HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-07-10; City Council; 19079; Work Program for Community PlanningCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 20
AB# 19-079
MTG. 7/10/07
Work Program for the Community
Planning Process for the
Implementation of Proposition D
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That the City Council ADOPT Resolution No2007-I75to: 1) Approve Partners for Livable
Communities Work Program for the Implementation of Proposition D; and, 2) Appoint a
Proposition D Citizens Process Committee.
On November 7, 2006, Carlsbad voters approved Proposition D, the "Preserve the Flower
and Strawberry Fields and Save the Carlsbad Taxpayers Money" measure. The Proposition
placed a permanent open space designation on a privately-owned area of land along Cannon
Road east of the I-5 freeway including the existing Strawberry and Flower Fields. The
proposition also included a provision for the City to initiate "a comprehensive planning
process with broad public participation and input" to fully implement the measure and to
determine what open space uses should ultimately be permitted in the area. The City is now
ready to begin the community planning process and fully implement Proposition D.
Partners for Livable Communities (Partners), a non-profit organization based in Washington,
D.C., has prepared a Work Program to assist the City in the community involvement process
to implement Proposition D. Partners for Livable Communities has extensive experience in
assisting cities and other organizations in maximizing community input and participation in
community visioning and community planning processes.
The Work Program (Exhibit 2) is designed to maximize citizen and stakeholder involvement
and community inclusiveness in the implementation of Proposition D. The goal of the Work
Program is to determine whether community consensus can be achieved on the open space
uses for the privately-owned, Proposition D land that will best benefit the entire community.
The proposed Work Program includes 5 phases which are summarized as follows:
Phase 1 - Formation of a Proposition D Citizens Process Committee and initial work with
Partners by the Committee. It should be emphasized that the purpose of this Committee is
not to make any decisions on the use of the Proposition D land. The primary purpose of
having the Committee is to assist Partners in organizing and coordinating the events for
community input and participation, ensuring that adequate information is provided to the
public to enhance participation and providing general citizen oversight of the community
planning process.
DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Sandra Holder 760-602-2710 shold@ci.carlsbad.ca.us
r.mjn<-*il approved the Work Program and
continued Resolution No. 2007-175 to
the meeting of July 17, 2007. (See
Minutes for details.)
Page 2 "Work Program for the Community Panning Process for the Implementation of
Proposition D"
Phase 2 - Community-wide public workshop. Partners for Livable Communities will
facilitate a workshop open to all members of the community and other interested parties and
stakeholders to obtain initial input on the wants, needs and values of the community
associated with the use of the Proposition D land. Key community issues will be identified by
Phase 3 - Partners conducts focus group meetings with community members. The goal of
the focus groups will be to engage in dialogue on the key topics identified in Phase 2 and
how they could be addressed in an open space plan for the Proposition D land.
Phase 4 - Design Charrette. Partners will conduct a comprehensive, 2-day design
charrette open to involvement and participation by the entire community and other interested
parties and stakeholders where four nationally recognized experts in planning, community
visioning and design will take the input of the community and turn them into conceptual plans
for possible uses of the Proposition D land. The ultimate goal of the charrette will be to
attempt to design a conceptual plan that represents consensus of the community.
Phase 5 - Partners prepares a report for presentation to the community. The report will
include the results of the community planning process and recommended actions to complete
the full implementation of Proposition D.
The City Manager intends to enter into a contract with Partners pursuant to his authority
under Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.28.04 C as a sole source provider for the
requested service as described in the proposed Work Program. Partners is a nationally-
recognized, non-profit organization that has assisted numerous cities in citizen involvement
and community visioning processes. More than 1,200 individuals and groups from local,
state, national, international, public and private organizations make up their resource
network. Staff has researched other organizations that provide this type of service and feel
that Partners for Livable Communities is uniquely qualified to provide the level of
comprehensive, all-inclusive, transparent community involvement and participation effort that
the City desires to have take place in the implementation of Proposition D. The President of
Partners, Robert McNulty, previously made a presentation to the City Council regarding his
thoughts on the implementation of Proposition D and Partners broad and extensive
experience working with other communities on similar visioning and community involvement
and participation processes. He is already very familiar and knowledgeable about Proposition
D and the land that it applies to and he will personally be in charge of the Work Program.
The Work Program also proposes the formation of a Proposition D Citizens Process
Committee. It is proposed that the Citizens Process Committee consist of seven members as
• One member from the Planning Commission
• One member from the Parks and Recreation Commission
• One member from the Arts Commission
• Four at-large citizen members, one from each quadrant of the City
As previously-noted, the purpose of this Committee is not to determine the best open space
uses for the Proposition D area but to assist Partners for Livable Communities in coordinating
the process associated with the Work Program. The goal of the community planning process
as identified in the Work Program is to maximize community involvement and'to attempt to
Page 3 "Work Program for the Community Panning Process for the Implementation of
Proposition D"
as identified in the Work Program is to maximize community involvement and to attempt to
have the community at large reach consensus on the best uses for the Proposition D land
rather than a smaller appointed Committee.
The cost to have Partners for Livable Communities conduct the Work Program is $87,447.
An additional amount of $12,000 to $20,000 will be needed for a more detailed plan package
as described in the addendum (Pg 8) to Partners' Work Program. The actual cost cannot be
determined until the Design Charrette is completed and the architect knows the level of detail
required to be shown in the plans. $100,000 has already been allocated from the General
Fund in the up-coming budget to fund the goal program to implement Proposition D.
Proposition D previously went through full environment review in accordance with the
California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA). The Work Program is being conducted to fulfill a
provision of Proposition D. The purpose of the Work Program is to solicit community
comment and gather public information to fully implement Proposition D. As such, the Work
Program does not require additional environmental review at this time pursuant to CEQA.
However, any future, additional actions resulting from the Work Program or required to fully
implement Proposition D such as Zoning, General Plan or Local Coastal Program
implementation actions may require subsequent environmental review.
1. City Council Resolution No. 2007-175
2. Work Program
Proposition D and Beyond:
Work Program
Carlsbad, CA
Livability starts with a vision. Any community vision, developed with wide community
participation, can provide fresh ideas and afford opportunities to set priorities that the whole
community can embrace. Creating such a vision, and the strategic plan to implement it, is a
complex process for which Partners for Livable Communities is uniquely qualified. Partners is
experienced in managing that process and bringing the public and private sectors together to
provide the greatest benefit to the community.
Visioning and strategic planning for community projects brings together stakeholders from
across the community to create a vision for the future, define short and long term goals, and
often establish plans for action. The visioning process also often links the public, private, and
civic sectors together towards a common goal.
From the experience and success of Partners, several basic truths about community planning
have emerged:
• Effective visioning and goal setting requires a civic body that spans all sectors of the
• Cooperation is defined by mutual self-interest
• Mutual self-interest is understood broadly as the medium for community value
• It is this civic leadership body that must set the goals for positive change for the entire
The community of Carlsbad is ready to begin discussions on the implementation of Proposition
D and what to do with a large piece of open space land that has the potential for many assets to
be created to benefit and connect together the entire community. The Proposition D land must
be used for open space uses. The City of Carlsbad, however, is interested in determining the
community's interest and desire for the most appropriate open space uses: active versus
passive, recreational, agricultural, cultural/civic, etc. Carlsbad would like this discussion to be
held on a broad community basis so that a community consensus can be reached on a plan for
the use of the Proposition D land.
In the course of this process, Carlsbad hopes to engage and empower the community to
imagine verbally and visually how they can define the best open space uses for the Proposition
D land in a way that connects the community and creates a place for all its citizens to enjoy.
Proposition D contained the framework for the permitted open space uses on the land, but
requires community involvement in determining the most appropriate uses and the planning for
those uses.
Carlsbad previously developed a citywide vision and guiding principles for connecting the
community through the "Connecting Community, Place and Spirit" (CCPS) program. This
previous work will also serve as a foundation for moving forward on the Proposition D
implementation process. The ultimate goal of the implementation process is to develop
community consensus on an open space plan for the Proposition D land that provides a unique
place for community connection and interaction and that enhances livability in Carlsbad.
Partners for Livable Communities will conduct a 6.5 month work program that will include five
major phases: the formation of a Citizens Process Committee, a public workshop that identifies
key community issues, community focus groups on how this unique open space can be an
asset, a design charrette that will identify a scenario with community consensus, and a
community report and presentation to the City Council.
Phase I: Carlsbad forms a Proposition D Citizens Process Committee and Partners and
Committee define the program process
Requires 1 visit by Partners' staff
Step 1: Carlsbad forms Citizens Process Committee
Carlsbad will form a Citizens Process Committee of seven members that include one
member each from the Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, and Arts
Commission, and one citizen from each of the four quadrants of the city. This Committee
a) Provide citizen oversight of entire process
b) Identify appropriate stakeholders to incorporate into the process
c) Ensure maximum community participation in the process
d) Review all background information (Prop. D, CCPS vision and guiding principles,
e) Coordinate with City of Carlsbad staff to organize all events (public workshop,
focus groups, charrette)
f) Review public comments/input
g) Review Partners materials and reports
Step 2: Partners works with Committee to define stakeholders, objectives, and a decision-
making process
After formation, the Committee, with the help of appropriate additional sources, will begin to
compile key stakeholder lists. Partners and a consultant on visioning and public input will
travel to Carlsbad for an initial visit to meet with the Committee. While there, Partners will
work with the Committee to refine their stakeholder lists and suggest missing or alternative
elements, and to outline the exact methodology and appropriate decision-making process
for Carlsbad's situation.
The Committee will then finalize their stakeholder invitations and community outreach
process and plan the public workshop for Phase 2. Partners will prepare background
materials/presentation for the workshop.
Phase 2: Partners defines key issues through community-wide public workshop
Requires 2 visits by Partners' staff
Step 1: Citizens Process Committee and Partners conduct a community-wide public
The Citizens Process Committee and Partners will coordinate to conduct a community-wide
public workshop that will explain the goals of the program and will allow the public to give
their preliminary input on the most pressing wants, needs, and values in Carlsbad that relate
the use of the Proposition D land. The Committee and Partners will also consider other
possibilities for obtaining this information in addition to the workshop. These might include
an online survey, a survey distributed through water bills, or another method that would
allow opinions to be expressed remotely.
Step 2: Partners reviews and analyzes all information and initial public input
Partners will review the findings from Step 1 and will synthesize the information into a set of
suggested key community issue opportunities to explore in the focus groups and through the
charrette. Partners will analyze these key issues as they relate to the provisions in
Proposition D and to the previous visioning principles found in the "Connecting Communty,
Place and Spirit" process.
Step 3: Partners meets with the Citizens Process Committee to define key issues to be
addressed in Phase 3
Partners will meet with the Committee and present their findings on the key issues and their
relationship to Proposition D and the CCPS efforts. Partners and the Committee will confirm
the key issue opportunities to be addressed in Phase 3 and Phase 4. Partners will then
compile this information into materials to distribute at the focus groups that include
background on the program, process, and key community issues.
Phase 3: Partners conducts focus groups with community members
Requires 1-2 visits by Partners' staff
Partners and associates deemed appropriate by the Citizens Process Committee will
facilitate approximately 4-6 community focus groups. Participants will include citizens that
attended the initial public workshop, property owners/adjacent landowners, community
stakeholders, and other interested parties deemed appropriate by the Committee. At least
one member of the Committee would be present at each focus group. These groups would
have between 20-40 members each. Groups will either be organized to have a cross-
section of the community to discuss all of the wants, needs and issue opportunities, to have
a specialized group focus on a particular topic, or to have a specialized group focus on all
wants, needs, and issue opportunities from their perspective. These focus groups will be
held at times of the day that will promote the highest levels of participation, and in places
that are easily accessible to the groups.
The goal of each group will be to engage in dialogue on the key community wants and
needs and how they might be addressed in a community-wide consensus open space plan
in relation to the Proposition D and adjacent lands. These sessions will not focus on exact
uses, specific scenarios, or plans for the space, but rather will work on a conceptual level to
identify values and how different types of open space could address these common needs.
After holding the focus groups, Partners will compile the information gathered to present to
the experts in Phase 4.
Phase 4: Partners conducts design charrette
Requires 1 visit by Partners' staff and experts
Partners will hold a charrette over the course of two days that brings to Carlsbad some of
the top experts in planning, community visioning, and urban design to take the suggestions
of the community and turn them into conceptual plans for the City of Carlsbad and its
Partners will choose four experts in consultation with the City of Carlsbad and the Citizens
Process Committee. Examples of experts that might be chosen include Partners' long-term
associates such as Charles Zucker, who ran the American Institute of Architects'
Regional/Urban Design Assistance Team (R/UDAT) for ten years; Peter Harnik of the Trust
for Public Land; and Gianni Longo of American Communities Partnership, who pioneered
the 'Vision 2000' strategy for Chattanooga, TN. These experts will help facilitate citizen
input, act as problem-solvers, and provide quick sketching abilities for scenarios.*
These experts will be briefed by Partners on the results of the workshop and community
focus groups. When they arrive in Carlsbad, the Committee will field visit the site with the
experts so that they have the opportunity to explore its potential. This will also allow them to
report back on their impressions to the general audience, and structure their thoughts about
the use of the land and what will and will not work.
Invited to the charrette would be citizens, stakeholders, members of the Citizens Process
Committee, local planning and design professionals, etc. On the first day, Partners would
review the key values and needs expressed by the community in the community workshop
and focus groups. The charrette participants will then begin to identify scenarios for how
these wants and needs may be taken into account within the Proposition D and adjacent
areas. The experts present will facilitate this concept and will provide their comments,
critiques, and visual stimuli for discussion. By the end of the first day, the goal will be to
have 2-4 scenarios of land uses that conform to the open space values and needs of the
The first half of the second day will be structured to allow voting and critique of the scenarios
by the participants, with the intention of reaching consensus on a specific scenario. Voting
may take place through an electronic conference voting system or a more informal method.
Input from the public not present at the event may be obtained by posting the scenarios on a
website or having them located in a central location for viewing and comment.
During the second half of the second day, Partners, the experts, the Citizens Process
Committee, and stakeholders present for the charrette will begin identifying strategic action
steps related to key elements of the consensus scenario.
Phase 5: Partners packages the report and presents it to the community
Requires 1 visit by Partners' staff
Partners, the Citizens Process Committee, and staff will prepare a strategic action plan of
specific recommendations on the next steps to implement the consensus scenario plan
developed as a result of the community workshop, focus groups and design charette.
Partners will produce a report that includes documentation of the process; an overview of
the results from each step of the process; the final consensus scenario of the use of
Proposition D and its relationship to adjacent land identified through the charrette process;
and a strategic action plan for the implementation of Proposition D. Partners will present
this report at a City Council public meeting or workshop.
*lf the City of Carlsbad is interested in hiring one of Partners' associates to do detailed design
plans, Partners will endeavor to ensure that there are members on the charrette team with the
capacity to fulfill their needs. Please see Addendum on page 8.
NOTE: The City of Carlsbad is responsible for securing funding for local hosting expenses for
events (i.e. venues, refreshments, A/V, etc).
Partners proposes to complete each step of the work program with the following durations of
Phase 1: Citizens Process Committee. Program Definition (Total time: 6 weeks)
Citizens Process Committee Formed, Stakeholders Identified - 2 weeks
Event: Partners Meets with Committee - 1 morning or afternoon
Partners and Committee Plan Initial Public Workshop - 4 weeks
Phase 2: Public Workshop, Meeting with Committee (Total time: 4 weeks)
Event: Community-Wide Public Workshop - 1 evening
Partners Prepares Report - 4 weeks
Event: Partners Meets with Committee - 1 morning or afternoon
Phase 3: Community Focus Groups (Total time: 6 weeks)
Committee Plans Focus Groups - 4 weeks
Event: Focus Groups - 4-6 early mornings and evenings over 2 weeks
Phase 4: Design Charrette (Total time: 4 weeks)
Committee & Partners Plan Charrette - 4 weeks
Event: Design Charrette - 2 days
Phase 5: Presentation to City Council (Total time: 6 weeks)
Partners Prepares Report - 6 weeks
Event: Presentation at City Council Public Meeting - 1 evening
Total Time: 6.5 Months
City of Carlsbad: Proposition D and Beyond
Budget Overview
Partners/Consultants Staff Time
President $26,540
Program Officer $11,820
Experts $17,700
SUBTOTAL (Time) $56,060
Partners/Consultants Travel Costs
Partners (2 staff x 6 trips x $1000) $12,000
Experts (4 experts x 1 trip x $1500) $6,000
Overhead (39%) $7,020
SUBTOTAL (Travel) $25,020
Direct Costs
Wireless Audience Response Rental $1,500
Phone $300
Printing $660
Mailing $200
Materials $500
Design (Reports, Presentation) $2,500
Overhead (39%) $2,207
SUBTOTAL (Direct Costs) $6,367
TOTAL $87,447
Partners for Livable Communities is a non-profit leadership organization working to improve the
livability of communities by promoting quality of life, economic development, and social equity.
Since its founding in 1977, Partners has helped communities set a common vision for the future,
discover and use new resources for community and economic development and build
public/private coalitions to further their goals.
Partners promotes livable communities through technical assistance, leadership training,
workshops, charettes, research and publications. More than 1,200 individuals and groups from
local, state, national, international, public and private and media organizations make up
Partners' resource network and share innovative ideas on livability and community
Partners' governing board includes a distinguished roster of leaders from local government,
banking, arts and culture and the philanthropy industry. Foundations, corporations and fees for
services fund the organization.
Prepared by Behr Brewers Architects
Based on the results of the Charrette process, the designer will develop a more detailed plan
package to more accurately and clearly depict the content and characteristics of the proposed
uses for the site.
Detailed Plan Package Deliverable*:
Illustrative Plan: This rendered and colored plan will:
• Depict the proposed uses and overall development layout, including all vehicular and
pedestrian circulation infrastructure and proposed landscape features.
• Conceptually address grading, views, landscaping, access, parking, support facilities,
Explanatory Text: This text will:
• Describe the underlying goals and objectives of the plan.
• Explain the different elements of the plan. Describe their purpose and critical
relationships to each other and the essential characteristics that make them work.
Photographs and Accompanying Sketches (most possibly from Charrette event): These
elements would include:
• Photographic Images and hand drawn sketches that approximate the design character
and quality of the proposed plan and that help to better communicate its "vision " to the
council and the community.
Estimated Cost Range:
Between $12,000 and $20,000.
Proposition D Proposition D Work ProgramWork ProgramImplementation Implementation
BackgroundBackgroundProp D approved on November 7, 2006Prop D approved on November 7, 2006Designated Prop D lands as permanent Open Designated Prop D lands as permanent Open SpaceSpaceComprehensive planning processComprehensive planning process
Partners for Livable Communities Partners for Livable Communities Work ProgramWork ProgramConduct broad citizen engagement process;Conduct broad citizen engagement process;Maximize community involvement; andMaximize community involvement; andReach community consensus on the open Reach community consensus on the open spaces uses.spaces uses.Goals
Phase 1Phase 1Prop D Process CommitteeProp D Process CommitteeForm 7Form 7--member Prop D Citizens Process member Prop D Citizens Process Committee:Committee:1 Planning Commissioner1 Planning Commissioner1 Parks and Recreation Commissioner1 Parks and Recreation Commissioner1 Arts Commissioner1 Arts Commissioner4 citizen members, one/quadrant4 citizen members, one/quadrant
Phase 2Phase 2CommunityCommunity--wide Public Workshopwide Public WorkshopCommunity workshop facilitated by PartnersCommunity workshop facilitated by PartnersObtain the wants and needs of the community Obtain the wants and needs of the community for the Prop D landsfor the Prop D lands
Phase 3Phase 3Focus Group MeetingsFocus Group MeetingsFocus group meetings facilitated by PartnersFocus group meetings facilitated by PartnersGoal: Engage in dialogue on the key topics Goal: Engage in dialogue on the key topics identified in Phase 2identified in Phase 2
Phase 4Phase 4Design Design CharretteCharrette22--day design day design charrettecharretteFacilitated by nationally recognized experts Facilitated by nationally recognized experts Outcome: Conceptual Plan representing Outcome: Conceptual Plan representing community consensuscommunity consensus
Phase 5Phase 5Report to the CommunityReport to the CommunityOutcome: Summary of the community Outcome: Summary of the community planning process and recommended actions to planning process and recommended actions to complete the full implementation of Prop Dcomplete the full implementation of Prop D
Fiscal ImpactFiscal ImpactPartners Work Program is $87,447Partners Work Program is $87,447Additional $12,000 Additional $12,000 --$20,000 for architectural $20,000 for architectural drawingsdrawings
RecommendationRecommendationAdopt Resolution No. 2007Adopt Resolution No. 2007--175 approving 175 approving Partners for Livable Communities Work Partners for Livable Communities Work Program and appoint a 7Program and appoint a 7--member Prop D member Prop D Citizens Process CommitteeCitizens Process Committee