HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-09-09; City Council; 19564; Increases For Water and Sewer RatesCITY OF CARLSBAD AND CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT - AGENDA BILL 16 AB# 19,564 MTG. 9/9/08 DEPT.FIN PUBLIC HEARING FOR PROPOSED RATE INCREASES FOR WATER AND SEWER RATES DEPT. HEAD CITY ATTY. CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Conduct a public hearing to receive public comment and adopt Resolutions No. 1334 and No. 2008-249 approving increases for water and sewer rates for properties within the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the City of Carlsbad, so long as there is not a majority protest regarding the proposed rate increases. ITEM EXPLANATION: As part of the ongoing financial management program, the City annually prepares five-year operating and maintenance forecasts for the water and sewer funds. The most recent forecasts for the water and sewer funds show that rate increases are needed for the following reasons: • To keep up with the increasing costs from the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA), Metropolitan Water District (MWD), and Encina Wastewater Authority. • To keep up with increasing maintenance and operating expenditures. • To meet the ongoing cost of legislated mandates. • To maintain adequate operating and replacement reserves. Water Rates: Several factors are contributing to the proposed water rate of $2.12 per unit, a 20% increase over the current rate of $1.68. • The cost of purchased water from the SDCWA has increased 12.4% from Fiscal Year 2007-08 to Fiscal Year 2008-09. • The number of water meters has grown approximately 47% in the last 10 years, with little additional resources allocated for maintenance of the system. As the meters age, they no longer function optimally, and need to be replaced. • Additional maintenance activities are needed to properly maintain the aging water infrastructure, such as corrosion control and reservoir repairs. These activities will require both additional staffing and operating resources over the next five years and beyond. • Operating reserve levels were depleted over the last few years to amounts below the recommended 40% and need to be brought back up to recommended levels. FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED D D D Dn CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN RETURNED TO STAFF OTHER - SEE MINUTES P. <5n Page 2 Sewer Rates: The proposed rate for the wastewater services is an increase of 9%, or a monthly residential fee increase from $16.20 to $17.65. This increase will fund on-going maintenance needs, increases in charges from the Encina Wastewater Authority, and the cost of legislated mandates which were implemented in Fiscal Year 2007-08. Per a California Supreme Court ruling, local governments must hold a public hearing before raising any water and sewer rates. Customers must be notified forty-five (45) days in advance of the hearing of the proposed rate changes. At their meeting on June 24, 2008, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the City Council adopted Resolutions No. 1324 and No. 2008-194 setting a public hearing on September 9, 2008 to accept public comment on the proposed water and sewer rate increases. The public hearing is to be held forty-five (45) days after noticing the ratepayers. Any person interested in objecting to the increases may file a signed written protest with the City Clerk. The written protest must contain the address of service, the rate change being protested, the grounds of protest, and be received prior to the close of the public hearing. The protestor may appear at the hearing and be heard on the matter. Staff has taken the following actions at least 45 days prior to this hearing: • Affected utility customers were notified by mail of the public hearing. • Notification of this hearing was published in the North County Times. • The notice (see Exhibit 1) outlined the proposed rate changes. • The notice outlined the protest process. • The notice provided information relating to the public hearing. As of August 26, 2008 two protests have been received. The protests are attached (see Exhibit 2). One protest comment relates to the hardship to seniors and the second comments that the increase should not exceed the increase in the cost of living. If there is no majority protest, staff is recommending that the Board of Directors and City Council, after hearing public comment, ratify these increases. FISCAL IMPACT: The proposed rate increases, if ratified, will be effective November 1, 2008 and will provide adequate funding to properly operate and maintain Carlsbad's water and sewer systems. Even with these rate increases, Carlsbad still has some of the lowest rates in the region when compared to other agencies. See Exhibit 1 for more detail regarding the proposed rate increases. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) does not apply to the establishment or modification of rate for the purpose of meeting operating expenses (CEQA Guidelines Regulation 15273). EXHIBITS: 1. Notice of Public Hearing. 2. Protest letters received. 3. Resolution No. 1334 of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District approving water rate increases. 4. Resolution No. zuuo-^49 of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad approving sewer rate increases. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Colette Wengenroth, 760-602-2430, cweng@ci.carlsbad.ca.us Exhibit 1 Notice of Public Hearing City of Carlsbad and Carlsbad Municipal Water District Dear City of Carlsbad and Carlsbad Municipal Water District Utility Customer: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council and Board of Directors will hold a public hearing regarding proposed increases for water and sewer fees for properties within the City of Carlsbad and Carlsbad Municipal Water District. This hearing is to comply with a ruling of the California Supreme Court. The public hearing will be held on the 9th of September at 6:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at which time the Council will hear all persons interested in the matter. Any person interested in objecting to the amount of the proposed increases may file a signed written protest with the City Clerk, at or before the hour fixed for the hearing. The written protest must contain the address of service, the rate change being protested, and the ground or grounds of protest. The protestor may appear at the hearing and be heard on the matter. Even with these proposed increases, the City's rates continue to be among the lowest in the region. Rates are being increased due to rising operating costs, unfunded State mandates, and the increased cost of water purchased from the San Diego County Water Authority. Agency Monthly Water Rate Comparison Del Mar Poway Rainbow San Diego Sweet water Authority Escondido Otay Water District Fallbrook Valley Center SantaFe Vistalrrigation Carlsbad- Proposed Oceanside SanDieguito Olivenhain Vallecitos Carlsbad -Current 1 .-•-.••-. 1 '- ,_• •-.- •,%, ,, , •• - .,'• • ..., -.- ' ".'- •- • .• , -'. ::•"• '.'• - '.*. -",''. 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'..'..'.'.fV'.'f.'A-:^'/': .Sa "X'Sf" "•iA*^.-«,'^-i...ygM:v-vJSj ... •»;.«. .,-_. ,,.-, F' . . ,-,!-'.,,-• ,| , '^5 i - • '• • * " / '.- *>' • '1 • •' ' "' --•-, ••'•'". •''•,' ' I 1 1 $40 $45 $50 $55 $60 $65 $7 Agency Monthly Wastewater Rate Comparison Del Mar Buena Sanitation District Poway City of Vista La Mesa Encinitas Sanitary Division Chula Vista Otay Water District Lakeside Vallecitos Water District (2009) El Cajon Leucadia Wastewater (2009) Carlsbad - Proposed Carlsbad - Current i i i .- • T- ;-,•„• ;. .: I , r- •-.-.-:•: w./-;,-'-.^..- , ':. | I V:,^,>', I ••-v^^A-i'.-.:-:: -.: i • ;-^;;^>VH-;Z „•- • I -•;,i .";>•.,• -- i -:.'?•„,,-:..-. l '\ l;'f^n'jt *;-'"-' •" *l ViW-' ] 1 1 $0 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $70 $80 Below is a summary of the proposed increases that are the subject of this hearing: Monthly water purchase fee increase is 20%: • The standard rate increases from $1.76 to $2.12 • The conservation rate increases from $1.59 to $1.91. • The recycled water rate increases from $1.68 to $2.01. • The agricultural water rate increases from $1.45 to $1.81. Both residential and commercial monthly water service fees vary depending on meter size. • The increase for a standard 5/8" meter is from $12.12 to $14.54. Both residential and commercial monthly sewer service fee increase is 9%: • The residential fee increases from $16.20 to $17.65. • The commercial fee increased 9%. A detailed schedule of the water and sewer utility rates is attached. For questions about the public hearing process, please contact the Finance Department's Customer Service Dept. at (760)602-2403 Commodity Rates - Proposed 2008-09 Meter Size 5/8" 3/4" 1" 1-1/2" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" Current Conservation Rate 1 $1.59 $1.59 $1.59 $1.59 $1.59 $1.59 $1.59 $1.59 $1.59 Units/Mo, (or less) 7 10 16 30 45 79 123 228 336 20.00% Adjustment Conservation Rate 1 $1.91 $1.91 $1.91 $1.91 $1.91 $1.91 $1.91 $1.91 $1.91 Units/Mo, (or less) 7 10 16 30 45 79 123 228 336 Standard (Base) Rate Recycled Water Rate 2 Agricultural Water Rate J $1.76 $1.68 $1.45 $2.12 $2.01 $1.81 Conservation Rate is 90 percent of Standard (Base) Rate. 2 Recycled Water Rate is 95 percent of Standard (Base) Rate. 3 Agricultural Water Rate is $0.31 off the Standard (Base) Rate (per the MWD "Interim Agricultural Water Program"). Delivery Charge Current Meter size Fee 5/8" 3/4" 1.0" 1.5" 2.0" 3.0" 4.0" 6.0" 8.0" $ 12.12 14.85 20.36 35.12 50.60 90.50 146.68 284.23 449.87 Proposed Fee 14.54 17.87 24.50 42.26 60.88 108.89 176.49 341.99 541.28 Wastewater (Sewer) Rates - Proposed 2008-2009 Group I Residential Single Family Multi-Family Mobile Home1 Group II Commercial ^ Group III Commercial ^ Group IV Commercial z Group V Institutional Schools per ADA3 Elementary * Junior* High* Boarding * Group VI Large Volume Beckman Micro Ops Culligan Current Unit Cost ($/hcf of water) $2.30 $2.30 $1.91 $2.51 $3.96 $0.25 $0.49 $0.73 $3.64 (based on volume and wastewater strengths) $4.78 $1.36 Uniform Rate $16.20 — 9.0% Adjustment Unit Cost ($/hcf of water) $2.51 $2.51 $2.08 $2.73 $4.31 $0.27 $0.53 $0.80 $3.97 (based on volume and wastewater strengths) $5.21 $1.48 Uniform Rate $17.65 — ... Exhibit 2 August 6,2008 City of Carlsbad Carlsbad Municipal Water District 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92018 RE: PROPOSED INCREASE OF WATER RATES Account #05505300-09 Meter # 0077353340 Council Members: I am protesting the proposed increase of my water rates. After purchasing my condo in September 2006 [ made $15,000 worth of energy saving upgrades. According to my bills, my water usage has been 2 units with a cost of $27.42. Since February 2008, my water usage remains at 2 unite with a cost of $31.50. Through the months of June, July and August 2008,1 worked at the Four Seasons Resort and did not use any water for cooking, bathing, etc. (these were provided by the Four Seasons during my temporary employment) and my water bill continued to reflect usage of 2 units according to the City's records. A minimum standard was established. Even though I continue to conserve water and other energy sources you are now asking me to continue to pay more: Conservation Rate from $1.59 to $1.91 Delivery Charge from $12.12 to $14.54 Wastewater Rates from $16.20 to $17.65 Your proposal represents a $4.19 increase to me - an $8*27 increase since February 2008. I live on a fixed retirement income. It is quite difficult finding employment at my age to make life a little easier during these appalling economic times. I have already decreased my driving to two trips a week to the Senior Center and stay home instead of socializing with others. I have even changed my eating habits. Because of the large amount I had to use for energy saving upgrades in my home and the need to refinance my home due to the greed of Countrywide Home Loans, my funds are low. Everyone is raising their prices. We are all hurting. My monthly retirement check only stretches so far. I have done everything in my power to conserve energy and water. Carlsbad is a wealthy city. Is it really necessary to cause such hardship to the seniors living here? I love living here in Carlsbad and would like to stay. Please don't force me to move by continually raising your various fees. I need to be able to live not just exist. Please consider my request not to raise my water bill any higher than it is now. Sincerely, 'o L—^^^ Mary Hill 6999 Carnation Drive Carlsbad, CA. 92011 Exhibits 1 RESOLUTION NO. 1334 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT (CMWD), TO 3 APPROVE INCREASES IN WATER RATES. 4 5 WHEREAS, the California Supreme Court made a ruling that local governments 6 must hold a public majority-protest hearing, and notify customers forty-five (45) days in 7 advance of increases in water rates; and 8 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District is proposing an increase in water rates; and 10 WHEREAS, on June 24, 2008, The Board approved Resolution No. 1324 setting 11 a public hearing for September 9, 2008; and 12 WHEREAS a public hearing was held on September 9, 2008.13 14 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the 15 Carlsbad Municipal Water District, as follows: 16 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 17 2. That the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District 18 approves the increases in water rates, effective November 1, 2008. 19" 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the 2 Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors and the Carlsbad City Council, 3 held on the 9th day of September, 2008, by the following vote: 4 5 AYES: Board Members Lewis, Kulchin, Hall, Packard and Nygaard. 6 NOES: None. 7 ABSENT: None. 8 9 10 11 CLAUDE A LEWIS, President 12 ATTEST: 13 14 LORRAINE M. WOOD, Secretary 16 (SEAL) 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Exhibit 4 1 RESOLUTION NO.2008-2*3 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, TO APPROVE INCREASES IN 3 SEWER RATES. 4 5 WHEREAS, the California Supreme Court made a ruling that local governments 6 must hold a public majority-protest hearing, and notify customers forty-five (45) days in 7 advance of increases in sewer rates; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is proposing an increase in sewer rates; and o WHEREAS, on June 24, 2008, City Council approved Resolution No. 2008-194 10 setting a public hearing for September 9, 2008; and 11 WHEREAS a public hearing was held on September 9, 2008. 12 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 15 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 16 2. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad approves the increases in 17 sewer rates, effective November 1, 2008. 18 19 20 21 22 23 " 24 // 25 // 26 27 28 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the 2 Carlsbad City Council and Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors, held on 3 the 9th day of September, 2008, by the following vote: 4 5 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Hall, Packard and Nygaard. 6 NOES: None. 7 ABSENT: None. 8 9 10 11 CLAUDE A LEWIS, Mayor 12 ATTEST: 13 14 LORRAINE M. WOOD, City Clerk 16 (SEAL) 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 JL Carl to a . „ . „ . „ . A CaUfornia. General Partnership Cftimno Heal, Suite 105 (7^0) 439.7380 1902 Wright Place, Suite 200 La Costa, CA 92009 (760) 438-7385 Fax Carlsbad, CA 92008 (858) 569-4387 , * Pleas* addreny till correspondence to the La Co*ta address. Number of pages: 1 (including Cover Sheet) Date: __ 8/14/08 _ ' ~Lorraine Wood OtyOerk Carlsbad, CA From: Dennis F. Penn U- Message: Jjw* protesting the increase in water rates from $1.76 to $2.12 because this represents greater than a 3% increase. The City of Carlsbad is not entitled to increase the water rates more than the cost of living which is 3%. The yearly rate should go from SI .76 to $1.81. EXPERTISE IN COMMERCIAL MEDIATION AND CRISIS FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Please call us if you do not receive the proper number of pages T/Td Wd0S:0T 8002 frT 'Snb 08£i-6£f-09i-T : 'ON Xtfd dA311N38 NOliytO: WOdd g COST SUMMARY TO FULLY FUND WATER OPERATIONS (MANUAL READING* Potable Water Ops. - Contract - Cathodic Prot. - Additional Staff Potable Water Maint. - Additional Staff Recycled Water Ops. - Contract-Res Maint - Additional Staff SCADA - Additional Staff One-Time Costs - Vehicles YEAR1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEARS FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 95,809 $ 180,918 (1)WtrSysOp (1)WtrSysOp $- $ 118,831 $ 194,783 $ 194,783 $ 270,735 (1) Utility Worker (1) Utility Worker (1) Utility Worker $ 24,000 $ 24,000 $ 24,000 $ 24,000 $ 24,000 $ - $ 118,831 $ 194,783 $ 194,783 $ 194,783 (1) Utility Worker (1) Utility Worker $ 78,050 $ 103,178 $ 195,656 $ 195,656 $ 195,656 (1) SCADA Tech (1) SCADA Tech $ 59,575 (1) 1-Ton, (1) Van, (1) Laptop $ 26,000 (1) 3/4-Ton SUBTOTAL $ 127,050 $ 449,415 $ 634,222 $ 756,031 $ 891,092 Meter Services - Additional Staff - Meter Purchases - Contract-Meter Installation One-Time Costs -Vehicles/Equip $ - $ 153,488 $ 306,975 $ 306,975 $ 306,975 (2) Mtr Svc Wrkr (2) Mtr Svc Wrkr $ 205,650 $ 112,252 $ 172,737 $ 106,134 $ 315,112 $ 67,300 $ 31,845 $ 33,066 $ 30,860 $ 86,821 $ 53,000 $ 53,000 (2) 1/2-Tons, (2) (2) 1/2-Tons, (2) Handhelds Handhelds SUBTOTAL TOTAL PROGRAM COST Total Meters Replaced No. of < 3/4-inch No. of > 1-inch $ 272,950 $ $ 400,000 $ 143 4 139 350,585 800,000 738 686 52 $ 565,778 $ 1,200,000 117 3 114 $ 443,969 $ 1,200,000 648 592 56 $ 708,908 $ 1,600,000 1,032 767 265 F:\Budget Development\FY 08-09\Short Fall Funding_Cashflow Adjustments_3.xls 2236 Janis Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 28 August 2008 irectors, and City Clerk, I protest the 20% increase in the monthly water purchase fee and the 20% monthly water service fee. In today's economic "recession" a 20% increase is outrageous. I also protest the 9% monthly sewer service fee. Monthly Water Purchase Fee The Notice of Public Hearing states that rates are being increased due to rising operating costs, unfunded State mandates and increase cost of water purchase from the San Diego County Water Authority. I question why the proposed increase is so large. The increase was only 5% last year. 1. The North County Times reported only a 5.6 % increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) from last year. For San Diego North County only a 6.6% annual increase in CPI was calculated based on the first half of the year. ("As summer heats up, so does inflation" NCT August 15, 2008) 2. My concern is that a part of the requested increase is compensation for revenue shortfalls caused by less than anticipated demand or anticipation of decreased demand. In a recent discussion with a staff member at CWD Finance department I was informed that overall water consumption has remained fairly flat over the last year. It was explained that reduced consumption may be caused by consumer water conservation efforts, decrease developer construction, etc. In regard to water conservation, less demand - Rucker, general manager of the Vallecitos Water District stated "If they cut back 30 percent, you've just lost 30 percent of your variable income. The bottom line is, you're going to pay more for less." The North County Times reported that in 1991 as result of the 30% reduction in consumption. The Metropolitan Water District raised its water rates 18% to make up for lost revenue. ("Drought-induced conservation could trigger higher water rates" NCT June 21, 2008) 3. San Diego County Water Authority, which distributes water to Carlsbad Municipal Water District, is going to raise its rates 11.9% at the first of the year. So the water purchase rate is only going to increase 11.9% which is far short of 20%. 4. In today's economy businesses are faced with unanticipated/unfunded expenses, increased costs, etc. What efforts have been made to absorb these expenses and reduce operating cost, etc. or is the 20% the solution? 5. A staff member at CWD Finance department explained the relationship between the delivery charge and the water meter size. The meter size is used to determine the amount of water that must be available (stored). If this is the primary cost consideration, I do not believe this cost has increased 20%. There is no relationship between actual usage and delivery charge, which in itself seems unfair. 6. It appears that the chart "Agency Monthly Water Rate Comparison" chart is provided as an attempt to justify the 20% increase. Proposed rate changes by other water districts remains unknown. Monthly Sewer Service Fee During the last few years my average monthly water usage has been 3 to 4 units* per month. Looking at my June 2008 Utility Bill: Water Usage 3@ 1.59 $4.77 Delivery Charge $14.85 Sewer Charge $16.20 There is obviously no relationship between the amounts of water used and waste water produced. I am charged $16.20 whether I contribute 3 units of waste water of 20 units of waste water. It is not fair for low users to bear the same cost as high users. In my case I think the 9% increase is unreasonable; find a way to increase the charge for high usage. Conservation? As it stands now, I am beginning to wonder about the advantages of water conservation. If I double my usage to 6 units, I would only incur a charge of about 5 to 6 dollars, and my cost of usage would still be less than the Delivery Charge and not affect the Sewer charge. The proposed 21 cent per unit break is little incentive especially when a 32 cent rate increase is also proposed. I think that a tiered usage charging of water usage, delivery, and sewer needs to be explored; let high users pay more. As a side note, I asked the CWD Finance representative to explain the different color bars on the Agency Monthly Wastewater Rate Comparison chart. She stated it must be a mistake. I would appreciate an explanation. Sincerely, Dale Kubacki * 1 unit = 1 hundred cubic feet = 748 gallons August 6,2008 City of Carlsbad Carlsbad Municipal Water District 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92018 RE: PROPOSED INCREASE OF WATER RATES Account #05505300-09 Meter #0077353340 Council Members: I am protesting the proposed increase of my water rates. After purchasing my condo in September 2006 I made $15,000 worth of energy saving upgrades. According to my bills, my water usage has been 2 units with a cost of $27.42. Since February 2008, my water usage remains at 2 units with a cost of $31.50. Through the months of June, July and August 2008, 1 worked at the Four Seasons Resort and did not use any water for cooking, bathing, etc. (these were provided by the Four Seasons during my temporary employment) and my water bill continued to reflect usage of 2 units according to the City's records. A minimum standard was established. Even tough I continue to conserve water and other energy sources you are now asking me to continue to pay more: Conservation Rate from $1 .59 to $1 .91 Delivery Charge from $12.12 to $14.54 Wastewater Rates from $16.20 to $17.65 Your proposal represents a $4.19 increase to me - an $8.27 increase since February 2008. I live on a fixed retirement income. It is quite difficult finding employment at my age to make life a little easier during these appalling economic times. I have already decreased my driving to two trips a week to the Senior Center and stay home instead of socializing with others. I have even changed my eating habits. Because of the large amount I had to use for energy saving upgrades in my home and the need to refinance my home due to the greed of Countrywide Home Loans, my funds are low. Everyone is raising their prices. We are all hurting. My monthly retirement check only stretches so far. I have done everything in my power to conserve energy and water. Carlsbad is a wealthy city. Is it really necessary to cause such hardship to the seniors living here? I love living here in Carlsbad and would like to stay. Please don't force me to move by continually raising your various fees. I need to be able to live not just exist. Please consider my request not to raise my water bill any higher than it is now. Sincerely, Mary Hill 6999 Carnation Drive Carlsbad, CA. 92011 July 17, 2008 MEMO TO FILE: Per verbal discussion with Deputy City Attorney Ron Kemp, no publishing in an adjudicated newspaper is required for the Water/Sewer Rate Increase public hearing at the City Council meeting set for September 9, 2008. Mr. Kemp researched the Water Act Code and stated the mailing notice to Carlsbad residents met the notification requirements. Public HearingPublic HearingCity of Carlsbad/City of Carlsbad/Carlsbad Municipal Water Carlsbad Municipal Water DistrictDistrictSeptember 09, 2008September 09, 2008 ™™Background Background ––Proposition 218Proposition 218™™Proposed Water rate increaseProposed Water rate increase™™Proposed Sewer rate increaseProposed Sewer rate increase™™Impact to single family householdImpact to single family household™™Public Hearing and discussionPublic Hearing and discussion™™Council actionCouncil actionAgendaAgenda ™™Utility rates are subject to Prop 218Utility rates are subject to Prop 218™™Public hearing must be heldPublic hearing must be held™™45 day written notice prior to public hearing45 day written notice prior to public hearing™™On June 24, 2008 Council set the public On June 24, 2008 Council set the public hearing datehearing dateBackgroundBackground ™™FiveFive--year forecasts are completed annually for year forecasts are completed annually for Water and Sewer FundsWater and Sewer Funds™™Forecasts indicate that increases are necessary: Forecasts indicate that increases are necessary: ™™To keep up with the increasing costs from To keep up with the increasing costs from SDCWA , MWD and SDCWA , MWD and EncinaEncinaWastewater Wastewater AuthorityAuthority™™To adequately resource maintenance and To adequately resource maintenance and operating requirementsoperating requirements™™To meet ongoing cost of legislated mandatesTo meet ongoing cost of legislated mandates™™To maintain adequate operating and To maintain adequate operating and replacement reservesreplacement reservesBackground (cont.)Background (cont.) Water Enterprise Water Enterprise Expenditures Expenditures --$34.7 Million$34.7 MillionReplacementTransfers14%City Operations25%WaterPurchases55%DebtDebtPaymentsPayments6%6% Increase in Water Utility ExpendituresFY07-08 to 08-09$3.8 Million58%26%16%WaterPurchasesReplacementOperationsPurchased Water from Other Agencies Proposed Water Rate IncreaseProposed Water Rate Increase20%20%••Standard Rate Standard Rate ••Current Rate $1.76 per unitCurrent Rate $1.76 per unit••Proposed Rate $2.12 per unitProposed Rate $2.12 per unit••StandStand--by chargeby charge••Current Rate $12.12 per monthCurrent Rate $12.12 per month••Proposed Rate $14.54 per monthProposed Rate $14.54 per month••Average Monthly Bill Average Monthly Bill ––Single Family ResidenceSingle Family Residence••Current Rate $45.56 per monthCurrent Rate $45.56 per month••Proposed Rate $54.82 per monthProposed Rate $54.82 per month••Increase = $9.26 per monthIncrease = $9.26 per month Proposed Water Rate IncreaseProposed Water Rate Increase••Recycled Water Rate Recycled Water Rate ••Current Rate $1.68 per unitCurrent Rate $1.68 per unit••Proposed Rate $2.01 per unitProposed Rate $2.01 per unit••Agricultural Water Rate Agricultural Water Rate ••Current Rate $1.45 per unitCurrent Rate $1.45 per unit••Proposed Rate $1.81 per unitProposed Rate $1.81 per unit Agency Monthly Water Rate Comparison$40 $45 $50 $55 $60 $65 $70Carlsbad - CurrentVallecitos OlivenhainSan DieguitoOceansideCarlsbad - ProposedVista IrrigationSanta FeValley CenterFallbrookOtay Water DistrictEscondidoSweetwater AuthoritySan DiegoRamonaRainbowPowayDel Mar Wastewater Enterprise Wastewater Enterprise Expenditures Expenditures --$10.2 million$10.2 millionCity OperationsCity Operations28%28% ProposedProposedSewer Rate IncreaseSewer Rate Increase••Commercial and Residential Commercial and Residential ••9% increase for FY 089% increase for FY 08--0909••Residential Rate Residential Rate ••Current Rate $16.20/monthCurrent Rate $16.20/month••Proposed Rate $17.65/monthProposed Rate $17.65/month Agency Monthly Wastewater Rate Comparison$0 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $70 $80Carlsbad - CurrentCarlsbad - ProposedLeucadia Wastew ater (2009)El CajonVallecitos Water District (2009)LakesideOtay Water DistrictChula VistaEncinitas Sanitary DivisionLa MesaCity of VistaPow ayBuena Sanitation DistrictDel Mar Proposed IncreaseProposed IncreaseTotal Monthly Utility Bill Total Monthly Utility Bill CurrentProposedSewerSolid WasteWaterMonthly Increase% Increase$ 16.20$ 18.87$ 45.56$ 80.63$ 17.65$ 18.87$ 54.82$ 91.34$ 10.7113.3% Protest SummaryProtest Summaryupdateupdate™™Two written protests have been received Two written protests have been received prior to this hearingprior to this hearing™™One protest relate to the hardship on One protest relate to the hardship on seniorsseniors™™One protest states the increase should One protest states the increase should not be greater than the cost of living not be greater than the cost of living increaseincrease ProtestProtestPublic HearingPublic HearingCity of CarlsbadCity of CarlsbadCarlsbadCarlsbadMunicipal Water Municipal Water DistrictDistrict Action ItemsAction ItemsCarlsbad Municipal Water Board:Carlsbad Municipal Water Board:Resolution Resolution 13341334approving water approving water rate increases.rate increases.City Council:City Council:Resolution Resolution 20082008--249249approving approving sewer increases.sewer increases. Public HearingPublic HearingCity of Carlsbad/City of Carlsbad/Carlsbad Municipal Water Carlsbad Municipal Water DistrictDistrictSeptember 09, 2008September 09, 2008 Water Operations ExpendituresIncreases over next 10 years$0$5,000,000$10,000,000$15,000,000$20,000,000$25,000,000$30,000,000$35,000,000$40,000,0002007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018YearDollarsWater purchasesOperationsReplacement54%119%25% $0.39/Unit $0.20/Unit $1.17/Unit MWDCWACWMD$0.42/Unit $0.37/Unit $1.33/Unit CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICTCARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICTPotable Water Potable Water ––Commodity Rate Summary Commodity Rate Summary 2008 - $1.76/Unit2009 - $2.12/Unit(Proposed)66%22%12%63%20%17%