HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-06-10; City Council; 19465; Renewal of excess workers' compensation benefitsCITY OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL 8 19,465 06/10/08 HUMAN RES. RENEWAL OF EXCESS WORKERS' COMPENSATION BENEFITS DEPT. HEAD^ CITY ATTY^y CITY MGR.^J^T RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval of Resolution No. 2008-159 authorizing the renewal of Excess Workers' Compensation Insurance coverage in accordance with staff's recommendation at a premium of $129,031. ITEM EXPLANATION: The current excess Workers' Compensation Insurance Policy expires on June 30, 2008. This policy provides for loss coverage which exceeds the City's self-insured retention level up to $25 million per occurrence. Cal-Surance, the City's insurance broker, obtained renewal quotes from four carriers (see Exhibit 2). The renewal quotes for annual premiums ranged from $99,731 to $304,718. Based on these quotes, staff recommends renewing its policy with Safety National Casualty Corporation. Safety National Casualty Corporation has offered three options for renewal. Option A continues the current $25 million benefit limit. Option B increases the benefit limit to $50 million. Option C offers a statutory benefit limit (i.e., unlimited benefit payout). The renewal premium for Option C is $129,031, which is lower than last year's premium of $129,903, and it offers an unlimited benefit payout. Therefore, staff recommends Option C. The decrease in the premium is due to workers' compensation reforms instituted by Senate Bill 899 that were effective in stabilizing past claims difficulties throughout the State of California. The City's Self Insurance Retention (SIR) will remain at $1,000,000 for each claim for safety employees and $750,000 for each claim for non-safety employees. FISCAL IMPACT: The recommended renewal quotation for one year is $129,031. Sufficient funds have been included in the Fiscal Year 2008-09 budget. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No.2008-159 2. Summary of Excess Workers' Compensation Insurance Quotations DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Debbie Porter 760-602-2441 dport@ci.carlsbad.ca.us FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED D D D D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN RETURNED TO STAFF OTHER -SEE MINUTES D D D D Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065 and CEQA Guidelines section 15738, these amendments do not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA and therefore, does not require an environmental review. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2008-159 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING 3 RENEWAL OF THE CITY'S EXCESS WORKERS' 4 COMPENSATION INSURANCE. 5 WHEREAS, the City has established a self-insurance program for workers' 6 compensation; and 7 WHEREAS, the City's Insurance Broker has received a renewal quotation for 8 Excess Workers' Compensation Insurance coverage; and 9 WHEREAS, upon evaluation of this quotation for excess insurance, the City 10 desires to renew its insurance. 11 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of 12 Carlsbad, California, as follows: 14 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 15 2. That the renewal of the City's Excess Workers' Compensation Insurance 16 coverage with Safety National Casualty Corporation, with the premium in the 17 amount of $129,031, is hereby approved. 18 „ 19 // 20 // 21 //22 23 " 24 // 25 // 26 // 27 // 28 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 10th day of June, 2008, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Hall and Nygaard. NOES: None. ABSENT: Packard. fc, M^iybr ATTEST: LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk (SEAL)vx\*»lll""f/>-' /^•^O^$by<.**\*£-3>^= ^ itet^tsvkSGSx.^- CITY OF CARLSBAD EXCESS WORKERS' COMPENSATION CARRIER COMPARISONS 2008/2009 ESTIMATED PAYROLL: $56,345.382 A B C E E E E G H 1 INSURANCE CARRIER SAFETY NATIONAL CASUALITY CORPORATION SAFETY NATIONAL CASUALITY CORPORATION SAFETY NATIONAL CASUALITY CORPORATION MIDWEST EMPLOYERS CASUALTY COMPANY NEW YORK MARINE AND GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY ACE AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY ACE AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY NATIONAL UNION FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PA ARCH INSURANCE COMPANY REPUBLIC INDEMNITY COMPANY OF AMERICA RATING A IX A' IX A: IX A+:XV A: VIII A»:XV A+:XV A+:XV A: XV A; IX ADMITTED or WORKERS' NON- COMPENSATION ADMITTED LIMIT ADMITTED $25.000.000 ADMITTED $50.000.000 ADMITTED Statutory ADMITTED $25.000.000 ADMITTED Statutory ADMITTED $25.000.000 ADMITTED Statutory EMPLOYERS LIABILITY LIMIT (OCCURRENCE) $2.000.000 $2.000.000 $2.000.000 $2.000.000 $2.000.000 $1.000.000 $1.000.000 EMPLOYERS UAHLUTY LIMIT (POLICY) $2.000.000 $2.000.000 $2.000.000 N/A N/A N/A N/A SELF-INSURED RETENTION $750.000 $750.000 $750.000 $1.000.000 $750.000 $750.000 $750.000 SELF- INSURED DEPOSIT RETENTION PREMIUM Polln&FIro $1.000.000 $99.731 $1.000.000 $109.310 $1.000.000 $129.031 $1.000.000 $113.423 $1.000.000 $129200 $1.000.000 $291.016 $1.000.000 $304.718 MINIMUM PREMIUM $99.731 $109.310 S129.031 $102.081 $129.200 $291.016 $304.718 RATE PER $100 .1770 .1940 .2290 .2013 .2293 .5165 .5406 Declined -Minimum policy premium: $150.000 Declined - Lost to competitive quote last year DecGned - Police and Fii« Exposure associated with the risk 1)rto CUM Svrchyrge will oe applied to any oltho above quotas V Terrorism Coverage ft mctudod In att of Om abort quoin LAST YEAR ESTIMATED PAYROLL: $52^80,134 WORKERS' COMPENSATION LIMIT EMPLOYERS EMPLOYERS LIABILITY LIMIT LIABILITY LIMIT (OCCURRENCE) (POLICY) SELF- SELF-INSURED INSURED DEPOSIT RETENTION RETENTION PREMIUM Police &Flro MINIMUM RATE PER PREMIUM $100 SAFETY NATIONAL CASUALTY CORPORATION $25.000,000 52.000,000 $2.000.000 $750.000 $100.000 $129.903 $129.903 .2460 Ftone note On following at respects *• 200M8 quotes: 1) Safely National Casualty Corporation quotas an suojoct to: CA Cancellation PmvWom. Employers Liability Per Occurrence « Aggregate Maximum Unite of Liability. Voluntary Compensation Endorsement - Premlwn Delineation, EUrrfattoa of CorrmKTUtlori Clause. SeirJnsurodRatentfa Class Codes, and CA Mandatory Endorsements. QUOTES CAN BE BOUND AS A TWO YEAR POLICY{LQCK-WRATQ an sub/ect to the following endorsements: Votuntoen Endorsement and any state Mandatory endorsements. 3) ACE American hntmnee quotes are suojact to: ACE Spe<^ Excess WCarrd EL poUcyCKE-11tJI^ Loss and ExpenwAd^trrnntEn&rsernent^LAEt^^ Trade or Economic Sanctions Endorsement Voluntary Compensation Scnedule, AtotrffcaKOn of Premium Adjustment 4) UUwosl Employers quota Is subject UK SO-10 Amending Hem 1O - CiassMcatton ol Operations. IO49 Definition of Payroll Pertaining to Volunteers. IO-74A Aircraft Exclusion. lO-aSB Notice of terrorism Coverage MX&H-cr H-rt to