HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-11-20; City Council; 19233; Revisions to Village Master Plan & Design ManualCITY OF CARLSBAD AND HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AGENDA BILL 19,233AB# MTG. DEPT.HjQUSING & RED 11/20*07 LCPA 95-10(A)/ZCA 95-10(A)/MCA95-01(a) - REVISIONS TO VILLAGE MASTER PLAN AND DESIGN MANUAL AND CITY COUNCIL POLICY NO. 65, AND AMENDMENTS TO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTERS 21.35 and 2.24 DEPT. HEAD CITY ATTY. CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. That the Housing and Redevelopment Commission ADOPT Resolution No. 446 APPROVING revisions to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and concurring with the City of Carlsbad's adoption of a Negative Declaration for the project, with language modifications set forth by the Commission on November 6, 2007. 2. That the City Council ADOPT Resolution No. 2007-273 APPROVING ZCA 95-10(a) and adopting Ordinance No. NS-862 amending Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.35, for consistency with the Village Master Plan and Design Manual, as amended. 3. That the City Council ADOPT Resolution No. 2007-274 APPROVING LCPA 95-10(a) , and approving the Negative Declaration for the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and the amendment to Chapter 21.35 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 4. That the City Council ADOPT Resolution No. 2007-275 APPROVING amendments to City Council Policy No. 65 - Signs on Public Property. 5. That the City Council ADOPT Resolution No. 2007-277 APPROVING MCA 95-01 (a) and adopting Ordinance No. NS-863 amending Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 2.24, for consistency with the Village Master Plan and Design Manual, as amended, and Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.35, as amended. ITEM EXPLANATION: On November 6, 2007, the Housing and Redevelopment Commission and City Council held a public hearing to consider 1) revisions proposed to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual to correct or clarify implementing policies and to amend one or more development standards; 2) revisions to Chapter 21.35 and 2.24 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to eliminate inconsistencies or process amendments; and 3) revisions to City Council Policy No. 65 - Signs on Public Property. At the joint Council/Commission meeting on November 6, 2007, direction was provided to staff on the proposed amendments that were acceptable, not acceptable, and required modification. Attached as an exhibit to this report is a summary of the proposed amendments with the Council/Commission direction noted as provided on November 6, 2007. The approving documents have been revised according to the Council/Commission direction and are returned at this time for final approval and adoption. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Debbie Fountain 760-434-2815 dfoun@ci.carlsbad.ca.us FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED 3 D D D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN RETURNED TO STAFF OTHER - SEE MINUTES D Dn D ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed project has been reviewed for potential adverse environmental impacts pursuant to the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the Environmental Protection Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad. As a result of said review, the initial study (EIA Part 2) did not identify any potentially significant impacts on the environment. Given the environmental analysis, a Notice of Intent to Adopt a Negative Declaration was posted in the newspaper and mailed to the State Clearinghouse on July 23 2007 for public review. The submitted letter(s), along with a letter (or letters) of response, are attached as part of the Negative Declaration. Adoption of City Council Resolution No. 2007-274 will approve the Negative Declaration. FISCAL IMPACT The consultant costs related to this project amounted to approximately $175,000 and were funded with redevelopment tax increment. These costs related to studies and visual demonstrations used to develop the recommendations for revisions to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual, City Council Policy No. 65 and Carlsbad Municipal Code, Chapter 21.35. Staff time on this project was extensive. However, there is no estimate at this time on staff costs. EXHIBITS: 1 Housing and Redevelopment Commission Resolution No. 446 APPROVING revisions to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and concurring with the City of Carlsbad's adoption of a Negative Declaration for the project, with language modifications set forth by the Commission on November 6, 2007 and noted within the attached legislative draft of modified pages. 2 City Council Resolution No. 2007-273 approving ZCA 95-10(a) and adopting Ordinance No. NS-862 amending Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.35, for consistency with the Village Master Plan and Design Manual as amended, and noted within the attached legislative draft. 3 City Council Resolution No. 2007-274 approving LCPA 95-10(a) , and approving the Negative Declaration for the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and the amendment to Chapter 21.35 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, including Negative Declaration and related exhibits. 4 City Council Resolution No. 2007-275 APPROVING amendments to City Council Policy No. 65 - Signs on Public Property. 5 City Council Resolution No. 2007-277 APPROVING MCA 95-01 (a) and adopting Ordinance No. NS- 863 amending Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 2.24, for consistency with the Village Master Plan and Design Manual as amended and Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.35, and noted within the attached legislative draft. 6 Summary chart of proposed amendments and Council/Commission action on each amendment. 1 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 446 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT 3 COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING REVISIONS TO THE VILLAGE MASTER PLAN AND 4 DESIGN MANUAL, AND CONCURRING WITH THE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S ADOPTION OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE 5 PROJECT. 6 CASE NAME: VILLAGE MASTER PLAN AND DESIGN MANUAL AMENDMENTS 7 CASE NO.: ZCA 95-10(aVLCPA 95-10(a)/MCA95-01(a) 8 WHEREAS, amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual are desired and necessary to clarify and/or revise policies for consistency with the Zone 9 Code and to revise one or more development standards to facilitate the development of high quality redevelopment projects within the boundaries of the Village Redevelopment 10 Zone; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad conducted environmental review of the project 12 and issued a Notice of Intent to Adopt a Negative Declaration; and 13 WHEREAS, the Design Review Board did on the 6th day of September 2007 hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and 14 WHEREAS, at said public hearings, upon hearing and considering all testimony 15 and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, analyzing the information submitted by staff, and considering any written comments received, the Design Review 16 Board considered all factors relating to the amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual. 18 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Design Review Board 19 as follows: 20 a) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. 21 b) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing on November 6, 2007, the Commission hereby APPROVES the amendments to the Village 22 Master Plan and Design Manual as set forth within the attached legislative draft. 23 Findings: 24 1. The proposed amendments are consistent with the General Plan in that they 25 provide implementing policies and standards to facilitate development in the Village Area that helps to create a strong identity for the Village, revitalize the area, and enhance the 26 economic potential of the Village. 27 //// 28 //// 3 2. The proposed amendments reflect sound principles of good planning in that they (a) ensure internal consistency with the procedures and standards for the Village Redevelopment Zone set forth in Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.35, (b) implement the policies and programs of the General Plan, and (c) assist in the facilitation of high quality development within the Village that is consistent with the Vision for the area. 5 3. The Housing and Redevelopment Commission, as a Responsible Agency, has reviewed, analyzed and considered the Negative Declaration for the project as prepared 6 by the City of Carlsbad, and in its independent judgment concurs that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the environment. 7 4. The proposed amendments will be effective thirty (30) days after approval date, 8 in all areas of the Village, except those areas of the Village which are located in the Coastal Zone. For properties in the Coastal Zone, the amendments will not be effective 9 until approved and certified by the California Coastal Commission. 10 '" 11 12 13 14 15 16 /// 17 /// 18 19 20 21 22 '" 23 "I 24 /// 25 /// 26 /// 27 /// 28 /// 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the 2 Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission and Carlsbad City Council held on 3 the 20th day of November, 2007, by the following vote: 4 5 AYES: Commission Members Lewis, Kulchin, and Nygaard 6 NOES: None 7 ABSENT: Commission Members Hall and8 9 10 'J / LEWIS 11 Chairman 12 ATTEST: 13 14 15 LISA & HILDABRAND Interim Secretary to the Commission 16 (SEAL) 17" 18 19 1970 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (0*J OQ.U 4-1 4-1 CD p T3 QJo -H fi & g fl4-1 -H CO 4-1 IDU(jj*M i"H Hi >i .~ m4-> co 1-1 «j-H g 00 s^ S'S-^•^ .2 E^S ft C r-l •3 ° o ^s?!-8^ |«^S*sfii01 CD w CD CO •§ Oln ^ -H a of purposes. First, the Village Master Plan and, and redevelopment strategy policy for the Vilt Plan which is the legal document that establfor redevelopment activities. Second, the VillS_ 1* C , ,•"*! r/) fii X .asl§t, frt O > ^l^i Ek-j (TJ (U H^ _i > fa«• |i! ^&^^M -H ^ai in co 4-1m ID Q) o^S-P y_j ^_| O O O"0 C31 UH ^- .Sl-nSs| > sOl21-o(H 4-J ty s8»«sfl^ s *S'dSg J3 -H ">IH (U 4_> I-1 ^ 4_)fl 0 4J ^CD IDE in in E P - 4J fto -d s oO CO CD rH T3 J3 E IDin Q) > l/l tH rH CD •H M ft T3^ co e CDEH U -H h Policies=ments of"-1 C O.H Manualto requ•dC 4J(0 Ccfl 'Ian, together with the implementing ordinancesthe Carlsbad Village Redevelopment Area pursu,ti«IH 4J 0a ^QJg cft ao _J ^Sk> QJ rH T3 ^QJ -Pc5 m(C CO gCD <-> kH < rH Villagethe Loca^ 4-1 TJ UIs-5 "«3(,^4-1to E^ m U CD 5^W3 fj in cfl4-1 QJ -H ^4 C•- ^ >HrH 13 OCO CD UH ^) U -H C O rH CO ^4 CO g 0. 0 4-1 W rH C! 4J (0QJ C! ^E QJ G redevelop:ich implemDesign Mae Village.8-g-gS•" c S ms^s-2 c a5 >,i^f3 M-l h 4Js-sss . Q) U) "er Plan" shall mean a "plan which gives overallThe Village Redevelopment Plan is basically a spthe Village Redevelopment Area. The Village Maspecifies the land use policy and Redevelopment E4Jy> * 5 ^4co • 'd CDf S 5 5* TI, 4-1i! "3 ^e < 3 -)G "-i 2^^<U rQ U»a^55 13 s Jl 0 4-1- > c4J OJ ,„ CD ^ ^3 o EQ) Q) ° 1e B; . u3 > o8S-H10 t! CO ^ Ol r-* pin H Jj -H •H -H A 4J 43 > 4J C 4-1 Q)0) n EM_l X! O IDQ 4J IU r-( m H a H0) '_n «> S 4J JT1 C° . H ^ a ft ^^ rH 01 ft "> £ ™ft CD M •H 0) 4JID 4J S C ^1 -H <K S4J > 0 B •H £^ 4-> CD u O U J3 O6w CO 4J T3 C0)X!4J •dc!rO COID ^< 4JGID 1rH 2CD•OID .PS ^>"future character and development of the Villagefor obtaining the goals identified for the area hfrt =s &T3 ^ CD *^ o5 h fi8= &§s'H cow In•^ D hes a "\tation sestablisimplemen4J rjc Sd)e ^ 3 4JU Mo o^ UH W U3 •rH JJ r3 Q)H w he Village;u c;•H,Cjj•H W4J 10):>and others interested in development or property impro"- COjjc<dfiuMoe U)VHOJ >i-PVH i to propeguidance512-H TJ•H>Oinft • <UD>(0rHrH •H > 5JJ c••H (-H 4J•H3 reting planning and zoning requirements for properties&VH0)ua•H C!•H 0)VH Q) 1 IM U-l«J4J CO >i4J•rH U O4J guidanceD)C•H T3•H>OSHft • a•H£4J •ovements wiM t roposed ia ojj standards and design guidelines which may be appliedU)(DrH 'a .•Hu ;c•H i rH 1a rC! 1 4-> r-tH 5 "O" i ^rO 'O !CQ i 3 'Q) '•H i> ,0)tf '1 £ iO)•H 1 U) i«•§•CO1 0) 5 i"1 Cn1 Oi idiC .H•H (H •O -H1 •HSy O OJ^ -C!ft 4J • 0)CDnirHrH•H> CJ£jj OiC3••HN revital:1fO programs /projects to assist in eliminating blightw 1^_i5 tJ>C•H4J 1CD rH • iH r-i O4H >i0>(UJj2S 4J S01 "• 4J "1en ac o•H iH TS 0)•H >>. <DO T3in ti)ft o; • i cO co = > rCfrt &:S 3;a| 4J W g-:ls;^s' S ^'« S:-o fiCD ° |M >„ ID ° !5s : W. U-l .H sections. Section i contains a brief history o:istructions for using the manual. Section 2 cons:: 10 13 : ^ Ccy COcCD intjl CD> :5 uCD•r-i' HI 0CD (\ K '£ ^34J fHSfOo!4J 0) i fi rH-H CO •13 01CDti -• H QJ!> S1 i-H <0It) •-]!.^ CD ,*-> J3• fl 4-1<D1 § ^P oU IHo^ coin -H•H in;£ -H.EH > CD; CD 01, X!CO 4-J c-i rH m•^! c>i-H•d!3 a #S$^Mt, , -H CO1" >o:c?•* ty$3* **lwU . fji Jrc: , >>.lage Redevelopment Area. This document is refere.ement of design and land use policy for the Vil]lopment area for the next approximately ten (10)4J (D•d 1o >•> 4J 0)in 13S v 3-3*. -H CD n " a ° .H U 14Hu-l H^ o oCO 14-1 g "> I5 & ,n IDd J» 43& ro to• H Ljin 01 US §!» 8,8°CO _ s the VillPlan andProgram£Pt 4-1 0D d -H (D e COx a 4-1CO O CE rH 0) CD EiJ > Q)fj CD rH -H "O fta <D ES « H in u4J -H C MQJ O 10I 4J IDCD in £> -H fO2*2t«l u'^ H H ^H > a;•9^0)3 4-1 ^ft^s 13 C H ID<0 (0 .£i-l 4J 4J 3g 4J t-lni rH O action 2) primarily focuses on private developmementation Program addresses such issues as cuer activities which assist in the revitalization<U rH r! OJ ft£ ~$ ° iH 'OCO CD £3 .£ 10C E-ico na o• -H. fO ^jE ® d|aSfll ^SJ2-4J C(Dobi . -H he Villat withinattractPlan. 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Oil f; Ul i 4~>i (L1 ^ -C0*Ei<dj JH 4.J i <u4-Jfiji ''C> iGJ i" !E \J i•jfd C i 4-' i & 4-1 • H i j...r i Q-j!O i}...: !ft!ftifO| ;/i i •a'01 !^! > 01! i-,Q u: gi V;:.< i u Cl C(Di c.iHi 0; ^. CD!'^i ! C/ CD! H U 'C. fi C CD 4 gi (-H i .,. ^ • r (U i,.G T4-1 j r c ! rG i < 4J 4- 3! ci f-Cfi! 1.0)| Cbn >4-ro fft, V rHs ,..! 3s rlrj> c/1CDQ T3j^id c;u, — i di *••;CD 4..J :j) it' E CD ID .71 ^>, r^T fli"U .^aiScd CD 4J o .— ..0!-~CD , 4JtiR CD 4-1 CJ CD '4^ W J>, rH r-t 3ft, —CD 4-1 ,2 CD j-J f'CJr'Cy fd. — ' 0;i^IQ N i — i(d w oo CD5 01'O t/J H 6 ^J '".1_Q a1 DfU rH rH •H QJ 4-J r^- H XI !§• OJ •H 'H OJaoMa i..f bfa cu 03^O OJ 4..) ''Orcj 03 1!r;oiNJ rHm^jyi r[*oo 0) ..C C1x; -H3; Ult (0 T!/r3i^ CD fd, — ii — i -H OJ -C 4.J (M -H -HIs as +jSH OJaoina v^ Q .!., ! fl* i c/yWu)D S.J*jj ( i WJm<•s0j: £ "8«r to3r-, I &IH * -O O rH RQJ -H 4H QJ (0 4J Ul 4-> ij' 4-1 01 O-H Q (iT g C g s -H H "O IT,0) C it) 4Jft (0 g G .G IXj -H Olrl ^ 1 IM ,H !2 § ^ s,!j rH T3(0 a in ,_, s^' O3^M ^4 &< OU OJ 3 'O.H 4J QJfH yl I ) ^H 4JAH i; 4-i " -^ 3 S-r^ ft-H1i, O gui til ;; rH u r use charts are provided which list the various types of land use:rmitted as a result of adoption of this land use plan within the Village.phabetically by category of land use and according to land use dist.Id be located within the Village Redevelopment Area, an applicant/ deve:ices" (category) within the land use chart and ^earn that motels are pe;Districts 1 and 3, and not permitted in Districts 2, 4 through 8.O) rH 3 > r-•s ft * 8 Li -S 4-1 TJ Ul >, -g^rHrl . M .2 9 -3 SU) O rH S U O01 rl -HOl >i „, n) 01 Ulis IH y S-Hft o b o) s >U) "0 in O O^ Ul 01 U ng1 o) ui & * aG O 0) 3•r! u ui 01 -* fO 3 G rG cri O 04J ^ - m 4J•^ rH S G M U° (0 fi O 0) -H^ c ^ -H -a MO 4-1 G 4-1m -H • tO 3 Ul S Ul rH S -H£ -H (0 ^4 — P^ > 3 0 0)o G ^ ui OiG ^ 10 G 3 uio a s -H — D 6* •o1I^J T3 Ul0) -HG fi •H EH4H0)13 >,4JT3 -HG t)<o o•o iOl O-H U14H -H 014-1 UC "HOi £> T3 V4 -H 01 U)fll ;egories listed within the following land use charts. The categories arc;e uses where there is generally an exchange or buying and selling of at; H S * n, UQJ uiUl QJ =• R V *G(0 ui rH QJ U 03 '>— InQ) 4-> Wi! Ol rH •H tO 0> -H <J 0) ^4 IH Q)10 I 0) 3 Oin 0 U Q) rH JH 0) EH O rH Ul01Ul3 0)Ul 0)a4-1 Ul 01rHa t3XOJ Ul <which a person, or persons, may provide to another person, or persons,es, beauty salons, health clubs, hotels, travel agents and music schoolsui u01 -H0 > •H h > Q) >H Ul 0) Ul ^4 -H O (0 4-1 ft 0) > HrHrH 0110 >U -H-H 4-1 144 O -•H 6U O 0) 4-1 ft 3U) (0 Ul tt)QJ T3 4-1 3 (0 rH rH U 0) G M -H G T3tO G3>l, — I - rH 10to e3 QJ5> G3 "-1U Ol -G ^3•H 3 Ol rHtO CJO)G e Q) -r) IH UlO These are uses which generally provide an activity which is diverting.axation and amusement. As examples, these uses include: an art gallery,> i — 1G 0>0 >H•H 4-1 ^4tO OQJ ^M HU 4-1 0) JHOJ Ol3fd oG ui(0 Ul 4-1 -HG01 43e o G -H•H JS 10 34J >H >iQ) 4J • 4-1 -H XC > InW -H (04-1 a• uCN (0 (0 T3 UlQ) «( tH(0 ft rft01 £1, tfa H siS ii ^ ft(U 01> ^id 4-isi AH ^U 0 , !c w •S IH QJ » which generally allow for the purchase of food and/or beverage items vfor purchase, by another person intended to be consumed either on ot food restaurants, quick stop food stores, restaurants and sidewalk cafa't <" 9|"s-3110 '5 H 85Ji0)g^s B W Ul01 IH Q) U o ui•H QJ > AHSH - t!0) tSUl g ,> Ult) ^ 0) 0 $ rHo m a[>, C •O (0 ro (0 01 MH QJ O V4(0 0) (H 2 us .HA^ A^3-U w £j •Cj O r-< JJP *3O fO 1, >-| AH 0)4J ftO "1 rHtJ.2 uses which generally provide for small scale manufacturing of produIn some cases, these are also uses which result in larger scale commerc.Q) « S Thesemachin. t> rH G(0 10 •H )H Ul4J rH U) O3 0 •5 ^£ H T3OJ, N y -r)•S'-'5 us "1 -HJ U 0)• a<» ui ui 01 ft, rH10. Ul Ul 01 0) rHS °-H .G> sM 01 IT-!Ul rt § T7O ,„ Ului a)0) 0 ft -H>1 •>^ £01 >H Ul ervices to manufacturers in either the transportation of goods or otheabinet shops, research laboratories, machine shops, parcel deliveryra u 0> 0)rTH ~S i provicincluci! ww 0)_* ui'S 2016, 01o> $-H °1 S ^0) AH T3 J-1 Ul>i - 01rH Ul Ul •H 0) Ul IH rH 01tJ^J.,-) U)(H X 3ft 01 A3 n01 OCJ •H> M IH 010) UUl -HMH (0 *44 OVH O 4J_ C •O 0)0) g4J 4->u uitO 0)Ul > G G(0 -H generally provide for a place where a particular kind of business is trare places where a professional person such as an attorney, contractor,O 0) •H UlAH 0)3 A 4-1 • Ul Ul0) - ui Ul Ul 0)3 <U GrH -H0) ft UlVH g 3(0 (0 ,QX01 01 uiUl 4-1QJ ui u£*•§• a• -d oUl 0) U0) -HO rH V4•H ft OW ft 4-1 W 3 U O Ul O T3• Ulun -rH fO 01 rH 01G-H Ul UlfO AHu 3Ul Ul0)u10 hich generally provide for a dwelling place. As an example, these are pire a person lives, or persons live, on a permanent or continuous basis.30 £S are usartmentoi aUl (00)A GE-. 13 • ^HrH O (0 •rl Ul 4J 01G e01 O •O AH••H Ul >i 0) rHCS -rH V£> 4H >lrH 4-1 U 0)h -H T) -U) Ul 4-> 13 UlO -HO V4 Ol OH IH tH O Ul 01Oi G-rH -H 4-1 fi uses which generally provide for the sell of small quantities of commodimples, these uses include businesses which sell appliances, crafts, clotvideos, and/or musical recordings .nJOi X -in 0) uitO 0) Ul -rt 0) < rH U) fto) • a AH M 3EH 0) Ul • 3 4Jui ui o)0) G ftU) Oui u M0) OG 0)•H 4-1 Ului tfl 4J0 e o> PQ -H ft4-1 rH rH •H 3 0)tO M 4-1 0) 10Qi AH 3PH 4J >dH• O 10r- 4-i .G 4J -H LM >1rHVH100) rHO 4-1 OG O•a o ous category has been established to encompass the various land uses whi01 UlG Oi tO -HrH ^4 miscelcatego0) 0) £1A3• mUl3 010 A301 4->S(0 MH rH O rH 0) 01U GUl O •HS O4-1 • G00 -H m•^1 01 »§H~*S w *->^ 4J fOii u uP -H O COHDl ^ fi DISTRKUl -H 4J IHtC U JJ In0 UH 0) 0) IHODl0JJ tOU •^ A hQJ !HO i-Hfdu•H 4-* nrU ,fl Qt rH fl-H T3 Q) -U Ul •rHi — | QJ 10 3OrH Q) tJCO 01M JJW 0D C S ^ H H"^ H T3 s !2 r— I oi i ssory UseQJCJU < OJUl D 13Q)jjjj •HeIH01 . XIJj flO flo•H 4-1nje 0MH •H UlQJ •H >O>-i ft 4-> iHfd U QJ ^ u •HIHjj Ul• H 13 CO0]3 "0 fl(0 rH O JJ Dlrt-H•aiHOuo1C T3 10 Permitted jjjo*z, X OJUlD rH 10 O •H Ul -H£> OIn O jjOc o T3QJjjjj HES 0)a K^ rH H1CcoH U)H OtHa rr*. 01JJJJ HS fi01a 0) iHtC rj rj Ha Ul QJ W .3 d S H 0 Q) SJJ nojj §jj 8 01 0)U) H0) 1C XI JJ 01jj . IH•H iC AUH CJ QJ § W O ^ H fl C ^ H "~~* Vi -1 A-J • Dl4J C U -H M 0 Ul ,-H H O 'O ELI Q ^ (N TZ3 -5 ida fl fl S H Tj 0> fl 0 QfO 4_j c <" H j rt 3 u Ul13 CO0) -Hjj IHjj o • s a?IH JJ0) iCa o JJ 0)0) uiQ) 3-H JJ T3fl QJ J > -a .* I IH c ^ t.o rH C Q) r^ i 4-J C -H ° £I |i ui X QJ rrjUl ;H rH P b r- O .£ U Dl W ilj ^ o || ~ rH ~ 0 rH C CN IH — O — 0 In 13 XI 01O S U XI1C -H >'-' •§ rH H 3 ^ 3i id ui ^u rt cnJJ 0 o1C -H .H 0)U Ul o Ul-H .H 3 IH > -30) P C 13rt o O 0)JJ & U -H Q) •« rrj .tn1 s, -p s "M3 W m i — 1 Ul .Zj ^ Ul flJ -H QJ ^ o £ *-> -u*H £ -H U 4-J , , -iH U r-- n M H QJ ^ (-; JJ ^ rrt rn M W -H d -H fl > n H 'O U 0 -H ° nH JH jj QJS a & M 553 iH QJ ^Q) QJ ,fl _-6 ^H 'O JJ _H W tO -H OJ S'"I rn (-1 fO 2 m d 3 H[j U] »H ,5tf ^ O _ 2 J-j U Q) cj D rH fl QJS ^ rH -H -n n 3 ^ E XI10 -H Vj 3 OJ t^oiS" " & QJ QJ 01 m ^ 5 3 rfl li*J ^ C Id " .H -H J JJ XI"* rt TD jJH 0) (jj CO .H tC Ul rrt Ul S C 3 .H 3O 13H U _ ... Q)ui .H p 9; jj,_, lj_j JJ "M jj > -H -H O U Ul rH 6In QJ 0) rH In1 ft U) -H Q)• w 3 3 ft i ^ rnS s 0} Q D g93 thru.i OJJ> •HIH13 O2 ~ ffl 00 t- «. 1/1 ^" n (N H CQ W§ PiS a QJW C3 rH ftl Provision.OJrrt Q)tn fd rH U •HIM u ftU) OJ tJ X ^ ^ • * — • 1-1fd 4-> rH QJ UlOJ rHfd oQJ •H Ul^3kt 1fO4JCO rH(0dO m H O <U a UlQ)Jervici>rovement £&H 4H rH 0) OJQJ CO 8Wi MHu03 HE i— n CC ... c a i-a c VdIT 4- a -^ 4- a £ Ul M0 hn ofO Q 0 « didIJ 4^3 q OJ *Ul *D * ^ Q * ss ^ Q ^ C3 Mtd rH •He•H W >Ho — — UlQJ Ul -H QJ -U ,fl -H U rH SH -H P Ox! fdU UH Ul T3n, fd.9Cfd 4J(^ OJUl•D *^ Q ts (.., Q ^ ^ fc H UlQJ •H JJ •H ,H -Hjj tO XIJJ3 0 Q ^ X ^ x X X ^ X IHid n0) rH -HidIn EH C rH 1 'JJ •H (0 ft i Oa o icO rH ,» T3 -H 0) 0) U) > '.„ JJ -H 0) 'JJ > 13 i"3 •H 0 0) !e IH s; ,13In a ,0)QJ t» JJa (C ' oOl 'C "5-S !.,•H .H y) i^. ? 3 ,(0O tf ^ 0) !u m -Q 'w " QJ i !3•H ID S 4-1 O 'fd - u ! CTI<i) oj a . lrt n w a IH I'rlo - (0 o it; U M H y JJ ,.2 rrt -*J 6 IHrH R U H -H flj t* -H OJ Q IrH Kl X In ft iH0 ^ JJ JJ ,fta 01 oi c 0) ra -H Ul 01 |™O IS Q 3 g 13 1 QJ 'x: '4-1 fl QJ I 0 XIC -H JJ •H JJxl to uijj jj O)1 •H 14 JJI 3 O Idn o.tQ Ul -HQ) C 13jj <d aiO IH -H U EHO -i rH QJ UlXI 3 01 JJ O IH rH 10 CI rH: •H OXI XI UH,O JJ-H -H JJf is^: U3 OJ , •jj a, ^'O 10 (COS u E"OiO O i-H H Oil IHX), In•a1 o -u o Ul C^ iH 1C Oi Go U) 0) IU,-H JJ IH QJ JJU tO lH! 10 •H fOJ JJIH (C i IHjj oj ''dl ow IH mi a M -H < JJ| 0)0 P XI i C•0 JJ On to•H 0) C -H! In M Ul 0) H E-iVl D g XI |0 ft Oi QJU 13 O -Hixl C rH Xi! 1-'8 10 Q)J > 0) UH-H 0) XI 04) U_l T3 fHnj o 0) 01 -U PS • OJ W Ul M -HSC Q) O VH O 01 -O id01 -H Id -H ^ a JJ rH H CID IH rH IH 3M O -H O 0 fc PJ > O X! C rtO -H10•d S jj In istrict nc1 lowed to•O 10 0) 0)01 XI3 rH a 5 rH Ul tO J-1 C iO(-1 a " -H Q>3 w P & Q) rt-jj (0 JJ rH •HS ui S -H 0) XI ft -U OJ J...1 MH O inOJ 10 16 A OJ XIJJ rt -H XIJJ -H3 (H50A •aQJ 10 o rH Q)IH1C XIU-H XI Ul 0)-H JJIHQJ ftOInft Q)U)OXIJJ l-i I.T-: JJ f lH [ QJ 0) iO iX) Ul i , : n — 1 d 9 i-H regulatioto expans:Lng uses »rt i iq 6 :|H UH ;3° ! d -H „ -H i-Uo ixl id U :JJ .U ':-H -H 13 JJ S :UH QJrt M -u(C : Ul JJ 3 iXI :« -H Ul :JJ 01 gM 'In JJ IH3 :O :rt 0)ft JUH -H O Olrt-H1 ! 3 ; : O ; = 'O rH; = Ql rH: QJo: : wMH ' : ! ! ^ rfl i i fD -! : rH ^H : QJ O! = -H •H =M-M ' T3O; ; OJ U : 4-1 i ; 4_> o^ ! ^ JJ;T3' QJfd: o): a4-1 : -U :J-l , 4_> (liO -H Xia. eW! M: i '.fl ! QJ ; ••-'.fd : Pr re EH ; QJ !/) Xl!rH: OJ JJ i rH : Ul i-H 3til 3rt -onij XI; o> fd -H : 'i.1QJ XI: .-: or " JJ 01 ; 4J C 01 : -H ft QJ 10 OX! « rH JJ j...'QJ> 01 Oloj M ei3 o) -HOJ ;§ DH Ul O01 i — iQJ ui ^D 3 O rH 13 rH G 01 •H tO ,-M > rH [-. C -H XIJJ -rl3 permittedUlQJUlD JJrt ntertainme:w jj rHp•5 < o H 0) O OJ -HIH ulEH 01•H ui in•o rtIH (C(C In rt -• H -H > " T3 iw rt -•'10 t-1 Ul U IH rHtO XIX! 3 InO SH01 01 4Jft 0 8-0Cj rtidQ) 3 -HJJ (0 rH ff, 3 1O JJ •H XIJJ DlIH -HO iJ • ^ ui 13a rtO (0IH h-3 O U rH rj , — | lH 10E-i ft, Ul Ulft gO IH H idO bn e Village.jj ithindistrict wQJ Ul3 13 rH C 1C ^1-H10ft0)o; QJo cOJJJ • H10 £^o .1.1 fO.!„.) 0 (ft C! 'T3^_i o O & o TJ flf(J rH •rl(0pd 4J rfl D^ •H .^ Ul Q) •H JJ •H rH •H Ufd E^i O ;>i Q) Ul :M O rH ;fd fdfd 6 a•H Ul ^ofl) O tH rHxi UHo :JJ 3 : 0) H flj ;I^ Dl •H JJ :rH rH M .Id H0) ;jj 1C O : (0 IHIn iO o ftiO UH 0) !<U "I rH ^ 3 r"* '_] fll-fl [J] rH : H ^ M "3 rrj QJ ^H : QJ 4-> O ;JJ -H !u in,01 :O QJ[3 !rH ft • ' 01 0] ' 1..1 U ; •.-! •- IS: H Ul M: JJ XI EH Ul JJ -,...< 10 "O DCM (0 O : C rH rH U -H "O >l 10 01 •H 1 b(S T3 rH rt rH"• 10 IdQJ CJ •-: 01 1C Ul; OJ ft JJ; W)WO 3 QJ Dl Co, rt rrs 0 -H QJ lH > > fd VH -H O4 O Ul vflUl U iTj fd -H <U P^ i — 1 \JXi u- a fdui D-fl T;O VH S •rH O (D 4-» fO Q) r-i -U JJ iOw td fl rH -H -r-i•H JH 'jjfd tX) -.ifY\ J> 1 - OJJ Ul >J XI rH Dl Dl'H •H 1C >J |H "OEH '01•* 1-Jui rt w0) tO -n •H -H g JJ H 'H •H JJ 01rH ui a •H OJ CJ Tl CU1C 0) f. fti CL| P Dl -H£> IHQJ visitor-s0)IH XIU•H 0)UlO j_j Q) r-Q rH rHfd Ul Ul• H ri^J...1 4H O X ^Jr... GJW Cfi3v-H QJ Cl -rH 4~J MoM..J 0) Cfi Ul fd ,, •>1 'VJ -H J...) U n WQJ > <JD TJ S ,g1 -H W Q)Ul fl commercialirvincVisitor-serHtd •Hu iH QJ OU OJ 4J C 'd<D 6 i-H 1),0 s ""id 1 11 ] ,....( ""•? i-Htd 03 ^ ^ -H V'OJQ 1 I Sf/1 ft)l£l OJOre rH rH •H!> v Ul i-HQJ 4J 0c^hotels, ro 4-1 130)JJ-H6 -rH rH JJ O 0)IniC JJ _§ Q) 3rH O -H QJ Xi UHo Ull~lb- H 4-J O (UU03 fy '§ (S p.' • H 'Or"'6ft tlorj :-Cj_J £ *£ "4* QJ.;...)it> o 01 Oi -H 1M QJ Q; C O.: JJ Ul •H IH 3O Ho rH 10 rtO •Hij recreal^ Uljj (3 taurUlQJIH ' ! '^ g 6 , i fC~ Se O QJ CJ 'Oo III1 1 ^ JJ -H ransjj coc rH , — | *•£ ll O13 OC) o uidjj^ioft c 2£.., ^_!o JJ 4H •HDl M flQJ 2O facilitiesflo•H 4->or mafl•H S--I .U 13S CJ DI r-i r-H > w 'jj -rH J...I -i-I 3 XII..J o t..i 01 QJ •0 QJo0 o* ''O§ yj O-H i..i <3r-H <Ui-J i — I %j •C.u •H 33 fl rrt •Hfd rH •H U•H (fl rviceand/or sewao 'S -U rH QJ O ^ , fid 2 § flw, -H CDQ ^C Jd c(drHa, -P 0) rHO 01 (0 tnQ) T3US 01 t>01 aQ) Oo oo a) jai -u5o o• 0 oIHagc>i O rH -H £in 01 B1 01 -H &0) > * , IH Oft >H 0)X ft J30)0) o -. aT3 4)a) e> fto o <D 4J 4Ju . 01 0) Q) 0)01 10 . S1? C >.C -H 0) O <J ID W V4•H M 01 ft•£ 9J ^ &S ^ 4J rd s1™r" ~ , o>c•c5.0 E^z •QCfO1 tS T3V.5 ^ OUL , .u £ 11 4J O 01 r*l 10 1>! 1Ce CDCOida)Vl 0d-H ^4J• H 01d 0) 13 <£ (1) J>o-Q al d.id'• VioMH CDenrO O Ml £i CD 01idu id do j- 4 13(U4.J MdnsVitn • cu rQ , Did H 1'rl 3 0] ;i oD ,dn 3 w i rH •1 £!3 (0i 13Vl D O •H MH J MHidH D C7 H d•H - 1313 -H H > /I O0 !H3 a O •H r 1 ft ftni<Deo CJ • H CD (dVi OJ 13OB Vlo' — .. 13did '^o r 1 dCO dcu "<z ^O\ 13did 0313 rH O XiCDCO-1 (3,.d o 4-J Q)OdCD13 •HJ> CU CD rH tfl4J ft CD CJ Ocd 0) •H £> OVfa did O 4.Jd 0)6ao rHCU OJ13CD 13dcd Did -H CO~j O CD XI TS- ft c ft >t| C•jj r.,-< .,_w j* Cl r- (11 fi.G C , — r fv (fi riO03..Q 4J Q) n c -rH T3 •-H ^ Xi fO CU(J••sft flAJj !f! ISX! 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X4Til 0) <D 143 43 4J) U AJ S Oj O <U| i-1 4 •r-JlH -ri O! O UH 'w! 0)ai d ci O 41 TJi-H XI '-Ol ra0 -H 43 &l > UO -H 1 O! in 43 4-11 a 3 C Tl Q) MH4j;4J o41: cra: ro 0) iH rl T)! Ol O r|i g IS' 01Tl.,Q IH C3: 0ro: >i4J: ro 01 ra: g co41 : 0143' ra ra4J 3 4J0) ra T3 01 TT C E • U AJ 1C AJ O -H -H t3 H H AJ 1Ca -H c ^41 0) 3 H ' 01 -H AJ 3 > W W 3 -H 0) QJ3 H n M « * i S2 -^y ?•c^ t 2 E .In fC TJ -H -H £J3 Tj QJ U > Z n W N -H O ,.j g Cn -H 4-1 rH i; -1 £• m-rlOOQ.—* "•* Jj 13 r^l ffli! V] H rt 4J -^ -Ji1 I «S 3^ SV "^ r 0 N X£ CO •?, QJ 0) rQ -H £ 1 t -- .... " '" \ . ... CO rrj ^R ro J Tf H CH ro "0J 4-1 -H3 ra 4>| roj 431 in J Tl AJ! 0) ! in .) O 43! O"3 3 4->! UH H Ti -H| <D 31 d• ti ! 0J 431-H J 0) iJi JJ •1 43 l-ii 3 ^ AJ O I rHMH| OJ S 1 ra 3 O 4-)! (U J SJ 4)' H 3 MH Ulla i 01D TS 41 j C H (Ll 431-H J N i > • -H rH| O J r-i rH! >H3 ro roi aj <u 43! aC i-i Ml (S •i->u f, O5-ia JS rH H 43•H 4-13 -H34J 43 4>Ol (H •H X!B Q) -H H 43 4J H 4J 43 M .. 5 S ,f .. H c! 43 S • g j 2 5araaoi E 'fiaSa&i&S £ .-JL-_JU_Jl__J .. .t. ^' r1'i ^° iHro•H 4J 4J 0 C C 0) Ti rH -H rH W •H O) • 3 rlraOl 4J >iC 43 XI•H O) MTi -H ro rH 0) 0) •H 43 C4i: ro ^ ro 34)!rH 4J 0) T) a X) Ti 4Ju: o 4J 01 EX' C 0) -H ra o 4ij O) •!-! > > O (43 -H iHu 01 a t•H !43 ro 01 •3 43 •IH 4J ( T) O r rl MH MH r ro -H H ro u J 01 >H >i31 O rH 3 C rH H -H IBS 33 0) ra H 43 -HH EH >D 0) U01 ra roc ro a•H 0) E Tl M -Hc u3 S3 >i O -H rH •IH 3 ra rl 0) T3 413 43 £ inra EH 3 3 Tl 43 . MH ro in H ai 4J 0 C 4Xi XI < W MH O 4J i,2 i£L__-Consistency Detemiination Application Propes:O)c:'C z -QC(D 1 1 I£W-1 . y.To request a consistency detennination, theapplicant shall submit an application andamended exhibits, graphics, statements or otheiinformation as mav be required to explain and-a 03 32, o y.3 Redevelopment Director. The Housing andRedevelopment Director will detennine thenumber of copies of the application and exhibiti>-to be submitted for processing.If the consistency determination can be made bthe Housing and Redevelopment Director, the•£ gD.D.03 1 03 P °o a 134S c03O_ a03 design modifications, and providingauthorization to proceed.If the Housing and Redevelopment Director isunable to make the consistency detennination,D>C'CE z T3C 1 m 1£the applicant shall receive a letter denying the-request and providing instructions as to how toproceed with an amendment of a minor or•3 03o 0c 5pj u-a ^~design modifications.If the original pennit was a majorredevelopment pennit and the applicant is<u 03 O tu 42 Ix •o er.So§u.no other changes in land use. intensity ofdevelopment, etc. the applicant shall submit anapplication for a major redevelopment permitamendment with the appropriate exhibits. Theapplication and exhibits together with a staffreport and recommendation will be fonvardeddirectly to the Housing and RedevelopmentCommission for a public hearing and finalaction. A recommendation will not be required> Js jj303d> 4O ~5 p o1>"o G O Z. (N ^ CO •£or amenity is changed or deleted<u43 had been considered essential to i^ •«Q > 503c/: > 033a c01 75<L>T3 y; o1> '£o function by the Housing andRedevelopment Director. DesignReview Board and/or Housing an•S Redevelopment Commission..The modified project complies wm "2fr*all applicable development stand;C K or does not exceed the variances>JO standards as originally approved<* V. 103 O '.£'o0>T3 03 C«3 (U,g The modified project does notTf increase the densitv or intensity cc <L)rf.03Hou"O< 1a_oup»u•oi> c densitv or intensity of developme_o can be considered an acceptablechange for consistency determina__ oC3 purposes, at the discretion of theHousing and RedevelopmentDirectorThe proposed modification does ivi "O 3 cra wCto "o ^o •3•oe3 u •Soj>"o**c o ^co1 Js o VjCO pS J5o IS& oVj3 original pennit.c/;B o • r~t l» W 03_eo•a8ono^,cu SO 03C in any significant environmentalimpact, and-'or require anv additicmitigation.3 S 1 ^a J3J3o "OuV)OO gn JBH i> u,O 2i 5au'» c><aS3ty; ^* "eo ^>am r* o;1>3&.22 o 1>• c3 1 Bu ^d ^ O <t)to &O u1{2 OO controversies associated with theoriginal project which would beexacerbated with the proposedproject modification.;istencv DeterminationoU 11 is'3 "o S •cii jj S 03•£c.9. IUp u 03 ^ a1 -g 03 c Cu C.S pi shall be consistently implemented through. r— I u •oject construction. In other words, there is ann 13 o "oc "o o o 3 134= _O 03 o nx r-1 Sy, 3X O U C.2 2 o 1) -o £oo03 .1 "O C p ,>priate decision-making authority. TheS3 e E 43 d 03 C 1J y; • S •co c £2 r for the Housing and Redevelopment Director"Ho prove a consistency detennination and ensureo lie project design is consistently implementedi Housing and Redevelopment Director may, atg Iministrative level, make a consistency03 d> 03 03 'C SIc _o ~8 03 .2 a | T3 S203O OO fi2yj -a o 'g S "O '-G 1 .8H £in character, scale, architectural detail13 '3 o <U o« 503 1 T3 •1O O•3 03 project design, or represents an upgrade inoverall design features and/or materials asoriginally approved. The modificationsmust not be readilv discernible to thedecision makers as being substantiallydifferent from the project as originallyapproved. The original architectural detail03 "S C03 C t> 03 •S, B 1 •a 3 •5 b 1S o 03o 103 "o t)•S C/"j03 W _O design remains consistent with the originalapproval. a £bed: Indent: Le* £ u tot) "Ho o 02 .ii C Q u p 3 .SSoSoCO <u "B rscoC 43 "to I .t; Ei> "S."2 oo 43 "ca •F w 2 SJ COo O 1 CIS V5 1i>Q S -™ •3 ° 1 i c "Hc jj "S 1<u£3 G | U "H H 43 IS 1>s/ is"o 1o•a CO SI C S o G "O-a re o (U 3 S C o :ased intensity of development, etc.. the1 eo re "BQto co 43 "co </; Cto "HQto tit amendment with the appropriateEa !-i 1o 43X'J•acCO S3.2reo. •-*"H§o H 'ri X a staff report and recommendation will 143 COt« "pCOO03 .S1I3?oQ<u o "O "HCOg C mmendation and then forwarded to theoo u.sing and Redevelopment Commission foox action. All appropriate public hearing"co iS X •awrs 1pcj43 43 c/lOO oc idment.2 original permit was a minor*U 45 ca — - ,velopment permit, design changes as we'•u•o C3r-*her land use. intensity of-development sio "SCOOoa 0) 1 § Qu43 O T3<U 43 V3 43 C '§ 43 "^ CO 1CO I (3 1-d '1 O ication for a permit amendment with the"Eoto •g CO C 'reo "SoCO 0*43H ID 43 re SO 1 CCO § CO CO oexo n *mmendation will be fonvarded to theooa c CO COC «S 1-1 "StoODQ .1} wSi C!nf Q re 1Oare w43 T3 CO ."2'too 43 "to43 O 1CJ OOCO 43 u.,_O "OU"2'> 2ou43 "to43'/: v;WO 1 Wa re 4^o •§D "P.lit amendment. The Design Review Boai0>o "§to OX •So 3CO S _ OOre .S 'q "P ;velopment Commission.T3Uoi s subject property is located within meS DX)>tal Zone, the Coastal Commission shallCO u -oo n '%^o j-1 45D> -HOJ45 1 rH S. rH rHry£ OJ45 4J MH O LJ 45Cn -<"'\ 61 45 F1 3e•H Xfde Old •H 4-1 tO 0) iH Oo734J 3o 73 I dto 01O -H 4-1 ffla SH61 £1 4-1 0 ^1ID u OJ'"0 •H 01 4J ifl (D 6 414", 4_) eo MH 730)L; 3 0)id(1)e 01..Q^ , — i (34501 010) rH 01 •rl 10 L| 0 U)0)o 10a01 01d-HXin 10a o25 01iOOlintfl V45 4J MHO Q,O 4-i tt)45 4-1 0 tt)73tflL| Oi 73tt)45 01 .rHd -H MH 01 4J M.H O 01o 10a 01 d0)ao 0)45 4-1 d -H 75O) 4-1 4-1 •H g iH 01a 0) iHto 4-)d01gao rH 01 J>0)75 rH tfl375 •HS -H 75d -H 0)45 4-1 0) iH tO Old -H30 rHOb rH rH 10 ^Q MH 454-1inOMH 4-101 01 d 010143 01 1045 45O -H ^ 0]75in tO75 (04-1 01 «( (04J 55d flj M•H•3 &d)pj Dla •rl hn) »t <^o 0) OUl oid - Q) ^ 01 0 4-1O 0•1) 0 0 •H rH•a a, H S rHffl < 4-1 01 d a -H O 45 rH 4-1 01 -H > rH 3 01 tfl 75 01 75 61 iH 6) IX 61a >O 61 -H rH Ol d61 10 D> rH t 0) rH73 -H 0)> 43 0) 4-143 01 45 01O 4J 01 4-> 01MH 0) O 01 4-1 01 O rH 1001 01 -1-1 4-1 rHO O &4 iH -Ha ^H - rH 01 6) rH -H iHto Q <; W U0)•r— io LlOi nj t4 1 *" 0 * O TJ ^ V oQ co 01 4Jd0)d gDl 0) -H iH01 -rH 0>: 3 Q & 0)01. L4 Dl: (0: Ol rH drH -rH •rl X>: IH (001 a 454-1 MHoMH O:4-l01 U3 -H rH iH 61: iH 4-1 0a MH tO 45 rHD (0 3 0>: d 0): 10 > iH 01 0 73 MH 'Ha)-< 7301 d 4-1 10a •'-)to 01 U 73d01 tO •H 45 014J 61 UMH d O (0 •H d ino to •H > 4-1o d01 O 01 d* o 01 -H 73 4-> iH Iflffl E 73 H Ifl MH 4-1 d Ul -H i* P B* CO cW=o0 co4J 0c1.3 4J D OUJHnj•H 0) -i W£ LJ011 w ( 0) 013 75d<0 rH £ ••ijato•H0)8 tn0 •rj•dH•H n d •H 730)0]3 OiQ o 4-1 tfl •H >H 014J •H!H U rrtd(0 - 0!do 4J 13 O . r-i MH 73Og 3 TJH 01a XD -Hf, w S 0) .45 '014J d"10 MH , 41i o, E rH 45. u1 4) -H' d 450: 3Kl : Ed to-H. in 45 Ol!4J 0!-H in' 3 Pii 73 Ol ' 4> d4-1 -H, to X1 U SH O: tO 01 61 i-H: 0) ! 4J 0 3 '•rl 4) M -H 1 4J rHi or iI-H. d Q:H 1 | ( ! ' ' ! | ! . 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O "o o •-2 cJS"S S COCJ to1 OCOo Js CO "^ * 2 CO C c§ "?jaacioaaCJ ? •c co CO OCOCO<U 4-J CMCOCO CJX C&i oD C•3 X T3CO _& CO O D P 3 | oz 1£ i & §OJ 2f'co Ss '* 1 t> p xd I j§ §z ETO « <g 1£ » eCO u!U 4—is t3 o 5>X> 13JSCO C61 'co _y a 53 ID £01T3 1£ <io o ti- CC<O t.<l>D "5,_o <L)U*CO3OCO i]iz1(11 ci \ i building frontage, or 30 square feet " - i? ! • 25 3 i ! i ' " i - ; ' : i 1 •H C/3U50> 00 Ui.3 ^is •o ^co c ?i 5P 35 ] i gi i 2 *3j3 3/> j5;o | 3 3 *:2 includes any surrounding frameK 00 § "c0>•Qc 1 £materials, but excludes the pole or- 101_c "E z •gR3 13CO 1£ * <uCO COX) I £ z1TO i £ i£ *fN ~a8 1 c Is CO CO £OJJiu«OJ t)J K CO(UX3O Iii z E(O«3 i£Sign materials shall be consistent* i00 i1 s§ z Ere 1^CO 1£ ^-i — • 1 13 3JCO3 T3 3 «JUt_3 O3U CO (L),£j ^'i advertised business or commercialcenter. The sign shall be exteriorlyilluminated bv fixtures designed tocompliment the appearance of theJ3 oX) o sg S'co UJSH r^fcj CO internally illuminated can sign._BJ ™tandards - PolC/D e.S,J c/5 o "aacO 3l/i w"Hco"O 1CO 2! S_o S H jrvice stations located immediatelyCO CO > O in -M S"cO ^O O CCJU CO-5CO . Maximum Number of Signs: 1 perp- < _co c =r cu <rr co•5CCJ CO COCO-a 1-oa> "to CO §c/^ a>'••^O(X . •—4-rf 0> CJ •s U. to 3 oic•3 CO CO fli cfa o o c ;> X -o oag CO O •s T3 CO ^J X • •«oX X! •oC3 1 3 'ertical suppor^ CDl_ Cg O "C COa "totj .ScCO OJX C COE b CO £2 wlj 'co more building;^o CJ o . Maximum Sign Area: 1 square foot<NI per 1 lineal foot of buildingco3aCO O O e/whichever is less.. Maximum Sign/Letter Height: 35f> x J o"OCO waCw CO XCO CM COU 1 bllowing standards shall apply to all•*-, H business types or commercialSx; o CO«J i>sijco Xj CIS '» 1Q "u •o . Maximum Number of Signs: 1 per<—>individual business or commercialdevelopment site.JU O CO COCOl>C 'co3Xi "co3 72 -3 c fN sign will not be permitted to alsohave a free-standing, portable signao D 3 a o £? a o 'S or a monument sign.. The pole sign shall be locatedm entire Iv on private property. It mayCMOI XJS/• r-HUi 1 D •S CCO O O 'oa cO to CO "i -a « >i >i -OUTSU CJXCJ_. U 15ISoa !Ux "cO CO COCbi cic CJ cc_> Jj z UCOo "&atrj cOJ 'co WX 1 Situations wli< U cS CO •fi O/S 0 CO' O CO ja! 1 v-w.co _c-w ICO «j proposed po„— , C3 DU <U•S«3 £ .2 effective opi> Sw ,—*•emises:^Ha identifying thtationsCO Gas/serviceffl •«- ^0U r-MH O CWOCO immediately-M,"3£ CJO<uX) "to "co CO CO 1CO X 3 i/"> — XlCO CO X!C_)15is .1'co D U O ~cO CO O •M CM *- CO r/5 standard:ox: ^—O tjO153CO OX c'53feX! 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(! •rf (0 i •i i0 j j.(•f. •rs c(c£ tCc DnS. na rt 4-Ca£ C 1 0T:aP a §^ «5 &|•H '• $ *M -r <9 rC °* -t & "b> c.« iM r-rj ^f"H f > P I 1 i^ £ ; , ii i i. »' 4 |; i .iV 3 0)) OlJ (CJ rH jnstraint in the revitalization of Carlsbad VilI O !4 rd <u 1iE£ a/434J LIo •larking standards for on-site parking fa 0)43 Olc!-rH use of the difficulties in accommodating partdo0)fi HI fflc: ^ 5 > S "5 <U W> rj 0)•a i> n i °s2 n " 13 n * £1 01 03flj W 4-1 3 V J3 ro <rtQ 4-> £ SS B* Q) ra X 73 Oi 31 4J 4J 0) Cid to to to -HH id o id A;H 43 HH 43 SHH rj ra ro rties located witnin tne velopment Area are set forth in thefollow this page. The requirements setn the following charts reflect theand hiah turnover characteristics of p0) > 43 -Ha o) u 43 aO T3 -H 4J -H to 0) 43 -H toa A 3 S 4J ra 0) ra Q) H H rH 0> 4J rH43 ft ra id idEH id ra -H E irements on the small parcels throughout the area,ition substantially inhibits creative and desirding use changes, expansion of successful businethe redevelopment of properties to more approprGiven the relatively hiah land costs, s.3 T} rH U.rj (3 -H T3 0 0) O 3 S3 rato U J3 id 3 - O) rH 01 01 >, 01 0)4J43rH £4343 C 13 U EH rd -H EH -HO•H 43 A! _. > -rlto ra VH • 5 -H 4J4J . fd to ~j Oi a neighborhood-oriented commercial disas the Village Redevelopment Areacant for a project or a land use change•equired to satisfy the on-site prements as set forth within this Chaptecant may satisfy the parking obligat:ding the parking on-site or by recval to implement one or more of the orrj -H H -H -H -H O 43 rH 3 rH > tou a o1 a o a •Hraidjq^fdaid 43 TJ 01 • 4J raOi o> to ra id M3 ^H fd 0) 43 OiO -H ra 4J f3 erties have just not been able to generate ennue producing space and still accommodate the requing. In general, the basic parking requirementsenable based on parking demand for various land uver, the Redevelopment Agency has determinedons need to be available to developers/ property owmeeting the on-site parking requirements.a fl) Al ra d) -HO > to id 3 HJ toto Oi rd 0) O a Oa to a to 33 O MH ra Q) Oi T3 o Oi Oi•H 01 ra id 4J c a 43 4H O O -H -H4J 43 to m M A! rj 4J rH to to in the "Parking Options" section oJer, provided, however, that the in-liin shall only be permitted forrties located east of the AT&SF Ra-of -way.rting Usesmay be converted from one approved ier approved use without additional pded both uses have the same pT3 4J O 01 4J 0 0143-rl01 a -H a 43 & U4J>4Jrd4JOOi C rdOOo 43 a ^H -H o ac^t3uoa^H o c/3 rd a oi o) ra o 4J <o o>C Oi id 4J S3 C 4-1• H rd Q) fd fd A! rH m S Ti primary purpose of this parking plan is to use parcies and standards as tools to achieve Viltalization. The objectives of the parking plan anows:establish parking requirements and optionsiding parking that are an incentive for new investhe Village.:ncrease the utility of existing parking resourcesoverall supply of parking as needed to accommo•H -H rH O > 4J M 0) rH > rH EH O 0) 43 O 0> O • to 13 -43EnarHi-i na-H (N4J 2 A to4JC'.o>:E0) :-rements according to the parking requir• H3&Q) ^ ra riO)cated and newly-recruited Businesses and new customo rH 0)to 0) ra Ol rdrd 43H H 0 rH i/J> 3 s! <u« fj0 ^ UH to H0)4J . a rH S Sus raS 3Srasss^ss Sr§to <±S to014J4J ra 0) rdra g OlS3•HA!Control the design and configuration of parn Olc-Hjj i/j•H 0) 0) 4J id .u <D J •H er<u 01c•H A! a 0) 43 • H43 (0 lities to promote a storefront shopping environment•HOid M-l 4-) •H•o0)MO additional parking must be provided. Ao> M3 rH rH •H3 0)>arking for any existing commercial us<W4 MO ^ crd rH O4 ss otherwise specified within this Village MasterO) rH £3 /- \ trl S Q nsidered on a case-by-case basis..oOi Q)43 C•H r434J Design Manual, the parking standard set forth wi•a •13 r. £ a ! c ',i: n ' 0to 4J"i QJ^ ra: 3 '• Ci-H i fl) i t n . c. ro >joHH 4JCItu• HrH1 QiT Oi•f H: J U : ^ S:^a:?u ! nHjrH f oira:^01 •£to- « P: UH:-Hs.1S:^ct 0 ^id S^ . re>t 0)H toa KCam w H a id Ca o OT rHa to oOl -o lJ 0a osid 5g (C U) f-H H 1 ' 3 -r- " £ S^o vQ O (^ (T* (rl ' C ra Q) 4J 4J - Ol -rl 43 C C '. -H EH fl) 01 -ra ,, E g01 t: a a ! Q B • 0 0 er 1 of this Village Master Plan and1 to determine if a redevelopment perired for the subject use conversionsct may either be exempt from a redevelt or require an administrative redevelt-r4-> flj -H Q) -H -HQj 3 ^ *n S G fd CH & O H M 43 fd 0) M 0) 0)u a rH a a a oi ra "4H"d to oo fl)rj 4J to ter 21.44 (parking) of the Carlsbad Municipal1 be referenced for regulation purposes only on math are not specifically addressed within this ChapteVillage Master Plan and Design Manual.a rH 0fO fC ~H QJ 43 43 43 43 i 01d 4-> ai T) , 01 •H -H > , fl) CD43 g id : 4-1 o> 0) iH1 -U iH 43 : U1 ' 4-101 43 : O1 -H 01 : : 3' ' -HOl : 4-1 ' IH ' 3 CO a 4-1 : r4 > 01 10 ' d ' I 10: O: | 4JI I rH Oli-H Olid i 4J. flli 4-1: di 01 1 1 C rH Idi Xi Oi U- >Hi C i Ci •! 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H: T3i01, -Ho co d, E , -HOI: T3 Ol, rH, LO iH 0) Cd ' 3 Ol1 r4 0) T3'r4 0)a 4-1 01 rH o d1 o x -H : id ' H•H 3 CV 4J ' 0) 0) -H >'U l rH ! iH rH 0) g O' ' drH . fl) fl) T3 43; > in' fl)i Ocd d rH 43 o) ' 01 cd -H o) a<43 d•H434JiN: i d -H, 4-)i43 i 4-1 O 0) Id ,-Hi i -H1H,Cd,4-> , 01; i IH4-i M: IH oi, i< , ,y -H: r4 . o>, d oD id 3 o , M4-i:4-iiH' : O-H —>, 43 a o 43' cdd:oi:o: id rH g rH 4-1 a 0) : -H • : a1 H3 — <a T3 O : rH ! 3 • T3 : d : 0) : oi ! fl) ida Q) u id1 id' ' 0) -HI-HI 01 i d -H fll-H : i - 1 4-1 gi 31 : Ol -H O r-T IH i 4-1 i «* I 0) . i -H X T! • i C IH 1 H rH -H 01 -^ i 43 ; ; CO rH i CO 4-1 -HflJi (Did u o •, . i ^: J id , >I'O, e43 01 E^lrH' ; d cd: CT43 : n g 01 a OJ'rH O fl):2 4-1 CO 01 Oor o) id ' rH aid o 01 43 V-1 ! 43 ' 01 U ': ' 01 0) 4-> 4-1 : 0) : 01 : 43 O T3 : IH -i Ol Ol O :4-)i i i 4-1 Oil -H 13 : OOll d Id d ^4 Or iM • M i 4-1 -H • | i — 1 | -Ha oidiOi , Oi id id IH: i-i O! n> 01 1-L 43 i 4J , d iH • , 01-H, 0101 -H cj , o -HOI: r4 ' 01 ,-3 43 , -H3 01 01 ' 4J r4 Ol 01 0) EQ) X O 4J : 4-1 IH : r4 ' (d 0) d -V : 0) 3 r* ' (U •H d' d H'-H' •' rH 43;-H ld: 3 B '> o) 0) a.1 id 3 4-1 ' r* g : 4-1 1 >D E:E •' 0> O i >H ;T3 rH Oi S3in oi 01 01. 4-) in, rH -, cd d d id idi ida in in T3 d^i idd-aoid 4-i a>n -H-HOOI i 001: -H I-L o E IH• i a) 3 3 u : E 4-i 43 t3 o) 4Jo: o fl 43 & & 'ad r4 3 0) -H Ol I-)'g 4-10)0)rH:OOll O : X O d 0) ' Q) <8 H'iH Id'rH g1 MH T3:-H fl)!-H 43 i-l: DIe d aoia1 d:ET3:T3 4-)o! idffl OOld-H>Oi TSldi :d ' 4Jtj dooairHi o) o> 0), d iHrHt oj 43-Ha-H.1t)Q)i 01 -,4343O OrHi O "2 4-lry.3dttl>, 31H4J4Jr4 Cd, «H2. 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O3 4J 4-1 Q) d rHid flSH rd id oi 4-> fl0101 >iSH id<B 0173 73 01G >! 01 01 GX O ro dW rO fl) 0)>: oiS s3173 ro id inOi01 C $•£•H fl)d >01 o 0) >, rHoi dx! o 4-1 Ol fl)d ft•H OSH3 01 OiG•rH X V4ida 730)SHid ra 4-1G •HO X-n G Idid fl V4 0> O XI HH 4-1 rH XIId 4-1 > -Ho 3SHft 4Ja cid fl) fl) 0)> 01 •H GD roO S-4fl) SHin ro i Cn 0) 0) Cn en >, a)C Cn 43 C C 10 (U •H <0 4J -H -H 34-4 X rH X C I }-l rH ^4 -H 4-4 Q) fO 'H 10 10 O rrta > o a s (J d) 4-1 d) ^•H 43 ra d) tn . isd) °-s. s gM' 4J dj • G -^OJ 4-1 - I jjj1 o a i-l rQ O i) tO "-I pj Oai ^ra g --j. o ft-rj ) -H O *4J rH ^ •H d) rH > fc, ro d) •M \J 'U (^) X 10 d) EH en T) d)C dJ 43 •H rH 4J IM iO ^4(0 4-1 Oa d) 4-1 13d) m ra rrt O rH4J njo 4-1 -2o S t-iGJ »*-••r-l OJ5 d) 01 g^fl C^ ^o -H ra m d)Cnra iO fO rH •rH M d)ra 43 •H 4-1 4-1rad) a)4-) 10 4J 5$ O (0 Q) 4J XI » (0 d) Cn d)O rG^ 01a M 4-1 QJ d) C O M -H 10 QJ rH 10 ^ d) 4J >ra iO oo rad) V4 4j "O en3 3 g a ra » -S g^ "S TJ <" a Is o t-l ,Q O ro 4J 4-1 Q) M O83ra a) O -H IS •r-l 4-1 -H >W -rH M -H rH d)U -H 4J d) O -H 03 a isra 4-i o 10 o H3 O C d) >HC ,£ d10 4-1 -H *-i<-> d •£ 10 -H 3 h! Si*HI *sis10 «i [H d u oj10 J 43 4JTI d>d) 4-1 4-13 10 o d) V4 • H 10 4-1> a rad) d> d)l-i ra 3 52. , 11 J 23B I ; [1 OJ 01 C Q) 01 Ol OJ.4.: -H o rH c a w J XI -rH -H* „, c 'H •* 3 rHr i> s 01 IH o aH O> S -H 10 rH >H * £ rH a rH 0 C 'I " d) ^ D,0 > 01 <" -^ a w * xi r ft J3 w 3 S w 'J-H JJ tP rj -Ho c: -p u-i > J! -1 o * Ol -H J * N >H rrj 2 § _ S £ TS Qa K g1 § S S. S i 01 -H y 5 w 31 P ^ n U "r~'H H ^»| W _^ "U d)XI 4J 01 01 d) rH § Gto C31o a (U0;.^ ^ fO '- UJ Q) 4...J C1 SI )>1 r- •*"* Q icJ1n M- C i1 C 11 = ^ — » tn ^ u —i^ *•* ^ Q) p^ O ( | j " ^__, Q, Ol i — 1 . j 0 g "g j ^ O Qj & •* • r-l ^ fT< _l^ j 4-1 01 o) * -ri 5 A 0 d) W >, 0> § H W a 0> T> X„ c o c •"- ro ^ -H rH .H 4J E' O) d) wo 2 ' > a) c ^ -H Ql ^ »C O 0)^ x ji Q y y i 3 £j -H a ,£ Is 5* c ^1 J !. Cp ,_ rf i "" Cb ^ 'rt * O rH-H *4J (J QJ id) 4-1 H Ol 0) jOl^dl^C ^(0 ,Q ^H ^ -rt d)rH d) 3 & 0) "O rJ -1 rH >H Ol C C D -H d) -H O O -H O14 > XI b U N MH 13 H d) 01 4-1 Ol T) d) H XI d) 01 C C .QC 4-) d) O -H (0 6j U ^ 01j M rn S_ng In- Lieu Fee Program.-lieu (Impact) Fee Program pools fees fo]cts within the Village to supportpment and maintenance of public parking,sed upon a determination of the estimatedoviding an above ground structured paincluding land, construction, soft costsnance. The In-lieu Fee payment will alwa;or a whole parking space.•H '•3 *"?j M <ig -I -H O tO in ^ Q) 4H H ^| rH Xt a 01 4-14J (1) O C 0) ) 03 > d) tO -H T) H '-d -S !a "o » E i 30)•H, ^ 1 r; . H (I),.C 4J Cl -1— 1 (U4J a,-H O- <•••< AJ j-H03a 4-)10 4J 01 •S MH ^jd) 10EiC0 -Hin •Hoa)T) d) 4-1to •rH ^1ao ^aatO » 14-1 Ol•a o cd) -rl^Vj fH ">^ IH 0 >H Collected will be deposited into an earmast-bearing fund to be used for construct!'or maintenance of existing, public pau d)in0! 0) - 0) 4J 3d) C O fc -H C iiA •d IH rIt', •H O Dl: ^4-1:, X! : 4-1 •H 4J C 0] C/lc O 01 .' ntU/ Sinai d):. ,CEH rH Q)ir* EH c o) _. n H -H XI ^ 0 « o "" ^to j c - S -H r" [] -H T3 ^ 01 £ "^ jj 10 d) -H H -d 3 rS 3 o ~i 0) d) Ol 01 rH C (H 4-1o 3 -Q 'd a) ?,3 „, In "M ^ e* c -H to ^ ar. to to a oto •"• > m o "a!i d) - c >r< T3 -U (U IJ £H W ^ ffl 'O J 10 .H _« fl « /I 4-1 rg ,-„ ° r0o *do) c ft § a^ ^ 4-1 -H to tOto A; a) ^40> 4-1 O tj XI 01 Olo> co to 4-1 o c tO d) rH a ^4 -iH -1 4-) d) OJ 01H 01 01 4-1 3 r* -H -rH U fO fl) O > 01 -r) T3 m 1^1 C >1 rH O rT d) O 4-) ,Q E d) U d) a O 3 4-101 a o 01 H .r| O O -H >1 a S ifi to o c 'd D i] d) 3 4J HO)> 3 XI & 4J H 4J d) d) (,,10-i ^ -d 01 ^ c D E-" O rH EH g r-l rd -rl rH ^1a c -xi • -H -a) 01 d) C 01 4-) 10 rH 01 T) O > O 10 3 10 -H (0 d) 01 -H >H 4-1 XI >H 10 4-1 4J tO -r) C ties within the Village Redevelopment Areaare pooled because all of the landcts within the Village share a commonnd all are part of a coordinated revitalizgy. A public parking facility which maybenefit for one district will have indts for other districts and for the Villagepects of the In-lieu Fee Program are esseerstand:-H rH -H Oto •rl 10 d) 4-1 -H • 01 id yirl 4JOL4HQJ tOC3 4-1 (0 (0 0) d) i — I 3 HU10)^4^iCO O d-rl^l4J-HQ)Xl ,?^ 1ii rl;o Ol Oi 'd Oi x!ccojc d).u <u c rl -H !> -H O -iH O XI -H 0) V.V&HN 1034J 4J 4J^irio)-H dia otto « 1 t— , —le funds are put toward development ,nance, of shared Village public paties. They do not result in a reserved paor spaces for those who pay the fees . Resg conflicts with the objective of maximility of all parking resources.Lieu fees alone are not likely to equal th'cost of new parking facilities on a per s;They will need to be matched or leveragedfunding sources . Because they are intendedon as an incentive, in-lieu fees are noted to cover the cost of remedying existingg deficits. In-lieu fees will also reflecthat public parking will be shared resultinutilization and relatively lower costs inison to the cost of exclusive on-site privg-.Er1 ^ d)-rl C4-) Id)' .H4->C4-)^^I 4->rHd)-rl3 CVlOlfc-l-UU-rl d)(0 M 'rl O r^ 1 — 1 'rl -rH 0) O Q) r^ 4-1 4-1 a HUfOMd) 4J01XICartU4JE 1 -2 & aw oJSBotHdlaHH^o C•H^yj_ja «a f 1 | *C MH 0 4J 0)01 MH O O10 S3 -H 43 4-1 -H3 t)014-1 rdOO rH 4-1OS3 0) •H ^4-1 rlaiao a 0) 4-1 MH H 01fu 3a) -Hi — I 6 identifies the zones for the In-H 0) 3Oi-H fa q 01 -H H 434J >! -H 4-1 3 H -1 0) H 0] U 3rd O 3 MH 0)S3 Oi rd 42 4-1 rH 3 -HQ rd ^i rd4JH -a -H S3H rdo rd T3 MH 01 4J Oi US3 3H !H X 4-1 ^H 01rd S3a oooH ai rH 43 423 0a 4-1 Oi T3S3 0)H 01 4-1 O01 a H OX !Ha) a 0) 01 o S3 NoH a) 4-1 4-1 Program. The participation restricbelow correspond to the appropria'OOi oiS3 S3 H -H X rH IH 4-1 rd 3CM O CO ^(001>, CN O34J I \. L( 01a0 rHai 0) rd ^to"i_j ft;cu rO._ - 0)(i)i_i,c.;..} rrt 0)0)o X0) o 4-1 4-1oS3 T3o •H Lj 01a rd a) 3S3 i O)01 T3 a)MH 01 424-13 rd rH Q) O U rH H O -H -H rH rH rH 3 S3 -3 r,•H 01 01 a oiS3 43 S3 S3 -H TJ 3rd X S3 01 OIH O 01a> rd 0 0 >ix a 01 a 4-i 6 01 4-1 M a)4J o a a 0 -H S3 0 4-J 01 IH IHi rH o a0) S3 rH rH O -H Ol ~- 43 3 S3 >H•HO) -HO)Ol 43 T3 4J a -H 4-1 S3 01 O rH fd -H rH 01 MH X 0) 0 - 0) >0) 4-1 0)43 dp O S3 T3o c3 rdrH in rd rH 01 MH •HO -H O 3 4J >, X 4-1 4JM a 4-1 0) -H a) 3 ^ 01 rH S3 • a) MH vH3 M 4-i a oO O S3 O o rd MH 0) ^H O MH>t E a ^4-1 4-1 ai 01IH S3 IH ai c s30) a) -H 43 -H -Ha E 3 4-1 43 xO >i W 4-1 inM rd 0) M-l -H rda a ri H 3 a a) ai 01 ••42 S3 S3 4-)O -H S3X 0) r*1 O Ll prrt (J rl Re 4-1 rd a13 a o a rH0) 3 01 S3 0) >o u jj a)1rs/property owners within this zto make an In-lieu Fee payment fopercent (100%) of the on-sient for the proposed new da) e§s24 *d TD a)o a) a) IHrH 3 IH -Hw ai o TJ 3z > rH a & O 0) rH 3 0)N Q rd 43 IH » A MH' O' g |3 i 6:•H X (TJ '6 ' rd'M!OiM-l ! Jj 'd1 Q) '6 ' ?-!' a! •"I0)MH 301•Hi rH | CH-Hj S3 rd 0)' rdE O1 4J; 0) rH43>• H Ol•H rHQ) 0)434-1 MH • H a)01 on and/or intensification of u•H 01 VJai> oo 4JS3a)Sai H 3b1 a)>H Ol S3H ^^_l rda ai4-1 H 011 S3 0 0143 4J MH O dP1/1 CN D! Ol S3 >i OS3 S3 rd 4J 4-1H -H -H 01 01 O -H O H -H O rl XX 4J rda) ai o) MH rQ 01 O C rl MH 3 -Hrrt O O) rl is located within 600 feet of ,arking facility. (See Figure 17 farking facility locations.)roperty is not located within 600public parking facility but a nsed to be constructed within a pe>, a a a o> o4-i c ain O O 0) -H O 0) -H -H 43 4-1 ^a rH rH 4-> 01 aO 42 43 -HIH 3 3 MH X 01a a a H o> -H OJ oS4J i rl:01:S3 o w [ 4-)1 IH1 0)ai h.ree (3), years, a developer/ pro;4-1 'S01oX0) rl T3 O Q) 6O 0) -H 42 3MH 4J rH Efrt Q . .^10 rM 1 1 rl W 0 ^ rH X£ o a -H rd 01 rH 3 E !N « 1 s M a 0) 43 n C >H eligible to make an in-lieu fee0% of the on-site parking requiremroperty is not, and will not sooniOO feet of an existing or prop<facility, a developer/property owito make an in-lieu fee payment fof the on-site parking requirement.o a w 01 oJj rH OlrHf> ai S3 S3 43 dPO 43 -H -H -H OrH 4J 4J 43 X Oi in rH 4-1 rl -H H a MH -H rd rH MH33 H 3 a ai o 0) O42 4-1 Ol - 0), 01 0)S3 4-1 43, S3 S3-H S3 4-1,-H -HX 0) 4-1 4-1rl B ' 0] 01 a MH'-Ha o -H'X X 0) 0)ai o S3 MHo ra o> 4-1 S3 •H43 a) 4J 4-1 -H S3 01 I TJ - "I -H O in0) 0) C ^d) 4-1 • o) d sI-H ' ai H 4J^i O rdo^o C^ o I'SJ2 oo 0) Oi 01 S G •rl -H o ai rH 3 >a> o 4J> rH MHSrH -Hrd MH g .2 >, a a0> 01 4-1VH ^i IH O O •H 0) 0) -H -H 3 > a rH rHO1 S3 O 42 420) o ri 3 3IH o a a a (ns i Parking Resource Management0 'Hi 2 H re £ *Parking In-lieu Fee.0)41 tnft•rl 4JOW 01E-H Ol T)E 0) •rl X X -rl M MH IBCM 0) 0) 0) rH fe rH 3 43 Q) 01 -rl r-H 0)1 01 E MH H 0)0) 4343 4J 4-)ogy for determiningrespective amount ofi — iO 0)•d 43 O 4-1 434J Ti0) EE IB 0) 0) 43 0)E^ fe 0) - rH M 01 rH3 0) (0 r to manage the existing public parks for the In-lieu Fee Program and ensonstruction of new public parking facilitiising and Redevelopment Department sh0)•o o EH 0)0;;u oM ^ K 3 rH O 0)01 E 0) 0) -rl 43 M -U 4-> rH 1C S 3 e03 1V 1 EO, • •H' 4J3rH O0)'Oli' M £;" BE rH T> 0)HO IB Q) 43 -rl 4-1 M 4J01 o 301 4-1 4J >,- -H o 43=! E 0) 3 S3 S^^i ™ U 01 M . MHa 4-> 0—01 IS "S *o S a) 3 g'ul *SdE^ JJ LI fO 4J 4-> 0) g) 01 S IS " (11 ..O 4J P -fl W > S,T OJ O n«-> fV ft Q IB .e adopted, from timeiusing and Redevelc•ith the Housing and IProcedures Manual ..1 be set at a givenoviding a single a.ng space; the percenti— i rrt"u : <P i 4— :o ^ IB *J i> Tj M "rlX rj (Bpy 0) IB •£ Mo 01 nim E Ol MH a rH IB QJ 0) OS T3 -H 0) uMO MH -H O -H 4J rH 0 rH Q) 01 43 >i MH O O 43 O 343 O IB CM E-i O a 0) 43 0) M 3 1 M >l 0)B 0 01 B O 0) M4J \ E H > IB ^s Village Parking Utilization Survey,and Redevelopment Department may conductit any time when deemed appropriate andy to ensure the timely construction ofarking facilities and continuation of thei Program; this may be on an annual basistimes a year. Upon reviewing the surif the Department finds that there4J U3•d '"Mao; Ol IB 0) rH 01E >i 01 U fe IB 4J rl 0) 01 -H M rH 01 > 0) rH 3 0) 3 ^3 r-l U rQ Q) ^ WO £3 Q) 3 -H fl) Q) C W IH DL* H^ W r-4 fO0a c1 •Hll 3 S.ffl 1 ra II Q) rH 43- rH 4J'. IB 01MH °i 0)! Ol^:la:§ M01: a)IB: a ci-S0 43 "rn ^Uj ^- .Redevelopment Commj• determining the feerr-< Hr- ; O fC : - 0); 'OE 0 Ol1 4J3 0)0: E 0): 01•U MIB: 0)ient public parking resources Jto accommodal requests from developers /property ownU E-rl 0MH -HMH 4-) 3 -rl 01 T3B 13 -rl IB 0)Ol>,oliBt30l M XI E rH -rl 0) B O -rl 4J >_ rH T-, MH 0 .* B o g 0 ^ fd o i """^ n, (C "^f^3 ft -r~i ^ Qi Q) 0) „, "s QJ ^ OJ 0 Q) <H § ,Q ^ <-* ^ Q, rH fO QJrH XI rH rH H ,Q Q) tM yj -H 4J W O tj) 4-) (D S ^'O-HQJO'W^ ^! r-l X-l <H fl) !_) ^ ft fl3 1 QJ ^ ~ Qft C i, FH ^ rrt e fact that the in-li.everaged in order to.age and that publicelopers paying the I1 to cover the enti]! of public parking,./leveraged to prodi?tails on the metho<f~] ' 1 r— 1 S X( W Tj ,Cw•U ' — ' (p j*\ U Q) • *^ ^ "^j 'O' [J ^ rC COQJ O ^ Jr! Pi U Q) n\ N .3) 01 4-> .H S•H'dO'ffB1 iB4-i nEO)43^SttlE-ri c Ol 43 4-> <" rH rH C O O T3 Ol -rl S§£SB»§* £ BOI^Ol^MH 0)01 •rl430ErHO 0)BU -rl -rl 4-) fe -rl an In-lieu Fee payment for on-site parking;one, the Department shall recommend toand Redevelopment Commission that this polorarily suspended until additional parkhas been provided or is sufficiend to ensure the timely developmental public parking facilities.illy reviewing the status of the In-lieuand plans for expanding and/or constructIN a >i <u B 20) oip?4J4Jo 23^ iM C QJ "H 4J -H H fO!BO)-rl4JO-H4J «ME4301 lBE-rl "> Ol4J 3 ft B T3 O O-rlOO)lBOrd >iM4-J QJ ffi .Q U O fO CQ DJ •d B•-" o y3 -rl 0)O 01 -H 43 01 b01 -rl JOisi 10) » B 43 « E ^* a 43 O 4J - rH M§Q) 0> a MHMO) ID 01 T3 fc 01O 0) 0) 4J the fee for the prthe Housing and RProcedures Manual .s for In-Lieu Fee Proovides a map which seOl n rO (P MB Jj E a a-H IB 043 N U3 01 Q) 01 H •H 73 0) Ol rH IB -H C OJ XI S O -r( M IB -H * 3 4J rH 14 Ol 01 0) O fl -H0) XI CM Cu fe 0) 4-1 rH U 4J 43 IB rH -rl E 4-1 43 -rl rH 0)Lie parking facilities as appropriate,and Redevelopment Commission will ensure ttation of this parking program/option we a significant adverse impact on pubresources within the Village RedevelopmO EH ^3 Oi 0) iB tna c e 43 fl•rl 0) -H 01 rH Ai 103 3 p, 4-1 M 0)Q) O E O IB MB rc -H B a < O) •rl r«!MIBCM 0)0)fe 30)•rlJ1 BH 0) 4-) M 0MH 01 0)BON IN 034-) 01rj4-1 ^1O MH ^1 I T3 rH 102 §ii 'O)1 43i'di 4J D4J E: IB•H, y ,r-.-HlrH E:-rT t--rl| ; ? 43O •rl 0]43 <3 ri O W W SH en B1 'd0) IB '• .01 3 MHO01 •H Ol 4-1 01 IB 0) BE ! !rH <! O M >1 3 rH IB IB 4-1 1 0):-H B E -H Ol ~ ~" 3:43-fe-rHQ)JEO)43O E : ^t B I -ri 4J tnM ft C ,* -H 301E«> IB OH M 01 OE rH a rH IB 1 MO: 0) 01 0) ft E 43 4J o • £O ; N : r O £> 41 •rl 01 4- rH *d 0 4JO •H 01 T3 participation restries correspond to thewing map shown in Figap of the various pubwithin the Village Rethe previous pages onlocation of the publthe percentage of thwhich can be satisfieieu fee. Toi: 01: o43: iB:rH &H ' ft rH•• ' C E 3 'IB O OJ M;-rl;4: o: o) E •d cIB 0) -r4-1 01 (B T!0) O Q T3 0 C-H rH -r< > r- O 0) 4- 0) 0> rH43 B 4J I 4J -,rl E E B 0) -rl- M E iB 4J M E M 0) -r| -rlOl T3 3 XO W MMMBMM3MO01IBftj:ft:O aiB OCM4-) M a Oil 0) i 01 0) O E:43;XI 3OK W: CO-H 01 XI 0)01 IBOI 0) 01 0 IB O T)BIB >i (601010)O (UB ai M 4-1 IB evelopment Commission shall Determineate public parking utilization ratio toed in determining whether or not therepublic parking resources availableto allow nart~ i r.i nsr i on in t"he> nrnrrram•d -rl 0) rH c^ C0 M Q) 00) 4-1 3 4 •d IB E-rl 3 -r- n t< i i Iiii^ jj i i ! I M 01 D1 4JT3 ft E 0) EE a o T3 oIB IB U 10 O I :sHCO, \ •Q t a ** w i c a>nj,-_(* 0143 4J MOUH i M01 iH3 '/I10CDfr 01 HH5 . — i Q,eoo 0)x; 01601 43O 'Mi Q, P 6 c "i;o 0) CC)u : — 1 O 4-1 Cfi 01 o-H 4-1 01 Oln• -H '0a P b Q.ea> eo <4H (1)a>cto ^ T3i — 13 O JB2 "S£ £ tn T> 21 4-)r30) ina)C•H U.4 T! rd 01 O<D430 tt)4J fOr-H Improvementsimprovements within the Village RedevelopmOl O)(3 13-H -Hx A; tO toT3 U ft PJ CM UH rJ 0> 01 >H O 0) 43 E O g 4J (0 «H jj 0 rHt; 4J oi oo infir Management Plan3mmon problem within downtown areas is thehant and employee utilization of prime cusing. In the Village Redevelopment Area,velopment Agency will implement Jtwo (2) proparking management purposes .t, in the core downtown area (see Figure 1:J< " O V Q) 01 M rH r4 T} M r4m 01 (C a) o -rHHi i <I E a CC HH [14 w •g i 11 ^reflect the following policies:to^t~] 01 (0O) 3 0a4J TJ I T30) ' ^ CN TJ 1 ivements should enhance both real and perceif ^parking.': U ^- o m Tl 1 i H 013 43 4-1 =d lot arrangements should be establishedted wherever possible. Most areas within>rH 10 B 4J & >i 43 -H« rH CO rH rH aa3 01 01 01: f3 1343 tC rH 1 •H t, B1 <-H i~ (0 i 4J r0) E 01 -r >H >4-1 n01 £Ia oO !• c rH 4: rH (0 -f — c01 c01 V •H -Cin 410 Tl CCH 4-Jhj. -rOi E tl 0) 1) Q)-1 43 (0^Q 01 rH •H U• to CN) MH 0) 4-E EH C 4-1 £! j a3 O ) -H3 wi 01 ;reet or portion of the street has alreadyed as a "no parking area" such as Carage Drive or has a more restrictivetraint. If not already posted, the Redevelocy will work with the City's Traffic Commi-1 4-1 - U. 43 -H 4-1 H fO 4J 01a rH tl H [1 C3 0)H 0 01> 0 < in TJ I (0 ', o34J •y 2 (N •o 1 r7 O34J TJ I w _ O 4J Tl I CN O 4-1 TJ TJ i i CN •o 1 o jj TJ § / 4-| ij-l T3 . fO Q) QJ tJ) " M i— 1 "do not have a supply problem as much asand distribution problem.01 x Ol; 4-1tO -H I — i • r rH ••H: j H HU)>: 3 0 4H 01 O 4-1 minimize visual impacts and disruptional frontages, new lots should be constructedn jthoroughf ares . They should be distribuut the Village, rather than concentrated iroEH 01 -I C 0 rHm • -'1 nti -1 -H 4-1Jl 4-1tl fO rH-H3 iH -HU t 3J 1 0)O 43U 4-1 043i Oi O 434-1 >H Oilo c4H -r- ^rH City ^Traffic Engineer to approve the thre.parking restriction and the appropriate sigrdance with the policy of so restricting trhe areas indicated on Figure 18 . The Agencywith the City's Police Departmentrcement of the three (3). hour pa•O -i O3 Ucoon5 43 to 4-1 , a•H y o 3 133 0)riction.4-1tn01 rH > 4:•H 4.1 C O'tB. J -H -rH CN T) ' 1 ; or..-". ttf" - .location. They should incorporate attractfeatures and landscaping that complementsthe Village.ing structures should be used when parkities are constrained by land availabilityimpacts on adjacent commercial or residentIf located on a thoroughfare, they should alw.first floor commercial uses.14H X S3 Ol O ri 3 >Q) 13 tO 4-1 -rHrH Ol 01 O4 rJ. 4-1Ol-rC o rH Q H Ol O tOi to a 01j E • a oi • Q) : O 'O H 3 r4 rH43 0to c:01 T3 -r-i <» O r3 HH -H; (0 01 0) 0)0 rn ) e 43 a 4 -rH i-J -r- J 4J 4-1 S.public parking lots within the core downtown1 remain with unlimited parking - norictions, unless a determination is made b>Council that a Dubli.c oarkinq lot reauiresi —H 4-1 > (0 01 i-1 rH X! 01 T- < 01 rH O i-t QJ rH D)•H ftf£ 1— 11— i ts for parking management purposes. The lots-H£5 Q) ' rQ rHH ivailable for merchants /employees in the Vineed all day parking and/or customers who wihe area for longer than three ^3 ^ hours.10 JS 1 )oS-S o3Tt 4-> 8 1!i S> «! i CN TJ I ' '-"ffl jri " 0)^-.,.qj"4J'.*C •4- J- Crt TJ "5Q O'OJ-" -~-provided in Figure 18 indicates the boundarrea for thre^ (jy hour parking restrictions wage Redevelopment Area. As shown on the map,,) hour parking restrictions shall be limiteda 0 rH rHg Q) -HB X! >4 0143 t J 0)-1 43E-i O 4-1 0)43 4-1 f I-r- 1) T331 010 C H OlH -H ell•^^ of0> XI 4J 0)013 O34-1 •o 1 downtown area.Q)SHOu 0) 434-1 01 ItE H C r4. -r-a CN TJ 1 ' -O), . 3-;treet parking within area identified in FigUl 1'. r3: o irH rH : 01Oc10•H nd, in all areas of the Village,velopment Agency will work with the Viness Association to establish a program desencourage merchants and their employees tcprime parking in an effort to make theing available to Customers of all businessesn area. If efforts to gain voluntary complo cO T I) -H3 0101 oi a W BH « o 4-1 V C r- 01>O tO -rHc a 01 g M 'O£i - atw jo rfl § W rl d) 0)^ di ^ A; x^ U U3 OJ -H 0)g 01 en u si • iET: T IJJ ID S r-4 tjl 1JC 4->(U "d -r-t (0 U .H ^ H§ 2 ^ a (o O (0 ft C (1) Gg tO CU til0 rH >, U • U &4 O -rH W •2 a) ^ a c O H 4J S 4J >4H »' •4-1 '-rH be restricted to three. (3.) hour parking, wrH rH •H3 CO rH 01434-1 4-1 -HS r4 rH rH-rH U 0) 01 4-1 rH3 01ra01ou301r3 Ol'HtO >i Q>- O I4-l-"i£t '4J. 01-H. FH"-... E..of the appropriate ordinance by the Cas recommended by the Traffic Commission. 'y hour parking restriction will not applylarking lots within the boundaries of the ti:rH .J.I Ull tO rH II > -H 4 U I O O (ifl-rHi M G 01 rH.a 3 w 43;a o ..a 3ro o 4-> I a Oi T3 !a a -rH (0X r4 0)age Business Association to establish a Pagement Plan which may be much more aggressivored to specificrH fO Hi-l C -H•H (C (0> S 4J , fd ^.4 tn oC 4: a..c T) a!OJ 1>4J CO .H•H e^ '-j 4-1 O> W 4J 0) 01^ T3 > - 0101 0313 0) •G M3 to ' Oin Ol Ol G ••H01 XC H-H tfl •TJ aG3 Oi0 G IH -H SH TJ 3 3 t/1 rHU• Cr- -H n §•H 14 rl JO O •Hid TJi"hO0 , ss s(0 wdiWrtH n) om J 0 iH0) rHG to (0 4-)tfl o O -rl 0) P C -HH -a<0 GP OG UH(0 >, E rH OJ 0)Q 13 H O 03 ^)G C0) (0 GO0)01 13H CO tflG01P 033 0)Ol MH tflCOl0) G P -H 03w ao1301 COJ 3O O q i-| 3 03O 0) - 01G P OJ -HP X 4H OJO0)0) 01 SH -rlto E0) 01 SH SH ft 03• 0) H C (n V 2 01 1" •H ^to3to OiG: •HTito0)rH,. 01 4-Ja£j 03•HSH P 010) •TJ 010) OJ ft 01-H TJ g G QJ 03 >Hft 03 (P •H 41 3 4J 36 41 O OJ M > MH GO-H P •H G•H UJ. S s Cn -H QJ W UI GU3 01 01 H OJ G rH T)H 03 D01 O 3 PO OJ OlG 0) Cg -H D TJ M rH rH 3 rH -H P 03 3 U .G 433 0)in OJ P G rH01 O jQ •H 03>, P U1 03 -H < IH rHaj a• a a» O tO MH O •d•HO IH> 0)0) 43 Ti 4-)0 rH Ti 0) GOl (0SH03 01 rH G C -H0) 01P MH 41 O P•Ho) 3 iH 03 TJ 0)01 SHOJ 0)TJ >03 D0 U03 O 4-1 IS 01o 3SH O (i. TJ • -HM 3 T f0 O 4•H <L rH ~ O T43 CO ^U C rH VQJ rin £ OJ -r 3 C 4J CG .r 0) 4- 3 <•01 s-•H r rH 43 0(0 0 P t01 0 0) r0 G 0< X CQ Vi oP SH P•H ft 01 • G >iO U•H C 01 tO•H ft > 30 UM 0a o G 'to oi1 0) G TJ•H tfl Oa to S1"Pto tp0) G r4 •H P 01 piG oi•H G P -H rH P 3 0] 01 0) 0) M p 0) to G •H 0) P 01 strTjcherwiQ 4_)o o MJ P< O! C1 -P! OJ Jjj J rd ai 1 4-J -H J C rHJ 0) ,D1 TJI 13 4 ..-i] 4-J i 0! 01Ci 0) 1 -H 1o 4-> i 010 fl)a ,c lj 0)i-i • OS ;~0 irH ' Ml n3Q) 0 J rH 6 J 03yji <woi 0)!J 01 0)TI O "H ! 41 tO4 P 01) f\ 3 ! 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CASE NAME: VILLAGE MASTER PLAN AND DESIGN MANUAL g AMENDMENTS CASE NO.: ZCA 95-10(a)/LCPA 95-10(a)/MCA95-01fa) 9 WHEREAS, in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code, Title 21, Chapter 10 21.52, Section 21.52.020, the City of Carlsbad has prepared an amendment to Carlsbad Municipal Code Title 21, Chapter 21.35 relating to policies, processes, procedures for 1! the V-R Village Redevelopment Zone (CMC 21.35) and the Village Master Plan and Design Manual, which sets forth the land use classifications and development standards for the Village Redevelopment Zone; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is set forth in Ordinance No. NS-862, and 14 noted as Exhibit "X," dated July 13, 2007, and attached hereto V-R VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT ZONE - ZCA 95-10(A); and 15 WHEREAS, the Design Review Board did on the 6th day of September 2007 hold 16 a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request and has recommended approval of the proposed V-R Village Redevelopment Zone amendments 17 ZCA 95-10(a); and 18 WHEREAS, the City Council did on the 16th day of October, 2007 and the 6th day 19 of November, 2007 hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and 20 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony 21 and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, analyzing the information submitted by staff, and considering any written comments received, the City Council 22 considered all factors relating to the Zone Code Amendment. 23 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council as follows: 25 a) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. 26 b) That based on the evidence presented at the noted public hearings and set forth in the Design Review Board Staff Report dated September 6, 2007, the 27 Council hereby APPROVES V-R VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT ZONE AMENDMENTS ZCA 95-10(A) and ADOPTS Ordinance No. NS-862 approving 28 ZCA 95-10(a), subject to the findings and conditions set forth in Design Review Board Resolution No. 326, dated September 6, 2007 and as modified by the City Council on November 6, 2007. 1 c) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing and set forth in the 2 Design Review Board Staff Report dated September 6, 2007, the Council hearby APPROVES the Negative Declaration, Exhibit "ND", according to Exhibits "NOI" 3 dated July 23, 2007, and "Pll", dated June 29, 2007, attached hereto, and based on the findings set forth in Design Review Board Resolution No. 324. 5 d) The proposed amendments will be effective thirty (30) days after approval date, in all areas of the Village, except those areas of the Village which are located in 6 the Coastal Zone. For properties in the Coastal Zone, the amendments will not be effective until approved and certified by the California Coastal Commission. 7 /// 8 /// 9 /// 10 /// 11 12 13 14 15 16 '" 17 /" 18 /// 19 /// 20 /// 21 /// ??22 23 24 25 26 27 28 '" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council and Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission held on the 20th day of November, 2007, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, and Nygaard NOES: None ABSENT: Council Members Hall and Pa OJDE A'LE^f^ MCyor ATTEST: LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk (SEAL) 1 Exhibit X 2 July 13, 2007 3 ORDINANCE NO. NS-862 4 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF 5 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE 6 CHAPTER 21.35 (V-R VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT ZONE) TO CLARIFY AND/OR REVISE PROVISIONS FOR CONSISTENCY WITH 7 THE VILLAGE MASTER PLAN AND DESIGN MANUAL. CASE NAME: VILLAGE MASTER PLAN AND DESIGN MANUAL S AMENDMENTS CASE NO.: ZCA 95-10fa)/LCPA 95-10fa)/MCA95-01(a)9 The City Council, does ordain as follows: Section I: That Chapter 21.35 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is 12 amended to read as follows: 13 Chapter 21.35 14 V-R VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT ZONE 15 21.35.010 Intent and purpose. , , 21.35.020 Incorporation of redevelopment plan and village master plan and design manual by reference. 17 21.35.030 Land affected by this chapter. 18 21.35.040 Permitted uses. .g 21.35.050 Provisional uses. 21.35.060 General regulations. 20 21.35.070 Redevelopment permit. 21 21.35.080 Redevelopment projects. 22 21.35.085 Permit application. 23 21.35.090 Housing and redevelopment director action. 24 21.35.100 Design review board action. 21.35.110 Effective date of order-Appeal of design review board decision. 21.35.115 Housing and redevelopment commission action. 26 21.35.117 Notice of public hearings. 21.35.120 Consolidation of other permits and discretionary approvals-Findings requirements. 28 21.35.130 Variances. 21.35.140 Compliance with other provisions of this code. 1 21.35.150 Amendments. 2 21.35.010 Intent and purpose. 3 The village redevelopment zone is intended to establish land use classifications and develop standards 4 and procedures for that area of the city described in the Carlsbad village area redevelopment plan, as 5 adopted by city council Ordinance No. 9591. This zone adopts the land use classifications and 6 development standards of the Carlsbad village area redevelopment plan and of the village master plan 7 and design manual adopted pursuant to the redevelopment plan as the zoning for the area designated. 8 (Ord. NS-330 § 4 (part), 1995) 9 21.35.020 Incorporation of redevelopment plan and village master plan and design manual 10 by reference. The Carlsbad village area redevelopment plan as adopted by Carlsbad city council Ordinance No. 9591 on July 21, 1981, and the village master plan and design manual as adopted by Carlsbad housing and redevelopment commission Resolution No. 271 on November 21, 1995, and modified by Carlsbad housing and redevelopment commission Resolutions No. 280 on August 13, 1996, No. 291 on December 16, 1997, and No. 379 on April 13, 2004, and modified by Carlsbad housing and redevelopment commission ^ Resolution No. 446 on November 20, 2007 are hereby adopted by reference and incorporated into this 17 chapter. (Ord. NS-703 § 2, 2004: Ord. NS-439 § 11, 1998: Ord. NS-371 § 3, 1996: Ord. NS-340 § 1, 1995: 18 Ord. NS-330 § 4 (part), 1995: Ord. NS- ,2007) 19 21.35.030 Land affected by this chapter. 21 This chapter shall apply only to lands located within the boundaries of the Carlsbad village area, the 22 boundaries of which are described in the Carlsbad village area redevelopment plan. (Ord. NS-330 § 4 23 (part), 1995) 24 '"I 25 «" Illl 26 //// 27 //// 28 //// 1 21.35.040 Permitted uses. 2 Only those uses specified in the Carlsbad village area redevelopment plan and the village master plan and 3 design manual as permitted uses for particular property in the village redevelopment area shall be 4 permitted. (Ord. NS-330 § 4 (part), 1995) 5 , 21.35.050 Provisional uses.o 7 Uses permitted as provisional uses by the Carlsbad village area redevelopment plan and the village 8 master plan and design manual shall be permitted upon issuance of a redevelopment permit approved 9 according to this chapter. (Ord. NS-330 § 4 (part), 1995) 10 21.35.060 General regulations. 11 Subject to the provisions of Section 21.35.130 and except as otherwise provided by the Carlsbad village redevelopment plan or the village master plan and design manual, the regulations of this title which apply to uses generally or generally to all zoning classifications shall apply to property and uses in this zone.14 (Ord. NS-330 § 4 (part), 1995) 16 21.35.070 Redevelopment permit. 17 Unless otherwise determined to be an exempt project pursuant to Section 21.35.080, no development 18 shall occur in the area subject to this chapter without a redevelopment permit. (Ord. NS-330 § 4 (part), 19 1995) 20 21 21.35.080 Redevelopment projects. 22 (a) Exempt Projects. No redevelopment permit shall be required for an exempt project. An exempt project 23 is one which is exempt from the requirement to obtain a coastal development permit in accordance with Section 21.81.030; and requires no redevelopment permit or other discretionary approvals, and includes but is not limited to: 2(* (1) Interior or Exterior improvements to existing structures which do not result in the intensity of use of a 27 structure; and/or 2** (2) Additions to existing structures which result in a cumulative increase of less than 10% of the internal floor area; and/or o on coastal resources and/or access to the coast. 9 10 (3) Changes in permitted land uses which do not require site changes, result in increased ADT, result in increased parking requirements, or result in compatibility issues or problems; and/or (4) Landscaping on the lot unless it will result in erosion or damage to sensitive habitat; and/or, (5) Repair or maintenance activities which are exempt from a coastal development permit; and/or. (6) Activities of public utilities regulated by a government agency; and/or (7) A project that requires no variance of any type; and/or (8) Demolition of a structure, unless such demolition activity has the potential to have an adverse impact (b) Nonexempt Projects. There are three types of redevelopment permits required for nonexempt projects. One permit for each type of redevelopment project described as follows: ,, (1) Administrative Redevelopment Project. An administrative redevelopment project is one which results in 1 - minor new construction and/or a change in a development which requires no other discretionary approvals, except an administrative variance within the authority of either the director of planning or the housing and redevelopment director, and includes, but is not limited to: (A) New construction of building(s) or addition(s) to the building footprint with an estimated permit value of less than sixty thousand dollars; and/or16 (B) Interior or exterior improvements to existing structures which result in an intensity of use; and/or (C) Provisional land uses, where a minor or major redevelopment permit is not required; and/or 18 (D) Changes in permitted land uses which result in site changes, increased ADT, increased parking 19 requirements, or result in compatibility issues/problems; and/or 20 (E) Signs for existing businesses or facilities; and/or 21 (F) Repair or maintenance activities which are not exempt projects; and/or 22 (G) Demolition of a structure that has the potential to have an adverse impact on coastal resources and/or 23 public access to the coast. 24 (2) Minor Redevelopment Project. A minor redevelopment project is one which does not qualify as an 25 administrative redevelopment project and involves new construction with an estimated permit value of 26 sixty thousand dollars or more but less than one hundred fifty thousand dollars. 27 (3) Major Redevelopment Project. A major redevelopment project is one which involves new construction 28 " 1 with an estimated permit value of one hundred fifty thousand dollars or more. (Ord. NS-330 § 4 (part), 2 1995: Ord. NS- ,2007) 21.35.085 Permit application. A (a) An application for a redevelopment permit for a non-exempt project as defined in Section 21.35.080 c- may be made by the record owner or owners of the property, or the authorized agent or agents for the 6 property, on which the development is proposed. The application shall be filed with the director upon forms provided by the director, and shall be processed in accordance with the provisions of Section 21.54.010 of this code.o (b) If signatures of persons other than the owners of property making the application are required or offered in support of, or in opposition to, an application, they may be received as evidence of notice having been served upon them of the pending application, or as evidence of their opinion on the pending issue, but they shall in no case infringe upon the free exercise of the powers vested in the city as represented by the design review board and the housing and redevelopment commission. (c) The application shall be accompanied by a fee in the amount established by city council resolution. No 14 application shall be accepted or deemed accepted until the appropriate fee or fees have been paid. (Ord. NS-330 § 4 (part), 1995) 16 17 21.35.090 Housing and redevelopment director action. 18 (a) After the application has been accepted as complete the director shall determine if the project is 19 exempt from the requirements of this chapter pursuant to Section 21.35.080. No permit shall be required 20 for a project which is exempt from the requirements of this chapter. 21 The director shall determine the exemption based on the certified local coastal program, including maps, 22 categorical exclusions and other exemptions, land use designations, zoning ordinances and the village 23 master plan and design manual. In granting an exemption, the director may impose such conditions as are 24 necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare. 25 The director shall inform the applicant whether the project is exempt within ten calendar days of the 26 determination that the application is complete. The decision of the director on all exempt determinations is 27 final, (subject to the potential dispute resolution process as provided in Section 21.81.050). 28 The director shall maintain a record of all determinations made on projects exempt from the requirements 1 of this chapter. The records shall include the applicant's name, an indication that the project is located in 2 the village area, the location of the project, and a brief description of the project. The record shall also 3 include the reason for exemption. 4 (b) The director may approve, conditionally approve or deny administrative redevelopment permits as 5 defined in Section 21.35.080, subject to appeal to the design review board. (c) After all necessary reports and recommendations have been received the director shall transmit the application for a minor or major redevelopment permit together with the reports and the recommendations of the appropriate departments to the design review board for a public hearing. (d) The director shall transmit to the design review board all timely appeals on administrative permits and administrative variances. ,, (e) The director may grant, conditionally grant or deny applications for the types of administrative . _ variances set forth in Section 21.51.020 of this code and in accordance with the procedures provided in Chapter 21.51 of this code, except that the director and the design review board shall serve as the appropriate approving bodies for projects within the village redevelopment area. If the project includes other discretionary approvals outside the director's authority, the director shall set the consolidated project for public hearing by the design review board.16 (f) The effective date of order of a housing and redevelopment director decision and the method for appeal of such decision shall be governed by Section 21.54.140 of this code. (Ord. NS-675 § 33, 2003; Ord. NS- 18 330 §4 (part), 1995) 19 20 21.35.100 Design review board action. 21 (a) The design review board shall hold a public hearing on: 22 (1) Appeals of decisions made by the director on administrative redevelopment permits as defined in 23 Section 21.35.080 or administrative variances; 24 (2) Minor or major redevelopment permits and tentative maps; and 25 (3) Nonadministrative variances for which the board has final decision-making authority pursuant to 26 Section 21.35.130(b). 27 (b) For major redevelopment projects, the board shall consider the evidence and by resolution report and 28 recommend to the housing and redevelopment commission approval, conditional approval, or denial of the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 project. Such resolution shall state, among other things, the facts and reasons why the board determined the approval, conditional approval or denial to be consistent with this chapter. The action to approve, conditionally approve or deny is advisory to the commission. (c) The board shall have sole authority to consider the evidence and by resolution report and recommend to the housing and redevelopment commission and/or city council approval, conditional approval, or denial of revisions to applicable chapters within the Carlsbad Municipal Code, Village Redevelopment Plan, Village Master Plan and Design Manual and/or other policy documents specifically related to activities which benefit and/or otherwise impact the Village Redevelopment AreaJOrd. NS-675 § 34, 2003: Ord. NS-330 § 4 (part), 1995: Ord. NS - , 2007 ) 21.35.110 Effective date of order-Appeal of design review board decision. 11 The effective date of the design review board's decision and method for appeal of such decision shall be 12 governed by Section 21.54.150 of this code. (Ord. NS-675 § 35, 2003: Ord. NS-506 § 2, 1999: Ord. NS- 13 330 §4 (part), 1995) 14 21.35.115 Housing and redevelopment commission action. 16 The housing and redevelopment commission shall hold a public hearing on: 17 (a) Any major redevelopment permit and/or tentative map for which the design review board has filed a 18 report and recommendation with the city clerk; or 19 (b) Any other matter made appealable to the commission by this chapter and which has been timely 20 appealed. (Ord. NS-330 § 4 (part), 1995) 21 21.35.117 Notice of public hearings. Notice of any public hearing required by this chapter shall be given as provided in Section 21.54.060(1) of this code. (Ord. NS-330 § 4 (part), 1995) 1 21.35.120 Consolidation of other permits and discretionary approvals-Findings requirements. 2 (a) Whenever a project would require a permit or approval under the provisions of this title and or Title 20, notwithstanding this chapter, the redevelopment permit shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements for 4 such permit or approval; provided, however, that in considering the redevelopment permit for said project the director, design review board and the housing and redevelopment commission shall apply the 6 provisions of this chapter and Title 20, if applicable for a tentative or final map and the provisions of this 7 title and Title 20 otherwise applicable to such other permit or approval for the project. 8 (b) Whenever a project consists only of exemption determinations and/or administrative permits or 9 administrative variances within the authority of either the director of planning or the director, they shall be 10 consolidated and considered by the director, subject to appeal to the design review board with regard to 11 determinations other than exemptions. 12 (c) If the project includes permits or other discretionary approvals outside the director's administrative 13 permit or administrative variance authority, the administrative permit and/or administrative variance 14 aspects shall be consolidated with the other matters and submitted to the design review board. 15 (d) No variance, determination of exemption or administrative, minor or major redevelopment permit shall 16 be granted unless the decision maker finds, in addition to any other findings otherwise required for the 17 project, that the project as approved, or conditionally approved is consistent with this code, the general 18 plan, the Carlsbad village area redevelopment plan and the village master plan and design manual. (Ord. 19 NS-330 § 4 (part), 1995) 20 21.35.130 Variances. (a) The housing and redevelopment commission may grant variances from the limits, restrictions and 22 controls established by this chapter for major redevelopment permits if the commission finds that: 23 (1) Because of special circumstances applicable to the subject property, including size, shape, 24 topography, location or surroundings, the strict application of the zone regulation deprives such property of 25 privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity and under identical zoning classification; n/• (2) The variance shall not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon 27 other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is located and is subject to any 7S conditions necessary to assure compliance with this finding; (3) The variance does not authorize a use or activity which is not otherwise expressly authorized by the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 appeal from a director decision), if the board makes the variance findings set forth in subsection (a) of this 13 12 section. zone regulation governing the subject property; (4) The variance is consistent with the general purpose and intent of the general plan, Carlsbad village area redevelopment plan, and the Carlsbad village redevelopment master plan and design manual; (5) In addition, in the coastal zone, that the variance is consistent with and implements the requirements of the certified local coastal program and that the variance does not reduce or in any manner adversely affect the protection of coastal resources as specified in the zones included in this title, and that the variance implements the purposes of zones adopted to implement the local coastal program land use plan. (b) An application for a variance shall be processed in the same manner established by this chapter for a redevelopment permit. (c) The design review board may grant variances from the limits, restrictions and controls established by this chapter for minor redevelopment projects (or otherwise administrative projects consolidated or on (d) The director may grant administrative variances in accordance with Section 21.35.090(e), if the director makes the findings set forth in subsection (a) of this section. (Ord. NS-675 § 36, 2003: Ord. NS-330 § 4 (part), 1995)lo 21.35.135 Extension of redevelopment permit An application for a time extension for a redevelopment permit shall be processed directly by the final18 approving authority for a redevelopment permit as set forth within this chapter, unless authority is granted otherwise by the final approving authority. For example, the housing and redevelopment commission has 20 final approving authority for all major redevelopment permits and subsequently for all related time 21 extensions. The time extension application may be submitted directly to the housing and redevelopment 22 commission for approval, and/or the commission may grant approval authority to the design review board 23 and/or housing and redevelopment director. 24 25 21.35.140 Compliance with other provisions of this code. 26 Projects developed pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to the provisions of the Carlsbad village area 27 redevelopment plan and the village master plan and design manual and all other applicable provisions of 28 " 1 the Carlsbad Municipal Code, including but not limited to those provisions of Titles 18, 19 and 20. (Ord. 2 NS-330 § 4 (part), 1995) 3 4 21.35.150 Amendments. 5 Amendments to the Carlsbad village area redevelopment plan or the village master plan and design manual shall be deemed to be amendments to this chapter; provided, however, that such amendments are processed and noticed in a manner which meets the requirements of Chapter 21 .52 of this code. Amendment of the village master plan and design manual by housing and redevelopment commission resolution, with a recommendation from the design review board, shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements of Chapter 21 .52 of this code, provided all other requirements are met. (Ord. NS-330 § 4 (part), 1995) ,« Section II: This Ordinance shall not become effective within the City's Coastal Zone until the Local Coastal Program Amendment is approved by the California Coastal Commission. 15 "/ 16 /// 17 /// 18 /// 19 /// 20 /// 21 /// 22 23 24 25 26 '" 27 >» 28 /// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a Regular Meeting of the City of Carlsbad City Council on the 6th day of November, 2007, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City of Carlsbad City Council on the 20th day of November, 2007, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, and Nygaard. NOES: None. ABSENT: Council Members Hall and Packard. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: R. BALL, City Attorney JLEWK?Mayor ATTEST: lORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk (SEAL) Legislative Draft - Revisions to Chapter 21.35 of CMC Chapter 21.35 V-R VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT ZONE 21.35.010 Intent and purpose. 21.35.020 Incorporation of redevelopment plan and village master plan and design manual by reference. 21.35.030 Land affected by this chapter. 21.35.040 Permitted uses. 21.35.050 Provisional uses. 21.35.060 General regulations. 21.35.070 Redevelopment permit. 21.35.080 Redevelopment projects. 21.35.085 Permit application. 21.35.090 Housing and redevelopment director action. 21.35.100 Design review board action. 21.35.110 Effective date of order-Appeal of design review board decision. 21.35.115 Housing and redevelopment commission action. 21.35.117 Notice of public hearings. 21.35.120 Consolidation of other permits and discretionary approvals-Findings reguirements. 21.35.130 Variances. 21.35.140 Compliance with other provisions of this code. 21.35.150 Amendments. 21.35.010 Intent and purpose. The village redevelopment zone is intended to establish land use classifications and develop standards and procedures for that area of the city described in the Carlsbad village area redevelopment plan, as adopted by city council Ordinance No. 9591. This zone adopts the land use classifications and development standards of the Carlsbad village area redevelopment plan and of the village master plan and design manual adopted pursuant to the redevelopment plan as the zoning for the area designated. (Ord. NS-330 § 4 (part), 1995) 7! 21.35.020 Incorporation of redevelopment plan and village master plan and design manual by reference. The Carlsbad village area redevelopment plan as adopted by Carlsbad city council Ordinance No. 9591 on July 21, 1981, and the village master plan and design manual as adopted by Carlsbad housing and redevelopment commission Resolution No. 271 on November 21, 1995, and modified by Carlsbad housing and redevelopment commission Resolutions No. 280 on August 13,1996, No. 291 on December 16,1997, and No. 379 on April 13, 2004, and modified by Carlsbad housing and redevelopment commission Resolution No. on , 2007 are hereby adopted by reference and incorporated into this chapter. (Ord. NS-703 § 2, 2004: Ord. NS-439 §11, 1998: Ord. NS-371 § 3, 1996: Ord. NS-340 § 1, 1995: Ord. NS-330 § 4 (part), 1995) 21.35.030 Land affected by this chapter. This chapter shall apply only to lands located within the boundaries of the Carlsbad village area, the boundaries of which are described in the Carlsbad village area redevelopment plan. (Ord. NS- 330 §4 (part), 1995) 21.35.040 Permitted uses. Only those uses specified in the Carlsbad village area redevelopment plan and the village master plan and design manual as permitted uses for particular property in the village redevelopment area shall be permitted. (Ord. NS-330 § 4 (part), 1995) 21.35.050 Provisional uses. Uses permitted as provisional uses by the Carlsbad village area redevelopment plan and the village master plan and design manual shall be permitted upon issuance of a redevelopment permit approved according to this chapter. (Ord. NS-330 § 4 (part), 1995) 21.35.060 General regulations. Subject to the provisions of Section 21.35.130 and except as otherwise provided by the Carlsbad village redevelopment plan or the village master plan and design manual, the regulations of this title which apply to uses generally or generally to all zoning classifications shall apply to property and uses in this zone. (Ord. NS-330 § 4 (part), 1995) 21.35.070 Redevelopment permit. Unless otherwise determined to be an exempt project pursuant to Section 21.35.080, no development shall occur in the area subject to this chapter without a redevelopment permit. (Ord. NS-330 § 4 (part), 1995) 21.35.080 Redevelopment projects. (a) Exempt Projects. No redevelopment permit shall be required for an exempt project. An exempt project is one which is exempt from the requirement to obtain a coastal development permit in accordance with Section 21.81.030; and requires no redevelopment permit or other discretionary approvals, and includes but is not limited to: J1) Interior or Exterior improvements to existing structures which do not result in the intensity of use of a structure: and/or Deleted: , except an administrative variance within the authority of either the director of planning or the housing and redevelopment director Deleted: (2) Additions to existing structures which result in a cumulative increase of less than 10% of the internal floor area: and/or (3) Changes in permitted land uses which do not require site changes, result in increased APT, result in increased parking requirements, or result in compatibility issues or problems; and/or (4) Landscaping on the lot unless it will result in erosion or damage to sensitive habitat: and/or, (5) Repair or maintenance activities which are exempt from a coastal development permit: and/or. (6) Activities of public utilities regulated by a government agency: and/or (7) A project that requires no variance of any type: and/or (8) Demolition of a structure, unless such demolition activity has the potential to have an adverse impact on coastal resources and/or access to the coast. (b) Nonexempt Projects. There are three types of redevelopment permits required for nonexempt projects. One permit for each type of redevelopment project described as follows: (1) Administrative Redevelopment Project. An administrative redevelopment project is one which results in minor new construction and/or a change in a development which /equires no other discretionary approvals, except an administrative variance within the authority of either the director of planning or the housing and redevelopment director, and,includes,, butjs not limited to: (A) New construction of building(s) or addition(s) to the building footprint with an estimated permit value of less than sixty thousand dollars; and/or (B) Interior or exterior improvements to existing structures which result in an intensity of use; and/or (C) Provisional land uses, where a minor or major redevelopment permit is not required; and/or (D) Changes in permitted land uses which result in site changes, increased ADT, increased parking requirements, or result in compatibility issues/problems; and/or (E) Signs for existing businesses or facilities; and/or (F) Repair or maintenance activities which are not exempt projects: and/oc (G) Demolition of a structure that has the potential to have an adverse impact on coastal resources and/or public access to the coast. (2) Minor Redevelopment Project. A minor redevelopment project is one which does not qualify as an administrative redevelopment project and involves new construction T with an estimated permit value of sixty thousand dollars or more but less than one hundred fifty thousand dollars. (3) Major Redevelopment Project. A major redevelopment project is one which involves new construction, with an estimated permit value of one hundred fifty thousand dollars or more. (Ord. NS-330 § 4 (part), 1995) 21.35.085 Permit application. (a) An application for a redevelopment permit for a non-exempt project as defined in Section 21.35.080 may be made by the record owner or owners of the property, or the authorized agent or agents for the property, on which the development is proposed. The application shall be filed with the director upon forms provided by the director, and shall be processed in accordance with the provisions of Section 21.54.010 of this code. (b) If signatures of persons other than the owners of property making the application are required or offered in support of, or in opposition to, an application, they may be received as evidence of notice having been served upon them of the pending application, or as evidence of their opinion on the pending issue, but they shall in no case infringe upon the free exercise of the powers vested in the city as represented by the design review board and the housing and redevelopment commission. (c) The application shall be accompanied by a fee in the amount established by city council resolution. No application shall be accepted or deemed accepted until the appropriate fee or fees have been paid. (Ord. NS-330 § 4 (part), 1995) Deleted: involves development with an estimated permit value of less than sixty thousand dollars, and Deleted:, Deleted: ing Deleted: . Deleted: development Deleted: development 21.35.090 Housing and redevelopment director action. (a) After the application has been accepted as complete the director shall determine if the project is exempt from the requirements of this chapter pursuant to Section 21.35.080. No permit shall be required for a project which is exempt from the requirements of this chapter. The director shall determine the exemption based on the certified local coastal program, including maps, categorical exclusions and other exemptions, land use designations, zoning ordinances and the village master plan and design manual. In granting an exemption, the director may impose such conditions as are necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare. The director shall inform the applicant whether the project is exempt within ten calendar days of the determination that the application is complete. The decision of the director on all exempt determinations is final, (subject to the potential dispute resolution process as provided in Section 21.81.050). The director shall maintain a record of all determinations made on projects exempt from the requirements of this chapter. The records shall include the applicant's name, an indication that the project is located in the village area, the location of the project, and a brief description of the project. The record shall also include the reason for exemption. (b) The director may approve, conditionally approve or deny administrative redevelopment permits as defined in Section 21.35.080, subject to appeal to the design review board. (c) After all necessary reports and recommendations have been received the director shall transmit the application for a minor or major redevelopment permit together with the reports and the recommendations of the appropriate departments to the design review board for a public hearing. (d) The director shall transmit to the design review board all timely appeals on administrative permits and administrative variances. (e) The director may grant, conditionally grant or deny applications for the types of administrative variances set forth in Section 21.51.020 of this code and in accordance with the procedures provided in Chapter 21.51 of this code, except that the director and the design review board shall serve as the appropriate approving bodies for projects within the village redevelopment area. If the project includes other discretionary approvals outside the director's authority, the director shall set the consolidated project for public hearing by the design review board. (f) The effective date of order of a housing and redevelopment director decision and the method for appeal of such decision shall be governed by Section 21.54.140 of this code. (Ord. NS-675 § 33, 2003; Ord. NS-330 § 4 (part), 1995) 21.35.100 Design review board action. (a) The design review board shall hold a public hearing on: (1) Appeals of decisions made by the director on administrative redevelopment permits as defined in Section 21.35.080 or administrative variances; (2) Minor or major redevelopment permits and tentative maps: and (3) Nonadministrative variances for which the board has final decision-making authority pursuant to Section 21.35.130(b). (b) For major redevelopment projects, the board shall consider the evidence and by resolution report and recommend to the housing and redevelopment commission approval, conditional approval, or denial of the project. Such resolution shall state, among other things, the facts and reasons why the board determined the approval, conditional approval or denial to be consistent with this chapter. The action to approve, conditionally approve or deny is advisory to the commission. (c) The board shall have sole authority to consider the evidence and by resolution report and recommend to the housing and redevelopment commission and/or city council approval, conditional approval, or denial of revisions to applicable chapters of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, Village Redevelopment Plan, Village Master Plan and Design Manual and/or other policy documents specifically related to activities which benefit and/or otherwise impact the Village Redevelopment AreaT(Ord. NS-675 § 34, 2003: Ord. NS-330 § 4 (part), 1995) . - (Deleted: 21.35.110 Effective date of order-Appeal of design review board decision. The effective date of the design review board's decision and method for appeal of such decision shall be governed by Section 21.54.150 of this code. (Ord. NS-675 § 35, 2003: Ord. NS-506 § 2, 1999: Ord. NS-330 § 4 (part), 1995) 21.35.115 Housing and redevelopment commission action. The housing and redevelopment commission shall hold a public hearing on: (a) Any major redevelopment permit and/or tentative map for which the design review board has filed a report and recommendation with the city clerk; or (b) Any other matter made appealable to the commission by this chapter and which has been timely appealed. (Ord. NS-330 § 4 (part), 1995) 21.35.117 Notice of public hearings. Notice of any public hearing required by this chapter shall be given as provided in Section 21.54.060(1) of this code. (Ord. NS-330 § 4 (part), 1995) ,21.35.120 Consolidation of other permits and discretionary approvals-Findings requirements. (a) Whenever a project would require a permit or approval under the provisions of this title and/or Title 20. notwithstanding this chapter, the redevelopment permit shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements for such permit or approval; provided, however, that in considering the redevelopment permit for said project the director, design review board and the housing and redevelopment commission shall apply the provisions of this chapter and Title 20. if applicable for a tentative or final map, and the provisions of this title and Title 20, otherwise applicable to such other permit or approval for the project. (b) Whenever a project consists only of exemption determinations and/or administrative permits or administrative variances within the authority of either the director of planning or the director, they shall be consolidated and considered by the director, subject to appeal to the design review board with regard to determinations other than exemptions. (c) If the project includes permits or other discretionary approvals outside the director's administrative permit or administrative variance authority, the administrative permit and/or administrative variance aspects shall be consolidated with the other matters and submitted to the design review board. (d) No variance, determination of exemption or administrative, minor or major redevelopment permit shall be granted unless the decisionmaker finds, in addition to any other findings otherwise required for the project, that the project as approved, or conditionally approved is consistent with this code, the general plan, the Carlsbad village area redevelopment plan and the village master plan and design manual. (Ord. NS-330 § 4 (part), 1995) Deleted: U fl 21.35.130 Variances. (a) The housing and redevelopment commission may grant variances from the limits, restrictions and controls established by this chapter for major redevelopment permits if the commission finds that: (1) Because of special circumstances applicable to the subject property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, the strict application of the zone regulation deprives such property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity and under identical zoning classification; (2) The variance shall not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is located and is subject to any conditions necessary to assure compliance with this finding; (3) The variance does not authorize a use or activity which is not otherwise expressly authorized by the zone regulation governing the subject property; (4) The variance is consistent with the general purpose and intent of the general plan, Carlsbad village area redevelopment plan, and the Carlsbad village redevelopment master plan and design manual; (5) In addition, in the coastal zone, that the variance is consistent with and implements the requirements of the certified local coastal program and that the variance does not reduce or in any manner adversely affect the protection of coastal resources as specified in the zones included in this title, and that the variance implements the purposes of zones adopted to implement the local coastal program land use plan. (b) An application for a variance shall be processed in the same manner established by this chapter for a redevelopment permit. (c) The design review board may grant variances from the limits, restrictions and controls established by this chapter for minor redevelopment projects (or otherwise administrative projects consolidated or on appeal from a director decision), if the board makes the variance findings set forth in subsection (a) of this section. (d) The director may grant administrative variances in accordance with Section 21.35.090(e), if the director makes the findings set forth in subsection (a) of this section. (Ord. NS-675 § 36, 2003: Ord. NS-330 § 4 (part), 1995) 21.35.135 Extension of redevelopment permit An application For a time extension for a redevelopment permit shall be processed directly by the final approving authority for a redevelopment permit as set forth within this chapter, unless authority is granted otherwise by the final approving authority. For example, the housing and redevelopment commission has final approving authority for all major redevelopment, permits and subsequently for all related time extensions. The time extension application may be submitted directly to the housing and redevelopment commission for approval, and/or the commission may grant approval authority to the design review board and/or housing and redevelopment director. 21.35.140 Compliance with other provisions of this code. Projects developed pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to the provisions of the Carlsbad village area redevelopment plan and the village master plan and design manual and all other applicable provisions of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, including but not limited to those provisions of Titles 18, 19 and 20. (Ord. NS-330 § 4 (part), 1995) 21.35.150 Amendments. /amendments to the Carlsbad village area redevelopment plan or the village master plan and design manual shall be deemed to be amendments to this chapter; provided, however, that such amendments are processed and noticed in a manner which meets the requirements of Chapter 21.52 of this code. Amendment of the village master plan and design manual by housing and redevelopment commission resolution, with a recommendation from the design review board, shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements of Chapter 21.52 of this code, provided all other requirements are met. (Ord. NS-330 § 4 (part), 1995) Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt 1 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 2007-274 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDMENTS 3 TO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 21.35 AND . APPROVING A LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AMENDMENT FOR THE VILLAGE SEGMENT OF THE 5 CARLSBAD LOCAL COASTAL ZONE THROUGH THOSE AMENDMENTS AND REVISIONS TO THE VILLAGE 6 MASTER PLAN AND DESIGN MANUAL, AND ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR SAID LOCAL COASTAL 7 PROGRAM AND RELATED ZONE CODE AMENDMENT. CASE NAME: VILLAGE MASTER PLAN AND DESIGN 8 MANUAL AMENDMENTS 9 CASE NO: LCPA95-10(A) JO WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has filed a verified application for an 11 amendment to the Local Coastal Program for the Village Redevelopment Segment of 12 the Carlsbad Local Coastal Zone (and for all properties located within the Village 13 Redevelopment Project Area) by adoption of amendments to the Village Master Plan 14 and Design Manual and Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.35 by the Housing and Redevelopment Commission and the City Council respectively; and 16 WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request for amendment as 17 provided in Public Resources Code Sections 30510 et.seq.; and 18 WHEREAS, a Negative Declaration was prepared in conjunction with said 20 project; and 21 WHEREAS, the Design Review Board did recommend approval of the subject 22 application and Negative Declaration at its special meeting on September 6, 2007; and 23 WHEREAS, the City Council did on the 16th day of October, 2007 and November 24 6, 2007 hold duly noticed public hearings prescribed by law to consider said proposed 25 Local Coastal Program Amendment through amendments to the Village Master Plan 26 and Design Manual and Zone Code Amendment and Negative Declaration; and 27 28 1 WHEREAS, at said public hearings, upon hearing and considering all testimony 2 and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, the City Council considered all factors relating to said Local Coastal Program Amendment and Negative Declaration. 4 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of 5 Carlsbad, California, as follows: 6 1. That the above recitations are true and correct.7 8 2. That based on the evidence presented at the public hearings and within 9 the Design Review Board Staff Report dated September 6, 2007, the City 10 Council APPROVES LCPA 95-10(A), which includes amendments to the 11 Village Master Plan and Design Manual and Carlsbad Municipal Code 12 Chapter 21.35 as shown in the exhibits attached to this resolution, and as 13 recommended for approval by the Design Review Board in Resolutions 325, 14 326 and 327 and ADOPTS the Negative Declaration for said amendments 15 and revisions. 16 17 3. That the City Council finds the proposed amendments to the Local Coastal !g Program for the Village Redevelopment segment of the Carlsbad Local 19 Coastal Zone are necessary to ensure the continued success of revitalization 20 efforts, through the elimination of blight and economic development activities, 21 within the Village Redevelopment Project Area of the City of Carlsbad. 22 4. That the City Council finds that the proposed amendments to the Local 23 Coastal Program provides for the maintenance of public access to local 24 coastal resources and will have no negative impact on these resources. 25 26 27 28 1 5. That the proposed amendments are consistent with the Carlsbad General 2 Plan and the Carlsbad Village Redevelopment Plan/Local Coastal Program 3 Land Use Plan. 4 6. That the Negative Declaration has been prepared in accordance with 5 requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, the State Guidelines6 and the Environmental Protection Procedures of the City of Carlsbad, and g that the Negative Declaration reflects the independent judgment of the City 9 Council of the City of Carlsbad. 10 7. That based on the El A Part II and comments thereon, there is no 11 substantial evidence the project will have a significant effect on the 12 environment. 13 8. That the Housing and Redevelopment Director is directed to prepare and 14 file an application to the California Coastal Commission, without undue delay, ., to approve an amendment to the Local Coastal Program for the Village16 17 Redevelopment segment of the Carlsbad Local Coastal Zone as set forth 18 herein. 19 /// 20 /// 21 /// 22 /// 23 /// 24 /// 25 26 '" 27 '" 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101. v/ 11 12 13 14 15 •\ f16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED Carlsbad City Council and Carlsbad Housing and at a Joint Special Meeting Redevelopment Commission of the held on the 20th day of November, 2007, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, and Nygaard NOES: None ABSENT: Council Members Hall and Packard/ / rf l/j£. (Ji/n CLAODE ATTEST: . o KtTU^ s~i /O / /I / // •>/?// iff *"/ Wfl [^l\fi//)-4/ AMiEVCflS; Mayor s> S^~ fl^_O- oL/(^LM-i^< .. J-X.1&, LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk * v^u '""//, <s->=oi<mmmio~-^.••.^^^SP/ajr- '^mTWmi'' ^~'So^miF'^\ *""£' 'j? ""mi^* ,±*\^L>1 fr City of Carlsbad Housing & Redevelopment Department CASE NAME: CASE NO: PROJECT LOCATION: NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT A NEGATIVE DECLARATION Village Master Plan and Design Manual Amendments LCPA 95-l(KAVZCA95-10fA) Carlsbad Village Project Area - City of Carlsbad PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed Zone Code Amendment and Local Coastal Program Amendment consists of revisions and/or clarifications to inconsistent policies and/or revisions to one or more development standards, including an increase in maximum residential density in select areas, for projects within the City of Carlsbad's Village Project Area to assist in the continued facilitation of the development of high quality new construction and rehabilitation projects. The motivations for this amendment are as follows: Through implementation of the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and related ordinances and/or regulations over time, it has been discovered that some of the approved policies and/or development standards are inconsistent among the various implementing documents. Revisions and clarifications of the regulations and/or policies are proposed to ensure consistent implementation in the future. In addition, on March 26, 2006, the Housing and Redevelopment Commission approved a Resolution of Intention (ROI) to amend one or more development standards, including increased residential densities for select areas, set forth within the Village Master Plan and Design Manual in order to ensure that new commercial and/or residential development within the Village Area is more consistent with the vision adopted for the area initially in 1981 and then as amended in 1995 in terms of product type and design. PROPOSED DETERMINATION: The City of Carlsbad has conducted an environmental review of the project described above pursuant to the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act and the Environmental Protection Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad. As a result of said review, the initial study (EIA Part 2) did not identify any potentially significant impacts on the environment. Therefore, a Negative Declaration will be recommended for adoption by the City of Carlsbad Design Review Board to the Housing and Redevelopment Commission and/or City Council. A copy of the proposed amendments and the initial study (EIA Part 2) documenting reasons to support the proposed Negative Declaration are on file in the Housing and Redevelopment Department, 2965 Roosevelt Street, Suite B, Carlsbad, California 92008. Comments from the public are invited. Please submit comments in writing to the Housing and Redevelopment Department within thirty (30) days of the date of this notice. The proposed project and Negative Declaration are subject to review and approval/adoption by the Carlsbad Design Review Board, Housing and Redevelopment Commission and/or City Council. Additional public notices will be issued when those public hearings are scheduled. If you have any questions, please contact Debbie Fountain, Housing and Redevelopment Director, at (760) 434-2935 or dfoun@ci.carlsbad.ca.us. PUBLIC REVIEW PERIOD: PUBLISH DATE: July 23, 2007 through August 23, 2007 July 23, 2007 2965 Roosevelt St., Ste. B • Carlsbad, CA 92008-2389 • (760) 434-2810/2811 • FAX (760) 720-2037 8*' ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FORM - INITIAL STUDY (TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT) CASE NO: LCPA 95-10(aVZCA 95-10(a) DATE: June 29.2007 BACKGROUND 1. CASE NAME: Village Master Plan and Design Manual - Amendments 2. LEAD AGENCY NAME AND ADDRESS: City of Carlsbad 3. CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE NUMBER: Debbie Fountain. Housing and Redevelopment Director. (7601 434-2935 4. PROJECT LOCATION: Carlsbad Village Redevelopment Project Area; no specific project sites 5. PROJECT SPONSOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS: Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency - 2965 Roosevelt Street. Suite B. Carlsbad. Ca. 92008 6. GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: V (Village) for all properties 7. ZONING: VR (Village-Redevelopment') for all properties 8. OTHER PUBLIC AGENCIES WHOSE APPROVAL IS REQUIRED (i.e., permits, financing approval or participation agreements): California Coastal Commission (Local Coastal Program Amendment) 9. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/ ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING AND SURROUNDING LAND USES: The proposed Amendments to Chapter 21.35 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual are intended to revise and/or clarify policies for consistency among regulatory documents and/or to revise one or more development standards for projects within the Village Redevelopment Area only. These amendments, which ultimately will include an amendment to the Local Coastal Program for the Village Area, will assist in the continued facilitation of the development of high quality redevelopment projects in the Village Redevelopment Area of Carlsbad and implementation of the economic development strategy for the area. In implementing the Village Master Plan and Design Manual since 1995. staff has discovered that some of the approved policies and/or standards are inconsistent among the various implementing documents. In addition, the Housing and Redevelopment Commission Project Number(s) - LCPA95-10(a)/ZCA 95-10(a) Project Name - Village Master Plan and Design Manual Amendments approved a Resolution of Intention (ROD on March 26. 2006 to amend some of the development standards in order to ensure more desirable development within the Village that is consistent with the area vision set forth within the Village Master Plan and Design Manual. The Village Redevelopment Area is an existing urban, downtown area for which a Redevelopment Plan was adopted in 1981. The Vision for the Village is for: Da distinct visual identity that makes it unique and a memorable place with identifiable landmarks: 2) excellence through high quality, well-designed private development and public improvements: 3) accommodation of a wide range of land uses and to have the Village serve as a specialty retail center for the entire City; 4) a strong civic character and provide for a place for people to come to be a part of important community events: 5) a Village that is comfortable and a safe place to work, shot?, visit and live: and 6) a welcoming attitude and a spirit of cooperation to new businesses and developers who are interested in becoming a part of the downtown. The proposed amendments will enhance the standards and policies already set forth within the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and CMC 21.35 to accomplish the vision set forth above. The project applies to regulations that are applicable to properties within the boundaries of the Village Redevelopment Area only. There is no specific project site with a specific environmental setting or surrounding land uses identified at this time. Rev. 01/02/07 Project Number(s) - LCPA95-10(a)/ZCA 95-10(a) Project Name - Village Master Plan and Design Manual Amendments ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED: The summary of environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a "Potentially Significant Impact," or "Potentially Significant Impact Unless Mitigation Incorporated" as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. I | Aesthetics | | Agricultural Resources Air Quality Biological Resources Cultural Resources I 1 Geology/Soils | | Noise D Hazards/Hazardous Materials D Population and Housing I | Hydrology/Water Quality I I Land Use and Planning Mineral Resources Public Services Recreation Mandatory Findings of Significance Transportation/Circulation Utilities & Service Systems Rev. 01/02/07 Project Number(s) - LCPA95-10(a)/ZCA 95-10(a) Project Name - Village Master Plan and Design Manual Amendments DETERMINATION. (To be completed by the Lead Agency) I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. I find that the proposed project MAY have "potentially significant impact(s)" on the environment, but at least one potentially significant impact 1) has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and 2) has been addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis as described on attached sheets. A Negative Declaration is required, but it must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there WILL NOT be a significant effect in this case because all potentially significant effects (a) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT or NEGATIVE DECLARATION pursuant to applicable standards and (b) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT or NEGATIVE DECLARATION, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project. Therefore, nothing further is required. | _ | 7/7767 Date T//g/07 Planning Director's Signature Date Rev. 01/02/07 Project Number(s) - LCPA95-10(a)/ZCA 95-10(a) Project Name - Village Master Plan and Design Manual Amendments ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS STATE CEQA GUIDELINES, Chapter 3, Article 5, Section 15063 requires that the City conduct an Environmental Impacf Assessment (EIA) to determine if a project may have a significant effect on the environment. The Environmental Impact Assessment appears in the following pages in the form of a checklist. This checklist identifies any physical, biological and human factors that might be impacted by the proposed project and provides the City with information to use as the basis for deciding whether to prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR), Negative Declaration, or to rely on a previously approved EIR or Negative Declaration. • A brief explanation is required for all answers except "No Impact" answers that are adequately supported by an information source cited in the parentheses following each question. A "No Impact" answer is adequately supported if the referenced information sources show that the impact simply does not apply to projects like the one involved. A "No Impact" answer should be explained when there is no source document to refer to, or it is based on project-specific factors as well as general standards. • "Less Than Significant Impact" applies where there is supporting evidence that the potential impact is not significantly adverse, and the impact does not exceed adopted general standards and policies. • "Potentially Significant Unless Mitigation Incorporated" applies where the incorporation of mitigation measures has reduced an effect from "Potentially Significant Impact" to a "Less Than Significant Impact." The developer must agree to the mitigation, and the City must describe the mitigation measures, and briefly explain how they reduce the effect to a less than significant level. • "Potentially Significant Impact" is appropriate if there is substantial evidence that an effect is significantly adverse, • Based on an "EIA-Initial Study", if a proposed project could have a potentially significant adverse effect on the environment, but all potentially significant adverse effects (a) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR or Mitigated Negative Declaration pursuant to applicable standards and (b) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR or Mitigated Negative Declaration, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project, and none of the circumstances requiring a supplement to or supplemental EIR are present and all the mitigation measures required by the prior environmental document have been incorporated into this project, then no additional environmental document is required. • When "Potentially Significant Impact" is checked the project is not necessarily required to prepare an EIR if the significant adverse effect has been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR pursuant to applicable standards and the effect will be mitigated, or a "Statement of Overriding Considerations" has been made pursuant to that earlier EIR. • A Negative Declaration may be prepared if the City perceives no substantial evidence that the project or any of its aspects may cause a significant adverse effect on the environment. • If there are one or more potentially significant adverse effects, the City may avoid preparing an EIR if there are mitigation measures to clearly reduce adverse impacts to less than significant, and those mitigation measures are agreed to by the developer prior to public review. In this case, the appropriate "Potentially Significant Impact Unless Mitigation Incorporated" may be checked and a Mitigated Negative Declaration may be prepared. Rev. 01/02/07 Project Number(s) - LCPA95-10(a)/ZCA 95-10(a) Project Name - Village Master Plan and Design Manual Amendments • An EIR must be prepared if "Potentially Significant Impact" is checked, and including but not limited to the following circumstances: (1) the potentially significant adverse effect has not been discussed or mitigated in an earlier EIR pursuant to applicable standards, and the developer does not agree to mitigation measures that reduce the adverse impact to less than significant; (2) a "Statement of Overriding Considerations" for the significant adverse impact has not been made pursuant to an earlier EIR; (3) proposed mitigation measures do not reduce the adverse impact to less than significant; or (4) through the EIA-Initial Study analysis it is not possible to determine the level of significance for a potentially adverse effect, or determine the effectiveness of a mitigation measure in reducing a potentially significant effect to below a level of significance. A discussion of potential impacts and the proposed mitigation measures appears after each related set of questions. Particular attention should be given to discussing mitigation for impacts, which would otherwise be determined significant. Rev. 01/02/07 Project Number(s) - LCPA95-10(a)/ZCA 95-10(a) Project Name - Village Master Plan and Design Manual Amendments I. AESTHETICS - Would the project: a) Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? b) Substantially damage scenic resources, including but not limited to, trees, rock outcroppings, and historic buildings within a State scenic highway? c) Substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of the site and its surroundings? d) Create a new source of substantial light and glare, which would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area? Potentially Significant Impact Potentially Significant Unless Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant' No Impact Impact X X X X Less than Significant Impact (a-d) - The amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and related Zoning Ordinance are intended to assist in the facilitation of high quality commercial, residential and/or mixed-use redevelopment projects consistent with the vision adopted for the Village Redevelopment Area in 1981 and further refined in 1995. Existing standards and policies are being further refined at this time to ensure continued quality development in the Village Redevelopment Area. Future development in the Village Area will be consistent with the design guidelines set forth in the Village Master Plan. Design guidelines are provided to reduce potential substantial adverse effects resulting from future development of the site, and include design measures pertaining to scale, screening of mechanical equipment, and other relevant design elements. The design guidelines will be applied to individual development projects within the Village Area as part of the City's review of discretionary land use permits. Design elements of each development project will be reviewed on an individual and comprehensive basis by the appropriate review authority. Future development will also be consistent with existing policies pertaining to lighting requirements. The proposed project therefore will have a less than significant impact on any scenic vista or other scenic resource. II. AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES - (In determining whether impacts to agricultural resources are significant environmental effects, lead agencies may refer to the California Agricultural Land Evaluation and Site Assessment Model-1997 prepared by the California Department of Conservation as an optional model to use in assessing impacts on agriculture and farmland.) Would the project: a) Convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance (Farmland), as shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program of the California Resources Agency, to non-agricultural use? Potentially Significant Impact Potentially Significant Unless Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant No Impact Impact X Rev. 01/02/07 Project Number(s) - LCPA95-10(a)/ZCA 95-10(a) Project Name - Village Master Plan and Design Manual Amendments b) Conflict with existing zoning for agricultural use, or a Williamson Act contract? c) Involve other changes in the existing environment, which, due to their location or nature, could result in conversion of Farmland to non-agricultural use? X X No Impact (a-c). The proposed amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and related Zoning Ordinance do not affect any regulation that could: a) result in the conversion of farmland to a non-agricultural use; b) conflict with any existing zoning for agricultural uses or a Williamson Act contract; or, c) result in changes to the existing city environment that would cause the conversion of farmland to a non-agricultural use. The Village Area is an existing urban downtown area with infill development. There are no properties in the Village Area zoned for agriculture or currently designated or used as farmland. AIR QUALITY - (Where available, the significance criteria established by the applicable air quality management or air pollution control district may be relied upon to make the following determinations.) Would the project: a) Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan? b) Violate any air quality standard or contribute substantially to an existing or projected air quality violation? c) Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the project region is in non-attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard (including releasing emissions which exceed quantitative thresholds for ozone precursors)? d) Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations? e) Create objectionable odors affecting a substantial number of people? Potentially Significant Impact Potentially Significant Unless Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant No Impact Impact X X X X X No Impact (a). The proposed amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and related Zoning Ordinance do not affect any regulation that could conflict or obstruct implementation of the regional air quality plan. All properties within the City, including the Village Area, are located in the San Diego Air Basin, which is a federal and state non-attainment area for ozone (O3), and a state non-attainment area for paniculate matter less than or equal to 10 microns in diameter (PMio). The periodic violations of national Ambient Air Quality Standards (AAQS) in the San Diego Air Basin (SDAB), particularly for ozone in inland foothill areas, requires that a plan be developed Rev. 01/02/07 Project Number(s) - LCPA95-10(a)/ZCA 95-10(a) Project Name - Village Master Plan and Design Manual Amendments outlining the pollution controls that will be undertaken to improve air quality. In San Diego County, this attainment planning process is embodied in the Regional Air Quality Strategies (RAQS) developed jointly by the Air Pollution Control District (APCD) and the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG). A Plan to meet the federal standard for ozone was developed in 1994 during the process of updating the 1991 state- mandated plan. This local plan was combined with plans from all other California non-attainment areas having serious ozone problems and used to create the California State Implementation Plan (SIP). The SIP was adopted by the Air Resources Board (ARE) after public hearings on November 9th through 10th in 1994, and was forwarded to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for approval. After considerable analysis and debate, particularly regarding airsheds with the worst smog problems, EPA approved the SIP in mid-1996. The proposed project relates to the SIP and/or RAQS through the land use and growth assumptions that are incorporated into the air quality planning document. These growth assumptions are based on each city's and the County's general plan. If a proposed project is consistent with its applicable General Plan, then the project presumably has been anticipated within the regional air quality planning process. Such consistency would ensure that the project would not have an adverse regional air quality impact. Section 15125(B) of the State of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines contains specific reference to the need to evaluate any inconsistencies between the proposed project and the applicable air quality management plan. Transportation Control Measures (TCMs) are part of the RAQS. The RAQS and TCM plan set forth the steps needed to accomplish attainment of state and federal ambient air quality standards. The California Air Resources Board provides criteria for determining whether a project conforms with the RAQS which include the following: • Is a regional air quality plan being implemented in the project area? • Is the project consistent with the growth assumptions in the regional air quality plan? The project area (Village Area of Carlsbad) is located in the San Diego Air Basin, and as such, is located in an area where a RAQS is being implemented. The project is consistent with the regional air quality plan and will in no way conflict or obstruct implementation of the regional plan. Less than Significant (b). The closest air quality monitoring station to the project site is at Camp Pendelton/City of Oceanside. Data available for this monitoring site from 2000 through December 2004, indicate mat the most recent air quality violations recorded were for the state one hour standard for ozone (a total of 10 days during the 5-year period). No other violations of any air quality standards have been recorded during the 5-year time period. The amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and related Zoning Ordinance do not involve any changes to air quality planning/standards. Because this area is already developed, air pollutant emissions associated with future increased development in the project area are anticipated to comprise only an incremental contribution to overall air basin quality readings. Therefore, this incremental increase in air pollutant emissions would not likely contribute substantially to an existing or projected air quality violation. Future development within the area would result in minimal short-term emissions associated with grading and construction. Standard construction measures such as the use of properly maintained equipment and watering the site for dust control would minimize emissions. Less than Significant (c). The air basin is currently in a state non-attainment zone for ozone and suspended fine particulates. The amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and related Zoning Ordinance do not include a proposal for physical development of any site. Therefore, site specific project analysis is not available. However, the modifications to the standards in the Master Plan and Design Manual would allow for increased development within the Village and would represent a contribution to a cumulatively considerable potential net increase in emissions throughout the air basin. However, the proposed project is consistent with the City of Carlsbad's General Plan in that the overall development strategy for the Village is to enhance economic potential and to establish site specific development standards which create a pedestrian scale environment of specialty shops, services and restaurants complemented by residential and mixed-use development. The proposed project will assist in accomplishment of the development strategy set forth for the Village Area. Because the proposed project is consistent with the City's General Plan, it is presumed that the proposed project has been anticipated with the regional air quality planning process. Such consistency would ensure that the project would not have an adverse regional air quality impact. Further, emissions will be limited through the pedestrian orientation of the subject Rev. 01/02/07 Project Number(s) - LCPA95-10(a)/ZCA 95-10(a) Project Name - Village Master Plan and Design Manual Amendments project, encouragement of alternative forms of transportation and support for land uses with low emissions such as general retail and residential within the Village. A Regional Air Quality Standards (RAQS) Plan is being implemented for the area. Implementation of the proposed standards revisions will not result in land uses that would conflict with the adopted SIP or RAQS responsible for managing air quality in the region. Future development of the project area is not anticipated at this time to exceed growth projections for the area nor will it conflict or obstruct implementation of the regional plans. Therefore, potential cumulative air quality impacts resulting from implementation of the proposed development standard revisions are considered to be less than significant. No impact (d). The proposed amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and related Zoning Ordinance do not propose or affect any regulation that would result in exposing sensitive receptors to pollutant concentrations. Any future development proposal will be required to conform to the applicable air quality management plan. No Impact (e) The proposed amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and related Zoning Ordinance do not propose or affect any regulation that would result in an activity that could create objectionable odors. Construction of future development projects in the project area could generate fumes from the operation of construction equipment, which may be considered objectionable by some people. Such exposure would be short- term or transient. In addition, since development will be phased over time, the number of people exposed to such transient impacts at any given time will be limited. Future development proposals will be required to address impacts from odors as part of the discretionary approval process. Potentially Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact IV. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES - Would the project: a) Have a substantial adverse effect, either directly or through habitat modifications, on any species identified as a candidate, sensitive, or special status species in local or regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by California Department of Fish and Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? b) Have a substantial adverse effect on any riparian, aquatic or wetland habitat or other sensitive natural community identified in local or regional plans, policies, or regulations or by California Department of Fish and Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? c) Have a substantial adverse effect on federally protected wetlands as defined by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (including but not limited to marsh, vernal pool, coastal, etc.) through direct removal, filing, hydrological interruption, or other means? d) Interfere substantially with the movement of any native resident or migratory fish or wildlife species or with established native resident or migratory wildlife corridors, or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites? X X X X 10 Rev. 01/02/07 Project Number(s) - LCPA95-10(a)/ZCA 95-10(a) Project Name - Village Master Plan and Design Manual Amendments e) Conflict with any local policies or ordinances X protecting biological resources, such as a tree preservation policy or ordinance? f) Conflict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat X Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other approved local, regional, or state habitat conservation plan? No Impact (a-d) - The proposed amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and related Zoning Ordinance do not propose or affect any regulation that would result in an adverse effect on any sensitive habitat or species, or interference with any native or migratory wildlife corridor or native wildlife nursery site. Properties within the Village Area have all been previously graded and are developed infill sites. Therefore, there will be no impact on sensitive habitat or species, or interference with any native or migratory wildlife. No Impact (e & f) - The proposed amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and related Zoning Ordinance do not affect any regulation that would result in a conflict with local policies and ordinances that protect biological resources or the provisions of any habitat conservation plan. The properties within the Village Area have all been previously graded and are developed infill sites. Therefore, there will be no impact on biological resources. Potentially Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact V. CULTURAL RESOURCES - Would the project: a) Cause a substantial adverse change in the X significance of a historical resource as defined in §15064.5? b) Cause a substantial adverse change in the signifi- }£ cance of an archeological resource pursuant to §15064.5? c) Directly or indirectly destroy a unique pale }£ ontological resource or site or unique geologic feature? d) Disturb any human remains, including those interred X outside of formal cemeteries? Less than Significant Impact (a) — The proposed amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual do not propose any demolition, destruction, relocation or alteration of any existing historical resource within the Village Area. There is one known historical building within the Village Area which is listed on the National Register for historic properties. This building is owned by the City of Carlsbad. Any modifications to this building and/or relocation of it will be subject to further environmental review if proposed at a later date. Any proposed modifications will conform to the Secretary of Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. There are no known properties in the Village Area listed on the State of California Register of Historic Properties. Although the proposed amendments might encourage demolition, relocation or alteration of properties with local historical significance, the City of Carlsbad does not have a local historic preservation ordinance. Therefore, there are no preservation requirements. The proposed amendments are not in conflict with any existing historic 11 Rev. 01/02/07 Project Number(s) - LCPA95-10(a)/ZCA 95-10(a) Project Name - Village Master Plan and Design Manual Amendments preservation regulation and/or policy. There are also no specific changes proposed which would be adverse to the significance of any identified historical resource. No Impact (b-d) - The proposed amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and related Zoning Ordinance do not affect any regulation that would result in a disturbance of any human remains or an adverse impact to any historical, archeological, or paleontological resource. The properties within the Village have been previously graded and developed infill sites which are surrounded by urban development and there will be no impacts on cultural resources. There are no known archeological, paleontological or human remains within the project area. VI. GEOLOGY AND SOILS - Would the project: a) Expose people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury or death involving: i. Rupture of a known earthquake fault, as delineated on the most recent Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Map issued by the State Geologist for the area or based on other substantial evidence of a known fault? Refer to Division of Mines and Geology Special Publication 42. ii. Strong seismic ground shaking? iii. Seismic-related ground failure, including liquefaction? iv. Landslides? b) Result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil? c) Be located on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable, or that would become unstable as a result of the project, and potentially result in on- or off-site landslide, lateral spreading, subsidence, liquefaction, or collapse? d) Be located on expansive soils, as defined in Table 18 - 1-B of the Uniform Building Code (1997), creating substantial risks to life or property? e) Have soils incapable of adequately supporting the use of septic tanks or alternative wastewater disposal systems where sewers are not available for the disposal of wastewater? Potentially Significant Impact Potentially Significant Unless Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant No Impact Impact X X X X X X X X 12 Rev. 01/02/07 Project Number(s) - LCPA95-10(a)/ZCA 95-10(a) Project Name - Village Master Plan and Design Manual Amendments Less than Significant Impact (a-i,ii,iii) - There are no Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zones within the City of Carlsbad, which includes the Village Redevelopment Area, and there is no other evidence of active faults within the City. However, there are several active faults throughout Southern California, and these potential earthquakes could affect Carlsbad. The project area is located in an area of the City with stable soil conditions and the risk of seismic- related ground failure or liquefaction is minimal. The amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and related Zoning Ordinance do not affect any regulation that would expose people or structures to potential adverse effects from a known earthquake fault, ground shaking, and/or seismic-related ground failure or landslides. The possibility of ground acceleration or shaking on the properties within the Village Area will be similar and comparable to the southern California region as a whole. All developments, including those within the Village Redevelopment Area, are subject to requirements such as the Uniforn Building Code earthquake construction standards and soil remediation that when necessary ensure potential adverse effects are not significant. No Impact (a-iv). Land slides are potential threats in parts of the City, but not within the Village Redevelopment Area (which is the subject of this project). The project area is in an area of stable soil conditions that are not subject to landslides. No Impact (b, c, d & e) - The proposed amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and related Zoning Ordinance do not affect any regulation that would result in substantial soil erosion on any site within the project area or in any impacts to unstable or expansive soil conditions. The project area is in an area of stable soil conditions that are not subject to soil erosion and/or expansion. As appropriate, however, soil studies will be completed for site-specific developments to ensure that there are no risks or hazards due to soil erosion or expansion. In addition, sewers are available to the properties within the project area, and the project will be served by public wastewater. VII. HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS - Would the project: a) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through the routine transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials? b) Create a significant hazard to the public or environment through reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment? c) Emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acutely hazardous materials, substances, or waste within one-quarter mile of an existing or proposed school? d) Be located on a site which is included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 and, as a result, would it create a significant hazard to the public or environment? Potentially Significant Impact Potentially Significant Unless Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant No Impact Impact X X X X 13 Rev. 01/02/07 Project Number(s) - LCPA95-10(a)/ZCA 95-10(a) Project Name - Village Master Plan and Design Manual Amendments e) For a project within an airport land use plan, or X where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area? f) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, X would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area? g) Impair implementation of or physically interfere with X an adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan? h) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of X loss, injury or death involving wildland fires, including where wildlands are adjacent to urbanized areas or where residences are intermixed with wildlands? No Impact (a-h) - The Village Master Plan allows for a variety of land uses. These future land uses may require the transport, use or disposal of hazardous materials as an aspect of daily operations. Oil and/or other chemicals released from delivery vehicles or the vehicles of residents or visitors, as well as those used for mechanical equipment or for maintenance purposes or other purposes may be present on the site; however, presence of such materials onsite is not anticipated to be substantial in quantity or to pose substantial risk to human health or safety. The project area is located over 4 miles northwest of the McClellan-Palomar Airport (a public airport) and is not subject to the Mc-Clellan-Palomar Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP). The project area is an infill site surrounded by urban development and is adequately served by emergency services. The proposed amendments will not interfere with the implementation of any adopted emergency response or evacuation plan. There are no wildlands adjacent to the project site that could expose people to significant risk from wildland fires. Potentially Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact VIII. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY - Would the project: a) Violate any water quality standards or waste X discharge requirements? b) Substantially deplete groundwater supplies or X interfere substantially with ground water recharge such that there would be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of the local ground water table level (i.e., the production rate of pre-existing nearby wells would drop to a level which would not support existing land uses or planned uses for which permits have been granted)? 14 Rev. 01/02/07 Project Number(s) - LCPA95-10(a)/ZCA 95-10(a) Project Name - Village Master Plan and Design Manual Amendments c) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the X site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, in a manner, which would result in substantial erosion or siltation on- or off- site? d) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the X site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, or substantially increase the flow rate or amount (volume) of surface runoff in a manner, which would result in flooding on- or off- site? e) Create or contribute runoff water, which would X exceed the capacity of existing or planned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoff? f) Otherwise substantially degrade water quality? }£ g) Place housing within a 100-year flood hazard area as X mapped on a Federal Flood Hazard Boundary or Flood Insurance Rate Map or other flood delineation map? h) Place within 100-year flood hazard area structures, X which would impede or redirect flood flows? i) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of X loss injury or death involving flooding, including flooding as a result of the failure of a levee or dam? j) Inundation by seiche, tsunami, or mudflow? X k) Increase erosion (sediment) into receiving surface X waters. 1) Increase pollutant discharges (e.g., heavy metals, X pathogens, petroleum derivatives, synthetic organics, nutrients, oxygen-demanding substances and trash) into receiving surface waters or other alteration of receiving surface water quality (e.g. temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? m) Change receiving water quality (marine, fresh or X wetland waters) during or following construction? n) Increase any pollutant to an already impaired water X body as listed on the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) list? o) Increase impervious surfaces and associated runoff? X p) Impact aquatic, wetland, or riparian habitat? X 15 Rev. 01/02/07 Project Number(s) - LCPA95-10(a)/ZCA 95-10(a) Project Name - Village Master Plan and Design Manual Amendments q) Result in the exceedance of applicable surface or X groundwater receiving water quality objectives or degradation of beneficial uses? Less than Significant Impact (a) - The amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and related Zoning Ordinance do not propose or affect any regulation that would conflict with any water quality standards. All development within the subject project area will be required to comply with all federal, state and local water quality regulations, including the Clean Water Act, California Administrative Code Title 23, and specific basin plan objectives identified in the "Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin. The properties within the project area are currently developed with a variety of uses including both commercial and residential. All of the properties/development currently generate runoff due to their paved surfaces. New development will also generate runoff due to new and/or replaced paved surfaces. The Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin identifies specific objectives for the Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit. These objectives include the requirement for all new development projects to comply with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Best Management Practices (BMPs). Application, certification and compliance with an NPDES permit for all new development will ensure that water quality exiting properties within the project area will be maintained to a level of acceptability. All new development will be required to adhere to applicable RWQCB regulations for control of sedimentation and erosion, including the installation of temporary detention basins or other means of stabilization or impoundment required by the RWQCB. All exposed graded areas shall be treated with erosion control pursuant to City of Carlsbad erosion standards, including hydroseed, berms desiltation basins, jute matting, sandbags, bladed ditches or other appropriate methods. Other Best Management Practices (BMPs) will also be utilized. Less than Signficant Impact (b-e) - The amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and related Zoning Ordinance do not include a proposal that would significantly alter existing drainage patterns, nor would it increase the potential for erosion or siltation in any river or stream. Although new or increased development within the Village project area will increase the amount of impervious surface area (i.e., parking areas, internal roadways, etc.), individual development projects will implement measures to reduce urban pollutants prior to discharge. All stormwater from the project area will drain into existing storm drains within the Village Area. It is not anticipated that new development will significantly deplete groundwater supplies, or significantly interfere with ground water recharge. New development is also not anticipated to significantly change the topography, drainage patterns, or amount of runoff in the area. No additional pollution of surface waters is anticipated to result from new development All new development will be required to comply with the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (December, 2003) and adhere to applicable RWQCB regulations for control of sedimentation and erosion, including Best Management Practices (BMPs). The following guidelines will be utilized during design and implemented during construction to reduce runoff and minimize erosion: a. Comply with current drainage design policies set forth in the City of Carlsbad procedures. b. Create desiltation basins where necessary to minimize erosion and prevent sediment transport until the storm drain system is in place. c. Landscape all exposed, manufactured slopes per City of Carlsbad erosion control standards. d. Phase grading operations and slope landscaping to reduce the susceptibility of slopes to erosion. e. Control sediment production from graded building pads with low perimeter berms, desiltation basins, jute matting, sandbags, bladed ditches, or other appropriate methods. Less than Significant Impact (f & g)- The amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and related Zoning Ordinance do not include a proposal that would significantly alter existing drainage patterns. Construction of any new development will be required by law to comply with all federal, state and local water quality regulations, including the Clean Water Act and associated NPDES regulations. As mentioned above, the new developments will be required to have a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. Therefore, temporary impacts associated with the construction of new development will be mitigated. It is not anticipated that any new development will result in permanent or long term degradation of water quality as a result of the proposed pollution control program. No Impact (h-k) - The amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and related Zoning Ordinance does not propose development within a 100 year flood hazard area. No impacts from flooding will occur. 16 Rev. 01/02/07 161 Project Number(s) - LCPA95-10(a)/ZCA 95-10(a) Project Name - Village Master Plan and Design Manual Amendments Less than Significant Impact (1-p) - Proposed future development in the Village Area will be required to comply with Order 2001-02 and prepare a Storrnwater Management Plan. Drainage and development will be controlled via best management practices to ensure that pollutant loads are not increased to the maximum extent practicable. Impacts to water quality will be less than significant. Potentially Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact IX. LANDUSE AND PLANNING - Would the project: a) Physically divide an established community? X b) Conflict with any applicable land use plan, policy, or X regulation of an agency with jurisdiction over the project (including but not limited to the general plan, specific plan, local coastal program, or zoning ordinance) adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect? c) Conflict with any applicable habitat conservation X plan or natural community conservation plan? Less than Significant impact (a) - The amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and related Zoning Ordinance do not include a proposal that would result in the division of an established community. The amendments do not include any plan to install roadways or other infrastructure that would physically divide an existing community, alter access points to an existing community or result in a significant loss of housing, including affordable housing. The proposed amendments are intended to further integrate the existing community through encouragement of mixed use developments. In addition, all new residential developments within the Village will be required to provided a minimum of 15% of the new units as affordable to low income households. Therefore, the potential impacts are less than significant. Less than Significant impact (b & c) -The amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and related Zoning Ordinance do not propose or affect any regulation that would conflict with any land use plan, policy or regulation adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating environmental effects, nor do they conflict with any applicable habitat conservation plan. The permitted land uses within the Village Area are not being revised. The proposed development standard and policy revisions are proposed to ensure better quality development and development which is more consistent with the vision, goals and objectives set forth within the approved Village Master Plan and Design Manual. All future development will require the appropriate discretionary permits. The proposed amendments require a revision to the Local Coastal Program for the Village Area, which will require California Coastal Commission review and approval to ensure the LCP remains consistent with the Coastal Act for all areas of the Village located within the Coastal Zone. Any future development will be required to be consistent with the Village Master Plan and Design Manual as well as the Village Redevelopment Plan, which serve as the Local Coastal Program for the Village Project Area. The Village Project Area is located within Zone 1 of the Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP). All future development will be required to demonstrate that proposed facilities are consistent with the LFMP, or amendments will be required to the LFMP. The Village Area is fully developed and is an established redevelopment area with infill development within and adjacent to it. It is part of an existing urban area that is identified for urban uses in the City of Carlsbad's Habitat Management Plan. The subject project is consistent with the City of Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan for Natural Communities in the City of Carlsbad. The project area is not subject to any other habitat conservation plans. 17 Rev. 01/02/07 Project Number(s) - LCPA95-10(a)/ZCA 95-10(a) Project Name - Village Master Plan and Design Manual Amendments X. MINERAL RESOURCES - Would the project: a) Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource that would be of future value to the region and the residents of the State? b) Result in the loss of availability of a locally important mineral resource recovery site delineated on a local general plan, specific plan, or other land use plan? Potentially Significant Impact Potentially Significant Unless Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant No Impact Impact X X No impact (a & b) - The amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and related Zoning Ordinance do not propose or affect any regulation that would result in the loss of availability of a mineral resource. There are no known mineral resources, of local importance or otherwise, within the project area. Therefore, the proposed project will not result in the loss of availability of such resources. XI. NOISE - Would the project result in: a) Exposure of persons to or generation of noise levels in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance or applicable standards of other agencies? b) Exposure of persons to or generation of excessive groundbourne vibration or groundbourne noise levels? c) A substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project? d) A substantial temporary or periodic increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project? e) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within 2 miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? f) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? Potentially Significant Impact Potentially Significant Unless Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant No Impact Impact X X X X X X 18 Rev. 01/02/07 IC& Project Number(s) - LCPA95-10(a)/ZCA 95-10(a) Project Name - Village Master Plan and Design Manual Amendments Less than Significant Impact (a) - The amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and related Zoning Ordinance would not result in significant noise impacts. However, it is anticipated that specific developments within the project area may be subject to increased traffic noise levels due to the potential for increased number of residential units and/or commercial development. New building placement can be used for acoustical purposes to reduce overall noise levels for outdoor spaces. Mitigation measures of interior space is feasible and attainable through standard construction practices and materials. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, future development within the project area will be required to prepare a project-specific acoustical analysis to assess potential impacts resulting from the individual development proposal, as well as cumulatively considerable noise impacts. The developments are subsequently required to implement all mitigation measures identified within the project-specific acoustical analysis to reduce impacts to a level of less than significant and consistent with noise standards given in the City of Carlsbad Noise Element. Interior noise levels are required to be mitigated to 45 dBA or less. No Impact (b) - Based upon the nature of the proposed uses in the area, the project will not result in exposure of persons to or generation of excessive groundboume vibration or groundbourne noise levels. In addition, the project area is not located adjacent to any use that generates excessive groundbourne vibration or groundboume noise levels. Less than Significant Impact (c&d) -The proposed amendments will not result in a substantial temporary or periodic increase in ambient noise levels. However, future development in the project area may result in the exposure of visitors to or residents of the project area to substantial periodic increases in ambient noise levels from operation of the existing railroad, which runs north and south through the middle of the project area, as well as traffic on the existing roadways, including Carlsbad Boulevard and Carlsbad Village Drive. Future development within the project area will be required to prepare a project-specific acoustical analysis to assess potential impacts resulting from the individual development proposal, as well as cumulatively considerable noise impacts. The developments are subsequently required to implement all mitigation measures identified within the project-specific noise impact analysis to reduce impacts to a level of less than significant and consistent with noise standards given in the City of Carlsbad Noise Element. Interior noise levels are required to be mitigated to 45 dBA or less. There may be temporary or a periodic increase in noise levels from construction activity associated with future development. The City incorporates standard regulations on all project construction activity to ensure that noise and other potential impacts to surrounding properties are not significant. Therefore, the proposed amendments will not result in a substantial permanent or temporary increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the amendments. No Impact (e & f) - The amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and related Zoning Ordinance do not propose or affect any regulation that would result in exposing people to excessive noise levels associated with an airport. The Village Redevelopment Area is not located within the impact area of the local McClellan-Palomar Airport; it is located over four miles from the airport. The project area is not located near any other public or private airport. Therefore, the proposed project will not expose people to excessive noise levels generated from an airport. Potentially Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact XII. POPULATION AND HOUSING - Would the project: a) Induce substantial growth in an area either directly X (for example, by proposing new homes and businesses) or indirectly (for example, through extension of roads or other infrastructure)? 19 Rev. 01/02/07 Project Number(s) - LCPA95-10(a)/ZCA 95-10(a) Project Name - Village Master Plan and Design Manual Amendments b) Displace substantial numbers of existing housing, X necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere? c) Displace substantial numbers of people, necessitating X the construction of replacement housing elsewhere? Less than significant impact (a-c) - The amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and related Zoning Ordinance will enhance the quality of desired development within the Village Redevelopment Area, which has previously been envisioned for the Area and considered in the General Plan. There is no specific proposal for physical development of any site at this time. However, the project may indirectly induce growth by increasing the permitted residential densities within the project area and modifying one or more development standards which could allow for increased commercial square footage through redevelopment activity. No new roads, infrastructure or other public improvement project are proposed at this time that would indirectly induce substantial growth. The proposed project will ultimately allow for additional housing and new commercial opportunities within the Village Area which is consistent with the vision for future growth in this area. The Land Use Element of the General Plan indicates that the Village Master Plan and Design Manual will guide development within the Village Area. As set forth in the Village Master Plan, the overall development strategy for the area is to create a strong identity for the Village, revitalize the area, enhance the economic potential of the Village and establish specific site development standards. The intent of the Village Master Plan is to preserve the village character by creating a pedestrian scale environment of specialty shops, services, and restaurants complemented by residential and mixed-use development. The proposed amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual will further assist in the effort to create the desired identity and pedestrian-scale environment desired for the Village Area. Within the Village Area, the density designation for residential development is currently determined on a case-by-case basis according to compatibility findings with surrounding uses. The current density ranges used for designation purposes allow for a maximum density of 23 dwelling units per acre in all land use districts of the Village. The proposed amendments will allow for a maximum density designation of 45 dwelling units/acre on all properties which allow residential development and/or mixed use development in Land Use Districts 1 through 4 of the Village Area, and 23 dwelling units/acre on all properties which allow residential development in Land Use Districts 5 through 9. It is anticipated that there could be a maximum of 937 additional residential units developed within the Village Area as a result of the proposed amendments. It is anticipated that there will also be an increase in commercial square footage within the project area. However, it is not anticipated at this time that the increased development will exceed the projections set forth in the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 1, and specifically the Village Area. The Growth Management Plan for the City of Carlsbad regulates the maximum number of residential units that can be constructed within the city limits based on quadrant location. The Village Area is located in the Northwest Quadrant. The Northwest Quadrant is permitted a total of 15,370 residential units. There are 12,777 existing residential units in the Northwest Quadrant, and approximately 2, 593 additional units permitted. Currently, all residential developments must be developed at a density no greater than the growth management control point (which is the midpoint of the applicable density range) unless a density bonus or increase is approved as set forth within Chapters 21.53 and 21.86 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Because the Village Area has V-R (Village Redevelopment) zoning rather than any type of residential zoning, there are no specific residential units assigned to the Village under the Growth Management Plan. As a result, all residential units within the Village must come from the City of Carlsbad's Excess Dwelling Unit Bank. The total residential units permitted in the Northwest Quadrant may not be exceeded. However, as long as there are units available within the Excess Dwelling Unit Bank then additional residential units may be constructed within the Village. As of July 1, 2007, the Excess Dwellling Unit bank had a balance of 2972 units. In considering the use of Excess Dwelling units from the bank, the City Council anticipated in December, 2002 that approximately 1000 dwelling units from the bank would be used for new residential development within the Village Area. Based on the current analysis, it is anticipated that approximately 937 excess dwelling units will be needed for full build out of the Village Area. The provision for public facilities within the Zone 1 Local Facilities Management Plan, including parks, libraries, fire protection and police protection services, as well as other services, have been planned to accommodate the projected growth in the area. As the facilities planning has already been completed and residential 20 Rev. 01/02/07 Project Number(s) - LCPA95-10(a)/ZCA 95-10(a) Project Name - Village Master Plan and Design Manual Amendments units are accounted for in the overall "excess dwelling unit bank", the proposed changes in permitted density and other development standard amendments will not create an unexpected demand for additional future public services. Future development of the proposed residential units resulting from the proposed amendments will not exceed the total growth projections anticipated for the area. Therefore, the proposed project will not result in a growth in housing or other development that will substantially or adversely impact public services. There are approximately 390 existing residential units within the project area. It is anticipated that these residential units will remain or be demolished but replaced within the project area as part of a new development. At this time, it is anticipated that there will be no displacement of substantial numbers of people which would necessitate the construction of replacement housing elsewhere. New residential development and mixed use development (with residential included) is being encouraged by the proposed amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual. Therefore, it is anticipated that the loss of housing will be less than significant. Potentially Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact XIII. PUBLIC SERVICES a) Would the project result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision of new or physically altered government facilities, a need for new or physically altered government facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental impacts, in order to maintain acceptable service ratios, response times, or other performance objectives for any of the public services: i) Fire protection? X ii) Police protection? X iii) Schools? X iv) Parks? X v) Other public facilities? X Less than significant impact (ai-v) - The amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and related Zoning Ordinance do not propose or affect any regulation that would result in adverse impacts to the maintenance of acceptable service ratios, response times or other performance objectives for public services (fire & police protection, schools, parks and other public facilities). The Village Area is located in the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 1. The provision of public facilities within Zone 1, including parks, libraries, fire protection and police protection services, as well as other services, have been planned to accommodate the projected growth for the area. No conflicts with the Zone 1 LFMP have been identified as a result of the proposed amendments. Future development proposals will be required to demonstrate consistency with the LFMP for Zone 1, or amend the plan as appropriate. 21 Rev. 01/02/07 Project Number(s) - LCPA95-10(a)/ZCA 95-10(a) Project Name - Village Master Plan and Design Manual Amendments XIV. RECREATION a) Would the project increase the use of existing neighborhood and regional parks or other recreational facilities such that substantial physical deterioration of the facility would occur or be accelerated? b) Does the project include recreational facilities or require the construction or expansion of recreational facilities, which might have an adverse physical effect on the environment? Potentially Significant Impact Potentially Significant Unless Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant No Impact Impact X X No Impact (a&b) - As part of the City's Growth Management Program, a performance standard for parks was adopted. Any future residential development subject to the amended regulations will be required to comply with the performance standards of the Growth Management Program, which will ensure that future residential development will not adversely impact any park facilities. XV. TRANSPORTATION/TRAFFIC - Would the project: a) Cause an increase in traffic, which is substantial in relation to the existing traffic load and capacity of the street system (i.e., result in a substantial increase in either the number of vehicle trips, the volume to capacity ratio on roads, or congestion at intersections)? b) Exceed, either individually or cumulatively, a level of service standard established by the county congestion management agency for designated roads or highways? c) Result in a change in air traffic patterns, including either an increase in traffic levels or a change in location that results in substantial safety risks? d) Substantially increase hazards due to a design feature (e.g., sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g., farm equipment)? e) Result in inadequate emergency access? f) Result in insufficient parking capacity? Potentially Significant Impact Potentially Significant Unless Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant No Impact Impact X X X X X X 22 Rev. 01/02/07 )07 Project Number(s) - LCPA95-10(a)/ZCA 95-10(a) Project Name - Village Master Plan and Design Manual Amendments g) Conflict with adopted policies, plans, or programs X supporting alternative transportation (e.g., bus turn- outs, bicycle racks)? Less than Significant Impact (a) - The amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and related Zoning Ordinance do not include a proposal for physical development of any site. As a result of increased densities and the modifications to one or more development standards, it is anticipated that there will be an increase in traffic impacts. However, while there may be an increase in traffic, it is not anticipated at this time that the future development will exceed projections used to design the existing street system and size the streets to accommodate traffic from future development projects and cumulative development in the City of Carlsbad. The amendments will include incentives for reducing vehicle trips to and from the Village Area through encouragement of programs that support the use of public transportation. In addition, the development standards are specifically designed to encourage a pedestrian orientation within the Village through integration of a wide mix of land uses in a concentrated area. While the increase in traffic may be noticeable, it is not anticipated that the proposed amendments will cause an increase in traffic that is substantial in relation to the existing traffic load and capacity of the street system. However, to ensure that the facilities are adequate to accommodate development, there is a performance standard for traffic as part of the City's Growth Management Program. Future development that is subject to the amended standards will be required to comply with this performance standard, which ensures future development will not exceed the traffic load and capacity of the city's street system. Any future development proposal that is subject to the amended standards and anticipated to have a substantial impact on traffic will be required to prepare a site-specific, project specific traffic analysis at the time of application. The development will be required to implement appropriate measures set forth within the analysis to address any potential traffic impacts created by the proposed development. No Impact (b) SANDAG acting as the County Congestion Management Agency has designated three roads (Rancho Santa Fe Rd., El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Rd.) and two highway segments in Carlsbad as part of the regional circulation system. The Existing and Buildout average daily traffic (ADT) and Existing LOS on these designated roads and highways in Carlsbad is: Existing ADT* LOS Buildout ADT* Rancho Santa Fe Road 17-35 "A-D" 35-56 El Camino Real 27-49 "A-C" 33-62 Palomar Airport Road 10-57 "A-D" 30-73 SR78 124-142 "F" 156-180 1-5 199-216 "D" 260-272 * The numbers are in thousands of daily trips. The Congestion Management Program's (CMP) acceptable Level of Service (LOS) standard is "E", or LOS "F" if that was the LOS in the 1990 base year (e.g., SR 78 in Carlsbad was LOS "F" in 1990). Accordingly, all designated roads and highways are currently operating at or better than the acceptable standard LOS. Note that the buildout ADT projections are based on the full implementation of the region's general and community plans. The proposed project is consistent with the general plan and, therefore, its traffic was used in modeling the buildout projections. Achievement of the CMP acceptable Level of Service (LOS) "E" standard assumes implementation of the adopted CMP strategies. Based on the design capacity(ies) of the designated roads and highways and implementation of the CMP strategies, they will function at acceptable level(s) of service in the short- term and at buildout. No Impact (c) - The amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and related Zoning Ordinance do not propose or affect any regulation that would result in a change in air traffic patterns or result in substantial safety risks associated with air traffic patterns. The Village Redevelopment Project Area is not located in the vicinity of the McClellan-Palomar Airport, nor are any aviation components included in the proposed project. 23 Rev. 01/02/07 Project Number(s) - LCPA95-10(a)/ZCA 95-10(a) Project Name - Village Master Plan and Design Manual Amendments No Impact (d) - The amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and related Zoning Ordinance do not propose or affect any regulation that would cause a future project to increase hazards due to a design feature or incompatible use. All future development projects will have circulation improvements designed and constructed to City standards; and, therefore, would not result in design hazards. No Impact (e) - The amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and related Zoning Ordinance do not propose or affect any regulation that would result in inadequate emergency access. Any future development will be designed to satisfy the emergency requirements of the Fire and Police Departments. Less than Significant Impact (f) - The amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and related Zoning Ordinance propose methods for recalculating parking requirements (from gross floor space to net floor space), providing parking credits, allowance for tandem parking, reduction in parking for implementation of transit- oriented projects, creative parking alternatives such as parking lifts and elevators, and standard modifications with justification for development of green buildings. However, it is not anticipated at this time that these amendments will substantially reduce parking capacity within the Village Area. Any future development will be designed to meet the parking standards set forth for the applicable land use, with potential reductions only for uses that do not generate, or will limit, parking demand and/or do not reduce parking capacity within the Village Area. No Impact (g) — The proposed project does not conflict with adopted policies, plans or programs that support alternative transportation. The project area has several forms of public transportation within the area including bus and commuter rail. The Coastal Rail Trail runs through the center of the Village Area, and provides for bicycle and walking paths. The amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual support alternative forms of transportation by offering parking reductions and/or modifications for development programs that support public transportation and/or other development features which support the use of alternate forms of vehicles (such as electric vehicles). XVI. UTILITIES AND SERVICES SYSTEMS - Would the project: a) Exceed wastewater treatment requirements of the applicable Regional Water Quality Control Board? b) Require or result in the construction of new water or wastewater treatment facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which would cause significant environmental effects? c) Require or result in the construction of new storm water drainage facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental effects? d) Have sufficient water supplies available to serve the project from existing entitlements and resources, or are new or expanded entitlements needed? Potentially Significant Impact Potentially Significant Unless ' Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant No Impact Impact X X X X 24 Rev. 01/02/07 /09 Project Number(s) - LCPA95-10(a)/ZCA 95-10(a) Project Name - Village Master Plan and Design Manual Amendments e) Result in a determination by the wastewater treatment provider, which serves or may serve the project that it has adequate capacity to serve the project's projected demand in addition to the provider's existing commitments? f) Be served by a landfill with sufficient permitted capacity to accommodate the project's solid waste disposal needs? g) Comply with federal, state, and local statutes and regulations related to solid waste? X X X Less than Significant Impact (a-g) - All future development resulting from the Village Master Plan and Design Manual will be required to comply with all Regional Water Quality Control Board Requirements. The proposed amendments will allow for development that is consistent with the General Plan and the development strategy set forth within the Village Master Plan and Design Manual. The LFMP for Zone 1 was prepared with the intention that the Village Area would be redeveloped over time with more intense development and facilities were planned and designed to accommodate future development in the area. All public facilities, including water facilities, wastewater treatment facilities and drainage facilities, have been planned and designed to accommodate the growth projections for the City at build-out. Although future development in the project area will increase the demand for these facilities, such development is not anticipated to result in an overall increase in the City's growth projections. Therefore, the proposed amendments to ultimately allow for redevelopment of the existing infill development within the Village Area will not result in land use that will result in a significant need to substantially expand or construct new water facilities/supplies, wastewater treatment or stormwater drainage facilities. Future development projects on the site will be required to ensure that waste disposal services are adequate to serve a proposed project without exceeding landfill capacities. In addition, all future development proposed will be required to comply with federal, state and local statutes and regulations related to solid waste. XVII. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? b) Does the project have impacts that are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? ("Cumula- tively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects?) Potentially Significant Impact Potentially Significant Unless Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant No Impact Impact X X 25 Rev. 01/02/07 Project Number(s) - LCPA95-10(a)/ZCA 95-10(a) Project Name - Village Master Plan and Design Manual Amendments c) Does the project have environmental effects, which X will cause the substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? Less than Significant Impact (a) - The amendments to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and related Zoning Ordinance do not include a proposal for physical development of any site, and does not propose or affect any regulation that would have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory. The Village Project Area is an infill developed urban area. There are currently no fish or wildlife species located within the area that would be impacted by future development. Less than Significant Impact (b) - Because new development in the Village Area is consistent with the General Plan and is not anticipated to exceed the projections set forth for the area, the incremental impacts of the project have not been found to be cumulatively considerable after an evaluation of all potential impacts. After careful review, there is no substantial evidence that any of the incremental impacts are potentially significant. The impacts of the project have therefore not been found to be cumulatively considerable. San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) projects regional growth for the greater San Diego area, and local general plan land use policies are incorporated into SANDAG projections. Based upon those projections, region-wide standards, including storm water quality control, air quality standards, habitat conservation, congestion management standards, etc. are established to reduce the cumulative impacts of development in the region. All of the City's standards and regulations, including grading standards, water quality and drainage standards, traffic standards, habitat and cultural resource protection regulations, and public facility standards, ensure that development within the City, including the Village Redevelopment Area, will not result in significant cumulatively considerable impact. There are two regional issues that development within the Village Redevelopment Area has the potential to have a cumulatively considerable impact on. Those issues are air quality and regional circulation. Development of future projects subject to the amended standards may represent a contribution to a cumulatively considerable potential net increase in emissions throughout the air basin. However, emissions associated with a future development would be minimal. Given the limited emissions potentially associated with a future development, air quality would be essentially the same whether or not additional development is implemented. With regard to circulation, the County Congestion Management Agency (CMA) has designated three roads (Rancho Santa Fe Rd., El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Rd) and two highway segments in Carlsbad as part of the regional circulation system. The CMA has determined, based on the City's growth projections in the General Plan, that these designated roadways will function at acceptable levels of service in the short-term and at build out. With regard to any other potential impact associated with the project, City standards and regulations will ensure that development of the site will not result in a significantly cumulatively considerable impact. Less than Significant Impact (c) - The proposed amendments will not affect any policies or standards that would conflict with City or region-wide standards. Also, the proposed amendments do not include a proposal for physical development of any site, and does not propose or affect any regulation that would cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly. Future development within the project area will be required to prepare project specific reports to assess potential impacts to people affected by the project. Potential impacts will be identified and mitigation measures proposed. Those mitigation measures will be incorporated into project design or included as conditions of project approval. Any future development on the site will be required to comply with all applicable federal, state, regional and city regulations, which will ensure that future development will not result in adverse impact on human beings, either directly or indirectly. 26 Rev. 01/02/07 Project Number(s) - LCPA95-10(a)/ZCA 95-10(a) Project Name - Village Master Plan and Design Manual Amendments XVHI. EARLIER ANALYSES Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CEQA process, one or more effects have been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or negative declaration. Section 15063(c)(3)(D). In this case a discussion should identity the following on attached sheets: a) Earlier analyses used. Identify earlier analyses and state where they are available for review. b) Impacts adequately addressed. Identify which effects from the above checklist were within the scope of and adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and state whether such effects were addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis. c) Mitigation measures. For effects that are "Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated," describe the mitigation measures, which were incorporated or refined from the earlier document and the extent to which they address site-specific conditions for the project. 27 Rev. 01/02/07 \ | «-\/ 2- Project Number(s) - LCPA95-10(a)/ZCA 95-10(a) Project Name - Village Master Plan and Design Manual Amendments EARLIER ANALYSIS USED AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION SOURCES The following documents were used in the analysis of this project and are on file in the City of Carlsbad Planning Department located at 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, California, 92008. Final Master Environmental Impact Report for the City of Carlsbad General Plan Update (MEIR 93-01). City of Carlsbad Planning Department. March 1994. Carlsbad General Plan. September 6, 1994. Carlsbad Municipal Code. Title 21. Zoning. Carlsbad Local Facilities Management Plan. City of Carlsbad Geotechnical Hazards Analysis and Mapping Study. November 1992. 28 Rev. 01/02/07 ^nr**.ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER GOVERNOR ^oytAugust 24, STATE OF CALIFORNIA O/PLANNING AND RESEARCH STATE CLEARINGHOUSE AND PLANNING UNIT IUUG21 A 10: 53 ...tfPUto^ i^WR * ^«SP^ CYNTHIA BRYANT DIRECTOR Debbie Fountain City of Carlsbad planning Department 2965 Roosevelt Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: Village Master Plan and Design Manual -Amendments . SCH#: 2007071132 Dear Debbie Fountain: rin«d comment (s) on your Negative Declaration was (were) received by the State Clearinghouse Stt ^ e^ew period? which closed on August 22, 2007. We are forwardong these lTey provide' information or raise issues that should be addressed in your final environmental document. ia Environmental Quality Act does not require Lead Agencies to respond to late comments. encourage you to incorporate these additional comments mto your final envn-onmental and to consider them prior to taking final action on the proposed project the State Clearinghouse at (916) 445-0613 if you have any questions concerning the en -view process. If you have a question regarding the above-named project, please refer to State Clearinghouse number (2007071 132) when contacting uns office. The Sincerely, IsTerryRoberts Senior Planner, State Clearinghouse Enclosures cc: Resources Agency 140010th Street P.O. Box 3044 Sacramento, California 95812-3044 (916)445-0613 FAX (916) 323-3018 www,opr.ca.gov U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Carlsbad Fish end Wfldlife Office 6010 Hidden Velky Rood Carlsbad, California 92011 (760)431-9440 FAX (760) 431-5902 California Department of Fish and Game South Coast Region *949 Viewridge Avenue San Diego, California 92123 (858)467-4201 FAX (858) 467-4299 In Reply Refer To: FWS-SDG-5425.1 Ms. Debbie Fountain Housing and Redevelopment Director City of Carlsbad 2965 Roosevelt St, Suite B Carlsbad, California 92008-2335 RECEIVED AUG 2 3 2007 STATE CLEARING HOUSE AUG 2 2 2007 S/2Z/C? Iccft Subject:Comments on the Negative Declaration for the Carlsbad Village Master Plan and Design Manual Amendments, City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California (SCH #2007071132; LCPA 95-10[a]/2CA 95-10[a]) . Dear Ms. Fountain: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) and California Department of Fish and Game (Department) have reviewed the Negative Declaration, dated July 23,2007, for the above referenced amendment The proposed amendment doos not affect any regulation that would result in direct adverse effects on any sensitive habitat or wildli fe. However, in order to avoid potential significant indirect effects, we recommend that any future development adjacent to Buena Vista Lagoon within the Carlsbad Village Master Plan Redevelopment Area be consistent with the Coastal Zone wetland buffer standards as described in the Habitat Management Plan for Natural Communities in the City of Carlsbad. We appreciate the oppon unity to comment on this negative declaration. Please keep us informed of any proposed changes to the Carlsbad Village redevelopment area thai may affect sensitive biological resources. If you have any questions or comments pertaining to this letter, please contact'Marci Koski (Service) at (760) 431-9440, ext. 304, or Janet Stuckrath (Department) at (858) 637-5510. Sincerely, , Therese O'Rourke Assistant Field Supervisor U.S. Fish and Wildlife Sea-vice Michael J. Mulligan Deputy Regional Manager California Department of Fish and Game cc: State Clearinghouse (fax only) TAKE of Carlsbad August 27, 2007 THERESE O'BOURKE TT S FIELD AJ^D WILDLIFE SERVICES CARLSBAD FISH AND WILDLIFE OFFICE 6010 HIDDEN VALLEY ROAD CARLSBAD, CA. 92011 RE:COMMENTS ON THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE CARLSBAD VILLAGE MASTER PLAN AND DESIGN MANUAL Dear Ms. O'Rourke: you for your letter dated August 22, 2007 regarding the Negative Declaration for the to the Carlsbad Village Master Plan and Design Manual. As noted within your nu>, no action is being recommended at this time that would have a direct adverse effect any sensitive habitat or wildlife. Any development adjacent to Buena Vista Lagoon, which is within the Village Redevelopment Area, will be subject to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual as well as any other applicable regulations concerning wetland buffers and/or adopted Habitat Management Plan(s). No revisions are proposed at this time to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual that would exempt the subject development projects from any of the previously adopted Coastal Zone wetland buffer requirements and/or standards. Thank you again for your comments. As requested, we will keep you informed of any proposed changes to the Carlsbad Village redevelopment area that may affect sensitive biological resources. Please contact my office at (760) 434-2935 if you have any other questions. DEBBIE FOUNTAIN Housing and Redevelopment Director 2965 Roosevelt St.Ste. B • Carlsbad, CA 92008-2335 • (760) 434-2810/2811 • FAX (760) 720-2037 l/i STATE OF CALIFORNIA - «,. X&wmfR's OFFICE O/PLANNING AND RESEARCH , ,- If""' ^_.I .^j V •;* *rf. Ul*STATE CLEARINGHOUSE AND PLANNING UNIT CVNTHIA BRYANT 21 A » 5 3 . DIRECTOR Debbie Fountain City of Carlsbad planning Department 2965 Roosevelt Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject- Village Master Plan and Design Manual - Amendments SCH#: 2007071132 Dear Debbie Fountain: The State Clearinghouse submitted the above named Negative Declaration to 'elected sta ^ agencies for S The review period closed on August 22, 2007, and no state agencaes submitted comments by that ST TbJTeier acknowledges that you have complied with the State Cleannghouse revaew requirements ^^environmental documents, pursuant to the California Environmental Quahty Act T,! P rail the State Clearinghouse at (916) 445-0613 if you have any questions regarding ** ' ' SorSeD«l review proceS If you have a question about the above-named project, please refer to. the ten-digit State Clearinghouse number when contacting this office. Sincerely, IsTerry Roberts Director, State Clearinghouse 140010th Street P.O. Box 3044 Sacramento, California 95812-3044 (916)445-0613 FAX (916) 323-3018 vmw.opr.ca.gov ,ft/7 State Clearinghouse Data Base SCH# Project Title Lead Agency 2007071132 Village Master Plan and Design Manual - Amendments Carlsbad, City of Type Neg Negative Declaration Description The proposed project is amendments to Chapter 12.35 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual to revise and/or clarify policies for consistency among regulatory documents and/or to revise one or more development standards, including an increase in residential density, for the Village Redevelopment Project Area only. These amendments, which ultimately will include an amendment to the Local Coastal Program for the Village Area, will assist in the continued facilitation of the development of high quality redevelopment projects in the Village Redevelopment Area of Carlsbad. The project applies to regulations that area applicable to properties within the boundaries of the Village Redevelopment Area only. There is no specific development project site with a specific environmental setting or surrounding land uses identified at this time. Lead Agency Contact Name Debbie Fountain City of Carlsbad (760) 434-2935 Fax Agency Phone email Address City Planning Department 2965 Roosevelt Street Carlsbad State CA Zip 92008 Project Location County San Diego City Carlsbad Region Cross Streets Parcel No. Multiple Township Range Section Base Proximity to: Highways 1-5 Airports Railways Waterways Schools Land Use McClellan and Palomar NCTD Pacific Ocean and Buena Vista Lagoon Jefferson Elementary Currently all property within the Village Redevelopment Area is zoned V-R (Village Redevelopment) and the general plan designation is V (Village). The permitted, provisional, accessory and/or not permitted land uses are set forth within a matrix within the Village Master Plan and Design Manual. There are no proposed zone changes or general plan amendments proposed as part of the subject project. Project Issues Reviewing Resources Agency; California Coastal Commission; Department of Conservation; Department of Fish Agencies and Game, Region 5; Department of Fish and Game, Marine Region; Department of Parks and Recreation; Department of Water Resources; Caltrans, Division of Aeronautics; California Highway Patrol; Caltrans, District 11; Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 9; Native American Heritage CommissionrPoblkrOtiiities-eoTnTnissiori Date Received 07/24/2007 Stan of Review 07/24/2007 End of Review 08/22/2007 Mote: Blanks in data fields result from insufficient information provided by lead agency. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office 6010 Hidden Vellcy Road Carlsbad, California 92Q11 (760)431-9440 FAX (760) 431-5902 California Department of Fish and Game ~* South Coast RegionT * *: *T7 i** ^^4949 v4e$Tidge Avenue San Diego', California 92123 T(858) 467-4201 TAXC In Reply Refer To: FWS-SDG-5425.1 Ms. Debbie Fountain Housing and Redevelopment Director City of Carlsbad2965 Rooseveh St., SuitcB Carlsbad, California 92008-2335 AUG 2 2 2007 Subject:Comments on the Negative Declaration for the Carlsbad Village Master Plan and Design Manual Amendments, City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California (SCH #2007071132; LCPA 95-10[a]/2CA 95-10[a]) Dear Ms. Fountain: Th U S Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) and California Department of Fish and Game (Department) have reviewed the Negative Declaration, dated July 23,2007, for the above referenced amendment The nroDOsed amendment dots not affect any regulation that would result in direct adverse effects on any sitive habitat or wildlife. However, in order to avoid potential significant indirect effects, we ommend that any future development adjacent to Buena Vista Lagoon within the Carlsbad Village Master Plan Redevelopment Area be consistent with the Coastal Zone wetland buffer standards as described in the Habitat Management Plan for Natural Communities in the City of Carlsbad. We atmreciate the opportunity to comment on this negative declaration. Please keep us informed of any roposcd changes to the Carlsbad Village redevelopment area that may affect sensitive biological cmirccs If YOU have any questions or comments pertaining to this letter, please contact Marci K (Service) at (760) 431-9440, ext. 304, or Janet Stuclcrath (Department) at (858) 637-5510. Sincerely, Koskd Therese O'Rour* Assistant Field Supervisor U S. Fish and Wildlife S«nvice Michael J. Mulligan Deputy Regional Manager California Department of Fish and Game cc:State Clearinghouse (fax only) TAKE Iff STATE OF CALIFORNIA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 320 WEST 4™ STREET, SUITE 500 LOS ANGELES, CA 80013 August 15, 2007 Debbie Fountain City of Carlsbad 2965 Roosevelt Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Ms. Fountain: ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER. Governor Re- SCH# 2007071132; Village Master Plan and Design Manual-Amendments The California Public Utilities Commission (Commission) has jurisdiction over the safety of highway-rail ossines (crossings) in California. The California Public Utilities Code requires Commission approval for the construction or alteration of crossings and grants the Commission exclusive power on the design, alteration, and closure of crossings. The Commission is in receipt of the Notice of Completion & Environmental Document Transmittal-Neg D from the State Clearinghouse. RCES recommends that the City add language to the Amendments so that any future planned development adjacent to or near NCTD's right-of-way be planned with the safety f the rail corridor in mind. New developments may increase traffic volumes not only on nearby streets andat intersections but also at the Grand Avenue (DOT 026820X), Carlsbad VillageDrive (DOT 02682IE) and Tamarack Avenue (DOT# 026822L) crossings. This includes considering pedestrian circulation patterns/destinations with respect to railroad right-of-way. Safety factors to consider include, but are not limited to, the planning for grade separations for major thoroughfares, improvements to existing at-grade highway-rail crossings due to increase in traffic volumes and appropriate fencing to limit the access of trespassers onto the railroad right-of-way. Please advise us on the status of the project. If you have any questions in this matter, please contact me at (213) 576-7078 or at rxm@cpuc.ca.gov. Sincerely, Rosa Mufioz, PE _ ; .. , Utilities:Tengmder";r'\, (; „. YR^il CrOlssirigrE^gin&nMSectipn^^^^^ Consumer PrbWidii &:Saf?|y Division , of Carlsbad Department August 27, 2007 ROSA MUNOZ UTILITIES ENGINEER - RAIL CROSSINGS PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 320 WEST 4™ STREET, SUITE 500 LOS ANGELESE, CA. 90013 RE:COMMENTS ON THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE CARLSBAD VILLAGE MASTER PLAN AND DESIGN MANUAL Dear Ms. Munoz: Thank vou for your letter dated August 16, 2007 regarding the Negative Declaration for the revisions to the Carlsbad Village Master Plan and Design Manual. Per your request, language has been added to the amendments that require any future development adjacent to or near NCTD's debt of way be planned with consideration given to the safety of the rail corridor. This consideration will be given at the project-specific level and a determination will be made.at that time as to whether or not any additional safety measures are required. Thank you again for your comments. Please contact my office at (760) 434-2935 if you have any other questions. DEBBIE FOUNTAIN Housing and Redevelopment Director 2965 Roosevelt St. Ste. B • Carlsbad, CA 82008-2335 • (760) 434-2810/2811 • FAX (760) 720-2037 SAN LUIS REY BAND of Mission Indians Tribal Council JUL 2007 Ptervning.Department City ofGarisbad Russell Romo Captain Carmen Moj'ado Secretary of Government Relations Charlotte Herrera Secretary oftJie Treasury Tom Beltran Secretary of Economic Development AJ Cerda Secretary of Tribal Ethics and Information Clara Guy Tribal Elder Henry Contreras Council Member Mel Vemon Council Member Mary Lou BeJtran Council Member Carrie Lopez Tribal Advisor Merri Lopez, Esq. Trite '/ Contact infonrution 1889Sunsel Drive VLsta, CA 92081 Tel: (760) 724-8505 Fax:(760) 724-2172 Raised: 01 05 Re: Co:ts on Proped Dear comme The San Luis #ey Band on thtf proposed hereby submits the following Is jLs\j^ .("Project"). 5an Luis Key Band ("Band" or "Tribe") is a San Diego County Tribe whose traditional territory includes the current cities of Vista, Oceanside, Carlsbad, San Marcos and Escondido, among others. The Band's primary concerns are the preservation and protection of cultural, archaeological, sacred and historical sites of significant to the Band located within the Project area. The Band is concerned about protecting the unique and irreplaceable cultural resources which will be affected by the Project. The Tribe is also concerned about the appropriate and lawful treatment of Native American human remains and cultural and sacred items which are likely to be disturbed during the Project's development and ground disturbing activities. The Band does have a Most Likely Descendant on file with the Native American Heritage Commission in the event that human remains are discovered during the grading process. The need for mitigation measures for this Project are undisputed. The strongest protections must be afforded to protect these invaluable resources. The Band intends to use all appropriate and necessary procedures available to ensure that these resources are property addressed via the CEQA and SB 18 processes. To ensure a complete and undisputed understanding by all parties regarding the.prolection of-tbese priceless resources, the Band respectfully Page 1 of 3 Tribal Council Russell-Rome Captain Carmen Moj'ado Secretary of Government Relations Charlotte Herrera Secretary oftlie Treasury Tom Beltran Secretary of Economic Development AlCerda secretary of Tribal Ethics and Information Clara Guy Tribal Elder Henry Contreras Council Member Mel Vernon Council Member Mary Lou Beltran Council Member Carrie Lopez Tribal Advisor Merri Lopez, Esq. Tribe Legal Contact infpnrulion 1889 Sunset Drive Vista, CA 92081 Tel: (760) 724-8505 Fax:(760) "24-2172 Rrvised: 01 05 SAN LUIS KEY BAND of Mission Indians requests that the following mitigation measures be added as mandatory conditions for approving the grading permit for the Project. The Developer must be required to submit written proof of these requirements before the permit may be. issued. 1. The Developer must execute a Pre-Excavation Agreement with the Band prior to any ground-disturbing activities on the Project site. The agreement will, at minimum, include the following provisions: A. Require appropriate treatment of human remains and cultural items. B. Require a good faith effort by the parties to agree on what is appropriate treatment and dignity when addressing human remains and cultural items. C. Require that any human remains or cultural items recovered during the grading process be returned to the Band, and not curated in a facility absent the express written consent of the Band. D. Require avoidance for all significant and sacred archaeological sites which may be found during development. Avoidance is the preferred method of preservation under CEQA for such resources. E. Require Native American monitors to be present during all ground-disturbing activities. F. Provide for the compensation of tribal monitors at the expense of the Developer. 2. Additionally, the Band requests that Native American monitors be added as a mandatory requirement, in addition to any archaeological monitor required by state law. With these clarifications, the San Luis Rey Band believes that the mitigation measures described above will provide adequate protection for the cultural resources and human remains that may be discovered in the Project area. The Band intends to carefully monitor this Project to ensure that the requirements imposed by-CEQA and SB 18 are rigorously applied for the duration of the Project. Page 2 of 3 Tribal Council Russell Rpmo Captain Carmen Mojado Secretary of Government Relations Charlotte Herrera Secretary oftiie Treasury Tom Beltran Secretary of Economic Development AlCerda Secretary of Tribal Ethics and Information Qara Guy Tribal Elder Henry Contreras Council Member Mel Vemon Council Member Mary Lou Beltran Council Member Carrie Lopez Tribal Advisor Merri Lopez, Esq. Tribe Legal SAN LUIS KEY BAND of Mission Indians d truly appreciates the commitment of to continue consultation with the Tribe duri fook forward \o continuing this positive relationship and we ttfank yi assistance in protecting our invaluable Luiseno cultural resources. Si ect. We for your 'ussellRomo, Tribal Captain San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians Contact infonnjtion 1889 Sunset Drive Vista, CA 92081 Tel: (760) 724-8505 Fax: (760)724-2172 Rr\-i.iL'd: 01 (iS Page 3 of 3 of Carlsbad August 27, 2007 UITSSELL ROMOSAN LUIS REV BAND OF MISSION INDIANS 1889 SUNSET DRIVE VISTA, CA. 92081 ™. COMMENTS ON THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE CARLSBAD VILLAGE MASTER PLAN AND DESIGN MANUAL Dear Mr. Romo: vou for your letter dated July 23, 2007 regarding the Negative Declaration for the to the Carlsbad Village Master Plan and Design Manual. The Redevelopment Agency the concerns of the San Luis Key Band of Mission Indians. At this tune, no specific been proposed which would directly impact any cultural, archaeologicd, sacred or within the Village Area of Carlsbad. The proposed revisions to the Village Master Manual are general in nature and are not being applied to a specific project at eris no specific grading permit being issued as a result of approval of the subject ms to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual. Any ground-disturbing activities in the e will be required to comply with all applicable regulations as related to the protection of cultural resources and human remains discovered in the Village Area. Thank you again for your comments. Please contact my office at (760) 434-2935 if you have any other questions. DEBBIE FOUNTAIN Housing and Redevelopment Director 2965 Ste. B - Carlsbad, CA S2008-2335 • (760) 434-2810/2811 • FAX (760) 720-2037 IVB i 2 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 2007-275 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO CITY COUNCIL POLICY 4 NO. 65 - SIGNS ON PUBLIC PROPERTY FOR CONSISTENCY WITH THE VILLAGE MASTER PLAN AND DESIGN MANUAL AND TO 5 ALLOW CITY AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MESSAGE BANNERS ON PUBLIC LAMP POSTS IN THE VILLAGE AREA, WITHIN THE CITY 6 OF CARLSBAD. 7 CASE NAME: AMENDMENTS TO CITY COUNCIL POLICY NO. 65 8 WHEREAS, on October 23, 2001, the City Council adopted a policy to address issues related to signs on public property; and 9 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency has requested that the City 10 Council consider amendments to City Council Policy No. 65 to ensure consistency with the Village Master Plan and Design Manual, specifically on permits for A-Frame signs in 11 the public right of way, and also to add a policy statement related to the display of banners on public property within the Village Redevelopment Area; and 13 WHEREAS, the Design Review Board did on the 6th day of September 2007 hold a duly noticed public hearing to consider said request and has recommended approval 14 of the proposed revisions to City Council Policy No. 65 - Signs on Public Property; and 15 WHEREAS, the City Council did on the 16th day of October, 2007 and 6th day of November, 2007 hold duly noticed public hearings to consider said request from the 16 Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency and the recommendation of the Design Review Board; and 17 WHEREAS, at said public hearings, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, analyzing the information 19 submitted by staff, and considering any written comments received, the City Council considered all factors relating to the City Council Policy No. 65 Amendment. 20 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council 21 as follows: 22 a) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. 23 b) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearings and set forth in the Design Review Board Staff Report dated September 6, 2007, the Council hereby APPROVES the amendments to City Council Policy No. 65 - Signs on 25 Public Property, as set forth in the attached legislative draft. 26 //// 27 //// 28 //// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council and Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission held on the 20th day of November, 2007, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, and Nygaard NOES: None ABSENT: Council Members Hall and Pac ATTEST: LORRAINE M. WOOD^ City Clerk vS (SEAL) <r CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: Signs on Public Property Specific Subject: Page 1 of 10 Policy No. Date Issued Effective Date Cancellation Date J Supersedes No. 65. dated 7/18/06 Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department Heads and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File SECTION ONE: PROPRIETARY CAPACITY; CHANGES TO POLICY In adopting this policy, the City Council acts in its proprietary capacity as to Public Property within the City. This Policy Statement may be changed at a regular public meeting of the City Council. SECTION TWO: INTENT AS TO PUBLIC FORUM The City declares its intent that all Public Property in the City shall not function as a designated public forum, unless some specific portion of Public Property is designated herein as a public forum of one particular type; in such case, the declaration as to public forum type shall apply strictly and only to the specified area and the specified time period, if any. SECTION THREE: SIGNS MUST BE PERMITTED OR EXEMPTED No party other than the City may post, mount or display a "sign," as defined in the sign ordinance, may be displayed on Public Property, unless a Public Property Sign Permit therefore has first been issued, or the subject sign is expressly exempted from the Public Property Sign Permit requirement by this Policy Resolution or another applicable Policy Resolution. For purposes of this provision, a "Public Property" means property, real or personal, in which the City of Carlsbad and/or the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency holds the present right of present possession and control, as well as all public rights of way. All Public Property Sign Permits must be consistent with the policies stated herein. Any sign posted on Public Property within the City, contrary to the policies stated herein, may be summarily removed as a trespass and a nuisance by the City. SECTION FOUR: TEMPORARY POLITICAL, RELIGIOUS, LABOR PROTEST AND OTHER NONCOMMERCIAL SIGNS IN TRADITIONAL PUBLIC FORUM AREAS This section applies only when the Special Events Chapter of the Carlsbad Municipal Code does not. In areas qualifying as traditional public forums, such as city streets, city parks and public sidewalks, and the area immediately around the exterior of city hall, persons may display non-commercial message signs thereon without first obtaining a Public Property Sign Permit, provided that their sign display on Public Property conforms to all of the following: 1. The signs must be personally held by a person, or personally attended by one or more persons. "Personally attended" means that a person is physically present within five feet of the sign at all times. 2. The signs may be displayed only during the time period of sunrise to sunset. 3. The maximum aggregate size of all signs held by a single person is 10 square feet. 4. The maximum size of any one sign which is personally attended by two or more persons is 50 square feet. I2Q CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: Signs on Public Property Specific Subject: Page 2 of 10 Policy No. Date Issued Effective Date Cancellation Date Supersedes No. 65. dated 7/18/06 Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department Heads and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File 5. The displayed signs may not be inflatable or air-activated. 6. In order to serve the City's interests in traffic flow and safety persons displaying signs under this section may not stand In any vehicular traffic lane when a roadway is open for use by vehicles, and persons displaying signs on public sidewalks must give at least five feet width clearance for pedestrians to pass by. SECTION FIVE: PUBLIC PROPERTY SIGN PERMITS; APPLICATION FORMS AND PROCEDURES The Community Development Director shall prepare and make available to the public a form for Application for a Public Property Sign Permit (Permit), which shall, when fully approved, constitute A Permit and indicate the City's consent, in its proprietary capacity, for placement of a sign. The applicant for the permit must be the same person or entity who is to be the owner of the sign. The processing fee for each application, which shall not be refundable even if the application is denied, shall be the same as the fee for a sign permit under the sign ordinance. To each application form shall be attached a copy of this Policy Statement. The application form shall require the applicant to indicate that he or she has received a copy of this Policy Statement, and that they shall abide by its terms, as well as any special terms or conditions which may be stated on the Permit, and to abide by any new or different conditions which may be imposed on all permittees who are similarly situated. Any Public Property Sign Permit issued in error may be summarily revoked by any officer of the City, by simply informing the applicant of the nature of the error in issuance; any applicant whose permit is revoked as issued in error may, at any time thereafter, submit a new permit application which cures any deficiencies in the original application. The application fee shall apply separately to each new application. Applications which fully comply with the terms and conditions of this Policy Statement shall be duly issued. Applications which are denied, or permits which are revoked or suspended, may be appealed in the same manner as denials of sign permits, as described in the Sign Ordinance. SECTION SIX: EXEMPTIONS FROM PERMIT REQUIREMENT The following signs are exempted from the Permit requirement: Traffic control and traffic directional signs erected by the City or another governmental unit; official notices required by law; signs placed by the City in furtherance of it's governmental functions; signs allowable under Section Four of this Policy. SECTION SEVEN: PERMITS FOR A-FRAME SIGNS IN CARLSBAD VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT AREA, BEARING COMMERCIAL MESSAGES ONLY 1. INTENT AS TO PUBLIC FORUM The areas and times controlled by this section are designated to constitute a limited access, non^public forum which is strictly limited to commercial messages, and which is open only to those persons described in this - -{ Deleted: Page Break- Deleted: CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: Signs on Public Property Specific Subject: Page 3 of 10 Policy No. Date Issued Effective Date Cancellation Date J Supersedes No. 65. dated 7/18/06 Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department Heads and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File section and on the terms stated in this section. 2. WHERE A-FRAMES MAY BE PLACED; PHYSICAL STANDARDS " A-Frame" signs, as that term is defined in the sign ordinance, may be placed in particular portions of the public right-of-way, within the Carlsbad Village area only, namely, on the public sideway directly in front of the store or other establishment displaying the sign. Such signs may have no more than 2 display faces, every display face shall be a flat, smooth surface, and remain completely free of dangerous protrusions such as tacks, nails or wires however, cutouts of any shape are allowed. Sign faces shall be back to back. No banners, ribbons, streamers, balloons, or attachments of any kind may be affixed to the sign. The sign may not use any moving parts or include a display face which is hinged, or which otherwise swings or hangs from a frame. No glass, breakable materials or illumination is allowed. The signs shall be physically stable and balanced flat on the sidewalk. The sign must be self- supporting, stable and weighted or constructed to withstand overturning by wind or contact. All such signs may be placed in the permitted space on the public right-of-way only when the retail establishment is actually open for business. The sign must be placed on the public sideway in a manner which maintains a clear pedestrian area of at least five (5) feet over the entire length of the sidewalk in front of the business.and be located directly in front of the business which owns the sign. Each display face shall have a maximum area of 15 square feet, and shall not exceed 5 feet in height or 3 feet in width. Changeable text area of the sign may not exceed 50% of the display face. No such sign may have special illumination and the display portion may have no parts which move, flash, blink orfluoresce. Fluorescent or "day glow" colors are not allowed. No paper or non-rigid changeable text areas are allowed. The sign shall not be permanently affixed to any object, structure, or the ground, including utility poles, light poles, trees or other plants, or any merchandise of products displayed outside permanent buildings. At no time may the sign be placed In the street or in any position which impedes the smooth and safe flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, or which interferes with driver or pedestrian sight lines or comer clear zone requirements as specified by the City. No sign shall be placed in such a manner as to obstruct access to a public sidewalk, public street, driveway, parking space, fire door, fire escape or access for persons with disabilities., Signs shall not obscure or interfere with the effectiveness of any official notice or public safety device. Signs shall not simulate in color or design a traffic sign or signal, or make use of words, symbols, or characters in such a manner as may confuse pedestrians or drivers. Deleted: within the 2 feet 11 closest to the curb or edge of the sidewalk. Deleted: A clear area of at least 5 feet in width must be maintained for pedestrian use over the entire H length of the sidewalk in front of the business. CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: Signs on Public Property Specific Subject: Page 4 of 10 Policy No. Date Issued Effective Date Cancellation Date Supersedes No. 65. dated 7/18/06 Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department Heads and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File Every sign and all parts thereof shall be kept in good repair. The display surface shall be kept clean, neatly painted, and free from dust, rust and corrosion. Any cracked, broken surfaces, missing sign copy or other unmaintained or damaged portion of a sign shall be repaired or replaced or removed within 30 days following notice by the City. The copy on the sign must be strictly of a commercial nature, must not include copy or messages pertaining to "noncommercial speech" as that term is defined in the Sign Ordinance, and must refer or pertain to goods, activities or services which are actually available in the subject store at the time the sign is displayed. 3. WHO MAY DISPLAY AN A-FRAME SIGN IN THE VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT AREA The A-Frame Signs allowed by this section may be displayed only by the operators of a business .within the Village Redevelopment Zone, who hold a Currently valid City business license, who are not currently in violation o^any of the^oning, land use, environmental or business regulatory laws, rules or policies of the City. Each eligible business location is allowed a maximum of one A-Frame sign. However, when a business is located within a business arcade or courtyard area, in which case only one "tenant directory" sign, which lists all of the businesses within the arcade or courtyard, is allowed. The display area of the permitted A-Frame sign shall not count as part of the total signage for the business, which is allowed under the Sign Ordinance. However, all existing building signaqe for a business must conform to the sign standards set forth within the Village Master Plan and Design Manual before a permit will be approved for a sign on the public sidewalk.^ 4. TRANSFER OF PERMIT The Permit attaches to the business at the location specified. If the business is sold or transferred, and remains at the same location, then the Permit shall automatically transfer to the new owner or transferee, who shall be bound to the terms and conditions of the original Permit. However, if the business which first obtained the Permit moves to a different location, or if the location is then taken by a new business, a new application and Permit shall be required. 5. TERM OF CONSENT INDICATED BY PERMIT; REVOCATION AND RENEWAL The Permit is revocable or cancelable at will by the City. However, the City will cancel a Permit without cause only when it does so to all permittees who are similarly situated. Any Permit may be revoked for noncompliance, 30 calendar days after notice of noncompliance remains uncured, or in the case of a noncompliance condition which constitutes a threat to the public health, safety or welfare, summarily. When a Permit is revoked, the owner of the sign must physically remove it from the public right of way within 24 hours of notice of revocation; upon failure to do so, the City may summarily remove the sign and hold it in storage Deleted: retail commercial 11 establishments with ground floor frontage on streets Deleted: fl Deleted:, or nonconformance with, (_Deleted:_|__ -(Deleted: | / 31 CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: Signs on Public Property Specific Subject: Page 5 of 10 Policy No. Date Issued Effective Date Cancellation Date Supersedes No. 65. dated 7/18/06 Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department Heads and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File until all costs of removal and storage are paid by the sign owner, upon which condition the sign shall then be returned to its owner. There is no guarantee that the City will continue the policy stated herein. Permittees hold no expectation of renewal of any given Permit, acquire no vested right to continue displaying the sign on public land, and waive all claims of inverse condemnation (uncompensated taking of private property) as to the permitted sign, when they submit the original application. 6. TEMPORARY REMOVAL The City may give notice, by any reasonable means, that consent to display an A-frame is or shall be withdrawn temporarily so as to serve a more urgent or more important public need, such as, without limitation, dealing with a natural disaster, a traffic emergency, a temporary need to make more space available on the public right-of-way, a civil disturbance, a parade, an election, or other special event. In urgent situations, the City may summarily remove a permitted sign without notice, for a time sufficient to deal with the urgency. All permittees shall comply with all notices to temporarily remove the permitted signs, and to return them to display only in accordance with the City's directions. 7. INSURANCE AND INDEMNITY A Permit under this section will be issued only to an applicant who provides evidence of comprehensive general liability Insurance coverage, in a form satisfactory to the Housing and Redevelopment Director and the Risk Manager, which shall name the City and Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency as an additional insured and provide thirty-day notice of cancellation. The minimum liability coverage on such policy shall be one million dollars; such coverage shall apply to claims of personal Injury Including death, property damage and advertising injury. Application for a Permit shall constitute an agreement to hold harmless, defend and indemnify the City and Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency against all claims relating to property damage or personal injury, including death, which assert that the permitted sign played any legally significant role in the creation of the liability. 8. CANCELLATION OR MODIFICATION OR PROGRAM The City and/or Housing and Redevelopment Commission may, at any time and for any reason, cancel or modify this program allowing commercial A-Frame^igns in the public right-of-way in the Village Redevelopment Area. SECTION EIGHT: REAL ESTATE FOR SALE "KIOSK" SIGNS IN PARTICULAR LOCATIONS 1. INTENT AS TO PUBLIC FORUM The City's intent as to this section is to designate a strictly limited public forum, which allows only the posting Deleted: Community Development Director -( Deleted: fl 3-2- CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: Signs on Public Property Specific Subject: Page 6 of 10 Policy No. Date Issued Effective Date Cancellation Date J Supersedes No. 65. dated 7/18/06 Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department Heads and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File in convenient places of directional information regarding tract housing developments which are currently selling homes located within the City. 2. KIOSK SIGNS FOR NEW TRACT HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS Kiosk signs are permanent freestanding structures, not exceeding 10 feet in height, 7 feet in width, which contain modular information strips, not exceeding 10 inches in height, 6 feet in width, providing information about tract housing developments (of more than 4 units) which are currently selling new homes located within the City. Such signs may display only the following information: the name of the development, developer and/or marketer thereof, and the direction to the development from the sign. Each kiosk will have "City of Carlsbad" and the city logo displayed in a prominent location on the sign. One kiosk design will be utilized throughout the city. This kiosk design is on file in the Planning Department. All tract housing development signs mounted on the kiosks shall be the same design and shall be white wood with black reflective lettering. Letters shall be consistent in size, width and thickness of print. Letters shall be all upper case letters not more than 6 inches in height. Individual tract housing development directional signs shall be approved by the Planning Director prior to mounting on a kiosk to ensure compliance with this section. In no case shall a sign be mounted on a kiosk before building permits have been issued for the model homes. There shall be no additions, tag signs, streamers, devices, display boards, or appurtenances added to the sign as originally approved. Further, no other off-site directional signing may be used such as posters, trailer signs or temporary subdivision directional signs. Any sign placed contrary to the provisions of this section may be removed by the city without prior notice. Each approved tract housing development may have up to a maximum of 8 directional signs. Upon approval by the Planning Director, directional signs shall be permitted until the homes within the housing development are sold or for a period of one year, whichever comes first. Extensions not exceeding one year may be granted by the Planning Director. A neighborhood shall not be allowed any directional kiosk signs if there are any other offsite signs advertising the housing development anywhere in the City. If any advertising signs are erected and not promptly removed upon demand by the city, all kiosk signs for that subdivision shall be removed, the lease cancelled and no refund given. 3. PRIVATE CONTRACTOR FOR MANAGEMENT OF THE KIOSKS CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: Signs on Public Property Specific Subject: Page 7 of 10 Policy No. Date Issued Effective Date Cancellation Date Supersedes No. 65. dated 7/18/06 Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department Heads and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File The City may enter into a contract with a private contractor to design, erect, modify, replace, maintain and manage the kiosk signs allowed by this section. Such contract must be approved by the City Council, and may require that the contractor pay to the City a rent or royalty on advertising revenues. All the terms of said contract, and all payments to the City hereunder, shall be public information. 4. INSURANCE REQUIREMENT In the event the City selects a private party contractor to manage the kiosks, the City may require the private party contractor to provide evidence of comprehensive general liability insurance coverage, in a form satisfactory to the Community Development Director, which shall name the City as an additional insured, and provide 30-day notice to the City of cancellation. The minimum liability coverage on such policy shall be one million dollars. Any private party contract must include a provision for the contractor to hold harmless, defend and indemnify the City against all claims relating to property damage or personal injury, Including death, which assert that the kiosk sign played any legally significant role in the creation of the liability. 5. ALLOWABLE LOCATIONS The kiosks allowed by this section may be located only as shown on Attachment A. SECTION NINE: TEMPORARY POLITICAL SIGNS IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY DURING CAMPAIGN PERIODS 1. INTENT AS TO PUBLIC FORUM In this section only, the City's intent is to designate a public forum which is available only at limited times and places for sign expression on political and other noncommercial topics, absolutely without favoritism as to any speaker, topic or point of view. The display opportunities afforded by this section are in addition to those in the Sign Ordinance which allow noncommercial speech at all times. 2. TEMPORARY CAMPAIGN SIGN PERMIT; APPLICATION FORMS AND PROCEDURES The procedure for the approval of a temporary campaign sign permit is as follows: The zoning enforcement officer shall notify candidates and/or their state/local campaign committee chairpersons for national, state, local or county office and chairpersons of campaign committees for or against any measure appearing on the ballot for a statewide, local or county election of the temporary campaign sign requirements as provided herein. Deleted: fl U CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: Signs on Public Property Specific Subject: Page 8 of 10 Policy No. Date Issued Effective Date Cancellation Date J Supersedes No. 65. dated 7/18/06 Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department Heads and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File Prior to the posting of any temporary campaign signs, the candidate, the chairperson of a campaign committee or any other person designated by the candidate or chairperson who is responsible for the posting of said sign, shall obtain a temporary campaign sign permit. The permit, on a form prescribed by the community development director or his deslgnee, shall include the name, address and phone number of the candidate or campaign chairperson and any person responsible for the posting of signs. The permit shall be signed by the candidate, chairperson or person responsible for the posting of the signs. A nonrefundable processing fee, in an amount established by City Council, shall be paid at the time the application for the permit is made. The fee shall be used to defray the cost of issuing the permit and administering. These fees apply to all signs, which may be displayed under this section for the relevant period, and shall not be assessed on a per sign basis. • A refundable deposit, in an amount established by City Council, shall be paid at the time the permit is issued. This deposit shall be refunded to the permittee within 5 days after the removal of the permittee's temporary campaign sign or signs. If the permittee does not remove the signs they may be removed by the Community Development Director or designee without further notice. The deposit may be used to defray the cost of removal. The Community Development Director or designee may also charge any expense incurred hereunder to the permittee. Any candidate or campaign committee which is able to show financial inability to pay the refundable deposit may request a waiver from the City Council. • The Community Development Director or designee is authorized, after giving 2 days written notice to the person or persons who signed the sign permit, to remove any temporary campaign signs that do not conform to the standards herein provided. The cost of such removal may be charged to the permittee. 3. TIME PERIOD The signs allowable under this section may be displayed only during the period of time 45 days proceeding and 10 days following a general, special or primary election. All political and other noncommercial message signs must be removed from public property, by the permittee or his/her designee, not more than 10 days after the election. 4. LOCATIONS This section allows the display of signs expressing political or other noncommercial messages. The signs allowable under this section may be placed in the public right-of-way adjacent to a public street in commercially or industrially zoned areas or in residentially zoned areas along prime or major arterials as i „,>.,..;> CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: Signs on Public Property Specific Subject: Page 9 of 10 Policy No. Date Issued Effective Date Cancellation Date J Supersedes No. 65. dated 7/18/06 Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department Heads and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File shown in the Circulation Element of the General Plan. 5. PERSONS WHO MAY RECEIVE A PERMIT UNDER THIS SECTION Any person who will abide by the terms and conditions of this section may receive a permit. Removal, defacement, alteration, obliteration, destruction or tampering with signs permitted under this policy without the permission of the owner is prohibited. Such signs may not be placed in such a manner as to obscure or cover, in whole or in part, any other sign permitted under this section. 6. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS Signs which are allowable under this section may not exceed 6 square feet in display area, must be made of materials and construction methods to withstand normal weather conditions for the period of display, and mounted in such a manner that they will not be blown away or dislodged by normal weather and climate conditions for the area. Each sign must be mounted at least 1 foot above grade, and no higher than 6 feet above the grade. Permitted signs may not be specially illuminated. No sign shall be: attached to any utility pole, bus bench, pole or structure supporting a traffic control sign or device, or hydrant. • placed on any tree or shrub by any nail, tack, spike or other method which will cause physical harm to the tree or shrub. • placed in such a manner as to obstruct the public use of the sidewalk or interfere with the visibility of persons operating motor vehicles or constitute a hazard to persons using the public road right-of-way. • placed in the roadway or on the sidewalk. • placed in the portion of the public right-of-way or easement past the sidewalk without the consent of the adjoining property owner or person in possession if different than the owner. 7. REMOVAL OF NONCONFORMING SIGNS Signs which do not conform to this section or any permit issued under this section shall be summarily removed by the City upon discovery of the nonconformance. SECTION TEN: SIGNAGE ASSOCIATED WITH SPECIAL EVENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: Signs on Public Property Specific Subject: Page 10 of 10 Policy No. Date Issued Effective Date Cancellation Date Supersedes No. 65. dated 7/18/06 Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department Heads and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File When the City allows a special event, the Special Event Committee shall approve the location, number, duration of posting and content for "Road Closure Notification" and "Traffic Control/Directional" signs as described in the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The Special Event Committee shall approve the location and duration of posting for "Promotional" signs as described in the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Signs within the venue shall conform to size requirement and may only be posted during the time authorized in the Special Event Permit. SECTION ELEVEN: LAMP POST BANNERS .City-owned lamp posts are reserved for the exclusive use of the Cjty and the Redevelopment Agency to display its own messages and images. The specifics regarding the use of such space for display of banners is delegated to the City Manager or designee, who may detail such specifics in administrative directives. T Banners may be installed by the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency and/or City of Carlsbad on selected light standards and/or traffic signals within the City. These banners shall be for the advertisement and/or promotion of events and/or programs which are officially sponsored or co-sponsored and financially supported by the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency and/or the City of Carlsbad. The banners shall not include any commercial advertisement for any individual business or private, non-city organization. Deleted: USE OF PUBLIC LAND FOR Deleted: U Deleted: Banners may be placed by the City on Public Property in the public right-of-way only in the Village U Redevelopment Area. 1 2 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 2007-277 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT 4 (CHAPTER 2.24) TO CLARIFY AND/OR REVISE POLICIES FOR ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD WHEN 5 DESIGNATED AS THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR CERTAIN PURPOSES. 6 CASE NAME: VILLAGE MASTER PLAN AND DESIGN MANUAL 7 AMENDMENTS CASE NO.: ZCA 95-1 OfaVLCPA 95-10faVMCA95-01(al 8 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has prepared an amendment to Carlsbad 9 Municipal Code Title 2, Chapter 2.24, Section 2.24.080 relating to roles and responsibilities of the Design Review Board when designated as planning commission 10 for certain purposes; and 11 WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is set forth in Ordinance No. NS-863, and noted as Exhibit "Z," and attached hereto; and 13 WHEREAS, the City Council did on the 16th day of October, 2007 and November 6, 2007 hold duly noticed public hearings as prescribed by law to consider said request; \4 and 15 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, analyzing the information 16 submitted by staff, and considering any written comments received, the City Council considered all factors relating to the Municipal Code Amendments. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council as follows: 19 a) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. 20 b) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the City Council 21 hereby APPROVES MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENTS MCA 95-01 (a) and ADOPTS Ordinance No.NS-863 approving MCA 95-01 (a). 22 c) The proposed amendments will be effective thirty (30) days after approval date, 23 in all areas of the Village. 24 25 /'" 26 //// 27 //// 28 //// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council and Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission held on the 20th day of November, 2007, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, and Nygaard NOES: None ABSENT: Council Members Hall and Pack ATTEST: LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk (SEAL) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Exhibit Z ORDINANCE NO. NS-863 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AMENDING TITLE 2 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 2.24 (PLANNING COMMISSION) TO CLARIFY AND/OR REVISE ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD WHEN DESIGNATED AS PLANNING COMMISSION FOR CERTAIN PURPOSES. CASE NAME: VILLAGE MASTER PLAN AND DESIGN MANUAL AMENDMENTS CASE NO.: ZCA 95-10fAl/LCPA 95-10(A)/MCA 95-01 fA) The City Council, does ordain as follows: Section 1. That Section 2.24.080 of Chapter 2.24 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 2.24.080 Design review board designated as planning commission for certain purposes. Whenever in Title 20 or Title 21 it is provided that an action or a decision on a project, permit, or tentative map shall be taken or made by the planning commission and such permit or project is processed according to Chapter 21.35 and consolidated in the redevelopment permit under Section 21.35.120, then the design review board shall act as the planning commission with respect to such project, permit or map. 18 //// 19 20 "" 21 22 23 24 25 n till 26 " 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Section 2. This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after it's adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a Regular Meeting of the City of Carlsbad City Council on the 6th day of November, 2007, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City of Carlsbad City Council on the 20th day of November, 2007, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, and Nygaard. NOES: None. ABSENT: Council Members Hall and Packard, APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: QLrl>^gg__ RONlALD R. BALL, City Attorney CLA ATTEST: LEm, Mayor LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk LEGISLATIVE DRAFT - NOVEMBER 20. 2007 Chapter 2.24 PLANNING COMMISSION* 2.24.010 Created. 2.24.020 Composition-Appointment. 2.24.030 Absence from meetings. 2.24.040 Regular and adjourned meetings.* 2.24.050 Officers-Rule adoption-Records. 2.24.060 Duties. 2.24.065 General plan conformance--Time for or waiver of report. 2.24.070 Quorum and vote. 2.24.080 Design review board designated as planning commission for certain purposes. * For statutory provisions directing the establishment of a planning agency and as to local planning generally, see Gov. Code § 65100 etseq. 2.24.010 Created. Under and pursuant to an act of the legislature of the state, known as the "conservation and planning law," a planning commission for the city is created and established. (Ord. 1020 § 1) 2.24.020 Composition-Appointment. The planning commission shall consist of seven members to be appointed by a majority vote of the council, and of four ex officio members who shall be the community development director, the city engineer, the city attorney and the planning director. Of the seven members of the commission first appointed under this chapter, two shall be appointed for one-year terms, two shall be appointed for three-year terms, and one shall be appointed for a four-year term. Their successors shall be appointed for terms of four years. If a vacancy occurs otherwise than by expiration of term, it shall be filled by appointment by a majority vote of the council for the unexpired portion of the term of the member so vacating. The terms of ex officio members shall correspond to their respective official tenures. No ex officio member shall be entitled to a vote. Each member shall hold office until he is reappointed or his successor is appointed. (Ord. NS-676 §§ 1 (part), 2 (part), 2003; Ord. 1256 § 1, 1982: Ord. 1200 § 1, 1977: Ord. 1157 § 1, 1973: Ord. 1020 §2) 2.24.030 Absence from meetings. If a member of the planning commission is absent from three successive meetings of the commission without cause, the planning director shall inform the mayor of such absence, who Jqz may therewith remove the member from the commission without further notice. (Ord. NS-676 § 2 (part), 2003; Ord. 1261 § 2, 1983: Ord. 1020 § 3) 2.24.040 Regular and adjourned meetings.* A regular meeting shall be held at least once a month, or more often if the planning commission may by rule adopt. Any meeting held pursuant to rule of the planning commission, or any special meeting advertised as a public hearing, shall be deemed a regular meeting. The commission may adjourn any regular meeting from time to time to meet at a time and place specified at the regular meeting and any such adjourned meeting shall be deemed to be a regular meeting. (Ord. 1020 § 4) * For provisions on attendance of city manager at commission meetings, see § 2.12.125 of this code. 2.24.050 Officers-Rule adoption-Records. The planning commission shall elect from among its appointed members a chairman and vice- chairman to serve for a term of one year. It shall adopt rules for the transaction of business and shall keep a record of the resolutions, transactions, findings and determinations, which record shall be a public record. (Ord. 1157 § 2, 1973: Ord. 1020 § 5) 2.24.060 Duties. In addition to the duties specified by this chapter, the planning commission shall perform the duties and have all the rights, powers and privileges specified and provided for by city or state law. (Ord. 9424 § 1, 1975: Ord. 1020 § 6) 2.24.065 General plan conformance-Time for or waiver of report. (a) The planning commission shall report as to conformity to the general plan as required pursuant to Section 65402 of the Government Code. When such report is required as the result of a proposed division of land or some other project for which planning commission action is required, it may be included as part of and at the same time as the action taken by the planning commission on such proposed division of land or other project. (b) Pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 65402 of the Government Code, a report as to conformity to the general plan is not required for a proposed subdivision or other project which involves (1) the disposition of the remainder of a larger parcel which was acquired and used in part for street purposes; (2) acquisitions, dispositions or abandonments for street widening; or (3) alignment projects, provided such dispositions for street purposes, acquisitions, dispositions or abandonments for street widening, or alignment projects are of a minor nature. (Ord. 9424 § 2, 1975) 2.24.070 Quorum and vote. (a) Four members of the planning commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. (b) Except when otherwise provided by law, a majority vote of the quorum shall be required for any planning commission action, provided that a recommendation for approval of a general plan amendment shall be made by at least four affirmative votes. (c) Tie votes shall constitute "no action," and the matter voted upon remains before the commission and is subject to further commission consideration. If the commission is unable to take action on a matter before it because of a tie vote, the matter shall be again 3 considered at the next regular commission meeting. If the matter receives a tie vote at the subsequent meeting, the matter shall be deemed denied, (d) Every commissioner should vote unless disqualified by reason of conflict of interest. A commission who abstains from voting acknowledges that a majority of the quorum may decide the question voted upon. (Ord. NS-135 § 1, 1991; Ord. 1247 § 1, 1982; Ord. 1244 § 1, 1982: Ord. 1159 § 1, 1973) 2.24.080 Design review board designated as planning commission for certain purposes. Whenever in Title 20 or Title 21 it is provided that an action or a decision on a project, permitjDr { Deleted: or tentative map shall be taken or made by the planning commission and such permit or project is processed according to Chapter 21.35 and consolidated in the redevelopment permit under Section 21.35.120, then the design review board shall be the planning commission with respect to , [Deleted: or such project,permit...onmap.. (Ord. NS-330 § 1, 1995: Ord. 1254 § 2, 1982) VILLAGE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS REVISIONS AND CLEAN-UP LANGUAGE (November 6, 2007) Standard Existing Proposed Council Action Setbacks Vary according to District; Range is 0' to 20' 0' front, side & rear on 1st floor with all other floors required to have an average 10' setback on front. (Districts 1-4) Approved proposal for commercial and mixed use. Added standard that first floor of multi- family project must have a 10' average front setback Building Coverage Commercial Range: 60 to 100% Residential Range: 60 to 80% All projects: 100% (Districts 1-4) Approved proposal Building Height 45' maximum (Districts 1-4&9) 30' maximum (District 5) 35' maximum (Districts 6, 7 & 8) 45' maximum (Districts 1-4 & 9) 30' maximum (District 5) 35' maximum (Districts 6, 7 & 8) Approved proposal Roof Pitch Required for all Districts Not required - all Districts Revised to require 50% of total roof structure (per property) to have a roof pitch (with pitch as currently noted for each district in MP) (all districts) Building over parking to obtain maximum height Required for Districts 1-4 & 9 Not required - all Districts Approved proposal to eliminate requirement Open Space 20% (private & public) 20% (private & public) Approved proposal Density 15to23du/ac;GMCP19 (all districts) 15to45du/ac:GMCP45 (Districts 1-4) 15 to 23 du/ac (Districts 5-9) Approved 15 minimum and 35 maximum du/acre (Districts 1-4) Approved 15 minimum and 23 maximum du/acre (Districts 5-9) Inclusionary PD Standards Parking Tandem Parking Parking space credit for existing commercial buildings Parking In-Lieu Fee 1 5% reduction for transit-oriented projects Standards Modifications Safe Access for Parking - Design Guideline General Cleanup No variance required if exceed standard or range Administrative Variance 15% (all districts) Apply - all districts Vary by use; gross square foot calculation (all districts) Not permitted (all districts) Not permitted (all districts) Permitted - % varies by property location (all properties east of railroad tracks) Not permitted (all districts) Allowed for affordable housing - all districts Not currently in Master Plan Currently required Not stated 15% (all districts) Deleted - all districts Standards added for parking large rec. vehicles off-site and screening on-site parking for small rec vehicles Vary by use; net square foot calculation (all districts)] Permitted for residential (all districts) Permitted (all districts) Permitted - % varies by property location (all properties east of railroad tracks) Permitted for all uses (all districts) Allow for Green Buildings at Silver or higher LEED; for affordable housing; for projects which can't meet minimum density due to standards; and other projects that meet the goals of the Master Plan - all districts Add language to encourage shared or joint use driveways; setbacks may be adjusted Amend language in Master Plan to eliminate variance requirement Amend language in Master Plan to allow approval by Director Approved proposal Approved proposal Approved proposal Denied proposal; tandem parking not to be permitted Revised to allow as a possible standards modification to be approved on case-by- case basis Approved proposal Denied proposal; no parking reduction for transit-oriented projects Approved proposal Approved proposal Approved Approved Demolition Roof sign Pole Signs Consistency Determinations Temporary Structures & storage units Extension of Redevelopment Permits Land Uses in the Transportation Corridor Definitions for Restaurants, bars, etc. Administrative permits Demolition of Structures Design Review Board Role Process for appeals of Director decision toDRB A-Frame Signs Banner Displays on lamp posts Not stated Definition needs clarification Not allowed Not stated Not stated Not stated Only transit-oriented uses currently allowed Not clearly stated or need to be modified Language currently not clear Not stated Language currently not clear and/or comprehensive Not clearly stated Inconsistent standards in Council Policy No. 65 Not stated Amend language in Master Plan to exempt demolition from redev permit Clarify definition in Master Plan Allow under certain circumstances in Master Plan Amend language to add to Master Plan Amend language to prohibit in Master Plan Add language to Master Plan to set forth policy for processing extensions Allow same uses as allowed on adjacent properties to transportation corridor Clarify definitions Clarify definition of administrative permit in Chapter 21.35 of CMC Exempt in Chapter 21 .35 of CMC Clarify role in Chapter 21.35 and 2.24 of CMC Set forth process for appeals Amend for consistency of Council Policy with Master Plan Allow for city-sponsored or co-sponsored events; no commercial advertisement Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved MOV. 20,2007 12:26PM 9201 Spectrum Center Blvd., Suite 110 San Diego, CA 92123-1407 P 858.450.1221 F 858^52.1445 www.biasandiego.org PRESIDENT Scott Brusseau Newport National Corporation VICE PRESIDENT Paul Barnes Shea Homes TREASURER / SECRETARY Andrew Murphy American Property Enterprises IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Horace Hogan II Brehm Communities CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Paul A. Tryon AFFILIATES California Building Industry Association National Association of Home Builders National Association of Industrial and Office Properties NU.P. I d&~. November 20,2007 Honorable Claude Lewis Mayor City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 AGENDA ITEM #. c: Mayor City Council City Manager City Attorney City Clerk B[ECStEQWtE NOV 2 0 2007 CITY OF CARLSBADCITY CLERK'S OFFICE — \ H/i RE: Carlsbad Village Development Standards Dear Mayor Lewis and Members of the City Council: Thank you for supporting the update of the Carlsbad Village Development Standards. You have approved some important changes that can help stimulate activity and strengthen the economic base of the Village. Parking standards present one of the greatest challenges to making development projects feasible, Tandem parking is L essential tool for multi-family development that can impro ' project design, allow for a greater variety of housing optioi (smaller units), and utilize land more efficiently. While concerns have been raised that tandem parking does not work, with proper enforcement, tandem parking can work very effectively. For example, in a parking structure with development above, residential parking can be accommodated with tandem parking spaces and CC&R's can be included which prevent the residents from converting part or all of their parking space to storage. Where private garages are provided, again with properly crafted CC&R's, the HOA ddes have enforcement ability to respond to residents using partlof their garage as an office or storage or uses other than parkiijg. We request that, before enacting the updates to the Village development Standards, you consider modifying your irevious recommendation made on tandem parking to the following: "Permit the use of tandem parking for private residential parking requirements consistent with the following application: allow in projects with structured parking; otherwise, allow as a possible standards modification'to h approved on a case-by-case basis." euilDINC INBUSTRY ASSOCIATION of SAN DIEGO COUNTY NOV, 20-2007 12:26PM NO. 176 Thank you for your consideration of our request, We look forward to a grea future for the Carlsbad Village, truly yours, Public Policy Advocate Cc: Debbie Fountain, Director of Housing & Redevelopment Agency P. 3 Michael Bullock October 24, 2007 1800 Bayberry Drive Date Corrected version of October 17, 2007 letter Oceanside, CA 92054 760-754-8025 Carlsbad Mayor and City Council Members 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 : Parking Options for the Village Master Plan and All of Carlsbad Mayor Lewis and Members of the Council: I have recently retired from Lockheed Martin where I worked as an aerospace systems engineer. For many years my outside-of-work passion has been how to address the issues of car parking, by increasing choice for developers, employers, employees, residents, and patrons. I read the NCT account of your October 16th meeting. I then viewed that meeting on line. Primarily, I wanted to find out what it meant to "encourage transit use" by employees. I was very impressed with the staff report, even though I feel that it left out descriptions of some of the most powerful approaches to solving parking problems. I believe that the free market is the best way to allocate resources to meet needs. This approach is also best for the environment and best for increasing profits, especially in an area where lar|j$values are high. You perhaps should have been told that an acre will only park 120 cars. Costs matter. Employers and Employees Car parking "cashout" at places of employment can be defined as a program whereby an employer agrees to pay any of its employees an extra amount, each time that they get to work without driving. Actual case studies show that this reduces driving to work by an average of 23%. I would like to show you this published data. Carlsbad should therefore reduce parking requirements by a percentage that is related to the nominal amount paid by any employer choosing to commit to paying cashout money. A larger nominal amount paid should result in a larger percentage reduction. Note the use of the word, "nominal". In practice, any company paying cashout and getting a reduction in the size of their required parking would have to be protected from the case of too few workers driving. This protection would be that the amount paid to each worker would be scaled back from the "nominal" amount, to account for the number of employees earning cashout on any given day. It is almost certain that this would need to happen because any city staff will be very conservative in selecting the size of the reduction in parking. I have worked out all of the necessary details and would love to show them to you and/or your excellent city staff. Of course I would also love to show you the published data on cashout results. Month Corrected, Bullock to Carlsbad Council & Staff 1 October Note that this approach only increases choice. It will also increase all of the alternatives to driving alone. The city should therefore both recognize and reward cashout. (There is no reason to require more than enough parking.) A cashout program increases choices for employees. They can elect to continue to drive if they want, but can earn extra money, by, in effect, "cashing out" their parking benefit. This program works even where transit is poor, as the data shows. It should be useful throughout the city. The only exception would be in an area where there is a uniform policy of having parking priced at its full market value. Here is a single outcome of paying cashout. CH2M Hill Work Trips Mode Drive Alone Carpool Bus Bike, Walk Before 89% 9% 1% 1% After 54% 12% 17% 17% 100% 100% Cashout Results for CH2M Hill, an Engineering Firm in Bellevue, Washington, Near Seattle Although it is the best outcome in the study set that I have, its results are not "out-of- family" with several other examples. Transit at CH2M was ranked as "poor" in a "poor- fair-or-good" ranking system. This shows that money can have a significant result even if transit service is not very good. Finally, where land is expensive, by providing less parking, companies can earn more money than they give to their employees as cashout money. Everyone wins. Residential At apartments, owners and developers should be rewarded with reduced parking requirements if they agree to "unbundle" parking rent from apartment rent. This will end a practice that amounts to economic discrimination against families that might choose to own less than the average number of cars. A family could then choose the number of cars they wish to own with the rules being neutral. This would be particularly important to families that are living on a tight budget and therefore don't wish to own a car. On the other hand, families that want to own many cars would also benefit, because they could rent all the parking spaces that they need. Overall, car ownership and car use would drop, compared to your current system of not recognizing the choice of unbundling car parking. On-street, permit parking may have to be implemented around apartments that unbundle, so as to prevent families from parking unclaimed cars on the street. Month Corrected, Bullock to Carlsbad Council & Staff October Downtown Patrons Please consider researching UCLA Professor Donald Shoup's work on the "high cost of free parking". He is a hero of mine since the mid 1970's. Last year I met him at a "Smart Parking" Conference, hosted by the Leadership Group of Silicon Valley. He was their keynote speaker. He can show that in a village such as Carlsbad, parking should be priced, hour by hour, block by block, so that there are always at least one or two parking spaces on each and every block and in each and every parking lot or parking garage row. Note that this means that quite often, in many locations, parking is free. In any case, actual demand determines price. Some will say that if you use this approach you will kill downtown because it will not be able to compete with the malls, where parking is free. This really doesn't make sense, since parking only becomes "not free" when it is heavily used. (It reminds me of the Yogi Berra statement, "Nobody goes to that restaurant anymore. It's too crowded".) Note that this approach will raise significant amounts of revenue. Professor Shoup recommends that to be fair and politically practical, all of this money needs to be spent on the block where the money is raised. This money can be used for beautification or property tax relief. This will have the effect of improving the experience of the patron, either by improving the aesthetics and/or reducing the costs. Professor Shoup can show that this method converted Pasadena's primary shopping district from one of urban blight (in the 1970's) to one of economic prosperity. Final Notes Thanks to computers, detectors, credit cards, and wireless communication, methods of charging for parking and the monitoring of parking have advanced rapidly. They can be used in all of the approaches mentioned above. I hope that I can meet each councilmember, as well as the key members in your excellent city staff, to discuss these methods in detail. In the meantime, I would certainly recommend that you pass the Amendments to the Village Master Plan, as proposed by your staff. The methods discussed here can be applied with no changes to your plan. The car parking cashout methods should be applied to your new, large industrial parks as soon as possible. Company outreach will be useful. These methods will reduce car use by providing new choices. We all have a responsibility to review all of our practices that inadvertently encourage car use. Respectively submitted, Mike Bullock 760-754-8025 Copy to Debbie Fountain, Director of Housing and Redevelopment Month Corrected, Bullock to Carlsbad Council & Staff 3 October U O 0)a .a CO 60 O U u O ^<D PH O) I cd g!l I § I^ cd ^g*ail Pi D) C OC 3 OO .c O CMi_(D.0 0 O O_g 3DO (D CO Q_ O~CO 1— Q)o o: D) Q 03 O ^ CO gco 03 00>%o Q. LU t/3\f f-c CO_c 0 CO C J3 a C "Cashout", defined>v ^ X_o artment CompQ.< 0 O) 03 Q E 13 T3 0 ^Conditions of use:xv ^ 0).c•+-• "0> _0- OTJ^J -fr-TC CD i_/1\CD _C*— «o 0XI-•— i E 2M— D) C j^i_ 05 QL CD.C-i— > l_ £ "c CD CD .C•+-• "0 TJ CZJ .Q C P 0•i— • 03 CDQ. 0 V) 1 re0 0) oE^:*j^t$ (0mMr £ £ 0)N TJ (/).Q 3 (0o+j (/)i_reoi_g 1<4-l '>> (A that forces f ami lie:0) 4->w T3 >^ii (0 9> re ^>^ •03 * Q. 0CO3 -1— • 'coc 03 0 CD 53 O0c0 3rs transit passes,- Management off*i_ COo _c c "o 13T-j\J 0) CD_C ^mJI T3 O O .Cs_ 0 <-N-W CD 'CDc 0 .C -D £ '375cr-Q CD ^ ^ 2c/) i= 'a>5 c:b ^•^ fe^0.0 -I-J > "E.S2 CD Q- Q-Zt J2 c S0 E LLJ 0 A co -1— • 03 Q. C o•+-*c ^o Q oI_L. 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COQ. ^ "g0 £c co 5JD O -a >.i c o «» r ^ ^" ^™c fJ o CO 13 .^ o O T3 '(/) ^ «r 0 CO ^ CO CO Q. _ CO CO *- C ^ J0 Q) >f fll O •— -~— Cl -n -*-« -ti •*=? == 0_CO 0 >* 0C OE c 'c 0 CO COco •- 118 0 <3 E CO COCO CO I I O "O CO CO JJf CO co-^- co co °- — D) 0 0)o.2a 0 (0 0) CO jj> S I b. '5 c 2oQ. oo o (0 o g a. 1 2 0) I mmtmm o oa.o a>ag a. CO (0O O)c 0 oc 3 O O £ OCM CDJD IO O JO 3CO <D Michael Bullock October 24, 2007 1800 Bayberry Drive Date Corrected version of October 17, 2007 letter Oceanside, CA 92054 760-754-8025 Carlsbad Mayor and City Council Members 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: Parking Options for the Village Master Plan and All of Carlsbad Mayor Lewis and Members of the Council: I have recently retired from Lockheed Martin where I worked as an aerospace systems engineer. For many years my outside-of-work passion has been how to address the issues of car parking, by increasing choice for developers, employers, employees, residents, and patrons. I read the NCT account of your October 16th meeting. I then viewed that meeting on line. Primarily, I wanted to find out what it meant to "encourage transit use" by employees. I was very impressed with the staff report, even though I feel that it left out descriptions of some of the most powerful approaches to solving parking problems. I believe that the free market is the best way to allocate resources to meet needs. This approach is also best for the environment and best for increasing profits, especially in an area where land values are high. You perhaps should have been told that an acre will only park 120 cars. Costs matter. Employers and Employees Car parking "cashout" at places of employment can be defined as a program whereby an employer agrees to pay any of its employees an extra amount, each time that they get to work without driving. Actual case studies show that this reduces driving to work by an average of 23%. I would like to show you this published data. Carlsbad should therefore reduce parking requirements by a percentage that is related to the nominal amount paid by any employer choosing to commit to paying cashout money. A larger nominal amount paid should result in a larger percentage reduction. Note the use of the word, "nominal". In practice, any company paying cashout and getting a reduction in the size of their required parking would have to be protected from the case of too few workers driving. This protection would be that the amount paid to each worker would be scaled back from the "nominal" amount, to account for the number of employees earning cashout on any given day. It is almost certain that this would need to happen because any city staff will be very conservative in selecting the size of the reduction in parking. I have worked out all of the necessary details and would love to show them to you and/or your excellent city staff. Of course I would also love to show you the published data on cashout results. Month Corrected, Bullock to Carlsbad Council & Staff Note that this approach only increases choice. It will also increase all of the alternatives to driving alone. The city should therefore both recognize and reward cashout. (There is no reason to require more than enough parking.) A cashout program increases choices for employees. They can elect to continue to drive if they want, but can earn extra money, by, in effect, "cashing out" their parking benefit. This program works even where transit is poor, as the data shows. It should be useful throughout the city. The only exception would be in an area where there is a uniform policy of having parking priced at its full market value. Here is a single outcome of paying cashout. CH2M Hill Work Trips Mode Drive Alone Carpool Bus Bike, Walk Before 89% 9% 1% 1% After 54% 12% 17% 17% 100% 100% Cashout Results for CH2M Hill, an Engineering Firm in Bellevue, Washington, Near Seattle Although it is the best outcome in the study set that I have, its results are not "out-of- family" with several other examples. Transit at CH2M was ranked as "poor" in a "poor- fair-or-good" ranking system. This shows that money can have a significant result even if transit service is not very good. Finally, where land is expensive, by providing less parking, companies can earn more money than they give to their employees as cashout money. Everyone wins. Residential At apartments, owners and developers should be rewarded with reduced parking requirements if they agree to "unbundle" parking rent from apartment rent. This will end a practice that amounts to economic discrimination against families that might choose to own less than the average number of cars. A family could then choose the number of cars they wish to own with the rules being neutral. This would be particularly important to families that are living on a tight budget and therefore don't wish to own a car. On the other hand, families that want to own many cars would also benefit, because they could rent all the parking spaces that they need. Overall, car ownership and car use would drop, compared to your current system of not recognizing the choice of unbundling car parking. On-street, permit parking may have to be implemented around apartments that unbundle, so as to prevent families from parking unclaimed cars on the street. Month Corrected, Bullock to Carlsbad Council & Staff October Downtown Patrons Please consider researching UCLA Professor Donald Shoup's work on the "high cost of free parking". He is a hero of mine since the mid 1970's. Last year I met him at a "Smart Parking" Conference, hosted by the Leadership Group of Silicon Valley. He was their keynote speaker. He can show that in a village such as Carlsbad, parking should be priced, hour by hour, block by block, so that there are always at least one or two parking spaces on each and every block and in each and every parking lot or parking garage row. Note that this means that quite often, in many locations, parking is free. In any case, actual demand determines price. Some will say that if you use this approach you will kill downtown because it will not be able to compete with the malls, where parking is free. This really doesn't make sense, since parking only becomes "not free" when it is heavily used. (It reminds me of the Yogi Berra statement, "Nobody goes to that restaurant anymore. It's too crowded".) Note that this approach will raise significant amounts of revenue. Professor Shoup recommends that to be fair and politically practical, all of this money needs to be spent on the block where the money is raised. This money can be used for beautification or property tax relief. This will have the effect of improving the experience of the patron, either by improving the aesthetics and/or reducing the costs. Professor Shoup can show that this method converted Pasadena's primary shopping district from one of urban blight (in the 1970's) to one of economic prosperity. Final Notes Thanks to computers, detectors, credit cards, and wireless communication, methods of charging for parking and the monitoring of parking have advanced rapidly. They can be used in all of the approaches mentioned above. I hope that I can meet each councilmember, as well as the key members in your excellent city staff, to discuss these methods in detail. In the meantime, I would certainly recommend that you pass the Amendments to the Village Master Plan, as proposed by your staff. The methods discussed here can be applied with no changes to your plan. The car parking cashout methods should be applied to your new, large industrial parks as soon as possible. Company outreach will be useful. These methods will reduce car use by providing new choices. We all have a responsibility to review all of our practices that inadvertently encourage car use. Respectively submitted, Mike Bullock 760-754-8025 Copy to Debbie Fountain, Director of Housing and Redevelopment Month Corrected, Bullock to Carlsbad Council & Staff rive commuting and to even the occasional walker who will be rewarded for being conscious of alternatives and turning in a log- Summary After two years, Commute Another Way Day now seems established within the Portland area as a yearly community event. The vast majority of employers that •participate once seem ready to do so again. Incentives will need to be used and created to draw participation from the many commuters who either have chosen not to participate or who work for employers who have not yet been contacted. It is hoped that this paper has provided inspiration and information to continue or start a similar event in your community. How to Get Paid to Bike to Work: A Guide to Low-traffic, High-profit Development. Patrick Siegman wpon moving into new offices in the Seattle suburb of Bellevue, WA, the 430 employees of the engineering firm of CH2M Hill were offered a new deal: S40 per month if they walked, bicycled, carpooled or took transit to work; or free parking if they drove alone. The firm's drive-alone rate promptly fell from 89% to 54%, and stayed there, while the percent- age biking or walking soared from 1% to 17% (see Table 1). With parking demand down by 39%, the firm's problem of'too many parkers for too few spaces' has evaporated. Table I: CH2M Hill Employee Trips to Work Drive Alone Carpool Bus Bike, Walk Before After 89% 54% 9% 12% 1% 17% 1% 17% 100% 100% The example of CH2M Hill is typical of the innovative employers, developers and cities who are rewriting the rules for development in America. By offering employees equal financial help no matter how they get to work, they are creating developments that produce far less traffic. For the developer, the new rules allow more building, lower costs, and higher profits: for the public, higher tax revenues and less traffic. The Lure of Easy Money It may seem strange, especially in areas with not much public transit, to think that a dollar a day, or even a few dollars, greatly affects how much people drive. But consider the evidence. Table 2 shows the results from studies covering tens of thousands of commuters at hundreds of firms. Even in suburban areas with little or no transit, financial incentives (either a parking charge, or cash for not driving) substantially reduce traffic. Typically, a f 60 per month incentive will reduce'commuter traffic and parking demand by 15-30%. And where good alternatives to driving do exist — near a major transit stop, or in a bicycle and pedestrian-friendly town — the combined result is a development which typically produces 65-70% less traffic than the ordinary suburban office park. The Payoff For new developments (or redevelop- ments of old sites) the payoff is four-fold. It is simply cheaper to pay an employee $60 a month to leave his car at home, than rafrick Siegman is a transportation analyst for Stanford Transpor- tation Programs at Stanford University, where he earned his degree in economics. His duties mix economic analysis and budgeting; surveying ana statistical analysis; parking management; transit, bicycle and pedestrian planning; and traffic calming. A long-time bike commuter, he serves as program chair of the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition. BICYCLE FEDERATION OF AMERICA • PEDESTRIAN FEDERATION OF AMERICA 171 'PROMOTING BICYCLING AND WALKING TO THE PUBLIC to spend the $100-250 a month it now typically costs to build and operate a parking space for him. When agreements are put together right, reducing traffic from a new development can mean ap- proval for a larger project than normally allowed, and lower 'traffic impact fees' (charges for widening nearby roads). Reducing traffic helps reduce opposition from angry neighbors, who can otherwise downsize, delay, or even kill a project. Rules': In many towns, these rules prima- rily exist to limit traffic indirectly, by limiting density. A '1-to-l floor-to-area ratio', for example, means that a 3-story building can cover only one-third of a lot. A "33% site coverage" rule does the same thing. Limit the amount of building on each lot in the city, the theory goes, and that should limit traffic citywide. Yet this too destroys any incentive for businesses and developers to reduce traffic. Finally, better employee benefits help keep No matter whether they build near a major employees happy and productive. The Obstacles So how come every new development doesn't do it? In most cities, Americas .outdated local planning regulations stand as stubborn obstacles, forcing all new development to be high-traffic develop- ment. By inflexibly mandating oceans of asphalt, they destroy any incentive for companies to invest in reducing traffic: Minimum Parking Requirements: The typical city uses a onc-size-fits-all regula- tion requiring four parking spaces for every 1000 square feet of building space. But repeated studies find that even in transit center, or pay employees to leave their cars at home, they can't reap a reward in the form of more allowed building on the lot (which gives higher property value, more leasable space and greater profits for the developer). To this, add the problem that low- density zoning rules fail to make traffic better. Locally, the rules produce sprawling strip malls and office parks, with buildings lost in seas of parking. Buildings are pushed so far apart that walks become long trudges, and transit cannot serve. By default, everyone drives. Repeat that pattern across a region, like California's Silicon Valley, and the result is snarled suburban office parks with free parking, at freeways and fouled air. peak hour, over half the parking sits Finally, the rules forcing low-density unused. The typical suburban office only make a mess of city finances. Aging sprawl uses two spaces per 1000 square feet. And developments are proving to have far at workplaces near major transit centers, or - higher infrastructure costs (for sewer, where employees get equal financial water, roads, utilities, police and fire incentives for not driving, the usual need is services) than traditional towns. Yet limiting building sizes means low property values and thus low property tax revenues. City councils face a Hobsons choice: allow more high-traffic development, to get sorely needed tax revenues? Or skip both? just 1 to 1.5 parking spaces per 1000 square feet. All this unused asphalt costs new developments heavily: the rule of thumb for California is that for every two dollars spent on land and construction for the actual buildings, another dollar must be put into parking. And the one-size-for-all requirements don't allow developers to spend less on parking, no matter how much they have done to help employees out of their cars: reducing traffic brings no reward. Their zoning codes won't allow both high revenues and low traffic. Breaking New Ground Caught between bitter citizen opposi- tion to additional traffic and greater demands for city services, cities and developers are rewriting the rules. In 'Fhor-to-Arca Ratios' and 'Site Coverage suburban Maryland, Foulger-Pratt Devel- PROMOTING BICYCLING AND WALKING IU I Mt Table 2: Money Matters Effecf of financial Incentives on parting demand Location of Study Qroup A: Areas with little Century City District, West Los Angeles Cornell University, Ithaca, NY San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles Bellevue, WA Costa Mesa, CA Average of studies Scope of Study or no public transportation 3500 employees surveyed at 100+ firms 9000 Faculty & staff 1 large employer (850) employees) 1 medium-size firm (430 employees) Financial Decrease Incentive in per month Parking (in 1995 $) Demand $81 $34 $37 $54 $37 $49 15% 26% 30% 39% 22% 26% Group B: Areas with fair public transportation Los Angeles Civic Center Mid-Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles Washington DC Suburbs Downtown Los Angeles Average of studies 10,000+ employees at several organizations 1 mid-size firm 5500 employees at 3 worksites 5000 employees surveyed at 11 8 firms $125 $89 $68 $126 $102 36% 38% 26% 25% 37% Group C: Areas with good public transportation University of Washington, Seattle WA Downtown Ottawa, Canada Average of studies 50,000 faculty, staff & students 3500+ government staff $18 $72 $45 24% 18% 27% opment drove a new bargain for their RockviUe Center project. City officials agreed to allow 825,000 square feet (above the old limit of 450,000 sq. ft.) of shops and offices. Parking requirements were reduced 40%, and the road-building fees — typically, a large new building project must fund major road expansions — were cut in half. In return, the developer guaranteed that the project would produce fewer than 175 rush-hour car trips per day, or 60% less than normal for a project that size. Em- ployees receive a $60 per month credit for transit passes, vanpooling, and carpooling; parking charges for driving alone; flexible BICYCLE FEDERATION OF AMERICA • PEDESTRIAN FEDERATION OF AMERICA 173 work hours, and help, from a full-time transportation coordinator. To give the agreement teeth, a penalty fee is included: _ . , , if surveys show that rush-hour car trips are Puttm9 the Pieces together changed their commute benefits to reward employees for not driving. exceeding the 175 trip/day limit, the employer must enhance the prognm. If results still fall short, a penalty fee to the city of $60 monthly for each trip/day over the limit is assessed. For all sides, the agreement adds benefits: • From this 80% larger project, the city gets 80% higher tax revenues, yet with no more traffic than under the eld zoning. Putting together low-traffic develop- ments usually takes six key groups. Whether your focus is on one develop- ment, or citywide, you need to satisfy the same folks: 1) The Employees: Free parking is one of America's most cherished (and tax-free) employee benefits. At all but a very few firms, it is sacrosanct. The answer, instead of trying to take it away, is to even it out: offer cash not to drive (a "parking cash- For the developer, more office and retail out" or "commute allowance" program). space, combined with lower costs for parking and road-building, means higher profits. • Land value increases too: in this case, Foulger-Pratt struck an unusual deal, agreeing to pay the original land-owner a minimum price plus a bonus for each additional square foot of development it .could win from the city. • And for the community as a whole, the result is a healthier, low-traffic, livable city. The moral is simple: to build good cities, we need to make our zoning codes reward developers for reducing traffic. Limiting traffic directly, by limiting the number of rush-hour car trips, is one simple and effective way. Alternatively, allow more building, but limit parking. Bellevue, WA, where CH2M Hill relocated, changed parking requirements for new offices from a Best, most flexible, and most effective, is Apple Computer's system: each worker turns in an extra slip with his timesheet, marking the days he used alternatives to driving alone, and get's paid for each day he didn't drive. It's important to reward employees by the day: even the most dedicated alternative transportation users usually need to drive to work occasionally. Programs that ignore this, requiring all-or- nothing, achieve lower results. Offering cash is important too: the traditional transit pass offer is ill-suited for many in the suburbs, where carpooling or bicycling is often the most popular alternative. Administration is simple: while some worry that workers will try to scam the system, companies report that people will rarely risk their jobs for a few dollars a day — and it quickly becomes obvious if an employee is walking out to his own car in the company lot at the end of each day. 2) The City: City officials need proof minimum of five parking spaces per 1000 that a parking cash-out means that a larger square feet to a maximum of 2.7 spaces per development, with higher tax revenues, 1,000 square feet. Simultaneously, the low- can produce less traffic and a more livable density, auto-oriented city sought to city. remake itself as a walkable, bikable and 3)The Developer: Needs to know that transit-friendly place, with new transit parking cash-outs reduce traffic and service, a downtown transit center, and a parking demand substantially, and that new pedestrian spine for the downtown. Iower traffic will mean lower costs, and The result was the traffic reduction seen at approval for more development on a site, companies like CH2M Hill, as businesses 174 BICYCLE FEDERATION OF AMERICA • PEDESTRIAN FEDERATION OF AMERICA PROMOTING BICYCLING AND WALKING TO THE PUBLIC 4) The Employer: If the employer is not that new ways pay, we can expect to see the the building owner, but a tenant, they need old rules of high-traffic development fade to know that in return for having less into the past, parking than a typical suburban develop- _ - ment, and for helping employees commute new ways, they'll share in the developers' Cornell University Office ofTransportation gains. In the case of Rockville, that payoff (. 'Services. 1992. "Summary of Transportation was an attractive office rent, made possible Demand Manage™nt Program," Unpublished, by the developer's lower costs. fy Garcia. ^^-1993. "TDM at Rockville 5) The Bankers: If a development " Center'" Urban LanJ>Nov"1993'21'23- provides far less parking than the norm for -, M®^ Gerald K» 1991. "The Impacts of the area, its financial backers need to know ^ Pa^inS P,ric« on Commuter Tnivel/VMetro- a rational reason why. Usually, it pays to work with those lenders who are accus- tomed to funding this type of project. Otherwise, be prepared to educate your bankers. / ——-—-——-•~*~-N^ ^^6)T6e NeijrA6ors:\To keep commuters ,/rrom parking on the street in nearby j Q)ployer-Paid Parking," Report No. FTA-CA- neighborhoods, a residential parking L 11-0035-92-1 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. permit district, to reserve the street parking^ Department ofTransportation). for residents only, is sometimes essential. / Shoup, Donald and Richard W. Willson. Fortunately, setting up an entire district -f- (§1992' "Employer-Paid Parking: The Problem ~:,~«. «».OTt:<-.. n~A nii ~r»<»n ,-„,..... t... l and Proposed Solutions," Transportationsigns, permits and all — orten costs less \ * T/.. M f., . . .. 1 Quarterly, vol. 46, No. 2,169-192.i> than a single new parking garage space. ) For a n~ew development", paying the city toA Surface Transportation PoUcy Project 1994. . ... T ,7 . .W Employers Manage Transportation: Stateset up such a district, and making sure it is politan Washington Council of Governments, Washington, DC. Shoup, Donald and Don PickrelL 1980. "Free Parking as a Transportation Problem," (Wash- ington, D.C.: U.S. Department ofTransporta- tion). ) Shoup, Donald. 1992. "Cashing Out Em- Q) Farm Insurance Company," Surface Transpor- tation Policy Project, Washington DC. ^ United States Department ofTransportation. (4/1990. "Proceedings of the Commuter Parking Symposium," USDOT Report No. DOT-T- 91-14, Washington, DC. Williams, Michael E. and Permit, Kathleen L.. / fi\1994. "U-PASS: A Model Transportation They take effort and education 'to unravel. VWManagement Program That Works," Transfor- Yet unravel they do. Usually, it happens in communities that create a shared vision of a walkable, bikable, livable town. It be- comes real when innovative developers seize the opportunity to build that vision. free to the residents, is a small, but very worthwhile, investment. Start with a vision As with most changes worth doing, all of this takes work. Bad development systems were built up over many years* tation Raearch ^"^ 1404' 73'81 Willson, Richard W. and Donald C. Shoup. "S Subsidies and Travel Choices: the Lvidence, Transportation, Vol. And as the financial success of these developers across the county is proving . Willson, Richard W. 1991. "Estimating the /Travel and Parking Demand Effects of Em- ployer-Paid Parking," Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 22 (1992), 133-145. BICYCLE FEDERATION OF AMERICA • PEDESTRIAN FEDERATION OF AMERICA }75