HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-09-11; City Council; 19160; Bressi Ranch Village CenterCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 17 AB# 19.160 MTG. 08/11/07 DEPT. PLNG BRESSI RANCH VILLAGE CENTER OP\O AC 47SDP 06-17 DEPT. HEAD ^ CITY ATTY. < CITY MGR. ~2 Y\ 9* && *b RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Citv Council ADOPT Resolution No. 2007-238 APPROVING a Site Development Plan (SDP 06-17) based upon the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. ITEM EXPLANATION: Project Application(s) Environmental Review: Within the scope of the previously certified Bressi Ranch EIR MP178(E) CT 06-24 CUP 06-1 9 SDP 06-1 7 Administrative Approvals Planning Commission RA X X X RA City Council X X RA = Recommended Approval X = Final City decision -making authority •= requires Coastal Commission approval On June 20, 2007, the Planning Commission on a 5-2 vote (Dominguez and Cardosa voted no) recommended that the City Council find that the project is within the scope of the previously certified EIR for the Bressi Ranch Master Plan and recommended approval of the Site Development Plan (SDP 06-17) associated with the subdivision of the 14.5 acre site into 8 commercial lots and construction of a 122,800 square foot local commercial center consisting of 12 buildings which include a 43,830 square foot grocery store and 12,000 square foot specialty food store located south of Gateway Road, west of El Fuerte Street, north of Bressi Ranch Way, and north of Paradise Road, in Planning Area 15 of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan and in Local Facilities Management Zone 17. At the same hearing, the Planning Commission approved 5-2 (Dominguez and Cardosa voted no) a Minor Master Plan Amendment for Master Plan text changes, a Tentative Tract Map for the eight-lot commercial subdivision, and a Conditional Use Permit to allow the operation of a drive through facility for a pharmacy. The Planning Commission discussed the project design, retail customer access points of the Major "C" building, and public access along the eastern edge of the Village Square. Ten members of the public called for amendments to the site plan including the provision of a north-south public street along the eastern boundary of the Village Square and full building frontage with visual and physical access on both Finnila Place and Town Garden Lane. Two members of the public spoke in favor of the project as proposed. A full disclosure of the Planning Commission's actions and a complete description and staff analysis of the DEPARTMENT CONTACT: ChristerWestman 760-602-4614 cwest@ci.carlsbad.ca.us FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED n 'nn Dn CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN D RETURNED TO STAFF D / OTHER - SEE MINUTES & Council directed the Citv Attorney to prepare additional documents. Page 2 proposed project are included in the attached minutes and Planning Commission staff report. The Planning Commission and staff are recommending approval of the proposed discretionary actions. In response to comments received at the public hearings and pursuant to Planning Commission direction, the applicant has revised the site plan to include 1) an entrance/exit at the northwest intersection of Town Garden Road and Finnila Place for the Major "C" building, 2) display windows and street furniture along the south elevation of the Major "C" building, 3) revised structures and landscape features along the west side of Finnila Place just south of Gateway Road, and 4) a full 10 foot wide sidewalk along the eastern edge of the Village Square. Staff is recommending that the City Council add a condition restricting store deliveries and parking lot maintenance for the entire Bressi Ranch Village Center and all tenants to the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. The applicant has offered a voluntary restriction with the same hours, however, adding a condition will give the City authority to enforce the restriction. The language for this recommended condition is in the attached City Council resolution of approval for SDP 06-17. FISCAL IMPACT: All public infrastructure required for this project will be funded and or/constructed by the developer. No fiscal impacts to the City have been identified. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The proposed project has been reviewed pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Staff concluded that no potentially significant impacts would result with the implementation of the project that were not previously examined and evaluated in the Final Program Environmental Impact Report for the Bressi Ranch Master Plan MP 178 (EIR 98-04), dated July 9, 2002. EIR 98-04 evaluates the potential environmental effects of the development and operation of the "Bressi Ranch Master Plan" including analysis of traffic circulation, water quality and compliance with SB 221 and SB 610 regarding water availability, biological resources, and land use and associated actions inclusive of the proposed planning area project reviewed here. The City Council certified EIR 98-04 on July 9, 2002. At that time CEQA Findings of Fact, a Statement of Overriding Considerations, and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program were approved. All mitigation measures contained in the adopted Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program from EIR 98-04 applicable to the proposed planning area projects have been completed and incorporated into the project design or are required as conditions of approval for the project. The EIR 98-04 "Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations" applies to all subsequent projects covered by the Bressi Ranch Master Plan Final Program EIR. The proposed activities would have no effects beyond those analyzed in the program EIR, as they are a part of the program analyzed earlier. This project is within the scope of Final Program EIR 98-04 and no further CEQA compliance is required. EIR 98-04 is available at the Planning Department. EXHIBITS: 1. City Council Resolution No. 2007-238 2. Location Map 3. Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6310, 6311, 6312, and 6313 4. Planning Commission Staff Report, dated June 20, 2007 5. Draft Excerpts of Planning Commission Minutes, dated June 20, 2007 6. Revised Plans to comply with Planning Commission Conditions 7. Correspondence received regarding Bressi Ranch Village Center. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2007-238 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN (SDP 06-17) ON 14.15 ACRES OF LAND SUBDIVIDED INTO 8 COMMERCIAL LOTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF 122,800 SQUARE FEET OF COMMERCIAL RETAIL SPACE IN 12 BUILDINGS WHICH INCLUDE A 43,830 SQUARE FOOT MAJOR GROCERY STORE AND A 12,000 SQUARE FOOT SPECIALTY FOOD STORE ON PROPERTY GE£J,E£AL1YLOCATED SOUTH OF GATEWAY ROAQ<W£s~t OF El>WERTE STREET, NORTH OF BR&85I RANCH WAY, ANf\NORTH OF PARADISE RO4fb IN PLANNING AREA \ OF THE BRESSI RANCH WASTER PLAN AND |lN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEIvtNT ZONE 17. CASE NAME: BRESSI\ANCH VILLAGE CEflTER CASE NO.: S\P 06-V WHEREAS, pursuanXto the\Drovisioruf of the Municipal Code, the Planning iCommfcaiun' iW^on June 20^007, rara a duly noticed public hearing as i i ^s. xprescribed^by lawlto consider a Site Development Plan (SDP 06-17); and WH9REAS, the City C\incil of the City of Carlsbad, on the day of \ \2007, held a duly noticed public hearing to consider said Site jyelopment Tflan anoNqt that time/received recommendations, objections, protests, comments of all persons interested in or opposed to SDP 06-17. [, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of CarlsbaaN^ollows: 1. That all recitations are true and correct. 2. That the recommendation of the Planning Commission for the determination that the project is within the scope of the previously certified EIR for the Bressi Ranch Master Plan and the approval of the Site Development Permit SDP 06-17 is approved by the City Council and that the findings and conditions of the Planning Commission as set forth in Planning Commission Resolution No. 6313 on file with the City Clerk and made a part hereof by reference are the findings and conditions of the City Council with the addition of Exhibits BRVC 1-8 and the following condition: That store deliveries and parking lot maintenance for the entire Bressi Ranch Village Center and all tenants shall be limited to the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. daily. 1 3. The action is final the date this resolution is adopted by the City Council. The Provisions of Chapter 1.16 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, "Time Limits 2 for Judicial Review" shall apply: 3 "NOTICE TO APPLICANT" 4 The time within which judicial review of this decision must be 5 sought is governed by Code of Civil Procedure, Section 1094.6, which has been made applicable in the City of Carlsbad by 6 Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 1.16. Any petition or other paper seeking review must be filed in the appropriate court not later than 7 the nineteenth day following the date on which this decision becomes final; however, if within ten days after the decision becomes final a request for the record of the deposit in an amount sufficient to cover the estimated cost or preparation of such record, the time within which such petition may be filed in court is extended to not later than the thirtieth day following the date on which the record is either personally delivered or mailed to the party, or his 11 attorney of record, if he has one. A written request for the preparation of the record of the proceedings shall be filed with the 12 City Clerk, City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA. 92008." 13 14 '" 15 '/' 16 /// 17 /// 18 /// 19 /// 20 /// 21 22 23 24 "' 25 '" 26 27 /// 28 -2- 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council 2 of the City of Carlsbad on the day of. 2007, by the following vote to wit: 4 5 AYES: 6 NOES: 7 ABSENT:8 9 10 11 CLAUDE A LEWIS, Mayor 12 ATTEST: 13 14 LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk 16 (SEAL) 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EXHIBIT 2 NOT TO SCALE SITEMAP Bressi Ranch Village Center SDP06-17 EXHIBIT 3 1 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 6310 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE 3 CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A MINOR MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT TO REPLACE TEXT IN VARIOUS CHAPTERS AND EXHIBIT X-13 OF THE BRESSI 5 RANCH MASTER PLAN. CASE NAME: BRESSI RANCH VILLAGE CENTER 6 CASE NO: MP 178(E) 7 WHEREAS, LNR Bressi Commercial, Inc., "Developer/Owner," has filed a verified application with the City of Carlsbad regarding property described as 9 Lot 5 of Carlsbad Tract 03-03, in the City of Carlsbad, County 10 of San Diego, State of California according to map thereof No. 14800 on file in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, May 21, 2004 as amended by certificate of correction ]2 recorded September 30, 2005 as file No. 2005-0850805 of official records 13 ("the Property"); and 14 . WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request for a Minor Master 16 Plan Amendment as shown on Attachment "MP 178(E)" dated June 20, 2007, attached hereto, 17 Bressi Ranch Village Center - MP 178(E), as provided by MP 178 and Chapter 21.38 of the 1 o Carlsbad Municipal Code; and 19 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 20th day of June, 2007,, 20 consider said request; and 21 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony 23 and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors 24 relating to the Master Plan Amendment; and 25 WHEREAS, on July 9, 2002, the City Council approved, MP 178, as described "7ft and conditioned in Planning Commission Resolution No. 5204 and City Council Resolution No. 27 NS-635. 28 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: —-, A) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. 2 B) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Commission 3 APPROVES BRESSI RANCH VILLAGE CENTER - MP 178(E) based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions: 4 <. Findings; 1. The Planning Commission finds that the Minor Master Plan Amendment, as conditioned herein, is in conformance with the Elements of the City's General Plan, 7 based on the facts set forth in the staff report dated June 20, 2007 in that the amendment is consistent with Land Use Pattern Policy C.8 of the Land Use Element as it provides for a diversity of land uses such as retail, in close proximity to residents of the City. 10 2. That the amendment is consistent with Chapter VI, Section G of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan in that the text and exhibit amendments do not change the densities of any residential planning area, does not change the boundaries of any planning area, and does not involve the addition of a new use or group of uses not shown on the original Master Plan, or involve the rearrangement of uses within the Master Plan. The Planning Director has determined that: 14 a. the project is a subsequent activity of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan (MP 178) 15 for which a program EIR was prepared, and a notice for the activity has been given, which includes statements that this activity is within the scope of the program approved earlier, and that the program EIR adequately describes the j 7 activity for the purposes of CEQA) [15168(c)(2) and (e)]; 18 b. this project is consistent with the Master Plan cited above; c. EIR 98-04 was certified in connection with the prior Master Plan; 20 d. the project has no new significant environmental effect not analyzed as significant 21 in the prior EIR; 22 e. none of the circumstances requiring a Subsequent EIR or a Supplemental EIR under CEQ A Guidelines Sections 15162 or 15163 exist;23 24 f. The Planning Commission finds that all feasible mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the EIR 98-04 which are appropriate to this Subsequent 25 Project have been incorporated into this Subsequent Project. 26 Conditions; 27 1. Staff is authorized and directed to make, or require Developer to make, all corrections 2g and modifications to the Master Plan document(s) necessary to make them internally consistent and in conformity with final action on the project. Development shall occur PCRESONO. 6310 -2- substantially as shown in the approved Exhibits. Any proposed development, different 2 from this approval, shall require an amendment to this approval. 3 2. Prior to the issuance of any permits for the project, the applicant shall submit to the Planning Director a digital copy and a camera-ready master copy of the Bressi 4 Ranch Village Center MP 178(E) Master Plan Amendment. 5 NOTICE 6 Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to for convenience as "fees/exactions." 9 You have 90 days from date of final approval to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedure set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or 12 annul their imposition. 13 You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity charges, nor planning, zoning, grading, or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this , t- project; NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise 16 expired. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PCRESONO.6310 -3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 20th day of June, 2007, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Chairperson Baker, Commissioners Boddy, Dominguez, Douglas, and Montgomery Commissioners Cardosa and Whitton JUtlE BAITER, Chairperson CARLSB\D PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: DONNEU Planning Director PCRESONO. 6310 -4.lo EXHIBIT «MP178(E)" JUNE 20, 2007 Discretionary Permits Required for Development Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits for this planning area, discretionary applications shall be processed in accordance with the requirements of Chapter VI of this Master Plan. Uses Allowed All commercial uses shall be developed and conducted pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 21 .31 (C-L) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The Master Plan anticipates the following uses will be developed in Planning Area 15: • Up to 120 housing units, of which 100 units must be "affordable" per an approved housing agreement with the City of Carlsbad. • Up to 200 assisted care living units • A Village Square that serves as the major public gathering area for the Master Plan. The intention for the Village Square is to provide an area where office workers, shoppers and the surrounding neighborhoods can frequent this open space throughout the day and evening for strolling, lunch and/or recreation and provide an area for small-scale weekend events. A community facility may be included to serve as a focal point and backdrop for the Village Square. • A temporary information center • — Up to 130,000 square foot of commercial/offico/community facilities • Up to 125.000 square feet of commercial/office space with additional community facilities space • In addition, incidental outdoor dining is allowed, subject to the development standards set forth in Section 21. 26.01 3(c) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. In addition to the listed anticipated uses, those uses identified in Chapters 21.24 (RD-M), 21.25 (CF) and 21.31 (C-L; local shopping center) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code are permitted in Planning Area 15. Uses and structures permitted subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit include all uses permitted by Conditional Use Permit m_the C-L zone with the exception of the uses established as prohibited by the next section: 11 Prohibited Uses The following uses, though allowed by right or by approval of a Conditional Use Permit in the RD-M (Chapter 21.24), CF (Chapter 21.25), O (Chapter 21.27) or C-L (Chapter 21.31) zones of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, do not support the vision of a walkable mixed-use Village Center and are therefore prohibited in Planning Area 15: •—Single Family Detached Units *—Duplex Units • Drive-through Restaurants • Hospital • Gas/Service Station • Car Wash • Auto Repair • Upholstery Shop • Commercial Printing • Photo Engraving Development Standards Unless specified otherwise in this section, all development in Planning Area 15 will comply with the corresponding regulations and development standards of Chapters 21.31 (C-L) and 21.44 (Parking) and 21.41 (Signs) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code as outlined below: • Height limitations for buildings shall be governed pursuant to Chapter 21.21 (C-L), Section 21.31.080 C and shall not exceed 35 feet or three levels, except as approved via Site Development Plan approved by the City council, in which case additional height may be approved to 45 feet. Architectural features such as flagpoles, steeples, or architectural towers are allowed to a maximum of 55 feet when specified finding are made. • No setbacks are required except that residential buildings that are not an integrated component of a mixed-use building or group of attached buildings within the same block shall maintain setbacks consistent with Chapter 21.24 (RD-M) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. • Residential "Planned Developments" that are an integrated component of a mixed-use building or group of attached buildings within the same block shall include: 12 i. 200 square feet of centralized community recreational space per unit. The required recreational space may be part of a larger community facility: ii. 480 cubic feet of enclosed storage area shall be provided for each unit. iii. Either a 10' x 10' ground floor patio or 6' x 10' balcony. iv 20 square feet of recreational vehicle storage per unit for projects of 25 or more units. The storage area may be provided as part of a larger community facility. • Residential "Planned Developments" that are not an integrated component of a mixed-use building or group of attached buildings within the same block shall comply with all of the applicable development standards of Chapter 21.45 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. • For purposes of better identifying the retail center for Bressi Ranch, in addition to the on-sita signaqe allowed one monument sign may be located near the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and El Fuerte. This sign must primarily display the name of the retail center and may have up to three anchor tenants displayed. Said sign shall not exceed 50 square feet in area per each side of the sign. Said sign shall not exceed 6 feet in height, excluding pedestals, as measured from the adjacent sidewalk. J4~»t 2007 Sign Criteria Ail signage shall be in conformance with Chapter 21.41 of the Carlsbad Municipal code. Prior to issuance of any sign permits in the Master Plan a detailed sign program shall be approved in accordance with the requirements of section 21.41.060 of Carlsbad Municipal Code. Signs utilized in the Master Plan include both temporary and permanent types. 1. Temporary Signs - Temporary signs which will be present until the completion of planning area construction may include: • Model home complex signs • Temporary subdivision directional signs • Future facility signs • Information kiosk signs All temporary community signs shall be consistent with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.41.076. Additional temporary real estate signage may be allowed as described in Section 21.41.070(4)(D) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 2. Permanent Signs - Permanent signs include: • Vehicular directional signs • Entry signs • Neighborhood markers • Recreation center signs • Trait head markers Permanent Master Plan, industrial park. Village Center (Commercial) and residential community identity signs shall be subject to the requirements stated in Section 21.41.095 (Table B - Office/Industrial Projects/Commercial Centers) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, unless otherwise specified In the Development Standards of Section VIII of this Master Plan. Exhibit X- 13 on page X-24 shows the approximate location of these signs. X-23 14 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 6311 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CARLSBAD TRACT CT 06-24 TO SUBDIVIDE 14.15 ACRES 3 OF LAND INTO 8 COMMERCIAL LOTS AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF 122,800 SQUARE FEET OF 4 COMMERCIAL RETAIL SPACE IN 12 BUILDINGS WHICH , INCLUDE A 43,830 SQUARE FOOT MAJOR GROCERY STORE AND A 12,000 SQUARE FOOT SPECIALTY FOOD 6 STORE ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF GATEWAY ROAD, WEST OF EL FUERTE, NORTH OF 7 BRESSI RANCH WAY, AND NORTH OF PARADISE ROAD IN PLANNING AREA 15 OF THE BRESSI RANCH MASTER 8 PLAN AND IN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 9 17. CASE NAME: BRESSI RANCH VILLAGE CENTER 10 CASE NO.: CT 06-24 11 WHEREAS, LNR Bressi Commercial, Inc., "Developer/Owner," has filed a 12 verified application with the City of Carlsbad regarding property described as 13 Lot 5 of Carlsbad Tract 03-03, in the City of Carlsbad, County 14 of San Diego, State of California according to map thereof No. 14800 on file in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, May 21, 2004 as amended by certificate of correction 16 recorded September 30, 2005 as file No. 2005-0850805 of official records 17 ("the Property"); and 18 jo WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request for a Tentative Tract 20 Map as shown on Exhibits "A" - "Y" and "Al" - "A21" (+ materials book) dated June 20, 21 2007, on file in the Planning Department BRESSI RANCH VILLAGE CENTER - CT 06-24, 22 as provided by Chapter 20.12 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and 23 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 20th day of June, 2007, hold a 24 duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and 26 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony 27 and arguments, if any, of persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors 2° relating to the Tentative Tract Map. 11 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning 2 Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 3 A) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. 4 c B) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Commission APPROVES BRESSI RANCH VILLAGE CENTER - CT 06-24, based on the 6 following findings and subject to the following conditions: 7 Findings; That the proposed map and the proposed design and improvement of the subdivision as conditioned, is consistent with and satisfies all requirements of the General Plan, any applicable specific plans, Titles 20 and 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, and the State Subdivision Map Act, and will not cause serious public health problems, in that the lots being created satisfy all minimum requirements of Titles 20 and 21 governing lot sizes and configuration and have been designed to comply with all other applicable regulations. ,-, 2. That the proposed project is compatible with the surrounding future land uses since surrounding properties are designated for Residential High Density (RH), Community 14 Facilities (CF), and Local Commercial (L) on the General Plan, in that the mixed land use designation on the General Plan is intended to create a mixed use environment where retail is located near employment centers as well as residential neighborhoods and the property to the north is developed as industrial, property to the south is developed as single family detached residential, property to the west is the Bressi 17 Ranch Village Square, and property to the east is undeveloped Open Space. 18 3. That the site is physically suitable for the type and density of the development since the site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate residential development at the density proposed, in that the project site can accommodate the proposed development while complying with all setback, lot coverage, and height development standards and public facilities requirements specified in the Bressi Ranch Master Plan and C.M.C. 21 Title 21. 22 4. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements of record or easements established by court judgment, or acquired by the 23 public at large, for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision, in ?. that concurrent with recordation of the final map, the developer will vacate and adjust any easements that conflict with proposed development. 25 5. That the property is not subject to a contract entered into pursuant to the Land 26 . Conservation Act of 1965 (Williamson Act). 27 6. That the design of the subdivision and improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage nor substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat, in that the site has been previously graded and is devoid of all vegetation, and PCRESONO. 6311 -2- the project will implement the required mitigation measures applicable to this site 2 and contained in the Bressi Ranch Master Plan EIR certified on July 9, 2002. 3 7. That the discharge of waste from the subdivision will not result in violation of existing California Regional Water Quality Control Board requirements, in that the project has 4 been designed in accordance with Best Management Practices for water quality protection in accordance with the City's sewer and drainage standards and the project is conditioned to comply with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements. 7 8. The Planning Commission finds that the project, as conditioned herein, is in conformance with the Elements of the City's General Plan, and Bressi Ranch Master 8 Plan as amended based on the facts set forth in the staff report dated June 20, 2007 including, but not limited to the following: the project will provide Local Commercial (L) neighborhood-serving retail services to the Bressi Ranch community as well as 10 other local neighborhoods; up to 130,000 square feet of commercial and community facilities were anticipated to be developed in mixed use Planning Area 15 of the 1 1 Bressi Ranch Master Plan; and the development will contribute to the success of a mixed use community, consistent with the General Plan and the Bressi Ranch 12 Master Plan. 9. The project is consistent with the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan, the 14 General Plan and Bressi Ranch Master Plan, the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 17 and all City public facility policies and ordinances. The project includes 15 elements or has been conditioned to construct or provide funding to ensure that all facilities and improvements regarding sewer collection and treatment; water; drainage; circulation; fire; schools; parks and other recreational facilities; libraries; government administrative facilities; and open space, related to the project will be installed to serve new development prior to or concurrent with need. Specifically, 18 The project has been conditioned to provide proof from the Carlsbad Unified 19 School District that the project has satisfied its obligation for school facilities. 20 Park-in-lieu fees are required by the Zone 1 7 Local Facilities Management Plan, and will be collected prior to issuance of building permit. 22 c The Public Facility fee is required to be paid by Council Policy No. 17 and will be collected prior to the issuance of building permit. 23 10. The project has been conditioned to pay any increase in public facility fee, or new construction tax, or development fees, and has agreed to abide by any additional 25 requirements established by a Local Facilities Management Plan prepared pursuant to Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. This will ensure continued availability of 26 public facilities and will mitigate any cumulative impacts created by the project. 2 ' 11. This project has been conditioned to comply with any requirement approved as part of the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 17. PCRESONO. 6311 -3- 12. That all necessary public facilities required by the Growth Management Ordinance will 2 be constructed or are guaranteed to be constructed concurrently with the need for them created by this project and in compliance with adopted City standards, in that 3 improvements necessary to maintain compliance with the Growth Management performance standards are contained within the Zone 17 LFMP and the project will 4 comply with the general and special conditions of the zone, and that there have been <- several developments approved in the Bressi Ranch Master Plan that have provided the necessary infrastructure to serve the entire Bressi Ranch Master Plan 6 community. 7 13. The project is consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) for the McClellan-Palomar Airport, dated April 1994, in that a notice concerning aircraft noise ° has been recorded over the property since the project is within the Noise Impact Q Notification Area. The project is compatible with the projected noise levels of the CLUP; and, based on the noise/land use compatibility matrix of the CLUP, the proposed 10 land use is compatible with the airport, in that no areas of the project are within the 60 CNEL or greater noise contours for the airport. 11 14. That the project is consistent with the City's Landscape Manual (Carlsbad Municipal 12 Code Section 14.28.020 and Landscape Manual Section IB). 13 15. The Planning Director has determined that: 14 a. the project is a subsequent activity of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan (MP 178), a 15 project for which a program EIR was prepared, and a notice for the activity has been given, which includes statements that this activity is within the scope of the 1" program approved earlier, and that the program EER adequately describes the j 7 activity for the purposes of CEQA); [15168(c)(2) and (e)]; and/or b. this project is consistent with the Master Plan cited above; and 18 v c. the Bressi Ranch Master Plan EIR 98-04 was certified on July 9, 2002 in 19 connection with the prior project or plan; and 20 d. the project has no new significant environmental effect not analyzed as significant in the prior EIR; and 21 e. none of the circumstances requiring a Subsequent EIR or a Supplemental EIR 22 under CEQ A Guidelines Sections 15162 or 15163 exist; and _- f. The Planning Commission finds that all feasible mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the Bressi Ranch Master Plan EIR 98-04, which are 24 appropriate to this Subsequent Project, have been completed, incorporated into the project design or are required as conditions of approval for this Subsequent 25 Project. 26 16. The Planning Commission has reviewed each of the exactions imposed on the Developer 27 contained in this resolution, and hereby finds, in this case, that the exactions are imposed to mitigate impacts caused by or reasonably related to the project, and the extent and the 2° degree of the exaction is in rough proportionality to the impact caused by the project. PCRESON0.6311 -4- Conditions; 2 Note: Unless otherwise specified herein, all conditions shall be satisfied prior to issuance of a 3 grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first. ^ 1. If any of the following conditions fail to occur, or if they are, by their terms, to be e- implemented and maintained over time, if any of such conditions fail to be so implemented and maintained according to their terms, the City shall have the right to 6 revoke or modify all approvals herein granted; deny or further condition issuance of all future building permits; deny, revoke, or further condition all certificates of occupancy 7 issued under the authority of approvals herein granted; record a notice of violation on the property title; institute and prosecute litigation to compel their compliance with said conditions or seek damages for their violation. No vested rights are gained by Developer 9 or a successor in interest by the City's approval of this Tentative Tract Map. 10 2. Staff is authorized and directed to make, or require the Developer to make, all corrections and modifications to the Bressi Ranch Village Center Tentative Tract Map documents, as necessary to make them internally consistent and in conformity with the 12 final action on the project. Development shall occur substantially as shown on the approved Exhibits. Any proposed development, different from this approval, shall 13 require an amendment to this approval. 14 3. Developer shall comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state, and local laws and regulations in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 16 4. If any condition for construction of any public improvements or facilities, or the payment of any fees in-lieu thereof, imposed by this approval or imposed by law on this Project is 17 challenged, this approval shall be suspended as provided in Government Code Section 66020. If any such condition is determined to be invalid, this approval shall be invalid unless the City Council determines that the project without the condition complies with 19 all requirements of law. _=. 20 5. Developer/Owner(s) shall and does hereby agree to indemnify, protect, defend, and hold harmless the City of Carlsbad, its Council members, officers, employees, agents, and 21 representatives, from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, demands, claims 22 and costs, including court costs and attorney's fees incurred by the City arising, directly or indirectly, from (a) City's approval and issuance of this Tentative Tract Map, 23 (b) City's approval or issuance of any permit or action, whether discretionary or nondiscretionary, in connection with the use contemplated herein, and 24 (c) Developer/Owner(s)'s installation and operation of the facility permitted hereby, including without limitation, any and all liabilities arising from the emission by the facility of electromagnetic fields or other energy waves or emissions. This obligation 26 survives until all legal proceedings have been concluded and continues even if the City's approval is not validated. 27 6. Developer shall submit to the Planning Director a reproducible 24" x 36" mylar copy of the Tentative Map reflecting the conditions approved by the final decision-making body. PCRESONO. 6311 -5- 7. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Developer shall provide proof to the 2 Director from the Carlsbad Unified School District that this project has satisfied its obligation to provide school facilities. 3 8. This project shall comply with all conditions and mitigation measures which are required . as part of the Zone 17 Local Facilities Management Plan and any amendments made to <- that Plan prior to the issuance of building permits. 6 9. Building permits will not be issued for this project unless the local agency providing water and sewer services to the project provides written certification to the City that 1 adequate water service and sewer facilities, respectively, are available to the project at the time of the application for the building permit, and that water and sewer capacity and facilities will continue to be available until the time of occupancy. A note to this effect 9 shall be placed on the Final Map. 10 10. This approval is granted subject to the approval of Minor Master Plan Amendment MP 178(E), and Site Development Plan SDP 06-17 and is subject to all conditions contained in Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6310 and 6313 for those other 12 approvals incorporated herein by reference. 13 11. Building permits will not be issued for this project unless the local agency providing water and sewer services to the project provides written certification to the City that 14 adequate water service and sewer facilities, respectively, are available to the project at the <- time of the application for the building permit, and that water and sewer capacity and facilities will continue to be available until the time of occupancy. A note to this effect 16 shall be placed on the Final Map for CT 06-24. 17 12. Developer shall submit and obtain Planning Director approval of a Final Landscape and Irrigation Plan showing conformance with the approved Preliminary Landscape Plan and the City's Landscape Manual. Developer shall construct and install all landscaping as 1 9 shown on the approved Final Plans, and maintain all landscaping in a healthy and thriving condition, free from weeds, trash, and debris. 20 13. The first submittal of Final Landscape and Irrigation Plans shall be pursuant to the 2;1 landscape plancheck process on file in the Planning Department and accompanied by the ~~ project's building, improvement, and grading plans. 23 14. Developer/Owner(s) shall establish covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&Rs) for the development which shall bind all owners and tenants in any association 24 subsequently formed. Said CC&Rs shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Director prior to final map approval. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the Developer shall provide the Planning Department with a recorded copy of the official 26 CC&Rs that have been approved by the Planning Director. At a minimum, the CC&Rs shall contain the following provisions: 27 a. General Enforcement by the City. The City shall have the right, but not the obligation, to enforce those Protective Covenants set forth in this Declaration in favor of, or in which the City has an interest. PCRESONO. 6311 -6- 1 2 b. Notice and Amendment. A copy of any proposed amendment shall be provided to the City in advance. If the proposed amendment affects the City, City shall have the right 3 to disapprove. A copy of the final approved amendment shall be transmitted to City within 30 days for the official record. 4 - c. Failure of Owner(s) to Maintain Common Area Lots and Easements. In the event that the Owner(s) or their agent fail to maintain the "Common Area Lots and/or the 6 Association's Easements" as provided in Article Section the City shall have the right, but not the duty, to perform the necessary maintenance. If 7 the City elects to perform such maintenance, the City shall give written notice to the Owner(s), setting forth with particularity the maintenance which the City finds to be required and requesting the same be carried out by the Owner(s) within a period of 9 thirty (30) days from the giving of such notice. Should the subject maintenance require more than 30 days to complete, if the maintenance is commenced within 10 30 days and diligently pursued, the time for completion may be extended for a reasonable period not to exceed ninety (90) days. In the event that the Owner(s) fail to carry out such maintenance of the Common Area Lots and/or Association's j2 Easements within the period specified by the City's notice, the City shall be entitled to cause such work to be completed and shall be entitled to reimbursement with 13 respect thereto from the Owners as provided herein. 14 d. Special Assessments Levied bv the City. In the event the City has performed the necessary maintenance to either Common Area Lots and/or Association's Easements, the City shall submit a written invoice to the Owner(s) for all costs incurred by the 16 City to perform such maintenance of the Common Area Lots and or Association's Easements. The City shall provide a copy of such invoice to each Owner in the 17 Project, together with a statement that if the Owner(s) fails to pay such invoice in full within the time specified, the City will pursue collection against the Owners in the Project pursuant to the provisions of this Section. Said invoice shall be due and 19 payable by the Owner(s) within twenty (20) days of receipt by the Owner(s). If the. Owner(s) shall fail to pay such invoice in full within the period specified, payment 20 shall be deemed delinquent and shall be subject to a late charge in an amount equal to six percent (6%) of the amount of the invoice. Thereafter the City may pursue ^ collection from the Owner(s) by means of any remedies available at law or in equity. 22 Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, in addition to all other rights and remedies available to the City, the City may levy a special assessment against the 23 Owners of each Lot in the Project for an equal pro rata share of the invoice, plus the late charge. Such special assessment shall constitute a charge on the land and shall be 24 a continuing lien upon each Lot against which the special assessment is levied. Each Owner in the Project and their heirs, successors and assigns hereby vests the City with the right and power to levy such special assessment, to impose a lien upon their 26 respective Lot and to bring all legal actions and/or to pursue lien foreclosure procedures against any Owner and his/her respective Lot for purposes of collecting 27 such special assessment in accordance with the procedures set forth in Article of this Declaration.28 PCRESONO. 6311 -7- e. Landscape Maintenance Responsibilities. The OAs and individual lot or unit owner 2 landscape maintenance responsibilities shall be as set forth in Exhibit 3 15. Developer shall provide bus stops to service this development at locations and with reasonable facilities to the satisfaction of the North County Transit District and the 4 Planning Director. Said facilities, if required, shall be free from advertising and shall at a minimum include a bench and a pole for the bus stop sign. The facilities shall be designed to enhance or be consistent with basic architectural theme of the project 6 16. Developer shall submit and obtain Planning Director approval of an exterior lighting plan 7 including surface parking areas, pathway lighting, security lighting, and decorative lighting. All lighting shall be "night sky" compliant and designed to reflect downward and avoid any impacts on adjacent homes or property. 9 17. Developer shall pay the citywide Public Facilities Fee imposed by City Council Policy 10 #17, the License Tax on new construction imposed by Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 5.09.030, and CFD #1 special tax (if applicable), subject to any credits authorized by Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 5.09.040. Developer shall also pay any applicable 12 Local Facilities Management Plan fee for Zone 17, pursuant to Chapter 21.90. All such taxes/fees shall be paid at issuance of building permit. If the taxes/fees are not paid, this 13 approval will not be consistent with the General Plan and shall become void. 14 18. All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners, shall be architecturally integrated and concealed from view and the sound buffered from adjacent properties and streets, in substance as provided in Building Department Policy No. 80-6, to the satisfaction of the 15 Directors of Community Development and Planning. 17 19. Prior to the recordation of the final map, Developer shall submit to the City a Notice of Restriction executed by the owner of the real property to be developed. Said notice is to be filed in the office of the County Recorder, subject to the satisfaction of the Planning Director, notifying all interested parties and successors in interest, that the City of Carlsbad has issued a Tract Map by Resolution No. 6311 on the property. Said Notice 20 of Restriction shall note the property description, location of the file containing complete project details and all conditions of approval as well as any conditions or restrictions specified for inclusion in the Notice of Restriction. The Planning Director has the „ authority to execute and record an amendment to the notice which modifies or terminates said notice upon a showing of good cause by the Developer or successor in interest. 23 20. Retaining walls shall be finished in material and color consistent with the project 24 architecture and landscape features. 25 21. Developer shall construct trash receptacle areas enclosed by a six-foot-high masonry wall 26 with gates pursuant to City Engineering Standards. Location of said receptacles shall be approved by the Planning Director. Enclosure shall be of similar colors and/or materials 27 to the project to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. 22. No outdoor storage of materials shall occur onsite unless required by the Fire Chief. When so required, the Developer shall submit and obtain approval of the Fire Chief and PCRESONO. 6311 -8- the Planning Director of an Outdoor Storage Plan, and thereafter comply with the 2 approved plan. 3 23. Developer shall construct, install, and stripe not less than 614 parking spaces, as shown on Exhibit "A2." ^ Engineering 24. Developer shall provide to the City Engineer, an acceptable means, CC&Rs and/or other 6 recorded document, for maintaining the private easements within the subdivision and all the private improvements: driveways, sidewalks, street lights, landscaping and irrigation, 7 storm drain and water quality treatment facilities located therein and to distribute the costs of such maintenance in an equitable manner among the owners of the properties within the subdivision. 9 25. Developer shall install sight distance corridors at all street and driveway intersections in 10 accordance with Engineering Standards and shall record the following statement on the Final Map (and in the CC&Rs). ,2 "No structure, fence, wall, tree, shrub, sign, or other object shall be placed or permitted on the subject property within the Caltrans 13 corner sight distance corridors. No obstructions shall impede nor conflict with the line-of-sight which is established per City Standard 14 Public Street-Design Criteria, Section 8.B.1 The sight line is depicted on the tentative map and also applies to driveways. The underlying property owner shall maintain this condition." 16 26. The limits of these sight distance corridors shall be reflected on all improvement, grading, 17 or landscape plans prepared in association with this development. 1 O Fees/Agreements 19 •• -.27. Developer shall cause property owner to execute and submit to the City Engineer for 20 recordation the City's standard form Drainage Hold Harmless Agreement regarding drainage across the adjacent property. 21 28. Developer shall cause property owner to execute, and submit to the City Engineer for recordation, a City Standard deed restriction or CC&Rs on the property which relates to 23 the proposed cross lot drainage as shown on the tentative map. The deed restriction document shall: 24 a. Clearly delineate the limits of the drainage course; b. State that the drainage course is to be maintained in perpetuity by the underlying property owner; 26 c. State that all future use of the property along the drainage course will not restrict, impede, divert or otherwise alter drainage flows in a manner that will result in 27 damage to the underlying and adjacent properties or the creation of a public nuisance. 28 PCRESONO. 6311 -9- 29. Developer shall cause property owner to process, execute and submit an executed copy to 2 the City Engineer for recordation a City standard Best Management Practice Maintenance Agreement for the perpetual maintenance of all treatment control, applicable site design 3 and source control, post-construction permanent BMP's prior to the issuance of a grading permit or building permit, or the recordation of a final map, whichever occurs first for 4 this Project. r 30. Developer shall cause property owner to apply for and obtain reapportionment of the assessments imposed on the subject project in accordance with law governing 6 the associated Assessment District (Poinsettia Lane), or the assessments must be paid in full. Developer shall pay all associated costs of said reapportionment. The 7 application shall be submitted to the Deputy City Engineer, Planning and Programs, with the application for the final map.8 9 Grading 10 31. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first, Developer shall submit to the City Engineer proof that a Notice of Intention for the start 11 of work has been submitted to the State Water Resources Control Board. 12 32. Based upon a review of the proposed grading and the grading quantities shown on the 13 Tentative Map, a grading permit for this project is required. Developer shall apply for and obtain a grading permit from the City Engineer. 14 Dedications/Improvements i^ 33. Prior to the approval of Final Map or Grading Permit, whichever occurs first, the developer shall apply for and receive approval of a summary street vacation for a 17 portion of Town Garden Road, as identified in the applicable Government Code. Recording information regarding the approval of Vacated Street shall be placed on 18 the Final Map for the proposed subdivision. 19 ...-=.34. Developer shall cause Owner to make an irrevocable offer of dedication to the City and/or 20 other appropriate entities for all public streets and other easements shown on the Tentative Map. The offer shall be made by a certificate on the final map and/or by 21 separate document. All land so offered shall be offered free and clear of all liens and encumbrances and without cost. Streets that already public are not required to be 22 rededicated. 23 35. Developer shall cause Owner to waive direct access rights to Gateway Road, El Fuerte 24 Street, Bressi Ranch Way, Paradise Road, and Finnila Place on the final map except as shown on the tentative map. 25 36. Additional drainage easements may be required. Developer shall dedicate and provide or install drainage structures, as may be required by the City Engineer, prior to or concurrent 27 with any grading or building permit. 28 37. Developer shall execute and record a City standard Subdivision Improvement Agreement to install and secure with appropriate security as provided by law, public improvements PCRESONO. 6311 -10- shown on the Tentative Map and the following improvements including, but not limited 2 to paving, base, signing & striping, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, medians, grading, clearing and grubbing, undergrounding or relocation of facilities, sewer, water, fire 3 hydrants, street lights, water quality treatment facilities and reclaimed water, to City Standards to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The improvements are: 4 c- a. Removal and reconstruction of public and private improvements to Town Garden Road and Finnila Place as required by the City Engineer. 6 b. Onsite improvements including but not limited to sewer, water, recycled water, storm drain, water quality treatment facilities, and access as shown on 7 the Tentative Map. c. Water Quality treatment systems shall be designed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Additional Structural BMP devices may be required to 9 comply with the current City of Carlsbad Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan (SUSMP). 10 d. Removal of existing water services and appurtenances in adjacent streets not utilized by this development. 11 , 2 A list of the above shall be placed on an additional map sheet on the Final Map per the provisions of Sections 66434.2 of the Subdivision Map Act. Improvements listed above 13 shall be constructed within 18 months of approval of the subdivision improvement agreement or such other time as provided in said agreement. 14 38. Developer shall execute a Traffic Signal Development Improvement Agreement to design and install and post appropriate security as provided by law, a traffic signal constructed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The improvements consist of: 17 a. Design and construct a new fully actuated traffic signal including all appurtenances and traffic signal interconnect conduit and cable, at the intersection of Finnila Place and Gateway Road at the entryway of the project. Developer acknowledges the necessity of this signal is to serve only this project and Developer will bear all costs associated with the design and construction of this 20 signal, if warrants are met. The signal shall be interconnected with adjacent signals to facilitate signal coordination. 21 Developer shall post security for the design and construction of said improvements. The traffic signal shall be installed only when written approval is received by the City 23 Engineer. The Agreement shall be kept in force and security kept valid for a period of 5- years after the last building permit has been issued within this Development. 24 39. Developer shall design, and obtain approval from the City Engineer, the structural section for the access aisles with a traffic index of 5.0 in accordance with City Standards due to truck access through the parking area and/or aisles with an ADT greater than 500. Prior to 27 completion of grading, the final structural pavement design of the aisle ways shall be submitted together with required R-value soil test information subject to the review and 28 approval of the City Engineer. PCRESON0.6311 -11- 40. Prior to the issuance of grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first, 2 Developer shall submit for City approval a "Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)". The SWPPP shall be in compliance with current requirements and provisions 3 established by the San Diego Region of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board and City of Carlsbad Requirements. The SWPPP shall address measures to reduce to the maximum extent practicable storm water pollutant runoff during construction of <- the project. At a minimum, the SWPPP shall: 6 a. Include all content as established by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board requirements; 7 b. Include the receipt of "Notice of Intent" issued by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board; Recommend source control and treatment control Best Management Practices (BMPs) that will be implemented with this project to avoid contact or filter said pollutants from storm water to the maximum extent practicable before discharging 10 to City right-of-way or natural drainage course; and d. Establish specific procedures for handling spills and routine clean up. Special considerations and effort shall be applied to employee education on the proper procedures for handling clean up and disposal of pollutants. 13 41. Prior to the issuance of grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first, Developer shall submit for City approval a "Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP)". 14 The SWMP shall demonstrate compliance with the City of Carlsbad Standard Urban Storm water Mitigation Plan (SUSMP), Order 2001-01 issued by the San Diego Region of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board and City of Carlsbad Municipal Code. The SWMP shall address measures to avoid contact or filter said pollutants from storm water, to the maximum extent practicable, for the post-construction stage of the 17 project. At a minimum, the SWMP shall: a. Identify existing and post-development on-site pollutants-of-concem;Identify the , g hydrologic unit this project contributes to and impaired water bodies that could be impacted by this project;Recommend source controls and treatment controls that 20 will be implemented with this project to avoid contact or filter said pollutants from storm water to the maximum extent practicable before discharging to City 21 right-of-way; 22 b. Establish specific procedures for handling spills and routine clean up. Special 23 considerations and effort shall be applied to resident education on the proper procedures for handling clean up and disposal of pollutants; ensure long-term 24 maintenance of all post construct BMPs in perpetuity; and identify how post- development runoff rates and velocities from the site will not exceed the pre- 25 development runoff rates and velocities to the maximum extent practicable. 26 Final Map Notes 27 42. Note(s) to the following effect shall be placed on the map as non-mapping data: 28 a. Building permits will not be issued for development of the subject property unless the appropriate agency determines that sewer and water facilities are available, PCRESONO. 6311 -12- b. No structure, fence, wall, tree, shrub, sign, or other object over 30 inches above 2 the street level may be placed or permitted to encroach within the area identified as sight distance corridors. 3 43. All improvements are privately owned and are to be privately maintained with the 4 exception of the following: , a. Water Mains and appurtenances specifically shown as public water mains, fire hydrants and related appurtenances on improvement plans for this project. 6 b. Sewer Main in Finnila Place as shown on the tentative map. 7 44. The owner of this property on behalf of itself and all of its successors in interest has agreed to hold harmless and indemnify the City of Carlsbad from any action that may arise through any diversion of waters, the alteration of the normal flow of surface waters 9 or drainage, or the concentration of surface waters or drainage from the drainage system or other improvements identified in the City approved development plans; or by the 10 design, construction or maintenance of the drainage system or other improvements identified in the City approved development plans. ,~ 45. The subject property is within the boundaries of Community Facilities District No. 1. The owner of this property has previously executed a Special Assessment District 13 Disclosure Agreement with the City. Said Agreement contains provisions requiring the current owner and any subsequent owner(s) to provide notice to potential buyers of the 14 amount of the assessment and other provisions and requires owner to have each buyer receive, execute and deposit into escrow a Notice of Special Assessment and Prepayment Option Agreement. In the event that owner does not have the buyer execute the Notice of jg Special Assessment and Prepayment Option Agreement prior to close of escrow, the assessment on the subject property must be paid off in full by owner. 17 Water 18 . n 46. Prior to approval of improvement plans or final map, Developer shall meet with the Fire Marshal to determine if fire protection measures (fire flows, fire hydrant locations, 20 building sprinklers) are required to serve the project. Fire hydrants, if proposed, shall be considered public improvements and shall be served by public water mains to the 21 satisfaction of the District Engineer. The Developer shall design and construct public facilities within public right-of-way or within minimum 20-30 foot wide easements granted to the District or the City of Carlsbad. At the discretion of the District Engineer, 23 wider easements may be required for adequate maintenance, access and/or joint utility purposes. Prior to issuance of building permits, Developer shall pay all fees, deposits, and 24 charges for connection to public facilities. Developer shall pay the San Diego County Water Authority capacity charge(s) prior to issuance of Building Permits. The Developer 2-> shall design landscape and irrigation plans utilizing recycled water as a source. Said 2g plans shall be submitted to the satisfaction of the District Engineer. 27 47. The Developer shall install potable water and recycled water services and meters at a location approved by the District Engineer. The locations of said services shall be 28 reflected on public improvement plans. PCRESONO. 6311 -13- 48. The Developer shall install sewer laterals and clean-outs at a location approved by the 2 District Engineer. The locations of sewer laterals shall be reflected on public improvement plans. 3 49. The Developer shall design and construct public water, sewer, and recycled water facilities substantially as shown on the Tentative Map to the satisfaction of the District c- Engineer. Proposed public facilities shall be reflected on public improvement plans. 6 50. This project is approved upon the express condition that building permits will not be issued for the development of the subject property, unless the District Engineer has 7 determined that adequate water and sewer facilities are available at the time of occupancy. A note to this effect shall be placed on the Final Map, as non-mapping data.8 9 51. Prior to Final Map approval or issuance of building permits, whichever is first, the entire potable water, recycled water, and sewer system shall be evaluated in detail to ensure that 10 adequate capacity, pressure, and flow demands can be met to the satisfaction of the District Engineer. 12 13 52. Trees canopies that encroach into fire department and truck access shall have a lower branch height of no less than 13 feet and 6 inches. 14 53. Concrete pads underneath and around fire hydrants and backflow devices shall be provided in accordance with Carlsbad Fire department and Carlsbad Municipal Water District requirements. 17 54. Trees shall be located so as not to interfere with backflow devices and fire hydrants. I O10 Code Reminders 19 The project is subject to all applicable provisions of local ordinances, including but not limited to 20 the following: 21 55. The tentative map shall expire twenty-four (24) months from the date this tentative map approval becomes final. 23 56. Developer shall exercise special care during the construction phase of this project to prevent offsite dust and siltation. Planting, erosion and dust control shall be provided in 24 accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 15.16 (the Grading Ordinance) to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 25 57. Approval of this request shall not excuse compliance with all applicable sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City ordinances in effect at time of building 27 permit issuance, except as otherwise specifically provided herein. 28 58. The project shall comply with the latest nonresidential disabled access requirements pursuant to Title 24 of the State Building Code. PCRESONO. 6311 -14- 59. Premise identification (addresses) shall be provided consistent with Carlsbad Municipal 2 Code Section 18.04.320. 3 60. Any signs proposed for this development shall at a minimum be designed in conformance with the City's Sign Ordinance and Bressi Ranch Master Plan and shall require review and approval of the Planning Director prior to installation of such signs. 5 6 NOTICE 7 Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "imposition" of fees, dedications, g reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to for convenience as "fees/exactions." 9 You have 90 days from date of approval to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedure set forth in Government Code Section 11 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely 12 follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. 13 You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity charges, nor planning, 15 zoning, grading, or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project; NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a 16 NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired.17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PCRESONO. 6311 -15- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 20th day of June, 2007, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN:NI '.r\d Chairperson Baker, Commissioners Boddy, Dominguez, Douglas, and Montgomery Commissioners Cardosa and Whitton JE BAKER, Chairperson CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION ST: ^ 1 X £# DONNEU Planning Director PCRESONO. 6311 -16- PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 6312 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CUP 06-19 TO ALLOW FOR A 3 DRIVE-THROUGH FACILITY FOR A PHARMACY ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF GATEWAY 4 ROAD, WEST OF EL FUERTE STREET, NORTH OF BRESSI RANCH WAY, AND NORTH OF PARADISE ROAD IN PLANNING AREA 15 OF THE BRESSI RANCH MASTER 6 PLAN IN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 17. CASE NAME: BRESSI RANCH VILLAGE CENTER 7 CASE NO.: CUP 06-19 8 WHEREAS, LNR Bressi Commercial, Inc., "Developer/Owner," has filed a 9 verified application with the City of Carlsbad regarding property described as 10 Lot 5 of Carlsbad Tract 03-03, in the City of Carlsbad, County * * of San Diego, State of California according to map thereof No. 12 14800 on file in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, May 21, 2004 as amended by certificate of correction 13 recorded September 30, 2005 as file No. 2005-0850805 of official records 14 ("the Property"); and 16 WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request for a Conditional Use 17 Permit as shown on Exhibits "A" - "Y" and "Al" - "A21" dated June 20, 2007, on file in the 18 Planning Department, BRESSI RANCH VILLAGE CENTER - CUP 06-19, as provided by !9 . - ., - Chapter 21.42 and/or 21.50 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and 20 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 20th day of June, 2007, hold a 21 duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and 23 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony 24 and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors 25 relating to the CUP. 26 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning 27 Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 28 A) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 fiu 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 B) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Commission APPROVES BRESSI RANCH VILLAGE CENTER - CUP 06-19, based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions: Findings; 1. That the requested use is necessary or desirable for the development of the community, is essentially in harmony with the various elements and objectives of the General Plan, and is not detrimental to existing uses specifically permitted in the zone in which the proposed use is located, in that the surrounding area residents will have access to the convenience of the service offered through a drive-through facility and there will be a segment of the population that will benefit from the availability of access to a pharmacy before and after "normal" store hours. 2. That the site for the intended use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the use, in that all of the required development standards of the underlying zone and the Bressi Ranch Master Plan have been met including onsite parking, height limits and setbacks. 3. That all the yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping, and other features necessary to adjust the requested use to existing or permitted future uses in the neighborhood will be provided and maintained, in that the proposed drive through facility and the entire commercial project meet all of the applicable development standards. 4. That the street system serving the proposed use is adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed use, in that the proposed drive through facility will not cause a substantial increase in ADT for the site as a whole and will not adversely affect the surrounding street system serving the project site which is capable of handling the traffic generated by the entire project. 5. The Planning Director has determined that: a. the project is a subsequent activity of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan (MP 178), a project for which a program EIR was prepared, and a notice for the activity has been given, which includes statements that this activity is within the scope of the program approved earlier, and that the program EIR adequately describes the activity for the purposes of CEQA); [15168(c)(2) and (e)]; and/or b. this project is consistent with the Master Plan cited above; and c. the Bressi Ranch Master Plan EIR 98-04 was certified on July 9, 2002,in connection with the prior project or plan; and d. the project has no new significant environmental effect not analyzed as significant in the prior EIR; and e. none of the circumstances requiring a Subsequent EIR or a Supplemental EIR under CEQA Guidelines Sections 1 5 1 62 or 1 5 1 63 exist; and PCRESONO. 6312 -2- / vv; . f. The Planning Commission finds that all feasible mitigation measures or project 2 alternatives identified in the Bressi Ranch Master Plan EIR 98-04, which are appropriate to this Subsequent Project, have been completed, incorporated into 3 the project design or are required as conditions of approval for this Subsequent Project. 5 6. The project is consistent with the City-Wide Facilities and Improvements Plan, the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 17 and all City public facility policies and ordinances. The project includes elements or has been conditioned to construct or provide funding to ensure that all facilities and improvements regarding: sewer collection and treatment; water; drainage; circulation; fire; schools; parks and other recreational 8 facilities; libraries; government administrative facilities; and open space, related to the project will be installed to serve new development prior to or concurrent with need. 9 7. That all necessary public facilities required by the Growth Management Ordinance will be constructed or are guaranteed to be constructed concurrently with the need for them created by this project and in compliance with adopted City standards, in that the project is being proposed and will be implemented consistent with the requirements of the 12 Bressi Ranch Master Plan and Zone 17 Local Facilities Management Plan. 1 3 8. That the project is consistent with the City's Landscape Manual (Carlsbad Municipal 14 Code Section 14.28.020 and Landscape Manual Section IB). 15 9. The Planning Commission has reviewed each of the exactions imposed on the Developer contained in this resolution, and hereby finds, in this case, that the exactions are imposed to mitigate impacts caused by or reasonably related to the project, and the extent and the degree of the exaction is in rough proportionality to the impact caused by the project 18 Conditions: 19 Note: Unless otherwise specified herein, all conditions shall be satisfied prior to issuance of a building permit. 20 ^ 1 1. If any of the following conditions fail to occur, or if they are, by their terms, to be implemented and maintained over time, if any of such conditions fail to be so 22 implemented and maintained according to their terms, the City shall have the right to revoke or modify all approvals herein granted; deny or further condition issuance of all 23 future building permits; deny, revoke, or further condition all certificates of occupancy issued under the authority of approvals herein granted; record a notice of violation on the property title; institute and prosecute litigation to compel their compliance with said 25 conditions or seek damages for their violation. No vested rights are gained by Developer or a successor in interest by the City's approval of this Conditional Use Permit. 26 2. Staff is authorized and directed to make, or require the Developer to make, all corrections and modifications to the Bressi Ranch Village Center Conditional Use Permit ~o documents, as necessary to make them internally consistent and in conformity with the final action on the project. Development shall occur substantially as shown on the PCRESONO. 6312 -3- approved Exhibits. Any proposed development, different from this approval, shall 2 require an amendment to this approval. 3 3. Developer shall comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state, and local laws and regulations in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 4 s- 4. If any condition for construction of any public improvements or facilities, or the payment of any fees in-lieu thereof, imposed by this approval or imposed by law on this Project are 6 challenged, this approval shall be suspended as provided in Government Code Section 66020. If any such condition is determined to be invalid, this approval shall be invalid 7 unless the City Council determines that the project without the condition complies with all requirements of law.8 9 5. Developer/Operator shall and does hereby agree to indemnify, protect, defend, and hold harmless the City of Carlsbad, its Council members, officers, employees, agents, and 10 representatives, from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, demands, claims and costs, including court costs and attorney's fees incurred by the City arising, directly H or indirectly, from (a) City's approval and issuance of this Conditional Use Permit, ,~ (b) City's approval or issuance of any permit or action, whether discretionary or nondiscretionary, in connection with the use contemplated herein, and 13 (c) Developer/Operator's installation and operation of the facility permitted hereby, including without limitation, any and all liabilities arising from the emission by the 14 facility of electromagnetic fields or other energy waves or emissions. This obligation survives until all legal proceedings have been concluded and continues even if the City's approval is not validated. 16 6. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Developer shall provide proof to the 17 Director from the School District that this project has satisfied its obligation to provide school facilities. 18 jo 7. This project shall comply with all conditions and mitigation measures which are required as part of the Zone 17 Local Facilities Management Plan and any amendments made to 20 that Plan prior to the issuance of building permits. 21 8. Building permits will not be issued for this project unless the local agency providing water and sewer services to the project provides written certification to the City that adequate water service and sewer facilities, respectively, are available to the project at the 23 time of the application for the building permit, and that water and sewer capacity and facilities will continue to be available until the time of occupancy. 24 9. This approval is granted subject to the approval of Minor Master Plan Amendment MP 25 178(E), Tentative Tract Map CT 06-24, and Site Development Plan SDP 06-17 and is 26 subject to all conditions contained in Planning'Commission Resolutions No. 6310, 6311 and 6313 for those other approvals incorporated herein by reference. 27 10. CUP 06-19 shall be reviewed by the Planning Director annually to determine if all conditions of this permit have been met and that the use does not have a substantial98zo negative effect on surrounding properties or the public health, safety and general welfare. If the Planning Director determines that: 1) the Conditional Use Permit was obtained by PCRESONO. 6312 -4- fraud or misrepresentation; or 2) the use for which such approval was granted is not being 2 exercised; or 3) the Conditional Use Permit is being or recently has been exercised contrary to any of the terms or conditions of approval or the conditions of approval have 3 not been met; or 4) the use for which such approval was granted has ceased to exist or has been suspended for one year or more; or 5) the use is in violation of any statute, ordinance, law or regulation; or 6) the use permitted by the Conditional Use Permit is <- being or has been so exercised as to be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare or so as to constitute a nuisance, the Planning Director shall recommend that the Planning 6 Commission hold a public hearing and after providing the permittee the opportunity to be heard, the Planning Commission may revoke and terminate the Conditional Use Permit in 7 whole or in part, reaffirm the Conditional Use Permit, modify the conditions or impose new conditions.8 9 11. Prior to the issuance of the building permit for the drive through facility, Developer shall submit to the City a Notice of Restriction executed by the owner of the real property 10 to be developed. Said notice is to be filed in the office of the County Recorder, subject to the satisfaction of the Planning Director, notifying all interested parties and successors in interest that the City of Carlsbad has issued a Conditional Use Permit by Resolution(s) No. 6312 on the property. Said Notice of Restriction shall note the property description, location of the file containing complete project details and all conditions of approval as 13 well as any conditions or restrictions specified for inclusion in the Notice of Restriction. The Planning Director has the authority to execute and record an amendment to the notice which modifies or terminates said notice upon a showing of good cause by the Developer or successor in interest 16 12. The hours of operation of the drive through facility shall be limited to 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. daily. 17 18 NOTICE 19 Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to for convenience as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from date of final approval to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If 22 you protest them, you must follow the protest procedure set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for 23 processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. 25 You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions 26 DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity charges, nor planning, zoning, grading, or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this ^7 project; NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired. PCRESONO. 6312 -5- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 20th day of June, 2007 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Chairperson Baker, Commissioners Boddy, Dominguez, Douglas, and Montgomery Commissioners Cardosa and Whitton KER, Chairperson 'AD PLANNING COMMISSIONCA ATTEST: / 4# DON NEU Planning Director PCRESONO. 6312 -6--~Vf> PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 6313 1 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING 3 APPROVAL OF SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN SDP 06-17 TO SUBDIVIDE 14.15 ACRES OF LAND INTO 8 COMMERCIAL 4 LOTS AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF 122,800 SQUARE FEET ,. OF COMMERCIAL RETAIL SPACE IN 12 BUILDINGS WHICH INCLUDE A 43,830 SQUARE FOOT MAJOR 6 GROCERY STORE AND A 12,000 SQUARE FOOT SPECIALTY FOOD STORE ON PROPERTY GENERALLY 7 LOCATED SOUTH OF GATEWAY ROAD, WEST OF EL FUERTE STREET, NORTH OF BRESSI RANCH WAY, AND 8 NORTH OF PARADISE ROAD IN PLANNING AREA 15 OF 9 THE BRESSI RANCH MASTER PLAN AND IN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 17. 10 CASE NAME: BRESSI RANCH VILLAGE CENTER CASE NO: SDP 06-17 ;11 : : ' 12 WHEREAS, LNR Bressi Commercial, Inc., "Developer/Owner," has filed a 13 verified application with the City of Carlsbad regarding property described as 14 Lot 5 of Carlsbad Tract 03-03, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California according to map thereof No. 14800 on file in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego 16 County, May 21, 2004 as amended by certificate of correction recorded September 30, 2005 as file No. 2005-0850805 of 17 official records 18 ("the Property"); and 19 WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request for a Site Development 20 Plan as shown on Exhibits "A" - "Y" and "Al" - "A21" (+ materials book) dated June 20, 21 2007, on file in the Planning Department, BRESSI RANCH VILLAGE CENTER - SDP 06- 23 17 as provided by Section 21.31.040 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and 24 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 20th day of June, 2007 , hold 25 •' •a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and 26 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony 27 and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors 28 relating to the Site Development Plan. 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning 2 Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 3 A) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. 4 <- B) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Planning Commission RECOMMENDS APPROVAL of the BRESSI RANCH 6 VILLAGE CENTER - SDP 06-17 based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions: 7 Findings; o n 1. That the requested use is properly related to the site, surroundings and environmental settings, is consistent with the various elements and objectives of the General Plan, will not be detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the area in which the proposed use is to be located, and will not adversely impact the site, surroundings or traffic circulation, in that the site was created within the Bressi Ranch Master Plan for the development of a mixed use center. The site plan orients the majority of project activity towards the interior of the site. The project implements the Local 13 Commercial (L) General Plan Land Use designation with the inclusion of a neighborhood-serving grocery store. The project also implements goals of the 14 Circulation Element in that daily needs retail services will be made available to the surrounding neighborhood within a reasonable distance to use alternative modes of transportation such as bicycles and walking. 2. That the site for the intended use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the use, in 17 that the project meets all of the required development standards of the underlying zone and the Bressi Ranch Master Plan including onsite parking, height limits and 18 setbacks. 3. That all the yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping, and other features necessary to adjust the requested use to existing or permitted future uses in the neighborhood will be provided and maintained, in that no special features were necessary to adjust the 21 project. 22 4. That the street system serving the proposed use is adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed use, in that the Bressi Ranch Master Plan assumed the 23 development of a "main street" retail center. The environmental impact report prepared for the Bressi Ranch Master Plan analyzed the impacts of buildout of the master plan with retail and commercial space as well as residential development, no 25 significant unmitigable adverse impacts were identified and the project does not increase traffic generation so as to cause a significant adverse impact. 26 5. The Planning Director has determined that:27 a. the project is a subsequent activity of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan (MP 178), a project for which a program EIR was prepared, and a notice for the activity has PCRESONO. 6313 -2- been given, which includes statements that this activity is within the scope of the 2 program approved earlier, and that the program EIR adequately describes the activity for the purposes of CEQA); [15168(c)(2) and (e)]; and/or b. this project is consistent with the Master Plan cited above; and 4 c. the Bressi Ranch Master Plan EIR 98-04 was certified on July 9, 2002, in connection with the prior project or plan; and d. the project has no new significant environmental effect not analyzed as significant 6 in the prior EIR; and 7 e. none of the circumstances requiring a Subsequent EIR or a Supplemental EIR under CEQA Guidelines Sections 15162 or 15163 exist; and 8 f. The Planning Commission finds that all feasible mitigation measures or project 9 alternatives identified in the Bressi Ranch Master Plan EIR 98-04, which are appropriate to this Subsequent Project, have been completed, incorporated into 10 the project design or are required as conditions of approval for this Subsequent 1 - Project. 12 6. The project is consistent with the City-Wide Facilities and Improvements Plan, the Local ... Facilities Management Plan for Zone 17 and all City public facility policies and ordinances. The project includes elements or has been conditioned to construct or 14 provide funding to ensure that all facilities and improvements regarding: sewer collection and treatment; water; drainage; circulation; fire; schools; parks and other recreational 15 facilities; libraries; government administrative facilities; and open space, related to the project will be installed to serve new development prior to or concurrent with need.16 17 7. That all necessary public facilities required by the Growth Management Ordinance will be constructed or are guaranteed to be constructed concurrently with the need for them 18 created by this project and in compliance with adopted City standards, in that the project is being proposed and will be implemented consistent with the requirements of the 1" Bressi Ranch Master Plan and Zone 17 Local Facilities Management Plan. 20 8. That the project is consistent with the City's Landscape Manual (Carlsbad Municipal 21 Code Section 14.28.020 and Landscape Manual Section I B), 22 9. The Planning Commission has reviewed each of the exactions imposed on the Developer contained in this resolution, and hereby finds, in this case, that the exactions are imposed to mitigate impacts caused by or reasonably related to the project, and the extent and the 24 degree of the exaction is in rough proportionality to the impact caused by the project. 25 Conditions; 26 Note: Unless otherwise specified herein, all conditions shall be satisfied prior to issuance of a 27 grading permit. 2g 1. If any of the following conditions fail to occur, or if they are, by their terms, to be implemented and maintained over time, if any of such conditions fail to be so PCRESONO. 6313 -3- implemented and maintained according to their terms, the City shall have the right to 2 revoke or modify all approvals herein granted; deny or further condition issuance of all future building permits; deny, revoke, or further condition all certificates of occupancy 3 issued under the authority of approvals herein granted; record a notice of violation on the property title; institute and prosecute litigation to compel their compliance with said conditions or seek damages for their violation. No vested rights are gained by Developer <- or a successor in interest by the City's approval of this Site Development Plan. 6 2. Staff is authorized and directed to make, or require the Developer to make, all corrections and modifications to the Bressi Ranch Commercial Center SDP 06-17 documents, as 7 necessary to make them internally consistent and in conformity with the final action on the project. Development shall occur substantially as shown on the approved Exhibits. Any proposed development, different from this approval, shall require an amendment to 9 this approval. 10 3. Developer shall comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state, and local laws and regulations in effect at the time of building permit issuance., , 2 4. If any condition for construction of any public improvements or facilities, or the payment of any fees in-lieu thereof, imposed by this approval or imposed by law on this Project are 13 challenged, this approval shall be suspended as provided in Government Code Section 66020. If any such condition is determined to be invalid, this approval shall be invalid 14 unless the City Council determines that the project without the condition complies with all requirements of law. Developer/Operator shall and does hereby agree to indemnify, protect, defend, and hold harmless the City of Carlsbad, its Council members, officers, employees, agents, and 17 representatives, from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, demands, claims and costs, including court costs and attorney's fees incurred by the City arising, directly or indirectly, from (a) City's approval and issuance of this Site Development Plan, (b) City's approval or issuance of any permit or action, whether discretionary o_r nondiscretionary, in connection with the use contemplated herein, and 20 (c) Developer/Operator's installation and operation of the facility permitted hereby, including without limitation, any and all liabilities arising from the emission by the 21 facility of electromagnetic fields or other energy waves or emissions. This obligation survives until all legal proceedings have been concluded and continues even if the City's approval is not validated. 23 6. Developer shall submit to the Planning Director a reproducible 24" x 36" mylar copy of 24 the Site Plan reflecting the conditions approved by the final decision-making body. 25 7. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Developer shall provide proof to the Director from the School District that this project has satisfied its obligation to provide school facilities. 27 8. This project shall comply with all conditions and mitigation measures which are required as part of the Zone 17 Local Facilities Management Plan and any amendments made to that Plan prior to the issuance of building permits. PCRESON0.6313 -4- 9. Building permits will not be issued for this project unless the local agency providing 2 water and sewer services to the project provides written certification to the City that adequate water service and sewer facilities, respectively, are available to the project at the 3 time of the application for the building permit, and that water and sewer capacity and facilities will continue to be available until the time of occupancy. 10. This approval is granted subject to the approval of Minor Master Plan Amendment MP 178(E), Tentative Tract Map CT 06-24 and is subject to all conditions contained in 5 Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6310 and 6311 for those other approvals incorporated herein by reference. 7 Special Conditions8 o 11. Subject to the approval of the Planning Director, the applicant shall re-design the Major "C" building to provide a second point of access at the corner of Finnila 10 Place and Town Garden Lane opposite the traffic circle which may include new lease space and to further setback the building face from the corner. 11 . 12. Subject to the approval of the Planning Director, the applicant shall include in the site plan a minimum 10 foot wide pathway, not to adversely affect the future Boys 13 and Girls Club, that may be located within the boundaries of the Village Square, along the eastern boundary of the Village Square that is inviting with architectural 14 features and may include benches, trellises, and other park features. 13. Subject to the approval of the Planning Director, the applicant shall reconsider relocation of the bank building (Pad "A") to be adjacent to the west side of Finnila Place and/or consider the addition of more substantial structures along the western 17 side of the Finnila Place frontage including enhanced trellises and pergolas. 14. Subject to the approval of the Planning Director, the applicant shall revise the , g southern elevations of the Major "C" building to include display windows and the display of product and to include street furniture, landscape, and decorative 20 lighting on the south street frontage. Street furniture, landscape, and decorative lighting shall also be provided on the east street frontage. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PCRESONO. 6313 -5- 1 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to for convenience as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from date of final approval to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedure set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity charges, nor planning, zoning, grading, or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project; NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar ,to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 20th day of June 2007, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Chairperson Baker, Commissioners Boddy, Dominguez, Douglas, and Montgomery Commissioners Cardosa and Whitton Chairperson AD PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: DON NEU Planning Director PCRESONO. 6313 -6- The City of Carlsbad Planning Department EXHIBIT 4 A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Item No. ( 4 P.C. AGENDA OF: June 20, 2007 Application complete date: March 22, 2007 Project Planner: Christer Westman Project Engineer: Clyde Wickham SUBJECT: MP 178(EVCT 06-24/CUP 06-19/SDP 06-17 - BRESSI RANCH VILLAGE CENTER - Request for a determination that the project is within the scope of the previously certified Bressi Ranch Master Plan Program EIR and that the Program EIR adequately describes the activity for the purposes of CEQA; a request for a recommendation of approval of a Site Development Plan (SDP 06-17); and approval of a Minor Master Plan Amendment (MP 178(E)), Tentative Tract Map (CT 06-24), and Conditional Use Permit (CUP 06-19), for the subdivision of 14.15 acres of land into 8 commercial lots, and the development of 122,800 square feet of commercial retail space within 12 buildings which include a 43,830 square foot grocery store and 12,000 square foot specialty food store, generally located south of Gateway Road, west of El Fuerte Street, north of Bressi Ranch Way, and north of Paradise Road, in Planning Area 15 of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan and in Local Facilities Management Zone 17. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 6313 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of Site Development Plan (SDP 06-17), and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6310, 6311, and 6312 APPROVING Minor Master Plan Amendment (MP 178E), Tentative Tract Map (CT 06-24), Conditional Use Permit (CUP 06-19), and based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. INTRODUCTION The proposed project consists of a Minor Master Plan Amendment to the Bressi Ranch Master Plan text, a Tentative Tract Map, a Conditional Use Permit, and a Site Development Plan to construct a commercial retail center in Planning Area 15 of the Bressi Ranch. The site is designated in the Master Plan as Local Commercial (L) and therefore the Site Development Plan is subject to review and approval by the City Council with a recommendation from Planning Commission. The Bressi Ranch Master Plan identifies that a retail commercial center in mixed-use Planning Area 15 would be an integral part of the overall Bressi Ranch Master Plan area and would provide needed commercial services to both the residential and industrial populations. As proposed, the project includes 122,800 square feet of commercial retail space distributed among 12 buildings. Access to the center is at two locations off of Gateway Road, at a single location off of Bressi Ranch Road and at the eastern terminus of Town Garden Road. The center is designed after the "main street" concept which introduces shops along narrow streets with on- street parking. The center has a major grocery store and a specialty food market as anchors at o MP 178(E)/CT 06-24/CUP 06-19/SDP 06-17 - BRESSI RANCH VILLAGE CENTER June 20, 2007 Page 2 opposite ends of a "main street". Pedestrian activity is encouraged by use of wide sidewalks and various open plazas. III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The project site is located in the mixed-use Planning Area 15 of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan. The site is vacant and was previously graded as part of the mass grading operations for the initial subdivision of Bressi Ranch. The site has been used for various construction staging operations and is therefore without vegetation or improvements. The site has street frontage on three sides. Gateway Road to the north and Paradise Road and Bressi Ranch Way to the south are designated as collectors and El Fuerte Street to the east is designated as a secondary arterial. The property to the north is developing with office and industrial uses. Property to the south is built out with single family residential detached homes. The properties to the east are part of the Bressi Ranch open space system. The properties to the west include the Bressi Ranch Village Square and the Mulberry Condominiums. The Bressi Ranch Master Plan identifies the property in Planning Area 15 as being developed with a combination of uses to create a mixed-use village center for the Master Plan. As proposed, the project includes 122,800 square feet of commercial retail space distributed among 12 buildings. The architectural design for the project is patterned after the Bressi Ranch Community Center building which has a Spanish/Monterey style. The project incorporates both hip and gable roofs, exposed wooden rafter tails, brick, stucco, and vertical siding. Storefront windows are often capped with an awning and some accent windows include shutters. The awnings are a significant contribution to creating a pedestrian scale. Buildings have offset planes and columns accented with both square and arched recesses. The sidewalks along the storefronts vary in width from 10 feet to thirteen feet, more than twice the width of a typical sidewalk. Sidewalks incorporate color and texture and a variety of street furniture including benches, trash receptacles, seat walls, and pedestrian level lighting. Landscape is introduced primarily through the use of trees planted with tree grates and raised plantings in pots. The site plan includes a primary plaza at the main street intersection with the Village Square. Smaller pedestrian places are located adjacent and in between smaller shops. IV. ANALYSIS The proposed project is subject to the following plans, ordinances, standards, and policies: A. General Plan; B. Bressi Ranch Master Plan, MP 178; C. Local Shopping Center Zone (C-L) (C.M.C. 21.31); D. Conditional Uses (C.M.C. 21.42); E. Parking Ordinance, (C.M.C. 21.44); F. McClellan-Palomar Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan; G. Growth Management Ordinance (C.M.C. 21.90). MP 178(E)/CT 06-24/CUP 06-19/SDP 06-17 - BRESSI RANCH VILLAGE CENTER June 20, 2007 Page 3 The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable regulations and policies. The project's compliance with each of the above regulations is discussed in the sections below. A. General Plan The project site has a combination General Plan Land Use designation of RH (Residential High Density), L (Local Commercial), and CF (Community Facilities). Planning Area 15 of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan is intended to develop as a mixed use center. The proposed project implements the (L) Land Use designation part of the mixed use center. The adjacent property to the west, the Mulberry Condominiums, implements the RH Land Use designation and the CF Land Use designation is intended to be implemented by an application currently on file with the City and in process for the Carlsbad Boys and Girls Club. With the approval and implementation of these three projects, Planning Area 15 will be developed to fully implement the mixed use vision of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan. The L General Plan Land Use designation is intended to be developed with shopping centers that include elements of the traditional neighborhood-serving shopping center and sometimes with elements of the traditional community-serving shopping center. Local shopping centers must contain tenants that service the daily needs and convenience of local neighborhoods such as a grocery store, drug store, and/or related local commercial neighborhood-serving retail. The project meets the criteria for a local shopping center in that the major tenants are daily need grocery stores. Secondary tenants will provide other services that could be desired on a daily basis. The Bressi Ranch Master Plan was found to comply with the applicable General Plan Goals, Objectives and Policies. This project is in conformance with the Master Plan and therefore is also in compliance with the General Plan. The project complies with the Elements of the General Plan as outlined in Table 1 below. TABLE 1 - GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE Element Land Use Circulation Goal, Objective, Policy Provide for a sufficient diversity of land uses so that schools, parks and recreation areas, churches and neighborhood shopping centers are available in close proximity to each resident of the City. Require new development to construct roadway improvements needed to serve the proposed development. Project Consistency The project use would provide neighborhood-serving commercial retail opportunities for Bressi Ranch residents, and the project site is well situated to serve the residents of the Villages of La Costa Greens neighborhood, Rancho Carrillo, and other nearby residential neighborhoods. All necessary public streets serving the Bressi Ranch Master Plan have been constructed by the master developer. MP 178(E)/CT 06-24/CUP 06-19/SDP 06-17 - BRESSI RANCH VILLAGE CENTER June 20, 2007 Page 4 TABLE 1 - GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE CONTINUED Element Goal, Objective, Policy Project Consistency Noise Review all development proposals, both public and private, for consistency with the policies of this element. The project is consistent with the Noise Element and the Carlsbad Noise Manual in that the project is not exposed to excessive noise sources, nor will it generate noise impacts for surrounding properties in excess of city standards. Public Safety Review new development proposals to consider emergency access, fire hydrant locations, fire flow requirements, and wildland fire hazards. Planning Area 15 proposes multiple access points for emergency access and fire hydrant and flow requirements have been met. B. Bressi Ranch Master Plan, MP 178 The Bressi Ranch Master Plan states that unless specified otherwise, all development in Planning Area 15 of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan will comply with the corresponding regulations and development standards of the Local Shopping Center (C-L) Zone (C.M.C. 21.31) and Parking Ordinance (C.M.C. 21.44). Compliance with these two sections of the Zoning Ordinance is detailed below. In addition, general design guidelines were established for the development of the Bressi Ranch mixed use Planning Area 15. An illustrative site plan for the village center was included in the Master Plan. The main design concept of that plan is a "main street" (Finnila Place) off of Gateway Road lined with pedestrian scale buildings that is terminated at the south end by a landscaped traffic circle and the Village Square. The illustrative site plan included a second axis toward the east from the traffic circle defined as a boulevard of trees terminated by a large anchor tenant. The project site plan is a modification of the Master Plan's illustrative main street site plan. The illustrative site plan concentrated shops on a single north-south main street. The proposed plan also has the main entrance off of Gateway Road but the entire "main street" is in an "L" configuration hinged at the landscaped traffic circle and has greater emphasis on the east-west orientation toward the grocery store anchor tenant located at the east end of the center. The visual terminus of the north-south street is the traffic circle and village square. Shop activity is concentrated on the east side of the street. The west side street frontage is dedicated to a single specialty grocery store and parking. The specialty grocery store building entrance, which is the only point of entry, is off of the parking area. The building street frontage does include clear windows for visual access to the interior of the store. In an effort to create a visual sense of a street lined with buildings, arbors and masonry landscape walls are proposed in between the parking area and the street. The east-west axis is visually strengthened with a clocktower at the eastern terminus and the landscaped round-about feature at the western terminus. The proposed distribution of shops along both "main streets", has resulted in a lengthening of the pedestrian oriented shopping experience over the Master Plan illustrative plan. The extension of shops along the east-west axis also creates a stronger pedestrian connection to the grocery store than the Master Plan illustrative plan. Secondary points of access to the center are off of Bressi MP 178(E)/CT 06-24/CUP 06-19/SDP 06-17 - BRESSI RANCH VILLAGE CENTER June 20, 2007 Page 5 Ranch Way and a right-in and right-out driveway onto Gateway Road east of the main project entry. The illustrative plan includes a village square surrounded by streets on all four sides. The proposed plan does not include the easterly road, thereby allowing the buildings on the east side to be immediately contiguous to the park. The project includes one building on this park frontage which includes an outdoor patio. The outdoor patio may be used as part of a restaurant. All buildings, including those outside of the scope of the project, surrounding the village square, with the exception of the specialty grocery store, have some activity facing the village square. No physical or visual access can be made from Town Garden Road into the specialty grocery store because of internal operations. The project has implemented the general design criteria of the Master Plan. The site plan encourages pedestrian movement through the use of wide and articulated sidewalks along the village "main streets". The internal pedestrian circulation is also connected with the adjacent industrial and residential neighborhoods. Buildings have a single story pedestrian scale accented with softer materials like landscaping and awnings. Tenant spaces are oriented toward the internal village center streets. Internal streets accommodate on-street parking. The wide sidewalks are enhanced with decorative hardscape, planted pots, raised landscape planters, trees planted with tree grates, decorative lighting and street furniture. The main street through the center is designed with bulbouts as a traffic calming measure. Details of the sidewalks, plazas, and accent features are contained in the details book (Exhibit DB). Bressi Ranch Minor Master Plan Amendment The project includes requested minor amendments to the text and Exhibit X-13 of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan. The adopted Master Plan anticipated up to 130,000 square feet of building inclusive of a Community Facility in Planning Area 15. The first requested amendment is to make a distinction that up to 125,000 square feet of commercial/office space is anticipated to be developed within the village center and that the Community Facilities component of the planning area will be of an unidentified size. Staff supports the requested amendment because the text change sets a maximum anticipated limit of commercial development for the site and allows for flexibility in determining the size of the community facility based on need and ability to satisfy the applicable development standards, like parking and setbacks. The second requested minor amendment is to specify the prohibition of drive through restaurants versus the generic description of drive through "facilities". The Bressi Ranch Master Plan, as adopted, stipulates that drive-through facilities are prohibited. The proposed minor text amendment specifies that only drive through restaurants will be prohibited. Staff supports the amendment because it is more in keeping with the City wide policy which prohibits drive through restaurants but does allow for facilities such as drive-through bank tellers and pharmacy windows. In addition, the amendment is in keeping with the Local Commercial Zone which allows non-restaurant drive through facilities by Conditional Use Permit. The third requested minor amendment proposes text to specify parameters under which a monument sign may be allowed to be located near the southwest corner of the intersection of MP 178(E)/CT 06-24/CUP 06-19/SDP 06-17 - BRESSI RANCH VILLAGE CENTER June 20, 2007 Page 6 Palomar Airport Road and El Fuerte Street. The Master Plan as adopted has no mention of signage for the mixed use center at this location. The request allows a monument sign for the purpose of providing identification for the Bressi Ranch Village Center along the Palomar Airport Road corridor. Staff is in support of this minor amendment because the proposed location near the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and El Fuerte Street is within the boundaries of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan, the Village Center does not have a "typical" location along a major arterial, the additional exposure may.lead to a greater consumer base for the center, and will lessen potential confusion for patrons trying to find and access the Village Center. The applicant has stated that the Bressi Ranch Village Center may benefit from the potential additional draw of customers that the Palomar Airport Road signage may garner over and above customers drawn exclusively from the Bressi Ranch community. This minor amendment allows for one monument sign. The sign area is limited to 50 square feet and a height of 6 feet above the adjacent sidewalk elevation. The design of the monument will be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director as part of a Sign Program for the Bressi Ranch Village Center. C. Local Shopping Center Zone (C-L) The site has a Planned Community (PC) zoning designation and a Local Shopping Center Zone (C-L) designation in the Bressi Ranch Master Plan. The Local Shopping Center Zone is intended to assure that C-L designated sites will be developed so as to provide a range of goods and services to meet the daily necessities and convenience of the residents of the neighborhood in which they are located. In addition, the zone includes established development standards that must be applied to all developments within the zone. The project complies with all of the applicable development standards for the zone as shown in the following Table 2. Table 2 Local Shopping Center Zone Development Standards Building Height Maximum Additional Yards Streets Interior Walls/Fences Onsite Lighting Roof Appurtenances Standard Compliance 35 feet and three levels 45 feet with appropriate findings The tallest component on most buildings is 34 feet in height. The clock tower is 45 feet in height. See discussion below. 10 feet 10 feet 6 foot masonry wall adjacent to residential Parking Lots, walkways, building entrance/exit Screened and sound buffered. 1 0 feet or more with allowed protrusions. 1 0 feet or more with allowed protrusions. 6 foot masonry wall adjacent to the Mulberry Condominiums. Provided onsite. Final plan to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director. Conditioned }w MP 178(E)/CT 06-24/CUP 06-19/SDP 06-17 - BRESSI RANCH VILLAGE CENTER June 20, 2007 Page 7 Table 2 Continued Local Shopping Center Zone Development Standards Trash Enclosures Loading Areas and Docks Parking Employee Eating Area Signs Recycling Area (Applicable when required by State Law.) Standard Masonry with gates Screened from the street and buffered not to exceed 65 CNEL Per 2 1.44 300 sq.ft. per 50,000 sq.ft. of total building area Sign Program per Section 21.41.060 Per Chapter 2 1.1 05 Compliance Provided Provided 618 required/624 provided See Parking section discussion below. 732 sq.ft. is required. 500 sq.ft. plus 3,000 sq.ft. of common plaza area is provided. Conditioned Provided near the Major Grocery Store Tenant Staff has discussed the operations of the center and measures that can be incorporated and/or conditioned to adequately address compatibility/adjacency concerns with the Bressi Ranch residential community with the applicant. The applicant conducted a neighborhood information meeting and received input from the adjoining Mulberry Condominium Home Owner's Association as well as general comments from Bressi Ranch community members. As a result of the meetings, operational and design measures have been incorporated into the project site plan or conditions of approval. A solid masonry wall and landscaping is proposed between the center and the Mulberry Condominiums along the western edge of the site. Hedgerow planting is proposed along the property edges at Bressi Ranch Way, El Fuerte Street, and Gateway Road to reduce the visibility of cars onsite as well as reduce the visibility of headlights from outside of the center in the evening hours. Main building entries face internally versus the adjoining residential neighborhoods thereby reducing the potential for a steady stream of noise. The onsite project lighting must provide adequate illumination for safe passage but will be reviewed prior to issuance of building permits to ensure that lighting will not have significant offsite impacts. Onsite deliveries as well as maintenance of landscape and parking lots shall be restricted to be performed within the hours of 6:00 a.m and 10:00 p.m. D. Conditional Uses The project includes a proposal for a drive-through facility (pharmacy window) as part of a 16,900 square foot drug store (Major B) building. Pursuant to Section 21.31.030 (Local Shopping Center Permitted Uses), drive-through facilities that are non-restaurant may be approved by the Planning Commission by Conditional Use Permit. The findings to support the Conditional Use Permit request are detailed in the attached Planning Commission Resolution No. 6312. MP 178(E)/CT 06-24/CUP 06-19/SDP 06-17 - BRESSI RANCH VILLAGE CENTER June 20, 2007 Page 8 The drive-through component of the Major B building has been designed with details found elsewhere on the building so that it is an integral part of the building. The dedicated drive-thru aisle allows for cars to access the window without interfering with the shopping center's general circulation aisles. The inclusion of the drive up window will be beneficial in that the surrounding area residents will have access to the convenience of the service offered through a drive-through window and there will be a segment of the population that will benefit from the availability to access a pharmacy before and after "normal" store hours. The location of the drive-thru is central to the center and intervening landscape and other site features will adequately buffer the homes south of Paradise Road from activity and noise. Drive-through hours of operation have been limited to 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. by the conditions of approval for this CUP request (Planning Commission Resolution No. 6312). E. Parking Ordinance Parking onsite is required at a ratio of one space per every 200 square feet of gross floor area. The ratio is used for commercial centers and assumes a variety of retail uses that will result in an averaged parking need. The project includes 122,800 square feet and therefore is required to provide 614 parking spaces. The site is designed to provide 624 parking spaces. Table 3 below provides a breakdown of building areas and its related parking requirement. Table 3 Parking Compliance Building Pad A PadB Shop A ShopB ShopC Shop D ShopE ShopF ShopG Major A Major B Major C Total building Surplus Outdoor dining Total Site Sq.Ft. 5,000 4,500 5,160 5,970 5,100 8,540 5,020 6,000 4,780 43,830 16,900 12,000 122,800 2,000 Standard 1 space per 200 Sq.Ft 1 space per 200 Sq.Ft 1 space per 200 Sq.Ft 1 space per 200 Sq.Ft 1 space per 200 Sq.Ft 1 space per 200 Sq.Ft 1 space per 200 Sq.Ft 1 space per 200 Sq.Ft 1 space per 200 Sq.Ft 1 space per 200 Sq.Ft 1 space per 200 Sq.Ft 1 space per 200 Sq.Ft 1 space per 200 Sq.Ft 1 space per 200 Sq.Ft. Required 25 22.5 25.8 29.85 25.5 42.7 25.1 30 23.9 219.15 84.5 60 614 10 Provided 25 22.5 25.8 29.85 25.5 42.7 - 25.1 30 23.9 219.15 84.5 60 614 10 10 624 The parking provided onsite satisfies the parking requirement for all of the proposed buildings. In addition there is surplus parking that can accommodate up to 2,000 square feet of outdoor dining area. Individual restaurant tenants may also be granted up to an additional 400 square feet of outdoor dining area per tenant that is exempt from the requirement to provide parking through MP 178(E)/CT 06-24/CUP 06-i9/SDP 06-17 - BRESSI RANCH VILLAGE CENTER June 20, 2007 Page 9 the administrative issuance of an Incidental Outdoor Dining Permit by the Planning Director. (CMC 21.26.013) The Parking Ordinance allows for up to 25% of the total parking spaces required to be sized for compact cars. The site design includes only 5% compact stalls. As an encouragement for alternate modes of access to the site there are several points of pedestrian connection to the adjoining industrial and residential neighborhoods, several locations with bicycle racks, and a bus stop is located on Gateway Road. F. McCIellan-Palomar Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan The project is consistent with the Bressi Ranch Master Plan and therefore also consistent with the Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan since the San Diego Regional Airport Authority Airport Land Use Commission reviewed the Bressi Ranch Master Plan for consistency with the McCIellan-Palomar Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) and found it to be consistent with the CLUP. Subsequent projects consistent with the Master Plan are therefore not required to be reviewed by the Airport Land Use Commission for CLUP consistency. More specifically, the project site is located southeast of the McCIellan-Palomar Airport. It is not within the current boundaries of the Airport Influence Area (AIA) or the Flight Activity Zone (FAZ). The AIA is generally the area in which current and future airport-related noise, overflight, safety and/or airspace protection factors may affect land uses or necessitate restrictions on use. The FAZ identifies properties that in addition to the considerations of the AIA, should be held free of intensive development. The project site is also outside of the plotted airport 65 CNEL noise contours in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP). Therefore, noise attenuation and land use compatibility with the airport are not an issue. G. Growth Management Ordinance (C.M.C. 21.90) The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 17 in the southeast quadrant of the City. The proposal is a commercial project and that is reflected in the Local Facilities Impacts Analysis. The impacts on public facilities created by the project and its compliance with the adopted performance standards are summarized in Table 4 below. TABLE 4 Growth Management Compliance STANDARD City Administration Library Waste Water Treatment Parks Drainage Circulation Fire Open Space Schools IMPACTS N/A N/A 68EDU Park fee $.40/SF 35.8 cfs after detention 8,750 ADT Stations No. 2 and 5 N/A N/A COMPLIANCE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MP 178(E)/CT 06-24/CUP 06-i9/SDP 06-17 - BRESSI RANCH VILLAGE CENTER June 20, 2007 Page 10 TABLE 4 Growth Management Compliance STANDARD Sewer Collection System Water IMPACTS 68EDU 14,960 GPD COMPLIANCE Yes Yes V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed project has been reviewed pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Staff concluded that no potentially significant impacts would result with the implementation of the project that were not previously examined and evaluated in the Final Program Environmental Impact Report for the Bressi Ranch Master Plan MP 178 (EIR 98-04), dated July 9, 2002. EIR 98-04 evaluates the potential environmental effects of the development and operation of the "Bressi Ranch Master Plan" including analysis of traffic circulation, water quality and compliance with SB 221 and SB 610 regarding water availability, biological resources, and land use and associated actions inclusive of the proposed planning area project reviewed here. The City Council certified EIR 98-04 on July 9, 2002. At that time CEQA Findings of Fact, a Statement of Overriding Considerations, and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program were approved. All mitigation measures contained in the adopted Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program from EIR 98-04 applicable to the proposed planning area projects have been completed and incorporated into the project design or are required as conditions of approval for the project. The EIR 98-04 "Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations" applies to all subsequent projects covered by the Bressi Ranch Master Plan Final Program EIR. The proposed activities would have no effects beyond those analyzed in the program EIR, as they are a part of the program analyzed earlier. This project is within the scope of Final Program EIR 98-04 and no further CEQA compliance is required. EIR 98-04 is available at the Planning Department. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6310 (MPA) 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6311 (CT) 3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6312 (CUP) 4. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6313 (SDP) 5. Location Map 6. Background Data Sheet 7. Local Facilities Impacts Assessment Form 8. Disclosure Statement 9. Reduced Exhibits 10. Exhibit DB - Details Book dated June 20, 2007 11. Full Size Exhibits "A" - "Y" and "A 1 "-"A21" dated June 20, 2007 NOT TO SCALE SITEMAP Bressi Ranch Village Center MP 178E/CT 06-24/CUP 06-19/SDP 06-17 BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: MP 178CEVCT 06-24/CUP 06-19/SDP 06-17 CASE NAME: Bressi Ranch Commercial Center APPLICANT: LNR Bressi Commercial, Inc. REQUEST AND LOCATION: Request for a determination that the project is within the scope of the previously certified Bressi Ranch Master Plan Program EIR and that the Program EIR adequately describes the activity for the purposes of CEQA; a request for a recommendation of approval of a Site Development Plan (SDP 06-17); and approval of a Minor Master Plan Amendment (MP 178(E)\ Tentative Tract Map (CT 06-24X and Conditional Use Permit (CUP 06-19X for the subdivision of 14.15 acres of land into 8 commercial lots, and the development of 122,800 square feet of commercial retail space within 12 buildings which include a 43.830 square foot grocery store and 12,000 square foot specialty food store, generally located south of Gateway Road, west of El Fuerte Street, north of Bressi Ranch Way, and north of Paradise Road, in Planning Area 15 of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan and in Local Facilities Management Zone 11 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 4 of Carlsbad Tract 03-03. in the City of Carlsbad. County of San Diego. State of California according to map thereof No. 14800 on file in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, May 21. 2004 as amended by certificate of correction recorded September 30. 2005 as file No. 2005-0850805 of official records. APN: 213-191-02-00 Acres: 14.15 ac. Proposed No. of Lots: 8 Commercial Lots GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Existing Land Use Designation: RH/L/CF Proposed Land Use Designation: N/A Density Allowed: N/A Density Proposed: N/A Existing Zone: PC Proposed Zone: N/A Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use: General Plan Current Land Use Site RD-M/C-L/CF RH/L/CF Vacant North PM PI Vacant South RD-M RMH Residential East OS OS Open Space West RD-M/C-L/CF RH/L/CF Residential/Vacant Revised 01/06 LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM Coastal Zone: I I Yes [X] No Local Coastal Program Segment: N/A Within Appeal Jurisdiction: O Yes ^ No Coastal Development Permit: Q Yes £3 No Local Coastal Program Amendment: I I Yes £x] No Existing LCP Land Use Designation: N/A Proposed LCP Land Use Designation: N/A Existing LCP Zone: N/A Proposed LCP Zone: N/A PUBLIC FACILITIES School District: Carlsbad Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: Carlsbad Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): 68 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Categorical Exemption, Negative Declaration, issued /\ Certified Environmental Impact Report, EIR 98-04 certified on July 9, 2002 Other, '"'") I Revised 01/06 CITY OF CARLSBAD GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM LOCAL FACILITIES IMPACTS ASSESSMENT FORM PROJECT IDENTITY AND IMPACT ASSESSMENT: FILE NAME AND NO: Bressi Ranch Commercial Center MP 178(EVCT 06-24/CUP 06-19/SDP 06-17 LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE: 17 GENERAL PLAN: RH/L/CF ZONING: PC (RDM/C-L/CF in the Bressi Ranch Master Plan) DEVELOPER'S NAME: LNR Bressi Commercial. Inc. ADDRESS: 4275 Executive Square Suite 210 La Jolla CA 92037 PHONE NO.: 858-410-9760 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 213-191-02-00 QUANTITY OF LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT (AC., SQ. FT., DU): 14.5 ac./122.800 sq.ft. A. City Administrative Facilities: B. Library: C. Waste water Treatment Capacity D. Park: E. Drainage: F. Circulation: G. Fire: H. Open Space: I. Schools: J. Sewer: K. Water: Demand in Square Footage = N/A Demand in Square Footage = N/A Demands in EDU Identify Sub Basin = Demand in GPD = 68 EDU $.40/sq.ft. 35.8 cfs D Demand in Acreage = Demand in CFS = Identify Drainage Basin = Demand in ADT = Served by Fire Station No. = 2 and 5 Acreage Provided = 8,750 N/A N/A 68 H 14.960 City of Carlsbad Planning Department DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. Note: Person is defined as "Any individual, firm,. co-partnership, jofnt venture, association, social club, fraternal organization, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, in this and any other county; city and county, city municipality, district or other political subdivision or any other group or combination acting as a unit,' Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner must be provided below. 1 . APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person Title Corp/Part Title Address Address. 2. OWNER (Not the owner's agent) Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e. partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) . Person Title Corp/Part Title Address Address. 1635 Faraday Avenue • Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602-8559 • www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us 3. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust, list the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the. Non Profit/Trust Non Profit/Trust Title Title Address Address 4. Have you had more than $250 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? Yes If yes, please indicate person(s):_ NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. I certify that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signatura! of owner/date Signature of applicant/date Print or type name of owner Print or type name of applicant E>fa-er5S) Signature of owner/applicant's agent if applicable/date Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent H:ADMIN\COUNTER\DISCLOSURE STATEMENT 5/98 Page 2 of 2 Q < on o CO CC O LL O O o ah i I QOQ QQQ Q ^OO QQQC1 i-1- t-1— >- a i— i—»- (— zz55 Q.a.Q.Q.Q.Q.Q.CLQ.OOi3iS7 OOOOOOpOOOOfKO:!—,-^ rg ig g "l'"1" ^^^^J^^^^on/jsSJj S SaSH^^^ §uu§odiS§u u§§=(/i(/ioioi[/iZ(/iui(/i i/urtKUCjt Jl3 S Sgg iiil DCOI-o 1LI CC Q I-o111-5o CC Q. irtuiagzzzzgoOQ ^^^^^^^SS^*^^ ^JKKJUI <!«*** pspiiiiii 11^3339^93^^ 2SS feSI IS IoS S §3 s , £§ ill 35 Il-|°;* l|§5:a^ ^"Isol ,^ooipi"i j^ggji^ Q^o'Ji-r" SSSs;IllIII IsSlII llall Illlls CC> Jo•z.DCc?5wIII 3DC 1CO §5 ; p i «i iSl! 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City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 In care of: Christer Westman June 7, 2007 Planning Commissioners, I am preparing to attend the International Making Cities Livable Conference in Portland and will not return prior to the June 20th Planning Commission meeting. I have received the Notice of Public Hearing for the Bressi Ranch Village Center scheduled for that evening and would like you to carefully consider my comments. I have put varying amounts of energy into the study of communities for the last 20 years. My interest was again sparked in 2003 when the City of Carlsbad hosted the Connecting Community, Place and Spirit Conference. Experts on various aspects of community gave presentations and we, the community members, dialogued in break-out sessions about how these concepts could or should play a role in Carlsbad's future. Upon review of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan's goals it is clear the intent was to create a livable community as stated in the first sentence. Like all good plans, success comes down to implementation and that is where we are at today. The Bressi Ranch Master Plan incorporates many of the Ahwahnee Principles into its goals. I believe that the proposed implementation plans will adversely affect the stated goals. Under Principle 7 the master plan states "The major focal point of the Master Plan will be the Village Center (Planning Area 15), with the Village Square and mixed-use street." And "Special attention has been paid to the design of this area and its variety of uses to create a sense of place for the Bressi Ranch community." Again under Principle 8 is the statement "The Village Center will be the focal point of the project. This area will contain a centrally located Village Square where residents, office workers and shoppers can gather. Use of this green space is encouraged by the proximity of community facilities, multi-family housing and commercial uses within the Village Center." Principle 9 states "The Village Center will offer a variety of uses to attract and encourage the presence of people." I will focus my comments on the Village Square and how the current proposal will attract or detract people from gathering there. At the CCPS conference, when speaking about squares, Michael Freedman stated "If we want to create community we can't just focus on the open space, we have to look at the development around it." In an article, Ten Principles for Creating Successful Squares, the Project for Public Spaces describes the "Inner Square & Outer Square" and states "The streets and sidewalks around a square greatly affect its accessibility and use, as do the buildings that surround it." Michael Freedman continues by describing three ingredients for creating the magic of a city: "1) public space 2) ground floor uses on 2-3 sides that bring in regular folks as part of the things they need and as part of their daily lives and 3) public building presiding over that space and symbolizing public ownership and purpose of the space, away from just getting and spending." He describes the need for no more than 25 feet between shop fronts. Let's look at the Village Square as proposed. The south is lined with housing, the west with an assisted living center, the north and main entrance to the square now has the back of a large specialty food store without an entrance to the street and the east has a possible restaurant, parking and the Boys and Girls Club. It appears that in the "outer square" the restaurant is the only amenity that will attract the general public. This sounds like a formula for failure from a livable community standpoint. I believe you should also consider the unintended consequences of removing the street on the east side of the square. How will this affect the sense of public ownership of the square and are there possible safety issues involved? The Bressi Ranch Master Plan speaks about pedestrian activity throughout but it appears that the Village Center is changing to accommodate typical auto-centered type development at the expense of a livable, people-oriented environment. Again please consider my comments carefully before making your decision. Sincerely, Gary S. Hill FREEDMAN TUNG AND BOTTOMLEY PRINCIPALS Michael Freedman Gregory Tung Ellen Greenberg Hkoyuk* Sasaki June 11,2007 Mr. Peter Katz 6310 Huntington Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Re: Best Practices for Organizing a Neighborhood Green or Square Dear Peter: It was great seeing you a few weeks ago at the annual CNU Conference in Philadelphia. We are lucky indeed to have you back in California and I hope that you will have the time to consult with us on a variety of important project opportunities currently in the works. And congratulations again on your new little one! The purpose of this letter is to address the issue of general "best practices" for enclosing a central neighborhood green or square, and the application of those best practices using the specific example of the design of a central green in the Bressi neighborhood in Carlsbad based on illustrations that you showed me when we got together. I am writing to you about this issue now because that it has come to my attention that at a speech that I delivered in Carlsbad a number of years ago, I left a mistaken impression regarding the proper means of organizing the primary elements that make up a central neighborhood square or green. As I understand it, whereas conference participants did correctly understand me to emphasize the importance of enclosing a neighborhood square with buildings of sufficient height, at least some of the participants in the Carlsbad conference were left with the mistaken impression that it would probably be best to keep public streets from intervening between the enclosing buildings and the open space of the square. Let me set the record straight: We DO generally recommend that buildings front three, or preferably four, sides of a public square. This creates the essential spatial enclosure that provides the "outdoor public room" effect without which a public space is nothing more than meaningless surface treatments. But my comment should NOT be taken to mean that buildings should directly abut the square without a public street in between. Anywhere but the most densely packed urban centers (think Europe, for the most part), it is impossible to provide sufficient pedestrian density and natural surveillance to achieve the level of use and safety necessary for a successful district center. This goes triple for our suburban cities. The streets are essential to activate the open space, to provide surveillance of the activities within, and to eliminate the impression that the space might be the exclusive preserve of the buildings to which it is attached. In the form based zoning codes that we regularly prepare for suburban communities (for example the one just prepared for downtown Tracy, California), we require neighborhood-scale infill to feature one primary green or square that is surrounded by public streets on at least three sides. We are rather horrified to have learned that my speech left this mistaken impression, and that there are folks actually defending improper design principles due to what they believe I recommended. We hope the community will understand that our tendency to overemphasize enclosure stems from our reaction to the typical suburban love affair with "open space" - the bigger the better, to the detriment of a fine distribution of usable public space. We have learned to counter this tendency with educational seminars on the role that buildings play in the proper design of urban open space. Nevertheless, we will take this lesson to heart and make sure that we are particularly careful to call attention to the essential role played by public streets in the composition of central squares and greens. Page 2 Given the two choices for the main square at Bressi Ranch that you showed, we would certainly prefer the early version from the approved master plan with the full street on all sides of the square, to the proposed version where the street has been removed from one side. One compromise might be to build the full street, but place temporary bollards at either end which would allow the street to be closed for the occasional Saturday market or concert. The Bressi example strikes us as especially problematic as the activity of the retail center and the semi- public Boys and Girls Club are likely to spill into the park, creating conflicts and ambiguity about the public ownership and appropriate use of the space. A street in between would define the park as a truly public place, mitigating the problem. It also has numerous other benefits in terms of circulation (vehicle AND pedestrian), safety, identity, maintenance, etc. that you are well familiar with. Please feel free to pass this letter on to others who may be reviewing this matter. I'd be happy to personally answer any further questions about the design issues you raised and our firm's approach to such situations. Best regards, Michael PETER KATZ 60 , O HUNTINGTON DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92OO9 June 11, 2007 To the Carlsbad Planning Commission: Like many of my neighbors, our family was attracted by Bressi Ranch's pedestrian-oriented streets, intimate scale and charming house designs. Beyond location, those were the main reasons why we decided to purchase a home and settle here. And like most of my neighbors, we are eagerly awaiting the construction of the neighborhood retail center. But as we learn more about plans for the retail center, we are becoming ever more concerned that it will not deliver the quality neighborhood experience that was promised, due to several key deviations from concepts illustrated in the approved Bressi Ranch master plan. That's why I'm writing today. As a professional involved in urban planning, I'm aware of many aspects, large and small, that contribute to the safety and livability of a community (my bio can be viewed at www.citistates.com). You may find it interesting to note that I was the instigator and co- editor of the Ahwahnee Principles, a 1991 statement of sustainable neighborhood design principles, since adopted by over 150 communities around the US. My reason for mentioning the Ahwahnee Principles, is that Lennar used them as the basis for the goals section of the Bressi Ranch master plan. For this reason, I feel uniquely qualified to comment on current plans, and the extent to which they will enable the development to achieve its stated goals. One major problem with the proposed retail plan, which was not articulated in LNR's two presentations to our community group (I learned of it during a follow up meeting), is how the site orientation of the Trader Joe's store will negatively impact the public square. As currently designed, Trader Joe's turns its back on Bressi's public square. What this means is that the square, meant to function as the hub of community interaction, with active retail and residential frontages on all sides, will, in fact, be bounded by an opaque building front with no openings to the square (no real windows or public access doors; it has just a few blanked- out "dummy" windows). Community planners know that a blanked out facade fronting an important public space is an invitation to crime and inappropriate behavior in that location. A famous author, Jane Jacobs coined the term "eyes on the street" to refer to windows and doors facing out of a building as way to insure greater safety for people occupying adjacent public spaces. The "blind eye" created by the Trader Joe's store clearly violates one of the Ahwahnee Principles cited in the Goals of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan: "Goal #9. Public spaces should be designed to encourage the attention and presence of people." Unfortunately, the problem with the Trader Joe's building is just one element among many that changes what was envisioned as a vital, pedestrian-scaled town center into just another car-dominated suburban shopping center. From discussions with the developer, I learned that most of the plan changes were requested by potential retail tenants wanting to fit their standard "box" into the Bressi plan. While I Letter to Bressi Neighbor June 11,2007 look forward to seeing quality retailers like Trader Joes be a part of Bressi Ranch, it is important that they be integrated in a manner that supports the planning principles that we all bought into when we purchased here. To this end, I would like to make a 15-minute presentation to the commission during the upcoming public hearing. By providing constructive suggestions related to the plan, my hope is that a design more consistent with the approved master plan will emerge in the weeks and months ahead. I hope that you will consider my request. Thank you in advance for your concern related to this matter. atz AHVW\HNEE PRINCIPLES for Resource-Efficient Communities Existing patterns of urban and suburban development seriously impair our quality of life. The symptoms are: more congestion and air pollution resulting from our in- creased dependence on automobiles, the loss of precious open space, the need for costly improvements to roads and public services, the inequitable distribution of economic resources and the loss of a sense of community. By drawing upon the best from the past and the present, we can, first, infill existing communities and, second, plan new commu- nities that will more successfully serve the needs of those who live and work within them. Such planning should adhere to these fundamental principles: Community Principles I. All planning should be in the form of complete and integrated communities containing housing, shops, work places, schools, parks and civic facilities essential to the daily life of the residents. 2. Community size should be designed so that housing, jobs, daily needs and other activities are within easy walking distance of each other. 3. As many activities as possible should be located within easy walking distance of transit stops. 4. A community should contain a diversity of housing types to enable citizens from a wide range of economic levels and age groups to live within its boundaries. 5. Businesses within the community should provide a range of job types for the community's residents. 6. The location and character of the community should be consistent with a larger transit network. 7. The community should have a center focus that combines commercial, civic, cultural and recreational uses. 8. The community should contain an ample supply of specialized open space in the form of squares, greens and parks whose frequent use is encouraged through placement and design. 9. Public spaces should be designed to encourage the attention and presence of people at all hours of the day and night. 10. Each community or cluster of communities should have a well defined edge, such as agricultural greenbelts or wildlife corridors, permanently protected from development. 11. Streets, pedestrian paths and bike paths should contribute to a system of fully- connected and interesting routes to all destinations. Their design should encourage pedestrian and bicycle use by being small and spatially defined by buildings, trees and lighting; and by discouraging high speed traffic. (continued on back) Regional Principles 12. Wherever possible, the natural terrain, drainage, and vegetation of the community should be preserved with superior examples contained within parks or greenbelts. 13. The community design should help conserve resources and minimize waste. 14. Communities should provide for the efficient use of water through the use of natural drainage, drought tolerant landscaping and recycling. 15. The street orientation, the placement of buildings and the use of shading should contribute to the energy efficiency of the community. 1. The regional land-use planning structure should be integrated within a larger transportation network built around transit rather than freeways. 2. Regions should be bounded by and provide a continuous system of greenbelt/ wildlife corridors to be determined by natural conditions. 3. Regional institutions and services (government, stadiums, museums, etc.) should be located in the urban core. 4. Materials and methods of construction should be specific to the region, exhibiting continuity of history and culture and compatibility with the climate to encourage the development of local character and community identity. Implementation Strategy 1. The general plan should be updated to incorporate the above principles. 2. Rather than allowing piecemeal development, local governments should take charge of the planning process. General plans should designate where new growth, infill or redevelopment will be allowed to occur. 3. Prior to any development, a specific plan should be prepared based on these planning principles. With the adoption of specific plans, complying projects could proceed with minimal delay. 4. Plans should be developed through an open process and participants in the process should be provided visual models of all planning proposals. Authors: Peter Calthorpe Michael Corbett Andres Duany Elizabeth Moule Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk Stefanos Polyzoides Editors: Judy Corbett Peter Katz Steve Weissman For more information contact the Akwahnee Center for Resource Efficient Communities 909 12th St. Suite 205, Sacramento, CA 95814., 916/448-1198 © Copyright 1991, Local Government Commission, Sacramento, CA 8, .sill Hco-UA^^-*-1 •:;"•'> u o <" <• o' ft "O 5 2 e h -*-115 J£* E is <*-ti w IS-slsl^f-iii^iia5**-3'-a«^-gJS8-8g.f fS&!SI31113381 irnltiriiil LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION 1414 K St. • Suite 250 • Sacramento, CA 95814 • 916-448-1198 Board of Directors Mayor John Longville Chairperson City of Rialto Mayor Rosemary Corbin City of Richmond Councilmember Ruth Galanter City of Los Angeles Mayor Pro Tern Gilbert Garcia City of Santa Barbara Councilmember John Heilman City of'West Hollywood Supervisor Barbara Kondylis County of Solano Mayor Pat Kuhxi City of Oakdale Supervisor Laurence L. Laurent County of San Luis Obispo Vice Mayor Thomas P. Pico, Jr. City ofPleasanton Councilmember Bob Pinzler City of Redondo Beach Councilmember Oscar A. Rios City of Watsonville Councilmember Joe Velasquez City of Cathedral City Mayor Mary Louise Vivier City of Visalia Executive Director Judith A. Corbett October 16,1998 Peter Katz Urban Advantage 405 14th Street, Suite 1410 Oakland, CA 94612 Dear Peter: The overwhelming success of the Ahwahnee Principles has inspired me to write to you to thank you for the critical role you played in creating and marketing this alternative to urban sprawl. The Local Government Commission has been promoting the Ahwahnee Principles for almost seven years now, with enormous success. The Principles have been adopted in whole or in part by over 120 cities and counties in California alone. Your inspiration regarding the need for the principles, the selection of the name, and your exceptional promotional efforts have led to more change at the local level than I could ever have imagined. Everywhere I go across the nation, everyone seems familiar with the Ahwahnee Principles— they may not know how to pronounce the name, but they certainly know their content. In my role as Board Member of the Congress for the New Urbanism, I also want to thank you for your exceptional work in getting the press interested in the new urbanism. I think you deserve the lion's share of the credit for bringing this issue beyond the realm of the architect, to create a social and political movement. You've played a major role in changing our image of the future of this country. How many people in the world can make such a claim? I hope you are well. Wishing you all the best. Warm regards, ETT rector JUDY CO Executive fax: 916-448-8246 e-mail: Igc@bbs.macnexu5.org web page: .www.lgc.org Printed on recycled paper Peter Katz Author and consultant Peter Katz is regarded as a key spokesperson for the New Urbanism, a movement that The New York Times called "the most important phenomenon to emerge in American architecture in the post-Cold War era." Mr. Katz played a significant role in shaping the movement as founding Executive Director of the Congress for New Urbanism. He is also author of The New Urbanism: Toward an Architecture of Community (McGraw-Hill, 1994). In 1991 Mr. Katz initiated and co-edited The Ahwahnee Principles, a comprehensive statement of sustainable community-building practices that has been adopted by over 120 cities and counties in the United States. Mr. Katz is a professor-in-practice at Virginia Polytechnic Institute's Northern Virginia Center. In addition Katz provides consulting services in the areas of strategic marketing and community development. He is an associate member of The Citistates Group, a national network of speakers under the leadership of syndicated columnist Neal Peirce. Mr. Katz is also the president of the Form-Based Codes Institute, a national alliance advancing a new approach to development regulation. For several years, he has been an interviewee for Emerging Trends in Real Estate, a respected industry forecast co-produced by the Urban Land Institute and PricewaterhouseCoopers. Writings by Mr. Katz have been featured in magazines such as Planning, Architecture, Architectural Record, Landscape Architecture and Metropolitan Home and journals such as The Responsive Community and the Urban Land Institute's forecast ULI on the Future. He wrote the entry on New Urbanism for The Encyclopedia of Housing. Peter Katz has advised various government agencies, associations, and organizations including the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Province of Ontario (Canada), The Community Builders (Cincinnati and Louisville), Contra Costa County (California) and Chicago's Regional Transportation Authority. He has addressed a range of university audiences, professional societies, and citizen groups, both nationally and internationally. Before his involvement with New Urbanism, Mr. Katz was a principal of Stratagem Consultants, a San Francisco-based real estate marketing consultancy. In that role he directed projects for clients such as the Port of Oakland, Alfandre Homes and the InterPacific Group. Mr. Katz was founding partner of New York-based Whitehouse & Katz, a marketing and graphic design firm where he directed numerous signage, exhibit, and publication programs for clients such as Columbia University, IBM Corporation, The Prudential Realty Group, and Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts. Mr. Katz studied architecture and graphic design at The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art in New York. He received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and the Royal Society of Arts (London) Honor Award upon graduation in 1976. MEISSNER * JACQUET INVIiSTMUST MANAUI-MKST SliKVK'l-S June 13, 2007 > N /Tj 'O- ) C J^ //>"? Jeff Williams LNR Property Corporation _ , r_,, , /n-7c c 4.- o o •* 11 n Qg/7/ Via US Mail4275 Executive Square, Suite 210 La Jolla, Ca 92037 Re: Bressi Ranch Village Center Carlsbad, CA Dear Jeff: Thank you for providing the information and plans for the Bressi Ranch Village Center in Carlsbad. The Board of Directors of the Bressi Ranch Corporate Center has reviewed the materials and they are excited to see the progress of the Village Center. The Board supports City approval of the project since it will be a significant amenity to the business park owners and tenants. Wishing you success in this great project! Sincerely, MEISSNER-JACQUET ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ' ' ^MJ Shawna Fountain Association Manager 5330 CAKKOIJ. CANYON ROAD • SI.TI1: 200 • SAX DIHGO. CALIFORNIA °! 121-3753 K: t555t 37j-!-j-l • K\': |555| JT3-I222 • intof" nH-i--ut.T!,ici|ui-t.rinn • «''.v\\'.u» ^-iK-t|;u-intri. Hi) Kancho (^arrltto Ji \a6ter ion 5966 La Place Court, Ste 170 Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 804-5969 Fax:(760)804-5949 May 10,2007 m 141,11 Mr. Jeff Williams LNR Bressi Commercial, Inc. 4275 Executive Square, Suite 210 La Jolla, CA 92037 Dear Jeff, The Rancho Carrillo Board of Directors wishes to thank you for attending the March 19, 2007 meeting. Your presentation regarding the Bressi Ranch Village Center was very informative. The Rancho Carrillo Master Association looks forward to having a new retail center close by, and is excited about having a Trader Joes and Stater Brothers along with the other types of tenants you mentioned. The site plan and building elevations look very attractive. The Association is anxious to have this center open and wishes it could happen earlier than the anticipated time of Fall 2008. Sincerely, On behalf of the Board of Directors (Joanne Grueskin, Bruce Kermott, Robert Woelffer, Kevin Finney) and Rancho Carrillo Master Association Kathleen Murdock, CCAM General Manager The Prescott Companies Sunday. March 20, 1994 E-l CHARLES BARRETT AND MANUEL FERNANOEZ-NOVAL THE NEW A group of thinkers envisions the community of the future as a people-oriented place KIN IIBftYUREA PETER KATZ'S new book, "The New Urbanism, Toward an Architecture of Community," never mentions the word "tele- sis." But that's the word that popped into my mind when I fin- ished reading his colorful 245- of the term: "progress intelligently planned." The original Telesis came together in the pre- World War II days, long before urban planning and design were fodder for slick four-color magazines. 'Idealistic, mostly young and definitely intellectu- als, the members of this unusual association shared the desire to leave their mark on the Bay Area built environment. In 1940 the group helped launch the area's repu- tation as an emerging center of environmental de- sign and urban planning with a major exhibit called "Space for Living" at the San Francisco Mu- seum of Art. The exhibit showed how the Bay re- lution in urban design. I don't mean telesis aa in the phone company. I mean the original Telesis, a loose-knit cadre of Bay Area architects, designers and landscape archi- tects who were also enamored with the definition .gion could grow into a livable and friendly urban setting. "We were not imbued with saving the world at large," wrote Telesis member and noted architect Francia Violich 40 years later. "Rather it was the Bay Area that turned us on." As borne out by their later accom plishmenta, the Telesis members were a promising and precocious group. T. J. Kent went on to found the UC-Berkeley Department of City and Regional Planning and to serve as an innovative planning director for San Francisco in the late '40s. James McCarthy also did a stint as The City's planning director in the late '50s and early'60s. Industrial designer Walter Landor — whose firm more than 40 years later bestowed the name Telesis" upon Pacific Bell — built a firm serving corporate clients worldwide. Francis Violich, Cor- win Mocine and Garrett Eckbo) among others, be- came professors at UC-Berkeley and won many in- ternational awards for their work in urban design. These innovators influenced design and plan- ning principles throughout the nation. Here at STEVE DUNWELL MwvwMotfL intersection offtfashpee Commons, Cape Cod, Mass., fea- turing masonry bank build- ings, is redo oftired 1960s shop- ping center (at left) Hllil3fsKf | llfJ=I-!J?Jfs:1 *t Planning Commission Meeting EXHIBIT 5BAFT the City requirements. She added she is excited to see the project developed in the City, but does share concern about the traffic issue. Commissioner Douglas stated she can support the project but does have concern about traffic congestion at the driveway. She added she is disappointed that the El Camino Real median left-turn lane will be closed. Commissioner Dominguez stated he thinks this is an outstanding and detailed application. Commissioner Montgomery stated he supports the project and loves the detail in the design. Commissioner Cardosa stated he supports the project and added it is a unique facility. Chairperson Baker stated she will support the project but shares concern' for the right-turn lane. MOTION ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Cardosa, and duly seconded, approve that the Planning Commission adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 6315 adopting a Negative Declaration and adopt Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 6316 and 6317 approving Site Development Plan (SDP 06-05) and Special Use Permit (SUP 06-03), based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. VOTE: 7-0 AYES: Chairperson Baker, Commissioner Cardosa, Commissioner Montgomery, Commissioner Dominguez, Commissioner Douglas, Commissioner Boddy, Commissioner Whitton NOES: None RECESS Chairperson Baker closed the public hearing on Agenda Item 3 and recessed the meeting for a ten-minute break at 7:55 p.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER Chairperson Baker reconvened the Planning Commission meeting at 8:06 p.m. with all Commissioners present and asked Mr. Neu to introduce the next item. 4. MP 178(E)/CT 06-24/CUP 06-19/SDP 06-17 - BRESSI RANCH VILLAGE CENTER - Request for a determination that the project is within the scope of the previously certified Bressi Ranch Master Plan Program EIR and that the Program EIR adequately describes the activity for the purposes of CEQA; a Page 11 of 24 Planning Commission Meeting request for a recommendation of approval of a Site Development Plan (SDP 06-17); and approval of a Minor Master Plan Amendment (MP 178(E)), Tentative Tract Map (CT 06-24), and Conditional Use Permit (CUP 06-19), for the subdivision of 14.15 acres of land into 8 commercial lots, and the development of 122,800 square feet of commercial retail space within 12 buildings which include a 43,830-square-foot grocery store and 12,000- square-foot specialty food store, generally located south of Gateway Road, west of El Fuerte Street, north of Bressi Ranch Way, and north of Paradise Road, in Planning Area 15 of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan and in Local Facilities Management Zone 17. Resolution Nos. 6310, 6311, 6312, 6313 Mr. Neu introduced Agenda Item 4 and stated Senior Planner Christer Westman would make the Staff presentation assisted by Associate Engineer Clyde Wickham. Chairperson Baker opened the Public Hearing on Agenda Item 4. Senior Planner Christer Westman gave a brief presentation including an overview of some recommended amendments and an errata sheet. He stated he would be available to answer any questions the Commission might have. Commissioner Dominguez asked how the decisions to remove certain elements that were included in the original Master Plan document were made. Mr. Westman stated those decisions were based on discussion with the applicant and review of the preliminary site plan. He added those discussions included the considered intent of the site plan, the functionality, and benefits that might be felt by the community. Some discussion ensued regarding the original Master Plan versus the current amended site plan. Chairperson Baker asked the applicant if he would like to give a presentation. Jeff Williams, LNR Property Corporation, 4275 Executive Square, San Diego, gave a brief presentation and stated he would be available to answer any questions and introduced various members of his development team who would also answer any questions presented. Commissioner Whitton asked about ingress and egress points associated with the proposed site of Trader Joe's. Mr. Williams stated a representative from Trader Joe's would best be suited to speak about the layout of the store. Greg Paquet, Regional Vice President, Trader Joe's, 800 South Shamrock, Monrovia, stated Trader Joes is not involved in the design and development of the site plan for the Bressi Ranch Village Center. He added Trader Joes designed the interior of the store and worked with the site plan design as it was presented. Commissioner Whitton asked about the possibility of an ingress and egress point located on Finnila Place. He added the warehouse area is located on the south side of the store and suggested that location have windows in order to Page 12 of 24 Planning Commission Meeting accommodate the street scene. Mr. Paquet stated that the setup of the store has been reviewed, considering the location of the entrance, and it would be necessary to completely shift the design in order to make that type of change. He added he is open to any suggestions and will review the design further. Commissioner Dominguez stated the Commission has been led to believe that Trader Joe's is committed to the particular layout presented. He asked if all of the needs of Trader Joe's could be met, would they be willing to conduct another review. Mr. Paquet stated, given the amount of time his team has devoted to the design of the floor plan and considering further delays associated with another review, the design presented is the one he would like to see implemented. Further discussion ensued regarding the possible reconfiguration of the floor plan and ramifications that might be felt. He distributed a copy of the proposed Trader Joe's internal layout including a possible change to the design that may be feasible. Commissioner Montgomery stated his understanding of the difficulties involved with rotating the interior layout of the store. He suggested a second access point at the corner of the store, but understands there are other difficulties with that option. Commissioner Montgomery stated his belief that the project needs another access point. He added if the building itself was enlarged toward the parking lot to some degree, another type of use could be added at that corner location to energize the circle in place of another ingress, egress point. Mr. Williams stated the building is currently proposed to be located directly on the right-of-way. He added it would be difficult to create an opportunity there without obstructing the public right-of-way. Mr. Williams stated detailed discussions have been held with the Mulberry Community regarding Trader Joe's loading dock and the current design honors the concerns that were revealed as a result of those discussions. Further discussion ensued regarding the current layout and all of the possible configurations that have been explored. Commissioner Whitton stated he would prefer to see an exit added at the corner to activate the community. He added he is glad to see the windows on the side. Mr. Williams stated this building has beautiful elevations on three sides and has great architectural design. Commissioner Dominguez stated he has a concern that the east side of the green, once the road was eliminated, created an invisible barrier. He added he would like to see the addition of a footpath parallel to the green to direct flow into the promenade area. He stated he would accept a path of decomposed granite outlined by landscaping. Commissioner Dominguez stated other than that, this is a tremendous application. Chairperson Baker stated her agreement with Commissioner Dominguez. She added she sees the Commission unanimously nodding their heads in agreement with the idea of a sidewalk or path being added on the east side of the green. Mr. Williams stated there is a sidewalk located on the property Page 13 of 24 Planning Commission Meeting fronting the park. Further discussion ensued regarding the feasibility of a trail linking the various areas within the Village Center. Chairperson Baker asked if there were any further questions for the applicant; seeing none, she stated there are 17 requests to speak from members of the audience and opened public testimony. Kelly Morrison Pop, Boys and Girls Club, 3115 Roosevelt Street, Carlsbad, spoke about her relationship to the community and added she is aware of the issues related to the path and is open to discussion about alternatives. Ms. Pop stated that she is in favor of the project as submitted. Commissioner Douglas disclosed that she sits on the Board of Directors for the Boys and Girls Club and that she is a resident of Rancho Carrillo and added she is familiar with the homeowners association, who has submitted a letter in support of the project. She added that she is not a signee and did not participate in those discussions. Bryan Clark, 2641 Hancock Circle, Carlsbad, stated he has concerns about the changes to the site and is not in favor of the proposed design. Maria Hollander, 6310 Huntington Drive, Carlsbad, spoke briefly about her concerns related to the deviations in the project from what was presented when she moved there. She added she believes they will have a negative effect on the community. She stated she is not in favor of the project as submitted. Barbara Mercado, 2650 Hancock Circle, Carlsbad, stated she concurs with the previous speakers regarding the need for a roadway. She questioned if the windows portrayed in the drawings on the southern side of Trader Joes, are real windows or a facade. Ms. Mercado stated she does not support a 24-hour retail store at this location and is not in favor of the project as submitted. Commissioner Boddy asked if Ms. Mercado is opposed to any type of drive- through facility at this location. Ms. Mercado confirmed that she is. Tara Clark, 2641 Hancock Circle, Carlsbad, stated she would yield her time to her neighbor, Peter Katz, because they share the same views on this issue. Jeff Sobczyk, Project Management Advisors, 462 Stevens Avenue, Solana Beach, stated he is representing the owner of an 18-acre parcel located just north of the site. He added the Bressi Ranch Village Center will be a great amenity and is in support of it for many reasons. Peter Katz, 6310 Huntington Drive, Carlsbad, reviewed his credentials and gave an extensive slide presentation utilizing time donated to him from several of his neighbors. He outlined his objections to the current application and urged the Commission to consider re-evaluating the site design. Page 14 of 24 Planning Commission Meeting Kimberly Pottin, 6327 Huntington Drive, Carlsbad, stated she is in agreement with Mr. Katz and added she has concerns about safety with the proposed design. Jon Nalbandian, 2680 Bressi Ranch Way, Carlsbad, stated he is in agreement with Mr. Katz. He has been a resident of the community since phase two and he was not aware of any previous homeowners association meetings where LNR discussed the proposed changes to the site design. Stewart Keith, 6165 Greenwich Drive, San Diego; Michael Merrill, 4051 Alameda Drive, San Diego; and Joseph Mascari, 1717 Ketner Blvd., San Diego, all submitted a request to speak, but in the interest of time, waived the opportunity when it was presented. Mike Strong, 6211 Liberty Place, Carlsbad, stated he is president of the Mulberry homeowners association for the affordable housing site. He stated his interest and concern is mainly with the loading bay at Trader Joe's and the change in the hours of operation. Mr. Strong stated the earlier hour is considered a night-time use by City standards. Michael Kern, 2684 Bressi Ranch Way, Carlsbad, stated he is in agreement with Mr. Katz. He added he is concerned with the major changes to the park that is maintained by the homeowners association dues he pays. Mr. Kern stated he feels like there is an unwillingness to compromise. Sean Current, 2684 Bressi Ranch Way, Carlsbad, and Cathy Finn, 2674 Leighton Circle, Carlsbad, both submitted requests to speak in opposition of the project, but donated their time to Mr. Peter Katz. Chairperson Baker asked if there were any other members of the public who wished to address the Commission regarding Agenda Item 4; seeing none, she closed Public Testimony. Chairperson Baker reminded the Commission that it is customary to end Planning Commission meetings at 10:00 p.m. and to continue beyond that time would require a motion. She asked the Commission if they wanted to move forward with the item at the evening's hearing or continue it until the future hearing of July 18. Commissioner Douglas stated she is not clear how the Commission could finish at the present hearing with so much left to discuss at such a late hour. Commissioner Montgomery stated it may not be possible to dispose of the item at the evening's hearing, but in fairness would like to see the applicant afforded the opportunity to respond to comments and hear feedback from the Commissioners. Commissioner Whitton stated he would be willing to devote another hour to the evening's hearing and added the ultimate discussion may have to be delayed. in \ Page 15 of 24 Planning Commission Meeting Chairperson Baker stated the hearing could proceed for one more hour in order to offer an opportunity to hear a rebuttal from the applicant and Staff opinions; after that time the Commission could revisit the idea of continuing the item to a future hearing. Associate Engineer Clyde Wickham stated Staff has reviewed the project multiple times in terms of traffic and deliveries. He added Staff appreciates the walkable community aspect of the project and it has been conditioned to have a traffic signal installed at Finnila Place and Gateway Road if found to be warranted. Mr. Wickham went on to explain the possible routes that delivery trucks might take, adding that traffic studies have been conducted and reviewed extensively. He stated the missing roadways mentioned are not in the Mello Roos District nor included in an Assessment District covering several arterial roadways. Commissioner Boddy asked about traffic flow within the proposed Stater Brothers parking lot. Mr. Wickham stated that during the process, the team reviewed the idea of angled parking at that location. He added that design leaves a large, triangular, dead-zone of unused space. Mr. Westman addressed safety issues regarding the proposed changes to the site plan. He explained the process of Staff review and reasoning for the conclusions that were made. Mr. Westman stated none of the retail stores are proposed to be in operation 24 hours a day. He added the delivery hours are restricted to 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and the drive-through pharmacy window is limited to the hours of 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Commissioner Dominguez stated the standard hours of operation for the City are from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and asked if there is an extension to those hours for this project. Mr. Westman stated the noise ordinance speaks of construction noise which is limited to the hours of 7:00 a.m. to dusk and he added there is not any other guideline that exists, which would restrict particular uses to prescribed hours. He added there was another commercial project where deliveries were limited to the hours of 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Commissioner Boddy asked if the hour between 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. is considered night-time use under any City policy. Mr. Westman stated not that he is aware of and went on to explain the process of noise analysis and findings that were made at this particular site. Commissioner Whitton asked if the area where the proposed footpath would be located could have a horseshoe configuration with one-way in and one-way out. Mr. Westman stated there were still two points to cover, one regarding the applicant's meetings with the homeowner's association. He added the noticing was conducted through the homeowner's association as a flyer inserted with their newsletter. He stated his belief that there was an additional direct mailing for the first meeting that was conducted; the applicant can confirm that detail. Secondly, Mr. Westman addressed the issue of the park being primarily used Page 16 of 24 Planning Commission Meeting by the Boys and Girls Club. He added that he does not know how to answer such a question. He stated the hope would be that some dialogue would occur between the Boys and Girls Club and the Bressi Ranch Homeowners Association regarding how much the Boys and Girls Club can and should be using that park. Commissioner Whitton stated the proposed design depicts 35 compact parking spaces and he added he feels those could be changed to regular size spaces. Mr. Hofman addressed comments that were made by the audience members. He complimented Mr. Katz on his presentation and stated he had worked with him in the past. Mr. Hofman stated he was the author of the original master plan for Bressi Ranch and added the plans that have been referenced were conceptual. He pointed out that the original sketches were only designed as a depiction of what would be possible. He stated his belief that the project can move forward at this evening's hearing. Mr. Williams stated LNR paid the homeowners association for two separate mailings to 623 homes, announcing the public meetings that were being scheduled regarding this development. The mailings were handled by the homeowners association and he added there were no separate mailings or private meetings held. Mr. Williams stated there were approximately 80 participants at the first meeting and 40 at the second. He added he recognizes some of the faces present at this evening's hearing from those meetings. Mr, Williams went on to explain the reasoning behind some of the design decisions that were made including the traffic routing and retail deliveries. Commissioner Montgomery stated several points were brought up by the neighbors of this development. He added he likes the design layout for the most part and asked about the building at the entrance into the site from Gateway Road at Finnila Place. Commissioner Montgomery brought forward the issue of the omitted street and suggested a widened parkway for pedestrians and bicyclists in its place. Mr. Williams addressed Commissioner Montgomery's concerns stating that the main street requires an anchor to visually invite customers into the center. He outlined severaf design concepts and reviewed the slides with the group. Commissioner Dominguez quoted a previous statement from the applicant that Trader Joe's requires a demographic base of 25,000 to draw from. He added with that kind of required exposure the alternative entry farther up on Gateway would have been more conducive and then the proper alterations could have been made at the corner of Village Square. He asked if that had ever been considered. Mr. Williams stated that the configuration he suggested had been considered, but from a planning perspective it would create issues with drawing people into the center. He went on to explain the issues involved with that type of change adding that all configurations they could come up with were investigated. Commissioner Whitton stated his belief that the developer is aware of the Page 17 of 24 Planning Commission Meeting Commission's concerns. He added he thinks the same issues are being repeatedly discussed and feels that some time is needed to reconsider the application. Chairperson Baker stated that she believes that the applicant has tried every configuration possible. She wondered if anything more could be done before the matter appears before the Commission again. Commissioner Whitton stated he likes the project but his major concerns are Trader Joe's and the traffic flow at the site. Chairperson Baker stated there is a dilemma here in the sense that there are certain operational considerations that a grocery store must take into consideration which another type of retail outlet does not face. Commissioner Douglas stated she has a problem with the configuration of Trader Joe's. She added she has an issue with the blind windows located on the south side. Ms. Douglas stated she is in favor of the inclusion of a walking pathway. Commissioner Whitton stated he does not wish to dictate the interior design of Trader Joe's, but he added he believes the common concern is the windows located on the side of the building facing a major street and an entry there as well to allow patrons to be discharged onto a major street. Commissioner Dominguez stated he would prefer to see the integrity of the community preserved and added he cannot support the project the way the application stands. Commissioner Montgomery added that he had stated his issues and would like to see a secondary exit from Trader Joe's on the Circle, but if it absolutely cannot be because of operational issues, he stated he is okay with that. He added he would like more concrete information on why the building that was previously located at the entrance had to be moved. Commissioner Montgomery stated he would like to see not just a sidewalk, but a 15-foot paseo added to the design in place of the street that was removed. He added he can support the remaining elements of the site design. Commissioner Cardosa stated he has similar concerns to his fellow Commissioners. He added the Trader Joe's facility is beautiful, but he does not like the less-than-user-friendly factor along the side. He stated a parkway of some sort is necessary to provide adequate circulation, but vehicle access is not necessary. RECESS Chairperson Baker recessed the meeting for a five-minute break at 10:42 p.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER Chairperson Baker reconvened the Planning Commission meeting at 10:52 p.m. with all Commissioners present. / Page 18 of 24 Planning Commission Meeting Mr. Hofman stated it seems that there are only two significant issues left to resolve. One is with the access points and window treatment at the Trader Joe's site and the other is the sidewalk or paseo along the Boys and Girls club. He stated the intention to provide display windows on the south elevation and to work with the materials to give the appearance of a store front. Mr. Hofman asked if an entry door to Trader Joe's can be added along Finnila Place as close to the corner as possible, would the Commission be in agreement to that. Mr. Hofman asked if the project could be conditioned to provide these things between this hearing and the future City Council hearing so that it could move forward. Commissioner Whitton stated the proposal does not sit well with him and he added he feels like the Commission is passing off its responsibility. Commissioner Dominguez stated he would like to hear more details on the proposed pathway. He added his understanding of the operational compromises involved with adding a corner doorway to the Trader Joe's site. He stated the position of the Trader Joe's building shrouds the effectiveness of the Finnila Place center point. He added he would, at the least, like to hear the proposal for the path along the front of the Boys and Girls Club. Mr. Hofman stated he has heard several varying ideas for the path or paseo and would need further direction from the Commission regarding the preferred design of the pathway. He reminded the Commission that the application for the Boys and Girls Club itself will contain an opportunity for the Commission to direct the design of the path. Commissioner Douglas stated a walkway that would accommodate pedestrians would satisfy her. She added it is not necessary to accommodate cyclists. She stated that the circle is the highpoint of the shopping center and providing a door from Trader Joe's onto that area would be good. She added it might be possible to design a crescent frontage that could accommodate some type of kiosk. Commissioner Douglas stated she agrees with the elimination of blind windows and instead prefers a display window with benches and planters. Commissioner Boddy stated the proposal from the applicant seems workable as it is and added she would be comfortable conditioning the project, but would defer to Staff to direct the design of the pathway. Commissioner Montgomery stated the proposed plan is great, but he added he would like to see a presentation of the proposed changes that have been spoken of at this hearing. He stated he is in agreement regarding the pathway, but would rather not see the Boys and Girls Club impacted by it. Commissioner Montgomery added he would rather see a portion of the park dedicated to the area in order to create the pathway. Commissioner Cardosa stated he agrees with Commissioner Montgomery regarding the walkway and would include a trellis element in order to fit the |2P Page 1Sof 24 Planning Commission Meeting theme of the other entry. He added there are obstacles associated with the Trader Joe's site and it probably needs to be relocated and would like to see revised site plans. Chairperson Baker stated she is in agreement regarding the pathway. She added there has been concern over security issues raised as a result of the removal of the road and stated those might be minimized if the path were wide enough to accommodate a security golf cart access. Chairperson Baker stated it appears there is unanimous agreement from the Commission regarding the path and added it seems that Trader Joe's is the main issue. She stated her understanding of having two major attractions at either end of the center and is fine with providing an access point facing Finnila Place. Chairperson Baker stated she could approve this project with some changes and added it will have to move forward to City Council for approval as well. Commissioner Whitton stated he has a problem with the path and would like to see the design and possible options. He added he is not prepared to vote on the project. Commissioner Douglas asked if the Commission could condition the project at this hearing and then have an opportunity to review the changes before the City Council hearing. Chairperson Baker advised the Commission that would not be possible; any review would have to be held at a public hearing. Commissioner Boddy asked if a special meeting could be held prior to the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission hearing of July 18. Mr. Williams stated he believes the project can be conditioned at the evening's hearing. The group conferred back and forth about scheduling issues. Mr. Neu stated there are a couple of options available: one would be that the Commission could provide Staff with direction as to what is to be accomplished and then delegate the authority to Staff to implement those directions, or the application could move forward to City Council where they could review the record to ensure it meets the intentions set forth at this hearing. He added regarding a special meeting, it would be difficult to pick a certain future date at this hearing. There are many issues to consider, including the availability of this facility, Commissioner's schedules, holiday schedules, and Staff availability. He stated if no future date is set at this hearing, a public notice would be necessary, which would require a minimum of a two-week lead time. Commissioner Douglas suggested a special meeting be held on July 5 to review changes to the proposal. Mr. Hofman stated it typically takes about 1 1/2 months to reach City Council and added if the project could receive approval with conditions at this hearing, they could work with Staff over the next month and return for a review by the Planning Commission prior to City Council review. He added this would ensure that the application could move forward to City Council at the next available time and also afford the Commission an opportunity to see the design changes. Chairperson Baker stated the problem is, at that point the Commission would have no authority to I'bl Page 20 of 24 Planning Commission Meeting require further modifications. Mr. Neu concurred with Chairperson Baker. Lengthy discussion ensued among the Commissioners and Staff regarding the details of scheduling a special meeting and it was ultimately decided that it would not be practical to schedule a future hearing at this hearing. Chairperson Baker outlined the options available: (1) the project could be continued to a future hearing on July 3 or July 18, (2) the Commission could vote on the project at this hearing and if the applicant is unsatisfied with the outcome he could appeal the decision, and (3) the Commission could vote on the project at this hearing and add conditions requiring changes to the design. Chairperson Baker stated she is in favor of voting on the project at this hearing. Discussion ensued among the Commissioners regarding the options presented. The Commission displayed informal agreement on continuing the item to a future special meeting of July 3. Mr. Neu stated he is not comfortable with that decision and added there have been many instances where meetings have been held or rescheduled and the public shows up and we've had to cancel because of room availability or unknown circumstances. He stated it has not been a very good situation. Continued discussion ensued regarding the details and difficulties of scheduling a special meeting. The notion of continuing the meeting to the regularly scheduled meeting of July 18 was considered. Commissioner Montgomery stated he is willing to vote on the item including specific conditions. He added he would like to see the Trader Joe's site conditioned to contain a corner entrance. He stated he favors adding more interest to the Finnila Drive entrance to the center. Commissioner Dominguez stated he concurs with Commissioner Montgomery and added he would like to see a recessed crescent or square alcove at the corner entrance to the Trader Joe's building. He stated he is willing to concede on the dummy window issue, but would like to see them used for displaying products. Commissioner Dominguez stated the proposed pathway should be a minimum of 10 feet wide. Commissioner Douglas stated she is in agreement with her 'fellow Commis'sioners, but does not feel the walkway needs to be 10-foot wide. She added she would like to see some benches and planters added near the display windows to make the area user-friendly and visually pleasing. Commissioner Montgomery stated the Trader Joe's site is set on the diagonal and it could possibly be clipped at the corner to create the alcove area that has been mentioned. Commissioner Whitton stated he is not in agreement at all and added he feels Page 21 of 24 Planning Commission Meeting it is the responsibility of the Commission to review the proposed changes. Chairperson Baker stated she feels that everyone is fundamentally in agreement and a valid suggestion is on the table. Commissioner Boddy stated she thinks it is the Commission's responsibility to set policy, but not necessarily to micro-manage every detail of the project. Chairperson Baker indicated her agreement with Commissioner Boddy's statement and asked if anyone is prepared to make a motion. Commissioner Montgomery indicated that he is willing to do so, including several amendments. MOTION ACTION: VOTE: AYES: NOES: MOTION ACTION: VOTE: AYES: Motion by Commissioner Montgomery, and duly seconded, that the Planning Commission amend Planning Commission Resolution No. 6313 recommending approval of Site Development Plan (SDP 06-17) by adding an additional condition of approval to read, "Subject to the approval of the Planning Director, the applicant shall re-design the Major "C" building to provide a second point of access at the corner of Finnila Place and Town Garden Lane opposite the traffic circle, which may include new lease space and to further setback the building face from the corner." 5-2 Chairperson Baker, Commissioner Montgomery, Commissioner Dominguez, Commissioner Douglas, Commissioner Boddy Commissioner Cardosa, Commissioner Whitton Motion by Commissioner Montgomery, and duly seconded, that the Planning Commission amend Planning Commission Resolution No. 6313 recommending approval of Site Development Plan (SDP 06-17) by adding an additional condition of approval to read, "Subject to the approval of the Planning Director, the applicant shall include in the site plan a minimum 10-foot wide pathway, not to adversely affect the future Boys and Girls Club, that may be located within the boundaries of the Village Square, along the eastern boundary of the Village Square that is inviting with architectural features and may include benches, trellises, and other park features." 5-2 Chairperson Baker, Commissioner Montgomery, Commissioner Dominguez, Commissioner Douglas, Page 22 of 24 yaiNao 3ovmiA HONvy issayaNVld 31IS 1VOO1 S.3OT d3QVU 1 2 Gt-" 5<X Kjo 2 aCOcoLJJKm CD t o-- 0: PETER KATZ 63 i a HUNT.NGTDN DRIVE CARLBBAt City Council Members and Mayor City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 _, CITYOFCARLSl... D .„ CITY CLERK'S OFFIC: Bressi Ranch Village Center o ——-* September 4,2007 SEP 5 2007 3'^ dcA &CCXKCJ2 Honorable Council Members and Mayor, (? ", U J Ai * „ ^ c,^_ (LtJ frfa>rn£j~ ruUfc OjpY^Oi Here are some key facts ,o keep in mind as you make your decisjon on City Council Members and Mayor Page 2 City of Carlsbad September 4, 2004 back, instead of its entry side to the square, and the shopping center sits right up against the square. Planning commission requested a 10' sidewalk in lieu of the street, a substitution that does not adequately address key concerns discussed below. Why is the missing street a problem? The developer's modified layout is predicted to be less safe and to increase congestion that may spill onto residential streets (see comments from experts, below). It also allows the shopping center and Boy's and Girl's Club users to treat our town square as their own private open space without paying for its use or upkeep. This is because the rules force our HO A to pay for 100% of the park's maintenance, while the developer, who has a restaurant and outdoor patio abutting the park (read litter, pests, liability), and the Boys and Girls Club both pay nothing. Also, note that the $2.2 million for the road we're NOT getting, if distributed to the 600+ Bressi homeowners, would mean a check of more than $3,500 to each of us. Since we all paid a lot of money toward common infrastructure in the cost of our homes, and most of us now write big checks twice a year for our Mello-Roos assessment, we should be getting all of the infrastructure that was promised, or a refund if we're not! The missing street was deleted from the approved Master Plan without proper disclosure by staff to Council or public review. In my research of the changes to the plan, I found documents from the 03-03 Planning Commission action approving the subdivision of Planning Area #15 that were inconsistent with the Master Plan (page VIII- 3) and with each other. For example, of two exhibits stamped by the same engineer on the same day, one shows the street in question and the other does not. When asked about this discrepancy, the assigned planner Christer Westman, reported that there was no disclosure of this inconsistency by staff, nor was there any discussion of the subdivision of lot 4 (Boys and Girl's Club site) from the other parcels. This latter action effectively precludes the possibility of the street being located per the approved Master Plan, now or in the future. Further research showed no mention of this matter in any staff report, minutes or resolution related to Planning Commission action 03-03 (or any other amendment related to Bressi Ranch). Thus, it appears that the decision to delete the street was handled by the Planning Department administratively, in possible violation of City policies. At the very least, the appearance of an unseen hand causing these changes, favorable to the Boy's and Girl's Club and the applicant, to take place without public review or oversight, raises questions of conflict of interest, especially when members of reviewing bodies have longtime ties to the Boy's and Girl's Club. Buildings are turning their backs to streets and the square in direct violation of the governing principles in the Master Plan: After two community meetings (where the developer never disclosed the fact), we learned that the Trader Joe's had no real windows or doors facing the Village Square - only a few blanked-out "dummy" windows. Responding to concerns from the Planning Commission, the developer has since agreed to one 5-foot window on one end of the approximately 100-foot long building wall City Council Members and Mayor Page 3 City of Carlsbad September 4, 2004 fronting the square and a few glass display cases (again, not real windows). Why is this important? A blind fa9ade fronting the village square is an invitation to vandalism and crime. Stores lining the square should have windows and doors that open onto to the square, bringing pedestrian activity and natural surveillance. Indeed, that's what the Bressi Ranch Master Plan calls for. Policies in the section on Commercial/ Community Facilities state: Buildings shall be oriented with windows, entries, balconies and/or porches oriented toward the street or active pedestrian area. This design will increase public safety by placing "eyes" on the street... buildings should be oriented toward the village square and mixed-use street. Unfortunately, the placement of the Trader Joe's and the Boy's and Girl's Club clearly violates these important policies. Buildings with blank walls or back sides lacking active entrances will inhibit pedestrian activity and compromise safety in the village center (see comments from experts in the appendix to this letter). The plan now proposes many "double fronted" retail buildings that open onto both streets and parking lots. Why is this a problem: In double fronted retail spaces, tenants frequently block off street-facing doors and paint out shop windows because they lack the staff to watch two active entrances. Inactive entrances lead to a blighted and unsafe condition on the street. To see an example of this nearby, look at University Avenue, in San Diego's Uptown District Shopping Center, where the parking lot side has become the predominant retail "front," while University Avenue side has become an eyesore with abandoned shopping carts, litter and dead plants next to closed off storefronts. This double fronted configuration, a change from the approved Bressi Master Plan, is yet one more important detail that incrementally changes the concept from the intimate village center we were promised to a place that gives priority to automobiles and the large surface parking lots they require. In summary, my neighbors and I are upset about an apparent "bait-and-switch" concerning the village center at Bressi Ranch. We were promised a very special and unique center, described in our Master Plan, and confirmed by the laws of the City of Carlsbad. Please note, as you read this, that I have repeatedly offered to work with City staff and the applicant to resolve the concerns raised here in a way that would preserve and possibly enhance the profitability of the development. That assistance, offered without fee, is similar to services I provide to a range of public and private clients throughout the US (see professional bio enclosed). Most recently I worked with the Board of County Commissioners in Sarasota, Florida to successfully resolve design roadblocks that had prevented a Nordstrom-anchored mixed-use center valued at over a billion dollars from gaining approval. City Council Members and Mayor Page 4 City of Carlsbad September 4, 2004 Indeed many of the problems of the Bressi center can be resolved quickly and easily, and without having to go fully back to the drawing board, as long as there is a spirit of cooperation on the part of the applicant. Unfortunately, they have not been open to constructive dialogue related to the points I've raised here. That situation has forced me to bring my concerns directly to City Council and urge you to vote this plan down, since all other avenues have been exhausted. As you consider the points mentioned herein, I ask you to weigh the reasons why you and your colleagues would approve an application that is in clear conflict with an approved Master Plan in the City of Carlsbad. If it is because you want to see quality stores like Trader Joes in the community and are a supporter of the Boy's and Girl's Club and their mission, remember that the application before you is about conformity with a master plan, and not the merits of given retailer or charitable organization. Like many of my fellow neighbors, I look forward to welcoming Trader Joe's and the Boy's and Girl's Club to our community. I just don't want to do so at the expense of other important features of our community that were shown to City Council when the project was initially approved, and promised to me and my fellow home purchasers when we bought our homes at Bressi Ranch. Sincen Peter Katz Enclosures: Relevant excerpts from Bressi Master Plan and related amendments, Peter Katz professional qualifications, full text of letters from planning experts City Council Members and Mayor Page 5 City of Carlsbad September 4, 2004 Appendix: What the Experts are Saying (full text of letters are attached): ON CRIME: Dean Brennan, coauthor ofSafescape, and a nationally recognized expert on issues of crime related to community design, compared the two plans: Street Plan as Illustrated in the Approved Master Plan - With a street on all four sides of the "Village Square," there is complete transparency or 360 degrees of visibility into the square by people in vehicles, including police vehicles. That same level of visual accessibility exists for pedestrians walking along the streets adjacent to the park as well as pedestrians walking in the general area. ...From a safety standpoint, this is the optimal situation for park users and an excellent example of "eyes on the street." Applicant's Proposed Design - This design clearly results in a reduction in the opportunity for visibility into the village square...Certainly the greatest deterrent to visibility into the park will be the physical mass of the Boys and Girls Club. This building will create a visual barrier and result in a large, mostly inactive wall of the building facing the park... If the wall of the Boys and Girls Club is not activated, e.g., the main building entry with direct, frequent access to the park for the kids using the facility, the space adjacent to the building may become dead space and potentially used by individuals for undesirable activities, particularly at night. Even the proposed 10' sidewalk will be of little help because of its isolated location and disconnect from vehicle drivers who could visually monitor activity along the sidewalk.... Unfortunately, the proposed development plan design fails to respond to the needs of the pedestrian and has the potential to create an unsafe and potentially dangerous physical environment along the east edge of the Village Square/Town Green. In summary, the ideal situation is the existing design in the approved Master Plan as discussed above. The applicant's plan is a deviation from the ideal scenario and I predict, will increase the possibility of crime-related incidents in the future. ON TRAFFIC CONGESTION: Rick Hall, of HPE Engineering, a nationally prominent traffic engineer, had this to say about the impact of the missing street on traffic circulation, particularly on nearby residential streets: Because Bressi 's Village Square and retail center are large, removing the street between them will create one large superblock. The result of this change will lead to greater congestion, due to an "excess of circulation. " In your situation (Bressi), this means drivers will avoid bottlenecks by traveling greater distances, sometimes through residential areas, to get where they are going. ON CIVIC IDENTITY: Michael Freedman, is Principal of San Francisco-based Freedman Tung and Bottomley and a frequent speaker on Urban Design issues; Michael keynoted Carlsbad's City Council Members and Mayor Page 6 City of Carlsbad September 4,2004 Connecting Community, Place and Spirit Conference in 2003: Given the two choices for the main square at Bressi Ranch that you showed, we would certainly prefer the early version from the approved Master Plan with the full street on all sides of the square, to the proposed version where the street has been removed from one side... Unless there's a compelling reason to do so, a public space always benefits from well-detailed (with proper street trees, lighting, sidewalks) streets on all sides. The Bressi example is especially problematic as the activity of the retail center and the semi-public Boys and Girls Club are likely to spill into the park, creating conflicts and ambiguity about the public ownership and appropriate use of the space. A street in between would define the park as a true public square, mitigating the problem. It also has numerous other benefits in terms of circulation (vehicle AND pedestrian), safety, identity, maintenance, etc. G. Amendments Master Plan Amendments Master Plan Amendments shall be processed pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 21.38.120 (P-C Zone) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and all applicable City and Planning Department Policies. Minor Master Plan Amendments shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission. Major Master Plan Amendments shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission and City Council. A Minor Master Plan Amendment shall not change the densities of a planning area, the boundaries of the subject property, or involve an addition of a new use or group of uses not shown in the original Master Plan or rearrangement of uses within the Master Plan. The Master Plan provides an estimate of the approximate number of units that will be developed within each Planning Area. The exact number of units that will be developed within each Planning Area will be determined during the subsequent review of the tentative maps that divide each Planning Area into individual residential lots. A Minor Master Plan Amendment shall be processed concurrently with each tentative map requesting 10% (or less) above or below the anticipated number of dwelling units stated for the Planning Areas. This amendment will revise Exhibit XIV-1 on page XIV-1 of the Master Plan to indicate exactly how many units have been approved in each Planning Area and how many remaining units exist in the Master Plan. If the number of units requested in an individual Planning Area varies by more than 10%, a Major Master Plan Amendment shall be processed concurrently with the proposed Tentative Map. In no case shall the number of dwelling units approved in an individual Planning Area exceed that allowed by its General Plan designation (see Exhibit 111-1 on page 111-11), nor shall the total number of residential units in the Master Plan exceed 623. Tentative Map/Planned Development Permit Amendments Amendments to Tentative Maps and Planned Development Permits may be permitted in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 20 and Section 21.45.100 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Site Development Plan Amendments Amendments to Site Development Plans shall be processed in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 21.06 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. VI-7 M*y, 2002 Substantial Conformance Minor revisions to Tentative Maps, Parcel Maps, Planned Development Permits, Site Development Plans and Conditional Use Permits may be administratively approved by the Planning Director subject to the requirements of the Planning Department's Substantial Conformance Policy in effect at the time of the proposed minor revision. H. Clarifications/Interpretations How a development standard applies to a proposal may be unclear on occasion. In such cases, clarifications and/or interpretations of the Bressi Ranch development standards is within the purview of the Planning Director. Clarifications and Interpretations shall be recorded in the Master Plan Amendment Log (Exhibit XIV-1 on page XIV-1). VI-8 f^. 2002 ISO 2. Planning Area 15 Description Planning Area 15 is located in the northern portion of the Master Plan area, south of Planning Area 4, east of Planning Area 6, and west of El Fuerte Street. The southern edge of Planning Area 15 borders Planning Area 7. Planning Area 15 has a gross area of 27.7 acres and a net developable area of 26.7 acres (see Exhibit VIII-2 on page VIII-6). Implementation of Master Plan Vision and Goals The purpose of this planning area is to allow for the creation of a unique mixed-use neighborhood that will create a sense of place within the Bressi Ranch Master Plan that is not dependent on the automobile. Planning Area 15 will function like a small traditional village, which may include residential and commercial uses surrounding a Village Square. Within this planning area there will be a mixture of commercial/retail, office, housing, and community facilities. Many of the goals of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan will be incorporated into the design of this planning area. Housing, jobs, daily needs and other activities are all within easy walking (Goal 2). A variety of uses are also within easy walking distance of transit stops on El Fuerte (Goal 3). Planning Area 15 will contain housing that satisfies the City's Affordable Housing Criteria and possibly market rate units (Goal 4). There will be a variety of job opportunities in Planning Area 15 (Goal 5). Planning Area 15 will serve as the central activity focus for the Bressi Ranch Master Plan by combining residential, commercial, civic and recreational uses (Goal 7). A Village Square may be centrally located in Planning Area 15 to encourage frequent use by the public (Goals 8 and 9). Exhibit VIII-3 on page VIII-7 shows a possible scenario for the development of Planning Area 15 and how the uses can tie into the adjacent residential areas of the Master Plan. The exact location and details of the various land uses will be determined as a part of the review of the Site Development Plans and/or Conditional Use Permits for the various land uses listed below. General Plan & Zoning General Plan Land Use: RH/L/CF Zoning: RDM/C-2/C-F fay 2002 AIRPORT INFUIENCEAREA^- (35'avg) P<fc!estrian {;cess i<n Village Center Concept Sketch (for illustrative purposes only) General Plan Land Use: RH/L/CF Zoning. RDM/C-2/C-F Product: Affordable Housing, Assisted Living, Commercial Office, Community Facilitie£ Town Green Legend Access Detention Basin Open Space Fire Protection Zone ooo0 city Trail Setbacks(Width in Feet) *** Bus Stop/ Bus Turnout .... Runway Protection Zone mmmm Airport Influence Area ...» Flight Activity Zone A planned community in the City of Carlsbad, California 3-26-02BrtuiRft15.cdr Discretionary Permits Required for Development Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits for this planning area, discretionary applications shall be processed in accordance with the requirements of Chapter VI of this Master Plan. Uses Allowed All commercial uses shall be conducted wholly within a building except enterprises customarily conducted in the open (e.g., outdoor dining). Products made incident to a permitted commercial use and manufactured or processed on the premises shall be sold only at retail on the premises, and not more than five persons may be employed in such manufacturing, processing and treatment of products. Storage for commercial enterprises shall be limited to accessory storage of commodities sold at retail on the premises. The Master Plan anticipates the following uses will be developed in Planning Area 15: • Up to 120 housing units, of which 100 units must be "affordable" per an approved housing agreement with the City of Carlsbad. • Up to 200 assisted care living units • A Village Square that serves as the major public gathering area for the Master Plan. The intention for the Village Square is to provide an area where office workers, shoppers and the surrounding neighborhoods can frequent this open space throughout the day and evening for strolling, lunch and/or recreation and provide an area for small-scale weekend events. A community facility may be included to serve as a focal point and backdrop for the Village Square. • A temporary information center • Up to 130,000 square feet of commercial/office/community facilities space In addition to the listed anticipated uses, those uses identified in Chapters 21.24 (RD-M), 21.25 (CF), 21.27 (O) and 21.28 (C-2; retail and service business catering directly to the consumer) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code are permitted in Planning Area 15. Development Standards Unless specified otherwise in this section, all development in Planning Area 15 will comply with the corresponding regulations and development standards of Chapters 21.28 (C-2) and 21.44 (Parking) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code as outlined below: • No habitable building shall exceed thirty-five feet or three levels in height except that additional habitable building height may be permitted to a maximum of forty-five feet through a site development plan approved by the City Council as allowed per Section 21.28.030 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. • Allowed non-habitable architectural height protrusions as described in Section 21.46.020 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code shall not exceed forty- five feet. • No setbacks are required except that residential buildings that are not an integrated component of a mixed-use building or group of attached buildings within the same block shall maintain setbacks consistent with Chapter 21.24 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. • Residential "Planned Developments" that are an integrated component of a mixed-use building or group of attached buildings within the same block shall include: i. 200 square feet of centralized community recreational space per unit. The required recreational space may be part of a larger community facility. ii. 480 cubic feet of enclosed storage area shall be provided for each unit. iii. Either a 10' x 10' ground floor patio or 6' x 10' balcony. iv. 20 square feet of recreational vehicle storage per unit for projects of 25 or more units. The storage area may be provided as part of a larger community facility. • Residential "Planned Developments" that are not an integrated component of a mixed-use building or group of attached buildings within the same block shall comply with all of the applicable development standards of Chapter 21.45 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. M^^^ •*[• #1* General Design Criteria Planning Area 15 will consist of a variety of land uses, which will be linked together by the following design guidelines that are applicable to all portions of Planning Area 15: • Buildings should be designed with the purpose of preserving land area for pedestrian uses, which may include creating second floor space for less pedestrian intense uses like offices and residences. • Adequate building separation should be provided to preserve a sense of place, open space, pedestrian scale and amenities to make the space inviting. All structures should be located in relation to each other to enhance the Village Center vision of creating safe, convenient, and interesting pedestrian places. All aspects of development within the Village Center should promote the quality of life for residents, shoppers, business owners and visitors. Buildings shall be oriented with windows, entries, balconies and/or porches oriented towards the street or active pedestrian area. This design will increase public safety by placing "eyes" and activity on the street. Street trees will also help to define and organize the Village Center, providing familiar connections throughout. Each type of street shall have one species of street tree for the sidewalk planting area, with an additional street tree type for any in-street parking space trees or linear parks or planted medians. Sidewalks and/or trails will be an integral part of project design to provide convenient pedestrian access to jobs in the industrial area to the north. Sidewalks should be located on both sides of every street throughout the Village Center, providing for pedestrian connections to adjacent uses. '^ » x- Wherever feasible^ buMngs should be oriented toward the Village Square and mixed-use street. JThis, along with the use of landscaping, will serve to create a buffer frorn the non-residential uses to the north. Where appropriate, streets should have parking on both sides of the street, helping to slow traffic while increasing pedestrian activity. Traffic calming techniques such as bulb-outs may be used at intersections to slow traffic and make street crossings safer for pedestrians in the Village Center. VI11-11 • Appropriate lighting and site furnishings will help set the character of the Village Center. Pedestrian scale lighting similar in style and size to that used in Carlsbad's Redevelopment Area should be used in this portion of the Master Plan. Cobra head style fixtures and poles are discouraged. • Where appropriate, a combination of landscaping and/or short walls shall be provided at the perimeter of parking lots adjacent to residences. All parking lot lighting shall be designed so that it does not spill over into adjacent residential areas. The following design guidelines are applicable to the variety of components of Planning Area 15: Mixed-Use Street - The following design guidelines will ensure small scale, pedestrian oriented retail, residential and office uses to create a lively village atmosphere. Building and Massing • Towers, integrated into the building massing, may be used to emphasize the center of a retail area or entry to a particular vehicular travel corridor. Smaller tower elements may be used on the buildings to create balance and identify entries. • Shops and businesses may be sited close to sidewalks with a minimum setback. Outdoor seating areas for restaurants and cafes along the street and sidewalk are encouraged. • Building entries and windows should line streets to create a pedestrian- friendly character. Building massing will be used to highlight the location of building entries. Greater height may be used to accentuate entries in the form of tower elements, tall openings, or a central mass at an entry plaza. Parking lots visible from and along street frontages should be minimized to encourage a stronger pedestrian connection between buildings. Convenient but inconspicuous pedestrian links should be provided to parking areas. Residential designated parking spaces should be located behind the buildings, away from public pedestrian areas. Landscape and Handscape • A landscape buffer should be placed where parking lot entries abut streets. However, care should be taken to design and site the buffers such that they do not provide ambush points or obstruct views. • Street trees should be planted on both sides of the street and spaced no more than required for the chosen species. • Landscaped islands should be located between spaces in the parking aisles to provide for additional greenery. Deciduous shade trees and low growing flowering shrubs should be planted in the islands. • Due to the tight dimensions of the mixed-use street (60' right-of-way with two story buildings), a smaller type of tree should be planted in the sidewalk area, with a larger street tree type for any in-street parking space trees. • Generous tree grates should occur along sidewalks and in plazas where a continuous walking surface is needed. • Tree guards should extend vertically from tree grates to protect trees in highly active areas. • Raised planters and/or pots should be placed along retail frontages or where setback occurs to soften the character of the mixed-use street. Connection to Adjacent Uses Pedestrian activity should be encouraged through the use of inviting pedestrian pathways and/or sidewalks along streets leading from the residential and industrial areas. • Extra wide sidewalks that can accommodate street furniture and outside cafe seating should be provided. • Sidewalks and plazas in high pedestrian use areas should be designed with a variety of textures and colors to create interest. • A strong pedestrian connection from proposed bus stops should be provided with sidewalks and visual keys. Traffic Calming • Bulbouts should be used to narrow the effective crossing distance for pedestrians at crosswalks while still permitting on-street parking along the majority of the block. • Raised or textured crosswalks should be used at intersections to force cars to slow down. VI11-13 L On-street parking should be provided to help slow traffic while keeping the street narrow. Parking islands located in the parking lane will encourage slower speeds and give the appearance of a narrower street. All traffic calming measures shall be approved by the City's Traffic Engineer prior to construction. Street Lighting and Furniture • Lighting of streets and parking lots should correspond with the scale and style of the surrounding architecture and address pedestrian activity. • Accent lighting of architectural features is encouraged to highlight building massing and enhance the pedestrian environment. In addition, building entries with high activity levels should be illuminated. • Benches should be provided at regular intervals along the mixed-use street to encourage on-street activity. Their size should range from four feet to eight feet long. • Bicycle racks should be provided to encourage alternative modes of transportation. • Newspaper racks should be located near major pedestrian gathering areas. The design should consolidate all vending boxes into one rack. • Trash receptacles should be located in retail areas at convenient locations. • A variety of colors and textures are recommended for public sidewalks, subject to approval by the City Engineer and Public Works Director. Retail Center - The following design guidelines will ensure that retail development maintains a strong pedestrian scale and link to surrounding development. Building and Massing • Retail buildings should be located along pedestrian links and provide pedestrian scale architecture. • A tower element (focal point), possibly as part of a restaurant, should serve as an identifying feature. • Pedestrian scale entry elements should be incorporated into all building entries. Wherever feasible, building entries should be located to take advantage of pedestrian connections. VHM4 M*?2002 • Buildings should be designed to present a "front" to adjacent streets. • Parking lots to serve anchor tenants should be located conveniently near the buildings they serve. Landscaping • A landscape buffer should be placed where parking lots abut streets. However, care should be taken to design and site the buffers such that they do not provide ambush points or obstruct views of the retail businesses. • Shade trees should be provided throughout parking lots to minimize the impact of hardscaping. • Trees should be planted along connecting walkways to help identify the pedestrian connections and provide shade. Connection to Adjacent Uses • Where building entries do not abut a street, connecting walkways should be provided to link the building entrance to street sidewalks. This configuration is most likely for large anchor store tenants that require large parking lots. Traffic Calming • Parking lots should be organized with drive aisles running perpendicular to the anchor's entry to minimize interaction with pedestrians. • An adequate pedestrian drop-off zone should be provided in front of the anchor. • Landscaped islands at the ends of parking lanes should be provided to help slow traffic through parking lots. • All traffic calming measures must be approved by the City Traffic Engineer prior to construction. Street Lighting and Furniture • Parking lots and pedestrian walkways should be clearly lit. • Decorative pedestrian scale streetlights as approved by the City should be provided. • Bicycle parking should be visible from storefronts in order to improve the security for parked bicycles. • Light from parking lots should not leak into residences or other sensitive areas. Landscaping may help reduce light glare and leakage. VIII-15 Housing - The following design guidelines will ensure that there is a strong convenient pedestrian access to the industrial areas to the north, retail, recreation, and other residential areas. • The primary entry of every building should face and be accessible from the street. • Surface parking for multi-family residential buildings should be provided to the rear of the residence structure and away from any streets. • There should be clearly defined landscaped paths linking the industrial, retail, and recreation areas to housing. • Wherever possible, housing should be oriented either towards the Village Square or pedestrian corridors with visibility to public streets. Adequate landscaping should be provided to buffer the parking area from buildings. • There should be a substantial separation between buildings fronting a street to allow for a landscaped drive into the interior parking area. Village Square - A Village Square may serve as the major public gathering area for the Bressi Ranch Master Plan. Office workers, shoppers and the surrounding neighborhoods will frequent this open space throughout the day and evening for strolling, lunch and/or recreation. The following design guidelines will ensure that a Village Square could accommodate a community facility type of use while still providing sufficient open area to create a pedestrian friendly atmosphere. • A Village Square should be large enough to accommodate small-scale weekend events. • A large open field should be provided for the general public to enjoy. • A community facility may be provided to serve as a focal point and backdrop. • Deciduous trees or trellis-type structures should be located to provide adequate shading for comfortable mid-day use during the summer, and sunny areas for winter use. Landscape design should respect vistas created by streets. Views and linkages to streets and other public spaces and buildings must be respected and reinforced through design elements. For example, paths should align with important viewpoints; trees should not block views of significant public monuments or buildings, and perimeter landscaping should allow views into the park. There should be a clearly defined pedestrian connection from a Village Square to Open Space Area 2 (Village Green). NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT - TRANSIT ORIENTED DESIGN PRINCIPLES The North County Transit District's Transit Oriented Design Principles state that "there are many ways in which the design of new development can encourage greater use of public transportation. Most involve little cost or effort if they are followed early enough". The following are the ten Transit Oriented Design Principles of the North County Transit District: TRANSIT ORIENTED DESIGN PRINCIPLES CONSISTENCY ANALYSIS Goal Master Plan Consistency Create a Pedestrian-Friendly Environment The simplest way of increasing the use of public transportation is to establish communities where walking is more attractive. The factors that encourage people to walk are often subtle, but they all focus upon the creation of a pleasant environment for the pedestrian. The Master Plan has been designed to encourage walking with offset sidewalks and architectural design guidelines that will result in pedestrian friendly architecture. %***& Make pedestrian facilities a priority Adequate sidewalks, pathways and crosswalks will assist in the creation of a pedestrian environment. Sidewalks in residential areas should be of sufficient width for two people to walk abreast comfortably. All of the sidewalks in the Master Plan will have a minimum width of five feet to allow for two people to walk abreast comfortably. Design building sites to serve many users The design and orientation of buildings contribute to transit use, or discourage it, in ways that are not always obvious. Most suburban buildings are oriented to people arriving by automobile. Buildings should be designed and sited in ways, which cater to transit riders, pedestrians and cyclists, as well as those arriving, by car. The design guidelines require that non- residential buildings provide convenient pedestrian access to bus stops and incorporate bike racks into their design. Encourage a mixture of land uses A basic element often overlooked in creating a pedestrian environment is the need to mix different types of land use. Mixed uses create opportunities to substitute walking for driving. Diverse uses along a street also create activity and a sense of security for those waiting in a bus. The Master Plan provides a wide variety of land uses within walking distance of one another, especially in the Village Center portion of the project. Provide appropriate densities High density is a factor that is often associated with high transit ridership. This does not mean that only high-rise apartments and office buildings should be constructed near transit stops. However, certain thresholds of development should be encouraged. Interconnect the street system The layout of streets in a neighborhood or commercial district can be the single greatest limiting factor on the provision of good transit service. Once in place, street layouts are changed only with great difficulty and expense. For this reason, all proposals for new streets should be reviewed with NCTD early enough for potential problems to be identified and modifications made. Narrow the neighborhood street Local and collector streets are intended to carry relatively low volumes of traffic through neighborhoods and serve abutting property. Many, however, are too wide. They act as barriers that divide communities and discourage walking and the use of transit. The affordable apartments, the highest density development in the Master Plan, will be located within walking distance of future transit stops on El Fuerte Street and Palomar Airport Road. These units will also be within walking distance of job opportunities in the office/residential and commercial portions of the Master Plan. The Master Plan will provide an interconnected street system to encourage pedestrian activity, cul-de- sacs will be minimized. Streets in the residential portion of the Master Plan will carry relatively low volumes of traffic and have been designed in accordance with the City's Livable Streets Standards to encourage pedestrian activity. fay 2002 Be cautious of major streets Major streets and arterials, accommodate and encourage high levels of traffic. They also pose special problems for transit. Many of these streets are wide, lack abutting land uses, cater to high- speed traffic and are difficult places for buses to stop and pedestrians to cross. Street crossings must be allowed at frequent intervals to allow safe crossings. No major arterials will go through the residential portion of the Master Plan. Bust turnouts will be provided based on input from the North County transit District. Signalized street crossings will be provided at all major intersections. Integrate transit into the community Quite often, transit service is relegated to the periphery of a development as a practical necessity. A bolder approach is to bring transit service to the heart of a community, integrated into its fabric. Instead of being considered a nuisance to be avoided, public transportation is thus treated as an asset to be embraced. Bus stops will be provided throughout the Master Plan based on input from the North County Transit District. Consider transit linkage in advance "Linkage" is the term often used to describe the physical and psychological ways in which transit can be tied in with new development. Much of this section of the manual has dealt with linkage in one form or another. There are several other guidelines that can be considered to strengthen linkage in a new or developing community. Representatives of the North County District were consulted during the preparation of the Master Plan and their recommendations have been incorporated into the design criteria of the Bressi Ranch 4. Public Gathering Places Public gathering places will be provided throughout the Master Plan to create focal points within the various planning areas. The public gathering places will range in size from the large Village Square in the mixed-use area to small neighborhood parks in the residential areas. These public gathering places will foster a strong sense of community within the Master Plan on two levels. On the neighborhood level, they will act as an extension of each unit's front yard to create local gathering places on a common green. On the Master Plan level, the neighborhood parks, with their focal points along with the Village Square and Village Green, will provide destination points to jencourage pedestrian activity. These public gathering places, along with the attractive tree lined streets and pedestrian friendly architecture of the homes, will encourage residents of the Master Plan to stroll through the neighborhoods and meet their neighbors, which contributes to the feeling of being part of a community. No matter where a resident lives in the Master Plan they will always be within two to three blocks of either the Village Square, Village Green or a neighborhood park. Many of the residents will be within two to three blocks of all three. The recreational opportunities provided by the neighborhood parks are in addition to those provided within the Village Square and Village Green. The active recreational facilities and acreage provided in the Village Square and Village Green alone substantially exceed all applicable City requirements. In addition to complying with the requirements of Carlsbad's Municipal Code, Principals for the Development of Livable Neighborhoods, and Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines, all residential development within the Bressi Ranch Master Plan will comply with the following Development Standards and Design Guidelines unless modified in the individual planning area development standards or design guidelines. Unless stated otherwise in this Master Plan, when a percentage of units are described in the standards or guidelines, the intent is to have that percentage spread throughout the entire planning area. Where there is a conflict between the development standards of the Carlsbad Municipal Code or the design criteria of any City policy, the development standards and design criteria of this Master Plan shall prevail. Throughout the following Design Guidelines, the words "shall" and "should" are used in various contexts to ensure the goal of a pedestrian oriented neighborhood is achieved by the Bressi Ranch Master Plan. Where "shall" is used, it is the intent of the Master Plan to provide a commitment to meet the spirit and intent of that guideline, and it is not a commitment of the implementation of that exact guideline for every condition throughout the project. X-2 K«y 2002 II. GOALS OF THE BRESSI RANCH MASTER PLAN The Bressi Ranch Master Plan incorporates many "Smart Growth" techniques to create a livable community, not just a successful project. It is difficult to provide a short definition of what "Smart Growth" growth is, but its end result is to create viable long-term communities where people can live, work and play. The implemenflnq techniques of "Smart Growth" can best be summed yp by the Ahwahnee principles^ As much as possible the Bressi Ranch Master Plan has been designed to create a community generally in keeping with guidelines established by the Ahwahnee Principles. The Ahwahnee Principles are a set of fundamental planning principles dedicated to building resource-efficient communities that serve the needs of those who live and work within them. One of the main goals of the Ahwahnee Principles is locating all things required to meet the daily needs of residents within walking distance of one another. A sense of community, the importance of open space and resource-efficient land use planning are also addressed by the Ahwahnee Principles. A number of factors such as topography, the City's Habitat Management Plan, existing City plans for public facilities and the proximity of Palomar Airport have an impact on how closely development within Bressi Ranch can comply with the Ahwahnee Principles. However, the Bressi Ranch Master Plan has incorporated as many of the Ahwahnee Principles as is feasible. The following presents the Ahwahnee Principles i at the community level and indicates how the Master Plan endeavors to comply with these principles. 1. All planning should be in the form of complete and integrated communities containing housing, shops, work places, schools, parks and civic facilities essential to the daily life of the residents. The Master Plan has been designed so that facilities essential to the daily life of the residents are part of an integrated community. Housing, employment, commercial development, the Village Green and community facilities have all been located within the Master Plan to serve the needs of the residents. The boundaries of the Palomar Airport Influence Area have played a significant role in the design of the Master Plan. The portion of the Master Plan within this area has been designated for development with office, warehouse or industrial uses. The land outside the boundaries of the airport influence area has been designated for residential, commercial or open space uses. This has created a true mixed use project that incorporates the five basic land uses allowed in the City of Carlsbad - industrial, commercial, residential, community facilities and open space. As mentioned previously, certain uses complying with the Ahwahnee Principles cannot occur on this site due to constraints created by topography or existing city plans and programs. Based on input from the Carlsbad Unified School District, there will be no public school in Bressi Ranch due to its proximity to Palomar Airport. However, a public school will be located within reasonable walking distance of Bressi Ranch in the adjacent Villages of La Costa Master Plan. In addition, the City already has plans for a Community Park at Alga Norte to the south of Bressi Ranch. Although the park will be located outside the boundary of the Master Plan, this park will be within walking distance to many of the residents of the Master Plan. The City also does not have any plans for public civic facilities within or adjacent to Bressi Ranch. 2. Community size should be designed so that housing, jobs, daily needs and other activities are within easy walking distance of each other. Housing, shops, jobs, parks and community facilities have been located within easy walking distance of each other. A mixed-use area has been strategically located south of the industrial area and north of the residential area to be within easy walking distance for both employees and residents of Bressi Ranch. In addition, the majority of the Bressi Ranch residents live within a quarter of a mile from job opportunities in the mixed use and industrial areas. The Master Plan design provides an integrated system of sidewalks and trails accompanying the internal circulation network, allowing convenient pedestrian access to all portions of the Master Plan and to El Camino Real, Palomar Airport Road, Poinsettia Lane and El Fuerte Street. Special attention has been paid to the street and walkway design to encourage pedestrian use of these internal circulation thoroughfares. The proposed community pedestrian system will link several residential planning areas to each other while providing links to open space areas, the industrial portion of the Master Plan area, the Carlsbad citywide trail system, the Village Center and commercial and community facilities sites. 3. As many activities as possible should be located within easy walking distance of transit stops. The industrial and mixed-use portions of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan will be located adjacent to transit stops (i.e. bus stops) along Palomar Airport Road, Poinsettia Lane, El Fuerte Street and El Camino Real. Based on input from North County Transit District (NCTD), a bus transfer point will be provided adjacent to Planning Area 1 or 2, or as modified by input from NCTD. The Village Center, which includes the highest density residential area, commercial and community facilities will be located near bus stops on El Fuerte. H-2 4. A community should contain a diversity of housing types to enable citizens from a wide range of economic levels and age groups to live within its boundaries. The Bressi Ranch Master Plan will provide a wide variety of housing types serving all income levels from affordable multi-family units to small lot single family detached, standard lot homes and estate lots. 5. Businesses within the community should provide a range of job types for the community's residents. Within the planned industrial portion of the Master Plan area, manufacturing, warehouse, research and development and office uses will provide a wide variety of industrial employment opportunities for the residents of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan. Additional job opportunities will be provided in the Village Center south of the industrial portion of the Master Plan. 6. The location and character of the community should be consistent with a larger transit network. The Bressi Ranch Master Plan is adjacent to prime regional transportation corridors including Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real. The Master Plan is designed to provide easy access to these prime regional transportation corridors as well as the major and secondary city transportation corridors of Poinsettia Lane and El Fuerte Street. Based on input from the North County Transit District (NCTO) the Master Plan has been designed to incorporate NCTD's Transit-Oriented Design Principles as contained in Appendix C. 7. The community should have a center focus that combines commercial, civic, cultural and recreational uses. The Master Plan will have one major focal point, and one secondary focal point. The major focal point of the Master Plan will be the Village Center (Planning Area 15), with the Village Square and mixed-use street. Strong pedestrian ties will link this area to the recreational opportunities in the secondary focal point located at the Village Green (Open Space Area 2). Special attention has been paid to the design of this area and its variety of uses to create a sense of place for the Bressi Ranch community. People of all ages and backgrounds will be able to enjoy the commercial uses, community facilities, housing opportunities and green space offered within this area. Attractive street sections and pedestrian pathways will connect the Village Center to the Village Green in Open Space Area 2. Special treatment along the parkways leading to this secondary focal point will create a visual and physical I-3 H*y2002 sense of community. The adjacent residential areas will be designed to encourage people to take advantage of this attractive link to the Village Green. 8. The community should contain an ample supply of specialized open space in the form of squares, greens and parks whose frequent use is encouraged through placement and design. The Village Center will be the focal point of the project. This area will contain a centrally located Village Square where residents, office workers and shoppers can gather. Use of this green space is encouraged by the proximity of community facilities, multi-family housing and commercial uses within the Village Center. The Village Green, centrally located within the residential portion of the Master Plan, also provides a major open space area for the Master Plan. This communal space, with its visual anchor and gathering places, will serve as a centralized gathering place for the residents of the Master Plan. Park-like walkways will link the Village Green with the adjacent residential areas. In addition, special overlooks, vista points or pocket parks may be located throughout the community. 9. Public spaces should be designed to encourage the attention and presence of people. The Village Center will offer a variety of uses to attract and encourage the presence of people. By locating this area between the industrial and residential portions of the Master Plan, it will be utilized by people during both daytime and evening hours. All residents within the community will be able to conveniently walk to shopping and recreational opportunities within this area. Strong pedestrian linkages will connect the Villape Center to the recreational uses in The Village tureen. iNon-contiguous sidewalks with attractive landscaping will encourage residents to stroll between the Village Center and Village Green. Wherever feasible homes will be designed with front porches that face onto the Village Green and Village Square. 10. Each community or cluster of communities should have a well-defined edge, such as agricultural greenbelts or wildlife corridors, permanently protected from development. Large contiguous areas of open space being preserved as valuable habitat will form a distinct boundary around the eastern and portions of the southern and western edges of the residential part of the Master Plan. Roads, slopes and landscape buffers will be provided between the industrial and residential areas of the Master Plan. These buffers will provide a defined and aesthetically pleasing edge, separating the residential areas from the non- residential portion of the Master Plan while helping to create a sense of community. 11. Streets, pedestrian paths and bike paths should contribute to a system of fully connected and interesting routes to all destinations. Their design should encourage pedestrian and bicycle use by being small and spatially defined by buildings, trees and lighting; and by discouraging high speed traffic. Other than Circulation Element roadways along the perimeter of the project, roads may have reduced right-of-way, special landscaping, and non-contiguous sidewalks to calm traffic and encourage pedestrian activity throughout the Master Plan area. Landscaped bulb outs and canopy trees are proposed along some key residential streets. The system of sidewalks will be designed to tie into the Master Plan's community trail system. In turn, the community trail system will be linked into the trails of the Citywide Trails System along the southern and eastern edges of the Master Plan. 12. Wherever possible, the natural terrain, drainage, and vegetation of the communities should be preserved with superior examples contained within parks or greenbelts. The Master Plan has been designed to preserve large contiguous areas of open space containing native vegetation. These open space areas contain good examples of existing native habitat. Previously disturbed habitat adjacent to these areas may be revegetated to increase the amount of native habitat in accordance with the goals of Carlsbad's proposed Habitat Management Plan. The open space areas being preserved and maintained by the Bressi Ranch Master Plan will provide some of the vital linkages required by the City's Habitat Management Plan. 13. The community design should help conserve resources and minimize waste. Drought tolerant landscaping will be utilized as much as possible in accordance with the recommendations of Carlsbad's Landscape Manual. Whenever feasible, play equipment, outside furniture, etc. should be constructed from recycled materials. H-5 «• ACCESS « STOP \ t f 51 WALK Li 7.5" •^SSSf T I L_ ™ T w 7- "•"B TMVR ' UWVB. •" ~mp , at &x~ ,7.5' if<v 9 pwnnraoe^1 WAIX CUHB-TOCURt * w ^-^^^ ^y^ r ACCESS^ STNP ia ^ SKT »' BACK WOHT-OMHW BIOBARRIER ORROOTGUARO O STREET TREES VILLAGE SQUARE ROAD CONCEPTSKETCH (for illustrative purposes only) DOODBOaOiDOgODO111 i 11 (/) liO M]JU o H !j II ttg0©©©@© © ©©©©© in ©© i VIII Commercial/Community Facilities Development Standards and Design Guidelines Section A.2. shall be amended to read as follows: "2. Planning Area 15 Description Planning Area 15 is located in the northern portion of the Master Plan area, south of Planning Area 4, east of Planning Area 6, and west of El Fuerte Street. The southern edge of Planning Area 15 borders Planning Area 7. Planning Area 15 has a gross area of 27.7 acres and a net developable area of 26.7 acres (see Exhibit VIII-2 on page ). Implementation of Master Plan Vision and Goals The purpose of this planning area is to allow for the creation of a unique mixed-use neighborhood that will create a sense of place within the Bressi Ranch Master Plan that is not dependent on the automobile. Planning Area 15 will function like a small traditional village, which may include residential and commercial uses surrounding a Village Square. Within this planning area there will be a mixture of commercial/retail, office, housing, and community facilities. Many of the goals of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan will be incorporated into the design of this planning area. Housing, jobs, daily needs and other activities are all within easy walking (Goal 2). A variety of uses are also within easy walking distance of transit stops on El Fuerte (Goal 3). Planning Area 15 will contain housing that satisfies the City's Affordable Housing Criteria and possibly market rate units (Goal 4). There will be a variety of job opportunities in Planning Area 15 (Goal 5). Planning Area 15 will serve as the central activity focus for the Bressi Ranch Master Plan by combining residential, commercial, civic and recreational uses (Goal 7). A Village Square may be centrally located in Planning Area 15 to encourage frequent use by the public (Goals 8 and 9). Exhibit VIII-3 on page . shows a possible scenario for the development of Planning Area 15 and how the uses can tie into the adjacent residential areas of the Master Plan. The exact location and details of the various land uses will be determined as a part of the review of the Site Development Plans and/or Conditional Use Permits for the various land uses listed below. General Plan & Zoning General Plan Land Use: RH/L/CF Zoning: RDM/C-L/C-F Pages Peter Katz As strategic consultant to government, public agencies and private-sector clients, Peter Katz addresses real-world needs with state of the art planning practices. In so doing, he has played a key role in shaping and implementing a range of nationally significant community design and development projects. Such projects include the master plan and codes for the Pleasant Hill BART Station Property, now under construction, where Katz served as lead advisor to Contra Costa County. Prior to his involvement, that $350 million-dollar development was stalled due to NIMBY opposition for almost 20 years. Other rmijor projects where Katz acted in an advisory role include the Columbia Pike corridor redevelopment in Arlington, VA and the Upper Rock district in Rockville, MD. Peter Katz's professional expertise extends to the field of real estate marketing. He has created marketing plans for several high-profile projects including two highly successful HUD Hope VI communities-Park DuValle in Louisville, KY and CityWest in Cincinnati, OH. Working for the Province of Ontario, Canada, Katz created a marketing plan for Cornell, a 3,ooo-acre master-planned community outside Toronto. As a thought leader and advocate for better community planning, Peter Katz played a catalytic role in launching the New Urbanism, a movement that The New York Times called "the most important phenomenon to emerge in American architecture in the post-Cold War era." He wrote the seminal book that initially defined the movement, The New Urbanism: Toward an Architecture of Community. In 1991, Katz convened the founding board members of GNU (Congress for the New Urbanism) to plan the organization and its initial series of congresses. He was later asked by CNU's board to serve as its first Executive Director. Under Peter Katz's leadership, GNU adopted its charter, obtained its first grant funding, entered into a strategic partnership with the US Department of Housing and Urban Development and convened its first international congress. In 1991, on behalf of the Local Government Commission, Katz initiated. and co-edited the Ahwahnee Principles, a comprehensive statement of sustainable. community-building practices that has since been adopted by over 120 cities and counties in the western United States. Peter Katz teaches in the graduate program at Virginia Tech's Northern Virginia Center. He is an associate member of the Citistates Group, a consortium of speakers under the leadership of nationally syndicated columnist Neal Peirce. Katz is also the founding president of the Form-Based Codes Institute, a national alliance advancing a promising new approach to development regulation. Peter Katz studied architecture and graphic design at The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art (New York). He received a Bachelor of Fine Arts de- gree and the Royal Society of Arts (London) Honor Award upon graduation in 1976. Contact information: (e-nuiil) pkatz@>transformplace.cam (phone) 202.486-7160 \1L LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION 1414 K St. • Suite 250 • Sacramento, CA 95814 • 916-448-1198 Board of Directors Mayor John Longvilie Chairperson City of Rialto Mayor Rosemary Corbin City of Richmond Counciimember Ruth Galanter City of Los Angeles Mayor Pro Tern Gilbert Garcia City of Santa Barbara Counciimember John Heilman City of West Hollywood Supervisor Barbara Kondylis County of Solano Mayor Pat Kuhn City of Oakdale Supervisor Laurence L. Laurent County of San Luis Obispo Vice Mayor Thomas P. Pico, Jr. City of Pleasanton Counciimember Bob Pinzler City of Redondo Beach Counciimember Oscar A. Rios City of Watsonville Counciimember Joe Velasquez City of Cathedral City Mayor Mary Louise Vivier City of Visalia Executive Director Judith A. Corbett October 16,1998 Peter Katz Urban Advantage 405 14th Street, Suite 1410 Oakland, CA 94612 Dear Peter: The overwhelming success of the Ahwahnee Principles has inspired me to write to you to thank you for the critical role you played in creating and marketing this alternative to urban sprawl. The Local Government Commission has been promoting the Ahwahnee Principles for almost seven years now, with enormous success. The Principles have been adopted in whole or in part by over 120 cities and counties in California alone. Your inspiration regarding the need for the principles, the selection of the name, and your exceptional promotional efforts have led to more change at the local level than I could ever have imagined. Everywhere I go across the nation, everyone seems familiar with the Ahwahnee Principles— they may not know how to pronounce the name, but they certainly know their content. In my role as Board Member of the Congress for the New Urbanism, I also want to thank you for your exceptional work in getting the press interested in the new urbanism. I think you deserve the lion's share of the credit for bringing this issue beyond the realm of the architect, to create a social and political movement. You've played a major role in changing our image of the future of this country. How many people in the world can make such a claim? I hope you are well. Wishing you all the best. Warm regards, JUDY co: Executive tax: ')16-44«-S246 e-mail: Igc'yJbbs.macnexus.org web page: www.lgc.org Printed on recycled paper Project iva Peter Katz, Principal TRANS/FORM 6965 El Camino Real No. 105-514 Carlsbad, CA 92009 August 14, 2007 Dear Peter: I am in receipt of the two plans for your neighborhood retail center and am pleased to forward my comments related to potential crime issues in each of the schemes. As you know, "Natural Surveillance" is one of the three basic principles of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) and "Seeing and Being Seen" is one of the seven SafeScape Principles. Both CPTED and SafeScape emphasize surveillance/visibility as being very critical to the long term viability of any park, and more specifically to the viability of the village square in this design. These two sets of principles are acting as the lens that I am using in my review of the plans. Although I usually resist using cliches, the comparison of two plans you sent is a clear no-brainer in terms of safety. Here are my observations: Street Plan as Illustrated in the Approved Master Plan - With a street on all four sides of the "Village Square", there is complete transparency or 360 degrees of visibility into the square by people in vehicles, including police vehicles. That same level of visual accessibility exists for pedestrians walking along the streets adjacent to the park, as well as pedestrians walking in the general area. Perhaps more critical to those using the park, this design provides the park users a sense of safety because of the clear visibility from all sides of the park and the feeling that someone is watching what is happening in the park. From a safety standpoint, this is the optimal situation for park users and an excellent example of "eyes on the street". PO Box 8141, Chandler, AZ 85246 prqjectforlivablecommunities^cox.net • 480-926-6598 projectforlivablecommunities.org Applicant's Proposed Design - This design clearly results in a reduction in the opportunity for visibility into the Village Square. While there could be some surveillance from the proposed restaurant outdoor dining area, such surveillance would only occur when the restaurant is open. Certainly the greatest deterrent to visibility into the park would be the physical mass of the Boys and Girls Club. This building will create a visual barrier and result in a large, mostly inactive wall facing the park. The Boys and Girls Club building will restrict opportunities for surveillance along that edge of the park, and may create an unsafe area in that portion of the park adjacent to the building. If the wall of the Boys and Girls Club is not activated (e.g., the main building entry with direct, frequent access to the park for the kids using the facility), the space adjacent to the building may become dead space and potentially used by individuals for undesirable activities, particularly at night. Even the proposed 10-foot sidewalk will be of little help because of its isolated location and disconnect from vehicle drivers who could visually monitor activity along the sidewalk. In my book Safescape, I specifically discuss the relationship between the pedestrian and the presence of vehicle traffic. On page 59 it states "...slow-moving cars and other vehicles adds a greater sense of comfort to pedestrians because they instinctively know that drivers of vehicles add 'eyes on the street' as well as activity." This section of the book goes on to point out that this relationship between pedestrians and vehicles "creates vibrancy in downtowns" that is not attainable in typical suburban commercial development. That is the critical point. In this case we are not discussing a downtown, but a proposed commercial development. This is the opportunity to get it right and create a streetscape where pedestrians can feel comfortable walking any time of the day or night. Unfortunately, the proposed development plan design fails to respond to the needs of the pedestrian and has the potential to create an unsafe and potentially dangerous physical environment along the east edge of the Village Square. In summary, the ideal situation is the existing design in the approved master plan as discussed above. The applicant's plan is a deviation from the ideal scenario, and I predict, will increase the possibility of crime-related incidents in the future. One other comment: The concept of a Village Square is an important element for addressing the safety for park users, as well as for those who shop at the retailers and live in the adjacent residential areas. The Village Square creates an activity area where residents can interact and socialize, and it helps establish a "sense of place". To that end, I question why the Trader Joe's building is turning its back to the Village Square? This is contrary to the concept of creating a 360-degree area of visibility. Indeed the placement of Trader Joe's ignores the Village Square \~n concept. This is contrary to the community vision and misses an opportunity to help activate the sidewalk adjacent to store with pedestrians. Although I like the idea of the Trader Joe's building being located adjacent to the sidewalk, the building should be designed with a pedestrian entry facing the Village Square without obstruction and feature multiple, generously scaled windows facing out onto the sidewalk, street and the Village Square across the street. This traditional storefront window treatment is especially important when a building, such as Trader Joe's, is facing a community's principal public open space. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like more information. Sincerely, Author, Safescape: Creating Safer, More Livable Communities Through Planning and Design Co-founder, Project for Livable Communities Principal Planner, Phoenix Planning Department 602-262-4499 602-495-3793 (fax) £ 5 iSw»* s)M"E3cb5 J2 <••• eI^•M fcl" C Q I *5C 9 C «IMc A £ 9X C 9•R a 1I i) w f ra ^ "oi N <Brennan,aisa ooofN«>W UlVI<y*•• D. »/» V- QJ C J5a. < Q. < >• .0 •o (Ux: | MI/I IBD CL o o oo o o• * *n o QOrs rs r\« *» v*QJ QJ CJ%4^ >J^ %1»'U W» U'i_ 'k_ 'i_Q. CL O.i- •*-• ><u .!5 vJD «j •c- En 1U/ Z UDi fSfc1 ^micr> fN 00 ^ >CD > 00 C ^ V Z <U CD J*i> r*^ '- 0 OS Q •D z t *i>- CO < 5•P 5! ij > X H-l < < I/I"c T3if<U 0»1- 0)CO -MT3 —g*ra P N QJ U w Q. \t\ •/> « .SJ^ £' ±io <u c 13 C D C C c<y no c E "5- i^ (u 84-1 "^ -,m c -S w = -° rtJ fD f- -C -C •== <U OJ Ue -a w g'i?.b •£ «» c °- d; CJ <U C D ,V °JZ tO CL LO 1.1 a jg o<U -^ TJ.if S.« I g,?! E «U -r Ng?l -M <U c I 2 g> ~ Eun enuildmno rn ° '-Pc -° u ui£&:.^,M O (13 U) lu. in -M • »P •4-J W (U ^ U HT, & Ml<P T3 fllj MlQ. C (A -rj S| IT3 X T: Q Q. Q. i O l_! 0.1 QJ C OJC -a_ U 4-> ^_ Co 0.1 c r I'D w ro £ CL' O Ct— •.£ ^. c Dean P. Brennan, AICP CAREER SUMMARY My professional planning experience includes a broad-based background in both long-range and current planning. This experience includes supervising planning staff; working with a variety of citizen groups; conducting research; analyzing data and writing reports; and drafting ordinance amendments, design guidelines and policies. In addition, I have prepared a number of long-range planning studies, written new general plans and updated existing general plans. Throughout my career, I have worked with citizen groups, facilitating discussion and helping to reach consensus. This experience has run the gamut - from initiating and managing a neighborhood program in a community of 50,000 people to working with a wide cross-section of neighborhoods to address crime and safety issues in a city of more than one million. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Principal Planner, 2002 to Present Planning Department, City of Phoenix, Arizona Team Leader for Special Planning Projects Team - Responsible for managing special planning projects as assigned by the Director. Current projects include Downtown Urban Form Project, Urban Heat Island Staff Task Force, SafeScape Guidelines, and Healthy Community Design. Team Leader for Peripheral Area Planning Team - Supervise and coordinate the planning activities of nine staff planners addressing planning and zoning issues for the eight urban villages that are identified as strategic growth areas in Phoenix. Project Coordinator - State Trust Land - Work directly with the Planning Director to coordinate development projects with the State Land Department for State Trust Land located in north Phoenix. This involves working with State Land Department staff, city staff, developers and the public to facilitate the planning and determination of the long-term use of the Trust land in Phoenix. Planner III, 1998-2002 Planning Department, City of Phoenix, Arizona Team Leader for South Area Planning Team - Supervised and coordinated the planning activities of six staff planners addressing planning and zoning issues for three of Phoenix's urban villages that encompass a population of approximately 300,000 people. Team Leader for Environmental Planning Element of the General Plan Update - Conducted public process to develop community goals for environmental element; Prepared draft document. Village Planner for South Mountain Village Planning Committee - Served as staff person for citizen planning committee. DEAN P. BRENNAN - RESUME Planner II, 1988-1998 Planning Department, City of Phoenix, Arizona Project Manager for Estrella Area Plan - Coordinated the public review process; Prepared draft land use plan. Project Manager for Mavo Clinic Hospital Project - Coordinated preparation of the development agreement; Coordinated general plan land use and zoning amendments; Coordinated an on- going interdepartmental project team. Project Manager for Area C & D Zoning Development Guidelines - Prepared draft document; Coordinated public review process; Prepared final document. Village Planner for Deer Valley Village Planning Committee - Coordinated agenda and support materials for monthly committee meeting; Made regular presentations concerning zoning applications and general plan amendments; Worked on special planning projects. Project Manager for Desert Ridge Specific Plan - Coordinated preparation of the development agreement for the 5,700-acre planned community; Coordinated review and approval of super- block master plans; Served as City liaison with property owner and master developer. Project Manager for the Phoenix Urban Village Model - Conducted public focus groups to assess potential revisions to urban village concept; Developed Urban Village Model and prepared draft document; Made numerous public presentations; Coordinated review and final adoption by the City Council. Project Manager for South Central Avenue Corridor Study - Coordinated three planners in data collection, analysis and preparation of draft plan; Coordinated public participation process; Coordinated review and adoption by the City Council. Planner II, 1987-1988 Planning Department, Pinal County, Arizona Coordinator of Current Planning Activities - Coordinated the processing of rezoning applications and the preparation of staff reports, and made presentations to the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors. Project Manager for Zoning Ordinance Update - Rewrote portions of the zoning ordinance to meet current standards and make it more "user friendly" for the public. Coordinator of Citizen Participation Program - Established a countywide citizen participation committee and a citizen planning committee for each of the five planning areas in the county. Project Manager for General Plan - Initiated the process for preparation of the first general plan for Pinal County. DEAN P. BRENNAN - RESUME Senior Planner, 1974-1987 Planning and Housing Department, City of Ames, Iowa Planning Division Manager - Prepared and administered annual budget; Administered personnel matters; Identified project priorities; Prepared project work schedules. Current Planning Responsibilities - Rewrote the zoning ordinance incorporating performance standards, environmental sensitivity overlay and historic preservation district standards; Prepared zoning ordinance text amendments; Processed rezoning applications; Prepared staff reports; Made presentations to the Planning and Zoning Commission, City Council and Zoning Board of Adjustment; Established and administered the development site plan review program. Long Range Planning Responsibilities - Prepared the first land use policy plan (1976) and subsequent updates (1981 and 1986); Prepared area plans, neighborhood plans and redevelopment plans; Prepared the capital improvement plan. Special Recognition Projects - Established citizen participation process for Community Development Block Grant Program (1975); Established the citywide neighborhood program (1977). Land Planner, 1972-1974 Trico International, Tempe, Arizona Planner, 1970-1972 Planning Department, Maricopa County, Arizona EDUCATION Master of Public Administration, Arizona State University, 1976 Bachelor of Science in Urban Planning, Iowa State University, 1970 TEACHING EXPERIENCE Faculty Associate, School of Planning College of Architecture and Environmental Design Arizona State University PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS American Planning Association, 1974- American Institute of Certified Planners, 1989- Arizona Planning Association, 1987- Arizona Planning Association, President 1999 - 2001 Arizona Planning Association, Newsletter Editor 2001- Arizona Crime Prevention Association International CPTED Association National Board of Directors, Council of Local Energy Officials, National League of Cities National Neighborhood Coalition Urban Land Institute DEAN P. BRENNAN - RESUME PUBLIC SERVICE ACTIVITIES • City of Chandler Community Build-out Citizen Task Force, 2005- • City of Chandler Southeast Area Plan Task Force Chair, February 1999-September 1999 • City of Chandler Land Use Task Force, Co-Chair, March 1997-September 1998 • City of Chandler 1997 Citizens Bond Committee, Member, February-March 1997 • City of Chandler Transit Task Force, Member, May 1996-January 1997 • City of Chandler Neighborhood Task Force, Chair, January 1995-May 1997; Neighborhood Plan adopted May 1997. Plan adoption resulted in the formation of the Neighborhood Advisory Committee and creation of a proactive neighborhood enforcement program. • City of Chandler Citizen Task Force to Update Redevelopment Plan, Chair, January 1994- July 1995; updated plan adopted in July 1995. Plan adoption resulted in the formation of a public/private non-profit downtown redevelopment agency. • City of Chandler Redevelopment Advisory Committee, Member and Former Chair, 1989- 1996 • City of Chandler Library Board, Member, May 1997-July 1999 • Healthy Communities Initiative, 2003- • Valley Forward, Member, Land Use Subcommittee, 1999- • Valley Partnership, City and County Subcommittee, 2005- AWARDS & RECOGNITIONS • City of Phoenix Excellence Award, 2003 - "Copper Ridge Development" • Arizona Planning Association, 2003 - "Best General Plan" for Phoenix General Plan • Arizona Planning Association, 2001 - "Best Ordinance" for Baseline Area Overlay District • Arizona Planning Association, 2000 - "Best Citizen Participation Program" for the Rio Montana Plan • City of Phoenix Excellence Award, 1999 - Rental Renaissance Pilot Program • Arizona Planning Association, 1998 - "Special Recognition - Distinguished Citizen Leadership" • Arizona Planning Association, 1998 - "Special Recognition - Public Participation/Public Information Program" - Safe Communities Program • City of Phoenix Excellence Award, 1998 - Safe Communities Program • City of Phoenix Excellence Award, 1995 - Mayo Clinic Hospital Project • City of Phoenix Excellence Award, 1995 - Sumitomo Project • City of Phoenix Excellence Award, 1991- Indian School Land Use Plan • Arizona Planning Association, 1991 - "Best Citizen Participation Program" for the General Plan. PUBLICATIONS & PRESENTATIONS Books SafeScape: Creating Safer. More Livable Communities through Planning and Design. Published by the American Planning Association, March, 2001 Articles "Planning for Healthy Communities - The Healthy Communities Initiative," Arizona Planning Magazine, Arizona Planning Association, December, 2004. DEAN P. BRENNAN - RESUME "SafeScape: Creating A Safer Physical Environment," Sheriff Magazine, March-April 2002. "SafeScape: Creating Safer, More Livable Communities through Planning and Design," Voice, National Neighborhood Coalition, June 2001. "SafeScape: Creating Safer, More Livable Communities," Arizona Planning Magazine, August 1999. "SafeScape: Creating Safer, More Livable Through Planning and Design," American Planning Association Annual Conference Proceedings, 1999. "Concepts for Alternative Suburban Planning in the Northern Phoenix Area," APA Journal, Spring 1999, co-authored with Frederick Steiner, etal. "Safe by Design" New Urban News, January, 1999. "Creating Safer, More Livable Communities Through Planning and Design," American Planning Association Annual Conference Proceedings, 1998. "Safe and Sound" Planning Magazine, August 1997. Presentations: "Healthy Community Design: A Key Element of Sustainability" Arizona Public Health Association Conference - Phoenix, Arizona, May 10, 2007. "Navigating the System - How the Process Works in Three Major Municipalities" CLE International Land Use Law Annual Conference - Scottsdale, Arizona, April 12, 2007. "Downtown Urban Form Project and Code Revisions" CLE International Land Use Law Annual Conference - Scottsdale, Arizona, April 12, 2007. "Partnerships for Creating Healthy Communities - Planner, Health Professional, and Developer" American Planning Association, Arizona Chapter, Annual Conference, Mesa, Arizona, September 29, 2006. "CPTED Is Not a Four Letter Word" American Planning Association, Arizona Chapter, Annual Conference, Mesa, Arizona, September 28, 2006. "Designing for a Healthy Physical Environment" Arizona Public Health Association Annual Conference, Sedona, Arizona, September 8, 2005 "Creating Partnerships for Safer, More Livable Communities" Arizona Crime Prevention Association Annual Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona, July 19, 2005. "Building Healthy Communities" Valley Partnership, Phoenix, Arizona, May 28, 2005. "The Role of City Planners in Homeland Security" DEAN P. BRENNAN - RESUME City of Phoenix Homeland Defense Bureau Workshop, Scottsdale, Arizona, January 2005. "Designing and Building Healthy Communities" American Planning Association, Arizona Chapter, Annual Conference, Tucson, Arizona, Sept. 23, 2004. "The Role of City Planners in Homeland Security" City of Phoenix Homeland Defense Bureau Workshop, Glendale, Arizona, Aug. 24, 2004. "SafeScape: Creating Safer Neighborhoods" City of Phoenix Block Watch Summit 2004, Phoenix, Arizona, June 5, 2004. "Land Use Planning and Power Line Corridors" Transmission Management, Reliability, and Siting Workshop, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, Dec. 4, 2003. "Creating Safer, More Livable Communities" Creating a Safer Physical Environment through Design Seminar, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 17, 2003. "The Role of Planners in Homeland Security" Designing for a Secure Future Symposium, New York City, New York, Sept. 27, 2002. "Regulating Livability: Will It Work in Arizona?" Livable Cities Conference, Carmel, California, March 5, 2002 "SafeScape and Urban Design" Scottsdale Urban Design Studio, Scottsdale, Arizona, Nov. 1, 2001. "SafeScape and Affordable Housing." Housing Washington 2001, Tacoma, Washington, Oct. 16, 2001. "Applying the SafeScape Principles to the Development Process" American Institute of Landscape Architects, Arizona Chapter, Phoenix, Arizona, June 6, 2001. "SafeScape: Creating Safer, More Livable Communities through Planning and Design" American Planning Association, Arizona Chapter, Phoenix, Arizona, April 24, 2001. "SafeScape and the New Urbanism" Rocky Mountain Land Use Institute, Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, April 20, 2001. "SafeScape: Creating Safer, More Livable Communities through Planning and Design" American Institute of Architects, Arizona Chapter, National Architecture Week, Phoenix, Arizona, March 15, 2001. "SafeScape: Creating Safer, More Livable Communities through Planning and Design" American Planning Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 2001. "A Planners View of Community Open Space Needs" Arizona Parks and Recreation Open Space Conference, Tempe, Arizona, February 2001. DEAN P. BRENNAN - RESUME "A Planners View of Community Open Space Needs" Arizona Parks and Recreation Open Space Conference, Tempe, Arizona, February 2001. "SafeScape - Creating Safer Communities" Redefining Community: A Smart Growth Approach to Street and Neighborhood Design, Crime Prevention and Public Health and Safety, San Diego, California, January 2001. "SafeScape: Creating Safer, More Livable Communities through Planning and Design" International CPTED Association Conference 2000, Conference Highlight Presentation, Oakland, California, December, 2000. "Impacts of Rio Salado on Development in Southwest Phoenix" National Parks and Recreation Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, October 2000. "SafeScape - A New Planning Tool" California Planning Association Annual Conference, Long Beach, California, September 2000. "SafeScape - A New Planning Tool" American Planning Association Annual Conference, New York City, New York, April 2000. "Public Participation in the Southeast Chandler Land Use Plan" Four Corners Conference, Flagstaff Arizona, August 1999. "Issues Facing Local Government" Arizona Municipal Management Assistants Association, Tucson, Arizona, July 1999. "Applying CPTED to the Site Plan Review Process" Rocky Mountain Land Use Institute, Denver, Colorado, March 1999. Keynote Address: "Implementation Tools" Growing Smarter Conference, Arizona Department of Commerce, Phoenix, Arizona, Feb. 5, 1999. "Trails and Public Safety" National Trails Symposium, Tucson Arizona, November 1998. "CPTED - A New Role for Planners" Arizona Planning Association Annual Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, October 1998. "CPTED as a Land Use Planning Tool" California League of Cities Annual Conference, Long Beach, California, October 1998. "CPTED as a Land Use Planning Tool" California Planning Association Annual Conference, Costa Mesa, California, September 1998. "CPTED as a Land Use Planning Tool" Western Planner Association Annual Conference, Wenatchee, Washington, July 1998. "Designing Crime Out of Your Community" "Infrastructure Conference", Governing Magazine, Chicago, Illinois, June 1998. DEAN P. BRENNAN - RESUME "Making Communities Safer Through the CPTED Principles" American Planning Association Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, April 1998. "Planners and CPTED" Arizona Planning Association Annual Conference, Yuma, Arizona, September 1997. DEAN P. BRENNAN - RESUME PRINCIPALS Grpfjory Ming June 11,2007 Mr. Peter ().? 1 0 1 hinting ton Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Re: Best Practices tor Organizing a Neighborhood Green or Square Dear Peter: Ft was great seeing you a few weeks ago at the annual GNU Conference in Philadelphia. We are lucky indeed to have you back in California and 1 hope that you will have the time to consult with us on a variety of important project opportunities currently in the works. And congratulations again on you new little one! The purpose of this letter is to address the issue of general "best practices" for enclosing a central neighborhood green or square, and the application of those best practices using the specific example of the design of a central green in the Bressi neighborhood in Carlsbad based on illustrations that you showed tne when we got together. ! am writing to you about this issue now because that it has come to my attention that at a speech that I ' leli vered in Carlsbad a number of years ago, I left a mistaken impression regarding the proper means of organizing the primary elements that make up a central neighborhood square or green. As 1 understand it, whereas conference participants did correctly understand me to emphasi/e the importance of enclosing a neighborhood square with buildings of sufficient height, at least some of the participants in the Carlsbad conference were left with the mistaken impression that it would probably be best to keep public streets from intervening between the enclosing buildings and the open space of the square. Let me set trie record straight: We DO generally recommend that buildings front three, or preferably four, >ides of a public square. This creates the essential spatial enclosure that provides the "outdoor public room" effect without which a public space is nothing more than meaningless surface treatments. But my comment •hould NOT be taken to mean that buildings should directly abut the square without a public street in between. Anywhere but the most densely packed urban centers (think Europe, for the most part), it is impossible to provide sufficient pedestrian density and natural surveillance to achieve the level of use and ;at'ety necessary for a successful district center. This goes triple for our suburban cities. The streets are essential to activate the open space, to provide surveillance of the activities within, and to eliminate the impression that the space might be the exclusive preserve of the buildings to which it is attached. In the Ibrrn based zoning codes that we regularly prepare for suburban communities (for example the one just prepared for downtown fracy, California), we require neighborhood- scale infill to feature one primary ;;reen or square that is surrounded by public streets on at least three sides. Ve are rather horrified to have learned that my speech left this mistaken impression, and that there are !blks actually fief ending improper design principles due to what they believe I recommended. We hope the community will understand that our tendency to overemphasize enclosure stems from our reaction to the typical suburban love affair with "open space" - the bigger the better, to the detriment of a fine distribution -.if usable public space. We have learned to counter this tendency with educational seminars on the role that ""Hidings play in the proper design of urban open space. Nevertheless, we will take this lesson to heart and nake sure that we are particularly careful to call attention to the essential role played by public streets in !he composition of central squares and greens. ' liven she two choices for the main square at Bressi Ranch that you showed, we would certainly prefer the early version from the approved master plan with the full street on all sides of the square, to the proposed version where the street has been removed from one side. One compromise might be to build the full street, hut place temporary bollards at either end which would allow the street to be closed for the occasional Saturday market or concert. The Bressi example strikes us as especially problematic as the activity of the retail center and the semi- public Boys and Girls Club are likely to spill into the park, creating conflicts and ambiguity about the public ownership and appropriate use of the space. A street in between would define the park as a truly public place, mitigating the problem. Lt also has numerous other benefits in terms of circulation (vehicle AND pedestrian), safety, identity, maintenance, etc. that you are well familiar with. ''lease feel free to pass this letter on to others who may be reviewing this matter. I'd be happy to personally answer any further questions about the design issues you raised and our firm's approach to such situations. ! iest regards, Michael c: Mayor C% Council July 27,2007 gj£*j City Clerk Dear Buddy, Anne, Matt, Mark, Julie, and Ray, A chance meeting with a planning commissioner with an ensuing conversation concerning the Bressi Ranch Village Center has prompted me to write you. The planning commis- sion has voted in a fundamental modification of the Village Square Center with a removal of one of the roadways of the square! The Master Plan for Bressi has my imprint on it and as you well know my name on one of the significant streets. I was very proud of the work we did to plan a vibrant and liveable community within Carlsbad. The Village Square Center was to be a magnet for activity and social interaction. Commercial enterprises were to be designed to enhance the residential components of which there are many. Cutting off one of the Village Square street is not a minor Master Plan modification. If you do this by a council action you will have significantly diminished the quality and effective- ness of the Master Plan. Seeing a large parking lot in place of a row of commercial or mixed use on the Square would be like seeing the major part of State Street in the Village with only one side of street shopping. If you do uphold the Planning commission modification decision I ask you, most sincerely, to remove my name Rnnila Way from the Village Square entrance because I feel the in- tegrity of the project has been compromised. I leave for a month at my cabin tomorrow so I cannot come before you when this comes to you in August. Sincerely, Ramona Rnnila CORPORATE OFFICE 800 & SHAMROCK AVENUE COMPANY MONROVIA, CA 91016 Unique foods an4 beverages at price* everyone can afford (626) 599-3771 • FAX (626) 599-3871 AGENDAITEM#. « Mayor September 7,2007 City Council City Manager City Council City Attorney City of Carlsbad City Clerk /7 Re: Bressi Ranch Village Center .. Case No. SDP 06-17 Dear Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin and Council Members Hall, Packard and Nygaard: Trader Joe's is committed to opening a store in the City of Carlsbad and is excited to be part of the Bressi Ranch Village Center. Our goal is to be a true neighborhood market and an integral part of the community. Trader Joe's has been working on this site with the developer, LNR, for well over two years and, in recent months, has worked with LNR and the city staff to address suggestions made by the Planning Commission and various neighborhood representatives. We accommodated these suggestions to the extent possible, including a complete reconfiguration of the store to create an entrance at the southeast corner (which required us to lease additional space) and the acceptance of a number of conditions designed to mitigate the impact of our delivery operation on the adjacent residences. Other suggestions were considered but not accepted only because they would have severely hampered our ability to do business at the site. We look forward to your approval of the project at Tuesday's hearing. Thank you for your time. Very Truly Yours, DOtXxL#S YOKOfyflZO J Vice President ano-oeneral Counsel c: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Nevada, Oregon, Pennsylvania,Virginia, Washington www tnwterinps com „ x w 0 ™«, AGENPAITEMg / /September 8,2007 tt Mayor City Conned Planning Department j City Manager City of Carlsbad ; city Attorney 1635 Faraday Avenue City Clerk Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 . Dear Planning Department: RE: Bressi Ranch Village Center and 9/11 City Council Meeting I am writing to express my concerns about the proposed changes to the Bressi Ranch Village Center, the north gateway to the Bressi Ranch project. I am unable to attend the 9/11 City Council meeting on these changes. These concerns are coming not only as a resident of Bressi Ranch but also as a citizen of Carlsbad, with an eye towards maintaining the beauty of the city as a whole as well as minimizing the city's costs. Fortunately, both of these goals can be accomplished by the same solutions noted below. I am disappointed that the city has allowed the Master Plan to be corrupted by the developer. I purchased my home last year not for the home but for this community, particularly for the proposed Master Plan, including the original Ranch Village Center. Bressi Ranch's selling point was that it would be a walkable community with a village feel to it. Why the city has chosen to deviate significantly from the original plan is beyond me, but the city does so at it's own peril as the city's costs will probably rise as a result. This is based on history when the proposed changes have been implemented in other communities and is not just my opinion. The proposed changes I am protesting that are most likely to raise the city's expenses and negatively impact this community are noted below. 1. The fourth street on the east side of the village square (between Paradise Road and Town Garden Road) was removed. I have previously sent an e-mail to the City planning department protesting the removal of this street after a LNG presentation to the Bressi residents. My concerns have only continued to expand regarding the removal of this street. The street is necessary to help police and fire patrol the area and respond accordingly. Without the street, the park is less safe, creating hidden areas where mischief can take place. I have paid for this road to be installed, so I am steamed about taking something away that is needed for safety reasons. It will also increase traffic congestion due to poor circulation, raising the risk to increased accidents for pedestrians and cars alike. I do not want a stand-alone sidewalk there as is now proposed. Without this fourth street, the city can plan on increased police work (for crime patrols and accident investigation) and slower fire department responses due to poor traffic circulation. Bressi Ranch Village Center letter Page 2 If the city grants the removal of this street, then the city should refund the Bressi homeowners for the cost of the street that was deleted (and that we paid for) and pay for maintenance of the Village Square (not the Bressi HOA). So the question becomes: would the City remove this street if the City were maintaining the park itself? Run this by your Police and Fire Departments, and the answer is probably no. If the City would not want this street removed, then why are you asking the Bressi residents to accept this situation? 2. Orientation of the buildings (windows and entrances) needs to be towards the square and streets and NOT to the parking lot This means windows to the street and only one main entrance (not two) for retailers to monitor. It forces customers to use the main street, making it easier for retailers to watch one active entrance. With two entrances (and limited staff in shops) retailers frequently block off the street entrance. Even if they don't, this decreases the "eyes on the street" because the retail staffs attention is divided watching two entrances and there are fewer pedestrians using the street entrance. The result is the potential for higher levels of crime. For my concerns on what could happen (which is to block off the street entrance and just focus on one entrance), look at the blight on the street side at University Avenue, in San Diego's Uptown District Shopping Center. This has happened in other communities as well. With fewer eyes on the street, this increases the possibility for crime to develop. Again, the City can expect its costs to increase (for police work: reports on crime and/or increased patrols) due to poor planning. 3. The intimate north/south main street gateway is lost and loading docs and trash areas are next to homes. This is due to the addition of three anchors rather than one. I think the plan can be tweaked to accommodate the three anchors (helping the City with increased tax revenues), but the village feel should not be lost for the sake of more parking. Otherwise, this center just becomes another strip mall and has no intrinsic appeal for any retailer. You want to lure retailers with something different, a village where the appeal to establish and keep a shop there (thereby increasing and sustaining taxes paid to the city) continues long after the newness of the site wears off. A village respects the current residents of the community so they will be enticed to frequent the retailers there. Would you want a loading dock and retail trash bin next to your current residence? If no, then please do not allow the loading docks and retail trash areas to be placed next to residences. Bressi Ranch Village Center letter PageS Poor planning can decrease the quality of life for residents of Carlsbad, increase the costs to the city through higher Police and Fire Department costs, and lower City income when retailers leave a poorly planned strip mall for a more appealing and safer facility. The proposed changes to the Master Plan violate the Council's mission statement as the changes decrease the quality of life of Carlsbad's residents. (Our mission is to continue to improve the quality of life for all those who live, work, and play in Carlsbad by providing top-quality service to our City and in our region). The proposed changes violate most of the Council's Visions statements, as follows: Values Strong core values guide each of us in our daily decisions and activities. (It's unclear what values are actually driving decisions to change the Master Plan when it degrades the quality of life of the residents in the community). Inspired Valued partnerships, courage and commitment, inspire us to be the best. (There appears to be limited partnership or concerns with the citizens of Bressi Ranch, who were inspired by the courage and commitment made to a Master Plan focusing on creating a village and a walkable community). Service Quality service is provided by a diverse and trusted team of dedicated, skilled managers. (This one is not violated, as I believe most of the City staff wants to build a better community. I believe the staff has just not thought through the effects of the changes that are proposed on the residents and City services). Innovative New and creative methods, planning, and technology lead us into a rich future. (The proposed Master Plan was innovative as it built upon changes needed to avoid errors made in the past, such as poor traffic congestion, buildings oriented with eyes on the street, and building a sense of community by creating a village feel with respect for the residents of the community). Bressi Ranch Village Center letter Page 4 Organizational Excellence Motivated people guide the organization through deliberate change while promoting employee, environmental and financial excellence. (This one I don't think is violated. Again, I am impressed with the quality of the City staff and believe they will be responsive to the input from the residents and think through the proposed changes). Notable Carlsbad exemplifies the quality of a model city, and is viewed and respected as a leader. (This is true with the Master Plan, not with the proposed changes, which turn this into another strip mall site). The proposed Changes violate the Council's Values Statements, as follows: Economic Health Promote sound policies in a balanced revenue expenditure base. (You'll have difficulties attracting retailers to this site if crime and vandalism becomes an issue, which is likely with the proposed changes). Quality of Life Expectations Create a community which is safe and environmentally sensitive, and aesthetically and architecturally pleasing; offering diverse employment, cultural, recreational and educational opportunities. (The proposed changes make the community less safe, are insensitive to the environment of the current residents by increasing traffic congestion and placing loading docks and retail trash bins next to current homes, and eliminates the village center by creating a strip mall). Top Qualify Service Deliver top-quality public safety, community services, community development, public works, and administrative services. (It will be difficult to deliver top-quality public safety as well as establish the sense of community with the proposed changes). Timely Response to Citizens/Customers Provide timely and reasonable responses to the citizens. (I trust this will continue). Bressi Ranch Village Center letter Page5 Employee Excellence Create a spirit of service and ethics that promotes and encourages a commitment to service achieving the highest possible level of efficiency, effectiveness and professionalism in its employees. (i hope this continues with regards to this project). Community Participation Engage community members to shape and manage their community. (This is the reason for my e-mails and this letter). In summary, my hope is the Planning Department in conjunction with the City Council will carefully re-consider the proposed changes to the Bressi Ranch Village Center project by ensuring the village fee! is maintained, safety issues are given priority, and the quality of life is improved. Sincerely, Lynette Ohlson Cc: Claude A. "Bud" Lewis, Carlsbad Mayor Ann Kulchin, Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall, City Council Member Julie Nygaard, City Council Member Mark Packard, City Council Member Raymond R. Patchett, City Manager Page 1 of 1n Marilyn Strong - Bressi Ranch Village Center Plan c:Mayor City Council From: David Schaefer <davencheryl06@sbcglobal.net> To: <mstro@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 09/09/2007 12:14PM Subject: Bressi Ranch Village Center Plan City Manager City Attorney City Clerk Because we are unable to attend the Tues., 11 September City Council meeting, we offer this email so our voice and other voices of concerned Bressi Ranch residents can be heard. We read the two recent local newspaper articles (dated 9/7 and 9/8/2007) interviewing two "New Urbanism" activists concerning the LNR "missing road" and other urbanist ideals. We have discussed the LNR proposal with our neighbor, Peter Katz, and have reviewed his "bressiretail" blog site. We find his blog quotes from two other "New Urbanism" colleagues to be interesting (but not persuasive) - and we don't believe those colleagues live in Bressi Ranch! The "voters poll" in the blog is clearly biased to satisfy the blog authors, and any "results" would not represent the overall Bressi Ranch population. We have also discussed the LNR porposal with other neighbors along Huntington Drive, and have found that Mr. Katz definitely expresses a minority viewpoint. We moved to Bressi Ranch because we were attracted to the quaint, old-fashioned architecture of the homes, the parks, and the proposed Village Center. We believe LNR's modified proposal to be close enough to the original concept plan to be acceptable. We anxiously await the timely completion of our Village Center to help stabilize and increase our property values. We ask the City Council to respond to the voice of the majority of the residents (vs. the voice of a few) and approve LNR's proposed development plan for our Village Center. Sincerely, Dave and Cheryl Schaefer 6319 Huntington Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92009 file://C:\Documents and Settings\Mstro\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46E3E3BlGW-... 09/10/2007 Page 1 of2 Marilyn Strong - Fwd: Bressi Retail Update. AGENDA ITEM #. c: Mayor n From: Alicia Tremble <atremble@mac.com> To: <mstro@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 09/09/2007 12:37 PM Subject: Fwd: Bressi Retail Update. City Manager City Attorney City Clerk Below is an e-mail being sent out by Peter Katz (via his girlfriend, Maria Hollander). In addition to this, he has placed pamplets with this information at every home in Bressi Ranch! This man needs to STOP!! Alicia Tremble Bressi Ranch Begin forwarded message: From: Maria Hollander <MarHollander@aol.com> Date: September 6, 2007 10:58:44 PM PDT To: 'Alice Wolicki' <awolicki@hotmail.com>. Alicia Tremble <atremble@mac.com>. 'Andrea' <choong@surfbest.net>, 'Barbara and Luis' <luisandbarbara@sbcglobal.net>. 'Barbara Henry' <bhenry@nctimes.com>, Bethlyn Burditt <bethlyn burditt@yahoo.com>. 'Bobbi Hoder1 <bhoder@roadrunner.com>, "V'Bryan Clark'V <" <Blankcarry@gmail.com>. 'Bryan Cline' <bcline70@yahoo.com>T 'Cathy Finn' <cathylfinn@roadrunner.com>. 'Christine' <christineqphan@vahoo.com>. 'Dawn Blessman' <dblessman@roadrunner.com>. 'Dennis Paul Batt' <dennispaul55@roadrunner.com>, 'Diana Allegre' <kelly_4705@hotmail.com>. 'Frank pareded' <fmpareded@sbcglobal.net>. 'Gary Hill' <ghill@gia.edu>, 'Gina Mcbride' <GinaM@McBrideFinancial.com>. 'healther Gertcki' <hgertcki@hotmail.com>. 'Jamie' <jjbf@aol.com>, Jay Corrales <jay@trealestate.net>. 'John Alegre' <jQhn@alegreblinds.com>. "'John w.1" <johnwilcox@prusd.com>. 'jonalbandian' <jnalbandian@sbcglobal.net>. 'Jorge medina1 <jorgemedina@roadrunner.com>. 'Kevin Eakin' <olivia.eakin@gmail.com>. kimberly <kimberly@edgegrouponline.com>. 'km winkler1 <kathymarkwinkler@adelphia.net>. 'Krisztina' <krisztinarollins@hotmail.com>, 'Laura' <lclinedvm@yahoo.com>. 'leonardo Mangiapane' <leomangiapane@varioo.com>. 'malee Tobias' <mtobias@newlandcommunities.com>. 'Mark Forsyth' <mhforsyth21 @yahoo.com>. Maria Hollander <MarHollandef@aol.com>, 'Michael Burge1 <michael.burge@uniontrib.com>. 'Ollie' <ollieott@hotmail.com>. Peter Katz <katzoid@earthlink.net>. 'Peter Nguyen1 <peternguyendds@yahoo.com>, 'Ron Saiki' <rmsaiki@sbcglobal.net>. 'Ryn ' <spiering92009@yahoo.com>, 'Sue S' <sdmama@sbcglobal.net>. Taryn' <murphy\ 106@mac.com>. Thomas Hageman1 <thageman@planningsystems.net> Subject: Bressi Retail Update. Hello friends, You have all expressed interest in the Bressi retail center planning process. We wanted to give you an update. On June 20th, several Bressi residents presented concerns about the design of the Bressi retail center to the planning commission. The concerns, stemming from changes to the approved master plan (changes made without any community involvement), ranged from increased traffic, noise, personal safety, cost of park maintenance, decreased quality of life, and refund for infrastructure (a road) not provided. The good news, the planning commission asked the developer to make a few changes to the proposed plan addressing those concerns before the developer is able to request approval from city council. To address the missing road on the east side of the park, the developer added a 10-foot wide sidewalk. And to address the blank wall of the specialty food store, file://C:\Documents and Settings\Mstro\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46E3E927GW-... 09/10/2007 Page 2 of2 the developer has agreed to add one 5-foot window on the wall fronting the square, a few glass display cases (that aren't actually windows), and an entrance on the corner close to the park. The bad news, we do not feel the developer has proposed quality changes that REALLY address all the concerns that were raised. Come on guys, ONLY one SMALL active window on the square from the specialty grocer? How difficult could it be to have all real active windows? Our master plan calls for, buildings that shall be oriented with windows, entries, balconies and/or porches oriented toward the street or active pedestrian area. This design will increase public safety by placing "eyes " on the street... buildings should be oriented toward the village square and mixed-use street. Have you all walked next to a building with no windows - Creepy, scary!. Do you want that experience everyday? And what about that sidewalk. How does a 10-foot sidewalk compare to the $2.2 million dollar street we were supposed to have? The developer is now employing scare tactics and we want you, our fellow neighbors to not be fooled. The developer would have us all believing that a few citizens are getting in the way of Trader Joe's coming to Bressi (We love Trader Joe's!), when it is they who are opting for a more difficult and potentially lengthy approval process by changing key features of the approved Bressi Ranch Master plan. We all purchased our homes after hearing of the wonderful features that would exist in our community. We want our neighbors and elected officials to fully consider what will be lost if the proposed plan is approved. What can you do? • Visit a newly constructed website blog to get more background information and learn what national experts have to say about the current plan. http://bressiretail.blogspot.com/ • Come to the City Council Meeting Tuesday, September 11. 6:00 p.m. 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, 92008 • Send an Email to City Council (well before the 9/11 meeting) sharing your thoughts. council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us Maria Hollander MarHollander@aol.com 609-865-5489 file://C:\Documents and Settings\Mstro\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46E3E927GW-... 09/10/20 (09/10/2007) Marilyn Strong -Bresi Ranch Retail Center Page 1 From: Alicia Tremble <atremble@mac.com> To: <mstro@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 09/09/2007 12:38 PM Subject: Bresi Ranch Retail Center Hello- We live in Bressi Ranch and this e-mail is to inform you that we are not in support of Peter Katz's plans for the Bressi Ranch Retail Center. We know that he is telling you that he is representing Bressi Ranch residents and that is not the case. We also feel that he is trying to use scare tactics to get people to join him is his fight....which we feel he has a agenda for himself-!! We don't want him to delay this project any longer! Thank you! The Trembles Bressi Ranch Page 1 of2 Marilyn Strong - Bressi Ranch Commercial Center with Trader Joes and Stater Brothers From: Carl Kloss <cklossl@sbcglobal.net> To: <mstro@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 09/05/2007 8:44 AM Subject: Bressi Ranch Commercial Center with Trader Joes and Stater Brothers To Whom It May Concern at City of Carlsbad, I agree with my neighbor's (Fred Sixt) point of view below on the Bressi Ranch Commercial Center. I believe that it is very important and needed and I support it fully as I last saw the plans for it. We need a pharmacy, grocery, and Trader Joes badly in this area, as we also need a gas station and more restaurants, etc. I can be reached at 619 846-9658 should you have any need for my support or questions. Thanks for your support. Sincerely, Carl Kloss 6334 Huntington Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Subject: Bressi Village retail project Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 08:13:40 -0700 From: "Sixt, Fred" To: Cc:, My name is Fred Sixt; I live at 6339 Huntington Dr, Carlsbad, in the Heather court section of Bressi Ranch. I have seen the plans and heard the explanation of Bressi Village from the LNR group and completely agree that this is a well designed and thought project. The project; if built as planned would be a valuable addition to our neighborhood. I understand that there is one person; Peter Katz who has raised numerous objections to the project and has represented that he speaks file://C:\Documents and Settings\Mstro\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46DE6C50GW-... 09/05/2007 Page 2 of2 for some or all of Bressi Ranch. I have many friends in Bressi Ranch and everyone wants this project to go forward as planned. Please do not allow a single vocal person to delay this project any longer. He is by himself as far as I am concerned. Fred Sixt file://C:\Documents and Settings\Mstro\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46DE6C50GW-... 09/05/2007 Page 1 of 1 Marilyn Strong - Bressi Ranch-Village Green and Village Square plan hold up by Peter Katz From: <gravazzolo@sbcglobal.net> To: <mstro@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 08/23/2007 11:57 AM Subject: Bressi Ranch-Village Green and Village Square plan hold up by Peter Katz Dear Ms. Strong: Both my husband and I strongly object to Mr. Katz's resistance to LNR plan change. We do not want a road between the park and the Boys' and Girls' Club (which Katz wants). I also saw the LNR building plans and thought the Katz road to be a danger to the children going back and forth to the Park and Club. The road replacement walk-way is a great idea and is very well lit with street lights making it safe for all the childred and the park. The architectural changes at the Palomar Airport Road entrance is a beautiful replacement of the original building. Please do not vote for Mr. Katz plan and move ahead on the building plans. Thank you. George and Gloria Ravazzolo 2681 Echo Avenue Carlsbad, Ca 92009 760-602-0694 gravazzolo@sbcglobal.net file://C:\Documents and Settings\Mstro\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46CD7637GW-... 08/23/2007 Page 1 of 1 ALL RECEIVED Marilyn Strong - Bressi Village retail project From: "Sixt, Fred" <fsixt@qualcomm.com> To: <mstro@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 08/23/2007 8:14 AM Subject: Bressi Village retail project CC: <mike.retplan@earthlink.net>, <swehba@mac.com> My name is Fred Sixt; I live at 6339 Huntington Dr, Carlsbad, in the Heather court section of Bressi Ranch. I have seen the plans and heard the explanation of Bressi Village from the LNR group and completely agree that this is a well designed and thought project. The project; if built as planned would be a valuable addition to our neighborhood. I understand that there is one person; Peter Katz who has raised numerous objections to the project and has represented that he speaks for some or all of Bressi Ranch. I have many friends in Bressi Ranch and everyone wants this project to go forward as planned. Please do not allow a single vocal person to delay this project any longer. He is by himself as far as I am concerned. Fred Sixt Director, Western Channel Sales QUALCOMM Wireless Business Solutions 858-651-4607 Direct 858-354-3494 Mobile 858-658-1578 Fax CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail, including any attachments, has been sent for the sole use of the intended recipient(s). It may contain information that is confidential and proprietary. The confidential and proprietary status of the information is not waived by having been sent by e-mail transmission. If you are not the intended recipient, you are not authorized to review, disclose, copy, distribute or use any of the information contained in this transmission. If you have received this e- mail in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and purge all copies of this message. Thank you. file://C:\Documents and Settings\Mstro\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46CD41EFGW-... 08/23/2007 Page 1 of 1 Marilyn Strong - Bressi Ranch—Trader Joe's Proposal t From: "Charles Lingenfelter" <chucklingnow@sbcglobal.net> To: <mstro@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 08/23/2007 11:20 AM Subject: Bressi Ranch—Trader Joe's Proposal My name is Charles Lingenfelter and I am a homeowner in Bressi Ranch, residing at 2560 Ingleton Avenue. I am e-mailing you concerning the proposed Trader Joe's in Bressi Ranch: Please, please do not let a very small but vocal group of naysayers derail this project. These people do NOT speak for anyone but themselves, and represent no one but themselves. The literally hundreds and hundreds of all the rest of the Bressi Ranch residents, including myself, are strongly in favor of the proposed Trader Joe's in Bressi Ranch. file://C:\Documents and Settings\Mstro\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46CD6D68GW-... 08/23/2007 (08/29/2007) Marilyn Strong - Bressi Ranch "~ ' ' ' Page 1 From: "Tamara Gentzler" <tlgthedish@gmail.com> ALL RECEIVED To: <mstro@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 08/28/2007 7:29 PM Subject: Bressi Ranch To Whom It May Concern: My husband and I bought our home 2+ years ago during the first phase. We are among the first few families to move into Bressi Ranch. The news that Trader Joe's was conning to our retail center was perhaps some of the best news I have heard regarding our community. I have been overwhelmingly excited about having this store so close to my home. I do not know of one other family here at Bressi Ranch that doesn't share the same excitement. In speaking to a few neighbors, it has come to my attention that one resident in particular has been representing himself as "The Voice of Bressi Ranch" with regards to the retail center. I have heard some of his arguments and I am writing to tell you that he in fact does NOT represent the majority. Bressi Ranch wants Trader Joe's. We anticipate their arrival and believe that they will be an incredible asset to our community. The person who is doing the complaining has not ever bothered to landscape their own home after residing there for nearly 2 years. He has not shown any regard for the rules and regulations of our community and yet he has the audacity to represent himself as our voice. I look forward to attending the next meeting September 11th to let our voices be heard. Tamara Gentzler Jamie Young 760.431.3691 866.271.3319 (fax) "Happiness isn't something you experience; it's something you remember. - Oscar Levant". From: <VITRELSAREM@SBCGLOBAL.NET> To: <Council@[]> Date: 09/05/2007 8:32 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: BRESSI RANCH VILLAGE CENTER: We are writing to petition our request for the Trader Joe's store to be built in the Bressi Ranch Village Center. We have seen the plans and site, and sending in our support for the store to be included in the Development plans. The surrounding businesses on E. Loker Ave, have been voicing the need of a Trader Joe's in the area and Bressi Ranch would be an ideal locale for such placement. BRESSI RANCH CARLSBAD, CA VITRELSAREM@SBCGLOBAL.NET Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; YPC 3.2.0; .NET CLR 1.0.3705) Page 1 of 1 Council Internet Mailbox - Bressi Village From: Jamie & Chris Atkinson <carlsbadatkinsons@yahoo.com> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 09/06/2007 10:15 AM Subject: Bressi Village Carlsbad City Council Members, As a resident of Bressi Ranch, I am very anxious for the Bressi Village development to begin. Trader Joe's in particular will be an excellent tenant. I have seen the plans developed by LNR and think it will be a beautiful development that will add real value to our community. I have also talked to many neighbors who are very excited about it and not even sure why work hasn't been started yet. I understand that there is a small group that is unhappy with the design as it is, but I can tell you from talking to neighbors that most of us are very excited about the design. I urge you to approve the Bressi Village development on September 11! Thank you for your consideration, Jamie and Chris Atkinson 6253 Alverton Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 603-8446 Choose the right car based on your needs. Check out Yahoo! Autos new Car Finder tool. file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46DFD35AGW-... 09/06/2007 From: Charles Lingenfelter <chucklingnow@sbcglobal.net> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 08/31/2007 3:53 PM Subject: Proposed Trader Joe's at Bressi Ranch Please City Council: Don't be taken in by the very small number of naysayers who are attempting to block the Trader Joes in Bressi Ranch. I am a homeowner in Bressi Ranch and live at 2560 Ingleton Avenue. ALL the other homeowners I know here are very excited at the prospect of having a Trader Joes right in our neighborhood, and we are all hoping that the City will approve the Trader Joes plans in Bressi Ranch. Page 1 of 1 Council Internet Mailbox - Bressi Ranch Shopping Center From: Cindy Mostamand <cmostamand@sbcglobal.net> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 08/28/2007 11:58 AM Subject: Bressi Ranch Shopping Center To Whom It May Concern: I am a resident of Bressi Ranch. We were told that someone is opposing the new shopping center. I just want to express my opinion. We are really looking forward to a shopping center. It is one of the reasons we bought a home in Bressi Ranch. I feel it will add value to our homes and make it more of a community where friends and kids can come together. If there is anything we can do to make this shopping center a reality please feel free to contact me. Thank you, Cindy Mostamand 6343 Di Vita Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760)930-0237 file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46D40DD4GW-... 08/28/2007 From: <greglamarca@sbcglobal.net> To: <Council@[]> Date: 09/03/2007 7:42 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Members, As a resident of Bressi Ranch, I am writing this e-mail urging you to approve the Bressi Ranch Town Square Retail development at your Sept. 11 Council meeting. As both a developer and resident of Bressi myself, I have spent considerable time looking at this project and trying to see things from both sides of the picture. We have a small group of owners here that seem to be trying to derail this development with their concerns. I have reviewed the proposed layout, including the latest revisions suggested by Staff. The center is wonderfully designed and well thought out. Adding a street between the Boys and Girls Club and the park seems to me to be a ludicrous idea. It breaks the continuity of the entire development. The idea that the area would harbor criminal activity is a joke. That could be addressed with proper lighting anyway. The Staff additions to Trader Joes entrance are fantastic. In short, the center as proposed would be a much needed and well designed and asthetically retail property. The vast majority of residents would like to see it in place in our neighborhood as soon as possible! Thank You and I will see you on the 11th.... Sincerely, Greg and Sophia La Marca Greg La Marca 6347 Di Vita Way Carlsbad, CA 92009 USA greglamarca@sbcglobal.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) From: "Bill & Gloria" <bandgrichardson@roadrunner.com> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 08/30/2007 9:17 PM Subject: Bressi Village City Council Members, We the homeowners in Bressi Ranch are in favor of the plans for Bressi Village as submitted by LNR Bressi Commerical Inc. We support the project as approved by the Planning Commission. Regards, Bill and Gloria Richardson 2676 Bressi Ranch Way Carlsbad, CA 92009 From: "Michele Levy" <mslnv@earthlink.net> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 08/29/2007 7:43 AM Subject: Bressi Ranch Shopping.... To The City Council, I live in Bressi Ranch and just wanted you to know I am fully supportive of the current shopping center project and am asking that you please approve the plan as it now stands. I will be walking distance to the new shopping center and one of the reasons we purchased at Bressi Ranch was because of close access to shopping especially Trader Joe's. I now have to travel to Encinitas for Trader Joe's as well as Stater Brothers. At this point in time we do not have access to a close drug store as well. I have attended several of the meetings regarding this project and feel the plan is a good one for our community. Once again, I am asking that this proposal be approved. Thank you, Michele Levy 6317 Encanto Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 AGENDA ITEM # / / c: Mayor City Council City Manager From: <tbubnack@sbcglobal.net> City Attorney To: <Council@[]> CityClerk Date: 09/10/2007 1:16 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US ' ' — A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Regarding: Bressi Ranch, retail development To whom it may concern, My wife, and four children, moved to Bressi Ranch a year and half ago, and we were motivated to move to the area in part to the the "neighborhood" shopping center. Although the plans were not in complete form at the time we moved, the information we gathered from the master plan, indicated a small scale shopping center, and one that was not your traditional southern California "strip mall". I do not support the current changes to the plan, and I'm opposed to the following: 1) Main Street. I want to see what the original plan entailed with shops on both sides of the street. 2) Street around village square. The original plan called for a street on all sides of the village square. I support the Boys and Girls club but do not believe the should be directly attached the park. The park should not be a convenient play ground for the Boys and Girls Club. The street will also reduce traffic congestion at a central part of the park. 3) Truck access for Stater Brothers. I've always been very concerned with the truck access for Stater Brothers. The trucks will be accessing the site on off of the main entrance to Bressi Ranch (Bressi Ranch Way). This is a residential street and I believe this is a safety risk to the many children that will be in the area of the site and the Boys and Girls club. We have a unique opportunity to create environment that is consistent with the original master plan. The center will be here for many years to come, and my family and I would like to see the plan done in accordance with the original master plan. If this means delaying the project for a short period of time, we should do this, as we will only have one chance to get the center right. Sincerely, Ted Bubnack 6324 Montecito Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 760-519-0764 Ted Bubnack 6324 Montecito Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 tbubnack@sbcglobal.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; lnfoPath.1) Page 1 of 1 Council Internet Mailbox - Bressi Ranch Retail Design From: Andrew Hamilton <walksandiegojobs@yahoo.com> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 09/10/2007 3:36 PM Subject: Bressi Ranch Retail Design CC: <bressiretail@aol.com> Honorable Council Members: Five years ago when we were asked to endorse the Bressi Village Master Plan, we were delighted to give it our blessing. Bressi Ranch marketing materials quoted WalkSanDiego: " Bressi Ranch's unique walkable design will make it possible for your children to reach a park, a shop, your job or your neighbor's house without the need for a car - truly a rarity in North County and a model for San Diego ". Today, looking at the compromised retail town plan, our organization is far less enthusiastic. The true test of a walkable village is not whether the houses and streets look pretty, but whether the streets actually lead somewhere that people want to walk to. Where the pedestrian experience enables and encourages people to walk not only for recreation, but for purposeful trips to places such as grocery stores, coffee shops, school, and offices. This is the key difference between neighborhoods that are pretty, and neighborhoods in which people walk frequently. The current plan proposes a slightly better then typical auto-dominated strip shopping center, the majority of retail space turning its back to the Bressi community in order to face the parking lots. Even though we've been informed that the developer has recently added one 5-foot window on the wall fronting the square, a few glass display cases (that aren't actually windows), and an entrance on the southeast corner of the north side of the park, this is only a modest start. The wall should be much more active. There are several simple fixes such as adding real windows or a liner building with active store fronts. The original plan called for a road on an additional side of the square for safety and traffic calming, yet I do not see it in the proposed plan. These are just a couple of the issues that WalkSanDiego is concerned about. The Bressi master plan was based on the Awanhee principles. The master plan calls for, buildings that shall be oriented with windows, entries, balconies and/or porches oriented toward the street or active pedestrian area. This design will increase public safety by placing "eyes " on the street... buildings should be oriented toward the village square and mixed-use street. The proposed plan for the retail center negates almost all those principles. An approval of the current plan will not meet the promise of a special, walkable, pedestrian-oriented community that City Council envisioned and worked on for a decade but will not be built. I must express our sincere disappointment and urge you to reconsider the proposed plan and have the developer re-design to the vision originally laid out in the Bressi Master Plan. If there is anything we can do to help get this project back on track, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Andy Pendoley Board Chair Catch up on fall's hot new shows on Yahoo! TV. Watch previews, get listings, and more! file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46E56472GW-... 09/11/2007 From: <cathylfinn@adelphia.net> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 09/10/2007 4:29 PM Subject: Bressi Mullberry concern Dear Council Members, I'm very concerned about the safety of my children without a street put in where we were told one would be. Also, our quality of life is going to be effected if the developers new plan is a go! I will be at the meeting on 9-11. Thanks, Cathy Finn Page 1 of2 Council Internet Mailbox - Bressi Ranch concerns From: "Maria Hollander" <MarHollander@aol.com> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 09/10/2007 10:17 PM Subject: Bressi Ranch concerns September 10,2007 Members of the City Council of Carlsbad, I am a homeowner at Bressi ranch community. I specifically choose to buy in Bressi a little over a year ago for the pedestrian-friendly and healthy community design that was planned. I am a public health professional and spent the past decade working to help communities across the nation create healthy places and spaces that encourage and enable healthy lifestyles, especially places that enable walking and biking for recreation and utilitarian purposes. My experience in the residential portion of the neighborhood has been wonderful thus far. We have pedestrian-oriented streets seemingly safe from too many speeding cars that are often found in suburban neighborhoods, a school within walking distance ( although unfortunately, there are not adequate walking/biking paths to the school in my opinion), a series of small pocket parks and tot lots that are easily accessible to all residents. But I am devastated by the proposed retail plan. I viewed the revised proposal for the first time this summer at a presentation sponsored by the Bressi HOA. I have been disturbed and concerned by the proposed plan ever since. Over the past several months I have been participating in discussions about the proposed plan, attending community meetings, and the recent planning commission meeting in July. While the developer has made a few changes to the proposed plan based on direction from planning commissioners following the July planning commission meeting, I believe it is too little too late. While I am not eager to have the building of the town center delayed, I think there are still important revisions to make to the current plan. Some of my neighbors seem to be happy with promises of awnings and plantings and pretty architectural drawings provided by the developer, but, in my opinion these are not the things that make great places - the master plan is. And when you look at the actual plans, they do not comply with several principals of a pedestrian-oriented community and completely detract from the wonderful town center that was envisioned by council almost a decade ago. For instance: • People will not walk where they do not feel safe. The proposed buildings on the square offer very little natural surveillance with few windows and formal entrances. . .And the missing street will make it difficult to survey the east end of the park. • With the buildings laid out in a postage stamp style with several stores on the perimeter of the "village", including a major grocery store, how are people supposed to travel safely without a car? When I look at the plan I think of the VONs center on El Camino and ALGA. Have you ever tried to walk with a baby stroller from our beautiful library, to the grocery store and then to the coffee shop? Not very easy. • With none of the stores having actual active entrances to the village green, it is unlikely to create a real sense of space where the community is really connected to the "village." There are many specific technical issues that residents are discussing and that you receiving correspondence on. The purpose of this letter is not to reiterate those technicalities, but to urge you to require the developer to stick to the original vision of a pedestrian-oriented village. Council members, I reiterate, I bought in Bressi because of the village concept that was promised, not to be near another postage stamped auto-focused shopping center. Thank you for your time and consideration in reviewing my comments. I hope that you will consider them in your decisions on Tuesday. file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46E5C266GW-... 09/11/2007 Page 2 of2 Maria Hollander Concerned citizen. file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46E5C266GW-... 09/11/2007 From: <jnalbandian@sbcglobal.net> To: <Council@[]> Date: 09/11/2007 1:49 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: I am writing to document my families' concern regarding LNR's ammended changes to Bressi Ranch's original Master Planned that was approved by the City and presented to my family when purchasing the property. I have thoroughly reviewed the suggested changes and I have some major concerns about the changes. I would like to emphasize that I do want Trader Joe's and I really want the Boys and Girls Club. I recently volunteered at the Boys and Girls club annual fundraiser at the Four Seasons to support their cause. I do believe I can support TJ's and the Boys and Girls Club, while opposing LNR's ammended community plans. That is vital. I attended the Planning Commission Meeting and I felt like we were not being heard as citizen's. We want a village town center, but we do not want a strip mall and shopping center. We were bait and switched, based on the information I have reviewed. My major concern, is that LNR has not been able to explain in a logical way, why the changes were m! ade without going through the proper political process. I am also concerned that the City Planning Department has not been able to provide a clear response as well. In addition, LNR has not explained how taking out a a road (other than a reduced expense to them) benefits our community. I do not feel the Planning commission took the issue seriously because the head of the commission really pushed for the plans to go forward to Council as the meeting went late and there was an impass (seemingly). She seemed to want it off their plate and basically rallied a few to get the numbers to push it to Council for the final decision. We never had the opportunity to work with LNR regarding feasible solutions that would allow for their plan to move forward, but under more favorable terms/conditions for our community. I urge council to allow for a continuance tonight, so that community homeowner's can meet with LNR to work out a feasible solution the ammeded changes that are not going to! bring value to the community. Some of them include: Adding sm! all reta il in front of Trader Joes to enrich the community experience on the main street running east-west. Not allowing double sided retail in the center, thus preventing dead zones. Constructing a viable pathway or street between the B&G club and the park. Passing the park maintenance to the retail stores or B&G club or at least mandating a rent to use the park they will abutt. We simply want to discuss viable solutions and avoid the all or nothing stances that seem to be the flavor right now. thanks for your time, I will see you at the meeting tongiht. Jon Nalbandian 2680 Bressi Ranch Way Carlsbad, CA 92009 USA jnalbandian@sbcglobal.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) From: <moogsmom@sbcglobal.net> To: <Council@[]> Date: 09/11/2007 2:09 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: To Our Honorable City Council Representatives, My name is Suzanne Nalbandian. I am writing to you as a concerned resident of Bressi Ranch. I am concerned about the current plans for the development of the future retail sight at Bressi Ranch. To my knowledge there has been a completed deviation from the original plan for our towne center. When my family bought our home here in Carlsbad two years ago we bought it with the knowledge that the original plan would be implemented. We ask that you would consider very carefully the desires of the residents here in Bressi Ranch for that original plan to be executed. We want Trader Joes here in the community! We want the Boys and Girls Club here in our community! We just want to be sure that the development is done to add value to the community...not devalue it due to increased traffic and crime. Signed, Suzanne Nalbandian Suzanne Nalbandian 2680 Bressi Ranch Way Carlsbad, CA 92009 USA moogsmom@sbcglobal.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) From: "Malee Tobias" <malee.tobias@gmail.com> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 09/10/2007 11:55 AM Subject: Bressi Ranch Retail Center Attachments: Bressi Ranch Retail 9.9.07.pdf September 9, 2007 City of Carlsbad City Council 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us To Carlsbad City Council Members, As a Carlsbad resident and Bressi Ranch homeowner, I am very upset and disappointed with the changes to the Bressi Ranch retail center from the approved Master Plan. The many design alterations, including the elimination of the mainstreet retail, removal of the street on the fourth side of the village square, and faux windows and blank walls facing the village park, all represent missed opportunities to create something truly special here in Carlsbad. Under the approved Master Plan design, the City of Carlsbad has the opportunity to create a truly unique, well-thought-out, well-planned and well-designed, pedestrian- and neighborhood-friendly "Third Place." In his book The Great Good Place, Ray Oldenburg coined the term Third Place to signify the informal gathering places people go outside of the home and the workplace. These places are the "anchors" of community life, they facilitate and foster broader, more creative social interaction and help to strengthen ties within the local community. Bressi Ranch retail center has the true potential to be a Third Place where Carlsbad residents, visitors, and those who work within the City can gather. (Wouldn't it be terrific to work or live near Palomar Airport Road and not have to get in your car just to grab a bite to eat, run an errand, or enjoy some fresh air and social interaction?) Upon my review of the preliminary pedestrian nodes of the Pedestrian Master Plan put forth by the City's land planning consultants, it became very apparent of the need for a Third Place in southeastern Carlsbad, particularly in light of the several hundred thousand square feet of new office/flex space adjacent to two major residential communities (Bressi Ranch and Rancho Carrillo). Anyone driving by the recently-opened Starbucks on Loker and Palomar Airport Road on a Saturday or Sunday morning can see a gathering of people inside the store as well as outside the back patio enjoying their "Third Place." As a Carlsbad resident for more than six years, I've driven around the city and have seen many missed opportunities to create a special place for people to gather. I implore the City Council not to forego this opportunity to create a special place for Carlsbad residents. I don't want to pass by the Bressi Ranch retail center every day and be reminded of a missed opportunity right in my own back yard. Sincerely, Malee Tobias Carlsbad and Bressi Ranch Resident Malee.Tobias@gmail.com Page 1 of 3 Council Internet Mailbox - We need your help on Tuesday Night! From: "LuisandBarbara" <luisandbarbara@sbcglobal.net> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 09/10/2007 11:55 AM Subject: We need your help on Tuesday Night! September 9, 2007 Dear Council Members, I originally met Mr. Jeff Williams from LNR at the first neighborhood meeting that was held a few months ago. The minute he unveiled the new plans for the retail center, I immediately raised my hand and said, "WAIT, this is NOT what was shown to me two years ago when I purchased my home! This is NOT what I saw online, the year before my home was built!" I repeatedly asked, "How did the center change from one anchor to three?" During the meeting, I repeatedly asked this same question over and over. Jeff simply stated that he could not lease out the prior plan so they took away small stores and added two more anchors. He stated that Trader Joe's had demands and he met them. WHAT???? My dear Council members, I implore you to STOP this madness! Since when does a retail store get to CHANGE the master plan for MY entire community? Since when is the Planning Commission voting "yes" on a project because they want to drive a shorter distance to their neighborhood Trader Joe's? Have you watched the Planning Commission video from June? There was NO way the group was going to pass the LNR plan! Yet, at the eleventh hour (literally) Ms. Baker clearly pushed the other commissioners to make a split decision and to pass the buck on to you, our elected officials. Council Members, please remember that you are voting on whether the new LNR plan is consistent with the ORIGINAL Bressi Ranch Master Plan. In addition, you are voting on a building/structure, NOT a popular retail store. If anyone wants Trader Joe's next door, it is my household. As a family of two, we spend an average of $500.00 per month! YES, I want Trader Joe's for all the reasons of convenience, but NEVER at the cost of losing the unique qualities of the community I spent my life savings to join. I worked for the YMCA for 10 years. I am a teacher, of all people, I can't wait for the Boys and Girls Club to join our neighborhood. But NEVER at the cost of our safety and increased HOA fees! Listed below are my requests of you, as our elected city officials: 1. Windows Facing The Village Square: Having read the Bressi Ranch Master Plan, I can see that the current LNR plan clearly violates the idea that buildings MUST face the Village Square. Bottom line, Trader Joe's needs to install windows facing the park. Do not fall for the "merchandising" excuse. I have seen Trader Joe's where they have TWO walls with windows. In our case, we request windows on the walls facing the Village Square and Finnila Place. The wall facing the parking lot, no need for windows. 2. Reinstate A One-Way Street On The East Side Of The Village Square: This street is important for our safety. We were promised a walkable, safe community! Bressi families and seniors living in the future assisted living area all deserve the opportunity to walk SAFELY around the park at night. A 10-foot walkway can not be patrolled properly. At minimum, a one-way street needs to be added. A one-way street is the same size as a 10-foot walkway! Police cars MUST have file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46E530C5GW-... 09/10/2007 Page 2 of 3 access to all four sides of the park. LNR says the police can park their patrol cars and then walk the park for security. Since when do you see the police parking their car and then WALKING 250 feet to just to patrol an area? Too inconvenient and too much time. A one-way street is needed at minimum! (I have seen the ACTUAL city documents that show the street in place. Nowhere does it say "conceptual" so where oh where did the important street go? 3. Boys and Girls Club Needs Their Own Playground: I worked for the Ecke YMCA for 10 years. Back in the 1990's we used the city park next door every day. The wear and tear was enormous! I phoned the Encinitas Boys and Girls Club. They currently use the Oak Crest Park EVERY single day for their children to play. I phoned the La Costa Boys and Girls Club. They currently lease the church playground next door for their outdoor play yard. My HOA fees pay for the Bressi Village Square. I want to take my family to that park in the afternoon. I do not want to be bombarded by 80 children running amuck. You have the power to insist the developer build a closed in play yard next to the B & G Club. (A play yard was shown in the early drawings you reviewed back in 2002.) More importantly, it will be unsafe for the B & G Club children to be set free in a large Village Square with the general public so close at the retail center. In addition, I do not want to pay for the upkeep of the Village Square when it is being used as a personal playground for the B & G Club. Nor do I want to lease the Village Square as a personal playground. As a Bressi homeowner, I want to use the beautiful park for MY family during the afternoons. 4. No 24-Hour, Drive-Thru Pharmacy: Have you visited a 24-hour pharmacy or grocery store late at night? Probably not because it is an unpleasant experience. "24-hours" means an invite for the homeless and mentally ill to feel safe and stay warm. I ask you to limit the pharmacy hours to match the grocery store (Stater Bros.) hours. In addition, you planned from day one to promote a walkable community. A drive-thru pharmacy will only bring additional "drive-thru" traffic from neighboring communities. Drive-thru for any reason, means extra traffic for no reason! 5. No Double Fronted Retail Shops: Too many neon signs! Carlsbad has always prided themselves on the "minimal" signage approach. Why allow neon signs on both sides of the building? In addition, most retail stores do not staff for a double entrance. They lose too much merchandise due to theft, so they close up one of the entrances. I ask that you maintain the natural "Main Street" feel by only allowing entrances on the street side of the retail shops. Parking should be in the back, shopping in the front. © If you approve double-fronted retail, I ask that you require ALL double fronted retail stores to keep both entrances open at all times. 6. Limit Delivery Times For Trader Joe's: When we purchased in Mulberry, we were shown the approved retail center from the Bressi Master Plan. We LOVED the main street along Finnila Place! In addition, there was a parking lot along the Mulberry property line. Today's LNR plan shows a loading dock within a few feet of 40 Mulberry residents. The loud noises from the various delivery and trash trucks will echo throughout the Mulberry property. (As it is, we can hear the jet engines warm up every morning from the airport one mile away!) Please hold Trader Joe's to the standard 7:00am to 10:00pm deliver times. It is against the Carlsbad law to deliver before or after these hours. Again, please stay consistent. After all, the city of Carlsbad owns 50% of the Mulberry homes. A loud loading dock and smelly trash bins, filled with rotten food, is sure to depreciate the value of your 20-Million Dollar Investment! As you can see, there is MUCH to discuss. It would have been nice for the Planning Commission to take care of these issues back in June. Sadly, they pushed them off to you. I trust that you will represent the Bressi Community with truth and consistency. The only question before you on Tuesday night... "Does the current LNR proposal comply with the APPROVED Bressi Ranch Master Plan?" Clearly you will see, there are major discrepancies. file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46E530C5GW-... 09/10/2007 Page 3 of 3 I ask that you would NOT approve a plan that has drastically changed without notice! The plan before you is gravely different than the plan you approved in 2002! Please give us the gift of time! Allow the developer to sit down with the experts, to iron out a compromise and to keep our safety in the utmost highest regard. Our Village Square is the Diamond of Bressi Ranch. We will be sure to invite you to all of our planned festivals and picnics! Please uphold its integrity and demonstration as a true Town Square! We are a unique master planned community; please take a moment to envision how wonderful it can be if ONLY the principles of the approved Master Plan are upheld! We are different from the rest. Years of careful, meticulous planning proves this to be true. Please do not let a developer take away the true essence of who we are as a uniquely quaint, walkable community. Please do not let LNR turn us into your average (although well decorated) strip mall! THANK YOU for your time and careful consideration, Barbara Mercado (760)803-7702 file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46E530C5GW-... 09/10/2007 From: <a.roper@sbcglobal.net> To: <Council@[]> Date: 09/10/2007 12:28 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: RE: BRESSI RANCH VILLAGE CENTER Dear City Council Members, I have another obligation tomorrow so I can not attend the council meeting which includes discussion of our Village Center Plan. Therefor I am sending you this e-mail to express my concerns. There have been many changes made between the approved Bressi Ranch Master Plan and what the developer now wants to build for our village center. I have only two primary objections to the current proposed site plan. 1. The street on the East side of the Village Square Park was eliminated. It must be put back in for both traffic circulation reasons and asthetic reasons. It is what we were promised for a design when we bought our home! This is the most important design element that was eliminated. 2. The only other objection I have is that Finnila Place used to have shops lining both sides (like the shops at the Kirkorian Theatre in Vista - which is VERY nice). The new plan only has shops on one side. This in not at all the same feel and parking should be rearranged to get shops back on both side of the street! When you approve a master plans and people buy houses based on the expectations of that plan being built... you should stick to the plan! Thank you for listening, Arlen Roper Arlen Roper 6211 Dartington Way Carlsbad, CA 92009 a.roper@sbcglobal.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; sbcydsl 3.12; SV1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) Page 1 of 1 Council Internet Mailbox - Fw: More information on Bressi Village From: "Bill & Gloria" <bandgrichardson@roadrunner.com> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 09/09/2007 8:19 PM Subject: Fw: More information on Bressi Village City Council Members, Upon reviewing in more detail the many aspects and changes in the proposed plans and after receiving additional information on the Bressi Village matter, we have reconsidered our point of view. We are not in favor of the plans submitted by LNR Bressi Commercial Inc. but are in favor and support of the plan as originally submitted and approved in the Bressi Village Master Plan. Thank you for your time and energy. Regards, Bill and Gloria Richardson 2676 Bressi Ranch Way Carlsbad, CA 92009 — Original Message — From: Bill & Gloria To: council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 9:21 PM Subject: Bressi Village City Council Members, We the homeowners in Bressi Ranch are in favor of the plans for Bressi Village as submitted by LNR Bressi Commerical Inc. We support the project as approved by the Planning Commission. Regards, Bill and Gloria Richardson 2676 Bressi Ranch Way Carlsbad, CA 92009 file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46E45552GW-... 09/10/2007 From: Taryn Murphy <murphy1106@mac.com> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> CC: Scott Murphy <smurphy@khec.com> Date: 09/08/2007 3:39 PM Subject: Bressi Ranch retail center To whom it may concern: I am writing as a concerned homeowner and citizen of Carlsbad. We recently relocated to Carlsbad from the midwest and have lived in both small towns and large metropolitan areas (including strip mall suburbs.) We are very familiar with a small town village square concept and the sense of security and community they create. I am concerned that the changes in the proposed design of the Bressi Ranch retail center will turn the Bressi Ranch neighborhood into just another "strip mall suburb". The suggested change in design of the original approved master plan is very disappointing to me and the only words that come to mind are "bait and switch" You do not have to be a city planer to conceptualize the difference between the original approved plan vs. the proposed changes. While LNR seems to be playing the changes as very minor and insignificant, I disagree. The changes create an entirely different community one that is far different from what the original intentions were LNR has given the impression that they are trying to listen to community concerns and make adjustments unfortunately, I do not feel that their response to community concerns addresses the issue... a 10'sidewalk and a 5'window. Quite frankly, this is an insult. I enjoy Trader Joe's, just like everyone else, but I am not willing to be pressured into agreeing to the new plan just for the sake of having a Trader Joe's and in turn, lose the sense of community that we originally purchased (along with a home). I am asking the City Council to deny the proposed changes to the ORIGINAL APPROVED MASTER PLAN. The new plan is not good for Bressi Ranch or the City of Carlsbad. Kind regards, Scott Murphy 6326 Huntington Drive From: <cingomez@gmail.com> To: <Council@[]> Date: 09/09/2007 9:14 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Re: Bressi Ranch Village Center Plan I am concerned with LNR's proposed placement of the loading dock close to our Mulberry homes (one of which is mine). The original Master Plan did not place the dock in that position. Please go out and see for your self how close the dock would be to the homes. Also, please do NOT eliminate the road. It will compromise the project and increase traffic in my residential area. I also object to double fronted buildings. We have a chance to have an exceptional center! Let's have a quality project. Please refer back to the principles of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan!!!! Cindy Gomez 6231 Shamrock Place Carlsbad, CA 92009 cingomez@gmail.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) AGENDA ITEM # / / c: Mayor City Council From: "Kelly K Mclaughlin" <Kelly@kmclaughlin.net> City Manager To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> City Attorney Date: 09/07/2007 4:16 PM City Clerk Subject: In Favor of Bressi Ranch Retail Center To whom it may concern, Short & sweet. I am the #1 Realtor in Bressi Ranch selling more homes than any Realtor in Bressi. I am a VERY ACTIVE and INVOLVED MEMBER of this Bressi Ranch community; speaking to homeowners everyday regarding our great neighborhood. I am in favor of the new "village" and would ask that it has the FULL SUPPORT of the Carlsbad Council on Sept 11th. I can assure you that I speak for many who feel the same as I do and are eagerly waiting the construction and most importantly the completion of the (property raising) shopping center! Regards, Kelly Mclaughlin 6245 Alverton Drive, Carlsbad Ca 92009 Kelly Mclaughlin ~ Realtor Progressive Realty Cell #760-310-2305 "Dream BIG, Plan Well & Great Things Will Happen!" From: Brock Schroeder <brockschroeder@gmail.com> To: <council@ci. carlsbad. ca.us> CC: <JWilliams@lnrproperty.com> Date: 09/09/2007 10:05 AM Subject: Bressi Village Shopping Area To Whom it may concern, We are writing to express our support for the approval of the Bressi Village Shopping Center at the September 11, 2007 Carlsbad City Council meeting. Over the past few months, we have become aware of the small but very vocal group of Bressi Ranch residents who do not approve of the construction plans as presented by LNR Property Corporation. While we believe they have honest intentions, they have also chosen to portray themselves as the "voice of Bressi Ranch residents"-including in local newspaper reports. The relative silence of the vast majority does not indicate support for this group (which in reality represents the voice and objections of one person, Peter Katz). I respect Peter's background, education, and opinions, but his credentials do not give him the right to speak for over 600 homeowners. We have listened to both sides of the argument (including the presentations to the City Planning Commission in June), and we would like to express our support for approving this project so that construction can begin as soon as possible. We and others have lived in Bressi Ranch for over 2 years now, and have waited patiently for this project to begin. Having Bressi Village so close was one of the main reasons we purchased in Bressi Ranch, and the delays and potential loss of businesses are very concerning to us. At the initial meeting held between LNR and the Bressi Ranch residents, there was audible excitement in the room as residents learned about the project (in particular when the residents were told that Trader Joe's was to be one of the tenants). When Peter Katz interrupted the presentation with his comments and objections, there was very little support among the majority for his issues. Most folks just wanted him to finish, so they could hear more about the project. Over the following months, he has recruited a small group of residents who support his objections. Again, they have a right to their opinions, but they should not be thought in any way to represent the voice of Bressi Ranch as a whole. Most people that we know are very excited for this project to begin, and most have no idea that Peter and his group have worked so hard to stop the project. In reviewing both the initial master plan drawings and the current LNR plans, we actually see many improvements in the project, an factor which has been lost on many, as LNR has had to continually rebut Peter's arguments instead of talking about the improvements. The Bressi village plan is well-designed, well-thought out, and will deliver precisely what it was intended to deliver. Please cast a vote to approve the Bressi Village Shopping Center project. Thank you. Sincerely, Melanie Goforth and Brock Schroeder 2698 Peppertree Way Bressi Ranch Town Center Page 1 of 1 Council Internet Mailbox - Bressi Ranch Town Center From: "Abbott, Peggy, Ms, DCAA" <Peggy.Abbott@dcaa.mil> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 09/07/2007 9:22 AM Subject: Bressi Ranch Town Center To the City Council of Carlsbad, I am writing to you about the Bressi Ranch Towne Center. Could you please do me a favor and do not cancel or postpone any longer the original plans to build our town center as it is. I am looking forward to having a Trader's Joe and a Staler Brother right here in our neighborhood. I have friends that have been talking about getting a Trader's Joe that lives within 10 miles radius. I cannot believe that you would jeopardize what everyone has been looking forward to for so long because of one person's opinion. Just because that individual believes in his own heart that he is an expert "Planner" and had manage to use scare tactics to get a few people to follow him, are you to just ignore the remaining majority that lives here. We are all expert in our field of work, but do that give any of us the right to force our individual's opinion on everyone else. I think not. Please take into consideration what the majority of the people hear at Bressi Ranch wants. I do not want a road next to the park of the Boys and Girls Club particularly due to safety reasons for the children. You have to realize our town center is not in the middle of Bressi Ranch, it is on the border of it. To reiterate, the homeowners here at Bressi Ranch are very please with the planned town center as they are and would like to see the project get started immediately It has been almost two years and this is getting ridiculous. Politics should not be the issue here, so please do not let the political connection or influences of this individual that wants to force his personal agenda onto our community postpone the start of our town center as original proposed. I am looking forward to hearing from someone in your department on this subject. Please give me a call to discuss it further if this email is not clear on my wants. I am home on Fridays and the weekend or you can call my cell phone during work hours and I will return your call. I am so much looking forward to getting the proposed town center - Trader's Joe, Staler Brother, and etc. Peggy Abbott, Senior Auditor Telephone No: (760) 602-3262, cell phone (760) 585-5233 Email Address: peggy.abbott@dcaa.mil file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46El 183FGW-... 09/10/2007 From: Alicia Tremble <atremble@mac.com> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 09/07/2007 10:10 AM Subject: Bressi Ranch Retail Center Hello- We live in Bressi Ranch and this e-mail is to inform you that we are not in support of Peter Katz's plans for the Bressi Ranch Retail Center. We know that he is telling you that he is representing Bressi Ranch residents and that is not the case. While his points are valid, windows in Trader Joe's and a road in front of the Boy's & Girl's Club is not important to us. We don't want him to delay this project any longer! Thank you! The Trembles Page 1 of 1 Council Internet Mailbox - Trader Joes at Bressi Ranch - YES From: <JJBF@aol.com> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 09/07/2007 1:15 PM Subject: Trader Joes at Bressi Ranch - YES Hi, I am a Bressi Ranch Resident and my family and I are very much in favor of Trader Joes being a part of the retail business in this area. Thank you. Jamie Irvine ************************************** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at http://discover.aol.com/memed/aolcom30tour file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46E14EDBGW-... 09/10/2007 From: <metroe@hotmail.com> To: <Council@[]> Date: 09/07/2007 2:33 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: I urge the City Counsel to pass AB 19-160 in it's present form. I have talked to about 15 people and I have found absolutely no one who does not want to project to proceed now as proposed. There is a small group of people who are hell bent on changing the project, but can tell you that most residents in Bressi Ranch want it built NOW...thank you Steve Roe. Stephen Roe 2613 Town Garden Rd. Carlsbad, ca 92009 metroe@hotmail.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) From: <mbaldwin@ffres.com> To: <Council@[]> Date: 09/08/2007 9:08 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Regarding the Village Center at Bressi Ranch - please don't allow a very select few, speak on behalf of all of us who live in Bressi Ranch. PLEASE vote YES and approve the plans to move forward and complete the center! mike baldwin 2662 peppertree way carlsbad, 92009 mbaldwin@ffres.com Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/416.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/416.12 Page 1 of 1 Council Internet Mailbox - Bressi Ranch Village Project From: <mpkuhney@aol.com> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 09/09/2007 4:35 PM Subject: Bressi Ranch Village Project As a homeowner in Bressi Ranch at 6256 Alverton Drive, my wife and I are very supportive of the LNR Property Corp. plan and development as proposed. It is our wish that the Carlsbad City Council approve the project so it can begin expeditiously. Sincerely, Michael Kuhney Cheri Kuhney Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46E420ClGW-... 09/10/2007 Page 1 of 1 Council Internet Mailbox - Regarding Bressi Ranch retail From: "ryan dormanesh" <ryan.dormanesh@gmail.com> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 09/09/2007 5:36 PM Subject: Regarding Bressi Ranch retail We really like what LNR has done to suit the residents of Bressi Ranch, I actually liked the original ideas of theirs but they have just made it even better now. As residents of Mulberry in Bressi Ranch we are looking forward to the project to move forward in the immediate near future! We think the current plan will more than make all the residents happy. Thanks, file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46E42FOFGW-... 09/10/2007 From: Michael Strong <strongmd7@yahoo.com> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 09/10/2007 9:37 AM Subject: LNR Commercial Site Members of the Carlsbad City Council, This correspondence is a follow-up to the concerns that I previously submitted regarding item under your consideration on the September 11th agenda. If you recall, I previously sent correspondence regarding anticipated noise impacts to the Mulberry property and requested further consideration of the Bressi commercial site in light of environmental impacts. Subsequent to my review of the noise/acoustical study prepared for the project (after my letter was received by the City), it is my understanding that the mitigation measures will reduce noise levels to an acceptable level if properly implemented. The recommendations, provided by the acoustical survey/study, must be incorporated into your approval to effectively reduce noise levels to an acceptable level. It is my understanding that current project encompasses these measures, and as such are to the satisfaction of the Mulberry HOA Board. Thanks Mike Strong President of the Mulberry HOA at Bressi Ranch Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games. http://get.games. yahoo. com/proddesc?gamekey=monopolyherenow Page 1 of2 Council Internet Mailbox - Fwd: Bressi Retail Update. From: Alicia Tremble <atremble@mac.com> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 09/07/2007 10:12 AM Subject: Fwd: Bressi Retail Update. I just sent you an email to let you know that we are not in support with Peter Katz and his oposition to the Bressi Ranch Retail Center. The e-mail below is what he sent out via his girlfriend to some residents yesterday to try and gain support for his cause. Best- Alicia Tremble Begin forwarded message: From: Maria Hollander <MarHollander@aol.com> Date: September 6, 2007 10:58:44 PM PDT To: 'Alice Wolicki' <avyolLCki@ho_trnail.csrn>, Alicia Tremble <aLrerDble@maciCQrn>, 'Andrea1 <chQong@surfbest.net>, 'Barbara and Luis' <!ujsajid_ba/Mra@sbcg|obal,net>, 'Barbara Henry' <bhenry@nctirn_es.com>, Bethlyn Burditt <beihJ^j]_burdjtt^yaMQ,com>, 'Bobbi Hoder' <bhpder@roadrunner.com>, "V'Bryan ClarkV <" <Biarikcarry@gmaiLcorn>, 'Bryan Cline' <bcline7Q@yahog,com>, 'Cathy Finn' <cathylfinn@roadrunner.com>, 'Christine' <christineqphan@yahoo.com>, 'Dawn Blessman' <dblessman@roadrunner.com>, 'Dennis Paul Bart' <dennispaul55@roadrunner.com>, 'Diana Allegre' <ke!!y_4705@hotmail.com>, 'Frank pareded' <fmpareded@sbcglobal.net>, 'Gary Hill' <gNIJ@gja.edu>, 'Gina Mcbride' <GinaM@McBrideFinancial.com>, 'healther Gertcki' <hgertcki@hptmM,CQm>, 'Jamie ' <jjbf@aol,CQrn>, Jay Corrales <jay@trealestate.net>. 'John Alegre' <john@alegreblinds.com>, "'John w."1 <JQhnwilcQx@Bry.sdicarn>, 'jonalbandian' <jnalbandian@sbcglobal.net>. 'Jorge medina' <jorgemedina@roadrunner.com>, 'Kevin Eakin' <olivia.eakin@gmail.com>. kimberly <kimberly@edgegrouponline.com>, 'km winkler1 <kathymarkwinkler@adelphia.net>, 'Krisztina' <Msztin^QHins@hotmaN.c.QjTi>, 'Laura' <lclinedvm@yahoo.com>, 'leonardo Mangiapane' <leomangiapane@yahoo.com>, 'malee Tobias' <mtobias@newiandcommunities.com>, 'Mark Forsyth' <mhforsyth21@yahoo.com>, Maria Hollander <MarHollander@aol.com>. 'Michael Burge' <michael.burge@uniontrib.com>, 'Ollie ' <ollieott@hotmail.com>, Peter Katz <katzoid@earthlink.net>. 'Peter Nguyen' <peternguyendds@yahoo.com>. 'Ron Saiki' <rmsaiki@sbcglobal.net>. 'Ryn ' <spiering92009@yahoo.com>, 'Sue S' <sdmama@sbcglobal.net>, Taryn' <murphy11Q6@mac;CQm>, Thomas Hageman' <thageman@planningsystems.net> Subject: Bressi Retail Update. Hello friends, You have all expressed interest in the Bressi retail center planning process. We wanted to give you an update. On June 20th, several Bressi residents presented concerns about the design of the Bressi retail center to the planning commission. The concerns, stemming from changes to the approved master plan (changes made without any community involvement), ranged from increased traffic, noise, personal safety, cost of park maintenance, decreased quality of life, and refund for infrastructure (a road) not provided. The good news, the planning commission asked the developer to make a few changes to the proposed plan addressing those concerns before the developer is able to request approval from city council. To address the missing road on the east side of the park, the developer file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46E1242AGW-... 09/10/2007 Page 2 of2 added a 10-foot wide sidewalk. And to address the blank wall of the specialty food store, the developer has agreed to add one 5-foot window on the wall fronting the square, a few glass display cases (that aren't actually windows), and an entrance on the corner close to the park. The bad news, we do not feel the developer has proposed quality changes that REALLY address all the concerns that were raised. Come on guys, ONLY one SMALL active window on the square from the specialty grocer? How difficult could it be to have all real active windows? Our master plan calls for, buildings that shall be oriented with windows, entries, balconies and/or porches oriented toward the street or active pedestrian area. This design will increase public safety by placing "eyes " on the street... buildings should be oriented toward the village square and mixed-use street. Have you all walked next to a building with no windows - Creepy, scary!. Do you want that experience everyday? And what about that sidewalk. How does a 10-foot sidewalk compare to the $2.2 million dollar street we were supposed to have? The developer is now employing scare tactics and we want you, our fellow neighbors to not be fooled. The developer would have us all believing that a few citizens are getting in the way of Trader Joe's coming to Bressi (We love Trader Joe's!), when it is they who are opting for a more difficult and potentially lengthy approval process by changing key features of the approved Bressi Ranch Master plan. We all purchased our homes after hearing of the wonderful features that would exist in our community. We want our neighbors and elected officials to fully consider what will be lost if the proposed plan is approved. What can you do? • Visit a newly constructed website blog to get more background information and learn what national experts have to say about the current plan. http://bressiretail.blogspot.com/ • Come to the City Council Meeting Tuesday, September 11. 6:00 p.m. 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, 92008 • Send an Email to City Council (well before the 9/1 1 meeting) sharing your thoughts, Maria Hollander MarHollander@aol.com 609-865-5489 file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46E1242AGW-... 09/10/2007 Page 1 of2 Council Internet Mailbox - FW: Village Shops @ Bressi Ranch From: "Jeff Williams" <JWilliams@lnrproperty.com> To: <council@ci. carlsbad. ca.us> Date: 09/09/2007 5:58 PM Subject: FW: Village Shops @ Bressi Ranch CC: "Christer Westman" <Cwest@ci.carlsbad.ca.us>, "heather gertzki" <hgertzki@hotmail.com> Marilyn, Kira - I am forwarding this email (see below) from Heather Gertski, a Bressi Ranch resident that lives in the Mulberry community. She wasn't able to get it to go through so I am trying to get it to the Council. Thank you. Jeff Williams LNR Property Corporation Commercial Property Group 4275 Executive Square, Suite 210 La Jolla, CA 92037 (858) 410-9765 direct (858) 410-9760 main (858) 450-4609 fax From: heather gertzki [mailto:hgertzki@hotmail.com] Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2007 5:53 PM To: Jeff Williams; cwest@ci.carlsbad.ca.us Subject: FW: Village Shops @ Bressi Ranch Jeff & Christer, I have tried twice to send this to the website, and it comes back failed. Can you make sure that this gets to the Council? Thank you, Heather Gertzki From: hgertzki@hotmail.com To: council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us CC: jwilliams@lnrproperty.com Subject: Village Shops @ Bressi Ranch Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 00:45:59 +0000 Members of the City Council of Carlsbad, Over the past several months I have had contact with Jeff Williams of LNR. He and I, as well as other members of Mulberry's HOA Board, have had open and positive communication on the Village Shops Project. After several meetings and email correspondence, I am comfortable with giving my general support for the project. The architectural and structural details are wonderful, as well as the awnings and planted materials. The general look is consistent with our Village Clubhouse and other Bressi structures thru-out the development. The overall look and feel is very welcoming and similar to other projects like the "Forum". I have appreciated Jeff Williams, willingness to meet on several occasions and I feel that LNR has made many changes to the project directly from requests from Bressi residents. These changes, in my opinion have brought a better environment and a more workable, inviting, safe project. I do however, want to make sure that a few issues are addressed as part of the approval process on Tuesday. file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46E43459GW-... 09/10/2007 Page 2 of 2 • I would like the results of the noise/environmental study done along Mulberry's property line and the subsequent requests for delivery times and procedures to be officially amended into Trader Joes Tenant use-agreement. Also as a side-note, to have those same time and procedures required of any other tenant who may lease the building, if Trader Joes chooses to move after their 10 year commitment. • All issues regarding Mulberry's property line that were previously discussed with LNR with regards to a barrier wall, landscaping, lighting, security, trash disposal, noise, and traffic within the Trader Joes & Bank Lot be honored and installed as agreed to. • Consider again the request to put the street back into the plan. • If the 10 foot sidewalk is the only option Council is considering, then adequate lighting must be installed the full length of the proposed 10 foot walkway on the eastern side of the park. It was previously discussed that "some" lighting would be installed, I would urge a decision for lighting the entire length of the sidewalk. • It has been suggested that instead of "display type" windows on the south side of Trader Joes, were there could be a potential for vandalism, that those windows be tinted so anyone on the street or sidewalk would not "know" if there were people on the inside or not. The possibility of being "watched" may be enough of a deterrent for potential crime in that area. Thank you for considering my points above, I hope that you will consider them in your decisions on Tuesday. Again, I think that after the careful consideration of all the issues, that the project will be a positive and wonderful addition to the Bressi Ranch Development. Many of the aspects of the plan will enrich the lives of Bressi residents. We are looking forward to the conveniences as well as the relaxing features that this project will bring to our community. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Heather Gertzki HOA - Mulberry at Bressi Ranch Kick back and relax with hot games and cool activities at the Messenger Cafe. Play: now! Gear up for Halo® 3 and get a $25 Best Buy gift card. It's our way of saying thanks for using Windows Live™. Get it now! file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46E43459GW-... 09/10/2007 AGEMiA ITEM # / / c: Mayor City Council City Manager From: <gravazzolo@sbcglobal.net> CityAttorney To: <Council@[]> CityClerk Date: 09/10/2007 1:41 PM -_-_ Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US ' *" A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: We strongly support the city council vote for the approved constructioon plans for Bressi Village Square shopping area. We strongly object to a road between the Park and the Boys & Girls Club. It makes no sense and could cause a tragedy. The wide walk-way with lighting comparable to street lights is very appealing and user friendly. We are also interested in seeing the landscaping plan to assure residents that the night lights and public noise is well blocked. And...that the parking lots and the Stater Bros.unattractive building have sufficient trees to soften them inducing the approach up Bressi Ranch way at the back side of Stater Bros. Please vote for the LNR Property Construction plans to begin construction. Thank you. Gloria & George Ravazzolo 2681 Echo Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92009 usa gravazzolo@sbcglobal.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) From: <gravazzolo@sbcglobal.net> To: <Council@[]> Date: 09/10/2007 1:45 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: We strongly support the petition for the construction of the approved LNR Property plans for the Bressi Village Square shopping area. We are asking the city council to approve of the construction of these plans. We are opposed to there being a road between the boys and girls club and the park and accept the Trader Joe's look with the cafe, awnings and fau windows...as long as they have somthing attractive behind the fau glass such as scenery. The wide walk-way in place of the road (and lined with lighting comparable to street lights) is appealing and makes sense. We are also interested in seeing the landscaping plan to assure residents that the Village Square will be well blocked out (to block light at night & public noise in general). Also, that the parking lots have sufficient trees to soften the look. And that Stater Brothers is well landscaped to soften an unattractive building including the backside. Please vote in favor of the LNR Property construction plans. gloria & George Ravazzolo 2681 Echo Avenue Carlsbad, Ca 92009 gravazzolo@sbcglobal.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) Page 1 of 1 Council Internet Mailbox - Bressi Ranch Village From: "Tawny Paraell" <tparnell@powermetalinc.com> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 09/10/2007 2:13 PM Subject: Bressi Ranch Village To Whom It May Concern: I am a resident in Bressi Ranch, I live in the community of Gardenside. We were the 6th family to move into the community and have been patiently awaiting the retail center for over 2 years. I have read the letter that recently went out from Peter Katz to our community and think his concerning issues are ridiculous (did he have a problem with all the commercial buildings, as the same could hold true with them?) I was planning on attending the last city council meeting regarding this but was unable to as I have small children and my husband was out of town on business. I keep hearing our neighbors complaining that the center has not started being built yet, but all the commercial buildings and schools are. When I tell them what is going on they say that is too bad that someone can keep stalling the project, but that they do not have the time to write letters or attend meetings. I hope this is resolved during the next meeting so we can get the retail center (with all three anchor stores) built before the end of the century. Respectfully, Tawny Parnell, SPHR Human Resources Manager 760-607-0427 Office 760-415-4479 Mobile 760-607-0414 Fax This email and any attachments contain privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee(s). If you are not an intended recipient of this email, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, copying or use of information within it is strictly prohibited. If you received this email in error or without authorization, please notify us immediately by reply e-mail and permanently delete all copies of the e-mail and any attachments from your system. file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46E55123GW-... 09/11/2007 From: <mallgrave_fred@bah.com> To: <Council@[]> Date: 09/10/2007 9:03 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: I am writing to you as a homeowner in Bressi Ranch regarding the LNR design of the proposed Bressi Village Shopping Center. Upfront, I am most strongly in favor of the currently proposed design and request that the council approve the design as presented. The center is thoughtfully planned and will serve the community and surrounding neighborhoods well. I urge you to support this proposal and I eagerly look forward to the day I can shop in my own neighborhood. Note: Mr. Peter Katz does not speak for me. In no way do I favor his proposal. Thank you in advance for your support of the LNR proposal. Fred Mallgrave FRED MALLGRAVE 6351 Dl VITA DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 mallgrave_fred@bah.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; lnfoPath.1) From: <fmallgrave@roadrunner.com> To: <Council@[]> Date: 09/10/2007 9:44 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: I am writting you as a Bressi Ranch homeowner. I have viewed the plans for the new Bressi Ranch Village Town Center which LNR has designed and I feel this design is right for our community. I do not see any reason that this Center needs to be redesigned and construction held up. I do not feel that we need another street on the East side of the park which would put more cars going through the Ranch. The wide walkway makes it a safe place for walking to shopping with your children. Mr. Peter Katz does not speak for me and I do not support his ideas or any part of his plan. I'm asking for a yes vote in support of the LNR plan on 9-11-07. Colleen Mallgrave 6351 Dl VITA CARLSBAD, CA 92009 United States fmallgrave@roadrunner.com Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/419.3 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/419.3 Page 1 of 1 Council Internet Mailbox - Re: Bressi Ranch From: "Portia Metras" <portiashomes@hotmail.com> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 09/11/2007 9:37 AM Subject: Re: Bressi Ranch I am a homeowner at Bressi Ranch. I understand you have a meeting tonight and I will not be able to attend. I want to voice my approval of the project as a retail village as highlighted by the LNR and approved by the City Staff and City's Planning Director. We need to have this done now. Thank you for your time. Thanks, Portia Metras 2613 Town Garden Rd. Carlsbad, CA. 92009 760-635-4205 w or 760-644-6492 cell file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46E661E6GW-... 09/11/2007 Page 1 of2 Council Internet Mailbox - Village Shops @ Bressi Ranch From: "byoung boo seo" <bbseosd@gmail.com> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 09/11/2007 10:32 AM Subject: Village Shops @ Bressi Ranch Dear Members of the City Council of Carlsbad, Thank you for your efforts for the city of Carlsbad. We have lived at Mulberry in Bressi Ranch. We want to make sure that a few issues are addressed as part of the approval process on Tuesday. • We would like the results of the noise/environmental study done along Mulberry's property line and the subsequent requests for delivery times and procedures to be officially amended into Trader Joes Tenant use-agreement. Also as a side-note, to have those same time and procedures required of any other tenant who may lease the building, if Trader Joes chooses to move after their 10 year commitment. • All issues regarding Mulberry's property line that were previously discussed with LNR with regards to a barrier wall, landscaping, lighting, security, trash disposal, noise, and traffic within the Trader Joes & Bank Lot be honored and installed as agreed to. • Consider again the request to put the street back into the plan. • If the 10 foot sidewalk is the only option Council is considering, then adequate lighting must be installed the full length of the proposed 10 foot walkway on the eastern side of the park. It was previously discussed that "some" lighting would be installed, I would urge a decision for lighting the entire length of the sidewalk. • It has been suggested that instead of "display type" windows on the south side of Trader Joes, were there could be a potential for vandalism, that those windows be tinted so anyone on the street or sidewalk would not "know" if there were people on the inside or not. The possibility of being "watched" may be enough of a deterrent for potential crime in that area. Thank you for considering our points above, we hope that you will consider them in your decisions on Tuesday. Again, we think that after the careful consideration of all the issues, that the project will be a positive and wonderful addition to the Bressi Ranch Development. Many of the aspects of the plan will enrich the lives of Bressi residents. We are looking forward to the conveniences as well as the relaxing features that this project will bring to our community. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Byoung Boo Seo Misug Kim xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Mulberry at Bressi Ranch Byoung Boo SEO, Misug Kim file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46E66EBDGW-... 09/11/2007 Page 2 of2 2670 ALAMEDA CIRCLE Carlsbad, CA 92009 E-MAIL: bbseosd@gmail.com Phone:(760)918-9056 CELL : (760) 274-4875 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46E66EBDGW-... 09/11/2007 From: Michael Strong <strongmd7@yahoo.com> To: Jeff Williams <JWilliams@lnrproperty.com> CC: <mailtr007@gmail.com>, <hgertzki@hotmail.com>, <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.u. Date: 09/11/2007 12:16 PM Subject: Re: FW: Bressi Village - Draft delivery conditions for Major C (Trader Joes) Jeff, Im sure you are getting prepared for tonight. I wanted to touch base with you regarding the noise study. The Agenda Report did not consist of the conditions as requested by you in an email to Christer Westman (see below). I noticed that the delivery hour restrictions were there, but did someone from the City get in touch with you regarding the implementation of these mitigation requirements (i.e. errata sheet)? These conditions must be mandatory. I'd hate to have this overlooked...on so many different levels. On another note, I noticed that several letters sent by Mulberry home owners, including myslef, were not included into the agenda packet as attachments. At the very least, these should be distributed to the council members and retained for public record. Mike Strong President of the Mulberry Homeowners Association at Bressi Ranch — Jeff Williams <JWilliams@lnrproperty.com> wrote: > Mike - here's what I just sent Christer. Let me > know if you have any > questions or concerns. > Jeff Williams > > LNR Property Corporation > > Commercial Property Group > > 4275 Executive Square, Suite 210 > > La Jolla, CA 92037 > > > > (858) 41 0-9765 direct > > (858) 41 0-9760 main > > (858) 450-4609 fax From: Michael Strong <strongmd7@yahoo.com> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> CC: <mailtr007@gmail.com>, <hgertzki@hotmail.com> Date: 09/11/2007 12:23 PM Subject: Fwd: FW: Bressi Village - Draft delivery conditions for Major C (Trader Joes) Attachments: FW: Bressi Village - Draft delivery conditions for Major C (Trader Joes) City Council, Please ensure that the attached conditions, as documented by the applicant and sent to the City of Carlsbad, are enforced/applied to the Bressi Village project at tonight's hearing. I think given your understanding that land use decisions are inherently political, exploitation of land use compatibility and affordable housing should not be taken lightly. Thanks in advance for serving the community. Mike Strong Note: forwarded message attached. Catch up on fall's hot new shows on Yahoo! TV. Watch previews, get listings, and more! http://tv.yahoo.com/collections/3658 Page 1 of 1 Council Internet Mailbox - FW: Bressi Village - Draft delivery conditions for Major C (Trader Joes) From: "Jeff Williams" <JWilliams@lnrproperty.com> To: "Strong, Mike" <strongmd7@yahoo.com> Date: 09/06/2007 1:42 PM Subject: FW: Bressi Village - Draft delivery conditions for Major C (Trader Joes) Attachments: TJ Delivery - Conditions of Approval - Draft.doc Mike - here's what I just sent Christer. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Jeff Williams LNR Property Corporation Commercial Property Group 4275 Executive Square, Suite 210 La Jolla, CA 92037 (858) 410-9765 direct (858) 410-9760 main (858) 450-4609 fax From: Jeff Williams Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2007 1:34 PM To: 'Christer Westman' Subject: Bressi Village - Draft delivery conditions for Major C (Trader Joes) Christer - here is a draft of the conditions that could be added to the project conditions to address the acoustical report findings. Please let me know how this will be documented and communicated with the Council. Thank you. Jeff Williams LNR Property Corporation Commercial Property Group 4275 Executive Square, Suite 210 La Jolla, CA 92037 (858) 410-9765 direct (858) 410-9760 main (858) 450-4609 fax file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46E688C9GW-... 09/11/2007 Regarding deliveries/loading at the Major C building, the following conditions, adopted from the Acoustical Evaluation Report performed for the Major C loading operation, shall apply: a. Deliveries shall not take place between 11:00pm and 7:00am. b. Deliveries may either be made (1) with the delivery truck parked in the "go-back" at-grade loading area along the west side of the Major C building (Optionl), or (2) with the delivery truck parked in the drive aisle in front of the store (north side) of the Major C building, facing east (Option 2). c. If deliveries are made using the Option 1 truck delivery location, the tenant for Major C building shall make commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that delivery truck engines and refrigeration units are turned off and kept from idling while parked in the loading area. No such engine or refrigeration unit shut-off restriction shall apply for the Option 2 truck delivery location. d. The sound wall adjacent to the dock area and the perimeter wall at the west edge of the property shall be a continuous structure, without gaps, and should be constructed of concrete block. e. Delivery drivers should be required to leave the unloading area immediately upon starting their truck engines. f. All trucks should be required to have properly maintained, factory-approved mufflers. g. Delivery truck drivers should be encouraged to minimize acceleration and maintain reduced vehicle speeds while on site. h. Forklift and pallet jack operators should be instructed to minimize speed to reduce noise and to perform their operations as quietly as possible. i. Outside public address systems should not be used as part of the delivery operation. j. Administrative controls should be implemented to minimize employee talking and shouting, and the use of radios during deliveries, k. The pavement in the at-grade loading area ("go-back" area) and between this area and where the trucks stop, should be smooth and should not have any speed bumps that would generate noise as the delivery trucks, pallet jacks, and forklifts drive over them. Page 1 of4 Council Internet Mailbox - RE: Bressi Village - Draft delivery conditions for Major C (Trader Joes) From: heather gertzki <hgertzki@hotmail.com> To: Michael Strong <strongmd7@yahoo.com>, <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 09/11/2007 2:17 PM Subject: RE: Bressi Village - Draft delivery conditions for Major C (Trader Joes) CC: <mailtr007@gmail.com> As a fellow Mulberry Board Member, I support Mike Strong's request to include this attached conditions. Mulberry Board's "support" of this project is based on this conditions being implemented and amended to the project. Please take our request and support under your careful consideration. Sincerely Heather Gertzki HOA - Mulberry at Bressi Ranch Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 12:22:17 -0700 From: strongmd7@yahoo.com Subject: Fwd: FW: Bressi Village - Draft delivery conditions for Major C (Trader Joes) To: council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us CC: mailtr007@gmail.com; hgertzki@hotmail.com City Council, Please ensure that the attached conditions, as documented by the applicant and sent to the City of Carlsbad, are enforced/applied to the Bressi Village project at tonight's hearing. I think given your understanding that land use decisions are inherently political, exploitation of land use compatibility and affordable housing should not be taken lightly. Thanks in advance for serving the community. Mike Strong Note: forwarded message attached. Catch up on fall's hot new shows on Yahoo! TV. Watch previews, get listings, an http: //tv.yahoo. c.om/collectiqns_/3_65_8 --Forwarded Message Attachment- Subject: FW: Bressi Village - Draft delivery conditions for Major C (Trader Joes) Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2007 13:42:28 -0700 From: JWilliams@lnrproperty.com To: strongmd7@yahoo.com file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46E6A365GW-... 09/11/2007 Page 1 of 3 Council Internet Mailbox - RE: Bressi Village - Draft delivery conditions for Major C (Trader Joes) From: heather gertzki <hgertzki@hotmail.com> To: Michael Strong <strongmd7@yahoo.com>, Jeff Williams <jwilliams@lnrproperty.com> Date: 09/1.1/2007 2:38 PM Subject: RE: Bressi Village - Draft delivery conditions for Major C (Trader Joes) CC: <mailtr007@gmail.com>, <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us>, <cwest@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> To All Concerned, All letters no matter if showing support, opposition or a nuetral point of view should be made available to the City Council, as well as kept for public record. This is should be a fair and diplomatic forum. There needs to be factual and democractic representation of what the public has voiced. Thank you for considering this for the meeting tonight. Sincerley, Heather Gertzki HOA - Mulberry at Bressi Ranch > Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 12:15:48 -0700 > From: strongmd7@yahoo.com > Subject: Re: FW: Bressi Village - Draft delivery conditions for Major C (Trader Joes) > To: JWilliams@lnrproperty.com > CC: mailtr007@gmail.com; hgertzki@hotmail.com; council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us; cwest@ci.carlsbad.ca.us > Jeff, > Im sure you are getting prepared for tonight. I > wanted to touch base with you regarding the noise > study. The Agenda Report did not consist of the > conditions as requested by you in an email to Christer > Westman (see below). I noticed that the delivery hour > restrictions were there, but did someone from the City > get in touch with you regarding the implementation of > these mitigation requirements (i.e. errata sheet)? > These conditions must be mandatory. I'd hate to have > this overlooked...on so many different levels. > On another note, I noticed that several letters sent > by Mulberry home owners, including myslef, were not > included into the agenda packet as attachments. At > the very least, these should be distributed to the > council members and retained for public record. > Mike Strong > President of the Mulberry Homeowners Association > at Bressi Ranch > > file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46E6A84BGW-... 09/11/2007 Page 1 of 3 Council Internet Mailbox - RE: Bressi Village - Draft delivery conditions for Major C (Trader Joes) From: "Jeff Williams" <JWilliams@lnrproperty.com> To: "heather gertzki" <hgertzki@hotmail.com>, "Michael Strong" <strongmd7@yahoo.com> Date: 09/11/2007 2:48 PM Subject: RE: Bressi Village - Draft delivery conditions for Major C (Trader Joes) CC: <mailtr007@gmail.com>, <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us>, <cwest@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Hi Heather - my understanding is that all emails sent to cojjncij.@£i.,car!sba_<lcau_s are printed by the Council staff and given to the Council. As far as letters written and sent to the Staff, I assume that those are forwarded on to the Council as well but am not in the loop there. LNR certainly has not prevented any communications from either side from getting to the Council. As I trust you have seen, we have tried to communicate openly and frankly with the residents on this project. See you tonight. Jeff Williams LNR Property Corporation Commercial Property Group 4275 Executive Square, Suite 210 La Jolla, CA 92037 (858) 410-9765 direct (858) 410-9760 main (858) 450-4609 fax From: heather gertzki [mailto:hgertzki@hotmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 2:37 PM To: Michael Strong; Jeff Williams Cc: mailtr007@gmail.com; council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us; cwest@ci.carlsbad.ca.us Subject: RE: Bressi Village - Draft delivery conditions for Major C (Trader Joes) To All Concerned, All letters no matter if showing support, opposition or a nuetral point of view should be made available to the City Council, as well as kept for public record. This is should be a fair and diplomatic forum. There needs to be factual and democractic representation of what the public has voiced. Thank you for considering this for the meeting tonight. Sincerley, Heather Gertzki HOA - Mulberry at Bressi Ranch > Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 12:15:48 -0700 > From: strongmd7@yahoo.com > Subject: Re: FW: Bressi Village - Draft delivery conditions for Major C (Trader Joes) > To: JWilliams@lnrproperty.com > CC: mailtr007@gmail.com; hgertzki@hotmail.com; council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us; cwest@ci.carlsbad.ca.us > > Jeff, > > Im sure you are getting prepared for tonight. I > wanted to touch base with you regarding the noise file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46E6AAAlGW... 09/11/2007 Page 2 of 3 > study. The Agenda Report did not consist of the > conditions as requested by you in an email to Christer > Westman (see below). I noticed that the delivery hour > restrictions were there, but did someone from the City > get in touch with you regarding the implementation of > these mitigation requirements (i.e. errata sheet)? > These conditions must be mandatory. I'd hate to have > this overlooked... on so many different levels. > > On another note, I noticed that several letters sent > by Mulberry home owners, including myslef, were not > included into the agenda packet as attachments. At > the very least, these should be distributed to the > council members and retained for public record. > > Mike Strong > President of the Mulberry Homeowners Association > at Bressi Ranch > — Jeff Williams <JWilliams@lnrproperty.com> wrote: > > > Mike - here's what I just sent Christer. Let me > > know if you have any > > questions or concerns. > > Jeff Williams > > > > LNR Property Corporation > > > > Commercial Property Group > > > > 4275 Executive Square, Suite 210 > > > > La Jolla, CA 92037 > > > > > > > > (858) 410-9765 direct > > > > (858) 410-9760 main > > > > (858) 450-4609 fax > > From: Jeff Williams > > Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2007 1:34 PM > > To: 'Christer Westman' > > Subject: Bressi Village - Draft delivery conditions > > for Major C (Trader > > Joes) file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\46E6AAAlGW... 09/11/2007 From: <jbonasia@sbcglobal.net> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 09/11/2007 3:07 PM Subject: Bressi Ranch commercial retail site I am writing to communicate my support of the proposed plan as modified by LNR for the commercial/ retail site at Bressi Ranch. I do not agree with the recommendations proposed by Peter Katz. In particular, the additional roadway recommended is a hazard for the Boys and Girls Club and the children who will utilize the facility as well as an eyesore compared to the expanded paseo recommended and modified in the new site plan. Not only are Mr. Katz' recommendations inferior and unnecessary, I am seriously concerned with further delay to this project. The residents of Bressi Ranch expect this project to move forward without further delay. We look to you, the council, to uphold our wishes. I will be at the meeting tonight to show my support for this important improvement and look forward to the vote of the council. Jennifer Bonasia Bressi Ranch resident Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry AGENDA ITEM # / / c: Mayor City Council Mark D. RohrHck City Manager 1658 Calliandra Road cityAttorney Carlsbad, CA 92011 City Clerk CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE September 10,2007 Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: AB#19-160 - Bressi Ranch Village Center Dear Mayor and Members of the City Council: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed Bressi Ranch Village Center Site Development. As you know, I was with Lennar Communities, the master developer of Bressi Ranch from 1997 until I left to start my own company in July 2003. For the better part of my career at Lennar, my involvement with the Bressi Ranch Master Plan was all-encompassing. As the Lennar executive responsible for developing the original Master Plan, I consulted with urban planners like Peter Calthorpe and worked close with City staff while guiding the Master Plan approval through the City of Carlsbad. The Master Plan was approved in 2002 and I have a great amount of pride in what Bressi Ranch has become and represents to the City of Carlsbad. As a resident of Carlsbad, I often visit Bressi Ranch to see if the physical reality is merging with its planned vision. As far as I can tell Bressi Ranch is delivering on its promise to be a livable and walkable community. I also understand the reality of development which requires the details of a site design to be contained within the Site Development Plan process. I believe Lennar has done an outstanding job of implementing the vision. However, I am concerned about one of its most important elements, its Village Center. For Bressi, the most important aspect of connecting community, place and spirit for Bressi Ranch lies within the Village Center which is the heart of the community and a place for gathering, shopping and walking. When I read an article in the local news stating that former Councilmember Ramona Finnila wanted her namesake removed from the street that will extend into the Village Center I knew something wasn't right with the plan. Ms. Finnila knows what a livable and walkable center should look like. She studied "new urbanism" for years. In fact, Ms. Finnila introduced me to this concept back in the early 1990s' and the Ahwahnee Principles later became the foundation for the Bressi Ranch Master Plan. After reviewing the staff report prepared for the City Council, I understand now why Ms. Finnila wants her name removed. I agree with Ms. Finnila that the proposed design does not meet the spirit and intent of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan for the Village Center. With some careful redesign however, the plan could be changed to be in keeping with the original spirit and intent of the Master Plan. Economically speaking, for this Village Center to be a viable destination for shoppers and residents alike it can't be just another unremarkable automobile centered retail center. A strong pedestrian oriented center with a 'sense of place" and "eyes on the street" will attract shoppers from outside the community and will serve to extend the Center's viability in a very competitive retail market. What retail establishment wouldn't want shoppers to hang around and spend more money? Maybe to some, a design detail such as a street location or building setback or building fagade is just a detail; however it leaves a lasting impact on how surrounding land uses interact with it. What the developer has to do and what the developer should do may be in conflict here. I respectfully request that the City Council continue this item and ask the applicant to revisit the plan and implement changes (many of those are well defined in letters from Gary Hill, Peter Katz and others) which pay special attention to strong pedestrian ties instead of the automobile. 7 MarK D. Rohrlick Carlsbad Resident Page 1 of 1 Marilyn Strong - Bressi Village - Conditions of Approval by Applicant AGENDA ITEM* | / I! CttyComcfl From: " Jeff Williams" <JWilliams@lnrproperty.com> ' City Manager To: <mstro@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> ' CHy Attorney Date: 09/11/2007 3:45 PM City Clerk Subject: Bressi Village - Conditions of Approval by Applicant . _... Attachments: TJ Delivery - Conditions of Approval - Final.doc _ Marilyn Per our conversation, Christer Westman of the Planning Department asked me to send you directly this document regarding additional conditions of approval that the Applicant for Bressi Village is proposing to be placed on the project. These conditions relate to an acoustical study LNR performed in response to concerns from the Mulberry community regarding noise generated by the Trader Joes delivery operation. We have worked with our acoustical engineer, met with the Mulberry residents to explain the findings, and worked with the Planning Staff to come to these conditions and we are agreeing to be conditioned by them. We had sent these conditions to Christer last week and anticipated that they would be incorporated into the Planning Staff documents to Council, however it appears the timing wasn't adequate to get it into the staff package. I apologize for the late timing. Please forward this email along with the attached 1-page list of conditions to the Council members. Thank you. Jeff Williams LNR Property Corporation Commercial Property Group 4275 Executive Square, Suite 210 La Jolla, CA 92037 (858) 410-9765 direct (858) 410-9760 main (858) 450-4609 fax file://C:\Documents and Settings\Mstro\Local Settings\Temp\XPGrpWise\46E6B817GW... 09/11/2007 The Applicant for the Bressi Village project has proposed that the following conditions be added to the City Council Resolution of Approval for this project. These conditions are being proposed as a result of discussions with City Planning Staff and the Mulberry Community. Regarding deliveries/loading at the Major C building, the following conditions, adopted from the Acoustical Evaluation Report performed for the Major C loading operation, shall apply: a. Deliveries shall not take place between 11:00pm and 7:00am. b. Deliveries may either be made (1) with the delivery truck parked in the "go-back" at-grade loading area along the west side of the Major C building (Option!), or (2) with the delivery truck parked in the drive aisle in front of the store (north side) of the Major C building, facing east (Option 2). c. If deliveries are made using the Option 1 truck delivery location, the tenant for Major C building shall ensure that delivery truck engines and refrigeration units are turned off and kept from idling while parked in the loading area. No such engine or refrigeration unit shut-off restriction shall apply for the Option 2 truck delivery location. d. The sound wall adjacent to the dock area and the perimeter wall at the west edge of the property shall be a continuous structure, without gaps, and should be constructed of concrete block. e. Delivery drivers shall be required to leave the unloading area immediately upon starting their truck engines. f. All trucks shall be required to have properly maintained, factory-approved mufflers. g. Delivery truck drivers shall be encouraged to minimize acceleration and maintain reduced vehicle speeds while on site. h. Forklift and pallet jack operators shall be instructed to minimize speed to reduce noise and to perform their operations as quietly as possible. i. Outside public address systems shall not be used as part of the delivery operation, j. Administrative controls shall be implemented to minimize employee talking and shouting, and the use of radios during deliveries, k. The pavement in the at-grade loading area ("go-back" area) and between this area and where the trucks stop, shall be smooth and should not have any speed bumps that would generate noise as the delivery trucks, pallet jacks, and forklifts drive over them. AGENDA ITEM # c: Mayor City Council City Manager City Attorney City Clerk n PETITION FOR THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL FINAL MEETING TO APPROVE CONSTRUCTION of LNR PROPERTY CORP PLANS FOR BRESSI VILLAGE SHOPPING AREA on 9/11/07 at 6pm, Council Chambers , 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. (These plans have already been approved by Carlsbad City Planning Department) PETITION SIGNATURES OF RESIDENTS TO APPROVE LNR PLANS FOR BRESSI VILLAGE Date Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email Print & Sign Name Address G>7> CTO Phone Email P W/frQ Date Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email Date Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email P- PETITION FOR THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL FINAL MEETING TO APPROVE CONSTRUCTION of LNR PROPERTY CORP PLANS FOR BRESSI VILLAGE SHOPPING AREA on 9/11/07 at 6pm, Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. (These plans have already been approved by Carlsbad City Planning Department) PETITION SIGNATURES OF RESIDENTS TO APPROVE LNR PLANS FOR BRESSI VILLAGE Date 7 Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email Print & Sign Name °7 1 7 /O 7 & <w\ne. (Y\ame^V»i O Address 2U>"n FOocAve . GarU^ , Phone ^iooiv^-SI^? Email a andi. > 1 (g^nqcio . Co m Date o- XT > . ..~ LoSignName Phone ~76> <? ~&e>"2^~ & Email Date Cfl&l 101 Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email Date Print & Sign Name Address ^^11 Phone Email f' PETITION FOR THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL FINAL MEETING TO APPROVE CONSTRUCTION of LNR PROPERTY CORP PLANS FOR BRESSI VILLAGE SHOPPING AREA on 9/11/07 at 6pm, Council Chambers , 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. (These plans have already been approved by Carlsbad City Planning Department) PETITION SIGNATURES of RESIDENTS TO APPROVE OF LNR PLANS for BRESSI VILLAGE Date Print & Sign Name V ) Kl H Address Phone Email VI rmgLSAflEM. P g>BC&L06AL ' Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email &sttv-+4*f~&' Crtfa&jt, Date Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email Date Print & Sign Nami Address Phone Email Date 7 7 Address Phone Email P.I PETITION FOR THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL FINAL MEETING TO APPROVE CONSTRUCTION of LNR PROPERTY CORP PLANS FOR BRESSI VILLAGE SHOPPING AREA on 9/11/07 at 6pm, Council Chambers , 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. (These plans have already been approved by Carlsbad City Planning Department) PETITION SIGNATURES of RESIDENTS TO APPROVE OF LNR PLANS for BRESSI VILLAGE Print&SignNamepo.tsc, C. Address Phone 760 GO '2. Email Print &SignN&'/Qt^U£e Address Phone Email Date Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email Date' <?- £-07 Print & Sign Name C^Wfcf l/r^ W /<-ltl>J Address G34>5 -tlunhnc Ur Phone Email Date 3-5-0*3 Print & Sign Name CA J" ^ //71, ^ Address Phone Email PETITION FOR THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL FINAL MEETING TO APPROVE CONSTRUCTION of LNR PROPERTY CORP PLANS FOR BRESSI VILLAGE SHOPPING AREA on 9/11/07 at 6pm, Council Chambers , 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. (These plans have already been approved by Carlsbad City Planning Department) PETITION SIGNATURES of RESIDENTS TO APPROVE OF LNR PLANS for BRESSI VILLAGE Print & Sign Name H||'cfcSkxriCx Phone Email -Si (3 - Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email Date Print & Sign Name N (4 Ar Address Phone Email ^MM 3 f Date Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email be . if\t Date Print & Sign Name Address (036 (D Phone ~1LpO Email V 3rC/!)g^3ruvvvA ejf . CJ) rV\ PETITION FOR THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL FINAL MEETING TO APPROVE CONSTRUCTION of LNR PROPERTY CORP PLANS FOR BRESSI VILLAGE SHOPPING AREA on 9/11/07 at 6pm, Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. (These plans have already been approved by Carlsbad City Planning Department) PETITION SIGNATURES of RESIDENTS TO APPROVE OF LNR PLANS for BRESSI VILLAGE Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email -o ^r ^ ,a. .-") Print & Sign Name Address "L?- * Phone "74 Email &<v-<.v Print & Sign ^ame^lMt^ d - Address Phone ^5. ioJD ^ tncu 7 - (jO hl> C C.t Xy :r"^ Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email ft A U D- U /n j S Date -, 2CD Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email PETITION FOR THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL FINAL MEETING TO APPROVE CONSTRUCTION of LNR PROPERTY CORP PLANS FOR BRESSI VILLAGE SHOPPING AREA on 9/11/07 at 6pm, Council Chambers , 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. (These plans have already been approved by Carlsbad City Planning Department) PETITION SIGNATURES of RESIDENTS TO APPROVE OF LNR PLANS for BRESSI VILLAGE Date ^ / Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email Print & Sign Name OTWD7 Address ip3/l Phone Email CA q><m<? Date Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email Jt-c ^, /Oo^Up Date Y Print & Sign Name Address & 3 I 3 Phone 7<^O-< Email -£-I^^O M^x&^ M,P.I PETITION FOR THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL FINAL MEETING TO APPROVE CONSTRUCTION of LNR PROPERTY CORP PLANS FOR BRESSI VILLAGE SHOPPING AREA on 9/11/07 at 6pm, Council Chambers , 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. (These plans have already been approved by Carlsbad City Planning Department) PETITION SIGNATURES of RESIDENTS TO APPROVE OF LNR PLANS for BRESSI VILLAGE Date o| ~] Print & Sign Name 'JJvit'h Address Phone Email Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email Date Address Phone Email Date" c Print & Sign Name To/v/ATMA K/ 5 Address Phone Email Date Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email PETITION FOR THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL FINAL MEETING TO APPROVE CONSTRUCTION of LNR PROPERTY CORP PLANS FOR BRESSI VILLAGE SHOPPING AREA on 9/11/07 at 6pm, Council Chambers , 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. (These plans have already been approved by Carlsbad City Planning Department) PETITION SIGNATURES of RESIDENTS TO APPROVE OF LNR PLANS for BRESSI VILLAGE Date ^ Print & Sign Name Print & Sign Name Address ^-^^ Phone Email Date Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email P.I PETITION FOR THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL FINAL MEETING TO APPROVE CONSTRUCTION of LNR PROPERTY CORP PLANS FOR BRESSI VILLAGE SHOPPING AREA on 9/11/07 at 6pm, Council Chambers , 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. (These plans have already been approved by Carlsbad City Planning Department) PETITION SIGNATURES of RESIDENTS TO APPROVE OF LNR PLANS for BRESSI VILLAGE Date Print* Sign Name Address (b^>7 Phone -7 fo o • °\ S Print & Sign Name Address £,303 1) Phone Email Dateveto Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email_q fa f0 Print & Sign Name Address (j Phone -?0^ Email Imryi & $ ( Date Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email P.I PETITION FOR THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL FINAL MEETING TO APPROVE CONSTRUCTION of LNR PROPERTY CORP PLANS FOR BRESSI VILLAGE SHOPPING AREA on 9/11/07 at 6pm, Council Chambers , 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. (These plans have already been approved by Carlsbad City Planning Department) PETITION SIGNATURES OF RESIDENTS TO APPROVE LNR PLANS FOR BRESSI VILLAGE Date Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email Date Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email Date Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email Date Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email /) PETITION FOR THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL FINAL MEETING TO APPROVE CONSTRUCTION of LNR PROPERTY CORP PLANS FOR BRESSI VILLAGE SHOPPING AREA on 9/11/07 at 6pm, Council Chambers , 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. (These plans have already been approved by Carlsbad City Planning Department) PETITION SIGNATURES OF RESIDENTS TO APPROVE LNR PLANS FOR BRESSI VILLAGE Print & Sign Name Address Email Print & Sign Name Address G3 I Phone Email Date 7/^/07- ( / Print & Sign Name "J^C*-) Address k^'ty" Phone ~lhd> Lj Email rall^KMoi Date Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email (O Date Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email IT— PETITION FOR THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL FINAL MEETING TO APPROVE CONSTRUCTION of LNR PROPERTY CORP PLANS FOR BRESSI VILLAGE SHOPPING AREA on 9/11/07 at 6pm, Council Chambers , 1200 Carlsbad Viilage Dr. (These plans have already been approved by Carlsbad City Planning Department) PETITION SIGNATURES of RESIDENTS TO APPROVE OF LNR PLANS for BRESSJ [VILLAGE Date / 1 9001 Print & Sign Name Phone Email Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email Date Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email Date Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email Date Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email P.I PETITION FOR THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL FINAL MEETING TO APPROVE CONSTRUCTION of LNR PROPERTY CORP PLANS FOR BRESSI VILLAGE SHOPPING AREA on 9/11/07 at 6pm, Council Chambers , 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. (These plans have already been approved by Carlsbad City Planning Department) PETITION SIGNATURES of RESIDENTS TO APPROVE OF LNR PLANS for BRESSI VILLAGE Date Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email Q \rcar-e Cor/a-kii oT7^7 Print & Sign Name Address £ 2- ^ Phone Email f Date Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email Date Print & Sign Name Address Phone ^0 S^O Email Print ife Sign Name Address Phone Email PETITION FOR THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL FINAL MEETING TO APPROVE CONSTRUCTION of LNR PROPERTY CORP PLANS FOR BRESSI VILLAGE SHOPPING AREA on 9/11/07 at 6pm, Council Chambers , 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. (These plans have already been approved by Carlsbad City Planning Department) PETITION SIGNATURES of RESIDENTS TO APPROVE OF LNR PLANS Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email Email Print & Sign Name Address;^ ;J 7 Date % Print & Sign Name Address ^2.^/7 Phone Hf* Email _ ^. 1/1 Date Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email 0 A Date <K~ Print & Sign N Address Phone Email 7 PETITION FOR THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL FINAL MEETING TO APPROVE CONSTRUCTION of LNR PROPERTY CORP PLANS FOR BRESSI VILLAGE SHOPPING AREA on 9/11/07 at 6pm, Council Chambers , 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. (These plans have already been approved by Carlsbad City Planning Department) PETITION SIGNATURES OF RESIDENTS TO APPROVE LNR PLANS FOR BRESSI VILLAGE Date Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email Print & Sign Address Phone Email Date Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email Date Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email Date Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email PETITION FOR THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL FINAL MEETING TO APPROVE CONSTRUCTION of LNR PROPERTY CORP PLANS FOR BRESSI VILLAGE SHOPPING AREA on 9/11/07 at 6pm, Council Chambers , 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. (These plans have already been approved by Carlsbad City Planning Department) PETITION SIGNATURES of RESIDENTS TO APPROVE OF LNR PLANS for BRESSI VILLAGE Date Print & Sign Name Tfv^fvVfX \VlV />Address r - C.r\rU Phone Email Print & Sign Name J/7/Ol Address 2.601 Phone 7t° Email Date Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email Date Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email Date Print & Sign Name Address Phone Email P.I PETITION FOR CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL FINAL MEETING TO APPROVE CONSTRUCTION of LNR PROPERTY CORP PLANS FOR BRESSI VILLAGE SHOPPING AREA on 9/11/07 at 6pm, Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. (These plans have already been approved by Carlsbad City Planning Department) PETITION SIGNATURES of RESIDENTS TO APPROVE OF LNR PLANS for BRESSI VDLLAGE Date . f-7 Name Date Name Address Phone Email Date Name Address Phone Email Date Name Address Phone Email Address 1/2(fI fifr&ctfl [Zosi £)/?, Phone 7bQ ~</3S'--/ Email Date Name Ka4 hc'ic. i^ i/i tV^T7.0v Address ,^ ^' Phone ~J(fC) Email Q Date Name A Address Phone Email PETITION FOR CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL FINAL MEETING TO APPROVE CONSTRUCTION of LNR PROPERTY CORP PLANS FOR BRESSI VILLAGE SHOPPING AREA on 9/11/07 at 6pm, Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. (These plans have already been approved by Carlsbad City Planning Department) PETITION SIGNATURES of RESIDENTS TO APPROVE OF LNR PLANS for BRESSI VILLAGE Date Name Address Phone Email Date Name Address Phone Email Date Name Address Phone Date Name Address Phone Email Date Name Address Phone Email Date Name Address Phone Email viNHcanvo 'a133^15 AVM31V9 QNV 3iy30d 13 O_gocoom CO T3 C CO CO Q. O CDc o^i CO -Q TO O c0)•a ro o co "oo03CD CO Cl)c CDO CO -t—• CD £ -*—'CO COQ_O-C CO CD T3cro CO0o CDT3TO _ O 'o O it 2 ^__> TO CCDCD CD O)CD Eo oc D) C !Mo_ CD C/5 (DO .0)•D03 Cgv^03 _CD Q) -t— < ^O(ft "ro cCDCD CD CD 03 2 CD > i'1" .{ffrJfl-'-MM. .•• r.^j^H"' '-wl'im™-' CD E _Q) CD .CO oCL T3C=CDi_CDC OO LJJ CO -4— 'cCD c CD CDT3 CD Q. O)_c o.c Cfl C/5CD O CD •D CD O CD CDCCDOCO"CDCO T3c CO CD 3 -*— 'OZ3 "GO cCD CD_g o.c CO CD"o_ro CL u_ oCO enc1^:o_O COo(T >sCO _CD "co Eo <H — CD fr. This space is for the County Clerk's Filing Stamp PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2010 & 2011 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of San Diego I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid: I am over the age of eighteen years and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of North County Times Formerly known as the Blade-Citizen and The Times-Advocate and which newspapers have been adjudicated newspapers of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of San Diego, State of California, for the City of Oceanside and the City of Escondido, Court Decree number 171349, for the County of San Diego, that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpariel), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: August 30th, 2007 I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at SAN MARCOS California This 30th, day of August, 2007 Proof of Publication of NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to you that theCity Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold apublic hearing at the Council Chambers, 1200 Carls-bad Village Drive Carlsbad, California, at 6:00 p.m.on Tuesday, September 11, 2007, to consider a re-quest for approval of a Site Development Plan (SDP06-17) on 14.15 acres of land subdivided into 8 com-mercial lots for the development of 122 800 squarefeet of commercial retail space within 12 buildings Street, north of Bressi Ranch Way and north of Par-adise Road, in Planning Area 15 of the Bressi RanchMaster Plan and in Local Facilities Management Zone17 and more particularly described as: Lot 5 of Carlsbad Tract 03-03, in the City of Carlsbad,County of San Diego, State of California according tomap thereof No. 14800 on file in the Office of theCounty Recorder of San Diego County, May 21, 2004as amended by certificate of correction recorded Sep-tember 30, 2005 as file No. 2005-0850805 of officialrecords Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal arecordially invited to attend the public hearing. Copiesof the agenda bill will be available on and after Sep-tember 7, 2007. If you have any questions, pleasecall Christer Westman in the Planning Department at(760)602-4614. If you challenge the Site Development Plan in court,you may be limited to raising only those issues you orsomeone else raised at the public hearing describedin this notice or in written correspondence delivered tothe City of Carlsbad, Attn: City Clerk's Office, 1200Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008, at orprior to the public hearing. CASE FILE: SDP 06-17 CASE NAME:B'RESSI RANCH VILLAGE CENTER PUBLISH: August 30, 2007 NCT 2085062 CITY OF CARLSBADCITY COUNCIL Signature Jane Allshouse NORTH COUNTY TIMES Legal Advertising NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to you that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, j^ggjgjjjjjjjj^^gj ^ ^Q consj^er a request for approval of a Site Development Plan (SDP 06-17) on 14.15 acres of land subdivided into 8 commercial lots for the development of 122,800 square feet of commercial retail space within 12 buildings which include a 43,830 square foot grocery store and 12,000 square foot specialty food store, generally located south of Gateway Road, west of El Fuerte Street, north of Bressi Ranch Way, and north of Paradise Road, in Planning Area 15 of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan and in Local Facilities Management Zone 17 and more particularly described as: Lot 5 of Carlsbad Tract 03-03, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California according to map thereof No. 14800 on file in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, May 21, 2004 as amended by certificate of correction recorded September 30, 2005 as file No. 2005-0850805 of official records Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing. Copies of the agenda bill will be available on and after [||j^HHHHl • ^ y°u nave any questions, please call Christer Westman in the Planning Department at (760) 602-4614. If you challenge the Site Development Plan in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad, Attn: City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008, at or prior to the public hearing. CASE FILE: SDP 06-17 CASE NAME: BRESSI RANCH VILLAGE CENTER PUBLISH: CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL NOT TO SCALE SITEMAP Bressi Ranch Village Center SDP06-17 Easy Peel Labels Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5160®J^Feed Paper See Instruction Sheet j for Easy Peel Feature ^I AVERY® 5160® CARLSBAD UNIF SCHOOL DIST 6225 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD CA 92011 SAN MARCOS SCHOOL DIST STE 250 255 PICO AVE SAN MARCOS CA 92069 ENCINITAS SCHOOL DIST 101 RANCHO SANTA FE RD ENCINITAS CA 92024 SAN DIEGUITO SCHOOL DIST 701 ENCINITAS BLVD ENCINITAS CA 92024 LEUCADIA WASTE WATER DIST TIM JOCHEN 1960 LA COSTA AVE CARLSBAD CA 92009 OLIVENHAIN WATER DIST 1966OLIVENHAINRD ENCINITAS CA 92024 CITY OF ENCINITAS 505 S VULCAN AVE ENCINITAS CA 92024 CITY OF SAN MARCOS 1 CIVIC CENTER DR SAN MARCOS CA 92069-2949 CITY OF OCEANSIDE 300 NORTH COAST HWY OCEANSIDE CA 92054 CITY OF VISTA 600 EUCALYPTUS AVE VISTA CA 92084 VALLECITOS WATER DIST 201 VALLECITOS DE ORO SAN MARCOS CA 92069 I.P.U.A. SCHOOL OF PUBLIC ADMIN AND URBAN STUDIES SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY SAN DIEGO CA 92182-4505 CALIF DEPT OF FISH & GAME 4949 VIEWRIDGE AVE SAN DIEGO CA 92123 REGIONAL WATER QUALITY STE 100 9174 SKY PARK CT SAN DIEGO CA 92123-4340 SD COUNTY PLANNING STEB 5201 RUFFIN RD SAN DIEGO CA 92123 LAFCO 1600 PACIFIC HWY SAN DIEGO CA 92101 AIR POLLUTION CNTRL DIST 10124 OLD GROVE RD SAN DIEGO CA 92131 SANDAG STE 800 401 B STREET SAN DIEGO CA 92101 U.S. FISH & WILDLIFE 6010 HIDDEN VALLEY RD CARLSBAD CA 92011 CA COASTAL COMMISSION STE 103 7575 METROPOLITAN DR SAN DIEGO CA 92108-4402 ATTN TEDANASIS SAN DIEGO COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY PO BOX 82776 SAN DIEGO CA 92138-2776 SCOTT MALLOY - BIASD STE 110 9201 SPECTRUM CENTER BLVD SAN DIEGO CA 92123-1407 CARLSBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 5934 PRIESTLEY DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 CITY OF CARLSBAD RECREATION CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING DEPT- PROJECT ENGINEER CITY OF CARLSBAD PROJECT PLANNER iT/30/2007 Etiquettes faciles a peler Utilisez le gabarit AVERY® 5160®Sens de chargement Consultez la feuille destruction www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY ua to/us ^LUUJ ^(j 4KLUJUJ rf(J d ,,9/9 g x L 8Z|S |9qe| HO C SONG 10714 BRETTRIDGE DR POWELL, OH 43065 SLOUGH CARLSBAD L L C 444 N MICHIGAN AVE 3230 CHICAGO, IL 60611-4036 BRIDGE ENTS LLC 601 N 44TH AVE PHOENIX, AZ 85043-2923 TRADER JOES CO PO BOX 5049 MONROVIA, CA 91017-7149 BRESSI GARDENLANE LLC 1525 FARADAY AVE 300 CARLSBAD, CA 92008-7372 GREYSTONE HOMES INC 1525 FARADAY AVE 300 CARLSBAD, CA 92008-7372 JOYA SALE EM 6205 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3070 SU LI Y 6209 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3070 ANDRE L RICHARDSON 6213 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3070 GOLDING FAMILY 6217 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3070 DOUGLAS L BROOKER 6221 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3070 DAVID & JESSICA BAKER 6225 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3070 MICHAEL & SUSAN HEBERT 6229 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3070 STEVE B & REBECCA HOWARD 6233 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3070 ERIC & NATALIE ELLINGSEN 6237 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3070 JOSEPH & BRANDI KEMPTON 6241 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3070 LARRY R & DENISE WORSTER 6249 COTTAGE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3071 LAWRENCE & DIANE ZIRINSKY 6253 COTTAGE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3071 JOSEPH & HEATHER HENNING 6257 COTTAGE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3071 JOHN L & KAREN JUNEAU 6261 COTTAGE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3071 STEVEN SIMMS 6265 COTTAGE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3071 SHEILA L ONEIL 6269 COTTAGE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3071 MARK E LOOMIS 6250 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3070 VERNON & TONI RISLEY 6254 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3070 HAD GUAN 6258 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3070 JAMES P & ELENA ETTINGER 6262 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3070 SMITHERS 6266 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3070 MARIANO PEREZ 2641 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3086 SCOTT E DAVIDSON 2645 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3086 BENJAMIN R MONRO 2649 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3086 label size 1. x 2 5/8" compatible with Avery®5160/81150 EtiijiMe de format 25 mm x (57 mm compatible avec Aven/'"Y>!60/8160 ,,g/g 2 x (. azis |aqei SARAH & BRET THEIS 2653 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3086 HIEU NGUYEN & JACQUELINE NGLH 2657 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3086 SETH A QUARSHIE 2661 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3086 JENNY V CUSTODIO 2665 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3086 THANH & OLIVIA NGUYEN 2669 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3086 MARK LIN 2673 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3086 MANPREET R MANN 2677 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3086 WAYNE & ASHLEY BATTENBERG 2681 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3086 JOSE CHERBOWSKY 2693 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3086 NEIL & SHERRILYN MAGTOTO 2697 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3086 ANGELIC PITTS *M* 2701 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3056 JANICE I LANE 2705 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3056 ROLAND R & PORTIA SPELICH 2709 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3056 RODNEY W & EVELINE WIBERG 2713 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3056 FRANZ C & ESPERANZA ESPIRITU 2717 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3056 MICHAEL A DELAROSA 2721 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3056 MICHAEL T & LINDA PRCHAL 2725 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3056 ANDY & DAISY CHANG 2729 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3056 NENIB QOZI 2716 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3058 JUDITH L JAEGER 2712 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3058 BRIAN BOTTS 2708 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3058 JOHN J & JEAN MULDOON 2704 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3058 CHONA B GREEN 2700 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3058 DENNIS M COLOME 2696 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3057 JAHANGEER M & JENNIFER ZAYER 2692 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3057 DOUGLAS D ANDREW 2688 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3057 JOHN R WILCOX 2684 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3057 JON D & SUZANNE NALBANDIAN 2680 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3057 WILLIAM & GLORIA RICHARDSON 2676 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3057 JOSHUA WILLIAMS 2672 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3057 label size 1x2 5/8" compatible with Avery®5160/81130 Etiquette de format 25 mm x 67 mm compatible avecAvery*5160/81 SO uy m/uaujflMSAv aaAB aiqpaujoo UILU ^g xuiui 33 ieu/joj ap ausnbjj:} 0918/09 LSa/J8AV ifl!« 9|q!lBdiuoo ,,8/9 Z x i az|S |aqB| SCOTT FORNARO 2668 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3057 NGUYEN PHUC 2664 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3057 MICHAEL & DONNA QUINLAN 2671 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3057 DENNIS A DUCHENE 2675 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3057 JUSWANTO & SANSAN WARDOJO 2691 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3057 JAMES B & SANDRA BOWEN 2695 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3057 JONATHAN & TIEN-YU CHU 2699 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3057 RAY S MORRIS 2703 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3058 GENTZLER 2707 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3058 KAREN L WRIGHT 2715 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3058 JOYCE E FORESZ 2719 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3058 LISA P DOW 2702 PEPPERTREE WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3074 BROCK E SCHROEDER 2698 PEPPERTREE WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3073 ANDY & RO HO 2694 PEPPERTREE WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3073 TAMARA L GENTZLER 2690 PEPPERTREE WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3073 EDGAR R & YOLANDA SILVA 2686 PEPPERTREE WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3073 JOSE E & ROSSANA GIRALDO 2682 PEPPERTREE WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3073 PANKAJ V & ASHA MASTER 6312 MONTECITO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3075 RICHARD R & LINDA PACHECO 6304 MONTECITO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3075 KAHUNA BIG 6300 MONTECITO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3075 ISIDRO C & CHARITY SARMIENTO 6307 MONTECITO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3075 PAUL E & DONNA SHEPHERD 2631 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 NANCY J WARREN 2633 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 PEDRO M GODINA 2635 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 HENRY & JENNIFER KIM 2637 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 ALEXEY KIRILLOV 2639 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 BRYAN P & TARA CLARK 2641 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 MICHELLE M BYRNE 2643 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 LE-NGUYEN 2645 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 BLANCA P CARDONA 2647 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 label size 1 x 2 5/8" compatible with Avery®5l 60/8160 l-tiOliette'dfi format ?5 mm * fi7 mm r.nmnatihlp flupr A>;arv;!1c;lfif>/o-i<;rt uaiB/oatSg/uBAV OSAB aiqjjeoiuoo wuj /g x iuuj sz IBUJJOJ ap apnbjg 0918/09 ISs/JSAV MM aiqijediuoo ,,g/g 2 x L az.is |aqe| ROSALINDA CHANDARLIS 2649 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 SOFIA ARAIN 2632 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 KELLEY WAYNICK 2634 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 ERNESTO & ANA SANCHEZ 2636 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 ROSA E ESPINOZA 2638 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 PETER J DIIORIO 2640 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 SHIRLEY H CHIANG 2642 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 SHANNA C LEHMAN 2644 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 KIMBERLY D JONES 2646 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 MARLENE V MARTINEZ 2648 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 LUIS F MERCADO 2650 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 BYOUNG B SEO 2670 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 ARTHUR FERNANDEZ 2672 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 DARYL NEAL 2674 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 DANA M & HANNAH KING 2676 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 HYUNG-KWAN KIM 2678 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 SEUNG BAEK 2680 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 JACI M JOHNSON 2686 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 DAWN E BLESSMAN 2688 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 MIRIAM TELLEZ 2675 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 JEREMY J & JAMIE HUGHES 2673 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 JAMES A HARRIS 2675 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 SU HONG 2677 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 JOAO C & ROSALVA SILVA 2679 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 HARRY & SHANNON GROVE 2681 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 LONG PHAM 2683 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 LEONARDO MANGIAPANE 2685 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 ALICE F WOLICKI 2687 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 SUSAN M FELLOWS 2689 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 SOICHIRO & YOKO OKAWA 6229 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 label size 1 x 2 5/8" compatible with Avery®5160/8160 ffimifittfi"fieformat 9R mm y R7 mm rnmnatihlp ; oewoaW/JSAV MAS aiqijediuoo uju £g x umi 52 JBOIJOJ ap ananbig 09t8/09l.g®*J8AV tfljM aiqiiediuoo ,,9/9 2 x j. sz\s |aqei CYNTHIA L GOMEZ 6231 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 SHAFIQ ZAMAN 6233 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 CATHLEEN J COCHRAN 6235 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 VERNAE J MEZA 6237 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 GENTI SULEJMANI 6239 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 JEREMIAH M MOERSCH 6241 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 VY T PHAM 6243 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 LAURA L BAILY 6245 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 THERESA RUTHERFORD 6247 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 BINH DIEP 6205 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 THOMAS & SUSANA ALCANTAR 6207 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 YUEN MAO 6209 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 KIM A KIPNIS 6211 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 BRENDAN S HAUSE 6213 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 LUIS S GUAJARDO-PEREZ 6215 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 WENDY L WAGNER 6217 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 FRANCISCO A CARRILLO 6219 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 LORELEI ENGERER 6221 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 BRIAN MCCONNELL 6223 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 NANCY M NGUYEN 2668 LEIGHTON CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3053 ALICE W HSU 2672 LEIGHTON CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3053 FRANCIS J & CATHERINE FINN 2674 LEIGHTON CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3053 BINDI S TANTOD 2678 LEIGHTON CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3053 KEVIN B & OLIVIA EAKIN 2680 LEIGHTON CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3053 SUZANNE M ZOBITZ 2682 LEIGHTON CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3053 ANDREW DONOGHUE 2684 LEIGHTON CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3053 JULIETA M ARROYO 2686 LEIGHTON CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3053 SUSANA M CUELLAR 2669 LEIGHTON CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3053 JAVIER B PADILLA 2673 LEIGHTON CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3053 SHIHO KUWABARA 2675 LEIGHTON CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3053 STAPtES label size 1 x 2 5/8" compatible with Avery®5160/8160 r JinilPttP rip fnrrnat 91 mm v «7 mm ,-n.Tm-,*iMn ~ U9m/U3U>j|'U8nV yaAB amuBuiuua uiui 09 19/09 «®AJ8AV ifl!M 9|qpduioo ,,8/9 Z x |aqe| SANDY HA 2679 LEIGHTON CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3053 SILVIA COBIAN 2681 LEIGHTON CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3053 ZEYN ALAM 2683 LEIGHTON CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3053 JOHN C EPUNA 2685 LEIGHTON CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3053 GABRIEL ABADILLA 2687 LEIGHTON CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3053 SCHUYLER & MELISSA MARTIN 6203 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 MARIA C COTTO 6205 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 SHARON KIM 6207 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 CODY B & VANESSA JACINTO 6209 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 MICHAEL D STRONG 6211 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 RUDOLPH A & HEATHER GERTZKI 6213 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 JAVIER GONZALEZ 6215 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 ROBERT D & VANESSA LEDESMA 6219 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 MARK W & ASAKO WHENNEN 6221 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 STEVEN J & SHELLEY DAVIES 6204 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 LISA C SANCHEZ 6206 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 ELSA A MILLIRON 6208 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 CHAU VU 6210 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 CASSANDRA R JONES 6212 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 JOHNNY YEE 6214 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 VLADIMIR V POTASHOV 6216 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 RICHARD & SACHIKO PETERSON 6218 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 JEFFREY P FOGARTY 6220 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 FRANCESCA C SCIORTINO 6222 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 SQUIER 6978 SWEETWATER ST CARLSBAD, CA 92011-3266 BRESSI RANCH FUEL MART LLC PO BOX 456 RANCHO SANTA , CA 92067-0456 PRS ACQUISITION & CONST LLC 600 W BROADWAY 2600 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 SPECTRUMFLEX LLC 4350 EXECUTIVE DR 301 SAN DIEGO, CA 92121-2118 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD LLC 9171 TOWNE CENTRE DR 460 SAN DIEGO, CA 92122-6217 BRESSI RANCH COMMUNITY ASSN 9665 CHESAPEAKE DR 300 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123-1364 STAPtES label size 1 x 2 5/8" compatible with Avery®5160/8160 friciuette de format 25 mm x 67 mm compatible avec Averv®5l 60/8160 uy i WU9 is</J9AV 39AB ajqiiBaiuoa uj 01 ^9 x ujui gz leauo} ap anantjj^ 09 W/091S®AJ8AV iffiM aiqrpiuioo ,,8/g z x i. gzis |9qs| CURRENT RESIDENT 6205 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3070 CURRENT RESIDENT 6209 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3070 CURRENT RESIDENT 6213 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3070 CURRENT RESIDENT 6217 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3070 CURRENT RESIDENT 6221 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3070 CURRENT RESIDENT 6225 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3070 CURRENT RESIDENT 6229 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3070 CURRENT RESIDENT 6233 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3070 CURRENT RESIDENT 6237 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3070 CURRENT RESIDENT 6241 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3070 CURRENT RESIDENT 6249 COTTAGE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3071 CURRENT RESIDENT 6253 COTTAGE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3071 CURRENT RESIDENT 6257 COTTAGE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3071 CURRENT RESIDENT 6261 COTTAGE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3071 CURRENT RESIDENT 6265 COTTAGE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3071 CURRENT RESIDENT 6269 COTTAGE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3071 CURRENT RESIDENT 6273 COTTAGE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3071 CURRENT RESIDENT 6250 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3070 CURRENT RESIDENT 6254 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3070 CURRENT RESIDENT 6258 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3070 CURRENT RESIDENT 6262 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3070 CURRENT RESIDENT 6266 VILLAGE GREEN DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3070 CURRENT RESIDENT 2641 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3086 CURRENT RESIDENT 2645 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3086 CURRENT RESIDENT 2649 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3086 CURRENT RESIDENT 2653 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3086 CURRENT RESIDENT 2657 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3086 CURRENT RESIDENT 2661 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3086 CURRENT RESIDENT 2665 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3086 CURRENT RESIDENT 2669 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3086 label size 1 x 2 5/8" compatible with Avery®5160/8160 ctlrtnfttffi dft format ?R rnrn Y R7 mm <wnnntihlp nypr flwom'1 ua wutHS,gAJ9AV 33AB aiqijeaiuoa tutu IQ x mm sz IBUJJOJ ap anantng CURRENT RESIDENT 2673 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3086 CURRENT RESIDENT 2677 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3086 CURRENT RESIDENT 2681 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3086 CURRENT RESIDENT 2693 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3086 CURRENT RESIDENT 2697 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3086 CURRENT RESIDENT 2701 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3056 CURRENT RESIDENT 2705 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3056 CURRENT RESIDENT 2709 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3056 CURRENT RESIDENT 2713 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3056 CURRENT RESIDENT 2717 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3056 CURRENT RESIDENT 2721 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3056 CURRENT RESIDENT 2725 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3056 CURRENT RESIDENT 2729 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3056 CURRENT RESIDENT 2716 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3058 CURRENT RESIDENT 2712 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3058 CURRENT RESIDENT 2708 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3058 CURRENT RESIDENT 2704 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3058 CURRENT RESIDENT 2700 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3058 CURRENT RESIDENT 2696 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3057 CURRENT RESIDENT 2692 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3057 CURRENT RESIDENT 2688 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3057 CURRENT RESIDENT 2684 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3057 CURRENT RESIDENT 2680 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3057 CURRENT RESIDENT 2676 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3057 CURRENT RESIDENT 2672 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3057 CURRENT RESIDENT 2668 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3057 CURRENT RESIDENT 2664 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3057 CURRENT RESIDENT 2720 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3058 CURRENT RESIDENT 2671 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3057 CURRENT RESIDENT 2675 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3057 STAPtES label size 1 x 2 5/8" compatibfe with Avery®5160/8160 (••tioiifitffi rtfl format 9R mm x fi7 mm rnmnatihlp mn»< Auo W JO 09 18/09 lSj/J3AV W!M aiqpeduioo ,,9/9 z x I az|S |aqB| CURRENT RESIDENT 2691 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3057 CURRENT RESIDENT 2695 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3057 CURRENT RESIDENT 2699 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3057 CURRENT RESIDENT 2703 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3058 CURRENT RESIDENT 2707 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3058 CURRENT RESIDENT 2711 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3058 CURRENT RESIDENT 2715 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3058 CURRENT RESIDENT 2719 BRESSI RANCH WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3058 CURRENT RESIDENT 2702 PEPPERTREE WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3074 CURRENT RESIDENT 2698 PEPPERTREE WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3073 CURRENT RESIDENT 2694 PEPPERTREE WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3073 CURRENT RESIDENT 2690 PEPPERTREE WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3073 CURRENT RESIDENT 2686 PEPPERTREE WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3073 CURRENT RESIDENT 2682 PEPPERTREE WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3073 CURRENT RESIDENT 6312 MONTECITO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3075 CURRENT RESIDENT 6308 MONTECITO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3075 CURRENT RESIDENT 6304 MONTECITO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3075 CURRENT RESIDENT 6300 MONTECITO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3075 CURRENT RESIDENT 6307 MONTECITO DR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3075 CURRENT RESIDENT 2631 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 CURRENT RESIDENT 2633 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 CURRENT RESIDENT 2635 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 CURRENT RESIDENT 2637 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 CURRENT RESIDENT 2639 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 CURRENT RESIDENT 2641 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 CURRENT RESIDENT 2643 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 CURRENT RESIDENT 2645 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 CURRENT RESIDENT 2647 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 STAPtES CURRENT RESIDENT 2649 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 CURRENT RESIDENT 2632 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 label size 1 X 2 5/8" cornpafibfewith Aveif^i 60/8160 f-tHjiietfe de format 25 mm x 67 mm compatible avec Aver/'Sl 60/8160 uy m/iw W^U»AV -jaw eiqijBuiuuu tuiu ig x LUUJ g<» JBUIIOJ. ap aprmig Q9(.8/09I.SgAI8AViftj/w aiqpduioo ,,8/s 2 x (. 8Z|S |aqe| CURRENT RESIDENT 2634 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 CURRENT RESIDENT 2636 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 CURRENT RESIDENT 2638 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 CURRENT RESIDENT 2640 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 CURRENT RESIDENT 2642 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 CURRENT RESIDENT 2644 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 CURRENT RESIDENT 2646 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 CURRENT RESIDENT 2648 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 CURRENT RESIDENT 2650 HANCOCK CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3052 CURRENT RESIDENT 2670 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 CURRENT RESIDENT 2672 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 CURRENT RESIDENT 2674 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 CURRENT RESIDENT 2676 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 CURRENT RESIDENT 2678 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 CURRENT RESIDENT 2680 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 CURRENT RESIDENT 2686 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 CURRENT RESIDENT 2688 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 CURRENT RESIDENT 2675 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 CURRENT RESIDENT 2673 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 CURRENT RESIDENT 2675 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 CURRENT RESIDENT 2677 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 CURRENT RESIDENT 2679 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 CURRENT RESIDENT 2681 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 CURRENT RESIDENT 2683 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 CURRENT RESIDENT 2685 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 CURRENT RESIDENT 2687 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 CURRENT RESIDENT 2689 ALAMEDA CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3051 CURRENT RESIDENT 6229 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 CURRENT RESIDENT 6231 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 CURRENT RESIDENT 6233 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 label Size 1 x 2 S/8" compatible with Avery®5160/8160 fiiouette de format 25 mm x fi7 mm rnrnnatihifi rumr flvorw®Ri fifl/fll fin 0919/09 IS®*J9AV ifl!« aiqiiedwoo ,,9/9 z x (. azjS |aqe| CURRENT RESIDENT 6235 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 CURRENT RESIDENT 6237 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 CURRENT RESIDENT 6239 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 CURRENT RESIDENT 6241 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 CURRENT RESIDENT 6243 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 CURRENT RESIDENT 6245 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 CURRENT RESIDENT 6247 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 CURRENT RESIDENT 6205 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 CURRENT RESIDENT 6207 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 CURRENT RESIDENT 6209 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 CURRENT RESIDENT 6211 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 CURRENT RESIDENT 6213 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 CURRENT RESIDENT 6215 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 CURRENT RESIDENT 6217 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 CURRENT RESIDENT 6219 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 CURRENT RESIDENT 6221 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 CURRENT RESIDENT 6223 SHAMROCK PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3055 CURRENT RESIDENT 2668 LEIGHTON CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3053 CURRENT RESIDENT 2672 LEIGHTON CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3053 CURRENT RESIDENT 2674 LEIGHTON CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3053 CURRENT RESIDENT 2678 LEIGHTON CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3053 CURRENT RESIDENT 2680 LEIGHTON CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3053 CURRENT RESIDENT 2682 LEIGHTON CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3053 CURRENT RESIDENT 2684 LEIGHTON CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3053 CURRENT RESIDENT 2686 LEIGHTON CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3053 CURRENT RESIDENT 2669 LEIGHTON CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3053 CURRENT RESIDENT 2673 LEIGHTON CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3053 CURRENT RESIDENT 2675 LEIGHTON CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3053 STAKES CURRENT RESIDENT 2679 LEIGHTON CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3053 CURRENT RESIDENT 2683 LEIGHTON CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3053 label size 1 x 2 5/8" compatible with Avery®5160/8160 Etiquette de format 25 mm x 67 mm compatible avec Avery*5l 60/8160 o|i)!4Buujuu uiuj iy x LIIUJ sgjeujjuj ap a^anDR^ 0918/09 ISjAjaAV i|J!« awieduioo ,,8/9 2 x i az|S |9QB| CURRENT RESIDENT 2685 LEIGHTON CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3053 CURRENT RESIDENT 2687 LEIGHTON CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3053 CURRENT RESIDENT 6203 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 CURRENT RESIDENT 6205 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 CURRENT RESIDENT 6207 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 CURRENT RESIDENT 6209 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 CURRENT RESIDENT 6211 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 CURRENT RESIDENT 6213 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 CURRENT RESIDENT 6215 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 CURRENT RESIDENT 6219 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 CURRENT RESIDENT 6221 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 CURRENT RESIDENT 6204 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 CURRENT RESIDENT 6206 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 CURRENT RESIDENT 6208 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 CURRENT RESIDENT 6210 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 CURRENT RESIDENT 6212 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 CURRENT RESIDENT 6214 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 CURRENT RESIDENT 6216 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 CURRENT RESIDENT 6218 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 CURRENT RESIDENT 6220 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 CURRENT RESIDENT 6222 LIBERTY PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009-3054 *** 171 Printed *** STAPtES label Size 1 X 2 5/8" compatible with Avery1^ 160/8160 Etiquette de format 25 mm x 67 mm corrraatible avec Averv®fil fin/81 fin 09W09l9,j,AJ9AV MAS aiqpdiuoo mm /g x tutu QJJBUJJOJ ap ananbig 09W/09lSaAiaAVWM 3|q!)Bdmoo ,,8/g Z x L 9Z|S |aqe| BRESSI RANCH COMMUNITY ASSOCI 9665 CHESAPEAKE DR 300 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123-1364 BRESSI RANCH COMMUNITY ASSN 9665 CHESAPEAKE DR 300 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123-1364 BRESSI GARDENLANE LLC 24800 CHRISANTA DR 200 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92691-4835 *** 183 Printed *** label sI2e 1 x 2 5/8" compatible with Avery^l 60/8160 o fnrmo'-f OK rvst^ w £*? «^»v. «-.«