HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-04-22; City Council; 19406; Adopting City Council Policy 74CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 12 AB# 19,406 MTG. 4/15/08 DEPT. FIN ^XnUCity Council Policy 7$ ' ' General Fund Reserve Guidelines DEPT. HEAD <^£L- CITY ATTY. </&^ CITY MGR. tl>- RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2008-113 Guidelines. ITEM EXPLANATION: icy)?'adopting City Council Policy J6 General Fund Reserve Establishing a minimum General Fund reserve is a mechanism that governments can implement to help ensure adequate levels of fund balance are available to help mitigate current and future risks. A minimum General Fund reserve is generally considered a prudent and conservative fiscal policy to deal with unforeseen situations. Some examples of unforeseen situations include: • Unfunded Legislative or Judicial Mandates • Economic Downturns or Increases in Inflation • Reduced Revenues • Federal/State/County Budget Cuts • One-Time City Council Approved Expenditures • Natural Disasters The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), an international organization that promotes the professional management of governments for the public interest, recommends maintaining a minimum unreserved fund balance in the General Fund of no less than 5 to 15 percent of regular General Fund Operating Revenues or no less than two months or 17% of General Fund Operating Expenditures. According to the GFOA, the methodology used to create the reserve depends on the circumstances of the individual organizations. The GFOA also recommends the establishment of a formal written policy on the level of unreserved fund balance that should be maintained in the General Fund. According to a recent survey, most cities choose General Fund Operating Expenditures as the basis for a reserve. Typically there is less fluctuation and risk in forecasting future expenditures. The General Fund Operating Expenditure's methodology is also typically considered the more conservative basis for establishing a General Fund reserve. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: L. Irvine @ 760-602-2430 lirvin@ci.carlsbad.ca.us FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. t COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED ^EJ. DENIED D CONTINUED O WITHDRAWN D AMENDED D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN RETURNED TO STAFF OTHER -SEE MINUTES X 4-22-02n D D Page 2 There are additional benefits to establishing a minimum General Fund reserve. Credit rating agencies carefully monitor levels of fund balance and unreserved fund balance in a government's General Fund to help evaluate a government's continued creditworthiness. Finally, fund balance levels are a crucial consideration in long-term financial planning. Based on the research of best practices, the City's revenue base, and the City's overall fiscal conservatism, a plan has been developed for a City reserve policy. While the City has a long history of fiscal stability and fiscal conservatism, this reserve policy will help to continue this philosophy into the future. This reserve policy will help formalize the long-term approach for continued fiscal stability. The reserve will be calculated using the prior fiscal year's Adopted General Fund budgeted expenditures and the reserve could be established from the existing undesignated and unreserved General Fund balance. Reserves would be evaluated annually in conjunction with the development of the City's 10-Year Financial Forecast and Annual Operating Budget process. The minimum and target undesignated and unreserved General Fund balances are intended to be a prudent and conservative fiscal policy which should help contribute to the fiscal security of the City. The reserve levels can be changed or used for specific purposes at the discretion of the City Council. There is no maximum unreserved General Fund balance and any reasonable additional reserve above the minimum reserve would provide a greater level of fiscal security. FISCAL IMPACT: lifIf City Council Policy No. 1ft is implemented, the City of Carlsbad will maintain a minimum reserve for unforeseen emergencies or catastrophic impacts upon the City, and whenever fiscally possible and financially prudent to maintain a greater target reserve. The minimum reserve of the General Fund balance would be 30% of General Fund Operating Expenditures and the target reserve would be a range of 40% to 50% of General Fund Operating Expenditures. The minimum reserve would provide approximately three to four months of operating expenditures for unforeseen emergencies and the target reserve of 40% to 50% would provide approximately five to six months of operating expenditures for catastrophic events. The Policy would go in to affect once approved by the City Council. The current undesignated and unreserved General Fund balance is estimated to be approximately $41 million at June 30, 2008. This would represent approximately 35% of the Fiscal Year 2007-08 Adopted General Fund Budgeted expenditures. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: There is no environmental impact to this policy. EXHIBITS:ny 1. City Council Resolution No. 2008-113 Adopting City Council Policy No. $ General Fund Reserve Guidelines 2. Council Policy No. 7$ General Fund Reserve Guidelines Exhibit 1 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2008-113 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF - CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CITY COUNCIL POLICY NO. % GENERAL FUND RESERVE GUIDELINES. 4 5 WHEREAS, it is the best practice and fiscally prudent to establish a 6 policy creating a General Fund Reserve. This policy establishes a General 8 Fund target reserve of 40% to 50% and a General Fund minimum reserve of 9 30% . 10 WHEREAS, the reserve will be calculated using the prior fiscal year's 11 Adopted General Fund budgeted expenditures and the reserve could be 1 7 established from the existing undesignated and unreserved General Fund 13 balance. 14 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the 15 City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 16 1 . That the above recitations are true and correct.17 2. That City Council Policy No. 7% is adopted as shown in Exhibit 2 to this resolution and is effective immediately. 20 3. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized to provide a copy of Policy 21 No. ^to all City departments and to all persons who request a copy. 22 23 " 24 " 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 22nd day of April, 2008, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Hall, Packard and Nygaard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ayor ATTEST: l)RRAIIS|E M. WOOD, ity Clerk /(SEAlP ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT DATED: April 22, 2008 Exhibit 2 page 1 of 2 Policy No. 74 Date of Issue: 4/22/08 Effective Date 4/22/08 Cancellation Date Supersedes No. Subject: General Fund Reserve Guidelines Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department Heads and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File PURPOSE: To provide guidelines to the City Council and staff for establishing, maintaining and the annual review of a minimum and target General Fund reserve for the City of Carlsbad. BACKGROUND: Establishing a minimum General Fund reserve is a mechanism that governments can implement to help insure adequate levels of fund balance are available to help mitigate current and future risks. A minimum General Fund reserve is generally considered a prudent and conservative fiscal policy to deal with unforeseen situations. Some examples of unforeseen situations include, but are not limited to: Unfunded Legislative or Judicial Mandates Economic Downturns or Increases in Inflation Reduced Revenues Federal/State/County Budget Cuts One-Time City Council Approved Expenditures Natural Disasters The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), an international organization that promotes the professional management of governments for the public interest, recommends maintaining a minimum unreserved fund balance in the General Fund of no less than 5 to 15 percent of regular General Fund Operating Revenues or no less than two months or 17% of General Fund Operating Expenditures. According to the GFOA, the methodology used to create the reserve depends on the circumstances of the individual organizations. The GFOA also recommends the establishment of a formal written policy on the level of unreserved fund balance that should be maintained in the General Fund. According to a recent survey, most cities choose General Fund Operating Expenditures as the basis for a reserve. Typically there is less fluctuation and risk in forecasting future expenditures. The General Fund Operating Expenditures methodology is also typically considered the more conservative basis for establishing a General Fund reserve. CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT DATED: April 22, 2008 Exhibit 2 Page 2 of 2 Policy No. 74 Date of Issue: 4/22/08 Effective Date 4/22/08 Cancellation Date Supersedes No. Subject: General Fund Reserve Guidelines Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department Heads and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File There are additional benefits to establishing a minimum General Fund reserve. Credit rating agencies carefully monitor levels of fund balance and unreserved fund balance in a government's General Fund to evaluate a government's continued creditworthiness. Finally, fund balance levels are a crucial consideration in long-term financial planning. POLICY: It is the policy of the City of Carlsbad to maintain a minimum reserve for unforeseen emergencies or catastrophic impacts upon the City, and whenever fiscally possible and financially prudent to maintain a greater target reserve. The minimum reserve of the General Fund balance would be 30% of General Fund Operating Expenditures and the target reserve would be a range of 40% to 50% of General Fund Operating Expenditures. The minimum reserve would provide approximately three to four months of operating expenditures for unforeseen emergencies and the target reserve of 40% to 50% would provide approximately five to six months of operating expenditures for catastrophic events. The reserve levels are higher than the GFOA recommended minimum reserve levels and reflect the conservative fiscal policy of the City of Carlsbad. The reserve will be calculated using the prior fiscal year's Adopted General Fund Budgeted expenditures and the reserve could be established from the existing undesignated and unreserved General Fund balance. Reserves would be evaluated annually in conjunction with the development of the City's 10 Year Financial Forecast and Annual Operating Budget process. Staff recommendations will be made to City Council annually on the available funds and the appropriate reserve levels. If the General Fund balance should ever drop below the minimum reserve level, a plan would be developed to return the General Fund back to the minimum reserve level. The minimum and target undesignated and unreserved General Fund balances are intended to be a prudent and conservative fiscal policy which should help contribute to the fiscal security of the City. The reserve levels can be changed or used for specific purposes at the discretion of the City Council. There is no maximum unreserved General Fund balance and any reasonable additional reserve above the minimum reserve would provide a greater level of fiscal security. CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT DATED: March 7, 2008 Subject: General Fund Reserve Guidelines Exhibit 2 Policy No. Date of Issue: Page 2 of 4/15/0£)rte Effective Date 4/15/08 Cancellation Date Supersedes No. Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department Heads and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File There are additional benefits to establishing a minimum General Fund reserve. Credit rating agencies carefully monitor levels of fund balance and unreserved fund balance in a government's General Fund to evaluate a government's continued creditworthiness. Finally, fund balance levels are a crucial consideration in long-term financial planning. POLICY: It is the policy of the City of Carlsbad, whenever fiscally possible and financially prudent, to maintain a General Fund target reserve and, a .minimum .reserve for unforeseen emergencies, or catastrophic impacts upon the City., The target reserve would be a range of 40% to 50% of (general Fund Operating Expenditures and jhe iriinjmum reseryerwpuld be ExpendituresJ]hetargel: reserve.of 40% to 50%^would provide approximately five to^ operating expenditures for unforeseen requirements,, the minimum reserve wpuldjaroyide approximately three to four months of operating expenditures for catastrophic events. The reserve levels are higher than the GFOA recommended minimum reserve levels and reflect the conservative fiscal policy of the City of Carlsbad. The reserve will be calculated using the prior fiscal year's Adopted General Fund Budgeted expenditures and the reserve could be established from the existing undesignated and unreserved General Fund balance. Reserves would be evaluated annually in conjunction with the development of the City's 10 Year Financial Forecast and Annual Operating Budget process. Staff recommendations will be made to City Council annually on the available funds and the appropriate reserve levels. If the General Fund balance should ever drop below the minimum reserve level, a plan would be developed to return the General Fund back to the minimum reserve level. The minimum and target undesignated and unreserved General Fund balances are intended to be a prudent and conservative fiscal policy which should help contribute to the fiscal security of the City. The reserve levels can be changed or used for specific purposes at the discretion of the City Council. There is no maximum unreserved General Fund balance and any reasonable additional reserve above the minimum reserve would provide a greater level of fiscal security. 1 Receive-Agenda Item #. For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Asst. CM CA '-trc ity Manager - { Deleted: to maintain Deleted:, and whenever fiscally possible and financially prudent to maintain a greater target reserve. Deleted: T Deleted: of the General Fund balance Deleted: and the target reserve would be a range of 40% to 50% of General Fund Operating Expenditures. The minimum reserve would provide approximately three to four months of operating expenditures for unforeseen emergencies and t Deleted: for catastrophic events City of Carlsbad Office of the City Clerk Records Management Department April 24, 2008 TO: LISA IRVINE, FINANCE DIRECTOR FROM: SHEILA COBIAN, DEPUTY CITY CLERK SUBJECT: GENERAL FUND RESERVE GUIDELINES - COUNCIL POLICY The Carlsbad City Council adopted the General Fund Reserve Guidelines Council Policy on Tuesday, April 22, 2008. The Council Policy was assigned Policy Number 73; however, Policy Number 73 had previously been assigned to the "Option to Purchase Resale Affordable Housing" Council Policy that was adopted at the January 22, 2008 Carlsbad City Council Meeting. Therefore, the correct Policy Number for the General Fund Reserve Guidelines is Council Policy 74. Please make any necessary corrections to your records. 120O Carlsbad Village Drive -Carlsbad, CA 92OO8-1989 • (76O) 434-28O8 General Fund Reserve General Fund Reserve GuidelinesGuidelinesApril 15, 2008April 15, 2008 General Fund ReserveGeneral Fund Reserve„„Prudent to establish a formal policy regarding Prudent to establish a formal policy regarding General Fund ReserveGeneral Fund Reserve„„Government Finance Officers Association Government Finance Officers Association recommends maintaining a minimum of 17% or recommends maintaining a minimum of 17% or two months operating expenditurestwo months operating expenditures„„Credit rating agencies analyze fund balances to Credit rating agencies analyze fund balances to help evaluate creditworthinesshelp evaluate creditworthiness General Fund ReserveGeneral Fund Reserve„„Reasons to have a reserve:Reasons to have a reserve:„„Unfunded Legislative or Judicial MandatesUnfunded Legislative or Judicial Mandates„„Economic Downturns or Increases in InflationEconomic Downturns or Increases in Inflation„„Reduced RevenuesReduced Revenues„„Federal/State/County Budget CutsFederal/State/County Budget Cuts„„OneOne--Time City Council Approved ExpendituresTime City Council Approved Expenditures„„Natural DisastersNatural Disasters General Fund ReserveGeneral Fund ReserveRecommendationsRecommendations„„Establish a Establish a minimumminimumreserve of 30% of General reserve of 30% of General Fund Operating ExpendituresFund Operating Expenditures„„Establish a Establish a targettargetreserve of 40 reserve of 40 ––50% of 50% of General Fund Operating Expenditures although General Fund Operating Expenditures although a larger reserve would be even bettera larger reserve would be even better General Fund ReserveGeneral Fund Reserve„„Using FY 2007Using FY 2007--08 Operating Expenditures 08 Operating Expenditures ($116.5 million)($116.5 million)„„Minimum Reserve (30%)Minimum Reserve (30%)$35 million$35 million„„Target Reserve (40Target Reserve (40--50%)50%)$46$46--58 million58 million„„Current Reserve (35%)Current Reserve (35%)$41 million$41 million General Fund Reserve PolicyGeneral Fund Reserve Policy„„Requesting the City Council Adopt City Council Requesting the City Council Adopt City Council Policy 73 General Fund Reserve Guidelines Policy 73 General Fund Reserve Guidelines establishing a minimum and target reserve levelsestablishing a minimum and target reserve levels General Fund Reserve General Fund Reserve GuidelinesGuidelinesApril 22, 2008April 22, 2008 General Fund ReserveGeneral Fund Reserve„„Prudent to establish a formal policy regarding Prudent to establish a formal policy regarding General Fund ReserveGeneral Fund Reserve„„Government Finance Officers Association Government Finance Officers Association recommends maintaining a minimum of 17% or recommends maintaining a minimum of 17% or two months operating expenditurestwo months operating expenditures„„Credit rating agencies analyze fund balances to Credit rating agencies analyze fund balances to help evaluate creditworthinesshelp evaluate creditworthiness General Fund ReserveGeneral Fund Reserve„„Reasons to have a reserve:Reasons to have a reserve:„„Unfunded Legislative or Judicial MandatesUnfunded Legislative or Judicial Mandates„„Economic Downturns or Increases in InflationEconomic Downturns or Increases in Inflation„„Reduced RevenuesReduced Revenues„„Federal/State/County Budget CutsFederal/State/County Budget Cuts„„OneOne--Time City Council Approved ExpendituresTime City Council Approved Expenditures„„Natural DisastersNatural Disasters General Fund ReserveGeneral Fund ReserveRecommendationsRecommendations„„Establish a Establish a targettargetreserve of 40 reserve of 40 ––50% of 50% of General Fund Operating Expenditures although General Fund Operating Expenditures although a larger reserve would be even better a larger reserve would be even better „„Establish a Establish a minimumminimumreserve of 30% of General reserve of 30% of General Fund Operating ExpendituresFund Operating Expenditures General Fund ReserveGeneral Fund Reserve„„Using FY 2007Using FY 2007--08 Operating Expenditures 08 Operating Expenditures ($116.5 million)($116.5 million)„„Minimum Reserve (30%)Minimum Reserve (30%)$35 million$35 million„„Target Reserve (40Target Reserve (40--50%)50%)$46$46--58 million58 million„„Current Reserve (35%)Current Reserve (35%)$41 million$41 million General Fund Reserve PolicyGeneral Fund Reserve Policy„„Requesting the City Council Adopt City Council Requesting the City Council Adopt City Council Policy 73 General Fund Reserve Guidelines Policy 73 General Fund Reserve Guidelines establishing target and minimum reserve levelsestablishing target and minimum reserve levels