HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-07-22; City Council; 19526; Alga Norte Community Park Project NOS 3837 3925CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL 11 AB# 19i526 MTG. 7/22/08 DEPT. CM AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE ALGA NORTE COMMUNITY PARK PROJECT NOS. 3837 AND 3925 DEPT. HEAD^J-t: CITY ATTY. (f^ CITY MGR. I//—- RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2008-218 approving plans and specifications, and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids for the construction of Alga Norte Community Park, Project Nos. 3837 and 3925. ITEM EXPLANATION: The proposed Alga Norte Community Park is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Poinsettia Lane and Alicante Road, see Exhibit 1. On December 17, 2002, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2002-371 approving the Alga Norte Community Park Master Plan featuring an aquatics center, three baseball fields, a dog park, a skatepark, basketball courts, playgrounds, open space, and parking. The aquatics center includes a competitive pool, a 12-lane instruction pool, a therapy pool, and a recreational component with wet play structures, slides, and a moving river. The aquatics center also includes 13,000 square feet of building space for a mechanical building, an administration building, locker room facilities, group meeting facilities, a fitness room, and a concessions kitchen. Other buildings at the proposed park include a maintenance facility, numerous pumping station structures, chlorination building, a snack bar, and three public restrooms. The Alga Norte Community Park was designed to achieve the basic level of "certification" in accordance with the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). On July 17, 2007 Council adopted Resolution 2007-186 approving the plans, specifications, contract documents, and authorizing staff to advertise for bids. On December 18, 2007, by Resolution No 2007-326, the Council rejected the bids received for construction of the park and authorized staff to re-advertise the project and receive new bids. On February 26, 2008 the Council directed staff to redesign the project, deferring construction of the recreational component in the aquatics center, see Exhibit 2 for phase 1 aquatics center concept. On April 8, 2008, by Resolution No. 2008-104, the Council approved Contract Amendment No. 9 with Wimmer, Yamada and Caughey, architect for the park, to authorize revising the plans, specifications, and construction contract documents to reflect the approved construction phasing. Staff has reviewed the construction document revisions and recommends their approval. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Skip Hammann, (760) 434-2856, shamm@ci.carlsbad.ca.us William Plummer, (760) 602-2768, bplum@ci.carlsbad.ca.us FOR CITY CLERK'S USE ONLY COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED D D D D D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN a RETURNED TO STAFF D, OTHER - SEE MINUTES frf Council requested this item be returner dt a date to be determined. Page 2 On June 3, 2008 at a Special Municipal Election the citizens of Carlsbad approved changing the City of Carlsbad from a General Law City to a Charter City. It is anticipated that on July 22, 2008, the City Council will introduce Ordinance CS 002 amending the Purchasing Ordinance. This will allow the City to determine projects as prevailing or non-prevailing wage projects on a case by case basis. If the Purchasing Ordinance revisions are adopted, this project could be considered a market wage rate project for payment of wages. The contract documents have been prepared for a market wage rate project, non-prevailing wage. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: On March 1, 2006, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 6039 and 6040, adopting a Negative Declaration (ND) and Conditional Use Permit No. 04-08, respectively for the project. FISCAL IMPACT: The updated project cost estimated for Alga Norte Community Park excluding the deferred recreational component is shown in Table 1 below. TABLE 1 - ALGA NORTE COMMUNITY PARK PROJECT NOS. 3837 AND 3925 ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS DESCRIPTION DESIGN & ENVIRONMENTAL FINAL DESIGN (Wimmer Yamada & Caughy), completed Geotechnical Report (Ninyo & Moore), completed Miscellaneous Design Expenses, completed Building Permit, Recycled Water Use Permit, Kitchen and Aquatics Center Permits Plans and Specifications Printing Expense CONSTRUCTION Construction Cost for Aquatic Center without Recreational Component Construction Cost for Community Park Construction Contingency (15%) Construction Management and Inspection Materials & Soils Testing Shop Drawing Review & Assistance Staff Administration SDG&E, AT&T, and Time Warner Cable IT Equipment MISCELLANEOUS Water & Sewer Capacity Fees, budget amount Public Art, budget amount Pre-Opening Expense, budget amount Furnishings, Fixtures and Equipment, (FF&E) budget amount Miscellaneous items, budget amount SUBTOTAL CURRENT APPROPRIATION COSTS $2,067,000 $12,000 $237,000 $20,000 $20,000 $16,257,000 $16,466,000 $4,909,000 $2,000,000 $400,000 $480,000 $150,000 $100,000 $200,000 $250,000 $280,000 $240,000 $495,000 $25,000 $44,528,000 $50,423,000 Page 3 Note: A separate appropriation was made to purchase the land for Alga Norte Community Park in the amount of $4,034,000, and miscellaneous expenses for $135,000, which is not included in Table 1. The Aquatics Center appropriation for the entire aquatic project (includes moving river, water slides and wet play structure) is currently $28,315,490, appropriated from Public Facilities Fees (PFF) Fund, and General Capital Construction (GCC) Proposition C. The estimated construction cost for this phase of construction when combined with the prorated share of the other line item costs in Table 1 is $22,420,490. The Community Park appropriation is currently $22,107,510, appropriated from PFF fund. The estimated construction cost, when combined with the prorated share of all other line item costs in Table 1 is $22,107,510. An estimate of the operating costs is provided in Table 2 below, based on the current phased design. TABLE 2 -ANNUAL OPERATING REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES DESCRIPTION COMMUNITY PARK Operation & Maintenance Cost Revenue Net Operation & Maintenance Cost AQUATIC COMPLEX Operation & Maintenance Cost Revenue Net Operation & Maintenance Cost Aquatic Complex % of Cost Recovery Total Net Operation & Maintenance Cost ESTIMATED COSTS $758,770 $60,000 $698,770 $1,467,580 $1,045,000 $422,580 71% $1,121,350 Based on Table 2 above, the General Fund would need to provide the operating and maintenance costs for the facilities once they are opened. The net impact to the General Fund is estimated to be $1.1 million per year. The Ten-Year Financial Forecast assumed a $1.5 million annual operating impact to the General Fund for Alga Norte Park and Aquatic Complex. The Ten-Year Financial Forecast will be updated to reflect these current operating estimates. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map. 2. Site Plan of Phase 1 - Aquatics Center. 3. Resolution No. 2008-218 approving Plans and Specifications, and Authorizing the City Clerk to Advertise for Bids for Construction of Alga Norte Community Park, Project Nos. 3837 and 3925. EXHIBIT 1 LOCATION MAP CITY OF OCEANSIDE HIGHWAY ,_>*SITE NOT JO SCALE SITE. PROJECT NAME ALGA NORTE COMMUNITY PARK PROJECT NUMBER 3837 EXHIBIT 1 DRAWN BY: SCOTT EVANS, CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPT. 9/7/06 H:\CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM\3837 ALGA NOKJE PARK\fUNS * EXHIBITS\38J7.DWG EXHIBIT 2 ALGA NORTE POOL RE-DESIGN MAY 7, 2008 OT Caughey EXHIBIT 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2008-218 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ALGA NORTE COMMUNITY PARK. PROJECT NOS. 3837 AND 3925. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, has determined it necessary, desirable, and in the public interest to construct Alga Norte Communijjr Park, Project Nos. 3837 and 3925; and WHEREAS, Alga Norte Community °~-'" h r~~inrnnjf j£_"m|"ly with th^City's Growth Management Plan; and WHEREAS, the Recreational Compo\^nt of the Alga Nort^ Community Park, which include wet play structures, slides, and a moving riv\^|\are being defe/ed^nd were removed from the current plans and specificationsind WHEREAS, the plans and "\jecifications for furnisj/rj^ all labor, materials, tools, equipment, transportation, and other expensSg necessary or ingiGental of said project have been L** ^ prepared and are on file \k the PublicTv^rks-Eng^eering Detriment of the City of Carlsbad and are incorporateo\herein by\eference; and WHER\AS, funding for said project \as been/ppropriated from PFF and GCC Funds in the 2008/2009 Ca\ital lmprov\ment Program fi the^mount of $50,423,000 to cover all project costs; and WHEREAS, \ibject to the CKyJjejsdhfig a Charter City; and {HEREAS, suT^ect to the City Council adopting the Purchasing Ordinance wage payment rates irTH^ill be deft^mined on a^ase by case basis. NOW, THEREKQRE, BIT/ESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above ra€itations are true and correct. 2. That the plans/specifications, and contract documents on file in the Engineering Department of the City of Cajlsbad are hereby approved. 3. The City'Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to publish, in accordance with State law, a Notice to Contractors Inviting Bids for the construction of Alga Norte Community Park, Project Nos. 3837 and 3925, in accordance with the plans, specifications, and contract documents referred to herein. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4. That the Notice Inviting Bids for this project shall specify that it is a market wage rate project. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regylar Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the day of , 2008, By the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES:. ABSENT: CLAUDE A LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk (SEAL) All Receive For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL AsstCM Date: July 17,2008 Datel)HCity Manager To: City Manager, Lisa Hildabrand ' From: Special Projects Director, Skip Hammann SUBJECT: ALGA NORTE PARK OPTIONS On December 17, 2002 Council approved the Alga Norte Community Park Master Plan (ANP) featuring an aquatics center and park. The park includes three baseball fields, a dog park, a skatepark, basketball courts, playgrounds, open space and parking. The aquatics center includes a 55-meter competitive pool, a 12-lane instruction pool, a therapy pool and a recreational component with wet play structures, pool slides and a moving river. The aquatics center also includes 13,000 square feet of building space for a mechanical building, an administration building, locker room facilities, group meeting facilities, a fitness room and a concessions kitchen. Other buildings at the proposed park include a maintenance facility, numerous pumping station structures, chlorination building, a snack bar and three public restrooms. On February 22, 2008 Council directed staff to phase construction of the aquatics center and construct the entire park. The aquatics center - Phase 1 defers construction of the moving river, pool slides and wet play structure to a date uncertain. A passive open turf area is to be used in the interim. Phase 2 will construct the moving river, pool slides and wet play structure, when directed by Council. Staff has prepared an Agenda Bill scheduled for the July 22, 2008 Council meeting, requesting permission to re-advertise the Alga Norte Park project for construction of Phase 1. The construction documents have been prepared as a market wage rate (non-prevailing wage) project to reflect this direction. There are several construction and operating options Council could consider: Construction Options 1. Authorize bidding of the park and aquatics center Phase 1 of the project, as currently directed. 2. Defer the entire aquatic center and construct the park. This would require a contract amendment with the consultant estimated at $60,000 and add 2 to 3 months to the project schedule, before staff could bring the project back to Council for authorization to advertise for construction. This option would give the City time to explore additional operating options. 3. Defer the entire project to a future date until the economy improves. Operating Options There are a number of different business models that could be pursued by staff to operate the aquatics center and park. The current staff operated business model Page 1 of 4 could be revised to improve revenue or portions of the facility could be out- sourced. Staff contacted several organizations to see if there is an interest in operating ANP for the City through some type of operating agreement that would reduce the City's risk and reduce operating cost: Carlsbad Boys & Girls Club, Encinitas YMCA and Sportsplex USA. All of these organizations expressed an interest in operating Alga Norte Park, either the ball fields or aquatics center. To pursue operating ANP with an outside operator, staff recommends that a Request for Qualifications or Proposals be advertised. The following is a brief summary of the information gathered: Carlsbad Boys & Girls Club The Carlsbad Boys & Girls Club (CBGC) is interested in partnering with the City in some manner. They have partnered with other agencies successfully, using a variety of business models. This concept will be presented to the CBGC Executive Board in the near future to explore possible partnership arrangements. The CBGC has experience in operating an aquatics facility and is in the process of constructing a new facility in Bressi Ranch, which could compliment ANP. Encinitas YMCA The YMCA is interested in pursuing some type of partnership with the City. They have partnered with a variety of other agencies successfully. At the Encinitas facility they manage an aquatics center, exercise rooms, ball fields, a skatepark and an arena soccer field, to name a few, some of which is in partnership with the City of Encinitas. There are a number of business models that could be explored at ANP that the YMCA may be able to partner in. The Executive Director is going to discuss ANP with their organization to see if there is an opportunity to partner with the City. Sportsplex USA Sportsplex is located in Poway and specializes in managing ball fields. They have a lease agreement with the City of Poway to manage and operate a sports complex owned by the City. It is comprised of 3 ball fields, 2 arena soccer fields and a concession. Sportsplex pays for all operating cost, payroll, utilities, insurance, etc. paying Poway approximately 5% to 7% of gross revenues as an annual lease payment. There are a number of City of Poway recreation programs that use the site and are managed by Sportsplex. They host tournaments and operate a concession for profit. The operation of the concession, which also sells beer and wine, is a significant source of revenue. Sportsplex is interested in participating with the City in some manner; however, to meet their current business model, a concession would need to be provided, similar to the Poway facility, for a source of revenue. The ball field area would need to be fenced to control access. When entering the Page 2 of 4 ball field facility, an entry fee is charged and the patron is given a token for the value of the admission fee that can be redeemed in the concession. Additional Information Staff visited the "Rose Bowl Aquatics Center" in Pasadena. This complex is run by the Amateur Athletic Foundation on city land leased for $1 per year. It has 2 Olympic sized pools, diving platforms, a large therapy pool, 2 spas, a small fitness room, a store, snack bar and a meeting room. The facility was originally built in the late 1980's for $6.6 million dollars, half of which came from the City of Pasadena and the other half from funds raised by the Foundation. Revenue generated is used to pay salaries, maintain the facility and for capital improvements (e.g. the therapy pool was enlarged several years ago). In its early years, the Foundation struggled to operate independently of the City, but has now become self-sustaining to th( point of entertaining new capital ventures at the center, including possibly a third pool. Operating Cost Staff has updated the operation and maintenance cost estimates for the project to reflect the current direction on phasing using the current fees, programs and policies used by the Recreation Department at the Monroe Street Swim C< nplex, with some increased fees to reflect local comparisons to similar facilities. The revenues could be improved if a business model to maximize revenue wa? used in lieu of providing maximum public access. For example, there may be time poo! lanes could be rented or used for increased programs without keeping several pool lanes available to the public. In Table 1, the figures shown were prepared based on constructing the entire master planned park using the FY 07-08 Budget numbers. Table 1 is the information shown to Council when requesting permission to advertise for construction of the entire project July 17, 2007. In Table 2, the figures represent the revised project, constructing the park and the aquatics center - Phase 1, updated to reflect the FY 08-09 Budget. Some revenue that was generated in the deferred recreational aquatics (e.g. pool party rentals) has been included in Table 2. It is interesting to note that the net operation cost is not reduced significantly when deferring the recreational aquatic components. Again, this model doesn't reflect a market rate business model. There are a number of business models that can be considered for operating the entire park, either by City staff or an outside operator, which could potentially reduce the net operating cost. Page 3 of 4 TABLE 1 -ANNUAL OPERATING REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES FY 07-08 Budget - Master Plan DESCRIPTION COMMUNITY PARK Operation & Maintenance Cost Revenue Net Operation & Maintenance Cost AQUATIC COMPLEX Operation & Maintenance Cost Revenue Net Operation & Maintenance Cost % of Cost Recovery Total Net Operation & Maintenance Cost ESTIMATED COSTS $ 725,000 $ 58,000 $667,000 $2,079,400 $1,447,560 $631,840 70% $1,298,840 TABLE 2 -ANNUAL OPERATING REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES FY 08-09 Budget - Park & Aquatics Center-Phase 1 DESCRIPTION ' COMMUNITY PARK Operation & Maintenance Cost Revenue Net Operation & Maintenance Cost AQUATIC COMPLEX Operation & Maintenance Cost Revenue Net Operation & Maintenance Cost Aquatic Complex % of Cost Recovery Total Net Operation & Maintenance Cost EifiiHAf ED COSTS $758,770 $60,000 $698,770 $1,467,580 $1,045,000 $422,580 71% $1,121,350 Page 4 of 4 AGENDA ITEM # c: Mayor City Council City Manager From: <srunner@qualcomm.com> City Attorney To: <Council@[]> City Clerk Date: 07/09/2008 6:39 PM ___ Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US ' A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Members - I noticed there is a Council meeting on July 22nd to consider whether to proceed with a scaled back plan for the Alga Norte Park and Aquatic Center or put it indefinitely on hold. Our family, residents of Carlsbad, are strong supporters of the swim center. Both of our children have attempted to take lessons at the Carlsbad facility at the High School, but due to lack of availability have been denied more than accepted, and as such have had to turn to other options. Further, the current complex is very inconvenient for those of us in south Carlsbad. In a community in which swimming skills are imperative to public safety, I implore you to PROCEED with the Alga Norte Park and Aquatic Center as soon as possible! Thank you for your support, J. Scott Runner Carlsbad Resident Jeffrey Scott Runner 6582 Robinea Dr Carlsbad, CA 92011 USA srunner@qualcomm.com Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080623 Firefox/ (07/22/2008) Lisa Hildabrand - Alga Norte Page 1 All Receive-Agenda Item # I f For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL From: Lisa Irvine Asst CM__CA *""£(? v-^ To: Lisa Hildabrand . CC: Judi Vincent; Kevin Branca; Mark Steyaert; Skip Hammann Date M 3^ City Manager (/^— Date: 07/22/2008 3:30 PM Subject: Alga Norte Lisa, The preliminary operating expenditures for Alga Norte Aquatic Complex and Park do not include the replacement costs for the equipment and facilities. Assuming a useful life for the facilities of 50 years, the estimated annual replacement set aside for the facilities would be approximately $290,000. For the equipment, including items such as pumps, filters and heaters, the annual replacement set aside would be approximately $97,000. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this information. Lisa Irvine Finance Director City of Carlsbad 760.602.2430 AGENDA ITEM # I1 ci Mayor City Council City Manager CityAttornqr From: <srunner@qualcomm.com> City Clerk To: <Council@[]> Date: 07/09/2008 6:39 PM ' *~~" Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD I CONTACT US - A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Dear Council Members - I noticed there is a Council meeting on July 22nd to consider whether to proceed with a scaled back plan for the Alga Norte Park and Aquatic Center or put it indefinitely on hold. Our family, residents of Carlsbad, are strong supporters of the swim center. Both of our children have attempted to take lessons at the Carlsbad facility at the High School, but due to lack of availability have been denied more than accepted, and as such have had to turn to other options. Further, the current complex is very inconvenient for those of us in south Carlsbad. In a community in which swimming skills are imperative to public safety, I implore you to PROCEED with the Alga Norte Park and Aquatic Center as soon as possible! Thank you for your support, J. Scott Runner Carlsbad Resident Jeffrey Scott Runner 6582 Robinea Dr Carlsbad, CA 92011 USA srunner@qualcomm.com Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080623 Firefox/2.0 0 15 From: <schnebelen6@yahoo.com> To: <Council@[]> Date: 07/22/2008 9:52 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: I am in strong support of construction of a new and additional pool complex. I believe it would enhance our city, provide more opportunities for swim instruction, swim competetions, exercise possiblities for people of all physical abilities and limitations as well as a venue for family activity. It would be short sighted of council to decide against building a new complex due to as yet undefined budget restrictions. The cost of construction will only increase over time. This was noted by the recent construction of the golf course, that somehow gathered council support, even though the golf course demographics must be less than those who swim. Susan Gutierrez Carlsbad, Ca 92008 schnebelen6@yahoo.com Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0) From: <lisatuomi@gmail.com> To: <Council@[]> Date: 07/22/2008 10:04 AM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: I am writing in hopes that the City Council will move forward at tonight's Council meeting with approving plans and securing bids for the proposed Alga Norte Complex. A city of our size needs its own aquatic facility. The current Carlsbad Swim Complex has been operating at full capacity since it opened in 1982. I grew up in Carlsbad having to swim in Oceanside, San Marcos, Encinitas. My children often have to do the same, as the current Carlsbad Swim Complex just doesn't have room for all of its potential patrons. We live on the coast - the children of our community deserve the access to swim instruction/play to become water safe, at the very least. Thank you for considering the move forward with this important project. Lisa Tuomi 6814 Moorhen Place Carlsbad, CA 92011 USA lisatuomi@gmail.com Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/523.15.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0.4 Safari/523.15 From: <ljaort@roadrunner.com> To: <Council@[]> Date: 07/22/2008 1:29 PM Subject: CITY OF CARLSBAD | CONTACT US A visitor to the City of Carlsbad Web site has completed and posted the "Contact Us" form to department, City Council. FOR SECURITY REASONS, DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE. Below, please find the information that was submitted: Regarding the Pool agenda item for tonight's mtg. I have Matt Hall's e-mail so I sent a message to him today. Maybe it could be fw to the remainder of the council. Thanks, Leonard Ortiz Lifeguard Sup I Retired State of CA Parks & Recreation Leonard Ortiz 7263 Surfbird Circle Carlsbad , CA 92011 ljaort@roadrunner.com Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080702 Firefox/ (07/22/2008) Lisa Hildabrand - Re: Reserve levels Page 1 DateQ^Ci All Receive For the Information of the: ,. T . CITY COUNCILFrom: Lisa Irvine To: Lisa Hildabrand CC: Skip Hammann; Tammy McMinn Date: 07/22/2008 12:21 PM Subject: Re: Reserve levels Lisa, The General Fund reserve is approximately $40-41 million. We are in the process of closing the books for FY 2007-08 and so we are not in a position to give you an exact number at this time. According to Council Policy 74: The minimum reserve for the General Fund balance would be 30% of General Fund operating expenditures and the target reserve would be a range of 40-50% of General Fund Operating Expenditures. The General Fund budget for FY 2008-09 is $118.3 million and the reserve is approximately 34-35% of the General Fund operating expenditures. Please let me know if you need any additional information. Lisa Irvine Finance Director City of Carlsbad 760.602.2430 >» Lisa Hildabrand 7/22/2008 9:57 AM »> Lisa- Would you please send me the latest estimates of the GF reserve as of 6/30/2008 and what council adopted as their policy? The council would like this information for their discussion tonight. Thanks. Lisa CITY OF CARLSBADC!IYCLER$^OFFICE Alga Norte Alga Norte Community ParkCommunity ParkAuthorization to Advertise Authorization to Advertise July 22, 2008July 22, 2008 LocationLocationE lRd.Camino Real PalomarAirportPoinsettia Alicante R d .Ln.SITEN Park Development HistoryPark Development History99Park Master Plan ApprovedPark Master Plan Approved01/14/0301/14/0399Authorized Aquatics Center Authorized Aquatics Center 12/06/0512/06/0599Funding AllocatedFunding Allocated06/26/0706/26/0799Authorization to Advertise Authorization to Advertise 07/17/0707/17/0799Reject Bids & ReReject Bids & Re--advertise advertise 12/18/0712/18/0799Approve Project PhasingApprove Project Phasing02/26/0802/26/08 NPoinsettia LaneAlicanteMASTER PLANMASTER PLANPARK ELEMENTS PARK ELEMENTS (32 Acre(32 AcreSite)Site)AQUATICSAQUATICSCENTERCENTERCOMMUNITY PARKCOMMUNITY PARKSkate ParkSkate ParkTot Lot /Play AreaTot Lot /Play AreaPicnic & Passive PlayPicnic & Passive Play3 Half3 Half--Court BasketballCourt Basketball33--Lighted Baseball FieldsLighted Baseball FieldsConcession/RestroomConcession/RestroomDog ParkDog Park--off leashoff leashMaintenance BuildingMaintenance BuildingParking Lot Parking Lot --532 Spaces532 SpacesRoad NAlicante RoadAQUATICS CENTER55 Meter Competition Pool12 Lane Instructional PoolMoving RiverSkate ParkTot LotMechanical BuildingPool SlidesWet Play StructureAdministrative BuildingTot Wet Play AreaTherapy PoolTicket KioskLockersConcessions & Group MeetingsPhase 2 -Aquatics 12 LANEINSTRUCTIONAL POOL55 METERCOMPETITION POOLLOCKER ROOMSMEETING ROOMCONCESSIONADMINBUILDINGMECH.BLDG.Aquatics Center Aquatics Center --Phase 1Phase 1Phase 1- Re-design PHASED PROJECT COSTPHASED PROJECT COSTPARK & AQUATICSPARK & AQUATICS--PHASE 1PHASE 1Planning & DesignPlanning & Design$2.4 million$2.4 millionPhase 1 Phase 1 --Aquatics Aquatics CtrCtr$16.2 million$16.2 millionCommunity ParkCommunity Park$16.5 million$16.5 millionContingencyContingency$4.9 million$4.9 millionConstruction ServicesConstruction Services$3.2 million$3.2 millionMiscellaneousMiscellaneous$1.6 million$1.6 millionPhase 1 Phase 1 --TotalTotal$44.8 million$44.8 millionCurrent AppropriationCurrent Appropriation$50.4 million$50.4 million Alga Norte Park Alga Norte Park Annual Operating EstimatesAnnual Operating EstimatesPark & Aquatics Park & Aquatics --Phase 1 Phase 1 ParkParkTraditional Traditional AquaticsAquaticsPhase 1Phase 1Recreational Recreational AquaticsAquaticsPhase 2Phase 2O & M CostO & M Cost$758,770$758,770$1,467,580$1,467,580N/AN/ARevenueRevenue$60,000$60,000$1,045,000$1,045,000N/AN/ANet O & M CostNet O & M Cost$698,770$698,770$422,580$422,580N/AN/ATOTAL Net O & M Cost TOTAL Net O & M Cost $1,121,350$1,121,350 SummarySummaryRecent ActionRecent ActionFebruary 26, 2008 February 26, 2008 --Staff directed to phase Aquatic CenterStaff directed to phase Aquatic CenterRevise project for bidding purposes Revise project for bidding purposes OptionsOptions1.1.Authorize staff to advertise for bidsAuthorize staff to advertise for bids2.2.Defer Aquatic Center Defer Aquatic Center ––Estimate additional consulting fees of $60k and Estimate additional consulting fees of $60k and add 3 months to project scheduleadd 3 months to project scheduleA.A.Create a bid alternateCreate a bid alternateB.B.Defer entire Aquatic CenterDefer entire Aquatic Center3.3.Defer entire project until economy improvesDefer entire project until economy improves QuestionsQuestions Additional SlidesAdditional Slides Funding SourcesFunding SourcesAquatics CenterAquatics CenterzzGeneral Capital ConstructionGeneral Capital Construction$ 6.0 million$ 6.0 millionzzProposition C Proposition C $16.2 million$16.2 millionzzPublic Facilities Fund (PFF) Public Facilities Fund (PFF) $ 6.1 million$ 6.1 millionCommunity ParkCommunity ParkzzPublic Facilities Fund (PFF) Public Facilities Fund (PFF) $22.1 million$22.1 millionTOTALTOTAL$50.4 million$50.4 million Alga Norte Park Master PlanAlga Norte Park Master PlanAnnual Operating EstimatesAnnual Operating EstimatesFY 07FY 07--08 Budget 08 Budget ParkParkAquaticsAquaticsTraditionalTraditionalAquaticsAquaticsRecreational Recreational O & M CostO & M Cost$725,000$725,000$1,490,420$1,490,420$588,970$588,970RevenueRevenue$ 58,000$ 58,000$811,800$811,800$635,750$635,750Net O & M CostNet O & M Cost($667,000)($667,000)($678,620)($678,620)$46,780$46,780TOTAL Net O & M Cost TOTAL Net O & M Cost $1,298,840$1,298,840 AQUATICS AQUATICS CENTERCENTERPHASE 2PHASE 2Wet Play StructureWet Play StructureMoving RiverMoving RiverPool SlidesPool SlidesPHASE 1PHASE 1Aquatic Center BuildingAquatic Center BuildingTot Wet Play AreaTot Wet Play AreaTherapy PoolTherapy PoolAdministrative BuildingAdministrative Building55 Meter Competition Pool55 Meter Competition Pool12 Lane Instructional Pool12 Lane Instructional PoolMechanical BuildingMechanical Building