4,550,000 6,436,766 N/A YEAR1 2007-2008 228,425 228,425 YEAR 2 2008-2009 228,425 625,459 625,459 853,884 YEAR 3 2009-2010 853,884 1,389,908 1,389,908 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,243,792 YEAR 4 2010-2011 1,243,792 839,291 839,291 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,083,082 YEARS 2011-2012 1X183,082 871,365 871,365 1,000,000 1,000,000 954/448 BUILDOUT 2012++ 954,447 6,500,493 6,500,493 4,000,000 1,550,000 5,550,000 1,904,940 PARK-IN-LIEU NW BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1) REVENUES DEVELOPER FEES TOTAL REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS PINE AVENUE PARK - PINE COMMUNITY BUILDING - PHASE II PIL-NW TO GCC FOR MADISON ST PROPERTY PURCHASES PIL-NW TO GCC FOR PINE SCHOOL ACQUISITION TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE PRIOR YEARS N/A N/A N/A YEAR1 2007-2008 875,919 149,905 149,905 1,025,824 YEAR 2 2008-2009 1,025,824 299,811 299,811 1,325,635 YEAR 3 2009-2010 1,325,635 449,716 449,716 1,775,351 YEAR 4 2010-2011 1,775,351 142,767 142,767 1,724,039 1,724,039 194,079 YEARS 2011-2012 194,079 149,905 149,905 343,984 BUILDOUT 2012++ 343,984 2,241,442 2,241,442 320,000 860,000 1,180,000 1,405/427 PARK-IN-LIEU SE BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1) REVENUES DEVELOPER FEES TOTAL REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS LEO CARRILLO PARK - PHASE HI LEO CARRILLO EVENT AREA EXPANSION TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE PRIOR YEARS N/A N/A N/A YEAR1 2007-2008 2,265,074 80,187 80,187 20,550 20,550 2,324,711 YEAR 2 2008-2009 2,324,711 80,187 80,187 246,450 246,450 2,158,448 YEAR 3 2009-2010 2,158,448 80,187 80,187 2,238,635 YEAR 4 2010-2011 2,238,635 85,533 85,533 2,324,168 YEARS 2011-2012 2,324,168 2,324,168 BUILDOUT 2012++ 2,324,168 836,800 836,800 1,487,368 PARK-IN-LIEU SW BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1) REVENUES DEVELOPER FEES TOTAL REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS AVIARA COMMUNITY PARK COMMUNITY BUILDING AVIARA REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES PRIOR YEARS N/A N/A 238,000 238,000 N/A YEAR1 2007-2008 840,636 203,140 203,140 1,043,776 YEAR 2 2008-2009 1,043,776 983,627 983,627 2,027,403 YEAR 3 2009-2010 2,027/403 138,991 138,991 2,166,394 YEAR 4 2010-2011 2,166,394 53,458 53,458 2,219,852 YEARS 2011-2012 2,219,852 58,804 58,804 2,278,656 BUILDOUT 2012++ 2,278,656 2,763,779 2,763,779 2,607,483 2,607,483 2/434,952 (1) Equal to projected fund balance less any continuing appropriations.C-36 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUND SUMMARY PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE AREA FEES (PLDA) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1)_ REVENUES DEVELOPER FEES TOTAL REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS AGUA HEDIONDA CHANNEL (PLDA "B") AVIARA PARKWAY STORM DRAIN REIMBURSEMENT (PLDA "C") COLLEGE BLVD/CANNON RD (BJ AND CALAVERA CR. CHANNEL) COLLEGE BLVD/CANNON RD (BASIN BJB - REIMB./PLDA "B") (FEMA + PLD) COLLEGE BLVD. BRIDGE FACILITY BL (REIMB./PLDA "B") FARADAY/MELROSE DRAINAGE FACILITIES (PLDA "B') MASTER PLAN UPDATE MISCELLANEOUS MASTER DRAINAGE FACILITIES PARK DRIVE AND TAMARACK AVENUE STORM DRAIN (PLDA "B") TAMARACK AND ECR STORM DRAIN AND SILT. BASIN {REIMB./PLDA "B") LOAN REPAYMENT - HEDIONDA AND CALAVERA CREEK TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE PRIOR YEARS N/A N/A 1,680,522 2,778,833 830,910 300,000 454,933 6,045,198 N/A YEAR1 2007-2008 6,932,273 244,733 244,733 - 7,177,006 YEAR 2 2008-2009 7,177,006 244,733 244,733 - 7,421,739 YEAR 3 2009-2010 7,421,739 336,904 336,904 420,021 420,021 7,338,621 YEAR 4 2010-2011 7,338,621 203,089 203,089 - 7,541,711 YEARS 2011-2012 7,541,711 214,654 214,654 - 7,756,365 BUILDOUT 2012++ 7,756,365 7,960,475 7,960,475 1,847,188 10,936,000 610,000 1,279,000 14,672,188 1,044,652 PUBLIC FACILITY FEE FUND (PFF) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1) REVENUES DEVELOPER FEES LOANS PROP 12 AND PROP 40 GRANT FUNDS TOTAL REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS ALGA NORTE PARK - PHASE I (30 ACRES) ALGA NORTE PARK - PHASE II (POOL) AVIARA COMMUNITY PARK (24.25 ACRES) * AVIARA COMMUNITY PARK COMMUNITY BUILDING CARRILLO BARN RESTORATION EL CAMINO REAL MEDIANS EL CAMINO REAL MEDIANS - LA COSTA FIRE STATION #3 RELOCATION FIRE STATION #6 (PERMANENT) LEO CARRILLO PARK - PHASE III LIBRARY EXPANSION (COLE) LOAN REPAYMENT - ALGA NORTE POOL LOAN REPAYMENT - FIRE STATION #3 LAND ACQUISITION LOAN REPAYMENT - POINSETTIA TENNIS COURTS PINE AVENUE PARK - PINE COMMUNITY BUILDING - PHASE II PINE AVENUE PARK - PHASE I POINSETTIA COM. PARK - TENNIS COURTS & COMMUNITY CENTER POINSETTIA COMMUNITY PARK - PARKING TRAP SIG - CANNON ROAD AND AVENIDA ENCINAS TRAP SIG - PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND MELROSE DRIVE TRAF SIG - POINSETTIA LANE AND EL FUERTE STREET (REIMS) PFF LOAN TO PIL-NE FOR PARK LAND ACQUISITION TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE PRIOR YEARS N/A N/A 15,912,570 6,099,695 10,700,000 33,000 909,500 90,500 1,000,000 5,830,000 7,082,000 1,089,200 150,000 250,000 210,000 4,550,000 53,906/465 N/A YEAR1 2007-2008 14,663,737 1,544,044 100,000 744,000 2,388,044 6,194,940 60,215 6,255,155 10,796,626 YEAR 2 2008-2009 10,796,626 3,616,110 238,745 3,854,855 476,560 903,185 1,379,745 13,271,736 YEAR 3 2009-2010 13,271,736 3,721,466 238,292 3,959,758 5,221,440 584,091 5,805,531 11,425,963 YEAR4 2010-2011 11,425,963 1,982,817 - 387,000 2,369,817 103,600 7,041,087 914,606 8,059,293 5,736,487 YEARS 2011-2012 5,736,487 1,881,877 - 1,881,877 11,656,432 11,656,432 (4,038,068) BUILDOUT 2012++ (4,038,068) 17,644,829 - 17,644,829 7,374,076 1,987,400 9,832,400 2,500,000 1,000,000 3,600,000 26,293,876 (12,687,116) (1) Equal to projected fund balance less any continuing appropriations.C-37 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUND SUMMARY REDEVELOPMENT - VILLAGE BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1) REVENUES TAX INCREMENT AND LOANS TOTAL REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS VILLAGE PUBLIC PARKING ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM SENIOR CTR EXPANSION - 1ST FLOOR STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS CARLSBAD BLVD. AT STATE ST - INTERSECTION ENHANCEMENT DESIGN TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE PRIOR YEARS N/A N/A 1,082,044 100,000 100,000 1,282,044 N/A YEAR1 2007-2008 176,320 100,000 100,000 276,320 YEAR 2 2008-2009 276,320 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 276,320 YEAR 3 2009-2010 276,320 276,320 YEAR 4 2010-2011 276,320 276,320 YEARS 2011-2012 276,320 276,320 BUILDOUT 2012++ 276,320 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 276,320 REDEVELOPMENT - SCCRDA BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1) REVENUES TAX INCREMENT AND LOANS TOTAL REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS CARLSBAD BLVD. AT BREAKWATER ROAD - LEFT TURN LANE CARLSBAD BOULEVARD ENCINAS CREEK BRIDGE REPLACEMENT TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE PRIOR YEARS N/A N/A 243,150 339,135 582,285 N/A YEAR1 2007-2008 4,463 YEAR 2 2008-2009 4,463 YEAR 3 2009-2010 4,463 YEAR 4 2010-2011 4,463 YEARS 2011-2012 4,463 BUILDOUT 2012++ 4,463 4,463 4,463 4,463 4,463 4,463 4,463 SEWER BENEFIT AREA FEES (SBA) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1) REVENUES DEVELOPER FEES TOTAL REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS CARLSBAD TRUNK SEWER REACHES VCT1A, VCT1B, VCT1C (SBA "A") SBA A TO SEWER REPLACEMENT FOR CARLSBAD TRUNK SEWER SBA C,D,E,F TO SEW REPL FOR S AGUA HEDIONDA INTERCEPTOR SOUTH AGUA HEDIONDA LIFT STATION AND FORCE MAIN TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE PRIOR YEARS N/A N/A 8,827,415 8,827,415 N/A YEAR1 2007-2008 4,155,346 151,538 151,538 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,306,884 YEAR 2 2008-2009 2,306,884 666,049 666,049 2,972,933 YEAR 3 2009-2010 2,972,933 671,379 671,379 3,644,312 YEAR 4 2010-2011 3,644,312 574,520 574,520 4,218,832 YEARS 2011-2012 4,218,832 593,579 593,579 103,600 103,600 4,708,811 BUILDOUT 2012++ 4,708,811 3,784,053 3,784,053 437,365 3,270,000 3,707,365 4,785,499 SEWER CONNECTION FEE FUND BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1) REVENUES DEVELOPER FEES OTHER AGENCY CONTRIBUTIONS (VISTA) TOTAL REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS PHASE IV EXPANSION - DEBT SERVICE PHASE V EXPANSION BUENA VISTA LIFT STATION SEWER MONITORING PROGRAM VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR AGUA HEDIONDA LIFT STATION (VC12) VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR REACH VC11B VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR REACH VC13 TO VC15 VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT REACH 3 TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE PRIOR YEARS N/A N/A 933,944 8,321,188 44,000 1,119,360 3,549,000 1,800,000 15,767,492 N/A YEAR1 2006-2007 16,859,836 1,581,576 2,452,359 4,033,935 935,507 22,000 700,000 1,657,507 19,236,264 YEAR2 2007-2008 19,236,264 859,084 859,084 937,169 22,000 7,307,799 11,715,200 73,220 20,055,388 39,960 YEAR 3 2008-2009 39,960 740,908 14,415,987 15,156,895 933,006 22,000 523,000 1,478,006 13,718,849 YEAR4 2009-2010 13,718,849 447,619 2,408,645 2,856,264 931,418 22,000 2,092,000 3,045,418 13,529,695 YEARS 2010-2011 13,529,695 406,311 406,314 932,468 22,000 954,468 12,981,541 BUILDOUT 2011++ 12,981,541 5,055,768 1,336,812 6,392,581 2,788,079 1,491,978 198,000 4,478,057 14,896,065 (1) Equal to projected fund balance tan any continuing appropriation*.C-38 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUND SUMMARY SEWER REPLACEMENT FUND BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1) REVENUES TRANSFER FROM OPERATING FUND LOAN REPAYMENTS TOTAL REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS PUBLIC WORKS CENTER BUENA VISTA LAGOON SEWAGE SPILL BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS CAPITAL ACQUISmONS/REPLACEMENT/REHAB PUMP STATION INTERFACES STAFFING/PROF. SERVICES AND MISC. TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT AVENIDA ENdNAS GRAVITY SEWER FARADAY AVENUE - ORION TO MELROSE SEWER FOREST GRAVITY SEWER HOME PLANT - PIPELINE REPLACEMENT HOME PLANT LIFT STATION REHABILITATION LA COSTA MEADOWS SEWER EXTENSION LA GOLONDRIA SEWER EXTENSION NORTH AGUA HEDIONDA INTERCEPTOR REHAB - EAST SEGMENT NORTH AGUA HEDIONDA INTERCEPTOR - WEST SEGMENT NORTH AGUA HEDIONDA TRUNK SEWER REACH NAHT1A NORTH BATIQUITOS INTERCEPTOR REHABILITATION NORTH BATIQUITOS SEWAGE LIFT STATION MODIFICATIONS POINSETTIA LANE SEWER RELOCATION - Reimb POINSETTIA SEWAGE LIFT STATION ODOR/NOISE ABATEMENT PRIOR YEARS N/A N/A 750,000 4,303,491 1,494,614 110,200 900,000 440,000 210,000 654,000 319,244 4,177,751 1,199,000 647,193 545,000 SEWER LIFT STAT. REMOVALS - GATESHEAD, VILLAS, SIMSBURY, VANCOUVER SEWER LIFT STATION REPAIRS AND UPGRADES SEWER LINE REFURBISHMENTS/REPLACEMENT SEWER MASTER PLAN/CONNECTION FEE UPDATE VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR REHAB REACHES 1 AND 2 BUENA INTERCEPTOR SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TERRAMAR LIFT STATION EMERGENCY GENERATOR PHASE II LOAN TO RECYCLED WATER SEWER REPL TO SEW BENEF A FOR CARLSBAD TRUNK SEWER DEMO CALAVERA HILLS TREATMENT PLANT TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE 580,380 1,260,000 830,975 460,000 25,000 5,270,000 24,176,848 N/A YEAR! 2007-2008 13,475,475 3,280,000 2,000,000 5,280,000 889,670 829,520 347,395 1,140,000 500,000 23,500 3,730,085 15,025,390 YEAR 2 2008-2009 15,025,390 3,356,200 - 3,356,200 500,572 266,963 650,000 119,474 400,000 80,000 330,000 1,380,000 180,958 57,000 3,964,967 14/416,623 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 2009-2010 2010-2011 14,416,623 11,092,325 3,434,686 3,515,527 3,434,686 3,515,527 3,730,640 541,162 500,000 1,743,682 100,000 100,000 330,000 330,000 313,500 6,758,984 930,000 11,092,325 13,677,852 YEAR 5 BUILDOUT 2011-2012 2012++ 13,677,852 15,992,444 3,598,792 39,676,036 3,270,000 3,598,792 42,946,036 500,000 5,805,829 100,000 400,000 330,000 2,254,600 354,200 1,284,200 8/460,429 15,992,444 50/478,051 (1) Equal to projected fund balance less any continuing appropriations.C-39 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUND SUMMARY TRAFFIC IMPACT FEES (TIP) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1) REVENUES DEVELOPER FEES MISC. REIMBURSEMENTS TOTAL REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS TRAP SIG - FARADAY AVENUE AND ORION STREET AVENIDA ENCINAS WIDENING - SOUTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD CARLSBAD BOULEVARD WIDENING - CANNON TO MANZANO CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE WIDENING EL CAMINO REAL AND CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE EL CAMINO REAL AND FARADAY AVENUE EL CAMINO REAL AT AVIARA PARKWAY/ALGA ROAD EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING - LA COSTA AVENUE TO ARENAL ROAD EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING - TAMARACK AVENUE TO CHESTNUT AVE. EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING - S CHESTNUT/S ALGA MELROSE DRIVE AND ALGA ROAD PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WIDENING AT PASEO DEL NORTE POINSETTIA LANE WIDENING (PASEO DEL NORTE TO BATIQUITOS LN) SIDEWALK/STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM TRAFFIC MONITORING PROGRAM VALLEY AND MAGNOLIA SIDEWALKS TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE PRIOR YEARS N/A N/A 289,550 225,000 1,235,941 1,382,708 522,115 525,000 1,185,672 166,744 5,532,730 N/A YEAR 1 YEAR 2 2007-2008 2008-2009 8,286,464 8/485,244 594,781 1,427,103 - 594,781 1,427,103 210,000 75,000 96,000 96,000 90,000 225,000 396,000 396,000 8/485,244 9,516,348 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEARS BUILDOUT 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012++ 9,516,348 10,321,436 10,723,666 11,056,798 1,201,089 798,230 729,132 7,996,127 0 1,201,089 798,230 729,132 7,996,128 758,000 2,449,063 1,542,042 346,770 305,591 550,497 587,342 173,385 2,289,765 300,000 300,000 300,000 900,000 96,000 96,000 96,000 972,000 396,000 396,000 396,000 10,874,455 10,321/436 10,723,666 11,056,798 8,178,470 TRANSNET/ BICYCLE BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1) REVENUES TRANSNET REVENUE TOTAL REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS BICYCLE MASTER PLAN COASTAL RAIL TRAIL TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE PRIOR YEARS N/A N/A 150,000 221,800 371,800 N/A YEAR1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEARS BUILDOUT 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012++ 18,105 18,105 18,105 18,105 18,105 18,105 18,105 18,105 18,105 18,105 18,105 18,105 TRANSNET/ HIGHWAY BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1) REVENUES TRANSNET REVENUE TOTAL REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS CANNON ROAD REACH 4B TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE PRIOR YEARS N/A N/A 1,761,000 1,761,000 N/A YEAR1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEARS BUILDOUT 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012++ 266,106 266,106 266,106 266,106 266,106 266,106 266,106 266,106 266,106 266,106 266,106 266,106 (1) Equal to projected fund balance less any continuing appropriations.C-40 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUND SUMMARY TRANSNET-LOCAL BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1) REVENUES TRANSPORTATION TAXES NON JURISDICTIONAL FEES TOTAL REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS TRAP SIG - EL CAM. REAL/PLAZA/MARRON/HOSP WY CARLSBAD BOULEVARD ENCINAS CREEK BRIDGE REPLACEMENT CARLSBAD BOULEVARD RETROFIT OVER SDNR EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING - USA STREET TO CRESTVIEW OR (LOAN) EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING - NORTH OF COUGAR DRIVE (LOAN) EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING - TAMARACK AVENUE TO CHESTNUT PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (NON-JURIS FEES) PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM VALLEY AND MAGNOLIA SIDEWALKS PRIOR YEARS N/A N/A 1,311,000 38,568 1,519,000 493,000 1,467,217 20,719,348 TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES 25,548,133 ENDING FUND BALANCE N/A YEAR1 2007-2008 5,967,840 2,947,000 775,000 3,722,000 39,571 3,300,000 775,000 2,600,000 6,714,571 2,975,269 YEAR 2 2008-2009 2,975,269 3,878,679 750,000 4,628,679 201,501 959,000 750,000 2,650,000 315,000 4,875,501 2,728,447 YEAR 3 2009-2010 2,728,447 2,979,000 752,000 3,731,000 752,000 2,848,000 3,600,000 2,859,447 YEAR 4 2010-2011 2,859,447 3,158,000 762,000 3,920,000 762,000 4,732,800 5,494,800 1,284,647 YEARS 2011-2012 1,284,647 3,315,000 775,000 4,090,000 775,000 2,838,000 3,613,000 1,761,647 BUILDOUT 2012++ 1,761,647 33,150,000 7,870,000 41,020,000 7,870,000 26,311,500 34,181,500 8,600,147 TRANSNET - SURFACE TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM (S PRIOR YEARS BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1) N/A REVENUES STP REVENUE TOTAL REVENUES N/A CAPITAL PRpJECTS TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE N/A TP) YEARl YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEARS BUILDOUT 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012++ 95,051 95,051 95,051 95,051 95,051 95,051 95,051 95,051 95,051 95,051 95,051 95,051 (1) Equal to the projected fund balance less any continuing appropriations.C-41 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUND SUMMARY WATER - MAJOR FACILITY FEE FUND BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1) REVENUES DEVELOPER FEES TOTAL REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS "D" RESERVOIR - PHASE H CALAVERA HILLS WATER BOOSTER STATION STANDBY GENERATOR CANNON ROAD EAST OF EL CAMINO REAL - Relmb COLLEGE BOULEVARD - CANNON TO BADGER LANE COLLEGE BOULEVARD (ECRTO CANNON ROAD) - Reimb EL CAMINO REAL BETWEEN COLLEGE AND 3ACKSPAR EL CAMINO REAL CROSSING AT KELLY DRIVE EL FUERTE - NORTH OF LOKER - Reimb EL FUERTE - ALGA ROAD TO POINSETTIA LANE - Reimb EL FUERTE - POINSETTIA LANE TO PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD - Reimb FARADAY AVENUE - ORION TO MELROSE WATERLINE - Reimb FARADAY AVENUE EXTENSION - Reimb MAERKLE PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS MAERKLE RESERVOIR STORAGE (TAP #2) MARRON ROAD - PRESSURE REGULATING STATION TO OCEANSIDE MASTER PLAN UPDATE MELROSE DRIVE - PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD TO FARADAY - Reimb PAR/ECR PUMP STATION POINSETTIA LANE - EL CAMINO REAL TO SKIMMER CT (ReJmb) POINSETTIA LANE - SKIMMER CT TO CASSIA POINSETTIA LANE EAST OF BLACK RAIL ROAD 12" PRESSURE REDUCING STATION - SYCAMORE CREEK RANCHO CARRILLO OVERSIZING/EXTENSION TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE PRIOR YEARS N/A N/A 760,800 971,275 725,000 148,750 2,000,000 1,141,000 97,210 54,425 997,350 93,700 6,989,510 N/A YEAR1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEARS BUILDOUT 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012++ 14,990,184 15,731,115 15,557,463 17,202,741 3,176,787 4,050,784 740,931 1,907,656 1,697,579 900,269 873,997 10,326,362 740,931 1,907,656 1,697,579 900,269 873,997 10,326,362 6,193,311 52,300 416,517 746,949 487,436 749,773 692,675 13,762,757 741,221 47,800 796,300 121,478 370,610 222,691 121,478 2,081,309 52,300 14,926,223 - 8,463,464 15,731,115 15,557,463 17,202,741 3,176,787 4,050,784 5,913,682 WATER - RECYCLED WATER FUND BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1) REVENUES LOANS & GRANTS CONNECTION FEES TOTAL REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS RECYCLED WATER PH H - FACILITY RECYCLED WATER PH H - FLOW EQUALIZATION RECYCLED WATER PH H - MAHR RESERVOIR IMPROV. RECYCLED WATER PH II - PIPELINES RECYCLED WATER PH U - PUMP STATIONS TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE PRIOR YEARS N/A N/A 12,130,019 4,127,402 2,957,000 21,852,521 4,918,574 45,985,516 N/A YEAR1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEARS BUILDOUT 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012++ . (1) Equal to the projected hind balance less any continuing appropriations.C-42 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUND SUMMARY WATER REPLACEMENT FUND BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1) REVENUES TRANSFER FROM OPERATING FUND LOAN REPAYMENTS TOTAL REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS ECR/TAMARACK PUMP STATION REMOVAL PUMP STATION REMOVAL PUBLIC WORKS CENTER "D" RESERVOIR - PHASE H "D" RESERVOIR - BLACKRAIL ROAD IMPROVEMENTS AVIARA PARKWAY AT PLUM TREE CATHODIC PROTECTION PROGRAM CARLSBAD BOULEVARD - SOUTH OF AVENIDA ENdNAS CHESTNUT AVENUE RECYCLED WATER LINE COLLEGE BOULEVARD- MAERKLE RESERVOIR TO AGUA HEDIONDA CREEK CRESTVIEW DRIVE TRANSMISSION MAIN DEMOLITION OF WATER FACILITIES AT PAJAMA DRIVE DESALINATION GROUNDWATER/SEAWATER STUDY EL CAMINO REAL - PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD SOUTH EL CAMINO REAL TRANSMISSION MAIN FROM FARADAY TO COUGAR DRIVE EL CAMINO REAL/CARLSBAD VILL DR PIPELINE REPL. EL FUERTE AND CORINTIA STREET ELLERY WATER PUMP PROJECT FOUSSAT ROAD WELL ABANDONMENT 1-5 RECYCLED WATER TRANSMISSION LINE LAKE CALAVERA RESERVOIR IMPROVEMENTS MAERKLE PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS MAERKLE RESERVIOUR BRIDGE REPLACEMENT MAERKLE DAM ROATING COVER DRAINPIPE REPLACE MISCELLANEOUS PIPELINE REPLACEMENT PROJECTS MISCELLANEOUS WATER RESERVOIR FENCING OCEANSIDE INTERTIE UPGRADE PAR/ECR PUMP STATION POINSETTIA LANE - SKIMMER CTTO CASSIA POINSETTIA LANE EAST OF BLACK RAIL ROAD 12" PUMP STATION REMOVAL RANCHO SANTA FE RD PIPELINE REPLACEMENT SAN MARCOS BOULEVARD WEST OF SDCWA TANGLEWOOD PRESSURE REDUCING STATION REPLACEMENT TAP RESERVOIR EXTERIOR PAINTING WATER OPERATIONS WATER PUMP PROJECT WATER SYSTEM INTERTIE CONNECTION TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE PRIOR YEARS N/A N/A 442,700 367,000 495,000 60,000 3,225,000 774,100 269,975 60,900 202,500 133,305 6,097,235 54,425 200,000 1,000,000 120,399 990,350 773,000 3,091,241 354,750 439,000 19,150,880 N/A YEAR 1 YEAR 2 2007-2008 2008-2009 24,087,808 26,561,895 3,934,010 4,025,240 3,934,010 4,025,240 624,000 475,800 436,100 376,560 35,500 145,000 549,673 28,750 172,500 418,400 77,000 1,459,923 1,879,360 26,561,895 28,707,775 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEARS BUILDOUT 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012++ 28,707,775 22,246,635 24,795,889 28,992,433 4,119,208 4,215,994 4,315,684 49,344,348 - 4,119,208 4,215,994 4,315,684 49,344,348 80,019 6,927,118 2,064,365 459,612 146,900 886,171 2,886,960 31,380 119,139 719,260 156,272 133,305 692,675 428,651 110,700 472,583 222,583 10,580,348 1,666,740 119,139 4,171,466 22,246,635 24,795,889 28,992,433 74,165,316 (1) Equal to the projected hind balance less any continuing appropriations.C-43 o £ 5 8 >- ^s E E ?Q. 4J V I I ia3 00o NOo(N £•to 1 1 E E O»eQ. i Q.(0U § Ml oofM m £o. S3 2Ol2Q. •U V IQ. M 25.3 ?rsoo*N 21I p1 s f <u Ia. hH iaraU § fsO ta fia E S I M 10 COo ISooCN £• S Ei o C£ " E 2 0) ^ sg § 1 | ^ re | I Ia. 9 £ A S 5 5!a s a- 5« a Sio From: To: Date: Subject: <kereiland@aol.com> <Council@[]> Sat, May 19, 2007 8:34 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US All Receive - Agenda Item # For Information of THE CITY COUNCIL "CM Date . CA From CM Asst. CM Ste «-,he -Contact Us- form to department, THE SUBJECT LINE. Below please find the information that was submittedDear City Council: Alga Norte Community Park and Swim Complex Proceed with building this community park that will feat ,he «„*„ priorlty recelve your ture a state-of-the-art swim compta. *™* ~ -*«*— •- we do no, have a unbeiieva* that we do no, acces ,o a d noenS I hope you ini,ia,e an immed.ale resolution to .his Thank you, KathiBeck 760-207-4999 Kathi Beck 2663 Marquita Place Carlsbad, CA 92009 kereiland@aol.com *™' " i issue so ,ha, you migh, achieve this important priority. NT •*CLR 1 .,4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50T27, CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE From: <shoot802@aol.com> To: <Council@[]> Date: Sat, May 19, 2007 9:06 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear City Council: With regard to the City Council's Top Twelve Priorities for 2007-2008, please give your strong support to the following much needed priority: Alga Norte Community Park and Swim Complex-Proceed with building 'this community park that will feature a state-of-the-art swim complex. I am a parent of boy who swims water polo in the current overused Carlsbad facility. Even though we live in the La Costa area of Carlsbad, Stagecoach Park and La Costa Canyon have no pool DS well. Swimming provides our children with a healthy alternative to hanging out at the mall or participating in the overcrowded other sports. A swim complex can also provide our children with summer jobs and support our high school swim programs. Please support the swim complex and place Carlsbad on par with other communities who have had much building and development. Thank you. Sincerely, Robert Beck A Water Polo Parent Robert Beck 2663 Marquita Place Carlsbad, CA 92009 shoot802@aol. com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) From: <dougstark@roadrunner.com> To: <Council@[]> Date: Sun, May 20, 2007 9:02 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear City Council: With regard to the City Council's Top Twelve Priorities for 2007-2008, please give your strong support to the following much needed priority: Alga Norte Community Park and Swim Complex-Proceed with building this community park that will feature a state-of-the-art swim complex. I am a parent of boy who swims water polo in the current overused Carlsbad facility. Even though we live in the La Costa area of Carlsbad, Stagecoach Park and La Costa Canyon have no pool as well. The club polo games are played everywhere in this county EXCEPT Carlsbad. Swimming provides our children with a healthy alternative to.hanging out at the mall or participating in the overcrowded other sports. A swim complex can also provide our children with summer jobs and support our high school swim programs. Please support the swim complex and place Carlsbad on par with other communities who have had much building and development. Thank you. Doug Stark Doug Stark 2925 Via Libertad Carlsbad, CA 92008 dougstark@roadrunner.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; InfoPath.l) From: <sherwood@rsf-fire.org> To: <Council@[]> Date: Sun, May 20, 2007 12:04 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD [CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear City Council: With regard to the City Council's Top Twelve Priorities for 2007-2008, please give your strong support to the following much needed priority: Alga Norte Community Park and Swim Complex-Proceed with building this community park that will feature a state-of-the-art swim complex I am a parent of boy who swims water polo in the current overused Carlsbad facility. Even though we live in the La Costa area of Carlsbad, Stagecoach Park and La Costa Canyon hav'e no pool as well. Swimming provides our children with a healthy alternative to hanging out at th3 mall or participating in the overcrowded other sports. A swim complex can also provide our children with summer jobs and support our high school swim programs. Please support the swim complex and place Carlsbad on par with other communities who have had much building and development. Thank you. Sincerely, Bruce Sherwood A Water Polo Parent Bruce Sherwood 6758 Paseo Del Vista Carlsbad, Ca. 92009 sherwood@rsf-fire.org Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; lnfoPath.1) From: <vacationmike@hotmail.com> To: <Council@[]> Date: Sun, May 20, 2007 12:09 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: 5/20/2007 Dear City Council: With regard to the City Council's Top Twelve Priorities for 2007-2008, please give your strong support to the following much needed priority: Alga Norte Community Park and Swim Complex-Proceed with building this community park that will feature a state-of-the-art swim complex. I am a parent of boy who swims water polo in the current overused Carlsbad facility. My other son has to commute to the JCC pool in La Jolla for swim time. Swimming provides our children with a healthy alternative to hanging out at the mall or participating in the overcrowded other sports. A swim complex can also provide our children with summer jobs and support our high school swim programs. Many communities host swim and water polo events whereas the guest spend much money in the community on hotels and food. Please support the swim complex and place Carlsbad on par with other communities who have had much building and development. Thank you. Sincerely, Michael & Clara Marsden Michael Marsden 3450 James Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 vacationmike@hotmail.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) From: <tim@segneri.net> To: <Council@[]> Date: Sun, May 20, 2007 1:15 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear City Council: With regard to the City Council's Top Twelve Priorities for 2007-2(H38, please give your strorg support to the following much needed priority: Alga Norte Community Park and Swim Complex-Proceed with building this community park that will feature a state-of-the-art swi-n complex. I am a parent of two children who participate in water polo in the current overused Carlsbad facility. Swimming provides our children with a healthy alternative to hanging out at the mall or participating in the overcrowded other sports. A swim complex can also provide our children with summer jobs and support our high school swim programs. I have visited several facilities around the county (due to our facilit/ being overbooked, we nover have home games!), and can attest that the Carlsbad swim complex is well below average. The facilities don't adequately represent our community's tax base. Please support the swim complex and place Carlsbad on par with other communities who have had much building and development. Thank you. Sincerely, Tim & Lori Segneri A Water Polo Parent Tim Segneri 3562 Knollwood Dr Carlsbad, CA 92010 tim@segneri.net Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061204 Firefox/ From: <mike.olaughlin@roadrunner.com> To: <Council@[]> Date: Sun, May 20, 2007 4:34 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear City Council: With regard to the City Council's Top Twelve Priorities for 2007-2008, please give your strong support to the following much needed priority: Alga Norte Community Park and Swim Complex. Please proceeifl with building this community park that will feature a state-of-the-art swim complex. I am a parent of boy who swims water polo in the currently overused Carlsbad High School facility. £ swim complex can also provide more children the opportunity for swim teams, water polo teams, divi g teams, summer jobs which support high school swim programs. Additionally world class athletes tra n and coach train in Carlsbad and would benefit. Please support the swim complex in Carlsbad. Thank you. Sincerely, Mike O'Laughlin Mike O'Laughlin 2211 Masters Road Carlsbad, ca 92008 USA mike.olaughlin@roadrunner.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.0.04506) From: <shellandsons@sbcglobal.net> To: <Council@[]> Date: Sun, May 20, 2007 7:10 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Elected officials, You were all reelected based on the fact that citizens believed you would carry out plans that have already been approved. The Alga Norte swim complex needs to be moved forward. Procrastination seems to be the way of our city. The people want the pool. The longer we wait the more and more expensive the project becomes. We are a beach community with some of the greatest swimmers in the country and we are sorely in need of the swim complex. Quit procrastinating ....start the ground breaking... Rochelle Robinson • 1311 CorvidaeSt Carlsbad, 92011 shellandsons@sbcglobal.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; YPC 3.2.0; FunWebProducts; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; yplus 5.1.04b) From: <lfbknapp@sdcoe.net> To: <Council@[]> Date: Mon, May 21, 2007 8:27 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear City Council: With regard to the City Council's Top Twelve Priorities for 2007-2008, please give your strong support to the following much needed priority: Alga Norte Community Park and Swim Complex-Proceed with building this community park that will feature a state-of-the-art swim complex. I am a parent of boy who swims water polo in the current overused Carlsbad facility. We live in the North East Carlsbad, ever since my children were young 13 years ago we have noticed how hard it was to get swim lessons in Carlsbad, because there just is not enough pool space for all of the different activities that the one and only public pool is used for. Swimming provides our children with a healthy alternative to hanging out at the mall or participating in the overcrowded other sports. A swim complex can also provide our children with summer jobs and support our high school swim programs. Please support the swim complex and place Carlsbad on par with other communities who nave had much building and development. Thank you. Thank You, Libby Knapp An Active Resident/Parent A Swimming Family A Water Polo Parent A True Lover of this Great Community Libby Knapp 3609 Laredo St Carlsbad, CA 92010 USA lfbknapp@sdcoe.net; libknapp@aol.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) From: <cwildermuth@adelphia.net> To: <Council@[]> Date: Mon, May 21, 2007 11:00 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: I am writing as a parent concerned that there may be further delays or cutbacks in the proposed Alga North swim complex. I am a resident of La Costa Valley who must drive my 9-year-old son to water polo practice 4 days a week at the Carlsbad H.S. complex, a 15-minute drive each way from my home. He is often finishing up at 9pm, when his normal bed time is 8:30. This is solely a function of the poo! being overused. One pool serving a community of 100,000 is simply not enough to support a beachside, physically active family community like Carlsbad. (V •' There are so many good reasons to support this park as proposed. Consider the success of VistaXEs Wave Waterpark. As fiscally responsible council members, I think you should consider their statistics and conclusions: ; 1) They had more than 116,000 recreational visitors during the summer, and an additional 24,000 community and school groups using the pool portion year-round. 2) The Wave Waterpark is a major seasonal employer for local residents, especially teens and young adults. •: •: 3) Revenue from the recreational portion of the park offsets maintenance costs for the pool. I know being orevenue neutralo has been a significant justification for cost of the municipal golf course u which will cost three-times the proposed cost of the pool and serve only a fraction of the residents as would a pool/water park complex. 4) Consider this quote: "Originally I thought the City couldn't afford a waterpark with a FlowRider and lazy river attraction, but I soon realized that the City couldn't afford a pool without one," says Jim Porter, director of Parks and Recreation for the City of Vista. 5) I would strongly encourage you to take 5 minutes and read an article about the success of Vista/Es Waver Waterpark. http://www.recmanagement.com/200211fp01 .php I would differ with Councilman Packer/Es stated concern that a water park would compete with Legoland. In fact, I believe it would make Carlsbad a more worthwhile weekend/weeklong destination. Orlando has several water parks, including two built by the Walt Disney Co. If they don/Et believe it conflicts with Disneyworld, I don/Et think we should believe a water park conflicts with Legoland. There is a strong perception among La Costa residents that the city does not give La Costa/southern Carlsbad residents the same consideration it gives the center/northern part of the city 0 despite our hefty contribution to the city/Es tax base. Building this first-class facility now, when the city has the funds to do it as designed, would address that concern; it would benefit all of the residents of Carlsbad; as well as add to our tourism industry and be fiscally prudent running the swimming complex in the long run. I strongly encourage you to approve the full and complete swim complex, as proposed. Sincerely, Chris Wildermuth 2955 Avenida Ciruela, La Costa Valley Chris Wildermuth 2955 Avenida Ciruela Carlsbad, CA 92009 USA cwildermuth@adelphia.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Media Center PC 2.8; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) From: <allen1010@adelphia.net> To: <Council@[]> Date: Mon, May 21, 2007 1:56 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear City Council, Please make the new Carlsbad Swim Complex happen this year. We have been waiting a long time. I have two boys both who use the pool almost daily for water polo and a husband who uses the lanes. Carlsbad just won GIF swimming for the fifth year in a row. Carlsbad High School won GIF for the third year in a row, we are a city with a definite love of the water. Please put forth every effort to make the swim complex on Alga a reality. Thank you Sherrie Allen and Family Sherrie Allen 966 Merganser In Carlsbad, CA 92011 allenl 010@adelphia.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1) From: <deborahsherwood@roadrunner.com> To: <Council@[]> Date: Mon, May 21, 2007 8:09 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear City Council: With regard to the City Council's Top Twelve Priorities for 2007-2008, please give your strong support to the following much needed priority: Alga Norte Community Park and Swim Complex-Proceed with building this community park that will feature a state-of-the-art swim complex. I am a parent of boy who swims water polo in the current overused C'dsbad facility. Even though we live in the La Costa area of Carlsbad, Stagecoach Park and La Costa Canyon have no pool as wel!. Swimming provides our children with a healthy alternative to hanging cut at the mall or participating in the overcrowded other sports. A swim complex can also provide our children with summer jobs and support our high school swim programs. Please support the swim complex and place Carlsbad on par with othvr communities who have had much building and development. Thank you. Sincerely, Debbie Sherwood A Water Polo Parent Debbie sherwood 6758 paseo del vista Carlsbad, Ca 92009 USA deborahsherwood@roadrunner.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPatM) From: <carlsrup@yahoo.com> To: <Council@[]> Date: Tue, May 22, 2007 7:44 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. ********************************************** FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear City Council: With regard to the City Council'sTop Twelve Priorities for 2007-2008, please give your strong support to the following much needed priority: Alga Norte Community Park and Swim Complex-Proceed with building this community park that will feature a state-of-the-art swim complex. I am apparent of boy who swims'.water polo in the current overused Carlsbad facility. Even though we Hve in the La Costa area of Carlsbad, Stagecoach Park and La Costa Canyon have no pool as well. Swimming provides our children:with a healthy alternative to hanging out at the mall or participating in the overcrowded other sports. A swim complex can also provide our children with summer jobs and support our high school swim programs. Please;support the swim complex and place Carlsbad on par with other communities who have had much building and development. Thank you. Sincerely, A Water Polo Parent carlsrup@yahoo.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7:0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) From: <ron@ronhart.com> To: <Council@[]> Date: Tue, May 22, 2007 8:40 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear City Council: With regard to the City Council's Top Twelve Priorities for 2007-2008, please give your strong support to the following much needed priority: Alga Norte Community Park and Swim Complex-Proceed with building this community park that will feature a state-of-the-art swim complex. I am a parent of boy who swims water polo in the current overused Carlsbad facility. Even though we live in the La Costa area of Carlsbad, Stagecoach Park and La Costa Canyon have no pool as well. Swimming provides our children with a healthy alternative to hanging out at the mall or participating in the overcrowded other sports. A swim complex can also provide our children with summer jobs and support our high school swim programs. Please support the swim complex and place Carlsbad on par with other communities who have had much building and development. Thank you. Sincerely, Ron Hart A Water Polo Parent Ron Hart 1820 West Cliff Court Carlsbad, Ca 92008 USA ron@ronhart.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.0.04506) From: <summerscottage@roadrunner.com> To: <Council@[]> Date: Tue, May 22, 2007 2:42 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US All Receive Agenda Item # _J__ F<--r ' '-i formation of THF: CITY COUNCIL . From CM _ Asst. CM A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear City Council: With regard to the City Council's Top Twelve Priorities for 2007-2008, please give your strong support to the following much needed priority: Alga Norte Community Park and Swim Complex-Proceed with building this community park that will feature a state-of-the-art swim complex. Even though we live in the La Costa area of Carlsbad, Stagecoach Park and La Costa Canyon have no pool as well. Swimming provides our children with a healthy alternative to hanging out at the mall or participating in the overcrowded other sports. A swim complex can also provide our children with summer jobs and support our high school swim programs. Please support the swim complex and place Carlsbad on par with other communities who have had much building and development. Thank you. Mellissa Summers 2867 Camino Serbal Carlsbad, CA 92009 USA summerscottage@roadrunner.com Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/419 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/419.3 MAY 2 2 2007 CITY OF CARLSBADCITY CLERK'S OFFICE From: To: Date: Subject: <lisabehun@hotmail.com> <Council@[]> Tue, May 22, 2007 1:14 PM CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US All Receive - Agenda Item # For Information of THE CITY COUNCIL^ CM 1 CA </ CC _ Dat(?/2^- From CM Asst. CM °f Car'Sbad Web Site has comP'eted and Posted the "Contact Us" form to department, FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. *** • Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear City Council: With regard to the City Council's Top Twelve Priorities for 2007-2008, please give your strong support to the following much needed top priority: Alga Norte Community Park and Swim Complex-Proceed with building this community park that will feature a state-of-the-art swim complex. We live in South Carlsbad and drive to the community pool near Carlsbad High School for my son's water nnn P* Jon ^^f3'^6 to ^ 'ack of available pool times, my 10 yr old son is often practicing until after 9:00 at night. In addition, because the pool is so incredibly over-scheduled and over-requested we are unable to have waterpolo tournaments or even games there. This means that every weekend we' are required to drive to Santee, Chula Vista, Poway and many other far-reaching areas of the county to participate in games and of course, never have "home pool" advantage. We understand the money is available and in place for the building. Please support the swim complex and place Carlsbad on par with other communities who have had much building and development. Thank Sincerely, Lisa Behun A Water Polo Parent Lisa Behun 7327 Binnacle Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92011 USA lisabehun@hotmail.com : U'' Windows NT 5'1-' en-US-' rv: Gecko/20070309 Firefox/ !,<AV 2 2 2007 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE from: <ginny@hallner.com> To: <Council@[]> Date: Tue, May 22, 2007 10:42 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US All Receive -Agenda Item # Q For Information of THEGtTY COJJWCIL ^*>CM From CM _ __ Asst. CMU^ A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department'Oouncii. ********************************************** FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. ****************** Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear City Council: With regard to the City Council's Top Twelve Priorities for 2007-2008. please give your strong support to the following much needed priority: Alga Norte Community Park and Swim Complex-Proceed with building this community park that will feature a state-of-the-art swim complex. I am a resident of La Costa for 25 years. Over that time period, there have been many discussions and promises of providing a community swim complex to the residents of South La Costa but no action has been taken Our community needs to step up and make an investment to provide an alternative to the overused North Carlsbad facility. Swimming provides our children with a healthy alternative to hanging out at the mall or participating in other overcrowded sports programs. A swim complex can also provide our children with summer jobs and support our high school swim programs. Please support the swim complex and place Carlsbad on par with other communities who have had muchbuilding and development. Thank you. vc.wumuui Sincerely, Eugene & Virginia Hallner Virginia Hallner 7785 Madrilena Way Carlsbad, CA 92009-8132 USA ginny@hallner.com Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070309 Firefox/2 00376.176.148.119 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE All Receive - Agenda Item # _*? For Information of THECITY COUNCIL _ CAJX_ CC_^f from: <kbnorcross@adelphia.net> To: <Council@[]> Date: Tue, May 22, 2007 10:05 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear City Council: With regard to the City Council's Top Twelve Priorities for 2007-2008, please give your strong support to the following much needed priority: Alga Norte Community Park and Swim Complex-Proceed with building this community park that will feature a state-of-the-art swim complex. I am a parent of boy who swims water polo in the current overused Carlsbad facility Even though we live in the La Costa area of Carlsbad, Stagecoach Park and La Costa Canyon have no pool as well Swimming provides our children with a healthy alternative to hanging out at the mall or participating in the overcrowded other sports. A swim complex can also provide our children with summer jobs and suDDort our high school swim programs. Please support the swim complex and place Carlsbad on par with other communities who have had much building and development. Thank you. Sincerely, Kathryn Norcross A Water Polo Parent ILEOKQWE MAY 2 2 2007 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE n\ yj , ec. kbnbrcross@adelphia.net Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070309 Firefox/ May 22, 20071City of CarlsbadCity of CarlsbadProposed2007-2008 to BuildoutCapital Improvement Program May 22, 20072Budget CalendarCOUNCIL MEETINGSCOUNCIL MEETINGS••TodayToday––CIP WorkshopCIP Workshop––Set Public Hearing for June 26Set Public Hearing for June 26thth••June 12thJune 12th––Operating Budget WorkshopOperating Budget Workshop••June 26thJune 26th––Operating Budget and CIPOperating Budget and CIPPublic Hearing and AdoptionPublic Hearing and AdoptionOTHER PUBLIC MEETINGSOTHER PUBLIC MEETINGS••June 20June 20––CitizenCitizen’’s Budget Workshops Budget Workshop May 22, 20073Citizen’s Budget Forum•When:Wednesday, June 20th•Where:Faraday Center1635 Faraday Avenue, Room 173B•Time:5:00pmCall the Finance Department at(760) 602-2430 for additional information. May 22, 2007420072007--2008 2008 Proposed Capital Improvement ProgramProposed Capital Improvement ProgramTonight's AgendaTonight's Agenda9Budget Calendar9CIP Process9Development Projections9Revenue Forecast to Buildout9Projected Expenditures to Buildout9FY 2007-08 Appropriations & Revenues 9Future New Projects 9Alga Norte Park and Pool Complex Update May 22, 20075Project Costs Estimates•Council Appropriating 2007-08 CIP Only•All project costs in the CIP are estimates•Project cost, scope and timing are reviewed and updated annually May 22, 20076CIP Process – Planning Document•Expenditures plan•Revenue plan•CIP Review CommitteeEvaluates Projects based on:Evaluates Projects based on:••Ranking CriteriaRanking Criteria••Construction cost analysisConstruction cost analysis••Construction schedulesConstruction schedules••Financing Financing ––Revenue SourcesRevenue Sources May 22, 20077Project Ranking Criteria•Health and Safety•Legal Mandates•Council Top Priorities•Operating Cost Impacts•Compliance with Growth Management •Compliance with Other Standards•Completion of Basic Infrastructure•Public Opinion/Surveys•Funding or Timing Opportunity May 22, 20078CIP Process - TimelineDecember 2006CIP Kickoff01/10/07CIP Project Submittals dueDecember 2006January 2007February 2007March2007April2007May2007June 200702/15/07Final Growth Projections due03/22/07Prelim CIP Review w/LT04/19/07Final CIPReview w/LT06/26/07Council AdoptsOperating Budget,CIP & Annual Spending Limitation04/12/07Final CIPRev. w/LT05/15/07 CIPWorkshopw/Council May 22, 200792007-08 CIP Goals•Improve Accuracy of Project Cost Estimates•Accurately Reflect Project Appropriation Timing May 22, 200710Construction Cost Analysis•Engineering News Record (ENR) Index•Detailed Costs Analysis •Independent 3rdParty Cost Estimating Firms May 22, 200711Construction Cost Analysis•The Engineering News Record (ENR) index – 3.6% Building Cost Index0.0%2.0%4.0%6.0%8.0%10.0%1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 May 22, 200712Development ProjectionsƒƒWhen will development occur?When will development occur?ƒƒWhen will sufficient When will sufficient revenues be available revenues be available for construction?for construction? May 22, 200713Residential ConstructionTotal Units to Buildout25,00030,00035,00040,00045,00050,0001990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2022+Future Units = 4,658Future Units = 4,658Total Units = 48,108Total Units = 48,108Current 43,450*Current 43,450*90%90%*Current units are an estimate*Current units are an estimateProp E Cap = 54,599Prop E Cap = 54,599Council Cap = 51,249Council Cap = 51,249 May 22, 200714Villages of La Villages of La CostaCostaLa Costa La Costa GreensGreensRobertson Robertson RanchRanchSunny CreekSunny CreekPoinsettia Poinsettia PropertiesPropertiesThompson Thompson TabataTabataPoinsettia Poinsettia PlacePlace716543273216452,117 Residential Units – Next 5 years May 22, 200715Non-Residential Construction(Square Feet)0250,000500,000750,0001,000,0001,250,0001,500,0001,750,0002,000,0002,250,0002,500,0002000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012ProjectedActual May 22, 200716HotelsHotelsRestaurantsRestaurantsTimesharesTimesharesAssisted LivingAssisted LivingMedical Office Medical Office BuildingsBuildingsChurchesChurchesTheaterTheaterRetailRetailCorporate Corporate CentersCentersIndustrialIndustrial3.7 Million sq ft Non-Residential – Next 5 years428,924428,9241,235,7331,235,7331,819,4131,819,413189,579189,579 May 22, 200717Funding SourcesTotal Revenue = $594 Million(Through Buildout)$0$20$40$60$80$100$120$140$160DevelopmentFeesSpecialDistrictsWater/SewerReplacementInfrastructureReplacementOther SourcesIn MillionsIn Millions May 22, 200718Development Revenues$127 Million•Water and Sewer Connection Fees•Public Facilities Fees •Park In Lieu Fees$0$20$40$60$80$100$120$140$160DevelopmentFeesSpecialDistrictsWater/SewerReplacementInfrastructureReplacementOther SourcesIn MillionsIn Millions•Traffic Impact Fees•Planned Local Drainage Fees May 22, 200719Public Facility FeesProjected Fund BalanceStaff Recommendation:Staff Recommendation:1.1.Purchase park site in FY 2006Purchase park site in FY 2006--07 with PIL07 with PIL--NE Funds NE Funds --$4.6 Million$4.6 Million2.2.Purchase Gas Tax eligible traffic signals and medians from the GPurchase Gas Tax eligible traffic signals and medians from the Gas as Tax Fund Tax Fund --$4.8 Million $4.8 Million 3.3.Use General Capital Construction (GCC) Fund for $6 Million of AlUse General Capital Construction (GCC) Fund for $6 Million of Alga ga Norte PoolNorte Pool-$13-$8-$3$2$7$12$172008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2012++Millions May 22, 200720Special Districts$53 MillionƒCFD#1 - CitywideƒBTD#2 - Aviara Parkway-Poinsettia Lane$0$20$40$60$80$100$120$140$160DevelopmentFeesSpecialDistrictsWater/SewerReplacementInfrastructureReplacementOther SourcesIn MillionsIn MillionsƒCFD#3 – Faraday/MelroseƒBTD#3 - Cannon Road West May 22, 200721Replacement Funds$285 Million•Annual transfers from operating funds •Used for replacement of existing facilities$0$20$40$60$80$100$120$140$160DevelopmentFeesSpecialDistrictsWater/SewerReplacementInfrastructureReplacementOther SourcesIn MillionsIn MillionsReplacement Revenues = 48% May 22, 200722Other Revenues$130 Million•TransNet allocation•Gas Tax•Redevelopment$0$20$40$60$80$100$120$140$160DevelopmentFeesSpecialDistrictsWater/SewerReplacementInfrastructureReplacementOther SourcesIn MillionsIn Millions•Federal and State grants•Other agencies May 22, 200723Project ExpendituresProject Expenditures20072007--08 to Buildout08 to Buildout$405 Million$405 MillionParks19%Sewer/Drainage18%Civic22%Loans6%Water10%Streets25% May 22, 2007242007-08 Revenue Sources$46 Million19%Development25%Special Districts20%Water/SewerReplacement17%InfrastructureReplacement18%Other Sources May 22, 2007252007-08 New Appropriations$31 MillionParks36%Civic3%Water5%Streets30%Sewer/Drainage22%Loans6% May 22, 200726“PROP C” ProjectsProjectsAllocationOriginal Set Aside$35,000,000Aquatic Complex$16,216,000City / Safety Training Facility$ 1,050,000Cannon Road – Reach 4Trails/Open SpaceRemaining Allocation$17,734,000 May 22, 200727Continuing Projects$152 Million•Alga Norte Park and Aquatic Complex•The Crossings at Carlsbad Golf Course•Vista-Carlsbad Interceptor•Fire Station #6•Recycled Water System•Pavement Management•Library Learning Center•Senior Center May 22, 200728Total AppropriationsFY 2007-2008•New Appropriations $ 31 Million•Continuing Projects $152 Million____________________________________________________________Total 2007Total 2007--2008 CIP2008 CIP$183 Million$183 Million May 22, 200729Unfunded Projects$ 37 million1. Palomar Airport Road Widening and Bridge Reconstruction2. El Camino Real Widening from Cassia to Camino Vida Roble3. Poinsettia Lane – Reach “E” ($11Million funded by BTD #2)4. Cannon Road – Reach 4B – College/College to City Limits5. Cannon Lake Park6. Hosp Grove/Buena Vista Lagoon Improvements7. Pine Avenue Park – Madison Property 8. Pine Avenue Park – Restroom/Storage Facility May 22, 200730CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM••Civic ProjectsCivic Projects••Facilities MaintenanceFacilities Maintenance••Park ProjectsPark Projects••Drainage ProjectsDrainage Projects••Sewer ProjectsSewer Projects••Water ProjectsWater Projects••Traffic SignalsTraffic Signals••Street ProjectsStreet Projects May 22, 200731CIP PROJECT REVIEW STRATEGIES•Update Project Costs•Review Project Needs–Council Goals–State/Federal Mandates–Growth Management•Update Project Timing May 22, 200732FY 2007-08CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMNew Projects11Completed Projects45Updated Cost and/or Timing34Total CIP Costs$404,838,916 May 22, 200733Review of New Projects Proposed for FY 2007-08 CIP May 22, 200734PINE AVE PARK PHASE 1-AMADISON PROPERTIES•Proposed Amenities–Ornamental Garden–Fountain–Seating–Parking–Lighting•$1,900,000 May 22, 200735PINE AVE PARK PHASE 1-BRESTROOM/STORAGE BUILDING•Requested by citizens using the park•Prefabricated building product•Store baseball outfield fencing and temporary pitching mound•$372,900 May 22, 200736PINE AVENUE PARKPINE AVENUE PARKCommunity Center(Phase II)PINE AVENUE PARKAPPROVED MASTER PLANMADISON STHARDING STREETCHESTNUT AVENUEMULTI-USE FIELDPARKING LOTINFORMALAMPHITHEATERTOT LOTBASKETBALLPICNIC AREACHESTNUT AVE IMPROVEMENTSAttachment 1Proposed restroom / storage bldg. May 22, 200737POINSETTIA PARK PHASE IIPARKING EXPANSION•Cars are parking on local streets during large events at the park•Potential to restrict emergency vehicle ingress and egress•Included in original Poinsettia Community Park Master Plan•$963,400 May 22, 200738Hidden Valley Road May 22, 200739CARRILLO RANCH EVENT AREA EXPANSION•Construct new patio area of approximately 2,500 square feet•Project includes:–Flagstone Patio–Minimal lighting–Landscaping–Access road for caterers•$267,000 May 22, 200740CORRUGATED METAL PIPE (CMP) REPLACEMENT PROGRAM•Replace aging Corrugated Metal Pipe throughout the city•Proactively eliminate potential pipeline failures•$2,230,000FY 07-08FY 08-09FY 09-10FY 10-11FY 11-12Design$75,000$75,000$50,000$50,000$40,000Construction$500,000$545,000$315,000$410,000$170,000 May 22, 200741NW QUADRANT STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM•Construct missing section of the NW Quadrant storm drain system•Runoff would be transported through complete underground drainage system•$3,295,355FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-16Design $99,250 $104,000 $51,250 $69,250 $41,500$642,728$122,000Construction $206,000 $302,055 $333,573 $339,398$984,340 May 22, 200742DEMOLITION OF CALAVERA HILLS TREATMENT PLANT•Study and Propose demolition plan for the Calavera Hills Sewer Treatment Plant•Plant is obsolete and facilities are in disrepair•$394,000 May 22, 200743MAERKLE RESERVOIR BRIDGE REPLACEMENT•Replace existing maintenance access bridge•$201,250 May 22, 200744CMWD WATER SYSTEMCATHODIC PROTECTION PROGRAM•Design and construct corrosion control improvements to existing water system•Mitigating corrosion process extends pipeline service life and saves future maintenance and replacement costs•$1,246,700 May 22, 200745RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD AND AVENIDA LA CIMA TRAFFIC SIGNAL•Install fully actuated traffic signal•Identified on Traffic Signal Qualification List•$190,000 May 22, 200746MARBELLA WALL BEAUTIFICATION•Develop visual alternatives and estimated costs for newly constructed retaining wall•Provide City Council with alternative beautification proposals•$80,000 May 22, 200747ALGA NORTE PARKAND SWIM COMPLEX May 22, 200748Action Item1. Set Public Hearing for 2007 - 2008 Operating and Capital Budgets for June 26, 2007. May 22, 200749Budget CalendarCOUNCIL MEETINGSCOUNCIL MEETINGS••TodayToday––CIP WorkshopCIP Workshop––Set Public Hearing for June 26Set Public Hearing for June 26thth••June 12thJune 12th––Operating Budget WorkshopOperating Budget Workshop••June 26thJune 26th––Operating Budget and CIPOperating Budget and CIPPublic Hearing and AdoptionPublic Hearing and AdoptionOTHER PUBLIC MEETINGSOTHER PUBLIC MEETINGS••June 20June 20––CitizenCitizen’’s Budget Workshops Budget Workshop May 22, 200750Citizen’s Budget Forum•When:Wednesday, June 20th•Where:Faraday Center1635 Faraday Avenue, Room 173B•Time:5:00pmCall the Finance Department at(760) 602-2430 for additional information. May 22, 200751Blank May 22, 200752GOLF COURSE LAYOUTGOLF COURSE LAYOUT May 22, 200753Financing SourcesFinancing SourcesConstruction Cost Estimate$37,000,000*Funding Sources (approximate):•Bond Proceeds•New Advances•Previous AdvancesTotal$15,000,00021,000,0001,000,000$37,000,000* Does not include public art or pre-opening and start up costs May 22, 200754Alga Norte Community Park May 22, 200755 May 22, 200756Residential Construction(in Units)05001,0001,5002,000200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011FutureExisting89%Projected Projected 94%94% May 22, 200757Fire Station #3 Detailed AnalysisDescription Line Item Cost % of Constr Line Item Cost % of Constr Line Item Cost % of Constr Line Item Cost % of ConstrBuilding Construction2,151,000$ 68%2,250,000$ 42%2,363,655$ 36%2,294,000$ 34%Building Per Sq. Ft. CostsBuilding Site Work50,000$ 2%515,000$ 10%538,690$ 8%680,000$ 10%Building Site Work Per Sq. Ft. CostsOff-Site, Signal & Access Construction942,500$ 17%1,000,000$ 15%1,154,764$ 17%Total Construction Costs2,201,000 70%3,707,500 69%3,902,345 59%4,128,764 61%Design264,120 8%450,000 8%468,000 7%538,940 8%Change Order Allowance220,100 7%375,000 7%390,000 6%315,570 5%FFE- 100,000 2%104,000 2%107,351 2%Demo Existing Station85,000 3%75,000 1%78,000 1%79,214 1%Construction Management264,120 8%350,000 6%364,000 6%265,000 4%Environmental- 152,500 3%158,600 2%152,500 2%Inspection 132,060 4%130,000 2%135,200 2%130,000 2%Property Acq*- 60,000 1%1,000,000 15%1,000,000 15%Special Equipment- - - - Miscellaneous- - - - ESTIMATED PROJECT TOTAL3,166,400 100%5,400,000 100%6,600,145 100%6,717,339 100%17,000Sq. Ft @ $3psft est.<10% Design30%-50% Design<10% Design6,200Sq. Ft @ $381psft 6,200Sq. Ft @ $370psftComparableTurbo Peer Review of Carlsbad Fire Station #36,200Sq. Ft @ $347psft2006/07 CIP Submittal Carlsbad F/S #3 ENR Applied2005/06 CIP Submittal Carlsbad Fire Station #317,000Sq. Ft @ $30psft est. 17,000Sq. Ft @ $40psft est.17,000Sq. Ft @ $30psft est.2005/06 CIP Submittal Carlsbad Fire Station #66,200Sq. Ft @ $363psft Alga Norte Alga Norte Community ParkCommunity ParkCouncil WorkshopCouncil WorkshopMay 22, 2007May 22, 2007 LocationLocation NPoinsettia LaneAlicantePARK ELEMENTS PARK ELEMENTS (32 Acre(32 AcreSiteSite))AQUATICS CENTERCOMMUNITY PARKSkate ParkTot Lot /Play AreaPicnic & Passive Play3 Half-Court Basketball3-Lighted Baseball FieldsConcession/RestroomDog Park-off leashMaintenance BuildingParking Lot - 532 SpacesRoad AQUATICS AQUATICS CENTERCENTERActivity PoolMoving RiverWater SlidesBathhouseWet PlaygroundTherapy PoolAdministrative Building55 meter Competition Pool12 Lane Instructional PoolMechanical Building Park Development HistoryPark Development History¾¾Park Master Plan ApprovedPark Master Plan Approved01/14/0301/14/03¾¾32 Acre Site Purchased32 Acre Site Purchased01/21/0301/21/03¾¾Pool Design SelectedPool Design Selected06/18/0306/18/03¾¾Design Services AgreementDesign Services Agreement07/08/0307/08/03¾¾Authorized Aquatics Center PermittingAuthorized Aquatics Center Permitting12/06/0512/06/05¾¾Environmental Review & CUPEnvironmental Review & CUP03/01/0603/01/06¾¾Affirmed Aquatics Center in ProjectAffirmed Aquatics Center in Project05/17/0605/17/06 ParkingParkingArea for Summer Peak UseArea for Summer Peak UseStaffStaff13 spaces13 spacesCompetition PoolCompetition Pool3030Instructional PoolInstructional Pool2323Recreation PoolsRecreation Pools282282Therapy PoolTherapy Pool33Skate ParkSkate Park2020Baseball FieldsBaseball Fields6060Tot LotTot Lot4141Dog ParkDog Park1515Picnic AreasPicnic Areas3535Basketball CourtsBasketball Courts1010Total AllocationTotal Allocation532532 LEED LEED ––Certification to be AchievedCertification to be AchievedExamples of LEED Items:Examples of LEED Items:¾¾High Efficiency HVAC & LightingHigh Efficiency HVAC & Lighting¾¾Solar Heating SystemSolar Heating System¾¾Recycled Water for irrigation & dual plumbingRecycled Water for irrigation & dual plumbing¾¾Forest Stewardship Council Certified Wood Forest Stewardship Council Certified Wood ¾¾Parking for Fuel Efficient Vehicles & addition Parking for Fuel Efficient Vehicles & addition of more bike racksof more bike racks PROJECT COSTPROJECT COSTPlanning & DesignPlanning & Design$1.9 million$1.9 millionAquatics CenterAquatics Center$21.4 million$21.4 millionCommunity ParkCommunity Park$17.2 million$17.2 millionContingency, Inspection, Contingency, Inspection, Administrative, TestingAdministrative, Testing$8.1 million$8.1 millionMiscellaneousMiscellaneous$1.8 million$1.8 millionTotalTotal$50.4 million$50.4 millionCurrent AppropriationCurrent Appropriation$39.3 million$39.3 millionAdditional AppropriationAdditional Appropriation$11.1 million$11.1 million Funding SourcesFunding Sources¾¾Aquatics CenterAquatics CenterzzGeneral Capital ConstructionGeneral Capital Construction$ 6.0 million$ 6.0 millionzzProposition C Proposition C $16.2 million$16.2 millionzzPublic Facilities Fund (PFF) Public Facilities Fund (PFF) $ 6.1 million$ 6.1 million¾¾Community ParkCommunity ParkzzPublic Facilities Fund (PFF) Public Facilities Fund (PFF) $22.1 million$22.1 million Alga Norte Park Annual Operations Alga Norte Park Annual Operations Revenue & Expenditure EstimatesRevenue & Expenditure EstimatesAquatics CenterAquatics CenterRevenueRevenue$1,447,560$1,447,560ExpendituresExpenditures$2,079,400$2,079,400Net Income (Loss)Net Income (Loss)($631,840)($631,840)% of Cost Recovery% of Cost Recovery70%70%Community Park (ball fields, dog park, play areas)Community Park (ball fields, dog park, play areas)RevenueRevenue$ 58,000$ 58,000ExpendituresExpenditures$725,000$725,000 ScheduleSchedule¾¾Complete Plans & Specs.Complete Plans & Specs.Spring 2007Spring 2007¾¾Bid Period / AwardBid Period / AwardSummer 2007Summer 2007¾¾Begin ConstructionBegin ConstructionFall 2007Fall 2007¾¾Available for UseAvailable for UseFall 2009Fall 2009