HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-06-24; City Council; 19500; 2008-09 City BudgetCITY OF CARLSBAD, CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL A 7 WATER DISTRICT AND HOUSING AND 9 ' REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL-V AB# 19,500 MTG. 06-24-2008 DEPT. FIN ADOPTION OF THE 2008-09 OPERATING AND CAPITAL tmjjnnf\\/CAMaLiT DBA^/^DAflJi Of IF\f*L- 1 OIMPROVcMcNT PROGRAM BUDGETS AND REVISION OF FEES AND CHARGES FOR SERVICES DEPT. HEAD ^^~ CITY ATTY. rfe CITY MGR. \jj^^ RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Hold a public hearing on the City of Carlsbad's, Carlsbad Municipal Water District's, and Housing and Redevelopment Commission's FY 2008-09 Operating Budgets, and FY 2008-09 to Buildout Capital Improvement Program. 2. Adopt Resolution No. 2008-190 . adopting the final Operating Budgets for FY 2008-09, and appropriating funds for the FY 2008-09 Capital Improvement Program. 3. Adopt Resolution No. 1323 _, adopting the Water District final Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program for FY 2008-09. 454 _, adopting the Housing and Redevelopment Operating4. Adopt Resolution No. Budget for FY 2008-09. 5. Adopt Resolution No. 2008-191 t adopting the Gann spending limit for the City of Carlsbad for FY 2008-09. 6. Adopt Resolution No. 2008-192 adopting changes to the Master Fee schedule. 7. Adopt Resolution No. 2008-193 approving the City of Carlsbad's share of the FY 2008- 09 Operating Budget of the Encina Wastewater Authority. 8. Adopt Resolution No. 1324 of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, California, setting a public hearing regarding proposed increases in water rates. 9. Adopt Resolution No. 2008-194 of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, setting a public hearing regarding proposed increases in sewer rates. 10. Adopt Resolution No. 2008-195 approving adjustments to the FY 2007-08 Operating Budget. 11. Adopt Resolution No.1325 _, of the Board of Directors of Carlsbad Municipal Water District, California, approving adjustments to the FY 2007-08 Operating Budget. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Lisa Irvine 760-602-2430 lirvin@ci.carlsbad.ca.us FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED D d D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN D RETURNED TO STAFF D OTHER - SEE MINUTES D Page 2 ITEM EXPLANATION: The proposed 2008-09 Budget totals $254.7 million, of which $195.1 million is the Operating Budget and $59.6 million is the Capital Improvement Budget. Operating revenues total $199.2 million and Capital revenues total $41.1 million, for a total of $240.3 million. The Operating Budget provides the funding for all operations of the City including police and fire services, library operations, utility services, affordable housing programs, recreation programming, park and street maintenance, and many others. The Capital Improvement Program outlines the financing plans for the City's major construction projects including civic facilities, roads, water and sewer lines, as well as other infrastructure needs. The following is a brief summary of the proposed budgets. More information can be found in the overviews of the Operating Budget and the Capital Improvement Program in Exhibits 1 and 2. Operating Budget The proposed Operating Budget for 2008-09 totals $195.1 million, an increase of $8.0 million from the 2007-08 adopted budget. Operating revenues are estimated at $199.2 million, which is a $6.6 million increase over the current year projections. General Fund Revenues General Fund revenues for 2008-09 are estimated at $120.7 million, 0.4% higher than the current year's projections, with most of the increase coming from tax revenues. Property taxes, the City's largest single revenue source, are expected to reach $50.3 million in the next year. Property taxes for Fiscal Year 2008-09 are based on property values as of January 1, 2008. Sales taxes are expected to total $28.5 million for FY 2008-09, the same as FY 2007-08 projections. Sales tax projections for FY 2008-09 take into consideration the economic slow down. Transient occupancy taxes are expected to reach approximately $14.8 million, an increase of 8.8% over current year projections. Overall, the City's revenue projections reflect a slow down in the economy mostly driven by the real estate and construction related industries. New building permits are anticipated to continue to decline as housing developments slow due to the softening of the real estate market as well as the City approaching build out. General Fund Expenditures The General Fund contains most of the discretionary revenues that funds the basic core of City services. The 2008-09 Preliminary Budget maintains the level of services Carlsbad's citizens have come to expect. A few expenditures are highlighted below: Proposed New Positions - The FY 2008-09 Preliminary Operating budget proposes three new full-time employees: one Custodian and a 0.5 Park Maintenance Worker in Public Works, a 0.5 Systems Administrator I in Information Technology, and the reclassification of 1.0 limited- term Management Intern to a full-time Management Analyst in the City Manager's Office. Two of the proposed full-time positions are needed due to the opening of two new facilities in FY 2008-09. The net decrease in hourly staff totaled approximately 2.51 full-time equivalents (FTE). These changes result in a City workforce of 714.25 full and three-quarter time employees and 137.83 hourly FTE. (A Page 3 New Facilities - The City has a large number of major capital projects scheduled to be built over the next five years. As the City completes these projects, the costs of maintaining and operating the facilities are added to the Operating Budget. The new Library Learning Center and seven new tennis courts at Poinsettia Park are both anticipated to open August 2008. The Public Works Department has requested one Custodian and 0.5 Park Maintenance Worker, and the Information Technology Department has requested a 0.5 Systems Administrator I to maintain and operate the new facilities in FY 2008-09. Other Budget Requests - The FY 2008-09 Preliminary Operating Budget also includes the following transfers and advances to other funds: • $7.8 million transfer to the Infrastructure Replacement Fund to provide funding for infrastructure replacement as needed in the future. • $90,000 transfer to the Hosp Grove Debt Service Fund is needed for the final scheduled debt service for bonds issued to purchase Hosp Grove. • $321,000 advance to the Medians District is proposed to maintain current service levels. • $1.3 million advance to the Golf Course is proposed to cover operational costs. The Golf Course is a new facility and there is very little history to support the budget development. The Golf Course's budget and financials are on a calendar year basis. For calendar year 2008, the Golf Course is projecting that revenues will be approximately $400,000 less than anticipated. This is primarily due to the economic slowdown and unseasonably poor weather. In addition to the $400,000 additional shortfall for calendar year 2008, the budget advance includes approximately $900,000 for the estimated calendar year 2009 shortfall. The projected shortfall is primarily due to the habitat maintenance and monitoring requirements at the golf course. The $900,000 advance is an estimate, as the 2009 budget for the Golf Course will not be developed until the fall of 2008. Finally, the City Council's contingency account is proposed at $2.3 million in FY 2008-09. This account is available to the City Council to address unanticipated emergencies or unforeseen program needs. Changes to the Operating Budget There have been no changes to the Operating budget schedules since the Council Workshop on June 10, 2008. Capital Improvement Program The 2008-09 to Buildout Capital Improvement Program (CIP) outlines approximately 143 future projects at a total cost of $451.6 million. Appropriations scheduled for FY 2008-09 total $59.6 million and will be added to approximately $144.5 million for ongoing capital projects that remain unspent at the end of FY 2007-08, for a total appropriation of $204.1 million. Revenues for the CIP for FY 2008-09 are projected at $41.1 million. 3 Building Cost Index Percent Increase Calendar Year Page 4 A large increase in the cost of construction materials has occurred over the past 4 years, pushing up the cost of projects. This cost escalation, as well as scope or new projects, has contributed to the projected shortfall in the Planned Local Drainage Fund of $7.6 million, and in the Public Facilities Fees (PFF) Fund of $1.5 million. City staff is currently preparing updates to the Planned Local Drainage Fee program in order to cover this deficit. It is also important to note that as the City approaches buildout there are fewer available development projects to pay those fees. While this is not an immediate problem, it is an indication that the City may not have the money to build all of the projects listed under those programs. The City will need to pursue other funding options, or make adjustments to the timing and/or scope of the affected projects. The General Capital Construction (GCC) Fund was also projected to have a deficit of approximately $5 million at buildout. The proposed CIP shows a recommendation to transfer $4.5 million of street and traffic signal projects from the GCC Fund to the Gas Tax Fund where sufficient balances are available. In addition, the City has recently received approval of grant funding for two bridge modifications in the amount of $643,263. Since these projects were originally funded with the GCC Fund, the deficit has been completely eliminated. Additional options are available to further balance the PFF Fund, however given that the PFF Fund is not anticipated to be in deficit until FY 2019, City staff will continue to monitor the projected deficit in PFF and bring forward options or solutions at the appropriate time. Poinsettia Community Park is proposed to receive funding in FY 2008-09 for almost 100 additional parking spaces and additional funding is also proposed for expansion of the event area at Leo Carrillo Ranch. Water and Sewer projects include a new Cathodic Protection Program. The Vista/Carlsbad joint interceptor project is scheduled for a $5.7 million appropriation. An outside lane will be added to El Camino Real from Tamarack to Chestnut to widen the street to full arterial road standards. In addition, next year's Capital Improvement Program includes $3.4 million in funding for pavement overlay projects and $350,000 for Concrete Repair Work. There are several projects identified in the CIP for which there is no identifiable funding source and in some cases where only partial funding has been identified. The City will investigate obtaining possible outside funding such as federal and state grants, loans, or other financing sources. Once funding is identified for these projects the project costs will have to be reviewed and updated to reflect actual cost estimates. The unfunded projects do not receive annual inflationary increases. These projects are: • Business Park Recreational Facility (partial) • Cannon Lake Park (6.7 Acres) • *Cannon Road - REACH 4B - College/Cannon to City Limits (80%) • "Carlsbad Boulevard Mountain View to Northerly City Limits (80%) • *Carlsbad Boulevard/Palomar Airport Road Improvements (80%) • Hosp Grove/Buena Vista Lagoon Improvements • Palomar Airport Road Widening and Bridge Reconstruction • Pine Ave. Park - Madison Property • Pine Ave. Park - Restrooms/Storage • Robertson Ranch (NE Quadrant) Park Development (partial) (*) These projects are in the revised TIF fee program which is planned to generate enough revenue to pay for 20% of the total cost. The remaining 80% is unfunded. T PageS Encina Capital and Operations Budget At its May 25, 2008 meeting, the Encina Wastewater Authority Board of Directors (EWA) and Joint Advisory Committee approved the FY 2008 Operating and Capital Improvement Budget. The Revised Basic Agreement states that EWA's Operating and Capital budgets are deemed effective when certain criteria are met. One of the criteria is that all member agencies have separately considered and approved the budgets. Carlsbad's share of the Encina Operating Budget for FY 2009 is $3,220,551, or an increase of 5% over FY 2008 projected expenditures for Wastewater Plant Operations, and $786,613, or 28% over FY 2008 for the Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Operations. In addition, Carlsbad's share of the Capital Budget is $744,152, down from the previous year of $2.3 million which included the Phase V Expansion of the Encina Wastewater Treatment Facility. Staff is also requesting that the City Manager be authorized to transfer appropriations between budgets and/or projects at Encina as approved by the EWA Board staff (up to $25,000) or EWA Board in amounts up to $1,000,000. Any transfers in excess of that amount will be brought back to the City Council for authorization. In addition, any increases to the total budget for EWA will require the City Council's approval. This authority is contained in the attached resolution. Changes to the Capital Improvement Program The following changes have been made to the Capital Improvement Program since the CIP Workshop on May 20, 2008. • An additional $650,000 was added to the capital budget as a transfer from the Water Replacement Fund to the Water Operating Fund for meter replacements. • An additional project was added to study Americans with Disabilities Act compliance, for $50,000 from the Gasi Tax Fund. • The Faraday/Melrose drainage project was increased $25,000 based on updated cost estimates. Gann Limit In addition to adopting the Operating Budget, the City Council is asked to adopt the Gann Spending Limit as required by Article XIMB of the California Constitution. The Gann Limit creates a restriction on the amount of revenue that can be appropriated in any fiscal year. The revenues, which are subject to this limitation, are those considered "proceeds of taxes." The basis for calculating the Gann Limit began in Fiscal Year 1978-79, and is increased based on population growth and inflation. The City's spending limit for 2008-09 is $190.7 million, with appropriations of "proceeds of taxes" of $106.5 million. The result of the calculation shows the City is well below the Gann Limit by a margin of $84.2 million. Fees for City Services One of the City Council's goals is to annually evaluate fees and charges for services. This year staff has reviewed all of the fee schedules and is recommending changes to the following fees: • Development related service fees to reflect the cost of inflation • Development Impact fees and other fees that are increased annually based upon an index as stated in the resolutions or ordinances establishing the fees • Various adjustments to the general fees • Various adjustments to facility fees to reflect the cost of inflation The revisions to these fees are shown in Exhibit 7. Page 6 Utility Rate Increases As part of the ongoing financial management program, the City annually prepares forecasts for the Water, Wastewater and Solid Waste funds. The forecasts for the Water and Wastewater enterprises shows that rate increases are needed to keep up with increases in expenditures as well as ongoing funding for unfunded state mandated programs. The proposed rate increases would result in an estimated total monthly increase to an average household of $10.71 per month, or 13.3%. Staff is requesting Council and the Board set a date of September 9, 2008 for a public majority- protest hearing date for the Water and Sewer fee increases. FY 2007-08 Operating Budget Adjustments A portion of the City's General Liability Fund has been spent defending the City's position with respect to a water related lawsuit. The Water Fund will transfer up to $125,000 to the General Liability Fund to reimburse that Fund for these related expenditures. ENVIRONMENTAL AND CONSISTENCY REVIEW: In accordance with Government Code, all projects that receive appropriation of funds for fiscal year 2008-09 received a finding of General Plan Consistency by the Planning Commission at their meeting on May 7, 2008. There are no foreseeable adverse environmental impacts and the individual projects will receive additional CEQA review upon approval. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact of the proposed budgets is detailed in the attached schedules. EXHIBITS: 1. FY 2008-09 Preliminary Operating Budget overview. 2. FY 2008-09 Preliminary Capital Improvement Program overview. 3. Resolution No. 2008-190 of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, adopting the Final Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program for FY 2008-09 for the City of Carlsbad and establishing controls on changes in appropriations for the various funds. 4. Resolution No. 1323 of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, California, adopting the water district final Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program for FY 2008-09. 5. Resolution No. 454 of the Housing and Redevelopment Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, approving the Operating Budget of the Redevelopment Agency and Housing Authority for FY 2008-09. 6. Resolution No. 2008-191 of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, establishing the FY 2008-09 appropriation limit as required by Article XIIIB of the California State Constitution and State law. 7. Resolution No. 2008-192 of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, adopting changes to the Master Fee Schedule. 8. Resolution No. 2008-193 of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, approving the City of Carlsbad's share of the Fiscal Year 2008-09 Capital and Operating Budget of the Encina Wastewater Authority. 9. Resolution No. 1324 of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, California, to set a public hearing regarding proposed increases in water rates. 10. Resolution No. 2008-194 of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, to set a to Page 7 public hearing regarding proposed increases in sewer rates. 11. Proposed Notice of Public Hearing on proposed water and sewer rate increases. 12. Resolution No. 2008-195 of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California approving adjustments to the FY 2007-08 Operating Budget. 13. Resolution No. 1325 of the Board of Directors of Carlsbad Municipal Water District, California approving adjustments to the FY 2007-08 Operating Budget. The Preliminary Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program for FY 2008-09 is on file with the City Clerk and on the city's website at: www.carlsbadca.gov . The Technical Appendix will be available for review in the Finance and Engineering Departments by September 2008. The Master Fee Schedules are on file with the City Clerk as well. Exhibit 1 FY 2008-09 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW The preliminary Operating budget for Fiscal Year 2008-09 totals $195.1 million, with revenues for the year estimated at $199.2 million. General Fund revenues are estimated at $120.7 million and budgeted expenditures are $118.3 million. REVENUE The following table shows the total operating revenues the City anticipates receiving for FY 2007-08, as well as those estimated for FY 2008-09. REVENUE SUMMARY BY FUND TYPE (in Millions) FUND GENERAL FUND SPECIAL REVENUE ENTERPRISE INTERNAL SERVICE REDEVELOPMENT TOTAL PROJECTED 2007-08 $ 120.2 12.3 40.4 15.9 3.8 $ 192.6 ESTIMATED 2008-09 $ 120.7 11.2 47.7 15.7 3.9 $ 199.2 $ CHANGE $ 0.5 (1.1) 7.3 (0.2) 0.1 $ 6.6 % CHANGE 0.4% (8.9)% 18.1% (1.3)% 2.6% 3.4% Revenue estimates for the Operating Budget indicate that the City will receive a total of $199.2 million, a 3.4% increase over the prior year. The majority of the increase of $6.6 million is in the Enterprise Funds due to the proposed water and wastewater rate increases. More information on the City's revenue sources can be found in the discussion that follows. General Fund General Fund revenues provide a representative picture of the local economy. These revenues are of particular interest as they fund basic City services such as police, fire, library, street and park maintenance, and recreation programs. The table below shows a summarized outlook for the major General Fund revenues. SIGNIFICANT GENERAL FUND REVENUES (in Millions FUND PROPERTY TAX SALES TAX TRANSIENT OCC. TAX FRANCHISE TAXES BUSINESS LICENSE TAX DEVELOPMENT REVENUES ALL OTHER REVENUE TOTAL PROJECTED 2007-08 $ 47.8 28.5 13.6 4.9 3.1 3.9 18.4 $ 120.2 ESTIMATED 2008-09 $ 50.3 28.5 14.8 5.0 3.1 2.9 16.1 $ 120.7 $ CHANGE $ 2.5 0.0 1.2 0.1 0.0 (1.0) (2.3) $ 0.5 % CHANGE 5.2% 0.0% 8.8% 2.0% 0.0% (25.6%) (12.5)% 0.4% The economic uncertainty discussed in the Budget Overview section is causing the General Fund revenues to remain relatively flat for FY 2008-09. Several of the largest revenue sources in the General Fund are impacted by the fluctuations in the economy. In addition, the housing crisis is not only impacting Property Taxes, it is also affecting Sales Taxes and development related revenues. This upcoming fiscal year it is expected that property taxes will grow to over Exhibit 1 $50 million, a 5.2% increase over the projection for FY 2007-08. This includes a 5% estimated increase in assessed valuation as provided by the County Assessor in May 2008, as well as a conservative assumption for new development. Property taxes tend to lag behind the rest of the economy, as the tax for the upcoming fiscal year is based on assessed values from the previous January. Thus, the taxes to be received for Fiscal Year 2008-09 are based on values as of January 1, 2008. Sales taxes react much quicker to changes in the economy and therefore will typically grow faster in a good economy, but also drop off faster as the economy cools. Property and Sales Tax Revenues Sales Tax Property Tax Property taxes also have a cap on how fast they can grow. This is due to Proposition 13. Propo- sition 13 was adopted by the State in 1978. This proposition limits the growth in assessed values (and thus property taxes) to no more than 2% per year. The value upon which the tax is based is only increased to the full market value upon the sale of the property. Thus, property taxes tend to grow slowly unless there is a significant amount of housing activity. In previous years, we have seen a robust growth in property taxes due to new developments, a large number of resales within the City spurring revaluation of the parcels, and double-digit growth in housing prices. As the economy slows, housing prices decline, and the City approaches build-out, the growth in property taxes is expected to moderate. <? Fiscal Year Sales Tax by Category Transportation 36% Sales taxes are expected to total $28.5 million for FY 2008-09, the same as FY 2007-08 projections. These projections assume that the slow economy, high gasoline and diesel prices, as well as high food costs, will result in no growth in sales tax. The City of Carlsbad has many car dealerships which generate approximately $6.0 million of sales tax each year. Car sales have slowed during FY 2007-08 and are expected to remain slow during FY 2008-09. In addition, retail comprises over 33% of the sales tax generated in Carlsbad and with a slow economy and lower consumer confidence, it is anticipated there will be less discretionary purchases. Several years ago, the State of California implemented the "Triple Flip." The "Triple Flip" is essentially a temporary swap of a % cent of the cities' sales taxes in return for property tax. It was done in order to give the state a revenue source against which they could issue deficit Exhibit 1 reduction bonds. The City's sales tax estimates continue to show this amount as sales tax since the amount is reflective of what the City would receive. As can be seen in the chart on the previous page, the City's sales tax base is heavily weighted in the transportation (predominantly new car sales) and retail sectors. These two sectors make up approximately 69% of the City's sales tax base and are negatively impacted by a slow economy. Sales tax estimates also include approximately $900,000 that is restricted to spending on public safety services under Proposition 172. Proposition 172 requires that the one-half cent increase in California sales taxes be allocated to local agencies, to fund public safety services. Transient Occupancy Taxes 2002 2004 2006 Rscal Year 2008e The third highest General Fund revenue source is Transient Occupancy Taxes (TOT or hotel taxes) estimated at $14.8 million for FY 2008-09, an increase of 8.8% over FY 2007-08 estimates. Three hotels were opened during FY 2007-08 including the Sheraton Carlsbad Resort and Spa, Homewood Suites and Hampton Inn. These additional hotel rooms are expected to contribute to the growth in TOT revenues. It is unclear whether the economic slowdown will negatively impact the TOT revenues. In previous recessions, visitors continued to visit Carlsbad but they traveled by cars rather than planes. Given the US dollar's weakness compared to other international currencies, the United States is a relatively inexpensive place to visit. We may see less local travel due to higher gas prices and the slow economy, and may see more international travelers due to the relatively weak U.S. dollar. It is expected that Fiscal Year 2007-08 will end the year with about $13.6 million in TOT receipts, a 5% increase from FY 2006-07. Growth is expected to be moderate going into FY 2008-09, with 1.0% assumed for the base growth. In addition to the base growth, three hotels, the Sheraton Carlsbad Resort and Spa, Hampton Inn and Homewood Suites, opened during FY 2007-08 and the City will receive a full year of their taxes in FY 2008-09. The combination of the base growth and the three new hotels results in an estimated 8.8% growth over FY 2007-08 projections. One of the more volatile General Fund revenues is the Franchise tax. Franchise taxes are paid by certain industries that use the City right-of-way to conduct their business. The City currently has franchise agreements for cable TV service, solid waste services, cell sites, and gas and electric services. The cable and solid waste franchises have been growing along with the growth in population and changes in their rate structures. These franchise revenues are projected to remain relatively flat in FY 2008-09. The large fluctuations in franchise taxes has come from the taxes on gas and electric services, which are paid by San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E). SDG&E pays franchise taxes for the use of the public land over which they transport gas and electricity. The City also receives an "in-lieu" franchise tax based on the value of gas and electricity transported on SDG&E lines, but purchased from another source. The "in-lieu" tax Exhibit 1 captures the franchise taxes on gas and electricity that is transported using public lands but which would not otherwise be included in the calculations for franchise taxes, due to deregulation of the power industry. The majority of the "in-lieu" taxes received is attributable to Cabrillo Power, the operator of the Encina power plant, based on the gas used in the generation of electricity. Franchise Taxes • Other Franchise H SDG&E Franchis 2002 2004 2006 Fiscal Year 2008e The FY 2008-09 forecast essentially predicts the same amount of SDG&E franchise revenue as the previous year. Development-related revenues include planning, engineering and building permits, and fees paid by developers to cover the cost of reviewing and monitoring development activities such as plan checks and inspections. These revenues are difficult to predict, as many of the planning and engineering activities occur months or years before any structures are actually built. Development-related revenues have been declining during Fiscal Year 2007-08 due to the slow down in the economy especially the softening in the real estate market. For the FY 2008-09 budget, the development-related revenues are anticipated to continue to decline as a result of the economy and real estate market. For FY 2006-07 there were 481 units permitted for residential housing. For FY 2007-08 approximately 290 residential units have been permitted through April 2008. For FY 2008-09, 193 permits are projected to be issued for residential housing. The commercial and industrial building activity remained strong for FY 2006-07 however, it too has slowed in FY 2007-08 and is expected to continue slowing in FY 2008-09. A 25% decline in building related revenue is projected for next year, this is in addition to a 13% decline from FY 2006-07 to FY 2007-08. Business license taxes are closely tied to the health of the economy and are projected to remain relatively flat at an estimated $3.1 million. There are currently about 8,500 licensed businesses in Carlsbad, with over 2,500 of them home-based. All other revenues include vehicle license fees, transfer taxes, interest earnings, ambulance fees, recreation fees, and other charges and fees. The estimate for Fiscal Year 2008-09 totals $16.1 million, a $2.3 million decrease from Fiscal Year 2007-08, due mainly to a one-time reimbursement ($1.0 million) received from the Federal Highway Administration in FY 2007-08 for the 2005 winter storm damage in the City, as well as a reduction in several other intergovernmental charges due to the economic slowdown. Transfer taxes are those taxes paid to the county upon the transfer of interests in real estate. The tax is 55 cents per $500 of property value, and is split equally between the county and the City. Carlsbad expects to receive approximately $800,000 in transfer taxes for FY 2007-08, and about the same in FY 2008-09. Income from investments and property includes interest earnings, as well as rental income from City-owned land and facilities. The City is expected to earn about $3.9 million in income from investments and property of the General Fund for Fiscal Year 2008-09. Overall, General Fund revenues are expected to be relatively flat with little or no growth. This lack of growth is due to the economic uncertainty as well as the soft housing market. Although the City experienced revenue growth between 9% and 17% in the late 1990's, it was not Exhibit 1 sustainable growth. Much of those increases were due to the opening of new hotels, restaurants, retail centers, and new home development. As the City matures, it will be increasingly more difficult to produce double-digit growth in revenues. With the current economic slow down, limited growth is anticipated over the next two to three years with the City returning to 4% to 6% growth rates in the future. Other Funds Revenues from Special Revenue funds are expected to total $11.2 million in FY 2008-09, a $1.1 million decrease from FY 2007-08. The types of programs supported within Special Revenue funds are those funded by specific revenue streams such as: • Grants (Section 8 Rental Assistance, Community Development Block Grants, COPS Grant) • Special fees and assessments (Affordable Housing, Maintenance Assessment Districts) • Donations (Library, Cultural Arts, Recreation and Senior Donations) SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 2008-09 ESTIMATED REVENUES Maintenance Districts 20% Donations and Grants 5% All Others 2% Section 8 54% Affordable Housing 10% The most noteworthy change in the Special Revenue funds occurred in the Affordable Housing Trust Fund. Estimated revenues decreased $1.0 million from FY 2007-08. The Housing Trust fund was set up to provide funding for the City's affordable housing programs. Revenues come from inclusionary housing fees, interest on cash balances, and payments on affordable housing loans. Most affordable housing loans to developers are set up so that payments are only due when funds are available from the project and loans to individual homeowners are usually not due until the home is sold; therefore, repayments are difficult to predict. For FY 2007-08, the City expects to receive about $640,000 in repayments. For FY 2008-09, only $75,000 has been estimated for loan repayments, as this revenue source is uncertain and so far only $75,000 is scheduled for repayment in FY 2008-09. The rest of the fund's revenue decrease is due to a state grant in the amount of $400,000 received in FY 2007-08 for the Hunter's Pointe apartment project. There are no grants budgeted for FY 2008-09. Enterprise fund revenues for FY 2008-09 are projected at $47.7 million, an increase of $7.3 million over current year projections. The increase in revenues is due to the proposed rate increases for Water and Wastewater funds. Enterprise funds are similar to a business, in that rates are charged to support the operations that supply the service. Carlsbad Enterprise funds include the water, recycled water, wastewater services, and solid waste management. The Water Enterprise Fund shows a significant increase in revenues of 21% over the previous year. A 20% increase in water rates is recommended in order to pay for rising water costs, passed through from the San Diego County Water Authority and Metropolitan Water District. In addition to purchased water costs, the City's cost to maintain its aging infrastructure has risen. It is estimated that the average increase to a household will be approximately $9.26 per month (fixed + variable). Even with these increases, Carlsbad's water rates are still among the lowest in the region as reflected in the chart below. I 2s Exhibit 1 Monthly Water Bill Comparison with Other Agencies -, Del Mar - Poway - Rainbow - Ramona San Diego - Sweetwater Authority - Escondido - Otay Water District - Fallbrook - Valley Center Santa Fe Vista Irrigation Carlsbad - Proposed Oceanside San Dieguito Olivenhain Vallecitos Carlsbad - Current $4 I '..--...'•.•••. •;.-••-•..,-. | I •• I I ... I - . .- ....-.- | i I -•-..•• •• : -I [ I I mm^m^m^^m :1 ji•-.•-. iiI : i i ; 0 $45 $50 $55 $60 $65 $70 A rate increase is also being recommended in the Wastewater Enterprise fund of 9%. This will raise the base residential rate from $16.20 to $17.65 per month. Even with the proposed rate increase, Carlsbad's sewer rates are also still among the lowest in the region. Internal Service funds show estimated revenues of $15.7 million for FY 2008-09, a decrease of 1.3% or $200,000 from FY 2007-08 projections. Internal Service funds provide services within the City itself, and include programs such as the self-insurance funds for Workers' Compensation and Liability, as well as Information Technology and Vehicle Maintenance and Replacement. Departments pay for services provided by these funds; therefore, the rates charged for the services are based on the cost to provide the service. The goal of the Internal Service funds is to match their budgeted expenses with charges to the departments, after allowing for a certain level of reserves within the fund. The more significant increases occurred in the Information Technology and Vehicle Maintenance and Replacement. The increases in Information Technology enable the Department to keep up with the demand for services and the opening of new facilities. In the Vehicle Maintenance Fund, the increase is mainly due to the cost of fuel. For the Vehicle Replacement Fund, the increase reflects additional allocations to ensure sufficient revenues are available to replace equipment at the end of its useful life. More discussion on the costs can be found in the Expenditures section of this report. Exhibit 1 Redevelopment revenues are expected to total $3.9 million in the upcoming year, an increase of 2.6% or $105,000 over the projections from the previous year. This increase is the result of a slight increase in property tax increment revenues collected for the Village and South Carlsbad Coastal project areas. EXPENDITURES The City's Operating budget for FY 2008-09 totals $195.1 million, which represents an increase of $8.0 million, or 4.3%, over the adopted FY 2007-08 budget. The changes in each of the City's programs will be discussed below. Budgetary Policies The theme behind this year's budget development was to create a long-term plan for a balanced budget given the slowdown in the economy and the economic uncertainty. Departments were asked to have slow, managed and prudent budget growth to match the slowing economy. Departments were also encouraged to identify and propose budget efficiencies where possible. While the forecast shows expectations for a balanced budget in the future, the City also has a large capital program underway which will add additional pressure to the budget as the facilities are opened and need operation and maintenance. With the downturn in the economy, it is important to keep an eye focused on the future to ensure the City remains in good financial health. To achieve that end, the following policies were set: • Maintain current service levels. • No growth in maintenance and operations for FY 2008-09 unless for a new facility. • No new programs will be considered unless required under a legal mandate. • Identify new revenue generation opportunities. • Carefully review open positions prior to filling. • New positions will be limited to only those necessary to operate and maintain new facilities. • Budget requests for one-time funding to implement specific goals will be considered. • Generally, be prudent in budgeting. Consider cost containment measures and budget discretionary items at minimum levels. The City uses an "Expenditure Control Budget" (ECB) process in budgeting. In the ECB approach, each department is given a block appropriation containing sufficient funds to provide the current level of services for the upcoming year. As Carlsbad is a growing city, the block appropriation should contain sufficient funds to pay for inflationary increases as well as growth in the customer base. Every year the block is increased by an index for growth and inflation. However, for FY 2008-09, maintenance and operation remained at the FY 2007-08 levels due to the slower economy. No additional appropriations are expected during the year except in the case of a significant unanticipated event. Amounts that are unspent at the end of the fiscal year will be carried forward to the new fiscal year. At the end of FY 2007-08, the amounts carried forward by each department will be capped at no more than 10% of the previous year's adopted budget. Budgeted Expenditures Through the application of these guidelines and policies, the FY 2008-09 Preliminary Operating Budget of $195.1 million was developed. The FY 2008-09 Preliminary Operating budget proposes three new full-time employees: one Custodian and 0.5 Park Maintenance Worker in Public Works, a 0.5 Systems Administrator I in Information Technology, and the reclassification of a 1.0 limited-term Management Intern to a full-time Management Analyst in the City Manager's office. Exhibit 1 The net decrease in hourly staff totaled approximately 2.51 full-time equivalents (FTE). These changes result in a City workforce of 714.25 full and three-quarter time employees and 137.83 hourly FTE. The staffing changes are discussed below in New Facilities. New Facilities The City has a large number of major capital projects scheduled to be built over the next five years. As the City completes these projects, the costs of maintaining and operating the facilities are added to the Operating Budget. The new Library Learning Center and seven new tennis courts at Poinsettia Park are both anticipated to open in August 2008. The Public Works Department has requested one Custodian and 0.5 Park Maintenance Worker and the Information Technology Department has requested a 0.5 Systems Administrator I to maintain and operate the new facilities in FY 2008-09. Budget by Fund Type This table below shows the changes in the proposed operating budget for FY 2008-09 compared to the adopted budget for Fiscal Year 2007-08. BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BY FUND TYPE (in Millions) FUND GENERAL FUND SPECIAL REVENUE ENTERPRISE INTERNAL SERVICE REDEVELOPMENT TOTAL BUDGET 2007-08 $ 116.5 10.5 45.2 13.0 1.9 $ 187.1 BUDGET 2008-09 $ 118.3 11.3 48.3 15.2 2.0 $ 195.1 $ CHANGE $ 1.8 0.8 3.1 2.2 0.1 $ 8.0 % CHANGE 1 .6% 7.6% 6.9% 16.9% 5.3% 4.3% The General Fund contains most of the discretionary revenues that finance the basic core of City services. However, this should not diminish the importance of the other operating funds, as they also contribute to the array of services available within Carlsbad. The remainder of this section will provide more information about the proposed budgeted expenditures by fund and program. General Fund The total budget for the General Fund is $118.3 million, which is 1.6% more than the previous year's budget of $116.5 million. As can be seen in the table to the right, the increase is mainly due to the increase in personnel costs which GENERAL FUND SUMMARY BY EXPENDITURE TYPE (in Millions) PERSONNEL M&O CAPITAL OUTLAY TRANSFERS TOTAL BUDGET 2007-08 $ 74.2 33.1 1.0 8.2 $ 116.5 BUDGET 2008-09 $ 76.8 33.4 0.1 8.0 $ 118.3 $ CHANGE $ 2.6 0.3 (0.9) (0.2) $ 1.8 % CHANGE 3.5% 0.9% (90.0%) (2.4)% 1.6% are offset by a decrease in capital outlay requests for FY 2008-09. Exhibit 1 Personnel costs make up approximately 65% of the General Fund budget so any changes in these costs can have a significant effect on the total budget. Approximately $140,000 of the additional personnel costs are for the new proposed positions in FY 2008-09. Due to labor contracts with the City's employee groups, much of the remaining cost has been previously determined. GENERAL FUND PERSONNEL COSTS (In Millions) SALARIES HEALTH INSURANCE RETIREMENT WORKERS COMP OTHER PERSONNEL TOTAL BUDGET 2007-08 $ 51.3 6.3 13.9 1.6 1.1 $ 74.2 BUDGET 2008-09 $ 53.3 6.3 14.7 1.3 1.2 $ 76.8 $ CHANGE $ 2.0 0.0 0.8 (0.3) 0.1 $ 2.6 % CHANGE 3.9% 0.0% 5.8% (18.8%) 9.1% 3.5% slight decrease in the projected Workers' Compensation costs due claims. The table to the left shows the breakdown of personnel costs for the General Fund. Salaries include full and part-time staff costs and increased $2.0 million from the prior year. Benefits make up the remainder of the personnel costs. This year there is also a to decreased projected M & O stands for Maintenance and Operations. This category contains the funds for all program expenses other than personnel or capital outlay. Capital Outlay includes budgeted equipment purchases over $1,000. Capital outlay over $10,000 is further detailed in the Appendix. These amounts vary from year to year depending on the program needs. Transfers are amounts anticipated to be transferred from the General Fund to another fund at the City. The transfers included in this year's proposed budget are to the following funds: • $7.8 million to the Infrastructure Replacement Fund - for major maintenance and replacement of City infrastructure. This represents 6.5% of the General Fund Revenues, consistent with FY 2007-08. • $90,000 to the Hosp Grove Debt Service Fund - for debt service on bonds issued to purchase Hosp Grove. Hosp Grove was originally a grove of eucalyptus trees. It has since been developed into a nature park containing trails and a tot lot. The final debt service payment for this bond issue is due August 2008; therefore this is the last year for this transfer from the General Fund. • $1.1 million to the Information Technology Internal Service Fund - this is a transfer of previously budgeted non-departmental contingency to be used to purchase new capital equipment. • $170,000 to the Cultural Arts Donations Special Revenue Fund - this is a transfer of previously donated funds which were being held in the General Fund. These donations will now be accounted and expended from this Special Revenue Fund. Advances are amounts anticipated to be transferred from the General Fund to another City fund and are expected to be repaid to the General Fund in future years. The advances included in this year's proposed budget are to the following funds: lif Exhibit 1 • $321,000 to the Median Maintenance Special Revenue Fund - this advance is needed to cover a cash shortfall since yearly assessments collected from property owners do not cover operating expenditures. • $1.3 million to the Golf Course for operations. The Golf Course is a new facility and there is very little history to support the budget development. The Golf Course's budget and financials are on a calendar year basis. For calendar year 2008, the Golf Course is projecting that revenues will be approximately $400,000 less than anticipated. This is primarily due to the economic slowdown and the poor weather. As a result of the economy, there is less revenue being generated through green fees than anticipated. The Canyons Restaurant, which is performing better than anticipated, is helping to compensate for the loss of golf revenues. In addition to the $400,000 additional shortfall for calendar year 2008, the budget advance includes approximately $900,000 for the estimated calendar year 2009 shortfall. The projected shortfall is primarily due to the habitat maintenance and monitoring requirements at the golf course. This is just an estimate as the 2009 budget will not be developed until the fall of 2008. Another way of looking at the General Fund budget is by program. The chart below compares the recommended FY 2008-09 budget to the amounts adopted in the previous year. The significant changes are noted below. GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES BY MAJOR SERVICE AREA (in Millions) FUND POLICY/LEADERSHIP ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS NON-DEPARTMENTAL CONTINGENCY TOTAL BUDGET 2007-08 $ 4.7 7.9 43.1 8.5 17.2 23.1 9.8 2.2 $ 116.5 BUDGET 2008-09 $ 4.8 7.7 44.7 8.1 18.1 23.2 9.4 2.3 $ 118.3 $ CHANGE $ 0.1 (0.2) 1.6 (0.4) 0.9 0.1 (0.4) 0.1 $ 1.8 % CHANGE 2.1% (2.5%) 3.7% (4.7%) 5.2% 0.4% (4.1%) 4.6% 1.6% The Policy/Leadership Group includes all elected officials and the City Manager's Office. The 2.1% increase from FY 2007-08 to FY 2008-09 is primarily due to cost of living adjustments in salary and benefit costs. The 2.5% decrease from FY 2007-08 to FY 2008-09 in Administrative Services is primarily due to $150,000 that was budgeted in the previous fiscal year for a Financing City Services goal. There are no goals with fiscal impact budgeted for Administrative Services in FY 2008-09. The 3.7% growth in Public Safety reflects the negotiated increases in personnel costs. In the Community Development area, the 4.7% decrease is due mainly to approximately $600,000 that was added in FY 2007-08 for start up costs for the Habitat Management Program. Only $150,000 is being requested for ongoing costs in FY 2008-09 which is a $450,000 reduction. r I Exhibit 1 • Community Services includes Recreation, Library and the Arts. The 5.2% increase reflects negotiated personnel increases and the costs associated with the opening of the Library Learning Center which include increased IT chargebacks related to the addition of a 0.5 Systems Administrator and maintenance charges on new equipment. • Public Works shows an overall increase of 0.4%. The increase reflects the addition of 1.5 new positions for new facilities, as discussed earlier, general personnel increases, as well as the impact of the additional operating costs associated with opening the Library Learning Center and Poinsettia Park tennis courts. • Non-departmental expenses include the transfers previously discussed as well as administrative and other expenses not associated with any one department. • The Council Contingency account is available to the City Council for unanticipated emergencies or unforeseen program needs during the year. It is budgeted at $2.3 million, or approximately 1.9% of the FY 2008-09 General Fund Budget, which is consistent with the $2.2 million budgeted in the prior year. During FY 2007-08, Council has authorized $1.3 million of these funds to be spent on various items including: purchase of a fire rescue ambulance, City Manager recruitment expenses, review of NRG's proposal to construct a new power plant and emergency repair work on the Tamarack Avenue sink hole. Changes in Other Funds Special Revenue funds, at $11.3 million, are up 7.6% from last year. This increase is due to the planned capital purchase of a Police mobile command post in the amount of $250,000 from the Asset Forfeiture Fund, the purchase of television equipment for $200,000 in the new Local Cable Infrastructure Fund and the remaining amount can be attributed to an increase in Community Development Block Grant program spending. The Public Education Government Fund is a new fund created in FY 2007-08 in order to account for revenues and expenditures for the public education portion of cable franchise fees received. Previously these funds were controlled by the Carlsbad Community Television Foundation. Enterprise funds total $48.3 million, which is an increase of $3.1 million over the FY 2007-08 budget. The most significant change is in Water operations. The combined fixed and variable cost of water purchased from the San Diego County Water Authority is projected to rise over 13% this next fiscal year. In addition, maintenance of Carlsbad's growing utility infrastructure is also driving up the cost of this enterprise. Wastewater operations increased from the current year budgeted amount due to higher costs of operating the Encina Wastewater plant, higher depreciation expense from the addition of completed facilities to the inventory, and continued implementation of the Waste Discharge Requirement Program (WDR). The WDR Program requirement is a result of an Order issued by the State Water Resources Control Board for the purpose of ensuring that overflows from the sanitary sewers are reduced statewide. This is an unfunded state mandate. In order to comply with this mandate, partial funding for additional staff and equipment were added to the FY 2007- 08 operating budget, and ongoing funding is being provided. The Internal Service funds budgets increased in total by approximately $2.2 million, or 16.9%. The Internal Service funds are self-supporting through user charges. Changes occurred in a number of these funds: • The Workers' Compensation Fund budget was decreased by an estimated $200,000 from FY 2007-08. This decrease reflects projections that settlements will continue to decrease from previous years and claims will remain at current levels. Exhibit 1 • The Liability Self-Insurance budget shows an increase of $340,000 based on current estimates of increased settlements and premiums projected in FY 2008-09. • The Vehicle Maintenance Fund budget has increased by nearly $300,000 in FY 2008- 09. This reflects the increased cost of fuel and the maintenance of City vehicles and $100,000 in capital outlay for the upgrade of the fuel vapor extraction equipment for the fueling system. • The Vehicle Replacement Fund budget varies from year to year depending on the vehicles to be replaced. The estimated budget for the Fund is $133,000 more than the previous year, or a 15.4% increase. A list of the requested vehicles can be found at the end of this document. • The Information Technology Fund shows an increase in the Department's budget of approximately $1.6 million. This increase is mainly due to increases in major capital outlay. A list of planned major capital outlay requests can be found at the end of this document. The Redevelopment Agency budgets have increased by 4.3% or an estimated $83,000 from the previous year. SUMMARY This preliminary budget emphasizes maintenance and operation of the City's current infrastructure. No new programs or expanded levels of service are included in the budget, being conscious of the economic slowdown. The 10 year financial forecast, while balanced, is reflecting less projected surpluses in each of the ten years than in previous years' forecasts. The City will need to monitor its revenues and expenditures closely to ensure we live within our means through these turbulent and uncertain economic times. The 10 year financial forecast is a useful tool to manage our way through the economic uncertainty. The City of Carlsbad has a diverse revenue base and is in a good economic position; however, Carlsbad is not immune to the economy. The planning and foresight by the City Council and residents have provided a sound economic base for the City. Fiscal conservatism, which has consistently been the city's overall approach to managing its finances, will be even more important during this economic slowdown. The challenges for the future will also include transitioning from a developing City to a fully built City; it will be about managing costs while continuing to look for appropriate revenue streams sufficient to pay for the services desired by the citizens. This year's budget reflects the anticipated achievement of Council's vision and goals for the City. It allocates the available funding in a manner that proactively plans for the future. This plan will provide essential City services to all who live, work, and play in Carlsbad. 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 2 OVERVIEW The City of Carlsbad Preliminary Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a planning document that outlines the expenditure plan for future capital projects and the corresponding revenues to pay for those expenditures. The CIP is a financial planning document, not a commitment for spending. All construction costs are estimates and are reviewed and further refined each year. Spending authorization is given only at the time the City Council formally adopts the proposed budget, and, at that time, funds are only appropriated for the following fiscal year. Information is shown in subsequent years to provide the most comprehensive snapshot of all the known future facilities the City of Carlsbad plans to construct. The Fiscal Year 2008-09 Preliminary Capital Improvement Program outlines approximately $59.6 million in new appropriations to provide additional funding for the continuation of existing projects as well as funding for new projects. Projected revenues during the same fiscal year are estimated at $41.1 million. Revenues are collected as building permits are issued; as the need for facilities arises, the money is used to fund the new facilities. As the City continues to grow and develop, there is a corresponding increase in the demand for development- related services and new facilities. To ensure that the necessary infrastructure and facilities are built on a schedule that meets or exceeds this demand, the citizens of Carlsbad adopted a Growth Management Plan in 1986. The Growth Management Plan states that unless a standard level of facilities is available to meet new demands resulting from the City's growth, development cannot proceed. This Plan is the foundation for making decisions about the timing and prioritization of the capital projects under consideration. A discussion of the City's Growth Management Plan is located at the end of this report. The remainder of the report explains the process and the results of the City's plans for its capital facilities. A large increase in the cost of construction materials has occurred over the past 4 years, pushing up the cost of projects. This cost escalation, as well as scope or new projects, has contributed to the projected shortfall in the Planned Local Drainage Fund of $7.5 million and in the Public Facilities Fees (PFF) Fund of $1.5 million. City staff is currently preparing updates to the Planned Local Drainage Fee program in order to cover that deficit. It is also important to note that as the City approaches buildout there are fewer available development projects to pay those fees. While this is not an immediate problem, it is an indication that the City may not have the money to build all of the projects listed under those programs. The City will need to pursue other funding options, or make adjustments to the timing and/or scope of the affected projects. The General Capital Construction Fund is also projected to have a deficit of approximately $5 million at buildout. The proposed CIP shows a recommendation to transfer $4.5 million of street and traffic signal projects from the GCC Fund to the Gas Tax Fund where sufficient balances are available. In addition, the City has recently received approval of grant funding for two bridge modifications in the amount of $643,263. Since these projects were originally funded with the GCC Fund, the deficit has been completely eliminated. Additional options are available to further balance the PFF Fund, however given that the PFF Fund is not anticipated to be in deficit until FY 2019, City staff will continue to monitor the projected deficit in PFF and bring forward options or solutions at the appropriate time. 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 2 Proposition C was approved by the voters of Carlsbad in November 2002. It allowed the City to expend over $1 million (per project) of general funds to help finance the following projects: • City/Safety Training Center • A portion of Cannon Road - East of College (Reach 4) • Trails and Open Space • A Swimming Pool Complex As a result of the ballot initiative, the City set aside $35 million for Proposition C projects. Currently, $16.2 million has been appropriated for Alga Norte Park, $13.7 million has been appropriated for the Joint First Responders Training Facility, and $100,000 is allocated for design of a City Administrative Training Facility. A remaining balance of $5.0 million is available to help fund Proposition C projects. It is still anticipated that the City will meet its growth management standards. This reflects the Council's continued commitment to construct the facilities as needed to serve the current and anticipated development occurring throughout the City. PROJECT EVALUATION What is the definition of a CIP project? Projects that are shown in the CIP are generally defined as any construction (or reconstruction/replacement) of major infrastructure such as streets, libraries, parks, fire stations and administrative facilities, water, sewer and drainage facilities, and other facilities that are located on or in the ground. In most cases, the total construction cost of each of these assets is recorded and tracked as part of the City's inventory of capital infrastructure assets and other City-owned property. The CIP and the Operating Budget are integral parts of the total City financing plan. Staff began the process by evaluating the construction schedules for City facilities in conjunction with the workload of the staff needed to complete the projects. Staff also met with the City Council to identify their priorities. In the FY 2008-09 CIP, there are approximately 203 continuing and new projects planned through buildout. All projects were analyzed using the criteria shown in the table. Project timing was reviewed, and an evaluation of the availability of capital construction funds as well as operating funds was then factored into the evaluation process. I Project Ranking Criteria 1. Is the project required to ensure the health and safety of the citizens, as the result of a legal mandate, or to maintain compliance with the City's Growth Management Plan? Are operating funds available to operate the facility? 2. Is the project needed soon for growth management compliance? 3. Is the project needed now for other City standards (example: ball field standards)? Does the project complete or provide part of the basic infrastructure (example: a linking road segment)? 5. Are there other reasons to construct the project (example: Council priority, timing or funding opportunity, public demand)? 10.00% Building Cost Index Percent Increase Calendar Year ' ' , , ' *'••-'"''/ '•''*•.' ', V '^^''f-''4. '• .'I'.'^r/^Sir: ..' •'.'-Xvv'^ii;: .••'x^-- :': <-''\.';| -"';' 'V(l:-';'^---;":' ^\V"' ,^ •"••' i4ki/jX" ' •' •' '/ /si ,',, :*>SiX^ '" l^*','"- "• ' * 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Due to the volatility in construction costs, all capital project costs were updated to reflect the latest increases in materials costs. This was done through either a detailed review of the cost components, or, in cases where the project was only in its conceptual stage, by increasing the total cost by the Engineering News Record (ENR) index. As seen in the chart, the past several years have seen large building cost increases; between 6% and 8% per year between 2005 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 2 and 2007. In 2008, corresponding to the economic downturn, the increase in building costs slowed down significantly, with only a 0.44% increase in the first four months of the calendar year. CAPITAL PROJECTS The following two sections provide information about the major capital projects. The first section focuses on projects planned in the next five years, and the second section contains an overview of the entire expenditure plan through the buildout of the City. All construction costs are estimates and only projects scheduled for FY 2008-09 are appropriated. The information shown in the future years reflects the most comprehensive snapshot of the known future facilities and their associated cost at this point in time. THE NEXT FIVE YEARS... PARK PROJECTS The City Council conducted a workshop and re-prioritized several projects, including Park projects. These projects were scheduled in accordance with the City Council priority list where possible, as long as funding and other resources were available. Where funding was not available, the projects were moved out. Three park projects were affected by this prioritization: Pine Avenue Park Phase II was moved to buildout, Robertson Ranch (NE Quadrant) Park Development was moved up to FY 2013-18, and Leo Carrillo Park Phase III was moved up from buildout to FY 2010-11. The City has planned a number of park projects over the next 5 years which will enhance the recreational opportunities for Carlsbad's residents and allow the City to meet the standards for park acreage as set forth in the growth management plan. Some of the more significant projects are listed below. • Alga Norte Park and Aquatic Center - This park site consists of 30 acres in the Southeast Quadrant with planned amenities that include ball fields, soccer fields, picnic areas, tot lots, a skate park, a dog park, restrooms, parking facilities, and an aquatic center. The aquatic center will include a 50-meter competition pool, a 12-lane instructional pool and a therapy pool as well as a water play area with slides. A swimming pool complex was one of the projects approved by the voters through Proposition C in 2002. The total cost of the park is estimated to be $22.1 million. The total cost of the aquatic center is estimated to be $28.3 million. At this time, construction of the park components is expected to begin in 2008-09. • Leo Carrillo Park - Phase III - The third phase of this historic park facility includes renovation of additional buildings, construction of additional restrooms, an arboretum area, and transformation of a barn into a community theater. The total cost is approximately $2.9 million and design is expected to begin in FY 2009-10. In addition, in FY 2008-09 the City plans to expand the event area and construct a new patio area of approximately 2,500 square feet to provide a more attractive venue for events. CIVIC FACILITIES Civic facilities include a variety of facilities from which the City can offer its services to the public. Many of these are still in the preliminary design stage and will be further defined over the next several years. 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 2 • Civic Center - The Civic Center will consolidate City administrative operations and facilities into a more centralized location. It also may include a variety of other services and recreational opportunities for citizens and visitors. Council, citizens and members of the business community have been participating in a visioning process to determine the anticipated needs for the citizens and for the City. Once the process is complete, a site will be chosen and design and construction can begin. • Public Works Center - The construction of the Public Works Center and associated improvements include offices, shops, a yard, warehouse and parking to accommodate the Public Works Department. The cost has been escalated to reflect inflation and the revised cost is now approximately $28.1 million. • Fire Station No. 3 Relocation - Fire Station No. 3 is currently located at the corner of Chestnut and Catalina. As the City grows eastward, relocation of this station is needed to help ensure the five-minute response time. The new station is budgeted as a 6,200 square foot facility and the current proposed site is next to Calavera Community Park. The suitability of this location is currently under review. Total cost is projected at $7.0 million. STREET PROJECTS Traffic congestion continues to be one of the top concerns among citizens. To help improve the flow of traffic throughout Carlsbad and to keep the City's streets in top condition, there are a number of street projects expected to be completed in the next five years. Some of the larger street projects include: • Carlsbad Boulevard Encinas Creek Bridge Replacement - Complete replacement of the existing bridge, originally constructed in 1913, is planned in the next 5 years at an estimated cost of $4.4 million. • Poinsettia Lane Reach E - This project includes completion of the final link along Poinsettia Lane between Cassia Road east to Skimmer Court. The total cost is approximately $13.1 million and the City expects to begin the design in FY 2011-12. • Pavement Management - A street can last a lifetime if it is properly maintained. Applying seals and overlays when roadways are beginning to show signs of distress can minimize the more expensive repair/reactive maintenance activities. Carlsbad's proactive maintenance approach consists of the scheduled application of a seal or overlay once every seven years to efficiently maintain over 344 miles of public roadways at an annual cost of approximately $3.6 million. • Sidewalk Construction/Concrete Repair - In addition to the pavement management program, the City plans to fund $3.2 million for construction of sidewalks and repair of aging concrete infrastructure. There are several new road projects which were added as part of the revised Traffic Impact Fee program. The fee is currently still under review, and it is not certain when and how many of these projects will be constructed as currently planned. The new TIF projects scheduled in the next five years are as follows: - Avenida Encinas Widening - South of Palomar Airport Road - El Camino Real/Cannon Road Interchange Improvements - El Camino Real Widening - Tamarack to Chestnut - Melrose Drive Dual Turn Lane to West of Palomar Airport Road - Palomar Airport Road and College Boulevard Improvements - Palomar Airport Road Widening at Paseo del Norte 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 2 WATER/ WASTEWATER PROJECTS The City's water and wastewater projects are a vital component to the continued health and welfare of its citizens. Most new lines are built and paid for by developers. As the City ages, it will become necessary to repair and replace the lines that already exist, and an increase in these projects is anticipated in future years. • Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor - Reaches 1 to 5 and 11 to 15, and the Agua Hedionda lift station are scheduled in the next five years. These projects are required to handle buildout flows and replace deteriorated pipelines. The total cost for all the projects is approximately $45.4 million. The City of Vista's share of this cost is $30.1 million, leaving Carlsbad responsible for funding the remaining $15.3 million. • Wastewater Lines - Other major wastewater lines scheduled for construction or replacement within the next five years include: - Beach Street Sewer Replacement - Buena Interceptor Sewer Improvements - Home Plant Lift Station Replacement - North Agua Hedionda Sewer Replacement • Water Lines - Major water lines scheduled for construction or replacement within the next five years include: - Carlsbad Boulevard - South of Avenida Encinas - College Boulevard - Cannon Road to Badger Lane - Maerkle Transmission Main - Melrose Drive from Palomar Airport Road to Faraday • Maerkle Reservoir Storage - Construction of a buried 16 million gallon water storage reservoir next to the existing reservoir is planned in order to provide additional emergency storage and meet the 10-day storage criteria based on ultimate demands. The total cost is estimated at $14.2 million. CAPITAL PROJECTS THROUGH BUILDOUT The CIP for FY 2008-09 to Buildout outlines approximately 143 future projects at a cost of approximately $451.6 million as shown below. CIP Projects Project Type Streets/Circulation Civic Projects Wastewater Parks Water Drainage Other (loan repayments) Total Future - All Future Projects Percent Total Cost 31% 144,514,629 18% 79,080,521 17% 75,101,675 15% 67,730,835 11% 50,560,174 5% 21,517,394 3% 13,063,365 100% $ 451,568,593 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 2 Park and recreational facility construction and acquisition projects total approximately $67.7 million. Park projects planned within all quadrants of the City are listed below in addition to when the design and/or construction is expected to begin. More detail follows on specific projects not discussed earlier in this report. PARK PROJECTS BY QUADRANT Northeast Quadrant Park Site Development: 2013-18 Southeast Quadrant Alga Norte Park: 2008-09 Alga Norte Aquatic Center: TBD Leo Carrillo Park Phase III: 2010-11 Northwest Quadrant Pine Avenue Park Community Building: 2018-23 Southwest Quadrant Poinsettia Park Community Building: 2012-13 Aviara Community Building: 2018-23 Citywide Park and Recreational Projects Veteran's Memorial Park: 2018-23 Business Park Recreational Facility: 2018-23 • Aviara Community Facility - Located in the southwest quadrant of the city, this project includes the construction of an 18,000 square foot community facility that would include meeting and activity rooms, as well as park offices. • Poinsettia Park Community Center - Phase II of this 42-acre park includes amenities such as a community facility, gymnasium, enclosed soccer field, tot lot, picnic areas, tennis complex, clubhouse, stadium court and additional parking. The cost is expected to be approximately $14.7 million. The timing of the design is scheduled to begin in FY 2012-13 with construction in the following year. • Veterans Memorial Park - This project is located south and east of Agua Hedionda Lagoon adjacent to the City Golf Course, The Crossings at Carlsbad. The Master Plan includes the following improvements: community leisure needs, open space interpretive area, parking and maintenance facility. Other suggested uses for this park include an amphitheater complex, sports complex, conference center and numerous other active/passive recreation amenities. Approximately 31% of future expenditures are planned for street and traffic signal construction projects. Included in this category is construction of major roadways that will add east to west and north to south connections as well as provide additional routes to the neighboring cities of Oceanside, Vista, and San Marcos. Sections of these roads are already under construction by developers. Additional roadway projects include replacement of the Carlsbad Boulevard Encinas Creek Bridge, several road-widening projects, and funding for sidewalk construction, concrete repair work and pavement overlay. Currently there are 21 traffic signals identified and recommended for construction in future years. Wastewater and drainage projects are expected to cost over $96 million, which includes over $35 million in sewer replacement projects. Funding is also provided for the repayment of bonds for the expansion of the Encina Wastewater Facility, and the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility projects. Future water projects include construction of new waterlines, both potable and recycled, concurrent with new development. Some of the major areas in which these installations or upgrades are planned include segments of College Boulevard and El Fuerte, and along El Camino Real. Replacement of existing potable and recycled waterlines is also included in this category, and additional reservoirs are planned to increase storage for ultimate demands. In addition, $27.6 million is planned for known replacement projects. 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 2 Construction of Civic facilities such as libraries, administrative facilities, police and fire facilities are currently estimated at $79 million of the total planned capital expenditures to buildout. Specific timing and cost estimates for all capital projects are identified in the Detail Schedule of Capital Projects (FY 2008-09 to Buildout) following this narrative. UNFUNDED PROJECTS There are several projects identified in the CIP for which there is no identifiable funding source, and in some cases where only partial funding has been identified. The City will investigate obtaining possible outside funding such as Federal and State grants, loans, or other financing sources. Once funding is identified for these projects the project costs will have to be reviewed and updated to reflect actual cost estimates. The unfunded projects do not receive annual inflationary increases. These projects are: • Business Park Recreational Facility (partial) • Cannon Lake Park (6.7 Acres) • *Cannon Road - REACH 4B - College/Cannon to City Limits (80%) • "Carlsbad Boulevard Mountain View to Northerly City Limits (80%) • *Carlsbad Boulevard/Palomar Airport Road Improvements (80%) • Hosp Grove/Buena Vista Lagoon Improvements • Palomar Airport Road Widening and Bridge Reconstruction • Pine Ave. Park - Madison Property • Pine Ave. Park - Restrooms/Storage • Robertson Ranch (NE Quadrant) Park Development (partial) (*) These projects are in the revised TIF fee program which is planned to generate enough revenue to pay for 20% of the total cost. The remaining 80% is unfunded. FUTURE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT There are a variety of revenues that are used to fund the capital projects. In order to estimate future revenues from development, several assumptions about the rate and type of future development need to be made. These assumptions can change from year-to- year and correlate with the economic climate. Every year, City staff evaluates all existing and future private development projects and compares this information to the buildout capacity of the City using adopted general plans. Information about existing development activity combined with estimates of how remaining net developable land might develop are then summarized to prepare future projections about when and where residential and non-residential development will occur. Finance Department staff prepare cash flow schedules using current fund balances combined with future estimated fees paid by those developments, then compares the available funds to the expenditure plan to ensure that funding will be sufficient for construction of the capital projects as planned in the CIP. In addition to evaluating whether or not capital funds are sufficient, significant operating cost impacts and availability of staff resources are also considered to evaluate the timing of projects. Where funding discrepancies occur, alternative financing methods and project timing are again evaluated and recommendations are made to resolve the discrepancies. Residential development is expected to taper off in the future. The number of annual building permits issued is projected to decline compared to the previous five-year period. The development schedules of the remaining vacant parcels are driving the timing of the future units. There are approximately 4,570 units remaining before the City is predominantly built out. Residential development for FY 2007-08 is projected at 255 units with an average about 280 units ^-, per year over the next five years. This is compared to an average of over 860 units per year for ) (£ 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 2 the previous five-year period. The decline, particularly in the next 5 years, is due to the current economic downturn and the dwindling supply of developable land. The amount of non-residential development is projected to also decline slightly over the next five years. The average annual square feet of non-residential development for the past 5 years was about 1,033,000. For FY 2007-08, the estimate is for 1,300,000 square feet, and the average annual development for the next 5-year period is approximately 509,000 square feet per year. Projects include several neighborhood commercial/retail developments located in or near the areas where most of the residential development has occurred or where new development is planned over the next several years. In the southeast quadrant, commercial projects include retail and restaurants, a theater, and a daycare facility and church. Sunny Creek Plaza is a planned commercial development located east of El Camino Real at College Boulevard next to the Sunny Creek residential neighborhood, and the Bressi Ranch area will also have a commercial development. Other commercial developments are planned at Calavera Hills and at Poinsettia Shores. Industrial development consists of various new office and industrial projects, as well as expansion of existing projects at Kelly Corporate Center, Gemological Institute of America and Legoland. Development estimates provide the data and basis for estimating future fee revenues, which are calculated by multiplying each applicable development fee by the estimated number of dwelling units and/or square feet of construction expected during each year. The following table shows the number of residential units and non-residential square feet of development used in calculating estimated revenues for FY 2008-09 and subsequent years to buildout. Projected Development Residential and Non-Residential Construction Year 2007-08 current 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 Years 6-10 Years 11 -buildout Total Future Residential Units 255 193 368 264 286 296 1,970 1,191 4,568 Non-Residential Square Feet 1,291,597 424,174 499,851 541,203 533,248 544,692 4,639,302 2,617,746 9,800,216 REVENUES Revenues for Capital Projects from now until buildout are estimated to be approximately $626.4 million and are segregated into five major categories: (1) fees generated by development in Carlsbad, (2) special district fees and taxes (Community Facilities Districts and Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit Districts), (3) Water and Wastewater Replacement funds, (4) Infrastructure Replacement funds (other than wastewater and water), and (5) Other sources including grants, bond issues, and contributions from other agencies. 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 2 Revenue Estimates FY2008-09 to Buildout Total Revenue = $626.4 Million Other Agencies 19% Developer Fees 27% J Infrastructure Replacement Transfers 23% Financing Districts 7% Utility Inrastructure Replacement Transfers 24% Approximately 27% of all capital revenue is received as a result of development, and is dependent upon assumptions made about the City's annual growth in dwelling units and commercial/ industrial square feet. Development revenues include Public Facilities Fees (PFF), Traffic Impact Fees (TIF), Park-ln-Lieu Fees (PIL), Planned Local Drainage (PLD) Fees, Water Connection Fees (MFF), and Sewer Connection charges. Revenue from special districts, such as Community Facilities Districts (CFD) and Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit Districts (BTD) comprise 7% of the total. Water and Wastewater replacement revenues generated by user fees equal approximately 24% of total revenues, and are used to pay for replacement of existing water and sewer facilities. Infrastructure replacement revenues, equal to 23%, are transfers from the City's General Fund which are being set aside to pay for replacement of major capital facilities other than wastewater and water facilities. The remaining 19% consists of revenues from other agencies and include federal and state grants, the county sales tax program (TransNet), redevelopment agency revenue, and contributions from cities and other agencies. CALCULATION OF FUTURE FEES The revenue projections of the Capital Improvement Program reflect the growth assumptions identified in the previous section. The following information delineates how those assumptions were applied to estimate future development revenues. The mix of multi-family and single-family residential units is assumed to be 35% and 65% respectively and reflects the anticipated mix of residential development for each Local Facilities Management Zone. The building permit valuation used for computing Public Facilities Fees is $178,633 per multi-family dwelling unit, and $315,200 per single-family dwelling unit. A building permit valuation of $42 per square foot of construction is used to calculate non-residential Public Facilities Fees. In order to calculate estimated revenues for Traffic Impact Fees (TIF), the number of average daily trips was computed for each type of development use. A multi-family residential dwelling unit is assigned eight trips per day and a single-family unit is assigned ten trips per day. The trips-per- day value for commercial and industrial buildings are 40 and 8 trips per 1,000 square feet of development, respectively, although the actual volume of trips generated by commercial/industrial building can vary widely depending on the ultimate land use. 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 2 CFD #1 is a citywide district established to finance various civic facilities required under the City's Growth Management Plan. CFD #3 was established for the Faraday Avenue and Melrose Drive Extensions east of El Camino Real, as well as the extension of El Fuerte. This project encompasses the extension of Melrose Drive from Palomar Airport Road to the Carlsbad/Vista city limits and the extension of Faraday Avenue from Orion Way to Melrose Drive in Vista. Park-in-Lieu Fees are collected for the purchase and development of :•:.• «W| parkland within each quadrant of the City, and the fees are based on the acquisition cost of parkland. Projects in the CIP funded with Park- in-Lieu Fees include future park site acquisition, development and restoration. There are two existing Bridge and Thoroughfare Fee Districts (BTD), which were formed by property owners to finance specific road construction projects located within each of the district boundaries. Poinsettia Lane - Aviara Parkway (BTD No. 2) was formed to finance the construction of Poinsettia Lane between Aviara Parkway and El Camino Real and Aviara Parkway between Palomar Airport Road and Poinsettia Lane. BTD No. 3 (Cannon Road West) was formed to fund portions of Cannon Road from Interstate 5 to El Camino Real. Although construction of this project is complete, revenues collected from future development within the district will be used to repay an advance that provided interim funding to complete the project. SUMMARY The proposed FY 2008-09 to Buildout CIP is being driven by the City's commitment to ensure that facilities are available to service the developing areas as well as the current residents. Carlsbad's philosophy has been to build quality capital facilities, which meet, and at times exceed, Growth Management standards. Phasing projects over a period of years to match funding availability for construction and operations is often used to meet the needs of growth management. The FY 2008-09 to Buildout Capital Improvement Program reflects the commitment of Carlsbad's City Council and staff to continue providing its residents with a better quality of life. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN The Growth Management Plan was developed and voted into law by the citizens of Carlsbad in 1986. The plan was established to manage development within the City by linking residential, commercial, and industrial development directly to standards for availability of public services and facilities. The Growth Management Plan has established precise standards for eleven public facilities. Standards must be met at all times as growth occurs. Facilities for which standards have been established are as follows: - City Administrative - Library - Wastewater Treatment - Parks - Circulation - Drainage - Fire - Open Space - Schools - Sewer Collection - Water Distribution The plan requires that appropriate public facilities be available, in conformance with the adopted performance standards, as development occurs. Unless all of the eleven public facility standards have been met, no new development can occur. 2008-2009 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Exhibit 2 The Growth Management Plan impacts both the Operating Budget and the Capital Improvement Program. The detailed level of planning required by Growth Management has allowed Carlsbad's Capital Improvement Program to anticipate the funding needed for capital improvements through buildout of the City. The timing of construction of facilities is governed by the rate of development and the eleven performance standards. New public facilities often require additional staffing and other resources, which affects the Operating Budget. Facilities such as community centers, parks, and fire stations have been constructed and opened to the public under this program. The Capital Improvement Program has been designed to specifically address areas where new or expanded facilities will be needed to maintain compliance with the adopted performance standards. With the adoption of the FY 2008-09 CIP, compliance with the Growth Management Plan is continued. Exhibit 3 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2008-190 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE FINAL 3 OPERATING BUDGET AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 4 PROGRAM FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2008-09 FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND ESTABLISHING CONTROLS 5 ON CHANGES IN APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE VARIOUS FUNDS. 6 7 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has reviewed the 8 proposed final Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program for fiscal year 9 2008-09 and has held such public hearings as are necessary prior to adoption of the 10 final budgets. 11 12 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission made a finding of General Plan 13 Consistency for all projects receiving an allocation of funds for fiscal year 2008-09 on 14 May 7, 2008 pursuant to Planning Commission Resolution No. 6302. 15 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of16 Carlsbad, California, as follows: lg 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 19 2. That certain documents now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the 20 City of Carlsbad entitled, "City of Carlsbad, 2008-09 Preliminary Operating Budget and 21 2008-09 to Buildout Capital Improvement Program - Preliminary" as amended in 22 accordance with Exhibits 3-A through 3-C attached hereto and incorporated by 23 reference herein, is hereby adopted as the Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets 24 for the City of Carlsbad for the fiscal year, with the Program Options determined by the City Council as set forth in the minutes of the Council's meeting of Tuesday, June 24, 27 28 Exhibit 3 1 2008 and extending the schedule for Avenida Encinas widening-south of Carlsbad 2 Airport Blvd from fiscal year 2008-2009 to 2009-2010. 3 3. That the amounts reflected as estimated revenues for fiscal year 2008-09 as shown in Exhibits 3-A and 3-B are hereby adopted as the budgeted revenues for 2008-09.6 4. That the amounts designated as the 2008-09 Budget request in Exhibits 3- A and 3-B are hereby appropriated to the department or fund for which they are o designated and such appropriation shall not be increased except as provided herein. 5. That total appropriations for each fund may only be increased or decreased by the City Council by passage of a resolution amending the budget except as provided herein. 6. That the following controls are hereby placed on the use and transfers of budget funds: A. No expenditure of funds shall be authorized unless sufficient funds have been appropriated by the City Council or City Manager as described below.16 i. The City Manager may authorize all transfers of funds from account to account within any department.1 o ii. The City Manager may authorize transfers of funds between departments within the same fund in an amount up to $100,000 per transfer. iii. The City Manager may delegate any of the authority given to him under this resolution.22 iv. The City Manager may authorize budget adjustments involving £ J offsetting revenues and expenditures; the City Manager may authorize increases in an appropriation for a specific purpose where the appropriation is offset by Z* •*) unbudgeted revenue, which is designated for said specific purpose.26 v. The City Manager may authorize the transfer of appropriations 28 Exhibit 3 1 between accounts and/or capital projects up to $1,000,000 for the costs 2 associated with the Encina Wastewater Facility (Encina) as authorized by the 3 Encina Wastewater Authority's staff and/or Board. Any increase to the total 4 appropriations for Encina's operating budget and capital program must be 5 approved by the City Council. 6 vi. The City Manager may authorize budget adjustments to increase 7 the appropriations for Workers Compensation, Risk, Self Insured Benefits and 8 Liability funds operating budget in an amount equal to the increases in costs of 9 claims expenses. 10 vii. The City Council must authorize all transfers of funds from the 11 Council's Contingency Account. 12 B. The City Manager may authorize emergency out of state travel for 13 public safety or emergency services purposes. 14 C. The City Council must authorize any increase in the number of 15 authorized permanent personnel positions above the level identified in 16 Exhibit 3-C. 17 D. The City Manager may authorize the hiring of temporary or part time 18 staff as necessary, within the limits imposed by the controls listed above. 19 7. That the legal level of budgetary control is the fund level. Budgets may 20 not legally be exceeded at the fund level without appropriate authorization by the City 21 Council. 22 8. That interest earned on grants may be appropriated during the year for the 23 purpose for which the grant was received. 24 9. That the Finance Director is authorized to transfer funds remaining in the 25 Traffic Congestion Relief Fund on June 30, 2008, to the Pavement Overlay Fund to be 26 used towards the Pavement Overlay program. 27 28 Exhibit 3 1 10. The City Manager or his/her designee is authorized to set recreation 2 program and class fees. The fee shall not exceed the fully burdened (direct and 3 indirect) costs of providing the program or class but shall be no less than the lowest fee 4 charged for like kind programs or classes in the North County cities of Oceanside, Vista, 5 San Marcos, Escondido, or Encinitas. 6 11. That all appropriations in the Operating Budget and in Capital 7 Improvement Program remaining unexpended at June 30, 2008, are hereby 8 appropriated to the 2008-09 fiscal year. 9 12. That all appropriations for outstanding encumbrances as of June 30, 10 2008, are hereby continued into 2008-09 for such contracts or obligations. 11 12 13 '" 14 /// 15 /// 16 /// 17 /// 18 /// 19 /// 20 21 22 23 24 25 /// 26 /// 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council, Municipal Water District Board of Directors and Housing and Redevelopment Commission, held on the 24th day of June, 2008, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Hall, Packard and Nygaard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ATTEST: TORRA (SEAL) CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FUND GENERAL FUND ADVANCE FROM SOLID WASTE TRANSFER TO CIP-SAFETY TRAINING FACILITY ADVANCE TO MEDIAN MAINTENANCE ADVANCE TO SOLID WASTE TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE COPS GRANT POLICE GRANTS HOUSING SECTION 8 AFFORDABLE HOUSING CDBG ENTITLEMENT LIBRARY ENDOWMENT FUND LIBRARY GIFTS/BEQUESTS TREE MAINTENANCE MEDIAN MAINTENANCE STREET LIGHTING BUENA VISTA CRKCHNLMNT LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DIST #2 CULTURAL ARTS DONATIONS PUBLIC ART RECREATION DONATIONS SENIOR DONATIONS COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS LOCAL CABLE INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDS TOTAL ENTERPRISE WATER OPERATIONS RECYCLED WATER OPERATIONS WASTEWATER OPERATIONS SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE WORKER'S COMP SELF INSURANCE RISK MANAGEMENT SELF-INSURED BENEFITS VEHICLE MAINTENANCE VEHICLE REPLACEMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT VILLAGE OPERATIONS / DEBT SVC VILLAGE LOW/MOD INCOME HOUSING SCCRA OPERATIONS / DEBT SVC SCCRA LOW/MOD INCOME HOUSING TOTAL TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS UNRESERVED BALANCE JULY 1,2007 66,083,403 66,083,403 641,626 83,213 2,561 1,218,074 12,430,883 0 270,301 72,202 502,094 270,666 786,724 1,048,937 273,169 88,898 205,186 109,745 198,960 1,016,069 0 19,219,308 (1,696,153) 3,092,477 2,894,181 7,504,770 1 1 ,795,275 5,665,644 310,130 11,880,816 205,214 14,726,346 4,438,524 37,226,674 2,930,411 3,592,924 325,948 363,116 7,212,399 $141,537,059 ESTIMATED REVENUES 120,183.000 120,183,000 191,980 200,162 28,095 6,490.969 2,140,996 518,940 14,200 74,585 485,391 365,630 950,661 143,000 476,623 59,485 11,000 42,000 19,000 53,500 75,000 12,341,217 24,766,494 3,804,339 8,829,643 3,008,058 40,408,534 2,205,469 1,539,776 1,422,274 2,523,045 2,431,321 5,728,594 15,850,479 2,868,640 888,000 17,614 18,900 3,793,154 $192,576,384 ESTIMATED FUND EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS 116,728,866 136,000 (10,850,000) (108,000) (138,800) 116,728,866 153,009 178,980 30,656 5,720,511 817,052 480,855 14,400 118,825 598,368 709,226 108,000 1,244,978 90,600 248,434 63,368 22,100 17,900 60,267 30,000 0 10,599,529 26,011,539 4,861,031 10,426,634 3,225,239 2,800 44,524,443 1,774,325 1,379,109 9,169,353 2,512,055 2,685,557 6,152,523 23,672,922 1,661,275 108,418 184,075 47,754 2,001,522 $197,527,282 ($10,850,000) PROJECTED BALANCE JUNE 30, 2008 69,537,537 136,000 (10,850,000) (108,000) (138,800) 58,576,737 680,597 104,395 0 1 ,988,532 13,754,827 38,085 270,101 27,962 389,117 35,070 492,407 1,101,337 501,358 85,015 194,086 133.845 157,693 1 ,039,569 75,000 21,068,996 (2.941,198) 2.035.785 1,297,190 7,290,389 7,682,166 6,096,788 470,797 4,133.737 216,204 14,472.110 4,014,595 29,404,231 4,137,776 4,372,506 159.487 334,262 9,004,031 $125,736,161 | B-13 36? CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS PROJECTED FUND BALANCES Exhibit 3A FUND GENERAL FUND ADVANCE FROM SOLID WASTE ADVANCE TO MEDIAN FUND ADVANCE FOR GOLF COURSE OPERATIONS TRANSFER TO IT (NON-DEPT CONTINGENCY) TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE COPS GRANT POLICE GRANTS HOUSING SECTION 8 AFFORDABLE HOUSING CDBG ENTITLEMENT LIBRARY ENDOWMENT FUND LIBRARY GIFTS/BEQUESTS TREE MAINTENANCE MEDIAN MAINTENANCE STREET LIGHTING BUENA VISTA CRK CHNL MNT LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DIST #2 CULTURAL ARTS DONATIONS PUBLIC ART RECREATION DONATIONS SENIOR DONATIONS COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS LOCAL CABLE INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDS TOTAL ENTERPRISE WATER OPERATIONS RECYCLED WATER OPERATIONS WASTEWATER OPERATIONS SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE WORKER'S COMP SELF INSUR RISK MANAGEMENT SELF-INSURED BENEFITS VEHICLE MAINTENANCE VEHICLE REPLACEMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT VILLAGE OPERATIONS / DEBT SVC VILLAGE LOW/MOD INCOME HOUSING SCCRA OPERATIONS / DEBT SVC SCCRA LOW/MOD INCOME HOUSING TOTAL TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS PROJECTED BALANCE JULY 1,2008 I 58.576,737 58,576,737 HI 680,597 104,395 0 1,988,532 13,754,827 38,085 270,101 27,962 389,117 35,070 492,407 1,101,337 501,358 85,015 194,086 133,845 157,693 1,039,569 75,000 21,068,996 m (2,941,198) 2,035,785 1,297,190 7,290,389 7,682.166 HI 6,096.788 470,797 4.133,737 216,204 14,472,110 4,014,595 29,404,231 HI 4,137.776 4,372,506 159,487 334,262 9,004,031 $125,736,161 ESTIMATED REVENUES 120,677,505 120,677,505 73,000 213,500 0 5,987,044 1,112,001 1,017,065 14,000 26,200 478,368 365,421 900,282 144,100 392,290 235,901 6,800 52,443 13,700 45,000 150,000 11,227,115 29,570,610 4,886,070 9,663,719 3,573,169 47,693,568 1,608,787 1,354,144 923,349 3,153,409 2,657,149 5,950,560 15,647,398 2,956,303 914,543 13,800 14,000 3,898,646 $199,144,232 PROPOSED BUDGET 118,331,742 118,331,742 313,500 240,462 0 5,896,617 408,007 1,054,750 16,000 25,000 604,933 721,058 1,170,021 111,500 196,887 87,560 38,900 93,200 59,300 40,000 222,829 11,300,524 28,468,851 6,195,723 10.245,746 3.398,438 48,308,758 1.829,429 1,691,190 996,405 3.041,107 998,000 6,674,450 15,230,581 1.698,237 96,692 173,287 43,910 2,012,126 $195,183,731 PROJECTED FUND RESERVED BALANCE TRANSFERS BALANCES JUNE 30, 2009 60,922,500 136,000 (321,000) (321,000) (1,350,000) (1,350,000) (1,068,080) (1,068,080) 58,183,420 440,097 77,433 0 2,078,959 (2,082,240) 12,376,581 400 (250,000) 18,101 29,162 262,552 321,000 433 222,668 1,133,937 696,761 233,356 161,986 93,088 112,093 (1,000,000) 44,569 2,171 17,984,347 (1,839,439) 726,132 715,163 (136,000) 7,329,120 6,930,976 (3,500.000) 2.376.146 (750,000) (616,249) (3,177,289) 883,392 328,506 (5,000,000) 11,131,259 1,068,080 (1,122,106) 3,236,679 17.339,733 5,395,842 (1,014,000) 4,176,357 0 304,352 9,876.551 ($1,350,000) ($17,895,635) $110,315,027 | B-14 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES Exhibit 3A REVENUE SOURCE GENERAL FUND TAXES PROPERTY TAX SALES TAX TRANSIENT TAX FRANCHISE TAX BUSINESS LICENSE TAX TRANSFER TAX TOTAL TAXES INTERGOVERNMENTAL VEHICLE LICENSE FEES OTHER TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL LICENSES AND PERMITS BUILDING PERMITS OTHER LICENSES & PERMITS TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS CHARGES FOR SERVICES PLANNING FEES BUILDING DEPT. FEES ENGINEERING FEES AMBULANCE FEES RECREATION FEES OTHER CHARGES OR FEES TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES FINES AND FORFEITURES INCOME FROM INVESTMENTS AND PROPERTY* INTERDEPARTMENTAL CHARGES OTHER REVENUE SOURCES TOTAL GENERAL FUND ACTUAL REVENUE 2006-07 $43,651,329 27,888,562 12,929,008 5,346,108 3,055,710 1,261,849 94,132,566 608,257 8,704,644 9,312,901 1,006,155 1,087,651 2,093,806 1,097,045 733,740 1,614,082 1,720,624 1,650.556 777,044 7,593,091 1 ,262,006 5,884,805 2,122,938 2,145,435 124,547,548 PROJECTED REVENUE 2007-08 $47,786,000 28,501,000 13,575,000 4,912,000 3,132,000 788,000 98,694,000 529,000 3,507,000 4,036,000 781,000 877,000 1,658,000 788,000 762,000 1,594,000 1,796,000 1 ,707,000 803,000 7,450,000 1,305,000 3,903,000 2,570,000 567,000 120,183,000 ESTIMATED REVENUE 2008-09 $50,305,000 28,498,000 14,786,000 4,995,000 3.132,000 833,000 102,549,000 547,000 1,309,000 1,856,000 721.000 786,000 1,507,000 418,000 680,000 1,005,000 1,854,000 1,779,000 403,000 6,139,000 1,212,000 3,873,000 2,998,000 543,505 120,677,505 AS% OF FY 07-08 PROJECTED 5.3% 0.0% 8.9% 1.7% 0.0% 5.7% 3.9% 3.4% -62.7% -54.0% -7.7% -10.4% -9.1% -47.0% -10.8% -37.0% 3.2% 4.2% -49.8% -17.6% -7.1% -0.8% 16.7% -4.1% 0.4% DIFFERENCE 2007-08 TO 2008-09 2,519,000 (3,000) 1,211,000 83,000 0 45,000 3,855,000 18.000 (2,198,000) (2,180,000) (60,000) (91,000) (151,000) (370,000) (82.000) (589,000) 58,000 72,000 (400,000) (1,311,000) (93,000) (30,000) 428.000 (23,495) 494,505 * Interest is calculated on an amortized cost basis. CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES Exhibit 3A REVENUE SOURCE SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE ASSET FORFEITURES INTEREST TOTAL COPS GRANT STATE FUNDING (AB3229) INTEREST TOTAL POLICE GRANTS FEDERAL GRANT INTEREST OTHER TOTAL HOUSING - SECTION 8 FEDERAL GRANT INTEREST OTHER TOTAL AFFORDABLE HOUSING AFFORDABLE HOUSING FEES FEDERAL GRANT , STATE GRANT INTEREST OTHER TOTAL CDBG ENTITLEMENT FEDERAL GRANT INTEREST OTHER TOTAL LIBRARY ENDOWMENT FUND INTEREST TOTAL LIBRARY GIFTS/BEQUESTS GIFTS/BEQUESTS INTEREST TOTAL TREE MAINTENANCE TREE MAINTENANCE FEES INTEREST TOTAL MEDIAN MAINTENANCE MEDIAN MAINTENANCE FEES INTEREST TOTAL ACTUAL REVENUE 2006-07 1 124,684 32,640 157,324 191,926 4,710 196,636 6,695 828 1,651 9,174 6,017.514 12,462 27,119 6,057,095 278,609 6,663 0 641,979 337,773 1,265,024 257,599 48.608 43,774 349,981 14,602 14,602 102,126 5,890 108,016 457,649 33,674 491,323 366,295 2,389 368,684 PROJECTED REVENUE 2007-08 154,480 37,500 191,980 194,862 5,300 200,162 28,095 0 0 28,095 6,404,969 47,000 39,000 6,490,969 164,000 300,000 400,500 606,233 670,263 2,140,996 435,075 46,770 37,095 518,940 14,200 14,200 70,235 4,350 74,585 460,391 25,000 485,391 365,630 0 365,630 ESTIMATED REVENUE 2008-09 50,000 23,000 73,000 210,000 3,500 213,500 0 0 0 0 5,956,044 11,000 20.000 5,987.044 195,000 239,000 0 606,000 72,001 1,112,001 927.065 45,000 45,000 1,017,065 14,000 14,000 25,000 1,200 26,200 462,768 15,600 478,368 365,421 0 365,421 AS% OF FY 07-08 PROJECTED -67.6% -38.7% -62.0% 7.8% -34.0% 6.7% -100.0% 0.0% 0.0% -100.0% -7.0% -76.6% -48.7% -7.8% 18.9% -20.3% -100.0% 0.0% -89.3% -48.1% 113.1% -3.8% 21.3% 96.0% -1.4% -1.4% -64.4% -72.4% -64.9% 0.5% -37.6% -1.5% -0.1% 0.0% -0.1% DIFFERENCE 2007-08 TO 2008-09 (104,480) (14,500) (118,980) 15,138 (1,800) 13,338 (28.095) 0 0 (28,095) (448,925) (36,000) (19,000) (503,925) 31,000 (61,000) (400,500) (233) (598,262) (1,028,995) 491 ,990 (1,770) 7,905 498,125 (200) (200) (45,235) (3,150) (48,385) 2,377 (9.400) (7,023) (209) 0 (209) CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES Exhibit 3A REVENUE SOURCE STREET LIGHTING STREET LIGHTING FEES INTERDEPARTMENTAL OTHER INTEREST TOTAL BUENA VISTA CREEK CHNL MAINT BUENA VISTA FEES INTEREST TOTAL LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DIST #2 LLD #2 FEES INTEREST OTHER TOTAL CULTURAL ARTS DONATIONS DONATIONS INTEREST OTHER TOTAL PUBLIC ART INTEREST TOTAL RECREATION DONATIONS DONATIONS INTEREST TOTAL SENIOR DONATIONS DONATIONS INTEREST TOTAL COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS INTEREST TOTAL LOCAL CABLE INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDS CABLE FEES INTEREST TOTAL TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ACTUAL REVENUE 2006-07 711,783 28,000 206,040 46,917 992,740 100,191 52,648 152,839 269,625 6,132 3,000 278,757 40,720 3,914 0 44,634 11,008 11.008 24,078 6,044 30,122 8,239 10,828 19,067 54,413 54,413 0 0 0 10,601,439 PROJECTED REVENUE 2007-08 721,574 28,000 167,087 34,000 950,661 100,000 43,000 143,000 470,423 6,200 0 476,623 54,993 4,492 0 59,485 11,000 11.000 35,500 6,500 42,000 9,000 10,000 19,000 53,500 53,500 75,000 0 75,000 12,341,217 ESTIMATED REVENUE 2008-09 726,101 28,000 126,481 19,700 900,282 100,000 44,100 144,100 385,290 7,000 0 392,290 37,000 9,000 189.901 235,901 6,800 6,800 48,000 4.443 52,443 9,000 4,700 13,700 45,000 45,000 150,000 0 150,000 11,227,115 AS% OF FY 07-08 PROJECTED 0.6% 0.0% -24.3% -42.1% -5.3% 0.0% 2.6% 0.8% -18.1% 12.9% 0.0% -17.7% -32.7% 100.4% 0.0% 296.6% -38.2% -38.2% 35.2% 0.0% 24.9% 0.0% -53.0% -27.9% -15.9% -15.9% 100.0% 0,0% 100.0% -9.0% DIFFERENCE 2007-08 TO 2008-09 4,527 0 (40,606) (14,300) (50,379) 0 1,100 1,100 (85,133) 800 0 (84,333) (17,993) 4,508 189.901 176,416 (4,200) (4,200) 12.500 0 10,443 0 (5,300) (5,300) (8,500) (8,500) 75,000 0 75,000 (1,114,102) CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES Exhibit 3-A REVENUE SOURCE I ENTERPRISE FUNDS WATER OPERATIONS WATER SALES READY TO SERVE CHARGES PROPERTY TAXES NEW ACCOUNT CHARGES BACK-FLOW PROGRAM FEES PENALTY FEES INTEREST ENGINEERING OVERHEAD SERVICE CONNECTION FEES AGRICULTURAL CREDITS OTHER TOTAL RECYCLED WATER WATER SALES READY-TO-SERVE CHARGE RECYCLED WATER CREDITS INTEREST OTHER TOTAL WASTEWATER OPERATIONS SERVICE CHARGES MISC SEWER ENGINEERING OVERHEAD PENALTY FEES INTEREST OTHER TOTAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT INTEREST RECYCLING FEES (AB939) PENALTY FEES TRASH SURCHARGE OTHER TOTAL TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS ACTUAL REVENUE 2006-07 1 15,482,110 4,131,557 2,505,551 97,650 112,863 268,000 748,127 110,876 125,100 129,078 1,509,009 25,219,921 1,811,240 139,776 839,367 307,076 20,018 3,117,477 7,397,978 37,759 118,703 70,916 300,953 9,941 7,936,250 390,229 291,093 49,838 1.626,441 19,484 2,377,085 38,650,733 PROJECTED REVENUE 2007-08 16,048,769 4,720,000 2,730,725 87,000 115,000 235,000 150,000 100,000 80,000 100,000 400,000 24,766,494 2,241,925 170,323 1,182,800 209,291 0 3,804,339 8,436,613 38,285 122,263 71,904 142,067 18,511 8,829,643 300,191 297,796 51,832 2,219,439 138,800 3,008,058 40,408,534 ESTIMATED REVENUE 2008-09 19,505,674 5,640.932 2,864,531 85,000 161.715 326,905 (117,648) 102,500 80,000 96,000 825,001 29,570,610 2,909,896 205,467 1,578.580 178,127 14.000 4,886,070 9,292,550 38,683 125,000 72,652 115,767 19,067 9,663,719 294,244 309.708 53.905 2.761,039 154,273 3,573,169 47,693,568 AS% OF FY 07-08 PROJECTED 21.5% 19.5% 4.9% -2.3% 40.6% 39.1% -178.4% 2.5% 0.0% -4.0% 106.3% 19.4% 29.8% 20.6% 33.5% -14.9% 0.0% 28.4% 10.2% 1.0% 2.2% 1.0% -18.5% 3.0% 9.5% -2.0% 4.0% 4.0% 24.4% 11.2% 18.8% 18.0% DIFFERENCE 2007-08 TO 2008-09 3.456,905 920,932 133,806 (2,000) 46,715 91,905 (267,648) 2,500 0 (4,000) 425,001 4,804,116 667,971 35,144 395,780 (31,164) 14,000 1,081,731 855,937 398 2,737 748 (26,300) 556 834,076 (5,947) 11,912 2,073 541,600 15,473 565,111 7,285,034 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES Exhibit 3A REVENUE SOURCE INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS WORKERS' COMP SELF-INSURANCE INTERDEPARTMENTAL INTEREST OTHER TOTAL LIABILITY SELF-INSURANCE INTERDEPARTMENTAL INTEREST OTHER TOTAL SELF-INSURED BENEFITS INTERDEPARTMENTAL INTEREST OTHER TOTAL VEHICLE MAINTENANCE INTERDEPARTMENTAL INTEREST OTHER TOTAL VEHICLE REPLACEMENT INTERDEPARTMENTAL INTEREST OTHER TOTAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FEDERAL GRANT INTERDEPARTMENTAL INTEREST OTHER TOTAL TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS ACTUAL REVENUE 2006-07 Z] 2,350,492 258.010 55,358 2,663,860 1,374,019 28,889 256.030 1 ,658,938 8,790,997 0 50,630 8,841,627 2,463,351 4,583 19,660 2,487,594 1,372,415 474.090 0 1,846,505 43,552 4,542,885 221,465 66 4,807,968 22,306,492 PROJECTED REVENUE 2007-08 1,862,395 335,741 7,333 2,205,469 1,507,380 6,845 25,551 1,539,776 973,529 388,570 60,175 1,422,274 2,498,553 5,679 18,813 2,523,045 1.940.578 490.743 0 2,431,321 140,878 5,393,716 194,000 0 5,728,594 15,850,479 ESTIMATED REVENUE 2008-09 1,397,000 206,288 5,499 1,608,787 1,324,610 3,013 26,521 1,354,144 860,887 0 62,462 923,349 3,134,077 2,152 17,180 3,153,409 2,237,306 419,843 0 2,657,149 0 5,825,560 125,000 0 5,950,560 15,647,398 AS% OF FY 07-08 PROJECTED -25.0% -38.6% -25.0% -27.1% -12.1% -56.0% 3.8% -12.1% -11.6% -100.0% 3.8% -35.1% 25.4% -62.1% -8.7% 25.0% 15.3% -14.5% 0.0% 9.3% -100.0% 8.0% -35.6% 0.0% 3.9% -1.3% DIFFERENCE 2007-08 TO 2008-09 (465.395) (129,453) (1,834) (596,682) (182,770) (3,832) 970 (185,632) -100.0% 0.0% 2,287 (498,925) 635,524 (3,527) (1,633) 630,364 296,728 (70,900) 0 225,828 (140,878) 431,844 (69,000) 0 221,966 (203,081) CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES Exhibit 3A REVENUE SOURCE REDEVELOPMENT FUNDS VILLAGE OPERATIONS / DEBT SERVICE RENTAL INCOME TAX INCREMENT INTEREST OTHER TOTAL VILLAGE LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG TAX INCREMENT INTEREST TOTAL SCCRA OPERATIONS / DEBT SERVICE TAX INCREMENT INTEREST OTHER TOTAL SCCRA LOW AND MOD INCOME HSNG TAX INCREMENT INTEREST TOTAL TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT FUNDS ACTUAL REVENUE 2006-07 44,118 2,664,424 113,353 11,055 2,832,950 666,106 167,076 833,182 0 23,338 10,000 33,338 0 20,176 20,176 3,719,646 PROJECTED REVENUE 2007-08 66,960 2,648,000 140,000 13,680 2,868,640 662,000 226,000 888,000 0 17,614 0 17,614 0 18,900 18,900 3,793,154 ESTIMATED REVENUE 2008-09 60,000 2,738,303 145.000 13,000 2,956,303 684,543 230,000 914,543 0 13,800 0 13,800 0 14,000 14,000 3,898,646 AS% OF FY 07-08 PROJECTED -10.4% 3.4% 3.6% -5.0% 3.1% 3.4% 1 .8% 3.0% 0.0% -21.7% 0.0% -21.7% 0.0% -25.9% -25.9% 2.8% DIFFERENCE 2007-08 TO 2008-09 (6,960) 90,303 5,000 (680) 87,663 22,543 4,000 26,543 0 (3,814) 0 (3.814) 0 (4,900) (4,900) 105,492 TOTAL OPERATING $199,825,858 $192,576,384 $199,144,232 3.4%$6,567,848 Exhibit 3A CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE DEPARTMENT GENERAL FUND POLICY AND LEADERSHIP GROUP CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS CITY CLERK CITY ATTORNEY CITY TREASURER TOTAL POLICY/LEADERSHIP GROUP ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ADMINISTRATION FINANCE HUMAN RESOURCES RECORDS MANAGEMENT TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FIRE TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY DEVEL ADMIN GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLANNING BUILDING TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY SERVICES LIBRARY CULTURAL ARTS PROGRAM RECREATION SENIOR PROGRAMS TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES 2005-06 2006-07 ACTUALS ACTUALS 336,692 365,296 1,281.088 1.325,334 965,214 923,185 143.395 274,267 1,126,898 1,233,596 161,239 163,376 4,014,526 4,285,054 541,333 725,977 2,526,183 3,037,751 1,989,763 2,141,082 803,838 891,994 5,861,117 6,796,804 22,680,660 24,498,328 13,856,441 15,082,999 36,537,101 39,581,327 913,458 823,070 435,237 432,116 179,970 189,493 3,059,071 3,348,610 2,122,623 2,113,706 6,710,359 6,906,995 8.716.112 9,202,445 816,224 854,489 5,150,270 5,595,013 723,766 803,291 15,406,372 16,455,238 2007-08 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 376,202 1 ,679,083 1,167,532 170,270 1,260,970 180,683 4,834,740 878,816 3,348,482 2.311,855 911,134 7,450,287 26,168,093 17,837,431 44,005,524 1,268,766 519,284 329,175 3,734,399 2,323,810 8,175,434 9,414,775 847,245 5,414,860 1.087,823 16.764,703 2007-08 ADOPTED BUDGET 392,144 1,625,349 1,048,217 163,669 1,264,233 192,675 4,686,287 1 ,054,532 3,049,051 2,844,348 924,501 7,872,432 25,864,578 17,181,178 43,045,756 706,926 556,882 321,539 4,554,556 2,344,732 8,484,635 9,636,275 842,916 5,764,780 994,046 17,238,017 2008-09 PROPOSED BUDGET 402,334 1,674,222 1 ,070,356 189,075 1,298,233 196,027 4,830,247 917,031 3,134,377 2,632,979 931,505 7,615,892 27,184,380 17,465,707 44,650,087 723,016 574,245 434,117 4,011,114 2,393,693 8,136,185 10,114,524 1,031,701 5,962,002 995,826 18,104,053 %INCR (DEC) 07-08 BUD TO 08-09 BUD 2.6% 3.0% 2.1% 15.5% 2.7% 1 .7% 3.1% -13.0% 2.8% -7.4% 0.8% -3.3% 5.1% 1.7% 3.7% 2.3% 3.1% 35.0% -1 1 .9% 2.1% -4.1% 5.0% 22.4% 3.4% 0.2% 5.0% NOTE: Estimated expenditures may exceed Adopted Budget since they include prior year budget appropriations. Exhibit 3A CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN ENGINEERING FACILITIES MAINTENANCE PARK MAINTENANCE STREET MAINTENANCE TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINT TRAILS MAINTENANCE TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS NON-DEPARTMENTAL COMMUNITY PROMOTION COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTIONS BEACH PARKING HOSP GROVE PAYMENT PROPERTY TAX AND OTHER ADMIN DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACE TRANS MANAGEMENT INCENTIVE PAY DISASTER PREPAREDNESS LEGAL SERVICES TRANSFER TO CIP MISC/ TRANSFERS OUT TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL SUBTOTAL GENERAL FUND CONTINGENCIES TOTAL GENERAL FUND 2005-06 ACTUALS 908,190 6,085,520 3,246,660 4,078,500 2,641,551 953,588 132,537 18,046,546 338,668 66,500 2,434 800,000 436,028 58,207 4,250,000 0 5,499,702 118,030 600,000 50,000 12,219.569 98,795,590 0 98,795,590 2006-07 ACTUALS 980,043 6,312.871 3,421,226 4,846,336 3,504,395 986,231 223,061 20,274,163 0 33,714 0 275,000 453,875 54,749 7,200,000 0 1,270,955 117.086 0 4,878,487 14,283,866 108,583,447 0 108,583,447 2007-08 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1,111,523 9,946,462 4,437.005 5,417,037 3,385.729 1,056.165 277.856 25,631,777 0 45,000 0 275,000 495,600 55,000 7,900.000 0 870.801 225.000 0 0 9,866,401 116,728,866 0 116,728,866 2007-08 ADOPTED BUDGET 1,123,216 8,827,907 3,823,980 5,208.007 3,060.435 738,997 338,789 23,121,331 0 60,000 36,000 275,000 550,600 75,700 7,900,000 635,000 0 250,000 0 0 9,782,300 114,230,758 2,240,000 116.470,758 2008-09 PROPOSED BUDGET 1,064.153 9,087,826 3,817,122 5,069,059 3,092,862 792,011 353,645 23,276,678 0 0 36,000 90,000 540,700 66,900 7,800,000 635,000 0 250,000 0 0 9,418,600 116,031,742 2,300.000 118,331.742 %INCR (DEC) 07-08 BUD TO 08-09 BUD -5.3% 2.9% -0.2% -2.7% 1.1% 7.2% 4.4% 0.7% - -100.0% 0.0% -67.3% -1.8% -1 1 .6% -1.3% 0.0% 0.0% -3.7% 1 .6% 2.7% 1 .6% Exhibit 3A CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE %INCR (DEC) DEPARTMENT SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE COPS FUND POLICE GRANTS HOUSING SECTION 8 AFFORDABLE HOUSING CDBG ENTITLEMENT LIBRARY ENDOWMENT FUND LIBRARY GIFTS/BEQUESTS TREE MAINTENANCE MEDIAN MAINTENANCE STREET LIGHTING BUENA VISTA CRK CHNL MNT LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DIST #2 CULTURAL ARTS DONATIONS PUBLIC ART RECREATION DONATIONS SENIOR DONATIONS COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS LOCAL CABLE INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDS TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ENTERPRISE FUNDS WATER OPERATIONS RECYCLED WATER OPERATIONS WASTEWATER OPERATIONS SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS WORKERS COMP SELF INSURANCE LIABILITY SELF-INSURANCE SELF-INSURED BENEFITS VEHICLE MAINTENANCE VEHICLE REPLACEMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS REDEVELOPMENT VILLAGE OPERATIONS / DEBT SVC VILLAGE LOW/MOD INCOME HSNG SCCRA OPERATIONS / DEBT SVC SCCRA LOW/MOD INCOME HSNG TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT 2005-06 ACTUALS 81,952 118,390 13,906 5,732,312 252,157 965,154 10,050 117,072 603,625 557,835 1,166,130 44,783 53,060 40,006 13,241 1 1 ,670 8,697 28,058 0 9,818,098 22,493,595 2,986,327 8,366,660 1,817,495 35,664,077 1,333,263 1,104,140 1 ,035,588 2,391,685 1,256,387 4,121,442 11,242,505 2,375,507 67,190 411,968 30,149 2,884,814 2006-07 ACTUALS 152,853 131,080 39,798 5,208,220 341,796 370,135 10,251 114,526 578,008 510,376 951,686 49,747 117,018 41,936 8,501 21,351 14,494 30,000 0 8,691,776 38,707,083 3,418,249 8,601,772 1,987,290 52,714,394 1,284,199 2,238,935 793,414 2,526,020 1,228,245 4,735,829 12,806,642 2,591,480 62,371 185,155 29,760 2,868,766 2007-08 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 153.009 178,980 30,656 5,720,511 817,052 480,855 14,400 118,825 598,368 709,226 1,244,978 90,600 248,434 63,368 22,100 17,900 60,267 30,000 0 10,599,529 26,011,539 4,861,031 10,426,634 3,225,239 44,524,443 1,774,325 1,379,109 9,169,353 2,512,055 2,685,557 6.152,523 23,672,922 1,661,275 108,418 184,075 47,754 2,001,522 2007-08 ADOPTED BUDGET 140,351 219,746 0 6,020,512 436,366 602,848 12,350 0 598,368 709,226 1,244,978 90,600 248,434 59,520 26,100 16,200 64,500 30,000 0 10,520,099 26,048,581 4,971,322 10,846,430 3,300,761 45,167,094 2,028,576 1,349,977 967,540 2,745,984 865,000 5,034,921 12,991,998 1,609,336 95,604 180,293 43,595 1,928,828 2008-09 PROPOSED BUDGET 313,500 240,462 0 5,896,617 408,007 1,054,750 16.000 25,000 604,933 721,058 1,170,021 1 1 1 ,500 196,887 87,560 38,900 93.200 59,300 40,000 222,829 11,300,524 28,468,851 6,195,723 10,245,746 3,398,438 48,308,758 1,829,429 1,691,190 996,405 3,041,107 998,000 6,674,450 15,230,581 1,698,237 96,692 173,287 43,910 2,012,126 07-08 BUD TO 08-09 BUD 123.4% 9.4% -2.1% -6.5% 75.0% 29.6% 1.1% 1.7% -6.0% 23.1% -20.7% 47.1% 49.0% 475.3% -8.1% 33.3% - 7.4% 9.3% 24.6% -5.5% 3.0% 7.0% -9.8% 25.3% 3.0% 10.7% 15.4% 32.6% 17.2% 5.5% 1.1% -3.9% 0.7% 4.3% TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS 158,405,084 185,665,025 197,527,282 187,078,777 195,183,731 4.3% General Fund NonGF 118,331,742 76,851,989 195,183.731 NOTE: Estimated expenditures may exceed Adopted Budget since they include prior year budget appropriations. B-23 Exhibit 3B CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL FUNDS PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 2007-2008 FUND BTD#2 - POINSETTIA LANE/AVIARA PKWV BTD#3 - CANNON ROAD WEST CFD#1 -CITYWIDE GAS TAX GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. GOLF COURSE GRANTS - FEDERAL GRANTS - STATE INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT OTHER PARK FEE ZONES 5,13,16 PARK-IN-LIEU NE PARK-IN-LIEU NW PARK-IN-LIEU SE PARK-IN-LIEU SW PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD PROJECT REDEVELOPMENT VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT SCCRDA SEWER BENEFIT AREAS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT TDA TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNET/BIKE TRANSNET/HIGHWAY TRANSNET/LOCAL TRANSPORTATION FUNDING WATER - MAJOR FACILITY WATER - RECYCLED WATER WATER - REPLACEMENT TOTAL JULY 1,2007 UNRESERVED BALANCE 9,762,023 996,313 54,030,463 5,711,378 46,089,916 5,106,076 (6,973) 0 28,755,856 18,149,949 1,673,548 4,505,469 870,225 982,208 1,036,181 10,357,833 46,757,835 13,112,003 989,184 324,496 5,025,229 26,921,846 22,984,519 95,710 11,555,584 63,218 1,233,441 6,364,996 318,840 18,400,924 1,290,091 34,802,449 378,260,830 ESTIMATED REVENUES 551,910 210,928 4,760,165 1,826,050 10,665,557 3,229,295 555,358 0 9,626,913 16,446,107 329,896 497,654 257,954 105,317 78,673 341,663 7,001,400 7,793,976 715,000 250,000 671,398 1,895,213 6,485,131 3,255 1,720,262 82,903 57,519 3,677,000 14,633 2,127,879 0 19,484,723 101,463,733 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 0 0 3,443,912 1,988,885 4,547,016 7,909,257 333,816 0 334,010 16,053,583 0 282 0 0 558,811 452,198 6,815,176 5,325,970 841,341 73,082 15,035 3,340,815 1,657,133 95,248 797,951 37,509 854 2,900,277 0 638,027 86,461 6,581,512 64,828,161 ESTIMATED DEBT SERVICE LOANS & OTHER 0 37,808 284,942 277,698 0 166,103 0 0 0 464,488 0 0 0 0 0 988,805 7,100,000 7,317 0 0 2,000,000 1,675,240 350,600 0 0 0 2,301 35,843 223,464 0 0 0 13,614,609 JUNE 30, 2008 PROJECTED BALANCE 10,313,933 1,169,433 55,061 ,774 5,270,845 52,208,457 260,011 214,569 0 38,048,759 18,077,985 2,003,444 5,002,841 1,128,179 1,087,525 556,043 9,258,493 39,844,059 15,572,692 862,843 501,414 3,681,592 23,801,004 27,461,917 3,717 12,477,895 108,612 1,287,805 7,105,876 110,009 19,890,776 1,203,630 47,705,660 401,281,793 CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL FUNDS PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FY 2008-2009 Exhibit 3B FUND BTD#2 - POINSETTIA LANE/AVIARA PKWA BTD#3 - CANNON ROAD WEST CFD#1 -CITYWIDE GAS TAX GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. GOLF COURSE GRANTS - FEDERAL GRANTS - STATE INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT OTHER PARK FEE ZONES 5,13,16 PARK-IN-LIEU NE PARK-IN-LIEU NW PARK-IN-LIEU SE PARK-IN-LIEU SW PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD PROJECT REDEVELOPMENT VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT SCCRDA SEWER BENEFIT AREAS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT TDA TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNET/BIKE TRANSNET/HIGHWAY TRANSNET/LOCAL TRANSPORTATION FUNDING WATER - MAJOR FACILITY WATER - RECYCLED WATER WATER - REPLACEMENT TOTAL JULY 1,2008 PROJECTED BALANCE 10,313,933 1,169,433 55,061,774 5,270,845 52,208,457 260,011 214,569 0 38,048,759 18,077,985 2,003,444 5,002,841 1,128,179 1,087,525 556,043 9,258,493 39,844,059 15,572,692 862,843 501,414 3,681,592 23,801,004 27,461,917 3,717 12,477,895 108,612 1,287,805 7,105,876 110,009 19,890,776 1,203,630 47,705,660 401,281,793 ESTIMATED REVENUES 167,310 67,500 1,513,792 5,264,027 1,797,021 0 2,617,005 0 7,800,000 0 41,612 384,898 149,905 37,421 122,953 245,166 1,263,513 0 100,000 0 289,167 327,295 6,910,289 0 1,234,379 0 0 4,110,529 975,000 992,284 0 4,705,445 41,116,511 06/30/2008 CONTINUING APPROPR. 349,302 0 1,645,972 2,214,727 49,233,262 260,011 521,291 0 2,725,350 14,549,039 0 4,209,518 0 20,550 219,100 2,711,514 28,285,160 1,723,846 426,533 245,104 0 10,413,902 10,979,447 0 3,083,769 87,176 963,166 569,419 0 1,316,847 293,176 7,472,621 144,519,802 07/01/2008 NEW APPROPR. 2,643,344 1,000,000 110,000 1,636,055 4,625,942 0 643,263 0 988,000 42,798 0 0 1,180,000 246,450 0 2,038,921 903,185 0 0 0 3,270,000 6,625,170 7,301,657 0 9,690,856 0 0 3,615,000 0 4,462,250 905,000 7,637,000 59,564,891 2008-2009 TOTAL CIP APPROPR. 2,992,646 1,000,000 1,755,972 3,850,782 53,859,204 260,011 1,164,554 0 3,713,350 14,591,837 0 4,209,518 1,180,000 267,000 219,100 4,750,435 29,188,345 1,723,846 426,533 245,104 3,270,000 17,039,072 18,281,104 0 12,774,625 87,176 963,166 4,184,419 0 5,779,097 1,198,176 15,109,621 204,084,693 JUNE 30, 2009 PROJECTED BALANCE 7,488,597 236,933 54,819,594 6,684,090 146,274 0 1,667,020 0 42,135,409 3,486,148 2,045,056 1,178,221 98,085 857,945 459,896 4,753,223 11,919,227 13,848,846 536,310 256,310 700,759 7,089,228 16,091,102 3,717 937,649 21,436 324,639 7,031,986 1,085,009 15,103,963 5,454 37,301,484 238,313,610 Exhibit 3B CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL FUNDS REVENUES ACTUAL AND ESTIMATED FUND BTD#2 - POINSETTIA LANE/AVIARA PKWV BTD#3 - CANNON ROAD WEST CFD#1 -CITYWIDE GAS TAX GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. GOLF COURSE GRANTS - FEDERAL GRANTS - STATE INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT OTHER PARK FEE ZONES 5, 13, 16 PARK-IN-LIEU NE PARK-IN-LIEU NW PARK-IN-LIEU SE PARK-IN-LIEU SW PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD PROJECT REDEVELOPMENT VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT SCCRDA SEWER BENEFIT AREAS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT TDA TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNET/BIKE TRANSNET/HIGHWAY TRANSNET/LOCAL TRANSPORTATION FUNDING WATER - MAJOR FACILITY WATER - RECYCLED WATER WATER - REPLACEMENT TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS 2004-2005 ACTUAL REVENUE 1,998,341 44,911 7,100,722 1,955,691 2,459,316 354,593 667,538 1,852 4,405,430 29,398,816 99,420 48,251 50,048 1,186,959 462,471 1,711,440 10,023,947 5,191,343 1,445,277 584,004 801,202 2,416,264 1,641,162 5,325 2,014,264 2,797 47,046 2,873,656 8,576 5,164,198 4,678,829 1,393,946 90,237,635 2005-2006 ACTUAL REVENUE 1,376,967 94,297 4,595,150 1,974,975 2,699,589 33,308,251 1,127,704 429,683 4,787,770 14,888,674 303,004 216,055 577,594 342,046 180,662 974,397 7,177,940 5,393,508 1,058,550 74,118 362,151 1,672,308 5,271,251 136,933 1,407,742 65,859 28,618 2,320,925 6,935 3,386,838 10,878,643 5,495,772 112,614,909 2006-2007 ACTUAL REVENUE 1,464,639 294,705 5,211,545 2,081,059 4,267,485 10,081,550 174,071 713,518 8,638,352 1,312,538 475,682 (156,828) 168,477 185,155 213,446 1,191,821 7,127,851 4,927,526 1,102,804 402,109 844,640 2,647,425 4,747,787 100,462 1,902,317 17,175 64,774 5,249,511 16,615 2,717,428 6,310,853 3,937,486 78,433,978 2007-2008 ESTIMATED REVENUE 551,910 210,928 4,760,165 1,826,050 10,665,557 3,229,295 555,358 0 9,626,913 16,446,107 329,896 497,654 257,954 105,317 78,673 341,663 7,001,400 7,793,976 715,000 250,000 671,398 1,895,213 6,485,131 3,255 1,720,262 82,903 57,519 3,677,000 14,633 2,127,879 0 19,484,723 101,463,733 2008-2009 ESTIMATED REVENUE 167,310 67,500 1,513,792 5,264,027 1,797,021 0 2,617,005 0 7,800,000 0 41,612 384,898 149,905 37,421 122,953 245,166 1,263,513 0 100,000 0 289,167 327,295 6,910,289 0 1,234,379 0 0 4,110,529 975,000 992,284 0 4,705,445 41,116,511 Note: Revenues include Intel-fund loans and transfers in. CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL FUNDS BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Exhibit 3B FUND BTD#2 - POINSETTIA LANE/AVIARA PKWA BTD#3 - CANNON ROAD WEST CFD#1 -CITYWIDE GAS TAX GENERAL CAPITAL CONST. GOLF COURSE GRANTS - FEDERAL GRANTS - STATE INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT OTHER PARK FEE ZONES 5,13,16 PARK-IN-LIEU NE PARK-IN-LIEU NW PARK-IN-LIEU SE PARK-IN-LIEU SW PLANNED LOCAL DRAIN'G PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD PROJECT REDEVELOPMENT VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT SCCRDA SEWER BENEFIT AREAS SEWER CONNECTION SEWER REPLACEMENT TDA TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE TRANSNET/BIKE TRANSNET/HIGHWAY TRANSNET/LOCAL TRANSPORTATION FUNDING WATER - MAJOR FACILITY WATER - RECYCLED WATER WATER - REPLACEMENT TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS 2005-2006 ACTUAL 116 20,312 188,281 2,735,687 2,650,728 26,426,592 1 ,475,430 445,294 1 ,459,679 19,972,734 0 216,470 0 0 0 1,230,192 7,653,585 7,944,216 24,576 225,217 629,637 1 ,244,997 3,927,937 136,933 509,411 32,720 76,019 4,668,118 4,905 501,035 10,004,001 3,347,918 97,752,740 2006-2007 ACTUAL 0 441 ,205 1,061,255 3,069,941 2,709,462 24,610,889 (166,682) 728,123 1,786,327 10,185,739 0 689,594 462,876 0 0 467,751 1 ,422,530 2,735,145 264,594 17,631 5,831 4,739,333 3,836,803 4,751 1,463,883 181,337 16,035 3,830,558 - 2,243,730 2,857,408 2,810,850 72,476,899 2007-2008 ESTIMATED 0 37,808 3,728,854 2,266,583 4,547,016 8,075,360 333,816 0 334,010 16,518,071 0 282 0 0 558,81 1 1,441,003 13,915,176 5,333,287 841,341 73,082 2,015,035 5,016,055 2,007,733 95,248 797,951 37,509 3,155 ' 2,936,120 223,464 638,027 86,461 6,581,512 78,442,770 2007-2008 CONTINUING APPROPR. 349,302 0 1,645,972 2,214,727 49,233,262 260,011 521,291 0 2,725,350 14,549,039 0 4,209,518 0 20,550 219,100 2,711,514 28,285,160 1,723,846 426,533 245,104 0 10,413,902 10,979,447 0 3,083,769 87,176 963,166 569,419 0 1,316,847 293,176 7,472,621 144,519,802 2008-2009 NEW APPROPR. 2,643,344 1,000,000 110,000 1,636,055 4,625,942 0 643,263 0 988,000 42,798 0 0 1,180,000 246,450 0 2,038,921 903,185 0 0 0 3,270,000 6,625,170 7,301,657 0 9,690,856 0 0 3,615,000 0 4,462,250 905,000 7,637,000 59,564,891 2008-2009 TOTAL CIP APPROPR. 2,992,646 1,000,000 1,755,972 3,850,782 53,859,204 260,011 1,164,554 0 3,713,350 14,591,837 0 4,209,518 1,180,000 267,000 219,100 4,750,435 29,188,345 1,723,846 426,533 245,104 3,270,000 17,039,072 18,281,104 0 12,774,625 87,176 963,166 4,184,419 0 5,779,097 1,198,176 15,109,621 204,084,693 Preliminary 2008-09 Capital Improvement Program PROJECT TITLE CIVIC PROJECTS ADMINISTRATIVE FACILITIES CIVIC CENTER CITY ADMIN TRAINING FACILITY (PRE-DESIGN) - PROP C PUBLIC WORKS CENTER PUBLIC WORKS CENTER PUBLIC WORKS CENTER POLICE 8. FIRE FACILITIES FIRE STATION «3 RELOCATION FIRE STATION #3 RELOCATION (GENERAL FUND) FIRE STATION #5 STORAGE BUILDING/RESTROOMS FIRE STATION *6 (PERMANENT) JOINT FIRST RESPONDERS TRAINING FACILITY JOINT FIRST RESPONDERS TRAINING FACILITY - PROP C POLICE CAD IMPLEMENTATION LIBRARY FACILITIES LIBRARY EXPANSION (COLE) LIBRARY EXPANSION (COLE) LIBRARY EXPANSION (LEARNING CENTER) LIBRARY EXPANSION (LEARNING CENTER) LIBRARY EXPANSION (LEARNING CENTER) MISCELLANEOUS CITYWIDE PROJECTS PROPOSITION C PROJECTS BICYCLE MASTER PLAN CFD#1 ADMINISTRATION COASTAL RAIL TRAIL COASTAL RAIL TRAIL COASTAL RAIL TRAIL (CMAQ) PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN PUBLIC WORKS INVENTORY AND FAC MAINT PROGRAM STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS VILLAGE PUBLIC PARKING ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM SUBTOTAL CIVIC PROJECTS FACILITIES MAINTENANCE BEACH ACCESS STAIRS REPLACEMENT REPAIR RECOATING GUARDRAIL PAR BRIDGE AT CARLSBAD BLVD STAGECOACH PARK PICNIC SHELTER SUBTOTAL FACILITIES MAINTENANCE PARK PROJECTS CITYWIDE PARKS BUSINESS PARK RECREATIONAL FACILITY (PARTIAL FUNDING) CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE LAKE CALAVERA TRAILS MASTER PLAN/CONSTRUCTION SENIOR CTR EXPANSION - 1ST FLOOR SENIOR CTR EXPANSION - 2ND FLOOR VETERAN'S MEMORIAL PARK NORTHWEST QUADRANT PARKS PINE AVENUE PARK - PINE COMMUNITY BUILDING - PHASE II PINE AVENUE PARK - PINE COMMUNITY BUILDING - PHASE II NORTHEAST QUADRANT PARKS ROBERTSON RANCH ACQUISITION ROBERTSON RANCH PARK DEVELOPMENT (PARTIAL FUNDING) * SOUTHWEST QUADRANT PARKS / \ AVIARA COMMUNITY PARK COMMUNITY BUILDING _ \ AVIARA COMMUNITY PARK COMMUNITY BUILDING "~~ AVIARA REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT FUND CFD#1 GCC CFD#1 WATER REPL SEWER REPL PFF GCC ecc PFF GCC GCC GCC CFD#1 PFF CCC CFDS1 OTHER CCC TRANSNET/BIKE CFD#1 TRANSNET/BIKE OTHER FED GRNT TDA GCC GCC REDVL VILLAGE REDVL VILLAGE IRF GCC GCC ZONES GOLF COURSE GOLF COURSE GCC REDVL VILLAGE GCC CFD*1 PIL-NW PFF PIL-NE PIL-NE PFF PIL-SW PIL-SW TOTAL BUDGET 26,100,000 100,000 17,080,366 7,169,600 3,861,200 7,001,000 540,000 316,600 5,830,000 10,850,000 13,650,000 2,312,228 4,580,016 9,832,400 388,660 4,491,837 1,259,503 5,034,205 1 50,000 1,084,387 221,800 184,176 4,413,784 100.000 150,000 404,992 400,000 850,000 128,356,754 517,500 130,000 100,000 747,500 3,400,000 55,266,655 750,000 598.750 1,082.044 529,162 23,239,800 1 784,400 7,892,000 4,550,000 4,000,000 7,632,200 2,698,700 238,000 PRIOR EXP/ENC 1,217,262 314,241 5.505,367 1,748,653 1,890,290 175,356 4,418,756 1,257,224 68.960 122,500 215.664 184,176 3,892,493 100,000 26,210 402,737 21,539,889 131,212 75,831 86.387 293,430 55,171,872 584,772 51,019 857,532 456,686 340,482 18,900 BALANCE YEAR1 YEAR 2 YEARS YEAR 4 YEARS YEAR 6-10 BUILDOUT FORWARD 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2018 2018-2023 1,491,004 1,000,000 540,000 2,359 324.633 9,101,347 13,650,000 421,938 213.304 73.081 2,279 81,040 81,887 6,136 521,291 123,790 2,255 100,000 27.736,344 386.288 54,169 13,613 454.070 94,783 165.228 547,731 224,512 72,476 4,209,518 219,100 26,100,000 100,000 14,372,100 7.169,600 3.861,200 493,200 5,404,200 103.600 4,580,016 9,832,400 5,034.205 110,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 330,000 300.000 850,000 5,144,205 903,200 31,017,100 213,600 26.210,000 1,180,000 14,412,416 3,400,000 23,239,800 1 ,784,400 7,892,000 4,000,000 7.632.200 2,698,700 Exhibit 3B Preliminary 2008-09 Capital Improvement Program PROJECT TITLE POINSETTIA COMMUNITY PARK - TENNIS COURTS 8, COMMUNITY CENTER POINSETTIA COMMUNITY PARK - TENNIS COURTS & COMMUNITY CENTER POINSETTIA COMMUNITY PARK - PARKING SOUTHEAST QUADRANT PARKS ALGA NORTE PARK - PHASE 1 (30 ACRES) ALGA NORTE PARK - PHASE II (POOL) ALGA NORTE PARK - PHASE II (POOL) ALGA NORTE PARK - PHASE II (POOL) PROP C FUNDS LEO CARRILLO PARK - PHASE III LEO CARRILLO PARK • PHASE III LEO CARRILLO BARN LEO CARRILLO PARK - EROSION CONTROL DONE? LEO CARRILLO BARN RESTORATION/STABILIZATION DONE? LEO CARRILLO BARN STABILIZATION (S197K = GRANT) LEO CARRILLO EVENT AREA EXPANSION SUBTOTAL PARK PROJECTS DRAINAGE PROJECTS AGUA HEDIONDA CHANNEL (PLDA "B") CALLE GAVANZO DRAINAGE CALLE GAVANZO DRAINAGE CARLSBAD BLVD STORM DRAIN REPLACEMENT CMP REPLACEMENT PROGRAM COLLEGE BLVD. BRIDGE FACILITY BL (REIMB./PLDA "B't COLLEGE BLVD/CANNON RD (BASIN BJB - REIMB /PLDA "B") (FEMA * PLD) COLLEGE BLVD/CANNON RD (BJ AND CALAVERA CR. CHANNEL) CYNTHIA LANE STORM DRAIN FARADAY/MELROSE DRAINAGE FACILITIES (PLDA "B1) HOSP GROVE PARK DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS KELLY DRIVE CHANNEL REPAIR LA COSTA AVE STORM DRAIN REPLACEMENT MASTER PLAN UPDATE MISCELLANEOUS MASTER DRAINAGE FACILITIES MISCELLANEOUS ROAD SUBDRAINS NW QUADRANT STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM NW QUADRANT STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PARK DRIVE AND TAMARACK AVENUE STORM DRAIN (PLDA "B") RIDGECREST DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ROMERIA DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ROMERIA DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS TAMARACK AND ECR STORM DRAIN AND SILT BASIN (REIMB./PLDA 'B") SUBTOTAL DRAINAGE PROJECTS SEWER PROJECTS ENCINA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS CAPITAL ACQ/REPL/REHAB AND STAFFING PHASE IV EXPANSION - DEBT SERVICE PHASE V EXPANSION SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM AVENIDA ENCINAS GRAVITY SEWER BEECH STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT BUENA INTERCEPTOR SEWER IMPROVEMENTS CALAVERA HILLS TREATMENT PLANT - DEMOLITION CARLSBAD TRUNK SEWER REACHES VCT1A, VCT1B, VCT1C (SBA "A't CARLSBAD TRUNK SEWER REACHES VCT1A, VCT1B, VCT1C (SBA "A') CONDITION ASSESSMENT OF SEWER MAINS FARADAY AVENUE - ORION TO MELROSE SEWER HOME PLANT - PIPELINE REPLACEMENT HOME PLANT LIFT STATION REPLACEMENT LA COSTA MEADOWS SEWER EXTENSION LA GOLONDRIA SEWER EXTENSION NORTH AGUA HEDIONDA INTERCEPTOR - WEST SEGMENT NORTH AGUA HEDIONDA TRUNK SEWER REACH NAHT1A (SBA "B") NORTH BATIQUITOS INTERCEPTOR REHABILITATION FUND PIL-SW PFF PFF PFF PFF GCC GCC PFF PIL-SE PFF GCC PFF GCC PIL-SE PLD GCC GAS TAX IRF IRF PLD PLD PLD IRF PLD IRF IRF IRF PLD PLD GAS TAX GCC GAS TAX PLD GCC GCC GAS TAX PLD SEWER REPL SEWER REPL SEWER CONN SEWER CONN SEWER REPL SEWER REPL SEWER REPL SEWER REPL SEW BENEF SEWER REPL SEWER REPL SEWER REPL SEWER REPL SEWER REPL SEWER REPL SEWER REPL SEWER REPL SEWER REPL SEWER REPL TOTAL BUDGET 558,811 14,100,200 963,400 22,107,510 6,099,695 6,000,000 16,215.795 1,057,000 866,100 1,000,000 267,000 33,000 500,000 267.000 183,697,222 1,896,522 62,500 12,531 218,000 2,583,000 1,911,800 1,073,294 2,536,449 253,750 325.000 150.000 1,158.500 492,150 494,933 11,318,800 560,000 460,250 2,862,094 631.400 117.500 274.000 338.000 1.323,800 31,054,273 4,552,878 17,425,028 7,457,651 10,603,878 276,300 1,947.000 2,840,000 689,000 120,600 427,635 626,000 110.200 534.000 1,812,000 1.146,877 1.108,543 4,177,751 1,737,000 1,199,000 PRIOR EXP/ENC 558,811 1,067,321 57,412 1,777,168 500,000 389,265 254,383 32,977 58,697 62,177,297 1,836,213 57,749 12,290 33.135 45,331 934,108 309,856 107,324 14.651 1 58,643 7.280 494,856 10,948 186,390 20,380 94,715 4,323,869 4,394,855 1 ,227,008 935,507 6,784,201 128,443 50,425 71,466 78,700 120,110 1,080.171 154,140 BALANCE YEAR1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6-10 BUILDOUT FORWARD 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2018 2018-2023 21,879 2,803 20,330,342 5.599,695 6,000,000 15,826,530 12,617 23 441,303 20,550 53,789,090 60,309 4,751 241 184,865 529,669 139,186 2,226,593 146,426 285,349 281,357 484.870 77 474,052 118,860 97,120 179,285 5,213.010 158,023 551,489 3,819,677 831,557 23,500 59,775 368,534 960,820 881,285 3,097,580 1,044,860 1,035,000 11,976,000 903,185 310,500 746,500 866,100 1,000,000 246,450 1,149,635 310,500 2,612,600 - 1,035,000 15,976,000 46,647,100 802,000 427,000 502,000 277,000 1,911,800 25.000 150,000 36.000 682,500 11,318,800 75,000 155,000 406,055 397,573 415,898 694,228 948,340 631,400 338,000 1,323,800 1,987,055 1,507,073 917,898 971,228 948,340 2,543,200 12,642,600 744,152 967,252 1,441,019 1.578,061 1,205,020 6,690,054 3,020,973 937,170 933,007 931,419 932,469 931,469 1.856.610 276.300 1 .947.000 500,000 1,380,000 142,000 523,500 103,600 17,000 427,635 313,000 313,000 94,000 1,812,000 107,357 107,148 767,000 970,000 Exhibit 3B Preliminary 2008-09 Capital Improvement Program PROJECT TITLE P01NSETTIA SEWAGE LIFT STATION ODOR/NOISE ABATEMENT SEWER LIFT STATION REMOVALS - VARIOUS SEWER LIFT STATION REPAIRS AND UPGRADES SEWER LINE REFURBISHMENTS/REPLACEMENT AND MANHOLES SEWER MASTER PLAN/CONNECTION FEE UPDATE SEWER MONITORING PROGRAM TERRAMAR LIFT STATION REPLACEMENT VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR BUENA VISTA LIFT STATION FORCE MAIN (VC-4) VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR AGUA HEDIONDA LIFT STATION (VC12) VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR REACH VC1 1 B VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR REACH VC13 TO VC15 VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR REHAB REACHES 1 AND 2 VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT REACH 3 SUBTOTAL SEWER PROJECTS WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM AVIARA PARKWAY AT PLUM TREE BUENA VISTA PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS (STUDY) CALAVERA HILLS WATER BOOSTER STATION STANDBY GENERATOR CANNON ROAD EAST OF EL CAMINO REAL - Reimb CARLSBAD BOULEVARD - SOUTH OF AVENIDA ENCINAS CATHODIC PROTECTION PROGRAM COLLEGE BOULEVARD - CANNON TO BADGER LANE COLLEGE BOULEVARD (ECR TO CANNON ROAD) - Reimb CRESTVIEW DRIVE TRANSMISSION MAIN D RESERVOIR DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS (STUDY) D RESERVOIR - PHASE I D RESERVOIR - PHASE II DEMOLITION OF WATER FACILITIES AT PAJAMA DRIVE DESALINATION GROUNDWATER/SEAWATER STUDY EL CAMINO REAL - PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD SOUTH EL CAMINO REAL BETWEEN COLLEGE AND JACKSPAR EL CAMINO REAL CROSSING AT KELLY DRIVE EL CAMINO REAL TRANSMISSION MAIN FROM FARADAY TO COUGAR DRIVE EL CAMINO REAL/CARLSBAD VILL DR PIPELINE REPL. EL FUERTE - NORTH OF LOKER - (Reimb) EL FUERTE AND CORINTIA STREET ELLERY WATER PUMP PROJECT FARADAY AVENUE - ORION TO MELROSE WATERLINE - (Reimb) FARADAY AVENUE EXTENSION - Reimb GROUNDWATER DEVELOPMENT - SAN LUIS REY RIVER (STUDY) LAKE CALAVERA RESERVOIR IMPROVEMENTS MAERKLE DAM FLOATING COVER DRAINPIPE REPLACE. MAERKLE FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS MAERKLE PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS MAERKLE PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS MAERKLE RESERVOIR BRIDGE REPLACEMENT MAERKLE RESERVOIR STORAGE (TAP *2) MAERKLE TRANSMISSION MAIN MARRON ROAD - PRESSURE REGULATING STATION TO OCEANSIDE MASTER PLAN UPDATE MELROSE DRIVE - PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD TO FARADAY - (Reimb) METER REPLACEMENTS (TRANSFER TO OPERATING FUND) MISCELLANEOUS PIPELINE REPLACEMENT PROJECTS MISCELLANEOUS WATER RESERVOIR FENCING MISCELLANEOUS WATER VALVE REPAIRS/REPLACEMENTS OCEANSIDE INTERTIE UPGRADE PAR/ECR PUMP STATION PAR/ECR PUMP STATION POINSETTIA LANE - EL CAMINO REAL TO SKIMMER CT (Reimb) POINSETTIA LANE - SKIMMER CT TO CASSIA POINSETTIA LANE - SKIMMER CT TO CASSIA POINSETTIA LANE EAST OF BLACK RAIL ROAD 12" POINSETTIA LANE EAST OF BLACK RAIL ROAD 12" \ PRESSURE REDUCING STATION REPLACEMENT \ RANCHO CARRILLO OVERSIZING/EXTENSION FUND SEWER REPL SEWER REPL SEWER REPL SEWER REPL SEWER REPL SEWER CONN SEWER REPL SEWER CONN SEWER CONN SEWER CONN SEWER CONN SEWER REPL SEWER CONN WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER CONN WATER CONN WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER CONN WATER CONN WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER CONN WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER CONN WATER CONN WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER CONN WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER CONN WATER CONN WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER CONN WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER CONN WATER REPL WATER CONN WATER CONN WATER CONN WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER CONN WATER REPL WATER CONN WATER REPL WATER CONN WATER CONN WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER CONN TOTAL BUDGET 669,500 689,000 1,360,380 5,974,600 500,000 352,000 517,000 3.350,000 17.400,000 6,430,000 14,700,000 830,975 2,688,220 114,253,016 475,700 100,000 485,200 760,800 917,200 1.246,700 1,066,000 530,000 155,800 135,000 6,410,100 2.136,600 95,500 744,400 3,225,000 971,275 725,000 774.100 269.975 250,000 161.700 205,900 887,210 776,000 55,000 6,646,908 200,000 1,870,200 771.325 771,325 328.750 14,244,500 4,875.000 767,200 500,000 1,475,000 650,000 1,876,700 197,399 250,000 114,600 997,350 990,350 125,700 489,100 383,600 230.500 230,400 1,102,000 152.700 PRIOR EXP/ENC 669.337 83 449,414 211.718 446,668 91,027 5,649 596,791 262,279 17,757,992 - 57.498 2,340,294 970.678 725.000 1 80,602 267,112 44,819 1 1 ,739 5,962,344 196,156 135,923 44,322 24,833 3,698 - 256,409 37,177 - 881.247 955,867 1,999 BALANCE YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 FORWARD 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 163 88,917 130,966 2,188,282 66,000 25,000 53.332 1,728,333 3,543,351 1 ,203.209 568,696 - 21,393,349 760,800 624,000 38,002 884,706 597 593,498 2,863 148,750 161,081 85,471 - 684,564 3,844 1 ,734,277 54,425 10,103 3,917 491,302 - - 743,591 160,222 116,103 34,483 150,701 YEAR 5 YEAR6-10 BUILDOUT 2012-2013 2013-2018 2018-2023 600,000 80,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 330,000 330,000 330,000 330,000 100,000 300,000 330,000 1,650,000 274,600 500,000 22,000 22,000 22.000 22,000 22,000 110,000 66,000 492,000 2,850,000 1,400.000 14,180,640 616,000 2,265,000 800,000 12,100.000 596,220 2,092,000 13,926.827 33,788,199 4,914,158 5,054,530 3,005,089 11,051,299 3,361,573 475,700 100,000 54,100 431,100 917,200 475,800 146,900 1 ,066,000 530,000 32,500 123,300 135.000 6,410,100 2,136,600 744,400 101.250 161,700 790,000 776,000 55,000 716,900 716.900 300,000 14,244,500 4,380,000 767,200 500,000 1.475,000 650,000 433,000 443,700 125,000 125,000 114,600 125,700 489,100 383,600 230,500 230,400 1,102,000 \ .0 Exhibit 36 Preliminary 2008-09 Capital Improvement Program PROJECT TITLE SAN MARCOS BOULEVARD WEST OF SDCWA TANGLEWOOD PRESSURE REDUCING STATION REPLACEMENT TRI-AGENCIES WATER TRANSMISSION PIPELINE REPLACEMENT WATER PIPELINE REPLACEMENT - CAMEO ROAD TO ECR WATER SYSTEM INTERT1E CONNECTION SUBTOTAL WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM RECYCLED WATER PROJECTS CARLSBAD WATER RECYCLING FACILITY SCADA MODIFICATIONS CHESTNUT AVENUE RECYCLED WATER LINE ECR/TAMARACK PUMP STATION REMOVAL 1-5 RECYCLED WATER TRANSMISSION LINE PUMP STATION REMOVAL RECYCLED WATER LINE - BUSINESS PARK AND SEA CLIFF HOA RECYCLED WATER LINE - INNOVATION WAYAND GATEWAY RECYCLED WATER PH II - MAHR RESERVOIR IMPROV •>«. YCLED WATER PH II - PUMP STATIONS RECYCLED WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE SUBTOTAL RECYCLED WATER PROJECTS CIRCULATION SYSTEM TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROJECTS CLARY BATTERY BACKUP SYSTEMS TRAP SIG - ALGA ROAD AND CAZADERO TRAP SIG - ARMADA DRIVE AND GRAND PACIFIC RESORTS TRAP SIG - AVIARA PARKWAY-POINSETT1A LANE TO EL CAMINO REAL TRAP SIG - AVIARA PARKWAY-POINSETT1A LANE TO EL CAMINO REAL TRAP SIG . AVIARA PARKWAY-POINSETTIA LANE TO EL CAMINO REAL TRAP SIG - AVIARA PKWY AND CAMINO DE LAS ONDAS- REIMS TRAP SIG - CALLE BARCELONA AND PASEO AVELLANO TRAP SIG • CAMINO DE LOS COCHES AND LA COSTA AVENUE TRAP SIG - CAMINO VIDA ROBLE AND YARROW DRIVE TRAF SIG - CANNON ROAD AND AVENIDA ENCINAS-reim. TRAP SIG - CANNON ROAD AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD TRAF SIG - CARLSBAD BLVD & TAMARACK SIGNAL REPAIRS TRAF SIG - CARLSBAD BOULEVARD AND CHERRY AVENUE TRAF SIG - EL CAMINO REAL AND CHESTNUT SIGNAL REPAIRS TRAF SIG - EL CAMINO REAL AND TAMARACK SIGNAL REPAIRS TRAF SIG - EL FUERTE ST AND RANCHO PANChO TRAF SIG - FARADAY AVE AND CAMINO HILLS DRIVE TRAF SIG - FARADAY AVENUE AND PALMER WAY TRAF SIG - FARADAY AVENUE AND RUTHERFORD ROAD TRAF SIG - LA COSTA AVENUE AND CALLE MADERO TRAF SIG - LA COSTA AVENUE AND ESFERA STREET TRAF SIG - LA COSTA AVENUE AND GIBRALTAR TRAF SIG - LA COSTA AVENUE AND LEVANTE TRAF SIG - LA COSTA AVENUE/NUEVA CASTli_LA WAY TRAF SIG - MELROSE DRIVE AND LA COSTA AVENUE TRAF SIG - MONROE STREET AND HOSP WAY TRAF SIG - PASEO DEL NORTE /HARBOR POINT ROAD TRAF SIG - POINSETTIA LANE AND BLACKRAIL ROAD TRAF SIG - POINSETTIA LANE AND BRIGANTINE ROAD TRAF SIG - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD AND AVENIDA LA CIMA TRAF SIG - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD AND CALLE JUNIPERO TRAF SIG - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD AND OUESTHAVEN ROAD TRAF SIG • TAMARACK AVE AND PONTIAC DRIVE > XAF SIG - TAMARACK AVE AND VALLEY STREET . IDEO DETECTION CONVERSION SUBTOTAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROJECTS STREET PROJECTS ADA COMPLIANCE STUDY (GOAL) AVENIDA ENCINAS WIDENING - SOUTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD BRIDGE PREVENTITIVE MAINTENANCE PLAN BRIDGE PREVENTITIVE MAINTENANCE PLAN CANNON ROAD REACH 4 (20% FUNDING) FUND WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER REPL RECL WATER RECL WATER RECL WATER RECL WATER WATER REPL GAS TAX GAS TAX GAS TAX TIP OTHER GAS TAX GAS TAX GCC GAS TAX GAS TAX PFF GAS TAX IRF GAS TAX ]RF IRF GAS TAX GAS TAX GAS TAX GAS TAX GAS TAX GAS TAX GAS TAX GAS TAX GAS TAX GAS TAX GAS TAX GAS TAX GCC GAS TAX GCC GAS TAX GAS TAX GAS TAX GAS TAX GAS TAX GAS TAX TIF FED GRNT GAS TAX TIF TOTAL BUDGET 3.091,241 354.750 5 605 000 120000 439 000 73.410,758 210.000 436.100 80.019 266.610 442,700 230,000 675000 2,957.000 4.918574 250 000 1 0 466.003 120.000 210,000 190.000 29,969 645.447 160,000 105,000 210000 190.000 190.000 150000 210.000 230.000 190,000 206.000 141.000 190000 190,000 190,000 210000 190,000 190.000 190000 210,000 190000 190000 210.000 210.000 236,991 190000 190.000 210.000 124 767 210.000 190 000 1 850000 8739,174 50000 5.045 000 88,530 21 470 5,400000 PRIOR EXP/ENC 3.052,765 350,851 114,527 34,774 16,650,634 911 2,919.101 4,663,297 7,583.309 120,000 10,474 335,447 4.389 185 222,745 4,280 3.954 259 500 960974 205743 88530 9.453 BALANCE YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 FORWARD 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 38,476 3.899 160473 120,000 404226 8214374 133.305 441 789 37899 255,277 868270 19,495 267,202 160.000 105000 205.611 149.815 230.000 206,000 141,000 210,000 14,246 185720 124767 324,500 2.343356 19257 12.017 YEAR 4 YEARS YEAR 6- 10 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2018 BUILDOUT 2018-2023 330,000 5 000 000 11,639,250 6,809,800 759300 16262700 123300 12184200 767,200 210000 436,100 80019 133305 230,000 675000 250,000 1.365,000 436,100 60019 133305 210,000 190 000 42,798 190000 190.000 210 000 190000 190 000 190000 190000 190000 190000 190,000 210000 190 000 190000 210,000 210,000 190000 210,000 206,046 190 000 277 000 247 000 252,798 467000 1387,000 307.000 300000 135000 497000 700000 1751.046 380 000 50,000 2 380,000 2.440 000 ?.400 000 Exhibit 3B Preliminary 2008-09 Capital Improvement Program PROJECT TITLE CANNON ROAD REACH 4B CARLSBAD BLVD BRIDGE CONCRETE BARRIER POWER PLANT CARLSBAD BLVD BRIDGE CONCRETE BARRIER POWER PLANT CARLSBAD BLVD BRIDGE CONCRETE BARRIER POWER PLANT CARLSBAD BLVD BRIDGE CONCRETE BARRIER RAILROAD CARLSBAD BLVD BRIDGE CONCRETE BARRIER RAILROAD CARLSBAD BLVD. AT BREAKWATER ROAD - LEFT TURN LANE CARLSBAD BLVD. AT STATE ST - INTERSECTION ENHANCEMENT DESIGN CARLSBAD BOULEVARD ENCINAS CREEK BRIDGE REPLACEMENT CARLSBAD BOULEVARD ENCINAS CREEK BRIDGE REPLACEMENT CARLSBAD BOULEVARD ENCINAS CREEK BRIDGE REPLACEMENT CARLSBAD BOULEVARD ENCINAS CREEK BRIDGE REPLACEMENT (PLDA C) CARLSBAD BOULEVARD MEDIAN-TAMARACK AVENUE TO PINE AVENUE CARLSBAD BOULEVARD MOUNTAIN VIEW TO NORTHERLY CITY LIMITS (20% FUNDIN CARLSBAD BOULEVARD / PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD (20% FUNDING) CARLSBAD BOULEVARD / PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD (RTCIP / 20% FUNDING) CARLSBAD BOULEVARD RETROFIT OVER SDNR CARLSBAD BOULEVARD WIDENING - CANNON TO MANZANO CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE AND AVENIDA DE ANITA CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE - PONTIAC TO VICTORIA COLLEGE BLVD REACH A AND CANNON REACH 4A COLLEGE/CANNON ASSESSMENT DISTRICT CONCRETE REPAIR PROGRAM CONCRETE REPAIR PROGRAM CONCRETE REPAIR WORK CONCRETE REPLACEMENT EL CAMINO REAL AND CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE DUAL LEFT TURNS EL CAMINO REAL LEFT TURN LANE TO WEST TAMARACK EL CAMINO REAL RIGHT TURN LANE TO NORTH ALGA ROAD EL CAMINO REAL / CANNON ROAD INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS EL CAMINO REAL / CANNON ROAD INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS (RTCIP) EL CAMINO REAL MEDIANS EL CAMINO REAL MEDIANS EL CAMINO REAL MEDIANS - LA COSTA EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING - ARENAL ROAD TO LA COSTA AVENEUE (RTCIP) EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING - ARENAL ROAD TO LA COSTA AVENEUE EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING - CASSIA RD TO CAMINO VIDA ROBLE EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING - LISA STREET TO CRESTVIEW DR EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING - NORTH OF COUGAR DRIVE EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING - TAMARACK TO CHESTNUT EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING - TAMARACK TO CHESTNUT (RTCIP) EL FUERTE EXTENSION FARADAY AVENUE EXTENSION 1-5 AND LA COSTA AVENUE AUXILLARY LANES LA COSTA AVE SLOPE REPAIR WEST OF ROMERIA MARBELLA WALL BEAUTIFICATION MELROSE DRIVE - SOUTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD MELROSE DRIVE AND ALGA ROAD DUAL LEFT TURN LANES (RTCIP) MELROSE DRIVE EXTENSION MELROSE DRIVE EXTENSION MELROSE DRIVE TURN LANE TO WEST PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND MELROSE DRIVE RIGHT TURN PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND MELROSE DRIVE RIGHT TURN PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD TURN LANE TO SOUTH EL CAMINO REAL PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD TURN LANE TO NORTH EL FUERTE STREET PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD TURN LANE TO SOUTH MELROSE DRIVE PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WIDENING AT MELROSE DRIVE PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WIDENING AT PASEO DEL NORTE PARK DRIVE. MARINA TO COVE PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (PROP 1 B Funds) PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (NON-JURIS FEES) i POINSETTIA LANE - REACH E \ POINSETTIA LANE - REACHES A.B.C.F.G 4 AVIARA PKWY REIMS POINSETTIA LANE EAST OF EL CAMINO REAL FINANCING PROGRAM FUND TRANSNET-HWY GCC FED GRNT GAS TAX GCC FED GRNT REDVLSCCRDA REDVL VILLAGE REDVL SCCRDA FED GRNT TRANSNET-LOC PLD GAS TAX TIF TIF TIF TRANSNET-LOC TIF GCC TIF OTHER OTHER GCC GAS TAX GAS TAX IRF TIF TIF TIF TIF TIF PFF GAS TAX PFF TIF TIF GAS TAX TRANSNET-LOC TRANSNET-LOC TIF TIF OTHER OTHER CFD#1 GAS TAX GCC OTHER TIF OTHER OTHER TIF TIF OTHER GAS TAX TIF TIF TIF OTHER TIF GAS TAX TRANSNET-LOC OTHER GAS TAX TRANSNET-LOC BTD82 BTD»2 OTHER TOTAL BUDGET 1.761,000 16.303 403,697 880.000 37.434 239.566 243.150 100,000 339.135 1.964,702 254,548 1.891.582 2,112,500 2.541.200 712,400 2,815.000 1,734,000 5,360.000 105.000 4.841.000 1,713,002 10,314.481 250.000 3,500,000 750.000 1,243.350 865,000 253.000 335,000 1,231,000 974,000 909,500 1,502.900 90,500 601,000 1,704.000 4,026,000 959,000 493,000 7,656.000 422,000 4.095,146 16,248,065 2,000.000 183,500 160,000 228,938 946,000 1,525.584 3,477.792 410.000 587.000 165.980 88.500 568,000 916.000 88.500 2.826.268 1,244,000 416,300 63,743.156 3,167.193 7.994,088 12,837,802 13,090.000 1.320.729 28,932,793 PRIOR EXP/ENC 797,834 12,000 - 12,000 243,000 94,181 297.682 38.568 297,682 - 1,476.949 2,940 407,149 9,957,983 131,197 1.108,475 144,030 . 251.742 893.296 39.723 13.549,975 - - 37.691 2,221 1.024.473 3.426,384 - 980 9.500 2.622,919 67,600 21.033,239 7,993,938 1.928,802 698 24.216.684 BALANCE YEAR 1 YEAR 2 FORWARD 2008-2009 2009-2010 963.166 408.000 265.000 150 100.000 244,954 - - - 42,051 102,060 - 1,305,853 356.498 118,803 250,000 450.000 134,875 - 765.470 90,500 241.258 1,011.504 4,055.423 2.698,090 42,309 226,717 501,111 51,408 165,000 55,500 203,349 457.400 286,110 150 349.302 - 4.716.109 YEARS YEAR 4 YEARS YEAR 6-10 BUILDOUT 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2018 2018-2023 (403.697) 403.697 880.000 (239.566) 239.566 1,667,020 215,980 1,593,900 2,112,500 2,541.200 712.400 2,815,000 215,000 5.360,000 4,841.000 250,000 250,000 100,000 100,000 250,000 250,000 250.000 1,250.000 750.000 100.000 865,000 253,000 335,000 300.000 931.000 974.000 1.502,900 601.000 1.704,000 4,026,000 959.000 5,751,200 422.000 2.000.000 183,500 80.000 946.000 410,000 587,000 23.500 568,000 916,000 88,500 719.000 416.300 2,650,000 1.118,063 1.629.937 1,300,744 2.925,000 3,000,000 15,065,000 16.365,000 1,537,256 750.000 752,000 762,000 775.000 800.000 3.935,000 3,135.000 1.600,000 11,140.000 1,320.729 Exhibit 3B Preliminary 2008-09 Capital Improvement Program PROJECT TITLE POINSETTIA LANE WIDENING - PASEO DEL NORTE TO BATIQUITOS (RTCIP) RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD AND OLIVENHAIN IMPROVEMENTS RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH - PHASE 1 RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH - PHASE II (BRIDGE) SAN MARCOS ROAD PROJECT SIDEWALK/STREET CONSTRUCTION - VARIOUS LOCATIONS SIDEWALK/STREET CONSTRUCTION - VALLEY AND MAGNOLIA SIDEWALKS TAMARACK AND ADAMS TRAFFIC MONITORING PROGRAM UNDERGROUND DIST. 17 - HARDING. ROOSEVELT VILLAGE STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS SUBTOTAL STREETS PROJECTS LOANS TO OTHER FUNDS GAS TAX LOAN BTD#2 GAS TAX LOAN TO BTD*3 CANNON ROAD WEST GCC LOAN TO PIL-NW FOR MADISON ST PROPERTY PURCHASES GCC LOAN TO PIL-NW FOR PINE SCHOOL ACQUISITION PFF LOAN TO PIL-NE FOR PARK SITE ACQUISITION GCC LOAN TO PLDA - HEDIONDA AND CALAVERA CREEK SEWER REPL TO SEW BENEF A FOR CARLSBAD TRUNK SEWER SUBTOTAL FUTURE LOANS TO OTHER FUNDS LOAN REPAYMENTS BTD*2 REPAYMENT TO GAS TAX FUND BTD#3 CANNON ROAD WEST TO GAS TAX FUND GCC LOAN TO PLDA - HEDIONDA AND CALAVERA CREEK PIL-NW TO GCC FOR MADISON ST PROPERTY PURCHASES PIL-NW TO GCC FOR PINE SCHOOL ACQUISITION PIL-NE TO PFF FOR PARK ACQUISITION SBA C.D.E.F TO SEW REPL FOR S AGUA HEDIONDA INTERCEPTOR SUBTOTAL LOAN REPAYMENTS GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDED PROJECTS FUND TIF RSF ROAD RSF ROAD RSF ROAD GCC TIF TIF GAS TAX TIF GCC REDVL VILLAGE GAS TAX GAS TAX GCC GCC PFF GCC SEWER REPL BTDS2 BTD#3 PLD PIL-NW PIL-NW PIL-NE SEW BENEF TOTAL BUDGET 2,287.000 5.985.905 26,406.243 18.641,000 2.984,147 3,295.672 630.000 48,500 1.718,900 509,800 275,000 308,793.451 2.643.344 1,000.000 320,000 860,000 4,550,000 420.021 3,270.000 13,063,365 2,643,344 1,000,000 420,021 320,000 860,000 4,550.000 3,270,000 13,063,365 885,644,881 PRIOR EXP/ENC - 4,799,003 26,307,828 18,202.471 2.929.760 29,945 142.358 96.122 272.979 145,205,727 2.643,344 1.000.000 320,000 860,000 4,550.000 420.021 3,270.000 13,063,365 - 289,556,486 BALANCE YEAR 1 FORWARD 2008-2009 1.186,902 98.415 438.529 54.387 1.395,672 60,055 48.500 120.386 413.678 2,021 24,507,939 - 144,519.802 YEAR 2 YEARS YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6-10 BUILDOUT 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2018 2018-2023 2,287,000 100,000 300.000 300,000 300,000 180,000 720,000 540,000 112,156 96,000 96,000 96,000 96,000 480.000 480,000 15,586.756 13,556,000 7.077.300 5,946,000 16.466,000 28.879,000 52,568.729 2,643,344 1,000.000 420.021 320.000 860.000 4,550,000 3,270,000 8.513,365 59.564,891 4,550,000 57.777,872 48,765,375 29,078,363 47.487,729 73,564,745 135,329.618 UNFUNDED PROJECTS' BUSINESS PARK RECREATIONAL FACILITY (PARTIAL FUNDING) CANNON LAKE PARK (6.7 ACRES)2.243,000 CANNON ROAD REACH 4 (20% FUNDED)21.600.000 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD MOUNTAIN VIEW TO NORTHERLY CITY LIMITS (20% FUNDED)10.164,800 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD / PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD (20% FUNDED) HOSP GROVE/BUENA VISTA LAGOON REC'L IMPROVEMENTS 1.280.000 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WIDENING AND BRIDGE RECONSTRUCTION PINE AVENUE PARK - MADISION PROPERTY 1,900.000 PINE AVENUE PARK - RESTROOMraTORAGE BLDG ROBERTSON RANCH PARK DEVELOPMENT (PARTIAL FUNDING)6.500.000 TOTAL UNFUNDED PROJECTS 75.770,300 * Once funding is identified for these projects the project costs will have to be reviewed and updated to reflect actual cost estimates. The unfunded projects do not receive annual inflationary increases. Exhibit 3B Exhibit 3C [PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS MAJOR SERVICE AREA IPOLICY AND LEADERSHIP GROUP | CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS CITY TREASURER CITY ATTORNEY (ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES | ADMINISTRATION RECORDS MANAGEMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FINANCE RISK MANAGEMENT HUMAN RESOURCES & WORKERS COMP IPUBLIC SAFETY I POLICE FIRE (COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & REAL PROPERTY MGMT GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS PLANNING HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT (COMMUNITY SERVICES | LIBRARY CULTURAL ARTS RECREATION & SENIOR PROGRAMS (PUBLIC WORKS | ADMINISTRATION ENGINEERING SERVICES GENERAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMS FINAL BUDGET 2006-07 1.00 7.00 3.75 0.75 7.00 2.00 8.00 19.00 28.00 2.00 10.00 157.00 87.75 5.00 13.00 1.00 3.00 27.00 10.00 48.00 5.00 30.50 6.30 54.60 96.20 48.50 8.90 FINAL BUDGET 2007-08 1.00 7.00 3.75 0.75 7.00 2.00 8.00 19.00 28.00 2.00 10.00 162.00 88.75 3.00 14.00 2.00 4.00 27.00 10.00 48.00 5.00 30.50 6.45 56.90 98.00 55.45 11.70 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 2008-09 1.00 8.00 3.75 0.75 7.00 2.00 8.00 19.50 28.00 2.00 10.00 162.00 88.75 3.00 14.00 2.00 4.00 27.00 10.00 48.00 5.00 30.50 6.65 56.90 99.30 55.20 11.95 1 2008-09 REQUESTED CHANGES 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.00 1.30 (0.25) 0.25 FULL AND 3/4 TIME LABOR FORCE*690.25 711.25 714.25 3.00 Exhibit 3C PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FOR 2006-07, 2007-08 AND 2008-09 (Continued) SUMMARY OF REQUESTED LABOR FORCE BY CATEGORY Full Time Personnel 3/4 Time Personnel in Full Time Equivalents Hourly Full Time Equivalent Personnel TOTAL LABOR FORCE* 2006-07 685.75 4.50 144.12 834.37 2007-08 706.75 4.50 140.34 851.59 2008-09 709.00 5.25 137.83 852.08 Difference 2.25 0.75 (2.51) 0.49 LIMITED TERM EMPLOYEES Associate Planner Building Inspector Limited Term CIS Intern Human Resources Limited Term Legal Intern Management Interns Planning Technician Intern TOTAL LIMITED TERM EMPLOYEES 2006-07 0.00 2.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 1.50 1.00 5.50 2007-08 1.00 2.00 0.50 1.00 0.50 1.50 0.00 6.50 2008-09 1.00 2.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.00 4.50 Difference 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) 0.00 (1.00) 0.00 (2.00) Exhibit 4 1 RESOLUTION NO. 1323 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT (CMWD), 3 ADOPTING THE WATER DISTRICT FINAL OPERATING 4 BUDGET AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR 2008-09. 5 6 7 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, 8 California, has held such public hearings as are necessary prior to the adoption of the 9 2007-08 Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets. 10 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the 11 Carlsbad Municipal Water District as follows: 12 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 13 2. That certain documents now on file in the office of the Secretary entitled "City 14 of Carlsbad, 2008-09 Operating Budget and 2008-09 to Buildout Capital Improvement 15 Program - Preliminary," as amended in accordance with Exhibit 4-A attached hereto 16 and incorporated by reference herein, is hereby adopted as the Operating and Capital 17 Improvement Budgets for the Carlsbad Municipal Water District for the Fiscal Year 18 2008-09. 19 3. That the amounts reflected as estimated revenues for Fiscal Year 2008-09 20 are hereby adopted as the budgeted revenues for 2008-09. 21 4. That the amount designated as 2008-09 Budget in Exhibit 4-B is hereby 22 appropriated to the fund for which it is designated and such appropriation shall not be 23 increased except as provided herein. 24 5. That total appropriations may only be increased or decreased by the Board 25 of Directors by passage of a resolution amending the budget except as provided herein. 26 6. That the following controls are hereby placed on the use and transfers of 27 budget funds: 28 Exhibit 4 1 A. No expenditure of funds shall be authorized unless sufficient funds have 2 been appropriated by the Water Board or Executive Manager as described below. 3 i. The Executive Manager may authorize all transfers of funds from 4 account to account within the same fund in an amount up to $100,000 per transfer. 5 ii. The Executive Manager may delegate the authority to make budget 6 transfers. 7 iii. The Executive Manager may authorize budget adjustments 8 involving offsetting revenues and expenditures; the Executive Manager may authorize 9 increases in an appropriation for a specific purpose where the appropriation is offset by 10 unbudgeted revenue which is designated for said specific purpose. 11 iv. The Executive Manager may authorize increases in purchased 12 water appropriations in an amount equal to the same percent that water sales exceed 13 the amount of the original revenue estimate. 14 B. The Board of Directors must authorize any increase in the number of 15 authorized permanent personnel positions above the level identified in the final Budget. 16 The Executive Manager may authorize the hiring of temporary or part time staff as 17 necessary, within the limits imposed by the controls listed above. 18 7. That all appropriations and outstanding encumbrances as of June 30, 2008 19 are hereby continued into 2008-09 for such contracts and obligations. 20 8. All appropriations for Capital Improvement Projects remaining unexpended 21 at June 30, 2008, are hereby appropriated for such capital projects for the 2008-09 22 fiscal year. 23 24 25 '" 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors, Carlsbad City Council and Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission held on the 24th day of June, 2008, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Board Members Lewis, Kulchin, Hall, Packard and Nygaard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. LGfRRAINI (SEAL) '// CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2008-09 TO BUILDOUT Exhibit 4-A PROJECT TITLE WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM AVIARA PARKWAY AT PLUM TREE BUENA VISTA PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS (STUDY) CALAVERA HILLS WATER BOOSTER STATION STANDBY GENERATOR CANNON ROAD EAST OF EL CAMINO REAL - Reimb CARLSBAD BOULEVARD - SOUTH OF AVENIDA ENCINAS CATHODIC PROTECTION PROGRAM COLLEGE BOULEVARD - CANNON TO BADGER LANE COLLEGE BOULEVARD (ECR TO CANNON ROAD) - Reimb CRESTVIEW DRIVE TRANSMISSION MAIN D RESERVOIR DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS (STUDY) D RESERVOIR- PHASE 1 D RESERVOIR -PHASE II DEMOLITION OF WATER FACILITIES AT PAJAMA DRIVE DESALINATION GROUNDWATER/SEAWATER STUDY EL CAMINO REAL - PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD SOUTH EL CAMINO REAL BETWEEN COLLEGE AND JACKSPAR EL CAMINO REAL CROSSING AT KELLY DRIVE EL CAMINO REAL TRANSMISSION MAIN FROM FARADAY TO COUGAR DRIVE EL CAMINO REAL/CARLSBAD VILL DR PIPELINE REPL. EL FUERTE - NORTH OF LOKER - (Reimb) EL FUERTE AND CORINTIA STREET ELLERY WATER PUMP PROJECT FARADAY AVENUE - ORION TO MELROSE WATERLINE - (Reimb) FARADAY AVENUE EXTENSION - Reimb GROUNDWATER DEVELOPMENT - SAN LUIS REY RIVER (STUDY) LAKE CALAVERA RESERVOIR IMPROVEMENTS MAERKLE DAM FLOATING COVER DRAINPIPE REPLACE. MAERKLE FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS MAERKLE PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS MAERKLE PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS MAERKLE RESERVOIR BRIDGE REPLACEMENT MAERKLE RESERVOIR STORAGE (TAP #2) MAERKLE TRANSMISSION MAIN MARRON ROAD - PRESSURE REGULATING STATION TO OCEANSIDE MASTER PLAN UPDATE MELROSE DRIVE - PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD TO FARADAY - (Reimb) METER REPLACEMENTS (TRANSFER TO OPERATING FUND) MISCELLANEOUS PIPELINE REPLACEMENT PROJECTS MISCELLANEOUS WATER RESERVOIR FENCING MISCELLANEOUS WATER VALVE REPAIRS/REPLACEMENTS OCEANSIDE INTERTIE UPGRADE PAR/ECR PUMP STATION PAR/ECR PUMP STATION POINSETTIA LANE - EL CAMINO REAL TO SKIMMER CT (Reimb) POINSETTIA LANE - SKIMMER CT TO CASSIA POINSETTIA LANE - SKIMMER CT TO CASSIA POINSETTIA LANE EAST OF SLACK RAIL ROAD 12" POINSETTIA LANE EAST OF BLACK RAIL ROAD 12" PRESSURE REDUCING STATION REPLACEMENT PUBLIC WORKS CENTER RANCHO CARRILLO OVERSIZING/EXTENSION SAN MARCOS BOULEVARD WEST OF SDCWA TANGLEWOOD PRESSURE REDUCING STATION REPLACEMENT TRI-AGENCIES WATER TRANSMISSION PIPELINE REPLACEMENT WATER PIPELINE REPLACEMENT - CAMEO ROAD TO ECR WATER SYSTEM INTERTIE CONNECTION SUBTOTAL WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM RECYCLED WATER PROJECTS -.^ CARLSBAD WATER RECYCLING FACILITY SCADA MODIFICATIONS CHESTNUT AVENUE RECYCLED WATER LINE ECR/TAMARACK PUMP STATION REMOVAL • I-5 RECYCLED WATER TRANSMISSION LINE PUMP STATION REMOVAL FUND WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER CONN WATER CONN WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER CONN WATER CONN WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER CONN WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER CONN WATER CONN WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER CONN WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER CONN WATER CONN WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER CONN WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER CONN WATER REPL WATER CONN WATER CONN WATER CONN WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER CONN WATER REPL WATER CONN WATER REPL WATER CONN WATER CONN WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER CONN WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER REPL WATER REPL TOTAL BUDGET 475,700 100,000 485,200 760.800 917,200 1,246,700 1,066,000 530,000 155,800 135.000 6,410,100 2,136.600 95,500 744.400 3,225,000 971,275 725.000 774,100 269,975 250,000 161,700 205,900 887,210 776,000 55,000 6.646.908 200.000 1,870,200 771,325 771,325 328,750 14,244.500 4,875,000 767,200 500,000 1,475,000 650,000 1.876,700 197,399 250,000 114,600 997.350 990,350 125.700 489.100 383,600 230,500 230,400 1.102.000 7,169,600 152,700 3,091,241 354,750 5.605,000 120,000 439,000 80.580,358 210,000 436,100 80.019 266,610 442,700 PRIOR EXP/ENC 57,498 2,340,294 970,678 725.000 180,602 267,112 44,819 11,739 5.962.344 196,156 135,923 44,322 24,833 3.698 256,409 37,177 881,247 955,867 - 1,999 3,052,765 350,851 114,527 34,774 16.650,634 911 BALANCE YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEARS YEAR 6-10 BUILDOUT FORWARD 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2018 2018-2023 - 760,800 624,000 - . - 38,002 - 884,706 597 593.498 2,863 148,750 161,081 85,471 684,564 3,844 1,734.277 54.425 10,103 3,917 491,302 - 743,591 160,222 116,103 34,483 - - - 150,701 38,476 3,899 160,473 120,000 404.226 8,214.374 133,305 441,789 475,700 100,000 54,100 431,100 917,200 475.800 146.900 1.066.000 530,000 32,500 123.300 135.000 6,410,100 2,136,600 744,400 101,250 161,700 790,000 776,000 55.000 716,900 716,900 300,000 14,244,500 4,380,000 767,200 500.000 1,475,000 650.000 433.000 443,700 125,000 125,000 114,600 125,700 489,100 383,600 230,500 230,400 1,102,000 7,169,600 330,000 5,000,000 11,639,250 6,809,800 7,928,900 16,262,700 123.300 12.184,200 767,200 210,000 436,100 80.019 133.305 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2008-09 TO BUILDOUT Exhibit 4-A PROJECT TITLE RECYCLED WATER LINE - BUSINESS PARK AND SEA CLIFF HOA RECYCLED WATER LINE - INNOVATION WAYAND GATEWAY RECYCLED WATER PH II - MAHR RESERVOIR IMPROV. RECYCLED WATER PH II - PUMP STATIONS RECYCLED WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE SUBTOTAL RECYCLED WATER PROJECTS FUND RECL WATER RECL WATER RECL WATER RECL WATER WATER REPL TOTAL BUDGET 230,000 675,000 2,957,000 4,918,574 250,000 10.466,003 PRIOR EXP/ENC 2,919,101 4,663,297 7,583,309 BALANCE YEAR 1 FORWARD 2008-2009 37,899 255,277 868,270 TOTAL ALL WATER PROJECTS 91,046,361 24,233,943 9,082,644 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 YEARS YEAR 6-10 BUILDOUT 2012-2013 2013-2018 2018-2023 230.000 675,000 250,000 1.365,000 436,100 80,019 133,305 13,004,250 7,245,900 8,008,919 16,396,005 123,300 12,184,200 767,200 Exhibit 4B PROGRAM: FUND: PROGRAM GROUP: WATER OPERATIONS WATER ENTERPRISE MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS ACCTNO. 5016310/5026310 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS CAPITAL/DEBT/TRANSFERS GRAND TOTAL FULL TIME POSITIONS HOURLY/FTE POSITIONS 2005-06 ACTUAL $2,947,823 22,483,502 48,597 $25,479,922 35.75 0.00 2006-07 ACTUAL $5,860,507 36,261,846 2,983 $42,125,336 34.75 0.00 2007-08 BUDGET $3,418,275 26,686,428 915,200 $31,019,903 35.50 0.00 2008-09 BUDGET $3,398,739 30,318,960 946,875 $34,664,574 35.15 0.00 PROGRAM GROUP DESCRIPTION: The Carlsbad Municipal Water District, a subsidiary district of the City of Carlsbad, provides potable water service to approximately 85 percent of the City (86,140 customers). The District purchases 100% of its potable water as treated water from the OSan Diego County Water Authority. In FY 2005-06, the District's Phase II Recycled Water Plant began production. In addition, the District continues to buy recycled water from the Leucadia Wastewater Authority and Vallecitos Water District. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Water Operations • Provide operation and maintenance of the potable and recycled water reservoirs, pumping, regulating, and disinfection activities; collect water quality samples to ensure compliance with State and Federal regulations. Water Construction/Maintenance • Schedule and perform water system maintenance to ensure a safe and efficient water distribution system. Meter Services • Collect water customer usage data for utility billing to ensure financial viability of the District through timely and accurate revenue collections; provide customer service for water utility customers; and install, replace and maintain water meters. Cross-Connection Control • Implement and enforce cross-connection control of potable and recycled water systems to ensure a safe supply of potable water, and compliance with State and Federal regulations. PERFORMANCE/WORKLOAD MEASURES: Water Cost Annual water loss not to exceed six percent as set by the California Department of Water Resources. Distribution system losses commonly range between 6% and 15%. The American Water Works Association recommends that the loss after treatment be maintained at 10% or less. Also, the annual cost of service will not exceed $811 per acre-foot of water produced. This benchmark was established based on results of a survey conducted by the American Water Works Association (AWWA) in February 2006. Fiscal Year 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 Water Loss 5.2% 6.1% 5.0% 6.0% 2.0% Cost per Acre-Foot $755 $784 $828 $901 $936 H-32 Exhibit 4B PROGRAM: FUND: PROGRAM GROUP: WATER OPERATIONS WATER ENTERPRISE MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS PAGE TWO ACCTNO. 5016310/5026310 PERFORMANCE/WORKLOAD MEASURES (continued) Potable Water Quality • Ninety-eight percent (98%) of bacteria samples free of coliform bacteria as adopted by the City's Performance Measurement Team. The State requirement is that less than 5 percent of all samples collected during any month are total coliform-positive. Fiscal Year 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 No. Samples Collected 1,719 1,752 1,724 1,719 1,716 Percent Bacteria-Free 99.9% 99.9% 99.8% 99.9% 100% Water Service Delivery • Complete 90% of planned maintenance of water distribution valves and fire hydrants each year based on a standard of maintenance. Measures the level of care with which the integrity of the water distribution system is being maintained. Fiscal Year 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 % of Planned Valve Maintenance 8% 24% 28% 56% 74% Maintenance Fire Hydrant Maintenance 10% 35% 35% 67% 73% Complete 90% of planned testing and inspections of recycled water use sites. Measures the level at which operations staff is performing required inspections and testing of recycled water use sites. Activity % of Planned Testing/Inspections FY2003 FY2004 FY 2005 FY2006 FY2007 Planned Testing Benchmark , Cross Connection Test 90% 100% 71% 4-Yr. Cross Connection Test 90% 100% 200% Planned Inspections Benchmark Walk-Through Inspections 90% 86% 125% 100% 200% 100% 235% 96% 81% 91% 90% 75% SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: A total of 0.35 positions have been reallocated to other programs to better reflect each program's workload. H-33 Exhibit 4B PROGRAM: FUND: PROGRAM GROUP: FINANCE GENERAL/ENTERPRISE FINANCE ACCTNO. 0011310 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL FULL TIME POSITIONS HOURLY/FTE POSITIONS GENERAL FUND WATER ENTERPRISE STORM WATER SOLID WASTE SEWER ENTERPRISE TOTAL FUNDING 2005-06 ACTUAL $2,231,484 760,099 0 $2,991,584 28.00 2.50 $2,526,184 325,800 0 0 139,600 $2,991,584 2006-07 ACTUAL $2,547,488 951,700 70,705 $3,569,893 28.00 1.00 $3,037,750 376,401 0 0 155,742 $3,569,893 2007-08 BUDGET $2,714,664 941,793 3,000 $3,659,457 28.00 1.00 $3,049,051 396,764 15,260 15,260 183,122 $3,659,457 2008-09 BUDGET $2,794,712 979,726 0 $3,774,438 28.00 1.00 $3,134,377 416,039 16,002 16,002 192,018 $3,774,438 MISSION STATEMENT: Our mission is to ensure that the City of Carlsbad makes sound financial decisions. We take pride in accomplishing this mission by maintaining individual and departmental credibility; working together as a team while respecting each other's differences; and consistently striving to go above and beyond expectations. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Long-Range Financial Planning and Budget Management • Prepare ten-year operating forecasts incorporating various "what-if" scenarios to facilitate decision-making for the City Council and City departments. • Prepare and monitor annual capital and operating budgets to allocate resources in a cost-effective manner in alignment with the City Council's goals. • Perform bi-annual review of all City fees and annual cost allocation plan. General Accounting and Reporting • Accurately bill, collect, record, and report all City revenues including follow-up of delinquent accounts. • Prepare checks for City employees and for service and commodity suppliers. • Prepare and maintain finance records and documents in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles and applicable legal and contractual provisions. • Prepare Comprehensive Annual Financial Report in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. • Provide the City Council and City management with timely monthly financial reports. • Perform in-house internal control reviews as needed. Assessment District/Community Facilities District (CFD) Administration • Assist in evaluation and formation of new districts. • Issue bonds for capital projects when required. Pay debt service and provide continuing disclosure information. • Provide administration of CFDs and assessment districts as required by formation documents and State law. Purchasing • Issue and manage formal bid and quotation processes. • Track and renew annual commodity and service contracts and joint agency contracts. • Assist City departments in the creation and administration of contracts. D-3 Exhibit 4B PROGRAM: FUND: PROGRAM GROUP: FINANCE GENERAL/ENTERPRISE FINANCE PAGE TWO ACCTNO. 0011310 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES (continued): Receiving. Messenger, and Mail Services • Act as shipping and receiving for the Faraday Administration Center. • Direct disposal of surplus and lost/unclaimed property. • Collect outgoing City mail and apply postage. • Sort and distribute all incoming City mail. WORKLOAD AND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: • Average number of days to issue Monthly Financial Status Report • Awards received for CAFR • Awards received for Annual Budget • Number of business licenses processed • Number of account payable checks processed • Number of payroll checks issued • Number of electronic payroll checks issued • Outstanding debt issues administered • Number of purchase orders issued • Dollar amount of purchase orders issued • Pieces of mail processed FY2005 12.8 GFOA GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation 8,576 15,399 7,831 18,124 $100 million 1,842 $89 million 172,408 FY2006 10.3 GFOA CSMFO Excellence in Operational Budget & Public Communications and Most Distinguished Budget Cover 8,955 15,315 6,473 18,495 $117 million 1,411 $126 million 174,282 FY2007 11.6 GFOA CSMFO Excellence in Operational Budget & Public Communications 8,926 14,538 6,379 20,420 $131 million 1,501 $105 million 164,919 KEY GOALS FOR 2008-09: Financial Health • Continue to monitor the economy and the impact to the 10 Year Financial Forecast to ensure the General Fund remains in balance. • Implement Council Policy 74 - General Fund Reserve Guidelines approved by the City Council April 2008. • Partner with Economic Development Program in developing an economic strategic plan to document the current economic conditions within the City of Carlsbad and develop action plans and opportunities for improved economic sustainability in the future. • Continue to audit internal operations of the City as well as external vendors as appropriate. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: • None. D-4 Exhibit 4B PROGRAM: FUND: PROGRAM GROUP: ENGINEERING GENERAL/WATER & SEWER ENTERPRISE ENGINEERING SERVICES ACCTNO. ooi57ix/5XX63io PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL FULL TIME POSITIONS HOURLY/FTE POSITIONS GENERAL FUND WATER ENTERPRISE SANITATION ENTERPRISE TOTAL FUNDING 2005-06 ACTUAL $5,433,968 1,705,035 3,875 $7,142,878 51.20 1.00 6,077,519 639,215 426,144 7,142,878 2006-07 ACTUAL $5,599,801 1,850,562 21,103 $7,471,466 54.60 0.50 6,312,869 695,162 463,435 7,471,466 2007-08 BUDGET $6,905,571 3,116,567 50,713 $10,072,851 56.90 1.50 8,827,909 746,965 497,977 10,072,851 2008-09 BUDGET $7,042,843 2,445,898 0 $9,488,741 55.90 2.00 8,650,627 502,868 335,246 9,488,741 WORK PROGRAM: The Engineering Department supports the City Council's goals by providing high-quality service in transportation engineering, water supply, sewer collection, parks, general engineering municipal projects, project management, front counter operations, and construction inspection. The Engineering Department provides services to the public and other City departments through preparation and processing of planning, design, and construction of capital projects and performing traffic and transportation studies, water and sewer modeling and preparation of master plans. The department is also responsible for ensuring that private development and public improvements are properly designed, constructed, and inspected while maintaining public safety and the well being of the community. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Administration • Coordinate with all divisions to ensure accomplishment of City Council Goals and Objectives, provide administrative and clerical support to all divisions and the Beach Preservation Committee, ensure that the management reporting system is accurately maintained and generates all reports on schedule, and provide accurate records filed in a standardized and efficient manner. Development Services • Provide comprehensive engineering input for all land use development applications, process engineering development plans and maps in a professional manner, maintain high-quality and meet production goals; ensure engineering questions related to land development are answered in a timely manner. Planning and Programs • Coordinate the preparation of the annual update to the City's Buildout Capital Improvement Program, update existing facility impact fee programs, and assist developers with the formation of finance districts to fund major public improvements. Administer and coordinate engineering activities for beach erosion, lagoon dredging, growth management monitoring, special districts program, and facility mapping. H-5 Exhibit 4B PROGRAM: ENGINEERING PAGE TWO FUND: GENERAL/WATER & SEWER ENTERPRISE PROGRAM GROUP: ENGINEERING SERVICES ACCTNO. ools/ix/sxxesio PROGRAM ACTIVITIES (continued): Design • Design citywide capital improvement projects including domestic and recycled water systems, sewer systems, civic and municipal building and park improvements, street improvements, perform markouts, prepare master plans, conduct special studies and investigations, and assist with water resource development. For each project a variety of services are provided including planning, preparation of final plans and specifications, water quality investigations, technical engineering assistance, mapping, facility location and administration, and project management. Transportation • Review, investigate, analyze, and resolve a wide variety of traffic and transportation issues, concerns, complaints, and inquiries. Maintain records of collision reports, speed surveys, and traffic counts. Assist in maintaining optimum traffic signal operations and efficient traffic flow. Provide resource assistance to other City Departments on a wide variety of traffic issues. Construction Management and Inspection • Perform construction management and inspection for capital improvement projects and private developments. Ensure construction of high-quality public improvements. Minimize inconvenience to the public while ensuring safe work sites. KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 2007- 08: Design Completed 2008 Slurry Seal Overlay and Pavement Overlay Cynthia Lane Storm Drain 2008 Concrete Replacement Beech Street Sewer Replacement La Golandrina Sewer Extension La Costa Meadows Sewer Extension Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer Manhole Replacement North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer - West Segment Carlsbad Village Drive and Avenida De Anita Intersection Improvements El Camino Real Transmission Main from Faraday to Cougar Romeria Channel Improvements El Camino Real Widening at Cougar Drive Hosp Grove Park Storm Channel Improvements Rancho Carrillo Water Pipeline Extension Calle Gavanzo French Drains 2008 Corregated Metal Pipe Replacements 2008 N.W. Quadrant Sewer Rehabilitation El Camino Real Widening at Cougar Drive Upper and Lower Faraday Lift Station Removal Construction Completed 2007 Concrete Replacement 2007 Pavement Overlay 2007 Slurry Seal Poinsettia Lift Station Improvements Mira Monte Drive Access Control Gate 2008 N.W. Quadrant Storm Drain Replacement Pajama Drive Water Facility Removal Ridgecrest Drainage Improvements N.E. Quadrant Manhole Rehabilitation Aviara Park Water Service Relocation Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course H-6 Exhibit 4B PROGRAM: ENGINEERING PAGE THREE FUND: GENERAL/WATER & SEWER ENTERPRISE PROGRAM GROUP: ENGINEERING SERVICES ACCTNO. ooi57ix/sxx63io KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 2007-08 (continued): • Miscellaneous Water Reservoir Fencing • Faraday Avenue From Orion to Melrose • El Fuerte from Palomar Airport Road to Faraday • City Library Learning Center • Carlsbad Bridge Retrofit • Maerkle Dam Cover Rainwater System Replacement • Olivenhain/Rancho Santa Fe Road Improvements • Senior Center Remodel • El Camino Water Line Projects • Point "D" Piping Removal @ PAR & ECR • Encina Basin Water Reclamation Program • Highland Drive Storm Drain • Mahr Reservoir • Onsite Wetland Mitigation Restoration • Pine Avenue Park • RSF Rd Road Fill Failure at Agua Dulce Court • Cannon Road and College Boulevard Street Widening Improvements • Tamarack Sinkhole Repair • Cameo Sinkhole Repair • Traffic Signals Constructed at 40 Intersections throughout the City Other Projects • Completed Draft Pedestrian Master Plan • Updated Traffic Impact Fee Program • Implemented the New Regional Transportation Congestion Improvement Program Fee • Acquired City Council Certification of the Drainage Master Plan for Agua Hedionda Channel Dredge EIR • Secured Memorandum of Understanding with SANDAG for the Beach Sand Project • Completed Bicycle Master Plan • Amended Cannon College Assessment District to Include an 84 Inch Storm Drain • Updated Existing and Established New Storm Water Inspection Fees • Updated Stormwater Protection Construction Standards • Completed Code Revisions to Accommodate New Storm Water Requirements • Developed Bridge Preventative Maintenance Program • Completed Review and Issued Permits for Grading on the N.E Quadrant Park Site • Completed Review for Robertson Ranch and Issued Permits to Begin Construction • Completed the 84 Inch Cannon Road Storm Drain • Completed Review and Issued Permits for Bressi Ranch Village Center KEY GOALS FOR 2008-09: Transportation/Circulation • Continue to work toward the environmental processing, design, and/or construction of major road projects including: College Boulevard widening • Update traffic signal coordination timing on El Camino Real and on Palomar Airport Road. Design • Complete Operation and Maintenance Manual for Mahr Reservoir • Obtain Agreement with Vallecitos Water District to serve recycled water in their service area. • Obtain Construction Bids for Alga Norte Community Park. • Complete Design of First Responders Training Facility. • Complete Preliminary Design of the Public Works Operations Center. • Obtain Bids for Buena Vista Lagoon Sewer Force main. • Complete Preliminary Design for Tri-Agency Pipeline. H-7 Exhibit 4B PROGRAM: ENGINEERING PAGE FOUR FUND: GENERAL/WATER & SEWER ENTERPRISE PROGRAM GROUP: ENGINEERING SERVICES ACCTNO. 001571X/5XX6310 KEY GOALS FOR 2008-09 (continued): Planning and Programs Complete Pedestrian Master Plan Prepare a Bid for Agua Hedionda Channel Dredge Project Support Effort to Secure Financing for College Boulevard, Reach A Support Efforts to Secure Financing for Poinsettia Lane, Reach E Create an Enterprise Geo-Database Environmental Management • Update Storm Drain Master Plans per the growth management data and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements and determine if the current planned facilities and Planned Local Drainage Area fees are adequate for the existing rate of growth and future buildout. Construction Management & Inspection • Update Construction Management & Inspection Division Inspection Manual. • Workload and business processes of the Construction Management & Inspection Division are reviewed and updated as necessary to ensure efficiency, reliability and accountability in the close out process for development projects including development improvement agreements, subdivision improvement agreements and grading agreements and their associated securities, including bonds, letters of credit, and cash deposits. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: • A Traffic Signal Systems Engineer was hired in January 2008 to develop a comprehensive transportation network optimization of traffic signals to ensure cost-effective and efficient vehicle flow on arterial roadways. • A total of 1.0 position has been reallocated to the Engineering Storm Water Program to assist with the inspection requirements of the new Storm Water Program. • A total of 0.50 hourly positions have been added to meet the increased workload requirements of the program. H-8 Exhibit 5 1 RESOLUTION NO. 454 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF 3 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE 4 OPERATING BUDGET OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND HOUSING AUTHORITY FOR FISCAL 5 YEAR 2008-09. 6 WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Commission of the City of 7 Carlsbad, California (the Commission), has reviewed the operating budget for the8 0 Redevelopment Agency for Fiscal Year 2008-09; and 10 WHEREAS, the Commission has reviewed the operating budget for the Housing 11 Authority Section 8 Programs, for Fiscal Year 2008-09; and 12 WHEREAS, public hearings have been held as necessary prior to the adoption of 13 the final operating budgets. 14 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Housing and Redevelopment 15 Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California as follows: 16 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 17 2. That certain documents now on file in the office of the City Clerk entitled18 "City of Carlsbad, 2008-09 Operating Budget and 2008-09 to Buildout Capital 20 Improvement Program - Preliminary," as amended in accordance with Exhibit 5-A 21 attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein, is hereby adopted as the 22 Operating Budgets for the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency and Housing Authority 23 Section 8 Programs for the Fiscal Year 2008-09. 3. That the amounts reflected as estimated revenues for Fiscal Year 2008-09 25 are hereby adopted as the budgeted revenues for 2008-09. 26 27 28 Exhibit 5 1 4. That the amount designated as 2008-09 Budget in Exhibit 5-A is hereby 2 appropriated to the fund for which it is designated, and such appropriation shall not be increased except as provided herein. 4 5. That the following controls are hereby placed on the use and transfers of 5 budget funds: 6 A. No expenditure of funds shall be authorized unless sufficient funds 7 have been appropriated by the Commission or Executive Director as described below. 8 9 i. The Executive Director may authorize all transfers of funds JO from account to account within the same fund in an amount up to $100,000 per transfer. 11 ii. The Executive Director may delegate the authority to make 12 budget transfers and adjustments. 13 iii. The Executive Director may authorize budget adjustments 14 involving offsetting revenues and expenditures; the Executive Director is authorized to increase an appropriation for a specific purpose where said appropriation is offset by 16 unbudgeted revenue which is designated for said specific purpose. 17 B. The Commission must authorize any increase in the number of 18 authorized permanent personnel positions above the level identified in the final Budget. 20 The Executive Director may authorize the hiring of temporary or part time staff as 21 necessary, within the limits imposed by the controls listed above. 22 6. That all appropriations and outstanding encumbrances as of June 30, 23 2008, are hereby continued into 2008-09 for such contracts and obligations. 24 /// 25 /// 26 /// 27 28 K , ' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission, Carlsbad City Council and Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors held on the 24th day of June, 2008, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Commission Members Lewis, Kulchin, Hall, Packard and Nygaard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None <?".• LISA HILDABRAND, Secretary .•" •? CARLSBAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2008-09 TO BUILDOUT PROJECT TITLE CARLSBAD BLVD AT BREAKWATER ROAD - LEFT TURN LANE CARLSBAD BLVD. AT STATE ST - INTERSECTION ENHANCEMENT DESIGN CARLSBAD BOULEVARD ENCINAS CREEK BRIDGE REPLACEMENT SENIOR CTR EXPANSION - 1ST FLOOR STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS VILLAGE PUBLIC PARKING ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM VILLAGE STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS FUND REDVL SCCRDA REDVL VILLAGE REDVL SCCRDA REDVL VILLAGE REDVL VILLAGE REDVL VILLAGE REDVL VILLAGE TOTAL BUDGET 243.150 100,000 339,135 1,082,044 400,000 850,000 275,000 PRIOR EXP/ENC 243.000 94,181 857.532 272,979 BALANCE YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEARS YEAR 6-10 BUILDOUT FORWARD 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2018 2018-2023 150 100,000 244,954 224,512 100,000 2.021 TOTAL ALL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS 3,289,329 1,467,692 671,637 300,000 850,000 0 300,000 000 850,000 0 mx PROGRAM: FUND: PROGRAM GROUP: RENTAL ASSISTANCE HUD SECTION 8 HOUSING HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT ACCT NO. 1903401 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL FULL TIME POSITIONS HOURLY/FTE POSITIONS 2005-06 ACTUAL $347,030 5,385,281 0 $5,732,312 4.93 0.30 2006-07 ACTUAL $365,173 4,843,046 0 $5,208,220 4.25 0.30 2007-08 BUDGET $390,985 5,629,527 0 $6,020,512 4.25 0.30 2008-09 BUDGET $411,056 5,485,561 0 $5,896,617 4.25 0.30 MISSION STATEMENT: Helping people achieve their dreams. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Section 8 Tenant-Based Rental Assistance • Provide federal funding to subsidize rents for extremely low-income and very low-income households. • Assist low-income households in the community to access rental housing that is decent, safe, and sanitary. • Ensure program is being administered in compliance with federal regulations, federal guidelines, the Carlsbad Administrative Plan, and the Public Housing Agency (PHA) Plan. • Achieve and maintain a lease rate that effectively utilizes funding allocation. Family Self-Sufficiency • Designed to enable unemployed, under-employed or under-educated low-income families to achieve economic independence from welfare. • Assist families in identifying barriers to becoming self-sufficient. • Provide guidance to the family to establish a five-year goal and plan. • Coordinate needed support services and act as an advocate on behalf of the client. PERFORMANCE/WORKLOAD MEASURES: • Maintain a Section Eight Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) ranking of "standard performer" or "high performer." • Achieve and maintain a lease rate utilizing 98% of allocated funds. • Update and revise Administrative Plan to adopt changes in federal regulations. • Expand rental assistance knowledge by conducting community workshops, providing owner and participant newsletters, and conducting owner outreach presentations. KEY ACHIEVEMENTS 2007-08: • Provided rental assistance to approximately 600 very low and extremely low-income households. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: • None. F-13 PROGRAM: FUND: PROGRAM GROUP: REDEVELOPMENT OPERATIONS VILLAGE AREA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT ACCTNO. 8013410/8023412 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL FULL TIME POSITIONS HOURLY/FTE POSITIONS 2005-06 ACTUAL $171,689 2,179,238 950,000 $3,300,928 1.69 0.07 2006-07 ACTUAL $239,613 2,015,553 1,030,000 $3,285,166 1.56 0.08 2007-08 BUDGET $186,474 1,422,862 0 $1,609,336 1.56 0.08 2008-09 BUDGET $175,501 1,522,736 0 $1,698,237 1.56 0.08 MISSION STATEMENT: Helping people achieve their dreams. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Implementation of the Carlsbad Village Redevelopment Master Plan • Coordination of project development and permit processing. • Administration of the Parking-ln-Lieu Fee Program. • Property acquisition for future redevelopment projects and facilitation of new development. Community Relations and Public Relations Program • Work with the Carlsbad Village Business Association and other business organizations to continue community awareness and public relations activities on behalf of the Redevelopment Agency. • Continue implementation of the Village Beautification Program through coordination of maintenance efforts in the Village. • Work with NCTD to resolve parking and land-use-related issues associated with the Village Commuter Rail Station and surrounding properties. PERFORMANCE/WORKLOAD MEASURES: • Process 15 applications for redevelopment permits for improvements to existing structures or new construction projects. • Process 20 sign permit applications. • Process four preliminary review applications. • Facilitate the development of at least one "special opportunity project" identified in the Village Redevelopment Master Plan. KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 2007-08: • Non-profit organization formed to implement findings of the Village Area Retail Analysis and Demand/Desire Study and gain a more cohesive approach to Village enhancements. • Revisions to development standards to assist in encouraging development approved by City Council. • Processed three sidewalk sign/outdoor display permits; 20 sign permits; three administrative redevelopment permits; and three major redevelopment permits. F-16 PROGRAM: REDEVELOPMENT OPERATIONS PAGE TWO VILLAGE AREA FUND: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PROGRAM GROUP: HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT ACCTNO. 8013410/8023412 KEY GOALS FOR 2008-09: Financial Health • Process redevelopment permits for all types of projects within the Village Area that represent high-quality development or redevelopment of properties and buildings. « Eliminate blighting conditions and influences in the Village Redevelopment Area through facilitation of private commercial and/or mixed-use development on North State Street. Balanced Community Development (also affects Financial Health goal) • Implement the actions outlined in the Redevelopment Operations Strategy to address the land use and administration/organizational structure strategies following the July 2009 expiration of the Redevelopment Plan. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: • None. F-17 PROGRAM: FUND: PROGRAM GROUP: LOW/MODERATE INCOME HOUSING VILLAGE AREA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ACCTNO. 8033420 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL FULL TIME POSITIONS HOURLY/FTE POSITIONS 2005-06 ACTUAL $35,813 31,377 0 $67,190 0.40 0.00 2006-07 ACTUAL $35,147 27,223 0 $62,370 0.29 0.00 2007-08 BUDGET $40,114 55,490 0 $95,604 0.29 0.00 2008-09 BUDGET $40,805 55,887 0 $96,692 0.29 0.00 MISSION STATEMENT: Helping people achieve their dreams. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Affordable Housing Project Processing Procedures • Continue development of affordable housing project processing procedures. Affordable Housing Project Coordination • Assist in the structure and implementation of affordable housing projects. Affordable Housing Education Program • Direct educational programs for citizens, businesses, and government agencies interested in affordable housing. PERFORMANCE/WORKLOAD MEASURES: • Process at least three requests for financial assistance through the Housing Policy Team. • Use existing low-income and moderate-income housing funds to develop property for an affordable housing project in the Village Redevelopment Area. • Participate in at least three outreach programs, professional conferences, and/or citizen and business groups on affordable housing. KEY GOALS FOR 2008-09: Top-Quality Services • Continue to assist private developers to provide affordable housing as required by the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: • None. F-18 r PROGRAM: FUND: PROGRAM GROUP: REDEVELOPMENT OPERATIONS SOUTH CARLSBAD COASTAL AREA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ACCT NO. 8ioxxxx/8H34i2 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL FULL TIME POSITIONS HOURLY/FTE POSITIONS 2005-06 ACTUAL $71,373 46,211 69,166 $186,751 0.54 0.20 2006-07 ACTUAL $67,334 100,189 69,166 $236,689 0.41 0.18 2007-08 BUDGET $80,227 100,066 0 $180,293 0.41 0.18 2008-09 BUDGET $75,754 97,533 0 $173,287 0.41 0.18 MISSION STATEMENT: Helping people achieve their dreams. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Implement Redevelopment Plan for South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area • Provide funding for the potential realignment of Carlsbad Boulevard, which may yield excess property that could provide for public recreational facilities and/or development of cultural facilities or other public facilities. • Revitalize, redevelop, and/or generally clean up the Ponto Area. • Enhance commercial and recreational functions/activities in the Redevelopment Area and increase parking and open space amenities. PERFORMANCE/WORKLOAD MEASURES: • Implement land use vision for planning area three. KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 2007-08: • Adoption of the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan and related Environmental Impact Report. KEY GOALS FOR 2008-09: Balanced Community Development • Facilitate the development of one project identified by the vision study for planning area three. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: • The assessed values in the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area declined from $398 million in Fiscal Year 2003-04 to $177 million in Fiscal Year 2006-07, less than the original values when the redevelopment area was formed. The decline is mainly due to the lower values assigned to the Encina Power Plant. Since the revenue to the area is based on the excess of the current assessed values over the original assessed values, the South Carlsbad Area will again not receive any property tax revenue in Fiscal Year 2008-09. Budgeted expenses will come from accumulated balances and/or loans from the City, as approved. F-19 PROGRAM: FUND: PROGRAM GROUP: LOW/MODERATE INCOME HOUSING SOUTH CARLSBAD COASTAL AREA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ACCTNO. 8123420 PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL FULL TIME POSITIONS HOURLY/FTE POSITIONS 2005-06 ACTUAL $20,592 9,556 0 $30,148 0.28 0.00 2006-07 ACTUAL $21,098 8,660 0 $29,758 0.15 0.00 2007-08 BUDGET $23,165 20,430 0 $43,595 0.15 0.00 2008-09 BUDGET $23,685 20,225 0 $43,910 0.15 0.00 MISSION STATEMENT: Helping people achieve their dreams. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Implement City-wide Affordable Housing Programs • Affordable Housing Project Coordination for Inclusionary Housing Development. • Affordable Housing Education Activities. • Development of affordable housing programs. • Facilitation of development of new affordable housing projects. PERFORMANCE/WORKLOAD MEASURES: • Utilize low-income and moderate-income housing funds to assist with the development and/or construction of at least one (1) new affordable housing project within the city limits of Carlsbad. • Develop Housing Plan for South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area. KEY GOALS FOR 2008-09: Balanced Community Development • Continue to assist private developers to provide affordable housing as required by the City's Inclusionary Housing Ordinance. • Implement affordable housing programs that serve to enhance the jobs/housing balance within the community. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: • None. F-20 Exhibit 6 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2008-191 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, 3 ESTABLISHING THE 2008-09 APPROPRIATION , LIMIT AS REQUIRED BY ARTICLE XIIIB OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE CONSTITUTION AND STATE 5 LAW 6 WHEREAS, Article XIIIB of the California State Constitution requires that 7 governments annually establish a limit on the appropriation of proceeds of taxes; and 8 o WHEREAS, State law requires that this limit be presented to the governing body 10 of each entity each fiscal year; and 11 WHEREAS, State law also requires that this limit be published in a newspaper of 12 general circulation to allow public response to the limit as adopted. 13 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of 14 Carlsbad, California, as follows: 15 1 . That the above recitations are true and correct. 16 2. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby 17 establish and adopt the 2008-09 appropriation limit of one hundred and ninety 18 million, six hundred and ninety five thousand, three hundred and eighty one 20 dollars ($190,695,381 ) as computed in Exhibit 6-A attached hereto. 21 3. That the City Clerk is directed to publish this Resolution in a 22 newspaper of general circulation. 23 /// 24 /// 25 /// 26 /// 27 /// 28 •- ,- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council, Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors and Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission, held on the 24th day of June, 2008, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Hall, Packard and Nygaard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ATTEST: LORRAI (SEAL) M. WOOD, City Clerl Exhibit 6A CITY OF CARLSBAD GANN APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT The Appropriations Limitation imposed by Proposition 4 and modified by Proposition 111 creates a restriction on the amount of revenue which can be appropriated in any fiscal year. The revenues which are subject to the Limitation are those considered "proceeds of taxes." The basis for calculating the Limit began in fiscal year 1978-79 and is increased based on population growth and inflation. The major change made by Proposition 111 allows the City to annually choose among the following options for calculating its Gann Limit: > Population growth of Carlsbad, OR > Population growth within San Diego County, AND > Growth in California per capita income, OR > Growth in non-residential assessed valuation due to new construction in the City. The factors used to calculate the 2008-09 Limit were: > Population growth in Carlsbad, AND > Growth in California per capita income The formula is outlined below: 2007-08 Expenditure Limit $178.603.897 % Carlsbad Population Growth 1.0238 Growth in California per capita income X 1.0429 Net Increase Factor 1.0677 2008-09 Limit (2007-08 Limit X Factor) $190.695.381 Current Appropriation of Proceeds of Taxes $106,469,178 (Subject to the Limit) The spending limit for the City of Carlsbad for 2008-09 is $190.7 million, with appropriations of "proceeds of taxes" of $106.5 million. The result of the calculation provides the City with an operating margin of $84.2 million. D-11 4 Exhibit 7 RESOLUTION NO. 2008-192 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING CHANGES TO THE MASTER FEE SCHEDULE. 5 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has the authority to establish 6 fees for City services; and 7 WHEREAS, from time-to-time said fees are reviewed and evaluated to maintain an adequate fee structure recovering costs for City services; and 9 WHEREAS, the City Council has determined the cost of providing general and 10 development-related services; and WHEREAS, the City Council believes it is necessary for the City Manager to have the authority to adjust the recreation program and classes fees from time to time to remain competitive and within the market pricing for like programs and classes; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it necessary to recover the costs for City 16 services; and 17 WHEREAS, the City Council has held the necessary public hearing and allowed for public comment on the establishment of said fees. 19 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of 20 Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 22 2. That the changes to the Master Fee Schedule for the fees shown in 24 Exhibit 7-A attached hereto, and as amended by determinations of the City ^ Council at its meeting of Tuesday, June 24, 2008 as set forth in the minutes 26 of that meeting. . 27 28 Exhibit 7 3. That all other general City fees and development-related fees as shown in Resolution _ , except as specifically amended, shall remain in full force and effect. 4 4. The City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager or his/her designee 5 to set recreation program and class fees. The fee shall not exceed the fully 6 burdened (direct and indirect) costs of providing the program or class but shall be no less than the lowest fee charged for like kind programs or classes 9 in the North County cities of Oceanside, Vista, San Marcos, Escondido, or 10 Encinitas. 1 5. That the public hearing and notice requirements for the proposed changes to the Master Fee Schedule have been satisfied and that the City Council will 13 continue its deliberations for changes to the Master Fee Schedule for 14 recreation fields use which will be determined by subsequent Resolution of 15 the City Council at its meeting of September 9, 2008 or as soon as 16 practicable thereafter. 6. This resolution shall become effective on August 1, 2008 for General city 19 fees, November 1, 2008 for Water/Sewer fees pending the successful 20 outcome of the September 9, 2008 public hearing and September 1, 2008 for 21 the Development-related service fees and Development-impact fees. 99 23 24 25 26 27 '" 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council, Municipal Water District Board of Directors and Housing and Redevelopment Commission, held on the 24th day of June, 2008, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Hall, Packard and Nygaard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. JLAJDE'A LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: /uu. M. WOppTCityClerF Exhibit 7-A CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULES June 2008 General City Service fee increases approved by Council on June 24, 2008 will go into effect August 1, 2008. Water/Sewer fee increases will become effective on November I, 2008 pending the successful outcome of the September 9, 2008 public hearing. Development-Related Service fee increases approved by Council on June 24, 2008 will go into effect September 1, 2008. Development-Impact fee Increases approved by Council on June 24, 2008 will go into effect September 1, 2008 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULES SECTION 1 GENERAL CITY SERVICE FEES June 2008 CITY OF CARLSBAD FEE SCHEDULE GENERAL CITY FEES AND CHARGES June 2008 Fee Description Administrative Fee for 1915 Act Bond Call - 1% of principal being repaid Administrative Fee - DUI Ambulance Fees Base Rate - Resident Base Rate Non-Resident Mileage Charge - per mile Supplies Charge Oxygen Charge Assessment Appeal City Council - Miscellaneous Bicycle Licenses Bicycle Licenses - Replacement or Transfer Bond Search Business License - master list of active business licenses Business License - monthly list of new licenses Police - Entertainment License Campaign Sign Permit (plus a $200 refundable deposit) Check Processing Fee for Cancellation (Customer Initiated) City Clerk - Audio Tape Copy City Clerk - CD Copy City Clerk - Municipal Code Books (Cost for Each) City Clerk - Municipal Code Supplement Service (per year) City Clerk - Full Council Agenda Packets/Minutes (per year)+postage City Clerk - Certification Charge (per document) Copies - each Hearing Disposition Services for Parking Citations - Personal Hearings - Written Review Planning Commission Agenda and Minutes (+postage) Publications - As Determined by the City Manager Returned Check Fee Traffic Safety Commission (TSC) appeal fee for City Clerk to file the appeal for TSC Fjre Fire - Nuisance Alarm -1st response in 12 month period -2nd response in 12 month period -3rd response in 12 month period -each additional response thereafter -each billing Fire Use Permit Fees Temporary Use - Tents (Minor) - Tents (Major) - Carnivals and Fairs - Fireworks Display or Special Effects (per event or day) Notes (7) (D (9) (9) (10) FY 2007/08 Current Fee $50 min/$500 max $ 20 $ 618 $ 894 $ 15 $ 50 $ 150 $ 150 $ 3 $ 1 $ 30 $ 50 $ 5 $ 200 $ 55 $ 20 $ 30 $ 30 $ 150 $ 50 copy charge $ 20 $ 0 $ $ copy charge $ 35 $ 150 $ $ 75 $ 150 $ 295 $ 10 $ 120 $ 265 $ 240 $ 315 FY 2008-09 Proposed Fee $50 min/$500 max $ 20 $ 618 $ 894 $ 15 $ 50 $ 150 $ 150 $ 3 $ 1 $ 30 $ 50 $ 5 $ 200 $ 55 $ 20 $ 30 $ 30 $ 150 $ 50 copy charge $ 20 $ 0.15 $ $ copy charge $ 35 $ 150 $ $ 75 $ 150 $ 295 $ 10 $ 123 $ 272 $ 246 $ 323 June 2008 1-1 CITY OF CARLSBAD FEE SCHEDULE GENERAL CITY FEES AND CHARGES June 2008 Fee Description Hazardous Materials and Processes -Candles or OTHER Open Flame -Assembly - Covered Mall (plus $65 per reinspection) - Welding - Compressed Gases - Dust Production - Combustible Fiber Use and Storage - Aerosol Use/Storage - Flammable Finishes - Haz-Mat Use and Storage - Dry Cleaning - Spray Booth (plus $65 per resinspection) - Motor Vehicle Repair - Medical Gas Dispensing System - Industrial Ovens - Combustible Storage Facility - High-Piled Combustible Storage - Refrigeration Equipment - Flammable and Combustible Liquids Dispensing, Use, Storage, Tanks - Liquefied Petroleum Gas (plus $65 per resinspection) Fire - Initial Occupancy Inspection Fee Fire Inspection -Interim ($65 - each reinspection) Fire Inspection - Other ($65 - each reinspection) Fire - Failed Business lnspection/2nd Reinsp. Fire - Hydrant Water Flow Test Fire - Weed Abatement (charge per parcel) Fire- Weed Abatement Compliance Certificate Fire- Special Event - per fire personnel per hour (consistent with City payroll records) Library Library Borrowing - Audio Visual Equipment (per item, per day) Library Borrowing - Audio Visual Insurance fee - Per Video Tape/DVD Library Facility Fees (See schedule C) Library Fines (per day per item) Library Fines - Juvenile (per day per item) Library Account Collection Fee Library Fines - Video (per day per item) Library Interlibrary Loan Lost library Card Lost/Damaged Videotape/DVD Lost/Damaged beyond repair book/audio item Lost/ Damaged Library Materials Notes (6) FY 2007/08 Current Fee $ 110 $ 110 $ 110 $ 110 $ 110 $ 170 $ 170 $ 110 $ 110 $ 240 $ 170 $ 110 $ 170 $ 235 $ 165 $ 160 $ 300 $ 170 $ 120 $ 120 $ 310 $ 180 $ 180 $ 65 $ 70 $ 145 $ 110 Actual Cost $ 5 $ 1 $ 0 $ 0 $ 10 $ 1 $ 2 $ 2 20% of list price List price+$40 if out of print Variable up to list price FY 2008-09 Proposed Fee $ 113 $ 113 $ 113 $ 113 $ 113 $ 174 $ 174 $ 113 $ 113 $ 246 $ 174 $ 113 $ 174 $ 241 $ 169 $ 164 $ 308 $ 174 $ 123 $ 123 $ 310 $ 180 $ 180 $ 65 $ 72 $ 149 $ 110 Actual Cost $ 5 $ 0.75 $ 0.25 $ 0.10 $ 10 $ 1 $ 2 $ 2 20% of list price List price+$40 if out of print Variable up to list price June 2008 1-2 CITY OF CARLSBAD FEE SCHEDULE GENERAL CITY FEES AND CHARGES June 2008 Fee Description Library Online Searching Fees Library Presearch Fee for Online Searches (Per Search) Library Book Reserve Fine (per item) Library Facility Rental - see attached exhibits Library History Room Photo Fee Library Lost Item Processing Fee Police Police - Dispatch Tape Copy Police - Copy Investigation Tapes (+ cost of duplicating the tape) Police - Emergency Response DUI Traffic Collision (max $12,000 per incident) Police - Burglary Alarm Response - Second Occurence (no charge for 1st response if permitted) Police - Burglary Alarm Response - Each Additional Occurence Police - False Robbery - Panic Alarm Response - Second Occurrence (no charge for 1st response) Police - False Robbery - Panic Alarm Response - Each Additional Occurance Police - Fingerprinting Fees Special Business Permit (plus fingerprint fee) Police - Dispatch Historical Searches (per month searched) Police -Storage / Impounded Vehicle Administrative Charge Police - Photograph Copy (fee plus reproduction costs) Police - Proof of Correction Certification - Carlsbad Resident or person with CPD citation Police - Proof of Correction Certification - all others Police - Report Copy Fee (Free to Victim) plus cost of reproduction Police - Second Call per Police Employee per hour (consistent with City payroll records) Police - Special Event Application - Minor (2 or less intersections)(fee plus services rendered) Police - Special Event Application - Major (3 or more intersections)(fee plus services rendered) Police - Verification Letter Special Event City Services - Staff Time Criminal Justice Administration (per person) Public Dump Permit - Fee per acre Senior Center See Schedule A Sewer Sewer Service Charges Minimum Monthly Charge Group I - Residential - Single Family Residence (Flat Rate) Group I - Residential - Multi-Family Residence rate per unit, 90% of water used Group I - Residential - Mobile Home rate per unit, 90% of water used Group II - Commercial - Rate per hundred cubic feet, min $14.65 per month Group III - Commercial - Rate per hundred cubic feet, min $14.65 per month Group IV - Commercial - Rate per hundred cubic feet, min $14.65 per month Group V - Institutions/Schools - Elementary School - rate per student per month, min $14.65 per month - Junior High School - rate per student per month; min $14.65 per month - High School - rate per student per month; min $14.65 per month - Boarding School - rate per student per month; min $14.65 per month Group VI - Large Volume Users - Beckman Micro Operations - Rate per hundred cubic feet, min $14.65 per month Notes (6) (5) (5) (5) (5) (3) (2) FY 2007/08 Current Fee Actual Cost $ 5 $ 1 Direct Cost $ 5 $ 50 $ 60 Direct Cost $ 30 $ 60 $ 100 $ 100 $ 23 $ 115 $ 20 $ 65 $ 55 $ $ 15 $ 15 Actual Cost $ 110 $ 330 $ 13 $ 154 $ 200 $ 16.20 $ 16.20 $ 2.30 $ 2.30 $ 1.91 $ 2.51 $ 3.96 $ 0.25 $ 0.49 $ 0.73 $ 3.64 $ 4.78 FY 2008-09 Proposed Fee Actual Cost $ 5 $ 0.50 Direct Cost $ 5 $ 50 $ 60 Direct Cost $ 30 $ 60 $ 100 $ 100 $ 23 $ 115 $ 20 $ 65 $ 55 $ $ 15 $ 15.00 Actual Cost $ 110 $ 330 $ 13 $ 154 $ 200 $ 17.65 $ 17.65 $ 2.51 $ 2.51 $ 2.08 $ 2.73 $ 4.31 $ 0.27 $ 0.53 $ 0.80 $ 3.97 $ 5.21 June 2008 1-3 CITY OF CARLSBAD FEE SCHEDULE GENERAL CITY FEES AND CHARGES June 2008 Fee Description - Culligan - Rate per hundred cubic feet, min $14.65 per month Special City Services - Billed at Cost Solid Waste Solid Waste Fee (AB939) - 2.0% of Basic Trash Rate Trash Collection Fees - Residential - per month - Commercial per bin - one pick-up per week - Commercial per bin - two pick-ups per week - Commercial per bin - three pick-ups per week - Commercial per bin - four pick-ups per week - Commercial per bin - five pick-ups per week - Commercial per bin - six pick-ups per week Special Pick-ups of Solid Waste - Door-to-door household hazardous waste collection (HHW) - Delivery charge for roll-off boxes (per box) - Service charge for all classes of roll-off boxes (per collection + landfill disposal fees) Parks & Recreation Non-resident Fee - Instructional Classes and Excursions Non-resident Fee - Open Play Basketball, Volleyball, Badminton Non-resident Fee - Youth Sports (per person) Rental Staffing Fee Deposits & General Fees - See Schedule A Recreation and Safetv Center Facility Rental - See Schedule A Aqua Hedionda Annual Fee - Resident - Power Vessels Over 8' Annual Fee - Non-Resident - Power Vessels over 8' Annual Fee - Resident -Board/Sail Boats under 8' & Passives Annual Fee - Non-Resident - Passive Vessels under 8' Annual Fee - Board Sail - Additional Decal Annual Fee - Additional Decal - Power Vessels Over 8' Annual Fee - Additional Decal - Passive Vessels under 8' Replacement Lagoon Permit Decal Daily Fee - Resident - Power Vessels Over 8' Daily Fee - Non-Resident - Power Vessels Over 8' Daily Fee - Resident - Passive Vessels under 8' Daily Fee - Non-Resident - Passive Vessels Under 8' Aquatics Aquatic Facility Rental - See Schedule A Per Admission - Youth & Teen Per Admission - Adult - Resident Per Admission - Adult - Non-Resident City Classes - Beginner - Learn to Swim - Res City Classes - Beginner - Learn to Swim - Non-Res City Classes - Adult/Teen - Learn To Swim - Res City Classes - Adult/Teen - Learn To Swim - Non-Res City Classes - Parent/Infant thru Pre-School III - Res City Classes - Parent/Infant thru Pre-School III - Non-Res Contract Classes - Adapted Aquatics - Res Notes (4) (8) FY 2007/08 Current Fee $ 1.36 $ 19 $ 99 $ 181 $ 263 $ 345 $ 428 $ 510 $ 10 $ 42 $ 256 $ 10 $ 3 $ 10 $ 15 $ 80 $ 100 $ 35 $ 50 See below 50% curr. fee 50% curr. fee $ 8 $ 15 $ 23 $ 7 $ 12 $ 2 $ 3 $ 4 $ 47 $ 67 $ 47 $ 67 $ 47 $ 67 $ 47 FY 2008-09 Proposed Fee $ 1.48 $ 18.87 $ 98.85 $ 181.03 $ 263.19 $ 345.35 $ 427.51 $ 509.68 $ 10.25 $ 42.00 $ 255.56 $ 10 $ 3 $ 10 $ 17 $ 84 $ 105 $ 37 $ 52 See below 50% curr. fee 50% curr. fee $ 8 $ 16 $ 24 $ 8 $ 13 $ 2 $ 3 $ 4 $ 47 $ 67 $ 47 $ 67 $ 47 $ 67 $ 47 June 2008 1-4 CITY OF CARLSBAD FEE SCHEDULE GENERAL CITY FEES AND CHARGES June 2008 Fee Description Contract Classes - Adapted Aquatics - Non-Res Masters Swim (Daily Fee) - Res Masters Swim (Daily Fee) - Non-Res Contract Classes - Diving, Synchro Swim - Res Contract Classes - Diving, Synchro Swim - Non-Res Contract Classes - Masters Swim Workouts - Res (Monthly Fee) Contract Classes - Masters Swim Workouts - Non-Res (Monthly Fee) Individualized Instr - Basic Swimming - Res (per hour) Individualized Instr - Basic Swimming - Non-Res (per hour) Individualized Instr - Advanced Instr/coaching - Res (per hour) Individualized Instr - Advanced Instr/coaching - Non-Res (per hour) Water District Agricultural Water Rate Backflow Preventer Charge (per month, each account) Backflow Inspection - California Department of Environmental Health (CDEH) Backflow Reinspection Backflow 2nd Notice Backflow 3rd Notice Blueprinting of Standard Size (24" x 36") Improvement Plan Sheet (Cost for each) Potable, Reclaimed and Sewer Standards and Specifications (Cost for each) Reclaimed Water Use - Base Rate Per Unit Potable Water Use - Base Rate Per Unit (standard water rate) Conservation Rate (cost per unit) - 5/8" meter (1-7 units of water) Conservation Rate (cost per unit) - 3/4" meter (1-10 units of water) Conservation Rate (cost per unit) - 1" meter (1-16 units of water) Conservation Rate (cost per unit) - 1 1/2" meter (1 - 30 units of water) Conservation Rate (cost per unit) - 2" meter (1 - 45 units of water) Conservation Rate (cost per unit) - 3" meter (1 - 79 units of water) Conservation Rate (cost per unit) - 4" meter (1 - 123 units of water) Conservation Rate (cost per unit) - 6" meter (1 - 228 units of water) Conservation Rate (cost per unit) - 8" meter (1 - 336 units of water) Cost of Delivery Charge (per Month) Multi-Family Unit Cost of Delivery Charge (per month) - 5/8" meter Cost of Delivery Charge (per month) - 3/4" meter Cost of Delivery Charge (per month) - 1" meter Cost of Delivery Charge (per month) - 1 1/2" meter Cost of Delivery Charge (per month) - 2" meter Cost of Delivery Charge (per month) - 3" meter Cost of Delivery Charge (per month) - 4" meter Cost of Delivery Charge (per month) - 6" meter Cost of Delivery Charge (per month) - 8" meter Water Service Fee - Per New Account - Service Turn on Water Service Fee - Continuity of Service Water Service Fee - Door Hanger Water Service Fee - Accounts scheduled for termination for non-payment Water Service Fee - Same Day Turn-on (Not Scheduled for That Day) Water Service Fee - After Hour Turn-on Water Meter Deposit - Construction Meters Notes FY 2007/08 Current Fee $ 67 $ 4 $ 6 $ 47 $ 67 $ 47 $ 67 $ 47 $ 67 $ 47 $ 67 $ 1.45 $ 3.00 $ $ $ $ $ 5.00 $ $ 1.68 $ 1.76 $ 1.59 $ 1.59 $ 1.59 $ 1.59 $ 1.59 $ 1.59 $ 1.59 $ 1.59 $ 1.59 $ $ 12.12 $ 14.85 $ 20.36 $ 35.12 $ 50.60 $ 90.50 $ 146.68 $ 284.23 $ 449.87 $ 25.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ 60.00 $ 834.00 FY 2008-09 Proposed Fee $ 67 $ 4 $ 6 $ 47 $ 67 $ 47 $ 67 $ 47 $ 67 $ 47 $ 67 $ 1.45 $0O Actual Cost Actual Cost $ 8 $ 22 $ 5 $ $ 2.01 $ 2.12 $ 1.91 $ 1.91 $ 1.91 $ 1.91 $ 1.91 $ 1.91 $ 1.91 $ 1.91 $ 1.91 $ $ 14.54 $ 17.87 $ 24.50 $ 42.26 $ 60.88 $ 108.89 $ 176.49 $ 341.99 $ 541.28 $ 35 $ 10 $ 12 $ 15 $ 100 $ 185 $ 992 June 2008 1-5 CITY OF CARLSBAD FEE SCHEDULE GENERAL CITY FEES AND CHARGES June 2008 Fee Description Water Meter - Construction Meter rental fee Water Meter - Construction Meter Relocation Notes FY 2007/08 Current Fee $ 50 $ 20 Notes: (1) - Charge is cost of supplies plus additional 60%. (2) - Nonresidential sewer rates are calculated based on flow, strength and pretreatment requirements. (3) - See Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 8.17.070 (4) - Adopted by Council on 02/2006 (5) - Per section 8.50.080(e), Ord NS-230 ph1,2,1993; Ord -53 ph 3, 1989: Ord. 1278 ph 1 (part) 1985) (6) - See Schedule C (7) - Streets and Highways Code Section 8760-8769 (8)- Code Section 11.24 (9)- Code Section 10.56. 070 and 10.56.100 (10)- Code Section 8.09.01 3 FY 2008-09 Proposed Fee $ 115 $ 34 June 2008 1-6 Schedule A CLASSIFICATION OF APPLICANTS Each application will be reviewed by the Department staff and classified into a category depending on the type of organization and the intended use. The Department activities have first priority for the use of the facilities. The classifications are listed in order or priority with classification "A" first, classification "B" second, etc. The City attempts to accommodate all groups; however, there is a limited number of facilities. Unfortunately, the demand exceeds the supply. For that reason, a priority classification system for use was established. CATEGORY A. B. C. D. E. F. DESCRIPTION Carlsbad Parks and Recreation activities; Co-sponsored activities; other City departments Carlsbad resident: not-for-profit civic, not- for-profit social organizations (non-paid management - no voting board member can be paid); any organization sponsoring a public forum or candidates night; public education Carlsbad resident: not-for-profit civic, not- for-profit social organizations (paid management); private educational institutions Non-resident: not-for-profit educational, not for profit civic and not-for profit social organizations; resident private parties; and locally organized groups whose normal place of meeting is located in the City of Carlsbad. Carlsbad resident: commercial, business, profit making organization, non-resident private party activities Non-resident: commercial, business, political, profit making and religious organizations EXAMPLES Friends of the Library, Carlsbad Book Fair, Recreation and Lap Swim, Swim Lessons, Masters Swim Program Carlsbad Rotary, La Costa Youth Organization, Carlsbad Softball Association, Carlsbad Youth Baseball, Boy Scouts, Carlsbad Homeowner's Associations, Carlsbad Unified School District Boy's and Girl's Club, Property Management Associations North County AA, YMCA, resident religious and political groups, Mira Costa Carlsbad Inn, non-resident parties, weddings or receptions Trade shows, company training, meetings, seminars, scuba shops, commercials or photo shoots CITY OF CARLSBAD FEE SCHEDULE GENERAL CITY FEES AND CHARGES FACILITY FEE SCHEDULE AND CLASSIFICATIONS Schedule A DEPOSITS Cleaning/ Damage Deposit - All Non-Refundable Security Deposit Non-Refundable Security Deposit - Leo Carrillo Ranch CATEGORY ABODE F Up to $5,000 (Categories B - F) $50 or payment in full (Categories B - F) $500 or payment in full (Categories B - F) FACILITIES Harding Community Center (Hourly Rates) LOCATION Auditorium Recreation Hall (Kitchen included) Community Room Kitchen CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C NIC N/C N/C $ 20 $ 20 N/C $ 10 $ 30 $ 30 $ 15 $ 15 $ 50 $ 50 $ 20 $ 20 $ 65 $ 65 $ 30 $ 25 $ 85 $ 85 $ 45 $ 35 Stagecoach/Calavera Hills Community Centers (Hourly Rates) LOCATION Gymnasium % Gym Rental Activity Room Multi-Purpose Room CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C N/C N/C N/C $ 40 $ 20 $ 20 N/C $ 50 $ 25 $ 30 $ 25 $ 60 $ 30 $ 40 $ 30 $ 80 $ 40 $ 55 $ 40 $ 105 $ 50 $ 75 $ 60 Safety Center (Hourly Rates) LOCATION Fox Meeting Room Palowski Meeting Room CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C N/C $ 20 $ 20 $ 30 $ 30 $ 40 $ 40 $ 55 $ 55 $ 75 $ 75 Magee Park (Hourly Rates) LOCATION Heritage Hall (Kitchen included) Granary CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C N/C $ 15 N/C $ 20 $ 13 $ 45 $ 15 $ 65 $ 25 $ 75 $ 30 Senior Center (Hourly Rates) LOCATION Auditorium Dining Room Kitchen Warming Kitchen Full Service Art Room Dance Studio Activity Room CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C $ 30 $ 30 $ 5 $ 15 $ 15 $ 20 $ 30 $ 40 $ 40 $ 10 $ 20 $ 20 $ 25 $ 40 $ 55 $ 55 $ 15 $ 30 $ 25 $ 30 $ 55 $ 70 $ 70 $ 20 $ 35 $ 30 $ 35 $ 70 $ 95 $ 85 $ 25 $ 40 $ 35 $ 40 $ 95 June 2008 Schedule A-1 Facilities Continued Aviara Park (Hourly Rates) LOCATION Meeting Room A N/C CATEGORY B C D E F N/C $ 10 $15 $ 20 $ 25 Carrillo Ranch (Hourly Rental Fee) LOCATION Full Site Rental Cabana & Pool Area Patio Area Barbeque Access one time fee CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C N/C N/C N/C $ 90 $ 78 $ 31 $ 50 $ 115 $ 91 $ 45 $ 60 $ 141 $ 107 $ 61 $ 75 $ 168 $ 130 $ 78 $ 95 $ 195 $ 152 $ 91 $ 120 Fees are based on an hourly rate with a six hour minimum Misc. Addt'l Costs LOCATION Insurance Policy Processing Fee Security Staff Processing Fee Staffing Fee (with exception of Swim Complex) No Show/Facility Rental CATEGORY A B C D E F $25 per event $25 per event $17 per hour (Categories B-F) N/C $ 25 N/C N/C N/C N/C PARKS/PICNICS Group Sizes 1-100/101 + Stagecoach, Calavera Hills, Aviara, Pine Amphitheater or Picnic Structure, Holiday Park (Hourly Rates) LOCATION Covered Picnic Areas A N/C B $9/$14 CATEGORY C D $15/$20 | $19/$35 E $25/$40 F $40/$60 Poinsettia, Hidden Canyon, Magee, La Costa Canyon Upper Area, Laguna Riviera & Open Space (Hourly Rates) LOCATION Uncovered Picnic Areas Open Space CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C N/C $7/$10 $7/$10 $11/$16 $11/$16 $13/$28 $13/$28 $18/$33 $18/$33 $28/$48 $28/$48 Miscellaneous Addt'l Costs LOCATION Insurance Policy Processing Fee Security Staff Processing Fee Staffing Fee (with exception of Swim Complex) Inflatable Party Jump Permit CATEGORY A B C D E F $25 per event $25 per event $17 per hour (Categories B-F) $10 - Resident / $20 - Non-Resident (Categories B - F) June 2008 Schedule A-2 ATHLETIC FIELDS Natural Turf (Hourly Rates) LOCATION Day Use Non-Resident (Per Player) Lights Snack Bars Off Season Field Use Fee CATEGORY A B C D E F NIC NIC NIC N/C N/C $ 5 $ 9 N/C N/C $ 5 $ 20 $ 5 $ 25 N/C $ 30 $ 8 $ 30 N/C $ 35 $ 10 $ 35 N/C $ 40 $ 12 $3 per hour (Category B) Synthetic Turf Field Use Fees (Hourly Rate) LOCATION Day Use Non-Resident (Per Player) Lights Snack Bars Off Season Field Use Fee CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C $ 5 $ 9 N/C $ 25 $ 5 $ 35 $ 5 $ 45 N/C $ 55 $ 8 $ 55 N/C $ 65 $ 10 $ 65 N/C $ 75 $ 12 $3 per hour (Category B) Clinics/Camps (Hourly Rate) LOCATION Day Use Lights Snack Bar CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C N/C N/C $ 8 $ 13 N/C $ 13 $ 18 $ 5 $ 18 $ 23 $ 8 $ 23 $ 28 $ 10 $ 28 $ 33 $ 12 Tournaments (Hourly Rate) LOCATION Day Use Lights Snack Bar CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C N/C N/C N/C $ 10 N/C $ 10 $ 15 $ 5 $ 15 $ 20 $ 8 $ 20 $ 25 $ 10 $ 25 $ 30 $ 12 TENNIS COURTS Tennis Court (Daily Fee Per Court) LOCATION Carlsbad High School A N/C B C D E F N/C | $ 20 $30 $ 40 1 $ 60 * Tournament Play Only June 2008 Schedule A-3 AQUATIC FACILITY Swim Complex (Whole Pool (Hourly Rates) LOCATION Per Lane Per Hour Pool Aquatics Staff Costs - City provided services (Live Guard/Supervision - Per Hr) CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C $ N/C $ 8 $ 8.50 80 $ 85 $ 9 $ $ 90 $ $24 (Categories B - F) 11 $ 12 110 $ 120 Aquatic Facility Swim Passes-1 Month Family - Res. Swim Passes-1 Month Family - Non-Res. Swim Passes-4 Month Family - Res. Swim Passes-4 Month Family - Non-Res. Swim Passes-One Month Individual - Resident Swim Passes-One Month Individual - Non-Resident Swim Passes-Four Month Individual - Resident Swim Passes-Four Month Individual - Non-Resident Aquatics Staff Costs - City provided services (Life Guard / Supervision etc. - Per Hr) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 47 72 95 120 35 50 60 90 24 June 2008 Schedule A-4 Schedule B CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY FACILITY FEE SCHEDULE Based on hourly rates occurring during regular Library hours with a two-hour minimum, no prorating. $25 additional charge per cancelled booking. Applicant Classifications B C D E F Carlsbad Resident not for profit (non-paid management); ex. Boys & Girls Scouts. Carlsbad Resident not for profit (paid management); Prt Mgt HOAs, Boys & Girls clubs. Non-Resident not for profit. Residential Commercial, for profit et al. Non-resident Commercial and other organizations. Meeting Room N/C $15 $20 $30 $40 Auditorium $15 $20 $55 $75 $100 Cleaning Deposit refundable $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Additional Services Prices apply to all applicant classifications VCR & Monitor Use $10 Slide/Overhead Projector &Screen Use $5 Data/video Projector & Screen Use $20 Audio Visual Technician *$20 per hour "Auditorium use evenings 6-9 p.m. Monday-Thursday and weekends 9a.m.-5p.m. Saturday, 1-5 Sunday require AV Tech. Booking ahead for the January 1 - June 30 and July 1 - December 31 periods, submitted applications are accepted as follows: Carlsbad residents: Written applications accepted only if postmarked after September 1 to book for the January 1 through June 30 periods. Written applications accepted only if postmarked after April 1 to book for the July 1 through December 31 periods. Non-residents: Written applications accepted only if postmarked after September 15 to book for the January 1 through June 30 periods. Written applications accepted only if postmarked after April 15 for the July 1 through December 31 periods. For complete information see http://www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us/carlsbadmedia Schedule B-1 101 Schedule C CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY SCHULMAN AUDITORIUM Specialized Audio Visual Services Fee Schedule Video Services Per Hour One Camera Shoot Multi-Camera Production Graphics Video Engineer Sound Engineer Camera Operator Technical Director Director Lighting Technician Non-Linear Editing with Operator Audio Editing / Sweetening DVCAMTape-1248 184 VMS Tape - Copy DVD - Copies CD -Audio Copies $37.50 $75 $150 $60 $75 $20 $20 $20 $125 $125 $150 $28 ea $15ea $12 ea $15ea Audio Services Per Hour Eight Microphone Set-up One CD / Cassette Player Two Effects Processor DAT Tape - Copy Additional Microphone / Device Input Stage Monitor CD Recording MiniDisc Recording Eight Channel ProTools Post Production Sixteen Channel ProTools Post Production Audio Editing / Sweetening $100 $10 $30 $15 $15 $25 $50 $25 $250 $350 $150 June 2008 Schedule C-1 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULES SECTION 2 DEVELOPMENT-RELATED SERVICE FEES June 2008 CITY OF CARLSBAD FEE SCHEDULE DEVELOPMENT RELATED SERVICE FEES JUNE 2008 Fee Description Additional Planning Inspections (first Insp included in plan check fee) Adjustment Plat Administrative Permit - IODA Affordable Housing Credit Per Unit (Southeast and Southwest quadrants) Affordable Housing Credit Per Unit (Northwest Quadrants) Agricultural Mitigation Fee Appeal - City Council (+ noticing costs) - fee is refundable if appeal is won Appeal - Housing and Redevelopment Commission (*• noticing costs) fee is refundable if appeal is won Appeal - Planning Commission (+ noticing costs) fee is refundable if appeal is won Appeal - Redev. Design Review Board (+ noticing costs) fee is refundable if appeal is won Building Permit Fees (65% of 2001 UBC 1-A) Building Plan Check - 65% of Bldg Permit (8% discount on repetitive plan checks) Building Code Enforcement Certificate of Compliance Certificate of Compl. in lieu of Parcel Map Certificate of Correction Community Facilities District Annexation Construction Change Review - Minor (fee plus $155 per sheet) Construction Change Review - Major (fee plus $245 per sheet) Coastal Development Permit (CDP) - Single Family Lot CDP -2-4 unit or lot subdivision (per unit or lot whichever is greater) CDP - 5 or more unit or lot subdivision (per permit) CDP Amendment = 50% of current permit cost CDP Emergency CDP Exemption CDP Extensions = 25% of current permit cost CDP - Non-Redevelopment Area - Minor Permit CDP Non-Residential + 10 cents per square foot Coastal Development Permit - Major & Minor RP's Conditional Use Permit (25% discount may apply) CUP -Minor CUP - Amendment CUP - Bio Habitat Preserve CUP - Extension -Regular DayCare Permit DayCare Permit - Center Admin Pmt. DayCare Permit - Extension Developer Agreements - Deposit $10,000 increments Duplicate Tracing Fees - Final Parcel and Tract Maps - per sheet (+ $32 per sheet) Easement or Offer to Dedicate or Improve EIA - All Others EIA - Single Family EIR Review (+ fbhr after the first 160 hrs of project planner or 40 hrs of Project Engineer) EIR - Addendum (+ fbhr after 1 st 1 0 hrs of project planner) EIR- Focused/Supplemental (Requiring a Public Hearing) - (+ fbhr after the 1st 100 hrs of project planner or 20 hrs of project engineer) Encroachment Agreement Processing Notes (*) (1) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) FY 2007-08 Current Fee $ 58 $ 1,165 $ 190 $ 49,000 $ 123,000 $ 10,000 $ 1,000 $ 609 $ 599 $ 609 Court costs $ 945 $ 3,290 $ 735 $ 1,240 $ 440 $ 620 $ 975 $ 1,975 $ 3,215 $ 400 $ 220 $ 775 $ 875 $ 600 $ 4,060 $ 680 $ 2,185 $ 765 $ 820 $ 190 $ 380 $ 85 Actual cost $ 20 $ 590 $ 1,565 $ 861 $ 18,165 $ 2,275 $ 12,220 $ 305 FY 2008-09 Proposed Fee $ 59 $ 1,194 $ 190 $ 49,000 $ 142,000 $ 10,000 $ 1,000 $ 624 $ 613 $ 624 Court costs $ 969 $ 3,372 $ 753 $ 1,271 $ 451 $ 636 $ 999 $ 2,024 $ 3,295 $ 410 $ 226 $ 794 $ 897 $ 615 $ 4,162 $ 697 $ 2,240 $ 784 $ 841 $ 195 $ 390 $ 87 Actual cost $ 21 $ 605 $ 1,604 $ 883 $ 18,619 $ 2,332 $ 12,526 $ 313 June 2008 2-1 CITY OF CARLSBAD FEE SCHEDULE DEVELOPMENT RELATED SERVICE FEES JUNE 2008 Fee Description Environmental Monitoring Fee Fire Protection System Installation Fish & Game Fee - Negative Declaration - Set by Department of Fish and Game Fish & Game Fee - EIR - Set by Department of Fish and Game GIS Technical Services (per hour Technician) CIS Technical Services (per hour Manager) GIS Production of new documents GIS Digital Data Delivery GIS Reproduction of Existing Documents General Plan Amendment - 0 - 5 Acres General Plan Amendment - Over 5 Acres Grading Permit Application Grading Permit Grading Permit Investigation Fee Grading Permit Extension Fee Local Facilities Management Fees - As established by Council Hillside Dev Permit - Single Family Lot Hillside Dev Permit - Other (Multiple Lots) Hillside Dev Permit Amendment - Single Family Lot Hillside Dev Permit Amendment - Other (Multiple Lots) HMP - Permit - Single Family HMP - Permit - Amendment - Single Family Residence HMP - Permit - Minor (no on site habitat to be preserved) HMP - Amendment - Minor HMP - Permit - Amendment - Minor (no on stie habitat to be preserved) HMP - Permit - Major HMP - Permit - Amendment - Major HMP - Amendment - Major (+ fbhr after first 20 hours of project planner) Improvement Agreement Extension - see Secured Agreement Proc. Ext. Improvement Construction Inspection Fee Improvement Plan Review (Plan Check) Exclusionary Housing Impact Fee (per unit) Exclusionary Housing In-Lieu Fee (per market rate unit) Hillside Development Permit Extension - Other (Multiple Lots) Hillside Development Permit Extension - Single Family Lot Inspection Overtime-per Hour (On Request) - each additional hour at $70 Inspection -Additional Planning Landscape Plan Check Landscape Inspection License Tax on New Construction - Mobile Homes Lighting and Landscape District #2 Annexation Local Coastal Plan -Amendment Major Site Development Plan (Non Res) Extension Master Plan (+ fbhr after 1st 200 hrs project planner or 100 hrs project engineer) Master Plan Pre-Submittal Master Plan Amendment - (Minor) (+ fbhr after 1st 20 hrs Proj. Planner or 7 hrs Proj. Eng.) Master Plan Amendment - Major (+ fbhr after 1st 100 hrs project planner or 40 hrs of project engineer) Minor Conditional Use Permit Extension Notes (1) (6) (6) (1) (1) (8) (8) (1) (1) (1) (1) (8) FY 2007-08 Current Fee $ 210 $ 1,800 $ 2,500 Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost Direct cost $ 3,865 $ 5,575 Actual cost 25% permit fee $ 1,125 $ 2,275 $ 640 $ 1,950 50% Minor Fee 75% Original fee $ 500 $ 3,110 75% Original Fee $ 3,570 75% Original Fee $ 4,840 $ 2,925 $ 4,515 n/a n/a $ 105 $ 84 $ 1,864 $ 4,400 $ 5,650 n/a $ 37,840 $ 6,435 $ 1,510 $ 23,675 $ FY 2008-09 Proposed Fee $ 215 $ 1,926.75 $ 2,656.75 Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost Direct cost $ 3,962 $ 5,714 Actual cost 25% permit fee $ 1,153 $ 2,332 $ 656 $ 1,999 50% Minor Fee 75% Original fee $ 513 $ 3,188 75% Original Fee $ 3,628 75% Original Fee $ 4,961 $ 2,925 $ 4,515 25% of original fee 25% of original fee $ 108 $ 86 $ 1,929 $ 5,400 $ 5,791 25% of original fee $ 38,786 $ 6,596 $ 1,548 $ 24,267 50% of original fee June 2008 2-2 CITY OF CARLSBAD FEE SCHEDULE DEVELOPMENT RELATED SERVICE FEES JUNE 2008 Fee Description Minor Site Development Plan Extension Neighborhood Improvement Agreements Noticing Service (plus postage) Oversize Load Permit - 1 trip (fee set by State) Oversize Load Permit - Annual (fee set by State) Parking In Lieu Fee - Redevelopment Area PD Res. Amendment - 4 or less PD Res. Amendment - 5 to 50 PD Res. Amendment - 51 or more PD Amendment- Non-Res - 4 or less PD Amendment - Non-Res - 5 to 50 PD Amendment - Non-Res - 51 or more PD Condo - Residential Additional Permit PD Condo - Admin Amendment PD/Condo - Minor Amendment PD Res - 4 or less PD Res - 4 or less Extension PD Res - 5 to 50 PD Res 5 to 50 Extension PD Res - 51 or more PD Res - 51 or more Extension PD - Non-Res - 4 or less PD - Non-Res - 4 or less Extension PD - Non-Res - 5 to 50 PD - Non-Res - 5 to 50 Extension PD - Non-Res - 51 or more PD - Non-Res - 51 or more Extension Permit Amendments Not Specifically Identified Planned Industrial Permit Planned Industrial Permit -Amendment Planned Industrial Permit Extension Planning Commission Determination - Single Family Planning Commission Determination - Other Planning Commission Discussion Item Precise Development Plan Precise Development Plan - Amendment Preliminary Plan Review - Consistency Determination Preliminary Plan Review - Major Preliminary Plan Review - Minor Preliminary Review - Redevelopment (minor or major) Quitclaim of Easement Reapportionment Fees for 191 1 Act Assessment Districts - (plus $50 per parcel) Redevelopment Permit Extension (Minor) Redevelopment Permit Extension (Major) Redevelopment Noticing Fee (Minor) - plus postage Redevelopment Noticing Fee (Major) - plus postage Redevelopment Permit (Admin.) Redevelopment Permit (Minor) - plus noticing costs Redevelopment Permit (Major) - plus noticing costs Notes (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (4) FY 2007-08 Current Fee $ $ 430 $ 290 $ 16 $ 90 $ 11,240 $ 1,470 $ 5,607 $ 7,560 $ 1,670 $ 6,015 $ 8,145 $ 340 $ 320 $ 672 $ 2,730 n/a $ 7,570 n/a $ 11,960 n/a $ 2,730 n/a $ 7,570 n/a $ 11,960 n/a $ 4,210 $ 1,890 n/a $ 915 $ 1,480 $ 600 $ 6,890 $ 3,750 $ 640 $ 640 $ 180 $ $ 620 $ 450 $ 560 $ 650 $ 215 $ 405 $ 400 $ 1,490 $ 2,730 FY 2008-09 Proposed Fee 25% of original fee $ 441 $ 292 $ 16 $ 90 $ 11,240 $ 1,507 $ 5,747 $ 7,749 $ 1,712 $ 6,165 $ 8,349 $ 349 $ 328 $ 689 $ 2,798 25% of original fee $ 7,759 25% of original fee $ 12,259 25% of original fee $ 2,798 25% of original fee $ 7,759 25% of original fee $ 12,259 25% of original fee $ 4,315 $ 1,937 25% of original fee $ 938 $ 1,517 $ 615 $ 7,062 $ 3,844 $ 656 $ 656 $ 185 $ $ 636 $ 450 $ 560 $ 651 $ 217 $ 407 $ 410 $ 1,527 $ 2,798 June 2008 2-3 CITY OF CARLSBAD FEE SCHEDULE DEVELOPMENT RELATED SERVICE FEES JUNE 2008 Fee Description Redevelopment Permit Amendment (Admin) Redevelopment Permit Amendment (Minor) - plus noticing costs Redevelopment Permit Amendment (Major) - plus noticing costs Research and Design Time (By Written Request) - Per Hour - Minimum $25.00 based on hours to completion. Reversion to Acreage - $3,100 deposit Right of Way Permit - Minor-Non Construction Right of Way Permit - Minor - Construction Right of Way Permit - Utility (+ actual costs for Insp. and Sr. Insp. time) Right of Way Permit - Utility (By Contract) Satellite Antenna Permit School Fees - (Set by School Districts, State Mandates Limits) Secured Agreement- Proc. Extension Secured Agreement Proc. Replace -+ improvement plan revision fees if required Segregation of Assessments -1-4 lots Segregation of Assessments - 5 lots or more - fee plus $20 per lot Sidewalk Cafe Permit - Redevelopment Sign Permit Sidewalk Sign/Outdoor Display Permit, Redevelopment Area Sign Program, Non RDA Sign Program Amendment, Non RDA Sign Program Permit, Redevelopment Area Sign Program Permit Amendment, Redevelopment Area Site Development Plan - Res. <= 4 units/lots Site Development Plan Site Development Plan Amendment (Minor) Site Development Plan Amendment (Major) Special Use Permit - Extension Special Use Permit - Scenic Corridor Special Use Permit - Flood Plain Special Use Permit - Flood Plain, Coastal High Hazard Area Special Use Permit Amendment - Flood Plain Special Use Permit Amendments - All Other Specific Plan Amendment (Major) (+ fbhr after 180 hr proj planner or 30hrs Proj eng) Specific Plan Amendment (Minor) (+ fbhr after 20 hr proj planner or 7hrs Proj eng) Specific Plan (+ fbhr after 1st 200 hrs project planner or 60 hrs project engineer) Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program/Storm Water Management Plan Review - -Single Family (initial lot/subsequent lot) -Multi Family & mobile home (initial lot/subsequent lot) - Commercial/Industrial Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program/Storm Water Management Plan Inspection - -Single Family (initial lot/subsequent lot) -Multi Family & mobile home (initial lot/subsequent lot) - Commercial/Industrial Street Light Energizing Fee Street Name Change Street Vacation - Regular Street Vacation - Summary Substantial Conformance Exhibit Rev. Notes (7) (7) (D FY 2007-08 Current Fee $ 158 $ 535 $ 1,313 Actual cost Actual cost $ 155 $ 315 $ 670 $ 670 $ 380 $ 370 $ 680 Actual Cost Actual Cost $ 44 $ 44 $ 55 $ 955 $ 575 $ 275 $ 65 $ 4,045 $ 10,260 $ 2,700 $ 6,950 n/a $ 3,160 $ 3,500 $ 2,530 $ 3,035 $ 2,195 $ 20,340 $ 1,315 $ 31,605 220/75 220/40 $ 295 240/115 240 /70 $ 420 $ 1 ,480 $ 3,100 $ 1 ,230 $ 915 FY 2008-09 Proposed Fee $ 161 $ 548 $ 1 ,345 Actual cost Actual cost $ 159 $ 323 $ 687 $ 687 $ 390 $ 379 $ 697 Actual Cost Actual Cost $ 56 $ 56 $ 56 $ 979 $ 589 $ 276 $ 67 $ 4,146 $ 10,517 $ 2,768 $ 7,124 25% of original fee $ 3,239 $ 3,588 $ 2,593 $ 3,111 $ 2,250 $ 20,849 $ 1,348 $ 32,395 220/75 220/40 $ 295 240/115 240 /70 $ 420 $ 1,517 $ 3,100 $ 1 ,230 $ 938 June 2008 2-4 CITY OF CARLSBAD FEE SCHEDULE DEVELOPMENT RELATED SERVICE FEES JUNE 2008 Fee Description Tentative Map Revision - 5- 49 Units/Lots + $40ea 5+ (whichever is greater) Tentative Map Revision - 50+ Units/Lots + $15ea 49+ (whichever is greater) Tentative Parcel Map Processing Fee (Minor Subdivision) Tentative Parcel Map 1yr Extension (per application) Parcel Map (Minor Subdivision) - Final Tentative Tract Map Litigation Stay Tentative Tract Map - 5 -49 Lots/Units + $1 1 0ea. > 5 (whichever is greater) Tentative Tract Map - 50+ Lots/Units + $15ea 49+ (whichever is greater) Tentative Tract Map Extension- 5 to 49 Final Tract Map (+ $5 per Acre) Third Party Review - plus consultant cost Trails Plan Check <= 1 mile in length Trails Plan Check > 1 mile in length Trails Inspection (cost of staff time) Variance - Administrative Redevelopment Variance - Redevelopment Variance - Engineering Variance - Planning Variance - Administrative (Planning) Variance - Administrative (Planning) Recreational Vehicle Admin. Variance Wireless Communication 3rd Party Review Zone Change - 5 or fewer acres Zone Change - 5.1 or more acres Zone Code Amendment Zoning Compliance Letter Water District Service Fees Preliminary Potable Water, Reclaimed Water, Sewer Analysis Review - (Use Improvement Plan Review Fees) Reclaimed Water Landscape Review - Use Improvement Plan Review fees Hydraulic Analysis Only - Included in Improvement Plan Review Fees Meter Installation Fees: 5/8" Fire Protection 3/4" 1" 1 1/2" -Turbo 1 1/2"- Displacement 2" - Turbo 2" - Displacement 3" 4" 6" 8" Potable, Reclaimed and Sewer Improvement Plan Review - Use Improvement Plan Review Fees Potable, Reclaimed and Sewer Standards and Specifications (available on Internet) San Diego County Water Auth. Capacity Charge - Set by SDCWA Notes 0) (9) FY 2007-08 Current Fee $ 3,725 $ 6,890 $ 3,445 $ 1,335 $ 3,120 25% of orig. fee $ 7,460 $ 14,910 $ 2,615 $ 6,770 $ 675 $ 970 $ 1 ,975 $ 660 $ 170 $ 380 $ 680 $ 2,560 $ 680 $ 682 Actual Cost $ 4,440 $ 6,015 $ 5,725 $ 75 $ 160 meter fee $ 190 $ 225 $ 700 $ 365 $ 905 $ 470 Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost No charge FY 2008-09 Proposed Fee $ 3,818 $ 7,062 $ 3,531 $ 1,368 $ 3,115 25% of orig. fee $ 7,647 $ 15,283 $ 2,680 $ 6,939 $ 692 $ 970 $ 2,024 $ 660 $ 174 $ 390 $ 697 $ 2,624 $ 697 $ 699 Actual Cost $ 4,551 $ 6,165 $ 5,868 $ 77 $ 331 meter fee $ 364 $ 403 $ 1,158 $ 628 $ 1 ,388 $ 776 Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost No charge June 2008 2-5 CITY OF CARLSBAD FEE SCHEDULE DEVELOPMENT RELATED SERVICE FEES JUNE 2008 Fee Description Service Installation Fees Fire Hydrant Lateral and Assembly (staff time consistent with City payroll records) Fire Sprinkler Lateral (staff time consistent with City payroll records) Utility Standards and Specifications Waste Water Discharge Permit Waste Water Pretreatment: Class 1 (per month) - Existing user Class II (per month) - Existing user Class III (per month) - Existing user Class 1 - One time fee for new users Class II - One time fee for new users Class III - One time fee for new users Notes FY 2007-08 Current Fee Actual Cost Actual Cost direct cost $ 30 $ 200 $ 190 $ 30 $ 270 $ 270 $ 80 FY 2008-09 Proposed Fee Actual Cost Actual Cost direct cost $ 31 $ 200 $ 190 $ 30 $ 270 $ 270 $ 80 Notes: (1) - See attached schedules and rate tables. (2) - Based on number of units or lots whichever is greater (3) - Fee Increases based on Annual Change in Engineering News Record as Established by Council by Ordinance. (4) - Any Permit Amendment not identified assessed at 50% of original cost. (5) - Plus fish and game department fee, if any. Currently set at $1,250 for Negative Declaration and $850 for EIR. (6) - Fees set by State Statute. (7) - For all Assessment Districts using 1915 Act Bonds. (8) - A 25% discount may apply when submitted with another application (9) - A 25% discount will apply when submitted with a General Plan Amendment (10)- AB 14,536 (')'- Approved by Council on 12/2005, updated AB19183 9/07/2007 June 2008 2-6 ID? FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM INSTALLATION FEES - Proposed (FY'08-09) Schedule*! Plan Review Inspection Fees Qty. | Cost Total Fee Automatic Sprinkler Systems - Residential System - Commercial System - 1st riser 1st floor - ea add'l riser - Tenant Improvement $65 $65 3 at $65 each 1 at $65 each $260 $1,200 $600 $130 Fire Alarm Systems - 1 to 25 Devices - 26 or more Devices $60 minimum $100 1 at $65 each 2 at $65 each $125 $230 Other Fixed Fire Systems - Hood and Duct - Special Chemical Agent - Standpipe - Paint Spray Booth Repeated Inspection on new construction $65 $65 $80 $80 1 at $65 each 1 at $65 each 2 at $65 each 2 at $65 each 1 at $75 each $130 $130 $210 $210 $75 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM INSTALLATION FEES - Current (FY'07-08) Automatic Sprinkler Systems - Residential System - Commercial System - 1st riser 1st floor - ea add'l riser - Tenant Improvement Fire Alarm Systems - 1 to 25 Devices - 26 or more Devices Other Fixed Fire Systems - Hood and Duct - Special Chemical Agent - Standpipe - Paint Spray Booth Repeated Inspection on new construction Plan Review N $65 3 65 1 $60 minimum 1 100 2 65 1 65 1 80 2 80 2 1 Schedule #1 Inspection Fees o. Cost at $65 each at 65 each at $65 each at 65 each at 65 each at 65 each at 65 each at 65 each at 75 each Total Fee $260 1,200 600 130 $125 230 130 130 210 210 75 June 2008 2-7 GRADING PLANCHECK FEES - (FY'08-09) Schedule #2 Amount 100CY*orless 101 tol.OOOCY 1,001 to 1 0,000 CY 10,001 to 1 00,000 CY 100,001 to 200,000 CY 200,001 CY or more Current $380 $760 $2,275 $3,580 $5,460 $8,760 Proposed $393 $786 for the first 100 cubic yards plus $120 for each additional 100 cubic yards or fraction thereof. $2,352 for the first 1 ,000 cubic yards plus $120 for each additional 1 ,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. $3,702 for the first 10,000 cubic yards plus $1 80 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. $5,646 for the first 1 00,000 cubic yards plus $285 for each additional 1 0,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. $9,058 for the first 200,000 cubic yards plus $1 30 for each additional 1 00,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. * CY = Cubic Yards June 2008 2-8 GRADING PERMIT FEES - (FY'08-09)Scheduled Amount Current Proposed 100 Cubic Yards (CY) or less 101 tol.OOOCY 1,001 to 10,000 CY 10,001 to 100,000 CY 100,001 to 200,000 CY 200,001 to 400,000 CY 400,000 to 1,000,000 CY 1,000,001 CY or more $380 $393 $385 $398 for the first 100 CY plus $65 for each additional 100 CY or fraction thereof. $1,080 $1,117 for the first 1,000 CY plus $65 for each additional 1,000 CY or fraction thereof. $1,785 $1,846 for the first 10,000 CY plus $130 for each additional 10,000 CY or fraction thereof. $3,130 $3,236 for the first 100,000 CY plus $130 for each additional 10,000 CY or fraction thereof. $4,620 $4,777 for the first 200,000 CY plus $195 for each additional 10,000 CY or fraction thereof. $9,170 $9,482 for the first 400,000 CY plus $980 for each additional 100,000 CY or fraction thereof. $16,000 $16,544 for the first 1,000,000 CY plus $710 for each additional 100,000 CY or fraction thereof. June 2008 2-9 IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION FEES - (PT08-09) Schedule #4 Cost of Improvements $0 to $20,000 $20,001 to $50,000 $50,001 to $100,000 $100,001 to $250,000 $250,001 to $500,000 $500,001 to $1,000,000 $1,000,001 or more Current 5.5% - $375 Minimum $1,510 $3,025 $3,780 $5,600 $9,090 $14,500 Proposed 5.5% - $375 Minimum $1,561 for the first $20,000 plus $250 for each additional $10,000 or fraction thereof. $3,128 for the first $50,000 plus $125 for each additional $10,000 or fraction thereof. $3,909 for the first $100,000 plus $100 for each additional $10,000 or fraction thereof. $5,790 for the first $250,000 plus $105 for each additional $10,000 or fraction thereof. $9,399 for the first $500,000 plus $105 for each additional $1 0,000 or fraction thereof. $14,993 f°r 'he first $1 ,000,000 plus $105 for each additional $10,000 or fraction thereof. June 2008 2-10 13 IMPROVEMENT PLAN REVIEW FEES -{PY'88-0&) - . , " Scheduled Cost of Improvements Current Proposed Fee $0 to $20,000 $1,215 $ 1,256 plus 5% of value of improvements $20,001 to $50,000 $1,550 $ 1,603 plus 4% of value of improvements - $2,470 minimum $50,001 to $100,000 $2,000 $ 2,068 plus 3% of value of improvements - $4,090 minimum $100,001 to $250,000 $2,245 $ 2,321 plus 2.5% of value of improvements - $5,840 minimum $250,001 to $500,000 $6,790 $ 7,021 plus 2% of value of improvements-$13,910 minimum $500,001 to $1,000,000 $12,000 $12,408 plus 1.5% of value of improvements-$23,840 minimum Over $1,000,000 $12,265 $12,682 plus 0.75% of value of improvements-$31,630 minimum (Improvement Plan Check Fees are based on the current City of San Diego unit prices. This includes the cost of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, asphalt or concrete paving, storm drains, etc.) June 2008 2-11 STREET LIGHT ENERGIZING FEES - Proposed (FY'08-09) Schedule #6 Watts 70 100 150 200 250 400 Lumens 5,800 9,500 16,000 22,000 30,000 50,000 Current $128 $162 $210 $258 $322 $473 Proposed $94 $119 $151 $184 $226 $328 Above fees are the cost for energizing each street light for 18 months and includes a $30 charge per light for connecting the light to an SDG&E service point. June 2008 //s Schedule #7 Cost of Improvements Current Proposed $0 to $20,000 $20,001 to $50,000 $50,001 to $100,000 $100,001 to$250,000 $250,001 to $750,000 $750,001 and Over $535 $548 $755 $774 for the first $20,000 of improvements plus $20 for each additional $10,000 or fraction thereof. $1,060 $1,087 for the first $50,000 of improvements plus $20 for each additional $10,000 or fraction thereof. $1,510 $1,548 for the first $100,000 of improvements plus $150 for each additional $100,000 or fraction thereof. $1,815 $1,860 for the first $250,000 of improvements plus $150 for each additional $100,000 or fraction thereof. $2,870 $2,942 for the first $750,000 of improvements plus $150 for each additional $100,000 or fraction thereof. June 2008 2-13 Ille LANDSCAPE PLAN CHECK FEES - (FV08-09) Cost of Improvements $0 to $20,000 $20,001 to $50,000 $50,001 to $100,000 $100,001 to $250,000 $250,001 to $500,000 $500,001 to $1,000,000 Over $1,000,000 Current Proposed $535 $548 $760 $779 plus 3.0% over $20,000 $2,195 $2,250 plus 1 .5% over $50,000 $3,330 $3,413 plus 2% over $100,000 $4,090 $4,192 plus 0.1 5% over $250,000 $4,995 $5,120 plus 0.1% over $500,000 $7,570 $7,759 plus 0.07% over $1,000,000 Schedule #8 June 2008 -111 BWILBWQPEI?Mn"FE,pST(ilwpiiS*a'lF¥*18*fl9 .,_.. ' ' '- ' Schedule#9 (65% of the 1997 Uniform Building Code Table 1-Afee schedule) Fees are based on the 2004- 2005 Building Valuation Multipliers published by the San Diego Area Chapter of the International Conference of Building Officials. Total Valuation Fee $1 to $500 $15.28 $501 to $2,000 $15.28 for the first $500 plus $1.98 for each additional $100, or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000 $2,001 to $25,000 $45.01 for the first $2,000 plus $9.10 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000 $25,001 to $50,000 $254.31 for the first $25,000 plus $6.57 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000 $50,001 to $100,000 $418.43 for the first $50,000 plus $4.55 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000 $100,001 to $500,000 $645.93 for the first $100,000 plus $3.64 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000 $500,001 to $1,000,000 $2101.93 for the first $500,000 plus $3.09 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $1,000,000 $1,000,001 and up $3,645.69 for the first $1,000,000 plus $2.05 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof Other Inspections and Fees: 1. Inspections outside of normal business hours (minimum charge - 2 hours) $65 per hour* 2. Reinspection fees $65 per hour* 3. Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated (minimum charge - one-half hour) $65 per hour* 4. Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to approved plans $65 per hour* (minimum charge - one-half hour) * Or the total hourly cost to the jurisdiction, whichever is greatest. This cost shall include supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of the employees involved. Notwithstanding other provisions of this section, the building permit fee for factory built housing shall be twenty- give percent of the fee shown in Schedule #9, and the plan check fee shall be sixty-five percent of the building permit fee June 2008 2-15 BUILDING PERMIT FEES FY 07-08 Schedule #9 (60% of the 1997 Uniform Building Code Table 1-A fee schedule) Fees are based on the 2004- 2005 Building Valuation Multipliers published by the San Diego Area Chapter of the International Conference of Building Officials. Total Valuation Fee $1.00 to $500.00 $14.10 $501.00 to $2,000.00 $14.10 for the first $500.00 plus $1.83 for each additional $100.00, or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000.00 $2,001.00 to $25,000.00 $41.55 for the first $2,000.00 plus $8.40 for each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000.00 $25,001.00 to $50,000.00 $234.75 for the first $25,000.00 plus $6.06 for each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000.00 $50,001.00 to $100,000.00 $386.256 for the first $50,000.00 plus $4.20 for each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000.00 $100,001.00 to $500,000.00 $596.25 for the first $100,000.00 plus $3.36 for each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000.00 $500,001.00 to $1,000,000.00 $1940.25 for the first $500,000.00 plus $2.85 for each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof, to and including $1,000,000.00 $1,000,001.00 and up $3,365.25 for the first $1,000,000.00 plus $1.89 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof Other Inspections and Fees: 1. Inspections outside of normal business hours $65.00 per hour* (minimum charge - 2 hours) 2. Reinspection fees assessed under provisions of Section 305 (g) $65.00 per hour* 3. Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated $65.00 per hour* (minimum charge - one-half hour) 4. Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to approved plans $65.00 per hour* (minimum charge - one-half hour) * Or the total hourly cost to the jurisdiction, whichever is greatest. This cost shall include supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of the employees involved. Notwithstanding other provisions of this section, the building permit fee for factory built housing shall be twenty-five percent of the fee shown in Schedule #9, and the plan check fee shall be sixty-five percent of the building permit fee June 2007 2-16 PLUMBING PERMITS FEES - FY 08-09 Fee Description Issuing each permit Issuing each supplemental permit Current 20 10 Schedule #10 Proposed $20 $10 Unit Fee Schedule (in addition to Items above) For each plumbing fixture on one trap or a set of fixtures on one trap (including water, drainage piping and backflow protection therefore) For each building sewer and each trailer park sewer Rainwater systems - per drain (inside building) . For each cesspool (where permitted) For each private sewage disposal system For each water heater and/or vent For each gas-piping system one to five outlets For each additional gas-piping system outlet, per outlet For each industrial waste pretreatment interceptor including its trap and vent, excepting kitchen-type grease interceptors functioning as fixture traps For each installation, alteration or repair of water piping and/or water treating equipment, each For each repair or alteration of drainage or vent piping, each fixture For each lawn sprinkler system on any one meter including backflow protection devices therefore $7 $15 $7 $25 $40 $7 $5 $1 $7 $7 $7 $7 $7 $15 $7 $25 $40 $7 $5 $1 $7 $7 $7 $7 For atmospheric-type vacuum breakers not included in above item: 1 to 5 Over 5, each $5 $1 $5 $1 For each backflow protective device other than atmospheric type vacuum breakers: 2 inch diameter and smaller Over 2 inch diameter $7 $15 $7 $15 Other Inspections and Fees Inspections outside of normal business hours Reinspection Fee Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to approved plans, (minimum charge - one half hour) $30* $30 $30* $30* $30* $30 $30* $30* *Per hour for each hour worked or the total hourly cost to the jurisdiction, whichever is greater. This cost shall include supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wage and fringe benefits of all the employees involved. June 2008 2-17 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES - FY 08-09 Fee Description Issuance fee Current $10 Schedule #11 Proposed $10 New construction for each ampere of main service, switch, fuse or breaker Per ampere, single-phase Per ampere, three-phase Per ampere 480 three-phase $0.25 $0.50 $1 $0.25 $0.50 $1 Service upgrade on existing building For each ampere or increase in main service, switch, fuse or breaker Per ampere, single-phase Per ampere, three-phase Per ampere 480 three-phase $0.25 $0.50 $1 $0.25 $0.50 $1 Remodel, alteration, no change irv service Per ampere Or minimum $0.25 $5 $0.25 $5 Temporary service up to and including 200 amperes $10| $10 Temporary service over 200 amperes $10.00 plus $10.00 per each 100 amperes over 200 $10 plus $10 plus Test meter Minimum permit fee $25 $10 $25 $10 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES - FY 08-09 Fee Description Issuance fee Current $15 Schedule #12 Proposed $15 Furnace, Ducts, Heat Pumps (each) Fireplace (each) Exhaust Fan (each) Install/relocate vent (each) Hood (each) Boiler/Compressor to 15 HP (each) $9 $6.50 $6.50 $4.50 $6.50 $16.50 $9 $6.50 $6.50 $4.50 $6.50 $16.50 June 2008 2-18 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULES SECTION 3 DEVELOPMENT-IMPACT FEES June 2008 CITY OF CARLSBAD FEE SCHEDULE DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES JUNE 2008 Fee Description Fees Subject to Section 66000 of the California Government Code: Bridge & Thoroughfare - per Single Family Unit (Outside CFD) Bridge & Thoroughfare - per Condominium Unit (Outside CFD) Bridge & Thoroughfare - per Apartment Unit (Outside CFD) Bridge & Thoroughfare - all other - per Avg. Daily Trip (Outside CFD) Bridge & Thoroughfare District #2 - Zone 5 Bridge & Thoroughfare District #2 - Zone 20 Bridge & Thoroughfare District #2 - Zone 21 Bridge & Thoroughfare District #3 - Fee per ADT Local Facilities Mngt Plan/Amendment - fee + deposit in min. increments of $5,000 Planned Local Drainage Fees Public Facilities Fees - 3.5% of Bldg Permit Value (Outside CFD) Public Facilities Fees - 1.82% of Bldg Permit Value (Inside CFD) Sewer Benefit Area Fees Traffic Impact Fee - Commrc'l/lndust Cost Per Trip (Out of CFD) Traffic Impact Fee - Commrc'l/lndust Cost Per Trip (Inside CFD) Traffic Impact Fee - Single Family (Outside of CFD 1 ) per ADT Traffic Impact Fee - Condominium (Outside of CFD 1 ) per ADT Traffic Impact Fee - Apartment (Outside of CFD 1 ) per ADT Traffic Impact Fee - SF, Condo & Apt. (Inside CFD 1 ) per unit Fees Subject to Section 66012 of the California Government Code: Park In-Lieu Fees Sewer Connection (General Capacity all areas plus Sewer Benefit Area Fees) Water District Fees Major Facility Fee - Potable Water per EDU Major Facility Fee - Potable and Reclaimed Water Connection Fees: Meter Size 5/8" - Displacement Meter Size 3/4" - Displacement Meter Size 1" - Displacement Meter Size 1-1/2" - Displacement Meter Size 2" - Displacement Meter Size 3" - Displacement Meter Size 4" - Displacement Meter Size 4" -Turbo Meter Size 6" - Displacement Meter Size 6" - Turbo Meter Size 8" - Displacement Meter Size 8" - Turbo Note (2) (2) (2) (2) (D(2) (1)(2) (2) (3) (2) (3) (4) (4) (4) (4) (D (1)(2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 2007-08 Fee $ 530 $ 424 $ 318 $ 22 $ 281 $ 1,459 $ 1,178 $ 165 $ 10,000 $ 46 $ 30 $ 1,058 $ 3,423 $ 4,878 $ 7,702 $ 14,547 $ 21,906 $ 38,507 $ 59,899 $ 171,139 $ 111,241 $ 342,279 $ 131,479 $ 479,350 Proposed Fee $ 530 $ 424 $ 318 $ 22 $ 281 $ 1,459 $ 1,178 $ 165 $ 10,000 $ 96 $ 80 $ 240 $ 290 $ 373 $ 2,000 $ 1,096 $ 3,549 $ 5,060 $ 7,988 $ 15,088 $ 22,771 $ 39,938 $ 62,125 $ 177,501 $ 115,376 $ 355,000 $ 136,367 $ 497,167 Notes: (1) - See attached schedules and rate tables. (2) - Fee increases based on the annual change in the Engineering News Record Cost Index for Los Angeles as established by council approved ordinance. (3) - Grandfathered fee will be $46 for Commercial/Industrial Cost Per Trip (Out of CFD) and $30 for Commercial/Industrial Cost Per Trip (Inside CFD) if the grading permit is pulled before 4/8/08 and the building permit is pulled before 09/30/08. (4) - These fees are reduced fees for FY 2008-09. Thereafter, the fees will automatically revert to the full amounts in paragraph A of Ordinance No. NS-890 dated 5/22/2008. Thereafter Traffic Impact Fees will be adjusted annually as part of the Capital Improvement Program budget process, by two percent or the annual percentage change in the Caltrans Construction Cost Index (12 month index, whichever is higher). June 2008 133 3-1 PARK IN-LIEU FEES Schedule A Quadrant District 1 - NW Single Family Detached & Duplex Attached (4 units or less) Attached (5 units or more) Mobile Home District 2 - NE Single Family Detached & Duplex Attached (4 units or less) Attached (5 units or more) Mobile Home District 3 - SW Single Family Detached & Duplex Attached (4 units or less) Attached (5 units or more) Mobile Home District 4 - SE Single Family Detached & Duplex Attached (4 units or less) Attached (5 units or more) Mobile Home Value per Acre 977,000 732,000 732,000 732,000 Fee Per Unit $7,649 6,414 6,190 4,934 5,728 4,804 4,636 3,696 5,728 4,804 4,636 3,696 5,728 4,804 4,636 3,696 The Park Fee ordinance establishes a method of determining park land values in each quadrant PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE AREA FEES Schedule B Fee per gross acre Area / Basin Name A B C D Buena Vista Lagoon Agua Hedionda Lagoon Encinas Creek Batiquitos Lagoon Current Low High Runoff Runoff 2,130 $3,486 4,578 7,492 3,423 5,602 46 76 Proposed Low High Runoff Runoff $2,201 $3.602 4,731 7,742 3,538 5,789 48 79 % Change Low High Runoff Runoff 3.33% 3.33% 3.34% 3.34% 3.36% 3.34% 4.35% 3.95% SEWER BENEFIT AREA FEES Area A Area B AreaC AreaD AreaE AreaF AreaG Area H Area I AreaJ AreaK AreaL AreaM Schedule C Current $ 452 $ 796 1,932 1,935 2,854 2,869 123 922 462 1,591 3,210 1,258 62 Proposed 468 824 2,003 2,007 2,960 2,976 127 956 478 1,647 3,323 1,302 64 Change $ 16 28 71 72 106 107 4 34 16 56 113 44 2 6 Change 3.54% 3.52% 3.67% 3.72% 3.71% 3.73% 3.25% 3.66% 3.46% 3.52% 3.52% 3.50% 3.23% HABITAT MITIGATION FEES Schedule D Fees Per Acre of Impact D. E. F. Coastal Sage Scrub Grassland Ag. Disturbed Eucalyp. Wood. $ $ $ 27,280 13,640 2,729 June 2008 Attachment 3-1 Exhibit 8 1 RESOLUTION NO.2008-193 2 5 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE 2008-09 FISCAL YEAR OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGETS OF 4 THE ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY 6 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is a member agency to the Encina Joint Powers 7 Agreement entered into on July 13, 1961, for the acquisition, construction, ownership, operation and maintenance of the Encina Joint Sewer System; and 9 WHEREAS, the Encina Agreement requires approval for the budget of the 10 Encina Wastewater Authority (EWA) by the Member Agencies following the 11 recommendation of the Joint Advisory Committee (JAC); and 12 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad desires to approve said . budget and provide for the payment of its share such expenses in accordance with the 15 allocation provided in the Basic Agreement; and 16 WHEREAS, there are projected to be sufficient funds in the Sanitation fund for 17 the payments as they become due. 18 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of 19 Carlsbad, California, as follows: 20 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 21 2. That the City of Carlsbad's share of the Fiscal Year 2008-09 Operating Budget of the EWA as approved by JAC on May 25, 2008, in the amount of $3,220,551 24 for Wastewater Plant Operations and $786,613 for the Carlsbad Water Recycling 25 Facility Operations, and the Capital Budget of $744,152 is hereby approved. 26 27 28 Exhibit 8 1 3. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to make payment on behalf of 2 the City of Carlsbad to EWA in accordance with the budget as approved by JAC 3 pursuant to the Encina Basic Agreement. 4" 5 6 7 8 '" 9 10 /// 11 /// 12 /// 13 /// 14 /// is" 16 17 18 '" 19 '" 20 /// 21 /// 22 /// 23 /// 24 /// 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council, Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors and Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission, held on the 24th day of June, 2008, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Hall, Packard and Nygaard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ATTEST: Exhibit 9 1 RESOLUTION NO. 1324 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT (CMWD), TO 3 SET A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING PROPOSED 4 INCREASES IN WATER RATES. 5 WHEREAS, the California Supreme Court recently made a ruling that local 6 governments must hold a public majority-protest hearing, and notify customers forty-five 7 (45) days in advance of increases in water rates; and8 9 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District is proposing water rate 10 increases in November 2008; and 11 WHEREAS, a public hearing must be held regarding the increase in water rates. 12 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the 13 Carlsbad Municipal Water District, as follows: 14 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 15 2. That the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District sets a 16 majority protest public hearing for Tuesday, September 09, 2008, in j8 accordance with law on these proposed rate increases. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors, Carlsbad City Council and Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission held on the 24th day of June, 2008, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Board Members Lewis, Kulchin, Hall, Packard and Nygaard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ATTEST: Exhibit 10 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2008-194 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, TO SET A PUBLIC 3 HEARING REGARDING PROPOSED INCREASES IN 4 SEWER RATES. 5 WHEREAS, the California Supreme Court recently made a ruling that local 6 governments must hold a public majority-protest hearing, and notify customers forty-five 7 (45) days in advance of increases in sewer rates; and8 9 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is proposing increased sewer rates in 10 November 2008; and 11 WHEREAS, a public hearing must be held regarding the increase in sewer rates. 12 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of 13 Carlsbad, California, as follows: 14 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 15 2. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad sets a majority protest public 16 hearing for September 09, 2008, in accordance with law on these proposed 18 rate increases. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors, Carlsbad City Council and Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission held on the 24th day of June, 2008, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Board Members Lewis, Kulchin, Hall, Packard and Nygaard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ATTEST: pDRRAtydE M.(VyQOD, Secretary /(SEAL)0 If""/,Al fa,'V Exhibit 11 Notice off Public Hearing City off Carlsbad and Carlsbad Municipal Water District Dear City of Carlsbad and Carlsbad Municipal Water District Utility Customer: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council and Board of Directors will hold a public hearing regarding proposed increases for water and sewer fees for properties within the City of Carlsbad and Carlsbad Municipal Water District. This hearing is to comply with a ruling of the California Supreme Court. The public hearing will be held on the 9th of September at 6:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at which time the Council will hear all persons interested in the matter. Any person interested in objecting to the amount of the proposed increases may file a signed written protest with the City Clerk, at or before the hour fixed for the hearing. The written protest must contain the address of service, the rate change being protested, and the ground or grounds of protest. The protestor may appear at the hearing and be heard on the matter. Even with these proposed increases, the City's rates continue to be among the lowest in the region. Rates are being increased due to rising operating costs, unfunded State mandates, and the increased cost of water purchased from the San Diego County Water Authority. Agency Monthly Water Rate Comparison Del Mar Poway Rainbow Ramona San Diego Sweet water Authority Escondido Otay Water District Fallbrook Valley Center SantaFe Vistalrrigat ion Carlsbad- Proposed Oceanside San Dieguito Olivenhain Vallecitos Carlsbad- Current $40 $45 $50 $55 $60 $65 $70 Exhibit 11 Agency Monthly Wastewater Rate Comparison [—— | | i T ] Del Mar Buena Sanitation District Poway City of Vista La Mesa Encinitas Sanitary Division Chula Vista Otay Water District Lakeside Vallecitos Water District (2009) El Cajon Leucadia Wastewater (2009) Carlsbad -Option 1 Carlsbad -Current $0 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $70 $80 Below is a summary of the proposed increases that are the subject of this hearing: Monthly water purchase fee increase is 20%: • The standard rate increases from $1.76 to $2.12 • The conservation rate increases from $1.59 to $1.91. • The recycled water rate increases from $1.68 to $2.01. • The agricultural water rate increases from $1.45 to $1.81. Both residential and commercial monthly water service fees vary depending on meter size. • The increase for a standard 5/8" meter is from $12.12 to $14.54. Both residential and commercial monthly sewer service fee increase is 9%: • The residential fee increases from $16.20 to $17.65. • The commercial fee increased 9%. A detailed schedule of the water and sewer utility rates is attached. For questions about the public hearing process, please contact the Finance Department's Customer Service Dept. at (760) 602-2403 Exhibit 11 Commodity Rates - Proposed 2008-09 Meter Size 5/8" 3/4" 1" 1-1/2" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" .' •• •' ,• •:. .- Clirrent . • ••••• , •••.-.":-;'. Conservation Rate -1 $1.59 $1.59 $1.59 $1.59 $1.59 $1.59 $1.59 $1.59 $1.59 UnMM&-'(of -:.<• less) 7 10 16 30 45 79 123 228 336 .-..: ' ,f 20,00% Adjustment Conservation Rate 1 $1.91 $1.91 $1.91 $1.91 $1.91 $1.91 $1.91 $1.91 $1.91 Unfls/Mo, (or less) 7 10 16 30 45 79 123 228 336 Standard (Base) Rate Recycled Water Rate * Agricultural Water Rate J $1.76 $1.68 $1.45 $2.12 $2.01 $1.81 1 Conservation Rate is 90 percent of Standard (Base) Rate. 2 Recycled Water Rate is 95 percent of Standard (Base) Rate. 3 Agricultural Water Rate is $0.31 off the Standard (Base) Rate (per the MWD "Interim Agricultural Water Program"). ' ' f. ' JtejSrsliBBr- ••••;'+. ,-':: .-••• 5/8" 3/4" 1.0" 1.5" 2.0" 3.0" 4.0" 6.0" 8.0" V'->ftx..Curtftir :••••-.•. •'.srMW<e&i, $•'&:•'. $ 12.12 14.85 20.36 35.12 50.60 90.50 146.68 284.23 449.87 Proposed' • •*• 14.54 17.87 24.50 42.26 60.88 108.89 176.49 341.99 541.28 Wastewater (Sewer) Rates - Proposed 2008-2009 ••;—-- -.;•: ,:•.•• Group I Residential Single Family Multi-Family Mobile Home1 Group II Commercial ^ Group III Commercial ^ Group IV Commercial ^ Group V Institutional Schools per ADA3 Elementary * Junior * High* Boarding * Group VI Large Volume Beckman Micro Ops Culligan •'". •••:';-»V^V.V'fv-;-:-3'^i^lfN^^';'V'"'A^ ''••' Si V ; ;;Urtl*'Oetet|'^.tr> ($/hcf of water) $2.30 $2.30 $1.91 $2.51 $3.96 $0.25 $0.49 $0.73 $3.64 (based on volume and wastewater strengths) $4.78 $1.36 .^rworin.R^: $16.20 V^-<rr*0%:^ft-'>:''-AriJu^mert'-'^!-.; '•• ."''W^UhltCOit^.";. ($/hcf of water) $2.51 $2.51 $2.08 $2.73 $4.31 $0.27 $0.53 $0.80 $3.97 (based on volume and wastewater strengths) $5.21 $1.48 Uniform Rate $17.65 ... /3Y Exhibit 12 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2008-195 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING 3 ADJUSTMENTS TO THE FY 2007-08 OPERATING 4 BUDGET 5 WHEREAS, the General Liability Self-Insurance Internal Service Fund will not 6 have sufficient budget appropriation to cover the anticipated litigation expenses for the 7 Fiscal Year 2007-08; and8 WHEREAS, the Finance Department has prepared the cash flow analysis for 10 the Self-Insured Benefits Fund and recommends the additional appropriation of 11 $125,000 to cover the anticipated deficit; and 12 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of 13 Carlsbad, California, as follows: 14 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby 16 authorize an additional appropriation of $125,000 in Fiscal Year 2007-08 for the 17 General Liability Self-Insurance Fund. 18 3. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby 20 authorize a transfer of $125,000 from the Water Enterprise Fund to the General 21 Liability Self-Insurance Fund to cover excess litigation costs incurred in FY 2007- 22 08. 23 /// 24 /// 25 /// 26 27 28 126 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council, Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors and Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission, held on the 24th day of June, 2008, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Hall, Packard and Nygaard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. l/ORRAl>JE M. WOOD, City Clerk /(SEAL) Exhibit 13 1 RESOLUTION NO. 1325 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CARLSBAD MUNICIP APPROVING ADJUST OPERATING BUDGET CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT (CMWD), 3 APPROVING ADJUSTMENTS TO THE FY 2007-08 4 5 WHEREAS, the General Liability Self-Insurance Internal Service Fund will not 6 have sufficient budget appropriation to cover the anticipated litigation expenses for the 7 Fiscal Year 2007-08; and8 9 WHEREAS, a transfer is needed from the Water Enterprise Fund to cover excess JO litigation costs incurred in Fiscal Year 2007-08; and 11 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of 12 Carlsbad, California, as follows: 13 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 14 2. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby authorize an appropriation and transfer of $125,000 from the Water Enterprise 16 Fund to the General Liability Self-Insurance Fund to cover excess litigation costs 17 incurred in FY 2007-08.18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors, Carlsbad City Council and Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission held on the 24th day of June, 2008, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Board Members Lewis, Kulchin, Hall, Packard and Nygaard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ATTEST: /SEAL) , Secretary All Receive-Agenda Item # I > For the Infonnation of the: June 23 2008 CITY COUNCILj une z j , 2uu« Date tep^fr City Manager To: Mayor and City Council " From: City Manager Re: Program Options for the 2008-09 Operating Budget Attached are four program options that will be presented to you during the Operating Budget presentation tomorrow evening, June 24' . Please let me know if you need any additional information or have any questions regarding these options. LHrkd Attachments Page 1 of 1 Council Internet Mailbox - funds for VIP '»»»„From: "Gary Nessim" <g.nessim@att.net> " <C»™c«@--lsbad.c,us> ^m»^J^79vni* ^^"^""""^»™»Ba Subject: funds for VIP City Council City Manager c% Attorney City Clerk Dear Mayor and Councilpersons, I wish to state my oposition to funding the VIP with redevelopment or general fund dollars lire3 and can new iobs in the Viiia9e and a si9n flnandna a more Wasting money on hiring a VIP executive director to lobby you annually for money i Gary Nessim is unwise. CITY OF CARLSBADCITY CLERK'S OFFICE file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klmb\Local Settings\Temp\XPGrpWise\4860CFADG...06/24/2008 Page 1 of 1 AGENDA ITEM # I I Council Internet Mailbox - Use Open Space Money for Open Space! « Mayor From: "Patricia Bleha" <pcb@sbcglobal.net> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 06/23/2008 8:51 PM Subject: Use Open Space Money for Open Space! City Council City Manager City Attorney City Clerk To Carlsbad Mayor Lewis and City Council Members, Why not change course and actually listen to your constituents this time? Maybe you could even earn a little respect by doing something for posterity, namely using the money that we taxpayers put aside for open space and trails and using it while land prices are low, and landowners are WILLING TO SELL. There is still $5 million left of the $35 million we specified for that, so at least use that for its intended purpose. Our open space committee (which you set up - Lewis is always telling people to service their city on committees!) prioritized numerous projects all of which you ignored so far! What are you saving the last $5 million for? A monument to your mismanagement in the form of a new City Hall in the strawberry fields? Patricia Bleha, 3209 Fosca St., Carlsbad CA 92009 file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPGrpWise\48600CB4GW... 06/24/2008 Page 1 of Council Internet Mailbox -Open space From: "Krausz" <krausz@roadrunner.com> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 06/23/2008 9:38 PM Subject: Open space CC: "Pat Bleha" <Pcb@sbcglobal.net> Dear Sirs: I cannot attend the meeting 6/24 but want you to respect the wishes of the citizens of Carlsbad that money set aside for natural parks and open space be used for that purpose. Open space is precious and once it's developed into more houses and condos, it's gone forever. We need more trees and trails, not more streets and cars. Let's make Carlsbad as good as possible for those that live here rather than trying to sqeeze the last development dollar out of our last remaining natural resources. Howard Krausz La Costa, CA . file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPGrpWise\486017E7GW-... 06/24/2008 From: Elizabeth Kruidenier <liznandy@roadrunner.com> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 06/23/2008 11:06 PM Subject: $5 Million For Open Space Aquisition and Trail Development Mayor Lewis and Council Members Hall, Kulchin, Packard and Nygaard In 2002 the Carlsbad voters passed Measure C. $35 Million was set aside for 4 projects. One of them was to buy more open space and finish the trails. Not one dollar or even one dime has been allocated for this cause even though you have dutifully appointed The Citizen's Open Space Committee. They have dutifully written a plan and prioritized aquisitions. Now you have shelved their plan and wasted their time and ignored the work their committee has done. Instead you have spent $30 Million on your priorities. Your newly appointed City Manager says Carlsbad doesn't need any more open space. I thought it was up to the Carlsbad voters to decide this question and they did with Measure C. $5 Million is left and we want to use every penny to leverage as much money as we can to acquire as much open space as possible. We are sick of building a city to suit our City Council. It is about time that our wishes were respected. We are sick of building our city to be a tourist trap/ destination for people in other countries and other states. We want NO more hotels, no more traffic and no more excessive beach front development. We want more open space, more trails and more quality of environmental life instead. We want to save what's left of our coastal scrub, our lagoons, our beaches, our canyons and our wildlife. It is what attracted most of us to Carlsbad in the first place Liz Kruidenier 3005 Cadencia St 760-944-7417 Page 1 of 1 Council Internet Mailbox - Tonight, Please Fund Open Spaces •w*«^s^krJ^!^^W^ From: <GIGIAO@aol.com> To: <mstro@ci.carlsbad.ca.us>, <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 06/24/2008 11:41 AM Subject: Tonight, Please Fund Open Spaces Honorable Mayor Lewis and City Council Members, We are homeowners living on the slope above the Village H canyon. Recently, we learned the City Council hasn't purchased any open space lands with the Measure C funds approved by Carlsbad voters back in 2002. We are very disappointed to hear this and can't understand why this long-delayed promise to the citizens of Carlsbad has not been kept. Back in October of 2006, we sent you e-mails to support the report put out by the Open Space Committee to purchase and preserve as many of these lands as possible. We especially support the OS Committee's recommendation to purchase and preserve the 3.5 acre parcel of land now zoned for a community facility in the Village H canyon. Like all the homeowners living on both the eastern and western slopes of this canyon, we are concerned that any development of the Village H canyon could compromise the stability of these slopes and lead to damage of our homes. We believe the best course of action the City of Carlsbad could take would be to purchase and preserve this 3.5 acre site with the 2002 Measure C fund money set aside for this purpose. Tonight, please vote in favor of funding the purchases of the open spaces recommended by your Open Space Committee back int 2006. And in particular, we would like to see the Village H site purchased and preserved for the benefit of all the residents of Carlsbad. Thank you. Sincerely, Bruce Grouse E.A. Orlowski 3729 Bennington Court Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for fuel-efficient usedI cars. file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPGrpWise\4860DD64GW... 06/24/2008 Page 1 of Council Internet Mailbox - Saving Open Space From: <fkrausz@aol.com> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 06/24/2008 1 1 :48 AM Subject: Saving Open Space Dear Mayor and Council Members, As a new citizen of Carlsbad, I am thankful for the privilege of living in this wonderful town. Having seen what happened to my former home in Los Angeles, I want to urge you to preserve the open spaces and hiking trails for us and our children and grandchildren. Alfred Krausz 980 Siverleaf Circle #104 Carlsbad, CA 92009 Get the Moviefone Toolbar. Showtimes, theaters, movie news, & more! file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPGrpWise\4860DEFOGW... 06/24/2008 FOR. M OF QFAX PHONE .a^OBILH , -gy AREA CODE OfQ*\NUMB EXTENSION SIGNED FORM 4OO3 Page 1 of 2 Council Internet Mailbox - City Council Meeting Tuesday, June 24, 2008 - Operating & Capital Improvements 2008-2009 Budget From: "sandquist2" <sandquist2@earthlink.net> To: "Council Carlsbad" <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 06/24/2008 12:48 PM Subject: City Council Meeting Tuesday, June 24, 2008 - Operating & Capital Improvements 2008- 2009 Budget CC: "Don Rideout" <rideouts@cox.net>, "Dave Robertson" <daber36@yahoo.com>, "Rick Ransburg" <rick.ransburg@fourseasons.com> Mayor and City Council Members: I am writing on behalf of the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation (BLF), P.O. Box 130491, Carlsbad, CA 92013-0491. In reviewing the proposed 2008-2009 Operating and Capital Improvements Budget for 2008- 2009 that is on the agenda this evening. We are concerned that acquisition of open space and habitat has not receiving much attention. Since the people of Carlsbad have repeatedly made it clear that preservation of open space and trails is a top priority, and the fact that there is $ 5m is available in the Measure C account, we would like to see at least some funding is identified for this high priority area. While the BLF understands the current budgetary constraints facing the all of us and the City of Carlsbad as a result of the current economic downturn, we feel it is important to have some funding identified so that the City can take advantage of land acquisition opportunities that continue to come up. In addition, as a result of the Citizen's Advisory Open Space Committee, their prioritized recommendations, and the City Council acceptance and endorsement, we must chip away at acquiring these key parcels of land. As each day goes by, the available land become less and less. I am also aware of the realities of land acquisition cost, especially in the coastal zone. As we all know land acquisition is complicated and highly site-specific in terms of issues. I am not proposing that the City must bear the burden of acquiring land solely with City funds, but leverage what is available through cost sharing and partnerships with other organizations, including non-profits like the BLF. As an example, with a letter of support from the City of Carlsbad, the BLF is about to close escrow on the 18+ acre Mitsuuchi Property at Batiquitos Lagoon for $2.4M. With this support, the BLF was able to successfully obtain funding support from the California Coastal Conservancy and California's Wildlife Conservation Board. With the Council-approved available open space land acquisition list, we were able to acquire a priority piece of property without having to use any City funding. The economic downturn can also create a significant opportunity to acquire land at a price below what the market would normally support. Property owners are now willing to accept lower prices for their land than they would have a year or so ago. The BLF strongly recommends that at least some of the $5 million Measure C account funds be allocated to acquiring open space habitat to show that our government recognizes the high priority the people of Carlsbad have placed on open space preservation and trails. The BLF would welcome the opportunity to work with the City to develop innovative strategies and to leverage available funding to acquire land for open space and trails. Please seriously file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPGrpWise\4860ED04GW... 06/24/2008 Page 2 of2 consider providing some funding to allow us all to work together to continue to make progress in making Carlsbad a great place to live and visit, and enjoy its outdoor treasures. Should you have any questions or wish to discuss this issue in more detail, please contact me at (760) 918-2408. Fred C. Sandquist President Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPGrpWise\4860ED04GW... 06/24/2008 Page 1 of 1 Council Internet Mailbox - Preserve Open Space From: "Margaret Tessier" <mtessier04@earthlink.net> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 06/24/2008 2:57 PM Subject: Preserve Open Space To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council: I urge you to allocate sufficient funds to acquire additional land parcels for open space preservation at this evening's city council meeting. The quality of life here in Carlsbad in enormously enhanced by the protection and preservation of our open spaces. Every day I drive to work along El Camino Real. Now bulldozers are grading the land, where one evening less than a year ago, just north of Cannon Road, I watched a young coyote cross the road from the lagoon area to the west. Experiences like that are part of what many of us cherish about living in Carlsbad. Please review the work of the Open Space Committee and act on their recommendations, and use available funds to acquire more land to preserve for open space. Sincerely, Margaret Tessier Citizen of Carlsbad file://C:\Documents and Settings\Klinb\Local Settings\Temp\XPGrpWise\4861OB5DGW... 06/24/2008 Page 1 of 1 Marilyn Strong - Village H Open Space From: Briette Hackett <briettehackett@hotmail.com> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us>, <mstrd@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 06/24/2008 3:24 PM Subject: Village H Open Space Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, As a member of the Board of Directors of the Crest of Calavera Hills HOA, I'm writing to you on behalf of the 108 homeowners who live in this community adjacent to the canyon property known as Village H. On March 13, 2007 at a city council hearing on open space, the Crest of Calavera Hills HOA wholeheartedly supported the proposal submitted to the open space committee for the city to acquire and preserve the 3.5 acre community facility site of open space land in the Village H canyon. The Crest of Calavera Hills HOA has long been concerned of potential negative impacts to our slope homes should this site be approved for development, and we have documented this concern to the city council on previous occasions. We understand that although the Open Space Committee ranked the Village H 3.5 acre Community Facility Site # two on the list of open space lands for the City of Carlsbad to acquire and preserve, that no action has been taken by the City thus far. We urge you to take action now and re-prioritize your budget to include the purchase of this 3.5 acre site with the Measure C funds and fulfill your promise to the citizens of Carlsbad to preserve our few remaining open space lands. Especially since the McMillan Company, the current owner of the property, has expressed to the City Council that they are willing to sell the land to the City of Carlsbad for open space. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely, Briette Snook Board of Directors Crest of Calavera Hills HOA Need to know now? Get instant answers with Windows Live Messenger. IM on your terms. file://C:\Documents and Settings\Mstro\Local Settings\Temp\XPGrpWise\48611196GW-... 06/24/2008 From: <corakeel39@hotmail.com> To: <Council@[]> Date: 06/24/2008 3:36 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. ********************************************** FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear City Council Members, I am writing to urge you to allocate 5 million dollars specifically for natural lands in Carlsbad, CA. Specifically what we want this for is for more natural or restored habitat - to be shared with humans. Natural and restored lands DO draw people into the area when they visit and to move here. We need it, considering all the building you are going to fill the city with. You also need to listen to the voters and do your real job for us. Sincerely, Peg Crilly Peg Crilly t corakeel39@hotmail.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) (06/23/2008) Marilyn Strong - Carlsbad's Open Space Page 1 AGENDA ITEM # From: "Tamara Goldsby" <tgoldsby@ucsd.edu> c: Mayor To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us>, <mstro@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> City Council Date: 06/22/2008 8:49 AM City Manager Subject: Carlsbad's Open Space City Attorney City ClerkDear Mayor Lewis and City Council Members, Carlsbad is a beautiful and unique North County coastal city, in which we are fortunate to live. The city's open space areas are a very large part of its beauty and quality of life. Measure C was passed in 2002, which promised that funds would be allocated toward natural land acquisition, open space and trails. Please do what's right and what the people want - and follow through on what the people voted for. The actions we take now affect our children and grandchildren. When you vote on next year's budget, please do the right thing. Sincerely, Tamara & Michael Goldsby Carlsbad residents From: <chuck.mcdonell@cox.net> To: <Council@[]> Date: 06/20/2008 6:27 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE.*** Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Mayor and Members of the Council: Re: June 24 City Council Meeting I hope you will be able to allocate some of the Prop C funds this year for habitat protection and restoration. There are so many worthy projects but I'd like to put in a plug for the El Salto Falls. They're a gem that was, unfortunately, compromised by Oceanside when the Quary Creek shopping center was constructed. But you can still play a major role in saving the falls, considered sacred by our earliest settlers, and declare your unanimous intent to preserve them. Allocating funds for this purpose would go a long way to make a strong statement that Carlsbad is concerned about protecting our unique natural resource. We want to continue to live in vibrant communities that understand the value of quality development balanced with preserving the thing that makes North County special-our natural environment. It's the thing that draws people here and preserves our property values. We don't want to live in a community that is just wall-to-wall development. We need quality! development that respects mother nature as well. Please develope where it makes sense but don't forget to allocate Prop C funds toward the preservation of the ever-dwindling undeveloped, natural habitat. Once it's gone, it can never be recovered. Let our future generations write about our wise leaders who understood the importance of balance between nature and development. That the air we breath and views we see are there because you made the decision today to continue allocating funds for preserving key undeveloped lands in a natural state and encourage habitat restoration. As time goes on, the dollar will shrink and make it more difficult than ever to take such actions in the future. Please act now to preserve El Salto Falls and as much of the other natural, irreplaceable habitats as possible. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Chuck & Sue McDonell 760.754.6708 Chuck McDonell > chuck.mcdonell@cox.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) From: <schoolnursesue@gmail.com> To: <Council@[]> Date: 06/21/2008 7:48 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE.********************************************** Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear council members, The reason that Carlsbad is a wonderful place is the sight of open, natural land interspersed with the housing and urban areas. Please maintain the appeal of Carlsbad by funding Prop C (2002) to provide for restored habitat of open spaces and trails. Thank you, Susan Thayer schoolnursesue@gmail.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30) From: Tom Palenscar <tom@troutpals.com> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 06/21/2008 3:08 PM Subject: Open Space Dear Council Members: Open Space in Carlsbad is a precious and endangered commodity. In comparison, roads, business sites, parks, tourist services, staff incomes and pensions, self promotion, and expansionary "progress" visions seem to encompass our fair city through its council. Speaking for my family, many friends, and as your constituent of 35 years, please support the will of the residents that have enough restaurants, hotels, stores and highways and use our funds to secure as much open space as is possible. Your committee produced a plan of action, let's see you take the prioritized steps toward a balanced land use policy. Our future will depend not only on city income, but on the spaces we preserve for natives: plants, animals, air, water, soil and shade. Let it be. Sincererly, Tom Palenscar From: Joni Ciarletta <jciarlet@ucsd.edu> To: <council@ci.carlsbad.ca.us> Date: 06/23/2008 7:45 AM Subject: Allocate Funds to Open Space Preservation! Dear City Council: I have been a Carlsbad resident for over 13 years and have paid plenty in property taxes. In that short time I have seen our beautiful hillsides taken over by rampant development. In 2002, we voters passed Measure C which was supposed to include open space in the options for spending city reserve funds. To date, nothing has been spent on open space. I understand about $5 million is left in these funds. Please do what the voters have asked you to do and allocate these funds to preserving the little bit of open space we still have left. The birds, animals and plants of our beautiful city will thank you for it. Sincerely, Joni Ciarletta Concerned Citizen Carlsbad Resident Member, Buena Vista Audubon Society Volunteer, Project Wildlife (06/24/2008) Lisa Hild^ Page 1 Lisa Irvine Lisa Hildabrand 06/24/2008 3:32 PM ArtSplash Follow Up 33 VO WD1 :aqj jo UOIIBUUOJUI aifl TOJFrom: To: Date: Subject: the Sof Carlsbad is the primary cash sponsor and the majority of the other sponsors are with in-kind services. ^^^^ grants. The insurance ($5 000) for the event is covered by the Rotary. In addition to water, Poseidon has contributed $1,000. other sponsorships as well. the schools to help fund arts and music programs. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this information. Lisa Irvine Finance Director City of Carlsbad 760.602.2430 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE June 24, 2008 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE All Receive For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Assti CM_CA_cXCC ix Date&/c£!City Manager TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Finance Director VIA: Deputy City Mana RESPONSES TO COUNCIL'S QUESTIONS REGARDING FY 2008-09 BUDGET I have received several questions and requests for information from the City Council regarding the FY 2008-09 Proposed Budget. The questions and responses are outlined in this memo. 1) Provide a comparison of the Recreation Fees outlined in Schedule A of the Master Fee Schedule between FY 2007-08 current and FY 2008-09 Proposed. See Attachment A. 2) With regard to ArtSplash, do the restaurants donate the food for the "Taste at ArtSplash" portion of the event? The restaurants donate their time as well as the food and supplies for the "Taste at ArtSplash." 3) Provide the departments that are replacing vehicles in FY 2008-09. See Attachment B. 4) Why are we moving forward with the Avenida Encinas Road construction project? There are two sections of Avenida Encinas which need to be widened to full width standards: the stretch just south of Palomar Airport Road and the portion adjacent and across from the Poinsettia Coaster Station. These segments were added to the recently adopted TIF program and included in the buildout CIP. After conferring with the Engineering Design Division, the need to widen the portion south of PAR was predicated on the current processing of the Coastal Rail Trail and the need to provide for a retaining wall to Avenida Encinas. Therefore, to coordinate the timing of the Coastal Rail Trail and June 24, 2008 Page 2 the widening of Avenida Encinas, staff proposed to fund the project in FY 08/09. Unfortunately, NCTD guidelines seem to preclude the construction of the Coastal Rail Trail within the existing railroad right-of-way. Staff is currently working through this issue but it is unclear whether the City will receive approval from NCTD to encroach within the right-of-way. If NCTD does not allow for the inclusion of the bikeway in the railroad right-of-way there would be no reason to fund or build the widening project. Another factor to consider is the potential of increased traffic from proposed development along Avenida Encinas. Future traffic counts and operations at the intersection may require the widening be performed independent from the Coastal Rail Trail. In this case, staff would recommend funding the intersection widening project. With this current status and the possibility the project may not be built in the near future, staff is recommending rescheduling the appropriation for the Avenida Encinas/PAR project to FY 09/10. Engineering staff will review the status of both projects annually during the development of the CIP. If the projects start to move forward, staff would recommend moving the appropriation to accommodate the construction. However, if there is no resolution with NCTD, the project can be rescheduled to a later date. During the Citizens Workshop on June 12, 2008, a citizen asked about how much water the City plans to purchase from the desalination plant. While the written summary of the workshop stated approximately 50%, a more accurate response is while the City could purchase up to 100% of its water from the desalination plant, the amount has not yet been determined. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding the information included in this memo. LISA IRVINE Finance Director Attachment A: Schedule A of Master Fee Schedule FY 2007-08 and FY 2008-09 Attachment B: Vehicle Replacement List Attachment A Schedule A CLASSIFICATION OF APPLICANTS Each application will be reviewed by the Department staff and classified into a category depending on the type of organization and the intended use. The Department activities have first priority for the use of the facilities. The classifications are listed in order or priority with classification "A" first, classification "8" second, etc. The City attempts to accommodate all groups; however, there is a limited number of facilities. Unfortunately, the demand exceeds the supply. For that reason, a priority classification system for use was established. CATEGORY A. B. C. D. E. F. DESCRIPTION Carlsbad Parks and Recreation activities; Co-sponsored activities; other City departments Carlsbad resident: not-for-profit civic, not- for-profit social organizations (non-paid management - no voting board member can be paid); any organization sponsoring a public forum or candidates night; public education Carlsbad resident: not-for-profit civic, not- for-profit social organizations (paid management); private educational institutions Non-resident: not-for-profit educational, not for profit civic and not-for profit social organizations; resident private parties; and locally organized groups whose normal place of meeting is located in the City of Carlsbad. Carlsbad resident: commercial, business, profit making organization, non-resident private party activities Non-resident: commercial, business, political, profit making and religious organizations EXAMPLES Friends of the Library, Carlsbad Book Fair, Recreation and Lap Swim, Swim Lessons, Masters Swim Program Carlsbad Rotary, La Costa Youth Organization, Carlsbad Softball Association, Carlsbad Youth Baseball, Boy Scouts, Carlsbad Homeowner's Associations, Carlsbad Unified School District Boy's and Girl's Club, Property Management Associations North County AA, YMCA, resident religious and political groups, Mira Costa Carlsbad Inn, non-resident parties, weddings or receptions Trade shows, company training, meetings, seminars, scuba shops, commercials or photo shoots CITY OF CARLSBAD FEE SCHEDULE GENERAL CITY FEES AND CHARGES June 2008 FACILITY FEE SCHEDULE AND CLASSIFICATIONS Schedule A Changed Fee DEPOSITS Cleaning/ Damage Deposit - All Non-Refundable Security Deposit Non-Refundable Security Deposit - Leo Carrillo Ranch CATEGORY A B C D E F Up to $5,000 (Categories B - F) $50 or payment in full (Categories B - F) $500 or payment in full (Categories B - F) FACILITIES Harding Community Center (Hourly Rates) LOCATION B CATEGORY C D Auditorium N/C 20 30 50 65 85 Recreation Hall (Kitchen included)N/C 20 30 50 65 85 Community Room N/C N/C 15 20 30 45 Stagecoach/Ccilavera Hills Community Centers (Hourly Rates) LOCATION Gymnasium 1/2 Gym Rental Activity Room Multi-Purpose Room CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C N/C N/C N/C $ 40 $ 20 $ 20 N/C $ 50 $ 25 $ 30 $ 25 $ 60 $ 30 $ 40 $ 30 $ 80 $ 40 $ 55 $ 40 $ 105 $ 50 $ 75 $ 60 Safety Center (Hourly Rates) LOCATION Fox Meeting Room Palowski Meeting Room CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C N/C $ 20 $ 20 $ 30 $ 30 $ 40 $ 40 $ 55 $ 55 $ 75 $ 75 Magee Park (Hourly Rates) LOCATION Heritage Hall (Kitchen included) Granary CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C N/C $ 15 N/C $ 20 $ 13 $ 45 $ 15 $ 65 $ 25 $ 75 $ 30 Senior Center (Hourly Rates) LOCATION Auditorium Dining Room Kitchen Warming Kitchen Full Service Art Room Dance Studio Activity Room Cleaning Charge on Parties >100 people CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C $ 30 $ 30 $ 5 $ 15 $ 15 $ 20 $ 30 $ 40 $ 40 $ 10 $ 20 $ 20 $ 25 $ 40 $ 55 $ 55 $ 15 $ 30 $ 25 $ 30 $ 55 $ 70 $ 70 $ 20 $ 35 $ 30 $ 35 $ 70 $ 95 $ 85 $ 25 '"$ 40 $ 35 $ 40 $ 95 $120 (Categories B-F) Facilities Continued Aviara Park (Hourly Rates) LOCATION Meeting Room A N/C B N/C CATEGORY C D E | $ 10 $ 15 | $ 20 | $ F 25 Carrillo Ranch (Hourly Rental Fee) LOCATION Full Site Rental Cabana & Pool Area Patio Area Barbeque Access one time fee CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C N/G N/C N/C $ 90 $ 78 $ 31 $ 50 $ 115 $ 91 $ 45 $ 60 $ 141 $ 107 $ 61 $ 75 $ 168 $ 130 $ 78 $ 95 $ 195 $ 152 $ 91 $ 120 Fees are based on an hourly rate with a six hour minimum PARKS/PICNICS Group Sizes 1-100 /101 + Stagecoach, Calavera Hills, Aviara, Pine Amphitheater or Picnic Structure,(Hourly Rates) LOCATION Covered Picnic Areas A B N/C | $9/$14 CATEGORY C D | $15/$20 $19/$35 E $25/$40 | F $40/$60 Poinsettia, Hidden Canyon, Magee, La Costa Canyon Upper Area, Laguna Riviera & Open Space (Hourly Rates) LOCATION Uncovered Picnic Areas Open Space CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C N/C $7/$10 $7/$10 $11/$16 $11/$16 $13/$28 $13/$28 $18/$33 $18/$33 $28/$48 $28/$48 Miscellaneous Addt'l Costs LOCATION Insurance Policy Prqeessiin^ Fee Security Staff Prt«iesislrQ Fee < > Staffing Fee (with exception of Swim Complex) Inflatable Party Jump Permit CATEGORY A B C D E F /• •; .•.- ;v - „ ••'•.'• • •• •'<••.-••• A$2$pe£event^v'^., '•..-• i;-;,- ••• •• "••-."';"'"• '"-'i--:-\:y"xW: -v'jjsjfii psr everit-i;-.- >:.••".• i^lSlSli-.: $1 7 per hour (Categories B - F) $10 - Resident / $20 - Non-Resident (Categories B - F) OR/G/M ATHLETIC FIELDS Natural Turf (Hourly Rates) LOCATION Day Use Non-Resident (Per Player) Lights Snack Bars OffSea&JtWeltfUidFee - CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C $ 5 $ 9 N/C N/C $ 5 $ 20 $ 5 $ 25 N/C $ 30 $ 8 $ 30 N/C $ 35 $ 10 ' ,<-• -'-'-"I -'•"-' >A $3perHotif(Clii^dry8)'*1-'"'*>r^)"il1 $ 35 N/C $ 40 $ 12 •-, '" ' Synthetic Turf Field Use Fees (Hourly Rate) LOCATION B CATEGORY C D Day Use N/C N/C $25 $55 65 Lights N/C $65 75 Snack Bars N/C N/C 10 12 CI inics/Camps (Hourly Rate) LOCATION Day Use Lights Snack Bar CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C N/C N/C $ 8 $ 13 N/C $ 13 $ 18 $ 5 $ 18 $ 23 $ 8 $ 23 $ 28 $ 10 $ 28 $ 33 Si 1 2 Tournaments (Hourly Rate) LOCATION B CATEGORY C D Day Use N/C N/C $15 $20 Lights N/C 15 20 30 Snack Bar N/C N/C $5 $12 TENNIS COURTS Tournament Play Only (Hourly Rate Per Court) LOCATION Carlsbad High School A B C D E F N/C N/C $OO $ 4 $ 6 $ 9 AQUATIC FACILITY Swim Complex (Whole Pool (Hourly Rates) LOCATION Per Lane Per Hour Pool Aquatics Staff Costs - City provided services (Live Guard/Supervision - Per Hr) CATEGORY A B C D N/C $ N/C $ 8 $ 8.50 80 $ 85 $ 9 $ 90 E $ 11 $ 110 F $ 12 $ 120 $24 (Categories B - F) Aquatic Facility Swim Passes-1 Month Family - Res. Swim Passes-1 Month Family - Non-Re's". Swim Passes-4 Month Family - Res. Swim Passes-4 Month Family - Non-Res. Swim Passes-One Month Individual - Resident Swim Passes-One Month Individual - Non-Resident Swim Passes-Four Month Individual - Resident Swim Passes-Four Month Individual - Non-Resident Aquatics Staff Costs - City provided services (Life Guard / Supervision etc. - Per Hr) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 47 72 95 120 35 50 60 90 24 CITY OF CARLSBAD FEE SCHEDULE GENERAL CITY FEES AND CHARGES June 2007 FACILITY FEE SCHEDULE AND CLASSIFICATIONS Schedule A Set up and clean up time is included as rental time. There is a $200 (minimum) refundable cleaning/damage deposit for each rental, except for Carrillo Ranch rental or a tournament rental, where a $500 refundable cleaning/damage deposit is required. There is a $1,000 refundable cleaning/damage deposit for a Synthetic Turf Field rental. Fees are based on an hourly rate, with a two-hour minimum. A $50 non-refundable security deposit is required per rental (facility or park). The $50 security deposit will be applied to the total cost of the rental, and will not be refunded if the reservation is canceled. If the total rental amount is lower than $50 then the difference wilr be refunded after the rental has occurred. FACILITIES Building rentals include use of tables, chairs, microphone and podium (if available), except for Carrillo Ranch. An extra staffing fee of $15.00 per hour, per staff person is required for all recreation usages when staff is brought in to support rental and after regular operating hours. All users must pay the $15 per hour per 100 people staffing fee. Harding Community Center (Hourly Rates) LOCATION Auditorium Recreation Hall (Kitchen included) Community Room CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C N/C N/C 15 15 N/C 25 25 15 50 50 20 65 65 30 85 85 45 Stagecoach/Calavera Hills Community Centers (Hourly Rates) LOCATION Gymnasium 1/2 Gym Rental Activity Room Multi-Purpose Room Kitchen CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C 30 15 15 N/C N/C 40 20 20 15 10 50 25 35 20 15 80 40 50 30 25 105 50 65 45 35 Safety Center (Hourly Rates) (Hourly Rates) LOCATION Fox Meeting Room Palowski Meeting Room CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C N/C 15 15 20 20 25 25 40 40 50 50 June 2007 Attachment 1-1 Magee Park (Hourly Rates) LOCATION Heritage Hall (Kitchen included) Granary CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C N/C 15 N/C 20 13 45 15 65 25 75 30 Senior Center (Hourly Rates) LOCATION Auditorium Dining Room Kitchen Warming Kitchen Full Service Art Room Dance Studio Activity Room CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C 30 30 5 15 15 20 30 40 40 10 20 20 25 40 55 55 15 30 25 30 55 70 70 20 35 30 35 70 95 85 25 40 35 40 95 Aviara Park (Hourly Rates) LOCATION Meeting Room CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C | N/C | 10 15 20 | 25 Carrillo Ranch (Daily Rental Fee) Rentals of five hours or less will be charged half of the daily rental fee. There will be a $75 charge for each additional hour. LOCATION Cabana & Pool Area Patio Area Barbeque CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C N/C N/C $575 $230 $50 $690 $345 $60 $810 $460 $75 $985 $575 $95 $1.155 $690 $120 Picnic Rental Prices Group Sizes 1-100/101 + PARKS There is a three-hour minimum for use of Park & Picnic Rentals. Any organized events at parks will be charged an open space fee. There will be a $10 fee for residents and a $20 fee for non-residents for an inflatable attraction permit. Holiday Park (Hourly Rates) LOCATION Gazebo/Covered Picnic Area A NC/NC B | 8/12 CATEGORY C D E | 14/19 | 18/30 24/38 | F 38756 Stagecoach, Calavera Hills, Aviara, Pine Amphitheater or Picnic Structure (Hourly Rates) LOCATION Covered Picnic Areas CATEGORY A B C D E F NC/NC | 8/12 14/19 | 18/30 24/38 38/56 June 2007 Attachment 1-2 Poinsettia, Hidden Canyon, Magee, La Costa Canyon Upper Area, Laguna Riviera & Open Space (Hourly Rates) LOCATION Uncovered Picnic Areas Open Space CATEGORY A B C D E F NC/NC NC/NC 6/8 6/9 10/11 10/12 12/15 12/16 17/24 17/25 27/36 27/37 BALL FIELDS/SOCCER FIELDS Day Use for the Softball fields and tennis courts is from 8:00 a.m. until dark. An additional amount is charged for lights. A minimum of two-hour staffing fee charge will be assessed for field preparation, and subject to staff availability. A $5 fee will be assessed each non-resident player on teams and/or organizations in classifications "B" and "C" that reserve ball fields in excess of 30 calendar days per season. Inflatable astrojumps are prohibited from use on synthetic turf. (Hourly Rates) LOCATION Day Use Lights Snack Bars CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C N/C N/C N/C 8 N/C N/C 15 5 15 20 8 20 25 10 25 30 12 Synthetic Turf Field Use Fees ($1,000 refundable deposit required) LOCATION Day Use Lights Snack Bars CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C N/C N/C N/C 8 N/C 15 25 5" 20 30 8 25 35 10 30 40 12 CLINICS/CAMPS LOCATION Day Use Lights Snack Bar CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C N/C N/C 5 10 N/C 10 15 5 15 20 8 20 25 10 25 30 12 TOURNAMENTS ($500 deposit required) LOCATION Day Use Lights Snack Bar CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C N/C N/C N/C 10 N/C 10 15 5 15 20 8 20 25 10 25 30 12 June 2007 Attachment 1-3 TENNIS COURT (daily fee per court) LOCATION Carlsbad High School Poinsettia/Stagecoach/Calavera Laguna Riviera No Tournament Play or Clinics Allowed CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C L 20 15 10 30 20 15 40 25 20 60 35 30 SWIM COMPLEX (WHOLE POOL) For the Swim Complex, if clean-up or more than two lifeguards are required, a staffing fee of $20 per hour per staff is charged. (Hourly Rates) LOCATION Pool A N/C B $50 CATEGORY C D | $50 | $50 E | $100 | F $100 June 2007 Attachment 1-4 •g Key Department CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNED MAJOR CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS 2008-2009 (Greater than $10,000) Item Description Attachment B Qty One - Time Cost 6215061 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT Public Works - Trees Community Services - Senior Ctr Public Works - Parks Maintenance Public Works - Street Maintenance Public Works - Parks Maintenance Public Works - Parks Maintenance Public Safety - Police Prop Evidence Public Works - Parks Maintenance Public Safety - Police Traffic Public Works - Parks Maintenance Public Works - Water Ops Public Works - Parks Maintenance Public Safety - Police Canine Public Safety - Police Field Ops Public Safety - Police Field Ops Public Safety - Police Field Ops Public Safety - Police Field Ops Public Safety - Police Traffic Public Works - Street Lighting Community Services - Senior Ctr Public Works - Sewer Ops Public Works - Water Ops Diesel Engine Retrofits to meet State of CA Air Resources Board Mandates Stumpcut, Small (Dosko, RC14SP) Bus, Small (Ford E350) 9 Passenger Truck, 5 CuYd Dump (Ford F800) For klift, Large (Caterpillar V50D) Truck, 1 T Utility (Dodge Ram 3500C) Chipper (Vermeer 1230) Van, Mini (Chevrolet Astro) Truck, Turf (Cusman 630) Motorcycle, Full Size BMW (BMW R1150CHP) Mower, Riding Large (Toro 4000D) Pickup 3/4 T 4x4 (Dodge Ram 1500) Mower, Riding Small (Toro Zmaster 325) SUV, Full Size 4x4, Police (Ford Expedition 4x4) Sedan, Police (Ford Crown Victoria) Sedan, Police (Ford Crown Victoria) Sedan, Police (Ford Crown Victoria) Sedan, Police (Ford Crown Victoria) Sedan, Police Traffic (Ford Crown Victoria) Truck, Aerial Large (Ford F550) Bus, Large (Ford E450) 21 Passenger Truck, 1 T Utility (Ace Rpl) (Ford F350) Pickup 1/2 T (Chevrolet Silverado 1500) Subtotal Vehicle Replacement 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 25 50,000 13,000 45,000 82,000 21,000 30,000 29,000 23,000 18,000 25,000 55,000 27,000 25,000 38,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 120,000 60,000 30,000 21,000 892,000 H:\Budgets - CIPVBudget 08-09U.T Binder Documents\Budget Overview Summary 08-09.xls - Capital Outlay Requests >1fflfi3/2008 JUN 2 4 2008 O CITYOFCARLSBAL CITY CLERK'S OFFICE story and Status of the n (Space Acquisition Program l Keceive-Agenda Item #Jl_ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Asst. •~Jate City Manager In October 2005, the Open Space Committee was formed to derive a ranked list of properties for possible City acquisition and open space preservation; In March 2007, the City Council accepted the Open Space Committee Final Report. All owners from the properties listed in the report were contacted and asked if they would be interested in selling the property. Of the 13 properties contained in the Final Report, only four expressed interest in discussing sale to the City: Calavera Hills Village H Mitsuuchi Property Poinsettia Vernal Pools Brodiaea Preserve At their workshop on September 19. 2007. City Council gave staff direction to: 1. Continue working with Calavera Hills Village H and Mitsuuchi property owners on possible acquisition; 2. Evaluate three additional areas for possible acquisition: State properties (PAR & Carlsbad Blvd) South Agua Hedionda Lagoon properties Sunny Creek properties (there are a total of ]9 individual parcels are contained in these three areas). During Fall of 2007, staff met with representatives from Calavera Hills and Mitsuuchi properties and analyzed the three additional areas according to the Open Space Committee's ranking criteria. On January 7, 2008. staff distributed the Final Report on the three additional areas, along with an update on the acquisition efforts for Calavera Hills and Mitsuuchi properties. While the City offered to participate financially in the Mitsuuchi property acquisition, additional funds were secured by the Department of Fish and Game and the property was acquired without the need for City expenditures. On February 20, 2008, City Council conducted another workshop to review the new report and discuss acquisition efforts. As with the original Report, all owners from the properties listed in the new report were contacted and asked if they would be interested in selling the property. Of the 19 properties nominated for acquisition, only one property owner, Chase Coman, expressed an interest in discussing the sale of his property for open space preservation. City Council directed staff to continue to discuss possible acquisition with willing sellers and continue to work with other agencies and organizations to leverage acquisition funds and efforts. Since February 2008, staff has continued discussion with those property owners with possible interest in selling. Staff also periodically sends letters to all property owners on the ranked list, inquiring if they would be interested in discussing possible sale. Approximately six months has passed since the property owners were last contacted - staff is preparing inquiry letters for redistribution in the next month. In addition to the efforts above, the City has submitted an application for Section 6 Land Acquisition Grants the past two fiscal years. The grants require matching funds from the City. Despite the fact that the City has an adopted HMP, we have not been successful in winning these grants so far. The City also continues to facilitate the open space acquisition efforts of other agencies and organizations, as evidenced by staff's participation in the Mitsuuchi property negotiations and meetings with Caltrans about possible acquisition of the Mariner's Cove and Hanson Aggregates sites. PROGRAM OPTION ArtSplash Overview ArtSplash has been an annual event in the City of Carlsbad since 2002. ArtSplash is a free two- day family-friendly community event. Typically, ArtSplash consists of chalk art, stone sculpture, mosaic, rock stacking, graffiti art, fine art, and sand sculpture. The 2008 proposal also includes the third year of "Taste of ArtSplash" - an event featuring local restaurants on Saturday, and the Fern Street Circus performing on Sunday. ArtSplash showcases local artists and is free to the public and will be held September 20 and 21st. The purpose of this event is to bring residents and visitors together to celebrate Carlsbad in a creative forum. The event is held annually and organized by a volunteer group of Carlsbad residents with the goal of having a fun cultural event within the City. In past years the City Council has authorized financial and in-kind support for ArtSplash. ArtSplash received Community Activity Grants from Council for three years, the maximum allowed. ArtSplash has also received in-kind services. The past several years of in-kind services have totaled $8,700 in 2004, $7,500 in 2005, $9,900 in 2006, and $9,600 in 2007. The total expenditures (not including in-kind services) for ArtSplash 2007 were approximately $75,000 with an estimated attendance of 30,000. The request for 2008 assistance (see attached letter) consists of a $20,000 cash sponsorship and in-kind services including traffic engineer services, police services, fire inspection, ambulance service, streets labor, street sweeping (after the event), pressure washing, traffic control implementation, and a one-man lift. These in-kind services are valued at approximately $15,000. Options Staff has identified three potential options for the Council's consideration. 1. Fund the request as presented. Authorize the $20,000 sponsorship and the in-kind services. This would require a transfer of $35,000 from the Council's contingency account. 2. Fund either just the cash request of $20,000 or the in-kind services of $15,000. The appropriate amount of money would need to be transferred from the City Council contingency account. 3 Fund with a 4:1 match or other ratio as Council deems appropriate. The 4:1 match would mean the organization would need to raise four times the amount from other sources, than is being requested from the City of Carlsbad. 4 Provide no funding. Council could choose to not provide any support to ArtSplash at this time. I 1 March 4, 2008 Lisa Hildabrand 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 Dear'Lisa, 1 would like to request thai the City of Carlsbad help financially secure the sustainability of ArtSplash with a S20.000 sponsorship. Additionally, 1 would like your help with "in kind" services that include but not limited to police onsite services, ambulance onsite services, a man lift, street sweeping and re-striping, a traffic control plan and sand pickup and delivery for the sand sculpture. We will be celebrating the 6th annual ArtSplash on September 20 & 21, 2008. We are very excited about the wonderful additions to our event this year which are; violin making, cartooning and a 16 foot robotic giraffe. Our other many facets of art will consist of stone sculpture, mosaic, rock stacking, graffiti, fine art, sand sculpture and of course chalk art. On Saturday we are again partnering with "Tasie of Carlsbad" and on Sunday we will have Fem Street Circus performing. We have drawn from the community to help us continue to be successful, not only in volunteerism, but in terms of sponsorship money, and partnership. Some of our sponsors are Jimbo's, Grand Pacific Palisades Resort. LHGOI.AND, Premium Outlets, and Doug & Lori Avis. I strongly believe that ArtSplash should be an annual event that Carlsbad citizens look forward to in the fall. ArtSplash is a free event that brings people together to celebrate our Cily and I hope it is viewed as a worthwhile "gift" to the populace. The total request for "in kind" services and their costs will be an attachment to the forthcoming agenda bill. I hope thai you will be able to consider this request for ArtSplash. Thank you! Sincerely, Joni MinngolT ArtSplash Co-Founder and Chairperson ORIGINAL 5620 Paseo Del Norte #127-442 Carlsbad, CA 92008 • (760) 436-2828 info@CarlsbadArtSplash.org • www.CarlsbadArtSplash.org PROGRAM OPTION ATHLETIC FIELD USE OVERVIEW As part of the annual budget review process in FY 2007-08, the Recreation Department proposed an increase in the category D non-resident not for profit athletic field use fee from $15 per hour to $25 per hour. This recommendation was made after a careful review of the fees comparable municipalities charged non-resident user groups, as well as taking into consideration the outstanding quality of Carlsbad's athletic fields, maintenance and other services provided. During a recent review of various user groups, staff discovered that North County Senior Softball (NCSS), a "D" category non-resident group had been using the athletic fields at Calavera Hills Community Park since 1994 for $5 per game, not the $15 per hour rate previously approved by Council in FY 2002-03 for the use of Calavera athletic fields only. In an effort to apply the Council approved fee equally to all "D" category user groups, staff notified NCSS that they would be affected by the proposed FY 2008-09 fee increase and their athletic field use fee would increase from $5 per game to $25 per hour effective August 1, 2008. NCSS responded to staff that the proposed $25 per hour fee increase would impose a .'significant financial burden on its organization. At the City Council meeting of June 10, 2008, seve!.al NCSS participants spoke of the merits and benefits of senior Softball and asked the Mayor and Council members to reconsider the proposed fee increase and perhaps even waive the existing $5 per game fee altogether. A recurring theme raised by NCSS representatives at Council was that other north county ci':es allow senior user groups to use their athletic fields free or at a greatly reduced rate. In June 2008 staff surveyed the cities of Encinitas, Escondido, Oceanside, San Marcos, and Vista. The fees charged for senior softball are summarized in the following table: CITY Encinitas Escondido Oceanside San Marcos Vista Carlsbad CURRENT FEE $4 Per Day (Resident) $10 Per Day (Non-Resident) $7 Per Hour No Charge $8 Per Hour No Charge No Charge (Resident) $15 (Non-Resident) $5 Per Game (Current Rate) PROPOSED FEE N/A N/A N/A $14 Per Hour (Recreational) $22 Per Hour (Competitive) N/A No Charge (Resident) $25 Per Hour (Non-Resident) fable 1: Senior Softball Fees, June 2008 OPTIONS Council told NCSS that they would reconsider the proposed fee increase and work with staff to research and propose various options. Staff presents the following senior Softball athletic field use alternatives for Council consideration: 1. Charge Council Approved Fee if approved as part of the FY 2008-09 budget process, NCSS shall pay the full proposed $25 per hour athletic field use fee applicable to all category D non-resident groups. Pros: City collects full fee according to approved Master Fee Schedule. General fund revenue is increased and direct costs... are recovered. Athletic field maintenance opportunities would be improved resulting in enhanced athletic field conditions at Calavera. NCSS would be permitted to play on any field available in the City Cons: This fee increase may be cqst prohibitive to NCSS and may force them to play elsewhere. 2. Utilize Community Activity Funding Grant If approved as part of the FY 2008-09 budget process, NCSS shall pay the proposed $25 per hour athletic field use fee applicable to all category D non-resident groups. NCSS could then request the City Council offset the difference between their current rate of $5 per game rate and the proposed rate of $25 per hour by authorizing a grant from the City of Carlsbad's community activity funding. Pros: Treats NCSS similar to othej; special interest groups (e.g. Boy Scouts of America) seeking fee relief. Fees are collected as.per the approved Master Fee Schedule. Athletic field maintenance opportunities would be imprpved resulting in enhanced athletic field conditions at Calavera. NCSS would be permitted to play on any field available in the City. Cons: A financial investment, which may impact other Community Activity Funding opportunities, will be required. This is only a short term solution as Council Policy 51 limits Community Activity Funding to a maximum term of three years. 3. Create a Senior Athletics Category Create a new "senior athletics" category in the existing Classification of Applicants within the City's Master Fee Schedule ($5 per hour). • Limit field use days to Tuesday through Thursday • Limit field use to the hours of 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. • Limit field use to athletic fields designated by the Recreation Director or his/her designee • User group shall provide minor athletic field maintenance such as dragging the infields, providing chalk and lining the fields, providing bases, etc. • Makes a classification for any senior athletic group resident or non-resident Pros: Creates a new category and solves the proposed fee increase issue. Cons: Singles out a special interest user group, and creates a fee unique to that demographic. Opens the athletic fields to all senior athletic groups from throughout San Diego County and beyond, and does not specifically distinguish between resident and non-resident groups. Results in a potential loss of approximately $10,000 in general fund revenue annually based on direct costs related to NCSS use alone. Increased athletic field use, maintenance, staffing and administrative costs may be expected as a result of this option. 4. Create a Reduced Rate Off-Peak Category Create a new reduced rate off-peak category use fee available to all athletic field users regardless of special interest/need group status and residency (with the exception of organized clinics, tournaments, and camps, which will be charged the full Council approved rate per the adopted Master Fee Schedule) ($5 per hour). • Limit field use days to Tuesday through Thursday • Limit field use to the hours of 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. • Limit field use to athletic fields designated by the Recreation Director or his/her designee • Require that user group provide minor athletic field maintenance, chalk to line the fields, bases and etc. Pros: Creates a new category and solves the proposed fee increase issue. Allows the distinction between resident and non-resident users, and fees may be set accordingly. Cons: This option may result in increased athletic field use, maintenance, staffing and administrative costs. There could be a potential loss of approximately $10,000 in general fund revenue annually, based on direct costs. FISCAL IMPACT NCSS currently plays nearly 200 games per year on the athletic fields at Calavera Hills Community Park at a rate of $5 per game (three hours of athletic field use per game). The Recreation Department collects approximately $1,000 annually from NCSS for athletic field use. The department's direct costs associated with ongoing athletic field maintenance, staffing and all associated program administration costs early $65 per game, or $13,000 per year. The annual general fund subsidy in direct costs alone amounts to $12,000. The fiscal impact related to each option is calculated using the above information. A $5 per hour rate is assumed in calculating the fiscal impact of options 3, 4, and 5, and is subject to Council review and approval. 1. Charge Council Approved Fee If this alternative is selected, full fees will be charged to NCSS and all other non-resident groups at the proposed rate of $25 per hour. The annual cost to NCSS for athletic field use will increase from $1,000 to $15,000 per year. The department will realize a net gain of $2,000 over direct costs at this rate. 2. Utilize Community Activity Funding Grant If this alternative is selected, fees will be charged to NCSS at the proposed rate of $25 per hour, for a total of $15,000 per year. City Council may then choose to subsidize all or part of the $14,000 difference between what they are currently paying ($5 per game) and the proposed rate of $25 per hour through the Community Activity Grant Funding program (Council Policy 51). The total cost to the City could be as much as $14,000 per year to fully subsidize NCSS at their current rate. 3. Create a Senior Athletics Category If this alternative is selected, NCSS (and any other senior athletic group from throughout San Diego County) may be asked to pay a reduced fee or no fee at all. For example, if Council were to charge a reduced $5 per hour rate, then NCSS annual costs would increase from $1,000 to $3,000 per year. In this scenario, the City's general fund subsidy based on direct costs would amount to $10,000 per year. 4. Create a Reduced Rate Off-Peak Category If this alternative is selected, NCSS and any other non-resident organization would be asked to pay a $5 per hour non-resident fee open to all users, not just NCSS. If Council were to charge a reduced $5 per hour rate, then NCSS annual costs would increase from $1,000 to $3,000 per year. In this scenario, the City's general fund subsidy based on direct costs would amount to $10,000 per year or more depending on the number of users in this off-peak category. PROGRAM OPTION Carlsbad Traffic Calming - Donna Drive and Sierra Morena Avenue Overview The Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program (CRTMP) was approved by the City Council on May 8, 2001. This three-phase program specifies a methodology for citizens, in cooperation with the City of Carlsbad staff, to address speeding and/or cut-through traffic issues on residential streets. The program culminates when the City Council approves funding for the design and construction of physical features in the roadway to achieve the desired traffic calming. On December 18, 2007, the City Council approved two streets for inclusion on the 2007 Priority Ranking of Candidate Streets for traffic calming as specified by Step 6 of Phase II of the CRTMP. These two streets, Donna Drive and Sierra Morena Avenue, were the only streets in 2007 to advance to Step 6 of Phase II and the first streets to be considered for funding under the guidelines approved in the CRTMP. The Council approved 2007 Priority Ranking of Candidate Streets lists Donna Drive, with 41 points, as Number 1 and Sierra Morena Avenue, with nine points, as Number 2. A total score of 100 points maximum is possible. Construction Costs and Potential Funding For C.I.P. budgeting purposes, staff developed a preliminary design and estimated the traffic calming design and construction costs for Donna Drive and Sierra Morena Avenue at $680,000 and $548,000, respectively. This estimate is based upon a preliminary design that includes use of the traffic calming measures approved by the City Council. However, all-way stop signs are not included in the plan for either street as these traffic control devices were specifically excluded from use in the traffic calming program when the program was created. Stop signs are not considered an effective method for speed control. They are used to assign the right-of- way. If stop signs were an option, then the project costs could be lowered significantly as stop signs cost approximately $500 each. The cost estimate for each street is expected to change as staff works with both neighborhoods towards a final design that is acceptable to the residents; however, the cost estimate is not expected to exceed preliminary estimates. Funding Process The CRTMP specifies that funding availability is dependent upon an analysis of revenues/expenditures in the yearly budget approval process. If funding is not available for a traffic calming project(s), the candidate street(s) remain on the priority ranking list for three years. However, private funding by the residents living on the candidate street is an option. Under this scenario, residents on the candidate street would pay 100% of the construction costs, if the citizens select this option. Options The following options are available for City Council consideration: 1. Fund one, or both, candidate streets only for design of the traffic calming program in FY 2008/2009. Consultant design costs, including staff time, are estimated at $113,000 for Donna Drive and $90,000 for Sierra Morena Avenue. Funds could be made available in Gas Tax Funds, but may require revising the scope and/or timing of other projects to accommodate these traffic calming projects. 2. Fund one, or both, candidate streets for design and construction of the traffic calming program in FY 2008/2009 ($680,000 for Donna Drive and $548,000 for Sierra Morena Avenue). Funds could be made available in Gas Tax Funds but may require revising the scope and/or timing of other projects to accommodate these traffic calming projects. 3. Do not fund either of the street traffic calming projects. Reconsider Donna Drive and Sierra Moreno Avenue in the 2009/2010 budget cycle if funding becomes available. 4. Defer the funding decision for Donna Drive and Sierra Morena Avenue until staff processes changes/revisions to the CRTMP through the Traffic Safety Commission and returns to the City Council for final approval. Changes to be examined include, but are not limited to: • Revisions to the CRTMP Ranking worksheet scoring points • Establishing a minimum threshold level for a street to be included on the Priority Ranking of Candidate Streets • Reduce qualifying criteria (warrants) for all-way stop installations in a residential neighborhood • Other minor, miscellaneous changes PROGRAM OPTION CARLSBAD VILLAGE IMPROVEMENT PARTNERSHIP Budget Request The Carlsbad Village Improvement Partnership (CVIP) is requesting a total of $500,000 over a three year period - $200,000 for both year one and year two, and $100,000 for year three. The CVIP is an umbrella organization for the Village, providing the ability for all stakeholders to convene and produce outcomes using a collaborative effort. It is the goal of the CVIP to unify all stakeholders, and form a mutually beneficial partnership with the City. CVIP's mission statement reads as follows: "Carlsbad VIP is committed to creating a vibrant coastal Village through collaborative actions that enhance the vitality of business, welcome visitors, sustain the health of our residential neighborhoods, and promote a safe and cohesive community." Overview In June of 2005, the City contracted with Kennedy Smith of the CLUE Group to generate a retail market analysis and develop a Business Development and Marketing Strategy for the Village Area. The intent of this analysis was to gain clarity on the current economic condition of the Village, develop a business plan for the area, and define a marketing and promotion strategy. Business Development and Marketing Strategies were shared with the public at various workshops hosted by the City in March of 2007. A key finding from this study was the need for a "Mainstreet-type" organization to serve as a coordinating base for all business revitalization efforts in the Village. In the attempt to form this new organization, a working group was established in the summer of 2007. This working group was comprised of Village business owners, property owners, business organizations, and other interested parties and was facilitated by Kennedy Smith. Through the efforts of this working group, the CVIP's foundation was established This group developed the name, mission, and general objectives for the CVIP. Because the CVIP is intended to be a neutral, non-profit organization, the Board of Directors represents a broad cross-section of the community. The Board of Directors was chosen in the fourth quarter of 2007 and is comprised of representatives from the following: Carlsbad Village Business Association, Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau, Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, Village merchants, residents, and ex- officio representatives from the City and North County Transit District. Purpose of Organization As an umbrella organization that anticipates capturing and building upon the existing strengths of the community and all of its associated interests for the Village, the CVIP has chosen to expand their target region to engage the surrounding neighborhoods in the revitalization efforts. Individuals within those neighborhoods make up a large population of patrons that frequent the Village for goods and services. The CVIP's boundaries extend to the following: North of Tamarack Avenue • West of I-5 • Buena Vista Lagoon Pacific Ocean Activities and Timeline The projected first year expenses for the CVIP are $245,104 with the following stated goals: • Secure office space; • Create a measurable work plan; 1 of 3 • Create working groups to meet goals and objectives of the work plan; • Hire an Executive Director and assistant. CVIP has requested funding from the City of Carlsbad/Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency to hire staff and start their operations as an organization. As displayed in the budget (Attachment 1), a majority of those funds will be used for staff costs. Positions for the CVIP will include an Executive Director and an Assistant for daily operations. Firm job descriptions for both positions have not been created. However, it is presumed that the Executive Director will oversee the daily business operations, coordinate all business revitalization efforts, implement the marketing strategies, and report directly to the Board of Directors. The CVIP has budgeted $134,800 for employee wages and benefits for the first year. While the CVIP has not yet negotiated the specific salary for the Executive Director, the following research on Executive Director salaries is provided for information purposes. Many organizations mentioned that the salary earned by the Executive Director depended upon two things: (1) experience coupled with associated skills and (2) membership size. Below is a chart summarizing the research findings: Organization Downtown Encinitas Mainstreet Association Del Mar Village Associatipn Ocean Beach Mainstreet Association Santa Monica Main Street Business Improvement Association Santa Barbara Downtown Organization San Luis Qbispo Downtown Association Walnut Creek Downtown Business Association Executive Director Salary $52,000; small allowance for benefits $60,000; no benefits $65,000; no benefits $38,400; plus benefits $90,000; plus benefits $75,000; plus benefits $60,000; plus benefits Once adequate funding is secured, the recruitment for an Executive Director is expected to begin. Long term goals for the CVIP include the following: • Establish a Business Improvement District; • Become self funded through partnerships, fundraiser activities and memberships; • Show revitalization progress in the form of new unique businesses, increased sales tax revenue, increased foot traffic for businesses in the Village. Performance Measurements Measuring the success of the CVIP will be a challenge. The CVIP anticipates it will increase sales, property, and transient occupancy taxes for the area through its programs and activities. The City Council/Redevelopment Commission may wish to request that the CVIP establish performance measures and that they be measured and reported on a quarterly basis to the Housing and Redevelopment Department and annual reports to the City Council/Redevelopment Commission. Funding CVIP is requesting funding for three concurring years. The breakdown is provided below: YEAR REQUESTED AMOUNT FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 $200,000 $200,000 $100,000 The CVIP intends to continue applying for grants and to seek other outside funding. Below are examples of different funding sources that other Mainstreet-type Associations utilize to finance their operations and could be pursued by the CVIP: • Business Improvement Districts; Matching grants with local government (see example below for matching funds); 2 of 3 • Membership fee/donation; • Special events (i.e. weekly farmer's market, bi-annual street faire, Oktoberfest). The City has used matching grant financing in the past for these type of funding requests. For example, in June of 2005 a program option was approved by the City Council approving a $500,000 donation to the Boys and Girls Club. The agreement called for a 4:1 match on the $500,000. Thus, the Boys and Girls Club had to raise/receive $2,000,000 net of fund raising expenses. The Boys and Girls Club has met the goal and the City is scheduled to provide its matching grant in the near future. The CVIP have applied and is currently awaiting formal verification of their 501 (c) 3 status. An organization such as this shall remain intact as long as they are providing benefit to the area and able to continue to fund operations. It is anticipated that City funding will diminish over time and be replaced by other private sources. Options Staff has identified five potential options for the Council/Commission's consideration: 1 Fund the entire requested amount - Authorize funding for the CVIP as requested: $200,000 for FY08/09, $200,000 for FY 09/10 and $100,000 for FY 10/11. Require approved performance measures and reports to the City of Carlsbad/Redevelopment Agency. 2. Fund the year one request of $200,000 with further funding contingent upon performance and a demonstrated return on investment. 3 Fund a specified amount for the CVIP with a requirement for the CVIP to match at 4:1, or another ratio determined by the City of Carlsbad/Redevelopment Agency. The 4:1 match would mean the organization would need to raise four times the amount from other sources, than is being requested from the City of Carlsbad/Redevelopment Agency. 4. Provide no funding, but request staff to develop an alternative organizational structure that cculd take advantage of the partnership program envisioned by the CVIP. For example, City of Carlsbad/Redevelopment Agency staff and other resources could be utilized to implement desirable programs with the CVIP serving as an Advisory Council. 5 Provide no funding - City Council/Redevelopment Commission could choose to not provide any financial support to the Carlsbad Village Improvement Partnership at this time. If the City Council/Redevelopment Commission desires to fund said request, funding for this organization can be allocated from the Redevelopment Fund Balance, which has a current unreserved fund balance of approximately $2.58 million. Any funding should be contingent upon the CVIP receiving and retaining its not- for profit status. 3 of 3 All Receive For the Information of the: ,. TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS Date^pity ManagerJ/^T VIA: City Manager - \\ From: Finance Director. CITIZENS' BUDGET WORKSHOP COMMENTS On June 12, 2008, a Citizens' Budget Workshop was held at the Faraday Center. Approximately 13 citizens attended (see Attachment 1 for a partial guest list). The following is a summary of comments and questions from the workshop for your information and review. Q. As a Carlsbad resident who pays my water bill to Vallecitos Water District, where is my money going? A. When you pay your water bill to Vallecitos you are paying for the use and maintenance of that system. None of your water bill payment goes to the City of Carlsbad. Q. Are there any developers to help pay for the $4 million widening of El Camino Real? A. There are a variety of funding sources that will be used to pay for this project. Traffic Impact Fee funding is one of the sources which is paid by developers; Transnet Local and Gas Tax funds are additional sources that are planned to be used. The widening would bring this road up to the primary arterial status. Q. What is the status of the desalination plant? Now that a drought has been declared is there any way to get this expedited? A. The California Coastal Commission is in the process of reviewing this project and has not yet approved the project. The City Council is very interested and is ensuring the City's interests are clearly communicated. Q. Did the Coastal Commission have a meeting today? A. There was a meeting today. The item was continued to a future meeting. Q. Why is the City paying for recycled water at the Bressi Ranch park rather than the developer? How was it funded? A. At the time Bressi Ranch was developed it was believed an existing 27" line could be utilized to deliver recycled water to the area. Bressi Ranch was developed and it was later discovered that the 27" line could not be used. The developers had completed their review and permitting process so there was a timing issue. The project will be funded through the Recycled Water Fund. Question / Answers from Citizens' Budget Workshop June 19, 2008 Page 2 of 4 Q. Once El Camino is widened to help alleviate traffic issues, how many lanes will it be? A. It will be 3 lanes each way. Q. Why hasn't the bike lane (Coastal Rail Trail) been completed especially now with gas prices the way they are? A. This project is on the City's plan and staff has been working on it for approximately 6 years. However, it does involve cooperation with the North County Transit District and the District has a different vision for what they would like near the railroad tracks. Q. The CIP includes $5.4 million for the design/review of Cannon Road. This seems like a waste of money for a road the newspaper says will never be built. A. Nothing has been spent on the project yet. What is listed in the Capital Project Plan is some money for the design; however most of the project is on the unfunded list. We have it listed as a possibility. The funds are scheduled out at Buildout, and no spending is planned anytime soon. Q. When the training facility is built at the Safety Center will the skate park be moved? There needs to be somewhere for kids to go. If it is removed it needs to be replaced in another location. A. There is no decision yet on the removal of the skate park. This project is still in the planning phase. Q. Is Alga Norte Park going to have aquatics? Is that the portion that was removed when you say that parts of the recreation portion have been deferred? Is this the reason for the delay in getting it built? A. Alga Norte Park will still have aquatics. The Olympic size pool is still being built. The recreation deferment that was discussed were the water slides and moving river. Removing these components required redesign of the project and rebidding which caused the delay. It is scheduled to be bid in the fall and construction to be started by the end of this year. The ball fields are still included in the park portion of this project. Q. How will the decline in assessed values affect the revenues to the City? A. This decline will affect the amount of revenues the City receives in property taxes. The County Assessor has estimated that the City of Carlsbad's increase in assessed values will be approximately 6% and the City is even more conservative by only budgeting for a 5.2% increase. Q. When is the City estimating to be built out? A. We are estimating build out to occur in 2020. However, several things can affect that date such as the current construction slowdown. Question / Answers from Citizens' Budget Workshop June 19, 2008 Page 3 of 4 Q. With all the development occurring within the City, how are the residents benefiting? What is the City's financial stability? A. We have a very diverse economy in Carlsbad that assists us in providing for the quality of life that is enjoyed. Auto sales, retail and golf industry are all located here which contribute to our diverse economy. The City has prudent reserves and a very fiscally conservative approach to budgeting. The City's practice is to spend less than what the City earns so there are annual savings. We also have 40% open space which contributes to your quality of life. Q. What is the reason for raising recreational fees? We pay taxes to operate recreation and then we are charged a usage fee on top of the tax. A. As part of our evaluation of fees we look at what other entities are charging for similar services and try to stay competitive with them. Also, what is paid in taxes is less than what it costs to provide these services. The programs that have fees are heavily subsidized and increases are necessary in order to provide the diverse and robust programming that is offered. The City's taxes do not fully cover the recreational classes, fields and other amenities; a portion of the cost is paid for from fees paid by those using the services. Q. What happens to the water we purchase from San Diego County Water Authority when we start purchasing the desalinated water instead? A. We will be purchasing less from San Diego County and replacing it with the desalinated water. What we get is a little more flexibility with our water system and a local supply. Q. The rate increase that you discussed earlier is a pass through cost from San Diego County. What are we going to pay for desalinated water? Won't we be in the same situation? A. A long term contract has been established so that we will pay about the same rate for desalinated water as we do with the San Diego County Water Authority. Q. Earlier it was mentioned that the reason for the increase in parks fees was to stay competitive. How can that be true if other cities aren't charging the seniors for the use of their fields? A. Our fee was aimed more at non-residents and not specifically at the North County Senior Softball League. Teams must have at least a 70% residency rate, and the teams in this league do not. However, the City is working on a solution for the North County Senior Softball League. Again, fees are to provide for programs that cannot be covered within the existing general fund budget. Q. What percentage of the water will be purchased from the desalination plant? A. Approximately 50%. Question / Answers from Citizens' Budget Workshop June 19, 2008 Page 4 of 4 Q. Will we receive any taxes from the desalination plant? A. We anticipate receiving property taxes as well as business license fees. Q. When will the Pine Avenue Park be finished building? A. It is in the plan for 2020 or later (at buildout) Q. Chase Field has a lot of skateboarders. It seems a better use of the ornamental garden at this location would be a skate park. A. The group that worked on the plan for this park thought a more passive use for the park would be better. Also, the neighbors were not happy about the idea of a skate park at that location. In addition to the Citizen's Budget Workshop comments, we received several emails primarily from members of the La Costa Youth Organization. They are requesting that the City Council reconsider implementing the new Off Season Field Use Fee. The new fee is proposed to be $3 per hour for resident non-profit sports organizations who reserve ball fields in the off season. The emails are attached. Attachments H:\Budgets - CIPVBudget 08-09\Citizens' Budget Workshop\6-12-08 Citizens Budget Workshop Questions-Answers.doc From: <jon_stearn@yahoo.com> To: <Finance@[]> Date: 6/11/2008 9:39 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, Finance. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Please do not implement the new "Off Season Field Use Fee" as recommended by the recreation department. If fields are available, residents should be able to use the fields for the sport of their choice and not be penalized based on sport choice.! understand their is a priority system for field access based on sports season. Thank you for your consideration. Jon Stearn Jon Stearn 7818 Corte Macido Carlsbad, CA 92009 USA jon_stearn@yahoo.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; lnfoPath.1) \D/ I From: . <bweschnabel@roadrunner.com> To: <Finance@[]> Date: 6/11/2008 9:44 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, Finance. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: We were just informed by the LCYO that there is a pending monetary increase in field usage starting in the Fall that will affect Fall Baseball. As parents, we all try to keep our kids out of trouble and keep them well-rounded individuals and sports is one way of doing this. If fees for such activities keep being increased, there will be many families who cannot afford even these simple activities for their children. I urge you to take this into consideration and not implement this fee increase that will affect so many people. Thank you for your consideration, Wendi Wendi Schnabel Carlsbad, California 92009 USA bweschnabel@roadrunner.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Media Center PC 4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Windows-Media-Player/ From: <bweschnabel@roadrunner.com> To: <Finance@[]> Date: 6/11/2008 9:44 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, Finance. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: We were just informed by the LCYO that there is a pending monetary increase in field usage starting in the Fall that will affect Fall Baseball. As parents, we all try to keep our kids out of trouble and keep them well-rounded individuals and sports is one way of doing this. If fees for such activities keep being increased, there will be many families who cannot afford even these simple activities for their children. I urge you to take this into consideration and not implement this fee increase that will affect so many people. Thank you for your consideration, Wendi Wendi Schnabel Carlsbad, California 92009 USA bweschnabel@roadrunner.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Media Center PC 4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Windows-Media-Player/ From: <pdandjharney@aol.com> To: <Finance@[]> Date: 6/11/2008 9:47 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, Finance. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Living right next door to the park on Levante at La Costa Heights School I really dont see anything that has required an increase in fees for usage of the park. The field is horrible, the bleachers are old metal seats that have been there since the park openend, the bench for the kids to sit on is an old slab of wood full of splinters and holes, and the slope next to the field is full of rocks and gophers. I can't begin to believe you are actually thinking that users should pay more to use this field when it has been neglected by the caretakers of our city. And yes, I would like to hear your response to this. Thanks, Dan Harney daniel harney 3101 levante stcarlsbad, ca 92009 pdandjharney@aol.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; YPC 3.2.0) From: <wgmaloney@lee-associates.com> To: <Finance@[]> Date: 6/11/2008 9:50 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, Finance. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Please reconsider the field usage fee proposal. The only circumstance under which i would find this tolerable is if you significantly enhance the condition of fields at locations such as Aviara Oaks, La Costa Meadows, Mission Estancia. Thank you. Bill Maloney 3112 Avenida Olmeda Carlsbad, CA 92009 wgmaloney@lee-associates.com Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080404 Firefox/ From: <ca_huskies@hotmail.com> To: <Finance@[]> Date: 6/11/2008 9:51 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, Finance. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Hello, We're writing to express our disapproval of the proposed "Off Season Field Use Fee" of $3 per hour per field. This fee will directly impact LCYO's Fall Ball season by increasing our registration fee up by a minimum of $10. We know that this may not sound like a lot but in this time of economic turmoil, including sky rocketing gas prices, many of us families will not be able to afford signing our children up for baseball. The ability to play baseball is not only a fun recreational activity but it is a place where kids can learn good sportsmanship, work as a team, develop friendships, and get much needed physical activity to grow up and be good, healthy, productive adults. You may argue that children have other sports that they can do during this time instead of baseball. You're right, except for our son. He was diagnosed with Dermatographism which is a disorder that effects his skin. He is unable to play soccer or football (typical fall sports) because of the extremely uncomfortable reaction of his skin to the required uniforms of these sports. With baseball, he is able to play with a limited amount of skin reaction. Baseball is his fall sport. Please reconsider where to obtain the needed money for the city's budget. Reconsider the Off Season Field Use Fee. Thank you, A & D Arm Carlsbad, CA Ann & Doug Arm 7929 Los Pinos Circle Carlsbad, CA 92009 United States ca_huskies@hotmail.com Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_4_11; en) AppleWebKit/525.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.1.1 Safari/525.18 (,D/ I I/<£UUOI l_l=>a ii vu From: <heidb@saic.com> To: <Finance@[]> Date: 6/11/2008 10:07 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, Finance. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. it1*****'*'*************'*******'***'**************** Below, please find the information that was submitted: I am dissapointed that you have decided to implement a $10 fee increase on every child/family playing La Costa Youth Baseball. What baseball improvements are you making with the tens of thousands of additional dollars? Brian Heid Brian Heid t heidb@saic.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; lnfoPath.1) From: <dwhite@mostre.com> To: <Finance@[]> Date: 6/11 /2008 10:09 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, Finance. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: City Officials, As the Director of Baseball for LCYO (Carlsbad's largest youth non profit organization with over 1,600 baseball and softball players), I'm appalled at the proposed "Off Season Field Use" fee of $3.00 per hour for city fields. This negatively effects the perceived value of our FallBall baseball/Softball program that runs from Sept to late Nov to the tune of over $4,000. A price increase of over 10%-15% to our players to cover these costs makes our Fall season/program a less than desirable program. Why penalize your community to use baseball fields in the off season that can only be used by the sport of baseball...just does not make sense. Regards, Dean White. Dean White i dwhite@mostre.com Opera/9.27 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) (Ol I I/£UUO,| L-I3CI ll vii i From: <ttuntland@pacbell.net> To: <Finance@[]> Date: 6/11/2008 10:10 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, Finance, FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: As a Carlsbad resident I am opposed to the proposed increases to field usage fees as part of the City's Operation Budget process. Please do not increase the field fees! ttuntland@pacbell.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) I- i^>d ii vn I From: <rramos41@yahoo.com> To: <Finance@[]> Date: 6/11/2008 10:39 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, Finance. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Please do not increase the field usage fees. Some of us can barely afford to put our children in these types of programs. rramos41 @yahoo.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NETCLR 1.1.4322; lnfoPath.1; .NETCLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648) I I/^UUO/ Lisa M vine - 01 i i From: <l.i.navarro@att.net> To: <Finance@[]> Date: 6/11/2008 10:45 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, Finance. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Please do not add a field use fee. It would hurt great youth programs like LCYO. In this tough economy, it is hard enough for many families to enroll their children in baseball and softball programs. An added fee would increase each registration bill by $10, which puts it further out of reach for children who deserve a chance to play sports and learn teamwork and sportsmanship. Thanks. Laura Navarro 1190 Mariposa rd carlsbad, ca 92011 l.i.navarro@att.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.0.04506) rciyc? i From: <socalhansen@gmail.com> To: <Finance@[]> Date: 6/11/2008 10:52 AM SIM bject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, Finance. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Regardingt he increased fee required to use the city parks, they are telling us it will mean that each kid playing baseball will be required to pay an additional $10 with their registration fee. Come on now, there has to be a better way. Soon you will price all of the ballplayers out of the market and then no one will be playing on the fields. This is very irresponsible and disappointing. Jason, Carlsbad Jason Carlsbad, 92011 USA socalhansen@gmail.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) i i/^uuo; uiao M vine - 011 T ur ioM(M_OBMU | OUIN IAU I Ub Page 1 From: <socalhansen@gmail.com> To: <Finance@[]> Date: 6/11/2008 10:52 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, Finance. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Regardingt he increased fee required to use the city parks, they are telling us it will mean that each kid playing baseball will be required to pay an additional $10 with their registration fee. Come on now, there has to be a better way. Soon you will price all of the ballplayers out of the market and then no one will be playing on the fields. This is very irresponsible and disappointing. Jason, Carlsbad Jason Carlsbad, 92011 USA socalhansen@gmail.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) (b/i i/^DU8) Lisa irvme - ui i Y ut- UAKLbbAu | UUN i AU i us Page 1 From: <moyam@sbcglobal.net> To: <Finance@[]> Date: 6/11/2008 12:03 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, Finance. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Hello; As a resident of Carlsbad and parent of a 7 year old son; I feel the implementation of an off season use fee is an unjust charge that will negatively affect the LCYO programs that utilize these local sports fields. Considering that the maintenance of these fields continues during the off seasons, there should be no increase in scheduled maintenance; there for, no justification for this fee. If this new fee is simply a ploy toward increasing the general budget of the city, find some other area that does not directly affect our children. Thank you. MAM Moya Mullins 3101 Sirena Vista Way #136 Carlsbad, CA 92009 USA moyam@sbcglobal.net Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_3; en-us) AppleWebKit/525.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.1.1 Safari/525.20 (6/11/2008) Lisa irvine - ui i Y ut- UAKLbbAU | (JUN I A(J I ua Page 1 From: <sheacoop@hotmail.com> To: <Finance@[]> Date: 6/11/2008 12:22 PM Su bject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, Finance. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: To whom it may concern: I am writing to you with regards to the proposed fee to be leveled on baseball field use. As a parent of a little leaguer it is frustrating to me that at every opportunity fees are imposed on children's programs. During this time of school budget cuts I do not understand why yet another fee is to be imposed on us parents. Our children play on school grounds, the fields are hardly adequate. The bathrooms (porta-potties actually)are dirty and with the exception of Poinsettia Park there are no lights. Poinsettia park while a nicer facility has a huge parking issue.l would like to know where the proposed fee increase is going to be used? Is it to maintain at current conditions or is there a need elsewhere that needs to be addressed and thus the fee? My growing fear is that with additional fees some families may not be able to afford the fees and as such their children will not have the opportunity to participate on this very worthwhile experience. Ruth Johnson 2838 Unicornio Street Carlsbad, Ca 92009 USA sheacoop@hotmail.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; lnfoPath.1) \on i/^uuo; Lisa in/me - ui i T ur U/AKLSBAU | UUN I A(J I Ub Page 1 From: <benjomani@hotmail.com> To: <Finance@[]> Date: 6/11/2008 12:29 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, Finance. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: I would like to go on record against the proposed off-season athletic field use fee proposed by the recreation department. Organizations like LCYO and CYO do their best to provide reasonably priced programs for our children in baseball and softball. Efforts to raise revenue via this proposal will do nothing but have a negative impact on the ability of these organizations to maintain their affordable programs. They will have to raise their fees. We taxpayers/consumers/normal folk have already been hit hard this year by staggering gas price increases, food price increases, etc. Please consider my request to reject the proposed off-season athletic field use fee. Thank you. Jim Ellerbrock 3551 Camino Cereza Carlsbad, benjomani@hotmail.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.0.04506) (6/11/2008) U-isa Irvine -GUY UK CARLSBAD | CONTACT US Page 1 From: <paulandlaura@roadrunner.com> To: <Finance@[]> Date: 6/11/2008 1:08 PM SU bject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, Finance. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Hello, I am amazed at the price Carlsbad charges recreation programs. Sometimes I wonder what exactly our taxes pay for. After all, we pay outrageous taxes for each public school student and that is suppose to pay for schools which is where most of our fields are located. When I was growing up in the 80's my parents only paid $20 for us to play baseball. That may of covered uniform and umpire fees. Now we pay almost $200 for our child to play baseball. I cannot imagine how others do it with more than one child playing and I am sure other lower income kids are not able to. I am shocked! I really would like a breakdown of what our tax dollars are going towards. Thank you, Laura Smit a concerned mom Laura Smit 2617 Colibri Lane Carlsbad, CA 92009 USA paulandlaura@roadrunner.com Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080404 Firefox/ (b/n/2008) Lisa in/me - <JI I Y Uh CARLSBAD I CONTACT US Page 1 From: <edward.white@teradata.com> To: <Finance@[]> Date: 6/11/2008 1:20 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, Finance. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: I really hope you do not increase the use fee for the baseball fields. LCYO already has to charge a lot for players to join the leagues and adding another $10 per player is going to make it harder to get kids on teams. Ed White 8049 Paseo Avellano Carlsbad, edward.white@teradata.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; MS-RTC LM 8; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) (6/11/2008) Lisa Irvine - Cl I Y Oh CARLSBAD | CONTACT US Page 1 From: <jim@plotkingroup.com> To: <Finance@[]> Date: 6/11/2008 1:21 PM Su bject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, Finance. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: We urge the City to suggest not implementing this new fee. The City of Carlsbad Recreation Department has proposed increases to field usage fees as part of the City's Operation Budget process. Of particular interest to the LCYO Board of Directors is the introduction of a new fee, Off Season Field Use Fee. This new $3 per hour per field fee directly impacts our Fall Ball season to the tune of $10 per registrant. Jim Plotkin Carlsbad, jim@plotkingroup.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) (6/12/2008) Usajrvine - CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US Page 1 From: <loriwebster4@yahoo.com> To: <Finance@[]> Date: 6/11/2008 3:34 PM Su bject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, Finance. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Regarding Field fee increase of $3.00 per hour for LYCO. It is bad enough that the city of Carlsbad is having difficulty diciphering the importance of family in this community. Lately it seems that business is at the forefront of their minds. We moved to Carlsbad for the small town, family oriented environment. Is the field fee increase necessary to the well being of the city? This will increase each team player that uses this field $10 per season. We believe that the city should be looking for ways to keep it's increasing population of young children busy, otherwise in the future, we will have bored teens. That will spell trouble. Let's keep the fees down on the necessary kids activities and try to increase in the business arena instead. Lori Webster 6494 Willow Place Carlsbad, CA 92011 ioriwebster4@yahoo.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) (6/12/2008) Lisa Irvine - CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US Page 1 From: <sdromeros@hotmail.com> To: <Finance@[]> Date: 6/12/2008 5:56 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, Finance. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: I'm opposed to the increase in fees for field usage that would effect the cost of playing in leagues that use the Carlsbad fields. Find another way to raise $$$$$. tracy romero sdromeros@hotmail.com Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_2; en-us) AppleWebKit/525.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.1.1 Safari/525.18 LJsa Irvine - v_>i I T ^r v_./-\r\LOD/AU | OVJIN i /AV i uo , aye From: <thomas.engel@ge.com> To: <Finance@[]> Date: 6/12/2008 9:30 AM Su bject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, Finance. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. •juk •**"****** A1************ *********************** Below, please find the information that was submitted: Please don't increase the price for field usage by LCYO. LCYO does a great job with/for kids. We already pay fees and taxes for use of these city fields that are designed to be used by these very kids. Torn Engel carlsbad, CA 92009 thomas.engel@ge.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; FunWebProducts; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) (6/12/2008) Lisa Irvine-Ul I Y Ut-UAKLbbAU i UUN i AU i ut> From: <thomas.engel@ge.com> To: <Finance@[]> Date: 6/12/2008 9:30 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, Finance. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Please don't increase the price for field usage by LCYO. LCYO does a great job with/for kids. We already pay fees and taxes for use of these city fields that are designed to be used by these very kids. Tom Engel carlsbad, CA 92009 thomas.engel@ge.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; FunWebProducts; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) L_l»a ii vine - >_.! i i v^i <_./-MM_OLJ/-U_/ i own i /-vo i uo r aye From: <jwalsh@standard.com> To: <Finance@[]> Date: 6/12/2008 10:57 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, Finance. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: RE: OffSeason Field Use Fee Dear Sir/Madam: It has come to my attention that the City is considering the possibility of charging for off season field use as a revenue enhancement initiative. As an active member of the La Costa Youth Organization baseball league, a parent and a resident of Carlsbad, I am writing to express my opionion that this is a bad idea and that the Finance Department and Board should not pursue this initiiative. The fees for LCYO baseball are already very high due to all of the other costs associated with running the league and adding another $10 per player to the fee (this is our estimated cost of the impact of this proposed fee) will make playing organized baseball too expensive for many in our city to afford. With the cost of everything going sky high, another fee would be an unwelcome addition. Thank you for your consideration. Regards, John H. Walsh Director, Bronco Division La Costa Youth Organization John Walsh 7873 Paseo Almendro Carlsbad, CA 92009 jwalsh@standard.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NETCLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) (6/12/2008) Lisa Irvine - Ke: r-wa: ^i i Y ur From: Mick Calarco To: Lisa Irvine Date: 6/12/2008 1:12 PM Subject: Re: Fwd: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US Hi Lisa: Here is an example of the reply I sent to all of those individuals that submitted a comment or concern regarding the proposed fee increase. FYI. Mick Thank you very much for taking the time to contact the City of Carlsbad. We sincerely appreciate receiving your feedback concerning the proposed fee increases for fiscal year 2008-2009. The proposed $3.00 per hour, per field charge is for off season day use only. As you may already know, the Recreation Department recognizes sport-specific priority field use during certain times of the year. Baseball and Softball organizations have priority in the spring season (January 15 through July 15), and soccer organizations and Pop Warner football has priority in the fall season (July 16 through January 14). During the priority period (January 15 through July 15) LCYO and other Carlsbad Resident not for profit sports organizations are not charged a fee for the use of the athletic fields, and are charged a nominal fee for light use ($8 per field per hour [current]/ $9.00 per field per hour [proposed]). The $3.00 per field per hour off season field use fee will only be charged for daytime use during the off season. It will not be charged for nighttime use in addition to the light fee stated above. The Recreation Department devotes a substantial portion of its annual operating budget to subsidize, assist with, and provide athletic fields for Carlsbad resident not for profit sports leagues. In addition, the City currently subsidizes 40% of actual costs to light the fields at night (this figure is based upon actual rates paid by the city to SDG&E. The Recreation Department continually strives to be an outstanding community partner and supporter of youth and athletics in the City of Carlsbad. It is hoped that the $3.00 per hour per field charge will encourage the various Carlsbad resident not for profit sports organizations to only reserve athletic field time they actually plan on using, rather than reserving the fields simply because they are free of charge. Additionally, the proposed fee will help to offset a very small portion the increased costs associated with administering, scheduling, and maintaining the fields and the youth sports program during year around play. Again, we appreciate the time that you took to contact us and for your thoughtful input. There are two additional opportunities to publicly comment on the upcoming budget: Citizen's Budget Workshop Tonight, June 12, 2008 6:00 p.m. Faraday Center 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-2493 - - And - - City Council Public Budget Hearing Tuesday, June 24, 2008 6:00 p.m. 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive 760-434-2959 Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I may be reached at (760) 434-2859. Sincerely, (6/12/2008) Lisa Irvine - Ke: hwd: Cl I Y Ul- CARLSBAD | CONTACT US Page 2 Mick Calarco Mick Calarco Recreation Services Manager Recreation Administration 799 Pine Avenue Suite 200 Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 434-2859 (Main Office) (760) 434-5088 (FAX) (760) 802-5857 (Cell) http://www.carlsbadca.gov/recreation/index.html Lisa Irvine 6/12/2008 10:38 AM >» >» Finance Internet Email 6/12/2008 9:45 AM >» Another one. (6/16/2008) Lisa Irvine - CITY OF CAKLbbAU | UUIN From: <jan_matthews@sbcglobal.net> To: <Finance@[]> Date: 6/12/2008 9:50 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, Finance. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: I have just found out that the City of Carlsbad charges LCYO for the usage of the field for baseball. As a taxpayer, I am appalled at a City like Carlsbad for charging this fee let alone trying to increase it. I am sure the City of Carlsbad can find another way to increase income than to charge youth organization that promote health and wellness for children that live in Carlsbad. Thank you for your consideration! Jan Matthews jan_matthews@sbcglobal.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; Q312461; Hotbar4.0; FunWebProducts; YPC 3.2.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; yplus 5.1.04b) (6/16/2008) Lisa irvme - ui i T ur v_,Mn.L.oo/-vu | From: <kaspillane@roadrunner.com> To: <Finance@[]> Date: 6/12/2008 11:39 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, Finance. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Re: Off Season Field Use Fee Affecting LCYO baseball I do not believe that it is in the best interests of Carlsbad residents to impose an Off Season Field Use fee. This would directly impact youth sports, and perhaps prohibit many families from participating in them. We are concerned that our children have too much 'screen time' now - let us not give more disincentives to have them active and involved in their communities. Raising fees is a knee jerk response to higher costs. Good management looks for efficiencies, and good value for its taxpayers. Kathleen Spillane 3138 Verde Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92009 USA kaspillane@roadrunner.com Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080404 Firefox/ (6/16/2008) Lisa Irvine - CITY Ut- UAKL&BMU | From: <suekauffman@sbcglobal.net> To: <Finance@[]> Date: 6/14/2008 10:33 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, Finance. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: I do not think that you should implement the new $3 an hour field usage fee. suekauffman@sbcglobal.net Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080404 Firefox/ (6/16/2008) Lisa Irvine - CITY Ul- From: <tallpeople@sbcglobal.net> To: <Finance@[]> Date: 6/12/2008 9:48 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, Finance. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Please withhold the increase in fees for LCYO to pay for the fields in Carlsbad. I think it is a shame that a City as well off as Carlsbad cannot grant a discount or even waive the fee for field rentals for a youth organization. Please forward this complaint to the appropriate decision makers to withhold the increase of this fee. Thank you! Jan tallpeople@sbcglobal.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; Q312461; Hotbar4.0; FunWebProducts; YPC 3.2.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; yplus 5.1.04b) 2008) vjr ?6 176.175.235 MPT -N CLR 2 0.50727, .NET All Receive-Agenda Item & I '__ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCILJune 20,2008 12 _ 51 Asstj The Honorable Mayor Lewis \^. ._-'-- £j Date, /—^^tyManager,' Members of the Carlsbad City Co 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Lewis and Council Members: The purpose of this letter is to suggest to you appropriate language which could be adopted by the City Council at its June 24, 2008, meeting should it wish to retain the current status quo relationship between the City of Carlsbad and the North County Senior Softball League regarding rental charges for ball fields at Calavera Park as set forth in our verbal presentations at the Council meeting of June 10,2008. What we propose essentially continues the understanding we have had with the city for the past 14 years. As we told you on June 10 our association draws members from all over the north county with usually 40-45% of the members living in Carlsbad. We use a draft system to form the teams to assure competitive balance. As a result, a player could be assigned to a team whose home field is in any one of four cities, regardless of the city of residence, since we use six fields to play our games. Our games occur twice weekly on Tuesday and Thursday at 10 a.m. on a continuing basis all year. Only two of the fields we use are in Carlsbad, two are in Oceanside with one each in San Marcos and Vista. Clearly we are a unique organization which just does not fit neatly into any of the classifications of applicants set forth in the current or proposed fee regulations. Any fee increase will negatively impact the North County Senior Softball League, a group of fixed income retirees both men and women, 55 to 88 years old. Many of them are former military and public service employees. Given our minimum demand on city resources and the fact that we use the fields at very low demand times, we feel the current $5 fee for off-peak usage would be a fair fee to charge our league to cover the administrative costs of city staff. Therefore, our suggested language is as follows, "The City Council declares that the North County Senior Softball League shall be assessed a $5 fee for off-peak usage of the softball fields at Calavera. Further, the North County Senior Softball League agrees to provide field preparation for our games at Calavera." This declaration is to remain in effect until modified by future action of the City Council." On behalf of all the members of the league and especially those of us who are Carlsbad residents let me express to each of you our appreciation of the work you and the city staff are doing every day to keep Carlsbad the truly exceptional city it is. Sincerely, TenySheffield, North County Senior Softball League All Receive For the ?n formation of the: CITY COUNCIL Asst. CM CA^_CC Date (epZ&ty Manager June 19, 2008 TO: CITY MANAGER VIA: Deputy City Manage^ FROM: Finance Director Jim and I met with Council Member Hall on June 18 to answer some questions he had about the Proposed Budget for FY 2008-09. At that meeting we shared with him the attached information. I've attached 5 copies of the packet for you and the rest of the Council. Jim and I are available if other Council Members would like us to review the packet with them as well. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thartk you, LISA IRVINEE Finance Director Agency Monthly Water Rate Comparison Del Mar Poway Ramona San Diego Escondido Fallbrook Santa Fe Vista Irrigation Carlsbad - Proposed Oceanside San Dieguito Olivenhain Vallecitos Carlsbad - Current $40 $45 $50 $55 $60 $65 $70 March 20r 06/1 ,08 Agency Monthly Wastewater Rate Comparison Del Mar Buena Sanitation District Poway City of Vista La Mesa Encinitas Sanitary Division Chula Vista Otay Water District Lakeside Vallecitos Water District (2009) El Cajon Leucadia Wastewater (2009) Carlsbad - Option 1 Carlsbad - Current $0 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $70 $80 Actual 2P' "'estimated 2008 06/', JOS 2007-08 Current Rate - Fixed and Variable $2.17 per unit 0.53 , 24% 1.64 , 76% DSDCWA/MWD Rate H Carlsbad Rate 2008-09 Proposed Rate - Fixed and Variable $2.56 per unit 0.75 , 29% 1.81 ,71% ISDCWA/MWD Rate i Carlsbad Rate Change Per Unit of Water - Fixed and Variable $ 0.40 per unit 0.23 , 58% 0.17,42% D SDCWA/MWD Rate • Carlsbad Rate -DRAFT-06/18/2008 9:35 AM Water Enterprise 2007-08 to 2008-09 Total increase = $3,787,806 16% 26%58% D Water Purchases • Replacement DM&O Wastewater Budget - FY 2007- 2,739,798 , 27% 3,100,000, 31% 3,389,550 , 33% 914,905 9% DEncina EWDR D Replacement D Operations Wastewater Budget - FY 2008-09 2,803,981 , 27% $6,373,531 , 62% $3,220,551 , 32% $629,390 , 6% DEncina • WDR D Replacement D Operations 06/18/2008 o CO c T3Q.DJ CD"Q. D CD CD O•o CD13*-*• TJ o "CD"o^ o"aen CO heratono CDQ. O "JgQ)—i 20 o TJTl O3- Q) CQCO O CD Q. O C^ -si "mCDa>~lcn r~CO Oocn^ 5T | OCD CD— \ 3o 5a. oc^ ro»<•ro0) 3 m3O 3' 0) O ar Dealership3o< CDO_ OC \^roiCO— % CO CO CDcn CO x reducedinCQ' 3 3o0) 3^ O 3" B) CQ CDM 5' X} 5(D3CCD o TJ CDQ. COCDQ. 2i Positions reQ.coCD 0. OCO T3 & 0 i-+ CO>< — hc3 Q. 13' CQ — tCDQ.C OCD0. Oo 9L t? Q. 3'CQ 3Q.C OCDQ. o TJ •eprioritizedcrCOCO CDQ. On 0Oc= ~j 0 Q. CDO o'13 (A (5*3 3oB) F* O3-u3 CQ CDM 5" mXTJCD Q. p+ "tCD(A rooooo ££'1COT3 < CD$ § § 3•s. Q. i 3 C — CD 2cn c co * CDcn — k COcn00 cncno CO CDC7> do COCD CDto —* _^ — ^ CDen S — »- Lv "7. ' ; ._ ^.-, _^°^' ;_ , ~'- T •^N ^CO ^ ?> Ji. "OO ft CD -&. "^-J. 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J^0 0>O CD V *- M ^~sl 0 ^ O O0)•^ •n 0 (D Ofl)V) r^ ao TJD)2.5To 3 (/> Assumes Ea jw uown 3 years With Solutions HEVENUES Total Revenues EXPENDITURES BASE: Goals One-time Capital outlay Contingency: 2.0% Transfers Hosp Grove Infrastructure replmnt (6.5%) Golf Course Operations Advance to SCC Misc xfers LLD#1 Total Base ADDITIONAL BUDGET ITEMS: Additional Requests New Facilities Public Works Center (net) Public Safety Training Center Aviara Park Comm Ctr NE Ballfields (Zone 14) Alga Norte - open Spring 10 (w/o pool) Alga Norte Pool - open Spring 10 Alga Norte Fees Pine Park Comm Ctr Poinsettia Park-Tennis Courts Poinsettia Park-Phase 2 Carrillo Ranch Phase 3 Veteran's Memorial Park Library Learning Center Library Expansion Robertson Ranch Park Business Park (Zone 5) TOTAL EXPENDITURES REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXP Percent of Budget Projected 2007-08 ref^wF 4% 121,440 104,107 1.8% 755 851 2,240 275 7,900 450 200 119 118,897 2.8% *9fej$Ke 3% - 4t543 4% Projected 2008-09 3% 125,528 107,762 3.5% 350 1,000 2,511 75 8,159 900 200 525 121,482 3.9% 91 250 ~»&;321j82!t 4% ;--..;;Si .,-3 ^705: 3% Projected 2009-10 ' fi§6;830 4% 130,830 112,134 4.?% 350 1,000 2,617 8,504 932 200 731 126,467 4.1% 363 1,040 (724) 94 259 : . 127,500 5% 3,330 I 3% Projected 2010-11 137,625 s% 137,525 117,752 5.0% 350 1,000 2,751 - 8,939 968 206 1,267 133,233 5.3% -* 364 726 2,080 (1,447) 445 98 269 136,035 . 1,490 1 1% Projected 2011-12 t44^78 5% 144,478 123,645 5.0% 350 1,000 2.890 9,391 768 212 1,349 139,605 4.8% 378 556 755 2,162 (1,490) 463 102 415 280 -143,225 5% 1,253} 1% Projected 2012-13 151, f2B 5% 151,126 129,671 4.9% 350 1,000 3,023 9,823 368 219 1,446 145,900 4.5% 393 578 785 2,249 (1,535) 481 106 432 291 . -149,680 1% Projected 2013-14 157,985 5% 157,985 135,941 4.8% 350 1,000 3,160 10,269 225 1,539 152,484 4.5% 935 408 601 815 2,335 (1,581) 500 110 448 302 ."* 157,357 . 5% .. . 628 \ ' 0% Projected 2014-15 166; 147 5% 166,147 142,404 4.8% 350 1,000 3,323 10,800 232 1,641 159,749 4.8% 968 423 622 844 2,418 (1,629) 517 114 464 313 . • 164,803 5% 1% Projected 2015-16 173,516 4% 173,516 149,318 49% 350 1,000 3,470 11,279 239 1,744 167,400 4.8% 1,006 439 h. 877 2,513 (1,677) 538 118 482 k- 325 * 1 72,666 5 /o 850 j 0% Projected 2016-17 + 182,92t> 5% 182,920 156,426 48% 350 1,000 3,658 1 1 ,890 246 1,753 175,323 4.7% 1,041 455 669 465 231 908 2,602 (1,728) 557 122 499 365 337 600 300 300 1 83,047 0% GENERAL FUND BALANCE (unreserved, undeslgnated) Fiscal Year Ending Beginning VLF payback or State action Loan from PIL-sw for Poinsettia Golf course Advance Carryforwards Rev over exp at % of bdgt Public Safety Training Center Ending fund balance 40% of budget Average fund balance Change in Ave fund balance 2007-08 52,692 (4,000) 4,543 (12,000) 53,235 46,759 52,964 5.7% 2008-09 53.235 3,705 56,940 48,729 55,088 4.0% 2009-10 56,940 3,330 60,270 51,000 58,605 6.4% 2010-11 60,270 4,000 1,490 65,760 54,4 14 63,015 7.5% 2011-12 65,760 1,253 67,013 57,290 66,387 5.4% 2012-13 67,013 1,446 68,459 59,872 67,736 2.0% 2013-14 68,459 628 69,087 62,943 68,773 1.5% 2014-15 69,087 1,344 70,432 65,92? 69,759 1.4% 2015-16 69,087 850 69,937 69,067 69,512 1.1% 2016-17 I 70,432 (,27) 70,305 73,2 19 70,368 0.9% Revenues over (under) Expenditures . '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 :>.ssumes ti;on Slow Down 3 years Revised Growth Projections [REVENUES Total Revenues (EXPENDITURES BASE: Goals One-time Capital outlay Contingency: 2 0% Transfers Hosp Grove Infrastructure replmnt (6.5%) Advance to SCCRDA Misc xfers LLD #1 Transfer Portion Only - Advances are in Total Base ADDITIONAL BUDGET ITEMS: Additional Requests New Facilities Civic Center (net of vacated facilities) Public Works Center (net) Public Safety Training Center Aviara Park Comm Ctr Alga Norte - open Spring 1 1 (vv,'u pool; Alga Norte Pool - ojy?n Sprin'i 1 1 Alga Norte Fees Pine Park Comm Ctr Poinsettia Park-Tennis Courts Poinsettia Park-Phase 2 Carrillo Ranch Phase 3 Veteran's Memorial Park Library Learning Center Library Expansion Robertson Ranch Park Business Park (Zone 5) [REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXP Percent of Budget Projected 2007-08 •^fjnfff?? 2.8% 120.183 104.449 2.1% 755 851 2,240 275 7,900 0 Salance Calc 118,470 2.5% Projected 2008-09 ^TOT$7» 0.1% 120,878 107,647 3. 1% 170 90 2,300 90 7,844 - 118,141 1.4% 78 113 2% 2% V£<t'3*?.434"Mfj3K£%34lfc 3%2% Projected 2009-10 •.•^fy&aS- 3.7% 125,200 110,798 2.9% 250 200 2,300 8,138 125 415 122,226 3.5% 79 115 ST. - 2j780i 2% Projected 2010-11 f3u,t7u 4.0% 130,170 115,181 4.0% 250 200 2,300 8,461 125 801 127,318 4.2% > 268 »• » 81 117 4% 2,386) 2% Projected 2011-12 T^^ppr 4.5% 136.047 120,090 •1.3% 200 200 2,300 8,843 129 983 132,744 4.3% 376 554 753 1,100 (400) 84 300 121 6% --.-•• .•••4W4"" 0% Projected 2012-13 ^r^fjg- 4.3% 141,882 125,238 •*.3°'o 200 250 2,300 9,222 133 1,019 138,361 4.2% 390 574 780 1,140 (412) 87 311 126 4% 525 ( 0% Projected 2013-14 150,928 6.4% 150,928 131,234 4.S1-; 200 500 2,300 9,810 137 1,056 145,237 5.0% 404 595 809 1,182 (424) 90 * 322 130 b''- 2,583 t: 2% Projected 2014-15 tB0;088 6. 1% 160,088 137,625 •t.S'.'i 350 1,000 2,300 10,406 141 1,098 152,920 5.3% 970 420 619 841 1,229 (437) 93 464 335 135 6% - 2,498 { 2 /{> Projected 2015-16 '165,897 3.0% 165,897 144.239 -/.f'., 350 1,000 2,300 10,783 150 1,139 159,962 4.6% 1,006 436 642 873 1,275 (450) 37 481 348 140 '' .v 1 ,087 | 17o Projected 2016-17 + 175,937 6. 1 '.', 175,937 15M10_'.;•" . 350 1,000 2,300 11,436 100 1,180 . 167,476 4.7%, 1,042 451 665 904 1,321 (464) 100 499 3GO 145 3<436- 1 2% Projected 2017-18 184.191 4.7% 184,191 158.382 350 1.000 2.300 11.972 50 1,225 175,279 4.7%, 1.082 468 690 405 938 1,370 (478) 104 517 374 751 151 600 300 300 704 u :':, GENERAkfUND BALANCE (unresolved, undesiflnated) Fiscal Year Ending Beginning VLF payback or State action Loan from PIL-sw for Poinsettia LLD #1 Advance Golf Course Operations Advance Carryforwards Rev over exp at % of bdgt Public Safety Training Center Ending fund balance 30% of budget Average fund balance Change in Ave fund balance 2007-08 2008-09 52,692 40,861 .:5.?:;, ; 1.350) 3.713 2,346 '109001 40.861 41,537 34,94? 35,500 46.777 41,199-e.6% -rr.9% 2009-10 41,537 (900) 2,780 43,417 36,729 42,477 3.1% 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 43,417 49,104 49,019 49,244 51,827 54,324 55.411 4,000 (7001 (500) (300) 2,386 415 525 2,583 2,498 1,087 3,436 49,104 49.019 49,244 51,827 54,324 55,411 58,848 38,335 | 40,690 f 42,407 | 44,503 | 47,277 | 49,443 | 51,750 46,260 49,061 49,131 50,535 53,076 53,619 56,586 8.9% 6.1% 0.1% 2.9% 5.0% 6.1% 6.6% 2017-18 55,411 704 56,115 55,046 55,763 4.0% Revenues over (under) Expenditures $15 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 All Receive For the Information of the CITY COUNCIL Asst. CMCA ^ 6225 El Camino Real • Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 331-5000 • FAX (760) 431-6707. 0,'. JUN 1 S 2008 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE June 1,2008 Ms. Lisa Hildabrand City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Ms. Hildabrand: Thank you for recent correspondence regarding the proposed fee increase for use of the Swim Complex. It is proposed that the fee of $6 per lane per hour be increased to $8 per lane per hour for use by Carlsbad Unified School District. A fee increase of 33% will have a measurable, negative impact on the budget allocated to support the swim teams at Carlsbad High School, particularly in light of the Governor's proposed funding cuts to schools for the upcoming fiscal year. Your consideration of a recommendation of a more modest fee increase for the District's use of the Swim Complex would be appreciated, not only by the school and the District, but also by the larger community which supports the swim teams. Respectfully, Walter Freeman Assistant Superintendent, Business Services Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation Preserve, Protect, and Enhance June 24, 2008 (I JUN24 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE The Honorable Claude A. "Bud" Lewis and Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad CA 92008 Subject: June 24, 2008 City Council Meeting Comments on Operating and Capital Improvements Budget for 2008-2009 Mayor and City Council Members: In reviewing the proposed Operating and Capital Improvements Budget for 2008-2009 that is on the agenda this evening, we are concerned that acquisition of open space and habitat has not receiving much attention. Since the people of Carlsbad have repeatedly made it clear that preservation of open space and trails is a top priority, and the fact that there is $5m is available in the Measure C account, we would like to see at least some funding is identified for this high priority area. While the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation (BLF) understands the current budgetary constraints facing the all of us and the City of Carlsbad as a result of the current economic downturn, we feel it is important to have some funding identified so that the City can take advantage of land acquisition opportunities that continue to come up. In addition, as a result of the Citizen's Advisory Open Space Committee, their prioritized recommendations, and the City Council acceptance and endorsement, we must chip away at acquiring these key parcels of land. As each day goes by, the available land becomes less and less. We are also aware of the realities of land acquisition cost, especially in the coastal zone As we all know, land acquisition is complicated and highly site-specific in terms of issues. I am not proposing that the City must bear the burden of acquiring land solely with City funds, but leverage what is available through cost sharing and partnerships with other organizations, including non-profits like the BLF. As an example, with a letter of support from the City of Carlsbad, the BLF is about to close escrow on the 18+ acre Mitsuuchi Property at Batiquitos Lagoon for $2.4M. With City endorsement, the BLF was able to successfully obtain funding support from the California Coastal Conservancy and California's Wildlife Conservation Board. With the Council-approved available open space land acquisition list, we were able to acquire a priority piece of property without having to use any City funding! The economic downturn that we all are experiencing can also create a significant opportunity to acquire land at a price below what the market would normally support. Property owners are now willing to accept lower prices for their land than they would P.O.Box 130491 Carlsbad, California 92013-0491 • 7KO.93l.0800 • www.batiquitosfoundal.on.or;; have a year or so ago. The BLF strongly recommends that at least some of the $5 million Measure C account funds be allocated to acquiring open space habitat to show that our government recognizes the high priority the people of Carlsbad have placed on open space preservation and trails. The BLF would welcome the opportunity to work with the City to develop innovative strategies and to leverage available funding to acquire land for open space and trails. Please seriously consider providing some funding to allow us all to work together to continue to make progress in making Carlsbad a great place to live and visit, and enjoy its outdoor treasures. Should you have any questions or wish to discuss this issue in more detail, please contact me at (760) 918-2408. red Resident /9 Fiscal Year 2008-09 Budget June 24, 2008 Overview 1) Total Budget totals $254.7 million a. $195.1 million operating b. $59.6 million CIP 2) Changes a. No changes to Operating budget b. Changes to CIP since May 20 CIP Workshop include: i. An additional $650,000 was added to capital budget for water meter replacements ii. An Americans with Disabilities Act compliance study was added to the Gas Tax Fund ($50,000) iii. The Faraday/Melrose drainage project was increased $25,000 based on updated cost estimates. ($325,000 total project cost) 3) Program Options a. ArtSplash b. Athletic Field Use c. Carlsbad Traffic Calming d. Carlsbad Village Improvement Partnership Overview Budget 2008-2009 OPERATING BUDGET Economic uncertainty has been considered in the development of the City's fiscally conservative proposed budget. Through the City Council and City staff's sound fiscal planning during this time of economic uncertainty, residents will receive the same services that they are accustomed to. The City is budgeting $195.1 million in operating expenses for the 2008- 2009 fiscal year, beginning July 1. o $8 million or 4.3 percent increase over the 2007-2008 adopted budget o Operating revenues are estimated at $199.2 million o The recommended General Fund (GF) budget is $118.3 million with estimated revenues of $120.7 million • A 0.4 percent increase in the estimated GF revenues and a 1.6 percent increase in the budgeted expenditures for the year General Fund Revenues for Fiscal Year (FY) 2008-2009 o Property taxes: expected to grow to more than $50.3 million, an increase of $2.5 million or 5 percent • moderate growth in property taxes is anticipated due to the slowing economy, declining home prices and the City approaching build-out o Sales tax: $28.5 million (the same as FY 2007-2008) o Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT): estimated to grow to $14.8 million, an 8.8 percent increase from FY 2007-2008 o Franchise taxes: $5 million estimated o Development revenues: $2.9 million, compared to $3.9 million in FY 2007- 2008 • The 25 percent decline reflects the slowing of the economy and real estate market Updated by RM 06/06/2008 General Fund Expenditures o Three Proposed Staff Positions • Custodian (Library Learning Center) • .5 Park maintenance worker, Public Works (Poinsettia Park Tennis Courts) • .5 systems administrator, Information Technology (Library Learning Center) • management analyst (reclassification of existing position), City Manager's Office o New Facilities • Library Learning Center, August 2008 • Seven Tennis Courts at Poinsettia Park, August 2008 o Other Budget Requests • $7.8 million transfer to the Infrastructure Replacement Fund • $90,000 transfer to the Hosp Grove Dept Service Fund • $321,000 advance to the Medians District • $1.3 million advance to The Crossings at Carlsbad to cover operational costs for 2007 and 2008 including Habitat Maintenance and Management • $2.3 million for the City Council's contingency account o Special Revenue Funds • Expected to total $11.2 million, a $1.1 million or 8.9 percent decrease from FY 2007-2008 o Redevelopment Agency • $2 million proposed budget • Revenues are estimated at $3.9 million, a $100,000 or 2.6 percent increase over current year projections o Fees and Charges for Services • Facility fees: increased by approximately 2.5 percent to keep pace with inflation • Water/Sewer fees: $10.71 or 13.3 percent monthly household increase • Development-related service fees: approximate 2.5 percent increase to keep pace with inflation Updated by RM 06/06/2008 CIP BUDGET • The FY 2008-2009 CIP and future CIPs will reflect the City's move from a developing community into a developed community. Therefore, the CIP's emphasis is on maintaining the current as well as new infrastructure. • Economic uncertainty has been considered in the development of the City's proposed CIP The City is budgeting for $203.3 million in new and ongoing CIP projects in the 2008-2009 fiscal year, beginning July 1. o Approximately 61 existing and 143 future projects are scheduled for FY 2008-2009 to buildout o $144.5 million in ongoing projects o $59.6 million in new expenditures FY 2008-2009 Ongoing Projects o Alga Norte Park and Aquatic Center • Total cost of the park is est. at $22.1 million • Park construction to begin in 2008-2009 • Total cost of aquatic center is estimated at $28.3 million o Joint First Responders Training Facility • Total cost of the facility is est. at $24.5 million FY 2008-2009 New Projects o Approximately 100 additional parking spaces at Poinsettia Community Park, est. $903,000 o Leo Carrillo event area expansion, est. $246,450 o Water and waster water infrastructure, approx. $26.2 million, for projects including the Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor project, Home Plant Lift Station replacement and College Boulevard and Maerkle transmission mains o El Camino Real Widening (from Tamarack to Chestnut) approx. $8.4 million o Pavement management and concrete repair, approx. $3.75 million • Carlsbad will receive approx. $3.1 million in State Bond funds from the Local Street in Roads Account (Proposition IB), which will supplement the City's pavement management plan. Updated by RM 06/06/2008 Overview Budget Program Options 2008-2009 Program Option 1: ArtSplash • ArtSplash is an annual, free two-day community event in Carlsbad, held on Sept. 20-21, 2008. o Showcases local artists as a way to bring residents and visitors together to celebrate Carlsbad in a creative forum o Total expenditures for the 2007 Artsplash was approximately $75,000 with an estimated attendance of 30,000 • Options o Fund the request as presented: Authorize $20,000 sponsorship and the in-kind services o Fund either the cash request of $20,000 or the in-kind services of $15,000 o Fund with a 4:1 match or other ratio as Council deems appropriate o Provide no funding Program Option 2: Athletic Field Use • North County Senior Softball (NCSS), a "D" category non-resident group Softball game rate would increase from $5 per game to $25 hour per hour, effective Aug. 1, 2008. o NCSS responded to staff that the $25 per hour rate would impose a significant financial burden on its organization o NCSS researched other north county cities and found that the groups used city athletic fields free or at a greatly reduced rate. • Options o Charge Council approved fee of $25 per hour o Utilize Community Activity Grant to cover portion of fee o Create a senior athletics category o Create a reduced rate off-peak category Updated by RM 06/24/2008 Program Option 3: Traffic Calming-Donna Dr. and Sierra Morena Ave. • Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program CRTMP was approved by Council on May 8, 2001 • On Dec. 18, 2007, Council approved two streets (Donna Dr. and Sierra Morena Ave.) for inclusion on the 2007 Priority Ranking of Candidate streets for traffic calming • Staff's preliminary estimates for the traffic calming design and construction costs for Donna Drive is $680,000 and Sierra Morena Avenue is $548,000. Options • Fund one, or both, candidate streets only for design of the traffic calming program in FY 2008-2009. • Fund one, or both, candidate streets for design and construction of the traffic calming program in FY 2008-2009. • Do not fund either of the street traffic calming projects. • Defer the funding decision for Donna Drive and Sierra Morena Avenue until staff processes changes/revisions to the CRTMP through the Traffic Safety Commission and returns to the City Council for final approval. Program Option 4: Carlsbad Village Improvement Partnership • The Carlsbad Village Improvement Partnership (CVIP) is requesting a total of $500,000 over a three-year period ($200,000 in years one and two and $100,000 in year three) • CVIP has requested funding from the City of Carlsbad/Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency to hire staff and start its operations as an organization. Options: • Fund the entire requested amount. Fund the year one request of $200,000 for FY 09/10 and $100,000 for FY10/11. Require approved performance measures and reports to the City of Carlsbad/ Redevelopment Agency • Fund the year one request of $200,000 with further funding contingent upon performance and a demonstrated return on investment • Fund a specified amount for the CVIP with a requirement for the CVIP to match at 4:1 or another ratio determined by the City of Carlsbad/Redevelopment Agency. • Provide no funding but request staff to develop an alternative organizational structure that could take advantage of the partnership program envisioned by the CVIP. • Provide no funding Updated by RM 06/24/2008 Carlsbad Youth Baseball PO Box 4475 Carlsbad, CA 92OI 8 June 24, 2008 To: Carlsbad City Council Attn: Carlsbad Recreation Dept/City Council Re: Proposed Athletic Field Fee Increases Dear Council Members, Mayor and Recreation Department Officials, The purpose of this letter is to provide a formal response to the May 27, 2008 letter (attached as Appendix 1) from the city of Carlsbad's Recreation department outlining proposed rate increases. In short, CYB recognizes that these are not easy times for many of our customers given the global economic climate, and as a result has established the strategic objective of avoiding ANY fee increases to our customers, unless absolutely necessary. To achieve this objective requires a similar mindset among our business partners, including the City of Carlsbad. Specific comments related to each fee category are below. Athletic Field Light Fees - The proposed increase from $8/hr to $9/hr marks the latest of a series of annual lighting fee increases over the past 4 to 5 years. Lighting fees have increased from $0 as little as 5 years ago to $5, then $7, now $8 with a proposal to increase this to $9/hr. This cost category now represents approximately 7% of CYB's annual operating budget. This will increase if the proposed increase is approved. While the amount of the increase is manageable, the trend of fee increases in this category begs the question, "when is this going to end?" There is an appearance that the recreation dept will simply continue to increase this fee category until user objections become so loud that the battle is no longer worth it. As a customer, we expect that our costs should increase at a level approaching something like the cost of living, which is in stark contrast to the recent fee history. In short, while CYB does not object in principal to a fee increase of $l/hr, we do object to the pattern of fee increases, lack of visibility into the projected fees for this category in the future, and lack of confidence that this fee has stabilized at a level dictated by any kind of budget model. Field Rental for Clinics and Camps - The proposed increase has no significant impact to CYB. We have no objection to this increase. Off Season Field Use Fee - CYB believes that the proposed new fee is ill- conceived and should not be approved in its current format. The proposed fee has a significant impact of approximately $8/player to CYB's operating costs for our Fall season (see analysis in Appendix 3). This will add a significant challenge to our objective of not raising registration fees. Moreover, the fee schedule provides little motivation for user groups to return allocated, but unused field times. Ostensibly, the provision of a motivation for user groups to return such unused times was the leading objective in establishing this new fee category. However, the analysis in Appendix 3 shows clearly that 1 of 5 Carlsbad Youth Baseball PO Box 4475 Carlsbad, CA 92OI 8 this objective is not satisfied by the new fee, which amounts to nothing more than a new "tax" that is levied on off-season programs. Management of field allocations and generation of game and practice schedules is one of the most challenging responsibilities within our organization, and I suspect within other user groups as well. It is never our intention to retain field times that our group will not use, however, given the tools available it is often challenging to return unused times in a timeframe of use for other user groups. CYB believes that there are better ways to increase the efficiency of field utilization among user groups. Some of these ways could involve fee structures different from those proposed today. Others could involve development and deployment of new tools for managing field use information. CYB recommends a workshop involving recreation department and user group personnel as the best method to establish a plan for success in this area. We will be happy to support such an effort. In the meantime, we respectfully request that the proposed Off Season Field Use fee be rejected. Thank you for the opportunity to present our views on these fee proposals. Best Regards, Tom Watson President, CYB president (ftcarlshadyouthbasehall.org www.carlsbadvoiithbaseball.orsz 2 of 5 Carlsbad Youth Baseball PO Box 4475 Carlsbad, CA 92OI 8 Appendix 1 Recreation Department Fee Increase Proposal City vof Carlsbad May 27, 2008 Recreation Department DEVFJjQPING "1OMORROWS LEADERS Tom Watson Carlsbad Youth Baseball 4427 Salisbury Dr Carlsbad, CA 92010 Dear Tom: The purpose of this letter is to inform you and your organization that the City of Carlsbad Recreation Department will be forwarding fee change recommendations to the Finance Department as part of the City's Operation Budget process. The Finance Department will be presenting all City fees as part of the Operating Budget workshop at the City Council meeting beginning at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, June 1 0th, at the City Council Chambers. 1 2 00 Carlsbad Village Drive. Another opportunity for comment is at the Citizen's Budget Workshop on June 12* at 1635 Faraday Avenue between 5 and 7 PM. You are welcome to attend and give comment at an^ °* *nese meetings. The final opportunity for comment is at the Operating and CIP Budget Public Hearing at the June 24tfl City Council Budget Adoption meeting. Potential increases and new fees are anticipated but may not be limited to the following areas Athletic Field Light Fee The current fee for "Classification B" (Resident Non-Profit) use groups is $8 per hour perfield Tne fee was set by crty Council in June of 2007. The proposed fee is $9 per hour/per field - for lights. Field Rental for Clinics and Camps The current fee for "Classification B" (Resident Non-Profit) use groups is $5 per hour per fietd - day use, and $1 5 per hour per field - light use. The fee was set by City Council in June of 2t>07' The Pr°P°sed fee will be 58 per hour/per field - day use, and $21 per hour f>er f'6^ ' ''9n* use Off Season Field Use Fee Currently in Council Policy #28 - Facility Use Regulations, 'Classification B" (Resident Non Profit) Sport Organizations have priority seasons defined. Baseball and Softball sport organizations have priority over other sports from January 15 through July 15. Soccer and Pop Warner Football have priority over other sports from July 16 through January 14. The proposed fee is for "Classification B" Sport Organizations that use the athletic fields during "off season" time. The recommended fee will be $3 per hour/per field - for day use. STAGECOACH COMMUNITY C E M T E R 3420 Camino de ios Coches Carlsbad CA 92008-8927 (760)434-2895 FAX (760} 753-7931 Please let me know if I can be of any assistance or you have any questions. You can contact me at 760-602-4691 or glaur@cLcartsbad ca us 3ian Lauro Recreation Area Manager C: Recreation Services Manager 3 of 5 Carlsbad Youth Baseball PO Box 4475 Carlsbad, CA 92OI 8 Appendix 2 Estimated Impact of Proposed Off-Season Use Fee to CYB The 2 tables below show the impact of the proposed new Off-Season field use fee on CYB's operating costs based upon Fall 2008 estimates. By comparison of the 2 tables, one can see: 1) The new fee has a minimum impact of $2.5K on CYB's fall operating costs, which amounts to approximately $8/player 2) The amount of incentive provided to CYB for returning of unused allocated field times is only $500, approximately 16% of the fee amount itself. Facility Chase 1 Chase 2 Chase3 PoinsetUa 1 Avfara Chase 1 Chase 1 Chase 1 Chase 2 Chase 2 Chase 2 Chase 3 Chase 3 Chases Pofnsottid 1 PoinsetUa 1 Poinsettta 2 Polnsettla2 PoinsetUa 2 Safety Center Aviara Calavera Chase t Chase 2 Chase 3 Pine East Poinsettla 1 Poinsett!a2 Safety Center Day Fri Fri Fri Fri Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Time 4 to 10PM 4 to 10PM 4 to 10PM 4 to 10PM 9 AM to 10PM 9 AM to 10PM SAM to 1 PM 9 AM to 1 PM 9 AM to 10PM 9 AM to 1 PM 9 AM to 1 PM 9 AM to 10PM 9 AM to 1 PM ,_ 9 AM to 1 PM 8AM to 10PM 1:30 to 10PM 9 AM to 10PM 9 AM to 5 PM 9 AM to 5 PM Noon to Dark 2:30 to 10 PM 2:30 to 10PM 11:30 AM toSPM 1 1 :30 AM to 8 PM 11:30 AM toSPM 4:30 PM to 8 PM 9:00 AM to 7 PM 1130 AM to 10PM Start Date 5-Sep-08 5-Sep-08 5-Sep-08 5-Sep-08 30-Aug-08 16-Aug-08 10^lan-09 17-Jan-09 16-Aug-08 10-Jan-09 17-Jan-09 16-Aua-OB 10-Jan-09 17-Jan-09 16-Aug-08 Z3-Aug-08 23-Aug-08 10-Jan-09 17-Jan-09 30-Aug-08 7-Sep-08 7-Sep-08 7-Sep-08 7-Sep-08 7-Sep-08 7-Sep-08 7-Sep-08 7-Sep-08 End Date 5-Dec-08 5-Dec-OS 5-Dec-08 5-Dec-08 6-Dec-OB 6-Dec-08 10 Jan 09 17-Jan-09 6-Dec-08 10-Jan-09 17-Jan-09 6-Dec-08 10-Jan-09 17-Jan-09 ^_ t6-Aug-08 6~Oec-08 6-Dec-08 10-Jan-09 17-Jan-09 6-Dec-08 7-Dec-08 7-Oec-08 7-Dec-08 7-Dec-08 7-Dec-08 7-Dec-OS 7-Dec-08 7-Dec-08 Exceptions 14-Sep-08 14-Sep-08 Weeks 14 14 14 14 15 17 1 0 17 1 0 17 1 0 1 16 16 1 0 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 Day Hours/Wk 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.0 7.0 4.0 4.0 7.0 4.0 4.0 7.0 4.0 4.0 ao 2.5 7.0 7.0 7.0 1.5 1.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 0.0 7.0 4.5 Total Cost $0 $0 $0 $0 $315 $357 $12 to $357 $12 $0 $357 $12 $0 i24 $120 $336 $21 $0 $0 $63 $63 $189 $189 $189 $0 $273 $176 $0 Table 1 - Estimated Fees Based upon Field Allocations 4 of 5 Carlsbad Youth Baseball PO Box 4475 Carlsbad, CA 92018 Facility Chase 1 Chase 2 Chases Poinsettla 1 Avlara Chase 1 Chase 1 Chase 1 Chase 2 Chase 2 Chase 2 Chase3 Chase 3 Chase3 Poinsettla 1 Poinsettia 1 Poinsettla 2 Poinsettia 2 Poinsettia 2 Safety Center Aviara Calavera Chase 1 Chase 2 Chases Pine East Poinsettia 1 Poinsettia 2 Safety Center Day Fri Fii Fri Fri Sat Sat Sat Sat Sal Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Time 4 to 10PM 4 to 10PM 4 to 10PM 4to10PM 9 AM to 10PM 9 AM to 10PM 9 AM to 1 PM 9 AM to 1 PM 9 AM to 10PM 9 AM to 1 PM 9 AM to 1 PM 9 AM to 10PM 9 AM to 1 PM 9 AM to 1 PM 8 AM to 10PM 1:30 to 10PM 9 AM to 10PM 9 AM to 5 PM 9AMto5PM Noon to Dark 2:30 to 10 PM 2:30 to 10PM 11:30 AM toSPM 11:30 AM to8PM 11:30 AM to 8PM 4:30 PM to 8PM 9:00 AM to 7 PM 11:30 AM tolOPM Start Date 5-Sep-08 5-Sep-08 S-Sep-08 5-Sep-08 30-Aug-08 16-Aug-08 10-Jan-09 17-Jan-09 16-Aug-08 10-Jan-09 17-Jan-09 16-Aug-08 10-Jan-09 17-Jan-09 16-Aug-08 23-Aug-08 23-Aug-08 10-Jan-09 17-Jan-09 30-Aug-08 7^ep^)8 7-Sep-08 7-Sep-08 7-Sep-08 7-Sep-08 7-Sep-08 7-Sep-08 7-Sep-08 End Date 5-Dec-08 S-Dec-08 5-Dec-08 5-Oeo-OS 6-Dec-08 6-Dec-08 10-Jan-09 17-Jan-09 6-Dec-08 10-Jan-09 17-Jan-09 6-Dec-08 10-Jan-09 17-Jan-09 16-Aug-08 6-Dec-08 6-Dec-08 10-Jan-09 17-Jan-09 6-Dec-08 7-DecO8 7-Dec-08 7-Dec-OB 7-Deo08 7-Dec-08 7-Dec-OS 7-Deo-OS 7-Dec-08 Exceptions 2wks 2wks 2wte 2«*s 2wks 3wks 3wks 4wks 3wks 3wks 2wks 13wks 2wks 2wks 2wks 1 wks 2wks Weeks 12 12 12 12 13 14 1 0 14 1 0 13 1 0 1 13 13 1 0 12 1 12 12 12 14 12 12 Day Hours/Wk 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.0 7.0 4.0 4.0 7.0 4.0 4.0 7.0 4.0 4.0 8.0 2.5 7.0 7.0 7.0 1.5 1.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 0.0 7.0 4.5 Total Cost $0 $0 $0 $0 $273 $294 $12 $0 $294 $12 $0 $273 $12 $0 $24 $98 $273 $21 $0 $0 $54 $5 $162 $162 $162 $0 $252 $162 $0 Table 2 - Estimated Fees Based upon Projected Field Use 5 of 5 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF CARLSBAD The City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, to discuss the Fiscal Year 2008-09 Operating Budget and the Fiscal Year 2008-09 Capital Improvement Program to Buildout Budget. This budget includes an appropriation of the FY 2008-09 AB 3229 funds of approximately $241,000 to be used to fund the Community Policing program. Also included will be discussion on the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budgets as well as discussion on behalf of the Housing and Redevelopment Board regarding the Redevelopment Budgets. The City Council will also discuss selected City development fees, general fees, and the Appropriation Limitation for Fiscal Year 2008-09. Interested parties are invited to attend this meeting and present their views and comments to the City Council. Copies of the preliminary budget and proposed fee changes are available for public inspection at the City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, or the two libraries: Cole Library, 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad; and Dove Library, 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad. Written and telephone inquiries may be directed to Lisa Irvine of the Finance Department, 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad; 760-602-2430. CITY OF CARLSBAD Carlsbad City Council PUBLISH: June 14, 2008 and June 19, 2008 PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2010 & 2011 C.C.P.) This space is for the County Clerk's Filing Stamp STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of San Diego I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid: I am over the age of eighteen years and not a party to or interested in the above- entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of North County Times Formerly known as the Blade-Citizen and The Times- Advocate and which newspapers have been adjudicated newspapers of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of San Diego, State of California, for the City of Oceanside and the City of Escondido, Court Decree number 171349, for the County of San Diego, that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpariel), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: Proof of Publication of NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGCITY OF CARLSBAD The City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing onTuesday, June 24, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. in theCouncil Chambers of City Hall, 1200 Carlsbad VillageDrive, Carlsbad, California, to discuss the Fiscal Year2008-09 Operating Budget and the Fiscal Year 2008-09Capital Improvement Program to Buildout Budget. Thisbudget includes an appropriation of the FY 2008-09 AB3229 funds of approximately $241,000 to be used to fundthe Community Policing program. Also included will bediscussion on me Carlsbad Municipal Water District Op-erating and Capital Improvement Program Budgets aswell as discussion on behalf of the Housing and Rede-velopment Board regarding, the Redevelopment Budgets.The City Council will also discuss selected City develop-ment fees, general fees, and the Appropriation Limitationfor Fiscal Year 2008-09.Interested parties are invited to attend this meeting andpresent their views and comments to the City Council.Copies of the preliminary budget and proposed feechanges are available for public inspection at the CityClerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, or the twolibraries: Cole Library, 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive,Carlsbad; and Dove Library, 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad.Written and telephone inquiries may be directed to LisaIrvine of the Finance Department, 1635 Faraday Avenue,Carlsbad; 760-602-2430. CITY OF CARLSBADCarlsbad City CouncilNCT 2152294 • 06/14, 06/19/2008 June 14th & 19th, 2008 I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at OCEANSIDE, California This 19th, day of June, 2008 r A C ' ( C Jane Allshouse NORTH COUNTY TIMES Legal Advertising 1City of Carlsbad2008-2009 Budget AdoptionJune 24, 2008 2Budget CalendarBudget CalendarCouncil MeetingsCouncil MeetingsMay 20 May 20 ––Capital Budget WorkshopCapital Budget WorkshopJune 10 June 10 ––Operating Budget WorkshopOperating Budget WorkshopJune 24June 24––Operating and Capital Operating and Capital BudgetBudgetPublic Hearing and AdoptionPublic Hearing and AdoptionOther Public MeetingsOther Public MeetingsJune 12 June 12 ––CitizensCitizens’’Budget WorkshopBudget Workshop 3Citizens’ Budget Workshop12 4Citizens’ Budget WorkshopApproximately 13 Citizens attended• Alga Norte Park and Aquatics Complex• Pine Park • Water Desalination Plant•Open Space• Recreation Fees• Skate Park 5AAGGEENNDDAABudget OverviewFee RecommendationsProgram Options Public HearingBudget Adoption 6Fiscal Conservatism due to Economic Uncertainty 7Operating Revenues By SourceTotal = $199.2 millionInterest/ Rents3%Other Gov't & Other1%Fees/ Charges25%Interdept.9%Intergov.5%Taxes55%Licenses/Permits/Fines2% 8City of CarlsbadCombined Budget$252.4 millionOperating Budget – 77%Capital – 23%General47%Redevelopment1%Special Revenue4%Enterprise19%Internal Services6%Capital23% 9General FundTotal Budget = $120.7 millionAll others16%Hotel Tax12%Business License3%Franchise4%Property41%Sales24% 10General Fund BudgetFY 2008-09Revenues:$ 120.7 millionBudget Requests $ 118.3 millionProjected Surplus: $ 2.4 million 11General Fund BalanceEstimated Balance at 6/30/08$ 41.0 millionPlus: FY 09 Surplus2.4 millionLess Advance(Medians/SCCRA Funds)-1.6 millionEstimated Balance at $ 41.8 million6/30/09 12Economic UncertaintyNationwide• Price for barrel of oil doubled over last year• Home prices fell 15.3% in April• US consumer confidence falls to 16 year low• Financial firms may make more cuts –eliminate 175,000 jobs 13Net Revenues over (under) ExpendituresMillionsForecast Comparison-$5$0$5$10$15'04'05'06'07'08'09'10'11'12'13'14'15'16'17FY 06FY 08FY 05FY 07BalancedFY 09 14MAJOR APPROPRIATIONSFORCAPITAL PROJECTS 2008-09Steven JantzAssociate Engineer 15Poinsettia Park Phase IIParking Expansion•Cars parking on local streets during large events at the park•Potential to restrict emergency vehicle ingress and egress•Part of original Poinsettia Community Park Master Plan•$903,185 16Carrillo Ranch Event Area Expansion•Project includes:–Flagstone Patio–Landscaping & lighting–Access road for caterers•$267,000 17Hosp Grove ParkDrainage Improvements•Replace existing asphalt drainage way and maintenance access roadway with concrete•$150,000 18NW Quadrant Storm Drain Improvement Program•Construct missing section of the NW Quadrant storm drain system•Runoff would be transported through complete underground drainage system•$155,000 in FY 08-09 19Corrugated Metal Pipe (CMP) Replacement Program•Replace aging Corrugated Metal Pipe throughout the city•Proactively eliminate potential pipeline failures•$802,000 20Wastewater Projects•Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Projects–Reach VC-4–Reaches VC 11 – VC 15•Home Plant Lift Station Replacement•North Agua Hedionda Trunk Sewer–Reach VCT1-A$2,850,000$2,816,000$1,812,000$767,000 21Beech Avenue Sewer Replacement•Replace 30 year old sewer pipe•Existing pipe has significant deterioration and requires frequent maintenance•$1,947,000 22Water Projects•College Blvd. – Cannon to Badger Lane•Tri Agencies Pipeline Replacement•Pressure Reducing Station Replacement•Master Plan Update 23Maerkle Reservoir •Replace existing maintenance access bridge $328,750•Transmission Main replacement $4,875,000 24Traffic Impact Fee Projects•El Camino Real Widening – Tamarack to Chestnut – $5.75 million•Palomar Airport Road Widening at Paseo Del Norte – $719,000•Valley and Magnolia Sidewalk Project – $540,000 25Roadway Projects•Carlsbad Boulevard & Encinas Creek Bridge Replacement–$1.6 million–Planned Local Drainage Area Fees 26Roadway Maintenance•Pavement Management –$3.4 million•Street/sidewalk construction –$640,000•Concrete repair–$350,000 27Avenida Encinas Roadway Widening•Two Segments–North of the Poinsettia Coaster Station–Intersection with Palomar Airport Road•Adjacent to Coastal Rail Trail Project•Funded with Traffic Impact Fees–$2,380,000 FY 2009-10–$2,440,000 FY 2013-18 28FY 2008-09Total CIP ProjectsNew ProjectsOngoing ProjectsTotal 08-09 CIP$ 57.2 million$ 144.5 million-------------------$ 201.7 million 29Proposed Rate and Fee ChangesHelga StoverSenior Accountant 30Proposed Rate andFee Changes•Master Fee Schedule–Charges for services–Development related fees–Impact fees•Utility Rates–Water–Wastewater 312008-09 Proposed Fees•Facilities Fees – 2.5% increase•Development Related Service Fees –2.5% increase•Development Impact Fees – ENR Index4% increase 32Increase in Water Utility Expenditures FY07-08 to 08-09$3.8 Million58%26%16%WaterPurchasesReplacementOperationsPurchased Water from Other Agencies 33Proposed Water Rate Increase – 20%• Standard Rate – Current Rate $1.76 per unit– Proposed Rate $2.12 per unit• Delivery charge– Current Rate $12.12 per month– Proposed Rate $14.54 per month• Average Monthly Bill – Single Family Residence– Current Rate $45.56 per month– Proposed Rate $54.82 per month• Increase = $9.26 per month 34$0.39/Unit $0.20/Unit $1.17/Unit MWDCWACWMD$0.42/Unit $0.37/Unit $1.33/Unit CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICTCARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICTPotable Water Potable Water ––Commodity Rate SummaryCommodity Rate Summary2008 - $1.76/Unit2009 - $2.12/Unit(Proposed)66%22%12%63%20%17% 35Proposed Water Rate Increase• Recycled Water Rate – Current Rate $1.68 per unit– Proposed Rate $2.01 per unit• Agricultural Water Rate – Current Rate $1.45 per unit– Proposed Rate $1.81 per unit 36Agency Monthly Water Rate Comparison$40 $45 $50 $55 $60 $65 $70Car lsbad - Cur r entVallecitos OlivenhainSan DieguitoOceansideCar lsbad - Pr oposedVista Ir r igationSant a FeValley CenterFallbrookOtay Water Di str i ctEscondidoSweetwater Author itySan DiegoRamonaRainbowPowayDel Mar 37Wastewater Utility ServiceTotal Budget FY08-09$10.2 Million32%6%25%37%EncinaWDRReplacementOperationsState Mandated Wastewater Discharge Requirements 38ProposedWastewater Rate Increase•Commercial and Residential –9% increase for FY 08-09•Residential Rate –Current Rate $16.20/month–Proposed Rate $17.65/month 39Agency Monthly Wastewater Rate Comparison$0 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $70 $80Carlsbad - CurrentCarlsbad - Option 1Leucadia Wastewater (2009)El CajonVallecitos Water District (2009)LakesideOtay Water DistrictChula VistaEncinitas Sanitary DivisionLa MesaCity of VistaPowayBuena Sanitation DistrictDel Mar 40Proposed IncreaseTotal Monthly Utility BillCurrentProposedWastewaterSolid WasteWaterMonthly Increase% Increase$ 16.20$ 18.87$ 45.56$ 80.63$ 17.65$ 18.87$ 54.82$ 91.34$ 10.7113.3% 41Special dates related to fees…•June 24 – Set public majority-protest hearing for September 9th•July 25– Notice public 45 days prior to public majority-protest hearing (by July 25th)•August 1– General City Service Fees become effective•September 1– Development-Related Service Fees and Development Impact Fees become effective•September 9– Public Hearing on Water and Wastewater Rates•November 1– Water and Wastewater Fees become effective 42Program Options 43ArtSplashProgram Option #1•A Free Two Day Family Friendly Community Event Featuring:•Chalk Art, Fine Art and Graffiti Art•Stone Sculptures and Sand Sculptures •“Taste at ArtSplash”•Featuring Local Restaurants•Requesting funding ($20,000) andin-kind services ($15,000) 44ArtSplashProgram Option #1Options:1. Authorize the $20,000 Sponsorship and the $15,000 in-kind services. This would require a transfer of $35,000 from Council’s contingency. 2. Fund either the $20,000 Sponsorship ORthe $15,000 in-kind services. This would require a transfer from Council’s contingency.3. Fund with 4:1 match or other ratio.4. Do not approve the request. 45•Non-resident not-for-profit athletic field use fee proposed to increase to $25 per hour•North County Senior Softball (NCSS) paying $5 per game since 1994•Other agencies have reduced fee for senior user groups•Carlsbad has no Senior Athletics categoryProgram Option #2Athletic Field Use 46Fee ComparisonCityCurrent Fee Proposed FeeEncinitas$4/day (Resident)$10/day (Non-ResidentN/AEscondido$7/hr.N/AOceansideNo ChargeN/ASan Marcos$8/hr.$14/hr. (Recreational)$22/hr. (CompetitiveVistaNo ChargeN/ACarlsbadNo Charge (Resident)$15 (Non-Resident)$5/game (Current Rate)No Charge (Resident)$25/hr. (Non-Resident) 47Options1. Charge proposed $25 per hour fee.2. Charge proposed $25 fee and potentially utilize Community Activity Grant Funding for the difference.3. Create a Senior Athletics category in the Master Fee Schedule - $5 per hour.4. Create a Reduced Rate Off-Peak category in the Master Fee Schedule - $5 per hour.Program Option #2Athletic Field Use 48Carlsbad Traffic CalmingDonna Drive and Sierra Morena AvenueProgram Option #3•May 2001 - Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program (CRTMP) approved•December 2007 - Donna Drive and Sierra Morena Ave. approved for inclusion on 2007 Priority Ranking of Candidate Streets•Donna Drive = 41/100•Sierra Morena Avenue = 9/100•Residents requesting traffic calming measures 49Carlsbad Traffic CalmingDonna Drive and Sierra Morena AvenueOptions:1. Fund one or both streets for design costs ($113,000 and $90,000).2. Fund one or both streets for design and construction ($680,000 and $548,000).3. Do not fund and reconsider in the 2009/10 budget cycle.4. Defer funding decision until changes/revisions to CRTMP are processed.Program Option #3 50Carlsbad VillageImprovement PartnershipProgram Option #4• June 2005 – Contract for retail market analysis and business development strategy for Village Area• Determined need for “Mainstreet-type”organization to serve as base for business revitalization efforts• CVIP non-profit organization formed• Requesting 3 year funding for:– Office Space & Related Expenses/Supplies– Staffing of Executive Director & Assistant– Program Implementation 51Carlsbad Village Improvement PartnershipProgram Option #4Options:1. Approve funding for all 3 years (total of $500,000).2. Fund 2008-09 amount of $200,000 and evaluate performance prior to additional funding.3. Fund a specified amount with a matching requirement at 4:1 (or other ratio).4. No funding. Request that staff develop alternative organizational structure that could implement desirable programs with CVIP as Advisory Council.5. Provide no funding. 52City of Carlsbad2008-09 BudgetFollowed by the Public Hearing… 53 54Program Options 55ArtSplashProgram Option #1Options:1. Authorize the $20,000 Sponsorship and the $15,000 in-kind services. This would require a transfer of $35,000 from Council’s contingency. 2. Fund either the $20,000 Sponsorship ORthe $15,000 in-kind services. This would require a transfer from Council’s contingency.3. Fund with 4:1 match or other ratio.4. Do not approve the request. 56Options1. Charge proposed $25 per hour fee.2. Charge proposed $25 fee and potentially utilize Community Activity Grant Funding for the difference.3. Create a Senior Athletics category in the Master Fee Schedule - $5 per hour.4. Create a Reduced Rate Off-Peak category in the Master Fee Schedule - $5 per hour.Program Option #2Athletic Field Use 57Carlsbad Traffic CalmingDonna Drive and Sierra Morena AvenueOptions:1. Fund one or both streets for design costs ($113,000 and $90,000).2. Fund one or both streets for design and construction ($680,000 and $548,000).3. Do not fund and reconsider in the 2009/10 budget cycle.4. Defer funding decision until changes/revisions to CRTMP are processed.Program Option #3 58Carlsbad Village Improvement PartnershipProgram Option #4Options:1. Approve funding for all 3 years (total of $500,000).2. Fund 2008-09 amount of $200,000 and evaluate performance prior to additional funding.3. Fund a specified amount with a matching requirement at 4:1 (or other ratio).4. No funding. Request that staff develop alternative organizational structure that could implement desirable programs with CVIP as Advisory Council.5. Provide no funding. 59Action Items…following Public Hearing•Program Options•Resolutions – City Council–Adopt final Operating and Capital Budget for FY2008-09–Adopt the Gann Spending limit–Approve Encina budget amounts for FY2008-09–Adopting changes to the Master Fee Schedule–Majority Protest Public Hearing for water and wastewater rates for September 9–Approve adjustments to FY2007-08 Operating Budget 60Action Items…following Public Hearing…continued9Program Options9Resolutions – City Council•Resolutions – Carlsbad Municipal Water District–Adopt final Operating and Capital Budget for FY2008-09–Approve adjustments to FY2007-08 Operating Budget•Resolutions – Housing and Redevelopment Agency–Adopt final Operating and Capital Budget for FY2008-09 61City of Carlsbad2008-2009 Budget AdoptionJune 24, 2008 62Proposed IncreaseTotal Monthly Utility Bill CurrentProposedSewerSolid WasteWaterMonthly Increase% Increase$ 16.20$ 18.87$ 45.56$ 80.63$ 17.65$ 18.87$ 54.82$ 91.34$ 10.7113.3% 63Water Enterprise Expenditures$34.7 MillionWater Purchases55%DebtPayments6%Repl. Transfers14%City Operations 25% 64Water Operations ExpendituresIncreases over next 10 years$0$5,000,000$10,000,000$15,000,000$20,000,000$25,000,000$30,000,000$35,000,000$40,000,0002007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018YearDollarsWater purchasesOperationsReplacement54%119%25% 65$0$10$20$30$40$50$60$70$802009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018Water Rates - Next 10 Years 15% or 20% in FY0920%15% 66Sanitation Enterprise FundEstimated Revenue $9.7 millionBudget $10.2 million31%1%Encina OperationsReplacement TransfersOtherCity OperationsService ChargesInterest Other 67Solid Waste Enterprise FundEstimated Revenue $3.6 millionBudget $3.4 millionStorm WaterRecyclingTrash SurchargeRecycling FeesInterest 68“PROP C” ProjectsProjectsAllocationOriginal Set Aside$35,000,000Aquatic Complex$16,215,795City / Safety Training Facility$ 13,750,000Cannon Road – Reach 4Trails/Open SpaceRemaining Allocation$5,034,205 69Public Facilities Fee FundChange from Prior YearProjected deficit in 2020($12.7 million)Adjustments to projection:Interest earned 2007-08+ $ 2.3 millionIncrease in revenue estimate + $ 2.0 million(increased assessed valuation)Loan repayments in wrong fund + $ 7.1 millionNet other adjustments($ 0.2 million)-----------------------= Current projected deficit 2020($ 1.5 million)==========