HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-09-18; City Council; 19171; Entertainment License code changesCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB# MTG. DEPT. 19.171 09-18-07 POLICE RENAME MUNICIPAL CODE 8.09 REPEAL MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS 8.09.011 TO 8.09.017 ADD MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS 8.09.010 TO 8.09.170 AMEND CITY MASTER FEE SCHEDULE ADD MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS 8.44.040 AND 8.44.050 DEPT. HEAD CITY ATTY. CITY MGR^-^V RECOMMENDED ACTION: Introduce Ordinance No.NS-859 of the City Council of the City Of Carlsbad, California, renaming Chapter 8.09 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code from Cabaret Dances to Entertainment License, repealing Carlsbad Municipal Code Sections 8.09.011 through 8.09.017 relating to Cabaret Dances and adding Sections 8.09.010 through 8.09.170 to the Carlsbad Municipal Code relating to Entertainment Licenses, amending the City of Carlsbad Master Fee Schedule deleting the reference to and the fee relating to Cabaret Dance Permit and adding the reference to and the fee relating to Entertainment License. Also introduce Ordinance No. NS-860 of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, amending Chapter 8.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code adding Sections 8.44.040 and 8.44.050 to the Carlsbad Municipal Code relating to consuming or possessing an open container of alcoholic beverages in certain city owned public places and adding a severability provision to this Chapter. ITEM EXPLANATION: An increase in criminal activity in the area of some entertainment establishments within the City has resulted in a review of entertainment and land use regulations. The current Cabaret Ordinance (Chapter 8.09) does not address the various issues associated with dancing establishments that also serve alcoholic beverages. The proposed Entertainment License ordinance (amending Chapter 8.09) requires all businesses that provide entertainment, as that term is defined in the ordinance, and serve alcoholic beverages to obtain an Entertainment License. Entertainment is broadly defined and includes dancing, live music, recorded music, music videos, music concerts and other live performances. The goal of the Entertainment License Ordinance is to reduce disorderly conduct, alcohol related offenses and other secondary negative effects occurring at businesses providing alcoholic beverages and entertainment. Specific items addressed in the proposed ordinance include: 1. License required - An Entertainment License is required for all businesses that serve alcoholic beverages and provide entertainment. 2. License exceptions - An Entertainment License is not required for those activities that require a Special Events Permit, Park Facilities Use Permit, theme parks, hotels permitted by a Specific or Master Plan, or establishments that provide alcoholic beverages with only ambient noise (e.g. ambient televisions, music or sound). 3. Application and fee required - A fee will be charged to recover the costs of processing an application, renewal or modification of conditions. The application, renewal and modification process will be administered by the police department. 4. Transition process - Businesses currently possessing a valid cabaret license will not be required to apply for an Entertainment License until their cabaret license expires. 5. License conditions include: a. Hours of operation - Must be closed between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. b. Noise levels - Acceptable noise levels after 10:00 P.M. is identified. c. Noise measurements - How noise levels will be measured are identified. d. Training required - Managers and persons serving alcoholic beverages are required to maintain a current certificate attesting to successful completion of a State of California Alcohol and Beverage Control certified Responsible Beverage Service Training Course. e. Mandatory security - Entertainment establishments permitting dancing are required to have at least one security guard. All entertainment establishments are required to have a security plan subject to approval of the Chief of Police. Additional security guards and the level of qualification for those guards may be required if a need is identified by the police department. 6. Violations - Persons who violate the Entertainment License ordinance may be prosecuted criminally (either an infraction or misdemeanor via a citation), civilly or administratively. In addition, the Entertainment License may be suspended or revoked. 7. Appeals - Appeal procedures for denial, suspension or revocation of an Entertainment License require a hearing by the City Manager or designee (e.g. hearing officer). The hearing officer's decision may be appealed to the City Council. The Entertainment License ordinance is intended to give the City a tool to better regulate entertainment businesses and provide for improved quality of life for visitors and residents. The second proposed ordinance adds two sections to the City of Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 8.44 and was recommended by the entertainment establishment owners and community groups. Section 8.44.040 will prohibit consuming alcoholic beverages or possessing an open container of an alcoholic beverage in certain public places owned by the City. Section 8.44.050 will add a severability clause to this Chapter. FISCAL IMPACT: No direct fiscal impact is anticipated as the result of this action. However, enhancement of current fire and police enforcement levels may be necessary to resolve entertainment issues. Additionally the City Attorney's Office, Fire Prevention and the Police Department may experience an increase in court activities if adjudication becomes necessary. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065 and CEQA Guidelines section 15738, this amendment does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA and therefore, does not require an environmental review. EXHIBITS: 1. Ordinance No. NS-859 , of the City Council of the City Of Carlsbad, California, renaming Chapter 8,09 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code from Cabaret Dances to Entertainment License, repealing Carlsbad Municipal Code Sections 8.09.011 through 8.09.017 relating to Cabaret Dances, adding Sections 8.09.010 through 8.09170 to the Carlsbad Municipal Code relating to Entertainment Licenses, and amending the City of Carlsbad Master Fee Schedule deleting the reference to and the fee relating to Cabaret Dance Permit and adding the reference to and the fee relating to Entertainment Licenses. 2. Strikeout-Underline Chapter 8.09 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 3. Strikeout-Underline City of Carlsbad Master Fee Schedule. 4. Ordinance No. NS-860 , of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, amending Chapter 8.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code adding Section 8.44.040 relating to consuming or possessing an open container of alcoholic beverages in certain City owned public places and adding Section 8.44.050 relating to adding a severability clause to this chapter. 5. Strikeout-Underline Chapter 8.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Michael Shipley 760-931-2218 mship@ci.carlsbad.ca.us FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED J D D D D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN RETURNED TO STAFF OTHER - SEE MINUTES D D D D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 19 22 23 24 EXHIBIT # 1 ORDINANCE NO. NS-859 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RENAMING CHAPTER 8.09 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE FROM CABARET DANCES TO ENTERTAINMENT LICENSE, REPEALING CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS 8.09.011 THROUGH 8.09.017 RELATING TO CABARET DANCES AND ADDING SECTIONS 8.09.010 THROUGH 8.09.170 TO THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ENTERTAINMENT LICENSES, DELETING CABARET DANCE PERMIT FROM THE CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE AND ADDING ENTERTAINMENT LICENSE TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has received numerous complaints from neighbors concerning cabarets, commercial and dining establishments that serve alcoholic beverages ("Drinking") onsite and provide entertainment regarding excessive noise and disorderly conduct, including assault and battery; and 11 WHEREAS, the complaints received concerning cabarets, commercial and dining 12 13 14 15 16 17 commercial or dining establishments that provide Drinking and entertainment; and18 establishments that provide Drinking and entertainment to do not include those hotels that provide Drinking and entertainment that are located within and subject to a specific plan or master plan development; WHEREAS, hotels that are subject to a specific plan or master plan development are surrounded by buildings and open space that acts as a natural buffer thereby isolating neighbors from excessive noise and disorderly conduct; WHEREAS, these hotels provide 24/7 private security; and WHEREAS, the City does not currently regulate the exterior noise levels of cabarets, WHEREAS, excessive noise levels and disorderly conduct is detrimental to the peaceful, quite use and enjoyment of residents and businesses adjacent to cabarets or commercial establishments that provide Drinking and entertainment; and20 WHEREAS, the City has observed numerous violations of the established occupancy load 21 in cabarets and commercial establishments that provide Drinking and entertainment; and WHEREAS, the City has not gained compliance with the safe occupant load limits through voluntary compliance from the owners and managers of cabarets and commercial establishments that provide Drinking and entertainment; and WHEREAS, the entertainment provided at such cabarets and commercial establishments that provide Drinking and entertainment makes the establishment a likely place for overcrowding 25 to occur; and 26 WHEREAS, the City enforces the State Fire and Building Codes as it relates to the safe occupant loads as authorized in state and local laws; and27 K 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EXHIBIT # 1 WHEREAS, it is the intent of this Entertainment Ordinance, upon its adoption, to be prospective in its application; WHEREAS, those entities or persons holding a valid annual Cabaret permit issued by the City of Carlsbad for an establishment within the City of Carlsbad shall not be subject to this Entertainment Ordinance, until such annual Cabaret permit expires or is revoked. THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That Chapter 8.09 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by renaming the title "Cabaret Dances" to read as follows: Chapter 8.09 Entertainment License SECTION 2: That Chapter 8.09 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by repealing Sections 8.09.011 through 8.09.017. 8.09.011 Cabaret dance. 8.09.012 Cabaret dances-Requirements. 8.09.013 Permit and fee. 8.09.014 Cabaret permit. 8.09.015 Prohibited conduct at cabaret dances-Disorderly conduct. 8.09.016 Revocation of permit. 8.09.017 Cabaret dance-Guidelines. * Prior ordinance history: Ords. 6047 and 6051. 8.09.011 Cabaret dance. "Cabaret dance" means any dance conducted in a commercial establishment open to the public where alcoholic beverages are regularly sold or otherwise distributed, except for any dance which falls within this definition but is also regulated under Chapter 8.60. Activities which fall within the scope of Chapter 8.60 (performances at adult businesses) are not "cabaret dances" within the meaning of this section and are not regulated under Chapter 8.09. (Ord. NS-761 § 5, 2005) 8.09.012 Cabaret dances-Requirements. No person shall conduct a cabaret dance unless all of the following conditions are at all times complied with: (1) Size of Dance Floor. The dance floor shall be a minimum size of one hundred square feet. (2) Designation of Dance Floor. The dance floor area shall be plainly marked and designated as a dancing area. No dancing shall be permitted in the premises except upon the dancing area thus marked and designated. (3) Permit Restrictions. During all hours during which dancing is permitted by the permit issued hereunder for the premises, no portion of the dancing area shall be used for any purpose other than dancing and entertainment. (4) Maximum Number of Patrons. The maximum number of persons, other than employees, shall not at any one time exceed the maximum occupant load as determined by the fire marshal or the designated city building official. (Ord. NS-369 § 1 (part), 1996) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EXHIBIT # 1 8.09.013 Permit and fee. No person shall conduct a cabaret dance without first obtaining a permit from the city. The permit fee shall be established by resolution of the city council. (Ord. NS-369 § 1 (part), 1996) 8.09.014 Cabaret permit. The community development director or his designee shall grant an application, upon request for issuance of a permit within thirty days after filing of a complete application unless one or more of the following findings are made: (1) The building, structure, equipment or location of such business in which the dancing is to be conducted does not comply with or fails to meet all of the health, zoning, fire, building, or safety regulations and standards of the state of California as well as ordinances of the city applicable to same. (2) The applicant or agent, has knowingly or deliberately made any false, misleading, or fraudulent statement of material facts in the application or in any report or record required to be filed or kept under the provisions of the Carlsbad ordinances. (Ord. NS-369 § 1 (part), 1996) 8.09.015 Prohibited conduct at cabaret dances-Disorderly conduct. No person conducting a cabaret dance shall permit any person to enter into, or to remain on the premises where such cabaret dance is conducted, who is obviously intoxicated, boisterous or disorderly. (Ord. NS-369 § 1 (part), 1996) 8.09.016 Revocation of permit. (a) No person shall operate any place for which a permit is required under this chapter contrary to the provisions of this chapter, or contrary to any regulation is adopted by the city council as may be reasonably necessary to protect the public peace, health, safety or morals. The city council may, upon the recommendation of the police department and/or code enforcement officer, at any time revoke any permit issued under this chapter for any violations thereof. No such permit shall be revoked without a noticed hearing. (b) A citation may be issued to the responsible party for violations of the requirements of this section. Each violation of this chapter is subject to the penalties set forth in Chapter 1.08 of this code. (Ord. NS-369 § 1 (part), 1996) 8.09.017 Cabaret dance-Guidelines. The city manager or his designee may adopt guidelines to administer this chapter. (Ord. NS-369 § 1 (part), 1996) SECTION 3: That Chapter 8.09 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by adding Sections 8.09.010 through 8.09.170 to read as follows: 8.09.010 Purpose 8.09.020 Definitions 8.09.030 Entertainment License Required 8.09.040 Exemption from the Entertainment License Requirement 8.09.050 No Renewal of Cabaret License 8.09.060 Application Procedure for an Entertainment License 8.09.070 Application Fee for an Entertainment License 8.09.080 Approval of License EXHIBIT # 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 8.09.090 Standard License Conditions 8.09.100 Class II Entertainment Establishment Standards 8.09.110 Chief of Police Authority Where There is Immediate Threat to Public Safety 8.09.120 Discretionary Permit Conditions 8.09.130 Term of License 8.09.140 Revocation/Suspension for Violation 8.09.150 Appeal Procedure 8.09.160 Severability 8.09.170 Violation—Penalty 8.09.010 Purpose The City of Carlsbad encourages the development of arts and culture and recognizes that having many entertainment establishments provides a means for such activity. The City of Carlsbad further recognizes that having a variety of entertainment types in the City promotes a rich and diverse cultural experience. The City of Carlsbad also recognizes that Entertainment Establishments serving alcohol have demonstrated the potential for creating an environment where various types of disturbances, excessive noise, and disorderly conduct by inebriated patrons may occur. These negative effects are adverse to the public safety and the quality of life in the community. The purpose of this Chapter is to regulate the operation of Entertainment Establishments so as to minimize the negative effects and to preserve the public safety, health and welfare. It is not the City's intent to regulate or restrict the type or content of entertainment provided in those establishments. All licensees will be responsible for controlling patron conduct at their Entertainment Establishment, making adequate provisions for security and crowd control, compliance with state and local laws and minimizing disturbances caused by the operation of an Entertainment Establishment. It is also the intent of the City of Carlsbad to provide alternatives to the regulating of Entertainment Establishments by imposing license conditions tailored to the particular Entertainment Establishment. 8.09.020 Definitions For purposes of this Chapter the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings: "A-Weighted Sound Level" means the Sound Level in decibels as measured on a Sound Level Meter using A-weighting network. The level is displayed in decibels and is designated either dB(A)ordBA. "ABC License" means a license to serve alcoholic beverages issued by the State of California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. "Ambient Music" means prerecorded, low-level, background music, which is inaudible from any portion of the exterior of the premises. Ambient Music does not include music played by a "disc jockey" or"DJ". "Ambient Noise Level" means the composite noise from all sources near and far. In this context, the ambient noise level constitutes a normal or existing level of environmental noise at a given location and time. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EXHIBIT # 1 "Ambient Television" means television programming routinely shown on broadcast, cable, satellite or other networks which now exist or which may be developed in the future which is inaudible and not visible from any portion of the exterior of the premises. "Ambient Sound" means vibrations that travels through the air and are detectible by the ear and which are inaudible from any portion of the exterior of the premises. "Average Sound Level" means a Sound Level typical of the Sound Levels at a certain place during a given period of time, averaged by the general rule of combination for Sound Levels, as set forth in S1.40-1984, as amended from time to time, of the American National Standard Specifications for Sound Level Meters. Average Sound Level is also called equivalent continuous sound level ("Leq"). "Cabaret License" means a Cabaret License issued pursuant to Chapter 8.09.014 as it existed before the revision of this Code by the enactment of this Chapter 8.09 Entertainment License. "Class I Entertainment Establishment" means a business with an ABC License offering Entertainment to patrons that does not include Dancing by patrons of the Entertainment Establishment. "Class II Entertainment Establishment" means a business with an ABC License offering Entertainment to patrons that includes Dancing by patrons of the Entertainment Establishment. "Dance or Dancing" means to move with rhythmical steps or movement, usually to music or an audible rhythm; except for any Dance that is regulated under Chapter 8.60 (performances at adult businesses). "Decibel" (dB) means a unit of measure of Sound Noise Level. "Disturbing, Excessive or Offensive Noise" means (a) any Noise which constitutes a nuisance involving discomfort or annoyance to persons of normal sensitivity residing in the area; or (b) any Noise conflicting with the criteria or levels set forth in this Chapter. "Entertainment" means any single event, a series of events, or an ongoing activity or business, occurring alone or as part of another business, to which the public is invited or allowed to watch, listen, or participate, or is conducted for the purposes of holding the attention of, gaining the attention of, or diverting or amusing patrons, including: (a) Dancing by patron(s) to live or recorded music. (b) The presentation of music played on sound equipment operated by an agent or contractor of the Establishment, commonly known as "disc jockey" or "DJ". (c) The presentation of live music whether amplified or un-amplified. (d) The presentation of music videos, music concerts or other similar forms of musical entertainment from any source. (e) Any amusement or event such as live music or other live performance which is knowingly permitted by any Entertainment Establishment, including presentations by single or multiple performers, such as hypnotists, pantomimes, comedians, song or dance acts, plays, concerts, any type of contest; sporting events, exhibitions, carnival or circus acts, demonstrations of talent or items for gift or sale; shows, reviews, and any other such activity which may be attended by members of the public. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EXHIBIT # 1 "Entertainment Establishment(s)" means any commercial business, except a business entity possessing a valid Cabaret License or regulated by Chapter 8.60 of this Code that is open to the public wherein alcoholic beverages are served, is subject to licensing by State of California Department of Alcohol Beverage Control and offers Entertainment to patrons. "Entertainment License" - means a license obtained from the Chief of Police pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter for the purposes of operating an Entertainment Establishment. "Manager" means a person, regardless of the job title or description, who has discretionary powers to organize, direct, carry on, or control the operations of an Entertainment Establishment, including a restaurant or bar. Authority to engage in one or more of the following functions is prima facie evidence that a person is a Manager of the Entertainment Establishment: (a) Hire or terminate employees; (b) Contract for the purchase of furniture, equipment, or supplies, except for the occasional replenishment of stock; (c) Disburse funds of the business, except for the receipt of regularly replaced items of stock; (d) Make or participate in making policy decisions regarding operations of the Entertainment Establishment. "Noise" includes Ambient Music, Ambient Television, Ambient Sound, or Entertainment. "Noise Level" has the same meaning as "Sound Level". "On-sale" has the same meaning as California Business and Professions Code Section 23038. "Responsible Beverage Service Training Course" means a course certified by the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control for On-sale management and On-sale professional services. "Responsible Party" means any Establishment and is any of the following: person who is physically at the Entertainment (a) The person who owns the Entertainment Establishment; (b) The person in charge of the Entertainment Establishment; (c) The person using the Entertainment Establishment under a special arrangement; (d) An employee or agent of an owner or Manager of the Entertainment Establishment when the owner or Manager is temporarily absent from the Entertainment Establishment; (e) The Entertainment Establishment's Manager or on site supervisor. "Sound Level" means in Decibels, the weighted sound pressure level obtained by the use of a Sound Level Meter and frequency weighing network as specified in S1.40-1984, as amended from time to time, of the American National Standards Institute specifications for Sound Level Meters. If the frequency weighting employed is not indicated, the A-weighting is implied. "Sound Noise Level" has the same meaning as Sound Level. "Sound Level Meter" means an instrument, including a microphone, an amplifier, a readout, and frequency weighting networks for the measurement of sound levels, which meets or exceeds the requirements pertinent for type S2A meters in S1.40-1984, as amended from time to time, of the American National Standards Institute Specifications for Sound Level Meters. EXHIBIT # 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 8.09.030 Entertainment License Required All Entertainment Establishments shall possess an Entertainment License. 8.09.040 Exemptions The following types of activities are exempt from the provisions of this Chapter: (a) Events for which a Special Event Permit or Park Facility Use Permit has been Issued pursuant to this Code. (b) Ambient Music. (c) Ambient Television. (d) Ambient Sound. (e) Entertainment conducted in connection with a theme park. (f) Entertainment conducted in connection with a hotel, so long as the hotel is subject to a specific plan or master plan development. 8.09.050 No Renewal of Cabaret License Any person or business entity holding a valid Cabaret License issued before the effective date of this ordinance may continue with the operation of that business until such time as that annual Cabaret License expires or is revoked. Upon expiration or revocation of an annual Cabaret License, an application for an Entertainment License shall be submitted to the Chief of Police or designee pursuant to this Chapter if the business desires to continue serving alcoholic beverages and providing Entertainment to patrons. The transferee or purchaser of a business holding an annual Cabaret License issued before the effective date of this ordinance shall be required to apply for an Entertainment License, pursuant to this Chapter, within 30-days of the completion of the transfer or purchase of the business holding such annual Cabaret License if the transferee or purchaser desires to continue serving alcohol beverages and providing Entertainment to patrons. 8.09.060 Application/Modification Requirements (a) Any person or business entity desiring to obtain an Entertainment License or modification shall submit a complete application to the Chief of Police or designee and pay an application fee pursuant to Section 8.09.070. (b) The application shall be in a form approved by the Chief of Police. (C) The application shall be filed: (1) at least forty-five (45) days prior to the proposed operation of the Entertainment Establishment; (2) at least forty-five (45) days prior to the expiration of either a cabaret or Entertainment License; or (3) at any time for a modification. (d) The application shall state the class of Entertainment (Class I or Class II) that the Entertainment Establishment will provide to patrons. (e) The Entertainment License application shall include five (5) copies of a floor plan. The floor plan shall be an accurate representation of the floor plan approved by the City Building and Fire Departments as part of a formal building permit process. Any changes that have occurred to the floor plan since the original City Building and Fire Department approval shall be identified and include a notation identifying the date the modification was approved by the City if such approval was required. The floor plan shall show all customer seating areas, performing stages or platforms, back-of-house areas, restroom facilities, and any proposed Dance areas if applying for EXHIBIT # 1 1 a Class II Entertainment License. The floor plan shall clearly state the legal occupant load as established as part of the formal building permit process, and all exiting systems of the premises 2 | shall be clearly shown. No floor plan change, occupant load change, or other change of use can be approved as part of an application process for an Entertainment License. 3 | (f) The application for an Entertainment License shall include five (5) copies of the proposed j site plan for the Entertainment Establishment and the site plan shall be an accurate 4 | representation with dimensions that show the building's footprint, boundary and property lines and on site parking spaces. Any changes that have occurred to the site plan since the original City 5 Building and Fire Department approval shall be identified and include a notation identifying the date the modification was approved by the City if such approval was required. 6 (g) The application shall also include a copy of any City Land Use Permits (e.g. Conditional Use Permit, Redevelopment Permit, etc.) issued to the property owner or business entity. (h) The Entertainment License application shall include a detailed security plan. The security plan should include, but is not limited to the following: (1) The number of security personnel who will be on duty; (2) The minimum level of acceptable training for security personnel; (3) The patron screening procedure, if any, prior to admission to Entertainment Establishment; (4) Identify patron access points into the Entertainment Establishment; (5) Removal of disorderly or intoxicated patrons from premises; and (6) Dispersal of patrons from the Entertainment Establishment, on site parking area and/or public rights-of-way (e.g. sidewalk or street) within 50 feet of any entrance to the Entertainment Establishment. 8.09.070 Fees A nonrefundable fee, as set forth in the City of Carlsbad Master Fee Schedule shall accompany each application for an Entertainment License. The Entertainment License fee shall be in addition to the business license fee required pursuant to Chapter 5.08 of this Code. 8.09.080 Approval/Denial/Modification of Entertainment License (a) Upon completion of an investigation, the Chief of Police shall issue the License subject to Section 8.09.090, as applicable, unless it is found that: (1) The application fee has not been paid. (2) Applicant is less than twenty-one (21) years of age. (3) The application does not conform to the provisions of this Chapter. (4) The applicant has made a material misrepresentation in the application. 20 (5) The applicant or any of its owners, partners, officers or directors has had an Entertainment License revoked within two (2) years prior to the date of the pending application. 21 (6) The proposed Entertainment Establishment does not comply with all applicable laws, including but not limited to: health, zoning, building, and fire code requirements. Prior to 22 granting a License, the Chief of Police or designee shall obtain certification from the Fire Chief, Planning Director or Housing and Redevelopment Director (if the property is located in the Redevelopment Area), and Building Official that the proposed use is in compliance with the land use and zoning provisions of the applicable Municipal Codes provisions and Village 24 Redevelopment Master Plan and Design Manual (if applicable), and that the structures are suitable and safe for the proposed operation of an Entertainment Establishment. (b) If the Chief of Police denies the application, the applicant shall be notified of the reasons for the denial in writing within forty-five (45) days after receipt of the application. However, failure to notify the applicant within the specified time period shall not constitute a basis for granting the License. An applicant denied an Entertainment License has a right to appeal the denial pursuant 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 25 27 28 II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EXHIBIT # 1 to Section 8.09.150 of this Chapter. If such a hearing is not requested within the proscribed time period, the denial shall be final. (c) If a Conditional Use Permit, or any other permit or approval, except a Certificate of Occupancy, is required for the lawful operation of an Entertainment Establishment, the provisions of Chapter 8.09 shall be in addition to those other permits and entitlements. An Entertainment License cannot modify the terms of a Conditional Use Permit or any other permit or approval. 8.09.090 Entertainment License Standards and Conditions (a) All Class 1 and Class II Entertainment Establishments shall operate in accordance with the following standards or conditions: (1) Display of License. The Entertainment License shall be displayed on the premises in a conspicuous place so that law enforcement persons entering may readily see the Entertainment License. A copy of the floor plan approved with the Entertainment License shall be made available at all times at the request of any law enforcement officer, Fire Marshal or Deputy Fire Marshal. (2) Hours of Operation. All Entertainment Establishments shall otherwise close and all patrons shall vacate the premises between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. unless the Entertainment License is conditioned for additional hours of closure. (3) Noise Restrictions. Noise shall be measured in accordance with Section 8.09.110. Between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. no Entertainment Establishment may cause, permit or maintain Noise at a Sound Level to the extent that the one-hour average Sound Level exceeds 65.0 dBA Leq-1m at the property line of the Entertainment Establishment of which the Noise is produced. The Noise subject to these limits is that part of the total Noise at the specified location that is due solely to the action of said Responsible Party. (4) Manager and Service Training. The following persons must complete a Responsible Beverage Service Training Course before the Entertainment Establishment may provide Entertainment: (A) Every Manager must complete a Responsible Beverage Service Training Course within 90 days of hire, or by January 1, 2008, whichever is later. (B) Every person who serves or sells alcoholic beverages for consumption by patrons on the premises of an Entertainment Establishment shall complete a Responsible Beverage Service Training Course within 90 days of hire, or by January 1, 2008, whichever is later. (C) Every Manager and every person who serves or sells alcoholic beverages for consumption by patrons on the premises of the Entertainment Establishment shall maintain a current Responsible Beverage Service Training Course certificate. (D) A list of all persons employed as Managers or persons who serve or sell alcoholic beverages for consumption by patrons on the premises of an Entertainment Establishment shall be maintained on the premises of the Entertainment Establishment. The list shall clearly identify the hire date, the date of each Responsible Beverage Service Training Course was completed and the date the current training certificate will expire for every Manager and every person who serves or sells alcoholic beverages for consumption by patrons on the premises of the Entertainment Establishment. The list shall be provided, upon request, to any police officer for inspection. (5) Maximum Occupant Load. The maximum number of persons in the Entertainment Establishment, other than employees, shall not, at any time, exceed the maximum occupant load as established by the Fire Marshal or the City Building Official. (6) Disturbing the Peace and Disorderly Conduct. The Responsible Party shall make reasonable efforts to prevent the admission of any person, whose conduct is described in California Penal Code Section 415 (fighting, loud noise, offensive words in public places) or PC 647 (disorderly conduct), inside the Entertainment Establishment, at any on site parking lot owned 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EXHIBIT # 1 or under the control by the Entertainment Establishment, or on any sidewalk used by the Entertainment Establishment for the Entertainment Establishment. The Responsible Party shall make reasonable efforts to either call the police for assistance or remove from the Entertainment Establishment, parking lot or sidewalk persons exhibiting such conduct. (7) Maintaining Adequate Right of Way. The Responsible Party shall ensure that patrons queuing on the public sidewalk do not obstruct the right of way or sidewalk from vehicular or pedestrian access. The minimum clear access for sidewalks shall be maintained at forty four (44) inches. (8) Orderly Dispersal. The Responsible Party shall use reasonable efforts to cause the orderly dispersal of patrons from the Entertainment Establishment at closing time, and shall use reasonable efforts to prevent patrons from congregating in the Entertainment Establishment's parking lot after closing time or permit patrons to congregate in any roadway or traffic lane within fifty (50) feet of any entrance to the Entertainment Establishment. (9) Obey all federal, state and local laws. (b) In addition to the conditions set forth in Section 8.09.090(a) the Chief of Police may impose additional conditions in the following areas which shall be based on specific, articulated facts setting forth the necessity for the conditions: (1) The permissible hours of operation for Entertainment. (2) Specific licensing qualifications and numbers of security personnel to be on duty during business hours. 8.09.100 Class II Entertainment Establishment Conditions In addition to the conditions set forth in Section 8.09.090, the following conditions shall apply to all Class II Entertainment Establishments: (a) Mandatory Security Guards. There shall be at least one (1) security guard on duty at all times the Class II Entertainment Establishment is allowing dancing. (b) Designation of Dance Floor. (1) The Dance floor area shall be plainly marked and designated as the Dancing area. (2) No Dancing shall be permitted outside the designated Dancing area. (c) Seating and Dance Areas. Seating areas shall not be converted to Dance areas, unless the floor plan approved as part of the application process allows such conversion. (1) During all hours which Dancing is permitted, no portion of the Dancing area shall be used for any purpose other than Dancing. 8.09.110 Sound or Noise Measurement (a) Any Sound or Noise Level measurement shall be measured with a Sound Level Meter using an A-weighted (40-phon) filter and an electrical time-constant equal to one second (i.e., 'slow' meter response) pursuant to applicable manufacturer's instructions. (b) The Sound Level Meter shall be appropriately calibrated and adjusted both before and after a test to ensure meter accuracy within the tolerances set forth by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) test designation S1.40-1984 for Type II instrumentation. (c) For outdoor measurements, the microphone shall be not less than four (4) feet above the ground, at least four (4) feet distant from walls or other reflecting surfaces. The Sound Level Meter shall be either mounted to a tripod, or handheld in a manner so as not to be directly in front of the abatement officer. The Sound Level Meter shall be protected during any test from the effects of wind noises by the use of appropriate manufacturer specified windscreens. (d) The location of the any Sound Level measurement used for the purposes of Noise abatement shall be taken at the property line of the Entertainment Establishment that is creating the Noise source. The Sound Level Meter shall .be oriented such that the microphone is facing the 10 19 20 21 22 23 EXHIBIT # 1 1 Noise source and is elevated approximately 45-degrees vertically with respect to the ground. Under no circumstances should a measurement be performed closer than six (6) feet from the 2 Noise source regardless of property line orientation. (e) Measurements shall be performed for a period of sixty (60) seconds at each property line 3 of interest using a time-energy average approach (i.e., equivalent Sound Level or Leq based on a meter exchange rate of 3 dB). Each measurement shall be logged by the abatement officer on the 4 reporting sheet as 'xx.x' dBA Leq-1m, where 'xx.x' is the reading from the Sound Level Meter. 5 (f) If the Noise source is intermittent, then for each halving of the hour in which the source is expected to occur, the effective Noise level at the property line can be reduced by 3.0 dBA Leq. 6 7 8.09.120 Immediate Threat to Public Safety 8 The Chief of Police, Fire Marshal, or his/her designee may require the Responsible Party to cease all or part of the Entertainment Establishment's operations or Entertainment and disperse all 9 patrons for a period of time up to and including the remainder of the Entertainment Establishment's daily operating hours whenever conduct by disorderly patrons reaches a 10 magnitude that presents an immediate threat to the safety and well-being of the patrons or general public in the vicinity of the Entertainment Establishment. 11 8.09.130 Term of License 12 (a) The Entertainment License shall be valid for a term of three (3) years from the date of 13 issuance and is not transferable. Suspension of an Entertainment License shall not extend the term of the Entertainment License. 14 (b) A change in ownership of the Entertainment Establishment shall require the new owner to pay a new application fee and secure a new Entertainment License from the Chief of Police in 15 accordance with Section 8.09.080. (c) An Entertainment License may be renewed by a new application subject to the same 16 requirements stated herein for obtaining the initial Entertainment License, including payment of an application fee. 17 8.09.140 Revocation/Suspension for Violation 18 (a) The Chief of Police may issue a letter of intent to revoke or suspend an Entertainment License upon receiving satisfactory evidence that: (1) The application for an Entertainment License contains material misrepresentation; or (2) Ownership of the Entertainment Establishment has changed without the new ownership securing a new Entertainment License from the Chief of Police; or (3) The Entertainment Establishment has, within any twelve (12) month period, been found criminally, civilly or administratively (pursuant to Chapter 1.10 of this Code), or any combination thereof, to have violated three (3) or more of the same provisions of this Chapter, or four (4) or more of any provisions of this Chapter; or 24 (4) Employees of the Entertainment Establishment, while on the premises are engaged in conduct or behavior to the extent that it constitutes a nuisance, including but not 25 limited to adjudicated complaints with adverse finding(s) by the State Alcoholic Beverage Control Board or the County Health Department. 26 (b) Chief of Police shall provide written documentation or other evidence to support the intent to revoke or suspend an Entertainment License to the licensee with the letter of intent to revoke or suspend an Entertainment License. 28 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 EXHIBIT # 1 1 (c) The Chief of Police shall provide written notice of the intent to revoke or suspend to the holder of an Entertainment License by personal service, or by certified mail. The notice shall be 2 directed to the most current Entertainment Establishment address or other mailing address on file with the Chief of Police for the Entertainment Establishment. The notice shall provide the effective 3 date of the revocation or suspension. No revocation or suspension shall be imposed on less than thirty (30) days notice to the holder of the Entertainment License. 4 8.09.150 Appeal Procedure 5 (a) Any applicant or Entertainment Establishment aggrieved by denial, suspension or 6 revocation, or conditions of an Entertainment License may file, with the City Clerk, a written Notice of Appeal to the City Manager ("Notice of Appeal") within thirty (30) days of the notification of decision by the Chief of Police or designee. The Notice of Appeal shall specify: (1) The name and address of appellant; (2) The date of application; (3) The date of denial, suspension or revocation or condition; (4) The factual basis for the appeal. (b) Upon receipt of a complete and timely filed Notice of Appeal, the City Manager shall schedule a hearing and set forth in writing and deliver to the applicant or Licensee at the address provided in the Notice of Appeal, by means of registered mail, certified mail or hand delivery, that within a period of not less than five (5) days nor more than fourteen (14) days from the date of the filing of the Notice of Appeal with the City Clerk, a hearing shall be conducted to determine the existence of any substantial evidence which would refute the grounds for the denial, suspension, or revocation or condition of a License. The hearing notification shall include the date, time and place of the hearing. (c) A hearing officer (Hearing Officer) appointed by the City Manager shall conduct the hearing based upon the Notice of Appeal. The applicant or Licensee may have the assistance of counsel or may appear by counsel and shall have the right to present evidence. In the event that the applicant, Licensee, or counsel representing the applicant or Licensee, fails to present any evidence at the hearing, the evidence of the existence of facts, which constitute grounds for the denial, suspension, or revocation or condition of the Entertainment License shall be deemed uncontested. Any issue not raised in the hearing is waived. (d) Relevant evidence may be admitted and considered by the Hearing Officer if it is the sort of evidence upon which responsible persons are accustomed to rely in the conduct of serious affairs. Objections to evidence shall be noted and a ruling given by the Hearing Officer. A copy of the recommendation of the Hearing Officer specifying findings of fact and the reasons for the recommendation shall be furnished to the City Manager for consideration. The City Manager shall notify the applicant or Licensee or counsel representing the applicant or Licensee of the decision regarding the Appeal in writing as specified above within 10 days of the Hearing Officer's recommendation and shall also inform the party against whom a decision is rendered of the right to appeal to the City Council pursuant to this Chapter. Any decision rendered by the City Manager which is not appealed within the specified time period for filing a notice to appeal to City Council is final. 23 (e) Any applicant, Licensee or party aggrieved by a decision of the City Manager may appeal to the City Council within ten (10) days of the date on which the decision of the City Manager was sent, via certified mail to the applicant, licensee or party aggrieved. Upon the filing of a written Notice of Appeal of City Manager's Decision to City Council ("Appeal to City Council") upon the 25 City Clerk, the City Clerk shall schedule the Appeal to City Council for review by the City Council as soon as practicable and advise the Police Chief who shall transmit to the Clerk the complete 26 record of the case. (f) The City Clerk shall provide notice of the Appeal to City Council, along with the date, time and location of the Appeal to City Council hearing to all parties to the appeal. The review by the 28 12 16 17 EXHIBIT # 1 City Council is de novo; and the City Council shall determine that all issues not raised in the Appeal to City Council are supported by substantial evidence. The City Council shall consider the recommendations of the Police Chief and the Hearing Officer, the decision of the City Manager and all other relevant documentary and oral evidence as presented to the Hearing Officer. The City Council may affirm, modify, or reverse the action of the City Manager, and make such order, as it deems appropriate and supported by substantial evidence including remand to the City Manager with directions for further proceedings. Any action by the City Council shall be final and conclusive; provided, however, that any action reversing the decision of the City Manager shall be by the affirmative vote of at least three members of the City Council. 8.09.160 Severability If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of the ordinance codified in this Chapter is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the ordinance codified in this Chapter. The City Council declares that it would have passed the ordinance codified in this Chapter and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, and phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more of the sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases hereof be declared invalid or unconstitutional. 8.09.170 Violation—Penalty (a) Any person who violates any of the provisions of this Chapter is guilty of an infraction, except for the fourth and each additional violation of a provision of this Chapter within one year, shall be a misdemeanor. Penalties for a violation of this Chapter shall be as designated in section 1.08.010(b) of this Code. (b) In addition to any other remedy authorized by this Chapter, a violation of this Chapter may Fee Schedule 18 General City Fees & Charges June 200619 SECTION 4: That the current 2006 City of Carlsbad Master Fee Schedule is amended to delete "Cabaret Dance Permit" and add "Police - Entertainment License" as follows: City of Carlsbad Fee Description Notes Current Fee (delete) Cabaret Dance Permit $200 (add) Police - Entertainment License $200 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption and the 20 21 (delete) 22 (add) 23 24 25 City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in 26 a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. 27 28 n 1 INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on 2 the 18th day of September, 2007, and thereafter. 3 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the 4 City of Carlsbad on the day of , 2007, by the following vote to wit: 5 6 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Hall, Packard and Nygaard. 7 NOES: None. 8 ABSENT: None. 9 ABSTAIN: None. 10 11 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY 12 13 RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney 15 16 CLAUDE A LEWIS, Mayor 17 18 ATTEST: 19 20 LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk 21 (SEAL) 22" 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 Sections: 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 EXHIBIT # 2 Chapter 8.09 Cabaret Dances Entertainment License 8.09.011 Cabarot danco. 8.09.012 Cabaret danoos Requirements. 8.09.013 Permit and fee. 8.09.014 Cabarot permit. 8.09.016 Prohibited conduct at cabaret dances -Disorderly conduct. 8.09.016 Revocation of permit. 8.09.017 Cabarot danco Guidelines. * Prior ordinance hiotory: Ords. 60*17 and 6051. 8.09.011 Cabaret dance. "Cabaret dance" means any dance conducted in a oommeroial establishment open to the public where alcoholic beverages are regularly sold or otherwise distributed, except for any dance which falls within this definition but is also regulated under Chapter 8.60. Activities which fall within the scope of Chapter 8.60 (performances at adult businesses) are not "cabaret dances" within the meaning of this section and are not regulated under Chapter 8.09. (Ord. NS-761 § 5, 2005) 8.09.012 Cabaret dances-Requirements. No person shall conduct a cabaret dance unless all of the following conditions are at all times complied with: (1) Size of Dance Floor. The dance floor shall be a minimum size of one hundred square feet. (2) Designation of Dance Floor. The dance floor area shall be plainly marked and designated as a dancing area. No dancing shall be permitted in the premises except upon the dancing area thus marked and designated. (3) Permit Restrictions. During all hours during which dancing is permitted by the permit issued hereunder for the premises, no portion of the dancing area shall be used for any purpose other than dancing and entertainment. (4) Maximum Number of Patrons. The maximum number of persons, other than employees, shall not at any one time exceed the maximum occupant load as determined by the fire marshal or the dosignatod city building official. (Ord. NS 369 § 1 (part), 1996) 19 8.09.013 Permit and fee. 20 No person shall conduct a cabaret dance without first obtaining a permit from the city. The permit fee shall be established by resolution of tho city council. (Ord. NS-369 § 1 (part), 1996) 8.09.014 Cabaret permit. The community development director or his designee shall grant an application, upon request for 21 22 23 24 25 regulations and standards of the state of California as well as ordinances of the city applicable to 26 issuance of a permit within thirty days after filing of a complete application unless one or more of the following findings are made: (1) The building, structure, equipment or location of such business in which the dancing is to be conducted does not comply with or fails to meet all of the health, zoning, fire, building, or safety (2) The applicant or agent, has knowingly or deliberately made any false, misleading, or fraudulent 27 28 1 EXHIBIT # 2 statement of material facts in the application or in any report or record required to be filed or kept undorthe provisions of tho Carlsbad ordinances. (Ord. NS 369 § 1 (port), 1996) 2 8.09.016 Prohibited conduct at cabaret dances -Disorderly conduct. 3 No person conducting a cabaret dance shall permit any person to enter into, or to remain on the 4 premises where such cabaret dance is conducted, who is obviously intoxicated, boisterous or disorderly. (Ord. NS 369 § 1 (part), 1996) 5 8.09.016 Revocation of permit. 6 (a) No person shall operate any place for which a permit is required under this chapter contrary to 7 8 g the provisions of this chapter, or contrary to any regulation is adopted by the city council as may be reasonably necessary to protect the public peace, health, safety or morals. The city council may, upon the recommendation of the police department and/or code enforcement officer, at any time revoke any permit issued under this chapter for any violations thereof. No such permit shall be revoked without a noticed hearing. (b) A citation may be issued to the responsible party for violations of the requirements of this section. Each violation of this chapter is subject to the penalties set forth in Chapter 1.08 of this10 codo. (Ord. NS 369 § 1 (part), 1996)11 8.09.017 Cabaret dance-Guidelines. 12 Tho city manager or his designee may adopt guidelines to administer this chapter. (Ord. NS-369 1 (part), 1996)13 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 14 8.09.010 Purpose 8.09.020 Definitions 8.09.030 Entertainment License Required 8.09.040 Exemption from the Entertainment License Requirement 8.09.050 No Renewal of Cabaret License 17 8.09.060 Application Procedure for an Entertainment License 8.09.070 Application Fee for an Entertainment License 8.09.080 Approval of License 8.09.090 Standard License Conditions 8.09.100 Class II Entertainment Establishment Standards 8.09.110 Chief of Police Authority Where There is Immediate Threat to Public Safety 8.09.120 Discretionary Permit Conditions 8.09.130 Term of License 8.09.140 Revocation/Suspension for Violation 8.09.150 Appeal Procedure 8.09.160 Severabilitv 8.09.170 Violation—Penalty 8.09.010 Purpose The City of Carlsbad encourages the development of arts and culture and recognizes that having many entertainment establishments provides a means for such activity. The City of Carlsbad further recognizes that having a variety of entertainment types in the City promotes a rich and26 diverse cultural experience.27 28 1 2 EXHIBIT # 2 The City of Carlsbad also recognizes that Entertainment Establishments serving alcohol have demonstrated the potential for creating an environment where various types of disturbances. excessive noise, and disorderly conduct by inebriated patrons may occur. These negative effects are adverse to the public safety and the quality of life in the community. 3 The purpose of this Chapter is to regulate the operation of Entertainment Establishments so as to 4 5 6 7 8 minimize the negative effects and to preserve the public safety, health and welfare. It is not the City's intent to regulate or restrict the type or content of entertainment provided in those establishments. All licensees will be responsible for controlling patron conduct at their Entertainment Establishment, making adequate provisions for security and crowd control. compliance with state and local laws and minimizing disturbances caused by the operation of an Entertainment Establishment. It is also the intent of the City of Carlsbad to provide alternatives to the regulating of Entertainment Establishments by imposing license conditions tailored to the particular Entertainment Establishment. g 8.09.020 Definitions For purposes of this Chapter the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings: 10 11 12 dB (A) or dBA. 13 "A-Weighted Sound Level" means the Sound Level in decibels as measured on a Sound Level Meter using A-weighting network. The level is displayed in decibels and is designated either 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 "ABC License" means a license to serve alcoholic beverages issued by the State of California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. "Ambient Music" means prerecorded, low-level, background music, which is inaudible from any portion of the exterior of the premises. Ambient Music does not include music played by a "disc iockev" or "DJ" "Ambient Noise Level" means the composite noise from all sources near and far. In this context, the ambient noise level constitutes a normal or existing level of environmental noise at a given location and time. "Ambient Television" means television programming routinely shown on broadcast, cable, satellite or other networks which now exist or which may be developed in the future which is inaudible and not visible from any portion of the exterior of the premises. "Ambient Sound" means vibrations that travels through the air and are detectible by the ear and which are inaudible from any portion of the exterior of the premises.22 "Average Sound Level" means a Sound Level typical of the Sound Levels at a certain 23 place during a given period of time, averaged by the general rule of combination for Sound Levels. as set forth in S1.40-1984. as amended from time to time, of the American National Standard 24 Specifications for Sound Level Meters. Average Sound Level is also called equivalent continuous sound level ("Leg").25 "Cabaret License" means a Cabaret License issued pursuant to Chapter 8.09.014 as it existed before the revision of this Code by the enactment of this Chapter 8.09 Entertainment License. 28 1 2 3 EXHIBIT # 2 "Class I Entertainment Establishment" means a business with an ABC License offering Entertainment to patrons that does not include Dancing by patrons of the Entertainment Establishment. "Class II Entertainment Establishment" means a business with an ABC License offering Entertainment to patrons that includes Dancing by patrons of the Entertainment Establishment. 4 5 "Dance or Dancing" means to move with rhythmical steps or movement, usually to music or an audible rhythm: except for any Dance that is regulated under Chapter 8.60 (performances at 7 8 adult businesses). 6 "Decibel" (dB) means a unit of measure of Sound Noise Level. "Disturbing. Excessive or Offensive Noise" means (a) any Noise which constitutes a nuisance involving discomfort or annoyance to persons of normal sensitivity residing in the area: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 or (b) any Noise conflicting with the criteria or levels set forth in this Chapter. 9 "Entertainment" means any single event, a series of events, or an ongoing activity or business, occurring alone or as part of another business, to which the public is invited or allowed to watch, listen, or participate, or is conducted for the purposes of holding the attention of. gaining the attention of, or diverting or amusing patrons, including: (a) Dancing by patron(s) to live or recorded music. (b) The presentation of music played on sound eguipment operated by an agent or contractor of the Establishment, commonly known as "disc jockey" or "DJ". (c) The presentation of live music whether amplified or un-amplified. (d) The presentation of music videos, music concerts or other similar forms of musical entertainment from any source. (e) Any amusement or event such as live music or other live performance which is knowingly permitted by any Entertainment Establishment, including presentations by single or multiple performers, such as hypnotists, pantomimes, comedians, song or dance acts, plavs. concerts, any type of contest: sporting events, exhibitions, carnival or circus acts, demonstrations of talent or items for gift or sale: shows, reviews, and any other such activity which may be 19 20 21 attended by members of the public. 18 "Entertainment Establishment(s)" means any commercial business, except a business entity possessing a valid Cabaret License or regulated by Chapter 8.60 of this Code that is open to the public wherein alcoholic beverages are served, is subject to licensing bv State of California 23 24 Department of Alcohol Beverage Control and offers Entertainment to patrons. "Entertainment License" - means a license obtained from the Chief of Police pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter for the purposes of operating an Entertainment Establishment.22 "Manager" means a person, regardless of the job title or description, who has discretionary powers to organize, direct, carry on. or control the operations of an Entertainment Establishment. including a restaurant or bar. Authority to engage in one or more of the following functions is prima facie evidence that a person is a Manager of the Entertainment Establishment: 25 (a) Hire or terminate employees: (b) Contract for the purchase of furniture, eguipment. or supplies, except for the 26 occasional replenishment of stock: (c) Disburse funds of the business, except for the receipt of regularly replaced items of 27 stock: 28 1 2 "Noise" includes Ambient Music. Ambient Television, Ambient Sound, or Entertainment. 3 "Noise Level" has the same meaning as "Sound Level". 4 "On-sale" has the same meaning as California Business and Professions Code Section 5 "Responsible Beverage Service Training Course" means a course certified by the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control for On-sale management and On-sale EXHIBIT # 2 (d) Make or participate in making policy decisions regarding operations of the Entertainment Establishment. 8 professional services. "Responsible Party" means any person who is physically at the Entertainment Establishment and is any of the following: 9 (a) The person who owns the Entertainment Establishment: (b) The person in charge of the Entertainment Establishment: (c) The person using the Entertainment Establishment under a special arrangement: (d) An employee or agent of an owner or Manager of the Entertainment Establishment when the owner or Manager is temporarily absent from the Entertainment Establishment: 10 11 12 13 14 Meters. If the freguency weighting employed is not indicated, the A-weighting is implied. 15 "Sound Noise Level" has the same meaning as Sound Level. 16 (e) The Entertainment Establishment's Manager or on site supervisor. "Sound Level" means in Decibels, the weighted sound pressure level obtained bv the use of a Sound Level Meter and freguencv weighing network as specified in S1.40-1984. as amended from time to time, of the American National Standards Institute specifications for Sound Level 17 18 19 20 "Sound Level Meter" means an instrument, including a microphone, an amplifier, a readout, and freguencv weighting networks for the measurement of sound levels, which meets or exceeds the reguirements pertinent for type S2A meters in S1.40-1984, as amended from time to time, of the American National Standards Institute Specifications for Sound Level Meters. 8.09.030 Entertainment License Required All Entertainment Establishments shall possess an Entertainment License. 21 8.09.040 Exemptions 22 The following types of activities are exempt from the provisions of this Chapter: (a) Events for which a Special Event Permit or Park Facility Use Permit has been Issued pursuant to this Code. (b) Ambient Music. (c) Ambient Television. (d) Ambient Sound. (e) Entertainment conducted in connection with a theme park. (ft Entertainment conducted in connection with a hotel, so long as the hotel is subject to a specific plan or master plan development. 27 28 8.09.050 No Renewal of Cabaret License 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 EXHIBIT # 2 Any person or business entity holding a valid Cabaret License issued before the effective date of this ordinance may continue with the operation of that business until such time as that annual Cabaret License expires or is revoked. Upon expiration or revocation of an annual Cabaret License, an application for an Entertainment License shall be submitted to the Chief of Police or designee pursuant to this Chapter if the business desires to continue serving alcoholic beverages and providing Entertainment to patrons. The transferee or purchaser of a business holding an annual Cabaret License issued before the effective date of this ordinance shall be required to apply for an Entertainment License, pursuant to this Chapter, within 30-davs of the completion of the transfer or purchase of the business holding such annual Cabaret License if the transferee or purchaser desires to continue serving alcohol beverages and providing Entertainment to patrons. 8.09.060 Application/Modification Requirements (a) Any person or business entity desiring to obtain an Entertainment License or modification shall submit a complete application to the Chief of Police or designee and pay an application fee pursuant to Section 8.09.070. (b) The application shall be in a form approved by the Chief of Police. (c) The application shall be filed: (1) at least forty-five (45) days prior to the proposed operation of the Entertainment Establishment: (2) at least forty-five (45) days prior to the expiration of either a cabaret or Entertainment License: or (3) at any time for a modification, (d) The application shall state the class of Entertainment (Class I or Class II) that the Entertainment Establishment will provide to patrons. (e) The Entertainment License application shall include five (5) copies of a floor plan. The floor plan shall be an accurate representation of the floor plan approved by the City Building and Fire Departments as part of a formal building permit process. Any changes that have occurred to the floor plan since the original City Building and Fire Department approval shall be identified and include a notation identifying the date the modification was approved by the City if such approval was required. The floor plan shall show all customer seating areas, performing stages or platforms, back-of-house areas, restroom facilities, and any proposed Dance areas if applying for a Class II Entertainment License. The floor plan shall clearly state the legal occupant load as established as part of the formal building permit process, and all exiting systems of the premises shall be clearly shown. No floor plan change, occupant load change, or other change of use can be approved as part of an application process for an Entertainment License. (ft The application for an Entertainment License shall include five (5) copies of the proposed site plan for the Entertainment Establishment and the site plan shall be an accurate representation with dimensions that show the building's footprint, boundary and property lines and on site parking spaces. Any changes that have occurred to the site plan since the original City Building and Fire Department approval shall be identified and include a notation identifying the23date the modification was approved by the City if such approval was required. (g) The application shall also include a copy of any City Land Use Permits (e.g. Conditional24Use Permit. Redevelopment Permit, etc.) issued to the property owner or business entity. (h) The Entertainment License application shall include a detailed security plan. The security25plan should include, but is not limited to the following: (1) The number of security personnel who will be on duty:26 (2) The minimum level of acceptable training for security personnel: (3) The patron screening procedure, if any, prior to admission to Entertainment Establishment: 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 EXHIBIT # 2 (4) Identify patron access points into the Entertainment Establishment: (5) Removal of disorderly or intoxicated patrons from premises: and (6) Dispersal of patrons from the Entertainment Establishment, on site parking area and/or public rights-of-wav (e.g. sidewalk or street) within 50 feet of any entrance to the Entertainment Establishment. 8.09.070 Fees A nonrefundable fee, as set forth in the City of Carlsbad Master Fee Schedule shall accompany each application for an Entertainment License. The Entertainment License fee shall be in addition to the business license fee required pursuant to Chapter 5.08 of this Code. 8.09.080 Approval/Denial/Modification of Entertainment License (a) Upon completion of an investigation, the Chief of Police shall issue the License subject to Section 8.09.090. as applicable, unless it is found that: (1) The application fee has not been paid. (2) Applicant is less than twenty-one (21) years of age. (3) The application does not conform to the provisions of this Chapter. (4) The applicant has made a material misrepresentation in the application. (5) The applicant or any of its owners, partners, officers or directors has had an Entertainment License revoked within two (2) years prior to the date of the pending application. (6) The proposed Entertainment Establishment does not comply with all applicable laws, including but not limited to: health, zoning, building, and fire code requirements. Prior to granting a License, the Chief of Police or designee shall obtain certification from the Fire Chief. Planning Director or Housing and Redevelopment Director (if the property is located in the Redevelopment Area), and Building Official that the proposed use is in compliance with the land use and zoning provisions of the applicable Municipal Codes provisions and Village Redevelopment Master Plan and Design Manual (if applicable), and that the structures are suitable and safe for the proposed operation of an Entertainment Establishment. (b) If the Chief of Police denies the application, the applicant shall be notified of the reasons for the denial in writing within forty-five (45) days after receipt of the application. However, failure to notify the applicant within the specified time period shall not constitute a basis for granting the License. An applicant denied an Entertainment License has a right to appeal the denial pursuant to Section 8.09.150 of this Chapter. If such a hearing is not reguested within the proscribed time period, the denial shall be final. (c) If a Conditional Use Permit, or any other permit or approval, except a Certificate of Occupancy, is required for the lawful operation of an Entertainment Establishment, the provisions20 of Chapter 8.09 shall be in addition to those other permits and entitlements. An Entertainment License cannot modify the terms of a Conditional Use Permit or any other permit or approval.21 8.09.090 Entertainment License Standards and Conditions22 (a) All Class 1 and Class II Entertainment Establishments shall operate in accordance with the following standards or conditions: 24 25 (1) Display of License. The Entertainment License shall be displayed on the premises in a conspicuous place so that law enforcement persons entering may readily see the Entertainment License. A copy of the floor plan approved with the Entertainment License shall be made available at all times at the reguest of any law enforcement officer. Fire Marshal or Deputy Fire Marshal. 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 EXHIBIT # 2 (2) Hours of Operation. All Entertainment Establishments shall otherwise close and all patrons shall vacate the premises between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. unless the Entertainment License is conditioned for additional hours of closure. (3) Noise Restrictions. Noise shall be measured in accordance with Section 8.09.110. Between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. no Entertainment Establishment may cause, permit or maintain Noise at a Sound Level to the extent that the one-hour average Sound Level exceeds 65.0 dBA Leq-1m at the property line of the Entertainment Establishment of which the Noise is produced. The Noise subject to these limits is that part of the total Noise at the specified location that is due solely to the action of said Responsible Party. (4) Manager and Service Training. The following persons must complete a Responsible Beverage Service Training Course before the Entertainment Establishment may provide Entertainment: (A) Every Manager must complete a Responsible Beverage Service Training Course within 90 days of hire, or by January 1. 2008. whichever is later. (B) Every person who serves or sells alcoholic beverages for consumption by patrons on the premises of an Entertainment Establishment shall complete a Responsible Beverage Service Training Course within 90 days of hire, or by January 1. 2008. whichever is later. (C) Every Manager and every person who serves or sells alcoholic beverages for consumption bv patrons on the premises of the Entertainment Establishment shall maintain a current Responsible Beverage Service Training Course certificate. (D) A list of all persons employed as Managers or persons who serve or sell alcoholic beverages for consumption bv patrons on the premises of an Entertainment Establishment shall be maintained on the premises of the Entertainment Establishment. The list shall clearly identify the hire date, the date of each Responsible Beverage Service Training Course was completed and the date the current training certificate will expire for every Manager and every person who serves or sells alcoholic beverages for consumption bv patrons on the premises of the Entertainment Establishment. The list shall be provided, upon reguest. to any police officer for inspection. (5) Maximum Occupant Load. The maximum number of persons in the Entertainment Establishment, other than employees, shall not, at any time, exceed the maximum occupant load as established bv the Fire Marshal or the City Building Official. (6) Disturbing the Peace and Disorderly Conduct. The Responsible Party shall make reasonable efforts to prevent the admission of any person, whose conduct is described in California Penal Code Section 415 (fighting, loud noise, offensive words in public places) or PC 647 (disorderly conduct), inside the Entertainment Establishment, at any on site parking lot owned or under the control bv the Entertainment Establishment, or on any sidewalk used by the Entertainment Establishment for the Entertainment Establishment. The Responsible Party shall make reasonable efforts to either call the police for assistance or remove from the Entertainment Establishment, parking lot or sidewalk persons exhibiting such conduct. (7) Maintaining Adeguate Right of Way. The Responsible Party shall ensure that patrons queuing on the public sidewalk do not obstruct the right of way or sidewalk from vehicular or pedestrian access. The minimum clear access for sidewalks shall be maintained at forty four (44) inches. (8) Orderly Dispersal. The Responsible Party shall use reasonable efforts to cause the orderly dispersal of patrons from the Entertainment Establishment at closing time, and shall use reasonable efforts to prevent patrons from congregating in the Entertainment Establishment's parking lot after closing time or permit patrons to congregate in any roadway or traffic lane within25fifty (50) feet of any entrance to the Entertainment Establishment. (9) Obey all federal, state and local laws. 26 (b) In addition to the conditions set forth in Section 8.09.090(a) the Chief of Police may impose additional conditions in the following areas which shall be based on specific, articulated 27 facts setting forth the necessity for the conditions: 28 1 2 3 4 EXHIBIT # 2 (1) The permissible hours of operation for Entertainment. (2) Specific licensing qualifications and numbers of security personnel to be on duty during business hours. 8.09.100 Class II Entertainment Establishment Conditions In addition to the conditions set forth in Section 8.09.090. the following conditions shall apply to all Class II Entertainment Establishments: 5 (a) Mandatory Security Guards. There shall be at least one (1) security guard on duty at all 8 9 10 11 12 times the Class II Entertainment Establishment is allowing dancing.6 (b) Designation of Dance Floor. 7 (1) The Dance floor area shall be plainly marked and designated as the Dancing area. (2) No Dancing shall be permitted outside the designated Dancing area. (c) Seating and Dance Areas. Seating areas shall not be converted to Dance areas, unless the floor plan approved as part of the application process allows such conversion. (1) During all hours which Dancing is permitted, no portion of the Dancing area shall be used for any purpose other than Dancing. 8.09.110 Sound or Noise Measurement (a) Any Sound or Noise Level measurement shall be measured with a Sound Level Meter using an A-weighted (40-phon) filter and an electrical time-constant egual to one second (i.e., 'slow' meter response) pursuant to applicable manufacturer's instructions. 13 (b) The Sound Level Meter shall be appropriately calibrated and adjusted both before and 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 after a test to ensure meter accuracy within the tolerances set forth by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) test designation S1.40-1984 for Type II instrumentation. (c) For outdoor measurements, the microphone shall be not less than four (4) feet above the ground, at least four (4) feet distant from walls or other reflecting surfaces. The Sound Level Meter shall be either mounted to a tripod, or handheld in a manner so as not to be directly in front of the abatement officer. The Sound Level Meter shall be protected during any test from the effects of wind noises by the use of appropriate manufacturer specified windscreens. (d) The location of the any Sound Level measurement used for the purposes of Noise abatement shall be taken at the property line of the Entertainment Establishment that is creating the Noise source. The Sound Level Meter shall be oriented such that the microphone is facing the Noise source and is elevated approximately 45-degrees vertically with respect to the ground. Under no circumstances should a measurement be performed closer than six (6) feet from the Noise source regardless of property line orientation. (e) Measurements shall be performed for a period of sixty (60) seconds at each property line of interest using a time-energy average approach (i.e.. equivalent Sound Level or Leg based on a meter exchange rate of 3 dB). Each measurement shall be logged by the abatement officer on the reporting sheet as 'xx.x' dBA Leg-1m. where 'xx.x' is the reading from the Sound Level Meter.23 (f) If the Noise source is intermittent, then for each halving of the hour in which the source is 24 expected to occur, the effective Noise level at the property line can be reduced by 3.0 dBA Leg. 25 8.09.120 Immediate Threat to Public Safety 26 The Chief of Police, Fire Marshal, or his/her designee may reguire the Responsible Party to cease 27 all or part of the Entertainment Establishment's operations or Entertainment and disperse all patrons for a period of time up to and including the remainder of the Entertainment 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 EXHIBIT # 2 Establishment's daily operating hours whenever conduct by disorderly patrons reaches a magnitude that presents an immediate threat to the safety and well-being of the patrons or general public in the vicinity of the Entertainment Establishment. 8.09.130 Term of License (a) The Entertainment License shall be valid for a term of three (3) years from the date of issuance and is not transferable. Suspension of an Entertainment License shall not extend the term of the Entertainment License. (b) A change in ownership of the Entertainment Establishment shall require the new owner to pay a new application fee and secure a new Entertainment License from the Chief of Police in accordance with Section 8.09.080. (c) An Entertainment License may be renewed by a new application subject to the same requirements stated herein for obtaining the initial Entertainment License, including payment of an application fee. 8.09.140 Revocation/Suspension for Violation (a) The Chief of Police may issue a letter of intent to revoke or suspend an Entertainment License upon receiving satisfactory evidence that: or (1) The application for an Entertainment License contains material misrepresentation: (2) Ownership of the Entertainment Establishment has changed without the new ownership securing a new Entertainment License from the Chief of Police: or (3) The Entertainment Establishment has, within any twelve (12) month period, been found criminally, civilly or administratively (pursuant to Chapter 1.10 of this Code), or any combination thereof, to have violated three (3) or more of the same provisions of this Chapter, or four (4) or more of any provisions of this Chapter: or (4) Employees of the Entertainment Establishment, while on the premises are engaged in conduct or behavior to the extent that it constitutes a nuisance, including but not limited to adjudicated complaints with adverse finding(s) bv the State Alcoholic Beverage Control Board or the County Health Department. (b) Chief of Police shall provide written documentation or other evidence to support the intent to revoke or suspend an Entertainment License to the licensee with the letter of intent to revoke or suspend an Entertainment License.19 (c) The Chief of Police shall provide written notice of the intent to revoke or suspend to the holder of an Entertainment License bv personal service, or bv certified mail. The notice shall be 20 directed to the most current Entertainment Establishment address or other mailing address on file with the Chief of Police for the Entertainment Establishment. The notice shall provide the effective 21 date of the revocation or suspension. No revocation or suspension shall be imposed on less than 23 thirty (30) days notice to the holder of the Entertainment License.22 8.09.150 Appeal Procedure (a) Any applicant or Entertainment Establishment aggrieved bv denial, suspension or revocation, or conditions of an Entertainment License may file, with the City Clerk, a written Notice of Appeal to the City Manager ("Notice of Appeal") within thirty (30) days of the notification of decision bv the Chief of Police or desiqnee. The Notice of Appeal shall specify: oe (1) The name and address of appellant: (2) The date of application: (3) The date of denial, suspension or revocation or condition: 28 10 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 EXHIBIT # 2 (4) The factual basis for the appeal, (b) Upon receipt of a complete and timely filed Notice of Appeal, the City Manager shall schedule a hearing and set forth in writing and deliver to the applicant or Licensee at the address provided in the Notice of Appeal, by means of registered mail, certified mail or hand delivery, that within a period of not less than five (5) days nor more than fourteen (14) days from the date of the filing of the Notice of Appeal with the City Clerk, a hearing shall be conducted to determine the existence of any substantial evidence which would refute the grounds for the denial, suspension. or revocation or condition of a License. The hearing notification shall include the date, time and place of the hearing. (c) A hearing officer (Hearing Officer) appointed by the City Manager shall conduct the hearing based upon the Notice of Appeal. The applicant or Licensee may have the assistance of counsel or may appear by counsel and shall have the right to present evidence. In the event that the applicant. Licensee, or counsel representing the applicant or Licensee, fails to present any evidence at the hearing, the evidence of the existence of facts, which constitute grounds for the denial, suspension, or revocation or condition of the Entertainment License shall be deemed uncontested. Any issue not raised in the hearing is waived. (d) Relevant evidence may be admitted and considered bv the Hearing Officer if it is the sort of evidence upon which responsible persons are accustomed to rely in the conduct of serious affairs. Objections to evidence shall be noted and a ruling given bv the Hearing Officer. A copy of the recommendation of the Hearing Officer specifying findings of fact and the reasons for the recommendation shall be furnished to the City Manager for consideration. The City Manager shall notify the applicant or Licensee or counsel representing the applicant or Licensee of the decision regarding the Appeal in writing as specified above within 10 days of the Hearing Officer's recommendation and shall also inform the party against whom a decision is rendered of the right to appeal to the City Council pursuant to this Chapter. Any decision rendered bv the City Manager which is not appealed within the specified time period for filing a notice to appeal to City Council is final. (e) Any applicant. Licensee or party aggrieved by a decision of the City Manager may appeal to the City Council within ten (10) days of the date on which the decision of the City Manager was sent, via certified mail to the applicant, licensee or party aggrieved. Upon the filing of a written Notice of Appeal of City Manager's Decision to City Council ("Appeal to City Council") upon the City Clerk, the City Clerk shall schedule the Appeal to City Council for review bv the City Council as soon as practicable and advise the Police Chief who shall transmit to the Clerk the complete record of the case. (f) The City Clerk shall provide notice of the Appeal to City Council, along with the date, time and location of the Appeal to City Council hearing to all parties to the appeal. The review by the City Council is de novo: and the City Council shall determine that all issues not raised in the Appeal to City Council are supported bv substantial evidence. The City Council shall consider the recommendations of the Police Chief and the Hearing Officer, the decision of the City Manager and all other relevant documentary and oral evidence as presented to the Hearing Officer. The City Council may affirm, modify, or reverse the action of the City Manager, and make such order. as it deems appropriate and supported bv substantial evidence including remand to the City Manager with directions for further proceedings. Any action bv the City Council shall be final and conclusive: provided, however, that any action reversing the decision of the City Manager shall be bv the affirmative vote of at least three members of the City Council. 8.09.160 Severabilitv 25 If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of the ordinance codified in this Chapter is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent 26 jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the ordinance codified in this Chapter. The City Council declares that it would have passed the ordinance codified in this Chapter and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, and phrase hereof. 28 11 1 EXHIBIT # 2 irrespective of the fact that any one or more of the sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases hereof be declared invalid or unconstitutional. 2 8.09.170 Violation—Penalty 3 (a) Any person who violates any of the provisions of this Chapter is guilty of an infraction. 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 except for the fourth and each additional violation of a provision of this Chapter within one year. shall be a misdemeanor. Penalties for a violation of this Chapter shall be as designated in section 1.08.010(b) of this Code. (b) In addition to any other remedy authorized by this Chapter, a violation of this Chapter may be grounds for a revocation, suspension or denial of an Entertainment License. 12 1 2 June 2006 3 Fee Description Notes Current Fee EXHIBIT # 3 City of Carlsbad Fee Schedule General City Fees & Charges (delete) Cabaret Dance Permit $300 (add) 4 5 6 Police - Entertainment License $200 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. NS-860 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 3 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 8.44 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE ADDING SECTIONS 8.44.040 4 AND 8.44.050 TO THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO POSSESSION OF OPEN ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE 5 CONTAINERS AND CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES IN CERTAIN CITY OWNED PUBLIC PLACES; AND 6 ADDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE TO THIS CHAPTER 7 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has received numerous complaints from neighbors concerning cabarets, commercial and dining establishments that serve alcoholic beverages on site 8 and provide entertainment regarding excessive noise and disorderly conduct, including assault and battery; and 9 WHEREAS, the City has also received complaints from the owners and operators of 10 establishments serving alcoholic beverages and providing entertainment regarding persons consuming alcoholic beverages in City owned public places and parks; and 11 WHEREAS, the owner and operators of establishments serving alcoholic beverages and 14 15 16 17 19 20 22 23 24 26 27 28 providing entertainment are unable to regulate the activities of persons not in their establishments;12 and 13 WHEREAS, persons possessing any can, bottle, or other receptacle containing any alcoholic beverage that has been opened, or seal broken, or the contents of which have been partially removed or consumed in any City owned public place or park can contribute to excessive noise levels and disorderly conduct detrimental to the peaceful, quiet use and enjoyment of residents and businesses adjacent to City owned public places, including establishments that provide alcoholic beverages and entertainment; and WHEREAS, the City desires to minimize acts that are a threat to the public health and safety; and 18 WHEREAS, California Business and Profession Code section 25620, as amended from time to time, authorizes the City to enact an ordinance that prohibits persons possessing any can, bottle, or other receptacle containing any alcoholic beverage which has been opened, or a seal broken, or the contents of which has been partially removed in City owned public places and parks; and 21 WHEREAS, the City does not currently regulate the possession of alcoholic beverage containers, consumption of alcoholic beverages or both possession and consumption of alcoholic beverage in public places owned by the City commonly known V-R Village Redevelopment Zone and Rotary Park; and THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain as follows: 25 SECTION 1: That Chapter 8.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by adding sections 8.44.040 and 8.44.050 to read as follows: 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 Sections: 8.44.040 Consuming or possessing an open container of alcoholic beverages in certain public places and parks owned by the City is prohibited 1 2 3 4 8.44.050 Severability 5 (a) No person shall possess any can, bottle, or other receptacle containing any Alcoholic Beverage that has been opened, or a seal broken, or the contents of which have been partially removed, nor shall any person consume any Alcoholic Beverage in any City owned public places and park identified in this section as: (1) Any public street, sidewalk, alley, highway or public parking lot in the City's V-R Village Redevelopment Zone, as that zone is designated in Chapter 21.35 of this Code, as amended. (2) Rotary Park located at 2900 block of Washington Street, bordered to the west by Washington Street, bordered to the east by the west alley of State Street immediately east of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Rail Road tracks, bordered to the south by Carlsbad Village Drive and bordered to the north by Grand Avenue in the City of Carlsbad. (b) Any of the prohibitions set forth in this section may be waived during a special event when a special event permit requesting a waiver has been granted by the city manager or designee. (c) This section does not apply when an individual is in possession of an alcoholic beverage container for the purpose of recycling or other related activity. 8.44.050 Severability Chapter 8.44 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES 14 If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of the ordinance codified in this Chapter is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent15 jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the ordinance codified in this Chapter. The City Council declares that it would have passed the ordinance codified in this Chapter and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, and phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more of the sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases hereof be declared invalid or unconstitutional. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption and the City 19 Clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in a 20 newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 13 10 u RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney 11 12 INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the 18th day of September, 2007, and thereafter. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the day of , 2007, by the following vote, to with: AYES: Lewis, Kulchin, Hall, Packard and Nygaard NOES: ABSENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY ATTEST: CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor 14 LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 Sections: 8.44.010 Alcoholic beverages defined. 8.44.020 Drinking on the beach prohibited. 8.44.030 Possession of open containers of alcoholic beverages on or near premises where liquor sold prohibited. 8.44.040 Consuming or possessing an open container of alcoholic beverages in certain public places and parks owned by the City is prohibited 8.44.050 Severabilitv 8.44.010 Alcoholic beverages defined. "Alcoholic beverages," for the purposes of this chapter, includes alcohol, spirits, liquor, wine, beer and every liquid or solid containing alcohol, spirits, wine or beer and which contains one-half of one percent or more of alcohol by volume, and which is fit for consumption either alone or when diluted, mixed or combined with other substances. (Ord. 3106 § 1 (part), 1977) 11 8.44.020 Drinking on beach prohibited. 12 No person shall consume any alcoholic beverage on any public beach or beach which is open 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 17 26 EXHIBIT # 5 Chapter 8.44 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES to the public; or on any street, sidewalk, alley, highway, public parking lot or bluff-top whether improved or unimproved adjacent to such beach. This section shall not be deemed to make punishable any act or acts which are prohibited by any law of the state. This section shall not apply to the consumption of alcoholic beverages on any private residential property, including hotels or motels, located in any area specified in this section, or on the South Carlsbad State Beach Campgrounds. (Ord. 3188 § 1, 1985: Ord. 3174, 1984: Ord. 3106 § 1 (part), 1977)16 8.44.030 Possession of open containers of alcoholic beverages on or near premises where liquor sold prohibited. 18 (a) No person who has in his or her possession any bottle, can or other receptacle containing any alcoholic beverage which has been opened, or a seal broken, or the contents of which have19 been partially removed, shall enter, be, or remain on the posted premises of, including the posted parking lot immediately adjacent to, any retail package off-sale alcoholic beverage licensee licensed pursuant to Division 9, commencing with Section 23000, of the Business and Professions Code, or on any public sidewalk immediately adjacent to the licensed and posted premises. Any person violating this section shall be guilty of an infraction and shall be punished as provided in Chapter 1.08 of this Code. (b) As used in subdivision (a) of this section, "posted premises" means those premises which are subject to licensure under any retail package off-sale alcoholic beverage license, the parking lot immediately adjacent to the licensed premises and any public sidewalk immediately adjacent to the licensed premises on which clearly visible notices indicate to the patrons of the licensee and parking lot and to persons on the public sidewalk, that the provisions of subdivision (a) of this 25 section are applicable. (c) The provisions of this section shall not apply to a private residential parking lot which is immediately adjacent to the posted premises, or to any premises which are not posted as provided in this section. (Ord. 3173 § 1, 1984) 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 8.44.040 EXHIBIT # 5 Consuming or possessing an open container of alcoholic beverages in certain public places and parks owned by the City is prohibited (a) No person shall possess any can, bottle, or other receptacle containing any Alcoholic Beverage that has been opened, or a seal broken, or the contents of which have been partially removed, nor shall any person consume any Alcoholic Beverage in any City owned public places and park identified in this section as: (1) Any public street, sidewalk, alley, highway or public parking lot in the City's V-R Village Redevelopment Zone, as that zone is designated in Chapter 21.35 of this Code, as amended. (2) Rotary Park located at 2900 block of Washington Street, bordered to the west by Washington Street, bordered to the east by the Atchison. Topeka and Santa Fe Rail Road tracks, bordered to the south by Carlsbad Village Drive and bordered to the north by Grand Avenue in the City of Carlsbad. (b) Any of the prohibitions set forth in this section may be waived during a special event when a special event permit reguesting a waiver has been granted by the city manager or designee. (c) This section does not apply when an individual is in possession of an alcoholic beverage container for the purpose of recycling or other related activity. 8.44.050 Severabilitv If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of the ordinance codified in this Chapter is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the ordinance codified in this Chapter. The City Council declares that it would have passed the ordinance codified in this Chapter and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, and phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more of the sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases hereof be declared invalid or unconstitutional. ALL RECEIVED Lindsay Management Services A Division of Corporate Management Consultants, Inc. VILLAGE BY THE SEA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION AGENDA ITEM #_ c; Mayor City Conned City Manager City Attorney City Clerk September 11, 2007 Carlsbad City Council Members Claude A. Lewis Ann J. Kulchin Matt Hall Mark Packard Julie Nygaard RE: Proposed Entertainment Ordinance " ; " Dear Carlsbad City Council Members, On behalf of Village By The Sea Homeowners' Association, we want to thank you for taking a proactive approach by instructing Captain Michael Shipley to prepare the proposed Entertainment Ordinance for the City of Carlsbad. Although the noise portion could be tougher, we believe this document will give our police officers some long needed backup from our City officials. We at Village by the Sea are taking a more defensive approach by installing a gate to our open parking garage at 2778 Carlsbad Blvd along the downtown train station and across from the busy public transportation station. Our residents in this building are a dynamic group and are proposing to shoulder much of the cost for the installation of this gate. Many residents in this particular building are from the affordable housing units and will be making application through Debbie Fountain with the City's Redevelopment & Housing Department for short term loans to assist them with this expense. We are also hopeful that Anastasi Development Company will partner with our Community to obtain the gate. It is our belief that the combination of a gate on the garage and the Entertainment Ordinance will help us mitigate burglaries and other well documented crime that has occurred within the Village By The Sea Community. This is an important tile in the mosaic that we are working together to build. We are confident that together, we can achieve great things. Respectfully, THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VILLAGE BY THE SEA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION cc: John Simons, VP Special Projects, Anastasi Development Company Captain Michael Shipley, Carlsbad Police Department Sgt. Jeff Chapman, Carlsbad Police Department Lt. Marc Reno, Carlsbad Police Department Debbie Fountain, Redevelopment & Housing Department C i a 8630 Ltrs 2007 ENTERTAINMENT ORDINANCE 9-11-07 Member of North County: (760) 436-1144 • San Diego: (800) 479-4849 • FAX (760) 436-2566 7720 El Camino Real, Suite 2A • Carlsbad, CA 92009-8510 • admin@lindsaymgt.com member COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONS INSTITUTE ENTERTAINMENT & ENTERTAINMENT & ALCOHOL POSSESSION ALCOHOL POSSESSION AND CONSUMPTION AND CONSUMPTION ORDINANCESORDINANCESProposalProposalCity of CarlsbadCity of Carlsbad BackgroundBackground„„Increase in overIncrease in over--serving, overserving, over--crowding and associated criminal crowding and associated criminal activityactivity„„Mayor and City staff met with business Mayor and City staff met with business managers and owners asking them to managers and owners asking them to take a proactive role take a proactive role „„City Council authorized increased City Council authorized increased enforcementenforcement EnforcementEnforcement„„Added 4 police officers and 1 fire Added 4 police officers and 1 fire marshal every Friday and Saturdaymarshal every Friday and Saturday„„Added private security prisoner Added private security prisoner transporttransport„„Adjusted staffing to move 2 additional Adjusted staffing to move 2 additional police officers from other watchespolice officers from other watches Enforcement Results Enforcement Results 2005 & 20062005 & 2006„„Increase in criminal activity was haltedIncrease in criminal activity was halted„„Arrest activity directly related to Arrest activity directly related to enforcement levelsenforcement levels„„Enforcement was not reducing criminal Enforcement was not reducing criminal activityactivity ENTERTAINMENT ENTERTAINMENT ORDINANCEORDINANCE„„Workshops with business owners and Workshops with business owners and community groupscommunity groups„„Businesses implementing ordinance Businesses implementing ordinance proposalsproposals„„Businesses identifying and initiating Businesses identifying and initiating other measuresother measures„„2007 has seen a reduction in all 2007 has seen a reduction in all arrests except DUIarrests except DUI Tonight: Two OrdinancesTonight: Two Ordinances„„Introduction of Entertainment License Introduction of Entertainment License OrdinanceOrdinance––Removing Cabaret Dance from the Removing Cabaret Dance from the Municipal CodeMunicipal Code––Adding Entertainment License to the Adding Entertainment License to the Municipal CodeMunicipal Code––Establishing a $200 application fee Establishing a $200 application fee for the Entertainment License for the Entertainment License continuedcontinued„„Introduction of a Public Consumption Introduction of a Public Consumption OrdinanceOrdinance––Adding a prohibition to public Adding a prohibition to public consumption and possession of consumption and possession of alcoholic beverages in identified City alcoholic beverages in identified City owned public areas to the Municipal owned public areas to the Municipal Code.Code.––Adding a severability clause to Adding a severability clause to Chapter 8.44 of the Municipal Code.Chapter 8.44 of the Municipal Code. Goals of Proposed Goals of Proposed OrdinancesOrdinancesNew entertainment ordinances willNew entertainment ordinances willprovide additional tools to help:provide additional tools to help:„„Reduce disorderly conduct and Reduce disorderly conduct and alcoholalcohol--related offensesrelated offenses„„Increase safety at entertainment Increase safety at entertainment businessesbusinesses„„Improve quality of life for residents Improve quality of life for residents and visitorsand visitors Existing Cabaret Existing Cabaret OrdinanceOrdinance„„Directed at businesses where dancing Directed at businesses where dancing was permitted and does not address was permitted and does not address other types of entertainmentother types of entertainment„„Law Enforcement has lacked the Law Enforcement has lacked the necessary tools with the Cabaret necessary tools with the Cabaret OrdinanceOrdinance The Entertainment The Entertainment OrdinanceOrdinance„„Requires all businesses that provide Requires all businesses that provide entertainment and also serve alcoholic entertainment and also serve alcoholic beverages to obtain an Entertainment beverages to obtain an Entertainment LicenseLicense„„Entertainment includes dancing, live Entertainment includes dancing, live music, recorded music, music videos, music, recorded music, music videos, music concerts or other live music concerts or other live performancesperformances Entertainment License Entertainment License ExceptionsExceptionsAn Entertainment License is An Entertainment License is notnotrequired for:required for:„„Activities that require Special Events Activities that require Special Events PermitsPermits„„Activities that require Park Facilities Activities that require Park Facilities Use PermitsUse Permits„„Theme parks and hotels permitted by Theme parks and hotels permitted by Specific or Master PlansSpecific or Master Plans continuedcontinued„„Establishments that provide alcohol Establishments that provide alcohol with ambient noise (e.g. recorded with ambient noise (e.g. recorded music or televisions) music or televisions) „„Businesses currently possessing a valid Businesses currently possessing a valid Cabaret License will not be required to Cabaret License will not be required to apply for an Entertainment License apply for an Entertainment License until the Cabaret License expiresuntil the Cabaret License expires Key Features of Key Features of Entertainment LicenseEntertainment License„„ABCABC’’s s ““Responsible Beverage Service Responsible Beverage Service Training CourseTraining Course””required for required for managers and alcohol serversmanagers and alcohol servers„„Entertainment Establishment must Entertainment Establishment must conform to City land use requirementsconform to City land use requirements„„Entertainment Establishment must Entertainment Establishment must provide and maintain a security plan provide and maintain a security plan approved by the Chief of Policeapproved by the Chief of Police continuedcontinued„„License suspension/revocation process License suspension/revocation process identified identified „„Entertainment Establishments must be Entertainment Establishments must be closed between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m.closed between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m.„„Acceptable noise levels between Acceptable noise levels between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. are identified10 p.m. and 7 a.m. are identified„„Noise level measurement procedure is Noise level measurement procedure is defineddefined Noise MeasurementsNoise Measurements„„Noise measured at the business Noise measured at the business property lineproperty line„„Noise level is based on a 1 minute Noise level is based on a 1 minute averageaverage„„June 22 sampling foundJune 22 sampling found––Most business within the 65 decibel limitMost business within the 65 decibel limit––Open doors and level of Open doors and level of ““BaseBase””for those for those over the limitover the limit Noise LevelsNoise Levels„„Carlsbad (proposed) 65 decibelsCarlsbad (proposed) 65 decibels„„San Diego 60 decibelsSan Diego 60 decibels„„Huntington Beach 60 decibelsHuntington Beach 60 decibels„„Oceanside 60 decibelsOceanside 60 decibels„„San Clemente 60 decibelsSan Clemente 60 decibels Public Possession & Public Possession & Consumption OrdinanceConsumption Ordinance„„Entertainment Establishments reported Entertainment Establishments reported difficulty with patrons drinking in difficulty with patrons drinking in public areas before entering their public areas before entering their businesses.businesses.„„This ordinance will help address this This ordinance will help address this issue.issue. Key FeaturesKey Features„„Prohibits individuals from consuming or Prohibits individuals from consuming or possessing open containers of alcoholic possessing open containers of alcoholic beverages in identified City owned public beverages in identified City owned public areas.areas.„„These public areas identified are:These public areas identified are:––Streets, public parking lots, sidewalks and Streets, public parking lots, sidewalks and alleys in the Redevelopment District; andalleys in the Redevelopment District; and––Rotary ParkRotary Park Impacts of the two Impacts of the two OrdinancesOrdinances„„Police Department may need to Police Department may need to temporarily resource staff to respond temporarily resource staff to respond to initial volume of Entertainment to initial volume of Entertainment License applicationsLicense applications„„Community Development / Housing & Community Development / Housing & Redevelopment will be assisting the Redevelopment will be assisting the police department with land use issuespolice department with land use issues QuestionsQuestions„„Deputy City Attorney Paul EdmonsonDeputy City Attorney Paul Edmonson„„Rick Tavares, PhD; Investigative Rick Tavares, PhD; Investigative Science and Engineering, Inc.Science and Engineering, Inc. (2)(2)Rotary Park located at 2900 block of Rotary Park located at 2900 block of Washington Street, bordered to the west by Washington Street, bordered to the west by Washington Street, bordered to the east by Washington Street, bordered to the east by the the west alley of State Street immediately west alley of State Street immediately easteastof theof theAtchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Rail Road tracks, bordered to the south by Rail Road tracks, bordered to the south by Carlsbad Village Drive and bordered to the Carlsbad Village Drive and bordered to the north by Grand Avenue in the City of north by Grand Avenue in the City of Carlsbad.Carlsbad. Survey Comments "bottles in parking lot.... Shooting there.... Public feels that the alley behind Squid Joes is one of the most dangerous area's in Carlsbad" "slashed tires on Harding St." "Jefferson school vadalized... constantly awoken at 1-2 am on weekends because of obnoxious people leaving the bar." "Many times had to call police for fights, drunkenness and overnight parking" "People in front of house in car smoking a pipe at 1-2 am trash... .loud noises... loitering..." ''Mailboxes destroyed several times from intoxicated patron's from Squid Joes" "Drunks coming down street speeding and hitting other cars" "Squid Joe's is a real problem bottles and cans in my front yard....drunks falling down in the middle of the street in front of my house" "Bands have "wanned up" in the parking lot unloading equipment. " "drug busts in front of my house from Squid Joe's customers. They threw their vials of drugs on my lawn when pulled over" "My car was hit by a probable drunk driver while it was parked... .Insurance company labeled car totaled." "Many nights, overnight guests to the apartment across from my home leave all kinds of debris. We notified city officials - nothing was done!" "too many fight on the street because people are drinking" "My daughter (5) put a sign on one fence letting people know to stop littering in our yard friend was visiting and her parked car was hit be a drunk driver (hit/run)" "too much noise especially mid week and in warm weather on weekends" "a lot of drunks walking home from Squid Joes" "Seems more oversite (security) and stronger police presence would help" "We want Carlsbad to stay nice and peaceful the way we had before all this drinking got so widespread!" Ii Youth Access to Alcohol A Research and Advocacy Project of TacklingAlcohol Together at Carlsbad VillageAcademy --How our Proje~Began.Tackling Alcohol Together a project of the Grant to Reduce Alcohol Abuse .The class included alcohol education, prevention and youth leadership through advocacy ""l'.Age Groups ..... Ages of Survey Participants 12%13%...'0-'3 .'6-'8 00,,",30 75% -1.ProjectTeam .Ashley Hard .Marlen Ramirez .Maria Ortega .Juan Sanchez .Elias Rivera -i AdvocacyTeam .. .To learn more about underage drinking in Carlsbad.How easy or difficult is it for youth to get alcohol? .When and how underage drinkingoccurs? .Conducted survey of approximately 100 peers. ~Youth access to alcohol How easy is ~for youth to get alcohol in Carlsbad 50 40 %",!,on..s 30,. 20 10 Very fainy fainyeasy ""ryeasy don'know difficu"difficu" 1 ~I~. Has anyone you know under age 21 ever consumed alcohol in a Carlsbad bar or restaurant? Howmany people do you know under 21who have ever consumed alcohol ina Carlsbad restaurant or bar---Imsl.NO 50 40 30 %'esponoos 20 10 0 1 person 2-5 people mo",than ftw people 'i Frequency Howotten have those people you know(under 21) consumed alcohol inarea bars and restaurants How did they get alcohol? 50 40 1time 42%~% 27% ~ .Fake10 .Didn'Check 10 0 Don't Know 30 %,"sponoos 20 10 2-5times mo'e than 5 times frequency Conclusions .Access to alcohol is easy (perception).Vast majority know multiple people under age 21 who drink in Carlsbad establishments.They do it often.Nearly half aren't asked for ID.Halfshow fake ID f Thankyou! 2 ~ ca E E ~ en ~ CD c: ~ en Q)..c:s ()::J ::JcnQ)~+-,+-'E o0+-'J00zcnz«..00 .?~'6 %.~ ;0"(.()7 ~.~~''0:> ~v~ 7g. '7 ~~~~'0% 9.,0- aLO a ~ ~~~ c>~~'& ;0"'? ~'7-."- C>;t;~ '0 E CD.....- a a a a ('f)N Q) "C co'- C) ('0- cu (1)"- (1)0 s:: cu s::--"... 0 0 ~0 ~0 ~0 ~0 ~(V)(V)N N ~~ ~'!'Ueno .::£~CO~ 0 Z c:0.-c:.-C- O 0 z "'CCO ca "'C00 C> TO r Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. _ WHAT DO YOU THINK? _ ___ 1 . What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. M I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? (A/ A ©££)c§roD A R^d^B B B B:::::<s::::::: ccccccc D D D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. Signed: Print: Name;^"" '^ " O^vo^ju W.^-^Ae^vVto> Address- Ioi gA. - Lg ^"^\ tv fc> Arr. V- yyog' City: ^>vek U >^3~ Zip: Li YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info(a),northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. [yfl think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure \ prinking and driving? *v Underage drinking? •j Public drunkenness? 0 Violence? ~ C C D D Vandalism?D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. x^Signed: Zip; YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info(a),northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. £xQ I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? /vW BCD Underage[drinking? " ^P ~B ...."""~~9. "P~ ^blYc'^nkenness? /^WB C D ^ Violence? /& B C D Loitering? gg"B C D "Vandalism? " /C7 B C D "Graffiti? /*A~} B C~~~~ D(^^ - Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. tfte S^-Vset.. WE Hel^p THe. sbte>o-n^<& TVtAT occ-u^ei? AT m<»vjHs THE TU-is ic. oKse, ap ^vx^^x1 To Signed: Print: Name: Address: fS~ f-& ryVA.e-MCJc YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info(Sjnorthcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. _ WHAT DO YOU THINK? _ 1 . What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. r^I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? /2pk~/jj)tfC) A A A A B B B B B C C C C C &C D D D D D D /&____. Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. Signed: Print: Name: /./-Q^^ Tp Address: ,T*OC+<£\. City: (^hZj&t'O Zip: YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. Kfi think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? <3^ B A vj*O J&> B A: } B &> B ^> B A B C C C C C C <rrCP D D D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community /; n/LAtiA ( n IWi t- R AU { Signed: Print: Name: Address: ^(Q. C \\~vl^ ^-^ City: ( L^^t^'^<cL t^jA Zip:_ L_^y YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. / / For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info(%northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alpohol and have entertainment? a. Ml think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? /"" A' } B__C_-A/' dH-^ £^2r^ B^Sr^ ^ <CS< BC!JL^ B f\. f D ) C C C C C c c D D D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. ^^-v •i- Signed: Print: Name: Address; YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. rXH think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? A A £3u> A A <(A) A -"X" T3 ^Q__ -D ^^^S B B B C]3r^ B B C C C C C C C D CjL) D CE3 D D 'ffi... Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. A £e^i>T of Signed: Print: Name: Address: ^X ^^PFatSiW ^r. City: (^wgu^t?AO Zip; LJ YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info(%northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. [i^I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure prinking and driving? (i™) ? ^ D Underage drinking? A /T5^ ^ ?! Public drunkenness? ('S? ? ? ? Vipience? C3> ""^B C P~""~~~_" Lowering? A £^^ C D " Vandalism? "" A" £&) " C D ioi^ti?^""™"™"^ Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. Signed: _ Print: Name? Address; yfj^ < > ry P<t,c*_ City; LD YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: mfo(%northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. ; WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. [ ] I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? A (B/ A B A (B) A (B). A cg.._ A yQA (B ; c c c c c c c D D D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. \ ../ Signed: \—.y( '^c\^r ( Print: Name: \ftT\\r v f) Address; lcvr. sV City: YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.ora; FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. __ _ WHAT DO YOU THINK? _ 1 . What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. M' I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? (A) BCD Underage drinking? A B (Cj D Public drunkenness? (V) B ^T D Violence? fA) B C D Loitering? (A) & C D Vandalism? A "" /IS" C"" D" C D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. Signed: Print: Address: '7^40 C] YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. ' WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. ^ I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? TKJ BCD ---------- K ------------ i-i ----------------------- fj^t --------------------------------------------------------- ---Underage drinking? CSL BCD Public drunkenness? O7 BCD "yipTence? ........................ " ........ J AJJJJJ^^^'^JJJJJJJ^JJ^J"JJJ^"J^JJJ~. "Loitering? ........................... ......... A~" .......... B" "'.... ..© ........... D ""_" "yan'dalism?"""' ............... ' ................ A ............. (§>" ........... C ............. ~"p" ..... "Graffiti?" ..................... " ...... "" ........ A ............ " B ............... '(c) ............... E) ..... "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AC^/ -------------------------- Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. / Signed: Print: Address: ,?^ LJ YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. ______ _ WHAT DO YOU THINK? _ 1 . What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. |Y] I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? A A /Ap* ^52Q4-^sP-^ A /US (-H?13 B B B B C C C C C c: D D D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. A- YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. __ WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell afcohol and have entertainment? a. M I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? yy B QD ^("A) B £3-3 B (AJ Jjlb /r (jf^ A B c cc c cc C^) D D D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. Signed: Print: Address:City: f Ar7Jfjfec^> H YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info(%northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. ' WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. [^ff think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? /"AJx r^X A A A A A B B C]p CS^ (J& B B C C C C C C c D D D D D CEC?.:::_.a>s:.::: Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. Signed: Print: Name: Addjre^s: .^-2/X? tf-'^x..'^^ ./:///•_-- City: c~L^^^''&^/^ Zip: CD YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 xl!4 Or email: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. __ WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. |j41 think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? fAe R_ C D — - i-i ^^r f^ -1 ~Underage drinking? A £g/ C D "PubHc "drunkenness?"" """""""""""""""""""" 'yiolence? Loitering? ...... ...... ? C D Vandalism? " A " ~ " Graffiti? A Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. Signed: Print: Name:^ City: C^&O>^C> Zip: LJ YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. [MI think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? AJot Spjn.ef rO /CT>Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? ( Af~- — — — (-B) C D Undarage_ drinking? A QQ C D "Public drunkenness"? A 2T) !^__""C^^"_""""^ D"^"'_ Violence? A f|D C D Loitering? A Off JT D "yandaiism? " A B oD D '__ Graffiti? '"I".".'."."."""".. A B Op P Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. (Lar (va^ hVf b7 run k d riWjT (A/K Ik , f UhsJsJL nv Signed: _ Print: Name: Address: ;^]^ Linmau- i nn<^- City: OAieL^fi^nO Zip; y?* YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info(%northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcpfiol and have entertainment? a. j>] I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Samev Not much Not sure Drinking and 1 driving? A S^ _C_~ D Underage drinking? A Public drunkenness? A B Loitering? A B Vandalism? A B""""~™"""™™ Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. ft Signed: Print: Name: AddressP9^//? //,A/v) j#>*—~ X City: & ffi^*^>>ft'$rO~ Zip: /Ej YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 \174 Or email: info(Sjnorthcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. __ _ WHAT DO YOU THINK? _ 1 . What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. ^ I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure prinking and driving? A __ (JQ jC D Underage d/Ynking? ..... ....A B £c) D Public drunkenness? A (g) C D yioience? ......................... ........ A ............ QB) ...... C ? Loitering? A B. (c) D "Vandalism? .................................... A ............. (js)~ .............. "c""~ ............ D""" Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. Car k)^S h>4- afkv midnih-t- Oh. uohile ^rkdL Ug bi/l a J \e-fa-no b H le ^ ^ ios —foo d c\ ^ M c/ a^i re Signed: Print: Name: Stf b nV) 14- <gi rr/' Address: 3^1 H Liinrnar Land City: GflKlslaaM Zip: r-i CA -LI YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info^northcoastalpreventioncoalition.or^ FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. ; WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. [ ] I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot / Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? A i// A \S A A , AjX A A B B BIX^ Bj/ B ^¥>iS B*7 C c cc c c c D D D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. Signed: Print: Name: City: C $ & f 4T +& Zip: L-\ YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info@northcoastalprevcntioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 ree Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. [X] I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? ©AoB A A A A Bdj B CD B C C C c C C © D D D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. " y\ <3 r or o\ a >r\v\yg=? r\ r>g»<a i P O«o o PI w\a. i P O -S>S \ w -ji— yy\ o oo Signed: Print: anaer dx a u) y* Address: 3> gtfcL>v>yv^uv Le^Y\g- City: Gxv^^cid Zip; «=^ 2.00 "S ^ YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. []/\l think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? A fa A £B A CR A \ji A <£ A M A (B / C "P C 7 c'} c ? c) c ) c D D D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. Signed: ^^^-- Print: Name: Address; ^Tb SVAW tv^rr ^y-^ City: Cw\s\.<^* Zip; ^TZuC> YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info(%northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. |X] I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? fA~} B G?) B (£3 B OD BC3 B(*Ay &. A TBJ c c c c c c c D D D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. c -2- / AT M14 Signed: int: Narffe:. Address: J 74^ '^'# ^^^/ew>^7 City: (JidJL*,%a rl YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info(S),northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. K.X I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? Alot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? (A) B C D "Underage" drjbking?_""""""""" "T~"~-®--~""""-A_ ~_""_~_'_C~_ ".'.'&". Public drunkenness? _A flT) C D Violence?A jf""".... c" ""?"""_!_ Lowering? ._(&__""".""_&"_"_ "".".'.C'". "."?'.'.'..... Vandalism? gT) B C D ^fM? " " " " "^^ ^ Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. /l Signed: Print: Name: Address: 37^1 H **&**, ?l City:,. , U YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info(%northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. [ ] I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. f^Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? Please Signed Print: Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? describe any personal :~*£-^2-— Name:^^^ Vl//'//f Address: ~3 %o\ ' A lot Some A (&) A B A B A B A B experiences or impact these businesses ""P/20 CY>.S/w ' M^rfffaA City: (. Not much C (^C cc c c have had on your ' ??<r/fe£p 2rf Not sure D D D D D community. Zip: 7^C5^^? r YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info(o),northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. ' WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. [ ] I think it's a good idea b. [1/^xlthink it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? (£)_____. ^ A A A B B B B (?):'::::g§:::::::: /BS C C C Cccc D...... <s>. D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. 4 \-\K q \\U\-c : V\VV\Signed: VA\K\\Cx Print: Name: VXom\Ac\ Address: 3>18W V\aY(i Si- City: Co^d C^ Zip U\^ YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. _ WHAT DO YOU THINK? _ 1 . What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. ^^ I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? %3&>&>2 B ~£&J BC£i B - ti Pw B -"jgferS B ^osx ^ 4?^M B C C C C C c c D D D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. llJ;.l m y ^ ucf, |)M/V Cm yQ ) y Signed: ^ A v Print: Name; Address: YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. [ ] I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [V^fbon't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? A A A A A A A B B C C C C C£j£<(cp D D D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. Signed: -*-J ^^ .p< ^Xx^^ Print: Name: c ~r//M Address: &f7g \A}tL)M PL. City; (2tfgL$ firi Zip: LJ YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainmenfi^ a. [ ] I think it's a good idea f^Ot ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? &{„.__. A A A A A A B B /If) HP Qp... q&/B") JLG2cc cc c D D D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. Signed: Print: Name: Address: rsioo -^ft^ic ~ :• i- City: Cf, ( Ub^J Zip:. •\--f~ Lo-s^ YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. [/] I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? A {B) C D Underage drinking? A B (^) D Public drunkenness? A up C D "Vip'lence? __K____"_"__]jj> 9... ".'.".".".'..... P. Loitering? "" A /j| C D Vandalism? A g|> C D""~~~~~~~""~~™ Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. Signed: _ Print: Name: 1 /i Address: ?£j£>?. vfcifere^w Sf City: C^fi-aboi Zip:_ YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info(S)northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. ' . _ WHAT DO YOU THINK? _ 1 . What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. [>J. I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? ^A A A A A A B B B B B B B C C C C C C C D D D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. /--Signed: .J j^^? <i/ Print: Name: Address: -3£V^;> J <? £fVr<.<OM City: <?^l' k^y Zip: CH YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alefohol and have entertainment? a. p^I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A4o{ Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? Please describe any personal lAj B C A B C (?) B G/r TB^ c A /T?'1' C A (By C A B /C• \^- experiences or impact these businesses have had D f ^^ D D D } D on your community. Signed: vX/// .ft^ A ' ' 'Print: Name: Address: ^ /-\^Chlo£. \$ MW Cito'.-M>L£j*Ab Zip; YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. 4 M For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: mfo(a);northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. _ WHAT DO YOU THINK? _ 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? ^/ /• a. [ ] I think it's a good idea b. Y}d think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Spgae Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? A A A A A A A (B) I)B B B B C C C /c)fe> " © ""M D (S)D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. 15 Jftu • ir IA/W /S CClvK a ' J Signed: Print: Name: Address;A/A City;Zip; YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell aLpohol and have entertainment? a. ^Q' I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? (T"/P B ^^ ./ir> /£*) B ® ^ QO B VYA) B c c c c c c c D D D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community f\l IK /, K \\ cn^ •' '-'. '»i— — _^ — —_ , ( \ \ Cr-VIT .n, g -fo ^; J Signed: Print: Address;^ ^7/,5 /fathdr' (/fti* Cityrl YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. [xi] I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? A A A A A A A & B (9 B B B B C C C C C C C D D D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. Signed: Print: Name: fcTX-1 ffi2>QL , /~ I I Address: Jfi /W t*>& M4 7 City: (QJI^t&A. Zip:Jj LJ YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info(g)northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. [VJ I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? A A A A A A A ;g? B (jj) B C (C) C ccc-;;;;;;<$::::::::. D D D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. ol n vg/TS in t ti-ma joa f k?d Cars \ A r"e4, q/ve04 Signed: Print: Name: ^qr\ An /i £ Address: ^47^ uA^icW~place City: C&rlsto&a Zip: °l3o)l LJ YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info(ginorthcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. Oj I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? A A A A A A A fB3 ^B (flpf (&) B B B C D /cHi D TT D 'C D/25 b i® bfc\ b Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. \\l r J ' ,*"*/'' . Signed: Print: K Address: ^T]g ^^fQmr\ 5^ City;('V)r/$har/ Zip: LJ YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info(%northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. _ WHAT DO YOU THINK? _ 1 . What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. [^1 think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? ,-A"! A A GPA A B Bdt>~ B B flD C C'c^.c OTIc cc D D D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. s •• - ~Signed: _.--.:^»-t^^_,' <?? c -•>. '— - c^-t ar^e,* . />/,7v :3-^ -- '"'Address:g-ffg J-ffP ' ^'' ^ City; ck^^ly.^ Zip:_^ YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info(%northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. __ _ ; _ WHAT DO YOU THINK? _ 1 . What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell akohol and have entertainment? a. [•/] I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? QD A ~®(^T) A ® A B ® B B ® B:::::<sr::::: c cc c cc c D D D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. Print: Name: /Address: /?)"] YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? _ 1 . What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. Ml think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? AJpt Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? 7A ) B 7*£f ~BrS( BrSZ B ZR B tj£ BTA> B c ccc ccc D D D D D D D Please describe any personal. experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. ;{A m-&&&EtL /1 t/J ^H Jt f YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. _ _ WHAT DO YOU THINK? _ 1 . What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. [pr think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure prinking and driving? £g/__ B C D Underage drinking? A (*$} C D Public drunkenness? (~ST) 13 C D "yioience? ..... ....... : ..... " ............ T|jh ............. B""""""".".""."."c"""""T.""T.P! Loitering? QD B C D "Vandalism? .................................. gj" ........... B ................. C" ............... E> "Graffiti? ........... " ......................... ~A .............. B ............ "~7ST ............. E> Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. r U^ V\ ( V \AA>& Signed: rLu/:> C*'Print: Na'mei Address: •% n t) ^- ^T'u- -Q- V ^.v^" City; C^j^LJ Zip; cj.\l)0^i - - j - 1 i 'vi<~ \~ l *• ' ^ C LJ YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. _____ _ WHAT DO YOU THINK? _ 1 . What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? / a. [ ] I think it's a good idea b. iNfl think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? / f$ezy( B"H^O B >S^ BX20 B fX"9\ B "&\ B ( A j B vl_-^ C Cccccc D D D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. a _ 0 Signed: Print: Address; .-. -LJ YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info^northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. _____ _ WHAT DO YOU THINK? _ 1 . What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. [Ml think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure prinking and driving? 0>J ® ~ -?-- Underage drinking? NX :&) CE> Public drunkenness? \j^) BCD Violence"? !! ""^1^"^"""""B "" . ^ " C D "Lohe^g?""/"_"y//"""^"_/_^_"____^_®__ B C JD "Vandalism? PA) B C D Graffiti?" A (1T\ C ~D~ Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. \\r\c\ oof Signed: Print: N Address:j?<g^8 tf0>tcfcsi*-> City: <^b>rtsfo Zip U s YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting.f—-^ For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info(S)ynorthcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. ' WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. [ ] I think it's a good idea b. \^\ think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure prinking and driving? /A) B C D Underage drinking? \£J B C D Public drunkenness? A (& C D "yfolenceTy/™""^ Loitering? Q) B C D "Vandalism? ........... ............. ...... ...... "IT .............. "c ................ E> Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community a ^h;\ifnd fn /n rwlShfld &~l Signed: Print: Address: LJ YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. ' WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. [xv} I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? A A A A A A A . Op..Sr CS)no QJJ B B c::::::GD:::.:::c c CvCc?C^) D D D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. Signed: Print: Name: Sftj-"l Address: 3^^ Lj^lrtft(L UP&Jfr City: C frvLL^A V). Zip: ^Iv LJT YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info^northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. ' WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. |Vf I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? CA^/ A £>C&} A A A B B (3P> B B B B C &2 C CL <^€r (r^Oc§/ D D D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. ~~[nt£> Cftduvfoflg.b j Mo PL) Signed: Print: Name: 'CTkJUS ' C AT/C/4 y Address:^*/ft LhJfoitf l\.$. City: EH YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. [^]'l think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? f B B B B..: _._2g. B.A? B ^/A} B C C C c ccc D D D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. Signed: Print: Named /AddrfejfcT M YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. ; WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? * a. [ ] I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [\/\ Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? @} A GSr|u) @ A A B B B B B B B C © C C C © © D D D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. Signed: - Print: Name: Address: 3? 2 Hfgp/AJfr. >T~ City: CfWAM-b Zip; q 2.008 [j YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. [ ] I think it's a good idea b. &\ I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? ( A/ Underage drinking? ifjSiL Public drunkenness? rAl Violence? f*h Loitering? ^M Vandalism? JftJ Graffiti? fx) B /~~*l^ B /~i\_s B /~iv_/ B riV_y B /™*\^. B /^\^s B /~*v_/ D D D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. T V Signed: Print: Name:, T _ . . cd:** *rh City; COftsJjad Zip;Address: *^% ]^ ^, —^ YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. \/\ I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure prinking and driving? L£J B C D .Underage drhikmg? .....^L B ".".^".'".".'. P. "P^blYc drunkoiness? pQ B C D "Violence?\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"]^ Loitering?" £A B C D "Vandalism? " Q ""fi ""c " D !GH^ti?"™"""j"""^™"""j""j"j™^j"^^^ Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. Signed: Print: Name: ' <. ,, ( LP ^ \ \V € /Qil< AO J ^Address:^ ac. ^ \-4iVt S( u S f <(Lf \e City; r ovlsbg^ Zip: [Z YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: infotgjnorthcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. _ WHAT DO YOU THINK? _ 1 . What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. [] I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? /A") ^(A) (A: ..A A A B B B B C C C C C C C D (S) D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. C-, /' ^Signed: £/(j ' Print: Name: Address: ' £> X^ju-^, ^ ; y.i-f u^ City: Zip: LJ YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. [/ ] 1 think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? -/X_.. A lot Some t Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? Please describe any personal ;' Av '(*&> A. ) i\' i AVJ "-AV.,->' experiences or impact these \ B -•' ""B B B B B B businesses C C Cc c c c have had D D D D D D D on your community. Signed: _ /.,-/ ... 7 Print: City: /& /.P Zip: ^"- rf- *' / ' *• " HH YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. [*"] I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? C$ B /£T B ,^f B $L B gj BSi BK] B C c c c c c c D D D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. Signed: Print: Name: ^y\ ?ti£V\ IA U _ _ Address; 33 g£ U.oiSf US C if City: C'fcv^Vo^c' Zip; l_l YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: infofSjnorthcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcphol and have entertainment? a. M\ think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? Please describe any personal /i/ c» p*? V30\* e^ ' "'T\ s~ /X1 tl 5/' / j,Ve ^W<T t f > Signed: W ^^^^~ Print: Narn^: -^w fC Address: 1,0^7% } A 'B A B A {&> A B A B A B A B experiences or impact these businesses £ Xj$?V^e»vp — \i\Sl 5U? i J ' ^ J- / | ,/" 4/ '-^ )1 / ' & ' £/ 1 M- ""4^! ^ ^ • ' " J / - ^f^^^ \~iccfA '-^ libfaiA^ C'-VJ-^ City: C C Cc fc^. c c have had ¥W.t X 1x. ^> V ^ Oy l^t?. DS>"" D -> ^ (D ^::::::":::""fO""-VL; ^ on your community. ., j ^ &S ,. r •: :L^* ' j **^ Zip: %O^>O LJ YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info(o),northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. f\-] I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot .Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? A A ^A $3^) A A A ! B\ • B \ -1 B \ [ B 1. .. i B | \ ~D / \ -^ ' ^B / C C Cc ccc D D D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. Signed: Print: Name:f V\;»Address: ^fl ^ 5 \-Vi b. -^ C L\$>' City: YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info(S),northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. f/J I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? A A A A A A A B B B B B B B C C C C C C C D D D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. Signed: Print: Name: Address: VJiK, Mmi^OX (\\ICL£ City: QArti^A.9 Zip: ^7 cog LJ YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info(5),northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. M I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? CA; A. A VA> <A> A A B B B B B B . "".&• " C C Ccc cc D D D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. Signed: Print: Name": Dv\VvrQ ^?l\VrvV D Address: ?«foio i-'.Ki^v».'4< O'M City: - ' ->* -'n »• ' - » LJ YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info(o),northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell al/eohol and have entertainment? a. ly] I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure prinking and driving? ^A j BCD Underage drinking? Qn BCD Public drunkenness? (A) BCD .Violence? .".".".....".""."...."!.".".".".'."."Sir "...".'.".^ ".'... C.~.9 Loitering? (M B C D Vandalism? |/p B. C D ^fffi? "^^^^^^^^^^^ A^ Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. a/u IfTf (&an \A CTo^1^ (^ar<> v^nr-i M LUO>^ o/./^/'/KJ tSTH?gT^ ^ SrtulcL O7^rls jbar r/r>CS V>r\ 0 Signed: .. Print: Name; Address; 3775" ZJ n /T:1^ r yLq /U City; GxrAA^o/ Zip; i& YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 Apr 17 0702:39p p.1 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. |Xll think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? £& B23 B • UV B Cc c D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. _?=><;*)" fen Gf~hej/a hwrt hu Pcdr&n• - Signed: . Print: Name: Address: _^ _ ^* JZ1 YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: infQ@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.or2 FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 04/17/2007 2:38PM Apr 170702:40p p.1 J Cm/17/2007 2:39PM Apr 16 07 08:54a p.2 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. _ WHAT DO YOU THINK? _ 1 . What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates "businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. tyj I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Viojence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? ^)A £^SA ^A A B '"£> -" B £j$ B ®QD ccc cccc D D D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. Signed: Print: Name* Address: YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info@northcoastalprcvenrioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 04/16/2007 8:54AM Apr 16 07 08:54a P-1 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. [ ] I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not1 sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? /TS) B ^A J(x*0/2^ "B jgQ B /|P B 1® B A dEfi C C C C C C C D D D D D D D Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. y r-- Signed: c - - Print: Name: ^Q^^r^x^ *? Address; ^o^'s" ^=J^^c>^^ City: ' C oJSLU. YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 04/16/2007 8:54AM Apr 07 07 02:43p Doong & Sumko Lem 760-729-53&5 p,1 Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment Tiis survey is being conducted to gel community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alpohol and have entertainment? a. [/] I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much, do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? A lot Some Not much Not sure .Drimking and :dnving? ...................... 0i ............. B C .............. D Underage idrfakdng?_ ........................ J*A ....... _____ ^Ep> ____ C ................ D J?iii^c]dnink^ "™""™!!C™"]""™*]D] vTojence?] "_[ " ~ !__._A"~ @D.. ™.?.]"..,...."-""P" A ............ g§) " C '"_"„___ .P.."] ~ _[ _"] !^ '" B" ' "'©"'""""'""P"""~~ ""A""""~B"""" " "'"' ' Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. Signed: Print: Name; 7) Had A. lAj. 1 F Address; 3#2i!- J.y M%$~ > $4^ City: fybl<&fl.D Zip: [U YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 xl74 Or email: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 04/07/2007 2:43PM Hd8Z=L ZOOZ/BOAhO Community Input On Carlsbad Businesses that Serve Alcohol and have Entertainment This survey is being conducted to get community input regarding Carlsbad businesses that serve alcohol and have entertainment. The North Coastal Prevention Coalition would be interested in any personal experiences you may have regarding these establishments. ' WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. What do you think of the idea of the City of Carlsbad passing an ordinance that regulates businesses that sell alcohol and have entertainment? a. Jx] I think it's a good idea b. [ ] I think it's a bad idea c. [ ] Don't have an opinion 2. How much do you feel businesses contribute to the following community problems? AJgt Some Not much Not sure Drinking and driving? Underage drinking? Public drunkenness? Violence? Loitering? Vandalism? Graffiti? (jj C&luS* A A A A B B JR £jp B B B C C C CL GDC. c D D D D IX} feeiliP Please describe any personal experiences or impact these businesses have had on your community. 13tX/r> ffl-\ \Q CALC. jHtg ~To Signed: _ Print: Name: ^iO^Vw.A H£ rJ fc Address: 1^8 SMC&vodSr ftvg~ City; CA<t~L$ g/^> Zip; YES, please contact me when this issue is discussed at a City Council meeting. 760 -7^V? ^4 q For more information, please contact the North Coastal Prevention Coalition at 760-407-1220 x!74 Or email: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org FORM CAN BE FAXED TO: 760-414-3737 LO 80 Opinion de la Comunidad Respecto a los Negocios en la ciudad de Carlsbad que Sirven Alcohol y tienen Baile Esta encuesta esta siendo administrada para recibir la opinion de la comunidad respecto a los negocios que sirven alcohol y tienen baile en la ciudad de Carlsbad. La Coalition de Prevention esta interesada en cualquier experiencia personal que usted haya tenido acerca de algunos de esos negocios. /.Que Piensa Usted? 1. ^,Que piensa de la idea de que la ciudad de Carlsbad pase una ordenanza municipal que regule las clausulas de los negocios que venden alcohol y tienen baile? a. [ ] Pienso que es buena idea b. [ ] Pienso que no es buena idea [ ] No tengo opinion 2. ^Cuanto cree usted que los negocios contribuyan a los siguientes problemas? ^Manejando bajo la influencia? ^Consume de alcohol en los menores? . ^Borrachos en la viajmblica? ^Violencia? ^Vagancia? ^Vandalismo? ^Grafito? Por favor describa cualquier experiencia o comunidad. Mucho Algo A B A B A B A B A B A B A B impacto personal que No Mucho C C C C C C C estos negocios hayan No estoy seguro D D D D D D D causado en su k < r^rl6 I Ton rv\ij Por favor firmer Escriba su nombre: Direccion: 'ffi?// sjCff^R^>V\ Ciudad: C^^SAvK Codigo Postal: 0| 2. ® °f\ LJ Si, por favor contacteme cuando este asunto sea discutido en la junta de Concilio. Para mas information por favor contacte al North Coastal Prevention Coalition al 760-407-1220 x!74 o mande un correo a: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org Puede mandar esta hoja por fax al: 760-414-3737 Opinion de la Comunidad Respecto a los Negocios en la ciudad de Calrsbad que Sirven Alcohol y tienen Baile Esta encuesta esta siendo administrada para recibir la opinion de la comunidad respecto a los negocios que sirven alcohol y tienen baile en la ciudad de Calrsbad. La Coalicion de Prevention esta interesada en cualquier experiencia personal que usted haya tenido acerca de algunos de esos negocios. /.Que Piensa Usted? 1. ^,Que piensa de la idea de que la ciudad de Carlsbad pase una ordenanza municipal que regule las clausulas de los negocios que venden alcohol y tienen baile? a. [7] Pienso que es buena idea b. [ ] Pienso que no es buena idea [ ] No tengo opinion 2. ^Cuanto cree usted que los negocios contribuyan a los siguientes problemas? ^Manejando bajo la influencia? ^Consume de alcohol en los menores? ^Borrachos en la viajgublica? ^Violencia? ^Vagancia? ^Vandalismo? ^Grafito? Por favor describa cualquier experiencia comunidad. Mucho Algo CQ B A '3D A B A @ A B A B o impacto personal que No Mucho C C ® C C C C estos negocios hayan No estoy seguro D D D D D D © causado en su Ay/vkx \\teAyrwoive/i i JA a For favor fir me: Escriba su nombre s)a Direccion: J*& gn* fl*. Ciudad; .oLt Codigo Postal: LJ Si, por favor contacteme cuando este asunto sea discutido en la junta de Concilio. Para mas informacion por favor contacte al North Coastal Prevention Coalition al 760-407-1220 x!74 o mande un correo a: info(S)northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org Puede mandar esta hoja por fax al: 760-414-3737 Opinion de la Comunidad Respecto a los Negocios en la ciudad de Carlsbad que Sirven Alcohol y tienen Baile Esta encuesta esta siendo administrada para recibir la opinion de la comunidad respecto a los negocios que sirven alcohol y tienen baile en la ciudad de Carlsbad. La Coalition de Prevention esta interesada en cualquier experiencia personal que usted haya tenido acerca de algunos de esos negocios. ;.Que Piensa Usted? 1. <[,Que piensa de la idea de que la ciudad de Carlsbad pase una ordenanza municipal que regule las clausulas de los negocios que venden alcohol y tienen baile? a. [/"fPienso que es buena idea b. [ ] Pienso que no es buena idea [ ] No tengo opinion 2. ^Cuanto cree usted que los negocios contribuyan a los siguientes problemas? ^Manejando bajo la influencia? ^Consume de alcohol en los menores? ^Borrachos en la via jmblica? ^Violencia? ^Vagancia? ^Vandalisrno? ^Grafito? Por favor describa cualquier experiencia comunidad. Mucho A ( A} /A ( A Y (A) T ( A ( A ( o impacto personal .Igo B B) *}B B)m_ _\_/_ - •wBi que No Mucho C C C C C C C estos negocios hayan No estoy seguro D D D D D D D causado en su u r h ftt- U < Q 0 ""\ For favor firmer Escriba su nombre: Direccion: "^j /T7 JP (' (- f >- s o ^ Ciudad: (,. en- I S i> <t ({ Codigo Postal: 0 Si, por favor contacteme cuando este asunto sea discutido en la junta de Concilio. Para mas informacion por favor contacte al North Coastal Prevention Coalition al 760-407-1220 x!74 o mande un correo a: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org Puede mandar esta hoja por fax al: 760-414-3737 Opinion de la Comunidad Respecto a los Negocios en la ciudad de Carlsbad que Sirven Alcohol y tienen Baile Esta encuesta esta siendo administrada para recibir la opinion de la comunidad respecto a los negocios que sirven alcohol y tienen baile en la ciudad de Carlsbad. La Coalition de Prevention esta interesada en cualquier experiencia personal que usted haya tenido acerca de algunos de esos negocios. /.Que Piensa Usted? 1. ^Que piensa de la idea de que la ciudad de Carlsbad pase una ordenanza municipal que regule las clausulas de los negocios que venden alcohol y tienen baile? a. j,(l Pienso que es buena idea b. [ ] Pienso que no es buena idea [ ] No tengo opinion 2. ^Cuanto cree usted que los negocios contribuyan a los siguientes problemas? Mucho Algo No Mucho No estoy seguro ^Manejandp bajo la influentia? A B ^C^ D ^Consume de alcohol en los .menqres? .................................. /X ............. B _.. ............. C ________ ......... D ^Bqrrachos en la via publica? A B -^ D" '"""""'' ...? C ..... E> iVandaHsnio?" ............................. A ...... " B .......... C "" "" "iGrafito? """"""^"^"^"""""'"""" A ™"!"™" For favor describa cualquier experiencia o impacto personal que estos negocios hayan causado en su comunidad. For favor firme: Escriba su nombre: I Direccion: .t? 5cf J?~f{rfJeS) (V Ciudad: (fo/H L? o Codigo Postal: q^e LJ Si, por favor contacteme cuando este asunto sea discutido en la junta de Concilio. Para mas informacion por favor contacte al North Coastal Prevention Coalition al 760-407-1220 x!74 o mande un correo a: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org Puede mandar esta hoja por fax al: 760-414-3737 Opinion de la Comunidad Respecto a los Negocios en la ciudad de Carlsbad que Sirven Alcohol y tienen Baile Esta encuesta esta siendo administrada para recibir la opinion de la comunidad respecto a los negocios que sirven alcohol y tienen baile en la ciudad de Carlsbad. La Coalicion de Prevencion esta interesada en cualquier experiencia personal que usted haya tenido acerca de algunos de esos negocios. ;.Que Piensa Usted? 1. ^Que piensa de la idea de que la ciudad de Carlsbad pase una ordenanza municipal que regule las clausulas de los negocios que venden alcohol y tienen baile? a. [ ] Pienso que es buena idea b. [ ] Pienso que no es buena idea [ ] No tengo opinion 2. ^Cuanto cree usted que los negocios contribuyan a los siguientes problemas? Mucho Algo No Mucho No estoy seguro ^Manejandp bajo la influencia? A B C...P.. ^Consume de alcohol en los menores? . ^Borrachos en la viajpublica? (TViolencia? ^Vagancia? ^Vandalismo? ^Grafito? '^ A \f\. \ /Y \ f\ jv^y A B B B B B......rs)..-- c Cc ccc D D D D D D For favor describa cualquier experiencia o impacto personal que estos negocios hayan causado en su comunidad. For favor firme: Escriba su nombre: Direction: *3 "7 ^ (/ 3~c T r- A ^ . _ Ciudad: _ Codigo Postal:- ^ " *^ LJ Si, por favor contacteme cuando este asunto sea discutido en la junta de Concilio. Para mas information por favor contacte al North Coastal Prevention Coalition al 760-407-1220 x!74 o mande un correo a: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org Puede mandar esta hoja por fax al: 760-414-3737 Opinion de la Comunidad Respecto a los Negocios en la ciudad de Carlsbad que Sirven Alcohol y tienen Baile Esta encuesta esta siendo administrada para recibir la opinion de la comunidad respecto a los negocios que sirven alcohol y tienen baile en la ciudad de Carlsbad. La Coalicion de Prevention esta interesada en cualquier experiencia personal que usted haya tenido acerca de algunos de esos negocios. /.Que Piensa Usted? 1. ^Que piensa de la idea de que la ciudad de Carlsbad pase una ordenanza municipal que regule las clausulas de los negocios que venden alcohol y.tienen baile? a. [ ] Pienso que es buena idea b. [^ Pienso que no es buena idea [ ] No tengo opinion 2. ^Cuanto cree usted que los negocios contribuyan a los siguientes problemas? ^Manejando bajo la influencia? ^Consume de alcohol en los menores? . i,Borrachos en la via publica? ^Violencia? ^Vagancia? ^Vandalismo? ^Grafito? Por favor describa cualquier experiencia o comunidad. Mucho A ("A) A <J C^J^S> r®fR\ A impacto personal ilgO B B) B B B B B que No Mucho C C C C C C Cc^] estos negocios hayan No estoy seguro D D D D D D D causado en su For favor firme: Escriba su nombre: rDireccion: tdl^ "T1-' vVeAAJgV Ciudad: 0 R Codigo Postal: EH Si, por favor contacteme cuando este asunto sea discutido en la junta de Concilio. Para mas information por favor contacte al North Coastal Prevention Coalition al 760-407-1220 x!74 o mande un correo a: info(5),northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org Puede mandar esta hoja por fax al: 760-414-3737 Opinion de la Comunidad Respecto a los Negocios en la ciudad de Carlsbad que Sirven Alcohol y tienen Baile Esta encuesta esta siendo administrada para recibir la opinion de la comunidad respecto a los negocios que sirven alcohol y tienen baile en la ciudad de Carlsbad. La Coalicion de Prevencion esta interesada en cualquier experiencia personal que usted haya tenido acerca de algunos de esos negocios. /.Que Piensa Usted? 1. ^Que piensa de la idea de que la ciudad de Carlsbad pase una ordenanza municipal que regule las clausulas de los negocios que venden alcohol y tienen baile? a. [ ] Pienso que es buena idea b. jM] Pienso que no es buena idea [ ] No tengo opinion 2. ^Cuanto cree usted que los negocios contribuyan a los siguientes problemas? Mucho Algo No Mucho No estoy seguro ^Manejando bajo la influencia? A (_BJ C D ^Consumo de alcohol en los ^. menqres? A _..(§j. C ^Borrachos en la via publica? A (B^ C" ................ ............... .......... ................. Vagancia? ?" .............................^VandaHsmo? A C D""""""""™""""""""""" For favor describa cualquier experiencia o impacto personal que estos negocios hayan causado en su comunidad. Por favor firme: Escriba su nombre: DireccionrS^V j- Ciudad: sq Codigo Postal; Si, por favor contacteme cuando este asunto sea discutido en la junta de Concilio. /Para mas informacion por favor contacte al North Coastal Prevention Coalition al 760-407-1220 x!74 o mande un correo a: info@northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org Puede mandar esta hoja por fax al: 760-414-3737 Opinion de la Comunidad Respecto a los Negocios en la c in dad de Carlsbad que Sirven Alcohol y tienen Baile Esta encuesta esta siendo administrada para recibir la opinion de la comunidad respecto a los negocios que sirven alcohol y tienen baile en la ciudad de Carlsbad. La Coalition de Prevention esta interesada en cualquier experiencia personal que usted haya tenido acerca de algunos de esos negocios. . .. ;.Que Piensa Usted? 1. i,Que piensa de la idea de que la ciudad de Carlsbad pase una ordenanza municipal que regule las clausulas de los negocios que venden alcohol y tienen baile? a. [v^Pienso que es buena idea b. [ ] Pienso que no es buena idea [ ] No tengo opinion 2. ^Cuanto cree usted que los negocios contribuyan a los siguientes problemas? ^Manejando bajo la influentia? ^Consume de alcohol en los menores? ^Borrachos en la via_publica? ^Violencia? ^Vagancia? ^Vandalismo? ;Grafito? Mucho A A A7A/ A A A Algo B B B B T3/^ B/ B No Mucho C \/ C C C C C No estoy segurow D D D D D ?? For favor describa cualquier experiencia o impacto personal que estos negocios hayan causado en su comunidad. For favor firmer Escriba su nombre: . /} I A ' ' Direccion: ~$\b I T6ffi3l73°^ 37- Ciudad: Cj^Qgo. Codigo Postal: EH Si, por favor contacteme cuando este asunto sea discutido en la junta de Concilio. Para mas information por favor contacte al North Coastal Prevention Coalition al 760-407-1220 x!74 o mande un correo a: info(o),northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org Puede mandar esta hoja por fax al: 760-414-3737