HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-02-05; City Council; 19298; Award Contract for HVAC Maintenance Services Bid No 08-10CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 19,298AB# MTG- 02/05/08 DEPT. PW/GS AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR HVAC MAINTENANCE SERVICES BID NO. 08-10 DEPT. CITY ATTY. CITY MGR. h/ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2008-021 accepting the bid and awarding the contract to Seaside Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc., for HVAC Maintenance Services, Bid No. 08-10, for an amount not-to-exceed $388,260 in the initial two year agreement term, and authorizing an increase to the previous agreement term compensation amount by 20% in each subsequent two year agreement period to a maximum total compensation amount of $1,413,267 throughout the allowable contract term, and authorizing the Public Works Director, or his designated representative, to add additional work locations or to increase service frequencies up to the limits authorized for each two year agreement term. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City of Carlsbad utilizes contract HVAC maintenance for thirty-three City owned facilities. This service has been traditionally performed by a service contractor. Utilizing a service contractor allows the City to provide these services without the need to increase staffing, purchase and maintain expensive specialty equipment and allows staff resources to be allocated to our core maintenance functions. The Carlsbad Municipal Code authorizes the City Manager to approve amendments to existing agreements by a maximum of 25% of the original contract amount without prior approval by the City Council. Several of our long-term agreements have reached this limit in a short period of time. Some of the reasons for this are the addition of infrastructure to the City's inventory, allowable annual compensation increases in accordance with the rise in the Consumer Price Index for San Diego County, and needed increases in service frequencies to maintain the quality of service expected in the City of Carlsbad. Service contracts that have reached the allowed maximum compensation in the last three years include HVAC Maintenance Services, Landscape Maintenance Services, Median Maintenance Services, Streetlight Damage Repair Services and Traffic Signal Maintenance Services. Additionally, another contracting issue staff has identified is the requirement to process formal amendments to existing agreements to add relatively minor additional work items. In the previous HVAC maintenance contract, addition of any items not included in the original bid required a formal amendment to the agreement and City Manager approval within his/her signature authority. FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED ^ DENIED D CONTINUED D WITHDRAWN D AMENDED D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN D RETURNED TO STAFF D OTHER - SEE MINUTES D Page 2 In order to address these two issues, staff is recommending that Council authorize an increase to the annual compensation amount by a total of 20% in each two year agreement period to accommodate infrastructure growth, allowable compensation increases and to allow flexibility in service intervals to meet quality standards. This requested increase is based on historical inflation averages in the Consumer Price Index for San Diego County and projected project completion of Capital Improvement Projects including the Library Learning Center, Police and Fire Training Facility, Alga Norte Park, the Public Works Center, and various park community centers. Staff is also recommending that Council authorize the Public Works Director, or his designated representative, to increase the services provided, add additional maintenance locations from the current or future inventory, or increase service frequencies to the limits authorized during the course of each agreement period to allow day to day management of HVAC maintenance service operations. On a bi-annual basis, a formal amendment will be processed for City Manager approval indicating the actual service totals and the maximum compensation for the next agreement year. Staff is also recommending that Council approve a total maximum compensation amount of ($1,413,267) over the maximum six-year period of the agreement. On October 23, 2007, the City Clerk published a Notice Inviting Bids for this service agreement. Two bids were received, opened, witnessed, and recorded on November 27, 2007. The bid amounts ranged from $167,775 to $298,705 per agreement year. The bids were reviewed by the Public Works Department and were as follows: • Seaside Heating and Air Conditioning $161,775 • Johnson Controls $298,705 In accordance with the Municipal Code, a best value evaluation was completed. Each contractor's bid was evaluated against the following criteria: Cost of service Ability to Provide Service Previous Performance and References Quality of Service Responsiveness to Specifications Unspecified value added offerings Seaside Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. was evaluated the highest due to its submitted cost for service, ability to provide service, previous performance and references, quality of service, responsiveness to specifications and value added offerings. Based on the results of the best value evaluation, staff recommends that Council accept the bid and award a contract to Seaside Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. Staff wishes to recommend that Council approve this agreement for a two year period and authorize the City Manager to approve a maximum of two additional two year extensions. There are two primary reasons for establishing a two year cycle with this and other major maintenance agreements. Two year agreements establish a cost basis for two years instead of the traditional one year period and limit cost of living compensation increase requests over the life of the agreement. General Services also administers dozens of large and complex maintenance agreements. Extending the agreement period to two years minimizes the number of amendments to extend and greatly reduces the staff overhead required to process these amendments. Staff wishes to inform Council that the bid is intended to establish bid item costs for each individual item of work. The actual amount will vary depending on the actual services provided. Since payment to the contractor will be for actual work performed the amount paid will likely exceed the actual bid amount. Staff is requesting that Council approve an additional $64,710 (20%) in funding for the bid from Seaside, to ensure that funds are available to add work during the initial two year agreement term as infrastructure is completed and accepted by the City and to ensure that funds are available in the event that the actual work exceeds the estimates indicated in the bid documents. Page3 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: This project is a Class 1 categorical exemption (minor alteration of existing structure or facilities) and is, therefore, exempt from the environmental review process under provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Section 15301(c). FISCAL IMPACT: This contract is funded from the Facilities Maintenance Operating Budget - General Fund. Sufficient appropriations are available in the Facilities Maintenance Operating Budget - General Fund to fully fund the agreement. The contract amount for the HVAC service agreement is provided by contract years in the table below: Contract Years Contract Years 1 & 2 Contract Years 3 & 4 Contract Years 5 & 6 Total Not-To-Exceed Contract Amount Contract Amount $388,260 465,912 559,095 $1,413,267 In summary, this is up to a six-year HVAC service agreement based on the selected best value contractor's bid of $161,775 per agreement year. The Public Works Department is recommending an additional $64,710, approximately 20% of the bid amount, be added in the first contract year. As such, the total contract cost for the initial two year agreement period is $388,260. The Public Works Department is also recommending that Council authorize increases to the contract as needed by an additional 20% of the contract amount in each subsequent two year agreement period to account for increases in the City's assets requiring HVAC maintenance services. This increase is cumulative with increases allowed in previous agreement terms. The calculated amounts per two year term establish the not-to-exceed limit of the agreement ($1,413,267). The actual annual payments to the contractor will be based on the costs of services provided, on a time and material basis, within each two year term of the agreement. The work completed will be inspected and verified by Public Works Department staff prior to authorization of each payment. EXHIBITS: Resolution No.2008-021 accepting the bid and awarding the contract to 2. Seaside Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc., for HVAC Maintenance Services, Bid No. 08-10, for an amount not-to-exceed $388,260 in the initial two year agreement term, and authorizing an increase to the previous agreement term compensation amount by 20% in each subsequent two year agreement period to a maximum total compensation amount of $1,413,267 throughout the allowable contract term, and authorizing the Public Works Director, or his designated representative, to add additional work locations or to increase service frequencies up to the limits authorized for each two year agreement term. HVAC Maintenance Services Contract. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Dale A. Schuck, (760) 802-5788, dschu@ci.carlsbad.ca.us 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2008-021 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 3 CARLSBAD, ACCEPTING THE BID AND AWARDING THE CONTRACT TO SEASIDE HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING INC., FOR HVAC 4 MAINTENANCE SERVICES, BID NO. 08-10, FOR AN AMOUNT NOT- TO-EXCEED $388,260 IN THE INITIAL TWO YEAR AGREEMENT , TERM, AND AUTHORIZING AN INCREASE TO THE PREVIOUS TWO D YEAR AGREEMENT TERM COMPENSATION AMOUNT BY 20% IN EACH SUBSEQUENT TWO YEAR AGREEMENT TERM TO A 6 MAXIMUM COMPENSATION AMOUNT OF $1,413,267 OVER THE SIX AVAILABLE YEARS OF THE AGREEMENT, AND AUTHORIZING THE 7 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR OR HIS DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE TO ADD ADDITIONAL MAINTENANCE 8 LOCATIONS AND INCREASE MAINTENANCE FREQUENCIES UP TO THE LIMITS AUTHORIZED FOR EACH TWO YEAR AGREEMENT g TERM^ 10 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad requires the services of a HVAC services contractor; 1-I and ._ WHEREAS, proper bidding procedures have resulted in the City's receipt of a bid from a qualified contractor, Seaside Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc.; and i O WHEREAS, a best value evaluation consistent with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 14 3.28.050 was performed by staff and has resulted in staff's determination that the bid submitted by 15 Seaside Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc., at $161,775 per agreement year is the best value to 1R the City of Carlsbad; and 17 WHEREAS, staff recommends Council approve an additional $64,710 in funding for the 18 bid from Seaside Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc., in the initial two year agreement term to 19 ensure that funds are available to add work during the two year agreement term as infrastructure 20 is completed and accepted by the City and to ensure that funds are available in the event that the 21 actual work totals exceed the estimates indicated in the bid documents; and 22 WHEREAS, staff recommends award of the contract for Bid 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services to Seaside Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc., in an amount not-to-exceed $388,260 in ^O the initial two year agreement term; and 24 WHEREAS, staff recommends Council authorize an increase of 20% in funding in each 25 subsequent two year agreement period to a maximum compensation amount of $1,413, 267 26 during the maximum six year life of the agreement to ensure that funds are available to add work 97 during the agreement year as infrastructure is completed and accepted by the City, to ensure that 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 funds are available in the event that the actual work totals exceed the estimates indicated in the bid documents, and to ensure that sufficient funds are available to fund increases in compensation to the contractor in an amount not-to-exceed the Consumer Price Index for San Diego County in the preceding two year term; and _ WHEREAS, staff recommends Council authorize the Public Works Director, or his5 designated representative, to increase the services provided, add additional maintenance6 locations from the current or future inventory, or increase service frequencies to the limits authorized during the course of each agreement year to allow day to day management of HVAC 8 maintenance operations. Bi-annually, for a maximum six year agreement term, a formal 9 amendment will be processed for City Manager approval indicating the actual service totals and 10 the maximum compensation for the next two year agreement term; and 11 WHEREAS, sufficient appropriations are available in the Facilities Maintenance 12 Operating Budget - General Fund to fully fund the agreement. 13 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 14 California, as follows: 15 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. A O 2. The bid of Seaside Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc., 2942 Industry Street, Suite 17 A, Oceanside, CA 92054, is the best value. 18 3. The bid of Seaside Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc., is hereby accepted. 4. That an additional $64,710 in funding is authorized in the initial two year term and increases of 20% in funding in each subsequent two year agreement period are authorized. 5. That the maximum compensation amount will not exceed $1,413,267 over the maximum six-year period of the agreement. 6. That the Public Works Director, or his designated representative, is authorized increase the services provided, add additional maintenance locations from the current or future inventory, or increase service frequencies to the limits authorized during the course of each agreement year to allow day to day management of HVAC maintenance service operations. 1 7. That bi-annually, for a maximum six year agreement term, a formal amendment 2 will be processed for City Manager approval indicating the actual service totals and the maximum 3 compensation for the next two year agreement term. 4 8. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to 5 execute an agreement with Seaside Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. for an amount not-to- 6 exceed $388,260 in the initial two year agreement term, a copy of which is attached, for and on 7 behalf of the City of Carlsbad. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 /// 19 /// 20 /// 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 5th day of February, 2008, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Hall, Packard and Nygaard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ATTEST: fRRAIhtBM.WO JEAL) U AGREEMENT FOR HVAC MAINTENANCE SERVICES Seaside Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the // __ day of 2QO%. by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal of 'corporation, ("City1'), ar\dt\5easicLi l<Lt<di'i\can<t Ai'r(^hati*-.t'fys a PJH f)fft aJ^rx^, rf) ("Contractor"). D -^ ' DEFINITIONS Repair: Authorized service work to equipment and systems required to preserve and protect any City owned or maintained HVAC system as specified in this Agreement. Installations: HVAC equipment installation and adjustment required to preserve and protect any City owned or maintained HVAC systems as specified in this Agreement, Maintenance: Any routine, recurring, and usual services or preventative maintenance on existing City systems necessary for the protection or preservation of any City owned or maintained HVAC systems as specified in this Agreement. Demolition: The removal of HVAC equipment required to preserve and protect any City owned or maintained HVAC systems as specified in this Agreement. Service Report: Contractor's detailed report in City-approved computer-generated format covering all work performed under this Agreement. Service reports shall be separate documents, listed by facility and shall note all inspections, repairs or service work performed, condition statements and any other pertinent information to aid the City in determining future equipment repairs, maintenance or replacement. Web based report capability is highly desired. RECITALS A. City requires the professional services of an HVAC Contractor that is experienced in providing routine, recurring and usual HVAC maintenance work necessary for the protection and preservation of City owned or maintained HVAC systems for their intended purposes. B. Contractor has the necessary experience in providing professional services and advice related to providing routine, recurring and usual HVAC maintenance work necessary for the protection and preservation of City owned or maintained HVAC systems for their intended purposes. C. Selection of Contractor is expected to achieve the desired results in an expedited fashion. D. Contractor has submitted a bid to City and has affirmed its willingness and ability to perform such work. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Contractor agree as follows: City of Carlsbad 1 Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 1. SCOPE OF WORK City retains Contractor to perform, and Contractor agrees to render the HVAC maintenance and repair services described in the Scope of Work contained in the City's Request for Bids and the Contractor's bid, which are incorporated by this reference in accordance with this Agreement's terms and conditions. The Contractor will perform HVAC maintenance and related services as needed and as authorized on an agreed price for Preventative Maintenance services and on a time and materials basis for repairs as specified in the Contractor's bid. Nothing in this agreement is intended to create an exclusive arrangement between City and Contractor. The City reserves the right to procure HVAC maintenance services from other vendors as the City deems appropriate. 2. STANDARD OF PERFORMANCE While performing the Services, Contractor will exercise the reasonable professional care and skill customarily exercised by reputable members of Contractor's profession practicing in the Metropolitan Southern California Area, and will use reasonable diligence and best judgment while exercising its professional skill and expertise. Contractor shall maintain a C-20 license issued by the California Contractors State License Board throughout the term of this Agreement. 3. TERM The term of this Agreement will be effective for a period of two-years from the date first above written. The City Manager may amend the Agreement to extend it for two additional one-year periods or parts thereof in an amount not to exceed Four Hundred Sixty Five Thousand, Nine Hundred and Twelve dollars ($465,912) in the first two year extension period and not to exceed Five Hundred Fifty-nine Thousand, and Ninety-five dollars($559,095) in the second two year extension period. Total compensation under this agreement shall not exceed One Million, Four Hundred Thirteen Thousand, Two Hundred and Sixty-seven dollars. Payments will be made on a time and materials basis for actual work performed by the contractor and the total compensation amounts are not guaranteed. Extensions will be based upon a satisfactory review of Contractor's performance, City needs, and appropriation of funds by the City Council. The parties will prepare a written amendment indicating the effective date and length of the extended Agreement. Either the City or the Contractor may decline to confirm the renewal of the contract for any reason whatsoever, which shall render the renewal option null and void. If an increase in compensation for service in succeeding option periods is requested, the Contractor must provide detailed supporting documentation to justify the requested rate increase. The requested increase will be evaluated by the City, and the City reserves the right to accept or reject the Contractor's requested compensation increase. This Agreement's annual compensation terms may be adjusted by a mutually agreeable amount based on and no greater than the aggregate San Diego Consumer Price Index changes over the previous agreement period. Requests for price changes must be made by the Contractor in writing sixty (60) days before the end of the then-current agreement year and is subject to negotiation or rejection by the City. City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 4. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE Time is of the essence for each and every provision of this Agreement. 5. COMPENSATION The Contractor's HVAC maintenance work will be by paid at a fixed cost rate for scheduled maintenance and at an hourly rate plus parts as indicated in the Contractor's bid. The total fee payable for the Services to be performed during the initial Agreement term will not exceed Three Hundred Eighty-eight Thousand, Two Hundred and Sixty dollars ($388,260). No other compensation for the Services will be allowed except for items covered by subsequent amendments to this Agreement. The City reserves the right to withhold a ten percent (10%) retention until City has accepted the work and/or Services specified in the Contractor's bid. The Contractor will perform work in accordance with all applicable Carlsbad Municipal Code sections, California building codes, California HVAC codes, OSHA standards and any other regulatory requirements. There will be no additional charges such as travel or trip costs allowed. Payment for service starts when the technician arrives at the City of Carlsbad owned or maintained properties, and ends at the completion of required service work. Portal to portal payment is not included in this Agreement. All parts will be newly manufactured replacement parts or an equal approved by the Inspector, or his authorized representative. Pricing to City of Carlsbad will be in accordance with hourly labor cost plus parts markup as indicated in the Vendor's Proposed Cost of Services Chart. Invoices must be submitted with request for payment. The Contractor shall submit invoices to the Inspector, or his authorized representative by the 5th day of the month for work performed in the previous month under this contract. The Contractor shall provide detailed records of all work performed and include all required reports of systems and/or equipment(s) serviced or repaired. Failure to provide the required documents, invoices, and reports will result in the City of Carlsbad withholding payment to the Contractor until all the required documentation, including supplier invoices for parts, are provided to the City. Certified payroll documents shall be submitted to the City with each billing. If an increase in compensation for service in succeeding option periods is requested, the Contractor must provide detailed supporting documentation to justify the requested rate increase. The City will evaluate the requested increase, and the City reserves the right to negotiate, accept or reject the Contractor's requested compensation increase. This Agreement's annual compensation terms may be adjusted by a mutually agreeable amount based on and no greater than the aggregate San Diego Consumer Price Index changes over the previous contract period. Requests for price changes must be made by the Contractor in writing sixty (60) days before the end of the then-current agreement City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services \0 year and is subject to negotiation or rejection by the City. Compensation increases will not be authorized prior to the end of each contract period. 6. STATUS OF CONTRACTOR Contractor will perform the Services in Contractor's own way as an independent contractor and in pursuit of Contractor's independent calling, and not as an employee of City. Contractor will be under control of City only as to the result to be accomplished, but will consult with City as necessary. The persons used by Contractor to provide services under this Agreement will not be considered employees of City for any purposes. The payment made to Contractor pursuant to this Agreement will be the full and complete compensation to which Contractor is entitled. City will not make any federal or state tax withholdings on behalf of Contractor or its agents, employees or subcontractors. City will not be required to pay any workers' compensation insurance or unemployment contributions on behalf of Contractor or its employees or subcontractors. Contractor agrees to indemnify City within thirty (30) days for any tax, retirement contribution, social security, overtime payment, unemployment payment or workers' compensation payment which City may be required to make on behalf of Contractor or any agent, employee, or subcontractor of Contractor for work done under this Agreement. At the City's election, City may deduct the indemnification amount from any balance owing to Contractor. 7. PREVAILING WAGES TO BE PAID The general prevailing rate of wages for each craft or type of worker needed to execute the contract shall be those as determined by the Director of Industrial Relations pursuant to Sections 1770, 1773 and 1773.1 of the Labor Code. Pursuant to Section 1773.2 of the Labor Code, a current copy of the applicable wage rates is on file in the Office of the City Engineer. The contractor to whom the contract is awarded shall not pay less than the said specified prevailing rates of wages to all workers employed by him or her in execution of the contract. 8. SUBCONTRACTING Contractor will not subcontract any portion of the Services without prior written approval of City. If Contractor subcontracts any of the Services, Contractor will be fully responsible to City for the acts and omissions of Contractor's subcontractor and of the persons either directly or indirectly employed by the subcontractor, as Contractor is for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by Contractor. Nothing contained in this Agreement will create any contractual relationship between any subcontractor of Contractor and City. Contractor will be responsible for payment of subcontractors. Contractor will bind every subcontractor and every subcontractor of a subcontractor by the terms of this Agreement applicable to Contractor's work unless specifically noted to the contrary in the subcontract and approved in writing by City. 9. OTHER CONTRACTORS The City reserves the right to employ other Contractors in connection with the Services. City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 10. PARTS The City reserves the right to supply needed parts and equipment to the Contractor for Services. 11. INDEMNIFICATION Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers, officials, employees and volunteers from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses including attorneys fees arising out of the performance of the work described herein caused in whole or in part by any willful misconduct or negligent act or omission of the Contractor, any subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. The parties expressly agree that any payment, attorney's fee, costs or expense City incurs or makes to or on behalf of an injured employee under the City's self- administered workers' compensation is included as a loss, expense or cost for the purposes of this section, and that this section will survive the expiration or early termination of this Agreement. 12. INSURANCE Contractor will obtain and maintain for the duration of the Agreement and any and all amendments, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise out of or in connection with performance of the services by Contractor or Contractor's agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. The insurance will be obtained from an insurance carrier admitted and authorized to do business in the State of California. The insurance carrier is required to have a current Best's Key Rating of not less than "A-:V". 12.1 Coverages and Limits. Contractor will maintain the types of coverages and minimum limits indicated below, unless the City Manager approves a lower amount. These minimum amounts of coverage will not constitute any limitations or cap on Contractor's indemnification obligations under this Agreement. City, its officers, agents and employees make no representation that the limits of the insurance specified to be carried by Contractor pursuant to this Agreement are adequate to protect Contractor. If Contractor believes that any required insurance coverage is inadequate, Contractor will obtain such additional insurance coverage, as Contractor deems adequate, at Contractor's sole expense. 12.1.1 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE $1,000,000 combined single-limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If the submitted policies contain aggregate limits, general aggregate limits will apply separately to the work under this Agreement or the general aggregate will be twice the required per occurrence limit. 12.1.2 Automobile Liability City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services If the use of an automobile is involved for Contractor's work for City, $1,000,000 combined single-limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 12.1.3 ANY AUTO COVERAGE Insurance must cover any vehicle used in the performance of the contract, used onsite or offsite, whether owned, non-owned or hired, and whether scheduled or non- scheduled. The auto insurance certificate must state the coverage is for "any auto" and cannot be limited in any manner. 12.1.4 Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability. Workers' Compensation limits as required by the California Labor Code and Employer's Liability limits of $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury. Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability insurance will not be required if Contractor has no employees and provides, to City's satisfaction, a declaration stating this. 12.1.5 Additional Provisions. Contractor will ensure that the policies of insurance required under this Agreement contain, or are endorsed to contain, the following provisions: 12.2.1 The City will be named as an additional insured on General Liability. 12.2.2 This insurance will be in force during the life of the Agreement and any extensions of it and will not be canceled without thirty (30) days prior written notice to City sent by certified mail pursuant to the Notice provisions of this Agreement. 12.2.3 Prior to City's execution of this Agreement, Contractor will furnish certificates of insurance and endorsements to City. 12.3 Failure to Maintain Coverage. If Contractor fails to maintain any of these insurance coverages, then City will have the option to declare Contractor in breach, or may purchase replacement insurance or pay the premiums that are due on existing policies in order to maintain the required coverages. Contractor is responsible for any payments made by City to obtain or maintain insurance and City may collect these payments from Contractor or deduct the amount paid from any sums due Contractor under this Agreement. 12.4 Submission of Insurance Policies. City reserves the right to require, at anytime, complete and certified copies of any or all required insurance policies and endorsements. 13. BUSINESS LICENSE Contractor will obtain and maintain a City of Carlsbad Business License for the term of the Agreement, as may be amended from time-to-time. 14. ACCOUNTING RECORDS City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services Contractor will maintain complete and accurate records with respect to costs incurred under this Agreement. All records will be clearly identifiable. Contractor will allow a representative of City during normal business hours to examine, audit, and make transcripts or copies of records and any other documents created pursuant to this Agreement. Contractor will allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings, and activities related to the Agreement for a period of three (3) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement. 15. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS All work product produced by Contractor or its agents, employees, and subcontractors pursuant to this Agreement is the property of City. In the event this Agreement is terminated, all documents related to services performed produced by Contractor or its agents, employees and subcontractors pursuant to this Agreement will be delivered at once to City. Contractor will have the right to make one (1) copy of the work product for Contractor's records. 16. COPYRIGHTS Contractor agrees that all copyrights that arise from the services will be vested in City and Contractor relinquishes all claims to the copyrights in favor of City. 17. NOTICES The name of the persons who are authorized to give written notices or to receive written notice on behalf of City and on behalf of Contractor under this Agreement. For City: M n i A o u i For Contractor:Name: Dale A. Schuck Title: Public Works Supervisor Name: Jay Sebrinq Title: President Department: General Services Address; 2942.A industrv street City of Carlsbad Oceanside. Ca 92054 Address: 405 Oak Avenue. phone No, 760.643.1100 Carlsbad. CA 92008 Phone No. (760) 434-2949 City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 18. CONFLICT OF INTEREST City will evaluate Contractor's duties pursuant to this Agreement to determine whether disclosure under the Political Reform Act and City's Conflict of Interest Code is required of Contractor or any of Contractor's employees, agents, or subcontractors. Should it be determined that disclosure is required, Contractor or Contractor's affected employees, agents, or subcontractors will complete and file with the City Clerk those schedules specified by City and contained in the Statement of Economic Interests Form 700. Contractor, for Contractor and on behalf of Contractor's agents, employees, subcontractors and consultants warrants that by execution of this Agreement, that they have no interest, present or contemplated, in the projects affected by this Agreement. Contractor further warrants that neither Contractor, nor Contractor's agents, employees, subcontractors and consultants have any ancillary real property, business interests or income that will be affected by this Agreement or, alternatively, that Contractor will file with the City an affidavit disclosing this interest. 19. GENERAL COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS Contractor will keep fully informed of federal, state and local laws and ordinances and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by Contractor, or in any way affect the performance of the Services by Contractor. Contractor will at all times observe and comply with these laws, ordinances, and regulations and will be responsible for the compliance of Contractor's services with all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations. Contractor will be aware of the requirements of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 and will comply with those requirements, including, but not limited to, verifying the eligibility for employment of all agents, employees, subcontractors and consultants that the services required by this Agreement. 20. DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT PROHIBITED Contractor will comply with all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination and harassment. 21. DISPUTE RESOLUTION If a dispute should arise regarding the performance of the Services the following procedure will be used to resolve any questions of fact or interpretation not otherwise settled by agreement between the parties. Representatives of Contractor or City will reduce such questions, and their respective views, to writing. A copy of such documented dispute will be forwarded to both parties involved along with recommended methods of resolution, which would be of benefit to both parties. The representative receiving the letter will reply to the letter along with a recommended method of resolution within ten (10) business days. If the resolution thus obtained is unsatisfactory to the aggrieved party, a letter outlining the disputes will be forwarded to the City Manager and/or designee. The City Manager and/or designee will consider the facts and solutions recommended by each party and may then opt to direct a solution to the problem. In such cases, the action of the City Manager and/or designee will be binding upon the parties involved, although City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 8 nothing in this procedure will prohibit the parties from seeking remedies available to them at law. 22. TERMINATION In the event of the Contractor's failure to prosecute, deliver, or perform the Services, City may terminate this Agreement for nonperformance by notifying Contractor by certified mail of the termination. If City decides to abandon or indefinitely postpone the work or services contemplated by this Agreement, City may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to Contractor. Upon notification of termination, Contractor has five (5) business days to deliver any documents owned by City and all work in progress to City address contained in this Agreement. City will make a determination of fact based upon the work product delivered to City and of the percentage of work that Contractor has performed which is usable and of worth to City in having the Agreement completed. Based upon that finding City will determine the final payment of the Agreement. Either party upon tendering ninety (90) days written notice to the other party may terminate this Agreement. In this event and upon request of City, Contractor will assemble the work product and put it in order for proper filing and closing and deliver it to City. Contractor will be paid for work performed to the termination date; however, the total will not exceed the lump sum fee payable under this Agreement. City will make the final determination as to the portions of tasks completed and the compensation to be made. 23. COVENANTS AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES Contractor warrants that Contractor has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working for Contractor, to solicit or secure this Agreement, and that Contractor has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or any other consideration contingent upon, or resulting from, the award or making of this Agreement. For breach or violation of this warranty, City will have the right to annul this Agreement without liability, or, in its discretion, to deduct from the Agreement price or consideration, or otherwise recover, the full amount of the fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fees, gift, or contingent fee. 24. CLAIMS AND LAWSUITS By signing this Agreement, Contractor agrees that any Agreement claim submitted to City must be asserted as part of the Agreement process as set forth in this Agreement and not in anticipation of litigation or in conjunction with litigation. Contractor acknowledges that if a false claim is submitted to City, it may be considered fraud and Contractor may be subject to criminal prosecution. Contractor acknowledges that California Government Code sections 12650 et seq.. the False Claims Act applies to this Agreement and, provides for civil penalties where a person knowingly submits a false claim to a public entity. These provisions include false claims made with deliberate ignorance of the false information or in reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of information. If City seeks to recover penalties pursuant to the False Claims Act, it is entitled to recover its litigation costs, including attorney's fees. Contractor acknowledges that the filing of a false claim City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services may subject Contractor to an administrative debarment proceeding as the result of which Contractor may be prevented to act as a Contractor on any public work or improvement for a period of up to five (5) years. Contractor acknowledges debarment by another jurisdiction is grounds for City to terminate this Agreement. 25. JURISDICTION AND VENUE Any action at law or in equity brought by either of the parties for the purpose of enforcing a right or rights provided for by this Agreement will be tried in a court of competent jurisdiction in the County of San Diego, State of California, and the parties waive all provisions of law providing for a change of venue in these proceedings to any other county. 26. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS It is mutually understood and agreed that this Agreement will be binding upon City and Contractor and their respective successors. Neither this Agreement or any part of it nor any monies due or to become due under it may be assigned by Contractor without the prior consent of City, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. 27. SERVICES DURING STATE OF EMERGENCY During a state of emergency as determined by the City Council or City Manager including, but not limited to states of emergency defined by Government Code Section 8558, the Contractor agrees to provide the services specified in this Agreement under the terms and conditions herein. 28. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement, the City's Request for Bid, the Contractor's Bid, and the Specifications, together with any other written document referred to or contemplated by these documents, along with the purchase order for this Agreement and its provisions, embody the entire Agreement and understanding between the parties relating to the subject matter of it. In case of conflict, the terms of the Agreement supersede the purchase order. Neither this Agreement nor any of its provisions may be amended, modified, waived or discharged except in a writing signed by both parties. City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 10 n 29. AUTHORITY The individuals executing this Agreement and the instruments referenced in it on behalf of Contractor each represent and warrant that they have the legal power, right and actual authority to bind Contractor to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. CONTRACTOR *By: IRl/SBAiy a/municipal Dfttte Staieef California (print name/title) ATTEST: (print name/title) SIf required by City, proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by contractor mustT5e attached. If a Corporation. Agreement must be signed by one corporate officer from each of the following two groups. //;j11\ *Group A. Chairman, President, or Vice-President **Group B. Secretary, Assistant Secretary, CFO or Assistant Treasurer Otherwise, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering the officer(s) signing to bind the corporation. APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney Deputy City AttorViey City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 11 VENDOR'S PROPOSED COST OF SERVICE* PAGE 1 OF 6 The matrix below describes four items upon which the City requests a bid. Please note that the numbers listed in the "Quantity and Units" category of the matrix below are estimates only, and will not be used for any purpose other than to compare bids received in response to this Request for Bid. The actual payments made to the Vendor will be based on the Vendor's actual work performed for the City consistent with the terms and conditions of the contract documents. The undersigned declares he/she has carefully examined the locations of the work, read the Request for Bid, examined all specifications, and hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials, equipment, transportation, and services required to do all the work in this Hydraulic HVAC Maintenance Agreement in accordance with the specifications of the City of Carlsbad, and the General Provisions and that he/she will take in full payment therefore the following unit prices for each item complete, to wit: Kern No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Description Routine Preventative Maintenance: Calavera Community Center 2997 Glasgow Drive Routine Preventative Maintenance: City Hall Complex 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Annual Chiller Preventative Maintenance: City Hall Complex 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Routine Preventative Maintenance: Paries Division Administration and Modular. 11 66 Carlsbad Village Drive Estimated Quantity and Units* 4 6 1 4 Unit Price $140 Per Occurrence $300 Per Occurrence $1.000 Per Occurrence $55 Per Occurrence Annual Total $560 Extended Amount $1.800 Extended Amount $1.000 Extended Amount $220 Extended Amount City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 12 Item No. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Vendors Proposed cost of Service Chart - Page 2 of 6 Description Routine Preventative Maintenance: Facilities/Streets Div. Administration Complex. 405 Oak Avenue Routine Preventative Maintenance: Community Swim Complex 3401 Monroe Street Routine Preventative Maintenance: City Council Chambers 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Routine Preventative Maintenance: Dove Library 1775 Dove Lane Annual Chiller & Cooling Tower Preventative Maintenance: Dove Library 1775 Dove Lane Monthly Cooling Tower Water Treatment: Dove Library 1775 Dove Lane Routine Preventative Maintenance: Elmwood House 1255 Elmwood Avenue Routine Preventative Maintenance: City Administration 1635 Faraday Avenue Estimated Quantity and Units* 4 4 6 4 1 12 4 4 Unit Price $105 Per Occurrence $40 Per Occurrence $65 Per Occurrence $600 Per Occurrence $1.500 Per Occurrence $150 Per Occurrence $40 Per Occurrence $600 Per Occurrence Annual Total $420 Extended Amount $160 Extended Amount $390 Extended Amount $2.400 Extended Amount $1.500 Extended Amount $1.800 Extended Amount $160 Extended Amount $2.400 Extended Amount City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 13 Item No, 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Vendors Proposed cost of Service Chart - Page 3 of 6 Description Routine Preventative Maintenance: Fire Station #1 1275 Carlsbad Village Drive Routine Preventative Maintenance: Fire Station #2 1906 Arenal Road Routine Preventative Maintenance: Fire Station #3 3701 Catalina Drive Routine Preventative Maintenance: Fire Station #4 6885 Batiquitos Lane Routine Preventative Maintenance: Fire Station #5 2540 Orion Way Routine Preventative Maintenance: Fire Station #6 7201 Rancho Santa Fe Road Routine Preventative Maintenance: Fleet Maintenance 2480 Impala Way Routine Preventative Maintenance: Granary 2659 Garfield Routine Preventative Maintenance: Harding Community Center 3096 Harding Street Routine Preventative Maintenance: Heritage Hall 2659 Garfield Estimated Quantity and Units* 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 UnftPrifee $50 Per Occurrence $40 Per Occurrence $40 Per Occurrence $40 Per Occurrence $80 Per Occurrence $50 Per Occurrence $50 Per Occurrence $30 Per Occurrence $50 Per Occurrence $30 Per Occurrence Annual Total $200 Extended Amount $160 Extended Amount $160 Extended Amount $160 Extended Amount $320 Extended Amount $200 Extended Amount $200 Extended Amount $30 Extended Amount $200 Extended Amount $30 Extended Amount City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 14 Item No. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Vendors Proposed cost of Service Chart - Page 4 of 6 Description Routine Preventative Maintenance: Hiring Center 5958 El Cam/no Real Routine Preventative Maintenance: Holiday House 3235 Eureka Place Routine Preventative Maintenance: Kruger House 3215 Eureka Place Routine Preventative Maintenance: Learning Center 3368 Eureka Place Routine Preventative Maintenance: Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive Annual Chiller Preventative Maintenance: Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive Routine Preventative Maintenance: Magee House 258 Beech Routine Preventative Maintenance: Railroad Depot 400 Carlsbad Village Drive Routine Preventative Maintenance: Scouf House 3225 Eureka Place Estimated Quantity and Units* 2 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 4 Unit Prise $40 Per Occurrence $40 Per Occurrence $40 Per Occurrence $120 Per Occurrence $525 Per Occurrence $1.000 Per Occurrence $40 Per Occurrence $40 Per Occurrence $40 Per Occurrence Annual total $80 Extended Amount $160 Extended Amount $160 Extended Amount $480 Extended Amount $2.100 Extended Amount $1.000 Extended Amount $160 Extended Amount $40 Extended Amount $160 Extended Amount City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 15 Item No. 32. 33. 34. 35. 37. 38. 39. Vendors Proposed cost of Service Chart - Page 5 of 6 Description Routine Preventative Maintenance: Stagecoach Community Ctr. 3420 Cam/no de los Coches Routine Preventative Maintenance: Safety Center 2560 Orion Way Annual Chiller Preventative Maintenance: Safety Center 2560 Orion Way Routine Preventative Maintenance: Senior Center 799 Pine Avenue Routine Preventative Maintenance: Water District 5950 El Cam/no Real Cost of parts and materials for Repairs. Cost of labor for Repairs and non- routine maintenance. (Monday - Friday, 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM) Labor cost of emergency/after hours Repairs. Estimated Quantity and Units* 4 4 1 4 4 $70,000.00/year* 1700 Hours* 125 hours* Unit Price $140 Per Occurrence $440 Per Occurrence $1.000 Per Occurrence $260 Per Occurrence $120 Per Occurrence 20% discount from list price as shown in the i2 ARH Service Biller $45 per hour $45 per hour Annual Total $560 Extended Amount $1.760 Extended Amount $1.000 Extended Amount $1.040 Extended Amount $480 Extended Amount $56.000 ($70,000.00 x discount) (Extended Amount) $76.500 Extended Amount $5.625 Extended Amount City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 16 Vendors Proposed cost of Service Chart - Page 6 of 6 'Estimate based on historical experience is for bid comparison purposes only. The actual payments made to the Vendor will be based on the Vendor's actual work performed for the City consistent with the terms and conditions of the contract documents, and may be different from the prices estimated above. In the event of errors in calculation, the correctly extended bid item total will govern. Note: This Agreement is subject to prevailing wage laws, Labor code Section 1770 et seq. Total amount of Vendor's bid per agreement year in words: One Hundred Sixty- one Thousand. Seven Hundred and Seventy-five dollars (Items 1-39) Total amount of Vendor's bid per agreement year in numbers: ($161.775) (Items 1-39) City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 17 CITY OF CARLSBAD BID 08-10 HVAC MAINTENANCE SERVICES EXHIBIT "A" MANNER OF PERFORMING SERVICES PARTI GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS DEFINITIONS Whenever the following terms are used in this agreement, they shall have the following meaning: A. "BID ITEM" - Individual items of work in the CONTRACTOR'S bid at an agreed price for the work. B. "CITY" - The CITY of Carlsbad. C. "CITY MANAGER" - The fully appointed CITY MANAGER of the CITY or his authorized representative. D. "CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR" - The PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR'S designee for bidding, awarding and administering the CONTRACTOR'S work under this agreement. E. "CONTRACTOR" - The managing individual of the contracting entity or his authorized employees or representatives. F. "FULLY OPERATIONAL" - In a condition to undertake the function to adequately as passenger or freight HVAC. G. "INSPECTOR" - The CITY'S field representative for work performed by the CONTRACTOR. H. "PERIODIC INSPECTION" - Routinely scheduled or randomly noticed inspection or audit conducted by CITY. City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 18 I. "PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE" - Work specified in the preventative maintenance schedule of this agreement that consist of work performed by the Contractor at a fixed price cost. J. "PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR" - The official designated as the Public Works Director of CITY, or any of his authorized representatives. K. "REPAIRS" - Work required to maintain the serviceability of HVAC equipment specified under this agreement that are outside the scope of the scheduled PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE. REPAIR work must be authorized by the CONTRACT ADMINSITRATOR prior to the CONTRACTOR performance. After hours REPAIRS are work outside of normal business hours as indicated in the Vendor's Proposed Cost of Services Chart and shall be compensated at the Bid Item Rate for each item. 1.00 STANDARDS OF WORK AND CONTRACTOR RESPONISBILITY 1.01 The CONTRACTOR shall perform the work described herein in a thorough and professional manner so that the City of Carlsbad is provided with reliable and high quality HVAC Maintenance services at all times. 1.02 The CONTRACTOR shall furnish, at CONTRACTOR'S own expense, all labor, tools, equipment, and materials necessary, unless specifically excluded herein, to perform preventative maintenance at the Bid Item price. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish, at CONTRACTOR'S own expense, tools and equipment necessary, unless specifically excluded herein, to perform authorized repairs at the Bid Item price for Labor. Cost of parts shall be paid at the CONTRACTOR'S invoice cost for parts plus the percentage of markup indicated in this bid. 1.03 The CONTRACTOR'S forces shall leave work areas free of all dirt, litter, lubricants, or other materials utilized to perform maintenance services. The CONTRACTOR shall erect barricades, warning signs and any other devices to prevent unauthorized access by the public or unauthorized City staff to work areas. 1.04 HVAC maintenance and repair shall be performed in accordance with accepted standards for HVAC maintenance and repair to the satisfaction of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR or his designee. CONTRACTOR shall immediately respond when notified by CITY to correct unsatisfactory work at no additional charge. City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 19 1.05 The CONTRACTOR shall maintain individual repair and maintenance logs listing all work performed under this agreement. These repair and maintenance logs shall be kept in a designated area on each site. Logs shall indicate the date of service, time of service, service performed, the technician performing service and any other information that may affect current or future operation of the HVACs. The CONTRACTOR shall report these locations, by address, to CITY'S CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, or designee, within 48 hours. (Deductions may be made from the CONTRACTOR'S payments if maintenance and repair tasks are not reported to CITY within the time allowed.) 1.6 The CONTRACTOR shall, during the term of this CONTRACT, respond to all callbacks to the satisfaction of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, within twenty-four (24) hours of notification. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in a reduction in payment to the CONTRACTOR as determined appropriate by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. 1.7 The CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit an annual schedule for PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for approval. The PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE schedule shall be adhered to by CONTRACTOR unless deviation from the approve schedule is authorized by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. 1.8 CONTRACTOR shall, during the term of this CONTRACT, respond to requests for REPAIRS, or EMERGENCY REPAIRS as required, twenty- four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week, by dispatching required technicians to the site, within one (1) hour of contact by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. 2.00 HVAC EQUIPMENT TO BE MAINTAINED 2.01 The service areas and frequencies of service under the provisions of this CONTRACT are detailed in the Vendors Proposed Cost of Services Chart. 2.02 The detailed preventative maintenance requirements and equipment list requiring service under the provisions of this CONTRACT are detailed in Appendix "C". 2.03 CONTRACTOR acknowledges personal inspection of the sites and the surrounding areas and has evaluated the extent to which the physical condition thereof will affect the services to be provided. CONTRACTOR accepts the premises in their present physical condition, and agrees to make no demands upon CITY for any improvements or alterations thereof. 3.00 PAYMENT AND INVOICES City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 20 3.01 The CONTRACTOR shall present monthly invoices, for all work performed during the preceding month. Said invoice shall include all required certifications and reports as specified hereinafter. The invoice shall be submitted on or before the fifth (5th) day of each month in the amount of the compensation to be paid by the CITY for all services rendered by the CONTRACTOR under the terms and conditions of this CONTRACT. Said payment shall be made within thirty (30) days upon receiving the invoices, providing that all work performed during the preceding month has been inspected and accepted by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and that applicable certifications have been submitted in accordance with the provisions of this CONTRACT. 3.02 The CONTRACTOR'S monthly invoices for PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE shall be prepared and submitted in an electronic format, clearly indicating the Purchase Order number, unit price, total work performed and correctly extended totals for each individual BID ITEM or separate item of work. An invoice format shall be submitted to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for approval. CONTRACTOR shall submit a fully itemized monthly bill to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, or his authorized representative. 3.03 Separate invoices for approved REPAIRS AND EMERGENCY REPAIRS shall be prepared and submitted in an electronic format acceptable to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, including attachments, such as copies of suppliers' invoices, which the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR may require to verify CONTRACTOR'S billing. Unless otherwise requested by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, one invoice shall be submitted for each discrete and complete REPAIR or EMERGENCY REPAIR. 3.04 In the event the CITY transfers title, maintenance responsibility, or changes service frequency of a portion thereof, this CONTRACT shall continue in full force and effect, except said portion, at the discretion of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, may be deleted from the agreement and the CONTRACT sum shall be reduced accordingly. The CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR may, at his discretion, add new HVACs to be maintained and/or repaired and/or require additional services. The CONTRACTOR shall be compensated for the additional facilities or services that are designated after the date of the commencement of this CONTRACT based on a negotiated proposal. Proposal costs shall not exceed customary costs of similar equipment as submitted in the REQUEST FOR BIDS or as adjusted in accordance with subsequent amendments to the agreement. City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 21 The CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR shall notify the CONTRACTOR of additions, reductions or deletions of areas to be serviced in writing. 4.00 ENFORCEMENT. DEDUCTIONS AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES 4.01 The CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR shall be responsible for the enforcement of this CONTRACT on behalf of CITY. In addition to deductions stipulated in other sections of this agreement, the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR may enforce deductions in accordance with Section 4.00. 4.02 The CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR shall prepare and implement an INSPECTION RATING SYSTEM to be used to verify monthly payments and deductions from payments (see sample rating system as Appendix "B"). This form and system may be modified at the discretion of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. The CONTRACTOR agrees to be so evaluated by said system and bound by the ratings and/or deductions from payments indicated in the monthly INSPECTION RATING SYSTEM report. To avoid deductions from payment, CONTRACTOR must receive a rating of 95 or higher per service area as described in Appendix "B". 4.03 If, in the judgment of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, the CONTRACTOR is deemed to be non-compliant with the terms and obligations of the CONTRACT, the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, may, in addition to other remedies provided herein, withhold the entire monthly payment, deduct pro-rata from the CONTRACTOR'S invoice for work not performed, and/or deduct liquidated damages. Notification of the amount to be withheld or deducted from payments to CONTRACTOR will be forwarded to the CONTRACTOR by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR in a written notice describing the reasons for said action. The monthly INSPECTION RATING SYSTEM report shall constitute reason for any deductions so imposed. 4.04 The action above shall not be construed as a penalty but as adjustment of payment to CONTRACTOR to recover cost or loss due to the failure of the CONTRACTOR to complete or comply with the provisions of this CONTRACT. 5.00 INSPECTIONS. MEETINGS. & REPORTS 5.01 CITY reserves the right to perform inspections, including inspection of CONTRACTOR'S equipment, at any time for the purpose of verifying CONTRACTOR'S performance of CONTRACT requirements and identifying deficiencies. City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 22 5.02 The CONTRACTOR or his authorized representative shall meet with the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR or his representative on each site at the discretion and convenience of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, for walk-through inspections. All routine maintenance functions shall be completed prior to this meeting. 5.03 At the request of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, the CONTRACTOR, or his appropriate representative, shall attend meetings and/or training sessions, as determined by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, for purposes of orientation, information sharing, CONTRACT revision, description of CITY policies, procedures, standards, and the like. 5.04 CONTRACTOR shall provide to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR such written documentation and/or regular reports as the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR deems necessary to verify and review CONTRACTOR'S performance under this CONTRACT and to provide to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR pertinent information relative to the maintenance, operation, and safety of the HVACs. 6.00 REFRIGERANT RECOVERY AND LICENCING 6.01 The CONTRACTOR shall assist the CITY with administering the fulfillment of requirements of the Environmental Protection agency and Licensing coordination with the other regulatory agencies." 6.02 The CONTRACTOR shall employ licensed refrigerant recovery technicians and shall not allow any employee to perform refrigerant recovery, decommissioning, refrigerant recycling or any other tasks with the potential to release refrigerant unless that technician is currently licensed at a level appropriate for the equipment being serviced. A copy of all documents related to refrigerant handling and use shall be forwarded to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR on a monthly basis. 6.03 The CONTRACTOR shall advise the CITY of required inspections, maintenance and repairs required to satisfy all regulating agencies requirements to insure uninterrupted services of the CITY'S HVACs. 7.00 CONTRACTOR'S DAMAGES 7.01 All damages incurred to existing facilities by the CONTRACTOR'S operation shall be repaired or replaced, by the CONTRACTOR or by other forces, all at the discretion of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, all at the CONTRACTOR'S expense. 8.00 COMMUNICATIONS AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 23 8.01 The CONTRACTOR shall, during the term of this CONTRACT, maintain a two twenty-four (24) hour emergency telephone numbers, toll free to a San Diego region area code. For hours beyond a normal 8 AM to 5 PM business day, an answering service shall be considered an acceptable substitute. Answering machines are not acceptable. 8.02 All requests for emergency services shall require a qualified technician to be dispatched to the required location as soon as possible after notification; but in all cases within one (1) hour, to the satisfaction of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. If any emergency service request is not responded to in one (1) hour, the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR shall be notified immediately of the reason for not meeting the required response time followed by a written report to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR within two (2) working days. 8.03 Whenever immediate action is required to prevent possible injury, death, or property damage, CITY may, after reasonable attempt to notify the CONTRACTOR, cause such action to be taken by alternate work forces and, as determined by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, charge the cost thereof to the CONTRACTOR, or deduct such cost from any amount due to the CONTRACTOR. This deduction shall include a markup for administrative costs equal to fifteen (15) percent of the actual costs incurred. 8.04 The CONTRACTOR shall maintain a written log of all communications, the date and the time thereof and the action taken pursuant thereto or the reason for non-action. Said log of complaints shall be open to the inspection of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR at all reasonable times. 8.05 CONTRACTOR'S supervisor shall carry cellular telephones with local San Diego region area code. Supervisor shall respond to any call from the CITY within thirty (30) minutes at any time. 9.00 SAFETY 9.01 CONTRACTOR agrees to perform all work outlined in this CONTRACT in such a manner as to meet all accepted standards for safe practices during the performance op his duties and to safely maintain stored equipment, machines, and materials or other hazards consequential or related to the work; and agrees additionally to accept the sole responsibility for complying with all CITY, County, State or Federal requirements at all times so as to protect all persons, including CONTRACTOR'S employees, agents of the CITY, vendors, members of the public or others from foreseeable injury, or damage to their property. CONTRACTOR shall Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services City of Carlsbad /AC Maintenance Services 24 3\ make annual inspections for any potential hazards at said sites and keep a log indicating date inspected and action taken. 9.02 CONTRACTOR shall notify the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR immediately of any occurrence of accident, injury, or persons requiring emergency services and, if so requested, shall prepare a written report thereof to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR within three (3) calendar days following the occurrence. CONTRACTOR shall cooperate fully with the CITY in the investigation of any such occurrence. 10.00 HOURS AND DAYS OF SERVICES 10.01 The acceptable daily hours of routine preventative maintenance services shall be 7:00 am to 5:00 pm, which shall be considered normal work hours as may pertain to any other provision of the CONTRACT. Annual maintenance services of chillers, cooling towers or other maintenance activities requiring extended shut down of HVAC systems or key components shall be performed after hours, on weekends or at times acceptable to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. All costs for after hours work shall be reflected in the CONTRACTOR'S bid item price for these services and additional compensation shall not be provided. 10.02 CONTRACTOR shall provide staffing to perform the required services during the prescribed hours as specified in these contract documents. Any changes in the days and hours of operation heretofore prescribed shall be subject to approval by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. 10.03 Per State of California Labor Code, CONTRACTOR is directed to the following prescribed requirement with respect to the hours of employment. Eight (8) hours of labor under this CONTRACT shall constitute a legal day's work and said CONTRACTOR shall not require or permit any laborer, worker or mechanic, or any subcontractor employed by him to perform any of the work described herein to labor more than eight (8) hours during any one day or more than forty (40) hours during any one calendar week, except as authorized by State of California Labor Code Section 1815. 11.00 PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULES 11.01 The CONTRACTOR shall, within thirty (30) days after the award of bid of this CONTRACT, submit work schedules to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for review and approval. Said work schedules shall identify required operations and delineate the time frames for performance. A Routine Operations Schedule shall include all tasks required at the intervals required. City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 25 The CONTRACTOR shall submit revised schedules when actual performance differs substantially from planned performance, and from time to time as requested by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. Said revisions shall be submitted to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for his review and approval, within five (5) working days prior to the original or revised scheduled time for the work, whichever is earlier. 12.00 CONTRACTOR'S STAFF AND TRAINING 12.01 The CONTRACTOR shall provide sufficient personnel to perform all work in accordance with the specification set forth herein. 12.02 In cooperation with the Carlsbad Police Department, CONTRACTOR agrees to, and to pay for, background checks if required by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR on all personnel providing HVAC services for this contract. In the event such background check reveals an item, which Carlsbad Police deems a security problem, City may request that such individual be removed from the list of personnel authorized to provide services to the CITY. 12.03 CONTRACTOR'S personnel shall possess the minimum qualifications for the position in which each is working. 12.04 CONTRACTOR shall have a "Local" representative with authority to contractually bind CONTRACTOR in matters, which may arise during this agreement performance period. "Local" in the context of this agreement is defined as the southern California metropolitan area consisting of San Diego, Orange, Los Angeles or Riverside counties. CONTRACTOR shall provide, prior to commencement of work under this Agreement, in writing to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, a statement indicating by name the specific authority vested in the "Local" representative. CONTRACTOR'S "Local" representative shall be responsible for instructing and training of CONTRACTOR'S personnel in the proper and specified work method and procedures; directing, scheduling, and coordinating all services and functions to completely accomplish the work as required by this Agreement. The "local" representative shall be available for consultation regarding problems on a daily basis at some time during regular working hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday). 12.06 Each crew of CONTRACTOR'S employees shall include at least one individual who speaks the English language proficiently. For the purposes of this section a crew is understood to be any individual worker or group of workers who might service any site without other CONTRACTOR'S supervisory personnel present. City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 26 12.07 The CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR may at any time give CONTRACTOR written notice to the effect that the conduct or action of a designated employee of CONTRACTOR is, in the reasonable belief of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, detrimental to the interest of the public patronizing the premises. CONTRACTOR shall meet with representatives of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR to consider the appropriate course of action with respect to such matter and CONTRACTOR shall take reasonable measures under the circumstances to assure the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR that the conduct and activities of CONTRACTOR'S employees will not be detrimental to the interest of the public patronizing the premises. 12.08 The CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR may at any time order any of the CONTRACTOR'S personnel removed from the premises when, in the reasonable belief of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, said CONTRACTOR'S personnel is objectionable, unruly, unsafe, or otherwise detrimental to the interest of the CITY or the public patronizing the premises 12.09 The CONTRACTOR shall require each of his personnel to adhere to basic public works standards of working attire including uniform shirts and/or vests clearly marked with the CONTRACTOR'S company name and employee name badges as approved by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. Sufficient changes shall be provided to present a neat and clean appearance of the CONTRACTOR'S personnel at all times. Shirts shall be worn and buttoned at all times. CONTRACTOR'S personnel shall be equipped with proper shoes and other gear required by Local, State and Federal Safety Regulations. 13.00 NON-INTERFERENCE-NOISE 13.01 CONTRACTOR shall not interfere with the public use of the premises and shall conduct its operations as to offer the least possible obstruction and inconvenience to the public or disruption to the peace and quiet of the area within which the services are performed. 13.02 In the event that the CONTRACTOR'S operations must be performed when persons of the public are present, CONTRACTOR shall courteously inform said persons of any operations that might affect them and, if appropriate, request persons to move out of the work area. 14.00 DRUG AND ALCOHOL FREE WORKPLACE City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 27 '-A 14.01 The CITY is committed to maintaining a work environment free from the effects of drugs and alcohol consistent with the directives of the Drug Free Workplace Act. As a condition of this agreement, CONTRACTOR and CONTRACTOR'S employees shall assist meeting the requirements of this policy as set forth in the "City of Carlsbad Drug and Alcohol Use Policy" incorporated by reference herein. CONTRACTOR agrees that CONTRACTOR and CONTRACTOR'S employees, while performing services for the CITY, on CITY property, or while using CITY equipment will not be in possession of, use, or be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. CONTRACTOR has the duty to inform all employees or agents of CONTRACTOR that are performing service for CITY on CITY property or using CITY equipment of the CITY'S objective of a safe, healthful and productive workplace and the prohibition of drug or alcohol possession, use or impairment from same while performing such service for CITY. CITY has the right to terminate, or declare this or any other agreement CONTRACTOR has with the CITY in DEFAULT if CONTRACTOR'S employees are determined by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR to have breached the provisions of Section 15 herein as interpreted and enforced pursuant to the provision of the "City of Carlsbad Drug and Alcohol Use Policy". 15.00 ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT 15.01 CONTRACTOR shall not assign this contract or any part thereof and or monies due there under without the prior written consent of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. 16.00 EXTRA WORK 16.01 The CITY may award Extra Work to the CONTRACTOR, or to other forces, at the discretion of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. New or unforeseen work will be classified as "Extra Work" when the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR determines that it is not covered by CONTRACT unit prices. Adjustment in payment for Extra Work shall be performed by agreement between the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and the CONTRACTOR or on a NEGOTIATED PROPOSAL AND ACCEPTANCE basis in accordance with Section 17.00 or on a TIME AND MATERIALS basis in accordance with Section 18.00. 16.02 If the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR determines that the Extra Work can be performed by CONTRACTOR'S present work force, CONTRACT City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 28 ADMINISTRATOR may authorize modification of the CONTRACTOR'S Routine Operations Schedule or Annual Calendar in order to compensate CONTRACTOR for performing said work. 16.03 Prior to performing any Extra Work, the CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit a written proposal including a description of the work, a list of materials, and a schedule for completion. No work shall commence without written approval of the CONTRACTOR'S proposal by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. This proposal is subject to acceptance or negotiation by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. 16.04 In the event that CONTRACTOR'S proposal for Extra Work is not approved, the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR reserves the right to perform such work with other forces or to compel the CONTRACTOR to perform the work on a TIME AND MATERIALS Basis. Invoices for EXTRA WORK on a TIME AND MATERIALS basis are subject to CONTRACTOR markup in accordance with the Vendor's Proposed Cost of Services chart. 16.05 When a condition exists which the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR deems urgent, the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR may verbally authorize the work to be performed upon receiving a verbal estimate from the CONTRACTOR. However, within twenty-four (24) hours after receiving a verbal authorization, the CONTRACTOR shall submit a written estimate, consistent with the verbal authorization, to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for approval. 16.06 All Extra Work shall commence on the specified date established and CONTRACTOR shall proceed diligently to complete said work within the time allotted. 17.00 NEGOTIATED PROPOSAL AND ACCEPTANCE 17.01 The CITY may award work to the CONTRACTOR, at the discretion of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. New work will be awarded on a negotiated proposal and acceptance basis as when the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR determines that it is appropriate to negotiate a fixed price for work in lieu of utilizing unit prices. Payment for Work shall be performed by negotiated agreement between the CITY and the CONTRACTOR or on a TIME AND MATERIALS basis in accordance with the Vendor's Proposed Cost of Services chart. 17.02 Prior to performing any work, the CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit a written proposal including a description of the work, a list of materials, and a schedule for completion. No work shall commence without written approval of the CONTRACTOR'S proposal by the City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 29 CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. This proposal is subject to acceptance or negotiation by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. 17.03 All work shall commence on the specified date established and CONTRACTOR shall proceed diligently to complete said work within the time allotted. 18.00 TIME AND MATERIALS 18.01 In the event that the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR determines that work requested is of an unknown duration, not easily quantified or the CONTRACTOR'S proposal for work is not approved, the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR reserves the right to perform such work with other forces or to compel the CONTRACTOR to perform the work on a TIME AND MATERIALS basis. 18.02 The CONTRACT ADMNISTRATOR may direct CONTRACTOR to proceed by allowing him/her to use the following rates or percentages as added costs for the markup of all overhead and profits: 1) Labor As Stipulated in Vendor's Proposed Cost of Services chart. 2) Materials As Stipulated in Vendor's Proposed Cost of Services chart. 3) Equipment Rental 15 4) Other Items and Expenditures .... 15 Regardless of ownership, the rates and right-of-way delay factors to be used in determining rental and delay costs shall be the edition of the, Labor Surcharge and Equipment Rental Rates published by CALTRANS, current at the time of the actual use of the tool or equipment. The right-of- way delay factors therein shall be used as multipliers of the rental rates for determining the value of costs for delay to the CONTRACTOR and subcontractor, if any. The labor surcharge rates published therein are not a part of this contract." 18.03 All work shall commence on the specified date established and CONTRACTOR shall proceed diligently to complete said work within the time allotted. City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 30 "Appendix B" CITY OF CARLSBAD HVAC MAINTENANCE SERVICES BID NO. 08-10 INSPECTION RATING FORM SITE: SAFETY CENTER INSPECTOR: Kelly Brooks 5/30/07 Possible Previous Rating This Category Description Points Period Period Required preventative maintenance tasks performed Contractor's service logs complete and accurate Contractor performing services on Scheduled Day Work area is clean, neat and safe Personnel in Proper Uniforms Vehicles Marked as Required Rating Totals Deduction Percent 25 15 15 15 15 15 100 22 15 11 15 15 15 93 23 13 11 15 15 15 92 Deduction Percent Adjusted Payment Formula Monthly Payment Deduction Amount Adjusted Monthly Payment 3 0.03 $1,181.04 $35.43 $1,145.61 City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 31 ^ "Appendix C" CITY OF CARLSBAD HVAC MAINTENANCE SERVICES BID NO. 08-10 PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE FREQUENCIES AND EQUIPMENT LIST City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 32 CITY OF CARLSBAD TECHNICAL PUBLICATION HEATING, VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONING PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE QUALITY STANDARDS City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 33 TABLE OF CONTENTS PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE QUALITY STANDARD THEORY EQUIPMENT & ENCLOSURES SAFETY CONTROLS & OTHER EQUIPMENT PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE TASKS AND SCHEDULES City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 34 1\ MAINTENANCE QUALITY STANDARDS MAINTENANCE THEORY Quality maintenance includes all the necessary tasks required to keep equipment in a safe economical and dependable operation. Scheduled routine preventative maintenance on HVAC equipment will not only prolong the life of the equipment, but will greatly reduce the overall outlay of financial resources by both the owner and the service company. Eventually all equipment will wear out or be replaced by new technology. However, the HVAC contractor has a responsibility to maximize the life and economic operation of the equipment. EQUIPMENT & ENCLOSURES: The equipment enclosures and equipment are to be painted, kept free of dust, lint, oil residue, dusts and debris. Units shall be maintained in a reasonably clean and dry condition. Oil spills shall be cleaned up immediately and reported to the Inspector. Refrigerant and oil leaks shall be documented and reported to the Inspector. All waste materials will be removed for the area immediately and disposed of properly. Cleaning these areas will be performed in accordance with the contractor's maintenance guide. Code authorities prohibit the storage of equipment and parts not relative to the operation and maintenance of the HVAC equipment in the enclosures. Spare HVAC parts, lubricants and wiring diagrams will be kept orderly in storage cabinets provided for the job by the HVAC contractor. Metal rag pails with covers will be provided for the storage of clean rags only. Up to date service charts, callback logs, and Material Data Sheets will be readily accessible. All chemicals must be properly labeled. All fastenings and screws will be secured and tightened. Missing screws shall be replaced. Operating Panels, Indicators and markings shall be maintained as installed. Defaced components will be reported to the Inspector. Equipment enclosures and doors shall be kept locked to prevent unauthorized access. SAFETY Safety awareness is of the utmost importance when working on HVAC equipment, not only for the mechanic and City Staff but also the casual observer who may wander into a work area unannounced. Barricades, proper tools and safety equipment will be proved by the HVAC contractor to minimize risk of exposure to danger to employees and public. Under no circumstances should work be performed in un-barricaded areas. If continuous work is performed, doors should be closed when the immediate area unattended. City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 35 Strict adherence to the lock out tag out procedure shall be enforced. All safety devices and circuits shall operate as intended. They shall not be overridden and must operate in compliance with applicable codes. Unsafe equipment or conditions will be corrected or reported to the proper personnel immediately. Under no circumstances shall unsafe equipment be put into operation. Periodic checks will be performed to ensure proper operation of all safety devices. Lighting in the work areas shall be sufficient so as not to endanger maintenance personnel. Unique or adverse job conditions and deviation for the prevailing codes with respect to the HVAC spaces or work areas shall be documented and discussed with the Inspector. Environmental conditions must be suitable for the safe operation of equipment by the public and company employees. CONTROLS & OTHER EQUIPMENT Controls and other operational apparatus will be kept clean, properly lubricated and adjusted as required; relays and contactors shall be kept clean and operating without excessive arc. All electrical connections shall be tight, taped and tagged when not in use. Coils, contacts, relays and resistors showing signs of deterioration shall be repaired or replaced as necessary. Care must be exercised when handling printed circuit boards. Proper grounding is necessary when handling some versions of solid-state boards in stock locally or have access to spares for overnight delivery. All modes, programs and operations shall be maintained as originally intended, engineered, and manufactured. City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 36 13 PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE TASKS AND SCHEDULES REQUIRED SERVICE WORK 1. Heating System Boilers, burners, furnaces, pumps, heating coils, water strainers, unit heaters, duct heaters, heat exchangers, humidifiers, etc. The contractor shall clean, inspect and adjust these items, each visit. The contractor shall provide detailed information as to services performed and condition of each individual component in the service report. The contractor shall inform the Inspector of any required repairs of these component items in the service report. 2. Cooling System Air conditioning compressor(s), evaporative condenser, air cooled condensers, cooling towers, cooling tower fans, pumps, water chillers, cooling coils, etc. The contractor shall clean, inspect and adjust these items, each visit. The contractor shall provide detailed information as to services performed and condition of each individual component in the service report. The contractor shall inform the Inspector of any required repairs of these component items in the service report. 3. Air Handling System Fans, motors, air grills, plenums, registers, air filters, damper induction units, mixing boxes, fan coil units, etc. The contractor shall clean, inspect and adjust these items, each visit. The contractor shall provide detailed information as to services performed and condition of each individual component in the service report. The contractor shall inform the Inspector of any required repairs of these component items in the service report. 4. Temperature Control System Thermostats, pressure controls, relays, limits, valve operators, damper motors, humidity controls, step switches, time clocks, contactors, controllers, capacity controls, safety controls, recorders, control panels, gauges, and air compressor(s) for pneumatic control system, where applicable. The contractor shall clean, inspect and adjust these items, each visit. The contractor shall provide detailed information as to services performed and condition of each individual component in the service report. The contractor shall inform the Inspector of any required repairs of these component items in the service report. City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 37 5. Miscellaneous Equipment Exhaust fans, manual valves, float valves, direct expansion valves, thermometers, gauges, magnetic starters, manual motor starters, pump and fan motor drives, belts, electrical wiring from motor starter to their respective motor, check valves, refrigerant piping and piping insulation, refrigerant. The contractor shall clean, inspect and adjust these items, each visit. The contractor shall provide detailed information as to services performed and condition of each individual component in the service report. The contractor shall inform the Inspector of any required repairs of these component items in the service report. 6. Air Filters All replacement air filters for equipment serviced under this agreement shall be pleated Ecoaire E35 or approved equivalent. 7. Belt Driven Equipment Within 30 Calendar days after receiving a Notice to Proceed from the CITY, the CONTRACTOR shall obtain spare drive belts for every piece of equipment in the CITY'S HVAC equipment inventory. These spare belts are to be kept at the same location of the equipment they service. Eighteen (18) months after the Notice to Proceed and eighteen (18) months after execution of any amendments to extend the agreement, the CONTRACTOR procure an additional set of drive belts and shall install the previously procured spare belts on each and every piece of equipment. The CONTRACTOR shall include this cost as part of his BID ITEM price for routine preventative maintenance and no other compensation will be provided. City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 38 DETAILED PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS A. PACKAGED AIR CONDITIONING UNITS/HEAT PUMPS 1. COMPRESSOR a. Check and record head pressure. b. Check and record suction pressure. c. Check, adjust and record refrigerant level. d. Check for leaks. e. Check and record amperage. f. Check crankcase heater. g. Check electrical terminal connections, h. Check all safety devices. 2. ELECTRICAL a. Check all terminals for tightness. b. Check all disconnects. c. Check all contactors and relays. d. Check all controls for proper operation. e. Check thermostat operations. 3 EVAPORATOR BLOWER a. Lubricate. b. Inspect blower wheel. c. Check for vibration. d. Inspect motor mounts. e. Check fan rotation. f. Adjust belt tension as required. g. Replace fan belts as required. 4. AIR COOLED CONDENSER a. Inspect coil for leaks. b. Inspect coil for dirt/debris, clean as required. c. Inspect filter dryers and check for temperature differential. City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 39 d. Lubricate all motors. e. Check intake screen. f. Check and adjust drive belts. g. Replace drive belts as required. h. Inspect fan blades, clean as required. 5. EVAPORATOR COIL a. Check for leaks. b. Check coil inlets for dirt/debris or obstruction. c. Clean evaporator coil. d. Add algaecide as required. 6. ECONOMIZER a. Lubricate all linkages. b. Lubricate all dampers. c. Manually operate all dampers. d. Check economizer motors. e. Check economizer controls. 7. FILTERS a. Replace filters at each inspection. B. PACKAGE AIR CONDITIONING UNITS WITH GAS FURNACE 1. COMPRESSOR a. Check and record head pressure. b. Check and record suction pressure. c. Check, adjust and record refrigerant level. d. Check for leaks. e. Check and record amperage. f. Check crankcase heater. g. Check electrical terminal connections, h. Check all safety devices. 2. ELECTRICAL a. Check all terminals for tightness. City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 40 b. Check all disconnects. c. Check all contactors and relays. d. Check all controls for proper operation. e. Check thermostat operations. 3. EVAPORATOR BLOWER a. Lubricate. b. Inspect blower wheel. c. Check for vibration. d. Inspect motor mounts. e. Check fan rotation. f. Adjust belt tension as required. g. Replace fan belts as required. 4. AIR COOLED CONDENSER a. Inspect coil for leaks. b. Inspect coil for dirt/debris, clean as required. c. Inspect filter dryers and check for temperature differential. d. Lubricate all motors. e. Check intake screen. f. Check and adjust drive belts. g. Replace drive belts as required. h. Inspect fan blades, clean as required. 5. EVAPORATOR COIL a. Check for leaks. b. Check coil inlets for dirt/debris or obstruction. c. Clean evaporator coil. d. Add algaecide as required. 6. ECONOMIZER a. Lubricate all linkages. b. Lubricate all dampers. c. Manually operate all dampers. d. Check economizer motors. e. Check economizer controls. City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 41 7. BURNER a. Check for proper combustion. b. Check pilot. c. Check all limit controls. d. Check pilot safety devices. e. Check gas valve operations. f. Check all control settings. g. Check thermocouple. h. Check automatic water feed. i. Check low water cutoff safety. j. Perform combustion analysis. k. Check for proper flame. I. Inspect and clean burner orifice. m. Check and adjust primary air. n. Check and clean pilot orifice and igniters. 8. FLUE PIPE a. Inspect for soot, corrosion, and leaks, clean as required. b. Inspect vent cap. 9. FILTERS a. Replace filters at each inspection. C. SPLIT AIR CONDITIONING UNITS/HEAT PUMPS 1. COMPRESSOR a. Check and record head pressure. b. Check and record suction pressure. c. Check, adjust and record refrigerant level. d. Check for leaks. e. Check and record amperage. f. Check crankcase heater. g. Check electrical terminal connections, h. Check all safety devices. 2. ELECTRICAL a. Check all terminals for tightness. City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 42 b. Check all disconnects. c. Check all contactors and relays. d. Check all controls for proper operation. e. Check thermostat operations. 3. EVAPORATOR BLOWER a. Lubricate. b. Inspect blower wheel. c. Check for Vibration. d. Inspect motor mounts. e. Check fan rotation. f. Adjust belt tension as required. g. Replace fan belts as required. 4. AIR COOLED CONDENSER a. Inspect coil for leaks. b. Inspect coil for dirt/debris, clean as required. c. Inspect filter dryers and check for temperature differential. d. Lubricate all motors. e. Check intake screen. f. Check and adjust drive belts. g. Replace drive belts as required. h. Inspect fan blades, clean as required. 5. EVAPORATOR COIL a. Check for leaks b. Check coil inlets for dirt/debris or obstruction. c. Clean evaporator coil. d. Add algaecide as required. 6. ECONOMIZER a. Lubricate all linkages. b. Lubricate all dampers. c. Manually operate all dampers. d. Check economizer motors. e. Check economizer controls. 7. FILTERS City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 43 a. Replace filters at each inspection. D. BOILERS 1. BOILER a. Check for proper combustion. b. Check pilot. c. Check all limit controls. d. Check pilot safety devices. e. Check gas valve operation. f. Check thermocouple. g. Check all control settings. h. Check automatic water feed. i. Check low water/high temperature cut off safety. 2. BURNER SECTION a. Perform combustion analysis. b. Check for proper flame. c. Inspect and clean burner orifice. d. Check and adjust primary air. e. Check and clean pilot orifices and igniters. 3. FLUE PIPE a. Inspect for soot, corrosion, and leaks. Clean if required. b. Inspect vent cap. 4. BOILING PIPING (WATER AND GAS) a. Check for leaks. b. Check all valves for complete shutoff. c. Check strainers. d. Check make up water pressure regulation. e. Blow down boiler. f. Check relief valve. g. Provide the necessary labor and chemicals to properly maintain all water within the heating and cooling circulating system(s) to control metal corrosion, scale formation, biological fouling, or contaminated discharge. City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 44 h. All water treatment compounds and additives shall be biodegradable, non-toxic, non-chromate, and non-acid in the recirculating water. Discharged effluents shall be chemically nonacid, meet wastewater discharge standards of any and all regulatory agencies, Federal, State, and Local, and shall meet all existing pollution control standards. i. Provide all labor to take test samples, adjust feed rates, change settings, drain and flush systems, service automatic equipment, manually inject chemicals (for closed systems), physically clean (a) spray nozzles, (b) eliminators, (c) tower interior as needed, and provide a detailed water analysis and service report monthly after performing those services outlined above. j. Inspect system(s) for any new scale formation, organic growths, and other visible foulants and propose corrective action as required. E. EXHAUST FANS 1. MOTOR a. Check operation. b. Check motor mounts. c. Check motor temperature. d. Check and record amperage. e. Check and adjust pulley condition and alignment as required. f. Lubricate. 2. BLOWER ASSEMBLY a. Inspect backdraft dampers. b. Check for unusual vibration. c. Inspect, adjust and replace fan belts as required. d. Check for and remove debris. e. Lubricate. 3. ELECTRICAL a. Inspect all electrical connections. b. Inspect all disconnects. c. Check and record amperage draws. F. CHILLERS City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 45 1. ROUTINE CHILLER INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE a. Provide materials and supplies including oil, oil filters, gaskets, nitrogen, sight glass, etc. for inspections and maintenance. b. Operate purge unit to remove non-condensable gases, obtain vacuum and ensure unit operates properly. c. Check purge unit canister for depletion, replace as required. d. Start chiller - ensure proper oil temperature prior to start-up. e. Check operating conditions, including refrigerant and lubrication levels, temperatures and pressures. f. Leak test entire system, including refrigerant, oil and water loops, repair minor leaks. g. Check, calibrate, and record all operating and safety controls, h. Check starter operation, record voltage and current. i. Check operation of vane positioner. j. Instruct operator as to proper or unusual operating conditions, and advise on troubleshooting techniques. k. Record operating pressures, temperatures, voltages and amperages. I. Verify accuracy of gauges and thermometers. m. Check, adjust and record all operating and safety controls. n. Ensure refrigerant and oil are at proper levels. o. Check purge unit operation and condition. p. Provide the necessary labor and chemicals to properly maintain all water within the heating and cooling circulating system(s) to control metal corrosion, scale formation, biological fouling, or contaminated discharge. q. All water treatment compounds and additives shall be biodegradable, non-toxic, non-chromate, and non-acid in the recirculating water. Discharged effluents shall be chemically nonacid, meet wastewater discharge standards of any and all regulatory agencies, Federal, State, and Local, and shall meet all existing pollution control standards. r. Inspect system(s) for any new scale formation, organic growths, and other visible foulants and propose corrective action as required. 2. ANNUAL CHILLER INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE A. SAFETIES AND CONTROLS a. Check and calibrate all safety and operating controls including, but not limited to: low chilled water safety and temperature controller, low refrigerant supply, high condenser pressure safety, low oil pressure failure safety, chilled water flow switch, condenser water pump auxiliary contacts, and starter anti-recycler timer main control. b. Verify proper operation of any electronic components. c. Check operation of vane positioner, lubricate as required. City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 46 d. Inspect wiring and connections for signs of overheating, ensure all connections are tight. e. Ensure all indicator and alarm lights are functioning. B. STARTER a. Meg motor, record readings. b. Inspect wiring, ensure terminals are tight. c. Check contacts for wear. d. Check and top-up dash pot oil where applicable. C. PURGE UNIT a. Service and inspect compressor. b. Change oil if applicable. c. Purge unit canister for its depletion, replace as required. D. LUBRICATION AND LUBRICATION SYSTEMS a. Lubricate all moving parts including pumps, motors, linkage and any other ancillary devices. b. Inspect condition of starter. c. Meg oil pump motor, record readings. d. Ensure all connections are tight. e. Verify operation of oil heater, check and tighten leads as required. f. Verify operation of oil cooler, where applicable. g. Clean strainer, replace filter and gaskets. h. Change oil, clean oil sump and reassemble, i. Change the oil bypass filter if installed. E. OTHER ANNUAL REQUIRED CHILLER SERVICE a. Clean condenser tubes by brush cleaning. Obtain Public Works Supervisor, Facilities approval if chemical cleaning is required. Replace gaskets. b. Remove refrigerant from Chiller. This refrigerant will be reclaimed and reintroduced to the chiller to remove additional residual oil and moisture to acceptable operating levels. Once completed, the refrigerant will be. charged into the chiller. Refrigerant removal will include: (1) All necessary cylinder and transportation to perform the refrigerant side mineral oil reduction process. (2) All work to be performed in compliance with EPA regulations with respect to Section 608 of the Clean Air Act. (3) Certified, supervised personnel. (4) Necessary laboratory analysis of the refrigerant side service City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 47 enf to establish level of completion. (5) All refrigerant used to perform the refrigerant side service will be weighted to established total use. (6) All refrigerant used will be properly evacuated and reclaimed to specifications. (7) System will be re-charged with reclaimed (from machine being serviced) refrigerant upon completion (additional refrigerant if needed will be supplied by the contractor and paid for as specified elsewhere in the contract. (8) Provide continuous online monitoring for oil and perform visual test for particulate matter during flush procedure. (9) Complete leak test of machine and repair any leaks. (B) Change oil and oil filters in chillers and disposal of used oil and filters. NOTE* CHILLER MAINTENANCE AT LIBRARY FACILITIES IS TO OCCUR BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 7:00 PM AND 7:00 AM ONLY. CHILLER MAINTENANCE AT OTHER CITY FACILITIES IS TO OCCUR BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 5:00 PM FRIDAYS THROUGH 7:00 AM MONDAYS. THIS MAINTENANCE WILL NOT BE COMPENSATED AS AFTER HOURS WORK. G. EVAPORATIVE CONDENSER(S) AND COOLING TOWER(S) SERVICE 1. REGULAR SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE a. Check fan and motor bearings, lubricate as necessary. b. Check tightness and adjustment of thrust collars on sleeve bearing units and locking collars on ball bearing units. c. Check belt tension and condition. Adjust tension or replace belts as necessary. d. Clean strainer. e. Check for biological growth in sump. Perform water treatment service with biocide agents if necessary. f. Provide the necessary labor and chemicals to properly maintain all water within the heating and cooling circulating system(s) to control metal corrosion, scale formation, biological fouling, or contaminated discharge. g. Clean and flush sump. h. Check the spray distribution system. Check clean and re-orient nozzles as necessary. Adjust and flush out troughs as necessary. i. Check operating water level in the pan and adjust float valve, as necessary. j. Check bleed-off rate and adjust as necessary. k. Check fans and air inlet screens and remove any dirt or debris. *ln addition to routine maintenance services detailed in this section, the CONTRACTOR shall inspect and perform all items necessary for water treatment of the cooling tower at DOVE LIBRARY once per month. City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 48 2. COOLING TOWER ANNUAL MAINTENANCE a. Check make-up valve for proper operation. Check float ball for buoyancy. b. Check surfaces for scale, sludge and debris, clean as necessary. c. Check access door gaskets and replace as necessary. d. Check the condition of the cooling tower fill. If it is clogged or deteriorated replace it with factory authorized replacement fill. e. Drain the unit and inspect the unit casing. Clean and touch-up any areas showing signs of deterioration. All damaged areas are to be cleaned to bare metal and refinished with Zinc Rich Compound (ZRC). f. Repair any casing joint leaks while the unit is drained. g. Remove any deposits and build up in sump that cannot be removed by flushing. h. Apply an initial biocide treatment. (See water treatment section of the appropriate maintenance manual), i. Check capacity control dampers and rotate through the full range and insure that they do not bind, j. Verify operation and condition of electrical damper controls. Inspect wiring and end switch and verify setting is correct, k. Lubricate all sleeve bearings. Refill each bearing cup several times to saturate the felt wick in the bearing cartridge. Use only factory authorized lubricants. I. Purge ball bearings with new grease, m. Lubricate fan motors and pumps in accordance with the manufacturers instructions, n. Inspect the operating water level seven (7) days after service. Adjust as necessary. NOTE* COOLING TOWER MAINTENANCE AT LIBRARY FACILITIES IS TO OCCUR BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 7:00 PM AND 7:00 AM ONLY. COOLING TOWER MAINTENANCE AT OTHER CITY FACILITIES IS TO OCCUR BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 5:00 PM FRIDAYS THROUGH 7:00 AM MONDAYS. THIS MAINTENANCE WILL NOT BE COMPENSATED AS AFTER HOURS WORK. H. FURNACES 1. CONTROLS a. Check pilot. b. Check all limit controls. c. Check pilot safety devices. d. Check gas valve operation. City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 49 J- e. Check thermocouple. f. Check all control settings. g. Check thermostat operations. 2. BURNER SECTION a. Check for proper flame. b. Inspect and clean burner orifice. c. Check and adjust primary air. d. Check and clean pilot orifices and igniters. e. Check heat exchanger for cracks. 3. FLUE PIPE a. Inspect for soot, corrosion, and leaks. Clean if required. b. Inspect vent cap. NOTE* FURNACE MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS ARE TO BE SCHEDULED FOR SEPTEMBER TO INSURE THE EQUIPMENT IS IN PROPER OPERATING CONDITION PRIOR TO WINTER. I. VFD'S 1. CONTROLS a. Check all terminals for tightness. b. Check all disconnects. c. Check all contactors, indicator lights and relays. d. Check all controls for proper operation. e. Clean and dust all VFD cabinets inside and out. City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 50 EQUIPMENT LIST Bid Item 1 2&3 4 5 6 7 8.9&10 11 12 13 Facility and Address Calavera Community Center 2997 Glasgow Drive City Hall Complex 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Parks Division Administration and Modular 1166 Carlsbad Village Drive Facilities/Streets Division Administration Complex 405 Oak Avenue Community Swim Complex 3401 Monroe Street City Council Chambers 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Dove Library 1775 Dove Lane Elmwood House 1255 Elmwood Avenue City Administration 1635 Faraday Avenue Fire Station #1 1275 Carlsbad Village Drive SF (Approximate)* 17,400 16,000 1,950 10,000 4,100 2,500 65,000 1,850 68,000 5,040 Equipment Listing 4 Package AC Units 5 Exhaust Fans 4 Auxiliary Heaters 2 Package AC Unit 1 Split AC System 1 Boiler 1 Chiller 3 Exhaust Fans 4 Water Pumps 1 Split System 2 Heat Pumps 2 Gas/Electric Split Systems 3 Mini AC Split Systems 3 Bard Heat Pumps 4 Utility Heaters 3 Wall Heaters 1 Exhaust Fan 4 Package Heat Pumps 2 Chillers 1 Boiler 3 VFD's 40 VAV's 5 Water Pumps 4 Reheat Coils 7 Air Handlers 1 1 Exhaust Fans 1 Cooling Tower 2 Split AC Systems 1 Gas/Electric Split System 18 Gas/Electric Package Units 21 Split Heat Pumps 6 Exhaust Fans 2 Make-air Fans 1 Ice Machines 2 Gas/Electric Split Systems City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 51 Bid Item 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27&2S 29 30 31 Facility and Address Fire Station #2 1 906 Arenal Road Fire Station #3 3701 Catalina Drive Fire Station #4 6885 Batiquitos Lane Fire Station #5 2540 Orion Way Fire Station #6 7201 Rancho Santa Fe Rd. Fleet Maintenance 2480 Impala Way Granary 2659 Garfield Harding Community Center 3096 Harding Street Heritage Hall 2659 Garfield Street Hiring Center 5958 El Cam/no Real Holiday House 3235 Eureka Place Kruger House 3215 Eureka Place Learning Center 3368 Eureka Place Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive Magee House 258 Beech Railroad Depot 400 Carlsbad Village Drive Scout House 3225 Eureka Place SF (Approximate)* 3,980 4,100 3,900 12,600 6,190 10,350 575 12,400 1,600 280 855 1,200 11,400 24,600 4,100 1,600 1,900 Equipment Listing 1 Gas/Electric Split System 1 Gas/Electric Split System 1 Gas/Electric Split System 8 Gas/Electric Package Units 2 Exhaust Fans 3 Gas Electric Package Units 3 Exhaust Fans* *(2-2400&1-1100CFM) 2 Trane Roof Heaters 1 Gas/Electric Package Unit 1 Utility Heater 3 Gas/Electric Package Units 3 Utility Heaters 1 Utility Heater 1 Heat Pump 1 Split System 1 Split System 2 Gas/Electric Package Units* (12 Ton Each)* 1 Split System** (1 .5 Ton Liebert)** 1 Chiller (90 Ton) 1 Boiler 5 Air Handlers 4 VFD's 14 VAV's 4 Water Pumps 2 Split Systems 2 Furnaces 1 Split System City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 52 Bidfc*f%I Item 32 S3&34 35 36 Facility and Address Stagecoach Community Center 3420 Cam/no de los Coches Safety Center 2560 Orion Way Senior Center 799 Pine Avenue Water District 5950 El Cam/no Real SFWi (Approximate)4' 17,400 64,000 28,300 18,300 Equipment Listing 4 Gas/Electric Package Units 4 Utility Heaters 1 Chiller 1 Boiler 3 Air Handlers 1 Contempo Unit 4 VFD's 66 VAV's 3 Water Pumps 4 Gas/Electric Package Units 1 Split System 18 Exhaust Fans 1 Ice Machine 5 Package Heat Pumps 2 Split Systems 1 VFD 1 Air Handler 1 Boiler 1 Swamp Cooler 1 Exhaust Fan 1 Reach In Refrigerator 1 Reach In Freezer 1 Ice Machine 3 Split Systems 2 Exhaust Fans 5 Packaged Heat Pumps City of Carlsbad Bid No. 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services 53 Unspecified Value Offering » Seaside i [eating and Air Conditioning, Jnc will provide three technicians for emergency service thai reside between one and five miles of all City buildings. side will provide emergency phone numbers for 24 hoyr service, * Seaside will provide eel! phone and home phone numbers 1'ur emergencies. * Seaside will provide Tree software adjustments for yearly Chy holidays. « Seaside will provide free Comfort View software training, * Seaside has two Carrier certified technicians on the City of Carlsbad controls that will be crucial in servicing the Cities HVAC equipment. » Seaside has 13 radio dispatched trucks and all trucks have a tracking system to better serve the customer, * Seaside will not charge overtime for after hours service calls. * Seaside has j full construction erew, Sor insults and replacing units, * Scasioe technicians have serviced the City of Carlsbad buildings for many years and knows the City of Carlsbad bui!dis»gs very wei! * Seaside has its own controls department with experience in all types of controls, including Carrier, Honeywell and Reliable, 54 EXHIBIT MB" CONTRACTOR'S Bid No. 08-10 The CONTRACTOR shall set forth in Exhibit B to the proposed CONTRACT: A, Each labor or supervisory position by title that wit! make up the CONTRACTOR'S work force needed to provide the described services. B, A sufficiently detailed explanation of the minimum qualifications tor a person working in each position title, including any required licenses and/or certifications. C, The minimum annual man-hours lor each position title that the CONTRACTOR proposes to commit to the performance of the described services, D, A list and description of the qualifications of other pertinent staff that are not to be directly committed to this project but who will he available to support, consult, perform Extra Work, and the like, E, A description of CONTRACTOR'S systematic skills training program. The information provided in this attachment is for the purposes of determining the CONTRACTOR'S commitment and preparedness to perform the DESCRIBED SERVICES, iirid assuring that the CONTRACTOR'S bid is reasonable and complete. Nothing In this Attachment shall in any way be construed to remove, tessen, or relieve the CONTRACTOR from any responsibility prescribed by the CONTRACT. CONTRACTOR may attach additional pages to describe Minimum Qualifications, if needed. Label any such pages "Exhibit B - Additional Information" along with the appropriate position titie(s) corresponding to this form. A.C. TOTAL ANNUAL HOURS CHARLES BALCAR SERVICE TECHNICIAN 26 years commercial service tech. B:PA Universal cer Li I .teat ion Carrier Comfortworks certification Honeywell 1»BCS certification 500 JAY SEKIVCE TECHNICIAN t ir 15 years coaroercial service tech, EPA Universal certification Carrier Comfortworks certification 500 ( it> w: < us!iui N. ns ad EPA Type I, i H\ V* Maintenance Sen-ices II 55 "B" 2 CONTRACTOR'S WORK FORCE (Continued) A. POSITION TITLE B. QUALIFICATIONS C. TOTAL ANNUAL HOURS Paul Gottschall Service Technician Dave Morris Service Technician 8 sheetaetal fabric tor R410A certification EPA Universal certification 15 yrs. HVAC journeyman EPA, Universal certification 23 yrs. HVAC journeyman R410A certification Mike Jones Service Technician Kf*A Universal certification R41QA certification 6 years maintenance technician 200 200 I'-IV ul B-d No. ui tUH\A< Mamten<>ncc .Services 56 Pag® 3 CONTRACTOR'S WORK FORCE (Continued) 0. Other StaW Support Title Description / Qualifications Glenn Wright Us «par,c;her Susan Sabring Human Resources With 20 years experience .in the industry,Gloria dispatches ail service culls and imputrf them ?nt j the system. Also orders materials. With 30 years in the industry, Susan process new employees and handles A/1 and A/P, She'la Clark Data Input t With two years in the industry, Sho'la inputs and processes all invoices for billinq. Scott Palchartis Warehouse supervisor With ten years in the industry, Scott picks up all materials and runs the wherehotsse. Each Tuesday Seaside has service meetings. Seaside chooses one topic (and performs hands on training, {Seaside sends our technicians to training classes throughout the year, Bui V> ():i- i.i}'i\ At' Vhinsenanee Services 57 EXHIBIT "C" LISTING OF SUBCONTRACTORS Bid No. 08-10 CONTRACTOR is required to furnish the following information relative to the subcontractors he proposes to us®. If ait work is to be done without subcontractors, write "NONE" in the following space; City of Carlsbad Bid No, 08-10 HVAC Maintenance Services NAME UNDER WHICH SUB- CONTRACTOR IS LICENSED j L ^ . ,/-"" /'f/ / \ LICENSE NUMBER AND CLASS A *•?"*' ff" /' '"y11"' ""•" X"" \ ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE ! /*" TYPE AND PORTION OF •' WORK SUBCONTRACTOR WILL PERFORM j . .r ~i \ 58