HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-07-15; City Council; 19515; Amending Municipal Code Chapter 3 28 PurchasingCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB# 19,515 MTG. 07/15/08 DEPT. FINANCE AMENDING CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 3.28 - PURCHASING DEPT. HEAD^^V CITYATTY.4.x^^ CITY MGR. (is^ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Introduce Ordinance No.CS-002 repealing, in its entirety, the current Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 3.28 (Purchasing), adopting the new Carlsbad Municipal Code 3.28 (Purchasing). ITEM EXPLANATION: A citywide team was established to review the City's purchasing systems and structures to ensure that they supported the City's mission of providing top-quality service, while making certain that the City is receiving the best value on all of its purchases of goods and services. The goals of the team were to simplify the purchasing process, reduce paperwork, and allow for more flexibility, while maintaining the process integrity and financial controls. The last time revisions were made to the Purchasing Ordinance was May 2002. The team had the following recommendations: 1. The Finance Department should remain as the oversight for purchasing functions. Finance should be responsible for ordinance updates and changes, with the assistance of the City Attorney, and the writing and updating of the purchasing manual. Finance should also be the process owner for the overall purchasing system, including the automated purchasing systems. Finance should, from time to time, audit purchasing transactions completed by other departments for compliance with the City's ordinances and guidelines set forth in the purchasing manual. 2. The formal bid process requirement should remain for purchases of supplies, equipment and non-construction project services that are greater than $30,000, with annual adjustments for inflation. 3. The bid process for construction project contracts should continue to follow the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act for California (UPCCAA). The current formal bid requirement for construction contracts is $125,000, per the UPCCAA. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Colette Wengenroth 760-602-2430 cweng@ci.carlsbad.ca.us FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED D D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN RETURNED TO STAFF OTHER-SEE MINUTES As Amended Page 2 4. The definition of small procurements of supplies, services, and equipment should move from $5,000 to $30,000. This would allow direct procurements up to $30,000 in aggregate, without obtaining informal or formal quotes. However, the recommended best management practice would be to get three informal quotes for all items. This change would increase the efficiency of the procurement process, by reducing the lead time in ordering and receiving products, as well as shorten the time for soliciting services for small contracts. During the team's review of the current process, staff found that in Fiscal Year 2005- 2006, 90% of purchase orders issued for non-construction projects were for purchases under $30,000. The total dollar amount represented only 22% of the City's total purchases. This change would simplify the purchasing process for a large number of the City's orders, while impacting a much lower percentage of the actual dollars expended. Distribution of Non-Construction Project Purchase Orders Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Total $20,710,309 Total #1,062 5. The City Manager should remain the awarding authority for all procurements of goods and non-construction project contracts, per agreement year, of $100,000 or less. The City Manager should remain the awarding authority for all construction project contracts less than the formal bidding threshold established by the UPCCAA. The current UPCCAA formal bidding requirement is $125,000. 6. The City Manager should continue to have the authority to approve change orders under $100,000 for non-construction project contracts per agreement year. 7. The City Manager's authority to award construction project change orders should increase from $100,000 to the formal bid limit as defined by the UPCCAA. The limit is currently $125,000. This would make the City Manager's awarding authority consistent with his/her authority to award construction contracts. PageS 8. The City Manager should be the awarding authority for all capital outlay items approved by City Council during the budgeting process, regardless of the dollar amount. This would streamline the procurement process for budgeted capital outlay items over $100,000. Currently, City Council is approving all capital items that exceed $100,000 twice. The first approval occurs during the budgeting process. The second occurs when staff is ready to award the purchase and must get City Council's approval again, as the procurement exceeds $100,000. This change would eliminate the duplicate review of the purchase. 9. All procurements over the limits noted above should continue to require City Council approval. 10. Clarify the role of the City Attorney, allowing him/her to be the awarding authority for the procurement of legal services. In addition, general law cities must follow the requirement of Labor Code Section 1770 et seq regarding payment of prevailing wages for public works projects. Now that the voters of the City of Carlsbad have determined to change the powers and duties of the City by adopting a City Charter at the election of Tuesday, June 3, 2008, the City can make its own determination regarding the necessity for paying prevailing wages for public works projects. The City would still be required to follow state prevailing wage laws for projects which are of statewide concern or if State or Federal grants are paying for the project. The proposed amendment to the Carlsbad Municipal Code allows the City Council (or the City Manager for smaller projects) to make a determination of whether or not it would be in the City's best interest to require payment of prevailing wages for that particular project. In summary, the recommendations would result in some changes to our current purchasing ordinance. Most of the changes are minor in nature, clarifying passages. The major changes are: 1. Increasing the definition of small procurements from $5,000 to $30,000. • This change allows staff to make procurements for under $30,000 without using the formal or informal bid process. • This change will shorten the lead time for ordering and receiving products. • This change will shorten the time for soliciting services, allowing for the service to be completed in a more timely manner. • This change will streamline the purchasing process for a large number of orders, while affecting a low dollar percentage of purchases. 2. Changing the City Manager's authority to award construction project change orders from $100,000 to the formal threshold established by the UPCCAA. • This change would create consistency between the City Manager's authority to award construction change orders and construction contracts. 3. Allowing the City Manager to award procurement for all budgeted capital outlay items regardless of the dollar amount. • This change would eliminate City Council's duplicate review of budgeted capital outlay items over $100,000. Page 4 4. Allowing for the determination of whether it would be in the City's best interest to require payment of prevailing wages for a particular public works project. FISCAL IMPACT: Adoption of this ordinance would allow the City to receive more competitive bids on certain public works projects which have a potential cost savings in an undetermined amount. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: This action does not constitute a project as defined under CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that these amendments would not cause any direct physical change in the environment. EXHIBITS: 1. Proposed Ordinance - Strikeout/Underline 2. Ordinance No. CS-002 , Repealing Chapter 3.28 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code Regulating Purchasing, Adopting Chapter 3.28 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code Regulating Purchasing. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3.28.010 Titlo. 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 22 23 Exhibit 1 ORDINANCE NO. CS-002 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, REPEALING CHAPTER 3.28 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE REGULATING PURCHASING AND ADOPTING CHAPTER 3.28 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE REGULATING PURCHASING. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That Chapter 3.28 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is repealed in its entirety: CHAPTER 3.28 PURCHASING Soctiono: 3.28.020 Purpooo. 3.28.030 Dofinitiono. 3.28.0<10 Procuromont and disposition rosponoibilitioo. 3.28.050 Methods of procuromont. 3.28.060 Compotitivo nogotiationo. 3.28.070 Profoooional oorvicoo. 16 3.28.080 Exocution of chango ordoro and amondmonto. 3.28.090 Cooporativo purchasing. 3.28.100 Exomptiono. 3.28.110 Conotruction projocto. 3.28.120 Exocution of chango ordoro. 3.28.130 Emorgoncioo. Prior Ordinanco hiotory: Qrdo. 1008, 1171, 1107, 1205, 12*10, 1283. 1288. 1303. 21 1206, MS 2, MS 43, MS 55, MS 128, MS 133, MS 160, MS 351, MS 413, MS 105. 3.28.010 Titlo. This chapter ohall bo known and may bo citod and roforrod to ao tho "Purchaoing Ordinanco of tho City of Carlobad." (Ord. MS 627 (part), 2002) 24 3.28.020 Purpooo. Tho purpoooo of thio chapter aro to dofino tho centralized oyotom of tho city for tho26 27 28 purchaoo of oupplioo, oorvicoo and oquipmont, to provide for tho fair and oquitablo troatmont of all poroons involved in tho purchasing procooo, to obtain tho highoot poooiblo value in oxchango for public funds and to safeguard tho quality and integrity of tho purchaoing oyotom. (Ord. MS 627 (part), 2002) -1 - 1 2 3 1. Boot Valuo. "Boot valuo" moano tho boot value to tho city baood on all factoro, 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Exhibit 1 3.28.030 Dofinitiono. A. For tho purpoooo of thio chapter, tho following definitions apply: including, but not limited to, tho following: a. Coot; b. Tho ability, capacity and okill of a contractor to perform a contract or provide tho oupplioo, oorvicoo or oquipmont roquirod; c. Tho ability of a contractor to provide tho oupplioo, oorvicoo or oquipmont promptly or within tho timo specified without dolay or intorforoncoo; d. Tho character, integrity, reputation, judgmont, oxporionco and officioncy of a contractor; o. Tho quality of a contractor'o performance on previous purchased with tho city; and f. Tho ability of a contractor to provide future maintonanco, ropairo, parto and oorvicoo for tho uoo of tho oupplioo purchaood. 2. Bid, Contract or Propooal Documonto. Tho documonto, including thoir attachmonto and addenda, which oot forth inotructiono to biddoro or propoooro and which aro diooominatod for tho purpooo of soliciting bido or propooalo. 3. Compotitivo Bidding Excoption. Goodo, oorvicoo or oquipmont that can obtained from only a oinglo oourco. Itomo that aro roquirod to match or bo compatiblo with othor furniohingo, materials or oquipmont prooontly on hand. Whon a particular typo 14 15 16 17 or mako of commodity, furniohingo, typo of matorial or oquipmont hao boon standardized for tho city by tho city manager or tho city council. A. Capital Outlay Itom. Equipment (fixod aoooto) with a monetary valuo ootabliohod by tho Finance Diroctor. 5. Conotruction Projocto. Construction, roconotruction, alteration, renovation, domolition, oroction, improvomont, painting or repainting and ropair work involving any publicly ownod, loaood or oporatod facility. .. 6. Contract. Agroomonto, rogardlooo of what thoy may bo labolod, botwoon tho1 o city and ono or moro othor partioo for tho purchaoo or diopooition of goodo and/or 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 sorvicoo or conotruction. •7 r*^Contractor. Any party (buoinooo) who hao ontorod into a contract with tho city for tho provision or diopooition of goodo and/or oorvicoo. 8. End Uoor. Tho city of Carlobad or any city dopartmont/divioion roquooting and/or oorvicoo. 0. E Procuromont. Tho uoo of oloctronic technology for tho acquisition or diopooition of oupplioo, oorvicoo, oquipmont or conotruction. 10. Goodo. Articloo that aro movoablo at tho timo of oalo, including but not limited to oquipmont, oupplioo and/or matorialo. 11. Gratuity. A gift, paymont, loan, advance, dopooit of money, or oorvico, prooontod or promiood in return for or in anticipation of favorable conoidoration in tho procuromont procooo. 12. Maintonanco Sorvicoo. Services intended to prooorvo and/or rootoro a publi facility to a cloan. oafo, efficient and/or continually uoablo condition. Maintonanco ma include, but io not limited to: carpentry, electrical, minor repainting, plumbing, glazing and 27 othor craftwork to prooorvo a facility in tho condition for which it wao intended; cleaning and othor oporationo on machinery and othor oquipmont attached to a facility ao fixturoo;28 -2- 1 2 Exhibit 1 tho mowing, pruning and trimming of lawno, graoo, trooo, ohrubo, buohoo and hodgoo; servicing of irrigation and sprinkler oyotomo; and tho regular removal or rolocation of by producto or waoto producto accumulated at city facilitioo. 13. Procuromont. Tho acquioition of oupplioo, oorvicoo, oquipmont or conotruction3 by tho city, including but not limitod to purchaoing, renting or loaoing, and all functiono 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 and procoduroo pertaining to ouch acquioitiono. Profoooional Sorvicoo. Sorvicoo which involve tho oxorcioo of profoooional diocrotion and indopondont judgmont baood on advanced or opocializod knowlodgo, oxportioo or training gainod by formal otudy or oxporionco. Such oorvicoo includo, but aro not limitod to, thooo provided by appraiooro, architocto, attornoyo, onginooro, inotructoro, insurance, advisoro, phyoiciano and/or othor opocializod conoultanto. 15. Purchaoing Officor. Tho purchaoing officer io tho poroon rosponoiblo for tho procuromont of goodo and/or oorvicoo in accordanco with tho provioiono of thio chapter. Tho poroon dooignatod by tho city managor ao tho purchaoing officer of tho city, or an individual specifically authorized by tho purchaoing officer to act on hio or nor bohalf. 16. Qualified Producto. An approved Hot of oupplioo, oorvicoo, or conotruction itomo doocribod by modol or catalog numboro which, prior to compotitivo oolicitation, tho 14 15 16 17 city hao dotorminod will moot tho opocification roquiromonto. 17. Rooponoiblo Biddor. A bidder dotorminod by tho awarding authority: a. To havo tho ability, capacity, oxporionco and okill to provide tho and/or oorvicoo in accordanco with bid opocificationo, and if applicable; b. To havo tho ability to provide tho goodo and/or oorvicoo promptly, or within tho timo opocifiod, and if applicable; c. To havo oquipmont, facilitioo and rooourcoo of such capacity and location to onablo tho bidder to provide tho required goodo and/or oorvicoo, and if applicable; d. To bo able to provide future maintonanco, repair, parto and oorvico for tho uoo of tho goodo purchased, and if applicable; o. To havo a record of oatiofactory performance under prior contracto with tho city or othor purchaooro whoro ouch bidder hao proviouoly boon awarded ouch 19 20 21 22 .. contract.Io 18. Rooponoivo Biddor. A bidder dotorminod by tho city to havo oubmittod a bid or propooal which conforms in all material roopocto to tho roquiromonto of tho bid, contract, 24 25 26 or proposal documents. 10. Sorvicoo. Work performed, or labor, timo and effort oxpondod, by an indopondont contractor. 20. Spocificationo. A doocription of tho phyoical and/or functional charactoriotico or of tho nature of tho required goodo and/or sorvicoo. 21. Subcontractor. A contractor undertaking part of tho work of a contract undor tho control of tho principal contractor. £-•$22. Surplus Poroonal Property. Goodo owned by tho city which aro no longor needed or which aro obsolete or unserviceable, or property that io a by product (scrap metal, uood tiroo and oil etc.). 23. Uniform Public Conotruction Coot Accounting Act (UPCCAA). (California Public Contract Codo Section 22000 ot ooq.) Section 2203Q of tho UPCCAA provides an alternative method for bidding public works projects by public entities which tho city hao 28 adopted. (Ord. MS 627 (part), 2002) 3.28.010 Procuromont and disposition responsibilities. -3-•7 Exhibit 1 1 A. End Uoor. Tho ond uoor ohall: 2 2. Submit to tho purchaoing officer opocificationo for tho roquirod goodo and/or 3 oorvicoo; 4 5 6 7 1. Identify ito procuromont noodo and tho availability of funding; 3. Participate) in tho evaluation of bido and propooalo; and <1. Inopoct goodo dolivorod and oorvicoo porformod to dotormino conformity with tho roquiromonto oot forth in tho bid or proposal documonto and with contractual obligationo, and authorizo payments for conforming goodo and/or oorvicoo. B. Purchaoing Officer. Tho purchaoing officer ohall bo rooponoiblo for tho procuromont of goodo and/or oorvicoo for tho city in accordanco with tho provioiono of thio chapter. No procuromont of goodo and/or oorvicoo ohall bo mado contrary to tho provioiono of thio chapter. Any agroomont or contract for tho purchaoo of oupplioo, oorvicoo and oquipmont 8 mado contrary to tho provioiono of thio chapter ohall bo void and nay claim or domand 9 10 11 12 againot tho city baood thoroon ohall bo invalid. Tho purchaoing officer ohall: 1. Proparo and rocommond to tho city manager oporational procoduroo and formo for tho procuromont of goodo and/or oorvicoo in cooporation with tho ond uooro and for 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 tho diopooal of surpluo poroonal property; 2. Procuro or ouporvioo tho procuromont of all goodo and/or oorvicoo noodod in coordination with ond uooro; 3. Procooo tho contracto awarded adminiotrativoly and/or by city council; A. Whonovor poooiblo, ootablioh otandardizod opocificationo and conoolidation of roquiromonto for goodo and/or oorvicoo roquirod by two or moro ond uooro; 5. Soil or othorwioo diopooo of ourpluo poroonal property, and loot and unclaimod property hold by tho city'o polico dopartmont. C. City Manager. Tho city manager ohall bo tho awarding authority for: 1. All procuromont of goodo and/or oorvicoo for which tho coot to tho city io ono hundred thouoand dollaro or looo; 2. All capital outlay itomo approved by tho city council during tho budgeting procooo in an amount of ono hundred thouoand dollaro or looo; 3. All contracto for profoooional oorvicoo of ono hundred thouoand or looo; A. All public projocto contracto looo than tho formal bidding throohold ootabliohod by tho UPCCAA; 5. All chango ordoro, amondmonto or oxtonoiono to oxioting agroomonto within tho authority granted in oubooction (1) and (2) above; 6. All public worko chango ordoro up to tho dollar amount equal to tho contingency amount oot when tho underlying contract wao awarded; -7 All *chango ordoro or amondmonto to contracto awarded by tho city council in an amount up to twenty five percent of tho original contract amount, including tho total of all amondmonto, up to a limit of ono hundred thouoand dollaro. a. Tho city manager ohall approve altornato procuromont mothodo, if appropriate, for uoo on an oxporimontal baoio, and rocommond to tho city council additiono, dolotiono or modificationo to tho city'o procuromont mothodo. b. Tho city manager ohall have tho authority to dologato tho awarding of contracto, amondmonto and chango ordoro for goodo and oorvicoo ao oot forth in chapter by memorandum or by adminiotrativo order. D. City Council. Tho city council shall bo tho awarding authority for: 27 1. All procuromont of goodo and/or oorvicoo cooting moro than ono hundred 28 thouoand dollaro; -4- 1 2 3 Profoooional Sorvicoo groator than ono hundred thouoand dollaro. (Ord. MS 627 (part), 4 Exhibit 1 2. All public worko contracts at or abovo tho formal bidding threshold ootabliohod by tho UPCCAA; 3. All chango ordoro or amondmonto ao oot forth in thio chaptor; <1. All contracto uoing Compotitivo Nogotiationo or Roquooto for Propooalo for 5 6 7 3.28.050 Mothodo of procuromont. Small Procuromonto. 1. Procuromonto of oupplioo, oorvicoo and oquipmont, tho coot of which aro fivo thouoand dollaro or looo in any ono tranoaction, ohall bo mado uoing oimplifiod and coot offoctivo operational procoduroo and formo approved by tho city managor, without tho 8 uoo of formal or informal bido. Procuromont roquiromonto ohall not bo unnocoooarily 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 divided oo ao to conotituto oovoral omall procuromonto undor thio oubooction. B. Informal Bidding for Supplioo, Sorvicoo and Equipmont: 1. Tho purchasing officer may purchaoo oupplioo, oorvicoo and oquipmont uoing tho informal bidding procoduroo ootabliohod in thio ooction. Informal bidding procoduro may bo utilized: a. Whon tho anticipated coot of tho oupplioo, oorvicoo and oquipmont to bo purchaood io looo than tho dollar amount ootabliohod for formal bidding in Section 3.28.050(C)(1) horoin; or b. Whon no bido aro rocoivod purouant to tho formal bid procoduroo ootabliohod for oupplioo, oorvicoo and oquipmont; or c. Whon all bido rocoivod oubotantially oxcood tho city'o ootimatod cooto. d. Further, tho city council may dooignato typoo or claoooo of oupplioo, oorvicoo and oquipmont cooting moro than tho dollar amount ootabliohod for formal bidding in Soction 3.28.050(0) (1) horoin; which may bo purchaood through tho uoo of informal bidding procoduroo whonovor tho city council findo that uoo of tho informal 19 20 21 bidding procoduro io advantagoouo to tho city conoiotont with applicable law. ,0 o. Tho informal bidding procoduro io as followo: IO i. Tho purchaoing officer ohall oolicit bido by written or oral roquoot. Rooponooo ohall bo in writing, and may bo tranomittablo to tho purchasing officer facoimilo, by mail, electronically ovor tho intornot, or by any othor moano of delivery. Whon poooiblo, a minimum of throe biddoro should bo oolicitod and tho award ohall bo baood on boot value and ohall bo awarded by tho city managor. C. Formal Bidding for Supplioo, Sorvicoo and Equipmont. 1. Tho purchaoing officer may purchaoo supplies, oorvicoo and oquipmont uoing 22 tho formal bidding procoduroo ootabliohod in thio ooction. Formal bidding procoduroo may bo utilized when tho anticipated coot of tho supplioo, oorvicoo and oquipmont io23 24 25 26 greater than thirty thouoand dollaro. Tho bid limit io reviewed annually and adjuotod in rooponoo to tho San Diogo All Urban Conoumoro Conoumor price indox. Tho purchaoing officer ohall calculate tho effect of tho cumulative chango in tho index to twenty fivo thouoand dollaro beginning in 1007. Adjuotmont to tho bid limit will bo mado in fivo thouoand dollar incromonto whonovor tho calculated value oxcoodo a proviouoly oot limit by moro than two thousand fivo hundred dollaro. Tho bid limit adjuotmont wil mado offoctivo at tho beginning of a fiocal yoar by momorandum from tho purchaoing 28 -5-°( 1 2 1. Tho purchasing officer ohall ioouo a notico inviting bide uoing ono or moro 3 mothodo dooignod to provide roaoonablo public notico in a mannor which will permit Exhibit 1 2. Procuromont roquiromonto ohall not bo divided oo ao to avoid tho formal roquiromonto. D. Tho formal bidding procoduroo aro ao followo: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 current information to bo diooominatod widely. Tho notico ohall includo: a. Instruction to biddoro; b. Spocificationo doocribing tho roquirod oupplioo, goods or oquipmont; c. Bid forms and ochoduloo; d. Any roquirod bond formo; o. Gonoral provioiono; f. Tho timo on or boforo which bido will bo rocoivod; g. Whoro and with whom bido ohall bo filod; h. Tho dato, timo and placo whoro and whon bido will bo publicly oponod. 2. At tho biddoro roquoot and/or whon tho city doomo foaoiblo, bid documonto may bo tranomittod and/or roviowod ovor tho Intornot. Tho ooalod formal bido ohall bo rocoivod by tho purchasing officer at a timo, dato and placo designated in tho bid documonto. Formal bido, timoly rocoivod, will bo publicly oponod by tho purchaoing officer and tho aggrogato bid pricing ohall bo road aloud. 3. Any poroon with whom tho city hao contracted to proparo or aooiot in tho preparation of bid or propooal documonto io ineligible to submit a bid or propooal for tho provision of tho goodo or tho performance of tho oorvicoo oo opocifiod in tho notico 10 14 15 16 17 inviting bido or proposals. Formal bido rocoivod after tho doadlino for rocoipt of bids ohall not bo accoptod by tho city and ohall bo roturnod to tho bidder unoponod, unless opening io nocoooary for idontification purpoooo. Tho purchaoing officer ohall oubmit written notification to tho biddor whoso bid was rocoivod aftor tho doadlino stating what tho doadlino was, whon tho bid was actually rocoivod and that tho bid io boing roturnod bocauoo it was rocoivod aftor tho doadlino. 5. If no bido aro rocoivod or if no bido moot tho roquiromonto ao opocifiod in tho „„ oolicitation documonto, tho purchaoing officer may roioouo tho oolicitation using tho18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 informal bidding procoduroo or tho city may coaoo tho procuromont. 6. If two or moro bido aro rocoivod with tho samo total amount or unit prico, quality and oorvico boing oqual, and if tho public intoroot will not permit tho dolay of roadvortioing for bido, tho city council may in ito diocrotion accopt tho bid it chooooo. In conoidoring formal bido for oupplioo, oorvicoo and oquipmont, tho awarding authority may waivo minor dofocto or irrogularitioo, provided that tho irrogularitioo do not affoct tho bid amount or givo a particular biddor an advantage ovor othoro. 8. All bido shall bo doomod rojoctod if no city council action io takon on tho bido or propooalo within ninoty dayo aftor tho bido havo boon rocoivod and oponod, unless biddoro agroo to oxtond a bid'o offoctivo dato upon roquoot by tho city. 0. Tho city ohall havo tho authority to roquiro a performance bond in ouch amount ao it findo roaoonably nocoooary to protect tho boot intorooto of tho city conoiotont with applicable law. If tho city requires a performance bond, tho amount of tho bond ohall bo 28 doscribod in tho notico inviting bido. 10. All contracts for oupplioo, oorvicoo and oquipmont ohall bo awarded baood on tho boot valuo for tho city. 27 11. Each month tho city manager shall sond to tho city council a report of all contractc that havo boon awarded administratively. (Ord. MS 627 (part), 2002) -6- 1 2 Exhibit 1 3.28.060 Compotitivo nogotiationo. Tho purchaoing officer may authorizo tho solicitation of profoosional oorvicoo other 3 than thooo liotod in Soction 3.28.070, and tho purchaoo of highly tochnical oupplioo or 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 oquipmont by compotitivo nogotiationo whon: 1. Tho coot of tho oupplioo, oorvicoo or oquipmont io greater than fivo thouoand dollaro; and 2. Tho supplies or oquipmont aro ouch that ouitablo tochnical or porformanco opocificationo aro not roadily available; or 3. Tho city io not able to dovolop doocriptivo opocificationo; or <1. Roquooting propooalo for tho particular oorvico or purchaoo would bo moro advantagoouo to tho city.s a. Whonovor poooiblo, at loaot throo propooalo ohall bo rocoivod and tho award will bo baood on tho propooal that io dotorminod to bo moot advantagoouo to tho city, taking into conoidoration prico and tho evaluation criteria oot forth in tho roquoot for propooal. Compotitivo nogotiationo aro not intondod to bo uood for tho purpooo of avoiding tho bidding procoduro oot forth in thio chaptor. Tho city manager ohall award contracts for goodo, oorvicoo or oquipmont looo than ono hundred thouoand dollaro. Each month tho city managor ohall oond to tho city council a report of all compotitivoly nogotiatod contracts that havo boon awarded adminiotrativoly. (Qrd. MS 627 (part), 2002) 13 3.28.070 Profoooional oorvicoo. 14 A. Roquoot for propooalo ohall bo uood whon tho oorvicoo of profoooionalo aro noodod. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Tho ooloction of opocializod—profoooional oorvicoo,—including but not limitod to architectural, landocapo architoctural, onginooring, onvironmontal, land ourvoying or conotruction project managomont firmo io baood on tho profoooional qualificationo nocoooary for tho oatiofactory porformanco of tho oorvico roquirod, on domonotratod compotonco, and on a fair and roaoonablo prico conoiotont with Covornmont Codo ooction 4526. Whonovor poooiblo at loaot throo propooalo ohall bo rocoivod for tho profoooional oorvico noodod. Tho purchaoing officer may waive tho roquiromonto for oolicitation of multiple propooalo if only ono individual or firm can provide tho profoooional oorvicoo. Each month tho city managor ohall oond to tho city council a report of all profoooional oorvico contracto that havo boon awarded adminiotrativoly. B. Tho city'o profoooional oorvicoo procuromont practico prohibito unlawful activity including, but not limitod to, robatoo, kickbacko, or othor unlawful conoidoration. No city omployoo ohall participate in tho ooloction procooo if that omployoo hao a rolationohip 22 with a poroon or buoinooo entity cooking a contract with tho city that would oubjoct that omployoo to tho prohibition of Govornmont Codo ooction 87100 (Conflicto of Intoroot).23 (Ord. MS 627 (part), 2002) 24 3.28.080 Exocution of change ordoro and amendments. 25 No change in an agroomont or contract ohall bo mado without tho ioouanco of a written 26 change ordor or amondmont, and no payment for any ouch change ohall bo mado unlooo a written change ordor or amondmont hao firot boon approved and oxocutod in27accordanco with thio ooction dooignating in advance tho work to bo dono and tho amount 28 of additional componoation to bo paid. (Ord. MS 627 (part), 2002) -7- Exhibit 1 3.28.090 Cooporativo purchasing. Tho purchaoing officer ohall havo tho authority to join with othor public or quasi public 3 agoncioo in cooporativo purchaoing piano or programo for tho purchaoo of oupplioo, oorvicoo and/or oquipmont by contract, arrangomont or agroomont ao allowed by law and4 5 6 ao dotorminod by tho purchaoing officer to bo in tho city'o boot intoroot. Tho purchaoing officer may buy diroctly from a vendor at a prico ootabliohod by another public agoncy when tho othor agency hao mado thoir purchaoo in a compotitivo mannor. (Ord. MS 627O"7 (part), 2002) 3.28.100 Exomptiono. 8 A. Tho following procuromonto, contracto or tranoactiono aro oxomptod from tho 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 1. Emorgoncy procuromonto for conotruction, oquipmont or ropairo; 2. Solo oourco goodo or oorvicoo; 3. Itomo roquirod to match or bo compatiblo with othor furniohingo, matorialo or oquipmont proviouoly purchaood by tho city; 1. Commoditioo, furniohingo, typoo of matorialo or oquipmont that havo boon otandardizod for tho city by tho city manager or by tho city council; 5. Utility oorvicoo and rolatod chargoo; IO 6. Goodo or oorvicoo obtained from or through agroomont with any govornmontal, public or quaoi public agoncy; 7. Roal property loaooo or purchaooo and rolatod title and oocrow fooo; 8. Inouranco and bondo; 0. Advortioing in magazinoo, nowopaporo or othor modia; 10. Worko of art, ontortainmont or porformoro; 11. Library collection matorialo or oorvicoo or othor booko or poriodicalo; 12. Momborohip duoo, convontiono, training, travel arrangomonto including hotolo, ,0 car rontalo and airfare;1o 13. Surpluo poroonal property ownod by another govornmont, public or quaoi public ontity. (Ord. MS 627 (part), 2002) Contracto for public projocto in tho city ohall bo govornod by applicable otato lawo including tho California Public Contract Codo, Divioion 2, Part 1, and Divioion 2, Part 3, tho Local Agoncy Public Conotruction Act, which includoo tho adoption by tho city of tho 23 24 25 26 altornativo provioiono of tho Uniform Public Conotruction Coot Accounting Act for uoo in tho city. Contracto for public projocto ohall aloo bo govornod by tho current edition of tho Standard Spocificationo for Public Worko Conotruction and tho latoot oupplomont thoroto, adopted by tho Groonbook Committoo of tho Public Worko Standardo, Inc., oxcopt ao othorwioo provided by tho city council or tho city manager if tho contract io within hio/hor authority. 1. Public projocto of twenty fivo thouoand dollaro or looo may bo performed by city omployooo by forco account, by nogotiatod contract or by purchaoo ordor. 28 -8- 1 2 Exhibit 1 2. Public projocto looo than tho amount opocifiod in Soction 22032 (b) of tho California Public Contract Codo may bo lot to contract by informal procoduroo oot forth in 4 5 6 7 this ooction. 3. Public projocto of moro than tho amount opocifiod in Soction 22032 (c) of tho 3 California Public Contract Codo ohall bo lot by formal bidding procoduro. A. It ohall bo unlawful to oplit or ooparato work or projocto into omallor work ordoro on projocto for tho purpooo of ovading tho provioiono of thio chapter. 5. Tho city council ohall adopt piano and opocificationo for all public projocto to bo formally bid. 6. Tho informal bidding for conotruction projocto procoduroo ohall includo tho following: a. Tho purchaoing officer ohall dovolop a Hot of qualified contractoro oligiblo to oubmit bido on informal contracto awarded by tho city. Tho liot ohall bo organized in g 10 11 12 accordanco with tho liconoo claooificationo of tho contractor'o otato liconoo board. b. Tho purchaoing officer ohall mail notico inviting informal bido to all contractoro on tho liot of qualified contractoro and conotruction trado journals not looo than ton calendar dayo boforo bido aro duo. c. Tho notico inviting informal bido ohall doocribo tho project in gonoral tormo, how to obtain moro dotailod information about tho projoct, tho timo, dato and 14 15 16 17 placo for tho oubmiooion of bido. d. Whon tho city doomo foaoiblo, bid documonto may bo tranomittod and/or rocoivod ovor tho intornot. IO o. Tho city may in ito oolo discretion rojoct any or all bido prooontod and waivo any minor irrogularity or informality in ouch bido. Tho contract ohall bo awarded to tho lowoot rooponoiblo bidder. If no bido aro rocoivod though tho informal procoduro, tho projoct may bo performed by city omployooo, by force account or nogotiatod contract without further complying with thio ooction. f. Tho city manager ohall award all informal contracto. B. Tho formal bidding procoduroo for conotruction projocto ohall includo tho following: 1. Tho purchaoing officer ohall mail notico inviting formal bido for public projocto to 1g conotruction trado journalo at loaot thirty calendar dayo boforo tho bid opening dato. Tho notico inviting formal bido ohall bo publiohod at loaot fourteen calendar dayo boforo tho 19 20 21 22 bid opening dato in a nowopapor of gonoral circulation in tho city. In addition to tho nowopapor, tho notico inviting formal bido may bo advortiood in any manner which pormit tho information tot bo widely diooominatod. ion tho city doomo foaoiblo, bid documonto may bo tranomittod and/or rocoivod ovor tho intornot. 3. Tho city may waivo any minor irrogularity or informality in ouch bido or may, in ito oolo diocrotion, rojoct all bido prooontod. 23 A. Tho contract ohall bo awarded to tho lowoot rooponoiblo bidder. Tho city council ohall award all formal contracto. 24 25 26 27 /// 28 5. If no bido aro rocoivod through tho formal procoduro, tho projoct may bo performed by city omployooo, by forco account or nogotiatod contract without further complying with thio ooction. (Ord. NS 627 (part), 2002) -9- 2 Exhibit 1 3.28.120 Exocution of change ordoro. Tho city council may by resolution authorize tho city managor to approvo change ordoro on a project to an amount it dotorminoo appropriato for a largo, complox project. (Qrd. 3 MS 627 (part), 2002) 4 3.28.130 Emorgoncioo. 5 In caooo of omorgoncy, ao dotorminod by tho city council, including, but not limitod to, 6 7 otatoo of omorgoncy dofinod in Govornmont Codo Soction. 8558, ao may bo amondod from timo to timo, whon repair or roplacomonto aro nocoooary to pormit tho continuod conduct of tho operation or oorvicoo of a public agoncy or to avoid dangor to lifo or property, tho city managor may thon procood at onco to roplaco or repair any public facility and/or procuro tho nocoooary oquipmont, oorvicoo and oupplioo, without adopting 9 10 tho piano, opocificationo, or working dotailo or giving notico of bido to lot contracto. Emorgoncy work may bo complotod by day labor undor tho diroction of tho city managor, or by contractor, or a combination of tho two. Tho city managor io dologatod tho powor to doclaro a public omorgoncy oubjoct to confirmation by tho city council, by a four fiftho voto at ito noxt rogular mooting following tho city managor doclaring a public omorgoncy.11 (Ord. MS 627 (part), 2002) 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 SECTION 2: That Chapter 3.28 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is enacted in its entirety and reads as follows: CHAPTER 3.28 PURCHASING Sections: 18 3.28.010 Title. 3.28.020 Purpose. 3.28.030 Definitions. 3.28.040 Procurement and Disposition Responsibilities. 3.28.050 Procurement of Goods. 3.28.060 Procurement of Professional Services and Services. 3.28.070 Competitive Negotiations for GoodsT Services and Professional Services. 3.28.080 Construction Projects. 3.28.090 Execution of Change Orders and Amendments. 3.28.100 Cooperative Purchasing. 3.28.110 Exemptions. 3.28.120 Emergencies. 3.28.130 Prevailing Wages. 3.28.140. Severabilitv -10- 1 2 Exhibit 1 3.28.010 Title. This chapter shall be known and mav be cited and referred to as the "Purchasing 5 6 7 Ordinance of the Citv of Carlsbad."3 4 3.28.020 Purpose. The purposes of this chapter are to define a uniform system for the purchase of supplies. Services and equipment bv the Citv. to provide for the fair and equitable treatment of all persons involved in the purchasing process, to obtain the highest possible value in exchange for public funds and to safeguard the quality and integrity of the purchasing 10 11 SVSt€ 8 3.28.030 Definitions. g A. For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions apply: 1. Awarding Authority. "Awarding Authority" means the entity who has the power to legally assign work, accept Bids and bind the Citv to a Contract: 2. Best Value. "Best Value" means the Best Value to the Citv based on all factors that mav include the following:12 a. Cost: ,, b. The ability, capacity and skill of a Contractor to perform a Contract orIO 14 provide the supplies. Services or eguipment reguired: c. The ability of a Contractor to provide the supplies. Services or eguipment promptly or within the time specified without delay or interferences: 15 efficiency of a Contractor: 16 d. The character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience and e. The gualitv of a Contractor's performance on previous purchases/Services with the Citv: and17f. The ability of a Contractor to provide future maintenance, repairs. ,Q parts and Services for the use of the Goods and Services purchased.lo 3. Bid. Contract or Proposal Documents. "Bid. Contract or Proposal 19 20 21 22 Documents" means the documents, including their attachments and addenda, which set forth instructions to bidders or proposers and which are disseminated for the purpose of soliciting Bids or proposals. 4. Capital Outlay Item. "Capital Outlay Item" means Fixed Asset Eguipment with a monetary value that meets or exceeds an amount established bv the Finance 5. Construction Projects. "Construction Projects" or "Construction" means 23 those public projects defined in California Public Contract Code section 22002(c). 6. Contract. "Contract" is svnonvmous to "Agreement" and, regardless of 24 25 26 which term is used, it means an agreement between the Citv and one or more other parties for the purchase or disposition of Goods. Services. Professional Services, and/or Construction Projects. 7. Contractor. "Contractor" includes vendor and means any business entitv/partv that has entered into a Contract with the Citv for the provision or disposition of Goods. Services. Professional Services, and/or Construction Projects. 28 -11 - 1 Exhibit 1 8. End User. "End User" means the Citv of Carlsbad and includes, anv Citv department/division requesting Goods. Services. Professional Services, and/or 2 Construction Projects. 9. Fixed Asset Equipment. "Fixed Asset Equipment" means equipment of a 3 permanent nature that has a useful life of more than one year and meets or exceeds a 4 monetary value established bv the Finance Director. 10. Goods. "Goods" means articles or items that are moveable at the time of 5 sale, including but not limited to equipment, supplies and/or materials. 11. Procurement. "Procurement" or "Procure" means the acquisition of Goods. 6 7 Services. Professional Services, or Construction Projects bv the Citv. including but not limited to purchasing, renting or leasing, and all functions and procedures pertaining to such acquisitions. 12. Professional Services. "Professional Services" means the Procurement of Services that involve the exercise of professional discretion and independent Judgment 9 based on advanced or specialized knowledge, expertise or training gained bv formal study or experience. Such Professional Services include, but are not limited to. Services 10 11 12 provided bv appraisers, architects, engineers, instructors, insurance advisors, physicians and/or other specialized consultants. Professional Services includes, but is not limited to. those professionals as defined in California Government Code section 4526. Professional Services does not include attorney/legal services. 13. Purchasing Officer. "The Purchasing Officer" means the person(s) responsible for the Procurement of Goods, Services. Professional Services, and/or Construction Projects in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. The person(s) 14 designated, in writing, bv the Citv Manager as the Purchasing Officer of the Citv. or an 15 16 17 individual specifically authorized bv the Purchasing Officer to act on his or her behalf. 14. Responsible Bidder. "Responsible Bidder" means a bidder determined bv the Awarding Authority: a. To have the ability, capacity, experience and skill to provide the Goods. Services. Professional Services, and/or Construction Projects in accordance with Bid Specifications, and if applicable: .„ b. To have the ability to provide the Goods. Services. Professional 1 o Services, and/or Construction Projects promptly, or within the time specified, and if applicable: c. To have equipment, facilities and resources of such capacity and 19 20 21 for the use of the Goods and/or Construction Projects purchased, and if applicable:22 location to enable the bidder to provide the required Goods. Services. Professional Services, and/or Construction Projects and if applicable: d. To be able to provide future maintenance, repair, parts and Service e. To have a record of satisfactory performance under prior Contracts 23 with the Citv or other purchasers where such bidder has previously been awarded such 24 25 26 Contract. 15. Responsive Bidder. "Responsive Bidder" means a bidder determined bv the Awarding Authority to have submitted a complete Bid or proposal which conforms in all material respects to the requirements of the Bid. Contract, or other proposal doci 16. Services. "Services" means work performed, or labor, time and effort expended, bv the Contractor. 27 28 -12- 1 2 Exhibit 1 17. Specifications. "Specifications" means the description of the physical and/or functional characteristics or of the nature of the required Goods. Services. Professional Services, and/or Construction Projects. 18. Surplus Personal Property. "Surplus Personal Property" means Goods that 3 are owned bv the Citv and which are no longer needed or which are obsolete or 4 unserviceable, or property that is a bv-product (e.g. scrap metal, used tires and oil, etc.). 19. UPCCAA. "UPCCAA" means Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting 5 6 7 Act. (California Public Contract Code Section 22000. et sea.) 3.28.040 Procurement and Disposition Responsibilities. A. End User. The End User shall: 1. Identify its Procurement needs and the availability of funding: and82. Submit to the Purchasing Officer Specifications for the required Goods. 9 Services. Professional Services, and/or Construction Projects: and 3. Participate in the evaluation of Bids and proposals: and 10 4. Inspect Goods delivered. Services performed. Professional Services rendered, and/or Construction Projects to determine conformity with the requirements set 11 12 forth in the Bid or Proposal Documents and with contractual obligations, and authorize payments for conforming Goods. Services. Professional Services, and/or Construction Projects. B. Purchasing Officer. The Purchasing Officer shall be responsible for the Procurement of Goods. Services. Professional Services, and/or Construction Projects for the Citv in 14 15 16 17 accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Except as provided for herein, no Procurement shall be made contrary to the provisions of this chapter. Any Agreement or Contract for the purchase of Goods. Services. Professional Services, and/or Construction Projects made contrary to the provisions of this chapter shall be void and anv claim or demand against the Citv based thereon shall be invalid. The Purchasing Officer shall: 1. Prepare and recommend to the Citv Manager operational procedures and ,0 forms for the Procurement of Goods. Services. Professional Services, and/or1 O Construction Projects in cooperation with the End Users and for the disposal of Surplus 19 20 21 22 Personal Property: 2. Procure or supervise the Procurement of all Goods. Services. Professional Services, and/or Construction Projects needed in coordination with End Users: 3. Process the Contracts awarded administratively and/or bv Citv Council: 4. Whenever possible, establish standardized specifications and consolidation of reguirements for Goods and/or Services reguired bv two or more End Users: 5. Sell or otherwise dispose of Surplus Personal Property, and lost and 24 25 26 23 unclaimed property held bv the City's police department. C. Citv Manager. The Citv Manager shall be the Awarding Authority for: 1. All Procurement of Goods for which the cost to the Citv is one hundred thousand dollars ($100.000) or less: 2. All Capital Outlay Items approved bv the Citv Council during the budgeting process regardless of the dollar amount: 3. All Contracts for Services and Professional Services of one hundred thousand ($100.000) or less per Agreement year: 27 4. All Construction Project Contracts less than the formal bidding threshold established by the UPCCAA: /7-13- 1 2 Exhibit 1 5. Any change order, amendment or extension to an existing Contract which when added to the Contract amount, including prior change orders, is within the authority granted in Sections 1. 2. 3 and 4 above: 6. Any Construction Project change order UP to the dollar amount equal to the3contingency amount set when the underlying Contract was awarded: 4 7. Anv Construction Project change order in which the total amount of the original Contract and all amendments and change orders are less than the formal bidding 5 6 7 threshold established bv the UPCCAA: JL Anv change order or amendment to a non-Construction Project Contract awarded bv the Citv Council in an amount UP to twenty-five percent of the original Contract amount, including the total of all amendments and change orders. UP to a limit of one hundred thousand dollars ($100.000) per Agreement year. 9. Anv extensions to a Contract awarded bv the Citv Council as delegated in 8 the Contract or the approving resolution. 9 10. The Citv Manager shall approve alternate Procurement methods, if appropriate, for use on an experimental basis, and recommend to the Citv Council 10 11 12 13 additions, deletions or modifications to the City's Procurement methods. 11. The Citv Manager shall have the authority to delegate the awarding of Contracts, amendments and change orders for Goods. Services. Professional Services. and/or Construction Projects as set forth in this chapter bv Memorandum or bv Administrative Order. 12. Each month the Citv Manager shall send to the Citv Council a report of all Contracts that have been awarded over the formal Bidding reguirement. 14 D. Citv Council. The Citv Council shall be the Awarding Authority for: 1. Anv Procurement of Goods. Services and/or Professional Services costing 15 16 17 more than $100.000 per agreement year: 2. Anv Construction Project Contract at or above the formal bidding threshold established bv the UPCCAA: 3. Anv change order or amendment that exceeds the Citv Manager's authority. 18 E. Citv Attorney. The Citv Attorney may be the Awarding Authority for the Procurement of legal services, regardless of the dollar amount. UP to the amount of appropriations 19 20 21 22 available. 3.28.050 Procurement Of Goods. A. Small Procurements: 1. Procurements of Goods where the total cost of Goods are thirty thousand dollars ($30.000) or less in anv one transaction, shall be made using simplified and cost 23 effective operational procedures and forms approved bv the Citv Manager. The use of formal or informal Bids is not reguired. but is considered the best management practice. 24 25 26 The small Procurement limit shall be reviewed and adjusted annually per the procedures set forth in Section 3.28.050(0(1). Procurement reguirements shall not be divided so as to constitute several small Procurements under this subsection. B. Informal Bidding for Goods: 1. Informal bidding procedure shall be utilized: a. When the anticipated cost of the Goods to be purchased is less than 27 the dollar amount established for formal bidding for Goods in Section 3.28.05Q(C^ 28 herein: or -14- 1 2 Exhibit 1 5. Any change order, amendment or extension to an existing Contract which when added to the Contract amount, including prior change orders, is within the authority granted in Sections 1. 2. 3 and 4 above: 6. Anv Construction Project change order UP to the dollar amount equal to the 3 contingency amount set when the underlying Contract was awarded; 4 7. Anv Construction Project change order in which the total amount of the original Contract and all amendments and change orders are less than the formal bidding 5 6 7 threshold established bv the UPCCAA: JL Anv change order or amendment to a non-Construction Project Contract awarded bv the Citv Council in an amount UP to twenty-five percent of the original Contract amount, including the total of all amendments and change orders. UP to a limit of one hundred thousand dollars ($100.000) per Agreement year. 9. Anv extensions to a Contract awarded bv the City Council as delegated in 8 the Contract or the approving resolution. 9 10. The Citv Manager shall approve alternate Procurement methods, if appropriate, for use on an experimental basis, and recommend to the Citv Council 10 11 12 additions, deletions or modifications to the City's Procurement methods. 11. The Citv Manager shall have the authority to delegate the awarding of Contracts, amendments and change orders for Goods. Services. Professional Services. and/or Construction Projects as set forth in this chapter bv Memorandum or bv Administrative Order. 12. Each month the Citv Manager shall send to the Citv Council a report of all 10 Contracts that have been awarded over the formal Bidding reguirement. 14 D. Citv Council. The Citv Council shall be the Awarding Authority for: 1. Anv Procurement of Goods. Services and/or Professional Services costing 15 16 17 more than $100.000 per agreement year: 2. Anv Construction Project Contract at or above the formal bidding threshold established bv the UPCCAA: 3. Anv change order or amendment that exceeds the Citv Manager's authority. ... E. City Attorney. The Citv Attorney mav be the Awarding Authority for the Procurement of18legal services, regardless of the dollar amount. UP to the amount of appropriations 20 21 19 availab^ 3.28.050 Procurement Of Goods. A. Small Procurements: 1. Procurements of Goods where the total cost of Goods are thirty thousand 22 dollars ($30.000) or less in any one transaction, shall be made using simplified and cost 23 effective operational procedures and forms approved bv the Citv Manager. The use of formal or informal Bids is not reguired. but is considered the best management practice. 24 25 26 The small Procurement limit shall be reviewed and adjusted annually per the procedures set forth in Section 3.28.050(0(1). Procurement reguirements shall not be divided so as to constitute several small Procurements under this subsection. B. Informal Bidding for Goods: 1. Informal bidding procedure shall be utilized: a. When the anticipated cost of the Goods to be purchased is less than 27 the dollar amount established for formal bidding for Goods in Section 3.28.050(0 (1) 28 herein: or -14-;9 1 2 3 Exhibit 1 b. When no Bids are received pursuant to the formal Bid procedures established: or c. When all Bids received substantially exceed the City's estimated costs, as determined bv the Purchasing Officer through the formal bidding procedure. d. The Citv Council may designate types or classes of Procurements . costing more than the dollar amount established for formal bidding in Section43.28.050(0) (1) herein: which mav be purchased through the use of informal bidding 5 6 procedures whenever the Citv Council finds that use of the informal bidding procedure is advantageous to the Citv consistent with applicable law. 2. The informal bidding procedure shall be as follows: a. Bids shall be obtained bv written or oral request. 7 b. When possible, a minimum of three bidders should be solicited. c. Best Value criteria, if used, must be determined before Bids/quotes8are published or distributed to potential bidders/suppliers. 9 d. Responses shall be in writing, and mav be transmitted bv facsimile. bv mail, electronically over the Internet, or bv anv other means of delivery as described in 10 11 12 the Bid Documents. e. The award shall be based on Best Value to the Citv or the lowest Bid submitted bv a Responsive Bidder, as determined bv the Purchasing Officer, and shall be awarded bv the Citv Manager. C. Formal Bidding for Goods: 1. Formal bidding procedures shall be utilized when the anticipated cost of the Goods is greater than thirty thousand dollars ($30.000). The Bid limit shall be reviewed 14 annually and adjusted in response to the San Diego - All Urban Consumers Consumer Price Index. The Purchasing Officer shall calculate the effect of the cumulative change in 15 16 17 the index to thirty thousand dollars ($30.000) beginning in Fiscal Year 2009. Adjustment to the bid limit will be made in five thousand dollar increments ($5.000) whenever the calculated value exceeds a previously set bid limit bv more than two thousand five hundred dollars ($2.500). The bid limit adjustment will be made effective at the beginning of a fiscal year bv memorandum from the Purchasing Officer. 2. Procurement reguirements shall not be divided so as to avoid the formal 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 bidding reguirements. 3. The formal bidding procedures shall be as follows: a. The Purchasing Officer, or his/her designee. shall issue a notice inviting Bids using one or more methods designed to provide reasonable public notice in a manner which will permit current information to be disseminated widely. The notice shall include: i. instruction to bidders: ii. Specifications describing the required Goods: iii. Bid forms and schedules: iv. anv reguired bond forms: v. general Contract provisions: vi. the time on or before which Bids will be received: vii. where and with whom Bids shall be filed: viii. the date, time and place where and when Bids will be publicly opened: ix. statement of Bidders exceptions.27 b. The sealed formal Bids shall be received bv the Purchasing Officer. OQ or his/her designee. at a time, date and place designated in the Bid documents. Formal/o -15- 1 2 Exhibit 1 Bids, timely received, will be publicly opened bv the Purchasing Officer, or his/her desianee. and the aggregate Bid pricing shall be read aloud. c. Anv person or entity with whom the Citv has contracted to prepare or assist in the preparation of Bid or Proposal Documents is ineligible to submit a Bid or 3 Proposal for the provision of the Goods so specified in the notice inviting Bids or 4 Proposals. d. Formal Bids received after the deadline for receipt of Bids shall not 5 6 7 be accepted bv the Citv and shall be returned to the bidder unopened, unless opening is necessary for identification purposes. The Purchasing Officer, or his/her desianee. shall submit written notification to the bidder whose Bid was received after the deadline stating what the deadline was, when the Bid was actually received and that the Bid is being returned because it was received after the deadline. 4. If no Bids are received or if no Bids meet the reguirements as specified in 8 the solicitation documents, the Purchasing Officer may reissue the solicitation using the 9 informal bidding procedures, negotiate a Contract based upon the solicitation, without 10 11 12 further complying with this section or the Citv mav cease the Procurement. 5. If two or more Bids are received with the same total amount or unit price. gualitv and service being egual. and if the public interest will not permit the delay of re- advertising for Bids, the Citv Council, or the Citv Manager if the Procurement is under one hundred thousand dollars ($100.000). mav exercise sound discretion and accept the Bid it chooses. 6. In considering formal Bids for Goods, the Awarding Authority mav waive minor defects or irregularities, provided that the irregularities do not affect the Bid amount 14 or give a particular bidder an advantage over others. 7. All Bids shall be deemed rejected if no Citv Council or Citv Manager action 15 16 17 is taken on the Bids or proposals within ninety (90) davs after the Bids have been received and opened, unless bidders agree to extend a Bid's effective date upon reguest bv the Citv. D. Additional Responsibilities and Authorities: 1. The Citv shall have the authority to reguire a performance bond in such ,0 amount as it finds reasonably necessary to protect the best interests of the Citv1oconsistent with applicable law. If the Citv reguires a performance bond, the amount of the 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 bond shall be described in the notice inviting Bids and Bid Proposal Documents. 2. All Contracts mav be awarded based on the Best Value for the Citv. Best Value criteria, if used, must be determined before Bids/guotes are published or distributed to potential bidders/suppliers. 3. The Citv Manager shall be the Awarding Authority for Procurement of Goods for which the cost to the Citv is one hundred thousand dollars ($100.000) or less. 4. The Citv Manager shall be the Awarding Authority for all Capital Outlay Items approved bv the Citv Council during the budgeting process regardless of the dollar amount. 5. The Citv Council shall be the Awarding Authority for Procurement of Goods for which the cost to the Citv is more than one hundred thousand dollars ($100.000') and have not been previously approved as Capital Outlay items in the budget process. E. The City's Goods Procurement practice prohibits unlawful activity including, but not limited to. rebates, kickbacks, or other unlawful consideration. No Citv employee shall participate in the selection process if that employee has a relationship with a person or 27 business entity seeking a Contract with the Citv that would subject that employee to the OQ prohibition of Government Code section 87100 (Conflicts of Interest).zo -16- 1 2 A. Professional Services Procurement:3 Exhibit 1 3.28.060 Procurement Of Professional Services and Services. 1. Request for Proposals should be used when Professional Services are 4 needed. The selection of Professional Services for, private architectural, landscape architectural, engineering, environmental, land surveying or Construction Project 5 6 7 management firms should be based on the professional qualifications necessary for the satisfactory performance of the Professional Services required, on demonstrated competence, and on a fair and reasonable price consistent with Government Code section 4526. 2. Procurements of Professional Services where the total cost of Services are thirty thousand dollars ($30.000) or less shall be made using simplified and cost effective operational procedures and forms approved bv the Citv Manager. If the cost of needed 9 Professional Services is expected to exceed $30.000. at least three proposals should be solicited for the Professional Service needed whenever possible. The Purchasing Officer 10 11 12 mav waive the requirements for solicitation of multiple proposals if only one individual or firm can reasonably provide the Professional Services, and it is in the best interest of the Citv to waive the requirement. B. Small Procurements of Services: 1. Procurements of Services where the total cost of Services are thirty thousand dollars ($30.000) or less in any one transaction, shall be made using simplified l o and cost effective operational procedures approved bv the Citv Manager and forms 14 approved bv the Citv Manager. The use of formal or informal Bids is not required, but is considered the best management practice. The small Procurement limit shall be 15 16 17 reviewed and adjusted annually per the procedures set forth in Section 3.28.05Q(CW1'). Procurement of Services requirements shall not be divided so as to constitute several small Procurements under this subsection. C. Informal Bidding for Services: 1. Informal bidding procedure, as set forth in Section 3.28.050(BK2) mav be 18 utilized: a. When no Bids are received pursuant to the formal Bid procedures 19 20 21 established: or b. The Citv Council mav designate types or classes of Procurements costing more than the dollar amount established for formal bidding in Section 3.28.060(D)(1) herein: which mav be purchased through the use of informal bidding procedures whenever the Citv Council finds that use of the informal bidding procedure is advantageous to the Citv consistent with applicable law.22 D. Formal Bidding for Services: 1. Formal bidding procedures shall be utilized when the anticipated cost of the Services is greater than thirty thousand dollars ($30.000). The Bid limit shall be reviewed 24 25 26 annually and adjusted in response to the San Dieao - All Urban Consumers Consumer Price Index. The Purchasing Officer shall calculate the effect of the cumulative change in the index to thirty thousand dollars ($30.000) beginning in Fiscal Year 2009. Adjustment to the bid limit will be made in five thousand dollar increments ($5.000) whenever the calculated value exceeds a previously set bid limit bv more than two thousand five hundred dollars ($2.500). The bid limit adjustment will be made effective at the beginning 27 of a fiscal year bv memorandum from the Purchasing Officer. 28 -17- 1 2 3 Exhibit 1 2. Procurement requirements shall not be divided so as to avoid the formal bidding requirements. 3. The formal bidding procedures and requirements shall be as set forth in Section 3.28.Q50(C) and Section 3.28.050(0). 4. The Citv Manager shall be the Awarding Authority for Procurement of . Services and Professional Services for which the cost to the Citv is one hundred4 5 6 7 thousand dollars ($100.000) or less per Agreement year. 5. The Citv Council shall be the Awarding Authority for Procurement of Services and Professional Services for which the cost to the Citv is more than one hundred thousand dollars ($100.000) per Agreement year. E. The City's Services and Professional Services Procurement practice prohibits unlawful activity including, but not limited to. rebates, kickbacks, or other unlawful 8 consideration. No Citv employee shall participate in the selection process if that 9 employee has a relationship with a person or business entity seeking a Contract with the Citv that would subject that employee to the prohibition of Government Code section 10 11 12 87100 (Conflicts of Interest). 3.28.070 Competitive Negotiations for Goods. Services, and Professional Services. A. The Purchasing Officer mav authorize the solicitation of Services and/or Professional Services other than those listed in Section 3.28.060. and the purchase of highly 10 specialized Goods bv competitive negotiations when: 14 1. The cost of the Goods. Services and/or Professional Services is greater than the dollar amount established for formal bidding in Section 3.28.050(0(1) and Section 3.28.060(0X1): and 2. The Goods are such that suitable technical or performance Specifications 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Services less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100.000) per Agreement year.22 are not readily available: or 3. The Citv is not able to develop descriptive Specifications: or 4. Reguesting proposals for the particular Service or Goods to be procured would be more advantageous to the Citv. B. Whenever possible, at least three proposals shall be received and the award will be based on the proposal that is determined to be most advantageous to the Citv. taking into consideration price and the evaluation criteria set forth in the reguest for proposal. Competitive negotiations are not intended to be used for the purpose of avoiding the bidding procedure set forth in this chapter. C. The Citv Manager or his/her designee shall award Contracts for Goods and/or D. The Citv Council shall award Contracts for Goods and/or Services over one hundred 24 25 26 23 thousand dollars ($100.000) per Agreement year. 3.28.080 Construction Projects. A. Except where specifically exempted from such laws bv ordinance of the Citv Council. Contracts for Construction Projects in the Citv shall be governed bv applicable state laws including the California Public Contract Code. Division 2. Part 1. and Division 2. Part 3. the Local Agency Public Construction Act, which includes the adoption bv the Citv of the alternative provisions of the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act for use in 28 the Citv. Contracts for Construction Projects shall also be governed bv the current edition -18- 1 2 3 Exhibit 1 of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction and the latest supplement thereto, adopted bv the Greenbook Committee of the Public Works Standards. Inc.. except as otherwise provided bv the Citv Council or the Citv Manager if the Contract is within his/her authority. 1. Construction Projects less than the amount specified in Section 22032 (a) . of the California Public Contract Code mav be performed bv Citv employees bv force4 5 6 account, bv negotiated Contract or bv purchase order. 2. Construction Projects less than the amount specified in Section 22032 (b) of the California Public Contract Code mav be let to Contract bv informal procedures set forth in this section. 3. Construction Projects of more than the amount specified in Section 22032 7 (c) of the California Public Contract Code shall be let bv formal bidding procedure. 4. It shall be unlawful to split or separate work or projects into smaller work8orders on projects for the purpose of evading the provisions of this chapter. 9 5. The Citv Council shall adopt plans and Specifications for all Construction Projects to be formally bid when the value exceeds the limits established bv the UCCAA. 10 11 12 6. The informal bidding for Construction Projects procedures shall include the following procedures: a. The Purchasing Officer or his/her desianee shall develop a list of qualified Contractors eligible to submit Bids on informal Contracts awarded bv the Citv. The list shall be organized in accordance with the license classifications of the Contractor's State License Board. b. The Purchasing Officer or his/her desianee shall mail notice inviting 14 informal Bids to all Contractors on the list of qualified Contractors and construction trade 15 16 17 journals not less than ten (10) calendar days before Bids are due. c. The notice inviting informal Bids shall describe the project in general terms, how to obtain more detailed information about the project, the time, date and place for the submission of Bids, and whether or not the project will reguire the payment of prevailing wages. d. When the Awarding Authority deems feasible. Bid Documents mav H0 be transmitted and/or received over the Internet.18 e. The Awarding Authority mav in its sole discretion reject anv or all 19 20 21 22 Bids presented and waive anv minor irregularity or informality in such Bids. The Contract shall be awarded to the lowest Responsive. Responsible Bidder. If no Bids are received through the informal procedure, the project mav be performed bv Citv employees, bv force account or negotiated Contract without further complying with this section. f. The Citv Manager or his/her designee shall award all informal Contracts. 7. The formal bidding procedures for Construction Projects shall include the 23 following: a. The Purchasing Officer, or his/her delegate, shall mail notice inviting 24 25 26 formal Bids for Construction Projects to construction trade Journals at least thirty (30) calendar days before the Bid opening date. The notice inviting formal Bids shall be published at least fourteen (14) calendar davs before the Bid opening date in a newspaper of general circulation in the Citv. In addition to the newspaper, the notice inviting formal Bids mav be advertised in anv manner which will permit the information to be widely disseminated.27 b. When the Awarding Authority deems feasible. Bid Documents mav _0 be transmitted and/or received over the Internet.zo -19- 1 2 Exhibit 1 c. The Awarding Authority mav waive any minor irregularity or informality in such Bids or mav. in its sole discretion, reject all Bids presented. d. The Contract shall be awarded to the lowest Responsive. Responsible Bidder.3 e. If no Bids are received through the formal procedure, the project . mav be performed bv Citv employees, bv force account or negotiated Contract without4 5 6 7 further complying with this section. f. The Citv Council shall award all formal Contracts. 3.28.090 Execution Of Change Orders And Amendments. A. No amendment to an Agreement or Contract shall be made without the issuance of a written change order or amendment, and no payment for any such change orO ..i i -T-ii ii ^^^^= i i . I....—.1.11 i ,-Tjji-ii-iiii rnr- r - ' , , , " , , 1 J ', "."'~i'r"i'nr.i^;7 J —• iTVi.rf- SSS^afc - ^= amendment shall be made unless a written change order or amendment has first been 9 approved and executed in accordance with this section designating in advance the work 10 to be done and the amount of additional compensation to be paid. B. The Citv Council mav bv resolution authorize the Citv Manager to approve change orders on a project to an amount it determines appropriate for a large, complex project. 11 3.28.100 Cooperative Purchasing. 12 13 14 15 The Purchasing Officer shall have the authority to join with other public or quasi-public agencies in cooperative purchasing plans or programs for the purchase of Goods and/or Services bv Contract, arrangement or Agreement as allowed bv law and as determined bv the Purchasing Officer to be in the City's best interest. The Purchasing Officer mav buv directly from a vendor at a price established bv another public aaencv when the 17 other aaencv has made their purchase in a competitive manner. 16 3.28.110 Exemptions. „„ A. The following Procurements. Contracts or transactions are exempted, as determinedno 19 20 21 bv the Awarding Authority, from the provisions of Chapter 3.28: 1. Emergency Procurements for Construction. Goods or Services: 2. Goods. Services and/or Professional Services that can be reasonably obtained from only a single source: 3. Items required matching or being compatible with other Goods, furnishings. materials or equipment previously purchased bv the Citv: 4. Goods, furnishings, types of materials or eguipment that have been22standardized for the Citv bv the Citv Manager or bv the Citv Council: 23 5. Utility Services and related charges: 6. Goods. Services and/or Professional Services obtained from or through 24 25 26 Agreement with any governmental, public or guasi-public agencv: 7. Real property leases or purchases and related title and escrow fees: 8. Insurance and bonds: 9. Advertising in magazines, newspapers or other media: 10. Works of art, entertainment or performers: 11. Library collection materials or Services or other books or periodicals:27 12. Membership dues, conventions, training, travel arrangements including 28 hotels, car rentals and airfare: -20- 1 2 Exhibit 1 13. Surplus Personal Property owned bv another government, public or quasi- public entity. 14. Situations where solicitations of Bids or proposals for Goods. Services and/or Professional Services would be. in the discretion of the Awarding Authority. 3 impractical, unavailing, impossible, or not in the best interests of the Citv. 4 3.28.120 Emergencies. 5 In cases of emergency, as determined bv the Citv Council, including, but not limited to. 6 7 states of emergency defined in Government Code Section 8558. as mav be amended from time to time, when repair or replacements are necessary to permit the continued conduct of the operation or Services of a public aaencv or to avoid danger to life or property, the City Manager mav then proceed at once to replace or repair anv public facility or infrastructure and/or Procure the necessary Goods and/or Services adopting the plans. Specifications, or working details giving notice of Bids to let Contracts. Emergency work mav be completed bv dav labor under the direction of the Citv Manager. 10 11 12 or bv Contractor, or a combination of the two. The Citv Manager is delegated the power to declare a public emergency subject to confirmation bv the Citv Council, bv a four-fifths vote at its next regular meeting following the Citv Manager declaring a public emergency. 3.28.130 Prevailing Wages 13 A This section is intended to supersede the provision of the Public Contract Code 14 and Labor Code reguiring payment of prevailing wages, and, except as expressly set forth in this section, the provisions of the Public Contract Code and the Labor Code 15 16 17 pertaining to prevailing wages shall have no application to Construction Contracts of the Citv of Carlsbad or its agencies. B. Payment of prevailing wages pursuant to Labor Code Section 1770 and compliance with the prevailing wage reguirements of Labor Code Section 1770 et seg. shall not be reguired for anv public works entered into bv the Citv or anv of its agencies .„ except when reguired as a condition of anv Federal or State grants and on other projectsTo 19 20 21 determined bv the Citv Council to be of statewide concern. 1. For each public project of less than the amount specified in Section 22032 (b) of the California Public Contract Code, the Citv Manager shall determine whether or not it is in the City's best interest to reguire prevailing wages for that project and that determination shall be included in the notice inviting Bids. 2. For each Construction Project of more than the amount specified in Section 22032 (b) of the California Public Contract Code, the City Council shall determine 22 whether or not it is in the City's best interest to reguire prevailing wages for the project 24 25 26 23 and that determination shall be included in the notice inviting bids. 3.28.140. Severabilitv If anv section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Chapter is for anv reason held invalid or unconstitutional bv the decision of anv court of competent jurisdiction, the decision will not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Chapter. The Citv Council declares that it would have passed the ordinance codified in this Chapter and each section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase 28 -21 - 11 12 13 14 15 20 21 22 23 Exhibit 1 1 contained in it irrespective of the fact that anv one or more sections, subsections. sentences, clauses or phrases are declared invalid or unconstitutional.2 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption or upon completion of the legal process of becoming chartered, whichever is later, and4 the City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at O least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen 6 days after its adoption or chartered. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City8 Council on the day of , 2008, and thereafter. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the day of , 2008, by the following vote, to with: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: 4e APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY16 17 18 RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney 19 ATTEST: CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk 24 25 26 27 28 -22- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 Exhibit 2 ORDINANCE NO. CS-002 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, REPEALING EXISTING CHAPTER 3.28 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE REGULATING PURCHASING AND ADOPT A NEW CHAPTER 3.28 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE REGULATING PURCHASING. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That existing Chapter 3.28 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is repealed in its entirety: SECTION 2: That a new Chapter 3.28 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is enacted in its entirety and reads as follows: CHAPTER 3.28 PURCHASING 15 Sections: 16 3.28.010 Title. 3.28.020 Purpose. 3.28.030 Definitions. 3.28.040 Procurement and Disposition Responsibilities. 3.28.050 Procurement of Goods. 3.28.060 Procurement of Professional Services and Services. 3.28.070 Competitive Negotiations for Goods, Services and Professional Services. 3.28.080 Construction Projects. 3.28.090 Execution of Change Orders and Amendments. 3.28.100 Cooperative Purchasing. 3.28.110 Exemptions. 3.28.120 Emergencies. 23 3.28.130 Prevailing Wages. 3.28.140. Severability 3.28.010 Title. This chapter shall be known and may be cited and referred to as the "Purchasing26 Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad." 27 28 '" -1 - 1 2 4 Exhibit 2 3.28.020 Purpose. The purposes of this chapter are to define a uniform system for the purchase of supplies, Services and equipment by the City, to provide for the fair and equitable treatment of all 3 persons involved in the purchasing process, to obtain the highest possible value in exchange for public funds and to safeguard the quality and integrity of the purchasing system. 5 3.28.030 Definitions. 6 A. For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions apply: 1. Awarding Authority. "Awarding Authority" means the entity who has the power to legally assign work, accept Bids and bind the City to a Contract; 2. Best Value. "Best Value" means the Best Value to the City based on all factors that may include the following: a. Cost; b. The ability, capacity and skill of a Contractor to perform a Contract or provide the supplies, Services or equipment required; c. The ability of a Contractor to provide the supplies, Services or equipment promptly or within the time specified without delay or interferences; d. The character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience and efficiency of a Contractor; e. The quality of a Contractor's performance on previous 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 purchases/Services with the City; and f. The ability of a Contractor to provide future maintenance, repairs, parts and Services for the use of the Goods and Services purchased. 3. Bid, Contract or Proposal Documents. "Bid, Contract or Proposal Documents" means the documents, including their attachments and addenda, which set forth instructions to bidders or proposers and which are disseminated for the purpose of soliciting Bids or proposals. 4. Capital Outlay Item. "Capital Outlay Item" means Fixed Asset Equipment with a monetary value that meets or exceeds an amount established by the Finance Director. 5. Construction Projects. "Construction Projects" or "Construction" means those public projects defined in California Public Contract Code section 22002(c). 6. Contract. "Contract" is synonymous to "Agreement" and, regardless of which term is used, it means an agreement between the City and one or more other parties for the purchase or disposition of Goods, Services, Professional Services, and/or 22 Construction Projects. 7. Contractor. "Contractor" includes vendor and means any business entity/party that has entered into a Contract with the City for the provision or disposition of Goods, Services, Professional Services, and/or Construction Projects. 8. End User. "End User" means the City of Carlsbad and includes, any City department/division requesting Goods, Services, Professional Services, and/or Construction Projects. 9. Fixed Asset Equipment. "Fixed Asset Equipment" means equipment of a permanent nature that has a useful life of more than one year and meets or exceeds a 27 monetary value established by the Finance Director. 28 Exhibit 2 1 10. Goods. "Goods" means articles or items that are moveable at the time of sale, including but not limited to equipment, supplies and/or materials. 2 11. Procurement. "Procurement" or "Procure" means the acquisition of Goods, Services, Professional Services, or Construction Projects by the City, including but not3 limited to purchasing, renting or leasing, and all functions and procedures pertaining to 4 12. Professional Services. "Professional Services" means the Procurement of Services that involve the exercise of professional discretion and independent judgment based on advanced or specialized knowledge, expertise or training gained by formal study or experience. Such Professional Services include, but are not limited to, Services provided by appraisers, architects, engineers, instructors, insurance advisors, physicians and/or other specialized consultants. Professional Services includes, but is not limited to, those professionals as defined in California Government Code section 4526. Professional Services does not include attorney/legal services. 13. Purchasing Officer. "The Purchasing Officer" means the person(s) responsible for the Procurement of Goods, Services, Professional Services, and/or Construction Projects in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. The person(s) designated, in writing, by the City Manager as the Purchasing Officer of the City, or an individual specifically authorized by the Purchasing Officer to act on his or her behalf. 14. Responsible Bidder. "Responsible Bidder" means a bidder determined by 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 25 26 28 such acquisitions. the Awarding Authority: a. To have the ability, capacity, experience and skill to provide the 13 Goods, Services, Professional Services, and/or Construction Projects in accordance with Bid Specifications, and if applicable: b. To have the ability to provide the Goods, Services, Professional Services, and/or Construction Projects promptly, or within the time specified, and if applicable: c. To have equipment, facilities and resources of such capacity and location to enable the bidder to provide the required Goods, Services, Professional Services, and/or Construction Projects and if applicable: d. To be able to provide future maintenance, repair, parts and Service for the use of the Goods and/or Construction Projects purchased, and if applicable: e. To have a record of satisfactory performance under prior Contracts with the City or other purchasers where such bidder has previously been awarded such Contract. 15. Responsive Bidder. "Responsive Bidder" means a bidder determined by the Awarding Authority to have submitted a complete Bid or proposal which conforms in all material respects to the requirements of the Bid, Contract, or other proposal ents. 16. Services. "Services" means work performed, or labor, time and effort expended, by the Contractor. 24 17. Specifications. "Specifications" means the description of the physical and/or functional characteristics or of the nature of the required Goods, Services, Professional Services, and/or Construction Projects. 18. Surplus Personal Property. "Surplus Personal Property" means Goods that are owned by the City and which are no longer needed or which are obsolete or unserviceable, or property that is a by-product (e.g. scrap metal, used tires and oil, etc.). 27 19. UPCCAA. "UPCCAA" means Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 documents. Act. (California Public Contract Code Section 22000, et seq.) 2P-3- ^ Exhibit 2 1 3.28.040 Procurement and Disposition Responsibilities. 2 A. End User. The End User shall: 1. Identify its Procurement needs and the availability of funding; and 3 2. Submit to the Purchasing Officer Specifications for the required Goods, 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 Services, Professional Services, and/or Construction Projects; and 3. Participate in the evaluation of Bids and proposals; and 4. Inspect Goods delivered, Services performed, Professional Services rendered, and/or Construction Projects to determine conformity with the requirements set forth in the Bid or Proposal Documents and with contractual obligations, and authorize payments for conforming Goods, Services, Professional Services, and/or Construction Projects. B. Purchasing Officer. The Purchasing Officer shall be responsible for the Procurement of Goods, Services, Professional Services, and/or Construction Projects for the City in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Except as provided for herein, no Procurement shall be made contrary to the provisions of this chapter. Any Agreement or Contract for the purchase of Goods, Services, Professional Services, and/or Construction Projects made contrary to the provisions of this chapter shall be void and any claim or demand against the City based thereon shall be invalid. The Purchasing Officer shall: 1. Prepare and recommend to the City Manager operational procedures and forms for the Procurement of Goods, Services, Professional Services, and/or Construction Projects in cooperation with the End Users and for the disposal of Surplus Personal Property; 2. Procure or supervise the Procurement of all Goods, Services, Professional Services, and/or Construction Projects needed in coordination with End Users; 3. Process the Contracts awarded administratively and/or by City Council; 4. Whenever possible, establish standardized specifications and consolidation of requirements for Goods and/or Services required by two or more End Users; 5. Sell or otherwise dispose of Surplus Personal Property, and lost and unclaimed property held by the City's police department. C. City Manager. The City Manager shall be the Awarding Authority for: 1. All Procurement of Goods for which the cost to the City is one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) or less; 2. All Contracts for Services and Professional Services of one hundred thousand ($100,000) or less per Agreement year; 3. All Construction Project Contracts less than the formal bidding threshold established by the UPCCAA;22 4. Any change order, amendment or extension to an existing Contract which 23 when added to the Contract amount, including prior change orders, is within the authority granted in Sections 1,2,3 and 4 above; 5. Any Construction Project change order up to the dollar amount equal to the contingency amount set when the underlying Contract was awarded; 6. Any Construction Project change order in which the total amount of the original Contract and all amendments and change orders are less than the formal bidding threshold established by the UPCCAA; 7. Any change order or amendment to a non-Construction Project Contract 27 awarded by the City Council in an amount up to twenty-five percent of the original 28 -4- Exhibit 2 1 Contract amount, including the total of all amendments and change orders, up to a limit of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) per Agreement year. 2 8. Any extensions to a Contract awarded by the City Council as delegated in the Contract or the approving resolution. 3 9. The City Manager shall approve alternate Procurement methods, if appropriate, for use on an experimental basis, and recommend to the City Council4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 28 additions, deletions or modifications to the City's Procurement methods. 10. The City Manager shall have the authority to delegate the awarding of Contracts, amendments and change orders for Goods, Services, Professional Services, and/or Construction Projects as set forth in this chapter by Memorandum or by Administrative Order. 11. Each month the City Manager shall send to the City Council a report of all Contracts that have been awarded over the formal Bidding requirement. D. City Council. The City Council shall be the Awarding Authority for: 1. Any Procurement of Goods, Services and/or Professional Services costing more than $100,000 per agreement year; 2. Any Construction Project Contract at or above the formal bidding threshold established by the UPCCAA; 3. Any change order or amendment that exceeds the City Manager's authority. E. City Attorney. The City Attorney shall be the Awarding Authority for the Procurement of legal services, regardless of the dollar amount, up to the amount of appropriations available. 14 3.28.050 Procurement Of Goods. 15 A. Small Procurements: 1. Procurements of Goods where the total cost of Goods are thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) or less in any one transaction, shall be made using simplified and cost effective operational procedures and forms approved by the City Manager. The use of formal or informal Bids is not required, but is considered the best management practice. The small Procurement limit shall be reviewed and adjusted annually per the procedures set forth in Section 3.28.050(C)(1). Procurement requirements shall not be divided so as to constitute several small Procurements under this subsection. B. Informal Bidding for Goods: 1. Informal bidding procedure shall be utilized: a. When the anticipated cost of the Goods to be purchased is less than the dollar amount established for formal bidding for Goods in Section 3.28.050(C) (1) 22 herein; or b. When no Bids are received pursuant to the formal Bid procedures established; or c. When all Bids received substantially exceed the City's estimated costs, as determined by the Purchasing Officer through the formal bidding procedure. d. The City Council may designate types or classes of Procurements costing more than the dollar amount established for formal bidding in Section 3.28.050(C) (1) herein; which may be purchased through the use of informal bidding procedures whenever the City Council finds that use of the informal bidding procedure is 27 advantageous to the City consistent with applicable law. 2. The informal bidding procedure shall be as follows: -5- 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 Exhibit 2 1 a. Bids shall be obtained by written or oral request. b. When possible, a minimum of three bidders should be solicited. 2 c. Best Value criteria, if used, must be determined before Bids/quotes are published or distributed to potential bidders/suppliers. 3 d. Responses shall be in writing, and may be transmitted by facsimile, by mail, electronically over the Internet, or by any other means of delivery as described in the Bid Documents. e. The award shall be based on Best Value to the City or the lowest Bid submitted by a Responsive Bidder, as determined by the Purchasing Officer, and shall be awarded by the City Manager. C. Formal Bidding for Goods: 1. Formal bidding procedures shall be utilized when the anticipated cost of the Goods is greater than thirty thousand dollars ($30,000). The Bid limit shall be reviewed annually and adjusted in response to the San Diego - All Urban Consumers Consumer Price Index. The Purchasing Officer shall calculate the effect of the cumulative change in the index to thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) beginning in Fiscal Year 2009. Adjustment to the bid limit will be made in five thousand dollar increments ($5,000) whenever the calculated value exceeds a previously set bid limit by more than two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500). The bid limit adjustment will be made effective at the beginning of a fiscal year by memorandum from the Purchasing Officer. 2. Procurement requirements shall not be divided so as to avoid the formal bidding requirements. 3. The formal bidding procedures shall be as follows: a. The Purchasing Officer, or his/her designee, shall issue a notice inviting Bids using one or more methods designed to provide reasonable public notice in a manner which will permit current information to be disseminated widely. The notice shall include: i. instruction to bidders; ii. Specifications describing the required Goods; iii. Bid forms and schedules; iv. any required bond forms; v. general Contract provisions; vi. the time on or before which Bids will be received; vii. where and with whom Bids shall be filed; viii. the date, time and place where and when Bids will be publicly ix. statement of Bidders exceptions. b. The sealed formal Bids shall be received by the Purchasing Officer, or his/her designee, at a time, date and place designated in the Bid documents. Formal Bids, timely received, will be publicly opened by the Purchasing Officer, or his/her designee, and the aggregate Bid pricing shall be read aloud. c. Any person or entity with whom the City has contracted to prepare or assist in the preparation of Bid or Proposal Documents is ineligible to submit a Bid or Proposal for the provision of the Goods so specified in the notice inviting Bids or Proposals. d. Formal Bids received after the deadline for receipt of Bids shall not be accepted by the City and shall be returned to the bidder unopened, unless opening is 27 necessary for identification purposes. The Purchasing Officer, or his/her designee, shall submit written notification to the bidder whose Bid was received after the deadline stating opened; -6- Exhibit 2 1 what the deadline was, when the Bid was actually received and that the Bid is being returned because it was received after the deadline. 2 4. If no Bids are received or if no Bids meet the requirements as specified in the solicitation documents, the Purchasing Officer may reissue the solicitation using the 3 informal bidding procedures, negotiate a Contract based upon the solicitation, without 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 25 26 further complying with this section or the City may cease the Procurement. 5. If two or more Bids are received with the same total amount or unit price, quality and service being equal, and if the public interest will not permit the delay of re- advertising for Bids, the City Council, or the City Manager if the Procurement is under one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), may exercise sound discretion and accept the Bid it chooses. 6. In considering formal Bids for Goods, the Awarding Authority may waive minor defects or irregularities, provided that the irregularities do not affect the Bid amount or give a particular bidder an advantage over others. 7. All Bids shall be deemed rejected if no City Council or City Manager action is taken on the Bids or proposals within ninety (90) days after the Bids have been received and opened, unless bidders agree to extend a Bid's effective date upon request by the City. D. Additional Responsibilities and Authorities: 1. The City shall have the authority to require a performance bond in such amount as it finds reasonably necessary to protect the best interests of the City consistent with applicable law. If the City requires a performance bond, the amount of the bond shall be described in the notice inviting Bids and Bid Proposal Documents. 2. All Contracts may be awarded based on the Best Value for the City. Best Value criteria, if used, must be determined before Bids/quotes are published or distributed to potential bidders/suppliers. 3. The City Manager shall be the Awarding Authority for Procurement of Goods for which the cost to the City is one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) or less. 4. The City Manager shall be the Awarding Authority for all Capital Outlay Items approved by the City Council during the budgeting process regardless of the dollar amount. 5. The City Council shall be the Awarding Authority for Procurement of Goods for which the cost to the City is more than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) and have not been previously approved as Capital Outlay items in the budget process. E. The City's Goods Procurement practice prohibits unlawful activity including, but not limited to, rebates, kickbacks, or other unlawful consideration. No City employee shall participate in the selection process if that employee has a relationship with a person or 19 20 21 business entity seeking a Contract with the City that would subject that employee to the 22 prohibition of Government Code section 87100 (Conflicts of Interest). 23 3.28.060 Procurement Of Professional Services and Services. 24 A. Professional Services Procurement: 1. Request for Proposals should be used when Professional Services are needed. The selection of Professional Services for, private architectural, landscape architectural, engineering, environmental, land surveying or Construction Project management firms should be based on the professional qualifications necessary for the 27 satisfactory performance of the Professional Services required, on demonstrated 28 Exhibit 2 1 competence, and on a fair and reasonable price consistent with Government Code section 4526. 2 2. Procurements of Professional Services where the total cost of Services are thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) or less shall be made using simplified and cost effective 3 operational procedures and forms approved by the City Manager. If the cost of needed Professional Services is expected to exceed $30,000, at least three proposals should be solicited for the Professional Service needed whenever possible. The Purchasing Officer may waive the requirements for solicitation of multiple proposals if only one individual or firm can reasonably provide the Professional Services, and it is in the best interest of the 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 City to waive the requirement. B. Small Procurements of Services: 1. Procurements of Services where the total cost of Services are thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) or less in any one transaction, shall be made using simplified and cost effective operational procedures approved by the City Manager and forms approved by the City Manager. The use of formal or informal Bids is not required, but is considered the best management practice. The small Procurement limit shall be reviewed and adjusted annually per the procedures set forth in Section 3.28.050(C)(1). Procurement of Services requirements shall not be divided so as to constitute several small Procurements under this subsection. C. Informal Bidding for Services: 1. Informal bidding procedure, as set forth in Section 3.28.050(B)(2) may be utilized: a. When no Bids are received pursuant to the formal Bid procedures 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 established; or b. The City Council may designate types or classes of Procurements costing more than the dollar amount established for formal bidding in Section 3.28.060(D)(1) herein; which may be purchased through the use of informal bidding procedures whenever the City Council finds that use of the informal bidding procedure is advantageous to the City consistent with applicable law. D. Formal Bidding for Services: 1. Formal bidding procedures shall be utilized when the anticipated cost of the Services is greater than thirty thousand dollars ($30,000). The Bid limit shall be reviewed annually and adjusted in response to the San Diego - All Urban Consumers Consumer Price Index. The Purchasing Officer shall calculate the effect of the cumulative change in the index to thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) beginning in Fiscal Year 2009. Adjustment to the bid limit will be made in five thousand dollar increments ($5,000) whenever the calculated value exceeds a previously set bid limit by more than two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500). The bid limit adjustment will be made effective at the beginning of a fiscal year by memorandum from the Purchasing Officer. 2. Procurement requirements shall not be divided so as to avoid the formal bidding requirements. 3. The formal bidding procedures and requirements shall be as set forth in Section 3.28.050(C) and Section 3.28.050(0). 4. The City Manager shall be the Awarding Authority for Procurement of Services and Professional Services for which the cost to the City is one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) or less per Agreement year. 5. The City Council shall be the Awarding Authority for Procurement of 27 Services and Professional Services for which the cost to the City is more than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) per Agreement year. -8- 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 28 Exhibit 2 1 E. The City's Services and Professional Services Procurement practice prohibits unlawful activity including, but not limited to, rebates, kickbacks, or other unlawful 2 consideration. No City employee shall participate in the selection process if that employee has a relationship with a person or business entity seeking a Contract with the 3 City that would subject that employee to the prohibition of Government Code section 87100 (Conflicts of Interest). 3.28.070 Competitive Negotiations for Goods, Services, and Professional Services. A. The Purchasing Officer may authorize the solicitation of Services and/or Professional Services other than those listed in Section 3.28.060, and the purchase of highly specialized Goods by competitive negotiations when: 1. The cost of the Goods, Services and/or Professional Services is greater than the dollar amount established for formal bidding in Section 3.28.050(C)(1) and Section 3.28.060(D)(1); and 2. The Goods are such that suitable technical or performance Specifications are not readily available; or 3. The City is not able to develop descriptive Specifications; or 4. Requesting proposals for the particular Service or Goods to be procured would be more advantageous to the City. B. Whenever possible, at least three proposals shall be received and the award will be based on the proposal that is determined to be most advantageous to the City, taking into consideration price and the evaluation criteria set forth in the request for proposal. Competitive negotiations are not intended to be used for the purpose of avoiding the bidding procedure set forth in this chapter. C. The City Manager or his/her designee shall award Contracts for Goods and/or Services less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) per Agreement year. D. The City Council shall award Contracts for Goods and/or Services over one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) per Agreement year. 3.28.080 Construction Projects. A. Except where specifically exempted from such laws by ordinance of the City Council, Contracts for Construction Projects in the City shall be governed by applicable state laws including the California Public Contract Code, Division 2, Part 1, and Division 2, Part 3, the Local Agency Public Construction Act, which includes the adoption by the City of the alternative provisions of the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act for use in the City. Contracts for Construction Projects shall also be governed by the current edition 22 of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction and the latest supplement thereto, adopted by the Greenbook Committee of the Public Works Standards, Inc., except as otherwise provided by the City Council or the City Manager if the Contract is within his/her authority. 1. Construction Projects less than the amount specified in Section 22032 (a) of the California Public Contract Code may be performed by City employees by force account, by negotiated Contract or by purchase order. 2. Construction Projects less than the amount specified in Section 22032 (b) of the California Public Contract Code may be let to Contract by informal procedures set 27 forth in this section. -9-30? Exhibit 2 1 3. Construction Projects of more than the amount specified in Section 22032 (c) of the California Public Contract Code shall be let by formal bidding procedure. 2 4. It shall be unlawful to split or separate work or projects into smaller work orders on projects for the purpose of evading the provisions of this chapter. 3 5. The City Council shall adopt plans and Specifications for all Construction Projects to be formally bid when the value exceeds the limits established by the UCCAA. 6. The informal bidding for Construction Projects procedures shall include the4 5 a. The Purchasing Officer or his/her designee shall develop a list of 6 qualified Contractors eligible to submit Bids on informal Contracts awarded by the City. The list shall be organized in accordance with the license classifications of the 7 Contractor's State License Board. b. The Purchasing Officer or his/her designee shall mail notice inviting 8 informal Bids to all Contractors on the list of qualified Contractors and construction trade journals not less than ten (10) calendar days before Bids are due. c. The notice inviting informal Bids shall describe the project in general terms, how to obtain more detailed information about the project, the time, date and place for the submission of Bids, and whether or not the project will require the payment of prevailing wages. d. When the Awarding Authority deems feasible, Bid Documents may g 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 25 26 following procedures: be transmitted and/or received over the Internet. e. The Awarding Authority may in its sole discretion reject any or all Bids presented and waive any minor irregularity or informality in such Bids. The Contract shall be awarded to the lowest Responsive, Responsible Bidder. If no Bids are received through the informal procedure, the project may be performed by City employees, by force account or negotiated Contract without further complying with this section. Contracts. f. The City Manager or his/her designee shall award all informal 7. The formal bidding procedures for Construction Projects shall include the following: a. The Purchasing Officer, or his/her delegate, shall mail notice inviting formal Bids for Construction Projects to construction trade journals at least thirty (30) 19 calendar days before the Bid opening date. The notice inviting formal Bids shall be published at least fourteen (14) calendar days before the Bid opening date in a 20 newspaper of general circulation in the City. In addition to the newspaper, the notice inviting formal Bids may be advertised in any manner which will permit the information to be widely disseminated. b. When the Awarding Authority deems feasible, Bid Documents may be transmitted and/or received over the Internet. c. The Awarding Authority may waive any minor irregularity or informality in such Bids or may, in its sole discretion, reject all Bids presented. d. The Contract shall be awarded to the lowest Responsive, Responsible Bidder. e. If no Bids are received through the formal procedure, the project may be performed by City employees, by force account or negotiated Contract without further complying with this section. f. The City Council shall award all formal Contracts.27 ' 28 '" -10- Exhibit 2 1 3.28.090 Execution Of Change Orders And Amendments. 2 A. No amendment to an Agreement or Contract shall be made without the issuance of a written change order or amendment, and no payment for any such change or 3 amendment shall be made unless a written change order or amendment has first been approved and executed in accordance with this section designating in advance the work to be done and the amount of additional compensation to be paid. B. The City Council may by resolution authorize the City Manager to approve change orders on a project to an amount it determines appropriate for a large, complex project. 6 3.28.100 Cooperative Purchasing. The Purchasing Officer shall have the authority to join with other public or quasi-public agencies in cooperative purchasing plans or programs for the purchase of Goods and/or 4 5 Services by Contract, arrangement or Agreement as allowed by law and as determined by the Purchasing Officer to be in the City's best interest. The Purchasing Officer may buy directly from a vendor at a price established by another public agency when the other agency has made their purchase in a competitive manner. 3.28.110 Exemptions. A. The following Procurements, Contracts or transactions are exempted, as determined by the Awarding Authority, from the provisions of Chapter 3.28: 1. Emergency Procurements for Construction, Goods or Services; 2. Goods, Services and/or Professional Services that can be reasonably obtained from only a single source; 3. Items required matching or being compatible with other Goods, furnishings, materials or equipment previously purchased by the City; 4. Goods, furnishings, types of materials or equipment that have been standardized for the City by the City Manager or by the City Council; 5. Utility Services and related charges; 6. Goods, Services and/or Professional Services obtained from or through Agreement with any governmental, public or quasi-public agency; 7. Real property leases or purchases and related title and escrow fees; 8. Insurance and bonds; 9. Advertising in magazines, newspapers or other media; 10. Works of art, entertainment or performers; 11. Library collection materials or Services or other books or periodicals; 12. Membership dues, conventions, training, travel arrangements including hotels, car rentals and airfare; 13. Surplus Personal Property owned by another government, public or quasi- public entity. 14. Situations where solicitations of Bids or proposals for Goods, Services and/or Professional Services would be, in the discretion of the Awarding Authority, -11 - Exhibit 2 3.28.120 Emergencies. In cases of emergency, as determined by the City Council, including, but not limited to, states of emergency defined in Government Code Section 8558, as may be amended from time to time, when repair or replacements are necessary to permit the continued conduct of the operation or Services of a public agency or to avoid danger to life or property, the City Manager may then proceed at once to replace or repair any public facility or infrastructure and/or Procure the necessary Goods and/or Services adopting the plans, Specifications, or working details giving notice of Bids to let Contracts. Emergency work may be completed by day labor under the direction of the City Manager, or by Contractor, or a combination of the two. The City Manager is delegated the power to declare a public emergency subject to confirmation by the City Council, by a four-fifths vote at its next regular meeting following the City Manager declaring a public emergency. 3.28.130 Prevailing Wages A This section is intended to supersede the provision of the Public Contract Code and Labor Code requiring payment of prevailing wages, and, except as expressly set forth in this section, the provisions of the Public Contract Code and the Labor Code pertaining to prevailing wages shall have no application to Construction Contracts of the City of Carlsbad or its agencies. B. Payment of prevailing wages pursuant to Labor Code Section 1770 and compliance with the prevailing wage requirements of Labor Code Section 1770 et seq. shall not be required for any public works entered into by the City or any of its agencies except when required as a condition of any Federal or State grants and on other projects determined by the City Council to be of statewide concern. 1. For each public project of less than the amount specified in Section 22032 (b) of the California Public Contract Code, the City Manager shall determine whether or not it is in the City's best interest to require prevailing wages for that project and that determination shall be included in the notice inviting Bids. 2. For each Construction Project of more than the amount specified in Section 22032 (b) of the California Public Contract Code, the City Council shall determine whether or not it is in the City's best interest to require prevailing wages for the project and that determination shall be included in the notice inviting bids. 23 24 25 26 27 /// 28 jurisdiction, the decision will not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Chapter. The City Council declares that it would have passed the ordinance codified in this Chapter and each section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase contained in it irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases are declared invalid or unconstitutional. -12- 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Exhibit 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption or upon completion of the legal process of becoming chartered, whichever is later, and the City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption or chartered. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the 22nd day of July, 2008, and thereafter. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the day of , 2008, by the following vote, to with: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney 18 19 20 21 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk -13- FOR THE INFORMATION OF THE CITY COUNCIL I/"16 * ATE:CT July 11, 2008 __—, I DATE CITY ATTORNEY TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: CITY ATTORNEY RE- ITEM #4 - AMENDING CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 3 28-PURCHASING irj^^^^^^^ proposed ordinance consistent throughout. Should you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. RONALD R. BALL City Attorney rn c: City Clerk City Manager Finance Director Deputy City Attorney Edmonson July 15, 2008 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: City Manager RE: ITEM #4 - AMENDING CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 3.28 - PURCHASING To add clarification to section 3.28.040 (c)(2) of the proposed ordinance the section should read: "All Capital Outlay Items approved by the City Council during the budgeting process regardless of the dollar amount, unless otherwise directed by City Council." Should you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. LISA HILDABRAND City Manager CW:tm c: City Clerk City Attorney Finance Director Exhibit 2 17. Specifications. "Specifications" means the description of the physical and/or functional characteristics or of the nature of the required Goods, Services, 2 Professional Services, and/or Construction Projects. 18. Surplus Personal Property. "Surplus Personal Property" means Goods that 3 are owned by the City and which are no longer needed or which are obsolete or unserviceable, or property that is a by-product (e.g. scrap metal, used tires and oil, etc.). 19. UPCCAA. "UPCCAA" means Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act. (California Public Contract Code Section 22000, et seq.) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 28 3,28.040 Procurement and Disposition Responsibilities. A. End User. The End User shall: 1. Identify its Procurement needs and the availability of funding; and 2. Submit to the Purchasing Officer Specifications for the required Goods, Services, Professional Services, and/or Construction Projects; and 3. Participate in the evaluation of Bids and proposals; and 4. Inspect Goods delivered, Services performed, Professional Services rendered, and/or Construction Projects to determine conformity with the requirements set forth in the Bid or Proposal Documents and with contractual obligations, and authorize payments for conforming Goods, Services, Professional Services, and/or Construction Projects. B. Purchasing Officer. The Purchasing Officer shall be responsible for the Procurement of Goods, Services, Professional Services, and/or Construction Projects for the City in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Except as provided for herein, no Procurement shall be made contrary to the provisions of this chapter. Any Agreement or Contract for the purchase of Goods, Services, Professional Services, and/or Construction Projects made contrary to the provisions of this chapter shall be void and any claim or demand against the City based thereon shall be invalid. The Purchasing Officer shall: 1. Prepare and recommend to the City Manager operational procedures and forms for the Procurement of Goods, Services, Professional Services, and/or Construction Projects in cooperation with the End Users and for the disposal of Surplus Personal Property; 2. Procure or supervise the Procurement of all Goods, Services, Professional Services, and/or Construction Projects needed in coordination with End Users; 3. Process the Contracts awarded administratively and/or by City Council; 4. Whenever possible, establish standardized specifications and consolidation of requirements for Goods and/or Services required by two or more End Users; 22 5. Sell or otherwise dispose of Surplus Personal Property, and lost and unclaimed property held by the City's police department. C. City Manager. The City Manager shall be the Awarding Authority for: 1. All Procurement of Goods for which the cost to the City is one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) or less; 2. All Capital Outlay Items approved by the City Council during the budgeting process regardless of the dollar amount, unless otherwise directed by City Council: 3. All Contracts for Services and Professional Services of one hundred thousand ($100,000) or less per Agreement year; 27 4. Ali Construction Project Contracts less than the formal bidding threshold established by the UPCCAA; -13- ju_4-«»v. to July 22, 2008 TO: FROM: FOR THE INFORMATION OF THE CI7 •- COUNCIL CITY ATTORNEY MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY ATTORNEY If the Council wishes to introduce the purchasing ordinance but postpone the introduction and adoption of section (C)(2) of it, your action would be to: "Introduce Ordinance No. CS-002 repealing, in its entirety, the current Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 3.28 (Purchasing) and adopting the new Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 3.28 (Purchasing) deleting proposed section 3.28.040(C)(2) and renumbering all subsequent sections." Should you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. RONALD R. BALL City Attorney rn City Manager Finance Director City of CarlsbadCity of CarlsbadAmendment to Carlsbad Amendment to Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter Municipal Code Chapter 3.28 Purchasing3.28 PurchasingJuly 15, 2008July 15, 2008 ™™A team was formed to review the CityA team was formed to review the City’’s s purchasing procedurespurchasing procedures™™GoalsGoals™™To simplify the processTo simplify the process™™Allow more flexibilityAllow more flexibility™™Maintain process integrity and financial Maintain process integrity and financial controlscontrols™™City Charter AdoptionCity Charter AdoptionBackgroundBackground ™™Finance to remain the oversight for purchasing Finance to remain the oversight for purchasing processesprocesses™™Formal bid requirement for supplies, equipment Formal bid requirement for supplies, equipment and nonand non--construction project services to remain construction project services to remain at $30,000at $30,000™™Bid process for construction project contracts Bid process for construction project contracts continues to follow the Uniform Public continues to follow the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (UPCCAA)Construction Cost Accounting Act (UPCCAA)RecommendationsRecommendations ™™City Manager to remain awarding authority for all City Manager to remain awarding authority for all nonnon--construction procurements under $100,000 construction procurements under $100,000 per agreement yearper agreement year™™City Manager to be the awarding authority for all City Manager to be the awarding authority for all construction procurements and change orders at construction procurements and change orders at the formal bidding level set by the UPCCAAthe formal bidding level set by the UPCCAA™™City Manager to be the awarding authority for all City Manager to be the awarding authority for all capital outlay items approved by City Council capital outlay items approved by City Council during the budgeting processduring the budgeting processRecommendations (cont.)Recommendations (cont.) Recommendations (cont.)Recommendations (cont.)™™Definition of small procurements to move from Definition of small procurements to move from $5,000 to $30,000$5,000 to $30,000$4,576,507$3,869,924$12,263,87895469390%20%40%60%80%100%Total $20,710,309Total # 1,062Distribution of Non-Construction Project Purchase Orders>$100K$30K-100K<$30K4%4%90%90%6%6%59%59%19%19%22%22% ™™All procurements over the limits previously noted All procurements over the limits previously noted should continue to require City Council approvalshould continue to require City Council approval™™City Council (or City Manager on smaller City Council (or City Manager on smaller projects) to make determination on requiring projects) to make determination on requiring prevailing wages prevailing wages Recommendations (cont.)Recommendations (cont.) Purchasing OrdinancePurchasing OrdinanceTimelineTimeline™™First Reading of Ordinance First Reading of Ordinance ––July 15July 15™™Second Reading of Ordinance Second Reading of Ordinance ––July 22July 22™™Effective Date of Ordinance Effective Date of Ordinance ––30 days after its 30 days after its adoption or upon completion of legal process for adoption or upon completion of legal process for Charter City, whichever is laterCharter City, whichever is later ™™Allow City Manager to be awarding authority for Allow City Manager to be awarding authority for all budgeted capital outlay projects.all budgeted capital outlay projects.™™Increase small procurements from $5,000 to Increase small procurements from $5,000 to $30,000$30,000™™Allow determination of whether it is in the CityAllow determination of whether it is in the City’’s s best interest to require the payment of prevailing best interest to require the payment of prevailing wages for a particular project.wages for a particular project.SummarySummary Questions?Questions? City of CarlsbadCity of CarlsbadAmendment to Carlsbad Amendment to Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter Municipal Code Chapter 3.28 Purchasing3.28 PurchasingJuly 15, 2008July 15, 2008